#he’s so reactionary 🥰
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Defenders (1972) #54
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
Tsukasa x reader with Oya Boys
a/n: Actually if you like, im planning to write a second part jxkelxl i have a few ideas for HnL these days...
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: angst ig, and a little oya high violence
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"Huh?! Are you serious? Is that possible?"
Jamuo shouted at the news he heard. Everyone who heard the news had the same reaction anyway. Tsukasa nodded his head.
"Everyone is talking about it. A girl transferred to Oya High School. And she will start very soon."
Jamuo was still staring at the blond boy in surprise. Tsukasa was also surprised. But it was possible. Anyone who paid could enter this school unconditionally.
Like Jamuo and Tsukasa, the Todoroki faction, Nakagoshi faction, and YasuKiyo faction were also puzzled. No female students had been seen in Oya High for years.
Moreover, with the arrival of new freshmen, the leadership race was inflamed even more. As the friction between YasuKiyo and Nakagoshi continued, Todoroki and Tsuji - Shibaman duo at first chose not to response the challengs. Todoroki wanted to take Murayama's place, these things were simple and stupid for him.
Tsukasa, on the other hand, did not even want to participate in this useless war in Fujio's absence.
Although everyone was surprised by the news of the new student, no one cared that a girl coming to school. Oya was not one of those high schools in the youth TV series.
Todoroki was walking down the hallway with the Tsuji-Shibaman duo. Todoroki glanced sideways at them when he saw a short, hooded figure walking silently past them, but couldn't tell who they were as the hoodie was covering their face and they were walking looking down at the ground. But when the short person bumped into Tsuji, Shibaman yelled.
The hooded one stopped their steps. Todoroki was watching from a little distance as Shibaman and Tsuji approached them.
"You just bumped to me."
Shibaman also shouted when Tsuji said in a harsh tone
"Are you going to apologize?"
The mysterious person slowly bowed respectfully. Tsuji shouted as the trio looked at them in surprise.
"Oi! Apologize properly! Besides, who are you, I haven't seen you here before!"
The hooded one didn't look up. Todoroki was suspicious. He examined the body in front of him. They were slim, quite thin. They were short, wearing a baggy hoodie and jeans. But their body didn't look manly at all.
He wanted to try his luck and stood in front of the mysterious person without saying anything. He opened their hood and he saw the long hair of the person in front of him falling over their shoulders.
Y/n slowly raised her head and looked at Todoroki. Tsuji and Shibaman were surprised to see a girl, while Todoroki was proud that his guess was right.
The young girl looked at the trio with a rather sharp and reactionary look.
"You want me to apologize? Okay, I'm sorry. Now get out of my way."
Todoroki did not withdraw and looked at the young girl
"Are you the new student?"
Young girl smiled
"You are smart"
Todoroki rolled his eyes
"Why are you hiding your identity? Everyone already knows that a girl is coming."
The young girl straightened herself and looked at Todoroki again.
"I don't think I have to answer you, Todoroki-san."
Todoroki was taken aback. The young girl knew who he was. Maybe she hadn't just arrived, maybe she had been with them for a day or two already. Y/n was keeping quiet.
"I'll graduate without fighting anyone and joining no one's faction. I don't care about your stupid leadership fights or your silly race. I have my own reasons, just that."
Before Todoroki could say anything, he saw the Yasu-Kiyo duo and the faction coming towards them behind the young girl.
"Oi! Todoroki!"
When Yasushi shouted, Tsuji and Shibaman also approached Todoroki. The young girl did not turn her back. She knew very well who was coming.
"Wait! Is that that girl?"
When Yasushi moved forward and stopped right next to the young girl, Todoroki looked at him too. Yasushi opened his eyes wide as Y/n turned her head and looked at the crazy boy.
Y/n gave a small smile
"Hi... it's been a long time."
Kiyoshi realized that there was something strange from his friend's bewildered gaze and came over to them. He was also quite surprised when he saw the familiar face.
"You... do you know each other?"
Y/n turned to him with the question Todoroki asked.
"We grew up in the same neighborhood. We also went to the same middle school. But it had been a long time, I was surprised they recognized me."
Todoroki shook his head
"So why don't the others know?"
Y/n laughed
"I wasn't a popular person. They know me because of my friends."
Yasushi's face took on an angry expression at what Y/n said. And he smiled.
"You were a troublemaker back then, y/n-chan. But there's no Fujio to protect you anymore. Don't think we'll be nice to you because you're a girl. You're also a student at Oya High School now. You have to choose your side."
Y/n smiled and nodded
"I won't pick a side, but if you come for me, I'll be ready."
Y/n put on her hoodie and walked towards the stairs. She actually didn't want to be seen by anyone, but it had happened. Now she had to see the person she was looking for.
Tsukasa was sitting on the rooftop sofa watching the sky. Hearing footsteps behind him, he got up from the sofa and looked at the person coming to him. He froze for a few seconds with the face he saw.
"Long time huh?"
Y/n smiled and approached him.
"Y/n... you... was that student you that they mentioned?"
Smiling, the young girl walked towards the boy standing in front of her and stopped. Tsukasa just stared in surprise. He didn't really expect that.
Y/n was from the same neighborhood and school as Tsukasa and Fujio. She also became friends with Tsukasa, especially thanks to her closeness with Fujio.  The young girl was quiet and sweet.  She was kind, helpful and friendly.
She wanted to keep in touch when her family moved from that area a few years ago. Although she spoke to Fujio occasionally, Tsukasa never reached out to her.
"Yeah it was me. I've been around for a day or two actually. Almost everyone I know is here too. Even Jamuo"
Tsukasa nodded at the young girl's smile.
"Since you've seen everyone, you know what they're trying to do."
Y/n nodded
"I don't intend to pick a side. I'm not interested in the leadership race."
Tsukasa remained serious
"Y/n... what are you doing here? Don't you realize that Oya High School is not the place for you? It's dangerous here-"
Y/n smiled and replied in a stern tone.
"And you? Don't you think this place is not for you?"
Tsukasa looked at her in surprise.
"Come on. I know you better than you. We're childhood friends. In just two days, I can tell you hate being here."
Tsukasa remained silent
"Because of Fujio not here-"
"You don't know anything y/n!"
Although Y/n was stunned by the boy yelling at her, she knew him well. She knew very well that he wasnt mad at her, he was mad at himself.
"I guess you didn't like being told the truth to your face. But there are people who trust you, Tsukasa. Even you don't trust yourself. You think you can't compete with them, but I know how strong you are."
Tsukasa laughed
"This is none of your business y/n. You don't know me."
Y/n let out a loud laugh and approached the young boy and stood in front of him.
"I know you even better than you, Tsukasa. Do you know why?"
The young boy felt what was coming and gulped nervously
"Because I've liked you for years. And you know it very well. But you never said anything. I've always been angry with myself for being a coward, but you were an even bigger coward. You're too coward to stand behind even your friends who trust you."
Tsukasa saw the fire in the young girl's eyes.He always knew how reckless Y/n was, but this was different.She acted as if she had nothing left to lose.
The young boy didn't say anything. He knew she was right.  In fact, he had feelings too, but he could not admit it to himself or to the girl in front of him.
When Tsukasa didn't say anything, she shook her head and headed for the door. When she about got off the roof, she turned around and smiled.
"If you're wondering, yes I'm here for you. I know you don't love me but... anyway... See you."
After the young girl opened the door, Tsukasa let out the breath even he hadn't realized he had been holding for a while, and nervously ran his hand through his hair.
He had always cared about y/n. And here he was afraid of she getting hurt. But he knew very well that the young girl was back to take revenge and she was determined...
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youraveragebtsstan · 6 months
My Buddie Babies: Let's Talk (Post 9-1-1 S7E5 Commentary)💕
First of all, Hi Girlies! How are we doing on this fabulous, fabulous day? After all, another day where BiBuck is canon is another day in paradise. Am I right? Of course, I am! 🥰🥰🥰
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In all seriousness, I just wanted to reflect and comment on a few things I noticed on Tumblr after S7E5 aired. A few fellow Buddie Stans were a little iffy on this week's episode for a few reasons, but I wanted to touch on a couple. And I know no one really cares about my opinion, but as someone who's been ABSOLUTELY CHOMPING AT THE BIT for Buddie since Eddie joined the 118, I feel like this is warranted.
First things first: Marisol...
Now hear me out, I know Eddie's past relationships haven't been the best. (Hell, some might even say not entertaining)- but I really feel this season is more focused on Eddie's growth than the actual relationship between Marisol and Eddie itself. Does that make sense?
Like, as someone who loves to write, I see Marisol as a plot device- she's here to push Eddie in the right direction. (Now if that happens to be into Bucks arms, I sure won't be complaining.) But even if it doesn't, that's fine too. To me, it's clear Eddie's relationships have failed for a reason- and that reason being Eddie. This whole nun thing with Marisol, though funny as hell to me, was a realization for Eddie that he moves way too fucking fast. I mean, he asked her to move in, then wanted to shack up at Buck's place for a couple days to avoid seeing her at home! His conversation with Bobby proved that when he said it himself. He rushed things with Shannon, he rushed things with Anna and now he's doing the same thing with Marisol. Eddie needs time to get his shit together first, then we can make Buddie canon.
Now on to my second point: Buddie.
I know some people are disappointed Eddie hasn't expressed feelings for Buck yet, but I'm kind of happy he hasn't. I would HATE it if Eddie and Buck got into a relationship, only for Eddie to unintentionally rush things. We already know Buck has abandonment issues and I would be so floored if Eddie realizes he's moving too fast only to pull away. Our boys are precious and deserve the world- but only in due time...
Let's face it, Eddie and Buck are rather impulsive and with their job it makes sense- they have to be reactionary, quick thinking; but when it comes to this relationship shit, it hasn't benefited them in the slightest. The boys need time to figure things out.
Though I'd love to see it, we don't NEED Buddie this season. BuckTommy fulfills my 'Happy Buck' quota and any day Eddie is on screen is a good day indeed.
We've survived 6 seasons of the Great FOX Queerbait Slow Burn- so one more won't kill us. After all, 9-1-1 was just renewed for season 8! So, with Tim Minear as the show runner, I'm hopeful.
...So that's it. That's all the food for thought I've got for today. I just had to get that off my chest.
See you next time queers! Tootaloo 🤡
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Tadadada happy OC Sunday~ You knoow who I'm here for 🥰😂, but I'm here to show Rift some love too, so I'm asking for both him and Gloss: 💐, 💌, 💢, 🍸 and 🌹!
MIRE MY LOVE, I'm so glad you're back 🥺 Yes, of course, I will answer these for you!!!
💐 - Their favorite plant/flower
Gloss: Snapdragons. They're very pretty and colorful, and he enjoys sketching them. They also attract hummingbirds, which are rare to find and even rarer to get to draw.
Rift: Tulips. He doesn't care much for the colors, but he loves the fact that they come back ever year. He only needs to put it in the ground once and they just magically come back. He finds it fascinating.
💌 - How would they react to a love letter?
Gloss: He's not very reactionary as a person, so his actions speak louder than words. He will read the letter, smile to himself, then pin it up with his art somewhere to display it.
Rift: Please, if someone sends him a love-letter, don't actually write any words in it. Words frustrate him to no end. Draw him a picture instead. I promise he will cherish it forever.
💢 - How do they handle being annoyed?
Gloss: Because of his laid-back nature, he doesn't get annoyed very often. If he does get annoyed, you won't know it because he'll act exactly the same.
Rift: He has no problem voicing his annoyance, but he will walk away if it gets to a point where he becomes angry. He's not conflict avoidant, he just doesn't have the best filter.
🍸- Favourite drink?
Gloss: Loves a hot latte. (he would totally be a Starbucks person, just sitting at a table with his sketchbook and sipping his latte)
Rift: Fruit juice is the only thing he drinks. (he's the type of person that orders off of the kids menu and asks for apple juice)
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
Gloss: He's not one to pile on scent, so something mild and earthy is his go to. He uses a color-protectant shampoo for his hair and a moisturizing body wash that he shares with Drip.
Rift: He doesn't like strong scents, so he smells like whatever deodorant he used that day. Also, no hair, so no shampoo, but he uses a plain bar of soap in the shower.
Describe your OC or a character ask game
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nickeldean · 1 year
Hi! I love your spn fics, your writing style is *chef's kiss* lovely. What's your favorite thing to write about? Characters, ideas, or tropes etc or just anything you want to talk about, I would love to know 🥰lots of love <333
hihi i love getting asks like this i am so glad you asked 🌸
usually in my fics dean is a reactionary character, which means he rarely ever drives the plot himself, it’s always sorta stuff happening to him if that makes sense. i love exploring the different facets of dean and what he would do in different situations with different characters!!
i also love love love writing jack, for some silly reason, i gravitate to him being a silly lil guy and i love having cas and dean parent him, as well as sam on occasion (no hate to sam, i just struggle writing him) !
my big three tropes i love writing are domestic, hurt comfort, and miscommunication… which is hilarious because i rarely read fics with those tags, but it’s all i can seem to write :3
i always have a lot of ideas floating around, i probably have about 40+ spn ideas in my notes right now and of those 40, probably about 15 are actual wips with at least 1k written for them … who knows if theyll see the light of day lol
i hope this answered your question and feel so free to ask anything else you’re wondering about my writing or spn hcs in general, i love answering questions !!!
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kmp78 · 3 months
“I feel assaulted. This is so beneath him.” Oh please!! If you don’t understand high fashion, don’t watch such events. These are designer statements, not his closet. Do you know how many women were naked under very sheer dresses or whatever at the met Gala and Academy Awards this year? More and more men in sheer shirts or none at all? He is always fashion forward and you WILL see other celebrities doing what he and this designer dared to do today in the news shortly when they too are brave enough to do so and dgaf. Only Jated had the moxy to do it first with this designer. No one expects anyone to go naked to Costco or Fresh Market. (Though there’s always someone like Meagan Fox 🙄… never mind). This fashion is simply a trend. An artistic statement. This too shall pass. I hate it too! But not Jared for being the risk taking model who helps put forth the artists (designer) creative statement. (And yes K. He does get paid for it as he should and every other model that was there including VK did as they should too.) Anon, stop being so reactionary and personally “damaged”. Neither JL nor the designer knows you or expects you to wear those outfits. And we the important people got a little afternoon delight. 🥰
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cake-n · 2 years
Thank you for being nice :)
so you're 20. you're barely an adult and I'm saying that as a young person too.
I dont know how old you are (I assume you're a minor as you say you're young & of unspecified age, which minors tend to do), but I am an adult — a young adult is not "barely an adult". 18 is barely an adult.
But again, if you don't expect or force or attack people to use them, I see no problems, you do you, but do not attack people for having different options about them.
A) Of course not, that's no way to make people understand. B) Most people do not do this; it's generally socially unacceptable among wider/broader MOGAI communities to behave like this. Only reactionary people behave like this. Reactionaries probably get the most attention & exposure to people who are not accustomed/within MOGAI circles, so people automatically assume everyone is like that.
And again the biggest problem is xenogender which are and I've done research, stuff you vibe with.
Xenogender isnt inherently an issue, it's just identifying or associating abstract or tangible concepts (i.e., animals, objects, colors) within your gender. This happens within cis people as well, who use poetry to express themselves & their gender. The only difference is they do not construct a word to describe such experiences.
I vibe with cats, I feel like I can understand them and see some traits of them in me, but I know that I'm nonbinary and my gender (or lack thereof) does not resonate with that
Yes, this is not the same thing, then, if you do not relate/associate/resonate with cats as being in relation to your gender; It is not exactly the same thing as "personally relating" to it.
Lastly I have a question, why don't you use nicknames
I do! I have a lot of names and nicknames... It's fun! Some construct better as pronouns for me, and some do not "click" as names or nicknames, though (I have tried to do that in the past). I get the same feelings of gender euphoria when neopronouns are used upon me, and I feel more like myselt, so I suspect it's in relation to my gender. It's a nice, euphoric, floaty feeling.
I guess I've never thought about that and I like your point of view. I'm 20 this year tho 😭 hhhh hate it. but again there is a lot of "bad ones" xenos bullying trans people is sadly common, for the poetry exemple , which makes a lot of sense really, does not explain the gender issue, they do not annonce themselves as what they feel poetically,which ngl can me extremely funny , if Kafka was alive today I do not think he'll prone to English internet that he is cockroach gender and uses hiss/hisself (it's a joke ) again I see that gender is complicated since it is exclusive to one person , one woman won't experience the exact womanhood or other women . I hope you feel euphoric everyday them 🥰.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hello! It's the Birmmingham anon💕! Sorry it's taken be a bit to respond I was off tumble for a bit! I hope you're doing well🥰 So first I want to say that I just say you post that your were putting Birmingham on hold for a bit and and wanted to say they it's totally alright!! 🥰🥰 If you feel like you need to put it on hold for other things that's absolutely ok!! The story is amazing and so are you!! If you want to work on other stuff or take a break it's totally ok!! You take your time!!! We'll be here, happy to see what ever comes next🥰🥰🥰 
And second! Omg I just got to read chapter 10 of Birmingham and 😭😭oh that made me so sad😭 Poor Matthew! He really was a good man! And right after he met the reader's mother😭 Oh he was so excited to meet her! And then it started off is cute! I loved how her mom offered for John and Arthur to also eat even though they weren't expected either!BUT THEN HER BROTHERS!!! HOW DARE THEY!! Like something seemed off when her mom was surprised she came and then they were weirded and then 😭😭😭 Also were they trying kill the reader too? Also I wonder if her dad was in on the plan because it seemed like it was done while he was away or busy with Johnson! I wonder if her brothers planned it themselves! 
But also like it seemed very lucky or very odd that Arthur would suggest she ride with them right before it happened but I don't think the Shelby's would do that in this story. Like Tommy wouldn't plan to blow Matthew up and make it look like the brothers did it (that would be a different story all together 🫣😂) 
But ohh Matthew and the reader just decided to and it official 😭😭 It was so sad!! But I will admit I love how Tommy and the brothers cared for her when she was distressed! It was kinda sweet, how they went fork immediately planning revenge to like stopping and making sure the reader was ok when she yelled Stop! 
It was so sad what she was going though but also I'm kinda excited for Tommy and the readers relationship to form more!😭😂
But yeah the new chapter was brilliant!
Also I really liked Late Night Confessions🥰 I loved the "I don't like you..I love you" line so much🥰 and how she did it when she wasn't really meaning too! The whole story was super cute!!🥰 And the last line!! OHHH🥰🥰 Amazing!! 
And yeah! I hope you're doing well and being able to take the you time you deserve!! You're amazing and brilliant and whatever you do next I can't wait to see no matter what it is!! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, my beautiful Birmingham anon 🥹🥹🥹 I love you so very much!!
I’ll be honest, I was thinking of you as I was writing my little note about the story because I’d just started chatting with you and now the story’s going on hold. It means the world to me that you’ll still be supporting me - I really appreciate your kind words!
Ahhh!!!! I love hearing your thoughts on this chapter!!! So much went on!! 😩😩 her brothers were certainly at the head of that move…I think that Arthur was just taking reactionary steps — they really could have tried anything while they were around. And they really did switch their perspective on a dime when she freaked out on them. I’m excited to share more of her and Tommy’s relationship (because it most certainly is going to bloom from here on out, so hopefully I won’t be taking too long of a break from it)
I’m also happy to hear that you liked Late Night Confessions — I was worried when I was writing that line that it would be considered to be too cheesy, so it’s good to hear that you liked it 😊
So lovely hearing from you again — I hope you are well!! 💕
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Hi I really enjoy your blog and think you are wise so I want to ask you a question.
Recently I purchased George Orwell's 1984 before I found that it was communism-critical. Ever since I've been hesitant to read it. Can you tell me if it is really anti-commumist or not. Of course you don't have to. Have a wonderful day ❤️
Also sorry for my bad English 🙏
🥰 thanks! 1984 is explicitly a critique of fascism, not communism. but if you believe the ussr or china are communist then it is a critique of “communism”. however right-wing types all interpret it as a critique of communism because tankieism is all they know of communism, so that’s where you may have heard that. orwell’s animal farm is an explicit critique of stalinism, which helps confuse reactionaries.
orwell was a leftist who fought alongside communists in the spanish civil war and later said he wished he’d joined the anarchists instead. however he also narced on gay and poc leftists to the police.
i’d say feel free to read and enjoy and decide for yourself.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Defenders (1972) #57
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
Baji x Draken's Lil Sis x Draken x Mikey
A/n: Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: gang stuffs, violence
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A beautiful day wasn't supposed to end like that, was it? A scene like this when everything was going well...
You hated it. Today was your 1st anniversary with Keisuke. Even though your brother pretended not to know, you knew he did. But you still weren't ready to tell him. You couldn't have known Ken Ryuguji's reaction.
You were walking holding Kei's hand. Your floral blouse, denim shorts and colorful bracelets...
No matter how tough your brother was, you were his most precious and he would not neglect to buy you the bracelets you loved so much at every opportunity. He was someone who showed his love like this.
"It really upsets me to meet in secret with you babe. But it's also very reactionary to meet him. What am I going to do?" You laughed at what Kei said nervously. And you took his hand and turned him towards you. You stood on tiptoe to caress his face and smiled.
"Then let's tell him today. He already knows. I know that. I'm sure he'll laugh it off."
Kei laughed and shook his head. But right after, he suddenly let go of your hand, and you turned to him in surprise and looked at that hateful expression on his face. Then you looked where he was looking.
Dozens of gang members were right in front of you. You were not afraid of anyone, your brother raised you to protect myself. But what if something happened to Kei?
Kei quickly took you behind him and told you to run. When you said you wasn't going to run, he turned to you and smiled.
"Darling, I'll just make them look bad and come to you okay? Please go and hide now. Don't come out until you hear my voice, okay?"
You didn't even get a chance to shake your head. When someone suddenly wanted to hit Kei, he kicked him and knocked him down. And he turned to you and shouted.
"Stay back y/n!"
The fight was going on. You were watching them from a distance. But it was clear that they weren't playing fair.
He cried out in anger as he grabbed his head and fell to his knees.
"Y/n! Run and don't look back! Don't show up until ı come for you! I beg you, go!"
You wanted to cry when you saw how helpless his voice was. But he wanted you to hide.he said he was coming to you. You quickly ran into one of the alleys and hid and looked for your brother.  one, two and he answered
"Y/n, I have some business with Mikey right now-" "Nii-san, help me!"
Draken froze when he heard your cry. He dropped the key on the ground in fear.
"What's going on my angel? Y/n, are you okay?" You tried to speak by crying
"Nii-san... Keisuke... They blocked our way-" Draken raised his voice in fear.
"Where are you? Are you okay y/n? Where's baji?" It was so hard to talk through your hiccups
"He told me to hide, he said he's coming, but I'm afraid Nii-san. They attacked with sticks, Kei was injured."
Although Draken was somewhat relieved to hear that you was fine, the danger was still not over. "I'm coming my angel, calm down okay?"
After a while, you heard someone enter the street. When you peeked behind the container and saw that 2 people were dragging Baji and looking for you, you covered your mouth with your hand to avoid screaming.
"Y/n! Where are you? I won't hurt you so much if you listen now and be a good girl!"
You were trying so hard to keep your crying voice from being heard and you wanted to sob even more with that helpless voice you heard.
"Y/n! Don't go out, beautiful! I'm fine, don't worry!" And one more punch....
You had to do something, you had to save him, you had to stall.
You couldn't hide any longer, as you stepped out from behind the container in fear, Baji looked at you in fear.
"Y/n! Get out of here, now!" You smiled at him and walked towards the leader. After a few steps you stopped in front of the leader.
"Leave him alone."
Everyone was surprised by your cold voice. Your voice resembled your older brother. The boy across from you frowned and laughed out loud. "Why should I leave?" You smiled and nodded "You call yourself a man? He would have killed you all if you hadn't attacked him with sticks." The leader laughed and slapped you angrily. While Baji shouted in anger, you smiled and squeezed the piece of glass you hid in your hand.
You were waiting for the right move. When the leader wanted to hit you again, you caught his hand and with a sudden movement, you cut his face with the glass in your hand and kicked his stomach.
While everyone was staring at you in shock, others were coming towards you to stop you. At that moment, you heard the sound of an engine and you smiled at the familiar engine sound. Yes, it was the sound of your brother's engine.
As he got off the engine, he angrily turned to those around him. He was knocking everyone down.
When he saw that you was fine, he lifted the Baji from the ground and supported him. But there was something that neither of you expected.
The leader you just knocked down suddenly pulled you to him and wrapped his arm around your throat.
"Don't come near, Draken, or I'll break the princess's little neck." Baji was looking at you in fear, but your brother was quite calm. Within seconds, you heard a voice and there was no one holding you anymore. You coughed a little when your throat was released and looked back.
Mikey looked at you with a big smile and slowly came towards you. He hugged you as you tried to restrain your breathing and smiled.
"I'm glad you're okay y/n-chan!" You hugged him and you started crying. You were scared. You were scared for yourself and for Kei. Mikey stroked your hair and whispered in your ear.
"Is there anyone else you want to hug, y/n-chan?" You chuckled and you broke away from him and ran to Kei. He slipped out of Draken's grip and hugged you tightly and smiled when he saw you started to cry again.
"Okay, I'm fine... don't be afraid... we're both fine. Besides, they can't do anything to me, okay?" You smiled and looked at his face and chuckled "They can't do anything to me either, do you know my brother?" You both chuckled and looked at Draken as he shook his head with a laugh and called out to Baji.
"If you upset my sister, I will kill you, Baji!"
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endlich-allein · 2 years
Has till ever talked about his sexuality? Not that labels matter, and he very much came from a time and a subculture where putting labels to sexual activity wasn't needed, but it would be interesting if he's ever talked about it.
It's obvious he has interests in most genitalia but perhaps not all genders. Then again, many ppl still identify as straight even if they like more than one gender.
Perhaps him talking about his sexuality would encourage talk about his private sex life, and maybe that's too personal for him?
Either way as a gay man I'd be very interested to know!
Hello 🙌🏼
Alas no, he never clearly spoke about his sexuality. Strangely Till talks a lot about love but little about sexuality 🤷🏻
However, it is not a taboo for him because, for example, when Rammstein hoisted the rainbow flag during his 2019 tour, he told the Tagesspiegel : "It simply boggles my mind that you can still be so backwards and have something against homosexuality even today. I'm not usually one to get involved in these discussions, but sometimes you just have to speak up." ✊🏼
If we often see him dating women, it seems quite clear that Till is not heterosexual, something he himself has implicitly confirmed on several occasions. For example, he said that he sometimes goes to gay clubs with friends and was flirting there and enjoys it 🥰
Let's not forget that he wrote the song Mann Gegen Mann in which he talks about repressed homosexuality and for which Schneider was asked if he saw Till as a gay icon, to which he replied : "Why not ? I mean, I think in each of us, in every man there is a little percentage of... Could be !" Shortly before this question during this interview Schneider said that Till was interested in all forms of love 💘
Or, when he put in his place a journalist who was a little too reactionary about the song Ladyboy which talks about transsexuality. Till said : "There I continued with a group of beauties. Then invited one of them in my room in hotel. And we were already in bed when I suddenly discovered the physical features of my partner. As a result, I came to the conclusion that transsexuals are wonderful. Two in one." (If you want to read the whole thing it's here). He also said that he would like one of his songs to play in a gay pride 🏳️‍🌈
These are the only things that Till said in relation to sexuality in addition to the many, more or less explicit, mentions of heterosexuality. You will notice that he only publicly addresses this subject when it has to do with his art, with his songs. Till is a very private person, even if we have the impression that we know a lot of things about him. He rarely speaks publicly. And don't confide in his privacy ⛔️
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loliwrites · 3 years
Hey! Haven’t been here in a while, life took over 🙄 just had a quick thought that maybe you’d like to write about? How would alex react to one of their kids disrespecting Addi? Like maybe she asked them to help her with the dishes or something and they just have an attitude with Addi. What would Alex do? I love your work 🥰 - 🐬
Oh heeeeeey Dolphnon🐬 Oh do I know about how life just takes over. That’s my whole life 😅 I hope you’re doing well and keeping your mental and physical health in balance too!
I love when you drop in because I know I’m bound to get an in-depth thought about Papa Al. You definitely didn’t disappoint with this one. I occasionally crave a solid Papa Al thought because deep diving what this man is like in fatherhood is really intriguing to me. He has such a unique life and upbringing that I have to assume the same would carry over to his own children. This was also such a fortuitous ask because it coincided with a post that was circulating on here where Stellan was talking about the sort of discipline he grew up with... so that gives us a little basis for this scenario here.
Alex's disciplinary style is indicative of his own upbringing, and it's one that Addi loves and honestly finds refreshing. Maybe she grew up in a household that was reactionary and explosive. There was a definite 'parenting through fear' mentality and it's one of the main reasons why Addi was pretty unsure about whether or not she wanted to have kids -- you know, outside of the fact that the planet is basically a burning ball of tin foil... She felt it evident with the everything about Alex, that his parenting style would be far different from what she experienced. And after what she'd gone through as a child, far different was just what she hoped for.
I hardcore believe they take a gentle approach to discipline. No need for yelling or intimidation. For all intents and purposes, their household maintains a fairly quiet and peaceful atmosphere. It's one aspect that brings Addi the greatest pride -- that their home only erupts in volume with laughter and love. And just as much as children need to learn to set their own boundaries with family, they also need to be given guidelines to help lead them down a good and sturdy path, while also giving them the freedom to explore their own nature.
But kids act out. Without fail, time and time again. They test the waters they're in as their brain develops and creates bridges between synapses. Maybe the scenario you mentioned, Dolphnon🐬... Maybe that's not so much of the kiddos acting out, as much as it is them being oblivious (as children sometimes tend to be). Maybe some video game as held their attention thanks to Uncle Valter. He introduced it to them a few weeks back and they've been enthralled ever since. So when Addi got home from the grocery store and came up to the house with some bags, and hollered, "boys!" into the house, they didn't even hear her. And if they did, they thought she'd holler again if she really needed them.
When she lifted the next few bags out of the trunk, the only boy that had come out to help her was Alex. She grinned and stood up on her tip toes for a quick peck before he loaded some grocery bags onto his forearms.
"No boys?" She asked, walking back to the house for the second trip.
"No boys," Alex returned, setting more bags down inside the house and following her back to the car for the last trip.
And he honest to goodness isn't mad. It takes a lot to ruffle his feathers as is, and while he's a little disappointed, it's nothing to lose his cool over. It just warrants a conversation.
That night, Alex brings dinner to the table where the rest of the family has already gathered. The kiddos are telling Addi about what they built in their video game. She's trying to make sense of it all as they talk over each other, excitedly. I don't know how to stress that Alex doesn't make this weird or intimidating. He doesn't shut the kids down in the middle of what they're saying. He's not being cold to them. He simply waits for a lull in the conversation before looking up at them.
"No one helped mom carry the groceries in," he lifts his glass and takes a sip of water.
The boys side-glance at each other. They know they messed up.
"Why?" Alex asks calmly. It's simply a question. He's open to hearing the answer. It's not to trick them, it's not to intimidate them, he just wants to hear what they have to say.
They both shrug and look down at their plates, absently shoving their vegetables around with their forks.
"Eyes up," Alex says -- and again it's not a harsh demand, just a simple request for their attention. "Mom does a lot for us so we have to help her out. Video games can wait. When mom calls, we go, capeesh?"
They nod and look up at their mama only to find her reaction much of the same as their father's. Kids mess up and they're supposed to. And that has to be alright and they have to see that their adults know how handle their anger, or disappointment, or displeasure. If nothing else, their kids do see that their adults can handle those unpleasant emotions and that it doesn't change or alter the love they have for them.
When she tucks them in that night, and sits on the edge of each of their beds to kiss them, they wrap their little arms around her and give her a tight squeeze and tell her they love her. There's not an ounce of her that doesn't believe that's the truth.
Then it's time for Alex to come in. Addi waits for him by the door as he leans over the younger kiddo's bed, gives him a hug and kiss, and says I love you. Then he moves on to the older kiddo's bed. He's looking up at his papa with his blanket pulled up to his chin. Alex sits at the edge of his bed.
"Are you angry at us?" The little one whispers as if he's anticipating having to feel his father's disappointment.
"No bud, you're growing up. You're supposed to make mistakes. I'm growing up, too, so I'm going to make mistakes also."
From across the room, the smaller kiddo smiles, "you're not growing up, you're already grown up!"
Alex grins. He looks back and forth between his two little lookalikes. "I've never been this old before. I'm watching you grow up and you're watching me grow up. And we're going to make some mistakes and that's okay. We're not meant to be perfect people but we can work to be better people, right?"
Both kiddos nod.
"Tomorrow we'll all be a little better than we were today," he leans down and kisses the older nugget's forehead. "I love you, buddy,"
The kids turn onto their sides. They'll rest easy tonight, not carrying the weight and anxiety of an upset parent. When Alex returns to Addi's side, he wraps his arm around her hips walking down the hallway when she looks up at him in absolute awe.
"I'm gonna get you a big ass trophy," she grins, curling into his side. His expression changes to mild confusion just as his grip on her hips gets tighter. "Papa of the year,"
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simpforchuchu · 3 years
Heyy 💕 request with Noé Archivist plz? 👀 Imagines that reader is reincarnated when they die, with memories of their previous lifes, whether it is a natural death or not. And therefore they are very reluctant to have Noé drink their blood, because they hasn't tell him they remembers their previous lifes, and for him to feel what death can be like. And he becomes worried about what reader may have been through. I hope it was understandable uwu thanxx 💕💕
Noè x reader who is reincarnated
A/n: Hello, I know it's too late but maybe you read my explanation. Sorry if you don't like it because I wrote it while I was sick, I hope you like it. Thanks for your request, you can always send a new one.😊🤗🥰🥰 Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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"Noè plz, I don't think I want that."
When he looked at you in surprise, you realized that you had to tell the truth because you didn't want to upset him. He was a very fragile and sensitive person and he was going to find out sooner or later. You couldn't hide everything from him.
"Noe… there's something I need to tell you." Confused, he continued to look at you and came closer and took your hand. You smiled with his warmth and looked into his eyes.
"I don't know what's wrong but you can count on me y/n" You sighed and smiled with his warm smile "I trust you, it's just that it's a bit reactionary."
When you told him that you was killed in wartime, reincarnated and remembering all this, albeit with difficulty, he looked at you in shock and held your hand tighter. He seemed more frightened than you.
"So I don't want you to feel what it's like to die, I don't want you to see those awful memories. You're too innocent for that."
Noe dropped his serious face and smiled and hugged you tightly. He hugged you so tight you felt like him breaking your bones.
When he let you go, you looked at him in shock when you saw him staring at you with tears in his eyes.
"Noe? What's the matter?"
"Y/n... I can't even imagine what you've been through all this time. I'm so sorry. Please talk to me whenever you feel bad, I'll always protect you from now on."
You smiled and hugged him sweetly with his sweet words. He was really too innocent for that.
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