#he sees Porsche and Chay
porschesbabydaddy · 1 year
Currently obsessively thinking about an AU where Porsche and Chay are found by Gun at a young age and raised by the minor family
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the-cookie-of-doom · 11 months
"I don't want to talk about this." Kim doesn't have anyone he can talk to about this.
Porsche takes three shot glasses out from behinds the bar and lines them up. Fills each. "Drink," he orders.
Kim side-eyes the glasses. Looks around the bar; near-empty at this hour.
He drinks, one after the other. It burns going down.
"I'm still not talking about it," he says.
"I know." Porsche pulls a single shot for himself. Kim admires his restraint. Then again, only one of them can afford to get laid out, and Porsche has decided it's going to be Kim.
Kim taps one of the glasses, and Porsche obliges him with two more pours. By the time he sets the second face down on the bar top, he feels it. Warmth in his face and cotton in his head. He can convince himself he's barely tipsy, so long as he doesn't move his head, because then the earth tips out from under him. Tipsy.
"Ready to talk about it?"
"Ask me."
"Are you trying to sleep with my baby brother?"
Kim hums. Shakes his head. Regrets it. "Nope, not ready."
Porsche whistles, impressed, and pours another shot.
"You're going to be so fucked up tomorrow."
The six shots Kim sucked down slam him twenty minutes later. He should have expected it; Porsche probably did, and that's why he's laughing at Kim now, snapping pictures of him slumped over the bar and moaning in misery, offering no comfort. It was Porsche's idea to get him loose-lipped with truth serum in the form of alcohol, but Kim let him do it, so it was his fault, really.
Once Porsche has gotten enough blackmail material to last a lifetime, he closes up the bar, then drags Kim over to a booth so they can talk.
"So. Porchay."
"Porchay," Kim agrees, a lyrical slur into his arms.
"You wanna tell me what's going on there?"
"I like him s'much. He's so, so-mmm, good, he's good, and nice, and..." Kim trails off, mumbling something incoherent. "Kissed him."
"I kissed him. On his face. I missed. He smells s'good. I wanna kiss 'im again."
Porsche laughs. "Are you trying to sleep with him?"
"Mmmno. Maybe?" Kim tries to push himself upright, and only manages to slump enough enough that he can side-eye Porsche as he says, "Dunno how."
"Are you gonna be mad?"
"Probably not. What do you mean, you don't know how?" Kim makes a miserable sound. His eyes are fever-bright, and his cheeks are flushed, and Porsche is pretty sure it's not just from the alcohol. Kim buries his face back in his arms to hide. "Kim, are you-?"
"No." He waves a hand at Porsche. "Kinda."
"You know."
Porsche does know, but he a mean part of him wants to make Kim say it, because he's an asshole, and bullying little brothers is what he does. He's definitely not going to bully Chay about this, his poor brother would die. So he can harass his own boyfriend's younger brother instead. He relents, though, because Kim looks all kinds of pitiful and sad when he next surfaces from the sanctuary of his arms. Scratch that, he looks distressed.
"I think I want to, I do, I want it - but I haven't - and Chay - I don't want to - what if I'm not-"
"Take a deep breath, kiddo." Kim does. "What, you're afraid of disappointing him?" A small nod, and Kim looks so young, and nervous, that it pulls at Porsche's heart. "Aww. You couldn't."
"Yuh-huh," Kim mumbles.
"Nah. Trust me. That kid is so gone on you." This makes Kim smile. Bright and beautiful and bigger than Porsche has ever seen. In person, at least.
"I love him so much."
"Yeah?" Porsche knows for a fact that Kim has not told Chay as much. He already knows how smitten Kim is, and has for a while - it's why they're having this conversation at all, because Kim is over his head in love, and doesn't know what to do about it, and God forbid he talk about it sober - but the confirmation is nice to hear.
"I gotta - gotta tell him." Kim squirms around until he successfully gets his phone out of his pocket, pushing at the buttons on his lock screen in an unsuccessful attempt to open it. Porsche careful reaches across and take it from him.
"Hey, no, absolutely not. The first time Chay hears that from you is not going to be in the middle of your drunken ranting. He deserves better than that."
Doesn't mean he won't want to know about it later, though, which is why Porsche has had his phone on and recording this entire exchange. He'll save it for their wedding.
"I'll write him a song," Kim declares. "I'll write so many songs, a whole album. all about him, I'll-I'll-" He seemingly loses his train of thought, patting around the table like he's looking for something. Probably a pen. Porsche helpfully hands him one, and Kim latches onto it, scribbling lyrics into a napkin. Porsche can't wait to see what he comes up with later.
"Why haven't you talked to him?" Porsche gently prompts, interrupting his creative flow. He's pretty sure whatever lyrics Kim is coming up with right now are nonsensical anyway.
"Oh what? Of him rejecting you? Because that's impossible."
Kim shakes his head, looks like he's about to throw up, manages not to. "The other thing."
"What other thing?"
"Him wanting me." Except Chay does want Kim, and Kim has to know it. He's not blind. Porsche tells him as much, and Kim shakes his head, says, "He thinks so, because he doesn't have me. But if he does, and he doesn't want me anymore, because I don't, I don't..."
Porsche thinks Kim might say, I don't know how to be loved, and it breaks his heart. He slides around the booth so he can pull Kim into his side, and tries not to react when Kim bursts into tears. He didn't know Kim knew how to cry.
"Chay's so good, he's everything, and I'm not, I'm not, I don't-"
"Hey, hey, stop that. Calm down, it's okay, you're okay. Come on, what's all this?" Porsche ruffles his hair and laughs. "You're Wik! You're Khimhan Theerapanyakul.
Kim wheezes, "Not good," and Porsche crushes him in a one-armed hug that Kim doesn't even try to fight.
"Good enough for my little brother. Kay? Trust me, I'm the expert, and I'm giving you my blessing. So pull yourself together."
"Yeah, idiot, I'm giving you my permission to defile Chay."
"I wanna hold his hand and kiss his cheek and take him on a date. A real date. Imma get him flowers. What kind of flowers does he like?"
"He's allergic."
"But you can still do the other stuff."
"Oh." Another brilliant smile. "Yay."
"But before that..." Porsche waits for Kim to put it together, but he doesn't, blinking up at Porsche with his big brown eyes and waiting for direction. Porsche finishes the thought. "You have to talk to him first."
"Oh. Not yay."
"Hey, at least you already know what the answer's gonna be." Porsche cuffs his shoulder. "Do it for Chay, so you can have all that filthy hand-holding and cheek kisses and dates."
The next day greets Kim with the worst hangover he's had in his life, his body violently rejecting every ounce of alcohol he forced into it. When he can stop throwing up long enough to string together a coherent thought, he texts Porsche to inform him he's the worst person alive, his ideas are horrible, Kim is never trusting him again, and he's going to kill him the next time he sees him, just for good measure. His body hurts in ways he didn't know were possible, and it's Porsche's fault, and vengeance will be had. Just as soon as he can walk again.
Drink plenty of fluids! Porsche cheerfully replies. And don't forget to talk to Chay. Or else I'm sending him the video of you last night.
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vani-ash · 8 months
(Takes place around events of ep 7 DFF and end of Kinnporsche)
(inspired by I re-watched ep6 of DFF and somehow missed that they sing TSICY on their way to Pors house on my first watch)
Somehow Non and Chay run into each other and they look identical. Chay, wanting to have some time away from the mafia he's become apart of, comes up with the idea after hearing Nons story to switch places. Non is reluctant at first but when Chay promises he can help solve Nons problems he agrees (Non doesn't fully trust Chay and leaves out some details like Mr Keng and Phee).
Chay has a Theerapanyakul mafia ring that he uses when the mafia guys come after him to get them to leave him alone, he also has access to mafia money that he tries to use to help Nons family as much as he can without causing suspicion. Chay is disgusted by how Nons 'friends’ treat him but Non had said he wanted to finish his movie so Chay plays along with them for now.
And Then whatever happens causing Non to disappear happens to Chay instead.
Non was told by Chay that if he went to the compound he’d be able to just walk in, he’s nervous but he does and when he’s engulfed in a hug by a stranger he feels a little better. He recognizes the man from a photo Chay had shown him, Porsche, who was worried because Chay disappeared and lost his bodyguards for a few hours.
Chay had told Non that he wasn’t speaking to his brother or anyone else really so if he did nothing but stay in Chays room the whole time he’d be fine and no one would question or really bother him.
Then Non gets a knock on his door, it’s Kim, he was trying to apologize to Chay about his song being stolen and that it wasn't him that released it and he didn’t mean for it to happen.
(Someone on Kims team finds a demo Kim made of Chays song (tsicy) when he was helping Chay record it, and releases it under Wiks name without Kim’s consent. Because Kim hasn’t released any new music since his break up with Chay and his company wants new music from him.)
Non feels bad about how distraught Kim sounds, and lets him in. Kim hadn’t expected for Chay to actually let him in, it’s been a month since Kim had been this close to Chay and so the first thing he does on impulse is hugs him. Non, currently still processing the worst week of his life, doesn’t push Kim away causing Kim to kiss him.
Anyway Kim somehow finds out that it wasn’t Chay who forgave him and that Non isn't Chay and demands Non tell him where Chay actually is and when they show back up everyone is confused (because they killed him like 3 weeks ago or something) and is like WTF?! But when Non just acts like nothing happened they don’t bring it up, and so now Non and Kim have to figure out what happened to Chay.
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daylightaftertherain · 6 months
I should start writing that kimchay idolverse au that I've been thinking about forever hmm
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Talking about Porchay because nobody else is
Look, I love Kinnporsche with all my heart but.
I absolutely will not believe the fact that Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, the younger brother of Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, who was almost made the national Martial Arts champion, both of who had to suffer through god knows how many loan sharks due to their piece of shit uncle, does not know how to defend himself in a fight.
I will never believe that Porsche would let his precious brother walk around in broad daylight when he doesn’t even know basic self defence. It just does not make sense. Sure, he does not need to be a master in it or anything, but he at least should know how to get away when cornered or in trouble. 
And honestly I was so disappointed that we never saw him getting the full spotlight he deserved. We saw Kim in action, but how could Porchay not realise anything that was going on behind him? when he had to live cautiously his whole life?
Maybe I’m just being a bit delusional, but I refuse to let anyone walk over Porchay like that. He’s a smart kid. Trusting, maybe but definitely not naive or innocent, not when he has seen his brother come home at odd hours with bruises and bloodied knuckles. 
So yeah, I’m a bit frustrated with the series and a part of the fandom for treating Porchay like some fragile piece of glass that might break any minute. For fuck’s sake, he already had his teenage rebellion phase as well. And I’m pretty sure he also saw all those dead bodies in Yok’s bar.
That’s the one thing I both love and hate Kim for. Porsche seems hellbent on not letting Porchay get the full picture of the mafia, shielding him from almost anything and keeping him in the dark, which, to be frank, will only get him killed. He needs to see the full extent of what his brother is in and how he will now also be a part of it. And how if he joins, there is no going back. 
What Porchay needs now is not coddling not half-assed truths but the entire picture. And some self defence training and also how to use a gun. Otherwise, he won’t survive long, even Kim can only do so much. Porchay would never break apart his Hia from Kinn, no matter how much he may wish to. But being kept in the mansion like a statue will drive him towards resentment at both Porsche, for keeping him here and at Kinn, for keeping Porsche here. 
Also a therapist, if possible. 
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lurkingshan · 9 months
Random BL Superlatives: 2023 Edition
It's the end of the year and I'm feeling the need to give out some awards! We talk a lot about best show, best actors, best writing, best directing, blah blah but I gotta be honest, these are the categories that really spoke to me this year. In no particular order:
Best supporting garment: Porsche’s sweater, A Boss and A Babe
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Did I create this entire list just to have an excuse to post about this sweater one more time? Maybe so.
Best performance despite a terrible wig: Daou, Love in Translation
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This man managed to perform one of the hottest scenes of the year with that bowl cut monstrosity on his head. Respect must be paid.
Best new terminology: BGP, Bump Up Business
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BUB gave us so many gifts, but I will always be most thankful for the business gay performance concept (BGP), a term that is highly relevant in discussions of the bl industry.
Best advice: "Unfuck it," Tien in La Pluie
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It's not only the succinct phrasing, but also the delivery method.
Best ex who deserved better: Alan, Moonlight Chicken
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Yes, I will be staying on the Alan apologist beat in 2024, thank you for asking.
Best unexpected needle drop: Wetter, The Eighth Sense
The moment this show captured my full attention.
Best WTF ending: The End of the World With You
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You can probably still hear my scream of "WHAT" echoing in the hills. (Actual ending not pictured in case y'all decide to watch).
Best gut punch line: "Have you been well? Without me?", Our Dating Sim
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Sure Shin Gi Tae, Lee Wan deserved it, but did I??
Best adorable child: Tane, Our Dining Table
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Need I say more??
Best weapon: sparkle murder dust, Khun Chai
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Truly the MVP of this show. I can't find an actual gif of the dust in action (too violent to be depicted) so enjoy these pretty men instead.
Best great character trapped in a bad show: Boston, Only Friends
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My beloved, I will seek vengeance in your name.
Best use of music to fuck me up: Plumeria, I Feel You Linger in the Air
Cocktail and Tee Bundit, you know what you did!
Best meal: Chicken curry and cheese naan, What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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Yes, this category is kind of a cheat so I can mention WDYEY on this list. And what about it!
Best unhinged energy: Nawin, Laws of Attraction
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He may not have succeeded at stealing back his man but he certainly stole the show.
Best bl horror: Grand Guignol
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I just need to make sure all you jbl fans know that this movie exists and that Issei fucked Mr Unlucky!!! IYKYK.
Best character comeback: Phupha, Our Skyy 2
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From boring stoic love interest to actually compelling and kinda funny leading man! See what a little flirting with Pat Jindapat can do for you?!
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babyangelsky · 6 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 7✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
Favorite Villain: Korn Theerapanyakul
It isn't often that we get an actual villain in a BL. We have plenty of love rivals but those are rarely ever villains in the true sense of the word. We also have a large, unfortunate array of shitty parents and parental figures, some of which absolutely do fall into the villain category, but they don't deserve my effort or your attention.
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But then we have Korn.
Korn is a villain. Make absolutely no mistake about that. This man has dedicated his life to playing 4D chess with everyone around him, including and especially his sons, and he's brilliant at it. There is never a moment where he isn't in control, there is never a moment where he hasn't thought at least five steps ahead, and he has very few blind spots.
What gets me—and what makes him that much more insidious in my opinion—is how he presents himself to the world.
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♡ gif by @guzhufuren from this set
"This man, a villain? Never! He's just a nice, soft-spoken dad in a sweater vest! Sure he's a bit intimidating but he's in the mafia, it's to be expected. And just look at how accepting he is of his gay sons! He's looking at a photo of his son and his son-in-law and smiling, isn't that lovely?"
Korn's image is perfectly curated and if you only look on the surface, from the outside that's exactly what he is: a nice dad and a respectable businessman. He's rational, calm, and level-head, especially when you compare him to Gun—which you can't not do. It's impossible to have a conversation about Korn without talking about Gun, who is absolutely just as bad and who I easily could've chosen.
The difference is that Gun's evil is overt and in a way, it's more...honest because of it. He's not out here pretending to be a good person or trying to be anything other than exactly what he is. What you see is what you get. However, I chose Korn precisely because of that insidiousness, because his evil appears so much more subtle but only when it remains in the shadows.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
Because when everything gets brought to light? Hoooooo BOY.
This man kept his foster sister in isolation under lock and key for years after he killed her husband and took her away from her two little boys. Then he left those little boys in the care of a degenerate gambler and watched them sink further and further into debt. And that's only the thin end of the wedge! If we got into all the ways he fucked up his OWN boys, we'd be here all damn day.
Kidnapping on perhaps more than one occasion, a hit squad, Kim's entire personality, Kinn's emotional range, need I go on?
But getting back to Porsche and Chay, Korn could've helped them at literally any point but he didn't lift a finger until they grew up and became useful to him. He could've cleared their debts, paid for Chay's education, provided for them, kept them from getting remotely close to a situation were men were beating them and trashing their home. But he did exactly none of that because whatever sense of obligation Korn might have felt toward them absolutely pales in comparison to his need for control.
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♡ gif by @kinnbig from this set
That's what this all comes down to: control. The world is a chessboard and everyone in Korn's orbit is a piece on it. He proposed an outcome for himself and he got it.
He made sure Kinn was cemented as head of the main family and found a way to cement Porsche as head of the minor family. He got rid of Gun and the threat he presented and succeeded in burying the truth of what happened to Porsche's parents with him, because the truth that Korn gave simply is not the whole truth. It never will be because divulging the truth means giving up control, and that is something he will never do.
I could literally talk for hours about Korn. He's a fascinating character. He's got so many layers. Bottom line?
Este señor es el mismísimo diablo. This man is the living breathing devil.
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aeternallis · 9 months
It may be a bit of a hot take, but imo Kimchay has always been the most insidious of the three canon couples in KPTS, and I just love that for them.
It's deceptively easy at first glance to assume they're the healthiest/softest couple in the show, because at the onset of their relationship, they meet under the best of circumstances when compared to the other two. They don't have any questionable explicit scenes, and their storyline is almost cut off from the intertwining web of the other two couples' storylines.
But with the exception of their first meeting at the open house, every interaction thereafter—no matter how kind Kim acts, whatever feelings he begins to have for Chay, no matter how guilty he looks each time—takes place against the backdrop of Kim's hidden motives and the looming truth of who he is.
It's always been fascinating to me how KimChay stands out against the other two couples, because unlike Porsche and Pete who have the physical prowess to fight off Kinn and Vegas respectively and reinforce the boundaries they have when these hardheaded mafia men disrespects their autonomy, the only thing Chay has going for him in order to reinforce said boundaries is through mental fortitude. Being blunt with Kim about minding his own business, not answering his call, blocking his number...all these things shows the level of self-respect Chay has for himself when he's been wronged.
We the audience knows this, this isn't anything new. What Chay lacks in physical capability, he more than makes up for by that metaphorical spine of steel.
That’s not to say that I’m minimizing what Porsche and Pete went through; all the Theerapanyakul men are underhanded in some form or another. Porsche and Pete too have the capability in talking back through their own mental fortitude; they would have to, considering the lives they’ve lead thus far. But when push comes to shove, these two also have the added fighting capability—earned through a lifetime of hardship and necessity—to stave off the mafia men’s physical aggression, as we see a couple of times in the show. It’s partly through this fighting capability that they earn Kinn and Vegas’s respect, that they learn the hard way that Porsche and Pete won't be bullied so easily.
I cannot stress enough the fact that there is a difference between loving someone and respecting them.
The honesty between KinnPorsche and VegasPete has always had a brutal edge to it; I think it's why they both get a happily ever after (at least where we leave them off in the show), because they've already seen the worst of each other.
But we know that Chay in contrast isn't a fighter, if his immediate reaction to the kidnappers is anything to go by. One would think that this isn't his first rodeo with an attempted attack in his home (loan sharks and all that), and he’d know some self-defense considering who his brother is. Yet still, his instinct was to call for help, as he probably would do the same had Porsche been there with him.
But as we see in the show, Porsche’s overprotectiveness of Chay is to a point that it becomes detrimental to his safety. After all, why hasn't Porsche taught Chay to defend himself, if they've had experience before of getting harassed in their own home?
It's through mental fortitude alone that Chay can perfectly match Kim, because there is no way for this boy to fight off Kim’s aggression in the way Porsche and Pete can with Kinn and Vegas respectively.
And before I go on, I don't think there's any need to argue that Kim would never show or point towards Chay so much aggression, not when he's already done it:
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The only reason Kim let go of his hand in this scene so easily is because he was stunned by Chay's antagonism towards him (besides the fact that he was butthurt af when Chay outright calls him out). This scene, along with the scene before it and the bar fight scene, heavily hints at the sort of aggression that Kim is potentially capable of showing/pointing towards Chay. (I wonder what was the stage direction given to Jeff in this scene that Barcode had to yank his wrist back that hard, yknow?)
I'm pretty sure this was partly the point of this scene below; it begs the question of that unknown dimension between the two of them:
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But getting back on point: Chay only has his mental fortitude to match Kim and reinforce his boundaries, but even then, it’s not completely foolproof; given enough time, Kim can find ways to disarm Chay, as we see in their final scene together.
And of course it goes without saying, there are moments in the show where it's very obvious Kim truly returns Chay's affections, even moved and inspired by him. But ultimately, even where the audience is left off in terms of where their relationship is at, Kim doesn't respect him—or rather, he doesn't respect the boundaries Chay has drawn in the sand between them.
If Kim had truly respected those boundaries, he would not have reached out the way he did. He would not have reached out with an unknown number, in order to bait Chay into clicking that video link. He would not have used Chay's own song to re-write it into a love song for him.
Because for all of Chay's mental fortitude, in the end, even if Kim himself did not see Chay's reaction to the video, the end result he likely wanted came about: he found a way for Chay to pay attention to him again and more than that--hold that attention, because Chay doesn't delete the video.
Everything this final scene together entailed is arguably calculated on Kim's part. After all, nothing has changed: it happens against the backdrop of Kim's selfish motive. The motive has changed (from getting information on Porsche to getting Chay back/to forgive him), yes—but the nature of it hasn’t.
I think that's what makes Kimchay's relationship the most insidious of the three in my eyes, because despite everything they've been through so far, Kim still doesn't respect Chay's boundaries, not at this stage of their relationship, if ever. Besides that, Kim can and has found ways to counter Chay's strongest asset, to bring his guard down if you will.
And Chay has nothing else he can use against Kim to reinforce his boundaries, not fighting capability and certainly not distance, alas.
There is definitely a level of selfishness in Kim that surpasses the selfishness also inherent in Kinn and Vegas due to their upbringing, yknow?
It's why they hold my attention so much, I think: the sheer potential they have to become the most unhinged couple in this story, and how much I'm drawn to it like a moth a flame~
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apathetic-tortoise · 22 days
Vegas: Why is Porsche sitting in between Chay and Kim?
Pete: Because he doesn't wanna see them cuddling, or kissing
Vegas: But they’re dating
Pete: To Porsche, Chay is still a baby
Vegas, holds up Venice: This is a baby, that's a grown ass adult
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lu-sn · 1 year
in kpts, almost everyone in the mafia is trapped there. a good half of them clearly want out.
porsche vehemently doesn't even want in. he resists to the best of his ability, and even once he's in, he still dreams of that bar on the beach. chay would drop the mafia in a heartbeat, if he felt that it was possible. kim's already got one foot out the door. kinn wishes he could have even half of what kim has, but he's been thoroughly convinced he's never allowed to have it.
so despite all these characters who would love to be let loose, who would kill for a chance at true freedom — would run off into the sunset and never look back — it's interesting that the narrative gives the slightest promise of freedom to the two characters who didn't know it was possible, who never even thought to dream of it. vegas and pete do not understand the value of what they've been handed.
will they ever understand? will they ever see that freedom as a gift instead of a curse?
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ae-azile · 5 months
If I ever catch up with my WIPs, I have (another) plot bunny in my head...
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Chay is still so angry. He's angry at Porsche for lying to him and joining the mafia. He's angry at Korn for likely killing his father, taking their mother away, and making her into whatever shell of a person she is now. He's even angry at Kinn for making his brother happier than Chay has ever seen him, because that means they are never going to leave this place.
But most of all - despite how fucked up those reasons are - he is still so angry with Kim. He still won't talk to him, but he dreams about him every single night. It isn't fair.
So when he wakes up after a rare dreamless sleep, he feels grateful for about five seconds until he realizes where he is. He's back in his old room, his old house, and completely alone. And when he finds his phone plugged in on the nightstand, it is almost a year behind. If he weren't so freaked out by waking up in his old bed without knowing how he got there, he would smash his phone against the wall. The screen displaying the date he went on that college tour and first met Kim is NOT doing his brain and heart any favors. He calms down for about five minutes when he convinces himself this must be some kind of dream, one that doesn't directly include Kim yet still somehow inserts him into the overall narrative.
But Ohm calls and asks if they are still meeting at their go-to coffee shop so they can gush about Wik before seeing him perform in person - just like he had asked the day it actually happened. So Chay tells him he'd rather die, hangs up the phone, and decides to eat breakfast instead. He makes it down four steps before tripping down the rest and promptly breaking his neck.
Then he wakes up. Again. In his old bed on the day of the tour. When he decides to ignore Ohm's call and take a shower instead, he slips against the porcelain and cracks his head against the wall.
He takes a hint by the third time and goes to the college to see Kim. Kim looks as good as he did the first time and doesn't pay Chay any mind until Chay obnoxiously shouts out the answers to Kim's stupid trivia questions. For some reason, that is an offense that makes getting tased by security justified.
To give Kim a little credit, Chay hears him yelling stop before losing consciousness.
When he wakes up for the fourth time, he realizes he is going to have to go about this a little differently. He goes to the school tour, attends the concert, corrects the girl's answer, and approaches Kim after the show when Ohm drags him over to get his shirt. Chay knows there is no shirt and that Kim's signature, lessons, and expensive guitar aren't worth the heartbreak. Chay wants to tell him as much.
But Kim smiles at him kindly, no recognition in his eyes as he looks towards his friend in hopes to give Chay a shirt. It's then that it truly clicks that Kim doesn't know him, at least not yet. He may have figured out who he was shortly after meeting him and offered the lessons for information, but right now? He has no clue.
Chay is suddenly the one who knows everything and has the upperhand.
So Chay - against every instinct he has - asks Kim for those lessons once again. This time, it's going to be different.
This time, Chay is going to break Kim's heart first.
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Notes for plot:
- Chay will die every so often, causing the loop to start once more. Sometimes he gets a month or two in, other times he gets a few days, hours, or even minutes in.
- Chay will occasionally get sidetracked from his mission to destroy Kim. He thinks it could be an opportunity to pull his brother away from the mafia prior to Porsche becoming so attached to and in love with Kinn. He also tries to save his mother singlehandedly. It does not go well.
- After several loops and a couple of long, interrupted bouts, Kim starts becoming more aware. He recognizes Chay in the crowd and starts breaking script.
- It becomes clear this isn't some simulation. Somehow, Kim is now getting trapped into this curse too, but it's more gradual.
- They end up having to work together, all while Kim is struggling to remember what happened in the original timeline.
- Kim and Chay end up falling in love in a way that is more authentic and based in truth - after Chay gets a few loops where he one ups Kim, breaks his heart first, and gets it out of his system.
- Other characters start becoming more aware when Chay regularly deviates from the loop in ways that won't kill him. This results in allies, as well as bringing more of the ensemble into the loop. Sorry for the pun.
*Loosely inspired by the episode "Mystery Spot" from Supernatural, but more complicated * 😂
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porschesbabydaddy · 1 year
It’s so fascinating to me that Chay doesn’t object to Porsche being a mafia bodyguard from a moral standpoint, but rather because he doesn’t want to see Porsche get hurt/leave him. Clearly our boy is far more morally grey than one would expect
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the-cookie-of-doom · 8 months
Project endorphins: *exists*
Me: yay I’m gonna write fluff!
Also me: does not. Do that.
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vani-ash · 2 years
Thinking about Porsche treating Kim as a little brother, Porsche seeing Kim with Chay and thinking 'yeah im adopting him' Porsche telling Chay that he's not allowed to lose Kim, Porsche seeing Kim protect Chay and being so happy that Chay has someone else to look after him, Porsche seeing Kim sad about a fight he had with Chay and helping him win Chay back(ofc hes also consoling Chay with whatever fight happened but fuck if he'll let them break up over dumb arguments) Chay and Kim playfully fighting over who's the best little brother to Porsche (of course Porsche is going to choose Chay but hes elated knowing Kim sees him as brother figure) Porsche telling Kinn that he's stealing his rights as Kim's older brother beacuse Kinn sucks at it and Kinn being thoroughly confused(Tankhuns on thin ice with Porsche) Porsche teasing Kim about embarrassing shit he learns about from Kinn and Tankhun and Kim doing the same back to with stuff he learns about from Chay, Chay making jokes about how Kim's only with him for his brother, Porsche showing up to one of Wiks concerts not because Chay dragged him along but beacuse he wanted to come support Kim himself
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emberfaye · 6 months
For me,
Kim and Chay both love each other so much.
I'm very fond of couples who actually see each other. like, in a way that others don't. And yeah, we all know that Chay sees a side of kim not many, if anyone, does.
But I also think Chay shows an honest and true side of himself to only Kim, and that Kim offers just as much to the relationship as Chay does.
It's hard to tell in those little snippets of life we see after the "break up", but like.
Chay is a very lonely person. I know it's the common fanon that chay is popular and has all the friends and skills, but I honestly could see him being just as lonely as say, kinn or kim. Porsche is the outgoing one we see being social. all the times we see chay with people/friends, he's more quiet and reserved. I'd wager he has one friend (the one went with him to the open house and later we see doing his hair / out with this dudes friends vs chay's friends)
And Kim eases that loneliness just as much. And Kim takes care of him --- the polaroids paint a picture of him spoiling him with experiences Chay has never had--because he's been broke and on a scholarship so always studying.
Because so much of Kimchay can be hidden from the viewer, it's so easy to say that Chay is the only one who gave of himself, or offers something to Kim--
But I truly don't think that's fair to the characterization of a beautiful show. Kim gave *everything* he could to chay, to the point of getting back into a life he hated and had successfully escaped from (murder board aside) , just to keep Chay safe.
He allowed Chay to have a whole other home and life outside of Porsche. He eased Chay's worries and offered him comfort. Even when he was trying to investigate porsche and Chay, he was trying to be fair about it--snacks, offering up his own name to make the status quo even.
Remember the Wik shrine smile? Kim wasn't judgy, and he was always patient with chay.
Kim's capacity to love and change chay is equal to chay's capacity to love and change chay. I think they truly saw each other and healed each other. It wasn't one sided, not the love and not the affect that had on each other.
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Some KimChay Post-Happy Ending Things
Okay but like imagine with me for a moment if you will:
Kim being unable to keep his hands off Porchay for more than five seconds when they’re alone (he’s not one for PDA)
Kim shyly reaching for Chay’s hand when they go on a walk
Kim smiling like the biggest idiot on Earth the first time Chay calls him his boyfriend
Kim making Chay blush any chance he gets cause he’s so darn CUTE
Kim telling Porchay at every turn that he loves him so he’ll never have any doubts ever again
Before a concert - “I love you, Porchay.”
In the morning - “Chay. I love you.”
While Chay’s cooking dinner and Kim hugs him from behind - “Hey. I love you.”
Before Chay goes to school - “Oh by the way. I love you.”
And of course during lessons - “You went a little flat there. Also I love you.”
Kim and Porchay spending countless hours jamming on their guitars together and composing so many songs on the spot they have stacks of binders full of them
Porsche to Kim - “If you break my brother’s heart again I will hang you by your lovely cheekbones” :)
Also Porsche - “Thanks for always protecting him when I can’t. I’m glad he has you.”
Kim rescuing Chay from Khun
Porchay borrowing Kim’s jackets
Kim dyeing Porchay’s hair and going with him to get his first piercing
Kim going Mafia Prince when some other guy gets too close to Chay - “He’s mine.”
Kim teaching Chay some self-defense and not at all trying to seduce him because he’s definitely going to need it now, as well as the basics of shooting a gun
Kim and Porchay working as a lethal team when faced with mafia shenanigans.
Because while Chay is still a noodle, he’s learned to be quicker on his feet, a little speed demon if you will
He can run to do the important thing while Kim kicks ass and looks hot
Always ends with Kim hugging the shit out of Chay cause he’s an idiot for wanting to stay with him but he loves him so much and doesn’t know what he’d do without him
Kim cradling the back of Porchay’s head with one hand and kissing his neck, then the cheek, then his lips
Kim holding Chay’s face, checking to see if he’s hurt anywhere and Chay’s just smiling at him all in love and stuff
Sexy times, soft and passionate (Porsche - “PORCHAY NOOOOOO”)
Sweet fluffly pillow talk with lots of kisses
The forever running joke between them:
“I love you.”
“I’m hungry.”
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