#he’s still a farmboy
brokestrapmountain · 2 years
luke shivering in the snow: hey are you sure you’re not cold? din wearing basketball shorts: why would you think im cold
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domwitch · 1 year
I need to be a vicious evil warlord and he's my precious spoils of war that I scantily dress and drape over my lap so I can grope him easily during my council meetings >:)
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theheartchoice · 2 years
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Has it really been ten years? 
That's way too long, Cas. We don't need to work together just to hang out, right? 
*gazes fondly at Dean* Right.
#suptober22 day 15: smoke
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starry-simming · 1 year
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Today starts off a bit rough. Jacob has a bit of a rampage and wrecks everyone’s dollhouse which nobody is happy about. He gets told off for it and Tommy fixes it up in time for the main event! Little Jacob turns thirteen! 
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It feels like just yesterday that he was a baby, and now our Jacob is getting all big and tall. Well, he’s actually not that tall yet but he’ll grow I’m sure. He got a couple of presents for this big birthday. A gramophone and a proper violin. He’s very happy with it. 
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Jacob has decided he isn’t going to pursue any further education, which his parents aren’t very happy about. They just want the best life for their boy, and education unlocks a lot of doors. But Jacob’s made up his mind, he wants to stay home and tend to the family farm. And, well, it won’t be so bad to have him helping out a bit more
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jinjeriffic · 8 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 2
Part 1
Damian glared at the envelope. He and Father were in the process of analysing the letter for any signs of toxins, explosives or other traps. Obviously he wasn’t fool enough to open a missive from a questionable source without taking precautions. So far, all their scans had come up empty. Literally. The letter was defying all their attempts at chemical or spectroscopic testing, x-ray and magnetic resonance scans were inconclusive, it defied all properties of ordinary matter. It was frustrating. It was vexing. He was blaming magic.
For all intents and purposes, the letter looked like ordinary paper, with an ordinary wax seal, bearing the initials CW. The looping handwriting addressing it to Damian was precise and neat. Swiping the surface of the letter for chemical traces yielded no results. When Damian had tried to cut off a corner of the paper for analysis it had resisted all attempts, including a laser and a diamond headed cutting tool. Damian’s only satisfaction was that when Father had grunted and taken over the task from Damian, he had no more success than his son. As if Damian didn’t know how to perform the standard array of tests!
It certainly didn’t help that his siblings wouldn’t stop their incessant chattering!
“I’m just saying, ghosts wouldn’t be the weirdest thing we’ve encountered, Red. I’m not sure it would even make my personal Top 5.”
It seemed gossip among heroes travelled faster than the speed of light.
“Really, Nightwing? Ghosts? It’s far more likely to be a meta with something to hide. Or a few screws loose.” Damian could practically hear the eyeroll in Drake’s voice “And since when do ghosts act as glorified mailmen?”
“I don’t know Red, since when do aliens pretend to be Kansas farmboys? C’mon, we deal with magic users all the time!”
“And lets not forget people coming back from the dead” Red Hood interjected over the open comm line.
“Magic is just science we don’t understand yet. Any sufficiently analysed magic becomes indistinguishable from science!”
“B, a little help here?”
“Hn” Father straightened up from his position at the lab table “Oracle, any progress on clearing up the footage from Robin’s mask?”
Grayson threw up his hands with a frustrated huff while Drake smirked.
“The program is almost finished rendering. Whatever scrambler they used did a real number on the video quality. I’m surprised the audio is as clear as it is.” Oracle replied.
“Hn. And the isotope tracer on the money?”
“Sorry B, no hits on the local sensors. Wherever the guy went it’s either outside Gotham or shielded somehow.” she said, mildly frustrated.
“Maybe it’s ghost magiiiiic” Drake sing-songed. Grayson lightly cuffed the back of his head, to which the former Robin responded with a firm shove. Their interaction quickly devolved into a childish tussle.
Damian gave an annoyed huff. “Don’t you two imbeciles have anything better to do?”
“Aww, we’re just here to look out for our baby brother!” Nightwing teased.
“Yeah, we gotta make sure your ghost encounter didn’t leave any lasting psychological damage!” Red Robin added.
Before Damian could retaliate for their needling, Oracle chimed in. “Uh, guys? You’re going to want to see this. Most of the footage was corrupted beyond repair, but I was able to pull some partial stills and, well…” she threw a handful of pictures up on the screen. There was artifacting marring them, but parts of the stranger were visible in each of them. Oracle magnified one that had a pretty good view of his face.
“Holy shit” Drake whispered.
Damian frowned. “What?”
“Dami, he looks like you. Just… older.” Grayson said softly.
“What are you talking about?” Damian snapped.
“Disregard the pale colouring for a second. The nose, the chin… he looks like you if you had a growth spurt,” Drake wrinkled his nose “and went through puberty.”
The commlines erupted into chaos. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Spoiler exclaimed “are you telling me there’s an older version of Robin running around Gotham?!”
“Copy?” Batgirl inquired.
“Don’t tell me Talia cooked up Demon Brat 2.0!”
“Given that he looks older it’s more likely version 0.1 if anything,” Drake snarked, “though there’s the possibility of artificially accelerated growth rates…”
Damian had had enough. “Tt. You are ignoring the obvious - if this is some kind of supernatural entity it likely copied aspects of my appearance in an attempt to engender feelings of familiarity.” he said haughtily, pushing down the uncomfortable churning in his stomach. There was no way Mother would replace him with a cheap copy. She couldn’t! “Besides, the creature has obvious powers and neither of my bloodlines has any trace of the meta gene.”
“That’s ignoring the ghostly elephant in the room.” Grayson chimed in, “Maybe it’s a dead ancestor?”
Drake gave their older brother an annoyed look “Even a time travelling descendant from the future is more likely than that. And delivering a ‘prophecy’ to boot?”
Oracle pulled up an aged up picture of Damian next to the stranger’s, highlighting several reference points. “On closer inspection, there’s a couple of discrepancies. The cheekbones for one - Robin definitely takes after his mother, while our mystery meta looks more like… well… Robin’s grandmother on the paternal side.” she finished hesitantly. “B?”
They turned to look at Batman, who had remained silent during the whole exchange. If they hadn’t known him so well they would have thought him unaffected, but the tightening around his mouth betrayed his agitation.
“There’s no use in pointless speculation until we have more data to work from,” he growled, “Oracle, look for any reports of a meta matching the target. Since our regular methods have failed to yield results, I will contact the JLD about running tests on the letter.” He turned to Drake, “Red Robin, see what you can find on recent League activities. If this is another scheme by Ra’s or Talia we need to know about it.”
“The last thing we need is more demon spawn running around!” Red Hood groaned over the comms.
Damian was furious. This was absurd! To even indulge the possibility that that creature was in any way related to him was making him feel like he had swallowed battery acid. He was the Demon’s Heir! He was not replaceable! There was only one thing to do.
“Robin? Stop!”
He ignored his Father’s shout. He stomped over to the lab table, snatched up the envelope and broke the seal.
Nothing happened.
He unfolded the paper and saw the same handwriting that had been on the outside.
Brother of blood, brother of soul
Never buried but already mourned
In lightning and ice the scorned child returned
To strike down the Demon’s Head
With all that Death earned
Damian’s hand shook. He reread the lines over and over again, refusing to comprehend. He could feel his Father standing behind him, scrutinising the letter as well.
Suddenly, the paper burst into green flames, going up into smoke that dissipated unnaturally quickly.
Silence reigned for a few moments. Then…
“Well that was needlessly melodramatic” Nightwing remarked.
Part 3
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
"Pick up" some Power Converters
“...no, what you want to do is to have most of the shipment be something innocuous – on every run. That way, even a random inspection probably won’t find anything. If you absolutely need to break that rule, still have some innocuous crates, but what you also want to do is to build up a friendship with the inspectors. Find out their routines if you can, and test out if you can bribe them to not bother looking – then you can aim the vital runs to be specifically with the people who you can bribe.”
“You’re sure that works?” Dodonna asked.
“Well, yeah,” Luke replied, with a shrug.
“Luke?” Leia called. “Luke?”
She leaned around the door. “How long have you been in here? We’ve been looking for you for twenty minutes.”
Luke frowned, then glanced down at his comlink. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“We don’t know your com code, kid,” Han provided. “You didn’t get around to telling us.”
Luke’s expression cleared.
“I have been going through Threepio if I need a com discussion,” he admitted. “I guess that’s not going to work if we’re staying with the Rebellion long term, though, I really should give you my com code-”
“Not now,” Leia objected. “What were you talking about, anyway?”
“He was giving us lessons,” Dodonna provided, indicating every single intel operative on Yavin IV and about half of the other Rebel Alliance techs sitting around.
“It’s basic stuff, right?” Luke asked. “I’m surprised you don’t know it.”
Leia frowned. “Lessons in what?” she asked. “Farming?”
“Well, sort of?” Luke replied. “Not moisture farming, not that bit, but the other stuff. I guess it’s helpful, and I’m glad to help!”
“What other stuff, then?” Han asked, leaning on the door, then got out of the way as Chewbacca made a questioning noise. “Right, sorry Chewie…”
“You know,” Luke said. “The basic stuff. Hiding stashes, underground hyperlanes, gun running, how to deflect attention from an enforcer without their realizing you’re doing it. Burning out slave collars, dead drops.”
He shrugged. “Farming.”
Leia blinked.
“That’s… not farming,” she said. “That sounds like a hostile-environment intelligence agent tutorial… how would you pass off vital information?”
“Let’s see…” Luke frowned. “One option – disguise it as something innocuous, while anyone would assume you’d hidden it in a much more complex way. Option two – copy it, send both versions by different routes or hide it in two different places. If you’re willing, get tortured, then crack under torture and give up one of them – that means they’ll believe they’ve got everything. Then another choice is to make it completely public, that’s a bit of a last-chance thing but if you make it completely public then everyone gets to see it including your intended recipient.”
He glanced up at her. “I guess you did the first one, gave up one location but they decided to keep looking for the other, and that’s what led them to R2? Or did you use one of the other methods? I could keep going.”
Leia shook her head.
“Okay, I’m convinced you know what you’re doing,” she said. “But how do you know all this stuff?”
“Do you not?” Luke replied, sounding slightly baffled. “This is boring stuff. Kid’s stuff, you’ve got to do it right but it’s a yawn fest. How does nobody have any ideas about it?”
“I know,” Han declared.
He pointed at Luke. “Farmboy, yes. Tatooine farmboy. The only thing that planet exports is crime.”
Luke looked momentarily offended.
“...yeah, I guess,” he agreed, relenting.
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fryingpan1234567 · 5 months
“Slutty Dick Grayson” this, “Dick Grayson is a whore” that, guys.
Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne gets around.
Dated Steph for a hot minute because they were Robin at the same time and she’s cool, you know, the first hero he’s met that’s his age. Bicons go hard.
SUPERBOY?? CONNER KENT?? LEATHER JACKET?? Can you imagine his face when he realized he was having his first gay panic over a Super farmboy from Metropolis? Like he’d see Conner save a school bus full of kids and still stop to flirt with him and challenge his authority as team leader and think “oh, I hope this doesn’t awaken something in me”
Jason doesn’t like me and I’ve tried everything to get him to fuck off except flirting, let’s give it a whirl. Why did he turn red? Can I use this against him? (The answer is yes Tim has been able to short-circuit the terrifying Red Hood long enough to steal his case and get the credit)
Bernard Dowd will probably grow up to be a serial killer, but it’s funny to listen to him conspire about how Nightwing and Batman are the same guy with a split personality disorder for the time being.
At some point, Cassie and Bart and Kon and him cross over the line of besties, and then what’s he supposed to do? Not date the awesomest people he’s ever met?? No.
Tim Drake is a slut and has been the crush of 90% of everyone he’s ever known at some point in their lives. His loser swag and burnt out genius charm gets mad bitches. Nobody can resist a sleep-deprived billionaire fashion disaster like Tim!
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homunculus-argument · 4 months
I've got a book draft project that I call Book I Am Not Working On that I probably haven't touched for like four years now. I originally wrote the first draft of the first book like 10 years ago, didn't like the ending, and decided to write a Next Generation Reboot with the previous cast's offspring and niblings as the main characters. Skipping the world ahead 20 years, and having the new protagonists be Standard Fantasy Book Protagonist Aged, in their late teens and early 20s, they learn about the past book's events in glimpses, as almost mythical legends.
The new story's main protagonist is the niece of a character I originally wrote into the first book as a gag - a naive Farmboy Hero. In this one he's taken up the role of a Grim Mysterous Mentor, who tags along on the protagonist's misguided quest because he knows that he can't stop her, so the best he can do is help. And he mentions that there is this wise man that he used to know in his youth, who lived in this specific city - he is wise in the ways of the world, and if he is still alive, he should be able to help them.
The protagonist agrees to go find the man, and for the first quarter of the book, this Wise Man that Old Uncle Hiram Knew In His Youth is this grand and surely legendary Wonderful Wizard of Oz kind of a figure, who is surely all-powerful and could fix anything. After all, old uncle Hiram would trust him with his life, and uncle Hiram doesn't trust anybody.
And then they finally make it to The City, and find The Old Friend. Who is a completely normal-looking middle-aged guy in an apron, kind of fat and slightly balding, busy with five kids and a grandbaby. And he's just as surprised to see the protagonist and her uncle at his door.
So the protagonist's uncle and his friend retire into a more quiet room to discuss the problem at hand while the protagonist and the friend's eldest daughter head out to find new, additional problms, fully trusting that these Adultier Adults will know what to do.
Meanwhile, the two old friends sit down, and the Old Friend looks at the protagonist's uncle, just going "dude for fuck's sake. Twenty years and you haven't changed at all. All these years I thought you were dead and then you show up at my doorstep, plop a felony level problem on my lap like 'hey lol this wasn't even my problem before I decided to get involved, pls help lol' and expect me to fix it."
And Old Uncle Hiram, who in fact is only in his early 40s and suddenly doesn't seem all that old and wise at all, just shrugs like "yeah I kinda gambled my life (and my niece's life btw) on hoping that you wouldn't have changed at all, either. That you would agree to help us, while calling me a fucking idiot the whole time."
And the old friend goes "yeah no shit of course I'll fucking help. You fucking idiot."
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pinkmirth · 1 year
begging you for more cowboy reiner smut 🧎🏾‍♀️
i’m absolutely loving the way y’all adore cowboy rei-rei as much as i do! 😩 im currently working on lengthier fics/requests for him, but im gonna spew out some of the dirty lil thoughts i have in the meantime:
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this farmboy is a nasty man, i tell you! cowboy!reiner can, and will, take you at any given time of day. to him, every location on this barn is a suitable place to fuck. sometimes he’ll dick you down near the hay bales, or six-nine with you in the little cottage that he hand-built last summer; hell, he’ll even raw-dog you in the goddamn kitchen on his momma’s favorite countertop— he doesn’t care. he’s always this close to bending you over the counter, pulling down his custom denim jeans and making a complete and total mess out of you. though the rounds are satisfying, they usually go by fast ‘cause he knows he’s got chores to get back to afterwards. that’s why he fucks you like it’s the end of the world— no time to waste when you need to feed the cattle by 3pm, right? rei-rei’s a feen for quickies, okay! then later on, when the day’s work is done and he finally has time to himself, he’ll use the opportunity to handle you thoroughly, and do all the things he didn’t have the time for earlier. by the next morning, you’re still feeling the linger of him on your body. the dull ache around your hips reminds you of the countless positions he folded you into, all his dirty words . . . quite a nasty man, indeed!
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nevadaafterdark · 1 month
synopsis: thinking reeeaaally hard about working on a ranch/farm and pining over one of the really hot cowboys that work the cattle..
word count: ~900
(contents: t4t ftm4ftm, pet names (farmboy, beau, shug), frotting, fingering, light bullying/degradation, slight body betrayal, dubcon, nsft)
i'm still kinda new to writing porn! feedback is appreciated <3
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you've been working on a farm, or maybe a ranch. the technicalities don't matter. maybe you're doing some of the lighter work, like tending to the chickens. y'know, collecting eggs, breaking broody hens, making sure the momma hens are getting enough to eat and drink as they stay with the eggs. it's a work-intensive job, but relatively light on the body. your boots are broken in but not overly worn.
but god if you can't keep your eyes off that one cowboy that saunters around like his dick is too big to fit in his blue jeans. he rides that shire horse like he's riding into war even though he's only herding cattle. you're lucky you can dish out excuses like watching the pasture for foxes and snakes when you're looking out at the cattle fields.
and yet, of course, luck isn't always on your side. one day, he confronts you about your lingering eyes (something about "you got a lazy eye? or a lack of respect?"). you adamantly deny everything -- obviously -- if only for the sake of his ego not growing too big. sure, you've interacted before, but this is new.
he laughs and takes your hand, his callouses abrasive against your softer hands. with less effort than you think it should take, he tugs you up into the saddle, practically on his lap. he laughs against the nape of your neck, his hot breath against your skin making you dizzy.
"what's the matter, farmboy?" he mumbles, his lips brushing against your skin. it sends electric tingling down your spine. "scared to take a ride? i just wanna show you somethin', that's all."
you deny it (saying something about the other workers not being competent enough to watch for hawks, which is honest-to-god bullshit) and squirm in the saddle. he wraps an arm around your waist and hisses out a warning to stay still. he squeezes the horse's sides with his calves and you're jostled as the horse starts walking, then trotting towards the treeline.
you ask him what he thinks he's doing. he just laughs, nipping at your neck and squeezing your middle again. his fingers find your belt and fiddle with the buckle. "it's alright, shug. i ain't gonna kill you or nothin'."
after a few minutes of riding (and his fingers dipping into the waistband of your pants but laughing and taking them out when you gasp), the horse comes to a stop in a forest clearing. he lifts you off the saddle, then hops off.
he unhooks his personal bag off the horse's saddle and drapes it over his shoulder. he gives the horse's dock a light slap, and it canters off, back towards the ranch.
the clearing is nice -- there's wildflowers dotting the tall grass and a rocky crag shadowing half the clearing. he stands behind you, his hands finding your belt buckle again. you gasp, and he laughs, breathy against the shell of your ear.
you call him an asshole and he just laughs again. "oh, you don't mean that, shug. i can tell."
before you can protest, his hand dips into your pants, his fingers immediately gliding over your tdick and running the pad of his finger down your slit. he chokes back a groan. "fuck. goddammit -- you just walk around like this, huh?"
you exhale heavily and deny it. you deny it even though you're hard, even though you're dripping, even though you're fighting the instinct to buck your hips into his hand.
he grinds against your ass, his belt buckle digging into your skin as he dips a finger in you. you hiss, and he laughs. "what, don't like that, farmboy? then maybe you shouldn't be walkin' around, wet and ready and just waitin' for someone to take you."
you huff, your breath becoming more labored as he starts moving his finger. you scoff and your head falls back against his shoulder as he adds a second, rubbing the heel of his hand against your tdick with every motion. he curls his fingers, his fingertips brushing against that rough spot inside you that makes you spit and curse like a feral cat.
"fuck this," he growls under his breath. he fumbles with your belt buckle, undoing it before undoing the button of your jeans and tugging down the fly. he circles around you, undoing his own belt, button, and fly.
he flicks the body of his bag behind him, then grabs your waist with enough force to bruise and brings your hips to his. both you and him let out strangled sounds as the heads of your tdicks bump and rub against each other. he ruts against you, groaning lowly.
"goddamn, shug, you're so fuckin' hard," he manages through his whining noises. "do i do this to you? don't answer, i already know."
you hiss out something along the lines of telling him to shut the fuck up, choking back your moans. you angle your hips and grind forward. both you and him groan and curse and just rut against each other like desperate mutts.
he guides you backwards, pushing you back against the bark of a tree, still grinding against you. he pulls away a little to reach into his bag. he pulls out a strap-on, one that's thick and heavy and matches his brash personality perfectly. the harness clinks as he holds it up with a shit-eating smile.
"you ready for the main show, farmboy?"
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kalak · 2 years
Fascinated by the drawing luke shows vader in lego star wars.
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(Close up still shot)
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There's two suns (tatooine!! Hoo)
The suns are wearing sunglasses and also on the corner of the paper (relatable)
Luke's wearing his farmboy robes
Vader's mask is needlessly drawn too well
Meaning of this drawing is that Luke dreamed of having a father when he was a kid, and that didn't change even when he learned that darth vader was the father he yearned for
So he's showing his heart and also proposing a better future where they actually cultivate this kind of father son love
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Westley, The Princess Bride (1987) VS. Forge Fitzwilliam, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
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Westley, The Princess Bride (1987) Portrayed by: Cary Elwes
“He's the smartest and strongest guy in the whole movie, and he can do everything. But he's not just a champion, he's 100% devoted to the woman he loves. When he stares at Buttercup with the most outrageous blue heart eyes and murmurs "as you wish" I melt. And his accent is hot as hell.”
Forge Fitzwilliam, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) Portrayed by: Hugh Grant
"He's technically a DILF by way of pseudo-adopting a daughter after he got her father arrested so not a stepdad but the dad that stepped up!!!”
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Westley:
“When I first watched TV Princess Bride, at a middle school sleepover, we paused on Farmboy"s face, and left it there as we fell asleep. Have had an enormous crush on Westley ever since.”
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“Show me an xennial woman who did not have at least a LITTLE bit of a crush on "eyes like the sea before a storm" Westley and I will show you a liar (and I say this as someone who grew up to realize that she had an even bigger crush on Buttercup, so.)”
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“The way he says "As You Wish' had baby-me's heart all a-flutter before I even knew what that meant. And honestly the way he says every other line invokes the same mooneyes and sigh. He lives for True Love, he knows it is the most noble thing in the world! His speech to Humperdink is the greatest thing ever. What I mean to say is I braved the ROUSes for a glance at this man!”
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“TRUE LOVE. Poisoner, duellist, cunning and fast and full of tricks and doing it all to save the girl he hasn't seen for years but still loves more than life itself what's not to love?? (As you wish.)”
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For Forge Fitzwilliam:
(Excerpted from above propaganda) "Spoilers but Forge is a bad guy in the movie. That said, he's unfortunately very charming and I personally found it hard to hate him."
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pilot-boi · 3 months
how DOES Ozpin feel? Oscar I assume is just completely confused, but that's par for the course at the moment, but Oz?
There are exactly TWO People that don't stay dead, and that's Him and Salem, and even then there's a caveat - Salem's body regenerates when it's destroyed, and He's like a computer virus uploading itself onto a new system.
Jaune is Back and Different. Distinctly nonhuman or Faunus, unlike how He and Salem were originally cursed. He has scars. He has retains injuries. He's not like Salem. It's "His" Body, so he's not like Ozpin.
Jaune is Back.
And he is different.
(Obviously You've said the Blacksmith did this, but Ozzy doesn't know that.)
I can only imagine it's either frantic Calculating of the "Why" and "How" or simply silent, like Oz got hit with a flashbang and his ears are still ringing, or the winds been knocked out of him.
Oscar doesn’t really get why Ozpin is freaking out. Kid’s pretty sheltered. If ancient resurrecting wizards can show up in farmboy’s heads, why can’t rabbit human hybrids exist?
Jaune seems like a nice enough guy. They bond over anxiety
Ozpin, meanwhile, is full on having a meltdown
He and Salem are the only immortals. This has been true for MILLENIA. They are locked in an endless battle of destruction and creation, life and death. Two sides to the same coin
And now this
If Jaune Arc is immortal, he’s a very new one. He doesn’t remember this ever happening before. This is his first death, and it was supposed to be his only one. It’s almost reassuring that the young man is as confused as he is
Was this one of the Gods? With the Fall of Beacon, did Light decide Oz is doing so abysmally in his quest that he chose another champion? Another knight who died before his time?
When Yang is ranting at raging at him for doing this to her friend, Oz doesn’t know how to explain that he also doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. He doesn’t know if that would make him seem more trustworthy or less
His whole worldview has been knocked upside down, and worse, the child who’s going through it has no idea why this is happening to him. He has four extra limbs than he should, a body that is wholly unfamiliar, fears and instincts that don’t belong in his head, and no idea why HIM
Oz can’t even give him reassurance, because what if this is a one time thing? What if Jaune isn’t immortal, and he just got a second chance? How does Oz tell these children that he has lived for so long, died so many times, and their friend’s biggest hope is that MAYBE he’ll get to die someday?
So yeah
Oz is going through it
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floorpillow · 6 months
I'm gonna share some of my fav ace attorney fics with y'all please enjoy. It's mostly narumitsu but there's some klapollo there too
@girlanachrotism sent me all but one? Two? Of these btw. I just think I should say that
A brief for the defense by Ophelia_writes (18 chapters, ONGOING, one of the most well-written fics I've ever read. Takes place during the first trilogy with the last few chapters taking place during Bridge To The Turnabout. This fiction gave me whiplash genuinely I think it did something to me. Highly highly recommend even though it's still ongoing)
Pressure (pushing down on me) by ApprenticeofDoyle (7 chapters, COMPLETED. A few different cases, all original trilogy. This one's real good)
If I woke up (next to you) by ApprenticeofDoyle (1 chapter, COMPLETED. Same universe as Pressure ^. Takes place after the engarde case, love confessions between phoenix and miles. Implied sexual content but nothing explicit)
You ever been in love? By hechima (6 chapters, COMPLETED. Apollo justice trilogy. Slow burn, miles and phoenix are so in love)
Things are as they are by hechima (3 chapters, COMPLETED. Same universe as You ever been in love?. Miles sets Apollo and klavier up with a cabin for a few days. Love confessions)
darling i'd wait for you (even if you didn't ask me to) by sondersunrise (1 chapter, COMPLETED. Miles brings phoenix to a wedding as his plus one. Love confessions)
kick up the dust as we dance in the sun by whackamacka (11 chapters, COMPLETED. alright trust me on this one guys - 1930s dustbowl au narumitsu. Phoenix is an orphan farmboy who works ad a farmhand for the von karma estate. This one is so fucking good please try it I'm begging you)
come find me south of heaven by whackamacka (2 chapters, ONGOING. Sequel Fic to Kick Up The Dust. Phoenix as a defense attorney in Chicago)
i always want you when i'm finally fine by whiskeydmay (6 chapters, COMPLETED. This one's a hanahaki fic I am so weak for hanahaki. Five chapters from Phoenix pov and then one from miles pov.)
love most definitely requited by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (1 chapter, COMPLETED. Another hanahaki piece. Phoenix adopts trucy, and miles contracts Hanahaki. Franziska and Kay insist he confesses to Phoenix, so he does. Love confessions, fluff)
In The Dead Of Night by Harrowdeon (1 chapter, COMPLETED. Miles invites phoenix and trucy to Europe for a bit. Trucy wakes up from a nightmare and miles comforts her)
i'm getting so tired of coughing out my lungs by heiiskltchen (3 chapters, COMPLETED. Phoenix wright and his relationship with food after dahlia. This one is so heartbreaking tbh I fully agree with this concept)
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fuckyeselucien · 4 months
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Creator Highlight #9 - @wilde-knight
Welcome back to Elucien Creator Highlights!! We want to take a moment to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use up so much of their free time and creative energy to share their work with us!
Today we'd like to highlight @wilde-knight! If you've never met or spoken with @wilde-knight, you're missing out on talking to one of the sweetest, brightest lights in the elucien fandom. Unfailingly supportive, exceptionally kind, and with a wicked sense of humor to boot, @wilde-knight consistently keeps the elucien space fun, friendly, and welcoming.
@wilde-knight is, like so many others we've highlighted, also incredibly talented. Her words read like poetry, breathing life into characters so they feel more like friends you've known your entire life than letters on a page. Her fics are like coming home, her worlds familiar even when they're wholly unlike our own.
Check out some of our favorites from her below, or check out her masterlist HERE:
Burnished Gold:
Should I call you that, then?” She quirked her head. His noble brows curved in confusion.  “Err–call me what?” he replied, still trying to find his way over the path of their stumbling first encounter. “Well, farmboy, of course,” she replied with the sly hint of a smile he’d treasure until his dying day. “As you wish,” was his only reply.
An Elucien Fairy tale inspired by A Princess Bride
In Your Glow:
Listless and uninspired, Elain moves to a small town looking for a new beginning. While still trying to shake off a dark cloud of loneliness, she catches glimpses of a beautiful stranger. Chalking him up to an apparition she created to ease the weight of her own mind, Elain takes her first steps at re-engaging herself with the world by signing up for a tour foraging in a nearby forest, and who is the guide but her own handsome stranger.
TL;DR Elucien make out in the woods.
sweet nothing:
When Elain loses her career-driven job and her presumed boyfriend in one devastating moment, her fall from grace is anything but graceful. In a desperate move to pick her floundering life up off the floor, she agrees to take a temp job working at a family-run farm over maple season. Can she make the wayward brother melt with the winter snow? Or will she remain frozen in defeat forever?
Want to nominate someone? Fill out the form HERE
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
askposting: askbox is closed edition LOL
feat. tl4j time travel, tumblr fame, yoda's past, and more!
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every time i go to write a normal response to this my brain says "well cal and merrin are bisexual they can do both!"
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@yourfreindlynighborhoodspycrab holy shit i've made it in life
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@just-prime LMAOOO god she's got some strong arms if she's not puttin him down!! also this but its padme "me. my husband. and his padawan from the future who won't let go of him"
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they're jedi+. like normal jedi but they get more bag <3
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@archaalen i love this mainly bc it begs the question where did he get the second saber and what did he do with it when he decided this wasnt for him. is there a lightsaber in a bin in a space tescos somewhere.
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LMAO OH MY GOD YOUR MIND. YES. maul is getting cyberbullied by this random man he's never met in his life and ezra is having the time of his life <3
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ok 1. im gonna uh. i mean i still wanna make a proper story of it so i hope u dont mind waiting!! and 2. i imagine it's "well she could do better but she could do worse. at least han never nearly fell to the sith"
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