#he would that last part without being under this weird spell he thinks you're weird bro
bluesthebest · 2 years
Truth spell
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You're hot, you have a rocking bod and I would probably go home with you if I was slightly more drunk. Only issue is that you are a creepy old man I also don't know who you are so, leave me alone.
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blorbologist · 1 year
if you're still doing them: how about some antipathy/sympathy for kynan and cassandra?
36. Antipathy/Sympathy
"This spell attracts or repels creatures of your choice. You target something within range, either a Huge or smaller object or creature or an area that is no larger than a 200-foot cube. Then specify a kind of intelligent creature, such as red dragons, goblins, or vampires. You invest the target with an aura that either attracts or repels the specified creatures for the duration. Choose antipathy or sympathy as the aura's effect."
[This is a really fuckin hard spell to work with yet, so apologies that my muse took me in a bit of a different direction!]
[Set in my Cat’s Cradle AU - and a few months in the future of where the story currently is. So has a couple spoilers for what I have planned there!]
His last stop looks rich as all hells. It’s a relief, a big one, because Kynan can hide from the rain under the eaves without soaking his back and ring the doorbell. And wait. The downpour smothers any sound of approaching footsteps, but he does see the shadow of movement through the fancy frosted glass. 
“Hey - er, hi! Special delivery,” says Kynan as soon as the door opens. He forgot to get the pen handy, so he fumbles around for one to offer along with the clipboard. “Sign here.”
Holy shit, she’s cute. And looks exhausted as hell, which makes sense immediately because it’s the end of the term. But also not, because what student would order this much stupidly specific metal. Or maybe she’s an engineer? Engineering majors are always weird. 
His arms are getting tired - again, big box full of panels and parts - as she squints at the pen, at him, at the clipboard, at him, at the box. 
“I have got to get Percival to double check his address when he orders his gadgets online,” she sighs. “I’m sorry - this was my brother’s work. Could I still -”
“Oh yeah, definitely.” 
Probably not, but it’s all pros from where Kynan’s standing. A few more seconds out of the rain, for one. Not needing to carry this box back to the truck. And maybe, just maybe, he can get his head together to say something smart. 
“I, uh-”
Kynan jumps, almost drops probably ten pounds of robot guts on his foot, and yelps when something black and - jingling? - definitely jingling zips by, each bound down the steps punctuated by a cheery little bell.
Kynan’s halfway down the stairs already. “Rapper? You - sorry, you named your cat Rapper?!”
“Rapier,” she corrects. “Like a fencing sword.”
Okay, sure, that works. His eyes widen as the girl brushes past him and onto the stone pathway leading to her house. “What are you doing?! It’s pouring rain - get a coat on, the kitty can’t get far in this weather.”
She narrows her eyes - only barely, because they’re blown wide with distress.  “Only if you saw where she went.”
“Under my - the work truck.”
Kynan steels himself and, while she’s ducking back inside, kneels on the wet driveway concrete to peer between the wheels. And get on his hands, too, because she’s all the way back there, huh? 
“Here kitty kitty,” he chitters. Wide yellow eyes stare back at him, quite startled by the situation. Well, yeah, you got us into this mess. “Come on - uh - Rapier? Rapier, come on!”
She does not come on. Though she does chirp, which he thinks is a reassuring sign. Stretching his arm out to try and scratch her chin or scruff her ends up being a bad idea, though - she skitters farther back. Fuck. He can feel the rainwater bleeding through his pants. It’s freezing.
He makes his second embarrassing trill of the day when a heavy weight drops on his back. Turns his head to see the young woman, now securely wrapped in a raincoat. And something thrown over him, too.
“You’re soaked. It’s one of my brother’s that he’s forgotten here one too many times - at least it will keep you dry.”
“Oh.” Kynan realizes he’s still on his hands and knees, with a very fancy if worn coat hanging awkwardly off his back, in front of a very cute girl. In the middle of a storm. “Thank you?”
There’s a painfully awkward pause. “Cassandra. Cass. Pleasure to meet you.” She looks about to hold out her hand for a shake before she grins a bit sheepishly and stuffs it in her pocket. 
“I - thank you,” she says. “For helping.” 
“Well - I’m Kynan. Leore. Kynan Leore,” he stammers. “And - it’s nothing”
It’s not, actually, nothing.
The fugitive isn’t under the work truck long. She actually leads them on quite the chase until she actually runs into something that gets her to turn around.
Kynan has just a second to cow in triumph, cat bundled in his soaked coat (he stripped it to put on the dry one when Rapier got under the hedge) before he immediately regrets opening his big stupid mouth. 
“Fuck! You - fucking gross! Sorry,” he adds a bit sheepishly, even though Cassandra just looks amused by the sudden outburst. “She reeks - I think from the garbage bins? Fuck.”
Cassandra is cruel enough to laugh. He immediately wants more of it, and if the cat wasn’t so busy struggling to escape he’s pretty sure he’d get a look from the feline. 
“Let’s get you both inside,” she says, disturbing an array of mirrors as she skips through puddles. Gone is the exhaustion, just pure relief to have her cat safe, and - wow. With blue that pale, her pupils are obvious, honing in on the teeny fuzzy head. 
Rapier makes a really pathetic yowl, though, so. There was no look for him, there. Chill, Leore.
Cassandra opens the door for them both. “Never thought I’d be making this sort of delivery today,” Kynan says as he releases Rapier in the entrance. She takes the time to daintily shake her paws, about as miserably as Kynan feels. “I hope you’ve got towels for her - and you, too. You’ll catch a cold ”
“That’s an old wive’s tale.” Cassandra rolls her eyes. Rapier, sensing trouble, makes a jingling retreat further into the house, leaving a trail of damp pawprints in her wake. “It’s moreso the close proximity from staying inside to avoid the weather. It makes sharing colds easier.”
“Oh. That’s cool.” Kynan makes a face as he shucks that wonderfully warm coat. He’ll remember it fondly. And this whole evening, really, even if he’s sure he’s getting a cold out of it, no matter what Cassandra says. “Well. I’m glad I could help! And, uh, I hope your brother gets the package safe, and that -”
Something in Cassandra’s look stops him.
“How long of a drive do you have? Until you’ll be home and have a change of clothes?”
Kynan frowns. “I mean? Between getting back to work, clocking out, and the traffic this time of day? … Probably an hour.” 
She hums, glancing away. Her hair is only faintly damp, on account of the hood she’d had up. Dark brown, with streaks of - blond? Or white? It’s really pretty. 
“... Percy hasn’t been by in months,” she says, almost to herself. “I told him I’d get rid of his things if he didn’t -” There’s a very decided nod that makes Kynan stand a little straighter. “Right. You - Kynan? Mind staying there? I’ll get you a change of clothes. I think you’re roughly of height. And then I’m treating you to tea. For catching my little lady.”
He blanches. The coat alone, even a bit tattered, is probably a few day’s pay. Just loaning it to hunt for a cat in the rain felt decadent. “I - no, really, it’s fine -”
“It’s really not.”
“How about - what - dry up the kitty first?” he tries. “And I’ll throw my coat over a heater and leave when it’s dry. Fair?”
Cassandra sniffs through her nose. From anyone else - from someone else in particular - he’d call it disdainful, but it’s… actually really cute? And it feels affectionate. 
“Fair,” she agrees, swiping a towel from a nearby bathroom. He helpfully points out where Rapier’s pawprints lead as he works to unlace his running shoes (fuck he feels super poor, extra poor, wearing old no-name sneakers on this fancy tile). 
And then his phone rings.
“Oh - sorry. My boss. Gotta -” Kynan clears his throat. Cassandra actually smiles - really smiles! - and waves a go-ahead, padding off in pursuit of her cat.
“Hi! Sorry, sorry - something came up. A cat got out, and given it’s the end of my shift I figured -” he shuts up. Listens. Nods, dutifully, even if she can’t see it. Hears the scuffling of towel. “Yes. I understand, it’s very - very unprofessional. I know, but - yes, Ripley ma’am. It won’t happen again. Promptly - yeah. Goodbye.”
“Sorry,” he’s been repeating that a lot, lately, but it feels a lot better saying it to Cassandra. “She’s a real - er - hardass? About efficiency, and all -”
“Get out.”
Until it doesn’t. 
“Sorry?” squeaks Kynan.
She’s looking at him like - not like he’s beneath her, the way rich folk do. It’s worse, it’s the look his old man has when he’s fucked up, and pissed him off, and offended him. Even worse - it can always get worse - he sees the face in the mirror, bruised and scared that this’ll be it. 
“Get off my property,” Cassandra snarls, clutching the cat to her chest. It looks just as confused as he feels. “Leave, now, before I call the cops.”
… That last bit shook too much to be a real threat, but he’d not want to turn it into one. Kynan bites his tongue and gets out of there as soon as he can, hears the lock and deadbolt behind him. The rain hasn’t let up. He can’t stop and think, either, because she’s scared and angry and he doubts Ripley would back him up if he loitered. So it’s on autopilot that he gets the keys into the ignition and drives away, Google Maps reminding him cheerfully of the most efficient route back to work.
What did he do?
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Wish In A Well
Part II
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Pairing: witcher!Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: yandere-ish Steve, noncon/dubcon, non-consensual use of magic, might get a bit darker as the story progresses.
Words: 2.5k
Summary: Victims of a love spell, Steve and you learn how to live without each other when the charms get broken. Funny enough, you soon find your ex-boyfriend taking interest in you again.
Part I
P.S. Just to clarify, this is NOT the same witcher AU as Witcher tv-series/book/game.
Soon you finished with your massage, and Rogers breathed out a sight of relief, his pain finally gone. Both of you quickly left the room: the exam was starting, and you hurried into the hall.
In the evening you found a pretty little box with chocolate near your door. Although you went to several dates in the last two months, you knew it weren't your suitors who sent you this.
"I don't know, really," you told Wanda, your friend and roommate, "it feels weird. I just broke up with him. And, uh, after all this love spell business I expected Steve to never look in my direction. It's not like he ever loved me either. I'm sure he must have felt terrible when he realized we were bound by the spell and nothing else."
"Still, it doesn't mean he can't have feelings for you. What if he likes you just because, you know, you are you? You're pretty, and smart." She retorted and smiled, eating one of the chocolates from the box you put on the floor, you two sitting on puffy bright pillows around it. "And he definitely gets a thorough check up every month to detect any charms or curses, so it can't be another love spell or anything."
"Yeah, I know," you muttered, upset.
You couldn't explain why it bothered you. Were you doubting his feelings? Perhaps. The spell stole 3 years of your life, and it was only natural to suspect Steve still being under the influence of magic. It could also be just out of habit, him returning to you just because it was something he grew accustomed to.
"Besides, he's gonna be a dark guardian soon. You're the ambitious type too, aren't you? I thought Steve would fit you better than Jake or Larry. In the end, they'll never be your equals, don't you think?"
Damn, she was right, she was so right it nearly made you irritated, and you quickly sipped your apple cider, taking a deep breath. You were too agitated for literally no reason.
"I don't know. It's just... well, after the spell was broken, I was mad, of course... but then there was hope I'd live differently, somehow... like there will be someone else for me, not just my perfect golden-haired boyfriend, you know?" Scratching your neck, you huffed, getting down on the pillows and closing your eyes. "I don't know if I want to be with good old Steve again."
"Love spells are tricky," Wanda shrugged her shoulders. "You changed a lot since the spell got broken. Maybe the real Steve was never your sweet little pet dog either. Are you sure you really know him?"
She was right again, and you threw a pillow at her, making her giggle.
Whatever. You'd think about Steve tomorrow. Now you were deadly tired, and the only thing you wanted was to drink your cider and discuss some silly rumors with Wanda.
The week went quickly: numerous projects and midterms were taking all your time, so the most you could do was to study together with your girls to have some fun. Sometimes Steve talked to you, wishing you good luck or just discussing something unimportant, but you could see clearly he was interested in you. It was both surprising and disturbing, although you did listen to Wanda, thinking it was alright to give Steve a chance. In the end, he never treated you wrong, and the love spell wasn't his fault. What if you'd start dating him even without love magic? It's not like it couldn't happen.
Next Monday professor Stark, whom you told of Steve's ritual, clicked his fingers, asking you to come see him, and when you came close, he told you with a grim expression on his face that stubborn Rogers finished the ritual. To your horror, he really seemed to devour the spirit he summoned, but when you asked Stark if Steve was in danger, professor barked a laugh, asking you if you forgot you were a witch and not a tooth fairy.
"You think dark guardians didn't do anything like that to themselves? Pfft, don't make me laugh, girl. You can't play safe if you're a witcher like Steve. Just be a dear and look after him, especially since it's kinda your fault he became so wild," professor said, and you stared at him, perplexed.
Your fault? How come it was your fault? You didn't remember asking Steve to do anything of the kind. In fact, you were actually worried about him! Even when you dated, you certainly didn't like it when he was risking his life. Why was it your fault?
Natasha reminded you that even under the spell you were still an ambitious witch, and one of your plans was to become a member of Supreme Council of Sorcerers, a powerful and ancient organization that consisted purely of witches. It had a great influence on the magic society, but, since many of its witches were centuries old, they stuck to old traditions most mages no longer cared about. One of the rules of council's witches was to have an equally strong partner or a partner who was stronger than them. Old hags believed if a witch was able to come to terms with someone as powerful as her, she possessed enough strength, wisdom, and patience to be a part of the council. You knew several witches were married to dark guardians, one to a vampire lord, and two more to necromancers. Although you didn't remember ever discussing it with him, what if Steve aimed at becoming dark guardian because at that time he was madly in love with you?
But he was no longer under the spell, you said, and Natasha just shrugged her shoulders. Maybe after 3 years of constant trainings he decided he would still go that way because it was too late to change anything, she supposed.
The possibility looked real to you, and you felt guilty. Damn, what did this stubborn guy get himself into? Whose spirit did he absorb? What was going to happen to him now?
Although you imagined Steve and you to never be close after that love spell business, surprisingly, you found yourself constantly thinking of him, meeting him, and even being kinda responsible for him. You wondered if he felt the same way towards you. You wouldn't be surprised if he did.
The next time you met Steve he was wearing an ashy black mantle with raven feathers on his shoulders, looking so majestic as if he were a king. Being so flashy wasn't in his nature, and you thought it was either a very useful magical artifact, or the influence of the spirit. You always wandered whose soul Steve devoured, but even Bucky didn't know, shrugging his shoulders whenever you asked him. There were too many mysteries around Rogers, and you didn’t like it.
"Have you heard Larry was cursed?" Wanda asked you quietly as you sat together in the auditorium, professor Pierce teaching you which spells to use to break through the giant serpent's scales.
You chocked on air.
"Larry what?"
"It's nothing serious, he just got a wolf's noise, that's all," she laughed, and you rolled your eyes, "but, imagine, even Pepper can't lift the curse! I heard she has no idea how long he'll have to walk around with his hairy grey nose."
Larry was among those guys you went out with, but if Jake was pretty shy, Larry was all about touching - you often had to scare him with a particularly nasty hex if he wouldn't take his hands off you.
"Who could do that to him, I wonder," Wanda directed her gaze somewhere above your head, up where Steve was sitting just behind you.
You could feel his eyes on your back as if he tried burning a hole in it.
The next two minutes you kept making notes - Pierce was turning into a literal monster if his students couldn't pass the exam with a mark he deemed high enough. Wondering when the break was going to be, you suddenly felt someone's warm fingers on the back of your neck, and immediately looked back, staring into Steve's handsome face. He carefully stroked your skin, never taking her eyes off you.
"The label was showing. I wanted to tuck it in," he smiled politely, leaving your blouse alone, but you knew it had nothing to do with the label or whatever he said.
Steve Rogers was shamelessly flirting with you.
"Wanda, your label is showing, too!" Sam tried reaching out to touch her back, but Pietro slapped his hands the very same moment.
"What do you think you're doing to my sister?!" He shouted with irritation, and when professor Pierce looked up your row, even giggling Wanda became quiet.
Just to make sure you weren’t under any charms, you did a cleansing ritual that evening and found out you had a very simple congeniality spell casted on you, but it was so subtle it barely had any effect. You weren’t even sure it was Steve who did that. In fact, while you were certain he cursed Larry, you doubted Rogers would put a spell on you. The pain left by love magic was still there.
Then, what you felt for Steve was simply... slight affection or something?
Cut yourself some slack, girls said. So what if you liked Rogers a little bit? Was it a crime? He was far from the worst choice you could make even if you decided to go back to him. Just give yourself time, relax, and the decision will come to you naturally, they advised you, seeing you sulking.
They were right, and soon you found yourself enjoying Steve's presence. You didn't go as far as flirting with him, but just walking together and talking was nice enough. Wanda was right about him, too - free from a love spell, Steve Rogers was a different man, and it certainly didn't feel like you were talking to the same person you knew. It was a great relief. The memories of you and him together no longer hurt you.
"Did you know professor Gamora put us together for the next Combat class?" Steve smirked, and you raised your brow at him, walking by his side in the gardens.
Oh, this beefy prince with shoulders a mile wide thought he was so much stronger than you it was stupid to make you fight him. Ha! Of all people, he should have known you had some tricks up your sleeve: confident in your own powers, you weren't scared of him even the slightest bit.
"But you won't be too rough with me, will you?" You looked at him with puppy eyes, and the witcher melted, watching you with such soft expression on his face you almost felt guilty.
"Of course not!" He assured you immediately, and you saw your good old Steve, a true gentleman who would never hurt a lady - except those ones who tried clawing his eyes out.
You're going to have sooo much fun tomorrow, you thought as you softly run your hand up his shoulder, seeing Steve's blushing cheeks and chuckling. He wanted to play a game? Then he couldn't complain if you were going to play by your own rules.
The next day Gamora really put you together with him just like he said, but you were more or less prepared this time, shocked faces of your classmates only making you grin. What, did they think you were utterly harmless? Or was it because the rumor about Steve devouring a spirit was everywhere now? Winking at the guy who sent you a sweet smile, you rubbed your palms together, knowing well professor Gamora didn't mind when her students used tricks of any kind as long as they weren't prohibited by school rules.
"No magic higher than second level, no cold weapons, and you, dear," she looked directly at you, "get 10% to your final exam mark if you put your opponent down to the ground."
You heard excited whisper - a warrior witch rarely gave 10% up on her classes, and even 5% raise was considered a big deal. Why was she ready to give you whole 10%? Was it because Steve was a serious opponent or she just thought you'd find it particularly hard fighting the guy you shared a love spell with?
You immediately took your place opposite Steve.
Both of you smiled, and you wondered if your plan was too cheeky. Seriously, was Steve even going to buy it? He was an experienced witcher, not some first-year student just out of highschool.
He reacted quicker than you, and then next moment the man was ready to grab you with his hands, using an easy but effective binding spell to restrain your movements. You predicted his move, knowing it was his favourite tactic to fight someone he didn't want to fight, so the second he got close you grasped the fabric of his mantle and stood on your tip toes, giving him a light peck on the lips. Actually, you wanted just to blew air on his face and finish with dizzlying charms to quickly put him down, but Steve reached out to you faster than you thought, so you had to change your tactics immediately.
He froze on the spot with a surprised expression on his face, reaching out to you again for another kiss, but you had already put your palm on his chest, finishing Steve off with a numbing spell and carefully levitating his huge body to the ground where he laid, looking at you dumbfounded. You got him.
Hearing nothing, you swallowed nervously, hoping Gamora wasn't going to sent you off immediately for inappropriate behavior. The next moment she, however, bursted out laughing.
"This is what I call using your brain, kids. Learn!" she barked out a laugh and then turned to you. "Great job! It was barely half a minute. 10% are yours."
Steve groaned from the ground, and you sent him a cheeky smile.
"Professor, could you give her 10% more so she'd kiss me again?" he asked, and other students giggled behind your back as you stared at Steve with a smile.
Thank goodness, he wasn't mad at you for your trick.
"My, my, I didn't know you can be so bold!" she grinned. "But listen to a married woman, you better try a bouquet of roses or a nice restaurant. I can give you some tips to make the second kiss happen faster."
Now you laughed as much as everyone, even Steve shaking on the ground, giggling.
Part III
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @melodie-rin @yeolliedokai @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess
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noa-ciharu · 3 years
and sns!
Who is the cuddler: I can see Naruto being a way much of a cuddler than Sasuke (he loves it too, but is less vocal about his wishes). They can't sit anywhere in public without "guys tone it down a bit will ya?". When they go to sleep Naruto either pulls him to his chest reflexively or spoons Sasuke from behind. Warmth spreads through his system every time, but Sasuke keeps it to himself. Little things to cherish.
Who makes the bed: "But Sasukeee what's the point of making the bed each morning when we'll sleep there again???" "Naruto" "yes?" "You're a dumbass"
Who wakes up first: Mostly Sasuke. He doesn't get up or wake Naruto up immediately. Instead he spends few minutes in silence watching Naruto sleep and feels lucky and blissful when he remember all they've been through and how tragic it all could have ended for them. Then reflects on where they were few years ago, and look at them now. Just a little silent gesture of appreciation from Sasuke's side (even if just inside his head).
Who has weird taste in music: Naruto mostly, whatever rhyme worms itself into his mind he's for it. Turbofolk? Turbofolk. Dubstep? Dubstep. Sasuke on other hand, he listens to "normal" music but keeps cringe ones a secret. Once Naruto caught him listening to goths... Naruto had a field day. From time to time he still teases Sasuke about "fitting into the stereotype".
Who is more protective: Both, and this part is canon. However after series ends and Sasuke releases some of that pent up rage and darkness from within, I think his protective/anger at Naruto being hurt mood would be more ice cold, silent aura that spells "you're so dead". Naruto on other hand, he might not turn into nine tails again (or would he?) but he'd lose it completely if Sasuke got hurt for real. Of course, if it's something relatively minor, then they'll both turn into mother hens and - okay moving on
Who sings in the shower: Naruto, not only does he sing so loud (scream really) but it's so so bad, that neighbors constantly slam on their doors cuz they can here "screams like someone's being slaughtered". Sasuke wishes there are earplugs strong enough for that fiasco.
Who cries during movies: if they're both older (post shippuden) then I'd say none, however there might be some issues in the movie that hit too close to home for one or both of them. They don't cry concretely, but more withdrew into themself and become quiet - that's when other offers silent comfort or hugs and embraces. It lasts for hours, they just sit in each other's arms in total silence.
Who spends the most while out shopping: After getting his paycheck Naruto thinks only sky is the limit - he's wrong, his paycheck is the limit. Sasuke let's him be when seeing how genuinely happy and enthusiastic he is about things he couldn't have during childhood. For that reason Sasuke enjoys their shopping going out. After all, he's reasonable with finances, if it comes to the worst, Sasuke knows he'll be able to take care for both.
Who kissed more roughly: actually I can see them being careful and gentle with each other after all they've been through. Sole exception are in moments of desparate, intense yearning or extreme passionate desire: then there's no holding back they both kiss with all they've got. Once they had intense makeout season while in Konoha, what they didn't take into account is swollen red lips and hickeys tomorrow. Konoha hasn't shut up about it for a month.
Who is more dominant: in sense of more dominant personality/ attitude I'd say they are same more the less, with sole exception that Sasuke now can see when he's being subtly emotionally maneuvered or put under social pressure or expectations - and he refuses to yield to that. Naruto mostly gives in to such things due to his compassion and overwhelming empathy, but Sasuke points some things out to him and reminds him it's not a sin to be selfish a bit more and refuse some things. In terms of sexual activity, I'd say they're also the same. I can see them switching regularly.
My rating of the ship from 1-10: 10/10 for I watched 200eps with my (then homophobic) friend in hs, made oh so many jokes about them. Each "Noa shut up please" was worth it cuz she ended up shipping them too. See what persistence does
Send me a ship and I'll tell you:
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bluerosewritings · 4 years
Every Rose Has Its Thorns | Overblot!Riddle x Reader
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You charged through the rose maze, cursing how loud your footsteps were. You'd heard Heartslabyul students talk about how insanely hard it was to even get halfway through the maze, but you never thought it would be this bad. Why, out of everything you could have done, did you think it would be a good idea to run into here?
Everything had gone so wrong. All you'd wanted was to help Ace and Deuce get out of their punishment - and if solving that with a duel meant helping the other students, great! There's no way it could end up worse than what happened in the Dwarf Mines, right?
You envied your past self's innocence.
In a weird way, you blamed yourself. If you hadn't opened your mouth, Riddle wouldn't have retaliated, so Ace wouldn't have decked his dorm leader in the face, someone wouldn't have thrown that egg at Riddle, Riddle wouldn't have freaked out and started beheading everyone, and he wouldn't have turned into... that. With that... thing hovering behind him like some sort of cruel puppeteer, looking way too familiar to whatever had tried to hurt you and your friends in the Dwarf Mines. Had you always been this unlucky?
Crowley had barely been able to say a thing before Riddle had cast Off With Your Head on the headmaster, then on Trey, Cater, and whatever poor souls that hadn't yet escaped Heartslabyul, tying them up with rose bush roots. Once again, you'd been the only one without a collar - maybe it was because of your lack of magic, maybe it was because you were from another world, you didn't know. You didn't hang around to find out - once Grim's yells at you to hurry up and get out of there snapped you out of your horrified trance, you bolted. Unfortunately, Riddle had noticed your sudden departure and chased after you, screaming your name.
You'd ducked into the Rose Maze hoping to shake him off. You wished you hadn't - all that you'd accomplished was getting yourself lost. Riddle's voiced seemed to be getting closer and closer by the minute, too.
"(y/n)!" Speak of the devil. The sudden shock of his voice nearly made you trip. "Come out this instant! Do you want your punishment to be even more severe!?"
Shaking off his words (or were you literally shaking?), you turned the corner. There seemed to be more and more roses as you went on - maybe a sign you were nearing the exit? Hoping so, you followed the blood-red flowers.
"(y/n)! I'm saying this for your own benefit! Tell me where you are, now! (y/n)!"
The leaves seemed to be disappearing under the red petals. A war between the two pieces of nature, two things that should be living in harmony instead being tainted by greed and ruining their peace. You had to be nearly out.
There were barely any leaves left now.
One last turn. One last turn and you should be--
Stuck. The roses didn't lead to the end of the maze at all. They led to the center of it.
A statue of the Queen of Hearts, like the one in the school among the other Great Seven, seemed to mock you with her smug expression. Now that you got a good look at her, she looked eerily similar to the specter haunting Riddle. Of course she did.
"So this is where you've been."
You turned so fast you fell over. Your mind couldn't even register the pain from your new cuts as you stared up in terror at the twisted form of Riddle. The boy himself seemed to be conflicted on whether to look at you with sympathy or smirk.
He settled on disappointment. "If you'd have just answered me earlier, you wouldn't be in such a sad state now, would you? Good grief."
Though he approached you at a normal pace, even that was enough to send a shiver down your spine. Desperately you tried to push yourself off the ground. Only it didn't work - you looked down to see yourself literally rooted to the floor. Following the root's path, you saw they were coming from the two rose bushes levitating by Riddle's side. No surprise there.
Out of options, you looked up at this new version of Riddle looming over you. Trying not to let your fear show, you glared at him. The look only caused Riddle's eyebrow to twitch before his emotions exploded forth.
"Don't look at your Queen that way! Change your expression immediately!"
"W-Why should I?"
"You...!" Blood rushed to Riddle's face. "Ever since I met you, everything you've done...! Causing a disturbance at the entrance ceremony, encouraging Ace and Deuce's idiotic behaviour, even managing to turn Cater and Trey against me...! I should despise every single part of you! So why...!?"
Before you could ask what he meant, the rose roots shot their way up your back, repositioning themselves so they pushed you upwards. You had no time to react - not that you could do much, your hands were still restricted, now bound together - as Riddle tangled his fingers in your hair and forced his lips on yours.
It took you a second to process what he was doing. Once you realised, you begun trying to wriggle your way out of his grip. Unfortunately, this only annoyed Riddle further - he tugged at your hair, causing you to yelp. Riddle took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Any cries of protest went ignored.
You weren't sure how long the kiss lasted, but when Riddle finally pulled away you wasted no time gasping for air. There was a metallic taste invading your mouth. Your first thought was that it was blood but you couldn't raise your hand to check.
Riddle kept your foreheads touching, his hand still in your hair to keep you from moving away. You thought you were the only one that was dealing with a lack of air, but it seemed that Riddle's power up couldn't keep him from panting.
"Why...?" Riddle looked you in the eyes. The dark intensity scared you. It was a mix of anger, regret, confusion... and something else that somehow scared you even more.
"Why did I have to fall for someone like you...?"
Somehow the ferocity of the first kiss hadn't made it click for you. Now, however, the rush of fear gave you the strength to fling your head back and crash it onto Riddle's.
Only your foreheads were connected but it was enough. Riddle yelled in pain and let go of you. You fell on to the floor but were quick to get up as the pain was distracting Riddle from his control spell.
"(y/n)...! HOW DARE YOU!?"
You make it to the other side of the Queen of Hearts statue before roots burst out of the ground and latch on to your ankles. Caught mid-run, the sudden stop causes your to fall face-forward onto the floor. More roots appear to take advantage of the opportunity, latching themselves around you, binding you to the ground.
You couldn't turn your head, but you could feel Riddle approaching, glaring at your back. You weren't sure what was worse; the foreboding sense of darkness from Riddle's stares or the crushing feeling from the roots.
By the time Riddle was standing in front of you, black dots were decorating your vision. Tears were dripping out your eyes as you were unable to stop them. The unknown anxiety from what Riddle would do made breathing even harder. Riddle gritted his teeth, still nursing his head.
"Why do you insist on being so disobedient!?" Riddle growled. "Is it just because it's me!? You have no problem listening to those first-year ruler breakers! Is it them? Did they influence you? It has to be! It's their fault!"
"No...!" You croaked out.
Every word Riddle spoke caused the roots to become tighter. The tears fell even harder as you gasped for air like a fish out of water.
"No? Look at yourself!" Riddle scoffed. "This wouldn't have happened if you'd just followed my rules! I should have approached you from the start... I should've seen what leaving you alone would do. Damn it!"
"Pl...ease...!" You could barely make out Riddle's words. A dull ringing was going off in your ears, making it hard for you to focus.
"You had so much potential, right from the beginning, even if the mirror said you were magic-less, I saw it!" Riddle continued to scold himself, unaware of your desperation. "I should've told Crowley to place you in Heartslabyul, where I could've kept you on the right track... instead you had to become a rule-breaker! Why!?"
"I'm... sorry...!" You cried out.
The words caught Riddle's ears. He finally turned to you, realising what he'd caused. Gears turned in his head before he finally spoke.
"You're sorry, what?" He tried.
"I... I'm sorry, my Queen...! Riddle...!"
Instantly, the pressure was released. The sudden rush of oxygen to your lungs made you choke. Even though the roots were off you, you stayed laying on the ground, not wanting to push Riddle into doing that again.
"(y/n)." You looked up. "Come here."
Riddle stiffly opened his arms, as if embarrassed by the act. You hesitated, unsure if it was a trap. Riddle frowned.
"(y/n). Come here, now."
Out of options, you slowly pushed yourself off the floor. You still hadn't completely recovered, so you more stumbled than walked into Riddle's arms. It didn't seem to matter - the second you hit his chest, his arms wrapped around you, holding you tight against him. The similarity to what had happened not long ago earlier caused you to tremble. Riddle didn't seem to notice.
"Thank goodness." Riddle sighed in relief, burying his face into the crook of your neck. "You're not too far gone... you just need to properly learn the rules... that's a relief..."
The smile you felt caused your skin to crawl. Riddle began tracing kisses up your neck, across your jawline then connecting your lips again.
The kiss was softer this time, a chaste one that would've made your heart race if the situation wasn't so, so wrong. Even so, the fear of angering whatever you were kissing made you lightly press back. The monster in Riddle's form pulled back slowly, a child-like smile on its face.
One hand came away from your waist and ghosted against your neck. It sighed before you felt a wisp of magic circling your neck. While you couldn't see it, you felt the new accessory adorning your neck - a black choker with a red heart outlined with gold at the front; with no clasp to take it off.
Riddle hummed in approval, happy at the sight. He wasn't as pleased when he saw the look in your eyes -  a poorly concealed fear at what he'd done. He sighed, giving you a quick kiss before leaning you into his neck now instead. He raked his fingers through your hair in a soothing manner.
"I'm doing this for your benefit." He explained. "It's my fault for letting you hang around bad influences, but it's okay now. I'll make things right for you. You'll be following the rules perfectly in no time."
Riddle placed a kiss on your forehead and leaned next to your ear. He pressed a finger against the heart of your choker.
"You will, or it's off with your head."
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girl4music · 3 years
*Cut to the Summers house, dining room. Pan across the table covered with open books. Willow's computer is set up at the end of the table, and she sits in front of it, drinking from a bottle of water. She puts the water down, picks up a book and looks under it, looks under another pile of books. Looks across and sees the book she wants - at the other end of the table. Willow holds out her hand. The book moves a little. She stops, pulls her hand back. Sound of the door opening*
XANDER: “Willow.”
WILLOW (Voice over): “Xander!”
*Xander enters from the front door and walks into the dining room. Willow looks guilty*
XANDER: “How's it going?”
WILLOW: “Um... good.
*Xander sits*
I, I, uh, found... out some stuff about the diamond stolen from the museum.
*Xander not really listening*
It's called the Illuminata, and there's rumors of it having quasi-mystical quantum properties.”
XANDER: “Willow, we need to talk.”
“We... are talking. Well, I'm talking and you're looking at me funny.”
XANDER: “Is there something you wanna tell me?”
*They look at each other for a moment. Willow looks upset*
WILLOW: “It was nothing, I... I-I didn't slip.”
XANDER: “Will, nobody's mad. Relapse is a part of recovery, we understand that. We just have to figure a way to fix it.”
“Fix what?”
XANDER: “Fix Buffy.”
WILLOW: “Buffy's broken?”
XANDER: “Will, you know what I'm talki-
*Sees her expression*
You don't know.
*Willow shakes her head, still confused*
Rhymes with... 'blinvisible'?”
WILLOW: “What?”
XANDER: “Buffy was in town, leaving the haircutting place, when she suddenly just-”
WILLOW: “Buffy got her hair cut?”
“Yeah! Adorable, apparently. I personally couldn't tell, since she's all 'blinvisible.'”
“And you think I had something to do with this?”
XANDER: “Uh, no... not...
Well, come on, Will. Some of the spells you've done have caused some weird stuff to happen to each of us at one time or another. And let's not forget the recent forgetting.”
WILLOW: “Oh. I see, so now when anything nasty happens, I get conveniently blamed for it?”
XANDER: “No one's blaming!”
*Stands up*
“So... I guess it wouldn't matter if I just jump off the wagon completely... since you already think I'm making pit stops.”
XANDER: “Well, look, if you said you didn't do it-
*Willow grabs her coat and goes past him*
Willow, where you going?”
WILLOW: “For a walk.”
*She opens the front door and exits. Xander watches her go in dismay*
When it comes to addiction, and specifically the first stage of the recovery process, one of the worst things you can do as a supporter of a person in their recovery is to pass judgement on them for anything bad that happens. This includes accusations and jumping to conclusions without any evidence - just based on your own pre-conceptions or pre-assumptions of that person. When Willow realizes that Xander has come to verbally attack her for doing something he believes she’s doing, she immediately retaliates to him by getting defensive and then attacking back. It’s something we’ve seen her do a few times in the season so far. However, this time it’s uncalled for and she has all the right to defend herself since it certainly wasn’t her fault what has happened. As Willow said - it’s convenient to blame her because she’s the only one, to their knowledge, that messes around with magic that causes bad things to happen and Xander and Anya assumes that it is magic that is what has made Buffy invisible. And while I do understand their point of view - that it would likely be Willow that has caused Buffy’s invisibleness… given the fact she’s swore off magic and gone completely cold turkey with it in the last episode, it is extremely disrespectful and discriminatory to automatically assume it’s her doing.
It doesn’t happen very often - but this time - I’m on Willow’s side. While I don’t think she has the best way of arguing her case here - being passive-aggressive and then storming off out the door rather than communicating calmly and honestly - I think she was very right to call Xander out for being a judgemental prick. And if she knew it was Anya that originally made the suggestion to clue Xander in - she would be pissed. ‘Cause she doesn’t like Anya as it is. So she’d be less friendly than usual with her if she had found out Anya was prejudiced. She’d have some choice words for her, to be sure. What Willow did in swearing off magic for good was very difficult and very courageous considering how reliant she was on it. And she doesn’t need her fair-weather friends to come at her when she’s trying very hard to cope without it. She already feels guilty enough as it is for what happened with the car wreckage and seriously injuring Dawn. It won’t help any case to just come to that conclusion on coincidence. ‘Cause it is a coincidence that someone else is messing around with magic at the same time she’s begun recovering from an overusing and abusing of it. And it makes sense why she takes the initiative to be the one to figure out how and why and where it’s happening. She wants to clear her name. She wants to clear her name because she doesn’t want to be accused for doing something she’s entirely innocent of doing. And she doesn’t want her friends to lose faith in her efforts to kick the habit. No, I’m totally on Willow’s side for this particular situation. I believe she’s in the right to get upset about it. I just don’t believe she had the best method of doing so. But that’s totally understandable when she’s upset.
There’s no arrogance or entitlement showing here. She’s just venting her emotions because she’s chosen to do something that’s going to be a real hardship for her, and Xander and Anya, and hell… even Dawn can deal with the inconveniences and the coincidences. What’s most aggravating is how Xander’s saying how he isn’t getting mad, he isn’t blaming, he understands relapse is apart of recovery,… and yet proceeds to treat Willow as if she’s already failed at it. It is flat out passing judgement on her what he does in this scene and he doesn’t get my defence this time. She does.
When watching this episode, I feel very proud of what Willow accomplishes in being able to get through the day without being dependent on magic. Especially with what the events of the day call for her to do. She successfully exposes The Trio and clears her name in one fell swoop - without the use of any magic. And you can see that there’s instances where she’s tempted to do so… but she has the willpower to resist. She’s strong, she’s brave and she’s powerful with or without magic. But the very fact she does what she does in this episode without using it once when she has spent pretty much her entire existence since developing her magical abilities thinking she’s useless and valueless without it… I beam with pride. She’s an inspiration to recovering addicts everywhere.
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ssamie · 4 years
three. “stalker vibes”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide, probably a lot of spelling mistakes
masterlist.          suicide freak!
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"class, today we have a new student joining us. please be nice to her" the teacher announced with a smile
kenma flinched at the sudden news. he kept his head down low, discreetly playing on his PSP under his desk, but he listened attentively to their teacher.
as the students started whispering to each other, kenma simply prayed that it wasn't the weirdo that kept bugging him last night. he didn't really know why he was suspecting it to be her. but with her out of context words last night, he couldn't help but be wary.
call it a gut feeling, if you may.
"alright, quiet down!" the teacher said "cmon in, l/n-san"
and just then, kenma swore he lost faith in both god and humanity all in one second.
he shakily looked up to see the same girl from the cafe. her (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and her fairly tall stature was interesting.
but what seemed to catch most of their attention was the bandages covering her arms, legs, and neck. some parts of it could be seen through the uniform jacket and undershirt, while the bandages on her legs could be seen through the thin material of her black tights.
"good morning! im l/n y/n. please take care of me~" she cooed.
she sent them a close eyed smile, along with a wave. it was something about the smooth tone of her voice.or maybe it was her effortlessly captivating smile. maybe it was just the insane amount of bandages she had.. 
but there was something about her that just somehow had the whole class wanting her attention.
in all honesty, its probably just because she was insanely attractive. 
"anything else you'd like to share about yourself?" the teacher asked her
"hm, maybe find out for yourselves~ let's be friends" she mused
kenma raised a brow at her awfully vauge answer. though he decided to shrug it off.
meanwhile, in her perspective, she was pretty much watching every movement of kenma's body. just before she took her seat, she whispered a small request to the teacher.
the teacher nodded along. "alright, you cam sit with kozume-kun, l/n-san"
"kozume-kun? will that be okay with you?" the teacher asked him
kenma froze as he felt multiple eyes land on him. his palms grew sweaty as he nervously nodded. he didn't like the attention he was receiving.
"i'll let you guys get to know each other for now. i'll be in the faculty room if you need me!" the teacher announced before walking out the classroom. 
she grinned and skipped over to him. 
"why." he muttered in annoyance "just why."
"hehe, well i did say i'd see you tomorrow, did i not?" she said with a cheeky smile
kenma simply stayed quiet, side eying her, before looking back down on his PSP.  "stalker." he said 
she gasped in offense and dramatically put her hand on her chest. "im no stalker, excuse you!" 
kenma scrunched his face up and looked her up and down. "stalker." he said. 
"coincidence? not quite! fate?" she raised a brow amusedly "i mean, what else could it be than that!" 
"please don't talk to me." kenma sighed 
she blatantly ignored him and carried on talking. "or maybe! i specifically asked to be transfered to your school and class!" 
kenma looked up at her with a look of irritation and disbelief.  "you what?" he scowled 
"oh my.." she pouted and placed a hand on her heart dramatically "i was just kidding! do you really think i'd do something like that?" 
kenma huffed and put away his console. "yes." he answered 
"well then, you're absolutely right!" 
"but what i didnt plan was to be able to sit next to you!" she pouted "so now some gentlemen are getting me a desk of my own" she smirked and looked over his shoulder "so for the time being, i guess there's just no other option than to sit on your lap" she chuckled 
"oh, since it can't be helped. can't be helped" she said with a small hum 
just before kenma would have had to resort to dropkicking her, the said boys waltzes in carrying a desk and a chair 
"l/n-san! we got you your desk, sorry for the wait" one of the boys said 
"damn." she muttered with a scowl 
"damn?" the boys repeated with a nervous smile 
"i mean, thank you! what kind gentlemen you are" she sent them a smile as she took a seat beside kenma 
the boys all flushed pink and nodded back at her. 
her smile quickly dropped as she turned to look at kenma. he was now playing his game again, and blatantly ignoring her. 
"ke-n-ma~" she sang out 
"kenma-kun~" she called out again 
she smiled and slid her desk closer to his, her chair and herself following. she hummed in content as she felt their shoulders brushing. 
"what are you doing" kenma asked with a huff as he scooted away from her 
"what are you doing? were supposed to use this time to get to know each other" she said with a hum 
"no thanks. i know enough." he responded blandly 
she pouts and rocks her chair back and forth. "suit yourself. i might just woo the boys and girls for the time being" she said as she send a wave to a group of girls a few tables away from them 
"i'd ask them on a double suicide, but no one could ever beat you" she cooed as she nudged his shoulder with hers 
"i don't care" he said as he turned away from her 
"meet you later at lunch pudding~" 
"dont talk to me" 
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as lunch time ensues, kenma practically bolted out the door. luckily for him, she stayed true to her words of 'wooing the boys and girls'. 
currently, y/n was trapped in a circle of hormonal teenagers. she was merely smiling and laughing, throwing in flirtatious words here and there. 
"eek! l/n-chan, come eat lunch with us!" one girl exclaimed
y/n blinked and smiled blankly. she was slightly concerned on how quick these girls' sexualities flipped a 180°.
"sorry, but i made plans with someone already" she said as she slyly pushed her way through the crowd  "maybe tomorrow!" she exclaimed before walking out 
"if im still alive~" she cooed to herself 
"now.." she muttered to herself as she stopped by a hallway. "where's that pudding head.." 
she looked around a few more times before giving up. she shrugged it off and made a bee line towards the rooftop 
"fresh air, nice view, conveniently placed rope.." she listed out with a content sigh. she looked around the seemingly empty rooftop and nodded with determination. she picked up the 'conveniently placed rope' and started tying a noose 
humming a small tune to herself, she tied the rope around her neck with a smile. 
"who would've thought that doing it in a school rooftop would be the trick?" she mused with a small laugh
meanwhile in poor kenma's perspective, he was merely trying to play his game in peace. he had ran away from kuroo, and the only possible hiding place left would be the rooftop. 
all he wanted was to play his game. 
what he didn't want, was to see someone trying to hang themselves with a huge smile on their face.
"w-what the-" he stuttered out 
"oya?" she muttered out as she made eye contact with him 
"kenma! great timing! perfect, actually!" she cheered 
she slipped the noose off and waved at him, holding the rope with her hands. 
"i was initially gonna be alone, but with you here, the whole game plan has changed!" she said with a hearty laugh 
"y/n?! what are you doing?!" he asked with a look of panic in his eyes. he gripped his PSP tight as he warily stepped closer to her. 
she cocked her head to the side and gave him a confused smile. "what else? im gonna hang myself, of course" 
"dont do that! are you crazy??" he exclaimed 
"of course im not! but this-" she motioned to the rope "this will be my way out! who knew the oldest method in the book would be the answer" she hummed 
kenma didn't answer. but he slowly put down his PSP on the ground and creeped up on her. as she started singing some weird suicide song, kenma was already behind her. she simply thought he was planning on joining her so she left him be. 
"alright! time to d-" 
before she could slide her head in and wrap the noose around her neck, kenma was already tackling her. 
"stop it, you suicidal maniac!" he exclaimed as he pushed his body against hers 
her eyes widen comically as she slipped on the chair she was standing on, sending her flying in the air. as funny and as impossible as it is, she, for some reason, ended up having her leg stuck to the noose, leaving her dangling upside down. 
kenma, however, was on the ground laying on his stomach. y/n looks at him with her (e/c) eyes, a look of confusion and irritation lacing her features. 
"damn." she scowled 
"damn?!" he repeated with a scoff 
kenma stood up, dusting his uniform as he glared at her with his cat-like eyes. "i just saved your life." he glared at her "and why are you doing that anyway?" 
she then smiled sheepishly and placed her hands on her chest. "i just thought that ending it here, without atsushi and kunikida-kun or anyone else to interfere, would be the perfect way out!" 
"but then you came.." she gritted her teeth 
kenma scoffed in offense and picked his PSP up from the ground. 
"i actually thought you were finally gonna join me!" she whined  "imagine the hurt i felt after your betrayal!" she exclaimed dramatically 
kenma sighed and clutched his pulsating chest. it was definitely his first time doing something like that. 
"ne, kenma-kun" she whined "since you're already here, you might as well eat lunch with me" 
she wiggled around in hope of freeing herself but sighed in defeat when she failed to do so.  "also, maybe come help me out of this?" she asked sheepishly 
"just die like that." kenma replied bluntly. he took a seat next to her dangling body, cowering in the shade as he continued to play his game, though he sneeked some glances at her from time to time. 
"but i snuck in some alcohol and i was dying to try it out" she sighed dejectedly 
"alcohol?" kenma cringed 
"well, yeah. i was hoping i'd consume so much i'd just die from it" she said nonchalantly "and because i like the taste of it" 
"help me out ke-n-ma~" she sang out "ke-n-ma~" 
kenma simply ignored her and continued playing. 
"..." she paused 
"kyanmaaaa!! ~" she called out while waving her arms around 
"fine!" he snapped and stomped over to her, blushing once he caught sight of her lifted skirt. though there wasn't really much to see since she was wearing shorts. 
"hold still-" he huffed as he tried to untie the knot 
"hehe, this is real intimate, don't you think?" she chuckled and hugged his torso, though she ended up hugging his lower waist due to her current position. she nuzzled her face into his midsection, making him flinch 
"yeah. real cute. romantic. wow." he retorted sarcastically as he started sliding her leg out 
she let out a yelp as she suddenly fell on the hard ground. she looked up at his unamused face with a sly grin. she was laying the the floor while he looked down at her. 
"so.. you come here often?" she snickered 
"that's the plan!" 
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funtarou · 4 years
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Wishes || Kuroo x Reader
The Second Part of "Plans" || Kuroo x Reader" fic
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Second part is here and I hope it's decent or maybe satisfying enough. Like wise, I'm rusty and still trying to regain my writing zone. Also I haven't throughly slowly proof-read this so-- Also also ya know, like wise, how I depict Kuroo has no guarantee that it's the actual Canon Kuroo, ya know. But I'm tryna get a bit close-
Story Warning: Angst, Comfort/hurt?, Human emotions are weird okay. There's one Sexual action but not described specifically. Still just incase, 13 year old below minors do not interact.
Writing Warning: Bad English grammar and possible spelling mistakes and wrong use of words. English is not my first language and I'm still tryna get back in writing groove.
Read part 1 here
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Kuroo Tetsurou never expect such a dirty play from life. He though all of the dark side in life for him has already ran out the moment his mom stormed out of their house when he was a kid. He though it was already enough the moment he heard his own older sister said she doesn't want anything to do with him. He though it was satisfying enough for life to see him bid farewell to his friends back at his old neightbourhood. Maybe he's still naive to think that he won't be affected by any games life would play him after the things he need to went through in his early childhood. Even after it already forced him to think more maturely in a young age, and developed a sort of social anxiety in those younger days, there just seems to be more and more things life had planned for him.
But after witnessing a near-death experience, Your near death experience, he wish life would let him off the Hook. Because it was just too much.
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It has been 96 hours since you were hit by the bastard with the car who drives away the next second. And despite already being treated, you still haven't wake up. The doctor said you'll be fine despite the injuries, but might experience headaches when waking up. But on the matter of when, it was still uncertain. For now it's best to let you rest, let your brain process the shock from the hit.
96 hours, and Kuroo still stays by your side. Only leaving on occasion to get some supplies he needs to stay at your hospital room. He hasn't attend his classes for the past four days yet, but has someone he's on good-terms with (and has the same classes as him) to give him notes and stuff that was taught at those classes. Kenma occasionally stopped by to give him food and check up on your condition too. A few of your friends and family also came for the same reason for the past four days.
Even though his heart ache and yearns for you to open your eyes, to know for sure that you'll be okay, he always tries to maintained a cold head. Despite the lingering fear that stays at the back of his head and the image of your frail body being hit and thrown to the side of the road, he put up a strong front. to himself and to the people around him. He has been focusing on his studies despite not present in classes, still maintaining a proper diet and sleep schedule. Acting normal, and trying to think everything is fine now that he knew you're treated and is going to be okay. He cant just go in deep depresso espresso mode now while you're unconcious. Because he knew you'd be upset if you wake up and found out he hasn't been taking care of himself. Another thing he always keep in mind is, that he cant let this bump in life ruined his plans. Not to mention he's nearing graduation if he Ace his essays and IP. He can get a job soon, a well-paid one if he works hard enough. Soon enough he can buy you the things you always dream of getting ever since highschool. He can already imagined the beaming in your eyes when he give it to you, one day.
Yeah. This is just a bump in life. Everyone Will eventually experience it at Times. Nothing is perfect, but that doesn't mean he cant stop trying to reach his future plans with you.
As Kuroo was typing on his laptop, sitting beside your bed with one hand on top of your hand, he sensed a sudden movement. His eyes quickly shot up from the device to your laying figure. He stays quiet for a few seconds, that is before he can feel the sudden broken movements of your fingers in his once again. He stand up, putting the laptop aside before putting another hand on your hand that had moved. Eyes slightly wide in anticipation for your own to open.
"... (Y/n)?"
He whispered, not wanting to startle you. The movement on your hand in his owns slowly became stronger, until it managed to lightly close in to a half fist and open again. Your eyelids trembles lightly, making an effort to open. But when it does, your orbs slowly land on him. He cant help himself, as he feels his vision getting blurry with the unintentional tears gathering up.
"Hey love... How are you feeling...?"
He softly and slowly questions, letting you process your conditions as he notices your eyes roaming around as if trying to understand where you are. And then he sees your eyes roaming at his figure, at your conjoined hands. And for some reason, the way your eyes looked at him, the way it moved as if analyzing him and the way your hand slightly shifted in his soft grip, gave him a bad feeling under the relief.
And it seems like Kuroo's gut feeling has always been spot on. For the words you weakly utter next Made his heart drop.
"... W-Who... Who are you...?"
And he wish you were pranking him at that moment.
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2 years since the incident.
The day when you woke up, Kuroo called the doctors to check up on you. After going through some tests, the doctor concluded that the impact and shock from the accident Made you lost a big part of your memories. Your family was called the same day to received the information.
Ever since that day, Kuroo has been trying to rush your memories back. He's taking it slow, not wanting to pressure you and the recovery of your memories. He's been really supportive and optimis on making you remember your family, your friends, your life style, hobbies, and him. Gladly you still remember and can manage most of the things you learned at your major, and you returned back to campus a few days after you woke up. Now you've successfully graduated with an average but good scores. Yet due to not remembering your passion, you're not quiet sure what career you want to take, up until now. You've only been doing part-time jobs and online shops. Everything still feels unfamiliar to your head, yet strangely familiar in your chest.
After getting out of the hospital, You agreed on still staying with Kuroo at your shared apartment. Kuroo also persuaded your family that it might make you remember faster on your latest life style. And in a way, he has a point. Most of the stuffs you supposely enjoy and most of the things you use in your routines is in the apartment. The things back at your family house are the old things you didn't use and left when you moved out for college. In the end you spend those two years living in the same roof with him, someone who people told you is your lover of some years now.
For the past 2 years also, Kuroo tried giving you your space. He restrict himself from kissing you everytime he sees you. He tries to hold back on smushing you againts his chest. He lets you choose where you wanted to sleep, either it be the guest room or your shared bedroom. If you're not comfortable with him hugging you, like how you two used to do everyday, he'll make a distance from your side of the bed or sleep on another place. Through those Times, be tries to done the deeds on his own, not with anyone else, without you knowing too. It's been hard for him to locked up all of his swelling feelings and affections for you, yet he doesn't want to overwhelmed you. Not until you remember him, or maybe, developed the same compassion feelings for him as your new self.
But it seems like you've caughed on his hidden desperation for you. And if there's a side of you that stays, it's your need to return the favor he has been giving you. Afterall, he's the most supportive person you've met ever since you woke up. The one who let you stay at the apartment despite not remembering him, the one that pays for all your need with his new found job, the one that's with you through the twisted road for you to remember the people you love and cherished. And so that night, you confronted him.
"Please let me help, Kuroo."
Despite the sting in his heart when hearing you call him with his last name, he cant hold himself back. Afterall, saying no to you feels so heavy for him to do.
You felt familiar under his touch, under his warmth. And whatever he did to your body, you always response accordingly. He knew every parts of your body, every beauty and insecurities. He knew what to do, because before the incident it's not like you two were playing holy-boy holy-girl in your relationship.
There's this momenterally serotonin he felt when being connected with you once again. Seeing your raw emotions of pleasure and your body doing the talking. It feels like everything was back like how it was. Everything was normal, back when you would know every part of him as much as he does, back when you utter the words of love as much as he does. But, he described the feeling as "momenterally" for a reason.
You two spend the night, cuddled againts each other, or could also be said him pulling you close out of habbit. But after experiencing one of the world's pleasure with you again, he really just need to be slapped with a sour something.
"Kuroo... I don't think I could keep pretending..."
Because deep in your heart, Kuroo Tetsurou is still a stranger in your foggy head. To your old self, your old memories, he would be the man of your dreams, the man you wish would spend forever with you. But now everything is different. You tried to find that passion within you for him, it's not like it's that hard because he was an attractive man. Despite all that, you come to realized it feels wrong. You knew, you've been knowing of how he loves you with all his beings and existence, while you only stays and manifested your love for him through a facade and a form of "Pity" for his desperate heart. It fills your chest with aching guilt, feeling as if you're using him at his more vulnurable mental and emotional state.
One could say you utter your next words on panic and quite irrantional thinking. Yet it felt right at the back of your head, to let him break free from the past. To let yourself break free. Because your little heart cant keep this game much longer.
Yet, He wish you would for a little longer.
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4 years passed by.
The whispering noises of the audiences are audible through the whole building. Some excited whispers, some casual talks. They're all waiting for you, not to mention the spiky haired JVA member.
His head hang low, looking down at the ground. Hands remains restless, patting his neat suit here and there and occasionally being put in his pant's socket. Beside him was Kenma, putting a hand behind his back and soothing his best friend.
Minutes passed by, and finally the slow music started playing, silently announcing to the people in the building of your soon arrival. The flower girl appeared from the door first, your nephew dressed In beautiful frilly white dress with flowers decorating. Her Tiny hands throwing the pastel mix colored petals as she skipped her way down the aisle. Some of your relatives coo'ed at her cute attics while throwing the flowers. And then when your form is visible In the room, all eyes are on you. Dolled up beautifully in your long white wedding attire, a thin veil lightly covering your face. You walked down the aisle, a family member holding one of your arm, accompanying you to your soon to be husband.
If someone were to ask what Kuroo Tetsurou though Angels looked like, he would describe this scene in front of him.
The scene was beautiful and breath-taking to Kuroo's eyes. Even Kenma can hear his tall friend's breath hitching for a second when his eyes land on you. Your face moved up, eyes locking at Kuroo's cat like ones as if on instinct. You two starred for a few seconds, before a small smile softly tugged at the edge of your glossed lips. But after that smile, you turned your head and tore your gaze away from his.
A drop of tear unconciously traveled down his face. Followed by another from his other eye, and then followed by a few more soon after. He's silently crying, holding on a sob as his hands formed in a fist shakingly. Kenma of cource notices this, as he glanced to his tall friend beside him. But he was unsure of what to do himself that can comfort his best friend, and so he continued rubbing (hopefully) comforting circles behind the taller male's back.
Afterall, Kenma doesn't think he's in a much better emotional state than Kuroo at this moment either. Where Kuroo cried on his realization of fully loosing you to another, Kenma hold tears of his mix emotions. Kenma's happy for you and your soon to be husband, but he cant help but sympathize with Kuroo. Afterall he's the only guy that has seen and hear you two go through all the hard and happy Times. It's always you three since grade school. Even though you and Kuroo formed a romantic relationship Along the way, you two never left Kenma behind and Kenma never stop supporting you two. And at this moment, Kenma is unsure how to feel with the whole ordeal. He wanted his best friend back together like before, but he doesn't want to force you in to it, not when you forgot all those happy and sad Times you three experienced together.
And as you reached the end of the aisle, a hand awaited to take yours in. A hand that was not Kuroo's, but someone whom he atleast knew at one point in life. Osamu Miya. The man you met and developed deep feelings for, after you left him back in Tokyo.
Kuroo thinks you're being subconciously quiet mercifull for him. If you were to marry someone you and him knew for years, it would be more painful for him to try and mask his sadness with a smiling face in false supportive-ness. And as he sat there in silent tears, he watch and listens to you ex-changing vows with the Kansai man you've chosen to plan your new future with.
He wish it was him again. He wish he has that privilages to be a part of your future again.
Afterall he already planned everything beforehand.
As Osamu slipped the gold ring through your delicate finger, Kuroo's mind went back to a few days a go. Where he had found a neatly wrapped letter in his mailbox. He wished he didn't come when you had sent him a wedding invitation. But years of not seeing you nor ex-changing much conversation through text, could add to the factor on how desperate he is to remain in contact with you. Even after years, He's not used to being so far away like this yet.
His cat like eyes bore on to the piece of decorated paper.
How he wish it was his name written there beside yours.
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5 years has passed by since the wedding.
After the ceremony Kuroo only greeted a few familiar faces and then silently leave with Kenma. For some reason Kuroo doesn't have it in him to face you, nor say his congratulations for you. He doesn't feel like tugging a smile for you at all that day. He hoped you didn't dechiper his emotionless face as something bad.
Now he's sitting in quietly, looking at the stars above him. Behind him can be seen a wooden cabin he had rent for a small nature trip, by himself. He thinks maybe he needs it, to atleast distract himself from the though of you. Honestly the first thing that dragged him to nature and disconnect with technology, is when he sees a picture being posted by Osamu Miya and shared by Atsumu on his social account. A picture of you and your 3 year old daughter with Osamu, smiling happily as it seems the three of you are eating at Onigiri Miya.
But for some reason, having his time within the fresh air of the mountains and therapeutic noises of the forest surrounding him, only Made his thoughs Drifts further on you. He though that your love is truly for him. He though that maybe he does deserve "forever". Maybe he shouldn't expect so much back then. There was never been a perfect love story from the beginning and he should've seen it coming. Even if all the odds around him seems to lead him on thinking "yes you two are meant together", maybe it's just another one of life's trial. He kept thinking like that through the 5 years.
Crouching down, Kuroo grabbed a small gasoline can that was placed beside his leg. He walked further to the wild, the backyard of the cabin, nearing a cliff where in the morning the breath-taking view of the waterfall and field can be seen. From his inside jacket pocket, he pulled out a paper file. When opening the file, it can be seen there are several papers within it and one quiet thick handmake-shift book.
He took a seat on the dirt, not minding some dust getting on his already dirty pants from the previous hike he had. One by one, his eyes wander off through the pieces of paper in the file, reading his small writings on it before dropping it to the ground in front of him. Until all the paper has been read lightly and dropped on the ground, he moved to the book. He only ever took the moment to fully and slowly read the words on the first date of the book. The date where he finally mustered the courage to confess his long-time feelings for you, and the date where he found out you also felt the same. Felt.
He schemed through the rest of the page, rather carelessly. Because he knew if he ever took the time to read each and every single plans he had for you and him, he would spend the rest of the night in tears. Heck maybe he couldn't even sleep seeing how many he wrote in the past.
Finally he reached the last page with his writings on it. His saving plans to buy you a ring. His written plan of how he was going to pull one of the best proposal action, only for you. Seems like all of that is for nothing now.
Kuroo closed the book, dropping it down with the other papers on the dirty ground. Standing up, he stretched his limbs lightly before moving to grab and open the gasoline can. Pouring all over the papers and book, not leaving any surfaces untouched, until all the papers are nicely soaked. After he emptied the gasoline can, he pulled a box of matches out from his pant's pocket.
He lights one up and throw it at the pile of papers. It went out before it could touch the wet surface, which Made Kuroo clicked his tongue in annoyence. He lights up another one, but this one went out in his hand when a sudden gush of wind hit his face. He groans in silent frustration.
'Now nature wants to hold me back?'
Was his first though.
He tries one more time. Lighting up a match, but this time dragging it down and guiding it to touch the surface of the papers. This time it finally lights up the flames on the paper. He sight contently, standing back up to see how the fire slowly covered and burns every pieces of papers and the book. Soon enough, the small fire turned in to a camp fire with the amount of fuels given to it.
The mountain around this place is quiet, especially at this time of the night. The only thing prominently audiable to the spiky haired male at the moment are the sound of the fire eating the papers.
And just like that his future plans are all ruined by the flames. The flames in front of him right now, and the flames of lingering love he still has for you. Just this week he figured he should destroy the pieces of papers that still Remind him of the old Times with you, so that he could move forward. He's in his late twenties already, he needs to get over with things and start looking up for his own future. No matter how lonely it seems like without you by his side.
He wish in another life, he could have the privilages to plan a future with you once again.
And maybe if that time does happen, he wish that everything wasn't just mere plans and wishes.
If he were to be given another chance, in another time or another universe,
He'll make sure to make every wish and plans he had in this life, a reality.
A solid reality of you and him.
But for this life, it seems like it was never meant to be.
- End
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A/N: I hope I delivered well. Maybe- Actually I wish I could deliver my ideas better
Like wise, cover edit by me but the image belongs to the Haikyuu manga
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 18*
Alright I went back and forth with this one, I even had a whole other idea where to take this, but I ended up here. And you know to be honest I think it ended up working out because it really does explain a LOT. I just did it inadvertently.
Also I hate to ask this but if you enjoy my stuff can you PLEASE reblog it and not just like it? It really helps me out more because more people see it, liking it doesn't really do anything.
I love you all!!!
Part 17
Part 19
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[OMG I LOVE HIS FACE SO MUCH. I don't wanna give any spoilers but watch it when you read the line that starts: "I don't know what else to do--" . Wait, can you tell it's a face he's making like, he's about to cry because he doesn't know what you expect him to do because that's the context of the gif. It's when Alex is like I didn't do shit blah blah blah and he's like "It's all gonna come out Alex, I don't know how else to help you if you're just gonna be this way! Kinda like Cest La Vie, ya know? Did I overexplain it?]
The next few days consisted of a lot of cuddling and binging, you two in your own little bubble. Rafael didn’t have any big cases at the moment, so he was able to do most of his paperwork and things from home. After a long discussion, you decided that you were going to take the rest of the semester off; at least until things cooled down, people forgot about the whole ‘Nevada’ debacle, and wouldn’t hound you anymore. You were enjoying your bubble when Rafael just had to pop it.
You were in the middle of binging some courtroom drama [DUN DUN] when he turned to you and said:
“...Baby, remember when you said you’d talk to someone…?”
There it was. The other shoe dropped. The music had come, you had to face it.
“I um, yeah…” You looked down and played with the string on Rafael’s HARVARD hoodie you were currently wearing.
“Well I found numbers of some pretty good psychiatrists that deal with PTSD and--”
“Psychiatrists?!” You suddenly sat upright. “Y-You want me to go to a shrink?”
“Well, I thought that’s what--”
“I thought you just wanted me to talk to one of your-- squad, people,” You were starting to panic. You didn’t want some stranger knowing your business; how would you even begin to explain the situation?!
“I mean, if that’s what you want--”
“That’s what I want,” You cut him off. “As long as it’s not Olivia,”
“Okay, whatever you need baby,” He kissed the top of your head.
That next week you had agreed to sit down and talk with Sonny Carisi. Rafael was stunned when you asked to talk to a guy, but you said it made you feel more comfortable for whatever reason. He was seriously hesitant for some reason, but then agreed. The conversation went like this:
“What are you worried I'll latch on to him, fall in love with him like people do with their mentors?” You teased.
“Ha ha….” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He didn’t find it amusing at all.
“....Baby I was just kidding,” You put a hand to his chest. “That takes months-- or y’know, a glance at a photo in a temp office,” You giggled, thinking about how you met and fell in love.
“Yeah no I know,” He gave you a very weird smile. “Just um, y’know don’t get into too much detail about us, okay? Just stick to the Nevada thing,”
“...Um, okay…?” You looked at him curiously.
“I just don’t want my co-workers knowing our personal stuff, carino,” He assured you. Well that made sense.
So here you were, sitting in an interrogation room with Sonny Carisi. He looked about as uncomfortable as you felt. Though you couldn’t understand why he would be worried, you were the one ‘on trial’ here.
“So um, Miss Y/L/N,” He cleared his throat.
“Y/F/N is fine, Mr. Carisi,”
“Sonny, please,” He nodded. “So, Y/N-- I uh, so...did you wanna talk about anything?”
“....I mean, you’re the SVU detective here Sonny. Don’t you have a list of questions you have to ask me?”
“I mean, we already know most of it. You were kidnapped by a guy who looked like Barba, you had sex with him a lot--”
“Excuse me?” You cut him off. “Is that what your little paper says? ‘I had sex with him a lot’? I was assaulted, multiple times,”
“Right,” He nodded nervously. “Yeah no, of course I’m sorry that’s what I meant,”
“...Did Olivia write this?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Did Olivia write this report?” You repeated.
“Why would you ask that?” He asked you nervously.
“Because it doesn’t exactly sound like I’m the victim in that report,” You crossed your arms. “It sounds like someone who has a personal bias towards my fiancé, who thinks that this was my fault. That I should’ve known the difference between him and some criminal. Maybe someone who thinks they would’ve known better if they were in the situation. Maybe someone who thinks he should be with someone who knows them like they do,”
“....That’s a lot of assumption on your part, Y/N,” Sonny turned the paper upwards while he dismissed your conspiracy theory.
“...Is it?” You narrowed your eyes. “Let me see it,”
“Y’know these things are private information for the NYPD Y/N, and--” Before he could finish, you swiped the paper from him. You noticed his face go white, he stopped talking. Jesus, did everyone want to protect precious Olivia? You scanned the paper, your eyes went wide when you saw who filled it out.
“....You filled this out,” You said softly, looking at him. He was looking at the floor. “Y-You, filled this out Mr. Carisi,”
“Sonny--” He said in a shaky voice.
“Oh ok, SONNY,” You tossed the paper at him. “You--You don’t even know me. Do you? Have we met before? Did I offend you in some past life?”
“No, no of course not--”
“.....Or have I offended you by dating your mentor--oh my god, your mentor,” You suddenly remembered the conversation you had with Rafael a few days before.
“I...I have to go,” You suddenly stood up and walked out of the room briskly, Sonny trailed behind you. Rafael had been waiting in the squad room to take you home after you were done, you stomped across the room to him.
“Hey, baby done so soon--? What’s wrong?” He looked at you with concern.
“....Were you screwing Carisi?” you growled.
“Excuse me?” He asked in a panicked tone.
“WERE YOU FUCKING YOUR MENTEE BEFORE ME,” You practically screamed, causing the whole precinct to stop and stare. Rafael looked around the room horrified, then glanced at Sonny who had an apologetic look on his face. “He--”
“Oh no no no, don’t blame this on him,” You stood in front of his eyeline to Sonny. “...Is that what you do, Rafael? Y-You seduce your interns and sleep with them? W-Was I just a tick on the wall?”
“NO,” He shook his head and took your hand. “Can we-- Can we do this outside, please?”
“Why? Because you don’t want everyone to know ‘our’ personal life, or ‘yours’?” You huffed as you skulked out of the building.
“Barba I’m sorry, she just--” Sonny tried to explain.
“We are not done with this, Carisi,” Rafael growled at him before he ran after you.
He caught you outside the precinct, breathing heavily trying not to have a panic attack.
“What is wrong with you?” Rafael asked you, making you stop altogether.
“A-Are you serious?” You half laughed in disbelief. “You send me into the lion’s den without any warning, and then I just get to find out that I’m just one of the many--”
“Oh knock it off, Y/N,” He stopped you. “You know that’s not true,”
“It’s not? Then what the fuck was that?”
“Okay,” He sighed. “Okay fine maybe I should have-- insist on you talking to someone else,”
“....You think THAT’S the problem here?”
“Look Y/N. Carisi and I...we... we got drunk a few times, and we-- y’know,” He shrugged uncomfortably.
“Oh God…” You wouldn’t throw up on the sidewalk, you told yourself.
“And he caught feelings from it! I can’t control how he feels!” He gestured towards the building.
“...So does that mean that you ‘y’know’ with Olivia a few times, and SHE ‘caught feelings’ from it? Because I distinctly remember you telling me that nothing ever happened between you two,”
“....Under your spell,” He mumbled.
“Excuse me?” You almost fell over.
“I--” He looked around nervously. “I said that, under your spell. You think that when I was ‘in love’ with you I was going to tell you that I fucked the woman you were threatened by?”
“...Did....did you just use quotes? Did you just air quote you being in love with me?”
“Well I wasn’t exactly under my own free will now was I?” He snapped.
“I can’t...I can’t believe you’re using that against me,” You looked to the side with a dry laugh, refusing to cry.
“Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--” He tried to go for your hand, but you weren’t having it. “Look my point was, you and I-- we’re not the same. Our relationship isn’t the same as them--”
“No, it’s not. Because you slept with them WILLINGLY, right? And I just tricked you into it? Like Nevada did with me? Because we’re the same?”
“Alright now you’re just--” He rolled his eyes.
“What? What am I JUST--?” You crossed your arms, upset he wasn’t taking this seriously.
“I thought we were doing all of this to get past this, Y/N,” He sighed in frustration.
“So did I!” You stomped your foot, tears choking your throat. “But--But, what if we can’t? This whole time, this WHOLE time. You--”
“Y/N baby stop--” He tried putting his hand on your shoulder but you backed away.
“You KNEW how bad I felt about doing that to you! You told me that, that I just ‘brought out your real feelings’, but….but that’s not true, is it?” You paced while talking and then paused when you asked the question.
“Yes it is! I mean, mostly….” He added the last part with a mumble.
“Mostly?” Your blood ran cold.
“I mean I thought you were attractive, but I didn’t know anything about you. And--And you didn’t know anything about me, Y/N. You weren’t in love with me either, you had a crush on me. But that day we spent together, it really did make me fall in love with you! After I remembered how I felt, I wanted to keep feeling that way all the time! I wanted to be with you, I knew we were meant to be together after that--”
“Oh my god--” You laughed again, putting your hands over your head. “This is insane. This is...this is insane,”
“Baby look when you think about it the whole thing is insane. But we’re here--”
“No, you’re right Rafael,” You put your hands in between you, preventing him from coming closer. “We are insane. But I thought it was the ‘only in the movies kind of love’ insane. But apparently, it’s just an insane mental institution insane,” You started to walk away but he ran in front of you.
“No. Uh Uh. You’re not walking away from this. Not again, not ever again,”
“What are you gonna hold me hostage now? Like I did with your feelings?” You rolled your eyes, but then it hit you. That was your entire problem. That’s what this all boiled down to. This is what it’s ALWAYS been about.
“...That’s it,” You whispered.
“...What is?” He looked at you curiously.
“...We started this on a lie, I started us on a lie,”
“Wha--- no, no you--” He shook his head.
“I did!” You finally let tears fall. “You just said it yourself, I made you feel those things. You--- you didn’t feel anything more for me than Olivia or Carisi! You just wanted to sleep with me! But I--I made you have romantic feelings for me. And-- And ever since that day, that magical perfect day when I accepted that it wasn’t real, I was right!”
“No, no--” He tried to protest.
“YES, Rafael! And-- and ever since then, ever since you, we-- I’ve always had it in the back of my mind that you’re STILL under that influence! That-- that one day you’re going to realize ‘oh hey you know what I actually don’t give a shit about you, my bad!’,” You began pacing, thinking out loud as it all came to the surface.
“And--And, I just still have it in my mind that I’m not good enough for you, I’ll NEVER be good enough for you! And-- these things just keep happening, that are telling me I’M RIGHT. I couldn’t tell you apart from Nevada, I did things with him knowing it hurt you, I did DRUGS even though on some level I knew it would hurt you, and what it all boils down to is I’ve kept you hostage in this relationship!”
“NO, you have not,” Rafael took you by the shoulders. “I get why you feel like this, Y/N baby I really do. And-- And I’m sorry I wasn’t upfront about Sonny and Olivia but I knew you are already so insecure about our relationship--”
“NO! NOT for good reason!” He tried not to yell as not to cause a scene but he needed you to hear him.
“Look maybe we-- we started out unconventionally. But that was MONTHS ago, baby. Have I-- have I not shown you time and time again, how much I really do love you? I--I made a fucking flash mob for you, do you know how long that took? How much self esteem did I have to suck it up to perform in front of people again? But I did it for you,” He started to cry.
“I risked my life for you so many times when Nevada had you. I could have just let him keep you. Especially after--” He stopped, quickly noting that bringing that up again was only going to take three steps back.
“I--I dropped everything to stay home and protect you! Do those things not make you feel loved? Do you think that all of that is...is fabricated?” He was the one crying and laughing in disbelief now.
“I don’t--- I don’t know what else to do to prove to you that I love you of my own free will. TELL ME what I can do to prove that to you, and I’ll do it! What is going to prove to you that I won’t leave you, that I won’t suddenly wake up one day and realize I was under some spell all along? Tell me!” He begged you, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“....Marry me,” You finally answered softly.
“....What?” He looked at you quizzically. “Baby I already proposed--”
“Yeah but that’s not definite, Rafael,” You held up your bare hand. “Look! It’s not even real right now!”
“A piece of jewelry doesn’t--”
“It does to me!” You took his hands. “Look, I’m--I’m sorry I am the way that I am, but I can’t change it. I--I need physical proof. I know that you’ve done all of this heroic and crazy stuff for me, but-- but my stupid brain won’t accept that! I need something, something physical. Actual proof that I can look at, to know I’m safe. To know you’re going to stay with me,”
“....Okay,” He nodded, looking down at your hand while rubbing your ring finger.
“Okay?” You asked warily. “You’re just going to accept that?”
“....I’ve put up with all of your other craziness up to this point, have I not?” He smirked.
“Hey that’s not--” You started to argue but he gave you a look. “Alright fine, yes you have,”
“Okay,” He looked up at you with a smile. “I’ll marry you. I’ll marry you right now, we can go into the chapel in the back and--” He started leading you back to the station.
“Wha, no no no,” You cried and laughed, wiping the tears from your face. “Okay I didn’t mean this second. Just...soon,”
“Soon?” He looked at you curiously.
“Really soon?” You bit your lip.
“Like, tomorrow soon?”
“Like….I don’t know, maybe a month? Two? I kind of want a reasonably cute wedding,”
“Not a huge expensive one….”
“Rafael how many people do I know that would come to my wedding? You and Chloe. That’s it. And Chloe will be standing next to me,”
“You have Maria,”
“Maria’s your...mom?”
“Second mom,” He chuckled. “But she could sit on your side. With her husband. And if you go inside and make nice with the rest of the squad, they can sit on your side,”
“...Make nice with the people I just had a meltdown in front of?” You raised an eyebrow.
“...They’ve seen worse, trust me,” He teased.
“...Okay but after that, can we--?” You raised your hand, and he read your mind.
“I’ll call Tiffany's and tell them we’ll be stopping by,” He shook his head with another laugh.
“...Really? Fancy,” You grinned.
“You’re easy to please,” He shook his head with a laugh as you walked back into the station hand in hand.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 9
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@starlightbydaybright hat gefragt:
Hello! Saw you were taking match-ups and I was wondering if I could request one. Only done one before for another fandom, and I was wondering who I’d align with for One Piece ^^
I'm an INFP and generally an introvert, finding it difficult to express myself when I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with or just not close to. I can be both quiet and shy; quiet when I have no interest in making good impression on that person (a stranger I'll see once and never again) and shy when I'm genuinely trying to make myself acceptable to them. But, I do trust easily, so it's not hard to get close enough with me that I'll open up about almost everything, so long as they understand have my boundaries (that'll shift depending on how close). I'm also very affectionate with people I'm close with, particularly through physical touch, since I've been pretty touch starved. If you're close friends with me, you can find me constantly looking for a hug, but I can respect boundaries since not everyone enjoys contact.
The situation would be a bit different romance wise, since I’d revert a bit back to my introverted side, but also very affection-seeking at the same time. I say affection seeking as in I’d crave time and activities spent together with them, but I’d be afraid to ask/initiate, at least during the early beginnings of the relationship. I’d be constantly seeking affirmation of their love, and since I’ve never been in a relationship before (but desperately wanted one), they’d be constantly receiving my love too ❤️
While being an introvert in reality, I find it much easier to speak with confidence online. as I actually have time to contemplate what I can say. It's when I'm either with close friends or on the internet, that I can go on passionate endless rants or show my passive aggressive side. I'm usually pacifist, but if something irks me enough, I can and will pitch in snide/sarcastic remark or two, or if it's more serious; I will write out whole sophisticated and well worded paragraph that'd sound all polite with a hidden snarky tone.
I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic, so there's lot of couple things I want to try when I find someone. Back hugs, bridal carry, tickle fights, you name it. While I do enjoy these displays of affection (comes with the happy kind of embarrassment aka. I feel embarrassed that others sees it but I’m happy because I know they’re not doing it out of maliciousness and because they truly love me), small gestures are appreciated too; a gentle squeeze of the hand, a passing smile, etc.
As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, (occasionally) drawing, but most of all; probably singing. I enjoy a wide variety of songs, depending on what mood I'm in, but I particularly like songs about love. Looking for someone to sing the duet love songs with me, doesn't matter how good or bad they are at singing. They can be tone deaf for all I care, it's the thought that matters 😊
I'm very emotionally sensitive, and can both laugh and cry easily. A random stranger online wished me good day? I'll be in good mood for awhile. Watched a 'mildly' sad movie? (Extra emphasis on mildly) I better have new box of tissue on the side just in case. It'd be nice to have someone that can either comfort me or at least tolerate my emotions, so I wouldn't be irking them 😞
I don't really have a type when looking for significant other but being an INFP does make the romance thing complicated. It'd be nice to have someone that's far along on the extroverted side (just not happy go lucky and can be serious) since, despite being introverted, I like to experience new things. I'm just too afraid to try alone and prefer it if someone else recommends it first. Someone to prompt me and nudge me to do something, but won’t take it too far if I really looked uncomfortable. (I’m also a procrastinator so they gotta find out the right ratio between pushing vs. taking it too far 😅) In relationship, I'd value trust and loyalty the most, since both are important in keeping the healthy relationship. If both sides could equally trust and be trusted, then there wouldn't be place for insecurity or fear. This ties in with another part of me being an INFP; I want a relationship that lasts forever. While it's weird to decide how long lasting the love will be early in the relationship, I don't think I can fully commit myself to someone, knowing that it'll end (through the other side falling out of love with me, finding interest in someone else, etc.) (natural causes like death are fine, even though I will still be sad 🥲)
As for appearance, I’m a 5”4 female with slightly wavy black hair that reach nearly to my waist. I don’t think I’m particularly short, but then again, every anime character seems to be straight up giants XD (Man, I was born with the wrong genes) I’m overall very plain, with black hair, brown eyes, but I’ve always been told I had pretty long eyelashes and big bright eyes. Average weight for my height, and flat chested :’)
As for the preference for gender, I’m mainly attracted to guys. I had some (very few) crushes on a small selection of female anime characters, but that were very rare, like 3, compared to my (insert large number) male crushes
Thank you in advance and sorry for how long this is 😔
P.s. I feel like I need to emphasize I’m still an introvert, since the personality I described is only limited to my very small friend group
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Hey there? How are you doing? Thank you so much for requesting. First off I should be apologizing for making you wait so long. I hope you´re not mad at me but lately there is a lot happening in my life. In my private life but also in my college life. But let´s put that aside and get to your request.
I have to thank you for the detailed info about you because that helped me to choose a match up for you so much. Like I instantly could think of someone. Not only did it help me to match you up with someone but also to come up with a plot. So I came up with this little imagine/hedcanon… I really don´t know what to call my work for the imaginies so I go with work. XD Anyways I really don´t know what to do at this point. Your request and your personality gave me such a good idea for a plot that I tried my best to keep it short because I decided to turn this request and my ideas and thoughts that are flying around in my mind to an actual FANFICTION! AHHHHHHHH. I can´t stop thinking about it. The idea sounds so damn good in my head that it makes me smile like an idiot right now! Uff I can´t wait to find time writing it down. AHAHH, but I fear that I already gave aways so much with this!!!! *pouts Doesn´t matter I´ll do it anyways. AHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you so damn much for requesting!
Anyways! Back to my work now. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can change it and give you whatever you´d like. Other than that happy reading my dear!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: I sadly don't know. Please tell me of you know so I can give credits. Thank you in advance. !!!
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· I decided to pair you up with KILLER
· Like am I the only person that thinks that he is not getting the screen time and appreciation he deserves? Because that is the damn case! ODA GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION HE DESERVES. And while we´re at it I wouldn´t mind if I would get a bit more of Eustass Kid too… Thank you in advance. <3
· But that’s not the point. Please dear requesting beautiful human being give this man and me, your hopelessly dreamy author a chance. Thank you, I really appreciate. <3
· aNyWaYssssS.
· “y/n? Are you still awake?”, asked the blond man softly. “No worries I won´t make you carry me to bed again.”, you said with a giggle. You couldn´t see his face but you knew that he was smiling. “I don´t mind that you know? I like having you close to me without having to fear to see you hid under the blanket for who knows how long.”, you rolled you eyes and hit his arms. “That only happened because that idiot captain of yours annoyed the hell out of me. That was embarrassing Killer.”, you slowly put one leg over the railing and then the next one. Making sure you don´t fall down the ship. “What happened? Didn´t you drag me out our cabin to watch the stars?”, asked the muscular man who held you close to him while making sure you didn´t fell. “I did but now I´d like to look at something different. Something even more beautiful. Something that gives me warmth and happiness. Something that keeps me alive and always makes sure I am doing fine.”, talking to the blond pirate while sitting at the railing was one of the rare moments you were close to an eye level with him. “You mean my mask?”, asked the man with a tiled head that got you to roll your eyes and hit his chest. “Great you destroyed the sweet moment. I hate you. Make a step back so I can get down. I want to go back to bed and drown in regret of dating you.”, you tried to push him away but he was obviously stronger and threw you over his shoulder. “Of course you hate me. That was also the exact same thing you were moaning a while ago. Let´s go back to bed nerd.”
· As sweet and loving your relationship was now with the pirate it also started like that. Wanna know how? Alright let me get comfortable in my bed and get started. Story TIIMMMEEEE!!!
· An island well known for their universities and scientist. An island full of top ranked doctors.
· Physics, chemistry, biology, astrology was well thaught in the schools of the island. An island well known around the world. An island ruled by a powerful devil fruit user.
· An island in which every civilian had a talent in another field. And you? You sadly had an impressive talent for languages.
· Why sadly you wonder? Well the amount of times you had to run for your dear life because some pirates could come and kidnap you and make you read the poneglyphs is immense.
· Once even the infamous Red haired Shanks came and asked you with the hope to have someone who could read them. But sadly you couldn´t. You told him that you were done with pirates coming for you or your best friends. You regretted learning all of that and hated yourself for that. Shanks and Beckman to whom your were talking to really felt bad for you and claimed the island as their territory after they had a chat with ruler and made a deal.
· That was that saved you and your friends for years and made you happy. You were thankful to the red hair pirates and always treated them with meals and drinks when they came visiting the island. You were happy for 5 years. 5 years until these stupid reckless pirates came.
· And now? Now you hated yourself all over again
· You knew that not every pirate was like the red hair pirates. Nice and respectful. They didn´t kill innocent people and destroyed civilizations only to get some gold and diamonds. But these? These were horrible. Cold and cruel.
· “Someone make this btch talk otherwise I´ll do it by cutting her into pieces only stropping when IT actually starts to answer my god damn questions!”, screamed a tall and guy with red hair.
· You were scared. Tied on a mast on their ship, you feared for your life. Screaming for help was not an option since you were already on the sea since a while now.
· The man that was yelling at you none stop was now holding a blond man with a mask at his collar and growling at him. The man might have a mask on but you somehow had the feeling that he was talking to the man with the red fur coat. “Clear the deck! NOW!!”; yelled the man before he left inside the ship. Slowly every man on deck was leaving you alone. You wanted to ask them were or why the left but you knew that they wouldn´t give you an answer. You were a prisoner. A captive. A pathetic human they took on board. With the last pirate leaving you behind, a door that was located behind the mast you were tied on closed while the need to cry grew inside of you. How long am I here by now? One hour? Two or three? Was anyone missing me back at home? Were they already looking for me? Thoughts that occupied your mind were blurring your vision. You were looking right in front of you but also not. Your eyes were wide open but your vision was back at home. Home were you belonged.
· “Hey. Hey can you hear me? Hey you alright, woman? Hello?”, a man was squatting in front of you and waving with his hands in front of your face. You were deeply lost in your thoughts that you neither heard him coming nor saw him sitting right in front of you.
· But the moment he touched you tight you screamed and got back to reality. “Please don´t touch me. Please don´t hurt me. Please I beg you. Please.”, fear was written all over your face. You saw yourself death with a huge puddle of your blood. “Alright I won´t touch you. It´s just that I´ve been sitting in front of you for 5 minutes now and the only thing you did was breath and say no. Anyways here is something to drink. You´ve been her for four hours now. Half of the time unconscious and the other one either basically mute or in a trance.”, the guy in front of you was the same one who got the mad man to leave and clear the deck. It made you wonder who he was that he had such a power but you didn´t dare to ask. “Here I hold it for you and you drink.”, the glass was put on your lips and you drank. You didn´t knew how thirsty you were until your lungs were wetted by the water. Finished drinking he put a blanket over your legs since the position your were in didn´t allow you to cover yourself properly. And the fact that you were wearing a dress wasn´t helping at all.
· “Alright. You had something to drink I got you a blanket now tell me are you able to talk to me and answer my questions?”, you nodded. “Good. Now listen to me. There is this language that is called Krisanasy. As far as I know there is a tiny amount of people who are able to speak that and you are one of these. Am I right?”, you nodded. “How well are you in it?”, you gulped and looked at the man with the mask “I know the most important basics. I remember basic grammar rules and a good amount of vocabulary but I´m not that good in it. I didn´t worked with anything that included this language since years now.”, the masked man nodded and fully sat down now. “Would you be able to get back in it if you had some books and scripts to work with?”, slowly you understood where this was supposed to lead. You knew that if you said yes they would keep you as their prisoner and make your work for them. And if they had everything they would kill you because there would be no more use for you. But if you said no now and refused to talk to him he would probably also kill you. You were in a dilemma. You didn´t wanted to die but also didn´t wanted to die after you helped them. They were criminals. Feared and hated by the government and any human around the world. You looked down on your lap and let your head fall forward so your long black hair covered your face. “Hey I asked you something. Would you be able to do that?”, his voice was deep and rough but in the same time soft and gentle. That irritated you. it make you realize that him being nice to you now was just a way to get under your skin and make you do whatever they wanted. And then they simply would kill you in the most brutal and cruel way. “Hey, woman. Are you listening?”, you felt helpless. “I don´t want to die. Please let me go. Please. I beg you. Please.”, tears were streaming down you cheeks you couldn´t hold back anymore. He came closer and lifted you face. “Listen here you are a smart woman. Stop crying for fcks sake. If I would be you I would have made these pirates work for me. Use your damn brain and stop crying. Do you really think anyone in here would kill you? Heck no! They need your help. They need your brain because all of them are basically stupid. Like damn I need you to answer all of my questions before my captain with anger issues comes and beats the sht out of me. Now answer me woman. Are you able to get back in it if we got you some scripts to work on?”, you nodded while more tears streamed down you cheeks. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless and used. Helping them would turn you into a criminal too and ruin everything you worked on. Everything the emperor did for you and the island would be wasted. “See wasn’t that hard to answer.”
· The questioning went on for a while you didn´t know for how long but you knew that a long time passed since the sun stared to set. “Alright. Now I give you two options. One, stay here. Tied up on the mast no matter what kind of weather we face. Two you swear to obey me no matter what kind of order I give you and you will be able to sleep on a bed. You will get food and tomorrow you will start working on the scripts we give you. You choose.”, with your head hung lowly you said number two and instantly got released from the chains and handcuffs. He helped you stand up and covered you in the blanket before he led you into his cabin. “Wait here. Sit there and don´t do anything stupid as long as I´m not here. If you do anything stupid I won´t be able to help you. Got it?”, he didn´t even wait until you answered or gave any reaction he simply left and closed the door after him. So you waited while sitting with a lowly hung head. Minutes passed and he came back. “Your clothes are dirty. The bathroom is empty so you can take a bath or shower. Anything you want but I´ll be in the room with you. Because of one I have to make sure no one is coming in and secondly to watch over you and make sure you don´t do anything stupid. Got it. Fine. Take this towel and these clothes. We don´t have any female crewmates so you have to be wearing with my clothes until we dock on another island and you get to buy clothes.”
· The man with the mask took care of you for the rest of the day. He took you to shower and gave you fresh clothes. You had dinner with him alone in the kitchen when no one was around and got back to sleep. And no matter what you did he made sure to keep a respectful distance towards you. Whenever he had to come closer or touch you to take care of your wounds he would warn you. The day kept going like that. Nothing else was said about the following days and the thing they wanted you for. Only necessary things were said that were needed at the moment. And you only gave short replays or only answered with a head movement.
· Slowly the day passed by and the night took over with the moon putting the world alight. You were back in his cabin with him sitting on an armchair and you lying in bed sleeping with one hand tied up on the bed.
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l-egionaire · 4 years
Owl House Fanfiction: I love The Found Family Trope!
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Posted on Ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29417493
Eda had gotten used to a lot of different ways of waking up after her getting her curse.
The first few times it happened, she'd unfortunately routinely woken up to find herself naked. (Titan, was she grateful when she'd finally found a spell that made her clothes change with her and didn't have to keep dumpster diving or "borrowing" clothes)
Once that was taken care of, her post transformation wake ups were slightly more comfortable, if predictable. She'd come too laying on the ground, her body's usual aches, pains, and stiffness seemingly doubled to the point where she could barely move. If she was in someone's house she'd likely be surrounded by overturned furniture and fixtures all covered in claw and bite marks. If she was lucky any people that might've been there would've already run and hid. If she wasn't….well, she knew a good amount of healing magic and potions.  No matter how much damage she might have caused, most people wouldn't turn down having their injuries taken care of.
And after that, things changed. Even if the person she was living with didn't kick her out, she could still see how they acted differently. They avoided eye contact with her, didn't stay in the same room with her for longer than two seconds, and she couldn't help but notice how they always seemed to lock their doors at night, nevermind whether she'd taken her elixir or not. Needless to say, when that happened she was gone before a week even passed. Someone being afraid of her or thinking she was a freak she could handle. But she preferred that to them tiptoeing around it and pretending to be okay with her when they were secretly scared. 
Considering all of that, waking up safely in her nest with a bottle of elixir in her mouth was a new experience.
She wasn't that shocked once she'd gotten the whole story. She'd never explained what her elixir did to King, and Luz thinking it was some special magic boosting potion sounded just like her. But what really surprised her were their reactions. 
After making sure Hooty was put back up and okay, they'd come by to check on her. Luz, having worried she might not be feeling well, had brought her a bowl of some strange human concoction called "chicken soup" that she'd gotten from a can in her junk collection. ("It's no magic potion but my mom. always made me chicken soup when I wasn't feeling well.) She'd also gotten her a person sized pillow that had the image of some male human character with spiky hair on it and with a little work slid it beneath Eda in her nest. The thing may have looked weird but it was comfy as heck and felt great for her sore back. Meanwhile King, still looking regretful about snatching her elixir, had fixed her a mug of apple blood as a peace offering.
While the mixture of alcohol and salty human bird water helped soothe some of her pain, Eda couldn't help but notice her apprentice and her housemate still standing off to the side of her nest. Both of them simply stood and watched as she ate and drank, staying oddly silent and staring at her as if she might disappear mid slurp.
It was almost a little unnerving. She hadn't expected either of them to be this quiet after discovering her curse. She figured Luz would've had her usual million questions about anything magical while King would be demanding to know why she hadn't told him before now. 
Then again, it wouldn't surprise her if they were still too in shock. After all, while she had never been able to witness it herself, she knew her cursed form could be pretty terrifying to see. One person she'd lived with had been so freaked out by it, he hadn't been able to make any noise except terrified squeaks for 3 days.
Plus, the way they found out was pretty sudden. Sure, King shouldn't have stolen her elixir but it wasn't like he knew what it was for or why she took it. In fact, a part of her hoped he'd never find out.
But the cat was off the staff now. She knew that the two of them must still be curious, otherwise they wouldn't still be there. So it was time to witch up and deal with it.
Eda drank the last few dregs of soup from her bowl and drained the rest of her apple blood for a little courage before turning to King and Luz.
"Alright you two. I know you probably want to know more about all this. So, let's have it."
Luz and King took a moment to look at each other, almost seeming to have a full conversation in two seconds before turning back to her.
"No thanks." Luz said.
"Yeah, we're good." King agreed.
Eda blinked in confusion. "What? What do you mean?"
"We don't need to know anymore." Luz explained. "This whole curse thing seems kind of personal and besides you already told us all the important parts. So we don't need to know anything else."
Eda stared at her in stunned silence. She looked to King and was even more surprised to see him nod in agreement.
To say this was not what she'd been expecting would be an understatement.  Where was the yelling at her for putting them in danger? The demanding answers? The blaming her for not telling them about her curse before all this? Heck, the two of them didn't even look that upset. They just still had those weirdly concerned looks on their faces. Maybe they just worried she'd still be mad about them stealing her elixir and were too scared to bring it up.
But that brought another issue to mind. And while she might have become pretty fond of those two, she knew it would only be a matter of time until it came up.
Ignoring the tight feeling in her chest, Eda said slowly. "Listen…..if you guys want to find somewhere else to stay, I understand."
They both became bug eyed.
"What?!" Luz cried.
"What are you talking about?!" King asked.
Eda looked away from them, doing everything she could to keep the wetness in her eyes from turning into full blown tears.
Suck it up. She thought. It's not like you haven't done this before.
"Luz, you could probably see if one of those Hexside kids might be willing to let you stay with them, and King I-."
"You're kicking us out?!" Luz yelled.
"No!" King scrambled into the nest, got onto his knees  and clasped his paws together. "Please Eda, don't!  I'll never be able to find anyone else willing to  let me live with them without paying! If this is about stealing the elixir, I'm sorry! I swear I won't steal anything you don't tell me to!" 
Eda frowned in confusion and turned back to them. "What? No. I mean, yes King, if you steal from me again I'll turn you into a tiny fur rug, but I just meant….you guys really don't want to move out?"
They both looked shocked at her question. "No." "Why would we?"
"Why would- how about  because I could have killed you two last night?" She felt bile begin to build in her throat and not the magical kind. "I could have eaten one of you like I did the snaggleback!"
"Oh come on Eda, it wasn't that-."
"Luz." Eda said, her voice hard. She didn't have it in her right now to deal with Luz sunshine attitude.
Luz must have noticed because she sighed and said. "Okay, look Eda. I'm not going to lie and say that today wasn't terrifying or that I wasn't afraid but….Eda, once I realized that the monster that was chasing after us was you? All I could think about was how I could help or what I could do to get you back. I didn't want to lose you."
Eda stared at her apprentice in complete shock. In her past talks with her living mates after they discovered her curse, they always talked about them . Their safety, their terror at her transformation, their discomfort at having Eda stay around after what happened. But Luz was thinking about her and whether she was okay.
It felt….weird. But in a good way. Kind of like a lot of things Luz did come to think of it.
Eda looked down to where King was still sitting in her nest. "And what about you King? You aren't freaked out by my little secret?"
King shrugged. "Eh, at first it was horrifying but after thinking about, its actually pretty cool. You're a demon just like me! Which technically makes you one of my subjects!"
Eda rolled her eyes. Typical King.
"And, since you are one of my subjects…."
"King, I swear to Titan, if you-."
".....than, that also means you fall under my protection." King finished. He walked over to Eda, climbed into her lap where he curled up into a ball. "If anyone wants to hurt you, they'll first have to go through me!"
Eda couldn't hide the amazement on her face as she gazed down at King. Then she felt something softly touch her shoulder. She looked over and saw Luz had placed a hand on her and was giving her a loving look.
"We're not going anywhere Eda. Us weirdos have to stick together, remember?"
Eda couldn't believe what she was hearing. Even after they both spent the night being terrorized by her and knew about her curse, they still insisted on sticking around.
They weren't going to leave her.
Luz suddenly frowned and looked at her worriedly. "Hey, what's wrong?"
It took Eda a moment to realize that there was a tear streaming down her face. She quickly wiped it away.
"Uh, no Luz, I just, uh, really loved that soup you brought me. There any chance there's some more?"
"I'll go dig through trash for another can!" Luz excitedly sprinted out the door.
Eda looked down at King. "Would my so-called "King" be willing to fix his new subject another apple blood?"
King stood up from her lap and stretched. "I suppose its what any humble ruler would do for his wounded subject." King took her mug and scrambled out of her nest and out the door.
Eda sighed fondly and layed back on her spiky hair human pillow, taking in the sight of the many light orbs that now dotted her ceiling thanks to her apprentice.
We're not going anywhere Eda.
If anyone wants to hurt you, they'll first have to go through me
Eda chuckled. "Thanks you two
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
Oh my god you keep making additions to the illiterate! Witcher's series and I ADORE it. It's genuinely one of my favorite Witcher series and it's just so absolutely perfect and something that could easily be canon. Your writing is so gorgeous and you're so so creative it blows my mind!! Anyways, I don't want to prattle on for too long and be weird so just know I appreciate all the masterpieces you create for the fandom! Your content is an absolute blessing. Thank you for creating
Please never think you’re weird for expressing your love and enjoyment! It is a delight to see people having fun and being comfortable talking about what they like. While I don’t currently have more illiterate!Witcher snippets to offer as thanks, hopefully you’ll like Jaskier’s chart of gold stars and red dots.
During the winter, Kaer Morhen was a curious mix between a kindergarten and a monastery. Mostly, it was silent, the witchers there were stoic and dedicated to their jobs - they trained, they fixed up the old keep, they shared new knowledge. However, at times that peaceful (if oppressive) order was broken by a tempter tantrum and a brawl or some harebrained game that had those not involved wincing at the noise. Even Jaskier had had enough despite his almost saintlike patience most of the time. It had been Lambert’s fault really. He’d been needling both Geralt and Eskel all morning until Eskel finally snapped.
It had been quite impressive yet terrifying to watch as Eskel all but picked Lambert up and slammed him into the ground before stomping off. Only, Lambert had laughed as he picked himself up and yelled after Eskel, wondering whether that was the best he could do.
Nobody could blame Jaskier for squealing in surprise when he was on his way to his room and stumbled across Lambert on his knees in the corridor, Eskel’s hand in his hair.
That was rather the last straw for Jaskier. While he was all for expressing love freely, he was rather fond of not walking in on others without their consent. Which was why he loudly stomped past, ignoring whatever the two were doing though, judging by the sounds, Lambert got exactly what he’d been angling for all morning.
In his room, Jaskier set to work. First, he found his biggest piece of parchment and, after a quick apology, drew a chart on it, the name of each witcher down one side and the rest of the parchment was divided up into a lattice. Next came the fiddly bit. He had his golden doublet still, even though he never wore it. It was a bit too tight now and also wasn’t associated with the happiest of memories - not to mention the large tear on a sleeve that he hadn’t managed to fix. It was a noble sacrifice to cut out as many small stars as he could. His red doublet was perfect for the dots he’d planned. It wasn’t something he ever wanted to wear again. Armed with a pile of gold stars, another pile of red dots and a chart, Jaskier marched down to the kitchen where he stuck the chart to the wall, stood back and admired it.
“Nice work, bard,” Vesemir said, the first to notice.
Perking up, Jaskier grabbed a gold star and pinned it in the first box by Vesemir’s name. “Thank you. You get a gold star for being so polite.”
Next, Geralt got a gold star because he helped out in the kitchen even though it wasn’t his turn. Eskel earned his first star by ignoring Lambert’s taunts over dinner. However, Lambert seemed resistant to even doing the smallest thing to get a gold star. If anything, he seemed hellbent on his first mark being a red dot. That was not at all how Jaskier wanted to to start his chart off but it was looking more and more inevitable. Especially when the others were slowly accumulating a nice stash of gold stars. The rules had been simple, five gold stars in a row and something nice happened as requested by the person with the stars. It could be a particular dinner, a training session focused on something, a bath with scented oils, anything. When Eskel had got his five stars, he had asked for a hug of all things. Jaskier had happily wrapped him in his arms and held a bashful Eskel until he relaxed and sighed.
By the time Vesemir had gathered five stars in a row (he had a bit of a hiccough and a red dot appeared on his chart when he shouted at Lambert), he asked for a quiet afternoon. It took extra work to achieve that because Lambert decided it was prime time to start hammering at his armour in the centre of the courtyard. The noise echoed throughout the castle until Geralt and Eskel cornered him together and hauled him off for a bath.
Almost unsurprisingly, Geralt asked for an evening with Jaskier, just the two of them and no disturbances. Whatever it was that Eskel and Vesemir did to keep Lambert quiet, nobody mentioned it. Even if Lambert was quite subdued the following day too.
The only one with a still empty chart was Lambert. Until, one morning, Jaskier spotted that a series of gold stars had been put up haphazardly in Lambert’s row while a mix of stars and dots had been added to everyone else’s charts. The culprit was rather obvious. Without a word, Jaskier righted the chart and marched into the dining hall, standing opposite the unruly witcher.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to take part in the chart but that’s no reason to ruin everyone else’s fun.”
“It’s fucking bullshit,” Lambert shot back. “We’re not children to need that. Plus, it’s not fair.”
Despite his words, he was looking a little on edge, cowed and cornered even though Jaskier was no match for him. It made very little sense.
“No,” Jaskier agreed, “you’re not children. But the others enjoy it. Why do you feel the need to ruin it for them?”
The broken off “I don’t” and “It’s not that” were uncharacteristic enough but Jaskier wasn’t going to let Lambert get away with it.
“Why don’t you want to join in?”
There was a beat of silence and Lambert looked down. “I would never get five stars in a row so what’s the fucking point?”
Carefully, Jaskier reached out and grabbed one of Lambert’s wrists, tugging him to stand and follow him to the kitchen.
“You get your first gold star for being honest with me,” he said and put the star next to Lambert’s name. “It’s not a race to get give in a row and I know you’re just as capable as the others of getting them.”
“It’s not fair though,” Lambert pouted, eyeing up the chart. “Got a quill?”
Once one was in his hand, he crudely added another row, carefully spelling out Jaskier’s name under Vesemir’s.
“That’s better.” Lambert smiled. “Now it’s fair.”
From then on, the witchers gave Jaskier his own stars and red dots. While Lambert had been right and it was a struggle for him to reach five stars in a row, he now had Jaskier to race against, two late starters in the game and both just as bad as each other for letting a red dot slip in here or there. Geralt would never mention it but he saw Jaskier eyeing up the chart and, when it looked like he might get the five stars before Lambert, he deliberately went out of his way to get a red dot and keep the game alive.
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unfortunate17 · 4 years
Oh, so much delicious angst... If you're up to it, 4 or 23 from the promt list for obikin. Thanks in advance.
I’m stupid because I didn’t know which prompt list you meant, did both, and then realized you most definitely meant the dialogue one LOL. 
So here is 23 from HERE (“I would’ve died for you.”) and 23 Angst from HERE (“When did you stop loving me?”) combined! 
Happy New Year! 
I re-wrote this like 6 times before I gave up, hopefully it’s still reasonably enjoyable to read 😩 
Anakin brings him home from a sub-surface level bar six weeks after Obi-Wan returns from Naboo. Obi-Wan has already had a few too many drinks, wallowing in his misery. Even the bartender-bot had started to look at him with pity.
It’s more than he can say for Anakin.
Anakin simply pulls him into a speeder without so much as a glance, deposits him into his refresher, and shoves him into bed once he’s sure Obi-Wan’s not going to retch or hurt himself. There’s a calculated coldness to his actions, all of Anakin’s usual playfulness has all but vanished. Much like his possessions from their quarters.
He still remembers that morning clearly. He’d leaned over to drop a hasty kiss on Anakin’s cheek, already late for his morning meeting, when Anakin had bristled uncomfortably. Obi-Wan had looked at him with an unspoken question spelled out on his tongue, but Anakin had only shrugged, mumbled something about how weird it was seeing Obi-Wan without his usual facial hair.
By the time he’d returned, Anakin had been gone. His tools and droid parts and clothes nowhere to be found. Ahsoka hadn’t been able to look him in the eyes when Obi-Wan had asked her about him.
Now, for a moment, the two of them regard each other. Anakin looks tired, the area under his eyes smeared dark, skin pallid like he hadn’t been sleeping. The sight sends a pang through Obi-Wan and without thought, he reaches out to draw Anakin close.
Anakin flinches away immediately. “I’ve brought you home like Master Windu asked,” he says stiffly, “I’ll be going now.”
Obi-Wan watches him shuffle, ice spreading steadily in his veins. The anger, he had been expecting, but never this stony silence. Truthfully, he’d take anything, any outburst, if it only meant Anakin would look at him again with something other than steely blankness.
He reaches out to catch one of Anakin’s hands. If Obi-Wan had been sober, he’d have probably lost his nerve by now, but alcohol has always made him far braver than he should be. He drags Anakin down until he’s kneeling between the V of his knees and presses a hand against the sharp cut of his jaw. They’re eye-level now, even if Anakin isn’t looking at him.
“Come by for breakfast tomorrow, my dear,” he murmurs gently. “I’ll make flatckaes.”
“I’m a better cook than you.”
“Perhaps after then,” Obi-Wan swallows. “I’ve missed spending time with you. We can do whatever you’d like,” he attempts a cracked smile, “I won’t even make you meditate.”
Anakin doesn’t raise his eyes from where he’s fixed them on the floor, but Obi-Wan feels his jaw work tightly under his fingers. “I’m training with Ahsoka tomorrow morning.”
“At night then,” Obi-Wan tries, biting back an unexpected sob, “maybe we could – catch a holodrama?”
“I can’t. I promised Padmé I’d see her.”
Anakin lets out a long rush of air. “Obi-Wan – ”
The tone makes Obi-Wan flinch. He looks at Anakin, slides his hand upwards, past the smooth skin of his cheekbones, and up into his lovely tangle of golden hair. He tries to memories the curve of Anakin’s mouth, the furrow of his brow. Thinks of the way Anakin’s eyes used to light up at the very sight of him.
“The day after then,” Obi-Wan whispers. He leans in to kiss him, the motion nearly unconscious, but Anakin startles backwards once more.
Obi-Wan isn’t proud of the sound that escapes him. It’s a broken thing, punched out of his sternum, almost a whimper. He tightens his hold on Anakin when he tries to stand. “Anakin, please,” he begs. The whiskey makes his tongue thick, the words difficult to shape in his mouth.
Anakin allows his grip, sits back down. He squeezes his eyes shut, pained, and Obi-Wan’s heart hammers at the thought of causing it.
It was really only a few weeks ago that they were pressed together in this very bed, Anakin laughing into his neck, rubbing cold feet into his shins. The notion is unthinkable somehow, makes Obi-Wan ache.
Now, there is only silence.
Obi-Wan clears his throat, and the sound is loud, a cacophony in a moment in which even the force dares not to breathe. He’s not pleased with the words that fall out of him next, but Obi-Wan can’t quite hold them back.
“When did you stop loving me?” he asks, then immediately regrets it. Obi-Wan doesn’t want an answer, not truly.
At this, Anakin’s gaze snaps back up to him. He looks even more tired now, face drawn. But his eyes still widen in what Obi-Wan thinks is shock. Or maybe surprise.
Obi-Wan waits, but Anakin doesn’t speak, providing no justification or answers. He simply sits back on his haunches and looks miserable, put-out. His shoulders are bent under a weight that he should never have to carry. Obi-Wan grits his teeth against the knowledge that he’s somehow added to it.
Finally, Anakin sighs. “I should go.”
Obi-Wan settles his free hand over Anakin’s cheek, brushes a thumb over a lovely cheekbone. “Please don’t.”
Anakin allows the motion, but his brows furrow in what Obi-Wan knows is anger. “Why not?” he snaps. And finally, finally, there’s anger. A dark corner of Obi-Wan’s mind relishes having Anakin’s attention again. “I thought you were dead. I mourned you, Obi-Wan. You knew how I felt about you and you used it against me to sell your act. I would’ve done anything for you, Master. I would’ve died for you and you didn’t even care.”
“It was a poor decision,” Obi-Wan admits miserably. “I cannot tell you how much I regret it.”
“You’re only sorry because I’m upset,” Anakin snarls in response, “because I’m no longer in your bed. You came back and tried to pretend like nothing was wrong. Like what you did didn’t even matter.”
The sheer depths of his failures are difficult to consider for too long. Obi-Wan’s throat hurts. The force reveals nothing, empty and cold as it is, his connection whiskey-dulled.
And really, Anakin is right.
What does Obi-Wan’s apology even mean? Obi-Wan, who has always kept his emotions close to his chest, guarded, even when Anakin had expressed his desire for more, asked for something as simply given as verbal reassurance. He’d spent so long working through his own feelings, his own struggles, that Obi-Wan has never stopped to think that perhaps one day, Anakin might no longer be interested in waiting.
“That’s not true Anakin,” he insists, bringing Anakin close. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
Anakin resists. Obi-Wan watches him, desperation rising with every breath. He thinks of never really seeing Anakin again, of being alone in these wretched quarters. Thinks of watching Anakin with another, someone far more worthy, who would never dream of betraying or hurting him.
Even more horrifyingly, Obi-Wan thinks of someone in his own place. Of someone basking in the warmth of Anakin’s love, his fierce loyalty, enjoying the gentleness of his hands, the curve of his spine in bed.
Obi-Wan is going to be sick.
Tears glob in his throat, splinter at the corner of his eyes. The burn of alcohol in his veins is waning now, a chill settling in his bones. “Will you ever love me again?” he asks at last.
The ensuing silence is enough to make Obi-Wan’s vision go blurry with tears.
Anakin’s posture doesn’t soften, but emotion ripples across his face. Obi-Wan watches the line of his throat as he swallows, a muscle jumping in his jaw. “Obi-Wan,” his voice is tight, “gods, please don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan offers again. He forces himself to let go of Anakin then, even if he can’t help but trace his shoulders one last time. Obi-Wan rakes his eyes over Anakin’s face, the softness of his features, the brightness of his eyes. “I love you,” he presses a fist to his mouth, trembling, “You will always be the single most important – “
“Stop,” Anakin says. His mouth twists unhappily and he leans forward, tucking his forehead into Obi-Wan’s chest. His voice is muffled now. “Please. I can’t bear to see you like this, Master.”
Obi-Wan heaves in response, shivering. He cups the back of Anakin’s head, rubs at the nape of his neck gently. Tries to pour what he can never express into what remains of their bond.
Anakin shakes his head once, the motion decisive, before he leans back and maneuvers Obi-Wan into bed. The world spins for a moment as Obi-Wan’s head settles into the pillow. He wants to say more, but he’s not sure if he has any words of value left.
But then Anakin is climbing into bed beside him, folding around him. He thumbs clumsily at the wetness on Obi-Wans cheeks even as Obi-Wan clings to him like he might vanish at any moment.
“I was angry,” Anakin admits quietly, words trembling on a shaky breath. He rubs Obi-Wan’s back, tucks his face into his neck. “But I didn’t want to hurt you like this. I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, my love.”
“No,” Anakin holds him tighter. He kisses Obi-Wan’s head. “You’ve always taught me not to seek revenge. What I’ve done is – this isn’t what I wanted.”
“Anakin – ”
Anakin shushes him, pulling the blanket up around the both of them. His chest trembles. “Sleep, Master. We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
Obi-Wan curls an arm around him, tries to calm his racing heart. “You’ll stay?”
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chalmogsico-college · 4 years
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The witch Mint, the wizard Tortoise, and Luara who hadn't found her style quite yet, carefully made their way through the dark pine forest just outside of the school grounds. The perpetual frost that clung to the cold soil crinkled under foot as a sharp wind rattled the branches above them. The three mages were warm in their enchanted robes even as their breath fogged the air infront of them.
"I'm sure he's fine," Mint said, his arms crossed tight across his chest and his voice shaking just so slightly, "Hell, he was probably just running late. I bet he's already at the class room and we're going to be in trouble for not being there."
"No way," Luara replied, as she pushed onward towards the small cabin they knew was somewhere around here, "Professor Van Shamanov is never late, and you know how weird hes been acting over the last few weeks,"
"He's been acting weird because you keep trying to talk him into summoning a new familiar," Tortoise rolled their eyes, "Let the old bastard grieve,"
"Grieving is one thing, but his familiar has been dead for like a hundred years? He needs to move on, and like, its obvious he's capital L Lonely," Luara turns on her heel to follow a different path through the woods, hopeful that This would be the right one. She doesn't worry about getting lost, worst case scenario Mint's insane sense of direction would save them.
"Yeah, I'm going to side with Luara on this one, Tort," Mint nodded as Tortoise gasped in mock offense, "You heard what Headmistress said, the man's getting to the edge of what The Viper will allow. He shouldn't be all alone in the end, and you know he won't just make a friend or something. Too much of a loner,"
"Nope! He won't make new friends because his trio is broken," Luara said,
"And how would you know that?" Tortoise quirked a brow, "Been snooping on our favorite GILF?"
Luara stopped and turned to glare at them, and to their credit, Tortoise managed to not flinch or look away for an entire ten seconds, "He isn't a GILF because that would imply one of us wants to fuck him," Tortoise intoned like a scolded child as they dropped their gaze.
"Good neither." Luara turned to set back on their way as Mint snickered.
Eventually they did find their way to the rotting cabin, a full two hours after class was supposed to have started. Luara took the old brass knocker in hand and thunked it down hard against its strike plate three times.
A moment passed with no response.
Luara raised her hand to knock again as the door swung open on screeching hinges.
Professor Van Shamanov's impressive bulk filled the doorway as he stooped down to glare at his visitors from below the head jamb.
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His eyes softened as he saw his startled students, bending to step out of his home and closing the door behind himself as he spoke, "Hello," his voice was rough with too many years spent in fire warmed rooms, "I suppose I'm a bit late for class aren't I?" He untied his robe from around his waist to put it on properly as he started back towards the college.
"Yes sir," Luara never thought of herself as short until she was having to jog to keep pace with their frankly giant teacher's strides, "We were worried about you, its not like you to be late,"
"Yes, I know I've been out of it lately," He nods before changing the topic, "Did you three complete your assignment? Gathered all of your components for today?" he holds out a hand and whistls to call his staff to him, the gnarled thing shot out of the woods like a torpedo but he caught it with practiced ease before it could splinter itself against the trunks of one of the trees, "And are you positive the components you chose are the ones you want to use? The difference could very well change the course of you lives."
Mint fussed with the bundle in his pocket before nodding. Tortoise pulled theirs from under their hat and smiled as they held it up proudly. Luara pulled two from her coat, one wrapped in the yellow she preferred for her spell work, one in the soft lavender Van Shamanov did.
"Yeah, and I brought one for you two," Luara chirped as non chalantly as she could.
To all three students surprise the professor actually held out a hand for it, "I'm curious what you think I'd put in that circle," he huffed good naturedly.
Luara handed it over and giddily tossed a smirk over her shoulder at the others as Van Shamanov undid the bindings to open it up.
A moment later she crashed into him as he stopped dead in his tracks to turn towards her. Luara staggered a step back, "Everything okay professor?" She asked nervously.
"Who told you? I assume Katy, but Headmistress might have known as well," his gaze was focused on the items in his palm, a dried orchid bloom, a nickel ring, and a wishbone.
"Dean Deane ," Luara said with an averted gaze, it wasn't like the professor to show such open anger, "She thinks you need to summon a new familiar, and that if you had the same components you did for your first it might be easier for you,"
"Please do not snoop like this again." Van Shamanov said firmly before turning back on his path, "We will be quiet until we get to class," he commands.
The other two trios that made up their summoning 833 class perked up as Van Shamanov entered.
"My apologies for being late. Is everyone ready to begin?" He pulled a tarp from his desk drawer and tossed it into the air. It straightened itself out and settled ready for use in the clear spot in the center of the room.
He waits for the murmurs of agreement to die down before starting on his spiel, "I trust that every last one of you has put the necessary time and thought into what will be happening today. A familiar is a life partner, they will be at your side through thick and thin and will be entirely reliant on you for the magical energy that sustains their like. They will aid you in every way they can and do whatever it takes to help you as long as you return that favor. They are powerful and temperamental creatures of contract, harming or betraying them will be the last thing you do. If any one of you has any hesitations about this, any second thoughts, anything other than Full confidence in what you are about to do, what components you have chosen, or what you will say to them once they are listening, leave. You are not ready yet, and I say that without judgment, I'd rather see you leave today than with a disloyal familiar tomorrow."
He stood infront of his class, head held high as he finished his final warning and reminder and waited to see if any of his students would flinch. When he was met with only eager eyes and nervous smiles he grinned from beneath his beard, "Very good," he turned to who he has decided will go first, "Tortoise, you're up," he finishes firmly as he steps back towards his desk
"Wait, Why?" Tortoise hesitated to get out of their seat.
"Because I'm upset with Luara and I know she wants to go first. By asking you to go first I am acknowledging that as directly as I am ethically allowed to." He takes his seat at his desk as Luara pouts.
"Why not Mint?" Tortoise looked to his friend who blanched at the suggestion, "Never mind, I forgot he was a coward," they sighed and pulled their bundle of components and their wand from beneath their hat as they stood to go to the edge of the circle.
The bundle was dropped in the center of the interlaced runes. The room was near silent beside the soft crackle of the torches. With everyone's attention on them Tortoise knelt in one of the smaller warded circles that surrounded the larger summoning circle.
Their instincts told them to just start pouring magic into it, a show of power to attract an equally powerful familiar, but Professor Van Shamanov had warned them against doing that. Power and Impulsiveness were not a good mix. Besides, they were a wizard, without structure their magic would fizzle and drain too quickly for them to really get anything going.
So, they took a deep breath and reached out to the warding line, pouring magic into it to set it glowing and active. Familiars didn't tend to turn violent with their summoners even if they declined the offer, but it never hurt to be cautious. Then they found the connecting line, the one that wrapped around and around and around the circle, that conected it to the other they'd be reaching into to try and coax a familiar across the boundary from one universe to another. Finally, they found the call line and pushed a surge of power through it, along with the promise of their favorite dice set, a bell they found in the sand outside their childhood home, and a bracelet their little brother had made for them before he passed away.
Speaking the meaning of the offerings was not a necessity, but Tortoise always struggled with the ephemeral and passing concepts along a line like this was definitely more a witch's skill than a wizard's.
"I offer you a dice set with the blessing of The Raven, she's my patron and she could be yours as well. A bell I found when I was young, I carried it with me on a chain around my neck for many years, it doesn't ring anymore but it holds more memories than I could speak, and a gift from my little brother, he didn't know about magic, but he told me that it would protect me. And well… I haven't died yet? So, I assume it works," they take a breath to find their center, "I am called Tortoise and I ask for…" They paused, this was the part that even with the years they had had to think about it, he could never decide on, "I ask for a friend. Someone who's sturdy and who I can rely on."
A hushed moment passed as the candles flickered and the smell of ozone filled the room. At first a fine mist formed within the summoning circle, it glittered like a frozen fog as it passed from its world and into ours, though soon it was thickening around the offered items and taking a solid form.
Tortoise couldn't help but choke out a laugh as a galapagos tortoise took shape before him. Its dull grey shell alone was bigger around than the circle Tortoise knelt in,
"What am I called?" the tortoise asked with a smooth water thin voice,
"Wizard," Tortoise responded with the name that formed heavy in their mind as soon as the tortoise had taken shap. They grinned and stood and let the magic fade from the circle, to set Wizard free of the bindings on it that trapped her within it.
"I look forward to being your friend, Tortoise," Wizard said as she made her way out of the circle with the slow elegant confidence only a fey shaped like a tortoise could muster.
The rest of the class clapped and jeered, Mint shook their shoulder as they took their seat, and Luara clapped and half jumped out of her seat to take her turn before Professor Van Shamanov could call on someone elsee.
Tortoise couldn't stop smiling after Wizard got comfortable next to them, nor could they focus on their friend's turn. They had a familiar and they looked forward to being her friend.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
91 Lucifer prompts
Some of my favorite quotes from my favorite devil. (Cut at 15 cause it’s long.)
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Lucifer Morningstar
1 “People don’t arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning until something comes along that disabuses them of those notions.”
2 “People don’t have power over us. We give it to them.” 
3 “The best thing to do is always to follow your greatest desire.”
4 “Sometimes we are what we are, and we should embrace that.”
5 “Desire shouldn’t be contained, it’s unnatural.” 
6 “Why do humans think they can rectify one evil with another?”
7 “Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
8 “Believe me, there is no winning when you play by a twisted tyrant’s rules.” 
9 “You shouldn’t have to change for anyone. And neither should I.” 
10 “I refuse to be a scapegoat for which something I bear no responsibility. It’s a theme in my life.”
11 “Trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time. I know evil.”
12 “If you desire something, just take it.”
13 “Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s desire.”
14 “What I hate more than anything is a liar, a charlatan, someone who doesn’t believe in what they say.”
15 “Hell truly hath no fury like a man/woman scorned.”
16 “No one gives us the right… we take it.”
17 “Mmm, dangerous. NAME likes.”
18 “There was immediate danger. He/she was about to leave this man/woman completely unsatisfied.”
19 “When in doubt, go with the classics. That’s what I always say.”
20 “Guilt is such a useless emotion”
21 “Take a swing and I’ll shove that so far up your ass, you’ll have splinters in your stool.”
22 “What makes us vulnerable is often right under our noses.”
23 “Now tell me, what is it that you truly desire?”
24 “Well, maybe it’s like butt stuff. Easier the second time around.”
25 “It’s always the ones you least suspect, the ones you trust the most, that hurt you. They wait until your guard is down and then wham! In my case, it was tequila.”
Chloe Decker
26 “It’s better to move forward than stay stuck in the past.” 
27 “We can’t control what happens to us only how it affects us and the choices we make.”
28 “You have to stop taking responsibility for things that you can’t control.” 
29 “Sometimes we get along best with the people we’re most different from.”
30 “Pull yourself together. You look like a homeless magician!”
31 “It’s really not a good day for… your… NAMEness”
32 “You don’t save a marriage by sleeping with other people.”
33 “If you go looking for loopholes, you’ll always find them.”
34 “NAME’s not another guy/gal. He’s/She’s a weirdo.”
35 “As any parent knows, the best time to get things done is when everyone else is asleep.”
36 “I wasn't afraid of you.”
37 “I don't want you to see me like this. I know it scares you.” “No, that's... that's what I was trying to tell you. I'm not... I'm not afraid of you anymore.” “You're not?” “You see, this is what I'm talking about. It's so sweet. I'm going to puke.”
38 “I miss him/her. I mean, he/she pisses me off all the time. And there are so many things about him/her that ... that I find hard to accept, but I just have to believe I can find a way. Because ... I'd rather have him/her in my life than not.” “Well, then... I think you know what you need to do.”
39 “You're different than me. You're stronger. You could have run, but you didn't. Why didn't you?”
40 “It's not like you haven't always told me the truth. You know? So ... I think, deep down, I just ... I always knew.”
41 “Let's pretend for one second that you're someone else. Someone nice, someone mature.” “Ooh, I love role-play.”
42 “What, you're just gonna leave me here? In this part of town?” “You said you wanted danger.”
43 “Please tell me I'm hallucinating.” “Well, I am dreamy, but try to contain yourself.”
44 “You step out of line one time …” “You can give me a right-good spanking, I promise.”
45 “This cannot be true. Can it? I mean ... if you knew this, why wouldn't you say something? I mean, I almost married him/her. I mean, I almost married him/her.” “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.”
46 “Oh, my God. Did the world just turn upside down? Did you just admit to being wrong?”
47 “You know, it can be scary sometimes, but ... being who you really are is never a bad idea.”
48 “I need you to stay here and watch your dad/mom.” “That's true. Without the two of us, he’s/she's defenseless.” “I don't know if I like what you're whispering about.”
49 “How long have I been out?” “Three years.” “What?!” [NAME starts laughing] “You’re such an ass.”
50 “I couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed up all night working, and, you know, I drank a lot of caffeine. Like, a lot.”
Mazikeen Smith
51 “If you go by someone else’s pace, it shows how much you really care.”
52 “Sometimes you have to accept when someone doesn’t feel the same way about you.” 
53 “Self-worth comes from within, bitches.” 
54 “I would never ask you to change. I like who you are.” 
55 “Hey! No one calls my skank a skank.” 
56 “Good. It's settled. Now, where do I put my knives.”
57 “Okay. One, I like to fight when I'm happy or ... horny. And, two, I really don't want to accidentally kill my best friend.”
58 “Maybe next time, I won't be around to save your ass.” “Mm! Well, that is a shame. 'Cause you and my backside used to get on very well. My front side, as well, actually.”
59 “And your name?” “NAME.” “How do you spell that?” “Surprise me.” [Later gets coffee with "WRONG NAME" on it]
60 “Everything that happened showed me exactly why I need to go back.” “I don't understand.”
Linda Martin
61 “Emotions are hard, but that’s why they make you strong.” 
62 “Goodness isn’t a toy.”
63 “Sometimes we need to lose something to understand its value.”
64 “Sometimes it’s easier to make intimate issues about something bigger than yourself.” 
65 “I find people who are rude usually feel powerless in their own lives. Terrified of not being in control.”
66 “Look... I know I'm not dad/mom, or partner or whatever. But I ...” “No. No, you're not. Come here. You are Uncle/Auntie NAME. And you will always ... be a member of this family.”
67 “Let's talk about what you're dealing with emotionally.” “Yeah, I really don't want to.”
68 “Why is he:she able to refuse my charms? I mean, is this thing on?” [points at him/herself] “Yes, yes. Definitely on.”
69 “How's that saying go? We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars.”
70 “Should've seen that one coming.”
71 “We need the most love when we’re being most unlovable.” 
72 “No matter how bad things get, the true test is how we choose to respond to the pain. We suffer, or inflict.”
73 “Cosmos are yummy.”
74 “If you really want to know if you’re a worthy romantic partner, ask yourself.”
75 “NAME. What are you doing here? Did you hurt NAME?” “Only when he/she asked me nicely.”
Ella Lopez
76 “Whenever I’m procrastinating on something, I make an appointment for myself to do it. That way, can’t back out.”
77 “You see what I'm dealing with?”
78 “Hey. No one insults my family, except for me.”
79 [high on "candy"] “I know I should be freaking out right now, but your hair is so shiny.”
80 I'm usually not into reality shows either. I prefer more, you know, scripted-content, documentaries, but... I've got a little extra time these days, so... sort of kind of watched, uh, 27 seasons in two weeks.
Dan Espinoza 
81 “We all need someone to have our backs every now and then.”
82 “Ooh, lemon bars. My favorite. Mmm. Oh, man, these are amazing. Who made 'em?” “Uh, NAME did. Would you believe that hunk bakes?” [spits out the bars] “On second thought, who needs the empty calories?”
83 “Say you fall in love with a man/woman who has a cat. What are you gonna do? You accept the cat.” 
84 “Are you sleeping with this idiot?” “He/She hasn't had the pleasure, unfortunately, no.”
85 “Dude, I cannot deal with your weirdness right now.”
Trixie Espinoza
86 “We’re wearing the same shirt!” [both] “Sushi shirt!” [from around the corner] “I don’t know what’s going on out there, but I hate it!”
87 “I ate it.” “Mm-hmm.” “But NAME said it was okay.” “Oh, really?” “He/She said, if you really want to do something, you should. And I really wanted to eat some chocolate cake.”
88 “Are you looking at a no-no site?” “No. Why would you think that?” “Because you put it away so fast, and you look really, really guilty.”
89 “NAME, sever their Achilles first. If they can't walk ...” “They can't betray you.”
90 “You need to get a thicker skin. Stand up for yourself, because the truth is, nobody’s gonna do it for you.” — Charlotte Richards
91 “Anybody worth dating should understand everything that makes you … you.” — Ev
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Ali & Ro
NYD Catch-up
Ali: *Daintliy throws the tiniest of pebbles at our window 'cos I'm in trouble enough if this goes tits up without also breaking a window* Ropunzel, Ropunzel, let down your hair! Ro: allow me to busily make tea while I loudly quiz Tess and whoever else may be in earshot about their resolutions Ro: I can't believe you're only just getting home! I was going to ask how you're evening was but I think I can guess Ali: You're a 🌟 Ali: We need to fully mind-map and dream-board ours later, I've got so many ideas already but I at least need in on that tea action first, builder's brew please and thank you 😘 Ali: Shh 😉 I've been in bed since 1 💤 like an 😇 Ali: Hehe social media never lies, not mine at least Ali: I'll tell you all about it, whilst Ma tries to tell you she quit the fags years ago, like 🙄 Ali: 💃 Ro: Of course. Well, there has been a kitty there so the universe should stay on our side with that one, hopefully. Ro: Hm yes, if anyone asks you got back before I did, there's not much I can do if social media decides to answer instead though alas Ro: Oh Tess, no offense intended, but truly I'd much rather hear what you have to say Ali: Oh, Bluebs, hope she was alright with the fireworks, I paid Rocky with a selection box to keep her company but bet he was too busy being a hooligan come 12, nutter...but I'm sure she hid herself nicely warming the blankets for us anyway, like 😽 Ali: Did you and Meena have a good time? With all dem 💶💶💶 you can both more than make up for missing the hottest part night of the year, ay Ali: Bless her heart, though perhaps take her pack away from her still, you'll be helping her and, you might need one after I fill you in, like 😉 Ro: I can't tell a lie there was some bribery involved for us too with the older kids. They had me baking and the text advice I received from Tommy wasn't as helpful or coherent as usual Ro: We definitely earned our crusts it has to be said Ro: I think Meena would've liked to join you so you might want to play down the finer details when you fill her in but no complaints here, fussy children aside Ro: I draw the line at that level of trickery, we'd both be caught if I even tried I think Ali: I think its to be expected, babysitter rules are there are no rules, or very few, ESPECIALLY when it comes to sugar 😋 Lucky kiddos, I would kill for a sweet treat rn Ali: Maybe I can push it and see if the old man is any fit state to do a fry-up too, mmm Ali: We should deffo ring Tommo then and be annoyingly loud and cheerful 'cos he always gets hangovers un🍀 🦆y Ali: Payback Ali: Well her brother was there so she wouldn't have been able to have all that much fun, like, I'll be sure to downplay it though, tact is so my strong suit 😏😂 Ro: Oh? You'll be glad to hear then that I had the foresight to make enough cookies to bring a batch home. There's still a few that could be claimed by you if you're quick enough. Ro: I can make no such promises about a proper breakfast but time will tell I suppose, I'd consider it favorable if you work a little of your own magic Ro: You have plenty left don't you? Ro: We'll likely need an actual spell to wake Tommy after all Ali: Faster than a speeding bullet, me Ali: I can climb these drainpipes like nobody else 🐈💪 Ali: I'm sure we could concoct a pepperup potion, getting him to drink it is another kind of magic altogether Ali: even if we settle for calling it an energizer smoothie or something muggle Ro: Perhaps we could say it has lots of biotin that'd make him more inclined for sure Ali: When quiff is life Ali: He truly is sweet 16 Ali: And 15 is looking up for me too, fingers crossed and knock on wood rn, this is gonna be our year, Posy, and that ain't the after-affects still talkin' Ali: Wished on every 🎆 in the sky Ro: Wishing is very powerful so I'm not surprised, I am very intrigued though Ro: Go ahead Ali: I'm in 💚 Ali: 🙃 and now hiding under the covers eeeeeeeeeeeppppp bye Ro: Did Marlene get off work early last night and surprise you? That's so lovely Ali: No, no, no Ali: It's all but ended and it will be if my feeling is correct and reciprocated Ali: We'll be better off as friends, honestly, I can't give her what she wants but I can be there for as a mate so that's what's best, she'll see that given a bit of time, I'm sure of it Ali: That said...do you think I'm a total slag for who did surprise me last night now? 😳🙈 Ro: Oh okay. That makes sense Ro: No Ali, I'd never Ro: Is it someone I know? You've mentioned Meena's brother already... Ali: Oh lordy no 😂 Drew is an alright lad really but no, he's not the sort, definitely would not be reciprocated, he's got half the girls at School after him and he loves that Ali: More power to him but you're getting warmer Ali: you know the lad him and Meena live with, don't you? Caleb Cavante, in my year too Ali: 😍 Ro: I think so? He's always in the music block isn't he? Ro: He smiles a lot. Not in a weird sense though I don't mean that Ali: Oh Ro 😂 you make ME smile Ali: sounds like him, cool hair Ali: obviously, I knew of him before last night but it was just like...right time, right place, you know? Ali: Sounded triter than all the 'new year, new me' posts aren't I? Ro: Not at all Ro: It sounds like a fairy tale and we're treating it as such! Ro: Did you kiss him at the end of the countdown? Ali: Oh no, I forgot to lose a shoe...Typical, on the one night to make throwing dancing shoes aside count! But I suppose he won't have to search the kingdom high and low Ali: Back at School Tuesday Ali: At least this promises to make my weekdays more entertaining at any rate Ali: Mhmm 😊 *Gameshow host voice* BUT THAT'S NOT ALL Ro: What else is there? Did he lose a shoe instead? I dread to think what I'm missing here... Ali: [Improptu selfie with the tattooed finger over her lips like a moustache] Ali: Not saying that trumps 'Facebook Official' but 😎 Ro: !!!! Ro: did Caleb get a tattoo too? Ali: Oh silly me, yeah Ali: [Photo they took together post-tattoo] Ali: Big n Lil dipper, its cute, right? Ro: Oh my god! You better not post these, Tess will kill you, but Ro: I think that's adorable Ro: Did it hurt so much?? Ali: She'll love it Ali: we did it ourselves, on each other Ali: thank god he wasn't really crap, unfair, I'd have to go over it myself 😂 Ali: Not really, doing lil dots like that by hand is probably the most chill way to do it, it really wasn't anything to think about even Ali: I could do one for you, really get the mumbot shorting a circuit 😈 Ro: Really?! Weren't you scared?! I would be. Ro: Ali that's so brave. He must have trusted you and vice versa to such a degree Ro: Only you'd get all of this out of the way before a first date has even happened Ro: No wonder you're so giddy Ali: Nah it's not scary, you can watch next time I do one on me, if you like, see for yourself Ali: Promise it isn't dead gory or anything Ali: I'm thinking of doing a Clitocybe rivulosa, our 👑 achievement in witchery to date, you want in? Ali: Won't show Mum that one forreal, she'd lock us in separate dungeons again 👎💔 Ali: Yeah...it felt good to get that shit out of the way, this way, if he wants to look down at his hand ever again and not be reminded of a bad memory, we'll have to make it good Ali: Clever, non? Everyone will think its ridiculous, I know, but I trust his intentions now, which is more than I can say for any of my previous Ali: Bar Marlene, of course, although technically she didn't set her intentions but not in a malicious way so we're letting it slide Ro: Do you sincerely promise? I'd like to see the whole thing for myself before I make any of my own but Ro: It does sound lovely. I'd be jealous if I wasn't so pleased Ro: No offense to Marlene, oops, I'm getting carried away here Ro: It is happy news though Ro: I mean, a love letter on skin, that's just Ro: It makes me speechless Ali: 🤞 Ali: ❌💚🙏☠💉👁 Ali: Me too, it's catching Ali: It'll be better in the long run, she can find her a wifey Ali: I know, I just- ahh Ali: He just text, asking if I got Home alright Ro: Sorry but this boy is a keeper Ro: that's so gentlemanly it's like we've stepped into Austen Ro: Are you nervous about school? It just sounds so magical and classrooms are so...well, not, aren't they? Ali: Better! He wasn't stand-offish and rude to me at the party, only to be won 'round by my wit, humor and independent spirit Ali: Clearly, he's more clued in and go-with-the-flow than Darcy, a win in anyone's books, even Jane's Ali: Hmm, not particularly, nah Ali: I'm not overly concerned with what other people think, so that won't spoil it, fat chance Ali: and we've always had a certain talent for making the mundane magical, haven't we? Ro: Jane would be spinning! Lydia with all her apparent lack of concerns for 'social conventions' has nothing on you and I have little doubt you'd be overjoyed by whatever 'disgraces' Caleb had in mind Ro: A much better match that anything she'd have conceived no doubt Ro: School seems so far off still but now I really am envious that you've made certain you'll have reason to look forward to it. Very unfair! Ro: The only fly in the ointment, potentially is what Marlene might say, how much are you going to tell her? Ali: 🙊 Ali: I'd be happy to regale you with the night's disgraces but I have even less doubt that you'd rather not hear about those details Ali: You're not trying to tell me you've previously nearly eloped with Caleb yourself though, are you? 🤔 Georgiana Darcy is a pretty good fit for you Ali: Now that would be a scandal worth the gossip 😏 Ali: Perhaps you can join me and make the music block your new haunt for a bit, give the library chance to REALLY miss you, like Ali: Hmm, no doubt she'll say things she'll regret when her pride is less hurt Ali: but they aren't prejudices against my 'fake' sexuality I haven't heard before, from her as well, so 🤷 Ali: I understand why, not that I agree with her. For one, I can attest to the reality, and also, I've not got any issue with experimentation, whatever the outcome but I see her frustration Ali: Serious as she is, about, everything Ali: It'll be okay, if she doesn't want to be my friend then alright, her loss frankly, but I'll always be there for her if she chooses Ro: To be honest, no I would not. It's much too early in the year, and day, for all that Ro: Oh goodness! Flattered as I would be to considered an accomplished woman, I fall short in all necessary regards, least of all the elopement alas Ro: Hm, as much as I both enjoy, and clearly need the practice for that comparison to hold true in any sense, I think I'll leave you to the necessary haunting yourself Ro: True. She's always been very vocal, hasn't she? I can understand if you slightly relish the opportunity to leave her speechless just this once too Ro: And it really would be her loss if she chooses that path to go down anyway Ali: What can I say? I'm an overachiever Ali: Couldn't even help myself, like 😎😂 Ali: No you don't, and you're a year younger, you're well ahead of the curve set and it ain't even necessary for a lady to have pleasant hobbies and talents in our day and age so Ali: You're an overachiever too, that's why I loooooove you 💚 Ali: S'cool though, suppose we don't wanna turn up en masse, put him off his A game, bit rude Ali: It is one of the things I admire about her but less so her dogmatism Ali: No one is always right about everything, even me 😜 Ro: Thanks I suppose Ro: Though I probably shouldn't pass on that wisdom about not always being right to everyone else at the kitchen table Ro: Not if I would like to live to be a year older at any rate Ali: Honestly 🙄 Ali: No wonder they love Marlene so much Ali: Ma is gonna be gutted, no doubt it'll be all my fault Ali: like lowkey but damn, woman, show a little loyalty when your daughter can't 😂 Ro: She'll calm down as long as you keep your gentleman caller away from the door for a while I'm sure Ro: When is the first date set for actually? Oh so exciting! Ali: Yeah, we've both agreed as much Ali: For Lene's sake as much as mother's Ali: Gotta get my house in order Ali: I don't know, ooh, what should we do?! Ro: There's always the open mic if he'd adore being serenaded Ro: Sounds like you'd have time to work on a dedication if not a song Ali: THAT IS A FANTASTIC IDEA Ali: I'll bring out an old classic, best to stick with what I know and am best at for max best impressions Ali: Can always go new and exciting with the outfit 🤩 Ro: Exacty Ro: Your full of good ideas when it comes to that Ro: Oh! We should go donation diving. New year, new clothes to peruse through Ali: Yes! We must we must! Ali: Best time of year for it, ungrateful fuckers binning their unwanted presents Ali: Regift 'em our way 🙏 Ali: Marlene wants to meet up later Ali: Looks like we're doing this today then, ugh, we can hit the charity shops tomorrow maybe? The sales rush shoulda died down a bit at least Ro: That works for me, I'd rather not fight for my faux furs, somewhat defeats the desired purpose Ro: I'll be around if things with Marlene go according to plan, or otherwise and you need to talk it out Ali: Agreed, though I'm down for granny bashing our way to the bargains if needs must Ali: I'll be getting some practice in today, like 🙃 Ali: Thank you though, Posy Ali: Sure it'll be fine Ro: I know it will. You can do this Ro: I can condone that much at least, your shopping behavior less so Ali: 😽 Ali: With you on my side, how could I fail? Ali: She is getting narky though so watch me waltz down the stairs and out again like missed me missed me
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