#he walked into that club like he owned it
firewasabeast · 3 days
Just thinking about Tommy Kinard who grew up wishing he was hugged and loved like the neighbors kids were. He’d watch them run off the school bus and right into their mom or dad’s arms and be scooped up and held tight. Sometimes he could smell freshly baked cookies or a pot roast coming from their home as he’d turn the key and walk into his own house. His house where his dad would grunt at him for another beer and tell him to fix them both a frozen dinner (“just don’t eat my Salisbury steak, boy, that one’s mine”). Then one afternoon, when his dad caught him staring out the window at the neighbors all outside playing catch, he gave him a smack on the back of the head and told him to stop daydreaming. Those people were phonies who were never up to any good. Families like that don’t really exist, and they’re never as happy as they seem!
So Tommy buries away the idea he’ll have that. Stops watching the neighbors. Rolls his eyes when he does happen to catch one of their hugs. Grows a bit of a hardened shell.
Then he reaches high school and he thinks things will change now. He’ll have more freedom and friends and maybe he’ll join a club. But his dad tells him clubs are for sissies and he’s gonna be in sports instead. His dad is good friends with the football coach so he doesn’t have to try out. He’s just on the team, whether he likes it or not. And the other guys on the team are crude and constantly taunt and tease each other. Tommy doesn’t join in at first, would rather keep to himself, but that makes him an outcast and a loser and the butt of all their jokes so it’s easier to join in. His shell gets a little thicker.
Recruiters come to the school during his senior year and his grades are good, he could probably get a scholarship or two to a state university, but they promise so much. He’ll get to see the world! They have all these specialized programs he can choose from. They pay well and he’ll have the benefits forever. Most importantly, he’ll be away from his dad. The recruiter doesn’t have to work very hard that day. When Tommy leaves for basic he’s a little scared but mostly excited to be away! And the drill sergeants yell at him and taunt him just like the football team, just like his dad, but he can take it. He can and does prove them wrong.
He’s been wondering things about himself lately. Doesn’t let himself wonder very long though, or his heart races a bit too fast and he panics. There was this one time at basic where he had a moment alone and he jerked himself off but he didn’t use the Playboy magazines the other guys had hidden under their bunks. He thinks of Tyler instead. The guy who was in the bunk above him and had tan skin and muscles all over and a million dollar smile. When he was done, after he caught his breath, he got angry with himself. Put a fist through a wall and got in a good amount of trouble. But the other guys thought he did it because he wanted to show the sergeant how strong he was. They thought it was funny and kinda cool. Even later, as a pilot in Iraq, when he has a moment alone, he’s never thinking about a woman. His shell thickens more.
Then he’s out of the army and he’s becoming a firefighter and he thinks maybe this is when he can relax. So he goes and meets his captain, someone named Vincent Gerrard, and he can tell within thirty seconds of meeting him that this man is a carbon copy of his father. He hasn’t been the butt of a joke in a long time, and he sure as hell isn’t going to start back now, so he plays the game. And he plays it damn well.
These shells keep thickening and thickening until he’s not actually sure who he is anymore. He’s spent years being whoever he needs to be to survive and it’s becoming exhausting. Even when Gerrard leaves and Nash arrives, even when his smile actually starts to reach his eyes, he still feels wrong. So he makes a choice. He leaves.
He goes back to flying, which he loved in the army. The freedom of being in the sky was unlike anything else in life. He hears a coworker talk about therapy and he gives it a try. It’s uncomfortable and stressful but he goes back each week and yeah, okay, maybe it does help. He can feel his posture relaxing a bit at least.
He allows himself to be honest with himself. He looks in the mirror one night and takes a deep breath and says the words “I’m gay” for the first time and then he repeats it over and over and over again even as tears fall down his face.
All the shells are starting to crack.
He gets a call from Howie, who he would do anything for without question, and this particular ask gets him reacquainted with Hen, renewed friendship with Howie, a new friendship with Eddie, and a boyfriend with Evan.
Evan. Evan who meets Tommy at the door whenever he’s there, arms open and a smile on his face, ready to hold onto Tommy like it’s his job. There’s usually delicious food cooking that Tommy can smell from the driveway. Evan, who picks up Christopher or Jee and they head to the park or museum for an outing. Evan, who notices that Tommy really likes to draw so he joins a drawing club for the both of them and even though Evan himself is not great at drawing he’s always so excited for them to go together.
Evan, whose kisses linger on his body like a prayer. Whose touch burns his skin in the best way. Who gasps and grunts and grabs and whispers in his ear as their sweaty, muscular bodies practically meld into one. There’s laughter and smiles afterward, as they hold onto each other and fall asleep pressed against one another.
Evan, who makes loving easy to do. Who gives his whole heart and then some. Who breaks whatever was left of Tommy’s shell and makes him realize that the type of love he wanted all those years ago, even as a little kid, was real. It was possible. And he had it.
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We should make a list of every safety hazard in Alchemy class:
• Leona’s open toed shoes
• Idia drinking tea out of a beaker
•Lilia’s oversized coat
• Idia, Leona, Vil, & Malleus not tying their hair back (and i guess other students with their hair in their face. I never took chemistry in school so idk fbdiwhwhckxzm)
• Students not wearing their goggles
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Oh, I’ve seen more than one post talking about how the various students break lab dress or safety protocols in their initial Labwear art/models so I didn’t know if I should make one of my own?? But here it is, I guess—
(Please note that some of these violations are flexible/up to interpretation, particularly the “needs to pin/tie hair back” list. Generally it’s advised to do this for shoulder length or longer but others will want long bangs out of the way as well.)
Not pinning/tying hair back: Riddle, Deuce, Cater (kind of; his side bangs could be pinned back), Leona, Ruggie (not sure), Azul, Jade, Floyd, Jamil, Vil, Rook, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia (?), Silver
Not fully buttoning lab coat: Ace, Cater, Trey, Leona, Jack, Floyd, Kalim, Jamil, Idia, Lilia, Grim
Not tucking in tie/ribbon or other loose fabric: Riddle, Ace, Cater, Trey, Kalim, Jamil, Epel, Lilia
Not wearing/keeping on safety goggles: Ace, Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Kalim, Epel, Lilia, Grim
Didn’t remove jewelry: Cater, Jack, Jade, Floyd, Kalim
Not wearing fur net: Leona, Jack, Ruggie, Grim
Not fully covering the legs (ankles exposed): Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Kalim
Touching face/clothes/hair with gloves on: Kalim, Jamil, Vil
Improper equipment handling technique: Jade, Floyd
Didn’t remove hat: Rook
Missing close-toed shoes: Leona
Oversized lab coat/sleeves too long: Lilia
Mixing tea in beaker: Idia
Not keeping an eye on the reaction (applicable depending on the experiment): Deuce
Didn’t put away the baton: Silver
Flammable (?): Idia (not sure though since his hair doesn’t actually behave like real fire), Grim (not sure)
So the most frequently committed crime is not keeping their hair back :/
And to compare the number of crimes committed by student (1/2 point granted for debatable sins):
Leona - 6
Kalim - 6
Cater - 5 1/2
Lilia - 4 1/2
Jack - 4
Floyd - 4
Jamil - 4
Idia - 3 1/2
Grim - 3 1/2
Ace - 3
Jade - 3
Epel - 3
Riddle - 2
Trey - 2
Vil - 2
Rook - 2
Silver - 2
Deuce - 2 (or 1 1/2 depending on how you want to judge his lab technique)
Ruggie - 1 1/2
Azul - 1
Malleus - 1
Ortho - 0
Sebek - 0
That makes Kalim and Leona the worst offenders… and brainiacs (like Riddle and Azul), people whose best subjects are Potionology (looking at you, Vil and Jade), and Science Club members (Trey and Rook) are making common mistakes 💀
Sebek is the ONLY student with no errors in his presentation or lab conduct. Ortho technically also has no errors, but he’s a special case and perhaps it’s not fair to compare him to the other students because of his advanced capabilities as an android.
Crewel has a few violations himself, most notably the flammable fur coat. Though we don’t get a formal reasoning for why this is, I like to headcanon that Crewel’s coat, while being a lab safety hazard irl, is enchanted to be protective. (I wrote about it here!) Why? Because I don’t think Crewel is willing to compromise on fashion, but he’s also not dumb enough to walk into a lab like lookin’ like that. Reinforcing clothing with magic is also something we know is possible and a actually see Crewel doing for the students in Endless Halloween Night, so he definitely has the capabilities for it.
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pinkynana · 2 days
am i the asshole for being possessive about my childhood friend's virginity?
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Summary: It has been awhile since you last met renjun. Perhaps your last encounter was right after graduation. You’re back in your old neighborhood, having drinks with your favorite childhood best friend. And it slipped out of you that you had never had sex, despite a whole semester in college. Renjun took that as an invitation. Afterall, you experienced every one of your firsts with Renjun.
word count: 2k
warnings: noncon to dubcon, dacryphyllia, bondage, possessive renjun, fake sympathy, creampie.
tell me if i missed anything.
It feels good to open up the window and see that familiar face of your best friend since diapers. Renjun was already smiling at you the moment you slid your curtains away. “It’s been so long!” He yelled. He had to, considering the few meters of distance between his window and yours. You noticed that he was still in a suit, probably just got home from some important business. “I know right! Wanna grab some drinks?” 
“Oh, I already have some in my room.” 
“Really? Well in that case..” 
You stepped backwards into your bedroom, just to sprint, jumping out of your window, landing on the roof of Renjun’s first floor. With that safe land, you crawled up to Renjun’s window, welcoming yourself inside as if the room was your own. “Still crazy as always I see.” he giggled. 
“Wouldn't be me if it isn’t crazy.” 
Renjun had your first kiss. 
At 16, you still had a crush on Tobey Maguire’s spiderman although Andrew Garfield already had two amazing spiderman movies. You skipped evening class to watch the rerun of the first three spiderman movies. Renjun came with. He didn't have evening class like you did. He didn't need them, he’s smart unlike you. 
Once the movies were over, you refused to go home. You knew you'd earn an earful and maybe some beatings once you get home because your mom would be furious that you had skipped class just to watch movies. Instead, you were at the playground, climbing on the monkey bars. 
“It’s getting late, y’know.” Renjun waited for you, sitting at the swings. “Renjun! Come join me! I feel like Spiderman. Do you think there's a spidergirl out there, maybe?” You never touched a marvel comic, obviously. Renjun huffed when you ignored his comment. He did, however, come towards you. He didn't climb the bars though. He let you have all the fun to yourself. He watched as you hung your feet on the bar as you let your body dangling upside down. You let out a laugh. 
“Wouldn't it be cool to have my first kiss just like the upside down kiss from the movie?” He didn't answer, which concerned you. “Renjun?”
Before you knew it, he cupped your face as he planted a kiss right there where you were hanging your body upside down on the monkey bars. 
The next day you pretended like it never happened and continued being his best friend as usual. 
The first time you watched porn, it was with Renjun. You were only 16, receiving a usb drive that may or may not give your computer a virus from a fellow classmate. As soon as your extracurricular activities ended, you ran straight to Renjun’s room. He had gone home earlier as he wasn't involved in the same club as you. You slammed the door shut behind you, hugging your backpack against your chest. 
“What are you doin-”
“Shh!” You locked the door of his bedroom. “Take out your laptop.” you ordered him, walking towards his study desk as your hand took out the pendrive from your bag. you tossed the bag to his bed. Renjun didn't question you when he took out his laptop. He only did when you suddenly plugged in the drive into it without telling you what it was. 
“Hey! What is that?” 
“What? Are you serious?” 
“Well, it might not be. I won't take the risk on my laptop though.” He groaned once he figured out your plan. You were afraid that the drive you received might give your laptop a virus so you risked it on his instead. How typical of you. “Why are you interested in that anyway?” The file was right in front of your eyes when he asked that. “Because..” You clicked on the first folder.” “I’m curious.” Renjun rolled his eyes at your answer. He leaned back against his chair as you did what you wanted on his laptop. The video started to play and you took a seat on his bed. You partially heard Renjun saying something to you but you were too focused on the two actors on his screen. You involuntarily gasped when the man inserted his penis into the woman's vagina. The sound out of you made Renjun turn his head and you held a second of eye contact with him. 
That eye contact suddenly made you realize how invasive you were and how intimate this whole action is. You shouldn't be watching porn with Renjun. Sure, he's your best friend but he's still a man. The realization made you stand on your feet, grabbing your backpack with you. 
“I fulfilled my curiosity. Gotta go. Bye!” You wore your backpack as you ran towards his bedroom door to leave. “Wait, what about the drive?!” He yelled as you had already exited the room 
“Keep it!”
The first friendship breakup was also with Renjun. You were both 17 when you fought about Renjun’s choice for college. He wanted to try for early admissions while you were still struggling to choose a course, let alone a college to aim for. It was too early to think about life after highschool, according to you. 
Early in the morning, when usually you would either ride on the backseat of Renjun’s bike, you rode on your own bike. You purposely waited for Renjun to come out so it’ll look like you two had coincidentally come out at the same time. You glared at him before you took your seat and started paddling to school. 
What upsetted you more was the fact that Renjun paddled faster as he slid right past you, not even looking your way. 
By the time you arrived at the bike parking, Renjun was seen leaning against the wall, looking like he was waiting for you. That warmed up your heart a bit. You locked your bike in then came to him. “You got something to say to me?” You raised an eyebrow at him, trying to look cool. “Yeah, I got in.” 
Your face dropped. “See you at your graduation, y/n.” 
Truth be told, that was probably your first heartbreak. 
You cried in front of Renjun for the first time (not including the time when you were kids) when he actually showed up to your highschool graduation. You didn't look for your parents when you stepped on the stage. Your eyes scanned the audience to look for your best friend who said he'd meet you again today. But he was nowhere to be seen. You tried to brush it off, not letting it ruin your memorable day. As you took a picture with your mom, you see a familiar figure walking towards you, holding a bouquet of flowers. Without even realizing, tears had started to fall from your eyes. You didn't waste any time running to him, giving him a big hug. And he wrapped his arms around you so perfectly too. You sobbed messily in between your tears. 
“We never even said goodbye.. I never even apologized.. I was so immature.. I mean, it was just a few months ago, but still!.. I’m older and wiser now.” You huffed, sobbed, sniffed and maybe even hiccuped. 
Renjun just laughed at your state. You knew that he would forgive you in a heartbeat, as long as you said you were sorry. 
“I’m sorry, Renjun. I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I was such a dick to you, I’m so sorry,” 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry..” Now, he was on top of you with your wrists tied on his bed frame with his neck tie that he was wearing just a few minutes ago. His shirt was unbuttoned and he had taken off your shorts just now. “Renjun, you're being scary..” Without even realizing, tears had started to fall from your eyes. Renjun leaned down to kiss your cheek where your tears ended. 
“I’m sorry, I just..” One of his hands caressed your face while the other started unbuckling his belt. “Please don't be scared of me. I just have to do this. I gotta be your first.” This was nowhere near the Renjun you knew and grew up with. If he was gentle with it, if he was maybe romantic with it, then you would probably allow this to happen. But this isn't the caring gentleman you were best friends with. You had no clue who this man before you was. “Fuck, you look so pretty crying.” You noticed how hard he was once he took his slacks and his boxers off. 
“Renjun, I’m scared.” You whimpered, hoping to gain mercy from him. “No no no no, baby. Don't be scared.” He gave your lips a peck. “Trust me, baby. You trust me, right?” Again, if he had been gentle with you, you probably would have nodded your head. Instead you shook it furiously, “Renjun, please.. I’ll- I’ll suck your cock, or.. or I’ll give you a handjob. Just, please don't fuck me.” 
“No.. please. As much as that sounds tempting, I need to fuck you. I’ve always been your first. Remember? Just trust me.” He wiped away your tears with his thumb. And with that same thumb, he reached down to your pussy as he started to rub your clit in circles, making sure that you’d start to get wet. You squirmed at the pleasure that you wish never came. “There.. See? You like it.” After he was sure you were wet enough, he took your panties off with one swift. 
“Your pussy is excited to see me, baby.” You looked away in embarrassment at his comment. He slid a finger from your hole to your clit, collecting your pussy juice as he licked it off. He then jerked himself off a few times before he aligned his tip on your pussy. “Trust me, okay?” He said before he slid in with a groan. “Perfect fucking pussy.” He moaned. 
At this point, you knew there was no escaping anymore. Might as well enjoy it while it lasted. You closed your eyes shut, trying to imagine that Renjun was someone else. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't think of anyone. Because deep down, you always knew that you had liked Renjun for a long time. Though this wasn't the ideal situation, you always wanted it to happen. More tears started to fall out as you felt ashamed of yourself for feeling good from his thrust. “Fuck.. I get harder the more you cry, baby. You're such a pretty crier.” With his cussing, he went on faster and harder, earning loud moans from you. 
You felt Renjun getting sloppier by the minute and you guessed that it was because he was close and you started to panic. “Renjun.. Renjun.. pull out! We have no protection. Don't cum inside of me! Please, Renjun.” But all you received from him was more groans and cusses. “Just.. just trust me. It’ll be fine. I’m sorry, trust me.” The more he said the word trust, the smaller the trust you actually had for him. But all you could do was let him fuck your wet pussy since you're too weak to even pull yourself out of the knot that Renjun tied above your head. 
And just in a few more thrusts, he had poured his semen into you. With jagged breaths, he still muttered some more apologies to you but you paid it no mind. It’s not like he actually meant it anyway. 
He planted one more kiss on your lips before he pulled out and laid beside you on his bed. He untied the necktie away from you but you still couldn't break free as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close and hugging you tight. “I’m sorry, angel.” he said again. He caressed your hair, fixing up any messy strands. “I’ll get you cleaned, okay?” With that, he picked you up and took you to his bathroom where he cared for you like the Renjun you always knew your whole life. 
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shrimpybbq · 16 hours
season 1 rafe with his gf & son
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i have to be sooo truthful here in that rafe is like 90% the actual worst during the events of season 1 to high school gf!
he's still doing drugs and going to parties, never coming home until the early morning if at all
maybe he was on better terms with his gf for a while, but everyone on the island knows that the pair are always on-and-off
when they are good, rafe is surprisingly sweet to her. he's always opening doors and looking after their son so she can rest. rafe is so much more physically affectionate too during these times, with his hands always on her, stroking her hip or playing with her hair
and then when they fight, it's like all that goes away and he's back to ignoring her
she lives in the main house now as that's where their son's nursery is, but most of the time she's sleeping in the guest room after they argue
rafe's idea of family bonding is going to the country club, drinking his expensive whiskey and eating overpriced food. he likes seeing his son look around wide-eyed at the new sights and new people, and he enjoys having his son sit in his lap while he drinks, mumbling nonsense to see his little smile
he tries to take his son out golfing once only to realise that he couldn't be away from his mother for so long, much to his annoyance. it's fine though bc he's insisting they all go together next time - problem solved in his mind
rafe and high school gf! go to midsummer's together as each others dates. rafe wouldn't have let her go with anyone else anyway, but he likes the display of having her on his arm. he matches his suit to the floral design of her gown to make the statement even clearer (they have a child together and he's worried about people knowing she's his???)
he manages to hide a lot of the events that go on from his gf, but some of them still reach her ears courtesy of sarah, and he can't stand the disappointed look she gives him. sometimes though, he makes her sit down and listen to his explanation, trying to get her to see his side. he's so relieved when she nods and no longer looks at him in that way (but she still doesn't tell him he was right, he always notes)
when barry burns rafe, he's knocking on the door of the guest room with tears in his eyes, clutching his badly burnt arm to his chest. gf just looks at him wide-eyed, telling him to sit on her bed while she grabs the first aid kit. rafe can't help but let the tears stream down his face as she cleans, his head coming to rest on her shoulder as he sobs. that night is the first time he sleeps with her in the guest room, his head nuzzled into her chest as she cradles him
ok but if barry ever threatens his girl and kid rafe won't let it go. he's landing a punch on the drug dealer's face immediately, his rage spiking instantaneously. barry learns not to threaten them again after the second time he wore purple bruises on his chin
oh, sweet pretty gf has no idea what rafe has done to the sheriff, and he plans to keep it that way. he wanted to protect his dad, but he absolutely refuses to let anything happen to his own family. she's so shocked when he tells her of john b's actions, the boy having lived down the hall from them, and rafe plays into the role of protector again. he's got her in his arms as she cries about how he was around their son, and rafe just hums and tells her "i would never let someone hurt either of you, you know that right?". it warms his heart to see her nod into his chest.
sometimes his gf walks into the nursery only to see her son not in his crib, but she knows exactly where he is. pushing open rafe's door she sees the two of them in bed, her sweet baby cuddled up on rafe's bare chest as they both sleep. he needs to be with his son when he has a bad day, which seems to be more often than not nowadays
rafe is rapidly growing more mentally unwell and the only thing that seems to soothe him is his gf and son, and he spends as much time as he can with them. the little baby is always in his arms as he coos down at him, watching his kid's eyes brighten at the sight of his dada. rafe reasons with himself that everything he does is to protect his family and that he couldn't be wrong then, could he?
Oh this was a bit of a novel, but rafe truly has so many facets to explore, let alone once you give him a big motivator like a kid!
*i think i'm going to expand on high school gf! looking after rafe and his burn bc its such a vulnerable moment for him
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ladykailitha · 2 days
A Love Connection Part 2
Hey guys! Did you miss me? LOL!
Just a heads up this chapter is a little angsty because we have get Steve desperate enough to try going on a game show. But have no fear, it doesn't last long.
Also in this Susan Mayfield never marries Neil Hargrove, but she moves to Hawkins because her job moved her there. So Billy and Max aren't step-siblings.
Part 1
Steve nearly had a panic attack right there in the car when Chrissy screamed. There wasn’t a crisis. Or at least not one that needed immediate attention. What it was, was their little drunk text about #needsmoregays at A Love Connection went viral. There were actual fucking news articles. Yeah, the first was from Pink News, but the rest? Actual fucking trades. Variety, Dateline, even The Hollywood Reporter, for fuck’s sake.
Steve was going to pass out, but he managed to get them to the school safely. Thankfully there was nothing on Chrissy profile that was her real name or where she worked. She had a work Twitter for that. And that one was only on her computer at work. She was very careful not to cross the two. So there weren’t any news people out front of the school. But her DMs were filled with requests for comments or even actual interviews.
He decided she could do whatever the hell she wanted, he wasn’t going to get involved in this. She’s the one that drunk tweeted. Yeah, it was because of something he said when he was also drunk. But still!
He also decided ignore Chrissy and Robin at lunch, choosing instead to have it in his classroom to avoid them. Because, yes, he was avoiding them thank you. He just wanted to see gay people have love, too. Last Saturday was a disaster and he wanted proof that gays like he could find love.
Luckily, it was only a nine day wonder and Chrissy’s inbox went back to normal. Or as about as normal as one can get after have a tweet go viral.
They were cruising through the school year, same as always. There were always the super smart kids and the ones that didn’t care about history. So Steve always tried to make it as fun as possible.
Gladiator days where they wrestled stuff animals. Letting the kids stab him in March. Building their own mini pyramids. His hallpass was a gladius for extra fun.
They were gearing up the for Olympic games just before Christmas when Mrs. Byers, the principal pulled him out of his class.
“Hey, Steve,” she said warmly, “you’re not in trouble.”
Steve looked over his shoulder at his class before looking back at her. “Okay...”
She smiled up at him sweetly. “I was wondering if you’d be willing to watch the AV club today after school? Mr. Jenner went home because he’s puking his guts out. Normally I would just cancel, but a couple of the kids are in the club because their parents can’t pick them up until after seven.”
He let out a long sigh. He was going to go home and get ready to go try a new bar Chrissy had found. But now, by the time he got home, showered, and ate it would be too late to go out.
“Yeah, sure, Mrs. Byers,” he said.
“Thank you so much, Steve,” Mrs. Byers said. “Mr. Jenner will be so grateful too.”
Steve nodded and then waited until she walked away to roll his eyes. Nate Jenner’s alcohol problem was the worst kept secret in the school. Even students were aware that there were times he taught drunk. Most kids didn’t know why he would be slurring his words or conked out on his desk; only that they were his ‘bad days’. But the kids who did know? They tended to shield the other kids from the worst of it.
The problem was that Mr. Jenner was two years from retirement and they didn’t want to make him lose his pension. Which Steve thought that he absolutely should. That old coot had no business teaching students like that.
He went back to teaching his class, wondering who they got to cover Mr. Jenner’s classes. He finally got through to the last class and went to the science ‘wing’ of the school. He walked up to Mr. Jenner’s class room and there was Robin coming out of it.
“Now that’s just unfair,” he moaned. “If you were watching his classes, why couldn’t you watch the AV club?”
Robin patted him on the shoulder. “Because I played the dumb blonde routine until Mrs. Byers gave up.” She waved at him as she walked away.
With a sigh, Steve went into the room and began getting out the equipment that they would need. He didn’t know much about radios and shit, but he did know what they did and didn’t need.
He had just gotten set up when the first of the kids arrived.
He wasn’t surprised to see Will come in first. With his mom as principal, all of the teachers tended to tiptoe around him as to not have any ‘misdeeds’ taken back to her, so his last class never went over. Ever.
The next couple of kids to file in were Dustin Henderson and Lucas Sinclair. They both had Robin’s Spanish class last period, so it was no surprise to see them together.
“Sinclair!” Steve said, fist bumping the kid. “What are you doing with these nerds?” He was only joking and they all knew that. Lucas had been friends with Will, Dustin, and their other friend Mike since Dustin moved in in the second grade. Lucas loved history and was one of Steve’s brightest students so he liked to pick on him for his choice of friends.
“Sorry, Coach,” Lucas said with a grin, “if I wasn’t around they’d fall into an uncovered manhole or something.”
Steve gave Dustin their secret handshake, complete with death and everything to make up for the nerd comment. But Dustin and Will took it all in stride. They were used to the teasing.
A couple other kids came in. One spotted Steve and immediately walked back out.
“Some people just aren’t made for fun,” he lamented to the kid’s retreating back. “I’m just too cool for some people’s children. It’s not my fault.”
They all chuckled and then finally the last member of the AV club arrived. Mike Wheeler.
He sighed when he saw Steve, but didn’t turn around. He threw his backpack on the nearest desk and slumped into the chair with a heavy sigh. “Why can’t we get a teaching advisor who isn’t such a flake!”
Steve wiped his brow internally. Mike didn’t like him all the time, so the fact that he was complaining about Mr. Jenner not being there rather than Steve taking his place was a relief, honestly. It meant he wouldn’t be grumpy the whole time.
“All right everyone,” Steve said, clapping his hands together. “Dustin is in charge, Will will take notes for next time. Let’s go!”
The club went as well as could be expected considering Steve really didn’t have any idea of how all this stuff worked.
After class while Steve was waiting on the curb with the ‘Party’ as they called themselves, waiting for their parents to pick them up texting Robin and Chrissy.
“Coach...” Lucas asked, “did we ruin your plans?”
Steve felt a stab in his chest as his head shot up to look the kid in the eye. He looked down at his phone where there were dozens of messages bitching Robin out for leaving him with the AV club because she had a girlfriend and Steve didn’t even have that. Or boyfriend, which was his preference. He had dated women in the past but he liked men more. Or rather liked men full stop. That was certainly a revelation and a half.
He put his phone away with a sigh. “No, Lucas you didn’t. It was due to the irresponsible behavior of Mr. Jenner. He’s the one to blame. I was just a little annoyed at Miss Buckley because she knows this stuff better than I do, but got out of it under false pretenses.” His eyes cut to Will. “Don’t tell your mom I just said that. I don’t want Miss Buckley in trouble.”
Will held up his hands in surrender. Steve nodded.
“I love history and sports and swimming,” he began, he held up his hand to stall whatever words were going to come out that kid’s mouth. “For fun, Dustin. I like swimming for fun, which is why I didn’t include it in sports.”
Dustin huffed and crossed his arms over his chest with a pout.
“I like going out with friends and meeting new people,” Steve finished, “and of course I love teaching you kids. But I look around me and I just see someone who’s stagnated before he’s even thirty.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know why I’m telling a bunch of teenagers this. Sorry.”
Will put his hand in Steve’s. “You’ll find someone. If my mom can find someone at her age, you can find someone, too.”
Steve gave his hand a squeeze and didn’t point out that Mrs. Byers, Joyce had already had two kids and had been divorced by the time she was thirty so it really didn’t count.
Mike’s mom Karen arrived first. Mike just waved goodbye and slipped into the passenger side of her car.
Steve shook his head. Mike was trying to learn how to balance friends and liking girls and after school activities. He’d get there.
Dustin’s mom and Will’s older brother Jonathan arrived at the same time. Jonathan was Steve’s age, but Will have been born over a decade after him as a last ditch attempt to save his parents’ marriage.
Steve waved goodbye to them and then it was just Steve and Lucas.
“My mom always told me,” Lucas said softly, “that there might not be one person out there for everyone, but there is the right person out there for what you need right now. I think she was trying to explain why Mrs. Byers had two husbands, but I think it works for you, too. You’ll find you right person at the right time.”
Steve blinked down at this boy, barely thirteen. He rubbed the top of Lucas’s head. “Thanks, kid.”
Just then his dad pulled up. “Go on,” Steve murmured. “I’ll see you after the break.”
Lucas re-shouldered his backpack to just the one shoulder. He paused as if he wanted to say something else, he just shook his head.
“See you later, Coach!”
He got into his into dad’s car and immediately started talking to him about school excitedly.
Steve pulled his coat tighter around him. He wanted to be that dad, but as time wore on it was looking less and less likely. He went back inside to clean up and grab his stuff. He had a pile of assignments he had to grade. He never gave homework and never did tests. Both were pointless in his opinion, plus it meant that he less stuff to mark and grade. He based his grades off participation and being able to stay on task.
He walked through the darkened halls and felt the weight of it on his shoulders. His best friend and her girlfriend were out having the time of their lives, while he was alone in more ways than one.
He didn’t even Garfield to keep him company anymore. Yeah, he was just a stupid goldfish, but he was Steve’s.
The cold seeped into his bones and buried into his heart. He was even going to be alone for Christmas. Chrissy was taking Robin to her brother’s for the holiday. They felt bad because they both knew Steve’s parents had cut him off long ago and didn’t have anywhere else to go.
But he had encouraged Robin going. Meeting her girlfriend’s family was important. And with Chrissy and her brother, Peter both being estranged from their parents it was even more important than usual. They promised they would be back for New Year’s and Steve promised he would be fine.
He stepped onto the curb and stopped, tilting his head back, eyes closed as he fought back tears. When the first snowflake landed it made him flinch at the sudden extra coldness to his cheek. That one was followed by another and another. It was hell.
He opened his eyes and let the snow melt on his lashes, the cold mingling with his hot tears.
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- 9- @dreamercec @wheneverfeasible @garden-of-gay
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samandcolbyownme · 7 hours
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, toxic relationship, arguing/fighting, name calling, kissing, rough unprotected sex, choking, hair pulling, biting, scratching, creampie filth
Word Count: 2.5k | unedited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
You couldn’t deny that the chaos in your relationship with Matt drove you insane. But the sick and twisted park inside of you loved it.
It loved the toxic chaos, the wreckage and it especially loved the make up sex that followed and falling in love with him all over again.
It was a cycle.
A dark and twisted cycle, but you couldn’t let him go.
“What the fuck, Matt?” You huffed, “You’re drunk, again?” You paused your tv show and sat up from the couch as he spoke, “Even when I’m drunk, you’re my my only type.”
“What does that even mean?” You ask, tilting your head as you hear familiar chatter in the background, “Are you at that fucking club again?”
“Nothing is happening, y/n. I just..” he groans, the sound getting quieter, “my friends hate seeing me so down.”
“Maybe if you wouldn’t be such a fucking asshole, you wouldn’t have to be so down.” You roll your eyes, “I said I was done and I meant it that time.”
“Come on, baby. You and I are like Bonnie and Clyde. If you’re done, I can have two grave sites dug later tonight because I’m not letting you go.”
“You literally called me a fucking crazy bitch for getting pissed that you flirted with the waitress right in front of me.”
“I wasn’t flirting, see.” He laughs, “I was being fucking nice, what do you want me to just be a fucking dickhead to everyone I come across?”
“You’re a dickhead to me so what the fuck does it matter?” You scoff, “I can’t.. I can’t do this.”
“Not fight any more?” He laughs slightly, “Yeah, same. So what do you say to a little.. make up sex? Hmm. I can come over right now.”
“No.” You say quickly, “I told you, I’m done.”
“Oh my god, y/n. You hate my guts, but then five minutes from now, you’re going to say you love me, fuck, I’m not-“ he sighs, “You can’t tell me you don’t love me. You posted those pictures of us, but you just cropped me out.”
“Yeah, because I looked good.” You roll your eyes, “I’m hanging up now. Have fun with your little one night stands and whatever the fuck it is you’re drinking.”
As you pull the phone away from your ear, Matt’s voice gets louder, “I love you, I love you, please.”
You shake your head, hitting the red circle.
You throw your phone down and take a deep breath as your phone chimes on the cushion next to you. You close your eyes, kicking your own ass for even looking at his texts.
I’m missing you baby
Is it someone new?
Y/n, please just tell me did you move the fuck on already? I mean, I guess you know what they say, can’t stop a running from running so go do what you need to do and I’ll be here when you come running back okay
You scoff, your thumbs moving at the speed of light as you text him back,
There’s no one fucking else Matt you fucking control my life, my everything. I’m trying to move on because your love is not fucking love and it’s all just a big fucking mess.
I said I’m done, and I mean it. Leave me the fuck alone or I swear to god I’ll slash your fucking tires
You grip your phone, your hands shaking with both rage and regret. You see his chat bubbles pop up and laugh at his response,
You’re actually crazy
I love it
You shake your head, closing your eyes as you try and figure out what to say back, “Fuck, Matt.” You sigh, shaking your head again before typing
I love you, Matt… but please, just let me the hell go we’re only hurting each other, and that’s not helping anyone in any way that is good
You set your phone down, hands moving to cover your face, “What the fuck. What the fuck.”
Your phone chimes again but you ignore it.
It chimes again, you ignore it.
It chimes again, and finally you huff, snatching your phone off the couch and standing up as you walk to your bedroom. You glance down at your screen, quickly skimming over his messages,
We can make it work, I can change we can do this
please don’t say that please
Let me come over let me see you please baby
As you’re typing, another message comes through and you can’t help but let out a laugh to hide the fact that it’s like a knife through your chest,
Fine I’m done with you
You throw your phone on your bed and close your door, turning to walk back out to the couch and click play on your paused show.
Two hours later, you decide to grab your phone. To your, not so much surprise, you see a text from Matt,
You roll your eyes, sitting down on your bed. You stare at the text, taking a deep breath before you start to type.
A knock on the door causes you to stop and you let out a sigh as you stand up, “I swear to god.” You walk out to the door, “Matt. If it’s you I’m-“ you open the door and there he stands, a smug smirk resting on his lips, “You’re gonna what?”
You roll your eyes, “close the door.” You go to close it and he stops it, holding it open enough to slip in before closing it, “No you’re not.”
“Leave.” You cross your arms, “I mean it, Matt. We can’t-“
“What? Can’t what? Be in love with each other? Because I hate to break it to you sweetheart, we are.”
You tilt your head back, eyes closing as you gather up all the patience you have, “Why are you here?”
“I said I missed you. So I did something about it.”
“We broke up.” You look at him, “And I meant it this time.”
He squints, leaning against the counter, “So then, what was.. mm, two nights ago?”
“Break up sex.” You shrug, “I don’t know.”
“The night before that?” He tilts his head a smirk on his lips and you shrug, “I don’t kn- I don’t know!”
“Mm. Okay.”
“I believe, I told you that I was leaving right after and you fought me on it.” You roll your eyes, “And guess what, I was gone when you woke up, both times.”
“That doesn’t mean shit, you still talked to me, called me-“
“Correction. I answered your calls.” You point at him and he chuckles, giving you a shrug, “Same difference.”
You shake your head, “Not really, no.”
He laughs, walking over to you. His hands slide over your hips and pull you in, “Come on, ma. I know you missed me, too. Can’t do a day without anything.”
“I can, you just never give it any time to see for yourself.”
He tilts his head, “Tell me you don’t think about it.”
“Think about what?” You look up at him, “If you’re referring to-“
“You.. face down, ass shaking, as you beg for me to fuck you. Telling me how sorry you are. How much you miss me, how much you miss how good I make you feel.”
“Shut up.” You look down and he tilts your chin up, “Eyes don’t lie, baby. I can tell you miss me just as much as I miss you.”
“Must not be a lot then.” A smirk toys with your lips and he smiles, “Mm. Keep telling yourself that.” He dips his head down, his lips connecting with yours for a split second before you push him away, “No. no. We’re not..” you sigh, “Not doing that.”
“We can be better, for each other, ma. Come on.” He walks over to you, “I promise, I’ll try harder.”
“You said that the last few times and look at where it’s gotten us.”
He scoffs, “I’m sorry, what more do you want from me?”
“I want to actually be treated like a girlfriend. Not an option, or a.. a place holder while you look for something.. someone else.” You shake your head, “You know what, I’m not explaining it anymore.”
“I know, you’re done. But let me prove to you how sorry I am, ma. Please. I’ve been needing you, non stop thinking about you.”
You chew on your lip, staring down at the floor, “It just.. feels like we breakup just to make up, you know?” You look up at him, “And that’s just.. I don’t know, lately I’m exhausted.”
“So let me take care of you.” Matt offers, “Please. I really..” he tilts your chin up, “we’re like.. Bonnie and Clyde, baby. I’m willing to die for you.”
“Sure as fuck doesn’t seem it. You’d probably be too busy looking at another girl to even see the bullet coming at me.” You push his hands off of you and go to walk away.
He grabs your arm, pinning you up against the wall.
You wanted to fight him, push him out of the door, but you just couldn’t, “Matt.”
“You’re who I want, I was dumb, stupid.” His lips trail up your neck and you let out a small sigh as he continues, “I’m trying, y/n.” He kisses up to your lips, “This is me trying.”
You reach up, laying a hand on his cheek, “I don’t know if I want to slap you, or choke you out.”
“I’ll let you do both if you’re on top of me naked.”
You look up at him, your hands pulling him in by the neck, “We scream when we fuck, we scream when we fight..” you shrug, “So why the fuck not.”
His lips are on yours. His hands travel down your body as he slides them down to lift you up.
Your left wrap tight around his waist, his hand tangling in the hair at the base of his skull as his lips move with yours.
He walks you over to the couch, laying you on your back as his body stays hovered over yours. He wastes no time slipping his hand into your sweats, his fingers circling your clit.
You moan, body arching off the couch.
He groans against your neck, “No one can replace you, just like no one can replace me.”
He sucks a hickey into your skin, earning an even louder moan from you, but they continue flying from your lips as his fingers slip into your achy cunt, “Fuck, oh my god, Matt.”
Your nails dig into his shoulders, eyes rolling back as his fingers curl, “Fuck, yes, yes.” You whine, walls squeezing his fingers, “Oh fuck, fuck.”
Matt kisses up your neck, “Keep them comin’ ma. Wanna hear all you got for me.”
You moan louder at his words, your nails dragging down his skin as your body tenses up and jerks beneath him, “I-I’m co- fuck, I’m there, I’m there!”
Matt’s fingers work you through your high, listening to your loud moans and whines as you come down, “Fuck, fuck, yes, yes!”
He pulls his fingers out, moving his hands to take off his white tank and you push your sweats down, kicking them off before you remove your shirt.
Matt stands up to kick off his clothes and he sits down, reaching over to pull you into his lap.
You immediately sink down onto him, head tilting back as you feel him enter you fully, “Oh shit.” You slide your hands up his shoulders, leaning forward as you look down at him.
His hands grip your hips, urging you to move, “F-fuck.” He groans, “Move, fuck, move.”
You move your hips, moaning louder and louder the faster your pace builds up. His hand slides up, taking your hand to move it to his neck, “Do it. Use me to get it all out, ma.”
You smirk, your lip pulling between your teeth as your hand tightens around his neck. He tilts his head back, moaning out as his hand returns to your hip.
Your mouth falls open, moans repeatedly flying out as you stare down at him, “You’re so fucking hot.” You tighten your grip and he moans louder.
Your eyes stay locked on his, your head tilting back as you slam your hips down, “Fuck, Matt! Fuck, fuck!”
His hands guide you up and down, his grip just as tight as your hand on him. You lean down, your lips connecting with his as your hands slide around his neck.
You grip the back of the couch, moaning loudly into Matt’s ear as you cum, “Fuck, fuck, feels so good, so fucking good.” A string of moans and whine follow, and suddenly you’re on your back.
“So fucking good.” Matt moans, his thrusts fast and intense as he guides you through, “Fuck, I love you.”
You arch your back, your nails creating welted lines as you drag your nails glide over his skin, “I-i love you, I love you, oh fuck, d-don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop.”
His lips land on yours, your moans mixing together which cut the kissing short. Your eyes roll back and close as your legs hold him tight around the waist, “Oh my god. Matt, Matt, fuck!”
“Feels so good.” He moans out loudly, “Fuck, ma. M’gonna cum.”
You open your eyes, staring up at him, “There’s no one else but you.” You pull him down, lips planting onto his, “I can’t let you go, either.”
He nods, groaning as his thrusts quickly turn sloppy. You tighten your legs and moan as you feel his cock twitching inside of you, coating your walls with his cum.
“Fuck. Fuck.” He moans, head tilting to the side as he slowly pushes in deeper, “Fuck, ma.” He looks down at you, giving you a slight smirk as his chest rises and falls quickly.
You undo your legs and lift your head, “Oops.” You smile and bite your lip as he pulls out, “Just couldn’t help myself.”
He shakes his head, “You know what this means right?”
You roll your eyes as he sits up, “I’m yours.”
“Mm, what else?” He bites his lip, smirking as you laugh slightly, “This pussy is also yours.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He leans in, pecking your lips, “So.”
“So.. what?” You stand up, your legs shaking slightly and Matt smiles as he notices, “Well first off, I think I did a good job, yeah?”
You slip on your panties and put your shirt back on, “Yeah, like always.” You laugh and sit back down next to him, “So..”
“Oh yeah.” He looks over at you, his head resting back on the couch, “You going to be here when I wake up?”
You take a deep breath, nodding your head with a smirk, “Maybe.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thanks for reading! I love you all so much. I’ll catch you in the next one! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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cvnt4him · 9 hours
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...mikah presents to you...
ೃ࿔ 𝑐𝑣𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯!
fun fact! it's 𝑐𝑣𝑛𝑡𝑠 first time doing a kinktober due to this account being created this year! hopefully you all enjoy what cvnt has in store<33
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ʚ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑣𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑠; ɞ
❝i hope you all enjoy what my incredible brain comes up with! I am very excited to finally share with you my very own experience with something so important in the fanfic readers/writers community. I hope whatever I manage to bring out is up to your standards and are enjoyable to your liking.—
— Of course, minors [BELOW THE AGE I SAY] and ageless blogs I cannot control you. I will say DNI for my own very purposes however, you all have brains and know right from wrong. do not interact with such things you know you should not. with that being said, may the festivities begin! enjoy your kinktober everyone‹3❞
[ages 17+ are welcome.]
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those in orange will have "dark themes" and/or "extreme" kinks.
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔫𝔢; no nut november. shoyou hinata
ᯓ ❝ in hopes of besting his peers in a challenge hes never participated in, he tries his hardest to last throughout the entire november. how does it all turn out?❞
contains ➪ riding, sub!M, brat taming? slight choking, m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔣𝔧𝔳𝔢; save a horse—ride a what?! izuku midoriya
ᯓ ❝ you meet a well-known cowboy around town! he seems awfully sweet and charming. He gets you out of a pretty sticky situation; little did you know it came with a price.. ❞
contains ➪ bondage, ass slapping, choking, sir kink, size kink [slight] m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔫𝔧𝔫𝔢; lost in the woods.. bakugou x kirishima
ᯓ ❝ you follow a beautiful light into enchanted woods, forbidden to go into. you enter and see quite the enchantment, you see creatures and critters of all kinds, none seeming of any harm! you meet two very powerful kitsunes, those that are supposed to be legends. ❞
contains ➪ double penetration, degrading, mm4f, anal, rim jobs, edging.
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔧𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫; rainy days seem as if they'll never end. sugawara koushi.
ᯓ ❝ as fall approaches the days get drowsier, slower in some sort. rain and color changing leaves decorate the town. just your luck, your umbrella gets stolen. a charming and handsome fellow helps you out and offers a date that ends a bit too well.... ❞
contains ➪ soft sex, praise, reader is called a 'good girl' m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫; whore's don't deserve anything. tsukishima kei
ᯓ ❝ you were a foreign exchange student. everyone seemed to love you the second you joined the club, not him however. he hated your body, your looke, the way you walked, talked, and acted. You were insufferable and a damn idiot! the worst part is....you seemed to turn him on...tutoring you would've been his last option however, he wanted to finally get you alone. give you a piece of his mind and maybe a little more..❞
contains ➪ chubby!reader, victim complex, head pushing, forcing, slight noncon, degrading, bullying, oral m recieve, dumbification, m4a
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢; bunny boy. izuku midoriya
ᯓ ❝ in this world of hybrids and humans, hybrids are known as pets, animals. despite the similar features they have to humans they are still considered pets. They walk around on leashes or with collars and act as sworn protectors to their owners. you adopt a cute little bunny boy! His names izuku! You two grow up together and are rather inseparable. However...it's izukus first rut, he doesn't know what to do! will you help him?❞
contains ➪ sub!m, virginies, heat/rut, hybridAU, handjobs, bunny shenanigans?? m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔣𝔧𝔳𝔢; situationship. kuroo tetsuro
ᯓ ❝ you're a reporter there alongside one of your longtime friends and partners to help interview volleyball players and bring people together through sports! You get a little too chatty with one of the players and that just doesnt sit right with him....❞
contains ➪ public sex, hair pulling, ass slapping, slight choking, spit, m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔫𝔧𝔫𝔢; separation anxiety. asahi azumane.
ᯓ ❝ your husband finally gets back home from a business trip and surprises you with a lovely scenery! He confesses he won't be leaving your side anytime soon!!❞
contains ➪ fluff infused smut, gentle sex, slight praise m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔧𝔯𝔱𝔶; separation anxiety. izuku midoriya.
ᯓ ❝you meet a cutesy little teacher for the first time by saving a local eatery. The hostages thanked you and he couldn't help but admire you, you're an upcoming hero who doesn't get too much action, he made sure to pull a few strings to get you the recognition you deserved. He spoke to you once and felt as if you'd put him under a spell, he couldn't be apart from you..not now not ever. when he found out you were getting married to some bozo, well, that didn't sit right with him at all...❞
contains ➪ obsession, stalking, masturbation, bondage, mentions of kidnapping, m4a
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔧𝔯𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢; was your mic muted? kenma kozume.
ᯓ ❝ you were dating a well known streamer, it was his whole entire life to play video games and people loved watching him play. you were familiar with his schedule and the way he did things to a certainty, it slipped your mind that he might've been streaming today and you were a little...rowdy. there's no shame in wanting to spend time with your significant other!! you asked for a little action and he happily obliged not warning you there were others...❞
contains ➪ oral m recieve, reader gets called good girl like once or twice,
Fucked by masked men?! MHA edi
includes, midoriya, bakugou, kirishima, sero, shoto, shinsou,
Fucked by masked men?! HQ edi
includes, hinata, bokuto, kageyama, ushijima, kuroo, tsukishima.
These will come a little later!!
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ᯓ all rights reserved © cvnt4him 2024-???. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate, repost, or rewrite what I have already written. Taking inspo is perfectly fine w appropriate credits!ᯓ
Don't forget to let me know what you think!
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starvin-darlin · 4 hours
imagining alexis’ time after biting sam. imagining when she found out sam wanted nothing to do with her. and that william invoked her, severing her last connection to sam. she was furious. and hurt too. but she buried that underneath her fury. she decided to rebel against her maker. she obviously didn’t want to lose the power she gained from having such a high profile maker, so her rebellion began behind his back. doing things she knew he would disapprove of. she began to associate with the not so desirable side of vampire social life. seedy blood clubs where she learned the names of the vamps in charge on this side of town. the ones who declared themselves the leaders, who ruled not with respect, but with fear.
one night she stepped outside of one such club to grab some air, and enjoy a cigarette. the alleyway seemed empty, until she noticed a shaking figure beside one of the many dumpsters that lined the narrow space. a wolf, she could tell from the aura, though one that didn’t seem to have the irritating cockiness of the other wolves alexis had met in her time. this one seemed meek, timid, their body shivering from the cold in their revealing outfit. they were obviously having a bad night, but alexis turned her head away, as it was not her responsibility to fix their problems for them. she took a long drag of her cigarette and exhaled slowly.
“aren’t you gonna offer me one?” an unsteady but loud voice rang out from the wolf. ah there was the cockiness they had lacked before, alexis rolled her eyes and spun round to face them, high heels clacking as she walked closer. they kept their head hanging towards the ground. she took in their ripped tank top and too big jeans, the holes in the knees definitely not an intentional fashion decision. a wolf attending a blood club never meant a stable and well adjusted life. did they even know they were talking to the princess of the solaire clan?
“sorry. i don’t often lend cigarettes to dogs.” alexis laughed at her own joke.
they raised their head slowly until their eyes met hers. alexis was shocked to recognise them. this was the troublesome little wolf who followed quinn around like a lovesick puppy. everyone knew the rules: touch that wolf and quinn will make sure you won’t live to see another sunset. though, quinn’s protection of them didn’t seem impenetrable on this night, judging by the large amount of blood oozing from their neck.
she laughed once again. “wow. i bet quinn is off torturing whichever vamp was dumb enough to do that to you, i almost feel bad for them.”
surprisingly, tears filled the wolf’s once defiant eyes. alexis stopped laughing. she had strived to become ice cold in the years since her death, especially once her love of a man drove her to commit the very actions that denied her him forever, but she still couldn’t help but regret her words when the wolf looked so defeated by them.
“it was him. he … did this.” they stuttered out, clearly trying to prevent the tears from falling.
alexis tried to hide her shock. the wound on their neck didn’t look like a bite from a feed. the entire span of the left side of their neck looked like it had been chewed open. it was done to cause pain, and lots of it.
“i love him so much. and he does this?” their speech was slurred, either from alcohol or blood loss, alexis couldn’t tell which. she suspected the wolf wouldn’t be telling her this if they were in their right mind. “why can’t he just love me?!” their words had grown to a frustrated yell, after which they slumped back against the wall, clearly exhausted from aggravating their injuries.
their words stuck to alexis. she wished they didn’t. but they reminded her of herself. screaming in pain when she couldn’t feel the man she loved, the vampire she made, through the supposed maker progeny bond. screaming as she realised how her actions had been perceived, not as devotion but as malice. screaming as she understood she would never get to have her sam ever again.
she lit another cigarette and handed it to the wolf, who was still slumped against the alley wall.
“you should leave him.”
they took the cigarette from her manicured fingers. “huh?” they choked out, before taking a long inhale.
“quinn. he’s never going to love you. and one day after you’ve done everything you can to be with him, he’ll drop you into the mud like you mean nothing to him.” alexis checked her watch, she was running out of time to make it back to wonder world before sunrise. she finished her cigarette, dropped it and stamped it out with her heel.
“you’re wrong… he… he’s all i have.” the wolf whispered, more to themselves than to her. alexis began walking down the alleyway, away from the wolf and the unwelcome feelings they had churned up in alexis’ undead heart.
“then stay. die for all i care. but don’t say i didn’t warn you.” she called back at them, not waiting for a response.
the years passed, alexis stopped her rebellious blood club excursions, and she barely thought about the wolf again. only ever briefly, to wonder if they ever took her advice and escaped from the man who hurt them that night. one day, during a passive aggressive catch up with porter, she didn’t have to wonder anymore.
“didn’t you hear? your beloved progeny seems to have found a partner. remember that wolf that quinn used to drag around?”
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t43andbooks · 2 days
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Pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x reader
Wc: 1.3k
Content: implied/slight smut, dom reader.
Note: might be pretty fast paced or ooc sorry 😞😞🙇🏽‍♀️ I try my best
You were terribly stressed—you had just gotten fired, someone had caused an entire rumor, that eventually reached the higher ups, to get you out. You desperately needed to take your mind off of things.
Walking on the sidewalk illuminated by the broken streetlights that flickered from time to time, you stumbled across some kind of jazz club. You could tell it was bustling, even from outside, you had never been to one, but you were feeling brave so you headed over.
Walking in, there were warm lights and soft music playing in the background, serving quite the intimate atmosphere. You head over to the bar, making sure to take a seat where people had mingled away from. You’d rather try to drink your mind away than talk to anybody here.
You had given the bartender your order and leaned your cheek against your palm as you waited patiently. You chose something random, so you’d hope it’d be good.
You were stuck in your own head until you heard the creak of a chair next to you, turning your head and glancing over, you noticed it was a very fashionably dressed man that had decided to take a seat.
As soon as he made himself comfortable the bartender had came over and dropped off your drink. He spoke, in a smoky tone, slightly slurred.
“first time?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.. how’d you know?” You asked as you looked over to examine him entirely, fixing your posture as you did so. Ginger hair that hung loosely over his shoulder, a fedora, a long dark trench coat, along with a grey vest that hugs his waist just right, and black dress pants, and god—the smell of the cologne he’s wearing makes him so much more alluring.
While you were busy staring at him he answered while pointing to your drink, “That drink is pretty shitty, I don’t think anyone who actually drinks would get that on purpose.”
Cheeks tinted, he looked directly into your eyes, almost seductively, they were mismatched. The left was a crystal blue while the right was a chestnut brown. You could drown in them. He dragged his eyes down while smiling, looking you over.
“I’m Chuuya.” He remarked, tilting his head slightly.
“I’ve got one that I think you’ll like.”
He seemed to know more than you did so you gratefully accepted his offer and introduced yourself as well.
He called the bartender over and quickly explained the ingredients of a drink to him, requesting one for himself as well.
“So, you look a bit.. stressed.” The area under your eyes were dark, and your clothing disheveled, it was obvious really.
“Work problems.” You answered.
“Yeah I definitely get that.” He grumbled angrily, eyebrows furrowed while he spoke. “Same reason I’m here.” A specific person on his mind as he complained.
You smoothed your hair down, a futile attempt to make yourself look presentable. The bartender had come back and dropped both of your drinks off.
You took a sip, it fit your tastebuds well. “Good?” “Delicious, thank you.”
you were on your third drink now, you were tipsy, slurring your words once in a while.
He didn’t drink as much as you but he’s definitely as intoxicated as you are, he only took small sips of his drink as he talked (flirted) with you as the night went on.
Before you knew it though he had raised his hand, grazing your cheek faintly— he reached for the strand of hair that had fallen into your eyes, brushing it out of the way.
The both of you were now completely facing each other, knees touching while you conversed. He looked at you with such adoration as he tucked your hair behind your ear. He leaned his head onto his palm while he rested his elbow on the counter. His face was flushed scarlet, he looked at you through lidded eyes while smirking once more, he exuded a confident energy the more he drank.
“Mm, you’re gorgeous.” He mumbled, your eyes flitted over to the crowd, trying to look anywhere but into his eyes, you don’t think it’d be good to fall into a stranger’s bed tonight but you might just give in if he keeps looking at you like that.
“What a flatterer..” you smiled, you jerked as he placed a hand on your knee, “Y’know, I know a way we can let all that stress go..” he whispered as he leaned closer.
“How bold.. you seemed much more reserved before?”
“Eh, alcohol just does that to me… so, what do you say?”
You hummed, “where would we go?”
He giggled, grabbing your wrist and pulling off of your seat as you walked to the exit. “My place.”
After a bit of stumbling and heated kisses he had called a cab.
Getting out of the car after reaching his, you both walked inside, pressing the button to call the elevator—you waited. Taking the time to grab him by his collar and plant kisses and little love bites onto his neck, him letting out small whines as you did so.
The elevator doors opened next to you as you wobbled inside.
Him fishing into his pockets to find his keys to open the door, your lips messily smashing against one another while bumping into numerous objects making your way to his bed, you didn’t care about anything but him in this moment.
You, so gently, dragged your fingers into his hair until harshly pulling, leaving his neck bare to you as he let out a whimper. Taking your chance, you delivered a bite to the junction of his neck and shoulder, his moans were even louder.
The rest of the night were flashes of memories, you taking off his clothes and him reciprocating, tongues tangled as you made out, you biting and kissing at his waist while pressing into his groin with your palm.
Such pretty noises were released from his mouth the entire night, underneath you.
Damn it all.
Your head was pounding, your mouth was dry, and your muscles sore. The breeze of the air conditioner hit you even harder than usual, you tried opening your eyes before grunting and shutting them. The sunlight peeking through curtains was shining directly into your eye.
You struggled trying to get used to light until you focused on the warmth next to you, you ruled it as a dream but it made sense now. You had laid with him last night.
You were curled around him, bare chest pressing against his back. There were countless marks littered over his body, the evidence of that night.
Should you have left?
You moved away from him, slowly, as to not wake him with your movement. You searched around the bed, gathering the clothes you shamelessly threw last night. Now that you’re laying more attention, his room has a very dark, romantic feel to it.
Making him something would probably be the best thing right?
You sigh, you were definitely new to this. Sure you’ve had sex obviously, but getting drunk and doing it with a stranger is another thing entirely.
Making your way out of his room you made your way to his kitchen. Grabbing some water for the both of you, you drank a few gulps before you made your way back. You set it down on the nightstand near his bed and shuffled back onto it.
You nudged him, he responded with a sigh before you nudged him again, he finally opened his eyes, trying to hide his face from the unrelenting sun. Seems like he’s struggling as much as you did. You quickly moved the cup of water towards him as he pushed himself up, the blankets resting on his hips. He held his head, trying to find a way to ease the pain before looking at you. He didn’t seem angry that you stayed so that was a good sign.
He took the cup of water and eagerly gulped it down, a smile adorned his face as he looked up at you.
“Honestly didn’t think you’d stay.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No, can.. can we do this again?”
“Of course, hun.”
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h0neybun-was-here · 2 days
Okay, so I’ve been trying to find it on my own for awhile, but I’ve finally given up and decided to just ask here- does anyone know a Batfam fic with Tim where he multiverse travels after escaping Ra’s, and he’s like “I’ve got to get to Gotham” and finds the nest flight to America, knocks out a flight attendant and then wears her uniform and gets onto the flight, then when he reaches America he goes into a club and swindles two guys out of their money so he can pay for a taxi and some new clothes (also he has bells attached to his neck, wrists and ankles that are triggering every time he hears them ring) and once he’s done he gets hit on by this dude that noticed he wasn’t a women and he pays for Tim’s taxi, and then Tim goes to a thrift store and startles the cashier when he walks back out a man when he came in a women and his excuse is “it was drag day” anyway he gets back to Gotham and he’s been walking on his like, super infected foot burns so he’s just started a saying that is essentially “take an advil about it” and when he meets alternate Jason and gets a gun pointed at him (cuz Jason’s in red hood mode) he thinks “I don’t think I can just take an advil about getting shot”? Sorry for how long this description was I remember none of the tags and have been desperately searching for it for a week
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torihakaraublog · 2 days
Mammon Birthday 2024
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My MC dotes on Mammon, but is not romantically interested in him so of course they had to make him feel special on his birthday!
Very much enjoyed Mammon's birthday event he's genuinely a fun guy to hang out with. With a lot of the previous character birthday events you have to plan out the day, but Mammon has made his own plans for his birthday that he hopes you are free to join him on (which you are).
The activity is a treasure hunt in the Uncharted Woods. No misfortune befalls you on the adventure for once and thanks to Mammon's cute habit of mumbling about things while he looks them up you and Lucifer get him a pair of shoes to fit the occasion - ones that lead you to fortune!
There is a peaceful run in with a chest mimic - I LOVE that mimics are canon in OM! - there was one in a Bel event a few months ago as well tho that one was not as friendly. It's on my bucket list now to make a mimic OM! oc xD
The mimic is also celebrating a family members birthday (a sibling in ill health) and Mammon has no regrets giving up the expensive Blood-Red Diamond. The unexpecting exchange item (a gold feather?) from the mimic turns out to be worth more O.o
Liked that the 'party options' were private drink or go to club. Got very different vibes, which is good. Went to club cause didn't want to give him too many ideas, but he still got a few kiss kiss from me for being a good boy :3
Obey Me! NB "Dark Eternal Bliss" Pop Quiz
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Ahhh really enjoyed this event! It wasn't too complicated but had some interesting lore elements to it. Also everyone's festival outfits looked really good. They were reminiscent of their traditional festival outfits.
The overall plot was basically: stuck in a dimension between the demon world and human world. We are tasked with holding a marriage festival to an emperor - marriage candidate is marked on back of hand. We are able to get the emperor to release us + the other souls trapped there through discussion.
There was a lot of sweet solo moments with the brothers (including proposals of sorts). Not as many with the other characters. Sometimes you had to pick between two characters - how dare they make me pick between Satan and Beel at one point!
Some of my fave things I ended up doing:
Floor cleaning with Levi (making a date for later) :3
Making plans with Satan, Beel, and Lucifer
Talking with the sad Matrimonial Black Flowers
Stargazing with Satan
Going on a walk with Lucifer
Pretending to be married to Bel to mess with the brothers haha
Getting a care package from Thirteen TwT
Lucifer saying he would always search for us no matter what world we were in.
Haunted trail hand holding with Levi
Another part I really liked was Luke, Beel, and Solomon collecting the festival food. Instead of it being the typical 'you two get out of the kitchen' moment Luke insisted they stayed for the other talents they had; Solomon's text reading and Beel's physical strength.
Through the whole event Asmo, Barbatos, and Solomon were being epic kings. When I suggested Barb being the bride and Asmo being like "that would scare them away" made me laugh (Barb kinda seemed into the idea lol). And then Barbatos and Solomon agreeing that they would want to approve who marries us first but would probably also not approve anyone lol
Didn't manage to get any completed cards this event, but with any luck I'll eventually pull the new brother appreciation card (rip the 80 pulls I've done already).
Might also try to do an art piece for this event so I'll post it down below if I do :3
Edit: Okay I drew something xD Do you like stars?
Beel + Brooke and Satan + Brooke
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storytowrite · 3 days
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
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Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 942
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
Monday. The beginning of the week, the end of the weekend and the end of freedom. It was a sunny day. You woke up in the morning, the sun's rays streaming through the slightly tattered blinds. You had meant to fix them a long time ago, but you could never find the time. Your parents always told you to take care of such things right away because it would only get harder to gather the motivation later, but who listens to what parents say?
You got out of bed and stretched. Time to get ready for classes. You thought. You took off the oversized shirt you used as pajamas and put on a black lingerie set. Standing in front of the mirror, you admired how the bra emphasized your breasts. You examined your reflection. The love bites left by the guy from the Saturday party had almost disappeared; apparently, he hadn't bitten you as hard as you initially thought.
You put on a black top and dark jeans. You tied your brown hair into a high ponytail and applied light makeup. Then, grabbed your bag and left the apartment. Ever since you started university, you lived on your own. Your parents had a house on the outskirts of the city, and you didn't see them very often.
On your way to the university, you stopped by a café, where, as always, bought coffee and a croissant. Sipping your fresh latte, you entered the university campus. Soon, your classes were about to begin. You headed towards the lecture hall, lost in your thoughts.
"Y/N!" Suddenly you heard a familiar voice from the end of the corridor.
"Oh, hi Woo, so you did manage to transfer after all." You smiled at your friend. "You didn't mention on Saturday that you were starting your classes here today."
"Yeah, I know..." The guy gave you a genuine smile. "I didn't want to brag until I was sure it would work out. Do you happen to know where room 214 is? This place is like a maze."
"Mhm... it's right above us, on the floor next to the men's bathroom" You replied and took a sip of your coffee.
"Oh, great! Thanks!" He grinned at you. "I'm off to class. See you later, Y/N!" He said cheerfully and walked away, leaving you alone.
You just sighed and headed to the lecture room, sipping your coffee along the way. You were almost about to enter the classroom when someone bumped into you, spilling coffee on your blouse.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" You snapped.
"Because it's my fault, right?" You heard in response and rolled your eyes.
"Can't you walk properly, Lisa?" You asked sharply, taking out tissues from your bag.
"It's not my fault you're blocking the way!" Lisa replied, tossing her hair and strutting toward her desk like a model.
You rolled your eyes. Lisa used to be your friend, but now she was your biggest enemy at the university and beyond. The two of you stopped getting along in sixth grade when Lisa accused you of stealing. Since then, Lisa took every opportunity to make your life miserable. Unfortunately, fate brought the both of you to the same major at the university.
With a quiet sigh, you took your usual spot by the wall, in the third row from the end, where you could easily do everything except take notes. You hated art history lectures. They bored you, and on top of that, the lecturer was old and spoke too slowly to focus.
You glanced at your watch. Strange. You thought. The lecture should have started a long time ago. You looked around the room. Other students also seemed to wonder where the professor was. He usually arrived five minutes early, and now ten minutes had passed since the lecture should have begun, and he still hadn't shown up. Some students started packing up and preparing to leave. Some were already standing up, when suddenly the door opened, and a quite short man entered the room, who was by no means their lecturer.
"Dear students, the class hasn't ended yet. Please take your seats." He spoke up and placed his folder on the desk before leaning against it. He casually rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, with the top two buttons undone. He looked much younger than their usual lecturer, and he was much more handsome. "My name is Lee Minho. You can call me Mr. Lee." He introduced himself. "I'll be substituting for Mr. Kang until the end of the year as he has some personal reasons preventing him from continuing to teach this subject." He informed the students. "At the end of the class, please sign your names on this list." He added, placing a white sheet of paper on the desk. "Shall we begin?" He asked, looking around the room.
You observed the man closely. His black pants perfectly accentuated his muscular thighs. The white shirt tucked into his lower garment gently hugged his torso. His dark hair was slightly tousled by the wind. He wore glasses, which added some seriousness to his appearance. He looked intimidating, yet his voice was gentle. You recognized that voice… Your eyes met. You stared into his dark brown eyes and froze. It was the same man with whom you had sex in the club's restroom a few days ago. Shock painted across your face.
"What the fu..." you covered her mouth before you could utter the last word. You knew that if anyone found out about what had happened between you and the lecturer on Saturday, you would be in trouble.
<- Part 1 | Part 3 ->
-> Series Masterlist
Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict
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thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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Ian Clayton Gallagher, too precious for this world
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shitpostingkats · 10 months
It's been years and I'm still thinking about how Ace Attorney accidentally made Sebastian and Klavier the same class at Themis. And Seb was VALEDICTORIAN. Capcom accidentally made it so the international rockstar who actually seems to give quite a shit about being a good lawyer and projects himself like a flawlessly cut diamond, was NOT the top of his grade. That honor went to this pathetic kitten of an orchestra kid who can't spell "affidavit" and bursts into tears every five minutes.
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hood-ex · 11 months
The desire to have a No Capes AU where the Titans crew go to a boarding school and sneak out at night to read poetry in a cave...
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rimouskis · 1 year
I'm going to preface this story by saying: I don't necessarily believe in karma, but
I may have been walking through today with a vague sense of disbelief tainted with unkind smugness after my tiktok fyp was flooded with poor fans who tried to get presale ticket to one mr n. kahan's new tour only to find that demand was through the roof and GA pit tickets were seriously going for $300, in presale, and even the "worst" tickets in the lawn were going for $70
and while I undoubtedly think it's deeply unethical for both platforms (thanks ticketmaster) and artists to allow such dramatic ticket cost inflation, I also generally don't relate...
I (VERY LUCKILY) gravitate towards smaller acts, and the most I've paid for a ticket all year has been, like... $90 for a ticket to beyonce, which got cancelled and I was refunded lol. if I look back at all my receipts from shows this year, most have been around $50/ticket after fees, and several have been closer to $20. my favorite show I've seen all year was a $15 ticket.
it's mostly luck—I tend to like smaller acts, and I've been seeing mainly rock acts this year, and those tickets simply don't run as high as pop acts. and part of me is honestly very grateful that I haven't been swept into any of the really recent huge acts.
I think of all the people scrabbling for boygenius or taylor swift tickets and how much money they've had to shell out... how a lot of them don't even GET to see the acts they want to see because they've been priced out or tickets sold out. I can't remember the last time a show I wanted to go to sold out lol. maybe bastille in london?
and again, it's just a matter of luck that I'm not really into any of these megastars and therefore don't have to compete in the gladiator arena to try to see shows I want to see, but sometimes luck manifests as a feeling of self-satisfaction, you know? who among us hasn't experienced a little self-superiority from time to time.
look, if YOUR tiktok was flooded with people saying concerts have been awful since 2021 (including rock and metal shows), but every concert YOU'VE been to since 2021 was amazing and the crowds were really good and you always got tickets and it never broke the bank, you'd feel pretty validated in your choice of musicians and the crowds they attract too, alright?? sue me! I felt frugal AND undeservedly clever!
anyways back to karma. guess who got invited and subsequently agreed to shell out $70 to sit in a lawn and listen to mr. n. kahan sing. I'll give you a hint, her tumblr username starts with an r and ends with an s
#I KNOW LIKE. A SINGLE ONE OF HIS SONGS.#the thing about me is I'm earnestly really good at not judging other ppls music taste because:#I have a whole 1000-song playlist dedicated to music I love but don't play for other ppl bc I regard it as my Fun Time No Taste Music#and it's not that it's bad it's just not as curated as I prefer my music showed to other people lol#and that means I don't judge people for getting really into a band that doesn't do it for me personally#but. I will admit that I have that deeply annoying personality trait wherein if a billion people get into something...#for unknown reasons my own desire to learn about and get into that thing plummets. hashtag hipster. hashtag annoying#so that's kinda why I've never explored a lot of mega-popular musicians#(see: hozier; mitski; boygenius; taylor swift; one direction; noah kahan; etc etc)#+ obviously I don't make quality judgements off of that. I've heard some hozier songs. he's very good. I like handfuls of TS and 1D's music#but I don't have the drive to Also Get Into It#which means I never have to fucking melee for tickets in the queue ahaha and I am very grateful for that#but idk. I think there's something to be said for purposefully seeking out midsize or small acts. I don't really like stadium shows!#my fave concert this year had less than 100 attendees and the lead singer walked right off the stage into the crowd#everyone was chill and gave him space (this was the friday pilots club show)#and I think I can compare it to big vs. small fandom#small fandoms tend to be well-behaved bc everyone knows everyone and beef poisons the whole space lol#and also it's a matter of numbers! the more people who are in a space... the higher likelihood someone's an asshole#and I've been in tiny fandoms that blew up (hellooooo omgcp) and saw that happen firsthand#and I sort of suspect that rule holds true for concert spaces/music fanbases! more people = more variables = higher likelihood of foolery#hell I think of when I was really into 2010s alt rock DURING the 2010s and had to deal with assholes at alt j concerts hahahah#and it was just because I *was* into the music that WAS of-the-time in 2015!!!!#and now as an agèd 20something who likes metal shows I'm just chilling and watching pits form at lowkey 1400-capacity venues#because that's the scene! and I'm not in the thick of it with the current Music Of The Hour#anyways all this is to say that I don't think noah kahan is bad or untalented or unworthy of seeing!!!!#clearly he is if I'm going to fork over $70plusfees to see him with my friend#it's just that I'm grateful my tastes have veered into the cheaper side of the music industry.#I think I'd keel over if my favorite artist was TS and I had to deal with. all that. to go see her.#stronger than the marines etc etc
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