#he'd make the best father and you can't tell me otherwise :'3
konigsblog · 5 months
Orlaaa I can't send videos but there's this clip of a Scottish kid who's like 3 and she got her nails done and her accent is so cuteee😭 "look, I got my toes done and my naaels" I WAS MELTINGGG imagine having kids with Johnny and they got their daddy's accent🤧
HAH, i'm assuming you're talking about this video? it's adorable, and it's totally something johnny's kid would do. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
johnny is the perfect father, he's an active father despite being deployed often and is always there for her. he spends so much time with his daughter while on leave, usually out at the beach or perhaps even at the park with his toddler daughter. most kids don't have a thick and noticeable accent like his daughter, and it makes her stand out from the crowd, brightening peoples days with her laughter. god, people can't help themselves from melting and laughing at her cute, scottish accent. it's not often you see a proper scottish baby.
you absolutely love to send johnny videos of his daughter while he's on deployment, whether you're her mother or not, or even just a babysitter for her. johnny adores waking up everyday to a new video along with a somewhat coherent and loving message from his beloved sweetheart in scotland, in her princess dress, or even a photo of her new drawing of her and her daddy.
he can't help but laugh uncontrollably at the videos that you send him. it pulls at his heartstrings and he can't wait to have her back in his strong arms once again, cradling her and keeping her safe until she's fast asleep with the sound of her heartbeat and shallow breathing loud enough for johnny to listen to while he's attempting to catch some rest after months without his favourite girl.
he can't help himself from showing the rest of his trusted team these videos, especially price, who kills himself laughing at johnny's sweet daughter. johny watches them whenever he can, replaying them constantly and trying to arrange a time where he's able to call you and speak with his daughter while on deployment, more preferably through facetime so he can admire the glittery makeup and fancy face paint all over her adorable little face.
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
ollie and 16? ❤️
16: only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely
Requests closed until I catch up <3
"Split the list and meet up?"
You glance up from the list on your phone, nodding while he parks the car. "That sounds good to me," you tell him, copying and sending him half the list. Since you both have a tendency to linger and discuss the pros and cons of each thing, his idea is best. Otherwise you'll be in the supermarket for hours just getting a couple days' worth of groceries. And since he's only home for the next three days you'd rather spend as much possible time alone with him, not wasting it choosing between two types of pasta.
Leaning over the console, you meet him in a kiss. You intend for it to be a quick peck but his hand comes up to rest at your cheek and you sink into the kiss, gently grabbing hold of the front of his shirt. "Ollie," you murmur, giving him a quick peck and pulling back. "Come on, the quicker we finish here the quicker we can get back home."
You slip your phone into your purse. Your hand is reaching to open the car door and you stop because he hasn't moved. Looking over at him, you press your lips together to keep from laughing.
"Just a minute," he says, his voice strained, and your eyes drift down.
It takes every shred of your self control to not laugh. You actually think it's wonderful that just a kiss is enough to have him hard. But it is a little inconvenient when you're in public and can't give him a real kiss. You did once, right before a race, and he'd almost cried. Since then you've stuck with hugs.
He exhales as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders, pressing his hands to his face while you stare out the window and wait patiently.
"Right." He slaps his thighs and clears his throat and you choke on a laugh because he sounds just like his father when he does that.
His hand slips over yours as soon as you climb out of the car, smiling as always, and you can't resist leaning up to kiss his cheek.
"You're so cute," you say, a giggle escaping as his cheeks flush crimson.
"Love, please."
"Sorry." But you're not, not really. You squeeze his hand as you walk together into the store, fishing out your phone with your free hand.
Instead of splitting up he stays with you, getting his half of the list as you made your way along the aisles.
He drifts away slightly, squatting to select some bread while you eye the pastries, fingers sliding from yours. As you're reaching for your favorite biscotti he lets out a soft him, his pinky finding yours and you smile, dropping the biscotti in the basket.
"That's it," he says, looking relieved after he tosses the bread in. "Let's go home, love."
Your pinky stays knotted with his during the checkout process and through the door across the pavement to the car, until he places the bags in the back and opens the door for you. Before climbing in you lean to give him a kiss and he finally lets go of your finger, making a gurgling sort of moan as you pull back.
"Fucking hell," he whines and you give him the sweetest smile imaginable while getting into the car.
"Let's go, baby."
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zealouscanonindeer · 1 year
3. A trip to sussex then?
Series Masterlist
Emily Cartwright:
It was not uncommon for the residents of Mrs. Croft's boarding house for young ladies to receive male visitors despite the Rules, generally the hopeful and deliriously romantic but disgracefully penniless suitors in avoidance of which many of the women were sent here in the first place. My own story, of course, was slightly different from the prevailing one: my father kept bringing young men around in the hopes of marrying me off to one of them (probably just to get me off his hands), generally sons of friends or business acquaintances who, doubtless upon hearing a description of me, expected a blushing bride-to-be or a demure china doll. It should be clear to the reader by now that my father and I were often at cross-purposes on the marriage front, and I found the young men to be condescending and thoroughly exasperating.
The last one was trying to convince me of the great virtues to be found in bearing and raising sons for him when he lost an eye-tooth. You'd think Englishmen under the age of twenty-five were made of glass.
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As I was saying, it was not uncommon for the other young ladies to receive male visitors (although Mrs Croft had tried and failed to discourage such visits), but apparently I was the only one in English history to receive two such visitors in the same day. I will however, admit that the two visitors could not be more different in appearance: there was Wiggins, an untidy young waif (whose Christian name I never quite learned) who was by no means short but still apparently had some growing to do before he reached full manhood, and who was always grateful for charity. Then there was Sherlock Holmes, who always dressed tidily except when circumstances dictated otherwise, and who presently looked like he'd rather have his toenails trimmed with a woodsman's axe than be sitting there waiting in the front lobby, still buttoned up in his greatcoat but with his muffler hanging loose around his neck, and with an ear-flapped winter cap perched on his knees, to ask me for anything.
He immediately stood when he saw me enter the lobby, his eyes lighting up just enough to let me know that his presence here wasn't entirely under duress.
"Good evening, Mr Holmes," I greeted him, only emphasising the "Mr" for the sake for Mrs Croft, our self-appointed chaperone, who was knitting ferociously by the fire, sitting just within casual earshot to make sure we didn't spontaneously do something embarrassing right there in the sitting room.
"Miss Cartwright," Holmes replied, clasping my hand briefly in those elegant fingers of his, "Before we get to the heart of the matter... how are you in dealing with ghosts?"
Sherlock Holmes:
How quickly the orderly mind tends to misfile important details - like my otherwise anticipated internal reaction to Emily's entrance in response to my summons. I was, of course, pleased that she was willing to speak with me, but the rest of it... I couldn't quite decipher the remainder, especially the fact that my mouth went dry as soon as she'd appeared. I had forgotten the chief flaw of asking for her help, of course, but I was determined to deal with it the best I could, and I refocused my mind on the task at hand as we sat across from each other, using the busy clicking of the landlady's knitting needles to centre myself.
"Well, I can't say I've met any ghosts," Emily said in response to my initial query, "and you don't strike me as the type to go about chasing spooks, yourself."
"The reason I ask," I replied, "is that Inspector Lestrade has asked for my help in investigating what appears to be a haunting in Sussex."
"Either it is a true haunting, which I doubt, or it is a series of perfectly mundane events made to look like a haunting - I have encountered such many times, and each time it proves to be the work of mortal hands."
"All right," she smiled. "So, are you going to tell me any details or are you going to make me guess?"
I outlined the case as far as I knew it, choosing my words carefully when I described the activities of the "ghost". Emily wasn't fooled.
"What do you mean by 'attacking'?" she pressed, "If there was some monster out there hurting young women, I'd bet my left boot that the police wouldn't stop until they caught him."
"From the look Lestrade got on his face, I'd say it was more subtle than a physical assault." I hesitated. "He seemed to imply that the assailant was touching them. Intimately." I'm almost certain my face remained absolutely impassive.
"Oh," she said, "You mean to say some twisted pervert is ..."
I heard the landlady drop a stitch in her knitting. I was a bit startled at the abrupt summary myself, but it was, as far as I knew, accurate.
"Yes, essentially," I conceded.
"So, where do I come in? I bet you and Watson could wrestle him to the ground between the two of you."
"It was he who suggested I ask for you help, and in the time it took me to find you, I came up with a possible plan - I'm fully prepared to discard it, of course, if you refuse."
She looked at me expectantly, then smiled again as I hesitated. "Oh, out with it already. I can't say one way or the other until you do."
I took a deep breath. "We set a trap," I said in a low voice, "We check into the inn, posing as husband and wife, and wait for the Ghost to strike."
She matched my conspiratorial tone. "You realise, of course, that you're using me as bait."
"You know I wouldn't even ask you if I didn't think your presence would benefit the investigation," I said quietly, bracing myself, certain that she would refuse and eject me from the boarding house, probably refusing to see me again. The possibility carried with it a certain amount of dread.
"You also realise," she continued in the same tone but with a ghost of a smile now teasing the corners of her mouth, "that anyone who tries to touch me without my leave is likely to get a broken arm."
"Is that acceptance or refusal?"
"Well, do you feel up to the role?"
I considered the question. "I've masqueraded as more complicated things than a married man."
"All right, then. How long will I have to get ready?"
"A few days, maybe. I need to inform Lestrade that I've accepted the case, and I'll send you a note in the morning to let you know when I'll be collecting you."
"Perfect," she beamed, "I'll be ready. Isn't this going to be exciting?"
I was simultaneously relieved and concerned at her agreement.
I soon found out how wrong I was on one point - there is no role more complex than faux marriage, especially in a setting like the bridal suite of an inn.
Emily Cartwright:
You'd think I was the last hope for Western civilisation, as nervous as he was asking for my help. Of course, he was well-contained as always, but he seemed strangely on edge during our conversation. I don't think I'll ever quite understand him.
After he'd left (bowing to me like I were royalty - always so formal!), I heard Mrs Croft stop knitting and she sat up straight, throwing me a questioning glance.
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"A new beau?" she probed, "I haven't seen him around since you moved in."
"He's a good friend of mine," I replied. Mrs Croft tended to be a bit of a gossip, and I wanted to dissuade her as best I could with vagueness.
"What did he want, then? Just to chat? You two seemed to be doing quite a bit of whispering, if you ask me."
I sighed. "He prides himself on his confidentiality - and I respect that."
"Well, you know that I'm always concerned for the safety of my boarders, single ladies, all of them - I just like to know who's coming and going. Now don't misunderstand me - he looked a lot nicer than that street rat this afternoon-"
"Mrs Croft, my friend also prefers his privacy - so if you wouldn't mind."
"Oh, at least tell me the man's name, that much wouldn't hurt."
I decided that the time for tact was concluded. A strategic change of subject was in order, since anything I told her about Holmes would be circulated all over the east side by the weekend, probably slightly edited to make it circulate faster. I couldn't put him through that. "Mrs Croft, do you know what some of the women in the market have been saying?"
She pounced on the prospective lead. "What?"
"They say that your husband died of a shovel to the face rather than a bad heart. According to them, you found him in a ungentlemanly state after his visit to an opium den and got rid of him yourself - you know, I would give them a good talking-to, if I were you, spreading malicious gossip like that."
The colour she turned (a rather huffy shade of pink) and the expression that crossed her face (rather like a stunned trout) foreshadowed several rather noisy confrontations in the market tomorrow, which would certainly prove interesting, especially since I didn't actually know of any such rumour circulating at the time. It also indicated that the entire subject of Holmes had, in a single instant, been completely forgotten.
Creative misdirection is a wonderful talent to hone.
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sofiiel · 11 months
I think every fic writer goes OOC to some extent for the sake of the stories we have in our brains, and because everyone perceives characters a little differently, ie me seeing Eddie as a virgin in the show based on a variety of factors, and Steve as only having actually had sex with Nancy and only getting as far as making out with other girls before her but using the 'slutty' girls to build his reputation (bc why else would he have such a problem getting dates after high school if he'd had such game in high school?). But there are limits to believability for me. Like how I don't see Eddie ever doing heroin by any method no matter what, and how I don't believe Billy would ever be a grapist as some fics I've come across have him portrayed nor that he wasn't without positive motives in what he did like trying to protect Max and Lucas from his father's wrath the best he knew how even if he went about it in an unhealthy way.
Tagging it as Special K would definitely help, imo. I can't be the only one who mentally rebels against the idea of Eddie doing anything harder than that, by injection or otherwise.
You're very welcome! I was trying to not come off like a bitch or psycho, or like I'm trying to tell you what you can and can't do in *your* fic. But I also know I'd want to know if something I wrote sat wrong with anyone. <3 ilu
That's very true to, it's in the nature of fanfiction 😊
I'll be sure to go back and do just that. Specific tags make things so much easier for readers to weed out what they don't want to read without getting knee-deep in a fic first.
I can understand that concern, and thank you for that consideration, I do grately appreciate it. You never came off that way, you reached out with your reaction, and it ended up being helpful so I'm extra glad you did 😄
💜 Thank you again for your insights :P helped me know to add an important tag, hehe. I hope you have a good day/evening/night Anon ~ ilu too!
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iviarellereads · 1 year
The Neverending Story, Chapter 2 - Atreyu's Mission
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Neverending Story, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which I go on a rant or two about anti-Indigenous bias, conscious or otherwise.
Because(1) of their special importance, deliberations concerning the welfare of all Fantastica were held in the great throne room of the palace, which was situated only a few floors below the Magnolia Pavilion.
499 of the best doctors in all Fantastica have all examined the Childlike Empress, and are discussing their findings. The 500th enters, after spending several hours with her.
A tangent is made to describe how the many doctors are varied in species, and not all of them are "conducive to good health."
A second tangent is taken to describe how the Childlike Empress doesn't precisely rule Fantastica, but her existence is so critical to Fantastica's existence somehow(2) that every creature owes their existence to her, so her health is of concern to all.
Off of that tangent, Bastian takes one to think about when his mother died in hospital. How, afterward, even though he had every thing he could have asked for, his relationship with his father was never able to heal.(3)
We return back all the way up the tangent chain to the doctors, discussing how the Childlike Empress (henceforth CLE when I remember I can do that) shows no traditional symptoms. The 500th doctor, Cairon the centaur,(4) stills them to silence by his very presence. He wears an amulet everyone recognizes: a light and a dark snake twisted together into an oval, biting each other's tails. The A U R Y N,(5) the symbol of the CLE.
Bastian notes that this must be the same symbol as is on the front of the book.
Cairon reassures them that he's only wearing the Auryn until he can locate the intended bearer. The CLE's illness requires a hero and a Great Quest,(6) and the CLE herself has entrusted to Cairon the locating and bestowing of such. He says the hero's name is Atreyu, and says where Atreyu lives, and tells them that's "all there is to know" and leaves. The doctors have no idea who this Atreyu might be.
Bastian hears the great clock strike 10. He's surprised at how fast the time is passing(7) compared to when he's in class.
The people of the Grassy Ocean behind the Silver Mountains are known as Grass People or Greenskins, for their olive green skin. They have blue-black hair, often worn in long pigtails by men and women. Several more paragraphs are spent describing their lifestyle, and how news of the CLE's illness and the horrors happening elsewhere haven't reached them yet.(8)
Cairon arrives, exhausted from his journey, and tells them he needs them to retrieve Atreyu from the hunt. The people are reluctant, but an old woman recognizes Cairon, and a young girl volunteers to go find him. When she's gone, Cairon faints.
When he wakes, Atreyu has come, and he's just a boy. He complains that Cairon has interrupted his manhood ceremonial hunt and he can't be a man now for another whole year, and demands to know why. Cairon asks if there's another Atreyu, someone older, but Atreyu says no, he's the only one. Cairon says the CLE's choices are "hard to fathom" and if he'd known this would be a child's journey he'd have refused to find him.(9)
Cairon says Atreyu must choose whether to accept this quest now, but it is a true choice, and he's sure the CLE will find someone else if he rejects it. Atreyu asks what the mission is, and Cairon says, to find a cure for the CLE. Atreyu is shocked that she's sick, so Cairon explains, and they talk well into the night.
Finally, Atreyu accepts the Great Quest, and Cairon transfers Auryn to Atreyu's neck.
'A U R Y N gives you great power,' he said solemnly, 'but you must not make use of it. For the Childlike Empress herself never makes use of her power. A U R Y N will protect you and guide you, but whatever comes your way you must never interfere, because from this moment on your own opinion ceases to count. For that same reason you must go unarmed. You must let what happens happen. Everything must be equal in your eyes, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, foolish and wise, just as it is in the eyes of the Childlike Empress.(10) You may only search and inquire, never judge. Always remember that, Atreyu!'
Atreyu says he will be worth of Auryn, and Cairon tells him to say goodbye to his parents and begin immediately. Atreyu has no parents, they died when he was small, and the whole village raised him, which is why he was named the word for "Son of All".
Bastian reflects on how he can relate. Even though his father is still alive, he's so distant that it feels as though Bastian has no one raising him at all. He's glad to have this much in common with Atreyu, because otherwise they have nothing similar except being on Great Quests.(11)
Atreyu asks where to begin, but Cairon says from this point, no one can advise him until the Great Quest ends.(12) Atreyu bids Cairon farewell, and goes to mount his horse, Artax, and explain the Great Quest as best he can, since Artax is a sapient horse.(13) Then, they ride off into the darkness.
In another part of Fantastica, unnoticed by anyone, the darkness condenses, takes physical form, four legs with eyes of green fire and a "huge shaggy head." It sniffs the air, finds the scent it's looking for, growls, and takes off after its prey.
Bastian pretends to be Atreyu on a gym horse(14) until he realizes he's being childish and someone could hear him. He almost starts eating his packed sandwich lunch, but decides to save his food, as he's not sure how long it will have to last.
(1) The B illumination is someone, I think Atreyu, and the centaur. (2) Since she's fallen ill at the same time that Fantastica is disappearing to nothing/Nothing, it only makes sense the two are related in such a fantastical world. (Subtlety is for cowards, give me the tell with the show.) (3) At the risk of overexplaining, I think the implication here is that Bastian's mother was as essential to his and his father's ability to exist as the Childlike Empress is to Fantastica, and the loss of her changed them both. Though, I think the fact that Fantastica is disappearing into nothing, while Bastian still has a chance with his father, is the unspoken hope. (4) You may recognize "Chiron" more readily. Centaur son of Cronus, and the greatest healer of all time (exaggeration), among other things. (5) Yes, that's how it's stylized in my book. No, I will not type it like that again outside of direct quotes. (6) Would it even be a children's fantasy book without a quest? (7) The side effect of this sort of commentary deep read is that I have to take my time, which is how it's been 5 pages and with distractions and lethargy from the heat, I've been at this almost an hour. So, time is not going fast for me at all. In fact, in a great divine irony, I have so little in common with Bastian that I find it difficult to relate to or feel eager to keep reading his part of the story in anything but an academic sense. (8) I knew this was going to deal poorly with some issues, it's inevitable in a book so old, but this is sure feeling pointedly like bad stereotyping of Indigenous people, especially after the smoke signals bit in the intro. Many Indigenous people have what humans have termed olive toned skin, but making them "olive green" feels more like trying to reverse the old and racist way of calling us "red", possibly (in the way authors still do) to try and dodge accusations of racism. I know some of that is just me being cynical, but unfortunately it's something I have to try and get out of my system here so I don't keep harping on it in my commentary for the rest of Atreyu's appearances in the book. (9) There's something so paternalistic about this in context of (8). Oh no, we couldn't possibly rely on such a [slur here] child to save the world. (And again, I know that's probably not really how it's intended, nor how most people would read it, but I can't help but see what I see through my experiences.) (10) I'm saying this as an adult with my own baggage on the subject, but this seems like a really junk form of government, just so we're all clear. (Not acting is allowing the status quo to continue, with all its injustices. I'm not a fan.) But, I can remember it feeling so idealistic as a child who didn't know better. (11) What does Bastian think his Great Quest is? Running away from home to hide his thievery? (12) Again, this feels like bad advice to suggest that children might want to follow ever. (13) The word's not used in the text, but it's a pet peeve of mine when people call intelligent conversational creatures "sentient" because the way I learned it, that just means has senses. Most, perhaps all animals are sentient. Sapient is the word for thinking, like homo sapiens. (I am also fully aware that common usage is what defines a word, not a dictionary, which is meant to reflect common usage and not define it, and my argument is petty. That's also why "and I" is becoming acceptable grammar in all instances even when "me and" would be the grammatically correct sentence fragment if you removed the other person/people from the situation, which is how we used to be taught to tell the difference. Something something my hypothetical lawn.) (14) At first I got confused, and had to flip back to the introduction. Indeed, he remarks on gymnasium equipment and then horse, separate from the stuffed animals, so it must be the gymnastics routine sort.
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axewchao · 2 years
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Revali's mother (aka the only Rito I'll probably ever draw wearing pants), finally drawn up! I think I'll call her… Chizul. Pronounced "chi-zl," like the tool :3
She's only been mentioned a few times, but her role as Rev's adoptive mama is one I wanted to give at least some of the spotlight to. And when I say "some," I mean "a long-as-fuck story since I can't seem to keep my mouth shut when describing OCs how do I stop this-"
In the Pre-Calamity era, Chizul's a talented blacksmith, primarily making swords/spears for her fellow Rito and repairing weapons that've been broken or otherwise damaged. The sound of a hammer hitting metal is practically music to this woman's ears.
One day, while gathering materials for a project, Chizul came across a Rito she'd never seen before, collapsed on the road leading to the Kolami Bridge. He wore a strange hat and poncho, seemingly armed with nothing but a backpack and what looked more like a musical instrument than a bow, now broken. Trying (and failing) to hold back her panic, Chizul managed to help the other Rito regain consciousness, long enough for him to ask her to check his bag, asking if "it" was alright. The "it" in question turned out to be an egg, which only made the blacksmith panic even more.
Both the stranger and his precious cargo were too heavy (and delicate in the egg's case) to be flown back to the village, so the duo were forced to slowly walk their way down the path. As they trekked, Chizul could tell that something was not right with the smaller Rito. He felt limp at her side, his body a little too warm, and his breathing was erratic. The man was clearly ill, and it made Chizul shudder to think about what might've happened had she not found him in time…
Without a second thought, Chizul welcomed the man into her home with open wings. From the moment she was old enough, Chizul had lived alone, and was more than happy to have some company for once. The man wasn't much of a talker at first, only giving quiet "good morning"s and "thank you"s whenever Chizul brought him a meal, as well as keeping a close eye on his egg.
Over time, Chizul's kindness got through to the man, who introduced himself as "Revali." He explained that he was a traveler from beyond Hyrule, and he and his wife were searching for a place to raise their child. He had always been frail and would get sick easily, and entering Hyrule through the Gerudo Desert did not do him any favors. He'd been told about Rito Village from other travelers at the Kara Kara Bazaar, hence why Chizul found him not too far away.
When asked about his wife, Revali only said "…she didn't make it." and never explained further, silently wrapping his wings around the egg as grief filled his eyes. Chizul made sure to never ask again.
Several weeks passed, the day of the egg's expected hatching coming closer and closer. Unfortunately, however, Revali showed no signs of recovering from his illness. If anything, it seemed as though he was only getting worse, despite Chizul and the village healer's best efforts. Once again the blacksmith felt waves of panic over Revali's condition, and the soon-to-be father wasn't faring much better. On the outside, he only looked slightly worried, but in reality a pit was forming in his stomach.
If… if he didn't pull through, then…
He took a deep breath, and called Chizul over to his side.
"I know we've only known each other for a few short months… but there's no one else I trust, let alone know well enough. Chizul, if anything happens to me… will you take care of them?"
Chizul couldn't believe her ears.
"I'm not saying I'm giving up. My wife and I set out on this journey to find a better place to… to be a family. Even after losing her I pressed on, for our little one's sake. But now… I fear my time is running out as well. I want to make sure that at the very least, they'll be alright if my fears turn out to be true. After everything they've gone through, they deserve that much…"
She nodded, too afraid to speak. Guilty as charged, she'd grown to care about the egg by now. She wouldn't dare hesitate to take the little one in, just as she didn't think twice about helping their father. But… she couldn't even begin to imagine how Revali was feeling. Coming so far for his child, only to be met with the fear that he'll never so much as see them hatch? The thought was enough to bring tears to her eyes.
Three more agonizing days passed, before the two finally heard it. A cracking sound, coming from the egg. It was faint, but slowly getting louder.
By now, Revali was too weak to leave his bed, so all he could do was sit and watch in anticipation. Oh, why do Rito chicks take so long to hatch??
Chizul was having the same gripe, deciding to forego her work for the day and spend the next eight hours watching the egg alongside Revali. What was the little one going to be? A boy? A girl? What color would their feather be once they grew in? What about their beak? Was it yellow or was that just a trick of the light?
The little one, who turned out to be a little boy, kept peeping and peeping long after he left his egg. A vocal little thing, "just like his mother" according to Revali, the pride made clear in his voice.
A voice that would never be heard again after that fateful day, Revali's final words being a simple "good night" as he held his son in his arms…
As the years roll by, Chizul carries out Revali's wish, raising his son as her own. This boy, who shared his father's name, would grow to become the greatest archer Rito Village, no, all of Hyrule had ever seen. He would train to the bone and then some, and create a sacred skill all his own. He would become the master of an ancient beast, gaining the title of Champion of his people.
He would raise his bow against an even more ancient evil while his mother watched from below, helping the village fight back against a near-endless onslaught of monsters and now-possessed Guardians.
His mother would watch the once peaceful blue hue of Medoh turn a sickening pink, and hear the bird cry out, as if in pain.
She would fly up without thinking, fearing her son's life.
She would be shot down without so much as a warning.
She would be saved from an instant death by a fellow Rito, who saw and thankfully caught her without plummeting to their death themselves.
She would awaken weeks later, with all of Hyrule left to recover from what felt like the end of the world.
She would be told that Medoh had disappeared, along with its master.
She would be told that her wing would never fully heal, that she was grounded forever.
She would cry silent tears, hoping and praying that someone, anyone, would bring her son back to her. Back home.
And somewhere, buried deep under the snow of the Hebra Mountains, the Rito Champion would wish the same.
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bemylord · 3 years
ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴢᴇ ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ ʙᴏɪᴢ
[it's only my opinion you may add yours in the comments for the newbies <3] might be spoilers. + a lot of my stupid jokes don't like it, don't read it.
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his name satoru gojo but you can call him mr. satoru steal your girlfriend gojo.
fluffy cat.
but can kill you within a sec if you touch his students.
he wears a mask so girls don't lose their panties.
has a sweet tooth.
first impression - a thirty-year-old clown. second - why the devil is he such an idiot, when the strongest shaman?
he coudn't say no to his students.
makes jokes even during battle.
he gets along with children because he is a child himself.
can defeat the king of curses but he's interested what will be next.
a young man who has lost his mind.
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nanami kento aka food lover
the best father ever. the best husbando ever. the best ever.
do not irritate him.
loves bread/fooodie so you better learn how to cook.
his back hurts [guess why]
dude in style even on the beach.
fetish/kink for ties and harness [try to convince me otherwise]
wanted to live like other people, but gojo satoru appeared on the horizon and his life went down the drain.
active at night. [no smut lol he just an owl]
a fan of reading newspapers in the 21st century when there is a phone.
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itadori yuuji aka vessel for curse.
the reason why this whole mess has started.
sweetie pie, jesus fuc1ing sweetie. stupid but cute.
makes friends easily.
a finger-eater.
wanted to be normal person, but ate the finger and died.
jennifer lopez fan because of her as- singing. ;)
very caring toward others.
gojo and he are idiots in the company.
he's a fan of summoning all kinds of spirits at school.
the funniest, sweetest person you've ever met.
he probably dyed his head pink for a bet.
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megumi fushiguro aka dog summoner <3
try to touch him and the king kills you.
all the bullies are afraid of him.
he loves dogs.
dogs love him.
and it's idyllic.
make him angry and this nice boy will show you instant murder [if the king doesn't kill you first].
went insane 'cause of satoru [megumi has known him since he was a little boy]
but he's actually kind of shy if you hug him unexpectedly.
i don't know why the f^ck he's so important to the king, but don't confront him.
he has messy hair that you want to ruffle.
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sukuna ryomen aka the king. THE king. the KING.
yuuji is daytime mode and sukuna is nighttime mode.
he got tattoos, even though his mother forbade it. [that's my dumb joke]
i don't doubt if he has a pierced tongue/ears/nose. smth more
he sits on the throne because he gets a thrill out of it.
spends 24/7 in his world and who knows what he does there.
can create mouths all over his body than could compete with satoru.
he had four arms, two faces and two d in the past. doesn't understand why age can be an obstacle in a relationship.
if he likes you somehow, he will do anything for you.
how will he like you? good question.
he likes to tear the clothes off and walk around naked in the streets because he has six pack.
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toji fushiguro [zenin] aka dilf/big D energy.
irresponsible dad.
the kind of dad that everyone wants.
the shaman killer, but everyone still loves him.
he'd smoke cigarettes even in his sleep. i'm sure he would have a very low voice.
you'll do e v e r y t h i n g he tells you to do.
in general, one look is enough - and you already do as he says.
he forgot his son because he didn't keep track.
he wears baggy pants because he's got a d...
got a scar on his lips [can't deny it looks hot] because of his fucked-up family.
became insane because of his family.
his hobbies are gambling, and he also doesn't get drunk - perfect for something.
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nobara kugisaki aka the girl who is holding a hammer in her bag
cute girl at first sight.
the only girl in the company of yuji and megumi.
taking the last two with her on shopping trips as slaves to carry her bags.
by the way, they pay for her clothes.
don't argue with her, because nobara will change anyone's mind.
but inside, she's a warrior girl.
she carries a hammer in her bag, so don't you dare lift her skirt.
like nanami, she's always on style.
needs a psychiatrist for she is clearly ready to kill any curse in a radius of 50 km if the curse interferes with her shopping.
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maki zenin aka she hits you from the turntable without the damned energy.
without her glasses she can't tell a person from a garbage bag.
she will hit you without using the cursed energy.
doesn't deserve to be hated by her family.
wants to be strong and independent.
she has a panda friend.
wants nothing more than to take care of her loved ones.
you have two choices: fear her or love her <3
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aoi todo aka takada's most loyal fan
a devoted bts and k-pop fan.
knows all the songs of blackpink.
fanboy to the marrow.
the same dude who idealizes/imagines his ideal world before going to sleep.
if you mention takada chan in a conversation there's no stopping him.
best friend, in fact.
for yuji and takada chan will kill anyone
if you want to be friends with him, you have to know his dream ideal.
don't be afraid to add information about them/add more characters.
[i know todo doesn't know bts and k-pop it's just a joke and a lot of my humor, just so you understand what they are]
kudos and reblogs are welcome <3
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Peter Parker - SFW Alphabet
This is for MCU Peter (cuz some of the answers would be different if they were for others lol)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Peter loves affection, but he's got to work through all his nerves first. Just the idea of touching you sometimes is enough to make him start blushing and hiding into himself. But once he finally works through it, affection is always. He likes to receive it, but he LOVES to give it. He basically has all the love languages, but his major two are words of affirmation and physical touch.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Peter Parker is a good best friend...when he's there. He pays attention to all the little things and he always does right when it really counts. He'll geek out with you, help you no matter what, and try his best to make you happy no matter what. However if you don't know about him being Spiderman, it can be a real stress on the friendship, because he'll always seem distant. Once you know, it will be like everything falls into place. You finally understand why he does the things he does. Overall though, he's a stellar friend.
You'd probably become his friend because you sat next to each other in class, or you were already at the Avengers compound, and for whatever reason, the two of you immediately clicked.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
PETER LOVES CUDDLES. And when Peter wants to cuddle, he wants to CUDDLE. He wants to squeeze you and never ever let go. Ngl he'll probably fall asleep while cuddling you because when he's cuddling he's in PEAK zen mode. It's probably the most relaxed that he can be.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yeah he definitely wants to settle down, but he's scared to. It's not that he has commitment issues, it's just that he's so afraid and aware of the dangers of being with him. But if given the chance, he'd probably settle.
He's not completely terrible at cooking, May has definitely taught him a few things. But he's no chef. Let's be real he's probably had a bunch of moments of forgetting that something was in the oven. There will be lots of disasters. When it comes to cleaning, if pressed, he will clean. But don't be surprised when every room in the house is messed up again because of things that he'll "come back for later" that he never comes back for.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh he'd hate every bit of it, he'd dread over it for days and days. If Peter were to break it off, he'd do it face to face. He'd feel so bad about it, and if you start to cry he actually might comfort you in the midst of breaking up with you.
Best outcome, it was mutual and you guys end like friends. Worst outcome, he gets cold feet and actually just leaves you a note.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's surprisingly cool about commitment, given the dangers of his life. Of course, he's hesitant, but when this dude falls, he falls HARD. So hard to where he'll commit and not think twice about it.
He'd wanna get married whenever it hits him I guess. Not right away, but it's not like he'd have you waiting forever.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically- As gentle as the average teenage boy I suppose lol. Well a little bonus because of how anxious he is of hurting you. 5/10
Emotionally- Peter's more anxious boi than soft crybaby. He wouldn't need comfort on everything 24/7, because he can actually handle way more than people give him credit for, but it's when he's going through something really personal or really traumatic when he needs that reassurance that everything will be alright. 6/10
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Peter doesn't mind hugs, but he's gotta be in the mood for one to really enjoy it, otherwise he's just going through the motions with it. Like if he's in the mood his brain is "oh my gosh you're hugging me this is beautiful you've graced me with your touch you wonderful specimen" but if he's not it's just like "oh... this is unexpected." I don't think he's super into hugs because I kind of like the headcanon that he's a bit of a germaphobe but I don't think he's super against them either. He's more in the middle where if it hits him, it hits him and if it doesn't, he doesn't want them.
He gets in the mood to hug like 20 times a day. You'll be beside him doing work and like out of nowhere. BOOM. Hugged. And then he just goes back to doing whatever he's doing except now he's blushing really hard while doing it.
Peter's hugs are really soft and quick (unless he's cuddling you, then it's really long). He just wants to feel your presence until he's satisfied. He's always really warm so that's a major plus.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not right away. It'll be whenever it feels right. And I picture the first l-word drop going one of three ways:
1) Quirky - you guys will be chilling/making out/watching a movie and he'll find himself feeling really sentimental and emotional for no reason and he'll just turn and be like, "hey, I love you". And it sort of catches you off-guard and he sees your expression (whatever it may be) and he immediately starts blushing and stammering and he's like "I-i mean- no I don't!..I-i mean I do!... but like- not unless you want me too! I-in fact I'll hate you if you want me-" and you have to cut him off with a kiss before he gets too wound up and you softly smile back like "I love you too, weirdo."
2) Sweet - he's thought about this for a long time (and even maybe told May and Ned about it) and he really wants to tell you but he doesn't know how and you notice that's he's been weird around you and always looks like he has something else on his mind (like more than usual) and you're getting pretty worried and after awhile you can't take it anymore and you confront him about it probably at the lunch table or in the hallways after school or at his apartment (is there some mission you don't know about? Is he breaking up with you? Is he okay?) and he's stuttering alot and he finally has to pause and compose himself before pulling you aside and softly telling you how we feels.
3) Angsty - after a particularly intense night at patrol (definitely with a casualty) he's perched on the top of a building, staring out at New York, feeling like the biggest failure alive. He's run down with guilt and the tears just won't stop. Hands shaking, he dials your number and you pick up and immediately start asking if he's okay once you hear his trembling voice. "I messed up," he mumbles before he breaks down and sobs out the entire story to you. You try your best to comfort him as best you can through the phone, trying to tell him (with no avail) that it's not his fault and that he can't save everyone. It takes a while, but he finally calms down enough to clearly take a swing, but not before he says, "look..I want you to know that I love you... and I'll do everything I can to always protect you...I promise you that...I can't lose you," he sobs. Given the situation, neither one of you really registers that this is his first time saying it, but it makes it a dozen times easier to start saying it more often from now on.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Peter's jealousy is probably the average amount for a guy. He doesn't do much with it though. He'll just get really quiet and maybe freak out to Ned about it later. Very subtle looks and jaw clenches but other than that, he's fine. Unless you're really attentive, you probably wouldn't notice.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
When he first started getting into the hang of first dates and stuff, his kisses were pretty fast and more like little pecks on the lips and stuff because he was always so nervous about messing up. But now that's he's gotten the hang of it, Peter's kisses (when he's not in a rush) are usually slow and sensual. He wants to do nothing but focus on you in that moment.
Well mostly on the lips of course. He'll lay his head on your shoulder alot when he's bored so every now and then when he's doing that he'll turn his head and give you a little kiss on your shoulder. If he's whispering in your ear in lunch he'll give a kiss on the cheek. Really though, once he gets the all his jitters out about it, he'll kiss you anywhere.
Peter probably likes to be kissed on the cheek and on the lips more than anywhere else
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Peter is amazing with kids. He'll always find a way to get along with them, and they usually warm up to his easy-going nature. He's a bit of a pushover when it comes to really nice kids so they usually love him because he'll give them anything. I'm not really one of talking about having kids, but he'd be a great father in the future. (But we're not in any rush for him to do that okay😂🤭)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent, well first of all waking up (obviously), cuddling, finishing whatever movie you were watching the night before, Peter probably rambling a bunch about whatever he finds himself wondering about, playing video games, and basically just relaxing before May tells you it's time for school.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are spent goofing around with Peter and Ned at Peter's home or chilling with Peter which can literally be doing just about anything (making out, relaxing, deep talks, watching movies, doing homework, etc.). You can do practically anything with this guy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Peter isn't the best about opening up, not because he wants to hide things, but because he isn't on the same wavelength as everyone else when it comes to "important" things to share. Like out of nowhere he'll find himself telling you something and you'll be like "woah I wish I you would've told me that earlier" and he'll just shrug and be like "oh I didn't know that was really important enough to tell". He doesn't tell anything slower or faster it's more like whenever it's on his mind or convenient for him to tell.
But for the most part, if you're important enough for you to know he's spiderman secret, he'll tell you pretty much anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not easily angered at all. If anything he's more easily confused then angered. Like if you were trying to make him angry, he'd be more "why are you doing this🥺🤨?!" than "why are you doing this😡?!"
He'd only get angry easily if he'd been going through alot and a bunch of things have been building up, other than that, normally he's a pretty chill guy when it comes to losing his temper.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh he remembers practically everything you tell him. Even crap that you've probably forgotten about yourself, he knows. He notices every tiny thing, though he forgets the big stuff sometimes.
Ex: one day May asks him what he wants her to buy at the supermarket for breakfast and he says poptarts because he remembers that you like poptarts from that one time you briefly mentioned how much you liked them and he gets the kind that you like even though he doesn't really like it so that on the days you come over to his house you'll have something to eat...but like legit that same day he forgets that it's your anniversary😬
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He has many favorite moments, one of them being your first date. He was so nervous, and he showed up late, and he'd regretted letting May choose his outfit, and he hated himself for not choosing the restaurant because it'd show that he wasn't assertive enough, and he was pretty sure he stepped in dog crap while he was running to the restaurant and he just knew that he was the worst date ever until finally he got there and you were totally just fine about it. You told him to relax and that everything was fine and you were just glad to have him there, which in turn made him relax. He looked into your eyes and knew there was absolutely nothing to worry about and he had an amazing time.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's protective, but not suffocating. Like if he sees something happening to you from afar, he's not gonna step in unless you make it clear that you want him to. For the most part, he'll let you handle things yourself.
Peter's more like a "protect you from the unknown" kind of guy. He's gonna protect you from threats that you don't know are there, and that are probably much bigger than the two of you. Things like death or heartbreak. He'll probably break up with you to "protect" you, which, let's be honest, is complete stupid, albeit noble. Overall, he'll do anything in his power to keep you happy.
Peter doesn't really need protection more so... comfort. He knows the world he lives in. He can defend himself and all that, but at the end of the day, he just wants someone to tell him that everything's gonna be okay🥺
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
With Peter it's either extremely last minute but a little thoughtful (because he probably forgot) or extremely thought through with unbelievable effort. No in between. Truly a go big or go home type deal. Like for your birthday he's either getting you something he's researched on for months that he knew you'd love or you're getting a card that he bought from a Walmart on the way to school with a sloppily written love letter inside that he came up with off the top of his head. At the end of the day it's the thought that counts when it comes to Peter.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He thinks literally everything is his fault🙄. If something bad happens, and he feels that he could've done even the slightest thing to change it, he's gonna beat himself up about it no matter what what you try to say.
Also he's a really busy guy. So if you're one of those girls that needs to be kept or need your boyfriend there all hours of the day, Peter's probably not for you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not too concerned. Like of course he wants to look good or cool or whatever, but he's also learned to be pretty comfortable with himself (at least as far as looks go). He gets pretty insecure sometimes but for the most part he's okay with his looks. He'll totally do himself up if he's trying to impress someone though.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depends on how close you've become. If he only liked you, he'll be okay. If he loved you, yeah, he'll feel incomplete without you. But only if you break up or if you're hurt or lost or something. If the two of you just haven't seen each other for a while he'll be fine. He's not that sentimental.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Peter has a skirt kink. Skirts. They make him weak. He found this out about himself when he started dating Gwen Stacy. He will practically break his neck to see you in a skirt.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who has extremely poor hygiene. Peter's not the best at hygiene. He's definitely skipped brushing his teeth from time to time, but someone who's a complete slob? It'll just make him feel bad for you. It's a turn off for him. You won't get his affection but you will get his pity.
Someone obnoxious or aggressive. Peter, although anxious, is overall a pretty chill guy. If someone was just on 100 every time he saw them, ngl they'd probably weird him out. Like of course he wants someone with their own personality, but he wants someone with a level of coolness and obnoxious and aggressive people just aren't cool.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Peter wants to hold something when he sleeps. When he was little, he used to sleep with a stuffed animal, and once he got older he broke out of it. But when he slept with you for the first time (sexually/nonsexually, doesn't matter) all that came rushing back. He'll hold you tightly in his sleep and won't let go unless you make him.
Hope you liked it!!😁😁😁
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Tagging mutuals: @allegra-writes, @angelsparkers, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @underoosjae, @chaoticpete, @spidey-reids-2003, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Heyo it's Glass Anon here
I know that we are talking right now anyways but I just wanted to share some sweet sweet Yandere Miles Edgeworth because I'm inspired. Also staking my claim on Miles Edgeworth before anyone else gets the chance so Wocky Anon and slot machine emoji Anon no worries yall can fight over Wocky with no extra competition from me 😄😄😄😄)
So the Capcom Cafe Official Art where they are dressed up in rather royal clothing inspired me when I first saw it the day it was released, Edgeworth in that massive ruff and the cloak 😳👌👌👌👌👌
He looks even more intimidating than usual and I LOVE it.
So I'm thinking a Royal AU!!
Just for a moment, imagine Miles as a Prince. He has a TON of power and many families try to increase their own court influence by offering their children as potential spouses for him. To Edgeworth, these people are dull, they are educated to just agree with what he says and while he would appreciate the quiet (idk he just seems more like a silent observer) he would just want someone he could talk to, debate with, someone who had more of a personality.
In comes S/O. I could see them being an attendant to one of Prince Edgeworth's potential spouses. They have a sense of maturity that the other nobles don't seem to have and a hardworking attitude. It would be hard for him to interact with S/O because he's so busy but if they met somewhere quiet like the library while S/O is on a small break or maybe late at night while everyone else is asleep then he would probably try to strike up a conversation (albeit after a lot of staring and an awkward cough). It would definitely be awkward, S/O would be intimidated by his authority and power over the country and Edgeworth isn't really the best conversationalist. It would definitely take a while for Miles to realise that he actually genuinely likes them, several interactions would be needed and he'd slowly start to find himself feeling attached to S/O but by the time that he eventually realises that he has found someone that he genuinely loves, the noble who S/O works for is about to go home, having failed to woo Edgeworth.
In the final days, Edgeworth goes to seek out S/O to tell them that he wants them to stay. S/O would have to try and gently decline the offer. They had been working for that noble family since they were a child and couldn't turn their back on the family in this way. Miles would say that he understands and bids his farewell but as he walks away, a plan begins to formulate in his mind to make sure that he can keep S/O at the palace.
I mean, he's a Prince after all. Who's going to tell him he can't dig into the background of that noble to search for any small crime that the family was associated with or accuse the noble in question of something like theft, having already had something planted something within their possessions.
The family would be in disgrace and S/O had suddenly found themselves out of a job. But how lucky they are where the otherwise uncaring Crown Prince has personally offered them a high ranking position as his personal attendant.
(small side note I would BEG for him to hold me in his arms while wearing that cloak. WRAP ME IN THE CLOAK 😩😩😩😩)
Glass Anooooon... Why do you have to outshine everyone with your writing skills? Like damn, normal people be submitting story ideas meanwhile, you’re dropping a literal masterpiece into the ask box like it’s nothing. Smh.
And since it’s in keeping with our usual simp sessions conversations, I’ll gladly share some of my own ideas:
(fair warning tho, none of these are fleshed-out)
1. Miles with a peasant s/o. He leaves the palace one day and decides to visit some random village, dressed down with his face covered so that no one recognizes him. While on his walk, he meets s/o. They’re very sweet to him and the two hit it off right away, talking until the sun goes down.
Before he leaves, he discovers that s/o knew who he was all along, but didn’t treat him any differently because they see him as an equal, despite his royal status. Cue Miles becoming obsessed with the village sweetheart and sneaking out to visit them whenever he gets the chance.
2. Miles with an engaged royal s/o. He meets them at a party his family is hosting one night and the two get along really well. They become closer during s/o’s stay in his kingdom but eventually, the time comes for them to leave. Miles is devastated by this and tries to get them to stay by asking them to marry him.
S/O politely declines his proposal, stating that they’re already engaged to the prince of another kingdom, and that they’re set to be married upon their return. With no other option left due to the wedding happening so soon, Miles decides to hire an assassin to take out s/o’s fiancé. (bonus points if it happens right before or during the ceremony) 
3. Miles with a royal s/o from a rival kingdom. Miles and s/o’s kingdoms have had a long history of being hostile towards each other and have recently started a war over some territorial dispute. One night, there’s an attack on the palace and Miles is forced to flee from his kingdom.
He ends up on some small island where he meets s/o, who is also in hiding. Neither are aware of the other’s status as their kingdom’s heir. During their time together, he falls in love with them and is heartbroken when they’re forced apart after the war ends.
When the time comes to sign a peace treaty, the two meet once again, now aware of each other’s identities, and Miles asks for their hand in marriage. S/O’s father is outraged, despite wanting to make peace with Miles’ kingdom, and refuses to sign the treaty. The two are forced apart yet again, so Miles begins devising a plan to abduct them.
- Mod Dollie
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
The Truths Found On Petram Viridios IV (5/5)
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A/N: The last chapter to this fic. It's a long one and I gotta say that I've had a lot of fun with this one. After I post this chapter, I'll be sure to post the masterpost for this fic. And of course it'll be available on ao3 soon enough.
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Chapter 5: Adore You
If you had to draw a map to find the way home once you were captivated by the gaze of those trustworthy, soft eyes of his, you would surely run out of ink; pools of blue, unwavering in their affection, drew you in, and you were willing to drown in them. There were facets about them that fascinated you as much as the scales of a butterfly did; they did not shimmer, but they gleamed and sparkled; it's what made you pause and search for a wisp of an acquaintance that very first time you saw him; finding a familiarity that threatened to sweep you away. Why you even found fire in those eyes; it was there in his moments of determination and passion. Oh, how their color shifted with his moods was a type of magic you wanted to spend the rest of your life being mesmerized by. To be sure he wasn't mistaken, he dare not blink; exhibiting the full spectrum of what Billie Eilish described as ocean eyes; he had to be sure. "Y-you do?"
"Yes," you giggled. "I do."
It wouldn't occur to you till later, that he had given you a choice. For instead of the typical proposal question, where it was more asserted, Rick asked in a manner in which there was equal footing; it spoke volumes of the respect he had for you. With shaky hands, he slipped a ring whose stone was as clear and blue as his eyes and cut perfectly like a rose, the band covered in gold vines and silver leaves which weaved together; he made it himself, and if you thought back far enough, you could remember when he was ambiguous about his plans to create a new type of stone. Honestly, you didn't realize it would be for this.
"Gosh," he sniffled. "I-I promised myself that I w-wouldn't cry."
But cry he would; fat, sloppy tears that blinded one's vision. He wiped at his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater, and fought to regain composure, but lost to the new wave which followed. You gently pried his hands away from his face, softening at his tear-stained cheeks. "It's okay, you can cry if you want to. I already know how tender you are."
Goodness, how long had he wanted to do this? For while it had almost been two years in which he had last attempted to, it might've been on his mind for much longer than that; eating away at his clarity; at the self-confidence that was torn down and repaired daily. You were grateful and proud that this man wanted you; that he finally gathered the courage to ask and do as he intended and wanted. You….you had wanted this to happen, but did he know that? Your ocean of inquisitions thought otherwise.
However, it was time to quiet and quell his despondent thoughts. Your fingers dug into the collar of his sweater; the tang of nervous sweat and something so him which wafted off him made you yearn to bring him closer. The puffiness about his eyes didn't discourage you from pressing a kiss at the corner of them and from his throat came a choked sob and you were surrounded by the sounds of his disbelief; this cacophony was breaking your heart. There had to be something you could do to ease him. "Ricardo," you started, "considering the suddenness of the occasion, should we, in like fashion…my dear honey man, would you like to get married today?"
This new tidbit caught him off guard; so much so that he stopped crying; good. Now, he was the one who was unsure of whether this was real life or a simulation. He ran his fingers through his hair, double-checked his equipment, sprayed himself with water, and completed equations that had taken this earth dimension's leading mathematicians decades to understand. What you thought was odd was when he caught a pigeon, scanned its anatomy, and found it was sound; you were going to have to ask him about it later. "Rick, did you hear me?"
"Y-yes," he focused, "but what d-do you mean today? How?"
You figured he would have easily come to a conclusion, but then again, what do spacemen have to do with the price of bread?
"I mean that we don't have to wait if you don't want to." You slid your palm over his tattoo, memorizing with your fingertips where his skin was slightly raised. "We can just go down to the justice of the peace if you'd like."
"And y-you would be my wife today?"
"Yes," you giggled. "I think that's how it works."
"But what about a-a…"
"A wedding ceremony?" you interrupted. "Well, we can have one later. We can plan it however you want, and invite all our friends. There can be so much celebration that we'll be knocked out for a week. Until then, I just want to make you happy, and I believe the sooner the better. Okay? So, if we're going to do this, just tell me now and I'll go get the proper paperwork."
It never ceased to amaze you how easily he flitted through emotions as though it were the weather, and with vigor, he lifted you up and vibrated with joy. "Boy, golly gee…this really - this really razzes my b-berries! This is…wow, I-I can't believe it."
You couldn't believe his word choice either. "Oh, you better believe it, because now you're stuck with me and I have you all to myself. However, you're going to have to put me down now because the office closes at five. There are a few things I need to do before then."
Letting you down, he happily waved goodbye despite the fact that it wouldn't take long to get what you needed for this impromptu occasion. Though, when you entered your house, you took a moment to think about your father. There were things you still didn't understand, like why he never told you about his friendship with Rick, or why you two never really discussed what he'd do if you got married; if he had been here, maybe you two would have talked about which flowers would look best as centerpieces; like whether roses or mums were cheerful enough or if this really was a good idea; if such an age gap was surmountable. Yet, in a way you felt as though you were honoring him; for your father and your mother had been unconventional and had gotten married without all the showy displays then road tripped a bit before settling here; you were simply following tradition.
Maybe, you didn't have to know about the why's and what-ifs, but focusing on what you could do seemed a whole lot easier to do. You kicked off your sneakers and dashed upstairs. You knew where your important documents were, but you thought that choosing a cute outfit would take a little longer. You wanted a certain vibe, one that would make things easier on him and then it came to you; why not revisit an old favorite; one that reminded you of his eyes; always, forever blue.
When you returned, you found him pacing around. He was deep in thought, and it took a moment for him to notice that you had returned. Almost comically, his eyes widened as he took in your appearance, and he started to cry again. "That's th-the dress. From that one time."
"It sure is."
With a twirl, you flaunted the blue chiffon dress, and felt like a dream; his visible adoration was not lost on you. It was a relief that this time you hadn't taken an hour to fuss or worry that you weren't dressed for the part, and you weren't wearing shoes which would kill your feet, but instead rocked some converse. "These shoes are made for walking and that's just what I'll do."
Unlike you, Zeta-7 wanted to fuss and choose something dressier, but you somehow managed to convince him that his blue button-up would be fine, and no tie was necessary; hidden ray guns were allowed just in case this happened to be the day that the Gromflomites attacked; not even Earth-based military scanners would be able to detect them. Though, you did allow him to fix up his hair, because one, you thought he was quite handsome with it combed back, and two, it's what he felt he needed to do to look the part. "How do I-I look?"
"Like the man I'm going to marry. Are you ready handsome?"
With a nod, he grabbed the folder with all the documents he needed. "Y-you bet."
At the courthouse, the entire security staff grouped together and teased you about your keys; you should've known that you'd face trouble once you went through the metal detector; you had a lot of keychains; they were from the days when you and your father would go shopping together. Like Rick, he liked yard sales and thrift stores; sometimes he'd get grab bags and there would be vintage keychains, and he'd give them to you knowing you'd like them. You were told by one of the older guards that it wasn't natural for a grown woman to have a set of keys that weighed five pounds. Zeta-7 began to worry, but you told him you could handle it, and you figured the guards were bored and had nothing else to do. What you didn't tell them was that the main reason your keys were heavy was that you were carrying two sets; yours and your father's old keys; Rick knew, but he respected your wishes to leave it be.
Despite this, you two made your way to the right office; it only took fifteen minutes of going to lobby after lobby, free coffee, and endless rugs in all this indoor nothingness. And nobody knew better than Rick when it came to how much you hated paperwork, but nonetheless, you went through the painstaking process of signing this and that, wondering why they didn't make it easier for people by asking yes or no questions; this better not become someone's confetti. Rick breezed through it all, and you were slightly jealous that he knew what he was doing, but it was due to the fact that citadel paperwork was a lot more frustrating and difficult; he had to go through stacks of it weekly; poor man. While he sat quietly, you were in-between forms that had to be signed in triplicate and heard the gossip coming from the people who were working in the back of the office. What they didn't know was that their ignorance made you more determined; you'd fought your own expectations, that of others, as well as what seemed right to do long enough and no one, not even death itself was going to stop you from doing this; it was the best thing you could ever do for yourself and for him as well. You breathed a sigh of relief when you and Rick finally signed the marriage certificate; finally, it was done, and he watched rapturously as you set down the pen so that he could kiss you without refrain.
If you hadn't known better, you'd say the world shied away; dissolving into a plane of nothingness as he enveloped you with a strength that was deceptive for a man of his years; he had become a little more confident; it might've taken a few years, but all you knew was that it suited him. Being nurtured and cared for, as well as loved in the right sort of environment did wonders on Zeta-7; so much so, that he could hold the world in the palm of his hand and still manage not to damage it. It wasn't shocking that some found this outward display sweet, and you almost had hope for humankind, but then there was a laugh or two from the back; you made a mental note to consider moving off Earth. No one was going to ruin this moment for him, and relishing the moment, you chased his mouth for a second kiss; you know, to prove your point.
And if you hadn't already been proud of him, what made you even prouder was what he said on the way out. "Please stop laughing at m-my wife. Th-that's very rude."
His wife? Yes, you were his wife now. It's strange how you could wake up and wonder what you should have for breakfast and be here where you were now; in a whole new chapter of your life; wondering what will come next. Confusing yes, but not something to be afraid of; you welcomed this happy transition.
Back at the car, you were still recovering from his earlier outburst; the like which was almost out of character. "Did you see the look on her face? I thought it was going to fall off with how far her jaw dropped. Wasn't it a sight?"
Though, he was busy staring at the ring on his own hand which you had picked out when you two made a stop at a consignment shop earlier. It wasn't that complex like yours, but he loved it. "All I could see was - was you."
"You flirt."
You gave his shoulder a playful shove, and in turn, he laughed a full-on belly laugh; this happy noise was music to your ears. "Gosh, I-I mean it. Y-you, look so pretty today." A bit shyly, he commented. "Blue looks very good on you."
"Thank you. So, how should we celebrate? A trip to the moon perhaps? Going across the universe? Maybe a kaiju fight with Matango? Or watching Spiderman 2? Honestly, I'm game for anything."
You had decent shoes on and didn't care what he wanted to do because you were happy if he was happy. And as though it were just another afternoon, he glowed with happiness when he asked. "Mrs. Sanchez, do you - do you want to go get some ice cream?"
Some things will never change and you didn't mind that. "I'd love to. As the author, L.M. Montgomery once said, 'I guess ice cream is one of those things that are beyond imagination.' And, you know, it's so true. I intend to go all out with the toppings today. It's certainly that kind of occasion."
He couldn't seem to want to let go of your hand; as though the world would fall away if he didn't and that this would turn out to be a cruel dream. Still, you humored and spoiled him. As intended, you got all the toppings; Rick thought it was a kids dream come true with the amount of candy you had in your waffle bowl. And since you had enough to share, you took the liberty to feed him. He chatted on; offering charming stories from his band days; unlike other Ricks who were in a rock band called Flesh Curtains, his band had been a jazz and bossa nova trio; the band name had been comprised of a numerical equation; if you had named them you would've called them the Zeta Bytes.
Now, Rick wasn't a messy eater, but during one of his more excitable stories, he spilled a bit on the corner of his mouth. Ready with a napkin, you wiped it away, and couldn't help but laugh at how boyish it was. Giving your hand a squeeze, he absentmindedly brushed his thumb on the back of your hand; adoration coloring his voice. “You're t-t-too good to me.”
"There's no such thing. If anything, I gotta spoil you rotten."
You found no hindrance in his mood and this time he didn't think twice about kissing you then and there as he liked while you were still holding the napkin; fear and shame of public displays of affection being one less thing to worry about now. Who cared if your ice cream was melting, because your heart was melting; his mouth tasted of chocolate and promises. A soft chuckle escaped him as he pulled away; his promise whispered against your lips. "I-I promise I'll be good t-t-to you."
Being loved suited him; it really, really did wonders on his countenance and it made you wonder what else he could now do.
By now you were a little tired, but Ricks contagious energy invigorated your spirits; you bet he could've come up with an invention and completed it today if he stayed this hyped up. Instead, he used that energy to make fresh rolls to go with the leftover acorn squash soup; you hadn't been that hungry, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. And when dinner had been eaten, you helped him with the dishes; nothing you hadn't done before, but his spirit was lighter and more at ease; he even bumped your hip with his as a gesture of playfulness. After cleaning up the kitchen, he decided that he'd like to take a shower and refresh himself and in the meantime, you stepped out into the backyard to enjoy the beauty of the night. In this part of town, despite the light pollution, you could see a fair amount of stars.
You had never studied astronomy, but Rick had shown you in diagrams and in textbooks of their names and explained how they were formed; to him, their complexity was like poetry, and it made them beautiful. You couldn't recite it by memory, but you had a feeling that beyond your current comprehension perhaps there was life amongst those heavenly bodies, despite the heat or deadly gases; if you had learned anything about space, it was that worlds were more along the lines of art and beauty than fields of science which were easily explained. Yet, in the air, where there was a sweet perfume, thick, but intoxicating, only where you were currently mattered; you saw that in the leftmost part of the yard there was jasmine which was currently in bloom; its blanket of flowers reminding you of snow. Hadn't you read of this somewhere before? Maybe.
In the grass near your feet, grasshoppers leaped away, and crickets chirped their songs. And you relished the strong breezes and the song of the night which may consume a melancholic heart if it were searching for tragedies instead of sweet dreams. And it had only been a few hours ago when you had thought that all of which transpired might've been a dream. Though, whatever truths that had come to light in the hours after the simulation, you were glad of them.
In the dark, sights and sounds were heightened and mesmerizing, albeit curious in its own right; if it hadn't been for the sound barrier Rick had on his property, you would've heard the obnoxious sound of the next-door neighbor's TV as they watched infomercials. Still, it was a beautiful night. Sitting on the bench which overlooked the whole yard, you thought of what wonderful things you'd like to share with Rick, and then he found you. For his part, he had changed into something more relaxed; into a light blue button-down that was similar to the one he was wearing earlier, but this one was softer, and it was paired with navy pants; it reminded you of blue pants Rick with his attire, but it was cute and suited him. With him, he had brought over a tray of goodies and you two ate cookies and cakes and drank earl grey under the moonlit night.
The pause in conversation gave allowances for observations. For example, you took a good long look at him as he sipped his tea; admiring how casual he appeared tonight. Without his labcoat or sweater, his identity seemed separate from that of his dimension jumping, scientist self; making way for the person deep inside; the friendly neighbor who won your heart without even trying. He noticed eventually that you had been staring at him, and he broke the silence with his inquiry. "What are y-you thinking about?"
"I'm thinking about you cutie. You um….you look really good in those blue pants of yours. Thinking of taking up modeling anytime soon?"
"N-no," he answered with an air of obliviousness that you found endearing. "not unless my next work assignment requires it. Gee, why do you ask?"
"Hmm, it's because you wear your clothes well. I always thought you did, but I don't believe I ever mentioned it."
He ruminated on what you said for a few minutes, before setting down his cup. "Did you - did you always find me attractive?"
"No," you confessed. "but you're the only person I've ever really been attracted to. I…..I always liked the fact that our relationship was built on something more substantial. You see, the more I got to know you, the more irresistible I found you. Though," you winked. "those teeth of yours were always too cute to resist."
This truth of yours made him comfortable enough to relinquish one of his own. "C-can I tell you a secret?"
"It's not much of a secret if you tell me dear, but you can tell me anyway."
Wringing his hands together, he confessed solemnly. "That day y-you tripped on the sidewalk nearby my house, I-I almost decided not to cross the road."
Not cross the road? Hmm, it had been an option. In your mind's eye, you could imagine it; the tall, lanky figure of a man debating against his better judgment on what he ought to do; so close but so far; knowing that he was altering the course of his future and putting yours at risk. Poor man, having to wallow over a moral dilemma like that. "Why is that?"
"Gosh, y-you….I didn't want to take advantage of the situation."
It could've been taken that way, but you never thought so. "So what changed your mind?"
"I thought you were going to cry, and I-I didn't… I didn't want you to suffer anymore. I thought t-to myself, that if I got t-t-to know you, then you wouldn't have to be lonely anymore."
When he said this, you nearly couldn't look at him; not because he knew more than he let on, but because who knows what paths you two would've taken if he hadn't shown up that day. Tears bit at the back of your eyes, and your nails bit into your palms. "Dear, love isn't always a cure for heartache," He tensed up at this, but you knew you had to tell him. You weren't upset because you had guessed as much, but being assured of it cemented the fact. "but I'm sure that without you, without your friendship, I might not be here right now. I think I was depressed, and from time to time I still feel that way. I…I have thought of ways to make my troubles end, ways you might not have been proud of, but you've shown me a better way to live. I think…no, I know that by expanding my horizons, I understand now that there's so much to look forward to, and not to take life for granted. Why," you paused, fighting the tears which threatened to fall. "you reminded me that I gotta make the most of this crazy, unpredictable life, and I'm happy that I'll get to do that with you."
He understood and accepted this answer and gave you a look of adoration and pride; the like that you hoped you'd always remember. And when you two were done with tea, you both took a walk about the garden. The sweet perfume of jasmine intermingled with that of the scent of his soap, and combined with the candor of his speech made this place feel like a well of comfort. He followed behind you as you two spoke, and you were conscious of the fact that with his freshly washed hair brushed back, it made him more appealing. His hands were in want of yours as he matched your pace, and you felt slightly mischievous as you'd skip or teased him to catch you; it wasn't long until he gathered you in his arms and laughed, and you asked without much seriousness for him to let you go, but while he loosened his grip, he didn't let go entirely. "Gosh, y-you make me feel so young. It - it feels so good to have you in my arms."
"Oh, really?" you giggled. "That's great to hear."
Pressing a kiss to your temple, he sighed. "It's unfortunate that I'm so old."
"That's okay. I like you as you are. It goes well with your personality."
"Thank you mi corazón. It feels good to hear that. However, can I-I ask you something?"
"¿Si hubiera s-sido más joven, habría marcado la diferencia?"
"If you had been younger? I don't know. Possibly," you admitted. "I might've been less reluctant about my feelings at the beginning, but I truly don't know. I'd like to think that I'd still would've fallen for you anyway. You're a wonderful man Ricardo, you don't have to doubt that, anyone can see that. It doesn't matter how old you are, but it's who you are."
"Y-you're right." With reluctance, he allowed his arms to drop to his sides, and he wondered. "It um - it's getting late. Should I-I walk you home?"
Was he forgetting that he didn't have to? Maybe not. Perhaps he needed a sign; one that said that any suggestion of further intimacy was alright. "I thought I was home." you answered, "Don't you want me to stay?"
Scratching the back of his neck, he nodded. "Yes, I-I-I-I do."
"Then it's settled. We'll have a big sleepover," you brightened. "and it'll never have to end. I'll borrow a pair of your pj's and hog all the blankets because I'll get cold."
"And in - in the morning," he added warmly, "w-we can have pancakes."
"Yeah, and watch enough interdimensional cable to make us go blind."
"But I-I might have to work tomorrow."
"Oh. Well, then I guess I'll just have to eat all your snacks until you come back. We might have to take a trip to Costco at some point because they sell these mushroom crisps that are to die for."
Standing under the persimmon tree, he stepped forward and gave your shoulder a squeeze. "Y-you can have whatever you want," With a strong arm slipping around your waist, you felt almost shy at the way he smiled protectingly down at you. His warm breath ghosted about your ear, and his voice was above a whisper as he confessed. “because I-I-I finally got you princess and I'm not - I'm not going t-to let you go.”
At the sound of this pet name, you felt a slight warmth rush to your cheeks, but you didn't laugh it off as you had once but agreed with warmth. “You may do as you please, Mr. Sanchez.”
And so he did. Without hesitation, he lifted your chin and brushed your lips with his thumb. His eyes sparkling with humor, promise, and a confidence that was somehow so very appropriate on his face. "I love you. I-I-I always have. From the time I first held your hand, I knew it had to be you. I would've been a fool if I - if I hadn't tried. Even now, it's hard to believe, but it's starting to sink in."
"Me too. It's unbelievable, but it's true and we have the paperwork to prove it."
Leaning down, he pressed a sweet kiss onto your lips. It was so gentle, it was as though you might break if he tried otherwise. Kissing you again, he sighed against your lips. "It's beautiful out t-tonight."
"It is."
Pressing a hand to his cheek, you softened. "But I think I'm ready to call it a night. Why don't we go in?"
Weaving his fingers with yours, he softened. "Okay."
You used to think to yourself and wonder if his house would ever be ready to receive you, but what you now realized was that it had always been ready, and only you had been waiting for it all to catch up; for him to know what he wanted and to be courageous and say; for you to know what you needed, and to accept that being yourself didn't make you any less attractive or unique and that you weren't alone; you had never been alone, for he had always been waiting. His home, why it was always home, but it was always home because he was what grounded you and you were what grounded him. And you felt so married to him then, and everything felt as it should. Nothing had really changed, except for a title, and a promise; for you two were friends as you had always been; him the happy go lucky old man, and you the silly neighbor who met him by accident, but you couldn't deny that you loved him with your entire being and so did he. As promised, he intended to do everything in his power to protect you, even as you two were getting ready for bed. His body seemed to curl around you as to shield you from whatever monsters could be hiding in the dark.
So, when it happened that you rested your head upon his chest and felt the temptation of sleep washing over you, you pressed a light kiss to his cheek and confessed softly. "I can't wait to wake up next to you."
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shhhselah · 5 years
What A Wonderful Life...
​Friday, May 17, 2019
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​​"What an interesting life you've caught me in the middle of...."
I caught myself saying this out loud a few weeks ago. That date overhead to be exact.
Life is such a journey. Such a process.
Constantly, we're growing, changing, evolving- never really staying in one spot or settling into one modus operandi. Have you ever heard the phrase, "A master piece and work in progress?" That's truly a concept I feel slips the mind of so many. Even ourselves. We know that we're changing and adjusting, but, honestly, we don't always agree with, like or desire the change we find ourselves going through. Sometimes that change alters us physically, and it may not always be flattering or pleasing.
And other times, we witness emotional, mental and spiritual transformations that either excite us, or frighten us. I've experienced this. We all have. (And actually, correction- I ​​am experiencing this. A season that rattles me because I don't recognize my spiritual surroundings.)
We all have those moments where you take stock of who you are versus who you used to be and find yourself to be a current stranger to the you once known. A stranger in your own body, a foreigner in your own thoughts.
​​When did I get so defensive? When did I become so broken? Why did I stop trusting, smiling, opening up? When did I stop talking, believing, hoping? How did I stop loving? When did I stop truly ​​living? What happened.... to "me?"
And you know what can be so damaging and yet helpful all at once? ​​M e m o r i e s.
See, while it's good to recall memories, it's so harmful to ​​harp on them. We were made to live in the present, it's why our breath comes and goes so steadily instead of staying behind in one spot that we have to consistently travel backwards to in order to reach. We were designed to live in the moment.
Those memories are a blessing. They're an opportunity to view and learn from every present you've ever found yourself in, every gift you've gotten to live in- so that you can walk a little straighter, wiser and freer in the next....but the moment you start harping on those past presents, you neglect all the undivided attention this current one requires. And you live in a duality that brings both anxiousness and confusion.
You bring a nasty case of comparison into the mix. We tend to split our time between nostalgia, trauma, reality and delusions of grandeur. Past. Present. Future.
The both good and bad times of the past, the ever steady action of the present and the unknown possibilities of the future. We live in them all and somehow expect our present selves to maintain order and a standard of satisfactory being that appeases each viewpoint.
Let me set you free here and now-
You will ​​never be completely like your old self- you've gone through too much. So much more than that self of even ​​days ago has experienced. I'm starting to learn and accept that, but it's hard for me on some days when I liked the old version better. What gives me hope, is knowing that God has a greater design for me that He didn't leave in the past, but lays peacefully in every step forward I take. If the past were better, I'd be there. But it's not. There was something there that was still obsolete, untapped and lacking.
What's more, you will ​​never be like your future self- they've witnessed more than the present can presently tell you. Secrets that God has purposed only time to hold.
And understand, your present self is constantly being prepared for the future and shaped by the past. They're under a lot of work. But that work is null in void if you don't allow them to soak up every moment they're in so they can pull something from it and be molded by it.
​​What an interesting life you've caught me in....
Who we're used to being and used to being known as, isn't going to always be the truth of who we are and will be. So set yourself free to forever be a work in progress and masterpiece all at once.
Set yourself free to live life and experience life as it comes. If the day is unpredictable, why can't your growth process be? Don't set restrictions on yourself. Live. What's meant will come and happen, because you have a sovereign God who always starts what He finishes (​​Isaiah 46:9-11). And He calls you His workmanship, His clay, His skillfully and wonderfully made creation in whom He delights.
Trust me, He has an attention to detail and His attention is all yours. You're worth it, and truly, He loves it. So be free, and live in the beautiful, yet startling vulnerability of being creation, where you don't have to constantly create yourself- forever loved and governed by Almighty above.
"12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything (in any point) you think otherwise (differently), God will reveal that (make it clear) also to you. 16 Only let us hold true (live up to) to what we have (already) attained."
Philippians 3:12-16
Don't ever feel like you have something to prove. What God has put in you is intrinsic. The areas you walk into were made to build you, be a catalyst that sparks your nature and be a field in which to practice, hone and shine in who you are. You were created for those places.
Your only job is to BE. God will continue to sculpt exactly what that "being" looks like at any given moment, whether seemingly good, bad, ugly or pleasing. That's a part of Surrender- ​​ceasing resistance, submitting to an authority greater than your own, to give up possession of, to deliver up."
Give up your ideas of what you should do, who you should be, and where you should be. It's an act harder done than said, but it's a journey that is best walked with the Creator- who has all the finer details etched out and all the possibilities accounted for- purposing each one for good. (​​Psalm 37:23, Proverbs 16:9, Romans 8:28)
Do you know the difference between Evidence and Proof?
Proof is a biased concept. It seeks to discount one thing and support another.
Evidence is objective. It has no agenda. It is simply there, and its presence tells a story.
The story of God's existence is in the evidence of creation- our world. He tells us this in ​​Romans 1:19-20.
Trees, animals, the ocean, the wind, birds, bees, flowers, and even our complex DNA, they have never moved to prove anything. They simply exist and operate in their nature, and have been a consistent testimony to something greater.
We have sought for years to understand their origin and complexity, ​​our origin and complexity. They derive from the same Caretaker who clothes the fields of grass and feeds the birds of the sky.
​​"25 'Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.'"
​​Matthew 6:25-34
You will always feel behind and be behind when you have something to prove.
God is always with us. In every moment. Living in the past or future holds no meaning, it's a trick of the enemy that keeps us between condemnation and striving desperately and futilely beyond grace.
​​"8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
​​Ephesians 2:8-10
I've had a habit of pointing to the past to remind God of where I can't go again or where I was better off. I also have a habit (which was the entirety of my 2018), where I take the snippets of what God has shown me He has for me, and I drag Him around and try to drill Him like a sergeant to get me there. The year was saturated with impatience, exhaustion, resentment, bitterness, envy, confusion and hurt.
This life is not yours when you're in Christ. It's His. ​​​​Galatians 2:20 ​​tells us that,
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
And in being His, there are plans, achievements, dreams, timings, and revelations that He's taken on the responsibility to deliver and create. This is not yours to carry.
Why carry something on your own that God told you He'd do Himself? If He put it on your heart, it's for Him to do, not you. Why try to do God's job and be Him? How futile. We fail and stall out when we attempt to take His plans, make them our own and go running off with them.
There is a partnership called Faith. That leads us to Obedience. But we can't obey who we do not serve or even acknowledge. When striving in our own efforts, understandings, assumptions and desires, when do we have time and room to consult the One who prepared our good works ahead of time?
Stay steady with Him in the now. His grace has covered your entire timeline, but reap the benefits of the fresh mercies He purposed for this moment.
​​"22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
   his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness."
​​Lamentations 3:22-23
Don't try to run ahead. Take it from me, it leaves you bitter and worn.
Be spoiled by the God who has already completed the works.
​​"9 Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
11 Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country.
Indeed I have spoken it;
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it."
​​Isaiah 46:9-11
Prove nothing and never strive . Like evidence, just be, and watch yourself ever unfold on this journey of life as God unravels all the beautiful secrets He's placed down on the inside of you, tucked neatly away in the timeline of your path.
Time to be set free, darlings.
Live. Presently.
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Tommy & Ali
Chatting ‘bout Christmas, boy troubles, pregnancy AND THE FACT THE BABY IS TOTALLY NOT DREW’S LOLLOLLOL
Tommy: Oi! 😼 What you gettin da cos like even I feel cheeky considering socks for 2 years running Ali joined the chat 3 hours ago Tommy: I was gonna go full rivers of whiskey cept I'd probs drown myself in it before the bottle was in the bag 😂 Ali: So you should, elf on the shelf! Socks should only ever be an add-on prezzie, even if they're DEAD comical, like. Ali: Speaking of elf on the shelf, would you be willing to come round mine every day at the crack of dawn (aka JUST before the kiddos will arise like horrible demon krakkens from the depths) so I can arrange you in comical positions and situations? Ali: They love that shit. I on the other hand want to murder the CEO of whatever company/the high-key mum mafia that made this shit popular again. Ali: I've got me thinking cap on for the old man for ye...Hmm Ali: (and how rude to get cuffed for the season and not even get to the part where you get a bomb-ass present/someone to tout around the family functions...rude. You not actually at the bottom of a bottle quite yet though, yeah? Doing the obligatory welfare checkup here) Tommy: Excuse you miss money bags! 💰 just 'cause you're one of the rare artists who ain't starving like! some of us don't have boyfriends who cook or paying audiences Tommy: so yeah obvs! Gotta keep in shape just in case don't I? catch me pirouetting across your patio bitch Tommy: Green's my colour these days and red's always been signature Tommy: I'm alright (love you for asking!) how's you? Tommy: Genuinely Ali: Oh yeah, 'cos father will flip his shit if the price tag ain't AT LEAST three figs... 😏 Silly billy, and oi, oi! My student loan ain't kicked in yet ...I'm on a gap yaaaaaah though, darling, I've simply GOTTA act like a frivilous rich bitch. Deal with it, you're still the shady bitch of the fam, okay? 😘 Ali: Yaaasss, you're gonna have to drop a couple of pounds to fit in that teeny costume but a day in the life of a TRUE star init, babe? I believe in you Ali: Bet you didn't come here to be called fat, did you? How fucking cheeky is that forreal Ali: Colour of luck boy 🍀🍀🍀 Ali: Hmm, ngl I'm in a bit of a...situation, and I ain't talking I've forgot to order a turkey Tommy: Imagine...jog on old man just 'cause went for the quantity with the sprogs doesn't mean you'll get quality back soz Tommy: try it but good luck trying to get your little uns to deal with you being the spoilt one 😂 Tommy: well since I got the 🍀 its 🤞 Tommy: feckin hell has caleb forgotten kids are for life not just chrimbo again? Tommy: I'll deck his halls if he's being a prick Ali: That'll show him! That's what you get for bringing me into this world, whole lotta backchat and not an ounce of grattitude, take that! Ali: Join me 'cos I'm sure that's what mum feels I've got her Ali: We did Rio's first Xmas morning, and 2nd, at home! It really is Caleb's fams turn Ali: I can't help that its Junie's first, evidently I ain't planning this shit woman! Ali: #contraceptionwhomst? #pulloutnhopeforthebest #itswhatgodwouldwant Ali: And it ain't like we're not coming over for a second dinner, we fat as hell, get wid it and pass the gravy Ali: Catch me in the tesco throwing tantrums with Rio on the reg tbh #twocanplayatthatgamehoney #childrenraisingchildren Ali: Nah, although loving all the macho threats of violence when my honour is at stake as of late...Is my drama letting you live up to your full brotherly potential? Welcome... Ali: TMI, give a shit, but I'm late on and I've thrown up a few times, not from the mother's ruin, like Ali: hahahahahama'sgonnakillmeisn'tshe Ali: whatthefucklike Tommy: Who you kidding you're the blatant fave & lbr if the lord's got his specs on should be even more so for following her shining example like Tommy: honor thy father and mother and all that Tommy: who doesn't love a mini me Tommy: especially one who can sing every sperm is sacred with perf pitch Tommy: Amen! this aint 1850 pass the roasties gdi! Tommy: all we want for christmas is carbs Tommy: OH MY CHRIST NOT AGAIN Tommy: 😧 Tommy: I know you're on your gap year but no need to be so literal Ali: Ha, please! Not Tess Vickers' fave. Da's, obviously, as he is mine, (babe). You and Joe are the momma's boys, always have been, you needy little babbas. Ali: A woman who doesn't love herself...damn, too deep, reverse, reverse! Ali: You'd be surprised how annoying an all-singing-all-dancing constant reminder of all your best and worst bits is Ali: Usually the best, which is happy-making magic, but when its the worst...GOOD LORDT. Plus its a reminder of the same in your other half, and we all like to overlook that shit now, don't we? *sips tea* Ali: God I am gonna go HAM with my 'cravings' this Chrimbo...what timing! Maybe I did plan this after-all Ali: but no, I did not Ali: But yeah...this is a thing I'm processing, thought I'd drag you down with me 🤷 Tommy: I was gonna be all like not with him probs dead in a ditch and me one audition away from getting cosy in a cardboard box but I better swerve too dont wanna spend the season with the samaritans on speed dial Tommy: you and fraze are the success stories savor it Tommy: honey I've got a mirror Tommy: and near constant feedback from them in the know Tommy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tommy: that's calebs chrimbo gift sorted then yeah? Ali: Lordy, I know we're Irish but there's no need to be that fuckin' maudlin, Tommo Ali: Oh, you wanted an idea for Da but that is SO Fraze's prezzie Ali: Just tell him that, all day. Money can't buy that kinda happiness Ali: The spirit of the Holidays Ali: Them in the know don't know shit Ali: I mean...gift or curse? Ali: We've only just got back on track, this is probably going to derail the whole damn caboose Tommy: everyone's a critic and there's only one shane macgowan I hear ya Tommy: I reckoned you meant a mirror for a sec I was like uh huh he's got that one covered love 😏 Tommy: Hey! That's mine covered 🙋 just repeat that back to me Tommy: those clueless cunts Tommy: Nah he'll be buzzing esp if he gets another girl Tommy: there's only one Rio but he's shameless ha Tommy: leave the cursing for ma she'll be doing plenty once she's done stuffing your stocking with contraceptives Ali: Mhmm, save it for the improptu karaoke when we're all feeling merry on the day, like Ali: Lmao, he'd live in a 360 degree view changing room if he could Ali: How millenial of us! Lets just gift each other with positive affirmations Ali: Maybe...Gah Ali: Whatever, whether he deals or doesn't, doesn't change the fact I am with child again and yeah, Caleb's reaction is the least of my worries Ali: I'm going to be going to Uni abroad with 3 kids...damn Ali: If I don't get locked away for my own good, of course Tommy: 😇 Will do Tommy: I reckon that's the goal when he 'makes it' Tommy: scrawl it on my personalised starbies cup and have done babe Tommy: You're grand it'll just be one hell of a plane ride Tommy: 🍀 & 🤞 Tommy: OH SHIT WAIT Tommy: the whole Caleb reaction thing has me thinking...not to be rude but Tommy: it is his yeah? Ali: It better be Ali: Aside from the Drew incident I didn't shag anyone else Ali: and we used a condom Ali: I mighta been several sheets to the wind but I hadn't lost my whole goddamn mind Tommy: thank christ for that Tommy: imagine trying to play happy families with that twat Ali: Amen Ali: Yeah that isn't the life I've signed up for Ali: Bitches forget I already got a ring on my finger, like Ali: Legal or otherwise Tommy: Beyonce is here for your union Tommy: good enough for me Tommy: low key proud of ya not to be an enabler but like Tommy: I'll happily hooray you getting Drew to put something on it too god knows where that fuckboy's been Ali: Thank you! I will take that hooray because I literally had to mum Ro's arse and tell her to do the same every time Ali: AND had to do it in such a way it didn't sound like I was saying as much, like, your boyf is a cheater and we all know it sweetie Tommy: ugh 😷 glad you did though I hear your next door nemesis had to get herself to the clinic sharpish & i don't reckon she'd spread gossip that'd make her out to be riddled Tommy: 🦀🐛 Ali: 🤢😤 Unsurprised on both their behalf there but low-key furious Ali: he knows how that bitch treats Ro, and always has done Ali: there's being a cheat with any random hoe and then there's that...is it me or is that next-level careless? Ali: To the point it looks like he's doing it to hurt her, I'm sure he's just ignorant but, like, what the fuck?!!? Tommy: RIGHT? Tommy: like I don't doubt she ain't telling him all the ins and outs of her childhood drama but still Tommy: even with more brains than biceps he's gotta have a clue or two Tommy: OOOPS ACCIDENTAL COMPLIMENT Tommy: I'm offended on my own behalf Tommy: almost as cringe as once thinking he was hot 🤓😳 kms Ali: Yeah but it ain't like he's not been here...and she's still a cunt to Ro now, so Ali: Tries to be to me but who's listening, Bitch I'm deaf all of a sudden??? Ali: Hahahahaha Ali: He's attractive, to the point its kinda fact more than opinion so I don't think you're alone on that score Ali: If the notches on his bedpost are anything to go by...and I fucked him so can't be judging, consider your sins absolved, no hail mary's needed, maybe a few bloodys when I next pin u down for an IRL debrief? Ali: Oh wait, a bitch can't...I'll make it a Virgin Mary...WHEY! Tommy: True and I know he ain't got a bitch muted 'cause I aint rn either 👀 & my specs are on when I'm scrolling Tommy: I see what I see Tommy: 😞 Tommy: Fuck it lets go dancing Tommy: bounce that bump while you still can Ali: 'Course not, gotta 'low the bitch to slide into dem dms on the reg, if for nothing else than the ego boost Ali: 😒 Ali: I need that, lets go lets go lets go, its been TIME since I got to go out and not take the bubs Ali: I'll have to see who can have 'em though... Ali: Can't be mum, really selling how responsible a parent I'm gonna be to 3 by throwing 2 at her and fucking off to partay Tommy: SAMSIES...not that I'm going out with 2 kids on the reg but y'know Tommy: we on it 💃 Tommy: Dial up their daddy Tommy: he'll step up while we step out I'm sure Ali: Sure, just the one, like #oosh! toosoonforbants? Ali: Can but try, I'll get back to you when he replies Ali: Ooh, what are we gonna wear Tommy: I've got my elf cossie if I can only squeeze in Tommy: you could pin a red letter on if you've got something that won't clash 🤔 own that guilt like a good catholic 📿 Ali: Ooh, festive AND appropriate for my situ, I like it. Tommy: A for advent sweeties 😘 Tommy: can you cut my hair though I looking like the grinch if he was a blonde blue eyed dreamboat Ali: And Awesome! And Ali! And Ass! 😎 Ali: Obvi, you never could rock the long hair look, remember that dark period in time 😂 Ali: Can I try something slightly new tho? 🤔 Tommy: why the feck not gotta at least look ready to mingle like Tommy: 💔😂 Ali: Dubo not gonna know what's hit it and ya mans gonna know what he missing when I'm done with you! Promise Tommy: I'll hold you to it Tommy: no pressure Tommy: oooh maybe we could go shopping 😀 Ali: You know I'm winning boys back like its my business Ali: well, boy singular but that's enough, right? #greedybisexual Ali: I am always down for killing time snapping up killer #lewks, lets do it man Tommy: yaaaaaaaaaaas Tommy: careful I might hold you to that too #tipsfrommybabysiskms Ali: baby be wise tho 💞 where u at i'll come get u Tommy: about a lot of things yeah 👍 nws I'll come at you I need the exercise #aintforgotyoucalledmeafattylike Ali: alright well, RUN FORREST RUN Tommy: 🏃
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