#he’d deserve one
izzystizzys · 23 days
“ - but have you ever considered, I don’t know, not sucking all the time? Just a thought.”
It takes the combined grips of Nuisance and Hound to keep the wriggling, snarling body beneath Fox from throwing him off its back. With three years’ practice of having to fix his own rickety desk chair over and over again, the movement merely ruffles the proverbial fringe on his helmet.
“And I don’t mean that as an insult, necessarily. Well, I do a little bit. But also I have some amount of empathy for the no doubt immense amounts of trauma that had to go into the creation of something so dysfunctional as you, on a very personal level, so have you considered going to the root of that in a way that’s like… useful? Instead of wasting it all on kriffing Kenobi, I mean. Look at the guy. All he does all day is drink tea and commit warcrimes. I bet he knits for fun. Bit of an embarrassing nemesis, don’t you think?”
“I”, says Kenobi, then pauses. The space between his eyebrows is creased with uncertainty, and he looks deeply torn between continuing rocking the shaking Duchess of Mandalore against his chest from his corner of the throne room and re-activating his lightsaber to continue losing his fight against the Darksider Fox is currently sitting on. “I feel like I should object to some part of that, but I’m not entirely clear on what. Or how this happened, again. Isn’t Mandalore a few star systems from your purview, Commander?”
“Probably the warcrimes”, mutters Nuisance underneath his strained breath.
“About as far from my supposed assignment as yours, General”, says Fox a little louder.
Kenobi twitches. Fox cannot claim to know which of them does it. Both, maybe. Probably.
“I will - taste - your - flesh!”, heaves out Darth Maul, snarling and hissing.
“Oooh, kinky!”, calls Grids, from the corner where she’s got her stun-setting aimed at the other Zabrak, currently passed out cold. Fox sighs deeply. He knew he shouldn’t have taken those three - any combination of Grids, Hound and Nuisance in a room together usually spelled chaos.
Unfortunately, it also spelled competence. The Basic alphabet can be funny that way.
The point being: as of some months into the war, one of Fox’s assigned tasks is the surveillance of all GAR-wide communication. All command-class staff theoretically got that memo, but no one seems to have read the fine print where that includes both professional and personal communication, as well as any and all comm devices registered or suspected to be registered to that person. Especially not one Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.
The point further being, if that sounds both immensely impractical and sort of terrifying in a democratic supposedly non-surveillance state, you’d be bang on the credits, and to Fox’ eternal chagrin the singular person in this whole useless army who’s spent the second of thinking necessary for that conclusion.
The final point being, when one frantic General’s mad dash across the Galaxy to rescue his teenage sweetheart from the spectre of his supposedly dead nemesis crosses his desk on its way to the Chancellor’s inbox, it doesn’t take much time for him to block any and all trace of it across the digital space of the GAR commboard and take matters into his own hands.
“ - which is why I told Thorn to suck it up and be in charge for a few days, and also why you’re still alive, your Highness, very welcome, was no trouble at all”, he concludes, drily. The Duchess stares the wide-eyed look of someone attempting to reconcile clones with ‘sentience’ or perhaps ‘personality’ in her head, but won’t say it outright.
Or the look of someone who’s just been violently overthrown and nearly murdered, perhaps, Fox allows.
“Um -“, Kenobi hedges, blinking rapidly.
“And the reason you’re still alive, probably. You’re welcome for that too, by the way”, Grids calls from the back of the throne room, cheekily.
“Alright”, says Kenobi, loudly. There’s color back in his deathly-pale cheeks, Fox notes, even if that color is a lot of red. It doesn’t fade very gracefully into his beard. “Opinions on whether or not I had everything under control notwithstanding -“
“You really didn’t”, Hound supplies helpfully.
“ - opinions notwithstanding, I am admittedly still lost on why you’re now sitting on Darth Maul and attempting to, to - jeer at him, Marshall Commander!”
“We’re not jeering, we’re trying to create a safe space and lay the groundwork for more open communication”, Fox says, primly.
Maul screams into the ground, attempting for the umpteenth time to rear up and visit great violence upon Fox, which admittedly has him rattling in his crosslegged seat atop his back.
Kenobi raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “Safe space?”
“He’s restrained and not stabbing anyone, I personally feel much safer than before”, Grids muses. “Watch the teeth though, Hound. Little biter.”
Indeed. Fox’s right greave will have to be replaced posthaste.
“And anyways, the point isn’t to jeer at him, it’s to make clear that he’s focusing his energy in the wrong places and could be doing much better things with his admittedly not-great life”, Fox adds, shifting to cast a pointed look down at Maul. The Sith is panting open-mouthed into the durasteel floor, sharp teeth gnashing wildly as his piercing yellow eyes shine with barely restrained rage. “I’m just saying - aim higher. You aren’t seeing the forest for the Kenobis, Maul. Can I call you Maul?”
“I will feed you your own entrails”, yowls Maul.
“See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Right now, I’m an easy target to focus all that built-up rage on, but is killing me really going to help you achieve any of your goals? No! Think about it - when it all comes down to it, who sent you on that mission to Naboo in the first place? Who made sure the Jedi and, by extension, Kenobi would be there to kill you? Who used you as a dejarik piece and then cast you aside the second you outlived your usefulness?”
Beneath him, Maul slowly stills in his struggle, still panting heavily. Hound and Nuisance don’t let it deter them in their vigilance, because they’re damn good vod’e and possess an ounce of common sense.
“And, look, I get it. I could spend the rest of my life punching every civilian who spits on me in the streets and it would even be satisfying. I could hit back the Senators who think of clones as easy targets. Or - I can aim my sights at who’s on top. And I think you know who I mean, because you know as well as I do the same damn man has ruined both our lives.”
Kenobi makes an alarmed noise, and Maul an interested one - not that Fox is going to let him walk out of this place awake. Still, he tilts his head in a way he hopes conveys his helmeted grin successfully to non-vod, as well as the bloodlust behind it. “You’re also welcome for the fact that the Chancellor won’t have heard of your spontaneous resurrection yet, by the way. You’ll retain your element of surprise instead of gambling it away on petty revenge on Kenobi.”
“He cut me in half!”
“He killed my master!”
Fox waves their protests away.
“Also, that’s treason!”, Kenobi adds, sputtering. Fox grins. Kenobi purses his lips, and continues. petulantly, “…do you have any proof?”
“So. Much. Proof”, says Nuisance, dreamily. “Like, do you want it alphabetically or by date?”
Which is when the Duchess, of all people, bursts out into barking, crazed laughter.
“You - you’ve certainly given yourself an edge in that fight, Marshall Commander”, she wheezes, brushing tears from her eyes. Fox raises his eyebrows at her, which she somehow seems to be able to tell, because she gestures at the clunky handle dangling from his belt.
“What, this old thing?” He unclasps the black rectangle from its hook, holding it up in the air. Maul stills strangely beneath him, and Kenobi goes ghostly pale again. Fox is starting to get a bad feeling.
“I took it off Viszla and beat him over the head with it. I figured he’d taken it off a Jedi cadet or something. What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
#sw tcw fic idea#commander fox#sergeant hound#obi wan kenobi#satine kryze#darth maul#savage oppress#corrie oc nuisance#corrie oc grids#corrie guard deserves better#darth maul deserves… murder?#fox does not find the revelation that he is technically mand’alor very funny. unfortunately everyone else does#sw equivalent of taking deadbeat relatives (mandalorians) to court (becoming their spiritual and somewhat legal sovereign) for child suppor#(recognizing their sentience)#oh the poetic irony of jango fett’s least willing and most feral clone succeeding him#the only person who hates it more than he would is fox#cody is on thin ice. why fox wants to bum it off on him? well he’d do an okay job probably and it would be funny#but back to darth maul yes i’m making fox collect all darksiders#seduced to the sort of light side by goverment coups and political assassination#they might even become ‘friends’ some day if friends means reluctant allies of convenience who sometimes try to tear eachothers throats out#maul may have a bit of a crush#so does savage#hey chat is tasing someone a good wooing tactic? asks grids#grids my love#one of these days i will write out a full introduction scene for my girl even though i’ve spoiled her full name in tags#yeah i’m definitely messing up this cw arc but consider: i don’t care#fs in the chat for obi wan kenobi who’s having possibly the worst day of everyone in this#and he’s not even the one whose sister made him a political prisoner and then tried to kill him by association#will kal skirata be first in line to back fox for mand’alor? maybe. will the nulls bring him the separatist councils heads in bags?#duh
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royaltea000 · 17 days
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watching yet another person fall from an unimaginably tall height
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sunshine-zenith · 1 month
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Woke up to back to back posts that went “remember when Irep and Peri had to pretend to raise an egg for school in the original series,” “Irep and Peri should totally coparent Dev,” and “trans fem Dev thooo” and I felt the need to contribute
Disclaimer: nothing Dev lists automatically makes someone a girl. Makeup and genre preferences are ultimately gender neutral, though they can also be gender affirming for some people, and the only thing that gets a say in what someone’s gender is that person themself. I just wanted to make an egg joke lol
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turtleblogatlast · 10 months
Fun little silly thought I had about the Lair Games and specifically Leo deliberately losing is all the reasons he could have for doing so.
My favorite headcanon for his main motivation is that Splinter wasn’t proud of him anymore.
I imagine that, in the beginning, winning the Lair Games was Leo’s opportunity to shine. He wasn’t artistic or the baby of the family like Mikey, wasn’t a tech genius who created amazing inventions like Donnie, wasn’t the eldest who was insanely strong and dependable like Raph. So he had to shine somewhere else- anywhere else- and what better way to get attention than to be a winner? A champion?
And then he won too much. And it wasn’t special anymore. He got too big headed, too cocky, he knew this was his element and he ran with it.
Splinter’s words of congratulations slowly petered out. Suddenly, there was no real reason to win.
Winning feels empty when the only one cheering you on is yourself.
So- Leo schemed. And he’s a great schemer, fooling his whole family (and Donnie did deserve a win- people were way happier when he won.)
He even gave up his prized possession! His room!
Though he knows his brothers probably think it’s a bad prize. A terrible one, even.
Leo doesn’t sleep much as is, though. So Dad’s snores were more comforting than anything. It was reassuring to hear him so clearly alive and close by.
Even if the distance between them was larger than Leo’d like.
He’d just have to find something else, something more to show his dad that Leo was someone to trust, to be proud of, to love.
He gets his chance soon after, when he needs to pull off a plan against Big Mama at his dad’s side. Leo can only hope this victory is one that has a lasting effect when his father looks at him with pride once more.
Victory, for Leo, is a pretty loaded term.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#everything Leos do almost always ties back to Splinter send tweet#anyway imo if I was Leo winning every lair game I would be bored as hell#and add on to my own dad joining in with my brothers on being disappointed when I do well?#yeeaaah id be my own biggest fan too#tbh Leo’s big brain plays both in Lair Games and Many Unhappy Returns are his real victories#I will say I was proud of Donnie for doing so well!#he deserves a win definitely#but looking at this from Leo’s perspective and realizing this is JUST before the ‘why don’t any of you trust me’ line hurts#wanna make this hurt more?#how about Leo purposefully wanting to lose…but he was a bit miffed that DONNIE out of anyone won#why?#because Leo makes jokes all the time but Splinter says DONNIE is the funny one#because althroughout Many Unhappy Returns Splinter says how he’d prefer if DONNIE were there instead of Leo#makes me wonder y’know? if there’s any scratchy feelings there#nothing that Leo has against Donnie so much as the assumption that Splinter would prefer him over Leo#which if I was Leo…I’d definitely think so even if Splinter absolutely loves his sons equally#just as Donnie probably assumes the opposite as well#splinter bro plz talk to your sons#but yeah victory for Leo imo is equivalent to acknowledgement#just *seeing* him#so he very easily gets wrapped up in the obsession for being the champion#*lou jitsu* always wins and Splinter wants them more like Lou Jitsu so LEO has to always win or…#or…
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sen-ya · 6 months
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I just think fatherhood would suit him, roast me
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
au where speedy survives cocoa island only to learn that the toddler who wiped out his entire family with bombs is now the sidekick of world famous hero sonic the hedgehog
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you-know-i-get-itt · 2 months
aaron minyard appreciation post
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cometrose · 6 months
i could cry into the void about rezhong forever like the fact that the only reason its not popular is because azhdaha doesn't have a tall anime twink form like im gonna sob
Imagine being partners but slowly watching your partner lose themselves and their memories and try to destroy everything you created together and you have to seal him away in a prison of the earth MIND you zhongli is the one who awoke him from underground so he just put him back there like?????
And the fact even after the betrayal Zhongli and Azhdaha still care so deeply for each other like they can't change the past but when Azhdaha is conscious Zhongli is upset that he has to leave him again. They are victims of fate!!! Doomed yaoi!! It was never meant to be but they wanted it to work.
And if Azhdaha is the Geo Dragon Sovereign he was perfectly content with Morax taking his authority and he loved humanity and their friendship. BUT we know Sovereigns and Archons don't work out like I am telling you it was doomed from the start but its so good please listen to me!!!
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fatesundress · 1 year
do we as a society think tom riddle could do math. yes or no
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satoruhour · 1 year
Tell me why I got this vision of girldad!gojo having a daddy-daughter day (the daughter is like 3-4) while you stayed home, cuddled up in couch,you think back of times when your daughter was born. You realise how gojo had been the best if not the bestest dad ever to yalls daughter, helping you out throughout pregnancy and in postpartum, still is one of the best role model for your daughter and the model husband for you, you fell asleep thinking about these
meanwhile they arrive home- saw you cocooned like this in the couch. Gojo wasn’t sure whether it was possible for his heart to deepen the love he has for you even more- but seeing you like this has proved him wrong.
He picks up his daughter, places a kiss on her and whispers- isn’t mommy the absolute best? To which your daughter nods.
They both grab blankets from the bedroom and places it on you while snuggling themselves against you. You wake up seeing them both cuddled up with you, when gojo presses a kiss on your forehead and motions at his daughter to which they both say-
“Thank you for being the best mom, I love you” which makes you all teary eyed
This is so corny and tooth rotting HELP-
I think my brain is going all south from the sadness of shibuya arc. I’m getting emotional at this. Gonna have to share my emotion with you T😔
AWW STOPPPP I LOVE THIS 🥹🥹🥹🥹 the gojo brain rot is so real i fear it’s never going away atp. ok but. lets focus on daddy-daughter day for a bit cause how CUTE is that ???!!!! his baby is so excited to show off how cool his dad is at school. he gets both of them matching outfits and matching hats and they look so cute with satoru holding her hand while she carries her little backpack OOUGGHHHHH IM ILL THATS SO ADORBS 😭😭😭😭 you just HAD to take a pic ! it was ur lockscreen for so long ehehe
the other kids are so in awe of gojo bc one. he’s super tall but also his features r so. striking that the boys want to BE him and some of the mothers are like attracted to him bc of how sweet he is to his baby !!! he only has eyes for you tho :p
but anyway yes you realise just how good of a dad gojo is and how blessed you were with a kid like your first daughter. he’s always so cautious while handling her, always having the brightest expression when talking to her, taking care of you endlessly even when you swore you were fine (god i need him) that you get a little teary eyed before sleeping, but ultimately you’re going to sleep with a smile on your face when satoru sends you a picture of them finishing up daddy-daughter day with big grins and ice cream (they got one for you too!!) and ugh it becomes your homescreen after LOLOL
and then when they come home 🥹🥹🥹 they grab blankets for you when they see you so comfortably snuggled up after months of stressing over whether the baby would be okay, moving everywhere in the house to take care of food, diapers, etc. even when your darling girl was born you’d still be at the forefront trying to shoulder everything bc it’s just a mother’s instinct 💗
ill change ur narrative a bit tho - i would think gojo would be carrying her when she comes back and he whispers about how youre such a good mama, and your baby girl almost shouts the idea of wanting to cover you with a blanket until satoru shushes her with a kiss to her forehead LOLOL shes too cute. before they officially go to find the blanket though, gojo is telling her something - “okay, so let’s practice this a little, ‘thank you for being the best mom, i love you!’” and ur daughter is like can we change it to mama ??? we call her mama right? and gojo wants to scream into a pillow cause his baby girl is just too cuteee 😞😞😞😞 and they practice it a little until she memorises it!
then, gojo guides her thru the house to where the spare blankets are and lets her choose and lets her lug the heavy thing out into the living room and hes so mean not helping her omg. even takes a vid of her pulling it and struggling 😭😭😭 bro is insane. but anyway they both drape it over you, but not before they’re cuddling up to you as well - all the movement and fabric wakes you
and you’re smiling wide, mumbling “welcome back” while half asleep and your baby jumps into your arms and rambles alllll about daddy daughter day and how papa was the coolest there !!!! you’re all like “oh really?” and gojo only nods, on a high horse from all the praise and you shove him with a loud laugh, only to be interrupted by “waiiittt! mama! i have something to say!!!”
they look to each other for a bit before they turn to you, your daughter struggling to catch up a little bc gojo talks so DAMN fast: “thank you for being the best mama, i love you!” they get it right the second time and by then you’re doing that downward “aww” smile with big teary eyes which they just hug to comfort you and it only makes you cry more :((((( they both give you lots and lots of kisses to make up for it !!! and later at night satoru reminds you of how large of a light you’ve been to both him and your daughter and that they really really really love you so so much
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spooksier · 1 year
learning reality shifting from tiktok teenagers just so i can get into tears of the kingdom hyrule solely to give link a cigarette
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mindiemakes · 2 years
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Continuation of the mini comic from my TikTok, making him listen to Mambo no.5 on repeat for the next hour
Moon's Part here
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I’m a big twdg Nick fan so I feel like he would’ve been a great addition to any moments in the games but the games are stupid and kill him off despite us having the option to save him twice like why? 😭😭
Like imagine his reaction to them all finding Luke and Jane it probably would’ve been so funny probably would’ve been like “hey it’s not me making the bad choices this time” lmao
I also love the idea of him being a big brother type figure to Clem like Luke is.
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howlonomy · 7 months
I like to imagine after TPE that the underground becomes quite a tourist spot.
What I can't decide is if the Steamworks gets their defense systems shut off, or if they somehow make the robots able to leave the Steamworks so Sousborg can finally see France and Axis and his love can enjoy the surface, if the robots get The Freedom To Be Flawed on the surface.
you’re right!! while a lot of monsters went to the surface, some stayed underground. its still habitable,
so yeah, some humans move underground as well. but a looot love to visit and its a pretty big tourist spot!
as for steamworks, i think it’s too dangerous to fool proof from idiot tourists. they COULD make a boat to get across the pepto bismol lake but you KNOW some dumbass is gonna fall over anyways and get their skin melted off.
BUT i think the robots can go free. i dont know if they would, though, because theyre all so intent on their jobs. axis stays in the steamworks. someone needs to take care of the remaining robots and keep the steamworks up to code. he isnt lonely anymore and he has all he needs in steamworks :)
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whitehartlane · 5 months
i’m not being funny when i tell people who say sonny’s ‘too soft’ to be captain and that he’s half the player without kane and that other players deserve the captaincy more than him to get the fuck out of my club and the fanbase like honestly fuck off
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thefrenchbrick24601 · 8 months
in honor of Valentines what do you yall think Valjean and Javert’s main love languages would be?? I think JvJ’s are gift giving/physical touch and Javert’s is acts of service
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