#he’s the reason harry never got to live with his godfather
“Harry didn’t name any of his kids after Remus because he’s saving that option for Teddy!”
Wrong. Harry didn’t name any of his kids after Remus because it wasn’t personal enough.
James Sirius is named after his two fathers; Lily Luna is named after his mother and one of his and Ginny’s best friends. Albus Severus is named after two wizards who were incredibly influential for Harry’s development and safety (I have a HC on why on earth Harry decided to name his child after Dumbledore and Snape, but that’s a separate post entirely). None of his and Ginny’s kids are named after Remus, not (just) because they wished to save the name for Teddy, but because of Teddy.
Harry looks his orphaned godson in the eyes one day, a year or two after the Battle, and realises how fucked up it was that Remus, despite technically being able to, never visited him. He can’t imagine leaving Teddy all alone like that, in a family he might know doesn’t look favourably upon magic. There’s a chance that Lily may have told Remus about Petunia and Vernon and their bigotry, their hatred. And Remus, for some reason, didn’t come look.
Harry looks that little boy in the eyes and realises how weird it was that Remus didn’t admit to having been the best of friends with James Potter until late into Harry’s third year. Harry can’t fathom that, if Teddy was Ron and Hermione’s kid and both Ron and Hermione died, he’d be able to talk to the spitting image of Ron with Hermione’s eyes (but starved, intense, broken, thirteen years old and remembering his parents’ murders) and not say, “Your parents were my best friends. Let me tell you about them; let me tell you all that you want to know.”
Harry figures he’d move mountains to keep Teddy safe and happy. Harry figures that Sirius would’ve done the same, considering he mustered up the strength to break out of Azkaban after twelve years and swim to Britain to ensure Harry’s safety at the smallest sign of danger. Sirius lived in a cave and ate rats for Harry with dementors breathing down his back: Harry knows with utmost certainty that, if Sirius had had the freedom to do so, he would’ve burnt the country down for Harry.
Remus didn’t do that for him, wouldn’t have, be it for a lack of freedom or a lack of want. Remus was ‘Lupin’ to Harry even in death, even after being named godfather to his son. Harry had to convince thirty-seven year old Remus to stay with his pregnant wife at seventeen. Harry got blown into a wall for his efforts, was given the honour of becoming godfather months later. Harry liked Remus, still loves him even, but there’s nothing Harry wouldn’t do for Teddy and there was very little Remus did for Harry, and there’s that.
Later, Harry doesn’t even suggest naming a child after Remus. Ginny doesn’t even ask. None of their children are named after Remus, because Harry is a man who is quick to anger when it’s about innocents, a man whose forgiveness only goes so far. He’s never been truly bothered by his own situation, but he’s bothered by the mere idea of Teddy ending up in a similar one and him doing nothing.
Remus did nothing. That’s the crux of it. That’s why.
(After Lily Luna is born, Teddy asks if ‘Luna’ is for his dad. Harry looks at Ginny, and Ginny looks at him, and Harry does what Remus taught him: he swallows his apprehension and lies.
“Yes,” he says, raking his fingers through Teddy’s fluffy, turquoise hair. He thinks he’ll raze cities for this child. “But we saved ‘Remus’ for you.”)
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
Hi hello tell me more about one-sided Lupin/Lily (and also if Sirius realizes it lol)
hiii imp.
i was thinking recently that fanon always has lupin and lily being besties and that's a trope that's permeated a lot of good canon-based fic too and i was wondering why---the biggest reason obviously is the poa movie and that weird made up monologue david thewlis delivers about recognising harry by his eyes (which is sooo ?!?!?!) but most of the fandom knows that's a movie only thing. so then i was like alright, theyre both kind people, lily defends his "secret" to snape before she even really knows him, she likes all of james' other friends etc etc--it doesn't not make sense--
except lupin is really...oddly silent on lily in the books. not that we get sirius professing his love for her or anything but we get the letter in DH, at least. lily clearly loves him. he's in the wedding photos and lily obviously agreed to name him godfather. he reassures harry that lily loved james in ootp. the letter from lily also has her calling peter 'wormy' and being concerned about his emotional state.
nowhere in the 7 books do we actually get a hint of lily&lupin friendship. in poa, harry tells lupin he heard his dead parents when the dementors attacked and lupin simply goes 'you heard JAMES?'
which makes me think...they just weren't that close, lol. so i did some digging and it turns out jkr once implied that lupin sort of had feelings for lily, which would serve as a great hc for why he mightve been distant and generally awkward around her. because no way is he going to contest james on this particular matter---1. he LOVES james and 2. this is remus lupin we're talking about.
so the end result is...he just never got that close to her.
james would never notice this, imo. SIRIUS realising it? more likely .i feel like he would, and he'd probably be the type of guy to take the piss out of lupin for it, lmao. and maybe, like @casquecest said, it would build up the case in his mind for why lupin might be the spy later in their lives (some latent resentment towards james; this is ofc not true, lupin resents sirius xD)
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Three
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(Not my gif)
Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Warnings: major trigger warning for James and Lily death (I cried while writing, that's why its shorter), angst, tiny fluffy and my trash writing
a/n: This chapter is shorter than the previous ones bc tumblr deleted it for some reason and I had to rewrite it and I just got off an exam so please be patient with me :))
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Chapter One Chapter Two
"You three aren't even trying to be discreet." The girl mocked, rising from the basement, looking at the wizards.
Harry was sitting on the kitchen, blowing on an empty cup without even noticing.
Sirius had grabbed one book from the couch but was holding it upside down, moving his hand along his beard, pretending to be interested.
Remus was the only one unconspicuous, sitting down and eating the last piece of pie left, however his abnormally straight back gave him away.
The older Black pretended to be surprised by the two of them appearing, throwing his hands up. "Oh hey! Look Moony if it isn't the undead pair."
"Hi Sirius." Y/n said, a small smile appearing on her lips. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Sirius' smile became sad, tears glowing in his eyes, threatening to fall down his cheek. It came down on him, Y/n was alive this whole time.
One of the things he most blamed himself for years on end, edging him to fall into complete madness. Thinking that not only he was responsible for his best friend's death, but his niece too.
An innocent baby, with so much to experience, and she had completely been erased from existence.
And to think she was most attached to James hurted him even more.
But then, there she was. Breathing, alive, still standing after all those years.
And standing next to her, was his brother. The one that died without a second chance, thinking Sirius hated him.
It was almost everything he ever asked for, but it's better than it was before.
"I guess I should be thanking you for saving my life." He stated, approaching her and opening his arms, to which she happily accepted and hugged him back. "And thank you for saving my brother." He whispered on her ear, making her hum.
They let go and Sirius looked at the man standing by her.
The Black Brothers were never found of physical affection, for years the only touch they had were one another's.
"Reggie?" Y/n called, and Sirius thought he'd hex the girl, never really liking nicknames, but the man only looked at her. "Come on." She spoked gently, taking a step back.
The younger Black breathed in deeply, before closing his eyes and pulling his brother into a tight hug.
All air was pushed out Sirius' lungs, eyes open wide and looking at the girl in shock.
He held strongly to his younger brother, closing his eyes too and smiling.
He was back.
And willing to be his brother once again.
"Come here you two." Y/n whispered, holding her arms out to the wizards.
Harry hurried to her, burying his face on her neck and pulling her closer. Remus hugged her other side, one hand on the girl's head, lightly petting her, and the other one in the boy's shoulder.
She could her how Harry would sniff quietly and his breath was shaking, while Lupin sighed deeply, as if one massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"It's so nice!" She mumbled, lying her head against her brother's and smiling at her godfather. "I always wanted to meet you."
"And I know you guys have a lot of questions." She stated, seeing Regulus and Sirius loose their hug and look at each other awkwardly. "So why don't we go into the living room?"
Remus led the way, Harry and Y/n right behind him in a side hug because they didn't wanted to let go of each other. And the Black Brothers last, exchanging gazes like they used to do on family meetings.
The werewolf sat on a chair, the Potters sitting on the opposite side, in a tizzy couch, leaving a two-seats couch for the Blacks.
Harry kept his hands to himself, however left his knee touch his sister's, wanting some contact, desesperatly trying to make sure she was real.
"I think I'll start." Lupin coughed, looking at Y/n. "How are you alive?"
Sirius perked up at that, being way too obvious when leaning in.
It was October 31st. Halloween.
Despite keeping a low profile and keep hiding, the Potters where trying to make the best out the holiday.
Harry was in a pumpkin costume Remus gotten for him the second year in a row, it was beginning to look a little tight and Lily wanted to see him one last time in that bright orange outfit.
Y/n was wearing a princess dress, red and gold like gryffindor's colors and a silver tiara on her head.
"Can you believe it's been a year?"
"I know. It feels like yesterday when they were coming out of me." Lily smiled, picking the boy up, his eyes glossy and eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.
"Can you imagine when they start talking?" James asked, a huge smile looking at his daughter. "Like, actually talking instead of just 'mama'."
"Y/n already is, remember? She said 'moon' when she saw Remus."
"Please don't remind me of that." He answered. "That kind of betrayal I can't forgive."
"I can't imagine you not forgiving someone."
James thought about it. Of course he could forgive his own daughter, but he wondered if there was something he would never forgive, but all possibilities were so unreal he didn't even bothered.
"If one of them don't start saying 'daddy' soon, you'll see." He joked, seeing Lily disappear on the stairs to put Harry to bed.
Y/n always stood up a little later than her brother, watching James make colors and feathers appear with his wand.
Everybody knew she favored her father over Lily, but Harry never fell asleep on James' arms, so it was quite balanced.
"Y'know, it's not hard to say it." He started, sitting on the floor with her. "Come on, do it. 'Da-da'." He tried, but the girl was busy trying to chew her tiara. "No, that's not for eating. Come on, 'da-ddy'. Still no? What about 'pa-pa', huh? Oh please, even one syllable I'll accept. Anything!"
"Bodah!" She giggled, bouncing her little feet.
"Oh come on!" He groaned, smile big on his face. "I'm glad you love your brother, but you love daddy too, no?"
"Just leave her, James." Lily's voice came from upstairs, her tone breaking for bouncing Harry to sleep. "She'll say it when she's ready."
Easy for you to say it, he thought. Lily too was upset when her daughter's first word was her godfather's nickname, but only a few days later she started mumbling "mama".
"Okay then. Come on, it's time to sleep. We need to get that dress off you." He picked her up, leaving the wand on the floor, next to the couch.
He was only mid-way when something felt different, a chill running down his spine and his stomach turned.
The secret.
No time for running upstairs, he shoved a door of a cupboard under the stairs.
"Stay here. Daddy will be right back." He assured, lying his daughter on a picnic basket.
James started tapping himself, looking for his wand. Why, why? Why was this happening?
"Lily, he's here!" He shouted, closing the door behind and rushing to the living room.
If he could at least slow him, Lily could run away with Harry and come back for Y/n later. The prophecy was about a boy, so Voldemort wouldn't waste his time looking for a girl.
His heart was racing and he felt dizzy. He knew.
He knew he'd die, getting to his wand or not.
In his mind, he only prayed. That his kids and his wife could live.
James wasn't a religious man, but God did he prayed.
When he got to the living room, his heart sank.
Voldemort's sly figure was standing, a dark cape covering almost all of his appearance, wand visible. However, what broke his heart was the one standing on his shadow.
The one that used to be on his shadow at Hogwarts, one of his best friends. Peter Pettigrew.
That's when he knew. The betrayal he'd never forgive or forget.
James didn't even had time to look at his wand when the cold voice set the curse, and everything went black.
Upstairs, Lily started crying by hearing her husband's body hit the floor. Voldemort followed that sound, leaving the two marauders behind.
Peter looked hesitantly at James' body, not sure if he'd stand up despite the green lightning that hit him right on the chest.
They used to be best buddies, and now not a single tear left his eyes, staring at his corpse, laying there side by side with his daughter's tiara.
The curse was pronounced two more times, and Peter waited for his master to come downstairs and lead the way to the meeting. However, what he heard was someone on the garden.
It was Snape, but he didn't knew that and chose to runaway from the back, passing the door to the cupboard where Y/n was.
"Dada?" She finally said, but James wasn't there to hear.
In total, three people entered the house after the Dark Lord: Snape, Hagrid and Sirius. However, not even one could find her, well hid on the bottom of a closet.
It was only until many hours later, when Harry had just been left at the Privet Drive's house, someone found her.
It was Aberforth, Albus Dumbledore's brother. The headmaster of Hogwarts sent him to take care of Lily's and James' bodies so they'd have a proper funeral.
He had just started to go upstairs when he heard the crying, very low, very muffled, that couldn't have been heard if you even whispered.
Took him quite some time to find the girl, the steps on the stairs must've waked her up.
"Daddy." She said again when the door to the closet opened.
His head was spinning. The news of Harry Potter's survival was already running the world, together with the information his sister didn't had the same luck.
Taking the entire basket, he left the house, not caring too much for the bodies. Hell, Y/n was alive!
This would change everything. "The boy who lived" would turn into "The twins who lived".
If, of course, he didn't decided to keep it a secret.
Albus had ordered him to go to the house when everything was happening, he knew James and Lily would die. He wanted that to happen.
The same way he knew the traitor was Peter Pettigrew and Sirius was about to be send to Azkaban.
His brother never cared for anyone's life, so Aberforth couldn't risk. He wouldn't tell a soul.
Next Chapter
Taglist (lemme know if i forgot anyone, I'm still new to this): @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit
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ourloveisforthelovely · 8 months
Bad Ideas (Part 14)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 13
The following hours were some of the longest of your life. While Regulus slept you let your mind wander to the upcoming dark days that the two of you would face. You dreaded telling Regulus that he would soon become a werewolf. Seeing the shock and sheer devastation in his eyes was enough to make you want to cry. Typically you weren’t a crier. You were more of a “hell hath no fury like Y/n Black” type. Today, however, that wasn’t the case.
“Has he woken up at all?”
You looked up from your place at Regulus’ side as Sirius stepped into the room.
“No, not yet.”
Sirius took a breath before sitting down in the chair on Regulus’ other side. He hated seeing his younger brother so banged up as much as hated that expression on your face. Seeing you look completely devastated made Sirius want to walk right up to Greyback and punch the bastard square in the face.
“Have you thought how we are going to break this to him?”
You shook your head. Every time that you tried to think of a plan for what you would say it never seemed good enough.
“No…not a clue. I don’t know how to tell Regulus everything he knows about himself is changing.”
Sirius didn’t respond for a moment.
“Yeah, how do you say it in a way that isn’t going to devastate him? Nothing about this conversation is going to be easy. Maybe with the medicine he’s on it will make the initial shock just a little easier.”
You stroked your finger over Regulus’ wedding band.
“He will either be a little loopy or choose violence. Time will have to tell on that one.”
Sirius winced as he turned to look at you again. He wanted to give you some kind of wisdom. Sirius wanted nothing more than to tell you that the two of you would find a way to deal with this. After all, he had been through this with Remus. He went through Remus’ personal hell every month but for some reason, he couldn’t get the words out.
“ How are you holding up? “
You looked back up to your godfather before shrugging.
“I don’t know. I keep telling myself that logically we can deal with this. I can the potion for Regulus as I do with Remus. Regulus will simply have to find his new normal…then my heart kicks in and says other things. Look at him… he’s never going to accept this. You know your brother as well as I do. “
Sirius looked thoughtful for a moment.
“Yes, I do but I also know you. I know you are going to be that one constant in his life that he never had before. When the two of you became a couple I was a little hesitant about it…”
“You chased us through the train station . .. “
Sirius held a hand up with a frown.
“Interrupting me when I’m trying to be inspirational is rude. Like I was saying, I had my hesitations but now I don’t. The two of you bring out the best in each other. You make my brother tolerable. Granted, he is still a little shit when you are gone but he is tolerable. I like seeing you happy too. Seeing a Y/n happy face is always a nice thing to see.”
Sirius was relieved when you smiled for a moment before frowning.
“I wish James would see it that way.”
Sirius sighed before making a mental note to give James a good talking-to later.
“He’ll come around. You know all of this has to be a lot for him and Lily. The last thing they remembered was they had one-year-old twins. Now both Harry and yourself are grown-ups with lives of your own. I’m going to ask you to cut them a little slack. That, however, doesn’t mean that your feelings aren’t valid.”
A knock on the door stopped the conversation. When Harry stepped into the room, he gave you a nervous smile.
“Y/n, can you come here for just a moment?”
Sirius gave you a gentle smile.
“Go ahead. I’ll stay here with Regulus.”
You got up to follow your brother into the hallway. When you stepped into the hallway, you smiled seeing Ron and Hermione in the waiting room. Both quickly walked over and wrapped their arms around you.
“We came as soon we heard.”
Ron commented as he moved aside to let Hermione hug you more. You wrapped your arms around Hermione enjoying every moment of that hug.
“Is he alright?”
Hermione asked in a gentle tone. You shook your head.
“He’s going to be a werewolf. There is no skipping around that.”
Ron ran a hand through his hair before muttering “bloody hell” under his breath.
“Was it Greyback?”
He questioned. You nodded.
“Yeah, apparently he got away after all. I know that we were hoping that he was dead but it doesn't look like that happened.”
Hermione gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ears.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n but you have us. We’ll help you however we can.”
Ron nodded.
“We certainly will. Regulus will be back to insulting us and throwing stuff at our feet before we know it.”
Ron was relieved when you smiled for a brief moment.
“I need to be selfish for a moment…I have to tell him though. He’s been asleep since it happened. Bloody hell, I have to tell my husband that his life…everything that he knows has changed. I have to watch him go through the hell that Remus goes through every month. I have to sit back while he suffers and I can’t do a damned thing about it.”
Harry gently squeezed your hand as Hermione placed a hand on either side of your face.
“No, you can’t do anything about it medically but you can be there for him in every other sense. He is going to need you more than ever, Y/n. You are strong. I know that you can do this. Like, Ron said, you have us. The four of us have been through so much over the years. We can handle a furry little problem too.”
If there was one thing that Hermione could do best that was calming you down. She always knew what to say to bring you some peace.
“I need the three of you more than ever.”
You said, hoping to hold the tears back.
“We aren’t going anywhere.”
Harry said as Regulus yelling made the three of you jump
You groaned before putting a hand on your face.
“He chose violence.”
You commented before quickly walking back into the hospital room.
When you stepped into the room, Regulus was sitting straight up in the bed with a horrified expression on his face. Sirius was standing up holding his hands up trying to quiet his younger brother in vain.
Regulus’ attention turned to you. Your heart instantly broke seeing the petrified look. His normally dreamy gray eyes were filled with sheer horror.
“Y/n, tell me that he is joking.”
When you didn’t reply, Regulus’ mouth dropped further.
You moved to sit down beside Regulus. Silently, you hoped that your presence would calm him down. Now it was time to destroy the life of the man that you loved more than anyone else in the world.
“Y/n, say something to me.”
Regulus ordered. You took a deep breath.
“Regulus…you were bitten by Fenrir Greyback. I’m sorry, darling, but there’s…”
“Don’t say nothing that you can do. I can’t turn into…one of those monsters.”
You breathed in, trying to calm yourself.
“I’m sorry but you are. Regulus, everything will be alright. I know that it doesn’t seem that way now but there are…”
Regulus shook his head. This was worse than being drowned by inferi and drinking that damned torture potion combined. Now he was forever weakened.
“Reg, Remus goes through this every month. He can help…”
Sirius started but stopped when Regulus gave him the biggest got to hell look.
“Yeah, but I’m not Remus Lupin! I don’t have the level of grace that man does.”
Regulus grumbled. You stood and began to gently run your fingers through his hair. Normally this would turn Regulus into putty. He was surprised that he was feeling somewhat better.
“Are you going to leave me now?”
He asked, turning his attention back to you. You nearly fell back in your chair as your mouth dropped.
“Regulus Black, that is the dumbest question that I have ever heard come out of your mouth! I would never leave you over something like this. When I put that ring on your finger I meant the vows that I said.”
Regulus nodded but didn’t respond. He had partially lost the will to say anything else. He sat trying to process the news that his life, as he knew it, was over. He glanced over at you sadly. The fact that you hadn’t left him spoke volumes of your loyalty to him.
He couldn’t help but wonder if, in time, you would change your mind and leave. If the truth of his condition came out, Regulus knew that your reputation would be ruined. You had worked so hard to become a healer. It would be a scandal if it got out that you were married to a werewolf.
“This is Y/n. She won’t care what anyone has to say…hopefully. I can’t be without her.”
Regulus thought miserably. Since he had gotten with you so much of his outlook on things had changed. No longer was he this independent being that didn’t need another individual in his life. You had shown him how wonderful it was to be truly loved and accepted. Regulus DID NOT want to go back to the lonely life that he lived before you.
“Sweetheart, can you get me some water?”
Regulus asked. You nodded before leaning down and kissing his cheek.
Regulus waited until you were out of the room to speak to his brother.
“How long do I have, Sirius?”
Sirius looked down at his feet before finally meeting his younger brother’s gaze.
“The next full moon. Regulus, I know this is nothing that you asked for and nothing that you want but you have support. I’m not going anywhere nor is Y/n or Remus. You have people in your corner.”
Regulus sighed. As much he enjoyed giving his brother hell, Regulus was thankful to have Sirius in his corner again. It was nice having a relationship with his brother that he thought was gone forever.
“I’m sorry for screaming at you.”
Sirius chuckled.
“That was very Regulus Black of you.”
Regulus hoped that you would take some time getting that water.
“Should I divorce her?”
Sirius’ mouth dropped at the question that left his brother’s mouth.
“What? Why would you ask something like that?”
Regulus leaned back into the pillow. His whole body ached like never before. It felt as if all of his muscles were on fire while being twisted. Regulus knew that it was the venom changing every cell in his being.
“Because, Sirius, it's unfair to her! Y/n has worked too hard to get where she is to have her reputation tarnished by having a werewolf for a husband. You know how people look down on werewolves? Do you think it's fair to put a young woman through that? I may look the same age as Y/n but right now I feel our actual age difference.”
Sirius sat down on the bed before looking over his shoulder to make sure that you weren’t nearby.
“Regulus, I want you to listen to me. Do not and I mean do not even say anything like that to Y/n. She loves you! I have never seen her care for someone like she does you. If you leave her, she will be devastated. Please, Y/n has been through too damn much to have something like this happen to her. I’m begging you to not even consider the D-word.”
Regulus looked up as you walked back into the room.
“Here, love.”
You said before handing Regulus the cup of water. Sitting back down, you started stroking Regulus’ hair again. You didn’t notice the panicked expression on Sirius’ face as he stood up.
“I’m going to go call Remus. He’s probably wondering where I’m at.”
“See you soon.”
You replied, focusing all of your attention on Regulus. Sirius walked to the door but turned back to meet his brother’s gaze before mouthing,
“Please don’t.”
_____ @geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @fific7 @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @dumbbunnys-safes @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @readtomeregulus @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @rogue-nyx88 @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @playmore-zeppelin @coffeeaddictednymph @ell0ra-br3kk3r @knight-of-gleefulness @shaylybaby2032 @wontlookaway @livshifts @emiwrites3reads
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Ok so don't get me wrong I loooove drarry but I also love wolfstar and I've been reading a lot of it lately and I'm having hard time going back to reading drarry, even though my to read list for them is getting longer and longer, because most drarry fics I've seen are after the war and all the marauders are dead and it makes me soooo sad, any advice??
The solution is AUs my friend! I’ll add on to my existing one: Jily/Wolfstar lives AUs and/or non-magic AUs!
Drarry + Wolfstar
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner by dracogotgame (5k)
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Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue by starbrigid (series, 1.2M)
All it takes is one look in a mirror and an ill-advised attempt to shatter it, before an embittered Draco Malfoy fresh out of Azkaban is sent back into his body on the day he gets his Hogwarts letter. Suddenly, Draco has an unwanted second chance, with a Sorting Hat that doesn't know what to do with him, a certain Muggleborn who won't leave his study table alone, and green eyes he just can't get out of his head. And then there's his new wand, whose choice of him could just mark him as every bit as dark a wizard as his name means he should be.
The Devil’s White Knight by AngrySpaceRavenclaw/orphaned (64k)
When Harry wakes up in an alternate timeline–a timeline where Voldemort was defeated long before the first war–he discovers everything is different. His parents, his godfather, his friends–and him. Harry must deal with the consequences of who he would have been if he had been raised by his parents, and figure out where he stands with his casual hook up, Draco Malfoy
head over heels by derkmaliknurse (21k)
Everyone in Harry’s life thinks he’s engaged to Malfoy. The solution to this is not pretending to date Malfoy, but here he is doing that anyway.
Nearly by gonattsaga (434k)
Sirius doesn't go after Peter Pettigrew on the night that Voldemort kills the Potters, but stays to look after Harry... This means that he is never wrongly accused and incarcerated for the murder of Lily and James, and instead he and Remus Lupin raise Harry as their own. When it finally becomes time for Harry to start his education at Hogwarts, he has no reason to tell the Sorting Hat not to place him in Slytherin, so he is Sorted into Slytherin and becomes best friends (and later on, more than friends) with Draco.
The Thief and the Throne (Fallen Kingdom) by @gnarf (30k)
Many years after the Dark Lord killed the last King and took the throne, a young orphan joins the Order. Harry hopes that they will teach him how to help those their new King deemed unworthy: the Regulars. Those people who worked hard for their food yet had to hand over most of their harvest to fill the already overflowing warehouses of the Capital. With the help of the Order and an unexpected ally Harry is ready to right the wrongs.
My Life As A Butterfly by @digthewriter (22k)
At the age of seventeen, Harry finds himself falling in love with a detached Draco Malfoy. Through a series of unfortunate miscommunications and gossip, he had a bad falling out (of love), too. Now, years later, can Harry make amends about a misunderstanding? Would Draco forgive him?
Love In Slow Motion by AngrySpaceRavenclaw (11k)
Harry flushed. “I’d like to do that again.” Draco threw his head back and laughed. “Would you, now?” Blinking up, Harry reached up with a shaking hand and brushed a bit of Draco’s blonde fringe away from his forehead. “Yeah. I would. Unless you’ve got someone better to get home to.”
A Quickening Hope, A Freshening Glee by @maesterchill (3k)
Joy comes to Harry and Draco alongside a quickening of heart, and of body, and of breath. Or: The one where Draco and Harry find out from Remus Lupin in a Ministry lift that they're going to have a baby. And Sirius flips out.
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by @teacup-tai (50k)
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance.
My Big Fat Pureblood Wedding by QueenyMidas / @drarry (177k)
Chaos ensues after Harry proposes to Draco on their three-year anniversary. The two must plan a wedding around their fighting friends, warring families, and each other's stubbornness. EWE, post-war, disregarding Remus, Sirius, and Colin's deaths and the fact that gay marriage is not legal in the UK.
tissue of silver by fearlessdiva (76k)
A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf. Beware: coarse language, brief drug use, some sexual content, and consideration of issues of sexual consent.
The White Pawn by Soupy_George (80k)
When eighteen-year-old Draco Malfoy finds himself back at Hogwarts on the eve of Voldemort's infamous return, he is confronted with the most difficult decision he's ever had to make: Relive the 6th year at school he's tried so hard to forget, or do the unthinkable and ally himself with Potter's lot...
Led by Light of a Star Sweetly Gleaming + Pages of You by @wolfpants (53k + 101k)
Remus Lupin is a student and temporary sales assistant at Oxford's finest department store when a mysterious, handsome young man by the name of Sirius Black enters his life and introduces him to a world of sprawling country estates, parties, and London's underground bar scene. A 1960s Wolfstar AU with lots of music, smoking, fine interiors, and, of course, romance.
Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't.
In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire.
A story about trying to figure out who you are, where you're going in life, and who you want to take along with you.
Drarry + Jily
Bonded Consort by Lomonaaeren (89k)
 Nineteen years ago, the Potters betrothed their firstborn child to the firstborn Malfoy child. Eighteen years ago, Voldemort was defeated for good. Seventeen years ago, the Potters changed the contract so that their secondborn child was substituted for their firstborn. Now, Draco Malfoy is trying to work out what happened.
You're Dating Who?! by SasuNarufan13 (4k)
James doesn't have a problem whatsoever with the fact that his only son is gay. As long as Harry is happy, he's happy. His son's latest boyfriend, though … He's not so sure about him.
Chronological Displacement by bookinit (89k)
In which Harry and Draco have a time-turner accident, and many things go wrong, but a lot of things also go right. Featuring: reptilian bonding night, canon-inaccurate animagus lessons, and a fuck-ton of pining.
aka the fic where Harry finds his family, and fights to keep them.
Notes on a resurrection by newleaves (126k)
It was never Draco’s intention to raise Sirius Black from the dead.
We Built This Right by @remy-writes5 (15k)
At last year's Grand Prix Final, Harry had an accident that left him with a lightning scar on his forehead, a concussion and a twisted ankle. Now everyone is waiting to see if his career is over - including former rival, Draco Malfoy.
Loved In Spite of Ourselves by AngrySpaceRavenclaw (181k)
"It began with four boys, and one compartment." Spanning across time, through the first war, and into the second. The years were both kind and cruel for ones called Marauders, and for ones who came after. But they knew friendship, and sorrow, and love, and joy. And sometimes it was only things things which allowed them to survive--if that's all they could do. Survive.
*This is a marauders fic but Drarry happens later on
Dare Speak Its Name by Lomonaaeren (8k)
AU, with Harry raised by his parents. Harry learns of a secret Quidditch field, run by one Draco Malfoy, that tests all comers and trains them to a higher level of perfection. Sneaking out to the field is only natural for Harry. But what he encounters there changes his life at a level he's never let anyone see before.
The Boy Who Loved by @greenmegsnoham (30k)
At 11 years old, Harry found himself drawn to Draco Malfoy immediately. He wasn’t quite sure why. All he knew was that he wanted to spend every moment with him that he could. When they arrive at school, Harry makes a choice. One that changes the course of his life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. More than he knows...
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padfootastic · 1 year
Okay so I entered the HP fandom like 7 years ago and I found your amazing blog about 2 days ago and can I just say that I love your amazing takes so much.
And what’s interesting to me is that the way you ‘headcanon’ (read: actual hp canon) Sirius and Harry’s relationship is literally how I’ve been envisioning Harry and Teddy’s relationship for almost a decade.
Like you can pry Harry loving Teddy more than anyone (even more than Ron and Hermione) from the moment he meets him from my cold dead hands - that adorable baby was my boy’s salvation/only source of light when he was surrounded by the darkness of the war and his own inner demons and I will die on this hill.
omg hi!! i’m so glad ur here and thank u sm for being so kind <3333 i’m just making lil castles in my sandbox here haha
okay but that parallel is so fascinating bc i don’t usually think of it that way. like, don’t get me wrong, i utterly adore teddy and harry’s relationship and everything the former symbolises for the latter, and there’s so many amazing fics (esp on ffn!) thatve got me on the verge of tears. but like. s&h occupy a very unique space in my brain and i’ve never thought ab it that way haha
but! i fully totally agree w you that teddy was a postwar harry’s only source of salvation. the second that baby opened his eyes and smiled up at his godfather, harry was gone. decimated. destroyed and rebuilt in a single second. i think, as someone who’d just recently walked to his death and also defeated someone central to his life, he would’ve been in desperate need of a reason to keep living. to get out. bed. and teddy is that reason. i can imagine him being the only way harry even shows any emotion in those days after the war.
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jmagnabo92 · 16 days
What are your views on Remus as a partner...
I know your fav are Harry and Sirius...so only answer if you want to.
But on reading your recent sirry fic, where Remus is one of the main supporting character, I got intrigued to know your thoughts.
And with the way the story is progressing i don't think you plan on killing him anytime soon.
I always felt that were him and tonks not killed in the battle, their marriage would have been a disaster.
We see him abandoning his family once. We see his low self esteem issues. We see his low sense of self and such people are a recipe for a volatile relationship.
Also i can never picture him as a decent dad. Like jkr took an easy way out by giving him death rather than live a life full of struggle.
You being one of the very few people who is not an advocate for whitewash version of Remus. So i would like to know your views on Remus as a partner and Remus as a father, in a scenario where the couple survived.
Also if you would like to share how was his and Sirius's relationship in this fic during the first world War because Sirius is too good to the man for being an ex...
Remus as a partner... hmmm-mm.
Well, i like to draw from canon instead of fanon.
Remus in canon is not a good partner. Part of this is because he doesn't *want* to be. Just like with the whole 'Remus could've been a godfather/uncle/whatever to Harry', in canon, he isn't. Why? Because he very clearly doesn't *want* to be.
Whether Remus thinks that he *needs* to be alone because he's a werewolf or *wants* to be alone because he thinks he's unlovable, canonically, it's pretty obvious that he doesn't want or need a BF/GF/kid. He's always going to put himself first (and disguise it as looking out for the other person).
So, I don't see him as a long-term relationship person. Remus and Tonks would definitely break up - he left once (and blamed the war), but i can't see him not finding some other reason when he's feeling low not to leave.
In the fic you mentioned (I assumed it's Return From The Veil, it's the only Sirry I've been updating recently), Remus wants sex, but he also wants to not have to worry about pregnancy or a relationship.
So, during the first war, he preyed on Sirius wanting to fix the situation with Remus brought on by Snape and the Willow, and offering sex gave him exactly what he wanted. Sirius didn't think he deserved a relationship and Remus didn't want one, but they both wanted sex and the release.
Despite wanting more, Sirius accepted what he could have, while Remus didn't want more and it's easy to just get into a pattern.
hope i answered your question.
thanks for the ask :)
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cactusspatz · 5 months
March recs
I didn't read a ton in March -- between my birthday, attending SXSW Film (16 movies in one week!), and then getting over the cold I caught at SXSW -- and what I did read was mostly… Harry Potter fic? Yeah, I was surprised too. I've bookmarked only one fic in the last few years since JKR went off the transphobia cliff, so it was a bit strange, but I was pleased to see fandom is persisting in being aggressively queer and/or 'fuck canon' about it.
So I've got 1 Murderbot fic, 1 The Fugitive fic, and 5 Harry Potter fics, plus a handful more at Pinboard.
reasoning made lucid and cool by The_Onion (Murderbot, gen)
Iris is guest-teaching a PUMNT course, so it makes sense for Murderbot to go as her security. Yes, ART is doing most of the job, and yes, they are making Murderbot take a class, but it's still only there for work. It thinks? What do you mean it has to do a group project. "Really, the longer I stayed here, the more it seemed like this was all a ploy to force me into an education module."
A++ Murderbot-ART dynamic, plus Murderbot blowing its cover to save lives, as per usual.
Wikipedia: List of notable manhunts by rastaban (The Fugitive, Sam/Richard)
Categories: Manhunts | US Marshal's Office | Overturned convictions in the United States | Withdrawn drugs | Gay & lesbian figures in the 1990s
Charmingly meta fic from the POV of someone editing the articles about Richard's story. I love the details filling in the case details, and every quote from Sam sounds just like him.
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Heal Thyself by astolat (Harry/Draco)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.” “What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th. “Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
Great redemption arc for Draco with fascinating worldbuilding about magical healing. And competence porn, of course - astolat always excels at that!
the dogfather by hollimichele (gen, Remus/Sirius)
“I’m not a reverse werewolf either,” says the man. “I’m your godfather.”
Wonderful AU where Harry gets adopted by Muggles and Sirius escapes early that I started reading on Tumblr ages ago and finally got around to finishing on AO3 years later.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound (Harry/Draco)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Creative and engaging plot (mystery with intermittent work disasters), and VERY hot.
that’s the art of getting by by sarewolf (Remus/Sirius)
“What do you want me to do?” Remus says, tiredly. All he wants is to curl up on his bed. Smoke a pack of cigarettes. Get drunk. He can’t stop looking at Harry. “Remus…” Dumbledore is gentle. Remus hates when he has that tone. Hates that he knows it will hurt. “There is no one else left.” A bitter laugh escapes him. “So you’ll curse the poor thing with a werewolf for a guardian?”
Wrenching, gorgeously written AU that digs into Remus and Sirius's trauma, then patiently untangles their grief and betrayal and love so they can start to heal.
Lost and Found by rosie-writes (Remus/Sirius)
Imagine a universe in which Remus never went to Hogwarts. The Marauders never became Animagi, and so Peter had nowhere to run when Sirius cornered him after the Potters' deaths. Peter was the one who ended up in Azkaban, whilst Sirius was granted custody of Harry. Fast-forward six years or so, to a sunny day in April 1988….
Wistful but startlingly sweet AU.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Until The Very End -(WITS Sequel)
A/N: None of you bitches told me today was the 26th how am I supposed to know I have to post a new chapter Anyway, HAPPY 1000TH POST!! -Danny
Words: 2,301
Previous chapter // Next chapter Listen to: 'Photograph' -by Cody Fry
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When Rose Granger-Weasley was born, they discovered Ron was the overprotective father of the whole lot. Not even Erick had acted that way with his babies. Hermione found it exasperating, but to Ron, that little girl was his firstborn, and nothing was going to stop him from keeping her safe.
If they were packed with children before, now it was definitely overwhelming. Fred had a good reason to be losing his mind over it, there was always a baby or a toddler he had to be mindful not to step on or sit on accident.
Regulus, who was the eldest child, hadn't changed much after his talk with Mel. He was a kid still, so she wasn't expecting him to change his behaviour, he was too young to grasp it all. However, he seemed a little bit uneasy about attending Hogwarts now.
Emily Flint, on the other hand, couldn't wait to go. She was determined to be as good as her father to the point of claiming she'd be a Headgirl too. She wanted to be in Slytherin like him, but Erick had advised her not to force herself into a house where she might not belong.
"You should let the hat do its work, love," He'd told her. "If you talk too soon, you'll be trapped in a house where you're not comfortable."
"Listen to your father, he should know," Mel teased him. "He became my friend out of boredom and before he knew it he was dragged into our mess."
"Yeah, worst decision of my life," he mused, kissing the top of his son's head, who was sound asleep in his arms.
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Matthew John Potter was born on January twelve, also known as Erick's birthday. Naturally, Mel and Harry asked him to be the godfather.
Erick was more than pleased, he was ready to take the boy under his wing and guide him through life. What that meant, no one knew, but Mel trusted he'd do a good job anyway.
Amy Flint was born in February of the same year, the fifth—and last of their babies, according to Anne and Erick.
Then, to everyone's surprise, Fred and Joseph decided to get married. It wasn't that they weren't expecting them to last, they'd been dating for almost a decade, but since they lived together and didn't seem to have any interest in getting married, it wasn't exactly anticipated.
Fred's wedding, in spite of what he'd promised when they were younger, was as elegant as any other, if not more. Joseph was firm on having the best of the best in every aspect, and Fred let him do his thing since he wasn't an expert at weddings.
"If it were for me, we'd just hire some bloke to marry us in our apartment and that'd be it, but Jo finds that, er, what did you call it, love? I just know it was a bad French insult to my person," he teased.
"You won't ruin my day, Weasley," Joseph replied unbothered. "I've been dreaming of this since our first year together."
"Wow, that's faith," Mel grinned.
"Oh, don't say that like you didn't dream about getting married to Glasses since you were a kid!" George exclaimed. "You probably talk to Harry once and you started to design the cake."
"She wanted me to be her best man, actually," Harry spoke from his place in the rug, he'd been playing with his twins quietly until that moment. They were starting to show signs of wanting to walk, so now they had to always be watching over them when they were awake. "She wanted to marry Prince William."
"Thank you for that, Glasses," she groaned, falling back on the couch and hiding her face behind a cushion. "I'll never hear the end of it..."
"Blimey! Princess Mel of England—has a ring to it, lady."
"To think you almost got to be Lady Dumbledore for real!" Fred chortled.
"Shut up, you two," she scowled at the twins. "It was a nice thing to imagine as a child. Either way, when I first dated Harry, I don't remember thinking about a wedding. The most I would picture was Hogsmeade dates and holding hands in front of everyone once Skeeter left us alone..."
"Skeeter's no longer a problem now, is she?" George taunted her. "You guys are disgustingly sweet in public nowadays."
"Well, Georgie, being close to dying really changes your priorities," She joked.
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"Look at this one!" Mel laughed, handing the picture to Ginny. "Look how tiny we look next to Charlie!"
The redhead laughs as she looks at the photo Mel's showing her, it's from the 1994 summer, the year of the Quidditch final, before hell broke loose. "Sweet Merlin, look at Charlie's hair!"
They're looking for old pictures of Joe and Fred for the ceremony, and Mel's the only one who has pictures of the both of them at Hogwarts. Mel looks at the images and it's been so long since she sat and look through them, that now she's able to see how much they've changed. 
Her fourteen-year-old self smiles at them, waving enthusiastically at the camera from where she's standing behind the burrow's sofa. Sitting there are Fred and George, and they're scribbling something on parchment, probably the pricelist for his inventions. Her face is much rounder than it is nowadays, though, in a year's time, Mel knows that will change. 
The trauma and growth spurt are bound to sharpen her features, but she remains innocent and sweet in that photo, forever enjoying her summer with the Weasleys and Harry, the boy she has a crush on.
As she looks through the album she starts to think about Hogwarts again, and it amazes her just how much she'd almost forgotten. The spring days sitting under that huge tree by the lake, the late night studying with her friends in the common room, and how could she forget the meal times with Fred and George making her laugh until she choked on her pumpkin juice!
It was all so long ago... a whole decade of experiences and changes, and yet all those memories came back to her as easily as a spell. Her fingers grazed around the soft features of that young Mel, so full of life, with a soul so whole and bright she could take down dementors by just standing there—not quite true, but now it felt like that had been the case—and her eyes teared up a bit.
"Mel, what's the matter?" Ginny asked worryingly.
"Sorry," she sniffed, hastily cleaning her face. "I just... I remembered how young we were when we met—it's so strange... knowing we were once that little, and at some point, I just... forgot."
Ginny looked at her with a soft and understanding smile. "It is strange, isn't it? It's hard not to forget how it felt to be that small... especially someone like you, I guess, holding all that power... hard to believe you were once a little girl, right?"
Mel stared at the picture for a while. She didn't know how badly she loved that little girl until now, and she felt guilty when she thought of the times she'd been embarrassed to have been her. Why, when little Mel had been all that was good in the world? 
She looked at herself with the same eyes her Uncle Lu had at the end of her third year at school, what a remarkable little thing she was, with eyes so smart and clever she looked like she knew more than she let on. No wonder adults were always a little on edge when she was around.
A little girl's squeal brought her back and she looked up. Harry walked into the drawing room holding Emmie's hands as she marched into the room with clumsy feet. Luna walked right after them with James still safely tucked in her arms. 
"Look at her go!" Ginny said proudly. "Hang on, Harry, don't pick her up yet!" She reached for Mel's old camera on the coffee table and turned the baby and her father. "She looks so cute!"
Mel watched as her daughter moved across the room holding tightly to Harry's fingers. He had a huge smile on his face as he encouraged his daughter to keep walking, glancing at Mel from time to time to point Emmie in her direction.
The young mother slipped off the couch and knelt to receive the toddler in her arms, which only encouraged Emmeline to walk faster. Harry almost tripped trying to keep up. Mel laughed and held one hand out for her daughter. "Come along, love, you can do it!"
Ginny took the picture then, the moment Emmeline crashed against her mother's chest and Mel fell on her butt, laughing as much as the baby. Harry helped her to sit up, smiling proudly at his daughter's accomplishment. "She's got good legs," he grinned. "Might be a good climber just like you."
Mel laughed again, cupping her daughter's cheek and beaming. "As long as she learns to not fall on her head, then it's fine."
"Dad!" Emmeline squealed, reaching her chubby little arms to try and pull Harry closer, he sat next to Mel on the rug and kissed Emmie's head, brushing her hair back. 
"What's this?" He grabbed one of the pictures and smiled at it. "Look, Mel, Emmie looks so much like you here!"
He showed her the photo, it was them on her ninth birthday, with icing on her cheek and the roundest cheeks she'd ever seen on a little girl. Harry had one arm around her shoulders and his fingers had icing the same colour as the one on her face. Little Matthew had the same bright emerald eyes as him.
"Yeah she does," Mel beamed, holding onto the toddler and kissing the top of her head. "I hope she gets to be just as happy as I was, too."
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Once a month her mother, Remus and Tonks offered to look after the twins and Matthew so she and Harry could go out with Hermione and Ron. They left Rose with Ron's parents and left to spend a whole day in London.
First, they considered going to Diagon Alley, but they didn't want to risk finding Skeeter there, she'd been trying to get a glimpse of Rose and Matthew as well as the twins, and even though they didn't have the kids with them, they didn't want to be disturbed.
So instead, they walked around the muggle city and took Ron to the movies.
"Heard Professor Sprout is planning to retire," Hermione mentioned as she grabbed a fistful of popcorn. "Might be a good idea to mention it to Neville, don't you think?"
"Doesn't he have his own apothecary near his grandma's house?"
"Yeah, but his grandma's really old now, and I mean really old," Mel pointed out. "So it'd be a good idea for him and Hannah to start thinking about their future."
"Thinking about their future?" Ron made a face. "Not like their lives revolve around Neville's grandma..."
"Oh, you know Neville only lives so out of the way to be close to her," Hermione admitted with a sigh. "I agree with Mel, that's why I mentioned Professor's Sprout possible retirement. I think, Mel," she leaned forward and gave her a careful look. "That if you talk to her, she might consider writing to Neville to ask if he's interested."
"I don't know if I even need to do that," Mel shrugged. "He was one of her best students, maybe she's already considering him to fill the spot."
"Wouldn't hurt to make sure of it," Hermione insisted.
"Been years since we went to school and you still look after him," Ron teased her, though his voice was affectionate. "He's a grown man like all of us, Mione, he can do things himself if he wants to."
Hermione sighed and shook her head. "You're right. You're right. Sorry, it's just... sometimes I think I still see him as that little boy that used to hide behind us during potions."
Mel giggled, understanding her feelings. "Lately I've been thinking about our time in school as well... the other day I had this dream that I had fallen asleep and everyone had gone to class, but I couldn't find the classrooms, it was as if the entire castle had changed it's hallways and staircases, but I was sure they looked exactly the same, it was me who'd forgotten the directions... and then I looked at myself as I passed next to a window and saw myself in that old Gryffindor uniform?" She smiled. "It felt strange to be wearing it again, even if it was a dream."
"I don't miss wearing those stupid hats," Ron scoffed. "Or the ties..."
"The ties were lovely," Hermione argued. "I liked our winter cloaks and the scarfs were really thick and warm."
"I liked how you looked in your uniform," Harry told Mel with a grin. "Especially the Quidditch one."
Mel lightly hit his shoulder and he laughed, she shook her head. "Isn't it weird that next year Regulus will attend Hogwarts? He'll be part of a house, and use the same uniform, and he'll go to the same classes we did, but it won't be like our time there at all."
"He's definitely a Gryffindor, though," Ron added.
"Yeah," responded the other three.
"I think that makes it just as exciting for us as it will be for him," Hermione said, smiling giddily. "Everything will be new to us in a way."
"Yeah, a first year with no three-headed dogs and giant games of chess," Ron smirked. "We never got to know what that was like."
"We should get him an owl for his eleventh birthday," Mel nudged Harry's arm. "He's got Padfoot, so I don't think a cat's a good idea."
"Padfoot gets along with Grey just fine," he frowned.
"Grey's an old cat, he's too tired to fight him," Mel replied humorously. "A young cat would most likely try to murder Padfoot and Padfoot would probably sit on them until they suffocated."
Harry laughed. "Fine, an owl it is."
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Next Chapter—>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @reverse-hxlland @hamiltonwc @omiwashere @t-rexs-world @21bruhs @dielgonacoffee @thelastpyle @cedricisnotdead @greengarsstuff @aconfusedslytherin @talksoprettyjjx @avengersz-biotch @23victoria @moonhoonie @raajali3 @peachyaeger @espressopatronum454 @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual  @na1ven3vy
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impishtubist · 2 years
I made myself sad by thinking about how Sirius deserved so much better from pretty much everyone in his life, so I’m gonna focus on the scant few who didn’t let him down - the Potters!
From Fleamont and Euphemia who probably had him over for 10 min one summer, and decided to adopt him (with James overenthusiastic approval), to James who decided Sirius was his platonic soulmate in ten min (after finding out and discarding the fact that he was a Black), to Harry who took 0.5 sec to decide that he was going to live with Sirius and they were family (and now the ending of PoA has made me sad)
So here’s to three generations of the Potter family, who gave Sirius the love he deserved. Special mention to Lily Potter who inherited Sirius when she started dating James, and then promptly made him godfather to her only son in wartime (with her and her husband being prime targets). The only reason Sirius ended up in Azkaban was because everyone who loved him unconditionally was dead… or a baby. Also, now I’m gonna need a fic where Sirius is saved from Azkaban because baby Harry turns into a literal ankle biter and refuses to let his Padfoot go when they try to take him away.
It boggles my mind that the Potters get less love than pathetic noodle man and pointy faced blonde ferret (I’m not a big fan of Malfoy either)
Omg you're right, he was loved and adored by three generations of the Potter family 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Probably even four, because I bet Harry told his kids all about Sirius, and they loved him even though they never got to meet him (although I am working on an AU right now where Sirius comes back from the Veil and gets to meet his grandkids and they immediately love him.)
(Pathetic crumply wet napkin noodle man is going to be my legacy here, I see. I have zero regrets 😂)
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soup-of-the-daisies · 5 months
How much do you think Sirius knows about the blood protection from Lily? If he knows, has he figured it out himself or did Dumbledore tell him? He offers Harry to live with him in PoA, implying he doesn't know, but in OotP, he answers Harry's request to live at grimmauld with "we shall see."
And how much does he know/guess about the horcrux in Harry? He knows occlumency is important, but does he know exactly why?
This is a brilliant ask anon, thank you so much for sending it!! It got Long-ish, so more under the cut. I’ve also added a tldr at the end.
Okay so, I do think Sirius knows some things about the ‘blood protection’ and less about the horcrux, depending on how much he heard about Harry’s experiences with Voldemort in his first and fourth year and how he interprets those meetings. It’s also dependent on how much Sirius knows of ‘strange’ magic in general—if he doesn’t know much, it might be difficult to come to conclusions.
Solely based on canon, we know a number of things about Sirius: he’s intelligent and shrewd, very talented, and a pureblooded scion of the highly eclectic Black family—the majority of whom were very interested in the Dark Arts, as Sirius tells us in OotP. Sirius seems to be knowledgeable on it too, like with the biting snuffbox and how easily he resolved the situation, and how smoothly he weeds through all of the dark and likely cursed objects hiding in Grimmauld Place. He’s also Harry’s godfather and would have been Harry’s legal guardian had he never been arrested and charged, which should technically be enough reason for him to be told about what’s been happening to Harry these past few years. The problem, however, is that Harry’s not really shown to tell anyone about these experiences except Dumbledore, who has his own reasons to keep things about Harry quiet (safety, for one).
I do think Dumbledore told Sirius some things, at least to explain why Harry had to stay with the Dursleys for a while instead of going straight to Grimmauld in the summer before his fifth year. Sirius likely would’ve been quite insistent to have Harry there immediately (emotional support for both Harry and himself), and we know he’s not particularly good with authority (especially people who perceive themselves to be stand-in authority, see The Argument of Sirius vs Molly). He respects Dumbledore, but he rallies against that metaphorical wall anyway. The fact that he caved to not having Harry with them immediately all the time tells me that Dumbledore’s reasoning was, from Sirius’ perspective, rather sound—more than a simple “because I said so”. Especially because Harry notes that Sirius does not seem ‘happy’ with Dumbledore throughout the entire book, but accepts the orders anyway.
So I do think it’s likely that Sirius has been told at that point that Harry’s physically safer (relatively; from DE’s, at least, now that they’re back) at Privet Drive—even if old Orion Black utterly slathered Number Twelve Grimmauld Place in every (best) protective charm known to wizardkind (I have my own thoughts about that), even if Dumbledore has protected Number Twelve further with the Fidilius charm, even if Number Twelve is basically a fortress at this point. There is something in Harry and at Privet Drive that makes Harry safer in a relatively open muggle neighbourhood. And the reasoning has to be good, has to make sense, or Sirius has every right to kick the Order out of his house for keeping him from his godson.
I believe Dumbledore hinted at there being some sort of protection around Harry that keeps him somewhat safe from Voldemort and his followers, to explain to Sirius why Harry couldn’t come immediately. I also believe that told Sirius more than he needed to know. Sirius is more than clever enough to deduce what that protection may be, even after being told bare bones — Lily stepping in front of Harry that night to die in his stead; Harry surviving the killing curse; Voldemort blowing up; Harry burning the Voldemort-possessed Quirrel by touch alone; Voldemort taking Harry’s blood and being able to touch Harry without harm coming to him — and thus accepted the explanation.
There’s something there with familial links, something that Petunia (and Dudley) are accidentally helping with. Lily’s protection coursing Harry’s veins is not exactly weird in a world where the seemingly outlandish and ridiculous is perfectly possible. Sirius grew up in an odd family intellectually interested in the Dark and Dangerous, and he himself loves magic, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he read about something similar once… either in his family library in a fit of boredom, or whilst doing research with the rest of the Marauders.
Regarding the horcrux: it’s the same thing, all based on how much Sirius exactly knows of the Dark Arts. He’s aware of the connection between Harry and Voldemort, and knows that it’s important for Harry to be able to block that connection; I’m unsure whether he thinks that it’s because there’s a piece of Voldemort’s soul lodged in Harry’s forehead, instead of a weird result of the ritual Voldemort and Peter involved Harry in. I’m also unsure whether Sirius even knows horcruxes are a thing, because he doesn’t mention it at all.
At that point it’s up to speculation whether anyone in the House of Black would be aware of the concept of ‘horcruxes’. I generally headcanon that horcruxes are briefly touched upon in their education, as it’s implied that Regulus was aware of what the Locket is—but Kreacher doesn’t know what it is, only that he can’t manage to destroy it, which would imply it’s also not common knowledge in the family itself. That depends on how much Kreacher was willing to overhear.
I do, however, think that the Family would probably have a copy of a manuscript by Herpo the Foul, a copy of Magick Moste Evile, or a copy of The Secrets of the Darkest Arts (both books that mention horcruxes, but only the latter describes horcruxes and the process of making one in detail) in their library. Copies could also be tucked away in a previously unmentioned study/office of Grimmauld Place, a room that a townhouse would 100% have (Orion had to live somewhere).
There’s also the detail that canonically, nobody ever made more than one horcrux. If Sirius knows about horcruxes and knows of the Diary from Harry’s second year, he probably wouldn’t have thought there were more. I also don’t think Sirius ever would’ve imagined (or wanted to imagine) that one of Voldemort’s horcruxes (when believing there were more than one) was Harry, when all he wanted was for Harry to live, be safe, and be loved.
TLDR; I think Sirius would’ve at least heavily suspected that Lily’s sacrifice resulted in a blood protection that had to be maintained through a proximity with a blood-relative. He wants Harry to live with him. Even if he accepts why Dumbledore thinks he can’t, he still wants to. That doesn’t change. He just knows it’s not as simple as moving Harry into Grimmauld, and it makes perfect sense if that is because he knows about the blood protection. I don’t think he would’ve known about the horcrux in Harry’s head though; and since I especially don’t think he wanted to know about that either, actually.
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reese-weasley · 2 years
[ character bio - Reese Weasley; intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. ]
Character Basics
Character’s full name: Harrison Reese Weasley  Meaning of name: Reese; fire, passion.  Character’s nickname: he goes by his middle name because he was named after his godfather and doesn’t go by it for that reason since they sound similar. Birth date: July 1st, 2000 Age: 31 Zodiac: Cancer
Nationality / Species: English; wizard Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish Orientation: heterosexual Blood Status: half-blood Army Affiliation: The Resistance 
Physical appearance
Height: 6′2 Body build: tall, athletic, muscular Eye color: blue Hair color: auburn Type of hair: messy curly/wavy, he has no idea because he never leaves it alone Glasses or contacts: glasses but he never wears them Face claim: Chris Evans Tattoos: a lot, but the more recent ones are Marcie’s wedding vows on the left side of his chest with their sons’ birth date and times beneath it and an owl on the other side that matches Hugo’s. Voice / Accent: English
Good personality traits: dedicated, genius, open-minded, trustworthy, wise. Bad personality traits: extremely introverted, hardheaded, proud, know-it-all, sarcastic. Personality Type: ISTJ, “the Logistician”  introverted, reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. Character Label: The Polymath Patronus: hawk What would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil: anything related to Death Eaters. he got really paranoid after Marcie was attacked. If granted one wish, it would be: to never have to go to a social event ever again Character’s soft spot: his niece
Eight Song Playlist
Whatever It Takes; Imagine Dragons Sign of the Times; Harry Styles Soldier; Fleurie  Cardigan; Taylor Swift Yellow; Coldplay Just One Yesterday; Fall Out Boy Up in Flames; Ruelle Rise; Katy Perry
Hometown: London, England Dream Job: Minister for Magic Education: Hogwarts / Cambridge  House: Slytherin
Current location: London, England Currently living with: his wife and their identical twins Pets: their dogs, Olaf and Pumpkin, and cats, Henry and Mistletoe  Occupation: defense attorney / part-time law professor
Wife: Marcelina Graves-Weasley Sons: Gene and Toby Graves-Weasley  Mother: Hermione Granger Relationship: he’s very close to his mother. he’s most like her and gravitated towards her growing up Father: Ron Weasley Relationship: he was never particular close to his father for no real reason growing up, but after his parents’ divorced, their relationship got a little strained
Siblings: Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley Relationship: he has a close relationship with his sister and brother
Grandparents: Molly and Arthur Weasley, the Grangers  Relationship: he’s close to both sets of grandparents, but spent more time with his mother’s parents because the Burrow was usually crowded and chaotic.
Other important family members: the Weasleys, the Potters, Ilsa and Lucien Malfoy-Weasley (niece and nephew).
Color: blue Music: he listens to a mix of a lot Literature: he can go through books weekly, sometimes daily.
Musical instrument: piano Sport: qudditch Smokes: no Drinks: not a lot, usually only at dinner Other drugs: no Extremely skilled at: his job, magical and muggle law, flying, teaching Extremely unskilled at: being in social settings
Optimist or pessimist: pessimist Introvert or extrovert: introverted Daredevil or cautious: cautious Logical or emotional: logical Disorderly or methodical: methodical Prefers working or relaxing: working Confident or unsure of himself: confident Animal lover: yes, specifically dogs and he would adopt 50
Relationships with others
Love interest: Marcelina Graves-Weasley Best friends: Jasper Travers, Emmett Rowle, Teddy Potter Close Friends: Alice Davies
Short Bio
Reese was always ahead of other kids intellectually. Before he went to Hogwarts, he’d already read his way through most of the required reading for his first year’s curriculum. The Hat wanted to put him in Ravenclaw because of his high intellect, but his drive for perfection and ambition won out. Reese always hung around the older kids at school, and kept to himself most of the time, preferring to be around a smaller group of close friends. He was prefect and eventually Head Boy, and played quidditch. After graduation, Reese went to muggle university to study law and he teaches there now part-time when he’s not working as a defense attorney. 
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collymore · 9 months
Always blame the dead; never the living! The normal practice of the British Establishment!
By Stanley Collymore  
I'm no monarchist: and that's literally neither an excuse nor a bitingly scathing condemnation, just a naturally candid explanation on my part, but evidently all the same, rather intelligently, very sensibly, and similarly logically, why I literally don't see, that a now dead Liz Windsor ought obviously really, to be truly dragged into, this latest mess surrounding and discernibly occasioned by her offspring even if, as we all do know, he was truly and effectively her favourite son! As obviously, it was Andrew who of his very own volition, crucially and effectively got involved with Jeffrey Epstein and significantly there's certainly no unequivocal   evidence, positive nor obviously very egregiously circumstantial, that anyone actually forced him into that close and significantly personal relationship that aptly existed, between both of them!
So whether guilty or not of any misdeeds Andrew was most undeniably very physically present and therefore unquestionably had some idea of what was evidently rather distinctly going on; and ought therefore, to have literally distanced himself from it all, at first sight! But, quite self-evidently and for his own personal reasons, he simply didn't! So obviously there was something, whatever it was, which was clearly interesting and likewise also quite beneficially compelling to actually have kept Andrew very genuinely   interested and also participatorily and simply committedly, involved as well, as implacably, interested in obviously what Jeffrey Epstein and an unswervingly dutiful moll, Ghislaine Maxwell were odiously and egregiously noxiously doing!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 9 January 2024.
Author's Remarks: Mr Alan Dershowitz says? What an utterly sick joke! Seems that anyone can practice law in the USA, including the likes of Alan Dershowitz and Rudy Giuliani, and usually does! And to quote Mandy Rice Davies in the Profumo court case, Alan Dershowitz "would say that, wouldn't he?"
Sensibly, logically and most intelligently why would anyone literally pay millions to any person they publicly claim not to have ever met simply because their mummy told them to? Try fathoming that one out!  
Ah well! It's all about image and actually protecting the supposed sanctity, in the eyes of the gullible and distinctively very sycophantic serfs, of this allegedly quite divine monarchy at all costs. And all this public exhorting of Charles Windsor to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ requisite to the sinful brother of his Judas Iscariot, Andrew Windsor, is preposterously quite laughable if it wasn't, so bloody serious!
Undoubtedly Andrew was a spoilt rather overindulged child who unrestrictively was allowed to and even decently permitted to grow up to become a pompous middle aged man. But amongst the Windsor of both genders he's not alone in that!
Charles personally for over two decades had very close, personal relationships with noxiously, verminous, paedophiles in the form of Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball, to name just two among this coterie of paedophiles that infested the Windsor households across the board, had full and unhindered access to these peoples' homes and likewise their personal staff and other employees.
And had Diana not resolutely put her foot down Charles would have had Jimmy Savile as one of Harry's godfathers. As well, there's the issue of another odious paedophile who was commissioned to paint Liz Windsor's portrait. Where is that portrait now that the world knows what an evilly, vile paedophile Rolf Harris was? Damage limitation they've all like bat out of hell distanced themselves after Harris' conviction from it. Go do your research on the aforementioned and other rather sick behavioural patterns of the Windsor family, and not simply concentrate on one convenient bad apple, that fictitious stories about Meghan and Harry were quite racially used to cover up!
Then there's the irony of a serial and odiously adulterous pair, not a single apology in sight, happily going off to Church purely for show and the serfs swallowing it hook line and sinker. But I guess if the Church of which you're the hereditary Head, and founded both on murder and adultery was good enough for Henry VIII it should be equally so in the British feudal system that comprises the 21st Century.
Henry VIII had his blood lust and wanted request with Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, Charles his with Diana Spencer; as yet though no one has accused or thinks that Andrew has been complicit in or has actually had murder carried out on his behalf; has he Charles?
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oxydiane · 2 years
something that does not sit well with me is that in prisoner of azkaban sirius explains that pettigrew was actually hiding from death eaters because “voldemort went to the potters because of what peter told him and met his end there” and they would try to harm him for being the reason the dark lord fell yada yada so death eaters knew pettigrew was the traitor, and they definitely knew sirius was not on their side. snape was dumbledore’s literal spy there is no way in hell he didn’t know sirius was innocent. and yet he still claimed to have rescued harry, ron and hermione and was ready to receive an order of merlin for dooming an innocent man, the last bit of family left to an orphan, and letting the man he knew had sold james and lily’s position to voldemort escape
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ashesandhackles · 3 years
Someone Like A Parent: The Beginning of Bond in POA
I have seen people struggle to understand why Harry sees Sirius as "someone like a parent" in the beginning of GOF and why he reaches out to him about his scar hurting.
There are many, many reasons within the Shrieking Shack chapters of why he attaches himself to Sirius so strongly, to the point he grabs onto his "wasted arm" when Dementors attack in POA climax and think "they weren't going to take him" (brb going to cry about Harry's hunger for father figures)
So let's start with the reason that is easiest to understand:
1. His parents' appointed Sirius as his godfather
Once Sirius' innocence is established, the idea that this man was appointed by Harry's parents is important to Harry. It's a gateway of connection to his dead parents, a longing for whom that permeates the entire 7 books. Harry Potter as a series is largely about Harry coming to terms with his parents' death. Harry even makes this connection - "he had believed he would be living with Sirius from now on...his parents' best friend...It would have been the next best thing to having his own father back."
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2. Sirius' dialogue points to message that centers around Harry
...which is not something Harry has ever had before, that the fact he is in danger motivated this skeletal and starved looking man to break out of prison.
"But then I saw Peter in that picture...I realized he was at Hogwarts with Harry...perfectly positioned to act, if one hint reached his ears that the Dark Side was gathering strength again.."
..ready to strike at the moment he could be sure of allies...and to deliver the last Potter to them. if he gave them Harry, who'd dare say he'd betrayed Lord Voldemort? He'd be welcomed back with honors....So you see, I had to do something. I was the only one who knew Peter was still alive.."
The initial fire that sparked the obssession and drive to come out of prison was the desire to protect Harry. Not only does his dialogue send that message, it's in the way he backs down with barely a protest ("You are the one who has the right to decide Harry, but think he did") when Harry asks him to. Given that Peter framed Sirius to endure a hellish prison after putting target on the Potters' back, I would say Sirius is entitled to argue his case and have his say. But he doesn't.
The other way Sirius centers Harry is when Harry attacks him, and while Sirius tries to get him to listen - he stops immediately after Harry mentions that he remembers his mother's murder. He essentially lets Harry decide what to do with him - which is an indication of his immense guilt but it also puts Harry first.
"You've got to listen to me," Black said, and there was a note of urgency in his voice now. "You'll regret it if you don't...You don't understand...."
"I understand a lot better than you think," said Harry, and his voice shook more than ever. "You never heard her, did you? My mum...trying to stop Voldemort killing me...and you did that...you did it...."
Before either of them could say another word, something ginger streaked past Harry; Crookshanks leapt onto Black's chest and settled himself there, right over Black's heart. Black blinked and looked down at the cat.
"Get off," he murmured, trying to push Crookshanks off him.
Harry raised the wand. Now was the moment to do it. Now was the moment to avenge his mother and father. He was going to kill Black. He had to kill Black. This was his chance....
The seconds lengthened. And still Harry stood frozen there, wand poised, Black staring up at him, Crookshanks on his chest. Ron's ragged breathing came from near the bed; Hermione was quite silent.
And then came a new sound --
Essentially Sirius hands over the anger in the scene to Harry, until Lupin intervenes.
3. Harry deeply understands what it means to suffer under Dementors
Harry spends the whole book learning how to fight Dementors, and how it makes him relive his parents' murders. He knows, very intensely, what it is like to be near them and to suffer for it. He understands this aspect of Sirius' suffering immediately - and in GOF and OOTP, is shown to have nightmares about Dementors cornering Sirius in shadowy alleyway. He doesn't want that to happen to Sirius again, and tries to protect him.
In fact, his suffering makes Harry emotional as we see when Harry finally believes him - "throat too tight to speak, Harry nodded"
4. Sirius is associated with hope.
The moment he is free, he offers Harry a home, which causes an "explosion" inside Harry's stomach. It's such a radical idea to him that he can finally escape his abusive home, and there is someone who wants to be with him, live with him.
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Even when that couldn't happen, Sirius' letter comes bearing a permission slip to Hogsmeade (something that caused Harry much angst earlier in the book) and a new pet for Ron. That is not counting the Firebolt he gifted Harry. With these offerings, he is associated with hope and happiness.
Over the summer, he reminded Harry to call on him if he ever needed him - therefore reiterating the idea that he intends to be there and wants to be in Harry's life.
Therefore, Harry thinking of him as someone "who cares about him, like a parent" and forming that immediate bond isnt a stretch at all
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chaoticbritishqueen · 3 years
Hinny headcannons:
Harry started calling her "Gin" in 5th year. He is the only person who calls her that.
They proposed to each other at the same time.
Harry said "I love you" first. Ginny says it most.
Harry does most of the cooking.
Ginny can make ... toast. The occasional spag bowl. Anymore complicated is pandemonium.
Harry doesn't actually know how to cook using magic. "I ONLY KNOW LIKE 1 SPELL, OKAY-"
Both are Bisexual.
Harry goes to as many of her quidditch games as possible.
They have matching weasley jumpers.
Affectionate. Passionate- No I will not be going into more detail. (Ron no longer walks into their room without knocking at least twice.)
Late night broom rides.
Harry is the little spoon.
Ginny dragging harry to dance during ministry events, trying to distract him from all the prying eyes.
Both purposely confuse the paparazzi, one time Harry wore the same outfit for like 3 weeks so that people couldn't prove the photos were new. Ginny once pretended that she didn't know that Harry was the Boy who lived. "HE NEVER FUCKING TOLD ME THAT-"
Harry will not sign autographs. Except one, because "HOLY CRAP YOUR GINNY WEASLEYS HUSBAND"
Harry sings HAIR AS DARK AS A BLACKBOARD" Every so often. Taught it to their kids. Ginny pretends to be annoyed by it.
Their kids names are James Sirius, Rubius (Ruby) Arthur, and Lily Luna. Teddy is as good as.
They didn't fully raise Teddy, as at 17, Harry was in no position to raise a baby, but Teddy spent Holidays, Thursday dinners and many weekends at his Godfathers house. He also had his own room there.
Harry and Hermione would awkwardly pass eachother late at night and early in the morning as they swapped bedrooms to be with their respective partners.(before the girls had to go back to Hogwarts for their final year) So that Molly wouldn't know that Harry was in the same room as Ginny. And Hermione in the same room as Ron. Molly never knew, but Arthur did and never said anything.
They got married in the summer. It was a small wedding with only their close friends and family. There was a bet to see how long it would take for the public would find out that they were married. It took 14 months somehow.
Ginny didn't quit quidditch until she retired at 40, before becoming a sports reporter.
Ginny and Harry own an orphanage, where they visit often with their children. Because there will be no other kids who will have to grow up like Tom riddle, or Harry himself. All children deserve somewhere to call home.
Even in their 40s, they still flirt like teenagers, (to the disgust of their actual teenage kids)
Ginny brought Harry his first ever teddy bear during sixth year, after finding out he never had one. It stayed in his rucksack all throughout DH and the rest of their life together, before he gave it to James when he was born.
Harry made a just as cheesy singing card for Ginny for their first wedding anniversary.
Ginny saying no for harry, when harry doesn't know how.
Harry diverting questions to ginnys quiditch when they get caught by reporters together.
Harry never loosing his parseltongue, and their kids inheriting it and having a "secret language" one time using it to plan a surprise birthday party for Ginny right in front of her face as she grows more and more confused by the hissing.
Ginny and the kids learned piglatin so that she could get back at Harry.
Harry giving Ginny piggybacks when she's tired after training.
Ginny removing any cupboards under the stairs from any homes they live in. "Because those don't belong in our homes." After he told her about the dursleys.
Ginny also screamed at Petunia for the way she treated Harry. The only reason she didn't hex her was because she knew Harry wouldn't want his aunt to hurt the same way he did.
Ginny holding Harry. She makes him feel safe just by being there.
Ginny is his home. And Harry is hers.
During the war, Ginny wore one of Harry's shirts to bed every night, and sometimes she swore that she could feel him watching over her. She knew they weren't really broken up.
Their love lasted until the very end.
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