#he would send them “accidentally” to obi-wan saying they were for padme
nonbinary-tatooine · 1 year
anakin would send dick pics with his lightsaber hilt for scale
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
Hello!! I watching Attack of the Clones and had an idea for an Obi-wan x reader where Obi-wan falls for one of Padme’s lady-in-waiting/close personal assistant? And Obi-wan is so nervous that reader might get hurt because reader is close to danger or is even picked to be a decoy?? Take this idea and make it yours, angst and fluff and whatever you want, have fun with it!!
Duty Calls (Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader)
A/N: Hi, Anon. Thanks for sending this in. I really enjoyed this prompt - who doesn’t love some angst in the morning, with a healthy dose of Kenobi as well. 💕☕️ 
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Nothing was certain in life. It didn’t matter whether you were a monarch in a palace, a politician in the Senate, or a trader on some far out planet; the world around you could change in an instant. 
It was a truth you had found out for yourself all too clearly the past ten years. There was no way you could have foreseen the life you would have, had you been asked that fateful day, back when you graduated from school. 
To have served as a handmaid to the Queen of Naboo, survived a war no one had predicted, fallen in love with one of the Jedi who had come to free you, and to now serve as an advisor to your planet’s representative in the Senate?  It was a lot… sometimes you couldn’t believe it was all real, but it was.
Even now, you nervously smoothed down the front of your robes, as was your habit, followed by a deep breath as you tried to centre yourself in the present. After all, today was important. Today you needed to be focused - prepared for anything that was thrown your way. 
There had been recent threats made against the Senate, and those planning on attending the vote scheduled for later that morning. However, it would take more than a mere threat to deter your ex-queen. 
You’d known Padmé long enough, since infancy in fact, and knew she wasn’t one to back out of a fight. Once she’d made up her mind then that was it, come hell or high water. 
It was one of the many reasons you loved and admired her so much. It was why you had become fast friends back at school, and had relished the chance to work alongside her as an advisor - the first she had appointed, following her election as Queen and later Senator (a fact you were still silently proud of). 
However, it was hard to make everyone share your views - especially one Jedi in particular. 
Obi-wan Kenobi. 
The man was every bit as brave and stubborn as you were, which was why you often worked so well together. Yet, other times, your similarities led you two to clash, butting heads and leaving pain in your wake.  
The night before had been one of those times. Sure, it hadn’t started out that way - in fact, things had been going rather well for the first few hours, after he had arrived back on world and made his way to your apartments. 
Yet, things had turned sour rather quickly after you accidentally mentioned your plan to accompany Padmé to the Senate vote in the morning. 
It was as if you had thrown a match to a tinder box. 
You’d barely even begun to explain yourself before he was on his feet, going on about how dangerous and ill minded the whole idea was. As he put it, Senator Amidala was bound by her role to attend the vote, but not you. 
If she chose to risk her life then so be it, as she was the elected representative for your planet and knew the risks of carrying such a title. However, you were just an advisor - you didn’t need to be in the chamber for the vote, nor pointlessly risking yourself (his words, not yours). 
Needless to say, the fight that followed hadn’t been a pretty one. 
You’d both said things you didn’t mean, and some that you did - although you couldn’t be sure which hurt more. 
“So it’s alright for you to do your duty? To risk your life for the Jedi order? To pledge your life, and your heart, to them?” you’d snarled, the hypocrisy of his words pushing you over the edge. “But for me to do my duty? By my queen? My people - my planet? Maker forbid!”
“It’s not the same-”
“It’s exactly the same! And yet, I’ve never begrudged you dropping into war zones! Nor, have I ever complained about the fact that your commitment to the order means that we - that this - must be kept secret, like some sordid scandal.”
Obi had growled in frustration before throwing his hands up in surrender. Clearly there was to be no reasoning with you - or so he said, but you suspected it was more likely to do with the fact he couldn’t bring himself to rebuke the truth of your accusations. 
After all, you’d honoured his wishes these past few years, ever since you’d dared to make your feelings known to one another. You hadn’t pressured or resented him for wishing to remain with the order, or for him wishing to keep his affection secret between you two. 
In fact, you understood all too well. 
Duty was a sacred thing to both of you, and you’d both devoted your lives to serving a cause greater than yourselves… even if you now found yourself wanting something else, something new - something selfish. 
After all, many of the queen’s aids went on to marry others. Of those fortunate ones who that did, some left altogether, choosing to prioritise their family and partner. However, most would remain in service, even if some altered their role slightly, depending on their situation. 
Part of you hated yourself for the way you watched them, envy creeping in to your heart at the thought of having that… having Obi-wan living with you on Naboo, or even publicly declaring his love so that you could find new roles that would allow you to continue helping others, but together. 
Both felt like mere dreams at this point. They were a fantasy and nothing more, which as Obi-wan had made all too clear, was not something likely to change any time soon. 
You ignored the ache in your chest as you thought back to the horrible way you had left things with him the night before. Letting him storm out of your home had been a mistake… 
But as they said, wallowing in regret would do you no good now. You couldn’t go back in time and change how things had ended. All you could do was make it through the day, and ensure you did your duty by your people. 
After the vote was over you could then worry about finding Obi-wan and trying to make amends. Hopefully, you’d be able to put the whole ordeal behind you, once the threat had passed. 
That was what you told yourself as you made your way to stand beside Padmé at the back of your ship. 
You were slightly comforted by the concern on her face as she considered the day ahead. It seemed you weren’t the only nervous one. 
“I am glad you’re here with me, Y/N,” she whispered. “Are you ready for this?”
“Of course I am.” You gave her one last encouraging smile. “May the force be with you, my lady.”
“And also with you.”  
With that, you linked hands, taking comfort in one another’s company as you stared down the lowering ramp of your transport ship. 
For a moment, the world hung in limbo as you hovered just above the ground, before firmly planting the landing gear to the floor. The sudden jolt was comforting, as was the sight of the guards clustered around you both as you began to make your descent towards the landing platform. 
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All around you, other ships were docking, as Senators, advisors, guards, and witnesses from every political party also made their arrival. After all, you were not the only ones who deemed this vote important enough to risk attending that day. 
However, the multitude of armed guards escorting the majority of people from their ships was a stark reminder of the danger you all faced - inside and outside of the hallowed chamber. 
No one looked to be taking any chances. 
“Remember to stay close,” warned the captain of your guard, as if sensing your thoughts. “We’ll follow the crowds towards the tunnels ahead, and into the lower levels of the Galactic Senate. From there we will escort you to your office and sort a perimeter check before you take to the floor.” 
“Thank you,” you nodded, only half listening to what he said. You were too busy letting your eyes sweep your surroundings, Obi’s warnings echoing in the back of your mind. 
“Crowds are difficult, true,” he’d explained once before, sharing some of his wisdom with you on how to spot threats. 
He took matters regarding your security seriously and had shared with you the basics regarding self defence and spotting possible threats. In part it was for your peace of mind, but more so for his, considering the fact he could not always be by your side to protect you. 
“As I said to Anakin, once upon a time, it’s different to anticipating an attack in a secluded area, but not necessarily harder. It’s all about focus. Just keep your eyes peeled, and stay alert to what is happening around you. Where are you exposed? Where is there a possibility of cover, or even escape, should you need it?”
You’d absorbed his teachings, and found yourself following them even now. As much as you trusted the armed guards around you to protect you, you were still on high alert. 
Which, as it turned out, was a good thing- it never took long for trouble to find you or Senator Amidala. 
In fact, you had barely made it off of the ship when it happened. 
A shot rang out. 
One. Then another. Then another. 
There was a scream as someone fell to the floor, followed by someone else as the gunfire began to rain down on the crowds surrounding you, picking off people at random. 
“We’re under attack!”
“Gunmen! On the roof!”
“Get down!”
The order was pointless, the panic already spreading as people began to flee in every possible direction. They didn’t need to be told twice. 
You felt a hand grab you by the arm, tugging you to the side. “What-”
“-We need to move.” 
One of Padmé’s guards was suddenly upon you, trying to get you to follow as they made as if to run back towards the ship. 
“Wait, no, Padmé-” you choked, turning your head in search of your friend. 
To your surprise, another guard had already taken her by the arm, hauling her after them, their body positioned as a shield. 
Padmé’s eyes hastily turned back to yours. 
“Go!” she ordered, the instruction clear.
The guard at your arm didn’t need to be told twice, even as you went to protest, to pull free from his grip and insist you could manage on your own. After all, he was there to protect your queen - not you. You were just a distraction. 
However, you never got the chance; you barely had time to hear the shot coming, let alone do anything as your guard suddenly dropped to the ground - a hole singed into the back of him. 
A startled scream strangled you. 
Your feet were moving before your mind could even process what was happening. 
One minute you were stood there, the next you were bolting your way towards a nearby column, hoping for shelter of some kind. 
You ducked down, hoping the marble would provide you with cover.
You froze at the sound of your name. 
It took you a moment to realise it was Obi-wan whose voice you heard, crackling to you via the comms device attached to your wrist. 
“Y/N. Where are you?”
It was flashing aggressively as he tried to make contact.  
“Y/N? Come in, Y/N. Are you alright?” 
HIs request went unanswered as another shot suddenly hit the ground. The blast had been far too close to you for comfort, causing you to focus on diving out of the way rather than responding. 
He sounded frantic.
“Obi - I’m on the loading dock!”
You managed to scream out the message as you scrambled to your feet, scooping up a blaster that had fallen on the ground in the midst of the chaos. 
You didn’t waste a moment before lifting it and aiming it towards the sky, vainly firing a warning shot behind you. Others appeared to be doing the same, trying to provide the crowd with some form of cover from the mysterious gunmen firing down on them. 
“Get out of there!” Obi ordered, his terror clear. “Get to the Senate tunnel! We’re on our way!” 
It was the most obvious - and nearest - exit off of the loading docks, leading inside of the Senate building and out of the line of fire. No wonder there was a sudden stampede as everyone rushed to make it back inside and to safety. 
However, some, like you, lingered as you rushed instead to those still lying on the ground, begging for aid as they struggled to get to their feet. 
“I’ve got you,” you cried, reaching down to help lift a slab of debris off of a man’s leg. He was bleeding, clearly in pain as he tried to crawl free. Yet, the fear of being shot must have worked wonders as he somehow found the strength to crawl far enough back to free himself. 
He was then quickly hauled to his feet by another passing stranger, who nodded at you warmly. However, before you could even try to thank him for his help, he was running again, in a bid to make his way towards safety. 
You froze. 
“Obi?” you gasped, turning to scan the crowd for any sign of him-
Then you heard it. 
You heard the sudden clap of what sounded like thunder, followed by a rush of heat and air as the world erupted around you … then faded to black.
A bomb. 
It was a bomb.
That was the real threat… not the sniper, which had been nothing but a decoy - a means of shepherding targets back towards safety, towards the senate… 
They’d never stood a chance. Not when they were all herded together in one neat location, just in time for a bomb to rip through the lower halls of the sacred chamber. 
Had you not stopped when you had, you would have been amongst them. Just another casualty in this callous attack. 
As it was, stood so close to the building, you weren’t entirely spared. 
You heard the crack and splatter, even as you tumbled forward, propelled by the force of the explosion all around you. You emerged a few feet away— your body taking longer than your mind to catch up.
Your feet and legs gave out, sending you crashing into a nearby wall so hard that the weakened plaster cracked against your spine. Shards of the ruined paintwork fluttered down, mixing with the ash and other debris that now fell from the sky like macabre confetti.
You couldn’t help but tremble. 
Lying there… face down… the world slowly returned to focus. 
The sight was one that made you feel nauseas — bodies and brick laying broken on the cobblestones … Some of the corpses were hardly recognisable, mere scraps of armour, splintered bone, and burned flesh all that remained.
Your stomach turned, and you felt the tears rising, only to be silenced by the crunch of boots before you.
There was a hand on your face, tilting up your chin away from the carnage as you kept on staring at the destruction surrounding you. 
Blue eyes met Yours.
Obi was here.
And … and you were alive … You’d survived. 
He leaned forward, his brow sweat-coated, his breathing uneven. He gently pressed a kiss to your mouth, uncaring who could be watching at that moment in time.
Then again, it was hard to see anything, let alone you two kissing as he rushed to remind you that you were still breathing - that you were both alive and in one piece. 
“Oh, Y/n,” he choked, pulling back and stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Thank the maker.” 
All around you people were weeping. Keening. Screaming. 
“O… Obi?” 
Your voice cracked, a sob of pain escaping you as you tried to answer him.  
It was suddenly too much - all of it. 
You simply threw your arms around him and sobbed. And as the rest of the rescue aid began to appear, he continued to do so. He held you, stroking a hand through your hair over and over until you were strong enough to lift your head. 
To breathe. 
To allow him to scoop you up into his arms, and carry you as far away from the destruction as he could possibly get you. 
Obi-wan did not come to bed.
As you emerged from the bath some hours later, the water clouded with a mixture of dirt and blood, he was nowhere to be found.
You paused on the threshold of your rooms, eyes looking for clues. He wouldn’t be far - he’d said as much as he’d escorted you home, following your debrief from the medical centre he’d dragged you to the moment you’d escaped the Senate.  
It wasn’t hard to find him, sat out on your balcony, staring up at the night sky. 
You slid into his lap, looping your arms around his neck.
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He stared out at the city around you, watching the faint smoke still rising in the distance. 
You did not look. 
You only traced the lines of his face, then brushed your thumb over his mouth. 
“It’s alright, Obi. I’m alright,” you whispered quietly. “What happened was no one’s fault - even Jedi can’t be expected to know everything. We prepared as best as we could, but it was always possible we’d miss something. How were you to know the snipers were a decoy?” 
His eyes shifted to yours, barely visible in the dark. “Because it was my job. The Jedi were supposed to protect you, protect everyone there, but we failed. We miscalculated and … I don’t know who I hate more: the separatists, whoever pressed that detonator, or myself.”
You brushed the hair out of his face. He gripped your hand, halting your fingers. “I thought I lost you,” he breathed. “You— you disappeared after I told you to run. You ran right towards the building and after the explosion … I couldn’t see you. I couldn’t sense you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Obi let out a bitter laugh. 
“Sorry? Why? You didn’t do this.” He shook his head. “You chose to take a risk and attend today, but you didn’t chose to kill those people - Kriff, you could have been one of those people.”
“Are you going to scold me for it?”
His brows furrowed. Then he buried his face in your shoulder. “I was wrong to say the things I did. How could I scold you for defending your beliefs? For standing up for a cause we both support? I want to throttle you, yes, for not running the moment those snipers appeared, but … Well, we saw what happened… you chose to stay, to help others, and your life was spared because of it.” 
He kissed your neck. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Obi. So much.” 
He shuddered, his lips surging towards yours, sending you tilting backwards in surprise. 
However, that had clearly been his plan all along as the moment your back made contact with the stone, he all but pounced on you, entwining your bodies so that he could make love to you under the stars all night long.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Anakin Assists the Jedi Council While On Medical Leave
AU brainstormed primarily by @atagotiak, @gelpenss, and myself.
Basically, a fix-it based in Anakin getting a peek into the daily life on the Council early, and accidentally Figuring Some Shit Out along the way, mostly because Palps Fucks Up.
So, Anakin gets injured in a way that limits him to Coruscant for a few weeks. He can still walk and talk, but he can't fight. The specific injury doesn't matter, just this:
Anakin runs errands on behalf of the council and sits in on meetings to take minutes as a "you're on medical leave but we need all hands on deck, congrats you get to be the secretary until we can send you on stabbing missions again" thing.
Also, there just aren't a whole lot of people with Anakin's clearance level. They had to send out Stass Allie to handle the mission that was originally next on Anakin's roster, and Anakin's the most convenient person to substitute into her position.
He's not super happy about this but he can more or less understand the point of it. Given that he gets antsy about needing to fight almost immediately, he can acknowledge the worth of having something useful to do, if only as the person who's writing down who says what and making sure everyone has the right file on hand.
(Besides, Obi-Wan jokes in a way that Anakin thinks might be encouraging, this is good practice if Anakin ever wants to be on the High Council himself!)
(This is a very helpful conversation.)
BASICALLY, Anakin is resigned to this but agrees because "Usually we have Master Allie handle this but we need her running that mission that was originally set for the 501st, so you get to fill in for her until you can switch back. Think of it as training for eventual mastery or admin or--listen, we're just really stretched thin."
Here's the key thing, though: Anakin isn't supposed to leave the Temple, for medical reasons, so Palpatine doesn't know Anakin is sitting in on Council meetings. They haven't met up since Anakin's last surgery, and because [muffled hand-wave reason] he didn't find out another way, like Anakin comming him or the Council giving him the heads-up about the change in attendance.
It's fine. He's just taking notes and doing preparatory research, he has the clearance, the Chancellor likes him anyway. Hell, they'd have had someone's Padawan doing this, before the war increased the necessary clearance levels. They'll toss in a quick message in the brief they send to Palps that he never reads anyway, and that's really all they need to do. Skywalker's getting some rounded experience and this way the medics won't be freaking out about him stressing his heart after getting electrocuted by trying to spar too early.
Palpatine doesn't talk directly to the Council, he just sends a recording the first time Anakin is there. It's a bit weird, but nothing goes wrong. Anakin's off-screen from whatever device they use to send a response, since he's not technically a member, just assisting for a bit on the part of Master Allie's duties that he's actually allowed to touch (and not the bits that are getting added to Mace, Plo, and Shaak's stuff).
The first four or so meetings are like that. Anakin starts having a bit of sympathy for the Council as he sees how many things they want to do that are hampered by the need for Senatorial approval, things that he would also want to do and didn't think required this much red tape.
About a week in, still mostly recordings with Anakin just sitting on the side playing paralegal, the wheel of fortune turns a few pegs.
Palpatine hands over a an order on the range of injury that a soldier should be treated for, "to ensure that republic resources aren't being wasted on clones that, while expensive, would actually be cheaper to replace than repair."
Oh, he dresses it up in prettier language than that. Anakin doesn't process it as such first.
The Chancellor manages to couch his phrasing in "prioritizing resources for taxpaying republic citizens and employees of the GAR," which... well.
The natborn commissioned officers pay taxes. The Jedi are employees. The clones are neither, because they're slaves.
Probably he frames it as the employees thing, very much the kinda language that sounds halfway ok unless you’re fluent in political bullshit.
And Anakin is really confused at first about why the council is upset by the order because, okay, he would PREFER to be able to use medical supplies on refugees when possible, but he understands prioritizing the soldiers?
He just looks up, totally lost, when someone groans and goes, "That's the third time this year, is he trying to get us all killed?"
And it vibes as such a genuine, aggrieved, sad reaction that Anakin is completely blindsided because it's not the sarcastic, petty resentment he kind of expected? It's just... desperate depression.
And someone gently has to explain that this is the third time they've had resources restricted to only GAR employees and that it's a polite way of saying "prioritize natborn officers, stop wasting resources on clones, we can replace them easier."
Or maybe he doesn't ask, because he's just there to take notes, not argue, and he can see the masters drawing up a response that amounts to "We would like to remind you that our soldiers do not fall into that classification, and to limit their access to our medical supplies is liable to cause a loss of life that we find unreasonably high. Please see the annotations attached to adjust wording so that the clones may receive the same level of care."
Anakin's internally just like "Yeah, that's phrased nice and addresses the main problem, Palpatine will obviously agree and change it!"
And then he comes in the next day and the response comes in and it's just dripping condescension about considering the clones actual people.
"This is why we can't use the bacta tanks on clones anymore, just the patches. We could use them at first, we had a few of the CCs get through fatal injuries with them, but they cut that off and said we could only use the tanks on Jedi and non-clone officers a few months ago. The Banking Clans keep tightening their belts on the army, and the Chancellor insists we put citizens first, and the clones aren't citizens. We've been arguing back as much as we can, but he keeps going on about the economy and we can't... we just can't, Skywalker. We're trying to save as many of our men as we can, but..."
Something like "Allocation of resources reiterated, the Kaminoans have assured the senate that the Jedi are far from exhausting the resources ordered."
And Anakin's like. He can't blame the council for lying about Palpatine's past or future actions. He just saw Palpatine's actions. Those actions were to order people under his control to throw away lives he saw as replaceable commodities.
These are his friends' lives.
His soldiers are being thrown away by a man in a tower that he trusted.
And then that man has the gall to suggest it's the council's fault.
Palpatine is good at what he does, especially in public, he dresses it up in flowery language and everything, but Anakin's just like "Those are my FRIENDS and also this is??? How slavers talked about their property on Tatooine???? FRIENDPATINE, WHAT THE FUCK."
Anakin can be passive aggressive sometimes as well as outright aggressive. So if he brings up the guidelines and why they make him upset in general terms, and Palpatine says something about how he’s sad the council doesn’t care about the clones...
Anakin, internally, having just watched the council scramble to save as many clones as possible within the guidelines that Palps handed down: Uh-huh.
(Anakin is just the gay horror teeth gif from queer eye.)
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Just. “Yeah, funny you say that, Palpatine! Because as I remember, you told the council not to waste more resources than necessary while Mace Windu was arguing to expand the treatment range!”
Palps doesn't even have time to salvage the situation or attack Anakin because Anakin just bulldoze rants for fifteen minutes and then storms out.
Anakin... maybe does a little treason and gets a copy of the orders so he can ask Padme "Hey, can you explain the politics of this?" and doesn't tell her who wrote it so she isn't biased (he tells her that this is why he's not sharing the author's/speaker's name), and just lets Padme pick apart all the 'this is a nice way of saying they don't view the clones as people' details.
Alternately, someone on the Council sees Anakin dithering and manages to get him to admit that he's not great at political language and wants to ask someone to help him understand the full implications. The person--Mace? let's go with Mace--is aware that Anakin is on good terms with Senator Amidala, if not necessarily aware of the depth of said relationship. Mace points out that he's probably going to be seeing her soon just because he usually does and, as a Senator, she can get easy access to these sessions since they're not about specific missions, just allocation of resources, etc. It's not an optimal solution, but she's got a bit more free time than anyone else Anakin knows with the clearance levels, like Order members that are actively involved in the war effort.
Anakin dithers and panics and Mace, trying to be helpful, tells him that plenty of Jedi have made friends among the Senate over the years, didn't you know Qui-Gon Jinn was a personal friend of Former Chancellor Valorum?
At any rate, Anakin goes to Padme and asks her to explain it to him, because she knows how to phrase things so he gets it.
Anakin has to have her pause and he goes outside and destroys some things halfway through.
(Anakin maybe thinks back to the times Padmé or Obi-Wan were really obviously frustrated and when he asked, they said stuff like “I can’t stand Palpatine rn, sorry Anakin I know he’s important to you and you don’t want to talk about politics, let’s just talk about something else.”)
(Obi-Wan: I don’t trust Palpatine Anakin: you just don’t like politicians in general Obi-Wan: yes that is also true)
(Obi-Wan does like Bail and Padme but he does also talk a bit about how politicians generally aren’t to be trusted.)
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spectral-musette · 3 years
She touched his face, fingertips light along his temple, nails delicately scraping through the short beard on his cheeks, lingering on the cleft in his chin before resting on his mouth.
“I thought…” she began, but then choked on a soft sob as the tears began to run down her cheeks.
“I thought you would be angry,” he said instead, nuzzling his cheek against her hand and then kissing the palm.
“I am furious,” she assured him, tenderly. “I am incandescent with rage.” Her lips were against his, her breath uneven in his mouth.
Directly following the Deception arc (Clone Wars Season 4 episodes 15-18), Obi-Wan asks for Satine's forgiveness for letting her believe he was dead.
Just over 2000 words, M in AO3-style rating, probably part of a longer work if I can ever finish it and think of a title.
. . . . . . . . . .
Obi-Wan had not protested very much when Padme offered him the use of her family’s lakeside retreat in the aftermath of the attempted abduction of the Chancellor on Naboo. He had, however, expected a slightly more modest structure than the sprawling villa he’d found upon his arrival. Despite the droids on staff, the place seemed empty, hollow, as though it still echoed with the voices and laughter of a happy family. So fresh from his undercover work, he wasn’t sure isolation was the best remedy for his rumpled spirits after the ordeal, but arrangements had been made, and he supposed he could make the best of it for a few days.
In some ways, he was eager to leave Naboo. The memory of Qui-Gon’s death still cut like a keen-edged blade here. But perhaps that meant he should stay, to meditate on his old grief.
Painful as that prospect was, at least it sounded more surmountable than returning to a Temple that had been mourning him.
He’d have to, eventually. Anakin’s (justified) expression of betrayal and Ahsoka’s wounded demeanor still stung, and he didn’t look forward to repeating these painful scenes with other dear friends, with Luminara, or with Quinlan. But until the GAR red tape was untangled (at least a few days), he was still officially dead, and granted all the freedom of a wandering ghost.
He felt a little like the ghost of his old self after a quick swim as he climbed out of the lake onto the patio by the house. He sat heavily on the flagstones, still warm from the sun even as the stars were coming out. The constellations of Naboo seemed startlingly familiar considering the few times he’d seen them. The span of nearly 15 years felt short tonight. Perhaps it was the mere stubble of hair on his skull, shorter even than a padawan’s. Perhaps it was the ache of his old Master’s absence. He tried to ground himself in the present; as he toweled off his wet limbs, the ugly burn scars from his duel with Count Dooku shone pale in the moonlight, and his face still hurt from the dreadful biotech that had transformed him into the Mandalorian marksman.
It was always Mandalorians, wasn’t it? Proof that the Force possessed a sense of dramatic irony that the brethren of the woman to whom he’d lost his heart seemed to continually haunt him.
The guilt of it weighed like a stone on his chest. The mission had dragged on far too long for Satine not to have heard news of his apparent death. He had hoped it might all be resolved before… Well, it had been an unlikely hope, anyway. Padme almost certainly told her immediately.
There hadn’t been anything for it. To ask for permission to tell Satine the truth before the charade would’ve been tantamount to confessing his feelings for her. Had there only been the censure of the Council involved it might’ve been one thing, but any careless word to the Chancellor’s staff could’ve proven disastrous for Satine and the gossamer-fine line she walked to keep peace and authority on Mandalore. He’d been keeping her safe even as he wounded her.
Just like the old days, pulling her out of harm's way, or shielding her with his body.
Only this wasn’t an accidentally scraped knee or bruised arm. Perhaps it was vain of him to assume, but he knew how deeply she cared for him, how intense her feelings ran…
He’d tried composing a message to her so many times. Even still in the guise of Rako Hardeen, when he caught a moment’s rest, he’d gone over it in his mind, lulling himself into an uneasy sleep as he tried to find the words to ask her forgiveness.
In the end, a forthright Forgive me, was the best he could muster, hastily sent to her private channel as soon as he’d gotten access to a comm unit at the conclusion of the charade. If you’ll listen, I’ll try to explain, but nothing will excuse what I’ve put you through. Know that I am so very sorry.
She hadn’t replied. He checked the comm unit again as he pulled his undertunic over his head, the rough linen soaking up the last of the lake water on his back, seeing only his own message, stark and insufficient.
He didn’t blame her, truly.
He’d slept since sending it, through the afternoon, reveling a little in the luxury of resting when he felt tired, regardless of the local daytime cycles. And he dreamed in disjointed flashes, mostly of her… her grief, her melancholy, her ire… of the glint of tears on her dark gold eyelashes, the quaver of anger in her beloved voice.
He wasn’t sure if he ought to just sleep again, now that night was here. Weary as he was, he felt he could sleep for days.
He heard the door from the house to the patio open. He didn’t look immediately, as it seemed likely to be one of Padme’s droid caretakers, there to ask if he required food or clean linens. But there was no whirring of servos, and the footsteps on the flagstones sounded too soft. He caught a whiff of an achingly familiar floral scent just as he turned.
She must’ve been too much in his thoughts already, his mind too clouded with guilt and regret and weariness to clearly sense her presence.
But Satine stood, silhouetted by the dim illumination of the house, resplendent in the scarlet gown she’d worn the night they’d met in secret on Coruscant, though her hair was loose about her shoulders, pale and shimmering in the moonlight. For a moment she was utterly still, then she merely raised a hand to her mouth, stifling a soft gasp.
He scrambled to his feet, keenly aware that this was not the state in which he wished to appear before his lady. His trousers were still sopping, his undertunic open to the navel, and his hair had barely grown in longer than the stubble on his jaw. But her eyes were only on his, and shining with tears. She took a few steps towards him, then swayed a little. He lunged to catch her around the waist; the last thing she needed on top of all the rest of the suffering he’d caused her was bruised knees. She twined her arms around his neck, and his knees gave a slow surrender too, such that the pair of them sank to the flagstones, wrapped in each other’s arms.
She touched his face, fingertips light along his temple, nails delicately scraping through the short beard on his cheeks, lingering on the cleft in his chin before resting on his mouth.
“I thought…” she began, but then choked on a soft sob as the tears began to run down her cheeks.
“I thought you would be angry,” he said instead, nuzzling his cheek against her hand and then kissing the palm.
“I am furious,” she assured him, tenderly. “I am incandescent with rage.” Her lips were against his, her breath uneven in his mouth.
He tasted it in her kiss, a fleeting note of bitterness and sorrow amid the heady sweetness of her relief and joy, the fire of her desire.
“I am so very sorry,” he repeated, abject.
“Oh, I hope so,” she replied, breathless.
As usual, Satine had the last word, as neither of them could speak for some time after that.
. . . . . . . . . .
She lay on her side, half propped up on her elbow, her head against the pillow and her hair spread across it in a tangle of pale spun gold. The bedclothes were pooled around her waist, and he deeply felt the intimacy and vulnerability they shared in that moment. He thought this image of her would be vivid in his mind for the rest of his days, however long that might be: the pale morning light on her bare skin, her flushed cheeks, the glint of unshed tears in her eyes, the soft swell of her breasts with her sharp, uneven breaths as she tried not to cry again.
Finished with his abridged account of the awful ordeal, he reached out to run the backs of his fingers along her arm.
“Say something,” he begged.
She sat up a little more, her hair falling across her face as she wrapped her arms around herself and turned away from him.
“It might be… easier to accept, if you’d done it for the sake of someone … worthy of all this pain. To protect Anakin or Ahsoka or Padme or…”
“Satine, I can’t decline a mission to protect the Chancellor simply because I dislike the man.”
“It isn’t a matter of dislike. There’s something… so… wicked about him. Manipulative and scheming. Don’t say it’s because he tried to put troops on Mandalore, and don’t you dare say it’s because he’s a politician.” She turned back to him, her gaze challenging.
“No,” he agreed prudently. “I won’t say that. I don’t disagree with you. He’s been a mentor to Anakin and to Padme for as long as I’ve known him, but I can’t help thinking it’s always been somehow for his own benefit. He steered Padme to get himself elected in the first place, and his grip on the office has been white-knuckled since. I can’t very well blame him for the war, but despite his lipservice towards peaceful resolution, the GAR keeps swelling its ranks.”
“I’ll blame him. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence to confirm it aside from my gut feeling.”
He placed a hand on her waist, his thumb tracing around her navel. “I’ve learned to trust your gut feelings. But dislike him, distrust him or not, my duty is to the Republic.”
He started to pull his arm back, but she gripped it by the elbow. He slid his hand to the small of her back, pulling her closer.
“What of your duty to me?” Her voice was quiet, but not without a note of beskar.
“Is it duty?” he asked. “I thought it was love.”
“Perhaps it’s very Mandalorian of me,” she said, “that we hold our most sacred duties to be to those we love.”
“Satine, I cannot put my devotion to you above the will of the Council or the good of the Republic. Not while I serve the Jedi Order.”
He almost expected her to pull away in anger or distress, but she shifted closer, pressing her face against his shoulder. “I know that. I’ve always known that. But it hasn’t hurt like this before.”
“Not since I left?” he suggested, burying his face in her hair and holding her tightly.
“No. Not even then. It wasn’t losing you, it was letting you go. This was… like I had died too.”
The guilt of it made his stomach turn. “I am so sorry, Satine. If there had been time to find another way… to spare you this…”
“The worst of it is that you knew how it would hurt me,” she accused. “And you still did it.”
“I knew,” he confirmed, regretful. “The Chancellor insisted on knowing everyone who was privy to the plan, and I had no time to even find the opportunity to disobey. I thought… the risk of revealing that you should be told…”
She let out a breath, hot against his skin.
“I think I’d have much rather run that risk than think you were dead.”
“If I’d had time to think it through, perhaps I’d have decided differently. But everything was snap decisions, and my instinct was to protect you.”
“And I can’t even be angry at you for that.”
“Of course you can be angry,” he soothed.
“Oh, what good does it do?” she demanded, lifting her head, fair brow furrowed. “Just wasting time quarreling when we have so little time together anyway.”
“Then you forgive me?” he asked humbly, kissing her forehead.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly, stroking his cheek. “I know that I still want you, though.”
“Then I am yours,” he promised, kissing her fingertips.
“At least it’s not an offense that’s very likely to be repeated,” she reflected, shaking her head a little.
“Not very,” he agreed.
“I feel like I ought to extract some promise… some penance. But I expect you’ve punished yourself enough.”
He closed his eyes, leaning his head back. “The thing itself was terrible too. Not that I’m suggesting that what I went through can compare to-”
“Hush, darling,” she scolded. “It can be terrible on its own.”
“Sometimes I thought my death might end up not being a lie after all,” he said softly.
“Do you want to tell me?” she asked, her fingertips light across his brow.
He shook his head. No, he didn’t want to see how it would pain her, to think of him in danger, forced to behave as an utter villain. “Not now. Not more than I already have.”
She kissed him then, deep and ardent. “Then forget, for a while,” she said, breathless, her lips still brushing his. “Let me forget again. Make me forget.”
She hitched her leg around him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he shifted onto her, into the blissful oblivion where she was the center of the universe and the Force sang in resonance with their love.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
Fic Idea Masterlist
Who He Is – Qui-Gon Jinn, right before the Naboo mission, is tossed forward in time where he meets a young Togruta padawan right off the coast of a battle. As she brings him to the base to meet with the High General, he talks a bit about his own padawan. (Time Travel)
Bending Jedi – The Jedi can bend the four main elements they have been keeping these specific abilities hidden away from the populous when they can, as people tend to fear them with what they can already do, the discovery of bending in Jedi would breed more distrust and fear. But the war has made that too difficult, as the Jedi are desperate to protect, and the clones are the first to discover the Jedi’s abilities, more than what they were told in their training. (Bending Jedi Avatar-Style)
Together Twins – An attack on Polis Massa forces Obi-Wan Kenobi to flee with both Luke and Leia Skywalker.
Chances – Trading their silence and obedience for the clones’ freedom at the end of the war, the Jedi find themselves nearly shunned and hated with the intense anti-Jedi sentiments that run rampant due to Palpatine’s influence. The clones refuse to accept this.
Order & Academy – After being rejected by Qui-Gon Jinn, initiate Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself forward in time during that of the height of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy. (Time Travel)
Third Systems Unprepared – During the explosion where he received his iconic scar, Commander Cody’s chip was knocked around to the point of disuse. When the Chancellor calls on Utapau to Execute Order 66, Cody has no idea what it means, therefore unable to send the orders to the rest of the 212th Attack Battalion and much of the Open Circle Fleet. It changes a lot.
Reverse Psychometry – After coming back from his stint with the Dark Side, Quinlan Vos spends some time with Obi-Wan Kenobi and touches his cloak with an ungloved hand. Instead of his psychometry giving him flashes of the past, he’s fairly certain it gives him a flash of the future. One where Obi-Wan’s grief is overwhelming, everyone is dead, and Anakin Skywalker burns without his limbs. (Reverse psychometry)
Kamino Investigation – Instead of chasing Jango Fett off Kamino, Obi-Wan Kenobi stays on planet, giving the tracker to another nearby knight, while he investigates the clones and the events surrounding them.
Space Survival – An explosion goes off on the Negotiator, which is in low orbit over the Republic world for repairs. Obi-Wan Kenobi is aboard and holding as much of the ship together as he can for the evacuation of the wounded.
Bracca Detour – Upon an accidental detour to Bracca after being sent to Tatooine for exile with Luke, Obi-Wan Kenobi finds Cal Kestis.
Lothal AU – Owen Lar’s disbelief and mistrust of Obi-Wan chases him away and the Jedi leaves with Luke (or Leia), eventually finding himself on Lothal where he befriends the Bridgers.
Bit Age Swap – Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker has no intention on taking a padawan just as the war is starting, despite being a knight for nearing a decade until his master, Mace Windu, comes to him with an orphaned padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose Master died on Geonosis and is determined to fight in this war, whether the Order likes it or not. Skywalker quickly discovers there is more to padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi than first meets the eye. (Smidge of Age-Swapping)
Din Djarin Au – With the Sith and Separatists defeated, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the 212th are finishing the last of the battles against the droids and stubborn Separatist leaders. It is on a planet, during one of these battles, where the droids are invading a city, that General Kenobi rescues newly orphaned and force-sensitive Din Djarin.
Stay Out of it – Obi-Wan and the 212thare in bound to Coruscant for a few days’ rest, refuel and new orders when Anakin and Padme’s marriage comes to light. And then, Obi-Wan can’t get back to the front quick enough.
This is Different – Coming back from Melida-Daan has proven more difficult than anticipated for Obi-Wan Kenobi and it only gets worse when he wakes up, decades later, only to be found – and accepted – by a monstrous Sith Lord, who seems to have some odd soft spot for him. (Time Travel)
Lineage Reconnection – Obi-Wan brings it upon himself to contact Qui-Gon’s lineage and friends to inform them of the news of his death. Yoda does what he does best and meddles. At least, it appears this time, it worked for the better of everyone involved.
Back with Hope – Obi-Wan Kenobi, a while after Order 66 finds himself back in time, reliving events. He doesn’t entirely know where to start with changing things until something changes for him. The Jedi receive a call from an unknown source – it is tiny clone children calling for their only hope – Obi-Wan Kenobi. (Time Travel)
Undying – It is on Bandomeer when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn discover that the former cannot die, and it is used to their advantage. Obi-Wan keeps his secret, even after Qui-Gon’s death, until he can’t anymore. It is the revelation of the Chosen One prophecy that his purpose is revealed – as a Guardian, Obi-Wan Kenobi cannot die until the Chosen One has brought balance to the Force.
Lineage Last – Anakin and Ahsoka both leave the Jedi Order after she is accused – and proven innocent – and although Obi-Wan understands, the fact that he they left, and he is the last of his lineage doesn’t hurt any less.
Amor – Obi-Wan has been to war before; no one needed to convince him to wear at least some armor. Now how much, that is a different story.
Canon Switch – Anakin Style – After saying something he would come to regret; Anakin Skywalker finds himself in a universe where Obi-Wan had died on Naboo... and Qui-Gon had lived. It is not nearly as he dreamed it would be. (Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence – Time Travel)
Canon Switch – QuiGon Style – A heartbroken Qui-Gon survived Naboo while his padawan did not. Barely surviving for the next ten years, Qui-Gon finds himself in a universe where the opposite is true. (Time Travel)
Dooku Set Up – Tired of Palpatine’s schemes, Count Dooku thinks of defecting when the master Sith Lord is killed. Someone is setting him up and Dooku reaches out to the only person he desperately hopes can help - his grand padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Extra Weird Jedi – The Jedi end up being different than the clones had expected. More odd, dangerous, intriguing. The Kaminoans had told them one thing, the populace’s view of the Jedi. But up close, working with them? It’s so much different.
Baby Counselor – Obi-Wan Kenobi is the youngest member of the Council and is known a bit as the Council baby – at least with other masters – and those on it, are not afraid to treat him that way. It just a tad changes things.
Crechemaster Obi-Wan – When the war comes to an end, Obi-Wan Kenobi decides to become a creche master while Anakin and Padme expect their first child. But when the Senator dies of a cause that is no one’s fault, Anakin is left bereft and leaves his children behind. Obi-Wan takes Luke and Leia into his creche clan.
To be Chosen – Jedi Luke Skywalker is thrown back in time to that where the Order still exists. Finding he cannot go back; he constructs a new life and home into the Temple. Several years later, even though Master Yoda tries to keep a specific initiate away from his sight, Luke encounters him anyways and thinks, perhaps he and Obi-Wan were linked, always meant to be. Perhaps it was Luke’s turn to give back to his master. To be Chosen. (Time Travel)
Kamino Defense – Peace is restored after the war, although the work isn’t done. In response to the controversy surrounding his padawans marriage to Senator Amidala, Obi-Wan accepts a post to protect the clones and their young from power hungry warlords and greedy businessmen on Kamino while the Senate debates what to do with them.
Burned Deep – A thousand years ago, the Jedi chained themselves to the Senate and Republic and dismantled their military as a show of good faith. Now the Senate controls the Jed strictly to keep them from taking over. The Temple becomes a beautiful cage, their stringent parameters for missions a leash. In this world, when the war begins, Jedi are let loose as more of attack dogs than Generals. (Alternate Universe – Canon History Divergence)
Jumping Ages – In an attempt to use what she thinks is a Sith weapon, Ventress just ends up causing some chaos for Obi-Wan and the crew as he ends up popping in at different ages and stages of his life over the course of an unknown amount of time. The only one who doesn’t seem to be rattled is Cody. (De-Aging/Age Regression)
Padme Lives – After surviving Order 66, Padme is forced to hide away with her children, leaving Obi-Wan free to find surviving Jedi and learn about the clones’ predicament.
We Are Burning Stars - Instead of on a faraway planet, fighting the last battles of the war, Obi-Wan Kenobi is walking aside his Commander in the Jedi Temple when Order 66 hits.
Revolving Suns - Raised by Obi-Wan Kenobi, teenaged Luke Skywalker finds himself back into the Clone Wars while General Kenobi falls into an unexplainable coma.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
Rey’s lack of motivation and stake in the Sequel Trilogy
I have a question to ask you. What are Rey’s motivations? What are her wants and goals and why is she even drawn to the conflict between The First Order and The Resistance?
Rey’s motivations in the Sequels.
Rey wants to find her parents.
Wants to bring back Luke Skywalker
Rey wants to find her place 
Wants Ben to return to the light
Has no real motivation to be on either side of the conflict, but chooses The Resistance anyway
Says she wants to kill Palpatine in cold blood, was close to giving in
Now she chose to fuck off to Tatooine and we see very little in her motivation to do....ANYTHING
Let’s compare Anakin and Luke’s motivations.
What are Anakin's motivations?
Wants to leave a life of slavery and come back and free his mother
Wants to become a Jedi and become a hero
Wants to protect Padme
Wants to save Obi-Wan
Wants to stop Dooku and end the war before it can begin
Wants to be a good master to Ahsoka
Wants to clear Ahsoka’s name
Wants to stop the war
Wants to save Padme and his children's lives at the cost of the Jedi and doing whatever it takes and becomes Darth Vader
What are Luke’s motivations?
Luke is a farm boy who dreams of leaving his mundane life.
Luke discovers that his father -unlike what his uncle told him, was a heroic Jedi Knight
Luke, is reluctant and refuses the ‘call to adventure’, but after the Empire murders his Aunt and Uncle, he decides to Join Obi-Wan on the quest.
Save the Princess
Luke is angered by Obi-Wan’s death at the hands of Darth Vader, and seeks retribution.
Destroy the Death Star and save the Rebellion
To be trained by Yoda
Save Han and Leia
Luke discovers his father, the heroic Jedi, is none other than Darth Vader. After years of training, he sets out to redeem his father and turn him back to the light.
After the redemption of his father and fall of the Empire, Luke goes on a journey to restore The Jedi Order
Compare Rey and Luke’s journeys in ANH and TFA. Rey wanders around and stuff is handed to her. Luke takes initiative and works for what he has. Let's compare ANH with TFA
Luke screws up on watching R2, then chooses to chase him down. He makes another mistake by spying on the Tusken Raiders instead of getting the hell out of dodge. This leads to him being knocked out, and rescued by Ben Kenobi.
Luke initiates the meeting with Ben Kenobi, and it happens because of his early bad decisions.
His aunt & uncle are killed, but thanks to his screw-up with R2 & the raiders, he and the droids are spared.
He chooses to follow Kenobi to Alderaan instead of staying on Tattooine.
He chooses to accept Kenobi's instruction in the ways of the Force, even though most people think it's a myth and a joke. Even though he's bad at it and doesn't seem to get any results at first.
He makes the decision that they're going to rescue Leia, potentially dooming their escape from the Death Star. This sets off a chain of events that leads to Kenobi's death.
Then he chooses to help fight the Death Star, even though he's not a member of the rebellion. He was offered a job with Han, and he could have ensured his safety by leaving with them. Instead he chose certain death.
Finally, he chooses to trust a literal voice in his head instead of the targeting computer.
Let's contrast that with Rey.
BB-8 runs into her. She tries to send him away, but relents and lets him follow her home.
She chooses not to sell him for food.
Finn wanders into camp on his own initiative.
The camp is attacked because BB-8 is there. The camp would have been attacked no matter what Rey did. The other scavenger was, I'm pretty sure, from the same camp. And if she'd sold him, BB-8 would also have still been in the camp.
She is forced to take the Millennium Falcon when the ship she wanted to use was blown up.
She chooses to go with Finn and bring BB-8 to the Rebellion Resistance.
She stumbles upon Luke's lightsaber, and runs away from it.
She accidentally runs into Kylo Ren while hiding in the forest.
He chooses to kidnap her because he senses something special about her.
After her first exposure to the Force, she learns how to use some of it, successfully, and escapes from Ren. And to her credit, escaping and trying the Force out is a choice she made, rather than something that passively happened to her.
Then she, um, is standing there when Han is killed.
She chooses to fight Kylo Ren, and beats him in her first lightsaber battle after closing her eyes and thinking about the Force.
She sort of chooses to go summon Luke back to civilization - I say sort of because it's not clear why she was picked to go over, say, Leia.
Luke makes mistakes, and he is an active participant in his story. Rey is just kind of there, most of the time. She doesn't make mistakes, but she doesn't really do much else.
Rey has no personal stake in this war or motivations and she’s supposed to be the main protagonist.
Rey has never left Jakku before TFA and she tells Han that ”she never knew so much green existed” when they go to Maz’s castle.
In other words Rey must have had very limited knowledge of the world outside of Jakku and all she has heard from it are stories.
Rey who barely knows anything about the rest of the galaxy, to the point that she didn’t even know that forests existed what exactly is her personal stake in the current galactic conflict?
In TFA we saw The New Republic’s capital systems blown up by Starkiller Base and we never saw a reaction from Rey. We do see Finn and Han’s reactions. Also worth noting about Rey is that if she was unconscious throughout her involuntary travel to the Starkiller Base she was never actually aware of the Starkiller Base until just before Han, Finn and Chewie started planting the explosions in order to sabotage it.
Luke, while he had no personal attachments to Aldeeran did actually get to see the horrible aftermaths of it’s destruction.
But Rey was barely affected by the destruction of the Capital systems. Most characters were not as affected as they should have been in my opinion but we didn’t even get to see her have an emotional reaction to it.
This was probably the greatest genocide in Star Wars history and our main heroine is unaffected by it? Finn has a reaction to it and he’s supposedly NOT the main protagonist?
Rey really has no reason to care about the state of the galaxy. She only seems to care if people she knows are in danger.
The fact that she is supposed to be our main hero of this trilogy when she has next to no personal stakes in the well-being of the rest of the galaxy feels wrong to me.
Finn actually has stakes in this conflict since the FO took his family and childhood away from him and Poe has stakes because he actually lives in the New Republic and doesn’t want it to be under FO’s rule. Yet neither Finn nor Poe are considered the main protagonist? But oh wait, I forgot we can’t have a black or Latino man be the leading protagonist in Star Wars
The more I think about it is Rey has no goals or agency as a protagonist. She’s just whatever the plot demands her to be. Rey doesn’t actively take the initiative and make decisions, and simply react to the world around her. There is never a reason given as to why she wants to be a Jedi. Sure, she’s heard the stories about them, but she doesn’t dream to be one like Anakin, and the writers are so obsessed over her parents that they never develop any other motivation besides that. She has to be strung along the story so she can take part in it, hence she is repeatedly chased and kidnapped throughout TFA to get her to the Resistance where she decides to find Luke because she has nowhere else to go. Part of the reason she doesn’t even train with Luke is because she has no reason to, as she’s just supposed to find him. Rey joins the fight simply in reaction to learning that Luke is responsible for Ben’s fall. She’s only ever a Jedi and a member of the Resistance out of necessity- she has no where left to go and has to fight in self defense- so they try hamfist in some motives that she needs to stop herself from becoming like Palpatine but there is no tension as it’s the final act. By the end of the trilogy it’s not even clear if the Jedi Order will return because Rey never seems to want to be one and we can only assume they will return for meta reasons- because the audience knows the ST is a copypasta of the OT.
What exactly was Rey’s motivation for getting involved in the Galactic conflict before TROS? Luke was told that his father was killed by Darth Vader and later his family gets murdered by the empire so he had personal stakes to get involved in the conflict.
Anakin was a Jedi and had lived in the Republic for ten years by the time of the Clone Wars begun so he had personal reasons to get involved in the conflict.
Rey meanwhile grew up so isolated of Jakku that she had no idea forests existed and she didn’t lose anything and the FO attacked her on Jakku. In fact she wanted to return to Jakku after she had dumped BB-8 with the Resistance. Her primary motivation in TFA was to reunite with her family but the movie never establish that her family’s absence was connected to the galactic conflict in any way.
That connection isn’t established until TROS so what was her motivation until than? The Death of Han? A guy she had known for two hours? Finn? A guy she also had maybe only knew for about two hours total by the time of their hug in TLJ? Also she seemed to have completely forgotten about Finn by the time she want on a quest to redeem the guy that has far as she should have known by that point was still in a coma with his spine permanently damaged because of Kylo.
Rey’s motivation seems to either be finding her family or her dealing with her existential crisis neither had much of a connection with the galactic conflict until TROS
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Facing Facts: The Mother
Anakin never asks about bringing his mother back. He’s not sure he could face her and tell her exactly what he’s done.
He would love to see her again, would love for her to meet her grandchildren.
Anakin watches Padme spar with Luke one day, and accidentally hitting him on the arm too hard. Luke cries out in pain and Padme immediately drops her saber, running over to him.
“Luke!” Padme kneels down next to him. “Where does it hurt?”
“I’m fine, Mother, really,” Luke reassures her. They can both see him gripping the side of his arm.
“Does it hurt here?” Padme gestures to where Luke is gripping.
Luke nods stiffly. “I’ll be fine, Mother, it’s nothing.”
“Let me see it.” Padme pries Luke’s hand off of his arm. There is a deep gash in his arm, and it must be stinging. “Oh Luke, here.” Padme places her hand on the gash, and when she lifts it, the wound is gone.
“Thank you,” Luke murmurs.
Padme cups the side of her son’s face tenderly. “If anything hurts, you tell me, and I can make it better.” None of them point out that Luke is an adult, or that he can look after himself. Padme never got to raise her children in peace, and now she wishes to make up for that.
Padme loves her children desperately, and no one would dare to take that from her.
Luke leans into her hand and smiles. “Thank you, Mother.”
Anakin watches Padme embrace her son and kiss his forehead. It reminds him so painfully of his mother that it hurts, and Anakin has to turn away.
Anakin misses his mother so much but he could never look her in the eyes and call her “Mom” knowing all the blood he has on his hands.
He’s started doing weekly “meditation sessions” with Queen Karee (please, if I can call you Anakin, you can call me Karee) now.
They’re not like meditation sessions back at the temple, sitting still and trying to become a part of the force. It’s so different. Sometimes they talk, often they do sit down (but never sitting still. Karee is incapable of that). It feels like, instead of trying to be a part of the force, walking alongside it, being a companion to it instead of being a servant to it.
“Tell me about your mother,” Karee demands one day, when they’d been sitting in silence for a few minutes. Karee had told him once before “talking about something is meditation because it lets everything you’re feeling out into the force.”
Anakin looks over at her sharply. “Why?” He knows that he can ask why, and she’ll tell him why. Karee is nothing if not honest.
“Because I know she was important to you, and I know family is important to you. So tell me about her,” Karee explains. He understands then. He’s seen her with Master Unduli, he knows that family is important to Karee, who has a kid and adores her two younger siblings.
“Well, when I was really young, it was just me and her. I was all she had and I know she did everything she could to give me the best.” Anakin chuckles lightly. “She’d always encourage me to play with the other kids, get away from my tinkering. But she’d always cover me when I accidentally took a part that was important to Watto.”
“You have a lot of happy memories with her then?” Karee asks warmly.
“Well, obviously not all of them were happy, we were slaves after all. But Watto never beat us too often, and I was too young when we were owned by Gardulla to remember much.” He looks over at Karee, who he knows understands. She was a slave herself, as a child.
“But you always knew you could be sold off at any point,” Karee mused.
“Exactly,” Anakin replies. “I know she was always terrified I’d be sold. But when the Jedi came along, told her of my potential, she thought that was where I’d belong.”
Karee looks at him gently. “Do you resent her for that?”
Anakin rapidly shakes his head. “No.” But then he thinks for a moment. “I don’t resent her for it. After Ahsoka left the Order, I was devastated, but I knew it was what she had to do. I imagine sending me away devastated her too, but she thought it was the best life she could give me.”
“I heard she was freed, and got married.” Karee studies him, watching his reaction carefully.
“I would have been delighted to hear that in literally any other circumstances, but I was fearing for her life and wanting to save her,” Anakin retorts, his voice sharp.
“My apologies, Anakin. I should have been more sensitive.” Karee looks genuinely sorry, which surprises him. She’s usually quite an off-handed person when it comes to saying something harsh.
“I suppose you want me to talk about what happened to her, and what I did afterwards,” Anakin mutters.
“Only if you want to. I won’t push you,” Karee says firmly. He knows she knows about the raider village. Padme probably told her at some point.
“I kind of regret it now, not as much as I feel like I should. But everything just hurt so much and I decided they had to pay. So I killed them all. I still hear their cries now,” he admits.
“I understand,” Karee replies softly. “I understand the anger. I doubt I would have killed them, but I certainly wouldn’t have let them get away with it.”
Anakin wonders if that moment was the start of his fall. Maybe if he’d talked to the council asked for help-
“Stop that,” Karee interrupts.
“What?” Anakin has no clue what she’s talking about.
“Stop the what-ifs. You cannot undo the past, only make up for it. And I’d say you’re doing your best,” Karee tries to reassure him. It doesn’t work.
“Why didn’t you punish me?” Anakin asks abruptly.
It’s silent for a moment.
“Don’t you understand, Anakin?” Karee replies quietly. “This is your punishment.”
“How? How is having my kids, my brother, my wife, having all of this, my punishment?” Anakin demands, not understanding at all.
“What happened the first time you saw Ahsoka again?” Karee asks.
“She ran away.” Anakin doesn’t understand how this is relevant.
“And when you saw Obi-Wan?” Karee says as if repeating something obvious.
“I begged him for forgiveness, and he said he couldn’t give it to me,” Anakin replies.
“And when you saw Padme?” Karee repeats.
“She stormed out, refused to even look at me-oh.” He gets it now, he thinks.
“The best way to punish you, Anakin, was to make you face the consequences of your actions. You had to face those destroyed bonds, and had to face that the people you love hated you. You had to become a better person for them, Anakin, and that was the best way to punish you.” Karee looks more serious than he’s ever seen her, and he once again sees the wise young leader she’s had to be.
Anakin is ready, a long while later. Karee can sense it, he’s sure, because she approaches him quietly one afternoon after a mission debriefing.
“If you like, your family can take you to Tatooine?” She offers quietly. “There will be rooms ready when you get back.”
“Yes. Please,” Anakin replies. “Thank you, thank you Karee.”
Karee smiles, and places a hand on his shoulder. “It’s no problem, Anakin.”
When Anakin returns to his rooms, his family are already there waiting for him.
Padme grabs his arm. “Let’s go, Ani.”
He doesn’t understand when they end up in the middle of a sand dune, his family appearing right behind him.
“What are we doing here?” Anakin asks quietly.
“I know this place, my Uncle Owen told me about it. It used to be a Tusken Village, then one day everyone in it was just suddenly dead,” Luke says from behind him.
Anakin looks over at Padme in both shock and horror.
“There’s something you have to do first, Anakin.” Padme holds out her hand and kneels, her other hand reaching out into the sand.
Anakin takes her hand and kneels down beside her.
“Reach out into the force, and find as many life forces as you can find. Treat them like threads, and pull them back,” Padme instructs. He can feel Ahsoka and Obi-Wan reaching out behind them. He assumes Luke and Leia aren’t trained enough in the force to help.
He does as he’s told, and he can feel the threads. He reaches out and pulls them, feeling someone help him pull them. He can’t tell who it is, but he feels their love for him, and that’s enough.
“Open your eyes, Anakin,” Padme murmurs quietly.
Anakin opens his eyes.
The village is visible again, and the inhabitants are standing once more. The villagers shriek at him threateningly.
“And with that, let’s go” Padme grabs his arm and suddenly they’re by his mom’s grave.
Luke stares at the house, and he sees Obi-Wan step over and put an arm around his shoulders.
Padme kneels down by the grave and puts Anakin’s hand on the stone. “She’s there for you, just reach out.”
Anakin reaches out, and, yes, he can feel his mother’s thread. Padme helps him grab it and pull.
When he’s certain they’ve brought her back, he still doesn’t open his eyes.
“Ani?” His mother’s voice makes him feel like he’s going to collapse.
When he finally opens his eyes, his mom is kneeling next to him, that familiar worried love in her eyes.
“Mom.” He leans forward and sobs into his mother’s arms like a child.
It feels so wonderful to be held by his mother again, feel her hush and soothe him.
When he’s finally done crying, he pulls them both up and smiles, wiping his eyes.
“Oh!” His face lights up. “This is my family.”
Anakin turns around and gestures to Ahsoka. “This is my eldest daughter, Ahsoka.”
Ahsoka waves shyly, and Mom smiles warmly. “Lovely to meet you, Ahsoka,” Mom says kindly.
“And these are the twins, Luke and Leia.” Anakin gestures to the twins. Leia waves and Luke steps forward.
“Grandma Shmi, it’s wonderful to finally meet you,” he says shyly, and Anakin almost pulls his son into a bear hug, but Mom beats him to it.
When Luke steps back, Anakin gestures to Padme. “This is my wife, Padme.”
Padme nods her head graciously. “Wonderful to see you again.”
Mom looks between the two of them. “Oh! How wonderful!”
Padme beams and Anakin smiles.
Then he turns to Obi-Wan, who had taken a step back at some point. He pulls his brother forward and smiles. “And this is my brother, Obi-Wan. He taught me pretty much everything I know.”
Obi-Wan looks over at him with a little shock (and a little of something Anakin can’t describe), then smiles and holds out a hand to Mom. “Lovely to meet you. I assure you I was not the one who taught him his reckless flying skills.”
Mom laughs and shakes Obi-Wan’s hand. “Of that, I am certain. No one has ever been quite as reckless as my Ani.”
“Except maybe Snips over there,” Anakin quips, and Ahsoka laughs.
“No, you definitely win that title, Dad.” Ahsoka comes over and leans on him, and Anakin wraps an arm around her.
Anakin sees Luke say something quietly to Obi-Wan, who gently taps Padme on the shoulder.
“We have some more people to bring back, it seems,” Obi-Wan declares.
Everyone looks to Luke.
“Could we please bring back Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru and Grandpa Cliegg?” Luke asks quietly.
“Of course!” Padme springs into action, Ahsoka dashing to be by her side.
The next moment, Owen, Beru and Cliegg Lars are in front of them. They run to Shmi, hugging her, and then Anakin goes through the same introductions all over again.
Anakin tries not to wonder how the kriff he’s supposed to tell his mother what he's done.
The moment comes a lot later, when he’s having one of his bad days. Someone had yelled at him in the street, told him he should be imprisoned.
He’s sitting in his chambers, trying to calm himself down. He just wants one day where some stranger on the street doesn’t look at him like Vader.
He understands why, of course. Anakin knows he probably ruined many people on Iith’s lives. Most of them are those killed by the Empire, seeking refuge until the Sisters can be declared to the world.
He probably put his saber right through some of them.
Anakin’s practising the breathing techniques he’s seen Padme use with Ahsoka when Mom comes in.
“Ani?” She asks, sitting behind him.
“Mom, Mom, I’m so sorry. I’m-I-” He leans on her, taking shuddering breaths.
“Ani, whatever do you have to be sorry for?” Mom inquires gently.
He looks up at her and shakes his head. “So much, Mom, too much.”
Anakin tells her everything, and her face doesn’t change, not when he tells her about the younglings, or about leaving Ahsoka on Malachor. Not until he tells her about saving Luke on the second Death Star. Then, she smiles.
“I’m gonna be better Mom, I’m gonna make up for it, I swear.” Anakin doesn’t even realise he’s crying until Mom reaches out and wipes away his tears.
“Anakin,” Mom says firmly. “I know you. I know you are doing everything in your power to make up for what you’ve done.”
“I am Mom, I am,” he promises.
“Exactly. I’ve seen you with your family. If you can make it up to them, you can make it up to anyone.” She holds out her arms. “Come here.”
Anakin falls into her arms and shudders.
“You’re getting better, Ani. And they’ll help you. We’ll help you,” Mom reassures him.
End of series
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hungrywhovianjedi · 4 years
Twin Moons
Chapter one of my Star Wars A/U fic
read the epilogue here  also find the full fic on my FF.net and AO3 here FF AO3
premise:  Obi-Wan never took Luke to Tatooine in fact they overshot the force forsaken dustball completely and instead Luke grew up on the planet Lothal being trained to become a Jedi like his father before him. Ezra Bridger is an orphan loner who only makes an exception to his solitude for one boy. The boy who helped him out when he was seven, and that Ezra always seems to get into trouble.
Chapter summary: snapshots into the life of Obi-Wan and Luke as the boy grows up on Lothal, and a meeting with a hungry little boy who really wants a jogan fruit
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Lothal wasn’t an unpleasant planet, but from the start one thing was clear to Obi-Wan, it wouldn’t be somewhere they could stay forever. The one blessing of the place was the abundant amount of untouched countryside. It was in this countryside, a fair distance from Capital City, that he purchased a small hut that he and Luke could live in. 
Luke… Luke was everything he believed Padme would have hoped for. His blonde curls and bright blue eyes were a spitting image of Anakin, and Obi-Wan would have been lying if he said that it didn’t send a pang of grief through his heart. Then there was raising the boy. Sure he had practically raised the child’s father, but that was from the age of nine on, he wasn’t unfamiliar with the needs of an infant, he had taken time in the Temple to assist Master Yoda with caring for the younglings that was not to say he was particularly good at it however. 
Exactly how bad he was at caring for younglings became clear when Luke began crawling, and he realized how hazardous everything was, that was also when the old jedi had stopped carrying his saber with him in the house. These things truly come into focus, when a nine month old, trying to pull himself up your leg accidentally activates your lightsaber nearly losing his toes. No no he wasn’t very good at this. 
When Luke was two, he began to train the boy. Luke was a natural, already he was able to call a toy from across the room, or even hold full conversations with his “uncle” through the force. Obi-Wan thought that better. He was Luke’s uncle, had loved his father like a brother. So he became Uncle Ben. The first thing that Ben needed to teach him, was something not commonly taught in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, shielding. It was something Masters taught padawans before taking them on risky missions, but now it had begun to be a necessity of life. 
He had seen the propaganda being streamed on the holonet, had seen Vader, a ghastly specter in all black, flanked by his enforcers. The inquisitors, force sensitive beings whose only driving goal was to hunt down the last of the “treasonous jedi” Vader’s robotically deep voice had informed the galaxy. He and his inquisitors would not rest until the galaxy was safe from the Jedi at last. It was horrifying, each one wore a mask but one, a tall man that Ben knew well. He had been a kind man, a guardian of the temple one he had spoken with often. He didn’t know his name, but his sorrow at seeing what he had become was great. The others were likely fallen Jedi as well, he didn’t want to know who else might be behind those masks, it was bad enough the force screamed at him who was behind the mask of Vader. The flashing lights on the front, others would assume were a control panel, likely thinking the man was no more than a machine, but Ben knew could hear the labored breathing of a man who would die without that mask. He did that. 
Luke stirred in his arms, the toddler having fallen asleep while they watched Holo-programs for children. A stab of guilt went through him. He had cursed this child’s father to a fate worse than death by leaving him on the shores of Mustafar. 
“I’m sorry Anakin, I failed you. I failed you” he looked down at Luke, “but I won’t fail him. I promise now I will not make the same mistakes with your son that I made with you”
Attachments were forbidden in the Jedi order, yet, despite trying his hardest to keep to the code, when he felt the love of attachment to his padawan, and even his grand padawan Ahsoka, he never saw what harm could come of it. He did however see the other side of it. Luminara... her padawan Barris, he had seen the hands off way she handled the girl, and in the end it led to her destroying the lives of not only those injured or killed in the blast, but Ahsoka and Anakin as well. He knew that the way the Council had ruled at that time had been one of the final blows to Anakin’s trust in them. That was the action that had lost him his padawan, it was why he didn’t go to the council for help when things got bad. 
Luke wouldn’t have an easy time being raised in the ways of the force, but Ben knew he had little choice in the matter. The boy must learn to protect himself, especially if Yoda was right, and this boy and his sister were the last hopes of the galaxy. 
The third year came and went quickly, and Ben crafted Luke his first practice Saber, really it was a wooden rod, since they didn’t have access to the Kyber needed to make a real practice saber, and began teaching the boy his forms. They did it by moonlight outside, as the hut was too small and doing it during the day would draw too much attention. 
He taught the boy his basic Katas, he began with form one, and realized how difficult it would be to teach a three year old child the patience needed to learn saber forms. Instead the Jedi Master made a game of it. 
It took months of their “game” Luke called it clack. Ben and Luke would each take a training saber, and they would clack them together, the goal was to break through and touch the other, and to avoid the “clack” of the sabers. Soon, he noticed Luke picking up some of his forms, as he had been careful to feed the basic stances of Shii cho into the game, and by the time his fourth birthday came Luke had learned all of the Kata’s of form one. It was then that Ben told him. Taught him that the game they played was really training to use a lightsaber. That was the first time he showed the boy his father’s saber. That was also the night that Ben told Luke a story. 
He told a story of a young queen from Naboo, and a brave slave boy from Tatooine. He told the boy the story of an army of brothers, who became like family a young woman who became their sister, and for now, he left out all the heartache that went with it, let the little one live with the happy memories of the family who would have loved him. 
By the time Luke was five, he was a natural of form one and had easily began to learn form two, it wouldn’t be long before he moved into form three Soresu, which Ben was looking forward to, his own mastery of the form making it the one easiest for him to teach. It was also when Ben began teaching Luke the way to find peace inside of the force. 
Meditation had always been Anakin’s worst skill, the boy had always had a nervousness about him, that caused him to seek out alternative methods. Luke however seemed to have Padme’s patience, as he found it easy to dive into the force. Ben barely had to guide him. 
He guided the boy with recitation of the Jedi code. 
“There is no emotion, There is peace”  Luke took a breath, “take all of your emotions, and release them, Luke” 
“There is no ignorance, there is knowledge” Ben closed his eyes taking hold of Luke in the force and guiding him, “release your questioning mind to the force, allow it to answer you” 
“There is no passion, there is serenity” The force flowed through him, “release your control, allow the force to guide you” 
“There is no chaos, there is harmony” he felt Luke relax, allowing the force to take him deeper, “in the force all is equal, feel it there balanced before you” 
“There is no death, there is only the force” Luke let out a breath, and Ben felt it too, a gentle sigh in the force, he could almost see the hands of Padme reach out and wrap around Luke. it shouldn’t be possible, non force sensitive people shouldn’t have a presence as such, even jedi do not keep their own energy when they die, yet there was no  denying Padme’s presence, just for a moment then she was gone. 
That wasn’t to be the last time he felt Padme in the force, the senator appearing that night as he did his own meditation 
“Hello Master Jedi” came the soft voice of his friend. 
“Padme, how is this possible? You were not sensitive to the force, yet I felt you with Luke and can tell you are real now” 
Padme simply smiled and sat beside him, his meditation scape the room of a thousand fountains, “I’ve never known the great Obi-Wan Kenobi to question the force” she chuckled. “I suppose you could say I’m not truly here, but part of me is. It’s hard to explain, like a piece of me stayed behind when I died, I just remember being so scared, so cold. I reached out and someone answered, and it was like I split then. A part of me, the part speaking to you now, went with Luke, I suppose as some sort of guardian. The other with Leia”
Ben rubbed at his beard, “it is somewhat of an unknown what really happens when we die. Master Yoda says we rejoin the force, yet nobody has ever spoken with someone who is dead before” 
“Now you have, I wanted to say something to you” Padme began, “Thank you, thank you for taking care of my son” 
Ben didn’t know what to say, instead he just smiled, and nodded. 
He came out of his meditation then, feeling lighter than he had for five years, confident in the fact that at least one of Luke’s parents was proud of what he was doing for their child. It was good that he came out of meditation when he did, as a sleepy Luke walked into the doorway, rubbing his eyes. 
“Ben, I had a bad dream” 
Ben smiled and opened his arms, “come here Luke, tell me about it” 
Luke Skywalker knew he several things fir certain. One he had no parents, Ben told him they were heroes, his father a Jedi knight. Two nobody could ever know he was a jedi, Ben hid from him the worst of it, but he was aware that they were hunted. Three Ben Kenobi was the best father figure he could have asked for. Those of course were the obvious things, he knew he was loved. He knew he was safe, but he couldn’t help but be lonely. Sure he had Ben, and he enjoyed training to become a Jedi like Ben and his father were before the purge, but Ben was the only person he knew. He was seven years old, and he had no friends. He had tried talking to the person from the dormant tether in his mind, but they didn’t seem to like him, or they didn’t know how to talk to him more likely. Ben wasn’t very willing to tell the seven year old Luke why he had a quiet tether in his mind or why it was clearly a little girl his age, maybe Ben would tell him when he got older. 
Until then, he helped Ben run the little garden behind their hut, and trained his saber katas behind the fence Ben built last summer. 
Today he was doing his katas while Ben went up on the bluff to trade with one of the traveling farmers for some of the things they didn’t grow, that he heard the hum in the force. It was odd, sounding almost like the hum that came when Ben lowered his shields to teach Luke a new skill, but different. It wasn’t a very strong hum, and he didn’t think whoever had it had been trained at all. At least not by someone like Ben, his shielding was awful! At least he assumed it was a boy, as he hooked his father’s saber back to his waist and climbed up the fence to look over. 
Huddled behind a boulder nearby, was a boy around Luke’s age, with black shaggy hair, and a dirty old orange jumpsuit. He was eyeing Ben’s Jogan tree hungrily. Luke dropped down and snuck around to the gate of the fence, and opened it. Continuing to move quietly, he moved so he was behind the same boulder as the boy. 
“Are you hungry?” Luke asked.
The boy shot up into the air with a loud scream, that made Luke giggle, and hold out the tart he had brought out for a snack after his training.
“Here, it’s a jogan fruit tart, it will be better than a raw one off of my uncle’s tree” for a moment Luke wondered if the boy spoke basic, and started to try and think of other ways he may word it, he didn’t know many languages yet, it was one of the few things that Ben had any trouble teaching him. 
“Wait, you’re just giving it to me?” oh good, he did speak basic, less struggle for him then.
Luke nodded, “Yes, Ben always says when people are hungry you should help them… so are you hungry?” 
The boy nodded enthusiastically and wolfed down the tart. Luke was shocked how quickly the sweet treat disappeared.  Then the boy grinned at him when it was gone “you’re right, that was really good”
Luke grinned back “I’m glad, my name is Luke Skywalker by the way” 
The other boy held out his hand, “Nice to meet you Luke Skywalker, my name’s Ezra Bridger” 
Luke shook his hand, he had a good feeling about Ezra Bridger, and when he reached out to the force, it seemed to have  a good feeling about him too.
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theclonewarsdaily · 5 years
let’s talk: the clone wars rewatch!
It’s time! This week we will be focusing on the first 10 episodes of season 1. They are about 22 minutes long each and would add up to less than 5 hours. So, about five hours of clone wars this week.
Or, below the cut, here is a summary of each episode (courtesy of Wookieepedia and my brain recollection):
Ambush (s01 e01)
Jedi Master Yoda is on a secret mission to forge a treaty with the King of the strategic system of Toydaria when his ship is ambushed by Count Dooku. Yoda and three Clone troopers must face off against Count Dooku’s dreaded assassin Ventress and her massive droid army to prove the Jedi are strong enough to protect the king and his people from the forces of the war. Yoda and the troopers prevail despite one clone being injured. Katuunko is impressed by the display, and opts to have Toydaria join the Republic. Furious about the outcome, Dooku orders Ventress to kill the king. Ventress knocks the king’s Toydarian royal guards unconscious and prepares to deal the killing blow, but Master Yoda arrives just in time, stopping Ventress mid-swing. Rather than surrender, Ventress quickly triggers an avalanche with pre-planted explosive charges, using it as a distraction to escape in her solar sailer. King Katuunko gladly accepts Yoda’s offer to join the Republic, and Republic gunships come to retrieve the group.
Rising Malevolence (s01 e02)
Creating panic throughout the galaxy, a devastating Separatist mystery weapon terrorizes the clone starfleet. Anakin and Ahsoka race to save Jedi Master Plo Koon and his clone troopers in time. Jedi Master Plo Koon and his squad barely survive an attack from a mysterious Separatist warship called the Malevolence. Feeling his force presence, Ahsoka overtakes control of the ship and leads them to Plo Koon and the Wolfpack’s location. Grievous’ battle droids detect a signal from behind them and move to attack. Having powered down all of their systems to avoid detection but forgetting about the medical droids, the Jedi rush to get systems back up and running to possibly escape. Grievous orders the use of their warship but the Jedi and company manage to escape.
Shadow of Malevolence (s01 e03)
With the help of his Padawan Ahsoka and Jedi Master Plo Koon, Anakin utilizes new long-range Y-wing bombers to lead a bold strike on General Grievous’ warship the Malevolence and its destructive weapon. As General Grievous uses the Malevolence to terrorize medical bases, the Jedi rush to defend Republic space. With help from his Padawan and Master Plo Koon, Anakin leads a bold strike mission into enemy territory. In attempt to destroy the Republic’s squadron, Grievous fires his weapon, causing major casualties to the Republic forces. Realizing that with the large loss of bombers destroying the Malevolence would be impossible, Anakin is forced to change their plan of attack.  As its mega-ion cannon charges, Shadow Squadron opens fire on it, causing the ion cannon to overload when General Grievous tries to unleash it once more on the Republic ships. The blast also damages the ship’s hyperdrive, preventing it from escaping into hyperspace. With newly arrived Republic capital ships led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Admiral Yularen firing on him, Grievous orders the wounded flagship back to Separatist-held space. Anakin and the rest of Shadow Squadron then board the medical station, where they are congratulated by Nala Se. Anakin, however, mourns the losses of his men among Shadow Squadron, despite the great victory their lives had earned.
Destroy Malevence (s01 e04)
Padmé Amidala and C-3PO are taken hostage by General Grievous, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan to save the Senator and complete the destruction of the Malevolence. Anakin and Obi-Wan chase down the Malevolence, hoping to destroy it before it can escape. But when Padmé and C-3PO are captured and held hostage aboard, the Jedi are forced to hatch a new plan. Deciding to split up, Anakin and Padme head to the bridge to destroy all the droids and rig the ship’s navicomputer. They then leave the bridge, hiding the broken droids before others could find out what happened. Obi-Wan goes to destroy the hyperdrive. However, Grievous learns of this and sends droids down to guard the drive.  Obi-Wan duels with Grievous after dispatching his droids and manages to avoid the cyborg’s clutches. He reaches the Twilight along with the rest of the group and as they leave the ship, Grievous pursues in his starfighter. The droids on the warship then try to jump to hyperspace, only to discover that Anakin rigged the navicomputer to set a course right into the moon. Grievous watches in horror as the ship crashes into a nearby moon, then flees the system.
Rookies (s01 e05)
On the remote Rishi moon, a small unit of rookie clones stationed there, including Hevy, Echo, Fives, Droidbait, and Cutup (Domino Squad). Echo reads reg manuals while Hevy daydreams of being on the front lines when Sergeant O'Niner reminds them that their listening post is vital in keeping an eye on Separatist activities and making sure they do not try to slip past and launch a surprise attack on Kamino, the center of clone production and training. The Sergeant orders his men to prepare for an inspection by Captain Rex and Commander Cody, who are en route. Soon after, the station detects an incoming meteor shower and prompts it to raise its shields. But the meteors aren’t all meteors—two of them are boarding ships carrying several droid commandos. The droids infiltrate the place and Domino Squad, minus Droidbait, are the only ones to make it out.  Hevy, Echo, Fives, and Cutup emerge from a maintenance tunnel into a deep crater below the outpost and plan their next move. Suddenly a massive Rishi eel silently emerges from one of the many caves in the crater, snatches Cutup in its jaws, and disappears back into its hole taking the other rookies by surprise. Just then Cody and Rex’s shuttle flies in for a landing high above. Hevy, Fives, and Echo are unable to make contact by radio, so they decide to use a warning flare. Eventually, Hevy, Fives, and Echo are united with Rex and Cody, determined to retake their base and alert the Republic of the infiltration. Not wanting the base to fall back into enemy hands, the clones resolve to blow it up with liquid tibanna, which would disrupt the all-clear signal, thereby alerting the Republic. As the other clones escape through the tunnels, Hevy tries to arm the explosives but the remote doesn’t work, so he decides to activate it manually. In a heroic last stand, Hevy is wounded. The droids are unsure of what to do with him, asking each other if they take prisoners; Hevy defiantly says that he doesn’t, and sets off the explosives. The base, along with Hevy, is destroyed. Alerted, the Republic fleet jumps into the system and Grievous is forced to retreat as he is outgunned.When they return to the Resolute, Echo and Fives are granted medals and Rex inducts them in the 501st Legion.
Downfall of a Droid (s01 e06)
R2-D2 is lost during a fierce space battle - and Anakin, along with Ahsoka and a replacement droid, R3-S6, must find him before the Separatists discover the Jedi military secrets locked in his memory banks. As they search the debris field, they spot a freighter and dock with it. The Trandoshan captain, Gha Nachkt, claims there is no R2 unit on board but allows them to search anyway. Anakin hears R2’s beep and begins to slice through the door that he thinks he heard it in. But Goldie accidentally activates two IG-86 units instead of opening the door. The two Jedi manage to slice the droids in pieces as Anakin gets through the door, only to find Gha, who is angry that his droids were destroyed. Ahsoka concludes that R2 is not on board and they leave. But unfortunately, Gha had the little droid locked in a crate with a restraining bolt on and contacts Grievous, informing him that the droid is of great strategic value. Figuring that Grievous has a listening post somewhere, Anakin decides to go scouting but Ahsoka sends along R3, saying they could bond. R3 instead accidentally turns on the tracking device, alerting Grievous to his position. R3 only makes things go from bad to worse, detaching Anakin’s fighter from its hyperspace transport ring, not cutting the engines when he is told to, and disabling the blaster cannons. He is luckily saved by Ahsoka and Rex in the Twilight.
Duel of the Droids (s01 e07)
Anakin, Ahsoka and replacement droid R3-S6 (Goldie) embark on a dual rescue/sabotage mission when they discover R2-D2 is being held at General Grievous’ secret enemy listening post. When the team arrives at the station, Anakin separates from Ahsoka and the clones, heading out alone to find Artoo. Unbeknownst to them, R3-S6 is actually a spy for the Separatists, and alerts General Grievous to their presence. Tano and the clones infiltrated the reactor control room, but they had to confront and eliminate the security battle droids. After that, Grievous orders his IG-100 MagnaGuards to take Artoo to the ship. Ahsoka defends herself against Grievous’s blows and retreats to a room filled with spare droid parts. She hides from the general, but R3 gives her away. Grievous destroys her comlink, and she manages to escape through a vent. As Anakin and the clones, who have succeeded in planting the bombs, meet the Twilight in the hangar, R3’s treachery is revealed when he traps them and activates several droids to fight them, as Anakin’s suspicion on the golden droid’s true allegiance is true. Anakin orders Artoo to open the doors. Ahsoka rejoins the team, who defeats the Vulture droids and escapes in the Twilight, detonating the bombs. Grievous escapes the station in his ship, Soulless One. Anakin leaves in his starfighter to pick up Artoo. Meanwhile, Artoo manages to open the hangar doors, but R3 moves to intercept him, and the two droids face each other in combat. Artoo pushes his Separatist counterpart over the edge, but R3 grabs him with a suction cup. Artoo succeeds in cutting the cable, and R3-S6 is sent flying into the air, and he is destroyed by flying debris. Artoo is then rescued by Anakin.
Bombad Jedi (s01 e08)
Padmé Amidala is sent by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on a secret mission to Rodia to negotiate peace. On her way, she meets up with Onaconda Farr, Padmé’s friend, whom she affectionately refers to as Uncle Ono. However, Padmé doesn’t realize that Farr has joined sides with Nute Gunray. Gunray promised Onaconda Farr that if he joins sides with Gunray, Gunray will supply Farr with food and shelter for the people of Rodia. Meanwhile, Jar Jar Binks and C-3PO try to plan a way to save Padmé from Nute Gunray. Jar Jar disguises himself as a Jedi and tries to save Padmé. With a little help of a sea monster, Padmé is rescued and Nute Gunray is captured.
Cloak of Darkness (s01 e09)
Ahsoka and Jedi Master Luminara escort captured Viceroy Nute Gunray to trial, unaware that Count Dooku has dispatched his deadly apprentice assassin Asajj Ventress to free the prisoner and eliminate the Jedi. Back on the Tranquility, Unduli and Ahsoka interrogate the Viceroy. When they get nowhere and the Viceroy refuses to answer their questions, Ahsoka threatens him, only to be chastised by Unduli. Nonetheless, the threats coerce Gunray to start talking. Unfortunately for the two Jedi, a swarm of Vulture Droids escorting three Separatist boarding ships attack the Tranquility. Super battle droids assault the Cruiser and hold off the clones, allowing Ventress to slip inside undetected. The Super Battle Droids are destroyed, leaving Ventress the last enemy on board. She duels Ahsoka for a short while before ironically locking her in Gunray’s cell. Luckily, Unduli’s timely arrival prevents Ventress from rescuing Gunray. Unfortunately, the assassin detonates the charges, rocking the ship before fleeing down the elevator shaft. Unduli goes after Ventress, confident that she can defeat the assassin, leaving Ahsoka again, in spite of the Padawan’s insistence that Ventress is too dangerous for any one Jedi to combat. In the generator room, Ventress and Unduli duel: Unduli is swiftly outmatched as Ventress, outraged because Unduli is taunting her fighting style as a sloppy and amateurish imitation of Dooku’s, overpowers Unduli and traps her under a number of collapsed pipes. Ahsoka makes a timely save only for Ventress to escape again. Later, Unduli and Ahsoka report to Yoda and Anakin Skywalker about the loss. They are told that they may be able to track the stolen ship. Ahsoka leaves to join Skywalker with Kit Fisto’s fleet, but not before receiving an apology from Unduli for not having listened to her monition about Ventress.
Lair of Grievous (s01 e10)
General Grievous must prove himself worthy of the Separatists when Count Dooku leads Jedi Master Kit Fisto and his former Padawan, the Mon Calamari Jedi Nahdar Vebb to Grievous’ villainous enclave. Upon discovering that the castle is the lair of Grievous, Fisto devises a plan to ambush Grievous as soon as he arrives. After landing his ship inside the castle, Grievous is confronted by the Jedi and the clones. A skirmish breaks out and Grievous’s legs are chopped off above the knees. As Grievous escapes, he kills two more clones before retreating to his control room to undergo repairs from his medic droid, EV-A4-D, he orders his MagnaGuards to lock down the perimeter. After Grievous is repaired, he decides to check if Gor has killed the Jedi, only to find that Gor is dead. He is then contacted by Count Dooku. This time the Count confirms to Grievous that this is a test for him since his defeats by the Jedi has shaken Dooku’s faith in the general. He decides to play along, and he and his guards go hunting. Since Fisto is locked in the control room, unable to help Vebb, he finds EV-A4-D and cuts him in half. Vebb proceeds to attack Grievous, but the general shoots and kills the young Jedi. After an intense lightsaber duel with Grievous, Fisto starts to gain the upper hand, but some of Grievous’s MagnaGuards arrive, which turns the odds against him. As R6-H5 arrives with his starfighter, Fisto escapes and returns to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
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writerofmanyfandoms · 6 years
Just Kiss Me Already
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Summary: Requested!Anakin SkywalkerxReader! Modern AU. You have had the longest crush on Anakin Skywalker(since high school), and you fear that since the two of you are in college that you lost your chance. Will you be able to confess your feelings to him, or be doomed to hide them away?
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Word Count: 2900
Warnings: fluffy, mentions of alcohol, adult language, mentions of streaking, mentions of sex
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Hope all is well! Sorry for such a long break! Things have been so hectic! I also had so much unneeded trouble trying to get this story out! Lmao. I work Friday 2/22 and Saturday 2/23, so I won’t be around those days. For sure I will be back on the 24th! I had so much fun writing this, and I love writing for Anakin. I have another Anakin story coming soon that was requested! Thank you for being patient with the request, I understand that it has been a hot minute! But I see them, I love them, and I want more! Feel free to send me ideas, I write for a multiple list of Fandoms!
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or the characters. Also, I do not own this GIF, found on GIPHY
You were relaxing on the soft grass, a soft blanket beneath you and your opened laptop a foot away. Class had gotten out an hour ago, but you were stuck working on a project. The hot sun, cool breeze, and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees made you doze off. You couldn’t help it, relaxing nights of sleep were far and few between, and you didn’t see the harm in resting your eyes for a minute.
“Y/N! Hey, it sure looks like you’re studying hard.” A familiar voice teases, the warmth of the body being felt as he sat beside you, causing you to sit up.
“In my defense Anakin, I was up all night working on my political science essay.” You told him, leaning over and shutting your laptop.
“Well, do you think you could spare me some time tonight? Padme is having a party at her place and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, raising an eyebrow.
Even though he knew you would probably say no, he still wanted to ask. He never knew you may surprise him one day by saying yes. You couldn’t help it though. College had so much going on, and you had to stay on top of your grades or you would lose your scholarship. You gave him a look, and sort of shrugged your shoulders. If you could, you would roll your eyes at the thought of Padme inviting him over.
In all honesty, you liked Padme. She was fierce, confident, nice, and down to earth. The only problem was that Anakin had seemed smitten with her. Why wouldn’t he? She was gorgeous, and the way she could speak to a room sort of terrified you, but in a good way. If only you had been able to tell him sooner, but that was something to process at a different time.
“I don’t know. I have this project due Monday, and I want to make sure it is perfect. We have to debate our political opinion and I feel like I have so much to prepare for.” You told him, looking away to avoid his eyes.
Those damned beautiful eyes. Just looking into them would cause you to cave, and you knew it. And if he smiled, you would surely be a sucker. It wasn’t as if you liked pining away for him from afar, but it was all you could do. You weren’t the type of person to broadcast your feelings, and have no shame in speaking up. You weren’t Padme, and that was why you feared Anakin did not return those feelings.
“Come on, what if I help prepare your speech on Saturday? Please.” Anakin near pleaded, causing you to look up at him.
That was it that was all that it took to cause you to cave.
“Fine Anakin. But you better be at my apartment by 10:00 AM with Starbucks!” You told him, smiling like an idiot when you saw his face light up.
“Thank you so much, I have been getting kind of bored taking just Obi-Wan lately. I will pick you up tonight around 8! I will text you before I get there.” Anakin said, jumping up, giving you a quick hug.
“You woke me up from my peaceful nap for just that? A text would have sufficed.” You teased, hiding the blush that crept to your cheeks.
“I know, but I would have rather seen you! I’ll see you tonight!” He called out, waving as he walked away.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, wondering why you agreed to go. Parties were not your thing, and you definitely did not want to go to some college party where everyone was too drunk to handle themselves. Oh well, at least you were able to rope in some help for your project. That counted for something.
As the sun began to fall, and darkness was slowly creeping in, you decided to pack up your things and head back to your apartment. The quicker you got this thing over with, the quicker you were able to come home and finish binge-watching Game of Thrones. You definitely needed to catch up before Anakin accidentally spoiled it for you.
It didn’t take you too long to get ready. You made sure to jump in the shower and washed your hair, wanting to look as if you semi tried. For clothes you opted for casual wear, wearing your favorite jeans and band shirt. You had made the mistake of overly dressing to your first party, and you definitely were not going to make that mistake again.
Before you knew it Anakin was knocking on the door, seemingly out of breath.
“Hey! Sorry that I didn’t text first. My phone ended up dying and I have been with Obi-Wan. He has been helping me with my coursework. Business school is a lot, but if I want to own my mechanic shop, a business degree would definitely come in handy. So I thought I was running late and when I got here I ended up taking these stairs two at a time.” Anakin explained, causing you to laugh slightly.
“You’re fine! I totally understand. Sometimes I want to just scream at my computer and avoid my responsibilities.” You agreed, laughing as you grabbed your purse. “Well, at least you are already an amazing mechanic. You are the only person I want to call when my car breaks down. Which it does, a lot.”
“Well, I am only such a great mechanic because old reliable out there has given me so much practice! Maybe the only reason why it breaks down so much is so that you have an excuse to see me. I have to work on that thing at least five times a week.” He teased, watching you carefully as you locked the door. Even when you were dressed so casually Anakin couldn’t help but think that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic Anakin! It is definitely not that much. Besides, you are my best friend, if I wanted to hang out with you, I don’t need a car breaking down to do it!” You tell him, opening up the door to his own car.
Unlike your older Toyota, Anakin had a pretty nice Camaro. It was older, but he had fixed it to his liking and you always called it the lady magnet. Though it attracted more men to it than anything.
“Where is Obi-Wan?” You asked, reaching into the backseat for a bag of your favorite chips. You loved how Anakin would keep them in there for you.
“He decided to go with Satine tonight.  It is about time. I keep telling him that she is totally into him, but he is kind of oblivious about it.”
“I know the feeling.” You mumbled under your breath, glancing out the window.
“What was that?” Anakin questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking over at you briefly.
“I said that it must suck. But I am sure they can work it out. They do seem like a cute couple.” You answered, unbuckling as soon as the car pulled in.
You could feel your stomach in knots, not really wanting to go inside of the house. Watching Anakin attempt to flirt with Padme did not sound fun, and you felt as if you would be the fifth wheel. The whole way to the door you mentally prepared yourself, taking deep breaths.
“Hey Anakin, come in!” Padme greeted, giving Anakin a hug. “Y/N, I am surprised you show up! I am glad though.” She said with a smile, hugging you and shooting Anakin a look.
You internally rolled your eyes, staying close to Anakin as you entered the house. You truly liked Padme, she was nice and she was a mentor for your Political Science classes. She definitely knew what she was doing.
“Hey, you can stay here for a second. I can go grab you a drink. I will be right back.” Anakin said, walking off with Padme.
You wanted to argue and go with him, but you figured to leave it alone. At least he knew what you liked. You eyed the house, and all the people inside of it. They were bobbing along to the music, and you really didn’t know a single person. Other than Obi-Wan, but you definitely did not want to barge in while he was talking to Satine. Luckily a familiar voice brought you from your trance, and you smiled looking over at Ahsoka.
“Hey, Y/N! I am surprised you showed up! You never come to these things.” Ahsoka teased, leaning on the back of the couch.
“Well, I let Anakin sort of talk me into coming here.” You trailed off, blushing at Ahsoka’s knowing look.
You had known Ahsoka since you started college, actually being roommates for the first semester. You considered her to be your best friend, and the only person to know of your crush on Anakin. Oddly enough, she was good friends with Anakin and was always pushing for the two of you to get together.
“Oh my goodness, Y/N! Seriously. If you don’t get together soon I will scream. The two of you have liked each other for God knows how long. At least since the two of you were in high school. We are all getting tired of seeing the two of you pining after each other.” Ahsoka teased, watching as Anakin walked over. “And this is my cue to leave, so maybe you will finally tell him how you feel.” She teased, saying hi to Anakin as she passed.
“Here you go, everything alright?” Anakin asked, handing you your drink and taking a sip of his own.
You nodded your head, watching as some people trickled in and out of the house. The two of you talked, laughed, and just did what the two of you always did. Talking to others felt so hard sometimes, but talking to Anakin was always easy. From the first moment you had met him until now, you were crushing hard. There had been so many times that you wanted to tell him, but you just couldn’t. After all, why would he like you back? Especially now with Padme in the picture.
“Come on everyone! We are playing Truth or Dare!” Ahsoka called out, gathering up people from inside the house.
“Isn’t that a bit juvenile?” You teased, grinning as Ahsoka stuck her tongue playfully at you.
“As long as no one streaks, I am good. Last time it happened I was scared it was going to be me.” Anakin said, causing you to laugh.
After everyone settled in a space, and the game started, you suddenly felt a bit nervous. Anakin’s hand was wrapped casually around your shoulder, and you couldn’t be more aware of it. You knew it was just friendly, but the warmth of his body was enough to send you over the moon. You had sort of dazed off, thinking of Anakin and why you couldn’t tell him when you heard Padme calling your name.
“Truth or Dare?” She asked, and your face heated up as you felt people looking over at you.
“I know she will pick Truth and play it safe.” Anakin teased, and you shook your head.
“I will do something different and pick dare.” You said, not at all confidently and your stomach was turning as you saw Ahsoka whisper something into Padme’s ear.
“I dare you to kiss Anakin,” Padme said with a grin, and you thought you had actually felt your heart stop.
“No, I ca-.” You began, but Ahsoka was quick to cut you off.
“You have to, it is a dare!” She said, with the largest grin on your face.
“Come on, Y/N. It isn’t a big deal.” Anakin said, making you want to just turn around and leave.
Of course, he was right, it wasn’t a big deal. It was a huge deal. It was a ginormous deal. It was such a big deal that it couldn’t possibly have a word to describe it. You knew your entire face was red and you didn’t care. You wanted to be at home cuddle in bed with Game of Thrones on. But no. You had to agree to this to make Anakin happy, to see his stupid cute face all happy. And now you were stuck here being forced to kiss him. Of course, it could be worse, she could have dared you to kiss someone else, but she chose Anakin.
“Just kiss me already.” Anakin teased, pulling you from your thoughts.
You closed your eyes and took some big breaths. You slowly leaned in and placed your own lips against his. It surprised you when you felt him lean in, tangling on his hands into your hair. It felt so good, that you knew it had to be too good to be true. But the kiss felt like fireworks as if your whole life had lead you to this moment and it was the most glorious moment you had experienced so far. You could spend forever kissing Anakin Skywalker, but just as quick as it had happened it ended.
The next few moments were a blur to you. They went by so quick, yet everything seemed to be in slow motion. You could hear everyone cheering, mostly Ahsoka as she chided that it was about time. You could see the look on Anakin’s face, he seemed confused as you stood up. An incoherent excuse escaped your lips as you dashed out of the party, needing some air.
All of this had to be some cruel sick joke. You knew it. Anakin would have never kissed you like that. He didn’t like you. He was definitely into Padme. You were halfway home when you heard a car horn from beside you.
“Hey, Y/N. What the hell? You just dashed out of there. What is going on?” Anakin called out from his car, the windows rolled down.
You could feel the tears sting your eyes, and you shook your head. You couldn’t explain this to him. Because to him, it was just a stupid kiss, nothing more. But to you it was everything. It meant you could never go back to being just his friend, and watching from a distance as he sought out Padme.
“Come on Y/N, you can tell me. You are my best friend.”
That was it. It was as if a dam broke and a flood of our emotions came pouring out.
“You want to know what is wrong. You are! I have had a dumb, stupid, awful crush on you for as long as I can remember. I have always wanted to tell you, but the timing was never right. I wanted to kiss you like that so many times, but I never could. And when we started school and you met Padme, I knew I couldn’t. You like her, I can tell. I always catch the two of you talking, and I can’t compete with that. She is some fierce woman who can persuade a room of politicians. And I am plain old me who is too quiet for her own good.” You shouted out, not realizing that Anakin had put his car into park and was approaching you.
“Y/N. I am sorry. I should have said something too, but I am an idiot. I have liked you since the moment your bike went flat in front of my house and you fell into the bushes. As I fixed it you spent the whole time thanking me, and we were like 10. You offered me some homemade lemonade in return, and we have been friends ever since. I wanted to take you to Prom and be your date. I wanted to have you wear my letterman or make you a mum for homecoming. But I was too scared to admit how I truly felt. I knew you would never like someone like me. Or I thought at least.” Anakin told you, cupping your face into his hands. “And Padme is just a really good friend. Not like you. In fact, she was the one who kept telling me you liked me. She said she could just tell, and would always try helping me confess to you. That was why I asked Ahsoka to play Truth or Dare. I knew eventually Padme would ask you that, and that maybe a spark would happen. And it did. And now that I know we belong together, I don’t want to lose that. I love you, Y/N. And I wish I would have said something sooner, but I am an idiot.” He explained, causing you to blush. You really had no idea. “Since all of this is out in the air, did you want to try dating?” Anakin asked, causing you to smile wide.
“Just kiss me already.” You teased, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him in for a kiss. It felt as if the world stopped turning as he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you in as close as he could. Something good did come from this party, and you were actually glad you went to it.
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subskywalker · 6 years
Can I get 13 and 53 with obikin?:)
Thanks for sending this love!!💕💕💕😊😊😊13). Detective AU and 53). Mutual pining,  i hope I did this justice! This accidentally became them falling in love through the years but I hope it’s okay! I’m might continue this in a part two!💕
Day one:
Anakin doesn’t realize it at the time but spilling coffee on Obi-Wan Kenobi as he trips up the stairs and the case file he has goes everywhere is probably the most important moment of his life. It’s a start of beautiful friendship and he wonders how they even became friends at all but they work. They’re a team, they’re the team.
Obi-Wan is all charm and negotiation and careful planning. Whereas Anakin is awkward and sarcastic and quick thinking. He stumbles and he makes mistakes but he learns from them. They watch out for each other and somehow, despite being complete opposites, they just work together. They make a pretty damn good  team.
Day 24:
It’s a game they play when they close a case, everyone else is asleep on the jet and it’s just Obi-Wan and him.
“French toast or pancakes?”
Obi-Wan doesn’t look up from the book he’s reading, “Neither I like crepes better.”
“Hmmm, I like pancakes better. There’s more variety and you can never go wrong with pancakes.” He puts his cup of coffee aside .
“Coffee or tea? I prefer coffee myself, I could never get myself to like tea no matter how hard I try.”
“Tea, I hate coffee.”
“The city or the countryside?”
“The city. Anakin, I don’t see-”
“Same! The countryside scares me its too remote, too quiet. “
“Anakin why are you asking me these questions?”
He shrugs, “We don’t really know each other outside of work and now I know you’re a morning person and you get up early to either buy or make crepes. You like to drink tea, probably fancy tea because you come off as the type to like fancy tea blends. You probably drink it while you read a new book or watch nature  or history documentaries.”
Obi-Wan only raises an eyebrow and looks at him.
Anakin is quiet and he’s embarrassed as he admits, “I just want to get to know you.”
Obi-Wan stares at him like he hadn’t considered it before.
Anakin is about to change the subject, afraid he just crossed a line when Obi-Wan interrupts him.
“Pineapple on pizza or no pineapple on pizza?”
“Nay! Pineapple was never meant to be on pizza, Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow and gives him a sly smile as he says, “Ever wonder why I always order the pizza with pineapples on it when we work late?”
Anakin lets out a gasp and points an accusatory finger at him.
“Now that’s just rude.” But there’s no biting edge to his words and it’s worth it just to hear the soft laugh Obi-Wan lets out.
Day 41:
Obi-Wan likes to flirt. A lot. The thing is that’s just who Obi-Wan is. He flirts and he smiles and he’s charming and genuine-and he’s Obi-Wan.
There’s casual touches and playful winks and it used to fluster him, but then he got to know Obi-Wan and he knows that flirting is just who he is. He’s seen him negotiate afterall.
So he rolls his eyes and smiles when Obi-Wan throws his arm around Anakin’s shoulder to pull him closer. He raises his eyebrows when he tells him practically cheesy pick-up line that he somehow manages to make the delivery smooth. He doesn’t think there isn’t anything Obi-Wan couldn’t make smooth, he thinks it has to be the accent. And Anakin would laugh-he does laugh-but it’s Obi-Wan and flirting is what he does.
Flirting is what they do.
So they banter and they share jokes and smiles. They lean into each other and-and they’re best friends. They’re Anakin and Obi-Wan, Skywalker and Kenobi. They’re a team. They’re the team.
The flirting doesn’t mean anything after all. The flirting doesn’t change their dynamic at all.
Day  79:
They’re the last two to go home for the night, jetlagged and dead on their feet.
“You’re my best friend, Anakin”
Anakin looks over at him as he leans against the elevator wall, their knees touching and he smiles at him and holds hand.
“You’re my best friend too, Obi-Wan”
He wonders why that breaks his heart just a little.
Day 117:
Anakin has recurring nightmares of the things he’s seen. The grotesque crime scenes and the victims they couldn’t save.
He wakes up in the middle night his heart still beating loudly in his ears.
‘It was just a nightmare. It was only a nightmare.' He thinks to himself and closes his eyes trying to will away the images he sees.
A few minutes pass and he sighs, silently cursing himself as he reaches for his phone and scrolls through his contacts before he finds the one he was looking for. He hesitates before he presses call
He hears Obi-Wan’s voice on the other end rough with sleep, “Hello? Anakin?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
He shouldn’t have called, he shouldn’t have called and he’s about to hang up when he hears Obi-Wan.
“Hey, no, it’s okay. Did something happen?”
He’s quiet and he’s embarrassed to say that he had nightmare and he just wanted to call him.
“Did you have another nightmare?” He asks softly and he’s nodding before he remembers that Obi-Wan can’t see him.
“Yes. I just- I don’t know why I called but I couldn’t go back to sleep.”
“It’s okay.” He pauses and asks, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No. Can you just talk to me until I fall asleep?”
“Of course, dear one. Have I told you about the day trip I had with Quinlan?"
He doesn’t know when he fell asleep, all he knows is that he fell asleep to the sound of Obi-Wan’s voice. And when he woke up in the morning the phone call was still going and he could hear the faint snoring coming from the other end. He smiles at that and ends the call.
He wonders when it stopped being the victims he didn’t save and when it started being Obi-Wan in his nightmares.
Day 155:
He’s heard the phrase, ‘Keep the cover at all costs,’ he just didn’t think this is what they meant by it.
Obi-Wan pulls him into an alcove and before he can ask what he’s doing Obi-Wan is kissing him.  His hands are pulling him closer by his hips and Anakin has his hands buried in his hair. And he absently thinks that Obi-Wan’s lips really are as soft as they look.
He pulls aways and says, “Okay I think we lost them. Come on, we need to get back.”
Anakin is still in a daze and just nods, following him back.
Padme raises an eyebrow at them when she sees them and rakes in there messy hair and flushed cheeks. “And what exactly happened between you two back there?”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes, “Nothing happened. We just had to keep the cover going.”
And if Anakin finds himself thinking about that kiss and smiling when he does well that’s no one’s business but his own.
Day 192:
“Don’t you ever do that again.”
Obi-Wan takes a deep breath and shakes his head. “What you did was reckless and it was an unnecessary risk. You should have waited for backup, Anakin.”
"It’s part of the job, Obi-Wan."
“No. It was reckless and you know it. What if he shot you and he had gotten away with the victim?”
“But he didn’t!”
“But he could have. You went in there without backup and you out everyone at risk.”
He looked away from Obi-Wan.
They watch out for each other and sometimes Anakin forgets that Obi-Wan is just as afraid if losing him to the job as he is of losing him.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers quietly that he doesn’t think Obi-Wan can hear him but the gentle smile he gives him says more than enough.
Day 230
He hates to admit it but sometimes he does think about the kiss.
They never do talk about it, and Anakin just assumes that it doesn’t mean anything to Obi-Wan. Afterall it was only part of the cover.
He just wonders when exactly did he start wanting to kiss Obi-Wan and mess up his hair as he did so.
Day 307:
It was as good a day as they were ever gonna get with the job they had. But somehow he can’t stop thinking about all the other victims they couldn’t save. Some cases are always harder than others and he’ll never understand why people can do the things they do.
That’s how Obi-Wan finds him, sitting in the rooftop of the building.
He’s quiet for a moment and he says, “You can’t save everyone, Anakin.”
He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even look at him.
He hears him sigh but he doesn’t make a move to get up, instead he sits there next to him watching the neon city lights and the night life.
“I know I can’t save them all. That doesn’t mean it sucks any less when we can’t.”
Obi-Wan puts his arm around him and  tucks his head under his chin. “I know.” And he says it softly that he almost doesn’t hear it.
Send me two prompts from the au mashup list and i’ll make a fic for it :)
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shadowsong26fic · 6 years
Precipice Deleted Scene!
So, I have an AU outline coming up, sometime in the next couple of days depending on how quickly I finish it. But since that is a) Spite Fic(tm); b) not Star Wars and, in fact, based in a fandom I left a while ago that I’m pretty sure none of you are in; and c) a niche crossover on top of that...
Uh. Yeah. As a thank you to y’all for sitting through my self-indulgent nonsense later, I thought I’d post this! Which I’d been kind of thinking about sharing anyway, even before the Spite Fic(tm) came up.
Below the cut is an early version of Anakin’s half of the most recent Precipice chapter. Parts of this were written back during NaNo, and then bits and pieces over December and January. It’s also part of why this chapter took so long (almost a month as opposed to the 1-2 weeks I’d been shooting for)--the bulk of Padme’s half was actually complete last November, I just had to rework the opening and add a conclusion and a few other editing details. But the original version of Anakin’s half just...wouldn’t come together. And I think part of that was because it ended up feeling kind of redundant--it was Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex, and Ahsoka meeting up and debriefing, so while some of the information was news to them, pretty much none of it was news to the reader. Also, braiding together the bits and pieces I’d written wasn’t working/the conversation wasn’t really flowing. Plus, the Anakin and Beru scene fit better with what was going on in Padme’s part. I actually made the decision to switch...I wanna say three days before I posted? And it just...flew. So, yeah, there’s that.
Anyway, there are a couple bits in here that I really like, and...well, if any of y’all wanted a look at my Process, so to speak, this actually might give some insight? It’s all pretty rough, and I’m leaving in my notes to myself so you can maybe get an idea of the kind of piecemeal ways I put together chapters.
Feel free to comment/ask questions/offer insights about your own process, if you wanna use this post as a jumping-off point for that!
Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Leia didn’t meet Ahsoka and Rex at Dr. Naar’s--in the interest of protecting their emergency medic, as a rule, none of them went there unless they actually needed his help.
Instead, beyond a brief coded “all-clear,” they waited to properly check in until they were all back at the farm.
[Which was not easy, waiting that long to really confirm that Rex was okay. Not that Anakin thought he wasn’t, exactly--even with everything else that had gone on this week, he’d’ve sensed it if his friend were in serious trouble--but, yeah, there was a difference between knowing and knowing, even with the Force to help. And he had lost too damn many friends over the years to be comfortable waiting for news.] [POSSIBLY CUT. PROBABLY CUT.]
Rex looked more or less okay, which was a relief. He was leaning pretty heavily on a set of crutches, but upright and moving more or less under his own power.
“You all right?” Anakin asked, quietly.
“Yeah,” he said. “Back to normal in a week or two, probably. As long as I don’t do anything stupid.” This last, he said with a somewhat pointed look that was probably supposed to be a Hint, which Anakin blissfully ignored.
“Glad to hear it, Captain,” he said, with a brief hand on his good shoulder.
“How’d everything go?” Ahsoka asked, settling in on the floor, cross-legged.
“Pretty much as well as we’d hoped,” Anakin said. “Padme and Luke are--they’re--amazing. And Padme sends her love.”
Ahsoka nodded. “Good.”
“And with Saw?” Obi-Wan asked.
“About as well as we’d expected,” Rex said, and Ahsoka nodded.
“He’s holding back a little, not interested in a full commitment right now, but he’s keeping lines of communication open,” she added.
“We also ran into a massive hyperdrive, half-built. We blew it up, and managed to pull some data on our way out,” Rex said. “It might tie into some of the leads you’ve been chasing down?” [REWORD A LITTLE]
“Possibly,” Obi-Wan said. “Likely, even. I’m still working on fitting the various puzzle pieces together, but this will probably help. It’s certainly something we should keep an eye out for. If we’re looking at a question of scale…”
“I agree,” Rex said. “I’m not as up on the latest capital ship tech as I’d like to be, but the drive I saw was bigger than anything that’s probably coming out for the next generation or two. Unless it’s not for a capital ship at all, but for something different.”
Not good. Whatever the Chancellor wanted to move en masse probably meant bad things for the rest of the galaxy.
“We should have Artoo sift through the data,” Anakin said. “We still might not have enough for the full picture, but if anyone can get there, he can.” Besides, they had left him with Owen and Beru while they were off on Alderaan, and Artoo had made it very clear that he had been hopelessly bored by the tasks the Larses had found for him, and was looking forward to having something more interesting to do.
Well, that hadn’t been exactly how he’d put it, but that was the gist, anyway.
“Anything about the bombing?” Anakin asked. He’d promised Luke he’d find out as much as he could, after all.
“Saw knew who was responsible,” Ahsoka said. “He wouldn’t give us a name, said his friend was probably dead so there wasn’t much point. He wasn’t involved directly, but he was invited along.”
“That’s something, at least,” he said.
“Bail’s network didn’t have much, either,” Obi-Wan added, “other than a possible break-in at ISB around the same time. He wasn’t sure whether the kidnapping or the break-in was the feint.”
“That ties to what Saw was telling me,” Ahsoka said. “And from what he said, the kidnapping was the distraction. Or added bonus, or something. He said he told them to try for an actual target, one that was worth their time. Tarkin or somebody, not the kid.”
“Gerrera doesn’t have many limits,” Rex said. “And it’s even odds or better there’s gonna be a point where even those go away. But at least for now, he has a thing about kids. Pretty sure he’s concerned about setting a precedent.”
Ahsoka nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “He has a kid with him,” she added, for Obi-Wan and Anakin’s benefit. “Couple years older than Leia. He focused on her every time the bombing came up.”
“We ran into Infernalis,” Ahsoka said, and the room stilled a bit.
Anakin found himself absently resting a hand on his left thigh, where the prosthetic met what was left of his natural leg. It hadn’t bothered Padme--which he hadn’t really been worried about, except that it bothered him more than his arm ever had. Not for any physical reason, exactly; while it wasn’t quite as high-quality as the arm, the neural mapping in the leg Bail had found for him was good enough that he didn’t have too many issues with phantom pain or other problems that lower-end prosthetics couldn’t help. But there was a difference.
Maybe it was just that there had been problems he hadn’t had the first time--complications, delays, accidentally terrifying Leia the way he had--and he couldn’t completely get those fuzzy, awful days out of his head. Or maybe it was just that Specter bothered him more than Dooku ever had.
It didn’t really matter, anyways. Generally speaking, it wasn’t enough to really cause him problems, except when he let himself start brooding about it. Which happened less and less often.
He shook it off pretty quickly--he didn’t think the others had noticed he’d gotten distracted, or that he’d missed any of the conversation. Good. I’m getting better at this. […NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE. ALSO MAYBE MOVE IT?]
“Did you engage?” Obi-Wan asked.
She shook her head. “Not directly. Ship-to-ship combat only. Rex took out his hyperdrive and we left.”
Which was what they were supposed to do, as bitter a pill it was to swallow. They had all agreed, after…after Specter, not to engage any of the Chancellor’s apprentices without backup, if at all possible. And, while Rex would have counted on a good day, he was hurt. Pursuing Infernalis, if they hadn’t been able to shoot him down and take him out that way, might have gotten one or both of them killed. Ahsoka had made the right call.
Even if it meant leaving Saw and his people, plus a planet full of civilians, at risk.
“There are too few of us left,” Obi-Wan had said; and Master Yoda had agreed. And they weren’t wrong, but at the same time… [MAYBE MOVE THE BIT ABOUT LEG/PHANTOM PAINS/SPECTER/WHATEVER HERE?]
“Were you able to warn the others?” Anakin asked.
She shook her head. “We didn’t want to draw attention with a beacon,” Ahsoka said. “But he had a couple evacuation plans already in place, and he’s not stupid. I think he’ll be okay.”
“He knows how to reach out to us,” Rex said. “We’ll find out sooner or later.”
Obi-Wan nodded. “We will hope for the best.”
There wasn’t much else they could do, other than head back as a group and try to hunt Infernalis down, but Anakin didn’t bother to suggest it. At best, heading back would accomplish exactly nothing other than wasted time. At worst, Infernalis had had time to set a trap for them.
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agirlunderarock · 2 years
(any OC you want) ☀️, 🍂, 🏞️, 💎, ☁️
This has been sitting in my box for so long because I'm just really bad at answering things and I'm sorry but also thank you for the ask friend, I really appreciate it!
I only really have my Star Wars OC that I've posted about here, so I'm going to go ahead and ramble about Sas for a hot minute
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
Sas is very much a people person and she just likes to be in the general proximity of the people she loves. Yes she likes to go out and do things with them, like getting food, going to 79's and tearing it up, occasionally accidentally looking for trouble. It can be a quiet night in, or a night on Coruscant hopping from club to club, she cares about the people that go with her and want her around. I think the happiest moment she's ever had though was at her sister's wedding. I mean of course her sister was getting married to a clone named Wingman, and that was sort of an unofficial secret- but they had a huge party for Crix and Wingman, Padme loaned Sas a dress so she got to pretend to be pampered and high class for a short time, but she got to see her little sister start to build a life for herself outside the war. She and Wingman had a plan already for when it was over. Its a little melancholy but Sas got to see her sister do something, she herself never thought she would get to have. She liked seeing Anakin and Padme sorta dance around trying not to dance with each other, she got to see her family again after months of being apart, she laughed at Ahsoka and a few of the clones in Wingman's squad try to steal some cake, Obi-Wan may or may not have given her dance once or twice before they went to pester Cody while he was actually succeeding in stealing cake before it was time. For a moment she forgot they were supposed to be at war, that she had people on Zolan depending on her to send supplies and credits home. She and her sister got to just exist and enjoy the moment.
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
This is a hard one, if only because theres not a whole lot on the climate and weather for Zolan on wookiepedia other than its an arid planet and theres only one livable continent because the rest is like radioactive or something. So I'm gonna call it and say that the planet has like seasons of Hot, Less Hot, Acid Rain, and Solar flair. I don't know. Anyways out of those seasons, Sas likes Hot and Less Hot- because Acid Rain fucks up her ship among other things, and Solar flair makes majority of her home planet unlivable. She lived on Pantora for a short while in her childhood, so has known 4 seasons, its just that she was so little its all just kind of a vague blurr. The first time she really experienced winter and snow was on one of Pantora's moons and she of course did not have her own equipment for that and thought that being half Pantoran would have liked made her durable for the cold- It did not. She was VERY COLD, and the coat she had to borrow was a bit too big so her hands kept getting eaten by the sleeves. She decided that she only likes the cold because she stole everyone's coats after the mission and buried herself in them for a long while to get comfortable again. Then she saw a spring on Naboo and girl was in love with it. Just the way everything seemed so alive and thriving-
🏞️ If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world where would they go? Why? If they could live there would they?
Sas travels A LOT, she's seen a lot of planets, the one she saw under the worst circumstances ironically was the one she thought was the most beautiful. The one time she made it to Raxus was because her people were entering talks with Count Dooku about joining the Separatist and seeking his help in gaining more agency on their planet. She was told multiple times not to go, that the invitation for her to speak on behalf of the republic, since she was serving in its army, was a trap and still went anyways. She really wasn't there long, but even running for her life through Raxulon square and then the woods, left a good impression on her. Aside from the sith lord having all its leaders (including her own) duped, the planet seemed quiet, peaceful even. Whether or not she would live there is a bit of a heavy question, but she would have liked to go back while under disguise.
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
Sas doesn't really have room to collect things while living out of her ship. Its just not really practical, and having a lot of a type of thing makes her feel anxious- she struggles to let herself have nice things to say the least. The one thing she probably does collect, and its not really her collection, she just finds interesting ones to take to her sister, are plants. Crix has like different little space succulents from each of the planets they've visited. Sometimes she plants and grows others to give to friends or family, or especially in Sas' case "add some life to her ship" it helps, but once she's in the clone wars, she's not around to take care of them like she normally would and that really upsets her after awhile.
☁️ What’s something your OC wishes they could forget? Why is this? Or, what is something that your OC has forgotten? (or do both!)
Sometimes she wishes she could forget meeting Hondo. He's given her nicknames she's not fond of. But working with Hondo has also accidentally been really helpful in too many situations. She has complicated feelings about the pirate, its not so much that she wishes she could forget him, more like she wishes HE and everyone around her would forget the nickname he gave her when they first met.
Like always I rambled for waaaay longer than I probably should have, but I hope you enjoy reading about Sas- but heres the whole ask list if you want to do this yourself!
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gffa · 7 years
FANDOM WAS REALLY GOOD TO US THIS WEEK, COME CRY OVER STAR WARS FIC WITH ME AGAIN. Because sometimes you just gotta cry over how wonderful these authors are to share such fantastic pieces with us, how reading (and I love that fandom is so invested in reading, when it feels like a dying art some days!) fic makes me fall in love with these characters and this galaxy all over again. We are so lucky that there are all these people wanting to share with us and here’s some of the really good stuff (SO MUCH GOOD STUFF) that I loved! STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ drink up, dreamers (you’re running dry) by 31_rabbits, han/leia & luke & ben, 2.6k    She’d expected her tears to be cold, too. But they are hot, and they are bitter. Salt from a vaporized sea. ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, some d/s, 72.7k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 28.4k    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either. ✦ Death Becomes Her by stonefreeak, anakin/padme & palpatine, body horror, 1.6k    Padmé finds herself waking up after she died. Apparently, her husband couldn’t bear to let her go. She’s not grateful. At all. ✦ Armored Oasis by Spectersticks, obi-wan & anakin & cody & ahsoka & cast, 19.9k wip    The Council sends Obi-Wan Kenobi with Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano to uncover the reason behind these consistent attacks, while defending the outpost from the Nikto clan’s ranged assaults. ✦ tell me what it is you want by sunflashes, obi-wan/anakin & padme/ahsoka, NSFW, modern au, 14.4k wip    Anakin is done as fuck. His philosophy professor and academic advisor, Dr. Kenobi, has been working him to the point of breaking, and he just wants to get really, really drunk. ✦ Things Freely Given by ilcuoreardendo, obi-wan/anakin, vampire!obi-wan, ~1k    “You shouldn’t have come.” Obi-Wan’s voice is strange. ✦ untitled by likealeafonthewind, obi-wan/anakin(/padme) & sidious, 1.5k    So perhaps one way this can go is that Obi-Wan is just sitting in the Temple security room, broken and lost in the turbulence in the Force from all the violence and death that happened there (I imagine it must have created some kind of vortex of negative energy or perhaps fed into the darkside nexus under the Temple). ✦ Carrying the Stone by Makalaure, obi-wan & anakin, 4.3k    “I wish Master Qui-Gon was here instead of you.” ✦ The Virgin Duchess and Other Stories by ambiguously, obi-wan/anakin/padme/satine, ~1k    There were a number of stories about the rule of Duchess Satine Kryze. Some of them were even true. ✦ Saber’s Hilt by lovelykenobi, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, dirty talk, 2.3k wip    Anakin’s a boy with a mouth and a sassy attitude. Obi-Wan reacts accordingly. ✦ Alternative by Glare, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, dark themes, 2k    PROMPT: In the Negotiation-verse what would it be like if instead of the whole drugging and kidnapping business, they ended up sorting out the kiss and dating. Anakin has no idea his boyfriend is a serial killer. ✦ Your Face Is Like A Melody by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, ~1k    writegowrite asked: #3 for the sexy prompt, please? ✦ Brothers (working title) by Charity_Angel, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & padme & shmi & yoda & cast, 17.3k wip    In which Qui-Gon has a very near miss on Naboo, Obi-Wan is very stubborn, and they end up breaking a lot of rules accidentally as a result. All because of that kid they picked up on Tatooine. full details + recs under the cut! 
STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ drink up, dreamers (you’re running dry) by 31_rabbits, han/leia & luke & ben, 2.6k    She’d expected her tears to be cold, too. But they are hot, and they are bitter. Salt from a vaporized sea.    I’m always a sucker for Leia stories, especially ones that look at the scope of her life, give her room to really react to everything that happens, even in small moments, even when a lot of it is cut short because she picks herself up and keeps soldiering on forwards. And this is set across the span of years that really show just how epic everything is with her story, the joys and the sorrows both, and there’s just something so intense about her here that really fits with her character. A lovely read. ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, some d/s, 72.7k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.    Chapter 15: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. As always, I sort of want to explode over how much I love this fic and how satisfying it is, especially in regards to how much I love this version of (sort of) Sith!Anakin who is doing exactly what I had hoped for when I prompted Lily for this fic–the contrast of him against Jedi!Anakin highlights so many things about his character. It’s not just that, of course, it’s also how this is an Anakin that is more settled in who he is, because he’s entrusted himself to his Master, has chosen to give everything of himself over to this person that he loves and who loves him in return, how that clears away so much of his anger and instead allows Anakin’s charm and charisma to be at the forefront of Isten’s character. He’s just so beautiful to look at and watch, there’s something almost wild and fey about him, but also bright as the sun and so, so easy to fall in love with. And he’s still very much Anakin Skywalker, that’s what makes his scenes with actual!Anakin so fascinating, because they’re not the same person, Isten is more than just Anakin, as Anakin is more than Isten is, but Anakin is still the source and what Isten has figured out about himself has relevance to Anakin.    This makes any interaction they have a delight–just watching them strip down the ship for any parts they might be able to use, because Anakin is having a sulking fit, reminds me that they’re both mechanical geniuses and I’d have enjoyed it just for that. But the purpose of that scene is greater, it’s about Anakin having breathing room after the reveals from the previous chapter, and calming down and having the space to ask about Isten’s relationship with Veris, to show us that Anakin has all these prickly defenses about what he sees as his twin being like a slave to Obi-Wan’s twin. That it gives Anakin the breathing room to really listen to what Isten says and why it’s not what he thinks, to show us whyAnakin is still thinking about this and gravitating towards what he sees with them. That it’s not about the dark, but instead about something that settles them, something good, something that makes them both feel secure, something that Isten wants, that words are frustrating for him, but a firm hand on his back cuts through all that noise in his head and stays there. That it’s about being paid attention to, about being cherished and cared for. And you understand why Anakin keeps coming back to what he knows is between them, the something underneath the surface that we can feel in him, that cannot leave it alone.    And one of the great things that I love so much about this fic is that it doesn’t bring something up just to solve it immediately. There’s discussion of it here, it’s clear that Anakin feels a pull towards all of this, but he’s not there yet, it’s not such an easy, direct path for him. Things come up and get in the way, of course, but it’s more than that, it’s that he’s not fully ready yet and that makes the excitement over future chapters all the greater, because there was progress, there was satisfying forward movement, but there’s still more journey to go!    And, oh, I am so curious about where it’s all going, especially when they finally make contact with their men and I’m dying to know plot stuff, but also Isten being kind of bratty about soon being parted from Veris, that it’s so easy to really sink into thoughts about Isten’s affections, that we’ve seen him be really fond of Obi-Wan, to turn to him and press against him when wanting shelter, to see his affection around Anakin, for the source of himself, how he seems to likehimself in a lot of ways, to how everything is so much deeper when it comes to Veris. That Isten is cut to the core when he’ll be parted from Veris, even just for awhile, and shows it by sulking. That he’s jealous when Veris pays attention to Anakin, even with good reason. That it’s a reflection of Anakin’s desire to be sullen about things he doesn’t like, a freedom to be petulant about it that Anakin doesn’t allow himself, even while it stirs up everyone’s lack of desire to be parted from the one they love.    But EVEN MORE THAN THAT there’s another plot twist that makes perfect sense and yet I DID NOT SEE IT COMING and makes me wonder about where all of this is going, with such a remote planet that nobody is really allowed to go to, if someone should end up staying there, it’s not like there would be anyone to know they were there, and Ugly is still in the house and, oh, I’m not sure if they’ll make it off planet before the end, if Obi-Wan and Isten will spend more time together, if Veris and Anakin will spend more time together, or if Ugly will rear up before they can leave, OR WHAT. And it’s really, really exciting to be so invested in both the relationship progress and the plot progress! As you can see by how I cannot stop talking about it!! ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 28.4k    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either.    All chapters: I’ve recommended this fic at several points along the way, but now that it’s finished I wanted to write a rec that’s for the overall story, because this was one of the most satisfying reads I’ve had in awhile! There’s something so incredibly solid and good about this fic, there’s a weight and sharpness to the characterizations that I really, really loved–I noticed it especially with Obi-Wan, who is this really great balance between stern and kind, that he’s both these things in a way that Obi-Wan Kenobi always should be. That there’s a warmth to his character, that he’s considered and kind, but that he’s also sharp when necessary, that there’s a heaviness to his character that makes him feel unmovable. I also love Anakin, who is this really brilliant, bright character, but who is also kind of a mess who only halfway knows what he wants–he knows that he feels all these things, but he doesn’t necessarily know how to fully untangle them–this is why the ending worked so well for me, because he just did not feel at all settled in his own skin, even when he knew what path he had to walk, which contrasted against Obi-Wan, who does have to wade through a lot to get where he is, but he knows himself and there’s a surety to him once he’s decided on something, that is spot on here.    I loved this fic for the characterization, that Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padme all felt like they were given depth and weight, but I also loved it for the plot! The OC droid character fit so well into the universe here, like this could very easily have taken place in the GFFA and was so incredibly engaging, I genuinely likedRusty the droid and would have read so much more from his point of view. The balance between what the droid himself brought to the story, his own backstory and motivations, was balanced against seeing Obi-Wan and Anakin through his eyes, seeing things with a fresh gaze that could comment on them and nudge them in a different direction, worked so, so well! And I really loved the ending, the way everything rolled towards the final events of it, and I just felt satisfiedafter reading it. “Obikin through the eyes of a droid” sounds like it could go a lot of different ways, but I thought the author absolutely did justice to it here, that it lived up to the concept and made something really engaging and true to the characters. I’m so glad to have gotten the chance to read this one and I think it’s a great read for when you want something that’s not precisely fluffy, but is definitely good for the heart! ✦ Death Becomes Her by stonefreeak, anakin/padme & palpatine, body horror, 1.6k    Padmé finds herself waking up after she died. Apparently, her husband couldn’t bear to let her go. She’s not grateful. At all.    I’m biased because this was based on one of my posts, but it’s legitimately a fantastic piece, it captures the horror of Padme being stuck in this reanimate body, the slow stealing away of her sanity, that none of this is good and, oh, Anakin, he is so far gone and doesn’t understand what he’s done to her. It’s horrifying and yet it doesn’t overplay its hand, instead there’s something almost delirious and unhinged about it in a way that makes me feel so, so much for Padme and it’s just everything I wanted from Anakin finding a way to forcePadme to stay alive! ALSO IT’S JUST REALLY AWESOME. ✦ Armored Oasis by Spectersticks, obi-wan & anakin & cody & ahsoka & cast, 19.9k wip    The Council sends Obi-Wan Kenobi with Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano to uncover the reason behind these consistent attacks, while defending the outpost from the Nikto clan’s ranged assaults.    I picked this one up pretty much because I wanted some action fic (tower defense fic is a great way to describe it!) and I very much got a fun action plot that was satisfying, but I didn’t expect to get character feelings to go along with it, yet, boy, did I ever! The beginning chapters are a really solid (though, it could stand to break up the paragraphs a bit more imo) action sequences, with some really, really quality Obi-Wan whump where he is a goddamned tank, especially when you see him through the eyes of the clones, they’re just in awe of the larger-than-life presence of their general! But eventually he hits his limit and Anakin kind of loses his goddamned mind over it in a perfectly Anakin way and freaks out over Obi-Wan getting hurt and overreactions in a really fascinating way–both what he’s capable of when he’s freaking out and because the fic shows just how much Obi-Wan means to him, that there’s such love between these characters shown in the way they interact with each other.    It hit so many of my iddy buttons, with Anakin going on a rampage because he thinks Obi-Wan might be dead and he flips out, you can knock Obi-Wan down but I’m not actually sure anything can really stop that guy from getting back up again, that Obi-Wan yells at Anakin in a legitimately heavy way, he’s justified in it, and yet it comes from a place of obvious love, and, oh, it’s this great digging into the thorny issues between them in a way that makes me love them both so very much, because Anakin is in a slippery fall here, but it comes from a place of such care. All of it is so satisfying, getting to see Obi-Wan and Anakain and Ahsoka all have their moments of total badassery, all on top of a solidly interesting and engaging mission fic! I couldn’t ask for more! ✦ tell me what it is you want by sunflashes, obi-wan/anakin & padme/ahsoka, NSFW, modern au, 14.4k wip    Anakin is done as fuck. His philosophy professor and academic advisor, Dr. Kenobi, has been working him to the point of breaking, and he just wants to get really, really drunk.    I think I’d started this fic before, but I recently picked it up again and started from the beginning, and just got really sucked into it. It was the perfect length for me to read now and had enough resolution that I’m not left pining, but instead I’m satisfied with how it was this really fun, cute college AU fic! There was just the right amount of pining-to-getting-together for my tastes, enough to make me enjoy the build-up to it, while Anakin especially just absolutely pined and was totally in love, to when that all finally came to a head and they fell into bed together. And that was wonderful as well, how there was some nice foreplay until Anakin just could not stand it anymore and he was so, so ready, please just fuck him already, grinding down onto Obi-Wan’s fingers and pleading for more, until Obi-Wan finally pushes into him. It didn’t have to be long, but it came at just the right time after the lead up to it, so that in addition to being very nicely satisfying sex (I am always here for Anakin being greedy and wanting more of Obi-Wan in him!) it made for this overall really fun, light-hearted experience in reading this fic! It had that affect on me where I felt energized afterwards again, like I could read another dozen stories just like this one, because I enjoyed this fandom and these characters so much! ✦ Things Freely Given by ilcuoreardendo, obi-wan/anakin, vampire!obi-wan, ~1k    “You shouldn’t have come.” Obi-Wan’s voice is strange.    This was a short but lovely piece of pretty much exactly what it says on the tin! There’s a very nice dramatic intimacy to the story, that there are events that happen around this, obviously before and after it, but it’s about the feelings and connection between these characters more than anything. It’s about how desperate Anakin is, how he’ll give anything (even of himself) to get them through this, to not be pushed away, and that Obi-Wan is hungry for Anakin in this really heavy, rolling way that makes for some very lovely imagery, as he pushes Anakin down onto the bed, his control frayed at the edges, and Anakin’s thoughts pushed out of his head in that way that I love for him. A very lovely read! ✦ untitled by likealeafonthewind, obi-wan/anakin(/padme) & sidious, 1.5k    So perhaps one way this can go is that Obi-Wan is just sitting in the Temple security room, broken and lost in the turbulence in the Force from all the violence and death that happened there (I imagine it must have created some kind of vortex of negative energy or perhaps fed into the darkside nexus under the Temple).    This is a description of a story more than a story itself, but it satisfied me in the same way that fic satisfies me when I read it, so onto a recs list it goes! And I really enjoyed this, it’s a ROTS fix-it piece that balances between how everything is always about Anakin at the heart of things, but that also Obi-Wan is a favored child of the Force, how things might have been nudged in a slightly different direction and then snowballed, if just a couple of little things had been changed. And it’s a super fun, pleasing read and I love the whole point of the fic, that the highlight of it is this moment: Sidious might be the Sith Lord hovering nearby waiting to take it over but Obi-Wan is one of its children, he’s grown up over its heart and called it home and family. Like, yes, GIVE ME ALL THE FORCE LOVES ITS CHILDREN FIC. ✦ Carrying the Stone by Makalaure, obi-wan & anakin, 4.3k    “I wish Master Qui-Gon was here instead of you.”    I was curious about this fic as soon as I saw it because I’ve liked the author’s Tolkien writing, so I was hopeful about getting a good Star Wars story–and, oh, I definitely did. This is a heavier fic in a lot of ways than I expected, there’s such a raw anger to bb!Anakin here, who is upset and hurt in a way that is entirely understandable and makes me ache for both him and Obi-Wan, for how hard this is to struggle through. It’s sharp and he says hurtful words (but he’s a child and the narrative understands that, even as his words hurt, they’re coming from a place of upset themselves and from someone who’s not old enough to control themselves yet, that Obi-Wan too understands this) and it’s not an easy start. But it’s still good and there’s still hope, this isn’t a fic that made me feel worse afterwards, but instead one that I felt really did justice to the way these two were thrown together, neither of them precisely chose this, and yet there’s something there already, something epic in the making. That’s a difficult balance to achieve sometimes, but this one did it beautifully. And, oh, that last line is absolutely perfect, I still grin just thinking about it. ✦ The Virgin Duchess and Other Stories by ambiguously, obi-wan/anakin/padme/satine, ~1k    There were a number of stories about the rule of Duchess Satine Kryze. Some of them were even true.    This worked well for me because it’s not really necessarily a true story, but instead about what’s said about these four characters and their relationship and what happened with them, how they came together. It’s sort of a children’s fairy tale story and I’m always a sucker for these four together, so I enjoyed this! ✦ Saber’s Hilt by lovelykenobi, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, dirty talk, 2.3k wip    Anakin’s a boy with a mouth and a sassy attitude. Obi-Wan reacts accordingly.    My caveat before I move further on is that this fic has some slur play that briefly gave me pause (though, that may be a personal thing more than anything!) that I think a heads up on would help beforehand, but I really did enjoy this fic a lot! It’s pretty well designed to appeal to my iddy wants, it’s cheerfully filthy and embraces the tropes it uses and is clearly having a greattime doing so, which is always infectious! It’s very much about the d/s relationship, how it gives Anakin structure for when he can’t help backtalking and being a real brat, how you can feel how much more wrung out of all that restless energy he is afterwards. It’s a fic meant to appeal to these elements and I enjoyed it for just cheerfully being happy dirty sex! ✦ Alternative by Glare, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, dark themes, 2k    PROMPT: In the Negotiation-verse what would it be like if instead of the whole drugging and kidnapping business, they ended up sorting out the kiss and dating. Anakin has no idea his boyfriend is a serial killer.    Oh, I really loved this so much, it’s this great mix of something fluff and yet also really creepy, knowing what we do about this serial killer!Obi-Wan. I mean, I gladly would have picked it up just for cute domestic-esque interaction where they talk over Anakin’s casework, then Obi-Wan fucks him over the desk in really sweet, satisfying sex, but to have that undercurrent of something much darker and fucked up? Ahhh, I really missed that blend from Negotation! But also really I super appreciated just how happy the sex made me, how it was cute and charming, that of course Obi-Wan had some lube on hand and Anakin was just as ready to be fucked over his desk, that there was this curl of something in him as Obi-Wan opened him up, spread him wide, and pushed into him, that it said something about Anakin that he liked what this did to him. It’s just a really, really fun, super delicious piece to read! ✦ Your Face Is Like A Melody by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, ~1k    writegowrite asked: #3 for the sexy prompt, please?    Oh, this was lovely and another fic that came along when I needed it, just a pwp but with the undercurrents of just the right amount of a d/s dynamic, that it’s super hot sex while also giving structure to Anakin, keeping him within bounds and focused, and how much Anakin responds to that, how much he enjoys that attention, that feeling of being caught and guided and held. But also just really nicely done sex, which I appreciated so very much. ✦ Brothers (working title) by Charity_Angel, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & padme & shmi & yoda & cast, 17.3k wip    In which Qui-Gon has a very near miss on Naboo, Obi-Wan is very stubborn, and they end up breaking a lot of rules accidentally as a result. All because of that kid they picked up on Tatooine.    Often times when I read fic that uses Legends and canon together in a fic, which are incompatible with each other, I find myself wanting to argue and yet I was just fine with it here–and it dawned on me anew that it was because this fic is clearly coming from such a great, warm, caring place with it, that it’s clearly just having fun doing its thing and loving everyone and everything, that I got swept up in that wamrth and wanted to read another 50k of it immediately. It’s such a wonderful fic where everything goes right–Qui-Gon lives after Naboo, but is injured so Obi-Wan temporarily takes over the beginning of Anakin’s training. This allows everyone breathing room, this means Obi-Wan now knows what happened on Tatooine instead of being in the dark about it, this means that he can talk to Qui-Gon about what to do with Anakin and isn’t weighed down by grief, this means that there’s breathing room for everyone, this means that things are able to be nudged in a better direction, so that Shmi can be freed and brought to Naboo, so that Anakin can be more settled, that Obi-Wan has more breathing room, and eveyrone is just really wonderful and happy.    It’s not without struggle, they still have a lot of shit to wade through, Palpatine is still out there, but it gives the Jedi breathing room and lets them have the space to take stock and deal with things more slowly. And, oh, all the worldbuilding bits! The classes that Anakin gets enrolled in! The going to get lightsaber crystals! And the characterization is wonderful, there’s such developing affection between Obi-Wan and Anakin, Qui-Gon is healing and is able to better talk to Obi-Wan here, Yoda cackling about hilarious shit that happens, Jedi friends being there to help and/or laughing at silly things! And Obi-Wan especially, my love, is gorgeously written here and we see him becoming the really great teacher that we know he’s meant to be. The way he deals with Anakin, the way he deals with other Padawans, when not weighed down by grief, is so true to his character and so warm-hearted. And Anakin is goddamned precious and Padme is kind-hearted and sparkling–and, really, everything in this fic sparkles! The writing and characterizations are so sharp and just left me with a smile on my face the entire way. It might be a fix-it fic but that doesn’t mean it’s any less engaging or wonderful to read!
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damcgedsouls · 3 years
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{hayden christensen ; twenty-one; cis man ; he/him } ANAKIN SKYWALKER from STAR WARS has been spotted in the quiet town of oakley lake. people say that they is LOYAL, but also has been said to be IMPULSIVE. around the town they spend their time COLLEGE STUDENT. i heard that they DON’T remember where they came from, and that being held from them is HIS LIGHTSABER AND HIS DARTH VADER HELMET.
full name: anakin skywalker
nickname: ani
birthday: june 10th
sexuality: hetrosexual
abitilies: jedi powers (can’t use them for now), quick reflexes
occupation: mechanic at under the hood
canon up to: being told that padme died & becoming darth vader (doesn’t remember)
+ traits: charming, charismatic, powerful, & loyal
- traits: manipulative, closed-off, hot-headed, & impulsive
anakin is the only child of shmi skywalker, he has no father. he was born into slavery on a planet in the outer rim called tatooine.
growing up anakin spent most of his free time working on building droids like c3po and fixing up other mechanical devices.
when he was nine people showed up on his planet, they were obi-wan, padme, & qui gon jinn. qui gon jinn took an interest in anakin and bet on his freedom if he won a pod race. and because of anakin’s force abilities he was able to win the pod race. at first anakin didn’t want to leave without his mom, but his mom convinced him to. it was very hard on anakin to leave his mom behind since he had no clue when he would see her again. but he knew that he would do anything to get her free.
he became close to one of the queen of naboo’s handmaiden named padme amidala, he even carved her a necklace that was suppose to protect her from danger.
he was taken to meet with the jedi council and they refused to train him since they felt he was too old and too much fear. qui gon jinn decided to go against the council’s ruling and train anakin himself. though the council said he can’t because he already has a padawan in obi-wan. also, the queen is returning to naboo so obi-wan and qui gon needed to go back with her and that anakin’s future would be decided later.
when he returned with obi-wan, qui gon, and padme to naboo. they go to the gungans to ask them for help since jar jar mentioned that they have a grand army. it was during the pleas where it’s revealed that padme is not a handmaiden but the queen, and the person who they thought was the queen was a handmaiden who pretending to be the queen to protect padme.
when they are attacked by darth maul and droids; anakin hides in a ship. to help his friends being attacked he starts the ship, but due to autopilot instead of staying on naboo he is sent towards the droid command ship. r2 is able to get the ship off autopilot and anakin accidentally gets into the ship and while he is attacking the droids, he destroys the main reactor and the command ship blows up and anakin safety gets out, helping the naboo and gungans beat defeat the droids and the trade federation.
once qui gon jinn was killed by darth maul, the jedi council takes obi-wan’s duel with darth maul as his trial and he is given the rank of jedi knight. and since obi-wan promised qui gon to train anakin, the council approves and anakin becomes obi-wan’s padawan.
anakin trained for years  with obi-wan as his jedi master. and when he got older he reran into padme. there was an assassin trying to kill her and anakin and obi wan were assigned to protect her. anakin’s crush on padme only became more intense over the years even though he made a promise to the jedi order to never fall in love or have attachments. he is also more cocky and arrogant than he was when he was nine.
one night while obi-wan and anakin are arguing a bit, an assassin sends posionous bugs into padme’s room. anakin and obi-wan are able to sense it before she is attacked and killed. anakin kills the bugs and obi-wan jumps out the window and holds onto the thing that brought the bugs to the room.
anakin rushes out of the room and gets a speeder and goes after obi-wan. he is able to catch up to his master as he is falling out of the sky. the two chase the assassin’s speeder. anakin decides to take a shortcut, and when it looks like he was wrong he jumped out of the speeder and landed on the assassin’s speeder. he is able to down the speeder and him and obi-wan chase the assassin into a club. obi-wan cuts of her hand before she kills him, and the two take her outside. before she can tell them who hired her to kill padme, an unknown bounty hunter killers her with a dart.
obi-wan and anakin tell this news to the jedi council, they send obi-wan off to find the bounty hunter and give anakin his first assignment alone to take padme back to naboo.
anakin and padme head to naboo and hideout at a little house by the lake, it was there that they share their first kiss, though padme said it was a mistake. all it did was confuse anakin more with feelings since he liked her and thought she liked him. the two spend a lot of time together, learning more about each other and the feelings between them grow. when anakin confronts her about it one night, she tells him they can’t. they would have to keep it a secret and would be living a lie, no matter how they felt about one another.
that night, anakin has another nightmare about his mom in pain, and he decides he needs to go back to tatooine to find her. padme tells him that she is going with him, once they get there he learns his mother is freed and married. so he goes to the lars moisture farm where he is reunited with c3po and meets his step-brother and step-father. he learns that tuskian raiders kidnapped his mom and she had been missing for a month. so anakin goes out to look for her. he is able to find her still alive, but unfortunately she dies in his arms and anakin snaps, killing on the tuskian raiders. he brings his mother’s body home and the lars and him and padme have a funeral for her.
after anakin receives a transmission from obi-wan about a former jedi master, count dooku and the trade federation being behind the assassination attempts on padme. he transmits the message to the jedi council who tell anakin to stay where he is and protect padme. but they both decide to go to help save obi-wan.
when they get to the planet of geonosis, they are right away attacked and while they are able to survive the attack, they are captured. and while they are being chained up on the chariot, padme admits to being in love with anakin and the two share another kiss. they are brought out to a stadium full of geonosians there to watch the execution of anakin, obi-wan, and padme. the trio are able to fight off the creatures there to kill them, anakin is able to use force abilities to cause the creature attacking him to trust him and he is able to rescue padme and obi-wan. and when all the droids come out to attack them, mace windu shows up with other jedi masters and they all fight the droids. but unfortunately the jedi are out numbered and dying off fast and before they can all be killed yoda shows up with a clone army and rescue all the surviving jedi and padme.
anakin and obi-wan follow dooku to try to stop him, when they catch up to him, anakin runs in and is hit by lightning and hurt. so obi-wan starts to fight him, but doesn’t succeed. before dooku can kill obi-wan, anakin goes in to fight dooku. while anakin is able to hold his own for a bit, dooku is able to cut off his arm and pushed him away. then yoda shows up and fights dooku, though dooku tries to kill obi-wan and anakin, so yoda has to stop fighting to save them and dooku get away.
anakin gets a new robotic hand and escorts padme back to naboo, where in secret the two wed.
anakin fought along side obi-wan and other jedis in the clone wars, he was able to go through the trials and become a jedi knight. during the clone wars he gets his own padawan, ahsoka, who anakin was very loyal to. unfortunately she was blamed for a crime she did not do, and when it came out she was innocent, she left the jedi order. that was the start of anakin’s distrust for the jedi.
anakin finally returns to coruscant when palpatine is kidnapped by general grievous. on the ship, him and obi wan fight count dooku again. obi-wan gets knocked out by dooku, but anakin is able to go after him. and he is able to cut off both of dooku’s hands and with so pushing by palpatine he kills dooku.
after rescuing palpatine, anakin returned to coruscant with obi-wan and palpatine, he was told by padme that she was pregnant. anakin was a bit conflicted by the news since he was happy, but at the same time, their relationship was still a secret and eating at anakin.
not long after learning about padme’s pregnancy, anakin started to have nightmares about her dying in childbirth, it made anakin determined to get the power to save her.
he becomes closer to palpatine who slowly starts manipulating anakin towards the dark side, by stoking his ego and making him distrust the jedi council. palpatine appoints anakin to the jedi council, though the council does not like the move, and while they accept it, they don’t grant anakin the rank of master. it angers anakin since everyone else on the council is a master. also, he is given a task to spy on palpatine.
anakin is being torn apart, he wants to do the jedi thing, but the jedi council is asking him to do something against the jedi code, palpatine is pushing him away from the jedi code, and padme’s pregnancy and potential death are all causing conflict within anakin.
during an opera with palpatine, he tells anakin a story about a darth lord of the sith who had the power to save his loved ones from death, this story interests anakin and makes him wish he could have that power.
after obi-wan starts to fight general grievous, anakin goes to share the news with palpatine, it was during their conversation that anakin learns palpatine is the sith lord they have all been looking for. he goes to master windu and tells him, and while anakin wants to go with to arresst palpatine, windu forbids it. but palpatine in a last ditch efforts uses a sith power to reach anakin and convince him to come. when anakin arrives three jedi masters are already dead and master windu has palpatine on the floor against the wall. but palpatine uses his lightning and windu rebounds it and it starts to deform palpatine, the whole time palpatine is pleading with anakin to save him. windu then goes in to kill palpatine, but anakin chops off his hand and palpatine uses his lightning to throw windu out the window.
palpatine’s manipulation had finally worked, anakin was on the path towards the dark side and becomes palpatine’s apprentice to protect padme. palpatine gives anakin the sith lord name darth vader.
anakin turns against all the jedis killing all the little jedis. while many people could see what he did as cruel, to anakin it was the only way to save the only family he had life.
in mustafar, padme comes to try to bring anakin back to the light, but when he sees obi-wan and padme, he fears that the two are secretly together and he force chokes padme and duels obi-wan. all anakin has is hate and anger. during the duel anakin gets severely burned and barely survives.
though he still has the anger he was left with. he doesn’t know about his past, he does have strange memories of a burning sensation in his body.
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korra-n-stuff · 7 years
So I was having a thought...
What was Obi-Wan’s reason for bending the truth and not telling Luke who his father was when he had the chance?
I gave this a long thought and I think I may have found a reason, one that I think would make sense in the context of Obi-Wan’s life (and after) from the point of facing Darth Maul with Qui-Gon Jinn on Naboo, to the point of his conversation with Luke on Dagobah after the death of Yoda. This may have already been said somewhere else, but id like to put it in my own long winded words, so hang with me if you want to read this whole thing, which ill put under the cut.
So I’ll be jumping around the timeline here a bit, and ill try to be as clear as possible when explaining things.
Obi Wan met Anakin on Tatooine in TPM as a young boy, and was told to train him by his dying master and so he did. To the best of his abilities, and using what he knew of from the Jedi, he was Anakin’s mentor, but also trying to be a father to him, which is something no Jedi is trained for. Through their early years, up until the Clone Wars, they were antagonistic to each other sometimes, but overall got along well enough. And through out the Clone Wars they developed a brotherly bond, and the rotten parts of their friendship fell away somewhat. They were comrades, mentor and student, father and son, father figures to a young Togrutan padawan, and brothers. Ashoka’s Trial tests them slightly, with Obi Wan siding wth the Council on Ahsoka’s sentence. My only excuse for this was (writing) his devotion to the Jedi Code and its rules. He stood by his Order, which wasn't perfect, he knew, but was something he had had faith in all of his life. 
Then the Clone Wars come to an end and now Obi Wan stands on the bank of a lava river, screaming at his friend to not jump. to end this duel right now. But Anakin does not listen, and, through what I personally think is an accidental move, Obi Wan dismembers his friend and sees him beginning to burn on the bank of the lava river. He shouts at his best friend, expressing his devastation and telling him he loved him like brother, only to receive the words “I hate you!” thrown into his face. And whether he is too weak or too strong, he doesn't know, he cannot strike down his brother, and leaves his fate to the Force. He does not hear from Anakin Skywalker for decades, he only knows of Darth Vader. And years later, he greets his old friend in death.
Obi Wan was a strict follower of the Jedi Code, a code that taught one not to love or form attachments, for they only brought suffering. And giving into his human nature, he did attach. Then, one by one, they were struck down because of him and what he had done. Qui Gon; stabbed by Darth Maul because he was not fast enough. Satine; also stabbed by Darth Maul because she was his love. Padme; choked and ultimately killed Obi Wan’s own students turn to the Dark Side. Anakin Skywalker; burning alive on the bank of a lava river because his Order failed to keep him from the Dark Side. Ashoka; presumed dead by Darth Vader’s hand. Obi Wan’s story is not of someone who is berated and beaten until he dies or gives in, as most heroes stories are, but rather one of a man who does all he can to protect what he cares for, and has to watch them suffer anyway, simply because of his existence.
Now, exiled on Tatooine, watching over a young boy who will one day save the galaxy and will inevitably face Darth Vader, he has a choice; tell him his fathers fate and risk Luke failing as he did, or do not tell him and maybe prevent anymore suffering in the galaxy, at the cost of the boy killing his father. He was taught this lesson; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Relying on the only teaching he knows, and remembering that lava bank and how he had tried and failed at the same thing Luke would have to do, he does not tell the boy of what his father had become; an ever burning man trapped behind a mask of hate and suffering. Now, as an audience, we know this wasn't the right choice, we know Luke will be able to redeem his father. But, Obi Wan, who was the last chance at saving Anakin there on Mustafar, who loved him and cared for him, failed to bring his friend into the light, and he thinks what chance would a son, who Anakin didn't even know was alive, have against the monster he’d become. He sets Luke on the path of the Jedi, then shortly after, sacrifices himself to his old friend to allow the last hope(s) for the galaxy to escape. He sees Luke’s trials and tribulations, and years later, sends him to Yoda for guidance. Luke then rushes off to face Vader, and learns the unfortunate truth. Yoda, on his death bed, says the boy wasn't ready for the burden; meaning that he hadn't come to the point where he could let his father go, like Obi Wan had let him go. Luke then confronts Obi Wan, asking why, and he tells him, adding that his feelings could be made to serve the Emperor, just as his fathers, and Obi Wan’s, were used by the Emperor. And Luke does face his father one last time, but rather than the two futures Obi Wan saw, he is presented with a third. A universe where Anakin Skywalker is miraculously redeemed by the thing he himself tried to use; love.
Now this is where Obi Wan’s fatal flaw comes in; his faith in the Jedi blinding him to the truth. I don't blame Kenobi for this entirely, he was raised from with in the Temple from birth, and many of us have spat in the face of reason for something we think is right. While he was blind to the Councils corruption and ignorance, he still let his human side show trough and tried to care for others, though he was forbidden from doing so; trying to do what a true Jedi does. He was servant of the Light through and through, and I think his story personifies what is wrong with the Jedi of the Clone Wars era; that their own ideals and, ironically enough, fears did not allow them to see their own downfall. The line; “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” is in itself an absolute, and shows how Obi Wan’s own teachers betrayed him and their order; they were so righteous that they did not see themselves inching toward the dark side and becoming what they fought against. Now, again I think that this doesn't fall all on Obi Wan’s shoulders or even the current Jedi at the time, they all were simply following millennia old teachings that had worked for thousands of years.
In the end, Obi Wan’s choice was made out of fear, the thing he was taught to avoid most by the order that was organized to burn from its own failures; fear of what Luke’s fate could be if he allowed him to make the same mistake he himself made; hesitating to end the darkness because he cared too much. And from a man who watched all he knew and love burn, his wrong choice was made out, maybe not right, but, valid reasons, all coming from a broken mans heart. 
There are a lot of so called “Perfect Jedi” in the Star Wars mythos, and some may disagree, but I feel Obi Wan falls among that group because of the fact that he tried with all his soul to fight the darkness (something I feel is the true core of the Jedi’s purpose), and even in his failure, was a guiding hand in the one that would stop the greatest darkness in the galaxy, as well as his incorruptible spirit and strength to endure so much more than any one man should.
If ya read to the end, you get a star because holy shit was this thing a long essay, but I wanted to voice some thoughts I had about one of my all time favorite characters.
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