#he's So dramatic and SO stupid about this whole situation I love him
flowerflamestars · 2 years
Robin fic snippet
“Kid.” He looked up, vivid, heartbroken anger adulterated by a scrunch between his brows, “You want me to kneecap him?”   “Yes.” Tim drummed his fingers against the wood, shockingly loud, “No. I want”-   “Someone to tell you you’re not crazy.”   Tim said nothing.   “There are no one way bonds,” Elle settled on saying. “Death echoes are not a coincidence. I know nothing about clones and less about aliens, but I do know that what you’re feeling is real, okay?”   Tim swallowed. “When Jason came back, you felt it, right?”   Like a supernova. A sunrise. A falling star, and then just a speck of light, for more than a year, before the Pit’s tide rolled fire back in. Gotham had revived him first, all at once, six feet under and so divorced from humanity it did not understand immediately, the diminished return of life without air.   “I felt it,” Elle said. “Warmth.”   Tim met her gaze. “Sunlight.”   No easy kind of kinship- what Elle would, frankly, wish on exactly no one.   But there was something to be said about the way magic drew people together. Every coincidence in Elle’s entire life- and Gotham itself, the power she’d pulled not calmly spooling away, but sitting up on her ribs in steady weight. Like a cat, purring.  Pleased.   “You have to tell me,” Elle began, settling her fingertips on the edge of the ash tray, lip thick enough it was probably a proper baccarat. In this house, there’d be nothing else. “What the hell not human enough to die, means. Especially if I ever find myself in an alley with this guy.”   “Not a lot of alley’s in Kansas.”   “Do you know,” Elle said, spinning kryptonite between her fingers, “There’s a minor breed of demon that lives only in cornfields. You could summon one with fifty pounds of sugar and half a wish.”   Tim laughed, the sound ravaged. “If you tell me what the hell Jason was thinking, giving you a gun.”   Not a surprise that he’d clocked her- but maybe one that it was questionable.   “I don’t know,” Elle planted her hip against the desk, “Blow big holes in anyone who fucks with you, I assume?”
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ellecdc · 2 months
Forbidden love, has to hide it from everyone around them, likes doing the nasty in places they could get caught (quite the thrill) and they end up getting caught
Could this be a prompt for any of the ones you are currently writing or future ? 🫡🙏
mhm, mhm, mhm, loved it - give me 14 of them. [I knew I wanted to do this pairing for it, and finally got around to it!] also, since we're obviously fluff-city and happy-ending central over here, it's low on angst
Remus the Sibling Stealer
poly!moonwater x Potter!sister who need to find better hiding spots [1.2k words]
CW: first part is mature/18+, NSFW, oral (m receiving), professing love, sibling dynamics
You felt vindicated in your efforts when you chanced a look up at the boys above you and were gifted with the most beautiful image. 
It seemed Regulus was only still upright thanks to Remus’ grasp around his middle; scarred hands resting languidly at Regulus’ bare hips thanks to the fact that his trousers were currently situated around his ankles. 
Regulus was wrecked; his head thrown back and resting on Remus’ shoulder and his mouth hanging open in a silent moan as Remus worked another love bite into his neck.
“You’re missing quite the show, Reg; our girl looks gorgeous from up here.” He murmured into Regulus’ shoulder, earning him a pitiful whimper as Regulus’ neck appeared incapable of lifting the weight of his head.
“Come on, pretty boy; look at her.” He encouraged, placing his palm at the back of Regulus’ head and positioning it so that his face was pointed resolutely at you.
The sight was almost too much for you; Remus looking down at you like you looked good enough to devour whole from above Regulus’ shoulder, his hand roving the expanse of Regulus’ waist, and Regulus’ red and teary face looking down at you like you were both his salvation and damnation. 
“Fuck, fuck, I can’t. I’m- I can’t, I’m gonna-”
You responded simply by taking his cock further into your throat and humming in acknowledgement as you felt him tense.
“Fuck baby, I’m-”
And you swallowed; your throat constricting around him as he fell over the edge, coming with a cry.
You fell back onto your heels as you caught your breath and looked up at the pair; Remus petting Regulus’ hair down from its rather rumpled state as he, too, caught his breath. 
“Merlin, you’re bloody good at that.” Regulus breathed at last, causing Remus to bark a surprised laugh.
“Is that how you say thank you, Black? We’ll have to work on your manners.” Remus taunted as he patted his hip.
“I thought you Sacred 28 children were raised to be gentlemen.” You teased as well.
Regulus grumbled miserably as he bent down to retrieve his pants. “I’d appreciate it if you refrained from speaking about my parents while my dick is out, amour.”
“Did Reggie just say dick!?” You squealed in laughter. “How terribly uncouth.”
“Would you lower your voice.” He hissed at you then; tone harsh but face dutifully lovestruck. “Lest you wish our brothers to hear.”
“Lest.” You snorted as you went to stand; Remus quickly at your side to help you up. 
“We really need to tell your brothers soon, you two.” Remus added solemnly, causing both you and Regulus to groan in unison.
“Listen, if they find out, it’s me they’re going to castrate.”
“And?” Regulus asked as he buttoned his trousers. 
Remus glared at him. 
“But they’re so dramatic, Rem.” You whined as you sat on an overturned crate.
Was the secret passageway between Honeydukes and the castle an ideal place for canoodling with your brother's best friend and your brother’s best friend’s brother?
But when you had brothers like Sirius and James, who had a charmed map of the entire castle that told them exactly where everyone was at any given time (thanks to your horribly stupid boyfriend [boyfriend? Could you call Remus that when the three of you only ever met in private? You’d have to ask him] who helped create said map), options were limited. 
“I don’t like lying to them.” Remus argued then.
“You think we do?” Regulus asked, to which you and Remus answered ‘yes’ quickly. “Yeah I do.” He relented. 
“I really don’t feel good about it guys and…I, I don’t know, I love you guys and I want to be able to love you all of the time, not just some of the time.” Remus admitted softly then.
You and Regulus each seemed completely dumbfounded by both the admission of love and the vulnerability of your [yup, you were definitely going to start calling him your] boyfriend.
“Well how the hells am I supposed to argue with that?” Regulus spat with no ire as he pulled Remus in for a kiss. 
“What do you say, dove?” He asked you as he and Regulus pulled apart. “Do you have an argument for that?” 
You had plenty.
First of all, you didn’t want to share this with your brother because he would react in one of two ways: he could either a) be horrified and try to forbid the three of you from seeing one another or [and perhaps more disturbingly] b) be so overjoyed at the idea of love that he becomes a unwelcome quasi-fourth in your relationship.
But Remus loves you. Loves.
And perhaps more importantly, you love Remus, and this was important to Remus.
Son of a bitch, “Fine.” You harrumphed. 
“Yeah?” He asked hopefully around a laugh, Regulus smiling at you as they came to stand above you.
“Yeah.” You breathed out as Remus took both sides of your face in his hands and brought his lips to yours.
“My sweet girl.” He murmured reverently.
You smiled up at him as Regulus pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
“So are we really doing this? Are we actually going to tell them?”
“Tell who what?” James’ voice echoed through the passageway; the three of you whipping your heads towards the sound to see James and Sirius coming around a corner. 
And it appeared that, despite your best intentions, none of you were quite willing to actually share the news with your brothers/best friends.
But apparently, you didn’t have to.
Apparently, your well rumpled hair from Regulus’ hands, your swollen lips and smudged mascara, Regulus’ belt hanging loose and his uniform shirt still untucked from his trousers, and Remus’ awkward shift in an attempt to hide his bulge which was still at half mast (though falling quickly now) said it all.
“Wha-” Sirius started, though the question died on his lips as he continued scrutinising the three of you. 
“I…I don’t- I don’t understa- I….” James tried then, also to no avail. 
Peter - the bastard - took that moment to appear around the corner then, lifting his head from fiddling with his wand to see the three of you standing there being stared down by James and Sirius like you were in some off-brand western standoff. 
“Oh? Oh! Oh… are you guys shagging?” He asked ineloquently. 
That seemed to restart your brothers’ brains as they both shouted “my brother!?” and “my sister!?” in unison. 
“Rem, it’s been nice knowing you and your bollocks.” You murmured solemnly. 
“Seconded.” Regulus agreed before the two of you took off in a sprint down the passageway and away from your brothers, boyfriend, and Peter.
“Merlin, Moony; you really know how to pick ‘em…leaving you to the wolves like that.” Peter laughed as he carried on ahead; slapping a hand on Remus’ back as he passed whilst Sirius and James continued standing there with their mouths agape. 
“Does it make it any better to know that I’m absolutely head-over-heels in love with them?” Remus asked cautiously then.
“Minutely.” James gritted out then, earning him an elbow in the gut from Sirius. 
“I expect to be allowed two weeks of moping and muttering.” Sirius bargained.
“One week.” Remus countered.
“Nine days.” James tried then.
"Eleven." Sirius countered.
"Nine." Remus backtracked.
James and Sirius shared a look before James turned his gaze back to Remus. "Deal."
“Fuckin’ hells.” Sirius griped as he ran a heavy hand down his face. “This was not on my bingo card this year.”
“Sorry mate.” Remus offered then, earning him a glare from his best friend.
“No you’re not, you brother-fucker.”
This was going to be a long nine days.
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seungkw1 · 4 months
sketchbook — xmh
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♡ pairing: xu minghao x gn!reader ♡ theme: best friends to lovers, college au, fluff ♡ wc: 3.1k ♡ warnings: none
“why did i sign up for this stupid class?”
you mumbled it under your breath, but your best friend still heard it from across the room. he looks up from the book he’s reading, a concerned frown on his face.
“what’s wrong with the class?” he closes his book, his eyes resting on yours.
“the class is fine it’s just… i’m just bad at it.”
“i highly doubt that.” he gets up, joining you at your kitchen table currently cluttered with textbooks, homework, and various drawing materials. he reaches for your sketchpad. “let me see.”
“nuh-uh,” you say, closing the book. he grabs it from you anyway.
“minghao! come on,” you shout at him. he ignores you, flipping through the pages.
“most of those are shitty reject drawings that i started and gave up on, nobody needs to see those.”
he continues perusing through the book quickly, but pauses at a particular page. you take the chance and reach for the sketchpad again, grabbing hold of it.
“wait! i like this one.”
you glance at the drawing he’s looking at. it’s the side profile of a classmate, drawn as a warm-up exercise.
“what? that was just a warm-up sketch, and it’s not even good. it looks nothing like the girl i was drawing.”
minghao looks up at you. “that doesn’t mean it’s bad. art isn’t necessarily about drawing things exactly the way they look, it’s about your interpretation of the subject. that’s like the whole point.”
“i wasn’t interpreting anything here, i was literally just trying to draw her face.”
“but look,” he says, turning the book so you can see it. “look at the way she’s looking into the distance. she looks sad, but in a nostalgic way.”
you stare at the sketch. “i don’t see it.”
“but that’s part of it too - art isn’t always about knowing the exact meaning of the piece, it’s also open to interpretation on the viewer’s perspective. and i like the way you portrayed her emotion.” 
you narrow your eyes at him. “you’re just making that up to make me feel better.”
“i’m not! i promise. i really like your art style, y/n.”
you want to roll your eyes at him, but he looks too sincere. “okay but how can i have an art style if i literally started drawing two weeks ago at the start of the semester? i don’t even know what i’m doing.”
“look at all your drawings though,” he flips the pages one at a time. “you press really hard when you draw, so it gives everything a very bold, sharp look. and combined with the way you shade, it gives it a dramatic edge.”
you look at your sketches again. they’re still unsightly in your eyes, but you do kind of see what he means.
“well, that’s good to know i guess. but it’s still hard,” you mope. “i thought this would be an easy elective to get an A in but now i’m worried.”
“it’s an intro class - i’m sure the professor isn’t expecting you to be picasso on day one. just keep practicing and you’ll be perfectly fine.”
one of the many things you love about minghao: he always knows how to make you feel reassured. 
“you’re probably right,” you reply. “i don’t know what i should draw for practice, though.”
“well, what do you want to improve the most?”
you think for a second. “our next project is a life drawing, but drawing people is so hard. so maybe that but what am i supposed to do, just draw random people?”
“sure, why not?”
“because that’s weird!”
“okay, well it doesn’t have to be a random person. here, try drawing me.”
“you?? right now?”
you open your mouth to protest, but you pause, realizing it might not be a bad idea. 
you shrug as you reach for your pencils. “okay, i guess. you can't get mad when it turns out terrible though.”
minghao smiles softly. he situates himself in the chair, focusing his gaze off in the distance. you pick up your sketchbook, holding it at a comfortable angle as you hold your pencil above the page. you think for a minute - you never know where to start when you have to draw a face. you glance back up at minghao, skimming across his features - naturally, you land on his eyes. you always forget how pretty they are: dark brown, soft, calm - giving him a permanent aura of being deep in thought. 
you look back down at the blank page, it's emptiness seemingly taunting you. with a sigh you touch the dulled lead tip to the paper, making your first stroke -  the curvature of minghao’s eyelid appearing on the page. you peep back up at your subject. to your surprise, your shape isn't too far off from reality. you continue, sketching his lower eyelid, his iris, his long dark eyelashes. you erase your marks a few times when they don't look quite right, but before long the image of an eye that looks mostly like minghao’s has formed. 
you move to his nose, drawing the line of its sharp bridge, sketching a circle to render its round, button-shaped end - bringing the shape of his face to life. you peer up at his face, your pencil continuing its strokes, but you pause as you arrive at his lips. they are soft, plump, perfectly formed, highly kissable. you sketch the delicate curves, emphasizing their pillowy nature. you find yourself absentmindedly in a trance when you realize you’ve been staring at him for too long - you’ve already finished drawing his mouth. you feel your cheeks turn warm, praying he can’t see you getting flustered out of the corner of his eye. 
you move on, sketching his soft but strong jawline, his ears - adorned with his usual jewelry, adding quick wispy lines to form the shape of his long hair. before long the essence of minghao has materialized in your notebook.
as you finish, you hold your sketchpad up to compare your drawing to your subject. you don’t love it, and it’s nowhere near perfect. but it is decidedly good enough.
“okay, i’m done, i guess.” you set the notebook down, hesitantly sliding it across the table toward minghao. he picks it up, turning it to face him as he looks at it for the first time. the edges of his mouth twitch upward into a subtle smile, but he doesn’t say anything.
“you hate it.”
minghao looks up at you. “what? no, i love it.” he looks back at the paper with a pleased grin. “i’m telling you, you’re really good at portraying emotion.”
“and what emotion exactly did i portray?”
he shows you your drawing. “i look wistful - like i’m caught in a daydream of unrequieted love.”
you feel your stomach do a flip, but you play it cool, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes at him. “well, i didn’t do that on purpose. but i’m glad you like it.” you extend your hand to take back the notebook, but he turns it toward him again, taking another look. 
“can i keep it?” he looks up at you, his striking brown eyes making contact with yours. you stifle a gulp as you reply.
“um… sure, i guess so. if you really want it.”
he gives you a soft smile, pleased at your response. “i really do.” he carefully tears the page along the perforation, separating it from its spiral binding. he closes the sketchbook and hands it back to you. you return it to its place in your backpack.
“well, thanks for letting me practice on you, i appreciate it.”
“of course. if you need any more practice let me know - since i see you most days anyway.”
“you’re the best.”
“i know,” he replies smugly. you pick up your eraser and lob it at him. he manages to catch it with one hand, giving you a sly look as you jump out of your chair, running from him before he can throw it back. he follows you, chasing you around your apartment - you shout at him, feigning anger, but your laughter gives you away. 
another thing you love about minghao: being with him is always so easy.
you didn’t mean to make drawing minghao a regular occurrence. but on one particularly crisp fall day, you find yourself absentmindedly sketching his features as you eat lunch together in the park. he’s reading for his literature class, and you’re supposed to be studying for your sociology course, but you keep zoning out. it’s not your fault that the text is dull, and that the cherub-like rosiness coloring his cheeks makes him look more ethereal than usual. renaissance paintings of angels have nothing on how beautiful he looks right now, you think to yourself. 
you also definitely didn’t mean to start falling for your best friend, but here you are.
delicate pencil strokes paint the wisps of his bangs falling over his eyes as he is studiously engrossed in his book, his long eyelashes peeking through the curtain of hair. you focus on perfecting the shape of his face - glancing up to compare your rendering to your subject - when you notice him looking back at you.
“what are you doing?” he asks, genuinely curious.
you’re about to shut your notebook in a panic, when you realize that would only look more suspicious. 
“nothing, just…”
he reaches for your notebook, his fingers brushing over the top of the page as he tilts it down so he can see. he lets out a soft chuckle.
“practicing again, i see,” he says, casually, but clearly teasing you a little. “i thought you were supposed to be studying for your sociology exam.”
“i am,” you insist. he raises his eyebrow at you. “i was just taking a break,” you add. the look on his face tells you he’s not convinced, but he doesn’t press you further.
“it looks good, i can tell you’re getting better at drawing from a reference.”
“i guess it is getting a little easier,” you admit. 
minghao smiles. “good,” he affirms, before going back to his text without another word. 
you find yourself gazing dreamily at the man before you, lost in aimless thoughts, imagining the feel of his hair tangled around your fingers, his skin softly pressed against your cheeks, his lips brushing against yours. eventually he notices, peeking up at you through his bangs. you swiftly return to your drawing, only to realize you've already finished. his portrait looks slightly cartoonish, and nowhere nearly as beautiful as the real thing, but you decide it's not half bad. 
you half-heartedly resume your studies, sneaking glances at minghao here and there. every glimpse makes your heart flutter - you feel like an idiot, you're in college for christ's sake, and here you are having an entire crush on your closest friend. 
just tell him how you feel, part of your mind tries to convince you. 
but what if it ruins our friendship? another part of you worries. 
you realize you're staring at him again when he looks up from his book, his gaze meeting yours. 
“hmm? what is it?” he asks you calmly. 
you hesitate. his eyes rest on your face attentively.
you let out a small sigh. “i’m getting cold. can we go inside?”
he smiles softly, marking his page as he closes his book. “of course.”
minghao walks you to your next class, which is conveniently located in the building next to his next class. 
“well, see ya later,” you tell him as you turn to enter the building. 
you freeze as he grabs your arm. you turn back around, looking at him expectantly. he lifts his hand up to your head, tenderly reaching for your hair. you realize you're holding your breath. you exhale as his fingers graze your scalp softly, plucking something off of your head. 
he holds a small yellow piece up to you. “you had a leaf in your hair.” 
your panicking ceases, leaving you a bit disappointed, but you can't help but smile at him.
“thanks, minghao. what would i do without you?”
“walk around with leaves in your hair all day, probably.”
you playfully give him a light shove. he reaches for the door, opening it for you as you head off to class. 
“i'm coming over tonight, if that's alright,” he says as you step through the doorway. 
“of course,” you say, turning over your shoulder to face him. “though, i should probably start charging you rent as much as you're at my place.”
he smiles back at you. “see you later, y/n.”
he disappears as the door shuts quickly. you spend the rest of the afternoon in a daydream, impatiently counting the hours until you see him again. 
“how’s the studying going?” minghao asks from the other end of the couch. he sets his book down, pausing so he can take his hoodie off. his plain black t-shirt rises up as he does, revealing his entire midriff. you try not to gawk too hard. he stares at you as he tosses the hoodie aside - you realize he is awaiting your response. 
you look down at your notebook, where you’ve once again been sketching his face. “um… pretty good,” you lie. “are you hungry?” you ask, changing the subject.
“starving, actually,” he admits.
“well, i can offer you ramen, or… actually, that’s about it.”
he grins at you. “ramen sounds great. want me to make some-”
“nope,” you respond as you flip your notebook over, setting it face down on the seat next to you. “i got it.” you rise and head to the kitchen. 
you cook the noodles, serving them into two bowls and carrying them back to the living room. you set the bowls on the coffee table, reaching over to set one in front of minghao - but you feel your leg bump against something. you look down to see your notebook fall to the floor - landing right side up. before you can grab it, minghao has already picked it up for you. he goes to hand it back to you, but pauses as he sees your sketches. you go to swipe it out of his hands, but miss as he pulls back, looking at his own face doodled on your pages.
“you were drawing me again.” it wasn’t a question.
you try to quickly think of some excuse, anything, to get you out of this one, but your mind comes up blank. you decide to try and play it off.
“yes,” you reply with feigned confidence as you sit down next to him. he looks up at you, then back down to the paper. you stare at him, waiting for him to say something else, but he says nothing.
“i like to practice whenever i can,” you add with a shrug.
he flips through your notebook. “whenever you can, or whenever you’re with me?”
“um… i-”
“because these all sure look like me, y/n.”
“so?” you ask him. you meant for your tone to be casual, but it came out a bit more defensive than intended.
his eyes meet yours again. he looks at you warmly, but you can’t tell what he’s thinking. your heart beats rapidly in your chest. 
“so,” he answers as he sets the notebook aside. “i'm wondering, if…” he scoots closer to you, lifting his hand to your face, gently brushing your cheek with his thumb. your skin feels like it's on fire. his fingers tucked under your chin delicately, he draws your face in toward his. you gasp softly. 
“if you feel the same way about me, as i feel about you.”
your heart is racing. you feel dizzy. he's so close to you, a few more inches and your noses would touch. his plump lips wait enticingly. 
“and how do you feel about me?” you manage to ask, your voice barely more than a whisper. his deep brown eyes stare longingly into yours. you’re pretty sure you know the answer, you hope you know the answer, but you need him to confirm it. 
suddenly, he kisses you. 
he kisses you, setting alight fireworks inside you. his soft lips touch against yours ever so gently, his nose pressing against your cheek, his hand holding your face tenderly in his palm, then sliding to the back of your neck, drawing you closer still into him. your chest presses against his, his other arm wrapping around your waist, his large hand settling upon the small of your back. you kiss him back, your lips locked onto his like your life depends on it. you've thought of this, dreamt of this, so many times before, all the years you've known minghao - yet you never could have imagined how thrilling, exhilarating, freeing it would be to finally be here, in his arms, world stopped, nothing matters except you and him, so lovingly embraced - together. 
electricity pulsates through your skin, every nerve in your body dancing. slowly, minghao’s lips part from yours. you lock eyes with him - in all the time you've known him, he's always been a sentimental person, but you've never seen such love and adoration beaming from him like you see now. 
and it's all for you. 
a giggle escapes you. minghao looks at you, a wide grin spreading across his face. you run your hands through his hair, a sensation you've waited so long to experience - it's every bit as delightful as you imagined. 
“hao…” you start.
he plants another kiss on your lips. “hmm?” he asks, still glowing at you. 
“how long have you felt this way?” you ask softly. 
“i've had feelings for you since the day we met, and i've loved you more every day since.” 
you boop your nose against his, giving him a fake stern look. 
“and why didn't you tell me?”
he feigns a pouty face back at you. “why didn't you tell me?”
you blow a tiny raspberry at him. he smiles, pulling you into him, wrapping his arms around you tightly as he kisses your cheek repeatedly. you laugh, held in his warm embrace, overflowing with emotions. 
finally, you can admit it: you're in love with your best friend - and he just so happens to love you back. 
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
— “I’m just a girl!”
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☀︎ — pairing: nerd/tutor azriel x bimbo/ditzy reader
☀︎ — summary: you tell azriel you don’t know what taxes are, and that you haven’t filed them ever
☀︎ — warnings: fluff, dramatic reader, azriel being sweet and educational
☀︎ — amara’s note: man i wish i was her rn💔 also this is so fucking real bc what on earth are taxes???
series masterlist
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“Baby, please, you have got to grasp the gravity of this situation. Not filing your taxes is no joke. You could end up behind bars for tax evasion! There was a whole mandatory course last semester, didn’t you take it?” Azriel's tone is firm, his concern painted all over his face as he stands infront of you.
When you revealed that you didn't know what taxes were or how to "file" them, Azriel got worried sick, emphasizing the importance of understanding basic responsibilities like this.
He brought you into the living room, seated you on the sofa, and stood in front of you, carefully explaining step by step why not filing taxes was illegal and how to fix the situation. However, no matter how hard you try, you can't focus on his words, your attention completely consumed by his built muscles. Your mind goes blank as you find yourself daydreaming about him taking off his shirt.
Azriel knows you’re not focusing on his words, he knows you’re ogling his body, and even though he gets warm and loves it, he needs you to focus on the topic, at least for a few minutes.
“Are you paying attention, baby?”
You honestly don’t get it at all. Like, if they take tax from you when you’re shopping, shouldn’t they already know how much you owe or whatever? And who even are the IRS? Can’t you just live your life without all this complicated stuff? Why does Azriel have to make everything so...ugh, what's the word? Complicated?
“Oh my god, Azzie! Stop it, I don’t wanna do this and I don’t understand anything. Please, I’m just a girl!” you exclaim dramatically pulling your knees to your chest as you hide your face in your hands, tears prickling in your eyes. You’re feeling completely overwhelmed by the situation and the sheer thought of dealing with stupid taxes.
Azriel sighs deeply, his brows furrowing as he takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose. If he doesn’t have a gray hair by the end of the week, he’ll consider it a win. As much as he wants you to understand what is wrong with basically committing a crime, he doesn’t want you crying, he feels sick to his stomach seeing you so sad but he just has to fucking ask.
“You’re—You're just a girl— sweetheart, what does that even mean?” he asks gently, completely flabbergasted by your statement.
You fold your arms over your chest, chin held high as you say, “Ya heard me, m’just a girl. And that means i should not be doing any of this, i should be living my best life instead of thinking about whatever taxes are.”
Azriel just looks at you with raised eyebrows, man you’re stressing him the fuck out. Luckily he caught your illegal activities early otherwise you would have gone to prison for sure. Even though he thinks it was ridiculous for a person to have never done their taxes ever, he doesn’t hold you against it. He just slumps his shoulders, taking a breather. Azriel can never be mad at you, never at his sweet angel. Especially not when you look so upset, big sparkly eyes looking at him with worry.
It’s in that moment. That tiny moment, he decides to never confront you with your mistakes. Sure you almost went to jail, but Azriel is here now. He is intelligent enough to think about the more serious issues for the both of you. And he will for the rest of his life, not because he has to, but because he wants to. He wants to take care of you.
“You’re right, my love, you shouldn’t worry about this. I’ll take care of it,” Azriel assures you, his tone gentle as he tucks a strand behind your ear.
You look up at him, eyes shiny with unshed tears as your face lights up before you stand up and jump into his arms, showering his face with kisses, your excitement bubbling over.
“Awe, you're the best baby, I love you so, so, soooo much!” you exclaimed, your words flowing freely in your ditzy excitement.
He laughs shyly, still getting nervous when you show him affection. “I love you too, beautiful.”
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🏷️: @ithan-holstroms-girl @whatdoyxumean @honeybeeboobaa @to-be-written @sidthedollface2 @stasiereads @andrewgarfield2022 @amara-moonlight @thescooby-gang @linoisqt @mischiefmanagers @tortured-artists @dwyniii @scoobies @harryshoobies69 @caroline-books @kalulakunundrum @meshelleexplosionmurder @danikamariewrites @clairebear08 @redbleedingrose @jeannineee @rowaelinsdaughter @nocasdatsgay @v3lv3tf0x @liati2000 @teenageeggscissorslawyer @impossibelle @stonerpersona @dreamlandreader @djaaaa @callmeblaire @thelov3lybookworm @polli05927 @ahitsalyssa @evergreenlark @thegirlintheshadows101 @saltedcoffeescotch @acourtofladydeath @acourtofwhatthefuck @readychilledwine @daycourtofficial @azriels-shadowsinger @sapphicmsmarvel @hungryforbatboys @justasillylittlegoofyguy @luvmoo @emryb @meritxellao @mochibabycakes @artists-ally @azzieslittlebunny @viatorem-maris @berryzxx @riddlesb1tch @sweetshifter @lilah-asteria
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babyleostuff · 1 year
hello! i have been following you for a while but im shy about sending reqs hehe. i wonder if you can make ot13 reactions on how they will act if they got into a fight with their partner while they're away? like how do they deal with it and what they'll feel about it? I'm sorry if it's weird! thank you so much!
no worries, i’m more than happy to write any requests you guys send me! hope you enjoy this one and if you have any more requests don’t be shy and ask <3
when seventeen gets into a fight with their partner while they're away | ot13
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𓆩♡𓆪 he’s a leo sun (and as a leo myself), i know that he’d be too prideful to call you and apologise first, no matter if it was a big or a small fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 but then he’d realise how much he misses you
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s not like he can text you or call you and act like nothing happened 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be heartbroken for the next few days
𓆩♡𓆪 because not only are you hundreds of kilometres apart, but now he also knows that you are angry with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 one night he’d go through your shared photos and that would be his breaking point 
his gallery <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that you were angry with him when you didn’t pick up his calls 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he would keep on calling you until you answered him 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if it meant that he had to sit through the whole night with his phone in his hand 
𓆩♡𓆪 you had no idea how much he relied on your late night conversations
𓆩♡𓆪 when he could see your face and find some peace among the crazy schedules 
𓆩♡𓆪 so he would do everything he could for you to pick up and talk things out 
𓆩♡𓆪 first of all, the chance of you getting into a fight while he is away is like 0.01%
𓆩♡𓆪 the second he hears your annoyed voice, he tries to calm you down and asks you to take a deep breath  
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d want you to explain why you’re mad (and that’s when you’d probably realise how silly it was to get mad in the first place)
𓆩♡𓆪 even if was a more of a serious fight, he’d want to talk it out immediately 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wouldn’t be able to go about his day, knowing that you were sad and angry 
𓆩♡𓆪 there is no way that Joshua would let the fight drag on for days or he’d go crazy 
𓆩♡𓆪 he could feel his heart breaking, when he saw that you left him on read
𓆩♡𓆪 i don’t think he’d try to call or text you immediately
𓆩♡𓆪 because what if you really don’t want to hear from him now? What if you don’t want to hear from him ever again? 
𓆩♡𓆪 usually he wouldn’t be that dramatic about a fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s just the knowledge that you are so far away from each other messes with his head 
𓆩♡𓆪 but the second he sees your name pop up on his phone screen, he tells you how sorry he is and how much he misses you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be so frustrated 
𓆩♡𓆪 why did he allow for the situation to escalate so badly, that you didn’t even want pick up his calls? 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to go about his day like any other, but the only thing he’d be able to think about was your fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 and it would only get worse, to the point where the boys would have to text to you and tell you to call him
𓆩♡𓆪 he was just afraid that if he’d keep on calling and texting you, you’d only get angrier with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had always been convinced that being away from you wasn’t that hard on him 
𓆩♡𓆪 but when you got into your first fight while he was on tour, well, that was hell for him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had never realised how much he actually misses you
𓆩♡𓆪 your calls, your random texts, your facetime dates 
𓆩♡𓆪 you holding his hand, your kisses and your laugh 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had taken so many pretty pictures that he knew you would love to see, but he couldn’t even send you those 
his gallery <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he would either try to talk things out immediately like Joshua, or give you some time to cool off 
𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that getting into a fight while being apart was stupid, because not only are you a couple of countries away from each other, but now angry as well
𓆩♡𓆪 but after those couple of days if you didn’t pick up his calls or respond to his messages, he’d become the biggest pain in your ass 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wouldn’t stop calling and spamming you 
𓆩♡𓆪 so you wouldn't have any other option but to talk to him :))
𓆩♡𓆪 don’t to this to me
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ever had a fight when he was away, he’d be the saddest and the most heartbroken version of himself 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t smile, and if any of the boys would try to make him laugh it would be so forced 
𓆩♡𓆪 neither of you took the fights between you very well, and now being apart, there was nothing he could to do comfort you 
𓆩♡𓆪 which only broke his heart even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fight wouldn’t last very long though, because after a couple of days you’d call each other in tears saying how much you miss each other
𓆩♡𓆪 now, this man 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d either be spamming your messages with apologies, or be the biggest stubborn baby known to mankind 
𓆩♡𓆪 because if he believes that you are in the wrong, there is no way he’s going to apologise first 
𓆩♡𓆪 he probably vents to Wonwoo at some point 
𓆩♡𓆪 and when the older makes him realise that he is in the wrong, everything changes 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be calling and texting you 24/7, ready to do anything in order to make it up to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 because there is nothing more he loves in this world than you, and the knowledge that he made you sad and upset is unbearable for him
𓆩♡𓆪 similarly to Seungcheol, I think Minghao would be a bit too prideful to apologise first 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would be a lot quicker to realise how stupid it was to ignore you and to start this fight in the first place 
𓆩♡𓆪 every time he’d see something that reminded him of you, he’d start to miss you even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you weren’t picking up his calls he would spam you with random messages 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he wouldn’t care if you didn’t respond to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he knew that you missed him as well and that at some point you’d text him back 
your messages <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 another sad baby that would just try to survive the day 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fight would drain him out of all his usual energy, to the point where he wouldn’t even want to bicker with the boys 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else than the thought that you’re all alone at home, sad and upset because of him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t call you at first, because he’d be afraid he’d upset you even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would still send you your usual good morning and goodnight messages 
𓆩♡𓆪 i think he’d be very mature about the situation 
𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that he needed to apologise as soon as possible, in order to put this fight to an end 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you didn’t want to talk to him, he’d give you some space 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d miss you so much though
𓆩♡𓆪 especially the random texts and memes you’d send each other throughout the day 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he’d still send them, because he knew that no matter what, they would still put a smile on your face 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to go about his life as if nothing big happened 
𓆩♡𓆪 because there are always fights in relationships and people are fine, right? 
𓆩♡𓆪 wrong 
𓆩♡𓆪 he spends all of his free time looking through your photos and messages
𓆩♡𓆪 which doesn’t help at all, it only makes him miss you more 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d do everything to be back home with you, cuddling on the sofa and watching your favourite movie 
𓆩♡𓆪 when your calling ID finally popped up on his phone, a couple of tears run down his cheeks, as he picked up his phone to tell you how sorry he was 
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shinjisdone · 10 months
When You Have An Secret Admirer - And Everybody Thinks It's Them (3; Octavinelle)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it. Yet now, it seems like there are quite a few misunderstandings on campus...and everyone thinks they have finally found that secret admirer.
Spin-off of the first 'secert admirer’ series + form of headcanons
note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone being mistaken for the secret admirer. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation.]
“Hey…you think he could be the famous admirer of the Ramshakle prefect?”
Tag list: @justm3di0cr3 , @a-small-tyrant , @twistedcece , @savanaclaw1996
2; Savanaclaw
Azul Ashengrotto:
Euxkrbwöaöwlfffhsk - ???
UHM - wh-what a silly, little rumor! Ho-How, why would anyone think that???
There he goes, laughing awkwardly (almost like a sea witch)
He becomes a bit of a fidgety, awkward mess. Wherever he goes he really tries to uphold his 'cool, poised manner' but it simply fails time and time again when his own dorm theorizes about him being the secret admirer!
They aren't even rumors anymore! People wholeheartedly believe it!
After all, who else but the Azul Ashengrotto would be capable to plan and scheme to such extends? He is a schemer. It is in his nature after all.
If the many infamous tricks up his sleeves does not convince one, certainly his obvious pining for the perfect does.
Azul splutters- wha-wha- whatdoyoumean????
P-pining?! Ah - ahahahHAHAHAHA-JDKYJkekcislfks...
*heavy breathing as he hides himself in his pot*
Jade and Floyd may have just 1% of pity for him but the remaining 99% is spent on laughing at his misery. They are well aware that he is not the secret admirer - after all, the arguements of him being the one are solid, so they checked (not even Azul will take Shrimpy away from them) but kind of knew that he was too much of a coward to even display his affections for you, anonymous or not.
"No! This can't be!" Azul dramatically pants inside his pot, "I-I have to set this right!"
So here comes his plan to convince you that he is not the secret admirer.
Even though "convincing" is an overstatement. He would just be telling you the truth.
He likes you, yes...but Azul wouldn't ever have the courage to do the things the admirer did for you...
Maybe he doesn't deserve you, being the coward that he is...
So, he approaches you in a rather big crowd. Many hoop that Azul is finally going to reveal the identity of the admirer - he himself!
Yet, there is confusion and disappointment. The scheming Ashengrotto, pathetically putty in your hands, is not the one confessing in secret to you?
Azul is flustered beyond belief. Face a sweating, flushed mess as he stutters out the truth.
Well, the one truth besides his feelings for you.
"Ah, prefect...simply to make things c-clear. Your precious, dear s-secret admirer is not me. I can't have such reput-tation on me, for the sake of Mostro Lounge, you understand...I..."
He falters before forming a smile on his pained, red face.
"...I wouldn't do these things for you."
It hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts but it has to be done.
He doesnt deserve you. Not a coward like him...but more like a brave hero.
Jade Leech
Oh my...is everyone this stupid?
Finds the whole ordeal funny. It is flattering in a way to be compared to the secret admirer, the one who seems to have your heart in their hands, but his dorm truly couldn't be that dumb, right?
No evidence whatsoever...just basing it all on his almost picture-perfect attitude.
Which is as flexible as the waves.
Definitely messes with the rest of the school. Oh, is he the admirer now or not? Hm, perhaps. Perhaps not.
Jade finds pleasure in tricking everyone in his usual fashion. However...
He'll have to realize that all good things come to an end. He will absolutely girlboss gatekeep gaslight mess with everyone but he cannot give you any doubts.
No, no. Jade likes to tease you but this whole ordeal of keeping a false identity would just hurt you. And Jade would never hurt you.
"My, my, Prefect...seems like everyone in the school caught the fungi. They believe me to be the secret admirer...flattering but I assure you, if I wanted to, I would have long conquered your heart."
Floyd Leech
Are you serious? Really, really serious?! Oh, this is hilarious!
You must be so dumb!
Floyd cannot stop laughing - guffawing, cackling, snickering, giggling- the whole stick. It is beyond funny that not even one, not two, not three but the majority think him to be the secret admirer!
Wjajfkwnq? Are you stupid? No, seriously, are you?
Have you seen Floyd? Experienced Floyd? The guy's a ticking time bomb full of unpredictability! He may do many things commit crimes if only he could :( but anyone with a brain knows he would not ever pull a 'secret admirer' stunt!
Floyd holds no secrets. His feelings are not secret. Especially his admiration for you.
Well, admiration is a strong word. More like, adoration? Fascination? End to his boredom???
Is it love when he tackles you from behind and hugs you so tight your spine threatens to snap?
Is it love when he lets you off the hook though and protects you from unwanted attention, students and situations? By becoming the bigger problem
It's a bit of a mystery...but what is sure is that unlike his brother, Floyd laughs at the faces of those who believe instead of taking it to his advantage to mess with them.
He won't even really bother to correct any of them, let alone give you any reassurance. He might break it to you unprompted and rather involuntarily.
"Ne, Shrimpy...these guppies are super funny but so dumb. They seriously think I did all that lovey-dovey stuff for you! Kyehehe! Don't they know that I already love you~?"
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zweiginator · 3 months
yes !! art feeling left out of the whole patrick-tashi and her roommate thing that he only found out about because patrick of course told him and he's so fucking jealous because he always had the biggest crush on reader ...
yes yes YES!
imagining patrick and tashi go out with art one day. art is crossing his fingers hoping you'll be there but you aren't. you had gone home for the weekend.
and he notices how weird tashi and patrick are acting. they're much more cuddly and happy-go-lucky. weird, because they normally are way more argumentative with each other, more hotheaded. not that they had a bad relationship--that was just them.
"you guys seem--happy." art says. they are at their favorite pizza place.
"all three of us won our matches, why wouldn't we be?" tashi looks confused; she takes a sip of her water.
"i mean like, generally. not that that's bad--just curious."
patrick shrugs. does this stupid little smirk that drives art mad. like he's trying to be coy but also wants to let you know that something big definitely happened.
so he and patrick do their tug-of-war. patrick lets on that he has news, art asks him to tell him. patrick says no, no, i can't. art ends up begging until patrick decides he will be a good friend and let him in on the secret.
he looks at tashi. who clearly doesn't want patrick to tell art, but she rolls her eyes and says go ahead.
"we've been--" patrick pauses. for dramatic effect or just to gather his thoughts--art doesn't know. "fooling around with y/n."
art's face drops. "like tashi's roommate?" he has so many questions. "what do you mean, fooling around? we?"
"i dunno." patrick shrugs. "she's inexperienced so we are showing her the ropes, i guess. not a big deal."
"so you're having-" art lowers his voice. "threesomes?"
"no. i wouldn't consider it a threesome at all."
patrick explains the dynamic. art shouldn't be asking about this, and realistically, they shouldn't be delving into all this with a third party--but they can't help it. they like the novelty of it all. how taboo it is. and patrick loves to one-up art. to peacock.
so art listens to how patrick ate your pussy. patrick goes into everything in such intricate detail. art almost shatters his glass when tashi and patrick explain how they taught her how to suck cock.
"jesus christ." is all art can say. it's not like it makes him respect you less, but he is jealous. he has been right there, a close friend of tashi and patrick's for years, close enough for you to grasp onto him--for years. and you choose patrick. a tale as old as time.
"you okay, artie?" tashi asks. she reaches over the table to touch art's hand.
patrick knows that look on art's face. that seething yet boyish anger that permeates his features. makes him look livid and like a dejected, abandoned little puppy all at once. patrick has only seen that look during situations when art is fucking infuriated. when they were little, it happened when art dropped his ice cream cone. then it became commonplace when art lost a tennis match. and from his adolescence and into early adulthood patrick had only seen it one time--when patrick went on a date with a girl he liked.
but that was a date. an innocuous date to a shitty movie. they never kissed and they never saw each other again. so this look was menacing, it had a bite to it.
but art felt stupid being upset. he had never told anyone about his crush; it felt easier that way, when he was inevitably let down. but patrick had everything--the tennis skills, the wealthy family, the pretty, perfect girlfriend that everyone on campus wanted. it felt like a fucking kick to the stomach to art that he got you too. and of course, to patrick, you were just another notch in his belt.
"fuck." patrick feels awful. he knows how art gets with crushes. idealizes them, let them suffocate his thoughts, self-sabotage, rinse, repeat. he rests his head in his hands. "dude, i didn't know. i'm sorry."
tashi interjects. "what am i missing?"
"art has a crush on her."
"why didn't you tell us we could've-"
art interrupts tashi. "well it's too late now.
"hear me out." nothing good patrick has ever said has started with those words. but art listens. "join us for a lesson."
"do you fucking hear yourself patrick?" art crumples a napkin, throws it on his plate. "i just told you i like this girl--who you're not even romantically involved in beyond corrupting her--and you're saying oh, i can share her with you. like, fuck off."
"will you just listen?"
"no, i won't." he gets up, fumbles with his car keys. "fuck you guys. all you do is think about yourselves. you have these weird fantasies of like, dominating everyone you know. all your relationships have an awkward fucking hierarchy. like, have you ever thought of just being normal? having normal relationships with people? whatever you're doing with her--isn't normal. it's fucking manipulative. and we all know that anything you guys can't manipulate isn't worth your fucking time. so i'll just leave now."
(angsty cliffhanger for dramatic effect)
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 year
A Dramatic Irony
A/n: Trying to combat writer's block so I decided to do this little drabble. Spoilers for the WHB prologue, and also includes my theory that MC will turn out to be God in some form or capacity. Because why the hell else would the angels turn over to our side?
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“So, it was you? This whole time?” His lips graze against your throat. He’s warm, of course he is. All that holy light spilling out? He’s so warm it’s almost uncomfortable.
Everything about this is uncomfortable, really. But of course, like always, you’re at the centre of it. Of every situation, from the depths of hell to the cloudy tops of heaven.
“I’m not Him,” you grit out, your body shivering. You don’t dare move. Not with Gabriel, the man who had sworn to kill you, who had chased you over hell with armies of feathered fiends, with his teeth at your jugular.
It doesn’t matter the way he shakes just the same as you. It doesn’t matter that his fingers skim delicately - reverently - across your stomach. It doesn’t matter that those eyes that before looked at you with absolutely nothing inside, now seemed to overflow. With love, obsession.
You know, before all this, you’d been an atheist. Before an unholy angel had crawled out of your computer and a righteous demon had saved you and your best friend’s life, you had thought God couldn’t exist. That the world couldn’t be so cruel if someone like Him truly did exist. That your childhood wouldn’t be mired in tragedy, that you wouldn’t struggle to get out of bed every day. That you wouldn’t have to blink away flashes of the scent of copper and soap.
And of course, then you’d made a deal with the devil. You’d gone to hell. You’d broken countless contracts, and warred against heaven. You’d had to fight for every second of your life, and you’d done it bitterly, angrily.
Angry at this God that had disappeared, and angry at His stupid mistake of making every angel madly in love with him. Angry at how He never thought of the consequences of his actions, of how He never imagined a world He wouldn’t exist in. How just by your birth, you’d been destined to suffer. How your parents would have died no matter what, how you would always have had to walk this thorny path.
How He never seemed to consider what could happen when you created one of the strongest beings in the universe and forgot to give them a fucking moral compass.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he murmurs, ignoring your words. His too-warm body crowding in too close to yours, as your fists curl against his chest, desperately trying to push him away. It’s no use because no matter what’s in your blood, you aren’t strong enough - what is Solomon’s, and what is His.
Because, apparently, those stupid mistakes you’d cursed God for, were yours.
“I’m not Him,” you repeat, hands moving to claw at his throat. He doesn’t react beyond a small sigh of pleasure, curling into your touch like a cat in the sun. “I’m not Him. I don’t have His memories. I’m not Him.”
“I told you, didn’t I? I didn’t have any negative feelings towards you. I’m sorry, I’ll fix it. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Please, just let me stay by your side?”
It’s such a strange dichotomy. The angel who sees this as a beautiful, miraculous reunion. And you, who sees this a tragedy. One you could never escape. The angel from before, swinging his scythe at your throat, and the one who now presses plush lips against that same skin. It’s too ironic, isn’t it? It just can’t be true. It just doesn’t make any sense.
“I don’t want you by my side,” you sob, but he just shushes you, pressing kisses against your head and across your face. He licks up your tears, groaning at the taste.
It’s too cruel. You have to wonder if the old you, the one you can’t remember, ran from this.
His hands tighten around your waist. It doesn’t really matter what happened before, because you know you won’t be able to run this time.
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harmeu · 3 months
How would HSR men react to the reader when they are drunk.
(Argenti, Dr. Ratio, Dan Heng)
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The charming knight is usually one to keep his composure but seeing you drunk made even the rose he held in his mouth drop. He decided to visit his beloved after his local dramatics in the public eye using his flashy looks to find you flushed on the couch.
“Dear! Are you alright?” He spoke out but shut his mouth as the smell of alcohol engulfed his nose. “Oh my.”
You had gotten drunk! No reason at all. Some days it's just nice to take a load off ya know? Argenti sighed and rubbed his temples taking quiet strides to you on the couch.
“Dear are you sober enough to talk to me?” He murmured out staring at you with a half-lidded gaze as if amused by the whole situation but with an undertone of worry.
“Mh. Yeah! Buuttt I can't talk to you..my boyfriends gonna get maaddd..” You looked down clearly oblivious that your boyfriend was literally in front of you. 
This made Argenti smile warmly. These small things are what he loved about you.
“Let's get you in bed.” He sighed, picking you up bridal style, softly placing you on your shared bed. After he put a delicate kiss on your forehead, chuckling.
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Veritas knew you as someone who wasn't as intelligent as him. He loved you despite the ups and downs. The day he realized he did it's as if the morals he created for himself were thrown in the trash and burnt into a crisp. But he didn't expect you to be as stupid to find you drunk on a couch!
“Have you no shame?” He growled out looking down at you with a narrowed gaze and his hands clutching the book he held tighter.
“Hey..wassup.” Wassup? Okay you were definitely drunk and that made a vein on Vertias’s forehead bulge in aggravation and worry.
“Inconsiderate. You're always inconsiderate. I have to take the role as a caretaker now shall I?” He frowned gently, picking you up like a child and placing you on your shared bed with him.
“Vvveeritas..your so pretty..I'm so lucky. You murmur out clearly oblivious to what you were spouting out. But hey it was the truth. 
This made Veritas go beet red.
It's as if all of his genuine aggravation vanished into flustered irritation.
“You are not in the right mind to speak. Sleep.”
You chuckle at his words immediately getting knocked out by the alcohol unaware Veritas kept replaying that moment you complimented him in his head over and over.
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Dan Heng always thought of himself as the mature one in the relationship. And you getting blacked out  drunk just confirmed his words.
You on the couch staring at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing on the planet made Dan Heng raise a brow.
“What's that smell?” He asks knowing full damn well it was alcohol. But wanting to check if you'd lie or not.
“I drank..just wanted to feel nice and floaty for a while.” You giggled out making Dan Heng frown and sigh. Heck he loved you but sometimes he wanted to pinch your cheeks into reality.
“You need sleep. You do realize your going to wake up with a major headache tomorrow right?” 
“As long as you're there I'll be fine~!”
Dang Heng coughed to try and ignore the heavy heat rising to his neck and ears from your sweet words. It must be the alcohol talking Dan Heng reminded himself.
“You're heading to bed.” He dragged you into your bedroom gently placing you on your bed. He was about to walk away before your hand held his ownmaking him halt.
His eyes softened watching both your hands intertwined. After that, he just sat by your bed rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb in soft motions.
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Made at like 2am so expect some errors or stuff making no sense 😪
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gjsatorus · 1 year
hey daddy !
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summary: gojo comes back from the prison realm
— gn reader, established relationship, fluff, one suggestive joke, not proofread (i wrote this at midnight which is also why it’s all over the place sorry y’all 😭)
note: it’s been another week without satoru and i’m going crazy like i need him back soon bc i can’t live like this (remind me to write one for when he comes back to life too)
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it’s been days, weeks even. since you last saw your one and only, gojo satoru. many people have probably heard of his name, many people knew him, many people agree that he’s the strongest. but to think that he got sealed in that stupid box was baffling honestly. (i hate you kenjaku)
so here you are, coming home from work, patiently waiting for him to come back home. you were getting worried as the days pass on. the lonely nights without him, the nights where you just want to feel his warmth again, to feel his arms around you again. maybe you took him for granted and he won’t ever come back.
19 days without him. you just came back from work, finished showering and everything. now you’re making dinner for yourself, that was until you heard a knock on the door. you freeze up, who could be at the door at this hour? you grab a frying pan for defense and went towards the door, you look out of the window and.. is that satoru?
you open the door immediately, greeted by the man himself however his appearance is different. gojo has became more buff and it looks like he has changed clothes in the prison realm? “baby..” he sighs out, his blue eyes softening once they meet yours. you felt your eyes glisten while hearing his voice again, “i miss you too since you couldn’t say it yourself,” satoru clicks his tongue playfully.
“t-toru..” you mumble out, voice slightly shaky. the frying pan you held drops to the floor as you pulled him into a hug. he gladly accepts the hug, wrapping his strong arms around you. your soft sobs were heard, you look up at him with a gentle smile on your face. “i’m glad you made it back home, toru,” you managed to say, burying your face deeper into his chest.
“i’m glad i could make it back to you sweetheart,” satoru grins, tears welling up in his eyes too, deciding to make the situation a little more lighter. he threw you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, immediately you protest, struggling to get out of his grasp. “put me down toru!” you choked out, “can’t hear ya sweetie,” he smacks your ass as he pretends not to hear your threats and continues walking into the house.
he places you on the couch, kissing your lips as you pull him closer. he pulls away despite your whines and lays on top of you, hearing out a small “oomf!” from you. “you’re heavy toru,” you tease, not minding it a single bit. “i knowww,” his words drag out of tiredness, “i miss you darling,” you sigh while massaging the back of his head. “told me that already,” he pouts and you lightly smack his head.
“ow! you haven’t seen me in days and you’re already abusing me!” he dramatically accuses you, “maybe that’s just my way of showing affection gojo satoru,” you told back, the pout still on his glossy lips. “i loveeee my baby so much! missed them so much too, miss how they would tease me all the time,” satoru suddenly started to leave kisses all over your face.
“i love you too toru, missed your touch, and missed this pretty face too,” you did the same thing to him, seeing his cheeks flush a bit. the both of you stayed silent, quietly basking in each other’s warmth. “so when did you have this whole makeover?” you pointed at his tight black shirt and glance at his muscles, “don’t worry about it baby,” he chuckled, leaning closer to you.
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chkn-soup · 6 months
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Warnings: These little demons are too silly..silliness overboard (also some slight sexual innuendos/references)
Syno: Helluva cast and what they’d do if there was a puddle or wet spot infront of you while you were walking to your date…(this is so stupid..)
(Suffering with severe writers block rn but I managed to juice this out of me, bare with me yall!!)
Moxxie is a die hard gentleman, and I will stand by that. So he will totally be prepared for this occasion (like he was in the Loo Loo land episode with his little Fanny filled with meds for Via) He’d most likely whip out some sort of plastic or cardboard like walk way for you to step on..and he just like had that..on hand, meanwhile you’re saying things like…”I can just walk around it”, but please let him be cautious and spoil you, he loves being prepared for such drastic situations to get his partner away from danger..even if the danger is just getting your shoes wet. Afterwards he’ll ask if you are alright..as if walking over a puddle is traumatic or like it took a toll on you.
Blitzø probably won’t care or even notice the puddle in the first place. In fact if he does notice it, he’ll purposely push you into it so your feet get all wet, especially if you’re trying to avoid it in the first place, then he’ll laugh at you and your pouty face. But if you’re actually upset about it and don’t start laughing with him he’ll definitely be like “What..you mad your shoes are wet?” Once he realizes you’re pretty pissed about it he’ll say “Ok ok..sorry.” And will then join you in the puddle and make sure his feet end up equally as soaked or even more so just so you aren’t mad at him the whole night.
Stolas will most definitely see the puddle and he’s all for keeping his partner out of harms way especially the smallest ounce of it, and he knows that appearance is everything and so is comfortability, he doesn’t want your feet to be wet and soppy therefore uncomfortable for you. So he’ll do the reasonable things and use his powers to make you float over it…like Stolas..really? He’s one that likes to one up, and he really loves to show off, especially to his partner. So he will use his magic for the smaller things just to impress you, that includes making you float over a puddle just so your precious feet stay dry and warm.
Our little froggy will do what he does best and leap! You don’t think he’ll extend the both of you over a mere puddle then you are wrong, Fizz is the king of Drama, and he will be super dramatic about this whether you like it or not, He’ll extend the both of you over thoroughly and will look very badass while doing so. And he’ll even ask too “didn’t I look so cool.” Sure Fizzy, the coolest.
This big boy will not hesitate to pick you up into his arms, and he IS strong enough to do so, all while he walks into the puddle himself, but you know anything to make sure his sweetheart is alright, and no no, he won’t be setting you down afterwards, he’ll just carry you the whole way to the date just because he feels like it..and you know what you’re much safer up there with him anyways…so why would he let you down?
This mf cowboy (“save a horse” iykwim) will not hesitate to pull some dramatics as well, he’ll whip out his little lasso from his side and wrap it around you throughly while he pulls you away from the puddle in the last moments before you even get the chance to step on it and he’ll draw you in to send you spinning (or more like falling) straight towards him and into his chest..he’ll hold you mighty close to him as he walks the both of you to your date and he will keep the lasso on you…just incase there’s anymore danger up ahead, or he’ll totally lay down his jacket for you over the puddle, just like an old school gentleman would do.
Mammon will definitely pull a Blitzø where he’ll purposely push you into it and will laugh at your reaction but on the other hand he won’t join you in your wet shoe’d state, he’d rather just laugh at you and say that you should audition for his pageant because watching you in dreadful situations is funny to him. He will be kind enough to dry your feet up at home/or even the restaurant, and he’ll make sure your feet are dry.
This precious lady will honestly want to get into the puddle with you just to splash around, it doesn’t matter that you have reservations that you’re already 20 minutes late for, she’ll dead stop and be like “Baby look a puddle!!” and you’ll understand her and begin to jump in it with her, she loves just doing childish things with you even if some people might find it gross. But! if you don’t like puddles and won’t jump in it with her she understands completely and will quite literally pick you up over her head and carry you over it…doesn’t matter if you are taller or bigger than her, she’ll carry you anytime, anywhere.
She’s another one who will pull you into her closer so you aren’t near the puddle but instead near her. She doesn’t want your feet wet and will try to protect you or prevent you from going into it, just because she knows how annoying wet socks are, But don’t even try to mention she did it or she’ll go back/find another puddle to push you into….the shell feel bad and will lend you her socks..don’t mention that either.
Hehe..Verosika really loves you she does, and that’s why she has high expectations of you. One of them being that you’ll carry her through the puddle instead of her carrying you. So she’ll see the puddle, purposely get closer to it and pause when she’s a step away from it..she’ll look down roll her eyes and say something about her shoes,…take the hint [reader]! And if you do take the bait and carry her (if you can) well..she’ll give you Tenfold for treating her so nicely and will peck your cheek after..but don’t think you’re putting her down immediately after..the fun has just started.
Hello..??? She’s royalty and is lowkey a little bratty (she need a brat tamer..I’m here for her😏) so she’ll obviously expect you to do something for her to get her out of this drastic situation, do you want her new heels to be ruined by mud? She doesn’t think so. So she’ll pause before the puddle and eye you to see what you’ll do, you can do anything and she’ll absolutely love it, pull her out of the way, lay your jacket on it, or even carry her and she will laugh and grin smugly, kissing you before continuing to walk with you again. She likes when you treat her nicely..she’ll do the same for you coming back that way at the end of the date.
Hello my loves! I’m trying to write your requests, thank you all for being patient and supportive I love you all and you deserve your asks to be answered, you beautiful people!!🫶🏼🫶🏼!!
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
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Summary:  the gang made  a plan to set steve up and Y/n hopper up, did they expect it to go so well ?
Warning : smut , soft dom steve , praise kink , daddy kink , hair pulling   , spanking just steve unleashing his inner eddie to be fair . also everything nancy did and tension during season 4 we're just going to pretend it was us instead.  steve being fluffier than his hair . this is 18+ minors not welcome
As far as failed night go , he was starting to think this was possibly could be the best night of his life.  All he had to do was well  tell her how  he felt . which kinda was hard to do watching to move around her trailer wearing his t-shirt  making them popcorn  to watch a movie alone , together . the girl of his dreams , one that stood by everything , one who appreciated him .  little thing she would do told him as much  when they were hanging as group. she stop them teasing him about his failed love life , made sure eddie didn't eat his favourite snacks if he was running late , hell even having his favourite snacks there .  how she would actually listen to what he had to say during the whole upside down situation .  checking his wounds and making sure everything was healing  or cleaned properly.  how when he was pulled under water she was straight in after .. maybe shit he was idiot . the kids were right and it was right in front of him the whole time . he for once didn't think of his action , when she came over he helped her with placing the things down not before pulling her on to his lap and  cuddling her close , god her giggles made his day, a melody he could listen to on repeat he was sure of it .  " what has gotten into you harrington, not that i'm complaining  " her smile , that damned smile could make anyone's day brighter  . " something that took me way too long to do " he said proud his voice didn't squeak or waver  . " and what would that be " god he had the usually confident teasing yet kind and caring y/n nervous.  " taking that step   ,  a step we both wanted , to finally stop kidding myself and finally go after the girl i want so bad it physically hurts sometimes , making sure no one can take her away " he smiled leaning up and capturing her lips with his .  she wanted to punch herself the shit she  used to say about how ridiculous movie kissing was bullshit . she could literally eat her words with how wrong she was .  how his lips against hers felt like they were meant to be there . two puzzle pieces connect to reveal the whole picture. souls reconnecting after eternity searching for  each other , nerves coming to life , fire work the lot . 
Needing air they reluctantly pulled back , both shit eating grins on there faces .  " about time harrington i was beginning to lose hope " she sighed dramatically head falling against his chest. " hey you could have said something you know " he defended finger lifting her chin to make her eyes align with his . " maybe i was scared " she bit her lip which wasn't a lie  , she'd been the same telling the group they were seeing things .  " well i was was terrified , i mean imagine losing this beautiful , kind , sweetheart , kinda an asshole sarcastic woman and one of my best friends because i told her i love her so much it drive me insane" he bared it all everything he was feeling over the years . " wait love " she sat up looking at him fully searching his eyes  making sure it wasn't some stupid prank between him and the kids or eddie .  " love like full blown burn the world down for you love " he  repeated .  what words failed , actions didn't she crashed her lips against his  hungrily showing him how much she loved him , how he made her go on when she thought she couldn't , how he gave her the strength to fight when she felt weak . steve harrington held a place in her heart  since the moment she met him , those puppy brown eyes had her locked , hook , line and sinker .  she pulled the back of his neck in a bid to get closer , while her skin burned with a need  only he could satisfy .    a quick turn of positions and she was now straddling the man she dreamed about for so long .  steve kissed back harder like she was his only source of oxygen while his hands land on her hip pulling her closer .  like it was on instinct her hips rolled making the man  under let out the sexiest almost primal moan she had ever heard . it was surreal she had steve the hair harrington moaning beneath her .   " if we gonna do this baby girl then we are going to need that bed of yours " a husk almost whisper against her ear making her whimper. steve harrington made her  give out the neediest whimper  something she wasn't aware could happen.  " take me to bed steve " she moaned feeling his strain against his jeans . 
without be breaking the kiss , he lifted her effortlessly up off the chair , holding her steady as he kissed down her neck  the t-shirt he love seeing on  her was now in his way . she could feel her skin almost burn with desire pulling the shirt over her head showing  the pink lace bra hiding underneath . " i definitely died and now in heaven" he teased kissed down her chest as he hand pushed her bedroom door open and kicking it closed . laying her softly on the bed as she pulled her shorts off . " eager are we " he smirked seeing the lust blown eyes , kiss bitten lips and it was all for him .  " please steve fuck touch me , kiss me do something " she kneeled before him pulling him by his waist band .    "yeah i died and this is heaven " he growled pushing her on her back while giving her almost a bruising kiss .  licking , biting down her neck as he unclasped her bra sitting up to admire her , the dream he had were nothing in comparison to the real deal. " fuck you are so beautiful baby girl " his hand giving teasing pinches to her now hardened peaks .  " oh you like that huh baby" he grin bowing his head . at first it teasing kitten licks , before a hiss broken moan came from her lips feeling him sucking and  biting her nipples soft mouth making her core throb with a need . her panties drenched at the way he handled her in such as short space of time.  she felt a fire burn deeper when his kissing began to continue down her body .   even touch of his lips felt like her wildest dreams coming to life yet it still wasn't enough she needed more of him , all of him . " can i take these off"  he asked a false coyness lilt to his deep husky voice. " fuck yes please i need you " she whimpered . " oh baby girl daddy's gonna take care of you , be a good girl and sit back while i eat this little pussy of yours,  can you do that " fuck this was definitely a dream ." yes daddy i'll be good " .   she hissed feeling his finger sliding up and down painful slow yet not even where she wanted . " all this for me such a good girl ..mmm you taste fucking heavenly i knew you would my sweet beautiful girl " he moaned tongue swirling tasting her slick . never did he think he would have her  tasting so sweet on his tongue dancing on his taste buds it was safe to say he was already addicted. " mm fuck daddy " she cried feeling his tongue swirl around her puffy clit sending her head crashing against the pillow  the pulling his hair and her back arching at the sensation . steve harrington ate pussy like it was a five course meal and his last meal all in one . she felt her coil tighten and windup so tight she almost screamed when it snapped making his actions faster lapping up her orgasim . " fuck i'm doing that daily fucking hell baby you taste so good " he groaned wiping her juices from his face.  
" now i need to be in that pussy because i near damn came in my fucking boxers like a little virgin , can i fuck you my sweet girl " he smiled down seeing her blissed out face.  she couldn't speak all her mind consisted of was him and him needing to be inside her . " too cock drunk speak  that's ok daddy will take care of you " he growled teasing his cock through her folds coating him up ,underestimating his own control but slowly he began pushing in , feeling the softness of her walls  it was like she was made for him and him  alone .  she couldn't help the pleading and begging that flew out of her mouth nor if someone told her this would happen she'd laugh in their face yet here she was doing just that  .  " FUCK" she cried as he began to thrust hitting spots in her body she never knew where there ,  her nails  scraping down his back in a bid to pull him closer anyway she could but what surprised her most was when he pinned her hands above her head , fucking her into the mattress like it was his main goal in life  turning her on more that she even thought was possible . babbles and moans filling the room along with the filthiness spewing from the  mans mouth .  " daddy fuck just like that " she cried wanting to grab him but hell even the restricted movement made it better somehow. he let go of her hands gliding them down pinching her nipples as he passed them before he began circling her clit  . " we cum together baby i can feel it  " he growled as she clenched around . " now " his thrust sloppy then she felt his cum filling her up painting ever part of her cervix as she herself clenched down milking ever part of it .  " fuck that was...." she panted . " totally happening every chance we get .. i totally agree" he joked pulling out of her. " steve you know i love you too right .. so much it drives me insane " she leaned up lasily kissing him as he pulled her to his chest .  
bonus : 
" i'm not going in there but it's safe to say the plan worked and dustin is traumatise " robin nodded face in pure disgust. " who knew harrington was a kinky fuck " eddie smirked . " can we please just go " dustin whispered . " come on we can get the money of steve for therapy " robin led him toward eddies van . " HARRINGTON YOU ARE MY HERO " eddie yelled in . " munson come on before henderson barfs in your van " robin hissed. 
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echo-stimmingrose · 7 days
“And where have you been?”
Will freezes, feet halfway in the door, eyes locked on his brothers in what only can be described as a deer in headlights look. The standoff lasts several seconds as Will debates whether to back out the way he came or get hit by the oncoming car. Like most deers when faced with a life or death situation, he remains put as his very brief time on this mortal plane flashes through his mind.
Illuminated under a singular lamp, like their about to perform an interrogation- dramatic fucks- is Micheal with quite possibly the most shit eating grin Will has ever seen; and Lee, who's expression alone tells him he's about the get the scolding of a life time.
“Helloooo, dear brothers!” Will cajoles, plastering on as bright a smile as humanly possible. “Don’t you two just look lovely this fine morning!”
“Where have you been?” Lee repeats, undeterred by Will's poor attempt at flattery.
“I was on a morning walk!” -not a complete lie- unfortunately, stupid Apollonian traits didn’t see it that way, his traitorous voice squeaking up several more octaves than necessary as he starts to cough. Thanks a lot dad.
Micheal only grins wider, “Nice try, we saw you leaving at eleven, Which means,” -He pauses to theatrically check his watch, despite the fact that he does not, and has never, owned a watch- “you’ve been gone a whole eight hours now!”
“You saw me leave? Wait- Have you two been sitting here all night waiting for me?”
“Not important-”
“What is important,” Lee cuts in, “Is what on Earth you could have been doing at such ungodly hours in the evening?”
“I wasn’t doing anything!” He insists with a whine high enough that all the dogs in New Jersey collectively howl.
“You we're out all night, William Andrew-” oof, Is the full name really necessary? “-No teenager who crawls out of a window, falling on his face as he does so, I might add-” Okay, rude. “-In the dead of night, is ever up to anything good”
He scolds him with a tone that could rival even his southern mama. Quite the impressive feat Will must admit (in his head of course, never out loud, Lee would like that too much). Truly he rues the day his older brother officially meets The Naomi Solace in person. Those forces are simply too powerful that if they joined it would throw off the balance of every ecosystem within a thirty mile radius. Two hawks sharing a territory while he is but a simple field mouse doomed forever under the gaze of the predators, with little places to run, always being caught. What crimes did he commit in a past life to deserve such a hellish tragedy?
Locked in another stalemate and desperate to escape the hole he's in, he takes the most logical option- not putting down the shovel of course- but scoffing at the pure audacity that they would be accusing him of the thing he very much did do.
“I am offended, at you implying that I of all people! Would be up to something heinous! I mean, ME!?!? I am a VERY good kid! I am very responsible! I am ALWAYS on time!!-”
“Can you even tell time?”
“I follow all the rules to a T!-”
“That's not even close to accurate”
“I am extremely respectful to my elders!-”
“Ha! That's funny.”
“I have never done anything against the law!-”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
The rest of the cabin starts to awaken to bear witness in what surely will be Will’s final days on this earth. None of them come to his aid of course, all finding the situation to be much to humorous. Even his patented puppy eyes fail at getting him any assistance in his battle with the all mighty tyrant that is Lee Fletcher.
He makes his way past his brothers and to his bed, doing his best to ignore them as they just swivel their chairs. Where the hell they even got those chairs he has no idea. He rips his flannel off, throwing it onto his bunk- he is nothing if not theatrical- and turns back around to continue arguing his case when the hushed snickers of his traitorous siblings increases to snorts and giggles. Micheal has all but fallen over in hysterics while Lee’s scowl has somehow deepened.
“Rookie mistake, William,” Micheal says between guffaws, “Rookie mistake.”
He looks down to where his siblings are pointing and where should be, his neon camp shirt, is a black tee that reads ‘cabin thirteen’. “Shit.” he mumbles, cautiously looking up at his eldest brother who has a look so cross he could probably pass as a southern grandma who just got her finest china broken by roughhousing grandkids.
“I am going to have some words with that boy.” He announces, much to Will’s utter horror.
“Don’t you dare!”
“I will-”
“You are the actual worst!”
“That boy is a bad influence-”
“I hate you so much.”
“I think I will contact his sister too.”
“What the fu-.”
“Language, William.”
“Oh fuck you!” he exclaims before his brain can catch up to stop him from shooting himself in the foot and most likely condemning him to a lifetime of stable duty.
“Thats its, you are grounded, Young Man-” The tyrant declares, officially shackling him.
“What! You can’t do that!” He argues, pointlessly fighting against the chains.
“I absolutely can.”
“I want you back in the cabin by seven thirty each night for the foreseeable future.”
“SEVEN THIRTY!?!?” Will screams, “The campfire’s not even done by seven thirty!!!” He argues, flailing his arms as if that will help get his point across.
Lee nods, “Seven thirty.”
“I am not a child I don’t need a curfew!!”
“You are a child.”
“Are not! I’m fourteen!”
“A child.”
“UGHhhhhhhh!” He screeches, miming a crushing motion with his hands, hoping to explode Lee’s head via the force. It, unfortunately does not work.
He then decides to stand up and announce that it is breakfast time before casually leading the rest of the apollo campers out of the cabin as if he didn’t just ruin a poor innocent teens life.
“Well that was amusing,” Says his annoying younger sister, hanging back from the group, reveling way to much in his suffering.
“Shut up Kayla.”
She just grins, looking far to similar to Micheal for his liking. “I just can’t wait till he finds out about your tattoo.”
“Oh gods.”
So this is part of an au/verse I'm working on where basically everyone lives and they all get to be normal teens with semi normal teen problems. (It will probably end up being mostly cabin seven based cause they're my fav) It's not gonna be written in a specific order or anything probably just a bunch of one shots of things I think of. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions of prompts/story lines for this verse lmk.
Also Lee is supportive of Will and Nico's relationship he's just being an annoying older brother cause he can.
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sadesluvr · 3 months
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Miguel O'Hara x Black Cat! F! Reader Warnings: Discussion of sex, grief and implied masturbation. A/N: Brackets mean that it's a thought! Comment if you'd like to be tagged on future updates :) PREVIOUS CHAPTER | NEXT CHAPTER | READ ON AO3 | SERIES MASTERLIST
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Miguel had left you hanging. Rather literally. 
You weren’t one to give up easily, and so you tried to claw your way out, using your talons as a knife to break the straps. They were little help in trying to cut yourself from the red binds and you only ended up scratching yourself in the process.  
Of course, your failure could’ve come from the fact that you were horny, and simply couldn’t think straight. The moment had been perfect; the both of you at each other's whims in an abandoned alleyway, and yet he hadn’t given in. Certainly frustrating in the moment, but even more interesting in the long run.   
You loved a chase.  
Even though the life of a vigilante was destined to be lonely, you found that the universe had brought you one constant: Spider-Man. In your specific case, Miguel O’Hara. 
Despite how it could come across to an outsider, you hadn’t known him all that long. Only about 18 months, to be precise. As cliché as it sounded, with him it felt like years.  
(You’d always hated that sappy stuff.) 
What started with an impromptu team-up on a mission had transformed into an ally ship. Miguel was serious and brooding; a man who was dedicated to order and confinement, whilst you were playful, unpredictable, and reasonably messy enough for him to continue to tolerate you.  
Despite this, you could sense that though he was dedicated to those things, you could tell that it hadn’t come naturally.  
Frowning and looking rather stupid, you were about to give up entirely until another portal opened. Straightening your back, you hoped it was Miguel, but your grin dissipated once you heard the familiar rev of an engine swing your way. A complimentary barrage of red, black, hints of yellow, and brown, paired with big Afro hair and shiny earrings…It could only be Jessica. 
She was a gorgeous woman, no doubt, but the Spider-people could be so dramatic - always with an entrance. No wonder you hated them at times. 
Pushing up her goggles in shock, she placed a hand on her hips as she glanced at you knowingly. 
“Hey Jess.” You grinned, flatly smacking your tongue over your teeth bluntly. You could only describe your relationship with her as curt, but cordial. Smirking, she nodded before greeting you back. 
“Jeez…” she began, looking you up and down. “What did he do to you?” 
You rolled your eyes, and she took that as a sign to start unhooking you, providing a much-needed relief to your aching arms.  
“It’s not what he did, it’s what he didn’t do,” you snickered, brushing yourself off as you became free. “I’ve had worse, believe me.” 
She hummed, but didn’t say anything, and crossed her arms over her chest.  
“...You know I have to send you back, right?”  
“Yeah, yeah…” you huffed. “Where’s Miggy? Too lazy to clean up after himself?” 
“Actually, he’s yelling at some poor Spider right now,” Jess said matter-of-factly. You straightened your back at the statement, somewhat remorseful but more amused. It was so easy to push the man’s buttons, laughable considering the whole situation had come from something that had nothing to do with him in the first place. “They’re suspended from missions for six months because of you.” 
“It’s not really my fault though, is it?” 
You’d swiped the watch off a Spider at their most vulnerable moment. It had only been a onetime thing; you’d been bored, and they’d succumbed to their baser urges, evidently having been using their device for things other than saving the universe. The act had meant nothing to you; your love of shiny things (that didn’t belong to you) clouding your sense of intimacy, and, of course, only having eyes for Miguel. 
Jess shot you a pointed look.  
“Don’t do this again,” she said, running something through her own device. “Miguel doesn’t want to see you.” 
Creasing your brows, you felt a chill run across your chest - of which you were certain hadn’t come from the cool wind running across the tips of your exposed bosom. The sinking sensation was quickly replaced with a discomfort, an anger, pooling in the back of your throat and within your arms. This is what you hated about men; you always think you know them, right until they pull a rug up out under your feet. 
“What?” you said, voice trembling with anger as you took a step towards Jessica. 
“He’s not chasing after you anymore. His words, not mine. If you fall out of line, he’ll send someone to put you back in.” 
Wincing, you took a deep breath and muttered, watching as the woman opened the portal, stepping aside for you to see yourself in. “Kind of like what he’s doing now, huh?”  
She pursed her lips and shrugged, taking one last glimpse at you before you disappeared. 
“I wouldn’t worry. Knowing the two of you...this won’t be the last time.” 
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“If you can’t even keep your items safe, how am I supposed to trust you with keeping the multiverse afloat?” 
“I --” 
“Black Cat was running around doing whatever she pleased, all because you couldn’t keep it in your pants! You could’ve cost a universe, and for this I have no choice but to ban you from missions for six months.” 
“But --” 
“Don’t say anything that’ll make me make it a year. Might I suggest you practice some self-control whilst you’re on the out. Sal de mi vista.” [Get out of my sight.] 
He could practically see himself as he spoke; brutish, with furrowed brows and a rigid body. You would’ve said he was a stickler for punishment. 
“All this anger and macho, just for me? You must really want me for yourself…” he could hear you say in that silky tone, your voice in the back of his mind like an omen. Of course it could’ve been the case that he’d just encountered you, but whether he was willing to admit it or not, your voice was one that he thought of often.  
You were virile, had stamina, and came and went as you pleased, revelling in the fact that each time you’d meet it’d be like moths to a flame; dangerous, but oh-so natural.  
(You’d met before. It was hardly your first dance.) 
He’d been annoyed, frustrated when you’d felt along his body, your touch apparently enough to have made him pop a boner, right in the middle of battle. 
Why? Because he wasn’t in puberty anymore. He knew better than that. 
Better than to succumb to his desires. He was supposed to be a leader. Leaders set examples, and even though he’d felt he’d done just that, he’d come too close to giving in entirely. 
(He envied the Spider that got to have you. He’d do anything to be able to be so carefree.) 
Indulgence, desires, dreams and want were all things that got messed up in his head and damaged heart. The selfish pursuit of them led to fatigue, insanity, boredom - loss, and he knew of loss all too well. He’d consumed himself in the fantasy of being a father, and that had brought him nothing but hurt. Sleep evaded him; his nights spent on his back as he stared aimlessly into the dark ceilings or slinging ferocious jabs at a punching bag in the gym. Anything was better than reliving the feeling of your daughter; your own flesh and blood, slipping away in your hands and knowing you couldn’t do anything about it. In some ways, it was worse than a traditional murder – at least there’d be a body to hold onto, something to bury...but this had been a sheer nothingness. 
(What if it was destined to be the same with you?) 
Love was a strong word, and he doubted that he’d ever be able to say it, let alone feel it again, but you were the closest he’d gotten to feeling it. Perhaps he was equating obsession with his fondness for you.  
Life rarely made it so that things were black and white. He indulged you, just as much as you did him. In essence, you were both a bit grey. 
And that was scary. 
(You’d deliberately grabbed her on the thigh. That’s just one example of a mixed signal.) 
On the surface, it seemed like you were destined for each other. He’d seen the lives of others, and even Peter Parker himself had run in with a form of Black Cat. In a sense, you were safe, as even after all your encounters the universe remained upright - by nature that was a good sign. 
But that was only because he’d kept a safe distance up until now. Your interactions were suggestive, but not explicit, even if it weren’t from your lack of trying. 
You hadn’t even kissed yet. 
It was silly; really. In an alternate dimension he had a child, and here he was, fussing over his first kiss as if he were some kind of schoolboy. He hated that you made him feel that way; that his grief had manifested so that he pushed people away when he very clearly wanted to bring them in. 
(If he gave in, would he be able to keep up with you? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had sex. Would he lose control, or would he shut down entirely?) 
(He’d have to leave before the dreaded morning after conversation. That's when true problems arose.) 
(All those feelings.) 
He turns off his mind as soon as he steps in the shower, careful to turn the heat so that it’s almost scalding. Steam quickly permeates the room, clouding the glass panels as heavy strands of wet hair fall into his eyes. He knows that he’s alone, but he can see you, the outline of your body a visage amongst the fog.  
You’re still in your sleek leather catsuit, but you’re exposed, your eye mask crumpled at the corner of the room. He can see the entire scope of your face now, and it’s even more alluring than he’d thought.  
It’s interesting how he’d never seen you without them, yet he’d shown you his entire face.  
He takes a sharp inhale as you embrace him, just as he begins to stroke his cock. His baser, destined desires are all too clear – he should’ve fucked you right there in that alley – right up against the wall. But he didn’t, because he was stubborn. And scared.  
A cold shower would’ve woken him up, but it was clear in his mind that he didn’t want that. Just for a moment, he wanted the haze, the slow undoing of the knots in his back from the therapeutic heat - the smoke and mirrors of it all. Gratuitous escapism.  
Taglist: @slut4oscarissac23 @honeyluvsatj
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wonbriiize · 11 months
pairing; wonbin x reader
genre; enemies to lovers (?)
warnings; a little bit of cursing, suggestive (a bit)
note; i‘m not 100% satisfied with this but i hope y’all still like it !! also omg i love talk saxy,, riize really went off with it
keeping distance
in which you have art class with wonbin and you two have to put your hatred feelings for each other aside when the teacher puts you in a group together…
“this can‘t be happening,” you say to your best friend shotaro who‘s sitting next to you. for him, this whole situation is hilarious.
“you will never get rid of him,” shotaro giggles and you glare at him before you put up your hand and ask the teacher if you’re allowed to switch your partner. the teacher strictly shakes his head.
“the partners can’t be changed.”
“but we don’t get along,” you look over to him, the person you don’t like.. and he doesn’t like you either. he always makes sure to let you know that he’d rather kiss a cactus than be in your presence.
“maybe you two can take this time to learn how to get along then, right wonbin?” the teacher smiles at wonbin and then looks back to you, carrying a very provocative smile on his face. it angers you.
what angers you even more is that, when the teacher said this, wonbin just scoffed. what is he scoffing for? you think. if you want, you can be a really nice person. wonbin just has never gotten to know this side of you because he also has never shown you his nice side.
“just.. ignore him if he‘s being too annoying,” shotaro whispers to you before you stand up to walk over to wonbin.
he doesn’t even look up to you when you’re standing right in front of him.
you cough to get a reaction, but nothing happens.
wonbin keeps looking at the big canvas in front of him, on which the two of you have to draw something for this project.
“okay well i tried,” you say, turning around. you were ready to walk away but wonbin stops you.
“what are you expecting me to say?”
rolling your eyes, you turn to him again.
“maybe.. hello? since we have to be civil and mature with each other. for now.”
“can you stop being so dramatic and just sit down?”
you notice wonbin staring at you. analyzing him back, you can’t deny the fact that he is truly the most attractive person you know. if it wouldn’t be for his character, you would for sure like him.
maybe even a little too much…
you shake your head to avoid those thoughts and sit down on the empty chair next to him.
“i think we should divide the canvas in two and then each of us has their own side,” you suggest proudly. you like that idea; keeping distance between wonbin and you because not even on a canvas you two would match well together.
“that‘s stupid. we need to work together for this,” wonbin disagrees. his eyes are back on the canvas and it looks like he’s envisioning something.
“we are. just on two different sides but still on the same canvas.”
“and you think you’re being mature?” wonbin turns to you. the two of you lock eyes and you can’t help but to stare at his face.
why does he have such beautiful eyes? and apart from that, his lips are also so perfect…
you stop yourself from thinking about him in that way (again), but being this close to him is making this hard for you.
“well what’s your idea?” you bite your bottom lip and turn away as fast as possible.
wonbin chuckles. he knows that you’re trying so hard to not just stop and make out with him. he clearly wouldn’t say no to that..but he would never let you know because he likes this little disliking each other game that the two of you play.
“we should just go for it, like draw whatever comes to our minds,” he says.
you decide that instead of having a discussion with him about this right now, you should just agree. be more mature than him.
the two of you start drawing on the canvas, unconsciously staying on each of your sides.
it’s been a few minutes and you can’t believe that it’s actually working; wonbin and you are working. together. without fighting. somehow this puts a grin on your face.
“hey, we are actually doing goo- what the hell?!”
you wanted to compliment wonbin for working so well together but he suddenly paints a black star on what you’ve drawn.
“why did you do that??”
“it looked boring. now it looks cool,” he goes back to drawing on his side.
you can’t believe that he just did that. you grab after the red paint, move closer to wonbin and paint all over his drawing.
before you could go even more wild, he grabs after your hand and pulls it back.
“are you serious right now?!”
“you destroyed my painting!”
“i was helping you! it was boring!”
“you know what else is boring?” you grab the paintbrush (with the hand that wonbin isn’t holding), dip it in blue paint and then go all over wonbin‘s white apron.
wonbin lets go of you because of how shocked he is that you did that. he licks his lips before he grabs after his paintbrush.
“no no no no,” you say, a smile sneaking on your face. you stand up from your chair and run straight out of class, knowing that your teacher will probably scold you later on.
thinking that maybe wonbin won’t go after you since you’ve ran out of the classroom, you lean yourself against the wall.
you don’t know why but you start laughing. you should have taken a picture of wonbins face when you painted his apron because his expression was just too hilarious.
okay, you calm down, maybe it’s time to go back.
and just as you walk around the corner to go back to your class, you feel someone grab your waist to turn you around.
“you didn’t think that i’d let you go this easily, did you?” wonbin smirks.
he‘s still holding your waist, keeping you close.. so close that you can hear him breathe.
“you started it,” you could slap yourself for sounding how you do right now, so unsure and shaky.. all because of wonbin.
“you went overboard. so don’t you think it’d be only fair if i also draw on,” his hand moves down to your apron. he lightly pulls at it. “this?”
you gulp, not knowing what to do or to say. you’re trying your hardest to fight off all those thoughts that are going through your mind right now.
“lost your voice, have you?” wonbin‘s smirk just grows bigger and bigger.
“we should go back to class,” you say.
you could totally free yourself from wonbin’s grip but you don’t want to. you are actually enjoying being this close to him.
nevermind the fact that you said there needs to be distance between you and him. hell, if you could you would even close this last bit of distance between the two of you right now.
“that’s not really what you want to do, is it?” wonbin slightly pulls you closer. too close.
it’s getting dangerous. so dangerous that you don’t know if you’re able to hold yourself back. and you hate that he knows.
wonbin moves closer to your face and puts your hair back on the right side. “tell me, *y/n*, what is it that you really want to do?” he whispers into your ear.
“honestly, i just really want to paint all over your face,” you’re happy that your voice is sounding more confident again.
wonbin tries hard to not let you show that this wasn’t what he was expecting you to say.
“but i also want to kiss you,” you whisper, looking down at his lips.
now, wonbin’s mouth forms into a smirk again. this is what he has been waiting to hear. since forever, actually.
you don’t know that wonbin only annoys you because that’s what he does when he likes someone. he was never sure if you actually dislike him or if you feel the same way until today, when the teacher put you two together. that’s when he saw that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
“so do it,” wonbin whispers against your lips, which seconds later, collide with his.
wonbin has made you feel so many things throughout the time you’ve known him, but today, right now, while you’re kissing him, whatever you’re feeling because of him is.. different. it’s new.. and exciting. it’s like there’s thousands of fireworks exploding inside of you.
and it’s all because of wonbin.
the person you didn’t really dislike that much, after all.
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fangirl-writes · 2 years
Who Do You Love?
JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): angst
Notes: Man JJ and angst just go together and that’s unfortunate but a happy ending is mandatory. Also Cleo’s in here but there aren’t any season 3 spoilers. I think if this situation were actually in the show, it would be way more action-y and dramatic but I wasn’t feeling that so have this instead.
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It wasn’t that JJ was a bad boyfriend. On the contrary, he was a better boyfriend than his circumstances would’ve led you to believe.
But lately it had been nagging at you; a year into the relationship and he hadn’t told you he loved you. Not once.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t said it. In fact, when you said it the first time, JJ looked like he was ready to break up with you on the spot.
But he didn’t and you just assumed that he wasn’t ready. You always put your whole heart to things and JJ was no different. You’re convinced he’s the one.
But now, after everything that’s happened to you guys, he still can’t say it?
John B. and Sarah got metaphorically married after not even six months in a relationship and JJ can’t tell you he loves you.
Are you that unimportant to him? Or is this just a fling to him? And breaking up with you is just something he hasn’t gotten around to yet?
It’s a stupid thought, JJ never does anything he doesn’t want to do and he’d never play with your feelings like that, but you can’t wrap your mind around why he doesn’t just tell you.
There can’t be another girl, right? That’s just silly when would he have the time-
...him and Kiara had been spending a lot of time together lately.
But her and Pope- no. That hadn’t worked out either. Was that where you and JJ were headed? To an unceremonious end that you wouldn’t talk about? You didn’t think you could be as cool with it as Pope.
Maybe that’s because you weren’t a true pogue.
Which was just as silly because you’d been friends with them since way before you and JJ became a thing. But you two were the first to break the “no macking” rule, even before Kiara kissed John B.
Oh, fuck.
First John B. and then Pope...Kiara wasn’t just making her rounds on her friends, right? Trying each of them out until one fit?
No, how could you even think that? That’s a horrible thing to think about one of your friends. But the insecure little girl inside of you was trying to come up with an explanation. One that wasn’t just “he’s not ready.”
Because why wasn’t he ready?
You tried to push these feelings down. Tried to not stare at John B. and Sarah with jealous longing, to not feel queasy inside when Kie and JJ hugged.
If anyone noticed your discomfort, they didn’t say anything. There was just so much going on, as always, and anyone’s feelings that weren’t out in the open fell to the wayside.
But, if you were being honest with yourself, it was starting to wear on you.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Cleo said, snapping her fingers in front of your face. “Why ya staring at Kiara like you wish her head would explode?”
You blinked, a blush coloring your cheeks. “What? I-I wasn’t-”
“Now, come on. Don’t lie to your auntie Cleo. What’s going on?”
You rubbed your arm, considering. Cleo might be the best person to talk to about it. She and JJ weren’t really close, so she could give a rather unbiased perspective on things. Maybe she could help.
“It’s just...you don’t think there’s anything going on between them do you?”
Your gaze was transfixed on the way Kie and JJ laughed, doing a little dance to the music playing at the wreck. 
“Them two? Nah. They bicker like siblings, but I don’ think either of them are interested like that. Besides, aren’t you and JJ an item?”
You nodded. “Yeah but lately I’ve been...kind of worried about it.”
“How so?”
You took a deep breath.
“It’s stupid, really, but JJ and I have been together for over a year now and...he hasn’t told me he loves me. Which I know is a stupid thing to be worried about but I can’t keep it from bugging me-”
“Hey, hey, slow down there,” Cleo said, coaxing you from the brink of rambling. “If it’s botherin’ you this much then it’s not stupid.”
You bit you lip, anxiety pooling in your stomach.
“For what it’s worth, JJ looks at you like your da sun. But if you’re really this worried about it, just talk to him. Either way it goes, you’ll have your answer.”
You gave her a grateful look. “Thanks for listening.”
“Anytime. We’re friends, yeah?”
“Good. Now go talk to yer boyfriend before someone’s head explodes.”
You laughed, feeling a little more relieved, but that anxiety returned the closer to JJ you got.
He was his beautiful self, as always; drinking a coke in board shorts and a muscle tee, sunglasses perched perfectly on his nose, and strands of blond hair falling gracefully over them.
“Hey, baby,” JJ greeted casually as you approached, putting a hand on your thigh when you stopped by his seat.
“Hey, J,” you replied, trying to keep the waver out of your voice. “Can we talk?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah! Yeah. I just need to talk to you about something...alone, preferably.”
You glanced around the group, who were all staring at you with curious eyes and wondering glances. You never asked JJ to “talk,” especially not alone.
“Yeah, uh, okay.”
JJ got up anyway, but you could tell by his body language that he was just as weirded out by this as the rest of the pogues (except Cleo, who gave you an encouraging nod when you glanced at her).
He reached for your hand, but you crossed your arms to sneakily avoid it and took off toward the docks. That he definitely noticed.
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” He asked, sitting himself down beside you on the dock.
“Actually, no, but also yes? Um, you’re gonna think this is stupid and I really need you not to blow up at me for it because I think I’d lose my mind if you did.”
“Y/N, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
You let him take your hand this time and squeezed it for comfort.
“I just...why haven’t you said you love me?”
JJ’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“It’s stupid, I know, but, J, why? I’ve told you I love you. I’ve told you multiple times, even just out of instinct, but you haven’t said it once.”
“I say it-”
“No. You don’t.” You snapped.
This put JJ into defense mode. “Why’s it so important to you anyway? They’re just words. Just because you say them doesn’t make them true.”
“But are they?”
“Are they true?”
Tears were rolling down your cheeks now, unable to control your emotions when he was discounting your feelings like this.
“This is stupid,” JJ said, standing up.
That shattered you.
“So, that’s it then?” You asked, feeling your heart sinking in your chest. “You don’t love me?”
“Of course I love you, Y/N! Why the fuck would I be with you if I didn’t love you?”
“I don’t know, you tell me!” You shot back. “Because this has been bothering me for weeks and you haven’t noticed anything’s been off! You’re too busy with this stupid treasure hunt and hanging around with Kiara-”
“Is that what this is about? You’re pissed because I’m hanging out with Kie?” JJ asked, face pinching angrier with every second.
“No, that’s not what I-”
“Well, maybe I should date her! At least she wouldn’t act like this!”
“Maybe you should!”
JJ’s face fell and silence settled between you.
Tears were still falling from your eyes and you hugged yourself, regret and guilt pooling in your stomach.
“You don’t mean that,” JJ whispered.
“I don’t know,” You replied, softly.
“You don’t know what?”
You shook your head. “I just don’t know. I don’t know if I meant it. I don’t know if you love me. I don’t know if I want to be dating you any more.”
JJ looked like you felt, completely shattered. Tears were pooling in his eyes and his mouth was slightly open, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t get the words out.
“Y/N-” he started, reaching out for you.
You stepped back from him. “Just...just don’t.”
You shouldered passed him, heading up the dock.
JJ watched, frozen, as you grabbed your bicycle from where it was leaned against the Wreck’s building and biked away.
He also caught sight of his friends, who’d been watching the encounter from the balcony, and they looked to him, confused.
What just happened?
JJ wasn’t sure either. But he knew that if he didn’t do something soon, he was gonna lose the most important thing to him.
It wasn’t until the sun had gone down that JJ finally showed up at your house.
You’d been expecting him since you left without resolving anything in your fight. In fact, you’d been aching for him for that long, wishing he’d come hold you in his arms and tell you everything would be okay, like he always did. But when he was the cause of the pain, would that make it better or worse?
You were almost asleep when there was tapping on your window.
You went to it almost too quickly, opening the curtains to see JJ standing on the roof with a small bouquet of flowers in his hand and an unsure grin.
With a deep breath, you opened the window.
“Hey,” JJ said, sliding into your room as you moved out of the way.
You didn’t respond to him, just crossed your arms and waited for him to start talking, a tired frown etched on your face.
“Um...these are for you,” he said, holding out the bouquet.
They were Gaillardias. The flowers that grew in the soft sand along beach walkways. JJ always said they reminded him of you because they were bright and beautiful and thrived in the sun.
The thought warmed your heart and you felt yourself wanting to cry again.
You took the bouquet from him, “thank you.”
You put them in a small vase that was on your desk, having once held the flowers JJ got you for your birthday a few months ago and you were just too lazy to put the vase away. You were thankful for it now.
“So,” he started, taking a seat on your bed. “Can we talk about our fight?”
You shrugged. “I guess we have to, right?”
JJ nodded as you sat next to him.
“I’m sorry for bringing it up,” You said, avoiding looking at him. “I knew it was stupid and I still brought it up. I just wanted to know...”
“It wasn’t stupid,” JJ replied, also not looking at you. “I’m sorry for saying it was.”
“Would you tell me why?” You asked.
“I-” JJ sighed, turning sideways and pulling you along with him so that the two of you were facing each other.
You wrinkled your nose. “JJ your shoes are all sandy-”
“I’ll take them off,” he said, quickly pulling his sneakers off his feet and dropping them on the floor, making sure to wipe away the sand before taking a deep breath and continuing. “I can’t say I love you because I really do. It’s hard for me to say because everyone I’ve loved before have left me. My mom’s gone, I loved my dad just as much as I hated him, Big John’s gone, I thought I lost John B.”
JJ hung his head, stopping to take a breath. “I guess I’m just scared that I’ll lose you, too,”
You chuckled a little. “You know, it’s funny, I wanted you to tell me you love me because I didn’t want to lose you. I thought that if you weren’t saying it, that meant that this wasn’t something you were invested in.”
“I’ve never been more invested in anything in my life,” JJ admitted.
You smiled. “I guess that’s all I need.”
“No,” JJ shook his head. “No, this time I’m going to say it. I love you, Y/N.”
You felt like crying all over again. “I love you, too,”
JJ took your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. A gesture you returned, putting your hands on his chest and gripping his grey t-shirt tightly.
A thunk hit your window, causing the two of you to pull apart and turn your attention towards it.
“Oh, yeah,” JJ said, getting up and sticking his head out of the window. “We’re good, guys!”
Confused, you joined JJ at the window.
The twinkie was sitting in your driveway, passenger and side door open, with the rest of the pogues around it.
“Good,” John B. said. “We were starting to think she killed you.”
“Not yet, he’s still worth keeping around,” you said, jokingly.
“You guys coming down? We’re gonna go have a bonfire now.”
JJ smirked. “Nah, I think we’ve got some more apologizing to do, if you know what I mean.”
“JJ!” You said, shoving his shoulder and blushing furiously.
“Be safe!” Pope said.
“Use protection!” Kiara said.
“Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t do!” Cleo chimed in.
“I hate you all!” You said, disappearing back into your room.
JJ laughed, leaning back in and closing the window.
“Now,” he said. “Where were we?”
“I’d really like to start at ‘I love you’,” you said, smiling bashfully, sitting back on your bed.
JJ leaned forward on his hands that were on either side of you. “Well, then I love you,”
You were giddy inside. “Alright, let’s do this.”
JJ laughed as your wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned backwards on the bed, taking him with you.
Yeah, maybe love doesn’t only have to be said in words, but it’s nice to hear. And JJ would say it indefinitely more times, if only to see the smile it brought to your face.
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