#he says 'hello' like ten times in a row lol
sazzujazzu · 5 months
Hello, as the days count down and the Bad Batch finale draws closer, may I show to the fine folks of tumblr my first Star Wars OC in 20 years, created thanks to this show? 😃
Too bad, I'm showing them anyway 😊 somberly chilling while listening to their bestie talk.
Please excuse the poor background (I got lazy) and half-finished Tech (I got sad)
there's, uh, a big mess of words under the image because I wanted to put into words the importance this show has for me, and I am bad at doing so.
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I want to get some thoughts off my chest, because I have no one in my day-to-day life who cares about the animated Star Wars shows, and especially the Bad Batch. (well, other than my mom, but I don't want to bore her with my rambling too much. she already banned star wars from me once, i won't let that happen again lol)
I can't stop thinking how much I don't want Bad Batch to end.
This show has been so dear to me. I can't remember the last time I've loved something this much.
Before the second season started, I had an artistic block that had lasted way too long. Anything I drew or wrote, mostly turned out a horrible mess after staring at a blank page for hours and hours, if I ever managed to create anything at all. For someone who tends to draw whenever their hands aren't otherwise busy (aka all the damn time), such a block weighed down on my mental health.
Well, then season two happened, and full-on gave me back my love for Star Wars, a love that had somewhat gone out over the last few years. Then, Plan 99 happened, and broke me because again my favorite character "died" (I'm in team Tech lives until I draw my last breath or until proven correct. That chocolate-eyed cutie-pie is alive nothing will convince me otherwise). Pretty much after finishing the episode and staring at a wall for another 30 minutes, I said "nope" and began writing.
I wrote for hours. I believe it's been well over a decade since I last wrote fanfiction, but here I was, creating a Star Wars oc, something I'd last done as a ten-year-old. And now, roughly a year later, I think I've written over a hundred pages of (very self-indulgent) fanfiction with the Batch, and with my oc that I've come to love.
And drawing, oh boy, have I been drawing!
(... Sure, I've mostly been drawing Tech, over and over again, to a point I once actually considered lying and saying "yeah that's my boyfriend haha!" to a man at my job last summer, when asked who it was that I was drawing for maybe fifth day in a row 😂 likely would've been a more acceptable excuse for someone my age. But, I mean... I just really love drawing him, not only because he is my favorite character of maybe all time, but because he is just so fun to draw! And most of all, at least I draw again!)
And it is all thanks to this wonderful show about a bunch of defective and effective copy-paste boys and their sister.
It's probably something many say, but I've always felt like a bit of an outsider. I've felt like I have no place; when I was a kid, my interests were very different from the other kids of [gender assigned at birth], and trying to play with them while inserting my own interests into the games, often didn't go so well. I was... kind of an odd child (although now, older and questionably wiser, knowing that I might actually be autistic, many things make more sense now. me kind of discovering this about myself is also partially thanks to Bad Batch)
Also, growing up trans/non-binary, while not even knowing what that is or having a word for it, didn't really do much to help with the feeling of "I'm different and an outsider because of it". Perhaps it was one more reason I fell in love with Clone Force 99, because I could see some of myself in them. Being different from the "regs".
I love this show, and these fictional people have become my family, and I am not ready to say goodbye to them.
Alright, weird pile of thoughts over. In case someone read all this, uh... thanks 😊
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arctic-hands · 4 months
It's been about 2 months so I can finally free myself of the second hand awkwardness of my train ride home from the eclipse
So I get on the train back to the East Coast at around 1 a.m. At roughly 2 p.m an obviously Amish family consisting of two young adults who look way too young to be taking care of this many kids, a teenage girl, three kids who look to be around seven, and two infants.
Hoo boy. This is a sixteen hour train trip that would be stretched to eighteen hours after engine trouble.
Predictably, the two babies did not like being in a rickety train and screamed their heads off periodically for the entire ride. I don't fault the babies for screaming, the ride was quite wobbly and rumbly. I was once a screaming baby too.
Predictably, the three 7ish year olds were running around and climbing everything, even trying to climb into the overhead luggage racks. I can't fault the children for this, as I too was a rambunctious child who liked to climb and jump before my knees turned to shite, and were I not a master of zoning out I too would have been quite bored.
What was not predictable was that the Amish couple did nothing to soothe or calm their kids the entire ride. The teenage girl just ignored everything and read books. The most the parents did was if their babies in their laps got a little too shrieky for THEIR comfort they would put their hands over the baby's mouths to muffle it, which predictably did nothing but make the babies more agitated.
Now I could extend sympathies for these young parents. When I say young, I mean twenty year olds at best. Too young to be taking care of this many kids. But in the seventeen hour time span I spent with these people, about two thirds of it was me wracking my brain for the German words to say "madam, please calm your children", and the other third was me wracking my brains for what I know about the Amish and how to say the words more archaic. At one point the seven year old girl looked behind her seat she was climbing on and just stared at me, but I was too sleep deprived to even say hello in any comprehensive language. And I was wearing a mask so my polite smile didn't show, so she just kept staring at me.
At some point some European tourists got in. One was a man who looked to be about ten years older than me. Classic tourist vibe, camera around the neck and everything. Anyway as they were boarding the car the father had left his seat and the mother said something in Pennsylvania Dutch, and the camera tourist's eyes light up.
Ugh. 🫠
I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but I had the misfortune of being across the aisle and one row behind the parents and the screaming babies on their laps so it was inevitable that of course my rusty German skills would suddenly work for the first time in like a decade, enough for me to pick up the guy introducing himself auf Deutsch, and I heard him explain he was from Bornholm and could speak German fluently, how were you?
So I don't know off the top of my head when Pennsylvania Dutch linguistically drifted far away from German or vice versa, p sure it's been at least a century and a half. All I know is I had to contend with hearing a few contrite statements in PD and then some confused questions for clarification by the tourist in German before the two of them just stared at each other for like thirty seconds in complete silence before the Dane smiled politely, said "Tschüs!" and hurried away.
I thought about approaching him to explain what the Amish were and about Pennsylvania Dutch, but a) I was so fucking exhausted, 2) wasn't sure if he knew English and my German skills have degraded from my previously conversational level and I can understand more than I can actually say, and 3) I think everyone who experienced what just happened wanted to melt underneath the train tracks and solidify into flattened pennies.
Anyway this in no way involved me but it was so awkward I had to talk about it in therapy later that week lol. Eventually the family got off the train an hour before I did, perhaps predictably in Pennsylvania, and just about everyone in my train car audibly groaned in relief. The Dane had sat down somewhere behind me and I wasn't rude enough to turn and try to find him, so I have no idea if he was still there and groaning in relief too.
Anyway that sucked lmao
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
miss americana & the heartbreak prince [part one]
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tom holland x actress!reader
series summary: when you're called in to fake date tom holland for two months to fix his public image, you never expect anything to blossom between the two of you...
+ series masterlist
a/n: a new series lol - i have no clue how i feel about this one !!
☆°・ chapter one ・°☆
“Good job today Y/N!” one of the producers calls. You slip him a smile as you push open the large glass door of the studio. A full day of interviews for your upcoming movie behind you and all you can think about is taking a long, hot shower and slipping into bed with freshly washed hair to conk out for at least ten hours. You slide into the plush leather seat of the sleek black car waiting out front. As the car begins to slink through the late afternoon traffic in Manhattan you pull out your phone, looking for some mindless entertainment to keep you awake on the drive back to your apartment. A post catches your eye, the clickbait design popping against the perfectly curated feed of your Instagram. 
Tom Holland Kicked Off The Set Of Upcoming Film ‘Origin’!
What? You frown, intrigued. You and Tom had crossed paths a few times over the years at events - as could only be expected as actors in the same age group, in the same industry - but never had the time or reason for a conversation that moved past polite pleasantries. You sigh before clicking onto the article, unable to help your piqued curiosity. 
Tom Holland has reportedly been forced to leave the cast of upcoming film 'Origin' after a nasty row with director Saul Michaels.
The Spider-Man actor was cast as supporting character Logan in the science-fiction film but sources on the set informed us that Holland was spotted leaving the director's trailer while cursing under his breath and re-casting for the role has already begun. It's unclear what the cause of this row was, but neither representatives for Holland or Michaels have agreed to comment on the situation just yet.
Before you can begin to process the article, your phone begins to ring and you close your eyes to compose yourself as best you can before answering. 
“Y/N? Hi,” says Lucy, your manager. “I have some news you’re not gonna like.” 
You can hear the grimace on her face over the phone. 
“Oh?” you ask, praying it’s nothing. 
No such luck. 
“We need you to come in to management’s office. Now.” she says. 
Oh God.
“What did I do wrong?” you say anxiously. “Is this to do with the tweet about Ryan Reynolds? Because, I can always take that down and apologise-”
“It’s nothing to do with that.” Lucy assures you. “But it’s pretty urgent. I’ll call your driver and have him take you to Summit quickly.”
She hangs up before you can protest. 
The large head office of Summit Entertainment Management looms forebodingly as you push open the large door, flashing polite smiles at the receptionists as you pass them to head into the elevator up to the third floor. 
Craig, your publicist meets you as you step out of the elevator. The worried look on his face is concerning as he begins to speed-walk down the hall, and you have to jog to keep up with him. 
“What is it?” you ask. “Who’s died?” 
Craig opens a door on his right and ushers you in. You stop so suddenly just past the doorframe that he bumps into you. 
In an uncomfortable looking chair next to a woman who you can only assume is his own manager sits Tom. His head rests in his hands as if too heavy for him to keep up on his own. 
Did I accidentally summon him here by reading that article? You wonder. 
He nods politely at you, still huddled under his large hoodie with a beanie pulled low on his head. 
“The man of the hour himself!” you remark, slipping into an equally uncomfortable seat across from him. 
Before Tom can respond, the older man you hadn’t noticed at the head of the table begins to talk. 
“So you’ve heard, Y/N?” he asks, but continues without even waiting for an answer. “You’re aware of the situation we find ourselves in. Good, that should make this conversation a lot easier.”
You frown. 
“Sorry, who are you?”
“Y/N!” Lucy hisses from the corner as she still clutches her phone. “That’s Clay Franklin, the head of Summit Entertainment.”
Well shit. They brought out the big guns for this one.
“We’re facing a PR disaster here, thanks to Tom’s uh, disagreement with director Saul Michaels.” he continues to command the attention of the room. Tom sits silently and you swear you can feel his leg shaking under the table. You ever so gently kick your foot out to tap his leg in what you hope is a calming manner. He swallows quickly, refusing to make eye contact as he stares intently at Clay. “The public seems to be siding with Saul on this one and it’s doing God knows how much damage to Tom’s image. The only solution we can see to resolve the situation is to associate Tom with you Y/N, in hopes to salvage his reputation.” 
“Me?” you ask. “Why me?”
Clay ever so slightly rolls his eyes. 
“Don’t be naïve, Y/N. You’re America’s sweetheart right now. Hopefully some of that can rub off on the Heartbreak Prince over here, at least in the public’s eyes.”
“Okay,” you shrug. “We can hang out or something, be seen together.” you pick up your phone and begin to rise out of your chair, assuming the meeting’s over. There’s a hush to the room and you freeze, seeing that no one else has made a move to stand. 
“Am I missing something?” you ask. 
“We’ve run simulations and that won’t cover the damage.” Clay tells you. “We’re looking for something to make a little more…impact, if you know what I mean.”
“..Okay.” you say slowly. “What exactly does this plan entail, then?” 
Clay doesn’t respond verbally, waving over an assistant who dumps a large stack of paperwork on the table between you and Tom. You catch the words ‘Written Contract Regarding Relationship’ printed at the top of the first paper and a stack of NDAs underneath. Tom’s big eyes widen slightly and he knits his brows together, the most reaction he’s given throughout this whole meeting. Your eyes meet his and there’s an unspoken understanding of the situation. The air in the cool office shifts ever so slightly. Is there less of it than there was before?
“Do we have a choice?” you ask.
“If we can’t control the narrative here, Summit Entertainment will be forced to drop Tom as a client.” Clay informs you both. 
Tom shrinks further into himself and you feel the breath taken from your lungs. It doesn’t need to be explained to either of you the severity of being dropped by New York’s top management company or the impact this would have on the future of Tom’s career. 
“I’ll sign it.” Tom says, his voice wavering. It’s the first time he’s spoken throughout this whole meeting and you’d be lying if his accent didn’t send a few stray butterflies to your stomach. He clears his throat. 
“I’ll sign it,” he repeats himself. “But only if Y/N is sure.” he straightens up, looking deep into your eyes. “I don’t want to force you into anything, or drag you down with me.”
You shake your head, flipping your hair over your shoulder from where it has cascaded out of its hasty claw-clip updo. 
“It’s you and me, right? We’re in this together now.”
Tom smiles gratefully as you reach over and snag a heavy pen from the container the assistant had placed between you two. You can feel his appreciation from across the table, and know he understands how much you’re putting on the line for him. You sign your name with a flourish, handing him the pen and twisting the sheet of paper around so he can sign too. He signs his name less flamboyantly, with a slight shake he tries to cover. Placing the pen down with a quiet thunk on the mahogany table, he looks up at you with his brown doe eyes and you cough to cover the reaction to receiving his undivided attention for the first time.
You glance at the managers gathering around the other end of the table, already discussing tactics to announce your and Tom’s new relationship to the world. Sensing they were completely occupied, you whisper quietly to Tom, What have we gotten ourselves into?
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
tysm for reading! please consider reblogging, it really helps a writer out <3
comment, reblog or send an ask to be tagged <3
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"Clean, PT. 2" ~ S. Reid
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GIF by ofwilliamandwalter, please credit me if you use
Summary: 10 months later, Y/N and Spencer are happily enjoying their new baby girl. Everything seems perfect… but for Spencer, everything isn't always what it seems.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Mom!BAU!Reader
Word Count: 2,200
Content Warning: heavy drug content, mentions of needles, very mild swearing
Genre: Fluff to Angst to Fluff
Extra Notes: shoutout to bestie boo (@bfunsolvedboys) for helping me name Spencer and Y/N's baby. ok, i think that's all for the notes lol
Based On: an idea me and bestie boo came up with. this part is very heavily inspired by "Clean" by Taylor Swift and many lyrics are featured throughout.
Takes Place: during the beginning events of S3 E16 "Elephant's Memory"
Originally Written: 03/24/2022
PT. 1 can be found here!
Criminal Minds Masterlist can be found here!
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"𝐖𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐮𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐚." - 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧
"Did I miss it?" I asked in a whisper, sitting near the end of the back row, next to Emily.
"You're just in time," she whispered back, pointing to Spencer, who was now standing at the front of the room.
"Hi, um…" he started nervously. "My name's, name's, uh, Spencer, and I'm a… I don't really know what I am."
"Hello, Spencer," the crowd replied. The crowd sounded boring, I couldn't lie, but every person alongside me on that back row was fully ready to support Spencer's speech.
"This is m-my first meeting," he admitted with a stutter, a nervous tic of his.
"Welcome," the crowd replied once more.
"Thank you," Spencer gave them a small smile. "Um… I guess I, uh… I knew I had a problem with dilaudid, but, um…" he continued to stutter. I could tell he was nervous, most likely because he'd never spoken publicly about his addiction. "I stopped. Like… ten months ago I stopped. I thought it was over, but recently I'm- I've really been…" his voice trailed off again, "Your literature uses the term 'craving.'"
My face fell at the mention of him using again. I knew he had urges, all addicts do, but something about him saying it out loud worried me. Like I'd lose him all over again.
"It started like a month ago. A-a suspect was murdered in front of me, a-a kid. And I thought I could save the kid… but I couldn't and…" his expression changed, somehow seeming even more saddened than he had before. "I've seen a lot of that stuff before, but for some reason that kid's face is really, uh, stuck in my brain, you know? It's really, uh, I can't... And I... I want to forget... about him, and... I just want to escape. And some-sometimes, I think… I don't know, maybe I think the Dilaudid would help," he said, followed by a nervous swallow. "But then… I see my wife and my daughter and… I don't know. I've had days where I've questioned if they were enough. But, when I look at them… when I actually, genuinely take a step back and look at what I've been given… I don't know, it's like I'm instantly better. I guess what I'm… what I'm trying to say is, don't lose sight of what is important to you," he finished, giving the crowd once last timid smile before rushing to the back of the room where everyone else was.
Spencer gave me a small smile as he sat down on the very end.
"You did a really good job," I whispered, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"Apparently not, considering Daisy slept through the whole thing," he joked quietly. He gently took the small bundle of a baby from my arms into his, softly rocking her as he turned his attention back to the next person to give their speech.
"Aww, come here," Penelope frowned as she took my now crying baby out of Derek's arms, "Let Aunt Penny fix the problem, yeah?"
"I don't even know what I did," Derek stated, throwing his hands up in surrender.
"It's OK, Dee-Dee," Penelope said, rocking Daisy in her arms. "I'll give him a good spanking when we get home."
"Woman, you are in public," Derek chuckled, which also earned him a chuckle from the rest of the team.
"I wonder why she hates Derek," Emily commented, looking over Penelope's shoulder at Daisy, who was now on her way back to sleep.
"Baby Stranger Anxiety is actually quite a common thing. Though most of the time, it doesn't present itself until around six to twelve months old. It could also be separation anxiety, though that typically isn't seen until at least month four. If I had to make an educated guess, my answer would be," he paused dramatically, taking Daisy from Penelope before kissing her forehead and finishing, "She's just loyal to her Daddy and doesn't want to give her love to any other man."
I grinned, placing my hand on his back. "That's my Spencer."
"Huh?" he asked, turning to face me. He had an offended look on his face, though I was unsure how those three words could be perceived as offensive.
"What did you say?"
"Oh, I just said, 'That's my Spencer,'" I repeated.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked defensively.
"Nothing, I didn't mean to-"
"Y/N, I saw your face earlier during my speech. I know what you meant."
After placing Daisy in my arms as quickly as he could, he stormed off down the hall, presumably to either the bathroom or our bedroom.
I took a quick breath, acting quickly. "Uh, here, Dais, you haven't had a chance to meet Papa Dave yet," I said, quietly placing the baby in Rossi's arms. "If she gets too fussy just give her back to Penelope."
And with that, I darted down the hall. Almost immediately, I spotted the closed bathroom door, the light shining through the crack above the floor.
"Spencer," I breathed heavily, attempting to open the door. Locked. "Spencer?" I called, rattling the doorknob. "Spencer, I swear, I will kick this door in."
"Doctor doesn't want you doing too much physical activity," he commented through the door.
"Then I will call Derek to kick the door in."
"Y/N, don't do that!"
"Then let me in."
"I can't!" he argued.
"Spencer Walter Reid, I will not hesitate to beat this door in with the closest heavy object."
No response.
I rolled my eyes, pushing into the door as hard as I could. I pushed and shoved and rammed and did every other possible movement I could until finally, the door swiftly opened.
It took my eyes only a split second to register what I was witnessing: he was standing over the sink, needle in one hand and vial of Dilaudid in the other. I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when I saw that there was still medicine in the vial, but I couldn't when I remembered the other hand was holding a needle.
"Spencer, why do you have that?"
He didn't respond, he just kept shuffling the tiny bottle of Dilaudid in his hand.
"Spencer, you answer me right now. Why do you have that?" I repeated.
"Every day for the past month, I've looked at this vial and weighed out the pros and cons of not taking it. I look at it every day and remind myself that it's the last one I have access to… but every time I say that, I'm reminded that I had a dealer. I have inspected this vial of medicine for 32 days in a row and realized the cons of not taking it are starting to outweigh the pros."
"Why do you have it in the first place, Spencer?"
"I kept it just in case I needed it. I figured pain medication is still a good thing to have around, even if I did abuse it."
"Spencer," I hesitated, reaching my hand around him, carefully taking the needle out of his hand. "Spencer, I-"
"I feel like I'm drowning, Y/N. I haven't said anything, but I feel like this past month, I have been the most awful father I could be. I think about other fathers and I've realized… I'm horrible at this."
"Spencer, you are one of the best fathers I know. And I'm not just saying that, I mean it," I said, almost sternly. "Please tell me where all this is coming from."
"I miss it. I miss the way the Dilaudid made me feel, the way it distracted me from everything," he admitted.
"I understand what you mean. Just because you're clean, it doesn't mean you don't miss it," I told him. I took a deep breath as an idea washed over me. "Spencer, I think I know something that could help," I said as I leaned back against the counter.
"OK," he whispered, using that same tone he had ten months ago when he first told me he was struggling.
I took him by the hand, moving him over to the toilet. "I want you to take the lid off that bottle."
He nodded, doing as he was told.
"I want you to repeat after me. Do you think you can do that?"
"They don't call it an eidetic memory for nothing," he chuckled. I spotted a tear slipping from his eye as he spoke.
"Ten months ago, you ruled my life."
"Ten months ago, you ruled my life," he repeated.
"Now, I want you to tell that bottle all of the horrible things it did to you ten months ago. Tell it about how it manipulated you, how it controlled you, all the bad things it made you feel."
He exhaled, looking like he had a mile long list of things to say. "You manipulated me, you controlled me, you gaslighted me, you were possessive over me. I couldn't… I couldn't even take a breath because of you. I mean, it was a month of back and forth, a month of pure hell."
I shed a couple tears over his statement, but wiped them away so as to not let him see me cry. That was the last thing he needed right now.
"Now, again, repeat after me. Now that I'm ten months older, I won't give in."
"Now that I'm ten months older, I won't give in," he repeated.
"By morning, gone will be any trace of you."
"By morning, gone will be any trace of you," he exhaled, closing his eyes, almost like he was focusing on his breathing.
"Now, I want you to pour that medicine down the toilet, Spencer," I instructed.
"Are you sure? I mean, it's expensive and could be useful in the future if-"
"Spencer, I wouldn't care if it was worth a billion dollars or if I was suffering from the bubonic plague. Nothing outweighs you getting better."
He sighed before swallowing, inspecting the bottle one last time and finally, pouring every single drop of Dilaudid into the toilet. He watched as he flushed it down, and I could've sworn I saw relief wash over him as he did it.
"Come on, we've got a celebration to attend," I smiled, kissing his cheek.
I awoke in the middle of the night, being met with the feeling of an empty bed. I rolled over, noticing that neither Spencer nor Daisy were in the room. I quickly rubbed my eyes, attempting to rid them of sleep. Upon stepping out of the bedroom and into the hallway, I noticed a light was on in Daisy's nursery and immediately knew where my husband was.
I opened the already cracked door, laying eyes on Spencer, who was sitting in the rocking chair shirtless with Daisy, who was sleeping peacefully on his chest. He always was a sucker for skin-to-skin time.
"Whatcha doin' in here?" I asked through a yawn.
"She started crying and I didn't want her to wake you up," he explained.
I wrapped my housecoat tightly around me as I sat down across from him on the ottoman. "You OK?" He had that same expression he always had when he was overthinking.
"Yeah, it's just… tonight was the first night in ten months that I've touched a needle. And when I had that needle in my hand, I realized something."
"What's that?"
"Well, for one, I have a severe case of trypanophobia now," he chuckled, "And two, I have everything to lose if I start taking the Dilaudid again."
I could tell Spencer was in one of those moods where he just needed to vent, so I stayed quiet, ready to listen to every word he had to say.
"I realized that above all else, I couldn't give up on what little bit of time I've had with Daisy. I mean, I only got to enjoy her for the first 24 hours before I took off for that case and saw that kid get shot. Daisy probably doesn't even know what I'm really like. I mean… how horrible of a father do I have to be to leave so quickly? And how horrible of a father am I that she only knows what I'm like during a relapse?"
"Spencer, you were there for the first 24 hours, the most critical hours of her life. And for the record, you are the best dad any little girl could have. And I don't mean that because you're my husband, I mean that because it's true."
He continued to rock back and forth in the chair gently, staying silent for a few moments. I placed my hand on his knee, rubbing small circles there for a couple seconds. It was then that I stood up, ready to head back to bed.
"Y/N," he stopped me.
"Hmm?" I hummed, turning back to face him.
"I realized tonight that I don't ever want to take those chances again. Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it."
I shot him a smile before walking out into the hallway. I cracked the door behind me, exhaling a soft breath. "That's my Spencer."
"𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞." - 𝐉.𝐊. 𝐑𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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OK, first of all, i LOVE this part! i think i might prefer this part over the first part. i loved writing this one and it's genuinely one of my favorite things i've written that i go back and re-read all the time hahaha.
Second of all, how do we feel about the bookend quotes? i actually started this in another draft but forgot i was posting this first so let me know how y'all feel 🤣
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Hey! I hope you’re well, can i request an imagine where reader is Embry’s imprint and they haven’t seen eachother in months because reader has a life she can’t just drop for him but she comes back when the pack is blowing up her phone ? Thank youu and don’t worry if you don’t write it, it’s fine!
Thank you for the request! It took a Long time But It's now complete with a total whopping 5k words!! Any way I hope you enjoy the fic.
I put it under the cut because it's so long but it's my brain baby at the moment lo.
Returning to you.
Embry Call x Reader
5058 words
Most of my life has been spent in the Forks area so getting to travel to Europe for six months to see the art and culture was a dream come true. The past four months I’ve been travelling through Europe, starting in Greece and ending my trip in the Irish countryside.
The old art and architecture filled me with a joy that I could not get anywhere else in the world. The smells, sounds and sights all played their own part into the experience. I got to see the moon rise over Mount Olympus, the David by Michelangelo in the Vatican, tour through the Louvre, drink wine on the beaches of France and so much more. I’ve been living my best life.
It's been a dream to see the world, I've met so many new people and tried so much food. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my trip, but there was a part of me that longed for the beaches of La Push.
That part is Embry. Embry Call. My boyfriend, my pal, my love and my light. To me Embry is my everything and to him I’m his everything. That is one thing that has been made perfectly clear the past four months I’ve been away. Every day he’s told me he misses me and I know he means it, I’ve been told not just by him but also the rest of the pack.
Everyday I’ve woken up to ‘Good morning I miss you.” Sometimes he phones to tell me that he feels like he might die if I’m away for any longer. I always chuckle and tell him he will survive, it’s not like I’m going away forever; but that's what he feels like it is. This usually earns me a long winded whine from the other end of the line.
My phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the bedside table while Embry’s face flashed across my screen signalling that he’s calling. A smile graces my lips as I pick up the phone to be greeted with his loving voice.
“Hi (y/n)!! I miss you so much.” sadness was laced in his usual cheery greeting, it hurt my heart to be away from him but I would never trade this experience for anything. I’ve been planning this for years and I wasn’t going to pass up cheap plane tickets.
He filled me in on the pack's shenanigans, complaining about how they keep teasing him for being glued to his phone awaiting any updates I would send him. The later it got the heavier my eyelids seemed to feel, my speech started to slur with exhaustion of time zones while Embry continued to become more energetic with each passing minute.
“Em. . .” A yawn interrupted me mid sentence, a low whine emanated from the phone as he knew I would want to get to bed to have the energy for the long trip I’ll embark on tomorrow for Ireland, which is my last stop. I’d be spending the remaining two months of my trip in the lush countryside.
“I think I should get to sleep, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I mumbled into the phone.
“But (y/n)!” he dragged out. I knew he wanted to talk longer but I physically cannot do it. Even though Embry and I don’t live together officially yet, we’d talk into the early morning till one of us fell asleep.
“But (y/n) what?” I dragged out the ‘a’ matching his whine.
“I miss you and want you to come home.” I could hear him pause over line before he continued.
“Besides, sleeping isn’t the same without you.”
I ran my hand through my hair gently tugging on the roots easing the tension that’s built up over my trip. As much fun as I’ve had, he does have a point. Sleeping just isn’t the same without Em. My nights have been spent restless in beds that aren’t mine without the comforting touch of my boyfriend; but that doesn’t mean I can just drop everything and go back home.
“Em you know I can’t just pack everything and go home. . .” I looked at the painting that hung over the tv that sat opposite of my bed. A puppy-like whimper fell from his lips when he spoke again, his voice cracked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart hearing him upset.
“I-I know I just really miss you.”
“I know Embry I miss you too, but it’s only two more months then I’ll be home.”
We chatted for ten more minutes before I fell asleep on the phone. As much as I missed falling asleep in his warm embrace I can’t just fly back home, not yet at least.
The blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The clock face read 6:02 a.m. taking everything within myself to peel back the blankets that encased me in their warm grip. I patted through the bed sheets to find my phone only to knock it onto the floor in the process.
My lock screen adorned a photo of Embry with icing smudged across his face from his birthday party but a swamp of text messages from the pack covered my favourite photo of him. Five texts from Leah, seven from Jake, nine texts from Paul, 12 texts and two missed calls from Sam and a whole group chat titled ‘(y/n) come home.’
The group chat kept pinging with the members of the pack who were still awake discussing the logistics of flying out to Ireland to take me back home. Was Embry really causing that much strife in the pack for them to create a group chat? Knowing him, it couldn’t be too far from the truth.
Leah and I call once a week to check in and make sure the other is doing okay since I left. It’s one of my favourite parts of the week being able to have a one on one with someone sensible. Every week she fills me in on Embry begrudgingly, she does it because she knows it makes me happy which I appreciate.
Reading through her texts she didn’t say much in regards to Em’s behaviour the only message relating to him was “come get your man child please, he’s getting snot on the floor.”
I listened through Sam’s voice mails which were begging me to come home, he informed me that once Em knew I was asleep he started moping around Emily’s house again for the fourth consecutive night in a row. This was news to me.
The texts entailed that Embry was becoming a pain on patrol and that Paul ‘couldn’t take another minute of the incessant whining.’ I told them the same thing I told Embry; I’m not dropping everything and rushing back home to sooth the wails of a love sick boy. There isn’t much I can do from across the ocean anyway.
I stretched my body and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before I had to leave for the airport.
I packed the few remaining things I left out to prepare for the flight and headed my way to the lobby to check out. I enjoyed travelling but I wasn’t going to miss sleeping in hotels and hostels.
Two weeks have passed since I touched down in Ireland and to say I’ve been having the time of my life is an understatement; I’ve been having a ball living my best life.
The land was capped in a luscious emerald green sea of grass that waved in the wind, the roads were lined with hand built stone walls that marked the division of farmers fields.
Sheep and cattle grazed in pastures, and old castles dotted the countryside. It was gorgeous. It was a view that I wanted to see again, a view I want to see with Embry.
It felt like time was flying by between sight seeing, trail hiking, museum tours and calls with Embry and Leah. It has already been a month. I had one more month before I was to jet set back to the U.S. and see my Embry.
One more month before I was back in La Push surrounded by the scent of sea water and trees with the looming threat of rain constantly overhead except in the summer. For two months of the year La Push was bright and sunny with the expected summer storms that happened.
I had fallen asleep on the phone with Embry again when I realized my phone was lost in the sea of sheets as it buzzed with an incoming phone call.
I couldn’t find it until the call had gone to voicemail and my phone landed on the ground when I gave up and ripped the blankets off of the bed but whoever called must have felt it was really important. Picking up my phone the most unflattering photo of Jacob was plastered on the screen, his name in white.
“Hello?” I asked groggily into the phone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock which said in bold red numbers 1 am.
“Hey (y/n)! You sound like you just woke up.” I heard him chortle from the other end.
“That’s because I just woke up Jake, it’s one in the morning.” a yawn escaped my lips, I know I’ll have a rough time getting over jet lag when I go home.
He occupied twenty minutes with idle chatter and borderline interrogation about all the sights I’ve seen before I asked him why he was calling me so early in the morning
“Embry has spent the week at my house, you need to come home there’s nothing we can do anymore to occupy him till you return.” He sighed, Jake knows I want to finish my trip but we made a deal that I would come home early if there were absolutely no options left to keep Embry from sending the pack into hysterics.
I knew he was buttering me up for something.
“Are you sure you can’t figure something out? It’s just another month!”
“Another month of him eating my cereal and getting dirt on me from my dad!”
I snorted with laughter at the fact that Billy was telling Embry every embarrassing detail from his childhood.
“Jake please just let me think about it okay?” I sighed, flopping back into my hollowed cave of blankets and sheets.
“Okay, I’ll let you think about it but don’t think I won’t be telling Sam.” he warned.
We laughed together and he wished me a good night before hanging up the phone, before I slipped back into slumber I sent Jake one more text.
‘You wake me up at one in the morning again and it’s over for you.’ in which he responded with ‘Oh no I’m so scared lol.’
I reached over to the bedside table and plugged my phone in before the sweet embrace of warmth and slumber took over my senses.
The next three days I was bombarded with texts from Paul whining about the wolf mind link and how every patrol shift he had with Embry was spent tuning out his constant thoughts of me.
Standing in the shower with hot water running over my skin soothing my tense muscles I heard my phone buzz against the granite countertop. I rolled my eyes and continued to bask in the endless hotel hot water.
As bad as staying in hotels could be, the hot water made up for the early breakfast and sheets that were tucked in a little too tightly.
I had shampoo in my hair when my phone started buzzing again, this time with a call. I grumbled under the stream of water washing away the soap before it could get in my eyes; whoever's calling can wait.
I moved on to conditioning my hair, letting it sit while I wash the rest of my body with a lightly scented lavender soap.
I refused to use the complimentary soap because it dried out my skin and the lotion just left me feeling sticky instead of moisturized.
Watching the soap run down the drain my phone rang again, I clenched my fists, who could possibly be calling me now? I still refused to get out of my steamy heaven to answer my phone.
My gut told me that whoever was calling wouldn’t let up until I answered. I washed out the conditioner from my hair and wrapped it in a towel.
The mirror was coated in a layer of steam, the tiles were cool against my feet. I wrapped the plush towel around my body, mopping up the droplets of water that remained.
My phone started vibrating with rapid fire text messages from the pack’s group chat they made a month ago. I sighed, picking it up to sift through the messages. I read a message from Jared telling me he’d pay me to return.
The pack always made me laugh, together they’re a walking sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them, someone always had something witty or sarcastic to say.
I checked to see who had called me and it turned out it was Sam, I listened to his voice mails and immediately phoned him back.
As soon as I hit the call button it only rang for half a second before he picked up.
“Thank you for calling back, I thought I’d have to call two more times.” he chuckled.
“Well I was in the middle of a shower, can’t really take a call there.” I moved through the room with my phone pressed between my shoulder and cheek. Stopping at my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear for the day.
“I’m going to be frank with you, I need you to come home. . .” I let out a huff before he continued.
“Embry needs you badly, he’s just a pile of mush on the floor now. It’s a chore to get him up to go on patrol. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do Sam, I’ll try to book a flight for the earliest date I can find.” I knew I was giving in but from what they were telling me and the constant texts were getting to be difficult to manage.
“Thank you, when you get back I’ll buy you take out for a month okay?”
“I hate that you know what my weakness is.” I laughed through the phone, a month of free take out? Hell yeah. It made the prospect of going back a little brighter since I wasn’t going to complete the rest of my trip.
I wasn’t losing out on too much though, I had seen and done everything that I wanted. It wouldn’t be too bad to go home early.
We talked for a couple more minutes before parting ways, I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce a couple times before turning my attention back to getting dressed. Since I had a flight to book it was okay to spend the rest of the day lounging in pj’s.
The soft fabric of my pj’s brushed against my skin as I jumped into bed with my computer in hand, and now it was time to book a flight back home. Maybe text Paul and tell him he can quit complaining as well.
I woke up the next morning with my flight booked for take off in the afternoon and my daily good morning text from Embry. I felt a little sad to be leaving such a beautiful country but the trees, ocean and Embry all called my name.
Pacing through the room I grabbed the comfiest set of clothes I packed for my return flight back to Seattle, I had enough time to sleep on the plane to be conscious enough for the three and a half hour drive back to La Push.
I was set for a long day ahead of me but it was going to be worth it in the end, seeing the bright and happy face of my boyfriend, getting to hug him and kiss him again.
I made one last check of the room before I gathered my clothes and toiletry kit and made my way into the bathroom to shower before my long flight. As I was stepping into the shower my phone pinged from the counter with a text from Sam.
“Have you booked that flight yet?” it read.
“Yeah I’m due for take off at 1. I should be back in La Push some time tomorrow!”
My fingers brushed the cool surface of the counter top as I put my phone back and got into the shower, hot water immediately running down my back; this time my phone wasn’t being blown up by a desperate wolf pack trying to get my attention.
I can’t sit in the shower for hours on end this time, I have a flight to catch and a boy to surprise. Embry was currently still under the impression that I would be coming home in two weeks. Boy would he be in for a surprise.
The residual steam wafted out of the bathroom while I brushed my teeth revealing my towel wrapped body and hair in the mirror behind the skin. I checked the time and noted that I had two hours to check out, make my way to the airport, and check into my flight back home. Two more hours before I could smell the trees and ocean, two more hours before I could see my friends and hug Embry.
The time managed to move by in a blur by the time I was shutting the trunk of the yellow cab that was going to drop me off at the airport. I got into the back seat and the driver peeled away from the hotel front onto the winding roads.
“Aye where are you headin’?” The driver inquired in a thick Irish accent.
One thing I noticed in my stay here was that the accent changed in every town or village I passed through. It added to the charm
“Well, I’m on my way home after spending six months in Europe.” My eyes scanned over the green hills that rushed past in a blur.
“My favourite places I’ve been have definitely been Ireland and Greece.” I smiled towards him.
The lines around his eyes crinkled with the smile that graced his face at the mention of Ireland.
“Well that’s good to hear innit? Glad you’ve enjoyed your stay. We welcome ya with open arms if you return.”
We held a light conversation until we arrived in front of the drop off area for passengers, thanked him and grabbed my bags before heading into the crowded lobby.
The front of the terminal was metal and glass that reached towards the heavens with automatic doors gaping open like a mouth. Inside was a dull white with light grey floor which my shoes clicked against with each step.
It was packed with people like a can of sardines, I weaved my way through the masses towards the check in desk which thankfully only had a short line to get through.
Under the mix of fluorescents and natural light the desk lady’s bags that donned under her eyes glared with visible exhaustion from the mass amounts of people that swarmed the terminal.
Despite her clear drowsiness she still greeted me with a warm smile and a soft hello.
I grabbed my ticket and thanked her then turned and pushed myself through to the security check, dropped my luggage off and took a seat to wait for the boarding call for my flight.
As I waited grey clouds started to fill the sky blocking out the little sun that was once shining in its place.
My eyes grew heavier by each minute that passed, waiting could be hard, but waiting in an airport where there’s no sense of time is worse. So I distracted myself by people watching.
A lady was bouncing her baby, the old man across from me was snoring. A businessman paced back and forth speaking urgently into his phone, a family chatted excitedly for their family trip to the Canary Islands.
I pulled my eyes away from them as the call for my flight rang out over the crowded terminal, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the gate.
Excitement filled my every step as the anticipation grew and bubbled inside me. I gave the greeting flight attendant a small smile and made my way to my seat, for being last minute I managed to get a window seat.
We sat on the tarmac for twenty minutes before taking off and before I knew it the seat belt light pinged off and I was fast asleep jet setting my way back to America, back to my home.
I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke up but the clock on the tv screen said 2 a.m. and that we’re due to arrive in an hour. I sat up in my seat and gazed out the window into the starry night sky.
Energy started to course through me as I watched the arrival time tick closer and closer. A light rain misted down over Seattle as I left the Seatac terminal and made my way through the maze of cars in the night that was made darker by the rain.
I spotted my blue Subaru and popped the trunk so my interior and seats wouldn’t get wet. It had been a long six months since I last sat in my driver's seat, the wheel almost felt foreign in my hands as I turned the key and listened to the engine roar to life.
I drove through the winding roads of the city to the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry to take the 45 minute ride into Bainbridge and headed North to get on the 101 then turn onto 110 which would take me back into the heart of La Push.
The closer I got to Forks the brighter the sky became; well as bright as it could be on a gloomy day. The clouds became painted in the glow of purple and pink as the sun rose over the horizon, the rain had let up and left me with an overcast sky for the remainder of the drive back.
Since I slept virtually the entire flight back I didn’t feel the weight of exhaustion at all, but surely when I arrived back in the arms of Embry I knew I’d hit the wall with sleep deprivation.
As I barreled through the corridor of trees I passed the signature ‘welcome to Forks’ sign and turned right onto the 110, twenty minutes to home. I was so close but my soul felt like it was light years away.
The clock on my radio told me that it was currently 6:45, the pinks and purples that coated the sky faded away to the typical grey that fills my senses with delight. Sea salt and washed up kelp started to seep into the air that circulated into my car making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Closer to Beach Drive I got the stronger the smell of the ocean became. The turn signal clicked as I turned onto the road that gave way to Sam and Emily’s house so they could take me over to Embry’s in the off chance that he happened to be awake at this hour.
It’s highly unlikely that he would be up at this hour but it’s not something I could be one hundred percent positive about. I stepped out of my car and turned around to see Emily running as fast as she possibly could towards me with open arms and a huge smile plastered across her face.
Dropping my bags I dashed across their lawn into her embrace.
“Oh (y/n)! I missed you so much, you must be so tired.” She released me from her hug and settled her hands on my shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too Emily, I knew I’d be tired but not this tired.” I chuckled while wiping at my under eyes in a feeble attempt to wipe away the exhaustion.
She put her hand on my lower back and led me inside for the awaiting cup of tea while Sam moved my bags into his truck.
The warmth of their home embraced me, the comfort of their kitchen was familiar. The only thing missing was the rowdy group of boys that made up the pack who usually occupied every available seat in the home.
I took a seat at the kitchen table where three cups of tea sat waiting, I should have expected a q and a when I returned. Wrapping my hands around the mug the warmth that radiated from it filled my hands.
Emily took a seat beside me and Sam entered through the door and sat adjacent to both of us.
“So how was the trip?” We sat around their table chatting until our cups were empty and filed out of the house into the early morning air.
“Emily and I will drive your car back to your place after I drop you off at Embry’s, the kid’s been sleeping in my living room more often than I’d appreciate.” Sam’s eyes crinkled with a smile, I knew he was joking but at the same time there was truth to his words; and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
“Thank you for putting up with him while I was gone, I owe you guys one and you owe me take out for a month.” He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair turning into the Call's driveway. Embry’s mom had already left for work leaving him to his own devices; which meant he would sleep in as late as his heart desired.
We got out of Sam’s truck and he dropped my bags on the doorstep. I turned and gave him a quick hug and a thank you before sticking my key into the lock.
The door creaked open and I dragged my suitcases to a stop in their front entry way and shut it behind me.
My shoes landed on the floor with a soft thud and I gingerly walked up the stairs to ensure I wasn’t too noisy while making sure to avoid the one squeaky stair.
I got to the top of the stairs and hung a left down their light beige hallway that gave way to the oak door that guarded Embry’s room. His soft snores filtered through the door, it’s door knob was cool in my hand. Making an audible click with the turn of my wrist.
Dark mahogany brown hair peaked up from beneath the sheet that tucked Embry’s body out of view. One pillow was on the floor while the other was tucked firmly between his cheek and arm, I smiled at the sight of my sleeping boyfriend which filled my every inch with the utmost joy.
My sock covered feet pressed into the carpeted flooring with each step I took towards his bed making sure to step over the piles of dirty clothes that were scattered around the room.
The sun filtered through the gaps in the window blinds casting pools of golden light on the floor and along his walls causing the crystal prism that hung above his closet to sweep dashes of colour across his walls.
I pulled back the grey top sheet to reveal his peaceful face and I swear my heart was going to burst with the amount of love that I feel for him. His hair was tousled in every direction and a cow lick stuck straight up on the left side of his head.
My hands ran over his hair, smoothing it out while I whispered his name. Embry groaned a bit and rolled over, I whispered his name a little bit louder and moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders running them along his arms finally waking him from his slumber.
“Hi Em!” I gushed out as his brown eyes opened and focused on me. His face split with his toothy smile and his arms shot around me, pulling me down into his chest.
“Do you know how much I missed you?” Embry mumbled into my hair.
“I figured a lot with the amount of texts I got from the pack.” I reached up brushing the hair from his face.
“You can never leave me for that long again. . .I didn’t know what to do without you here.” He ran his hands through my hair placing a gentle kiss upon the top of my head.
“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t protect you and make sure you were safe.”
“Well next time I’ll make sure you can come, then you don’t have to worry.” Craning my neck up I placed a kiss upon his lips which were still a bit swollen from slumber.
“The important thing is that I returned safe and in one piece. The other important thing is I get to spoil you with the gifts I brought back!”
His laugh filled the room sending vibrations through my body.
“Hey! That’s my job to spoil you, not the other way around.” He ruffled my hair causing us both to laugh. I peeled off my socks and wiggled my way under his blanket.
“I think it’s time we catch up on six months worth of cuddling.” I poked a finger into his side.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, you owe me for being gone so long.”
“What? I came back early!” His hands made their way under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back sending waves of heat through my body from being pressed into him. Oh how I missed my heater.
“Yeah, by like what? Two weeks?” his silky voice chuckled out.
“I missed you Embry.” I told him, placing a kiss on his exposed shoulder.
“I missed you too. Now let's go back to sleep, you look tired.” He said to me as he rested his chin atop my head and pulling me closer.
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tennessoui · 2 years
kuwsk 🥺👉👈 love you 🫰🏽
hello hello!!! here is 835 words of KUWSK that i wrote in the last 30 minutes. no spoilers for the kenobi show, as KUWSK could not be further separated from the kenobi show, but if you've seen the kenobi show then you'll definitely be able to see what i was imagining while writing this lol.
Early June, half a year (six months, three weeks and one day, if you ask Anakin) after they get together
“Obi,” Leia says, reaching up to tug at his pants leg. Obi-Wan hums to show that he’s listening, even if he really isn’t. He’s trying to decide which of these blown glass pieces will look better in their kitchen window. One depicts a soft sunrise, pink and yellow and green. The other is a beach landscape, darker blues and swaths of orange.
Objectively, the sunrise would be much prettier, and since the kitchen is west-facing, it would throw a beautiful blanket of light over the countertops while (usually) Anakin prepared dinner, which the man would surely be delighted by.
Subjectively, of course, Obi-Wan has spent the last two months trying to subtly hint to Anakin that he would like to go to the beach this summer, and frankly, they’re running out of time. Anakin sometimes needs things laid out for him to understand. After all, he’d needed Obi-Wan to accidentally kiss him before they started dating, even if Obi-Wan had spent several months before that trying to show him how much he loved him.
Whenever Obi-Wan brings this up, Anakin likes making noises like he’s a dying cat before he leaves the room.
But, unfortunately, he does love this man, and he thinks the play of the pink lighting will look absolutely heavenly on Anakin’s cheekbones. And if he has the sudden urge to kiss him, then he can just do it. Amazing. It’s been half a year since they got together, and it still manages to blow Obi-Wan away every time he remembers Anakin is willingly allowing him to call him his for now.
Perhaps he should just tell Anakin about the desire for a beach trip.
“Obi,” Leia says, more insistently, tugging harder on his pants, and Obi-Wan tears his gaze away from the glass to check on her.
“Yes, Leia love?” he asks, when their eyes make contact. 
“I haven’t seen daddy in ages,” she reports, stepping closer to him.
“Your daddy’s over by the tent with all the maps last time I checked,” he tells her, running a quick hand over the top of her head. Anakin and Luke had been fascinated with the selection of maps and compasses and star charts, stopping in the middle of the pathway and cutting through another row to get a closer look, as if Obi-Wan did not make and share the perfect, most efficient plan for walking through this crafts fair without missing a single tent.
That had been roughly fifteen minutes ago probably. Obi-Wan, who’d sort of hated looking at Anakin and the kids surrounded by stuff that could be used to make leaving him easier, had wandered away from the tent to the one adjacent to it, the glassblowers. Leia, who has been going through a phase where she’d choose her Obi for anything over anyone else in the entire world, had followed him.
“He’s not anymore,” Leia says. “He left.”
Obi-Wan blinks and carefully puts the glass back onto the table. The craftsman looks disappointed, but it’s not like Obi-Wan isn’t going to buy one of the pieces he’s just spent ten minutes putting his fingerprints all over. He cranes his head out the tent to look across the way into the map tent.
No Anakin.
Alright. That’s fine. That’s great. He can’t see Luke either, which must mean that Luke is with Anakin, which is the best place for him to be. They probably went to the bathroom. Or to the foodstall selling kettlecorn that Luke had been dying to try. Or back to the car so they could drop off all the maps they’d bought before Obi-Wan could see.
“Did they…leave?” Leia asks, little hand tightening its grip on his pants.
Obi-Wan turns to look at her, and then over to the craftsman. The glass can wait until after they’ve located Anakin. And he will get the beach one, he’s just decided. He leans down so that Leia can easily hop into his arms. He makes sure that she’s secure the way she likes to be—both arms wrapped tightly around his neck and one leg dangling down—before he moves out of the tent.
“Don’t be silly, darling,” he tells her. “They’d never leave you. Let’s go find your brother and your daddy.”
“Maybe the map people can help us,” Leia suggests seriously with wide eyes.
Even though Obi-Wan can feel the beginnings of real anxiety stirring in his chest—his phone’s been dead for an hour now because Anakin had rolled over its charger in his sleep and unplugged it—he has to bite back a chuckle at this. “Do you suppose they have a map they can sell us to find your daddy?” he asks, trying to mimic her serious tone.
“No, Obi,” Leia says. She sounds like she’d be rolling her eyes if she were a few years older. “They might be able to tell us where they went.”
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may i ask you to elaborate on tua season 2?
hell yeah dude
for an easy answer @deer-time's tua salt tag is a really good starting place (though they've moved most tua-related stuff to their sideblog @salty-coffee)
but if you don't want to go through that basically, in no particular order:
it felt they were just shoving in scenes for the music and the soundtrack just wasn't as memorable as season one
the time skip ensured that we missed out on most of their development. i have a lot of beef with the time skip
i cannot stress enough how much the handler should've died in season one lol
luther, at the very least, should've seen vanya's ads in the newspaper. diego allison and klaus i can understand because one was in an asylum (i have my beef with that don't worry lol), the other wouldn't read white newspapers, and the third was traveling
vanya's amnesia plot felt like it was just there to smooth her over? she got no meaningful interactions with the siblings because she didn't know them and the conflict they set up at the end of season one ('we need to fix her') never went anywhere. we love wlw representation but was vanya really ready for romance after all the shit that went down? she needs time to process and grow not forget everything and latch onto the first woman that takes her in. we got no exploration of her trauma. also why can she just automatically control her powers now? no trauma recovery narrative for vanya i guess. she spends the entire season as essentially a side character with no real agency in the plot? also where did the new powers come from hello
speaking of the romance literally none of it was executed well. why did raymond assume his WIFE was a government plant before at least hearing her out? vissy was written so shallowly it's not even funny. liego happened way too quickly and diego forgot about eudora too fast. klave was okay i guess lol idc abt them
why did diego and lila face no racism? why were they in an integrated asylum in the south? why did they actually show diego being helped genuinely instead of them just making his situation worse? i don't think therapy was that genuinely developed. diego felt like a completely different character
why would luther, known goody-two-shoes, work for the mob? also why would he not ask jack ruby to look up his siblings' names for him before? he went back to the alley so he at least had the thought that they landed in the same spot at different times right. also he was way too dumbed down and made into comic relief for the benefit of the luther haters
klaus was literally made irrelevant? he had nothing to do, his relapse was treated as a JOKE, his addiction wasn't explored, and he was basically just comic relief like luther
allison's plotline felt it was just there to get her out of the way, she totally forgot about claire, her trauma was ignored for the second season in a row, etc. she wasn't even mad at vanya like this woman slit your throat and incinerated your daughter i don't CARE that you treated her badly i think that's a pretty good basis for some friction? (screw the amnesia plot obviously)
five and ben were left pretty intact specifically because ben's personality isn't there and five didn't get a time skip
why did they forget that drugs suppress powers when vanya was with the fbi
very sexy of tua to introduce the concept of an evil corporation that's essentially the root of all their problems in season one and then redeem it but just giving it new management? and have five of all people look into the faces of herb and DOT, WHO LEFT HIM IN THE APOCALYPSE AND DIDN'T PUSH FOR HIM TO GET EXTRACTED, and say 'yeah guys totally! :)'
also he should've eaten carmichael i don't make the rules
the swedes were legitimately not necessary. screw the swedes all my homies hate the swedes. why did they stay all the way until the finale
where did the five+allison jfk plot go that was so good
why did lila automatically know how to control their powers
elliott wasn't necessary either they should've just made their home base hazel and agnes's house with no unnecessary fridging please. that's where they could've gotten a briefcase too
the atmosphere felt completely different? season one was dark and slow and had the vibes of a gothic horror, almost? it was watching a train wreck in action, seeing all these plot threads inevitably combine for one hell of a finale. there was nothing like that in season two. aside from the obvious atmosphere change, it didn't feel like there was any direction to where the story was going? the only two highlights of the finale i care about are diego deflecting the bullets and five rewinding time. that's IT. and compared to season one's finale, it's utterly disappointing
idk it just felt like a popcorn flick/marvel movie and those are fine! those have their place! but the entire draw of tua was the darker themes and focus on childhood trauma/abuse, and they just completely failed to follow up. those have their place, and it was not here
all in all the writing just felt weaker
there's more in the 'tua salt' and 'tua s2 salt' tags
anyway tua is a ten-episode-long miniseries
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!eunwoo
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a/n I LOVE HIM !! I WOULD LITERALLY RISK IT ALL FOR HIM !! also rip to the disappointing hookup experience I had that made an appearance in this headcanon...yes I’m still angry about it.
→ pairing: eunwoo x f!reader
→ genre: smut, fluff, fwb to lovers
→ tw: hookup culture, mentions of drinking and drug use, implied almost SA, this is a bit heavy compared to the other ones like please be a cautious a little when you’re reading this
→ word count: 5.6k
here we go ladies and gents
i had something completely different planned for this
and it was super angsty and dramatic
but i had a monumental experience last night so I’m changing this up
and okay okay
i usually try to write all my stuff gender neutral but bc of the idea I have for some of this plot, it’s gonna be a female reader
im sorry to all my male identifying loves :(
and back to our regularly scheduled program
cha motherfuckin eunwoo
lee fuckin dongmin
he doesn’t go by dongmin, he prefers to go by eunwoo, only his family calls him dongmin
as soon as he stepped foot into the university, everyone knew him
and I mean everyone
he’s so attractive
but don’t get it twisted, eunwoo’s the humblest, sweetest bean
he gets very embarrassed when people compliment him for his looks
applied for random roommates his first year and got paired up with swimmer!bin
he and bin become besties and end up rooming together their entire college career
major: music performance, specialty in piano
most people (besides those in the music department or astro) would have never thought eunwoo was a music major, especially since he was incredibly smart and athletic too???
usually gets mistaken for a STEM major
often helps the boys (especially rocky and sanha) with their studies
and oof when he tries out for–and makes it into–the basketball team
everyone ???? floored
eunwoo has game on the court...now with dating??? eh not so much
(at least not sober shh)
he’s tried dating before, at least in the first year or so
the basketball team kept trying to set him up with people
but it never got anywhere substantial and eunwoo always trusted astro to really give the vibe check and no one ever passed
and so he settled for hookup culture every now and then
his emotions are guarded :’(
yes he’s very easy to talk to and always so nice and well mannered
but he’s only himself with astro
now, where do you come into this???
you’re a cheerleader
you and eunwoo know each other by association
you cheer for his home games, you’ve been in a couple of classes together, you’ve seen each other at parties
but would you call yourselves friends?? not really
now you know it’s highly unlikely for you to have a lasting boyfriend in college, especially with your affiliation as a cheerleader, so you also opt for hookup culture
less messy feelings, less drama, less commitment, all that fun
so the first time your paths really intertwine with eunwoo is at a party
the basketball team won a big game and they were out celebrating yuh
and ofc since it’s his team, eunwoo popped out
he only really attends parties hosted by the basketball team bc he feels a bit obligated to go LOL but he always brings swimmer!bin for support 
and it’s chill bc bin is also an athlete–yes it’s exclusive like that
but this time, bin couldn’t go so it’s just eunwoo hanging with his team
and yes, you can guess it, you and him get partnered up to play beer pong together!
that’s so cliche omg
but ah ha you hear your opponent, one of eunwoo’s teammates say to one of your fellow cheerleaders: don’t worry baby, I’ll carry you through this game
and you cringed a little ugh men
eunwoo turns to you like: ah sorry if we lose, it’s all luck with me. The guys usually pick to play me bc I’ll probably lose. I’ll drink the cups for you though if you want me to.
you get a little fired up, like aw why do they pick on him that’s not fair
you: well I’m not horrible at pong, so let’s try to crush em
he played pretty well ok! you both got balls back twice in a row right in the beginning
your team was on a roll
you and eunwoo won three games back to back
you were feeling a bit bloated and hazy from the beer that you and him had to drink, but you were still pretty self aware
and you and eunwoo were just chilling after playing the games, you two were on a pretty good wavelength and you wanted to continue it after joking around in between plays
alright now obviously you don’t go into these parties just strictly looking for a hookup, you go to have fun and let loose
but if the person and situation arises??? you wouldn’t necessarily turn it down, especially if that person was cha eunwoo
and yeah, eunwoo was entertaining the idea too, it’s been a while since he vibed with someone like he has with you
basically by the end of the night, you brought him back to your place–you’d rather eat shit than hook up at the basketball house, it was messy and musty and just nope
your place was closer than his
and ~yuh~
it was pretty damn good
he didn’t stay the night, bc well this was a hookup, so after you both had your fill it was a casual alright see you around!
oh lord the fuss your cheerleading team gave you at the next practice asking how your hookup with eunwoo was
the news spread like wildfire
eunwoo didn’t hook up very often so every time he did, it was like breaking news
which is honestly a bit fucked up, but seriously this is how college is
alright so your sex drive skyrocketed after fucking eunwoo 
you hook up with another guy at one of the following parties
but it didn’t compare to eunwoo rip so you were pretty disappointed
and you were sorta wondering like hm? should you hit him up? but decided against it 
and then! you saw him at the gym working out with literally all of astro
bin probably forced the other 4 to come with him and eunwoo sksksksk
and you were like shit why does he look so good
not gonna lie, just in case he was looking over, you tried to make your ass and tits pop out a bit more, you know squats and shit
unfortunately, it caught the attention of other guys at the gym and not eunwoo grrr
and you were literally just planning to stop being a coward and go up and talk to him, but a guy blocked your path
and he was lowkey being very creepy and way too close for your liking
but you weren’t having it, hell no you ain’t a damsel in distress
being a cheerleader taught you how to defend yourself against predatory men
so you were basically telling him to fuck off and leave you alone, but he was being really damn persistent about it
and just as the guy was about to put a hand on you, eunwoo steps in and he’s like: dude, she’s clearly not interested, fuck off.
after a bit of a stare off, the guy leaves and wow you’re face to face with eunwoo again hehehe
his eyes switch from a glare to a soft worried look and he’s like, hey are you okay?
and you’re like a little giddy, maybe also a little bit turned on bc he’s still like fresh from a workout, his hair was brushed back revealing his forehead, his arm muscles were really defined right now, and just he’s so hot? 
but you smile nonchalantly, you genuinely could have just slapped the shit out of the guy or kicked him right in the baby factory, but eunwoo stepping in was also a pleasant surprise, you weren’t complaining
you: yeah. I could have handled it, but thanks for helping
and he just grins, your confidence?? attractive
the two of you just like look at each other for a couple seconds and you’re yelling at yourself in your head like don’t cop out this is what you were waiting for !!
you: so...you’re here with your friends?
eunwoo: yeah, me and my roommate forced them to come work out with us haha. did you come by yourself?
you: yeah, I usually work out with my teammates, but I decided to come alone today
eunwoo nods and you see him like look at your neck and you immediately get a bit shy bc you knew there was a hickey there from your last (very disappointing) hookup: you’ve been having fun recently?
your face flushes: the last one was embarrassing really, so honest to god no
eunwoo: why was it embarrassing? if...you don’t mind me asking
you immediately facepalm: no, yeah I don’t mind telling you...ugh, eunwoo I was literally catfished. this guy really talked mad game about his dick and then when I agreed to hook up, he asked me to suck him off and it literally only took him less than ten minutes. and after he came, he just pulled up his pants and said “damn you give really good head” like the fuck? he didn’t even offer to return the favor or anything, and when I asked him “wait, are we gonna fuck?” he just said “maybe next time.” maYbE neXt tiMe?? I was played so hard, you have no idea how pissed I was, eunwoo. and now I have to wait for his dumb fucking hickey to heal so that I can literally just repress that hookup even happened.
his jaw literally dropped: he didn’t give you anything?
you shook your head, you were getting pissed again 
eunwoo couldn’t believe his ears, he glances back at astro for a second and then he clears his throat: well...what are you doing after the gym?
you: nothing, just going home and taking a shower. My roommate’s not gonna be home tonight so I’m probably gonna wallow in my sorrows about that hookup again
he laughs: well sounds like you have a fun night planned, but if you want some company?? I’d be more than happy to come over and help you forget about the sad disrespect of that hookup.
who said eunwoo couldn’t flirt ???
and he was thinking about hitting you up again too before but he didn’t wanna seem like a fuckboy or anything
but seeing you defend yourself against the guy?? lowkey was a bit of turn on for him
obviously you agreed hello
eunwoo going up to astro: so uh...imma head out first...I’ll see you guys later. :)
sanha: hyung so scandalous *O*
you and eunwoo fuck again
and after this time, the two of you have a little bit of pillow talk
basically you tell him that fucking him ruined all other guys for you bc he was just that good
and eunwoo usually gets shy from compliments, but his ego with this one??? he felt a bit proud ohohoho
and he’s like: honestly, you’re the only person I’ve fucked in six months, but I gotta agree that our sexual chemistry is pretty good
so where do you two go from there?
friends with benefits baby, full on fuck buddies
you both talk and agree that you two weren’t looking for relationships at the moment, but the sex was good
i’m gonna get into specifics later, but for now a little more plot
obviously, you and eunwoo talk a lot more now that you two were basically fucking each other at least once a week
the guys notice that he’s so much more?? carefree?? less stressed out?? ever since you and him started your little agreement
and they’re already scheming by themselves, like eunwoo would not get into a situation like this unless he trusted you as a person
and at first it was really just, call each other over, have sex, stay for a little bit longer, then leave
neither of you ever stayed the night bc that’s just an unspoken rule
until there was this one party, a group of people were in one of the rooms at the basketball house and they told you to come join them and ~do drugs~
don’t dabble kids, I’m serious
and you were chilling with eunwoo and bin for a bit until they called you over and you were like: wanna try too?
eunwoo and bin didn’t do it obviously, but you were curious so you went and told them you would be back in a bit
eunwoo was worried about you, bin could see it from a mile away
he kept glancing back at the room and one by one people started to come out, but none of them were you
bin nudging eunwoo: go check up on her
eunwoo opens the door to see you being like pinned down on the bed and he turns livid
he pulls the guy off you and punches him right in the face like: what the fuck do you think you’re doing? what did you give her?
you’re noticeably out of it, sobriety? not there
the guy basically laced something in the drug he gave you, omg you were roofied??
bin comes in and he literally has to hold eunwoo back from beating the shit out of the other guy
the two take you back to their apartment and were making sure that you didn’t die or something shit
literally cannot believe the first time you slept over at eunwoo’s place was when you were drugged up
you wake up the next morning, nauseous, body weak, and confused
eunwoo also wakes up because of your movement: hey y/n, are you okay?
you: eunwoo...what...what happened last night??
he sits up and gives you a recount of the party and you just like hug your body tightly when he brings up the drugs and start crying
he’s a bit shocked when he sees your tears, but he just pulls you in for a hug to try and comfort you, obviously that must have been a bit traumatic
eunwoo: hey...it’s okay...I’m just glad I checked up on you before something worse happened
you: I’m such a fucking idiot...I can’t believe I let myself get put in that situation again...no wonder people think I’m a just a dumb whore.
you and him spill your deepest darkest most traumatizing secrets that morning and you just feel more connected to him
you: I honestly never really told anyone...thanks eunwoo, you’re a good friend.
he feels more protective of you after that??
you start hanging around with him and astro more
and the guys really like having you around !!
you’re very easy to get along with, you also joke and tease eunwoo with them, they love you !
you even become really friendly with the other guys’ partners
about half a year into your fuck buddy relationship with eunwoo
everyone: why aren’t you dating y/n yet?
eunwoo: what do you mean?? we’re just friends...with benefits??
before you even know it, you’re spending literally all your time (when you’re not training or practicing or at class) with eunwoo and his friends
you sleep more at eunwoo’s than you do at your own apartment
honestly you two are already acting like a couple
except for the fact that you only kiss each other when you’re fucking, or you don’t hold hands in public, or you don’t say the L word to each other obviously
but the cuddles? the jokes? the hanging out? if you two are seen together there’s still a little form of physical touch––like a hand on the waist, or resting his elbow on your shoulder––something that tells other people that you two are a bit exclusive to each other
and maybe it’s because both of your emotional capacities when it comes to relationships are akin to a pubescent thirteen year old, but you and eunwoo?? don’t really realize that you’re both basically in love with each other
and it’s also the fact that catching feelings in a friends with benefits?? forbidden
but what if both people catch feelings?
you don’t realize you like eunwoo until a year of fucking each other
damn a year?? y’all really suppressed those romantic feelings hard
you and him were hanging out, per usual, but in the piano rooms of the music building
eunwoo had to practice his repertoire for an upcoming performance and you were free so you decided to come along and keep him company
you knew he was a music major and that he played piano, but you never actually heard him play
you were just chilling by the window, scrolling through your phone, and then he just starts playing and your jaw?? literally dropped
it was so intricate and fluid and elegant, you looked over to the keys and his hands just moved so expertly over them
you were put in a trance, it was so beautiful??
and then you look up and his concentration? seriousness? he has honestly never looked more attractive to you than in that moment
and then eunwoo meets your eyes and he smiles a little: is it bad?
you: no, you’re amazing actually...
and your stomach does a triple somersault and your cheeks start heating up, like why is your heart going haywire???
you start spacing out and obviously he notices
eunwoo calls your name and pats the space next to him on the piano bench
eunwoo: what are you thinking of, hm?
you: n-nothing. keep playing, I wanna hear more
and so he does and your heart just won’t chill out, especially now that you’re literally sitting mere centimeters apart from him
he’s still playing and you just can’t stop thinking about how much you want to kiss him–and not in a sexual way
and that honestly scared you, so you panicked and put your hand near his crotch
eunwoo jolts in surprise, but he doesn’t say anything, he just chuckles and continues playing
do you have sex in the piano room to try and distract yourself from whatever you were feeling? yeah
you hide your feelings for a little bit, but the more time you spent with him, the stronger they got, and you honestly didn’t know what to do
so you tried distancing yourself, you gave eunwoo the excuse that cheerleading competitions were coming up–which they were, so it wasn’t a complete lie–and you needed to focus and have time to yourself
it was so weird for you not seeing him and astro all the time, you barely responded to his text messages or calls, and when you saw him around campus, you would immediately try to avoid him, and it hurt but you were ~scared~
eunwoo’s a smart boy, he knew something was off with you
but after a week of trying to contact you, he didn’t wanna seem annoying or a bother, so he tried not to
even though all he wanted was to see you or talk to you, like it was beyond sex at this point
he missed you, he thought he was going to go insane
he didn’t realize his feelings for you until he saw you talking to a guy in the athletic building
he had basketball practice, and you just finished your cheerleading practice
you were talking to this one guy from your philosophy class, basically joking around and talking shit about your professor
and eunwoo saw you smile at something the guy said and he just felt jealous
his fists clenched, he hated seeing you smile and laugh with the guy like how you used to do with him
and it also didn’t help that you and him haven’t really talked in two or three weeks and he just missed you so much :(
he tried not to think about it during his practice, but it didn’t work, he was off his game for this one, even his teammates and coach noticed it
he went back to his place after practice and called over the boys and basically vented his frustrations
jin: eunwoo. you like y/n
eunwoo: I know...fuck what do I do
bin: tell her, obviously
eunwoo: and risk our?? friendship??
myungjun: you’re a fucking idiot if you don’t see that she likes you back
rocky: yeah...I mean why else do you think noona started distancing herself from you?
eunwoo: maybe I’m just feeling like this because we haven’t met up in a while and I saw her talking to that guy and I don’t know? I’m horny?
sanha: hyung...you sound indenial and jealous.
bin: you like her. we’re surprised you didn’t realize this earlier.
anyway, the day of the competition comes, and the guys and their partners decide to pop out and support you
and seeing them actually made you feel so warm, you wave at them brightly and you meet eyes with eunwoo and you smile at him even though the butterflies are back and at full force
the group is so proud watching you and your team compete, their cheers are debatably the loudest and you literally have to stop yourself from laughing in the middle of your routine
your school places first yuh
and after talking with your team and discussing celebration plans, you go to the group
you were having such an adrenaline rush, you immediately run up to eunwoo in a crushing hug and you kiss him
eunwoo doesn’t even hesitate to kiss you back
astro and them: ohohoho hey
you: I’m so happy you all came! I can’t believe we actually won!
you were going to celebrate with your team bc you knew they were throwing a party, but celebrating with eunwoo and astro/their partners seemed way more appealing to you
you all go out to dinner and drink a little bit casually and it’s all such good vibes
you missed hanging around with them all and it just felt so right
eunwoo rested his hand on your thigh the whole time throughout dinner, he missed you alright, and just seeing you so happy with all his friends? he was hooked
when the group parts ways, it’s just you and eunwoo heading back to his place bc bin is spending the night at his partner’s apartment
and honestly the tension is so thick between you two
you barely make it past the door before you’re both latched onto each other, making out and all that steamy stuff
after you have sex, the two of you are having that post-sex cuddle in his bed and your heart is pounding so loud
you: hey...I’m sorry if it was weird that I kissed you earlier at the venue, I don’t really know what came over me, I was just so glad to see you guys
eunwoo: you don’t have to apologize for that y/n...I missed you
you roll around so that your back is to him bc you do not have the strength to look at him in the eyes right now
eunwoo hugs your waist and pulls you in his chest, he’s spooning you and he has no plans on letting you go any time soon
you: uh...eunwoo, I-we-uh maybe we should stop this...thing from going any further
he literally freezes: ...did I do something wrong?
you: no! it’s...I...fuck I don’t know how to say this...I know we’ve been hooking up for a year but just recently I...think I have feelings for you...and it’s not fair for either of us to continue this if we’re not on the same page.
eunwoo: y/n, I–
you’re rambling now, you’re scared of what he has to say: and honestly you’ve become someone I really don’t wanna lose in my life. You’re an amazing person and friend, and I don’t wanna fuck that up by having feelings for you, especially since you probably don’t feel the same. I just...can’t have casual sex with you anymore...I’m sorry, it would break me.
you’re like trying to get up and you tell him that you’re going to go to the party your team’s hosting but he just tightens his grip
eunwoo: don’t go...please
you: eunwoo, I can’t stay here–
eunwoo: you don’t even know what I feel, y/n...why are you so sure that I don’t feel the same way as you?? because I do...honest to god, y/n, I like you so fucking much. the month that you didn’t talk to me was like hell and I don’t ever wanna experience that again. I missed you so much I thought I was going crazy...please don’t go.
you roll around and face him again
you: y-you like me? you’re not just saying that because you want to keep having sex?
eunwoo: I’m not just saying that because of the sex...I promise
you: so...what does that make us now?
eunwoo: well would you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?
god finally you two are dating
you realize that not much really changes after the two of you make it official
the pda does increase though, you actually hold hands and kiss each other in public now
and you two are more cutesy with each other
yes astro pretends to gag whenever they see you act all coupley
petnames!! you call each other baby, sometimes you call him minnie!! as in dongminnie !! im screaming!!
a poster couple, the basketball player and the cheerleader
literally when you’re both wearing your uniforms and you kiss each other, it’s like one of those teen movies
lots of forehead kisses especially right before bed
eunwoo’s a clingy cuddly boy, especially now that you two are together
lots of study dates?? he is a scholar after all
you’re each other’s biggest supporters !! you always go to all of his recitals and basketball games, he always goes to your competitions
he’s very soft okay, will never stop showing you off or telling you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you
the first I love you came shortly in the relationship, and that’s because you’ve known each other a year prior and the feelings were really just building up since then
you were in the piano room again and he was just playing for fun, but you always loved hearing him ~tickle those ivories~
he was playing a song and singing along and you swear you had heart eyes for him, his voice was so soft and gentle and just wow
you’re sitting next to him and you just hug his waist while he’s playing
eunwoo’s smiling so wide and then he’s singing to you 
he doesn’t even get to finish the song, because you’re grabbing his face and kissing him 
he’s laughing in between kisses and you can’t help but laugh with him
grrr he’s so cute!
and then you two are just looking at each other
eunwoo: hm? 
you: I love you, minnie
he doesn’t miss a beat: I love you too, y/n
you and him have a lot of deep talks together, especially right before bed
it’s the time when he can just let out all the frustrations of the day and just be with you
he actually holds a lot of pressure and worries, but knowing that you’re by his side, comforts him a lot
the two of you have so many pictures together it’s so cute
eunwoo’s a bit possessive alright, not in the toxic way, but will he tighten his grip on your waist if a guy seems to be getting a little too friendly with you? yeah
not gonna lie, you get possessive too, it’s hard especially if your boyfriend is cha eunwoo, he’s the fucking perfect package god dammit
you both tell each other that you don’t have to worry about other people bc y’all are just both so whipped for each other
but it’s still cute when either of you are jealous
he’s actually pretty into couple items, but it has to be like minimalistic-style
like matching plain color hoodies or matching pajama sets
will not wear a “he’s mine, she’s mine” shirt or something
but it’s okay bc neither would you sksksk
will he wink at you if he makes a three pointer during his game? yeah.
literally loves when you wear his clothes or fuck, his jersey?? a turn on
and here we go !! I’ve been talking about sex so much but let’s get into it !!
in the beginning, like before you two started dating, when it was just your fuck buddy friendship, it was sexy
and not saying that it’s not sexy now that you two were in a relationship, but before it was just lust
eunwoo’s a freak alright, you can’t convince me otherwise
he’s a little kinky
definitely into food play, you two use whipped cream during foreplay a little too much...
100% into anal
you know how much he loves ass, has a very nice ass himself
and we already been knew, but yes he’s an ass guy
s p a n k i n g
eunwoo seeing you in your cheerleading skirt? immediate turn on
will literally fuck you while you’re wearing your skirt...just your skirt.
alright alright, you have a hand kink...was it awoken by watching eunwoo play piano all the time? yes
does eunwoo use that to his advantage? yes
the amount of times he’s fingered you??? vaginal and anal??? lord have mercy
very much into overstimulation, will keep fingering you until you squirt
and yes im bringing back my the choking kink
literally if his hands make any contact with your neck area, even when he’s just kissing, you will drench
but ugh you and eunwoo making out and you know how he like cups the back of the neck?? i know y’all have seen it from the true beauty kiss scenes, and then it gets heated and his grip just moves to the front and squeezes and when your mouth opens in a gasp, he shoves his tongue down your throat
that’s so sexy
do you like choking on his cock? probably more than you should
does he make you deep throat until tears are literally streaming down your face? most definitely
he loves marking you?? it’s just a tell tale way to show everyone you’re his
he’s a bit feisty...will he manhandle you during sex?? yeah
eunwoo is a dom. I am 100% convinced that he is a dom, you won’t be domming him honey
daddy and babygirl kink...I said it...
okay he’s a bit of an exhibitionist...would probably be down to have sex anywhere as long as you don’t get caught
piano room sex? locker room sex? library sex? movie theater sex? restaurant bathroom sex? yes you’ve done it all
will he finger you while you guys are having a movie night with the guys? yeah
eunwoo’s a tease, he’s a little shit, will tease you until you’re literally in tears begging for him to just do something
favorite position is doggy, it’s the view of the ass for him
although you two both do like experimenting different positions, especially if it has to do with “training your flexibility”
will pull your hair while he’s fucking you from behind, and will plug your asshole with his thumb–don’t knock it until you try it...it’s...a pretty good feeling
sometimes wakes you up by eating you out
very much a giver ugh king
the type to grip your thighs tighter when you try to push him away from overstimulation just to force another orgasm out of you
believe it or not, he’s a gasper/grunter/groaner
nothing is hotter than hearing eunwoo groan right when he’s about to cum oooof grrrr bark bark
okay but soft gentle sex with eunwoo is so passionate
all you feel is the love and sincerity, especially when he’s just looking in your eyes
the love making happens a lot more obviously when you start dating
he’s just so in love with you alright
gives the best and sweetest after care ugh
cleans you up, gives you massages especially if it was a rough session, cuddles you, draws you a bath, brings you water, everything
always makes sure to tell you he loves you after sex
i would risk it all for eunwoo like please ruin my life
ugh I just wanna put the idea of protective eunwoo during a party in your head
his hand is always on you. waist, thigh, shoulder, anywhere casually
you don’t fight?? but you do argue
arguing is healthy, and you both would rather let it out and bicker with each other in the moment than let it bottle in and build up into something worse
but when you do have a disagreement, no matter how big or small, you two always make sure to never go to bed angry with each other
communication is very important for the both of you
you’re his better half :’) all the things eunwoo struggles with, you help him with it and vice versa
he figured out you were the one for him during one of your deep late night pillow talks
he was worried about what he’d do in the future after graduating, like he was genuinely having a crisis about it
but you just talked so calmly to him: baby, no matter where you end up after graduation or what you end up doing, you’re going to be fine. You’re such a hard worker and I know that you’ll succeed...no matter what, I’ll be here for you minnie. I believe in you, you’re future is going to be great.
and he just kisses you so sweetly: will you be in my future, baby?
you’re smiling and you just giggle at him: if you want me to be...I’d love to be a part of it.
ugh y’all are so whipped for each other !!
astro always teasing you two, even when you’re all older
you and eunwoo are equally ticklish so basically y’all are fucked when they wanna mess with you
both of your families love you and him instantly
they push marriage immediately after you both graduate college
even astro’s like: we know you two are probably gonna tie the knot first...when’s the wedding?
not gonna lie, you and eunwoo probably get married probably 2-3 years after college, pretty young age
sidenote: eunwoo 100% cries at your wedding, especially when he sees you walking down the isle in your dress
and he has huge baby fever so you bet y’all had kids fairly young too
the best dad !! ugh he loves kids !! ugh so domestic
im just gonna say, y’all have beautiful children
trusts bin and jinjin to babysit your kids the most...he’s scared of the rest of the boys watching over his children
anyway eunwoo literally deserves the world and I just?? love him so much?? happy ending yay hehe
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jungshookz · 4 years
omg mean mr. park trying so hard not to give ballet!y/n special treatment that he goes too hard in the other direction and makes her cry!!!! and he’s like well i can’t fix it here in front of all these people what do i do what do i do
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!!! except uhhhhhh jimin’s a little scary in this one not going to lie <3 
➺ wordcount: 3.6k
➺ what to expect; “and take those goddamn leg warmers off.”
➺ optional readings: one; two; three; four
➺ note; this has been one of the hoTTest requests for a long time which doesn’t make any sense to me because whenever i get asked to write about this specific scenario i’m like?? you?? you WANT me to make y/n cry???? also i hope u don’t mind but i changed ur original request just a teensy bit because i didn’t want y/n to have to cry in front of everyone again otherwise she’s just going to be known as the class cry-baby and we should at least give her a tiny crumb of dignity 
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
jimin… is getting soft.
which isn’t super great because he feels like his reputation as scary strict ballet instructor is going to go down the drain and disappear forever if he keeps going on like this
it’s not like he can help himself when his girlfriend is one of his students
(which… is still a secret, by the way. the two of you are surprisingly very good at keeping things somewhat professional. teamwork makes the dream work, right?)
the other day in class he literally had to pinch his arm to remind himself to stOP looking at you so fondly
he caught himself in the mirror with this dumb little smile on his face and his eyes all bright and twinkly as he watched you dance
and it certainly didn’t help that you smiled back at him before wiggling your brows knowingly
he can’t do things like that!
he has to be more careful!!
he has to toughen up!
he has to take a stand!
he’s going to have to pull out the big guns to prove to everyone that no, i don’t have any favourites, and no, i’m certainly not romantically attracted and in a very real relationship with one of you, not at all!
it just feels like no one really takes him seriously anymore??
especially after he gave all of you guys individual roses on valentine’s day
sometimes he thinks that maybe that was a little extra of him but he did genuinely feel bad about keeping you guys here when you could’ve been out spending the night with your significant others
his point is
he thinks that everyone is starting to fear him less and less with every passing day and he just can’t have that
and it doesn’t help that yoU very openly don’t take him that seriously in class because then everyone sees that as their opportunity to not take him seriously as well
it’s like suddenly you’ve labeled yourself as the ringleader of this circus and now he’s just one of your clowns
that’s not the way things should be!!!
hE’S the ringleader of this stupid ballet circus!!!!
the other week when he announced that your guys’ break would be over in approximately thirty seconds, you just turned around to look at him with big, pleading eyes and: “can’t we have five extra minutes of break time, mr. park? please?” and obviously he couldn’t say no to that because of your dumb stupid pretty googly eyes
and he thought that that would be the worst of it but nO
he was very wrong
because it got worse
people are starting to show up in sweatpants and hoodies instead of leotards and chiffon skirts and if there’s anything he hates the moSt on this planet, it’s people who don’t dress for the part
he hated watching all of you prancing around the room wearing grubby HOODIES
you can wear whatever you want outside of class, but he likes to think that he’s made it relatively clear that once you are in the confines of his classroom, the standards are higher than the heavens above
so, yes
he’s decided that today is going to be the day he grabs the reins and takes control once more
today’s break will be ten minutes and ten minutes only - with no extensions!
if he has to yell at someone today for messing up a move, you bet your ass he’s going to do just that - show no mercy!
he’s mr. park!
he’s in charge!
“i’m in charge.” jimin mutters to himself as he stands outside the classroom door
he nods firmly to himself before pushing the door open
“alright, ladies! let’s get ready to do some warm up exercises…” jimin announces loudly as soon as he steps into the classroom, a couple of the girls rushing to get up from the ground (it’s nice to see that some of you are still scared of him)
he pushes his sunglasses up to the top of his head when he notices that you’re continuing to gab away in the corner with lisa and the others
“uh, hello?” he clears his throat and you turn to look over your shoulder
“oh! hold up, mr. park, i’m almost done telling my story. so as i was saying-“ you turn back to the girls and jimin frowns
this is exactly what he was talking about
when he used to walk into the classroom everyone would immediately get into neat rows of four
and now?
there are five girls who are lined up
five girls out of TWENTY
jimin pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he approaches you slowly, “miss y/l/n, i mean it.“ he warns, his grip tightening around his iced coffee, “finish your conversation now, please.”
he raises a brow when you flat out ignore him and he notices lisa reaching over to smack your kneecap before subtly gesturing upwards to him
he doesn’t know if you’re doing it on purpose but you’re really starting to push it
your shoulders drop as you let out a sigh and you turn around to look at him
you frown and your lips twist  
“yeah, whatever- just gimme one more second, okay?“ you dismiss him with a flick of your wrist anD a roll of your eyes and his jaw drops in surprise
did you just-
did you-
did you just… flick your wrist at him?
and roll your eyes?
who exactly do you think you are?
jimin turns on his heel to go over to the cabinets that he usually puts his bag and his jacket in
he shakes his head and chuckles darkly to himself as the image of you flicking your wrist and rolling your eyes at him plays over and over again in his mind
are you serious?
did you actually do that to him?
in front of everyone?
you really grew a pair since your ‘i’m 100% attracted to park jimin and i would love to sit on his face’ days, no?
what, you think that just because he’s your boyfriend that you get to get away with stunts like that?
how dare you!
outside of the classroom, yes, he’s your boyfriend, and yes, you can flick your wrist and roll your eyes at him all you want
but inside of the classroom?
jimin’s grip tightens around the edge of the cabinet door
absolutely fucking not.
the cabinet doors slam shut with a loud bang! and a couple of girls let out yelps of surprise at the sudden noise, “everyone get in line right now!”
your neck nearly snaps off from how quickly you turn to look and your eyes widen when you suddenly see everyone scrambling to get off the ground and to get in line
you were almost done with your story :-//
you frown to yourself before getting up off the ground (and taking your time in doing so, because your knees are a little creaky this morning)
((you chose to snack on some crackers and dip instead of stretching before class because as far as you’re concerned, snacking is way more fun than stretching))
“y/n, let’s go-!“ lisa hisses and grabs your arm before dragging you up towards the front where you guys usually stand
“oh, would you relax?” you snort as you make your way to the front before moving into first position
you turn your head to let out a quiet yawn before turning back to face the front to see jimin looking directly at you
“am i boring you this afternoon, miss y/l/n?” he crosses his arms and you shrug sloppily in response  
jimin tilts his head, “can you use your words like a normal human being, please?”
you let out a sigh and resist the urge to roll your eyes at him again
he’s so uptight today!!
he was fine this morning before you left to go to class
what’s his problem??
“no, sir.” you raise a brow, “you’re not boring me. are you going to spend the rest of the class asking me questions or are we actually going to learn something today?”
in your peripheral vision you see lisa’s eyelids flutter shut and her head lower a little bit
that was a genuine question!
it was supposed to be a joke???
tough crowd today lol
everyone can practically feel the tension in the air when jimin doesn’t immediately respond and instead glares at you with nothing but pure rage behind his brown eyes
“would you like to say that again, miss y/l/n?”
“oh, would you look at that? another question for me.” you chuckle lightly and look around at your peers to see if anyone else is cracking a smile
but everyone’s looking at you with wide eyes filled with what you can only make out to be complete and utter… is that fear?
even seulgi shakes her head no when the two of you lock gazes
what is going on today???
you turn back around and jump in surprise when you realize that jimin is now standing directly in front of you
and for the first time in a long time, you’re starting to feel a little nervous
you shift uncomfortably in your position and make an effort to stand up a little straighter
maybe you should-
“get out of my classroom.” jimin speaks lowly and your eyes widen in surprise
“i-i’m sorry, sir?” you stammer before shaking your head, “i don’t unders-“
“get the hell out of my classroom, miss y/l/n!” he snaps before taking a step back and tilting his head at you, “and take those goddamn leg warmers off. do you think anyone at the academy is going to take you seriously if you show up to an audition with bright blue, fuzzy leg warmers with sheep all over them?”
oh god
he’s not kidding
this isn’t funny anymore
“n-no sir, of course not-!” you shake your head quickly before bending down to yank your leg warmers off, “i-i’m not- i would never show up to an audition wearing these-”
you stumble over a little as you struggle to pull them off and lisa quickly reaches out to help you stay balanced
“can’t even keep yourself up on one foot without falling over, huh?” jimin scoffs before crossing his arms, “what, did you just sit on your ass for the entirety of quarantine?”
“of course not, mr. park.” you swallow thickly and shake your head again as you get back up onto your feet, tossing the leg warmers to the side, “i’m so sorry, sir.”
and just when you think you’re in the clear-
“don’t be sorry, just be ready.” jimin snaps and you feel your entire face flush bright red, “now get out. miss kang, can you move up to the front please?”
you’re not even bothered by the fact that you’ve just been replaced by seulgi
you’re more bothered by the fact that he just used his phrase on you
don’t be sorry
just be ready
don’t be sorry, just be ready  
that’s his phrase and he’s never once used it on you in the entire time that he’s taught you
he only uses that phrase when someone messes up really bad
and one thing you can say for sure is you very rarely mess up in class
he only uses that phrase when he’s angry!!!
“by the way, let this be an example to the rest of you, hm?” jimin paces up and down the front of the classroom slowly, everyone standing up as straight as pins as they look ahead, “every single one of you has been slacking immensely as of late and i won’t have it. the next person who shows up to my class wearing sweatpants and a dirty hoodie - well, i’m sure you’ll be comfortable out in the hallway. or maybe you’ll be comfortable not coming back to my class ever again.”
you lean over a little to peek over at jimin but quickly get back in line when he turns around
“miss y/l/n, i think i asked you to leave, did i not? i’m not going to ask you again.”
you jump when you feel seulgi tap on your shoulder from behind and she smirks at you in the mirror
“y-yes, mr. park.” your voice gives out halfway through and you turn on your heel to manoeuvre your way through the other girls to get to the door
“now that that’s been taken care of, this is what we’re going to do today…”
you shut the door behind you quietly
to say the least, that was…
sure, jimin’s always been a little (very) strict, but that was just plain mean
he yelled at you AND he kicked you out!
and you don’t think he’s ever been so harsh with any of the other girls before
you’ve seen him yell at the other girls but this felt more like a personal attack instead of criticism on dancing like it usually is  
and you always thought he liked your leg-warmers
it doesn’t take very long for your nose to prickle and your eyes to start welling up with tears
you sit down on the bench and your chin starts to tremble as you think about what just happened  
oh no
and now you’re going to cry?!
oh god
you can’t cry right now!
what if he comes out??
and sees you crying??
you cannOT cry in front of mr. park right now
the last time you cried in front of him was when you twisted your ankle but at least you had an excuse to cry because you were in physical pAIN
emotional pain is not the same as physical pain and therefore cannot be used as a legitimate excuse to start blubbering
you are not a cry-baby!!
your nose scrunches as you try your best not to let out a whimper and you blink quickly in an effort to make the tears go away but one single tear ends up rolling down your cheek
you reach up to swipe the back of your hand against your chin before putting your arms back down  
what are you supposed to do now?
you sniffle before leaning your head against the wall and crossing your arms
if you have to stay out here for the rest of class, you’re just going to take a nap and try noT to think about mean mr. park
“y/n… you feel someone shaking you gently and you shoot up from where you’re leaning against the wall
“wh- what-“ your voice is a little raspy from your sad-nap, “i wasn’t asleep-!”  
you relax a little when you see that it’s just lisa
you take a quick glance around to see that everyone’s packing their bags, so it’s safe to assume that class is done for the day
“mr. park wants to talk to you.” lisa whispers and glances back towards the classroom door, “by the way- you were a real idiot in there, you know that?”
“oh, god.” you reach up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “i know, i know! i don’t- i mean, i didn’t think he was going to kick me out-“
“hey, y/n! smooth move today-“ you’re cut off when suddenly seulgi pops up behind lisa and you can’t help but frown at how pleased she looks with these conditions, “thanks for handing your status as favourite student over to me on a silver platter!”
“can it, seulgi.” lisa scowls before shoving her gently
“the view was super great from the front.” she whistles, “mr. park is a lot hotter up close.”
you’ve never considered yourself to be a violent person, but…
you would give an arm and a leg just to strangle seulgi for a good five minutes <3  
lisa rolls her eyes and turns back to look at you, “good luck in there though, for real. you… you were real ballsy today.”
it takes you approximately one minute to muster up the courage to knock on the classroom door
you press your lips together tightly as your fist hovers over the surface of the door
just knock!
it’s not hard
just move your hand
you squeeze your eyes shut before tapping your knuckles against the door in three short beats
“come in.”
you swallow your nerves before pushing the handle down and opening the door slowly with a creak
it’s fine!
you’re fine
class is over, which means mean mr. park is gone and nice boyfriend jimin is here, right?
you cautiously poke your head into the room
jimin’s busy packing up as well but his back is facing you which makes you feel a little better because if you’d opened the door and he was standing there staring directly at you, you probably would’ve immediately burst into tears
your poor sheep leg warmers are crumpled pathetically in the same spot where you tossed them
maybe you should just grab your leg warmers and run for the hills
“you… wanted to… see me?” you clear your throat and freeze when jimin turns his head to look over his shoulder
“yes, i did. shut the door and come here.”
okay, well
there goes your chance to run for the hills
you’re basically traPPEd in here now
you hesitantly shut the door behind you and you feel your heart starting to beat a little harder in your chest as you make your way over to the middle of the room
you keep your gaze downwards as jimin stands in front of you and you clasp your hands in front of you, twiddling your thumbs nervously
a moment of silence ticks by and you want nothing more than for the ground to cave and just swallow you up entirely
“you know why i had to do that, right?”
“because we’re… da…ting?” you offer weekly before lifting your head up to look at him
jimin scoffs before shaking his head, “no. you blatantly disrespected me in front of your peers, that’s why i kicked you out. your attitude today was completely unacceptable. completely.”
it appears that your theory about mean mr. park disappearing as soon as class ended was incorrect
to be fair… he is right
you have to admit that maybe you let the fact that you guys are dating cloud your judgement a little
obviously he’s not going to show you special treatment in class just because of that
you feel your insides twist when the realization sinks in that you were… kind of an asshole today
and you pride yourself on being a good student!
you immediately drop your head once more as your cheeks flush in shame, “yes, mr. park. i’m… i’m sorry for my poor behaviour today, sir. i disrespected you in your classroom and it won’t happen again.”
“it better not.” jimin nods, “apology accepted, miss y/l/n.”
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously
you’re not… too sure what you’re supposed to say now
you hear jimin let out a sigh before he speaks up again, “i’m… your boyfriend, which i know makes things a little confusing, but… you can’t act like that when we’re in class, y/n.” he hooks a finger under your chin before tilting your head up, “just because we’re dating doesn’t give you an excuse to act like a prick, baby.”
“i know. i’m sorry.” you respond meekly and nod in understanding
jimin’s eyes soften when he notices you starting to get teary-eyed
now he’s starting to feel bad!!!
he’ll admit that maybe he was a little harsher than usual and it was probably a little more than embarrassing being called out like that in front of your peers, but he had to what he had to do!
you flicked your wrist at him!
and rolled your eyes!
double whammy!
“i thought you liked my leg warmers.” you whimper quietly and jimin snorts in response
that’s what you’re getting upset about??
your leg warmers??
“why are you- why are you laughing??” you whine when he begins to giggle softly and you reach up to wipe at your falling tears (though now you can’t tell if they’re tears of sadness anymore because the sound of jimin’s giggling never fails to put you in a better mood), “you were the ones who chose these dumb sheep ones for me to wear today so h-how am i supposed to feel when you-“
“oh my god, you moron-” jimin immediately tugs you in for a hug and props his chin up on the top of your head, “i do like your leg warmers! they’re really cute!”
“that’s not how it seemed-” you sniffle as you bury your face into the crook of his neck and wrap your arms around him
“it was the only way i knew to show you that i was being serious!”
“you know how i feel about my leg warmers-!” you pull away with a pout and jimin quickly leans down to plant his lips against yours (mainly to shut you up about your leg warmers, but also to make u feel a little better)
he gives you a couple of sweet pecks before reaching up to cup your cheeks in his hands, “will pizza for dinner tonight make you forgive me for insulting your precious leg warmers, silly girl?” jimin hums as he wipes your tears away with his thumbs before leaning down to nudge his nose against yours affectionately
“…throw in some dessert and i’ll think about it.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Late Night Talks
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
So this is a new story (yay!), and I wrote this for my girlfriend! She asked me not to tag her for privacy reasons, but I hope she loves this because this is actually based on a real event!
A quick background, we confessed through the phone and this story is heavily based on that. A lot of the feelings Luka feels are things that I actually felt! The dialogue is pretty similar too (obviously some things are cut out or edited to fit Luka and Mari lol)
My “just-a-friend” got me into MLB and we both love Lukanette, so I thought it’d be fitting to write her a story about Lukanette, based on us, for one of her gifts! Happy birthday, my love! I hope you (and everyone else reading this XD) enjoy it!
The story begins under the cut! <3 Ao3 Link
Soft light from his phone covered his face, forcing his eyes to squint in order to see clearly. His thumb unconsciously moved across the screen, opening up random apps before quickly closing them just to open them again.
The boat was fairly quiet. During the day, he could hear the different movements and various noises from his mother and sister, but this late at night merely left the sounds of waves from the Seine below him. The natural creaking of the boat usually left him relaxed and helped him fall asleep.
Although lately his nights had been occupied by other things, especially one girl.
Luka shifted in his bed, trying to engulf himself in more warmth from his blankets. Did his mattress always feel this stiff and uncomfortable? He never paid it much attention before, it never mattered before. Maybe it was just his mind trying to find something to think about.
He glanced at the time near the top of his screen and saw it was ten after midnight. Well at least it’s not too late yet, or maybe it wasn’t too early yet? She never texted him extremely late (or extremely early). Was it late? When did he care about time so much?
The only reason he thought about the time lately was because of her.
Luka shifted again, pulling up the blanket to cover the blush creeping up his cheeks. He continued to open apps just to close them again. He sighed and turned off the phone, letting the room dim and his eyes rest. Why did this feel so desperate? He used to see himself as a ‘go with the flow’ guy, but she had found a way into his heart and made him question his entire life.
When had he ever checked his phone this much? If she decided to text him tonight (as she had been doing for the past couple of nights), would immediately replying make him seem obsessed? He didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Didn't girls like when guys text fast? She hasn’t seemed to mind it so far. Then again, his only source of reference was his sister, and getting her to reply to him took years off his life.
His phone beeped and the screen lit up, showing a new text message. Luka quickly sat up and hurried to read the message.
‘SOS Can’t sleep again :( Think I might need a ~Luka~ to help (^-^)’
He covered his mouth with his palm, trying to hide the smile consuming his face. When did his nights become like this? Maybe it was desperate to wait for a text, but when the text came from Marinette, he couldn’t find a reason to be upset.
This girl seemed to bring him a whole new type of happiness, even if he was too nervous to text her first. He wanted to give her space and be comfortable around him, so waiting until midnight for a text never bothered him.
While seeing her throughout the day was always amazing, there was a different feeling that came with their late night talks. The fact that she needed to sleep and came to him for help gave him a warmth in his chest he never knew before. Although sometimes it made him feel selfish, seeing as she tended to talk to him when she was tired.
‘Luckily this Luka is always able to help :)’
And he really was always able to help, at least he tried to be. Luka helped everyone. Whether it was his family, friends, strangers, co-workers, he always lended a hand. But when it came to Marinette, he’d drop everything to run to her.
‘Yesss! Call me! Mama needs some Luka time!’
He tried to stifle a laugh and rolled his eyes at his phone. His body was hunched over the edge of the bed, watching his phone with intense eyes, as if the messages would disappear if he looked away.
In the mornings, he always found himself worried about that, as if the night before only existed in his mind. He’d hurry back to his phone to re-read the messages, making sure that Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl who chased off his nightmares and reinvented his dreams, really spent her night with him. Even if it was through a screen, even if it was for an hour, the messages were there to remind him that for a moment, she was his and he was hers. He was always hers, if she wanted him to be.
Luka slowly leaned back onto his bed, trying to get into a comfortable position. He put one hand behind his head and took a deep breath. His calm personality wasn’t an act, Luka was definitely a level-headed person, but he was still human. And as a human, a pretty girl talking to him late at night gave him lots of nerves.
He quickly shook off any tension he felt and pressed the call button. The phone only rang once before the sweetest voice he’d ever heard took over. “Hi Luka! Sorry, I know it’s late and everything, but I couldn’t sleep and… Oh wait, you told me I shouldn’t apologize, sorry! Or- wait, I just said sorry. Wow, I’m sorry- Shoot! I said it again-”
She was rambling, rotating between apologizing to him and trying to explain why she called him. As much as he loved (was that too serious of a word?) her, he also knew that if he didn’t reel her in, she’d spiral out of control.
“Don’t worry, Mari, you’re fine. But I gotta be honest, I didn’t expect this. I mean, calling a boy so late at night… not once, but multiple times in a row? How scandalous of you, Mel’.”
He heard a scoff through the phone and a lot of rustling. “Oh Luka, you should know I am the most scandalous of girls. In case you haven’t heard, I call lots of boys and girls at night.�� Her voice took on a fake sounding ‘tough guy’ accent. He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle. “Wow boys andgirls? I didn’t know I was talking to a criminal.”
Honestly at this point he wouldn’t put it past her to be a criminal, she seemed to have a habit of stealing people’s hearts. He’d never tell her that though. One, she seemed to have a strange distaste for bad jokes, two, that meant he’d have to admit that he liked her (but the word ‘like’ didn’t seem strong enough).
“What?! I wouldn’t take it that far! I’m a total supporter of the law!”
Luka moved the phone from his ear to his chest. His face pinched tightly, trying to hold back any laughter that formed. His body tensed up from holding it in, as much as Juleka definitely deserved some payback for the loud laughing she tended to do so late at night, he really didn’t want to deal with a cranky sister. He quickly moved the phone back to his ear and took a deep breath.
“Yeah, that’s true. It’s kinda funny how different we are, not that I don’t support the law. It’s just when you have a mom like mine, it’s kinda hard to keep it in mind.” Marinette laughed through the phone and his chest felt like it was on fire.
Everything about her was so sweet, her laugh, her personality, she was amazing. Even when the mornings came and his head throbbed from the lack of sleep, he would never change these moments with her for anything in the world.
Sounds of fabric and movement came through the speaker along with a small hum of agreement. “Yeah I am pretty amazing at following the law. It’s kinda like a job at this point… Not that I have a job with the law! I don’t do that. That would be weird. Uh- anyways! Your job! Wait, that's not exciting. Oh man I’m so nervous tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Melody, it’s fine. My job isn’t very exciting, but I’m sure your day was, right? Mind telling me about it? You know I love listening to you.”
A gasp came through the other end of the phone and then a very thorough retelling of the events from the day. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined everything she told him. She left the bakery this morning to hang out with Alya, she probably wore that new beret she made, along with some cute, pink shoes to match.
He imagined her sitting under a tree at the park to draw, it was sunny and hot today, so she probably took her jacket off to get comfortable. She told him how she went out to get orange juice with Kagami, he could practically hear her smile through the phone as she told him about it.
Everything with Marinette was simple, by no means easy, but simple. He knew her well enough to understand how she felt, and she was the same way with him. They just got each other. She didn’t need to tell him the details because she knew he would already know. When he tried to explain a decision he made in a new song, she didn’t have to know what he was saying to understand him. Luka found it easy to just ignore the details, because Marinette was talented enough to fill them in herself.
Luka stayed quiet as he processed her words, filling in the details himself. He loved spending his nights like this, he didn’t mind messing with his sleeping schedule (or lack thereof). He loved to replay every moment of sincerity and kindness she showed throughout her day. He loved to hear about new projects she worked on, because her talent went beyond anything he’d ever seen.
She was miraculous.
“-But yeah, I guess that was my day! Not super exciting, but I think it was okay? I hope it was, at least.” Exciting? That was just one of the many adjectives he could use to describe her. Talented, exciting, clumsy, but so intelligent. Even on her dull days, he got excited just hearing her about random thoughts she had throughout the day. “Marinette… you’re extraordinary, honestly. Your day sounds wonderful. You’re wonderful. I don't know- You make me feel wonderful.”
Was he oversharing? Probably. He was definitely bad with words, but he wasn’t lying. His hands fisted his shirt as he waited for a response. The other end of the phone call went strangely silent. He could faintly hear the hum of the phone and the waves of the water outside his window. Why did the phone get quiet?
The last thing he’d ever want to do was make her uncomfortable, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. What if he told her too much? A soft squeal pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused back on the phone. “Um-! That’s...really sweet, Luka! You’re wonderful too… Or- Extraordinary I mean! You make me feel extraordinary, all the time. So- I don’t know, thank you?” His chest tightened. How much longer could he keep up with this act?
Pretending to be ‘just a friend’ might be easier for some people, but it was torture for him. Did she have these late night talks with other people? Did she ever hold anyone else’s hands when hers feels cold? Did she ever kiss them on the cheek to say goodbye? Luka was never one to push his luck, despite protests from his sister and mom, but nights like tonight made it hard.
“Don’t thank me, it’s just the truth, Mari. I should be thanking you, for making my nights a lot better, y’know?”
It was the truth. But there was so much more he could say. All of her quirks and amazing qualities always left his head feeling dizzy. He could write symphonies merely based on the person she was, let alone his feelings for her.
Yet he always kept those melodies to himself, even if he wanted to share them with the world, or share them with her. Nights like these make him feel like he could take on anything life throws at him. For Marinette, he probably could.
Another squeal came through the phone and a loud thud. He quickly sat up in a panic and pressed the phone even closer to his ear. “Marinette? Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Loud thumping came through the receiver and more panicked sounds.
“S-sorry! That was just- I just- Ugh… I dropped my phone, sorry. You just- you should know that… This is gonna sound lame, but you make my nights better too… Heck, I even listen to your cover songs throughout the day, so I guess you make my days better too? Wait, that sounds weird, sorry! I don’t mean to say it in a weird way...”
Luka’s eyes widened and his heart felt as if it was trying to beat out of his chest. His hand unconsciously moved to his chest and grabbed tightly onto his shirt. The breath leaving him was shaky and weak. It felt like the world stopped spinning for a moment.
All at once, the feelings he tried to hide came boiling over and any sensible thought that told him to conceal his affections raced out of his mind. Before he could stop himself, Luka’s mouth moved on its own.
“Can we facetime? Or anything similar to that, please?”
Without getting an answer, his phone started ringing. He turned the phone to his face and saw himself staring back. As soon as Luka answered the call his eyes wandered across his screen, taking in Marinette’s face.
Her hair was still in pigtails, but different strands stuck out in an adorable way. The camera showed her snuggled into her bed as she laid on her side, with her pink comforter pulled over her lower face, covering her cheeks and nose. A large cat pillow rested just behind her head, unnervingly staring at him. Because most of her face was hidden, Luka noticed her eyes, and suddenly he felt very self aware of his position.
Quickly laying back down on his bed, Luka awkwardly raised one arm to lay behind his head, trying to feign an relaxed appearance. He tried to give her the closest thing to an easygoing smile as he could manage at the moment, which definitely felt a little forced seeing as how he was now (sort of) face to face with Marinette. Trying to hide any tension he was feeling, he cleared his throat, inwardly hoping she couldn’t read how nervous he was.
“Uh- Hey, Mar- Melody. Love the cat pillow. Totally don’t feel like it’s about to jump into your phone and attack me.”
She raised a hand to her mouth, attempting to cover her laughter. Her eyes scrunched, smile widened, and Luka’s heart soared. Marinette managed to roll onto her back letting the beautiful sound ring throughout the room. The blanket dropped and uncovered the entirety of her face.
After a moment of joy, she tried to quickly recollect herself. She turned her head back to the phone and stuck out her tongue. “Silly. Just so you know I’m banning you from making me laugh this late again. You’re gonna make my stomach hurt!”
Luka started laughing too, loosely covering his mouth, not caring about waking anyone up anymore. “That’s gonna be a problem, you should know that I’m kinda hilarious, so you should fully expect me to break that rule. Very quickly.”
They both joined in quiet giggling before Marinette covered her mouth with her hand again and gasped. “I just told you that you’re banned from making me laugh!”
“Hey, I warned you! You can’t be mad when I literally just warned you!”
The two teens burst into laughter once more. Luka calmed down quicker than Marinette did, so he saw her laughing face a second time. She was beautiful. Every time he saw her, he swore she wasn’t real. No real person could be as stunning as she was.
Whenever she worked on a new project and her hair flopped over her face, she was gorgeous. The times when she helps their friends out, her eyes are always so gentle, she’s divine. Even when she’s stressed out, the moments when she feels at her lowest, Luka can’t help but notice how angelic she looks.
She’s breathtaking without even trying.
Once Marinette collected herself, her eyes turned soft and precious as she looked back at the phone. Even through a screen, her stare set his soul on fire. His mind went blank for a second before he lost all sense of reason.
“Did you really mean it when you said I make your days and nights better?”
Her eyes widened slightly at his question, and he finally realized what just came out of his mouth. ‘Great job, Couffaine. You just made it weird!’Luka shook his head and moved the camera slightly away from his face, moving his gaze from the phone. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up again-”
“I mean it.”
His eyes shot back to her and saw how she snuggled back into her bed again. Her eyes were looking away, but the redness in her face showed him exactly where her mind was. “I meant what I said… Did- Well, did you mean it too? When you said I made your nights better?”
There it was again. The shaky breath, the longing look in his eyes, the fuzziness in his chest. With a simple answer, she turned him into putty and without even realizing it.
Luka moved his arm to rest on his eyes, attempting to hide any sign that would show how he felt, just in case she didn’t mean her words the way he wanted her to mean them. He’d never blame her for not being too clear, even if it hurt him. Any affection, whether friendly or romantic, should’ve been fine with him.
“This is gonna sound bad, but my phone is full of screenshots from our FaceTime calls.” Luka lifted his arm up slightly to gauge a reaction from her. But her eyes were glued on him, he couldn’t pick up on a clear response, so he covered his eyes again and continued.
“I… this is so creepy- sometimes I look at pictures of you and… it makes my day better too? That sounds so weird. It sounded a lot cuter in my head-” A loud cackle interrupted him and his arm shot away from his eyes. He saw Marinette digging herself even deeper into her massive blanket (and creepy cat pillow), trying to hide her laughter.
She must’ve noticed his silence because her eyes popped out of the blanket to look back at her screen. “Sorry, that’s just… that’s so cute! You take screenshots from our facetime calls?”
Her lopsided smile made his cheeks burn. He tried to gain back his level-headedness by rolling his eyes at her. He brought the phone closer to stick his tongue out at her. “I wouldn’t call me ‘cute’ if you don’t want me to call you ‘adorable’ for listening to those covers.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him in retaliation and hid her face back into the blanket. He took a quick, deep breath, silently thanking himself for being able to play his awkwardness off.
“I can’t believe I actually admitted that to you- That’s cold-blooded, Luka! Teasing a girl’s love is mean!”
They both paused for a second, taking in her words. The cabin suddenly felt a lot smaller than it was. His blood felt boiling hot yet icy cold all at once. His face slacked and yet tensed in different places. Looking at her and seeing her eyes expand let him know she was probably feeling the same way.
It sounded so easy. When she said it, it felt right. Full of affection without being overbearing. But then Marinette’s gaze moved off screen. She sunk into herself, yet not playfully like before. The energy of the call changed into something else, something new. “I… shouldn’t say anymore. I’m… sorry, Luka. I’m so sorry; I feel so selfish. I call you so late just to ruin your night by making things weird, and I’m so sorry.”
He watched as she shifted in her bed; he saw the edge of her thumb on the screen, hovering over it, as if she was about to end the call. “That’s not-! Marinette, that’s not true. If you’re selfish… If you’re selfish, then I must be the most greedy guy in the world.”
Marinette swiftly stared at the screen, her mouth opened as if she was going to rebuttal his statement. Before she could, he spoke first.
“I’ve been staying up every night, hoping and begging that you’d text me, or call me, or give me any attention at all. And I do it, knowing that you message me when you’re tired and need to rest. I know that spending time with me only takes away time you need to sleep. So yes, I’m selfish, and I’m greedy,”
Luka slowly sat up as he stared into the screen, clutching it as if it was the most important thing in the world, and at this moment, it was. Marinette moved the blanket off her face slightly and he saw her face flush with color. His voice felt raw as his throat tightened and his face burned. He couldn’t even register the tear that raced down his cheek. When did he get so emotional?
“But Melody, Mari, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I want your attention so bad. I want your affection and anything else you give me. I’ve been trying so hard to bite my tongue around you, to pretend like I think of you as my friend. But I love…”
He shut his mouth fast. What was he doing? He was destroying everything for these feelings. Why would she like him? She gives everyone affection. Marinette loved everyone, it was just who she was. What was he doing? He looked around his room and realized the situation he put himself in. He quickly put his phone on the bed next to him and pulled his knees to his chest.
Did he ruin their relationship? Would she stop having these late night talks with him? Would she still hold his hands when hers felt cold? Would she ever kiss his cheek to say goodbye again? What was he doing?
This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go. It all happened so fast. He reached for his phone to apologize and to hopefully scavenge whatever was left of their friendship.
“I love you too, Luka.”
His hand stopped just above his phone and he waited. He listened to the small buzzing sound from his phone, the waves moving against the boat, gentle breathing coming from Marinette.
“I love you… and I wanna be selfish. I wanna be greedy and I wanna be with you.”
Luka found the courage to lift the phone to his face and stare back at her. Marinette now sat up, her face was bright red with tear stains down her cheeks. Her eyes were slightly puffy and he was sure his were too. The only light on her face was her phone and even with everything, she looked beautiful.
“I wanna be with you too, Marinette. Always, for as long as you’ll have me. Wake me up at three A.M. everynight for the rest of my life, I don’t care. I just wanna be with you too. I love you.”
It felt so right. It wasn’t too much when he said it. He meant it to be heavy and weighted. But it didn’t feel forced or extreme. It was just right. They stared at each other for a moment more. His eyes raced across every centimeter of the screen, taking in every aspect of her, her eyes doing the same. Smiles spread across her face as they both chuckled, their laughter laced with happy tears.
Luka wiped his eyes, trying to calm himself down (despite his teenage hormones telling him that he should continue to cry and sob from the utter euphoria he was feeling). Marinette tugged at her pigtails with one hand, seeking to find comfort.
“This wasn’t the way I thought we’d confess, y’know. I always thought you’d write me a song, or I’d make you a new jacket. Some big gesture instead of us sobbing,” she chuckled.
He stopped wiping his eyes to laugh again. His smile grew, even as he tasted his tears. “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise I have plenty of songs for you, and about you and everything. I can grab my guitar if you want, but you might hear Juleka complaining in the background.”
They shared one final laugh before the exhaustion of crying kicked in and they both laid back down. Marinette wrapped herself in blankets one final time, holding the dubious cat pillow tight against her. Luka found himself in a similar position, he laid on his side, his face squished against his pillow and the blanket pulled under his chin.
They stared at each other, making small conversation about their feelings. Luka could hardly remember all that happened after that, he felt such relief and happiness from everything that the rest of the night felt fuzzy.
He glanced at the time at the top of his screen and noticed it was now closer to three-thirty. Luka took a deep breath before sighing. He saw Marinette’s eyes getting smaller and smaller with each second.
He knew that they should hang up soon, but he really wanted to be selfish and keep her on the phone. “Luka…”
Marinette slowly opened an eye to look back at him. Their smiles grew once again. “Are you gonna take another screenshot of me?” Her smile turned sly and he rolled his eyes.
“That’s cold-blooded, Mel’. Teasing a guy’s love is mean,” he stuck out his tongue, just for good measure. But then he sneakily took one screenshot, to remind himself that tonight was real and not just a dream. Tonight, Marinette was his and he was hers, and hopefully it’ll stay like that for a long time.
Her eyes drifted back closed, but her smile never left. “...Love you… Luka….”
Warmth engulfed his chest, leaving him feeling light and airy. The mattress underneath him felt soft and perfect. The dryness on his cheeks from earlier tears didn’t bother him at all. He was content and full of love.
While the confession was unexpected, he wouldn’t change it for the world. As much as he loved her clothing and as many songs as he had for her, he knew nothing would’ve compared to tonight. As he looked back at her sleeping face, he had a feeling she felt the same.
“I love you too, Marinette.”
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Hello there! For some reason your post about having ten followers showed up on my recommendations and I thought you were so adorbs that how could I not follow?? Anyways I’d like request a Kageyama or Todoroki x reader where the boys feel insecure about being in a relationship because everyone calls them robotic but the reader reassures them that’s not the case? Sorry if it’s not too detailed I’m craving fluff lol anyways can’t wait to read your stuff!!🖤✌🏻(also sorry 4 the long message)
Pairings: Kageyama x reader
Content Warning:  FLUFF ALERT. Fem reader!
A/N: You have no idea how much your message and request made my day. Also, sorry this is so so late ;3; I went on hiatus because of school and just never ended up updating my blog. Hope you’re still on tumblr and are able to see this! <3 This has been sitting in my drafts for months now. lol
Tobio didn’t think much about what other people thought when it came to his relationship with you. What other people thought of him or his girlfriend was irrelevant, really the only things that mattered to him were dominating the court and your precious smile, it was as simple as that.
He was at his favorite vending machine, grabbing something to tide him over before practice started. That was when he heard the familiar musing of Tanaka and Noya by the front doors of the gym. Whatever they were saying rolled off his shoulders like water off duck feathers until he heard your name being mentioned. His eyes shifted and he could feel his shoulders tense as he leaned down to grab his snack.
“I don’t know how Kageyama landed such a cutie,” Tanaka fumed, as much as he could without Daichi reprimanding him for saying such things about his own teammate. “I didn’t even know the guy could flirt with girls. I just thought the only things he knew how to do were play volleyball and pick fights with Hinata.”
“She’s so bubbly and has a cute personality too,” Noya said, walking with his arms folded behind his head. “Meanwhile, you have Kageyama who can’t smile without scaring people away.”
“Come on,” Daichi reprimands the two, annoyed. “Why can’t you be happy for him like everyone else?” Tobio watched from around the corner as the three disappeared into the gym and hung back for a moment to process their words. His lips pressed into a thin line as he turned around to walk back to class. Did his teammates really feel that way, like you two were not a good match?  
If it had just been his teammates, perhaps he wouldn’t have dwelled on that uncomfortable idea for longer than he should. The one where he wasn’t the best suited for you. Was there someone out in the world that could possibly make you happier than himself? They were small comments that added to a heavy weight on Tobio’s conscience. It was something that he had never noticed before until then, the way people talked about you two.
“Y/n-san is too nice to be dating that mean-looking guy from the volleyball club, don’t you think?”
“I heard he pressured her into their first date. Now she’s stuck in a relationship with him.”
“Every time I look he has some kind of scowl on his face. How could y/n-chan date someone like that?”
“He is a cold, guy.”
Tobio wasn’t normally the type of guy who lingered on people’s words. At some point, it became clear to anyone that was close with him, that Karasuno’s #9 was distracted. You were the first to take notice, that your boyfriend was more quiet than he usually was. Tobio only enjoyed talking about so many things, so it wasn’t abnormal for you two to enjoy silence when in each other's company. But you noticed small things, like the way his hands wound up into fists so tightly his knuckles would turn white, or the way his shoulders would tense without any provocation.
You wait until the weekend. He comes to your house to study, because the boy really needs all the help he can get when it comes to his homework. “Tobio,” you call to him, for the fifth or sixth time in a row, trying to break through the thick brain-fog your boyfriend has found himself in. He blinked, large blue eyes drifting to your face when he realizes you’ve been talking to him. “Y/n..”
“Is everything okay?” Your brows furrow in worry, your own thoughts about what might be going on were far worse. “You’ve been acting.. not yourself.”
“Do you think I’m…” his face scrunched up, Kageyama was still learning to be vulnerable with you. He wasn’t very emotional and was often terse when communicating. “A cold guy?”
“... A what?” you asked after a long pause, feeling the corners of your lips twitch into the beginnings of a small smile.
“Do you think of me as unkind or… unfeeling? I know I’m kind of an abrupt guy but…” his words trailed off, when his eyes went back to admire your face.
“Is that what has been on your mind lately?”
You close the distance between you two and reach over to take his hand, letting your fingers lace between the empty spaces of his own. His hand is shaking which just makes you smile more, you think it’s cute that he gets so nervous whenever you touch him like this. “I don’t think you’re like that at all. You’re always gentle and sweet with me, Tobio.” He seems relieved by your words, his hold on your hand is gentle, always keenly aware of how much stronger and larger he is than you.
“Different people express themselves differently,” you say sagely and Tobio is paying rapt attention to every word. “You’re devoted to the things that make you happy. Like volleyball.. well, and me I hope!”
“Y-yes!” Tobio couldn’t get the word out fast enough. Color is flushing his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose and the sight just makes you giggle. “You make me very happy.”
“Then that’s all the matters, right?” you question him with an innocent tilt of your head. After a little deliberation on it, he nods in agreement with you. He forces a sigh from his nose and you smile as you see the tension begin to leave his shoulders.
“Want to go get some yogurt?”
56 notes · View notes
Title: All Eyes On You {One-Shot}***
Lewis Tan x Reader
Words: 4.1k
Summary: Hmmmm, Naaaaah!  🙃
Note: You all have Brandie, @night-of-the-living-shred​ to thank for this oh and Lewis’ thirst trappin’ ass.
 ***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
***Mildly Interactive***
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 You couldn’t believe it had been three months. Three freaking months since you’d physically been able to touch him. Three months since you’d felt his fingertips graze your skin. Three months since you’d felt his lips on yours. Three months since you’d tasted the delicate mix of sea salt, vanilla, and spice, that was his skin. Three months since you’d felt his arms around you as you came awake every morning. Three months since you’d smelled him. Three months too long.
You loved that he had a career he enjoyed and took pride in. Loved that this career was finally beginning to show him the same love and attention he’d shown it for years, but that also meant you spent a lot more time without him in your bed and a lot more time being your own company and best friend, outside of the company and friends you had. It was often lonely, but you’d been together for almost two years now and had developed a working regiment that combated the loneliness.
 Staring at the message exchange between you and Lewis had your belly filling with butterflies all over again.
 MSG My Heart: Guess who’s coming home a whole week early?
MSG: Don’t play with me, Lewis.
MSG My Heart: I don’t play about coming home to my queen.
MSG: Oh my god. Really? Babe? When? Oh my god.
MSG My Heart: LOL. I love that you’re so excited.
MSG: You’re kidding. Do you know how long it’s been?
MSG My Heart: Three months, fourteen days, ten hours, eighteen minutes, and thirty seconds. I know just how long it’s been.
MSG: Melt my heart.
MSG My Heart: That’s not all I plan on melting.
 The row of emojis was what sent you to the grave. You were practically still quivering from anticipation, and this was yesterday.
 “All finished.”
 You sat up and thanked Lucy, your wax lady who’d just made you a completely smooth again. When Lewis was away, you kept things tidy, but there was no need to get all extravagant. Today, you went all out, and that included a little surprise below the belt.
 “Thank you, Lucy. Same card on file, please.”
 “You got the full special. Does this mean boyfriend is back in town?”
 You giggled. It was a shame she knew the drill. As she ran your credit card, you endured her teasing and salacious suggestions on how to properly welcome Lewis home so he wouldn’t dare think of leaving again. By the time you walked out of the salon, your face was red hot from embarrassment. As you got into your car, you ran down the to-do list you’d made at five this morning.
 Hair, Eyebrow Threading, nails, feet, wax, shop.
 Somehow you’d managed to get through all of the list, except the shopping part, and it wasn’t even three in the afternoon. Lewis’s flight didn’t come in until five. The plan was for him to come home, and the two of you would go to dinner, but you planned on surprising him at the airport. You were that anxious to see him.
 As you were in the midst of getting ready to go to surprise him at the airport, your phone rang.
 “Guess who is officially in the same state as you?”
 “That’s right. I landed forty minutes ago.”
 Your head snapped to the clock. It wasn’t even five o’clock.
 “Baby, you said five.”
 “I know, look, I thought it would be too but looks like even time and space wanted us to be together.”
 You remembered the first time he said those words to you. They did the same thing now as they did almost two years ago—made your heart skip a beat.
 “I just wanted to give you a heads up before I walked in the door,” Lewis added. That was when you heard a car door shut.
 “Thank you, have a good one.”
 Sensing something was going on, you perked up. As you walked to the window of your bedroom, your phone chime for the Ring went off, indicating someone had tripped the sensor.
 “Lew, baby, is that--.”
 “Honey, I’m home. Come to daddy.”
 A scream escaped you before you dropped your phone and ran out of the bedroom.
 “Slow down.”
 Ignoring his warning, you barreled down the stairs and through your home. For the first time, you regretted signing the contract on this mammoth of a house. You should have stuck to your guns when Lewis said it was perfect, and you mentioned it was only going to be the two of you in a house meant for six people. His rebuttal—then we’ll fill it up with some kids. Once he said that you happily signed the contract right beside his name.
After way too long, you found him in the foyer at the front door, and that was when you picked up speed.
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Lewis opened his arms and waited for you to leap into them. Once you did, you wrapped your legs around his back and crashed your lips to his. It had been three months since you’d been kissed, and it was long overdue. Eagerly you dipped your tongue into his mouth, hoping to show him just how excited you were to see him. Lewis moaned then turned your body to press you onto the dark wooden door.
 “I missed you so much,” you panted out in between kisses.
 “I missed you more.”
 Feeling as if there were too many barriers between you, you began peeling them off one by one. His jacket dropped to the floor within seconds. Then came his polo that you peeled off of him. with him bare chest, you allowed your fingers to reacquaint with his skin. Lewis must have felt the same way because the tee-shirt you wore, his tee-shirt was gone a few seconds after your nails scraped his back. Realizing you didn’t have on a bra, his eyes feasted on your flesh.
 “Welcome home to me, indeed.”
 You snorted and shook your head before wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him some more. Lewis carried you through your home until he’d laid you onto the extra-large sectional couch. On lazy days this was where the two of you always ended up just cuddling, watching TV, or just chatting. Lewis pressed kiss after kiss onto your neck, collar, and chest before he rested his head in between your breasts and moaned.
 “Mmmm, I missed your skin,” he muttered.
 You lazily played with his midnight locks taking your time to graze his scalp with your nail tips.
 “I missed your smell,” you replied, inhaling deeply, allowing the scent that was all him to envelope you.
 Lewis turned his head and kissed your sternum before trailing down your belly. When he kissed your pelvis over your leggings, he moaned.
 “I canceled that dinner.”
“I know it was supposed to be a surprise, but when my mom texted me to confirm she kind of let it slip,” he admitted.
 You snorted, then laughed. It echoed through the first floor of your home.
 “Okay, so dinner is canceled. What’s planned in its place?”
 “What do you mean nothing? Baby, I’m sure everyone who was supposed to come to this dinner tonight wanted to see you. It has been months,” you stressed.
 “Oh, I know it’s been months. That is why I canceled with my mom’s blessing. She even had a message for you.”
 You piqued up, straining your neck so you could gaze down at him. Making eye contact without angling his head up, Lewis smirked but didn’t speak.
 “What message?”
 “She’s not getting any younger and would like to be able to do Tik Tok dances with her grandchild without worry about her knees.”
 Your jaw dropped to which Lewis busted out laughing.
 “Wait, wait. What!?”
 “You heard me.” He kissed your belly again and dipped his tongue into your belly button. Moaning softly, you bit into your bottom lip.
 “So you’re saying your mother not so specifically but specifically is suggesting that--.”
 “—I put a baby in you? Yeah,” Lewis filled in.
 Your jaw was again ajar from your state of shock.
 You’d always known his mother wanted grandkids, but it was always one of those once a year at family dinners passing comment. She’d graduated now. Before you knew it, Lewis had lifted you into his arms again and was now carrying you through the halls, up the stairs.
 “You’re walking away from the door. What exactly are we supposed to do with the rest of the day?”
 “I think I have plenty of ideas,” Lewis answered as he carried you into your bedroom.
 From walking into the bedroom, he walked on into the bathroom. Once inside, Lewis plopped you onto the sink. As soon as you were seated, he began pulling off your leggings.
 “What’s happening right now?”
 “I’m getting you naked. I want to wash off the airplane and travel off of me before I smother myself with you, and you’re going to help me.”
 “Oh, am I?” Lewis then yanked off your pants and dropped them onto the floor, leaving you in your high waisted bikini-style thong. Lewis lowly growled as he peeped peeks of your ass in the mirror behind you.
 “You were ready for me to come home, you know how much I love these,” he grunted out, snapping the elastic against your skin, leaving a subtle stinging sensation that slowly dulled. Though it dulled, it awoke and intensified another sensation—arousal.
 He pulled back and began working on his jeans. Once he dropped them and pulled his boxer-briefs off, your teeth once again sank into your bottom lip. Your eyes traveled along his body, taking in the sleek muscles that decorated his torso down to his well defined oblique muscles that slanted inward, tempting you with that under bellybutton tattoo. He was even more ripped than he was three months ago. He was also a lot more bruised and scraped up.
 “Jeez, what have they done to you?”
 Glancing over his body, Lewis shrugged nonchalantly. “Eh, occupational hazard.”
 You hopped off the sink and closed the space between you trailing your hand from his hip, over his ribs, and up to his chest. Once you reached his jaw, you gently cupped it.
 “Let’s get you cleaned so I can take care of you.”
 Walking behind him, you led the way to the shower, turned on the water, and allowed the moisture to rain over you. It was hard not to smirk when you heard Lewis’s guttural groan. As soon as he let it out to bounce off the tiled walls, his arms were wrapping around you, pulling you into him.
 Lewis’s lips latched onto your neck and sucked. The force of that suck had you remembering everything that mouth had ever done to you. As if he remembered as well, his grip tightened as his hand roamed to your backside to cup it. It felt like he moved his hands everywhere all at once as if he couldn’t be happy with one location.
 “It’s been so long, baby. I need you so much,” Lewis whispered in your ear, sending a violent shiver through you that awakened so much in you that you nearly overpowered him and took control. Almost.
 Before you could, Lewis pressed you to the wall, stretching your hands out along the tile. His mouth moved from your neck to your lips to suck the air right from your lungs. The man was meant for kissing. Once he was sure you wouldn’t be able to function, you felt his knee nudge your legs apart. Within seconds you felt his hand cup your sex, making you loudly gasp.
 “Do you need me as much as I need you?” Knowing you had no words to express how much you needed him, you nodded.
 “Words, babygirl.”
 You already saw what mood he was setting. Gathering your composure, you pushed off the wall and walked over to your bath products then lathered your bath gloves. Turning back to Lewis, you gently rubbed along his body taking care not to hurt him anywhere accidentally. As your gloved hands slowly traveled across his skin, your eyes followed where they went. The white lather of the soap was a nice contrast with his tanned and tattooed skin.
 Once you made it to his back, you relished the feel of his muscles dancing underneath your fingers, showing you again just how hard he pushed his body. Seductively you swirled your finger down his spine until you made it to the top of his taunt ass. There was nothing but trust from him as your hand rubbed his derriere, a trust you’d mirrored every day since nearly the day you’d met.
 After several long minutes of cleaning and teasing every inch of him, Lewis again pushed you against the shower wall. This time your abdomen and face rested against its cool surface while he pressed his body against your back and ass. Instead of speaking, Lewis kissed your jaw, brought his mouth to your ear, and bit down as he pulled the shower glove off of your hand. He knew damn well it wouldn’t fit his much larger one.
 It didn’t matter if they fit perfectly to him; a few moments later, you felt his gloved hand rub against your backside.
 Lewis released a deep groan right beside your ear. Bringing his hand up your back, he gently rubbed your skin, applying enough pressure and force to clean but not enough to give you any sort of pleasure. He was an expert tease. Once his hand made it to your shoulder, he massaged it, applying more pressure dragging a satisfying moan from your lips.
 “You’re tense, love.”
 “I wonder why,” you whispered.
 Quickly, Lewis had you flipped around staring into your eyes. As he distracted you with his golden chestnut orbs, pulling you even more under his spell, his hand wreaked havoc on your breast. He rubbed, circled, pinched, and repeated the process. Bringing his ungloved hand to join in on the pleasure, he cupped and massaged them until he brought both hands to your throat to gently but forcefully hold you there.
 His lips crashed to yours soon after. His tongue was a work of art and spelled by a sorcerer and was proving to you just how well he knew how to use it. Your moans matched his, but when you felt his gloved hand against your folds, your moans increased.
 “Oh, baby.”
 “I can feel that tension increasing,” Lewis taunted as he turned you, placing you under one of the two overhead shower fixtures.
 Once the soap from your bodies was washed away, Lewis was carrying you once again into the bedroom. With you rested across it with your legs spread, Lewis’s head and mouth licked, nibbled, and sucked a path down your body until you felt his tongue flick across your needy bud. With the arch of your back, you gasped again.
 “Fuck, baby!”
 In seconds his mouth was fastened over your sex, feasting as if his last meal was right between your thighs. There was an urgency to how his tongue flicked your clit and then delved between your folds only to nibble against your labia. After a few short minutes, you were a whimpering, writhing mess. Needing something to touch, your hands raked along his head. Every time you tried to snap your thighs together, he used his strength on you prying them apart and holding them to the bed so he could do as he wished.
 “Fuck Lewis, yes!”
 His moans were the only reply he gave. Just as you felt yourself nearing the threshold of absolute ecstasy, he pulled away and stood at the foot of the bed. As if he had a tether from him to you, your body yanked to a half-sitting position.
 “What!? What’s wrong? What’re you doing?”
 Lewis didn’t answer. He just stood there licking his lips before he used his thumb to swipe at the corner of his mouth. The look in his eyes told you he had no intention of coming back to finish the job.
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“Lew---,” you cautiously began watching him. He couldn’t tell you that he no longer wanted you; the uterus destroying lightsaber that Kylo Ren wished he possessed said otherwise. Biting your bottom lip, you moaned.
 “Come here, baby, let me help.”
 Lewis walked away to the leather armchair that was in the nearest corner to the bed. He then pulled it across the room to place it at the foot of the bed. By that time, you thought he meant for you to straddle him on it. So when Lewis sat, you began to move.
 Pausing, you gave him a questioning look.
 “How long have I been gone?”
 Crinkling your brow, you sighed. “Months.”
 “How many?”
 “Lewis--,” you began.
 “—Y/N. be a good girl and answer me.”
 Like a brat, you kissed your teeth and sighed out exaggeratedly. “Three months.”
 “Have you touched yourself since I’ve been gone?”
 Your eyes bugged. He knew the answer to that. Lewis’s eyes flicked to the right bedside table, where he knew you had your toys.
 “Lewis, I don’t want to play this game,” you whined.
 “Are you sure? Your nipples are telling a different story.”
 Narrowing your eyes, you ended on an eye-roll. “Yes.”
 With your answer, Lewis stroked his cock, bringing your attention to the massive erection just standing tall as if it knew there was none like it. Lewis groaned and sucked in a breath.
 “Though I’ve tried not to, I’ve done this several times. I’ve lost track of how many.”
 You could hear his voice speaking, but you were too focused on his actions to really allow any words to resonate. Watching his large, veiny hand stroke his need had your mouth watering. It was so damn sexy. The sighed, coupled with his moans, was enough to make fresh wetness pool between your legs.
 When his hand stopped, you followed it to rest on the arm of the chair. A few seconds passed before you realized he wasn’t going to bring it back to continue. Locking eyes with him, you recognized the look.
 “Show me how you’ve done it.”
 You could have choked from the shock. You knew he wasn’t joking, and you knew better than to toy with him when he got like this. Bringing your hand down your body, you cupped your own sex and groaned. It was insane how wet you were.
 “Show me,” Lewis said in his impossibly deep voice. It had been months since you’d heard it this clearly. Facetime sex was great, and all, but there was nothing like his voice in person.
 Using your two fingers, you spread yourself so he could see. Lewis’s grunt was loud, and the jerk of his member was a substantial one. As if in a trance, your fingers found your opening and swirled around, coating themselves before circling your clit. The second you began, you had to steady yourself. You knew you wouldn’t last long with him sitting there, but you wanted to give him a good show. Your fingers sped despite your best efforts to slow them. Once your back arched, you had to pull your hand away. The action had your back arched more as you dropped your head back.
 “Such a beautiful pussy baby,” Lewis huskily whispered.
 Bringing your head back to resume eye contact, you took a deep breath then continued. Starting slowly, you sucked your bottom lip and focused on his eyes rather than how you were making yourself feel. Dipping two digits inside your heat, you squirmed, jutting your breasts into the air. Lewis groaned from across the room and brought his hand back to his cock. After a few strokes, he groaned and put his hand back on the arm of the chair.
 “How’s it feel, baby?”                                                                                      
 As you plunged your fingers in and out of your body, you spoke, “So good, but I want your hand. Your fingers. Your mouth.”
 You gasped then brought your soaking fingers to your clit, intent on one thing. Release. Your fingers moved quickly, racing you toward your release. Lewis must have sensed it too because he was now at the edge of the chair observing.
 “Come for me, Y/N!”
 “Mmm, fuck Lewis, I’m gonna—gonna--.”
 Your back arched again, and your fingers sped, and within seconds you screamed out and shook from the sheer power of your release. While you were lost in your pleasure, you didn’t hear anything else but the pounding of your heart. When you felt his cock fill you to the hilt, you screamed and came again and clenched around him. Lewis growled, pinned your thighs to the bed, and plowed into you in a way that you knew you’d feel even tomorrow.
 His strokes were not meant to tease you or reacquaint his body with yours. They were meant to please, meant to mark, meant to ruin you for any other separations. He wanted to erase months, show you how he alone could make you feel this way, and how only he could give you what you needed. When he shifted your body to hoist it a few inches off the bed to give you long, deep strokes, it was over. another orgasm claimed you, and your nails claimed his skin—marking him as yours as much as he marked you as his.
 “Fuck, you’re so tight. I’ve missed you so much.”
 With those words, Lewis pulled you up to him, so he was holding you as he was sitting back on his legs, and you were straddling him with your legs wrapped around his back. He controlled your body with ease and skill, lifting you only to drop you on his protruding heat.
  “I missed you.” Your lips crashed to his and took control of this. You nibbled his lips and sucked his tongue.
 It was such a beautiful mix of submission and dominance that the sheer intimacy of it had your belly fluttering.
 “This won’t be long, babe, I want too much,” Lewis warned.
 “Fuck me!”
 Dropping you back to the bed, Lewis held your legs like a pair of scissors and began throwing pummeling thrusts into you. You were thankful you’d chosen a home that had no neighbors for miles and in the middle of plenty of greenery. As he gave you everything he had the next few minutes, you took it all.
 Once you felt his move from thoughtful calculation to no order or rhythm, you knew it was a matter of seconds. Sure enough, you felt him release into you as he grunted and groaned loud enough to compete with your shrieks and shouts in between his utterance of how much he loved you. Lewis buried himself inside of you and pulled your final orgasm free.
 The two of you laid there for long minutes, composing yourselves while trying to catch tour breaths. When he rolled off of you onto the bed beside you, he groaned.
 “Mmm, I love you so much,” Lewis repeated.
 You rolled to his side and rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you.
 “I love you more, baby.”
 “Although I think that was the one that did it, we have all night.”
 “Did what?”
 Lewis rolled on top of you and plastered his hands on your belly. “Put a baby in here.”
 You couldn’t help but laugh.
 “Oh, so you were trying to get me pregnant?”
 His smile was wide, cheesy, and completely charming.
 “Do you have any objections? According to my calendar, you’re fertile.”
 Lewis thrust forward, joining your bodies again. Completely shocked, you gasped.
 “Mmmm, god you feel like mine. Let me give you something else that’s mine.”
 “You’re serious?”
 You’d talked about starting a family together before, but you’d never made a decision. It was still something sweet to think about. Lewis stroked forward, then retreated and did it again and again.
 “I am, but I want you to be my wife first.”
 Your heart stopped.
 “Are you breathing?”
 As if for emphasis, he rotated his hips, making you feel his depth and breadth completely. Clenching around him, you shivered.
 “Mrs. Tan has a nice ring to it, as does wife, mother of my children.” With every word he spoke, he circled some more.
 “Love of my life,” he finished before he picked up his pace making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
 You knew that there would be no rest for the wicked, and it was evident Lewis was in a wicked mood.
Tag List:
@munteanhorewrites @night-of-the-living-shred @caramara3 @chaneajoyyy @dangerouslovefanfic @sonjashuterbugjohnson @i-just-like-fanfics @areubeingserved @areubeingserved-too​
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chanderylix · 4 years
How he asked you to be his girlfriend (WayV)
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Hello there! This is my 2nd post. Hope you like it! And sorry for my broken English~
He asked you to go to his studio
You thought you will accompany him as usual
But that was a different day
He would ask you to listen to his new song and asked you about it
"Y/n, this is my new song. I want to ask your opinion before I release it"
Of course you were happy cause you were the first one who listen to it
The song's lyrics were really deep and you really liked it
"When I saw your face, I fell in love. I fall for you and I hope you too"
You almost cry at the song cause it really tell about your life
Yes, you fell in love with Kun since the first time you met him
After that, you turned your chair cause you wanted to tell Kun about the song
But all you could see was Kun hold a bouquet of flowers. It was so beautiful until you couldn't say anything
"I hope you like the song because I made this song just for you. I really fall in love with you, Y/n. Do you want to be the love of my life?"
You nodded and you hugged him
He kissed your forehead after that
You went to karaoke with Ten
He really loves to sing. You like to sing too so once in a week you went to karaoke with him
"4 hours please"
You got surprise cause usually you only ordered maximum 2 hours
"You want to sing for 4 hours??!!"
He nodded excitedly and held your wrist, leading you to the karaoke room
As usual, you and Ten sang together. Not only sing, but dancing to the song too
Then he chose the song "Wannabe" by Spice Girls
Ten sang it loud while jumping on the sofa and dancing to the song
You couldn't sing cause you laugh to Ten who was so extra that day
The song finished and then suddenly he shouted on the microphone with full volume
You shocked. What was that??
"WAIT?? ARE YOU CONFESSING??" you shouted on the microphone too
You laughed and nodded
"YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND NOW!" he was still shouting on the microphone and then hugged you
Winwin asked you to go on a fancy dinner with him
He said "I got vouchers for two people, maybe you wanna come?"
Of course you say yes because it was rarely for you to eat at a fancy fine dining restaurant
He picked you up at your house
You and Winwin arrived at the restaurant. "Welcome Mr. Dong. Let me take you to your table" the waiter said
Wait, Winwin already reserved a table for two? Cause it was set really beautiful, with a rose flower and candles on the table.
He pulled the chair for you to sit. You had a chit chat with him until the food is coming. Start from the appetizer, the main course, and finally the dessert
After you guys ate, he suddenly held your hands.
"Hmm, how to say it. Actually.. I have a crush on you, Y/n"
You suprised with his sudden confession
"I prepared this for two of us. I said I got a voucher so you wanna come with me"
You smiled at him, and you held his hand above yours
His hand was so cold. He also surprised that you held his hand too. He got shy and smiled a little.
"I.. I have a crush on you too, Sicheng"
He got so excited and couldn't believe that you have the same feeling
"Soooo, will you be my girlfriend?"
You went for a night walk with Lucas after he practicing
You and him walked pass a basketball field. It was empty but there's one basketball in the center of the field
So he decided to go 1 on 1 basketball with you
He was not tired even though he had been practicing for probably 8 hours
"C'mon Y/n!"
"I can't even take the ball from you! You're so tall! It's cheating!"
He laughed at your respond and gived you the ball
"Go, shoot 1 score"
You finally got 1 point.
"Good job!" he patted your head softly
You got shy and happy
"Okay, last game. If I can shoot the ball once, I got one point. But if can shoot the ball twice in a row, you have to granted my wish! Deal?"
You dealed with him even though you didn't know what he wish for
He did it. "Yes! I got one point. One more and you have to make my wish come true"
You were really nervous. What if he wish some weird things?
He scored. He smiled and then look at you and shouted :
He then chuckled and piggyback you and then he run
"THIS PERSON ON MY BACK IS MY GIRLFRIEND Y'ALL" he shouted to the other pedestrians and saw you two like a crazy persons
You and the rest of WayV members are really close, especially with Xiaojun
So sometimes when you have a free time, you visited WayV's dorm
Xiaojun asked you to come to his dorm cause the rest of members are having a dinner outside
Xiaojun didn't want to come cause he said that he's too tired. But actually, he wanted to be with you
"Welcome, Y/n! This way please"
You followed him and Bella barked happily. Bella likes you a lot because you always playing with her
"Hmm, what will we do?"
Xiaojun smirked and took his guitar
"Let's sing together!"
You smiled and let him sing
He started to sing Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are"
You sang along with him
The song finished. He put his guitar and held your hand
"I think I'm in love with you, Y/n.."
You got shocked and he put his hand in front of his lips
You kissed his cheek and smiled. While he hold his cheek where you kiss him
He took his guitar and started to play "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber
Which made you laugh, but still enjoyed it
"I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M Y/N'S BOYFRIEND" he said while hugging you, his guitar, and of course : Bella
You and Hendery liked to play pc games together
Every night at 12 am, he always contacted you to join with him
But that day was different
It's already 1 am and he still didn't contact you
You then called him. "Hello? Hendery where are you??!"
"Oh sorry y/n! Uh- I am at cafe right now. But Lucas is drunk so Xiaojun took him home with my car. And now I'm alone hehe"
"I know! Lucas is kinda insane lol!! Pls y/n pick me up I'm scared"
You grabbed your car keys to pick him up
You arrived but the cafe is closed? Plus it's really dark
Then you opened the door and saw Hendery brought a candle
"Hey stupid what are you doing"
He smiled and then turned on the lamp
"Surprised!!" There's Lucas and Xiaojun aka your game friend with Hendery, holding a paper that said "will you be my girlfriend"
Hendery then hit your head playfully. "No, silly. It's me Huang Guanheng. So? What's your answer" he said it confidently
Lucas and Xiaojun laughed so hard while you just blushing like crazy
"Even though your playing sucks, but nevermind! I will! " you then hugged him tight
"Uh, guess we should get back. Dejun, let's go!" Lucas said why dragged Xiaojun out from the cafe
You just watched a German movie and it made you want to study German
Your best friend, Yangyang can speak German so you asked him to teach you
"Nah, I'm busy"
"Pleaseeee Yangyang. I bought you mc donalds?"
He then smirked. "Okay!"
You learned basic German with him
Until 12 am
"C'mon Yang! It's really hard omg my brain will explode!"
He laughed. "Well you have to practice it everyday so you can remember!"
You pouted your lips. "Haha, time to rest!" he pat your head
"Byee! Thank you Yang!"
You couldn't sleep so you decided to open your notebook that written about your German course with Yangyang
Until you open the last page that said :
"Ich liebe dich so sehr, seit du mein bester Freund geworden bist. Möchtest du meine Freundin sein? Ich werde dir jeden Tag Deutsch beibringen~"
"Wtf?? I just learned German today and he already give this kind of sentence!"
You then open your g*ogle translate and you were really surprised
"I love you so much since you became my best friend. Do you want to be my girlfriend? I will teach you German every day"
Suddenly your phone ringing and Yangyang's name appeared
"So, would you?"
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when/how did you realize beatles music was amazing and something you couldn't live without?
I'm trying to not start off every answer with "OOF" but you people do keep sending me loaded questions lol. That's fine though, I enjoy it, keep it coming! My close attachment to the bug boys (both their music and them) is new. It more or less started at the beginnng of May of this year.
I've always known about them and known a good handful of songs. We sang Yellow Submarine and Hello Goodbye in school, I have memories of playing Beatles Rockband once at my cousin's house and also the Love album used to be relatively regular car music for my family. Also, I was in class with someone who was obsessed with their music and sometimes she'd be playing songs. My opinion on the music for most of my life has been kind of… middling. There were songs I really liked or loved (like Help! or Eleanor Rigby) songs I thought were fine but didn't take much note of (something like Being For The Benefit of Mr Kite) and ones I just really didn't get the hype for (A Hard Day's Night comes to mind [I love it now]). But I have a sort of kneejerk sceptic reaction to people hyping stuff up for no discernible reason sometimes, and so the more I'd hear older people with little knowledge of music theory and history call them the be-all end-all of music, the more I sort of developed a kind of aversion to them. I just hate being told to respect and/or like things without knowing why, y'know?
PSA to older Beatles fans: you will NOT convince younger people to listen to your music by telling them their music taste sucks actually.
On the other hand, I had also sort of gotten the idea I should maybe go through their entire discography and get behind the myth of it all. I sort of attempted this a few times over the years, like I started listening to Sgt. Pepper once and then for some reason had to stop halfway, and I listened to the This Is The Beatles playlist on spotify a few nights in a row in 2019 lol.
What actually made me commit to doing it was 1) I had seen a LOT of backlash against Taylor for breaking the Beatles' records for 3 number one albums within the least amount of time in the UK last April, and like the sheer stupidity of some of the arguments being made why "Actually She Didn't Break This Record" really set me off (for example talking about it being "more effort" to buy an album back in the day… But the Beatles weren't competing for number one against anyone who had it "easier" to sell their albums and Taylor wasn't competing against anyone who had it "harder" than her. Or talking about absolute pure sales numbers when that's not what going number one means?) and 2) in a Discord I was in, someone shared a link to an 8-Bit version of Sgt. Pepper at the beginning of May, which I decided to listen to cause it seemed like good study music and I rather enjoyed! I found it really let their talent for creating good melodies shine through.
Anyways, so all of that made me go okay! I'm gonna go through this motherfucking huge discography then I will know this music better than a LOT of the people who hype it up and then I will be able to be objective about all of this.
So I listened to Sgt. Pepper and Please Please Me and then the White Album. The first was enjoyable but I didn't really ~get the immense hype, Please Please Me bored me at first (I think their early style is something you kind of need to get into and need to hear a few times to fully appreciate. But also Love Me Do sucks and why a record label thought it would be a good debut single is absolutely BEYOND ME) and the last one REALLY caught me off guard. There was stuff in there I loved (Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da is actually possibly my very first favourite song that wasn't a kids' song. I used to have to go to these psychomotor education classes and that song played there often and I adored it. Also Piggies slaps, send tweet) but also like a lot of stuff I found pretty weird and off-putting. And I still haven't warmed up to Yer Blues and Why Don't We Do It In The Road. That album did, however, get me very interested in the band. I think the weirdness of the album really just invited me to look into their history. I wanted to understand why they had broken up. That sent me down the rabbithole of the India trip history and I just kept reading more and more wikipedia articles related to all of it.
It was around this point I sort of came to realize that I'd had a lot of wrong preconceived notions about them, especially John. I was never someone like roaming around twitter, yelling for him to be cancelled, but he had simply never seemed sympathetic to me. For instance, IDK if I misunderstood what someone told me or if that person had misunderstood, but the story of John learning chords with Paul left-handed to follow him better (and maybe also Stuart not letting Paul change around the strings on his bass) had somehow been morphed into John finding Paul's left-handed playing off-putting and forcing Paul to play right-handed?? And I was like "Wow, what an asshole!" Also all the 1970 narrative that the two didn't like each other, plus I projected boomers' and gen-xers' Beatle snobism onto them and just got the impression they were pretentious narcissists. (I mean they were kind of that, but not to the extent or in the same way I imagined)
So I think learning these things opened me up to them more. Like I realized Hey! They were my age! And then at some point I found out about the Christmas albums and thought that was so fascinating, that that existed, (a huge part of my initial interest was my fascination with the marketing around them, which is why I watched AHDN and Help! super early on) so I listened to those and was like "Fuck! These guys are endearing!" and then I remember lurking on bug-tumblr and seeing that "Well that was very observant of them, because we aren't American actually" quote and I wanted to find the video of it and ended up finding this legendary video. And starting to actually like these guys and realizing they took all of this ten times less seriously than their Boomer fans do made me more excited to keep listening to the discography and look up more of the stories behind the songs and just kind of… Come to understand them better. I also found that once I accepted that some Boomers are just gonna hype up their fave music too much I'd enjoy it more. Like I'd listen to I Want To Hold Your Hand and get a bit defensive like "why do you love this so much??? the lyrics are so dumb??" but when I just kind of accepted that fact I realized no! It's an amazingly structured bop, which yes, has weak lyrics but it's fine!!! It's the Call Me Maybe of its day and that's NOT a bad thing!!
And in the end they have an amazingly versatile catalogue that covers most things you might be in the mood for. It is kind of hard (for me) not to like it.
There are still sort of two bands in my head: the archetype, the myth, the pretentious group of people who hate each other that I just sort of instinctively want to dislike and the band who sang all those songs I had NO IDEA existed and came into my life without any baggage or expectations from my part. I've pretty much never listened to say Hey Jude in the past months, even though I don't find it bad the outro is too fucking long because it's kind of got too much of that baggage to me still.
This was SUCH a ramble but I hope this makes sense to people to some extent. Anyways I'm a new fan, drag me, but maybe drag me more for how much I seem to know after three months. Seriously, this is a curse.
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peachebunnys · 4 years
Pain, with love
pairing: Horacio Carrillo x reader
summary: Arranged marriages are tough, but add that with having to deal with a drug lord on the loose? Horacio Carrillo can only imagine what’s coming for him.  
warnings: non canon compliance? reader doesn’t appear much in this part, bad writing lol
a/n: I’d like to thank @angelicpascal​ for proofreading this chapter, they’re a literal gem <3 This is my first time writing x reader fics, especially for something that’s non-kpop related. This will be a mini-series that I hope you will enjoy :)  
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Chapter One; 
Horacio steadies his hand on the steering wheel, feeling the cool leather texture under his skin as he grips it tighter. The air was becoming cooler, water droplets dripping from the roof of the car onto his arm that was resting on the wind down window panel. The slight drizzle was starting to fog up the windows, and despite the cool breeze, the humid interior of the car was starting to make Horacio sweat. 
Tick Tock. Tick Tock. 
The relentless ticking from his wrist watch echoed through the car, and his heavy breathing was a close second to being the loudest thing in the vehicle at that moment. The silence between him and the rest of the passengers was almost suffocating but Horacio was always a man of few words, opting to remain silent and not engage in small talk. 
The warm orange street lights reflected off the water droplets, casting shadows of all shapes and sizes onto the dashboard. Horacio looked out the window lazily, looking at the silver wedding band on his ring finger. It reflected the moonlight that was casting down on the streets of Bogota, the row of tiny diamonds sparkling like stars in the night sky. The radio was alive again, a mixture of English and Spanish from his men as they updated their status and whereabouts throughout the streets of Bogota. 
Horacio glances over slowly, staring at the man next to him who had a cigarette held loosely between his lips, digging through his pocket for something that Horacio could only guess was a lighter. Horacio removes his left hand from the window and fishes for his own lighter, shoving it in front of the brunette who let out an appreciative hum. However, just as he was about to keep the lighter back in his pocket, the man next to him grips his wrist tightly, studying his ring closely. 
“Peña,” he warned.
“You’re married? When?” Javier looks at him shocked, eyes filled with pure disbelief, “Could’ve sworn you didn’t have it on last week.”
Horacio sucks in a deep breath, shifting in his seat to look at the DEA agent better, “It was arranged, last Saturday.”
Javier removes the cigarette from his lips, offering the other man the stick as he continues, “Arranged? Saturday? I thought we were close enough that you would tell me about these things, hell, even invite me for the reception at least.” He gives a mock hurt expression, taking another puff when Horacio declined his offer. 
Horacio simply shrugged, eyes looking out at the lights coming from neighbouring houses, “It was a small event, family only - couldn’t get you on the guest list even if I tried.”
Javier laughed at the remark, turning to look at Horacio with curious eyes, “so… arranged, huh? How’s she like?”
Horacio rolled his eyes at the question, knowing that despite the fact he didn’t want to answer, there was nothing else he could do except wait and kill time. The rain was starting to lessen, the sky becoming slightly clearer, showcasing the beautiful moon that shined with all its might. The weather was becoming unpredictable these days, and just as you thought the skies would get clearer, it starts to rain again. 
“She’s...” He hesitated, god what was she like? He thought about it for a moment, unsure of what to say to Javier. Ever since the wedding and after they moved in together, Horacio hadn’t been home much, spending his nights in the office to draft plans for the raid that they were currently stuck in now. “She’s nice.” 
“Nice?” Javier scoffs, “Is that all you’ve got to say? That she’s nice?”
The realisation that he hasn’t quite talked to her much, nor gotten to know her, dawned on him. Shame fills his entire being as he realises he must’ve seem like a complete dick to her over the past few days. Yes, getting married wasn’t what he wanted, but neither did she. The last thing he should be doing was distance himself from her, and not putting in effort to make this relationship work. 
And so he decides to call her, in the midst of this dull conversation he was stuck in with Javier. 
The least he could do now was to inform her he would be back late, not that she would say anything about it. He reaches out to the backseat of the car, taking the phone in his hand and dialing his house line quickly, hoping to catch her before she went to bed. 
One ring. 
Two rings. 
Three rings. 
The line picks up, the recipient responding with a hoarse ’hello?’ that makes Horacio suck in his breath again. What was it about her, or this relationship, that made him so nervous? Horacio Carrillo feared only a handful of things, and for some reason, the uncertainty of how this relationship would go was one of them. 
“Hello? Y/N?” he asks, “Did I wake you up?”
Your eyes shot open as you heard your husband on the other end of the line, confused as to why he would call at such a late hour. “Horacio? Is everything alright?” You knew he was working late this past week, but who could blame him? He was the leader of the Search Bloc, and you knew that by marrying him, things like that would be bound to happen. You lean against the dining table, eyeing the packed dinner you had kept aside for him to eat when he returns. 
For the past few nights, you’ve been keeping aside leftovers from dinner, only to find them completely finished when you woke up the next morning. It pleased you slightly, seeing that your husband was not a picky eater, adding this to the small list of things you knew about him. 
“Y/N,” he called out again, “I - uh, wanted to let you know that I will be home late tonight. I’m sorry for not telling you the past few nights.” 
You could tell that he was struggling to find words to say, both of you equally unsure of what to tell each other. 
“Thank you for keeping dinner aside for me, by the way.” He pauses, “They’re- they’re delicious”
You giggle at the awkwardness of it all, smiling at how sincere yet embarrassed he sounded over the phone. 
“It’s alright, I know you’re a busy man. And thank you,” you laugh, “what kind of wife would I be if I were to let my husband starve after he’s been cooped up in his office all day?”
You hear a faint chuckle from the other end, feeling your heart beat faster at how good that voice sounded. It was deep and genuine, and in turn, made you crack a smile too.
“I’ll see you later, goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Horacio,” you whisper before hanging up the phone, and with gentle footsteps back to your bedroom, you went back to sleep. 
Horacio, on the other hand, looks out the window, phone in his hand and resting on his chest. He looks back at Javier who was now leaning against the window panel, bored to his wit’s end at how dreadfully slow this mission was going. Intel had mentioned that Gacha would be on his way here - his safehouse, at around ten thirty. But as Horacio stared at his watch longer, seeing the clock strike eleven-thirty - he could only guess that there was either a delay in plans or that intel had simply fed them the wrong information. 
With a heavy sigh, Horacio reached out to his radio, fingers running over the buttons with the intention of calling off the raid. It was a long night for all of them, a long uneventful night, Horacio thought. Just as he was about to push the large button, he heard it. The signal. 
“Gacha’s men in cars on 7th street, no sight of Gacha yet.” 
The message sounded shaky on some parts, with Horacio almost missing it entirely. He slammed the device down and started the car, glancing over to Javier who was tightening the straps to his bulletproof vest on him. With the intention of not looking suspicious, Horacio drove the unmarked police car slowly around the bend, entering the general area of the safehouse to be in position. With the house barely two hundred meters away from them, Horacio called all his units to get into position, waiting for the moment that Gacha shows up. 
The safehouse was dimly lit, with only some lights turned on inside. The harshly lit porch had illuminated the front of the house slightly, showing off the pristine white walls that decorated the exterior of the place. It looked like any ordinary family home, and Horacio was sure that they would’ve never suspected this beautiful property to be housing one of the world’s deadliest narcos. 
For months now, the Search Bloc, with the help of DEA agents Javier and Steve, have been tirelessly tracking down Gacha’s whereabouts, determined to take him down once and for all. Gacha had made it no easy feat, covering his tracks whenever he was on the move, making it close to impossible to ever pinpoint his exact location. Gacha, as Steve would describe him, was one slippery bastard. The man was always somehow wriggling out of their grasps just as they’ve almost got him. They were lucky though, that this time they’ve had an “informant”, one of Gacha’s ex men, that came straight to them with the information about his new safehouse. And they were sure as hell going to make use of that information in every way they could. 
Horacio ducks his head slightly, narrowly missing the street light shining on his face as a series of cars drove past him. 
One. Two. Three. Four. 
Leaning his head against the cool window panel, Horacio squinted his eyes slightly, trying to count the number of men in each vehicle. With the poor visibility from the rain, which was evidently getting heavier, he could only guess how many men there were. But that was never good enough. Horacio couldn’t afford any guesses, especially on a raid mission like this. He quickly fished out the radio again and called to one of his men, “Trujillo, how many men did you manage to see?”
Without a second to lose, Trujillo responded , “about four in each car, that means we have twelve men including Gacha. All armed.”
Javier cocked his gun and placed it in his holster, straining his neck to look out through the windscreen, “Everyone’s in position?”
Horacio simply nodded, radio inches away from his mouth as he radioed in to his men again, “I want everyone in position, now. Once I give the signal, all units close in onto the safehouse. Surround them.”
As the cars were parked outside the property, Gacha’s men had all swamped to seek shelter in the beautiful house, with a few men taking cautionary glances around them. All of them were soaked from the rain, and wore an exhausted look on their faces - which made Horacio hope that this was something they could use against them. The heavy downpour was starting to lessen, and Horacio knew he had to act quick if he wanted to use the poor visibility to his advantage. 
Once he was sure that it was the perfect time to strike, he gave the signal and exited the car, crouching a bit as he held the rifle out in his hands. He walked swiftly towards the safehouse, senses heightened to catch anything out of the ordinary. There were two men guarding the entrance of the house, both of which were too caught up in drying themselves to notice the Search Bloc men closing in on them and knocking them out cold. 
With Javier and Horacio standing on either side of the entrance, they took a quick glance at each other, guns firmly held in their palms and nodded. A swift strong kick was enough to break the door open, and the sudden impact had startled the men that were all in the midst of talking to each other. 
Guns cocked, shots fired. The bullets whizz past Horacio’s face, missing him by a few inches. His rifle started burning up quickly, like heated glass, while he fired at the nameless men that scattered throughout the room. His bulletproof vest hugged him snuggly as he hid behind the wall by the entrance, reloading his gun, panting heavily as he glanced at Javier who was doing the same. 
“From the back?”
Horacio turned his head to peek into the living room, catching a glance of Gatcha running out the back door. He signaled to Javier to head to the back, only for the radio to come alive again, informing that Gatcha had in fact already gotten away in his red pickup truck. 
“Peña! Red pickup truck, Chevy!” Horacio yelled from across the door, “let’s go!”
The two of them separated from the rest of the Search Bloc, hopping back into their unmarked Police jeep in hopes to catch up with Gatcha before he gets away for good. 
It’s true, isn’t it? These narcos are never as dangerous till you’ve almost got them?
Horacio grips the leather steering wheel tightly, stepping on the accelerator as hard as he could, barely missing all the other vehicles on the road as he drove past them. The cool breeze was a stark contrast to the heated weapon on his lap. The vehicle was in sight, with only a few meters away from their own car. 
Horacio could hear Javier call in to available units, indicating where the car was and where to corner it at. As Horacio continued speeding through the streets of Bogota, there was a sudden influx of bullets being shot towards them, some of which damaging the windscreen in its wake. With the screen shattered and rain clouding their visibility, Horacio rammed his vehicle straight into the pickup truck’s boot, sending it spiraling into a nearby streetlight. 
The other police vehicles arrived soon after, cornering the truck which made it impossible for Gatcha to escape this time. The men stayed behind their vehicle doors, opting to use it as a shield for when Gatcha finally came out of the vehicle- in which he did after a few minutes. Head bleeding, shirt torn and mouth in a downward snarl, Gatcha held out his pistol at Horacio, screaming a string of curses before pulling the trigger. 
The Search Bloc men started closing in to him, slowly and cautiously eyeing the drug lord with each step they took. Gatcha’s truck had slight smoke emitting from the hood, and Horacio knew that if anyone were to take a shot at it, it’d blow up instantly. 
“Nobody shoot!”
 Horacio held out his rifle towards Gatcha, biceps flexed at how hard he was gripping the weapon. “Gatcha! It’s over, lay down your weapon and we’ll take you in safely.”
The tension in the air was thick, with only the sound of nearby cars buzzing through the air. The streetlights weren’t very bright in this part of the city, but Horacio could see that Gatcha was reaching for something from the back of the vehicle. With his eyes trained on the short man barely a dozen meters in front of him, he soon realises what Gatcha was reaching out for.
His rocket launcher. 
“Everyone, get down!” 
He barely had time to register Gatcha blasting the heavyweight weapon at him, dropping down on the floor as the car behind him shot up in flames. The ringing in his ears was intolerable, and Horacio almost thought he was dead from the way his breathing slowed down instantly. He slowly turned his head behind, seeing the now burnt car behind him and how the windows had shattered next to him, with some pieces cutting deep into his skin. 
He turned back, to look at Gatcha who was now knocked down by Javier with the base of his gun, groaning loudly as he clutched his bleeding nose. The way he wriggled on the floor in pain resembled a worm, unable to move anywhere with all the guns pointed in his direction. Horacio placed his hands on the uneven ground, pushing himself up with determination and limped his way to Javier.
He could feel the pain from his injuries wash over his body, but he stared back at Gatcha with a look of determination. Finally, he thought, fucking finally. The sight before him was nothing like how he imagined it to be, and the sense of victory did not wash over him like how he thought it would.
The man that was on the ground, staring at him with stone cold eyes, was shorter than expected, and looked nothing like the demon that Horacio had thought of him to be. Just a simple man that laid on the cold wet roads of Bogota, looking like he was about to pass out any minute.
“Gatcha,” he breathed heavily, “you’re arrested, you son of a bitch. And I hope you rot in prison for the rest of your miserable life.”
The Search Bloc’s men soon came in and cuffed Gatcha’s hands, pushing him roughly into one of the cars. Horacio did feel a sense of relief though, that all their hard work thus far has finally paid off. A part of him was hopeful that when they interrogated him in prison in the next few days, that they might, just might, be able to finally get a lead on Pablo Escobar. 
Javier patted Horacio’s shoulder gently, a silent gesture to ask if he was alright. Horacio, in turn, nodded, letting out a huge sigh as he eyed his now destroyed ride back home. 
“Come on,” Javier reached out, “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
Horacio waves his hand dismissively, carefully brushing off the dirt on his uniform,  “just send me home, Peña. I’ll be able to patch myself up there instead.”  
“Alright then, let’s go.” Javier starts the car, smirking as he watches Horacio slump back in the passenger seat, “wouldn’t want to keep your wife waiting now, do we?”
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lovelyladyventress · 4 years
Tell me which one of these AUs sounds the most interesting and which one you’d like to read more about? (uhh rep0st?)
Here I am, back at it again with my AU bullshit. Complete with my ugly ass dauntingly long list of AUs that I’d love to write about but can’t seem to 
decide which one to start writing. This has been going on for the past week, dammit! If it’s not too much trouble, could you please help a girl out and let me know either on here or in a PM which one of these you’re curious about or would like to see implemented in an actual story.
Here are four Cloud-centric AU ideas which include (multiple) gay, bi, and (some) straight main/side pairings. Regardless of which one I decide to write first, I (wistful thinking) want to eventually complete most or all of them, even if some of them only end up being one-shots. Thank you! <3
Mercenary Zack and Delivery Boy Cloud AU
Zack, a mercenary, and Cloud, a delivery boy, have been best friends since they were youngsters. Zack is straight but is undeniably (and confusingly into Cloud. Cloud is bi (with a strong leaning towards males) and he’s only recently started to explore that. One day, while Zack and Cloud are hanging out, Zack’s PHS dies and he asks to borrow Cloud’s laptop to check some work-related emails. Cloud says sure, completely forgetting what he’d been “researching” before Zack came over to hang out.
Cloud, suddenly remembering the content of said “research”, screeches out, “NoOoOoO!” whilst comically tripping over himself as he races to stop Zack from opening his laptop.
Zack, being Zack, laughs good-naturedly at Cloud’s behavior and says, “What, don’t want your bestie to see all your fReAkY sHiT LOL?”
Before Cloud can stop him, Zack unlocks the laptop (he knows the password, because, hello, besties) and proceeds to open up about ten tabs of LOUD GAY LEMONY YOU KNOW WHAT (all with actors that are blond and black-haired, hmm s u s p i c i o u s).
Cloud is fucking mortified and literally RUNS out of his own apartment and disappears (disintegrates) into the void while leaving Zack sitting there like a stunned D U M B A S S *insert shocked Pikachu meme here* Hilarity, fluffy romance, and “LeMoNs” ensue.
Main ship and only ship will be Clack/Zakkura. Syrupy sweet, comical, with only a pinch of plot-related angst. Will most likely be a one-shot/two-shot.
Vampire Slayer AU
Set in a world where Shinra keeps the existence of vampires and vampire covens a well-guarded secret from the general public of Midgar in order to keep its citizens calm, orderly, and manageable (see controllable).
Due to the frequency of recent vampire attacks in Midgar’s slums and outlying towns and villages, they charge their best slayer, Cloud Strife, and his partner with the task of finding and killing the progenitor of all vampire-kind in order to end the covert war between humans and vampires and kill off their kind, for good.
That is, until Cloud is double-crossed by his partner, who wants the title of Shinra’s best vampire slayer for himself, and Cloud is left for dead in a forest miles away from civilization. Cloud thinks he’s finally done for this time, until he’s saved by a half-vampire named Vincent, who then proceeds to take Cloud to his maker, Sephiroth, the son of the first progenitor.
Cloud’s only shot at making it out of this alive is playing at Sephiroth’s personal interest in him in a game of cat and mouse until he can get the vampire to trust him enough to let him get close to the progenitor in order to (finally) end the war once and for all and return to his former life.
Main ships are Sefikura with a possibility of some Strifentine. Side ships are Aerti, Scarlet x Elena, and a bunch of others. Angsty, passionate, romantic, and dark. Will probably be a six-shot or more. Who knows?
Life After Meteorfall Canon Divergence AU (I’m excited about this one)
An AU in which both Angeal, Zack, and Aerith (although, just barely) live and help kick Sephiroth’s ass in the final battle. Sephiroth has been defeated by the gang for good (no really, for good y’all), and now the world has turned to healing, mourning, and attempting to rebuild itself after the scars Sephiroth has left behind in his monstrous wake.
Cloud still has lingering feelings for Zack leftover from his time as an infantryman, but desperately hides this fact from both Aerith and Zack because he knows how long they’ve waited and how much suffering they’ve had to endure in order to be with each other. He also cares deeply for both of them and wants them to be happy, despite his own conflicting emotions.
Although Aerith is (slightly) suspicious, Zack is oblivious to it all because he’s finally got the girl of his dreams and has his love-addled goggles on (god dammit Zackary) and asks Cloud to be his best man at their wedding (ugh angst me upppppp baby).
Angeal, however, is not oblivious to it in the slightest. He sees the overly forced smiles, the longing stares, the glances of complete and utter h e a r t b r e a k Cloud shoots Zack when he thinks no one is watching/paying attention to him. And finally, fed up after months of sitting back and just silently observing Cloud falling into emotional ruin, Angeal finally intends to do something about it, honor be damned.
Main ship is Cloudgeal. Side pairings are Zerith, Rude x Tifa (don’t judge me, y’all, I ship SO MUCH this fandom), and possibly many more. Angsty, fluffy, romantic, and with a ridiculously happy ending where everyone reaches a happy, healthy understanding. Will most likely be either a three-shot or a six-shot.
Omegaverse SOLDIER AU (let me liveeeeeee, dammit!)
After failing to get into SOLDIER three times in a row (the max amount of times one can attempt in their lifetime) and having his childhood dream of becoming a hero shattered like glass, Cloud, a Beta cadet, is more than done with SOLDIER and everything to do with the corrupt Shinra Corporation (Uh huh. Suuuuure).
This opinion is only further solidified when Cloud discovers the tragic fate of his hometown: Nibelheim, in an “unprecedented” explosion of its Mako Reactor, burns to the ground, resulting in the deaths of Cloud’s mother and every single person Cloud grew up with. With no home to return to, Cloud, following his best friend Zack Fair’s advice, begrudgingly decides to join the Shinra military as an infantryman and work as a menial grunt for the military’s more prominent SOLDIER members.
That is, until one day during a mission Cloud’s entire unit, including a group of skilled Third and Second Class SOLDIERS assisting them, are slaughtered in a brutal, bloody conflict, leaving Cloud the only one left alive after the mission’s end.
This not only catches the eye of the Director of SOLDIER himself, but several of its First Class members, who are so impressed with the Beta’s strength that they wish to assess Cloud’s capabilities for themselves, personally. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This leads Cloud down a path filled with convincing lies and hard truths as he discovers the reality of his origins, unveiling secrets about Shinra and his past that he could have gone a lifetime without knowing. He realizes the hard way that sometimes what you dream for, what you desperately wish for, isn’t always something you want in the long run.
Main ships are a tie between Sefikura and Clack/Zakkura (possibly Sephiroth/Cloud/Zack or maybe even a love triangle, ew). I also really wanna try writing out Strifesodos, but I’m leaning towards Banorashipping as a side ship in this cuz its cute and passionate.
A S T R O N G side ship in this is going to be Aerti (featuring Turk!Tifa and Full Cetra!Aerith), along with minor ships like Scarlet x Elena, Tseng x Rufus, and honestly who  knows anymore, lol. This will most likely be the longest story on the list, I’m planning for at least ten+ chapters.
Also, not shaming it in any way, but just FYI for the people who are interested, there will be no pregnancy in this story. It’s just not my thing. <3
Again, all of these AU’s are subject to change, but I’d love to bounce ideas back and forth and see what certain shippers would like to see in the fandom. I’m really receptive to discussing fics in general, even if its an idea about one of your own stories you wanna talk about. :)
If you actually read all of that, THANK YOU KINDLY! <33333
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