#he's also even more pathetic than he was in the first movie <3
hotvintagepoll · 10 hours
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Peter Lorre (The Maltese Falcon, Arsenic and Old Lace, Casablanca)—to me he DEFINES scrungle hes the first person i think of every time the term comes up! i want to fold him up like a paper accordion and put him in my pocket. guy that spawned a million voice artists and impersonators. they made a ghost version of him for halloween cereal staple boo berry. bewitched by his nervous mania and tooth gap <3 (for the purposes of propaganda im linking a photo from his extremely short appearance in muscle beach party bc ive been obsessed w it for years and i couldnt find any video for it :/ anyway imagine youre frankie avalon spending the whole movie battling a bodybuilder faction thats taking over your beach and your girl and then you find out this fucking guy is their mastermind mystery leader and hes stronger than all the bodybuilders combined. like Huh. What.)
Tony Randall (Lover Come Back, Pillow Talk)—he's SO TIRED he's three-wheeling ALL THE TIME on rock and doris's shenanigans and he is always SMALL. PATHETIC. INHERENTLY FILLED WITH ENNUI. i feel like all these 60s comedies are very Straight Laced and Heterosexual and yet somehow tony randall is always there having the worst day ever.
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Peter Lorre
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he's pretty much the archetype of the scrungly little guy. the blueprint. the example by which all other scrungly little guys are judged
The perfect sniveling character actor, “scrungly” is the first word that comes to mind when I think of him.
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The entire point of his iconic role in Casablanca (apart from introducing the central plot mcguffin) was to be LITTLE and SCRUNGLY to make Bogie look even cooler. And Maggot in Corpse Bride - the littlest scrungliest guy in that film - was a parody of him.
I think Arsenic and Old Lace is his quintessential "scrungly" performance. He's so put-upon and tired...all he wants is sleep and some schnapps! I love the way his shoulders fall slowly when he thinks he's caught (he looks like a sad puppy!), only to gleefully sprint out the door when he realizes how dumb those police officers are.
Between his big eyes, wheezy laugh, short stature, and expressive faces, Peter Lorre achieved icon status as the scrungliest, littlest guy in Hollywood. His scrungly little guy energy was often contrasted with the more typical masculinity of the leading man, but whether this contrast was meant to make him seem especially sinister, comedic, or pathetic, it always left an unforgettable impression!
I'm sure somebody else has already submitted him (if not then ???) but he's a cute kind of scrungly little guy. He's got a distinctive nasal voice with an accent that is instantly recognizable and often imitated. His later horror movies are so much fun, especially when he's playing off of Vincent Price. He's so good at being unhinged, creepy, or manic, but also pathetic and sympathetic.
Classic scrungly hollywood golden age little guy who was friends with Humphrey Bogart and still played some of the wettest most sniveling characters ever committed to celluloid (complimentary) there is a deep despair and darkness in many of his characters that enhances his scrungly
To be clear, I am one of those people who will argue that Lorre is one of the most underrated film actors, but the POINT is that he's also just a scrungly delight. A delightfully pocket-sized man. Somehow endearing even when he is being actively amoral (see esp. Casablanca. "I found myself much more reasonable!") The faces he makes while doing the Russian cossack dance with a butter knife between his teeth in Silk Stockings make me laugh just thinking about them.
Wikipedia described his typical characters as "timidly devious", lots of weird little villains and evil sidekicks that are pretty horrifying but still manage to be sort of pathetic and the very definition of "poor little meow meow". His look and voice and mannerisms are so iconic they're still imitated
Cartoons for the next century have and will continue to include Peter Lorre-esque characters when needed to up the scrunge factor (see Bugs Bunny and so many more).
[editor's note on below link: I'm not actually sure how many of these characters are directly influenced by Peter Lorre, so take with a grain of salt. tw for suicide.]
The poster boy for Scrungly. Everyone who wants to draw a scrungly guy draws Peter Lorre. Gomez Addams of The Addams Family was based on him
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Tony Randall
"you had everything going for you! poverty!! squalor!!!!" "girls again!!! what's this obSESSion you have with giRLS???"
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bluestranger · 1 year
just watched basket case 2 (1990) and uhhh.. why'd they make duane extra scrunkly??
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st-eve-barnes · 1 year
Hush (modern Aemond x fem Reader)
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Summary: Aemond has been crushing on you since forever but is too shy to tell you. One night while watching a movie with your friends and cuddling underneath a blanket he shows you just how much he desires you. Based on this little prompt "What if I pull your panties aside, and finger you in a public place…?"
Word count: +3700
Warning: 18+ for explicit content and language, fingering, teasing, dirty talk, hand job (sort of), mild choking,
All my fics are also on AO3
Aemond’s mind was everywhere except focussed on the movie playing on the big tv in front of him. Lord of the Rings the Two Towers just finished a few minutes ago and the intro for Return of the King now filled the screen. Aemond adored these movies, they always managed to get him out of his own head and distract him from whatever was happening in real life.
But tonight, even Frodo and Sam didn’t succeed in changing his low mood.
If it were up to him he’d be in his room right now, wallowing and hiding away from the world.
But his friends had insisted he’d hang with them for their weekly movie marathon. Part of him was grateful they looked out for him and cared enough, but another part of him just wanted to be left alone.
You’d been gone for over 5 hours now and he hadn’t thought of anything else since, how beautiful you looked with your hair down and that short, sexy black dress you only wore on date nights. Not that he would know anything about that. You had dated half his friend group but never him.
Of course not him, why would you?
He grabbed another handful of popcorn and tried to focus on the beginning of the movie but it was no use. He knew he’d go to sleep with you still on his mind, like he had so many night before in the past 3 years since he’d known you.
It was completely pathetic, but what was he to do? You were his best friend. He was the first one you ran to after every single one of those dates, sometimes to talk about how amazing the guy was and how you hoped he might be the one, but more often than not it was to cry on Aemond’s shoulder after another asshole broke your heart. 
The jealousy was enough to drive him insane sometimes, but still he was only too happy to lend you his shoulder and his arms whenever you needed them.
You always seemed so comfortable around him and in return Aemond could let his guard down with you, which was rare for him. Your friendship was the most important thing in his life, he’d rather die than lose you, and he'd rather have you as a friend than not have you at all. So he kept his feelings locked away deep down and played the part of supportive best friend while you went on one date after the other with a bunch of guys who never stuck around for very long. 
But he always would. Until maybe one day you would see…
He knew that was a dream he should stop indulging in but he just could’t help it, he was too far gone for you and tonight was a low point. He craved you so bad just the thought of you in that black dress had him growing hard in his sweatpants.
You opened the door of the apartment as quietly as you could, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself. You knew they were all watching the movie and maybe if you were careful enough you could just slip past everyone and get to your room without having to explain…
Helaena’s voice made everyone look up at you. Your friends were all spread out across the living room, on the couches and on the floor, covered in blankets and surrounded by cozy lights and candles. The whole setting was very inviting yet you wanted no part in it right now, you just wanted to get to your room before you would burst out in tears.
But when Helaena got up and put her arms around you that plan failed.
“Oh, honey, no…what’s wrong?” she looked at you with concern on her face.
“Bad date,” you sobbed,”Don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Okay,” she caressed your hair,”Do you wanna watch the movie with us? We just started Return of the king.”
You shook your head,”I just want to crawl into my bed and disappear.”
But Helaena didn’t let go of you and shook her head,”No, I can’t allow that.”
“Can’t allow that?” you couldn’t help but smile through your tears.
“Come join us, you can cry over that asshole later, the people who care about you are right here.”
You sighed.
“Please?” she added with her sweetest smile, pulling you over the edge easily. You knew she was right, you deserved to end the night surrounded by friends instead of alone in your bed crying over some guy who wasn’t even worth it.
“Fine,” you caved,”just give me a few minutes.”
“Take your time, grab some popcorn and a drink from the kitchen and come find a spot.”
You did as she suggested, making a quick stop in the bathroom first to wash off your make up and exchange your dress for some comfortable shorts and a t-shirt. Then you got some snacks from the kitchen table and a soda from the fridge before making your way back to the living room. 
Much to your dismay everyone was sitting in pairs, even Helaena who seemed very cozy next to Jace. You instantly wanted to turn on your heel and go hide in your room anyway. But then you saw him, the only one who was sitting by himself. 
He was already looking at you when your eyes met his and he gave you a little smile, mouthing,”You okay?”
You shook your head.
“Come here,” he beckoned and he lifted up his blanket, an invite to join him and you didn’t hesitate.
You placed your drink and snacks on the table and crawled into the empty space next to him, Aemond was quick to cover you with the blanket.
“Hey,” he spoke softly, his hand on your lower back to pull you to him and place a quick kiss on your cheek.
“Hey, Aem,” you smiled weakly.
“That bad, hmm?” he asked.
You laughed bitterly, feeling the tears well up again,”Yeah, that bad.”
“Want me to go beat him up? Run him over with my car? Set fire to his place? Just name it. I can make it look like an accident.”
Your laugh was sincere and his lips curled up into a smile of his own while his hand squeezed at your hip.
Despite your best efforts a tear ran down your cheek anyway.
“Hey, baby, don’t,” he whispered while his hand gently cupped your cheek, brushing your tears away,”Don’t cry, sweet girl.”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his chest and Aemond wrapped his arm around you, gently caressing your hair while he held you.
“You liked this one, didn’t you?” he asked with a sigh.
“No, he was a total jerk.”
Aemond’s other hand gently cupped your cheek, his eye meeting yours,”Then why the tears?”
“I’m just…so tired of meeting these assholes. He flirted with the waitress the entire time, right in front of me, even gave her his number, like I wasn’t even there and…it just made me feel so…unlovable.”
Aemond’s jaw tensed up and you could see anger boiling in his one good eye.
His thumb traced your jaw,“Give me his name and I will make him regret it.”
He sounded so intense and serious you weren’t sure if he was still joking or not and it made a shiver run up your spine.
“When you talk like that I almost think you mean it,” you pointed out.
“Almost?” he gave you a teasing little smirk and you shook your head, leaning into his touch and Aemond didn’t hesitate to wrap both arms around you and pull you into him. You melted into his arms and let the rest of your tears fall freely, knowing Aemond would hold you through every last one of them.
You felt like the luckiest girl alive having him as your best friend.
He tightened his hug, soothing you with sweet, comforting words while his hand softly stroked your hair.“It’s okay…I got you, sweetheart..it’s okay, he doesn’t deserve you…please don’t cry…It’s alright, baby, I’m here.”
This wasn’t new, you crying your heart out in Aemond’s arms, it happened way too often, but something felt different tonight. The pet names, the way his touches lingered and how hungry he looked at you in between made your stomach flutter. And you didn't want it to stop.
Your tears were soon forgotten and the horrible date faded into nothing but a distant memory as you relaxed under Aemond’s attention.
You were stroking up and down his back when you accidentally slipped your hand underneath his shirt, a small whimper left his lips at your unexpected touch. It encouraged you to do it again, letting your nails drag across his back, this time he let out a small moan and his hand tightened in your hair.
“Aem,” you buried your face into the crook of his neck, breathing him in and making him shiver. He was biting his lip to keep from moaning again as you continued to touch him. When you placed a soft, innocent kiss in his neck he lost that fight.
You couldn’t help but smile seeing the effect you had on him and you kissed him again, this time letting your tongue trace lightly over his skin until he shivered again. You pulled back.
“Don’t stop,” he whispered, grabbing the back of your neck to hold you close to him,”Please…please baby, don’t stop.”
His one hand moved down your back to cup your ass and pull your one leg over his, your knee bumping up against his growing erection.
There was no way you were going to stop now.
You kissed his neck again and Aemond pulled the blanket up a little higher, making sure no one else could see what you two were doing but everyone seemed too distracted watching the movie anyway.
Your hands moved underneath his shirt to touch his chest and stomach, his skin was warm, hard and soft at the same time and you could feel him shiver again, his hungry eyes begging you not to stop.
Aemond was losing his mind, your hands all over him were driving him crazy and when you started kissing his neck again he was suddenly rock hard in his sweatpants. He needed to take control back fast, he grabbed your wrists to hold you back.
“Turn around,” he begged in a husky voice, still breathing faster than usual.
He manoeuvred you into a different position so you were lying with your back up against his chest. You instantly missed the feeling of his skin under your hands but it was forgotten about quickly when Aemond gently moved your hair to one side, exposing your neck to him and then placing soft, hot kisses on your shoulder.
Now it was your turn to try and stay quiet and you were losing the fight just as quickly as he had, letting out a soft whimper when he started kissing and sucking your neck.
“Aem,” you breathed.
His mouth was right next to your ear,”You want me to stop?”
There was a teasing, smug tone to his voice, he knew damn well you didn’t want him to stop.
His hand moved up your hip, over your stomach to cup your breast through your shirt, thumb circling your nipple while he continued placing wet kisses all over your neck.
Your eyes closed in pure bliss. “Please,” you begged,”Touch me…under my shirt…please.”
You could feel his lips quirk up in a smile and he gave you what you asked for, pushing up your t-shirt and caressing your tits again, pinching your nipple in between his fingers while his teeth grazed your ear.”I’ve wanted to put my hands on you for so long…touch you just like this…fuck, you have no idea what you do to me…how hard you make me.”
To accentuate his words he carefully lifted his hips to push back against your ass, letting you feel his aching cock.
You squirmed in his arms.
“Shhh,” he purred,”You need to keep quiet or I have to stop, okay? Can’t let anyone see what we’re doing.”
You bit your lip and quickly nodded your head. Your hand was on his leg and you were squeezing hard while you pressed your own legs together trying to relieve some pressure.
To say you had never lusted after Aemond would be a lie. You had always found him gorgeous and intense in a very sexy way, but he was your best friend, somehow you had never allowed your mind to really go there. Until tonight, and now that you had opened that door there was no end to how much you desired him.
“Feel,” he breathed into your ear while he took your hand and placed it on his cock,”Feel how hard you make me.”
You rubbed him through his pants, making him growl into your ear. Before you could do it again he pushed your hand away and kissed your neck again.
“You’re squirming so much, little one, what is it?” he teased, an amused tone to his voice,”Is there something you need, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you breathed and you turned your head just enough to make brief eye contact with him,”I need you to touch me, Aem.”
You didn’t need to give him anymore details, he knew exactly what you meant.
“Can you be quiet for me?” Aemond checked, his tone serious.
“Hmm,” you confirmed.
He placed a soft kiss on your jaw while his hand moved down to your hip and then your inner thigh.”Spread your legs for me,” he whispered in your ear while placing your leg over his, spreading you open for him. You moved with him so easily and eagerly he cursed himself for not having done this sooner.
He caressed your hair and then placed his hand in the back of your neck, massaging softly and pulling your shirt down so he could kiss more of your shoulders and your back.
“Aem,” your voice was shaking,”Please…please.”
You had never begged so much in your life and every single one of your pleas was music to Aemond’s ears.
“Shhh, I got you,” he whispered, carefully untying your shorts and then slipping his hand underneath, teasing you by dragging his fingers over your panties,”Fuck, these are soaked right through. You are so wet, sweetheart.”
You couldn’t help but whimper at his words and Aemond grabbed your chin with his thumb, making you look back into his eye,”You really need it, don't you, sweetheart? Is that why you’re dripping all over my hand, hmm? You want it that bad?” 
You nodded and bit your lip,”I want you that bad.”
His cock stirred at your words and the feel of your hot, wet pussy under his hand was becoming too much. Fuck it, he should just drag you to his bedroom right now and fuck you into his mattress, give into what he'd been craving for so long now. But he also wanted to save that part for later, when all your friends had gone home and he could have you all to himself, take his time to really worship you the way he always dreamed of.
This right here, teasing you and feeling your body burn up under his touch, was turning him on beyond reason and it would have to be enough for now.
His breath was hot and heavy in your ear,”You want me to touch you?”
“Yes,” you breathed.
He gently pulled your hair back, placing his lips on your ear as he whispered,”You want me to push your panties to the side and finger you right here, with all of our friends in the room? Would you like that, my sweet dirty girl?”
All you managed was a quiet moan in the back of your throat but it was enough confirmation for Aemond to continue.
“God, you’re such a bad girl,” he purred, licking the spot right below your ear,”You’ll be quiet for me, yeah? Otherwise I can’t continue, okay, baby?”
“I’ll be quiet,” you nodded,”I promise.”
You were lying, you couldn’t promise him a damn thing and you were pretty sure he knew that but both of you were too far gone to stop now. He could suggest fucking you right here with all of your friends as witnesses and you would probably still say yes, that’s how badly you needed him.
Aemond carefully pulled down your shorts and then pushed your panties aside. His long delicate fingers teasing your clit, circling it slowly and spreading your wetness all over your folds.
You bit your lip to keep your moans quiet.
“Good girl,” Aemond praised,”Good fucking girl…lean back against me.”
Your head fell back onto his shoulder and Aemond caressed your hair, nuzzling your neck and your cheek, his other hand still rubbing perfect circles over your most sensitive spot. He continued until he noticed you started breathing harder and faster, your nails digging into his thigh, your orgasm within reach.
His finger moved to tease your entrance and you were no longer able to hold back the quiet little moans escaping your lips. You wanted to beg and scream but you also didn’t want to make a single sound and be so good for him. Aemond didn’t stop, pushing his long delicate finger into your fluttering walls and the both of you gasped for air for a moment.
“Fuck,” he breathed,”Oh god, you’re so tight…so warm….and so fucking wet for me…fuck, baby, I can’t wait for you to take my cock.”
You moaned at his words and he was quick to cover your mouth with his free hand.
“Shhh shhh,” he insisted but he didn’t pull back, instead he added another finger and then just held them there without moving,”You can’t do that, sweetheart, they’ll hear us. Be a good girl for me, okay?”
You nodded quickly, desperate for him to move his fingers again.
“Here, bite my thumb,” he suggested, letting his finger brush over your lips. You were quick to take him into your mouth, sucking slowly and dragging your tongue all over it. Aemond instantly regretted his choice because now he was the one losing control again. The feel of your hot, wet mouth on him went straight to his cock and the thought of that mouth swallowing him whole was enough to almost set him off.
“Slow down,” he begged,”Please, baby, slow down…fuck, you’re gonna make me cum in my pants like some horny teenager if you keep doing that.”
You looked up at him with feigned innocence while you sucked harder, keeping your eyes on him.
“Stop!” he pulled his thumb from your mouth and you couldn’t help but smirk this time.
“Aemond, you have to be quiet,” you teased.
Aemond’s hand moved to your neck, not choking you but holding you still while he started fucking you with his fingers, taking back control.
“Fuck,” you breathed.
“Maybe I should just keep teasing you, hmm?” he grunted in your ear,”Bad girls don’t get to cum and that…was very bad of you.”
He kept fucking you with his two fingers, curling them just right but as soon as he hit the sweet spot he pulled back.
“No, no please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Aem.”
He added pressure around your throat and started kissing your shoulder again, soft sweet kisses turned rough and he sucked your skin until it bruised, all while adding a third finger and fucking you faster. You were falling fast, biting down on your own hand now to stop from making too much noise.
“That’s my good girl,” he growled in your ear, while his thumb found your clit again,”I knew you could do it, sweetheart."
You were so close, your pussy clenching around him over and over, your climax was right there, all you needed was that last little…
“Cum for me, my sweet girl,” he whispered softly, teeth grazing your ear,”Come on..god, fuck you’re squeezing me so tight…shit….cum for me, baby, please. Please.”
He choked on his last word and you came hard, but not before moving your hand to his cock, rubbing him through his sweatpants until Aemond buried his face into your neck, muffling his own moan and spilling into his pants.
“Fuck, oh god you fucking little brat…fuck,” he breathed hard, wrapping both arms around you to hold you close to him. You stayed like that for a while until you turned around to be able to hug him back. Your eyes finally meeting his fully and the soft smile he greeted you with warmed your heart.
Aemond gently cupped your cheek.”Hey,” he whispered, suddenly shy again while biting down on his lip.
“Hey, you,” you smiled.
“Come here,” he leaned in to kiss your lips, slow and deep and so soft it was making your head spin again. You kissed him back with the same fire, melting into his embrace.
All those bad dates and horrible guys and you could have been doing this all along. Regret filled your senses and Aemond noticed the sudden serious expression in your eyes.
“Hey, you okay, sweetheart?” he asked softly, concerned,"Was it too much? Did you not like all the teasing?"
"No, no god that was perfect," you reassured him,"I just…wish we’d done this sooner.”
His lisp curled up into the biggest smile, warming your heart,”Me too, but we’ll make up for lost time, I promise, my sweet girl.”
He leaned in to place another soft, lingering kiss on your lips.
It was Aegon’s loud and obnoxious voice that pulled you both out of your haze:”Are you guys about done so we can get back to watching the movie now? Jesus fucking Christ, the bedrooms are right there, you couldn’t have done that in there or waited until the movie was over? Fucking horny bastards.”
“Oh god,” you buried your face against Aemond’s chest in embarrassment and he hugged you close, shielding you from the others and giving his brother the finger but also unable to keep the happy grin off his face.
Then he did what Aegon suggested, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him towards his bedroom, under loud cheers from most of your friends.
Aemond turned around one last time to wink at Aegon,”Better turn up that volume cause we're not going to be quiet this time.”
He closed the door behind him just in time to dodge the pillow Aegon threw at him.
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alphajocklover · 24 days
Genie Glory the Game
(A [Very Late] Trade with @bigwishes. I hope you like it!) 43 followers. Rich Donaldson, also known as TF2Twink on Twitch, had 43 followers.Rich had been streaming for over 3 years now and only had 43 followers. 43 measly followers. It made him feel pathetic. It made him feel like he was useless. Yet at the same time, Rich was incredibly grateful for every one of those followers. 
Rich Donaldson had wanted to become a gaming streamer since he was a kid. It hadn’t really been a real thing until he was a teen, and most people thought he was crazy for thinking he could make money that way. Some people doubted it was a real job, some thought it was too competitive, some thought it was just a dumb idea in general. No matter what the reason, everyone in Rich’s life agreed that Rich wasn’t going to make it as a streamer. Especially his hyper religious, video game hating parents. Still Rich refused to give up. He knew it would be hard, maybe impossible, but he was passionate and felt like he had to follow his dream. That was what everyone in the movies did after all. Rich moved out, cut contact with his parents, went into debt buying the best streaming gear he could… and immediately regretted it. Rich didn’t mind losing contact with his parents. They had never been the most loving people, so he hadn’t really lost much. Except things weren’t working out like they did in the movies. Rich wasn’t making it, and worse than that he wasn’t getting any better at streaming. He was good at the games, so he knew that wasn’t the issue. The issue was… he was incredibly, painfully, horribly shy. Rich didn’t have the confidence that a streamer needed. He could barely get a word out during the stream without starting to awkwardly ramble, and even when he did he came off as awkward and weird. He wasn’t just unconfident, he was a downright nervous wreck. Still he didn’t give up. He couldn’t after everything he had thrown away to get this chance… all the sleepless nights working part time jobs to stay above water… he was in too deep. So he kept going “Hey chat! S-so t-today…” Rich took a deep breath, trying his best not to ramble “T-today I’m going to be playing a new game. I-it’s not very well known, but i-it looked cool and I’ve heard a lot of people are playing it… S-so let's get into ‘Genie Glory the Game!” Rich said, trying to be excited. Barely anyone was watching, and it was getting hard to pretend he wasn’t incredibly depressed, but he kept smiling. Genie Glory was a pretty simple game with a simple premise that had been baffling gamers for months. It was a pretty simple idea based on a classic scenario. You play a random guy who has discovered a genie’s lamp and now has 3 wishes. You make a wish by typing it into the computer, and the genie grants the wish, but usually in some twisted way that is accompanied by a pixelated animation of the player's fate. The goal is to get through all 3 wishes alive. What made the game so popular was that no one had beat it yet. Whatever AI the game used was incredibly clever and strangely creative, and to make it even more difficult, the game only allowed you to play it once. Popular streamers, actually geniuses, and even philosophers hadn’t been able to beat the game, so Rich knew beating it would make him famous.
“Ok chat. I-it’s time for our first wish… And I’m taking suggestions…” Rich said. Rich wanted to beat the game, but… he wasn’t sure how to beat this game, so he’d take all the help he could get. A few suggestions actually came across the screen ‘BasedBro69: Wish for your muscles to grow!’
‘GenieGay33: No way, that's the way to open ended! The Genie will make him grow until he pops or something’
‘MissTaken27: That's such a basic idea. Might as well ask him to wish to be a frat boy or something.’
Rich laughed at this. He knew most of his followers' usernames by heart, but BasedBro69 was new. Still the conversation he had started was kind of funny, and he figured… why not? “Ok then, why not! Lets make me a frat boy!” He said, snickering as he typed in his computer. He tried to be as specific as possible to avoid the spell being twisted “‘I wish I was an attractive, stereotypical frat boy.”
Rich laughed as he watched the pixelated version of himself grow muscular, his clothing changing to a tank top and backwards cap. He watched as the other version of him rushed a frat. Rich was certain something would go wrong, afterall he knew from first hand experience that hazing could get fucking intense, but surprisingly his character survived and got through the first wish without any incident. Rich grinned widely. Most people never even made it through the first wish, but he, a relative nobody, had managed! He stood up straighter as he watched people start to flood into the stream. He checked the chat happily. ‘GenieMan33: He actually made it with that wish? I’ll never understand this game, but good for you!’ ‘MisterRichD27: Kind of an ironic wish considering you are a frat boy. No offense.’ ‘BasedBro69: I fucking knew that would work bro! You can do this!’
Rich blushed slightly at MisterRichD27’s comment, and his flirty name. While he didn’t tend to think of himself that way, he was technically a frat boy. He had joined one after heading to college in the hopes of finding some friends. His frat brothers could be… kind of obnoxious, and very stereotypical, but they had helped him come out of his shell somewhat and even get in shape. He was still fairly shy, but he never would have gotten this far in college or with his streaming if it wasn’t for them. He chuckled at the chat, slightly embarrassed “I’ll admit, that was a weird wish, but hey, it worked so who cares!” Rich said cheerily “Ok, so what's the next wish going to be? I’m trusting you on this chat!” Rich said with what he hoped was a charming wink. ‘GenieMan33: Maybe something basic like money? That doesn’t usually work but you seem to be on a hot streak.’
‘BasedBro69: No way bro. He only gets to play once. Wish for something like fucking confidence or something. Something fun!’
‘MisterRichD27: IDK, Basedbro69 was right last time. Maybe you should wish for confidence?’ Rich shrugged. He could think up even more ways that this could go wrong, but this game had never seemed to work on logic in any of the videos he watched to prepare for this. So with a grin, he typed in his second wish “I wish I had the kind of cocky confidence that ladies love.” he said with a chuckle. He hoped it would be obvious that it was a joke, since his Twitch username, FortnightOtter44, made it obvious he was gay. He watched as the little version of him grew a big head, quite literally. Rich was worried this was leading to some type of game over, but his head deflated, his muscles grew, and a bunch of pixelated girls in bikinis ran up to the pixelated him. Rich grinned wide and tried not to cuss in celebration, not wanting to get demonetized (again). He had fucking done it! He fucking got past wish 2! He smirked as he watched the chat explode as more people tuned in ‘GenieStud33: Fuck yeah! RDH fucking did it! Knew you had it in you bro!’
‘MissRichD27: RDH is the best gamer ever! And the hottest! DM me!’
BasedBro69: HELL YEAH! You can do this bro!’ Rich, known as RDH to his fans, or RichDaHunk on Twitch, smirked, as he saw the comments roll in. He fucking knew he could get this game. He may not have been the most popular streamer on twitch, but he was a fucking good gamer and a total stud. He flexed his biceps, getting the chat riled up again in a frenzy of lust and admiration. Rich didn’t bother to look at the chat this time. He gave a smarmy, cocky smirk at the camera “I know what to put in next bros. I’m gonna wish for something fucking inevitable.” he said cockily.
He quickly typed in “I wish I was the most popular gaming streamer on Twitch”, and watched with a practiced cool confidence as the pixelated version of him gained millions of followers. The chat exploded with awe and wonder as what Rich had always known was going to happen, happened. He had won the game. He flexed his muscles for the stream, celebrating with his 43 million followers. He didn’t understand why they were all shocked. He was the coolest, hottest, douchiest gamer on twitch. Of course he fucking won!
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chiisana-sukima · 21 days
nine people i want to get to know better
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Thank you for the tag, @slutsons-blog! Starting a new post because I'm autistic and therefore mostly only care about the "Current Obsession" question, and want to ramble excessively as usual in that one.
Last song: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team: Pokemon Square because I'm currently playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with my daughter. Otherwise I honestly couldn't tell you. Whatever was on in my car.
Fave color: Purple
Currently watching: Star Trek Discovery
Last movie: Knives Out
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet, tart, salty
Relationship: married x 27 years
Last thing I googled: the word "dependent", for spelling assistance. which is a good thing because I spelled it "dependant".
Current Obsession: it's been spn since 2016. Truly we are the Hotel California of media franchises. I did recently play Disco Elysium twice in a row in quick succession, and I follow the DE tag. I can't recommend the game highly enough.... but I can feel my Special Interest-level obsession with it fading already. Spn has never faded even a tiny bit and I wonder if it ever will.
@slutsons-blog I feel after reading that you're watching spn for the first time, that I did you a bit of a disservice with my Sam takes to you before in that I mostly talked about Sam's evolution as a character as the show goes on and very little about him from the first five seasons.
Gotta be honest and tell you that although I liked both brothers all along, I was a Dean girl until the end of s6/beginning of s7, when the balance of who gets whumped the most started shifting and my subconscious suddenly decided to switch allegiances. It's not that I liked Dean any less; my id just loves a sopping wet pathetic kitten of a man who has been sexually abused, and Sam got suddenly way more kitteny and pathetic after the Cage. So I don't actually have a ton of takes on "what to love about Sam in the early seasons". I do love early seasons Sam too--she is my beautiful baby princess--but my early seasons takes are a lot more inchoate.
I count myself lucky about my id's sudden defection though, because I think we have limited control of who our blorbos are, and having Dean as a blorbo is a tough row to hoe as the later seasons go along. You know how you noticed that in s6, Dean suddenly gets a lot more assholey without apparent reason? Unfortunately he never gets better again, and in fact keeps getting worse and worse as the years go by, until by the last seasons he is openly far more abusive to their joint child(-in-an-adult body) than John was to him and Sam. It's a realistic picture of what can happen when trauma keeps piling up on people, but it's also honestly pretty distressing, especially if he's your blorbo.
If one is in it for the ship, there's some good destiel content in the later seasons, but if you're in it for Dean, you're left either 1) dealing with the fact he's got extremely significant interpersonal problems that he never gets much of anywhere on solving and that negatively impact his chosen family in profound ways, or 2) pretending he's the same character he was in s1 and Sam is the same Sam from s1, only more boring, and Dean is just trying to put up with him because he was brainwashed by John (or ig 3- something in the middle between those two. But that seldom seems to happen in practice for whatever reason). These two versions of the show are poorly compatible, and that's how the Sam girls and the Dean girls end up in isolated silos. A few people manage to live in both, but not many.
Anyway, I feel like without the context of how Sam and Dean change in the mid to late seasons, the two fics I recc'd as Sam character studies are going to seem insanely Dean-critical, so if you haven't read them yet, you might want to wait until s10. In the meantime, the general recs are fun reads and hopefully do a good job of showcasing both characters earlier on.
Tagging (but I would be a huge hypocrite if I didn't specify there's no pressure to respond, since I almost always fail at responding to tag games myself): @adihildilid @aliusfrater @quietwingsinthesky @sammygender @ardentpoop
@peanutbutterandbananasandwichs @schizosamwincester @normalbrothershow @jellybracelet.
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soldatshandler · 1 month
Winter Soldier Post!HYDRA Headcannons
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a/n: I was writing something earlier and it made me want to write this. It's just a random collection of headcannons I have. You bring him home after he escapes HYDRA. You have your hands full.
warnings: Bucky is still the Winter Soldier, PTSD, post abuse (physical, psychological), past SA and mentions of treatment for it, light descriptions of injuries/wounds, medical stuff. Overall angsty hurt/comfort. Recovery things. Did not edit <3
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Following the events of the movies, let's pretend you bring Bucky home after CATWS. He's still the soldier. He's still Soldat. And Soldat doesn't speak. In fact he is silent for days. Uttering nothing, not a peep.
Soldat is silent, watchful, wary. He doesn't like being approached too quick. He stays in corners. He stays in small spaces. Being too exposed now makes him feel anxious. He reacts with aggression if he is anxious.
You learn all this.
He also becomes visibly irritated when he feels confused and stressed, which is pretty much constantly.
He needs you to order him around, which sounds harsh but the sudden change of environment and treatment is really confusing for him. He is too fresh from HYDRA to immediately just heal. That's now how it works. This kind of trauma doesn't just go away. This man is so severely mistreated, you aren't even sure where to start.
Simple things like telling him to shower or sleep. Otherwise he stays up for days and refuses to do anything. Free will is such a foreign concept to him.
Re-feeding and giving him nutrients and fluids is a nightmare. Luckily, you had a medic friend who could look at him without the involvement of the government since he was in hiding for now. You got all the supplies you needed, but it was still a hassle. His options were very limited when it came to food. Oatmeal, mashed potatoes, applesauce, things like that. He could barely stomach anything more solid than that.
He sits still for the IVs, but sometimes he doesn't and he puts up a struggle, assuming it is some kind of drug to manipulate him. You just have to stay close and talk to him so he pays more attention to you than what your friend is doing.
He got sick a lot. You had to be careful about that. Too much food made him sick, his body wasn't used to it.
He also was having difficulty remembering you and where he was, the fact that he wasn't undergoing constant brainwashing made all the chemicals go haywire. It made his moods unpredictable. He had aggressive bouts, though he never harmed you badly, he would grab you if you got too close out of instinct and fear.
He often broke down and during these times it was a gamble whether or not he'd let you around him. He felt so pathetic and small and horrible, confused and unsure for the first time in decades. He was used to being mindless besides the orders barked at him. Simple, easy, all he had to do was listen.
But now, things were different. He was no longer being kept in a shitty cell or in an icebox. He wasn't tortured daily, he wasn't taken into rooms where agents were greedy with him. He wasn't hurt. And...it confused him even more.
You notice he sits strange when he does. He doesn't like to sit for long. He says it hurts. He prefers to stand. You don't understand until later, and you do your best to help ease his pain.
He didn't understand why you didn't hurt him. Why you didn't hit him. Sometimes he hit himself when he felt like he deserved it, each time he felt a pit in his stomach when he saw the disapproving look in your eye and listened to the scold that came after. You were gentle...but firm. He could not hurt himself. That made him bad. Disobedient. Disobedient soldiers are punished. It was a cruel cycle that ran in his mind. You had to be the one to stop it.
When he did speak, it was simple Russian phrases. Yes, no, he addressed you as handler, his responses were monotone and recited. He had been trained not to speak. That wasn't what he was supposed to do with his mou-
Enough. The memories are invading again.
You could tell when he zoned out into his episodes, his eyes became glossy and he seemed to become a zombie. You sat him down somewhere quiet and stayed with him. Sometimes he didn't want to be touched, sometimes he let you. But you had to be careful, you never wanted him to be uncomfortable or make things worse.
It was a tender thing. But it was something you were more than happy doing.
After a few weeks he seeks you out more often. He stays close by, he even sits close to you or tries to get your attention. He's still quiet, but he speaks more now. Even in english, which you find a relief. By you you've learned the short Russian phrases he spoke, but it was good he spoke english too.
He starts to hang closer to you, he stays out of his 'hiding spots' in your home and stays around you more often. He sits on the couch beside you, starting to seek you out. It's a positive sign he's growing more comfortable.
He doesn't like being alone for very long. If you have a job, it might be hard for him. You try to get one where you can work from home, otherwise he is very anxious and clingy when you come home from your shift.
The spare bedroom is his, but he often finds himself migrating to your bedroom through the night. He needs your presence, he needs to know he's not alone. The silence is deafening, and knowing your body is beside him is comforting when he sleeps.
Speaking of, he starts off on the floor. It's a little heartbreaking, he sees the bed as a test, an awkward thing he doesn't want to sleep in. So he starts on the floor, then you move the mattress off the bed to the floor, along with some pillows and blankets. That seemed to help condition him to an actual bed before he eventually sleeps in yours with you.
You know recovery and his healing is going to be a long, bumpy road, but you are just happy he sees you as protection and comfort, and his trust is slowly building with you.
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Thanks for reading.
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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gojoest · 2 years
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.°⊹ tags / warnings : sfw, tooth-rotting fluff if you will, fem! reader, rin’s first ever ‘i love you’, established relationship, 0.6k, not proofread
a/n : as i promised — here's some more ! had so much fun with this <3 more characters coming soon >.<
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the first time rin realized he loves you was during a quiet night in — both wrapped under a fluffy blanket on the couch watching a horror movie picked by him. it was so warm and cozy, your tummy full with the homecooked meal rin and you prepared for dinner, that 20 minutes in sleep creeped in and you dozed off. head resting on his shoulder, cheek squished and mouth slightly open, drooling on his hoodie — he thought you looked silly. but in an absolutely adorable way.
what a dealbreaker, he chuckled to himself, the girl i love falls asleep to horror movies. also — drools.
the girl. i love. the girl i love. i love. i love that girl —the voice in his head kept repeating like a broken record. each time louder and lauder, even more deafening than the screams of slaughter coming from the tv and filling the room. what a revelation.
however, these three magical words never made it out of his mouth. not in front of you at least. he did practice in front of the mirror a few times. but stopped right after realizing how pathetic and out of character he was being. you make itoshi rin do silly things like that.
or things like taking you out to the coffee shop he first saw you at. he thought, maybe, the first ‘i love you’ should be said in a special place. so, he took you back there, to the very spot he kept visiting, after seeing you just once, until he gathered the courage to come talk to you. he had no idea if you’d be there the next day but still, he went. it took him a week to figure out around what time you dropped by. he memorized the orders you bounced between. he was so smitten. of course, to this day he claims he went there around the same time on daily basis only because their coffee was good and totally worth the 40 min ride from the other side of the city. you simply happened to be there.
there was a serving tray on the table with all of your coffee orders day by day — from day one till the day he finally sat next to you and asked for your name. everything was going as planned. until your cute little date got interrupted by mutual friends whom you, completely unaware of rin’s hidden agenda, invited to join you. and of course, rin had to come up with an excuse for all the drinks on the table . . . for taste tasting purposes, he said.
rin never thought there would come a day he’d so desperately want and try to say those words to someone. sure, it scared him a little. and he didn’t really know how and when exactly he was supposed to say them. what if you didn’t feel the same way? what then . . . maybe, he thought, timing was everything. he had to choose the right moment and make it very special and as captivating as possible that would make you love him in a heartbeat in case you didn’t already.
and so he did.
during his debut game as a pro rin scored a hat trick. after each goal he made the hand-heart gesture — index fingers curled and thumbs pointing down joined together to create the shape of a heart, and pointed at you on the stands. the first goal said i love you. the second one — always, and the third — forever.
this turned into his trademark. from that day on he’d dedicate all of his goals to you and make it impossible to unlove him.
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under-loch-n-key · 3 months
Okay so thanks to you I started watching Psych and at first I didn't like Lassie and I also thought that the reason people shipped Shawn with Lassie rather than Gus was gonna be the typical one, but then Shawn started flirting with Lassie and fucking sat on his lap while Lassie made That Face? This reeks of slutty bisexual seducing most repressed man in the universe and that's right up my alley (and not just because it's a power fantasy for me, a slutty bisexual who is really bad at seduction xD) and also I just finished the larp episode and I like Lassie now, actually. He's so weird and pathetic <3
Lassiter does start off as horse’s ass but I really love his character. I adore when characters start off with this distastefulness about them and then go on an arc of learning and understanding from the people around them.
Right?! I thought the same thing at first too. I was like “Okay.. what’s the hype here?” I thought the reason people didn’t want to ship Shawn & Gus was for the same reason too.
Then when I saw those scenes I was like “OH-“
Literally the tension is so bad- Lmaoo.
Lassie is so weird and pathetic in the best ways possible. His little obsessions with random shit. The way he secretly has movie references just like the rest of them.
Like when actually becomes friends with all of them, his demeanour is so adorable. Like he’s still the grouch (who also kinda looks like Sam The Eagle from The Muppets) and his still our Lassie but he also has this new found softness and understanding of others. Plus, his arc when it came to his two mum’s was so sweet. I loved that.
Also ngl, he seems neurodivergent as hell.
I could rant about Lassiter’s character arc/development for literally hours- Lol.
Also I will be uploading some more Cowboy shassie (and some Gus) fanart. I may even do a fantasy arc too of them. I’m trying to think of AU ideas to draw them in.
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Love your Tumblr!
Could you please post reader hooking up with Mickey during that sorority party?
Thank you x
A Distraction (Mickey Altieri X Fem!AFAB!Reader)
The story of the first time you and Mickey Altieri hooked up, leading you to becoming friends with benefits.
Hi thank you so much!
I’m assuming you mean the sorority party from The Sound Room.
This is my first time writing smut so I’m really sorry if this is shit! I tried my best <3
Warning/s: language, smutty smut smut, p in v, clit play, degradation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex (use a condom), hair pulling, spanking, overstimulation, Mickey being a dick during sex but in a hot way, ect
18+ ONLY🔞
Read The Sound Room here
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You sat on the couch, your fingers lightly tracing the ridges of the red solo cup in your hand as you listened to a drunken Randy babbling on about what movie to put into the VCR. The deja vu of the eerily similar conversation in Woodsbro a year ago made you feel a little uneasy and in all honesty, a bit sick. You sighed, taking a small sip of your drink, intending in that moment to get as drunk as possible.
Sidney and Randy were slowly moving on from what had happened last year. Sid was somewhat thriving, still a little on edge but happier which was largely due to her new boyfriend, Derek. He was sweet to her, no obvious homicidal tendencies and he made her happy which is all you could want for her after everything she went through with Billy Loomis.
Randy was doing even better. He went into college happier than anything that he was no longer a virgin thanks to you and the “favour” you’d given him the night before you’d left for Windsor. He loved college, his geekiness and love for films was a lot more tolerated and even admired here than it ever was in Woodsbro.
Then there was you. You didn’t know if you just weren’t as strong as them, but you were finding it a lot more difficult to move on. You felt homesick being so far from your family, but also felt physically sick at the idea of ever stepping foot in the town ever again.
Randy was still babbling on about what to watch when you decided you needed some air. You stood up, catching Sid’s eye as you walked toward the back door to find some place quiet. You felt her gentle hand touch your shoulder, making you jump a little as you turned to face her.
“Are you alright?“ she asked, her big brown eyes sympathetic. You felt pathetic whenever she asked this. You didn’t know why it was taking you so long to move on from Woodsbro. It had been Sidney that was by far the most impacted, so why were you acting like such a little fucking victim?
“Yeah,” you said as brightly as you could muster. “yeah, Sid I’m good. I’m just gonna get some air. The drinks are going straight to my head.” You forced a small laugh but it wasn’t exactly a lie. You were definitely already tipsy.
As soon as the cool night breeze hit you, you instantly felt better. You sucked in some air, relishing in the feeling of the cool summer air swirling down your throat and filling up your lungs and closed your eyes. It was quieter out here, almost everyone was inside enjoying the party. Almost.
“Oh, hey!”
Your eyes shot open and you jumped a little before your eyes focused on Mickey Altieri sat on one of the patio chairs by himself, his video camera clutched in his hand.
“Oh, hi Mickey.” You smiled a little, moving over to where he sat.
You knew Mickey, but not well. He was roommates with Sid’s boyfriend, in the same film class as Randy and shared a Statistics class with you so you were in the same circle of friends, but hardly ever really spoke to each other. But now, you found his presence oddly calming and felt yourself gravitating toward him to escape the hubbub of the loud sorority party.
“What’re you doin out here by yourself?” You asked, sitting down beside him but maintaining a safe distance. “Not your scene?”
“Oh, I love a party, but if I hear another sorority girl complain to me about how her boyfriend is ‘just the worst’ I’m gonna blow my fucking head off.”
A smile broke across your face and you let out a little laugh. Mickey grinned back at you, his face somewhat lighting up when he heard you laugh. “What about you?“ he asked, carefully placing his camera beside him on a cushion.
“Meh.” You sighed, leaning back against the soft material of the couch, taking another swig of your drink. It had started off as vodka cranberry but eventually had slowly just turned into vodka on every trip to the kitchen. You were a little drunk at this point, but still able to hold a conversation. “Last time I went to a party people died so I avoid going to them as much as possible.”
Mickey raised his eyebrows a little when he heard how blatantly you spoke about what had happened in California last year. Sidney hardly ever talked about it and if he was being honest, he avoided speaking to Randy about it as much as possible for obvious reasons. The kid thought of himself as a horror movie expert. The freaky film student asking him about a massacre with what was due in the coming months? Not the best idea.
“Ah.” He murmured, studying your face with his eyes before saying carefully, “you wanna talk about it?”
You glanced at Mickey and smiled a little. “Not that specifically. But everyone just seems to have moved on and I…”
“Find it harder?” Mickey finished.
“Mm.” You hummed. “Guess I’m not as strong as Sid and Randy.”
“Nah I don’t believe that.” Mickey announced, taking a sip of his own drink. “I think you probably haven’t had as many distractions as they have.”
“Distractions?” You repeated, eyeing him a little.
“Yeah. Sidney’s got Derek and I’m sure he keeps her very distracted,” Mickey’s tone was painfully suggestive and it made another smile break across your face. “…and Randy’s got his little films to keep him company. What have you got?”
You thought about that for a second. What HAD you got? It was then you realized Mickey was right. You didn’t really have anything to take your mind off of it, so every moment was just whirling through your head all day and all night. Maybe that’s exactly what you needed. A distraction.
You looked at Mickey again and this time really… saw him. His hair was a dark and little disheveled in a sexy kind of way, his brown eyes were deep and wild and looked like pools of honey framed by impossibly long and thick black lashes and as he smiled at you, his lightly flushed cheeks had small dimples set in them. He was tall, muscular and he clearly took care of himself and he smelled amazing. Like honeysuckle and fresh laundry.
In that moment, slightly tipsy and hating the feeling of loneliness and past trauma, you thought why the fuck not.
“Fuck!” You gasped a little as Mickey’s lips crashed against yours. It was messy, teeth clanking together and tongues swirling urgently but you didn’t care. This was exactly what you needed, a mindless carefree fuck in a sorority bathroom.
His large hands were rough as he palmed your breast through your thin dress as he kissed you, groaning a little when he felt your teeth lightly sink into his bottom lip and your hands tug his soft hair. His tongue tasted on alcohol and mint and it only added to how hot all of this was. You’d never randomly hooked up with anyone at a party and you couldn’t imagine anyone better to be doing it with.
You subconsciously patted yourself on the back for wearing a short summer dress to this party as you felt one of his hands move to circle your waist and the other slide between your legs.
“Jesus,” he whispered as he felt the damp patch staining your panties, “been a while, huh?”
You ignored him, too wrapped up in your own head as Mickey’s finger started gently circling your clothed clit and you let out a small whine, pushing yourself down on his hand. His eyes remained set on your face the whole time, your gorgeous expression only making him harder.
He didn’t waste any time removing your panties, rising back up to meet your lips again. You felt his fingers finally make direct contact with your throbbing clit and you gasped against his mouth as he applied the perfect pressure and started skillfully moving his fingers in small circles. You broke the kiss, head falling back against the door of the bathroom as your chest heaved. It clearly had been a while because you could feel the familiar build in your stomach start growing after only about a minute and a half as you moved your hips in sync with his hand when he suddenly pulled it away, making your eyes shoot open and send him a confused, slightly pissed off look.
“Why did you-“
“No. Don’t even think about cumming yet.” He said, his voice assertive and dripping with arousal. “Look at you..” his tone, despite himself was mocking. “I’ve hardly even touched you yet and you’re already about to cum on my fingers? So fucking needy.” He pulled back more, eyeing you up and down a little. “Take your fucking clothes o-“
Before he could even finish talking you were already sliding the straps of your dress down your shoulders and heard him let out a small groan as saw you weren’t wearing a bra. In any other situation, you’d feel uncomfortable with a guy you hardly knew looking at you the way Mickey was, but whether it was the alcohol, the stress or whatever else, you really didn’t give a shit.
“You going to keep staring or are you going to fuck me?” You asked him, trying to keep your voice light.
His eyes lifted to yours and he raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you want me to eat your pussy first?”
You blushed a little at how casually he said it before shaking your head and stepping forward, pulling him closer to you by the loops of his jeans, sliding your hands a little over his clothed bulge and beginning to unbuckle his belt. “You already felt how wet I am. I need to do this now.” You insisted, not bothering to disguise the desperation in your voice.
It turned Mickey on to see you so desperate for him. As soon as his belt was undone and his jeans and boxers off, your eyes flickered down to see his thick cock resting on his lower stomach and you felt your breath hitch a little. It was by far the prettiest cock you’d ever seen. You wanted to suck it, feel it throbbing in your warm mouth, but that could wait for another time. You needed to feel him fill you up more than you needed air to breathe.
“You gonna keep staring or are you gonna-“
You cut Mickey off from his teasing tone repeating what you’d said a couple of seconds ago with a kiss that made him stumble back a little, hands gripping your waist, his fingers digging into your soft skin so hard it was bound to leave bruises. You felt his hands move to your ass as he lifted you, guiding your legs around his waist. You could feel your pussy rubbing along his shaft as he did so, cussing as you let out a soft whimper as the heat of his throbbing cock rubbed against your clit.
“Hold on.” He mumbled, still gently rolling his hips to rub his tip against your engorged clit. “Condom?”
“N-no.” You voice faltered a little at the pressure of his gentle teasing strokes. “I’m on the pill.”
An angelic smile spread across his face at that news. “Good.” He wanted to feel you. All of you. Feel how wet you were for him, feel your juices on his cock.
It all went very quickly after that.
Holding you against the door, he pulled his hips back a little before arching them upwards, slowly filling you up and watching your face as he did so. You let out a low hiss at the satisfying stretch and your head fell back against the door behind you.
“Fuck.” He groaned, hands still gripping your ass as he pushed himself further into you, relishing in the feeling of your pussy squeezing his cock so tight it was almost painful as he did so. “I wasn’t expecting you to be this fucking tight.”
Not giving you much time to adjust, he started thrusting upward into your pussy, bending his head down to start skillfully swirling his tongue around your stiff nipples, nipping at them gently.
“Mickey- fuck-“ your hands gripped his toned biceps and he smirked a little with your nipple still gently clasped between his teeth before he moved away, adjusting your weight so you were fully pressed up against the door by his body and his hand was still gripping your ass as he pounded up into you. You clit was gently rubbing against the area of skin above his cock, the slight stubble pricking it in a way that was slowly driving you crazy.
He suddenly pulled you away from the door and you felt his cock leave you as he unclamped your legs from around his waist. You wanted to shout at him, grip your legs so tightly around him he couldn’t stop. The sudden emptiness didn’t last long as he moved you in front of the huge mirror above the low sink and bent you over the cold porcelain.
“What are you-“
“Wanna fuck you in front of the mirror so you can see how good you look when you take it.” Mickey was already lining himself up at your entrance and wasn’t so gentle about it this time. You felt one hand rest on your hip, the other pulling your head up by your hair so you were forced to look at yourself in the mirror as he suddenly slammed into you, making your body jolt and you let out a load, unfiltered moan as he did.
“Jesus you’re such a needy slut, aren’t you?” Mickey scoffed at you as you moaned and gasped at this brutal thrusts. “Knew you wanted this from the moment I met you.”
You could only respond in a broken whimper. You wanted to push back on his dick, make him go even deeper but your back was arched from the way he pulled your hair back and is strong hands were absolutely no match for you.
“Open your fucking eyes.”
You obeyed, looking into the mirror not at yourself, but at Mickey. Seeing him fucking into you like this made the entire current situation ten times better. His eyes were flickering on your face in the mirror to looking down at his dick sliding in and out of your pussy, hitting that most sensitive spot with every thrust, and the sounds you were making only prompted him to go even harder.
“Mickey I’m gonna-“
“No.” His voice was dominating and you automatically knew better not to argue with him about wanting to cum despite yourself. You were a writhing mess, pussy convulsing around his pulsing cock. You could feel the beads of sweat dripping from his face onto your lower back as he quickly stopped, the head of his cock only just inside of you. “I couldn’t give a shit. You’re not cumming until I tell you that you can.” You whined a little, fighting the urge again to push back onto him, needing to feel him fill you up again. “Tell me you understand.”
You managed a weak nod and let out a yelp when you felt the sting of his hand on your ass. “Use your words.”
“I- I understand, Mickey. Please just fuck me.” You begged. He loved nothing more than to see you so needy, begging for him to sink himself back into you.
You didn’t need to tell him twice.
He released your hair, his hand sliding down your back to grip your waist and he thrusted again, the movement causing you to let out an satisfied groan as your head fell forward. His foot nudged yours, making you spread your legs even wider for him and one of his hands moved around your body and toward your clit as he fucked you, just teasing it.
This development mixed in with him already slamming into your pussy and pressing against your g-spot made you make sounds Mickey hadn’t ever heard before. Everything was getting far too sensitive and your body began to convulse, you a writhing mess under his hands.
“Fuck Mickey please- please don’t stop!” You managed to choke out. He let out a panting laugh, rubbing your clit even faster.
“Think I’m going to? Fuck no. Want to feel that pretty pussy fucking milk me.” He grunted, his words only making you grow closer and closer to the ending you craved more than anything.
“Please let me, please let me.” You began chanting them three words like a prayer and you felt his thrusts begin to stutter a little. You felt tears from the overstimulation begin to form in your eyes as you were all but sobbing and begging him to let you cum.
“Okay, cum for me baby. Let me feel that pretty pussy flutter.” He panted.
The words were hardly out of his mouth before you felt the tight coil explode as you let out a series of broken moans, your legs shaking and your body writhing as you came. He finished not much longer after you did and you relished in the feeling of his seed spreading inside your walls.
Everything was very still for a moment. You were both breathing deeply as Mickey slowly pulled himself out of you and you winced a little.
“Shit, you okay?” He breathed as he helped you stand back upright and saw your tear stained face,his hands shaking a little.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.” You breathed, quickly wiping your face with the back of your quivering hand.
“Here..” he quickly grabbed some toilet paper from the holder and handed it to you, looking somewhat sheepish.
“Thank you.” You said, giving him a small smile. “So, we just did that, huh?”
Mickey’s face broke out into a oddly relieved smile. “Yeah we did. That was fucking great.”
He handed you your clothes and as the two of you got dressed, you thought to yourself how weird it was that you didn’t feel.. weird about this. It was by far the best you’d ever had, absolutely no one had ever come close to that before.
“You wanna go get a drink?” Mickey suddenly asked, breaking your train of thought. You smiled up at him and nodded eagerly.
“I think I need one. My throats fucking killing me.” You laughed as you both walked toward the bathroom door.
“Not surprised. You fucking moaning like you wanted the whole party to hear you.” He teased you, playfully nudging your shoulder.
“Screw you, Mickey.” You scoffed, giving him a half hearted shove back. You still felt a little weak and you groaned a little when you caught yourself in the mirror. “Oh, fuck. Look at my face.” You sighed, trying to remove the smudged lipstick and mascara with your fingers.
“What? I think you look hot.” Mickey shrugged, a smile still painted on his face.
“Yeah, of course you do. Perv.” You muttered. “Next time I’m not wearing makeup.”
“There’s going to be a next time?” Mickey asked, unable to stop the already smug smile on his face from growing bigger. “Made you feel that good, huh?”
You rolled your eyes at him, turning on the faucet to try and remove as much of the smudged makeup as possible.
“You’re a cocky prick, but yeah. I’d like a next time.”
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
3 though idk how much it will help but I love drama😅
oh my god you instigator LOL I also tacked on @goodolefashionedloverboi's request too
First part
He should've known that telling Eddie to shut the hell up would yield the opposite result. The phone calls were so constant, that Steve stopped picking up. When he saw him coming down the sidewalk, he walked the other way. Eddie had even started to try and send messages via the kids and wasn't that pathetic?
What was more pathetic was how hard it was for Steve to do all of this. He wanted more than anything to hear Eddie out, to find out that maybe his feelings were real all along. But there was no such chance.
There was a panicked moment when Eddie came to his work and he saw him talking to Robin outside. But Robin, steadfast and loyal and just as bitchy as him, told him to step off.
"I knew there was a reason I kept you around", Steve said he pushed a mail cart around.
Robin dug her hand in and handed it off to the white collars of Hawkins in the office building they worked at now. "I felt like a bouncer at a club."
Steve thought he was doing a good job on the break up mend. He hadn't spoken to Eddie in days, he hadn't rebounded on some poor soul, and he only cried late at night when he was all alone with his thoughts.
The moment he thought he was up though, was of course, when the universe brought him back down. He knew Dustin's house was a danger zone, what with the odds of Eddie being there. But Dustin had invoked a Code Red on the walkie and Steve came barreling down the road, nail bat at the ready.
Once again, Dustin pointed him in the direction of his cellar. Steve vividly remembered what Dustin had been keeping down here before. He went down the stairs, heard a familiar voice cry out "No! Wait!" before the door shut above him.
Steve held his bat defensively. He was down here with someone. He was about to swing when a lightbulb turned on and he was face to face with Eddie. Honestly, Eddie might've been safer from his bat if he was a stray demodog.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I don't know", Eddie held his hands up in surrender. "But if I had to guess...I think Henderson wants us to talk."
"Did you put him up to this?!"
"Eddie didn't put me up to anything!", Dustin shouted from above. "You two need to get your shit together. I'll be back in an hour. Don't have make up sex in my cellar."
Steve tried opening it up but they were sealed shut until Dustin, or perhaps Mrs. Henderson let them out.
"The nerve of that kid", Eddie huffed.
"Right? Where the hell does he get it from?"
"Not from me. Us Munsons are humble. He must've gotten it from your side of the family."
Steve smiled as a traitorous breath of laughter came from him and he clamped it down immediately. It wasn't fair. Eddie couldn't do this. He glared at him, ready to blame the whole situation on him even though he was probably tricked as well.
"Don't look at me like that", Eddie said, his voice soft.
"I'd rather not look at you at all." Steve turned his back on him, hoping he could ignore him until they were let out. He came face to face with the mended part of the wall that Dart had dug out years ago. Such and odd series of events that led him here, that led him to Eddie. Just for it to end like this.
“I fucking hate you.”
“No you don’t. Take that back right now.”
"I won't."
"Then look me in the eye and tell me."
Steve turned and he wished he hadn't. All he saw in Eddie's eyes was heartbreak. He knew because it mirrored the look in his own eyes. But it couldn't be real. It just couldn't.
"You should be in the movies, you know that? Give Hollywood a run for its money."
"Steve just listen to me! I'm sorry for playing with your feelings. I really am! But I wasn't lying when I said I want to be with you. Steve I l-"
"Don't you fucking dare." Steve's grip on his bat tightened. "Don't say that if you don't mean it or I swear..."
"Steve..." Eddie took a breath and stepped closer to him, incredibly aware of the weapon in his hand. "I love you."
Steve dropped the bat and Eddie pulled him into his arms. Steve wanted to beg for so many things. For Eddie to always love him, to treat him gently, to make him believe that he wanted him forever. It all came out in the form of tears.
"If this is another joke-"
"The only joke here if that I had you and fucked it up like an idiot."
"You really want me?", Steve sniffled.
"Baby, baby, baby", Eddie cradled his face and wiped some of his tears away. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” He wondered how many of his messages got through to Steve in the end. "Did you listen to any of my voicemails?"
Steve allowed a small smile through. "I think if I did, I would've caved in too fast. I'm obsessed with you too. I love you, Eddie. Too much probably."
"I'll be the judge of what's too much. And you, Steven Malcolm Harrington, are not too much."
Eddie kissed him and Steve felt whole again. Then Eddie kissed him again and Steve felt more than whole. In between the kisses, Steve started to laugh.
"I can't believe we're making out where Dustin kept his pet demodog."
Eddie jumped up into his arms. "His pet WHAT!?!"
Send me a dialogue prompt
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raisedbythetv89 · 7 months
I just started watching White Collar for the first time and a realization about most male written and directed media smacked me DIRECTLY in the face which is that SO MUCH media written by a for men is genuinely just male nerd self insert, non-canon compliant, AU fan fiction??????
Like them writing and creating stories is just “ok so these guys are soooo smooth and well dressed and women just flock to them at every turn and they can get away with anything and everyone believes and supports them when they do mess up and everyone thinks they’re sooooo brilliant”
This media isn’t just portraying women “for the male gaze” it’s EVERYTHING. Everything in these stories is supporting and uplifting mens’ delusions about who they are, how they’re perceived, and how they should expect to be treated. Which is incredibly ironic because anytime media portrays women or the world in the female gaze in a more “in my ideal world things would be like this” instead of portraying us as nothing but weak, broken, unloved, traumatized, victims OR one dimensional sex symbols with no needs or emotions they’re screaming, crying, throwing up about how stupid and unrealistic the story is….
This explains SO MUCH about how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy. Even though they’re shows staring women all the “good guys” get the delusional self insert, y/n, AU fan fic treatment (Buffy still wants Angel in season 3 and Riley in season 6 even after everything they did and Xander is CONSTANTLY forgiven for all the atrocious shit he says and does and is wanted by all women besides Buffy. Veronica forgiving Duncan and getting back together with him and even CONSIDERING Piz could truly only be born from men being delusional AS FUCK. Writing how they want men to be treated by women rather than being based in reality and the woman having even an ounce of self respect.)
Which is why the “bad boys”, Logan and Spike are such better characters. They’re so much more realistic, they get held accountable by the women in their lives, have better growth and are just way more appealing and attractive because they’re not the walking embodiment of what MEN want men to be treated and act like.
Oh god this feels like such cursed knowledge to have like it’s important to see this media for what it really is but now watching it feels that much yuckier like finding the porn of someone you DO NOT LIKE but like their emotional porn “this is what life would be like in my fantasies” and they’re the fantasies of the grossest men alive 😭😭😭😭😭
Also it shows their emotional maturity like all of these things are what 13 year old boys fantasize about not actual mature, grown men….
Also just realized this is why the Star Wars sequels were so hated. It wasn’t just Rey being powerful and loved by her found family and Kylo. It was that the movies showed the reality of men like Kylo. They destroyed the male fantasy Darth Vader created. They aren’t super cool, powerful badasses. They’re extremely sad, broken, temper tantrum throwing lost little boys who just want love and acceptance but have lost the ability to accept it because of the dark side (aka the patriarchy) which is the reality and that made me SOOOOO ANGRY lololololololol and this is why Joss Whedon THOUGHT making Spike into a sad pathetic mama’s boy of a poet would make the audience not like him because that DOES work on misogynistic men who enjoy the male gaze but does NOT work and only humanizes and makes Spike even more complex and lovable to the female gaze 💀💀💀💀 oh good lord
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vanilla-rainbows · 10 days
Wreck-it Ralph AU - GUARDIAN
Ok, let me preface this by saying three (3) things:
English is not my first language. I’m currently incapable of writing fanfiction in a language that is not my own, so please forgive me. Feel free to correct me if you see any mistakes!
I welcome all kinds of feedback. Just don’t be rude, please TTwTT
This might get long and messy. I haven’t really planned out anything with this AU and all of this is 100% vibes, but I’m open to suggestions and might expand/change/delete things as I go.
The (quite long) premise of this AU is basically this: Turbo survived the events of the first movie (original I know) because he rewrote so much of himself into Sugar Rush that the game now thinks he’s actually part of it. So he respawns, but gets kicked out of the game and is forced to go back to his previous life as a gameless character in Game Central Station. Only difference, everyone this time KNOWS he’s alive and what he did (because Ralph and/or Vanellope explained the whole situation to the rest of the arcade). So everyone basically treats him like shit (more or less like Vanellope). He’s both shunned and mocked by the other characters, and is forcefully kept away from every game in the arcade, to prevent him from “going Turbo” again.
But the thing is, he’s actually powerless now, and can’t actually do anything dangerous anymore. He lost the cy-bug part of his code (sorry kcb fans but the tall menacing cockroach doesn’t exactly give out the pathetic wet cat vibes that this au demands) because of the reset, and even glitches between his Turbo and King Candy model at times. He’s hit rock bottom and he knows it. And obviously he blames it all on Vanellope and Ralph, and wants to take revenge on them. So, knowing how powerful his cy-bug form was, he decides to wait for a chance to sneak into Hero’s Duty and get himself eaten again by one of the creatures. THEN he will be free to wreak havoc on the arcade and happily destroy every single game in it (starting with Sugar Rush of course). And ABSOLUTELY no one will be able to stop him.
So naturally he gets stopped again. This is where I’d introduce the OC I’m planning for this AU. Her name is Luna and she is the titular protagonist of Luna’s Adventure (might change later), a fantasy adventure that resembles the first Zelda game in terms of graphics and mechanics (also might change later). Luna is essentially an optimistic, but not an hopeless one. Being one of the oldest characters in the arcade (she’s from the 80’ as well), she knew who Turbo was back in the day and is fully aware of the situation, but doesn’t really like the “let’s all laugh at him” mentality. So she mostly ignores/pities him, and makes sure he doesn’t try anything funny with her game. That is, until she spots him as he’s sneaking into Hero’s Duty during opening hours. She immediately takes action and follows him into the game. At first she tries to talk him out of it, but her pleads fall of deaf ears, as Turbo is too fixated on his revenge plan to even listen to her. He feels like he has no other options. He lost everything, again. In the eyes of the other characters, he’s but a pest. Better be feared than respected at this point. This desperate attempt (which seems more like self-destructing behaviour) is his last chance.
The heated back and forth between the two grabs the attention of a solitary cy-bug, which immediately attacks them. Luna quickly avoids the creature and safely gets to a hidden spot, but when she notices that Turbo has no intention of running away, on the contrary, he’s purposefully exposing himself like the snack he is, she jumps on him and saves him from the incoming cy-bug attack. So for a few minutes we have the comical situation of Luna continuously saving Turbo and herself from the cy-bug, and Turbo trying so hard to get eaten but getting saved everytime. Eventually the cy-bug is shot to death by Calhoun herself, who IS SO READY to blast Turbo out of existence with all of her arsenal, but desists when Luna explains the whole situation to her. Still, the sergeant has no intention of keeping the glitchy gremling in her game a second longer, and escorts both of them out. Turbo lashes out at Luna for ruining his ultimate plan, but before she can say anything back, the arcade opens. Luna leaves in a hurry, telling Turbo to behave while she’s away because she’s not done with him. So he’s left in the middle of GCS wandering what the hack she meant by that.
That night, all main characters from each game reunite to discuss what to do with Turbo. Felix, Ralph, Vanellope, Calhoun and Luna are all present. Turns out they have no idea how to handle the situation. They can’t let him run freely around the arcade. What would happen if he tried to infiltrate another game? Unsurprisingly, no one mentions Surge Protector. Someone suggests they could simply kill him. He deserves it, after all. Ralph is neutral, Vanellope is slightly against the idea, but Felix jumps up and firmly says that they are not going to kill anyone. If they did, they wouldn’t be better than him. Then Calhoun makes a proposal. Just like keeping the cy-bugs inside Hero’s Duty is also part of her, well, duty, someone should take on the role of a warden to Turbo, keeping him inside their game and out of everyone else’s. Obviously she can’t do it, neither Vanellope, so another character will have to.
The problem is that no one wants to have anything to do with Turbo. They may mock him during the day, but they really are all just terrified by him. The fear of getting unplugged is so strong that no one is willing to take the risk. No one, but Luna. While everyone argues, she slowly stands up and offers herself to be Turbo’s guardian. The room goes silent for a few seconds, but eventually everyone applauds her courage.
Now comes the hard part. Luna has to find a delicate way to break the news to her colleagues. They obviously have A LOT to say about it, but she is able to convince them. Sort of. Things might not be so simple after all. Even though she agreed to keep an eye on Turbo, she’s not sure how exactly this decision will affect her and her game. Was it really the right thing to do? What if he became really dangerous? She’s actually starting to reconsider, when an idea forms in her coded mind. What if… she were to teach him goodness? What if she offered him a chance, instead of treating him like a criminal? All I have to say is that Turbo will definitely take advantage of the situation and play along, all so that he can finally have his sweet revenge.
That’s all for now. I have a few ideas on how the story could continue, and a few interactions that I absolutely want to incorporate as well. Also I already have a finale in mind, and I hope to eventually get to that (the final scene is the one most clear in my mind right now). So, if you actually managed to read all that, thank you! Now I can go back to being a normal human being again (delusional).
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ash-and-starlight · 9 months
Books of 2023
the list nobody asked for <3
My reading habits had gone a bit stagnant in the past couple of years so this year i made the effort to engage in reading again and wow books really are good!! who would have thought! Sharing this year's book log with the small reviews i did while reading yeah i am That kind of list lover if u feel like being nosy, (and maybe even help mi crowdsource reading recs based on my likes 👀🤲?)
The left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula i Need to know your thoughts on omegaver- [gunshot] THAT ASIDE yeah. mrs Le Guin you've done it again. I can see why everyone got their brain chemistry altered by this book.
The Membranes - Chi Ta-Wei another brain chemistry altering book. would love to discuss it with a gender studies major lmao
Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie its a v atmospheric and poignant story, I know I would have loved it more if I was familiar with the rich religious/cultural background it draws from
The Masquerade Series - Seth Dickinson Crazy insane in the membrane about this series. one of the most compelling worldbuildings I've ever seen, and most importantly it features one of the most crazy wet pathetic scrunkly meow meow protagonists i've ever had the pleasure of reading about.
Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides i liked the writing style of this book a lot! idk how well it holds up re: intersexuality topic, but its a very engaging read.
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power - Jude Ellison, Sady Doyle The title says it all honestly, its a beautiful, thought provoking and engaging essay, spanning eras, pop culture phenomenons, and real life events on the topic of women and horror.
The cat who saved books - Sōsuke Natsukawa this was so cute and heartfelt, it will really make you go Ah Yes, this is Why we Love Books <333
The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir now when people say there is a girl who is the cursed sacrifice of 2000 infants who falls in love with the sleeping embodiment of the soul of the Earth (barbie) and also another girl who is the only survivor of the aforementioned sacrifice and is. a Jesus metaphor? and also the two girls become one at some point. and every book is a different genre. and god is bisexual. and memes survived the nuclear apocalypse. I can just nod and say so true.
The Area X Trilogy - Jeff VanderMeer Rotating this series in the microwave of my mind at the speed of light it's soSO GOOD!! the movie doesn't even come close honestly u NEED to read the books. and then go touch grass and be aware of every strand in a completely new way.
The Dawn of Yangchen - F. C. Yee nice read! I was more invested in the worldbuilding crumbs than in the actual story lmao, I will forever think about the HEATED airball rivalry between the air temples and about the swt greetings / bethrotal armbands.
Inuit Stories of Being and Rebirth: Gender, Shamanism, and the Third Sex - Bernard Saladin d'Anglure starting w a disclaimer bc I feel like the topic of native colonization was ignored when it should have been way more prominent when talking about the context of where and when these testimonies were collected?? That aside it was very interesting and well put together, with first account testimonies of Inuit elders about their myths, lifestyles and beliefs.
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee i read the book after having seen the tv series (which i also rlly recommend). Very moving story about a family and its generations, from Korea under Japanese colonization to modern day America.
Her body and other parties - Carmen Maria Marchado sometimes I go about my day then I remember this book exists and stare at the wall for 30 minutes.
Dictionnaire de l'impossible - Didier Van Cauwelaert big miss. this collection of articles about "strange impossible phenomenons" sounded so quirky and interesting but i sure would have loved if the author hadnt so clearly picked a side. and also way too much church for my tastes.
He who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker Chan Im not even gonna speak about this one if you've followed me since july you know what pits of insanity and despair i'm in
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin Sometimes!! the book with pretty covers put in the "famous on socials" bookstore section!! are good!! It's about being othered it's about connection it's about diaspora it's about love and friendship and most of all it's about viddy games.
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel reading this post-covid and learning it was written in 2017 was A TRIP. Psychic damage at every page. still feeling very normla.
The Mask of Apollo - Mary Renault Ugh i desperately wanted to like this book because the setup is so interesting and full of potential, but the end result was just. flat. flat story flat characters the plot focusing on the wrong things at the wrong times i was so DONE when i reached the end otz.
Babel - R. F. Kuang LOVED the worldbuilding in this, the "lost in translation" system of magic is one of the most interesting things ive ever read. I think theres something about the writing in general that didn't win me over completely?? but all in all a very good
Red Ocean - Han Song This sure is a Book. That i've Read. its so profundly strange and unlike anything ive come across that i dont even know what to feel about it. i think 90% of my confusion comes from Not Getting Cultural References so if someone has a "red ocean explained" essay plz send it my way bc i couldnt find one.
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dufferpuffer · 20 days
Dude, I need someone to simp over David Thewlis with and I have no one to go to. I have a feeling I know your opinion about David Thewlis as Remus Lupin (and I think it's a positive one? correct me if I'm wrong, I know some people don't think he did the character justice).
To be honest, I don't think the movies did his character justice, but I think David Thewlis was THE cast for him. The movies made him too soft, too gentle, too perfect. Book Remus is a lot more polarized than that. For every soft quality, he has a YIKES counterpart that is never shown in the movies. The only time we truly see this "yikes" counterpart is the Shrieking Shack scene when he smirks menacingly at Sirius and you think he's a villain. David pulled that off really good. I saw the movie before reading the book (I was a young kid at that time and PoA was too much to read for me) and I felt cheated, I suddenly didn't think I could trust him anymore.
The thing David Thewlis pulled off best, imo, is the fatherly quality of Remus. I know, Remus is a pathetic man with an avoidant personality, but we can't deny he is fatherly. And I feel that, no matter what movie I watch with David in it, the fatherly vibes just radiate from him. In a way I am glad it is like that in the movies because I use PoA as a coping mechanism in life. Stressed? PoA. Sad? PoA. Crisis? PoA. David absolutely nailed the comfy professor aura. Everything about him in PoA is inviting, it draws you in. His voice, his smile, the way he carries himself, his quiet strength. Who could've done it better? I love him.
Enjoy this young David Thewlis edit that I'm obsessed with. Cheers my tumblr friend <3
David Threwlis is a fucking GEM and the PERFECT pick for the character in every aspect, yes. I can't think of how anyone could actually think otherwise. He looks perfect and acts perfect.
To the point where I would actually be happy if he played Remus AGAIN for the TV series or whatever - even though he looks so much older. Play up the fact he looks 'older than his age' or do some makeup, I dunno, I don't care. I would be alright with it.
I don't think any of the movies do anyone justice, TBH - ignoring the fact that of course things will have to be trimmed and simplified. I think most people agree though that the way they chose to do so was destructive and missed the point of the overarching story.
OotP and HBP were enjoyable as individual movies - but cut out so, so much that it damages the series as a whole. OotP especially should have been two movies, to REALLY get to know the Order Members, the adult world harry desperately wants to enter - revisit Lupin and Sirius, get attached to the real Moody - set up Tonks... maybe end the first one with Dumbledore leaving...?
But some actors pulled through wonderfully with the limited time they were given to portray their role, Alan Rickman of course being one - and I think David Threwlis is an underrated other. He did fucking BEAUTIFULLY and it made up for imo a half-assed performance from Gary Oldman as Sirius. He has perfect aesthetic and his fatherly moments with Harry were gorgeous... but most of the time he felt like his heart wasn't in it.
Remus, in the movies, HAD to be soft... but always carry a touch of coldness. A comfortable room but the heater isn't on. A cup of tea but you're asked to leave right after. Gentle eyes that pierce. Slightly odd expressions that feel kind, but also... off. He nailed that. Absolutely. That softness that makes you want to cozy up close, but a constant distance that makes you wonder why. Also the mustache was absolute genius. If only they gave him greys...
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THIS LOOK? Underrated. SO MUCH PACKED INTO IT. Displeasure, surprise, 'oh shit im in danger' - but then forced innocence, a bit of weariness, a cheeky idea...
How he came out of the darkness, too - Snape specifically calling Lupin to show him the map was meaningful in the books, but Remus walking out of the pitch black was symbolic in the movies. It was a decent change. THIS is when I felt a 'Hm...' about Remus. (I saw it as an adult though, first time last year. I had no idea I'd love him so much.)
I LOVVEEEE going on and on about Remus being a wet tissue paper - because he is so often mischaracterized in so many different ways... but he IS good. He IS strong, compassionate, wise, clever... Fatherly. He will put himself aside to comfort someone in need. He just can't do that for himself. He will punish himself for the things he is gentle with in others.
"His voice, his smile, the way he carries himself, his quiet strength. Who could've done it better? I love him." YEAHYEAHYEAH David can pack layers of depth into every movement he makes. His little head bobbles, the ways his eyes pin on something and stare, his control of exactly how he smiles... ITS SO GOOD AHH
Normally a link to tiktok earns an instant vaporization but you get a pass aight I wont kill you God he's so wonky looking, look at him, he is delightful, I am going to spread him on toast with my vegemite
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f1nalgirlz · 1 year
i need you… | Charlie Walker
in which y/n gets a string of texts and a needy late night phone call from her best friend & friend with benefits, Charlie.
(Not proofread yet! Sry!!)
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˗ˏˋcontents´ˎ˗ Charlie Walker x reader, p in v, booty call?, extremely needy Charlie walker, sub!Charlie, dom!y/n, nsfw, oral sex (f receiving), blowjob/oral sex (m receiving), riding, edging
˗ˏˋwarnings´ˎ˗ NSFW, feminine pronouns, female anatomy, friends with benefits, dirty talk, light dom/sub
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Charlie and Y/N had been sleeping together for months now, having met each other in their shared psych class the first semester of college. An attraction was instantly there, Charlie was and still is very aware that their ‘love at first sight’ was extremely superficial, but as their friendship grew so did the attraction they both harbored. Around week three of their friendship, while hanging out in Charlie’s dorm room while his roommate was out for the weekend they got a little drunk. As things tend to go, they ended up aggressively making out, and eventually sleeping together for the first time as the night progressed. When they woke up together the next morning, there was no awkwardness in the air, no ounce of shame between them. It was at that point they’d agreed to just keep things going with each other, not committing to any sort of dating relationship but regularly meeting up together to hook up. At Charlie’s dorm when his roommate was out, at Y/N’s dorm when she was alone, it was constant. Not having a room open didn’t stop them either, of course. They’d meet up in broom closets after class, the library, or even under the bleachers of the university football field. They didn’t care, they were having fun. The two had agreed that having a close friendship while also having sex often was more comfortable than any dating relationships they’d had in the past with old partners and a hell of a lot easier as well as safer, than just having one night stands with strangers.
Outside of their sexual endeavors, they really were best friends, often having movie nights and studying together. They did pretty much everything together, so the one night Y/N decided to go out to a sorority party and Charlie declined the invite, she was a little bummed out. She didn’t let that stop her from having fun though, going to the party, drinking, dancing, and even posting some pictures throughout the night. Charlie saw the photos his friend was posting, instantly regretting not going. Y/N looked gorgeous, glitter makeup smeared on her face, smudged eyeliner, and a tank top that exposed her chest. (if you don’t like that, choose whatever you want^3^) Charlie’s breath caught in his throat as he scrolled through all the pictures she’d posted, chewing his lip as he swapped tabs to messages. He felt pathetic getting a half hard on just from looking at her pictures, but he’d do some internal looking another time.
“Y/N I need you.” message one.
“please.” two.
“it’s really urgent.” three.
“can you come to my dorm?” four.
Y/N was still at the party when she started feeling her phone buzz four times in her pocket, all one right after another in quick succession. Quickly, she reached for her phone, seeing Charlie’s contact lighting up her lock screen 4 new messages. She unlocked her phone to read them and laughed a bit. He knew she was busy, hell she even invited him! A little annoyed at his request, she left him on read shoving her phone back to her pocket. Charlie stared intensely at their messages, face lighting up when she read his messages, but it fell just as fast when she didn’t reply. He was a little desperate at this point, he just wanted her so badly.
“please answer me.” five.
“i reallyyyy need you!” six.
“i’m not kidding.” seven.
“please just stop by for a sec.” eight.
He groaned out loud, getting even more frustrated. He hopped off his bed and paced around his room, clicking her contact and calling her. When she felt her phone ringing, she already knew who it was. Excusing herself, she walked outside away from a few stragglers and answered the phone. “Yes Charlie?” She spoke into the mic, sounding a little annoyed. “Why haven’t you answered my texts? I’d really like you to come over.. like now..” Charlie said, starting off strong but trailing off into a mumble by the end. “I invited you tonight. You knew I was going to be busy.” Y/N said with a sigh into her phone. After the conversation went on for about eight more minutes Charlie came out with something that intrigued her. “Please just come. I’ll make it worth your time… I promise. I just- I need you, right now.” he said sounding more desperate by the minute, and Y/N liked that. She hummed into the phone and sighed once more, for what felt like the millionth time that night. “Okay. I’m on my way. It better be.” She said, sounding stern but a smile creeped onto her face as she hung up.
Charlie lit up like a Christmas tree, jumping a little. He very nearly broke out into a celebratory dance but refrained, instead cleaning up his room a little. He straightened out his bed and flipped off his overhead light, opting for his floor lamp. Soon he heard the light, familiar, knocking of Y/N at his door. He excitedly walked over and opened it up, his breath shuddering as he saw her in person. She was even more attractive than through his screen. “Yeah come in!” He said, moving aside for her. She did so, walking in and kicking off the sort of uncomfortable heels she’d been wearing. She turned to look at him, reaching for his shirt. “Well I’m here. Now what?” She said expectantly, as he slowly backed her up toward his bed. “You’re so needy. You know that?” She said to him as the backs of her knees hit his bed, causing her to fall into a sitting position still grabbing at his shirt. “Thank you for coming..” Charlie said, but it came out as more of a choked whisper. Y/n continued to pull him down. She yanked her pink panties down from under her skirt, tossing them somewhere in his room, just getting ready in advance. Charlie sat down beside her, she was quick to crawl into his lap. “You made me leave my party for you,” she said with a hum, to which Charlie looked slightly embarrassed and tried looking away. “Thank you..” he managed to whisper again. Y/n caught his chin and made him look at her. “You’ve never been such a needy boy before, Charlie.” She said, leaning in to finally connect their lips, Charlie’s hands finding his way to her too-short mini skirt, and grabbing her hips. Y/N pulled back, hands going to pull his shirt off, which he happily accepted, helping her pull it off. As she attacked his neck with kisses, he was already moaning. This caused a soft laugh to leave her mouth, pulling back to look at him. “You’re so sensitive tonight.” She said, slipping off his lap and to the floor in front of him, tugging down his pajama pants and underwear. His breath hitched as he looked at her with a pleading look in his eyes. He was vigorously nodding and trying to pull her closer. “What do we say when we want something, hmm?” She hummed, leaning closer to his cock just ghosting around it. “Please will you?” He asked, getting embarrassed. They’d never flipped the roles like this before, but to be fair, he’d never been this desperate for her. Charlie would be lying if he said he didn’t like this… the feeling of her taking the lead. Sure, he was a little embarrassed but the way she was acting right now gave him a familiar burning in the pit of his stomach. He was eating this up.
As she looked up at him from between his legs she smiled, licking a strip from the base to the tip, before finally taking his cock into her mouth. Charlie felt a wave of relief wash over him, grabbing at her hair like clockwork. This time however, his hands were swatted away. He didn’t push his luck by putting them back, deciding to just grip the blanket under him, tilting his head back in a moan. At this point he didn’t care who heard him, all he cared about was his pretty best friend bobbing her head in his lap, taking more and more of his cock down her throat every moment. After maybe 3 minutes Charlie was feeling a knot pull in his lower stomach, causing his moans to flow out closer together, sounding more like whines or cries at this point. He felt a little pathetic, only a few minutes in and he already about to cum. Just as he was about to be sent over the edge, Y/n pulled her mouth off his dick with a slight ‘pop’ sound. She looked up at him expectantly and hummed, tilting her head to the side. Charlie’s face looked almost shocked, but also a little pained. “Why’d you stop?” He asked, still catching his breath. Y/n stood up from her place in the floor and grabbed his cheeks, giving him a slow kiss before laying down on the bed, legs hanging off the side. “I was just giving you a little motivation, Char. You’re gonna have to make it worth my while like you promised if you wanna cum tonight.” She said, a sort of devilish smile creeping to her lips. Charlie nodded slowly but wasted no time getting to his knees on the floor, quickly positioning himself between her legs. Grabbing onto her legs, he pulled her a little further off the bed, looking up at her through his eyelashes, keeping hold of her thighs. Y/n brushed his hair from his face before nodding. “Go on.” She said, and he wasted no time, burying his tongue into her hole. It made his already aching cock throb knowing she’d gotten this wet just from blowing him. He moved his attention to her clit moving his tongue in patterns he knew she liked, sucking every so often. Charlie was good in bed, after sleeping together for so long he knew exactly what Y/n liked by heart. As he lapped up all the wetness that had pooled near his chin, Y/n was gently grabbing his hair with one hand the other thrown above her on the bed. Her back arched and her legs spread more for him as she was shamelessly moaning as loudly as she pleased, fully aware that Charlie’s neighbors probably despised the two. A few praises slipped from her lips, a “you’re doing so well, Char.” Or a “yes, there, you’re so good!” spoken through gasps and moans before she felt her high quickly approaching. Y/n held Charlie’s hair as her orgasm washed over her, legs shaking and back arching further off the bed as Charlie helped her ride out her orgasm. This didn’t stop Charlie though, he continued sucking her clit until he felt the sharp sting of his hair being pulled, ripping him away from her soaked cunt. He moaned and looked up at Y/n, who was now sitting up, holding onto his hair. She thought Charlie looked so good in this moment, spit and cum dripping down his chin, eyes glossy and pleading. She leaned down and kissed him, pulling him back to the bed. Charlie was clearly excited as he looked at her when they broke apart. “Lay down.” She commanded, and he listened, laying down on his bed. He looked at her as if asking for his next command. “You wanna cum Charlie?” Y/n whispered, hovering over him. Of course, he nodded excitedly. She smiled, tugging his pants down, along with his boxers, slowly climbing into his lap. She gripped his dick gently, lining it up with her entrance. “You wanna fuck me?” She asked, already knowing the answer. “Yes please,” came his begging voice that was interrupted by a moan when she sank down onto him, taking his full length all at once. She quietly moaned and gently rocked her hips before stopping, a whine was heard from Charlie as he threw his head back on his pillow, clearly frustrated. “Want me to move?” She asked, gaining a nod in response, “beg me.” She whispered.
His cock had been aching ever since she’d denied his orgasm during oral, he’d just been getting painfully harder as the time went on. Her hesitation to move just made his already aching cock throb inside her, urging her to move.
“Please, Y/n, please move please fuck me.” He whimpered out, she could see tears pricking the corners of his eyes as she began moving painfully slow. This caused a cry to leave his throat, yes it felt so good, but he needed more he was desperate. Desperate to cum, desperate for her. “Please,” a sob. “I need you.. please.” He choked out, some tears rolling down his cheeks. Y/n leaned in, kissing the wet steaks where the tears had fallen before speeding up her hips, holding his shoulders for support. Charlie felt pure relief, grabbing onto her hips desperately, letting a string of moans and cries leave his lips. A soft whimper or plead came often from him, exciting Y/n every time she heard it. She continued skillfully maneuvering her hips, bouncing on his cock with a dazed smile. She drank up his moans and sobs, enjoying how much she affected him. As she was nearing her second orgasm, she felt nails dig into her hips followed by Charlie’s moans devolving into full choked sobs and pleads to cum. As she reached her high, her insides clenched around him, causing him to be sent over the edge as well. A whine escaping his throat and a few tears running down his cheeks as he tightened his grip on Y/N’s hips. She caught his lips in a kiss and rode out both of their highs, when they’d finished she lifted her body up, releasing his cock from her insides. She tossed herself onto the bed beside him, catching her breath, Charlie seemed to be way more out of breath, despite not being the one to move. “I like you like this y’know.” She said with a hum, looking over at Charlie, whose hair was plastered to his face with sweat. He looked at her, cheeks almost glowing red, “yeah?” Is all he could say before they erupted into laughter.
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I feel like this is way too long but idk.. I hope it’s enjoyable!! If you have any criticism or suggestions PLEASEEE let me know i appreciate it!
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halfetirosie · 2 months
▼✧♦ "Enter this contest!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. ♦✧▼
(Exercise 21 - 24 React-os!)
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Yes, I know I already made this joke, but I don't care. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Funny coincidence tho; Cast Away was actually playing on T.V a few days ago! I of course had to watch it---I realized I haven't actually watched it in probably over 8 years---and it's a good-ass movie, ya'll!!! If you ever get the chance to watch it, you should!!!!
I also think it's neat that Eiden has canonically seen Cast Away...Or at least, he's aware of its existence through memes.
2) Fuckin hell bro, Quincy is so endearing, I can't handle it!!!!
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It's so Dad Energy™ to zonk out at the beach and get buried in the sand, tbh. ♡
And Eiden's really living up to his Little Devil nickname! 😈
3) Premium Sooley + 🐾 Cat Dad Dante 🐾 content!!!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡♡♡♡♡♡
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Dante: "Ha, look at you guys playing around! Pathetic!"
Dante: *Is literally playing with his cat*
Now watch, Dante's gonna claim this isn't "playing" but is just training Sooley to get used to the water---
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PFFFT!!!! (≧∇≦) Called it!!!!
I mean, you do know it can be both playing and training, right, bub? 😅
He's such a prideful little stinker!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
🚨🚨🚨DANTE LAUGHS!!!!!!🚨🚨🚨
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*Obnoxious squealing*
*Swoons so hard I fall down the fucking stairs*
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Dante is seriously having so much this event, and it's such a joy to see!!! This dude might have been borderline forced into participating, and he might be using "research" as an excuse, but this is the happiest we've seen him in, like, a long time!!!
No, seriously, think about it! The previous 3 event he featured in (Sunburst Fever, Blood Secret, and Desert of Dusk), Dante was busy with official business. They were pretty damn stressful for him.
But my mans has finally caught a break!!!
(⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ◡ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
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I know that the lil' symbol is probably supposed to actually represent Dante's tattoos, but I'mma just pretend that they're his sharp-chin head on a Dorito body:
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6) This can be interpreted in two ways---
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Extremely horny
Extremely threatening
(⊙ ㅁ ⊙)
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Sometimes I kind of forget that Quincy has the potential to be really fuckin scary... He's so likable, but he could crush somebody's skull without even breaking a sweat...
8) I also kind of forget how excellent all of the clan members are in combat scenarios...
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These dudes are literally sending lethal attacks back and forth, dealing with them all seamless.
On the one hand, it makes me proud of our bois, being so talented and all. But also, seeing them go all-out against each other is kind of a harsh reminder of how, at least in this respect, Eiden really is the odd one out...
9) Wait, did he have his tail out during this event????
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10) Oh, come on! Really??? (◔_◔)
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Did they really need to turn this into an "everybody wins" scenario???
Look, I love a happy ending as much as the next guy, and I know that the stakes of this event weren't exactly high. But this ain't a kids show that needs a squeaky-clean non-controversial ending. I want someone to win! Give us a clear winner!!!
Fuck it, I'll say it;
I mean, COME ON!!! He absolutely crushed it this event!!! And he wanted to win more than anyone else, too!!!!
My dude finally had a mini-vacation for the first time in ages---LET HIM HAVE THIS!!!!!
11) Damn, poor Eiden! :(
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Our boi was so close!!! I was really rooting for him!!! (I know I said Dante should've won, and I still think so; but if anyone else were to be the winner, it should've been Eiden. He really put a fuck-ton of effort into this event; gotta love an underdog!)
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😂 Eiden really is being a great sport about this!
(And that was probably the funniest way of congratulating those three on their great performance in the competition.)
But idk, man...
Maybe it's because I get way too immersed/empathetic when reading, but I feel way more sad about Eiden's loss than I probably should be.
Like, obviously, losing doesn't feel good. Nobody likes failure. And since Eiden is the protag, we're all sorta on his side by default.
I guess I boils down to what I said earlier; in comparison to the clan members, Eiden really is the odd one out. He doesn't even come close to their power; and even when he was trying his hardest in this competition, the odds were so insurmountable, there was no way he could ever win.
🤷 It just pokes at an inferiority complex that feels shitty.
🌸 End of report! 🌸
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