#he's gonna be a good boi for his bros bday ;n;
hotcat37 · 6 months
(Baby seal! themed moodboard of bby Edgars other dad cuz the lil mii doodle U did of them altogether is ADORABLE N that seal is gonna have the best childhood ever N our beloved Bojci N Jerc are gonna be such great dads 2 their lil one🥰🥰) Tomodatchi life the game fr raised me N I still remember how f4n excited I was when it 4 my bday yrs ago N seeing U post about our lil guys as miis reminded me of how much I loved that game,ur mii versions of the boys are so so cute N I would die 4 them N seeing all the misadventures they get up 2 is everything 2 me (stalker! Tommy is so skrunkly coded N I’m still wondering if Häärijä’s gonna find himself a new man or will he be single forever + I can’t wait 2 see if Bojan N Jere have another bby N if ur gonna name it Frank :3) atp ✨the great Hotcat Tomodatchi saga✨ is like a reality tv show N it’s my pride N joy,ty 4 bringing these miis of our men into the world,ily 4 it <333333
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PLEASE IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY WHEN PPL ENJOY MY SILLY TOMODACHI POSTS 😭💞💕💞 The lill Mii versions I have of everyone are such a comfort to me I adore them sm :") Will deffo be posting more shenanigans soon!! Bojere and their lill baby seal especially are so special to me, I just get so happy when I see them on my Nintendo <3
Mii! Tommy may be creepy but he's just a lill guy I promise...bro might need to find his own love instead of being so obsessed with other people's relationships 😭 As for Häärijä, it'd be good for him to enjoy the single life....figure out what he really wants 🤔
SO THIS MOODBOARD MAKES ME FEEL OVER THE MOON!! Downloaded it immediately 🦭💞💞💞 Jere's cute lill face in the middle surrounded by baby seals is so wholesome I could cry from cuteness aggression :"3 Thank you so so much for this!!😭💕
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valadhxfndr · 5 years
               NEW ASGARD OR THE REALM ETERNAL, Vidarr knew better than to deem his people most properly habituated in such certain sense amongst the heaving lull of the lands that they had then called home. No. Asgard is the people, not the place. That despite it, what they had come to lose and what they had chosen to let go, they had yet to lose themselves; still, they remained in the boisterous ardor of their meat and mead… of spirits great and spirits proud -------- and even all the more so with what warranted the fire of their mirth. Thor. Their mighty ALLFATHER. Savior of them all. And they were all gathered to celebrate him as he just as well deserved to be so. How they found a moment’s quiet with each other was surely a work of a crone—that where it came down to a jug shared between them, Vidarr just hummed as his own mull grew to taunt at him as he patted the wooden lid of the hefty chest that had lugged on to place and between them.
Amusing, surely... through all those years not one glimpse he had offered to them—save for his promise. Save for the fate that he took it upon himself to carry alone. Now that which endeavor came in burning failure, it then turned into some new burden that Vidarr clung on to bear. How he had a face to show was the greater work of the crone --------- necessity brought them together, though for all the days that his sorrow rooted itself into the hollowed bones of his chest, Vidarr was overcame. A CROWN now his was nothing more than a debt that he was trying to pay; that he found himself of better use within the same doom that the Norns had augured against him. At the very least, his heart was right; he was no coward --------- but at most, his mind wasn’t… he was nothing but a FOOLISH boy who had thought himself too high. That while he had thought that he had long shed himself of such meager prides—of dreams of grandeur and glory—regret was just as much of a claw that surely furrowed into the droughted earth of his person and clawed on for the falling void. Fenrisbane. No. He was a FAILURE. And blessed was he who still had his brother that had made things right for the sake of them all.
“I'M SORRY… I...” words found themselves rooted in the slight slur of his sputter. “I’m sorry I could not be much…” what pause that came with the lull of his mind’s lament finally faded into the deep rumble of his own weary voice. What use was he? His hands? He could carve the oldest tree and pray into its newborn beauty to keep Thor safe, but it was Thor who’d save him still. Them. Them all. And that for whatever his absence had palled onto them was nothing more than empty hurt. What use was he? No. Thor. Thor has always been the MIGHTIEST of them all—and it would be Vidarr’s penance to learn. So with a grunt, he pried open the chest that held his gift; ore. One of their best—ore meant for a king...THEIR KING--------- all once stolen by a prince who had turn part of it into the scars he now wore around the cords of his forearms to chase the beast that ended up something of his own doing after all. “--------- but maybe... perhaps… if you are to forge a weapon anew, please call for me—I-I’ll help you…” Vidarr finally spoke, his eyes moving up to meet his brother’s in a low shimmer of quavering humility. “… I could not protect you… I—” Vidarr’s chuckle was weary—but still warm. A fighting ember. An unwavering resolute. 
               “--------- please. If you’d want me, I’d promise to fight by YOUR SIDE instead…”
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jisungsgirl · 3 years
cake and kisses
pjs x reader
just a lil bday fluff for my favorite boy :) 
wc: 1426
warnings: none!
“Dude, it’s gonna be so good,” you smiled proudly, hands on your hips as you watched the cake finally slide into the oven.
Wiping the flour off his forehead, Jaemin looked up at you in mild disbelief. “Whatever you say, y/n. This better be worth it. I’m never going to use an,” he paused to inspect the object in his right hand, “...adjustable rolling pin again.”
“See, that’s what you say now! But once everyone realizes we are master bakers they’ll be asking us to do the cakes for everyone else, and for some reason you decided to work in a group of 23 men, so choose your words wisely.” 
“Why are you so confident in your cake? Didn’t you tell me just yesterday that you basically never stepped foot in your kitchen at home?” He eyed you suspiciously. Mildly flustered by his question, you racked your brains for something quickly. 
“Baking can’t be that hard,” you turned around, hiding your pink cheeks, “I’m smart enough, this shouldn’t be hard for me. I can follow a recipe! I think. Anyways, don’t jinx it!” you paused to chastise him, your head snapping back up to glare in his direction. Dusting yourself off, the two of you continued bickering as you slowly helped the objects around the kitchen find their way back to their respective cupboards. The sound of a door opening caused both of your heads to snap up, but tilt in mild relief as you realized it was just Renjun coming back. 
“Hey guys, oh, what are you making?” 
“Jisung’s birthday cake! For tonight!” 
“Oh?” Renjun looked between the two of you, a glint in his eyes. Minutely, you tried to shake your head from side to side, warning your best friend that your baking partner was utterly oblivious to your, uh, ulterior motives. 
“That is so caring and loving of you two. Wow. Jisung will be so happy that you put in all this effort for him. You must really care for him!”
Oh he was so dead. 
Meanwhile, Jaemin just shrugged. “Of course I’d help make a cake for my bro. And y/n was so insistent I help her, since I’m the only one with any hope in the kitchen, that there was no way I could turn her down. But of course I love Jisung! You wanna help frost later, man?” 
“No, he does not.” you tried immediately, but Renjun was already beaming and nodding his head. Some best friend. 
_ As far as you were concerned, seven o’clock rolled around all too fast. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you questioned why you’d even bothered to get ready. You knew they were filming Jisung’s birthday surprise for a YouTube video to be posted later, and you and the boys wouldn’t get to hang out without cameras until much later in the night. Feeling your phone buzz, you accepted the call. 
“Just because I know your stupid love-stricken self is probably pacing right now, I wanted to ask if you wanted me to film his cake reaction on my phone and send it to you? I know you won’t get to actually see him until later.”
“Thanks Renjun! I’m not in love with him, though! I’m just. I just like him, okay?” you could feel your cheeks heating up again and suppressed a groan. He never failed to make you so nervous, even just by being brought up in conversation. 
“Whatever you say, y/n,” and you could practically hear the eye roll through the phone. You didn’t have long to wait, not even twenty minutes later and your phone pinged with a video message from Renjun. You hurried to open the text, internally cursing yourself for being so eager. Pressing play, you sat on your bed and bit back a smile. 
“Happy birthday Jisung!” Lights were flicked on to reveal a tall boy standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by the other six members of Dream. At one end, Jaemin stood, beaming, holding a cake. Your cake. You had frosted it in a light green, (of course you knew his favorite color), with white piping and trim. In the middle, you had written a simple ‘Happy Birthday Jisung’ but included a little drawing of a cat on the side. 
The two of you had begun texting a lot more frequently over the past month, as the boy was seemingly showing a genuine interest in getting to know you. The other week he had asked you about any pets you had, which had of course launched you into telling him all about your cats back home and sending him many, many iMessage doodles of both of them. 
In the video, as Jisung slowly pulled out the candles, preparing to cut it and share with his friends, he suddenly looked closer at the cake. Squinting, and then opening his eyes in surprise, he stood up straight and turned around. 
“Um, who made this cake again?” 
“Me!” Jaemin smiled and waved at a camera, before putting his head on Jisung’s shoulder and adding “with y/n’s help.” 
Your stomach flipped as you watched Jisung cough twice, eyes still wide, before throwing on a smile for the cameras and now- you rewound the video. Was he blushing? After watching the clip of Jaemin tell Jisung you had made the cake five more times, you decided that you were not making it up and he was, in fact, blushing. As you closed out of the video, you read Renjun’s text underneath. 
“Definitely don’t think this is going to make the final cut. Take care of him!” 
You didn’t think it was possible for your heart to squeeze even more. 
“Happy birthday Jisung!” you smiled as soon as the door was opened. Jisung stood before you, smiling down at you. Flustered, he was staring resolutely right below you, not making eye contact. Watching the pink crawl up his cheeks, you leaned forwards and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Breathing in his scent, you tried your best to ignore the way your heart squirmed as his hands rested around your waist. You could feel him smiling into your hair, and you grinned at him as you tilted your head back. 
“So, what’s it like being twenty?” 
“Ah, stop it, stop it. That sounds way too old for me.” He waved your words away as he stepped back, allowing you entry. Slipping out of your shoes, you giggled as he continued talking, telling you about how his friends surprised him today with a cake. Catching himself, he paused for a moment and looked down at you. 
“Actually, can I ask you something?” 
“Of course,” you shrugged, smiling, doing your best to hide the fact that your heart was currently trying to break its way out of your chest. 
“Did you… make that cake for me? Jaemin said that he made it, for the cameras, but then told me that really, you were the one who got all the stuff and baked it. It was, um, really good. Just so you know,” he was looking down again, his cheeks undoubtedly pink. 
“Oh, yeah, I did! I’m glad you liked it, Jisung. I just wanted to do my part for your birthday, you know. Celebrate you.” And now it was your turn to feel your face turn pink. You were mortified at your sudden inability to even talk to your friend without heating up. Doing your best to look up at him, you fought to calm your face. 
“So! Did you, ah, wish for anything?” you tilted your head. Finally, Jisung brought his eyes up to meet you. Without breaking his gaze, you finally realized how close you two were. Jisung was less than a step away from you, looking down at you in the empty room. Suddenly, you felt a soft hand on your jaw, tilting your face further up. 
“Um, can I…” his voice came out shakily. Nodding, you lifted yourself up and watched as his eyelids fluttered closed. Finally, your lips pressed against his as his arms surrounded you. You stood there, his arms cradling you as you softly kissed, over and over again. You weren’t able to stop yourself from smiling, however, and he pulled back gently to look at you. 
“Wow, look at that, my wish came true.” 
Hiding your face, you gave him a soft shove. “Park Jisung, that was so lame,” but you couldn’t stop a few laughs from escaping. 
“Hey! I was being serious!” 
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jeyramarie · 3 years
25th birthday-Tom Holland x Reader
summary: you meet your boyfriend’s friends and family on his special day. 
a/n: thought about this a while ago, it was too adorable not to write. its 12am over here 😁happy bday tommo!! happy reading everyone 🦋
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It was June 1st, your boyfriend’s birthday and also the day you were gonna meet his friends and family. Saying you were anxious was an understatement, you were shaking at this point. All you wanted was his friends and family to like you since they mean everything to Tom.
There was gonna be a barbecue, some beers and of course, cake. So you decided on a cute summer dress with flats, a low bun, some golden jewelry and a small purse. You didn’t want to try too hard or look too over the top, that wasn’t you anyway. You’ve always been natural and simple, something Tom adored about you.
“Love, you’re shaking.” he said as he took your hand that was shaking on your lap. You were on your way to his parent’s house where everyone was waiting for the birthday boy.
“I know, i’m sorry. It’s just nerve wracking.... i want them to like me..” you said nervously fidgeting with his fingers.
“Don’t apologize, it’s gonna be okay. They’ll love you, darling.” Tom smiled looking at you and turning his eyes back to the road with one hand on the wheel.
He parked at front and got out to open your door. You bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate which you held close to you with one arm as your other hand interlocked Tom’s fingers. The walk towards the front door felt eternal to you as the anxiety creeped up on you.
“Baby? you’re gonna be okay.. Hey, look at me.” he said as he placed both hands under you jaw, pulling your face up to look at him.
“I know you’re nervous right now but it’ll be okay.” he whispered and leaned in to give you a sweet kiss, calming down your nerves a bit. You nodded ‘yes’ and turned to the door waiting for someone to open it. Have a few seconds the red haired woman open the door with a bright smile on her face. She gave Tom a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. After he had walked in she turned to you and gave you a warm smile.
“Hi, you must be Y/n. Tom doesn’t seem to stop talking about you. It’s good to finally meet you.” she said as she pulled you into a hug. You chuckled nervously and hugged her back, then pulled back after some time.
“It’s really nice to finally meet you too, Mrs. Holland. Tom has said nothing but good things about you and the family.” you said smiling with her hands in yours creating some sort of bond.
“Darling, call me Nikki. Everyone’s outside, they’re waiting for you and waiting to meet you of course.” Nikki said smiling and winking at you before turning back to the kitchen. You turned to Tom with a scared look in your eye and he held your hand.
“It’s gonna be okay. Trust me.” he whispered and gave you a peck. Then you both walked through the slide doors that led to the backyard where Dom, Tom’s dad, was flipping the steak on the grill and his brothers were playing football while his friends talked on the patio sofas.
“Hey! The birthday boy!” Dom shouted gaining everyone’s attention, making them all look at you. The dark haired man walked over to you and pulled Tom into a massive hug as he wished him a happy birthday. He pulled away and turned to you immediately.
“You must be Y/n, I’ve heard a lot about you. How are you?” he smiled pulling you into a short hug.
“I’m doing good, thank you for having me over and it’s so lovely to finally meet you.” you said tightening your grip on your purse as your other hand went back to Tom’s.
“Well dinner is almost ready, I hope you like steak.”
“I do.”
“Fantastic! Go say hello. Nikki and i will get everything ready.” and with that he walked inside leaving you and Tom alone. The british boy began to walk towards everyone as his grip got tighter on your hand, knowing how nervous you were. He bro hugs his friends and brothers, finally coming back to you to wrap his hand around your waist.
“Alright everyone. I know I've talked about her a lot but she’s finally here. I’d like you all to meet my girlfriend, Y/n.” he smiled and gave you a quick squeeze as you waved and smiled.
“Hi, everyone.” you said shyly moving a piece of her behind your ear. They all said hi back and smiled at you which made you calm down for a bit. After a bit of small talk with everyone you all gathered around the table to have some dinner. You sat across from Tom, feeling a bit nervous.
The dinner went smoothly, everyone talked and asked you questions. You shared a few stories from your childhood and your current work place where you had many stories to tell. Tom kept staring at you a lot, without you noticing. Everyone saw it, he looked so in love. The way he’d smile when he saw you or how his eyes would sparkle every time you chuckled. He was completely whipped. After everyone was done, Nikki came back from inside the house with the cake and the candles lit while singing ‘happy birthday’. Everyone stood up and took out their phones, walking around the table to be in front of Tom. You didn’t want to intrude, so you stood a bit far away. You felt like that was a bit of an intimate moment for everyone.
“Y/n.” a voice said breaking you out of your trance. When you looked up it was Tom, staring at you as he leaned to his side and everyone stared at you making you a big anxious.
“Come ‘ere.” he said and patted his lap signaling you to sit down there.
“Oh i don- Are you sure? I don’t wanna intrude.” you said shyly wrapping your arms around your waist, feeling a bit cold all of the sudden.
“Honey you’re not intruding at all, go over there.” Nikki said shaking her head towards Tom signaling you to go. You mutter an ‘okay’ and walked around the table to sit on Tom’s lap, in front of his friends and family.
“Okay, now we can continue.” Tom smiled as he rubbed his thumb against your thigh and everyone continued the birthday song. He finally blew out his candles with a wide smile on his face. His eyes met yours and your stayed looking at each other for a while as you moved your hand to his cheek.
“I love you.” he whispered moving the thumb on your thigh slower and softer.
“I love you too.” you whispered back as your thumb ran over the freckles on his cheeks. He gave you a peck and tapped your hip, signaling you to stand up.
“I’m gonna go help your mom with the dishes, okay?” he nodded yes and pecked your lips before moving to his friends with a beer bottle in hand. You walked over to the kitchen with a few plates and cups in your arms, placing them on the counter.
“Nikki, do you need any help? I can dry them if you’d like..” you said nervously leaning against the counter as your fidgeted with your fingers.
“Oh well if you want, i’d love the help.” you quickly moved next to her and grabbed a rag to dry the dishes with. You were in comfortable silence for a bit until she broke it.
“You make him really happy... he’s never done that before.”
“Done what?”
“He’s always alone on his birthday so Tom calling you over to sit with him as we sang to him.. that’s new but... he seems very very happy.” Nikki said smiling at you and she rinsed another plate. You blushed and looked down at the cup you were drying, smiling a bit.
“Thank you... for being so welcoming.” you said softly looking at her making her turn and pull you into a hug.
“Of course, sweetie. You’ve been so kind to us, you’re always gonna be welcomed into our home.”
“Hello, ladies.” Tom said as he walked into the kitchen moving towards you to place a kiss on your neck.
“How’s everything over here?”
“Everything’s fine.” you said smiling widely at him and leaning into him making his grip on your hip become tighter.
“We should get going to the cinema, love.”
“Oh right, i almost forgot. I’ll grab my jacket.” and with that you walked off into the living room leaving Tom and Nikki alone.
“She’s very lovely.” the red haired woman told her son with a small smile.
“Yeah, she is. I’ve never really felt like this towards anyone, mum.” he said crossing his arms and leaning against the counter.
“Well you should hold on to that. That feeling only happens once, why do you think i married your father?” she chuckled with Tom as you walked back in with your purse and coat.
“Okay, i’m ready.” you said smiling as Tom stood up straight bidding a hug goodbye to his mom.
“Let’s say goodbye to everyone.” he said and moved to the patio as you said goodbye to Nikki and thanked her for everything.
“We’re gonna get going, guys. Thank you for everything.”
“It was really nice to meet all of you.” you said shyly standing next to Tom.
“We should hang out more Y/n. All of us.” Harrison said leaning back at the sofa with his arm around Grace, his very kind girlfriend.
“Yeah of course, just tell us when.” you said as Tom grabbed your hand and turned around making your way outside. You both got into the car and started driving to the cinema in comfortable silence.
“I had fun today.” you said softly reaching for his hand to draw random patterns on his palm with your fingertips, he loved when you did that.
“Oh yeah? Well it’s safe to say everyone loved you.”
“Really?” you blushed looking at him with hopeful eyes.
“Yes, really. What’s not to love?”
“Well, i love you. I hope you enjoyed your birthday.”
“I did. Best birthday ever.” he smiled and lifted your hand to give it a kiss as he pulled up into the cinema parking lot. That night you watched ‘Me before you’ while sharing a salty popcorn. Tom felt extremely lucky to have you and to have his family love and accept you. It felt right to him. Little did you know that same night he’d start planning his proposal.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I didn't want to but my last post got so long Tumblr can't load it AFSGSGAHH so this is my second post bc liveblogging this manga is part of my personality now <3
From where i left,
I love seeing Shibukawa i hate knowing how that fight will go down tho </3
Oh is that literally Andre the giant?
Katou baby you won't last
Yeah and uh, Katsumi whatever.
Poor Kozue on god pugoygpgu
Toba 🥺
Kozue like 😨
Chapter 186
You don't know but like 2 days passed and i actually forgot what was happening VÑVPJOYG
I just remembered that scene in the fairy odd parents movie where the crowd goes OHHH AHHH
I don't want to simp so early in the morning but UGHHH look at him!!
Hey has Baki always been doing the yujiro stand or is this new?
Feel you Mr Andre the giant i too have been told to not use my full strength. Though I'm just 1.60, my power comes from my anger issues and my god given right to kick ass
That's one strong kick
Rip the crowd n Andre the giant
Chapter 187
I don't think that's true Baki boy
That's a big number sir
I really don't care about this fight much at all surudtidkgxkhkdgksr
Poor Kozue man
Okay no apparently all cis men on the comments did want to become the string ???? Get help /j
Chapter 188
This is prob cool if you know who these people are. I unfortunately don't.
Look of bloodlust? He looks like the average fuckboy
Me watching the anime: omg that's so random why is he wearing glasses out of nowhere lol?
Me now (my brain is bigger): WOOOOOOOOO
I'm still obsessed with Toba's size
Okay i had to google who igari was bc i wasn't recognizing him, now I'm cheering on him
This is gonna be a good one, hopefully
That was murder
Chapter 189
Hehehe this title sounds promising 👀
I really can't tell if he's scared of confident, i HOPE he's confident like, he's my pollo afteral (i make that joke in Spanish bc idk how to do it in English 😭)
Nice feet (See? No one can accuse me of having a foot fetish because no one reads these haha!)
I'm not gonna simp for 3 lines straight but i can't just pass this without saying how much i love how Doppo looks in this arc my man looking more precious than usual 😌🥺💞
Shout-out to the ppl in the comments wishing Motobe a happy bday <33
Chapter 190
These men just LOVE breaking fingers don't they?
It was a pleasure knowing you Motobe-san
I must say Doppo first watching the fights with Katou now with his son is like, super damn sweet like this dude is just such a Dad™
Sumo is such a damn cool sport tbh, i watched like one documentary on it once and nothing else but it's just like damn
Lshekwhwksgskd someone was mentioning how they make Motobe sound like a badass but he loses every time and someone just responded "He's 50", which is similar to the justification i tried to give myself whenever Doppo kept fucking losing but then you have mfs like Shibukawa who is 70 and is just mad powerful KSVSNSH 😔
Chapter 191
Hehe the king ☺️
also if y'all wonder how I'm doing my jaw is currently trembling and i think i have a fever, but it's fine, we getting to 200 today boys
I really don't care much about Katsumi but he has a very shaped face i won't lie, his eyes are very pretty too. STILL DONT CARE BOUT HIM 🙄😒
They just throwing hands these mfs ffs
Katsumi that's a bit too far don't you think?
A fuckin pussy out sort of luck i see
Chapter 192
I hate smooth Retsu sm let him keeps his face wrinkles ffs
Obsessed with these lads
ANDRE MY MAN look at him
I love how these characters say <3
Fucked up to beat up a wounded man tho NGL :/
Chapter 193
Idk man after 180+ chapters Retsu's body doesn't look that wild to me
I know he will lose bc uh, Retsu obviously? But man i really like this Russian
Kozue that's how every match is
Hhhh 😬
He's dead.
Chapter 194
Hey they aren't doing the white lips thing anymore that's sick
Motobe Latino /j
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Look at the cocky mf man sjsgdhd
I must say i love the progression of Baki's personality
Chapter 197
Katsumi is deranged
My health problems are solved btw
I honestly hope Katsumi wins, for the honor of shinshinkai exclusively
Doppo looks so proud of his son 🥺
These mfs so childish ffs
...how is he that small 😭
I really don't understand any of these people
Chapter 198
I love seeing Toba just around doing shit like yeah king you go. My nostalgia enjoys his presence
Toba king i don't want to see you on a wheelchair please-
Toba baby you are going to die and horrible death and i will hate to be the witness of it
He's dead 😔
Chapter 199
Igari right? He's dead too. I have less doubt than anyone else, Hanayama is a beast.
Different? Idk man he looks the same to me
Chapter 200
Like it's not just brawling man if anyone the size and strenght of Hanayama did anything they would win no matter what, this mf is a beast
I'm sorry, he's gonna get WHAT? 😳
Ndhskshskhdkd obsessed
So glad at least SOMEONE is still a bro 😒
Obsessed he didn't even realize
And that's it for tonight, adiós
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tsvkishma · 4 years
wall of jealousy
bakugou katsuki x f!reader
5.2k words
warnings: SMUT!!! rough sex oops, sliiiiiight toxicity if you couldn’t raging jealousy toxic, cursing, semi-public sex
Bakugou couldn’t help but feel jealous when his girlfriend would interact with other guys. But, he also couldn’t do anything because their relationship was supposed to be a secret.
a/n: I made this for my good friend, cristina’s bday yay! hope u like it! also this is my first fic in a while so feel free to leave feedback! also, i did not prood-read. oops <3
It was the start of a new school day at UA and y/n couldn’t help but feel tired. She accidentally stayed up all night binging some new romance anime that Yaoyorozu told her to watch. It was about two high-schoolers who were in love with each other but kept it a secret from everyone else. ‘How ironic...’ thought y/n. She was in a secret relationship with her new boyfriend Bakugo Katsuki. They’ve been dating for about a month now and have yet to tell anyone about it. It all started when Bakugo couldn’t help but admire y/n’s dedication to class and especially her drive to become a top hero. Uncharacteristically, he worked up the courage to ask y/n out after training one day. Y/n was shocked at his confession, but when she saw him all flustered and blushing she couldn’t say no. As the past month went by, she learned more and more about this worked up, hot-headed boy. She learned that even though he seemed very confident, he was also a bit insecure. By learning that, she also found out that he got jealous easily. Very easily.
And she had to learn it the hard way. One day, y/n was just asking Midoriya for the notes for the homework since she knew that he was very organized and detailed with notes. They were just having a casual conversation about class, then Midoriya said something funny and y/n laughed. What y/n didn’t notice, was Bakugo fuming in his chair as he stared daggers into Midoriya’s back. “Dude, what’s up...?” said Kirishima as he followed Bakugo’s eyes to y/n and Midoriya talking, “Did Midoriya do something to piss you off again, dude?” “That damn, Deku... always trying to piss me off and trying to be number one for everything. I’ll show him who’s number one,” Bakugo said with his arms crossed and smoke practically coming out of his ears. Kiri gave him a look of confusion, “Number one for what? He’s just talking to y/n, bro.” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOR WHAT? HE’S TRYING TO FLIRT WITH MY-” says Bakugo as he caught himself slipping up, “I mean, ergh... he’s just trying to prove he’s better than me by bragging to y/n about stupid shit. Tsk.” Kiri raised his brow at him, but he looked away, avoiding eye contact. Kiri just shrugged it off by thinking it was just another one of Bakugo’s pointless rampages. The reason that Bakugo wanted to keep his relationship with y/n a secret was because he didn’t want to be seen as weaker and having a weak spot when he gave himself a tough exterior. You could say that this connected to his issue with his insecurities. Later that day, y/n tried to explain to Bakugo that her conversation with Midoriya was just innocent and only about school, but he didn’t listen. He was never good with words, so he just put his feelings into action. He definitely taught y/n a lesson that day. The thought of getting Bakugo all riled up like that had y/n excited. A scene from the romance anime she watched last night still imprinted in her brain gave her an idea of how to toy with her boyfriend. Plus, y/n was kind of annoyed of keeping her relationship with Bakugo a secret anyways. She never wanted to do so in the first place, but she found his reasoning of being all tough stupid. Though, she respected his decision.
When lunchtime came around, y/n grabbed her lunch and walked to the table the Bakusquad usually sat at. Right beside her was Bakugo. “Suki, do you think you could go grab me a drink? I forgot to grab one with my food,” y/n pouted. Bakugo gave in, giving a little grunt and walking off to do what she asked. She made her way over to the table and sat right next to Kirishima, instead of her usual spot across from him. “What’s with the new seating arrangement? I mean, I’m not complaining,” he said. “What, I can’t sit next to you? Do you bite or something?” y/n teased and that comment earned a chuckle from Kiri. “Also, before the next period do you think we could go over the homework answers together? I think Cementoss is gonna grade the answers or something,” he offered. Y/n smiled, “Yeah, of course! How about leave lunch a little early so we have enough time to check answers with each other?” “Sounds good,” Kiri smiled back with a hint of blush on his cheeks and y/n gave him a friendly nudge in his side. Kiri and y/n’s conversation continued and Bakugo came back shortly and sat across from Kiri and y/n with a confused look on his face. “Why’re you sitting there, y/n?” he said with a slight annoyance in his tone. “Don’t worry I was just wanted to sit next to Kiri for today. We were just talking about how training yesterday had us all sore,” y/n said innocently. Bakugo tried his best not to show it, but his face was getting more red by the second. During the whole lunch period, he just picked at his food and didn’t jump in any of the conversations that his friends had. When he occasionally glanced up, he would just see his best friend and his girlfriend laughing their heads off. If he didn’t know any better, he would think they were a couple. He wanted nothing more at that moment than to drag y/n away and show her who her actual boyfriend is, but no. He had a reputation to uphold, right? Suddenly, y/n and Kiri stood up from the table. “Sorry, to leave you guys hanging, but y/n and I are going to go to the classroom early to check homework and stuff. See ya,” he said waving goodbye to the rest of the group and y/n waved as well. They were off and disappeared into the hallways of the school. ‘Tch. Checking homework, my ass,’ Bakugo thought. For all he knew, his girlfriend and his best friend could be sneaking off to the janitor’s closet and be fucking like rabbits right now. And he still couldn’t do anything about it. At least, without causing suspicion. All he could do was trust that his girlfriend wasn’t swapping spit with his best friend. The next class passed by and Kirishima was right about Cementoss grading the homework, which made putting in the extra minutes to checking the answers worth it for y/n. Although, Bakugo didn’t spend a single second paying attention in class. His mind kept racing at the thought of his girlfriend and best friend potentially having something going on behind his back. His eyes always ended up staring at y/n during the entire class. He couldn’t help but notice how good she looked today. She was emitting a glowing aura. Her hair was just so silky and he wanted to run his hands through her hair all day. Although, he was pissed at how her skirt looked a bit shorter today and it was definitely against the dress code. Little did he know, y/n rolled up her skirt in hopes of Bakugo noticing. ‘Such a fucking tease’ he thought. His girlfriend could get him so worked up without her actually trying. He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of her right under him in his room and their bodies working in-sync with each other. His daydream was interrupted by the quiet giggles falling from y/n’s lips. She was looking at Kiri as he mouthed something to her. Bakugo’s blood started boiling again. Since when did y/n and Kiri get all buddy-buddy with each other? Were they always this fucking close? The thought of his girlfriend with someone other than him just made him rage. He needed to let his anger out before he went crazy. He needed to teach y/n that she was his and his only. Bakugo couldn’t wait until the next class which was training. When the bell rang, he stood up immediately and made his way over to his girlfriend to get in a word with her. She was in the middle of a conversation with Bakugo seethed through his teeth, “Y/n. Let’s talk outside. Now.” “What’s up? Next period is the last one, can you wait until after then?” said Y/n innocently. She was batting her eyelashes and had the eyes of a doe. Bakugo couldn’t help but melt a little looking at her cute face. He quickly shook off the thought. He had to talk to her about all of this after all. Any hints of anything less than a tough appearance left his face. “No, I need to talk to you now. Come on,” he said roughly grabbing her arm and tugging her away. Y/n stood her ground and resisted and for a quick second Bakugo had a hint of hurt written on his face, but it quickly left as fast as it came. This didn’t go unnoticed by y/n. “Look, Mina and I were in the middle of a conversation and you just interrupted us. If you have something to say, just say it right now,” y/n said sternly. Bakugo was taken aback. Usually, y/n would just do what he said and follow his lead, but this was the first time he saw y/n go against him. Y/n stood there staring into his eyes without any hesitation or a hint of an opening for discussion. Bakugo just grunted and walked off to the training room. He was furious, but a little turned on from the dominance that y/n showed. Bakugo was sitting against the wall in the gym making small explosions in his palm just trying to kill time until class finally started. He could finally vent all of his anger into fighting. All of his frustration was just pent up in his brain and he couldn’t wait until he could vent it all out with his punches. He heard a familiar laugh nearing as y/n walked in through the big doors of the gym. His heart ached a little at the sight of y/n smiling and laughing. His expression immediately dropped when he saw who y/n was looking at and laughing with. Kirishima followed right behind her and laughing along to whatever y/n said. Bakugo’s blood was boiling at an even higher temperature now. He couldn’t take seeing his best friend and girlfriend flirting with each other anymore. Anger filled his crimson eyes and he stormed towards y/n and Kiri. It was a scary sight. Midoriya saw Bakugo with the rage in his eyes storming toward his two classmates. Being the good person he was, he tried to stop Bakugo. He knew this wasn’t gonna end well. “K-kacchan! Slow down! What are you doing?! You look like you’re gonna kill someone!” said Midoriya as he stepped in front of his friend in an attempt to stop him. Bakugo violently shoved him out of the way, “Get out of my way, you damn nerd! This has nothing to do with you!” “I know that look in your eyes, Kacchan! You look like you’re going to murder Kirishima! Just calm down and take-” said Midoriya as he stepped in front of Bakugo again. Bakugo aggressively grabbed Midoriya by the shirt and towered over him, “This doesn’t concern you, Deku! You’re always trying to get into my business like you’re better than me or something! Who do you think you are?!” Rage was all that filled Bakugo’s eyes. The bottled-up anger needed to be released soon or he would explode. And he didn’t mind personally taking it out on little Deku over here. Just as Bakugo raised his arm to land a punch, something pulled Bakugo back, and almost instantaneously he was restrained by the all-too-familiar scarf. Aizawa restrained Bakugo with his scarf as he was struggling and still trying to attack Midoriya. A feeling of Deja vu wafted through the air of the gym. “Calm down. Training hasn’t started, yet. Unless you want us to put you in a muzzle again,” said Aizawa. Bakugo grumbled and walked off to the rest of Class 1-A standing in a group. He made eye contact briefly with y/n and he saw a smirk on her face before she looked away to talk to Mina. ‘Tch,’ he thought, ‘Always a fucking tease.’ Aizawa walked towards the group of high-schoolers and they instinctively quieted down in anticipation for his instructions for the class. “So, today we’re going to be doing our regular training, but this time I want you guys to-” he said and stopped to stare straight at y/n and Kiri giggling and not paying attention. The whole class turned and stared at them. They soon realized that everyone was staring at them, including Aizawa who had a less than pleased expression. “Since you two don’t show interest in what I have to say, you both have to go fetch the mannequin opponents for today. Go and hurry,” said Aizawa as he tossed the keys to the equipment room at Kiri. “Do we have to? We’re sorry for what we did,” pleaded Kiri. “Yes. Now go,” said Aizawa as he continued his lecture. They both let out a groan of compliance and Bakugo watched as the two of them went through the giant gym doors that led to the hallway. As y/n was walking down the hallway with Kiri, she said, “I don’t know why Aizawa was on our ass like that... calling us out in front of the class and shit.” “Well, it was kind of our fault for laughing so loudly. Actually, scratch that it was YOUR fault for making us laugh so loud,” joked Kirishima. Y/n’s gaped open in shock and amusement at his jab and she nudged him in the side and he groaned as if he was in actual pain. They both were laughing until they heard a familiar voice interrupt them. “Oi, shitty hair. Don’t worry about the mannequins. Aizawa told me to get it with y/n instead,” said Bakugo with a straight face. Kiri raised a brow, “Really? Why you and not me-” “I said, he told me to get it not you. Alright?” said Bakugo irritably. Kiri raised his hands in surrender and tossed the keys to his hot-headed friend, “Okay, okay, I get it. Y/n, make sure this one doesn’t murder you. The equipment room seems like an awfully quiet and isolated place.” Y/n laughed at his remark, “Don’t worry. This angry boi won’t lay a finger on me, anyways. I’m too quick for him to even catch me.” And with that, Kiri waved a peace sign and walked off. Before y/n had a chance to do something, Bakugo stormed past her and towards the equipment room. “Wait up, Suki! Why are you walking so fast?” she said trying to catch up to him. He just let out a huff in response. They neared the equipment room and the second he pulled the keys from the doorknob and opened the door, he pulled y/n into the room, shut the door, and slammed her against the wall. Y/n was pinned against one of the walls with Bakugo towering above her with a look in his eyes that she couldn’t quite pin what it was. His face was mere inches away from hers and she could feel his hot breath on her face. His left hand has ahold of y/n’s shirt while his right hand is pressed against the wall near y/n’s head. Y/n was slightly scared of what Bakugo was about to do to her because she knew she took it a little far this time, yet she was getting excited over the different things her boyfriend could do to her in this state of rage. The subtle scent of his cologne intoxicated y/n. She once told him that it smelled real good on him. ‘I guess he took note,’ she thought. Bakugo was breathing hard, but not saying a word. He kept constant eye contact with y/n and she was getting a little intimidated and sinking further down ever so slightly. “W-what’s up with you...?” said y/n timidly. “Hmph... what’s up with me? How about you explain the shit you’ve been pulling today. Huh?!” said Bakugo roughly and breaking eye contact for the first time. Y/n shrugged innocently, “I actually don’t know what you’re-” Bakugo slammed his fist against the wall and moved closer to her face, “Don’t pull that fucking innocent shit with me, dumbass. You’ve been ignoring me all day and hanging out with that stupid fucker, Kiri...” “Look, I think you’re just imagining things. Can we talk about this later? We’re in the middle of training, Suki-” started y/n. She tried to move past him but then his grip on her shirt tightened and he pulled her closer and used his free hand to pull her hair backward. Almost instantly, he attacked her neck right then and there. He started sucking on her weak spot, which earned him an unintentional moan from y/n. Y/n could tell that Bakugo felt a bit cocky because his lips grazed her skin to form a smirk against her neck. “S-suki, stop, please... we’re literally in school right now...” stuttered y/n. She was trying her best not to make noises, but it was just so damn hard with how Bakugo was using his tongue against her neck. “Come on, princess... what’s wrong with having a little bit of fun, yeah? Plus, I need to teach you a lesson for being such a tease today...” groaned Bakugo against your neck in a low tone. Y/n couldn’t help but let a moan slip from her mouth. It just felt way too good. He knew her weaknesses and used that against her. “Shh... princess, we don’t wanna get caught do we? Just be a good girl and stay quiet, yeah?” said Bakugo. Suddenly, he started using her teeth against her while simultaneously sucking on her neck. The mix of the slight pain with the pleasure was euphoric for her. He hadn’t even touched her yet and she was already soaking. She wouldn’t ever say it to his face, though. It would only boost his already inflated ego. She ran her hands through his hair and tugged at it so he would look up and face her. Y/n only wanted to give Bakugo a slow and passionate kiss, but like his fighting nature, his lips met hers aggressively and let his tongue slip through meeting hers. Y/n’s fingers gently scratching on Bakugo’s scalp made him give out the lowest groan which signaled y/n to keep slightly tugging on his hair. As their lips moved in sync with each other, Bakugo’s firm grip on her hips gradually made its way between the waistband of y/n’s pant. His fingers pressing against her heat through her panties. “Damn, princess. Already this wet for me, huh?” he teased and moved to her whisper in her right ear, “Was this your end goal this whole time? Get me jealous and fuck me in the school’s equipment room? Such a naughty girl.” Then, his fingers pressed harder against her clothed folds and she whimpered in response. Y/n looked up at him and the sight of her under his control and batting her eyelashes made the bulge in his pants grow harder. This continued for a few more seconds until he swiftly removed his hands from under her and shoved her down by the shoulders, pushing her to her knees. She was met face-to-face with his very prominent bulge. She gulped knowing what was going to happen next. “What? You’re scared to take my dick in your mouth or something? I thought girls liked it when their boyfriend’s dick is down their throat, no? Or am I just too big for you?” he teased. “Oh, don’t get too cocky now, Suki. We both know I can handle it,” y/n snapped back. She was lying and Bakugo knew that too. Whenever his dick would be down her throat, tears would most definitely be streaming down her cheeks. “Yeah, yeah. Lie all you want dumbass. But at the end of the day, no one who can make you cum like I do, princess,” he said in a low tone. His words just made y/n clench her thighs closer together to try to create some friction. Bakugo pulled down his shorts and briefs to reveal his very hard dick that sprung out. Y/n’s eyes widened at the sight. Even though this wasn’t the first time she’s gotten intimate with him, she still gets surprised at how she lucked out by getting a boyfriend with such a big dick (not that that’s the only thing that mattered to her). Bakugo only smirked at her surprised expression and it most definitely fed his ego a bit more. Y/n took his dick in her hands and started to lick the tip and Bakugo rolled his head back at the sudden pulse of pleasure. Y/n started moving towards the length of his dick, but Bakugo couldn’t wait anymore and forcefully grabbed her hair and pushed her further down his dick while thrusting simultaneously. Naturally, y/n gagged hard and tried to take his dick out of his mouth for a quick second to cough, but Bakugo’s hand roughly pulled y/n’s mouth back onto his dick. Tears were starting to form in the corner of her eyes. “Awe, is this too much for my princess? Well,” said Bakugo getting increasingly aggressive and angry, “With that fucking shit you pulled today, I think this should be your fucking punishment, yeah? I need to teach you a real fucking good lesson.” His thrusts getting all the more faster and y/n’s tears streaming down her cheeks. The feeling of his dick hitting the back of her throat was starting to get a bit unbearable. Like a miracle, there were some noises outside of the door and in the hallway. Both y/n and Bakugo stopped what they were doing and looked towards the door. Y/n listened carefully and realized that it was the sound of footsteps coming their way. Bakugo attempted to pull his pants back up quickly and dragged y/n to a corner of the room where a bunch of items was piled up next to a cabinet. They hid behind a few larger items and crouched down to be below eye level of anyone that they suspected to come in. There was a sound of the doorknob turning and y/n couldn’t see clearly with objects covering some of her view. She didn’t expect to hear a familiar voice. “Y/n? Bakugo? You guys here?” said Kirishima as he tried to investigate around the room. He did a quick glance and concluded that they weren’t here. Though, he walked dangerously close to where the two of them were hiding. Balugo pulled y/n closer into him and used his hand to cover her mouth in case she made any sounds. Kiri grabbed the dummies that were supposed to be used for training. Then, he left just like that. Y/n let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding in. They waited a few seconds before making any more movements. Y/n stood up first to fix herself and arrange her appearance. “Come on, let’s go before they start getting suspicious-” said y/n but she was pulled backward by Bakugo and (yet again) pushed up against a wall. Bakugo smirked, “So you think I was done with you? You’re soaking and you think it’s okay to let yourself go out like that? Even though you got me all riled up, I have to repay you for that mind-blowing blowjob, princess.” Bakugo attacked her neck again and began sucking hard. There was definitely gonna be a mark left on her neck when this was all over with. “I gotta show everyone that you don’t belong to anyone, but me,” he said. Y/n started pulling his pants back down and followed suit with undressing herself as well. Bakugo moved his lips to meet hers and they intensely connected tongues while undressing their lower halves. He grabbed the band of y/n’s panties and lowered them. He started moving his fingers across her slick folds. “Suki, hurry. I need you in me,” pleaded y/n while giving her signature innocent, doe-eyed look. Bakugo couldn’t say no to her when she looked like that under his touch. He complied and positioned himself to enter her. Without a moment’s hesitation, he pushed up against her and almost bottoming out instantly without giving her a moment to adjust. “Ahh! Suki, s-slow down, please,” said y/n, but her words were to no avail as he didn’t let up his intense thrusts. Bakugo grunts, “Just because I let you off easy, you go and think you get to tell me what to do... tsk, tsk, tsk. And here I thought you were gonna be a good girl for me.” Y/n was going to give a snarky reply back, but her thoughts of saying anything were clouded with the burst of pleasure that Bakugo was giving her right now. She couldn’t help but let out moans and she instantly tried to cover her mouth. “Don’t cover your mouth, let them hear how good I’m making you feel,” he said. His hands were under y/n to hold her weight up against the wall and her arms were around his neck. His rough thrusts made y/n’s eyes roll to the back of her head. “Shit, Suki. You make me feel so good...” y/n managed to get out between her heavy breathing. Y/n started dragging her nails down his back just added to the high amount of ecstasy that Bakugo was feeling. He increased the power in his thrusts which drove y/n up the wall a bit. The textured walls were scratching y/n’s back which gave the smallest amount of pain. “Yeah, you fucking like that, huh, princess? You like my dick inside you?” Bakugo said breathily. “Mhm...” was all that y/n could manage to get out. With the slightest change in Bakugo’s angle, he managed to hit her sweet spot. “Ah, shit! Right there, Suki... just hit it right, shit, there,” screamed y/n. Bakugo listened and kept his position. Low groans came from his mouth as he was nearing his climax. Instinctively, his quirk decided to show and y/n could feel a slight sting on her ass. Bakugo let out a laugh at the surprise mini-explosion, but it was quickly interrupted by a low moan. “Shit, shit, shit,” groaned Bakugo as he was trying to hold onto the high wave of pleasure he was feeling. Their bodies were so in-sync with each other he couldn’t help but feel lucky that they had such good chemistry with each other. ‘Suki,” y/n let out, “I’m gonna come. Shit.” “Come for me, princess. Let it all out,” said Bakugo as he tried to keep his thrusts strong, but falling a little bit short with each new movement. Y/n’s walls were convulsing against Bakugo’s dick and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Her screams of pleasure filled the room as well as his loud groans. She was riding out her orgasm as Bakugo tried thrusting a few more times to help her out, but soon followed suit and released inside of her. Their movements slowed and they both dropped to the floor in exhaustion and they tried to catch their breaths. “I think that counts as our training for today,” joked y/n which earned a chuckle from her boyfriend, “Maybe I should make you more jealous often. You fuck better when you’re jealous.” Bakugo’s expression instantly dropped and he looked pissed again, “I’m still mad at you, idiot. Don’t go flirting with stupid fucking Kiri again, got it?” “Hm... I don’t get it, actually. Maybe you have to teach me another lesson later tonight,” she teased. “Just you wait,” he smirked. Bonus Y/n and Bakugo exited the equipment room and headed back to the gym and tried to act as if nothing happened. When they finally reached the main gymnasium, no one was in there. ‘That’s odd,’ thought y/n. It even wasn’t the end of school, yet. The two of them left to go check the dorms and lo and behold, the rest of Class 1-A was there. The expressions on their face were priceless. Collectively, they all looked a bit shocked. Kaminari walked up to Bakugo and patted him on the back. “Hell yeah, Bakubro. I see you scored yourself a good one,” said Kaminari about you. “What the hell are you talking about?!” grumbled Bakugo and his usual expression of casual anger returned. Kirishima walked up to Bakugo and rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment, “Sorry, man. I didn’t know you and y/n were together and I just kind of ignored you when you were being extra angry today when I was talking with her.” Bakugo was seething, “The hell are you guys talking about?! Y/n and I are not together!” “Nice try, buddy. We all know what happened between you two. It’s okay but kinda gross,” said Kiri cheekily. “I never thought you would be one to get tied down, Bakugo! Let alone with someone as hot as y/n,” said Ashido jokingly. Bakugo’s facial expression was mixed with embarrassment and anger. Y/n just laughed at the whole situation. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag, Suki. Sorry,” laughed y/n, “So... uh how did you guys find out we were together, anyway?” “When you two didn’t come back with the fighting dummies after a while, Kiri went to go find you two. Then, when he didn’t find you guys he went to go tell Aizawa that you two were nowhere to be found. Aizawa went to go investigate himself and we’re guessing he found you two. He went back to the gym to tell us bluntly that class was dismissed for the day, which was weird. We all realized it probably had something to do with how you guys disappeared out of thin air,” explained Sero. “Yeah, but,” said Kaminari, “Us being Class 1-A and wanting to help our friends... we investigated the situation and we heard you two fucking like rabbits, bro!” Y/n’s face instantly went red at the thought of her entire class hearing her and Bakugo doing the dirty. Bakugo was not having it, though. He regretted letting y/n and him make so much noise. How careless of him. But, he wasn’t going to let his entire class talk down to him. “That wasn’t us. Are all of you really that fucking stupid to assume it was y/n and me? You guys have no proof, do you?” said Bakugo, “See. That’s what I thought.” He started to walk off when Shouji said, “Just look at y/n’s neck, dude.” Everyone stared at her neck and she tried to cover the mark with her hand in a casual manner, but the deed was already done. Bakugo grumbled. He lost and there was nothing he could do to convince his peers otherwise. “Fuck it,” said Bakugo as grabbed y/n’s arm roughly and dragged her to his room. You can guess what happened from there.
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sage-sunset · 4 years
sunflowers in the rainy winter  - akaashi bday special
this is an aged up, post-college au for my akaashi simps out there
warnings - not much, total fluff, a bit suggestive at the very end 
recommended - 14+
wc - 2.2k
“Happy birthday, baby!” He looks you up and down, rubbing his tired eyes. You’re standing there in that pastel blue puffer coat that he bought you a month ago, shaking from the cold with raindrops stuck to your eyelashes. It’s pouring outside, and you’re holding your umbrella in one hand and a box in the other.
“y/n… love… it’s 12:07. In the morning.”
“I know! I wanted to beat Bokuto this year, he probably won’t get here until two!” “...until?” “You must be tired. Let’s go to bed!” You set the umbrella in the bag and put it in the little stand he has before taking off your coat. You’re wearing fuzzy flannel pajamas, the set Bokuto got the three of you last year. You’re still shivering when you put the box into the fridge and then pull him into the bedroom.
Normally you like to hold him, but since you’re freezing like this, he wraps you into his arms and you flop onto the bed together to huddle under the blankets. Your feet are like ice cubes, and he kisses your forehead and smiles into your hair as you fall asleep in his arms. 
He may have been woken up at midnight, but you being here already makes it the best birthday ever.
He’s barely dozed off when the door bursts open, and the telltale “HEY HEY HEY” rings out. He rolls his eyes and sits up to see his best friend, standing there in his soaked glory. You’re somehow still asleep, hands clinging to his shirt.
Bokuto is covered in rain, his silvery hair plastered to his clammy forehead. It’s so cold outside Keiji is surprised it’s not snowing.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRO-” “Bokuto-san, please keep it down. Y/N is still sleeping.” “My bad! HAHAHA-” “Loud.” “Sorry!” He whisper-yells, and Keiji rolls his eyes again. Why did he give this doofus a house key? “Anyways, if you’re this adamant about being here, you can crash on the couch like last year.” “Nah, I’m gonna go home. It’s cold as balls outside, and I want my blanket!” Just like that, he leaves. He spent a good 25 minutes walking over to Keiji’s house in the freezing cold rain at midnight, and he literally just yelled for thirty seconds and then left again.
What the fuck? He tries not to think about it, and goes back to letting you curl into him.
This time, he wakes up by himself. The curtain’s open, light filters through, and he sits up. You’re not there, but the smell of something delicious wafts through the apartment.
He rubs his eyes and checks the time, it’s only a bit past eight. He smiles when he walks into the kitchen to see you making something, obviously the source of the smell.
“Love, what’s this?” “Making waffles for my waffle!” He stares at you.
“That sounded much more romantic in my head.” His waffle is just the way he likes them; crispy but still soft and fluffy inside. He stares at it, a warm fuzzy feeling bubbling inside at the little message you’ve spelled out in syrup over the whipped cream; “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. Jesus, he needs to marry you soon.
“Do you want coffee or tea?” “Coffee, please.” He takes a bite once you’ve sat down. It’s perfect, and as he eats he stares at you. You’re perfect too. 
“So, I’m sure you’ve already booked my day full. What are the plans?” You giggle, and the sound makes him feel even warmer.
“I remembered last month that you said that that new gallery was opening up at the museum. And Tsukishima-kun told me that there’s a big shark exhibit opening at the aquarium. So I figured-” “We go to the gallery, get lunch at that cafe we love, and see the sharks?” “You read my mind! Do you want to do that? If not, we can plan something else-” He takes one of your hands in his, and gently presses a kiss to your knuckle, right on your little silver band.
“It sounds absolutely perfect.” He starts to gather up the dishes, but you swat him away.
“You’re the birthday boy, go get ready! Oh, and I forgot to mention, Kuroo-san said that he and a few others are coming over around seven. So we should try to get back by five or so.” He pecks your cheek as you wash the dishes, and you giggle again.
“That’s fine. Do you know how long they’ll be over?” “Not sure, but it won’t be too late, trust me. I’ll have plenty of time to see my birthday boy in his birthday suit…” He blushes, and you turn back to washing the plates. 
“Go take a shower. I’ll join you in a bit.”
The gallery is incredible. You seem to agree, staring into each painting with focus and intent. The good thing about you both being artsy is that you can enjoy this kind of thing together.
He holds your hand gently as you lead him to the centerpiece. It’s nothing short of breathtaking. A huge, sprawling field of sunflowers in the middle of summer. The sky is the purest blue you can imagine, and puffy clouds float in the sea of azure. There’s a pair of hot air balloons floating among the clouds, one decorated in oranges and one in purples. In the distance a little farmhouse sits on the hill. The painting is oil, and it’s huge, taller than him. 
“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it, Keiji?” He says nothing, staring into the flower field. He imagines for a second that it’s real, that you and him are standing in the ocean of sunflowers, under the summer sky.
That farmhouse could be yours. He can see it, a quiet life there with you two. He’d spend the day writing, you’d spend the day playing the piano and singing with that little fairy voice of yours. 
You’d take a picnic basket down into the field, lay down a little blanket and watch the sunset on the hill. Just the two of you, safe and calm and warm as the sun fades away.
“Keiji?” He’s startled out of his fantasy to see you looking at him, a smile playing at your lips.
“Did you hear me?” “Sorry, what did you say?” “I just said that you’ve been staring at that painting for the past fifteen minutes. I’m starting to get jealous,” you tease.
He smiles at that notion. The painting may be beautiful, but it fades in comparison to you. But then again, so does everything else.
“Let’s get lunch, love. We’ll have to hurry if we want to catch those sharks.” -
This cafe may well be his favorite place on earth. Simply put, it’s where you met. You worked there part time, and he’d stopped by every day after class to get his work done. Once he’d first seen you though, he began to focus on you, rather than his homework.
It took him a month to build up the balls to ask you out. You’d said yes, and your very first date was dinner and a planetarium show. Much more romantic than a movie, you’d said when he asked if it was lame.
And now here you were, about to eat lunch here after being together for two and a half years. There you are, ordering him a Hokkaido bubble tea and red bean toast, the two things you spent weeks writing down his order for. Before he’s even pulled out his wallet, you’ve paid, and he’s barely able to scold you for not letting him pay because you sit him down.
“That painting was really something else, huh?” He nods, gazing into your eyes.
“Don’t stare, you’re making me self-conscious.” “Shush, let me admire my beautiful girlfriend.” Since you’re in public, the most you can do without getting looks is hold hands, which you do even when the bubble teas and pastries are set down in front of you. His thumb gently strokes the band on your finger.
He doesn’t let go of your hand as you walk into the aquarium. He doesn’t let go as you walk past the giant tank, staring at the colorful fish and little crustaceans. He doesn’t let go when you ask the kind older woman to take a picture of you two in the shark’s mouth, and he most certainly doesn’t let go as you gently stroke the bamboo shark’s back in the touch tank.
Neither of you want to leave, but he knows that his friends will be coming over soon and you’ll want to have the cake and stuff ready. So before you leave, he buys you an adorable stuffed shark plush from the gift store.
Once you’re home, you decide to eat a little something so that you won’t be having only cake for dinner. He sets out some leftovers; the braised eggs from yesterday morning, the cucumber salad you made a few days ago to go with the katsu bowls, and he heats up some rice and leftover chicken.
While the love of your life sets out some food, you take the cake you brought over last night out of the fridge and place it out on the table. It’s simple, swirled with purple and blue with macarons on top. You also bought a 23 candle, a little golden one. 
It’s perfect.
You eat quickly, only having a little bit but enough to satisfy your stomach. Before you two know it, there’s a knock at the door.
The only person who’d knock, it’s Tsukishima. He may be a sarcastic little shit, but he’s tolerable compared to the other people coming over tonight.
“Good evening, y/n-san.” “Hey, Tsukki-kun. Come on it, it’s chilly outside.” In a little bit, Kuroo and Kenma show up. Then come Yukie and Kaori, Komi and Konoha, and of course the ace himself.
You smile at Yukie and Kaori, shaking your heads at the tall man who’s currently hugging your boyfriend so tightly you think he might burst.
“I’m doing well, Bokuto-san. Would you mind putting me down?” “Sure thing, birthday buddy! n/n been takin’ care of you today?” “I’m sure she has, in quite a few ways,” snickers Kuroo, and Bokuto guffaws as Kenma elbows the rooster-headed asshole.
“Don’t be crude.” scolds Kenma as he scrolls through his phone. You assume that Kuroo made him leave his switch at home.
Two hours into the evening and a bottle of champagne later and the cake is almost gone. Yukie and Bokuto are having an arm wrestling contest on the coffee table with Tsukki as the referee, Kaori is passed out on the couch, Komi and Konoha are giggling like second graders for no reason, and Kenma is crying into Kuroo’s shirt about his village and how he needs to get back to the island, that shit ain’t gonna build itself. Keiji is sitting beside you, his head buried in your shoulder.
“You tired, baby?” He nods, his hand gently rubbing your thigh.
“Okay, I’ll call a cab for these idiots. Sit tight.” You stand to go grab your phone, and before you know it the living room is clear of the eight stooges. Keiji walks up behind you, his face slightly flushed, and wraps his arms around you. You can tell he’s a bit tipsy, but he’s not falling over or anything.
“Baby, go brush your teeth and get ready for bed. I’ll clean up in here.” “I can help, love-” “No. I’ll only be a minute. The birthday boy still has one more gift to open.”
With that, you unlatch him from you and go to clean up the glasses and plates. It was nice to catch up with everybody, especially the girls. There were only ten of you, but it was nice to have company for the first time in a while.
You set the leftover cake into the fridge before going into the bathroom to brush your teeth, and you can feel a pair of eyes on you as you wash up and change into one of his shirts.
“Come here, love.”
“In a second.”
“You’re spending the night, right?”
“Of course, baby. I’m yours for the night.”
“You’re too good to me.” “You’re one to talk, prince charming.” He smiles and takes you into his arms. The kiss he pulls you into is just as dizzying and passionate as all of his kisses, but just a bit more fervent. He’s excited, and so are you. 
He pulls away to take your hand, his favorite place to press gentle kisses to. His lips brush over the little band for what feels like the millionth time today, and you remember the promise that the ring means. So does he, and he can’t wait to replace it with a diamond one.
He kisses you again, and you melt into it. He’s so gentle, impossibly so, but despite the gentleness he’s still trapping you there. But trapped against him as he presses a kiss to your forehead and holds your hand in his isn’t such a bad place to be.
“God, I love you so much,” he whispers into your hair. “Mm, how much?” “To the sunflower fields and back.”
(a/n - the “silver band” is supposed to be a promise ring. I’ve always thought that he’d be the kind of guy who would buy you a promise ring.)
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babiekeiji · 4 years
𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢’𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏)
This chatfic features Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Futakuchi, and the reader. There are no explicit romantic pairings involved!
warnings SWEARING, crackhead humor (i think) this might be long-ish
a/n hi everyone! this is part one of a collaborative fic i made with Ray @the-black-birb for Qee’s birthday <3 happy birthday qeeeeee we love love you so much!!
QeeDay Masterlist!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Sunday, 5:26 pm
akaashi created group [SILENCE, BOKUTO]
akaashi added applepi, tetsubro, and captain_daddy to [SILENCE, BOKUTO]
akaashi, applepi, and tetsubro are online!
akaashi: Have we decided on a venue?
applepi: didn’t we decide on a cat cafe..?
tetsubro: omg that was a joke
akaashi: The cat cafe doesn’t sound too bad.
applepi: ლ(´ڡ`ლ) cats...
akaashi: Where is Bokuto?
tetsubro: asleep
applepi: dying
akaashi: Okay.
akaashi: Kuroo, would you mind relaying the details of our party to Bokuto when he wakes up?
tetsubro: sure akaashi
akaashi: Thanks.
Sunday, 11:38 pm
captain_daddy is online!
captain_daddy: oh …. everyone is asleep :(
captain_daddy: AW we’re going to a CAT CAFE!!!!!
captain_daddy: That’s gonna be so cute
captain_daddy: can i be the one to invite yn?!?!?!?!
captain_daddy: pleeeeaaaase (;´Д`)
tetsubro is online!
tetsubro: how do you manage to hold a whole conversation by yourself?
captain_daddy: wdym
tetsubro: nvm...anyway
tetsubro: bro
captain_daddy: bro….
tetsubro: we have to invite yn to the cat cafe akaashi mentioned
captain_daddy: YES.
tetsubro: together.
captain_daddy: ://// it’s like u guys dont trust me or sum ting
tetsubro: BRO stop it's not like that
tetsubro: uh
tetsubro: since akaashi and kenma did the planning we have to do the inviting...like that
captain_daddy: OOOOOH
captain_daddy: TEAMWORK
tetsubro: … yea exactly we can’t let them down
captain_daddy: Okay!!!!!! leave it to me
tetsubro: no
tetsubro: wait
tetsubro: bo?????? hello??????
Monday, 10:17 am
waiyenn and captain_daddy are online!
captain_daddy: HEEYYYYY!!!!
waiyenn: HEY BO!! HOW ARE YOU!!
waiyenn: man i cant get over your user … what in the hell
captain_daddy: idk how to turn it back
waiyenn: ASK AKAASHI??????
captain_daddy: this not about him
waiyenn: ?????
captain_daddy: ANYWAY
captain_daddy: do u wanna
captain_daddy: go to a cat cafe with us!!!!!
waiyenn: sure !!!!!! of course !!!!!
waiyenn: cat cafes are the shit !!!!!!
waiyenn: will you pay for me !!!!
captain_daddy: YES!!!!! OKAY!!!!!
waiyenn: OKAY!!!!
captain_daddy: OKAY!!! THANK YOU!!!!
captain_daddy: akaashi’s going to be so happy that you said yes
captain_daddy: ok bye!!!!
waiyenn: bye !!!!!!
waiyenn: WAIT bokuto when are we going to the cat cafe????
waiyenn: …. bokuto??
Monday, 7:53 pm
akaashi, tetsubro, and captain_daddy are online!
captain_daddy: AKAASHI GUESS WHAT
akaashi: What is it, Bokuto?
tetsubro: bokuto i swear
tetsubro: it better NOT be what i’m thinking it is or we’re gunna have a problem bokuto!!!!!!!!
captain_daddy: what do you mean?? i think i did great
akaashi: Oh dear.
tetsubro: maaaan
tetsubro: (ーー;)
tetsubro: scratches head
captain_daddy: I invited yn to the cat cafe!!
captain_daddy: i already did
akaashi: What did she say?
captain_daddy: she said yes!!!!!!
captain_daddy: she also asked me if i was going to pay for her so i told her yes!!!!!!
tetsubro: ://///
akaashi: Okay, Bokuto. Thank you.
captain_daddy: see i can be dependable
akaashi: Yes you can, Bokuto
tetsubro: don’t inflate his ego akaashi
akaashi: Okay.
captain_daddy: what does that mean
captain_daddy: ?????
Tuesday, 10:16 pm
applepi is online!
applepi: i have a bad feeling about this.
Tuesday, 11:03 pm
waiyenn and futacoochieslayer are online!
futacoochieslayer: oi dumbass
waiyenn: no
futacoochieslayer: ???? u dont even know what i was going to say
waiyenn: whatever comes out of your mouth holds no substance
waiyenn: so no
futacoochieslayer: :/
futacoochieslayer: i was gonna invite u to ice skate w me on ur bday but ayt
futacoochieslayer: its cool
futacoochieslayer: aha ha
waiyenn: will you pay for me
futacoochieslayer: obviously dumb bitch (✿◠‿◠)
futacoochieslayer: its your birthday
waiyenn: wowee
waiyenn: ur so kind … suddenly i want everyday to be my birthday
futacoochieslayer: lol u wish
futacoochieslayer: see you this saturday at 1?
waiyenn: you bet
futacoochieslayer: ;)
waiyenn: ew no
waiyenn: bye asshole
Wednesday, 8:26 pm
everyone is online!
tetsubro: i’m excited
captain_daddy: IM HYPED
applepi: you do remember that you’re paying for two people, right?
captain_daddy: ooh yeah lol
captain_daddy: suddenly im not so hyped anymore
tetsubro: ayyyy dont be like that
akaashi: Bokuto, could you check with yn just to make sure we’re still on for this Saturday?
captain_daddy: i’m pretty sure we are
akaashi: Yeah but could you please just ask her again
captain_daddy: okay
applepi: something’s fishy
tetsubro: I KNOW crying crying
applepi: why would you type out crying crying lol
tetsubro: idk the emoticon for crying
applepi: T-T???? ;-;??????? UnU??????? (ಥ﹏ಥ)????
captain_daddy: why do you guys doubt me so much TT TT
applepi: see even bokuto got that shit right
tetsubro: OK MAN i get it TT TT
captain_daddy: bye im gonna go ask yn if we’re still ok for this weekend
captain_daddy: even tho i know we ARE
tetsubro: yea right
captain_daddy: >:(
akaashi: Thank you, Bokuto
Wednesday, 8:44 pm
waiyenn and captain_daddy are online!
captain_daddy: WOI!!!!!
waiyenn: OY!!!!
waiyenn: BOKUTO!!! what’s up
captain_daddy: heyyy aha ha
captain_daddy: we’re still going to the cat cafe this saturday right??
waiyenn: huh
waiyenn: ??????
captain_daddy: yes for your birthday silly!!!!
captain_daddy: remember u said yes
waiyenn: ohh
waiyenn: that was this saturday???
captain_daddy: yes??? did i not tell you
waiyenn: you left before you could TT
waiyenn: how long would we be there? lol
captain_daddy: i remember akaashi mentioning 11-2 PM
waiyenn: ……..
captain_daddy: aha ha dont be playing me like that yn
captain_daddy: ha ha …… haha ha…
waiyenn: . about that
captain_daddy: NOOOOO
waiyenn: i made plans w futakuchi since i didnt know when we would go ;-;
captain_daddy: BRUHH
captain_daddy: gn the boys nd i r gonna go take a sad nap rn
captain_daddy: streaks dhmu :(
captain_daddy: bye i gtg disappoint akaashi again ;(((
waiyenn: omg ur so DRAMATIC
waiyenn: why don’t u just COME WITH US
waiyenn: HEHE u and akaashi and kuroo and kenma
captain_daddy: oho ho?
waiyenn: me and futakuchi were gonna go ice skating this weekend to celebrate my birthday
waiyenn: yes bitch the more the merrier !!!!
captain_daddy: YES !!!! OKAY !!!!!
waiyenn: yes !!!!!! good !!!!! this sat from 1-3
waiyenn: lmk if you guys are free!!! ^^
captain_daddy: okay!!! :D
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khunkhunaa · 4 years
Birthday Messages for Juza Our BDAY BOI
Note: sadly there aren’t messages from the backstage and the ensemble cast (isuke, sakoda, etc.) and from the new addition to the troupes (chikage and kumon, for example ;-;;;) was really looking forward to kumon’s message to his bro :((( 
Sakuya Sakuma 
“Juza, Happy Birthday! I can’t believe we’re in the same year at school! You’re an inspiration!
Masumi Usui ˡᵒʷᵏᵉʸ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉˢᵗᵇᵒᶦ
“You’re celebrating Juza’s birthday? Then I am too.”
Tsuzuru Minagi 
“Happy birthday, Juza. I really admire how chill you are.”
“It is your day, Juza! Remember! You must smile more!” ʰᵉ'ˢ ˢᵒ ᵖʳᵉᶜᶦᵒᵘˢ ᶦ ᶜᵃⁿᵗ⁻⁻
Itaru Chigasaki
“Ah, it’s your birthday, isn’t it Juza? Congrats. Play nice with Banri, all right?”  *pLaY niCe wITh bANrI* stop talking u toddler
Tenma Sumeragi
“What’s this? Super high-brand red bean paste and jelly. Juza’ll love this stuff, don’t you think?”
Yuki Rurikawa
“Muku’s acting so fidgety I can barely stand it. I wish Juza’s birthday would just end already...”
Muku Sakusaka
“I wonder if Juchan will like my present...I’m so nervous! I wanna give it to him right away!” (pLEASE HE’S SO ADORABLE)
Kazunari Miyoshi
“Happy B-day, Hyodle! Gotta say, you and Setzer make a great pair!“ 
Misumi Ikaruga
“Ah! I need to get Juza’s present ready! Time to ask Muku for a hint!”
Akigumi (my favorite troupe, best bois 💖)
Banri Settsu
“It’s his B-day? For the record, I was born first. So show me some damn respect, Hyodo.” (i can’t stand him T/N: he’s my bestboi)
Juza Hyodo
“Feels weird havin’ other people celebrate like this... It’s a good kinda weird, though.” (PLEASE U DESERVE THE WORLD <///3)
Omi Fushimi
“I made a full course dessert meal for Juza today... He’s gonna eat all of this, isn’t he?” if i don’t end up marrying someone like omi in the future what was the point of my existence?
Sakyo Furuichi
“Hyodo, if you keep loving the stage like you do, it’ll pay off. Don’t you dare give up.” I LOVE HIM IZUMI X SAKYO CANON WHEN
Taichi Nanao
“Juza! Today we’ve got your back! Just say anything and it’s yours, man!” BABIEBABIEBABIEBABIE
Tsumugi Tsukioka
“Happy BIrthday, Juza. It’s days like these when you want to be on the stage the most, huh?”
Tasuku Takato
“Hyodo really loves acting. He’s gonna be a great actor someday. I can feel it.”
Azuma Yukishiro
“Juza, I prepared something very special for you today, so stop by my room tonight.”
Homare Arisugawa
“Happy Birthday to you, Juza. You must teach me how to do a perfect backhand slap one day.”
Hisoka Mikage
“Happy BIrthday, Juza. We’re having jelly and sweet beans today, your favorite.”
[P.S. Totally didn’t try them all out on my home screen instead of studying--please a3 let me do my assignments it’s like 2am]
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prince-boi · 6 years
Lucas Highschool!AU
(Bulleted dot points)
Word count: 1.1k
I don't proofread because who needs to??
Btw lot’s of flirting and cringe 
Maybe some creakheaded-ness too because why not? 💁‍♂️  💁‍♂️
WOOHOO first write 2019 and a b!tch is whIPPED!!1!!!11!!!11!1!!
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YoOOOoooOOOo ok
Someone come collect yO MAN
Bruh where do i even start????
okay but imagine him in your school uniform??? i’m gonNA DIE
He’d either be the type to arrive at school early and wait for you at the gate or be 2 hours late with a bottle of chocolate milk in his hand
There’s no in between
Moving on-
Like when he’s at school he’d do stupid shit like stick post-it notes in your book when you’re not looking
They’ll have messages in them like
“Your hair looks hella good today”
“Are you a parking ticket because you got fine written all over you ;D”
“What’s the answer to question 4???”
“Yo I got some of your fav snacks today! Not including me ;))”
Sometimes draws diccs in your homework diary-
likes to put snacks in your bag when you’re not looking
When the bell rings for Morning tea/lunch-
The moment the teacher dismisses your class Lucas would grab your wrist and zoOOM to the canteen to get some orange juice before the line gets too long-
“you’re literally dragging me-”
“You should wear heelies next time-”
Whenever you leave your class late he always saves you a seat-
but if there’s none available-
“You can sit on my lap girly ;)”
“I’ll just sit on the ground-”
“nO wait-”
Insist on walking you to class even tho most of your classes are the same?? Like??? whats the point?
Tends to rest his elbow on your head
Likes to tease you and says mANY cheesy pickup lines-
“I may not go down in history, but I’ll go down on you ;))”
“You wanna be a shaWTy, shorty?”
“I’m sorry were you talking to me?” [You: Um yes i was No] “Well you should start ;)”
Plays pranks on you
When he sees you coming around the corner he hides and tries to scare you-
“Lucas I saw you hide-”
“bO0! Haha, I scared you didn't I? ;)”
“I could see your heAD”
Once put a whoopie cushion on your chair for a prank but almost got his ass beAT
When you tried to give him the silent treatment he threatened to snitch on you if you ignore him any longer
“I’ll tell Thaun you were the one that spilt orange juice all over his bag during lunch”
“omg Lucas why you so mean?? :((”
“I’m sorry I won't snitch if you quit ignore me :/”
“please don't squeeze y/n so hard, you’ll break them” -Taeil
“Shut up Taeil! >:(”
Oh yeah he has friends!
Most of them are close to graduating :D
but for some reason Lucas likes to hang with some younger students that he calls dreamies???
“It’s because they still have dreams in life and aren’t as dead on the inside like use older students :)))”
#studyhardguys #prayforstudents
Is reALLY good friends with his guy name Mark?? 
They lowkey have their own language becauses these headasses always saying random things and "skRRt"+ other noises
they both literally laugh at anything and everything
the both of them once got kept back after class because they couldn’t stop laughing during science when they were dissecting frogs-
“omg poor pePE”
*extrEME whEezing and coUGHing”
“lmAOO looks at this dude dance- fRICK i dropped the frog”
“See me after class boys! :/”
Even tho this boy acts stupID AF
He’s really smart and puts a lot of effort into his studies and many of his classmates tend to dismiss his achievements :(((
Of course he’s a school athlete and joins after-school sports programs too
But he would definity put his studies first if he really needed to
after all he really wants to make his parents proud and be a good role model omg stop I dont this to angsty --
During special days like Valentines, Lunar New Years or your bday etc-
He likes to gift you special stuff and its like UWU
After spending 2 months spying on you whenever you unlock your locker so he gets your passcode he always leaves you shit gifts
Like when he got you matching rings on Valentine's day-
         “Hey y/n check your locker :))”
          “Did you fill it up with all of Chenle and Jisung’s chip bags again :/”
          “How dare you think I would do the same prank again?? What do you take me for :((”
         You’d open your locker and there was this box wrapped in aluminium foil-
         “Why is it wrapped with tin foil??”
          “I wanted it to look pretty and didn't have any shiny wrapping paper :(”
           When you open it you literally almost punch Lucas in the face oOF
           There were 2 silver rings in it with both of your names carved in them-
           “ohmAGAH luCAS how much did this cost???”
           “Just as much as our friendship ;))”
            “Happy Valentines!! <3333″
So yeeeeeee you guys wore some cuteass rings 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Whenever the term/semester is about to end and most of your classes has free time
He’d whiP out his portable speaker and Mark would connect to it and play some mAD tUnes bRO🤙🤙🤙
And our boy Lucas would be getting 🔥🔥🔥🔥
He’d be dancing on the tables-
Singing like his life depended on it-
“Lucas please get down you’re gonna dIE” -Jungwoo
“i’M a bAd bih y0U cAnt kILL mE”
“that shi huRTED”
Overall Lucas most certainly be the class clown and bring joy to many people. He'd make friends really easily - whether they're fellow students (young and old) or the teaching staff - he just has natural charm :) Even though he lives up to his rep of being a crackhead most people don't take note of his hard work in his studies and sometimes it frustrates him but that okay because he learnt not to hold grudges. He’s a good student but also knows that life is short and likes to have fun and make people smile, even if he looks like an idiot doing it :’)) He would also liked to be reassured every now and then too.
This gif is so cute uwu
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sunnysidewrites · 6 years
Best Friends to Lovers!Seokmin
HAHAHA THAT’S RIGHT FOLKS!!!!!! I PULLED THIS SHIZ ON YALL!!!1!11!! this is part 2 of seokmin’s bday present. and yes i know im over a month late leAVE ME ALONE!! THIS IS THE FIRST BULLETPOINT AU OF 2018!!! AND YES ITS AT THE END OF MARCH!!! FORGIVE ME CHILDREN!!!! i had SOOOO much fun writing this but maybe a bit too much bc i think i went overboard,,, but i cant help it that he needs so much love!!!
this is THE. LONGEST. BULLETPOINT. AU. I’VE. EVER. WRITTEN. it has definitely surpassed assassin!cheol pt 2 by a long shot and im a little concerned honestly bc i go OFF whenever i talk about my biases, especially the underrated ones. (wonwoo, you’ll get your turn one day wait for me bby)
happy bday to my sunshine pt 2. i love you so much that words will never be able to express it, even as a writer who writes as a hobby and has to Put Things Into Words. you’ve been such an amazing influence not only on the members, but also on carats and other diverse fans. i’ve always believed the saying that the brightest smiles hold the most pain, and i may not know all of your struggles, but i know how much you have to hide behind this idol front. we love you unconditionally, so please keep shining for us. also allow yourself to be sad and other negative emotions, but there must be darkness in order for the light to be appreciated, right? thank you for being the ball of sunshine we so deeply love. 💕💕💕
warnings: might give you diabetes on how soft and sweet i was feelin!!! as a double bias, it is hard to give everyone equal love so this is the 1 time i could fully dive into it!! also seokmin is a flirty and jealous drink sipper
Part 1: Be There In Spirt
Seokmin was your go-to for anything and everything
Whether it was to find a movie buddy or seeking advice, he was always there
You first met him at some social event your friend dragged you to
“So you can talk to more people!” Your friend would respond when you asked why
You really didn’t care much, if at all, for parties unless someone you’re acquaintanced with was also there
Your friend was too occupied with other people, so you just grabbed some food and juice and settled yourself in the kitchen
Someone entered the door and you could hear the volume of his muffled voice even from the other side of the door before he entered
You were just chilling at the countertop with your back to him and munching on your tortilla chips with salsa that you didn’t care who entered
He noticed that you were the only one there and you were eating and occasionally sighing mood tho
As he was opening his soda, he asked you pointedly, “is the food good, at least?”
You were startled and slightly jumped at the sudden sound of someone’s voice
You turned around to be greeted with the goofiest yet brightest smile
Is it possible to see that bright of a smile or one at all when someone’s drinking? Bc he definitely made it work
You just finished swallowing your food and merely brushed your hands and shrugged, “it’s pretty bland like this party,” which earned a heart laugh from the boy
“You got dragged here, too?” You nodded and cracked a smile. “What, was the whole antisocial ‘take refuge in food’ act a dead giveaway?”
He smiled and lightly chuckled, “that, and how you were muttering about getting dragged here as you munched on your chips,” he gestured to your now empty plate
“Hey, correction — I said that I was brought here against my will”
“Like that’s such a big difference,” he says with a smile on his lips as he finishes up his soda
“And it’s not every day that I meet a cool, tortilla-chip-eating person at a social, but maybe I would let myself get dragged out more often”
You kinda stared back at him and slowly blinked bc like
Was that a hint of flirtation in his tone or were you just that self-centered?
Maybe best of both worlds
You raised an eyebrow at him, “you want to see a loner at the snack table?”
“It’s easier to approach you or anyone like this, isn’t it?” He flashes another one of his infamous pearly grins and reaches in your bowl to steal a chip and pops it in his mouth
You jokingly say, “Oh, you think we’re friends now?”
He laughs throatily and puts his hands up in defense
“I think we’re past the stage of bonding over stale chips and salsa at this point”
And you’re cut off shortly when his rowdy group of friends interrupts the friendly banter y’all had rip :(((
Those darn cockblockers
“I’ll see you around, Tostitos,” he throws in a wink and gives you a short wave as he backs away from the door and leaves you as quickly as he entered
You shake your head and look at the sad, crinkled bag of chips and salsa
“Did he just nickname me after a brand of this stale party food??????”
What an iconic first impression tbh bless
Ever since then he would have this weird nickname system of naming you after foods you would eat to make fun of you or just joke around
“Cheer up, cheese puff!” ok this actually sounds kinda cute and now I’m soft :’(((
“Be there or be square, you pretzel”
You: “that didn’t even make any sense”
“Don’t be salty” ba dum tss
“Can you help me out, (peanut) butter cup?”
“Whatever you say, nerd...s”
“Okay you’re not getting any of my other candy then, seok”
He’s the only one out of your friend group — actually just everyone in general — to yell directly into your ear as a greeting
He calls it “cute”………………….. ok seok
But it’s ok bc he gives out the best hugs
Or maybe it’s just the best to you heheh ;)))
Invented!! Bear!! Hugs!!
The best ones that crush your lungs and you can barely wheeze out a breath
Your ideal hang out session with him involves screaming at the top of your lungs while playing Mario Kart and having a whole junk food feast sprawled out on the coffee table
Bonus: the chips and candy are also sometimes used to pelt at each other
It’s honestly more of a damn jungle when y’all are together it’s amazing LMAO
The type to crash at your place unannounced whenever he wants
You would open the door and he would just stroll in and look through your fridge like he’s lived there all his life
“WHY are you going through my fridge??? You need to go home, I have things to do today”
“Eh, we can just work alongside together—you’re running low on juice”
“Imma juice you boi if you don’t leAVE”
Your friend group most likely carries a pair of earplugs whenever you’re together
But underneath their rolling of eyes, they lowkey highkey ship the hell outta y’all
They even sometimes drop gigantic hints for you to get together but,,, things don’t exactly go their way
“Hey, Seokmin, my parents are having a barbecue this weekend. Maybe bring a plus one? Like uhhhhhh Y/N?” Real subtle
And he’d be like “what, Y/N??? Why would we need a plus one??? Aren’t we all going together anyways?”
The same thing happens on your end too smh
“My cousin is having a birthday party, you wanna come with? You can bring a date or whatever, probably Seokmin or something”
“Seok??? He would probably burn the place down HAHA but ya I guess I can bring him *shrug*”
And every time, both of you would ask: “but why (that other person)??? I can bring (insert another random member)”
And they would just shake their head like sigh look at these naive kids
Mingyu: so are we just gonna let them be dumb like this orrrr????
Cheol: yeah let’s just leave them alone — nO THEY DON'T SEE HOW PERFECT THEY ARE TOGETHER WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING I’m with u on that one cheols
So this is the O Great Seungcheol’s plan: make each other jealous without knowing y’all would get jealous
A foolproof plan, amiright folks????
And what other cliche perfect way to do that than a WEDDING
it just so happens that Seokmin’s aunt is conveniently getting married and he’s inviting the whole crew
And the guys are like mwHAHAHA THIS IS PERFECT
Everyone’s talking about who’s bringing who as a date and things like that and you’re just chilling and scrolling on your phone
And everyone’s making eyes at each other without you knowing bc they’re like ok y’all time to initiate I Still Get Jealous Plan
“how about you, Y/N? who are you taking?”
And Seokmin subconsciously wants to know too bc he’s tuning in with the rest of them LOL
And you don’t even bother looking up at your screen bc that’s how indifferent you are to this whole thing
“I don’t really care, I guess anyone who doesn’t have a date or something”
Seokmin is about to open his mouth and ask you since that’s your usual thing
“How about going with me? I don’t have anyone”
And you expected Seokmin to say those words, but you look up and see Jeonghan smile at you
Admittedly, you feel a little odd going with someone who’s your best friend and go-to for everything but hannie is your friend, so you don’t mind too much
So you’re like “o-oh sure that works”
And you steal a glance at seok but he has an unreadable expression and is smiling like usual
And for some reason you feel your chest drop just the slightest bit bc you thought he would at least fight for you a little bit and say something like
But he doesn’t at all,,, and his lips looked a little strained when he smiled
and jeonghan is looking all slyly at seok bc he knows just a minute ago he could feel the back of his head being burned off by Seokmin’s glare
The convo picks up from where it previously left off and things are back to normal but the atmosphere is a little heavy
The day of the wedding comes and you’re about to finish dressing up
You’re waiting for half of them to pick you and meeting the other half at the venue
And ofc, in this half includes seok and jeonghan yikes
You hear your doorbell ring, and you’re like oh they’re here!! You say bye to your parents and put on your coat and shoes
When you open the door, you find yourself in front of Jeonghan and he’s like holy crAP
He’s awestruck and is looking at you like :OOOOO
“Jeonghan! Uhhh,,,, do I look weird???”
And he snaps out of it and is violently shaking his head like nO NO N O ofc not you look amazing
And you’re like heck yea I do I spent time looking this good :)))) (you don’t actually say this but it’s a thought)
and you get a funny feeling in your stomach and you realize you’re anticipating what Seokmin would think
If you got a good response from your “date,” surely your best friend would say smth good too??? Right??? That’s how this works???
Little did you know Seokmin (and everyone else) witnessed what happened and they’re like oMG Y/N LOOKS GOOD
Seokmin couldn't help but feel it should be him in Jeonghan’s shoes but he couldn’t refute the fact that you did indeed look like a million bucks
As you get in the car you lock eyes with him and you’re like hey Seokmin!!!
But you’re instantly b l o w n away by how CRISP HE LOOKS
His brown hair that’s usually sitting down and hides his forehead is now slicked back but in a way that still stands up and exposes more of his forehead and outlines his masculine face shape
His sharp suit perfectly fits on his toned body and you’re fully convinced you’re looking at an angel
You have to actually hold back a squeak bc you’re shook af
And he’s dying bc of how cute you are and wow are his palms sweaty???
You end up sitting in the middle of him and jeonghan and you’re just sitting happily and waiting to see what kinda food is at the wedding lmAO
but the real meal here is you eh??? Eh??? ;))))
Seokmin seems a little nervous and tense sitting next to you looking that good like he’s actually a little intimidated
You’re waiting for him to speak up and he’s clearing his throat and stammering a little bit
“Y-you look really nice, Y/N”
And you’re like ahahahhahhdgdhhhcjdbdhhd
“Thanks, seok, you clean up really nicely too”
And both of you can’t look each other in the eyes bc you’re gonna actually combust if you do
And everyone in the car is looking at each other like hehehhehehehh it’s workinggggg
When y’all finally arrive at the venue, you get out of the van with the help of Jeonghan’s hand
Seokmin: conceal don’t feel :))) channel your inner Elsa man :))))
And jeonghan is glancing back at Seokmin every so often to test him
And Seokmin is starting to catch on like ,,,, why is hannie always looking at me
He tests him even more when he casually holds your shoulder and drapes his arm around you
And Seokmin is like !!! ELSA WHERE ARE U
Jeonghan is being a little too touchy in seok’s eyes and Seok is silently fuming over the drinks
Soonyoung is like dude I can feel your dark energy all over my soup what’s up with you???
Seok is about to explode at this point and anything can set him off
“isn’t Jeonghan being just a little too touchy-feely with Y/N? That looks like borderline harassment. They’re not even dating!”
And soonyoung is silently laughing bc he’s like oh you fool lmao
“You sound a little too overprotective over your best friend. Well — if that’s really the reason why you are”
“Of course I’m just worried — dID YOU SEE THAT ARE THEY FEEDING EACH OTHER”
Soonyoung: u need help bro
“Steal a dance with her later” soonyoung says and seok is like uh what Im not gonna make a fool out of myself
All soonyoung does is shrug and winks and he goes back to eating
Soon enough the dancing portion begins and jeonghan takes you out to the dance floor
And it’s nice bc you’re just having pure fun and dancing goofy moves, not to mention Jeonghan is great company
But you’re a little disappointed you and seok weren’t able to talk and have fun the way y’all usually do
Jeonghan has sensed this the whole day and he says “I’ll be out of your hair soon enough”
You’re taken aback by his statement and you’re like “what no you were really fun to be around tonight!!”
And he laughs and ruffles your hair like “no need to cover it up. I knew this would provoke him” and you both look across the room where seokmin is standing alone, sipping on his drink as he pretends he wasn’t just looking at you dancing for the past ten minutes
The upbeat song transitions to a slower song and jeonghan pats you on the shoulder
“Here’s lover boy’s cue ;)))” and he bends down to your ear and whispers
“But I could stay here longer and mess around with him a little longer”
You push him away laughing and say “let’s not torture the poor guy any more than you already have”
Both of you are laughing and SURPRISE SEOKMIN APPEARS
and he claps his hand on hannie’s shoulder and says “May I?”
And jeonghan nods and looks between the both of you and is all ;)) have fun kiddos and winks at you right before he leaves
And now there were only 2
You didn’t realize you would be so nervous until your heartbeat nearly spiked up when he came into contact with you
It’s good I’m good we’re good this is good
His cheeks are tinted pink as he attempts but fails to make eye contact with you once again
He gently takes your hands and places them around his neck and then places his own around your waist
It’s only at this moment that you’re able to make proper eye contact for possibly the first time that entire day
You’re slowly moving to match the slow tempo and you can feel your face getting hotter in the heat of the moment
It stays intimate and silent for a few moments before the both of you try to break the silence
“Umm,,” “So,,,”
Androgen you laugh at how awkward you’re both getting
“This is probably the first time we’re not screaming for the whole area to hear”
He chuckles and nods slowly
“I think my breath is just taken away” he says so softly that the music could have drowned his voice out if it weren’t for the close proximity of you and him
and you’re like ??? By what??? Are you feeling ok??
“By you”
And you’re like bLUUUSSSSHHHing big time
“A-ah, stop it, I only tried to look a little more presentable today,,,,”
Jeonghan somewhere in the distance: that’s not what you told me this morning!!
“You always look beautiful no matter what”
And now you’re at a complete loss of words bc well how do you respond to your best friend who’s shooting compliments one after the other so easily????
You’re desperately trying not to melt into a puddle in his arms but it’s a little hard
“You’re charming as always, Lee” and he’s like ;)) ofc ofc
“You’re a good-looking fellow yourself, not just me. Have you seen the girls who were drooling over you today??”
He blankly blinks at you and shakes his head
“Well, I didn’t notice actually. All of my eyes were on you tonight,,,,,”
You’re a full fledged tomato by now and you’re trying to bury your face in his chest so that you could save face from this horrid embarrassment
“Okay, tone it down, Seok,,,, I cant handle all of this complimenting for a night”
He laughs and pulls you closer to his chest, his grip on your waist a little more secure
“I don’t know where this is all coming from either, but now that it is, I might as well say it all”
“What was that drink earlier???”
“I swear I’m 100% sober rn ask soonyoung!! Anyways, I didn’t think much of anything when I first met you honestly, but looking back at it, I think there was already some bit of attraction since then”
“You liked me when I was eating chips and salsa??? Really???” You look up at him incredulously
“It may not be the most flattering moment, but it was cute how you were hunched over your bowl LOL”
You: lemme just DIE
“If Jeonghan weren’t your date today, I’m not sure if I would have ever realized this. Maybe at some point, but at a much later time. I think it would have consumed me anyways”
He notices you’ve gone quiet and he’s like oh lord what if I messed up omgofkfkkf
“So,,,, yeah,,, i get it if you don’t feel the same way,,, I don’t wanna make things weird if you’re uncomfortable knowing this,,, but it was made crystal clear tonight that I really like you more than a best friend. I think I always have”
And you’re breaking out into giggles bc you realize how dumb you’ve both been
And he’s like !!!???!!!! why are you laughing omg I’ve done it you think I’ve gone mad
“tbh Seokmin I was disappointed that you weren’t my date since you usually would fight the members if they asked me”
“I kinda thought maybe I’ve been forcing you to do it too much with me?? and the other guys and you can do whatever you want”
“Seokmin, we’re best friends i would have picked you in a heartbeat”
And he’s like skdjjdjh is it suddenly hot in here it’s just you ;)))
“But as for the feelings…… it is weird”
He’s like oh :((,,, yeah I knew it would be kinda weird—
“—that we’ve liked each other all this time and it took us this long to realize it through some dumb wedding date thing”
And his face immediately lights up and you’re about to clutch your heart by how pure he is :’))))
He almost blinds you with his smile and he pulls you in so that your slow dancing position turns into a hug and he’s giggling into your hair and is spinning you around
You can't help but giggle with him since his laugh is so infectious and you’re both a bubbly giggling mess my lord I think I just got diabetes
Poor baby was deathly scared you were gonna reject him but he’s so relieved you didn’t!!! :’))))!!!!!!
He slowly pulls apart from the hug and you’re both looking at each other hesitantly, bashfully
and In The Moment all you’re thinking about is how warm and how right it feels to be in his arms
You’re both still in your hugging position, his arms wrapped around your upper back/shoulders and your arms around his torso
You’re a little out of breath because of all the laughing and spinning, and both his and your eyes flicker to the other’s lips
You’re not sure who leaned in first but the next thing you know, your faces are only centimeters apart, his hand on your cheek
And then you feel something warm and soft on your lips
Holy hELL, am I really kissing Seokmin???!!! You’re silently freaking out and it’s just like
Your brain: ⁉️⁉️‼️‼️⚠️⚠️⚠️
You can feel his smile against your lips as he lightly tugs you closer to him and engulfs you in his embrace
But your mind gets fuzzier with every passing second so you let yourself enjoy the moment
Until you hear distant cheering in the back
You and Seokmin pull away and look back like wtf is happening
Sure enough, the other 12 guys are whooping and cheering and you would have thought it was your own wedding
,,,,refer to husband!seokmin
Seokmin’s just like “wait y’all planned this???”
Jeonghan: ya it was so fun teasing you this past week lmao you’re welcome tho :))))
Seokmin: I’m gonna eat your share of ice cream for the next month :))))
And everyone’s just like “y’all literally took years to realize this you should thank us uhhh”
Seokmin’s about to open his mouth to spout out some more objections but you tiptoe to peck him on the lips to make him shut up
“eeeEW UGHH nvm I already regret doing this”
“Seungcheol I will eat your share of ice cream too”
On the ride back home, you’re both comfortably leaning on each other, your head on his chest and his on top of yours
You’re so worn out that you sleep the whole way back home
Bonus: the guys in the car are giggling softly and take secret pics
Extra bonus: they taunt you both and use it as blackmail but in reality they’re jealous and want you to use it as your phone wallpaper
Extra extra bonus: he gives you a goodnight kiss at the front of your door and the guys scream in disgust and hurry him to return home :’)))))
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moucchi · 6 years
ah shit i gotta go to the doctor then german classes in a bit so before i got no time
happy bday to the boy heres an appreciation post cus my drawing tablets been actin up
kirishimas????? beautiful?? amazing??? handsome??? manly??? bro im an anime watcher and even i know s4 is gonna have my nostrils stuffed with charmin ultrasoft
hes so passionate abt the stuff he likes n believes in like bro when have u ever seen kirishima go for smth HALFWAY he sees smth manly? cue single tear and waves crashing behind him. smth happens to his bro? hes not waiting around or half assing that rescue. even in battle once he does tht Signature KnuckleSmash its over for all of yall hes IN IT
plus i love his voice man lemme give his va a pat on the back hello sir ur vocal chords bless me day and night have a rad october
his hair down too? sign me the fuuck up that s3 ep where they all dressed up doubled my lifespan at this point even his crocs im willing to validate
HES ALSO FUCKING RIPPED BRO BRO BRO IF U HAD A CHEST LIKE THAT UD MAKE UR HERO COSTUME OPEN TIDDY 2 and this isnt meant to like sexualize him cus ew he deserves better than that all im tryna say is our boy has muscle and works hard now everybody clap ur hands
*turn it out*
his hero costume looks good look i love the buttcape w all my heart the mask too it works so well we love a strong boy!
i love his shark teeth too man and his eye scar little details like that.. bro... BRO...
not to mention he isnt a wimp, even if hes impulsive at times which he sure fuckin is [pan 2 when he was ready to throw down w a literal vortex] [pan 2 their midterms where he and sato just jumped right in it no plan at fuckin all] [pan 2 like... 100% of the rescue arc ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY IMMEDIATELY GOT OFF THE TRAIN AND KIRI WAS READY TO GO AFTER BKG RIGHT THEN AND THERE] he has his logical moments 2
plus he acts like a mom
he’ll tell m/neta his bs is nasty as fuck, hell i kno bnha smash aint canon but when he told kami and jirou to stop voicing over iida and bkg with old married couple lines i died, he tells bkg to watch his tone and apologizes when hes rude
he brings together the class man n hes such a vital character like when id be up at 3am spamming some hundred pics of kirishima or so my friends were like WHY DO U LIKE HIM SO MUCH... . HES LITERALLY A SIDE CHARACTER this girl had faith man i was like euhhh
“not for long”
my boy needs that red riot confidence he trusts himself to make a great image after crimson riot dude thats incredible THAT MUST BE SO STRESSFUL
i mean yeah deku ur all mights successor thats wild 2 but not everyone knows it imagine going out there red theme n shit modeling urself after a hero u really, really look up to
if i fucked up even once id b like ww. w ell.
BUT kirishima mfing eijirou dude he went from 0 to 100 he was emo n shit in middle school and this determined ass kid landed himself in the ua hero course and now he gotta learn how to accept himself and make use of his so called “nonflashy” quirk dude listen
if were in a world w people who could fire lasers out of their belly buttons and make things float all the way up to space id find hardened skin pretty damn cool id probably b like so my dude think u could make an ice sculpture w ur hands only?? could u harden up and raise a brick with ur pinky like its nothing??
besides kirishima dead ass seems like one of the most approachable people in the class. hell cheer on his friends with the most radiant smile in the world yet if u go up against him man i hope u wrote ur will cus hes giving u a run for UR money
in conclusion,
kirishimas little eyebrows are cute
hes one of the strongest bitches there and i dont know how credible midoriya is when he said hes #1 hero ill have to double check that with a whole red riot over here but ok deku do ur thing
hes hella fucking manly
when the Sun dies in something billion years or so i think we got ourselves a replacement
happy birthday kirishima eijirou may today bless u with manly things and also meat
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mingyaus · 6 years
entrepreneurs au | the flowers pt. 2
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Inspired by this
U don’t have to, but u should read the flowers first bc this is set in that au
Ur a college student who frequents the block where the flower shop is located
(btw that block is owned by landlord seokjin and all the other bts boys have shops in that block).
Usually u just pass by after stopping by ur fave clothing/thrift shop owned by tae and joon, but one day ur like “I deserve a break fr studying, so imma look at some flowers.” Jungkook is off doin something else + it’s off season, so yoongs is the only one in the shop
He’s like “uh r u looking for anything in particular”
“nope just taking a break and looking at flowers”
“break fr what? U don’t look like u work here”
“nah I’m a college student”
”oo cooL. What u studying?”
“[insert major here]”
“at Local University that Focuses on Your Field of Study?”
“wow that’s such a cool school. I probs would’ve studied at plant focused school if such a thing existed”
“How’s school at Local University?”
“Just a lotta studying”
“aW that sucks, u wanna flower? Maybe it’ll motivate u”
“sure *blushies bc he’s being so nice*”
yoongs picks out that cute rose for u.
U: “how much is it?”
“On the house. Ik how rough college can b sometimes, then life hits and then ur doing work in some research lab that u hate–but enough abt me. I don’t wanna stress u w my probs”
“Aw no pls keep talking. It’s a nice distraction”
^then sugay just talks abt everything that happened in the og au
And you’re like “woW what a dude” but in ur head. Then you have to leave bc it’s gonna get dark soon, but then Namjoon happens
U see, u and Namjoon have a something something going on, aka joon is always flirting w u when u go to his shop, but it’s really weird cuz he never actually asks u out or do anything more than flirting so u don’t really know how he feels and whenever u try to initiate something w him he plays it off cool
Aka that one time u asked if he wanted to go to jimin’s bakery w u and he was like “uH nah. I gotta do some stuff w tae...for the shop, yes. Sorry, and I hope I’m not giving u the wrong impression bc I’m not looking for a relationship rn”
AND THEn the next time u come in the boi flirts w u again, so u just start flirting w him and y’all have this weird friendship where u flirt all the time
It’s like Garcia and Morgan in criminal minds
So yaH. Yoongs is walking u out of the shop, and joon is closing up his shop (sweeping the front, locking the doors type of stuff) AND HE SEES YOONGS HAND U A flower.
Joon literally yells across the parking lot (the flower shop and joon’s shop face each other) “HEy, y/n, r u cheating on me?!”
Yoongs is shaken cuz he rarely interacts w joon, and yoongs whispers a quick goodbaiiiii to u before running back into his shop
Suga may seem like an aggressive man bc of his cool rapping skills and savage words, but he’s really just a pacifist deep down inside
So joon finishes locking up his shop, and you’re just standing there a little shaken holding ur flower. Ur stressed abt school and now stressed bc rm has never flirted this aggressively before
Joon marches across the lot and yoongs is abt to flip his sign to the closed side when joon throws the flower shop door open, finds the same rose yoongs chose for you and slams it on the counter and is like “imma buy this, little boi”
And yoongs is just staring at joon w a slightly afraid but mostly judgy face and is like “ok it’ll b $****” (like I’m censoring the money amount bc yoongs likes to keep his prices private, something abt competition mixed w the patriot act. Sometimes idk what’s up w this guy)
And as yoongs is getting change, etc. he’s like “ya know one time I saw ur paperwork on seokjin’s desk and saw ur bday and I know ur younger than me, so b more respectful, boi.”
Rm isn’t letting up and keeps on a hard face “okay. Sure.”
Yoongs hands over the rose and joon mumbles “thanks hyung” before exiting the shop
You’ve been outside this whole time just standing there thinking abt how weird this is and considering ending ur odd friendship w joon bc wtf was that
And joon comes out and smirks and winks is like “take this flower instead. It’s better. I swear”
U: “Uh it’s the same flower”
Joon: “Shhhhhhhh, but it’s from me, ya boy, so it’s better.”
U: “Uh okay.”
So now you’re standing there holding one flower in both of ur hands, and the sun is at that annoying level where it keeps getting in ur eyes and ur the one facing the sun. Fortunately yoongs comes out a few awk secs later and his 5’ 8” tall head is big enough to block the sun.
thanks, GOD, for making this man’s head the right size and shape to cover up the sun at this exact moment in time
Yah Yoongi is basically the sun now
Yoongs *ignoring rm w his body language*: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had a bf” 
U: “I don’t. That’s just joon, my friend”
Yoongs: “But u talk to him like he’s ur bf.”
U: “ yah it’s this whole confusing thing. Pls ignore joon.”
Sugay: *glares at joon* “stop harassing her”
Joon: *hands up and genuine oops covering mouth face* “shoot man, sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to harass u”
Yu: “oh yeah that was harassment kinda, but I mean I reciprocated it so it kinda wasn’t really harassment, like it was consensual harassing, basically teasing, but thanks, Yoongs for enlightening me”
U: *looks at joon* “so r we buds or were u actually jealous?”
Joon: *scratches neck* “uh...yah we’re friends, but I enjoy being in this sarcastic not-relationship flirtationship w u”
Yoongs: “Well y’all can keep that up but imma ask Y/N out rn”
u: *jilted + school stressed + friendship stress + suitor stress, so tears slowly begin to form in ur eyes*
Yoongs and joon r broing out and making up for their weird fight earlier and r doing a bro hug when Yoongs sees u crying
Yoongs kinda just stops in the middle of the hug and stares at u, he’s kinda shocked.
Joon turns and looks at u and is like “Omg, r u crying”
Ur like “yah” and then u receive a nice big group hug fr the boys and then realize the rose thorns r piercing into ur palms and suddenly joon and Yoongs have ur blood on their backs and they’re like “oh shoot” and help u get inside yoongs’ shop where suga sanitizes ur hands and bandaids them up while joon is making some tea in the back
Yoongi is whispering “so when do u wanna go out?”
Ur still sniffling and can’t rlly talk and say something abt finals coming up soon
Sugay: “after finals?”
U: “yah. After finals”
“I’ll call u tho”
“Yes pls”
And joon comes out w some tea and then drives both of u (Jk usually drives Yoongs home bc yoongs shares a car w his roommate and jjk and myg r neighbors, live in the same apartment complex. So yah Yoongs took the bus to work)
Joon drives both of u home and u listen to some good soothing winky face bops (think u by primary or any dean-like song or zion t) on the way back and u and Yoongs r in the back seat holding hands and when u arrive at ur apartment rm is like “next time one of u sit in the front, I feel like an Uber driver”
U: “weren’t u actually an Uber driver once”
Rm: “actually I still am,but for the one time I’m actually not getting paid to drive I’d appreciate having someone shotgun.”
Yoongs: “oK I’ll move to the front”
Rm *smirks*: “thx bro”
And Yoongs opens the door to let u out and he walks u to ur dorm and he’s like “inch resting night “
U: “Yah”
Myg: “I’ll call u, ok? Don’t b too stressed” and he pulls the two roses fr behind his back and hands them to u “use these to remind u to chill, k?”
U: “K.”
U hug Yoongs then u say goodbye and u peek out ur window to see Yoongs get into Rm’s car but in the back seat and you can see Yoongs laughing fr inside and his smile is as bright as the sun and rm’s just sighing his face dull like the night sky
And they’re ur sun and moon, two nice dudes making ur life better than before.
Omg that’s a crap ending, I was Trying to b poetic but nah I’m not rlly
our masterlist
a(dmin ayeee)/n: lol the gif is rm checking out y/n and yoongi’s dms 5 weeks later. haH. btw this was originally written in an instagram dm conversation. tbh i prefer lyft. there’s a yoongi lyft driver au that should be written soon. 
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stardust-revengers · 7 years
Could u do a hc where you spend Sams bd while trying to be his girlfriend and being Harry’s bestie! Please and thank you luv
Aweeeee imma cry :’)
-you spend the whole day out with your bf sam -just together exploring his hometown -you would go see a movie -go to the park -take Tessa for a walk -just enjoy each other’s company back at home -you wanted to throw a party for Sam but he refused his is not much of a party person -but harry is also not only sams brother but your best friend which meant-you and sam would just be cuddling by the fire when all of a sudden -“IM BACK BITCHES”-“oh no it’s harry”-“not just Me”-Tom,haz,nikki,dom,and paddy all came into sams room and started singing happy birthday with everyone filming -sam would get all shy and look away -and you wound sit there laughing yet comforting your boy friend -“awe love they are just trying to show you how much they love you”-but then harry would be all extra like -“OKAY NOW me,sam,and y/n are gonna go out and have fun!”-“harry bro we already did we had a great time”-“yeah,,without me the life of the party”-“come on your best friend y/n please ,and sam I’m your brother you cant say no to me”-“n-“-“SEE YOU SAID YES”-“NO I DIDNT”-so you guys would go out and just have a good time although harry was being a little extra the whole time you both still loved him -and appreciated how much effort he put into making sams bday the best:’)-“I still wish we were at home just cuddling y/n”-“HEY I HEARD THAT”
aweee siblings/best friend goals :’)💞
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OK wow, last post was April 8!!!! Disappointed in myself. Yes, I’ve been lazy.... and not just in posting here, but in life in general :P anyway, here I go playing catch up, AGAIN.
4.9.19 - got up late and prepared dad's shake n stuff. At like 4:30 ish manong came and I drove him to school taking the side streets. Chilled in the parking lot for like 20 min then we left. Ate dinner at Ikea and then from there I drove and took 275 home! It was a nice, smooth drive lol (PTL I drove like 7 pm, almost 8). Got home and marv and i watched the first episode of OPM season 2!!!!
4.10.19 - got up late again. Prepped dad's stuff as usual. Thought I was gonna drive/go to the gym with manong but he changed his mind lol. Went with mom to pick up Marvin and Manang. Was gonna walk at the park but it was cold and windy so we went home. Got home and took out the trash from the basement along with the usual trash. Painted in the dining while waited for mom to cook the milk fish. Watched get smart while painting.
4.11.19 - guess what! Woke up late again lolll. Ate tinola with mom and dad, then washed dishes, then got ready to get Marvin. Got Marv and then Manang and then went straight to HFMH to visit today Agnes. She got discharged just in time so we drove her home on our way to prayer meeting but before that, she treated us out to taco Bell. Got home after stopping by 7-11 and withdrawing money for my BLS class tomorrow. Also filled the tires with air. Did 1.5 miles on the elliptical then I drove manong and I to Meijer to get some stuff. Now I'm homeee
4.12.19 - Woke up early and manong took Marvin and I. Dropped Marv to school and then manong and I made our way to the Health Strategies building in Taylor for my BLS. It was raining! But also, finally got to see Danielle!! <3 It’s been so long, and she lost weight! Anyway, passed the multiple choice (25 questions, open book) with 100% lol. After the BLS manong picked me up and we went to Subway where he did a store. I ate a flatbread club with bacon then went to the car where I watched a lot of Conan vids (with Steven Ho). After that we went to Starbucks but then it was busy so we didn’t stay or buy anything. Decided to go to tim Hortons on Eureka, across from Aldi and we had coffee and donuts. Sat there for a good hour and a half or so then I drove from Tim Hortons to Tropical Smoothie. Got a Mango something and only paid $3.49 (or well manong paid lol). Thankfully it was Happy Hour (from 5-7 p.m. M-F) so in total our drinks were like $7.50. After that I drove from Topical Smoothie home. Got home and then manong and I walked around the neighborhood. Didn’t have power at home so we decided (mom and I) to go walk in the park and then go to Ne’s afterwards. Manong stayed home to finish his art project, so manang drove us to the park on Hall road. Walked for a good hour then went to Ne’s. Had corn beef for dinner and just chilled there until almost 2 a.m. Also ligo there too. Manong came around 9 or 10? But yeah, long day!
4.13.19 - Went out for lunch for manong’s bday at IKEA. Got a plate of meatballs. Didn’t walk around as much or buy anything. After IKEA, manong went home because he had to rest and get ready for dinner with his friends. The rest of the fam and I went to the filipino store where marv and I just stayed in the car with dad and watched conan vids. Manang bought a bunch of pancit canton but was paid by PJ and Si to get them lol. Dad then went to 7-11 and I helped him wash the car. After that he and mom dropped the 3 of us to Southland where we waited for our friends (Josh, PJ, and Jovel). At the mall I bought manong boxers and socks for his birthday xD (it was all I could afford). Waited for a while for Jovel, but once she came we rode in her car and went to Mcdonalds across the street. Only got a cup of water and a cheeseburger, but shared the fries and chicken nuggets. After that Marv and I rode with PJ, while manang rode with Josh. PJ and us stopped by tropical smoothie and he bought Marv and my drink which we shared. Got to Daen’s and Si was there too and watched TV before playing MP7 (PJ and I were SO close to winning if I had only rolled a 4 :(((( ). Then we played Jackbox. It was so funny. Left Daen’s at like 1 a.m.
4.14.19 - Manong’s birthday!! I drove to chase bank lol. Church was good. Only had Johanna as my student. It was a long women’s meeting. Played with the kids, specifically Paul, Johanna, and Eireen. We were taking turns hiding Johanna���s toy and looking for it. But before that I was watching Kaleb. We also watched COCO. After that, manang and marv rode with mom and dad, while I drove with manong. I drove from church to West rd. Took 696 to 75 all the way. Stopped by the bank and then Mcdonald’s, where I treated manong to an ice cream cone. Got home and rested. Manong left and met up with kuya Jeff. He’s gonna start working out and doing a meal plan! So proud of him. :)
4.15.19 - Walked with mom, manang and Marv for a good 50 minutes. Stopped by Target real quick. I bought water, then went to Bath and body works to redeem my free lotion. Noticed my earlobes were itchy and found out I had like a bump kinda like a mosquito bite. It was red and inflammed, and blistered... mostly on my right earlobe. My left wasn’t that bad... it was more like a dot. It definitely got a reaction from wearing the clip on earrings I got from the women’s conference. So weird tho because I know the earrings are from Avon, and avon claims all jewelry is nickel-free but idk!!! I definitely got a reaction. Didn’t get a reaction from my black earrings but prob cuz they’re stainless steel. So yeah, I’m suffering from itchy ears. Been cleaning and applying aquafor and neosporin.
4.16.19 - Stayed home today (like didn’t go with mom to pick up Marv and manang lol). Did the usual stuff, prepare dad’s shake, coffee, lunch and uniform. Cleaned the house and made myself a 2 glasses of protein shakes lol. Folded my clothes while watching Ponyo. After that I watched Ant Man and the Wasp with the sibs and mom and it was actually really good! I enjoyed it lol
4.17.19 - Walked with mom, Marv and manang. Stopped by Aldi after that, then GFS, Meijer for pineapples and sushi, and Walmart. I did most of the stuff since the sibs were tired, like gas up the car, get the pineapples, get the groceries in Walmart, push the cart at Aldi, etc. Oh when mom was at GFS, Marv treated manang and I for coffee at Tim Hortons. The lightning was very bright today too on our way home.
4.18.19 - Dad and I watched the fight scene in Wakanda to the end from Avengers: Infinity War. Then we watched Scenes from Get Smart. lol Dad and I went to get Marv from school. Manong picked up Manang. Painted Mob and Saitama. Then I played Stardew Valley (yeah marv downloaded it for me on his PSVita lol). Went with dad to Walmart and got some groceries. Came home and baked the pizza and it was okay lol. Made myself a fruit smoothie!
4.19.19 - Woke up early today to drive manong to his work in Plymouth (on N. Sheldon rd near Einstein bros). Took 275 to 96. Getting more confident although I make some little mistakes here and there. Once we got to the Subway I stayed in the car for like an hour or so and played more stardew valley lol. Then I got money from manong and walked to Wendys where I got a 4 for $4. Then I got coffee at Einstein bros. Then I walked to Busch’s. Walked around then went back to the car. Manong then drove and we went to Marshalls in Canton for manong to buy clothes for tonight’s Good Friday service at Taylor. Got home then I went straight to my room to start preparing for sunday school stuff. Then I ligo and got ready. Wore the yellow shirt manong got me from Marshalls. Left the house at 6:20 and got to Taylor. Members of our church were there on time too! The Cruz’s, Salamats, Duculans, tito boyet and tita Ana were there. The service was long, but good. Loved the preachings by the different pastors on the 7 Sayings of Jesus. Dad had the last saying (Father, into your hands I commit my spirit) and he did a wonderful job. Ne was also there and she sat with us in the pews. Ate and then talked with Caleb and Hannah. Then went upstairs and talked to kuya karlo.  Left and went home. I was soooo tired. Dozed off in bed with my makeup still on. Got up around 12 a.m. and washed my face and brushed my teeth.
4.20.19 - Woke up ate 8 am!!! Ahhh. Drove manong to school. Took 275 to 94. Stayed in the car but only for like 20 minutes because manong forgot he didn’t have class today for the holiday. Drove manong’s classmate Jim, who’s an older, retired senior, home. Then we went to Belleville. Stopped by dollar tree where I got stuff for sunday school. Then we went to Walmart and Aldi. Stopped by Wendys for me so I could eat (4/$4) and then home. Once I got home I went straight to bed. I was soooo tired. Woke up at 3:30 and dad was getting ready for work :(( Chilled in the living room while mom cooked. Ne came and she brought desserts. Ate and talked to Ne, then I went to hem my jumpsuit for tomorrow. Then I prepared my sunday school stuff. At 6:30 the sibs and I left. I drove to Panera bread in woodhaven while the boys went to Planet fitness. Manang and I had good conversation in Panera. She bought us coffee, a big cookie, and a bagel with cream cheese. Left panera (manong got us) at 8:20. Went to Target and then home. At home I played piano, then folded clothes. Mom had her nails done by manang. Then I finished preparing my stuff for tomorrow. Re-hemmed my jumpsuit, though I think I’m gonna re-do it again tomorrow :P lol. Helped manong find the right key for tomorrow’s P&W. Now I’m about to sleep! Goodnight!
Life, I’m lovin’ it, Bebet
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