#he was so close of getting his baby brother back
pathologicalreid · 1 day
litmus test | s.r.
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in which Spencer needs your expertise to help solve a murder, but crime fighting is most decidedly not for you
find more chemist!reader here!
who? spencer reid x chemist!reader category: flangst (like. the end is a little angsty and it has case details) content warnings: typical cm violence, science talk, fem!reader, reader is not built for crime, morgan being an older brother, some fun banter!! death by firework is crazy lmao word count: 1.68k a/n: this is one of my favorite fluff pieces i've written in agessss i missed chemist!reader so much i learn so many things when i'm writing her. this was a request! i hope you like it as much as i do!!
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“Do you have a second?” Spencer asks, his voice slightly choppy over the phone. Between his ancient phone and being inside concrete police precincts, some disconnect was bound to happen.
Saving your document to your computer, you rest the lab phone between your shoulder and ear, “If you’re asking me if I have any corrosive chemicals in my hands, the answer is no.”
He chuckles lightly, “I never know with you.”
You roll your eyes in response, even if he can’t see you, “It was one time and I needed a new phone case anyway.”
“You fused the plastic of your phone case to the material of your phone,” he retorts far too quickly for your liking.
“Yes,” you acquiesce, “but I know the exact chemical reaction that caused that phenomenon.” You cross your legs one over the other, maintaining your balance on your lab stool as you speak to Spencer over the phone.
He gave a light hum in response, “Speaking of chemical reactions – I need your help.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, “You’re asking me for help in chemistry?” There really was a first time for everything, you suppose.
Spencer was more than capable of navigating a lab on his own, even so, he admits, “You have more applied practice than I do.”
Pursing your lips, you nod to yourself, “Fair enough. What’s stumping you, Dr. Reid?” Your inquiry, while innocent enough, garners a wolf whistle from your graduate assistant.
“There’s something burning a hole in these bones, and I’m not sure what would be causing it to happen this fast,” he explains, giving you minor background information on how long the bones were out and if the medical examiner had treated them with something.
You clear your throat, frowning at the notes you had scrawled down in front of you, “Burning or corroding?” What was seemingly a meaningless distinction would actually allow you to filter through approximately half of the possibilities.
“Corroding,” he corrects himself, “My mistake.”
Crossing off some of your notes, you purse your lips at the new possibilities, “No worries. Did you try flushing it out with water?”
You hear papers flipping on his end of the call before you get a response, “That would destroy evidence.”
“Well,” you raise your eyebrows, “It sounds like your evidence is destroying itself.”
“Baby,” Spencer says in a no-nonsense tone reserved for when he was deep in a case. You could’ve sworn you heard Morgan in the background of the call mocking him for the pet name.
Turning back to your notes, you sigh, “Yeah, yeah, all work and no play. Was the body buried?”
“Partially,” his reply intrigues you, “I can have Garcia send you the crime scene photos if you think it’ll help.”
Wrinkling your nose at the thought, you made an unsure sound, “Right, because nothing says lunchtime like getting up close and personal with a homicide victim.”
“What lunchtime? It’s three pm in D.C. right now,” he caught you, a slight chiding tone in his words.
Ignoring his questions, you ask more of your own, “Was the body near water? Did they test the pH of the soil and water?”
There were more papers flipping, likely someone presenting the results of those tests to him, “Yeah, the soil was a five-point two and the water was a seven-point eight,” he listed off for you.
While your knowledge of the pH of the soil in Iowa was limited, you did know that those levels were pretty on par for the northern Mississippi River. “O-kay,” you say, extending your vowels, “and they didn’t find anything else on the scene that points to corrosive materials. Hydrofluoric acid?” You posit, “No, you know what – maybe you should send me those files. My work email is encrypted, you can give it to Penelope.”
He speaks to someone else in the room with him and you resist the urge to ask him if he’s enjoying Iowa, “It’s sent,” he confirms with you.
Pulling up your email only takes a moment, and once you get over the initial shock of seeing a dead body on your computer screen, you lift your lab glasses to the top of your head in order to get a better look. “I mean,” you think for a moment, “those look like alkali burns to me. I’ve never seen them on bones before, but you should do a litmus test to check either way.”
“So, we rinse it with water?” He asks, seeking instruction from you in a way that makes you feel oddly powerful.
Your eyes widen, “No, no, no. If it’s a metal compound then it’ll be covered in a mineral oil, so rinsing it with water would actually make the burn worse.”
Pausing for a moment, you consider the possibility that Spencer didn’t have the luxury of time – he was trying to solve a murder, not do experiments in a lab.
“Alkali burns can be serious, it all depends on what caused them, and most are helped by rinsing with water. So, unless you have the time to test for metal compounds, I’d go ahead and rinse it. You might want to brush the damage to the bones with a dry brush first. If there’s lime on the bones it’ll foam, which not only will corrode the bones even further but it might release a toxic gas,” you have no idea how the corrosion would interact with bone marrow, but something tell you that you don’t want to know
“Wait a minute,” Derek interjects, being included in the conversation now that Spencer put the call on speaker, “I thought things like alkaline water were good for you.”
You scoff instinctively, “Oh, there’s no definitive evidence that shows alkaline water as having any real health benefits. Especially not the benefits that the internet says it has.” Straightening up in your stool, you continue, “In fact, there is evidence from the NIH that says drinking alkaline water could cause kidney damage. There’s a particular-“
“My bad,” he interjects, effectively stopping your rambling before it really took off, “I forgot whose girlfriend I was talking to.”
Groaning at your new vexation, you huff, “Oh, fuck off, Derek. Go kick down a door.”
Spencer quickly switches the phone back, “Thank you, angel.”
Squinting at the photos that were still on your laptop screen, a crude, disturbing thought came to mind, “You know, sparklers can cause alkali burns. It might be something to consider because of the diameter of the burns.”
Your boyfriend was silent on his end of the call for so long that you had to check and make sure the call hadn't dropped. “Did you say sparklers?”
“Yep,” you confirm, “like the ones you can get everywhere this time of year.”
He says something to Morgan, placing his hand over the receiver so you can’t hear, “There’s only one spot in this town, though. I’ve gotta go, see you soon.”
“Stay safe, please! I prefer your bones unburned,” you rattle off into the phone before it clicks, placing the phone back on the stand and deleting the crime scene photos from your inbox.
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The front door to the apartment opens and shuts quietly, with Spencer under the assumption that you already went to bed, he was surprised to find you on the couch, nursing a cup of tea. “Hey, baby,” he chirps, unusually peppy for this time of night.
“Hey,” you say half-heartedly, threading your fingers through the handle of the mug.
Your somber tone gets Spencer’s attention, “What’s wrong?”
The slight panic in his voice causes your eyes to snap up to his, “Nothing,” you murmur. “It’s just… the woman who was in those pictures. There- the burns on her bones, they were signs of torture, weren’t they?”
You’d been thinking about the burns ever since Spencer showed them to you, “Yes,” he answers with a reciprocating softness, sitting down next to you on the couch. “The medical examiner concluded that she was burned antemortem.”
That woman had been burned alive by fireworks, sparklers had seared their way through skin and muscle until it finally met her bones. You blink a few tears from your eyes at the thought, “I like my lab, Spence.”
The confusion on his face was palpable, “I know you do.”
“I like my minimal human interaction and my chemicals, and I like knowing why certain things cause certain reactions. I like it when things make sense.” You take a deep, shaky breath, “Killing someone. Torturing someone with fireworks. That just doesn’t make sense to me.”
You had no interest in hearing the excuses that the killer had provided. You had no interest in hearing the psychological breakdown of that woman’s killer. Spencer knows that, “The photos got to you?”
Taking a sip from your mug, you nod solemnly, “I can’t stop thinking about the way it must have felt. Oh, the smell must have been horrible. That poor woman.” In theory, it was a ridiculous notion, killing someone with fireworks seemed neither probable nor possible. Yet here you are.
“But we got the person who killed her,” Spencer reassures you, resting his hand gently on your knee. “We couldn’t have done it without you,” he adds.
Your face warms at his compliment, “I wish I could have helped before she was killed.” You were grateful that Spencer hadn’t passed on any personal information about the woman, it was easier for you if you kept things in separate storage files in your mind.
Spencer hums, reaching out and sweeping a strand of hair behind your ear, “There’s always going to be another one. I’m sorry about the photos, I should’ve made sure Garcia only sent the necessary ones.”
Nodding absentmindedly, you look at him thoughtfully, “This will pass, but for tonight I just feel bad for the victim.”
“I can have Penelope share some of her favorite baby animal videos, if you’d like,” he offers softly, resting his head on your shoulder.
In return, you give him a small smile, “Well, I suppose it really can’t hurt.”
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itneverendshere · 2 days
saw that jj is readers neighbor. and i see rafe absolutely hating him, until he realizes that you take care of him like he’s your baby brother, especially when things get a little rough at his house
omg yesssss! it's kinda funny that he's beefing with a teenager. thank you for the request! 🩵🫂 alsojj never met milo before bc he only showed up after the kid was already sleeping, cause luke had a tendency to get rowdier at night 😣.
you're on your own kid - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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There’s no way in hell JJ Maybank is sitting on your couch while you’re cooking away. 
Rafe swears he’s lost his mind. Maybe he hit his head harder than he thought when he was out on the boat earlier because what he’s seeing doesn’t make any sense.
There’s no way JJ is sitting there, his legs propped up on your coffee table like he owns the place. Like he belongs here. In your place. Your sister's place.
For a second, he thinks he’s gotta be dreaming. But nope, it’s real. The smell of whatever you’re cooking from the kitchen hits him in the face, and JJ’s laughter echoes through the living room.
This is your house, your space, and somehow JJ’s sitting there like he’s been here a thousand times before. He’s gotta say something.
Rafe clears his throat, trying to keep his voice normal but it comes out tight, strained. “What the hell’s Maybank doing here?”
You don’t even look up from the stove, just wave a hand in his direction, like it’s no big deal.
Like he’s no big deal. “Relax, baby. He’s just having dinner.”
“Dinner?” Rafe practically chokes on the word.
JJ catches the look on his face and smirks, leaning back further into the couch cushions.
“What, never seen a guy eat before, Cameron?”
Rafe scoffs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Dinner? At your place? Since when are you and Maybank this close?”
His eyes narrow on JJ, sprawled out on the couch like he’s got nowhere better to be. The guy’s even wearing his boots, dirt probably all over your cushions, and Rafe’s practically grinding his teeth at the sight.
JJ just smirks, because of course he does. “Jealous or somethin’, Cameron? Didn’t think you’d care.”
But then you walk over with a plate and set it down in front of JJ, and Rafe watches in shock as you ruffle his hair, so casually it’s like second nature to you.
Like you’ve done it a hundred times before.
JJ’s eating like it’s the first meal he’s had in days, and Rafe’s brain is still trying to catch up with what the hell is happening here.
You and JJ? Since when? Rafe’s stomach twists at the thought, because why would you even care about a guy like JJ? 
The guy’s got that scruffy look, bruises on his knuckles and faint ones on his arms. Rafe’s seen it before, the evidence of fights and bad nights. He knows what goes on at JJ’s house. He’s heard the stories. The arguments that spill out onto the streets late at night, the way JJ disappears for a while and comes back worse than before.
And then it hits him.
You’re not just letting him crash here.
You’re taking care of him. Looking out for him in ways that nobody else does, making sure he doesn’t completely spiral with a father like Luke Maybank.
JJ speaks up, grinning with his mouth full of food. “Her food’s so good, you gotta try it.”
“I’m her boyfriend, you think I haven’t tried her cooking?”
He’s being ridiculous, knows he’s not really jealous of a seventeen-year-old. It’s not that he’s threatened by JJ—hell no. It’s more that...he doesn’t like sharing you. Even if it’s just dinner.
He’s proud of you, though. Always has been. That big heart of yours, helping out some kid who clearly needs it.
Rafe crosses his arms, leaning against the doorway. “Since when did my girl become a goddamn soup kitchen?” The words come out harsher than he means them to, but you just glance over your shoulder and roll your eyes.
You know him too well by now.
“Baby, it’s just dinner. JJ’s had a rough day.”
“Yeah, well, so have I,” Rafe mutters under his breath, but he doesn’t push it. He can’t really. 
He knows the guys has been through it, and yeah, his dad’s a piece of work. But that doesn’t make it easier to see him sitting here, all cozy in the life Rafe’s tried to build with you. Yeah, maybe you fucking spoiled him because know the mere thought of another guy being in your space makes his blood boil. 
JJ wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, “Chill, Cameron. You’re acting like I’m movin’ in or something.”
He remembers being that kid—lost, angry, with no place to feel safe. JJ might be annoying as fuck, a walking nightmare to be around, but Rafe can’t hate him for that. Not really.
“Yeah, well, don’t get too comfortable,” Rafe mutters. He looks at you, softening. “You’ve got a heart too big for your own good, y'know that?”
“I thought you loved that about me?” You tease, turning back to the stove.
“’Course I do.” Rafe crosses the room, sitting on the arm of the couch, close enough to you but still keeping an eye on JJ. He watches as you stir something on the stove, a soft smile pulling at the corner of his mouth despite everything. Yeah, he gets annoyed, but fuck if he doesn’t love you for exactly this. You just have a way of making people feel safe, even the ones that don’t deserve it—or maybe need it most.
JJ leans back, letting out a satisfied groan. "God, that was good. She ever cook like this for you, Cameron?"
Rafe shoots him a look, eyebrows raised. "Yeah, maybe when you’re not eating all my food."
JJ just laughs, completely unfazed. “You’re lucky, man.”
Rafe doesn't answer, just stares at him, half of him wanting to tell him to get out and the other half knowing how good it must feel for the kid to have a moment where he doesn’t have to worry about anything. Rafe’s been there—different situation, same lost feeling. He looks at you again, knowing it’s you that pulled him out of that place. And now here you are, doing the same thing for JJ.
With a sigh, he slides off the couch and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. “You know you’re too good for him, right?”
You laugh, leaning back into him. “For him? Or for you?”
Rafe presses a kiss to your shoulder, smiling despite himself. “Both. Definitely both.”
His lips linger there for another second before JJ’s speaking again, “Alright, y’all don’t have to be disgusting while I’m sitting here trying to digest. Seriously, have some respect. I’m a guest.”
Rafe’s jaw tightens, but he can’t help but laugh under his breath, his forehead dropping against your back. “You gotta be kidding me.” He sighs dramatically, loosening his grip on you and stepping back, but he’s still got that smirk. “You hear that, baby? We’re offending the guest. Can’t have that.”
JJ rolls his eyes so hard Rafe’s sure he’s gonna get stuck that way. “Yeah, you two keep it up, and I’m gonna lose this amazing meal you just made. Not trying to see all that lovey-dovey shit.”
Rafe leans against the counter, arms crossed, shaking his head. “You know, most people would be grateful for a free dinner.”
You toss a dish towel at JJ, which he dodges with a snicker. “You’re welcome to leave, you know.”
“Nah, nah,” JJ says quickly, stuffing the bread in his mouth. “I’m good right here.”  He stretches out again, clearly getting way too comfortable. “But if y’all could just tone down the romance while I’m around, that’d be great.”
Rafe’s still grinning, even though part of him wants to wipe that smirk right off JJ’s face. “You jealous, Maybank?”
JJ gives an exaggerated shrug. “Nah. I got my priorities straight.”
“Yeah? Like what? Getting on my last fucking nerve?” Rafe shoots back.
JJ lifts his hands in surrender, still grinning like a kid who knows exactly how make him lose his temper. “Hey, I’m just saying. Don’t go making me regret this free meal, alright?”
He glances over at you, and you’re shaking your head, smiling like this whole thing is the most entertaining show you’ve seen all week.
“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” Rafe mutters, still eyeing JJ. “This is a one-time thing.”
JJ chuckles, unfazed. “Whatever helps you sleep at night. Just remember, I’m your girl’s favorite.” He flashes you a wink, and Rafe’s this close to tossing the bread basket at his head and tossing him out on the street.
JJ’s annoying, no doubt, but he understand, or at least he's trying to, that you’re doing it for a reason—helping the kid out, making sure he’s got a safe place for at least one night. And no matter how much he pisses him off, Rafe respects that. For your sake.
“You keep running your mouth and you’re both sleeping porch.”
Rafe turns to you, offended, “The fuck did I do?”
“You know exactly what you did,” you say, shaking your head. “Always making things competitive.”
Rafe scoffs, standing a little straighter.
“Competitive? Baby, I’m just protecting what’s mine.” He throws a glance at JJ, who’s still lounging on the couch like he owns the place.
“Man, protectin’ what?” JJ pipes up, laughing through his words. “I’m just here for the food and the show.” He gestures between the two of you. “Y’all could make a fortune if you charged admission. People love drama.”
Rafe rolls his eyes. “You’re lucky they’re not charging you rent at this point.”
He’s about to tell him to shove off the couch and leave, but the front door swings open. Monica walks in arms full of grocery bags. Little Milo is trailing behind her, clutching a stuffed dinosaur in one hand and a juice box in the other. The moment he sees Rafe, his face lights up.
“Uncle Rafey!” Milo yells, charging toward him with all the energy of a four-year-old hyped up on apple juice.
He bends down and scoops Milo up, setting him on his hip. “Hey kid. What’s up?”
Milo grins and holds up his juice box. “I got juice!”
Rafe chuckles, “Juice, huh? Sounds like a big day.”
Meanwhile, Monica’s busy setting the groceries on the counter, glancing at JJ sprawled out on the couch. She shoots Rafe a look, half-exasperated, half-amused. “Looks like we have an extra child in the house today.”
JJ, clearly not catching the jab, raises a hand. “Hey, Monica. I’m just keeping the couch warm.”
Milo tugs on Rafe’s shirt, completely oblivious to the grown-up talk. “Uncle Rafe, can I have a cookie?”
“Maybe after dinner, bud,” Rafe says, setting him down gently. “Go help your mom, okay?”
Milo pouts for a second but quickly gets distracted by the sight of JJ. He stares at him curiously, tilting his head. “Who’s that?”
JJ leans over the back of the couch, grinning. “I’m JJ. You can call me… your favorite new friend.”
Milo looks at him like he’s deciding if JJ is cool or just weird. After a second, he grins back. “Okay, JJ. Can I sit with you?”
“Sure, kid. Hop on up.”
Rafe watches as Milo clambers onto the couch next to JJ, giggling when JJ pretends to steal his dinosaur. It’s almost funny—if he wasn’t so good at making himself at home.
Monica, catching the scene, sighs and shakes her head. “Great, now he’s corrupted Milo.”
Rafe crosses his arms, unable to suppress a smirk. “He’s already got enough bad influences in his life.”
She raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “Yeah, starting with you.”
Rafe raises his hands in surrender, laughing. “Fair enough.”
You’re leaning against the counter, watching the whole scene unfold, and suddenly, it just hits you.
Rafe with Milo, the way he softens when your nephew runs up to him, lifting him like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Milo’s giggles fill the room and then there’s Monica, half-smiling at Rafe’s attempts to wrangle Milo, even with JJ sprawled out on the couch, egging the kid on.
Your heart feels so full, you almost can’t stand it. It’s one of those moments where everything just… clicks. You try to keep it together, but there’s this warm feeling in your chest, and you blink back the unexpected tears. How could you feel anything but love for all of them in this moment? 
Rafe catches you staring, his eyes softening when he sees the look on your face. He raises an eyebrow, but he’s already smiling at you, “What’s that look for?”
You shake your head, grinning despite the lump in your throat. “Nothing. Just... you guys. It’s... a lot.”
JJ, ever the clown, groans from the couch, “Oh God, please don’t get all mushy now."
But you can’t help it. You step closer to Rafe, wrapping your arms around his waist, laying your head against his chest. “I just love you. All of you.”
Rafe chuckles softly, kissing the top of your head. “Love you too.”
Monica glances over with a knowing look, shaking her head. “Alright, enough of this sentimental stuff. You’re gonna make me cry, and I just got home.”
You stay wrapped in Rafe’s arms for a moment, just soaking in the warmth around you. Monica’s pulling plates from the cabinet, setting them on the table with her usual no-nonsense efficiency. JJ’s somehow got Milo giggling uncontrollably, making goofy faces and pretending to steal his dinosaur every few seconds. The kid’s losing it, practically bouncing off the couch in fits of laughter.
Rafe leans down, his lips close to your ear. “You’re okay?” he murmurs against your hair.
You smile, nodding against his chest. “Yeah. Better than good, actually.”
He pulls back slightly to look at you, his blue eyes scanning your face like he’s trying to read every thought behind it. “You sure? You looked like you were about to cry a second ago.”
You laugh a little, wiping under your eye, even though the tears never really fell. “It’s just... this. All of this. It’s perfect, you know? I don’t know. It feels like family.”
“You really think so?” Rafe asks quietly.
You nod, feeling that same warmth flood your chest again. “Yeah, I do. I love it. I love us.”
He smiles, a little crooked but real, the kind of smile you don’t see too often, but when you do, it hits you in the heart. “I love us too.”
For a second, the noise around you fades, and it’s just you and Rafe, holding onto each other like you’re the only two people in the room.
Then, predictably, JJ ruins it. “Hey, lovebirds! Save that for later. You’re killing Milo’s vibe.”
You both turn to see JJ standing with his hands on his hips, looking dramatic as ever. Milo’s grinning, clutching his dinosaur to his chest like it’s his new best friend. 
“Yeah, stop kissin'!” Milo chimes in, giggling.
You rolls your eyes but pull away from Rafe with a chuckle. “Alright, alright. No more kissing.”
Monica smirks as she finishes setting the last plate. “Don’t worry, Milo. They’ll be gross later when you’re in bed.”
Rafe gives your sister a mock glare. “You’re hilarious.”
She pats him on the back, grinning. “It’s what I’m here for.”
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tpwk-formula1 · 10 hours
Lando Norris, Thin Crust, Red Sauce,Pineapple, BBQ Chicken , Vodka redbull, Sparkling Water, Coke, Yes
With a plus-size reader, if you can. I fear there's not many plus-size fics out there with lando. If you could please and thank you. 🧙‍♀️
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
thin crust brother's best friend red sauce rough sex pineapple "Look so pretty wrapped around my cock" bbq chicken “Gonna let me cum in you? I know you wanna have my baby” vodka redbull squirting sparkling water spitting coke spanking dessert yes served by Lando Norris
Lando x Plus size Fewtrell! reader
TW unprotected sex, squirting, spanking, creampie, rough Lando, talks of insecurities
WC 1600+
"Love, I'm not feeling the best. I think I'm gonna stay in for the day," I tell Lando softly while he was talking to my brother about the plans for today.
"You were okay this morning, what's going on? What are you feeling?" Lando asks clearly getting worried.
"It's nothing major just think I ate the wrong thing this morning," I tell him softly not wanting the whole house to hear the conversation.
"Do you need us to get you anything?" Max asked clearly being worried. I just shake my head no before turning on my foot and heading towards Lando and I's room that we have been sharing while here on Holiday for summer break.
"Hey love, what's really going on? I can see this perplexed look on your face clearly showing me that you're overthinking something," Lando asks me after he had followed me into our room.
"No I promise I'm just having tummy issues," I continue to uphold the lie. Said lie falling from my lips far easier than it should, but I was used to faking illness to get out of something.
"Love, drop the act," Lando says softly making me groan at being caught.
"Lando, I- um- I'm just a little worried about the hike to the clay. I'm not sure I'll be able to do it as fast as the rest of you guys. Don't wanna hold you back," I tell Lando softly making his face drop in realization.
"Baby, no one cares if we have to take it slow," Lando tells me making me groan and shake my head.
"You don't get it love, you're an athlete surrounded by other athletes, your 'take it slow' is basically my sprinting," I tell him softly trying to hold back tears.
"i'm sorry. Maybe I'm not the best fit person for your lifestyle," I add softly watching Lando's face snap up and turn into a dark expression.
"Hey Max I think I'm gonna stay back with Y/N and take care of her," Lando walks to the bedroom door where he opens it and shouts to my brother.
"Okay! Maybe we can go again tomorrow if Y/N is up for it," Max shouts back before Lando is closing the door and striding towards me.
"Do not turn this into our breakup. As a couple it is our job to figure out how to make our lifestyles mesh. I don't give a fuck if you're not some Olympic athlete, I don't care if a one mile walk took us 100 years to complete, that's 100 years spent with the love of my life, so I'll be fucking damned if you think you're not 'good enough' to be with me," Lando stays while striding closer to me.
"Lan, I just think you might be happier with someone who can keep up with you and your friends," I tell him softly. I wasn't trying to argue and I sure as hell don't want to break up but it's a tough conversation we need to have.
"I've grown up with you and Max our entire life, I'm used to walking in the back with you, not because I was that slow but because even at 12 I genuinely liked you and any time I could spend with you I would," Lando tells me making me think back to when we were younger and he really would walk in the back of the pack with me always the last two to arrive. Even having Lando defend me a few times against my brother and his teasing words.
"I'm sorry I've just really been in my head a lot lately," I tell him softly making him hum and pull me into his arms.
"I know I could tell, but I thought it was cause you were stressed with work not because you had been stressing about our relationship," Lando tells me softly before placing a kiss on my forehead.
"I'm sorry for not talking to you sooner. I was just embarrassed," I admit making Lando scoff.
"I'm embarrassed that my own girlfriend was too worried to talk to me about what was bothering her pretty little mind," Lando tells me while kissing my forehead and leading us to the bed where we climb into it and throw on a random movie to watch.
Midway through the second movie Lando leans down and places a kiss on my lips and climbs into my lap.
"Lando, right now?" I questioned in a hushed tone as if anyone was still home.
"No one is here, and I need to show you who you belong to," Lando tells me while starting to pull his shirt over his head leaving me to start at his tanned chest.
Once Lando had discarded his shirt somewhere in the room he made quick work of pulling off my shirt leaving us both completely bare from the waist up.
"Fuck, love these tits so much," Lando mumbled before leaning down and sucking one of my nipples into his mouth.
"Oh, Lan," I moan softly while arching my back bringing my tits even closer to his face.
Lando pulls away and roughly flips me onto my stomach where he pulls me up by the hips so I was presenting myself to him. I was only wearing a flimsy pair of sleep shorts I had thrown on a little bit ago to get more comfortable. Lando just yanks them down my legs and lets the pool at my knees where he starts slapping my ass.
"Ow, what is that for," I whine when I feel the continued spanking.
"You need to realize how fucking beautiful you are. I'm not gonna let you walk around thinking you're anything less than perfect. So everytime you sit down for the next day, you will be reminded," lando explains with a cocky smirk.
Once Lando had reddened my ass to his liking hi quickly yanks his briefs down before roughly burying his cock into my pussy and giving me no time to adjust before he is roughly thrusting into my sopping wet pussy.
"Look so pretty wrapped around my cock," Lando groans while still keeping the brutal pace.
"So good, Lan," I whine burying my face into the pillow to try and muffle my moans but lando roughly grips on my hair and pulls me face up.
"I wanna hear your screams," Lando tells me while thrusting harder and faster to try and pull the loudest noises from me.
"Fuck," I scream out when Lando continuously hits my G-spot only bringing me closer to cumming.
"Cum for me," Lando groans when he feels my pussy clenching around his cock in anticipation.
I let go almost instantly cumming all over Lando's cock and squirting all over the bedspread.
"Fuck such a messy girl," Lando groans while helping me ride out my orgasm before he picks up the pace again.
"God, I love when you get like this," Lando groans.
Lando pulls out suddenly before he flips me over onto my back and roughly starts fucking me in missionary.
"Fuck Lando," I scream at the new angle not fully prepared for the way I was feeling Lando.
In the midst of my loud moans, I feel Lando lean down over my face before roughly spitting in my mouth. Most of it went straight down my throat but some of it sprayed my face making me whimper slightly.
"Fuck, I love seeing your tears, the way you take my cock, opening your mouth like a good slut to take my spit, fuck you were made for me," Lando groans before starting to place with my sensitive clit again.
"You're gonna cum with me this time," Lando groans while speeding up his actions making me feel the build-up of my orgasm again.
"I'm gonna cum," I warn Lando knowing I wasn't gonna be able to hold back much longer reaching the point of no return far quicker than I would have liked.
“Gonna let me cum in you? I know you wanna have my baby,” Lando groans out.
"Yes, fill me up Lando, wanna have your baby," I beg desperate to cum again.
"Cum with me," Lando groans before his hips started to falter from their rough thrusting before I feel his cum start to paint my walls making me cry out in another squirting orgasm.
"Fuck," I scream as I feel my squirt spray all over Lando and I making a proper mess out of our bedding.
When Lando and I finally come down from the highs of our pleasure Lando is softly pulling out of my pussy before watching his cum leak from my gaping pussy with a smirk on his face.
"God, I love making you mine," Lando groans before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
"So good," I mumble out before turning into Lando's chest for comfort.
"Did so well, gonna have to clean this up before everyone gets home," Lando tells me with a smirk on his face making me groan in embarrassment.
Lando quickly got out of bed before turning the bath on where he let it fill up before coming to get me and he gently placed me in the bath before going into the room again to clean up the bedding so we had fresh sheets for when everyone arrived back.
After about 10 minutes Lando climbs into the bath me, letting my beck rest against his chest.
"I cleaned up all the evidence of how messy you get for me," Lando tells me with a smirk clearly laced in his voice. I just groan and try to hide my face in his neck while he just laughs.
"On a real note though, next time you feel like that promise me you'll talk to me," Lando tells me softly making me turn my head to face him.
"I promise," I tell him softly before leaning up and placing a kiss on his lips.
"i love you," I tell him softly making him smile before he tells me he loves me too.
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covetyou · 13 hours
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pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader rating: Teen (18+ only blog!) warnings: drunk Joel, soft possessive Joel, lovesick Joel, wingman Tommy, fluff, idiots in love and in denial word count: 1.8k summary: A familiar sound wakes you from the soft slumber you'd not long fallen into - sounds you'd dreamed about in the months since meeting Joel Miller. This time, as you creep down the stairs to come face-to-face with your intruder, you can be certain it's not a man decked out in plush red velvet.
A/N: happy birthday to Joel Miller, happy TLOU day to us, and, most importantly, happy GOD DAMN IT ARE YOU CLOSE TO SAYING YOU LOVE EACH OTHER YET day to these two babies.
I'll be back with more dress up!Joel in 5 weeks 💛
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future fics
A familiar sound wakes you from the soft slumber you'd not long fallen into. The click of a door. The woosh of your house decompressing. Muffled footsteps. They were sounds that your own ears hadn't heard in months, and yet ones you'd heard a hundred times over in your dreams since that first day you met Joel, decked out in plush red velvet in front of your Christmas tree.
It's why, when you fully come to and pull yourself up onto your elbows, you find yourself blinking in confusion in the dark. Dreams and reality are tricky things to figure out when you're on the precipice of both. And, while the sound of foreign footsteps on your living room floor was something you dreamed about - fantasized about - a feeling of unease is quickly creeping up your spine the longer you listen to the hushed tones coming from downstairs.
Whatever - whoever - it is, isn't even trying to be discreet, not by the way your door suddenly slams and something rattles against the wall.
You don't even try to be discreet either, jumping from your bed and stomping over to the door. It's stupid, maybe. Probably.
Almost definitely.
The first time may have worked out well for you by creeping down to find Joel in your house, but that didn't mean any other break-in was going to go as well for you. Now, all these months later, you didn't even have your old umbrella to arm yourself with as you throw open the door and fly downstairs, hoping the element of surprise will save you.
Slamming your hand against the wall, you drench your living room in artificial light so suddenly your eyes can barely adjust before you're screaming out into the room in a feeble attempt to scare off your intruders.
"Get ou- what the fuck?!"
The scene in front of you is a mess. Mail you'd left on your coffee table earlier is strewn all over the floor, your bowl of knick-knacks over turned in the middle, and two of your sofa cushions dumped onto the floor.
Most baffling of all are the people in the room. You know them. Of course you do. Who else would it be. Joel Miller is stood - or rather, he's being propped up - in your living room, gripping onto his brother as he desperately tries to keep his legs beneath him.
"Tommy? Joel? What the fuck are you two doing here?"
Joel, who by now has caught the sound of your voice, has stopped trying to keep himself upright, and is instead staring dozily at you, a lopsided smile spreading across his face. Tommy, meanwhile, is now taking almost the full weight of his older brother, and suffering for it, barely keeping his own legs from buckling as grunts and groans.
"I dropped him home but he - shit man you're heavy, stop it - he kept wanderin' this way. Kept askin' about a goodnight kiss. Told him I'd give 'im one but -"
"Hi," Joel cuts in suddenly, slurring around the simple greeting as he moves toward you despite Tommy's protests.
"Joel," you say in warning, as the broad man stumbles toward you on drunken feet.
In response, he raises a single finger, clearly much slower than he intended to, and the smile on his face spreads even wider.
"No? What? Joel, look I think you sho-"
"Birthday Joel. 'm Birthday Joel," he grins, and you can't help but supress a laugh. This is maybe his most lackluster costume yet. He has a crumpled party hat on and the same clothes you saw him leave in earlier this evening, and it makes you wonder how long he's been keeping that one in tonight - whether he told his friends the same thing down at the bar, or if he'd been holding it back just to tell you. By the proud look on his face, and Tommy's confusion, you suspect the latter.
"Hey there, Birthday Joel," you say with a soft smile. "Now, what're you doing over here and not at your own place? It's late, Joel. I said I'd see you in a couple of days -"
"Birthday Joel deserves a birthday kiss."
You raise your eyebrow at him, stopping his stumbled wobble in its tracks. "Deserves?"
"Wants. I jus' - I jus' wanted to kiss you," he breathes, looking down at your mouth with another smile so soft your breath leaves you in a quiver as you try not to embarrass yourself by letting loose the bubble of affection sitting in your belly.
Naturally, you'd given Birthday Joel plenty of kisses earlier today - a day that technically wasn't even his birthday yet - before Tommy came to pick him up. You'd given him so many kisses he was almost late out the door to his own birthday drinks. Tommy had rolled his eyes then just as he is now, slapping his brother on the back and steadying him all in one move.
"Told you, man," Tommy says. "She wouldn't 'ppreciate bein' woken up just to kiss your ugly ass."
Tommy winks at you, and tries to manouvere Joel toward the door, but Joel, somehow speedy despite his drunkenness, manages to round back to you, arms spread and ready to envelope you in a hug before he stops himself and instead delicately grabs your hands.
"Jus'... Jus' missed you," he hiccups. "Missed - missed my girls."
"Okay, Prince Charmin', I'm tired, you're drunk, we all gotta sleep, let's go."
"Tommy?" you say, letting Joel's thumbs caress the back of your hands as he holds them, refusing to let go even as Tommy tries, and fails, to tug him toward the door once more. "I can drop him home, if you wanna get goin'?"
For a second, it looks like Tommy's ready to object, determined to get his brother back home and in bed, just like he promised. But then he looks at his brother, and the lovesick look on his face, and decides to leave well enough alone.
"I'll see you at dinner tomorrow," he says to Joel. "Sarah's bein' dropped off at-"
"At ten, I know," he slurs. "Miss her. Missed you. My girls."
After a minute of prising your hands out of Joel's, you see Tommy out, walking with him to your door. The spare house key you'd entrusted to Joel months ago is deposited safely into your hand, before he wishes you luck with the birthday boy, and jogs the short distance through the darkness to his truck and zips away into the night. Joel, who you'd left unattended for all of two minutes, has already taken it upon himself to flop down onto your couch, and is fighting a losing battle with his drooping head as you approach.
"C'mere," he mumbles with a wobble to his head, hands making a reach for you.
"You're still after that kiss, huh?"
"Uh-huh," he says, grinning again as you hinge, bringing your face close to his.
His eyes flutter closed before you even close the distance, pressing soft kisses to the corners of his smiling mouth, before pressing a softer, lingering kiss to his lips.
"That good enough for you, Birthday Joel?" you whisper.
"Mm. S'good. Missed you."
"You've said that already."
"I'm gonna get you some water, sober you up a bit before I get you home."
Joel is asleep on his side, legs pulled up onto the couch, when you come back with water. You doubted you'd get him home tonight, with the state he's in, but you were at least hoping to get him upstairs and into bed, where he could better sleep off whatever demons were coming for him in the morning. As he starts to snore, face pressed into the couch cushion, you're suddenly very grateful that he won't make it up the stairs.
You tidy up the small tornado of mess that's torn through your living room. Mail is picked up and put where you should've left it in the first place, the bowl is righted and its contents replaced, the cushions are shoved back on the couch. Assessing the man himself, you soon realise there's no way you're getting him comfortable without waking him, so you prod his side, waiting until he wakes before whispering gently to him.
"Joel? Let me get this shit off you," you say, tugging at his shoes.
For all his drunkenness, he does try to help. He fumbles with his belt buckle, getting it halfway undone before his frustrated grunts turn to curses, and your hands replace his. In no time his belt is off, and he's kicking off his pants, reaching for you and dragging you to sit beside him again.
"Joel, you're drunk, we're not playing -"
"Jus' a kiss," he asks, tapping his cheek with a smile that crinkles his eyes.
It's impossible not to give in, or smile too as you press your lips to his cheek and he hums softly, already letting sleep claw back at him.
"'Nother one," he says, as his eyes droop.
"You're drunk, Joel. You should sleep."
"Not Drunk Joel - Birthday Joel," he mumbles, with a sleepy smile as you pull off his crumpled birthday hat and toss it aside.
"Then get some sleep, Birthday Joel."
You stand, your weight shifting off the couch and jostling Joel, his head already so heavy with sleep it wobbles to the side. His hand still finds yours though - pulling you to a stop as you try to creep back upstairs.
"Come to dinner? Tomorrow? Come meet Sarah," he asks, brave with sleep. "Want - both m'girls there."
He'd hesitated asking you all week. You could tell by the way he stumbled over the words each time he explained his birthday plans - bar with the boys the night before, dinner and a movie with Sarah and Tommy on the big day. The lengthy pauses had been filled with an invitation he could never quite get out, and you didn't want to fill in the blanks yourself.
He's dozing, already mostly asleep, by the time you can even answer him. So, instead you stroke softly at his hair, watching as his whole body suddenly gives in to sleep, giving him a final kiss on his cheek, and whispering in his ear;
"Ask me again in the morning, Birthday Joel. Ask me then, and I'll say yes."
In the morning, when you're both sipping coffee and Joel is nursing a hangover the likes of which he's never seen, you don't expect him to keep to words he was too tired to hear. But, he does, not meeting your eye as the words he was never brave enough to say until last night come spilling out once more.
And, just like you said you would, you say yes.
taglist: @jupiter-soups @wannab-urs @bean-is-reading @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
@youandmeand5bucks-blog @bbyanarchist @vickywallace @kamcrazy123
@valkyreally @ashhlsstuff @a-literal-goblin @ariundercovers @iluvurfather
@stevie75 @toxicanonymity @thesevi0lentdelights @sp00kymulderr @joelsdagger
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strnilolover · 2 days
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .˚ Daddy’s Home ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .˚
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
♫ Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) • Usher
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
♡ Dad/Dilf!Chris x Mom!Reader
♡ Warnings : smut, unprotected pnv (be careful y’all), hair pulling, pet names (daddy, baby, ma, babe, whore), breeding, degrading, praising, slight spanking, dirty talk?, almost getting caught, aftercare, fluff, I think that’s all?
♡ Wc : tbc
♡ A/N : we all love Dad/Dilf!Matt but like what about Dad/Dilf!Chris? Both men can give me their babies and I would be happy for the rest of my life. Sorry if this is absolute shittt <3
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
Chris was coming home today. Having spent the last few weeks in Boston with his brothers to visit family, leaving you with your five year old daughter Amelia.
You were excited to say the least, and so was the hyper ball of energy who ran around outback with her toys. Having to call Chris every night or every other night to talk was just pure torture, for both you and your daughter. You could tell she missed her daddy dearly, having not really spent so much time away from him.
You smiled as you watched her from the chair you sat on, on the patio. Soaking in the sun as she played on the playground Chris had built for her. “Be careful sweetie!” You called out, watching her small body roughly run across the playground, growing concerned about her hurting herself.
“Okie mommy!” She cheerfully said back, slowing her pace a little as he slid down the slide, repeating the actions. You just shook your head, your heart swelling as you watched how carefree she was.
Just then, you heard a car pull into the drive way, your head snapping toward the fence as you see a figure get out of the car. You smiled widely, knowing exactly who it was. “Amelia, baby. Come here!” You said excitedly, your daughter running to you quickly.
Grabbing her hand you lead her inside, closing the back door behind you as you stood there, now facing the garage door. Your nerves were set on fire, the butterflies growing increasingly in your stomach. Even after all this time with Chris, he never failed to make you nervous.
The door leading into the house opened quickly, Chris walking in with his bags, a huge smile plastered on his face as he spotted his two favorite girls. “Daddy!” Amelia squealed, letting go of your hand to run towards Chris. His arms opening invitingly as he picked her up, spinning her around.
“There’s my favorite girl! How’s my lil bug doin’?” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss to her temple, hugging her tightly. You stood there, watching the way he held her against him, and you smiled as you crossed your arms.
His eyes flicked up, meeting yours as he continued to hold Amelia. You smiled giddily, blush rising to your cheeks as you walked over to them. He smiled in return, putting your daughter down slowly as he bent back up, wrapping his arms around you.
“And here’s my other favorite girl.” he whispered, head lowering to press a kiss to your lips which you happily reciprocated. You melted, arms coming to wrap around his neck as he pulled you closer to him. One you pulled away, you sighed contently, resting your forehead against his. “How’re you doin’ ma?” He asked, his breath tickling your face.
You hummed, “I’m doing better now that you’re home. Missed you so much baby.” You whispered, arms tightening around him more. He returned the act, holding you tighter. “I missed you too.”
“Bleh, that’s gross!” You heard your daughter say from beside you guys, a laugh bubbling out of yours and Chris’ throats. You pulled away, Chris turning his attention to your daughter.
“Mommy and daddy just love each other very much, lil bug.” He said to her. “And I love you even more!” He says as he ran towards her. She squealed, turning and running in the opposite direction as he chased her.
You shook your head, chuckling to yourself as you watched Chris chase her. Picking up his bags he left, you carried them to your bedroom, setting them near the closet for him to deal with later.
Dinner was all made, Amelia’s bath was all done and now Chris was tucking her into bed for the night. You could hear the soft giggles of her voice echo down the hall as Chris read her a story and was being his goofy self.
You laid there, night shorts and tank top on your body as the warm covers engulfed you. You could hear Chris close your daughter’s door softly, his feet padding down the hallway coming closer to your room.
The door creaked open softly, his large frame walking through the door way in nothing but his black sweatpants, shirt nowhere to be seen. You’d be lying if you said the sight didn’t turn you on, because it did. You were so touch starved for your husband, those few weeks making it feel like years since you last saw him.
He closed the door behind him, locking it swiftly before he made his way to the bed. Climbing in, he scooted closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your back flush against his chest.
“I missed you so much ma.” He whispered, his breath hot against your ear as you felt his nose trace the side of your face. You’d shuttered, a smile spreading across your lips. “I missed you so much too — missed having you here with me.” You say, humming softly as his mouth found your neck, peppering it with small kisses.
“Yeah?” He hummed, teeth starting to nip at your skin softly. “Missed having you pressed against me — it was torture not being able to touch you for so long.” He groaned out, his hips pushing forward against your ass. You gasped, your own hips voluntarily pushing back into his.
“Show me how much you missed me.” You whispered. After those words left your mouth, he turned you over, his body hovering over yours as he dipped down to capture your lips in a searing kiss.
You moaned against his mouth, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair as your thighs squeezed together, searching for more friction as you felt your panties grow damp. He nipped your bottom lip, causing a gasp to escape as he slid his tongue in, exploring your mouth as you easily submitted to his movements.
As he continued his assault on your mouth, his hands roamed down, gripping the edge of your tank top and tugging it up your body. Disconnecting your lips briefly so he could pull the fabric over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room as his lips came back down, trailing kisses down your neck and collarbone this time.
Chris kissed between your breasts, making his way to your right one and taking the hardened nub between his lips. He sucked harshly as his hand came to twist your left bud between his fingertips. You moaned, back arching into his touch as pleasure pricked your skin.
He pulled away slightly, hooded eyes looking up into yours. “You need to be quiet ma, can’t have everyone knowing what we’re doin’ hm?” He mumbled as he directed his mouth to your left bud now, lips wrapping around it as his hand tweaked your right one. You nodded desperately in understanding, panting harshly at his ministrations.
He pulled away, lips now kissing down your stomach to the waistband of your shorts as he looked back up at you. Smirking he grabbed them, starting to tug them down. “Lift your hips baby.” He said, and you obliged. Lifting your hips for him to slide your shorts and panties off in one swift motion.
Once your clothing were discarded he leaned down, pressing a few soft kisses to your inner thighs before pulling away, making you whine impatiently. “Shh ma — so impatient.” He spoke out, his frame crawling off the bed momentarily as he shuffled his sweatpants and boxers down his legs. Once his clothes were fully discarded, he climbed back on top of you, smirking as he grabbed your shoulder and flipped you over.
He grabbed your hips, pulling them high in the air as a hand pushed on your lower back, causing you to arch impossibly. He groaned at the sight in front of him, “god you’re so beautiful baby.” He said breathlessly, a hand coming down to swipe through your wet folds, eliciting a moan from you, your hips pushing into his hand.
“Ah — such a desperate little whore. Did you miss my cock baby, hm?” He asked, his hand pulling away, grip tightening on your waist. “S-so much, missed your cock so much.” You whined out. He just chuckled, his hand gripping his cock and stroking a few times before he lined up to your entrance.
Your hips swayed slightly, feeling his tip push against your entrance. His hips snapped forward without warning, a loud moan reverberating through your chest, eyes rolling back. Chris’ hand grabbed your hair, tugging it out of the pillow you had subconsciously pushed your face in. He tugged your head up, his other hand coming forward to shove two of his fingers into your mouth.
“I said to be quiet yeah? Such a fucking whore.” He gritted through his teeth as his hips continued to snap relentlessly into your own. “M’sorry daddy!” You whined out, the words muffled around his fingers. Your hands gripping the sheets below you.
“Mhm I bet you are. I bet you’re loving this hm?” He said, angling his hips to push deeper into you. “Missed my cock so much that you just have to let everyone know.” He groaned as he felt you clench around him.
You just whined, his hand letting go of your hair and fingers leaving your mouth. Causing your body to drop against the mattress, face burying back into the pillow. His hands found purchase on your hips again, slamming into you roughly. You suddenly felt a sting on your ass, Chris’ hand coming down to land a hard smack against it. You whimpered, walls clenching around him again.
“Ah — fuck! B-baby.” You moaned, your hips now pushing back to meet his thrusts. “Doin’ so good ma, takin’ me so well.” He whispered, landing another smack onto your reddening ass, causing you to whine once more.
Incoherent babbles left your lips as Chris’ hips picked up the pace, angling just right to hit that spot deep inside you that had your eyes rolling to the back of your skull. Your walls clenched around him once more, his body leaning forward to plaster his chest against your back.
“You gettin’ close baby? Gonna cum and make a mess on my dick. Go head’ make a mess f’me.” He moaned, teeth nipping your shoulder as you nodded, body shaking.
You felt your insides grow tight, the knot in your stomach pulled until it finally snapped. Your body convulsed, coming around Chris’ dick as his hand came around to rub your swollen clit. He growled at the feeling, helping you through your high as high pitched moans left your lips, sounding like music to his ears.
He lifted his chest back up, gripping your hips tightly once more as he began to chase his own high. “m’gonna cum in this pussy, give you another baby yeah?” He growled as he plowed into you, and you nodded, your body tilting on the edge of overstimulation.
With a final thrust, he buried himself deep inside you, groaning as he released thick ropes of his cum, painting your walls white. You moaned at the feeling, pushing your hips into him as you felt so full.
You guys stayed like that for a moment, regaining your composure until you felt him slowly begin to slip out of you. You hissed, already feeling empty now that he wasn’t inside you. Your body collapsed against the bed, the feeling of his cum and your juices dripping down your thighs.
Chris laid next to you, panting softly as he turned you toward him, pulling you into his sweaty chest. “You okay love? You with me?” He asked softly, pressing light kisses to your head. You hummed, burying your face into his chest.
“Baby?” He asked once more, and this time you lifted your head. Your hooded eyes looking into his own as you nodded. “M’okay, I’m with you. That was — amazing.” You said breathlessly, your own breath coming out in soft pants. He smiled down at you, pecking your lips. “Wasn’t too rough?” He asked and you just shook your head.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, you hear a knock on your bedroom door. Your body immediately shooting up, eyes wide darting to Chris’. You scrambled for the blanket, covering your body as Chris slipped out of bed, grabbing his clothes and slipping them back on as he made his way to the door.
You watched as he opened it, your room too dark for anyone to notice you may have been awake. “Daddy?” Your daughter whispered out, a hint of sadness layered in her voice.
“Hey bug, what’s wrong sweetie?” Chris asked, kneeling down in front of her and pulling her into a hug. “M-mommy sounded hurt… is she okay?” She sniffled softly, and your faced heated. Chris nodded his head, scooping Amelia up into his arms and carried her down the hall. You could hear his faint voice.
“Mommy is okay bug, she was just having a nightmare. She’s okay, I promise.” He whispered. “Pinky promise?” Amelia’s muffled voice asked. Chris’ own voice replying in return, “pinky promise.”
After ten minutes or so, Chris came back. Closing the door once more behind him as he climbed into bed next to your naked body. He smirked as he pulled you to him, “you and that mouth sure know how to make someone worry.” He chuckled mockingly.
You smacked his arm lightly, “it was your fault!” You whisper-shouted to him, but laughed in return. “Mhm, you loved it.” He retaliated, pressing a kiss to your lips. And he was right, you did love it. But, now your child might just be scarred for the rest of her life.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “you know I did, now help me clean up please?” You asked, and he nodded, slipping away into the bathroom connected to your room. Hearing the water run then shut off, he came back out with a warm rag.
He walks back over to you, slowly turning you over as he takes the rag to your inner thighs, wiping softly. He made his way up your thighs, finally reaching your core as he wiped gently there too. You hissed softly at the feeling, but were grateful for his help.
Once he was done, he threw the rag into the laundry basket, grabbing a shirt of his on the way back to you once more. He helped you sit up, slipping his shirt over your head and then climbing back into bed with you. You snuggled into his chest, bodies tangled with one another as you both drifted peacefully to sleep.
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
© Strnilolover
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
♡ A/N : this is absolute shit, sorry y’all. I’ll add the word count later…I need to get better at my smut cause I feel like this was rushed LOL.
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papaya-twinks · 9 hours
Ello! Feel free to ignore this request, but possibly Landoscar x chronically ill fem!reader? Just some fluff about how reader isn’t a burden or a bad person to be with because of their illnesses or something maybe?
No pressure whatsoever, and have a great day/night <3
Warnings: chronic illness (not a warning in my opinion, but y’all hated me for not doing it last time), diabetes, needles
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
A/N - you didn’t specify which chronic condition, so I’m doing Type 1 diabetes, coz my brother has it ❤️
Lando hated watching you have to prick your finger every day just to find out and make sure your blood sugar stayed in check. He hated having to watch you slowly ease a damn needle into your stomach so you could live off of the insulin your body couldn’t make yourself.
But what he hated, something he hated the most, a memory permanently engraved in the most worst, saddest memory he’d ever seen, and that was coming home from h the gym, seeing you sitting on the bed, your cheeks flooded with tears, staring at your body in sadness.
“Baby, oh baby,” Lando gasped, his eyes wide as he rushed to you, dropping his bags down as he knelt down in front of you, your hands jumping to cover your face. “Don’t,” he mumbled, kissing the backs of your hands as your body shook. You accepted his warm hug without hesitation, shaking a little bit.
“Baby, what happened?” he asked softly, his eyes wide worth worry as you hiccuped. “I’m sorry I’m such a burden,” you glanced over his shoulder at your insulin pen on the side. “A burden? Baby, don’t be ridiculous,” Lando shook his head, eyes wide you’d even think that.
“I hate how sad you get when you have to watch me,” you paused to regain your breath, “when you watch me put my insulin in,”. Lando shook his head, kissing along your jaw as he wiped your face clean of your tears.
“Baby, it’s sad to watch you do that, yes,” Lando sighed softly, “but it’s not a burden. It’s so amazing that my gorgeous girl can handle that and be so strong. I’d never be able to do that,” he explained gently as he held you close, peppering your face and neck with gentle kisses.
“Promise I’m not a burden,” you mumbled, voice muffled into his neck. “I swear on my life, and every damn thing,” he said seriously, his eyes on your gorgeous face, “that I don’t ever think you’re a burden. You’re the love of my life, not a burden. Never a burden. I love you,”.
“Love you too,”.
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nuemanfilms · 5 hours
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Content warning smut, piv, no plot, unprotected, creampie, sub and dom dynamic, sub!sam, demon kink? Demon!reader, dean comes back at the end, no italics..
16+ recommended, wrap it before you tap it! Smut below the cut
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This was wrong. Dean knew it was wrong, Sam knew it was wrong. But Sam practically couldn’t resist you, it wasn’t about the blood. That’s what his brother first thought. And it wasn’t about the vessel.. well part of it was. But you just always teased him- and flirted.. you gave him what he always wanted from a woman.
Your hands gripped at his hair, Dean was out at a bar. Sam’s head was buried between your legs. Licking and sucking at your wet pussy. He was rutting his hips against the bed at the taste of you.
“You like eating my pussy, Baby?” You coo to him teasingly, and he lets out a moan. He’s never been this submissive in bed before.. Usually he was taking charge. But with you.. it was different.
His jeans had a wet stain on them from his arousal, and he lapped up all of the juices you provided him.
“Please- I need..” He didn’t finish. He couldn’t believe he was actually begging you, a creature known for violence.. a creature known for darkness, a demon. He couldn’t help but find it even more attractive.
“Need what, Sammy? You wanna fuck my pussy?” Your lips curled up into a teasing smile, and he couldn’t help but nod. God, his cock was aching against his confines so bad. The way you were looking at him, gasping at his eagerness against your clit.. he felt as if he might explode.
“I need to fuck you, Please—I’ve been so good.” He whined, looking up at you with a pleading expression.
“What if Dean saw, hm? Saw his little brother rutting his dick against me?” He swore he could see a look of intention in your eyes. But he couldn’t help it! His cock ached so bad.. he’d been needing this for a while.
“I… I don’t care. I need to be inside of you—Just please let me fuck you..” He gave you his puppy dog eyes. And it didn’t even phase you, not one bit. You were the first woman who didn’t fall for it. Yet you ended up giving in anyway because you could see how hard he was. Straining against his jeans.
“Fine, you can. But no cumming until I say so, understand?” Sam nodded hesitantly, hurriedly removing himself from his bottoms.
He lined himself up, looking down at you for permission, he let out a small whine.
“Go ahead, Hon.”
He pushed past your folds, groaning at the sudden tightness and warmth surrounding his cock. You couldn’t help but let out a moan yourself, He was much bigger than you thought.
He waited a minute, and you nodded.
“Yeah, c’mon.. fuck me, Sammy..”
He started to move, his mouth parting, he’s never been this vocal. But you felt so damn good squeezing his cock like that.
“F-Fuck.. you’re so- tight, Shit!” He let out noises he didn’t even know he could make, mixed with grunts, and moans. Your lewd sounds weren’t quiet either. And the motel room quickly smelled of sex, and filled with the sound of skin on skin.
“Yeah.. just like that- You’re so good, Sam.. you’re so pretty.” You praised, and he whined in your neck. Pressing chaste kisses to your supple skin. Trying to muffle his sounds of pleasure.
He was getting close so fast, and the thought of holding it made him whimper.
“Please.. Can I cum? Please let me cum inside your pussy- I’ll make you feel so good.” He pleaded, his fingertips trailing down to rub against your clit.. And he was satisfied with your own moan. He felt you tighten around him. And he didn’t think it was possible for him to get even harder, but he did.
“Fuck, okay, okay.. yeah- yeah. You can cum, Sweetheart..” He let out a whine, his cock throbbed, and he was filling his seed inside of you. Low whimpers of pleasure hidden by your skin.
“Did so good, so good for me.. Sweet boy.” You smiled down at him. He pulled out, and you moaned at the loss of him. You helped him put his boxers back on, and he laid down beside you, hiding his face in your neck that he knew was flushed.
The motel door opened, Dean turning the lights on before speaking, “Evil bitch.” He groaned, “Really?! I go out and you guys.. do this? Sam?!” Sam didn’t answer, he was too tired to respond.
“I’m just providing him what he asked for, Dean. I don’t see a problem.”
“You fucked my little brother and he’s practically a lovesick puppy for you.” Dean sighed, putting his hands up in defeat. “Whatever.. just not when i’m around, I don’t wanna see that stuff.”
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writingsofwesteros · 3 days
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"Oh, Daddy!" The sweet princess gasped, as she walked into the Great Hall on Aegon's arm.
The Great Hall looked at though it had been carved out of gold, with gold silks adorning the walls and the ceilings, shimmering gold as far as they eye could see- even gold leaf on all the dozens of cakes and sweets. "Do you love it, my beauty?" Aegon cooed, as she flung her arms around him. "Oh, I adore it! It's beautiful!" She squealed, and he chuckled and settled his arms on her waist, taking the opportunity of them being alone to kiss her soft lips. "Only the best for my sweetest angel," He murmured. "My perfect girl." When Aemond entered with Helaena, he raised a brow. "Is there any gold left anywhere else in the realm?" He hummed, as Helaena went over to her sweet girl, stroking her cheek and whispering sweet praises to her. "So what if there isn't? My beauty deserves all her heart desires, and more," Aegon declared. When Helaena and her sweet girl were out of earshot, Aemond asked, "And will you take this occasion to observe who might make a suitable husband for her?" Aegon tensed. "Tonight is about my baby girl, brother. The Golden Princess of the Realm- I'll not spend it on a futile task- for none of those neanderthals are worthy of such a creature."
Aemond glanced back at Helaena, so close to her daughter.
"Indeed," Was all he replied. He'd talk to him and Helaena together, perhaps get them to see reason. Surely they knew they could not keep her forever? As he stood watching their reverent gazes, Aegon keeping her hand in his- he began to seriously question it.
Aegon spoiling his girl!!!!! WE LOVE TO SEE IT
She would spend the rest of the evening with her mommy; cuddled close as they gossiped and whispered. The both of them eating the delicious cake as she cheekily reached for the Dornish wine and began to sip
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noblehouseofgay · 2 days
Enjoying the view?
Based on this post (taller regulus)
Jegulus microfic w/ platonic moonwater
Slightly nsfw
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"Alright, should work." Remus picked up the vial and handed it to Regulus. "If it kills me my brother will kill you."
"You helped make it, Black. Mr 'a year ahead in potions' should be confident in his work don't you think?" Remus smirked. "Is there, perhaps, another reason you're delaying?" "Shove it, Lupin." Regulus downed the purple liquid.
It was salty and thick, he coughed a bit after getting it down. "Fuck that's nasty." Remus shrugged and started cleaning up the workspace.
"Oh this is fucking weird." Remus looked back over at Regulus. He couldn't help but laugh a bit. "No kidding."
Both boys were practically the same height now, almost eye to eye. "You know, Lupin, I could get used to this. Taller than my boyfriend and brother? Plus the gender euphoria." The black haired boy stretched a little. "We just might have to make this permanent." "Yeah, said brother and boyfriend would kill me for letting you do that." "You're no fun, Lupin. Whatever, I've only got a couple hours to use this to my advantage."
Regulus left the library and headed for the gryffindor common room. This is so disorienting. Is this how Remus sees the world?
Regulus whispered the password (given to him by James of course) and headed for his boyfriend's dorm. Remus assured him Sirius was out with the girls tonight, so James should be all alone. Lucky him.
He opened the door, finding his boyfriend standing over a desk. "Hey love, that you?" Regulus smirked and walked up behind his lover. "It is." He gently put his hand around James' waist, turning him towards Regulus. "Hey-" James' eyes slowly moved up to meet Regulus'. The now shorter boy couldn't seem to breathe. Regulus just watched, a smirk never leaving his face.
"Enjoying the view, baby?" "I- h- how- god- what?- holy fuck-" Regulus laughed a little. He slotted his knee in between James' legs and watched as his face turned redder. "Is this how you feel all the time? Because it's really a power trip, I'll tell you that." Regulus gently bent James back against the desk. "You've been so quiet, love. Anything to say?"
"I need you to fuck me. Like immediately." James choked out the words, barely getting through them as Regulus pushed his knee against the bulge in James' pants. He kissed up James' neck and got close to his ear. "I would love to."
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hanjist · 6 hours
sister’s best friend.
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content - brother!hyunjin. sister!yeji. fem best friend!reader. pure filthy smut.
warnings - threesome. wxw action. dom!hyunjin. dom!yeji. sub!reader. yeji makes fun of reader and embarrasses her in the first half. pervert!hyunjin. degrading. voyeurism. cumplay kinda. humiliation. spit play. ‘pretty girl’ ‘baby’ ‘cum dumpster’ used. multiple orgasms.
word count - 1983.
a/n - sorry i couldn’t help myself. idfw actual familial incest, so hyun n yeji are step siblings but hyunjin n yeji don’t interact with each other, just you coz you’re the main star obvi. ok so seems like when i write about yeji all of a sudden i get good at writing. not proof read.
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“you two should make out.”
hyunjin blurts as he peeks behind the wall of yeji’s bedroom. he quickly hides away as yeji throws one of her stuffed animals at him.
“go away, you perv!”
you giggle away your embarrassment, trying to distract yeji from the fact you’re turning red.
“sorry y/n, my stupid and annoying step-brother. always getting in my business!”
as hyunjin gives another peek into yeji’s room, she spots him and flips him off. he rolls his eyes before walking away into his own room, slamming the door.
“just forget he said that. he’s just being a creep, per usual.”
you take several glances at hyunjin’s door across the hall from your spot on the bed as yeji speaks. she notices your eyes trailing from her to his door. how you’re starting to bite on your lip, to the point it might even bleed.
“y/n! don’t fucking tell me you’re into the idea!”
“w-what?! no! never! wha- how could you ever say that about me?!”
you cross your arms at her, cheeks turning an obvious shade of red. yeji laughs at you, her body slamming on to the pillows behind her.
“you are sick! are you into that shit? being a fucking pervert?”
yeji can’t stop laughing at you. it’s gone to a point where she’s become pale out of the amount of times she’s gasping for air from her laughter.
you turn your head from her, then your body as you sulk.
“stop making fun of me!”
“im sorry, im sorry! i’ll stop laughing…”
she wipes her tears as she takes a final sigh. her body relaxes between the pillows.
“oh man, you’re so disgusting.”
“okay, i’m sorry!”
there’s a silence between you two before you decide to speak up again.
“…it’s not a bad idea though.”
yeji covers her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from even the slightest giggle. then she bites her tongue before she speaks.
“it isn’t.”
she takes another breath.
“we should make hyunjin watch too. get his perverted ass to enjoy the show.”
“woah- what?!”
yeji gives a devious smirk at you as she gets up to lean against her hallway door.
“hyunjin! can you check on something for us?”
he opens his door immediately to the request.
“sure, what’s up?”
had he not heard what you guys were talking about before? there’s no way he didn’t hear, yeji was practically screaming everything out loud. was he playing dumb?
he leans against the door frame. yeji sits herself back onto her bed, right next to you. the space being limited between you.
“how’s my form?”
she grabs at your chin to turn your head away from hyunjin and face her. she pulls you closer to her face. the proximity of your lips, almost touching. your eyes quickly glance at hyunjin from the side, you see him licking his own lips. then it hits you.
you feel yeji’s lips on yours. her gloss smothering all over the bottom of your lip. her tongue darting into your mouth. the pressure of her fingers against your chin. you close your eyes at the feeling. the way yeji’s doing all of the work for you makes you feel relaxed, practically submitting to her.
“fuck… yeah, just like that.”
you can hear hyunjin from the side, groaning as he watches the both of you. you slide your hands on yeji’s waist, pulling her body closer to yours. she ends up crawling on your lap, eliminating the distance between you both.
yeji darts her tongue further into your mouth, making you moan. hyunjin’s own moan follows after he watches that certain action. yeji’s mouth detaches from yours, a line of saliva connecting the both of you. she gives hyunjin a look from the side.
“so? how was it?”
“fucking shit, ten outta ten. let me in on this.”
he approaches you, shoving yeji to the side. hyunjin wastes no time and quickly connects his lips onto yours. his plump lips fitting perfectly on yours, the wetness of the mix of all three of your salivas creating squelching noises as his mouth devours you. he softly bites on your bottom lip, leaving you into a whining mess. his fingers trail from your cheeks, to your jaw, down your neck, and finally toys at the straps of your flimsy tank top. he loops the straps on his fingers and pulls your top up, taking it off of you in one swift motion. your lips disconnect for a brief moment, then he’s back onto you like a magnet.
everything is happening so fast, it’s becoming blurry to you.
it was like the next time you opened your eyes, you were on all fours.
because you were.
your back arches as you’re hit with reality, more like pleased into reality. yeji grazes a bright pink dildo against your folds, while hyunjin lays back against the headboard of yeji’s bed, using his thumb to caress your lip as he takes his cock out of his pants with his freehand. his tip brushes your bottom lip before he uses his hand to pull your chin down, leaving your mouth wide open to take in at least the rest of his tip.
“can you take more baby?”
you nod as you wrap your mouth around him. he moves the few strands of hair in front of your face behind your ear, then slowly pushing down on your head against his shaft. you let out a gasp as yeji syncs up the dildo with hyunjin’s movements, pushing it in your cunt as your mouth goes down on his dick.
“hyunjin, the toy slides so easily in her. fuck…”
yeji licks her lips at the site of your cunt engulfing the toy whole. a particularly loud moan comes out of your mouth and vibrates against hyunjin’s dick. it sends him into a shock, moaning at the feeling.
it doesnt take long before hyunjin cums. as he releases inside your mouth, he pulls it out with a certain pop sound as your lips detach from his tip. as you swallow his load, his last bits of his cum finish by spurting onto your cheeks and chin. just like paint on a canvas. hyunjin grabs your cheeks harshly, pulling your head to turn and look back at yeji, who admires the splotches of hyunjin’s seed on your face. the distance between you shrinks as she’s now face to face with you. she sticks her tongue out, then presses it against your cheek, licking a long stripe to collect hyunjin’s seed in her mouth. then she attaches her lips back onto yours, a mixture of saliva and semen entering your mouth.
“don’t you think we taste so good, y/n?”
you eagerly nod, gulping down the mix of the siblings bodily secretions.
“wow, you’re disgusting.”
yeji tsks at you. the tone in her voice making you feel flustered, but also so turned on.
“who do you want more? me or hyunjin?”
you’re brain goes blank. you try to speak but no words come out of your mouth.
“the poor baby can’t speak, hm? that’s enough of an answer for us. looks like you’ll get us both, is that what you want?”
“y-yes! b-both! please!”
you whine at the both of them, your head turning to look at one then the other.
“shit… okay baby. lay on your back for us.”
hyunjin’s voice mellow but demanding. you react immediately, getting on your back against yeji’s bed. you watch as hyunjin pulls the restraining material of his pants all the way down to his ankles, while yeji unbuttons her skirt and pulls her panties down only to toss it elsewhere in her room.
the two quickly get into their positions on your body, yeji hovering above your face and hyunjin lined up at your core. the heat of their bodies at your most sacred parts only makes you want them more. hyunjin slowly sinks into your cunt, the tip only making it in before you whine in pleasure. then being cut by yeji slamming down onto your face, mouth directly at her own sopping core and clit to your nose. hyunjin keeps pushing himself in further, while the moans he gets out of you travel to yeji, making her whine at the feeling of your mouths vibrations. her fingers latch onto her headboard, grip tightening for maintaining her balance as she starts to ride your face. on the other hand, hyunjin bottoms out in your cunt, balls deep. the clench your cunt makes around his cock is already enough of a sign that he should start moving. the rhythm of hyunjin’s thrusts in your pussy make you rock up and down, your mouth messily sucking on yeji’s cunt. every time hyunjin thrusts, your nose keeps bumping harder onto yeji’s clit, the pressure building up.
the sensations building up in your stomach felt like it was too much to handle. your toes start to curl. hyunjin notices, making him plow harder into your core. it’s like you’re suffering when the rough speed intensifies. you moan endlessly into yeji’s cunt, making her squirt all over your face. you end up creaming around hyunjin’s dick after yeji’s release.
“creaming all over my cock, hm? take my seed, like a cum dumpster.”
hyunjin gives one last thrust before you feel his warm seed filling you up. as he pulls out, he watches the mixture of your cum drip down your folds.
“shit… look at her mess.”
hyunjin whimpers at the sight of his doings. yeji trembles as she gets off your face. she crawls over to hyunjin’s spot.
she pushes him away from his spot on her bed, taking his place. she slowly straddles you, her legs in between yours. you already know what she’s about it to do.
yeji starts rubbing her wet pussy all over your creamed cunt. you follow her rhythm, rolling your hips against her. the mixtures of all three of your essences mix between your bodies. as your clit rubs against hers, you feel another coil in your stomach. it doesn’t take you long to release again, more cum dripping out of your cunt. it doesn’t stop yeji though, rubbing her folds against yours, spreading your cum all over your cunt.
“you love being messy, hm pretty girl?”
you nod your head aggressively, in a way that could mess up your brain more than it already is.
hyunjin watches, a death grip around his own cock, thrusting into his hand as he watches you grind against his dirty step-sister.
“get off, it’s my turn again.”
hyunjin gives yeji her payback, pushing her away from your cunt just as he sees she’s about to release all over you.
“hey! i was so close!”
hyunjin rolls his eyes at yeji’s remark. he grabs you by your ankles, dragging your body to turn towards the end of the bed, legs dangling off the edge. he falls onto his knees, right in front of your cunt. he starts kissing your inner thighs softly. it felt so calming. almost too peaceful.
he’s brisk to reach back onto your messy pussy, leaving light kisses on it. everywhere from your folds, to your hole, and your clit. reserving the most aggressive kisses to your clit, sucking the soul out of it.
he prods his tongue inside your hole, collecting the essence and cream dripping onto the sheets.
yeji on your side has began to suck on your tits. her tongue swirling all over your areola, sucking on your nipples, and leaving dark hickeys all over your chest.
it doesn’t take long for the both of their lips on your body to make you release for the nth time.
you feel weak.
still aroused.
yeji leaves a peck on your lips before she gets up from her bed.
“let’s do this again next time you come over.”
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vampireyuuta · 3 hours
includes: f! reader, big brother choso, incest, implied size/age diff
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choso is just the best brother ever — everyone knows that — especially to his littlest sister!!
he's just adored you your whole life. he's always thought you were the cutest girl in the whole world. you looked up to him like no other.
you'd always ask to have your hair like his when you were little, so he started doing it for you. he's so delicate with your tender scalp and he can read your body language so well. you're trying to be a big, strong girl and not to wince everytime his fingers twist your locks, but he can see the way your brows twitch. he doesn't point it, but he tries to be even more gentle after he notices. he even adds little frilly bows into your pigtails. now you're twinsies!
he doesn't mind when you sneak into his room in the middle of the night with a puffy face after a nightmare — a nightmare about the worst thing: choso not being around. he holds you up to his warm chest and whispers how it'll all be okay, how he's not going anywhere until you're snoring in his arms.
even as you get older, he just lets you sleep with him. no, no, it's not weird for a girl at your big age to cuddle up to her big brother every night — he's just protecting you from bad dreams, like a personal dreamcatcher.
he'll protect you from everything forever! the world is a big scary place, but he'll keep you safe forever.
especially from men.
choso doesn't necessarily mean to be so protective, but he can't how his blood boils when he overhears you whispering to yuuji about this guy you're "talking to". thats not acceptable. you're not old enough to be in a relationship, you're still choso's baby sister.
he holds you even tighter that night, his head on your shoulder. he says he needs to talk to you. you end up having to listen to a far too long lecture about how you're "not mature enough" or how "unsafe men are". you finally shut him up by loudly interrupting him as he starts blabbing about sex. he quiets with a huff and just lets you sleep.
he's just looking out for you, really. he knows that it's not right for anyone to have you yet or ever.
choso keeps a watchful eye on you after that, keeping you basically connected to his hip until you confess that you're not talking to that guy anymore. he praises you with a kiss on your forehead. even though he trusts you, he's needs to make sure you understand.
he's got you in his lap before bed, your cutesy pajama set barely covering your cute frame.
"choso-nii," you whine, "what'd you need to talk about? i know 'no boys', i already told you..."
he rubs up and down your back, dark eyes not meeting yours. "you haven't been with any guys, right?"
you puff out your flushing cheeks and mumble a small, "no..."
his lips perk up into just the faintest smile. "i'm glad." there's a small beat of silence before he speaks again. "you understand no guys are allowed to touch you?" he finally glances up at your pretty, pouty face
"yes, cho-nii," you fight back the urge to roll your eyes at how worried he is. it's just sex — why's he so pressed?
he traces his hand down your back to glide over your thigh, his big, big hands wrappimg around your leg. "you understand no guys are allowed to touch you here?" his fingers get dangerously close to your cunny, your breath getting stuck in your throat.
"y-yes," you mumble as your breathing grows laborious.
he ghosts one finger over your slit through your clothes. "never ever, okay?" he murmurs, eyes locked between your legs.
"choso — w-what're you doing?" you whisper.
he doesn't even look up at you when his hand slips under the hem of your pants. "'m gonna show you what other guys can't do to you."
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jaredpadonlyyyy · 2 days
• • 🎀 • ✩ ✩ ༄ 𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝙋𝙏. 𝙏𝙒𝙊
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𝙔/𝙉 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙎𝙖𝙢 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧. 𝙎𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙭 𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧. 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙, 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙛𝙚, 𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧.
🌸 • • • 🩷 • • • 🎀 • • ✨ • • 🎀 • • • 🩷 • • • 🌸
Y/N had barely finished cooking when the door to her house opened. Y/N smiled wide immediately as she knew who it was. She puts down the cleaning rag and walked out the kitchen seeing both brothers as they put their duffle bags down. Sam and Y/N made eye contact and he smiled. She ran into his arms and jumped as she laughed. She grabbed both sides of his face crashing her lips against his in a searing kiss. Someone cleared their throat behind them and they pulled away. “Dean, hey!” She smiled over at her brother in law. She jumped off her husband’s arms and went to go hug Dean. Sam walked over to his little girl as she squealed at seeing that her father was home. “How’s my little sweet cheeks.” Sam said.
He picked her up and started kissing her all over her chubby little face. Dean and Y/N walked over after they pulled away from the hug. “How’s baby Char” Dean said as charlottes smile widen at seeing Dean.
Dean grabs her from his brother’s arms as the couple smile seeing Dean with the baby. “So, are you both hungry? I made food.” She said looking up at her husband. “I’m starving.” Dean said looking away from baby Charlotte. “I also made cobbler.” She said. Dean smirked as he looked at his sister in law. “I think you married the wrong brother.” Dean joked. “Ha, ha, funny.” Sam said to his brother as he joked. The three of them walked into the dinning room and saw it was already set up for them to just sit and eat.
Dean brought the babies high chair putting it beside him as he sat down.
Y/N serving all of them and they all sat and ate, and the brothers told her all about their hunts and how many people they had saved. They talked and they had a good time laughing, and playing around with Charlotte. After they were done. Y/N made a bottle of milk for the baby so she could put her to sleep. Dean offered to do it. So, Y/N started with the dishes as Dean fed the baby. Sam went to go shower. She was in the middle of washing the dishes when a pair of big arms wrapped around her waist. “Hey.” The voice of her husband said as he lays his chin on her shoulder. “Hey.” She smiled at him as he softly kissed her neck. Her eyes closed at the feeling of his lips on hers. His hands took place of her hips getting a tight grip. “I missed you.” Sam whispered in her ear as she puts the last plate on the dish rack. “I’ve missed you too.” She said back. Sam nipped her ear making her gasp softly as her hands go to grip on the counter.
“Let’s make another baby?” He whispered as she laughed. She turned off the water and she turned her body around in his arms. “No more babies.” She said as she runs her hands on his chest. “But I do want you.” She said as she looked up into his hazel eyes. “Dean go to sleep?” She asked him softly as he nods.
She looked over his shoulder trying to listen to see if she hears any noise. And when she doesn’t she gets out of his grip and walked away turning off the light of the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder as she pulled her dress over her head leaving her in only her laced thong. Sam groaned already getting hard. “What are you waiting for?” She asked as he rushed towards her getting behind her as his big hands went to her chest as he walked them over to their room as he kissed her bare shoulders making her lightly gasp.
But before it could get any further their daughter started crying, making the couple groan. Y/N walks into her room and grabs her robe putting it on before she walked over to her daughter’s room to already see Sam talking to their daughter. She went behind him placing her hands on his waist. “How about you go into the room and wait for me?” She whispered to him. Sam smiled and nodded his head kissing his little girl good night and walked out of the room as he left her to put the baby back to sleep by rocking her.
Y/N walked into her room and she heard the shower running. She walked inside and saw that Sam was filling up the bathtub with water to make a bubble bath. She smiled as he looked up at her. “I think we need this.” Sam told her as she took off her robe and her thong throwing it aside. “I think you’re right.” She told him making him chuckle as she walked over. She touched the water and got inside as she looked at Sam get undressed. She bit her lip as she looked at what he was packing down there. Sam just smirked.
He got in behind her. The good thing was that both of them fit. Since he was 6’4 and she was 6ft tall. She was glad to be a very tall person. Y/N relaxed her back on him as he wrapped his big arms around her. They both sigh their eyes closed as they enjoy the warm water. “I desperately needed this.” She told him. “Yeah, same here.” He said as he rubs his finger against her stomach. “I miss hunting.” She told him.
Sam’s hazel eyes opened and he lifted his head as he looked at her. “We could always hired a babysitter.” He said but she shook her head. “I don’t trust anyone that our daughter.” She told him. It’s one of the main reasons she left the hunters life in the first place. She could never trust anyone that wasn’t Sam who’s her father or her uncle Dean. She wouldn’t be able to do a hunt right if she would to do that. She could them or herself killed that way. And she’s a very good hunter and knew that it’s better not to even risk it.
“I could always stay with her.” He said to her softly as she laid her head back on his chest. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “As much as that sounds amazing, I would prefer for you to take care of her for the day, so I can go have a day to myself.” She said as he chuckled. “Well, you can always do that tomorrow, we don’t have to leave until like a few days” he told her as she leaned up and kissed him.
A while later after relaxing. She got out of the water and let Sam take a proper shower. She got dressed and she sat in her vanity finishing her skin care routine when Sam walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist, he was drying his hair not noticing how his wife was looking at him. She turned and bites her lip. His hazel eyes looked at her.
He smirked as he walked over to her and leaned down to give her a kiss on her lips making her smile into the kiss. He was about to turn around but she stopped him. He frowned as he looked down at her in question. She reached over and took his towel off his waist. Sam’s breath hitched as she leaned over and kissed his v-line. Her hands on both sides of his hips as she grazes her teeth making the hunter groan his head thrown back as he started panting getting hard.
She grabbed his dick and started to pump it as he whimpered. She kissed up his body to his chest, to his neck, and finally getting to his lips. Her hands on his cock going up and down as his hips buckled in her hand as he softly moaned. Her lips touched his and they both kissed. She then pulled away and she kissed down his body again. Kissing, sucking, biting.
Finally she got down to his dick bringing it to her lips and she licked the slit from where his pre-cum was in and he groaned as he threw his head back. Sam looks down at her just as she takes him all into her mouth. Sam gasped and moaned as the head hits the back of her throat. “Fuck.” Sam’s eyes closed as she swirled her thong making his cock twitch in pure pleasure. She tried taking as much of him as she can.
Both of her hands on either side of his thighs as his big hand puts his fingers through her hair as he starts moving his hips moaning as she started to bob her head. Up and down, up and down. Sam grits his teeth pulling her off him as he felt how close he was. It’s been 2 weeks since they’ve been together. He needed to be inside of her. Breathing heavily she looks up at him. “If I didn’t stop you I would’ve just cum.” He said catching his breath. She smirked at him. Sam pulled her up grabbing her by her chin as he gave her a sloppy kiss as she moaned into the kiss
His other hand brought her closer after he discarded her clothes to the side bringing her into his body. His hard cock rubbing on her thigh as she walked him over to their bed. Sam fell onto the bed as she pulled away and she started kissing down as the hunter threw his head back gripping the sheets as she got to his lower stomach and licked his happy trail as he whimpered. She grabbed his dick and started to pump it up and down as she sucked a mark on his hip. Breathing hard sam looked at her his mouth dropped open as his cock twitch in her hand again.
Sam sat up and picked her up. Both of his arms around her waist flipping her on her back as she gasped at the sudden move. She giggled and moans as his fingers ran down her body. Grazing her hard nipples, to her stomach and over to her wet slits and to her clit making her gasp as he lightly touched her swollen clit. “Fuck.” She softly moaned. She didn’t want to moan hard, because of their daughter and because Dean was in the house as well. He would usually choose to stay out the night and look for a woman. But he was way too tired to even go out.
Y/N spreads her legs more open as he glides his fingers up and down her folds, teasing her entrance. Playing with her entrance she squirmed and lets out a moan as he plunged in both of his long fingers. Her toes pointed as her legs shook as he went in and out of her in a fast pace. His teeth gritting hard as he looked at the face his wife was making, the way her breathing stopped as his fingers hit the sweet spot over and over again. She went to grip onto his bicep.
“Ah, I’m cumming, fuck, Sam, fuck!” She lets out a loud moan as her nails dig into his arm. The coil in her stomach about to explode. “Harder, harder, don’t stop!” She gasped, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she violently shook. The coil in her stomach exploded as her walls flutters on his long fingers. Still going in and out, letting her ride out her high. Sam kept on going. “Fuck! Too much!” She said moaning and squealing as he didn’t stop at all. He kept on going trying to get another orgasm out of her. He harshly rubbed her clit as she tried to take his fingers out of her. But before she could her eyes rolls back again as her mouth dropped open forgetting how to breath and she squirted in his hands moaning
Sam took out his fingers as her body slumped onto the bed breathing so heavy. She thinks she just saw heaven. He’s made her squirt before. And it was always the best feeling ever. She loved the way he would pleasure her in ways no other man had done.
Her legs felt like jelly. She looked up at her husband as he smirked down at her. He got in between her legs. “Ready?” He asked her as she smiled stupidly at him. He grabbed his long cock putting it in her soaked entrance and sank in making them moan.
🌸 • • • 🩷 • • • 🎀 • • ✨ • • 🎀 • • • 🩷 • • • 🌸
The next morning. Y/N opened her eyes as her alarm clock went off. She groaned as she went to go slam her hand on it. “Turn off, turn off.” She grumbled as she peaked an eye open. She was lying on her stomach as she had fallen asleep like that after their last round of sex. They went all three rounds last night. Especially since he’s going to be leaving her for probably another two weeks in a few days. After she turned off the alarm. She sat up the sheets falling off her naked body as she stretched. She felt her nipples get hard as the cold morning hits them. She looked to her side and didn’t see Sam sleeping next to her.
He’s always been a really early bird. Even after their amazing session last night. He was able to get up so early. She stood up and walked over to her dresser, and pulled out some panties, brown sweats. She went into hers and Sam’s closet and she pulled out the matching hoodie to the sweats she was wearing.
She pulled it over her bare chest. Putting on her slippers not really caring how she looked. She walked out to the kitchen to find Sam and Charolette giggling softly as he fed her. That sight was to die for. Her heart melted. “Mornin’” she greeted her husband and her daughter as they both looked over at her. She had gotten her father’s puppy dog eyes and his eye color. She got Y/H/C but she mostly looked like the spitting image of the Winchester man.
“Mommy needs coffee.” She said as she walked over to the coffee pot and she smiled seeing there was coffee already made. “How are you feeling this morning?” Sam asked her. She turned towards him and she scoffed as she saw his smirk. “I’m not sore” she lied. Sam’s smirk grew at her lie. “Oh yeah?” He said to her as he finished feeding Charolette. “Yup.”
Sam walked behind her as his hands slid down into her sore pussy. His finger grazed her clit making her wince. “Haha!” He said pulling away as she rolled her eyes. “Okay, Mr. Big dick. Don’t get too cocky on me.” She told him as she drank her black coffee. Just then. Dean walked out rubbing his eyes. “It’s way too early for this.” He said as he dragged his feet towards the coffee as it was calling his name. Both couple look at the older Winchester as he pours some coffee into the mug. He took a drink and turned around to them. “Next time I’m staying in a motel.” He said as she bursted out laughing. “I-I didn’t think we were that loud.” Y/N laughed as he mocked her groaning.
“Oh fuck Sam, right there!” He mocked her moans in a squeaky voice. “I don’t sound like that!” She yelled at the Winchester man. The two bickered as they all ate breakfast and they laughed along with the baby.
An hour later. Y/N walked out of the room she shares with Sam in a maxi dress, her cowgirl boots, her hair down in loose curls. Her makeup done lightly as she was ready to spend the day with one of her friends. “Okay, so the milk is in the fridge, you know where all the stuff is.” She kissed her husband on the lips and kissed her daughter in the cheek as she waved to them grabbing her keys to her BMW and walked out.
She pulled up to Nina’s house and she walked out smiling at the Winchester woman. She got inside and she drove away. “I’m guessing that sexy husband of yours is back?” She asked her as she fastened her seatbelt. “Yes, he is.” She told her as Nina smirked.
“I can see that. You’re fucking glowing.” She told her as Y/N rolled her eyes smiling. “You’re dripping with sex, amiga.” She said as she flipped her hair back. “Shut up.” She told her as she blushed thinking about all the things Sam did to her last night. He was so good to her. “So, when can I meet the other brother?” She asked her friend as Y/N smirked.
“How about later tonight? At dinner?” She told her as Nina nodded her head. “Ooh I’m with it.” She told her. “I need to get laid.” She said making her laugh. “Didn’t you have someone over like last night?” She asked her as Nina smirked. “Hey, a girl has needs no matter how many men or women she’s had.” She said
“You disgust me.” Y/N told her as they arrived to their first stop. Coffee.
After their coffee the woman went to go do their nails, their hair. Y/N needed a touch up on her hair. They went shopping for some new clothes. She got her daughter and her husband some stuff. He was not going to like the fact that she spent money on him. She always did it anyways. She was Rich and he was her husband. Y/N was smiling until the back of her hairs stood up. Her smile faded and she looked around. Her hunters instinct kicked in immediately.
She felt like she was being watched, but she didn’t see anyone around. Well, everyone looked normal. But then again, the supernatural was unpredictable, and could catch you by surprise if you weren’t careful “hey, are you okay?” Nina asked her snapping her out of it. “Yeah, uh, I’m just missing char.” She told her. “Well, how about we go home so I could meet this brother.” Nina told her as Y/N shook her head at her.
“Yeah, let’s go.” She said to her as they got up, threw their stuff away. She looked around one last time and followed after her friend. What she didn’t see was the thing lurking in the corner looking at the hunter with a smirk. “You’ll see me soon Winchester.” It said.
Y/N and Nina arrived back at her house and they walked inside. “I’m home!” She shouted as the air smelled really good. “I have a guest.” She said. Sam walked out of the kitchen with a smile on his face. He leaned down placing his lips gently on hers. He pulled away and looked over at Nina. “Nina, hey.” Sam greeted her. Dean also walked out of the kitchen with Charolette in his arms and her apron on around him. He made eye contact with Nina and they smirk.
“Hey, Nina, this is Dean, Sam’s older brother. Dean this is Nina a good friend of mine.” She introduced them. They both shook hands flirting with their eyes. “Hello, beautiful.” Dean smiled at her as she smiled back. He gave Sam back the baby putting his whole attention towards her. “Hey, handsome.” She eyed him. Sam and his wife made eye contact with each other and the snorted. “Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Y/N asked him as he nods his head at her.
Sam gave Nina the baby as she wanted to see her. “We’ll be right back.” Sam told them as she pulled him into her office. “Don’t do some kinky shit!” Dean yelled making her roll her eyes at the man’s words. “What’s up?” Sam asked her as she had her back towards him. She sighs and runs her hand through her hair. “I was being followed today.” She went out with it. Sam’s hazel eyes widen at what she told him.
“I didn’t want to worry Nina that’s why I didn’t show that anything was wrong.” She told him as he nods his head. “Do you know what it could’ve been?” He asked her as she sighs. “I don’t know, babe.” She told him. “But if there’s something following me, I can’t have Charolette here.” She said as their minds go over to the bunker. It’s where Sam is staying in when he’s hunting with his brother. “Come to the bunker, for a bit.” Sam told her as she bites her lip thinking about it. The bunker was too closed off for her liking.
But she had no other choice. Their daughter came first. She looked up at her husband and her eyes watered. “I’m scared.” She told him as he walked over and hugged her. “I know, baby. Me too.” He told her as he rubbed her back. “How about you go out there. We have some dinner, and I talk to Dean after” Sam suggested and Y/N nodded her head at that.
So that’s what they all did. Had dinner, talked and laughed not knowing what’s coming their way.
🌸 • • • 🩷 • • • 🎀 • • ✨ • • 🎀 • • • 🩷 • • • 🌸
I don’t know why tumblr hasn’t been letting me use my IRLS ANYMORE!
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itneverendshere · 2 days
maybe wheezie or even sarah needing rafe to pick them up from school or attend a back to school night. like the school calls rafe to pick up sarah after getting in a fight. or the teacher calls him in to discuss that wheezie struggling in math
thank you for the request!!! 🫶🏻🫂 i think rafe's always had a soft spot for wheezie so i did this one for her cause i personally can see their dynamic being really cute.
 we're both older now - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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Sitting in the passenger seat of Rafe’s truck, you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. His hands were on the wheel, jaw clenched just enough for you to notice, but not enough to freak out.
It’s been months since rehab, and you swear, you’ve never seen him like this before—so focused, so... responsible. It’s kinda hot.
But that’s not what you’re here for. Not right now.
You’re headed to Wheezie’s school because, apparently, she’s been struggling with math. She didn’t want to tell Rafe because Ward’s rarely at home these days and she didn’t want to bother him. When you found out, you could’ve smacked her. You get it—Rafe’s been under a lot of pressure lately—but you don’t think she realizes how much he cares about her. That’s why you two are heading to a parent-teacher meeting like it’s the most normal thing in the world. It’s not. 
“I should’ve known something was off,” Rafe mutters, breaking the silence.
You look over at him. “You couldn’t have. Wheezie’s good at keeping stuff to herself.”
He shakes his head, his grip tightening on the wheel just a little. “I’m her brother. I should’ve noticed.”
You reach over, resting your hand on his arm. “You’re doing your best, baby. That matters.”
He lets out a breath, his tension easing under your touch. God, sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s the same guy who used to pick fights at every chance he got just a few years ago. It’s been almost a year since his last relapse, but every day you see him fighting to be better—for himself, for you, for his sisters. And honestly? It does something to you, seeing him like this. 
You pull into the school parking lot, and he parks the truck, turning off the engine. For a second, he just sits there, staring straight ahead. You know what he’s thinking. He’s wondering if he’s good enough to handle this, to handle all of it.
“You got this,” You say softly.
Together, you walk into the school, and after a quick conversation with the receptionist, you’re led to Wheezie’s teacher’s classroom. The room smells like dry-erase markers and stress, the kind you remember from my own high school days.
Except, this is a private school, completely different from what you were used to, and back then, you loved school. You were good at it too—really good, actually. Straight A’s, honors, full ride to a decent college…but life had other plans.
You look at Rafe as you wait for the teacher to start the meeting. He’s sitting up straight, listening intently, and your chest tightens a little.
The same guy who used to blow off any responsibility now sitting here, laser-focused, ready to step up for his little sister. The teacher starts talking about Wheezie’s grades, how she’s been falling behind in math, and you can see the guilt in his face. You squeeze his knee under the table, trying to ground him, but honestly? This was hitting a little too close to home for you, too.
“I can help her,” You hear yourself say before you’ve even really thought about it. Rafe turns to look at you, surprised, and you shrug like it’s no big deal.
The teacher blinks, probably not expecting the girlfriend to jump in with a solution. “What did you score on your final exams?”
You move in your seat, not expecting the question but not exactly shy about your answer either. "I got a 1600 on my SATs," You said, trying to sound casual about it, even though you could see Rafe’s eyebrows shoot up next to you. 
The teacher’s eyes widen slightly. "That’s impressive," she says, "You must’ve had a lot of options for college."
You shrug again feeling that familiar feeling of bittersweet regret. "Yeah, I had a full ride to a few places.”
“And you didn’t go?”
The way she says says it—like she can’t imagine why you wouldn’t go—hurts a little. 
"Yeah, well... life happened." You try to brush it off like it doesn’t bother you.
Rafe’s hand slides over to yours under the table, interlocking your fingers and giving you a gentle squeeze. It’s subtle, but it’s enough for you. To remind you that you made the right choices, even if they weren’t easy ones.
The meeting wraps up pretty quickly after that.
The teacher gives Rafe some advice on how to help Wheezie stay on track, and you both thank her before heading out of the classroom. As you walk down the hallway, he stays quiet for a bit, and you can’t really read what’s going through his head.
By the time you get back to the truck, he turns to you, his brow furrowed slightly, like he’s still processing everything. "You got a perfect score on your SATs?"
Three years into the relationship and he’s still learning things about you every day.
You let out a small laugh, brushing some hair behind your ear. "Yeah. It’s not a big deal."
"That’s kinda insane," he says, looking at you like he’s seeing a whole new side of you. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that?”
You shrug for the millionth time today, suddenly feeling a little shy. “I don’t know. It just never came up. It’s not like it matters now, anyway.”
"It does matter." His voice is firm, and when you glance over, you can see how serious he looks. "You gave up a lot to help your sister. That’s not nothing."
Your throat tightens, and you have to swallow down the emotion rising inside you. The way Rafe says it, like he actually gets it, means more than he probably knows. "I just did what I had to do."
He nods slowly, like he understands that feeling all too well. "You didn’t have to offer to help Wheezie today. But you did.”
You don’t want to make a big deal out of it. "I want to help her. She deserves it."
Rafe doesn’t say anything, just looks at you with this soft, almost disbelieving expression. Like he can’t wrap his head around the fact that you’re still here, beside him, helping his family without a second thought.
"You’re amzing, y’know that?" he murmurs, his voice low and warm in that way that makes your stomach flip.
You feel your cheeks heat up, a shy smile tugging at your lips. "Stop."
"I mean it." He reaches over, cupping your face gently with his hand, thumb brushing lightly across your cheek. His eyes soften as they meet yours, filled with so much adoration it makes you want to hide. "I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m really fucking grateful."
You bite your lip, glancing down at his other hand on your knee before looking back up at him.
"You’ve been working hard. For yourself, for us. I see that."
His jaw tightens just slightly, and he looks down, almost like he’s not sure how to take the compliment. But when his eyes meet yours again,
"I’m trying," he says quietly. "I’m trying to be better."
"And you are," you whisper. "Every day."
The months of hard work, the late nights when you’ve held him through his doubts, the mornings when he’s shown up for his family even when it was hard. It’s all there, between you, unspoken but understood.
Rafe leans in, pressing his forehead to yours, his breath warm against your skin. "Thank you," he whispers. "For everything."
You close your eyes, letting the moment settle around you. "I’ll always be here," you whisper back. "We’ve got this."
“I don’t think I would’ve made it this far without you.”
You swallow hard, trying not to let it hit you too deep. But it does. Because for all the mess you’ve been through—his ups and downs, his relapse, his constant fight to be better—it always comes back to you. To this.
“I’ll always have your back,” You remind him quietly. “You know that, right?”
He nods, like there’s absolutely no doubt in his mind. “I know. You’re really good with her," he says after a beat. "With Wheezie. And with Milo."
You smile, leaning back in your seat. "Yeah, well, someone’s gotta look after the kids, right? Might as well be me."
Rafe’s lips twitch into another smile as he leans over, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, "Thank you, baby.”
“For what?”
“For sticking around,” he says, pulling back slightly to look at you. “Even when I didn’t make it easy.”
 “You make it worth it, Rafe. You always have.”
Because seeing him like this—happy, strong, responsible, and healthy—it’s more than just him trying. It’s him becoming the person you always believed he could be, from day one on that stupid country club. And that? That’s something you’d stick around for any day.
When you and Rafe pull up to Tannyhill, the sun’s already setting. You grab your bag from the backseat, and he takes a deep breath, his hand hovering near yours like he needs to hold onto you just for a second longer. When you step into the house, you’re greeted by the usual stillness that fills the place. It’s huge, but it always feels too quiet.
Wheezie’s sitting at the kitchen island, hunched over her phone, clearly trying to distract herself. Her leg’s bouncing nervously under the stool, and you don’t even have to say anything to know that she’s been dreading this moment.
As soon as she sees the two of you, she freezes, eyes wide, "Hey," she greets, her voice shaky.
Rafe glances at you, and you give him a small nod. You know he’s trying to figure out how to handle this—he’s never really had to play the role of ‘responsible older brother’ before. But he’s doing it. He’s trying. And that’s what matters.
"Wheeze," Rafe starts, as he walks over to her, and you can see the panic rising in her eyes as she sits up straighter like she’s preparing for the worst. "Why didn’t you tell me?"
She bites her lip, glancing between the two of you. "I-I didn’t want to bother you," she mumbles, her voice small. "You’ve been dealing with a lot, and I thought— I don’t know. I thought I could handle it on my own."
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. He’s quiet for a second, and you can feel Wheezie’s anxiety practically buzzing out of her. She’s probably expecting him to yell, to go off on her, but instead, he takes a step forward and pulls her into a hug.
"You ever keep something like that from me again," he mutters into her hair, his tone firm but warm, "and you’re grounded."
Wheezie’s eyes go wide in shock, like she wasn’t expecting that at all. Her arms wrap around him a little awkwardly, but you can tell she’s relieved. She pulls back after a second, staring up at him with those big brown eyes of hers. "You’re not mad?"
Rafe shakes his head, but his expression is serious. "I’m not mad. I’m worried, Wheeze. I’m here, okay? I got you."
"I’m sorry," she whispers.
He sighs again, rubbing a hand over his face before looking at her. "Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it again."
She nods quickly, and you step closer, offering her a small smile. "You’re not in trouble, Wheezie. I’m gonna help you with the math stuff, okay? I promise."
Wheezie looks over at you, clearly surprised, and then back at Rafe. "You’re… really not mad?"
Rafe rolls his eyes but in that big-brother way that’s full of affection.
"No, Wheeze, I’m not mad. But next time you’re struggling with something, tell me. That’s what I’m here for."
She nods, relief washing over her features. "Okay. I will."
Rafe reaches out and ruffles her hair, something so casual and brotherly it makes your heart swell.
"Good. Now go do whatever you do, and remember—grounded if you pull that shit again."
You slap his arm, “Will stop cursing in front of her?”
He shoots you a half-smirk, looking completely unbothered. "Please baby, she’s sixteen. You think she doesn’t curse?"
Wheezie lets out a small laugh, covering her mouth as if she’s trying to keep it together, but you can tell she’s relieved. 
"Yeah, but maybe not in front of her big brother," you tease, raising an eyebrow at him.
Rafe shrugs, looking like he couldn’t care less. "If she’s smart enough to hide it from me, more power to her."
Wheezie giggles again, and you can’t help but smile. "Yeah, yeah," you sigh, rolling your eyes at him playfully. "You’re a great role model, Rafe Cameron."
He groans, “Please don’t use the full name.” The corners of his mouth tug up in a grin that makes your heart skip. “Alright, no more big brother lectures tonight. We’re good, yeah, Wheeze?”
Wheezie nods, still smiling. “Yeah, we’re good.”
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toxic doomed kist but with mermaid-coded dust
i don't have any plot or scene to write, only ✨vibes✨
dust, numb with homesickness, yearning to return to the place belongs. but this is his reality now, wandering between universes with no end.
dust, "soulless", apathetic to people around him. he cannot connect with them because he doesn't feel like a real "monster". everyone else is so strange. and dangerous. and he doesn't feel like he can reveal to them what he is.
dust, hunted. someone is always out there to get him. because he's precious. because he's valuable.
dust, cruel, ruthless. he will grab onto whoever close to him and drown them, killing them slowly in his embrace. the only form of closeness he can fathom. everything he touches dies.
dust, voiceless, mute. the sound of his own voice is a distant memory. something precious he cannot get back.
dust, yearning in pain. the one he looks at doesn't look back at him. every step he takes is like a thousand needles. does being close to his light like a moth worth it? maybe just watching is enough. maybe a broken heart is the price to pay.
dust, sitting in a bathtub filled with water. slowly sinking himself in it. the water tap is still on. the water is overflowing and spilling on the bathroom floor but he doesn't care. drowning himself in misery with bottles of alcohol littered around him. his head is fully underwater now. everything is quiet. everything is blurry. a poor imitation of home but you'd take it, because the emptiness is eating at you. just stay there at the bottom, bottom of the pool, bottom of the bottle. and maybe you'd feel something right again.
and killer steps in. does he notice you yet? does he wonder how you can live like this, breathe like this? does he know what you are?
maybe you should kill him. your brother says, giving you a blade. kill him and free yourself. return home to me. to us.
and you hold onto the blade, waiting underwater like the predator that you are. you can just snatch him and pull him down to your level. drown him. give him the mermaid's kiss. the last thing he knows before he dies.
but you hesitate. because you love him more than you love yourself. so you emerge from the water. and you ask.
do you know what i am?
he knows, and he doesn't pull away. and you're filled with more love/LOVE than you ever have in your life.
you know anyone who eats mermaid will live forever? i want you to live forever.
and so you offer him your body. your "soul". consume me. live forever. i want to be in you forever.
and he will. because he's a selfish person. but so are you.
and you never say the word i love you to him. and you wonder to your dying breath, in the red-stained bathtub, if he knows. but you don't know what possibility would be more painful.
"If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"
He says, "Ooh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon"
And I've been sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool For a while now, drowning my thoughts out with the sounds
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danielslaw · 1 year
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welcometogrouchland · 4 months
I miss them so bad (Dick and Damian)
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#damian wayne#dick grayson#ITS JUST NOT THE SAME MAN#idk i was reading nightwing must die (again...) bc i was in a funk and saw another post saying how fans exaggerate the closeness btwn them#and on the one hand i get it. there is a very rosy portrayal of their relationship you'll come across in fanon#and they weren't very close at the beginning of their relationship#but man. reading Nightwing must die again was like#YES they fight. damian instigates it and while dick tries to exercise patience he does fight back/lash out on occasion#but despite all that it's still emphasized how important the two are to each other#when dick is forced to picture a future where he's lost his way he pictures damian being the one to bring him back#not necessarily bc damian is his favorite person on the planet but bc he gave damian robin. for a lot of practical reasons-#-but also bc how far damians come is (i think at least based on this arc) a testament to dick that hes doing Something right#both as a hero/person#damian is more than just a burden saddled on him (although there's an element of that in their batman and robin run)#he's also a last remaining connection to bruce when he's gone (remembering where he comes from) AND he's training damian+#-his own way! with a dash of tough love and workaholic spirit inherited but also a lot of patience and focus on being More than the darkness#idc what ppl say nightwing must die makes sense for these two. its a retcon but one that works imo#that dick buried his head in the sand about how much damian meant/the responsibility he had to him bc it was a commitment he was afraid of#and how damian ultimately was a point of maturation for dick even if he went back to being Nightwing#they were SO goddamn close and now they're still close but only in ways that are implied#and their bond is deemphasized in comparison to each others bond w/ say bruce. which i think is a shame#it was a wrinkle! a fun wrinkle that the batfamily had that in some ways dick understood damian better than Bruce-#-even if he didn't feel like he could handle the responsibility of raising him full time#it kills me that bc of the n52 we never got the handover of the batman mantle (and damian) from dick to bruce#next nightwing writer...include a flashback to that moment AND have damian appear in the book in present....AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!#anyway. dick is damians brother but also damian a little bit imprinted on him like a baby duck and its rubbed off on dick#they're partners they're mentor mentee but most importantly they were batman and robin. and they were the greatest#NOT bc it was all peaches and roses but bc they cared for each other exponentially despite all that
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