#he shouldn´t be hot
thefunkylime · 11 months
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"Hello daddy"
Binged all Sunburst fic by ShyOwl during the weekend and I had to paint something to express how much this story meant to me. This painting is a lot rougher than my usual style but I like it. The forest the butterflies and the storm clouds are symbolic in the story. I don´t want to spoil too much but if you like Luke Skywalker I super recommend it.
The fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43822567/chapters/110193061
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slu7formen · 4 months
Luke, who´s obsessed with saying, ´where my hug at?´
fully based on this post
warnings. fluff <3, little drunk!luke
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The phrase had become a running joke, a playful thorn in your side. It all started innocently. You and Luke had been sparring very intensely, just like you always did when you wanted to put your engines to work and you had some free time. And like most times, he would beat you.
And after he helped you get up from the ground, he let it out.
“Where my hug at?”
You turn to him. He was standing there, sword in hand, with his arms open and ready to receive you. "What?" you laugh.
"Come on” he gestured you with his fingers to get closer to him, “Don´t you need one after stomping your ass to the ground? Again?”
You scoff. It was ridiculous, yes, but there was something about the way he said it, a goofy earnestness that made you want to laugh. And partly, because you knew he knew you too well; you did like giving hugs, just as much as you like receiving. But still, you knew he was teasing you.
“I´m not giving you any hugs” you say.
“You´ll need it later” he teased.
You hesitated for a moment, but then with a groan, you gave in, wrapping your arms around his torso as he wrapped his own over your shoulder to keep your head close to his chest.
But that one hug was a button you shouldn´t have pressed. From that day on, ‘Where my hug at?’ became Luke's catchphrase, deployed with strategic precision to elicit a reaction from you.
You sat on a sturdy tree trunk one night, a steaming mug of hot chocolate warming your hands. Counselor duties had been particularly demanding today, and a pleasant weariness settled over you as you watched the flames lick at the night sky.
“Hey” Luke said as he appeared behind you, taking a seat next to you.
You hadn't seen Luke all day, his schedule as busy as yours. “Hi” you greeted.
“Rough day, huh?” he asked.
You glanced at him, a tired smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "You could say that. You?"
He stretched languidly, his arm brushing against yours. "Same" he said before taking your own mug from your hands, taking a sip.
A comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the rhythmic roar of the fire. You both sat there, lost in your own thoughts, enjoying the shared camaraderie.
"Got any plans for tonight?” he asked casually.
You shrugged, tossing a charred stick onto the growing pile of embers. "Probably just stargaze for a bit, I need that."
"Sounds boring" he declared.
“You´re boring” You chuckled, nudging him playfully. "You spend all day teaching swordsmanship."
"Well, someone needs to make sure these kids don't accidentally poke someone's eye out” he declared. And there was another soft silence, before he broke it with another comment. “I´m really fucking tired” he groaned.
“Yeah, me too” you say, squeezing your own neck as you feel a knot growing bigger and bigger every time you move.
“Where my hug at, then?”
“Oh, Jesus”
Gods, wouldn't he let it go?
“Pleasee-ah, I need to squish something” he said.
"Where does this obsession with hugs even come from?" you ask, taking another sip from your mug.
He shrugged. “Beats me. Maybe because I just happen to know a certain someone who´s all about physical touch?"
"Oh, please," you scoffed, stepping on his foot on purpose. "You just like messing with me."
"Maybe a little," he admitted, “Come on! Don´t you feel sorry for me?”
You couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculousness. "Fine, fine" you conceded, scooting closer to him. As you leaned in for the hug, Luke chuckled, his arm wrapping around your shoulder and pulling you close. You both stare into the flames in silence.
"See?" he murmured with satisfaction. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
And because of how proud he feels, you pull away and push him down to the grass, his feet being the only thing visible over the tree trunk as a small group of campers erupted in laughter.
Gods, you had to be careful when he got drunk.
He was already clingy enough when he drank, but ever since the questions became his whole personality, he was much more annoying. "Man, it´s getting cold" he declared, throwing his arm dramatically around your shoulders. "Where my hug at?"
"You've asked me like ten times already, Luke” you groan, unwrapping his arm around you.
He blinked slowly, processing the information. "Oh," he mumbled, his grin faltering. "Have I?"
You nodded, fighting back a smile at his sheepish expression. There was a moment of silence. Just as you thought you might have escaped the hug-question, Luke spoke again.
"Well then," he declared, his voice thick with drunken confidence, "where my eleventh hug at?"
“It´s not here!” you yell.
Then he disappeared from a moment with Chris, and just a few minutes later, he came back. Pocking on his own biceps.
"Hey," Luke called. "Did I ever tell you how much stronger I'm getting?"
"Uh-huh" you replied cautiously, sensing another round coming on.
"Yeah," he continued, his voice laced with a newfound seriousness. "I could, like-, totally take down the entire cabin five."
You patted his back awkwardly, unsure how to respond to his drunken boast. "That's...great?”
"Yeah, it is!" he declared, pulling away and looking at you with wide, glassy eyes. "Come on, feel my arms, where my hug at?"
You started to poke Luke´s arms as he only looked at you, puffing up his chest as he waited. “I can feel your arms without having to hug you” you protest.
“Ugh” he groaned, “You´re so difficult to convince”
But sometimes, when the atmosphere was different, so was the question.
You sat perched on a rock overlooking the beach, waves crashing rhythmically against the shore. A soft crunch of gravel alerted you to Luke's presence. He climbed onto the rock beside you, his gaze mirroring yours as he took in the breathtaking sunset. You could feel Luke's concerned gaze turn towards you, and you knew he'd noticed the glistening tracks of dried tears on your cheeks.
"Your mom?" he asked softly, his voice laced with concern as he looked down at the piece of paper you had on your lap.
You nodded, unable to speak past the lump in your throat. A sniffle escaped you, and you quickly folded the letter again, tucking it away with a sigh.
"What'd she say?" he pressed gently.
You forced a smile, but it reached neither your eyes nor your heart. "I can't go," you whispered, the disappointment heavy in your voice. "She won't let me."
Luke shifted closer, his presence a silent source of comfort. He didn't bombard you with questions or try to offer false reassurances. He simply understood. “Well, at least you´re staying here with me” He bumped his shoulder against yours playfully, a subtle gesture that spoke volumes. You couldn't help but let out a soft, shaky laugh.
"Yeah," you mumbled, the weight on your chest lifting a little. "Yeah, that's not too bad."
The two of you sat there in companionable silence, watching the last rays of sunlight surrender to the approaching night.
The silence stretched on, punctuated only by the rhythmic roar of the waves. You turned your head towards Luke, his profile etched against the vibrant sunset.
"Luke" you called.
He turned toward you, his eyes searching yours. A hesitant smile touched your lips, a flicker of hope igniting within you. In that moment, the question that usually brought forth annoyance now carried a deeper meaning.
"Where my hug at?" you whispered, your voice barely audible.
He didn´t need you to ask twice. Without a word, he opened his arms wide, a silent invitation for comfort as he couldn´t hold back a little laugh.
You didn't hesitate. You leaned into his embrace, burying your face in the familiar scent of him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding you close as if afraid to let go, silently acknowledging your pain. His touch was a promise to be there for you whenever you needed him.
The tears you'd been holding back finally spilled over. You let them flow freely, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace. In that moment, the disappointment faded into the background, replaced by the comforting knowledge that you weren't alone. You had Luke, and that, at least for now, was enough.
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eden-3000 · 4 months
Off To Bed!
bf Loki x reader
Fluff, cute, watching Star Wars together
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You're sitting on the sofa, snuggled up to your boyfriend, watching 'The Empire Strikes Back' with him because you couldn't approve of him not knowing the Star Wars films.
In the middle of it all - Luke has just crash-landed with Yoda on Dagobah - he puts his hand on your neck. A shiver runs down your spine, and not just because it's ice cold. "You're all warm, darling." He murmurs and you can hear the worry in his voice. "Maybe you're just hypothermic." You reply, and after a moment you add: "Or you just have to live with the fact that I´m irresistibly hot". Grinning you kiss him on the cheek and reach for a glass of water because your throat feels dry as a desert.
It's not the first time in the last few days that you've had these symptoms, but for you, going to a doctor is out of the question, mainly because you can´t afford the bill, that might result from this visit.
Loki looks at you with a raised eyebrow and pauses the film. "I'm not sick," you claim, although you feel anything but healthy. Nice try, lying to the God of mischief. He gets up and comes back with the thermometer. "No arguments. If you're feeling well, everything's fine. If you have a fever, just stay at home for a few days. But then at least we'll know and I can take care of you." With a deep sigh, you take the device from him and measure your temperature. 103.
"Off to bed." He orders firmly. "Normally it sounds much better when you say that," you grumble disappointedly. "Please, darling, I'm worried. You mortals shouldn´t mess with your health, you are far too fragile." "But I can get better on the couch."
Loki considers for a second, then nods, "Fine. I'll make you some tea, you get your blanket and put on something warmer." You obey immediately... When you come back, there are two cups of deliciously fragrant tea and some biscuits on the living room table.
Your eyes start to light up and you sit down on the couch next to Loki again. "Anything to make my love feel better again." He smiles and pulls you to him, but you put some distance between you. "I don't want to infect you." "I don't get sick that easily." He waves you off and pulls you closer, into a gentle kiss.
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laceymorganwrites · 1 year
I never thought I´d fall for you
KnB edition:
Female reader
listen, he has a type and it´s certainly not you
your boobs are non existing, not at all like he likes them
so why the hell is he looking after you all the time? why´s he got that stupid smile on his face whenever you look in his direction?
you shouldn´t be this pretty...no more than that, you´re so hot to him, just gorgeous
this man fucking overthinks everything he knew about his preferences before when he sees you for the first time
how are you so hot?? he doesn´t understand it 
it´s not your personality, at this point he hasn´t even talked to you just yet
it just hits him, he´s super attracted to you physically for some reason and because of that he´s intrigued and curious to get to know you beyond all that
someone tell him why he´s getting flustered when you smile at him
you make him such a mess, he´s so fucking embarrassed, this isn´t like him at all
someone who´s as shy as you isn´t at all the girl he looks for
he doesn´t like shy and passive girls at all, they bore him
he much prefers someone who actively seeks him out
in his mind the shy girls are just fans of his that won´t actively be fans which pisses him off
when the two of you are paired up in a group project he´s beyond irritated when you just talk about school stuff and other things, complimenting his playing style and not just screaming about how cool he is
it´s...strangely nice
it´s the first time he can actually talk to someone without having to fake anything
and somehow the closer you get the more he is attracted to you
he feels really special that he´s one of the only people you talk to
he loves your shy smiles as well when you see him, it makes his heart flutter
 you´re so average it irritates him
he doesn´t even want to talk to someone irrelevant and boring like you
so why are you so persistent?
with anyone else he´d have flipped already so why can´t he with you?
why does he feel so calm around you? like there are no expectations? he isn´t supposed to feel normal
and it certainly isn´t supposed to feel so nice and comforting
no, Seijuro should fall for someone equally as cold as him, someone from a powerful family
he never really thought about falling in love or chasing after someone because in the end his father would pick out someone suitable for him
he wouldn´t get a say in it either way so he never bothered
but you made him want to experience these feelings that everyone around him had so carelessly
just once he wanted to taste the freedom of love
you´re an extrovert
it´s pretty self explanatory but people who talk too much and get too close to him always irritate him
tries to avoid you so much and always yells at you to stay away every time you sit beside him during lunch break
still, you´re the only person he ever runs after (only to get you back the snacks you got him which he didn´t ask for)
he keeps wondering why you´re so damn persistent, he´s not even worth it in the first place
you also don´t seem to care about basketball all that much which is weird because it´s the only thing he´s good at
eventually he gets too tired of trying to avoid you and just lets you talk to him
somehow he also finds himself replying to you which is something that never happened before
and even stranger than that...he feels calm around you and wants you to talk more
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Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood Part II (chapters 6 to 10)
For the (probably nonexistent) person who wants to know where to find the other parts:
Part I
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
What follows is the commentary for the next few chapters. For the simple reason that i have not yet named it as part of why this fanfiction is so good: It has a pretty decent (read: for a normal person a quite long) chapter lenghth - perfect for just cuddling up somewhere with a mug of tea or any other hot beverage of choice and keep on reading. As the full lenghth of this fic has as of this day reached around 500k words and there are still 59 to go you, there is still quite a bit to discuss!
I do hope I don´t just regurgitate the story itself, but we´ll see how it goes.
I want to try to include some things that may count as spoilers. I´ll put the spoilers in using this:
So if you see this - there may or may not be a spoiler here but at least you can ignore the text if it important to you?
Okay so there´s been a time jump between the fifth and sixth chapters. And what do we see? Danny as well as Lex struggling with a few important revelations.
The first one being Danny even realizing that: yes, he actually IS smart. Who would ever question that with the number of languagges Danny even speaks? And with all the knowledge he has about astrophysics? Or even how he is able to tinker with his parent´s weapons and actually understanding them? But no.
Our boy has been told he was the dumb one in the family for long enough, that is was an actual surprise for him to realize how well he has placed in his placement tests. And it does break my heart a little to know what must have gone down to behave like that …
But that´s only just really scratching the surface, isn´t it? Because what follows is Lex being a worried parent and realizing that his son has been left reeling with a realization.
Because Danny, now that school is about to start again, knows that he can´t just leave soon anymore. He has built somewhat of a life in this dimension. He as people he cares about. He´s about to continue his schooling here. And our boy? Has not wanted to think about the repercussions.
So here he sits. In his room. Devastated after months in this dimension because … he´s happy here. He´s happy and he doesn´t want to be happy. Doesn´t want to be safe because this? This isn´t home. And how my heart hurts when I read this.
A child should feel save at home. They shouldn´t be forced to literally fight for this sense of safety. But he was. And now all of this tension is just gone and it feels good and in a way he feels as if he´s betraying his family and friends. Which I completely understand. But - he should get to feel save too.
What I do find a funny kind of satisfaction in is just how Lex continues to bash Danny´s parents. Because as bad as it sounds: it´s all the truth. And that it is probably just makes it a much harder pill to swallow. Poor boy, but he´ll understand. Someday. Probably?
All in all: this chapter is just such a wholehearted conversation that I´m a bit sad to see it go. But it just gets better from there because it continues with a mind controlled superman and Danny deciding he´s got to do something about it. Which he does. By absolutely beating the living daylights out of him. Lex gets a very satisfying video out of it and by god, is the fight scene nicely written. Another wonderful little thing to point out is how lex explains to Danny how 'Superman´s been mind controlled again' and then just does not stop bashing him xD Wonderful scene tbh, i need more of snarky Lex!
After the fight? The Justice League gets CURIOUS. And a curious justice league? I don´t know if that would do Danny all too much good, not that they care at this point. He could be a danger after all.
And to be honest? I fear for the day they may try and interrogate Danny as Phantom. Though I have not yet decided if I fear more for Danny or the League. He´s slightly (very) unhinged after all.
Also: Danny lands on the news! And on Twitter! And oh my god, does Twitter have THINGS to say about the whole thing.
And boy oh boy - Twitter loves Danny! From his looks to his smarts and his relationship with Lex or his sassiness: everything gets discussed and it´s just so funny to see this happening from an outside point of view xD
What also follows is the funniest Twitter discourse i have seen in a while. It does include Danny non-stop snarking at Lex so it is an absolute win for me xD
Also: people find out about his and Cass´relationship and they are very enthusiastic about it. Or at least, that´s one way to put it xD
Even though it´s only friendship. For now. I swear to god they´re not gonna stay friends for long before they´re in a committed relationship with each other.
Which Bruce apparently also knows. He´s already plotting the shovel talk. Is it bad that i want to see that discussion go down?
Alfred just being the absolute sweetheart that he is being like 'Cassandra can can take care of herself silly son'. It´s just so wholesome?
And with that Arc I ENDS. And it was such a sweet arc :3 Full of heart for sure and the fun also did not get the short end of stick - superman got it instead xD
It´s not the end however as we get to the first interlude, which shows us how Jazz is dealing with the whole situation. 'Not good' may be an understatement to be honest.
She has to accomodate so many things: what her parents did to Danny, what they did (and also did not) do while they were 'raising' them, how to deal with the negelct and sometimes borderline abuse, how to deal with college and how to search for her brother without losing either herself or her connection to her friends and family…
What probably does not help is that his disappearance has created a rift between Tucker and Sam that seems to get worse as time goes on.
And Jazz? She seems lost. A classic case of older sibling syndrome, not furthered by her study into psychology. She´s spreading herself thin trying to help. Has been doing so for years at this point and to be honest? It feels as if she´s about to snap.
What she does feel for sure is lost. And i can relate. I really, really do. I mean i may not have been in such a dire situation yet (knock on wood), but … i can kind of feel her despair and sadness over these circumstances: She wanted to do more. To help more, but also to finally be free of this burden. She feels as if it´s her fault Danny died. That it´s her fault she couldn´t bring him back. And doesn´t that just mirror Danny´s whole 'I must save the town because i turned on the portal' sacrificial mindset?
The surely are much more similar to each other than they probably think. And if they are gonna see each other again? There are many tears and conversations to be had…
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The great expressions of High&Low
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„Look how adorable I am with my kicked puppy expression?!Yeah?I´m still gonna come for you with the nastiest wrestling moves like a squirrel on acid!“
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„Oh yeah?!What are you gonna do?Fight me?!“Makes angry Fujio noises to assert dominance.
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Odajima; „Yeah,go Sawamura!“
Jinkawa; Is painfully single in silence
Shidaken; „Sachio is so gonna go on a rampage!
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„Is this man serious?!At least tell me you´re joking?!Imma go fishing,I might decide not to come back.“
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„Doesn´t the loony bin have a field trip you gotta return to before they see a unmedicated,delusional nutjob is missing?!“
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Plans Jigsaw-style murder in silence.Heavily debating to might attack and bite someone later on.10/10 Hyuga would adopt that feral gremlin
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Yamato; „Why can´t there be at least motorcycles?!“
Cobra;“No idea what´s going on whatsoever,just gonna look cute,heavily pretending to understand sports.“
„That shit´s like straight porn those guys are hot but I have no idea what the fucks going on“
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„How do you play this shit?!Is he supposed to fail miserably?!“
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hissing like a kitty cat and inhuamne demon screeching noises
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„Don´t make the others see you´re dating that crazy chaos of a human being they might doubt the rest of your sanity Cobra,still kinda proud tho.“
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"That´s it.I´m hallucinating.I´m going insane!What was in those noodles earlier?!Nobody gonna belive that,I need evidence!“
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Emotional support from the distance,might run when shit goes downhill idk.
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„Im too young for this kinda high blood pressure!“Man is a single mother of 9
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“Fuck leading S.W.O.R.D imma be a Supermodel!”
Also he´s coming for them fishies,swim little Nemo!Swim!
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„Oh I shouldn´t love that as much as I do.Did I just discvover a   kink?!Gotta call Tsukasa later...“
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„Why are we screaming?!“
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“Bitch what in everything holy is going on here and why the fuck am I not notified?!” or "Oh,great!Now I gotta go and bleach my eyes simpsons style."
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Confused but at least got the spirit!
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miguellover07 · 1 year
C´est pas vrai. (Part 2)
Part 1 of @atotalmess-lol
Warnings: around 866 words, mention of death, angst with bad ending, not proofread, Miguel x fem!reader
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He feels a peng in his heart, hearing that even in this dimension he didn't get the chance to be happy but this time he left his lover and not his daughter all alone.
With shaky legs and trembling shoulders, she steps closer her hands reaching out for him but before they could actually touch him she stops unsure if her brain is playing a cruel trick.
It´s clear to Miguel that even with her mask on that she is on the verge of a serious breakdown. He guesses that the canon event must have happend recently.
"You can´t be real... this is all just a post trauma thing right?" she sobs out while she pulls her mask down and the sight of her face makes his breath hitch.
Her hair, her nose, her eyes even her mouth resembles Gabriella and he feels his own wounds opening up again.
The man is too caught up to react or say anything, his eyes wide with hurt in it, too perplexed to answer her.
Debating with himself whether or not he should tell her the truth or just take the role of the dead Miguel of this dimension... again.
But perhaps this time he can prevent the multiversum from collapsing.
Maybe if he recruits you in his spider society, he could be by your side and have a family of his own.
"I-I- don´t-" he can´t focus with the strom of thughts inside his head.
Those sad teary eyes make him lose all rational thoughts and he puts his arms around her without much thinking.
The third person already forgotten and they decided to leave the scene, feeling like they shouldn´t disturb it.
In an attempt to keep him from going she digs her nails in his back while weeping loudly, fearing that he would leave her or get shot again.
His heart breaks at her sobs and uneven breathing, he hugs her tightly as he feels her losing strength in her legs.
Silent tears roll down his face which is burried in the crook of her neck, smelling her shampoo and trying to be as close as possible. Savouring every second he can.
None of them are able to speak as they both mourn their lost ones.
Miguel his daughter and she her lover.
He can´t believe it she is actually the woman he could have Gabriella back in his life and despite the loss he also feels hope sparkling in his heart.
With her in his arms he slowly falls down to his knees, pulling her on his lap.
"How is this possible? Tell me, please" she hicups and sniffles while cupping his cheeks in her hands, wiping away his tears.
Miguel´s jaw tenses as he still couldn´t decide which option is the safest for the multiverse and her, he doesn't want her to get hurt because of his stupidty like he hurt Gabriella.
Biting his lips he stares in her eyes while slowly shaking his head "no" is all he can muster up with a broken voice.
Taking deep breaths to calm himself down, he needs to in order to get out of this mess.
He regrets hugging her if he had just went away and his cold demeanour, if he were just a minute faster with this stupid anomaly then the two of them wouldn´t have met.
He feels foolish for even thinking that he could do this all over again, he couldn´t even find an excuse for the dead Miguel if he were to take the role of him.
And even if he recrutes her it wouldn´t work.
These two would only end up like Gwen and Miles, where in every universe Gwen falls in love with Miles but in every universe they don´t get together.
Miguel knows he needs to say good bye, he can´t afford this luxuary as the protector of the multiverse.
She could have worked with him but it would be too complicated, too destructive for the both of them.
With a pained expression, he takes a strand of her hair to push it behind her hair.
And as if she knew what he was thinking she once again slides her arms around his neck, starting to beg "no no no, please don´t, please don´t leave me alone, I can´t do this without you, please oh please don't"
Hot tears streaming down her face again as she panics and Miguel can feel his heart shattering at her behaviour but he can´t allow himself to be weak and repeat his mistakes.
With strong but gentle arms he pushes her away, taking the sight of her in and while he stands up, she tries to cling to his hips, looking up at him while continuing her desperate begging "at least explain it to me, please!"
Miguel could explain it to her but then there would be a posibility that she could reach him and he can´t allow that.
That´s why he slowly steps away resulting in her clinging to his leg, he starts pushing buttons on his watch only for a portal to appear so that he can go back to his dimension.
All the while his eyes never leave hers and once he is gone, back in his office, he breaks down on his knees, hugging himself, trying to remember her scent and the feeling of her trembling body against him.
The image of her and him with Gabi in his arms lingers in his mind which only tears him more apart. His thoughts filled with what could have been.
It was no mistake this spider-woman is his destinated partner but it´s just the wrong dimension and he can´t risk it only for his selfish desires.
On the other side, she is laying there on the roof top, crying and screaming for him to come back, her fist start hitting the ground, too frustrated and tired of her repeated loss.
OMG thank you @atotalmess-lol much for letting me write a second part and I hope you like the little something I made. It was actually so much fun writing angst and achhh I´ve kinda hurt myself with this and I hope I remember this correctly with Gwen and Miles from the movie
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calumsrockstar · 10 months
Popcorn - Luke Hemmings
Contents: Smut (public sex, masturbation, orgasm denial. unprotected p in v) and a lil bit of fluff
Word count: 907
a/n: This is my first time writing femdom content, so I apologize for any mistakes, but i hope you love it!
Sub!Luke x Dom!Reader
In which you and the boys have a movie night.
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You turned on the news. There had been a snowstorm , and you couldn´t get out of the house. "Shit." You thought. You knew you were going to be bored out of your mind, but at least you had your friends to keep you company.
Calum came out of his room. "Have you seen the snow out there? We´ll have to be stuck inside forever." He sighed. "It´s not that bad Cal, we can find something to do." You smiled. "Like what?" He asked.
You were deep in thought. "I know, how about a movie night?" You exclaimed. "That´s actually not a bad idea." He said. "Go call them, i´ll make some popcorn." You said, while heading to the kitchen.
Luke came in the kitchen. "Hey baby, i´m making popcorn, you want some?" You asked him, smiling. "Actually, I would love some." He laughed. You put a piece of popcorn in his mouth, and he moaned. "That´s some high quality butter there." He laughed.
"We´re watching a horror movie!" Michael shouted. He´s always loved horror movies, at least way more than Luke. Luke was always terrified of those kinds of movies.
Luke winced. "Baby, we don´t have to watch the movie if you don´t want to, we can pick something else." You whispered into his ear. "No, it´s okay." He told you. You raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" You asked. "Yeah i´ll be fine, i´ll have you." He smiled.
You and all the boys got comfortable in the living room, there were three couches. Michael and Calum were on the right side, you and Luke were on the middle couch and Ashton had the left couch all to himself.
You pulled a blanket on top of you both. "Are you comfortable baby?" You asked him. "Very." He answered, placing a kiss on your cheek.
The movie was going well, until the first jumpscare. Luke gasped and buried his face in your neck. You felt his hot breath, and you couldn´t lie, that turned you on a bit. "It´s okay honey, it´s only a movie." You whispered in his ear.
You got an idea of what you could do to calm him down.
Under the blanket, you started tracing circles on his thighs, going up to his crotch. Luke smiled. He thought you were just being fidgety, like you always were.
You started to rub his cock over his sweatpants. He immediately started blushing. "y/n, what are you doing? There are people here." He asked. "I´m just helping you calm down baby." You looked him in the eyes.
You could feel his erection growing, oh how you loved that feeling.
You took his cock out of his sweatpants, and started rubbing him up and down. He adjusted his hips, trying to stiffle his moans. Thank goodness the movie was loud and it was dark, or else they would have seen and heard everything.
Luke buried his face in your neck again. "We shouldn´t." He cooed. "Do you want me to stop?" You asked, smirking. He didn´t say a word and shaked his head to signal no.
"Such a good fucking slut, wanting me to stroke your cock right in front of your friends." You said, and he nodded, he loved getting degraded like this. His moans were getting louder. You put your hand on top of his mouth. "Be careful baby."
"y/n, i´m about to cum." he whimpered, breathing on your neck. ``You´re a needy whore for me aren´t you?" Begging me to make you cum." You smirked. He wasn´t scared anymore, and stopped paying attention to the movie minutes ago.
"Please let me cum." He said. "You think i´d let you come with just my hands? Haven´t you learned anything baby?" You could feel his dick throbbing in your hands. "I´ll let you cum when the movie ends and you can finally fuck me. Sounds good?" You whispered. "Yes." he answered.
The movie went on for what felt like forever, you were extremely wet and your cunt was aching for his dick.
Just as the movie ended, and Ashton got up to turn on the lights, Luke exclaimed: "Me and y/n gotta go do something upstairs, we´ll be back!`" You giggled and Ashton raised an eyebrow. Luke took your hands and draged you up the stairs.
Just as he closed the door, you pushed Luke against a wall and started kissing him passionately. Taking of your shirt and his. You dragged him onto the bed, and he took off his pants.
"I´ll let you fuck me now, since you´ve been such a good boy." He was quick to do what he was told. He lined his tip with your entrance. He quickly started pounding into you and rubbing your clit at the same time. He was a great sub, but he was also amazing at fucking. "So fucking gorgeous." He said.
Quickly, you both got to your breaking point. "y/n... gotta cum." Luke said, breathing heavily. "Cum for me baby, be a good boy." He shot his load inside of you, making you feel warm. Shortly after that, you came as well, throbbing for him.
"This was much better than the horror movie." Luke smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
"Next time, we´ll have a movie night just for us, pretty boy." You put your hands through his blonde hair.
"That sounds great. I would love that." He said, kissing you.
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lullabyofthesnow · 2 years
I think I love you, Dante
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Dante Sparda x gn!reader
Warnings: Small descriptions of a demon, you are attacked by a demon, kissing, fluff
Dante had been gone when you woke up. Usually he would greet you with a kiss on your forehead before you were fully awake but this time the bed was empty. The sheets as if he never left. His scent all over the bed. Washing detergent and pizza grease. Not the best smells but it was Dante, so you didn´t really bother.
After another hour of laying around, you decided to leave the bed and make your way downstairs. The Devil May Cry office was never properly clean no matter how often you would clean it. Dante was just messy. Many pizza boxes littered the place and the lights did not work. You never knew why his bills weren´t paid but you stopped bothering him about it since he would dodge the question anyway.
If the lights did not work, the water would not be running either. The only solution would be to go to your own apartment and get properly cleaned. Your hair greasy and body odour smelling horrendous. All of your clothing was dirty and the only articles of clothing left were your underwear and one of Dantes shirts. You quickly packed up your clothing and personal belongings. When you opened the door, you peeked outside. If anyone saw you in only your underwear and one of Dantes shirts it would be embarrassing for you. Especially if Lady or Trish would see, they would never let you live it down.
As soon as everything was empty , you sprinted down the street down to your car. Once inside a breath of relief left your mouth. No one saw you and so you drove of into the direction of your apartment complex. Some streets had been closed off from demon attacks. Truthfully you did not know where Dante was this morning. He would never tell you when he had a new job, he would just leave and send you a fast message. Today though you received no message at all. It made you worry but he always returned to you, so you shouldn´t.
Suddenly you noticed a black creature flying straight at you. You quickly pushed the brakes, making your car halt. Before it hit your car, you opened the door and jumped out. The creature completly crashed into the windshield. It quickly recovered and swiftly made its way into your direction. You jumped up and ran into the direction of the Devil May Cry office, your phone still remaining in the passenger seat of your car.
Dante never wanted you to be involved in the whole demon business, you were the only part of his life that was normal. Even if you asked him if he could show you some tricks against those foul creatures, he would not tell you anything. That meant that you were helpless, at the mercy of the demon. Well, you supposed it was a demon because of its dreadful smell and hideous apperance. The only thing you could do was run and so you did. Adrenaline carried you through. The demon hot on your heels. Besides running you started to scream for help but no one was there. The streets were completly emtpy, as if everyone just dissapeared.
Suddenly something grabbed your leg and pulled you back. You fell onto your back and were slowly pulled towards the demon. Its mouth opened wanting to consume you. Many rows of teeth revealed themselves to you, making the sight even more horrifying. You tried fighting it but to no avail. This couldn´t be the end. You still wanted to do so many things in your life. Tears travelled down your cheeks. You still wanted to live, you still wanted to tell Dante that you loved him. Oh you loved him so dearly. Since you had known him, he had been so kind to you and always listened to your worries and fears and in return you did the same. He had to know your feelings but it was now to late. Its mouth moved closer and closer, out of instinct you closed your eyes afraid of the pain. You only awaited the teeth of the beast to finally take a bite out of you. Until.....
Nothing. Nothing happened. You slowly opened your eyes again. The demons mouth still open before you. Blood trickeled onto your forehead. The demon had been stabbed right through its supposed chest. The sword pointing into the direction of your forehead. Upon further inspection you noticed it had been Dantes sword. You saw it many times before he left for some of his jobs. The demon was cut in half until it was completly vaporised into dust. Sun casting a shadow on him, your knight without his shining armour. Dante stepped closer revealing his face to you.
He held a hand out towards you and with an amazed gaze you took it.
"Now, how lucky am I to stumble upon a sweet thing like you." He said that with a smile to his face. You jumped into his arms, relief washing over you.
"Dante, I am so glad you are here. I...I was so scared and I-." You were caught of guard by his lips pressing onto yours. A simple kiss but it told you so much.
"How about you explain to me first why you are only wearing a shirt." Embarrassment took over and you started stuttering, unable to form a proper sentence. Dante started laughing at that. In retaliation you hit his chest, making him laugh even more.
"You know what? Forget it, Dante." A pout formed on your lips and you turned around. With that Dante wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close.
"How about we have a date night today, after I am done cleaning up. Does that sound good to you, my sweet baby?" He teasingly asked you right above your ear. This made you completly melt into him, your bodies fitting perfectly into eachother.
With a smile you said, "Pay your bills first and then we will see." You both laughed and Dante turned you around to look at him. You stared into his dreamy icy blue eyes, a love struck look on your face.
"I think I love you, Dante." You pressed your lips onto his and he quickly replied.
"I love you too."
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xnananko · 2 years
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A summer rain full of memories.
„You know that you don´t have to take me home, right?“, she said while opening the door of a little cafe, in which she had just stayed for over three hours with her brown-haired company.
„Sure“, he said while closing the door and starting to walk, „but here we are, already walking right to your home. Besides, the weather forecast predicted rain and I have, on the contrary to you, this beautiful umbrella.“ He smiled while pointing it to her.
She slightly pushed his umbrella away and giggled.
„Baka, - you shouldn´t talk so high about yourself, when in reality someone else was just looking out for you.“
She was pretty sure that the rosy umbrella wasn´t his after all.
„Why should someone else remind me of the rain? Don´t you think I´m grown up enough to read the news?“ he laughed.
Her smirk grew bigger, while she shook her head. „I even wonder if you will ever grow up, Taichi.“
He grinned, while fixing his gaze on the sky. „I would be hurt if I didn´t ask myself the same thing.“
His smile faded somehow, as he lost himself in his thoughts and Sora wondered if there might be something he hadn´t told her yet. She wanted to ask him if there was something bothering him, but the nagging feeling inside her hindered her. Maybe she wasn´t in this position anymore.
She really wasn´t such a good friend for a while with all her absence and silence, not to mention her thereby connected failure as a digidestinent.
It´s like avoiding was her new superhero power, she ironically thought.
„Ah, it´s raining“, Taichi noticed, and opened the umbrella right above their heads. „Fortunately, we have this with us.“
Sora smiled suspiciously. „Thankfully, Hikari takes care of you all the time. - Mr. All grown up.“
„Why do you think it´s Hikaris? Don´t tell me I can´t have a pink umbrella, because as you can see, it suits me very well.“
Sora rolled her eyes. „Of course it does. Regardless, I  remember Mimi giving it to her as a present. Look.“ Sora pointed to the grip. „It also has Hikaris name engraved.“
Taichi smiled as he nudged her. „Okay, I give in. I was at Hikari right before we met. I also should send you her regards. She really can’t wait to see you.“
Her eyes grew brighter as a warm feeling spread through her stomach, just like hot chocolate on a cold winter's day.
So her friends weren’t disappointed after all, at any rate not desperately.
„The next time we see each other, we should do something for her as a thank you gift. Maybe some cookies, or a cake . I could teach you, if you want“, Sora chatters shyly, while she glances at the ground.
„Next time sounds great“, Taichi stated warmly and her gaze instantly met his. „It would be nice to have you more around.“
And with that, just for a moment, she was completely lost in his eyes.
Suddenly she sensed herself out of breath, as she noticed she was holding it all along. Her face felt warm and the noice of her beating heart was already buzzing in her ears.
Has she answered yet?
An embarrassed smile appeared on Sora's face, as she nodded slowly in response. Focused on avoiding his eyes quickly. Why does she have to be so close to him right now?
„You know, I´m really proud of you, Sora.“
Her gaze automatically shifted back to him. She was indeed irritated now.
„What do you mean?“, she questioned, unsure what he implied to.
„I talk about you, following your heart“, Taichi replied while shifting his gaze to the sky again. „You know, Koushiro told me how hard it was for you to not take part in our battles anymore.“ He stopped for a moment, choosing his words carefully.
„Somehow it did hurt to see that our group wasn´t the way it used to be. Everyone was changing and while all of you already chose a new path, I was still figuring out who I am and what I really want to do in the future.“ 
He paused and his eyes looked kind of empty, just as if he was drowning in a memory.
„Taichi..“, she whispered after a moment in a raspy voice. She was unsure what to say next, but as his eyes met hers and his lips formed this kind yet sad smile, he found his words again.
„I know, I couldn´t talk about it at that time. Somehow, there was a lot of pressure to be the head of our group with all the digimon fights in our world. There were so many risks, so many people who could be hurt, so many destroyed buildings. And with every step, all eyes were on us. On top of that, everyone was so occupied with their lives, that it was hard to solve all the problems together.“
He paused.
„To be honest, I also wanted to run away sometimes. Just being somewhere else with Augumon, seeing new things and living our own little adventure. But I couldn´t, because I know I would have disappointed my parents by not attending university so soon and on top oft hat I would have let you guys down. So that's why..“, he stared now right into her eyes. „I´m proud of you Sora. For having the courage to find your own path in designing. For doing things you really want and not because it makes someone else happy, but for your own sake. It´s important to live the life we really want to, so we won´t lose ourselves.“ 
She was stunned. Her head was out of words and somehow small tears made their way through her eyes. Quickly, Sora moved her hand to wipe away the undesired trace of sadness. Now wasn´t the time to cry, she decided for herself. His affective statement relieved her immensely, although she wasn´t quite convinced that her acts weren´t just pure selfishness. Yet the most touching part of his way of words was the undeniable similarity to Biyomons. Once again.
But this wasn´t a topic for now.
„I´m impressed, Taichi“, she said while sliding her sight to her surroundings, to get her feelings in control.
„Since when are you so upfront about your feelings? It almost feels like talking to the 12-year-old version of you again“ Sora chuckled.
„Maybe I really can´t grow up, but grow back into my younger self“ Taichi now laughed.
Sora patted her finger thoughtfully on her lips, while nodding her head in approval.„You´re right, that totally makes sense after all.“
„Hey!“ Taichi complained, amused while nudging her.
Just as their laughing softened, Taichi became more serious again.
„To be honest, it´s because of Agumon I started to change. Losing him made me realise many things and somehow I want to turn into a person he can be proud of.“
A heavy wave of emptiness automatically drew through her body. She nodded understanding while playing with her hands.
„Sometimes I wonder if it´s really impossible to meet each other again, because it just doesn´t feel like it at all“, Taichi added in a low voice. „But maybe it´s just me becoming insane.“
„I don´t think so“, Sora responded thoughtfully with a warm smile. Moving her hand closer to her heart, she felt a little confident to talk about Biyomon for the first time after losing her. 
„You know, sometimes I have the feeling Biyomon is still there somehow. There are moments I could swear I have heard her voice. And sometimes it´s like I could feel her anyhow. I know it sounds ridiculous and I can´t explain this feeling either, but I can´t shake this strong feeling, that we will definitely see each other again.“
Curious about his reaction, Sora gazed at Taichi and came instantly across a heart-warming smile. A cosy feeling flew automatically through her body and with it, just like that, a little voice was whispering in the back of her mind that maybe, just maybe, they both were still as close as they always used to be.
And all of a sudden her heart skipped a beat.
...or maybe even closer ;)
I started this picture in september, while it was raining outside. Somehow I had this scene in my head...and I was pretty unsure if I should try to also write it down..so I tried my best :)
This scene takes place after Kizuna.
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scentedpoetrywitch · 1 year
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that streetwise that i redesgined , he looks hot and handsome though i shouldn;t see him revealed himself !
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wolverina2002 · 1 year
The Argument
Lily and Arwen witness Aziraphale and Crowley fight.
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"They ... they shouldn´t be fighting", Arwen whispers, eyes wide, ears pinned, tail up straight.
"Not like this", Lily agrees, tail tugged between her hindlegs, ears flattened against her skull.
They´re standing a bit away from the little pavilion where Arizaphala and Crowley agreed to meet. They didn´t hear what triggered the suddenly more emotional tone of the conversation and they´re still too far away to hear anything, but Crowley is waving his arms, gesturing almost desperatly, while Aziraphale stands stiff, wringing his hands.
"And not now! The Apocalypse is tomorrow!!", Arwen hisses, agitated now.
"And we´re still missing the Antichrist! Hell is getting suspicious, they can´t fight now!", Lily barks and jumps towards the pavilion, intend to slap some sense into both Angel and Deamon.
Arwen, of course, is hot on her heels, and so they both hear Aziraphale´s next words loud and clear.
"Friends? We´re not friends. We´re an Angel and a Deamon, we have nothing whatsoever in common. I don´t even like you!"
Lily comes to a screeching halt, stopping so apruptly Lily would´ve slammed into her if the cat hadn´t stopped just as suddenly. They trade a quick glance. Neither can believe Aziraphale just ... said that.
They haven´t been part of their dynamic for the whole 6.000 years of all existance, of course, but they´ve been somewhere around the edges of it ever since egypt and That Desaster with Moses. Well, Moses wasn´t the desaster, the pharao was, but details, details. Fact is, there´s no way Aziraphale meant that.
Of course, Crowley isn´t as rational as Lily or Arwen.
"You do", he drawls, but both Lily and Arwen hear the faint note of desperation in his voice.
Aziraphale whirls around and stalks towards Crowley, heedless of the two heart-sisters standing just at the edge of the pavilion, frontpaws on the lowest step, gaping at the two etherial beings, praying to whomever might listen that this doesn´t end how they fear it might.
"Even if I did know where the Antichrist is I wouldn´t tell you!", Aziraphale shouts and it´s a miracle the park´s empty and nobody hears him. "We´re on opposite sides!"
"We´re on our own side!", Crowley argues back, taking a few steps towards Aziraphale, desperate to convince him.
Arwen ducks between Lily´s frontlegs, pressing against the dog´s chest. Lily absently licks the cat´s ears once, trying to calm her, futile as that is.
"There is no 'our side', Crowley. Not anymore. It´s over."
Silence. Lily can see Crowley reeling with that, struggeling to process, to decide what to do. Lily mewls.
"He didn´t ... no, Azi ..."
"He ... I think he did", Lily whispers back.
Crowley seems to catch himself.
"Right", he says, struggling for words. "I´m out."
He hesitates, looks at Aziraphale, then turns and walks away. Aziraphale remains where he is, despite Lily staring at him, willing him to call Crowley back.
"Have a nice Doomsday!", Crowley calls over his shoulder.
Lily keens, tail hanging, ears so flat against her head they´re almost entirely gone.
"I need ... I can´t ...."
Arwen bumps her head against her sister´s chest.
"Go", she mutters softly. "I´ll see if I can´t claw some sense into that idiot."
A wet laugh from the black hound beside her.
"You´ll need this, then."
Lily presses one paw against the stone. It cracks, and from the crack grow basil, arborvitae, pink carnations, white clover and dill, cradeling a single iris blossom as they wrap themselves into a flower crown small enough to be worn by a house cat. Good wishes, everlasting friendship, I´ll never forget you, think of me and powerfull against evil, Arwen knows the meanings well. And then the iris, meaning faith, trust, wisdom, hope and valor all at once.
She nods at her friend, pressing her own paw against the stone to call a rone circle. It resolves into a small, floating ball of light and warmth hovering just above Lily´s shoulder.
They don´t say anything as Lily turns and trots after Crowley, and she doesn´t look back.
But the ground continues to crack under her paws as she walks, and from the cracks bloom purple hyacinths, marigolds and dark crimson roses.
Sorrow, grief and mourning.
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chachamedia · 2 years
Charm <Docs> *Full Access
by Tracy Wolff
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    The instant #1 New York Times Bestselling SeriesGoodreads Most Anticipated YA Book of NovemberBarnes & Noble Most Anticipated New YA ReleaseAmazon Editor Best Pick of the MonthFinally find out what happened during those missing four months, as the thrilling adventure continues!He?s under my skin?After Katmere, I shouldn?t be surprised by anything. Including the existence of a world beyond my world called the Shadow Realm. Yet here I am, stuck in a strange, dangerous place with the worst of the supernaturals, the monster that other monsters fear: Hudson Vega. He might be Jaxon?s brother and ridiculously hot, but he?s a complete bona fide pain in my ass.The question is whether we?ll find a way out before I kill him?or run out of time.She?s stealing my heart?It?s a truth universally known?at least according to Grace?that everything is my fault. But I have a nasty suspicion that Grace isn?t as human as she thinks, and she?s the one keeping us trapped. Now we?ll have to work together
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bellavaughan · 2 years
(PDF) Charm - Tracy Wolff
Download Or Read PDF Charm - Tracy Wolff Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Charm
[*] Read PDF Here => Charm
 He?s under my skin? After Katmere, I shouldn?t be surprised by anything. Including the existence of a world beyond my world called the Shadow Realm. Yet here I am, stuck in a strange, dangerous place with the worst of the supernaturals, the monster that other monsters fear: Hudson Vega. He might be Jaxon?s brother and ridiculously hot, but he?s a complete bona fide pain in my ass.The question is whether we?ll find a way out before I kill him?or run out of time.She?s stealing my heart?It?s a truth universally known?at least according to Grace?that everything is my fault. But I have a nasty suspicion that Grace isn?t as human as she thinks, and she?s the one keeping us trapped. Now we?ll have to work together not only to survive, but to save all those we?ve come to call family who live here. Because there?s something connecting us. Something stronger than fear?and way more bloody dangerous.
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mogul-australia · 2 years
Hot water systems repair Pert
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I have used Goods Property Services on numerous occasions. Pete and his group did a tremendous job on our drainage problem and connecting downpipes from our terrace to stormwater. To high each little factor off they even topsoiled and re-turfed the place the pipe line was dug! Oh and in addition fastened and reconnected any in flooring sprinklers that obtained affected. Pete is easy to speak with, and really responsive?they usually truly did push on by means of to deliver the job in an excellent time-frame. They'd been thorough, fastened surprising issues without fuss, and consulted sooner than making any choices. In addition they managed to get some wanted components despatched out while they had been on site. Absolutely implausible service and totally recommended. He dug trenches to carry out the job and took care of the stormwater plumbing for his shed. Items Property Providers has licensed plumbers, drainers, fuel fitters and roofers. The value of copper has risen dramatically in current situations and thus has led to a lower in its utilization in Perth plumbing jobs. Sure, plastic plumbing piping is turning into more and more frequent in you location dwelling plumbing jobs. Our team remains prepared to help shoppers with emergency and customary companies. Items Property Providers is a family operated enterprise in Osborne Park. ?Plumbing Bros to carry out regular repairs, maintenance and servicing in your industrial premises. They now boast a superb recognition for superior workmanship, native information and customer support in Wagga. The frequent emergency might end up in massive portions of water flooding your personal dwelling, causing harm to not solely the house, foundations and infrastructure but your personal belongings as nicely. It is crucial on this instance you name an emergency plumber instantly. The panic of a scenario like this can be made loads less complicated by having a number for 24-hour plumbers in Osborne Park, these occasions are in no way deliberate, which is why being prepared is vital. When you?re ready for us to reach, you possibly can minimise the harm as much as potential by turning off your major water provide and removing valuables from the flooding area. Name us to e-book our dependable and licensed plumbers for top of the range suppliers at present. Pete and the boys from Items Property Providers are my go to for and plumbing associated issues. Mainly anytime there?s water dripping, effervescent, squirting, leaking or principally any indicators of water the place I really feel there shouldn?t be, I?m straight on the telephone. Every time they're quick to reply, they're environment friendly, get the job achieved for a fantastic price and are always polite. I cannot suggest Pete and the boys from Items Property Providers extremely enough. They've immediate, respectful technicians, and they also at all times arrive on time, hear fastidiously to your issues and requirements about plumbing works, work fast, and have precise attention to detail. They've a faithful 24/7 emergency name out service. They satisfaction themselves on responding quickly, day or evening time. Our qualified contractors could be relied on and are devoted to providing their valued prospects with the utmost professionalism and customer service. We have now years of expertise with a variety of plumbing and heating issues. Items Property Providers presents a quick response reply to everybody in Osborne Park and surrounding areas. The agency makes use of the latest experience to keep away from losing you time and money. In addition they do firms like gutter cleaning or different and even changing faucet washers. Gas Plumbing Service Perth Gas Leak repairs Perth Gas fitters Perth Hot water systems repair Perth Plumber Osborne Park https://plumberperth122.blogspot.com/2022/08/plumber-perth.html https://online-marketer-australia.tumblr.com/rss/ https://residentialplumbingperth756.blogspot.com/2022/09/residential-plumbing-perth.html https://plumbingservicesperth.blogspot.com/2022/09/plumbing-services-perth.html https://mogul-australia.tumblr.com/rss/ https://dumpsterrentalarnold241.blogspot.com/ https://dumpsterrentalarnold241.blogspot.com/2022/09/dumpster-rental-arnold.html https://intelliscreens-blog.tumblr.com/post/695707310238121984/retractable-french-door-scree https://persianrugrepairalpine386.blogspot.com/2022/09/persian-rug-repair-alpine.html https://accountantforfreelancersonline.blogspot.com/2022/09/accountant-for-freelancers-online.html
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moonlight-presence · 2 years
LOVED YOUR FIC ABOUT JAKE!! I was wondering what the relationship will be like from then on. What will be the reaction of Steven and Marc with the Reader? Will they get insecure, jealous of each other? start to compete? That kind of stuff
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(Marc, Steven X Reader)
Category: F/M
Fandom: Moon Knight (2022)
Relationship: Marc Spector and Steven Grant X Reader
Words: 2 898
Summary: Marc and Steven get jealous and decide to punish you for having sex with Jake. 
Warnings: Dom Marc Spector, Thigh riding, Begging, Roughness, Steven is still a sweetheart, though, Jealousy, Orgasm Delay, Dirty talk, basically Marc is really pissed and Steven is a bit mad, Masturbation
You feel the sunlight creep into your bedroom, the burning light hitting your eyes as consciousness returns to you. You inhale deeply and then roll over, your belly pressing against the bed as you hug your pillow. You can hear birds singing outside, you guess it´s about 9 am judging by the car noises...
You slowly open your eyes and try to remember what happened last night. You can remember talking to Marc about Jake... Then, you talked to Jake, and then...
Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Your eyes shoot open as a rush of adrenaline goes through you like a volt of electricity. You roll over so your eyes are facing the ceiling and then you look around the room, the window is open, your clothes are scattered across the floor and there isn´t a sign of either Jake, Marc, or Steven.
You lift your torso, your thighs trembling a bit from last night, and then you rub your forehead. You are naked, your skin shining under the sunlight and the cold air of the morning making you shiver slightly. You spot your blouse on the floor and move to pick it up, but then somebody clears their throat making you freeze.
You look towards the sound and see Marc staring back at you, an unusual hardness on his face as if he is extremely angry at you. You know why... Fuck, you shouldn´t have had sex with Jake last night. Marc and Steven told you he was dangerous but you let yourself go, somehow, and you ended up fucking Jake... And now, Marc was pissed... You bet even Steven wasn´t too happy about it, either.
“Morning...”, you awkwardly say with a forced smile. Marc pursues his lips and tilts his head, his eyes scanning your body for any traces of Jake´s touch. You weren´t sure if you had any marks but you pulled the bedsheet over your legs, nonetheless.
“Get up.”, it was an order you had no doubt. You swallowed dryly and tried to lightened up the mood.
“Baby, hum... Look, I wasn´t thinking clearly last night and hum-”
“Get up and let me see you.”, he says again with that same cold tone of voice. You bite your lip and nod before putting your feet on the ground and getting up, your legs seemed to be giving in with every step.
Marc walked toward you like a wolf chasing its prey and you sucked in a breath as his hands explored your naked skin. You raised your hands to touch him too, but he simply sent you a death glare making you stay still again. You could see burning jealousy in his eyes... You weren´t sure what to think about it as Marc traced your hips and then flipped you around so your back was facing him.
He rubbed your back and then stopped by your ass. You felt him massage the skin and then a sharp pain appeared on your body as he pressed on multiple zones. Then... You remembered.
Jake had decided to punish you last night- he gave you hard and quick slaps to your ass which, surprisingly, you had enjoyed, and now you certainly were covered in bruises. Marc hated when somebody else marked you. This was bad, very fucking bad.
“He did this to you?”, he asked with coldness and you felt your heart racing as he painfully gripped your ass.
“M-marc, I am sorry.”, you said as he moved his hands to your hips and pressed you against his back. You could feel his hot breath on your ear making you shiver.
“Answer me.”, he ordered again with hunger and jealously in his voice. You swallowed again and forced a nod making his fingers travel to your lower stomach.
“I want to hear you say it. Fucking tell me who gave you those bruises last night.”, he whispered angrily as his fingertips brushed lower down your hips. You could feel he was hard behind you, his cock pressing slightly against your bruised ass.
“J-Jake did... Marc, I am sorry.”, you repeated and then you felt him groan a bit and his muscles relax. You looked slightly behind and saw a soft smile on his face.
“I am quite afraid you have upset us, darling... I tried to calm Marc down but he won´t listen to me.”, Steven´s British accent was so familiar to you that you immediately realized Marc was no longer there.
“Darling, I am sorry, okay? You know I love you and Marc, right?”, you pressed your body against his cock making Steven whine a bit.
“I know darling, I know... But Marc did warn you about Jake and you know how he is.”, he gave you a gentle smile and then moved his fingers to your clitoris making you part your thighs to give him more access.
“Fuck, I am sorry... I shouldn´t have done it. Steven, baby, you have to forgive me.”, you whispered with a suppressed moan as he circled your clit making you grow wet.
“I really want to forgive you, darling, but you made me proper jealous, ya know? Now...”, he went lower down your folds, his fingers finding your entrance with ease, “It´s time to pay the price.”
You let a surprised gasp as he sunk two fingers inside of you. This was unusual for him, he always made sure to strech you first but today he was more desperate, angrier even. You couldn´t believe you had angered Steven, you didn´t even knew that was possible.
He was still sweet, though, he made sure to let you adjust a bit before he started pressing his digits against your g-spot. You let out a loud moan and rubbed against his cock again, the jeans he was wearing making the task less pleasurable.
“Let me feel you, darling, let me make you feel good...”, you begged with shaky breaths as he thrust harder inside of you. You could only hear his ragged breath and the noises his actions were making, it was pure filth but you needed him. You needed them both.
“You think it´s gonna be that easy?”, Marc said and you looked at him. You hadn´t even realized he had taken over but now he was there, thrusting harder inside of you.
“Marc, I want to make it up to you, please. I shouldn´t have had sex with Jake. I only belong to you, baby. Only you and Steven.”, you felt him rub his hard cock against you as his fingers went deeper inside your walls.
“You let him fuck you, Y/N. You let that smug bastard fuck this tight little pussy... Tch-tch, that wasn´t a good move.”, he said with a disappointed sound. You whined a bit and then he removed his fingers from inside of you. You felt immediately empty and a soft groan escaped your throat.
Marc grabbed your waist and turned you around like you were a rag doll. His hands raised your body from the ground with ease and then he threw you onto the mattress. You gasped as your body hit the soft surface, your heart racing with excitement as you saw him taking off his shirt and starting to unbuckle his belt.
“I saw how you moaned his name... I saw you he fucked you, Y/N. Was he really that good? Was that fucking asshole really better than me or Steven?!”, he wasn´t yelling but his voice had gotten higher. You watched with parted lips as he threw the belt behind him and then started taking off his pants.
“N-no... I am only yours, Marc. I only want you.”, you said as he removed his pants and boxers, exposing his cock before you- it was hard and flushed with beads of pre-cum dripping from the slit- a sight for sore eyes.
“I don´t believe you.”, he confessed and then sat on the bed. You stayed still as he grabbed you again like you weighted nothing, and then he moved you towards him.
He forced your thighs to open, and you positioned yourself between his thigh, your clitoris rubbing slightly against his skin. You could see his cock begging to be touched and you reached for it, but Marc grabbed your hands and forced them to stay still.
“You don´t get to touch this cock yet... Not after what you did. Now ride my thigh and tell me how much you want me. Make it convincing or you will be riding me until it's nighttime. You hear me?”, he growled with lustful eyes and you nodded.
He continued gripping your wrists together and you started moving your hips on his thigh. Every move of your hips made your clit rub against his skin, the harsh touch sending waves of arousal straight to your entrance. You looked at his flushed cock, Marc's free hand was slowly pumping it and you licked your lips and imagined how wonderful it would be to taste him.
"Baby, let me... Fuck... Let me suck your cock.", you got straight to the point, there was no time to try to be creative with your words.
"No.", he slightly lifted his thigh making you moan louder and move your hips faster. His grip on your wrist was so tight that your fingertips were turning white.
"Why not?", you whined quite pathetically making Marc move his thigh again. You lifted your eyes to his face and saw that he had a smug smirk on his lips.
"Because you don't deserve it...Not after you fucked Jake last night. Now, ride my thigh, shut the fuck up, and don't you dare cum."
His words were quite aggressive and filled with cockiness. You weren't sure what to think of this new coldness towards you so you kept your mouth shut and did as he ordered.
Marc's lips were slightly parted and small breaths were leaving them, his neck veins were prominent and you looked at his smooth chest, his olive skin glistening with sweat. You wanted to touch him so badly, you wanted him inside of you, you wanted to suck him off, you wanted so many things.
"Baby, please, I am sorry... Fuck, you look so hot. Please, I will never fuck Jake again, please.", you begged as your arousal moisturized his thigh. You could feel your orgasm building quickly but you knew you couldn't cum.
"Hum... I do love to hear you beg like a slut, ya know?", he smirked and you reached for his lips but he pulled away, "But, then again, you also begged for that piece of shit last night so..."
"No!! I am sorry, Marc, and Steven. Please, let me cum. Oh my God...", Marc pumped his cock faster and you watched with whiney moans. You couldn't move at all because he was gripping your hands so you limited yourself to riding his thigh faster.
"You talking to Steven, too, uh? Let's see what he has to say then...", you watched Marc's eyes roll back into his head and his grip get a bit looser.
"Oh, darling, look at you...", he interrupted, his hand moving faster around his shaft. He licked his lips and stared at your leaking core, each rub leaving a wet trail on his skin, "This was my idea, ya know? You riding our thigh..."
"Darling, please, I am sorry... I love you so much. Let me cum. Please I won't do it again.", you begged again, your throat tightening as you struggled not to cum. Your whole body was on fire, your clitoris aching with want and your entrance shaking a bit. You had to cum, you simply had to.
"I love you too, darling... Look at me.", it wasn't really an order, more of a suggestion, but you did it nonetheless. You stared into his eyes and moaned his name.
You saw Steven suck in a breath and pump faster, his stomach clenching a bit as his orgasm threatened to spill everywhere. You didn't say anything, just kept eye contact and rode harder, both of you breathing harshly.
Steven stiffened suddenly, his thighs shaking a bit sending an extra sensation to your abused clit. You wanted to sob but you held it in as thick lines of semen painted your belly, each drop dripping down your skin. He moaned your name, just like you loved, his cheeks flushed and his curls sweaty. He looked like a god, maybe he was. You weren't sure.
"Oh fuck... Steven, please... I can't hold it in anymore.", tears ran down your cheeks as Steven started relaxing, his cock softening and his breath reaching normality once more.
"Ssshhhh...You look so lovely like this. So lovely just for me.", he whispered with ragged breaths, his fingers moving to his cum on your stomach.
He cleaned some of it off with his digits and then you felt him bring the dirty fingers to your lips. He tapped them and you immediately opened your mouth and started sucking on them. They tasted salty and you whimpered, you wished you had sucked him off.
"So good for me... You enjoy licking my cum off my fingers, darling?", you nodded immediately and he chuckled. He was still holding your wrists and you tried to ignore the burning sensation on your skin.
"P-please...", you begged around his fingers. He pouted and took them out of your mouth. He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled at you, he looked so innocent... Steven always did.
"I think you had enough but... Marc thinks otherwise.", you saw his eyes roll back and you shouted his name but it was pointless, Marc was back.
"No... Marc... I want to cum.", you stopped moving your hips and sobbed, your body falling into his chest. Marc did not remove you from him, instead, he let go of your wrists and held your ass.
"I know you do... I know you do... You realize I have to do this, right? You misbehaved last night... Can you imagine how fucking horrible it was to watch him fuck you?", he moved your ass making you ride him again. You whimpered and sobbed into his sweaty shoulder.
"Sorry... Sorry...Please...", you whispered nonstop like a prayer. You could feel your whole body hurting from the denial he was making you endure. It hurt so badly but it also felt good to have him control you like this. You loved seeing him jealous.
"You are so desperate, baby... So desperate for me. Me, not Jake. I am the one doing this to you!"
"Y-yes, you. Only you. It's always you.", you encouraged him with small whispers.
"Fuck, you sound so good begging for me, baby... Beg again."
"Marc, please. P-please. I am yours, you are mine. I-I wanna cum... It hurts...", you could feel hot tears drip down his shoulder as he moved you faster against his thigh.
"So fucking hot... Okay, okay, I think you learned your lesson. On three, okay?", his words made you sob in relief. You nodded rapidly and he gripped your ass.
"One....", he started and you moaned his name louder, your walls already pulsing.
Your thighs began shaking, your clitoris throbbing as your orgasm started ripping through you. You shut your eyes and waited for his final word.
"Three.", you screamed and your body started orgasming, your nipples hardening against his chest as you moaned his name over and over again.
You weren't sure for how long you were drowning in that sea of pleasure but when you finally came back to life, Marc was massaging your sweaty back. You stopped moving on his thigh, your legs were sore and you weren't sure if you could walk after this.
You did not care, it felt like fucking heaven...
"Holy fuck...", you said through breaths. Marc grabbed your hips and flipped your body so you were laying down on the bed. You cleaned the sweat off your forehead and looked at him.
His naked and sweaty body was now walking toward the kitchen. You watched as he grabbed a bottle of water and opened it, his Adam's apple going up and down as he drank the liquid.
You were still trying to calm down, your whole body burning and still shaking occasionally from the mind-blowing orgasm you had just experienced.
Marc walked towards you and threw the water bottle to your side, a big smirk on his lips. He brushed his curls behind his ears and crossed his arms beneath his chest.
"How are you feeling, baby?", his voice was sweet again and you smiled back at him. You grabbed the bottle and started drinking some well-needed water.
"Sore...", you confessed after swallowing. Marc sat on the bed next to you and rubbed your calves gently.
"Good. Next time, I won't be so nice.", he kissed your forehead and you tried to hide the excitement off your face.
You had no idea having sex with Jake would lead to this... You did really love seeing Marc jealous, Steven too, so maybe... Just maybe, you were gonna have sex with Jake again.
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