#he'll get sooooo Jealous and want to join in
littlejazzy · 2 years
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I made my first moodboard! Featuring CG!Dan and CG!Herbert!!!
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year
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Portrait of a Cardassian Family
their stories below the cut!
Kenan (keh-NAHN), the eldest, is about 20 years old here. He spent the first few years of his life raised by his mother, until his father retired from the military and they settled down on a farm in the countryside. He's everything a Cardassian man should be. He'll go on to marry a nice girl from a nearby town and start a family, who all die with him when the town is destroyed in the Dominion bombing.
Tirin (TEER-ihn) is 16 here. He's hardworking, caring---softer than his older brother. He spent a lot of time taking care of Marrok when he was small, so they're close. He'll inherit the farm when their father dies of illness, and continue the family line.
Marrok (MAHR-uhk) is 8 when baby Eyal is born, and it becomes his responsibility to take care of the little ones while his parents and older brothers work on the farm. He's a quiet child, with a flat affect and big staring eyes that unnerve everyone who meets him. He grows up jealous of his baby sister for reasons he can't quite place. At 23, when both his younger siblings are old enough that he's not worried about them anymore, Marrok will run off to the big city and change her name to Nal. She gets recruited by the Obsidian Order, and the rest is history.
Damin (DAH-mihn) is 2 here. He's an ambitious, willful little boy, desperate for the attention and praise his parents never give him. He wants to be just like his father someday, clings to every word of the stories his father tells about his glory days in the military. He joins up as soon as he's old enough, and is dead and buried before he turns 30.
Eyal (ay-AHL) is only a few months old. The baby of the family, and the only daughter (that they're aware of), she's absolutely doted on by her mother, who's been hoping for a girl since Tirin was conceived. While her siblings envy the attention she gets, she feels suffocated by it, can't stand the pressure to be her mother's perfect little girl. A few years after Nal leaves, Eyal does too. She becomes a cool butch and settles down with her cool butch Romulan wife on a planet on the edge of Cardassian space.
PLEASE ask me about them they r everything to me. Nal especially but I love her siblings too I think abt them sooooo much. Here's a picture of the drawing without the text and background btw
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gfguren · 8 months
amber!!! am dropping by to wish you a weekend that is full of light and love 🥹🫧💗
i am back w my curious sel glassies 🤓 (pls feel free not to answer if uncomfy) — what’s a habit you’re most proud of? what habit of katsuki’s is one you admire?
sellie!!! light and love, pls you're sooooo sweet!! 💕 and omg pls my good habits are so few and far between aksjdhfjh! but! i guess im pretty decent at picking up after myself?? i don't let things pile up, like? i finish eating - immediately put the plate in the sink, i take a book out - put it right back where i found it when im done, those kinds of things?
but with bakugou!!
ah! this is such a fun question, i think about mundane things like this for him all the time. i feel like bakugou has such good habits, king of going to sleep on time, king of sticking to his routines, king of having his shit together - i think it just comes naturally to him and honestly, i'm terribly jealous lol.
i've said he could fix me before as a joke but askjdfhs i'm lowkey highkey serious abt it - i feel like his habits would rub off on you just from being around him.
you forget to eat? good luck with that when he's being noisy as shit in the kitchen - morning, noon and night, makes better food than some 5 star restaurants - at some point, you're stomach starts growling at the sound of pots and plans clinking, almost on command, like you've been conditioned. you struggle with keeping a schedule? good thing he has a great memory and absolutely no qualms about nagging you six ways to sunday.
oh, you're a night owl? not anymore, suddenly you're awake at 6am on a saturday, of your own volition - you're not sure how it happened, when the switch flipped and you began lazily dragging yourself out of bed along side him. maybe it was when you grew familiar with the katsuki shaped warmth beneath your comforter, followed after it when he shuffled out of bed each morning to steam up the bathroom mirror - sometimes he lets you join him, most times you sit on the counter and listen to him grumble about all the things he has to do that day.
or maybe it was because he'd made it a point to kiss you goodbye whenever you bothered to wake up on time, eventually the rest of your day began feeling wrong if he didn't - like it became a habit itself. more than likely though, it's because that's just the way bakugou is, hot temper and can-do attitude so incredibly frustrating at times, but also oddly invigorating. when he says he'll do something, he does it - makes you think it really is just that easy. (it isn't of course) as much as he tries to convince you that it is - but it does make you want to try.
and as for the habit i most admire! i think one of his most admirable habits (to me!) is how well prepared he is. bakugou is always thinking ahead, prepared for anything, always and (as good as he is at coming up with solutions on the fly) i feel like he would never leave the house unprepared or ill-equipped. of course this applies to his work life - lays his costume and equipment out before bed, eats a healthy breakfast each morning so it doesn't affect his performance on patrol, etc.
but it also translates to his home life and relationships. like? you're on your way to spend a night out with him, and you already know he's headed for the closet, off to grab a coat for himself (and for you), even if it's mid summer, even if the weather is fine - because what if it gets cold, and what if the car breaks down, and what if both of your phones stop working - and you laugh at him sometimes, because it does feel a bit ridiculous, his overthinking, his over-planning, how he makes sure you leave 30 minutes early, and triple checks the locks before you leave for real.
but sometimes, you do find yourself in a pickle, and you're so thankful for him being the way that he is.
you nick yourself on something while the two of you are out, and before you have a chance to react, he's slipping a band-aid from his jacket pocket, shuffling it into your hands, grumbling something about it being a coincidence when you shoot him a big, heart-eyed look - little do you know, it's not a coincidence at all, that he'd been sure to grab a handful of them each time the two of you left the house since that time, months ago, when you cut yourself on something you can't even recall, don't seem to remember, but he does.
that's just the way he is, takes note when something goes awry, and plans accordingly so it doesn't happen again. you're a bit clumsy with your hands? he's ordering extra straws and napkins when you eat out. you blistered your feet last time you wore 'those' heels? he's stuffing a pair of your trainers in the trunk the next time, and every time after you decide to wear them. it's just so sweet and thoughtful! even if it basically becomes muscle memory at some point! idk idk it just makes me feel really full thinking about it!!!
askjdhfsjfh anyway! ty for giving me an excuse to gush abt him sel!!!! i hope your week is absolutely lovely and filled with more writing inspiration than you know what to do with!! 💓💕❤
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