#he was legit like ''if he wants to call himself a girl and dress like that that's fine but he shouldn't expect me to call him a girl''
hotyanderedaddies · 9 months
you are legit my fav author on here your stories are amazing, could I possibly request yandere wolf daddy with a forced feminized male reader ( who secretly enjoys it)
and can I be 🪬 anon? :3
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[Yandere! Werewolf Daddy x Male! Reader]
"Princess, it's time to wake up," Daddy whispered into your ear as he tightened his hold on you, squeezing you in closer to his hairy chest. He leaned down and placed a large kiss onto your forehead, exaggerating his kissing noises.
You grunted in response, already rolling your eyes at the older werewolf's foolishness.
The big werewolf rolled out from under you and stood up from the bed, stretching his powerful arms over himself. He looked down at you and mock-frowned when he saw that you haven't budged, too tired to get out of bed at such an obscene hour (7 AM).
Daddy crossed his muscled arms over his beefy chest, tsking at you. "Princess," he warned, putting on an authoritative air, "it's time to get up so we can get ready for the day. Now be a good girl and listen to Daddy."
"Shut up..." you whined, shoving the bubblegum pink pillow over your head in frustration.
You heard Daddy utter out a low growl.
Before you knew it, Daddy threw your tiny body over his broad shoulder. He stomped over towards the bathroom, plopping you on your feet in front of the tub.
"I'll lay your clothes out on the bed," Daddy said as he reached over and turned on the hot water for the shower, steam already billowing out. "Unless, you want some of Daddy's help?"
"Pass," you muttered, slamming the bathroom door shut so that you had some semblance of privacy.
As you washed yourself under the hot water of the shower, you couldn't help but sigh as you lathered up your hair with the sickly sweet strawberry scented shampoo. It was such a girly smell and the bottle was even bright pink with flecks of glitter garnishing it- you wouldn't have been caught dead using it at the gym with all of your buddies around.
Still, even you had to admit that it did smell a little good. You couldn't resist taking a big whiff of the sweet strawberries as you lathered up your longer hair that Daddy forbade you to cut.
Normally, you opted for buzzcuts since it was an easier style to manage, but now your hair was shaggy and starting to cover up your ears due to its longer-than-normal length.
After rinsing out the suds from your hair, you grabbed your equally sweet smelling body wash (this one shaped like a red candied apple), and washed yourself.
It's been four months since Daddy stole you.
You'd been packing up your stuff to move out of your freshman dorm at college. You'd been all set to leave the next morning and had lied down to get some much needed sleep.
That'd been when Daddy had snuck in through your open window, and had snatched you out of bed.
He'd taken you to the cabin he calls "Home", where he'd claimed that you were soulmates and where he dotes on you hand and foot...
and where he insists on calling you "Princess", "Baby Girl", "Sweetiepie", et cetera.
Daddy dresses you up in the girliest clothes that he can find, and he keeps on giving you gifts that would traditionally belong on the more feminine side of the spectrum (roses, jewelry, vibrators).
It was mortifying for a manly athlete such as yourself... or at least, it used to be.
Despite your annoyance, even you had to admit that having such a strong, hunky, muscly wolf daddy pampering you constantly was sorta nice.
Ignoring your irritation for the time being, you stepped out of the shower and dried yourself off. You walked back into the bedroom and nearly wailed at the hot pink hoodie and light blue skinny jeans that Daddy had picked out for you to wear. It was a rather tame outfit considering that there were no frills or glitter this time; but you were never a big fan of pink to be honest.
Still, not wanting another spanking, you yanked on the clothes, surprised at how soft the fabric of the hoode was. Despite its garish color, the fabric was soft to the touch like fleece, and you could definitely smell Daddy's musk on it from when he absolutely rolled around on it to scent it.
As you examined yourself in the mirror, the bedroom door swung open and Daddy sauntered in, wearing tattered blue jeans and no shirt, allowing his buff chest muscles to be on display.
The split second his eyes landed on you, Daddy rushed forward and wrapped you up in his arms, nuzzling you lovingly.
"You look so cute, Princess," Daddy gushed happily. "You're Daddy's Baby Girl, right?"
The way Daddy looked at you with such love and adoration in his eyes, combined with the softness of the hoodie, the sweet scent of the strawberry shampoo, and the firmness of Daddy's large muscles caused you to completely melt into the wolf daddy's hold.
"Yeah, yeah," you mumbled, blushing slightly as you rested your head on Daddy's chest, hearing the deep rumble of contentment as he kissed your forehead.
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matmiraculous · 2 months
Since people like my thought of Girl Dad Dev, here are some future Devzel headcanons and the girls :)
- Dev had a crush on Hazel for years but didn't admit it to himself until halfway through middle school.
- Dev had a girlfriend in 8th grade but it didn't last long. She was a rich girl that he knew through like rich parties and was mean to Hazel. :<
- Hazel realized she had a crush on him when they started high-school. She confessed like two days after she realized and expected Dev to turn her down.
- He didn't obviously but he legit thought he was dreaming.
- They dressed as Kennueth (spelling???) And Duckworth that year for Halloween.
- Everyone expects Dev to be the Jealous one but no. It is Hazel. That is her perfect curly haired boy.
- On that note, Dev has a bunch of cringy pet names.
- Hazel calls him her Favorite Boy.
- They go to different universities and miss each other a lot. So many helicopter rides to visit Hazel.
- Fresh out of college Dev picks a day and they do al the things they love together. He tries so hard to propose but keeps backing down. Hazel ends up asking him while they're watching TV that night.
- Big huge wedding. So much lemonade was served.
- They still live in the city in their own huge fancy penthouse.
- Only a year later their first daughter is born! Her name is Delilah Athena Dimmadome-Wells.
- Yeah the last name pisses Dale off. Dev took it to.
- Delilah is the purple sister. She is the most Daddys girl to ever Daddys girl.
- Delilah follows Dev everywhere. She is often on his hip while in meetings or in a baby carrier when he's out and about.
- She loves rocks like her mom.
- Emo teenager. Has issues with overbearing dad. This hurts Dev A LOT.
- First word was Dada.
- Will fight her grandfather if given the chance.
- 3 years after Delilah was born, their younger daughter Dakota was born!
- Spoiled rotten. Will mess with people to get her way.
- Pink sister Dakoa.
- Mellows out as a teen.
- Also a daddys girl but less. Hangs-out with her mom as a baby instead of dad.
- Doesn't want Dev to go when he drops her off for preschool.
- Dakota laughs at all of Devs dad jokes.
- They have at least 3 cats because of the girls. Dev didn't want any of the cats. 2 were snuck in without him knowing.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
Okay this thoughts been plaguing my head. Imagine fuck boy college Eren suddenly becoming a dad
🥺 omg this is so.....
i don't have a ton of knowledge about pregnancies so sorry in advance if i say something wrong
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╰┈➤ suddenly becoming a dad.
ft. eren, fem!reader. cw. preganacy.
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the two of you have been hooking up for a while so he doesn't use condoms anymore, but sometimes shit happens. so you text him to tell him to come over, and he's excited, thinking it's a booty call, but then you show him the positive test.
he thinks you're joking at first. like this is some weird new covid test or something -- but after assuring him that it's legit he gets terrified. the thought of becoming a dad has crossed his mind in the past, sure -- but not now.
i feel like he'll ghost you for a few days -- depending on how long it takes for jean/armin/whoever to convince him he's being an asshole
but then he's at your doorstep, almost in tears, telling you that he's sorry and that he's here for you no matter what. he's willing to step up and take care of the kid -- his kid.
he just treats you like a normal girlfriend for the first while, so nothing is noticeably different at first, except he stays over more than usual and he holds your hand in public
but the first time you go for an ultrasound and you hear the baby's heartbeat.................. this man is in tears.
from then on, he treats you like a queen. he doesn't let you lift a finger because he wants you to focus all your energy on "making our baby big and strong" 🥺
he stops going out to parties every weekend and spends more time chilling at home with you. even starts taking school a little bit more seriously now that he's got a family he has to take care of
(and the first time he catches himself thinking of you and the baby as his family..... he has to pause for a second and just sit with his thoughts -- that's the second time it really hits him that he's about to be a dad after hearing the heartbeat)
he even starts looking up different foods that you should eat to help your baby be healthy, things to avoid, etc. etc. he gets kinda crazy about it, tbh and practically forces you to stay in bed all day and it's not until the doctor says that he's overreacting that he stops
the first time he feels the baby kick, he's full on crying. he's got his hand on your stomach, palms pressed softly against you until he feels the little kick! and then he's looking at you with wide eyes, mouth agape like "babe, i felt it! i felt him kick!" (because he's convinced it's gonna be a boy)
he helps decorate the baby's room with you, and despite his insistence that it should be blue and boy-ish, you convince him to make it gender-neutral just in case. so he paints it a soft green and he builds the crib and the two of you start to get really excited about welcoming a new baby into the world
when you go into labour, he's already ready. he's had a go-bag for you in his trunk for the past few weeks. maybe he's in class when it happens, but the second he sees your text he's rushing to meet you at the hospital -- sprinting out of class yelling "i'm gonna be a dad!"
he gets dressed up in scrubs and ties back his hair so he can sit with you in the delivery room, holding your hand tight and breathing with you as you give birth
his eyes light up when he hears the baby crying for the first time and the doctor announces, "she's a girl!"
his heart feels tight when he sees you holding her for the first time and you point out that she has his eyes. he just can't help but look at the two of you, smiling so hard that his face hurts.
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reorientation · 10 months
femme transmasc here. i went to a gay club the saturday before halloween wearing a tight short black dress, no bra or binder, and the top part of the dress has a cutout that my breasts sometimes fall out of (so i wore black heart pasties over my nipples). a straight guy immediately sniffed me out (legit within five minutes) and made a connection with me, he charmed me and flirted with me and it felt so good. he admitted he was straight but "with exceptions" and when i made sure to tell him i was trans he smiled so big and said that didnt change anything for him.
i was seriously soaking my lace thong and kept giggling and looking at his lap needing his cock, its insane how quickly he had me under his spell. every sexual comment he made had me closer to pulling my breasts out and showing him how good of a girl i would be for him. we were sitting so close wrapped up in each other all evening and the intimacy was electric.
we didnt go anywhere to fuck (so many red flags even other than the fact that he was straight, i dont think the straightness would have been a dealbreaker but some other comments were concerning safety-wise) but i wanted him to take me with every fiber of my being. i wanted my breasts to fall out accidentally and to have him laugh at me and grope them. i wanted to be a woman for him and feel him empty himself inside of me. to tell him my real name and listen to him moan it as he knocked me up. fuck i think im getting really close to giving in and accepting my womanhood. i dont think i can deny myself this raw pleasure for much longer. what should i do?
It hardly feels like you need my advice - if that straight stranger had been just a bit smarter about not scaring you off, you would have done your best to make him a daddy.
I truly enjoyed hearing this, though. You went to a gay club, but tarted yourself up to put firm emphasis on your breasts and your femininity - repelling anyone there who would have wanted to fuck you as a "man", while advertising yourself to any man who came there looking for an easy girl to fuck. When one found you, you instantly got giggly and wet and ready to have his babies.
It's stories like this that show me there's something special about "transmascs": there's a real sense in which you're better girls than normal girls, you know? Getting a normal girl in the sack usually takes effort, and they tend to be wary about fucking strangers or taking it unprotected. Femininity is a background condition of their sexuality.
But if you pump a girl full of testosterone and lies about how she's "really a man", and pay her a little attention, and let her think that it's a sexy taboo thing to be called her real name... Suddenly just the fact of her biology turns her on, and you have a little whore who's ready to get knocked up within an hour of meeting you.
So to answer your question, Anon: no, you won't be able to deny yourself much longer, and you know what you should do. You lost the protection of normal womanhood when you decided to be a "femme transmasc" instead. All that's left for you now is to be a good girl.
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princess-glassred · 20 days
I already have a Reddie Cinderella au but a fuckin Benverly Cinderella au where instead of searching for the girl who fits the slipper, beverly is searching for the boy who wrote the January Embers poem would be sooooo cute.
Poor Bev's just this princess who's being auctioned off by her creepy dad to the highest bidder like she's a hunk of meat. Pretty much every man in her life has given their unfiltered opinion on her and it's made her against marrying anyone (she does want to get married, but the men in the royal court have soured it for her). Her betrothed Tom Rogan is a piece of shit who ""sees her poential"" to be a good queen IF she's got a good man by her side to keep her in check.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the kingdom, is a poor orphaned servant named Ben hanscom. His daddy died serving for the royal gaurd and his mom passed away from an illness a couple years after, leaving him in the care of his step father Mr. Keene, his (slightly) younger step sister Greta and his older step brother Henry. Mr. Keene has Ben slaving away in his apothecary since he's fat and probably wouldn't be useful in snatching up a spouse anytime soon. He's treated like a black sheep, Greta likes getting him into trouble and being a jerk for no reason, while Henry likes to attack him with physical abuse and make jokes about his weight. Ben happens to like cleaning and working for Mr. Keene though, because he's logically minded and good at figuring out how things tecnically work (although its kinda degrading with Henry around to make fun of him all the time). It's worth noting that if Ben wasn't around Henry would probably be in the same situation, considering he's not actually Mr. Keene's son and was just sold to him by his dad for booze money.
Bev and Ben meet when she's pretending to be a maid to sneak away from her father, the only hint that she's even a princess is the palace key she keeps around her neck. She tells Ben her name is "Bevvie" to hide her identity and he buys it. The two become really fast friends after that, routinely visiting each other whenever they can. Ben even introduces her to his one and only friend, Mike the farm boy, and now all of them are kind of buddies. When the ball comes Ben has no interest in meeting princess Beverly (even though he assumes she's a wonderfully nice gal) he just wants to see bevvie again. Mostly because he wrote her a poem and neglected to give it to her before, so he HAS to give it to her at the ball. His step family ruin it though, because Ben's considered an embarassment and they can't have ANYONE interfering with Henry's attemps at marriage and Greta's wannabe socialite career. They rip up the poem right in front of him and it's quite heart breaking.
Just when all is lost though, Ben finds not one, but TWO fairy god parents here to help him. They introduce themselves as Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak, married couple, business men, and expert fairy god parents. They dress in modern clothes, which Ben finds very confusing, especially since 40 year old man in hawaiin shirt is hardly what comes to mind when you think "fairy god parent" but whatever. They seem well meaning enough, although they can't stop bickering for like 2 seconds to actually help. They bring back the poem to prove they're legit and give him all the cinderella fixings. Eddie is a little paranoid about Ben getting home on time though, so he gives him a midnight curfew so he leaves on time. Also Richie calls Ben haystack cause he sleeps in a barn lol.
The ball comes around and the usual stuff happens, Henry and Greta embarrass themselves, Bev hates everything about it, and Ben makes a grand entrance that shocks everyone. Ben is pretty shocked himself, as he realizes he's been friends with the princess all along and freaks tf out. Beverly instantly runs to him to ask where on earth he got that wonderfully designed suit and he mumbles out some bullshit excuse that doesn't really make sense. They fall in love but just as midnight comes around Ben remembers he forgot to give her the poem again! He leaves it behind by accident on the ground when he's running away, and bev's dad picks it up.
He seems interested in knowing who sent it, and for a moment Beverly honestly tells him she doesn't know because she met a lot of suitors last night. He insists they go searching for the guy, comparing hand writing to the post card from house to house. All while Bev just wants to get it over with so she can see Ben again and tell her how she really feels..
Sorry that was so long, i got really into the idea. I know i never make benverly stuff, so i wanted to try it.
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king0fbr0kenhearts · 2 years
in no chronological order
"the only one who gets to torture my brother is me" peak sibling dynamic i tell you
I watched it in spanish so it was so weird hearing Wednesday and Pugsley getting called Merlina and Pericle
And Gomez was called Homer which I'm honestly not complaining about but it's still weird
Uncle Fester was called Tio Lucas
And thing was called dedos (fingers) which I'm definitely not complaining about
I wonder how Wednesday and Enid are gonna pack up all those things in their dorm at at the end of the school year, like- they had A LOT OF THINGS THERE
I loved Wednesday's prom dance. I think one of her moves was a dance one of the older adaptations of Wednesday did
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(she was so adorable back then i literally can't believe her actor dressed up as Morticia when she was older)
I don't remember if it was Garren Gates or Garret Gates
They weren't lying when they said it had LOTS OF LOVE INTERESTS OMG
Me at first: ugh i hate Bianca she reaks of pick me girl
Me after: Bianca my best friend I love you
Ok but Bianca was so pretty I love her
I love her rainbow claws/nails
"you're always gonna be my favorite, Wednesday" "tell that to Pugsley" peak sibling dynamic #2
I've had Eugene for 2 minutes but if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this adaptation and then myself
She legit didn't have to put them in a near death situation if she couldn't protect herself
I forgot this was a Addams family adaptation like- 6 times
If we're not getting a 2 season and this is a cliffhanger series I'm gonna-
Even though I love wenclair, Enid seems happy with her medusa guy =[
I forgot his name ok-
If he's just a highschool drop out with a job then that's fine but i literally heard THAT HE'S 20 WTF-
BUUUUUUUUT if he's like at least 17 then Wednesday has 2 hands if i may
Literally any scene that has Wednesday playing the cello should be on Spotify
Prepare for Wednesday content my dear 23 followers things are about to get wild-
Ok thank you bye-
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angelicxboi · 3 months
LO critique / rant
(I haven't read LO in a while, this is based off memory.)
One thing of many things I didn't like about LO is that the fantasy world of the gods and mortals isn't explicitly explained or understood? Why do the gods need the mortals and vice-versa. How are they gonna tease Thetis and Achilles and then not really explain how and why that came to be. Why are most of the gods one dimensional, they have multiple titles and 'purposes'. And those with epithets don't clearly abide by those epithets (See; Artemis in LO. even Persephone herself. I'd argue everyone in LO...just is similar to the greek gods in name alone.)
And on the topic of 'powers' because I'm pretty sure that's how they describe it in the comic-whats the rules here? Why do some gods 'gain' different powers or titles, why do they get epithets if they hardly interact with mortals? Are other gods giving them their titles?
I understand that LO is, supposed to be a romantic, consenting re-telling of Persephone and Hades, thus these things shouldn't be my main strife but since the author added all these weird plots and plot-lines about succession to power (Apollo becoming..king?) and constantly having scenes where the gods just sit around in legit business meetings yapping about nothing- I think it'd be nice to at least have a consistent line of rules and thoughts to go along with these plots.
Also since Hades is 'king' i feel like there should be alot more discussion about that. Not just how his realm works but like, his relationship with mortals. He's a king, but unlike Zeus he's kinda a king of dead mortals, which once again. Why aren't mortals really discussed in LO? Gods without mortals are just...guys.
But even if I poke and prod at the romance aspect, its... alot. Alot wrong. Here's how I'd re-write LO.
I wouldn't model the characters entirely off real people I know. These Greek gods have literal centuries worth of characterization I can choose from, or include all of it. Ex. Persephone herself is described as 'girl' a child, her titles include the same ones as her mother, 'fruit-grower' 'lady of the harvest' etc. but she's also known as 'mad/dread Persephone' just based on titles alone this is a good basis to further develop this character.
Make it more campy and anarchic, and play into it. Or, make it completely serious. Having one panel or one chapter discuss themes of emotional abuse and dominance only to be followed by a scene where Hades dresses Persephone up as Marylin Monroe and calls her "kitten", is like whip-lash. I'd either try to make it as Barbie 2023 as possible or just not add the comedy at all.
Characters, (especially the main ones) need to be fleshed out. I cannot tell you any redeeming qualities Hades has by himself. He is a shitty partner to Minthe and creepy towards Persephone early on. (Full-grown god thinking about Persephone, a goddess not even half his age...WHILE he is still dating Minthe.) I don't know his personality other than his trauma, and that he apparently loves Persephone but...why?
^ Going off this point. Obviously, characters need to change, having Persephone as a 'blank slate' in the beginning of the story as we follow her while she grows up and discovers her strengths and boundaries is fine. But we also need that from Hades.
Hades in LO is kinda written as a guy who doesn't want to look like he's in the wrong, but by being wishy-washy he's just a really worse guy. I'd write him completely differently.
Maybe the real villain was the patriarchy...kinda like the original Hades and Persephone myth. I would cut the nonsense and villanification of Apollo, and instead give that to Zeus if we were to demonize anyone in the story.
Demeter... I love Demeter and her and Persephone's relationship would be rewritten and reworked so much.
Expand on mortals. Mortals can be the backbone of this god society, they can be envied or treated like dirt in the eyes of the gods. but regardless they are interwoven with the gods and shouldn't only be mentioned just to mass slaughter them off.
Expand on nymphs. As is, I'm not really a fan of LO's deception of them. But, big fan of Hades (game) nymphs.
TLDR; I initially thought LO was fun because of the...different character design and the premise was funny to me, Persephone being a broke college student just like me. But...then the story went on and the plot holes became bigger and less meaningful and i remember reading a panel where Hades called Persephone 'kitten'
All this to say, LO was good if you have no previous knowledge of greek myth. It was a nice way to dip your toes into it- otherwise if you are familiar with greek myth and start reading LO expecting a cool new spin or reimagining of these figures. You will only get mad.
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dendro-bunny · 2 years
My Spotlight
Saiki Kusuo x Theater nerd! Fem! Reader
Genre: Scenario, fluff
Synopsis: Despite all of the odds Saiki got himself a gf, and just so happens that she's a theater nerd.
Warnings: ABSENT PARENTING, GENERATIONAL TRUAMA, PLEASE OF ISSUES WITH FAMILY MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE SKIP THAT PART, ILL MARK THE PARTS WITH RED BEFORE AND AFTER. other than that oopsie i droped my fluff everywhere, swearing cause i fucking can. IS SAIKI OCC? DO I CARE? Oh and light mentions of kidnapping
(a/n): ask and though shall receive. Also i didn't realize i wrote so much, there may need to be a part there.
Tagdge: @
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The whole school like came in to watch even the board that was stopping by. All to see you 😶‍🌫️.
Like I'm not lying it was such a hit that the board wanted it to be an actual play at the community theater.
But What they don't know is all the bs you had to put up with behind the scenes. Mainly Teruhashi and her crazy older brother.
At first you were star structed then you overheard him threatening Saiki over his sister.
Then Teruhashi this bitch, really tried to get her fan club to kidnap you.
It's almost 2 hours before curtain call and no one can find you. Not even Saiki. Where the hell did you go, the class on panicking, your understudy was trying her hardest to memorize her lines. Saiki, for looking so calm was using every ability in his arsenal to find you. Not in your bed, not in your normal hang out spot, not at cafe Mami, where in the where's waldo are you?!
"Well, well, well, looks like your little 'princess' is a no show~ HAHAHHAHA I KNEW NO ONE COULD BE BETTER THEN MY TERUHASHI! THAT'S WHY HER FANS ARE TAKING HER AWAY NOW, NEXT IS THE UNDERSTUD-UGHF." The next few seconds moved so fast. All of a sudden you rush in and push him into the girl moving her out of the way of the falling bag above her head, as it falls on him instead. He screams in pain and his sister runs over.
"LOOK HE PUSHED HIS FAN OUT OF THE HAZARD!" You yell as the understudy clutches her heart in relief of seeing you and being saved by her idol.
Where were you?
"Didn't you hear i was fucking kidnapped by some guy with a bandaged arm. And a bunch of other freaks. So, I proceeded to act/lie my ass off to escape. They drove me back here and is in the audience." You whisper to him after you dragged him to the dressing. You start undressing and he immediately turns red when he saw your shoulder and turned.
"I-idiot warn me when you're gonna change." His voice quiet and soft, you're not used to it yet but at least you heard it enough to know he really trusts you.
"No time we got rehearsals to do, and I need help with my outfit." After changing you two step out and you immediately take front in center of the crew waiting.
"ENOUGH DELAYING, I KNOW I WAS LATE BUT IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOOOOW, WE HAVE A CROWD TO PLEASE!" The class shouts yeah. "DO LET'S GO OVER LINES AND SONGS AND MUSIC ONE LAST TIME, AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH COSTUME HEAD TO YUTAI SENSEI'S ROOM. SHE'LL FIX THE PROBLEM. NOW LET'S GO EVERYONE." You jump down from the box you were standing on and start running around trying to do everything. You didn't see Saiki staring at you with hearts in his eyes and a little smirk the whole time. God he's whipped.
SPEAKING OF WHIPPED. His parents ADORE you. Like with an extra dore.
Legit didn't even acknowledge Kûsuke (totally didn't spell homeboy's name like kukuse) existence when you walked in behind Saiki. Bro immediately his mom had tears in her eyes.
You're legit the most beautiful girl she's seen, and she thought about Teruhashi for a second, "Hey Saiki where's your mom, i see your sister... But where is your mom?"
Teruhashi who? Sorry only know Daughter-in-law. LABDKAKLA
The door rings and Kusuo feels something so unfamiliar, anxiousness? Joy? Whatever it was, was making him shake a little. He stands on the bottom of the stairs as his mother opens the door and sees.... His older brother. Kûsuke. Now the feeling was disappointment. Then he heard your voice.
(l/n), stop screaming I'm coming outside.
With much protest from his brother, he walks past him, and his mother out the door to you. From the door they see him smile at someone. Leaving them with shocked faces.
"Kuskuse? Di- is he smiling? Oh, my baby boy is smiling- OMG AT WHO?!" Your mom covers her smile with her hand turning to her husband and her other son.
"I believe a girl I did see her walking behind me, but I just thought she was going to her own house." The blonde (how ft) boy replies.
"Woah! Saiki smiling, I gotta see this!" Saiki's father rushes to the door to see a glare from Saiki pointed at all of them.
Please stay close behind me they're being weird.
You giggle and hold his hand slightly hiding behind him. "This close enough for you touched starved cutie~" you tease.
He huffs and keeps walking forward not trying to focus on what you said. Though his heart did jump at the way you pitched your voice. Man, he's gotta stop taking you to vocal lessons.
Mom, dad, Kûsuke... Hhh... This is my girlfriend (l/n) (y/n), don't make this weird, she came over for dinner and to study somethings she had trouble with in class.
They stare at you as you peak from behind him, your rosy (or however they get) cheeks from the cold highlight your eyes and your lip gloss shimmer in the florescent lights of their home.
What you see is the two men with their jaws to the ground, and their eyes kind of bulging out of their head. His mom has heart and star eyes, (how tf is that possible) she looks on the verge of tears as she smiles so warmly at you. She steps forward hesitantly like you'll poof if she doesn't.
"O-oh my god, you're so pretty! It's nice to meet you! I'm Kurmi Saiki!" She grabs your hands bowing.
"Omg Saiki you never told me you had a cute sister! Hello, it's so nice to meet you, I wish Saiki told me about you sooner." You smile and shake her hand enthusiastically.
"Oh sweetie, I'm not his sister, I'm his mother, nice that you see me as that young though." She blushes and laughs a little.
"Well little brother, didn't know you'd be the first out of us to have a partner- Hm guess that's another win for you. That's fine though, she'll be able to see who's the superior brother. Right mama?" Kûsuke is met with silence as all you are at the table talking without him.
Saiki is smirking to himself as his brother complains.
Later you and Saiki head up to his room and he sits at his desk as you close the door.
What's wrong?
"W-what?! Nothing- just your family all seems so nice... I've never really had a family dinner like that before." You nervously giggle as you see him turn to look at you.
"wanna talk about it?" He holds his arms open for you to snuggle up with him.
"Not right now, no," you walk over and get comfortable on his lap, laying your head on his shoulder and taking in his scent. "Just wanna stay like this and get that assignment done." He nods and rubs your back burying his face into yours.
"That was nice though, I actually... Enjoyed it, I guess." The tips of his ears turn red as do yours. You leave the conversation at that though. Just wanting to enjoy each other's company.
Oh yeahhhh let's talk about how secret ya relationship is, it ain't.
Like you don't hide it, you're both flirting, you with your body (not in that was ya nasty) and him with his telepathy.
But like took everyone a good month or two to figure out.
Wanna know how? At the fucking Okinawa trip. Blind bitches like 🧑‍🦯🤷🏾🙅
The class is in the airport, waiting for the flight number to be called. You were chilling sitting on the wall with a few of your friends listening to music as they laugh amongst themselves. You were barely focused as you stared at Saiki's back.
You should come sit down, it's gonna be a bit till the flight is called babe.
He turns around to see you pat the ground next to you, as you hug your knees and smile at him.
Don't really want to, plus isn't 'Six' playing, you should focus on learning the lines so i can hear them in my head for a week straight, but you're tempting.
You furrow your eyebrows and huff. A pout finds it's way your lips as you hear "ALL YOU WANNA DO, ALL YOU WANNA DO BABY, I think we can all agree I'm 10 amongst these 3's." And immediately block out everything else.
"(L/n)! Did you hear?! THE FLIGHT IS CANCELLED!" You snap your eyes open to look at your friend and pause your music.
"What?! What happened?!" You looked at yhe screen to see the typhoon swirling right in the smack dab middle of the route. "can't they go around!?"
Your friend shakes her head no, you look at your classmates as they all start losing their shit, as well as Hiro, trying his hardest to gain moral. So you stand.
"Sensei! I need to go to the bathroom!" You raise your hand.
"Make sure you take a buddy!" He doesn't pay much attention as he sulks in the corner picking up his uno cards.
Several people ask to be your buddy. You've gain quite a fanbase, they are very outspoken as well, they don't take shit from no one. Even Teruhashi's fanbase.
You fan them off and point at Saiki. "I already asked Saiki if he could take me, he said he knows where it is."
Damn ok I'm coming. You seem calm for your one chance "to catch some rays is gone."
My bladder takes priority, also i was gonna ask if you could just like tell whatever godly being to fuck off and stop fucking with our get away.
You know just as well as i do that that won't happen. And even at that we aren't in the same group, we won't have much time together.
"awee you want to spend time with me?" You step out of the bathroom shaking your hands dry. (DON'T USE AIR DRYERS IN THE BATHROOMS THEY ARE DISGUSTING)
Imma go get rid of the typhoon, might as well help everyone out
He teleports away and comes back almost immediately tired and soaked. "Pffft, i like the wet dog look on you it's cute." You move his bangs out of his eyes and kiss just above his eyebrows.
Stop that- we need to get back.
You laugh and start jogging back to the group as the announcements go off that the typhoon has miraculously disappeared and it's safe to fly.
Now for the flight, you didn't mind it all that much. Your parents took you on many flights when you were younger so you were used to it. The Takahashi incident went off without a hitch.
You shouldn't use your powers that much, you need to rest Saiki.
I'm fine, plus it's just-
You see Saiki zone out as he falls asleep. The snaps his eyes open.
The fucking plane is gonna crash.
Don't worry i got it, just gotta figure out- damn no time imma just hold it up.
Calm down i got it, I'll be fine.
And so he does, after the flight you're there woth Kaido and Nendou to hold him up.
"I can't believe you rn, you shouldn't push yourself!" You scold him on the bus.
I'm fine just let me rest here for a second.
He lays down on your shoulder and gets comfortable. You huff, and hold his hand. It's soft and silky. The veins on his hands are prevalent but it's always a delight to hold his hands.
You start humming 'No one is alone' from 'Into The Woods'. Your voice almost soothed him into a deep sleep, you could feel it. Then all of a sudden Nendou ruins your peace on the roudy bus.
"HEY BUD! YOU AND (L/N) LOOK ADORABLE SNUGGLED UP TOGETHER LIKE THAT. Y'ALL MUST BE IN LOOOVE~." All of the bus immediately turns to look at you.
Teruhashi distraught, so is Chiyo. Like the whole bus just went "HUH?!"
Thanks alot Nendou
Legit y'all won cutest couple in the year book.
However speaking on that Okinawa trip, bro he told you not to go in the bath because of Takashi's friend group was gonna peep on the girls. But you're stubborn and went anyway
You were fine, he made sure no one saw you naked. Even he hasn't, since in the last one i said it didn't work on you. THE. 👏WORLD.🌍 WANTS. 🤲 HIM. 🧎🏻‍♂️TO. 🕑 SEE.🙈YOU. ☝️ YOU OWN THE STAGE OF LIFE
But when the hotel teleported you were with him, on the lawn chairs. Just before Teruhashi took his head piece you peaked your eyes open to aee her reach for it.
And bam! You both were in a jungle. 😅
Bro swear you were gonna strangle her. Once you found her. You were pacing and you heard Saiki tell you he was on the way. And like you calmed down. The two of you ended up on opposite ends.
He was communicating what was happening and how Teruhashi had his device thingy and you were double sure you were gonna strangle her.
When you got into the hotel you immediately got dragged to a empty hallway. Saiki was holding you with little to no effort. Seeing as when his device came off he needed to get used to it.
You close your eyes tight, as a familiar feeling but still nauseating as the first time. You teleported, everything happened so fast, it wasn't only you Teruhashi did aswell. You're about 30% sure the whole class has teleported aswell. The hotel was close by, so the building must have gone too right?
That doesn't matter now. What matters is finding Teruhashi and making mu way back to Okinawa.
Yeah about that... You're on a different island. And there is a bear harassing her.
Yare yare, don't be so loud, she has my device so i can hear your voice very well... Actually you can be loud.
Saiki.. don't flirt with me in such a dire situation.
No response... Good thing he couldn't see you blush. Always such a tease.
After around 10 minutes of waiting. He still hadn't appeared yet. You were getting kinda ansty waiting for him. So you got up and started walking around the forest.
Fireflies flutter around you, as you walk towards a waterfall, you at the bottom of it. The reds and blues of the fish in the stream look so peaceful and serene. When you heard a leaf crunch behind you, you whip around to see Saiki smiling at you, sleepily.
You shake your head and grab his hand. You teleported again. The two of you in a hallway just a bit away from your room.
Laying your head on his chest, the soft pitter patter of his heart. The soft grip he has on your waist pulls you into sleep. A plush feeling on the top of your head. You start to hum 'our love is god' the more wholesome parts of course. You hear him hum along just a bit.
"get some rest Saiki, you have a long day tomorrow." You smile up at him and start to slowly pull away. You see him nod and yawn. He holds your hand for just a few seconds longer then you head your separate ways.
Now time for the beach scene... GIRL FUCKAJGDJAVS
Man's had a hard time not blasting anyone who breathed your direction.
But swear you looked so adorable he wanted to just squeeze you till you popped.
But ngl when you walked out of the dressing room so casually after everyone else the whole beach just FWOOM- surrounded you.
Like fly's to honey. Saiki wanted to squat them all.
No matter what you look like though, he's so fucking in love with your outfit and you. Like his face just lights up looking at you.
When those creeps came around you weren't really involved, you were sunbathing. All comfy and sleepy. Then you hear them insult Chiyo.
You snapped your eyes open and tilted your head back to look at them.
It was on.
Then the spotted you looking and whistled, then and there it was on for Saiki.
Laughter could be heard from the lady's locker room on one of the prettiest beaches in the world. The laughter was coming for you, your group and Saiki's, at least the females in the groups. Joking and playing around. Your group mate splashed you with a super soaker and ran out towards the exit. Teruhashi took a breath and looked back at you, who was trying to drain the water from your mp3 player. Not only that but they soaked your beach button up. Knowing you were distracted Kokomi walked out, shining as bright as the sun.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." She says with a cute look.
The whole beach (minus Saiki) went oh wow.
Chiyo sat in the corner sulking. Looking over confused you went to go walk up to her but the pants you had over your bottoms got stuck in the locker and ripped. (Bad luck for you ig 😌)
"Fucking c'mon!" With your little outburst Chiyo throws out her towel.
Absolutely nothing from the crowd.
Then goes Mera, she sees you struggling and helps you out.
"Oh no... The only thing salvageable is the button up, but it's completely soaked." She gives you a pitty look as you sigh and look at her.
"Thanks- uh, is that a used swimsuit?" You see that it's very tight on her (😳 ngl she looked cute af).
"Oh yeah! I couldn't afford one, ah! I gotta go Chiyo and Kokomi are waiting for me." She runs out and when she leave the people of the beach dig her. Even though she has to adjust the bottom of it from going up her butt.
"looks like I'm the last one... What am i gonna do, my fit is ruined. UGH WHATEVER THE SHOW MUST GO ON!" you sling the soaked white button that is now see through and shows top part of the swimsuit. And the shorts have been long forgotten in the locker room. Which leaves the tight bottoms of thw swimsuit.
As you step out, the people of the beach were just about to leave, but the moment they heard the pitter patter of your feet they instantly looked.
Everyone is in awe.
The hat you had was tilted to cover your face from the sun which gave you a slight mysterious look.
"GODDAMN- SHAWTY PTERODACTYL FLY!" One guy shouts. (Saiki 🤠 tf you said)And the rest start whooping and hollering. Like how the animals did for Jessica rabbit.
"Alright! Alright! That's enough!" Silence on the beach. You smirk turns to a big toothy grin.
SURFS UP!" With that the whole crowd goes ballistic and starts going amoungst their beach time fun. Your group is dancing the 'surf's up' dance from 'teen beach movie.'
Teruhashi, and Chiyo are in Shambles. Saiki lowkey is gonna make all those people drown a bit we won't talk about it though. But it's ok cause the smile on your face as you and your friends continue on with the choreography is just enough to not make him drown people.
After a while of fun on the beach you decided to lay on a beach chair just wanting to enjoy the sun.
Saiki is behind the chair hunched over looking at you. "You're blocking my sun."
You're hat is blocking my view.
He snatches your hat and smiles looking at you shocked face. Better
The bubblegum haired boy starts snickering at you're attempts to grab it. Out of nowhere you hear a low whistle, from behind Saiki.
"Wheeeew damn girl, that top is doing it for me, more than these broads. Especially this fugly one." The first guy nods to Chiyo.
"Do i look like mother Theresa to you? I'm not some fucking chairity case. And who the hell-" Saiki covers your mouth as Kaido punches the jerk in the face.
"HEY! DON'T TALK ABOUT CHIYO LIKE THAT!" The guy reels(?) back and looks at his cheek confused. (We don't talk about chiyo yo yo yo~)
"Ow- wait that didn't hurt at all, felt more like a mosquito bite than anything." The powder blue haired boy shrinked and started speaking in his higher pitched voice.
You see Saiki pinch his fingers together, and the guy howls in pain. They run away thinking Kaido is some master fighter, as well as himself. You over hear him compliment Chiyo. Then you see her swoon.
"Sha la la la ahhhhh." You sing softly as she blushes. (If you don't know it's from Hercules)
Yeah, but did you really have to lick me.
Yes... You taste like the sweets shop around from my house.
How do you taste like a shop? Wait how do you know what that tastes like?
You are long gone in the water with your group. He deadpans as his group starts trying to force him fo have fun. Why eould you do this to him?
I could say so much more on this trip, but at the end where he got the super rare coffee jelly you gave him your entire one, legit you didn't want it, the owners gave you an extra they made. And he was so grateful he teleported you home from the airport.
What i forgot to mention is when you met his parents.. they offered for you to go with them to his grandparents.
Though your parents didn't really care, Saiki lowkey did. Because of his grandfather. (Old tsundere ass) He knows how he treats his dad pretty roughly. And he didn't want that to happen to you. He was already against you meeting his brother but that just happened against his will.
When you said Yes? He gave you such a cold stare, and was dry when talking to you later that night.
Anyway ahdvkags
Like he has tried to convince you, bribing you too, but you gaslit him.
Did you actually want to visit my grandparents?
He turns to you, who is sitting like a gremlin in a chair doing 5 different assignments at once.
"yes." Saiki waits for you to say more, but instead you just go to a different assignment out of the 5.
Ok why?
"It's your family?? And i want to?? Like wot?" You look up at him slightly offended.
Is he embarrassed-
You know that's not the case. It's just my grandparents are a little weird. Mainly my grandfather.
"isn't that all old people? Saiki if you don't want me to meet your family then just say that, ik i just met your dad, brother and mom but really. If you're embarrassed of me then I don't have to go and I don't have to be here." You go to gather your things and he grabs your wrist.
He doesn't say anything, just puts his head on your shoulder.
You start hear a song play in your head near the middle.
'Don't know how it happened
Don't know why but you don't really
Need a reason'
He looks att you expectantly to finish the lyrics, seeing as you made him watch 'Rio' and 'Rio 2' on loop.
"When the stars shine
Just to fall in love... There are you happy?" You smile softly putting your things down.
Very, but what if i took you to see the original cast of Hamilton, and In the Heights?
"But why is it such a big deal? Your grandparents are crazy you say, but that's better than not ever being there. Even your brother and parents. Mine are never there, and maybe I don't know. Maybe i shouldn't go..." You tap your fingers on the table.
"Fine." He sighs. "Just if he says something disrespectful I'm breaking his hip." He looks at you with a smirk as you stare at him shocked.
"SAIKI!" You shove him lightly and laugh. "That's not funny!"
I'm not even laughing. He starts chuckling.
maybe focus on one assignment.
Time goes by and it's starting to lose daylight outside. You both step downstairs, all your things gathered to head out.
"See you later Mr. And Mrs. Saiki! I'd love to spend more time with you guys another day!" You wave by the entrance to living room. The two of them hop up so quick.
"YOU'RE LEAVING ALREADY?!" his dad starts rambling about how je didn't show you his new dvd player.
"It is getting pretty late, Hey Ku why don't you walk her home." His mom suggests like a reasonable person.
"Oh no I'm fine it's not that far and i still have some daylight to burn. Plus i wouldn't want to bother Saiki." His mother perks up at this.
"Wait, you don't call Ku by his first name? Or a nick name?" Both of you freeze, and he looks at you as you look at him.
She has to go.
Kusuo pushes you out of the door and slams ot behind him. When you get to his mailbox you both just stand there. Awkward. As hell.
"Well i better head out... Uhm... I'll talk to you on the way there." You turn to leave, then stop and turn around. He looks confused for a second.
You leave a chaste kiss on his lips, then start running away before he can chase you.
You're gonna be the death of him.
Like i kid you not, this guy legit has you pressed so close to him it's almost inappropriate.
Like almost creepy. Like he legit said "☺️ omg heyyyy, aren't you cute."
All of your- i mean his family wanted to kick him.
But his grandma is so cool, like you can talk to her without feeling like there is an age gap.
But someone come get his pop-pop. Cause the moment he starts getting weird thougts Saiki is doing a lot more than shaking a damn ferris wheel.
This may be a long one hold your horses.
After a short discussion with your parents, they just let you leave the house and don't bother helping you with your bags. As you lug your heavy duffle bag down the driveway you feel it get a bit lighter. You turn to see Saiki Standing next to you. You look forward and see his parents car, you smile at the two and wave.
"I got it Saiki... Mother and Father said to be a big girl and not be a burden. Since I'm intruding."
You aren't intruding one, two it'd be rude of me to not carry your bags, especially after that like disagreement we had, about this trip. This doesn't make up for my words but i want it to help.
As he speaks you feel yourself growing still, while he just continues on taking the bag from you and putting it in the trunk of the car. You watch his pink hair move along with him, and his eyes stray from yours. You walk forward as he's about to close the trunk and hug him.
You know he's not big on affection, and uses it only when needed. So it's not often that you two do more than hold hands and kiss foreheads. That being said you're action startled him even if he knew it was coming. The feeling of you hiding your face in his back let's him know, besides your thoughts, of how you feel right now.
"Saiki..." He turns to hug you and burry you in his chest, effectively hushing you.
"Let's get in the car and head there, it's a long ride." You feel him speak against your head.
Normally emotions for you are hard to express. Your own that is, you can read a script and get it down pact, trying to put into words how you feel is different. For Saiki he never met anyone else who he could trust besides himself. It was a barrier you both were trying to overcome.
"Oh it's really good to see you!" His parents warmly greet you, Like they weren't watching you both the entire time.
"It's so good to see you both as well! It's been a bit hasn't it? I've been looking forward to this!" You smile feeling the good vibes coming from the two.
"I'm surprised your parents just let you go without getting to know your boyfriend or his family, I know as Kusuo's father I would need to know 100% that everything would be fine... And..." He looks back to see you looking down in a gloomy expression.
"Oh nice going! You hurt her feelings honey!" Kurmi interjects from the passenger side.
"No, no... It's fine... I... They haven't been there for me... After i turned 5 they started putting me in different lessons. Booking for different acting jobs and uhm classes and all that stuff. This is the first time I'm talking about it woth anyone. But I love acting and singing, theyake me feel like... I actually belong and I'm not myself... I'm someone so much more. As a character than who i actually am. I don't know it's stupid. But they didn't really care about what i did as long as they could focus on their company. I was never involved, my older sibling (he/she) was their successor. I was just a waste of space for them i guess. It doesn't matter really, they told me not to burden you guys, and Not to be a waste of space, but other than that they were happy for me to leave. They had a party for business partners tomorrow and they didn't want me messing anything up... I'm happy though to be here, with you guys, you all are so lucky to have each other. To be able to just enjoy each other's time. When in order to have dinner with mine it has to be on a schedule and they only ask me about what audition am i gonna waste my time with..." The entire time you were talking you looked out of the window, avoiding their eyes.
You couldn't bare to look at them, seeing the pity they felt. It would have made you sick. You were fine, this was normal. You felt a hand lay itself and you look up to see Saiki's mother is turned around in her seat smiling at you.
"Were happy, that you get to be apart of our family now. If you need anything, im here, and so is Kuni. And there is no need to feel as if your alone, cause you will never be, after hanging out with us enough you'll wish you were alone." She giggles and turn back around.
You stare at back of her head in amazement. "Yeah, now wait i remember i didn't get to tell you about my new collection..." Kunihara starts going on about his collection of toys. A small smile glides over your lips. You feel a hand press against yours and look over at Saiki who just rolls his eyes. You chuckle and hold his hand while brushing your thumb against the back of his hand.
Yare yare this is gonna be a long car ride.
Laughter is shared throughout the car ride as well as embarrassed looks, or just comfortable silence. Occasionally you and Saiki woukd hold hands, or he would beush his pinky against yours and you would latch pinkies. He mother will giggle every time, it causes you both to hastily pull away.
"Oh! I just remembered! (L/n), You never answered my question. Do you and Ku not call each other by first names? You are dating right?" She looks back at the two of you.
You are stunned and blushing, your nose and cheeks are a redish color. Saiki is looking out the windows at the mountains covering his face, the tips of his ears are red.
"W-well I've never really thought about it, I don't really call anyone by their first name except my older sibling. S-so it's not that natural i guess." You start fidgeting with your hands in your lap looking at them.
"Hey! Why not try now!? Because Kurmi's parents also have the last name Saiki, and for us you can call us mom and dad." Kunihara suggest looking in the rear view mirror seeing how you both git redder.
"(l/n) you don't have to... they're being weird..." His words are muffled behind his hand but you can hear him clearly.
"Ku! Don't say that about your parents!" His father protests.
"I could try... As long as you try..." You look at him from rhe corner of your eye. You see he snaps his head towards you.
His mother is gleaming, recording not so secretly on her phone. The two adult are tapping each other like children watching that soda based hero. It's embarrassing.
"From now on, I- I guess I'll work on Calling you Ku-" you stutter a bit, and take a breath to regain your composure.
"From now on I'll call you Kusuo!" You hunch over and cover your face in your hands. You feel the heat radiating from your cheeks.
For a good minute you hear nothing from Kusuo. So you look over and see him GONE.
Like put of this world trying to understand the meaning of life, and trying to calculate how big is the universe. Cause no matter how big it is he loves you 2 times as much. His face is completely red though. Like cotton candy when it's wet but not disolved. Like completely a different skin tone.
"Ku? Honey? It's your turn!" His mother is clutching her chest at how cute you were.
"U-u-u-uhm.... G-g-g-give me a, a, a, sec- sec- second." He covers his face and hides in the back of the driver seat.
Anyway, it takes him a solid 5 minutes to come back to earth, from whatever galaxy he was in. But when he does he sighs and turns to you slightly.
He mumbles something none of you can hear, but you see him blush a bit.
"Ku sweetie you have to speak up." His mother coax like a cat.
"(Y/n), I will call you (y/n) from now on... Ok?" There is a sniffle from the other side of the car.
The three look over at you too see you star strucked, though there are tears rolling down your eyes. "I'm sorry i just never thought it would feel this nice to have someone you care about say your name. Do you mind if we pull over for a sec, it's stuffy, that's why im crying." You say trying to deny the fact you're so touched by the kindness of his family. They all look at you so enduring as you lean against the rail, they also get out to stretch their legs.
"Saiki- Uh I Mean.... Kusuo... Does your grandparents know about your powers?" His parents freeze looking at you and Kusuo, as he sighs.
"Kusuo? Powers? What you must be mistaken." His dad goes on to say.
Dad it's fine, She knew for a few months.
The two of them let out a sigh of relief. They both wipe their brows from the nervous sweat.
But they don't... (Y/n)... So don't tell them, they wouldn't know how to handle it.
He says your name still hesitant on it just as you are with his. The faint blush that adorn both of y'all's cheeks is evident. So you look away from the embarrassment.
"Y-yeah sure... No problem... Oh god, will your grandparents think it's weird i call you by your first name?!" You feel his hands grab your cheeks as he forces you to stare into his eyes.
"Don't stop saying my name... Don't let them stop you even if they don't like it..." You can tell he's hesitating. He wants to say more, you want to say more. But hearing a camera click behind him stop the both of you.
Then the sound of it breaking.
"C'mon! It was for memories to play at your wedding!" His mom exclaims. Which causes you both to go red. You don't say anything and just go in the car, your tired of fresh air.
Kusuo follows after you and sits a little closer than before. His parents get back in the front seat and start the car to keep going down the long road to that little house in the middle of nowhere. The jokes, and the banter never stopped the whole way there. However as you near the house your anxiety grows. You take a deep breath and bite your lip trying to calm down.
"Oh? Are they standing outside? How... Nice..." You slink your body down to the floor trying to hide from them and the world.
Oi get up here. If I gotta be here so do you.
Ok damn- Wait is that your grandma? Why she look so young? Is that where your mom gets it from?
Uh i guess but look, if anything makes you uncomfortable just tell me alright, my grandpa is a bit of a Tsundere.
"We're here! Here let me get the bags out the car." Kuni speaks as she parks the car and opens the door.
"Shit-" you mutter under your breath. You continue hide on the floor. You feel cold hands grab you and lift you up. Then you see a tuff of pink hair as you get thrown on a shoulder.
"HEY! WAIT PUT ME DOWN SAIKI!" you start laughing while flailing your arms and legs.
Yare yare, you're causing a scene
"Oh? Who is that?" You look up to see your in the house in front of his Grandma.
"Saiki put me down! Ahem! Hi I'm (L/n) (Y/n) it's nice to meet you, I assume you're Saiki-" you look over to see his mom sorta pleading to you.
She wants you to say my first name.
"K-Kusuo's G-grandmother." Your cheeks flare a vibrant red.
"Oh wow! I didn't know our little Ku had a girlfriend, did you hear that honey?" The older woman calls out to the back of the house. Then this old skinny man walk out of, what you assume to be the bathroom, with a news paper.
"Great another Nuisance in this house." He grumbles sending you a glare as well as Kuni. In his mind though he's crying happy tears, wanting to get to know you more.
"Nice to meet you sir! Saiki never told me all hos family looks this amazing." You give him your award winning smile. He huffs a whatever and walks into a room with a traditional Japanese table. (Forgot what it's called). He gains a whiff of arrogance as you compliment him.
For half an hour you got to know the two older adults. Making jokes and bonding with mainly his grandma. His grandfather ended up leaving half way through because of a temper tantrum. Though he wanted to stay.
"Oh i brought snacks! I had Sai- Kusuo... My bad, I'm still not use to saying your name." You sheepishly grin while blushing.
He only shakes his head and flicks your forehead.
"Owie! Kusuo! What was that for?" You pout at him.
"How long have you two been dating? You seem to have good chemistry, just like Kunihara and Kurmi!" His grandmother giggles with his mom.
"O-oh! Uhm we've been dating for a few months!" You look down getting even more shy.
This is so new for me... I've never felt this nervous about interacting with people before
You feel Saiki's hand on yours. You're doing great!
What saiki doesn't tell you that his grandpa and crying wishing that he could talk to the both of you. It's honestly creeping him out.
I'm leaving this one here for right now. Since this is so long and i need more motivation.
SO THERE WILL BE A PART 3 eventually 😅
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mintytealfox · 11 months
God dangit, that Vlad tally mark image you used in your reply post has now got me thinking of an Anastasia movie esque au for Nortalice now that will NOT make any sense! 😅
Like both Orpheus and Alice are obviously raised by her parents and the DeRoss family, and have an almost idyllic childhood together. And then there's Norton in this AU, somehow being a kitchen boy as a young boy for the household, but it's not like he's gonna complain about his position. He has a warm roof over his head, some decent pay, and he could easily help himself to any leftovers that guests left behind, so he could tolerate being bossed around by the adult servants and even being dragged occasionally by a young Alice to be her second playmate to play with her collection of dolls (always tempted to just rip off their heads for their annoying squeaky voices, but refrains from doing so XD) Young! Alice: Yay dolls! ^_^ Young! Norton: Yay... -_-
But all good things unfortunately come to a tragic end when their house is attacked, killing almost everyone inside, with Orpheus and Alice barely making it out without being seen. Norton is tempted to not get involved, but his conscious gets the better of him and aids them in their escape, but not without earning a scar on his arm. Orpheus and Alice proceed to get separated and both losing their memories. Which certainly complicates things when years later when Orpheus is trying to look for her and dealing with imposters. Cue in a grown Norton reluctantly teaming up with Melly, not only for her to regain her noblewoman status after her husband's "death", but to get the reward money. They come across an amnesiac Alice, or Eury, who looks EXTREMEMLY similar to the missing girl and offers to help transport her to Paris to look for her family, AKA Orpheus. Melly helps coach her in court etiquette and Norton finding himself falling HARD for her despite him (I swear, someone put "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" in a Nortalice playlist XD). Also Fredrick is in there somehow 😅.
But honestly, I think this messy AU is more of an excuse to see Alice in the sparkly opera dress and Norton going 0_0, and Melly going "Ah, an unspoken attraction I see 😏." XDD
BAHAHAHAHAHAA! My master plan has come to fruition!! 🤣🤣 Infecting the mind with NortAlice~
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This is legit so effin PERFECT LOOOOOOOOOOOOLL
Norton: "what are you called?" Alice: "Eurydice." Norton: "Alright, Uranus." Alice: "EU RY DIC EEEEE" Norton: "whatever"
Okay Melly as Vlad has me ROLLING HAHAHAHA I LOVE this so much 🤣 Melly: "I see an engaging and fiery young woman" -rizzing Alice up to give her confidence to go through with this- Alice: "😊" Norton just barging in: "Alright, ready to become Alice or what?" Alice: 😒 Melly:😡💢💢
LOL maybe Frederick is Sophie LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Melly: "my sugar plum..." Frederick: "why must you say odd shi--" Melly: "if you want in on the money you better effin play along"
No FOR REAL 👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌Alice needs to be in all those gorgeous dresses and to be adored AAHHHHHH give that Norton them doki dokis 🤣
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seokjinsonlyone · 9 months
I woke up to absolute perfection 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️/lh/gen
The who I could seduce concept is on my mind 25/8, so you already know I came in clutch with the list🏃🏾‍♀️/lh:
7. Jimin - I love him, my little guy, my little dude, my everything. HOWEVER, I’m not finna eat my own ass, but I tend to visually stand out/lh. Which, I think would catch his attention, but we both too awkward. You know the clip of jhope talking to Becky g and Jimin just stands like 🧍. Like that’s finna be us.
6. Jin- This has like a 1% chance of working which is already higher than Jimin/lh. I feel like I could invite him out to something casual like a little dinner date(obviously I wouldn’t call it that but it is to ME/lh) and try and worm my way into his love life 👀/lh. Although, he would have to be in a real good mood or I’d have to say I’m paying for everything for that to real convince him. Jin is truly a king of boundaries/lh.
5. Hobi- Legit hurt my heart to put him so low, but I had to be realistic🤧/lh. Like this is my baby, my fuckin cinnamon apple, but I feel like I got about a 20-35% chance of getting him. Like I’d have to put in work cause the compliments and sly little touches not finna be enough. Like I’m finna have to COURT/lh. However, I do feel like jhope, in a particularly low moment, would be the type to shoot his shoot if he saw me in some good leggings and a sports bra./lh
4. JK- Him and Jhope were hard to place fr. Cause they feel both kinda easy but hard to get you know? Although, I feel like I have about a 5-10% advantage with Jungkook. Kookie love himself a good compliment and baby I am full of them 😘/lh. Also, Idk how to say it but Kookie got this energy of like he wants someone who just dgaf. Like he wants folks who he thinks look cool. Which is great for me cause babyyyy I got rbf/lh. Additionally, we both got tattoos, so I could sneakily use that to start a Convo and potentially get a social👀👀/lh.
3. Suga- I’m both surprised and unsurprised how high Min Yoongi landed on this list./lh I ain’t finna lie, Suga reminds me a bit of my current partner, so I feel like I could use the same moves and get a similar result yknow? Like he’s the one where I’m definitely approaching him first. Asking him about his day, his interests(love asking a man about his interests, quickest way for me to get invested/lh/gen) give him some little compliments and tease him when he gets embarrassed. I feel like I could have a little something something with him yknow. Also, depending on if I’m on my alt look that day, I feel like I got a definite 5% chance of luring him in.
2. RM- Namjoon, joonie, my baby, my everything, the reason I wake up in the morning and praise god/lh. Yknow how I said my current partner reminds me of Suga, well they also remind me of RM. This is the dude you approach all dressed up (like how I usually do💅🏾/lh) and ask him about the new book or hobbie he into and you got a 70% chance of getting him. Not to suck my own dick, but I know a couple of thangs/lh. I’m pretty well read, so I feel like I can keep up(my deepest secret is that I’ve dmed this man book recs before/lh). Additionally, I feel like RM the type of dude who’s like “👀oh she interested in me? That’s pretty interesting”/lh
1. V- Let it be known that I think Kim Tae is the easiest man on the planet/lh/hj. I definitely got like an 80-88% chance of bagging this man. Like he is the PINNACLE of being invested in folks who seem invested in him. Like I give him a little compliment, ask him about his day/hobbies, and then I tell him I gotta leave and he’s like 🧍🧍”what” (legit had a dude I know get upset with me cause I did this to him after one convo/lh came up and was like ☹️ “I thought we were still talking”) Very much likes new and likes affection, so any opportunity to get that seems up his alley. Definitely could get his number and maybe make him obsessed with me/lh/hj. Also, I got jokes and V loves to laugh, so I got him 👌🏿/lh/hj.
Girl this list was a lot 😭/lh. Good to get it off my chest tho/lh/gen.
Also, how’ve you been? How’s your week been going? I hope it been good girlie🫶. Stay wonderful queen 🫶🫶
- Joon 👰 Anon
LOOOOOL I'M SO GLAD WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE ABOUT TAE BEING EASY like idk i've just seen him give bedroom eyes too many times that and the tata mic face like he's always at either end of the spectrum and that just tell me that he is not quite for the city streets but he definitely for them back roads SKSKSL love him tho <3
and you know what hobi was hard for me to place too like him and yoongi for me specifically were bc like i'm not tryna have one night with them????? like i need them in my life as permanent fixtures some way some how????? but u know what actually it's my fault for thinking of them as yoongi and hobi i should've thought of them as agust d and jay bc lemme tell u i'm taking jay home at all costs homeboy would have to beat me off him with a cast iron skillet
also i forgot about that scene wit jimin hobi and becky g adjslfds jimin is so freakng funny be in his head way too much whenever a new person around it's actually hilarious
all in all very solid list with very solid logic but i've been good! i need a massage and some like will power to restructure my life again but all in due time thanks for asking honey bunny <3 and thank you for sharing!!!
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urbandokkalfar · 1 year
Context for my last post and small lore drop
When I was in school, from seventh grade to graduation, I did odd jobs under the table. I cleaned aquariums and did yard work for neighbors, I worked in a local slaughter house, eventually got into taxidermy and processing game animals, worked with the county to pick up road kill, worked on farms, sold art work, worked at my first (now deceased) step dad's auto repair shop - stuff like that.
I made decent money, it wasn't awful and I generally made my own hours.
What w a s awful was the way my family looked at it all. It wasn't stuff i could put on job apps because it wasn't 'legit'.
Mind you I was making a couple thousand a month combined from all this, most of the time I was on six to seven jobs a month for only 3 - 5 days a week.
I'd contribute about 25% of my money to which ever household I was living in that week (mom or dad), would spend some on tools and junk for work, a little for my own whims and then save the rest.
Before my stepdad passed away and shit r e a l l y hit the fans I had a sizeable chunk of money in my account.
After he passed my mom didn't really wait long to get a new boyfriend, it was within weeks of SD's funeral she came out and said she was seeing someone.
My SD passed away from an aggressive cancer. We watched him become Skeletor over the course of two months before he died. He was one of the coolest people I know - stood up for me when people remarked on how I dressed etc, taught me auto repair, encouraged me to do my jobs, all around a kick ass dude.
The guy my mom started seeing was the polar opposite. He bullied and threatened my older sister until she left out of fear then he started in with me.
We got into a fist fight because he threw may cat across the room for sitting in the garden window (a window that protrudes from the house to put potted plants in).
When he started abusing my mom, we got into even more fist fights which often ended with him leaving and coming back. Mom was sooooo enamored with this man she drove down our street at sixty five miles an hour while I clung to the truck door and step rail.
When she stopped and let me in I admittedly slapped her.
Eventually he fucked up. They went out drinking and a girl I knew from school was staying with us because her mom kicked her out for being a 'whore'.
He started whailing on my mom, threw her down the basement steps and sarted beating her in the basement - my friend ran next door to call the cops. I went downstairs, put my hand through the glass gun cabinet door and racked an unloaded shotgun.
He shit his pants and locked himself in the bathroom upstairs.
Both of them were taken to jail for the night and my sister and I picked her ass up the next day.
Five days later my mom suffered a massive heart attack, because of her bf I'd quit my jobs because she couldn't be alone with him. If I'd had been working she would have died. She had a month long hospital stay, my savings went to pay household bills and get her medication.
I spent three years of my life protecting her then caring for her for her to tell me she never wanted me when i was born and admitted to doing things when pregnant to try and home abort me - she didn't have Pre-eclampsia, I was c-sectioned otta her two months early because she didn't want me to turn out like my sister.
My sister has ADHD and a touch of the 'tisim - which same tbh.
For bonus context: In school my sister was so awful and unruly that if I had her teachers they treated me the same they did her. Like shit.
I was the proverbial black sheep for being Goth and holding odd jobs etc.
Now my sister's got two kids and is horrifically abusive to her husband - I hang out with her at times to get her out of the house so he can have peace.
Maybe, someday, I'll elaborate on my sister but, this is what you get for now.
Oh yeah, TLDR I worked under the table for cash for YEARS and my family dunked on me for not having a 'real' job, continued to be shit ass over it even while supporting one of them and now I have a 'real' job they're pissed I don't spend any real time with them 🙃
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viciousgold · 2 years
my no context school notes for the movie I had to watch for school “Millions Like Us” from 1943
- Set during and filmed during WWII in England 
- I’M SORRY in 1943 in England when people were watching movies, did people not know what an orange was? this narrator dude referenced an orange, and then showed a note EXPLAINING WHAT AN ORANGE IS “The orange is a spherical pulpish fruit of reddish yellow color” BRUH
- also the way he wrote “reddish yellow color” as if it’s not just called an ORANGE color. That’s why it’s called an ORANGE. BECAUSE THE FRUIT IS ORANGE COLORED.
- there are no subtitles, the audio quality is bad, and the old timey british accents are thick so who knows if I’ll be able to actually understand this movie
- a universal thing across generations, men horribly hitting on women who aren’t interested at bars
- as well as a man talking and talking about himself and his life story without letting the woman get a word in
- sad clown musical
- “No sense of ills to come, no cares beyond today”
- “Star” “Tar” Cigarettes
- “Personally I think (the war) it’ll be over by christmas” 
- “Last time they said the war would be over by christmas and it wasn’t. but this time it might be”
- “I doubt if that’s very sound logic” lol
- “we’re fine here in this first class cabin no need to worry” cabin opens, kids are yeeted inside
-phylis joins ats, dad doesn’t approve, it’s a secret from him
-erase, blocking and taking down signs that show directions to thwart invaders
-boo hoo, dad’s complaining that all the women are working now and no one can take care of him *world’s smallest violin plays*
- this rich lady lol “any single rooms?” “no”
-rich lady and poor lady roomed together, fantastic
-rich lady got all dressed up to not go to the dance and instead stay alone in her room and sulk lol
-that somehow didn’t escalate and she’s fine now?
-bruh they really said “hey, we know air raid sirens are going off but keep working until we say so”
-the boss had to literally pick up the rich lady and carry her out bc she wouldn’t leave, rich lady are you legit wanting to die? I mean mood but still 
- not me shipping the rich lady and the boss 
- the men literally lose their minds every time they see a woman alone smh
- celia ya’ll have met three times and it would’ve been four had he not ditched you, and you’re getting married now? I get that it’s wartime but damn
- I hate that I’m shipping the rich lady and the boss but also they’re cute and they’re going on a date and it’s cute
- “be careful of the wax I put on the floorboards, don’t slip and die”
- aw celia and rich lady are bonding
- “I’m so happy fred” “we’re always gonna be happy :)” lol sure jan
- immediately after: “hey let’s remind the audience about how the bombings are still happening lol”
- boss and rich lady roasting each other, me and my toxic ass like :)
- I have no idea of what the song lyrics are for this kumbaya song at the end but with the way people are looking while singing it, my guess is that it’s some patriotic country song or something
- two sisters go to work, one goes to the women’s army, one goes to the factory, dad complains about having no women to take care of him like a lil wah wah baby, we meet rich lady, rich lady struggles to adjust, sister (celia) thought she’d have a hard time but she actually adjusts really quickly and marries really quickly, rich lady and boss hate each other but also like each other and go on dates, sister’s husband dies, rich lady and boss roast each other, nothing really happened with the sister (celia’s sister), all the factory girls sing some “let’s all be happy through the war” song and then the movie ends
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smxtncity · 2 years
i’m sorry but i can totally see mark being a soft dom boyfriend, especially in the beginning stages of a relationship when he’s falling in love. he’s just a hopelessly in love mark who is dedicated to protecting & spoiling his girl. i can even see him calling you “my girl” mmmfkrksk too much justin bieber influence
but really mark is so sentimental & attentive with the boys, always encouraging them, giving them gifts, massages, etc… & those are his friends. imagine if he was falling in love with you. boy would be whipped !!!!! & if we being nsfw i think his “make my girl happy” would carry into intimacy too. like as much as he’d love to get laid (he’s a guy let’s be honest) he’d be the type of bf to come up to you from behind & nibble your ear & tell you things like “you’re so pretty” “i missed you baby” “i’m sorry I left you waiting. can I make it up to you?” proceed to him eating you out like the sweet boy he is. i think he loves going down too. oh soft dom mark
don't be sorry anon 😳
YESSSS MARK HOPELESS ROMANTIC AGENDA. have you seen how he looks at the dreamies with so much love in his eyes, he legit is the human form of heart eyes. He has my entire heart, I believe he's gonna send so many pictures of every place he goes. He'll probably have bundles of cute nicknames, "munchkin." "puppy," "kitten," "princess," etc etc 😭 "sugar," SO MANY UGH. and Mark def the kind to always be on his two feet to praise, his big doe eyes always scanning every little detail on your body, always smiling fondly and happily. "My baby is so beautiful." "All mine, hehe~" HE'S GONNA SPOIL SO MUCH DNDKDJDJ . he's definitely the kind to buy you something if he sees you set your eyes on it. You're staring at a necklace at a mall? The next day Mark is placing it on your neck from behind you. You're staring at a dress too long and then look away because it's expensive? Your cute boyfie Mark has it covered, doesn't even listen to your cries if protest of not wanting it.
but yk what I'd be happy to see? He's very modest with himself, in case anyone has seen mental camp, does anyone remember the instructor person seeing his underwear and going "wow he's a really frugal person-"
I feel like someone who he spoils should force him back to spoil himself as much he as spoils them. Go to the extents of denying taking his gifts until he gifts himself a little something too and he'd do it because he's head over heels and he just wants to see you happy all the time. So if he sees you're getting sad because he won't treat himself, he'll do it just for your praise ㅠㅠ
i don't want him if he isn't mark lee
Mark is fairly a very busy person, we're all aware of that, but he'd make time for you even if he's struggling to juggle multiple things at once because that's something he gives himself as a gift, a free space and a healing time at the end of the day. When you cling to him and start saying stuff like, "Babe I missed you so much-" BOY WOULD LOSE CONTROL. he'd definitely be making out aggressively the second you say that and he'd do everything he's dreamt of doing, EVERYTHING.
I feel like Mark is a very cute person, if he thinks something, he'll say it. He's very complex yet very simple to understand at the same time but when he's being a little NSFW he'd just speak whatever is on his mind, "No one else pleased you like this, did they?"
"You're only my pretty baby to watch."
"You like everything I do with you, isn't that true? You're always waiting for me to come do things to you."
"You're taking me so well-"
Lia is dead bye.
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lushta1es0nm3 · 2 years
Fuel to the flame’s
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Pairing: Lee Juyeon x reader
Summary: You fuck with fire and you’ll get burned. But that shit feels good sometimes 😉
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Straight up smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Please enjoy. 😊
I hope you like it sis
“Damn it!” You yelled out loud, you were pissed the fuck off. Your friends had canceled on you, the legit, had you waiting for them outside of a club for half an hour. They texted you telling you they weren’t going to make it, because they changed they’re minds. You should’ve known them bitches would do that to you.
Wasn’t shit going right for you, you had huge fight with your boyfriend, even though he was always chilled, he pissed you off when he told you he didn’t like you were short dresses. Like dude, why, you could be sexy when you want to, what the fuck? That lead to an argument, he kept saying how you were his and that he didn’t want some other guy looking at you like that. You know that look guys give girls they wanna fuck. Sis, you were already stressed and frustrated from work, plus he wasn’t giving you any dick. Just because he wanted to prove he was right, yeah right, they make toys for a reason.
You sighed and sent a quick text to your friends saying:
‘Y’all ain’t shit, I’m going home. Don’t ask me to come out next time. I dressed up and you ungrateful bitches canceled on me.’
To which they replied:
‘Let me guess, Juyeon ain’t been giving you any so you wanna vent your frustration on us.🤔’
‘Yeah, I bet her face broke out too. 😂’
‘Somebody call Dr. Juyeon, we got a serious case here. Sis loosing her mind 👏🏽👏🏽🥴🙏🏽’
They proceeded to tease you, so you put phone back in your purse and headed home. Of course Juyeon was there, laying on the couch asleep, he wasn’t there when you left, so he had no clue what you were wearing when you left the house.
You started taking off your shoes, unaware that homie had opened his eyes and that was watching you, so the sudden sound of his voice made your heart skip a beat.
“Where you been dressed like that?” He asked coolly, not moving from his spot on the couch. He was low key turned on, because, let’s be honest sis, he found you so damn sexy. The man knows he has a fine ass girlfriend, so of course he doesn’t want anyone looking at you like he was right now.
“I was going to have a girls night, but they canceled last minute.” You informed him finally freeing yourself from those blasted heels. You placed them to the side and started taking off your jewelry, ignoring how it rose up revealing your lace thong.
“What have I said about wearing stuff like that?” Juyeon started, he didn’t even bother raising his voice. In all honesty, he was getting super turned on, that mixed with the fact that he was tired of your shit. He really wanted to spank you and you didn’t even know it.
“Look JuJuBe,” you started putting your jewelry in the candy dish that sat on the table, “I’m not about to go there with you tonight. I don’t care, I wear what the fuck I want.” You undid the ponytail in your hair a shook it a little as you walked into the bathroom to take off your make up. Just as you went to grab your makeup remover you felt a large hand on your ass.
“Why won’t you listen to me,” Juyeons voice was low, something told you to stop but you did. Sis, you didn’t care, you just wanted to go to bed, you were off tomorrow and you planned on sleep in. So, you pushed his hand off and reached for the bottle of remover.
Juyeon bit his lip as he was starring you down in the mirror. You, being a brat in a bratty mood rolled your eyes and proceeded to start to wipe your make up off. Ignoring his entire existence, he shook his head and just as you threw the first cotton pad down, he took it upon himself to smack you on the ass hard.
A yelp left your lips and you turned to toward him to complain, but stopped when you actually saw the look in his eyes. He looked you over once and walked away. Sis, the man decided to contain himself a little. When you think about it, he had been hold out on you purposefully. He knew you wanted it but he wasn’t gonna give it, girl, he was intentionally torturing you.
Juyeon walked off with a word and closed the bathroom door behind him. Your ass cheek was stinging, so of course your hand was on it. You were turned on, no need to lie, sis, your face was bright red. Juyeon had never looked at you like that, like was gonna chew you up and spit you out with pleasure. The kind that makes you comeback for more. You turned around back to the mirror after a second and took a deep breathe, you looked over at the shower head and said fuck it. Might as well handle that now. But unbeknownst to you, Juyeon was still standing outside of the door, so heard everything.
A week had gone by, you were heading home, tired from a day of answering the phone and basically dealing with people. Sighing, you opened the door to your apartment, no Juyeon. You changed quickly into pajamas and grabbed a bottle of tequila you had hidden behind a few boxes in the cabinet.
Alright, let’s just say, you didn’t limit yourself and drank the whole thing. Girl, you fucked up but oh well, Juyeon wasn’t gonna be home for another few hours. By then you’d be sober enough to get your shit together. But sis, right at that moment, you felt like dressing up and taking pictures. Your drunk ass wanted to torture and tease Juyeon the same way he was doing you.
In your mind, you couldn’t help but think, how dare he walk around in free balling in sweats and a tank top. Then he decided to take his shirt off all sexy like, talking about it’s hot. Not to mention the sound of him grunting for no reason. Oh and let’s not forget how he was sleeping under you in just his boxers and the fact that he grinder into a little. What took the cake for you, seriously sis, was when he smacked your ass as week ago and stared at you like you were prey.
So, your drunk vengeful ass, took some very very sexy and explicit pictures and sent them to him, right before your drunken state caused you doze off a little. But, hey, you woke up around an hour later, most of the alcohol had worn off but you were still feeling a bit lifted. You took off the dress you were wearing, underneath it was some lingerie you had also taken pictures of and sent to him.
Now, sis, you didn’t feel like fighting with the straps to get the thing off, so, you wobbled your ass into the bathroom and took a very much need leak. Thank god the thing buttoned up at the crotch area. Sighing, you did your business and went into the kitchen and pulled out the pitcher of water and drank from it. You were slowly getting sober, you could tell, shit started coming back to you on what you did.
Haha, right on time too because, Juyeon had made it home and walked through the front door. He was in a rush by the way he threw his belongs down anywhere and went straight to find you. I’m sorry, I’m laughing because, you were fucked, you did it to yourself. The deer in headlights look was going good for you.
“How was your day?” You questioned him bracing yourself to run.
He was standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at you with set eyes, “It was good and fine up until about three hours ago.” He answered.
“Oh,” was your meek response, “what happened three hours ago.”
He smirked and your heart started running, “A very hot woman thinks it’s okay to send me explicit pictures while I’m at work.”
You nodded pretending you didn’t know what he was talking about, he took a step towards you and you took off running in the opposite direction. Let the chase began, I don’t know what made you think hiding in the closet as going to do anything but it you did. So the chase didn’t last but ten minutes.
Juyeon had grabbed you and flung you onto the bed, his shirt came off first as you tried to run, yet again. He grabbed you by your ankle and pulled you back to him with ease. Once he had you in reach, he took that opportunity to start smacking your lace covered ass.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered out over and over again. But it feel on death ears. He flipped you over and pinned your hands above you left head. He smirked at you.
“I’m tired of this,” he said in a low voice, girl you were wet, so stop fighting, “don’t you know if you mess with fire, you get burned.” His free hand was now feeling up your boobs.
“You started this,” you tired to say, but you moaned instead, Juyeon was now pinching and pulling your nipple. He let it go and slapped it, never taking his sharp eyes off of you.
“You were saying?” He quizzed pushing your legs open so he could get in where he fit in, if you know what mean.
You shook your head, haha, you were way to aroused now, you could feel his bulge against your inner thigh. Girl, you recalled the last time you fucked when he was mad, your ass way limping the next day. But he as mad at someone else, shit you still don’t know what set him off then.
“Stop playing games with me,” he said in a low voice, as he removed his pants, “this back and forth with you has gone on long enough,” he paused and entered you completely with ease, filling you up with his large package, you were dripping wet, “after this,” he spoke harshly as he began to pound into you, “you better not let me catch you even thinking about wearing those provocative dresses.”
Your hands that we’re once pinned above your head where now gripping at his arms as you whimpered. But sis, that wasn’t what he wanted to hear, so, he grabbed your legs and pinned them wide open as he start railing you. You moaned, your nails digging into his forearm, “Fuck, Juyeon!” You managed to moan out.
This man was on a certain kinda mission, he wanted to make you feel pain and pleasure. He wanted you to beg, just like he begged you to stop being so damn stubborn. Homie pulled out suddenly making you look at him, he smirked while biting his bottom lip. You were about to ask him what he was up too, but you couldn’t get the words out.
Juyeon was at your back door, you reached your hand out to protest, you were afraid because the last time you guys tried, he didn’t fit, he was too big. But today, he wasn’t gonna stop. He took his time penetrating your hole, you squealed. Your eyes closed tightly and you held your breath, until you felt him go all the way in. Your legs were now on Juyeons shoulder and he was face to face with you. Sis, you were folded up, with nowhere to run to.
He started slow, taking his time, he pecked your lips to see if you would open you eyes, but you didn’t. He pounded into you making you open you eyes, “Look at me,” he ordered, “don’t close your eyes unless I tell you too.”
You whimpered in response, you couldn’t form words, it felt too good. You were afraid for nothing, it was so good, you felt weak, making the only thing you could do was nod. He was enjoying how tight you were around him, fuck, it made him quiver. He knew it wouldn’t take him long to burst, he didn’t give a shit, as long as he could fuck you to pieces.
He started railing your asshole making you cry out loud and throw your head back. You trembled, your whole body shook, but did he stop no, instead he ordered you to open your mouth, you complied. He let go of one of your legs and gripped your chin with his large hands. He gave you an open mouth kiss and pounded you faster, he used his other large hand to play in your folds. You couldn’t help it, you squirted a little and let out yet another loud cry.
“Fuck,” Juyeon cursed harshly taking his hand away, he himself had begun to groan. But that didn’t stop him from finishing his mission, yes, he came balls deep. He pulled out his huge cock and went straight into your folds, not even giveing you a second to adjust. He railed you harder and faster until you creamed again, he took that opportunity to kiss you harshly, yet again. This time when he pulled away, he held you up off the bed by your hips and entered your ass yet again. Not sparing even a second he harshly fucked your asshole. Your eyes had rolled into the back of you head, shit, another orgasm.
He himself was nearing his end finally, he was becoming dizzy. He let loose after slamming into you a few times before collapsing on top of you. You could feel him twitching as he emptied his load balls deep in you ass.
Neither of you knew how much time had passed. But who gives a damn when your trying to come to your senses after an intense session. You ended up dozing off a little, but when you felt Juyeon pull out, you opened your eyes. He laid down, chest to chest with you. You felt his cock brush your folds and you whimpered, but he shushed you, while stroking your hair
“I’m sorry,” you began apologized out of breath, Juyeon shushed you again
“Later,” he whispered rolling onto his side and pulling you into his arm, “just rest for now.”
Morning came, you hoped out of bed and stretched, instantly regretting it. You were sore, as expected, you dropped your arms, wincing as you made your way to the bathroom to see the damages. You didn’t get the chance to because the culprit called your name, you turned around and looked at him.
He was smiling as he walked up to you and hugged you tightly, forgetting how fragile you were at the moment. You let out a squeak and he instantly let go.
“Sorry,” he began, “I was too rough last night. I shouldn’t have done you like that.”
“Trust me, I’m not mad,” you responded, “I shouldn’t have sent those pictures to tease you.”
He stared at you for a second before speaking, “Yeah those pictures are illegal. One of the other members had my phone when you sent the first one.” He was dead serious, “I really don’t like it when you wear those dresses that barely cover anything,” he sighed, thinking to himself this would be the last time he say anything about what you wear again, “baby,” he started again, “I don’t like it when guys look at you the way I do. Some of the dresses you wear are way too damn short. I don’t want them to even think about touching or biting your ass like I do. It pisses me off just thinking that someone douche bag will look at you with the intention of trying to fuck you.”
“I know,” you cut him off, “I was being insensitive,” you hugged him, “from now on, I’ll listen to you and you’ll listen to me,” you suggested. He nodded and you let him go and started heading towards the bathroom, while he went towards the kitchen.
“Oh, about last night” you called out from the bathroom making him turn around, “I’d love to do that again sometimes.”
He face flushed red but his eyes lowered as he bit his lips, “I don’t think you could handle it next time,” he explained, “I kinda being gentle.”
“Either way,” you smirked, happy cause it all worked out in the end, “I’d love to do it again.”
He facepalmed himself after you winked and closed the bathroom door. Knowing damn well if you didn’t stop, he’d come for you. After standing there for a moment contemplating if he should go after you or go back to what he was doing. He sighed and went towards the bathroom door and knocked, “Babe, you don’t say things like that and run off.”
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lavandar-castle · 2 years
He’s a 10 but…
╰┈➤ ❝ [Tougen Anki x reader] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [characters: Masumi, Mudano, Ousuke, Tsukuyomi ] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [crack and fluff] ❞
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He’s a 10 but he likes to make snarky comments when your pissed off
He’s a 10 but is 100% a menace
He’s a 10 but will send you photos of you somewhere being like “I see ya” but you won’t see him
Legit 👻 irl
He’s a 10 but will move all your cups to the higher part of the shelf if call him short
He’s a 10 but will always have a ⚫️u⚫️ face
He’s a 10 but if you do smt stupid he will hold it against you for life
Masumi: remember that time when u told me about the THIRD GRADE-
He’s a 10 but will dress in a shark onesie and dance to California girls
He’s a 10 but gets very petty
He’s a 10 but for ur bday he’ll make it like a very extreme scavenger hunt
He’s a 10 but his a Gemini
He’s a 10 but will jumpscare you 3 times in a row in the same seconds
He’s a 10 but is taken by me ofc
He’s a 10 but is a Capricorn
He’s a 10 but has children
He’s a 10 but no one will want to be near you because your near death himself
He’s a 10 but your family is scared shit less
He’s a 10 but will have a long list of rules you must follow
He’s a 10 but you will never know what he’s feeling due to his resting bitch face
He’s a 10 but will point out your grammar mistake in every text
He’s a 10 but if you send him a meme he will lecture you
He’s a 10 but you have a bedtime and it is 8pm even on the weekends
He’s a 10 but if you ever feel like he’s watching your every move…it’s because he is
He’s a 10 but is fight club
He’s a 10 but will tornado kick a man who cat call you frfr - one moment he’s next to you the next he threw a man out of his car seat
He’s a 10 but is banned in most places bc he kept throwing chairs at everyone
He’s a 10 but will take play fight seriously- don’t come after him if your don’t want ur knees to be snatched
He’s a 10 but if you ever bring him to a family gathering he is staring fights with your relatives
He’s a 10 but he prob flip off your elders and call them a bitch in front of the kids
He’s a 10 but will pour 10 pounds of peppers in all your meals
He’s a 10 but he’s a Virgo
He’s a 10 but aggressively does things not on purpose but it happens - like closing the car door that sounds like a slam
He’s a 10 but you have to stop him from causing fights
He’s a 10 but will purposely wear sweatpants and manspread just to see you malfunction
He’s a 10 but is a gym bro
He’s a 10 but his love for fights to the point you think he on drugs
He’s a 10 but will judge you based on your birth sign
He’s a 10 but will do a whole analysis of you based off your birth chart
He’s a 10 but may or not try to predict your death just saying
He’s a 10 but always has to bring whatever lucky object he has due to his luck
He’s a 10 but if you want flowers, nice dinner, jewelry he’s the type of boyfriend who you have to ask him that
He’s a 10 but if his cards says you both need to break up- welp looks like your single now
He’s a 10 but will judge your friends and family based off their birth signs
He’s a 10 but is an astrology lover
Tag: @sscarchiyo
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domesticblisss · 2 years
What You Hoped to Find
Ricky Starks x Female Reader
Rating: Mature (Minors DNI)
Word Count: 1450
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of sex, daddy kink (probably not how you're thinking, just a tiny mention) and stalking.
Summary: Reader is tired of the dating scene and weird dates. A stranger in a bar helps her out.
A/N: Hello! Two fics in a couple of days? Who'd have thought??? Maybe a found a new muse on Ricky. Hope you guys like it!
Being a single woman trying to get lucky on the dating scene fucking sucks. 
I’ve lost count of how many dates I’ve gone on in the last couple of months, let alone how many times I’ve swiped and matched on the apps. 
It was like there’s only two types of men: the ones that are down right creepy from the beginning and the ones that are nice at first, have a nice conversation on the app and then turn into creeps when you finally meet them face to face. 
And of course tonight’s date was the latter. 
I gotta admit that my first intentions with Trevor were downright carnal, dude looked like he was an Abercrombie & Fitch model, straight out of the catalogue. He likes to cook, loves animals, sports and seems to be a family guy. You know, the perfect dude, prince charming himself. 
Turns out prince charming had a daddy kink and wanted me to call him by his honorific on our first date. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against it, but c’mon, would it hurt to have a normal conversation first and then ask if I was up to it? (Probably wouldn’t say no, to be honest.)
I called it off when he started to push it. 
So of course I wouldn’t waste the time I spent getting dolled up. This dress makes my curves look too good to be at home on a saturday night, so I decided to go bar hopping. 
And it looks like so did Trevor, because this is the third bar that I go to and he shows up just a few minutes later. He hasn’t approached me yet, only keeps staring at me. 
Add mega creep to the list. 
I’m not going to lie, I’m getting a little uncomfortable (and scared). 
I look around to see if I can find the nearest restroom, which is crowded and impossible to get in, but I do end up spotting a very cute guy sitting alone. 
Okay, it’s now or never, I hope he doesn’t think I’m a weirdo. 
“Hi! Look, I’ve just left a super weird date and the dude is following me. This is actually the third bar I’ve been to after it and he keeps coming after me. Could you please pretend to know me for a little while so he leaves? He is by the door looking at us.” I spoke so fast that I’m out of breath. 
The guy in front of me is beautiful. Glistening terracotta skin, chocolate brown eyes, broad shoulders and the perfect amount of muscles. His forehead is scrunched, and I can see it relaxing slowly as he takes in my words. 
“Oh god, of course!” He says as he gestures to the chair in front of him. “I’m Ricky.” 
I give him my name as I sit down. Awkward silence engulfs us and we exchange even more awkward smiles. 
“He’s at the bar now… still staring at us.” Ricky says after a while. 
“Jesus… I’m never going on dates again.” I groan. 
“Was it that bad?” 
“He wanted me to call him ‘daddy’ instead of his name. On our first date.” 
“Oh, baby, I am so sorry.” Ricky’s apology seems legit. “I think we need some drinks.” He says and calls the waiter as I nod in agreement.
He orders a couple of tequila shots for us and some beer to wash it down. 
“Thank you by the way, Ricky.”
“No problem.” We clink our shot glasses and down the tequila before he continues, “So, daddy huh?”
Ricky laughs at my incredulous face. 
“Look, nothing against it, it’s cool and all, to be honest I’m more of a sir girl–“ 
Ricky laughs again, this time spitting a bit of his beer. 
“Anyways that’s not the point, that’s not what I signed up for on the first date.”
“And what did you sign up for?” He asks, a sweet but playful smile adorning his face. 
“His profile said he likes to cook, is into animals and he seemed like a family oriented guy, you know, the basics to make any stupid woman crazy.”
I can see Ricky holding his laughter, which makes me cry-laugh.
“Ugh, I know how pathetic it sounds, but being a woman trying to get on the dating scene is just so bad.”
“I don’t think it’s pathetic, you’re beautiful and from the little we’ve talked, I can see you’re funny and a genuinely nice person. He’s the fucking weirdo.”
Ricky’s little speech leaves me speechless and I can feel my cheeks heating. 
I thank him with a small smile and I know he gets it when he tilts his beer bottle towards me as a nod before drinking. 
“Sooo,” I say before awkward silence falls between us again “what brings you here tonight? Any hot dates?”
“Girlfriend waiting at home?”
Ricky’s tone of voice changed to something a little slicker, like he wanted to let me in on something. Can’t deny that it didn’t awaken the butterflies that had been long asleep in my stomach, because it did. Oh, how it did. 
“So what are you doing here?” I say as I change to a more comfortable position, crossing my legs. Ricky licks his lips. 
“Just wanted to chill and visit some old, familiar places here at home before going on tour again.”
“Oh, so you travel a lot?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“So what do you do? Are you like, a rockstar or something?”
Ricky laughs again, and I’m starting to think that I’d never get tired of listening to his laughter. 
“I'm a pro wrestler.” He answers and for some reason, he seems shy, like I’d be weirded out by the answer. 
“Dude! Ricky, that’s so cool!”
“You think so?”
“Of course!”
We talk some more, he tells me about his accomplishments and I insist on searching his matches. Ricky asks me about what I do and we laugh about how my boring office job has nothing on his super cool one. 
We talk for what felt like hours, we laugh until we cry about and we even exchange numbers. 
Our conversation is interrupted when a shadow suddenly approaches us. Trevor. 
“Can I help you?” Ricky asks Trevor. 
“Him? Really? I thought we had something.” Trevor completely dismisses Ricky and turns to me. 
“Oh, that was our first AND only date. We never had nothing and we never will.”
Before Trevor opens up his mouth, Ricky stands, squaring him up. 
“You heard her. Now take your shit and leave.” Ricky says, the tone of his voice is completely different from what I listened to the whole night. 
Trevor grunts and makes his way out in silence, not daring to look back. 
I sigh. 
“Thank you, Ricky. You really didn’t have to do any of this, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Ricky says as he squeezes my hand. 
“I think I should probably go.”
“I’ll take you home.” He says, getting up with me.
I stop him. “You really don’t have to. I live like, a couple of blocks away from here. I’ll just walk home.”
“Yes I do. You don’t know if that weirdo is waiting outside. Besides, I don’t live that far from here either. And to be honest? It’ll be boring without you here.”
I nod and smile. “Okay then, let’s go.”
Ricky pays for our bills, even though I protest, saying that I could have paid for my share. 
The walk home is quiet, the silence only being broken by Ricky asking where we should turn. We walk side by side, too close for two people who have just met, hands brushing lightly, his right arm going around my waist as we pass by the too crowded entrance of another bar. 
“So, this is me.” I say as I stopped by my building’s door. 
“Really?” Ricky asks, laughing. 
“Yeah, what’s so funny?”
“This is me too.” He says, pulling out the familiar key card that opened the main door. 
“Really?” It was my turn to ask and laugh. 
“So each one are you at?” he asks as we walk through the lobby. 
“804. You?”
The ride is faster than expected, and we spent it laughing at the coincidence. 
The elevator stops, and the visor reads “6th”. 
“So, I guess this is me.” Ricky says as the door opens. He stands right by it so it doesn’t close. 
“”Thank you again, Ricky. I really can’t thank you enough.”
“I don’t want to overstep, but breakfast tomorrow?”
“I would love to.”
“Deal. I know where to find you. See ya..”
“See ya..”
I guess the night wasn’t that bad after all. 
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