#he's all proud and happy that he gets to boss about james' old friend
enbysiriusblack · 5 months
"Y'know we both had complicated relationships with our parents. James and Remus had such a great bond with theirs, always so close and telling them everything. But Sirius and me couldn't. I mean his parents wouldn't understand and mine just wouldn't listen. But we had each other. And you know, James started growing up, leaving all our silly childhood antics behind. But Sirius was like me, we didn't want to grow up. I mean, you remember, we were always messing about. Merlin, I miss that. I mean, Sirius just got it. He got that being an adult would suck, that we could do what we want whilst we had the freedom to do it, that nothing mattered more than us, than our friendgroup, than just being alive. Merlin, he fucking changed. He's grown up. I mean I have as well, no matter how much I didn't to. But Sirius, he just- he understood me more than anyone... and I hated him for it. I hate him now."
Severus blinked at him, "Can you please be quiet for once?"
Peter threw his hands up in the air and sat up from the sofa he had been laying on, "Geez, still grumpy."
"I'm in charge of you, Wormtail. You're nothing now."
Peter huffed, "Way to state the obvious. Y'know you're a shit therapist."
"Perhaps, because I am not a therapist", Severus spoke slowly, agitated.
Peter shrugged,"You're the one who said I needed therapy."
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William Afton’s backstory and motivation
(Part 2 coming soon)
William’s parents were James and Elizabeth Afton. James was a pilot in WW2. Obviously, the war did serious damage to his psyche. He saw a lot of death, lost friends, lost his leg, it was a bad time all around. When he came home, he was a shell of the man he once was. He barely spoke and would drown his demons in liquor. His mother Elizabeth wasn’t doing so well during all of this. She had been dealing with intense depressive episodes her entire life, and with the trauma of losing family and friends in the war, and now her husband shutting her out, she was in a really bad place. She did a good job hiding it from her son and putting on a happy mask, but it didn’t last. It was William that found her body. She had put a shotgun in her mouth. There was blood everywhere, mixed with bits of bone, brain matter, and brown curly hair. He was in complete shock, he couldn’t move. He stood there for two hours before his father came home and saw everything. A couple days passed as the police dealt with the situation and had everything cleaned, after which James packed a bag of William’s stuff and told him he was going to be staying with his aunt Margret in America for a few weeks. He never explained why, and as weeks turned into months, and months turned into years, William realized his father wasn’t coming back for him. Obviously all of this was a lot for a little kid to go through. William chose to deal with it by simply not dealing with it. Thinking about everything was painful. It was easier to just bury all his negative emotions down and pretend he was fine.
William was always very intelligent but not that great at school. He was smart, he just didn’t participate or do any work. Instead, he would spend his time in class doodling silly characters and cartoons. William always loved cartoons and comic strips, they were a source of comfort in terrible times. William was also incredibly good with machines. As a teenager, he dropped out of school and got a job as a mechanic, and in his spare time, he would read books on robotics and engineering. He would even build little robots of his own in his garage. It was just a hobby at the time, but it was something he was passionate about.
William wasn’t very good with people. He was very funny, charismatic, and animated, but his peers found him strange and creepy. He had a childish yet morbid sense of humor, and would casually bring up disturbing/depressing topics as if they were completely normal. It didn’t help that he had a habit of burying all his negative emotions until it all boiled over and exploded on people that really didn’t deserve it. He got into more than a few fights over meaningless shit. William knew he was different than the people around him, he couldn’t quite place why, he just knew that he was wrong in someway. He tried his best to adapt and fit in, reading a ton of books on social etiquette and how to make friends, but even if he did everything right people still picked him out as being weird. He was lonely, but rather than admit that, he just told himself he didn’t need friends. He was smarter than all these people anyway.
His only real Friend was Henry Emily. A business major and son of William’s boss, Richard Emily. Richard was a talkative old man, and had mentioned his son to William many times. He would talk about how smart and kind he was and how proud he was of him and it made William incredibly jealous. He disliked Henry before he even met him. William was sure this Henry guy would be some spoiled bratty prick, but when Henry actually showed up at the shop one day, William found out he was anything but. Henry was friendly, handsome, and charming. Everyone in the shop loved him, and he talked to all of them like they were family. This kinda just made William hate him more. William had to work so hard to get people to like him, and this guy could just do it effortlessly. Henry introduced himself to William and was promptly brushed off. But Henry was strangely persistent and kept trying to start conversations with William, which he wasn’t used to. Once Henry and William actually got to talking, William found he actually enjoyed talking to Henry, he had interesting stories about college and was surprisingly smart and funny, he was drawn to Henry in a way he had never experienced before, and it made him feel happy and warm. They became friends relatively quickly. William was worried he’d scare Henry away, like he had done in the past, but Henry seemed to genuinely like William, which was a surprise to everyone. Henry was very impressed by William’s art and even more so by his robot projects. Eventually, the two got an apartment together and spent many drunken nights improvising stupid songs in cartoony voices, William strumming a guitar and Henry singing into a beer bottle microphone. They got the idea to open “Fredbear’s Family Dinner” together while out at a county fair, when they saw a guy in a cheep pig costume trip over a child and just about died laughing. William built and designed the animatronics, and Henry handled all the business stuff. It was a passion project, and they were over the moon to see it come to fruition.
William and Henry were good friends, but their relationship wasn’t entirely healthy. Henry was the first person William connected with on an emotional level. They loved each other. And William became addicted to that love. Henry became his soul source of emotional fulfillment and he was terrified of loosing him. He would get jealous and bitter whenever Henry would hanging out with a new friend/girlfriend, even subtly trying to drive them away or sabotage the relationship. Henry knew that William loved him (probably more than most men love their platonic friends) and that William would get jealous over him, but he just chalked it up to William being lonely, and reminded oblivious to the true extent of the issue. William wouldn’t just get jealous over Henry though, he was also quite jealous of Henry. It didn’t go over William’s head that most people tended to defer to Henry when asking questions about their business, even if they were talking about his animatronics. It’s not that he wanted to talk to these people, he just hated being treated like he was less than Henry. He also hated that Henry didn’t seem to notice, or care. In reality, Henry was fine with taking all the questions because he knew William didn’t like talking to people, but in William’s insecure paranoid brain, he took it as Henry thinking he was better than him. William would have phases where he would convince himself that Henry secretly hated him and was just keeping him around because he felt bad, or just to laugh at him.
William got married mostly out of societal obligation. It’s not that he disliked his wife, Laura was friendly, pretty, submissive, everything a wife was supposed to be, it’s just that he never really wanted a wife. He had never connected with any woman he had tried to date, and realized pretty quick he had to sorta “fake it till you make it” when it came to romantic/sexual relationships with women. The idea of having to “fake it” for years wasn’t very appealing, but he recognized it was something he had to do to fit in amongst his peers. Laura started out as a waitress at the diner when it first opened, after a few weeks of observing her he decided she would be a good fit for the role. He would play the role of the loving bread winning husband, doing everything a husband is supposed to do to keep up the image, but emotionally he just wasn’t in it. This sucked for Laura of course, who felt emotionally neglected in their marriage. She thought that having children would bring them closer, and while it briefly succeeded in getting her more attention, things always went back to normal soon after.
While William wasn’t thrilled about getting married, he was happy about having kids. He viewed it as having the chance to give his kid the happy childhood he never had. William’s first child was Michael James Afton. It was a massive struggle at first, William liked kids but he couldn’t stand babies, but as Mike started getting older they actually got along pretty well. William always got along with children, they were less snobby and judgmental than adults, and they weren’t weirded out by his theatrical eccentric demeanor. William and Mike had a lot in common, they both loved sweets, they loved pranking Laura, and Mike loved the diner and William’s animatronics. Bummer was, as Fredbear’s got more popular, William became much busier, and he started spending less time at home. Mike didn’t handle this well and started acting out more and more at school and at home to get more attention. William was frustrated with his increasing workload and didn’t have the patience to be always dealing with the aftermath of his son’s latest scheme. Also, Mike’s embarrassing misbehavior was damaging the public persona William had worked so hard to build and maintain. People were judging him and he couldn’t stand it. He became a little too harsh with his punishments and rules as a result. Laura tried explaining that Mike probably just wanted attention, but William didn’t get it. Mike had rich parents, all the toys he could ever want, a group of friends, he had so much more than William had as a child so what was the problem?
Things got even worse for Mike when his little brother, Evan Joseph Afton was born. Laura stood up to William and demanded he be home more because she was not going to be raising two kids by herself. William offered to pay a nanny to help her out so he wouldn’t miss any work and she threw a frying pan at him, so he agreed to be around more, rather than go through the public humiliation of a divorce. Evan was a fussy baby, which was very annoying, but as he got older he mellowed out. He was still emotional, but also shy and quiet. He didn’t cause trouble, all he wanted to do was color and organize his toys. William liked Evan, he was sweet and so very innocent. Sure, it was a bit irritating how clingy he could be, but William reveled in having someone love him so deeply. He reminded William a lot of his mother. So soft and comforting. Mike hated Evan. The little brat was boring and a crybaby, so why did their dad like him more? What was so much better about him? Mike was dealing with a lot of teenage frustration and anger and he took it out on his little brother by bullying him relentlessly. It started small, stuff their parents laughed off as boys being boys, but it just kept getting worse and worse. Of course, their parents had jobs to get to, so they couldn’t always be there to stop it, but William did install security cameras after Mike “accidentally” pushed Evan down the stairs.
Evan’s death was horrific. His head was slowly crushed like a watermelon under a hydronic press. William was outside smoking with Henry when if happened, they ran inside when they heard Laura scream, just in time to see Evan’s limp body slide out of the animatronic’s mouth into a puddle of blood. Michael was ghostly pale as William screamed in his face, “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?” He threw Michael to the side and knelt to examine Even’s body. He was nearly headless, and very much dead. Blood continued to drip from Fredbear’s mouth, along with chunks of bone, brain matter, and brown curly hair. William raked his bloody trembling fingers through his hair. He was aware of the chaos going on around him, Laura pointlessly begging for someone to call an ambulance, parents ushering their crying kids outside, but it all felt so distant, like he was hearing them from underwater. Once he finally managed to tear his eyes away from the body, they landed on Mike, standing there with this stupid shocked expression on his face. William couldn’t help it, he pointed and laughed. He slowly approached Mike, laughing as Evan’s blood dripped from his face and hands, “are you happy now? ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW!?” William swung at Mike, cracking him across the face. Henry grabbed William from behind and began to pull him away, as he continued yelling.
William was losing it. He wasn’t a stranger to drinking or drug use, but it got worse after Evan’s death. His son was dead, and the passion project he built with his best friend was being shut down. Yeah, they had the Freddy Fazzbear locations, but Fredbear’s was different. It was something personal to Henry and him and now it was gone. He rarely even showed up to work anymore, he would always either be locked in his office or at Henry’s house. He could hardly look at Mike anymore, and god forbid one of his little goons showed up. He was in a bad place, and the hallucinations weren’t helping. After Evan’s death, William started seeing things. It started as just glimpses out of the corner of his eye, but they became more severe as time went on. Most often, he saw Fredbear, broken down and bloody. Usually he would be laying in a heap against the wall, other times he was more aggressive. The image wasn’t the thing that scared him though, it was the voice. It was little Evan’s voice, calling out, “It’s me!” “save me!” It was driving William mad, the thought of sweet Evan’s spirit being trapped all alone in a cold robot body. Fredbear wasn’t the only thing he’d see though, he’d see Mike, bloody and rotting with his intestines spilling out from his gut. William believed he knew what Evan was trying to tell him, but he didn’t know if he could go through with it. From there, the hallucinations just kept getting more disturbing and violent.
Michael was miserable. His brother was dead, his parents could barely look at him, his friend group was scattered, and the worst thing was he couldn’t even be mad about it because it was his fault. Things around the house were tense, to say the least. There was this creeping feeling of dread hanging in the air that got stronger as the days passed. One night, Michael was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when he heard his bedroom door creak open. He laid still, pretending to be asleep as footsteps approached him from across the room. He felt a presence standing over him, staring at him. His eyes were closed but he could feel someone watching him, and he was overcome with fear. He tried to calm himself, thinking it was probably just his mom coming in to check on him, but he knew it wasn’t his mom, the weight of the stare was too cold and hateful. The figure stood over him for what felt like hours as he lay frozen, more sure by the second that whoever was behind him was about to kill him. Finally, he heard quick footsteps exiting the room and the door closing behind them. Michael had been intimidated by his father before, but now he was terrified of him.
William’s relationship with Henry was on the rocks. William was borderline unrecognizable after Even’s death. He went from clingy to a full on stalker. Henry had noticed William’s declining mental health before, and he tried his best to be there for his friend, but his behavior was becoming more and more unpredictable and aggressive. It was starting to freak him out, as well as his young daughter Charlie. The final straw for Henry was when he was at William’s house and witnessed him having a violent meltdown where he blew up at Michael over seemingly nothing and yelled that he wanted him dead while swinging a kitchen knife around like a mad man. Henry managed to get the knife from him and calm him down, but he was horrified by the encounter. The next time William came over to his house, Henry refused to let him in. He let him know, in no uncertain terms, that their friendship/partnership was over. It hurt him to do, but he knew it was what had to be done. He loved William, but he was dangerous, and he had to do what was necessary to protect himself and his daughter. William freaked the fuck out. He was panicking, banging on the door begging Henry to let him in. He switched rapidly between sobbing and begging for forgiveness, and furiously yelling obscenities and threats, throwing potted plants and garden gnomes at the door in anger. William felt betrayed and abandoned. He believed that since he was in pain, he was automatically entitled to his friend’s sympathy and comfort, and he was furious that that wasn’t the case.
William went on a bender that night, aimlessly driving drunk through the heavy rain. The entire time he could hear bitter whispers in the back of his head, “he left you,” “he never loved you,” “you could never be good enough for him.” William couldn’t tell you why, but he ended up at “Freddy Fazzbear’s Pizza.” He didn’t plan it. He didn’t know that Charlie was there. He didn’t know that Charlie had gotten locked outside. It was a spur of the moment thing. Charlie recognized his car and turned to look at him as he stepped out. She could smell the alcohol through the rain, his hair was unruly and his eyes were red and glossed over, almost lifeless. He offered to give her a ride home, hoping Henry would let him in if he had Charlie. When Charlie refused, he got angry. He aggressively asked why she didn’t trust him, why she hated him, how she could be so ungrateful after everything he’s done for her. She became frightened as he began hobbling towards her, struggling to walk upright and using his car for support. She tried to back away, tried to turn and run when he reached for her, but he was too fast. He lunged forward, grabbed her by the throat, and squeezed until her body went limp. It took him a minute to process what he had just done. He looked down at her body, her face was blue and streaked with tears. On the floor next to her was her stuffed bear, Lefty. William had made that for her for her when she was a baby, and she carried it with her everywhere she went for years. The stitches were coming loose and one of the eyes was missing, it was falling apart, but it was well loved. His breath became ragged. He looked down at his hands, covered in small red scratch marks from Charlie’s nails. She always was a little fighter. “What have I done?”
Charlie’s body was found a little over an hour later. Henry felt the world cave in around him. He knew William had done it. The man who had been his best friend for years, someone he trusted, someone he loved, had just murdered his little girl. He strangled her and left her body out in the cold rain with the trash and rats. He was seeing red as he drove to William’s house in the early hours of the morning. He was pounding on the door demanding to be let in. When Laura opened it he stormed past her, breaking through the chain lock, and slamming her into a wall. He went on a rampage through the house, practically tearing up the floor boards looking for William. When it became obvious that he wasn’t there, Henry broke down crying, apologizing to Laura and Michael, who looked on terrified. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
William drove for hours before stopping at a seedy motel. He couldn’t stop looking at his hands. He was a monster, he had murdered a little girl, a little girl he’d known for her entire life, how could he do that? Was he that sick and twisted? He had had violent fantasies in the past, whenever people would insult him or aggravate him, but he never acted on them, because he knew it was wrong. He knew there was something vile inside him, and he had tried so hard for so many years to control it, but he failed, and there was no coming back from it. He had murdered his best friend’s daughter. “Well, he’s not your best friend anymore,” he reminded himself. “And now you’ll never get him back.”William sat on the motel bed, “guess he was right about you huh? You’re too broken to be saved.” God, he needed a drink, a cigarette, anything to make his brain shut up. “Why should you even care? Why care about his pain? He knew you were grieving and he abandoned you. He didn’t care about your pain, but he’ll understand it now. You evened the playing field. It’s only fare.” He had a point. Why should he care? Why should he care about Henry, or Charlie, or anyone? Everyone judged him and hated him his entire life. They would pretend to be nice and understanding, but it was all bullshit. When Evan died, people would come to him pretending to be so kind and sorry for his loss, but those same people would turn around and blame him, for building such a dangerous animatronic, or for raising Mike wrong, they were all lying two-faced snakes. They didn’t understand his pain, but they deserved to. Why should he be the only one that had to suffer? Why should he live this miserable life, full of pain and abandonment, while all these other assholes got to parade around with their stupid happy lives and stupid happy families? William thought of his son, Evan, trapped all alone in a decrepit robot suit. How was that fair? Why did it have to be him, and not some other kid? The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He thought about how good it would feel to wipe the stupid smug smiles off their faces. Fuck, he’d stuff Mrs. Redmen’s brat son into an animatronic himself, just to see her ugly priss face go pale. Imagining it made him laugh. He knew it was awful, but who the hell cares? He's already going to Hell. “And wouldn't it be nice for little Evan to have some friends?” He laid in bed for hours, imagining the satisfaction that would come with inflicting his pain on the families of his pathetic town. “Why imagine? You just killed a little girl, you’ve got nothing left to lose?”
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
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“Love's my religion but he was my faith, something so sacred, so hard to replace. Fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace”.
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bucky barnes x reader ⎢ masterlist.
word count: ±1.4k.
warnings/tags: none.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Four years had passed since you left New York to study in London. Your parents went to visit you every two months, but it wasn't the same. You missed your home, the rest of your family, your friends. England was pretty different from the USA in many aspects, so you couldn't wait to leave that city as soon as you were done with your final exams. Your father was supposed to visit you in the next few days, but you wanted to surprise him too by coming back home earlier.
You didn't tell anyone about your flight, taking a taxi outside the airport. Along the way, you were fascinated looking through the window. Your city hadn't changed too much, maybe a couple of shops and cafeterias, but that was everything. You couldn't help but sigh when you left the jungle of skyscrapers to Cold Spring, where you grew. A beautiful and small village with its own charm. Checking the time on your phone and finding some unread messages from your mother, you bite your lips with a soft grin on your lips imagining her face when she watched you there.
But before, you had to make a stop in your own house to leave your suitcase, have a shower and change your clothes. Yes, you would have preferred to have a quiet evening at your home, with your family, but James ‘Bucky’ Barnes was giving a party.
Oh, that man. Your first love. You knew him ever since, being the son of your father's best friend and, now, his associate. He had more than twelve years than you, but love didn't understand about age. And you were conscious that he felt something for you. Maybe attraction, maybe desire. Whatever was enough for you to keep alive the flame inside your heart. You weren't going to lie, you wanted, needed to see him after four years. Four long years without knowing anything about him more than what your father used to tell you about businesses and the presents Bucky used to send you on your birthday and Christmas with a short letter.
You didn't lose time in your task, getting ready to join the party in less than twenty minutes. Looking at your reflection in the mirror of your private bathroom, you couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering within your belly, fantasizing about what he would do when he had you in front of his eyes. You were almost sweating, remembering how good it felt whenever he touched your hand slightly, or how his fingers gripped gently around your thigh sitting together —under the table. Bucky never crossed the limit since he wasn't an associate yet, but now he was the boss the story was pretty different.
The parking attendant took the keys of your car after opening the door for you and stepping out. You said thanks before taking a deep breath with a hand on your belly, trying to calm the nerves as you raised your eyes to the luxurious and ostentatious manor occupying completely your field of vision. The guests outside enjoying different kinds of conversations turned at you astonished but pleasantly surprised. You weren't the innocent girl that left that village four years ago anymore. You were a woman. A lawyer ready to take your throne. To take your place in the company. And you were stunning and radiant on your silk white dress with the back open and exposed.
Not wasting more time on being contemplated, you walked in swinging your hips sensually, calling everyone's attention. Your gaze traveled the place all around till they got bewitched by a pair of oceanic blue eyes among the crowd. Bucky was there between other men, listening to a conversation he wasn't interested in, with a glass of whisky close to his mouth. He took a sip, licking the flavor impregnated on his lips. For a reason you didn't understand, he didn't look surprised, nor curious to know how it was possible you were there. The smile that appeared on your face suddenly went down with disappointment, turning at the amazed tone of voice your father used to call you before embracing you into his arms.
The next hour, your parents introduced you to anyone who didn't meet you personally four years ago, making you feel out of place. Yes, you missed your home and your family, but Bucky's indifference broke your heart in a thousand pieces, glancing at him flirting with any women rattling his saber. Adoring him as if he was some kind of god. It was suffocating you to the point of watering your eyes. As soon as you could escape from the situation of your father showing you like a trophy, you went upstairs to the old library George Barnes owned, and where you used to spend a lot of time in your adolescence. It was a quiet room, soundproofed and packed with huge windows to the nearest forest. A view you liked to stare at in silence during autumn.
Walking inside and closing the door, you toured the hundreds of books thoroughly placed and conservated through the years, landing your fingers in an original version of Alice in Wonderland. You always felt like that, surrounded by people only moved and controlled by money. Money that gave you freedom for four long years in England, but the same that now was your sentence for life.
You couldn't help but shut your eyes when a fingertip traced your bare backbone, causing you goosebumps all over your skin. His strong scent flooded your lungs racing your pulse, as his closeness made jump your heart bout to fly off from your chest. You could recognize that touch between a million. The tenderness with he caressed you, the delicacy he had to admire your beautiful and warm skin.
“White makes you look like an angel”. Bucky whispered hoarsely into your ear, noticing him placing himself behind you.
You swallowed hard, keeping your lips parted while both hands found their way to your arms, pawing them down slowly till being laced with yours. Then, a fond kiss was placed on the back of your head. A sigh escaped his throat when he was able to sink his nose in your hair. The fruity, but subtle, smell dizzied him.
“Red…” He mumbled urging you to turn around and face him, stroking gently your bottom lip with his thumb when he had the opportunity. “Red makes you look like a dangerous weapon”.
“I've been both all my life, not needing clothes or makeup to demonstrate it”. You replied raising your chin in a proud gesture that caused him to chuckle.
“How many boys have kissed them?” Bucky wanted to know, shortening the distance between the two of you until he was practically melting with your body, wrapping his left arm around your lower back. His voice was so sensual that it made your legs feel weak.
But you didn't answer his question. No one. You didn't kiss anyone while you were in London. Barely neglecting your studies, only desiring to pass your exams and come back home to finish the last year of college in New York. You could swear that a lustful shine crossed fleetingly his pale blue eyes, trying to maintain his gaze while his thumb wandered down your throat, moving slowly between the gap of your neckline and enjoying how good it was to touch you again, continuing to your abdomen. Bucky urged you to rest your back against the library, bringing his lips closer to your ear at the moment his hands meet almost in your ass.
Shameless, he settled himself between your legs, leaving a kiss on the sweet spot behind your ear before tracing it with the tip of his nose. “So… you kept your promise”.
Your fingers got tangled strongly in the laps of his jacket when you remembered that precise instant before leaving your house four years ago.
September came with warm evenings and different kinds of orange, brown, and red decorating the trees all around Cold Spring. You were sitting on the grass of the back garden of your house, alone, drinking a glass of vodka. You knew how hard it was going to leave the place that gave you life, happiness, love. Bucky joined you without expecting it and gave you a bracelet made of white gold exactly like the one his father gave him for his eighteenth birthday, with the coordinates of his home —what took you some months to notice was that yours had his coordinates too—. And he asked you if you would wait for him all that time till you were back to his arms.
And there you were, with his lips tracing a path of sweet, loving kisses through your jawline. But they never touched yours, leaving you wanting more, needing him.
“Welcome home, doll”.
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tag list: @whatrambles @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations @stealapizzamyheart @talk-on-the-street @theresnoplatypus
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
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it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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The Little Things in Life - 1
Warnings: non-consent sex (series); nothing for this chapter
This is dark!Steveand explicit. 18+ only.
Series Summary: Your suburban life begins to show cracks and your next door neighbour, Steve Rogers, seems intent on shattering what’s left.
Note: I’m still working on Syster and BJB and all my other WIPs. This was supposed to be a one shot but I got about 22 pages out and realised that we weren’t even close to an end. Anyways, hope you enjoy a subtle Steve. Slow burn. Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You liked to do your gardening early. Even on the weekends. You let your husband Logan sleep in; your daughter, Kayla too. You basked in the morning balm as you rooted around for stray roots and watered the leaves which looked a little too brittle in the dew. The birds sang as the neighbourhood still slept. It was a rare moment of your own.
Well, almost all yours. 
You turned at the steady beat of sneakers on the pavement. You stood and dusted off your gloves. Steve, your neighbour from just across the street, stopped as he reached the end of your walk. He smiled and wiped the sweat from his brow. 
“I don’t know how you do it,” You said. “You’ve got a newborn keeping you up all night and here you are, running the entire neighbourhood like it’s nothing.”
He laughed. “Never got much sleep to begin with,” He said. “You know, if you ever get bored of the dirt and grubs, you’re welcome to join me.”
“You know I couldn’t keep up with you, Cap,” You grinned. 
“Not anymore,” He said. “I hung that shield up.”
“Oh yes, Logan told me you let him toss it around.” 
“Well, he tried,” Steve said. “I… you know, I’m happy I ran into you. Me and Sharon, we’re having this thing next weekend. A party for all us restless parents. No kids.”
“Yeah, she was saying the other day.” You replied. “I’m sure I could get the sitter and Logan never says no to a beer or two.”
“Maybe we could hit the felt again. It’s been a while.” He ventured. “We had to move the table but I got the cues all ready.”
“Yeah, maybe,” You said. “So she let you keep it.”
“It’s in the garage now but it’s still in one piece,” He preened. “You should pop by some time. After dinner, I like to try a few trick shots.”
“I’ll try,” You said. “I’m usually the one cleaning up dinner and Kayla. But, maybe we could do doubles sometime. Nap time, maybe.”
“I might be able to convince Sharon,” He rubbed his neck and glanced over at his house. “Speaking of, I should go check in on her. Got a serious diaper run to go on this morning.”
“See ya,” You said. “Say hi to Sharon for me.”
“See ya,” He turned and jogged across the street. 
He stopped at his front door and turned back to look at you as you collected your watering can and basket of tools. He waved and you waved back. A coffee would be nice before you roused the little monster. Saturday was pancake day and she rarely forgot it.
That day you kept thinking about your neighbours. Steve and Sharon used to be your weekend buddies. You’d stop by after you put Kayla down for the night and have a few drinks. That was until Sharon had gotten pregnant and they’d both descended into full blown panic mode. Baby this, baby that! It was a peculiar type of excitement which had them both beaming and baffled.
You’d seen Sharon for lunch every now and then and at her shower. She was so swept up in it all that she wasn’t as social as before. You were glad to hear she was throwing one of her parties. She was finding her balance again.
As for Steve, you only really saw him in passing. Doing yard work or random chores around the house. He was always busy it seemed. Well, that was life.
You went about your usual Saturday routine; pancake breakfast, dishes, play time with Kayla, lunch, nap time, a walk to the park, dinner… The days only varied when you worked and most times, you did so from home. You were lucky enough to spend much of your time with your daughter, though you wished you could say the same of Logan.
He worked hard, you couldn’t fault him that. Most days, he stayed late. By the time he got home, he was so wrapped up in it that it was all he could talk about. But he was a good dad when he was there. He loved Kayla and he treated you well enough.
Sunday was lazy. The afternoon was disappointing as Logan spent much of it on the phone with his boss. You took Kayla out to the garden so she couldn’t disturb the call. She helped, or tried to help you transfer some flowers from your garden into a pot. Proud of your creation, you took her across the street and knocked on the door.
Steve answered it to your surprise. Sharon was usually quick to the punch. You greeted him with a smile. 
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to disturb, I just thought… well Sharon said she liked the flowers so we brought you some.” You held out the pot.
“You can put them in your garden,” Kayla said cheerily.
“I need to make a garden first,” He grinned at her and took the pot. “Thank you. I’m sure Sharon will find a place for them. She’s just sleeping with the baby right now.”
“I get it,” You said. “We were a bit restless and just wanted to say hi. She wanted to give them to Ethel but you know she has terrible allergies.”
“I appreciate the thought,” He leaned down to talk to Kayla, “You’re getting big, kiddo. How old are you now?”
“Four,” She chimed. “Mommy says I’m old enough to go to school.”
“I would think you are,” He replied as he stood straight. “I’ll let Sharon know you came by. Oh, and… the pool table is still open.”
“Maybe tomorrow,” You offered. “Logan’s taking Kayla to a Paw Patrol show.”
“Tomorrow,” He accepted. “I’m gonna hold you to it.”
“What happened to that friend of yours; James?” You wondered.
“Bucky. He’s around now and then.” Steve shrugged. “But not as much as I like. And he prefers poker.”
“Ah,” You took Kayla’s hand before she could wander away. “Well, I’ll see ya.”
“What time’s the show?” He asked before you could back away. 
“Six.” You answered.
“Then I’ll see you at six-thirty. How’s that?”
“Six-thirty it is,” You confirmed as you picked up Kayla and turned away. “Okay, you little brat, let’s go bug your father.”
You were glad Logan was getting some time with Kayla. You wished you could go with them but keeping to your new budget, two tickets were all that could be had. The upside was that you didn’t have to sit through the cartoony mascots dancing in an arena full of hyper children.
You gave Kayla a kiss on the cheek and barely sneaked a kiss on Logan’s lips before she tugged him away from you. He strapped her into her seat and gave a smile as he climbed in the front. You smiled as they left but when they were gone, you felt restless. There were only a few times you were without Kayla; at work and during your early morning gardening sessions.
You went inside and wandered around the kitchen for a few minutes. You poured yourself a glass of wine and looked at the clock. You were suddenly very grateful for Steve’s invitation. The game would keep your mind off your listlessness.
You finished your chardonnay and rinsed the glass. You stepped out the front door and found Steve’s garage door open as he ducked beneath it to wave you over. You looked down the street before you crossed and jogged up the drive. 
“Hey,” You entered the cool garage. The pool table took up much of the space not occupied by the aged motorcycle Steve had been working on for years. “What’s up?”
“Oh you know, getting some practice in,” He grabbed the cue leaning against the table and another from the rack on the wall. He handed you one. “Hope you’re not too rusty.”
“You know, I’ve been playing online but it’s not quite the same,” You kidded. “What’s Sharon up to?”
“I asked her if she wanted to come out and join us,” Steve shrugged. “But she’s been on the phone with her mother all day.”
“Maybe next time,” You watched as he set up the balls in the frame.
“You want a beer or something?” He asked as he stood.
“I shouldn’t. I just had some wine. I don’t like to mix drinks… or rather, my body doesn’t.” You chuckled.
“I’m sure I’ve got some wine,” He went to the mini fridge. “Aha, pinot… grigio.” He squinted at the label as he turned around. “Sharon hasn’t touched the stuff in ages. It hasn’t been opened though.”
“Really, I shouldn’t.” You waved him off.
“Come on.”
“Is this some sort of tactic?” You teased. “To get me off my game?”
“Maybe,” He twisted open the bottle and handed it to you. “It’s open. You gotta at least have a sip.”
You tilted your head at him.
“I don’t have any glasses out here,” He grinned.
“Just a sip,” You took the bottle and drank less than a mouthful. You placed it on the metal side table against the wall and fiddled with your cue. He returned to the fridge and grabbed a tall can of beer. “Thought that stuff didn’t get to you.”
“Doesn’t, but it’s comforting,” He approached the other side of the table. “When I was… serving, the men didn’t have much to do but drink on their time off.”
“Ah,” You leaned your cue on the top of your shoe. “It’s like how tequila makes me wanna run as far as I can in the other direction.”
“I guess,” He said. “Guest’s honour. You can break.”
“Alright,” You went to the head of the table and lined up the cue ball. “Wait.” You paused as you bent over the table. “What do I get when I win?”
“If you win,” He corrected. “And, I don’t know. Twenty bucks.”
“No fun. How about… I get to try on the helmet.”
“Helmet?” He blinked.
“That old war relic you have in your den.” You said. “You know I always wanted to try it on.”
“It’s an antique now,” He said. “Rusty.”
“Like you?” You taunted.
“Like me,” He rolled his eyes. “Fine. And what about if I win?”
“Name your price,” You narrowed your eyes at the table and set up your shot.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind a touch of that green thumb,” He said. “I… wanted to do something special for Sharon. Clean out the garden, replant everything that’s died.”
“That’s not really an even trade,” You mused as you hit the ball. “But it’s a bet.” You stood as the coloured balls shot in all directions. Three solids plopped into the corner pockets. “Oh, I also get a selfie in the helmet.”
You glared at the felt. Then the bottle of wine. You should have stopped at a sip but you had gotten carried away in the game. You’d also missed your last shot and set up Steve to sink the last stripes before he set his eyes on the eight ball. He called the top left pocket and you hoped he missed. Crossed your fingers around the cue.
The clack of the balls echoed in the garage and the black ball made a slow path to the pocket. It tipped over the edge and you curse. You stomped your foot and spun the cue in your hand.
“No fair,” You pouted. “You’ve been practising.”
“And… I’m sure that online pool is quite the workout.”
“Only for my finger,” You held up your index. “So… the garden?”
“Can we start this week?” He asked.
“Sure,” You smiled. “You’ll have to grab seeds or whatever. Please, anything but rose bushes.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know where to begin but I’m sure I could ask someone at the greenhouse,” He mulled.
He went to the table and reached into the pockets. He pulled out a yellow ball and a red ball. He place them parallel at the other end.
“Or maybe… I don’t know, I know you’re busy but you could help me?”
“That wasn’t part of the bet,” You said. “But sure. I can do Wednesday afternoon. I hope you don’t mind if Kayla tags along.”
“Of course not,” He lined up the cue ball in front of you.
“What are you doing?” You stepped away from the table as he grabbed his cue.
“A trick I’ve been working on,” He said. “I saw it online and gave it a go. It’s fun.”
He bent over the felt and hit the ball. It hit the yellow ball which bounced off the red one and sent both of them into opposite pockets. He stood and smirked proudly.
“Your turn,” He rearranged the balls and you frowned.
“I can’t,” You argued. “I think I had too much of that wine.”
“Come on,” He said. “Just give it a try.”
You looked at your phone. It was already past eight.
“It’s not that late,” He urged.
“Fine,” You took your cue and approached the table. 
Your shot was less successful than his. The yellow ball hit the red in but came to a halt several inches from the pocket. You shrugged and stood straight.
“See.” You huffed.
“Practice,” He positioned them again. 
He came around the table as he placed the cue ball before you. He stood behind you as you relented and lined up your shot. You paused as he adjusted the end of your cue and neared. He leaned over you and helped you position the nose of the cue. He was almost flush against you, just for a moment before he backed away.
“You just gotta put some force behind it,” He said as he walked along the side of the table. 
He stepped back to see the table. You hit the white ball and shakily retreated from the felt. The yellow and red split off and the latter plopped into the pocket while the former bounced off the edge of the corner.
“Close,” He said and went to the table. He shoved his hand in the small pocket. “Night’s not over til you get it.”
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ladydorian05 · 4 years
A life in retrospection
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(pic credit: @a7estrellas​)
Hello @scribbledghost​ !!! I couldn’t wait, I’m your Secret Santa darling!!!!!
I really, really, REALLY  hope you like this. This is actually the third try at writing your gift, I dot nervous and the self doubt worm hit me hard while writing. You mentioned you wanted ‘talking’, well my on the first one it was more talking than anything and was such a mess that I knew no amount of editing would fix it. I didn’t erase it completely I used some parts for the second one that served as the foundation for the final one.
It’s still a little bit of a mess, I suck at choosing titles and maybe the ending is a bit rushed.
Edit: Forgot to mention, Miss Daisy belongs to Scribbledghost, from her neighbour Whiskey series, check it out, you won’t regret it. 
A life in retrospection
Soulmate AU!
Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x fem character (a name is mentioned so it’s not THAT reader friendly)
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, lil bit of depression, Jack goes to therapy so expect to read a different man (we really just yeeted a whole man and turn him into a better one, the beauty of fanfics), fluffiness, this man is not afraid to cry, allusions to spiciness but just implicit.
Words: 3K and something.
He couldn’t believe this was his life now.
He thought as he watched, through a window from the inside of his warm home, as the snowflakes fell outside.
Couldn’t believe he was capable of feeling such happiness again, not after everything he’s had to live through.
A few years ago, he almost committed the biggest mistake of his entire existence, condemning millions of people just because of his trauma. Good thing a pair of gentlemen helped knock some sense into him. Literally. And god bless Champ for giving him a second chance, since then, his life had been filled with second chances.
He finally went to see the Statesman therapist and work through his issues, he gave himself a second chance, to heal, to see the world in a different way.
What he never thought he would get, was a second chance at love, at being loved, but his beloved’s favorite pastime was to just prove him wrong every chance she got.
And prove him wrong she did.
Everyone has a soulmate, even him, and just like everyone else’s, his soul mark appeared on his thirteenth birthday. Right there, the name and the first letter of his soulmate’s last name etched into his skin in his soulmate’s handwriting and just like everyone he had been excited.
He spent countless hours staring at the letters on his wrist, studying the beautiful, soft and round letters, some of them just a breath away from being cursives. Always wondering when and if he would be able to meet the person they belonged to.
As the years passed, he became more aware of how small the chance that he would actually meet his soulmate was, and while he kept wondering about them from time to time, he didn’t stop himself from falling in love with someone else.
He shared many years with her, they got married just as they were fresh out of college, neither of them caring that they weren’t each other’s soulmates. Marriages like theirs weren’t rare at all, after all the world is way too big and life too short to spend it looking for one person.
Yes, life is short and it can be so cruel to the least deserving. The day he lost both his wife and unborn son was the day something inside him broke, something he thought could never be repaired again. He fell in an abysm of self blame that in time turned into bitterness and hatred for those who fell in the clutches of illegal substances. He really thought he would never love again.
Until one day. One fateful day thanks to a mix up with his order at his favorite coffee shop, he met her, his beloved; when their drinks had been served in the wrong cups by the new barista in training.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, what were the chances that said woman would turn out to also be his soulmate. From the moment he saw her he felt drawn to her. He knew it, the moment their fingers touched when they exchanged their cups. Something in him shifted with a rush of emotions, leaving him breathless.
Hell, even now she still leaves him breathless.
They had spent the rest of that day getting to know each other, they talked about everything and anything, as if they were old friends seeing each other again after some time apart. He had heard the stories multiple times, people would talk about how they felt the moment they found their soulmate, they all paled in comparison to the overwhelming feeling of being know in such a way by someone you had just met.
He felt so blessed just being able to be in her presence.
Indiana, Indy, his love, his Moonshine, the light of his life that pulled him out of the remaining darkness inside him. You gave him a second chance at love, at actually feeling alive and not just living. And he took it, he would’ve been and idiot if he hadn’t.
They decided to take it slow to truly get to know one another and see where this connection of theirs would take them. After all, not all soulmates went on the romantic route; some, were just destined to be platonic and neither option was better than the other, that’s just the way things were.
But after many dates, after both bared their souls to one another, they were happy to discover that all along there had been something growing between them and that the feeling was mutual.
They shared their first kiss beneath a starry sky, she had taken him to her favorite spot in the city, maybe the stars weren’t as visible as in other places due to the light pollution of the city but neither of you were really looking at them, too lost in one another. After that night everything fell into place.
In the following months, they spent as much time as they could together, lunch breaks, dinners, weekends at each other’s apartments watching movies, talking about work, about anything and everything.
After Champ had notified him that he was going to be allowed go back to field work, he invited you to dinner at his place. He decided to tell you everything then and there, about his wife, about his work; he had previously asked for permission for the last one, assuring his boss that this was serious and that he trusted you completely, he even told you about what he almost did during the whole Golden circle fiasco.
He had expected to see some kind of horror or judgement written in Indy’s face when he finally lifted his head when he stopped talking, he should have known better. He found understanding in your eyes, you told him how proud you were that he looked for help after everything he went through and that ‘James Bond job’ or not, you would be there for him.
You had also added an ‘Of course your alias is Whiskey!’ that made him laugh, but that was beyond the point.
You only asked, that every time he was to go on a mission that he’d let you know, and if he had to leave at a moment’s notice, he would call or text you as soon as he could, you also asked him to be careful.
“We just found each other I don’t want to lose you.” Were your exact words. He remembers because he kissed you as soon as you said them, it started slow and full of gratitude but it soon changed into a passionate one.
That had been the first of many nights, and mornings, he got to share his bed with you. You moved together shortly after that night. Going to bed every night and waking up with you at his side soon became the highlight of his days, if he could he would spend a lifetime just lying with you in bed. He savours every moment he gets by your side.
He had been sure, long before the date of your first year anniversary approached; both of you chose it to be the day you met; that he wanted to be there for you, he wanted to protect you, to make you as happy as you make him, to be anything you needed him to be, a friend, a lover, a life partner; you just had to say it and he’d do anything become that person.
He made a decision. They had already discussed the subject of marriage on more than one occasion, so he was sure it was something you would want or wouldn’t be opposed to it eventually. He still thought about it, long and hard for days.
After his first marriage he never thought he would be open to, well, any kind of relationship that went beyond one-night stands, but that was before therapy, before he worked on the demons inside his head; and now, now he just hoped you would be willing to take an old man as your husband. Again, he should’ve known better.
He planned everything, a romantic dinner at good restaurant; not too over the top fancy but with good food; then he would take you on a romantic walk through Central park, he knew of a spot that had a beautiful gazebo with a view to a pond, he decided he would ask you there; and of course, he sent to polish his mother’s ring.
She gave him the ring some time after his wife passed away and made him promise that he would only give it to his soulmate if he met them. His parents had been soulmates, and his grandparents as well, she explained that the ring had been in the family for many generations and more times than not the marriages had been between soulmates, maybe she believed the ring would bring him luck in finding his own.
With everything carefully planned, he just had to wait for the day to arrive.
But even the best-laid plans, often go awry.
The date fell on a Friday, he was just about to clock in when he received a call from Champ, he and Vermouth; previously known as their Ginger ale; where called for an emergency mission. A Band of extremist where planning a bombing, they got the location of their hideout and were tasked to take them out immediately.
While the mission wouldn’t take him to the other side of the planet, it would take him to the other side of the country, he knew even if they hurried up, he wouldn’t be back in time for the reservation; in fact, if he was lucky, he wouldn’t be back until midnight.
He remembers how much he had apologized to you as he called you on the Statesman’s plane, and bless you and your beautiful heart, you took it in stride, telling him it was fine and that you could celebrate the next day, that all you needed was for him to return to you safe and sound.
And he did just that. At around two in the morning, he opened the door to the apartment he shared with you, he left his hat and jacket at the entrance. He was beginning to un button his shirt when he saw you sleeping on the couch, a box of pizza on the coffee table and the tv still on.
It made him feel guilty but it also warmed his heart that you had tried to wait up for him, he decided against waking you up. He turned the tv off and took you in his arms, you only stirred a little bit before your breath evened out again. He placed you on your side of the bed and tuck you in; he took all of his clothes off except for his briefs before joining you in bed.
The next morning, he stirred awake at the feeling of your lips leaving small kisses all over his chest.
“Mmgood morning Moonshine.” He said, his voice rough from sleep.
“Good morning to you too, cowboy. Sorry I woke you up, but I couldn’t resist.”
“Nothin’ to be sorry about, love. Can’t think of a better way to wake up.” He had pull you closer to his side, your head resting on his arm. “’m sorry I missed our anniversary.”
“None of that Jack, I told you it’s okay. Besides, you can always make it up to me.” You said with mirth, running your hand up and down his torso.
He chuckled. “What did I do to deserve you?” he muttered as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
Both of you stayed quiet, just enjoying the moment, basking in the feeling of being in each other’s arms; until he broke the comfortable silence.
“Marry me.”
The words had just slipped through his lips. He knew neither of you really needed fancy restaurants or romantic venues, you just needed each other. So, what better place and moment to ask you to be his wife, than in the warmth of the home you shared, lying in each other’s arms in their bed.
“What?” He felt your hand stop its movement right on top of his heart, he was sure you had felt how fast it was beating.
“I said, marry me, Moonshine. Please?” You sat on the bed, watching him with an unreadable expression.
“Jack Daniels, you better not be joking.” You had pointed a finger to him.
“Tell me my love, if I wasn’t serious, would I have this?” He said as he also sat on the bed and reached inside of the drawer of the nightstand, taking the velvet box in his hand; not the best hiding place but he hadn’t planned for it to stay there for a long time; he opened it to show you the ring inside.
“Oh my god Jack!” you covered your mouth with your hands as your eyes became glossy with unshed tears.
“Indy, Indiana, my love, my Moonshine, my soulmate. You have no idea how blessed I feel to have you in my life, there aren’t enough words in the world to help me express how much I love you, how much you mean to me. You’re an amazing person, so kind, intelligent, strong and beautiful, and I’ll be more than honored to be your husband, if you’ll have me.” He held his breath as he watched you process what he just said.
He was beginning to get worried when you just sat there for a few seconds, that felt like an eternity to him, staring at him without saying a word. You took him by surprise when you jumped into his arms, just as he was considering on telling you that it was okay if you didn’t want to or that you could take your time before answering.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes Jack! Of course I’ll have you!” By the time he got the ring on your finger both of you were a sobbing mess. He didn’t let you leave the bed until way past noon, and only because neither of you had had breakfast. He had to take good care of his fiancée.
The wedding had been beautiful, only your closest friends and family were invited to the event.
Sometime after the wedding, Champ asked him to move back to Kentucky, he offered him a promotion, he offered him his own position in Statesman, saying that he was ready to retire and that he thought that, out of everyone else, he was the best candidate for it.
His past self would have jumped at the opportunity, not only would he be in charge of the intelligence agency, he would also become the major stockholder of the distillery; but he wasn’t that man anymore, it was a huge responsibility, even if it came with its benefits.
And he had a wife. Your friends lived here, your work was here, you had built a life for yourself in this city long before he came into your life; he couldn’t just go home and tell you ‘Darling, guess what? We’re moving to Kentucky!’ and he refused to leave you behind.
He thanked Champ for the offer and asked him for some time to think about it. He told you about it as soon as he got home. He told you that he couldn’t just ask you to leave what you worked so hard to get behind and follow him down south.
You let him speak, you let him ramble on and on about why it wasn’t a good idea, he also listed some of the positive things that came with accepting the promotion.
“Wait a minute.” You interrupted him in the middle of his tirade. “As the head or director or whatever you guys call it, you would be permanently stationed in Kentucky? As in no more field work?”
“Well, yes and no. At first yes, Champ will have to show me the ropes of everything, then I’ll probably still be active for some years but then well yes, eventually I won’t be sent on missions as frequently as right now. There’s also managing the distillery and that means normal corporate stuff like business trips and all that; it won’t be that different from what I already do here.” You nodded at his words.
“Do it. You have my support.” His eyes widened at that.
“But, but Moonshine, what about your work!?”
“What about it? I’m sure I can request a transfer, and if not I’m sure I can get a new job, it’s not like we’re moving to the middle of nowhere; I could also become a free-lancer.” You listed. “Listen Jack, if moving south means you’ll be risking your life less and less as time goes on, then we’re moving south.” And that was the end of the discussion, he knew the decision was made.
He let you choose the new house, he only asked for enough land to get a horse or two in the future; he was dying to take you on romantic rides; and you chose a beautiful roomy one, neither of you wanted to dismiss the possibility of children. The extra points of the house were the beautiful chimney inside and the fire pit on the back porch, it also had a barn not far from the main building.
And it was good that the house was quite large because half a year after moving in, he convinced you to go with him to a local farm animal expo on his day off. As you browsed through the various handmade items in display, he stumbled upon a woman selling teacup pigs, and while he had always considered himself more of a horses and dogs person, his curiosity got the better of him.
They were so adorable, one in particular caught his attention, he couldn’t resist the adorable beaded eyes looking straight at him; before he knew it, he was making his way back to you holding the little piggy in his arms.
He got a “Jack, why are you holding a pig like a baby?” from you the moment you saw him.
“Because she is! Just look at her she’s so cute, she’s my cute little lady.”
The conversation about the new member of their family continued on the way back home.
“I hope you’re not thinking about letting her stay inside the house once she begins to grow.”
“What are you talking about? Miss Daisy’s a teacup pig; she’ll only grow an inch or maybe three at most.”
“Oh, so it’s Miss Daisy! She already has a name and all that. I’m warning you; I’m not going to pick up what Miss Daisy produces after eating.” You said. “Wait, teacup pig? You are aware there’s no such thing as teacup pigs, right?”
“What do you mean? The woman said they were all teacup pigs.”
“Oh my god. My love, you have been deceived.”
He may not know a lot about pigs, but he couldn’t believe that that sweet woman had outright lied to him, right?
Wrong. Like always, you were right, and he fucked up. At least he eventually convinced you to let him keep Miss Daisy inside. She’ll always be a baby to him, no matter how big she got.
And then, he became an actual father. It wasn’t enough for you to give him so much love and happiness, now you had given him the greatest gift of all. She was perfect, from her tiny nose to her even tinnier toes.
If he had cried when you agreed to marry him, and cried even more when you gave him the news of your pregnancy; he was sure he cried a river the day their daughter was born.
Here he was, years later, still madly in love with you, still feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
He was brought back from his memories by a pair of hands sliding around his middle from behind.
“Hey, I made hot chocolate, want a cup?” He turned around to properly face you, a big smile on his face. “What? Do I have some coco powder on me?”
“No,” he shook his head “no. It’s just, well, you just took my breath away.” He said wiggling his eyebrows up and down in the way he knew always made you laugh.
“Pffff, Jack, I married you, you can stop saying stuff like that.”
“On the contrary, Moonshine, I shall keep on stating the truth of how my stunning wife makes me feel every single day of my life.” He leaned to give you a sweet short kiss.
“You haven’t answered Mr. Daniels, hot chocolate or do you want a cup of coffee?”
“Mmmm, I’ll have the chocolate this time, gotta honor the drink that brought you into my life, Mrs. Daniels.” He pressed his forehead against yours.
“What’s gotten into you today?” You asked, laughing softly as the hairs of his moustache tickled your upper lip.
“Nothing, just been reminiscing my happiest memories. Want to know a secret?” He whispered the question. “They’re all about you.” He leaned in for another kiss when the voice of his little girl calling for him reached them.
“Daddy! Daddy! Look! Look at Miss Daisy! Isn’t she pretty?” He turned his head from his Moonshine as his daughter came running up to them in her cute pajamas, just in time to see Miss Daisy as she came waddling behind his lil’ sweetheart wearing a pink tutu, a tiara and he noticed her glittery pink painted hooves.
“Wow, sweetheart! She’s really pretty!” He tried to sound excited for his daughter’s sake, but he knew it came out more strained than he wanted.
She giggled before running off back to her room, with, once again, Miss Daisy running after her.
“Want me to google if that nail polish could be potentially harmful for her while you put our little tornado to sleep?” God bless his wife.
“Yes, please.” He let out a sigh. “You’re amazin’ Moonshine.” He turned back to you before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I got you, cowboy.” He had to separate from your arms so he could go help their daughter keep her bed time schedule, otherwise they’ll surely have a cranky child for most of the next day.
“Hey honey! You want a bed time story?” he heard a distant ‘yay’ and a couple of snorts in response. “Be right back babe.” With a wink as he walked towards their daughter’s room.
Maybe he’ll never get used to this much happiness in his life, but he’ll never complain, what were the odds that he would meet his soulmate and build a beautiful home and a beautiful family with her. He must have done at least something right if he got to live this life.
And he will live it, to its fullest.
Tag list (do let me know if anyone wanst to be tagged in future works):
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buckybeardreams · 3 years
Chapters: 9/11
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Harley Keener
Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Service Top, Dominant Bottom, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Virgin Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Romantic Soulmates, First Meetings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sappy, Romantic Fluff, Awkwardness, Drinking to Cope, Self-Worth Issues, Insecure Tony Stark, Insecure Steve Rogers, Age Difference, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Bonding, Claiming Bites, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Non-Explicit Sex, Light Dom/sub, Mutual Masturbation, Coming Untouched, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Wordcount: 10.000-30.000, Knotting
Series: Part 1 of Second Chances
Steve is a soft Alpha and Tony is an in charge kind of Omega with no desire to find a mate. He doesn't want to find his soulmate and when he does meet Steve he's determined to stay away from him. 
That is until he realizes just how right they are for each other.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11
Can also be read here
Words: 1,612
"You're not unhappy that we bonded, right?"
Tony rolled his eyes.
"If I was I wouldn't be curled up in bed right now after letting you fuck my brains out."
Steve smirked.
"I think you were the one doing the fucking. I just laid there while you rode me."
"Yeah, but next time I'm gonna make you do all the work and I'm just gonna lay there and be the pillow princess. Let my Alpha take care of me," Tony said, his fingers trailing down Steve's chest and a sultry pout on his lips. "You'd do that for me, wouldn't you, Alpha?"
"You know I'd do anything to please you, baby."
"I know, because you're such a good boy," Tony murmured, kissing him. "Mm, as much as I'd love to stick around and let you fuck me on every surface in your apartment, I really have to get going or I'm gonna be late."
"I'll drive you," Steve offered.
"You're sweet, but no, I'm good. If I take you with me I'm just gonna end up fucking you in the break room and then the manager is gonna be an asshole about it."
Steve growled.
"I hate that guy more every time you talk about him."
Tony hummed, kissing him again.
"Yeah, well, I think most bosses disapprove of fucking in the employee's room. Even the not asshole ones.
"No, I don't mean that. We definitely can't do that, no matter how much I like the idea of you bossing me around at your work. I just think this Obie guy sounds like the worst and every time I've run into him just confirms that."
Tony didn't even try to disagree with that assessment.
"Like last week when he gave you shit for having to leave early because of your heat. There are laws in place to protect Omegas from being forced to work while in heat, but you practically had to beg him for the days off and then apologize for not being able to work and he still gave you shit about it. Then he had the audacity to act like he had done you some great favor and made you work extra shifts to make up for it. He didn't even pay you overtime, even though he made you work like sixty hours."
"Hey, hey, calm down. You're getting yourself all worked up about it and I don't want that. I appreciate your concern, I really do, and I love that you're so protective. Which is honestly something I never thought I'd say, but you need to take a deep breath. I've got it all under control."
Steve tried to take a deep breath, tried to calm down like his Omega told him to, but it didn't do much to alleviate his anger.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just wish you didn't have to deal with him."
"Well, I won't have to for much longer."
Steve frowned.
"What do you mean?"
Tony shifted on his lap, looking down at his lap nervously.
"Well, I was actually gonna tell you about this, but we've just been so caught up in our own little bubble and I didn't want to burst it by bringing up legal stuff. Besides, I almost forgot about it with all the newly mated hormones rushing through me," Tony rambled.
"Tony, love, just tell me."
"We tried to get Obie fired, but the owner, Alexander Pierce, was backing him, so we're taking him to court. They've been doing a whole bunch of shady stuff that's totally illegal, from paying people off to pass inspections and dealing drugs out back in the alley, to denying us health insurance, making us work overtime but not paying us overtime, and usually they make the Omegas work during heat. I think Obie only gave in this time, because he thought you might beat his ass if he called me in for work."
There was an amused smile on Tony's face, but he was looking at Steve, worried about his reaction. Steve was furious, but not at Tony. He knew that Obie was an asshole, but he had no idea just how bad it really was.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I shouldn't have let you work for a guy like that. I'm your Alpha. I should have protected you, provided for you so you didn't have to work-"
"Hey, no, stop," Tony told him. "I love you so much, Alpha, but I don't want that. This was my battle to fight and I wasn't about to let you take that away from me. I've been dealing with this bullshit for years and now I'm finally changing things. You have to let me do this."
Steve felt awed by his little Omega. So much strength wrapped up in such a small little package it was unbelievable, and to think he was all Steve's. Steve kissed him, hard and lingering.
"I would never take that away from you, Tony. I wouldn't dream of doing something like that, pretty Omega."
A shy smile crept onto Tony's face and his cheeks turned pink.
"Thank you, Alpha. That means a lot, and I mean, there's no guarantee that the next person who buys the place will be any better than Pierce, or that they will hire us all on again. There's really no guarantee anybody will buy the place anytime soon. Realistically, it'll probably be bulldozed and turned into a parking lot for the diner next door or something like that. We all know that we're probably gonna lose our jobs, but it's worth it to do the right thing and put Pierce behind bars."
Steve nodded, licking his lips and considering how to say what he wanted to say in a way that wouldn't offend Tony.
"You know that I think you're so strong and I'm so proud of you for doing this, right?"
Tony bit his lip, nodding uncertainly.
He wasn't sure where Steve was going with this.
"I think it's amazing that you're gonna do this and that you want to do this and I'll support you in this in any way that I can," Steve told him earnestly. "I know that this is your fight, Tony, and I would never take that away from you, but if you'll let me, I'd love to fight alongside you."
Tony broke out in a grin, wrapping his arms around Steve's neck.
"Yes! Oh my God, yes!" Tony squealed. "Fuck, you scared me there. I thought you were gonna say something awful, but I should have known you'd just say something charming and perfect."
Steve blushed, but he was grinning too.
"Right, well, you see, the thing is Tony that I have a lot of money-"
Tony pulled back, raising a brow at him.
" You have a lot of money. You , the eighteen year old artist and former virgin until I seduced your ass Alpha, has a lot of money?" Tony asked him, clearly amused and not believing him one bit. "Tell me, pretty boy, what do you consider a lot of money? The twenty dollar allowance your mommy gives every Saturday?"
Steve glared at him, but there wasn't any heat in it. If anything he was just really embarrassed and really turned on.
"Sam helped me out a lot when I was a kid. He helped me turn my life around and he helped get my art into some galleries. He's got this friend, an ex of his, Pepper Potts. She's like a brilliant business woman and she runs her own company, but she also has a few major art galleries where she displays art from some of the most prominent artists in the states. I'm talking big shots, well known artists that make hundreds of thousands of dollars selling one painting."
Tony was just staring at him, like he was having a hard time figuring out if this was just some elaborate joke or not.
"Steve... what are you trying to say?"
"I'm saying that she saw some of my work, loved it, and put it up in her galleries. I've only sold a handful, but I've made a lot of money. Your bar is not that great, no offense, and I don't really spend much of my money other than for, like, rent and groceries, so there's a lot of it just sitting around. We could probably just buy the bar. That is if you want to be an owner of a bar."
Steve swallowed hard and fidgeted nervously with the bottom of Tony's shirt when he didn't respond. Tony was just shocked and pretty sure he was dreaming.
"I'm sorry, what? You're joking, right?" Tony said in disbelief. "Are you telling me that you have hundreds of thousands of dollars just lying around?"
Steve squirmed under Tony.
"I mean, not literally. It's all in the bank. Most of it's in my savings account since it earns more interest that way-"
"Shut up, I don't care about that," Tony said, cutting off his nervous rambling. "Are you for real? You have that kind of money and you'd be willing to let me buy a bar with it?"
Steve bit his lip.
"Yeah, I mean, Tony, I'd do anything for you. So if you want a bar then I'll buy you a bar. It's no big deal."
"No big deal? It's a huge deal!"
Steve wasn't sure if he was upset or excited, but then Tony was wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him.
"Fuck, I love you so much. You know that, right?" Tony groaned against his lips.
Steve nodded, whimpering into his mouth when Tony kissed him again.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
94 for sternclay for the winter prompts??? Especially if trans stern because I love that for him:’) either nsfw or sfw, hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! Your writing is a gift
Thank you so much!  I went with NSFW, and Stern is indeed trans.
94. you overhear my ex mocking me for being single at a holiday party and introduce yourself as my SO with a kiss on the cheek but we’ve never spoken before 
The things he does to pay for culinary school. 
It’s not the catering gig that’s bothering him; he takes pride in making food at conferences and office parties better than expected. It’s the fucking red, white, and green uniforms they’re making them wear for this one. It’s hot, itchy, and he really would prefer to wear the winter sweater Thacker gave him last year. It’s rustic but festive. It’s also sitting in his car, because no one told him about these uniforms until he got here. 
You can’t spring a surprise uniform on a guy who’s 6’4 and 190 pounds. The vest digs into his stomach, the jacket is too tight, and the pants don’t cover his ankles. 
It’s too bad, this party is pretty fun to work. It’s for a big-name publisher looking to seem hip, so the band is good and the decorations don’t look like the Macy’s Parade puked all over the room. 
The meals aren’t sit down, more a five hour cocktail party with canapes on trays and a spread of food at the back. Barclay sets out a new plate of crostini, wondering if they have enough fruit for the evening, when someone taps his shoulder. 
“How can I help-”
“I need a refill.” James, his ex, smirks at him.
“Not the bartender.” Barclay picks up the empty tray. 
“I stopped being the guy to refill your drinks when you dumped me. Go ask whatever poor sap you dragged to this to do it for you.”
“Poor sap? Barclay, you sound like one of those boring mysteries you always read.”
“I’m trying not to swear, I’m at work.”
“Too bad you left me-”
“You broke up with me”
“-You could be enjoying the party instead of serving lukewarm food in a ridiculous outfit. Then again, looking like a clown suits you.”
“Man, c’mon.” Barclay can’t get into it here, James is absolutely the kind of guy who will use it to get him fired.
“Not surprised you haven’t found someone who wants to put up with your whole puppy-dog routine. What good is all that bulk if you’re just a pus-”
“There you are.” An arm snakes around Barclays waist and he freezes. James stands up straight, plastering on a smile.
“I wish I’d know ahead of time this is where you were working tonight. It feels wrong to be out mingling when you’re stuck back here. Oh well, next year.” A soft kiss lands on his cheek and in his surprise he turns to look at it’s source. 
The man is almost his height, trimmer and dressed in a black suit with a blue and silver tie. He’s blue eyed, with jet black hair slicked back and a face that puts every movie star Barclay can name to shame.
Barclay has no fucking clue who he is, or if he’s mistaking Barclay for someone else. He doesn’t seem drunk enough for that. 
“Mr. Stern, it’s an honor to meet you, I, uh, this-”
“This must be the ex you told me about, right, big guy?” Mr. Stern sets a protective hand at the small of his back.
“Uh, yeah. Babe, this is James.”
“So, where at Penguin do you work?”
“I, um, oh, look, someone is calling me. Bye, Barclay, nice seeing you again.”
The hand doesn't leave his back until James is out of sight.
“I’m sorry. He was harassing you and that seemed like the fastest way to make him stop.” Mr. Stern is still standing proud, but his voice is now softer, almost shy. 
“That’s, uh, that’s totally fine. I really appreciate the help. Kinda surprise you saw flirting as more appealing than, like, pretending to be my boss or something.”
“He’d know I wasn’t, trust me. And don’t sell yourself short, Barclay.” Blue eyes lock onto him and scan all the way to his feet, “even a bad fitting uniform can’t hide what you have you offer.”
“Th-thanks.” He’s either going to hide behind the serving tray or ask this guy to take him home and he’s not sure which will reinforce Jame’s “puppy dog” taunt more.
The other man, sensing his discomfort, steps back, “Sorry, that was inappropriate. I know better than to flirt with someone who’s at work and can’t escape. I shouldn’t keep you from doing what you need to do.”
“I get off at nine.” He thwacks the tray over his mouth, “ow. Uh, and I don’t mind talking to you. If you want to. I, uh, I don’t want you to feel like you have to spend this whole party chatting with the help instead of having fun.”
A sigh, “I should go mingle. It’s really okay if I come back?”
“Yeah.” Barclay smiles. There’s no way this guy is coming back; if he’s here single, he’ll have a date in the next five minutes. 
Fifteen minutes later, he’s standing a respectful distance away and asking Barclay how this compares to other parties he’s worked.  
“Middle-ground. It’s not the one time I got to work my friends art gallery opening, and it’s not the wedding where someone tried to deck the bride with the chocolate fountain.”
“Oh my lord.” 
“I was in the line of fire and was washing chocolate out of my beard for an hour.”
“No one at home to do it for you?” It’s not subtle, and nor is the glance he gets over the rim of a cocktail glass. 
“Some things I’d rather not ask Mama’s help on.” 
“You still live with family?” There’s no judgement in that smooth voice, just genuine curiosity.
“Oh, no, Mama’s my...I mean she’s technically my boss but she’s also my friend, almost like an older sister. I live above where I work because she owns the whole building and takes in staff rent-free when she can. It’s nice working at her place, since I can cut my hours doing this.” He gestures to the nearby table of season fare, “which does mean I missed the attempted kabob-maiming last week. Relatedly, I’m happy this isn’t an all you can drink party.”
“You and me both. Two years ago Dean Koontz threw a punch. I think it was--oh, um, excuse me, work calls.”
This time, Barclay allows himself a moment of ogling as Stern walks away.
They pick up where they left off when the other man comes back, leading Barclay to mention he’s a cook at Amnesty Lodge .
“Wait, really? I love the Lodge, the food there is incredible.”
Barclay’s skin matches his terrible red pants, “Thanks. The head chef has been letting me do more of the menu and I’m really proud of it.”
“You should be. It’s perfect, although it’s a pity you being in the kitchen means I haven’t seen you sooner.”
He tries to say thank you again, but it comes out a garbled squeak
“Was that too far?”  
“Nope. Uh, it’s uh, just that I’m out of practice flirting or, like, getting compliments. They were pretty thin on the ground in my last relationship.”
“I see.” He’s learning to watch Stern’s eyes rather than the rest of his face, which hardly ever changes from it’s calm, professional set. Said eyes drip with disapproval. 
Old habits of defending people--even ones who are dicks to him--kicks in, “I mean, he kind of has a point. No one wants to date a six foot puppy. Guys like me are supposed to be all in-charge and shit like that.”
Stern raises an eyebrow, “maybe you’re looking in the wrong places.”
“Got any ideas on where I, uh, should be looking?” He takes a half-step towards Stern, standing up straighter. Stern doesn’t move an inch, but gives him a proud smirk. The pride is directed at Barclay.
“Lots. And I’ll share them as soon as you’re off the clock.”
“Don’t I even get a hint?” Another step.
“No, Barclay, you don’t. You’ll just have to show me you can be patient.” His tone changes, laced with the promise of a hidden prize that Barclay will do anything to earn. 
He just manages to whisper out “okay” as Stern is called away again. When he comes back, Barclay setting out clean plates and more silverware. They talk about restaurants, about Barclay’s friends and all the ways he tries to help them. Barclay endeavors to not go into full begging mode in public by looking at Sterns wrists rather than literally anywhere else on his body.
“What are those things in your cufflinks?”
“The Hodag. It’s a cryptid from Northern Wisconsin, and a really excellent example of completely fabricated cryptid that nevertheless goes on to have a life of it’s own. It’s very common in small towns, since if it goes well it acts a tourist draw. In fact, there’s some indication that even the Loch Ness Monster began as just such a hoax and-” He snaps his mouth shut, clears his throat, “sorry, I try not to talk shop at these things. It, um, tends to get on people’s nerves.”
“But I wanted to hear the rest. I mean, I have a high info-dumping tolerance because of one of my friends, but also you clearly know your stuff and I have no clue about any of it so please keep talking?”
Stern’s face is full of excitement, and he grows more animated as he talks. It’s the cutest goddamn thing Barclay’s ever seen, and he saw Dr. Harris Bonkers, his friend’s rabbit, as a baby bunny in a bow-tie. 
He clocks out two minutes after nine, and Stern is waiting for him near the doors to the staging room. 
“Are those the only clothes you have with you?”
“No. I have nicer stuff in the car that I planned on wearing.”
“Go get it. Here, I’ll walk down with you so you won’t have trouble getting back in the building.”
After jogging to his car while Stern waits for him in the gold and silver tinseled lobby, the older man guides him to an elevator. He’s pretty sure Stern is older than him; he’s a big deal, but not in some sort of prodigy way, which means he needed some time to get so well-known. 
They’re so busy coming up with Cryptid-themed ice cream flavors that Barclay doesn’t notice the floor number until they step out into a darkened hall.
If Stern brought him up here so they could have a quick fuck, he’ll jump for joy. 
“My office is this way. I figure you might like changing not in front of your co-workers or in a bathroom.”
Damn it, why does he have to be considerate instead of horny?
The office Stern brings him to is modestly sized with a huge bank of windows on the one side, facing out over the city. From here he can see apartments, stores, restaurants, all lit up in festive colors, trees dotting the little boxes of light. 
Stern locks the door, leans back against it, and nods at the clothes in Barclays arms, “Put them on.”
“Here?” He eyes the wide windows, the fact that the other man makes no move to leave or turn around.
He manages, around the heart trying to hammer up his throat, “Are, uh, are you gonna watch?”
“Do you want me too?” There it is, the immediate softness in his voice, and Barclay understands that if he says no, he’ll have his privacy.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” He reaches for the vest, gets the first button and goes for the second in a hurry. 
Stern raises his hand in a ‘pause’ gesture, “Slow down.”
“Yes, yes Mr. Stern.”
A gentle laugh, “Not quite, big guy. Were we anywhere else, I’d tell you to call me Joseph. But here..” he tucks his hands casually into his front pockets, “here you call me sir.”
“Fuck”  Barclay battles himself to keep his pace slow, needing to be good but also so turned on he’s afraid he’ll start humping the furniture. He forces himself to wait a count of two between each button, gets his vest and shirt off without further instruction. Stern watches him the entire time in silent appreciation. His shoes and pants are more awkward to take off while standing, and he braces himself on the desk, not wanting to sit without permission. 
Then he’s standing there in nothing but his black boxers and the lights of town, laughter floating from the party while Stern studies him like a menu. 
“Fold every and set it on the chair.” 
He follows orders, boggles at getting hard from someone telling him to fold laundry. Jesus, Stern hasn’t even touched him. Is he even planning to? Barclay can’t decide which option he likes better. He returns to his spot in front of the desk, hands folded in front of him. 
“Should I, uh, get dressed, sir?”
Stern pushes off the door, walking casually over like a shopper regarding a display, “That depends; do you want to do back to the party with your cock hard enough to hammer nails?”  He glances down, then back up with a pointed stare. 
“N-not really.”
Stern raises an eyebrow. 
“Not really, sir.”
“Then we’ll have to do something about it.”
“Are you sure we should do it here?”
“Barclay, if we get caught, I’ll be twice as mortified as you. I’m only doing this because we’ve got this whole floor to ourselves.” He cups Barclay’s cheek and the sighs, rubbing his face against a warm palm. 
“Okay sir, I trust you.”
A moan curls up between them as Stern’s other hand runs along his chest.
“Good boy. You like to be good, don’t you, Barclay? You like taking care of people?” 
“Yes, so much sir, please, lemme be good to you.”
Joseph strokes his face, “That’s very thoughtful, Barclay. But I think it’s been awhile since someone took care of you. Would you like me to do that?”
“Please, sir.” The response is pulled from him, one of the many parts of him aching magnetically to be near to Stern. 
The other man shoves his right hand down Barclays boxers, sliding his thumb over the head once before stroking steadily up and down. 
“Holy fuck” Stern gasps, “a guy could have a lot of fun with this thing.”
“It’s all yours, sir.” 
Fuck, where did that come from?
Stern groans, tips his head to kiss across Barclays chest, murmuring as he does, “Is that what you want, Barclay? You want this” he speeds up until Barclay’s hands fly to the edge of the desk, keeping him from dropping to the floor, “to be mine?”
He whines, nodding.
Stern’s hand stops.
It starts up again, “what else do you want, big guy?” He’s still kissing all over his upper body, tone nonchalant.
“You, sir, I wanna fuck you or, or you can fuUUUck me if you want, not very good at bottoming-”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Stern lightly pinches his nipple, “what else?”
“I want to blow you, and, and FUCK, I bet you’re a fucking great kisser and I want you to fucking boss me around as much as you want, wanna wear a collar, a blue one, ohfuck” Barclay scrapes his nails along the woodgrain, “fuck, sorry, that was weird-”
“No, say more” his grip tightens and to Barclay’s surprise he’s panting, “tell me everything you want, even it’s got nothing to do with sex.”
“I want, fuck, to be tied up and told how good I am, want to wear something stealth sexy out in public, want to fuck in a cabin” his mouth is fully ahead of his mind, which is concentrated entirely in his dick right now, “want to eat at every five star place in the city, want to drag you places by that fancy tie, have a new car, buy any cookbook I see, I want, oh fuckohfuck, sir, I wanna cum please, want to so bad.”
“You can cum whenever you like, big guy. But you have to kiss me while you d-” 
He cuts Stern off with a kiss, clinging to his shoulders and pouring desperate, deep sounds down his throat. Stern kisses back with precision and a pleased moan when Barclay cums in his boxers. 
Stern eases his hand out and Barclay flops against him, face buried in his neck as he rumbles out a thank you. 
“D-do you want me to blow you, sir?”
Stern kisses below his ear, “Yes, but that’s not doable right now. Unlike you, I don't have a change of clothes, and something tells me you’re a, um,” he bites Barclays ear, “messy eater.”
“Only when I’m enjoying myself, sir.” 
“You don’t have to keep calling me that, unless it helps you come down.”
“I’m okay, Joseph. Heh” he smiles, inhales a minty cologne, “I like that name. It’s classic.”
“Thanks, I picked it myself.”
Barclay chuckles, snuggles closer while ignoring the sticky underwear. 
“You know, I can give you everything you want. If you want me to.”
“Some of those are really fucking expensive, babe.”
“You really have no clue who I am, do you?” Stern steps back, moving to the other side of the desk and pulling out a packet of wet-wipes, sliding one across to Barclay before cleaning his hands.
“A really cute guy who should let me take him to dinner?” Barclay pulls down his underwear to clean the cum from his stomach.
“Ever heard of Lucky Park?”
“No fucking way. I man, I know it’s a pen name, but there’s no fucking way, a guy who’s never off the NYT Bestseller list wouldn't fuck a nobody cook.”
“If the cook was hot and interesting to talk to he would. The kitchen skills help a little.” Stern winks
“But you wrote The Peregrine Quintent,  and Red Dust, jesus christ your stuff has been movies.”
“Now you see why James was so startled; I’m Penguins golden goose. That’s why I even have time to write books on cryptids; they know to indulge me. Plus I put out at least a book every two years for them and it always makes a fortune. Do you need to sit down? You look kind of lightheaded.”
“I’m fine, uh, just trying to make sense of it all. Also I can’t sit down unless you want my bare ass on your chair.”
“Another time. I guess you’re going commando for the rest of the party, but I think you can handle it, big guy.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” He grabs his pants and pulls them on, “holy fuck, this can’t be real, it doesn’t make sense.”
“Barclay” Stern touches his arm, “it absolutely makes sense. I had so much fun talking with you, you’re such a, um, a sweetheart. And you’re built like a wet dream. If, um, if this is too much too soon, tell me to back off but I, I’m serious. I can’t remember the last time I got butterflies like this around someone, or wanted to buy things or do things just to make them smile. You clearly look after so many people in your life; will you let me look after you, at least for a little while?”
“You really want to?”
“Unlike some people, I like big men with a gentle center. You can be my six foot puppy any time. Wait, hold on, that, um, that came out weird.” Stern giggles and Barclay, now dressed, pulls him into a kiss. 
“I get it, babe. You wanna go show me off?”
“Of course. I’ll get my camera ready; we have to record your exes reaction.” Stern kisses his cheek, “after all, maybe this will teach him to know a good man when he sees one.”
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
One Last Time (Part 2 of 2)
Summary: ModernAU! Mini Series! With her best friend’s wedding around the corner, Ella Monroe is bound to run into people from her past. While she may have left her old life behind, it seems as though her heart hasn’t.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, feat: Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Warnings: Swearing, heavy angst, infidelity, mentions of drinking, implied smut.
A/N: Part Two is here! (It’s long and im sorry lol) This idea was so much fun to write! Thank you as always for all the love on Part One, I’m so honored you’re reading my work! Buckle up, y’all. You’re in for quite the ride. <3 (taglist is still open, just send an ask!)
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @star-spangled-beard-burn @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide @snapcapquartet @ellen-reincarnated1967 @unlistedpond @my-drowning-in-time @supernaturalwintersoldier @kimvmarvel @roseboho @disaffectedbarnes​ (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)
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“I was wondering how long you were gonna avoid me.”
Your breathe caught in your throat. Suddenly, it felt like ice water was rushing down your spine.
You couldn’t think—couldn’t move. You had to will your brain to function again.
“What exactly makes you think you’re worth me avoiding?” You hissed.
Bucky’s voice was ingrained into your memory—you’d know it anywhere. The biggest crowds or the largest rooms, you could pick out his tone.
He let out a small chuckle. “It’s good to see you, Els.”
He was sat in a shadowed part of the patio, it’s no wonder you didn’t see him when you came out.
You scoffed, “Is it? Wish I could say the same there, buddy.”
The shock of seeing him had faded; how were you this composed? You’d always thought you’d be putty in his hands if you ever saw him again.
Turns out your backbone was made of fucking steel.
Bucky stood, gripping onto what you assumed was bourbon—his go-to drink.
On the rocks, three fingers high. You thought, hating yourself for remembering.
When he stepped into the light, it was clear why your backbone had been strong; you hadn’t seen his face yet.
You’d be a liar if you said he looked bad. He was still handsome as ever. He had a bit of a beard now, the stubble of one at least, and his hair was shorter thank you’d ever seen it.
“Wanda said you asked if I was here.” You crossed your arms, shielding yourself from him.
He nodded, taking a sip of his drink. “I did.”
You waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. The only sound between the two of you was the ice clinking against his glass.
“You gonna tell me why?” You sneered.
Bucky smiled and shook his head. “Just curious, Els. Just curious.”
Why is he smiling? What the fuck does he have to smile about?
“Right, I’m sure curiosity is what made you hide out here. Alone.”
He finished his drink with one final toss, “Actually, I was with Steve, but he said he was grabbing drinks for you guys, so...figured I didn’t wanna intrude.”
Your arms fell to your sides, “Intrude?” You asked.
Bucky nodded, “Yeah. On your date. Personally, I don’t see it, but if he’s what you’re into now-a-days, then...” he drifted off.
Your blood began to boil. “What I’m into?” You echoed. “I’m not here with Steve, James. Even if I was, I don’t think that’s any of your fucking business.”
His eyes widened, confidence drained from his face. “No, no, Els I didn’t mean—“
“And another thing, what makes you think you have even the smallest right to make that comment? Or any comment! It’s been 5 years, James!” You’d shouted, grateful for the music bumping inside.
Bucky scrubbed a hand down his beard, “I know, I know...shit. This isn’t how I wanted this to go.”
“This?” You asked, “There is no this. Hasn’t been for a long time, you made sure of that.”
When he didn’t reply, you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“Ya know what? You’re not worth the aggravation. I’ve been there with you and there’s nothing good in it for me.” You start heading towards the doors to go back inside.
“Enjoy the wedding, James.” You say without looking at him.
Your hand touches the door, when he calls out to you. “Ella?”
Your gaze is returned to him once more.
“Y-you look beautiful, Doll.” He says.
You, on the other hand, don’t say anything.
Once your back inside, you find Wanda and Sam and Steve and finish the rest of your night in the company of your friends.
All while wondering if that crack you heard in Bucky’s voice was real or not.
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“Vomit. I’m going to vomit.” Wanda said, fanning herself.
You rushed back to her with a glass of cold water. “Oh no you’re not, not in this dress and that makeup. I won’t allow it.”
She sipped the cold drink, “I’m starting to regret having no one up there with me.”
You adjusted her veil, primping the last bit you could. “No shit.” You joked.
She let out a long breathe, and then inhaled deeply. “I’m getting married. God, this is crazy.”
You smiled softly, “It’s not crazy. No one, and I mean no one deserves this more than you.”
Wanda’s eyes landed gently on yours, “You do.”
You sat with that for a moment. Your best friend is standing here, minutes before she walks down the isle, trying to get you to understand that you are worthy of love, and that you deserve your happy ending.
“I love you, Wan.” You choked out. “But if you make me cry I’m gonna kick you ass.”
You both laughed out your nerves. “Whew...okay, distract me. I can’t sit here for 10 more minutes in silence.”
You waited a moment, thinking on what to say, before you blurred out what was weighing most on your mind.
“I saw Bucky last night.” You whispered.
Wanda eyes expanded, “What? You didn’t tell me!”
You roll your eyes at her dramatics, “There’s nothing to tell, Wan.”
“Well what did he say?!” She prodded.
You recounted the small interaction to her. Her face making the funniest expressions with each added detail.
“Then he said ‘this isn’t how I wanted this to go’...whatever that means.” You said, handing her her bouquet.
“Anything else happen?” God damn this girl could read you like a book.
You cleared your throat. “I was uh, I was walking back inside and he stopped me and said ‘you look beautiful, doll’...”
Her jaw dropped, “He so wants you back.”
You laughed. Genuinely laughed. “Wanda, you’re psychotic.”
She slapped your shoulder, “Am not! He obviously regrets what he did and how things ended. Maybe he wanted to use this weekend to apologize?”
You shook your head subtly, slipping your heels back on. “James Barnes does not apologize.” You stated flatly.
5 Years Earlier, before the breakup.
“Buck, please stop.” You whispered to him.
He was being brash, loud, and boisterous at the very first work event you’d been invited too.
Oh yeah, and he was piss drunk off of the open bar.
“Stop what? I’m just telling stories, Doll.” He said, louder than he realized.
You colleagues all gave you looks of pity. Your boss Pepper was watching you with a curious eye, not judging, just taking in your interaction.
That was somehow worse.
“Bucky, please...everyone is looking at you. This is my job. You’re—“
“I’m what, Els?” He slurs loudly.
Your feel the blood rush to your face. “James...” you warn.
“What is it? Am I embarrassing you? I’m not fancy enough to hang out with your work pals, is that it?” His words are laced with venom. How long had he been feeling like this?
Your face softened looking at your boyfriend. About to speak, you notice Pepper making her way through the crowd.
You panic, “Alright, time to go.” Quickly, you grab Bucky’s hand and yank him toward the door.
You don’t stop walking until you’re a safe distance away from the building where the conference was being held.
“What is the matter with you?!” You shout unable to keep composure any longer.
Bucky’s face is stoic, and unfazed by your outburst.
“I was trying to have fun, but those uptight douchebags wouldn’t know fun if it—“
“I work with those people, James! My boss was watching you make an ass of yourself the whole time!” You can’t help the anger settling in your bones.
He scoffed, “So you are embarrassed of me. Noted.” He said walking past you.
But he paused, turning on his heel to take a few steps back to you. “Ya know what, Els? I didn’t have a fancy education and I don’t have a big, cushy job. I’m just an average fucking guy. I can’t fit in with these people, I don’t belong with those people.”
You cross your arms. Have you really become this couple? Fighting on the streets of Manhattan in the freezing cold?
“Have I ever asked you to be someone else? I invited you because my Boss told everyone to bring their spouses.” You take a step toward him.
Bucky sighed, running his hands down his face. “We’re just...two different people, Ella.”
All at once it feels like the winds been knocked out of you.
“Yeah. Yeah we are. But unlike you, I don’t see you the way you do. I see a hardworking man. A guy who has taken care of everyone else his whole life, and who deserves to have someone finally take care of him. I see a man who takes pride in his work and enjoys what he does. I see a guy who pays his bills on time, and who always manages to surprise me with even the smallest of gestures. I see the man I love, James.”
You were crying. How long had he felt so inadequate? It broke your heart to think he didn’t feel as important as he was to you.
“I can’t help my job. I can’t help my education. But don’t you dare throw those things in my face. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am, and I’m damn proud of myself for it.
He watched you for a moment, his jaw clenched tightly. Bucky shoved his hands in his pocket before hanging his head low. “I’m...I don’t know what to say.”
Damn his pride. You thought to yourself.
You reached out to him, cupping his cheek in your hand. “I know. It’s okay.”
He kissed your palm, before pulling you into him. “I’m not good enough. I know I’m not. Not for you.”
Bucky kissed your forehead, and for some reason, you weren’t sure why, it felt like he was saying goodbye.
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The wedding was beautiful. Not a dry eye in the house—certainly not from you.
“Nat was a blubbering mess.” Sam jested.
“Excuse me for being over-emotional!” She said gesturing pointedly at her stomach.
You laughed, “I cried too, Nat, don’t worry.”
“Hey, got your table cards, guys.” Steve said, walking over to the three of you.
“Thank you,” you said with a smile, “She seat us together?”
He nodded, “Sure did, thank goodness.” Steve smiled, handing you your card.
“I need to go sit and eat and eat some more—in that order.” Nat said.
You walked to the beautifully set circular table, walking around to find what seat your place card was on. That’s when you noticed the fifth seat at the table.
“Who else is seared with us?” Sam asks.
Picking up the seat card between your seat and Steve’s, you felt you stomach do a back flip.
“Is that my seat?” A voice asked, approaching you from behind.
Not a voice. His voice.
You spin to see him. Bucky. Standing there with a sheepish grin on his face.
Practically throwing the place card down, you swiftly take your seat. “Looks like it.”
Wanda, I’m going to kill you. You think to yourself.
Bucky said his hello’s to everyone, taking his seat. “I didn’t know about this, I swear.” He whispers to you.
“It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. Just...don’t talk to me.” You whisper harshly.
From the corner of your eye, you can see the defeat on his face as he sinks back into his chair. Since when does he have feelings?
You perk up at the clinking of a fork against a crystal glass. “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen? We’re going to have a few words from the Bride and Groom before dinner is served.” Wanda’s brother announced.
Vis went first. He spoke about how he and Wanda had met, and how quickly he fell in love with her. He spoke about what he loved about her in more detail than I’d ever heard some describing anything.
He loved her. He was in love with her.
It warmed your heart to see how safe and happy your friends heart was. A soft smile landed on your lips as you watching Wanda stand and join Vis to speak.
“You ever want something like this?” Bucky whispered to you as their speeches continued.
You glance at him quickly, shocked at the ease in which he spoke to you. His face was gentle, his eyes seeming desperate for an answer.
“What, a wedding? Sure I did.” You said earnestly.
He paused for a moment, clearly nervous to speak again. “D-Did you ever want it with me?”
You hesitated. Why is he asking you this here, now? Was Wanda right? Was this all a big plan to apologize?
You sighed, turning away from him slightly. “You were my everything at one point, Buck. Future included.”
You wondered if that sentence had hurt him the way it hurt you.
Wanda continued her speech. What she was saying you weren’t sure, your mind was exactly where you didn’t want it.
With Bucky.
Despite your back being to him, you felt his stare. The heat coming off of his body, ironically enough, made you shiver.
“Ella...” his voice strained from behind you.
You did a half turn to see his face. His eyes were watery with tears, and his jaw was locked. “Can I—can we talk? Please.” He begged.
You don’t know how it happened. Maybe it was the sincerity in his tone, or the loss of hope in his eyes, but before you know it, you’re following him out to the hallway, into an empty stair well.
“I just wanna talk, I promise.” He confesses.
You roll your eyes, “You said that already, James.”
Bucky groans. “For Christ’s sake, will you stop calling me that?”
A scoff passed your lips, “It’s your name. If you’d like, I’m sure I can come up with some other things to call you.” You quipped.
He stood still finally, “It makes it sound like we’re fucking strangers, Ella .”
“That’s because we are!” You shout. “It’s been five years, probably more since I’ve seen you, let alone spoken to you. You don’t know me anymore, and I’m fairly certain I never actually knew you.”
The feeling of your heart beating out of your chest took over. You were allowing yourself to feel for the first time in all these years. All the hurt and the pain and the rage he’d caused your heart was being laid bare.
“Yes you did. You were the only one who ever saw the real me.” He said somberly.
You scoffed, “Good to know. The real you is a cheater and a liar. Noted.”
He groaned furiously, “No! For fucks sake that’s not what I meant.”
You watched the struggle happening within him. Bucky was never a “good talker” as he used to say, that’s why he always wrote letters. It was obvious he was trying to piece together some kind of coherent thought.
“Just say what you wanted to say, James.” You urge him, crossing your arms.
He shook his head. “I’m not...fuck, I’m still not good at this. You’d think I would have learned how to fucking apologize by now.”
Your breathing hitched, “What did you say?”
He sighed, “I’m taking a really long time to...just fucking say...I’m sorry. God, I’m so fucking sorry for what I did to you.”
Suddenly ice water was coursing through your veins. He said sorry. James Barnes said he was sorry.
You couldn’t speak, and even if you could, what would you say?
His voice was shaking as he spoke, “I was so fucking selfish and blinded by my own insecurities, that I let it ruin the best thing in my life. You were...God, you were everything I could have ever wanted.” He smiled, presumably getting lost in his memories of the two of you.
He stepped closer to you, and to your surprise, you didn’t back away. “But just cause I wanted you doesn’t mean I deserved you, and I guess deep down I knew that. Hell, I wanted to break up after that disaster at your office party. Remember that? That’s when I knew if we stayed together, I’d just drag you down with me.”
His words broke—re-broke your heart. The tears stinging your eye were begging to be shed. But Bucky was speaking without hesitation now, so you let him.
“I tried, Doll. I tried so many fucking times to be a man and end it. But then you’d come home after a long day and look so fucking happy to see me,” his voice cracked with emotion, “and I couldn’t do it. You were so perfect, and so good to me. I was a selfish prick who wanted to soak you in a little more before I knew I’d have to push you away.”
“You had no right to make that decision!” You sobbed.
Bucky reached out and wiped your tears off your cheeks. Why don’t you push him away?
“Honey, I was a broken, immature boy pretending to be the man you deserved...” a tear fell down his cheek as well.
You finally pushed him back, wiping your own eyes. “So you decide to fuck another girl in our bed? That was your great plan to push me away? How about be honest, Bucky!”
He stood there, taking his verbal beating. “You could’ve told me how you were feeling. I would have told you how ridiculous that was--how much I fucking loved you! How I would have helped you in any way you needed me too. But you decided to fucking kill me instead. You broke me, Bucky. The life we had wasn’t perfect, but it was ours.”
He scrubbed his face with his hands, sniffling when he shoved them back in his pockets. “I know. I know what I did. I see your face every God damn day of my life. That look on your face when you saw that girl in our house.”
You bit your lip, the painful memories of that day making your stomach churn.
“I never slept with her, though.” Bucky says plainly.
You scoff, “and here I thought for one we were finally being totally honest with each other.”
He put a hand over his heart. “On my life, Doll. I didn’t. Had I planned too? Yeah. But you came home that afternoon and thankfully I never did.”
“James...” you scold, “I saw her! She was pretty much naked in our bedroom!”
He nods, “She had gone to the bathroom to look for the condoms I hid in there. She couldn’t find them though, that’s when she walked out and you walked in.”
As you pieced together his story, your eyes flitted from side to side. “So..so you never cheated, you just intended too. But you never actually slept with someone else.” These were questions from you. They were statements. You were trying to make sense of all of this.
“Not that it makes any of what happened better, but I was gonna tell her to leave as soon as she came outta the bathroom. Honestly? I couldn’t get it up at all.” He jokes to ease the moment.
“Buck...” you chided
“I’m serious! I felt so fucking guilty, Els. I couldn’t do it. Besides she...” he drifted off.
“She what, Buck?”
His cerulean eyes met you for the first time. “She wasn’t you, Baby.”
He’d called you that so many times. This time it felt different, it felt familiar. It felt right.
You shook your head, “Stop it, James.” Your lips quivered as you spoke.
He refused, “No. I lost you once, because of my own arrogance and stupidity, I’m not gonna do it again. Do you know how many times I wanted to write you? I have so many letters written, all of them unsent because I knew you’d never wanna see me again.”
He’d written you? He’d thought about you? All these years and you’d thought he’d forgotten you.
“I’ve loved you...what seems like my whole life, Els.”
You sniffled, “So what do you expect? Us to fall into each other’s arms and pretend like the last five years didn’t happen?”
He shook is head. “Of course not. I don’t even know what I was hoping for, really. I just needed you to know the truth, and for you to know how deeply and wholly sorry I am.”
In an instant, the world had changed. You were no longer holding onto the bitterness that had seeded itself into your heart. You’d seen Bucky in a new light, granted not a flattering one, but a true one.
One that showed he wasn’t the heartless monster you’d been believing he was for years.
“I forgive you.” You choked out.
A muffled sob snuck past his lips. “C-Can I hug you?” He asked timidly.
You hesitated, but eventually nod. In an instant, Bucky’s arms are enveloping you. His warm chest comforting your shaking body.
He held you for what felt like hours, inhaling your scent, and caressing you’re back.
But you didn’t mind.
It felt good to be held again, and to be held by Bucky felt familiar.
He pulled away slightly, to look at your face. His eyes roamed over every detail, like he was afraid he’d forget something if he’d never see you again.
“Buck.” You practically whisper.
He smiled, “I can’t kiss you...right?”
You bit your lip. “No...no. Definitely not. Right?” You reply weakly.
He stepped back, “Yeah, that’s...that’d be too much.”
You smoothed you’re dress down, and tucked some hair behind your ear. “Exactly. Yeah.”
“We should get back out there anyway. I have a feeling we’re missing that very expensive dinner.” He laughed.
You smiled softly, “Don’t wanna miss that.” You jest.
Bucky let you walk in front of him, leading the way.
You grasp the door handle, but before you can swing it open, Bucky grabs your hand and twirls your body into his.
Without missing a beat, his lips are on yours before you even have time to think. Like second nature, you melt under his touch.
Mouths moving with a remembrance and familiarity that you hadn’t felt in forever. Hands searching for changes in each other’s bodies—there were none.
“Bucky. Buck...stop. Stop.” You moaned.
He did as he was asked, “What—what’s wrong?” He breathed into you.
“We can’t do this...not here.”
He pulled back, hesitantly, but he does. “You’re right. Shit, I’m sorry.”
You laugh, “Don’t be. We just...we can’t just jump back into things like that. We gotta get to know each other again. Okay?”
He smiled whole heartedly. “Really?”
You nod. “Just...don’t make me regret this, Bucky. Please.”
Bucky grabbed your hand, bringing it to his mouth. He placed a chaste kiss on your palm, before closing it and returning it to your heart. “I promise you, Ella. I promise I’ll make this right.”
And you believe him.
Is it against your better judgement? Maybe. But you know the old saying, ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...”
As you walked back to the reception with him, you saw Bucky with new eyes. You no longer looked at him with disdain and malice, but instead, you saw hope.
Hope for not only your future and his, but hope for one you can build together.
In the end that’s all you wanted, something that everyone in your life seemed to have and believe you deserved.
A happy ending.
Part One
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 years
Cold As Ice
The Flash Captain Cold stars in: Cold As Ice
Dramatis Personae
Captain Cold, the pragmatic, constantly grumpy leader of the Rogues, alias Leonard Snart
Pied Piper, a Robin Hood-esque thief, alias Hartley Rathaway
Heat Wave, the dimwitted but surprisingly friendly pyromaniac, alias Mick Rory
Iris Allen, the daredevil reporter who is also the wife of Barry Allen
Mirror Master II, an extremely odd, extremely Scottish criminal, alias Evan McCulloch
Act I
(Captain Cold is onstage. Enter Heat Wave)
Heat Wave: Captain Cold! It’s so good to see ya! (Hugs Cold)  
Captain Cold: Two words, Mick: Personal. Space.
Heat Wave: Oh. Sorry, boss. I just got excited. (Releases Cold)  It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Are you okay, buddy? Where’ve you been?
Captain Cold: Mainly, the prison infirmary. Got double pneumonia, and somethin’ called septic shock along with it, so I was in there for like a month. And then my ulcer started actin’ up again, so I was there for even longer. And THEN I had appendicitis on top of everything else. So, long story short, I was stuck in there until last week, and I only escaped two days ago.
Heat Wave: Oh, so THAT’s why I couldn’t find you!
Captain Cold: Yeah, that would probably be why. (Pause) What happened while I was out? I spent most of my time in the infirmary coughing, vomiting, or unconscious, so I wasn’t able to keep track of nothing.
Heat Wave: Well, the Trickster’s back in town, Captain Boomerang’s broken leg is healed, and your sister and the Top are in Hawaii for the fifth anniversary of their first date.
Captain Cold: WHAT? Heat Wave: Don’t worry, boss. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.
Captain Cold: That’s not what I’m worried about.
Heat Wave: Then what are you worried about? It’s not like they’re chasing tornadoes or anything.
Captain Cold: I’m worried about what that stuck-up snob might do to my baby sister when I’m not there to protect her. He thinks people like us are trash, and it would be just like him to decide that she’s not worthy of his affections and dump her. I don’t want her to get hurt like that.
(Enter Pied Piper)
Heat Wave: Boss, the Top wouldn’t do that. He’s our friend.
Captain Cold: No, he ain’t. He’s an arrogant creep who thinks he’s better than us.
Heat Wave: If you say so, boss. (Notices Piper) Boss, look who’s here! It’s the Pied Piper! I’ve been trying to find him for weeks! (To Piper) Hiya, little buddy!
Pied Piper: (Slightly surprised) Hello, Mick. It’s a pleasure to see you.
Heat Wave: How are you? Pied Piper: Homeless. Again. You see, I was going to get a nice little cottage in the suburbs somewhere, but then I ran into a very pregnant woman whose husband had just lost his job, so I had to give her some money, and then I met a poor little boy who really wanted a football, so I bought it for him, and then I stumbled upon a youth center that was about to close for lack of funds, so I gave them some money, and then I met a really nice old lady who needed an operation that she couldn’t afford, so I gave her some money, and then I heard about a flood in India, and so I had to donate some money to that cause, and then I met a family with a little girl who needed a wheelchair, so I gave her some money, and then I was broke, so I couldn’t buy the cottage.
Heat Wave: I can give you some money, little buddy.
Captain Cold: Don’t bother. He’ll just give that away, too. (To Piper) Kid, how many times do we have to go over this? You ain’t rich no more. If you don’t wanna be homeless, you have to keep some of the money you steal for  yourself.
Pied Piper: I can’t do that! I spent the first twenty years of my life in palatial luxury. If I’m going without now, it’s only fair. My family has utterly ignored the plight of the poor in this city, and if I have to be homeless to make things right, so be it!
Captain Cold: You’re crazy. (Pause) When was the last time you ate, kid? You’re so thin I can see your ribs!
Pied Piper: Um ...three days ago? I think?
Captain Cold: Three days ago? Are you tryin’ to kill yourself? You ain’t used to bein’ cold and hungry. If you keep this up, one of these days the Flash is gonna be arresting your corpse!
Heat Wave: The boss is right, little buddy. It ain’t healthy to starve yourself to help people.
Pied Piper: I wasn’t planning to not eat for three days. It just happened.
Captain Cold: Then plan better, you idiot!
Heat Wave: (pulls out granola bar) Here, little buddy.
Pied Piper: Thank you, Mick. (Takes bar, eats ravenously) Do you have more? Heat Wave: No...but I can take you to lunch with me.
Pied Piper: That would be nice….
Heat Wave: Okay! Then let’s go eat! I’ve found a really great new barbeque chicken place!
Captain Cold: And by really great, you mean “full of chicken so spicy that no normal person can eat it”.
Heat Wave: Oh, yeah. I didn’t think about that. (Pause) Okay, how about we go to Steak ‘n’ Shake? I love their sandwiches.  
Captain Cold: After three months of eating the stuff they give you in the infirmary? That’d be good. They have some great milkshakes.
Pied Piper: Right now, I’m so hungry that I could probably eat dog food. I’m happy with anything that won’t make my mouth catch on fire.
Heat Wave: Okay, then let’s go! I can’t wait to talk with you guys and catch you up on what you’ve missed while you were gone!
Act II
(Iris is onstage)
Iris: I’ll say this for being a superhero’s wife-it gets you the best stories! Unless I miss my guess, the information Animal Man gave me will get me on the front page. Why, this is the biggest government cover-up since Watergate! Just wait until Barry hears about this! He’ll be so proud! Maybe it’ll even cheer him up a bit. (Pause) Poor Barry. He just hasn’t been the same since Abra Kadabra stole his super speed. I hope Wally’s mission to get it back is successful, because he feels so bad about not being able to help people as the Flash. (Pause) Oh, well. Worrying about it won’t help, so I’ll just go back to my investigation. Watch out, bad guys-Iris Allen is on your case!
(Enter Evan McCulloch, the second Mirror Master)
Evan McCulloch: Howzitgoan, Mrs. Allen?
Iris: (Spins around) Who are you? And how did you get in here?
Evan McCulloch: My name is Evan; Evan McCulloch. As for your second question: well, I’ll give you a wee hint: it’s all done with mirrors.
Iris: With mirrors? (Pause) You’re a Mirror Master, aren’t you?
Evan McCulloch: Mirror Master? That’s a well good name, but up until now it wasnae mine.
Iris: But you can use mirrors as weapons or for transportation?
Evan McCulloch: Aye. Wasnae aware doing that came with a title.
Iris: My husband’s a superhero, and he fights a criminal named Sam Scudder, who calls himself the Mirror Master. By all appearances, you’re using his tech, but the only people who have access to any of it-besides Scudder himself, unfortunately-work for the government.
Evan McCulloch: Aye. How do ye think I got ahold of it?
Iris: You work for the government?
Evan McCulloch: Officially, nae. They’ve made it well clear that if I get lifted, they’ll deny that they had anything tae do with me.
Iris: So you’re working for the government.
Evan McCulloch: They’re paying me, aye. Ye see, in Glasgow, I had a reputation for making people's ...problems… disappear, and apparently your government decided that I’d be useful in making their problems disappear.
Iris: And I’m a problem? Evan McCulloch: Aye. Certain members of your government will be in big trouble if ye reveal what they’ve been up tae, so they told me to make sure that ye cannae tell anyone about what ye’ve found.
Iris: My husband and nephew are superheroes. If anything happens to me, you’ll answer for it.
Evan McCulloch: Calmy doony. I’m nae here tae kill ye. I’m nae saint, but I’m nae going to kill a woman, especially nae tae keep a secret that will come out anyway.
Iris: Then why are you here?
Evan McCulloch: Tae warn ye. I’m nae the only dangerous man on their payroll. They need ye silenced, so when I refused to kill ye, they sent another man.
Iris : Forgive me if I’m less than convinced that your intentions are benevolent.  
Evan McCulloch: Nae danger. But I’d still advise ye tae come with me.
Iris: I’m licensed to carry a gun. I think that I can handle myself now that I’m forewarned.
Evan McCulloch: Not against the man they’re sending. I’m nae the only one they gave well dangerous technology, ye ken?
Iris: Is that so? Then I think I’ll borrow this! (Grabs mirror and disappears)
Evan McCulloch: Jings! She’s clever, isnae she? (Shakes head) I’d better follow her. She’s brave, but she does nae ken what’s after her.
(Exit Evan)
(Pied Piper, Heat Wave, and Captain Cold are onstage)
Heat Wave: Are you feeling better, little buddy?
Pied Piper: Yes, and thank you.
Heat Wave: You’re welcome. (Pause) By the way, do you know when Golden Glider and the Top are coming back from their vacation?
Pied Piper: Wait. You didn’t hear?
Heat Wave: Hear what?
Pied Piper: The Top and Golden Glider never went on vacation. They’ve been in Central City the whole time. James even told me that he, Sam, and Mark did a heist with the Top.
Heat Wave: They’re still in Central City?
Pied Piper: It seems that way, yes.
Captain Cold: Then where’s my sister?
Pied Piper: That’s the thing: no one knows. James said that he never saw her-although he does think that the Top knows where she is.
Captain Cold: If he’s hurt her, I’ll kill him!
Pied Piper: Captain Cold, the Top worships your sister. He would never hurt her.
Captain Cold: Then where is she, and why isn’t she with him?
Heat Wave: You know, boss, just because your sister’s not in our immediate line of sight doesn’t mean that she’s in trouble. She can take care of herself. After all, up until a few years ago, we only saw her a few times a year.
Captain Cold: She wasn’t dating the Top or a member of the Rogues until a few years ago either.
Heat Wave: So, uh, why don’t you just call her if you’re that worried about her, boss?
Captain Cold: Don’t be stupid, Mick. (Long pause) Hey, I’ve got it! I can just call Lisa and make sure she’s okay!
Heat Wave: You’re so smart, boss.
Pied Piper: Wait...didn’t you just say that Mick was being stupid for suggesting that idea?
Captain Cold: We’ll talk about it later. (Pulls out phone, dials number. Pause) Lisa! Hi! It’s so good to hear from you! (Pause) I was in the prison infirmary. I had double pneumonia, septic shock, and appendicitis. Oh, and my ulcer acted up some, too. What have you been doing? (Pause) You’re doing what? Why? (Pause) He’s sick, too? What are the odds? Do you know what his problem is? Mmm-hmm. Uh-huh. Yes, I’m sure you’ll get whatever it is he needs to get better. (Pause) No, I don’t want him dead. I hate his guts, but for some mysterious reason he makes you happy, so I want him to stay alive. (Pause) Have you been feeling all right? Has anyone tried to hurt you? No? Good. (Pause) Are you sure ? (Pause) Okay, okay, I’ll stop asking. Good luck, little sis. I love you. Good-bye. (Puts phone away) My little sister’s a genius.
Heat Wave: Where’s she been?
Captain Cold: Apparently, her snob of a boyfriend is dying, and the only cure is at CCPD headquarters, so she’s posing as a police scientist named Patty Spivot in order to steal it. She’s even befriended Barry Allen! I’m so proud of her.
Heat Wave: Aww, that’s adorable! I always knew that little Lisa was one smart cookie.
(Iris appears in the background, then disappears again)
Pied Piper: So, um, now that we’ve finished eating, are we going to do something, or are we just going to go our separate ways?
Captain Cold: I’m not going to lead a heist today, if that’s what you’re asking. I’m still too far behind on recent events right now.
(Enter Evan McCulloch)
Evan McCulloch: Have any of ye seen a bonny woman with red hair around here?
Captain Cold: Who are you? And where did you come from?
Evan McCulloch: I dinnae have time for that right now! I need tae make sure that a hitman does nae kill a woman named Iris Allen!
Pied Piper: Iris Allen? The wife of the Flash?
Evan McCulloch: Aye, that’s the one.
Captain Cold: AGGH! (Collapses)
Heat Wave: Boss, what’s wrong?
Captain Cold: I ...I think it’s my ulcer. My stomach is-ARGH!-killing me!
Heat Wave: Bros befores wives of heroes, random guy! I’ve gotta get my boss to the hospital, so we can’t help you save Iris. Sorry. I’ll buy you dinner later to make up for it if you want.
Captain Cold: I’m-UGH!-fine, Heat Wave!
Heat Wave: No, you’re not, boss. You just collapsed, and you’re obviously in pain. We are going to the hospital.
Pied Piper: Can you get him to the hospital without me?
Heat Wave: Yeah. Why?
Pied Piper: Because Iris Allen is an amazing woman who definitely deserves my help.
Heat Wave: I guess I can get Captain Cold to the hospital on my own. So yeah, if you wanna go help the Flash’s wife, I guess you can.
Pied Piper: Great. (To Evan) I’ll help you.
Evan McCulloch: Ah’m glad for your help, wee man in green. Now brace yourself. Traveling through Wonderland is well tricky at first.
Pied Piper: What’s Wonderla-AAAH!
(Evan McCulloch and Pied Piper disappear)
Heat Wave: (Pulls out phone and dials) Hello? Operator? My friend needs an ambulance…
Act IV
(Enter Pied Piper and Evan McCulloch)
Pied Piper: Could you give me a little warning the next time you pull me through the Mirror Realm?
Evan McCulloch: The Mirror Realm? Is that what ye call Wonderland?
Pied Piper: No, it’s what the Mirror Master calls “Wonderland”. How did you get ahold of his  technology, anyway? And who are you?
Evan McCulloch: Evan. Evan McCulloch. I was given the tech by members of the US Government who are buried so deep in a scandal they’ll do anything tae keep it covered. They hired me tae kill Iris Allen, but I refused, so I dinnae think they’re still paying me. In fact, if I’m nae careful, they might try tae off me tae cover all their loose ends. Who are ye?
Pied Piper: I’m the Pied Piper, one of the Rogues. The other two men you saw with me are Heat Wave, another member of the group, and Captain Cold, our leader.
Evan McCulloch: Rogues?
Pied Piper: Yes. We’re a group of thieves who work together to fight the Flash.
Evan McCulloch: What sort of thieves are so concerned about each others’ health that they’ll call ambulances for each other?
Pied Piper: I don’t know. What sort of hired gun refuses to kill a target and then goes out of his way to warn her about the planned assassination?
Evan McCulloch: Point taken, laddie. I’d like tae be in a group like that. I have nae been able tae trust anyone since I left Mrs. McCulloch, and it’d be nice tae not have tae watch my back all the time, ye ken?
Pied Piper: You abandoned your wife?
Evan McCulloch: I dinnae have a wife. Mrs. McCulloch ran the orphanage where I grew up. She’s the closest thing I have tae a mother.
Pied Piper: My apologies.
Evan McCulloch: Nae danger. Ye didn’t ken.
Pied Piper: Well, if you really want to join the Rogues, you’ll probably have to ask Captain Cold. He’s the one who makes the final decisions about who becomes a member of the group. (Pause) Oh, and you’ll also have to come up with a supervillain name.
Evan McCulloch: Oh, I’ve already got one. I can be the Mirror Master.
Pied Piper: I don’t think Sam will like that. It’s bad enough that you’re using his gear. I don’t think he’d take very kindly to you taking his name, too.
Evan McCulloch: Then I’ll call myself Mirror Master II.
Pied Piper: That would probably just make him angrier.
Evan McCulloch: Well, if he makes a fuss aboot it, I’ll just punch him.
Pied Piper: (Aside) If nothing else, he’ll fit in well. (To Evan) Why don’t we talk more about potential names later?
Evan McCulloch: That would be fine, aye.
Pied Piper: Good. So where do you think Iris is going?
(Enter Iris)
Iris: Hello, Evan. Hello, Pied Piper. What are you doing here?
Pied Piper: I’m helping Evan rescue you, I think.
Iris: That’s sweet of you, Hartley, but I don’t need rescuing. Thanks to the Mirror Gun, I took out my would-be assassin, and Jay’s taking him to jail right now. Now I just need to finish writing my article, and I can put this whole mess behind me.
Pied Piper: Well, I’m very glad you’re alright, Mrs. Allen. Good luck with your expose. I’m sure it will have the high quality of all your work.
Iris: Thanks, Piper.
Evan McCulloch: (Aside) If she defeated that assassin, we’d better get oot of here before she defeats us, tae. After all, we aren’t exactly innocent ourselves. (Aloud) In that case, my work here is doon. Ta! (Evan grabs the Mirror Gun, then grabs Piper, and both disappear)
Iris: Looks like I’d better tell Barry, Wally, and Jay that the Rogues have a new member. Hmmm ...that could actually be a story all on its own! If I play my cards right, I could have two award winning stories and help defeat two separate groups of bad guys all from one investigation. This is awesome! I love it when I help my loved ones bring justice. (Pause) I should probably get back home, though. Those stories aren’t going to write themselves!
 (Exit Iris)
Act V
(Captain Cold is lying down onstage; Heat Wave is standing by him)
Heat Wave: You feeling better, boss?
Captain Cold: A little. I can’t believe that my stupid ulcer put me in the hospital twice in less than three months!
Heat Wave: Maybe it’s all the stress in your life. I’ve heard that stress makes ulcers worse, and your job is really stressful. Maybe you should take a vacation.
Captain Cold: And let the Top run the Rogues into the ground? Not a chance.
Heat Wave: It wouldn’t have to be for very long ...just a couple of days, maybe.
Captain Cold: I’m not taking a vacation, and that’s final!
Heat Wave: I guess you know best, boss. If you don’t want to take a vacation, you don’t have to.
(Enter Evan McCulloch and Pied Piper)
Pied Piper: Hello, Mick. Hello, Captain Cold.
Heat Wave: Hi, little buddy! How’d the rescue go?
Pied Piper: As it turned out, she rescued herself, so our presence turned out to be completely superfluous. That being said, I think I did find us a potential new member of the Rogues. His name is Evan McCulloch, and he wants to be part of a group that he knows will have his back.
Evan McCulloch: Howzitgoan?
Heat Wave: Hi, Evan! I’m Heat Wave, but you can call me Mick Rory. Where are you from?
Evan McCulloch: Glasgow, Scotland. The city of culture!
Heat Wave: Oh, so that’s why you sound so funny. (To Captain Cold) Can he stay, Captain Cold? Please? He’s funny sounding, and I like him.
Captain Cold: I can see that you have Mirror Master’s gear. The original is one of my best friends, and I don’t think he’d like you using his tech. That being said, my health hasn’t been great lately, so we could probably use another guy with his powers in the case of an emergency. (Pause) All right, Scostman, you’re in…...but you’re on probation until I say otherwise.
Evan McCulloch: That’s good eno for me, Captain Cold.
Captain Cold: In that case, your first job is to help me find the other Rogues. When we face the Flashes next, I want to be as well prepared as possible.
Pied Piper: Well, if everything is all right here, then I will be going. You know where to find me if you need me, and this city has a lot of people who need my help.
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raviposting · 4 years
So @singledarkshade​ has a Dream Movie challenge where we are given 6 actors from our favorite TV shows (or movies), a wildcard actor, and an object that should be incorporated into the plot. 
I decided to make my movie blurb and character descriptions like a “case file” of suspects as my movie is about a Private Investigator team, so enjoy! :) 
CASEFILE: King Investigations is the best investigative group in the country, and they are taking on so-called “unsolvable” cases, refusing new cases until they solve the one they have. One day, an envelope containing $5,000 is slid under their door alongside a note on a strip of paper. The request? To solve the murder of their recently deceased employee. The problem? Every employee of King Investigations is alive and accounted for, so they quickly get on the case - to solve why one of their own is getting murdered, and stop it before it happens.
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SUSPECT: Stephanie Beatriz as Aimee Gonzalez 
Role: Technology specialist
Background: Suspect was hired 5 years ago after offering up her services for a case where a woman had been missing for 43 years. She solved the case within 24 hours of joining the team as a liaison and was immediately offered a full-time position at King Investigations. 
Characteristics: An expert at finding someone, if you’ve left even a trace of yourself online she will work tirelessly to find you. Suspect’s favorite color is pink and seems to have a splash of pink on her at all times, alongside any decorations she ever has laying around. The suspect is an out and proud bisexual woman. Suspect seems bright and bubbly, constantly hugging the other suspects and loudly proclaiming her love for them in public. Genuine happiness or an attempt to throw off the case from herself? 
Close relationships: Adam King (best friend), Nelly Johnson (close friend) 
Further suspects are listed under the cut:
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SUSPECT: Tom Ellis as Adam King
Role: Founder of King Investigations
Background: Suspect founded King Investigations roughly 10 years ago, but has a PI background spanning two decades. He previously worked for Perry Co., but left under good terms to create the company with his husband, co-worker, and new employee. 
Characteristics: Suspect is a blunt, to-the-point PI who excels at investigating cases, but is not so great on the whole empathy thing. He is meticulous in every detail, and unlike Suspect Gonzalez’s tech-savviness, prefers everything traditional and vintage - from his work method to his clothes to his furniture. He comes off as sarcastic and dick-ish, and he is, but he’s also fiercely loyal and firmly believes in getting justice in every case. He will not give up, no matter how little he has to go on. 
Close Relationships: James King (husband), Lily Mullins (best friend), Aimee Gonzalez (best friend), Andrew Perry (mentor) 
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SUSPECT: Michiel Huisman as James King 
Role: PI - particularly skilled in surveillance 
Background: Suspect has been working at King Investigations for 10 years, and like his husband, he migrated over from Perry Co. 
Characteristics: The more grounded counter to his husband, the suspect is a more quiet investigative sort, who also specializes in something that comes a bit harder to his husband - empathy. His role seems to involve trailing individuals and smoothing over any issues that arise, whether they be due to the case or Suspect Adam King’s own behavior. Further information on the suspect could not be found at this time. 
Close relationships: Adam King (husband), Clancy White (confidant), Andrew Perry (close friend) 
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SUSPECT: Malcolm Goodwin as Clancy White
Role: “Bodyguard”, particularly skilled in combat 
Background: Suspect has been working at King Investigations for the shortest amount of time (2 years). Suspect began as the King Investigation team’s chief suspect in an unsolved murder, which he was promptly cleared of when the true murderer cornered Suspects Mullins and Adam King, and White apprehended them. He was offered a job shortly after. Suspect does not have a PI license and is instead employed as a “bodyguard” for the Kings, although he freely aids in investigations behind-the-scenes. 
Characteristics: Suspect is soft-spoken and quiet, but seems to attempt to match the personality and energy of whoever is speaking to him. Suspect is an aromantic man who entered into a queerplatonic relationship with suspect Nelly Johnson, and now lives with Nelly Johnson and Lily Mullins. 
Close Relationships: Nelly Johnson (partner), Lily Mullins (friend), James King (best friend) 
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SUSPECT: Emmy Raver-Lampman as Nelly Johnson 
Role: Forensic specialist 
Background: Suspect is the one who originally came up with the idea of King Investigations, though she never worked at Perry Co. Suspect worked at the police department for 5 years and became frustrated with the department, and suggested to King and her now-wife (then girlfriend) Mullins that she would gladly work with them under their own company. Suspect immediately quit her department job after King Investigations was founded. 
Characteristics: Suspect is sharp-witted and seems to match King’s wit. She is clearly confident and has an inquisitive mind, constantly checking and re-checking every bit of evidence that comes her way. 
Close relationships: Lily Mullins (wife), Clancy White (partner), Aimee Gonzalez (friend) 
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SUSPECT: Isla Fischer as Lily Mullins 
Role: PI at King Investigations
History: Suspect has been working at King Investigations for a decade. Much like the others, she migrated over from Perry Co. Out of the original founders, she has the least experience as an investigator, having started as an intern for only a few months before moving to King Investigations. 
Characteristics: Suspect is sharp-tongued and has a good poker face. She seems to have strong combat skills and is exceptionally manipulating others into giving her information. She and her wife recently moved in with Clancy White. Suspect is seemingly always on guard, scanning for danger in even the most mundane circumstances. Suspect should be watched closely. 
Close relationships: Nelly Johnson (wife), Clancy White (close friend), Adam King (best friend), Andrew Perry (mentor) 
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SUSPECT: Harrison Ford as Andrew Perry 
Role: Former head of Perry Co.
Background: Suspect is the mentor to the Kings and Mullins, who all used to work for him before moving on to create King Investigations. Perry retired shortly before the three announced their business. 
Characteristics: He acts as a father figure to these suspects King(s) and Mullins, and sees them regularly, as well as occasionally visiting the other team members. Suspect seemed reluctant to come out of retirement when the investigative team asked him to come out of retirement to help solve the case, but did so upon realizing that it was a life-or-death situation. Suspect seems reserved, but clearly cares for the founding investigators. 
Close relationships: Adam King (mentee), Lily Mullins (mentee), James King (close friend) 
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Item - Lamp 
The lamp is remarked upon by every single member of the investigative team. Clancy believes Aimee brought it in, due to her love of pink. Nelly believes Adam brought it in with his love of vintage materials, Adam believes it was Clancy due to his poor taste in decorations, etc. Each team member has an off-hand comment on how ugly the lamp looks before moving on. 
BONUS: Plot summary (with some scenes written in because I couldn’t help myself) 
We start off with a news-voiceover on King Investigation’s latest bust as we see the team stopping a potential murder. The reporter briefly introduces each character (as we see each doing their own thing in the case), and through the voiceover, we see the team turning in the suspect to the police, as well as discovering valuables of their client’s. She thanks them and provides them with a hefty sum of money. The reporter says the team has solved yet another seemingly unsolveable case and preventing a murder to boot, while we see the team begin to move furniture into a new building. As the voiceover speaks about their professionalism, we see Nelly and Adam arguing, and Nelly throwing out an old vase. Aimee sits on the curb, watching the group arguing and struggling to carry the furniture into the house. The voiceover begins to praise the team for their hard work and perserverance, as we see Clancy turn to Aimee and motion towards the furniture, at which point she shrugs and offers him the chips she has been eating. He accepts and sits down next to her. 
The beginning half hour shows the dynamics within the team - a team that seems to bicker constantly, but are obviously very close with one another. They are at lunch with their former boss, Andrew Perry, when he asks how the move is going: 
[The team is clustered around a round table outside. CLANCY is holding NELLY’s hand. LILY has a pleasant smile on her face, but she is looking beyond the group, her eyes scanning the area. ADAM has his legs stretched out, prompting an eye roll from AIMEE, and JAMES has made himself as small as possible, crossing his legs to provide AIMEE more room. ANDREW sits next to AIMEE, looking at the group with an amused smile] 
ADAM: It’s splendid, really, Andrew, save for Nelly throwing out my furniture yet again - 
NELLY: If you get one more ugly-ass vintage piece I am throwing it out, I swear to God. 
ADAM, indignant: I - ugly? These are pieces of history. 
[ADAM processes that NELLY said she would throw out his pieces] 
ADAM: And excuse me? Throw out the furniture I bring into my office? Need I remind you that I am the boss? 
NELLY [mocking ADAM’s indignant tone]: Need I remind you King Investigations wouldn’t even be a thing if I didn’t suggest it? 
[ANDREW laughs and excuses himself to flag down a waiter and get another round of drinks for the table. As he leaves, ADAM and NELLY have a stare down while the rest of the group ignores them. AIMEE reaches over JAMES to steal a fry from ADAM’s plate, but he swats her hand away, never breaking eye contact. The music swells, until finally -] 
NELLY: Fine. I won’t throw away your stupid vintage shit. 
ADAM: Aha! See, this is why I am the boss, everyone.
[The group ignores him, and JAMES grabs two fries from ADAM’s plate, giving one to AIMEE] 
The team gets settled in, setting up security measures, adjusting things around the office, and giving Perry a tour. We see them in a fully furnished office, pouring over what case they want to take on next. Lily pauses for a moment, thinking she’s heard something, but brushes off the feeling and continues on. The team falls silent when Clancy notices a letter that has slid under their door, alongside an envelope with $50,000 in cash with the message: 
CLANCY [with a confused, questioning tone]: My deepest condolences to losing a member of your investigative team, I trust this amount will be enough for you to uncover who carried out this plot, the remainder will be delivered to you upon the completion of the case? 
[AIMEE furrows her eyebrows and quickly counts up each member in the room]
AIMEE: Well unless one of us drops in the next 5 seconds, I’d say we’re all pretty alive. 
CLANCY: Maybe it’s a joke? 
JAMES [gesturing to the money]: It is a very expensive joke. 
The team determines that the note was sent in advance because somewhere, the murderer’s plot went wrong, and so they work with two goals in mind: Figure out who is getting murdered, and why. 
JAMES: First, we have to figure out who is most likely to be our victim. 
[All eyes turn to ADAM, who is intently pouring over the letter. He stops when he hears the lack of silence, and glares at them] 
ADAM: Oh come on now, I get the job done. 
NELLY: I say this with love, but you’re an asshole, Adam. I think every case we’ve ever worked has at least one person who threatened to kill you. 
LILY: And twice it was the victim we were saving. 
ADAM: Well that’s just - 
NELLY [muttering]: I’d kill you myself over your shitty home decor choices. 
[NELLY briefly motions to the garish pink lamp in the corner, but ADAM is not paying attention, because his attention is on JAMES, who has turned to write down ADAM’s name at the top of his whiteboard, and ADAM gives a sound of protest. JAMES looks back at his husband, an apologetic look on his face.] 
JAMES: Sorry, Adam. You know it’s true. 
ADAM [sighs, waving his hand at the board]: Fine, put me on the board. 
[JAMES writes down ADAM’s name at the top of the whiteboard, then underlines his name three times]
Throughout the movie, the team works to identify who the victim could be. Clancy and Lily tail the Kings, convinced that it is Adam or James who are the intended victims. Adam and Aimee work on the idea that it could be due to one of their past cases, and James and Nelly track down the man who sent the letter - a recent British immigrant who claims that he was told to do so and paid by an anonymous caller and that he never got the face. He admits he realized he got the date wrong - 5/6/2021 instead of 6/5/2021, and they realize it is a month before the supposed murder is supposed to take place. 
Coming to a pause in their investigation, James, Lily, and Adam ask Andrew for help. He is reluctant but agrees. The group continues on, getting frustrated as they track down lead after lead without any further break. It comes to a head when: 
[ADAM slams down a file in frustration, and the other members look up, frustration etched onto their faces as well.] 
ADAM: There’s nothing. There probably will be nothing until the murder is supposed to happen. 
[CLANCY sighs and leans his head back, wincing when he hits the pink lamp]
CLANCY: Okay, I know that you love pink, Aimee, but this is ugly even with the color scheme. 
[The team has a confused look on their faces, and AIMEE and ADAM speak at the same time] 
AIMEE: No, Lily brought it in -                    ADAM: Wait, you didn’t bring it?
LILY: Why would I bring this -                     CLANCY: Definitely didn’t, man.
[There is a brief pause as each team member processes, and the team speaks over one another] 
JAMES: I had just assumed Clancy brought it in as well - 
NELLY: Okay, I thought it was Adam. Figured he was just trying to rile me up with his weird furniture.
ADAM: I have taste, Nelly - 
[LILY shushes the group] 
LILY: So none of us bought this lamp in? 
[The group stares at the lamp, and LILY writes on a slip of paper. The other members write as well, understanding that there may be a bug in the lamp, and Nelly grabs her materials to investigate the lamp.] 
As the group continues, they find a listening device in the lamp. Aimee works to trace where it came from, but Adam stops her, and looks to Lily and James, a look of understanding passing between them, as they all recognize and used to use this type of listening device before - at Perry Co. They dig into Andrew and find out that he was not intending to retire until he found out about King Investigations - a week prior to them actually telling him of their plan, and a former colleague tells them that Perry had lamented that if Nelly hadn’t brought up the idea, this never would have happened. They determine that Nelly is his target and start their plan. 
The next scene, Andrew is visiting the office to help with the case. The team confronts him, laying down the evidence: 
ADAM [his eyes are teary, but his tone is angry and cold]: Rather clever of you, got the lamp in what, during the final move? And you listened to us so you’d be ahead of us every step of the way. 
AIMEE: Once we figured out it was you, it was all too easy to track the phone you used to contact [letter sender]. 
LILY [her tone biting]: And we asked you for help. You played hesitant, but we offered you up the case on a silver platter. 
JAMES: And we know exactly who you were trying to kill. 
[The music swells, and ANDREW’s shoulders slump. He knows that he’s been found out. He and ADAM speak at the same time.]
ADAM: Nelly                                               ANDREW [resigned]: Myself 
[There is a pause, and then JAMES speaks, surprise clear in his voice for the first time in the movie] 
JAMES: What?  
From here, we have the conclusion - Andrew admits that he doesn’t hate Nelly, he respects her for understanding when a change needs to occur. He hadn’t planned on retiring until he found out he was losing his best detectives, but he didn’t want them to go onto their new job with any hesitations or regrets, so he announced his retirement earlier than planned. There was just one problem - he began missing his detectives, who he had come to view as pseudo-children. 
Andrew put a plan into place - he would prove, as Aimee did all those years ago, that he could be useful to the team. He concocted a plan where he would fake his death and lead the team down different twists and turns until they found the culprit, at which point he would reveal himself to be alive. Unfortunately, his letter was delivered far too early, and Andrew had to intervene wherever he could in the investigation. 
ADAM: I can’t believe this. 
ANDREW: I know, I know, it was stupid, I just wanted to show you I was sharp and could still do it. 
ADAM: You could have just applied, like a normal person. 
ANDREW: I could have, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun, would it? 
JAMES: A murder plot is not fun, Andrew. 
The team forgives Andrew, knowing that his intentions were good, but say that they need a bit of time before seeing him again, and he agrees. In the last act a few months later, they are having lunch again, sans Andrew. They return to the office. When they open the door, they see a paper, and Adam sighs before he realizes what it is. It’s a job application, filled out with a resume for an Andrew Perry attached, and he grins. 
[ADAM picks up his phone and sits down, the ugly pink lamp right next to him, and the phone rings, until someone picks up.] 
ADAM [smiling]: Hello there, I’m calling to follow up with your application to King Investigations. It is rather impressive, and we’d like to call you in for an interview.
[Muffled sounds of a voice coming through the phone, and ADAM grins wider] 
ADAM: Wonderful, we’ll see you at 8 AM sharp tomorrow. We look forward to having you on board Mr. Perry 
This was so fun to write! Thanks to @ginnxtonic​ for helping me choose between my two endings lol <3 
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Here We Are, Born to be Kings - AUgust Day 9
Title: Here We Are, Born to be Kings
Author: Purple_ducky00
Rating: Teen
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: Rhodey/Tony
Square Filled: G2 Dramatic Proposal
Link: Read on AO3
Summary:  Prince James is in love with Lord Tony Stark, a childhood friend. However, the Starks have been disgraced due to embezzlement charges. Can they overcome this?
“Your Highness. Lord Stark is here to see you.” Quentin Beck holds up his nose.
 Prince James Rhodes rolls his eyes. It’s not like Beck should judge. He was only hired because his family was in serious debt.  Tony is working out of his.
 Tony walks in a few minutes later, hair askew. “Wow, Rhodey, your servants hate me. I call it an achievement.”
“They just think it’s ok to judge since their scandals happened long ago enough for people to forget. You don’t deserve this.”
 “I probably do.” Tony shrugs. “It doesn’t bother me. Actually, it gives me the chance to ditch my politeness because they already dislike me.”
 “Oh for that luxury,” Rhodey sighs. He hates the protocol he must go through. Maybe that’s why he finds Tony so refreshing.
 They first met at a football match. Tony was on the other team, and he told the young prince, “We’re not playing any easier because you’re the prince. So, be ready for that.”
 Rhodey laughed and started playing. Tony’s team was clearly better, and they defeated Rhodey's team easily. After the game, Tony invited him to grab some lunch. They have been fast friends ever since.
 Now, Rhodey is 22 and Tony is 21. Tony’s father died last year, and Tony inherited his estate. After going over the numbers, Tony’s godfather, Obadiah Stane informed him that Howard had been falsifying records and was basically bankrupt.
 Dazed and reeling from his parents' sudden death, Tony doesn’t know what to do with this information. He reaches out for help, but as Howard had been stealing money from his peers, everyone refuses to help him. Rhodey offers to bail him out completely. Tony won’t let him. He decides he will work to pay off his father's debts.
 Tony was always incredibly smart. His patented inventions were used worldwide. He decides to start his own company, Stark Enterprises, where he builds and sells hi-tech machinery and entertainment devices. As his company quickly grows, he branches out into clean energy and satellites. Not even a full year after starting his company, Tony is very successful. With only Stane and his PA, Pepper Potts, at his right hand, Tony makes sure that he himself takes care of the books. Every entry is painstakingly entered and checked by the big boss himself.
 Rhodey is very proud of his friend, but it seems that his family is the only one in the kingdom that is. King Terrance and Queen Roberta love the young man as a son, but they often wonder if he is taking on too much, causing his sleepless nights and unhealthy eating habits. Tony waves them off saying he had had those problems before his parents had died.
 Prince James’ PR agent tells him that finding someone to date might be a good look for him. Everyone is looking for news of the royal family, and they will only assume the worst if they don’t hear from each member. Queen Roberta’s cooking classes and bingo games are televised. The king does a podcast twice a month. Jeannie plays tennis professionally. James is the only one without a big public profile, and he prefers that. However, there are some people who think that James is being pushed out of the spotlight or being abused in some kind. To quell any quickly rising rumors, Rhodey agrees to attend sports matches and talk to the press for a few minutes each time. When Tony’s not working his ass off, he often accompanies Tony.
 What Rhodey doesn’t tell his PR agent is the reason he doesn’t date. He is hopelessly in love with Tony and admitting that would be bad for a few reasons. 1.) Everyone in the country is against Tony. They would slander his name even more if they thought he had got his “money-grubbing claws” in the prince. 2.) Tony is straight. He had never told Rhodey otherwise, and he has only dated women as far as Rhodey knows. 3.) He doesn’t want any reason to make Tony uncomfortable in the only place he is welcome other than his home. So, he skirts the topic because fake dating is not his idea of fun.
 Now, Tony’s here and Rhodey knows he’s giving Tony heart eyes. “So, you’ve got a day off from me. What’s the plan, Rhodey?”
 “You pick today. I’m up for anything.” Rhodey trusts that Tony won’t do anything Rhodey can’t.
 Tony sits on the chair beside Rhodey. “I need to sit. I don’t think I’ve stopped moving for a week.”
 “So, what you’re saying is you need sleep.” Rhodey retorts.
“No, I need to spend time with my Rhodeybear. We never did that Star Wars marathon after Rise of Skywalker came out, did we?” Tony pokes him. “We can order like tons of pizza and greasy foods and bro it out like the old times.”
 Stuck in a theatre room with only Tony and highly unhealthy food? “Sounds like a great day. Let’s queue up the movies. I’ll have |Miss Cabe order our food. The usual?” Tony nods and heads off to the theater.
 Rhodey pulls out his phone and texts a maid, Bethany Cabe, to place an order for the following: an extra-large bacon pizza, two orders of cheesy curly fries, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings. Rhodey has cases of Tony’s favorite beer, so they did not need to worry about drinks.
 As they settle in to watch the movies, Tony tells him, “Wake me up if I fall asleep. I don’t want to miss Episode Six again.”
 “Come on Tones, Return of the Jedi isn’t the best.” Rhodey smirks.
 Tony glares at him. “It’s my favorite. Leave me alone. Go ahead and like Empire or whatever one you like the best. Geez.”
 “You know mine is Episode Three. The tragedy, the pain, the John Williams’ scores? A masterpiece.”
 “Anakin deserved better.” Tony mumbles as he eats a bite of pizza. Rhodey sighs. He’s heard this rant many times, and he’ll probably hear it again tonight. Tony really gets into these movies.
 Tony falls asleep at the end of A New Hope, his head falling on Rhodey’s shoulder. He looks so exhausted so Rhodey lets him sleep through Empire since Tony thinks it’s overhyped or something. Rhodey likes it. When Return of the Jedi starts, Rhodey nudges Tony awake. “Episode 6? Honeybear, you are an angel.” Tony kisses his cheek.
 By the time The Last Jedi comes on, both of the men are sleeping. Jeannette comes in to check on them and snaps a picture of Tony lying on top of Rhodey, both snoring away.
 Rhodey wakes up a few hours later and freezes. Tony is sleeping peacefully on him, his head on Rhodey’s chest. He doesn’t dare move in fear of waking Tony up. He slowly reaches for his phone and scrolls through Instagram and other social media apps until Tony wakes up.
 Tony wakes up slowly, but when he’s fully awake he jumps up and goes. “I’ve got to get to work!”
  “Hey Tony. It’s Sunday. We were going to spend Saturday and Sunday together, right?”
 “Oh. Oh. Whew. I thought.” Tony slumps. “Probably hallucinating from all that grease.”
 “Maybe we should get a little more sleep in a real bed.” Rhodey suggests. Tony nods, and they walk up to Rhodey’s room. Since they were kids, Tony always slept in Rhodey’s bed with him. They only ever slept and/or cuddled, and Rhodey has a king bed in case either of them needed their own space.
 They go to Jeannie’s tennis match then accompany her to an expensive Italian restaurant for dinner. The next morning, there are pictures splashed across the tabloids. Stark trying to get in with the Royal Family? Read more on page 3! One says. The Apple Doesn’t Fall far from the Tree – Another Gold-Digging Stark! Rhodey shakes his head. He was afraid this would happen. He calls his PR agent, Maria Hill.
She answers with a “Now do you see why having a partner would be good?”
 “Yes. Do you have any candidates who would be willing to date with no sex and/or strings attached? For public only?”
 “You don’t know how many celebrities only hope for that. Let me see which ones I can get. I’ll send you over a packet when I get them.”
 When he gets the packet, Rhodey isn’t surprised to find that 75% of them are women. Skipping through them, he tells Maria to reach out to an A-list actress Natasha Romanov. She is a beautiful woman, and they seem to have a lot of the same likes and dislikes. She agrees to meet with Rhodey at a small café near the palace. He introduces himself as Rhodey, then corrects it to “James or Jim” when Romanov gives him an odd look. “I’m sorry. My best friend always calls me Rhodey. It’s just what I expect now. I mean, if you want to call me that in private, it’s fine. Maria thinks it’s better if you call me James or Jim when talking with the press.”
“Tell me about this best friend.” Natasha leans forward. “He sounds like a nice guy.”
 Rhodey launches into a detailed description of Tony: his strengths, his flaws, his quirks, etc.  When he’s done, she asks, “And you’re dating me because you can’t date him?”
 “How did you…?”
 “You’re in love with him. Just look at your face. It’s ok. I won’t tell the press. I have almost the same problem. I’m in a poly relationship with a different celebrity couple. However, since Hollywood, even with its sex scandals, still looks down on poly relationships. I need a beard to keep our activity on the downlow. Is that acceptable for you?”
 Rhodey nods. “Of course. And you’re right. I love Tony, but I need to keep the press out of his life. His father put him through a lot, and he’s trying to make up for Howard’s sins. He doesn’t need the extra press coverage. Also, I don’t know if he likes me like that. I’ve never seen him date a guy.”
 “Well, I’d like to meet him.”
 +++++++ Natasha and Tony eventually meet. Tony is happy to meet her, but Rhodey feels that Tony is wearing one of his many masks. |When they kiss goodnight, Natasha tells him, “Rhodey, he likes you.”
 “Not that I want to doubt you, but I’m highly doubtful on this one here.”
 A few months pass, and Natasha and Prince James are photographed at red carpet events, at sports games, and at galas. Rumors are spreading that Prince James might propose soon. Natasha shows up at the palace for a surprise visit. “Hey, can we talk?” She pulls James from his family dinner.
 She tells him how the couple that she is dating are planning on coming out to the press as poly with her because they know some younger people who are receiving hate for their relationships. They want to be allies for such people. And they want her there when they come out. “Can we say we amicably split? I’d love to keep in contact with you.”
 “That sounds good.” His phone pings. He has a google alert set up for Tony because the press likes to come up to him for hostile interviews at the most inopportune times. James does his best to save him. “Listen Nat, I will talk to my publicist, but I have to go.”
 The press has trapped Tony on the palace driveway. “What do you think of Prince James marrying Ms. Romanov?” One reporter asks.
 “I didn’t know they got engaged, but I think they are an excellent match. Well-suited for each other.” Rhodey can see Tony is keeping his press face on but was not ready for the sudden press conference.
 Another reporter sneers. “We know you were trying to get a piece of the royalty. Will you try for the princess now that the prince is spoken for?”
 “Excuse me?” Tony reels. “What are you talking about?”
 “They’ll never have you. You’re just a charity case to them. What do you think of that? Did you think Prince James really liked you? Especially after what your father did?” Another reporter shoves a microphone in his face.
 Tony loses his mask. “Do I think Rho- Prince James really liked me? I have known the prince since we were young teenagers. I know he likes me… as a friend. But anything more? No. He never did, never will. I know what my father did; I know what I have to do to fix it. My father and Prince James have no correlation. What are you even trying to say here?” Rhodey can see the pain in Tony’s eyes. They flash when he says that Rhodey will never like him as anything more as a friend.
 “Excuse me.” Rhodey steps forward. “Can you step away from him, please?”
 The press apologizes and steps away. “Now, I want to say this once more and hopefully never again. Lord Stark is not his father. Lord Stark is paying his father’s investors back as quickly as he can. He started up his business on his own with his trust fund from his maternal grandmother. Howard never saw or added to a penny of that fund. What is the point of hating a man for the sins of his father? Keep rolling. I am talking to the country as a whole. Leave him alone, please. I want to say one more thing. Tony Stark, you are the love of my life. The reason I have not dated is because the only person I have ever loved was you. Yes, Natasha and I dated, but we did to keep other things hidden. I’m sure she will let you know at some point. It’s not my job. Tony, again, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and perhaps rule with you. I do not have a ring yet because I had not planned to propose to you in front of live TV today, yet here I am. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
 “You’re serious?” Tony gasps.
 “Then Rhodey, my Honeybear, my Platypus, my Sourpatch, I will marry you in a heartbeat.” Tony smiles widely, and Rhodey kisses him deeply, in front of the cameras. As they turn to the palace, Tony turns back to the cameras, lifts his middle finger, and says, “Fuck you” whilst smiling sweetly.
 ++++++ The country is so shocked at Prince James’ dramatic proposal. People wonder if Tony is a good fit for the prince due to his blatant disregard for protocol. Princess Jeannie posts the picture she took of them sleeping in the theatre room on Instagram, the caption “I knew it.” She broke the internet with the most likes on an Instagram post.
  Tony goes through his numbers and his father’s numbers again to make sure everyone is paid off. While looking at his father’s records again, he notices some discrepancies from Obadiah’s report. The truth comes out – Howard had not done anything wrong; it was Obadiah. He falsified documents, records, and even bills to give him much more money. Obadiah is fired and imprisoned. Tony’s name is cleared. Anthony Stark marries Prince James Rhodes a happy man.
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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3 Prompt Summaries
Ransom Note, Royalty and Lending a Hand - suggested by @polizwrites
@rebelmeg - what do you get when you combine elite royalty, a mob boss with a reputation for being ruthless, and a ransom note that tells them both that their child is being held hostage? well... nothing good, that's for sure, because this team-up is going to be the stuff of legends.
@deehellcat - Prince Tony is promised in marriage to King Obadiah of a neighboring realm so their lands can be merged, but marrying that creepy old man is the last thing he wants to do. he confides in his best friend and bodyguard Sir James Rhodes who pledges to lend him a hand, Rhodey pens a fake ransom note that the prince has been kidnapped then helps him sneak out of the castle in disguise.
@somesortofitalianroast - Prince Steven of Brooklyn should have known it was a bad idea when he decided to tour Philadelphia by himself. At night. By the Schuylkill. Yeah, it wasn’t his best idea. He also should have known that the Family that still [still!] ran Philadelphia would send a ransom note to his family. And he should have known that the Duchy of Brooklyn had an inside man who was happy to lend a hand.
@27dragons - Barnes doesn't generally work kidnappings -- he's a homicide detective, so if they're calling him in on a kidnapping, it's because something went terribly wrong. But when Prince Tony is kidnapped off the street in broad daylight by a crew leaving no clues whatsoever other than an encoded ransom note, Chief Fury told him to get over there and lend a hand. The problem is, the note seems to suggest that the kidnapper... is Barnes himself.
@celtic7irish - We have your prince. Four words on a ransom note with no ransom demands. James sighed. The royalty around here caused him no end of grief. He turned to his best friend and Captain of the Guard. “It’s him again. Want to lend me a hand on this one?” Steve grinned, fierce and proud. “When do we start?”
@polizwrites - When Tony disappears leaving only a couple of face cards from his favorite deck laid out on his desk, Jim thinks it’s a joke - that is until Mr. Stark gets a ransom note. And as much as he despises Tony’s dad - Jim knows he has to help.
@Magicadraconia16 - When he complained to his Captain of the Guard that he really needed a break from his princely duties - and Howard - he wasn't expecting to end up staring at a random note . . . for himself.
@rise-up-ting-ting-like-glitter - Ransom Note, Royalty, Lending a hand In sickness and in health. That was the promise. Tony hadn't meant to break it. He certainly hadn't meant to wish Bucky away. Now he's got a ransom note sent by some 'Goblin King' and ragtag troupe of labyrynth dwellers willing to lend their hands...and sometimes paws.
@jacarandabanyan - Royalty AU, Prince Anthony Stark is kidnapped! His parents are searching the realm for him, and offering high prizes to anyone who can return him to them safely. The only clue they have is a ransom note written in Tony's own handwriting, and a claim from a servant that the Prince was seen approaching a rough dubious-looking man with one arm with a request that the man 'lend him a hand' getting out of a marriage contract…
Keep reading for more!
Sunflowers, Starlight and Lollipops - suggested by @magicadraconia16
@polizwrites - Morgan was never quite sure whether her father had made up that lullaby, or if it was something that someone had sung to him as a child, but it was a tune she still hummed to herself whenever she was feeling sad or lonely.
@celtic7irish - Tony had no idea where he was, trapped on an alien planet and lost in some sort of flower field, but with no flowers he’d ever seen before. He was pretty sure those were sunflowers, but they were sparkling in the starlight, making the whole field light up like it was coated in fireflies. Checking around in his pockets, Tony sighed as he pulled out one of Morgan’s lollipops and popped it into his mouth. “Great. Let’s go find the fairies and see if they can get me back home,” he muttered, striding off across the field.
@rebelmeg - art summary - stark family lying out under the stars in a field, sunflowers bobbing over their heads, and probably holding big colorful carnival lollipops because i've got no better idea + @newnewyorker93 - that, but daytime and they're looking at clouds, one of them is definitively lollipop-shaped
@somesortofitalianroast - It was the weirdest offering Tony had ever seen on his desk. A bouquet of sunflowers, a copy of Muse’s Starlight, and a bag of Dum Dum lollipops. There wasn’t even a card to explain who it was from, or who it was too. Huh. Maybe Pepper had put the items there and forgotten about them…
@27dragons - It's late by the time Tony gets home from work -- so late it's early -- and he's exhausted beyond belief. He navigates the house by the starlight coming through the windows and hopes desperately he won't wake anyone. He just wants to sneak into bed and curl up against his spouse for whatever few hours remain of the night. But he has to stop when he gets to the living room, where a lamp has been left on, shining on a carefully-arranged bouquet of sunflowers, Tony's favorite. Stuck in between the flowers are a handful of lollipops, proving that more than one person had a hand in this. The note says, "Cleared it with Pepper, you have tomorrow off. Come to bed." Tony's family is the best. [There, managed to write it so it can be whatever ship you want.]
@jacarandabanyan - One of Tony's less-publicized hobbies is funding off-the-wall science proposals made in jest at scientific conferences. The more outrageous the project, the more willing he is to pitch in money, supplies, networking help, etc. This time, he's even agreed to do the research himself. Which is how he found himself up on the moon of an unfamiliar planet in an unfamiliar galaxy, studying botany papers and trying to find what happens when you grow sunflowers by the light of a different star than Earth's sun. As ways to avoid the press and the Board go, it's original at least. Two months into his experiment, two little girls claiming to be "daughters of Thanos" pay him a rather menacing visit. He offers them a lollipop.
@rise-up-ting-ting-like-glitter - Once a decade, under the light of the full moon, and across the three dark nights of the winter solstice, the Starlight games are hosted. Sunflower has won the last four games running, but that was before Lollipop had Bucky fighting for them. This round they're out for nectar and Bucky intends to be MVP. Of course, the prize this year was extra sweet: a kiss from Starlight prince Tony-and a chance to win his hand.
@deehellcat - the last thing Morgan remembers is her mommy screaming as the car careened off the road and crashed. she sits up and looks around but she isn't in the city anymore, instead in a grassy field. a man comes toward her, a man she recognizes, and she runs into his arms yelling DADDY. they go for a walk thru a field of tall sunflowers (he says they're his favorite) and up a hill, they lie in the grass sucking on lollipops and looking at the stars. then he kisses her & tells her to give her mommy his love, before the world around her fades and she finds herself waking up in a hospital with Pepper hovering over her.
@summerpipedream - "What's this?" The book was frayed at the edges, but had a beautiful sunflower on the cover, a lolipop sticker on the edge. "Ana's cookbook," said Jarvis. "With all your favourite recipes as a child. " Now that omega Tony is expecting, and forced into bedrest by the doctor and his worried mate Steve, Tony vows to learn how to cook, one recipe at a time.
Hallmark, magic, and brunch - @somesortofitalianroast
@somesortofitalianroast - It’s not like Tony was expecting his Sunday brunch to be something out of a Hallmark movie, but he could have done without his fairy godmother showing up and telling him that he was the sole heir to a magical kingdom and it was time for him to claim his throne.
@polizwrites - Tony knows how to conjure up exquisite dishes with the wave of a wand; but to prove he truly loves his partners, he makes them a meal from scratch. It’s not his fault he really, really likes cinnamon…
@summerpipedream - "Nat, how the hell are pancakes supposed to solve anything?" Natasha rolled her eyes and tapped on the sign behind the counter. "Pancakes solve everything." Bucky glared. "You literally just put that up." Natasha waved her wand with a flourish. "And if I did? Eat up Barnes. Your destiny is about to walk through that door." Bucky was about to complain, but then the bell to the diner rang. Tony Stark walked through the door.
@27dragons - This isn't some sappy Hallmark movie. Bucky knows that. He's not expecting some magical force to make Tony fall in love with him, really. But he's going to try, anyway. Starting with brunch.
@rebelmeg - "tony... these are the most flawless eggs i've ever seen. how did you do that?" he grinned to himself as he slid the two perfect sunny-side-up eggs onto the waiting plate. "just magic." rhodey was watching from the table, a smirk on his face. "yeah, that or the hallmark movie you watched last week that made you cry." rhodey kind figured he deserved the piece of toast that tony threw at him.
@newnewyorker93 - Unfortunately for Stephen Strange there isn't a Hallmark card that quite covers apologizing for ruining brunch with Tony when a chaotic interdimensional beastie follows him through his portal (next time he'll take the subway)
@celtic7irish - Stephen glared at the man standing next to him. “What makes you think I can just I this away?” he demanded sarcastically. Tony shrugged, trying to hide a shiver. He wasn't dressed for this weather. “I don’t know. I mean, we were just supposed to be having brunch, and now we’re in some sort of freaking Hallmark Christmas thing, and I’m pretty sure that magic caused it. Because it definitely isn’t science.” He grimaced; Tony hated admitting that things like magic even existed, but when one had the Sorcerer Supreme for a boyfriend, one learned to accept that magic was probably real. Stephen sighed, summoning a portal to the Mirror Dimension. “Well, at least our first anniversary date isn’t boring.” Tony glared.
candlelight, window, vampire - suggested by @rebelmeg
@celtic7irish - The slender figure standing in the window, his profile lit only by the flickering candlelight, turned to look at him, and James shivered. So this was Anthony, rumored vampire and lord of the castle. And James' new patron.
@somesortofitalianroast - They’d all heard the rumors: an honest-to-god Vampire had set up in a moldering castle in Transylvania and was passing himself off as Dracula. After several sets of negotiations, Steve was chosen to go and check out the rumors. He was expecting… Well, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to see the most beautiful man he’d ever seen through the window, shaving by candlelight.
@27dragons - Bucky was starting to get a handle on this whole vampire gig. He'd figured out the best ways to hide from the sun, how to hide the death-pallor of his skin with candlelight, how to mask the scent of blood on his breath with wine. What he hadn't figured out was what to do about the stunningly beautiful man who was currently climbing through his window.
@rebelmeg - it had practically been a challenge, and Tony never backed down from a challenge.  The whole world at large had managed to make vampires unsexy for pepper, but danged if he wouldn’t manage it before the night was through.  The candles by the window had been placed strategically, putting a soft golden glow over the two of them as they looked at their reflections in the glass.  
“Okay, tip your head back on my shoulder.  A little more.  Just like that.  Now look.”  tony saw it on her face when she saw them, framed in the window, his hand resting delicately on her jaw as he lowered his mouth to her throat.
“You win,” she said around a bit of a gasp, her pupils dilating as her heartbeat skyrocketed. “You as a vampire would definitely be sexy.”
With a pleased hum, tony gave her a playful nip.  Just a little one.
@summerpipedream - You have 3 new messages. Press one to playback. 
"Hey Tony, it's Steve. I'm sorry to interrupt your honeymoon with Bucky, but uh- do you remember Count Dracula lookalike last month? The guy who tried to take over the city? Well he's sent some sort of wedding gift to the tower. It's uh- hanging out the window. Hold on-" 
"Hey Tony. It's Steve again. Uh any chance you know where the spare candles are? That's stupid why would the tower have candles- never mind." 
End of new messages
@gavilansblog - Tony stared at the candle on the windowsill. Or rather, squinted. "What were you thinking?" He demanded, slurring around his fake vampire teeth. "How is this supposed to look like a haunted house when the lights are making it bright as day in here?" Bucky winced. "How was I supposed to know they even made 1000 watt candle shaped bulbs?" (Brought to you by the conversation I was having just now with a friend whose brother made this mistake)
@Magicadraconia16 - "Leave a candle in the window," they said. A load of superstitious old nonsense, if you asked Tony. As if he's really going to leave an old-fashioned burning candle in the window where Dum-E could knock it over (although, that would give him an opportunity to use his brand new fire extinguisher...) It was just a shame that nobody mentioned that the candles weren't to scare the vampire off - they were to feed the light-vampire, and without it... well, the next nearest source in Tony's house just so happens to be his arc reactor.
@polizwrites - As a creature of the night the warm glow of the candle on the windowsill was a bittersweet reminder of the world he’d never see again. “I’m sorry, my love.” James reached out as if to snuff the flame, but Anthony stayed his hand. “No need to apologize, dear one.”
Cats, Sandwich, Chaos - suggested by @celtic7irish
@somesortofitalianroast - Very little had changed since Steve had brought Bucky in from the cold. Except the lunch meat disappeared from the fridge at a rate that not even JARVIS could explain. And that Bucky brought a cat with him. It was a small, white thing that loved Tony’s workshop and loved the bots. It caused more chaos than something that only weight five pounds should have been able to cause, and it loved his sandwiches.
@celtic7irish - Tony stared at the chaos in his living room; overturned tables, toppled lamps, and were those claw marks on his drapes? “What the-?” Tony trailed off, his voice faint, sandwich halfway to his mouth. “Daddy!” Morgan squealed, her eyes wide and face innocent as she held a squirming, wriggling bundle in her arms. A moment later, a small kitten stuck its head out of the blanket, meowing pitifully. “Can we keep her?”
@27dragons - Tony likes to think he takes a lot of weird things in stride, as an Avenger. Magic? Sure. Random visitations from a god of chaos? Old hat, these days. Insane robots and/or aliens trying to take over the city? No problem. But he had to admit, even he was having trouble maintaining his calm in the face of a trio of superheroes sitting at the kitchen table, eating sandwiches and sporting cat ears. Real ones. Oh, and tails. Yeah, he's... going back to bed.
@rebelmeg - “BUCKY!”
“Your cat stole my sandwich again!”
Bucky watched as alpine skidded around the corner and dove under the couch, tony’s beloved 3-bacon sandwich clamped tight in his jaws.
“Yup.  he sure did.  Why do you keep leaving it out?”
Just another tuesday...
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thequeenb · 5 years
Our story (part 2)
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Amy almost dropped her phone hearing her mother's voice. A million thoughts passed through her mind making her unable to speak. Kamilah noticed Amy's stiffened body knowing better than to approach
"M-mum?" she finally spoke, her voice shaky
"Yes darling we haven't talked in a while i thought i might check how you are doing"
Her mother didn't sound angry but Amy knew how well she could hide her emotions, taking a deep breath she steadied her voice trying to sound as calm as possible
"Yes i am sorry, work is consuming me"
"I am sure, thats why i was wondering if you could visit Italy? Me and your father miss you"
Her eyes went wide in shock
"Oh! I mean if Kamilah allows me to take a break i--"
"Ah yes, your boss" she spat out those words almost in disgust but she quickly covered it
"I bet she is a busy woman, why dont you invite her as well?"
"I will contact her and i will inform you tomorrow, i have to go bye" she quickly hang up sighing
Kamilah sat next to her taking her in her arms "What did she tell you?"
Amy buried her face into Kamilah's neck trying to hold back her tears "She wants both of us to visit them in Italy"
Kamilah pushed her enough to look directly in her eyes "Do you want that?"
Amy shrugged "i dont know, its to much to process what if they saw--"
"Shh. I think its a great opportunity, i was always curious to know from who you took this madness" she laughed caressing Amy's cheek softly "i will be there with you"
Closing her eyes she took a deep breath "okay, lets do this i guess"
The plane ride was calm since they both traveled early to arrive there at night. Before they knew it the jet landed in Rome making Amy's anxiety reach a high level. Kamilah took her hand squeezing it reassuringly
Her mother had made dinner preparing the table making sure everything is perfect. Amy knew well they would attack them with questions she wasn't comfortable answering but she fought back her fear as they stepped out of their car
"Are you ready?" Kamilah asked worryingly watching the woman before her tremble. To give her courage she reached for her hand but Amy dismissed it
"I am fine, lets get this over with" and like that she rang the bell.
A beautiful woman answered it smiling widely, but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes "Amy dear!" her mother hugged her tight
"Hey mum" she said patting her back smiling
"Oh where are my manners, hello i am Amy's mother Gloria"
Kamilah extended her hand "pleasure to finally meet you Miss Parker"
"Oh please call me Gloria, Amy's friends are always welcome" she said hugging her
Kamilah wasn't familiar with this gestures but she allowed it only for Amy's sake even though she felt uncomfortable.
Walking inside the first thing they both noticed was the delicious smell of..
"Is that kushari?" Kamilah gasped, she hadn't smelled that food in a while
"Ah yes, i hope you dont mind that i searched a little bit about you, when i read that you are from Egypt i thought this dish would make you feel like home"
Amy smiled noticing how moved Kamilah was "Thank you Miss--"
"Gloria" her mum winked
"Yes, Gloria" Kamilah smiled, holding back a tear that was about to fall. No one ever made effort to make her comfortable, now she could see why Amy is the way she is
"Come give your old man a hug!" a manly voice could be heard from the living room
"Easy there, we dont want you to struggle me" Amy giggled on her father's hug
"And this pretty lady must be Kamilah" he said opening his arms
Kamilah hesitated but then surrender letting her father to squeeze her "I am James, welcome to our home"
"Thank you for inviting me, i got you this" she said giving him an expensive wine she bought before leaving New York
"A woman after my heart, she is a great friend Amy" he said patting her shoulder leaving them alone
Amy looked at the floor guilty because she knew what was about to come
"They dont know we are engaged do they?" Kamilah's tone was disappointed but she decided to not make this a problem, it was supposed to be a happy day after all
"No..i just.."
"Its okay, i understand" and like that she excused herself to the bathroom leaving her alone with her guilt.
The dinner went surprisingly well, Amy's mother told Kamilah embarrassing stories from her childhood as her father explained his passion about American football.
"Is my daughter working as hard as she says she does?" Gloria asked curiously
"Why yes, she is my right hand in the company"
"Thats great dear i am proud of you"
Amy smiled sipping some wine "It helps when you have the best boss"
Her father looked between them. Their sexual tension was so thick that a knife could cut it. He took a deep breath trying to brush these thoughts away
"And who is the lucky man who stole your heart?"
"Oh yes you have to tell your mother!" Gloria looked so excited
"Oh i, um" Amy looked at Kamilah who radiated security yet that didn't make things better
"Nothing special really" she manages to say noticing Kamilah stiffen for a fleeing second.
Her mother didn't looked convinced, a dark expression was drawn on her face, her voice changed dramatically
"We saw something on the news" she started taking her husband's hand for support "and we want to know if those.. concerning assumptions are true"
Amy felt momentarily speechless looking how serious her mother was
Amy was walking down the park with her mother laughing and eating ice cream. Her mother's eye caught up on a couple walking by kissing
She quickly held Amy's hand tight "Disgusting" she whispered as they walked by
"Oh,are they a couple?" Amy asked curiously
Her mother's face was full of disgust "unfortunately there are these type of unstable people in this world that arent normal"
Amy didn't knew what to say, she was only 12 trying to understand the world around her
"Never be like them, they are a hazard to society"
Amy's heart stopped wondering how many minutes passed since the question was asked
Kamilah took her hand taking a deep breath "You see Amy and--"
"Yes we have to make an important call, its from a big company in Japan if you excuse us" Amy said grabbing her hand dragging her outside
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Helping the situation, you froze in there"
Amy knew she had to tell them one day, that she couldn't hide it anymore but she was so scared
"And you think telling them we are engaged it will help??" she now rose her voice
"Are you that ashamed of us?" Kamilah snapped back not being able to hold her anger any longer
"Of course not Kamilah! I just cant tell them that i like women!!"
Everything was deadly silent and when she turned around she knew why
"You like what?" her mother asked gasping
Kamilah massaged her temples "we are engaged and we--"
"Stay out of this" her sharp voice cut her off. She was so sweet and gentle that it was scary watching her change so suddenly
"I knew it was a mistake letting you go to New York, look what have you became, a sick person!"
Amy's eyes were wet, her blood boiling "I am not sick mother!"
"Oh really? Women are made for men what is this madness!" her mother tried to approach but Kamilah stepped between them
"Now i respect your age, but if you take one more step i wont hesitate to show you how to respect my fiance"
She took a step back hugging Amy "lets go, she isn't worth it"
Amy leaning in into her protective arms not looking back at her own mother, the one who doesn't accept her for who she is
"You aren't welcome here are you listening to me??"
But she didn't, they quickly got in the car driving away from this hell
Amy wrapped her arms around herself looking at the window lost
"I am so sorry" Kamilah said holding her hand tight
Amy had a faint smile on her face despite the heartache "its okay, i am the one who is sorry, they aren't worth it"
"You dont have to apologize, they dont deserve a daughter like you" she said squeezing it more "i am here for you, always"
Amy turn her head to look at her fiancé and how she did everything for her, but she noticed two motorcycles and a jeep following behind them
"Kamilah look out" she pointed at the mirror
Kamilah groaned "Not now god damnit!!" and like that she speed so fast that Amy felt uneasy. But the paparazzi didn't back down, they followed close behind trying to reach them.
"Hold tight" Kamilah said trying to take turns to avoid them but the jeep was approaching dangerously close
Flashes and voices filled the night making her blind, she couldn't see the road or where she was going. But they didn't stop, they were so hungry for one picture that they forgot their humanity
Amy's heart was racing trying to cover her face with her scarf
"Amy just hold--" but the car hit their back tires so hard that they both hit on the sides
"You have to be kidding me" Kamilah tried to lose them but it was impossible, the flashes barely let her see the road, they fell already into the trap
Amy took Kamilah's free hand squeezing it tight, fear creeping inside her heart. Before they could even make a turn the car hit once more but this time the car flipped upside down.
Glass was spraying everywhere, the flashes didn't stop. Amy blinked a couple of times, everything around her hazy
The last thing she saw was bright lights from all the angles making her eyes hurt, an agonizing pain filling her body. Everything happened so fast that she didn't had enough time to comprehend it.
She could hear a voice calling her but it felt distant, as she fell deeper into the darkness.
Tag list: @scarlet-letter-a0114 @gavryllo @mrskamilxh @trouble-with-the-curve @blackphenix9527 @la-guera-69 @thepotatobleh @ilovetaylor13m @amorettemcsky @sayeedbound @wildsayeed @lightning-fury
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unchosens · 4 years
Tumblr media
wonderful graphic thanks to @theboywhv, the best person alive
❝ there’s something inside you, it’s hard to explain. they’re talking about you, boy, but you’re still the same. ❞ Merlin’s beard, what is ( HARRY JAMES POTTER ) doing out at this hour? For a ( HALF-BLOOD ) who is ( 46 ) years old, ( HE ) really ought to know better. You know, I hear that they’re aligned with ( THE ORDER ), but that could be just a rumor. I do know that they're ( CISMALE ) and a ( GRYFFINDOR ) alum who works as a ( UNEMPLOYED ) though. They're very ( RESILIENT ) and ( SELFLESS ) but also quite ( SOLITARY ) and ( WRATHFUL ), which could be why they remind of ( TRUSTING YOUR GUT, LESSONS LEARNT THE HARD WAY, OLD SCARS AND FRESH WOUNDS, THE WEIGHT OF DUTY ). Some people say they’re the spitting image of ( NAVEEN ANDREWS ), but I’ve never heard of them. Word on the street is that they're ( THE REVENANT ) and their prophecy is ( PROPHECY #58. ), but only time will tell if that's true or not. 
triggers: death, parental death, ptsd, torture
“THE REVENANT is the only person who can vanquish the unspeakable enemy, for they possess power that their nemesis knows not. When all is said and done, only they and they alone can end this for good. But if they fall, the entire world will fall with them.”
Life was difficult for Harry after the war. He couldn’t bear the idea of going back to Hogwarts. Not only did the memories of everyone who died there haunt him, but it felt pointless. He didn’t belong there anymore, sitting in class, trying to pretend everything was the same. Harry signed up with the Aurors instead, in the direct aftermath not seeing another path for himself than to continue what he had started in protecting others. The work didn’t exactly make him happy, but it was a fulfilling purpose, helping him get up in the morning every day.
[PTSD TW; TORTURE TW] The lightning scar had never been the worst of his wounds. The memories of the people who’d died (for him), the feeling of Voldemort in his head, the sounds of Hermione screaming under torture, Remus, Tonks, Fred and Colin dead in the Great Hall were all what truly lingered. He tried his best, but he couldn’t help but think if he’d been smarter, done things a better way, they’d still be alive. They could all still be alive. The things Harry had done himself – such as the torture of Amycus Carrow - haunted him less, but he wasn’t proud of it either. There were days he thought he’d never get out of his own head, once trapped there by Voldemort, now only by himself – days he thought something had gone wrong inside of him and he simply wasn’t built for anything but fighting a war. It was Ron and Hermione he leaned on most, who helped him recover from the very worst of his depression and PTSD, but they couldn’t make it go away, couldn’t fix it just by being at his side as they had done for so many of his problems. His symptoms were mainly expressed through recurring vivid nightmares, consistent low moods, continuing hyper-vigilance/alertness in his day-to-day activities and frequent self-isolation. Harry was never good at talking about the things that bothered him most, and it was no different now, he kept most of it inside and threw himself into his new purpose, being an Auror. [END TW]
He tried his best to keep functioning, to keep seeing his friends - Harry hated the thought of worrying them and he needed to be around them, too, for his own peace of mind. Teddy also meant the world to him and he was determined to be there for his godchild , the closest person he now had to family. Andromeda remained Teddy’s primary caregiver and was scarcely willing to be parted from her only remaining family for much more than an hour, but she and Harry got along surprisingly well and she soon became comfortable with letting Harry look after him for longer periods. She treated Harry not as a hero, but as the shell-shocked and traumatised young man that he was. He certainly wasn’t ready to be a parent to a young child, but Harry visited often, at least two or three afternoons a week, at his most presentable, determined to at least be a steady presence in Teddy’s life. Usually, he ended up sleeping the night when Andromeda forced him to stay over in the guest room. She could tell that left to his own devices, he wasn’t getting much rest.
Soon after the post-battle clean up, when Kingsley approached him about Auror training, Harry didn’t hesitate. It was what he had always planned on – the only thing he’d planned on. And it was a natural extension of the work he’d already been doing, helping with the trials and the remaining Death Eaters. For someone not expecting to survive, there was something healing about participating in the clean-up, in the rebuild. It wasn’t that he couldn’t see a different path – quidditch, teaching, all things he enjoyed, that he might have made a life out of. In another life. At the end of the day, that life wasn’t for him. It might have been restful – but Harry knew he had never been a restful person. He never would be. At least now it was on his terms, his choice. That’s not to say he managed to find a healthy balance – Harry threw himself into the work, caring little for his own wellbeing when the only thing he feared was losing momentum and having to think about the trauma of the war.
Becoming an Auror required a lengthy adjustment process. The war was over, yes, but it was time for politics to begin, and there, Harry was out of his depth. He had old scars, too, literally and figuratively, from dealing with the Ministry and a lot of distrust. He’d never been good at working with others, who weren’t Ron and Hermione, but luckily, both were still at his side. What was difficult was learning to accept help from other people too, and getting used to the slow and bureaucratic way Aurors had of solving problems. Harry couldn’t just throw himself headfirst into danger anymore, surviving on skill, luck and nerve – he had to listen, obey orders and co-operate. All of which he found difficult, used to operating on his own, or under the trusted instructions of Dumbledore – the only person he’d ever really had to answer to in the past. Now there was a whole department full of co-workers and bosses who he had to find a way to get along with, many of whom thought he scarcely had the right to be there.
Harry had never gotten along with the Ministry - had in fact in the past refused to co-operate with them. Now that the story was out and his defeat of Voldemort and quest to destroy the horcruxes was public knowledge, some resented that Harry, a seventeen year old boy had not confided in the Aurors - they believed they should have been entrusted with the mission, that Harry keeping the secret close to his chest had been reckless and selfish. It was mostly due to Kingsley’s influence that Harry was hired - he wanted someone he could trust within the department given the upheaval it had gone through during the war. Of the Aurors, some had gone on the run, some had been killed, some had been Imperiused and some had been collaborators who were now imprisoned themselves. As Gawain Robards attempted to put the cracks of the Department back together,  Harry found himself at odds with many of his senior co-workers, who believed that Harry saw himself as above the law - much as they believed his mentor Dumbledore had. 
In return, it was only Kingsley who Harry really trusted. He was suspicious of many of the Aurors he’d come across in the past - people like Dawlish, Proudfoot and Savage, who may not have been working for Voldemort, but had done plenty of damage regardless due to their unquestioning loyalty and fanaticism for the Ministry’s rule. Dawlish in particular was a problem, given that he had been Imperiused by the Death Eaters after their takeover of the Ministry, something he was particularly susceptible to after the Order had Confunded him several times. For this, he blamed Harry.  Their working relationship was tense to say the least, and it was a relief for Harry when he began to rise through the ranks and no longer had to answer to Dawlish. 
At first, though, Harry just wanted to work. Help in the trials, make things better, not get involved in politics. He remained fervently distrusting of the Ministry, though he believed Minister Shacklebolt was different. It was Hermione who’d always had the passion for causes in the abstract, things like S.P.E.W., that honestly, Harry had barely even feigned interest in. He’d step up every time if there was danger, if someone needed him – throw his life on the line without a second thought, fight back against a threat, an aggressor, a tyrant – but he was never really a revolutionary.
Instead, Harry had somehow naturally fallen into a role as a Dementor expert. For the first couple of years after the war, he was a dedicated – some might say obsessive – member of the Dementor Task Force. The task force concentrated on tracking down the Dementors that had been working for Voldemort and getting them away from the wizarding and muggle villages that they had gotten used to targeting in big swarms. It wasn’t precisely healthy - Harry had always been affected by them worse than most and especially after the war, when he was already in a dark place, constantly reliving all the worst memories and being dragged into low moods by the Dementors wasn’t good for him. Especially as he approached the job with the razor-like focus he had so often been consumed by in the past. But he pushed on anyway, arguing that it wasn’t as if other people had an easy time with them either. He’d do his share. His famously strong Patronus put him in a better position than most of his co-workers anyway, which is what got him originally appointed to the force.
Then, at the same time as Harry was working hard on driving the Dementors away from people they would harm, he learnt that the Ministry was still intent on using them in Azkaban as prison guards. As before, for Harry, it’s when it becomes personal that he takes an interest in politics, and then he is unstoppable. Nothing was more painful to him than the memory of Sirius’ twelve years in Azkaban without a trial, the lost years they could have had together, and the life stolen from his godfather, sucked dry by the Dementors. Even aside from that, the Dementors turned coat before and could do so again. Harry would rather trust people than the dark creatures, if he has to trust anyone outside his core group at all.
So he then found himself getting involved in politics after all, more than simply saying a few words here and there, or supporting Hermione in one of her reforms. His friends were glad of it, encouraging him to take a step back from active duty hunting down the Dementors, having been concerned as Harry experienced his darkest period since the end of the war. The good news was that the famous Golden Trio were still inseparable, and frankly, unstoppable when they had a cause. It was mostly Hermione leading the way, but Harry wasn’t going to sit back and participate in more of the same Ministry corruption either. He turned his focus on prison and trial reform relentlessly, steadily growing more comfortable in being a leading voice, and since then recognised as one of the more influential Aurors in the department, likely to be appointed to leadership in time.
[TORTURE TW] Yet Harry himself was far from perfect. While he wasn’t especially guilt-ridden over his needless and anger-fuelled torture of Carrow, or the other, more practical uses he’d made of the Imperius Curse during the war, he couldn’t in good conscience fail to recount the whole story, everything he had done, when telling Kingsley what had happened, right after the battle. Kingsley organised a pardon for war crimes, which he then promptly buried at the Ministry for political reasons, aware that people didn’t want to know this about their hero. His motivations were both to protect Harry from undergoing more scrutiny when he had been through so much already – and at the same time, ensure the new government wasn’t tarnished by this complication. [TORTURE TW]
Harry went along with this, hating the idea of undergoing more publicity, more attention, and following Kingsley’s lead to let it rest, not yet wary of what this could mean for continuing corruption in the Ministry.  His use of the Unforgivables remain a secret even now, something not known to many outside of Harry’s closest circle of Ginny, Ron, Hermione and some of the Order. When Harry thought of that time and what he did, he remembered the danger of his temper, of what he was capable of if he gave into anger, of where it could lead him. That, more than anything else, was what haunted him about what he’d done and was a warning he planned on passing on to his children when he considered them old enough – yet he often put it off, afraid of what they might come to think of him.  
Before that, he and Ginny rebuilt their relationship, finding their deep connection to still be alive and strong after the horrors of war. It was Ginny who got him without Harry having to speak, and it was Ginny who could make him laugh again. She understood the trauma in his past and had never changed the way she looked at him. They eventually got married and supported each other as they grew their careers, Ginny in professional Quidditch and Harry in working his way up the ranks of the Aurors until he became Head Auror. 
 As his family grew, Harry truly felt for the first time in his life that he was putting the past to rest, finally letting go of all his pain. It was James who came first - a child rejected by his birth family on account of his magic. The pain of being an outsider was something Harry knew well - his own childhood had very little love in it once he was sent to the Dursleys - and his heart instantly went out to the little boy. When some time later, another baby was left on his and Ginny’s doorstep, just as he had been left on a doorstep himself years ago, to some it might have seemed as if fate was guiding his life again. But Harry didn’t think about it like that. He still believed what Dumbledore had told him - that it was choices that mattered. Not ability, not blood, not birth, not fate. It had been Sirius Black, a man not related to him by anything but the ties of friendship and love that had given Harry his first experience of family, of a father. It seemed right that he could do the same for his two sons - more than right, it was what he wanted, more than anything. A third child, Lily, made their family complete. As a parent, he wanted to ensure his children grew up with everything he didn’t have, as well as give them the best of him, usually at his most patient and even-tempered around them, if also a little overprotective. 
Protecting his family was his highest priority, but his fame and position made it difficult. Harry tried to keep his kids from the spotlight as much as possible, but even he knew it was hopeless. The press had never stopped being interested in the Boy Who Lived, even once he was a man. For himself, he hated the publicity - personally, he could never quite get over the lies and the harassment he’d faced, the way he'd been treated as a spectacle to dissect all over the front page. But Harry had also seen firsthand what it was like when false information and dogma was fed through the news and so professionally, he knew it was crucial to speak to them – in his capacity as Head Auror only. His most important rule, which he made clear at every interview with his sternest expression and very coldest voice was that he never spoke about his family. All he ever wanted was for his children to have safe and happy lives, and he would have done anything to make that happen. It was why Harry struggled with Lily’s ambition to be an Auror. At once painfully proud and fiercely worried that she would find the cycle of violence and darkness too much to bear, it took time for him to accept that she was just as stubborn as he ever was. 
The rise of the Wraiths made Harry furious, perhaps more than even he had ever been before (and he was always very good at anger). The sacrifices he had made, that the people who had fought and died had made, were not going to be made into nothing. He had been frustrated for some time by Orion Lestrange - it had been clear to Harry that the wizard had been planning some kind of attack, but within the law, there had been nothing he could do while Orion hid behind a cover of political freedom. While at many times in his career he had felt the old frustration with the Ministry and its skewed priorities and limitations, he was now truly disillusioned at the way it seemed to harm more than help, despite the contributions of Kingsley, Hermione and Harry himself. He now felt as though he had failed to make a difference, failed to prevent this war, a mistake that was proving catastrophic. 
Harry then reformed the Order not just to fight, but to win. And this time, he had no intention of doing it in secret, beyond the covertness necessary for survival. The Order itself would be secret, but Harry was going to speak out. This was their world now. They weren’t children, and they weren’t powerless.
He depended on his old circle to be his fellow leaders, Ron and Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville – there was no one else he trusted more, and together he had faith they could end this, for once and for all this time. 
He took the codename Hart, a reference to his stag Patronus - hart being a term for an adult red deer, was also chosen for Gryffindor red, but of course, he had to endure a lot of jokes mostly from Ron and the Weasley brothers about being the heart of the Order. All of which Harry dismissed with an eyeroll – he wasn’t special, certainly not more than any of them. They were going to win together. 
When Harry heard about the Prophecy, his determination to fight didn’t change, but he also felt a deep dread, an ever-increasing disconcertment at the way history seemed to be repeating itself. He wasn’t afraid of having to fight Voldemort again – he would do that prophecy be damned. He didn’t need a prophecy to tell him to do that. But Harry was afraid of the past repeating itself, of more people dying for him, of them making a sacrifice for someone who wasn’t worth it. How could he, how could one person, be worth all the death that lay in his past? The worst of it was the fear of who could be lost next – his children, the very best of his life; his wife, who was the greatest source of happiness he’d ever had; or his friends, who’d never backed down from his side, despite the risks they’d faced. 
The thing about prophecies was that Harry learnt them, as he learnt so many things, at Dumbledore’s knee. Hearing this one made him angry. The only one who could defeat an unspeakable enemy? Already, it implied that he would once more be the victor, the one to survive, the one who lives. What about his children? His wife? His best friends? There were no assurances for them and Harry had no intention of being the survivor this time, not if it meant losing them. The one thing he wanted was to end this war before his children had to be more involved than they already were. And that, to Harry, meant not listening to the prophecy. He already knew they didn’t have to be true – that it was Voldemort who had really marked Harry as his eventual killer. Dumbledore had told him that, and whatever complicated feelings he had about the man, who he at once loved, resented and couldn’t bear to hear criticised, Harry still had more faith in him than just about anyone else. If there needed to be a sacrifice this time, he’d be the one to do it.
The only problem was that if other people chose to believe the prophecy – and they did – he and his family would be a target. He knew in a way that it was his own fault. After all, he did defeat Voldemort. But Harry also knew it wasn’t because of any prophecy. As he once put it, he chose to walk into that arena with his head held high and do the job marked for him, by Voldemort, by Dumbledore – but not by fate. To the rest of the world, though, he had proven once before that he was the Chosen One. So the Potter family increased their protections, and went as close into hiding as they could go without actually going into hiding, all the while the spectres of James and Lily I and their fate hanging over him.     
Meanwhile, considering his determination to not believe this Prophecy, Harry started thinking about what might happen if he did die. It was certainly not his intention to die – he didn’t mean to sacrifice himself simply for the sake of it, but he’d fight and die if necessary, like anyone else. He had to think, then, about how that might mean leaving his children with nothing. Years ago he’d given the Marauder’s Map to Teddy, who he assumed had since passed it down to James, and perhaps Albus and Lily in turn (Harry didn’t need to know about that, it wasn’t supposed to be passed down from parent to child, but from mischief maker to mischief maker - though regardless of that, he knew what it was like to crave a connection to the father you’d never known and it belonged as much to the Lupins as to the Potters). 
Now, however, Harry gave his long-treasured Invisibility Cloak to Lily as a means of protection at Hogwarts from the student Wraiths and also as a tacit sign of his approval of her decision to become an Auror. But truthfully, it was also because of his uncertainty of whether he’d make it out alive this time. Perhaps, if the worst indeed came, it would give her comfort, as having something of his own father always had for him. He also, at this time, looked past his own desire to stay perfect in her eyes and told Lily about his own use of the Unforgivable Curses in his past, knowing that she was in many ways, just like him - and if Lily was going to choose the same path as him, face the same darkness, he wanted to warn her of the dangers of their shared temperament. He had passed on enough pain to Lily already and he did not want her to repeat his mistakes. At Hogwarts, Lily did need the Cloak the most; for James, Albus and Teddy, all adults, he focused on giving them all the time he could, just in case. He wanted them to know there was nothing in the world he loved as much. That it had all been worth it, to get to this part of his life, where he got to have them. 
The one thing he wanted was to end this war before his children had to be more involved than they already were. But tragically, that hope ended the same night Harry’s life did. Lestrange, something of a sadist, had chosen the night on purpose and tormented Harry with the fact before he died. Harry gave up any hope of escape, preferring to buy time for his family.
Ginny took James and Albus to safety, to the Granger-Weasley safehouse, only to return with Ron and Hermione to help Harry. They were too late to find anything more than his body, bereft of his wand, which had been taken by the Wraiths as a trophy. 
He was buried at Godric’s Hollow, in the graveyard next to his parents’ plot. On their other side is a memorial stone Harry organised himself, honouring Sirius and Regulus Black, neither of whom left a body behind. Harry, alongside Andromeda, also oversaw the burials of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks at Godric’s Hollow. 
While the fact that he has been brought back from the dead as a living revenant seems to point to the prophecy’s accuracy, the old Harry would have pointed out that knowledge of the prophecy would have encouraged the Knights to bring him back as just that – a self-fulfilling prophecy once more. Now, without his memories, Harry is less inclined to regard the prophecy as false, not when everyone around him seems to credit it but it remains yet another thing Harry struggles to believe about himself. What chance does he have of defeating any enemy? He doesn’t even know who he is. He doesn’t know if he wants to know who he is, if he even wants to be alive. He might be a revenant, but he isn’t a hero. It’s not that he doesn’t want to help. If he knew where to start, he’d try. For all his confusion and grief over the heaven he’s lost, there’s no part of Harry capable of sitting back and doing nothing. But he’s lost. Whoever Harry Potter used to be, he’s no one’s Chosen One anymore. 
Harry Potter had been resting, at peace. He was torn away from that when he woke up in his grave, to be found by the Knights and told who he was. At first he felt nothing so much as confusion. All he could really remember was being safe, comfortable, warm; now it was eyes on him all the time, hushed whispers in his presence, frightened voices and angry discussions in which people threw around blame. Learning of his past made him more unnerved still – it was impossible to think of being this person others described, apparently the perfect hero … though Harry can’t help but see the trail of death that seems to follow this past self of his in all the stories. Touching everyone except him. 
Being around his old family and friends is, for the most part, uncomfortable. He doesn’t know how to act around any of them, he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to be. And they look at him with so much expectation, so much hope. It’s the worst around his children. The way they look at him could break him if he let it. Despite everything he doesn’t remember, Harry hates the feeling that he’s disappointing people. It hurts to let them down, when it seems as if they love him so very much. If only he could remember. But no matter how much he tries, he can’t find what he’s lost – what, he sometimes thinks, might no longer exist as anything other than someone else’s memory. 
And there are times he doesn’t want to try. Times all he feels is anger, an anger he tries not to show, but it’s there. He doesn’t belong here. He shouldn’t be here. And they brought him back. It was the first thing he had said when he was pulled out of the grave – “I’m not supposed to be here. Who are you? Why did you do this to me?” Since then, it’s never really stopped hurting. It got worse when he learnt about Neville Longbottom – Harry doesn’t remember the man, but knowing he should be alive and Harry should be dead is a lot to bear. From the stories, though, allowing other people to die for him is nothing new. The question is why other people keep going along with it. 
With the resurrection, Harry has been altered. Some things remain the same – he’s still brave and determined, still resilient and certainly still internalising his own feelings, trying to be strong, because it’s what people seem to expect of him, what they’re looking to him for. And he can’t help but try to be what others need instinctively, though truth be told, he’s no better than he ever was at comforting others, awkward and unpractised at both words and touches of love. The feeling of a wand in his hand is familiar, even if he doesn’t remember old spells, and he seems to have a way of rubbing the scar on his forehead when he’s thinking, or brushing flat the unruly hair on his head, that might well painfully remind his forgotten loved ones of the man they knew. But while he still feels those old instincts deep within, ultimately, he’s more consumed with himself and his own pain. It’s something like being a child again – egocentric and absorbed in his own feelings. 
His worst flaws, the ones that before his death, Harry had spent years working on and trying to master are instead amplified – his temper, impatience, independent streak, tendency to internalise and his disregard of his own life. For now, he’s cooperating, remaining hidden in the Order safehouse, but he’s never been easy to control, and while others are consumed with trying to figure out what to do about Harry, what’s right - even with the best of intentions, he’s never liked being told what to do or “handled” like a problem. As if he’s incapable. In fact, that tends to make him more defiant, more reckless, and without the bitterly learnt lessons in controlling those urges, Harry is every day more likely to do something he can’t take back. 
The worst part of it is that he doesn’t really know what he wants – to do anything and everything possible to get back his memories, regardless of danger? To fight alongside the people who are apparently his family? Or to leave, to take the offer of a peaceful life without any of them, to leave and never look back? Deep down, there’s another urge, to give up entirely, to stop fighting past the pain he feels in order to stay alive – it’d be easier to return to the heaven he’d lost. That much he can’t say out loud to anyone, sure of the pain it would cause to these people who won’t seem to stop fighting for him, whether he wants them to or not. 
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Avenger’s Preferences
How You Meet Pt. 2
A/N: Someone in my family works in the V.A. so yes, I know what I’m talking about.
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Switching schools was never something you liked. Always being the new kid and having to recreate a whole new life was always so hard and frustrating. You tried to be a lone wolf, but your bubbly and friendly personality just wouldn’t let you. So when you inevitably moved, it was always full of tears.
This time was no different. Your family had relocated to New York City for your father’s business. You were in a new school surrounded by people you didn’t know. While their faces all blurred together, you stuck out like a sore thumb. You knew everyone was staring at you as you made your way to your new locker. Once you found it, you found that it did not want to cooperate and open.
“Son of a bitch,” you mumbled, shaking the lock. You rested your head against the cool metal.
“Need some help with that?” A tall girl with dark skin, black, frizzy hair, and glasses stood a little down the way. She was leaning against another locker, her arms crossed over her chest. You stood up straight, pulling your mouth into a thin line.
“That’d be great, thanks,” you said. She pushed herself off the locker. She came over to your locker, jiggling the lock before hitting it with her elbow. It swung open with complete ease.
“These things suck,” she told you. You chuckled, shaking your head.
“Thank you.”
“No problem. I haven’t seen you around here before.”
“Uh, no. I’m new. My name’s Y/N. Y/N L/N.” You stuck your hand out, a smile on your face. She took your hand hesitantly.
“Hey, I’m--”
“MJ!” Behind you, two boys were waving at the girl, MJ. One was on the heavier side with tan skin and dark hair. The other one was a slim, fit guy with pale skin and light brown hair.
“MJ! We’ve been looking for you,” the first guy said.
“Guys. This is Y/N. She’s new,” MJ said. “Y/N, this is Ned and Peter--a couple of losers.” You giggled, holding out your hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you guys,” you said. Ned shook your hand with a big smile. Peter gave your hand a shake, a tight-lipped smile on his face. “As wonderful as it’s been meeting you all, I should head to class. See you guys!” You skipped off down the hall, searching for your first class.
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When you had returned from Iraq, you were so happy to be home. Your family had thrown a small get-together to celebrate your safe return. Everyone was so proud of you for serving your country. Your parents had offered to let you stay with them until you found yourself a job and an apartment. With a good record, and an honorable discharge, it shouldn’t be hard.
It was two months before you landed a job as a receptionist at the V. A. Center in D.C. It wasn’t a glamorous job, but you made decent money. However, living in D.C. was expensive. Finding a place seemed almost impossible, even with a job. Luckily your parents were extremely understanding.
After about three months at the V. A., you had your job down pretty well. Most of the time you were answering calls from local and nationwide veterans. Most were nice, inquiring about certain medical options and wanting help through the transition back into normal society. Some veterans weren’t as friendly and called to complain about how the government treated them or simply to yell.
You had finished another call and were logging it when someone cleared their throat. You tapped on the board that was in front of you. You listened as the pen scratched across the paper for the visitor. Once you finished your log you glanced up.
A handsome stranger stood in front of your desk, a half-smile on his face. You smiled back, heat rising up your neck.
“Welcome to the V. A. Center, how can I help you?” you asked, fidgeting with your hands.
“I’m Sam Wilson. I have an interview in about twenty-minutes,” he told you. You nodded, sliding down a bit to the other phone. You picked it up, dialing the three numbers to your boss’ office.
“Sir, there’s a Sam Wilson here to see you,” you informed him. “Yes sir.” You slid back down to Mr. Wilson. “He’ll be here shortly, he’s finishing up a meeting.”
Mr. Wilson nodded, sitting down in one of the chairs. You tried your best to not stare, but not staring was never your strong suit. Mr. Wilson was tall, dark, and handsome, how could you not stare? He was sitting back in the chair, his ankle resting on his knee. His arm was thrown over the back of the chair as he stared down the hall.
“Can I ask you something Mr. Wilson?” you inquired, pretending to type on the computer as if you hadn’t spent the last five minutes staring at him.
“Please, Sam is fine,” he said.
“Okay, Sam, can I ask you something?” He nodded. “What branch did you serve?”
“Army,” he replied. You nodded, a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth.
“So when they do a men of the Army calendar, is it just twelve months of you?” He paused for a moment before laughing. “What? Don’t like it?” You shot him a wink, a smirk on your face.
“I like it quite a lot, actually… what’s your name?”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
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It took years and years of studying and hard work, but becoming the leading psychiatrist in dealing and helping soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS), formerly PTSD. You never experienced it personally, but you had neighbors and friends who suffered from it growing up. You wanted to do something helpful in the world, something good, so you dedicated your life to finding ways to work through what others had experienced. Your reputation began to precede you, and that was how you were flown across the world to help one of the worst cases you’d ever seen.
The patient was a Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. He served in World War I where he was presumed KIA, Killed In Action. That was until about four years ago when he resurfaced as an assassin for an organization that was almost gone. The more you read, the wilder his story seemed to get. Reading his file, which was quite extensive, covered almost the entire flight to Wakanda.
King T’Challa stood ready to greet you when your plane landed. You bowed your head respectively, taking in the empty fields that surrounded you. He shook your hand firmly, offering you a warm smile.
“Welcome to Wakanda Dr. L/N,” he greeted.
“Thank you for having me, Your Majesty,” you said. “You have beautiful, open lands.”
“You’re much too kind. If you would follow me this way.” He held his hand out and began guiding you across one of the fields. Birds chirped above you as you made your trek over the verdant hills.
Just over the last hill was a single hut. Goats roamed around freely, munching on grass and bleating. King T’Challa gestured to the hut, staring at it solemnly.
“White Wolf lives there. He lives happily in solitude, but human interaction is important. The world says you are the best in your field. Please, help him,” the King said. You nodded your head.
“Nothing is guaranteed,” you reminded him. “My methods aren’t a one-hundred percent success, but I will do my best.”
“That is all we ask.”
You nodded one more time before resuming your walk to the small hut, this time alone. The goats were curious about you, pausing their lunch to stare at you. One particularly small one ran to you, nudging its head against your leg.
“Steve, be nice.”
A new voice caught your attention. His hair was longer and his beard was fuller, but you recognized the man as Sergeant Barnes. He stood in the doorway of the hut, staring down at the tiny goat that was now nibbling at the bottom of your pants. He wore white, traditional, Wakanda clothing. A white bandage covered the stub where his arm once was. He would have seemed peaceful were it not for the dark, solemn gaze in his eyes.
“Sergeant Barnes?” you called, bending down to pick up the goat. He looked up at you. “Sergeant Barnes my name is Dr. Y/N L/N. King T’Challa asked me to help you transition back into civilian society.” He nodded his head slowly. The goat, Steve, nestled into your chest, nibbling your shirt. “I was hoping we could talk.”
“Of course,” he said, moving aside so you could enter his hut. Setting the goat down, you stepped inside the small hut. It was bare for the most part, only the necessities were present. You took a seat on a nearby chair, watching him carefully. He took a seat across from you, awkwardly shifting in his seat.
“Sergeant Barnes, I would like to preface this by saying I am here to help you, and if what we do isn’t helping, it’s okay to say that,” you said.
“I’m sorry?”
“My name… it’s Bucky.” You smiled.
“It’s nice to meet you Bucky. I’m Y/N.”
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Rehabilitation, patience, and forgiveness were some of your core beliefs. You also believed that good was in everyone, no matter what bad deeds they did, no matter how lost they seemed, with the right guidance and a voice of encouragement, you truly believed that anyone could redeem themselves. Because of this firm belief, you started a rehabilitation center in your kingdom which grew into the biggest and most successful rehabilitation center in the world.
Being the princess of a small country was hard, but this success gave your country exactly what it needed--money. Which sounded worse than it actually was. The world runs on money and your people weren’t exactly millionaires, but being paid to rehabilitate both petty and hardened criminals was surprisingly a great way to make money.
So much so that King T’Challa of Wakanda, an old childhood friend of yours, asked a favor from an American aquanitice of his. Tony Stark, owner of Stark Industries and Avenger, had been asked by his fellow Avenger, Thor to seek a place for his trickster brother. You had heard all about New York in the news, but you never expected that to have an affect on your country. You weren’t so sure until Thor offered to pay in pure gold. That, you simply couldn’t refuse.
You stood on the runway, watching as the plane carrying your latest case began to touch down. The wind whipped your hair around your face, but your sunglasses protected your eyes. The wind settled once the plane came to a stop. The door opened and the first to exit was King T’Challa.
“Your Majesty,” you called. He smiled at you as he descended the stairs.
“Your Highness,” he greeted. He jogged over to you, skipping all formalities to give you a heartfelt hug. “It has been too long, old friend.”
“Much too long,” you agreed. A posse of people had followed him. Guards from Wakanda, Tony Stark, Thor, and his brother, Loki.
“Princess Y/N, this is my American acquaintance, Tony Stark.”
“Yes, Stark Industries precedes you.” He bowed to you respectfully.
“Your Highness, this is Thor and his troublesome brother Loki,” Stark said, gesturing to the two giant men beside him. Loki was bound in unique chains and had his face covered so you could only see his eyes.
“Welcome, gentlemen. We are happy to welcome you to our small corner of the world. If you all would follow me,” you said. You looped your arm through T’Challa’s, leading them to the facilities where Loki would be kept. “While your brother is a rather unique guest, we will be treating him like we treat everyone else here. Because of his abilities, he will be placed in a special room designed specifically for him.”
“How do you know it will hold Reindeer Games over here?” Stark asked, sending a pointed look to Loki. You smiled.
“I had a top engineer design it using advanced technologies that could put your entire company to shame,” you said. A smirk pulled at T’Challa’s mouth at the mention of his sister.
“You are very kind for doing this Princess Y/N,” Thor said. “I know with the right guidance, my brother will come back to who he used to be. Loki rolled his eyes at that, opting to look out the window. From the corner of your eye, you could see him staging at your reflection through the glass.
“It’s my pleasure.”
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