#he was originally from the western air temple until he came out as a guy in fact that's why he knew it was the best one to learn at
nessandaus · 2 years
Not really an AU but, I've been thinking about my idea for an ATLA/avatar story.
Set during the time of (young) Guru Laghima, it would follow the story of the Avatar and her older sister. They are from the earth tribes, and have to flee their home after a strong, nonbending general calling himself the King of Earth and his army kill their parents.
The older sister, Sisi, is a 13 year old (at the beginning of the story) earth bender whose family had a stronger connection to the spirits than most. Sisi had been learning wood carving from her mother and earthbending construction from her father when the army destroyed their lives. She eventually grows into the person who invented the bending and solstice locks scattered through the various temples around the world, a feat which earns her the name "Lockbender".
The avatar, Mimi, is 6 at the start of their story, only just starting to learn earthbending. She is found out as the avatar because she liked to play with fire as well, able to make the fire and rocks around her dance from a young age. As she and her sister slowly travel the world, Mimi masters earthbending, then the other elements.
Laghima is a young, cocky, 16 year old airbender in the beginning, out on a nomadic voyage to learn about the world and the spirits that inhabit it. He finds the young sisters and likes to travel with them as he learns from the various places they visit.
Cheeks is Mimi's animal companion, an Iguanaparrot who they found injured. She likes to eat berries and carrots, and she picks up words to parrot relatively easily (and then just says "Berries please berries please" over and over)
The first book, Earth, is mostly slice of life of them travelling and becoming friends for 10 years until Mimi is a master earth bender and ready to learn other elements. Laghima is on and off, visiting temples and meditating with spirits a lot more than his companions. He also makes sure the two young girls are safe from danger, scouting and making sure they avoid the growing Earth army. The finale is them fleeing the Earth Kingdom, as the Earth King is crowned in the newly built Ba Sing Se.
The Second book, Fire, the companions enter the fire kingdom, and Mimi begins her fire training. Sisi, in barter for their stay, starts putting her construction and woodcarving abilities to work, helping to build and reinforce the temples, and gaining her name of Lockbender. Laghima meditates at all the temples, and floats for the first time. This book ends with Mimi being declared a master of firebending in only two years, and Cheeks picking up some fire related swear words.
Book 3, Air, the companions go to the Western Air Temple. As Mimi works on air bending and struggles to get past some blocks, Sisi works on improving the integrity of the upside down buildings. Laghima is made Mimi's part time teacher and is recognized as a Guru by his people. He hasn't yet mastered the state of mind for permanent floating, though is consistently floating with meditation. During this time, they also visit the other air temples regularly so Sisi can check the construction and install the giant airbending locks. It takes Mimi 3 years to master airbending. This season ends with the Earth king finding out about the avatar, and quietly dispatching a team to find and capture her, as the Earth Avatar is one of his citizens and therefore should listen to him.
Book 4, Water. The companions, still with Laghima, head towards the small southern water tribe to learn water bending. On the way, they instead discover some other water benders, a young new tribe in the middle of a swamp. Mimi starts to learn water bending from the swamp benders, and Laghima communes with the (while younger, still large and old) banyan grove tree, and finally learns what he needs to be weightless always. Sisi meets a swamp bender girl named Rocha who decides to join the companions (they're gay, Harold). A short bit through the book, they pick up travel to the Southern water tribe to complete Sisi's training, having gained all they could from the swamp. In the meanwhile, the earth king's team are getting ever closer. With half the book left, they complete the water training, the fastest of the elements, and are captured by the earth king's forces.
then plot, plot plot, it ends with Sisi sacrificing herself so Roche, Laghima and Mimi can escape. Mimi is a quiet avatar who spends the rest of her years trying to protect others from war. Laghima becomes the wise floating guru we hear about. Roche holds the memory of her wife dear, and retires to the banyan grove swamp where she spends years strengthening the spirit of the tree.
It's revealed also that the writer of this history is an old Mimi, with Cheeks also looking a bit grey on her shoulder (parrots live forever), looking out upon a peaceful Western Air Temple. With a small lock designed by her sister on the outside of the journal.
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beifongsss · 4 years
jealousy [sokka]
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Pairing: Sokka x firebending!reader
Summary: You like Sokka. Like, reaaaaally like him. However, any time you feel like you’re ready to confess your feelings, it seems as though he finds himself wrapped up in yet another romance.
this was originally the first atla fic i ever wrote and it was inspired by Dreamer Boy’s song “Puppy Dog”!
The first time you decided to tell Sokka how you felt about him was when the Gaang had finally reached the Northern Water Tribe. You had been debating over whether or not to confess to Sokka for weeks, ever since you had visited the village where Aunt Wu resided. She had told you that you would be a powerful bender and that your love life would be immensely successful because you were meant to end up with a guy with a heart of gold and the spirit of a warrior. When she had added that he would be a nonbender, you had just known it was Sokka and all the skipped heartbeats and butterflies you felt around him finally made sense. As the waterbenders opened the gate and Appa drifted through, you had asked to talk to Sokka. Katara and Aang were distracted by the snowy city around them and Sokka had obliged, sitting beside you as you took a deep breath to ready yourself.
“Sokka,” you began, nervousness coursing through your veins as you took a deep breath. “Listen, I li-”
“Look!” Katara interrupted, pointing at an ornate looking building. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
Sokka, who had been leaning over Appa’s saddle to get a better look at what his sister was pointing to, sighed dreamily as his gaze settled upon a teenage girl in a gondola. “Yeah, she is.”
Following his line of sight, you sighed in defeat before bringing your knees up to your chest and hugging them.
You decided not to bring your feelings up again until the Gaang got to Ba SIng Se safely. You were feeling more confident by the minute, at least you were until you reached the ferry station.
Your confidence dropped back down when you discovered that Suki and the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors were there as well, noticing the way the pretty girl looked at Sokka. The whole time you spent in the ferry station and the beginning of your journey through the Serpent’s Pass was spent in silence, causing Katara to worry. Eventually, she had coaxed your secret from you, looking at you with a mix of amusement and repulsion when you told her you liked Sokka.
“Really? Him?” Katara asked, looking at her brother who was currently arguing with a twelve year old. You blushed fiercely and looked away. Noticing your expression, Katara quickly tried to fix her words. “I mean, him? Yeah, he’s a dream.”
You stifled a laugh as you noticed Katara’s pained expression. “It’s alright Katara, you don’t have to be nice about it. We can’t control who we like.”
“I’m sure he likes you too,” Katara said softly. “He’s just a little slow. Plus, you’re pretty good friends, he wouldn’t know how to approach you romantically.”
You opened your mouth to reply but instead found yourself letting out a sharp yelp as the ledge you were standing on gave out.
“(Y/N)!” Katara screamed as you plummeted, making everyone stop and turn around. “Toph, do something!”
Your fall came to an abrupt stop as you landed on a flat piece of earth. You felt the slab of rock begin to slide upwards as Toph brought you back up to where everyone else was standing. Silently, you walked up to Toph and engulfed her in a hug, shaking slightly from all the adrenaline. The hug didn’t last long however, and you were soon pulled away from Toph and brought into another tight hug.
“Are you okay?” Sokka whispered as he hugged you. “Geez...what happened? You scared me to death!”
You didn’t reply, instead meeting Katara’s eyes as she gave you a knowing look. Cheeks blazing, you pulled away from Sokka and brushed yourself off. “I’m fine. Let’s keep going. We can’t waste any more time.”
After making sure that you truly were fine, Aang encouraged everyone to continue. Eventually, night fell and you all decided to stop and rest for the night. You placed your sleeping bag down next to Katara’s, only to find it being ripped away from you.
“Not too close to the edge (Y/N/N)!” Sokka exclaimed, laying your sleeping bag right next to his. “You have to be more careful.”
You rolled your eyes before walking over to him. “Ok Sokka. Whatever you say.”
“Wait!” Sokka screamed suddenly, holding his arm out to stop you from moving forwards.
“What?” you asked, slightly exasperated.
“Oh, nothing,” Sokka replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I thought I saw a spider.”
Shaking your head, you curled up in your sleeping bag, once again rolling your eyes at the way Katara was looking at the close proximity between you and Sokka. “Good night everyone.”
You struggled to fall asleep, tossing and turning until you felt Sokka get up from his spot next to you and walk off. Turning once more, you noticed Katara waving at you and trying to catch your attention. When she got it, she motioned for you to go after Sokka. Quietly getting up, you began to walk off, ignoring Katara as she whispered, “Go confess!”
Nervously wringing your hands, you made your way over to where you knew Sokka would be, once again building up your confidence. When you finally got there, your heart dropped as you saw Suki and Sokka inches away from each other.
“Oh!” you gasped, loud enough to draw their attention. They flew apart immediately, turning to look at you with wide eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t know.”
“(Y/N), wait!” Sokka shouted, looking after you as you fled. You didn’t go back to the campground, instead choosing to wander off on your own. You could feel your palms heating up, faint curls of steam escaping your nostrils as your emotions overwhelmed you and caused your bending to act up. Breathing deeply, you sat down and looked up at the moon. You stayed there all night, sighing softly and suppressing your fire as the moon seemed to glow a little bit brighter.
After walking in on Sokka’s almost-kiss with Suki, you decided to give up on confessing your feelings. You had all been quite busy anyways, what with trying to tell the Earth King about the upcoming solar eclipse, running from Azula, and trying to come up with a plan to invade the Fire Nation. With all that had happened, you and Sokka had drifted apart, the sudden distance between you two a little intentional on your part. Maybe it was for the better, at least that way your heart wouldn’t ache every time he smiled at you after telling you one of his jokes.
Eventually you began to wonder if Aunt Wu’s prediction was wrong. Or maybe you just hadn’t met the boy with a heart of gold and the spirit of a warrior that you were meant to end up with.
After the Day of Black Sun, the younger members of the invasion army found themselves settled into the Western Air Temple. It was there that everyone unanimously voted to have you become Aang’s firebending teacher. You had initially refused, not wanting to teach Aang firebending the way you had learned it; by depending on your emotions. You tended to have trouble controlling your fire when you allowed your emotions to take control, which wouldn’t help Aang in any way. You had only agreed to teach him after stating that you would only do it if they allowed Zuko to teach Aang as well.
Sokka had been the loudest to complain about Zuko joining your group, claiming that he was evil and that they didn’t need another firebender running around. You had been slightly offended by his comments and continuously vouched for Zuko, seeing that he had truly changed and that he wanted to help Aang. As a result, you ended up spending most of your time with the prince, offering him friendship when no one else did. A problem soon arose however, when you actually began to teach Aang how to firebend.
~ “Listen everybody, I have some pretty bad news. I’ve lost my stuff,” Zuko announced, walking into the courtyard where everyone was. You were trailing behind him quietly.
“Don’t look at me,” Toph said immediately, raising her hands in defense. “I didn’t touch your stuff.”
“He’s talking about firebending,” you stated, laughing at her words. “And he’s not the only one.”
Katara’s snickering stopped as she looked at you with wide eyes. “Not you too!”
You shifted uncomfortable as everyone stared at you. “Well, I can still bend. The issue is that my flames are too big and destructive. I’m having quite a bit of trouble trying to keep them controlled.”
“Wouldn’t big flames be a good thing?” Sokka asked. “Just teach Aang how to do it and he’ll burn the Fire Lord to a crisp.”
“It doesn’t work like that,” you said tiredly. “A lot of firebenders draw their energy from their emotions but when they’re too strong, their bending gets too dangerous and out of hand.”
“Strong emotions?” Sokka whispered, his heart speeding up slightly as he stared at you.
“Yes,” Zuko answered. “For me, it used to be anger and hatred. For (Y/N), it stems from great love or sadness.
“Zuko!” you hissed, flushing as you faced him. Zuko stared back at you, a teasing smile on his lips. You shot him an alarmed look before glancing at Sokka.
When he first arrived, Zuko had had no trouble figuring out your feelings for the Water Tribe boy. Much like Katara, he had been put off by your feelings, always having thought of Sokka as nothing more than an immature boy.
Sokka, on the other hand, had not seen the panic behind the look you had aimed at Zuko and he felt an uncomfortable feeling settle in his chest at the way the prince was smiling at you. He kept noticing the glances you were sending towards Zuko, unaware that you were actually trying to burn a hole into the side of his head with your glare. In Sokka’s head, your recent aloofness towards him was starting to make sense.
“Look,” Zuko said, drawing the attention back to him. “I don’t want to rely on anger and hatred anymore. There has to be another way to regain my bending.”
“You’re gonna need to learn to draw your firebending from a different source,” Toph said, leaning back on the rock she was sitting on. “I recommend the original source.”
“How’s he supposed to do that? By jumping into a volcano?” Sokka asked, sounding way too happy.
“No. Zuko and (Y/N) need to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is,” Toph stated once again. “For earthbending, the original benders were the badgermoles.”
You and Zuko exchanged uneasy looks before you spoke. “The original firebenders were the dragons.”
“And they’re extinct,” Zuko added, annoyance creeping onto his face when Aang mentioned that Avatar Roku used to have one. “But maybe there’s another way. The first people to learn from the dragons were the ancient Sun Warriors.”
“Yeah, but they died thousands of years ago,” you said, cutting Aang off when he began to speak. “But their civilization wasn’t too far from where we are now.”
“Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins!” Aang exclaimed.
“So what?” Sokka asked, standing up. “Maybe you’ll pick up some super old Sun Warrior energy just by standing where they stood a thousand years ago?”
“More or less,” you replied quietly. “Either we learn a new way to firebend, or Aang has to find a new teacher.”
In the few days that you had been gone with Aang and Zuko, Sokka had been in a rotten mood. Everyone else had noticed it and Teo and The Duke had even started a game to see who could annoy Sokka the most without making him explode.
It was only when Momo began to avoid him as well that Katara had finally had enough.
“What is going on with you Sokka?” Katara finally exclaimed. “When Haru tried to ask if you wanted some meat, you threw your boomerang at him!”
Sokka grumbled something under his breath, causing Katara to roll her eyes.
“You’ve been acting this way ever since (Y/N) and Zuko-” Katara trailed off as a smirk spread across her face. “You’re jealous!”
“W-What? No!” Sokka exclaimed, stumbling over his words as his face turned bright red. “Why would I be jealous? Who would I be jealous of?”
“Zuko,” Katara stated dully. “You’re jealous of Zuko and (Y/N)’s relationship.”
“They’re in a relationship?” Sokka screeched as he jumped to his feet and began pacing.
“No!” Katara said. “I was referring to their friendship.”
“Oh,” Sokka breathed, coming to a stop and running his hand through his hair, pulling it out of his warrior’s wolf tail in the process. The more he thought about how you and Zuko interacted, the more bothered he got. Katara watching him struggle with his emotions with amusement, wiping the smile off her face when he finally spoke. “I guess...I am jealous.”
Katara rolled her eyes before standing up and facing her brother, her expression becoming serious. “We know. When she gets back, just tell her how you feel. Remember, we’re up against the Fire Lord and things can change in a matter of seconds. Don’t leave things unsaid.”
Sokka sat back down and pushed his hair away from his face, thinking about Katara’s words. He stayed there for a while, smiling when he looked up and saw Appa’s silhouette growing closer and closer. Taking a few breaths, he began to hype himself up.
“Ok Sokka,” he whispered to himself. “You got this. Just tell her how you feel and everything will work out.”
He leapt up when Appa landed, immediately climbing up to reach his saddle. He was shaking with so much nervousness at what he was about to do that he didn’t notice Aang looking down at him.
“Sokka!” Aang whisper-yelled, shooting him a bright smile. “Where is everyone else?”
“They’re in the sleeping hall. It’s pretty early,” Sokka replied normally, only to be shushed by Aang as he finally reached the saddle.
“Don’t be too loud,” Aang whispered, motioning to you. Sokka felt his heart drop to his stomach as his eyes landed on you. You were sitting next to Zuko, the two of you curled up against Appa’s saddle.Your head was resting on the prince’s shoulder, his head resting on top of yours as you both napped peacefully. One of Zuko’s arms was wrapped loosely around your waist to make sure you didn’t topple over, not that Sokka was aware of that.
With a hurt expression, Sokka climbed off of Appa, dejectedly making his way into the sleeping hall. Noticing his downcast expression, Katara made her way over to him. “What’s wrong Sokka?”
“What’s wrong?” Sokka repeated sadly, walking past her. “What’s wrong is that I was too late, Katara. She likes Zuko.”
Katara looked at Sokka in confusion as he curled up in his sleeping bag, turning to face the wall. She straightened up as she heard voices approaching and turned to face you and Zuko, who was smiling at something you had said as you rubbed at your eyes sleepily.
“You’re back!” Katara exclaimed, making her way over to you. You hugged her tightly before replying.
“Yeah, we are. It was an interesting trip,” you said, smiling softly.
“It was!” Aang exclaimed, walking in. “It really helped (Y/N) and Zuko bond over these last few days!”
Sokka grumbled faintly at Aang’s words, not turning to face the group.
“We also learned a new way to firebend,” Zuko added. “A more traditional technique.”
“You should show them!” Aang said excitedly, turning to face you. “Please?”
You hesitated before nodding, not being able to deny Aang anything. Zuko agreed when he saw you nod. Quietly, the two of you made your way to the courtyard, followed by everyone else. Even Sokka had joined, being dragged along by Katara.
“Alright,” you breathed. “Here goes nothing.”
You and Zuko stood a few feet apart, breathing deeply before launching into the perfectly practiced routine you had learned from the dragons. The routine went smoothly and it was dead silent in the courtyard, apart from the occasional huff from you or Zuko. The routine came to an end when you and Zuko ended up chest to chest, the two of you breathing heavily as you looked at each other. With a small squeal, you launched yourself at him, smiling widely. You threw your arms around his neck and he grabbed your waist, stabilizing the two of you.
“We did it!” you exclaimed, only to hear soft claps from everyone else. You pulled away from Zuko in time to see Sokka storming off. Everyone’s clapping died down at Sokka’s departure, an awkward silence taking over.
“Go to him,” Katara said softly, urging you out the door. You looked back hesitantly, only to see Aang waving you off and Zuko giving you a thumbs up. You awkwardly shuffled off to where you expected Sokka to be, finding him in the sleeping hall where he was throwing his boomerang around.
“Sokka, are you okay?” you asked quietly, approaching him slowly. You’ve been acting weird and everyone’s worried about you.”
Sokka caught his boomerang once again and put it down, standing up from where he had been sitting. “What? No I’m perfectly fine.”
His response was short and you couldn’t help but flinch slightly at his sharp tone.
“You can go back to your good ol’ pal Zuko.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at his words and you crossed your arms in front of you. “Is this what this is about? Zuko? Are you really still upset over the fact that we accepted him into the group?”
Sokka stayed silent as you started walking closer to him, waving your arms in exasperation as you spoke.
“Why can’t you just accept that he’s changed? He’s clearly not the same person he used to be and now Aang has a firebending teacher. Him joining us is a good thing and you’re over here acting like-”
Your words were cut off as Sokka cupped your face in his hands. The words that were on the tip of your tongue died down as you looked into his bright blue eyes.
The two of you stood in tense silence for a minute. You felt your cheeks heat up under his touch, neither one of you saying anything as you looked at each other. Sighing softly, he rested his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, your whole face now burning brightly from the close proximity between the two of you. You felt Sokka nudge his nose against yours and you opened your eyes to see him raise an eyebrow, an unspoken question hanging in between you. Closing your eyes once again, you nodded softly, your head spinning as Sokka’s hands began to tremble slightly before he pressed his lips to yours.
You held your breath, not fully believing what was happening. The kiss was nothing more than a brush of his lips against yours, over way too quickly as Sokka recoiled and let his hands drop before turning away.
“S-Sokka, I-” you began, stumbling over your words. Your heart was racing as you gently touched your lips, wondering if he really did feel the same way you did.
“Save it,” Sokka replied, his tone softer than earlier. “Go back to Zuko and forget I ever did that.”
“I can’t,” you replied softly, walking over to him. “I can’t forget you did that Sokka. I’ve been waiting for a sign that you might like me back for the longest time and now that I finally have it, you want me to forget about it?”
Sokka turned around, disbelief clear on his face. “You like me? N-No. You like Zuko.”
Your face softened at his words. “Is that why you’ve been in such a mood? Because you thought I liked Zuko?”
Sokka bowed his head down in disappointment. “He’s a prince (Y/N). He’s a prince and a firebender and how could I ever compete with that?”
“You don’t have to,” you replied immediately. “I like you, not him. I’ve liked you ever since I joined you guys on your journey. Zuko and I got close because we’re both firebenders and because we know what it’s like to be considered traitors to our nation, not because we like each other.”
“You don’t like Zuko?” Sokka asked dumbly. You shook your head.
“No. I already told you, I like-” you were cut off yet again, this time by Sokka pressing his lips to yours in an urgent manner. You wasted no time in kissing back, your hands coming up to rest on his chest as he grabbed your waist tightly, pulling you impossibly close. The kiss was desperate and slightly messy, the two of you pouring all of your emotions into it. You could feel his heart pounding underneath your hands and you were almost certain that he could feel yours as well.
Pulling back, you kept your eyes closed as you hesitated to ask the question on your mind. “What about Suki?”
Sokka kissed you once more before answering. “I don’t like her. I love you.”
Sokka’s eyes widened at his unexpected proclamation and he looked at you in panic. Your eyes shined brightly and you replied quickly before he could try to stutter out an excuse.
“I love you too.”
You hugged him tightly before kissing him yet again, his arms winding around your waist again as he responded enthusiastically. This was what you had been waiting for, and the safety that the two of you felt in each other’s arms was comforting.
“It took us long enough,” Sokka muttered against your lips, causing you to laugh softly.
“You talk too much,” you replied before reconnecting your lips.
The two of you only pulled away when you heard Toph’s voice, followed by multiple footsteps.
“I found them! They’re in here kissing, my feet can feel it!”
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​
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su-univeralai · 3 years
I am here for your essay. Or yknow, just any dunebaby facts that you can spare.
*heavy breathing* oh no, she's come for my OCs exactly like she said she would.
lolol Ok, I've got bios on 9 out of 10 of my kids so far, but I wrote a quick blurb about them so hopefully you can't figure out who I didn't start until now lol. The older 4 (which 3/4 are legit characters in LOK, but tweaked to my liking) are grown-ass adults while the other 6 are probably between 14-21. So, our beloved Taang parents have been popping kids out from when they were 18 or 19 to 39 or 40 years old.
At some point I'll make a family tree for you, since most of the older dunebabies have their own families and that can be confusing. Some have more information than others, but more will be added on each of them as time goes on. I just haven't figured them out yet.
Also, gonna put a cut here, because it's a long post and I know not everyone wants to see my OCs lol.
Ok Onto the Dunebabies from oldest to youngest:
Gyatso (M) Airbender, 35: Named after Aang’s father figure, Gyatso is Toph and Aang’s first born and first of several airbending children. He has a knack for the art and excelled quickly with mastering it, narrowly falling short of beating Aang’s record of mastering airbending at 13. As he got older and his parents continued having children, he became like a father figure to the younger ones. That’s the best part about having tons of kids, right? At some point the older ones raise the younger ones and the parents can just have fun. Once Tiao Wu turned 13, Gyatso and his own wife, boyfriend, and kids moved away from home and resided in the Western Air Temple with some Air Acolytes.
Lin (F) Earthbender, 32: Lin is a straight arrow, always following the rules. Sometimes Toph’s jokes that her first born daughter is actually Katara’s because wasn’t as goofy as Gyatso and Tenzin. As kids, Lin and Tenzin butted heads like no other. They may have had a year or two when they got along, but that was when Lin was training to be a police officer and Tenzin was always out because he was dating Pema. They constantly bicker at family gatherings, but make a mean team when they spar against the other next gen kids. Their twin telepathy (yes, they are twins in my universe) comes into play and they are undefeatable. That is until the triplets becomes masters in their own right. While Lin is a talented earthbender and metalbender, she struggled with picking it up (perhaps because of Toph’s hardcore teaching style). She responded to a “more gentle approach” as Katara would say, and Aang helped her learn the basics until she was ready to take on Toph’s more intense lessons. Lin is definitely closer with Aang than she is with Toph, but goes to mom if something needs to be done quickly and under wraps. Lin works long hours as chief of the police force in republic city, so she doesn’t have much time for romance. When she finds a spare moment for intimacy, she frequents a bar that accepts everyone. She brought Songa with her before her little sis fell in love with (insert steambaby daughter name here).
Tenzin (M) Airbender, 32: Tbh Tenzin still marries Pema and has his four kids, like in LOK. Lol. Unlike the show, with the weight of the whole air nation not on his shoulders, Tenzin was not a serious kid. He played pai sho with the white lotus members and roughed it up with Lin. Tenzin had a difficult time mastering airbending, though. He lacked the spiritual connection that his father and brother easily had. He blamed being stuck with an earthbender in the womb for 9 months at his lack of skill with airbending. His masters airbending at 21 and is pumped to finally get his tattoos. Since Pema is an air acolyte, I'm saying that her parents were also acolytes, and she and Tenzin met as kids and got along really well. They started dating at 16. Tenzin wanted to wait to get his arrows before proposing to her, so they date for 5 long years as Pema cheered him on in the grueling training. Tenzin and Pema eventually move to the Northern Air Temple and kept Teo company.
Suyin (F) Earthbender, 26: Suyin was a troublemaker when she was a kid, always pranking her siblings. She spent way too much time with Sokka. At least that’s what Toph says. Her teenage years, that’s when things became dicey. With Lin on the streets as a cop and Su committing petty crimes, the two were bound to cross paths. After Lin brought her in for whay must have been the thousandth time and Toph had to bail her out, Toph sent her to the her old stomping ground: the Earth Rumble 6. Toph still had her ear in the stadium and stayed in touch with The Boulder, and she thought it’d do her some good to get beat up by other earthbenders. Su stayed with her grandparents and got the structure she needed and got her act together. She got pounded by her opponents the first few years, but she slowly moved her way up the food chain and eventually held her mother’s old title as champion. Once she turned 18, she left to travel the world, meeting up with Kya (can't decide if Kya will be a steambaby or a Sukka baby. Is there a cut name for Sukka babies?). Along the way she met Bataar and fell in love with him and together build zaofu and have all their kids from LOK.
Songa (F) Airbender, 21: The oldest of the triplets to be born. Songa is a calm spirit, she reminds Aang of Yangchen with her way of keeping the peace in their large family. She’s a true romantic like her father and catches the attention of a lot of men, but alas, her heart is won over by one of Katara and Zuko’s daughters, (insert steambaby name here lol). She sees the best in everyone and trusts a little too easily. Watch out though, if you get on her bad side or betray her trust one too many times, her mother’s sass and tongue come out and no one wants to be hit by her earthbending styled airbending. Songa is a talented bender and has a tendency to use her airbending like an earthbender, facing things head on. She can seemlessly switch between styles, but she'd prefer to take her opponents on directly.
Kera (F) Nonbender, 21: Kera is the heart of the triplets. She’s passionate like a firebender and meets conflict head-on like her mom. Being the first non-bender didn’t feel great coming from the lineage of the Avatar and Toph Beifond, strongest earthbender in the world and metalbender originator, but she found peace in being a non-bender when hearing all the stories of Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Teo, and their many other friends taking down bender and non-benders alike. Kera begged her parents to live in the Fire Nation to study under Mai and Ty Lee. Aang and Toph didn’t have any problems with her going, but Zuko and Katara did, fearing she (being a dunebaby) would cause mayhem in the palace. Only after swearing to Zuko that she wouldn’t make a mess did the Fire Lord allow her stay with them. During her time there, she mastered Mai and Ty Lee’s techniques and trained under the Yuyan archers. When she came home, she could beat the other two thirds of her triplets easily. Only when she teams up with the other two, can they take down Lin and Tenzin.
Choekyi (M) Airbender, 21: The last of the triplets to come be birthed. Choekyi is a free spirit, much like his father. He enjoys traveling and meeting new people. As a child (and an adult) he is easily excited and is a very charismatic guy, which gets him far with the ladies in his teens and early twenties. He’s never scared of trying new things, sometimes to his detriment, as he gets hurt a lot for someone light on his toes. His preferred method of transportation is air scooter. Choekyi gets along with Uncle Sokka the most, with his never ending jokes and letting him learn how to throw a boomerang even though he’s a bender. Choekyi spends some time in the swamp with the swamp benders just because he finds them to be hilarious and interesting. This is where he connects with his spirituality and returns to excel in airbending, and earns his tattoos.
Songa and Kera are idenitcal twins, so no one (beside Toph and Choekyi) can tell them apart until Songa earns her arrows. Choekyi looks similar to them, as he is their triplet, but since he came from a different egg, he turns out to be much taller than his sisters. Just imagine Toph's face when she feels three freakin' heartbeats along with hers. Idk if that's scientifically sound, but it's my universe, so I can say what I want lol.
Gyun (M) Nonbender, 18: He's a very musical guy. Gyun means music, but it can also mean germ or bacteria. So his older siblings make fun of him when he’s young. While his bending siblings practice and spar, he masters most musical instruments and even becomes a skilled singer. He’s a favorite of Uncle Iroh’s and spends time with him playing music and perfecting his tea making when he’s not training with Master Piandao and mastering different types of sword fighting styles. Gyun is a lover, not a fighter, and is recruited as the youngest member of the national opera company. He rises in fame, without having to reveal his high ranking connections to his family members. Gyun is a true renaissance man (you know if the renaissance existed back then). He looks up to all of his siblings and soaks in all the stories and advice his can get to perfect the art of storytelling and acting.
MeiLin (F) Nonbender, 17: MeiLin may be one of the youngest, but she’s definitely the sassiest of the bunch. With the personality like her mother, it’s no wonder she’s a bosslady even from a young age. She doesn’t take shit from anyone. While she’s the beauty of the dunebabies (but who really isn’t attractive in this family?) and can hold her poise better than any royal, from the tender age of three, she’s wanted to become the fiercest fighter in the world. After a lot of convincing, Toph and Aang let her train with Aunt Suki and learn how to fight like a Kyoshi Warrior. After she masters that, She begs her parents to send her to the Fire Nation to study under Mai and Ty Lee. By the time she’s 14, she’s already mastered the art of dagger throwing, chi blocking, and the Kyoshi warriors fighting style. Aang isn’t too pleased that she fights in tournaments like Toph did, but Toph watches every match she can get! MeiLin asks her to bet on her and they split the wealth at the end. Lin wants her youngest sister to join the police force when she turns 18, but MeiLin isn't sure she wants to enforce the law like Lin.
Tiao Wu (M) Earthbender, 14: The baby of the family, and loves it. Unlike MeiLin, Tiao Wu is a homebody and a huge mama’s boy, though really isn’t a mama’s boy in the Beifong Family? Like his name suggests, he’s a great dancer and for an earthbender, he sure is light on his toes. While Gyatso is called Twinkletoes Jr, Tiao Wu is known as the Fancy Dancer. Literally. That’s the stage name he chose for his bending dance competitions. When he’s not dancing or hanging out with Toph, he’s studying his cousin’s bending forms, wanting to incorporate it into his repertoire. Tiao Wu is also close to Aang, as he showed an early talent to be one with the spirits. As a six year old, he would meditate next to Aang and beat the freakin’ Avatar, master of all four elements and bridge between the physical and spiritual world, to the Spirit World. He’s also known to be the only human who is allowed to visit Wong Si Tong’s library there.
ALRIGHT Joy, here are some basic facts about my dunebabies universe. If you or anyone else wants to send me asks so I can more deeply construct their personalities, feel free!
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radishaur · 4 years
66+74 from the 100 ways to say ily with zuko or sokka pls!
I’ve never written anything for Sokka before so I hope that I get his character right! Constructive criticism is appreciated. :) I hope you enjoy! Also, for those who haven’t read the prompts, here they are. #66 is “Stay over” and #74 is “We can share”.
- Zoe
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Late Nights (Sokka x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Part: 1/1
Summary: See Request
Now that the war was finally over, you felt alone. Everybody else had families and homes to return to. They had jobs and specific duties to begin. You, on the other hand, had nothing.
You had no family to celebrate with, no home to return to, and no important responsibilities.
When the group had found you in Omashu, you were homeless. You were fighting for your survival on the streets of the town. The Fire Nation had arrested your parents for resisting their authority and they had died in prison. The thought of it broke your heart.
You only hoped they were proud of everything you had accomplished.
Nevertheless, now you had nowhere to go and nobody to turn to. You had agreed to accompany Katara and Sokka back to the South Pole and that’s where you were now. Both Katara and Sokka were busy attenting to various projects as the Chief’s children. They always seemed to busy to see you.
So, when you heard a knock on your door and saw both Sokka and Katara standing there, you were beyond surprised.
“Sokka! Katara!” you exclaimed, pulling them into a tight group hug, ��I’m so happy to see you two!”
“We missed you so much, Y/N! I’m so glad we can finally spend some time together,” Katara said, smiling happily at me.
“It was all my idea, of course,” Sokka bragged, brushing fake dust off his shoulders in pride.
Katara smacked him upside the head and I couldn’t help but giggle. I had really missed them both. I opened the door and let them inside. They made themselves comfortable as I prepared some snacks for them.
“How’s your stay been?” Katara asked.
I sighed. That was quite a loaded question.
“It’s been......a lot,” I answered honestly, sighing as I set down a bowl of seaweed chips on the table and sitting down, “I’m really grateful for the place to stay, I’m just having a hard time adjusting and figuring out where I work into all of this.”
Katara gave me an understanding smile and Sokka seemed to be silent as he thought. I shook my head and allowed myself to smile.
“Enough about such sad topics. I want to hear about you guys,” I said happily.
Katara immediately launched into story after story of what she had been working on and where she had to travel next. She seemed beyond happy to have something important to do. She was working on projects she genuinely enjoyed and that made me feel less sad about my current state.
Sokka was uncharacteristically quiet the entire time. As Katara kept talking and talking he seemed deep in thought. I wanted to say something and ask if he was alright but I also wanted to show Katara that I was paying attention to her, so I decided to wait.
Sokka eventually got his turn to talk and I listened intently as he told me about all the work he was doing with his dad. He seemed really happy to be learning how to become a Chief. I knew he had been waiting for this day to come. I was so proud of him.
“Oh wow, it’s so late,” Katara said, looking outside and seeing that the sun was now setting.
“It feels like you guys just got here. I guess time flies when you’re enjoying yourself,” I sighed, sad to see them leaving so soon.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I would stay longer, but I have to be up early tomorrow,” Katara apologized.
Sokka hesitated for a moment.
“I could stay a little longer. It’s been a while since we’ve hung out just the two of us anyways,” Sokka said, sending me a warm smile.
“Y-Yea, I’d like that,” I stuttered.
Katara looked between the two of us and smiled as if she knew something we didn’t. She winked at Sokka as she left, which made me cock my head in confusion.
“What was that about?” I asked in confusion.
“That? Ha ha. Uh, I’m sure it’s nothing,” Sokka said, rubbing the back of his neck as a small blush appeared on his cheeks.
“Why don’t I make some dinner?” I asked, laughing slightly at his weird demeanor.
His expression quickly morphed into a huge grin. He shook his head excitedly and I laughed as I headed into the kitchen.
“I don’t know if I have enough fish for us to each have some,” I sighed as I looked in the cooler.
“T-That’s alright! We can share,” Sokka offered, leaning against the counter as he watched me.
“Who are you and what have you done with Sokka?” I teased, shooting him a disbelieving look.
“What?” he asked sheepishly.
“Sokka you never share food. Ever,” I pointed out, taking the fish out of the cooler to begin preparing it.
“That’s not true! I share sometimes,” he protested, blushing as I called him out.
I simply chuckled and shook my head, deciding to leave it alone. I still wanted to ask him what was wrong. There had to be something important on his mind for him to miss the opportunity to tease Katara.
“So, you were really quiet earlier. Something on your mind?” I asked as I began cooking.
He sighed.
“Yea, actually. I just feel kind of guilty for ditching you since we got here,” he said, sending me an apologetic smile, “Katara and I have been so busy that I haven’t had time to stop by. I just feel bad for leaving you here with nothing to do.”
“Sokka, you have much more important things to be worrying about than me,” I scolded him, “You were just telling me how stressful learning how to be a Chief is.”
“Y/N, I can’t just stop worrying about you. I care about you,” he replied, his gaze never leaving mine.
I felt a soft blush creep it’s way onto my cheeks at his words. Sokka has grown to be my closest friend as we traveled with the Avatar. We had connected originally about being non-benders. Ever since then we had become each other’s best friends. His care for me never failed to make me a flustered mess.
“A-Anyways,” Sokka said, breaking the tension that was beginning to grow in the room, “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was abandoning you.”
“You could never make me feel that way, Sokka. I just wish I could be doing something. All of you guys returned home and started working towards rebuilding and fixing the state of the world. I feel kind of useless,” I admitted, sighing as I leaned against the counter next to him.
“If you could do something, what would it be?” he asked.
I thought for a moment. There was a lot of things I wanted to do, but one of them was at the forefront of them all.
“I want to help rebuild Omashu. Make it back into the town I remember it as from before,” I said, turning to look at him.
He had a look of determination as he smiled down at me.
“Well then it’s settled. That’s what you’ll do. I can reach out to Zuko for you and get him to help you,” he said.
“Are you sure? You don’t need to-“ I began to protest before he stopped me.
“I’m sure,” he said with a smile.
For the next hour or so, we simply ate the food I had prepared and talked amicably about whatever came to our minds. Pretty soon, we were both yawning and fighting to keep our eyes open.
“Jeez, the walk back home is going to be exhausting. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t fall asleep on the road,” he joked through a yawn.
“Stay over,” I said without hesitation.
I blushed when I realized how that probably sounded. Sokka’s look of surprise confirmed that what I had said had most likely been misinterpreted.
“N-Not like that!” I exclaimed, smacking his arm slightly before explaining with a laugh, “I just mean you can stay the night here so you don’t sleep in the streets.”
“Right, yea of course. What else would you have meant,” he said sheepishly.
I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my bedroom where I began searching for some clothes he could wear. I eventually found an oversized shirt and some sweats that would fit him and threw them into his arms.
“I’ll get changed in the bathroom,” I said as I grabbed my own nightwear and left him to change.
When I returned, he was just pulling the shirt over his head. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was toned and his body had naturally carved abs that poked out underneath his skin. I blushed and averted my eyes.
“Alright, I’ll grab some pillow to sleep on the couch,” he said when he realized I was standing in front of him.
He went to leave before I stopped him.
“I’m not making you sleep on the couch. Just sleep in the bed with me. It’s big enough for the two of us. It’ll be like old times,” I insisted, referring to the times when we were traveling that we had been forced to share a bed or sleeping bag before.
I could see his cheeks color slightly, but he didn’t disagree. As we slipped under the covers, I couldn’t help but feel more at home than I had in a long time. It just felt right when Sokka was next to me. It felt like home.
“Do you remember when we used to fall asleep to the stars?” I asked him as I nuzzled into my pillow.
“Of course I do. You would always point out the constellations until I fell asleep of boredom,” he teased, earning a slap on the arm from me.
I rolled my eyes.
“You liked it. Don’t lie,” I smirked, causing him to blush.
“It wasn’t the worst,” he mumbled.
“I remember one night at the Western Air Temple and I was telling you stories about what each constellation meant. Everyone else had long gone to sleep and I- mmph!” I started talking, but was interrupted when Sokka presses his lips onto mine.
It was a soft kiss. Gentle in nature but not lacking in passion. And just as soon as his lips were on mine, they were gone.
“I don’t remember that part of the story,” I said, somewhat still in shock.
“I-I’m so sorry! I just got caught up in the moment and...and I....” he began explaining, trailing off once he realized I was laughing.
I couldn’t help myself. I let the laughter spill from my lips as I watched him struggle to explain himself.
“Well you don’t have to laugh at me!” he exclaimed, his face flushing a furious red.
“You’re such a dork,” I teased before kissing him back.
He was surprised for only a moment before letting himself kiss me back. He brought his hand up to my face and kissed me like he had been waiting to kiss me for years. When we finally parted, we were both smiling happily.
“Who knew you’d be such a good kisser,” I said, sending him a soft smile.
“I’m pretty great, I know,” he responded, smirking at me as he did.
I let myself pull him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me as well. I smiled into his chest as I began drifting off to sleep. I knew I was home.
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ourimpavidheroine · 4 years
Okay, @peoniequeen, here are your stories.
How many people do you know moved across the world for love? 
Well, you all know about this one. I met my late wife online in late 1998 on an X-Files message board, we emailed and then called, etc. until she came to the U.S. from Finland in September of 1999 to live with me for a year. After the year was up we relocated to Finland, in part because she could not legally immigrate to the U.S. during that time as a same-sex partner (Finland was a huge fucking pain in the ass about it but eventually they let me immigrate there based on our relationship status) and in part because we thought Finland would be a better place to raise kids due to healthcare, schools, etc. When I arrived in Finland it was the first time I had even been to Europe, never mind the country I was going to live in and the airline accidently left my two dogs in Amsterdam instead of putting them on the plane to Helsinki and I spent my first moments in my new home sobbing about my dogs until the very nice airline lady called for my late wife over the loudspeaker and let her come back and take me in hand (much the way Mako takes Wu in hand, if you must know). (Don’t worry, the airline put us up in a hotel next to the airport and the dogs came on the next flight and came to us there in a taxi the airline made arrangements for. They were completely fine and in fact weren’t sure what the fuss was about.) It was kind of a big culture shock. The end.
Or worked as a college radio DJ? 
I did! I had a show on Tuesday mornings from 4-6 am that nobody listened to but about 10 loyal people. (Kind of like my blog here, come to think about it.) I played a lot of old blues and jazz stuff that I’d grown up listening to. My Dad worked part time as a DJ at a local radio station so I knew how to work all the equipment and such thanks to him. (I also had a two hour slot on Wednesday nights there in high school where I played stuff teenagers wanted to listen to and not the never ending country western that the station owner and manager wanted played 24x7.) Yes, this was in the late 80′s-early 90′s when I was at university so it was all vinyl. I still have a collection of albums that have the gold stamp on them saying they are not for sale, that they are for radio station play only! (Some of them the aforementioned station manager gave me since they were not country and he was basically going to toss them into the trash and some of them were albums that I might have gotten through less altruistic means.)
Or was a makeup assistant to Drag Queens? 
I took a stage makeup course while I was majoring in theater at University and did so well with it that the guy who gave the class asked me to come and assist him at the San Francisco opera while they were essentially painting all of the singers brown in a classic racist move that was pretty well accepted in the 90′s but, thankfully, would be extremely frowned upon now. As I was doing it I struck up a friendship with one of the chorus tenors; it turned out he was a drag queen who sometimes did performances when he wasn’t doing opera. He was a Madonna impersonator (not a very good one, sorry to say) and he wanted me to help him design his makeup for it. So I went to the club he performed at a few times to get a better feel for how drag queens worked and then hung around backstage and ended up doing some designs for some of the other queens. The pay was basically me getting to see their performances for free and getting fed afterwards at whatever was open at 4 am but God it was fun. Also, now I am the most Judgy McJudgerson of ever when it comes to drag makeup on RuPaul’s Drag Race. The end.
Or wrote a letter to their Archbishop when they were twelve and got a personal answer in return? 
I was very put out by the fact that boys could be altar boys but girls got shit (I was Catholic, in case you haven’t guessed) and I was talking about it to my Grandma one time and she told me I should write a letter to the Archbishop and ask him why. Now see, my maternal Grandmother was married to a labor union president (my grandfather was still the president when he died of a heart attack when I was 8) and she was a good old fashioned liberal rabble rouser. Like, she got arrested with nuns protesting nuclear power plants in her muumuus and Birkenstocks, okay? She wrote letters to EVERYONE. So I sat down and very carefully wrote the letter and my Grandma made a few calls and got me the address and we sent the letter. I don’t think my Grandma actually thought I’d get a letter back (it was more of a teaching moment, if that makes sense) but he did send me a letter back! He was very kind, although his answer was the usual Catholic BS. I still have the letter but it is packed away in storage so I very sadly will not be producing it at this juncture in time.
Or drove from Los Angeles to Philadelphia in a 20 year old Volvo? 
My friend from university was going to Grad School at Temple University and her parents didn’t want her to drive the entire way by herself. So I drove with her in an orange 1971 Volvo sedan. (In fact, I drove about 90% of the trip because she didn’t like driving.) The air conditioning fan died as we were driving through the Mojave Desert on the way to Vegas and I realized that if I floored it the cool air would actually move itself and so I floored it all the way through the desert and we are lucky that fucking ancient hulk of Swedish steel did not die and leave us stranded to be baked to death. We stopped in Vegas (which was not as impressive in 1992 as it is today, trust me) and found a guy who could actually fix the fan and spent the night in one of the casino hotels before continuing on. We did stop in Chicago to stay with her grandparents for two weeks (where so many elderly Jews kept responding to my last name with confusion as they assumed I was Jewish that I eventually started to do genealogy and found out that I am, indeed, Jewish on my father’s side) and also we saw the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer film in Des Moines and went to a cowboy bar in Cheyenne (I learned how to line dance and my friend got completely trashed and I had to practically carry her back to the hotel) and many other adventures until we finally arrived in Philly and her parents flew me back to California. It was a great road trip and short of the reeeaaaally sketchy and filthy motel room in Salt Lake City that had both a half-empty Chinese takeout box and a soiled condom under the bed we had a grand time.
Or was part of a thruple? 
I have been part of two thruples. Well. Sort of. One thruple and one wanna be thruple. The first one, with my first husband and my girlfriend was a huge mistake from the get-go. (Oh god, she was so hot and the sex was so fucking good but she was really an awful person and my ex kept trying to control the entire thing and basically forced her into living with us instead of being just my girlfriend with benefits and the entire thing blew up and while it wasn’t the reason why I divorced him it didn’t help either.) The second one was with my late wife and our mutual boyfriend and it worked very well but he had a little boy from a former relationship and his son got very ill and died and he didn’t handle it at all and he disappeared out of our lives. It’s been 20 years, give or take, since I’ve talked to him. He asked us to no longer contact him and I’ve always respected that. And before you ask, he knows where I live and my email address is the same as it was all those years ago. If he wanted to find me it would be very easy for him to do so. He clearly doesn’t and I respect that. I wish him love and peace, wherever he is. I miss him still.
Or beat up the drunk lady in the hallway to get back a little girl’s keys?
Ah, I’ll tell this one tomorrow.
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Zerfall - 1/14
Pairing: Bucky x named!Reader (Agent Andromeda) Summary: After Hydra drops virus bombs in 7 major American cities in the height of summer, the team is locked in their emergency bunker for weeks. The virus commonly called the Summer Poison successfully brought the infrastructure to a halt in all big cities. When the virus slowly starts burning itself out SHIELD Agents and Avengers are sent out to bring back order into the cities and the international relationships. Not without hurdles. Warnings for this chapter: Pandemic, mainy people in a small space, fear
Zerfall Masterlist || M a s t e r l i s t
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The alarm sirens were blaring in the entire compound, a computer voice repeating the words, “Emergency Level Red, Code Black.” Level Red meant to get into a safe space fast, Code Black meant, “You should probably call your mum and tell her you love her a lot.” The entire team including you and your colleague Agent Magnolia instantly went into action, all silently hoping it was a test. “Friday? What the hell is going on?” Tony yelled out. “Sir, if there was a code double black, I would call it. Get in the bunker!” She urged him through the overwhelming amount of sounds the building was suddenly able to create. The blood drained out of multiple faces, not yours, you were trained for any kind of emergency situation. Not only an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D but also a SAID Agent. Trained for any thinkable Code Black. Agent Andromeda. The door to the bunker was open and after Friday confirmed that everyone had gone through the door Steve closed down the door manually in a blink of an eye. You all looked around, panting from running down the stairs and searching for the bunker entry that opened up. The place was small but big enough to live in for a while if that needed to be done. The room you’d entered was full of tech equipment and two walls full of canned foods and tap with a big filter construction connected to it. Stark never struck you as a survival kinda guy, at least not in this specific sense, but you weren’t complaining about clean water. There was an open door leading to a room full of bunk beds.
“So what the fuck happened, Friday?” Tony asked irritated by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. “There has been a series of explosions over heavily populated areas a few hours back, only detected by little equipment monitoring the air. Bioweapons. Hydra says they are responsible and that there is a highly contagious and deadly virus that was spread with these explosions.” Friday said it short and straight forward. “Then why aren’t we doing something against it?” Steve looked up at the speaker system with a frown on his face, ready to go back out again. “Mr. Rogers, until we know if that virus is deadly nobody will leave this bunker. I’m programmed to keep as much of this team alive in situations like this. Singapore DORSCON level red. World Health Organisation phase 6, approaching 7. That means it is a pandemic. If I let you out you could die in less than a week if this is as deadly as Hydra says.” The AI urged him. “Please update us.” Tony exhaled stressed leaning on the chair behind him, before sitting down. “Will do, sir,” Friday assured him.
Everyone started adventuring the Bunker. The last big exercise was a while ago and the team had grown since then. Clint found the room with 4 power generators first. “I hope we don’t need this. We are still powered by your reactor model, right?” Clint peaked out at Tony and got a nod back. The billionaire was properly done with what was happening. The only thing keeping him from exploding was Pepper going through his hair. Sam was the one finding all the gaming equipment and making an excited little dance in the middle of a possible apocalypse. “You’re the worst, Wilson.” Natasha rolled her eyes. “Come on, if we live in a time of bioweapons I want to at least have some distraction. Can’t fight a virus with military training.” He grinned. Agent Magnolia was the one finding the arsenal of weapons hidden in a giant box below the bunk that was behind the door. She showed you the knife ensemble that was included and grinned at you. “Visible forces definitely won’t kill us down here.” You grinned back.
“How many are we?” Clint called out to the others. Pepper looked up concerned, “Twelve, why?” “There are only 10 beds.” came back and some of the team members interchanged worried glances for a second. “We have married couple and work couples here. I think that won’t be the problem.” you smiled and looked around you at Pepper, Tony, Steve, and Nat. “So Pepper & Tony share a bed. Who else?” Sam asked, suddenly very tense again. “Nat?” Steve looked down at his favorite team member. “Yeah, I don’t mind. You’re warm.” she smiled back up at him. “That will be the least of the problems with 12 people in an enclosed space.” Dr. Helen Cho finally came to word after she had calmed down from her personal existential crisis about viruses. Wanda pointed at the walls and the sink, “For how long would the food and water here last?” “Depends if we only eat twice a day. Could hold up for 90 days. Water won’t be a problem with my filter system.” Tony explained. There was another concerned glare between everyone, hoping that 90 days would be enough for the virus to decently die down if it was as bad as expected. “There is confirmation of the virus to be deadly by 70-85% from a Silicon Valley lab.” Friday’s voice broke through after a little more than an hour. “Analyze how deadly, how long people need to die, which symptoms, how long the recovery period is for people living,” Bruce called out, sitting on one of the computers that he didn’t leave since they had entered the bunker. “And the international political climate,” Tony added. “And when it’s safe enough for me to start working on a vaccine with the help of people outside.” Helen also added her factors. “Will do.” The AI voice answered and the room went silent for a second.
“Which cities are targeted?” Agent Magnolia finally asked the important question “NYC, D.C., Atlanta, Miami, LA, Chicago, Denver.” Friday listed. “Atlanta has the most used airport in the world. Great. A perfect recipe for a pandemic. How long did it operate after explosion.” You shared, rubbing your temples and having your brain start to overwhelm just like the scientists’. “4 hours, Agent.” Came back. “We’re in here for a good few weeks.” You deadpanned, putting all the factors together in your head. This wasn’t going to be a quick in and out thing. You’d be in this small space for at least 1-2 months if not longer. Everyone went back to the bunk they had chosen and tried to relax. You were trying to write down possible outcomes and strategies based on that in a notebook you found. There were so many factors to viruses and how people are infected and from which strain the virus is made. You bet on smallpox, a hard thing to get with only two original samples existing in the entire world. One in the US, one in Russia. You bet on Russia since Hydra said they were responsible. They were trying to bring chaos to the world for the bad people to team up in a post-apocalyptic world so that they could take over control. You had learned how this worked over and over again. Not only as an Agent but also from books, movies and games. It was so obvious but that made it easier for you to go about possibilities to create a strategy.
“The entire US and most of the western world is currently on lockdown & people are being quarantined.” Friday updated the bunker again and an exhale went through the bedroom. “Martial law already in place?” Steve looked up from a book he had found. “Not yet, but we’re close.” “Chill, Rogers. You can’t do much more than you’re already doing.” Sam said hanging from the bed in front of him. “I know, it’s just. I hate this, all of it. I didn’t fight in World War II for this to happen at the hands of Hydra.” he frowned and got an understanding nod back. “Can’t we go out there without getting sick?” Bucky spoke up still wearing his pajama jumper from sleeping in that morning. “Well, depending on how deadly this is, no. If the whole thing is a little more clear I might send you out to get samples for me to work on it.” Helen yelled from the other room. “Would love to help with that.” he smiled. He’d do anything to help humanity. The had already ruined his life and he ruined other lives under their influence. That’s the least he could do. “It’s getting late, get yourself ready for bed.” Pepper came in with a motherly smile. “We need a monitor that’s just showing day and night scenes, this is gonna mess us up,” Magnolia muttered before opening one of the closets. The standard-issue clothing in the closets were mainly Large and a few double XL. There was a washer but the drying system needed to have the ventilator system work better again and that wouldn’t be happening until the virus was going slower. Two to three weeks in the same 4 clothing sets seemed okay. Anything longer would be horrible for everyone involved.
“Atlanta spreads to Beijing, Dubai, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris, Dallas, Seoul, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Singapore,” you mumbled laying in your bed, looking at the metal above you. “Hey, relax. We can’t do more than help the people working on it to do the right things.” Bucky looked over from the bed across. “I know. I know. That’s just, so many people dying.” You looked over. An understanding nod came back at you. In your head, you went with a 75% death rate and that was bad if you thought about the areas you just mentioned. Big Chinese cities, Central Europe, South East Asia.
Zerfall Masterlist
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liquidink21 · 4 years
If I were doing the Avatar Remake
Just a list of things changes and tweaks to the original I would make to Avatar if I was in charge of this netflix remake, given that we’ve all lost hope in it and now I’m just speculating to make myself feel better. I’ve already made a list of things it really needs, and this list includes them, but I’m just going to go hog wild with my imagination and opinions on Avatar. In a rough order of when I think and them and what episode it becomes relevant.
How long are these new episodes going to be? I’d like to extend them for more story content, though am wary of overdoing it. How does thirty minutes sound? Enough for some more depth to some episodes.
I think it should be pointed out earlier on that there are more villages across the South Pole. This is canon, and would make the Southern Water Tribe feel more alive.
Aang’s friends from the past: in addition to Kuzon and Bumi, give him a Northern Water Tribe pal. He’s never been to the South Pole, and was deliberately coming to make new friends somewhere the Monks wouldn’t think to look for him. We can reference this friend again when we reach the North Pole.
Somebody, probably Iroh, mentions Zuko’s name in front of Aang. It’s always infuriated me that the Gaang know’s Zuko’s name suddenly in Warriors of Kyoshi without anyone telling them what it is. I don’t think it needs its own episode, just somebody says it while he’s captured.
The terms of Zuko’s banishment don’t restrict him from the colonies in the Earth Kingdom, so they don’t consider those colonies to be proper Fire Nation territory. I feel they should have their own name, just to make the politics of the show feel deeper. “The Eastern Protectorate” is a nice reference to the Chinese “Protectorate of the Western Territories.” Zhao can namedrop it when they go to his port.
The fact that Kyoshi Island has such a different culture from the main Earth Kingdom should be brought up. The answer is a mix between isolation and cultural exchange with the Southern Water Tribe. Katara and Sokka probably have a passing knowledge of the island. “Oh, that’s where we are.” Also, if Aang knew to come here for the Koi fish, how didn’t he know about there being Kyoshi revering settlements there?
There should be an adult Kyoshi Warrior training the others. She approves of Suki training Sokka, and comments on the rarity of outsiders and men being Kyoshi Warriors. I feel Sokka is the first outsider, but there was another man. Adult warrior gives the explanation that when she was a young trainee, a man working on the docks was teased for “fighting like a girl” so warriors taught him exactly like a girl.
There should be an Earthbending Kyoshi Warrior. I mean Kyoshi herself was a bender, the art can’t be exclusively a non-bending form.
Maybe point out that there are multiple villages on the island. This is in fact canon.
Haru’s mother and village could use some actual names.
We never see any non-bending Earth Kingdom soldiers. I loved how the Fire Nation has different uniforms for its bending and non-bending warriors, and I’d like to see the same for the Earth Kingdom troops.
I want to know more about those pirates? The captain is ethnically a Fire Nation citizen. Is there a story behind that? A navy deserter? Like an opposite of Jeong Jeong, deserting not for ethics but because he didn’t like duty getting in the way of fortune? I’m probably just overthinking it.
The names of the Freedom Fighters are obviously pseudonyms, and Jet probably urges the Gaang to adopt some themselves.
While I don’t actually feel that Aang lying to the two groups in The Great Divide is an unforgivable wrong, I feel the lie itself was a little demeaning and could have been a little more sophisticated.
I have seen that post saying there needs to be more Indians in Avatar than just Guru Pathik, given how many Indian concepts are in the show. Many people also share the opinion that there should be Indian airbenders, so yes they should appear in the flashbacks in The Storm (and The Southern Air Temple as well). Also some Earth Kingdom villages should be Indian based as well. I think the market from The Waterbending Scroll could be a good place to start, maybe the port from The Storm as well, though probably somewhere that isn’t just a background place as well. Maybe the nuns in Bato of the Water Tribe too.
Iroh could be less creepy with June.
Ah, The Northern Air Temple. Honestly I feel that while the ultimate message of Aang being okay with the Mechanist and his people settling in the Air Temple is okay, I feel it needs to end with a greater emphasis on the Mechanist’s people being more respectful to the site. Ramming pipes through historical mosaics and demolishing statues is really not on. Also, while Sokka being cool with industrialisation is in character, I do think he’d disapprove the desecration.
I feel the fact that a lot of the Fire Nation’s technological might (not all of it, though) is riding off the back of a blackmailed Earth Kingdom citizen is something that could be brought up more often.
Yue’s story with the Moon Spirit needs to be explained almost immediately, so that it’s not kind of an arse-pull when the plot needs it.
Legend of Korra makes a big deal about the South gaining independence from the North, but they’re already treated as separate nations? I think it should be mentioned somewhere, probably from Hahn, that the South is technically subservient to the North, though operates with a great deal of autonomy that comes with not being able to contact each other.
The North is pretty sure it’s the original Water Tribe, but can’t say for sure. Hahn thinks of the South as nothing but a colony, though Arnook is more progressively minded and notes there are no records of who came first and treats the South as a sister tribe.
I think there’s another character worth adding, a captain of the Northern warriors. He can appear several more times throughout the series, which I’ll elaborate on.
Zhao comments “there’s a reason they’ve survived a hundred years of war” whereas other comments suggest the Northern Water Tribe has been sitting out of the war. Apparently the North did take uniforms from soldiers 85 years ago, so I think the idea should be that they received one big siege back then, and since then they’ve been experiencing raids since then culling their villages and forcing them into that single fortified city-state. Since then, their ability to send ships out has been impeded by Fire Nation ships patrolling those water but not engaging the city itself until Zhao’s siege.
Yue, when mentioning the waterbenders learning from the Moon, should reference humanity receiving bending from the Lion Turtles, just to introduce the concept that bending could be given and therefore by implication taken away.
There’s a historical character I want to introduce: an Earth Kingdom general that was nearly able to push the Fire Nation out of the Earth Kingdom around half-way through the 100 Year War, but was taken down by internal Earth Kingdom politics. The Fire Nation had to do its conquests all over again because of him. It would help fill out a century of history that is poorly explained. I think he could be introduced by Sokka asking General Fong how they still have an outpost on the west coast when most of that region has been occupied by the Fire Nation.
Azula’s blue fire should be depicted like blue flames are in real life: very straight jets rather than the flickering things you see in the animation. Since it’s basically just powerful fire, I think it should be seen with a couple of other firebenders, though Azula is the only one that exclusively uses it. Jeong Jeong and Iroh would be good people to use it.
I saw a post once by a Korean rightfully upset that the only Korean characters in the show (Song and her village) are lumbered in with the essentially Chinese Earth Kingdom as if they’re the same culture despite Korea obviously being separate and having a poor history of China attempting to enforce hegemony over it. I think maybe something could be made of Song and her people being a distinct culture that has had a generally poor relationship with the Earth Kingdom at large. Maybe the previously mentioned Earth Kingdom general was screwed over for being of this culture.
I’m not sure how to depict the Swampbenders. They'll no longer be caricatures of the guys in the next studio, so they’ll be more respectfully treated and not hillbillies. I’m not sure if they should be Vietnamese (given the original characters have Vietnamese names) or southern Native Americans (given they’re waterbenders, and the other waterbenders are Inuits).
After failing to get Bumi as Aang’s earthbending teacher, they throw around suggestions. Since Aang is learning waterbending from Katara they consider a similarly aged Earthbender. Katara suggests they go find Haru, while Sokka suggests the earthbending Kyoshi Warrior I mentioned before.
I saw a post once suggesting that the Beifongs were collaborators, and while I think this is somewhat extreme, I would like to explore the interplay between their wealth and their position in the war. Also, the fact that Toph had been sheltered from the war and has far less of an emotional stake in it needs to be explored in more detail.
In the Zuko Alone flashbacks Azula really needs to be made out as a normal child with a bad influence (her father) instead of an inherently bad child. My sister points to this episode and claims Iroh or Ursa should have just drowned her and that’s something incredibly fucked up to say about a ten(?) year old.
In that vein, Iroh’s “no she’s crazy and needs to go down” line really needs to be changed to something more compassionate. Most Avatar meta states that Iroh doesn’t actually hate Azula; he’s just prioritising Zuko’s safety, and his line here needs to reflect that.
Aang should recognise the Lion-Turtle, and know that they gave humanity their bending powers. Just to keep that concept in mind, so that when it comes to the energybending climax it’s less of an arse-pull.
Wan Shi Tong’s morale compass and lumping a bunch of kids attempting to avoid genocide in with conquerors needs to be called out more, and I feel Katara should be the one to do it.
Suki gets to stay on for one extra episode and help fight the Drill. It also makes for a better explanation of how she got back. Right now it’s implied she went back across the Serpent’s Pass; in my own she’d explicitly head along the wall and go back with the ferries.
I want more discussion of Ba Sing Se’s social stratification. Was Jin able to visit the Jasmine Dragon? Or was she blocked from entering higher rings?
Toph’s lie detecting thing made into a spiritual or chi related thing. The whole heartbeat thing is pseudoscience.
The Northern Water Captain I mentioned earlier reappears, having met and joined his men with Hakoda’s. Hakoda praises his son with helping bridge the gap between the two water tribes.
Ty Lee gets more appearances in Book 3, even if just in the background. She got some nice development in The Beach and I want to see more of it as Azula’s brought her out of that circus and back into the Fire Nation nobility.
Sparky Sparky Boom Man’s tattoo has a different design that is not a villainised appropriation of a Hindu symbol. Something nice and geometric, maybe sun based.
Hawky at some point returns to Team Avatar. I want them legitimised as a member of the Gaang! Equal status to Momo and Appa! Also I suppose bringing a letter back from the Beifongs could have significance to Toph. But let Hawky return!
Hama has a more compassionate ending. I feel after she’s led away, Sokka figures it’s pretty fucked up that they’re handing one of their own over to the Fire Nation so they go and rescue her. They give her a choice between joining them to fight during the eclipse or returning to the South Pole to help rebuild the Southern Water Tribe (given that there’s Notherners helping rebuild she could help make sure they rebuild it in the style of the south and not a facsimile of the north). She chooses the latter.
No weird Guru Pathik during Aang’s hallucinations please.
While discussing the allies that Hakoda picked up, he mentions some people he couldn’t get: they couldn’t find the Kyoshi Warriors, the Sandbenders didn’t want to come, the Omashi Resistance wanted to use the eclipse to retake their city, and General Fong’s outpost had been overrun. Just flesh out things a little.
Sokka and the other Water Tribe warriors should be wearing that facepaint for the Invasion.
I want more interaction with The Duke, Haru, and Teo with the Gaang.
Chit Sang’s girlfriend and friend join with the second escape instead of being strangely absent. Also, who is he? Sokka probably looks him up to make sure they’re not bringing a serial killer into their midst. Preferably not, I like to think they were thrown in there for opposing the war.
I’d like Suki to learn from Hakoda that the other Kyoshi warriors are alive, if imprisoned.
Suki doesn’t like wearing prison clothes and attempts a facsimile of Kyoshi islander clothes by stealing Katara and Haru’s clothes.
Some more emotions between Sokka and Suki relating to her imprisonment please. There’s a lot of pent up trauma there and I’d like them to work through it.
People like to play up Katara’s “you obviously didn’t love her as much as I did” line into an insight to a horrible character rather than just something stupid said in the heat of the moment, though I do think Katara should apologise, if only to show the haters that this isn’t her personality.
Training with Aang, Zuko finds out he has the peace of mind to do lightning. He wouldn’t use it against Azula, but it would be a nice demonstration that his inner turmoil is more or less resolved.
The adult Kyoshi Warrior I mentioned at the very beginning of this reappears as a White Lotus member. She, for whatever reason, has a replacement warrior uniform for Suki, because I feel Suki shouldn’t have to go through the climax in a Fire Nation disguise. Also maybe Sokka should be wearing his warpaint too? I mean it’s culturally significant to him.
You want lightning? No I don’t. Azula’s growing inner turmoil denies her the use of lightning, mirroring Zuko’s original inability to use it when he was lost and confused. So when it comes to sneakily zapping Katara it’s just her fire, but a flame more concentrated (and by implication, rage-fueled) than we’ve ever seen from her. A veritable beam that Zuko has to put his all into deflecting, opening him up to an attack. A non-lethal attack; Azula still has that line about “the family physician”. She doesn’t want Zuko dead and leaves him be when he’s down. Despite going off the deep end there is a spark of compassion in her that stops her from doing that.
As I’ve stated previously, Aang needs to do something slightly more significant and spiritual in order to access the Avatar State again rather than that stupid rock. Some sort of spiritual lesson.
As I’ve said a few times now, the Lion-Turtles should be known to the audience by now, along with their ability to give bending to humans, so that the ability to take bending has been implied.
The weird orange-vs-blue lightshow with the energy bending was kind of melodramatic, though the corruption-vs-purity thing could still be visually represented by Ozai trying to physically overpower Aang and failing.
Possibly to be continued.
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Sweet Demons, Part 5 - Zeitgeist/Axel Cluney
Title: Sweet Demons
Description: It's the weekend of Friday the Thirteenth, the biggest motorcycle rally and festival in the Western Hemisphere but nothing is more enticingly chaotic to her than the mysterious new member of the famous Motor City Sweet Demons.
Warning: 18+ Mentions of drugs/alcohol/violence, eventual smut/various kinks
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
We sat on the pier drinking cheap beer from cans. The sun had gone down an hour ago but we stayed right where we were, gazing out over the shimmering lake. The smell of water and algae was strong but I would lean my head on Axel's shoulder and his scent would make me forget everything else. The majority of the day we had spent riding around on his bike and even ventured past the farmland and went into the next town just because we could. There was a little pub advertising half-price appetizers and pitchers of sangria so we went in and got ourselves a little booth at the back where nobody besides the server would bother us. Axel had on the tattered rag of a shirt that I had washed for him earlier that day so anybody at any time could see his white ribs and contentious tattoos and though we drew some stares, I kind of enjoyed the attention. The heavy feeling in my chest grew as the hours passed by because I knew he was going to be leaving in the morning. I tried not to let it get to me but I couldn't distract myself long enough to put it completely from my mind. He noticed it too, somehow. He knew that I didn't want him to go even if I said nothing to allude to it. He grasped my bare thigh just below the leg of my shorts and shook me from a reverie after we had received our pitcher of blood orange sangria. "Why are you suddenly so quiet, huh?" He asked, poking me in the rib. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Just thinking, I guess." He poured me and himself a glass, slid mine over and then took a sip of his own, the sweet wine clinging to the stubble over his top lip until he licked it off. "'Bout what?" "About stupid shit." "Like?" With a huff, I downed half my glass in one go, set it on the dark wood table and turned to face him directly. "I don't know, I'm thinking about you and it's stupid. I don't like it." Laughingly, he replied, "what do you mean? What are you thinking of?" "Kinda just about how like... I don't want you to go." "Ah," he observed. "I knew that's what you were going to say." "No, you didn't!" "Yes, I did." "Whatever," I sighed. "I'm sorry I have to go. Well I mean, I'm not sorry but I'm sorry that you feel that way. You should be thankful that I'll be leaving tomorrow. You guys get your house back and you won't have to deal with any more greasy bikers for a little while." It was true that I had been bitching all weekend about all of the company we had had but the more time I spent with Axel the more I wanted to figure him out. Our time together was running out and as much as I hated it, I was starting to feel a sense of attachment to him. Everything from his slicked-back brown hair to his ridiculous shirts, the rings on his fingers and the way his green eyes shot through me made me long for more of him. "Yeah, I guess so," I said, dismissing the topic. The more we drank the more we started talking and once our food came out we were already deep in conversation, so much so that we didn't give the server much acknowledgment. Axel asked me questions about what it was like to grow up with Big Al as a father and I asked him about his own origin story. He was vague with his details but had no qualms with telling me that he had literally been on the road since he was of legal age to drive. He had no home and the nights he didn't spend on people's couches he would spend on his bike, ripping up and down the entire country, riding from place to place with no real end goal in mind. "Why don't you like riding?" He asked me through a mouthful of food. "I don't know. Just not my thing," I said. "Bullshit," he called out. "I don't believe that for a second! I see how excited you get when you ride with me. You fucking love it. So what's your beef with being on a bike?" The alcohol making its way into my bloodstream activated and all of a sudden I felt cocksure enough to really let loose and give him the gory details of my life. I think I secretly hoped that if I opened up to him he would do the same to me so I took in a deep breath and prepared myself to tell him a story that only a handful of people knew about. "The honest truth is... I don't ride because of my mom." "Oh?" "Yeah... One year when I was about twelve and we had everybody over for a Thirteenth party. Everybody. It was always the tradition. Always has been. Anyway, I don't really know the actual specifics but basically... My mom was a rider too and I guess she met someone that weekend and they just fuckin' took off together and she never ever came back. She left me and my dad without saying a word. We thought something bad had happened to her. Filed a missing person and everything." Axel had stopped chewing and sat there looking at me with his big green eyes completely locked on me. "Well, shit." "Yeah. So I don't know, I guess I just built up this hatred inside of me. Mostly because I watched it totally destroy my dad inside and out. He blamed himself for her taking off and the more time went by the worse it got for him. I don't know if you noticed but... He's not in the greatest health and I really do think its because his heart broke. It made me hate everything to watch him turn from this bright, excited guy to this fucking... This husk of a man. I swore I would never have anything to do with bikers after that." "Yet, here you are." "Well, you never fucking know what's going to happen. One day we were a happy family and the next I'm consoling my dad; the biggest, scariest motherfucker there is." "Shit... So did you ever find out where she went?" I chugged back the rest of my drink before answering, "No. Not really. My dad had some guys out on the road trying to find her but the bitch didn't want to be found." "That's rough. I'm sorry that happened to you guys." "It's okay. I'm over it, clearly." "Are you though?" "I think so. I don't think about her much. I know my dad does but I sure as hell don't. Fuck her." Axel opened his mouth to say something but instead caught himself, reached for the pitcher and poured the rest of what was left into my glass. I thanked him and started sipping away immediately, turning hot in the cheeks after realizing I had just spilled a truckload of personal information on him. "What about you? What's your swan song?" I asked, eager to shift the attention off of me. He let out a puff of air, leaned back against the cushions and stretched out his arms so they practically wrapped around the entire booth. "Nothing really. I've just been riding the world, looking for answers." "Answers to what?" "That I don't know." "Hmph," I said, raising my eyebrows and peering into the glass of crimson liquid. "Really that's all? You don't have any shitty backstory to tell me?" "Nope. I'm just some low-life trying to figure out my own shit." "Well? What exactly is your shit?" It was at that moment Axel flagged the server over. She approached with a gleaming smile and asked us if we wanted anything else to which he replied no, nothing but the bill. He smiled at me and brought his arm down to wrap around my shoulders. Squeezing me, he pressed a quick kiss to my temple. "Come on, kid. Drink up. We have to ride back." When we got back into town we decided to pick up some beer before the store closed and took it to the pier to continue the night. Once the breeze grew cold and the cops started roaming the beach on their quads we packed up, drained whatever beer we had left and chucked the cans back into the plastic bag we had brought them in. Axel's steps were much longer than mine and when he looked back at me he held out his hand for me to grab onto. It took a skip for me to catch up with him but once I slid my hand over his he locked our fingers together as though that were just a casual thing to do. Thankful that it was dark, I blushed profusely and tried not to let him catch me smiling. I nuzzled my face into his back as I wrapped my arms around his waist once I was on the back of his bike. He grasped the handles, turned the front wheel straight and we kicked off quickly. The ride back to my house was only two minutes but I wished it was longer. From behind him, he couldn't hear me sigh. The garage door was open and light poured out as we pulled up onto the driveway. My dad, Braun and Max were all standing inside it, beers in hand, chatting about whatever until they noticed the acid-green bike pull up. Axel parked at the end of the line right beside Janet's pitch black Harley. He got off first and offered me his hand to help me climb off. Allowing me to walk in front of him, he gently tapped me on the ass with his palm as we ascended the shallow slope of the driveway and jogged away before I had a chance to react. "There's the kids!" Max yelled at us. As I approached, I saw nothing but smiles and one dour sneer belonging to Braun. I could feel the awkwardness unlike anybody else, especially once we stopped in front of them, Axel seemingly brushing off the tension since he kept his hand on the small of my back. Braun's eyes landed on me and he shook his head when he noticed how close Axel and I stood beside each other. "Axe, you better not be plottin' to take my kid with you," dad warned. He looked at me with a warm smile and scrunched up his nose, "Nah, she stinks. Plus she won't fit in my throw-over." "Better start saying your goodbyes now. We leave at the crack of dawn," Max reminded him. "Yeah, yeah." Axel affronted playfully, gesturing for Max to be done with his Presidential duties. Braun tipped the beer bottle he had all the way up, sucked the rest of the liquid down to the foam and turned around quickly, throwing the bottle into a box of empties with noticeable force, shattering it loudly. My dad blinked his shock at Braun but he had already turned away and headed out the back door toward the backyard. "I know one person who's going to be happy to see yous gone," Dad said with a shake of his head. "That dude has it out for me," Axel laughed. "Ah, don't mind him. He's had his heart set on Angel since they were kids. He'll move on eventually." "Yeah, he better," I scoffed. "Well Big Al, I hate to say it but I think it's time I turn in. Got a long road ahead of us tomorrow." "No, no, no ya don't. Not yet, kid. We're going to the clubhouse for one more round," Dad claimed, clapping Max on the back with a leathery smack. Nobody would argue much with my dad but before we headed off I held onto Axel's hand, keeping him tethered to me for just a moment as they made their way out of the back door of the garage. He spun around and smirked at me, getting really close and bringing his hands up to frame my face. "What is it now, ya bug? What do you want from me?" "Where are you sleeping tonight?" I asked him, uncaring whether I sounded clingy or not. Axel stuck out his bottom lip and the way the light cast over his face drew my attention and made me want to kiss him even though I knew he didn't like it. There were so many things about him that I hated yet I couldn't keep myself from wanting him by me at every possible second. I knew I was breaking my own heart by indulging my lust for him but the way he leered at me with his eyes always burning gave me the impression that maybe, just maybe he was feeling the same. He looked over his shoulder to make sure everyone had left the garage before tipping my chin up and leaning in close. "Honey... If you think I'm not spending my last night balls deep in that pussy then you don't know me at all. Now come on, let's go have a drink with your dad and then we'll go have a little farewell party of our own, sound good?" We spent another hour up in the clubhouse bar making toasts and drinking more than we probably should have with every member of the Motor City Sweet Demons and company. By the time midnight rolled around, I was feeling a little bit more than tipsy. It had been a long time since I had felt the heady rush of being sloppy and I nearly lost my footing once I hopped off the bar stool I had been perched on, much to Axel's amusement. "Hey! I don't need to have the talk with you kids, do I?" Dad asked as we readied ourselves to leave the clubhouse. "Dad... Please don't." "I'll have her home by midnight, sir!" Axel snickered. "Ah, shut it. Careful on those stairs ya fuckin' drunks." "Love you, Dad!" I called out to him. Once we made it out of the clubhouse, through the yard, into the house, and up the stairs to my bedroom, Axel had his shirt off and was already working on getting mine off as well. I tried to pull him down with my hand on the back of his neck to kiss him but he pulled away. I frowned at him and tried my luck again but he was strong and if he didn't want to be moved he wouldn't be. "Not this shit again," I complained. "I've had a lot to drink," he said. "So what?" "So... I don't feel like kissing." His dismissal was enough to set off the very sensitive alarm in my head and I pushed him away from me, scowling and angered with my shirt off and my shorts partially undone. "Fine! Get away from me then." "Come on! Let's just get into bed and cuddle a bit before I slide my cock into that warm little-" "No! I don't want to sleep with you if you're not going to kiss me or... Or anything! What's your fucking problem?" Axel rolled his eyes and tried to approach me again but I took a step away from him, bumping into my dresser as my recollection of space was veiled beneath intoxication. He giggled at me but it only served to make me angrier. "I already told you what my problem is. You don't seem to get it." "But, you've kissed me before." "I wasn't nearly so drunk," Axel pointed out. "What does it matter? Drunk or sober... You're like a rollercoaster. It's always up and down and shit." "Yet... You still wanna ride me, don't you?" I cracked the slightest smile and he laughed at me, grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into him so he could wrap his arms around me. I sighed as we began to sway, dancing to music that wasn't on. He ran his hands up and down my bare back and then pulled away so he could run his hands over my breasts, bottom lip tucked between his teeth mischievously. "Come on. I'm leaving tomorrow. Don't be mad at me." "I hate you." "I know. I hate me too." Grasping the waist of his jeans, I popped open the button, pulled down the zipper and shoved the material down until I could see the hilt of his cock. He was already moaning by the time I pulled him out of his jeans completely and when I dropped to my knees I watched his mouth fall open. He pulled in air through his teeth as soon as my tongue made contact with the tip of his cock. I made a spectacle of teasing him and licking him gently until he was so hard that I didn't even have to hold his shaft in my grip. "Fuck," he drawled when I took him in my mouth, running my flattened tongue along the underside of his entire length from head to balls. "You like that, Daddy? Feels good having your cock in my mouth doesn't it?" Axel chewed his bottom lip again and ran his thumb over my cheek in preparation for a light, encouraging slap. "You know I like that dirty mouth on my dick." Humming around him, I took him deeper and watched with wide eyes at the way his expressions changed from his usual snarky grin to absolutely entranced by the way I was able to encase his entire length with my throat. His hips started to shift forward and once drool started to drip down from the corners of my mouth, he pulled away, bent down and lifted me up so he could toss me on the bed. "Take off those shorts...Turn around," He commanded. I did what I was told and once I was completely exposed to him he groaned and got up on the bed behind me. The head of his cock grazed my opening and I was already so slick with arousal that there was hardly any friction to stop him from gliding in and filling me up so perfectly that the both of us suspired from the feeling. After a few short thrusts to establish a rhythm, Axel leaned over, worked his long fingers through my hair and pulled my head up so he could whisper in my ear, "you have no idea how much I'm going to miss this pussy." What I wanted to say was somewhere along the lines of please don't leave me and take me with you but I knew I couldn't say either of those things to him so instead I started pushing my hips back, taking him in as deep as possible. "Oh, yeah," he groaned. "fuck me. Bounce on my fucking cock." He erupted with pleasured laughs and gentle hisses, slapping my ass, gripping my hips and guiding me back onto him. When I looked over my shoulder at him he melted, ran his hands up and down my back and made it known how much enjoyment he was getting out of fucking me. I never wanted the night to end. Not when he was looking at me like he had never had sex so good in his life. He treated it like a delicacy, making sure to reach beneath me to toy with my clit as he let out whimpers of pure ecstasy. Axel had this terrible way of making me feel special and worthless at the same time. He had told me that he hadn't felt the need to sleep with anyone in months yet when I tried to kiss him he was standoffish and borderline rude about it. I couldn't tell if the man had feelings for me or not but I did know one thing and that was that when I watched him watching me, I could feel my heart get heavy in my chest. Our goodbye fuck ended in the shower with my leg propped up on the faucet and his cock buried deep inside of me from behind. I could tell he was close but before he released he leaned in close to me, kissed my cheek and asked, "can I come inside you?" "Yes, Daddy. Fill me up with your cum." "Yeah?" He confirmed. "You want me to?" I nodded eagerly and watched as his eyes rolled and he gave me a few more pumps. The water from the shower head sprayed down over us and I lifted my face to it as his hand came up around my neck to squeeze it lightly. "Oh fuck baby... I'm gonna come. Nothing feels as good as your pussy does. Fuck yes. Oh, God." "Do it, Daddy. Come inside me." A shiver rolled through Axel's entire body and he bit down on my shoulder to stifle the moan tearing from his throat. I felt the way his cock throbbed inside of me, spilling everything he had to offer all at once. When he pulled out of me he turned me around and got on his knees, slinging my leg over his shoulder and bringing two fingers up to rub over my clit. His big eyes stared at me as he leaned in closer and gave me a gentle kiss, letting his tongue loll out to drag up my folds even though his cum was beginning to leak out of me. "Stop... Axel, you don't have to." "I want to make you come too. I can do it." With my back against the cold tiles, I looked down at him with his face buried between my legs and thought that it could have been the most erotic thing I had ever witnessed in my life. I knew what it meant for him to use his tongue to lick me and his lips to suck on me and I tried my hardest not to take too long. He made it easy though with how he moaned against me, sending tremors through me with his voice. He inserted his middle finger inside of me too and as soon as he began working it in and out of me I knew I was done for. "Come for me. Come on baby, right now. Come all the fuck over me," He whispered between slow licks and gentle, undulating sucking. It was easy to let go with his voice telling me to do so and when I did I felt my whole body shudder and my knees get weak. Once I reached that beautiful moment of total physical bliss he stood up and made sure to keep circling my clit with his fingers until I couldn't take any more of his stimulation. Axel grabbed my face and kissed me hard and when he pulled back I was in such a cloud of euphoria that I almost couldn't open my eyes. "See, I knew you could kiss me," I said, voice shaky. "I know. It's just... Fuck it. It doesn't matter now." "Why?" "It just doesn't matter." We finished up in the shower, taking our time to wash each other and once in a while Axel would pause and kiss me slowly, relishing each time our tongues brushed. For somebody who didn't like kissing he sure did act like it was the best thing in the world because every time our lips touched he sighed or moaned or purred with delight. I didn't understand it but I didn't care because it felt so good to have him so close. His lips were so lush and the taste of him was so sweet. I couldn't believe the paradox that he was. After drying off and putting our underwear back on, we climbed into bed and got close enough to taste each other's breath. "I'm going to miss you," I whispered to him in the dark. "Nah. You won't." "Yes, I will." "I know." "Are you going to miss me?" I inquired. "Definitely." I couldn't be sure if it was really me or if it was the remnants of my intoxication but I could feel the heat of sadness building up behind my eyes like stormy rain clouds, threatening to spill tears. It was so silly and I felt like a prepubescent girl by the way my emotions were playing with me. I hadn't known Axel for more than a couple of days and the fact that he was leaving was striking me hard with dread. It didn't take long before he was passed out and gently snoring. My thoughts were racing because I wanted to wake him up. I wanted to beg him to stay with me. I had never felt so strongly for anybody before and I hated myself because of it. Then I thought maybe for just one moment I could understand my mother's motives for just taking off all those years ago. Shaking my head, I pushed that thought back into the little black box of tragic memories I kept stowed away in the forbidden closet of my mind. I was stupid for thinking it and I was stupider for falling for Axel. Alas, no matter how hard I berated myself for allowing a man like him to infiltrate my walls, I knew it wasn't all my fault. The uncouth, lewd, acid-green and oil-stained biker beside me in my bed had gouged himself a nice little spot in my heart by way of effortless charm and sugary words. My emotions were flying and I couldn't get to sleep. There were so many thoughts floating around in my brain, nagging at me to stand up and do something. They told me not to let him leave. They cried at me to go with him. I knew it was craziness to even entertain the idea of doing so but an hour passed and I was still wide awake, fretting. Slowly and as quietly as I possibly could, I slid out of bed, padded across the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I took a glass from the cupboard and poured myself some water to drink and as I drained the cup, I looked through the cupboards to find something to snack on that would hopefully aid in sobering me up a little. There wasn't much there that I could readily eat but when I opened the cupboard containing all of the baking supplies like flour, baking soda, and sugar my mind really started to kick and scream.
The next morning was a surreal collection of the best and worst goodbyes. Each and every one of the Sweet Demons approached me and my dad to thank us profusely before setting off, starting with Max Sweet. The blond-haired, blue-eyed man came up to us and hugged us both at the same time, earning simultaneous grunts of sarcastic disgust. "Al... Angel... Thanks a million. You guys are the greatest. Thanks for letting us rip up your property. I really do appreciate all the hospitality as usual." "No problem kid. Pour one out for your father whenever you have the chance. He would be proud to see you like this." "Thanks, Al," Max extended his arm for their farewell shake. Bradley and Jimmy both went on and on about how grateful they were that we had allowed them to stay the weekend as though they had never spent a Thirteenth with us before. Dad told them both to shove it. They too clapped my dad on the back and kissed the back of my palm. Braun came out from the garage just as Janet came to shake our hands. The rest of them had already packed their things into their leather saddlebags and were nearly ready to head off. "It was nice seeing you guys," said Braun, giving a salute and receiving several in return. The last person to say goodbye was Axel and I felt my chest practically cave in as he approached us, looking slightly sullen but still excited to get back on his bike for a long ride. He had on the leather vest with the word Zeitgeist embroidered onto it and I grimaced. "Thanks a lot for having us, Al. It's been a slice," Axel said, shaking my dad's hand firmly. "Looks like it's been a slice and a half for you," dad said, looking at me and then back at Axel who couldn't help the smile that cracked over his lips. "It was great to meet you, sir. You are a true fucking legend on and off the road." "You think I don't know that already? Now get outta here, kid. Next time you come back you better not be the recruit." Axel laughed nervously, "I hope not." Once they let go of each other's forearms my dad raised his hand to the rest of them. He then turned to Braun and grunted, "fuck, I need a beer already." Then it came time for Axel to say goodbye to me and I wasn't sure how to start it without sounding too soft. All of their goodbyes had been so hearty and casual but once he drew near I could feel many pairs of eyes on us. He didn't seem to care though and tipped my face up to look straight at him. An eruption of hoots and hollers sounded from all of the Sweet Demons and Axel flipped them the finger without glancing back at them. He whispered so nobody else could hear him but me. "I'm coming back for that pussy, okay? Every Thirteenth." "No you won't," I said under my breath. "You're going to find somebody else." "Believe me or not, I don't care." "I don't." "Good girl. Take good care of your dad for us." "Okay." "M'gonna miss you, Angel." "I know," I simpered. Axel took my hand and rose it to his lips. He gave me a kiss and winked before backing away, eyes glued to me before he turned on the balls of his green boots. I watched with my heart pounding hard in my chest as he walked down the driveway between the rows of bikes and swung one long leg over the seat of the Widow Maker after kicking up the stand. A sinfonietta of roaring engines flared and I watched it all with terror and regret. The morning sun glinted off of chrome and helmets but something was amiss. Most of them were ready to be off but Axel was staring down at the ignition in confusion. He looked up and I could see the panic in his eyes from the end of the driveway. "Hey!" He yelled over the bombastical growls of engines. "What the fuck! Max!" Nobody on their bikes could hear Axel but when Max looked over to see why he hadn't started moving yet it became obvious that something was wrong. Max took off his sunglasses and nodded towards Axel inquisitively. "My fucking engine! Fuck!" Axel yelled, tearing off his helmet and throwing it on the ground with a loud crack. Max signaled to everybody else to cut their engines and once they did Axel's cries of anger could be heard down the block. "What's going on?" Braun asked me and I simply shrugged. "Somethings seriously fucking wrong here!" Axel yelled. The lack of procession drew my dad back out of the garage, asking what the hold up was. "Looks like somethings wrong with Axel's bike," Braun said to him. "Woah! Hold on, what's the problem?" Dad asked as he went down the driveway as fast as his limp would allow him. "Fuck!" Axel yelled, punching the fuel tank and kicking the green crash bar on the back. "Hey! Hey! Don't fucking treat her that way man, relax!" Max admonished as he approached the scene. Axel yelled and circled the bike, checking everything that he possibly could before trying the ignition again. The engine gave a weak, whiny cry and sputtered out. I felt the blood in my veins turn white hot as his anger level rose and he began looking around. When I thought his eyes landed on me I nearly choked on my own tongue but I soon realized he was looking past me. "You!" Axel yelled, pointing his ringed finger. I whipped around and saw Braun behind me going paper white, eyes bugging out of his head as Axel approached. "You motherfucker! What the fuck did you do to my bike?" "What? Nothing! I didn't touch your fucking bike!" Braun yelled but he had no time to explain himself before Axel was at his throat. "You thrashed my fucking bike, didn't you! You gawky little piece of shit!" Axel screamed. Braun tried to rip Axel's hand from his throat but only managed to claw at it until Axel pushed him back. "Why the fuck would I touch your bike!?" "Why!? Oh, I don't know, maybe because you've been a cocky little shit since the moment I got here, that's why!" "Get fucked, buddy! I have no reason to sabotage your fucking bike. I want you the fuck out of here! Why the fuck would I touch it? Not my fault you rode in on a heaping pile of fucking garbage." Braun instantly regretted what he said once Axel wound back and punched him in the face. He staggered and clutched at his cheek for only a moment before launching towards Axel, blood running down from a deep cut made my one of Axel's rings. "Stop!" I yelled but by the time I could force the word from my mouth, Max was already trying to pull Axel away from Braun. "Axe! Stop!" Max bellowed. They were going at each other like a pair of angry, starved dogs. Bradley jumped off his bike and intervened as well, yelling at Braun to back away. The whole scene was writhing and suddenly Axel began to choke and gag, his cheeks inflating as he coughed. He dropped to his knees with his hands planted on the cement and lurched almost as though he were trying to cough up a hairball. "Get back! Everybody... Get the fuck back!" Max cried out. Braun staggered a few steps back, still holding his hand over his cheek where Axel had landed a devastating hit. Blood was dripping down his neck and was soon soaking into the collar of his white tank top. "Angel, get back," dad hooked his arm around my chest and pulled me away from Axel who was trying not to vomit on the ground. "Motherfucker! I'll kill you!" Braun yelled but when Max squared up and glared him down, he went quiet. Everybody surrounded Axel as he heaved violently. Black tar spilled from his mouth onto the driveway like engine oil but with a worse smell that stung my nostrils. I couldn't look away, especially when steam started to rise up in clouds from the dark puddle of bile. I gasped when the puddle started to bubble and fizz. "What the fuck?" Braun said lowly. "Get the fuck out of here Braun, now!" Dad yelled at Braun. "Go get that shit cleaned up. You too, Angel. Go in the house." "No!" I exclaimed. "Axel! Are you okay? What's going on?" He turned his head and looked up at me with sweat beading on his forehead, murky liquid dripping from the corners of his mouth and his eyes glowering like two pools of lava. "Listen to your dad and get the fuck away from me."
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gabigoesplaces · 5 years
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Shanghai (’19) and different ways of living
It was indeed one of the best trips of my life, I learned so much, met amazing people and got to (kinda) darle la vuelta al mundo (Calle 13 reference)
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I had waited so long for this and when the time came, I was ready but definitely nervous for what to expect. I had spent a few days in Marbella before, so I expected Shanghai to be poles apart from my experiences in Puerto Banus. We arrived at the airport, and after going through a face and Touch ID migration system, which was surreal, kind of scary but fun nonetheless; we were picked up by a bus, and on our way to the hotel the tour company that was taking care of us, gave us a booklet with some basic information about the city, and gave us cryptic instructions like: “Don’t get inside of a red taxi”
We took the advice, but we were ready to explore the city and Fusion was our first destination, right after getting huevos rotos at a Spanish restaurant at the French Concession, we tried ordering a taxi to the hotel lobby but failed to communicate through Google translate that we had to get there by 11pm. So there we were, a bunch of kids running behind yellow taxis to get to the club. 
After showing the taxi drivers the address, we arrived to a mall and 11 stories up, we were shown to a secret door... When we got inside, everyone could clearly see who the outsiders were. We, westerners, did not wear Gucci sneakers, we weren't eating an entire buffet of xiao long bao, or had in our table bottles of Golden Goose (we did, however got our hands on that later). 
We danced, some of us got became fans of lollipops from an unknown origin, and others were thrown confetti on by some Chinese influencers; but the night came to an end early after we realized that class at 6am the next day was mandatory. Some friends and I were, dropped off in a wrong location, so we decided to finish off the night by getting Pocky from a local store, meanwhile on our way to the right hotel, we got disapproving looks from the seniors dancing at the parks we passed by. 
The next day, well, only a few hours later, we were on the metro, hungover while trying to stay awake until the next stop. The best way to describe the way we felt, while standing next to commuters was: hot and bothered, but not in a good way. Little did we know, two hour classes about Chinese foreign policy and a not so brief historical background awaited. We got our abanicos out, and like a real flamenca, we fanned non-stop. 
Later in the afternoon, after getting a good siesta, we got Mexican food; let me note, I am aware of how bad this portrays me as a travel blogger but the birthday boy wished for it so, c’est la vie! (I assure there is great Chinese culinary adventures later on). And after our celebration, accompanied by a Chinese live singer in the background (who apparently only knew Ed Sheehan songs), the after party followed in a suite, which our Mexican friend got after “talking to the manager” (I still don’t know how he managed to make that happen, he’s really not intimidating in the slightest, with his 1.60cm). The views from there were breathtaking, we could see the whole city which had grown so quickly since the 19th century. 
We made a right choice by staying in that day, because even after the long day that followed, exploring Xuhui district, we were ready for Ladies night at Bar Rouge. The girls and I got all done up, ready for our photoshoot in the Bund (we were also joined by some fans who wished to take pictures with foreigners), we climbed up four stories and after saying the magic words “Francisco Tonight”, we were in. Red lights (and a handsome ice cream man) welcomed us, as he guided the group towards the manicure station, sponsored by Dom Perignon, and indeed we wished to drink the stars.
“You are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen”, I heard as I turned around to find an Indian guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt. I said thank you but he seemed to have understood the hidden message in my words, so he asked me I wanted him to introduce his Dutch friend to me and after sharing a laugh he did so. Time passed by as we danced the night away, while he apologized for his two left feet. All while knowing he had to leave to Shenzhen in the morning to pitch his startup drone company to new investors. 
My friends and I regrouped and went downstairs to (attempt to) find a cab with a taximeter, trying to avoid the red taxis, as we had been advised. And as we tried our luck, we found the Dutch guy again, I said goodbye and my friends and I entered the taxi, after he failed to convince them to stay, “don’t you want to see the sharks at M1NT?”. Suddenly, as if it were Singing in the Rain, it started raining. Gene Kelly (from the Netherlands) opened the door of my cab and for a second there I felt like a 50s movie star.
I daydreamed the whole way back to our hotel about what could have been if I had stayed… Luckily my friends had my best interest at heart because just a shower and three hours later, we were at a Chinese Leadership Centre, strolling along the gardens, while feeling unexplainably calm, maybe it was the feng shui after all. 
After a crazy afternoon bargaining with sellers at the black market, which was strangely located at a metro station, we got dinner at our favorite huarique (Peruvian slang for restaurant which turns out to be hidden gem), which served the best dumplings we had ever tried, until then... A full belly and a happy heart later, we hoped on a taxi again, to see with our own eyes if the Dutch guy’s theory was true indeed. And it was, as you entered the club shark tanks and the sound of house music surrounded you, for me, it was definitely unforgettable as  I looked at my phone, waiting for my classmates to finish their part of the essay. After sending the email to my professor, I went to the dance floor, but made a pit-stop at some Peruvian guy’s table, who told us he was there for business and because of our shared nationality, gave us a bottle of Goose to start off the night right. 
Surprisingly, a guy approached me as I was singing my heart out to Bon Jovi’s Livin’ On a Prayer, air guitars and all, to say: “I see there’s someone here with a good music taste”. I turned around to find a skater boy from Cali, he was tattooed up from head to toe, and when I pointed it out he proceeded to show me his favorite one, which he undoubtedly got done by an amateur tattoo artist. He also mentioned he was in the city for the X games and after dancing for a while I got swept out by a Brazilian guy on who I practiced my Portuguese, but just a few moments after telling him I liked to sambar, a French guy also came up to me and I applied the same premise, just for learning purposes, bien sûr.
But Duolingo live was short-lived, because a touristic day awaited. We went to Shanghai Museum, and a friend and I quickly moved to see everything, from the Porcelain collection to the Traditional Clothing exhibition. After, we walked along Nanjing East Road, which in reality was more like running because of our guide’s hurry to get to Yu Garden in time, hearing that it might get reconstructed because “everything is new in Shanghai”, was kind of heartbreaking for a history junkie like me. Later we went on a cruise along the Bund, as the lights of the financial center went on.  
The next day, after partying at an 80s themed club, we went up the second tallest building in the world. Shanghai tower is known for having the world's highest observation deck, and as I looked down on the city, it truly did feel like a serendipitous moment; 10 year old me would never believe 18 year old me’s words if I told her that in less than ten years we would be standing there.
That day we also got to try my favorite Chinese dish so far, Shanghai fried dumplings were truly the best part of my culinary experience. Even though dinner at an Arab? (to this day, I’m not sure where exactly the food was from) restaurant, was also one of the best parts, because of the amazing dishes and the dancers who invited us to be part of the show.
Longhua temple was indeed a calming experience, it felt like the last moments of our trip were indeed here. Seeing the statues and feeling so small beneath them, while hearing about the Buddhist acts of faith, like offers to Mitreya Buddha and the Four Heavenly Kings. It was sobering (no pun intended), after crazy nights, to take a moment to evaluate life and how in this enormous planet, human beings live it in such different ways. 
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Shanghai gifted me experiences I could have never had anywhere else and taught me potential lovers could not only be found at umbrella marriage markets. Leaping into the unknown was definitely worth it, and for that I say xie xie.
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tuiyla · 7 years
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Top 15 relationships of the Avatar universe (as voted by Hungarian fans)
#14: Toph Beifong & Sokka I don't know. They missed you or something. I didn't care. Thanks. That warms my heart.
Inspired by (x)
Oh, would you look at that, I’m actually continuing this project. Took me long enough, but here it is, the 14th best relationship of the Avatar universe, according to Hungarian fans I asked.
Toph and Sokka met while Aang was searching for his earthbending master. Originally Sokka was rooting against the Blind Bandit, but that quickly changed and the two became teammates. During the events of “The Chase” Sokka was the only member of Team Avatar not to turn against Toph and he tried to stop her from leaving. Toph began teasing Sokka for not being a bender in this episode as well, thus the dynamic between the two was established as one where they are playful with each other with some mockery but ultimately have each other’s back. Both are viewed as the funny ones, with Sokka being the sarcastic humour guy who’s also the butt of most jokes and Toph as the one with witty one-liners.
It was during “The Serpent’s Pass” that we first saw evidence that Toph has a crush on Sokka, as she confused Suki with him and kissed her on her cheek. After that their dynamic remained the same, with the two lowkey competing to be the funny one and Sokka establishing it early on that he feels the same protectiveness towards Toph that he does towards his sister and other friends. During the coup in Ba Sing Se the two stuck together and try their best, showing that they compliment the Aang and Katara duo well. During the book of Fire their dynamic continued, with some episodes giving us more insight into how their relationship is developing. During “Sokka’s Master” Toph showed further signs of having a crush on Sokka, which the other didn’t seem to realize. In “The Runaway” Sokka supports Toph’s scams but worries for her safety, although in a different way than his sister does. When Katara and Toph have a fight, it’s Sokka who brings the two together by sharing things with Toph he’s never said out loud before.
The two show that it’s not only humour that they do well together but that they also make a pretty good fighting team, as shown during “The Day of Black Sun”. After moving to the Western Air Temple Sokka sides with Aang and Katara on the Zuko matter, but helps Toph when she gets burnt. When Sozin’s Comet comes, the two go on a mission together with Suki, where Sokka further praises Toph’s abilities and protects her the best he can.
Ultimately, Toph and Sokka show that they are comfortable around each other from the very beginning and their relationship only gets stronger as time goes on. Sokka gains a true companion when Toph joins the team, as he was kind of the third wheel in Team Avatar before that. They can joke around each other while also being serious when need be, they establish a comfortable rhythm that took longer for Aang and Katara to do when it came to Toph. It’s clear that Sokka can be very protective over Toph which is a sign that he cares about her, but he doesn’t treat her as someone who needs to be protected, which she would hate. Sokka understands that, even if he doesn’t say it out loud. He clearly respects her for her bending talent and values her as a friend. To me, it always seemed like Sokka treated Toph as a kind of new little sister, since his relationship with Katara changed from that after their mother died. Toph is like the cool little sister who’ll never boss him around but will always be up for fun.
On Toph’s side, the crush was made obvious, which is one reason why this ship became popular as a romantic relationship. This crush began in “The Serpent’s Pass”, earliest, and lasted until at least “Sokka’s Master”. Sokka never seemed to notice it and Toph wasn’t too open about it, and it’s unclear if she ever confessed or just got over it as the years went by. I don’t know much about the romantic shipping of these two as I was never into that, I was more of a Yukka and later on Sukka person myself. But there was potential for Tokka to work and by all means, every fan should respect that. But this project is not about shipping wars and whether one ship should have been canon instead of another, it’s about appreciating the bonds that these amazing characters share.
When it comes to Tokka, whether you see the romantic potential or not, their relationship was undoubtedly strong from the beginning and yet another interesting aspect of the show. They served as a nice balance to the Aang and Katara dynamic and were the funnier ones for the most part, although when they did get serious it was a guaranteed heartwarming moment. From what we’ve seen in The Legend of Korra, they continued being friends and sharing the same strong bond. Just pay attention to Sokka the next time you watch “Out of the Past”, he was desperate to break out of Yakone’s control and help Toph.
While putting this list together I was surprised to see that Tokka ranked 14th. In a way I expected it to be more popular, but in another I prefer the other dynamics in Team Avatar, such as the relationship of Aang and Toph, or even more so, Toph and Katara. As I mentioned this is not my personal list, but overall I’m content with Toph and Sokka’s relationship ranking 14th. Looking at it from a canon point of view it truly is a nice dynamic full of both funny and emotional moments, and I can see the romantic appeal of it, as the two play off of each other well. Kudos to Toph and Sokka for sharing this bond.
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wikitopx · 5 years
From visiting the Temple of Literature to sitting under a tree where Buddha was enlightened, these are just some of the best things to do in Hanoi, Vietnam.
One of the best ways to get acquainted with any city in the world is to go on a walking tour. Originally developed in Europe, the concept of the free walking tour is to give visitors a general and entertaining introduction to the city, led by enthusiastic locals.
We’re very pleased to say that these tours have no made it to Vietnam, and there’s no better way to start your trip in Hanoi than by taking part in one. Started in 2011, the Hanoi walking tour lasts half a day or all day and visits some of the best attractions around the city.
Being guided by a local student, these tours allow you to find the best attractions, restaurants, bars and hidden spots around the city, and really is one of the best things to do in Hanoi.
There’s a bunch of different variations of these Hanoi tours, so whether you’re interested in the French Quarter, the Ho Chi Minh Complex, or just finding the best street food in the city, these guys have you covered.
Note that while the tours are free, donations are expected for guides that do a great job.
The Old Quarters are one of the two most well-known districts in Hanoi (the other being the Ba Dinh District). The Old Quarters is a business center and also a very prominent spot among tourists.
A typical scene in Hanoi streets are sidewalks teeming with bicycles and scooters while crowds of people scavenge markets and barter loudly with street vendors.
While exploring Old Quarters you have no choice but to confront the traffic as a local would do and experience the history on the go. It’s an interesting blend of ancient history (Hanoi celebrated a millennial birthday in 2010) and commercialism.
Packed with French colonial architecture, temples and Buddhist temples you'll want to get lost on the streets. The street bearing the name of the business was established more than 1,000 years ago.
Most of these businesses were craft shops, but today a lot of them turned into something more commercial and modern. Even now you can find shops owned by the same family for centuries, selling Vietnamese-original handicrafts.
It is expected to see many cafes, restaurants, shops, art galleries, and bars even in this historic area.
The best way to understand the difference between Vietnamese architecture and later on French colonialism is through these two buildings (luckily both situated in the same neighborhood). The ancient House is an example of the typical architecture of ancient houses.
The house is made of two main blocks bound together by a square yard in the middle on the ground floor, and a small balcony on the 1st floor. The yard is included at the center of the building to moderate the air, providing the house with sunlight and cool air. Today, you can come and see the Old House and see for yourself how Hanoians live.
On the other hand, Saint Joseph Church is a combination of Vietnamese and Western architectural styles. Saint Joseph Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral done in a Neo-Gothic style. It was built around 120 years ago.
The cathedral was constructed and completed in 1886 after the French army conquered Hanoi. The architecture of the cathedral clearly follows the rules of the Gothic style and design of the Paris Cathedral.
The appearance of the cathedral, the doors, the stained glass windows and the religious paintings all follow a clear Western style. But the interior is decorated in the way of Vietnamese people, with the main color is yellow and red.
The mausoleum is the resting place of, the revolution leader Ho Chi Minh, who was the President of the Communist Party of Vietnam, at the very same place where he is 1945, read the Declaration of Independence and established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
The Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum was inspired by Lenin’s Mausoleum (in Moscow) but with a Vietnamese twist. It incorporates elements that are tied to Vietnamese architecture like the sloping roof.
The exterior of the mausoleum is made of grey granite while the interior is black, grey and red polished stone. All materials used for construction have been purchased from all over Vietnam.
Fauna from different regions of Vietnam surrounds the mausoleum. The embalmed body of Ho Chi Minh is located in the central hall of the mausoleum, protected at all times by a military guard.
If you’re wondering what to do in Hanoi, make sure this is near the top of your list.
Price: Admission is free
In ancient times circulated a story that claimed the Heaven-sent Emperor Ly Thai To a sword with magical properties. He used that sword to expel the Chinese from Vietnam.
Following the end of the war, a giant golden turtle took the sword and escaped to the depths of the lake to return the sword to its divine owners thus earning its name, the Lake of the Restored Sword. If you’re not amused by legends don’t fret because the lake is special for other things as well.
This is the only lake in Vietnam that is home to an iconic tortoise. The tortoise is considered a sacred animal so the lake itself is a holy place. If you’re in luck you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of these majestic animals.
People have long thought that they became instinct until a cow came out of the lake a few years ago. The Hoan Kiem Lake is very popular among Hanoians as a gathering place for families, nature lovers, and hangouts.
If you want to spend time as the local residents do, show up at 6 am and practice Tai Chi with them. The best time to visit is from Fridays to Sundays because the nearby traffic is banned from 7 pm to midnight turning it into a peaceful oasis.
If the lake itself isn’t enough to peak your interest, then make sure to visit the Ngoc Son Temple, a pagoda surrounded by the Hoan Kiem lake. It was built in memorial of the 13th-century figure Tran Hung Dao, a brave military leader who fought against the Yuan Dynasty.
The island on which the pagoda was built is called Jade Island and is accessible by the famous Sun Floating Bridge. The bridge is built out of wood, colored red in a classical Vietnamese fashion.
Pagodas and lakes are probably the most famous places in Hanoi. It is one of those places where you just lie down, relax and enjoy the blissful tranquility.
Price: 30,000 VND
Established in the late 19th century, the Dong Xuan Market can be found in a four-story communist styled building on the edge of the Old Quarters.
Dong Xuan Market is the largest indoor market in Hanoi. What one can find is truly astounding. Whatever you’re looking for whether it’d be some fresh local produce, souvenirs or in need of a laptop – chances are some vendor tucked away has it?
Like other markets in Southeast Asia, Dong Xuan Market has a market dedicated to meat, seafood, vegetables and flowers from all over Vietnam. If you’re not into testing the different flavors of Vietnam head up to the upper floors.
You will be able to find handbags, fabrics, handicrafts all of which are sold at wholesale prices! So many things to choose from at Đồng Xuân Market.
Like the St Joseph’s Cathedral, this opera house was modeled after one of Paris’s counterparts, the Palais Garnier. Hanoi Opera House in European style is quite clear. It has Italian marble floors, ceilings decorated with French murals and bronze chandeliers.
It is regarded as one of the most famous architectural and cultural landmarks in Hanoi. Today, it has a strong cultural influence and is a center for art shows, dance performances, and concerts.
Price Range: 100,000 VND – 500,000 VND
This wonderful modern museum offers a beautiful tribute to Vietnamese women throughout history. The museum is run by the Vietnam Women's Union. The museum focuses on the position of Vietnamese women throughout history. From street merchants, mothers to entrepreneurs and scholars.
The narratives focus on their role in society, the obstacles they overcame as society changed, and an abundance of information on everyday life, such as marriage, motherhood, fashion, and life-changing rituals.
One of the most interesting exhibits focuses on the position women play in the Vietnam War.
The museum has displayed a lot of information about all of its exhibits in French and in English. Historic relics which include Taoist books (among other impressive collected artifacts) give an in-depth insight into a better understanding of the women of Vietnam.
The Temple of Literature is often regarded as one of the most visited tourist attractions. In 1070 it was made with the intention of serving as a university and was dedicated to Confucius and scholars.
Fortunately, the building is remarkably preserved and is an excellent example of traditional Vietnamese architecture. The temple offers an abundance of literature, turtle steles as well as the Well of Heavenly Clarity.
This temple is a tribute to education and literature. This place has witnessed thousands and thousands of the best scholars in Vietnam. The most acclaimed prize for the most successful scholars was to have their names engraved onto a stone stele on top of the stone turtles. Today students come and pray for good grades.
Price: 30,000 VND
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to see in Saigon
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-hanoi-704669.html
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