#he was in such a state after finding out that tyler was his father that i really think he'd have gone through with it if not for her
basim-ibnishaq · 1 year
Miguel gifting Xina a gumball machine as a thank you, and a goodbye considering how suicidal he was at the time, is constantly on my mind
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thef1diary · 7 months
Little Big Fan | Eight
— Little Big Allergy
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Note: I am not a medical professional, so please let me know if something is incorrect
"Don't you dare think about cancelling, you are going on that date," your best friend's voice rang out of your phone on speaker while you were choosing a dress for tonight.
You turned to look at the phone, as if your best friend was standing there, "I'm not going to cancel, I just don't know what to wear," you responded, placing another dress against your body but frowning.
"Wear that one sexy red dress you have, who knows, you might just get laid tonight."
You shuffled through your closet, finding the red dress in the back, which was expected since you didn't wear it in a long time. You held it out in front of you, "don't you think it's too revealing for the first date? Maybe I could wear this next time."
It was a backless, short garment with two straps. While the back was revealing, so was the front, which featured two cutouts around the hips and exposed a bit of cleavage due to the lack of material.
Your friend hummed, "so we're planning a second date as well huh?" You could basically hear her smirk on the other end. "Well I hope this date goes well," you reasoned, but the jittery feeling didn't go away.
"You and Max are already good friends who happen to flirt occasionally, what could go wrong?" Then after a short pause, she added, "actually no, don't answer that. Try your blue dress, I bet he'd like to see you in blue."
After almost every interaction you've had with Max, starting from the grocery store, you've told your friend everything. Which is why when she suggested wearing blue, you weren't opposed to it.
Putting your red dress back in the closet for another time, which was hopefully soon, you held a navy blue dress in your hand, examining it before holding it up against your body.
While this one, like the red dress, had two straps holding it together, it was longer, reaching a few inches past your knees and including a little slit down the side for convenience.
"Alright, this is the one," you stated and continued conversing with your friend while you changed and began doing your makeup.
"So Bella is at Tyler's?" She asked, making you nod before realizing that she couldn't see you. "Yeah, she'll be there for the weekend."
"Oh how fun!" You could hear the sarcasm in her voice and chuckled, "it's fine, she should be spending time with her dad."
"The same one who called her overdramatic? Did you seriously have to have a kid with a guy like him?" This was a conversation you've had with her many times, and you would always reply with the same answer, "we were young and immature, but Isabella is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"She truly is, which makes me glad that she turned out like you more than him." You chuckled, "oh trust me, I am glad about that too. It would've been a nightmare if I had to see a little version of him all the time."
"So, speaking of Isabella, how are you going to tell her that you are dating someone who happens to be her favourite person in her favourite sport?"
You groaned, "I don't know, I really don't know. I can't stop thinking about it, because of what Tyler told me," you explained. "Are you still believing his words? Actually scratch that, why are you letting your ex determine your future relationship?"
"God, why do you have to ask such questions," you muttered, taking a moment to think about your response.
"I don't want to believe him, I have a feeling something else happened that day which he didn't tell me about. Plus he's not only my ex, he's the father of my child. I don't think of him as anything more than that."
"Honestly that asshole shouldn't even be considered the father of such a beautiful little girl," your friend stated, and you couldn't help but agree with her.
"Anyways, let's not talk about him, I don't want to ruin my mood before the night even starts," you comment, with your friend humming in agreement.
"You're right, let's talk about Max!" She exclaimed, making you chuckle. That's whom you ended up talking about for the remainder of the time you were getting ready.
Even though she knew all the details right from day one, she wanted another whole story time of how you and Max met, leading up to when he asked you out. Instead of opposing to repeat the story, which you don't even know how many times you've told her by now, you happily told her all the details as if it was the first time.
A few minutes after you ended the phone call with your best friend, your phone rang again which you initially thought was a call from Max. However, it was a call from an unknown number.
You answered the call, and you were met with a woman's panicking voice on the other end, "is this Isabella's mother?"
"Yes, who is this?" You asked first, calming down the inner voices that instantly thought about the worse possible scenario involving your daughter.
"I'm Emma, I don't know if you know me but I am actually at the hospital, with Isabella." You tightened your grasp on the phone, as it was close to slipping away from your hands at Emma's words.
"What happened and which hospital are you at?" You instantly began moving around your house, finding your car keys as you waited for a response.
Emma told you the address as you were leaving through the front door. "She had a severe allergic reaction, and I thought it would be best to bring her to the hospital. I am sorry for disturbing you, I wasn't able to get in touch with Tyler."
You took a deep breath in, knowing that it was bound to happen someday, even though you would rather not have it happen at all. "I'm on my way, should be there in ten minutes. Thank you for letting me know."
It would've been pointless to argue with her, especially since she was the one who informed you of the situation at hand and had the decency to take your daughter to the hospital.
You rushed into the hospital within eight minutes, a record time for you, and you might've broken a few speeding laws but it was for a good reason. It didn't take too long finding Isabella, considering she was in the ER, with a frantic woman standing nearby, whom you assumed was Emma.
As soon as she spotted you, her first words to you was another apology, "I am so, so sorry, I had no idea she had a peanut allergy." That led you towards one question, well more than one but you started off with just one, "what happened?"
She sighed, before telling you how she spent the entire day with Isabella. "One of my friends came by and dropped off some baked goods, I swear I had no idea that it had peanuts in it."
You reasoned that if you calmed her down, it would calm you down as well, because the increasing dread in your thoughts would not benefit you in any situation. You put your hands on her shoulders, "I'm not blaming you for it, you didn't know."
You looked at the doors leading to the ER, "how bad was it?" Emma hesitated before muttering words that made your heart ache, "really bad, she started swelling up everywhere and then passed out."
You tried to sit down, but the need to know her well-being caused you to walk back and forth in the hallway.  Your phone buzzed in your hand, and you were about to ignore it until you recalled something really important.
"Shit!" Max was calling. Of course he was, after all he was expecting you to be home and ready for a date tonight.
"Hey, I'm standing at your front door, are you home or?" He started and awkwardly chuckled, causing you to shut your eyes, imagining how the night was expected to go. He was probably holding a bouquet of flowers, looking like an idiot standing by the door because you weren't home.
"Max, I'm so sorry, I'm actually at the hospital." There was no reason to lie, but even after telling the truth, you didn't feel any less guilty.
"What happened? Are you okay? Is Isabella okay?" His response was quick, and slightly surprising but you've known Max long enough that his kindness wasn't as shocking anymore.
"It's Isabella, allergic reaction," you briefly described, and heard some shuffling around on the other end before he asked for the address. "You don't have to come," you told him as you normally did, but he didn't agree again, saying "I want to."
You didn't argue with him, as your heart warmed at the fact that Max wanted to see Isabella himself, and stay right by your side until she was completely fine.
Quickly telling him the address as you noticed a doctor walking towards you and Emma, you hung up the call. "Which one of you is the patient's guardian?"
You stepped forward, "I'm her mother, how is she?"
"It was an anaphylactic allergic reaction, however everything is under control. We've administered epinephrine but we will be moving her to the ICU for a few hours just for observation purposes in case the symptoms are back."
You let out a sigh in relief, as did Emma. "Thank you," you nodded towards the doctor. Once they left, you sat down, the anxiousness leaving your body.
Looking at Emma, who was standing against the wall in front of you, you had another question brewing in your mind. "Where was Tyler when all this happened?" You asked, remembering that she called you only because she couldn't reach him.
"He said he had an emergency meeting come up," Emma spoke her words carefully, earning raised eyebrows from you. "He left you alone with my daughter?" You had to confirm the words you were hearing and scoffed once she nodded.
"It's not your responsibility to take of my child, it's his. You're not her guardian nor babysitter, you shouldn't have to do that." Emma shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, "it's not the first time."
"How dare he?" You muttered under your breath before standing up and stepping closer to her. "We both have epipens for situations like this, and I am assuming that since you didn't know about her allergy, Tyler didn't tell you about the epipen either?”
Emma shook her head, "no, he didn't."
His lack of attention, led Isabella right to this moment. If he had told Emma about your daughter's allergy, or even what to do when she has allergic reaction, neither of you would be this worried about her health.
Emma, having realizing the depth of the situation, sighed, "I haven't been able to get a hold of him and if it weren't for Isabella constantly talking about you and telling me your phone number to the point where I had it memorized, I wouldn't have known what to do in this situation."
You pitied the woman standing in front of you, especially as you also knew that it was not her fault. You cracked a smile, "she talks about me huh?"
"Oh yeah, she considers you the best mother in the world, and based on her stories, I agree with her."
Then, you heard Max calling your name, walking towards you in a rush. He instantly wrapped an arm around your waist as if it was an instinct, "is she okay?"
Emma stepped away, picking up her phone for another useless attempt of calling her boyfriend.
You wrapped both arms around Max, bringing him in a hug, "yeah, she's okay."
Once he pulled back, he cradled your face with his palms, "are you okay?" You smiled, and your eyes filled with unshed tears because of his question. "Much better now."
Then, Max noticed your outfit which happened to be the dress you were supposed to wear on your date. "Wow," he breathed, his gaze unwavering, taking you in.
He was also dressed up, wearing a suit with a bow tie, and you couldn't help but reach up to touch it, "cute," you commented, making him raise his brows.
"Cute?" He repeated with a questioning tone. You nodded, biting your bottom lip to prevent a smile. "Cute and handsome."
"You are beautiful," he replied, watching as you avert your eyes because his gaze was intense.
"Oh, Max, this is Emma," you decided to introduce them, and added, "she's the one who brought Isabella here."
Max raised an eyebrow in question, "I thought Isabella was with Tyler?" He asked, directed at you more than Emma.
"Well, he wasn't home when this happened, only Emma and Isabella," you stated, and Max gauged your emotions for a moment, quickly recognizing the underlying rage you had directed at your ex. Max knew you'd be discussing this later, in the safety of your own house, so he didn't ask you to elaborate. 
A nurse came by, "Isabella is now conscious, and asking for her parents," they stated, along with the room number.
Emma looked at you and Max with a fond smile, before turning towards you, "I think I should get going now that you're here."
A genuine smile graced your lips, "thank you, Emma, for bringing her here and for staying with her even without him."
"Of course, she's the cutest little girl and I'm glad to get to know her." Both of you stood still for a moment, debating on whether or not you should hug her. Then, without thinking twice you initiated a hug that was easily welcomed by her.
You waited till she left your sights before looking at Max, "let's go?" You held out your hand but he shrugged, "she's asking for her parents, you should go."
You stepped forward and grabbed his hand, "you're coming with me," you decided for him. Although Max didn't pull away, he asked, "what if she doesn't want to see me?"
"Trust me, she'll be happy to see you," you convinced him and walked towards the room she was admitted in while holding each other's hand.
When you entered, Isabella's smile widened once she spotted you and Max. "Mama, Maxy!" She cheered, though quieter than usual.
A nurse stood by her side, monitoring her health and checking the IV drip inserted into your daughter's arm.
"Oh my angel, how are you?" You dropped Max's hand and walked closer to her, lightly kissing her forehead. Instead of a verbal response, she formed a thumbs up with her hand.
Then she looked at the door again, "is daddy coming too?" Isabella asked, sounding hopeful. You shook your head, "no sweetheart, daddy is not coming."
Instead of the usual deflated mood, she shrugged, "it's okay, Maxy's here." She held her arms around asking for a hug, only flinching for a moment since she forgot about the drip connected to her arm.
Max quickly stepped forward, bending over to hug her. "All good, Bella?" He asked, once he felt her arms wrap around him tighter. She nodded for a moment then shook her head against him, "it hurts," she whispered.
He brought his hand up to ruffle her hair before pulling away, "you are a very brave girl."
"Really?" She asked, and scooted over a little so Max could sit beside her. He nodded, "of course! Very brave."
She beamed, snuggling closer to him before looking at you. "Mama, come here," she patted the other side, and surprisingly the three of you were able to fit on the very small hospital bed.
A nurse was constantly in the room, checking in on Isabella's health from time to time and since there weren't any repeated symptoms of an allergic reaction, the three of you were out of the hospital in a few hours.
Max followed you in his car, and carried your sleeping daughter inside the house. Instead of taking her straight to her bedroom, he laid her down on the couch in case she wakes up and needs her mother.
It was safe to say that you were not going too far away from her any time soon.
You were in the kitchen, filling up a glass of water when he returned. He stood behind you, with his hands trailing down your sides before resting on your waist, and his chin on your shoulder. "Did I tell you how stunning you look?"
You hummed, "maybe a few times but I don't mind hearing it again."
He turned you around in his grasp, "well, you look breathtakingly beautiful."
You blushed, "you and your compliments," you chuckled. "What's wrong with it?" He asked, but you shook your head, "nothing, it's just I'll never get bored of hearing it."
He smiled, "good, because you'll be hearing at least one every day."
You tilted your head to the side, "every day? Are you sure you won't run out?" He shook his head, "not unless you keep finding ways to make me speechless."
Both of you remained in that position for a moment but then you frowned, "I'm sorry,"
"For what?" He tilted your chin up as soon as you averted your gaze away from him. "We weren't able to go on the date."
Max let out a sound in protest, "I'm pretty sure your daughter's health matters so much more than our date night. Plus the night isn't over," he added with a smile, confusing you even further.
"What does that mean?" He parted away from you and it quickly made you miss the warmth that his body provided you. "Why don't you go change into something comfortable," he suggested, almost pushing you out of the kitchen.
You weren't opposed to the idea, so you went upstairs to change after checking on your daughter. You found the most comfortable pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and removed your makeup as well.
Walking back downstairs, you saw Max waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you. He had removed his blazer and bow tie, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt as well.
He held out his hand, waiting for your hand to hold his, and although you were confused, you wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hold his hand.
"It's not much, definitely not up to first date standards but we'll manage," he commented as he led you to the kitchen table where he had prepared two packets of instant noodles.
"I haven't been on a date in forever so anything you do will set my standards." You smiled when you noticed the lit candle.
"Well, then I will raise your standards next time by taking you out on a proper date." He held the chair out for you, waiting for you to sit before rounding the table and sitting down himself.
It took two minutes before Max moved his own chair right next to yours because he didn't want to sit on the opposite side. You chuckled at his antics but it was much appreciated.
"What's on your mind?" he asked once he saw you visibly thinking. You shrugged, "I don't think we should be discussing these thoughts on a first date."
"This is far from what a first date should be like, so there are no rules. I know you want to talk about what happened at the hospital," he prompted and he was spot on, so you agreed.
"I can't believe he actually left Isabella under Emma's supervision. Not that there is anything wrong with her, but it's not her responsibility!" Max nodded in agreement, "where was he?"
"In a fucking meeting," you exasperated, eating another forkful of the noodles. "It must've been very stressful for Emma," you sighed, finishing your short rant because you truly had no words for your ex's irresponsible behaviour.
Still, Max listened to every word. Once you were finished eating, he turned your chair towards him. "We can agree on the fact that he is an incompetent father."
"Yeah, I don't even know what would've happened if Emma wasn't there either. He surely wouldn't have left Bella alone right?"
Max shrugged, "hey, stop worrying about what could've happened. Bella's safe, she's okay." He placed a palm on your cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth in a soothing motion.
You nodded, "you're right." Making eye contact with him, you were quickly lost in his gaze. While it almost made you want to look away, you couldn't.
"You know," you started, wanting to divert away from the current topic. He hummed, urging you to go on.
"I don't really care for an extravagant date, all I really need is you. I'm happy with this, with us." He smiled, to the point where you could notice the creases forming at the corners.
"I'm happy with us too, but I will be taking you out on an extravagant date because you deserve it, as well as much more."
You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing that it would be hard to convince Max otherwise, but you could think of a few ways to try when the time comes.
"Thank you for being here with me," you added, needing him to know about your appreciation. Your words also hinted at all the moments he shared with you, and Isabella.
He seemed to understand your hint, "I'm glad to be here with you, both of you."
Taglist: (continuing the taglist in comments) @xjval @mrsmaybank13 @cherry-piee @urfavnoirette @solphin @burningcupcakefire @nessacarty1 @dreamsarebig @omgsuperstarg @fanficweasley @redbullgirly @llando4norris @wonnou @randomgirlnumber13 @dark-night-sky-99 @chanshintien @leilanixx @gisellesprettylies @peachiicherries @monsieurbacteria6 @67-angelofthelordme-67 @arian-directioner @distancedss @morenofilm @sachaa-ff @lighttsoutlewis @teamnovalak @casperlikej @sadg3 @d3kstar @lewisvinga @lpab @queenofmanydreams @glitterf1 @honethatty12 @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @its-avalon-08 @yourbane @oconswrld @noneofyourfbusinessworld @ssrcsm @softtina @hockeyboysarehot @formulaal @namgification @tallrock35 @bloodyymaryyy @formulanni @ellouisa17 @phantomxoxo
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hotlikewasabi521 · 5 months
imagine, if you will, a sbg fantasy au
I don't know if anyone's done this yet but here we go! I'm a huge fantasy nerd, so I might be biased here, but I think sbg in a fantasy setting would go hard. now you could really throw in any ships, but personally, I built this idea around Tyden and Taylyn
so consider this:
(fair warning, this got a lot longer than I thought it would, I kinda ran with it)
Tyler and Taylor are the prince and princess of the kingdom, but they've essentially been running the country since they became teenagers what with their father having passed away and their mother being unfit to rule due to her mental state after her husband's passing. After their father died, Tyler still takes on the role of caretaker of sorts. Sometimes he even has a habit of burning himself out, Taylor and Ashlyn have to remind him often that it's okay to take a break. Ashlyn actually pulled him to the side one night and practically forced him to let Taylor start taking on more responsibilities, just so that he wouldn't fall under the weight of the kingdom.
On the subject of Ashlyn, her parents served in the king and queen's royal guard, and she even followed in her parent's footsteps. Considering both her lineage and the fact that she basically grew up with Tyler and Taylor, she winds up becoming the personal guard of the prince and princess(the twins) and the acting captain of the royal guard once she's deemed ready (which considering it's Ashlyn, is relatively quick). When it comes to her hearing, she'd definitely have some sort of wool or something put in her helmet to help muffle any loud noises. But her hearing also makes her a perfect guard, even allowing her to keep surveillance a fair distance away.
Eventually, it comes a time when the advisers decide that Tyler is of an age that he needs to find a suitor. The twins manage to fight it for as long as they can but when they turn 19, there's no getting around it. This would be around the time that Aiden and Ben show up, though for an unrelated reason.
See, Aiden is a prince himself, and Ben is a nobleman(title unknown) with close blood relation to the throne as well. Aiden isn't exactly all that into being a prince though, he'd rather go out, have fun, and be an adventurer (which is exactly what he's doing in the twin's kingdom) Ben is there to make sure Aiden doesn't get himself killed or cause any trouble with any foreign powers (friendly or otherwise).
As for Logan, well, his knack for astrology isn't going to waste, that's for sure. See, he's the apprentice of the kingdom's Royal Astronomer. And he absolutely loves it. Not only does he get to study the stars and be able to help support his grandparents, who would still run a flower shop in the capital's town square
Now of course rumors floating around the castle staff that Taylor has a secret love. Granted they can never catch a glimpse of the mystery suitor, (thanks to Ashlyn's super hearing) but the kitchen staff has it on good authority that it's someone from the royal guard. (Ashlyn and Taylor likely would have kept their relationship on the down-low for a bit in the beginning, but would eventually take it public, I mean, who's gonna stop them? the twins run the country, and of course, their mom just wants them to be happy and maybe give her a grandkid or two if either of them wants to have any)
That being said, the idea of little secret late-night rendevous where they wander the castle grounds talking and maybe wind up stargazing in the gardens is too good to pass up (They may not know as much about astronomy as say Logan, but they would definitely make up their own constellations and stories to go with them)
As for our other pair: Naturally, Tyler has a very strong opinion of Aiden. He's not exactly princely, and he does NOT like the fact his attitude when it comes to the politics of being in a royal family. But at the same time, this not-so-princely prince isn't like any other noble or royal he's ever met. He's intrigued. Deep down, there's a part of Tyler that wants to know more about Aiden and the world that he's gotten to explore and adventure through.
In the end, Aiden may or may not be the one who manages to get Tyler to enjoy his youth while he can, convincing him that the weight of the world doesn't have to fall on his shoulders alone. And Tyler may or may not have found himself a suitor in the process.
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phyrestartr · 10 months
HOUND | Miguel x M!Reader
Geneticist!Miguel x Guard!Reader Part 1 W/C: 2.5K | Part 1 of 2
Slight NSFW, zombie AU, apocalypse AU, mentions of exploitation and abuse, body horror, gore, immoral research and experiments, power imbalance, reader is a criminal, miguel is a scientist, dark themes, part 2 ends on a positive note, reader is morally grey, bottom!miguel, top!reader, sorry there's lore lol
Note: Wanted to post this bad boy in full, but the second half sorely needs some revising T-T It should be finished and up fairly soon, though! I hope this is ~intriguing~ for those who like darker stuff! Also I did a light edit on this part, but I really just want to get it out so lol sorry if things sound stupid/don't make sense asdjkf;l
There exists a cure.
That's what Alchemax declared. And it was the truth, just not the full truth. Not something the public would be happy with, anyway. 
The so-called "cure" was…unreliable, only recoding the RNA of select individuals for a reason that Alchemax's geneticists struggled to identify for the longest time. But after combing through the files of each expendable inmate and finding similarities, it became clear: those who'd been in the presence of nuclear energy, or high amounts of radiation, were suitable candidates for the vaccine. 
"Guess it's a good thing we didn't shut down those mines," Aaron had sneered at the board meeting. "Otherwise we wouldn't have the army of immune mutants running around for us." 
Miguel rolled his eyes. Sure, the idiot wasn't wrong, but he was taking it too far; plenty had died because of their experiments, and plenty more of the "immune" were sure to die with the unknown side effects of whatever the vaccine was bound to show in a matter of years (or in mere months, if they were unlucky). 
"It's a start," Miguel begrudgingly added. "But intentionally damaging civilian RNA with radiation, and then repairing it with S-2099, especially when we're not aware of any side effects yet? The UN won't have it. Can't imagine civilians would love it either." 
"Well, it's either get bit and die, stay afraid and die, or get painlessly exposed to a blast of radiation and then maybe die if 2099 doesn't fix them like we think," Liv offered with a shrug. "I, for one, would be honoured to die in the name of science." 
Miguel coolly looked over at her. "Thanks for volunteering." 
Liv's expression twisted. The energy in the room would've exploded if it hadn't been for Stone's interjection. 
"We will not be commencing civilian trials. Not until success rates increase with approved subjects provided by the state." The man spoke so steadily, so reasonably, like sacrificing the lives of orange jumpsuits meant nothing. 
They were dismissed soon after. Screens flickered out, holograms faded, and Miguel found himself alone with the other few scientists left at their Nueva York location. 
He stayed seated, vaguely aware of the others filtering out and murmuring amongst themselves, but his thoughts demanded his attention–he knew, even if the government didn't approve of essentially soft-nuking colonies of survivors, that Tyler Stone would find a way to do it, and would label it an accident. The man, his birth father, was ruthless, cold, calculated– 
"Sir?" A voice, your voice, cut through the silence. Miguel looked over his shoulder and found you still waiting, standing perfectly still by the door. 
"Sorry, I was just…" Miguel sighed and rubbed his face before standing. "Nevermind. Don't worry about it." 
Of course, you didn't say anything, instead nodding wordlessly and following your ward out of the room. Each step you took was punctuated by the shifting of your firearm against your thigh and the heavy thumps of your boots against the polished floors. Miguel used to hate your presence, think it unnecessary, but soon he grew to feel comfortable with you as his shadow. 
You, his powerful, mutant guard dog. 
"I can't fucking believe what this is turning into," Miguel muttered on the way to his quarters. "Too many unanswered questions, too many risks. And they don't care? We haven't even run further simulations yet–and we can run simulations with different alpha rays and different subject samples. It'd be harmless." The door hissed open and Miguel walked in, sorely wishing he could slam the door for once. Why did everything have to be automated? 
"In. Now," Miguel called when you stopped short of his residence. You obeyed, wandering inside before the door slid to a close behind you, and locked. 
You had reason to be nervous, Miguel knew that, too. Each key scientist in the building was assigned one of your kind, one of the immune mutants, and were free to do what they wanted with them. Sex, torture, chores–all of it was on the table. All of it had been asked of your kind. Done by your kind. Miguel figured that was why you kept a wall up. You hardly spoke, didn't request anything, never complained–all in an effort to keep the peace between you and your owner.
Miguel threw his white coat aside before stalking up to you. "Let me see," he mumbled as he held your jaw and tilted your head as he shone the light from his phone into your eye. 
Your pupils reacted at twice the speed of a normal human's, growing into the tiniest of pin pricks when the bright white flare assaulted your senses. Your eye twitched the slightest bit, but you remained still for Miguel. 
"Reactive. Not dead. That's good." He put his phone away, and examined the scarlet blotches contrasting against the natural hue of your iris. It was a relatively new side effect experienced by most of your batch, but you were amongst the more severe cases, if not the most severe case. Most of his peers didn't seem concerned by it, and Miguel could understand, seeing as it appeared to only be cosmetic, but the increased reactivity of your pupil accompanied with the bloody colour intrigued Miguel enough to keep tabs on it. 
"Any changes lately? To appetite, sleep, anything?" He asked as he let go of your jaw, nearly smiling as you tried to follow his touch for a moment longer like a sleepy cat. "Maybe neediness?" Miguel teased. 
You huffed lightly through your nose and looked around the main room of Miguel's living space. "Tired, I guess." 
Miguel's nerves smoothed with the sandpaper scratch of your voice. "Tired. Might be the anemia again. We'll draw blood tomorrow, see if you need supplements or another infusion." Miguel found himself mumbling now, going on about your health and your changes, wondering out loud what the best course of action would be to help you adjust to whatever was happening to your body, but you didn't say anything. You never did unless provoked. 
Miguel decided to provoke. He needed to speak, to be spoken to, to hear someone else’s voice right now. "What do you think about all this?" He called from the bathroom after washing up for the night. He poked his head out a moment later when you didn’t comment. 
“I know you were listening,” he prodded again over the toothbrush jammed into the side of his mouth. “The other ones don’t, but you do. I can tell by that look you get.” he waited for you to respond while he brushed his teeth, but you didn’t. You hadn’t moved from your post by his front door, actually, stood against the wall, arms crossed and staring forward like you were listening to everything beyond the door. Miguel wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen you sit down. He didn’t know if you’d ever laid down before. 
After he finished washing up for the night, he decided to try again. 
“You really gonna keep me in the dark?” Miguel asked as he walked up to you, arms crossed as well. He couldn’t help but feel smaller and smaller the longer he waited in silence, waited to hear your gravelled voice. He couldn’t grasp why he was so desperate for a friend suddenly, but he was. He really was, and he wasn’t finding it in you. 
“Forget it. Doesn’t matter anyway,” Miguel mumbled, turning away from you and rubbing his face tiredly. 
“Don't have much of an opinion.”
“What?” Miguel turned back around, brows raised as he waited for you to continue. Your gaze peeled from the ceiling and fell to him, like you were waiting for a reprimand of sorts, but Miguel wouldn’t, not when he tried so hard to get a peep out of you.
You shrugged and looked elsewhere. “Don't care what happens to civilians. Not my problem.” 
“It's the world's problem,” Miguel suggested. He didn't want to start an argument, but he didn't want you to feel so blasé about the fate of everything. “The more civilians that get infected, the more the world loses.” 
“Thought that was a good thing. Last I heard, the world was pretty overpopulated.” You said it so easily. Miguel would have shrugged it off if he didn't know about the blood on your hands, the crimes you'd committed, the evidence that you really, truly, did not give a shit about humanity. 
Miguel scoffed, a bitter, bewildered sort of thing. “Y'know, I used to pity you for this,” he started, gesturing to the soldiered-out state of yourself, “but you might be less human than those things out there.” 
“You don't even care,” Miguel laughed again. “Did you care when you killed that family?” 
“An eye for an eye,” you replied. 
“Right, right. Then what about your daughter? Did you care when–” the world spun before his back cracked against the wall. He grabbed your wrist and squeezed when your hands fisted in his shirt, ready to trigger your kill switch with one click of a button on his ring, but he didn't need to; you simply held him there, boring holes into his skull with your diamond-tipped stare. 
“You jokers don't know when to quit,” you said. “Always have to drag a kid into the equation, ‘n then act so fucking shocked when you end up dead ‘cause of it.” A sigh slipped past your lips as you leaned in. Miguel wanted to meet you halfway. “Fuckers like you make murderers out of men like me.”
Oh. The violence rippling through your crackling voice went straight down, into the pit below Miguel's stomach and coiled into something frightfully decadent. He wanted your hands around his neck. He wanted you to mutter more threats into his ear. He wanted–
He wanted you. 
“Let me touch you,” Miguel blurted. “Your skin.” You gave a reaction then, eyes blinking away shock and throat clearing with a strangled grunt, but you didn’t say no. You didn’t reject him. In fact, you looked him up and down in question, curiosity peeking through piercing eyes. 
“You're a deranged fuck, aren't you? Getting all hot ‘n bothered from a threat.” You reached for the straps of your kevlar vest, then, and Miguel’s nerves jolted with the sound of the buckles clicking loose. 
He scrambled to you and held your hands. He wanted to do it himself, to unwrap your bindings and see what laid beneath. Your hands fell, and Miguel took over. 
The warmth bleeding from your clothes intoxicated him. He fumbled with your gear, eager to get to the base of your tight, black shirt and rip it off, but you didn’t try to take over for him–you watched, patient like a dog, letting your master doff your armour at his leisure (or, rather, his frantic, desperate pace). Miguel appreciated it. He wondered if you knew he'd snap if you tried to interfere. 
Soon, your chest was bare. Exposed for him, dotted with memories of cruel bites, bullets, knives and surgical scars all over taught, humming skin. Man shouldn’t be allowed to touch you, Miguel thought. The imperfections were so gloriously human. You were so perfectly alive, standing here with him, breathing, emanating heat, allowing him to do what he pleased–he was the luckiest man on Earth. 
Miguel couldn’t look you in the eyes as his broad palm pressed against your chest, right over the rhythm of your soul. His pants strained and tightened more as his touch wandered through the valleys of firm muscle; what did the rest of you look like? What did you look like when you fought, or when you fucked? 
His hand slipped down to the tight adonis belt cinching your waist, and then lower, following the trail of fine hair disappearing beneath the waistband peeking above your cargos. The bunching and folding of thick material melted Miguel's mind in a vat of suggestion and insatiability–were you really that big, or was that fabric just making it an illusion? 
He didn't need to wait to find out, though, not when you guided his hand down over the very real curve of your goods packed away. And, yes, you were big. Miguel's eyes snapped up to yours. A smug look greeted him.
“Looked like you needed some encouragement.”
Miguel might have laughed if his heart weren't suffocating him, climbing up his throat. Your clothed cock under his hand was ruining his cognitive functions too, to be fair. 
His fingers, long, clumsy things, hurried at your buttons and the zipper keeping everything in check. Miguel's ears filled with the rhythmic drumming of desire when he finally got the damn thing undone, but you grabbed his wrist. You stopped him. 
Miguel scoffed out a held breath and tried to wrench free, but your grip held firm. “You can't back out after–” But when he looked at you, he froze still; your expression electrified the senses, the slightest narrowing and shifting of uneasy eyes freezing Miguel colder and colder by the second. 
“Bathroom. Now.” You popped just one of those buttons back into place before turning to the door. 
“Wh–” But you shoved him, hard, and sent him stumbling into the sterile white space as explosive carnage rippled through the room in his wake. The thing collided into you seconds after you'd gotten your charge out of the blast zone. 
It was big. A mass of human features and flesh and maybe something else weighing on a hulking frame. You barked a name, maybe the name of one of your fellow watch dogs, but it didn't change the thing's trajectory as it tore towards Miguel on all fours like a hound out of hell.
But you were quicker. You grabbed it by the nape and ripped it off its warpath with too much effort, just narrowly avoiding it barreling into the attached room by seconds. Its momentum, forced toward the wall, threw it into a dizzied tantrum; limbs flailed, mouths gnashed, and a symphony of mismatched voices wailed from their putrid prison. 
Miguel's body locked. What ifs plagued him, suddenly. If it got him. If it bit him. If you hadn't been there. What if–
“Close the damn door,” you demanded, and your voice sounded a bit shaky, too. Miguel looked at your broad back as you stood bravely in the way of the beast and its target. “Doctor–” 
“I–but you–?” Miguel stumbled and choked on his words and his reasoning. He didn't want you to fight. He didn't want to die. He didn't want you to die. Miguel hit the button to make it closed, but the door stalled halfway.
“Fuck it.” Barbs burst from your fingertips and dug into the door, forcing it to bend to your will and close. Miguel didn't like how you disappeared inch by inch. He didn't like seeing that thing behind you get up. He didn't like that look you gave him just before the door snapped shut. 
The next few minutes passed like years.
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fuzziemutt · 1 year
On Miguel and Motivations Behind his Behaviors Towards Miles
An analysis point I haven't seen much around (<- says the man who never looks in the tag) is the idea that Miguel was trying to be the very thing Miles could blame when (in Mig's eyes) he's unable to save his father.
Miguel's main motivation for his actions across the board are in his most iconic line:
"I don’t always like what I have to do, but I know I'm going to have to be the one to do it."
This line is very defining for him because it's reflected on how Miguel shoulders the responsibilities of the Spiderverse and any unsavory actions it might have to take for whatever reason. He alone makes the decision, the action so "no one else will have to" feel that guilt*.
*which I should note. Comic book Miguel is very much noted to have severe guilt with being S-man ("No, with great responsibility, comes great guilt!") but constantly states "he has to do it because who will?". Being S-man isn't a freeing thing for him... It's an obligation, a way for him to "atone for his sins" (from the man with severe Catholic trauma).
However, his need to be the one to "make the hardline decisions" out of guilt isn't the only influencer in his actions towards Miles.
Because another important note about comic Miguel is his biggest trait in all his relationships: he is the scapegoat.
From his mother, to his father(s), to his ex-girlfriend, ex-fiance, and even his brother himself. Miguel is always a means for people to escape blame. He is always a means to place responsibility to "fix it" because only /Miguel/ can fix it* for them (wow his oldest sibling disorder is showing).
*Gabriel, his brother, is seen multiple times demanding Miguel to "fix" the situations he finds himself in such as getting his girlfriend out of jail as Miguel "owes it to him" for working with Alchemax.
Furthermore, Miguel is seen having /quiet/ anger responses towards how others treat him; i.e. when Dana, his then-fiance, comes to him after talking to Tyler Stone, (later known: his bio father) who is untrustworthy and whom also Dana is cheating on Mig with (this fact is unknown to Mig at the time too), Mig is notably upset yet never raises his voice, he keeps his anger to himself and quiet.
This allows others to easily project onto him- Dana then projects her own view of what Miguel must be feeling in the next panel (which- she is often severely incorrect in her assessments as stated by Miguel himself in several instances of self-reflection)
And thus, Miguel has every intention to allow himself to be the scapegoat for others as long as he lives. Especially one Miles Morales.
Because Miguel is not happy preventing Miles from saving his father, he almost cries about it, he /wants/ to comfort Miles the whole time. He doesn't like what he has to do.
But Miguel has come this far (ensuring everyone's safety) and he can't let Miles make the same mistakes he made. Because to Miguel, he tried to alter his story and tried to fight what he didn't even know what would become the canon theory.
Yes, there are circumstances, there could be exceptions*, there's a possibility everything will be alright but Miguel /does not/ know this. He didn't know about canon theory or what would happen to Gabby then. All he knows now is that he flew too close to the sun and killed billions of people, and now, he doesn't want to allow Miles to "play god" and find himself with no home. It's "better" to be safe than sorry as he'd say <- through gritted teeth and tears.
*Whether the canon theory is true or not is not really important in this reading. The theory is just meant as a metaphor for whole vs one, risk vs caution, and the suffocation of fear-
So Miguel does what he doesn't want the others to do. He plays the scapegoat, the guy you can put all your anger towards, the thing you can blame when it just doesn't work how you want it to, and focus all your hatred on instead of yourself.
He doesn't order any of the others to throw the containment field at Miles (they didn't even know he was going to), he doesn't order the others to talk about the canon theory (also because he's reminding himself about why he's asking a kid to let his father die and to remind everyone of Mig's own faults- takes the blame as the sole destroyer of worlds despite us knowing Gabby's dimension isn't the only one that's collapsed thus far and strictly by Miguel's hands), he even leads majority of the apprehension of Miles himself.
Hell, he even lets himself be the scapegoat for why Gwen and Peter B don't visit Miles. We don't know enough about that conversation to say how much Miguel said "no, don't see him" but he sure isn't trying to fight* any possible allegations of how that conversation went either via clarifying /what/ it was he said.
Lastly, Miguel's control issues really appear in these interactions even, in this choice. Because, Miguel is taking on the choice for others because he thinks he can control others' grief if he just "does it 'right' for them", and that's just not /possible/.
You can't choose the how and when for others, you can't "fix this" for them, you can't make sure no one ever gets hurt because you'd rather someone scream at you for stopping them or taking the choice from them, than for them to experience something that's an inherent part of life and mature and grow from it.
To receive that "just punishment" that you're always seemingly striving for because you care so deeply about everyone and everything yet can't comprehend that others might care for you as well.
You can't keep suffocating others in your own fear, Miguel.
"And all this time, /I've/ been the only one holding it all together."
Yeah, Miguel has severe issues, he's projecting onto this kid, he majorly fucked up this interaction, but I feel Miguel's insistence on placing any and /all/ blame onto himself is a very vital piece of his character that we shouldn't ignore especially in analysis.
+ Another note of Comic Miguel's character: Miguel is very prone to allowing anyone to say literally anything to him. He's called horrendous things and he /never/ denies these things. He never tries to make anyone believe otherwise because Miguel agrees with them-
-Yes, he's Gabriel's slimeball brother who's arrogant and egotistical and a jackass and impossible to work with and a terrible, no-good son. Because no one has ever said one nice thing to Miguel O'Hara. They've only praised Spider-man.
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aidlyncanon · 1 month
Lets Talk: Tyler Hernandez
a.k.a. sai explains sbg cs fuck fanon
When I think of mischaracterized sbg characters I almost immediately go to Tyler Hernandez. Why? because he's so mischaracterized due to people focusing on ships too much.
This isnt a post for me to say "fuck you ik these characters better and im right" since people to perceive things differently this is just more me sharing my full Tyler analysis which I find most people (ive talked to) agree with me.
This is gonna be separated into four categories: personality, full death analysis, relationships, my opinion on fanon tyler takes.
I didnt realize how long this is gonna be until I actually started typing it so warning it's a long one :)
Were going to go from start to current on this.
Not much is known about how Tyler acted before his father's passing, other than he used to be your average loving kid. He enjoyed playing baseball with his father and his dad taught him and Taylor a few songs on the guitar one of them being Happy Birthday (which he later taught ben). Once his dad died his entire life practically got uprooted.
I find it odd that theres a chapter explaining his development and character yet he's still so mischaracterized. He slowly lost interest in everything, never doing anything fun. Instead focusing on taking care of his family like he watched his father do.
Despite how some portray it, Tyler doesn't find joy in playing baseball anymore. It became just a way to get into college. He doesn't see the point in indulging in things that he deems distractions or stupid. For example at the Sorrel Weed House he (rightfully so) found the phantom "prank" stupid, dragging Taylor out of the building. Like Ashlyn he too saw no point in friends. He didn't have time for 'such distractions'.
He's not one for sugar coating or beating around the bush, he'll be blunt. Such as him telling Logan he's pathetic for being scared of Barron while they deal with phantoms every night. While even Ashlyn acknowledges he was harsh she stated he did have a point, that Logan needed to learn how to defend himself.
Despite being easily annoyed and irritated at the beginning he cared for them in some form early on. Like when Logan got hurt in the bus he went to check on him, or when he heard Aiden yell Ashlyn's name when she got taken onto the roof Tyler almost immediately went to go check what happened.
Whether he realized it or not the others were beginning to be of concern to him. He slowly began warming up to them. This is first majorly seen after they get the jeep from Ashlyn's house. This being the first time we properly see him smile. He also shut Logan down when he tried to dodge Aiden's compliment. Telling Logan he should be proud of himself.
Tyler also is relatively observant, noticing and acknowledging the fact that Logan wants to do something to help Barron's new victim (Noah). He assures Logan that they'll all be there if he needs help. Not only showing how he's grown to care for them but that he'll help them when needed.
At Lily's birthday Ashlyn acknowledges that Tyler's become less of a jerk, quite literally stating in the comic that he's grown and become more comfortable around them. Allowing himself to make friends despite growing up thinking it was a waste of time.
I would talk about his death itself but the section below is gonna go into depth about it.
He has no will to keep himself guarded in front of them. His only concern being getting to Taylor. That's a pattern with how he operates. He WILL put those he holds closest above himself. He quite literally was about to die but the only thing on his mind was the fact that he'd be leaving them alone. That something might've happened to Taylor. That he needed to get to them.
Taylor states in the season two premiere that he began having fun with them, possibly beginning to see the group as his family. (Theyre family its canon shush). When Ashlyn goes to apologize to him he appears shocked but he doesnt accept her apology. Why? because he doesn't blame her, he knows it wasn't her fault. He cares for her, we can see how much he has grown. He even gave her a nickname that wasn't a form of insult. By which I mean he calls Aiden idiot and other things but not a genuine nickname.
After finding out that Aiden also died but woke up before him Tyler went to text Aiden. Whether that was to check on him or just to have someone to talk to who knows.
He's let down his walls for the group significantly, like when Logan, Ashlyn, and Ben found him in the facility. He in his own way asked for comfort, thanking Ben when he comforted him.
Overall Tyler's grown to care for all of them, seeing them as family. He's allowed himself to be open and vulnerable. Relying on the others at times (throughout his injury) as well as letting them rely on him (like when telling Logan the group will be there when he talks to Barron)
Death & Aftermath
His death was a pivotal point which is why I made a whole section dedicated to it. Not only is it a turning point for Tyler but for the story and everyone else.
NOTE: so I was going to do a full analysis here on this HOWEVER i'm just going to make it a separate post since this is long enough as it is and I want to keep this focused on Tyler whereas his death and aftermath discussion will be about everyone.
Ethan Hernandez
Not much is known about his dad other than the fact he played a huge role in Tyler's life. He taught the twins a few songs on guitar, Happy birthday being one of them. This allowing Tyler to teach Ben for Lily's birthday.
Mariana Hernandez
After losing his dad, Mariana essentially wasn't mentally there. She's still dealing with her grief causing her to at times be unable to remember her husband isn't alive. This was shown when she wondered why her husband wasn't off work for Lily's party.
Tyler had to take care of both her and Taylor. When she came back to reality after Tyler died she stepped up to take care of him and be there for her children. He cares for him mom a lot.
Taylor Hernandez
Most of this goes without saying, hes protective of his sister, after all he needs to be. I assume this comes from the fact the twins canonically have separation anxiety (stated by Red on insta). This likely stems from losing their dad at an early age.
His sister is always his priority, when he woke up his first instinct when he heard a scream was to get to Taylor.
Ashlyn Banner
They don't hate each other despite what some fans believe. They actually never hated each other.
At the beginning they had conflicting ideals, Ashlyn thinking it'd be smarter to wait while Tyler wanted to go back to the Sorrel Weed House. This caused them to bump heads at times.
During the first night when Tyler cause Ashlyn to snap at him telling him to "be useful" he, despite being irritated prior to this, did make himself useful by helping with the chair legs. Ashlyn noticing his silence and wondering if she was too harsh. Showing that even then she had nothing against Tyler.
Tyler grew to care for others this includes Ashlyn when he hears Aiden yell her name, he also ended up carrying her to the car when she got concussed. The feeling of care is mutual first shown when the fight at the arcade happened. When background guy punched Tyler, Ashlyn immediately kicked the guy square in the head.
Ashlyn commented on how he was less of a jerk and how it was nice of him to teach Ben Happy Birthday for Lily's birthday since he can no longer sing it.
When Tyler died Ashlyn felt guilty, blaming herself for the incident. She was so upset that she couldn't protect him and the others. Tyler on the other hand didn't blame her at all. Brushing her apology off as if it was nothing. Because it WAS nothing, from his perspective she had no reason to apologize.
She was the first to find him in the phantom dimension. She was the one to administer the sedatives. Telling him "we're going to get you down... okay?" to which he responded with "okay..". She waited until he was sedated and she was off the ladder to fully react. Putting himself and his wellbeing first. She checked on him when they parked the car in the school that night.
When looking for the others in the facility she made note that she was worried for him (and aiden), remembering the way she last saw them both. Once finding Tyler and his bloody room she was shocked and concerned. Unable to react at the sight.
When Ashlyn revealed that she was the one to bring their parents into the phantom dimension Tyler shut her down real quick. Saying she was being melodramatic and that she would be the one who could get them out. Adding the "and anyone else who you decide to drag in" to which she replied saying she didn't decide to bring anyone in. With him ending the discussion with "then stop acting like it".
"they hate each other" they never have
Aiden Clark
Aiden and Tyler mutually made digs at each other. Aiden getting on Tyler's nerves easily. Overtime their arguing turned into playful banter. They grew to care for the other.
Aiden was worried when Tyler had died, while still managing to partially keep up his facade it is easy to tell he was worried for his friend.
Aiden not typically dropping his smile except in moments where someone he cares for is harmed. Tyler's no exception to this, as when he sees Tyler on the Tree he is visibly scared and in shock. Literally shaking from the sight.
Over the course of the comic Tyler grows accustomed to Aiden being around. His jokes and just presence. Eventually allowing Aiden to rest against him while they shared a wheelchair.
Ben Clark
Tyler offered to teach Ben guitar for Lily's birthday. The two have grown close. When Tyler died and woke up at the hospital Ben was seen with a "r u ok?" message on his phone. Tyler trusts Ben. We can see this when after they get Tyler off the tree Ben carrys him on his back. In the back of the car Ben keeps his eyes on Tyler.
Ben goes back to carrying him while they walk through the school. Once they get to the room he sets Tyler down and begins to re-bandage him due to Tyler bleeding through the bandages. When the roof begins to collapse Ben can be seen protecting Tyler's head and body under the desk.
When they find Tyler's room in the facility Ben too is shocked. Once Tyler says "...you know it doesn't really... make me feel... any better if you... react like that..." Ben immediately kneels next to him, ruffling his hand and giving him a smal thumbs up. As his way of trying to be there for him. This getting a small thanks from Tyler. Ben then sends Logan and Ashlyn to find the others and get a wheelchair while he stays with Tyler.
Ben can be seen redoing Tyler's bandages multiple times. He also was the one to push Tyler's wheelchair while they were walking around the facility.
Logan Fields
At the start Tyler thought Logan was pathetic for beinf scared of Barron. Eventually, like the others, he grew to care for Logan. When Logan got hurt he went to check on him.
At the arcade he noticed Logan wanting to do something about Barron so he encouraged it, telling Logan that him and the others will be there just incase.
When Tyler reunited with everyone in the hospital Logan can be seen crying, relieved his friend was okay. Like Ben and Ashlyn, Logan was shocked at Tyler's state in the facility.
During the walk through the facility Tyler mentions that "we should probably be a bit faster" where we got logans iconic "youre the one in a wheelchair" retort (love him).
My Takes
These are just my own personal opinions.
"Ashlyn and Tyler hate each other" you dont need to like the ship but to blatantly ignore their development is crazy. I wouldn't even put it up to development since they never hated each other. Theyre both just the type to believe and stick with their opinion and positions. They had conflicting ideas which lead them to debating but to say they hate each other couldn't be farther from the truth.
I honestly can't stand the way SOME fans make it seem like tyler hates everyone except Logan for some reason. He wouldn't be close to anyone except the GROUP. Why? because like ashlyn he didnt see the point in friends, not cause they hated everyone but because it was a waste of time in their minds.
Also he wouldn't use cringy ass nicknames or petnames, the only real nickname hes given is "carrot top" which yeah is funny but it's not like babyish does that make sense? Other than that the only thing person he really calls names is Aiden who he uses like insults PLAYFULLY. Again he doesn't hate any of them.
I don't understand how people can manage to mischaracterize him so bad when there's an entire chapter that explains about half of his character. Quick focusing on just early S1 sbg cause he had plenty of development in the first season alone.
If you've actually read this im fucking shocked, this shit took me like two hours to write omg.
Who next? (minus Logan until the little bit of backstory we now have is public not fast pass)
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keresnotceres · 1 year
MW2 CHARACTERS: as Lovers (explained through songs)
[sfw] cw(s): lyrics/themes of death, mentions of abuse/ghost's past, brief mentions of sex
i spent an embarrassing amount of time on this, so enjoy it lol.
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Ghost is disastrously Everlong (Foo Fighters). The genuine emotion that song manages to evoke in me is painful and refreshing at the same time — that’s the type of feeling Simon “Ghost” Riley exudes.
As a lover; he’s very distant at first. He refuses to become more attached to you than he already is — convinced he’s going to lose you too (or, worse, become his father). It very likely takes him years to truly open up to you about everything, and when you don’t stop loving him, he never want to leave your side. Ghost likely feels like he is never going to do enough for you until the two of you finally have that unbreakable connection, and then he finds himself to be everything you could ever need through your actions/words.
The instrumental sections, especially the part that emulates the opening of the song after the second chorus. The change from strong drums and electric guitar to the simple bass line and indistinguishable radio chatter that slowly ramp up into the loudness again is so goddamn emotional. If that isn’t Ghost then I don’t know what else is.
Ghost is one of the most tragic characters in MW2, Everlong has an incredibly emotional tone that perfectly captures the feeling of tragedy, something Ghost has been through countless times. This heavily reflects in his romantic relationships.
Lyrics such as “Come down and waste away with me” and “If everything could ever be this real forever / If anything could ever be this good again” are so Ghost coded, especially when it would come to your relationship.
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Gaz has intense Die For You (The Weeknd) energy. Do I really have to explain? (Yes the fuck I do) Gaz is absolutely smitten with you, there's no damn doubt, and he will express it to you in any possible way he can, even if the two of you are in a rough patch.
Gaz is likely very in tune to his emotions, but that doesn't mean he can express them that easily. That being said, the one thing he can express without a hitch is his devotion and love for you. It doesn't matter how long he spends away from you, how long it's been since he last spoke to you, the first words out of his mouth upon seeing you are "I love you." There is nothing in the mortal plane that could stop him from loving you, he would do fucking anything to be able to be yours and have you be his. However, he finds issue in communicating issues he has, whether it be ones to do with the relationship or outside of it.
He has a need to be in control of the emotional state he's in, which makes a relationship with him a bit difficult. He'll do his best to change how you feel about something just to make it match his, or he'll try to mold a situation into something it's not so that he can find a way through it without making himself vulnerable.
The background music of Die For You manages to be something playable in a club, but emotional at the same time, which is rather conflicting when it comes to trying describe it. But that makes it utterly perfect to describe Gaz with.
"The distance and the time between us / It'll never change my mind" has major Gaz vibes due to the obvious divide between the two of you whenever he's deployed, but also because there's sometimes going to be an emotional distance between the two of you if he finds he can't communicate his.
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Soap is so RUNNING OUT OF TIME (Tyler, The Creator) coded you gotta believe me here. I find Soap to be subdued when it comes to you; the military aggression he can be so capable of slips away when it comes to love you. This is why I chose this song instead of the other IGOR songs.
I see Soap as someone who gets into a relationship quickly so that they don't get bored of being in a "talking stage." Soap often feels that you'll get bored of him, especially when his thoughts slip to you when he's deployed. He's not home as often as another man could be, he can't spend all the time in the world with you -- he's always so scared that he'll come home to any empty flat after you left, too bored of being alone. Due to this fear, Soap tries him damn best to show off just how much he loves you any time he can, he becomes so involved with you he almost has nothing else in his life happening except for you.
Very much intense in his loving, would probably do anything you asked of him, and years of reliance on others in the military has left him needing that energy reciprocated. There's a sense of security he feels knowing that you would do what he would do for you.
I feel like the instrumental sections of the song are reminiscent of Soap's personality when he's with you. He doesn't have to be calm and militaristic, but he doesn't have to play up the energetic part of him. With you, he's able to be genuinely happy and has a somewhat bubbly go-with-the-flow disposition . The electric synth-y sounds of the outro and breaks between verses showcase this type of feeling very fell.
"Your waves wash over me / I drift to the deep end" is a really representative pair of lyrics for Soap, he's just in love with you that he's willing to go to the farthest lengths for you.
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Price probably looks like he should be some 80s love song, and he does, but I am a firm believer that he is a Florence + The Machine song, specifically her cover of Stand By Me (a song from 1962). Price is likely more emotional around you than his boys, so you get to see a softer, probably sadder version of him.
Emotionally matured in his years of military service, and it shows in the way he loves you. He adores being domestic with and for you; just waking up in bed to you sound asleep next to him is enough for to make him happy. Likes to be by your side, holding you. It's comforting to him to know that you're there, to know he's there with you, and that he's surviving for you. Price lives for you because he knows that his death would be a devastation to you, the same way your death would hurt him irreversibly. To Price, you are home and you are safety. Coming back to you after being gone for months is one of the best feelings he has ever felt.
He's very work-oriented, almost to the point that, if he's exhausted enough, he might treat you as if you were one of his soldiers. It doesn't take him long to realize what he's doing, and he'll feel extremely guilty after it (even if you assure him it's alright). He'll let you take care of him after this, you can convince him to rest because he feels too bad to say no to you.
Florence's version of the song is much more orchestral than the original version, a harp is one of the first things you hear, along with other string instruments. It's flowy, almost water-like, and most of all, calming; it feels like a falling asleep with the window open on an autumn night, which fits Price immaculately well. The swell in the music is even calming to some degree. The amount of emotion in the song makes it all the more loving.
"I won't be afraid / Just as long as you stand, stand by me," demonstrates the comfort that he feels with you, how you are the one thing that he can rely on to be safe.
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Alejandro would've been Lorde coded, but you guys have to hear me out on this one. This man is the epitome of That's All (Kris Jonathon). Alejandro is devoted to you in every sense of the word, he is so utterly in love with you that he is yours.
Alejandro is, and always has been, a lover at his core. He's charming and affectionate to everyone; but god, when he has you in his arms, it's like you're the only thing that has ever existed. His love for you runs deeper than the oceans, it's sometimes so intense it's overwhelming, but you always know that Alejandro loves you. He always finds a way to make you feel seen, feel loved. Alejandro makes an effort for you, even if he's tired and overwhelmed. His job inhibits his ability to see and live with you all the time, so he often finds himself thinking about a future with you, when he's retired from the military, and can be by your side far into old age.
Despite his openness in loving you, Alejandro is likely another person who despises being vulnerable in other states. Sure, he can tell you how much he loves you with ease, but he couldn't tell you how tired or depressed he was. But sometimes, Alejandro will let you in a little further and whisper to you how much he wants to be by your side always, and that leaving you behind with the possibility of leaving you behind is harrowing to him.
That's All is slow, it's a ballad, it's about wanting a fairy tale love story, and god does the slow background music with the overpowering hi-tat give me major Alejandro vibes. It's passionate, the instruments and the lyrics that accompany them, and it makes for a loving sounding song that encapsulates Alejandro's style of loving you.
"I want a tale, a giddy after with you," Alejandro wants a life with you, he wants to live with you by his side until he no longer can, which the lyric, "Till death's kiss, I'll promise you this," shows. Alejandro will always be with you until death takes parts the two of you forever.
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Rudy is easily Fantasy (Kali Uchis, Don Toliver) and I will not be taking any comments, complaints, or concerns. If you think for a second that Rudy is not an intense and loving partner, you are so so so wrong and I am here to prove it to you.
Rudy is one to love you like no one can touch you ever again, he knows full well that you are his. He wouldn't go so far as to say he owns you, but he knows that you wouldn't say a word against it if he said you belonged to him. This possessive part of him is usually choked down and he's often much more passive to you and everybody around. He's honestly rather sweet, often calling you a nickname or a pet name instead of your name, but you can always see something a bit more passionate in his eyes when he looks at you. He has eyes for no one else, he loves you too much to even think about someone else in the ways he thinks of you.
He tends to idly enjoy your presence, his thoughts stray quite a bit when you aren't there, oddly enough. When you're there, he just wants to be with you, not an imaginative version of you. Holding you close is something he treasures, sexually or otherwise, he likes having you near him and often never wants to let go.
The background music begins with a rather calm piano, which is basically the impression you get upon looking at Rudy for the first time, but the upbeat rhythm that follows it is more representative of Rudy's way of loving you and what it's often like with him.
"I belong to you / Know you're all mine too," is the only lyric I need to pull from the song to push my agenda onto you. Your relationship is built off of knowing that the two of you are each others, Rudy relishes in this knowledge.
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Valeria is literally the embodiment of Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey). You can scream and cry but Valeria is so LDR coded and I will die on this hill. The nature of her work really makes it unpredictable to know if she'll come home to you, so the two of you live your lives like you're about to break up but god do the two of you love each other.
It took her so damn long to admit it and understand that she loves you, but once she did, everything was for you. She lives for you, she breathes for you, because you're all the good the world has left for her, and she'll keep an iron grip on you until you're ripped away from her. Valeria knows that one day, she likely will leave you on your own, so she lives every single day with you as if its the last. Even if it's a small day, where you just live with one another, there's always a feeling of longing between you two.
Something hat Valeria will likely never get to have is a wedding with you. She knows, deep down, that marrying you is putting an even larger target on your back, but that won't ever stop her from wanting you to be more than just her lover, wanting to be more than simply dating you.
The slow drums in the background accompanied by the soft strings and guitar during the verses and choruses have a longing feelings attached to them, which gives way to the way Valeria feels about your relationship. There's always longing between you even if she's right by your side.
Lyrics that particularly scream Valeria and your relationship with her include, "I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight," "I just wanted you to know / that baby, you the best," and "Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky." All of these have a feeling that any of the above paragraphs explained, but they're also pretty self explanatory.
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brainrot-goes-brrrrrr · 10 months
More Random SBG headcanons
Taylor loves any form of photo opportunity, but her favorite would be photo booths. If she sees one she will drag anyone, mainly Tyler, into one to take pictures. She has an album somewhere full of these photos, and the first photo in the book is of her, Tyler, her mom, and her dad when they were little at an aquarium.
Aiden is great at video games. Since he was left home alone often, he probably turned to video games for entertainment. Considering Aiden’s tendency to seek out thrills, he would probably turn to horror or timed games.
It is 2016 I’m allowed to say this, Aiden was a FNAF kid, and I feel like the twins might have been as well. Taylor watched a lot of playthroughs as a kid and got Tyler into it so they would watch it together. Tyler was freaked out by it and refused to watch it in full screen, he probably went to the comments to look for a jump scare list. Aiden is a lore freak, if given an opportunity he would give a several-hour-long spiel about the entire timeline.
Firm believer that Logan’s glasses have Coke bottle lenses. This is probably not true, I just think it would be funny if his lenses went out of the frames.
Baron is terrified of Tyler. Not in the way that Tyler would beat him in a fight, but because the baseball coach would be fond of him. Tyler already puts a lot of his effort toward his sport, so he probably has a closer relationship with the coach than the other players. So if Tyler were to tell the coach the shit this guy does, I feel like he could do some damage to Barron. The only reason Tyler hasn’t told the coach about everything that Barron has done is because Barron is a valuable player for him. After all, if the team looks good, then he’ll look good for scholarships.
Ashlyn gets cold pretty easily. In the winter she has to look like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man so she can be somewhat comfortable. I thought that the it was called the State-Puff Marshmallow Man my life is a lie
Ashlyn is also pretty muscular because she does ballet— lean muscle. Ballet requires so much control and strength to pull off, so it would only make sense. Have you seen how buff ballerinas are?
Both Aiden and Taylor were scary movie and scary game fans. Aiden loves the thrill of the stories, and Taylor loves creepy/eerie things as we saw with her enthusiasm in a haunted tour of the Sorrel Weed House. When they hang out, they either watch a recent horror movie that came out or a new game that Aiden had gotten.
Ben, Logan, and Tyler, however, can not handle horror and they get jumpy around it. Ben and Logan openly express that they don’t care for the genre, but Tyler just kind of avoids it/does not want to admit he is scared by it. If they have to watch a horror movie, Logan will be curled up in a blanket near Ashlyn covering his eyes to avoid the jump scares(he fails miserably), and Ben is huddled up around Taylor and Aiden because their presence comforts him. Tyler is either sitting somewhat apart from the group or on the other side of Ashlyn trying to act tough, he is failing miserably, resulting in Aiden, Taylor, and Ashlyn teasing him.
Mike and Emma treat all of the kids as if they were their own. At first, I think they were mainly fond of them because they were Ashlyn’s first and only friends as well as them always being at their house. I think it also has something to do with the fact that they spent at least a month teaching them self-defense to protect themselves and each other. Finding out about everyone’s situation, I think they just want to protect them.
Speaking of the previous headcanon, Tyler sees Mike as a father figure, and it kind of just eats at him/leaves him with some conflicting feelings. He is a bit envious of Ashlyn for having such caring parents, and it comes with a bit of guilt when he looks at her for a while. I think Mike realizes this and tries to be there for him. I don’t think it is the same for Taylor because Tyler stepped up to that role, similar to the relationship between Katara and Sokka in Avatar the Last Airbender.
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klayleyism · 10 months
As per popular demand (literally 12 votes) I'm getting into what can be considered the controversial aspect of klayley
Or What the show failed to address
This is really also a character study for my girl Hayley all at once in regards to how her overlooked trauma affected her relationships ( because I love @bloodsoakedfangs )
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Hayley never knew her family all she's aware of is that they gave her up, and her adoptive parents simply kicked her out at the young age of 13 I believe after finding out what she is,
She's an abandoned little girl forced to roam the streets on her own, that is both absolutely terrifying and very risky, there's no limits to what she might have gone through and seen as both a kid but also a girl if we're being realistic, which is a direct cause of her hyper independence, she was forced to rely on herself completely since childhood
Now in regards to Klaus, when she meets him, despite the disdain she understandably has for him there's also attraction, one she's fully aware of and okay with, she knows he's a horrible person but she's also self aware enough to know she's no better
So despite everything he's done to her friends including Tyler it wasn't enough to stop her from succumbing to that attraction, and as she herself states in ep 1, it's pretty common for her to go for that type of men
Straight forward to 1x02, the episode that pretty much seals the deal, so for a starter this will go into sensitive issues but unlike the writers I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but you can leave idk
Klaus is in fact very unstable, any slight provocation sends him off the rails, he has severe ptsd as a result of the abuse he endured and clearly suffers from abandonment issues, and that's not to justify or excuse anything he's ever done but rather it serves partially as an explanation for why he is the way he is , you CANNOT honest to God expect him to be able to be in or maintain a healthy relationship,
Similarly to hayley , who also suffers from abandonment issues and doesn't have a healthy perception of love or relationships which is why she always sabotages any healthy relationship she's in and ends up constantly running back to Klaus and giving her all in her quest for the family she fantasizes of finally having
Her reaction to what he does in that episode is when you see the trauma bonding part
He physically assaults her, almost killing her both and the baby in response to what he perceived as a threat of "leaving him" or pretty much being able to easily "take away" that fantasy he too has of a family he secretly wished for, to have something he can truly call his own, and maybe even heal what Mikael broke in him which is ironically why he got angry, she hit him where it hurts, the "kill her and the baby" was bullshit and how furious he was when she almost left him proves it, he was both worried he's being played by the witches AND scared of failing this child the way his father did, (he liked hayley too much to do shit to her as tvd proved already if he was ever careless about her she would've been gone by tvd 4x16 instead of him genuinely risking his life and his family's to just have dinner with her and then willingly let her go without her providing the life or death info she's nonchalantly holding back)
Even next morning when he tries to make up for what he did in his own way, he asks why she didn't just "leave him" and that he deserved it, by that point he calmed down, is clearly regretful and knew what he did had nothing to do with hayley, he was angry with himself
Hayley's reaction (who's very straightforward and dangerously bold, something Klaus admired in her since the beginning) to a violent man being To smile at him the very next morning, casually talk to him , being happy when he offers to do something as decent as fixing the air conditioning
is if anything a sad testament to how she's holding on to any crumb of affection he has to offer, to that dream of a family she never had growing up.
And throughout the first two seasons he still never learns, he still willingly puts her and THEIR child in mortal danger again in 1x06 because unsurprisingly he's jealous of Elijah's interest in her
She calls him horrible for it as she should and says Elijah is infinitely better than him but when he forces her to go back home and shuts off Elijah and Rebekah, her reaction (5x08) is to tell him that after ALL THAT, she wants to believe in him, and to not fail her, and is once again happy he agrees to get rid of the dead bodies he left to rot in the the middle of the compound ????
Her acknowledgement of him putting her and his child at risk twice because he's "a notorious Psycho" as she called him and that Elijah is a good man but at the same time staying with him after almost just leaving and still settling for whatever decency he may provide at some point
It's classic trauma bonding, where after anything horrible he does that throws her off he does something "nice" that makes her believe he may change, it might be worth it. Hence, the "I want to believe in you" it's not that she has a good reason to believe in him, it's that she desperately wants him to be what she sees in Elijah
And ultimately it's not even that she wants him to be better, she had Elijah, she had Jackson but it didn't stop her from bending over backwards for Klaus of all people but leaving Elijah whenever she has to put in any bit of work
Elijah and Jackson's sole appeal was that they loved her greatly, she felt loved, they were easy to love, they were good but when it came to putting in the work to make these perfectly healthy relationships work she dips, but all her energy is invested in a situationship (the term fits here sorry 😭) where Klaus keeps bringing them back to ground 0,
She also despite having Elijah and Rebekah says she's "sure she'll be doing this alone" in regards to Klaus probably not being a traditional father
When Mikael calls him all sorts of vile things , which from Hayley's perspective are all valid, she should agree with him , instead she hates Michael, defends Klaus saying none of it is true and stops calling Mikael Klaus's father
This ties well with season 2 where hayley literally blames Klaus for all the people coming after hope, she could've left but she goes with the option of marrying Jackson and staying even as it drove Elijah away ( tbf she also married Jackson for him which is funny because she literally went on to marry the low maintainance guy because she simply didn't want to work for her relationship with Elijah despite killing herself for Klaus of all people)
She stays because Klaus asked her to after swearing up and down she's leaving when her daughter was almost murdered /blown to pieces in one day due to what she perceived to be Klaus's indirect fault but she didn't give a fuck about Elijah begging her not to leave AFTER Klaus took the heat for killing Aiden and finally pushing her over the limits
She has said prior to that , to Klaus's face, that she's leaving for good if he doesn't change his ways
So it's absolutely telling when it's proven Klaus was her main, sole even, tie to the mikaelsons including ELIJAH 💀, that when she felt like she's too sick of his shit she ditches everyone FOR GOOD
She finds comfort in him and only him at her lowest, pushing Elijah away and only getting better when it's Klaus telling her she's family and boosting her confidence,
Same exact things Elijah said, except it's coming from the person that truly matters to her, she doesn't yell,she actually sits down and listens to him and eventually he's the only person to understand her and successfully gets her out of crippling depression and self loathing, as Elijah himself noted ironically
Hayley defends him abandoning her and hope,to go commit mass murder somewhere else, tells him she won't give up on him,writes him countless letters to tell him she misses him and she wouldn't have wanted anything to be different , including all her trauma mind you, because it led them to having hope together, something she wouldn't have changed
Now keeping everything he did especially in season 1 and 2 in mind,and her having other romances, she tells Klaus she wouldn't change the fact he's hope's father
That's how dedicated she was to him
Hayley did NOT love Elijah, she was attracted to him sure, he was first to show her kindness at a time she needed it most, especially from klaus
And he made her feel loved, something she craved
When it was easy she welcomed it but he wasn't worth staying for, fighting for or even getting to know given they both did not know or like each other beyond the romanticized version
What she had for Klaus,{ while for all the wrong reasons since she wasn't one with a healthy understanding of love due to trauma and abandonment, } was unconditional love, she knew exactly what he was, how vile and sadistic he can be, is a first hand witness to all of what he can be too but it made her attachment to him and the sacrifices she was willing to make for him all the more stronger,
It's the "show don't tell" version of the all consuming devotion d*lena and the other ships failed to have
Mainly because they're both similar in the way that they were both fucked up individuals, both self aware and know they aren't good people and both desperate for love, love that truly sees them for what they are but doesn't shy away from it, it's why she's the ONLY love interest he calls family, and family as he describes is above all others, worth everything, the only constant for him,more reasons why it's very dumb to say he loved any other woman more than her .
Klaus and hope (being two faces of the same coin for her) are the single most important people to hayley,above literally everyone else , the two people she spared a glance before offing herself
The ones she fought tooth and nail for,risked everything for on multiple occasions
Hayley was a complicated character, she's damaged and all she knew from others was abuse and abandonment
It's why Klaus is familiar, safe, her comfort zone
She uses the two healthy relationships she has to feel better about herself, discards them when it's convenient but does ALL that, endures all that from a man who's treatment of her is typical, why she defends him and risks everything for him and is more than happy with the tiniest bit of love he has for her can be summarized in trauma bonding and "daddy issues" , he's an older guy with all the power here , he's emotionally unavailable, unpredictable and quite violent but occasionally calls her with an endearing nickname "little wolf" and can be soft with her, why while she revels in pissing him off and challenging his authority he's the only man she keeps running back to and can actually get her to listen to him when no one else can
While, like she herself says even when she hates the living shit out of him for all the ways he hurts her (out of love from his perspective) she can't help but love him
They're basically a match made in hell, they have no limits to what they'd do for each other, and out of every other one of their ships they're the only ones with an actual relationship where they fully see, understand, accept and love each other no matter how heinous they can be
And if anything it makes sense because at that point they were both too far gone to know what healthy love looks like
They develop at season 3 but that's a different convo
The main point is that I can still talk about their relationship because it was actually written surprisingly well despite the neglect and are very,very complex and multi layered outside of classical and empty romance
Klayley, through hope, what the show was built around and who they are as characters was pretty much a part of the show's heart and core all while integrating romantic elements without it becoming their sole defining characteristic
Something you can't say about the other romantic relationships in the show
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chickensarentcheap · 7 months
Lost and Found- Chapter 29
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Fandom: Extraction
Pairing: Tyler Rake and Esme Drummond (OFC. You do not have to read the original series to understand this fic)
Warnings: slight profanity
Tagging: @tragiclyhip @munstysmind @themaradwrites @thebejeweledwatercat @youflickedtooharddamnit @asirensrage @residentdormouse @secretaryunpaid @alisbackalleybbq @kmc1989 @karimac @ninjasawakenedmystar @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @occommunity @theesirenteller @fanficanatic-tw
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43179357/chapters/138016519
My tag list is OPEN. Just let me know if you'd lke to be added :D
It’s exactly how she remembers it. A quaint, three-bedroom home perfect for a young, growing family; antique blue board and batten with a vibrant, mustard yellow front door and a deep, wide porch that wraps around one side of the structure and connects with the deck in back. A fenced-in rear yard ideal for pets and children; enough open land for gardens and play structures and even a pool. Mere blocks from the small downtown core and open-air market; located close to schools and parks and only a ten-minute drive to the beach. The latter had been the ultimate selling point; as close to the ocean as they could get within their price range. Things had been different then; both financially struggling after never receiving full payment from Mahajan, but still having to worry about a stack of hospital bills and various debts.
There’d been no reason to live above their means; content with something small that they could personalize and make all of their own. Add onto if a bigger family was in the cards; firmly settling on having at least one baby, but not fully sold on anything more than that. Being a father again scared him; the guilt and the regret surrounding the death of his son and the decision he’d made in the final weeks still weighed heavily on his mind and soul. And she’d known not to push the subject no matter how much she desired something more; needing to give him the space to not only wrestle with and defeat his demons but build up his confidence when it came to raising another child.
Wick had picked them up at the airport. Twelve days following their desperate escape from New York, and ten since he’d flown to Broome to keep his eyes open and an ear to the ground. After assisting Alcott in identifying -and quickly eliminating- any possible threat, he’s confident that things are secure and no dangers lie in wait; free to return to the States and his commitment to helping Nik destroy any remaining threat on the front line. He looks healthier and more well-rested than Esme can previously remember; casually dressed in a pair of olive green cargo shorts and a simple white t-shirt. His eyes are more vibrant, the bridge of his nose and his cheeks sunkissed. And it's a welcome departure from the usual; the sullenness replaced by a genuine smile and unmistakable glow.
She glances at Millie; fastened in her car seat in the back of the SUV, safe and secure between her mom and dad. Father and daughter both asleep and in the same positions; heads tilted back and to the right, their arms folded across their chests, mouths slightly open as they quietly snore. Their cheeks flushed; sweat glistening at their temples and napes of their necks, wayward strands stuck to their brows. The last two weeks finally catching up to them; the hours spent travelling, the stress, fear, and worry that had weighed heavily upon them, the shared shock and surprise of finding out about one another’s identities and roles in the other’s life. And the dangerous and unpredictable flight from New York City and the two weeks spent at Nik’s while longing for home.
As Wick kills the engine, she tends to Millie, gently cradling her face in her palms and peppering her brow and cheeks with feathery kisses. Repeatedly brushing the tip of her nose against Millie’s until the four-year-old gives a sleepy giggle and a breathy, ‘Momma’; eyes flickering open as she plants a noisy kiss on Esme’s lips.
“Time to get up, little bug. We’re finally here.”
Esme nods.
“Our forever home?”
“Our forever home. Well, unless we one day need a bigger one. Come on…” Unbuckling the car seat’s harness, she lifts Millie onto her lap. “You’re getting big, lovey. Soon I won’t be able to pick you up at all.”
“I’m big like daddy!”
“You definitely are. I always knew you would be; even when you were in my belly and I used to get sneak peeks of you at the doctor. You were long and lanky even then. Now…” She clears sweaty hair away from Millie’s cheeks and out of her eyes.. “...wake daddy up. Tell him we’re here.”
She scrambles off her mother’s lap and onto Tyler’s; her stomach pressed against his chest, a knee beside either hip. And taking his face in both hands, gently shakes his head from side to side. “Daddy! It’s time to get up! We’re here now! No more sleep!” Upon receiving no response, she aggressively taps her palms against his cheeks, then scowls at her mother. “I think he’s dead.”
“He’s not dead. You can see that he’s breathing. Sometimes, he’s a really heavy sleeper. Or maybe he’s ignoring you.”
“You might ignore you, but not me. Never me.”
“Excuse you?”
“Daddy!” Millie bellows into his ear, then tugs at his beard, followed by his ears. “You have to get up! No more sleep! It’s time to wake up and…” She shrieks when his fingers lightly dig into her sides and he begins gently tickling her, dissolving into giggles when he tips her sideways across his lap and repeatedly brushes his beard against her cheeks. And she’s breathless and hiccuping when he once more settles her upright on his thighs, her tiny hands cradling his cheeks in their palms. “It’s time to get up!”
“Says who?”
“Me! And momma!”
You guys aren’t the boss of me.”
“Yeah, right!”
“Why do I need to get up? Can’t a guy get his beauty sleep?””
“You can go back to sleep later! We’re finally here, daddy! We’re home! It’s time to wakey-wakey, shakey-shakey!”
“What if I don’t want to wakey-wakey, shaky-shakey?”
“Too bad! When momma says it’s time to get up, it’s time to get up! Remember, she’s the boss, applesauce!”
“Sure she is.” Placing a kiss on Millie’s temple, he settles her sideways on his lap; palm smoothing over her messy hair as she presses her face against the window and studies her surroundings. “What do you think of it so far?”
“I love it! I love the colour! Especially the front door! I LOVE yellow. It’s a great use of colour, dad. You know what they say? That EVERY house deserves a pop of colour.”
Tyler arches a quizzical brow at Esme. “Whose they?”
She gives a sheepish grin. “People on television. We watch a lot of Home and Garden Network.”
“Especially in the winter,” Millie adds. “When it’s too cold to go outside. Or there’s a snowstorm and we’re stuck in the house.”
“So you think it’s an alright place? That you’ll be happy here?”
“Of course, I’m going to be happy! It’s home. It’s where mommy and daddy are. It can’t get any better than that. But…”
“Uh oh…”
“You know what it needs? More colour. It needs flowers. To up the curb appeal.”
“Are you going to be a real estate agent when you grow up?”
“Interior decorator?”
“Hell no! I’m going to be the person who builds the house. With my own hands!”
“That’s my girl.”
Esme winces in discomfort as she reaches across her body to unbuckle her seat belt. “Funny thing is, that’s what your daddy does. That’s one of his REAL jobs. He even owns his own business. He might not build houses from the ground up, but he helps make people's places bigger and better.”
“But I thought your job was kicking ass.”
“It is. Just not all the time. Only when Auntie Nik really needs my help.”
“So you have two lives. Two ‘yous’.”
“Yeah. I guess you could put it that way. The ‘me’ that was in New York City? Taking care of business? That’s the me that I don’t have to be very often anymore. The ‘all the time’ me? I help people in a different way. I make their houses bigger and nicer, I put up fences and decks, I build garages and sheds and even furniture sometimes.”
“Can you build a treehouse? I always wanted a treehouse.”
“Millie, I can build you whatever you want. Or at least I can try.”
“You know what his other job is? He’s a fireman.”
Her eyes widen. “Shut the front door!”
“It is. That’s the job I do the most. I won’t be going back for a while though; I’ve got a lot of time off to spend with you and your mom. That’s all that’s important right now. That you guys are safe and taken care of. And that the three of us get to be together. Get used to being a family.”
“Being a firefighter is crazy dangerous! And scary!”
“It can be.”
“Momma’s right! You ARE super brave!”
“I like to think I am. Sometimes, anyways.”
“She told me you’re the bravest person she’s ever known. And the strongest.”
Reaching behind Millie, he gently and lovingly tugs on Esme’s hair. “Yeah, well your mum is biassed.”
“Her mum tells the truth.”
“You’re our hero, Daddy. You’re brave and you’re strong and you keep us safe from the bad guys. We don’t have to worry about them when you’re around. ‘Cause you’ll do anything to stop them from even coming near us, never mind hurting us.”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you or your mumma. You’re my girls. All that matters to me is the two of you.”
“And Lucy.”
“DEFINITELY Lucy. She’s one of my girls, too. Actually, she’s the ORIGINAL girl; I had her before I even met your mumma.”
“Mumma says she’s a really good doggo. A super smart one. I can’t wait to meet her. I hope she’ll like the toys and treats I picked out for her. And I hope she LOVES me.”
“I know she will. And she’s going like having a little sister; someone to play with and chase around and sneak her food under the table. She’ll be like a puppy again, just you watch.”
“I just hope she loves me. ‘Cause I already know I love her. So if she doesn’t feel the same about me, I’m going to be crazy sad. I’m going to…”
Her voice trails off as begins bouncing up and down on his lap; banging her palm against the window when Alcott steps out onto the front porch; flashing that dazzling and waving enthusiastically at her. And she squeals “Uncle Duey!” before Tyler pops open the door; not waiting for it to fully open before she’s slipping out of the vehicle and scurrying up the front walk.
Alcott is on the middle step when she launches herself towards him; his deep, rich chuckle and her piercing, musical giggle floating on the air as he effortlessly catches her and tosses her above his head. Once, twice. Before tucking her into his chest and showering her temples, forehead and cheek with kisses.
Esme pauses with her hand on the door handle. “I know it’s hard for you; seeing how close she is to everyone. The fact they got to be part of her life long before you did. And I’m sorry that it hurts you so much. I’m sorry for so MANY things.”
“I don’t need you to be sorry. We’ve moved past that. I don’t need constant apologies.”
“I don’t need them,” he forcibly repeats, then lays a hand on the back of her head and pulls her into him; lips meeting her brow. “And it’s not as bad now. It doesn’t hurt as much. I’m starting to look at it differently. How I’m actually very lucky. You and Millie had these people around; watching out for you, loving on you and keeping you safe. Until I finally got the chance to do it.”
“I just wish I’d given you that chance sooner. I’m sorry I…”
“No more of that word, okay? There’s no need for it.” He’s mindful of the still tender line of stitches embedded in her scalp as he pushes his finger through her hair; hand cupping the back of her head when he kisses her. pushes his fingers through her hair, mindful of the still tender line of stitches embedded in her scalp. “Not anymore.”
“Why are you like this?”
“Like what?”
“So good to me? After everything I’ve done. After hurting you like I did…”
“I love you.” The answer is short and sweet. Honest. “I always have. I always will.”
Her lower lip and chin tremble as she struggles to hold back her emotions.
“None of that, okay? No crying. There’s no reason to cry. There’s been enough of that. And I don’t want this; you holding onto all of this…stuff. I forgive you. Now it’s time for you to forgive yourself. Or at least work on it.”
“How the tables have turned, huh? I remember saying almost those same words to you. About Austin. About how he forgave you. For what you did. And that it was your turn. To forgive yourself.”
“And I got there. Eventually. You will too. You’re not alone in this. You’ve got me. Millie. We’ll help you through it. Now…” Turning and reaching for the door handle, he’s stopped when she snags him by the back of his t-shirt and pulls him towards her. A hand on his cheek as she kisses him; long and soft and slow. A grin tugging at the corners of his mouth when he pulls away. “What was that for?”
“I need a reason to kiss you?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Have you ever considered that I enjoy kissing you?”
“Have you ever considered you have crappy taste in men?”
“My taste in men is impeccable, thank you very much. Or at least it became impeccable when I met you.”
Smirking, he presses a kiss on her brow. “Sweet talker. Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“Yeah, you’re always up for a good, old-fashioned, ego-stroking.”
“And a good stroking of something else,” he teases, giving her a playful wink and then opening the car door and stepping out. Offering Alcott a nod in greeting before heading to the opposite side of the vehicle and assisting Esme; a protective hand on the small of her back as he leads her up the front walk. “You gonna be alright the rest of the way? While I give Wick a hand with all the stuff?”
“I’ll be fine,” she assures him, standing on her tips with a hand upon his chest as he leans down to kiss her.
“I worry.”
“I know you do. And in a strange little way, it makes you a million times sexier. Which is hard to grasp considering you’re already the sexiest man alive.”
“You and your shit taste in guys.”
“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, my taste has become impeccable.” Smoothing her palms down the front of his t-shirt, her hand settling on his hips; eyes closing as she rests her forehead upon his chest. “I love you, you know.”
Smiling, he cups the back of her head in his palm and leans down to kiss her temple. “I know.”
Alcott greets her with a smile as he holds a squealing and giggling Millie upside down by her ankles. “Well there’s a sight for sore eyes.”
“Emphasis on the word ‘sore’.”
“You’re going to be feeling it for a while. To be honest, I’m surprised you’re doing as well as you are. That you’re even up and at ‘em.”
“It was now or never, I guess. Nik was getting tired of me; I was only a couple of days away from being evicted.”
“Look at mommy’s toe nails!” Millie calls out, as her fingertips swipe at her mother’s feet. “I did those! Watermelon pink! Mine match!”
“You’re going to make her throw up,” Esme warns. “Or pee her pants. She had a huge drink in the car before falling asleep.”
“I might do both!” The four-year-old announces. “I had a cherry and vanilla Coke slurpee! Daddy and I shared it, but I drank the most! Now I got the burps!”
“Guess your mum will be cleaning a hell of a mess off the steps, won’t she.”
“More like her father would have to clean it up. So let’s spare him the horror, okay? Blood and guts he can handle. THAT? He’ll likely toss his cookies too.”
(Millie hiccups as Alcott returns her to an upright position and settles her on his hip. “Daddy doesn’t like barf. I almost hurled on the plane and he nearly had a panic attack.”
Standing on her tiptoes, Esme straightens and tightens her daughter’s pigtails. “We don’t need to give away all of his secrets. Why don’t you run over and help daddy and Uncle John with some stuff? Grab your backpack and Lucy’s toys and treats. I’ll take you to meet her in a few minutes.”
“You just want to talk to Uncle Duey in private. I know your tricks, mom.”
“Well, there’s some things we need to discuss that little ears don’t need to hear.”
“What kind of things?”
“Adult things. That you…young miss…don’t need to be part of.”
“Are you going to hang out for a bit, Uncle Duey? Are you going to stay for supper? We haven’t eaten yet and I’m getting really hungry and I really want you to stay. Will you?”
“If your mum and dad don’t mind having an extra mouth to feed.”
“Are you going to sleep over? Visit for a bit? ‘Cause that would be really cool! Maybe we could even make a tent in my new room!”
“Tell you what, I’ll stay for a few days. So we can hang out. BUT, I’m going to stay at a hotel; so you and your folks can have privacy. You’re a family now; you need to concentrate on THAT.”
“I finally have a daddy. And not just ANY daddy, but my REAL daddy! The daddy that helped make me. Who put me in mom’s tum! How cool is that?! That I’d get my actual daddy in the end?!
Alcott presses a noisy kiss on Millie’s cheek before setting her on the ground, a hand resting on the top of her head. “You know, I think you’re a very lucky little girl. That you have the dad AND mum that you do. Because no one…in this world…could love you more than they do. You’re going to have a long and happy life, my little Amelia. With BOTH of them.”
“Daddy said that when something is meant to be, it always finds a way. He said that’s why mummy needed his help; because they were meant to be together. Do you think that’s true?”
“I think when two people love each other…REALLY love each other…they’ll find their way back to one another. Doesn’t matter how long it takes or how many obstacles are in the way, if they’re meant to be together, they will be. That’s what happened with your mum and dad. Although I do question her standards and her taste in men. Because if you ask me…”
“You know, you can be super duper cute, Uncle Duey. And really romantic.”
“You know, I have my moments. But let’s keep that between us. Our little secret. I have a reputation to keep.”
“Of being a big-time ass kicker!”
“Exactly.” Offering a closed fist, Millie bumps it with her own. “Now, you go.” Laying a hand on the top of her head, he gently steers her towards the stairs. “Listen to your mumma. Go and grab your things. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“What kind of surprise?”
“A very nice one.”
“What is it?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. And you can’t have it until you do what you're told; go and lend a hand and grab your stuff. Then you can meet Lucy and…”
“And then I get my surprise!”
“This is the best day ever!” Giving his leg a tight squeeze, she hurries for the stairs and then jumps from the landing; landing effortlessly on her feet and rushing off towards the car. Calling out for her dad and her uncle John; giggling when she’s teased and Wick playfully pulls on one of her pigtails; her high-pitched, exuberant voice floating on the breeze as she busies herself with helping pull bags from the trunk.
Grinning, Alcott shakes his head. “She’s…”
“A handful? Believe me, I know.”
“She seems to be adjusting alright. To this new life of hers. Seems excited to be here, that’s for sure.”
“The last forty-eight hours, she’s done nothing but go on and on about Australia. About how she can’t wait to live here. About taking beach trips and going fishing; learning how to ride a bike, going to school and making friends. It’s ALL she’s talked about.”
“She’s been through a lot. It hasn’t been the easiest of three weeks, that’s for sure. Bad enough on all of us, never mind a wee one. How have things been? Since she found out? About her dad?”
“Everything’s been great. Better than I thought it would be; I thought it would take her a lot longer to adjust to the whole thing and to forgive me for keeping him a secret. But it’s like he’s been part of her life forever. Like she’s never known anything different. She adores him. Wants to be around him constantly.”
“The best part of that is that she loved him before she even knew that he WAS her dad. How’s he been? With her?”
“Amazing. He really had to step it up after New York City; I sort of just threw him to the wolves. But he did it; despite all the pain he was in and constantly worrying about me and trying to take care of me. He just did what he had to do. Spent nearly every waking moment with her.”
“As much as what happened sucks for you, it was probably what was best for them. It gave them that time; to be completely alone and invested with one another. Gave them a chance to learn about one another. Without anyone else interfering.”
“As much as my body wishes it could get on board with that, it’s just not having it. How have things been here?”
“Quiet. For the most part.”
“For the most part, huh? I don’t think I like the sound of that.”
“Just a couple of people snooping. Coming around where they had no reason to be. Wick and I took care of them.”
“Took care of them as in…”
“As in they won’t bother you…or anyone else…ever again.”
Sighing heavily, Esme crosses her arms over her chest, hands rubbing at her biceps.
“Hey…” Hooking a finger under her chin, Alcott tilts her face up towards him. “...everything is fine. You’re safe here. Wick and I took care of things on our end, now all Nik has to do is handle things on hers. It’ll be over soon. For good.”
“God, I hope so.”
She glances over her shoulder as Millie and Tyler make their way towards the house. The latter gently suggesting that their offspring make multiple trips to and from the car, while Millie insists -despite the knapsack on her shoulders, gift bag over her wrist, and the top of a pile of small boxes cradled in her arms reaching her eyebrows- that she’s stronger than she looks and can see ‘just fine’.
“You know….” Esme turns back to Alcott, body leaning into his when he drapes an arm across her shoulders. “...I’ve waited five years for this. To be with him again. I have missed him; every second of every day. I spent four wondering what it would be like; to have him in her life and see them together and hear her call him ‘daddy’. Now it’s happening; it’s all RIGHT HERE. And I am so overwhelmed. With everything I’m feeling.”
“In a good way, I hope.”
“In a very good way. This is all I ever wanted. HE’S all I ever wanted. Everything we talked about…everything we planned together…it’s all finally happening. In this place. That we bought together. And that I never spent a single night inside. It’s a lot, you know? To unpack. And I’m so scared that something…someone…is going to take this all away from me.”
“That’s why you…BOTH OF YOU…need to get out of this life. And stay out of it. Once this is all over, you need to walk away for good. Or something bad WILL happen.”
“I’m ready for that. More than ready. I finally have everything I want. WHO I want. I want to be a wife and a mother. I want to share my bed with the same man every night for the rest of my life. Kiss the same man good morning EVERY morning. I want to make cookies for school bake sales and cheer Millie on while she plays soccer and watch her learn to surf. I want to have another baby. Or two. Or three. I am so ready. For ALL of that.”
“I’m worried that he won’t be able to walk away. Or stay away. Not for good. I’m worried he’s always going to be tied to that life somehow. That it will somehow find a way back into our lives. Take him away from us.”
“Have you mentioned all this? Talked to him about it?”
“I haven’t exactly had the chance. I spent a week in and out of consciousness, and another five days trying to build up enough strength just to do shit like feed myself and get myself to the bathroom. There was never a good time to bring up something like THAT.”
“You need to. Just get it all out in the open. Let him know what you’re worried about, what you’re afraid of, all of that. Because it won’t do any good keeping that in. You need to say it. And he needs to hear it.”
“You know what my fear is? My worst nightmare? That he’ll take a job and go somewhere thousands of miles away and something horrible will happen to him. That I’ll lose him. Permanently. And he’ll be stuck there; I won’t have any way of getting him out there and bringing him home.”
“I couldn’t deal with that. I just couldn’t. I’d never survive it.”
Esme slowly approaches the couch; a sprawled-out Lucy regarding her with wide eyes and her head tilted to the side. While Millie trails a few steps behind, she crouches down in front of the sofa and offers a soft, calm smile.
“Hey girl…hey Lucy…” She holds out the back of her hand to sniff, the dog’s nose wet against her skin. And as recollection of a long lost and missed scent begins to creep in, Lucy’s tail begins to thumb energetically against the cushions. “...do you remember me? It’s been a long time, huh? I missed you. So much.”
The thumping of the tail continues, now accompanied by a butt wiggle and a soft yet happy whimper as Lucy wriggles closer. “Yeah…you remember. We were besties. We did so much together. I’m so sorry…” Ruffling the fur at the nape of Lucy’s neck, Esme then strokes the dog’s ears and scratches under her chin “...that I just up and left like that. I never meant to abandon you.” She leans in to press a kiss to Lucy’s nose. “Thank you, sweet girl. For keeping him company. And keeping an eye on him. Until I could get back to doing it.”
Swiping at loose tears with the back of her hand, she reaches for Millie.“I have someone I want you to meet. Someone I love very much. I had a baby while I was gone. And this is her…” Drawing her daughter to her side, she lays a hand on the top of the little one’s head and presses a kiss to her temple. “...isn’t she beautiful?”
“Hi Lucy…” Millie offers her hand for a sniff. “...I’m Millie. Well, my name is really Amelia, but I like Millie better. Everyone calls me that. I’m going to live here now; with you and my momma and my daddy. That makes us sisters. ‘Cause we have the same mom and dad. Just they adopted you and I was in momma’s tummy.” She giggles when Lucy licks her hand, then slides forward and swipes at her chin with her tongue. “I think she likes me!”
“Why don’t you show her what you got for her? I’m sure she’d love to see.”
“I got you some goodies.” Millie holds aloft a neon pink gift bag, filled with white tissue paper. “Some toys and some treaties. See…” Dumping the contents out onto the couch, she arranges them neatly in their respective groups; food in one pile, play objects in the other). “...I got you all different kinds of stuff. Squeaky balls, rope toys, ones you can chew on, a cool tug of war one that we can play with together! I’ll let you pick which one you want to play with first.”
“I think she’s more interested in learning about you right now.”
“Can I give her some treats? Do you think that’s okay? That daddy won’t mind?”
“He won’t mind at all, believe me. Here…” Selecting one of the bag of treats -duck flavoured- she tears it open; dumping a handful of the small ‘cookies’ into Millie’s palm. “...these are her favourites. Hold your hand out and let her take a sniff. She’ll decide if she wants them or not.”
“She won’t eat my hand, will she?”
“Lucy’s the last dog on earth that would do something like that. She might kiss you to death or you might pass out from her stinky doggy breath, but she’s a lover, not a fighter. The goodest good girl. Aren’t you, Luce?” She smoothes a hand over each of Lucy’s ears and the scruff of her neck, kneading lightly at the fur as Millie offers the treats in her palm. The dog briefly sniffing before hurriedly -and exuberantly- gobbling them up. Causing the four-year-old to dissolve into giggles when the nibbling at her palm turns into enthusiastic lapping at her chin and cheeks. “I knew she’d like you. What’s not to like?”
“We’re going to be besties!” Millie declares, and tosses both arms around Lucy’s wriggling body. “Aren’t we Lucy?!
Tyler’s hand falls on Esme’s shoulder as he joins them. “How’s things down here?”
“Good,” she smiles up at him. “Very good. I think it’s safe to say that Lucy and Millie like each other.”
“We don’t just like each other!” Millie declares, as she lies on her back on the couch; Lucy between her splayed legs, the dog’s stomach pressed against hers. Lucy panting and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her new friend enthusiastically scratches at the ‘sweet spots’ behind her ears. “We LOVE each other!”
“That’s ‘cause Lucy has great taste. Don’tcha girl.” Tyler reaches down to knead the back of the dog’s neck. “Now I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re going to have to share me now. We’ve got extra people in the house. Extra b…”
Esme scowls up at him.
“Ladies. I was going to say LADIES.”
“The hell you were.”
“You know I’m just joking. Trying to get a rise out of ya. Although after the past ten days, I wouldn’t mind if YOU were trying to get a rise out of ME.”
She gives a derisive snort and a roll of the eyes. “You are too much.”
His fingers curl around her bicep when she starts to stand; helping her to her feet before his palm moving to the small of her back as she leans into him. Her body leaning into his as his lips meet the top of her head.
“You guys finished? Get everything inside?”
“Just put everything upstairs for now. We can tackle it later. Or tomorrow. Or whenever. There’s no rush.”
“So…” Alcott takes the stairs two at a time. Enthusiastically clapping and rubbing his hands together as he addresses Millie from the bottom landing. “...who’s ready for their surprise!”
“I am! I’ve been ready since you told me! But…” She nuzzles the top of Lucy’s head with her nose. “...can Lucy come and see it too?”
“The more the merrier. This is definitely a family thing.”
Sliding out from under the dog’s body, Millie jumps to her feet; patting the side of her leg and calling for the dog to follow as Alcott leads the way out of the living room and down the hall. Pausing at the door that belongs to the small three-piece bath just off the kitchen.
“Right in here,” he says, and nods towards the door. “It’s waiting for ya.”
“In here?”
“In there. Go on.”
She reaches for the handle, then pauses. “What is it? What’s in there?”
“It’s a bathroom.”
“But what’s IN the bathroom?”
“Your surprise.”
“But what IS my surprise?”
“If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it? Go on. Go see what’s in there.”
Esme’s brows arch quizzically as she glances between Tyler and Alcott. “What are you two up?”
The latter grins. “Just a little something. That we thought would cheer her up, especially after the last couple of weeks she’s had. And we thought it’d help make this new life of hers even better.”
“And just what would make it better? What…?”
“Bea!” Millie’s scream is ear-piercing; bouncing off the ceiling and walls and echoing through the lower level of the house. “Oh…my Bea!” She drops onto her butt in the middle of the floor and scoops the cat into her arms, cuddling her tight to her chest as she sobs into the glistening black fur. A concerned Lucy hurriedly padding into the room; settling herself in a sobbing Millie’s lap as she licks at the tears that stream down the little one’s face. “...I missed you!”
“How?” Esme struggles to hold back her own tears. “How did you…?”
“I had someone bring her to me. Someone I could trust. To get her safely. And here she is. I couldn’t keep a little girl and her best friend apart, could I? It’d already been long enough.”
“This was all you wasn’t it?” Esme glances up at Tyler. “You made this happen.”
“It was my idea. But I had help. Getting it done.”
“I thought you weren’t a cat guy.”
“I’m not.” Smiling, he wraps around her and gatherers into his side. Leaning down to press his lips against her temple. “But I have a feeling this one will grow on me.”
It’s before eleven when Esme steps out onto the front porch with Wick, the wood smooth and cool under her bare feet; the light in the front room and a small battery-powered lantern on a small nearby table providing the only illumination. Alcott departed an hour before; needing to get back to his hotel to handle some ‘important business’ before retiring for the night, but not before promising Millie he’d be back to see her in the latter part of the morning. With exhaustion and calm quickly settling in, Tyler tends to tucking Millie into -at her insistence- the confines of her brand new, four-poster bed. A simple piece of furniture that signifies the start of the second bedroom’s transformation; pink and grey camo bedding, the rest of the space a blank canvas for her -with some guidance and help- to turn into her own little sanctuary.
As Wick lingers on the bottom landing, Esme remains at the top of the steps; gathering the sides of the oversized hoodie she sports and wrapping them around her petite frame. “You gonna stick around for a bit? Couple of days at least? Millie would love to spend some time with you. Now that we’re away from all that craziness. And who knows when she’ll see you again.”
“I already said my goodbyes. Or should I say my ‘see you laters’. She knows it won’t be long. Until we see each other.”
“Still, a couple of days would have been nice. Just to sit back and relax. Chat.”
“As much as I wish I could just take it easy, I really need to get back. To New York City. I told Nik I’d help tie up all the loose ends. And I need to meet Charon. We have some…business…to tend to.”
“Business as in Winston.”
He smiles coyly. “The less you know, the better.”
“Do you think the High Table will do anything? That they’ll handle him anyway? For what he did to Tyler? To Millie?”
“They’d be hypocrites if they didn’t.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“He broke their most important rule. The biggest one. They’ll forgive some things. Some missteps. But THAT?”
“He deserves to pay for what he did. He could have killed both of them. Taken everything away from me. Everything I had just gotten back. That I spent five years missing and longing for. Winston tried to take that from me. HIM from me. And for what? Some weird, sick ass obsession?”
“He had it in his mind that you were his to have. And to lose. Winston isn’t used to losing.”
“I was never his. I was never going to be. And I certainly never let him think it was a possibility.”
“I think he felt as if he could guilt into it. Being with him. Hold everything he’s done for you over your head. Manipulate you. Until you not only gave in, but gave him what he wanted. EVERYTHING he wanted.”
“Never would have happened. I’d already lived through one asshole gaslighting me for years. I wasn’t falling for it again. And if he had managed to take Tyler and Millie from me, I would have killed myself before it happened. Before EVER being with him.”
“How about we concentrate on the fact he DIDN’T manage to do it. That Millie and Tyler are safe.”
“I think about it every day, believe me. But I also think about how he can’t get away with this. As if it isn’t bad enough that he was so ready, willing, and able to kill Tyler, he was more than okay with taking Millie out in the process. A little girl girl. MY little girl. My baby. And I’m sorry, but he can’t get away with it. He just can’t.”
“And he won’t. I promise you. Winston will be taken care of. You don’t need to know how or at whose hand, but he will be. You just need to trust me.”
“I do. I DO trust you. You know I do. I trust you with my life. With Millie’s life.”
“Your part in all of this is over now. This life? The job? It’s time, Esme. For you to let it go. To just walk away. Not many people in this world get that chance. So you need to take it when you can. Because if you keep even on toe in this pound, you are going to get sucked back in. And this life will swallow you whole. You know it will.”
“It’s hard to walk away when there’s still unfinished business. When it’s so personal.”
“That business will be taken care of. You need to let other people handle it now. What you need to do is go inside and start over again. Start a new life. The one you always wanted. You’ve been given a second chance with Tyler. To be with him. Have a life with him. Make a family together. Do you know how many people wish they could get that? Who's lost someone and will never get them back? Who would love to be in your shoes right now?”
“I know it’s hard for you. To see it. Everything just playing out right in front of you. You can’t get Helen back. And believe me, if there was a way I could change that, I would.”
“I know you would. But you can’t. You can’t do that for me. But what you CAN do? You can make a life for yourself. A REAL life. You can make that man your husband and you can make more babies together and your little girl can have both her mother AND her father. You never wanted all of this. To be in this world. You were never planning on sticking with it for the long haul. Dying some god awful, bloody death like the rest of us.”
“You’re right,” she admits, leaning against the bannister with her arms crossed over her chest. “I didn’t want that. I didn’t plan on doing this forever. And I tried to get out. I DID get out. And then that adjudicator showed up and turned my entire world upside down. Ruined EVERYTHING. I didn’t want to get sucked back in. I was done. I had met someone. I was going to get married. I bought a house. We were planning on always and forever. But it didn’t work out that way, did it.”
“No. It didn’t. You had to wait longer for it. But at least it’s happening. At least you’re getting it.”
Sighing, she reaches up to tuck wayward strands of hair behind her ears.
Climbing the stairs, Wick takes her by the shoulders and turns her towards him. “You can’t bring Helen back. I wish you could. But you know what you can do? For me? You can get the fuck out of this life. And STAY out of it.”
“I’m trying. But knowing that Winston is still out there after what he did…”
“Winston will be handled. Whether it’s by me or Nik or someone else. It’s not your fight anymore. It’s time to let someone else do the heavy carrying. You’ve done enough.”
“It’s my family. That he tried to hurt. It’s my little girl and the love of my life and…”
“And both of them need you. Not the you that’s connected to the job. The you that’s connected to them. You have to let that Esme go. It’s time. You need to be the Esme that they want you to be. That they NEED you to be. They don’t need ‘job Esme’. They need wife Esme. Mom Esme. And you can’t tell me you don’t need that, too.”
“Of course I need it. I WANT it. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“It’s done. Your old life. Whatever battles are left, it’s up to other people to finish. And it’s up to you to trust them to do it.”
“That’s a little easier said than done.”
“You’ve trusted me before. Many times. Trust me now.”
“I’ll try. And me saying that is no slight on you. It’s just that this is close to home. So personal. To just hand it over, you know?”
“I know it is. But you have to do it. If not for yourself, for Tyler and Millie.” (lightly squeezes her shoulders and pulls her closer to him, lips meeting and lingering on her brow) “You’re going to be alright, kiddo. You’re safe. And we’re all going to keep it that way.”
“You’ll let me know how things go? In New York?”
“Once things are taken care of, I’ll call you. Like I said, the less you know, the better.”
“And call me when you get there? So I know you arrived safe and sound?”
Wick grins “Yes, mom.”
“Well, I AM a mom. Which technically makes me your ‘mom friend’, so…”
“Speaking of being a mom, you should go and do just that. Tuck your little one in. Give her a hug and a kiss. And a squeeze. From me.”
Smiling, she reaches up to sweep long strands of hair off his forehead and away from his eyes.
“Take care of each other. LOVE each other. And be happy. If anyone deserves that, it’s you.”
Swallowing around a lump of emotion, she stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around his neck) “Thank you. For everything. Millie’s alive because of you. If you hadn’t helped that night…”
“I owed you one. Had you not helped me, this whole mess never would have happened. Starting with that adjudicator.”
“One had nothing to do with the other. The adjudicator, Alessio and his family. It’s not connected.”
“One led to the other. Had you not helped me that night…gone against the High Table…the adjudicator would have never had a reason to track you down.”
“How about we just call it even? Because I can tell this isn’t an argument I’m going to get the high ground on.”
“You can’t win them all, kiddo. But you’ve won plenty, that’s for sure.”
“You will be back, right? Some day?”
“Some day.”
“Because you know you’re welcome here. That our door is always open. So don’t be a stranger, alright?”
“Alright.” He gives her a final squeeze, then a kiss on the cheek. “You be good, Esme Drummond.”
“I will,” she promises, and then pulls away, using her fingertips to clear away the tears that manage to escape. Once more leaning against the bannister with her arms crossed over her chest, she watches him descend the steps and limp down the walk, heading for his car.“Hey!” She calls to him after he opens the door, causing him to pause before sliding behind the wheel. “I’ll see you soon, John Wick!”
He grins over the roof of the car. “Not unless I see you first.”
She finds him in the master bedroom, standing at the side of the bed in nothing more than a pair of sweats that sit low on his hips. A duffle bag, one of Esme’s suitcases, and Millie’s wheeled Transformer case open in front of him; rummaging through them and throwing any dirty laundry into a pile near the closet. Clean clothing stacked on the bedside chair)
“Millie asleep?”
“Out like a light. Both Bea and Lucy are in there with her. All three are snoring.”
Sidling up beside him, she reaches into Millie’s suitcase. Closely inspecting a t-shirt to determine if it's clean or dirty. “She gets it from you, you know.”
“Her amazing good looks?”
“Her snoring.”
“So you’re saying she’s ugly? Which she also gets from me?”
“You damn well know that isn’t what I’m saying. She gets both her amazing good looks and her snoring from you. There. Are you happy?”
“I don’t snore.”
“Like hell you don’t.”
“I’m not taking criticism from someone who talks in their sleep. Who I can have full conversations with.”
“I haven’t done that in a long time.”
“You just did it last night.”
“What was I talking about?”
“I don’t know some guy. Tall, handsome, built like a brick house, had a huge dick. Apparently gave you the best orgasms you’ve ever had in your entire life.”
“Mmm.” She throws a sweater of Millie’s onto the dirty pile. “Must have been some random hook up in college.”
Tyler scowls.
“Baby, IF I was saying all that, it was obviously you I was talking about. Haven’t we had this conversation before? While I’ve been awake? About how you’re the first guy to achieve the previously impossible? It’s nice not having to rely on myself to get to the finish line.”
“You have dated some real losers, you know that?”
“Not that the list is lengthy by any stretch of the imagination, but yes, yes I have. And I married the biggest one of them all.”
“Maybe your second husband will be a step up.”
“I have a feeling he will be,” she chides and playfully smacks him in the stomach with a dirty sweater. “With some room left over for a little improvement.”
“A little? That’s an understatement.”
“I don’t know. I think he’s pretty perfect already. As is.”
Smiling, he leans down to drop a gentle kiss on the top of their head. “And you have the nerve to call me biassed.”
They work quietly and companionably side by side, and when Millie’s suitcase is finally empty, she moves it from the bed and sets it on the floor. Then takes a seat on the edge of the mattress; watching Tyler, as he continues to work.
“Wick get away alright?”
Esme nods. “Do you think he’s going to be okay? When he gets back to New York?”
“I don’t know. He’s gonna have a lot of big guns after him. Bigger and heavier than the ones that are going to be after me, that’s for sure. But, he’s been in that world a long time. Gone up against a lot of horrible people. And he’s still around to tell about it.”
“I’m worried. About him and Charon. When it comes to the whole dealing with Winston thing.”
“One thing they have on their side is that the High Table is after his ass, too. He broke their number one golden rule, yeah? Drew blood on Continental grounds. If they came after you for a lot less, I like to think they’d fuck him right up.”
“But he sits on the High Table. How willing are they going to be to punish one of their own?”
“You know more about them than I do. I was never caught up on that side of things. Not that I didn’t have a chance to be. It was offered to me. Working under them. More than once.”
“Not many people say ‘no’ to the High Table and get away with it. You’re one of the lucky ones.”
“Didn’t really save me, though. did it? They still found a way to ruin my fucking life.”
“Why didn’t you want to work under them? You could have taken jobs anywhere in the world. You didn’t have to focus on North America. You didn’t even need to step foot inside it at all. Why…?”
“Wasn’t my thing. All the rules, the politics, the bullshit. Less drama working for Nik. Only have one person telling me what to do and when to do it. Not a whole shit load.”
“You are kind of a lone wolf. You do prefer working alone.”
“I don’t know…” He over her, palms flat against the mattress for balance. “... I seem to remember a time I didn’t mind sharing the workload with a hot little brunette.”
“Just the one, huh? No others?”
“Just the one.” His lips briefly brush against hers. “The rest were blondes and redheads..”
Scowling, she places her hands on his chest and attempts to push him away.. “Oh fuck you, Tyler!”
Chuckling, he presses a kiss to her cheek and the side of her neck before returning to the task in front of him. She watches his hands as he works; strong enough to break bones and take a life, but capable of breathtaking tenderness. Long fingers and misshapen knuckles; various scars and imperfections that mar his skin. And his forearms; one of the features she’d immediately noticed when they first met. And she’s about to offer a cheeky comment when she notices the expression on his face; the darkened eyes and the furrowed brow.
“Part of you wishes you were there, doesn’t it.”
“New York City. Taking care of Winston yourself. Or at least helping.”
“I won’t lie, revenge is at the top of my list of wants.”
“Mine too. He can’t get away with it; trying to kill you, putting Millie in danger. It doesn’t seem fair that he could just walk away from it at all.”
“He won’t. There’s enough people out there making sure that won’t happen.”
“You’re not going to be one of them, are you? I’m not going to wake up in the morning and find out you took off in the middle of the night? Went back to the states to handle things yourself?”
“You’re not honestly asking me that are you? You can’t be serious.”
“I know how powerful revenge can be. And I know the lines that Winston crossed. Putting Millie in danger, the things he said about me in that basement, the…”
“I’m exactly where I need to be. Where I WANT to be. All that matters to me is keeping you and Millie safe. And if someone DOES decide to try something stupid and I’m not here…”
“You don’t think that’ll happen, do you? That Alessio will send someone? Or that Winston will track us down? You don’t…”
“I think you’re safe with me. You BOTH are.”
“I don’t doubt that. I know what you’re capable of. And I know you’d stop at nothing to protect us. But…”
“You and Millie are safe here. And I’m going to keep it that way. Do I know for sure they’ll send people? No. Would I put it past them? Also no. But I’m not worried. They can send all the people they want. They can send a goddamn army. I will destroy each and every one of them.”
She blinks at the brutal honesty and the anger in his voice; watching as he gathers up the empty suitcases and stashes them in the far corner of the room. Once more joining her, he drops heavily onto his back in the middle of the bed; a forearm over his eyes, his free hand reaching out to slip under both the hoodie and the tank she wears underneath. Calloused fingertips repeatedly skimming across the small of her back, travelling slowly from hip to hip.
Esme stretches out alongside him. On her side with a leg draped over one of his; her mouth placing a series of kisses along the line of his jaw and at the corner of his mouth before resting her head on his chest. Her eyes closed as her fingertips trace the various scars and tattoos that inhabit the right side of his torso. Unsure of how much time passes as they lay there; breathing in each other’s familiar scents, enjoying the warmth that radiates from one another’s bodies, relaxed by the sounds of their soft, rhythmic breathing.
He stirs against her; removing the forearm over his eyes and his palm moving to cup the back of her head. Thumb and fingers pushing through her hair to gently knead her skin, his lips meeting her brow.
“I thought we could just stay in the guest room. For now anyway.”
Esme frowns. “What’s wrong with in here?.”
“Delaney was in here. Right before I left for New York City.”
Reaching up, her hand briefly rests on the top of his head before her fingers push through the longer strands of hair.. “For what it’s worth, it doesn’t bother me.”
“Yeah, well it bothers me.”
Opening her eyes, she raises her head and places her chin on his chest, smiling up at him.
“In a couple of days we can head into town. Buy new stuff. Just start right from scratch. Make the room ours. No one else. Just you and me.”
“You know, oddly enough, I think that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Come on, give me some credit. I’ve had better moments than THAT.”
“I know it doesn’t seem like much to you, but for THAT to bother you? To not want to share what goes on in here with someone else? Just keep it between us? That’s pretty intense, babe. No one would expect that from a guy like you.”
“A guy like me? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know, the strong, silent type that’s capable of killing a man a thousand ways with his bare hands.”
“For your information, my hands can do a lot more than that.”
“Oh believe me…” She nuzzles the long-healed bullet wound on his neck with her nose, then runs the tip of her tongue along the lines of his tattoo. “...I know what those hands are capable of.”
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“You should know by now that you don’t have to put that much effort into it. If any.”
She giggles against his cheek, her hands shoving their way into his hair when he kisses her; the long, languid, and delicious movements of closed mouth upon closed mouth. A rough, calloused palm begins a slow exploration of her clothed body; travelling over dips and curves, lightly squeezing, softly cupping. And he both hears and feels her sigh into his mouth when he intensifies the moment; pulling away briefly to glide the tip of his tongue over her top lip before aggressively pushing its way way inside of her mouth. Eyes closing and a shiver passing through her when his mouth abandons hers in favour of finding her neck; gently suckling and nibbling at the skin as his free hand pulls open her hoodie and exposes his collarbone.
Her entire body arches off the bed when teeth, lips, and tongue slowly make their way from one shoulder to the other; violently shuddering when the scruff of his beard brushes against the skin just above the neckline of her tank top. Keeping one hand buried in his hair, the other explores the bulging and rippling muscles in his neck and shoulders; tracing scars and tattoos by memories until he moves further down the bed and she loses all contact. Body tension in anticipation when a lone finger slides up the hem of her shirt; the calloused tip gliding across her stomach and drawing a perfect circle around her navel. Toes curling and goosebumps invading her flesh when he aggressively pushes the fabric of her shirt up to the hollow of her throat; his mouth placing a trail of warm, moist kisses from the top of her belly button to the valley between her breasts. And he groans in annoyance and disappointment when she suddenly yanks at his hair, forcing him to look up at her.
“I need to tell you something.”
“Right now? Can’t it wait? I’m kinda in the middle of something here.”
“Right now,” she confirms, and he gives a sigh and rolls onto his side, hand pulling down her tank top, then settling on her stomach.
“We gotta do this fully clothed. Or I won’t hear a damn word you’re saying.”
“You’re half naked,” she points out. “How’s that fair?”
“I’m not as distracting as you are.” Pressing a chaste kiss to her lips, he uses a fingertip to clear strands of hair away from the sides of her face. “You okay? Is this something I need to worry about?”
“No. I mean, yes. I mean…” She chews on her bottom lip. “No. You don’t need to worry. And yes, I’m alright.”
“What do you want to tell me?”
Rolling onto her stomach, Esme places her chin on his chest. “You have to promise you won’t laugh at me.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because it’s kind of weird. Silly. Well, at least to me, it is.”
“I would never laugh at you. Or make fun of you. Unless it was about your height.”
Giving a small chuckle, she uses the pad of her thumb to trace the scars on his left shoulder. One a military injury he’d suffered years before he’d met her, the other left from the surgery he’d endured after the nightmare in Dhaka. “It IS kind of embarrassing.”
“How short you are?”
“No.” She playfully tugs at the hair on the underside of his chin. “What I’m going to tell you.”
“I thought we got over that a long time ago; being worried about telling each other things. I’m the last person you should feel embarrassed around. I mean, you’ve seen me with a tube up my dick so I could take a piss. You used to help me to the bathroom when I was in the hospital. It doesn’t get much more embarrassing than that.”
“You might change your mind after you hear this.”
“It can’t be that bad.” Combing his fingers through her hair, his hand briefly settles on the nape of her neck, gently squeezing before sliding under the hem of her shirt and resting in the space between her shoulders. Fingertips tracing slow, repetitive circles over bare, smooth skin. Just tell me.”
Sighing, she scrapes a nail along his beard. “I’m nervous.”
“About what?”
“That’s just it. I don’t know. And it makes no sense. I have no reason to be. But I feel shy and awkward; like we’re some couple just fresh into a relationship. We spent a year together. We shared a life. A bed. We were planning to get married. We wanted to have babies. We bought a house.”
“Five years was a long time. To spend apart.”
“But it came so easily to us. When we were back together. We still had that vibe, you know? We still fit together. Like we were never even apart. At least that’s how it felt to me. There was no hesitation. Not anxiety. We just went back to the way we were. Or close to it, anyway. That’s how it was for me. It wasn’t for you?”
“It was. Which is kind of scary in its own way. It should have been awkward. Considering how things ended.”
“But it wasn’t. And DID things end? For either of us? I may have walked away and a lot of time may have passed, but was it ever REALLY over?”
“No,” he admits. “It wasn’t.”
“Look how easy it came back to us. In New York City. Yeah, there was a lot of hurt and anger and I dropped a whole load of shit into your lap, but..”
“There was nothing shit about it. You showing back, finding out about Millie…”
“...things were still there. Between us. We still loved each other. And it was like we went back to how we were. We were always comfortable with each other; we always talked about anything and everything and nothing ever felt complicated or strange. Not even those first days in Dhaka. Am I making any sense at all?”
Tyler nods.
“So why am I nervous now? Why do I feel like this awkward little schoolgirl who’s getting ready for her first hook-up? It’s silly, right? For me to feel this way?”
“I don’t know. I feel a little nervous, too.”
“It was different in New York City. A lot was going on; between us and with the job and Winston and his bullshit. We didn’t really have time to sit down and think about things. We barely had time to catch our breath, some days.”
“I don’t want you to think it’s a bad thing. How I’m feeling. Because it’s not. There could never be anything bad with us. It’s just overwhelming. Being here…in this place…with you.”
“Do you want to maybe get something else?” Looping hair behind her ears, he skims his knuckles over her cheek. The cuts and bruises nearly fully healed. “Put this place up for sale and…?”
“No. That’s the last thing I want. It’s not about you or this place. Not in a negative way, anyway. It’s just so surreal. That we’re actually here. I spent five years wanting this; missing you and wishing things could be different. And now they are. Somehow we found our way back here. To each other.”
“You’re not the only one that spent five years wanting that.”
“You feel it too, don’t you? How overwhelming it is? In this chaotic, beautiful way? I KNOW you feel it. Because I KNOW you. I know your heart, Tyler. I know how deeply you feel things. How POWERFULLY you feel them. So I know I’m not alone in this.”
“It is a little…” He chooses his words wisely. “...scary.”
“I don’t want to screw this up. I did that once. I don’t want it to happen again.”
“It won’t.” Fingertips glide up her back and over the nape of her neck, hand cupping the back of her head and pulling her towards him; lips meeting hers in a long, soft kiss. His eyes riveted on hers as he brushes the knuckles off his free hand over the swell of her cheek; following the line of her jaw before cupping her chin in his palm, his thumb grazing over her lips.
“I can’t lose you. Not when I just got you back. I can’t lose THIS. We’re finally getting what we wanted. What we planned. We get to raise Millie together. Make an amazing life. Have more babies. Grow old and gray together. And if something takes you out of the equation…”
“I’m not going anywhere. Nothing’s going to happen to me. This is it. Once the mess in New York has been cleaned up and things are finished for good, we don’t have to worry about that life ever again.”
“Promise? Promise me you won’t go back to that.”
“I won’t go back,” he vows and pulls her into another kiss. Longer and deeper, tinged with urgency and desperation. Hunger.
Instead of pursuing it, he wraps her in his arms and rolls onto his back. Lips meeting her forehead before she tucks her face into that safe, warm place between his neck and shoulder.
“You’re home now, Esme.” His hand once more slips up the back of her sweater and tank top, fingertips ghosting along the length of her spine. “Where you belong. Where you’ve ALWAYS belonged.”
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vampwritesstuff · 2 years
Someone to Save Me ~
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Pairing : Xavier Thorpe x Addams!reader (fem pronouns)
Summary : in which when her crazy, obsessive father comes searching for her, she needed a knight in shining armor. Or maybe a tortured artist.
Warnings : attempted kidnapping, abuse, swearing, mentions of being stalked, use of the word “princess”
Genre : angst to fluff/comfort, frenemies to lovers
Requests : open
Words : 2k+
This is an idea I had thought of and wanted to write, don’t remember what I had been doing but I immediately went to my notes and wrote a general idea on this, so here is a fleshed out version! I want to say that reader’s father is NOT Fester!
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Having a crazy and obsessive father was difficult. That’s what led you to run from him, showing up on your Aunt Morticia and Uncle Gomez’s doorstep, seeking refuge in their home. They knew how your father could get and allowed you to stay with them. You were 13, they couldn’t leave you to fend for yourself. Something that just sort of happened was that Wednesday basically became your bodyguard, she was never far from you anytime you were at school or in public. So, after being expelled for throwing piranhas into the swim team’s pool during their practice, you obviously had to go with her to her new school, Nevermore.
Now, you weren’t a normie, obviously since you were an Addams. You had an innate ability to control plants and organic objects around you. And seeing that there were woods that surrounded the Nevermore campus, it made you feel at home already. Pugsley had taken a liking to calling you ‘nymph’ because of your closeness to nature. It was a sour parting when your aunt, uncle and younger cousin had to leave. Pugsley had given you and Wednesday a tight hug, while you had patted his back and gave him encouraging words, Wednesday was… well, she was Wednesday. Your aunt gave you and your cousin each a pendant, while Wednesday’s could turn into a ‘W’ and ‘M’ for Wednesday and Morticia, yours had a carefully crafted tree on it. You smiled softly and thanked your aunt, giving her a hug before she got into the car where Lurch stood by, holding open the car door. Then they were off.
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It had been barely a month since you’ve arrived at Nevermore Academy, and somehow your cousin has found herself playing detective in a search for a monster that most weren’t even sure existed. Of course, you believed her and have helped her in her investigation.
Despite Wednesday’s many complaints, you were given a single room, while Wednesday had to deal with a roommate who was the exact opposite of her. You thought it was good for Wednesday to have some social interaction with someone besides you or her family. Many of her complaints consisted of her trying to reason that she needed to protect you from your father, as she had been doing for the past three years. However, you were quick to shut her down.
“Wednesday, if he hasn’t found me yet, how in the hell do you think he would find me in a school for outcasts in a little town that’s barely on the map?” You had told her one day, during an outing in Jericho to go to the Weathervane. Of course, your cousin stayed silent, knowing that it was unlikely that your father would find you. You were good at covering your tracks.
It wasn’t long until Tyler Galpin, a normie and someone who had taken interest in your cousin, sat down with you both. You tensed, Tyler did not give you good vibes ever since you first met him, however your cousin seemed to never notice your state of nervousness whenever Tyler was around. It didn’t help that he was sitting next to you, and you were trapped inside the booth.
You stared at the table for the remainder of the time you and your cousin were at the Weathervane, unwilling to speak up that you wanted to leave in the case that you were going to be seen as rude. That’s when your phone buzzed, a text from Enid saved you. “Sorry Wednesday, but Enid says she’s having a crisis and needs me back at Nevermore.” You spoke up as Wednesday and Tyler talked over theories about who the monster could be. Tyler got the hint that you needed to leave and moved from the booth to allow you to slide past in order to leave. Wednesday just nodded, “Don’t get yourself killed.” She said as Tyler sat back down, you knew that was just her way of telling you to be safe. You nodded and left the Weathervane without another word, making your way from Jericho back to the school.
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You were barely 5 minutes into the wooded part of the Nevermore campus when you got the eerie feeling that you were being watched, the hair on the back of your neck standing on end. You stopped to look around, only hearing the chirp of birds and the noise of bugs.
Hesitantly, you started walking again, this time at a much quicker pace. Already having your phone out with Enid on speed dial and ready to take off or fight for your life at a moments notice. There was no way in hell you were going to die in the woods, alone.
That’s when you heard a twig snap, stopping once again you looked around, taking note that it wasn’t you who stepped on a twig and broke it. That’s when you felt a presence behind you, immediately your instinct and training from Wednesday kicked in. Spinning around, you took control of some of the vines on the ground and used them to wrap the figure up and keep them from moving, they fell to the ground with a deep grunt, groaning as the vines tightened around them.
When your initial adrenaline wore off, you were able to make out the Nevermore uniform, specifically the male uniform. “Fuck, Y/n, didn’t think you would attack someone like that.” Xavier groaned as he was still constricted by the vines. “That’s why you don’t sneak up on a girl in the middle of the damn woods!” You exclaimed, letting the vines go of your control and allowing them to unwrap from Xavier.
You held out your hand to help him stand up, which he took in response. He brushed himself off, standing in front of you. “Sorry, sorry. Don’t sneak up on girls in the woods, got it.” He mumbled, “what were you doing out here anyway?” He asked, but you gave him an incredulous look, “Where else would I be going? I’m heading back from town to the school. Enid messaged me that she had something urgent going on and needed my help.” You told him as you turned and began to walk away from the artist.
You and Xavier had an odd dynamic going on, some days you both could be civil with each other, other days you were ready to rip his throat out just listening to him talk. Right about now, you were borderline annoyed with the boy, in between being civil and tying him up with vines again. You almost groaned as he caught up with you easily, ‘Curse his long legs.’ You thought. “What were you doing in Jericho?” He asked you, watching your expression carefully. “I was with Wednesday at the Weathervane.” You answered shortly, not wanting to delve into detail of your most recent outing with your cousin. From the corner of your eye, you saw Xavier nod stiffly. ‘Odd,’ You thought, ‘He’s never stiffened at the mention of Wednesday..’ you squinted at him, suspiciously.
“Now, what were you doing out here?” You turned his own question on him, he looked at you and shrugged, “Came to clear my head,” he told you but you looking at him seemed to make the boy nervous, something he never usually was when around you. He normally matched your energy, which made you even more suspicious of Xavier. “Okay.” There was something up with Xavier, and you knew it. But you didn’t want him to catch onto your suspicion, so you pretended that you believed him.
There was a silence between the both of you as you reached Nevermore, “See you later, Xav.” You said to him as you walked away, heading to Enid and Wednesday’s dorm in Ophelia Hall.
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You seemed to run into Xavier in the woods a lot more than usual, especially on your daily stroll through the woods which you’ve recently been going on alone, since Wednesday was too busy with her investigation to join you. Each time you met in the woods, he seemed much more different than during school. Like he was a completely different person. Eventually, you decided to confront him about it, when he once again interrupted your stroll.
“What has been goin on with you lately, Xavier? You’ve been acting completely different lately, especially out of class.” You told him as he once again, joined you on a walk through the woods. “What do you mean, Y/n?” He tried to play you off, but you knew Xavier. He wouldn’t dismiss accusations against him, you’ve learned that since Wednesday began suspecting him and he found out about it. That’s how you realized.
“You’re not Xavier.” You whispered, barely loud enough for ‘Xavier’ to hear. When you looked up again, someone else was smirking at you, and it was someone you hoped to never see again. “Hello, princess.” Your father’s dark eyes bore into you as you were struck with fear, unable to move or make a sound as he walked towards you. “I’ve been watching you for a while now, such a shame that you saw through my disguise.” He stated as he caressed your face, his fingers lingering through a strand of your hair. “Why don’t you come home, princess? You belong with me. I am your father, after all.”
Finally, your sense came back to you and you moved away from him immediately. “No, you aren’t my father.” He began to look angry as you said that. “I don’t belong anywhere with you, and I’m sure as hell not your princess!” You shouted at him. By now, the man in front of you was fuming with anger, he reached for your arm and took hold of you in a vice grip, harshly pulling you towards him.
“Ungrateful little bitch! I created you, you are mine! You decide nothing for yourself.” His gripped tightened and you let out a yelp of pain, trying to pull from him. “Let go of me! I’m not going with you!” However, your father was much stronger than you, slapping you across the face as your head was immediately sent reeling to the side, your cheek stinging in pain. The hit was hard enough that it scrambled your thoughts, which allowed your father to pick you up without a fight and begin walking away from Nevermore.
Neither of you were aware that Thing had been following you. The hand immediately went to the closest person he could find to get help.
The sound of the shed door opening alerted Xavier that someone had entered his art studio, however he did not expect to find Thing frantically tugging at his pant leg, signing something Xavier couldn’t make out. However Xavier knew something was wrong, extremely wrong. “Show me.” Was all Xavier had to say and Thing was leading him into the woods.
Coming back to your senses, you were tossed over your father’s shoulder as he took you somewhere you didn’t recognize. You began thrashing around in his grip, “Let go of me! Someone help!” You screamed, hoping by some miracle, someone would be in the woods and hear you. “Stop squirming!” Your father shouted and threw you off his shoulder, your bodying hitting the hard ground and knocking your breath away from you, your lungs gasping for air. “You will come home. You will obey me. And you will never run from me again.” He seethed, his boot landing a kick to your ribs, then your stomach and head.
Tears filled your eyes, pain shooting everywhere throughout your body, you could hardly think. Hoping that someone would find you. Your father grabbed you and lifted you up by the collar of your shirt, “I’ll just have to break you into submission if you won’t be a good little girl.” Your father grinned at you as your half lidded eyes could hardly stay open, but you knew he was raising his fist to strike at you again.
“Get away from her!” You heard as you felt your self be dropped again, your father being tackled away from you, you could make out the shape of a hand in front of you, “Thing..” you whispered before having passed out from exhaustion.
Xavier had followed Thing at least a mile into the woods, adrenaline rushing through his veins, he didn’t know who was in danger but he knew they were important to Thing, so that left him with either two options. You, or Wednesday.
When he saw a man lifting you up by the collar of your shirt and his fist readying to hit you, something snapped in Xavier. Anger boiled over in him as he got close enough to see how terrible of shape you were in, blood covered half of your face and blood ran from your nose, your clothes torn and dirty. “Get away from her!” He shouted as he tackled the man away from you, blinded by pure and utter rage. All Xavier knew was that he had to protect the girl he had begun to accept his feelings for, and the scariest part was that he might’ve not ever gotten to tell her if he hadn’t been there in time to save her. Xavier didn’t stop until the man was a bloodied, unconscious mess. When he calmed down, Thing was tugging on the sleeve of his arm, ushering him to check on you.
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You woke up in a hospital bed, looking around to see many get well soon cards, flowers, and other little gifts. Your head was fuzzy, but the last thing you remembered was dropping onto the ground and seeing Thing before it all went blank. No one was in the room with you, it was dark outside so you knew all of your friends and cousin were told to go back to Nevermore. Realizing that your throat was scratchy and you desperately needed some water, you pressed the small ‘help’ button on the side of your bed. It wasn’t long until a nurse and doctor rushed in to check on you, your throat hurt but somehow the nurse was able to understand that you needed water and left the room, retuning a few minutes later with a cold cup of water.
While the doctor did some checks on your vitals, you asked the nurse if she could inform principal Weems that you were awake, she nodded but told you it would be until the next day that anyone would be able to visit you. The doctor finished his check up and left the room with the nurse, allowing you some rest.
The next morning came quickly, and you were reminded of how much pain you were in when you attempted to sit up, “Ms. Addams, please stay laying down.” You heard a woman’s voice and looked to see principal Weems, standing in the doorway of your hospital room along with sheriff Galpin. “Sorry to question you so soon after waking up, but the station needs a statement about what happened when you were attacked. Wednesday told us that was your father, correct?” The sheriff asked you, quick to cut to the chase. A shiver ran down your spine as he mentioned your father, “Yes, that was…” you were interrupted by a coughing fit, “… that was my father.” You continued after the coughing had stopped. “What happened before Xavier got to the scene?” That question threw you, Xavier was the one who saved you? You shook yourself out of it, you’d worry about that later. “My father had disguised himself as Xavier and intercepted me during a walk, when I realized he was not Xavier, that’s when he began telling me that I had to go home with him, that he made me and owned me, that I was nothing without him. When I refused and tried to leave, he grabbed me. It’s a little fuzzy from there, but I remember a sting across my cheek and being carried away, I think I came to at one point and started fighting back. That’s when he threw me on the ground and started beating me.” You had to take a shaky breath to keep yourself from breaking down, “then he picked me up, and that’s when he was tackled away from me. I had no idea that it was Xavier who saved me.”
Once sheriff Galpin had finished getting your statement, and reassuring you that your father would be put away for a long time, you were discharged from the hospital and allowed to return to Nevermore. When you and Weems arrived, a large crowd of students were waiting to welcome you back, no doubt the work of Enid and Yoko.
When you stepped out of the car, Enid and Wednesday were the first ones to be by your side. Enid engulfed you into a hug, while Wednesday tried to keep her from smothering you and breaking anymore of your ribs. “Enid, she doesn’t need anymore broken ribs.” She chided the bubbly werewolf, who immediately let go and apologized. You looked at the crowd of students, recognizing some faces and not recognizing others. However, the one face you hoped to see, was not there. “Where’s Xavier?” You asked, hoping one of them knew where the artist was. “He’s been sulking like a lost puppy ever since you were put in the hospital, I’d bet he’s in his art shed right now.” Wednesday told you, keeping her accusatory remarks to herself, he did save his cousin’s life after all. The least she could do was cut him some slack.
“Oh, I was hoping I could talk to him.” Your mood significantly dampened since the guy who literally saved your life, couldn’t be bothered to welcome you back. “Hey, don’t look so upset, he did stay by your side the entire time you were asleep in the hospital!” Enid attempted to console you. You smiled at her, and at the thought of Xavier worrying over you. You decided that, for the time being, you would settle back into your routine and confront Xavier later.
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It was a few hours later when Xavier showed up at your dorm room, knocking on the door. When you opened the door, you were greeted by a even more tired looking Xavier, the bags under his eyes were darker than before and he looked like he hadn’t had a proper sleep in ages. “Xavier, you okay? You look like you haven’t slept in days.” You worried over him, but her just looked at you with such emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t tell what her was feeling.
Then he stepped closer and pulled you into a hug, burying his face into your neck. Hesitantly you hugged him back, unsure of what exactly was going on. Half the time, you and Xavier couldn’t stand each other. The other half was spent laughing and making jokes about each other. You had never seen Xavier so vulnerable before.
Before you knew it, Xavier was crying while hugging you, hiccups interrupting him every few sobs. “Hey, hey. Xavi, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” You pushed him away slightly, so you could look at his face. “I thought I was going to lose you.” He rasped, “And when I saw your dad holding you like that, limp and lifeless, I realized just how important you are to me.” He hiccuped as he explained.
You pulled him back into the hug, rubbing his back as he continued to sob. You didn’t know where this was coming from, but over the past few months, you had realized that he meant more to you than you originally thought. “Y/n, I love you, and I have no idea what I would’ve done if you were taken away from me.” Xavier spoke again, this time clearer. You were shocked, you figured your feelings for him would end up being one sided, so you pushed them far far down. However, those feelings bubbled to the surface as he said those words. “I love you too, Xavier.” You replied, you could see him visibly relax at your words.
“Let me take you on a date, whatever you want to do, we’ll do it.” He told you as you smiled up at him, he leaned down and leaned his forehead against yours, both of you closing your eyes and enjoying each others embrace. “I’d love to go on a date with you.” He smiled and as you both looked at each other you shared your first kiss, of many to come.
Yeah, Xavier saved your life. He was your artist in shining armor.
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Hailey Upton x Upton! Brother Oc
Warning ⚠: mentions child abuse, abuse, someone trying to drug someone, underage drinking, fighting.
First time writing on this app so it might suck
Summary: JJ just needed his older sister.
JJ arrived home in the middle of the night. The lights turned on as he stepped in. JJ looked up to find his father sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. "Where were you?" His father replied furiously as he stood up and placed his drink on the table. JJ tensed up “i-i went for a walk” JJ said heading past his father but was stopped when his father grabbed his arm. “Don’t lie to me” His father stated, tightening his grip on JJ's arm. JJ stared at him, terrified.
"I'm not," JJ stuttered. His father pushed him onto the table, knocking the vase and JJ over. His father approached him, grabbing his throat and pushing him into the wall, choking him. JJ's mother rushes down the stairs as he begins to have problems breathing.
With tears in his eyes, JJ begs his mother to help him. "The woman next door will call the police, John, please let him go," his mother said with tears in her eyes, leading his father to let go of his hold. JJ started coughing as he tried to catch his breath. His father gripped his face "Don't lie to me again," his father said before releasing his hold and taking his beer and going to the stairs. "Clean this up," his father said as he walked up the stairs.
JJ coughed again and placed his palm to his throat. He turned at his mother, who was looking at him with a sorrowful expression before walking away. "Mom," JJ whispered, his voice cracking, making her pause and gaze at him for a second as tears streamed down her cheeks. JJ watched as she walked away, causing him to cry and lean against the wall.
JJ wipes his eye and pulls out his phone to check his contacts. He came to a halt when he saw Hailey's name. JJ let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding while shaking his head at his closest friend.
JJ quickly goes to his room after picking up the broken vase, grabbing a backpack before heading to his wardrobe to collect some clothing. With a little smile, JJ grabs a picture of himself and Hailey from the day she completed the police academy and stares at it. "At least one of us got out," he thinks to himself.
JJ's phone vibrated, drawing his attention away from the photo. He pulls out his phone to find that Tyler had texted him saying he was here. JJ places the photo in his backpack and walks downstairs to the kitchen, where he places the letter he wrote on the fridge. JJ comes outside to Tyler's car, and as he gets in and closes the door, he glances towards the home. Tyler looked at him with a worried look, "How long are you staying with me?" Tyler asked, pulling JJ out of his thoughts, "as long as you let me be there." JJ said "As long as you want," Tyler stated as he shifted into drive.
Two weeks later
It was a mistake for him to leave Tyler after just two weeks. With a black eye and broken arm, he is currently standing in front of district 21, where Hailey works. Before entering, he inhaled deeply and noticed an older woman with gray hair. As he got closer, he recognized her. "Uh hi um is Hailey Upton here?" he asked as he approached the main desk. Trudy was forced to glance up from her paper by JJ's question to see the teenager with the broken arm and black eye. "No, but you are welcome to sit there and wait", Trudy responded, gesturing to the bench.
JJ paused for a while before shaking his head, "uh no it fine uh thanks for your help," he added with a little smile. "You can leave her a name and number," Trudy added as she handed JJ the sticky notes and a pen. JJ took the pen and put his name on it. "Thank you again," he added. Trudy nodded as she watched him go away.
JJ walks out, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he pulls out his phone, which was ringing. He wipes his tears away when he responds to Monty's call "hello," JJ said. "I've got the fake IDs, let's get drunk," Monty replied. JJ considered it for a few minutes "I don't know man," JJ said "oh come on don't be a pussy," Monty remarked, leading JJ to groan, "fine send me the address," JJ responded. "OK," Monty responded before hanging up the phone. JJ walks to his motorcycle, gets on, and rides away.
an hour later
Hailey and Jay stepped inside the precinct, intending to go upstairs, but were stopped by Trudy "hey Hailey, come here." Trudy said. Hailey looked at Jay, who shrugged. They both approached the front desk, "what's up?" Hailey asked. Trudy took out a sticky note "there was someone here for you" Trudy said with a glance at the sticky note "someone named JJ" Trudy said handed it to Hailey.
Hailey frowned at the sticky note, "Did he say anything?" Hailey asked, her face worried. Jay was confused as to why Hailey was concerned. Trudy shakes her head, "no he didn't," Trudy says as Hailey nods and walks upstairs, "but he looked like he got into a fight," Trudy says, forcing Hailey to pause. "Uh thanks Trudy," Hailey said as she followed Jay upstairs. "Who JJ?" Jay questioned as Hailey opened the door to go upstairs. "My little brother," Hailey said.
At the club
JJ was high and drunk while dancing on the dance floor. He stopped dancing as his phone began to vibrate; he took it out and noticed it was Hailey. He looks at his phone for a few seconds before turning it off. He approached his friends, who were equally drunk and high.
"I'm going to get more drinks, do you want any?" he said to Monty, who was smoking a joint. Monty shaking his head no and letting smoke escape from his mouth. JJ looked around at the others, who were also shaking their heads and turning away to go to the bar.
JJ approaches the bar, causing a bartender to approach him. "Can I get another?" JJ said, holding up the bottle, and she nodded. JJ stepped back for a split second to catch a man putting something in a girl's drink. He comes over to the girl and says, "I would get a new drink if I were because this idiot put something in it," before snatching the drink and spilling it on the guy's head. "What the hell!" the guy cried furiously. “you like drugging people" JJ said angrily.
As he recovers himself, the guy pushes JJ back, causing him to smirk. "This is going to be fun," JJ says as he hits the guy in the face with his non-broken hand, causing the guy to collapse. JJ's friends hurry over, yanking him away from the man who had a bloody nose.
JJ was led outside by the guys. When they arrived outside, the officers were waiting for them. "Again, JJ," officer Bailey shouted. "Oh, Bailey, hey man," JJ responded as he waved intoxicatedly. The person he hit walked outside and shouted, "He assaulted me, I want him arrested," pointing to JJ, who rolled his eyes. Officer Bailey glanced at JJ and signed before heading up to him and putting the cuffs on. "He tried to drug someone and I'm the one getting arrested, fun," JJ said with a laugh.
At district 21
"This isn't your station," JJ remarked as officer Bailey pulled up to District 21. JJ was very much brought to his senses when he saw the district since he knew hailey was there. "I know, but Hailey made a call, so here we are," officer Bailey responded. JJ sighed as officer Bailey exited the car, unlocking JJ's door and assisting him out of the vehicle. "So what you're talking to my sister now," JJ said furiously. Officer Bailey uncuffs him "she's your sister," officer Bailey said which caused JJ to roll his eyes.
Hailey was at her work when she received the text 'we're here' from Bailey. Jay looked up from his paperwork as Hailey sighed, "they're here?" Jay asked as Hailey stood up to put on her jacket. "Yeah," Hailey says, standing up. "Do you want me to come?" Jay asks, causing Hailey to shake her head. "I got this," Hailey stated, resting her palm on Jay's shoulder before stepping downstairs to see her brother.
When Hailey arrives outside, JJ is glaring at Bailey while facing away. JJ turns around as he hears footsteps and sees Hailey. When Hailey saw his black eye and broken arm, she froze. JJ scoffed, "I'm not doing this," JJ said and started to walk away when Bailey intervened. Hailey gently grabbed JJ's arm, "Bailey, it's okay, I got him," Hailey said as she felt JJ tense up. "Please, can we talk?" Hailey said as JJ turned to face Hailey to see she had tears in her eyes.
Bailey gets into his car and drives away. JJ simply stares at the ground, "did dad-" Hailey cut off, "yep" JJ said. Hailey gazed at JJ. "I'm sorry," Hailey whispered as a tear fell down her cheek, but she immediately wiped it away. "It's not your fault you got away from him," JJ replied. "I just wish you could have taken me with you," JJ added, finally looking at Hailey "I wanted to, I really did" Hailey said, meeting JJ's eyes. "Every time I came to see you, you were always gone. I needed you, and you weren't there," JJ said, finally allowing himself to cry.
Hailey approaches JJ and pulls him into an embrace. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I'm here now," Hailey says as JJ pulls her into a deeper hold while crying on her shoulder. Jay comes over to see Hailey and who he assumes is JJ hugging. JJ noticed him and drew away from Hailey, brushing his tears away. Hailey turned around to see Jay standing there, "hey sorry didn't mean to erupt, I just wanted to check to see if everything was okay." Jay said "Everything is fine," Hailey responded with a little smile. Jay approaches them, "I'm Jay, Hailey partner," he says, extending his hand for JJ to shake.
JJ looks at Jay's hand for a moment before shaking it. Pulling his hand away, he takes out his phone to check for missed calls from his mother and father. "I should probably head home," JJ murmured, making Hailey nervous as he turned to leave. "Wait," Hailey interjected, causing JJ to come to a stop. "Why don't you stay with me? It's late and we should talk more. I have an extra room," Hailey said. JJ considered it for a moment before nodding his head yes.
"We can also talk about why you got arrested." JJ uncomfortably laughed as Hailey stated this. "He deserved it," JJ remarked, turning to face Hailey and Jay. "How about you guys talk about it tomorrow?" Jay suggests. "We should probably go home," Jay says, turning to Hailey. "Wait, you guys are together?" JJ said, confused. "Uh yeah," Hailey replied, prompting JJ to give her a thumbs up.
Jay laughed a little and walked away. "You can stay with us as long as you want," Hailey remarked as she walked away from Jay. "I don't know, I don't want to be a third wheel," JJ stated with a smirk, "besides, I got my friends," JJ added, "who aren't a good influence," hailey pointed out, leading JJ to shrug before getting into Jay's truck.
The three of them return to Hailey's and Jay's apartment, where JJ practically passed out on the couch. "Should we—"Jay asked. "No, he's fine where he is," Hailey said, taking a blanket, and covering JJ. Jay enters the bedroom he and Hailey shared. While smiling sadly, Hailey looked at JJ, "I missed you, I'm sorry I wasn't there," hailey said and kissed the top of his head before leaving for the living room. When Hailey walked in, Jay was already laying in bed looking at his phone and put it down, "Are you okay?" Jay asked as he sat up.
"I will be," Hailey said as she slipped a different shirt on. "We will be," Hailey said. "He seem like a good kid," Jay remarked, prompting Hailey to grin. "He is, it's just been rough," Hailey said as she climbed into bed. "Let's head to bed, me and JJ have a lot to talk about," Hailey stated as she lay down, leading Jay to nod and lie down as well, and they both fell asleep after some time.
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insomniac-jay · 7 months
DC: South | Titans South
Titans South, formerly known as Teen Titans South, is an iteration of the Teen Titans located in the Southern region of the United States. Much like Justice League South, they are unauthorized to be using the Titans name.
Unlike the mainstream Titans, JLS had no hand in forming the original team. Instead, it was Jaguar who sought out the original five members as aids in her quest for vengeance against her father, the crime lord Al Tylers. Over time, they began to bond and became a found family.
They are based in Atlanta.
Titans South 1
Leader: Minka Tylers | Jaguar
Roland Judge | Tsuru I
Nicte of Tenochtitlan | Typhoon
Alejandra | Tidebreaker
Rue Summers | Speed Demon
Knowing she couldn't face her estranged father and his associates alone, Minka set out to find others to help her. The first member of the Furious Five was Roland Judge, who was going by Tsuru. While she was annoyed with his personality, he was a good fighter and archer. Plus he had the money and connections to bail them out of trouble.
The next member to join was Alejandra, the chosen one of a tribe of Amazons located in the Yucatán Peninsula, who had journeyed to the outside world to continue the legacy of Stormbringer (Andromeda King). It was easy for Minka to get her to join since she needed help learning about the outside world.
Both Rue and Nicte joined at the same time. Rue was the sidekick of Roadrunner (Will Summers) and Nicte was the sidekick to Cipactli (Citlali of Tenochtitlan). Minka recruited Rue for his speed (and for entertainment but she'd rather die than admit that) and Nicte for his powers.
With her team assembled, Minka declared a full on war with her dad; emerging victorious once she killed him.
Even with her goal achieved, Minka found herself attached to her teammates and decided against disbanding them as she planned to do once Al was eliminated.
They decided to call themselves Titans South after a newspaper called them "The Teen Titans of the South".
Titans South 1.5
Leader: Minka Tylers
New members:
Mel Ortega | Darkheart
Ko'vi of Tamaran
Tallulah Moriarty | Wildflower
Reason for disbanding: Adulthood and differing interests
The next iteration of Titans South saw the addition of three new members: Darkheart, Ko'vi, and Wildflower.
Mel Ortega was Minka's childhood best friend. They joined to support her in her superhero career. Mel comes from a long line of witches who wield underworld magic, a type exclusive to their bloodline only. The nature of their powers allowed them to become the team expert on all things supernatural ranging from ghosts and spirits to Demons.
Ko'vi of Tamaran was a former cadet of Green Lantern Malaika Rose and one of the few Tamaranians left. He left to pursue his own path and ended up in Atlanta just in time to see the team in the middle of battling a powerful enemy. Ko'vi flew in to assist them, catching the attention of Minka in the process.
Tallulah is the youngest sister of Emerald Ranger (Sherri Moriarty). Inspired by her eldest sister's heroic actions, Tallulah operated as a small time vigilante in her hometown of Beaumont, Texas before heading to Georgia. Roland recruited her after witnessing her impressive marksmanship and skill with guns. Tallulah is the youngest member of the team.
Unfortunately this is also the iteration that ended up disbanding, but not on bad terms. Many of the members were now adults and had their own goals and motivations outside of heroism; Minka and Ko'vi wanted to settle down together for a bit, Roland was about to marry Jezebel Morningstar, Nicte and Alejandra had just gotten married, Mel wanted to focus on their blooming fashion career, Rue got an advance in his career, and Tallulah wanted to focus on graduating high school.
I have yet to plan the other iterations of Titans South but do know that Tallulah leads the next generation.
@mayameanderings @biandbored @fandomunsexyman @calciumcryptid
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juju-or-anya · 1 year
This is my headcanon for Tyler:
Tyler was always a somewhat different child, quiet and preferring to stay in class drawing or reading the teacher's stories rather than going out to the playground to play ball. As he grows up, Tyler becomes more solitary, struggling to form connections outside of his family and forcing himself to spend time with Lucas and his group of friends.
His mother dies when he is 11 years old, and that's when solitary Tyler is filled with anger. Previously, his father was a loving man, not clingy but affectionate. But with Francoise's death, his world goes dark and nothing matters anymore, including Tyler.
Tyler starts seeking ways to get his father's attention, realizing that being the perfect child doesn't work, whether it's getting good grades, excelling as a pitcher on the town's baseball team, bringing home the first-place trophy as a defenseman in the state hockey game, or even his job as a barista at Weathervane. So, he starts causing trouble, hoping that it will finally grab his father's attention. He begins with small fights at school, intentionally failing his classes, skipping school to engage in spray-painting vandalism, and the final straw comes when he gets into a fight with Xavier Thorpe, the son of an influential outcast
When Laurel Gates, also known as Marilyn Thornhill, approached him, she tried different approaches. She started by attempting to be his friend, flirting with him, and even directly proposing to him sex but none of that stood out. Tyler wasn't attracted to her. So she had to directly entice him. She told him a truth mixed with many lies, claiming to seek revenge on behalf of her mother and showing him her mother's files from Nevermore.
This is how she managed to lead him to her car, drug him, and chain him up, in order to unleash the Hyde within him. From the time he was first kidnapped until the day Wednesday arrives, Tyler tried to completely forget what happened with Laurel. Initially, he ignored her, she sent him messages and visited him at work, but he tried to avoid her. He succeeded to a certain extent, as the Hyde couldn't ignore its master.
So, Tyler lives in robot mode. He wakes up, goes to school, attends court-ordered therapy, eats, goes to work, and kills for Laurel without being able to say anything to anyone. He lives with the monster gnawing at his mind, his sanity, his spirit. Until he meets Wednesday. Wednesday is that gray area where he can be himself, sarcastic, and with a questionable sense of humor without anyone thinking it's wrong. With her, he can be that monster. Of course, he was afraid to fully reveal the monster, but he could show glimpses of it.
When everything was over, when he escaped from the armored truck, he could only think of one thing: finding Wednesday. She would know what would become of him. She held his world in her hands—his life, his heart, his sanity. If Wednesday were to kill him, he would be happy. If Wednesday were to hate him, it would be his end. There is nothing worse for him than her hatred.
He knows that this love is not healthy, that it is sickly and obsessive, but he doesn't want to stop. Why would he? Wednesday is a goddess whom he enjoys worshiping. He would kneel down and accept everything she said and did to him.
Wednesday doesn't hate him; she accepts him (after giving him a god-level slap) and kisses him because, well, in the end, she is just as obsessed as he is. With the help of her family, they manage to get all the charges dropped and allow him to study at Nevermore. Also, thanks to Gomez and Morticia, he regains his job at Weathervane.
He has decided to have exemplary behavior at Nevermore, never risking anything that would distance him from Wednesday, now that he has full control of himself. But Xavier doesn't make things easy for him. He tries to provoke Tyler into causing trouble and getting expelled to keep him away from Wednesday. However, she knows exactly what Xavier is up to. When he goes too far, Wednesday, along with Enid, Bianca, and Ajax, secretly confronts Xavier and threatens him, without Tyler knowing. Xavier stops his actions and harbors hatred towards them.
He formed two great friendships with Ajax and Enid. He bonded with Ajax when he shared that in their first year, Ajax had a little crush on him. Although Tyler felt flattered, he regretfully told him that he never really had a chance, but the idea of being friends attracted him more. They also discovered more common interests, especially when they started sharing a room at Nevermore, such as their mutual love for Batman.
With Enid, after she threatened to mutilate him if he hurt her bestie, their friendship began with Tyler upgrading her unicorn frappuccino order with extra chocolate sprinkles and whipped cream for free. Eventually, they realized they both were Swifties, listened to Olivia Rodrigo and Conan Gray, and knew all 40 movies in the Barbie franchise by heart.
Tyler plans lovely dates in the cemetery and the forest for Wednesday. He always cherishes the moments when he can see Wednesday with her hair down. In fact, he is obsessed with her hair. Another thing is that he tells everyone that Wednesday is his girlfriend. When they are alone and only for Wednesday's ears, he affectionately calls her Wendy. But when they engage in sexual activities, he refers to her as "baby."
When he and Wednesday had their first time together, he decided that before Wednesday, he had never been in a relationship with anyone else, and that other people didn't exist. He believed that he lost his virginity to his girlfriend because that was his true first time—the one that mattered and the only one he would acknowledge if asked.
After all the drama with Laurel Gates, Donovan agreed to attend family therapy with Tyler. They begin to repair their relationship, and Donovan opens up about Francoise. They start having small dinners together, occasionally joined by Wednesday. They even had dinner with the Addams family, where Gomez and Donovan had a heartfelt father-to-father conversation about their children.
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hughungrybear · 7 months
7 Comfort Movies
Tagged by @imlivingformyselfdontmindme (post here). I have to confess that I have not seen the inside of a cinema since the pandemic. However, I do have tons of subscriptions from different streaming services and most of my favourite movies are old anyway lol 😅
In no particular order
1. It Happened One Night (1934, United States)
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Starring Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert
Synopsis: In Frank Capra's acclaimed romantic comedy, spoiled heiress Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert) impetuously marries the scheming King Westley, leading her tycoon father (Walter Connolly) to spirit her away on his yacht. After jumping ship, Ellie falls in with cynical newspaper reporter Peter Warne (Clark Gable), who offers to help her reunite with her new husband in exchange for an exclusive story. But during their travels, the reporter finds himself falling for the feisty young heiress.
2. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010, Thailand)
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Starring Baifern Pimchanok, Mario Maurer
Synopsis: A junior schoolgirl Nam (Pimchanok Luevisetpaiboon) falls in love with her schoolboy senior Chone (Mario Maurer) but is afraid to show her feelings to him, partly because Chone is everyone’s idol, and Nam regards herself as unpopular, homely-looking, and average. She has nothing that can make him notice her. But with the support of her three best friends, Nam revolutionizes herself, starting with her looks and activities to get him to notice her.
3. That Thing Called Tadhana [Fate] (2014, Philippines)
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Starring Angelica Panganiban, JM de Guzman
Synopsis: A story about a broken-hearted girl who meets a boy in a not-so-normal way. Together, they go to places and find out "Where do broken hearts go?"
4. Koe no Katachi [A Silent Voice] (2016, Japan)
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Starring Miyu Irino, Saori Hayami
Synopsis: As a wild youth, elementary school student, Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her. With Shouko transferring out of the school, Shouya is left at the mercy of his classmates. He is heartlessly ostracized all throughout elementary and middle school, while teachers turn a blind eye. Now in his third year of high school, Shouya is still plagued by his wrongdoings as a young boy. Sincerely regretting his past actions, he sets out on a journey of redemption: to meet Shouko once more and make amends.
5. While You Were Sleeping (1995, United States)
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Starring Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman
Synopsis: Lonely transit worker Lucy Eleanor Moderatz (Sandra Bullock) pulls her longtime crush, Peter (Peter Gallagher), from the path of an oncoming train. At the hospital, doctors report that he's in a coma, and a misplaced comment from Lucy causes Peter's family to assume that she is his fiancée. When Lucy doesn't correct them, they take her into their home and confidence. Things get even more complicated when she finds herself falling for Peter's sheepish brother, Jack (Bill Pullman).
6. Empire Records (1995, United States)
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Starring Ethan Embry, Rory Cochrane, Robin Tunney, Liv Tyler, Renee Zellweger, Anthony LaPaglia
Synopsis: Joe (Anthony LaPaglia) runs Empire Records, an independent Delaware store that employs a tight-knit group of music-savvy youths. Hearing that the shop may be sold to a big chain, slacker employee Lucas (Rory Cochrane) bets a chunk of the store's money, hoping to get a big return. When this plan fails, Empire Records falls into serious trouble, and the various other clerks, including lovely Corey (Liv Tyler) and gloomy Deb (Robin Tunney), must deal with the problem, among many other issues.
7. Clerks (1994, United States)
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Starring Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Jay and Silent Bob
Synopsis: Dante (Brian O'Halloran) is called in to cover a shift at his New Jersey convenience store on his day off. His friend Randal (Jeff Anderson) helps him pass the time, neglecting his video-store customers next door to hang out in the Quick Stop. The uneventful day is disrupted by news that one of Dante's ex-girlfriends has died. After attending her memorial service, Dante muses over staying with current girlfriend Veronica (Marilyn Ghigliotti) or reuniting with ex Caitlin (Lisa Spoonhauer).
Tagging @lost-my-sanity1, @telomeke, @bengiyo @shortpplfedup and anyone who sees this and would want to play 😊
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moonstarlupinsworld · 9 months
For her and the world
Ms. Weems X Wednesday X Ms. Thornhill X Reader
(Platonic relationship)
TW: Poisoning
Summary: Ms. Weems, your mother, was your role model at school and in life. She was so strong and capable you wished one day you could be like her, or at least, to be of some help to her. And now, as things seem too complicated at Nevermore with the case of the monster coming to an end, you might find a way to finally show her how much she matters to you.
People usually created rumors about her. Some called her manipulative and bizarre, and who knows what other things. But before any of those things, she was your mother. It wasn't the ideal mother-daughter relationship, but she wasn't bad either. 
Even with the school and the ordinary problems of leading an outcast school, she always prioritized you and your needs. Every Friday, no matter how much work she had, you always went out for dinner, and even if she was working, you could enter the office if you needed anything. 
And it's not like you could deny she was your mother, your hair had strands of white, just like hers, and often people would tell you how much of a copy of Ms. Weems you were. But the most amazing part was that you inherited her shapeshifter abilities. You were happy because your father was a seer and that kind of power scared you. He disappeared long ago, but you were scared his abilities would pass to you someday. Fortunately, that moment hadn't come yet, and your mother was sure it would never come. 
Ever since Wednesday arrived, your mother's temper has been tempted more than once. She wasn't a sweet woman when the other person wasn't willing to cooperate, and it was obvious this was the case with the new student. She'd been going over and over the mysterious case of Jericho and the monster, and how everything had to connect somehow. You were interested in the case, but it was debatable how the whole truth would be exposed. 
But even if you doubted the whole plan, you agreed on one thing: someone had to put an end to all of this. Your mother was suffering enough with the cops breathing down her neck and the extra load of work the young Addams has contributed. You didn’t know if Wednesday even appreciated it, but it was fun nonetheless. So when she called saying she had a clue, you covered for her as she went with the Nightshades to do gods knows what, and distracted your mom with her favorite card game. After a few games you started yawning, it was way past your bedtime. 
“You look like a sleepy kitten darling, come now, bedtime for you now,” she said, getting up from her chair and guiding you to bed back at the quarters connected to her office. 
You put on your PJs, and then she got into bed with you, still in her work clothes. Of course, she was about to pull an all-nighter again. But you couldn’t be mad, after all, she was a night owl. It didn’t take you much you fell asleep, curled up with Mom as she sang an old lullaby you loved. You’ve seen her go through thick and thin, and not even once you saw her weakened by all the trouble. Not even when Dad decided you were too much to put up to she cried. Instead, she became stronger. As your eyes closed, you thought of how much you admired her. Maybe one day you’ll be able to show her just how much she meant to you. 
You were awakened with a startle, probably a nightmare, but you didn’t remember. A quick check made you realize she wasn’t in bed anymore. After stretching you sleepily got out of bed and went to open the quarter's doors, but what you heard made you stay still, picking through the tiny part of the door you’ve opened. 
“You mean kidnapping and torture? I should hope not!” 
Kidnapping and torture? Wednesday what have you done now?
“Tyler is the Hyde”. Wednesday snapped, and you could feel the tension in the air growing a bit more.
“I wish I could believe you”... 
What was going on? Mom was never this harsh with anyone, even someone who put her on her nerves. The fight finished with the statement that Wednesday was officially expelled and would ride on the train the next evening. Things on her mission must have ended badly if this was the way things were going now. And Tyler? He was such a gentleman all the time, he couldn’t be the monster, right?
You rushed back to bed when you saw Larissa making her way back into the quarters, and somehow managed to look like you’d been awoken by the noise. She quickly explained before changing her clothes and cuddling into bed with you. Your curiosity was at its peak, but you decided this was no time for questions and slowly your eyes closed again. 
Next morning started with a rush, and before Ms. Weems could say anything you were beside her, on your way to find Miss Troublemaker.
“Are you sure you wish to accompany, Y/N? It will be quite the long ride”, she said, trying to convince you.
“I’m sure, Mom. Besides, we were kinda friends I guess… I just want to know she arrives safely”. 
In the end, she agreed, and you went searching for her. There she was, at the hall, speaking with Ms. Thornhilll. Mom announced you would escort her to the train personally, and she agreed, asking for a last favor. 
A visit to the hospital later you were back in the car, which was still parked as Larissa and Wednesday argued (again) about the monster and the connections. Finally, Wednesday had some sort of idea. 
“If you don’t believe me then I can prove it. We will go back to Nevermore, and you can shift into Tyler. That way you’ll hear everything for yourself”. 
Ms Weems seemed to think about it before starting the car and agreeing to the plan. You planned the rest as you made your way back to Nevermore. Something didn’t click and you felt a strange thing tightening in your heart, like a premonition something bad was about to happen. When you were finally there, Wednesday looked at you both and started walking into Marilyn’s botanic classroom. Before your mom could take another step, you stopped her. 
“We may speak in another moment, darling,” she said, trying to smile. 
“No,” you stated, acting more bravely than what you feel inside “I’ll do it. I’ll shapeshift while you record the interaction.”
She looked at you and then at the phone you were giving to her. It was yours, and when she unlocked it she saw a collage with the two of you. It was a surprise to her, as recently your relationship wasn’t in the best of terms. You smiled, trying to be reassuring. 
“This might be dangerous,” she said, stroking your cheek, “I do not wish for any harm to come to you”
“We need the proof for the cops, right?” She nodded and then grabbed your hand. “Then let’s do this”. 
You felt like a little kid who was being carried away for doomsday. But of course, she didn’t have to know that. You shapeshifted and watched as Wednesday greeted Ms Thornhill with a startle. Ms Weems started recording. 
“Tyler told me everything,” Wednesday said. That was your cue.
You took a deep breath before walking into the scene, getting behind Wednesday. She then accused her of using Tyler for her plans, manipulating him into thinking the truth would save him. In the end, Ms Thornhill sighed exasperated before taking her glasses off. She asked you to shut Wednesday up forever, and as you stood still, emotionless, she came closer to you, using a maternal voice that gave you the shivers. 
“Remember what I told you? I show you who you really are,”  she said, putting her hands on your cheeks and stroking the right one, then moving them to your chest. You wanted to push her away, to yell at her for being such a traitor, but you kept still, looking at her. She then whispered, “The outcasts made you a monster.”
Wednesday asked another question, making her (finally) get off of you. She walked towards the black-haired girl, and what you heard felt like a cold bucket of water. Wednesday wasn’t supposed to get out of the station alive… 
“Heard enough?” She asked, and you shapeshifted back to your normal self, Ms Weems appearing behind you.
Marilyn watched as the only person who could make things a hundred times harder appeared. You prayed that she was intelligent enough to have sent the proof to one of the cops before appearing. 
“Please don’t make this more difficult than it already is, Marylin,” she asked in a cold tone. You knew she was pissed in capital letters.
But the face of fear wasn’t in her face anymore. Instead, she looked angry. You saw in horror as a needle with a blue content appeared from her pocket. 
“My name is Laurel!” the redhead said before moving her hand to stab Larissa in the neck. 
“Mom!” Your eyes widened at the interaction, fear now fully into your system, and before you could think of anything better you pushed Ms Weems out of the way. 
She fell to the ground and you stood there for only a millisecond before feeling the sting of the needle now in your skin, the liquid burning as it entered your system, making you scream in pain. She took it out with a forceful movement, and the syringe flew across the place before breaking into a million pieces on the floor.
You’ve done it. It was for her, and for the world. They needed her, and you felt at ease knowing that things would clear up soon enough. 
You fell, your knees finally giving up. Wednesday followed your body with her eyes as it fell to the ground. A pair of strong arms grabbed you before you hit your head: Mom.
“Why would you do that?!” She said, worry clear on her face, taking turns looking at you and looking at Marilyn, being careful of any sudden attack. 
“Just go!” Wednesday screamed, grabbing the closest pot she found and throwing it at Laurel. 
Her fight or flight instinct kicked in and she was quick to scoop you into her arms and rush out of the scene, muttering things you didn’t catch. Everything seemed so dark, so foggy. Your whole body was burning from the inside, and you felt like you were gonna be sick any minute. You started crying, the pain was so unbearable you only wished it would stop, and your chest getting tighter by the minute. 
“It’s okay, mom’s got you,” She said, her eyes red and watery as if she was trying not to cry. “I’ll get you to the hospital…”
“I-I love you”, it came in a weak whisper, but you hoped she'd heard it. 
Your eyes started drooping, a ringing in your head blurred your senses, and then your body resigned to fight the poison inside you. You dropped like a rag doll in her arms as your breathing slowed, your eyes now closed and your face getting paler by the second. 
“Y/N! Please don't scare me like this, ” she held you even closer as she rushed to the car “Don't leave me…” 
“Darling, please… Why would you jump to the danger? It should have been me” she regretted, finally getting into the car. 
If they died, so would Marilyn, or Laurel, or whatever her name was. She would make them pay. 
But now she had to concentrate on you, her child. She rushed her way to the hospital, holding your hand as you battle between life and death…
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