#he’s soooo bitchy i love him
mothedmanillustration · 10 months
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Augmen de Lute info!
Augmen de Lute is the confident, charming, laid-back captain of the Arrowpoint Pirates, a group that enjoys throwing massive parties for any occasion. Other pirates and seafarers are encouraged to join in the fun- provided they follow the rules and not cause trouble.
To fund these parties, Augmen attacks Marines and merchant ships, as well as stealing from any guests who decide to break his rules or other pirates who attack. He loves attacking any Marine ships on sight, racking up quite the bounty from property damage alone.
Augmen's parties aren't traps like some other locations (Gran Tesoro), he genuinely likes throwing parties and is very serious about hospitality. He's built up a good reputation among other pirates over the years and they know his ship's a good place to visit. Some unlucky pirates think they can take advantage of the captain's generous hospitality, wanting to steal Augmen's vast treasure or kill him for the fame, those pirates rarely make it off the ship alive.
Augmen has a large crew of loyal pirates (mostly just basic pirates, no special powers) who all love and adore their captain. He in turn, loves his crew and treats them well. He may be a partier but he works hard to keep his ship running smoothly and keeps his crew and guests safe.
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Devil Fruit: Mod Mod Fruit
Able to modify (strengthen or weaken) attributes of people and objects through touch.
If holding the target, the effect is stronger, the effect can last when the touch is gone but will start to fade after a few minutes. The longer something is held, the stronger the effect and the longer it will linger after the contact is gone.
Uses his left hand to strengthen and his right to weaken, this is entirely a stylistic choice by him and if needed he can use either hand.
Use Examples
Augmen’s dual pistols, powers them up so they’re a LOT stronger than a normal gun of that size, since they’re always on him, he’s always feeding a little power into it, keeping them stronger than if they were held suddenly
He does a similar thing with the cannons on his ship, feeding power into them so they hit harder than normal cannons, capable of taking down Marine ships in just a hit or two
Strengthen the ship’s defenses, cannon balls do less damage or bounce off entirely. Helpful since Augmen’s ship is a bit slow due to its size
Can buff himself and others attack/defense
Can weaken opponents if he gets they’re hands on them, for most people, they’ll feel weak and tired and if held on to long enough, pass out. Stronger opponents get their attacks debuffed and devil fruit users can have varying effects.
Doesn’t work well/at all on certain devil fruit users, specifically ones that can avoid being touched or ones that can’t really have their powers weakened
His power being touch-based means that he has to get up close to opponents to affect them, making him easier to hit in return. If he’s focusing on powering up/weakening a large target, he can’t power up himself, also making him vulnerable.
Example: powering up the entire ship makes him an easy target to be sniped or hit, relies on his crew to protect him
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ronnyraygun · 2 years
Okay, like, fuck New 52, but, like, every time I think about how Tim’s first canonical queer relationship could have been with Miguel (THEY WERE R I G H T THERE. IT WAS A DATE. THEY WENT TO PRIDE. MIGUEL A N D TIM NEVER TOLD THE TEAM. “I felt like a prince just being next to him.” WTF, DC?!??) I get a little sad, because, like…Miguel loved Tim, and if DC weren’t cowards, we could have seen Tim give him that back. Tim went to him for help personally. He opened himself up to like that, LIKE THE WAY HE DID TO CASSIE AND KON. AND—
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yandere-monoma · 6 months
Im reading kill your ego right now and ill admit im a bit biased because John and Roxy are my favorites of all the human kids but I just have to know your thoughts on John Lalonde!!
HEHEHE don't tell the others but john lalonde might be my favorite of the kye kids hehehe
my DARLING little dark academia boyo. it's especially fun thinking about him at the moment because i'm in the middle of a homestuck reread with some friends and it's really reminding me of all the similarities between john and rose in the early acts. the way they both misrepresent and resent their parents for the interests they share (or don't share) and the way they try and avoid their dumb lame parents and all their lovey dovey shit
so it's fun taking john and giving something really to complain about and avoid. we take away the self-loathing and (psychotic) depression/chucklevoodoo influence that the egberts are cursed with and we replace it with a superiority complex and a whole lot of pretentiousness. john lalonde is an incredibly proud academic and scholar and you WILL know that he's an intellectual if it's the LAST THING HE DOES!!!
now, john's main problem with mom, as we'll see later in the fic, isn't that he thinks she's being passive aggressive with him, because i think that is honestly a very rose-specific result of her capacity to overthink. he's just honestly disappointed with her. as with all of the lalondes, john goes through the parentification that mom lowkey pushes all of her kids through by neglecting them emotionally, and he takes it pretty hard. he's overwhelmed by the endless attention, he's walking on tiptoes because he never knows when some new ridiculous thing is going to happen, and he can't even get space because who KNOWS what will happen to her and the house if he tries to stay away for an entire week???? and because he's so combative, he's incredibly loud and open about how it's affecting him. he is ready to trauma dump within a moment's notice about his mom's alcoholism, his mom's love bombing, his mom's flaws in general
though of course, he doesnt have any, no, he's perfect 🥰 HE does everything right its just everyone else thats wrong!!! and that's another point of conflict between him and everyone. his mom is into science and fantasy and literature, sure, but not the RIGHT kinds, because john's into the right kind and everyone should be into sci fi like he is, duh. both he and rose actually dabble in different types of reading and writing in this verse, but clearly HE'S the literary genius since HE reads all the good smart books while she reads a whole lot of dumb books that only horny nerd girls like 🙄 and he clearly sees jade and dave as on a lower level to him and takes every chance he can to try and 'assist' them because they're too dumb and naive to take care of themselves. lucky them, though, because they actually get to be kids, and he wants to protect their innocence just as much as he wants to protect his own status and reputation
so! at the end of the day, he's pretty much a rich boy who had to grow up too fast and is incredibly bitter of that fact, but he won't let that bitterness get in the way of all the interests and people he's so incredibly passionate about. i think john egbert is kinda aimless in a lot of ways (like we don't even really know what he wants to do when he grows up) and while i don't think john lalonde has decided a career just yet, he's someone who is constantly working on some sort of creative project for himself and can easily imagine himself in quite a few different paths for life. i think he's full of love and the capacity for empathy but struggles to access it as he drowns in his frustration over the life he feels trapped in. he's incredibly sensitive which is why we see him flying off the handle so often because he's got such a delicate little ego that feels threatened so often (god does johnny have npd i think he does rip)
and i think he dearly dearly dearly loves his mother as every lalonde child does (not that he openly shows it, which of course he's going to regret with EVERYTHING he has) and he will utterly be in PIECES when she dies. he's a mama's boy through and through but he doesn't want to come across as one, he wants people to see him as a respectable and independent bachelor but he doesn't want to show weakness either. he wants to be a leader (because his mom is a leader!!) but honestly he's still the pushover we know and love and he's constantly at the whims of his mother, especially physically, because he's such a cute lil proper boy haha i always imagine him with like cute styled hair and stiff lil preppy outfits and thin wiry glasses (if he even wears glasses, i love the thought of him getting pushed into either wearing contacts or fully just already having some bonkers corrective surgery done on him already)
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irisbaggins · 7 months
Trying to trouble-shoot a customer over a phone is always an exercise in "stick to Norwegian you gremlin" for me. I so badly want to use English lingo for things, but my poor customers barely understand what I'm saying in Norwegian, let alone English! The amount of times I end up apologising because my explanations are shit are numerous, and most of the time my customers are really nice about it.
Although, I do loathe having to trouble-shoot networking over the phone. It's a pain in the ass, and it's difficult to find the problem when there are so many moving parts to a network.
At least the customer and I can joke around a little and make the process more pleasant for the both of us. Especially when the problem may have been a wonky cable, and not something much more expensive that must be replaced.
#text_loke#he was really nice to me. we were talking SO LONG and i had to use hand signals to my coworker so he could take the physical customers#because i was on the phone. and for some reasons customers see me standing there with a headset on and assume i am therefore free#no!! i am on the phone!! i cannot talk to you ma'am please stop attempting to converse with me!!#some are nice about it. others get bitchy. like SORRY i have one ear on the phone i CANNOT listen to two people at once!!#anyway. hope it was the cable that was fucked! we would of course fix whatever issue it was if it ISN'T#but it's soooo much easier for him for it to be just the cable he made himself. 'cos fuck homemade cat6 cables#(which i say as someone who has made SEVERAL and hates the process furiously)#also. shoutout to the customer who gave me 10/10 and said we were COOL PEOPLE in all caps :)#made my day that. like thank you!! i do my best to give the best customer service!!#and i only had ONE person call me today to be a glorified website :) usually it's at least three people :)#like we have a click and collect for a reason. i am NOT that. i can trouble shoot and help fix. i am not a website#also. why am i cursed. why am i cursed to be swarmed by people when i'm alone??#at least at my current workplace i am not harassed for being on my own. people are actually nice#they don't go ballistic on me when it takes me a but to get to them due to the tasks i am made to do#i don't get yelled at every shift. which is lovely :)#anyway. time for sleeps because i must write 3k tomorrow for my exam. rip
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vergilberg · 1 year
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silly-plays-p3r · 6 months
so since you're up to ryoji, any conclusive thoughts on the new vas, if any?
I'm not that far. He only just showed up and I got one rank in.
.....Let's just say shit hit the fan for me on Thursday and I've gotten REALLY busy....ummmm.....fixing it so I can get back to my normal routine? Is that the best way to describe it (I still have stuff to do, but I'm not longer in "emergency mode")? I haven't picked up any game stuff since then (I literally passed out yesterday night cause I was so tired jfkldsjf). (oh wait, I'm so out of it I misread it as only asking about Ryoji....lol, well I'm talking about him first I guess, )
Going off the one interaction....... Yuri. I prefer Yuri. I already preferred Yuri's Pharos to Aleks' Pharos. I like both as MC.
There's something about Yuri's........Between OG/FES/P and the manga...... But Aleks' Ryoji feels more like it fits the P3 movies (same with Ikutsuki tbh). There's something about THAT portrayal of Ryoji that hits different compared to the other's.
THAT BEING SAID. I'll take Aleks. BUT ONLY if that means we can have Yosuke going back to not sounding as squeaky. TT0TT I can handle Adachi's voice change (feels like he decided to put on a more deranged mask). But Yosuke I want him back to sounding chiller. orz
Oh right, other chars fjdsakfja
Um....Aki's ok. I don't mind him. There's something about Liam's voice I prefer BUT, I wouldn't mind the new guy coming back.
Junpei is good (both in general and as a replacement). Keep him (if I have to deal with Junpei again that is)
Mitsu is good. I prefer Tara tho. Nothing against the new girlie, Tara's just one of my fav VAs. (the other VAs I like are Naoto's OG, Laura Bailey, Lily Vonnegut, Jamie Marchi, Kristen Bell, David Gallagher, and KH1!Haley Joel Osment, Santino Fontana...something about their cadence makes my brain go brrrrr but like for diff reasons)
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Speaking of Brrrr, I really like Yuko's and Shinji's a lot.
Both old and new Shinji are great. Love them.
Love the new Ken. I never hated his OG, and Cindy did a good job too. But the new one is really good.
Fuuka......she's cute (I'm more annoyed that they didn't add to her at all so far :'D thanks atlus). I miss the OG one. Wendee Lee did great too (she always sounded like a higher pitched ver of the OG to me).
I think I liked both Natsuki's VAs? I do miss the old one. I can't recall the new one's voice atm TT0TT
Koro is fine lol
I don't like Takaya's new VA. I like the old one give him back.
I think I like this Chidori VA more? I didn't mind the old one. (also Chidori run, stay away from Junpei TT0TT)
Jin.........I think I like him more?
Ikutsuki. Prefer the old one. New one would be good for the movie ver tho!
I miss the old Igor. Gimme back Dan Woren you cucks! TT0TT Kirk is fine but I want Dan back! (wait Dan is Byakuya from Bleach???? Gimme him back! TT0TT)
Aigis is better. I didn't mind the old one, but this was an improvement.
All the VAs for the SLs are great so far tbh (haven't done Moon yet, not cause I don't want to, but because it's optimal if I wait)
Yukari is................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................her directing is.......................her direction.....the way the director is directing her...........................................................................................................I hope the VA does well in other works. She can come back as a diff character tbh. "So you'd rather have Ruff come back?" Or Yukari can just....not come back as a character. :"D
I think the thing that irks me about the new voices are.......the new voices for the already existing secondary/background chars (chars who were never voiced before? no problem). I. DON'T. LIKE. THEM.
"Oh but it's cool to hear!" or "We need Yuri to still get a check" I don't care. I don't like it. It's weird. It's weird hearing P3MC's voice coming out of Yukari's dad ("oh like Aki's is any better?" AKI ISN'T A LOVE INTEREST FOR YUKARI OUTSIDE HC! TT0TT)
I hate that they swapped Mitsu's dad and Kurosawa. Did they eat? Yea, they did great. Does it bother me because I find it COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY???? YESSSS!
My 9/11 is the damn principal's voice being changed. oh my god, it's not the same. He was so perfect in the OG, he was bumbling it just.....god it worked. The new guy.....doesn't give the same doddering vibe. man orz (I know most people are coming for the new Aki guy, or someone else, but man I'm very annoyed by the NPCs being changed orz)
I think one of THE BIGGEST issues I have with them just....redubbing the whole damn thing is (MORE SO the side NPCs than the main cast).....just how costly that must've been. Like stupidly costly, like they didn't need to do it. It was just wasting money kinda costly. Like they coulda used that money for something else, like I dunno....PUTTING THE FUCKING ANSWER AND FEMC IN????? >_> *inhales* I know I know I KNOW. Before you say it. Before my lil strawman I talk to in my head says it. The english localization's funds were probs separate from the JPN devs funds. I mean, unless Atlus JPN controls Atlus USA's funding directly, and thus have more direct involvement. I mean, haha, that'd make sense. Haha, but if I was them, and that was true, I wouldn't let other people know that. haha
Apollo: *compels Midori for no reason tomorrow* Midori: The localization funds were actually allocated and tied to the JPN funds. It wasn't just SEGA USA that decided to replace all the actors, it was also SEGA Japan. Me: I'm at my limit is2g
They probs would've saved a lot more money from just....keeping most of the OG voices (maybe replace Vic). And then maybe dub all the SLs/additional side content.
Ummmm.....tldr; Liked some, loved some, was eh on others, hated the existing side NPCs got new voices. All in all I think it was probs a waste of money tbh. Don't do it again for the inevitable P4 remake. (P1/2? sure there's not a lot of dubbing in that one anyways)
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coff33andb00ks · 4 months
Luxury - LN
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Part 2 of Hopeless Lando Norris x fem!reader (mentions of reader x Charles Leclerc) Summary: and if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once Themes: none just sex Song: slut! by taylor swift word count: 3949 Warnings: smut, minors dni!, cheating, lando's a bad friend, charles is a bad boyfriend even tho he's not there, reader is a bad girlfriend, honestly the only decent person in this mini series is Oscar, unprotected sex, heaps of praise, and proofreading? we don't know her Notes: again I'm not condoning cheating (unless it's Lando) thanks to those that encouraged me to write this from reader's pov, although I got carried away with the smut. Soooo there's going to be two more parts to this to finish their story <3
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You love Lando.
Because he's… Well, Lando. He's become your very best friend. You can talk to him about anything, whether it's work or the shoes you're thinking of getting or the book you just finished, he's always willing to listen. He commiserates over bitchy coworkers, encourages you to just get the fucking shoes, and questions the decisions of the characters you're in love with. He's always up for a game, even if it's three in the morning and he's flying out at nine. He doesn't complain when you show up and bake enough pastries and cupcakes to fill a supermarket, warning you not to tell his trainer when he sneaks a few.
And he makes you laugh. Only he can bring out the ugly snorting laugh that you hate, but you kind of love it because it makes him giggle hysterically.
It's Lando. You don't know how you survived as long as you did before he came, screaming with laughter, into your life.
So, when you began having doubts about Charles, there was only one place to go. You've lived in Monaco with your boyfriend for six months and still haven't made a local friend. Lando's there, and he takes one look at you and lets you in.
And here you are, hugging him after pouring out your worries over Charles' behavior. Because he made you laugh, like he always does.
"If he is cheating, he's a fucking moron. You're not even my girl and I can't find anyone that compares."
Lando's words give you pause and you stare at him. You're used to him cracking jokes. Even if you're having a bad day he never fails to make you cackle until you're crying and snorting – like he just did. This time, though, he's not joking. His eyes aren't dancing with humor, he doesn't have that stupid grin that's not a grin like he does when he's trying to make you laugh.
Your eyes dip to his mouth.
Suddenly, you want to feel his lips. You've felt them on your cheek. Lando is a clingy friend, so it's not new to be this close to him. He's always hugging you, kissing your cheeks, resting his head in your lap, leaning against you when he's drunk. But you want his lips on yours. You're not perfect, you've wondered more than a few times what it would be like to kiss him. Lifting your gaze to his eyes again, you breathe in.
"Lando," you whisper. You can hear the longing in your voice and see it mirrored in his eyes.
You both lean in, meeting halfway, and—
His breath stutters against your lips, his forehead resting against yours briefly. "Y/n," he gasps. The fingers on your cheek slide into your hair and his lips are on yours again, fully this time.
It's gentle but wild, both desperate and calm. It soothes you and sparks a fire at the same time. Your hands cup his neck, hear his moan echoing yours as your tongues meet. The dance that's as old as time that has you craving more, your secret fantasies rising up while you picture his lips and tongue on your skin.
Lando's arm wraps around your waist and you willingly move closer, craving the tenderness and the heat. His mouth is still on yours and you settle in his lap, pressing as close to him as possible. He's the first breath of oxygen after being underwater. The first raindrops after a dry spell.
You never want this kiss to end.
You feel alive, and right now you can't think about what that means, you can only think of how invigorating this is. Pressing tighter against him you whine, feeling him growing hard in his sweats.
He tears his lips from yours with a gasp, eyes glazed with desire, his pulse racing beneath your fingertips. Digging his fingers into your waist, he presses his face against your neck, nuzzling and kissing. Breathing deeply, like you're his source of air.
"God, Lando," you whisper, wrapping your arms around him and letting your head fall back.
"Please," he moans, both arms around you now, and you can hear the faint whine in his voice. "Please, y/n…"
You nod, tugging on his hair and catching him in another kiss.
"Y/n," he whispers at the corner of your lips, and you can feel that he's holding himself back.
It's barely left your mouth when he's standing, holding you to him. You make a mental note to ask him when he learned to be graceful, because he always trips over stuff or walks into doorways. With your legs around him and your lips on his, though, he isn't, and you don't realize he's gotten to his bedroom until he's lowering you on his bed.
You drag him down with you, half fearful that if you break contact you'll think of a reason to stop. Or he will. And you can finally admit to yourself that you've wanted this for so long, now it's here you don't want it to end.
He moves up the bed, dragging you with him, kiss interrupted by his little chuckle. Pulling back a little, he cups your cheek and breathes your name. He stares at you, reverence bordering on worship, as though he can't believe you're there. "Y/n…" It's a whisper and a prayer and a plea and your racing heart twists and tumbles in your chest.
You say his name the same way, breath catching at the way he melts over you. The gentle wildness, calm desperation, is back, growing frantic while he seems determined to kiss you until you forget everything for him. His kiss grows feverish, breathless gasps whispering over your lips. His hands are everywhere, pushing and pulling at your clothes and you unknowingly mirror his touch, whining when he sits back and rips his shirt over his head.
His eyes are feral, branding each spot of your body he glances at. He squeezes your hips, dragging your shirt up with his blazing palms, his teeth catching his bottom lip as you arch towards him. Your shirt and bra slip away and he presses his face between your breasts, his breath pure fire. Holding you up, his lips whisper over your skin, hand clutching the back of your neck when his mouth closes over your nipple.
Crying out his name, you clutch at his shoulders, squeezing your legs around his waist. He licks and sucks, slow but needy, tightening his hold each time you tremble. Each tiny motion sends narrow flames of desire coursing through your veins, gathering in the pit of your abdomen, twisting and curling like his tongue, until you feel the ache of need. "Lando… Please, Lando…"
You're grinding against him, able to feel how wet he's making you, and you know he can feel it too when he moans harshly and releases your nipple. He shifts, groaning low in his chest as his cock presses against you. "Shit, baby…"
He guides you back down, lips crashing into yours, and his hands tremble as he briefly fumbles with the button of your shorts. His breath fans over your cheek and he deepens the kiss, both of you whining when he pulls back again. Dragging your shorts down your legs, he stares into your eyes, balling them up in his fist and flinging them over his shoulder.
"You're so beautiful," he says softly, staring at you in awe.
The way he said it, coupled with the look in his eyes, made you feel like the most beautiful woman on earth. There was something so heartfelt about the compliment that you felt the unexpected sting of tears.
Lando's fingertips trail over your skin, lips moving silently as he traces the dips and curves of your hips and thighs. An ode to you that was unheard but understood. He swallows hard, closing his eyes briefly before raising his eyes to yours again. Leaning down, he gives you a tender kiss. You cup his face then drag your hands down, memorizing his chiseled form, and when your fingertips reach the waistband of his sweats he hums, gently catching your wrists and guiding your hands above your head.
You gasp for a breath as he rains kisses down the side of your neck, scattering them over your chest, his destination clear when he moves lower, nipping gently at your skin. You lift your head slightly and find him staring up at you, eyes greener than usual. He's so beautiful it takes your breath away.
He hooks his thumbs in your panties and drags them down, scattering worshipful kisses down to your ankles. His lips slide into a playful smile and he lightly tickles behind your knee, grinning when you squeal. The brief lightheartedness eases the tension and you're able to breathe, but the foggy haze of passion doesn't fade one bit. It only increases as he gently spreads your legs, his eyes still on yours.
He's still staring up at you when his tongue drags up your slit, and maybe he kept staring at you but you couldn't be aware, your head falling back with a lustful moan at the sensation. You hear him swallow, his appreciative moan vibrating against your core. He does it again, delving deeper, a soft hum pulsing against your clit.
"Fuck," you gasp, feeling his grip on your thighs tighten when you tried to squirm.
"Lemme take care of you baby," he murmurs. Swirling his tongue over your clit, he teases over and over before giving it a noisy kiss. "You're so wet for me, y/n…"
You force your head up, breath catching because he's still staring up at you. Eyes locked, you can't look away, hands gripping at the sheets while his lips sweep along your slit. The ache inside you only grows, almost painful now as he lifts his head, lips glistening. He licks them slowly and you're in awe at the look of bliss on his face.
"Fuckin' knew you'd taste good," he murmurs before settling more firmly between your legs. He's gentle, hands making their way to your hips while he nuzzles and kisses your clit.
"Please," you whine.
He hums, somehow managing to look innocent, and you watch his eyes darken. Kissing your clit again, he pulls it between his lips, his hand sliding from your hip. Your back arches, his name a ragged moan as his finger teases your entrance and his tongue settles on your clit.
You want to know how he got so fucking good. How he knows what you like when you've never discussed sex with him before. And you think he may be a mind reader because he seems to know just what you want. He keeps his tongue on your clit, licking gently but rapidly, two long fingers inside you, curling and stroking slowly. You're gasping, trembling, hips jerking, heart hammering, still unable to look away from his eyes. The moans of his name turn into whines then whimpers and you feel your body tighten, pussy clenching around his fingers, your breathing stuttering and stopping completely when he curls them deeper, steadily rubbing your spot, and—
You're cumming, harder than you thought you would. It takes your breath away and you're consumed by exhilaration, your vision going black then exploding with a galaxy's worth of stars. It's too much but you never want it to end, your voice breaking as you cry out to him.
You blink and try to catch your breath, weak but still wound tight. And he's there, softly licking you clean, murmuring sweetly while he crawls up, hands gentle on your trembling body. Shaking hands grab at his biceps and you feel tears on your cheeks when his fingers brush them away.
"It's alright, love," he whispers, lips brushing yours twice before he kisses you tenderly. He curls over you, almost protectively, his voice gently praising you. "Breathe, darling, it's alright…"
"Jesus," you hiss when you can finally speak, blinking rapidly to get your bearings.
"You're so gorgeous when you cum," he murmurs, tracing your cheek with his thumb. His eyes are so soft, practically glowing with admiration. Staring at you as though you're the source of everything good in his world. "You're always beautiful… Like, bathed in sunlight beautiful, you know?" He closes his eyes briefly, breathing slow as his lips return to yours in a kiss that leaves you weak. "But right now, right here…" He sighs. "You're breathtaking."
And you feel breathtaking. Stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, adored, worshipped, all the adjectives you'd use to describe the leading women in the romances you read. You never want to not feel this way again. "Lando?"
"Hm?" He's still staring at you like you hung the stars.
"I need you." Your arms still feel weak but you run your hands over his shoulders, leaning in for a slow kiss while your fingers trace down his sides. Long, languid moments pass while you kiss, so caught up in the feeling of being cherished you're distracted, enjoying the soft suppleness of his lips on yours. His palm cups your neck and there's a subtle change, your breath quickening as his mouth slants over yours. Nudging the waistband of his sweats down, you hear his soft hum, miss the touch of his hands when he reaches down to push them off, his hands bumping into yours when you both reach to ease down his boxer briefs.
He breaks the kiss with a little laugh but it dies as your hand cups around his cock. And the sound he makes is the sexiest sound you've ever heard. It's a gasping, whiny moan, and suddenly you need to know the sounds he'll make when he's inside you. Stroking him, you stare into his eyes and see the question burning. You nod, reluctantly letting go, anticipation stealing your breath as he nudges your thighs further apart. He sits back, lightly clapping and squeezing your thighs.
"God, you're hot," you say without thinking.
Lando smirks, squeezing your thighs again. "You think so?"
You roll your eyes. "Fuck's sake, look at you," you tell him, sweeping your hands through the air to indicate… him. Tousled curls, lean muscle, golden tan. You blink, focusing on the necklace he's wearing, lips parting in surprise.
It's the one you gave him for his birthday last year. You don't know why it makes you feel all soft and mushy inside to see him wearing it now. He's worn it plenty of times, but seeing it on him now, on a day you know he didn't plan to see you… It means something to you.
"You can take a photo if you like," he says.
Giggling, you're half-tempted to take him up on the offer, but he shifts, and his cock glides along your slit and your need is back in full force. "Later," you whisper, hips rolling upwards.
"Yeah?" He smirks again, eyes flicking from your face to between your thighs. His hands slide up, thumb whispering over your clit as he leans over you, his other hand gripping the pillow by your head.
Threading your fingers through his hair, you spread your legs wider, meeting his eyes as his cock slowly pushes into you. The stretch pulls a whine from your chest and you hear his gasping moan. He bites his lip but it doesn't muffle the whimper as he sinks into you and you arch, the sound almost sending you over the edge.
"Shit – fuck," he gasps, clutching tightly at your thigh.
"I know baby," you whine, digging your fingers into his scalp.
"Knew you'd feel good," he whispers between noisy kisses, holding your thigh against his hip as he presses as deep as possible.
"You feel better," you pant. It's like he was built to fill you, and when he's over you like this you can feel his heartbeat against your chest, thrilled that it's racing as fast as yours. It's almost perfect, the way he feels in and over you, but you need more. Your body craves all of him and you whisper a plea, feeling a shiver ripple through him.
He begins to move. Slow and tender, holding your thigh and cupping your neck. Breathless, almost sloppy kisses between echoing gasps and whines and moans. Your nails drag over his skin and you revel in the way he practically whimpers your name. His room is soon overheated, sweat beading on your skin and he inhales sharply, dipping his head to lick it from your throat then leans back, fingers dragging down your front.
You arch into his touch and it leaves goosebumps in its wake. So good. The words echo over and over in your mind, falling from your mouth like a fervent mantra.
"Look at you," he moans, resting his hand on your lower abdomen. "You're being so good, taking all of me."
"Fuck," you whisper, shocked that the phrase has you clenching and dripping around him. If he keeps that up you know you'll cum again—
"C'mon." It's a low, breathy groan. "Work for it, baby."
You grab at the sheets then at him, needing to feel his skin as you begin to roll your hips. He matches your pace, his hands keeping you steady when your back arches and you cry out his name.
"Yes, just like that," he whispers.
"I know, I know…" He leans down, nipping at your bottom lip then kisses you, and you can feel his neediness. "You feel so good, y/n—"
"Gonna cum," you whimper, clutching at his sides then his back, your hips jerking now. Your head falls back, the heat in and around you almost overwhelming and in the split second before you break you hear him whimper.
He wraps his arms around you as you arch off the bed, holding you to him, his hips moving steadily, his voice coaxing you – let it out, baby, let me hear you. You shudder and scream, panting when he drags you upright with him, lips crashing against yours while he holds you. "Don't stop," he begs, an edge to his voice, and his hands slip on your skin, grasping tight enough to leave bruises. "Give it to me again, love."
"C-can't," you whine, wrapping your arms around his neck. And even though you say it you move, trembling and panting, stars blinding you.
Or maybe it's just the pure desperation in his eyes.
"Yes you can," he murmurs. One hand slips between you and there's giddiness in his smile when his fingers strum your clit and you let out a shout.
"It's—" You curl your fingers in his hair, feel the sweat, hear his heavenly moan. And words you never thought you'd say tumble from your mouth. "It's never been this good – I love it."
His arm tightens around you and you feel his cock twitch inside you. "Me too," he whispers, other hand dancing up your spine and cupping the back of your head, his fingers still steady on your clit. "Love it, y/n."
"Don't stop," you beg, rocking harder in his lap.
Lando whines softly, tongue darting over your lips. "You're gonna make me cum."
You slow, enjoying his little growl. Invigorated by his eagerness, you have a split second of panic because he's not wearing a condom but it's immediately forgotten, your toes curling as his fingers rub harder. And for a nanosecond you imagine being pregnant with his child. "Lan…"
"Need it. This. You." It's nonsense but not really, mumbled against your lips, his eyes drifting closed. "Love it. This…"
"You," you breathe.
His eyes snap open and he gasps, panic flashing then disappearing when you nod. "Not supposed to."
"Can't help it," you moan.
He hisses, squeezing his eyes shut. "D'you want to not?"
"No," you cry.
He kisses you, guiding you back down, and it's bliss, it's heaven, it's pure ecstasy, it's everything it's supposed to be. Euphoria wrapped in blazing heat and vivid light. He's whimpering and moaning against your lips, hips flush with yours and straining, and another orgasm crashes through you at the feel of him cumming, his body your new temple, his name your new prayer.
When you can breathe again you wait for the awkwardness. The weirdness. But it doesn't come. He's still tender and sweet, murmuring even more praise. His hands are gentle where they'd been rough, his lips soft on your cheeks. When he pulls away there's a mutual hiss, and you see the smirk of pride when he looks down to see his cum trickling out of you.
"You can take a photo if you like," you joke, watching his cheeks darken as he grins at you.
"Don't tempt me." He leans to give you another kiss. "Be right back."
You nod, humming as he drags the covers over you before he leaves. He goes into the bathroom and you lie there, surrounded by his scent, feeling his sweat dry on your skin, body still tingling from the best sex you've ever had. You sigh, wondering when the guilt will creep in.
It doesn't yet but you know it will eventually.
Lando returns, washcloths in hand, and you're both silent while he clears the drying sweat from your body, eyes locking when he gently cleans your slit. He flings the cloths towards the bathroom and sits on the edge of the bed, fixing the duvet over you.
You sit up, recognizing the vulnerability. It's rare that Lando's like this. He confesses to weaknesses but rarely ever bares them, and it almost breaks your heart, hearing the worry in his voice. Waiting for him to speak, you watch his fingers pleat and twist then smooth the fabric of the duvet.
"What happens now?" he whispers, slowly lifting his head at the same time as you.
"I don't know," you admit.
He nods, swallowing, and looks away.
"I'll go," you say. Because you can't do this. You can't be awkward with him. Better to just pull away even though it's too late for that. Ripping the bandage off will leave a scar but it's for the best. You'll only hurt him more if you stick around.
You're nearly off the bed when he finally speaks again.
"Stay." It's barely a whisper. The sound of him stretching across the bed is louder, and his fingers grasping at yours are loudest of all.
You know what will happen if you do. You can't even let yourself think of what's already happened, how you're no better than the boyfriend you allegedly love, or how everything has changed.
"I meant it," he says, his voice stronger now.
You look from his hand to his face.
"I wanted this. But… I need you." His voice shakes a little but he says the words and you know how much it means that he's doing this.
Lando doesn't discuss his feelings. Ever. You asked him once and he shrugged, eyes shuttering as he'd explained he'd been hurt too much before. Turning your hand, you let your fingers twine with his.
"I wanted this." He draws in a shaky breath. "I know I wasn't supposed to, but I…"
You wait, knowing he has to work through it. He hates for anyone to put words in his mouth. So you give him the time, unconsciously pulling your legs back onto the bed.
"I like this." He gestures to the twisted sheets. "More than I dreamed I would. But… I love us, y/n."
"I love us too," you whisper.
His sigh trembles the air around you. Looking at your joined hands, he rubs his thumb over your knuckles. "Stay."
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theorphicangel · 7 months
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author’s note: this man is making me SICK I need to write for him.
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- waits for you outside of your lecture or seminar room, somehow knows your timetable off by heart 🤨
- but he gets so gooey and happy inside at seeing your face light up at him when you spot him
- this man has got your snacks when you’re studying for finals, whatever you want or whatever you need, he has got it!
- and he knows how to calm you down if you get stressed out
“breathe with me, c’mon— in and out.”
- after your finals, he’ll treat you to a basket of all your favourite snacks, drinks and self care products to help you rewind
“m’so proud of you, okay? don’t forget that.”
- knows your coffee order by heart — you still get surprised when he buys a cup just for you and your favourite blueberry muffin
- saves you a seat at lectures if you take the same subject or saves a seat at the library too; a cosy spot where the two of you won’t be disturbed by satoru anyone
- very good listener when you’re ranting about your group work projects or your shitty professor who gave you a poor mark
“and she did nothing — absolutely nothing for the group project!”
“I can’t believe that, princess. drop her.”
- middle finger each and everytime satoru gags at the two of you kiss — not heavy PDA but just a lil kiss when you’re leaving for class and toru acts soooooo dramatic
“Ewwww get away from me, you freaks!”
- oh and best believe suguru is soooo quick to respond
“Where’s that girl you were fucking with last night? Jennifer, right?”
- for once that shuts satoru up.
- always knows how to motivate you if you ever want to quit
“don’t you want to prove that bitchy cousin of yours wrong?”
- You cheer up a little at the reminder, now motivated to get the grades you need
“atta’ girl.”
- if you do ever get a bad day every once in a while, he’s there, if you call him.
- the two of you don’t even have to do anything, just sitting in a comfortable silence with each other
- he makes you forget about your schedule and lectures deciding to dedicate a whole self care day for you even if it means eating a pile of shit and watching movies all day
- maybe he’d suggest a walk to clear your head in the fresh air, going to infamous route of your favourite restaurant and treating you to a dinner
- or take out is always an option if you don’t feel like being in a social setting
- you practically live at his dorm/apartment.
-clothes, accessories, your missing pens are always found at his place — you have to ignore satoru’s complaints that you guys are kicking him out as a roommate
- leaves post stick notes on your books and study materials, just little reminders to have a good day or to call him later
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no pls I swear I love toru here are his college bf! headcanons okay bye
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cemeteryvalentine · 6 days
astro observations part 4 !!! ^____^
(specifically based off my family :3 pleaseee don't get offended at anything that doesn't resonate)
🗝️: one thing about a sag placement, they are gonna hang up FIRST !!! i swear, if anyone misses flip phones, it's a sag placement/dominant. i just know they miss snapping that phone shut in a petty manner LOL. my mom is a sag moon AND rising, and she'd call me and demand me to do something in such a bitchy tone and then hang up on me like girl who tf do u think u areee 😭😭😭😭 LMFAO. but honestly good for her, i love being petty like her.
like i swear i take after my mom because everytime she does that annoying hang up before i can respond thing, i call her again just to say a snarky remark, and hang up on her back!
🐇: i swear, virgo placements have no problem being the grossest people alive, but suddenly it's a problem when someone else does it :/// it's really annoying. my brother has a pigsty of a bedroom, doesn't wash his hand when he pisses unless i make him, and leaves his trash everywhere, but constantly gets on my sister for the same things 😭. like the calls coming from inside the house !!! i think basically, (some) virgos are like picky(?) with what areas they'd want clean. like they're only really comfortable with THEIR mess and no one else's.
🗝️: i love how pisces mercury communicate because it's like what the hel are u awn about 😭 in the NICEST way though :3 they're so kewl and interesting to talk to, plus they're so nice and understanding. maybe because they're water mercuries after all. speaking of, my favorite artist ever kurt cobain was a pisces mercury and it SHOWSSS. a lot of nirvana lyrics feel artistic and metaphoric, or just realllyyyy silly. liiike "angel left wing, right wing, broken wing. lack of iron and or sleeping" from milk it, one of my nirvana faves. and "i vomit C*M and DIARRHEA". like girl whatever that means !!!! (song, mexican seafood)
🐇: mars influence on the asc makes for prominent features. especially eyebrows. my brother has an aries rising and he has such a bad case of RBF. i swear he never looks happy 😭 his virgo sun and cap moon definitely don't help at all either. then im a mars rising and i have big eyebrows like my brother. like we're the only ones with big eyebrows, while our parents brows look invisible LOL. also i'm a virgo rising !! and ppl are always saying i look mad which honestly pisses me off :P so in conclusion, mars influence + virgo placements = major rbf
🗝️: i HATE to add on to the cancer hate train since i'm one myself and i loveee being one + we get soo much hate, but i feel a (unevolvled) cancer makes for the worst pick me girl ever !!!! this def doesn't apply to all cancers, but the few cancer women i know can be so mean to other women so unprovoked. especially my mom, it gives me the ick when she calls random women b*tches or makes fun of them to me for their features or success or soemthing. i used to be a pick me too up until i was like 13 (im soooo happy i grew out of that mess QUICK!). i would constantly strive for male attention, it was embarrassing 😭. ik another girl who values her shitty boyfriend over her (girl) friends and i haaate it. like ive only known a few cancer women, but a lot of them are like the meanest pick me bitch ever, or such a sweeet, caring soul :). i feel like being a pick me stems from cancers being feminine AND traditional. yk? i pray i make sense, but yk how it's traditional for girls to be perfect for her man, and value him no matter the circumstance ?? and cancer/moon being **traditional** ? yeahhh 😭
anywayzzz that's all :3 tyyy for reading !! i had sm making a new observations, considering it's been a year since my last LMFAOO. and again, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. ty bye ^__^
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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(Based on ip that Mana Omega kindly has allowed me to use.)
Riley Green wished his Dad had never remarried. It wasn't that he disliked his step-mom Rachel Grey, it was her bitchy daughter Riley that made his life feel like hell. Thanks to the marriage, they were now two teens exactly the same age, in the same class at school and now even living together in the same house.
But despite those superficial similarities, they couldn't be two more different people.
Firstly; it was incredibly annoying having the same name as your step-sister. Packages were constantly arriving at the house for the female Riley and if male Riley forgot to check the label properly, he'd often find himself holding a bra or a sexy tight fitting bodystocking from Shein or Pretty Little Thing.
Much to his embarrassment, Riley had found himself keeping one of the bras. It was a 34D leopard skin print bra. He would sometimes jerk off whilst wearing it; not really sure why he found the thought of having Riley's big tits on his chest such a fucking turn on; but doing it anyway. He was definitely NOT gay, but there was something going on there that made him hard. He knew it was wrong to steal underwear, but somehow it just felt so good. Riley never commented on the bra going missing, maybe she thought it had gotten lost in the post.
After all, she wasn't very careful with money. Riley seemed to have a unlimited spend amount on her credit-card and was constantly buying new clothes to keep up with the popular girl fashions. She was basically a spoiled brat. If Mommy wouldn't buy it for her, she'd usually find some guy to give her what she wanted.
Riley was into social media and seemed to spend more time building up followers on Insta or Tiktok then doing anything useful with her life. Riley didn't think his step-sister was shallow, he knew she was. She seemed to date a new guy every week and as far as Riley could tell she was definitely sexually active. Sometimes he'd hear... noises from her room. Noises that made him really horny.
One night he'd heard a sexy low buzzing from her room. He'd lain propped up against the wall, his stolen bra stuffed with socks as he listened to his step-sister groan and moan and he jerked his cock to the sounds of her pleasure. She was obviously using a vibrator or magic wand and he wondered if one of the packages that had passed through his hands had actually been a sex-toy. It made him wish he had accidentally opened THAT package.
"Ohhhh fuck yeahhhh I'm soooo fucking wet, mmmmmmhhhh..."
He had cum so hard that night.
The thought of what he might do with a dildo or butt-plug made him blush. No... he was definitely straight, these were just some weird ideas he was sometimes having. It was all the fault of having such a slutty step-sister.
Indeed, the main problem with living with her was that Riley was so fucking hot. She had a big round bubble-butt, large firm breasts and a gorgeous face. She looked good in everything and she had the spoiled, knowing, mean girl bimbo look that made boys weak. She always wore the sexiest outfits, had long sexy nails and was the purist vision of toxic femininity possible. She loved to tease Riley, manipulate and use him. She seemed to get off on the power she had over him.
In fact - in order to differentiate between them, Riley had popularised the use of his hated nickname Ry. Now nearly everyone called him Ry and it sucked.
The two of them couldn't be more unalike. Riley was popular, hot, pretty and sexually confident - Ry was dorky, nervous, unconfident and a virgin.
About the only advantage Ry had over Riley was that he was smart. A lot smarter. In fact he was a bit of a genius. Riley had used that to her advantage though, swiftly learning that now they shared a house it was pretty easy to copy Ry's homework and manipulate him into helping her grades improve.
"Ohhh you're such a good step-brother," she'd purr as she got another A- on a paper. "Hey, did I mention I have some new social media photos I'd like you to 'examine' for me. Let me air-drop them to your phone.'
Riley had learned that if she provided images of herself, her step-brother would do whatever she wanted. He was addicted to her beauty and femininity - whilst she found his intelligence useful.
Getting her brother to cheat for her had paid dividends. In fact Riley's grades had improved SO much as a result of her using her step-brother, her Mom had promised she could go to a music festival with her slutty friends, provided she passed the final test.
The final test.
There would be no way to cheat on that. Riley's frustrations were evident. Her Step-Bro couldn't exactly sit the test for her and she wasn't smart enough to pass without cheating.
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"Listen babe, you need to find a way to help me pass that test. I need to go to that music festival with my girlies. Find a way to make me smarter or something. Just imagine how hot I'll look in all the pictures I can send you."
Ry scratched his head. What was he supposed to do? You couldn't exactly make another person... smarter in under a week, could you?
Hmmmm, that jogged a strange memory. About a year ago, Ry had been following an interesting online science blog from a girl in another town. Laura Sims was another science prodigy (who he'd actually had a bit of a crush on). One day she'd just stopped posting, but he remembered her putting up some interesting ideas for a hi tech Crispr solution. The idea was the solution would eradicate genetic weaknesses in whoever drank it by taking the strengths from someone else's DNA.
It took a bit of searching - strangely Laura Sims no longer seemed to have much of an online presence. He found some information for a Laura Richie - some bitch from the same town who appeared to be living a life of decadence - but eventually succeeded in using the internet archives to find the page instead.
Laura had luckily uploaded her formula, hoping to 'open source' test it. He wondered why she'd taken everything down?
It didn't take long to create the formula. The advice from Laura was to try it before bed to give it time to activate. The main changes would come the day after. Riley looked on doubtfully as Ry took one of his head hairs and put it into the liquid. He gave it to her to drink. "This will give you my intelligence and smarts."
"Okay - if you're sure. I'll try anything to get to that festival."
Riley drank. "Ughhh, it tastes sour. Okay, let's hope this works. I'll go and start revising - maybe I'll get some early gains."
She left the room. As she did so, Ry noticed one of her long sexy head hairs had come free and was just lying there on the table. A terrible temptation overcame him. What if? What if he used the solution too? It wouldn't make him smart, but maybe it would make him more attractive and confident.
Feeling a little guilty, he dissolved the hair and drank the solution. It tasted sweet and his skin tingled, but nothing else seemed to happen. Weird... Riley had said it was sour.
Inside their bodies, the Crispr solution went to work. Riley's female DNA rushed through Ry's body, overwriting his cells. There was no melding here - no balancing. Riley's bitchy DNA was taking control and spreading like a wild-fire through his body.
Meanwhile Riley was also having her female cells consumed slowly and methodically by Ry's. The virus was even spreading to her brain, dendrites and synapses rewiring and altering to make her think like he did.
Now it was just a matter of waiting. The changes would soon be on their way
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Waking up groggily, Riley had to admit she didn't feel great. Her whole body felt sluggish and weak, like she had a really bad cold. Walking to the mirror she despaired to see that her usually flawless skin seemed a bit blotchy and riddled with acne, similar to her dorky step-bros. What the hell was his stupid formula doing to her?
Looking down she blushed. Her tits seemed obscenely large on her chest. She couldn't believe she usually allowed herself to walk around flaunting them like this. It didn't normally bother her, but now for some reason it did. She searched through her wardobe and finding a hoody, slid it on.
Her eyes seemed to be struggling. Maybe it was the light in here? Switching on the lights she tiredly walked to her makeup vanity and paused. Makeup? What was the point of makeup? She was only going to study for a test today.
Ignoring her usual cleansing routines and preparations, Riley took down the large Maths text-book she was supposed to be studying and opened it up. It was only twenty minutes later, that she realised she had become engrossed in the book without even realising it.
Her usually flippant mind that jumped from subject to subject seemed sharper and more focused. Sitting down at her desk, she began to study in earnest.
Ry opened his eyes and slid easily out of bed. He was usually a night person, so to find not only that he had slept well, but that he didn't feel tired of fatigued was a revelation to him.
He actually felt fucking great this morning. The Crispr solution seemed to be working. Walking to the mirror, Ry grinned in satisfaction. His usually bad skin was clearer and ever so slightly tanned. He had a healthy glow for the first time in years.
In fact his whole body seemed more toned with a healthier shape. He hadn't put any muscle on as far as he could see, but proportionally, everything seemed 'better'. The only downsides were a strange itching and puffiness on his chest and a few other weird changes.
His ass seemed fatter and slightly bigger. His hair seemed to have increased in length and volume. It gave him a rather... feminine... shape. He ignored the strange thrill of delight that brought him.
"It's early days for these changes yet. I just need to give it more time. I'll probably fill out and look more manly in the next stage. Probably to be expected I'd mirror a few of Riley's assets."
He wondered how Riley was getting on...
"Amazing," giggled Riley in satisfaction. Her mind was definitely getting faster. The hot sweats had started again earlier and she was having even more difficulty seeing, but it didn't matter to her anymore because the knowledge she was experiencing was so captivating.
She rubbed at her chest. Her boobs were really aching. For some reason her bra didn't seem to fit... it kept dropping down loose. She knew that cup sizes did change, she'd alternated between a 32 and 34 bust for years - but this felt different.
Her boobs seemed noticeably smaller. She'd always been proud of her big bust, her massive tits. Now she felt smaller and weaker without them. Strangely her clit seemed engorged today though. She'd had to stop doing her studying a few times to rub at the stiff little nub between her legs. If she'd had a more active imagination she'd say it seemed to be growing... almost like a tiny little cock.
But that would be crazy... right?
Ry rubbed at his chest. There was definitely something there and it was growing at a faster rate now. Sweat dripped from his body and he could almost hear his bones cracking and shifting within his body. It felt... pleasurable and strangely addictive. A desire for more transformation and a faster change rose within him. It felt like something good was happening to him. He wanted more of it.
Ry felt feverish and knew that the Crispr solution was spreading through his body like a virus. It had now reached critical mass and the changes were accelerating. Riley's DNA should be merging with his own, but it didn't feel like that. Something was wrong... or was it... right?
His skin felt softer, his hips seemed to have pushed out wider. The lumps on his chest definitely felt like breasts and his hair had doubled in length again.
"Ohhhhh fuckkkk," he groaned as another series of pops and cracks within his body sent him into spasms of pleasure. "Uggggh, what's happening to me?"
His pushed his chest out and grunted... the bumps on his chest got even bigger.
"I can't fucking see," groaned Riley as she reached up to her face. Her vision was totally blurry now. Her body felt wrecked and strangely weak. She looked down. Her chest was smaller now... her once large D cup tits now barely a B cup.
Staggering to her mirror, Riley saw her hair looked shorter. Her skin was paler and her soft feminine features seemed a little more boyish. Her swollen clit had formed a little bulge in her leggings. She could almost imagine a pair of balls were growing underneath it and her pussy sealing up, but that would be crazy!
Riley massaged her throat. Her voice was croaky and there was a strange lump in her throat that she had never noticed before. She'd been told boys had them... Adam's apples they were called.
Sweat dripped down her body. She rubbed at her armpits. They needed shaving again, which was weird because she'd only waxed them a few days ago.
"What the fuck is this solution doing to me?" she groaned. "No increase in intelligence is worth this. I have to find Ry!"
She staggered to the hallway, then out into the living room. Her vision was swimming, she was nearly blind now. Everything ached and her breasts felt even smaller. Her head hurt... she just needed to...
With a groan Riley sank onto a sofa and passed out.
Ry groaned as his face burned and his back ached. His hands went to his chest, there were now two big rounded mounds there just like the ones he had always imagined owning when he wore his sisters bra. Sweat was pouring off him and his vision was all blurry. He reached up and tore off his glasses. Strange, but now he could see again.
His voice seemed croaky, his neck sore. His face felt different, the features more delicate. Long hair tickled his neck. "I fucked up somehow," he groaned. "The Crispr is making me INTO Riley. I have to find her and warn her."
Staggering out of the room, dizzy and sick - he staggered into the living room. A figure was passed out on one of the couches. He tried to approach, but instead his legs began to give way. With a groan, Ry staggered to the other couch and collapsed.
Darkness took him and then the strangest dreams he'd ever had.
Meanwhile Riley's DNA continued to consume his own and change his body... the physical changes were now nearly complete...
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Ry awoke and for a second didn't know where he was.
The room smelled different. It smelt of sexy perfume. The sheets around him were pink and girly. Riley's clothes hung on racks around the room, plushies and cushions covered every surface.
He was naked in the bed.
A post it note lay on the table by the bed.
"Morning baby, me and your step-daddy found you and your brother passed out in the lounge. Were you partying last night? We put you both to bed in the right rooms and I undressed you. Were those your brothers clothes you were wearing? What were you doing? Lol Mom. XXX"
Pulling back the sheets, Ry saw his body had completely changed. He was no longer feverish, and the big wobbling tits on his chest were definitely real. His skin was healthy and lightly tanned, he had no body hair except for a tiny strip just above his... pussy?
Reaching down, Ry gasped at the sensation of his new vagina. He snatched his hand back in shock, although the urge to put it back there swiftly returned. Sliding out of the bed, he landed onto small perfect feet, then padding quietly across the room, he reached the mirror and stared in wonder.
Riley looked back at him. Well almost. He didn't have Riley's tattoos or her ear, nose or navel piercings. He didn't have any makeup on and his hair was a mess. His fingers and toes were unmanicured... but other than that... he looked just like her.
"Holy shit," he said in her voice.
The resemblance was so perfect, that last night her own Mother hadn't recognised that he was not really her girl. Riley's DNA had changed him into her. That probably meant in the other bedroom, Riley was now waking up as a physical copy of him.
And yet it wasn't just the physical changes. Something profound had happened to his mind, to his very soul.
The Crispr virus had infiltrated every cell of Ry's body, including his brain. He had been rewired and altered. He felt a new natural confidence, sexual assurance and a strong desire to monopolise on this situation. His personality was now more like Riley's than ever before. Even in his darkest dreams he could never have imagined being such a fucking bitch.
"Yesssss, I've always wanted to be Riley," he said in a slightly evil voice. "Mmmmh, I think I knew what that Crispr virus was going to do to us... but I did it anyway. I did it because I wanted to steal her life. I want to be Riley Grey... not Riley Green."
"And now that I used the Crispr," he purred allowing this delicious new persona to take control, "I am. Even Mommy thinks that I am. I am fucking Riley Grey and I want it ALL."
A wicked grin appeared on his face and he allowed his body language to relax. How did hot girls stand... ahhh yes, like this.
"These big tits are mine, mmmmh and this perfect ass. I've been remade in your image," he laughed. "A couple of trips to the hairdressers and the tattoo artists to get inked up and pierced... and no one would ever know the difference between us. This is my chance to assume your life and become the new you. I'm not going to waste it."
Riley smiled as she began looking for some clothes to wear. She just had to make 'Ry' understand that it was best to go along with what she wanted. The switch in pronouns was so easy to make... it suited her like a glove.
She was a woman now, she had all the equipment and soon no one would ever know she had ever been her dorky step-brother...
She just had to manipulate him the correct way.
Riley awoke feeling like death. Her vision was still blurry and she felt weak and wiped out.
"Here, put these on," said a familiar voice and her vision swam back into focus as a pair of glasses slid onto her face. "Don't panic. It's me, your step-brother. Honestly, I didn't plan for this to happen. The Crispr has gone wrong... I tried it too using one of your hairs. I'm afraid we've become copies of each other."
Riley gasped as she saw herself sitting on the end of the bed. Her hair was a fucking mess and she needed some makeup, but other than that it was definitely her.
Pulling back the sheets, she groaned in a very masculine sounding voice. Her body was now entirely masculine, a small cock and a pair of balls between her legs. Her boobs were gone and her flabby white body was that of a nerdy dork.
"Oh no, we have to fix this."
"I know," said her doppleganger, "but there's a big problem. We're changing mentally as well as physically. I'm not smart enough to make the Crispr anymore so I need you help to make a new batch, then we can try to reverse these changes. "
"But I don't know how to do it either," she complained.
"I'm sure you'll find a way," purred her twin. "I'll give you the notes I made and hopefully you can decode them. In the meantime we need to act like each other so no one gets suspicious. We'll have to dress like we normally would, you'll have to hide those tattoos and those piercings. I don't know how long we might be stuck like this. I guess it could be weeks!"
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It had been a month.
Riley and Riley were becoming more and more like each other by the day.
Ry, as he was now known, had still not figured out how to make the Crispr. Probably because before she had given him the notes - the new Riley had made sure to delete certain important elements from the research.
Genuinely she wasn't smart enough anymore to remember or understand what she had removed - just that it had been enough to stop him. Hopefully that would be enough.
Riley didn't want a way back. She wanted to go deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole of femininity. In the last month she had discovered that being a hot, popular, girl was pretty much as amazing as she had dreamed it would be.
First of all there was the makeup and the clothes. They all made her look and feel incredible. If that wasn't enough, there was the enjoyment of sex.
Remembering that buzzing she'd heard all that time ago, Riley had uncovered the sex-toy collection. The first time she'd pushed a magic wand against her clit and felt it throb and vibrate, she'd known she was now a female sex addict.
It hadn't taken long to move from toys to the real thing... boys. There were plenty of guys wanting to fuck a hot slut like her, and after a couple of introductory sessions with some of Riley's ex-lovers - the new Riley had really picked up the pace.
There was nothing quite like bouncing on some hard cock and cumming all over it as a girl. It was such a good feeling.
If that wasn't enough, there was the social life. Riley loved being the centre of attention now... going to parties, having fun, everyone wanting to be her friend. She found the company of other hot girls intoxicating. To be part of the squad was like a dream come true.
Riley understood now she'd always harboured these desires. She'd always wanted to be like her step-sister and the Crispr had provided a way.
Of course, that meant that the new Ry probably now harboured her old desires... to cross dress and be a girl. They had probably only been heightened by the loss of his actual femininity.
Riley wondered if she could use that against him...
She wondered just how far it was possible to gaslight her new step-brother...
DAY 60
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"Babe. What the fuck are you actually talking about? What Crispr research, I didn't delete anything from your hard-drive."
Ry stared at his sister in astonishment. Over the last few months he'd come to think of himself as male - it was somehow easier that way. His memories of being Riley were a confusing mess, sometimes it didn't even feel real. That was why it was now so confusing when Riley actually suggested it wasn't.
Over the last few days she'd been acting increasingly difficult. She kept giving him blank looks when he mentioned getting their bodies back and she had been dropping hints in from of him that he might be losing his mind.
"Listen Ry, I know you have this weird fetish for dressing up in my clothes... I found one of my bras in your room."
"Wh? WHAT? Well, those ARE my clothes," he growled angrily. "Before we swapped, those were ALL my clothes."
"Swapped, what the hell are you taking about? You keep going on about this weird dream fantasy of yours. Are you really suggesting that two months ago we both drank a formula that altered our DNA and turned us into each other. Don't you think that sounds kinda crazy?"
"It's not crazy... and when I find the research, I'll prove it to you!"
Riley watched him go with an evil smile on her perfect lips.
DAY 260
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Riley sighed as her annoying step-bro peeked through her door. He was such a fucking pervert and always hanging around. He was easy to convince though. Sometimes she had trouble remembering her own lies now - manipulating him was getting easier by the day.
"Hey loser, get out of here. I told you I'm about to stream and I don't want you watching me."
"But Riley, I think I found something. A blog about this girl called Laura Sims, the same thing happened to her... I think."
"What thing?"
"You know, the Crispr solution... the DNA exchange. The personality and memory changes."
"Listen Ry, I already told you I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Worse than that, I think it's time you admitted the truth. Do you really think a pathetic little loser like you could ever have been a beautiful gorgeous woman like me? Does it seem possible? Of course not. You're a boy and you've always been a boy."
"I have? What about these weird scars I have. They could be from tattoo removal right? Maybe I once had the same tattoos as you?"
"You know you got those in a fire right? Are you really suggesting that once you were me. That you had these tattoos and these piercings? That you and me somehow swapped lives and then I gaslit you into believing you had always been a boy?"
"I know it sounds crazy but..."
"It does sound crazy. Would it even matter? Would anyone believe you? I think you'll be happier if you just accept things are this way now, whatever you believe."
Sliding her hand onto his crotch, Riley grinned as she saw her step-brothers expression go soft.
"Mmmmh, why don't we stroke this little cock of yours to make it feel all better. Hmmmm?"
Ry groaned as his step-sister expertly jerked him off till he groaned and came. He watched her hot manicured hands slowly pump him up and down, draining his cock and all resistance out of him.
"There now. Feel better?"
"Yessss," he groaned.
"Good boy. Now get out of here. Go and goon in your room or something."
Listening to her step-brother grunting next door as he jerked off wearing her bra, Riley Grey played with her pussy and looked at herself in the mirror. Damn she was perfect. She was beautiful and sexy and hot. She loved being a girl.
She didn't even miss her old boy smarts. Who needed brains when you looked this good? Then again, she'd been doing a little research lately. She and Laura Richie had made contact and she had been intrigued by what she had found out.
She'd found out from the other girl that there was a second serum... one designed to improve the effects of the first. One that would make her a Goddess.
Maybe it was time to begin another new experiment...
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 1 month
gruvia drabble
author’s note: HI!!! ok so im here. im risen. im inspired. here’s something FUNNYYYY about the inspo for this… so its based off of a theory from an anti gr*via post LMAOOO this feels soooo bitchy but i swear to GOD it is not a call out it is just genuinely something that gave me inspiration. so basically an anti said that gray doesnt actually have feelings for juvia and he is just saying that he does because he feels indebted to her for saving his life. sorta kinda something like that. im not gonna go back and look bc tbh i may have blocked the account? JFJDKDJDJ idk. anyways. here’s this. you’ll see where my heads at in a sec bc ur probably like “ok so how tf is that gonna be a gruvia fic” just WAIT ok my gears are turning. this one is a lot longer (and possiblyyyyyy OOC but in my defense!!!!!!!!! picture how gray would act if he were in an established relationship with juvia. like boyfriend girlfriend. for six months.) than it should have been BUT lets call it even for my million year hiatus. ENJOY BABIES!
Although Juvia had hardly gotten any sleep this past night, rolling around in her sheets all night with excitement, she certainly walked with a spring in her step when she eagerly made her way to the local convenience store.
She would’ve been lying if she said she hadn’t thought about setting up camp outside the little shop that night so that way she could hold those glorious, glossy, pieces of paper bound together by glue as soon as physically possible. Fortunately, she was reasoned with when Gray quickly pointed out the ridiculousness of the notion after she had brought it up to him as a genuine idea.
Making sure to get up bright and early the day of the big release would do. As long as she would be the first person in the store with the very first copy of that week’s edition of Sorcerer Magazine in her hands, she would be content.
Naturally, Gray initially rejected the idea. It was so completely and irrevocably unlike him. An interview about himself, just him, was a tall order, but an interview with him and Juvia, as a couple? There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell. For Gray, opening up to the people closest to him was hard enough. Even finally getting the nerve to ask Juvia on a date was something that took a great deal of time and effort. Things so personal like this were hard for him.
All these years in Fairy Tail, and he’s hardly spoken more than a few sentences to Sorcerer Magazine, let alone sitting down for a tell-all interview.
Unfortunately for him, his enthusiastic water mage was over the moon when Sorcerer Magazine reached out to them for an interview.
Public displays of affection were never Gray’s strong suit, and after finally realizing his feelings for Juvia, he still isn’t a fan. As much as he would deny it, he had become quite a softy with Juvia behind closed doors, but as soon as those doors open, he retreats back to his shell-like and cool exterior.
Even after a good six months of dating, Juvia really didn’t mind. It’s not like he acted like he didn’t know her. They went on dates, they were finally an official item, and he would even do subtle things like resting his hand lightly on her leg under the table at the guild hall or give a “Love you, see you later” loud enough for Happy to hear even knowing he’ll snicker and tease Gray about it for the next few minutes.
All in all, they were both content with the amount of their relationship they let others see.
So something like an interview with a very popular magazine would certainly throw a wrench in all of that for Gray.
But Juvia begged, and begged, and begged, and finally, once they came to an agreement about the types of questions they would answer and the depth of their answers, Gray agreed to the interview. After all, it would make her happy, and he was comfortable enough with himself and his self esteem at this point to be able to do this for her.
Juvia was elated with how the interview went. Of course, she had done most of the talking, but she was happy to do so. She tried her best to hold back on doting too much as to save Gray some embarrassment, and she thought she mostly succeeded. Even when questions got a little personal, like asking about how Juvia got the scar on her side (of course, with her new stripping habit when in battle, her scar is easily visible for large enough periods of time), she answered as succinctly and lightly as possible while still giving an honest answer.
So to say the headline that Juvia saw that morning plastered on the front of that cold and stiff magazine was horrifying was an understatement.
“Gray and Juvia: Girlfriend or Guilt Trip?”
Juvia wasn’t sure how many times the clerk at the store had asked “Miss? Are you alright?” before her consciousness finally came back into this orbit. She blinked for the first time in what may have been minutes, and looked up at the clerk. Without giving a reply, she looked back down at the magazine, and saw the picture they used, which was Juvia clinging to Gray, wrapped around his arm.
Gray’s face in the picture became warped by a water droplet hitting the cover, and then another droplet, and then another. It wasn’t until she looked back up at the clerk who looked even more concerned than before that she realized those water droplets came from her eyes.
“Sorry.” She quietly said as she handed the magazine to the cashier so he could scan it, handed him a bill of some value that she wasn’t entirely sure of, took the magazine back into her trembling hand, and left the store without getting her change.
Juvia got back to her apartment even quicker than she got to the store that morning. Every part of her mind told her not to do it, not to read the magazine, but then why did she buy it? Her brain screamed at her to put it down, not to go to the page of that article, but then why did her fingers frantically flip to page 14, just as instructed on the cover?
Each word was not only a dagger to Juvia’s very soul, but also a twisted reasoning and explanation, that Juvia fully believed by the end of her read. She couldn’t quite make the words into sentences or the sentences into paragraphs but as she buried herself in her covers, some phrases repeatedly burned into her mind and punched her in the gut such as “clingy”, “desperate”, and “leech”.
The worst part of it all weren’t the attacks at Juvia, but it was what this all meant for Gray. He was trapped.
He was her prisoner.
A prisoner that was bound to her out of a crippling feeling of guilt and sense of responsibility.
She may have been in her bed writhing in agony and mortification over these words for hours until a bang on her apartment door jolted her back to reality.
“Juvia? You in there?” Said that voice she knew all too well. How could someone’s voice be both such a comfort and a misery? She needed to hear him more than anyone at this moment and yet, she couldn’t bear to hold him hostage for another second.
She hoped if she said nothing, he would go away. But this was not the case.
The door slowly opened. “Juvia? Are you here? I’m coming in.” She winced as his voice got closer, now coming from her living room.
Her apartment wasn’t very big, so he found her in her bedroom in the next few moments. All Gray could see was a lump that was seemingly her body, crunched up into a balled up position, bound under her covers. Not even her face was out.
He stood in her doorway, not wanting to fully intrude “So you are here. Good.” He said calmly. “I was kinda’ worried when you didn’t meet me at the cafe this morning like you said you would.” Juvia then remembered they had plans to get breakfast together, bright and early, so she could gush about their big debut as a couple. Those plans changed
“Oh.” She said softly. “Juvia is sorry Gray-sama.” She tried to speak as clearly as she could knowing her voice was muffled underneath her blanket. “Juvia didn’t feel well this morning.” She lied.
“Oh.” Gray replied. He took a step into the room. “You sick?” He stretched his neck over her a bit to see if he could get any sort of glimpse at her face, but to no avail.
“Yes.” Juvia sniffled, using her congestion from her tears as fuel for her lies. “Juvia thinks it’s just allergies.”
Gray raised an eyebrow. Something was off. “Allergies? Since when do you have allergies?”
Juvia remembered in this moment that lying was not one of her strong suits. She was far too unapologetically herself to ever lie about anything, and she was just plain bad at it. To say she doesn’t have a good poker face would be putting it lightly.
“Well— Um—!” The pitch in her voice jumped with nervousness. “This spring has been a really brutal one! Pollen has been all over the place, and it’s driving Juvia crazy!” She finished with a fake sneeze, sealing her fate.
“It’s November.” Gray said, dryly.
Juvia’s face lit up a red so bright, she was sure she was glowing from underneath her covers.
After a few more moments of no response as Juvia tried to think of her next plot, Gray spoke again. “And I know you wanted to see me at the crack ass of dawn so you could show me the newest Sorcerer Magazine edition.” Gray sat down at the edge of her bed. “Even if you were in an accident that tore off all your limbs, you would’ve been at that cafe, magazine in hand, ready to explode from excitement. There’s no way some sniffles would stop you.”
There was another pause. Juvia meekly responded. “Well. Since Juvia’s body is made of water, it’s actually impossible for me to have all my limbs torn off.”
Gray barely let her finish the sentence. “Juvia!” He snapped back, fed up with the antics.
“And what does it really matter?!” Juvia erupted from her covers, finally revealing her swollen eyes, puffy and blotchy face, and ratted hair to Gray, whose eyes softened with concern. “It’s not like Gray-sama wants to have to wake up at 7:00 AM to meet Juvia for breakfast anyway! Just for Juvia to show you a magazine that I made you be apart of against your will.” Her eyes were welling with tears.
Gray was taken aback. His eyes widened with surprise and confusion. “Well-“
“Don’t deny it.” She cut him off. “We both know it’s true.” Tears dripped down her hot cheeks. “Just like it’s true how Juvia clings to you, and suffocates you, and even forced you into a relationship.”
“Whoa!” Gray sat up straight, and turned himself more to position himself facing her on the bed.
“And I always thought Gray-Sama just finally let Juvia in.” She interrupted him again, and gripped the sheets of her bed within her fists. “But it’s got nothing to do with that.” She looked down and gritted her teeth.
“Gray-sama feels indebted to Juvia since Juvia saved his life.” She clenched her eyes shut, and felt tears melt from her eyes in pools.
Her tense body jolted and almost instantly released tension as she felt Gray’s sturdy hands grab onto the sides of her arms, clutching her.
Juvia opened her eyes and looked up to find him just an arm’s distance’s length from her, staring at her with so much intent it almost looked like anger.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His voice is low and gravelly. Juvia was glad her eyes would cloud with more tears so she didn’t have to see his dark eyes piercing into her. She looked away.
“The magazine.” She pulled one of her arms from Gray’s grasp and pulled the magazine in question out from under the covers where it rotted away with her minutes ago.
Shamefully, she held Sorcerer Magazine out to Gray who promptly took it from her hands. She was brave enough to watch his face as he first locked eyes with the cover, but wasn’t brave enough for anything else. She saw his scowl quickly scan the bold words and looked back down as she squeezed her eyes shut.
This was it. The end. He would see those red capital letters shouting at him, telling him “Run!”, and he would heed the advice. Of course he would. The magazine was right, after all. He would turn to page 14 just as eagerly as Juvia did and read, in gruesome detail, the truth of their relationship. At least after all of this, he would finally be free from her venomous clutches. He would be absolved of all guilt, now that the article plainly told him the truth of their situation. He would no longer have to pretend-
Juvia’s cruel daze was broken by the sounds of Gray tearing the magazine in half.
And then another half, and then one more half for good measure.
“Gray-Sama!” Juvia exclaimed, shocked.
“What a load of shit.” Gray said plainly, but with distinct irritation in his voice.
“But! You didn’t even read the article! It explained how-“
“I don’t give a fuck.” He interrupted and finally made eye contact with her once again once the magazine was finally in enough pieces to do no more harm.
“Well, you should.” Juvia looked down at the shards of Sorcerer Magazine.
“And why is that?”
“Because it all made sense. From start to end. Our relationship. I clung and clung and clung to you, and when I saved your life, you had no choice but to break for me. You felt like you owed me something. And that debt was big enough to do something as crazy as convince yourself that you love me.” Although Juvia explained the situation plainly and logically, her own words were like poison in her mouth, as tears had no choice but to fill her eyes again. She looked up at Gray who was at a loss for words.
This was good. There was nothing left to say. She smiled softly at the thought of their departure, and thus, Gray’s freedom. She knew she needed to swallow her tears, so she did.
“It’s ok.” She shook her head with her smile still curled through her lips. “You don’t have to force yourself to do this anymore. The debt is repaid. These last six months Juvia has spent with you have been filled with enough love to keep me content for a lifetime. We can go back to being friends, and we can both be happy.” Juvia paused and watched Gray’s brow furrow.
“Thank you for everything, Gray-sama. Loving you this closely for this long has been everything Juvia has ever wanted.” She closed her eyes, and a single tear crept through. She smiled thinking about how even though they won’t be together, she will love him for the rest of her life, and that was more than she ever deserved.
“That’s enough.” Was all Gray said as he used one hand to pull her head directly towards him onto his shoulder, and he wrapped the other around the middle of her back. They were positioned awkwardly because of how they were sat on the bed, but Gray didn’t care or even notice.
“Have you officially lost your mind?” Was his next question, and his tone was still low, but a bit softer.
“Eh?” Juvia was at a loss for words. How did she en up in his arms?
“I knew this stupid interview was a bad idea.” He grumbled, talking to himself, but obviously for Juvia to hear. “It’s a magazine. Of course they would twist our words into whatever made for a juicier story.”
“Juvia,” Gray cut her off and sighed. He grabbed her by her shoulders, putting her back at arm’s length, and looked directly at her. “Here’s the truth.” He said certainly. Juvia’s eyebrows clenched with confusion.
“I’m not with you because I feel like I owe you anything. I’m with you because you’re clingy, you’re relentless, and you’re obnoxious about what you want, which is me.” Gray was serious. Juvia looked down in embarrassment.
Gray gently swept her bangs out of her face, and his hand traveled to her cheek where he cupped her face. She had no choice but to look back at him.
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He finally smiled, and Juvia’s heart oozed.
“What?” She whispered.
“You’re the most passionate, determined, loyal, genuine, kind person I’ve ever met in my entire life. You were the person who showed me that not only did I deserve love, but I was capable of loving. After all the people I lost, I had walls on top of walls on top of walls. And one by one, you broke each barrier down with a smile in your face.” He used a thumb to swipe away a tear, and Juvia let out a chuckle.
“Never in my life did I think I would think about stuff like romance or love. I was too scared. Now I think about having an actual future with somebody. And I know for sure that somebody is you.” Gray was saying things that Juvia only heard in her wildest dreams.
“Really?” Juvia grabbed onto the hand that held her face.
Gray nodded. “The way you’ve loved me has showed me how to love, Juvia. It took me awhile to get that, but I got it.”
He paused. He looked at the shred of magazing beneath him. “Not only is the person who wrote this article too stupid to know that I would never do something I don’t want to do or be with someone I don’t want to be with, but they’re also too stupid to know that you are the best thing in my life. A ‘guilt trip’ couldn’t be further from the truth.”
Juvia smiled, and instinctively her hand reached down for her scar, remembering how her sacrifice to save Gray’s life was what brought forth that term. Guilt trip. Gray took note of her hand placement, and knew she was thinking about this.
“Yes, you saved my life, and that may have been the moment that changed everything for me— for us, but not because I felt like I owed you, but because seeing how close I came to losing you made me realize that life is short. And up until then, I had spent all that time pushing everything off when I should’ve been letting you in. That moment made me finally realize that.” He looked at her deeply. “And I know I love you.”
“I love you too, Gray-sama.” Juvia finally allowed herself to melt in his arms, and he wrapped her up in his warm embrace.
“Y’knowww~” Juvia almost sang. “Saying you see a future with Juvia is practically the same thing as a proposal.” She snuggled closer into him.
“Alright, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Gray reflexively replied.
Juvia giggled and nuzzled even further into Gray’s chest. “Thank you, Gray-sama.”
Gray and Juvia held each other for a little while longer as the discards of Sorcerer Magazine crumpled and bunched up within the covers where they sat, but they didn’t care.
They let the words be buried beneath them.
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gallaghersgal · 8 months
SUB LIP AND CARMY LAAAWRD (sorry for rambling my fault yall…)
carmen would be a whiner for sure—he’s a little embarrassed by it but not too much. to me i feel like he’d just wanna be taken care of…..no meanness or teasing just lots of praise. prefers slow grinds that make him tear up bc it’s so good. probably when he has bad days and wants to just have soft mushy gushy lovey dovey sex
now lip (slut) i feel like he rarely subs but that’s because he’s got that internalized ‘macho’ bs implanted in his brain. but when he does he’s probably bitchy saying “want me to take over? probably do it better than you 🤭” and when he stops being so bullheaded it’s all “o-oh, keep fuckin me like that, shhhit s’good”
feel like carmen would love a little edging? not a lot but…because the release is more than just physical it’s kinda emotional for him too? while lip would love overstimulation because it’d be the only thing he could focus on it’d just wipe his brain of all his current worries
oooooooooooooooo lord. oh lord. i need a cold shower.
carmen being a whiny baby is so real. i know he just wants to be taken care of after a long hard day in the kitchen, and he would be so sweet, begging you... 'please baby 's so good' 'f-fuck!' 'shit- 'm gonna come-' and its all strained and he's stuttering... he loves when you edge him, and i mean loves it, he loves to beg and beg and get pushed so close to the edge. and hes a crier, trust. he likes to feel vulnerable and soft with you.
getting lip to submit would be an... ordeal. but i think you can coax him into it. i think tying him up would be good for his giant fucking ego, once you get his ass tied down and start making him feel good he would start to let down that facade he's always putting up. he'd be squirming and begging you to untie him so he can touch you and please you. once you get him like that he would be soooo eager to please you. he would do anything to get you off, eat you out for hours and ask for nothing in return, just asking 'yeah, baby, 's good for you?' 'you can gimme another, wanna make you feel good please' 'am i makin' ya feel good? hm?' and for sure lots of 'thank you, thank you baby' when you praise him for how good he's being.
in conclusion: yes.
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cooldude-69 · 2 months
I made some solar return observations off my charts of past years,
im no professional please correct me if im wrong<33
Solar sun in 7th house
Well started dating in the beginning of the year, and I WAS KNOWN FOR MY RELATIONSHIP, actually there was no "me" it was "us" (me n my s/o) in my school
On that year i had sun w only squares and opposite, and had saturn in 1h conjuncting asc, and only harshly aspected planets to asc. Man that year i struggled SO MUCH with myself, i was soooo dysmorphic of my face i literally hid it w masks, I struggled w moderate-severe acne, i had no self esteem n confidence man but i got over it after my birthday and all the good things began to happen but ofc progress wasnt linear
Venus in 6th house
I built a proper skincare routine that year🫶💕took good care of myself n my beauty hehe
Moon in 4th house
That year i got sm closer to my mother, our relationship got soo much better and we were so chill about everything
Sun conjuncting lilith
i had TERRIBLE FIGHTS w my father, really heated ones. Tho we've a good relationship but last year was terrible for both of us, we didnt even talk for daysss and we didnt speak much to each other on daily basis, so yea sucks but yes the fights decreased as the time passed
Sun, venus, mercury, mars in 3rd house leo
I GAINED SM POPULARITY THAT YEAR IN MY SCHOOL omg, i also made sooo many friendss it was too fkin easy i was smooth af
Sun conjuncting venus
i loveddd the attention lol and also i was in lovee and i gained popularity CUZ OF THE BOY i was dating
Sun conjuncting mars + aries moon 11h 13°
BOYS FEARED ME EVEN MY BF! lol i had a reallyyyyy bad temper and I was so impulsive i even started dating out of impulsion, and i used to RELEASE MY ANGER ON MY FRIENDS like i used to have sm of anger outbursts, i used to beat da shit outta my male friends (sry) and i used to cuss ALOT, even when I was hurt i mostly expressed anger more than crying, and thats why my then boyfriend havent apologized yet for cheating on me cuz he thinks I'll beat the shit out of him cuz im crazy loll
Pluto & saturn in 8th house
I remember i was sexually abused that year and all my past sexual trauma triggered that year, i struggled alot cuz of the flashbacks, and i remember i was quite sexualized by boys that year
Uranus 11th house
I did make ALOT OF FRIENDS all of a sudden, and i did lose ALL THOSE FRIENDS in a snap, literally i lost everyone that year and i was all alone nobody talked to me in the end of the solar return year lol, uranus being placed at 11th house it makes alot of sense now
asteroid singer in leo 3rd house in 17 degrees/mercury in 3rd house leo
I sang alot that year, likw i participated in alot of group singing competitions and was even placed first in regional and i was quite known for being in the choir group
Neptune and lilith in 10th house
People didnt really like me, they had a really bad perception of me, and they literally hated me but as soon as i cleared the air w them we became good friends! And they used to tell me they found me bitchy but im rly nice irl
Sun, mercury, moon in 12th house
Well that year i was in full isolation mode, barely any friends and the whole year was lockdown, so yea i was on healing mode after the popularity and gaining n losing friends incident and my heartbreak
Uranus in 9th house
Uranus somehow relates w the internet right? And that year we attended school online! So cool!
Thats it for now :D please wait for sometime im still tryna learn and figure more about my past solar returns if there's anything you wish to correct please do XOXO💕
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bellysoupset · 2 months
Alright, if you follow the plot of my OCs, this one is not an optional story! 🙈
"Yeah?" Leo picked up his phone already frowning, since his screen displayed Wicked Witch of the West as the caller, "Wendy?"
"Hiii..." Wendy's voice was sugary and his frown deepened, causing Leo to stop chopping vegetables, "are you busy...?"
"Is something wrong? With you? Vin?"
"No, no, nothing is wrong! We're all fine!" Wendy was quick to say, her voice going a note up and Leo squinted, annoyed.
"Then I'm busy."
"Ah," she sounded so defeated, "okay..."
He was not going to feel guilty. He was not going to feel guilty. He was not going-
"What do you want, Wendy?"
She let out a little squeal and Leo rolled his eyes so much they nearly got stuck, "soooo, uhm- are you free tomorrow night?"
"Jonah's in Paris, yeah, I'm free," Leo said bitterly. He was being the world's most supportive fiancé to Jonah's face, but to Wendy he could let out his full bitchiness show.
"Great," Wendy was clearly smiling, "I need you to be my partner in something."
"You don't even know what it is!"
Leo let out a groan, "what is it?"
"Ballroom dancing," she said it quickly and before he could tell her that absolutely not, Wendy continued to speak, "look! It's just one experimental class, I just wanna know if I'll like it! Please! Bella said she won't go and Vin is away."
"Ask Lucas," Leo scoffed, "he'll love it."
"He already knows how to ballroom dance and Bella's super jealous of him, no thanks," Wendy whined, "please? Hell, I'll pay you-"
"I don't want your money," Leo wrinkled his nose, "can't you just wait until Vin is in town? He's coming over Friday night."
"No, the classes are only Tuesday and Thursday nights..." Wendy was doing her best imitation of a kicked puppy, he knew without even looking at her, "please, Leo."
"It'll only be one class?" he asked, cringing as he heard her celebrating.
"Only one class, I promise!"
"Alright," he started to wipe his messy hands to grab his phone and hung up as Wendy continued to speak: wear track pants! And comfy shoes!
Leo was standing outside of Wendy's building, questioning his life choices, when his frenemy walked out. Unlike him, who had come straight from work and was wearing exactly what she told him to, Wendy was clad in a red flowy dress, with layers and layers, reaching just past her knees.
She lit up as she saw him, "I'm glad you came!"
Leo raised an eyebrow, "am I gonna regret this?"
"Do you know how to dance?" Wendy circled his car to get in the passenger side and Leo scowled.
"Then what a better time to learn than now? You know Jonah knows how to waltz, right?" Wendy entered the car and Leo squinted at her, getting in the driver's seat as she typed the address in her phone's GPS.
"So what if Jonah knows? He knows a bunch of shit I don't, it's not a competition," Leo drummed his fingers against the steering wheel and Wendy let out a heavy sigh, as if he was stupid.
"So you're marrying the guy. Couples typically have a first waltz when they marry and Jon said you wanna do the whole traditional thing, so I'm guessing that as well?" Wendy smiled at him smugly, "you want to keep up with him, right?"
Leo knew he was being manipulated, that didn't stop it from working. He clenched his jaw and turned up his music, causing Wendy to let out an amused huff and look out of her window.
The dance school was across town, a brown building with a brightly lit sign hanging over the door, of a couple dancing. The metal gates were open, so was the front door and a very old receptionist was sitting in the cramped entry hall.
"You must be the Marshall's?" the woman opened a sweety smile when she saw them, "here for the experimental class?"
"God, no-"
"Yes," Wendy squeezed his arm, glaring at him, "Wendy Marshall and Leo Wagner."
"Oh, forgive me, I just assumed," the woman shook her head in an apologetic manner, "they're already warming up, so you better hurry. Down the hall, up the stairs."
"Thank you", Wendy was all smiles as she dragged Leo forward and he started to feel himself lagging behind. He hated doing new things, meeting new people. How did Wendy convince him to join this public humiliation, he wasn't sure.
The second floor had a huge ball room, with mirrors up against a wall, very similar to a ballet studio, except for the couples scattered around and the lack of the support bars along the walls.
"Wendy!" A woman in her late forties said from across the room. Leo turned to look at her, then froze.
She was a tall, skinny woman, with incredibly light blonde hair and striking blue eyes. A severe face, but the illusion was shattered by the smile stretching her thin lips.
"I'm so glad you came!" The woman, probably the teacher, said, crossing the room to meet up with them. She frowned as she felt Leo's gaze on her, blonde brows meeting, "is this the boyfriend you mentioned?"
"No, that's just my friend, Leo," Wendy cleared up, turning to look at him and shake the woman's hand. Leo gulped down around nothing, feeling the air stop in his lungs.
The United States was huge. It was a twenty seven hour drive from Oklahoma to Maine. And out of every fucking place that Amelia could be in, she was there. Standing in front of him, not recognizing him.
"Leo?" Wendy shook his shoulder and Amelia's frown deepened.
"Is he okay?"
"What- What are you doing here?" Leo glared at the woman in front of him. His voice didn't sound like his own. He didn't feel like himself, it was like he was watching the scene unfold out of his body.
The woman looked at Wendy, then at him, "I'm the owner of the studio... I'm sorry, have we met?"
Leo let out a hysterical chuckle.
There were many times he had wondered how it'd feel to see his mother again. Would he feel anger? Resentment? Sadness? Shock?
It had never crossed his mind that she wouldn't recognize him at all. Sure, he had long shed his baby traits, the man he was at nearly twenty six was a completely different person from the tiny ten year old with nearly white hair and too big ears he had been... But he was still her son, how could she not recognize him in the least, when he could easily pin point her through his blurry and faded memories.
"Leo?" Wendy was up in his face now, on her very tip toes and hands cupping his cheeks, sounding concerned, "sweetheart, what is it?"
The fact Wendy, of all people, was using a pet name caused another blubbering giggle to come up. His eyes stung, his hands were clammy and shaky as they closed around Wendy's wrist-
"You said your name is Leo?" Amelia repeated, moving closer and Leo took an instinctive step back, bringing Wendy with him.
It was a split second, but suddenly Wen's dark brows met and her bright green eyes widened, her heart shaped mouth falling into a comic O. She shook her head, glanced between Amelia, then Leo, then raised an eyebrow, "She's not-"
Leo felt like he couldn't breathe. He nodded and Wendy turned around quick as a wip, shoving him behind her as if she was not half his size, "we're leaving," her voice was a whole note louder, "don't even think of coming after us, you've done enough."
Amelia looked distraught and confused, blinking quickly, "no, I- I- Leo? Leo- Edward's Leo?"
It had been at least seven years since Leo had heard his father's name and the word caused his head to spin. He stumbled back and Wendy's grip on his shirt tightened, as if she could and would hold his whole weight in case he collapsed.
"C'mon, Leo, let's go," she turned around, clutching his bicep and shoving him to start moving. Leo took a couple stumbling steps back and Amelia followed, the rest of the class entirely forgotten, looking a bit drunk herself.
"You can't- What are you doing here? In Maine-"
"Stop," Wendy's tone was sharp as she glared at the woman, "Leo, let's go, we need to go-" with another push, he allowed himself to turn around and be all but dragged down the stairs. Ignoring the shouting of his name in the background, the iron grip Wendy was keeping in his bicep-
They stumbled out of the building and he fell like a drunk to his car, bracing against the metal door and trying to catch his breath. Wendy's hand was in the middle of his back, rubbing, and he could feel the nervous energy emanating from her, like a light bulb on the corner of his eye.
"She- Oh my fucking God-" he hyperventilated, not missing the fact this was a horrible place to stop, right in front of the dance studio.
"I know," Wendy couldn't possibly know anything, but her voice was like a lifeboat in the storm and Leo clung to it, nodding along her rambling, "we're leaving, you can't stay here-" her hand entered his pocket without warning, fishing out the car keys and then Leo was ushered inside the passenger seat, despite the fact Wendy had pulled at it earlier and made the whole place cramped.
She shut the door, then ran around the car and got in the driver's side, not even bothering to fiddle with the seat and sitting at the very edge in order to drive.
Leo leaned back against the leather, tugging on his shirt with such a force he ripped the first button, gasping for air. He looked up, at the car ceiling, mind spiraling.
Amelia was in town. Amelia lived in his town. This whole time- Had she been there before he even arrived? Had part of him, somehow, known she'd be in Weston and that was why he picked that scholarship out of all the others? How-
"I thought-" Leo choked up and he hadn't realized he had started to cry, but now he noticed there were tears running down his cheeks and his throat was so tight it nearly hurt, "I thought- Fuck-"
Wendy let out a little wounded noise, almost a mew, and reached without looking, her small hand finding her way to his knee in order to comfort him. Leo wrapped his hand on top of hers, squeezing her fingers and trying to ground himself.
What he could hear? The honks of traffic. Wendy's soft cursing, in full yankee. His own hiccupping sobs. The car humming-
What he could smell? Wendy's sweet perfume. Sea salt, because they were near the port area of the city- Trees.
"Pullover-" Leo slurred, whole body jumping with a heave as his stomach threw the towel, "Wendy, PULL-"
The car came to a screeching halt on the side of the street, in some half empty residential area, and Leo threw the door open hastily, barely managing to hang his head out of it before his dinner made a nasty reappearance over the humid tarmac.
He coughed, the sobs turning into gags once more and spat up another mouthful of acidic sludge, his nose and throat burning, whole body shivering violently.
"Shhh-shhh, I got you," Wendy whispered softly and Leo squeezed the door handle, his other hand in the partition between the front and backseat, white knuckling it. He felt her one of her hands coming to cup his forehead, Wendy squeezing his shoulder in a sweet manner, "get it up, you're okay, sweetheart-"
Leo spat the bitter taste, sniffling grossly. His whole head was pounding, warm... "Fuck," he said eloquently, straightening up and falling back against his seat. Wendy let out a small snort, pushing his hair back and waiting patiently for him to be able to say a whole sentence.
"I didn't- I didn't think I'd ever see her again," he admitted, after a good handful of minutes passed. His head was still spinning and Leo wasn't sure if he felt... Angry or relieved or sad. Right now he just felt nauseous, defeated... Empty.
Wendy didn't say anything, continuing to pet his hair and Leo closed his eyes to avoid her concerned gaze. He pressed his lips into a thin line, swallowing down the knot in his throat that he didn't know if it was nausea or more tears, "I hoped I'd never see her again," he whispered, then wiped his mouth and nose with his sleeve, "I can't believe she didn't even-"
"Fuck her," was Wendy's first coherent sentence since they had left the studio and it was startling enough to cause Leo to open his eyes and chuckle, "fuck her so much," Wen repeated, glaring at him to show how serious she was, "she doesn't deserve you, she never did."
His watery laughter very quickly morphed into tears and Leo folded in half, all but falling straight into Wendy's arms, hiding his face against her neck as she hugged him sideways in the side of the road. He could feel his sobs wrecking through her, as Wendy pressed her lips to the top of his head, squeezing him closer.
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consextualjane · 7 months
have a 40 year old neighbour who also happens to be my coworker with a bitchy wife, so like a good, horny homewrecker, I went and showed him his wife is nothing in front of me; fucking love him groaning and fulfilling all this fantasies he never could with his prude wife, oh and married cock does hit much better 😈
Omg yes, it hits soooo much better when they're married or in a relationship. They can never get enough and I love it
💦 😈💦 😈💦 😈
-Jane 💋
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scekrex · 4 months
Soooo since I'm in an angsty mood and in need for something to cry over...
I was reading some ff today and there was that one addiction to it that I instantly thought could happen with Reader.
So hear me out....hanahaki disease, but maybe with a happy ending??
The reader thought that love could not hurt, he never has been in a serious relationship and when he got to heaven Adam had him falling in the instant, they quickly became friends, the reader was happy, he could be near his object of feelings. It started as a cough, nothing serious, it'll pass as they said. But it didn't stop, it got worse and worse the more he waited scared to tell Adam something and when it got serious, when he started coughing petals, he finally realised what was happening to him. Even then, he didn't say anything, maybe it wasn't fear of rejection, but fear that Adam will think about him differently, because of that stupidly painful disease... The reader wasn't coming out anymore, Adam started to get worried and decided to visit his best friend. That's how he found out, the reader left a note for later when he'll die again, but since Adam came too early... Adam was running in a reader's house trying to find him
And that's it
Omg I love this soooo much, I enjoyed writing it on a different level
I’m lying to myself until it’s true
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hurt/no comfort
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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When Heaven’s gates opened for you and Adam was the first one to greet you with a lazy, “Sup,” while slurping a drink, you simply knew that this man would cause you a lot of thinking. Because Adam was careless in the most affectionate way you could imagine, he carried himself confidently, with pride. He looked so holy, so pure and absolutely attractive, no matter what it was that he was doing, you found yourself starring. And given the fact that Adam had been the one to greet you and show you the ropes, the both of you grew quite close rather quickly. Adam was an open book, he made his opinions on certain topics clear, he stood in for himself and he talked a lot about himself. A thing that would have bothered you if Adam would’ve been anyone else, but it was Adam, he was interesting - the most interesting angel in heaven, at least in your opinion. And he was spending time with you simply because he liked your vibe and your company. The first man could’ve had anyone, no matter who, and yet he chose you.
The brunette was the most attractive being you ever met and it felt so easy and natural to simply adore him, he was so honest and talkative, so funny and sometimes bitchy but you liked that, you liked it a lot. And while the first man did not know about your feelings for him, you were simply happy to be near him. There was no need for Adam to love you back, as long as he would give you his attention you were happy with the situation.
That was until you got sick.
It started with a cough, nothing too serious, something that would leave again soon enough. Adam commented on it, the ‘simple cough’ got worse and worse as the days passed by and it got worse enough for the brunette to notice. Not that he hadn’t noticed it before, he had, but he simply never addressed it, the leader of the exorcists thought you were responsible enough to look for a doctor. But you weren’t and that was what made Adam worry, not that he’d ever voice those feelings out loud, but he deeply cared about you in his own Adam-ish way.
And while you were okay with how things were, you also craved to simply let him know about your feelings, you hoped things would be easier. Maybe he would return your feelings and he wouldn’t play guitar with the strings of your heart every time he told you about a new hook-up. But that would mean you’d also have to tell him about how serious the state of your sickness had gotten. The coughing had only been the start of it all and while Adam very much had noticed that your sickness was not simply disappearing like you had claimed it would, he didn’t know how bad it actually was.
“That’s it, bitch,” he grumbled as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. That action of his caused you to cough violently, you were barely able to catch your breath as you did so until small but colorful flower petals fell from your lips. Adam wasn’t able to see them, not with the small petals falling behind him, but you saw them and your eyes widened in shock.
No, that simply couldn’t be.
You started, your body was shaking, it felt incredibly hard to breathe and your mind was going absolutely crazy. A layer of sweat covered your skin as you desperately tried to get out of Adam’s grip and off his shoulder, you needed space. It felt like his arm, which was wrapped around your body to prevent you from falling, was crushing your lungs and while the logical part of your brain knew that wasn’t the case, the emotional part of your brain strongly disagreed and yelled at you to get away from Adam, to distance yourself as far as possible. He was slowly going to kill you.
It was the brunette’s voice that brought you back to reality a second later, “You’ve been sick for fucking how long? Don’t care, long enough. And since your prideful ass is too fucking busy blowing his own dick, I’m gonna fucking take you to the doc.” Your nails dug into Adam’s shoulder and your body tensed up at his words, the first man hissed painfully and softly slapped the back of your thigh, “Watch it, that fucking hurts.” But you were unable to relax, not when Adam was about to carry you through all of Heaven just to get you to the best doctor he knew of. “Let me down,” you whispered, your voice sounded rough from all the coughing and for a moment Adam seemed to actually consider listening to you, but then his grip only tightened and you watched with shocked eyes how he spread his wings.
“Adam, let me down,” you tried it again, speaking louder this time, it only resulted in coughing though, which was why he didn’t put you down, he did the exact opposite. The first man’s grip on you tightened and he shook his head, “There’s no fucking way, don’t want you to fucking die on me.” And that caused you to freeze. He didn’t want you to die and yet he would be the reason why you would die for a second time. You weren��t blaming him for not loving you back, it wasn’t his fault after all. Emotions and feelings are not something he can control, especially feelings like love for a certain person. And yet the unrequited love you held in your heart for the first man was what would end your life a second time. “Then drop me off at my place.”
Adam seemed to consider your words, then pushed himself off the ground which forced another cough to rumble through your body. Flower petals fell from your lips once more, they were bigger this time though, and not just a little. “Fine. But if you’re not doing better by tomorrow I will fucking drag your ass to the doc, if you fucking want or not.” And while the answer itself caused you to relax at least the slightest bit, it really didn’t make things any better.
Adam had not seen you the next day though, he hadn’t seen or heard from you in quite a while which was very concerning because somehow you were always around the taller male, no matter what he was doing - not that he minded, he didn’t mind your company at all. He liked having you around a lot and he wanted you to cling onto him again. And since you were not answering the door, responding to his texts or picking up his calls he decided to take things into his own hands, he went over to Zack’s house. Adam knew that Zack was one of your closest friends, he somehow always managed to know where you were at and what you were doing, surely he’d know where to find you.
But when the brunette arrived at Zack’s place, the other male wordlessly looked him up and down, then went back inside, closing the door right in front of Adam. The first man was about to complain but then the smaller male came back. With a serious look on Adam’s face he pressed a small piece of paper against the first man’s chest, then he slammed his door shut - this time he didn’t come back out again. So Adam took off, as he made his way over to your place instead he read the note Zack had given him - though it was more a letter than a note.
Dear Adam,
if you read this it means you went and talked to Zack, I hope he didn’t give you a hard time, knowing him he probably didn’t even speak to you. And knowing you, you're probably wondering why. Well, it’s pretty simple actually. I’m dead. I wrote this to let you know about some things that were going on before I died though, I feel like you deserve to know but first of all I wanna apologize. Apologize for not talking to you, for not telling you face to face what was going on. There’s no real excuse for this - I was scared.
So it’s not a secret that I was sick and while you thought it was just a simple cough, maybe a flue, it was worse and much more serious and yet I never did anything to prevent my death simply because I was scared you’d think of me differently, because I was so afraid you’d push me away and I’d have to die, knowing you hate my guts.
I loved you - still do. And that is the entire problem. Before I passed away a second time I suffered from the hanahaki disease. It was just coughing at first, pretty harmless, huh? But it got worse as the days went on and soon I started to cough out flower petals - not so harmless anymore. It got hard to swallow, to breathe, to eat and drink. I gave this letter to Zack during his last visit, I told him that I wanna go like I came - alone. I’m sorry you had to find out about all of this in a shitty letter that’s not even long enough to cover everything but I hope you understand why I did what I did.
Love, Y/N
Adam choked on his spit, then he started running. His mind was filled with you, pictures of you laying dead in your apartment filled his head and his vision went blurry because of the tears that welled up in his eyes. He was so caught up in his thoughts of you that he didn’t even think to use his wings.
Once he had reached your apartment, he kicked the front door open and ran inside - something he should’ve done sooner, way, way sooner. But he could blame himself for that later, now he had to focus on you. He screamed your name, his voice sounded as broken, his eyes were filled with tears which made it hard to see anything. You weren’t answering - how would you be able to?
And then he finally found you. You were laying on the couch, struggling to breathe. His eyes widened and he rushed over to your fighting body. Without hesitation he pulled you in his arms, looking down at you. Tears fell from his eyes onto your face and the wetness caused you to open your eyes.
You were still alive.
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