#he’s so tiny ❤️
chaosduckies · 3 months
Friends in Small Places (Chapter 2)
Whattt two chapters in the span of two days? Wow even I’m surprised. But thank you for all the support on the first chapter! I hope you enjoy this one too!
Word Count: 4.2k
CW: Major Anxiety, slight dehumanization
The rest of the day was spent just getting used to everything. There was no way for me get onto anything without climbing, which by the way, I had had zero upper body strength.  They didn’t really think through with this, did they? But otherwise, it wasn’t so bad. Cas pretty much left me alone, though I’m sure he wanted to talk. I would have liked to, but I was afraid I’d do something stupid. My sleeping situation wasn’t really the best either, considering I was too afraid to be held, let alone carried, so I was left with just sleeping on the floor. I wasn’t too picky about it, but I guess Cas felt bad and brought over blanket and just folded it a couple of times to act as a mattress and a blanket at the same time. 
I woke up a little earlier than I usually do to get ready to go to classes. I don’t really understand how they expect me to keep up with everything all at once, but hey, college. They don’t care about your personal problems. I hurried to grab my bag, then realized that I couldn’t exactly get out without turning the doorknob, which was currently fifty feet above me. I didn’t really want to wake up Cas, but I also didn’t want to be late for class. Which one was a better option? Waking up Cas. How was I going to do it? I had no idea. There was no harm in at least trying though, right? 
His room was pretty small, only fitting a twin-sized bed with a small desk that had what looked like a couple of notebooks. Cas was sleeping his bed, the blanket almost covering up his entire face. I sucked in a deep breath, forcing words to come out of my mouth. 
“Cas?” He didn’t hear. 
I moved a little closer from my spot on the ground, not minding the dark abyss that was under his bed. Totally not creeped out. 
“Cas!” He moved around now, but didn’t wake up. I was starting to get worried before a loud alarm rang high above me, but still hurting my ears. I covered them up, pressing my back against what I was hoping was his nightstand. So loud… My head was slightly throbbing, but finally the alarm was turned off. I looked up, seeing Cas yawning then struggle to sit up. He groaned, his eyes drowsily staring down at the floor, then trailed off to me. Maybe I should have just waited. Why does he have an alarm set anyways? Did he have somewhere to be? 
“Sorry! I’m so sorry.” He apologized, sitting on the floor so he was’t looming over me as much. Why was he worrying about me? My entire job was to be worried about him. Literally. Still, it made me feel a bit better to think that he’s self-aware of everything he does. 
“You’re fine! It was just a little loud.” I laughed nervously, still messing with my ears to make sure I could still hear properly. Cas’s hand moved closer to me, retracting almost immediately. My heart was beating fast, but I never flinched. Mostly because I think I was just frozen in fear for that split second, but still. Does that count as something? 
“Did-Did you need something?” He asked, fidgeting with his hands as if he was distracting himself from something. Was I also getting the subtle hint that something else was wrong? What could it be? Did I somehow hurt his feelings? I hope I didn’t… I would feel bad, plus I’d have to figure out some way to calm him down when I’d probably be less than an inch tall to him. I hope that never happens, but I’m sure it’s inevitable. 
“Just if y-you could open the front door. I-I have classes to go to. P-Please?” My voice came out a little shaky, and I could only assume that Cas didn’t ignore it. Instead, he tried his best to give a smile while nodding his head, “Do you mind waiting a minute? I’ve gotta get dressed.” He moved out of the way for me to walk over to the door. As soon as I took a few steps out, he lightly closed his door behind me. What does he have to get dressed for? Why so early in the morning too? 
It only took him around five minutes to get dressed and all ready, wearing a similar long sleeve shirt as yesterday and a pair of slightly baggy sweatpants. Seriously, where was he going? I guess he has his own reasons. It’s probably best if I don’t ask until later, when we actually get to know each other better. Plus, it’s mostly likely going to be something with the SSU anyways. He does have a red band after all. It’s not really my place to ask. 
“Do you um, know how long you’ll be gone?” Cas asked sadly. Like he didn’t want me to leave in the first place. Would he feel lonely? It would make sense. Could I just stay here? I wouldn’t think so in all honesty. I would hate for something bad to happen while I was gone. What if something actually does? Would I be held responsible? Of course I would. It’s stupid to even think that I wouldn’t. What if I just gave Cas my number? If there really was a problem then the school would be forced to let me go handle it. But hopefully it’ll never come to that. 
“Just until around two. I-I can give you my number if anything happens. Would that help?” I explained, doing my best to hide how shaky my voice was. My head was getting a little dizzy from staring up at him the entire time. Couldn’t he be a human height? Or was it just hard for him? Most likely the latter. I feel like if he’s so scared of hurting someone at the size he’s at right now, then he’d definitely want to be human sized. Maybe I could help him work on that? Would that make him feel better about himself?
Cas stared at me a little shocked, just about to reach for the door handle. He gave an unsure look before sitting down a little closer to me and pulling out his phone with a shaky hand. Was he scared? Of what? My heart fell, not seeing how someone who held so much power could feel scared. 
He turned his phone to face me, the screen dimmed and the keypad already out. I thought he was going to just say his out loud, but I guess this works too. I typed my number in, having to reach far above my head to reach the top numbers, but otherwise I managed it. 
I nodded while stepping back, seeing the shock on his face reappear as he clicked a button. His eyes darted between me and his phone. Thinking about what to text? I guess he didn’t want to say something stupid? My phone went off soon enough. I dug it out of my pocket in my bag and looked, smiling. 
Unknown: Thank you 
“Anytime.” Cas gave the best smile he could muster, slowly standing up and opening the front door. The sun was barely rising, and there a few people leaving for what I was guessing work. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to walk by next to them. It hasn’t even been a full day with Cas and I’m already wary about being next to him when he’s walking around the place. Though, I do catch him almost constantly checking the ground for anything. Or anyone. It was oddly… relieving. 
I stepped outside, taking a few steps outside and waiting for the door to close behind me, but instead, Cas walked outside too stepping slightly over me to lock the door behind him. I’m surprised I didn’t run off that very second. My heart started racing fast and my body trembled a little. Even after all of that I didn’t move. But he just stepped over me like a bug. Nonono. He doesn’t think that, does he? I’d sincerely doubt it. He probably just didn’t realize. All the more reason to watch where I am and where he is at all times. 
We both went in opposite directions, Cas mouthed a goodbye before walking off. I guess everything will be alright. What could go wrong? Just that something happens to Cas and then he shifts, I get in trouble for it, spend the rest of my life in jail for abandoning my “job” that I’m not even being paid for, and then eventually face the damage and destruction that could have been avoided if I had just stayed with him. Don’t think about it… 
Yeah, yeah, it’ll be fine. Just go through the day like any other, come back, and everything will be fine. Yup. It’ll play out just like that. I won’t even have to see Cas calling me. Everything will go just as I played it out in my head. I go to my classes, hang out with my friends for a while, then head back and Cas is a-okay. This is exactly how it’s going to go. Because I don’t think I can handle what would happen if it didn’t. 
Halfway through day I sat through a lecture for my anatomy class. Apparently human jaws are just a strong as a sharks, but our minds just don’t let us use all of the strength. Cool, right? But that was currently not on my mind as I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. The person sitting beside me glared. I smiled nervously as I looked for Chelsey in my seat, who was sitting on the other side of the classroom. I stood up, hoping no one would mind and walked up to her. We were both friends, even if we barely talk. Only at small gatherings or when she helps me with studying everyone once in a while. 
“Hey Liam!” She piped up, her usual cheery self. I held up my phone, a worried look on my face, “I-I, um, I need to go…” She would understand, right? She was also assigned to a shifter after all. She looked at me confused, then made a shocked face, her lips forming an “o” while nodding her head. 
“I’ll cover for you. It’s not like they can get mad at you anyways.” She whispered. I whispered a thank you before rushing to grab my bag and walk out of the room. At the time, the professor wasn’t even in there, so I hope Chelsey would help me out. But I trust her. 
I dialed Cas back, hearing it ring for several seconds before he picked up. I wasn’t actually expecting something to happen! My only problem was how I was going to get there. It’s a thirty minute drive just to get to the other side of the city! I’m a college student without my own car, which isn’t really the best outcome right now. 
“Hey! Um, are-are you alright?” I stuttered, almost running to catch a taxi- or really anything that could get me there in time. No bus came here around this time. 
“N-Not real-“ I heard a loud thump! “Ouch- on second thought you don’t have to come here.” He nervously laughed, groaning immediately after. What was that sound? Did he hit something? I bit the bottom of my lip, slightly terrified of what I’ll see when I get there. If I ever will anyways. 
“Just take deep breaths, okay? I-I’ll be there as fast as I can.” I rushed down the street to an empty taxi, opening the back door and saying the address to the driver who was actually extremely nice. 
“I-I’m sorry to ask this, but how long until we get there?” I sadly asked, feeling bad that I might be placing pressure on him. Instead, he just laughed, “I know a shortcut, around a fifteen minute drive from here.” 
“Thank you so much.” I sighed, handing him a twenty dollar bill. I only really had to pay around ten dollars, but the extra ten won’t hurt. The older man gasped before he heard a loud noise come from my phone. I jumped, extremely worried now, “Cas, you good?” 
He didn’t answer for a while, and when he did, his voice came out pained. Kind of like how you sound when you’re losing your voice, “Yeah, yeah. I just hit the ceiling-“ Hit the ceiling? Is he being serious? There’s no way. How could I even-  So how small would I be to him? Would he even see me? They should’ve switched Ryan and I. At least he’s a shifter too so maybe it would’ve been easier for him. Instead they get an insignificant, little human who can’t even do a single thing right. 
“Okay, um, c-can you wait fifteen minutes?” 
“Yeah, I think so.” He groaned, moving around to what was hopefully a more comfortable position for him. The driver looked at me confused. 
“…Do you want me to stay on call?” I asked quietly, extremely scared of what I’ll see in about ten minutes. 
“Yes! I-I mean, yes please.” He immediately replied. I was a little shocked, but at least maybe I could delay the inevitable. For about ten minutes. Not really that long but it’s fine. Hahaha- yup. I’m totally not going to be around a literal titan and have to try to calm them down. What even made him lose control? He seemed okay before. Maybe it was when he went out? 
“Hey, if it’s alright to ask, what happened?” I kept my voice calm and collected even though everything in my body wanted to jump out of this car right now and make a run for it. 
“Just some new pills that the company gave me this morning. They’re supposed to help me stay at a human size, but they’re still working out a few things. Ow-“ He sucked in a sharp breath on the other end. The company gives him pills? They didn’t bother to mention that to me? I think the more shocking news was that he needed pills to help him stay at a human size. So he just can’t regularly? Or maybe that’s just for shifters with a red band? That’s probably it. I didn’t know much about it though if I’m being honest. Most things about shifters are disclosed to only the SSU. 
“It hurts you?” My voice came out shocked as the driver took a right turn, entering the neighborhood and riding down the street. 
“Well, i-it’s not supposed to. It’s a new medicine they’re trying out.” He laughed nervously. Please don’t let me pass out. The house came into view. Nothing looked out of the ordinary thankfully. He can tell me all about whatever medicine they gave him after I deal with what’s happening inside. 
The driver stopped slowly at the house, looking back it then to me, “Are you sure this is the right house?” My body started shaking just thinking about walking in. What would happen? What if he doesn’t see me and moves in a wrong way? What would I even do if he couldn’t hear me? How do people do this for a living? 
“Oh y-yeah. Thank you so much!” I slammed the twenty I was still hanging on to on the passenger seat and rushed out of the car, grabbing my bag in the process. The taxi had left, and I started slowing down when I reached the door. Cas would have to open it. Because of course they don’t have anything human-sized. They just want to make my “job” harder. 
“Hey Cas, do you… you mind opening the door?” My voice quivered. As much as I tried to hide it, of course I can’t for forever. What kind of psychology student am I if I can’t even deal with my own thoughts and emotions? Why did I think I could handle someone else’s? Don’t think like that, you’ll be fine. I had to tell myself as the door opened. I didn’t look up, scared that if I did I’d just run off before I could even take a single step inside. 
I hung up the phone when I walked inside, trying to hide the fact that I could literally hear every single time Cas had moved, which wasn’t something that was happening before. A few deep breaths, and I forced myself to look up. It took everything in my will to not run. It’s like a fight or flight instinct. When a person see’s something big, or something that looks powerful, our instincts kick in. In my case, I had a third option. Stand absolutely still and quiet. 
Cas didn’t say anything either, squinting down at me with a sorry expression. Oh this is just going to be so… fun. 
There were no words to describe how terrified I was right now. Why did I call Liam in the first place? It was a stupid idea, but I didn’t want him to get mad at me for not telling him. I thought today would have been fine. I’ve been taking my anti-depressants and I’ve been trying to at least look happy just so Liam would think I wasn’t that bad, but apparently not. I know he’s scared too, but I didn’t entirely understand why he stays. The old therapist I had was mean and didn’t let me go anywhere without her. She would boss me around, and eventually she left because of some complaints. So why did I get the feeling that Liam was different? Because he was only a year older than me? Because, so far, he’s given me freedom to do what I wanted? 
Seeing him so tiny made everything in my body go on caution. I didn’t move at all as he stared up in horror. I tried my best to stay in a confined space, my head just barely inches from hitting the ceiling again. I kept my legs close to my chest, my arms around them. I try not to break anything while I’m this size, but somehow something always does. I never know what to do when I lose control of my emotions. It’s why I take so much medicine to make sure I don’t in the first place, but the company makes me and a lot of other people try out new pills they make once every other week. Sometimes it makes me stay at a human size for just a couple minutes, or sometimes it just makes me grow, like it did now. Or nothing happens besides making me feel sick for a day or two. They were trying to figure out a way to keep the shifters like me at a regular human size for longer than we can physically handle it. 
This time though, it hurt. It felt like something was ripping apart my abdomen from the inside. My heard hurt, a lot, and my muscles were killing me. It’s not like I could move though. I didn’t want to mess up the place, plus, Liam was here and I’d rather not hurt him. I really, really don’t want to hurt anyone. I can’t put the weight on my conscience. Then everyone would have a whole ew problem to deal with- and then I’d be blamed for everything. 
I winced when my head banged up against the ceiling again. Just calm down. Don’t make Liam do something he doesn’t want to-My eyes darted to where the tiny figure on the floor was, now shakily moving towards my hand. I let out a quiet yelp, moving my hand away and trying me best to keep my back pressed up against the wall behind me without breaking it. 
“Nonono, I’m fine I promise.” I laughed while putting on the best fake smile I could muster while wrapping an arm around the side of my abdomen, where it was throbbing the most. What did they even put in it this time? Why was he forcing himself to try and help me? I would be okay, right? I didn’t need to make him do anything. I could do this myself. I’m not even spiraling into my thoughts right now. Imagine what Liam must be thinking right now. “If he’s not even losing control of his emotions what would happen if he does?” I shuddered at the thought. It does get pretty bad though. I wonder if the others are going through with the same thing. 
I could tell that Liam was trying to tell me something, but I couldn’t hear him. I didn’t really want to make him yell, but I also didn’t want to scare him half to death. 
“S-sorry, I can’t hear you… Is it okay if I move?” I asked, feeling a bit saddened. I wish I wasn’t even a shifter. I wouldn’t even be in this mess if I would’ve just stayed normal. Just like everyone else. I wouldn’t need to have someone watching over me constantly, I wouldn’t have to worry about hurting anyone smaller than me, maybe I could see my parents more than just once a month. My heart skipped a beat, and I knew that I couldn’t wait for some sort of confirmation if I could move. I hurried to lay down, flipping my stomach, trying to keep my limbs close my body. I groaned, knowing that I just made everything so much worse. 
I buried my head under my arms, facing the floor. I bit down on my jaw for a while while the abdominal pain started up again, then went away after a while. Okay, maybe the medicine isn’t the only thing making me shift sizes right now. Just calm down… take small breaths. 
“C-Cas, can you hear me now?” A worried and panicked voice filled my head. I peaked out, seeing Liam a small distance away from my face. But still too close for comfort. Please move away, I don’t want to hurt anyone. I thought to myself, thinking that if I talked it would only do more harm than good. 
“L-Look, u-um…” I could tell he was in a panic, and I wish that he wasn’t in the first place, “I-I don’t k-know. U-um, how about just a few deep breaths, ‘kay?” He took a few of his own, gripping a chunk of his shirt against his chest. I did as he told me too, finding that it was working just a little bit as I felt myself shrinking down a couple feet. 
“Is the medicine making you… grow?” He asked, confused, but also still under a small panic attack. My only answer was a slight nod, my heartbeat calming down, but the pain in my muscles and head never going away. Yup, tomorrow will just be a resting day at this point. I should probably clean up whatever mess I’ve made though. 
“Okay, think you can calm down enough to go back to the smallest size you can?” He breathed, his body trembling. He was still a student right? That would make sense. The therapist I used to have knew almost exactly what she had to do. Or at least what she thought, she needed to do. I only calmed down because she was practically threatening me at that point. Liam, on the other hand, apparently didn’t know what to do. Or maybe he did but he scared to do it. All I knew was that I’d have to listen to him to make his job easier. 
I nodded again, picking my body up as much as I could and trying to think about anything good. You’ll get to see your parents next week. Your old therapist is gone. And soon enough I was at my minimum at the moment. Liam was still extremely small, like a centimeter tall, which didn’t at all put me at ease, but I have no idea how long I’d be stuck at this size. Hours maybe? I laid back down on my stomach, groaning and facing the hard floor. 
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered. 
“It’s fine! It’s not your fault, I promise.” Liam explained, sitting down near my face again just so I could hear him. I would have preferred for him to be as far away as possible from me, but I can’t say anything. He is technically my boss after all. But it makes me kind of glad to think that he came over here just to help me out. I think I would have been fine either way, but it would’ve gone a lot slower.
“Are you okay though? You look pale.” He asked me. 
“Mhm. The pills this time just hurt a whole lot.” My head was throbbing. Why couldn’t I just be normal? I wouldn’t have to take those stupid testing pills in the first place. I felt my eyes closing. 
“Alright, how about you get some rest? Maybe you’ll feel better after?” He offered, I nodded my head while yawning and doing what he said. Yup. Hopefully I would. I just hope I don’t do something stupid while sleeping.  ——————
This is my first time writing some about sizeshifters so I think I’m doing an okay job at it?
And we finally get some g/t. Sort of I guess. I planned for this chapter to be longer, but then I didn’t want the one after to be too short. Aghhh idk
But thank you for reading! I hope you all have a great day/night :D
Taglist: @da3dm
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mirgompillow · 9 months
ayo im curious what do you mean by djmm becoming a jaeger? Bro finna transform? If so I’d like to see that!
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Ah man! It's been a while xD I finally drew this toots! woohoo So sorry for this late response, I swear I've been actually drawing this guy a long time ago but wasn't planning to finish it at all x')) SO YEAH. HE'S.. 😭😳
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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Love triangle? Plot? Sorry I only know best friends and shenanigans
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truckloverpart2 · 9 months
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he looks like a squirrel 🐿️
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beeholyshit · 9 months
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suckmyarschkarte · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Andy Robertson!
March 11, 1994
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lycanr0t · 7 months
i feel very frustrated about the trend of giving chil body hair bc if it was any other anime twink i would be thrilled its just that it seems to only be because people are SO afraid of him looking young they have to make him hairy to justify liking him in ships.
meanwhile it does directly go against canon (he literally is supposed to look like a child. this is integral to both his character and his race's lore as a whole and it makes no damn sense that he would be mistaken for a child if he has body hair i mean. cmon.)
and it's like. some men are hairless. some men look young. when youre a trans man in your 20s-30s its especially common to be mistaken for a teenager, even more so if you're not on t. and short. these traits do not make you less of a man or an adult. :/
#rot posts#listen its like. i just wish ppl werent doing it for the reasons they seem to be#you NEVER see tiny little men get body hair in fanart i should know ive been in multiple fandoms where i was the only 1 givin bitches hair#but it also sucks when its like. clearly from a place of discomfort and not wanting him to seem young#rather than actually loving body hair#for example where is laios with body hair. wheres kabru. mithrun. literally any other character#(senshi us a slight exception on account of semi canonically having hair)#it just feels like a performance for no one. ok yeah good job you made chil look like a hairy 30 year old#did you pay attention to how that totally disregards his story and how he canonically looks like a child and that IS an important aspect#half foots face infantilism to an extreme and his appearance is a part of this. the discrimination he faces is partially BECAUSE of looks!#so changing him to erase such a HUGE important aspect of his race's lore just bc ppl seem uncomfortable with him being young looking feels#idk the feeling. its frustrating to me#i just wish there was some self reflection here. i guess. some actual acknowledgement of his canon struggles#do you even like chil if you cant accept one of his core canonical traits...#whew anyways this is HUGELY a limited edition post bc im deleting it as soon as my husband reads it ❤️#i hate drama i hate discourse so like always if you try to start shit i will ignore + block you soo fast dont try me
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littledesertfox · 19 days
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A really beautiful portrait of Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein
I couldn't find out when exactly this photo was taken, but as he's already wearing the rank insignia of a Generalleutnant (indicated by the one star on his shoulder board), I assume it was sometime between later 1944 and early 1945
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rockintapper · 3 months
hai,,,, um ahm. mo tiem
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the buyngju_3<33<3<×^÷*÷&÷ my son<3<333333333333333333333333333333 mt beautiflu son i love him so mcu 💕💘💞💞💕💓💕💓💓💘💓💕💞💕💖💕 omg hes gonna go eepy sleep omg,,, ,helloo ,,, yayyyyy 💕 the little <33333333 i lvoe him
helo,,, tucks you in bed kisses yuo goodnigth _3<3<3<3<3<3>3<3<3>3>3<3>3>
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chaosduckies · 3 months
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I wonder who these two are? Maybe the characters for my new sizeshifter fic? 👀
No name reveal yet! (Gotta keep yall anxious hehehe-) but just know that the sizeshifter has depression, and it just so happens that the human is actually going to help take care of the big guy :D
Not my best drawings, but idc, you get the idea, right?
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powerfulscribbles · 7 months
In Need of Aid - A G/t Elden Ring fic (0)
to Chapter 1 | Chp. 2 l Chp. 3 | Chp. 4
Prologue: Ambitions
->Read the chapter on ao3 (registered users)<-
Chapter summary: Lord Mohg summons Varré at the Mohgwyn dynasty palace to discuss something of great significance.
Warnings: creepy undertones, possessiveness, the whole Mohgwyn dynasty and Mohg lore are their own warning.
This story is soon to contain g/t stuff, so if that's not your thing it's in your best interest to click away! Thank thee kindly~
Words: 2,3k
° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ ° ~ °
Varré had to hurry. Unanticipatedly, his Lord had requested his presence at the Mohgwyn Dynasty Palace.
He quickly scanned the damp, marshy area surrounding the Rose Church to see if someone was either coming or looking his way, before teleporting inside the mausoleum; all thanks to his Pureblood Knight's medal that he always had on him.
As he appeared, a Sanguine Noble was already expecting him to escort him to the throne room.
The walk was silent. Only his own footsteps echoed in the corridor, the taller creature not making a single sound as it was leading the way.
Varré had no idea why the Luminary had planned a private meeting with him, all of a sudden.
Thankfully he was not too busy at the moment, and he even had just cleaned his dirty gloves and changed his vest. Lord Mohg wouldn’t have most likely minded the bloodspots on the clothes, but nothing matters more than the respect before someone so close to the divine.
When they reached the entrance to the vast room, the Sanguine Noble behind him slowly disappeared, sinking ominously into a pool of blood.
The war surgeon took a couple of deep breaths. He had nothing to fear.
He was proud of his role in the upcoming birth of the dynasty, nobody deserved praises more than him. So many Knights of Blood anointed and strayed away from the utter misguiding path of the Two Fingers, all his own work. Never-ending offerings of blood to the Divinity, they could fill a bottomless ocean with it.
That being said though, the Luminary rarely requested to speak with him personally. Interrupting his own slumber besides the Divinity.
Must be a very important matter, no doubt.
He trusted his Lord with all his heart. He trusted him even more than he did himself.
Draped in his usual elegant, elaborated robe, the one-eyed Omen awaited for him at the bottom of the throne room.
“My sublime Lord” the white mask said, bowing deeply. “Have you asked to see me?” he continued, maintaining the bow and looking down still.
“I have, dear Varré. You may approach now” the demigod commanded him. Trident in one hand, he raised a clawed finger to call him forth.
The surgeon’s eyes followed his master’s movement and stood up, making his way towards him. He wondered if the Luminary could feel the slight nervousness in his stride. Despite the unusual call, the cursed son of Queen Marika looked very pleased, even smirking as his servant was coming closer.
“You might be wondering why I have wished to summon you today, on this fine afternoon” the monarch broke the silence, placing his large hand on Varré’s shoulders. The latter nodded, definitely impressed by his Lord’s courtesy.
“Yes, oh Luminary. Is something the matter?” the surgeon inquired, with a concerned tone.
“Oh no, no. Not at all. For now, at least.” The Lord looked down at him with his single dark yellow eye, inquisitively.
“I have learned that you have befriended a maidenless Tarnished. A lowborn woman, riding a spirit steed, that often comes to visit and chat with you. She must treat you so nicely. What a sweetheart.”
When the Luminary mentioned her, the usually very composed surgeon couldn’t help but blush subtly under his mask. His Lord never ceased to impress him, he already knew about her!
“An unique breed indeed. One that was able to even strike down a shardbearer demigod and gather a Great Rune of the shattered Elden Ring. I can feel she is going to grow even more powerful as the days go by. No other Tarnished but Roundtable Knight Vyke the Dragonspear was ever close to accomplish such a feat.”
“Oh yes my Luminary, there is plenty of potential within her. As of now, I’m currently working on making her one of the finest Knights of Blood. She is still to be introduced to the trails, but she’s equal to an early rose bud. With the right amount of love, attention and patience she is soon to be ready to join the ranks, I am sure.”
“Have you discussed about this with her though? Brought it up to her, at least” the Lord asked his emissary.
“Not just yet. I have left a note for her to meet me at the Rose Church in the western side of Liurnia of the Lakes, she shouldn’t be late. I have no doubt she already had her audience with the Two Fingers at the Roundtable Hold, and has already made up her mind about them and their sincerity.”
At that the demigod burst out laughing, as if he had heard the most hilarious joke in hundreds of years.
“Since my very first day of life, I have never known someone who found those nasty, hairy bags of meat appealing in any kind of way! So I trust she will be of the same opinion as I.”
The white mask faintly smiled at that, imagining how Valyssa would react upon that revolting sight.
“Staying on topic. I can tell that you’re getting fond of her… Isn’t that right?”
The man's cheeks and temples suddenly got a darker pink, the otherwise cold throne room starting to feel warmer and warmer. His low gaze gave away the already obvious answer.
The Lord of Blood’s grin grew wider at the surgeon’s reaction.
“Just as I thought. Well, I have a suggestion for you. Listen closely” the Omen said, leaning down towards Varré’s ear so he could hear him whisper loud and clear.
“If you are so adamant in craving something for yourself, because you believe you truly deserve it… Go ahead and claim it. Take it. It yours to have.”
The sentence itself made the white mask freeze for a moment. He hadn’t thought about… the next steps yet, but now that Lord Mohg had mentioned it… The sudden idea of being so intimate with his beloved, oh-so-strong Tarnished was sending positive responses to his brain and body.
“A-a very wise advice my Lord, but I fear… She might be oblivious still and may need some time before mutual feelings grow solidly within her as well.”
The enormous Omen hummed at his servant’s reasoning, but was not at all preoccupied.
“That doesn’t really matter. I encourage you to take action nonetheless. She’s has all the potential to be a perfect match for you, but you have to assert your right to her first before someone else does.”
Varré immediately nodded at that, his head leaning forward submissively.
“Of course my Lord. My deepest apologies for thinking otherwise.”
“No need. If you’re ever overwhelmed by doubts about pursuing your most profound desires, just remind yourself about dearest Miquella and I.”
Mohg sighed deeply, turning away from the surgeon to take the big withered hand that dangled from the cocoon in his, and peck the ring that adorned it.
“As soon as I brought him home, there hasn’t been a single time where I wasn’t dedicating myself to him and the whole dynasty. And now, thanks to your countless efforts and mine, he’s grown majestically and his awakening is fast approaching. And when the time is ripe, a new era, an era of Blood and Love will begin.”
He then pulled away with a faint frown, letting go of the hand in a reluctant way to face Varré again.
“Everything that I’ve done, was to his sake. So there is no doubt your Tarnished would understand, if you rushed to her aid when she needs you the most. Nobody shies away at the purest forms of love, that are care and comfort.”
The man in the white mask nodded in agreement.
“That is true, my Lord. Even the most primitive creatures instinctively seek for a refuge and the company of their own peers. In regards to the maidenless Tarnished, I will see that she is never to feel loneliness in this world.”
“Good. One more thing, though” the cursed Omen said, his tone suddenly turning more serious than before.
“As you know very well already, like the naïve, uninfluenced Tarnished that she is, she is blindly following the guidance of grace in order to locate the other shardbearers, and strip them of their Great Runes to restore the Elden Ring and become Elden Lord.”
“Of course, oh Luminary. Her next destination would be the Academy of Raya Lucaria, where it is rumored-“
“Yes, yes, but that’s not too relevant” the Omen interrupted him.
“She may travel there, if she wants, and even try to gather all the other Great Runes she earns for. The other demigods aren’t as puny and desperate for power as the late decrepit Godrick, so she might think twice about taking on them” he continued.
“And I trust that your teachings will take root splendidly within her, and show her the real path to the loyalty to the dynasty. So that she will abandon the guidance of the Two Fingers and by that, the desire to rule over the Lands Between as well.”
“But… If she were to find her way underground and reach this place in search of my own Great Rune, or if my precious Miquella’s safety was put at risk…”
The Lord of Blood’s grip on Varré’s shoulders tightened. It was not too unbearable, but it still made the surgeon's eyes widen for a second.
“It is your job to tend to that, with no hesitation, if it were to ever happen. The responsibility is yours, and I believe you don’t need further reminders.”
The man quickly shook his head at that. By then, Lord Mohg released the grip and removed the hand entirely, letting the white mask release the tension in his muscles. A relief.
Though a clawed finger made its way under his chin, gently forcing him to look straight up to his Lord’s horned visage.
“Fret not. There will be one day where you will be rewarded immensely for your hard labor and dedication to the dynasty. The strength and love I promised are not too out reach now, and if all goes well… You may even join that Tarnished in wedlock, if you so please.”
Varré’s gaze brightened up at the Luminary.
“It may be quite early to discuss this my Lord, but I’ll definitely consider the idea. It’s magnificent indeed.”
“Excellent. Well then, you’re free to go. I believe that Tarnished is heading to the Rose Church as we speak. It would be a real pity if you made her wait."
With that, the demigod finally retracted his long digit away from the man's chin.
"Besides, I have left dearest Miquella alone for a while now, I must reunite with him in his slumber. Bless the Mohgwyn dynasty with love, Varré.”
“Bless the Mohgwyn dynasty with love, my Lord” the surgeon replied back, as he bowed again.
His master smirked one last time before swinging his trident. A wave of vibrant blood surrounded his form and he disappeared inside, forming a small pool than slowly slithered inside the cocoon with the withered arm.
The white mask took a deep breath again.
That definitely went better than expected.
He still felt his cheeks burning underneath the marble.
Me? Wedding Valyssa?
He appreciated the Luminary’s invaluable concern and his ever-brilliant idea, but that was only a very distant thought for the moment.
We should focus more now on the initiation trials, and if it is really meant to be then she will succeed. The real challenge for her will be taming the Luminary’s blood…
He sighed one more time.
None of his beloved partners, regardless of their strength, had remained sane after being exposed to the noble blood. Turned in Bloody Fingers, their madness had caused them to lose themselves in the bloodlust.
His chest ached at the painful memories.
But she is different than the rest. I know it. A desperate, hopeful thought.
I doubt she also will attempt at usurping the Lord. She is so much better than that.
He shook his head, biting his lip.
No, that is not going to happen. He will make sure of that.
Plus, she had been so receptive to his words thus far... It’d be such a waste to throw all of that away, just to follow her own ill-advised ambitions.
She can’t be that foolish. And Luminary Mohg has never been wrong about possible love candidates. He is just making sure there are no hindrances when the Mohgwyn dynasty properly commences.
After all, it is the most important priority. Nothing else comes first.
… Though he couldn’t deny that the thought of holding her in his arms, taking in all her warmth as they laid in their own bedroom, was extremely delightful as well.
He found himself daydreaming, before realizing she would arrive at the Rose Church very soon and he had to be on his way himself. What kind of lover invites their paramour to a tryst, and then shows up late?
He chuckled at the thought, and recovered his Pureblood Knight's medal from one of his pouches and activated it; its red trident emblem sending him to the designed destination.
Once he was back in Liurnia, he made sure to reappear behind the crumbling building of the church, so that if she were to be there already she wouldn’t notice him at first glance.
Thankfully though, there was no sign of her yet, nor he could hear someone galloping towards his direction.
Wonderful. Praise the Luminary, he didn’t get lost in his train of thoughts too much to delay his arrival.
The man smiled behind the white mask, and got in position near the entrance to the church.
He only had to be patient and wait for her, now. And he had all the time to fantasize about more future events, as he did.
To Chapter 1
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ultr6violnce · 6 months
danny is defo part of the small dick community:((
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stephenlangdaily · 1 year
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Stephen has announced the birth of his newest grandson, Otis Eugene Davaro-Lang! Congrats to his daughter, Grace, and her boyfriend Ramiro on their first baby 💙💙💙
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It took several months, but I FINALLY found a Bowser mini to go with my Mario mini set! In order to get the mini I had to buy a whole Bowser castle play set, unfortunately, but thankfully it was both on sale, and I work with kids who I could give the play set to. It’s a really cool play set and I kinda wish I could have kept it, but it’s too big and I need to downsize my collection anyway. Plus, the kiddos really liked the play set, though they grumbled over the missing Bowser, ha. Kids. Never grateful for anything. 😅😅
Anyway! I’m happy to have finally found an affordable Bowser! I’ve seen the others in the mini sets, but I wasn’t a big fan of the other designs, so this is all of the minis I wanted. They’re now chilling on the base of my computer, looking very rad with my mini guinea pigs, resin glow-in-the-dark ducks, and ceramic cats I got from Japan. :-D
(Also Bowser and Luigi would totally be holding hands if they could. ❤️)
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mirkwood-trash · 2 days
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My lil Blishy boiiiii 🥺❤️
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box-of-sims · 1 year
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Everyone meet my new kitten Toby 😻💜
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