#he tian would understand
echelorn · 2 years
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aww couple cock rings that’s so sweet he tian 
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xie lian texts like a grandpa … i imagine pre confession their texts would be a graveyard of hua cheng’s failed attempts at flirting
xie lian's profile picture is from the manhua by starember / follow for more of hua cheng Ls
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budd-ie · 1 month
I think it would be really funny if fashion trends in ghost city mirrored the style of their beloved shapeshifter chengzhu’s most recent appearance. Whatever he wears? That’s what’s IN right now. It would also be funny if they always got it like. Slightly wrong. Chengzhu is wearing a long coat today! Long clothing MUST be the most fashionable. If your coat isn’t down the whole block, it isn’t in! The longer the better! Chungzhu is wearing hoop earrings today? Of course big rings are all the rage these days. Put them on your ears, your nose, your fingers, hell put them on your whole body! On your house! On your dog! The bigger the better! Look, he even gave a ring to grandunc—I mean his wife!!! If you don’t have one, you’re gonna look SO last week. Chungzhu’s wearing black today? Of course that’s the best color. Didn’t you know? If you aren’t wearing black, you’ll probably explode by at least tomorrow I think. That’s what I heard, anyway. Is it what? True? Hey don’t shoot the messenger, that’s just how it is. “I thought he was last seen wearing white and a ponytail” where did you hear that? And they heard it was blue? Black was last week? That can’t be right! Whatever….both is fine. I’m not taking any chances and you shouldn’t either.
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
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can you really blame he tian for being absolutely insane about this boy….. like look at him. id give him anything too.
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rainy19days · 1 year
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Hua Cheng, your god's poor pining heart can't take this...
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ginnymoonbeam · 15 days
Ep 8 of The On1y One had so much, but now that I've cried over the word "home" I wanna go back to the scenes between the teachers, because it hit some queer realities we don't often get in BL.
First, Jenny Yang noticing Lin Bei Ting's rainbow mug and asking if he supports gay rights. That's not code for asking if he's gay - in plenty of places and times, just being an ally is controversial and something you might need to be careful about revealing in a conservative workplace. I take all of Jenny's comments and warnings at face value there: she's letting him know this is not a safe place to be public as an ally. Of course he is also actually gay, so the threat to him is much higher, which is why he immediately gives her the mug.
Then the later scene, getting more into a dynamic that we've already seen where Zhao Xi is friendly to the point of gentle flirtation with Jenny, and Lin Bei Ting is clearly unhappy. When we first saw this in ep 7, I wondered if I'd been wrong to read Zhao Xi and Lin Bei Ting as already a couple, but seeing it here and with the previous conversation in mind, I think they are. There's "we're not saying anything but people can draw their own conclusions" closeted and then there's seriously for-real closeted where you might opt to do things like casually flirt with a female coworker to keep up the appearance, and the latter is what I see happening in these scenes. They would absolutely lose their jobs at the school and probably would have their business targeted if people thought they were a couple. Lin Bei Ting understands what Zhao Xi is doing and why, but it sucks and feels bad. The little apologetic "here's your tea too" moment said so much, in how they both understand what's happening here and there's not much Zhao Xi can do in the moment, in public, to make it up to him.
All this happening in an episode where it seems like the whole world is gossiping about Jiang Tian and Sheng Wang moving into the dorms just makes my heart ache for the boys, and the threats they might face. I think the juxtaposition is deliberate and I think Zhao Xi is having some of the same thoughts as the teachers discuss the kids. My read is that he knows or guesses Jiang Tian is gay and has been shepherding him a little on that basis, standing by to give him guidance or just a gleam of hope, in the way that we elder queers do when we see young ones that don't have home and family support. We'll see where it all goes, but I really love the way the elders have been woven into the story so far.
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athousandbyeol · 24 days
i can't stop thinking about this scene.
it was so light-hearted. sheng wang was all-smiley after finishing (perhaps multiple rounds) of revising and studying. but the lively atmosphere simmers down into this thick and stifling tension once jiang tian opens his closet.
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honestly, if i were sheng wang, i would have so many questions too. why is he packing? is he going somewhere? but where? so, whatever sheng wang is thinking or feeling at the moment is valid (to me, at least, it is.)
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i think it has so much to do with sheng wang's expression here (liu dong qin, the actor you are) that breaks my heart into tiny, million pieces.
it's in the way his eyes follows every movement of jiang tian, but particularly directed at the opened luggage, that has me thinking of sheng wang's fear of separation. the trauma he experienced when he was just a little boy.
i can't imagine how he felt when he saw his beloved mother collapsing to the ground—at the age so little to grasp the situation—to comprehend the meaning of sadness and grief and death.
he was broken. he was devastated. but those feelings as a child were just feelings. but the adult sheng wang now understood that those feelings come with bitter memories and realisations that death is inevitable, and death is permanent. his mother won't come back to him no matter how frequently she visits him in his dreams (and wake).
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his heavy breathing. his fixated stare. that feeling of abandonment is washing over him again. they're coming in slow, steady and destructive.
so when jiang tian approaches him with the said book that has more extensive questions, he still can't look away. not until jiang tian realises that sheng wang's attention is now elsewhere.
and he finally asks,
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i personally adore how benjamin acted this scene out. jiang tian immediately glances over at the luggage, somehow already knowing the context/direction of this conversation. (it's in the subtlety of benjamin's acting here that has me going nuts.)
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when sheng wang asks this question, it reminds me of this scene in episode 1,
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jiang tian was looming in front of sheng wang's house, wondering if he should stay or leave. possibly his only destination would be uncle ding's house. maybe he has nowhere to go, to be honest.
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sheng wang immediately called him, voicing out his thoughts. and the context is similar—are you leaving?
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although jiang tian answers sheng wang's question, not leaving him hanging the way he did in episode 1, it's still not enough. the reason being, as of right now, we're knowledgable of sheng wang's past. but what about jiang tian? we know nothing about him. we just know this boy is closed off and distant and cold and grumpy. but why?
these questions are the answers. but sheng wang doesn't know. not yet.
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they could have just dropped the conversation here. but this is one of (the many) things i notice about sheng wang: he's always curious. always seeking answers. even in his studies, he would ask crab (i love you, friend) for the solution. and we saw some instances where jiang tian would share the method he used, etc, only to help him. and i think it's being presented at a different light here. sheng wang is waiting. he's waiting for jiang tian to give him answers.
as jiang tian says it's a habit, it might not be the answer sheng wang wanted, but it was needed, at least, only for the night.
it's so overwhelming to me how jiang tian has always been providing sheng wang with safety, happiness, anger, irritation, fun, answers and questions. how susceptible sheng wang is with everything jiang tian is. they are like mirrors reflecting one another. because for me, jiang tian is like a closed book, but i could understand him once i start reading. but sheng wang, he's more layered. he's open but also secretive. he expresses emotions, but not everyone reciprocates and understands him. not until jiang tian.
and i'm no longer sane in the head because of this.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 4 months
Hello! How was your day? I hope it's been good.
Could I request Zhongli, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley finding out their lover had been gushing over them to random people?
Zhongli, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley x gushing!reader
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The ex-archon as usual goes for his daily work break for lunch and tea where Iron Tongue Tian told stories, sitting down and looking around to see one of the staff talking excitedly with another couple of patrons before seeing him. They seemed to light up upon seeing him and bid goodbye to the others, coming over to him and clapping their hands together. “So you’re the handsome man that Name’s been gushing about. Zhongli isn’t it? I’ve seen you around here often.” they said with a smile and noted down his order, waving their hands and assuring him they knew it was usual.
This was news to him. He hadn’t suspected that there’d be any reason for them to gush about him since to him it seemed it should be the opposite. “Hm, I have to say this is the first time I have heard this. “ he said and thoughtfully hummed. Color him intrigued. “Why don’t you sit here with me and have some tea as well? I would very much like to discuss more about what Name says about me,” he said with a smile and if someone looked close enough they could see the slyness behind it.
The worker immediately smiled and nodded, rushing off to get his tea and what he assumed was theirs as well. “Well, I can assure you they’ve never said anything but good things. If anything I’m not sure I have heard anything but praises and compliments about how great of a lover you are. They always talk about how kind and caring you are whenever they’re uncomfortable or feeling down. Another thing they really gush about besides how in their words you’re “sculpted like an archon attractive figure” is how you actually listen to them and hear what they have to say.” he was unfortunately surprised when they emphasized that he actually listened to them which must’ve meant that others didn’t in the past.
Zhongli was aware that some men weren’t the best but he didn’t think it was that bad and if Name hadn’t mentioned it then he wasn’t one to bring it up since he trusted them to come to him with any issues. It was comedically ironic that his lover had said he was handsome like he was made by the gods but he suspected that it was a cover partially for keeping his ex-divine status. Nevertheless, this was great information that he’d found out and he would let you bring it up if you chose to or more likely if they brought it up to you.
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Everyone knows that the melusines see Neuvillette as a sort of father and so when you both started dating or “courting” as your boyfriend put it the adorable group of beings started thinking of you as their mom of sorts. Since they were guards and workers scattered around the city of Fontaine, greeting you whenever they’d see you and having small chats. Many of which you’d gush and rave about all the great things about your boyfriend and how he was so sweet and caring.
Word travels fast but it travels faster among the melusines so when Neuvillette walked the Palais Mermonia to overview a big court case coming up he was welcomed by a joyful group of melusines who started talking all at once. He could roughly understand parts of what they were saying and how they were talking about his partner. “Slow down, slow down. Let’s go to my office first,” he said and ushered them all in, closing the doors and thankful they could talk about this in private. “Now, what is it that you want to tell me?” he asked and sighed tiredly. It was already 10 in the morning and already there was something urgently needing his attention.
Canotila came up to him with her hands clasped together and a wide happy smile on her face. “We are just so happy to hear that Name loves you so much! We knew you were such a kind and devoted person to both Fontaine and its people but we didn’t know how caring you really were. It’s truly admirable Monsieur Neuvillette!” she gushed and joined several others to say affirmations of what Canotila had said. The Iudex knew his lover loved every part of him even the parts he was reluctant to share with them but he hadn’t known they had been gushing about how great of a boyfriend he was.
To be completely honest seeing Neuvillette display any strong emotional expression was rare and the bright red blush spreading over his cheeks was a treat to see. He was extremely touched that you praised him to others for what you adored about him. He would talk to you later to possibly not tell others and strangers about the more intimate details of your relationship because of a few reasons.
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To some of the veteran residents, it wasn’t a surprise to hear that the Duke Wriothesley had a lover and there were very rare times when he’d freely be able to visit you as often as he’d like but you’d often come to the prison when you both wanted to spend time together and couldn’t wait. So the guards knew you well as well as the senior residents and greeted you in addition to also making sure no one else fucked with you if they saw you since you never treated them anything but kindness.
So it wasn’t surprising when one of the guards informed him that one of the prisoners he was particularly close to asked to speak to him and came in with a smile. “I’m letting ya know that your lover is here but I think you wanna hear when I overhead them telling one of the guards,” he said and waited for Wriothesley to let him continue if he wished which he did. “Well, seems like you’re quite the 5-star boyfriend which doesn’t surprise me since I’ve known you since you were once in here but Name wasn’t it?” he clarified and continued.
“They kept going on and on about how well you remember all of their favorite things even the littlest details like how they like their tea or favorite dessert. I feel like it’s not a surprise to hear that another major part of what I heard was about them going on and on about how doting and loyal you are not to mention how attractive you and your personality are.” he hummed with an amused smile and held his hands up, getting up and saying his goodbyes to the Duke.
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florbexter · 8 days
You don't understand! It's the fact that Sheng Wang knew that Jiang Tian would wear the shirt. He didn't take it from Gao Tianyang with a 'Oh maybe I can convince him' attitude.
He wanted Jiang Tian to wear the shirt so Jiang Tian would wear the shirt. He knows his power!
There wasn't even an ounce of embarrassment in him. He didn't care that others would see how well he had Jiang Tian wrapped around his finger; it was almost a show-off of his power.
The little happy wiggle he did after Jiang Tian gave in!
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craziestfangirl98 · 8 days
Something I really find refreshing with this story is the fact that at every moment that Jiang Tian as a more reserved character could probably have shut down, he chose the other option of being honest, of opening up to Sheng Wang.
Because he wants to open up. He wants to have someone, and wants to be that someone to Sheng Wang. He knows the world could be against them and so far, has chosen to stand by Sheng Wang and show him that 'hey. No matter what, I choose you.'
It somehow takes me back to Sheng Wang's conversation with his father. What he said about both of their relationship being more than they could ever understand and better than he himself could fathom. Jiang Tian's action is what makes Sheng Wang want to show up for him (them) as well. It is what made the Jiang Tian who had never cared about participating in things with his classmates, about necessarily reciprocating his friendship with Gao Tianyang, about having fun beyond school results, and feeling at home start to do all of them. We see that first with ep 8 where he actively works towards getting that home and becoming friendlier with Gao Tianyang and we see that break down further in ep 9.
Usually such characters would melt for the person they love but nobody else and although it has its own charm there is no improvement in the character so to speak. Here we see that they make each other better and that is so beautiful and important.
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respectthepetty · 14 days
Petty, I respect you.
I do.
Meeeeeeeee 🥹
You've opened a floodgate.
Because I always notice the colors, but just because I see colors doesn't mean I know why they are significant. Even if I see there is a pattern, it doesn't mean I understand its importance. And I don't think y'all should be subject to me screaming about Jiang Tian's paper bookmarks being yellow and pink in a book of (love?) poems where he has highlighted that "a girl's shyness is like a tender cherry under the sunlight" and "16- and 17-year-olds are like fruits in the morning sun, sparkling."
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Sheng Wang asks who this is about, but we know who this is about. The colors mean things.
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And more importantly, I actually didn't write weekly or episodic posts about shows until 2022. I used to wait until a show was over to write about the colors or background noise, and, mostly, I only did it when people would ask me about it. Big Dragon was the first show that I felt compelled to write weekly about the colors and background noise because it was so amazing, so 2024 is still an odd space for me to be in sometimes because as much as I love colors, I'm ALWAYS surprised how much y'all want to know about them . . . weekly . . . per episode . . . for all the shows.
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I write for myself, but sometimes I think y'all don't need to witness me losing my shit every week for sixteen weeks over obviously color-coded characters in The Loyal Pin.
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And sometimes I think y'all don't want to witness me losing my shit over colors that I can't completely understand like the grays in 4 Minutes.
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And then other times I think y'all shouldn't have to witness me losing my shit over colors that I'm not sure are colors until I've watched enough episodes to feel sure that the colors are, in fact, coloring; then, the series, The Trainee, actually tells me the colors were coloring the entire time like I thought.
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And that's why I try to be quiet about shows because I'm figuring them out in my head, or I'm waiting for enough information to feel confident about them, and I don't want to hog up the tag with my ramblings. I need to sit in it a bit to figure out what the colors mean.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me was the perfect example. I didn't mention anything about colors until prompted by others because it took me until the third episode to feel certain that Chen Yi and Ai Di matched colors, then it took me close to the end of the series to realize all the cameo couples ALSO matched colors.
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It took me until the end of My Love Mix-Up to realize Aoki's color had evolved.
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It took me two seasons (and a movie) to feel secure that Kiyoi was a Heavenly Human in My Beautiful Man.
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And it took me until midway through Semantic Error to figure out why the red disappeared.
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That's how The On1y One is for me. I knew yellow/orange and blue would play some part in the story based on the posters, but I wasn't sure how until I started seeing more visuals appear.
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Because even though I saw a yellow container of food for Sheng Wang in the first episode,
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I didn't realize he mostly ate color-coded food until episode four.
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It's such a tiny detail, so I could have easily missed it, but because I know that he is a picky eater, I feel like it's not simply a coincidence, and I quickly noticed it in the eighth episode.
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But I needed to collect more images before I could state that. I needed to let the story develop before I realized it. I needed to settle into it. And that's why I wrote my halfway point post after a few people asked if I noticed.
Because I know I seem like a magician who shouts a lot, but I'm not. Sometimes, I have to be patient and let the colors sneak up on me while I'm simply enjoying the moment, like Sheng Wang's orange alarm clock nestled into the corner of his bed while he falls asleep on his light yellow pillow in his light yellow shirt.
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I know not all visuals can be a literal bright yellow sign hanging from the color-coded boy's room, ya know?
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I'm not Jenny who cannot grasp that she keeps taking food and drinks meant for Benny even when he realized if she could figure out the mug was about gay rights without realizing he was gay then someone smarter will along and piece the dots together . . .
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Because like, girl, he's gay.
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But it does take me time to collect images and get my thoughts in order, so until then, I'm going to be quiet.
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Or as quiet as a loud ass like me can be.
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miss0atae · 22 days
Random Thoughts about The On1y One (EP 6) : Attachment, No regrets and live life to the fullest.
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I knew they would feel at odds after the episode 5. Of course, Wang was hurt by Tian’s decision to live in the school accommodation. He was just starting to feel close to him and suddenly he discovered that Tian may leave. So, like any people who have already felt the harsh truth of being left alone, he tried to distance himself from Tian. It was a way for him to protect his heart, but Tian wasn’t fooled by his acts. He knew early on that Wang wasn’t acting like before. Relationships can be tough, especially if you have a lingering fear that the people you care about the most will leave you. Wang already lost his mother at a young age and his father is never really around him. He already know what it is to see people you love leaving him. So, before getting to attached to Tian, he prefers to treat him as a stranger: being polite, stop sharing his feelings and trying to give back anything gave to him so there would be no debt between them. I was afraid this drift between them would be last the entire episode, but thankfully Tian is really good at reading Wang’s mood and understanding him. He felt something was wrong and he reacted strongly against it. We’re so used to see him being calm and reserved that when he rejected Wang’s action of distancing himself from him, it was really shocking. He raised his voice and everyone (Wang and us) knew instantly he would not accept it.
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Tian may be the one who is more reserved, but he is also the one who is more ready to say what he feels. I feel like Wang could have said to Tian about how hurt he was about his decision to leave the house because it made him think Tian didn't want to be around him… but he didn't because he is not used to do it. Both of them are lonely souls who found a connection, but they both deal differently with attachment. I feel like Wang tends to overthink things and doesn't take the time to talk it out with other, while Tian feels wary and find it hard to be close to others. However, I feel like Tian found in Wang a kindred soul and he got attached to him faster than it could be expected. They found in each other something they were looking for. There are dialogues in this story, but the real communication is usually non-verbal between them. It about how close they physically are to one another (it's not a coincidence that they are next to each other in the class), or the small gestures (Tian giving food and drinks to Wang) and mostly it's about how they look at each other. There is non verbal intentionally communication, but you can also read so much from their non-verbal unintentionally communication. For example, Tian is always looking at the door and expecting Wang. This door is shown to emphasize the short separation they experienced. When they are again talking to each other, they both comes in the room of the other.
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This episode was also giving so many realizations to Wang. From him understanding that he doesn't have to plan his whole life because otherwise he wouldn't fully enjoy his youth, to him accepting not all efforts are in vain. It's really his luck that he is now surrounded by many people who want good things for him (Tian, his teachers, his best friend, Mr. Ding…). When you're in a competitive school and having such high goals, it can be easy to get lost. Life is not just studying to be at the top and aiming at the best rewards. It can be scary because you can feel like planning everything will make it easier, but when you stick to the plan, you may miss something else. I guess that's why I don't mind that the story is set in a school. It's not just about making the main characters be students. As a student they are supposed to learn. However, they are not just learning about school subject, but also about what they want to be. They are growing emotionally and they are also learning about one another. There are so many ways of learning. It is fitting the story.
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I’m now truly attached to this story and these characters so I can’t wait to see what is going to happen to them.
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blue-grama · 9 months
Aof Noppharnach, carelessness & living with yourself after the worst has happened
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I'm doing a late-to-the-party catchup on Aof Noppharnach's work after falling in love with Moonlight Chicken, and this isn't a unique observation or anything, but I'm really in love with his preoccupation with how people pick up the pieces and move forward after the worst thing happens.
The conversation between Day and his dad about Night's guilt over putting Day in the position to get into his accident is in the same territory of what Tian is going through in A Tale of 1000 Stars. Neither Tian nor Night were directly responsible for what happened -- Aof doesn't seem to go in for cut-and-dried villians -- but they both feel culpable. And, most interestingly, both were simply careless. Neither meant for harm to come to anyone. If they'd been a little luckier, none would have. But they weren't and now they have to grapple with how to come back from that moment. For Jim, it's a little different. Jim wasn't careless, but he let Beam get on that ferry in the midst of a fight. Later, he regrets that choice, because if he'd insisted Beam stay and fight it out, Beam wouldn't have died -- another unfixable choice that, with better luck and more time, might have been fixed. (And another choice that lives in a gray area, because it wasn't fully Jim's choice. But in Beam's absence, who else can he blame?) Even Bad Buddy is about this in some ways - what Ming did to Pran's mom is the original wound that echoes down the generations. In that case, Ming doesn't make any attempt at amends, Dissaya can't let go, and the two families get stuck in a permanent feud. It takes a new generation to untwist that particular snarl.
And then there's the other theme that's pretty prominant in what I've seen of Aof's work so far, which is "I thought I had more time." Last Twilight's been deep into that theme, between Rung's suicide and Day's progressive loss of vision. It shows up in ATOTS with Tian granted new life after he stopped planning for the future, and it shows up in Moonlight Chicken's multiple stories of loss. In many ways, they're the same theme in different flavors. How do you move forward when something's unfixable? When the worst has happened and you can't erase it? When time is up? Ming and Dissaya dig in. Tian tries to live someone else's life. Jim walls himself off, becoming the person everyone leans on, but never becoming vulnerable to someone else. Day locks himself in his room. Night tries to be the big brother he should have been.
But life and Aof Nopparnach have a way of challenging those coping mechanisms. Tian has to make his own choices and find his own way forward. Jim has to open himself up to the possibility of happiness again because he can't actually be there for everyone without intimacy (see how Wen helps him understand Li Ming). Day has to come to terms with his new reality. As for Night, we'll see. Day is interpreting his efforts in the worst possible light, but that conversation with their Dad may have put a crack in the armor. Would getting Day's forgiveness help Night forgive himself? Can he forgive himself if Day never does?
It's never clear-cut and the struggle is always in both repairing connections to the community and reparing your own self-perception. In Aof's works, you've got to do the work to change, yes, but self-sacrifice isn't ever enough, nor is it effective: You've got to see yourself as forgivable, too.
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tipsyjaehyun · 2 days
All this mention of class shuffling examinations, then we have Xi ge mention about how his grades suffered in high school because he was in love makes me wonder if Sheng Wang is gonna get transferred to a different class.
Now I know that Sheng Wang has always been quite straight forward and would definitely be one of those people who would face their feelings head on. But still, in this situation, what if he gets himself transferred to a different class because he understands that his love would not be possible.
We have that scene from the trailer where Wang says -
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He's probably gonna transfer to the other class (whether knowingly or not) and then we'll get that scene of Jiang Tian tearing up in the classroom -
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ichigokeks · 2 years
Why TianShan's kiss was perfect
First of all, Mo initiated it. That alone is so incredibly meaningful. He always holds back and has trouble showing his feelings, it takes an extreme situation that threatens He Tian's life to make him show how much he loves He Tian. They faced such a situation but right now they are in the safety of Mo's home. His mother is there. He had time to process everything and finally takes the courage and understands and accepts his own need to show He Tian his feelings.
He Tian is often very forceful or playful about physical touch, but he learned to hold back more and respect Mo's boundaries. He saw what Mo was doing and let him take the lead. That was so beautiful! It showed his own growth. He Tian doesn't like giving up control. But he waited. He waited for Mo to come closer. He waited for Mo to take his hand. He waited for Mo to kiss him. He waited so patiently, all the while looking at Mo so gently. Like he would have been content just seeing that Mo cares for him, to just hold his hand.
We rarely see Mo initiating physical touch with He Tian. This is the first time we see him go this far. I have noticed this in previous chapters - despite being loud, rather aggressive and constantly pushing He Tian away, Mo is very gentle. Whenever He Tian was hurt, Mo touched him very carefully. It might be in part due to his hesitation and nervousness but he is very slow and tender when it comes to express his love. He reached for He Tian's hand and let their fingers intertwine, step by step. They looked at each other for quite some time before taking the next step. Mo finally reached out to put his hand in the nape of He Tian's neck and you can see his fingers trembling. They both held each other so carefully because there is so much that goes into this kiss and their touch. This is months-worth of longing, of pain, of understanding, of love, of fear and of final acceptance and finding a safe place.
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