#he’s so fit it shows even through his sweater 😩😩
httpiastri · 11 months
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
can you do stiles mpreg headcanons for me? like him preggers with eli🫶🏼☺️
FOR SURE😭 I love getting these😩 a few notes first: Derek never lost his alpha status and Scott gave him up after Derek confronted him about Stiles being his mate and never letting Scott take Stiles away from Derek's pack. Some of the people who were dead aren't dead.
LET ME HAVE MORE ASKS! but for real, feel free to ask me for more headcanons or more in detailed specific asks. I love answering them.
Stiles loves Derek adoring his pregnant stomach and Derek loves showing Stiles his Love for the full-rounded tummy. Kisses, tender touches, rubbing, stroking…. Derek does it all. He's even been caught a few times talking or singing to the bump softly early in the mornings or late into the hours of sleep.
Stiles sobs like a maniac when his jeans don't fit and the pack makes a day of buying new clothes for all so Stiles wouldn't feel singled out and they spoil the hell out of a very hormonal Stiles. The day was filled with eating, bonding, Lydia doing her well-known fashion shows in fitting rooms, and pictures. All at the expense of Derek's Bank account.
Noah, after being explained the possibility of Stiles' pregnancy through makes and mating by Peter's Education on the subject, stands and shouts “I'm gonna be a good damned grandpa!” before high-fiving every pack member he can reach.
Stiles goes into overload with the whole wolf theme. I'm talking wolf-themed onesies, bottles, binkies, hats, sweaters, baby booties, etc. And Derek, he doesn't have the heart to tell his excited mate that the dresser and closet are almost full after Stiles, Issac, and the girls go baby shopping.
The pack sometimes has a hard telling if Grandpa or the expecting parents are more eager to meet the tiny bundle of Joy that would become Elias Claude Stilinski Hale (Eli). And Noah definitely didn't help to stop Stiles with the Wolf theme because if anything he was enabling it.
Stiles has cravings for many things but his most frequent are Deer burgers, Onion rings, pickle wraps, and peanut butter milkshakes. Malia of course loves Stiles's first craving, Noah likes his son not being able the get onto him about greasy onion rings they'd eat together, Derek was glad pickle wraps were normal cravings, and Peter indulges in Peanut butter milkshakes with his favorite nephew-in-law.
Stiles has a hard time in the later months of the pregnancy and is basically left on bed rest after 8 months. Eli liked to kick Stiles all night in the bladder and on multiple occasions, Stiles would just cry after waking up and throwing his legs over the bed because everything just fucking hurt! Derek, being a good mate would wake up and help the heavily pregnant man by taking some pain as the walked to and from the bathroom and even as his mate fell asleep beside him after each slowly agonizing bathroom trip.
The Pack runs wild with the pack mom Stiles idea and can't stop making jokes about having a new “baby brother”. Erica and Issac go out of the way and get custom shirts labeled dad, mom, Grandpa, favorite uncle, big brother, big sister, etc. with everyone's name on the back if their own shirt as a cute pack idea when Stiles said he wanted to do a family photo shoot of their pack. (the shirts were a surprise for Derek and Stiles and they couldn't stop laughing as the pack forced them into their shirt for the photos.)
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Hiii!! I was wondering if I could maybe request a slasher matchup? (I can’t remember if I’ve already sent one to you or not omg my memory is so bad if I have please ignore this.)
Okok so I’m a Pisces sun, Cancer rising, and Libra moon. I’m an INFP-A. My pronouns are she/they.☺️
I have shoulder length wavy/curly dark brown hair, I think i’m around 5’4, I have green eyes, and I’m on the chubbier side with bigger hips and thighs. I’m definitely pale and only get tan on my arms. I love to crochet, draw, write, and I absolutely love to read.
I’m very quiet and have terrible social anxiety, but when I get to know someone I can become really outgoing! I am very self conscious & have lots of self esteem issues.😩I have a tendency to put others before myself and I have a very hard time saying no. I don’t have many friends but the ones I do have I’m extremely close with. I can get very talkative about my interests, and will ramble on for as long as someone will let me.😅 I’m definitely the therapist friend and I think people feel naturally comfortable around me. My friends tell me I’m very easy to get along with and that I’m really funny.
My style is pretty casual; usually just patchy bell bottoms, an oversized T-shirt and converse. I love to wear jewelry and I wear lots of bracelets, necklaces, and rings everyday. I love to make jewelry as well!☺️
In a partner I would definitely like to be with someone who will let me talk about my interests for however long I want to. I would want them to be able to probably relate to me, so when I talk about my issues or something they don’t get judgmental. For an ideal date, I don’t think I really have one! Maybe just going stargazing or hanging out or going on a walk or drive. I wouldn’t want anything too romantic, just being alone with them would be good enough for me.
Ahh thank you so much!! I love your blog!!❤️
it's been a hot second since I've written a matchup, so forgive me that I'm rusty!!
I match you up with.....
Jason Voorhees !!
Jason sees your selfless behavior and falls in love.
Okay, maybe he was already crushing hard on you, but the way you take care of him... it just does something to him. it melts him.
You instill such soft feelings in him. at first it was confusing and unsettling, but even pam knew something about you was special
Jason sees your comfy clothes and gives you some of the old sweaters his momma knitted for him. they don't fit anymore, but they're perfect on you
he sees your jewelry and starts to make necklaces out of fishing line and things he finds on camp grounds
And he adores watching you make jewelry 🥺 it's where he picks up a general idea on how to do it, and starts surprising you with the stuff he's made
Jason is very sentimental. If you make him a bracelet or a necklace, he's keeping it forever.
he'd be downright distraught if something happened to it :(
Jason also sees your tendency to not look out for yourself and does not stand for it.
He urges you to go to sleep at a good time, and even promises to lay with you to sweeten the deal
Another thing Jason loves about you is your hair. He loves to run his fingers through it and watch it spring back into it's wavy shape
something about Jason playing with your hair is so relaxing....
Jason is also a very good listener
He's always paying very close attention to you when you're speaking. he takes in every word and soaks it in.
he remembers every little detail of a conversation, and he's nodding along so you know he's really invested
especially when you talk about something that really interests you!!
he thinks you're really adorable when you get excited :( he can't help but smile as you go on and on about it
If he finds anything pertaining to one of your interests whether in the forest or on a victim, he's very quick to pocket it. Walks back to the cabin with a hop in his step, very excited to show you his discovery
he loves your voice. it soothes him. maybe that has something to do with it!!
Because of Jason's... situation/nature, it's obvious you can't go on any kinda date.
but you want a date? he'll set up a picnic in his favorite spot. He'll make cute little sandwiches and break out some apple juice he always saves for a special occasion
and yes. Your dates are very special to him!!!
and yes it's just apple juice.
If there's a night where neither of you can sleep, he'll take you on a walk. Just you, him, nature, and the stars.
and the moon. she's cheering y'all on.
the moon ships Bri and Jason
Jason may not be able to tell you how amazing he thinks you are, but he can surely show you
his actions speaks thousands of words about how much he appreciates you. Every kiss and gentle hug just tells you how much you mean to him
Pam is very helpful in pointing out when you might be in a down mood
Jason will leave you alone if you do request, otherwise he'll be glued by your side
he'd do anything to make you feel better
and oh how his undead heart would break if you told him you were feeling subpar. Self conscious.
He knows the fight with self worth all too well
And he knows you can't force it! it takes time. years, even. But Jason will work tirelessly to make sure you eventually see yourself in the same light he sees you
You'll notice that hes somehow even more gentle with you after you open up to him
He's always treated you like you're priceless and he's afraid you'll break, but now his featherlight touches and kisses are filled with a lot more love. devotion. adoration.
He also loves picking u up btw. just saying.
like imagine being carried by this hunk!! through the forest!!
with your arms around his neck too? 🥺
God Jason is so lucky to have you. let alone have known you at all
and he knows this!
invite me to the wedding pls
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