#he sees Rhaenyra as the Viserys he could have and hoped she’d listen to him and wouldn’t be a weakling like his brother
bohemian-nights · 11 months
Daemon loved his brother but ultimately thought he was weak. In episode 10 when Rhaenyra is considering not going to war Daemon begins seeing that same weakness in her that he saw in Viserys (and the fact that despite being Viserys’s heir for so many years he never trusted him with the prophecy). That is of course in no way shape or form justification for choking her but that’s just how I interpreted that scene.
Yep. Daemon recognized he got a carbon copy of Viserys with the same weaknesses and obsession with his dreams instead of a new and improved version of his brother. The choking was definitely a reaction to this realization 👏🏽
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 2 years
Being  Corlys’ Bastard Daughter in a  Secret Relationship with Rhaenyra Would Include...
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I started writing this weeks ago and recently finished. Kinda went ham on it, sorry if it got too long! I’m also working on fics about this concept so stay tuned. Also spoilers for House of The Dragon up to episode 7, Driftmark. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
• You were Laenor and Laena’s half sister, since you were Corlys’ bastard daughter but you were legitimized in his eyes once you came into adulthood. 
• Rhaenys accepted you with open arms, seeing you as a daughter just as she saw Laena and Laenor as her children respectfully. 
• You didn’t care much for lady-like duties, choosing to chase behind Laenor and the other knights of your house to train in sword and shield. Corlys had his issues with it of course, but as long as you did what you could to keep up appearances, he was fine. Rhaenys was there to teach you all about being a lady, while sharing much of the fierceness a Targaryen could hold.
• Like Laenor, you had different tastes to what was expected of you. 
• You much preferred the company of the ladies of court as your father frequented Kings Landing as King Viserys’s master of ships. Being around other ladies of court wasn’t frown upon much, you were safe from rumors, unlike your brother Laenor, it was easy to navigate yourself through your specific tastes since close bonds between women of the court were common.
• It remained common as you could keep them, a few lingering smiles here and a few compliments there, until you met the crowned Princess herself, Rhaenyra Targaryen.
• She was betrothed to your brother Laenor but he didn’t see her like that, yet you did. The Princess noticed you, and complimented you accordingly:
“You’re just as pretty as your brother, Lady Y/N,” Rhaenyra said before kissing your hand. 
• Laenor may have been her betrothed, but Rhaenyra spent much time with you: listening of your tales amongst the sea with your father while Rhaenyra told you stories of dragons, even mentioning that she’d like to take you on the back of Syrax if you’d like to. 
• During Laenor and the Princess’s wedding, the both of you kept running into each other on the dance floor. Her eyes tracing your body as she moved from man to man, attention on the way the music took you. 
• Kept a close eye on you until the violence began, going straight towards you, keeping you safe through all of chaos. 
“I need to find my brother!” you said.
Rhaenyra shook her head, hands still holding yours. 
“I must protect you for him, my lady.”
• You knew you had feelings for the Princess after she married Laenor. The ten years away from her while she was in Kings Landing and you on Driftmark made you crave for her presence again. So you wrote to her, along with Laenor and Laena, respectively as she was in Essos. 
• Rhaenyra oft wrote back, telling of her children and how much she missed you. She detailed your beauty in her letters, joking about how she’d rather be the wife of another Velaryon than your brother.
• You gushed at the letter once it got to you, thinking over a fortnight of what to say back to the Princess. It was treason and down right wrong to think of Rhaenyra in a nonplatonic way yet the Princess’s words drew you with so much tenderness inside. 
• Rhaenyra’s letters kept arriving, wondering when you’d get back to her: both physically and by letter. You didn’t mean to leave her in the dark, but after hearing about her relations with Harwin and how she adored him saddened you. You wished to be the sole love she adored.
 • You didn’t write her back until Laena’s death, pouring out everything you thought for her and the hate you felt for Laena going off with Daemon to Pentos, for making Rhaenys a wreck and making your father quiet, so much so that he didn’t talk much until the funeral. 
• You and Laena weren’t the closest, yet she always made an effort to understand you the most, boasting that the blood of old Valyria was still strong in you, whether you weren’t full Velaryon or not. She never looked down or joked about your preferences, encouraging it along with Laenor.
• Laenor took Laena’s death the hardest though. You tried sticking by his side during the funeral, trying not to crack under your uncle Vaemond’s words of Velaryon blood, glancing at Rhaenyra’s own boys and you. It made it hard for you to handle your grief when anger bubbled inside, forcing you to clutch your hands tightly that red nail marks carved at your palms.  
• Rhaenyra noticed however, prompting her youngest son there, Lucerys to comfort you in some way. The boy reluctantly looked to his mother, than to you before bounding over (thanks to a stern, yet easygoing nod from Rhaenyra) and taking one of your clasped hands into his tiny one. 
• Your wall of rage tumbled just a bit, breaking your intense focus to see your nephew staring with wide eyes, steady and ready to bolt back to his mother and father if things grew awry. All you wanted was some one there who understood your pain, your rage, your heartbreak. You knew of the rumors, you may have been away from court but the gossip always ran throughout the seven kingdoms. The words bastard and Strong thrown around carelessly of Rhaenyra’s boys so much so that you felt terrible for them or even considering the truth that they weren’t Laenor’s boys.  
•Whether they truly had the “saltiest and thickest Velaryon blood” didn’t matter, even though  you were a Velaryon in Corlys’ eyes, yet in other members of the house’s eyes you were still the Sea Snake’s bastard daughter. A title you could never escape from. You didn’t know what Lucerys went though but you held his hand anyway, pulling him close for a hug. You may not know what the boy went through but it had to be something similar to your own strive.
•The boy hesitated but returned it immediately, clutching onto you for the rest of your uncle’s speech. You felt loved, you may have only met your nephew but you could tell Rhaenyra and Laenor loved and raised him decently so far. 
“I-Is aunt Y/N all right?” Jacaerys asked as he approached you and Luke, holding his mother and father’s hands. 
Luke glanced up at you expectantly, hugging into your side, as if asking his brother’s question a second time.
“Y-Yeah,” you said. Your voice rough but you tried your best in sounding all right. “T-Thank you for worrying about me, boys.”
Rhaenyra met your eye as you ruffled the boys’ hair, totally not buying your words at all. 
“Laenor, take the boys to bed, please?” Rhaenyra said. She patted your brother’s arm before continuing. “I’ll be along shortly.”
Laenor seemed just as worn out as you, doing what his wife told was simple yet he still was rather sluggish in taking Jace and Luke’s hands, leaving you and Rhaenyra alone. 
 • Rhaenyra drew closer and like her son, she was cautious of touching you. 
“Alicent, and her father have been watching me,” she said as she glanced past and beyond you discreetly. “Walk with me to the beach?”
“Have I some how entered your circle of rumors, Princess?” you said.
Rhaenyra smiled weakly. “Something like that, my lady.”
  • Once you walked enough of the beach and nightfall began to cover you both thanks to the decline of the sun, Rheanyra took you into her arms, wrapping you close by the waist.
• Her touch. Finally feeling her skin, her warmth for over ten years made the emotions bubble up in you yet again as tears flowed from you. 
“I’m here,” Rhaenyra whispered. She pressed a hand to the back of your head. “I-I’m so sorry, Y/N”
You held onto her, crying into her chest, babbling about everything you held against you for the past ten years.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” you sobbed. “With Laenor being your king consort and Laena dead, I possibly couldn’t be Lady of Driftmark or Lady of the Tides as a--”
Rhaenyra took your face before you could even say the word bastard. Through your tear stained eyes you saw her own crestfallen expression, water clinging to her own eyes. 
“You are a true Velaryon,” Rhaenyra declared. “It may not be official but I promise as queen you will be. It will be my first act.”
• The Princess then kissed you, hard, fierce and fiery as kissing a Targaryen should be. You shivered in her arms thanks to the brisk air Driftmark held, especially close to the sea as night continued to crawl through the final peaks of sun.   
  • Rhaenyra’s hands traveled over your waist, holding you as if you’d sail away at any moment, ship off for another ten years. 
“Come with me, us to Dragonstone,” Rhaenyra said. Desperation written on her face as she panted from your previous make out. “Be my lady in waiting, my sworn sword, I don’t care I-I just need you with me!”
The words “sworn sword” hit you in a sour way. 
“Like your former? He’s replaceable? W-Would I be?” you said.
Rhaenyra’s grip on your sides grew rough; you gasped at the slight pinch in pain as she pulled you to be inches from her lips again. 
“I loved Harwin, he can never be replaced,” she said, solidifying your worries. “But he isn’t you. A-And what I feel for you isn’t quite the same as I had with him.”
You shook your head, speaking the truth of the rumors. 
“You’d have children with me?” you said. “I-If we could?”
“I would and more, you’d be my Queen consort instead of your brother,” the Princess responded cheekily.   
• The both of you shared more kisses, along with touches that lingered. Rhaenyra wanted to go further, you both did but the lost of loved ones sought you both against it for now. 
• When you both found Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena bloodied from their scuffle with Aemond, you immediately formed a shield around all your nieces and nephews with Corlys, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. 
• Luke clung to you instantly as Alicent tried attacking the boy, almost cutting you if Rhaenyra didn’t stop the mad Queen first. 
  • When Alicent cut Rhaenyra, you were at the Princess’s side but not before Luke scurried to her left, you to her right. You held her as she bled, immediately calling for a maester for not only Rhaenyra’s wounds but for that of your nephews and nieces as well. 
• You stayed by her side as the maesters stitched her arm. Luke clung to you again, asking his mother if she was all right while Jace held your other hand. Rhaenyra reassured him with a kiss on the forehead before doing the same to Jace. 
“You boys have cause a lot of trouble tonight. Now go off to bed, for real this time,” Rhaenyra said. 
Her boys did what they were told but not before hugging Rhaenyra then you as well. 
• Rhaenyra began to notice how much her boys got attached to you, especially Luke and deemed you as a second mother to them after your permanent stay on Dragonstone, and having them squire under you and Laenor.
• You became a quasi mentor to your nephew Luke, since he’d inherit Driftmark as Lord of the Tides. Of course he had trouble getting seasick but you still reassured him that he’d make a fine Lord of the Tides and helped him during short sea trips from Dragonstone to Kingslanding to help him adjust to life on the sea. 
• Rhaenyra would always fly over with Syrax to ensure that the both of you arrived and departed safely. 
• She always welcomed you with a tight embrace, checking over you as soon as she was done ensuring Luke was in one piece. 
•  Rhaenyra always found time to be alone with you, always thanking you for being amazing with her boys and always made sure you felt all right here with this family she cultivated on Dragonstone. 
“I hope you feel a part of this family as much as I believe you are,” Rhaenyra said while she held your hand. She cuddled next to you while she played with the braids of your silver hair. “Have ever I told you how beautiful your hair is?” 
You grew sheepish at her words, especially at the mention of being her family, finally a part of her life and finally able to be with her. 
“You really see me as your family?” you said as you tucked yourself against her chest. “What does that make me? Secret lover to the heir apparent?”
Rhaenyra shook her head and gave you a deep kiss. 
“You will be my only sole lover, Y/N Velaryon, a true Lady of Driftmark right next to the Queen of the seven kingdoms.”    
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