#he yeets that thang
ghostsinthecellar · 1 month
ew, pregnancy dream
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Month 3, day 20, got a name for the zippy boi and I'm getting closer to an attitude for him! His name is Flick, he likes to go fast, he's playful and inquisitive but also has a very strict and firm sense of duty. Susurrus finds him "flighty and annoying," lol
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silverwarewolf · 4 months
The first half of the episode was so sweet, I had been awaiting this one with such excitement and boy did they deliver.
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Like. Look at them! They're a family, your honor! They're so ready to be there for Senshi through thick and thin, and accept him back into the party once he offers to stay.
It's also really interesting to see that it was only because of Laios that this was possible. No one else but our local monsterloving guy could possibly have managed to do this, and I'm sure this foreshadows that only him and his party are worthy of conquering the dungeon and it's trickery, somehow.
(also, as a viewer, it's super fucking sweet when your special interest manages to solve someone's life horrors isn't it? unspeakably helpful after a lifetime of shunning)
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This is literally puckpatti chils. I NEED to know their internal monologue about this - does chilchuck think of his daughters so deep below the surface? did marcille feel the change in aging rate for just a moment - would she want to stay this way purely because of it? or perhaps have the others stay as long lived races. Much to think about!
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cock check chilchuck be like "maybe like this my wife wouldn't have left me"
ft. marcille having a crisis and senshi being the model he always wanted to be.
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"do you have games on your phone mr. chilchuck"
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Look at them. They look like they could be just another party in the dungeon.
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Senshi suddenly unlocks forbidden elf abilities that even marcille didn't know about.
Jokes aside, it's really interesting to see everyone adapting to their new skillset and gaining this newfound appreciation for their friends. Only two things are a shame here - one, we were robbed of slutty sandal senshi. two, marcille is still across the pit.
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(Chil. You can't just throw a child across a pit. This is why your wife left you)
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Laios you didn't just throw Toshiro's fruity little friendship bracelet - I mean, emergency bell. You yeeted that thang like your life depended on it. Do you realize Toshiro's now going to be running after you. Do you.
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Ah. My favorite. Paw fur dumplings
But don't worry, help is here! This bitch empty, YEET
(ryoko kui saying dumplings are the best thing ever to exist and then bashing elf cake to the ground is so funny to me. I respect someone willing to write their food preferences into their works)
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hardly-an-escape · 8 months
dreamling fic with hobrinthian hookup? 👀👀👀👀
yes! you and @fulcrvm both asked about this one!
it's based on a post that was going around... gosh, well over a year ago. I'd have to dig to find it again :/ but the basic idea was: imagine the Corinthian picks Hob up in a bar or on tinder or something, they start doing their thang, and Dream suddenly appears and yeets the Corinthian across the room, and Hob is like what the actual fuck???? (and then obviously after some yelling Hob and Dream start doing their thang.)
this is actually the very first Dreamling fic I ever started! it's been on a back burner for a long time, but again, hope springs eternal and I would love to go back to it someday if inspiration strikes. I have a lot of it daydreamed out if not necessarily planned, haha. Hobrinthian is not a big ship of mine but I think there are some super compelling elements of them together! I've shared a few lines from this here and there, here's another snippet:
“You would offer yourself up to one such as the Corinthian? A being of petty hunger, of fear and lust?” “I am trying,” Hob grits between clenched teeth, “to offer myself to you. You git,” he tacks on. Dream says nothing, but Hob has spent years of his unnatural life decoding the minute expressions of that face; enough to recognize confusion. “Are you really this thick?” he demands. All of a sudden, rage drowns out the clamor of emotions swirling in his chest. His anger shouts to be heard. “Don’t you realize that this is the first time in over six hundred years that you’ve laid a finger on me? To do your little voodoo ritual because your, your fucking nightmare creation dared to do something that you won’t allow yourself to stoop to? To touch me?”
thanks for the asks!! WIP game.
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jstarr86 · 11 months
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I sighed looking down at him a smirk on his lips.
“Stop so I can paint your face or I’m leaving ya ass at home.”
“No you won’t first because you want me there two I’m never home and three you want me there cause I’m never home.”
“Baby.” I said breaking out a smile “let me paint your face. I gotta get ready too.”
“Fine, no fun.”
“You can have all the fun you want to later for now behave.”
“Yeet.” I rolled my eyes looking into his as he placed his hands on my hips.
“Aye I’m not doing anything I’m just holding you.”
“Mhmm.” I sighed sitting on his lap as he groaned arms wrapping around me while I painted his face. I was trying to get the skull part done since he was mixing a clown and skull. It looked cool, we hadn’t been able to decide on a costume this year so we combined both options and it actually looked pretty cool. “Turn.” I moved his head finishing the shading but also taking the chance to check him out. He was fine as fuck and I was lucky. “There Your done.”
“Eee this is sick thanks baby.” He said looking at me from the mirror as he checked over his looks.
“You welcome and you look good now go so I can do mine.” As he left I pulled the costume out getting dressed first. I then fixed my hair glad I had bought multiple sprays. After I started painting my face. This is why I’d made sure to not work today, knowing it was a busy day around my home, so I generally took off fully or at least half the day. I was half through doing my makeup when the bathroom door opened and my husband walked in arms sliding around my waist.
“Damn mamas. You look good.” Josh said rubbing my legs sliding his hands under my skirt grabbing my butt and squeezing.
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(Like this but neon)
“Josh.” I said softly biting my lip trying to not moan. He was always like this coming back from the road. He’d always had a high sex drive anyway but this was always different. I mean don’t get me wrong I missed him too always did and he’d spent the last week not even in the country he’d been in Germany until this morning ; he’d gotten home at 445 this morning. I appreciated the thought of being with us and the sleep deprivation he had to be going through right now but wasn’t saying or showcasing it because he wanted the time and memories with and of us and that meant the world to me. Fuck the man being an amazing husband lover and friend him as a father was probably my favorite thing about him. The love the care the interest the devotion he had as father that man that was another level and I loved it that was Josh. The world can have him as Jey but Josh man if they only knew granted he was pretty much just him just super live and turnt up but still I wish the world saw the Josh I got.
“Let me get done.”
“You fixin be cold as hell mammas.” He said eyes trailing over my body. “It’s like 30 degrees.”
“I got thermo leggings on under these tights a thermal long sleeve onesie under this and I am wearing my coat and have this lovely human called my husband that will keep me warm.”
“Nah you bout be shivering and complaining lil miss thang. You too little for this shit and we both know it.”
“Then keep me warm daddy.”
“Shit call me daddy again we staying home and I’m trickin and treatin ya ass all night.”
“Our youngest son wants to go out.”
“Then remember that cause you say daddy again and Jaciyah gonna be takin him not us.”
“Now you know that ain’t happenin Jaciyah is on candy duty here.” I finished my makeup before meeting my three main men downstairs. My oldest in a jack skellington onesie but he’d at least let me paint his face. Our youngest a clown much like his dad and I but much more bloody. “You ready baby.”
“Yah let’s goooo!” I laughed watching as he got super excited.
“Alright grab a our bag and coat baby.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“If someone-“
“Knocks or rings give them candy don’t be rude be nice and don’t give it all to my friends I know. I got this.”
“Ok have fun we will be home in a hour or two.”
“K love you guys.”
“Love you too.” We walked out as our oldest locked the door behind us Josh pocketing the keys inside his hoodie. We’d taken some pictures that came out dope. Then again anything neon or glow in the dark if I wanted to pull it off it wouldn’t take a lot all I had to do was call my amazing sister in law and ask, the queen of glow. Josh and I walked watching as Jeyce ran up to each house or drive collecting candy. I leaned into Josh who chuckled moving to stand behind me wrappping his arms around me
“Not too much. How much longer should we let him go he has school and no one needs to be sick.”
“Eh he’s ok give him some more.” I nodded popping a sucker in my mouth as my husbands smile widened the paint elongating it. I rolled my eyes as he winked both of us knowing why he’d smiled.
“What Joshua?” I asked nudging back into him
“You kno what, practicing for later tryin tease me.”
“I’m just eating candy if I was trying to tease you I’d do this.” I responded looking at him twirling my tongue over the lollipop and sucking as seductively as possible while keeping my eyes locked on his. He groaned nonchalantly rolling his hips into my ass so I could feel his hardening dick.
“Don’t do that baby. These kids gonna get a real show.”
“Oh my god Joshua.” I laughed out as a few people looked at us.
“What you the one acting like you sucking my lollipop.”
“You behave over here performing oral on some candy.”
“You’re terrible.”
“And you a freak, but forreal though how you make something so simple and innocent so naughty and sexy.”
“You always say that.”
“Cause it’s true even in school that’s why everyone always gave you suckers cause they liked watching you eat them always more sexual then it should be even when you ain’t notice.”
“I really didn’t.”
“I kno but only me and uces believed it.”
“I remember you got into that fight sophomore year cause that guy flirted with me.”
“Flirted he was practically dry humping you made you uncomfortable and then didn’t care Nah homie deserved that ass whoopin.”
“Thank you for defending my honor.”
“Always wifey.” I took pictures here and there and Josh took some with me. I loved that he kept a hand or arm around me at all times. He was very touchy always had been I always joked physical affection was his love language. After a couple hours it was dark and getting colder and Josh could see I was getting cold.
“Aye Jeyce wrap it up.”
“Yes sir.”
“You ain’t have to do that.”
“Your cold and I peeped the cough that started you gonna get sick. Plus his nose is red and not from paint he’s getting cold too.”
“Mmm so observant I love when your home.”
“I love being home.” He replied kissing me.
“Ugh mom dad really.” I pulled back he and I laughing as he licked his lips the dark colors smudged slightly at his lips and a bit red from my lipstick and our small make out kiss.
“Sorry ya momma is beautiful.”
“Even like that?”
“Yeah even like that no matter what ya moms is beautiful. Let’s get you home.” We walked back home Jeyce trying snag candy until Josh took the bag. “You kno the rule.”
“Who made that rule what’s wrong with it why can’t I eat it.”
“Gotta check the candy ya kno people be stickin stuff in candy.”
“Don’t tell him that.” I said nudging my husband “you kno that’s a urban legend right there ain’t any known cases of that actually happening but there was this one man who tried offing his kids with laced pixie stix”
“How you do that no wonder he got caught.”
“Used the giant plastic ones gave them to his kids and their friends thought they’d all eat them only one his did and died then he got caught cause he couldn’t remember what house he didn’t get to Em from and where he told the cops those people wasn’t even home.”
“That’s fucked up some people don’t need kids.”
“Very true.”
“Sometimes it’s scary all the random stuff you kno.”
“I like criminal Justice or did you forget my major and I listen and watch way to much true crime stuff.”
“You do little serial killer.”
“That be a good costume.” Josh and I acted silly the whole walk back home racking jokes and dancing and laughing. He also every time or son turned was grabbing at me. Getting close to our home I saw some of our elder child’s friends walking down the street.
“Hi Mrs Fatu, hi Mr Fatu.”
“Hi guys.”
“Sup.” Josh replied arm going around my waist.
“Cool costumes.”
“Yeah you look awesome Mrs Fatu.”
“Thank you guys have a good night and behave.”
“Yes ma’am.” As they walked off Josh growled.
“Little ass boys crushin hard bout make me hurt a lil kid lookin at you like that. ‘Hi Mrs Fatu you look good’” he mocked as I chuckled.
“They are kids stop.” I said leaning to his ear “besides your the only man I want making me scream.”
“Mmm Gotdamn” We got in and Josh went through the candy while I shook my head and he let Jeyce get 4 pieces and they went to wash Jeyces face. I turned from the dresser as Josh walked in our bedroom eyes trailing over me before he locked the door. I laughed as he hit the light switches turning off the lights but turning on the black lights we’d put up for Halloween. “Wanna play a game.” He asked voice deep
“Boy cut on the light so I can see so I can go shower.”
“No, boy.”
“You heard me.” As I looked up at him he looked sexy yet dangerous and dark, good on he was glowing but his face still dark his eyes dark. “Come here.”
“Josh.” I gasped as he didn’t verbally respond but reached out with a firm gentle hand grabbing my throat. He pressed his head against mine as I watched him close his eyes for a second. When he opened them again the want the lust was definitely behind his beautiful dark chocolate colored eyes. The intensity in his eyes and his hand on my throat had me biting my lip as I silently stared at him, trying to decipher what was going through his head. His other hand came up grabbing my right breast in his hand as he kneaded it. I watched him smirk as my bottom lip went back between my teeth. I hadn’t seen him in a few weeks he’d came home a couple days then was out again cause of work and they’d had a tour overseas “aren’t you tired.” I muttered softly to which I watched his eyebrow raised Josh didn’t respond but trailed his hand down gripping my thighs as he moved standing between them slowly dropping to his knees.
“You know when we all left town for ya birthday how I sent you away for a bit early with Trin.”
“Well I never told you but I got this room soundproofed”
“You did wha-“
“You better hope that shit really work cause you gon be screamin.” I didn’t get to respond as he roughly kissed me and the second I moaned he slid his tongue in my mouth easily winning the dominance battle as he lifted me up in his arms as he walked to our bed. He dropped me down on it as I watched him.
“We need shower take this makeup off, creppy.” Josh pushed my shoulder as I went to try and move. “Josh.” I jumped as he pulled out a knife my breath holding as I watched him as he slices the tights and pulled my leggings. I was lo key scared first I ain’t like clowns anyway and my husband was dressed like one with a damn knife. He slid it over my collarbone as I looked at him with wide eyes before he easily cut the strap to my costume and bra in one go. “Josh. Come on you know I hate clowns.”
“I love you but shut up.”
“Excuse you-“
“Mamas you know I’d never hurt you so just sit back shut up and feel, stop thinking.” He kissed me sensually as fuck his mouth tasting like chocolate his mouth blazed a passionate trail from my lips to my neck sucking gently at the spot that made me arch my back. He tugged down the top of my costume lips attaching to my left nipple as his fingers tweaked the other my hand gently grasping his head fingers playing with the curls at the base of his neck.
“Baby.” I gasped out as he somehow rough yet gently slammed two fingers inside me while tugging my nipple with his teeth.
“Wet as fuck. Tryin stunt like you dont want this dick.” Fuck he hadn’t even started and I was gonna cum. Josh knew how to play my body like an instrument and he did it with precision. “Look at me.” I moaned as his fingers hit my gspot with every thrust of his fingers thumb rubbing circles on my clit while he sucked at my neck. “Watch me make you cum sexy.”
“Mmm fuck. I’m gonna cum Josh.” My eyes finally closed as my head went back.
“So Fuckin sexy.” He groaned as I opened my eyes trying to breathe. Josh pulled his pants low enough for his dick to pop out before he pushed my legs up and thrust into me a groan leaving his mouth.
It was takin everything in me to not cum already. She’d been getting to me all day and I’d waited hours to have her. Every sound leaving those thick pink lips moans whimpers uneven breaths only I could do that to her. I could feel her tightening on my dick pussy fluttering showcasing she was about to cum. I slid my hand around her throat as her back arched and she moaned.
“Cum.” I pumped working her through her release before I pulled out rolling her over and slamming back into her my hand smacking down on her ass the sound echoing loudly along with her moans as she gripped the sheets takin these back shots like a damn champ. “Pussy so good. “ I stilled for a second rubbing on her ass as I let her toss it back riding my dick. I pulled at her outfit shredding it and pulling it off her as I resumed my pace chasing my nut. I knew I’d freaked her out a bit earlier only because she hates clowns. She had since we was kids. She’d walk through a haunted house laughing her ass off but clowns nah she’d be gripping me with her head buried in me. “Shit baby.”
“Mmm daddy.” Id assume by now the soundproofing worked cause neither of our sons was banging on the door yet and I knew we was being loud especially her and the headboard was thumping against the wall.
“I’m bout nut. Fuck.” I grunted out playing with her clit making sure she came again.I grunted out feeling her tighten as we both came. I lazily pumped through it before withdrawing from her body. I walked to the bathroom starting the shower. Walking back out I pulled her down the bed tossing her over my shoulder as she giggled and I smacked that fat ass. I let her down as we walked in and she looked wrecked we both did paint and makeup smudged missing we got in the shower washing up both us double checking the other for left over face paint. She’s killed it with all this, looked dope. I lifted her against the shower wall entering her as we sloppily kissed it going from a peck to extreme as fuck pretty quick. “Damn do ayt shit again.” I grunted as she moved, I dunno what she just did but that shit sent me deep as fuck. I gripped her thigh harshly fingers digging in as she made the same movement making us both moan out. “Grippin me so tight.”
“Josh, fuck don’t stop” she moaned gripping my shoulders as I bounced her up and down my cock her free hand slid down the glass before gripping the back of my head as she placed a sloppy passion fueled kiss the pit in my stomach knotting as my orgasm fueled causing me to thrust harder and deeper into my wife as she tossed her head back a loud moan of my name leaving her mouth. Her finish was my undoing as I buried my head in her neck pinning her to the wall with my hips as I came. Her nails lightly raking my scalp I pulled back kissing her softly.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” She replied as I wrapped a fluffy towel around her. I knew she was tired and fucked out. I dried her grabbing her favorite lotion and rubbing it into her skin leaving it soft as hell and smellin like some tropical ass fruit or sumthin. I lifted her carrying her into our room as I laid down pulling her into my arms as she curled into me head on my chest. I wouldn’t have long gone til I was back on the road but this Halloween was definitely great. I started the tv and turned in a scary movie as we winded down and finished out our Halloween night her falling asleep within twenty minutes
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milfbro · 7 months
one of the actors shattered a glass on stage on purpose cause the director tried to gaslight her, that it was made of acrylic and wouldn't break and hurt her when she kept it in her coat pocket during that very messy scene where she can fall on the ground
he said 'nooo it's acrylic it won't shatter' and she just. Yeeted that thang. He still didn't believe her so she got another one and smashed it on top of the other one. That was so based
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foreverindreamlandd · 3 years
you beautiful human! Have the best birthday🎉🎈💐
Ty for being such a good fraaaan 😊 sending you lotta snuggs
💖 I would like option #1 pretty pls with sugar on top✨
Col’s 1.5k Sleepover
Let’s do this thang 😏
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Lumberjack 👏🏻 Bucky (in this case, previously known as Avenger Bucky lol)
After Civil War, Bucky went to Wakanda for some much needed TLC. You good friend and leader Steve asked you to stop by and check in on him every once in a while, and you would always stay a few days longer than planned because, well, it was Bucky. And even when Bucky is free from the Winter Soldier and decided to stay in Wakanda to work in the lumber yards outside the city, you still check in on him from time to time. Just to see him.
A few years pass when a mission of yours goes bad, and you’re captured/brainwashed by Hydra, tortured in ways no one can understand. Well, maybe one person knows what you’ve been through.
When you go to Wakanda next time, it’s not to visit Bucky, it’s to undo the damage that Hydra did to you. But Bucky learns of your arrival and runs to see you, only to stop in his tracks when he catches your broken, lifeless expression. It doesn’t take long for him to put two and two together. The anger he feels toward the demons you now share almost consume him, but Bucky knows that revenge is not the answer in this case. What you need is comfort and care. What you need is love, and Bucky’s wanted to give that to you for quite some time now.
(And one day one of the large estates in Wakanda opens up residency so you and your lumber boy and an adorable white cat decide to call it home 😂)
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janexeu · 4 years
     though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, JANE MÁRQUEZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old DEMIGOD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from NEW ORLEANS, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite SACRIFICIAL & STUBBORN.
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( she’s b-b-b-back on her bs : katya ! tis uhm ,,,, a lil bit of a chonk of an intro but ill try 2 b cute w it. any time u wanna yeet jus peep the gif again & forgive me bc Look At Her ! )
POWERS ( more info here )
hypnokinesis  — p much made her a glorified babysitter w lynch-esque wacko dreams. it got stronger naturally as she got older, but jus w herself n eventually the ppl shes real close w. its also gotten a lot better since comin to eonia 
seeing gods in dreams  — she doesnt hang out w em every fridays at tgifs but like ,,, if she had Pertinent Questions she cud smhw make it happen. found out abt her being a demigod at age 10 when she met hypnos
memory retrieval — shes got great memry of her own but bc she knows it can help w grief n all that, shes been learnin in eonia how to do it 4 others if they mayb wanted it
her single ma died during childbirth so jane's been in the foster care system since 5ever. attempts at reunification nvr worked out but thankfully she got real lucky w her group home and foster families. twas stable enough to not emotionally scar her even further but the instability of it all was fosho a big ol’ lot and has influenced her rigidness in sum aspects of her life
she lived p much as a mortal even tho her powers r a lil freaky. never went to camp but it worked out bc all her abilities r internal and cannot be Perceived by others. she had a talk w hypnos abt what 2 do n he mentioned camps but also gave sum monster avoidance tips ( like rarely use ur powers, maybe learn self defense, yada yada ) n she jus ,,, did that so she cud continue livin real normal w the mortals. logistics of camp stressed her out esp bc shes livin w non-family n stuff yk it was All Too Much, miss her w the added demigod stress tyvm
got married at 23 to her childhood sweetums luis, but he ,,, died abt a yr later fr a car accident. coma for 2 weeks n jane p much slept the entire time in his hospital room, visitin his dreams n talkin to him. twas a life support sitch so they eventually decided to pull da plug whch was real sad but like she's processed it 2 da best of her abilities. her powers helped a lot in the coping too n she visits memories of him in her dreams smtms when it gets real sad then shes ok again bc life goes on n life is pretty uwu
bc of her bg round kids of all kinds, shes always been passionate abt em. always takin babysittin/tutor gigs and went to community college so she cud teach n then worked as an elem teacher. only started considerin goin 2 eonia 4 postgrad when she had a student who showed signs n strugglez of bein a demigod. she eventually got to talk to their godly parent 2 confirm n she was shocked pikachu meme, real concerned for all those youngins who hav no clue what to do ! or how to cope ! bc they cant facetime w the olympians lyk she can ! so cue her discussin eonia w luis a lot then a year after the accident, broke out the pro-con list again. took abt *checks watch* another yr til she finally decided to zoom 2 athens but then whoosh she did !
yearning ? idk her — shes can be a bit of a take it as is typa chick. can be a lil literal jsksj not dumb but like ,,, def doesnt read into things enuff to pine n long n year yk. some things might def fly over her head. she says Yes To Serotonin in this house. she dk the the mitskis n the sikens n the carsons ; its all mary oliver up in this joint. we just tryna luv life n be grateful folkz
le freak, say chic ! — control freak, that is. growin up in an unstable envi meant shed cling 2 stability n independence, wrvr she cud get it. so when it comes 2 the way she does things, she can be real a heel digger. also bc she has 2 deal w kids yk so it can b A Lot n shes v stern lyk dat. ofc she wont infantilize the eonians .,,,. or will she ? big sis vibes outta control. she means well tho always always means well. itll also b v hard to get her 2 giv up on sum1 bc life ? she luvs it n knows u can too
changes by david bowie — is decidedly skipped on the playlist. she doesnt like change !!! i mean she knows its inevitable but still not entire unavoidable. ever since she got out of the system, shes had a partner n her own way of doing things n its been workin out so why change it yk ? she says time may change me but jokes on u i can sorta trace time 
rip but im different — this goes out to all em whores in this house. she respectz ur hustle but like ,,,, not her thang. girl doesnt even get drunk when she drinks bc she doesnt rlly drink sksjsk doesnt like the taste of it, big baby ! but like she's Lived, its more like. ok tried it, not for me. thanks tho. also for all the meanies in the house, y’all perplex her. shes empathetic n wont show the judgement but smtms shes lowkey lyk .,., ur how old n u had all this goin 4 u n ur still so rotten ? how u actin like a 7yo w a trantrum ? scratch head, make it make sense
at least u tried — dad jokes, bad puns, tries to be big jokester but isn't funny. she's pretty tho so she gets away with it. idk wht else 2 say ur honor. shes the type thatll embarrass u w affection
well that was Awkward — probably sum1 abt her if  they see her actin a Fool bc shes in a foreign sitch or topic. when shes a fish outta water then she can be so ! easily ! flustered ! which is p much her in eonia. shes not new new but theres way 2 much godly shennanigans for her to wrap her head ‘round n sis has never gone to camp so its ice bucket challenge level shock from time to time still w da magics n lore
til death do us part — yknow when death cab for cutie said i knew that u wer a truth i wud rather lose than 2 hav nvr lain beside at all ? how abt when they wrecked me by rudely sayin love is watching sum1 die ? yes ? no ? nywy thats jane 4 ya. if she loves then shes in and if shes in then she is all in, luke danes stylez
was that a vivid enough picture or did i just word vom the same things agen n agen sjksjs jus know shes cute n sweet if a lil frustrating n annoying bc shes stubbornpants mcgee. may or may not have a slight compulsion to help fix other ppl ..,,.. someone set her str8 n tell her fix u by coldplay isnt it !!!  
5′9″ born 4 october 1994, virgo sun n moon
not a freshie ! idk how long her program is but like ,,, lets ignore that 4 now ok jus kno that she been here a while
yogi & boxing enthusiast back at home. hc her mans got real into the martial arts w her when hypnos told her she gotta learn how 2 defend so that was one of their things : bonding by workouts so jane cud protecc herself if need be
her maiden name’s jane fulton. got her mommas surname but the name jane ? thats some jane doe bs some rando picked out for her which she hated at first but then seeing tarzan made her go hmmm, ok bet !
lgbtq+ alliance president ! identifies as pan
she met her late hubbie when they were abt 7ish, real friends 2 lovers cuteness. jane was there for him throughout his entire coming out & transition ergo her passion for the community esp queer kids bc she was That Cis Ally for her mans. wears her ring as a real lowkey necklace now
shes also real passionate abt sleep. will ask u how did u sleep last night p much every day u see her bc ppl spend like half their lives asleep catherine ofc shes gonna ask
her fave thing abt eonia ?  the whole siblings bit. shes had 2 make do w what she got n build a family from scratch so this ? she luvs it a lot let her give u kithes hypnos babies
shes p well versed in the greek thingies but only thru the knowledge mortals gets + dream info. after her realizin who she is, all things ancient greek jus sorta became her niche interest ykwim ? shes not like Super Learned abt it more like ,,, ok i gotta at least make Sum sense outta all this, gotta learn what i can. imagin how embarrassin it wud b 2 see a god in ur dream n then go : sorry to this man. nope. not jane, not her, nuh-uh 
luv languages : words, acts of service, physical touch !
useless hcs but she loves disney sfm ok. smtms dresses up as princess tiana for bday parties n shit bc shell do nythin 2 put a smile on the kids n babs faces
ya like jazz ? bc jane surely does ! adores motown & 60s music. nina simone owns her. no one drag peggy lee from 101 dalmatians ! not an important hc but i jus wanted to quote my bubble butt winged bee lover barry
children ! infants ! babies !
demigods that make her scratch head damn u live like this ? but also wud knife emoji to protect n care for. shes not the oldest on campus but shes been livin independently p much her entire life so she finks shes got a tight grasp on the myth that is Adulting  
srsly tho the Big Sis vibes is off the charts w this one. shell perserve u dumdums
baddie influencies !
convince her 2 get drunk at a party ! bc she never does. convince her to maybe try drugs ! or go hook up ! do smths impulsive idk jus smth new !
gl tho bc shes not rlly ,,, easily influenced But she can b reasoned w ! in general i fink its just gonna be a fun dynamic if y/m knows how to coax sum wildness outta her or w/e bc thotty yummy theyre hotty yolo rzning jus wont do w this gal. will most likely get argumentative like a big ol momma hen but if u win then ur winning big
Sleep Now or forever hold ur peace !
idk sum1 she helps w their messy sleep ? shes def not super public w it, surely knows her other siblings r Better at it but if  y’all are close, she probs enjoys doin it 4 ya. she runs her hair thru fingers a lot when she does it. like a lot a lot unless u tell her to get lost
lover boi, lover gorl, lover enby !
she can be a lil traditional when it comes to how she views rels. she wants all that meetcute courting bs ! no gender roles tho n u best be sure shes not constantly comparin w her late hubbie ,,, but she jus wants smth magical n 2 be wooed again yk ?
so yea ,,, crushers mayhaps ? sum1 who is tryin 2 woo her ? sum1 she had a meetcute w and now janes got lowkey heart eyes for em ? idk lotsa possiblities but pls keep in mind she is not good at the flirtings so hav mercy on her 
eonia tour guide !
or jus friends who like ,,, constnatly fill her in w all the godly stuff n whatnot. years of not goin 2 camps mean u miss out on a lot ! explore ruins w her n get her info her mortal educ didnt make her privy 2 yk 
head real empty atm i will think of sum n let y’all know when i do, but give us all the conekshunz. friends, enemies, the usual bit, lgbtq alliance peeps, lmk whats up whats done whats cookin we want it all
( shes p much a new muse n da result of me tryna bring in an emotionally healthy kid to this sad sad university. janes in a v good well-adjusted place rn n is my therapy muse bc that other bitch m** is a messy handful. but wbk life aint linear so mayhaps shit’ll hit da fan or one of y/m will ruin her lmfao press f pls ! but also color me eyes emoji bc we love to see it )
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dolcetters · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
Tumblr media
TAGGED BY: @hyaciiintho​ ( ;-; AAA THANK!!! )
TAGGING (don’t feel obligated to do it!): @forsakenflora , @avadite , @yinseal , @inseparabilum , @reigningsniper , @tsume-awase​ , @canisfuria​ & YOU if you wanna!
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES  / NO / IDK (he’s fetishized a lot; thanks, i hate it)
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK (i’d lean more toward no)
Are they underrated?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE (stares into the abyss)
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (true neutral, my boy)
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON? ♠ || i have an ongoing joke that “canon is a slab of meat that we slow-roast at 475 degrees and carve for the juicy bits” but at the same time it’s not a joke at all, i’m being perfectly serious. i’m definitely a lot less strict than when i started for writing canon characters way back yonder, but i also DO like to keep within an array of canon boundaries because i’m not writing for an OC in this instance, i’m writing for an established character. ...it also doesn’t help that my character’s handled differently in the 4 types of media he shows up in but. i grew up reading DC comics and writing for beast boy, so i’m kind of used to “multiple takes existing for singular character”. 
that being said, my take on dol is clearly canon divergent (since... he’s alive and my default verse takes place after the nest raid) but it pulls primarily from brotherhood/manga with a couple dashes of 2k3 series (since that’s the only media that gives us a length of time that he was in the labs). but given that i follow along with just about every scrap of information provided in the manga on this clown, i’d say i follow canon fairly strictly... but there ain’t a lot to go off of, so my reins are pretty loose no matter how you look at it. my city now.
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.   ♠ || (* ̄3 ̄)╭ well, hello, there. aware of dog? yes. this is he: dolcetto mcgrouchyboots, and he is not happy to be here at all. he is traumatized, sassy, wants to throw hands with teenagers, has no sense of self worth, and will absolutely use himself as a meat shield in order to protect any and everyone he cares about. he is spliced with: dog. his favorite weapon: sword. if you listen carefully, you might hear dog-song rising on the east wind as he approaches (don’t tell him axel taped a cassette player to his back). he comes from a found family of complete and utter morons with a lot of damage, they live in a partially underground bar, work as information brokers, and are all DEFINITELY fully functioning adult people. they say gay and trans rights. if you like angry boys with a sense of humor semi-on-par with griffin mcelroy, this is the boy for YOU!!! 
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).   ♠ ||  he’s only featured in a handful of episodes/chapters across all media, doesn’t have a significant amount of dialogue, and we only ever see him lose to the protagonist(s) despite that he seems more than capable of fighting anyone else. easy to brush off as a “aw he died and that’s sad but we didn’t really know him, moving on”. from what i’ve seen in my years, people are more interested in him being a cog in the machine of “greed is sad” and less interested in... HIM. which is fair, i guess, but hhhhhh
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   ♠ || i don’t know if i can pin-point any ONE thing, but i’ve always been drawn to characters with some sort of connection or bond with animals (example, once again, being beast boy from teen titans). i also have an IMMENSE weakness for the found-family dynamic. so when the devil’s nest appeared during my first watch through of brotherhood, i was pretty much... hooked. immediately. and devastated. immediately. as for what drew me to writing dol, specifically... probably his loyalty, his drive, the fact that he WOULDN’T FUCKING STAY DOWN no matter how many times someone knocked him flat on his face. i vibe with that. grew up very much in the mentality of “fall down 7 times, get up 8″. also, he had a sword... which always beats guns on coolness factor. and i loved his fire. ...and that he was a complete fucking idiot who’s really bad at kidnapping i mean HOLY SHIT THAT’S HOW YOU TRIED TO GET HIM TO COME WITH YOU, DOLCETTO, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING--
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING? ♠ ||  dol has always been a great source of ...venting for me? <xD ever since i started writing him, i’ve always found his muse--specifically--to be extremely cathartic and comforting. i dunno if it’s because he lets the more... jaded side of me come out, even when we’re both trying to be optimistic? 
because i’ve been in 2 emotionally abusive friendships. i definitely have some left over hurt, pent up anger that hasn’t been given closure, a hell of a lot of underlying bitterness that i never got the opportunity to confront those people, BUT i still try to be. y’know. welcoming, friendly, supportive, despite a voice in the back of my head being paranoid?? i think dol continues to give me outlets to expressing that. somehow. not that i use him as an excuse to do it, more so i have more opportunities to do it when i’m writing him as opposed to writing someone like beast boy, who’s usually more on board with keeping the peace than picking a fight. i’ve also invested SO MUCH TIME and ENERGY into his background and headcanons and things that i kind of can’t quit him now, nor do i want to.
... and aside from that i just want him to have a happy ending god, fucking damnit. 
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO ( or i certainly hope so )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES  / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO ( definitely have moments but eh! ) 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES  / NO ( kind of... varies. i’d say i’m more hyper aware)
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   ♠ || i definitely like to think i do when it comes to pre-established things in canon. but when it comes to what i’ve built on my own over my years of writing for dol (and the nest members as a whole), it’s kind of my sandbox and i’d appreciate you not stomp around in it. 
unless i need to be learned a thing, like... one of the nest members, vi, is a trans-woman. i’m a cis-woman and i try to do as much research as i can and educate myself, but if i ever fuck something up please tell me, i’m doing my best but i’m more than willing to listen. i want to grow.
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   ♠ || pretty sure everyone does! >xD but yeah! i FUCKING love it. especially since i’m writing for a minor character. =//o//= it shows people are interested in him despite his overall lack of content.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?   ♠ || i’d definitely be curious as to why but i doubt i’d be offended or take ... any personal harm from it--y’know? it’d be more of a “let me hear your perspective and maybe it’ll expand my own understanding, or i might not agree after the explanation and that’s cool”! 
an exception would be for an obviously shitty one that’s shitty for no reason, like... acTUALlY, he’s TOtaLLY hom///o///pho//bic, to which i’d be like “bitch, no, get away from me; no one in this bar is straight, die mad”.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   ♠ || again, it’s cool! there’s not a lot of canon material so you can take his portrayal a variety of places. if we don’t jive, it’s pretty whatever. 
my one exception to this is probably people who, in the past, have told me i write him being “too mean”. which will never cease to confuse me. because even after al straight told dolcetto he was 14, dol was still like “I REALLY WANNA SMACK HIM but i’d just hurt my hand so you’re off the hook”, he’s angry like 85% of his dialogue in the manga... i’m just confused. where are you seeing the “uwu pupper~” persona. you can write it, that’s fine, i don’t care, just don’t get irritable when i don’t write him like a cute puppy. because here he is. suggesting we just kill izumi because she’s being troublesome. yeet. ...he’s an asshole.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   ♠ || whatever, just don’t be a dick or speak badly about me or him in my presence because, flawed as he is and while i won’t make excuses for him, i’ll stand up for him. go somewhere else, my dude. i, personally, don’t have the energy for your negativity. nor do i have the patience.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   ♠ ||  i’m more okay with people correcting my spelling (gently). because of the way i taught myself to read, i’d be FUCKED if auto-correct or spell-check didn’t exist. i also google correct spellings constantly. so spelling, yeah, i already know that i’m terrible at it so feel free to correct type-os or spelling mishaps, it ain’t no thang. 
grammar i’m a bit... pickier about. because sometimes i’ll purposely do a “grammatical error” because the punctuation or otherwise further drives the pacing or mood i’m trying to give my writing. i may not know ALL the rules but i break them from time to time... FOR THE ART.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   ♠ || i wanna say i am?? while i definitely do want to seriously explore and flesh out and grow dol as a muse and character, i’m “not above” goofing around, poking fun at him, or just being plain silly on the dash. RPing is escapism for me and i strive to keep my blog a peaceful safe haven on the dashboard, both for myself and my followers. 
i try to communicate to the best of my ability and despite my anxieties, and while i may not be able to follow or RP with EVERYONE (for obvious reasons) i’m open to interacting with ... pretty much anyone who throws me a bone. i’ll speak up if i’m not down for a plot or interested in a certain relationship or interaction, but i’m certainly not going to be rude or dismissive about it. i know what that feels like. i’d say yeah, though! i think i’m pretty chill. e-e you tell me.
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imaginedc · 6 years
Jason: Just do it
Jason :)
Tim : if I get punched I blame you
Jason: you won't get punched. Now go don't be a little bitch
Tim: *sighs and walks over to Steph * hey pretty mamma wanna show me ya thang?
Tim: ;)
Jason: he's so gonna get punched
Steph : Jason Peter Todd I will give you two seconds to run
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ree-duh · 6 years
Thoughts on twilight: new moon:
Again these are my original thoughts on the movie that I typed out as I watched it
I honestly don't understand why they gotta hide from the sun like all it looks like is they put just a little too much fenty body lava on
Charlie swan is V A L I D
It's not his fault his daughter makes stupid decisions
Okay so she's 18 now at least now their relationship is less legally iffy
Jacob still has long hair rn but in the poster it's cut so What Is The Truth?¿?
Edward literally about to cry seein his girl talk to Jacob lmao
Alice legit just jumped off the side of those stairs as if no one would question what the heck she's doing
Why does Edwards face look like that 👀👀
I don't mean the actor I mean specifically Edward
WoW that teacher really thought he was slick tryin to call out Edward
Okay so the volturi (is that how you spell it)
Are like vampire royalty right so then why don't they dress like it
Like are you telling me these twats have been alive for decades and they still dress like extras from the ballroom scene in the live action beauty and the beast like they have SOoOo much money but they still only wear basic black suits
Damn Bella why would you hold your bleeding cut out in front of a house FULL of vampires
This really is the worst birthday party lmao
Carlisle buddy why would you own paintings of vampires feeding like are you trying to be caught
This sounds really bad but in this scene Bella has more chemistry with Carlisle than she did with Edward in the previous one 😬
Edward and Bella both look like they're in pain constantly
What am I watching?????
Emotional manipulation: The Movie
On another note Bella really rockin that coralline rain coat
He really just left her in the forest like that huh
Did no one question the lack of shirt that guy who found Bella had
Look I get Bella was super into Edward BUT like every guy at her school is like in love with her why is she still that bummed I mean I'm not on team Jacob or whatever but like he's still a pretty decent dude and she's got a ton of friends too why doesn't she at least try to talk to someone
Yet again Charlie is right lmao Bella sweety he ain't coming back
Did she just have a PTSD flashback to when her dumbass decided to go down a random dark alley
Is Edward a ghost vampire cause I'm really confused
Everyone in my house is sleeping while I'm watching this and every time Bella starts screaming I literally jump to turn the volume down lmao
I'm kin with the werewolves YEETING themselves off a cliff
Is ghost Edward trying to protect her or get her killed
Part of me wish I was watching Face Punch instead smh
I can't believe Jacob cut his hair off it looked better long in my opinion :/
He really wearing cut off jorts now huh
How does Bella get given all the dots but she still can't manage to connect them
Like girl Jacob practically spelled out that he's a werewolf in the first movie and you still can't catch on
Jacob go off miss thang
If it wasn't clear I'm talking about when he called Bella out
Why is Victoria a red head now????
Is it bad that I literally cackled when Alice said Edward was gonna kill himself after like 2 seconds of thinking Bella was dead lmao Romeo ain't got nothing on this drama queen
That is really awkward elevator ride
Aro is so ugly lmao
And yet I'm burdened with the knowledge that some people still thirst after him
Nvm what I said before Jacob is a manipulative twat too if him and Edward weren't both in love with Bella they'd probably be best friends
So is every twilight climax going to be Edward fighting one on one with another vampire
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pengiesama · 7 years
nami asked for
Sorey and Mikleo getting drunk and having shenanigans
TOZ cast MST adventures with any of your fic
write ritual au imbibing
on twittesr and i wrote all of them in one and i t won’t make asense to anyone cause i havebn’t posted Ritual AU yet
"do yoiu think the gods remain in heaven beacus e they're afraid of what they created" asked sorey
"shut up. shtuj up shtu jsut shuts up you jsut shu tup." said milkoe "we're gonna. go on an adventure."
"But where," said sorey. as if he didn't know. where the fuck esle could mikeo be talking about
"we;re goin g to go to the party univesre," said Mikleop, tearingi open the fabric of space like it wa s no big thang. it's not a thang. not for this mikleo. he's big and strong an d gay and he does whatever he FUCKING wants.
he grab sorey by ht ecolarl and yeets him into the magic poitral and then yeets himself too. they land in the party univers ana dthe party univers is a BIG FUcKIN RAVE AND EVERYOnE"S THERE> FROM EVER AU. YOU gott the dragon bride au over there. you got the escort AU over there. you got the detective au over there. ypou got other AUs too if you want them to be there. i don't own the other AU  s so i can't tell you if they wanna ocme to this rave and do coke off each other's asscheeks
" i like doing opium becaue i'm fucking CLASSY," said mikleo cause he's so mpowerful h ecan READ THE WORDS
so uinstead he di d jello shots off sorey's nipples. all the soreys. ALLOF THE SOETYS AND EVERY NIPPLE
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malewifeconnoisseur · 8 years
double whammy yEeT
tagged by @infinityparker 
rules; you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. put your music on shuffle & list the first ten songs & then tag ten people.
your song - ellie goulding the a team - ed sheehan (when is he going to put out another album) life is a highway - rascal flatts (LISTEN I ONLY HAVE THIS BC I LOVED THIS SCENE IN CARS OK) hey there delilah - plain white t’s coming home ft. skylar grey - diddy dirty money power trip ft. miguel - j. cole skelewu - davido the girl is mine ft. paul mccartney - michael jackson nuthin’ but a g thang ft. snoop dogg - dr. dre leavin’ - jesse mccartney
tagging: @paladinleader, @bivalkyriepaladin, @neruas, @tevna, @bluemcclain, @keith-jpg, @klanceon, @the-space-trash, and anyone else ! :)
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celebritylive · 5 years
If you’ve ever wanted to be as fresh as the Prince of Bel-Air, now is your chance!
Will Smith unveiled a new clothing line, Bel-Air Athletics, on Wednesday, and it’s all Fresh Prince of Bel-Air-themed. The line includes T-shirts, sweatshirts and athletic gear accessories like a duffel bag, phone case, and even a paisley-print basketball.
Smith, 51, announced the new line on Instagram with a video of him modeling several of the different looks.
“We’re doing our next merch drop,” Smith says in the video before teasing a reversible track jacket. “So this is a sweatsuit, it’s just a sweatsuit, until it’s not just a sweatsuit.” The Aladdin star then opens up the jacket to reveal a paisley print inside, and that he’s wearing a bright yellow tee with the words “Bel-Air Athletics” emblazoned on the front in red block letters.
“I put my thang down, flipped it and reversed it. Then I put it on sale. NEW @FRESHPRINCE MERCH!” Smith captioned the video.
View this post on Instagram I put my thang down, flipped it and reversed it. Then I put it on sale. NEW @FRESHPRINCE MERCH! Link in bio
A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on Oct 1, 2019 at 9:13am PDT
RELATED: Will Smith Hit 225 Lbs. After Overindulging on Vacation: Family Called Me ‘Pudgemuffin’
On his Instagram Stories, Smith gave a behind-the-scenes look at the merchandise, along with some commentary.
“Bam! Merch, sons, we got merch,” he says in one video, while showing off T-shirts that feature a cartoon version of himself playing basketball in a Bel-Air jersey, with the words “Will Power” underneath. “Yo, this stuff his hot,” he adds as the camera pans over more T-shirts.
RELATED: Jada Pinkett Smith Says She’s ‘Just Now Entering an Adult Relationship’ with Husband Will Smith
“I don’t know why I ain’t do this when the Fresh Prince was on,” he said. Smith, of course, played a fictionalized version of himself on the NBC sitcom, which aired from 1990 to 1996. “But I’ll take it now, because yeet! I love this stuff.”
“I feel like I’m 12,” Smith said. “Like, life’s just simple pleasures. I love this stuff. I’m hype. I’m hype. What can I say? I’m a simple man.”
Smith left his followers with a call to action: “Get your merch!”
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2oJ0MY7
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anniecarm · 6 years
Event Notes
New school and NYU people in attendance
Round 1 of the game was Tara, Julian, Nuri, and I
Tara is wearing a black shirt with Kirby on it, one of the Nintendo universe characters.
Earlier in the day, Tara had gone to game stop to buy a copy of the game.
Posted “DIBS BOO” in the event facebook page to make sure that nobody took her favorite Mario party character.
I felt happy when I got in first place one turn, even though I didn’t win the round
A girl named Jess showed up dressed as one of the characters but then realized that nobody else was dressed up and yelled out “What the fuck, nobody dressed up?”
Wearing a red shirt, jean overalls, and a red knit hat to look like Mario
“give me three more coins!”
“Waluigi is a skinny legend”
The game had many rounds. Each round had multiple minigames that either had all people working separately, all working together, two against two, or three against one. Teams constantly changed so everyone had a chance to work together.
Interview with Diana
Student at Parsons
Did you grow up playing video games?
Haha so that’s a yes? Did you play with your family?
“HAHA yes. And Yes.
Was it a regular thing or an occasional thing?
“Like a weekend thang”
What would you play and who participated?
“Wii games, wii sports, Mario kart...and it would be me and my dad and brother!”
What was your favorite game to play with them?
“Mario Kart for sure”
Who usually won out of the three of you? Was it always a competition or just for fun?
“I can’t remember too well but I feel like my brother usually won. It wasn’t that competitive though, we more played because it was something to do together.”
So it was a form of bonding in your family? What’s your favorite memory from playing with your brother and dad?
“Yeah, it was! I can’t really think of one specific memory but when I think back to playing with them, I just remember how we all used to gather together in our little basement and everyone would be laughing or at the game or themselves or each other and it was just such a positive distraction from whatever else was going on in the family or in life in general.”
What was your favorite character that you would play?
“I always played Toad”
Toad is so cute
“Right?! Love the hat.”
But you use Donkey Kong now, why the switch?
“Something about the way he wears that tie”
“Nah, I just think Donkey Kong looks funny on that ‘lil bike.”
He definitely does! What’s your favorite Mario game to play now and who do you play with?
“I think Mario Kart is still my favorite. I play it with my roommates and friends when they come over!”
NYU Senior at Gallatin College
Did you play video games growing up?
“Yes I did!”
What kind of games did you play?
“It was mostly adventure-ish games, like only Nintendo stuff, pokemon, Zelda, Mario, but never shooting games-other than halo.
What Mario games did you like to play and who did you normally play them with?
“Mariokart, Mario party, Mario galaxy, Mario paper...like almost all of them….oh my god the one that was Mario and the olympic games! And usually with my siblings and dad.
Wow I didn’t even know some of those existed! So you know the Nintendo universe pretty well then haha! Did you play on teams ever or was it always a competition?
“Ummm, some of them were in teams, and others were competition.”
Who did you like to partner with when you did have teams?
“Usually it was with my dad because he was very bad at the game lol... so I needed to help”
That’s so cute! Who is your favorite character to play in Mario games?
“I like Yoshi. My dad used to play with it all the time.”
Your dad would play as Yoshi too?
“So before I would always choose Koopa or Mario, and my dad would choose Yoshi...but recently I’ve chosen Yoshi because of nostalgia lol!”
Oh cute! Who do you play with now and what do you like to play the most?
“It depends on the game, but usually Yoshi or Larry in Mario Kart. Whenever people come over, we end up playing a round”
Do you guys always play Mario Kart or other stuff too?
“It would definitely be Mario Kart. I guess Mario party now that we have it, we just don’t have many multiplayer games”
Do you like having the switch better than the Wii?
“Yeeeeessss, I’m excited for smash!”
Media & Communications student at Lang
Did you grow up playing video games?
“Yes, I've been playing them ever since I can remember. I think the first console I ever played on was the N64, and that came out two years before I was born”
What kind of games did you play on the N64 and who did you play with mostly?
“My favorites were Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Smash! I usually played with my siblings or my cousins on my dad’s side. All of us were incredibly competitive when it came to gaming back then and I’d say that we’ve carried that competitiveness with us until now”
Does it become a big event when you play with your family?
“I wouldn’t say that it becomes a big event, but whenever we do play it gets really heated. There’s usually a lot of screaming and cursing involved, with the occasional broken nail hahaha”
Haha that's amazing! What character do you usually play and why?
“It depends on the game and which version we’re playing! For the older versions of Mario Party and Mario Kart I usually play Donkey Kong, then for Smash I ALWAYS play Kirby. I always play as Boo/King Boo for the newer versions of the games besides Super Smash”
Does each character have their own special abilities?
“I don’t really know why I decided to choose those characters, but whenever my family and I play we always stick to our designated characters. Nobody is allowed to take another person’s! For games like Mario Kart and Mario Party the characters don’t have any special abilities, but for games for Super Smash they always do. I’ve had to learn how to play as Kirby for different versions of Super Smash which is fun! That’s why I always get excited when a new version comes out because they usually change Kirby’s special moves.”
So as the games evolve, the characters and their abilities do too?
“Yup! What I love about Nintendo is that they always keep a part of the older versions of the games when updating, like with Mario Kart for example, they always include some tracks or maps from older versions of the games- and for people like me who have been following these games, it’s always fun to play these with new consoles and features”
That's so cool! So if you played with someone who had only ever playing on an N64, they would be able to know how to play on the switch easily?
“I wouldn’t necessarily say that but they’d understand how the game works. Nintendo keeps the controls the same when updating but not the controllers themselves, so they’d have to learn how to play the old controls on the new controllers in addition to whatever new features come with the game. Nintendo has been releasing controllers of old consoles that are compatible with their new ones which is great. It gives old followers of Nintendo a chance to play with their preferred controllers but at the same time allows new players to get a sense of how gameplay was previously.”
It's so cool that Nintendo has their own little game universe. Have you played other types of video games that have a similar setup as Nintendo with the shared characters and rules or is that something that is unique to Nintendo?
“I think that it's something unique to Nintendo! The company has been developing these games for so long and they always manage to make the next version of the game so much better, except for the past two versions of Mario Party. They changed how the game worked and everyone was upset, which is why they changed it back to the original gameplay mode for the Switch version.”
When did they change how the game worked and what was different?
“What I love is how Nintendo isn't just the Mario universe, but it includes others as well. Like Kirby, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, and more. That's why Super Smash is one of my favorite games because it's the only game where all of these worlds come together. For the earlier versions of Mario Party, each player individually rolled dice and that determined how many spaces they moved on the game board. For the two previous versions (Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10), all of the players were in a "car" together and the number a person individually rolled on their dice moved the entire car. It essentially defeated the original purpose of the game which was to get to the "star" spots before everyone else.”
That's so strange! The version we are playing sounds so much more fun that that!
“Haha yeah it is!! Everyone was looking forward to this new version when they announced that they were changing it back. I think that Nintendo stands out as a company because they try to cater to the needs of both old and new Nintendo followers which is awesome”
You mentioned earlier that you like to play mario party, mario kart, and smash. If you had to choose between the three, which would you say is your favorite?
“Super Smash is definitely my favorite. I think it's because it's one of the most complex games that Nintendo comes out with because they try to include characters from all of their games and, as I mentioned before, they always change the special moves a character has. I also loved watching how the game evolved! The first version only had 11 characters, and the version coming out in December has 66.
“Also, how the fuck do I know all of this? I didn’t realize how much of a fuckin’ Nintendo freak I am”
*both of us laughing*
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