#he was this eternally grumpy smart ass and they were Obsessed with that fact
i’m obsessed with those “itkg finds out gojo raised megumi” fics & now i’m just giggling at the idea of like every month they find out megumi is someone’s boy. it could be yuuta. shoko. maki. gojo. etc.
kamo is fighting to get megumi as his boy but :( he’s just not valid enough. yuuji is seething at the idea that everyone get to claim megumi as their own in some fucking way but meanwhile, he can barely find the courage to hold his fucking hand.
kugisaki is just wondering if megumi is like the village baby. like does she need to step up? she absolutely will because she needs a doll to practice makeup on & etc. gotta put those lashes to good use.
(also the idea of gojo using jujutsu terms to describe the most parental things like sex. god i don’t even wanna imagine his period talk.)
Megumi had to give the period talk.
It was the second worst and most painful talk of his life. It used to be the first, and then Gojo decided that Megumi needed to learn about safe sex and the magic of his changing body. megumi almost killed them both just to end that conversation.
Tsumiki was unfortunate enough to have hit her period before everyone else in her class, and she was always kind of isolated from the rest of the kids because of Everything with her home life. She wasn't inviting people over for sleepovers, and she didn't really go on them herself. Her mom was completely checked out of her life from a young age. And I head canon her as someone who tends to neglect her own needs in favor of everyone else's. So she had absolutely no idea what was happening when her period came. She hadn't heard of it at school yet. She hadn't heard of it from her mom. She hadn't thought to look up what exactly happened in puberty for herself yet. She thought she was bleeding internally. She thought she was dying. It was a point of hysteria.
It did not help that Shoko had spent years lying wildly about what happened on a girl's "time of the month" to Gojo and Geto. To this day, Megumi has no idea what Gojo thought happened on a woman's period, but it sounds suspiciously like lycanthropy. As a result, Gojo also thought she was bleeding internally. He almost teleported her to Shoko for healing. He was about to take her to a hospital.
Luckily for them both, Megumi secretly loves his sister and had very quietly prepared for this eventuality while hoping beyond hope that it would never come to be.
He didn't want to do it. He just knew that Tsumiki wouldn't think of herself and that she didn't have a mom to walk her through this. At least for him, he knew that Gojo had lived through the amab puberty experience. He assumed that Shoko would step up to the plate when the time came, but Shoko was more of a wine aunt than a mom figure, and he just wanted a contingency if she didn't.
He read a book on what to expect with puberty for afab reproductive systems. He immediately returned this book to the library. He said nothing about any of this to anyone ever. He shut the fuck up about it for years. He was happy not talking about it.
Until Tsumiki got her period. And it was treated like cause for a hospital visit instead of the corner store.
Megumi calmed them both down. He told them that they were going to shut up, sit down, and listen. Absolutely no eye contact would be allowed for the duration of this conversation. They would never speak of this again. There would be no questions at the end. Everyone shut the fuck up and listen.
It was a comprehensive and medically accurate explanation. There were diagrams pulled up from the internet. He gave one (1) stiff hug to his sister and informed her that if they ever spoke of this again, he would have no choice but to kill them both. Then, he went upstairs and tried to forget it ever happened.
legitimately every time they turn around, they find out that Megumi is someone else's Boy. First it's Yuuta, and that's a crisis and a half--mostly for Yuuji, who seethes with a quiet and unexpected jealousy. Then it's Maki, who very unexpectedly fussed over Megumi's injuries after a mission and lectured him about being careful before sending him to bed. Then it's Gojo and finding out that Megumi is literally his boy, like he's his legal adoptive son. Then it's Panda and Inumaki, who have decided that the Village Baby custody agreement that only exists in their head means it's Their Right to harass any of Megumi's potential romantic partners, leading to a very confusing conversation with Itadori, who was still buffering with his gay awakening and hadn't realized he was a potential partner.
It's not Kamo. It's never Kamo.
(Kamo: he could be my boy
Maki, not missing a beat: he really couldn't
Kamo: he could--
Maki: he never will be)
Nobara doesn't have Yuuji's homosexual drive to make Megumi Her Boy but she does have a rapidly developing codependency with him and a healthy sense of competition. Fuck it, he's her boy now. She'll do it better than everyone else. She's got Her Boys and none of them go outside without the other two anymore. They're a Unit. they're gay idiots but they're her gay idiots. Fuck off.
Megumi absolutely has no awareness of any of this happening and would not be happy if he found out it was.
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sanzos · 4 months
HI I'M BACK FOR MORE. is there a timeline of nel's story? when does she join the straw hats and where's she sent to during 3D2Y?? also how the heck does she travel on land! curious minds wish to know.
HI WELCOME BACK!!!!! there is in fact a timeline bc i like to daydream and also i like having those details ya know?
so! the straw hats first meet nel just before alabasta. aka they fish her out of the ocean a la bon-chan bc i think its funny if luffy fishes up two whole people at different times in the day like? guess the fish in this part of the grand line are shaped like people huh.... neat! nel isn't particularly pleased with any of this and is planning to immediately book it like "ha ha thanks for this bye" but then she gets dragged into the alabasta stuff bc bon-chan copies her face and is now under the impression she's a part of the straw hats! she would like to say: SHE'S NOT!!!!! PLS!!!! and considering she's currently (and has been) running from another animal themed weirdo and she doesn't want a second one on her ass she decides ok fine i'll stick around. get the lay of the land. she's 100% planning to throw them to the wolves if she thinks they'll lose. unfortunately she got bit by the friendship bug :/ damn girl sucks to be you so she sticks around for alabasta, kicks some weird birthday clown's ass, and forgets for a moment what she's running from. the usual Thing that happens with the straw hats. but watch out! the other animal themed weirdo kidnaps her off the merry after alabasta. robin manages to nick an eternal pose from one of the goons though and the straw hats go off to rescue their grumpy friend!
alright im prefacing this by saying: idk how observatories work... or astronomy really (research will be the death of me) so like rly suspend some disbelief here! but also its one piece so nel gets sent to a world government funded astronomy tower in the calm belt called vega tower! its the tallest man made structure in the world (like... red line levels of tall) and no one rly knows... how it was built? did giants do it? something else? whatever it was before its an astronomy tower now and has a whole thriving population and culture within it. its an astronomers dream to be able to study there, but once u do its almost impossible to leave. its basically like selling ur soul to the wg. top secret shit yada yada. as such most of the scientist in the tower have a bad relationship with the wg. they're rly only there for the science of it all tbh the head astronomer/astrophysicist is a man called folio! he's a trans man and was born on amazon lily but left to pursue his dream of the STARS!!!! he's extremely logical, to the point where it comes off as wildly eccentric, and when he heard nel's dream of going to the moon he was wildly inspired and agreed to take her on as a protege.
as for traveling on land, nel has been able to split her tail for as long as she can remember? this was one of the factors that led to her childhood isolation and her eventual interest / obsession in the stars and the moon! since those were always there for her :)
she actually doesn't travel on land often! staying within the ocean is safer (since her pursuer cant reach her there). the smart thing to do would be to stay underwater forever but she cant fight the pull of the night sky and always ends up surfacing in the end.
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