#he'd taste like artificial fruity stuff
vampyrtism · 11 months
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Basically inspired by one of my rp partners :3c Alien Radford 💥💥💥💥💥
I don't have many Thoughts™ on him yet, but Yeah !!! Mostly formed blob creature that likes being a little silly goober.
And alien autism
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myers-meadow · 2 years
What do you think is the slasher's (Al, Michael Myers, Brahms, Jason, and Candyman) favorite drink?
It's hot out where I live so water is a MUST
It is no longer hot here! But let's gooooo ^^
All of these are of course just my opinion, feel free to disagree and make your own list, I just wrote this all out for fun ^^ . I haven't seen Candyman yet, so I added some of my own favourites instead.
Michael Myers (RZ):
Likes sweeter drinks
Between tea and coffee, he prefers tea, but likes it with milk
Would drink boba tea and love it - big fan of textures and custom sweetness
Likes seasonal flavours! Pumpkin spice :))
Also a big fan of homemade hot chocolate. It's a comfort drink
He goes for easy things, if he's raiding your kitchen cabinet, he will absolutely take the instant hot cocoa powder
Not a fan of fizzy drinks, instead he loves fruit juices
Brahms Heelshire:
Tea snob - black tea or rooibos
Not so much green tea.
Drinks coffee too, but it has to be made very specifically and needs sugar and creamer
He likes the fruity, aromatic coffee beans
If you make it for him, he has you do it over until its to his liking
but once you get it down, he won't want to drink anything that isn't made by you
Would he be equally snobby when it comes to alcohol? Probably. I'd say red wine, particularly merlot or shiraz. Not so much cabernet sauvignon
Would have champagne too
Don't think he can handle anything stronger than that, though
The Grabber:
He's rarely one to induldge much, so soda's are for Saturday nights
He likes beer, whiskey and wine a good amount
During the day, he drinks mostly water
and is fine with both tea and coffee
when he has coffee on the weekends, he likes to take his time - has both a french press and a moka pot for different moods
Prefers strong flavours and isn't afraid of bitterness
Sometimes adds cardemom to his coffee
Big fan of glühwein - warm spicy stuff is great in his book
Thomas Hewitt:
Sweetened iced tea
If not iced, he still likes (sweetened) tea. He prefers those sweetener tablets over sugar
Pop soda's are a treat, so getting to have cola or fanta or other fizzy drinks are high up on his list of drinks he likes, even though he doesnt get to have them often
There's a mix drink that was popular (where I live) a generation or two ago, and I feel like it'd be a big favourite of Thomas' too: its cola (or instant lemonade), coffee creamer and sugar mixed together :)
Lester Sinclair:
Keeps decently hydrated while on the road
His fave is bottled mineral water, no bubbles
Also big on several kinds on soda's or iced tea
When he's home and has the funds and time, he likes making smoothies. If you made some for him, he'd be over the moon
He likes fruity types of sweet things, but dislikes artificial flavours, so would prefer to make iced tea and smoothies at home
He likes beer, but is mostly a social drinker. Has a few beers with Bo or with friends when he feels like it
Vincent Sinclair:
His mug is called NOT paint water
The other mug does have paint water - yes this has gone wrong before and it probably will again
He prefers tea over coffee, but mostly because he's very sensitive to caffeine and going without can give him headaches
Green tea, herbal tea and black tea are his preference
Not a big fan of sweet things, not like Lester or Bo
As for alcohol, red wine or stronger ones. He doesn't like the smokey taste of most whiskeys, but likes schnapps
Bo Sinclair:
Likes coffee, with a little bit of sugar on the weekends
Has orange juice most mornings - no pulp
Will drink iced tea but only if Lester made it
Likes sweet drinks, but will be kinda weird about it
Doesn't get to go out for drinks often, but when he does, he can't resist caramal flavoured drinks
Likes alcohol too, beer and rum being favourites
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