#he's just a silly lad that definitely knows too much /j
kaveuh · 2 years
HELLO EIII congrats on the milestone ^^ you totally deserve all of them、your writing's *chefs kiss*
I WILL STOP ASKING FOR CHIAKI AND KANATA ONCE FROM YOU 😭 so may i ask for ibara & yuzuru (separate obv) + A, G, H, J and W thank youuuu sending u many kisses and inspooo ーdarlingnon
a/n — AHH TY DARLINGNON MWAH 🫶🫶 i got too carried away with ibara me thinks.. IMSORRY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HWHFHFJA live love laugh ibara saegusa he’s my silly
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IBARA SAEGUSA [ a, g, h, j, w  ] sfw alphabet
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
ibara isn’t overly affectionate. he’ll allow you to hold hands with him in public, but he isn’t fond of being extremely lovey-dovey outside of your home.
speaking of how he is in private, ibara definitely allows himself to be more vulnerable around you inside closed doors. he’s definitely a little, just a little bit more touchy. by that i mean MORE touchy… he legit acts like your husband. bro’s hugging you from behind while you’re doing something in the kitchen, laying his head on your lap while letting you play with his hair, or even taking baths together. ☹️
poor boy doesn’t know how to show affection properly, so most of the time it feels awkward (for him), but he’s trying.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and mentally?)
ibara tries to be gentle in both ways. he’s to being closed off, so naturally being in a relationship is new to him. though he isn’t entirely gentle and would accidentally say harsh things, he ends up apologizing (with a badly written note) in the end. 
as for physically, it’s pretty much the same. there are times where he’d accidentally grab you harshly, 
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
ibara is either a good or bad hugger, there’s no in between. though, he’s rather awkward when it comes to physical affection and is unable to initiate it himself without feeling embarrassed and such, he usually relies on you to do all the affection. 
at the same time, if we ignore his stiff and awkward body whenever he touches you, ibara is extremely cuddly, a cuddle material perhaps. he LOVES playing with your hair!! when you point it out, he’ll act like he was just trying to get something out... like what are you talking about.. LMAO
again, is a sucker for back hugs </3 he prefers giving it, since he gets stiff and freeze if you ever do it to him (poor lad HAHA). idfk man he’s so touchy i start tearing up thinking about it mWHEHE. i don’t think he’d mind if you surprise him with a biiiiig hug! instead, he’d honestly love it.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
he’s also one of those who you can’t tell if they’re jealous or not, because he looks the same all the time. ibara doesn’t get jealous easily, but when he is, it’s more funny and adorable than scary ngl LOL
he definitely sends dirty looks towards hiyori (or anyone in general) if he starts to get way too close to you for ibara’s liking. it’s honestly funny because at the end of the day, he’s the one who gets clingier, not you. 
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
ibara would act like it doesn’t really matter. but guess what? you’re his whole entire world. you’re the only one he opened up to the most, the only one he showed his vulnerability to. it would be such a shame if you had suddenly disappeared from his life. 
literally his heart will be so broken. even if he doesn’t lose you, thinking about it makes his heart shatter and start he’ll overthinking about everything, questioning what he would do without you in his life.
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YUZURU FUSHIMI [ a, g, h, j, w  ] sfw alphabet
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
compared to ibara, yuzuru is quite affectionate in his own way. he’s not hesitant to show his love and affection in public, but at the same time, he doesn’t do it as much considering how professional he is. 
yuzuru shows his affection through brewing you tea every morning, bringing you some homemade food that he had made, and leans more towards words of affirmation. he loves showering you with compliments and constantly reassures you.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and mentally?)
yuzuru is extremely gentle towards you— both physically and mentally. he’s too kind to even dare to insult you, or become aggressive towards you.
the way he talks to you is so… soothing. his voice is soft and careful as the last thing he wants, is for you to feel uncomfortable around him. his touches are also delicate and gentle, as if he was treating you like fragile glass.
yeah overall he’s just too polite and elegant to be rough LMAO
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
HUGGING YUZURU?! a dream tbh. bro is the best hugger, i’m not gonna lie. he’s so sweet and gentle towards you and its so AHHHH he’s honestly the best </3
he’s not used to hugs, but he loves giving you them! unless you’re in public, then he’ll give a small side hug. yuzuru just feels like a whole pillow tbh, and he will act like it if you want him to. he’s like your personal cuddle bug now HAHAH
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
nah, not really. yuzuru trusts you way too much. he’s not the type to get jealous over some random person attempting to woo you or anything, he knows you’re his and he’s yours. the only time he’ll ever get jealous is if you’re spoiling tori way too much, maybe, or he wouldn’t really care.
THOUGH IF HE IS JEALOUS… expect a lot of cuddles when you’re behind close doors. he’ll start acting like that one clingy koala partner and refuse to let you go until you give him more attention.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes. yuzuru had grown attached to you, if he ever lost you, he won’t show it, but he will feel a little less happier. just like ibara, you’re one of the only people he will show his vulnerable side to.
thinking about losing you makes yuzuru already feel empty inside. he’s scared, horrified even. you complete him and he knows that full well, if he ever loses you he won’t be able to love the same way ever again.
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annapogorilayas · 3 years
LoD season 4 rewatch Thoughts
there is surprisingly little complaining about the trajectory of the writing in this one lmao. this season was fun! the kate vs steve stuff has its own section at the end
jason watkins is such an underrated actor and it's a shame we only got him for one episode :(
everything about kate vs buckells is hilarious in light of recent events
i don't think it's ever made clear why tim tried to get hana to visit his flat/why he went to her flat to have sex with her? i think that's the only red herring this season that didn't quite make sense
kate worked with buckells and hilton at the same time back in S1, and yet she isn't worried at all about hilton recognising her when he walks into the office in 4x02... even though they had a whole conversation in 1x01 where he addresses her by name! there's no way he doesn't remember the woman who threw a fire extinguisher through a DCI's door?
again, the whole "buckells is a blundering fool" angle had not quite taken off yet. he's a bit flustered when ted confronts him in the alley, and he's clearly ~one of the lads~ but other than that there's nothing to suggest he's an idiot.
buckells clearly didn't get the memo about michael farmer being balaclava man. i'm not against show writers making it up as they go along (this essay makes a good case for not planning too far ahead), and i do think he was the one who left roz the "someone is watching you" note, but if hilton appointed him SIO of trapdoor to keep the investigation on michael farmer he doesn't do the best job - he keeps pointing out evidence that supports michael farmer's innocence!
steve and kate take a backseat in 4x04 and yet it's my favourite post-S3 episode! the scene where roz turns the interview on ted is one of my favourite interview scenes and definitely my favourite post-S3.
the nerve of ted and kate to drag buckells into his office for "blowing kate's undercover" when she's clearly just... bad at keeping her cover
i think the roz-tim murder plotline could've been more interesting if we hadn't seen their fight. like maybe if we'd just seen roz walking into tim's flat? then again i could be biased because i thought the ending to 4x01 was ridiculous
this season had its silly moments, and it was the start of the H storyline which i think was the downfall of the show, but overall it holds up better than i remember? almost all of the red herrings actually go somewhere/make sense in hindsight (except for the tim/hana thing). this was also the last season before the dialogue, particularly ted's, slid into self-parody. that being said, i think jamie's character could've been better developed.
the kate vs steve subplot
kate and steve spend the first two and a half episodes bickering. steve seems to have a problem with her promotion (why tho?), and she makes a jab at him about lindsay (fair enough, but it sort of came out of nowhere). it goes as far as steve accusing kate of colluding in the framing of michael farmer! it seems like it's heading somewhere, when i first watched i thought it would culminate in a massive come-to-jesus fight... and then kate brings him a lamb madras and suddenly they're fine, with no acknowledgement of why they were fighting or what the problem was?
i'm not sure if J*d wanted us to make a link between the sexism subplot and the bickering; did he want us to think that kate thinks steve is sexist? or that steve actually is sexist and can't handle his female partner being of equal rank to him, even though in the previous three seasons steve never pulls rank on kate and they treat each other like equals? in fact, if you watched S1-3 without knowing what ranks they are you probably wouldn't know that steve was kate's superior. and when he finds out she passed her inspector's exam, he is genuinely happy for her?
the scene where ted and steve meet in the pub to discuss his promotion (an opportunity he denied kate) reminded me of S1, where tony gates decides whether kate is fit to be on his team based on how well she fits in at a drink with the lads. (i don't think ted was wrong to not want to have a drink with kate - he does have a point about what people might think - but it was a dick move to then go with steve)
who deserved the promotion? on one hand, steve had much more experience as a sergeant than kate, who had probably only been sergeant for ~1 year; that's a perfectly legit reason to pick steve. i also don't think that identifying the caddy should make kate a slam dunk - solving one case doesn't necessarily make someone better leadership material. however, steve has done something to earn a bollocking off ted about once a season at this point (going rogue in S1, the nurse in S2, lindsay in S3) while as far as ted knows, kate is always on her best behaviour (he doesn't know about rich akers).
this line from the script made me chuckle. you and me both, steve.
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stimmypaw · 4 years
stimmypaw reads the apprentice’s quest, a blog post
A big one, just a bunch of thoughts as I’m reading it, of course, lots of spoilers for the first book in the Warrior Cats series A Vision of Shadows. This will be covering just the first book tho, it’s all in the Read More, let’s gooooooo!!!!
Vision Of Shadows time
Lots of new cats!!! I don't remember these guys as kits or anything wrow!!! I like their names but itll take a while to get used to them
Also cant believe they printed stormcloud's dead name
Omg there's a cat named beepaw
I love these cats all of them so much im going 2 cry
All new names are perfect
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I'm glad leafpool smokes weed
I love reading from Jayfeather's point of view, his grumpiness hasn't grown on me ever but thats just me, I still enjoy it lots he's great and its fun
Firestar and Leopardstar's characterizations are On Point i love it
OOF i feel so bad when jayfeather is mean to others, poor kestrelflight, I love those two
Lovely Jayfeather moments now its time for the first chapter
I like this duo! Also I didn't think I'd ever say this but shut up squirrelflight one can have fun AND learn with their mentors
Sparkkit sounds nice she makes jingling bell noises when she walks around
Alderkit is chadphobic /j
I can see Alderkit taking deep breaths to relax its rotating in my mind its beautiful
God this first chapter feels so good and comfortable, like eating noodles and chicken nuggets. I am so so deeply in love with it, its gorgeous!
Sparkkit is so perfect too, and Graystripe remembering Firestar aaaaaa
DUSTPELT SAID WHAT? PHDHAHAHHA OH NOOOO I don't remember their relationship much, must have been fun, I love young little creature squirrelflight I MISSED HER SO BAD WOW
I started reading the second chapter and died, I think ill take a break now 2 sleep heehhee
I love them describing twoleg stuff its always so fun and alien, like watching an animal planet show about funny sea creatures.
Also I have determined sparkpaw is my favorite, might be my favorite cat ever next to hollyleaf??? I really identify with her and also she's autistic i have decided that
Alderpaw baby noooo hhhh their mentor at least is trying to show its okay, he seems very emotionally distant so far and alderheart feels very emotionally needy, actually both of them do, did I mention I love Sparkpaw??? I might be imprinting myself 2 much on her
I love how like, its clear both of them are absolutely anxious and worried about others opinions on them, which is clearly something they got from being Firestar's grandkids, deputy kids and leader kids. And bramblestar too, I recall him being quite the anxious lad ahhah. Sparkpaw will be showing confidence and being loud but the second anyone isn't approving of her or she does something "wrong" she gets small and quiet, and she ended up setting a high bar for herself by being good at hunting and fighting so I'm curious to see how that will go. Also there's nothing wrong with being guided through a crowded place to meet others Sparkpaw!!! I bet the two of them would be stuck without not knowing how to talk to others had Needlepaw not shown up. I love them, my gf is mocking me saying I'm a Sparkpaw kinnie.
Apprentices will like learn about a thing and tell everyone about it all the time and assume its always true in every situation and thats valid I love kids like that. Also in my head Needlepaw kinda looks like a porcupine. Oh boo she's fatphobic >:(
I love apprentices they are so fun and silly, just making fun of the leaders like its nothing. The way they are clearly learning and absorving everything their warriors say and do like sponges its just ***chefs kiss***
Omg shadowclan is just full of 12 year olds help
And then the old person said "it sure is hard being old!" And everyone clapped
Shout-out to pretty Riverclan apprentice #481977 I love her
Leafpool: 👁👁
Alderpaw: I knew it im cursed and awful and terrible and I will never amount to anything
I wish the cats didn't seem to be giving up on him so easily though
Ah yes the classic thunderclan move "you suck, into the medicine hole you go"
The way sparkpaw changes the things she says and how she does when it isn't the status quo around her oooooooooooooyeaaaaaaa I love 1 autistic cat
Alderpaw considering your problems lesser than other cats won't help you deal with them better bro
I love Needlepaw's excitement about Alderpaw being a medicine cat apprentice, and her sarcasm, she feels like a preppy teenager
Ahhh this is so good, I am so thirsty for family moments like this, just Alderpaw bonding with grandma, I’ll definitely want to draw this one it’s so sweet.
Oh to be young and silly.
I really am enjoying like, Alderpaw’s struggles to seeing how he fits in the clan, how he fits in himself, how he wants to be seen and what he wants to be, it’s really good. I Am Engaged(tm) With This Plot.
SPARKPAW NOOOOOOO but also Yes I want her to be shown vulnerable and weak please 
POP, god watching this stuff always awful, the cats must have thought he broke her ahahah
Also, really great that they learned from Dovewing and now like leave choices and discussions about prophecies between adults
And plus Brambles seemed to take the time to explain stuff to him, seems he wont be going alone either the 1 thing is that he will be the only one knowing what the journey is really about, why though??? I didnt read Firestar's Quest or whatever why does Skyclan need to be secret??? Seems quite silly really!
I could feel squirrelflight nearing explosion here, this was very fun, i wish they werent hiding this though!!!
The secret thing is showing to be a plot point so I am once again Very Engaged
Also, wonderful dialogue bit, someone asked Bramblestar why an Elder is going and:
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Lovely perfect perfect
I miss you dovewing
Oh boy this is it
Traveling book moment
Graystripe: Soooo you're excited to go on the journey to the old territories and Skyclan?
Sandstorm: Yes! It's been ages and-
Graystripe: I'm sure the tribe will love the visit too
Sandstorm, groaning: Oh noooo I forgot about how the tribe is in the way of every journeyyyyy noooooo they're such a racist caricature, please tell me you have a plan
Graystripe: Yes don't worry about it the writers forgot about the tribe in my comic book so you can just use the excuses i did to actively avoid it
Sandstorm: Oh thank Starclan
Sparkpaw's desperation to prove herself oof, her anxiety with understanding the prophecy, oh boy, and Alderpaw feeling too overwhelmed by the questions and not managing to talk!!!! I am so glad they are both autistic
Hoping "Being Leader" wont mean theyre putting nonsense responsibility on the apprentice again
Ah good Sandstorm is on the lead again, as she should, she should have been leader she would have been great
I can't believe Alderpaw thinks I look stupid and diseased :( /j
Everything about this twoleg scene was scandalous I loved it, Sparkpaw just toppled over a trash bag and they are eating from it, iconic, also did those twolegs throw out a whole turkey? Damn
Its not that Sparkpaw is freakishly good at hunting she is very hungry and constantly on the watch for things to eat
BRO Ive never been in a road where the drivers are this wild, throwing bottles out of the car????? Ive seen Fruit being thrown like once or twice, what the fuck!!! I'm glad they are going to wait until the morning to continue
Okay I was not expecting Needlepaw to show up this girl is chaotic I love her
Needlepaw is like Rono from Bambi 2 if he wasnt a mean bully and thats very epic
Very curious character though, how come her mentor isnt teaching her the warrior code properly? Is that an issue with all apprentices?? Is the clan overwhelmed by 12 year olds and they won?
Having lots of fun trying to play the game "what animal are they describing this time" the erins made here, im glad they're in a farm. Worried about Sandstorm though :c
Fuck im worried about sandstorm a lot, her wound hurt on Me
Yeah water is good youre right sandstorm
Aw man I hope she's okay let her at least survive to meet skyclan please
I am so sad
Alderpaw denying it, Starclan shining upon their vigil, everything crushed me i cried
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Alderpaw considers Nihilism
Haven't seen a cat thank starclan for prey in a while its
Oh look they time skipped a journey! They don't tend to do that thats nice
I'm so excited to be meeting The Skyclan that everyone in the fandom knows now
So far they seem kinda mean but thats most clans at first glance really
Okay somethings up
I uh have heard of Darktail pretty sure he's a bad guy so yeah something really bad happened to Skyclan
Am worried
Darktail sounds like an evil himbo* i may be enjoying him actually
*himbos are usually nice by default so he's just evil and stupid and strong
Does needletail know these cats already?????
Oh okay fuck
I've been quietly reading the rest because I am just concerned and I want them to be okay as quickly as possible
Waterfalls are a classic nice
Oh boy time for our unlikely duo of Alderpaw and Needlepaw to get out of a Mess!
I did not expect this to end up with the two of them journeying into parenthood, but I'm happy it did
Well actually I'm very unhappy theyre so lost and there's no sign of Skyclan I am very worried for everyone involved Sparkpaw must be feeling awful!
Twigkit is a great name
Yeah this ended terribly
Overall! Frigging loved it this book was GOOD and a great start for the series I am very excited to read the rest, SO WORRIED ABOUT SKYCLAN THO AAAA the characterizations were great the characters were great the pacing was fun and I didn't get bored once!
I think o only wish I had read this sooner really so I could look up others thoughts without getting heavily spoiled about the last books, I can watch a few videos already though thats a start ahhaha. But yeah it was great and it felt very good to read, haven't swallowed up a book so quickly in a very long time!!! Very happy I finally got my hands on this 💕💖💕💖💕💖 cant wait 2 start the next one
If you read all this, hope you had fun hahaha, ill be making more of these cus theyre fun and I like talking about warrior cats thats just my thing
Til next time
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sheepsandcattle · 4 years
Chapter 26
This chapter is a bit gory so beware!
“Hey, what the fuck do you want for Christmas?”
“Hm?” A spider is climbing up the side of the shed of whoever’s garden they’re in - one of those spindly ones that are so skinny you can see their dotty little knee joints. He can’t seem to take his eyes off the thing as it loses its grip every thirty seconds or so, dropping a few inches but catching itself with a web that’s too thin for Curly to see under the dim light that barely reaches them from the kitchen window.
They’ve claimed a garden chair each, somehow managing to sneak out to share a smoke while the garden is empty.
“Christmas. I’ve never bought for anyone before. Except for my mom, I mean, but…” He shrugs, dismissing the digression. “Ain’t got a clue what to get for you.”
For fuck sake, Christmas is coming up again. How the fuck did that happen? This year is lost on him. He’s not even sure if it’s November or December, honestly, but he’s not about to ask.
“Nowt,” he says with a shrug, taking a drag of their zoot and finally pulling his eyes away from the struggling spider as he leans over to hand the smoke to Jordan. “Never even thought about it. I don’t really want anything.”
“Well that sounds like bullshit,” He laughs lightly, pausing to take a drag and extending a leg to nudge Curly’s foot with his own. “C’mon,” he insists, smoke escaping him as he speaks. “If you don’t give me any ideas, you’ll still get a gift. It’ll just be a fuckin’ shitty one. Don’t make it hard for me.”
Curls mulls on this. He’s going to really fucking struggle this year; completely skint and no idea how much time he even has to make a bit more cash before Christmas comes around. As if on cue, The Darkness plays inside the house, the people inside all singing “feigning joy and surprise...” It’s bloody good tune as far as Christmas songs go but, given the timing, he can’t help but pull a face before the first line's even over.
“Maybe you could just do me a tattoo or summet,” he suggests on his exhale. “And I’ll find summet to do for you. Unless you’ve got your mind on—"
“No, yeah. I like that - it’s a good idea.” He looks genuinely pleased as he lifts a leg to prop his foot up on the arm of Curly’s chair. “You want another?”
Jordan’s nodding towards his hand, throwing Curls for a moment until he follows his eye line to the spliff between his fingers that's more or less bunt down to the filter now. “Yeah, go on then.”
Spliff 2.0 probably wasn’t necessary, especially since they smoked before they set out tonight but, now back in the kitchen and watching Jordan playfight with some guy called Scott that Curly’s not met before (but is pretty sure lives here), he’s still feeling clearer than he has at the last dozen house parties he’s been to.
They’d come back inside just as a small group of lads flooded into the garden and now, back in the kitchen, it reminds him of that night he spoke to Jordan for the first proper time, scissors in hand and t-shirt in bits and Jordan laughing at him and never even trying to hide it.
J’s laughing dopily as his mate gives him a decent shove and Curly's expression is probably similar as he looks on.
“Hey, you carrying?”
A bloke that looks vaguely familiar has slid up to lean against the counter beside him, but Curly couldn’t say where he knows him from. He’s looking straight ahead as if they’re gonna get nabbed for talking about drugs in a place like this, even after Jordan had said he’d spotted a bloke doing coke in the lounge earlier, before getting a spliff out for the two of them to share.
He shakes his head. “Sorry, mate.”
“Nothing? Weed, coke? Pills?”
“Not carrying tonight, mate,” Curls shrugs, still watching the man’s profile but with no better idea of where he’s sold to this guy before. “There’s a bloke here somewhere – orange top. I think he’s dealing, but—”
“Nah, nah,” the stranger interrupts him. “Your stuff's good. Yours is good.”
Somehow, he only then realises the man’s already on something, but his response remains the same as he shrugs. “Sorry,” and his eyes find Jordan again, who’s not playfighting anymore, but sending a frown his way.
He gives him the nod, which Curls returns, but this bloke to his left is bloody persistent, going on about Curly’s gear and J’s crowding his space within seconds, asking, “you good, pal?”
The stranger doesn’t even get to reply though, because Jordan’s mate’s followed him over and he’s shoving the guy as if a fight's started and Curly hadn’t even noticed. “The fuck are you doing here, Rory?”
He exchanges a look with Jordan, who doesn’t look any more in-the-know than himself as he nudges Curls with his elbow; a gesture for them to make moves – in record time too, as suddenly the two bickering men becomes a crowd of four as a couple more of the homeowner’s friends join the row.
He vaguely hears the bloke -Rory- say, “I’m just buying, relax,” and another bloke tells him, “you won’t find that shit here.”
“You know him?” Jordan asks now they stand at the opposite end of the room, Curly shaking his head as he watches the argument become a fight. “Oh shit,” J mutters when some of the lads from the garden re-join them, joining the fight as if they'd been waiting for it, and the herd of now-six guys go from shoving to throwing fists.
“Don’t,” Curly warns, a hand around Jordan’s arm before he can even think about jumping in. “It's not your fight. Keep out.”
Curly’s not sure who’s on what side, but that Rory fella manages to break loose for long enough to point in his direction as he shouts, “he’s got it!” - and Curls feels Jordan’s arm twitch in his hand.
“I fucking ‘aven’t,” he defends, although he's not sure exactly what he's being accused of, taken aback by how fuming the man looks now, glaring at Curly like he’s completely mugged him off. Even if he was dealing, he definitely wouldn’t be selling whatever shit this bloke is after.
“I’ve bought from you!” He’s red in the face now, and nobody’s throwing punches but holding him back – holding him away from Curly as if he weren’t talking like they were best mates a minute ago. “You and that redhead. I’ve fucking brought from you, you lying fucking junkie!”
“What the fuck,” Curly mumbles, shooting Jordan a confused look, but the man’s already snatching his arm from Curly’s hand and- “J, don’t—” he’s already drawing a fist back before punching the guy about four steps back. By the time Curly’s caught up enough to jump in after him, the growing group has closed up around Jordan and Rory, everyone starting up a fight of their own and leaving Curls to fight his way through the masses.
Someone grabs him, pulls him off to one side, and when he gets a look at the face, Scott’s raging as he asks him, “what the fuck are you dealing?”
“Nothing! Nothing, honest, all’s I’ve got on me is weed and I’m not—”
He still looks at Curly like he’s disgusting though as he warns, “don’t bring that other shit here.”
“Mate, I swear, I—” A glass breaks and it only distracts him for a second before he continues; “I don’t deal that shit – I swear I never have,” but then the rest of the room falls silent and Scott’s attention darts from Curly to something happening over his shoulder.
Someone shoves him from behind, sending him stumbling into Scott, and Curls almost apologises but realises the man’s too busy watching half of the crowd flood from the kitchen, rushing out of the house in near-silence and stumbling as they go.
“Dickheads,” he grumbles before he turns to pick Jordan out of the remaining crowd. All’s he can see is backs of heads though and everyone in the kitchen has gone quiet too except—
“Fuck, call an ambulance.”
He’s not sure who says it or why, but then he hears someone repeat Jordan's name and he can’t see him and suddenly he feels sick and his brain remembers how much weed he’s smoked and as he shoves through the bodies, the room begins to pulse around him and he doesn’t know why he’s got such a fucking bad feeling until his fears are confirmed.
“J,” he chokes when he sees him, lying on his back with a broken bottle by his head and his hands on his throat, blood pouring between his fingers. “Fuck, fuck. Jordan, you—Fuck has someone—” He looks to his left and the man there is on the phone, frantically repeating the word “ambulance, ambulance.”
He must look as useless as he feels when Scott appears beside Jordan with a dishtowel. Scott says, “move your hands, c’mon,” and he’s not sure if he even realised Jordan was still awake at that point, but the sight of his eyes half-opening as he nods, oddly calm as he moves his hands from his neck is a relief and suddenly he snaps out of it.
Curly drops to his knees and takes over, pushing the cloth to Jordan’s neck, unsure of where all of the blood is even coming from. “You’re alright,” he says, quiet now as he watches Jordan’s eyes close again. “J,” he says uselessly. “Oi, Jordan. J, open your eyes. Fuck, I’ve— Can someone—”
“I got it, I got it,” Scott tells him, taking over again as Curly pulls his hands back, holding them shakily and uselessly in mid-air before him. They’re already covered in liquid red as he sways back to sit on the cold tile as bile rises in his throat and his vision goes blotchy. “Get everyone out,” the man tells someone, and Curly screws his eyes shut and forces himself to get over it, shaking his head when Scott adds, “take Curly out back.”
“I’m alright, I’m fine,” he mumbles, opening his eyes again but training them down to where Jordan’s chest is still rising and falling even as he remains unresponsive.
In the ambulance, the paramedic had tried to give Curly one of those silly shock blankets. He’d snapped at the guy in return because his boyfriend was bleeding out between them, but then spent the rest of the journey apologising as a second paramedic tended to Jordan as best he could in the back of the van.
Jordan was passed out which meant Curly had to answer all of their questions; has he been drinking? Is he on drugs? What kind? And somehow the seven-minute drive felt closer to thirty and every bump in the road felt as lethal as a Staffordshire pothole.
He doesn’t even look up from his hands. There are brown and red specks stuck under his nails, chipped black polish failing to cover the mess as he pecks it away silently. He’s shivering all over, his high long gone and leaving him painfully sober in the harsh plastic chair of the waiting room.
“Curls, I’m getting coffee. You want one?” Dean is standing over him, but he doesn’t dare lift his gaze from his lap. His shirt still feels wet against his chest from wiping his hands clean in a panic. He knows logically that it’ll be dry by now, but.
“I feel sick,” he whispers, shaking his head ever so slightly.
Dean’s shoe squeaks as he shifts, lowering himself before Curly until he’s kneeling in front of him. His friend places a hand on his knee and his convulsing shivers only worsen. The man says, “Curls, he’ll be alright. Doctor says it’s big, but it isn’t too deep. He’ll be alright,” he repeats.
“I feel like—” He swallows, shakes his head, shuts his eyes, but then darts them open when that image creeps up on him again. “Feel like I watched him die. I don’t even—”
“He didn’t die,” Dean reminds him, his hand leaving Curly’s knee. “He’s a lucky bastard,” he tries to joke.
Miraculously, he’s not cried yet. Too stressed to cry, probably. He dry-heaved in the ambulance, sure, but he put it down to travel sickness at the time, said, “It’s ‘cause there’s no windows – will you get that daft bloody blanket away from me.” He still feels about as close to vomiting now, but it’s beside the point.
He takes a deep breath, dragging his hands over his face and daring to raise his head to meet his friend's eyes now. “You don’t get it, we—” He swallows down the nausea that creeps over him. “He’s—We’re not,” he scoffs, almost pissed off at himself for making such a fuss of this when Jordan’s getting his neck stitched up down the corridor. “Jordan and I aren't just-“
“I know,” Dean interrupts, putting him out of his misery. “Jeff too. We know,” he tells him, and Curly’s not sure what to say now – almost says sorry until the man adds, “like I said; lucky bastard,” and ruffles Curly’s hair as he stands.
“I ought to bloody kill you,” he growls, shaking just as much now as he had been all those hours ago. The blood has washed from his hands, but it’s still stained on his top and the backs of his eyelids. When all’s he gets is a hum in response, Curly adds, “I’m so bloody angry at you,” but it gets all choked up in his throat and loses its fury.
The ER’s full of eery noises and harsh lights – all clinical and no comfort, which he supposes was effective in saving his boyfriend's life, but it didn’t bloody help with the panic attack he had when Jordan was taken into surgery. Dean just barely caught the end of it and, by the time they got a hold of Jeff, who arrived a couple of hours later, Curly was managing to string sentences together again.
He promised to ring them when Jordan was up, but they can wait for a while.
“Sorry,” Jordan mumbles, followed by a dry gulp as he shuts his eyes for a moment and suddenly Curly feels bad for coaxing a word out of him. J looks a little confused, eyes moving about the room before they return to Curly, where they dart to his stained shirt and back again. “That bad?”
He nods. “You better start thinking of tattoo ideas because you’re gonna have a fat scar.”
Jordan goes back to humming in response, closing his eyes as he takes a few long breaths. “You look sick,” he tells Curly, who scoffs as he tucks his chair closer to the man’s bedside.
“Worried sick,” Curls sulks as he rests his arms on the bed, the fingers of one hand slipping around Jordan’s wrist when he spies the man moving his arm as if planning to touch his neck. “Eight stitches,” he tells him. “You don’t need to touch ‘em.”
All Jordan has to say is, “shit.”
“Yeah, shit,” Curls huffs, and the room falls silent as J stares up at the ceiling like he’s still recalling the events of last night. “It’s not that deep,” Curly decides to tell him. “It’s big, but it’s not deep enough to…” What’s a nice way of saying instantly kill you? What was it the doctor said? “If it was a knife, you’d be dead.”
“It didn’t hurt,” Jordan tells him. “I didn’t even realise, ‘til some guy said.” The image of Jordan on the floor flashes in his mind; how calm he’d looked as he nodded and pulled his hands away, revealing nothing but thick, dark red. The man frowns, but a chuckle follows. “Fucking hurts now.”
Nodding, Curly forgets to respond as his eyes dart over Jordan’s face, who looks back at him, looking guilty now as he pulls his wrist from Curly’s grasp to instead tangle his fingers in the back of his hair. He mumbles, “c’mere,” tugging Curls to rest his head on his hip. “I’m fine.”
“I never sold him gear, J,” he finds himself saying, his neck feeling hot at the memory of Scott looking at him like he was dirty – a memory he’s only just now recalling, now that Jordan’s awake and telling him he’s okay. “Jules sells that, I don’t—”
“I know,” Jordan says before he repeats, “I’m sorry. That kid was fuckin’ tweaking or some shit. Wasn’t our fight.” He swallows again, eyes shut and Curly can tell it hurts.
Turning his head to press a kiss to wherever his lips happen to land, Curly mutters, “we’ll talk about it more later.”
Jordan’s already shutting his eyes and Curly bites the I love you off the tip of his tongue.
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chut-je-dors · 5 years
5TL ask masterpost
Hi!!! Since there are SO many. SO SO many asks about 5TL in my inbox right now, I thought of (instead of working on a crucial uni deadline I have coming up) putting them all here and writing one long-arse post (so that people’s dashes won’t be..... overwhelmed with asks. Also less tagging). So here we go - Hopefully you get your answers here! Consider it as a fic........... it’s that long. Starting from the oldest!
Anonymous said: 5 thomas lane is definitely, without a doubt, my favourite ever fic. Its bloody brilliant!! I just wanted to ask, we know dave got people being rude about john and paul, and then the incident in the supermarket, but do vera and chuck ever get any shit at school about their dads? Or do other parents ever have a go at paul and john? Love the fic, honestly its my favourite thing. Its absolutely wonderful 💞💞💞
Thank you!! That is always such a lovely thing to hear! <3
Vera and Chuck have been thankfully mostly protected from any kind of homophobia. Chuck’s friends are too young to really care about it, they just go ‘ok’ when Chuck tells that he has two dads instead of one, and as for Vera only her close friends know. It’s not that she would’ve been treating it as a secret, but usually children at that age don’t really talk about their parents openly in class. At least I wouldn’t have been able to tell if some of my classmates had two mums, since you’d spend time in small groups instead of one bigger one, and then interact with the other people in the class only for school work. So since only her good friends know (and they don’t care) she hasn’t had to face any prejudice either.
As for Paul and John, at school events they receive a stink eye at most, since the other parents can’t possibly put up a scene in front of the kids and the teachers etc. Most of them don’t care, but there are always some who will kinda, steer their kid the other way. Paul and John fortunately are aces at dealing with the hurt feelings it causes, and Vera and Chuck are yet to notice that kind of behaviour. Dave is a little bit more perseptive, but then again he’s the oldest and unfortunately remembers some of the early encounters the family had when the world’s - and Liverpool’s - view on gay people wasn’t yet as open as it is now.
Anonymous said: 5tl question!! When j and p DO fight, who apologises first? Who sulks more? (Love this bloody fic)
Both are awful stubborn mules!! It’s terrible. But at the same time they go over the fight in their head and feel sorry about it, and then eventually one of them decides not to be an idiot anymore. But I feel that overall Paul would be less inclined to apologise first if he feels he’s right, and John will come trudging over ‘cos he can’t stand it when they fight for a long time. Then again, if John absolutely feels he’s correct, he’ll hold onto his opinion with tooth and nail, and Will Sulk. John in general sulks more I think, but half of it is tongue in cheek, since they so rarely have actual fights (more like, small-ish disputes)
Anonymous said: Okay I have a 5tl question: when it comes to the kids, which parent is each the most similar to personality-wise? Like for me, I’ve always thought Dave is like a mini Paul whereas Vera just SCREAMS John to me, what’s your opinion on this? Is this something you considered when writing the kids? <333
Oh god this is such a difficult question,, after a 20-minute discussion with @thefrogchorus​, (since this was such a difficult question and I needed her blessed input to sort out my thoughts) we came to the conclusion that they’re kind of a mix of both John and Paul without any definitive traits coming from their parents (Chuck is a mini-John, but that’s also because of y’kno, being his actual biological son). They’re very much their own people in my head, but especially their manners come from John and Paul, whether it be how to win an argument, or how to deal with sadness, etc.
I actually feel like Vera takes after Paul, in a way that when she puts her foot down, she’ll go through fucking stone if needs be, and Paul is very similar to that. Their sense of humour comes from both Paul and John, but I feel like they appreciate the sort of “silliness” John seems to cultivate a bit more.
Anonymous said: Can you tell us more about George and Ringo from 5TL? How did they end up together and what kinda dynamic does their relationship have? :)
George and Ringo met when Paul inherited the cottage from his grandparents back in 1998. George would come along to help rebuilding the cottage which was in a complete shambles. For the first two years Paul, John and George would sleep in a guest room at the farm since the cottage was inhabitable. In the mornings the four of them, since they quickly started getting along with Ringo, skipped over the field that separates the farm and the cottage and they’d work on the cottage all day long.
As was said in chp. 5, “The four of them got along swimmingly right from the first moment, and the very nice lad’s good-natured, calm farm-boy attitude completed the group in a strangely perfect way.“ “George started helping at the cottage  very often, as well.”
So George and Ringo really got to know each other and fell in love during that time. There’s gonna be a chapter eventually that goes over these events, so I’m not going to delve too deep into it now, and some details might change over time, so that’s what you’re gonna have to do with for now :)
As for the dynamic between the two... George embodies this wonderful dry wit that matches perfectly with Ringo’s more good-natured and gentle teasing. Their relationship is easy and fun, very very soft and warm. It’s really quite relaxed, considering both of them do lot of repetitive work that takes a lot of time, and they’re like that together as well, patient and calm.
Anonymous said: Have any of the 5tl kids been lost/ran away at any point and given John and Paul a fright?
I think, in grocery shop, at most. They’ve always been quite adept at keeping the kids under their watchful eye, and the kids haven’t had any urges to run away (because while Dave has teenage angst, he has no urges to like, y’know, leave the family he loves?). Of course even when you lose your kid into a grocery shop it’s a bit of a scare, at least for the Mother Hens Paul And John, (in the early years, not so much anymore since their skin is so tough), but everything’s always worked out fine in the end.
Anonymous said: I have a questionnn: has 5tl John had issues with his weight/ insecurity in the same way that actual John did? Idk I just love getting insights into this universe
I don’t think so, not to the same extent. Probably when he was a teenager he would’ve worried a little over his figure (like all teenagers do) but in this universe he’s always stayed in a relatively good shape, body mass wise (he still can’t lift heavy things but, hey. he’s a scrawny artist cut him some slack) and as such he doesn’t have any insecurities over it. I think, if he ever grows a little bit of belly when he’s older, it’ll be received with good humour and loving taps from Paul :) <3
Anonymous said: is paul always the big spoon in 5tl or do they switch? (WHY do i only think of these questions when im going to sleep jrbhrnsfjsj) 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
Bless this question honestly aaahhhh <3333, Paul indeed is NOT always the big spoon, they switch, and BOTH love being the little spoon cos it makes them feels so nice. When they first started dating John might’ve taken the role of the big spoon a little more since Paul was still SMALL (bbbless,,,) but they evened it out. Sappy beings,, <33
Anonymous said: How did Martha join the 5TL family?
In the most traditional way possible: First kids wanted a dog, then Paul wanted a dog, and John grudgingly said “okay, I guess” and then suddenly there was fur everywhere and he had to go outside for long walks everyday no matter the weather and he had to keep a puppy from eating every possible furniture while Paul was at work. Poor John. (But he secretly loves Martha so it’s okay. He gets a little weak in the knees when Paul babbles to her.)
Anonymous said: How old were 5Thomas L. J+P when they started talking about kids/ did poor oleJohn hit the roof and freak out when Paul first suggested it since we know he’s not a fan of kids (except his own ofc)!
I think the discussion took place quite early in the relationship. Paul has always known he’d want kids, and as for John, and I quote the very first sentence of the whole fic,
“Having children had never been a requirement for John to live happily ever after. He would, however, be completely fine with one or two if his future partner wanted them, and he would love the kids with all his heart (if they weren’t absolutely terrible).“
So John has never hated the thought of kids, but for him the thought of them was more along the lines of “yeah I’ll be fine even if I never had them but if some where to come I wouldn’t object to it at all” so when Paul brought the subject up (like “hey how do you feel about kids? I mean ‘cos I kinda love them and I definitely wanna be a dad someday, but ofc not if it meant breaking up with you, ‘cos I’ll much more prefer a life with you ‘cos you’re like the only person I’ve ever loved and wanted to have sex with xoxo :) in fact let’s have sex right now”) John would’ve been like “yeah, cool, if it’s any possible any day i’m game even though i‘ll probably suck at being a dad because DADDY ISSUES” (the key to john’s character in any universe,,)
Remember that when John proposed Paul literally answered with “yeah i’ll marry you ONLY IF I GET TO BE THE POP”, so at that point Paul’s desires were very well known for John, and John knew what he was getting into. And as we know, John adores his kids :) So they’ve pretty much always had the agreement that one day there will be kids if it’s just possible. Only when it became the reality that they CAN adopt Dave, John started becoming nervous with the possibility of fucking up terribly, and even then he wanted to have a kid SO bad, as you can read from Chapter 12: the Bath Scene (which gives me the FEELS). That scene and chapter explain John’s stance on this pretty well! :)
Anonymous said: How tall are the 5tl kids? Just wondering <3 I love this fic
Hahah, thank you! Out of all the asks I’ve got over this fic, this is maybe one of the strangest ones - but it’s not a bad thing! Hahah I love how it got me thinking.
The average 15 year old boy in the UK would be around 5″7, but since Dave is originally from France he’s a little shorter, I’d say 5″4. Vera is 4″6, and Chuck is 3″8 :)
Anonymous said: I can imagine John getting absolutely TURNT around Rasputin by Boney M in the 5TL verse for some reason and it makes me laugh a lot
You are absolutely RIGHT this is the absolute TRUTH and it’s CANON NOW I SAID IT. John loves Boney M if only because they hit him right to where it itches. He loves singing along to Daddy Cool and Paul kinda hates it because Paul likes the Ramones and Nirvana and Rock’n Roll, baby, and then there’s John waving this disco propaganda at his head, but they work around it.
(Occasionally Paul might be caught humming Ma Baker) (Mma-mma-mma-mma-mmmaah)
Anonymous said: Do you have any more 5tl headcannons? The wait is killing me lol
Hahaha so many of them are actual spoilers but have a small list of ones that I can share with you! (Also... this whole post kinda is based on my headcanons so.... ) :D
Dave creates memes about his sucker family and sends them over in the family whatsapp group
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(Credit @sunbeatle​ <3)
This also includes the Pepe. John loves the Pepe. He sends Paul Pepe memes all day long. Paul wants to know who this lizard is.
Chuck loves Pepe. He draws Paul a Pepe drawing. John puts it on the wall above their bed.
“John please stop. i'm not having sex in front of the lizard”
John blindfolds Paul so that Paul doesn't have to look at Pepe
“John I am going to divorce you over that lizard.”
Dave: "oh my god pop. it's a fucking frog." Paul: "wHAt part of that LIZARD looks like a FROG to you????"
Plot twist: Paul actually loves Pepe and knows it's a frog but he loves seeing how amused John gets over Paul's loathing; Anything For The Husband
(Pepe idea: Credit for Maria and Daisy. made us all howl with laughter)
John uses a ton emojis, always the wrong and the weird ones. He is VERY aware of it. Chaotic Evil.
Paul used to have the same kind of sunglasses as Kurt Cobain in the 90′s. He actually used them. They looked like this:
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Paul sometimes writes poems, mostly humorous ones with a tongue-in-cheek about his life; it’s a nice creative outlet. He also might write poems specifically directed at the kids, so a children’s story but in poem form, and then he reads them to Chuck (or has John read them dramatically, which really fun for all of them)
There you go people! Hopefully this satisfied your bottomless thirst for more 5TL for some time! Don’t be afraid to hit me with new asks and your own headcanons, I love discussing this fic! Cheerio! <3
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quillbetweenboots · 5 years
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A sequel to OMINOUS
by Lala J. Thorpe
Pairs: Uruha x Mizuno Rin (OC)
Rating: T
“Fuck! Let me go!!” A hoarse yelp of that male student echoed through the crowd while he was being dragged roughly by the security guard. “I didn’t mean to hurt him!” He kept trying to release himself from the guard’s strong grip.
The whole crowd was too stupefied witnessing the bloodcurdling scene right before their eyes with one of the students was close to commit a murder to a teacher. Several female students kept screaming and crying because of the blood gushing out from Uruha’s upper back who was lying still on the floor attempting so hard to retain his consciousness.
“Uesugi!” The loud painful voice of a girl was overheard from the stairs. All eyes were directed to a tall long-haired girl whose cheeks were tear-stained. She marched towards Uesugi with vast steps and abruptly gave him an angry slap.
“What did you do? Uesugi, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!!” Rin was screaming her heart out right in front of his face and it only made him motionless. Powerful smacks and punches kept directed at him even though the security guard with a HONDA name tag tried to stop her.
“Rin! Rin, stop it!” Another girl broke through the crowd trying to hold back Rin from continuously releasing her rage to Uesugi. “Rin, for God’s sake please stop! I beg you.”
Rin’s lips were trembling so bad and her face was contorted in pain and turmoil. Nacchii’s hands held her face and tried soothing her best friend who slowly sank to the floor. “Rin, look at me. Sensei wouldn’t want to see you like this, okay?” Her soft voice whispered through Rin’s ear whilst hugging her. “No one else must not know about you and Sensei.”
A few seconds later when Rin’s mind began to clear, she was sobbing on Nacchii’s shoulder. “Let me take you home and we’ll go to hospital afterwards,” Nacchii comforted.
Rin shook her head weakly. “No. Just let me go to hospital already.”
           The annoying sound produced by the heartbeat detector failed to dissolve the cold atmosphere inside the chamber. Half an hour ago, Uruha had just finished undergoing an emergency surgery. Now he’s already moved to a VIP nursing room. By the time Doctor finished examining and gave permission to visit him, Rin was the first person to sit by Uruha’s bed-side. She was caressing his cold hand. His long brown hair spread upon the white pillow. A few hours ago, her hands were still stained with Uruha’s blood before Nacchii cleaned them out inside the hospital’s lavatory. Nacchii was waiting outside and thanks to her, Rin was able to hold herself from drowning into uncontrolled tantrum.
           Four men in Uruha’s age wearing sunglasses and masks entered the room. Rin nearly jumped and quickly detached her hands from Uruha’s.
           “Ah…good evening. Sorry for disturbing. Thank you for staying with him. Are you Uruha-kun’s student?” asked one man in early 30s.
Rin bowed and nodded politely. “Yes, I am.” She answered whilst standing up to let them check on Uruha.
“If I’m not mistaken, you’re the girl whom he gave private lessons, aren’t you? Mizuno Rin-san?” asked the shortest man, Ruki, the vocalist of the band.
“That’s right,” Rin replied nervously. It’s the first time they encountered with the other band members even though Nacchii was dating their drummer.
“Kai was outside talking with your friend. She still seemed quite shocked,” said Aoi, Uruha’s fellow guitarist.
“Wait. Aren’t today your graduation ceremony?” asked the man whose face was concealed behind a white mask. “Mizuno-chan, could you tell us how it happened? We weren’t informed the whole event when we got a call from here.”
The four of them fell silent as Rin began her story of her version when Uruha’s body shielded her from being stabbed by one male student. She hadn’t known the exact motive of Uesugi. He was currently under investigation with the police and school staffs. Her voice was still trembling with fears remembering the thick crimson blood flooded out from his lifeless body. A small circle of blood-stain was still visible on Rin’s Prussian green school coat and she tried her best to hold back her tears.
As flabbergasted as it seemed, they were too shocked to utter one or two words. Ruki and Reita sank upon the sofa whilst rubbing their faces. Meanwhile, Aoi and their manager Tanaka was talking quietly to each other.
“What about the Osaka show this weekend?” asked Aoi with a concerned look.
“Don’t worry about it. All that matters now is his recovery. I’ll discuss it with everyone after this,” said Tanaka.
They stayed one more hour later before leaving. Reita decided to stay any longer to accompany Rin. The rest of the blokes agreed and bid them good bye.
“I--I apologise for making your plans messed up, Reita-san,” Rin stammered with her head bowed down. Reita sighed slowly. He stared at the innocent young girl who had stolen the heart of his childhood buddy.
“There’s no need to apologise. You know you’re not at fault here.” Reita rose from the sofa and stood at the other side of the bed. “For actually…I was glad that you’re not the one who was hurt.”
Rin looked up at him in disbelief. The mask had been pulled off his face and his forever concealed nose was able to be witnessed. His usual cheeky voice turned into something full of anxiety and relief at the same time.
“Dou yu koto desu ka?”
Reita thought back to the day Uruha told him that he was about to ask her hand in marriage. The bassist was initially unsure whether it’s a good idea knowing that this girl was far too young to marry a band dude in his 30s. Not to mention their wild fangirls all around the world who were so eager in taking her place.
“Please don’t look so shocked. We’ve been friends since forever and just this once, I began to witness a genuine glint in his eyes whenever he’s talking about a girl and that girl is you. He’s fallen head over heels for you, Mizuno-chan. It might be too risky to date a student but he would take anything to fight for his feeling. He might not look like it but believe me, Uruha loves you more than he could ever love anyone else. He loves your silly attitudes, your sincerity, and most importantly your pure heart.
I don’t know what he would do if you were really stabbed right in front of his eyes. I don’t know and I don’t want to know how violent he’d become if that ever happened. He might’ve killed that guy too. And that definitely would’ve happened.”
Rin was dead silenced listening to his explanation. The man lying before her, twelve years as old as her, nearly lost his life from protecting a stupid innocent girl. And yet his bandmate was still able to thank her. A wave of agony boiled inside her chest recalling how he grabbed her body to his chest. She reached for his chilled hand once again as painful sobs started to release from her lips.
Reita walked towards her and gave an affective pat on her head. “Shinpai suru na. He’ll wake up in time. He won’t die I promise because he’s a stubborn shithead. I’m gonna have an important meeting with the other lads now. Don’t forget to ring us when he opens his eyes, okay? Ja na.”
As the door clicked closed, Rin dropped her head upon Uruha’s arm and let the heart-wrenching sobs escape her mouth. Her beloved paramour was so close to death because of her. Everything seemed too vague. Her five inches dream, their marriage plan had become too fragile to think about. The screams, the wail, the groan kept playing over and over inside her head replaying the torment she tried so hard to suppress.
 Flashback five months prior
<Rin’s POV>
“What the hell am I gonna do with him? You know I dislike him as much as I hate numbers,” I blurted out in front of Nacchii.
“C’mon, Rin, just this once. You keep telling me about going to France and there’s no way you would go there if your Math score doesn’t match your other excellent subjects. Trust me he’s not as bad as you think,” assured Nacchii.
I snorted at her. It’s not about the way he taught in our class. I just didn’t like his attitude when he was being conversed by the students. Those cold look and demeanour and he didn’t speak too much outside teaching. Uruha-sensei was too rigid. He might be good looking—yes of course because he happened to be a rock star—but his natural demeanour just couldn’t fit his job as a teacher. Not to mention his androgynous look was actually prettier than me when he wore his make-up on stage. (Jealousy yeah).
Nacchii stirred her iced-cappuccino latte whilst giggling at me. This girl didn’t have any problems with numbers and she also excelled in language and music. I envied her so much. Perhaps because they both had the same passion in music, she suspected that Uruha-sensei was just as normal as the other teachers.
“You’ll be fine, okay? I know you can cope with it. You’re better than you think you are.”
I was tapping my pen on the desk while waiting for Uruha-sensei. The tickling sound of the clock filled the desolate ambience of the classroom. It was half an hour after the last bell rang and I was forced to stay one more hour to have a private lesson with him. Sounds of whistle and yells produced by baseball club members were overheard from outside the window. Oh, how I missed being a club member as a soccer club manager.
“Good afternoon.”
I nearly jumped from my chair.
“Good afternoon, Sensei.” I bowed at him.
“Sorry for making you stay late. Let’s skip this formal intro and directly get into our lesson for today. Mizuno-san, I do hope we can work well for the next four months so that you can enrol in France after graduation. The principal has really high expectation on you.”
“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” I bowed once again.
Numbers were my worst enemy. I didn’t understand how some people were so in love with Math instead of the beauty of language or any other disciplines. Surprisingly, Uruha-sensei was like a different individual between when he taught in class and with me alone. He was so patient and communicative. He’s probably quite sensible that the student he had to deal with bore an immense difficulty.
The lesson had been going for almost three weeks and I still hadn’t found the joy of learning Math. One afternoon, I was weeping on my desk in the middle of his explanation because I couldn’t understand one single thing from the material. It exhausted me out. Even sometimes we were forced to stay until dark as he insisted me that we couldn’t go home before I finished the exercise.
“Let me go home already, Sensei!” I cried in front of him. He clicked his tongue and put his textbook down.
“Fine. Let’s call it a day then. You need to rest anyway. And by the way, I won’t be teaching next two weeks as I’ll be having six shows in Kyoto and Ibaraki,” he said.
“Really???!!!” I jumped up from my chair.
“Yeah. Why do you look so excited? I’ve prepared lots of exercises though. We’re gonna discuss them when I get back,” he sniggered.
My jaw dropped. “Sensei, you’re kidding, right?”
He shrugged while packing his books. “I’ll send them to your email tonight. See ya.”
I sighed loudly.
“Oh, by the way,” he stopped at the door, “We should sometimes have this lesson in my home. Or outside school, I don’t care. This environment really stresses you out. I need you to have some refreshment. Good night.”
~ ~
My whole week was unexpectedly lonely without Uruha-sensei’s presence. A set of instrumental music was attached in the email given a caption 「麗によって構成されて」. Damn. His skill in guitar playing was just in another level. It was so beautiful and heart-warming that I was so close to shed a tear.
I had finished all the exercises surprisingly just in one night. Was it too easy for me or I did progressively better than before? Sensei was quite frequent in texting me even though he’s in the middle of tight schedule asking if I could follow the instruction from the substitution teacher. Well…not as good as him, I guessed? We bid each other good night. And I always had this funny stir in my chest every-time I was thinking about him. Or when I listened to his deep manly voice on the phone.
“You did really good, Rin! I’m surprised you could finish all these complex problems in one night!” Nacchii said excitedly.
“Really? I thought it’s just simple exercise!”
“No, it’s not! It’s the whole different level from national exam! See? You’re really good at it! And I’m sure Sensei has measured your ability and adjusted it with your needs!”
“Sou ka…?” I mumbled in disbelief. Was I really? Then thanks to him I was finally able to learn Math properly.
When he’s back at school, he asked me to have a lesson in his apartment on Saturday. Damn, it was massive! He had a mini studio containing a few electric and acoustic guitars. Framed pictures of The GazettE from their early debut up until now were hung neatly on the wall. I was in complete awe the second I stepped into this room. Nacchii came along but she decided to wait at the living-room.
The lesson went quite more peaceful than it usually was. I was far from having pressure and intimidation from classroom’s ambience.
“Mind if I play some melody?” he asked when I was doing some exercise.
He picked up an acoustic guitar and sat crossing his legs in front of me. Jet-black nail polish usually emblazoned Sensei’s nails whilst performing on stage. It was my first time seeing him play without those black nails and hand accessories, bare-faced with just glasses embellishing his eyes. He started playing the intro of PLEDGE, which happened to be my favourite song of The GazettE. His long fingers were magnificently picking one string to another. And oh…his beautiful side profile strangely caused these butterflies tickle inside my belly. My fingers were fidgeting nervously while listening to the melody. Wait…what were you thinking, Rin?! Just finish those damn problems!
I screwed my eyes shut and sighed exhaled loudly.
Yabai! Did he even detect my internal jittery?!
“I-iie. Nandemo nai desu.”
“Is it too difficult for you?” He shifted himself closer to me that our bodies nearly touched. This masculine fragrance of his tickled my nose and why did my cheeks feel mysteriously hot?
“Oi, Mizuno? Are you not feeling well? Your face is red.”
I was taken aback.
“N-no. I’m fine, Sensei. Let’s continue.”
 Nacchii and I were inside an MRT en-route home after the lesson finished. My vision flew far outside the window but my mind was occupied with how Uruha-sensei acted in front of me. Why was I feeling this way? He acted obviously just how he usually was!
“Rin? Rin! Are you okay?” Nacchii shook my body gently.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. What’s wrong?”
“No, you tell me what’s wrong! You’ve been quiet along the way and you’re daydreaming. Is something on your mind?”
“Nothing’s wrong with me, Nacchii.”
“Did Sensei do something to you?”
“…No, he didn’t.”
But this best friend of mine was a stubborn one. She observed my face closely and all of a sudden, this peculiar smirk emerged on her fuchsia lips.
She leant closer to me and whispered. “You like Sensei, hmm?”
 Did I? The next thing I realised was I couldn’t act as casually as usual in front of him whenever I encountered with him. The weird jittery kept disturbing my internal organs that it’s so hard to concentrate. I was too afraid to admit it myself but we were getting closer gradually. The LINE conversation was more intense than before and I found myself screaming internally every-time his name popped up in my phone screen.
[I’m sorry I have to cancel our lesson today] 03:15 p.m.
[I’m having a sudden meeting with the band tonight] 03:15 p.m.
 03:31 p.m. [That’s ok, Sensei. I’ll be studying with Nacchii.]
03:32 p.m. [Ganbatte^^]
 [Arigatou 😊] 03:40 p.m.
[Tell Ogawa, Kai is looking forward to meeting her again (笑)] 03:41 p.m.
[Oh and don’t stay up late.
You’ll be having simulation tomorrow.] 03:41 p.m.
 03:45 p.m. [はい。分かりました(・∀・)]
 [Ne, Mizuno. Can I ask you to have some coffee with me?] 04:00 p.m.
[If that’s ok for you of course] 04:00 p.m.
 He offered me to have a coffee and dinner at his apartment which I immediately agreed. Because it’s too risky if we’re caught accidentally by one or two school members. And that was the first time I conversed with him outside school or lesson where we’re able to discuss everything. I opened up about my big dream of having an education in Europe and how I became a laughing stock at middle school because of that. Little did I know that Sensei was also actually a bullying victim back in high school because of his weird ducky face according to his friends. But thanks to an encounter with Reita-san and their passion in music, he’s now able to slap them with his worldly achievement.
“Come to my studio. I want to play you some songs,” he said after finishing the dishes.
We were sitting side by side with him holding his favourite acoustic guitar. He played one instrumental music taken from the repertoire he sent me couple of weeks ago. His leg was touching mine and the last thing I remembered I was drowning so deeply into his melodious instrumental play.
“Mizuno…” His hand reached mine. “Omae no koto ga suki da.”
He brought his face closer and his soft lips found mine which caused my mind went completely blank. It was a gentle kiss which I responded. My body was trembling slightly from his touch but it’s also filled with excitement. Sensei embraced my body tightly to stop its shiver from intensifying. My stomach fluttered from his touch. It was my very first kiss, claimed by a world rock star.
“Watashi mo Sensei ga suki desu,” I said after he pulled away.
“Then I’m glad,” he chuckles. “But let’s keep it to ourselves or else we are doomed if the whole school learn about us.”
That’s how we began our romantic relationship when all we should’ve done was merely between teacher and student. Our interaction at school didn’t change much as we must not trigger any suspicion from people. Sensei was a star teacher among female students because of his decent outer appearance. Jealousy sometimes attacked me when he was being engaged in the middle of ‘made-up’ conversation with some female classmates. Those who were sexier, whose skin was fairer, or whose makeup was far more flawless than mine. My head was clouded with nasty scene created by my own anxiety. Sensei was a rock star who taught in his alma mater, of course it’s a rare occasion for students to have such an extraordinary teacher. But he kept reassuring me that those girls wouldn’t have a chance to take over my place.
One afternoon, we were having another lesson inside his studio. He mentioned that Kai was going to visit him after that. Nacchii was again waiting for my lesson to finish in the living-room as she refused to join us because she didn’t want to be a disturbance. My mood was still being bothered with this vague jealousy upon my classmates who flirted with him without any concern. I tried suppressing this ugly feeling by keeping a normal expression but of course Sensei was able to suspect something else.
“What’s bothering your mind?” he enquired while I was packing my books.
“It’s nothing.”
“It can’t be nothing if it upsets you this much.”
I refused to look at him yet my body had been craving for his touch since we entered his studio. There was a sound of two people conversing overheard from the living-room. A male voice was giggling sweetly along with an awkward greeting from Nacchii.
“Ah, I think that’s Kai. Wait a sec.”
Before he could walk further, my hand caught his wrist.
“Eh? Mizuno, doushita no?”
“I won’t be long, I promise,” he answered.
But my stubborn hand wouldn’t let go of his hand at once. Instead, I threw myself into his body begging him to stay. I let my face buried on his chest trying to conceal this anxiety.
“Stay here. Don’t go.”
I gave him a pleading look which he returned. His hands were on my waist and then he pulled me closer. He leant closer and our lips met. My arms were circling his neck to deepen the kiss. He was grabbing my shoulder from behind and gave it a light squeeze as if he was suppressing something. We were panting and breathed heavily. Before I knew it, my fingers unbuttoned two top buttons from my school uniforms after I pulled away from his embrace.
His long fingers grabbed my wrist swiftly from going any further.
He shook his head. “I don’t want to do this when you’re still wrapped in this uniform. We could cause a big scandal and I don’t want us to jeopardise your future. You still have long way to go, Mizuno.”
My clouded mind was able to comprehend his words and I nodded.
“Sumimasen deshita.”
“We could talk about it after your graduation,” he whispered to my ear.
 End of flashback
<Author’s POV>
“Will you be able to attend the prom this Saturday?” Nacchii asked anxiously from the other line.
“I can’t I’m sorry. I want to stay here until he wakes up,” Rin answered with low voice. “If you want to come, just come. It’ll be your last night at school so please just enjoy. Send my love to our friends, okay?”
Nacchii exhaled loudly. “Wakatta. Don’t forget to have some meals, ‘kay? Sensei wouldn’t want to see you like this when he wakes up. I’ll be there tomorrow morning. Oyasumi!”
She went back to her seat beside the bed and glanced through his weak body. She wondered what dream he was having. It had been past 24 hours after surgery yet there was still no indication Uruha regained his consciousness. Rin kept praying from her heart that at least his condition would stay stable.
But then there she saw a movement from his pale fingertips. Slowly, the movement intensified. She nearly freaked out when there was slight flicker from each of his eyelids but quickly called a nurse informing about it. Half a minute later, a doctor came into the room along with two nurses.
“Could you please wait outside, Miss?” asked one of the nurses with nametag Shimura. Rin nodded exited the room.
It was the longest fifteen minutes of Rin’s life before the doctor came out displaying a relieved expression on his face. She stood up and walked to him.
“Sensei, how’s—”
“He’s fine now. But he’s still quite weak and now resting is just the best for him. You can come inside but please don’t force him to stay awake too long.”
She nodded contentedly at him and he walked back to his office. When she returned to the room, Uruha was already properly conscious while staring out the window at the city lights of Tokyo. He turned his gaze to the door when Rin was standing there nervously.
Uruha didn’t say anything. He just kept staring at the girl walking slowly to him. Perhaps his mind was still too slow to process after more than 24 hours of unconsciousness. Rin sat beside him catching an indescribable glimpse from Uruha.
“I’m not dead, am I?” he spoke with a weak voice.
Rin shook her head. “No. Why?”
He gave her a gentle smile. “Because a beautiful angel is standing right before me. I thought it’s what heaven looks like.”
All the mixed emotions she had been holding were welled up in her eyes. Her hands reached for his and gave it a light squeeze as he did the same. Uruha gave her a quizzical glance.
“Rin…you’re not hurt, are you?”
He called her with her first name for the first time. His question caused a twinge to emerge inside her chest that she began to weep in front of him. It was once again thanks to him when she could’ve been the one lying on this cold bed instead of him.
Rin shook her head vigorously. “I’m…fine, Sensei.”
Uruha sighed in complete relief. “Yokatta…”
“But I’m dead worried about you, Sensei!” she almost yelled at him. “You nearly died right there that it happened so fast and I had no idea what’s actually going on.”
The sobs were getting worse. Her face was mixed with sadness and relief. A little guilt appeared inside him yet Uruha was so glad that his beloved girl was perfectly fine. The wound still hurt, yes it did. But it couldn’t compare to the agony he would’ve got if only he had failed to protect Rin.
“Come here.” He spread his arm beckoning her to come into his embrace. Rin buried her face into his shoulder before she knew it. Her hand was clutching on his hospital gown tightly. She let out all the despair erupting inside her for the last two days. Uruha caressed her long black hair gently and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m sorry for making you worried. Everything is fine. The worst part is over now,” he whispered softly.
“How could you do that? How could you endanger your own self to protect this stupid girl?” She was sobbing like a child drenching his aquamarine shirt.
Uruha took a deep breath. A large lump filled his throat. “Because I’d rather die than seeing you hurt.”
“But I did hurt, Sensei!” she pulled away from his embrace. “The last two days were the worst in my life. You don’t understand how it felt when I saw you dying right in front of my eyes with blood flooding out from your back. I was overcome with guilt and badly terrified that I was actually the cause the guitarist of GazettE nearly lost his life! I kept refusing any requests to do interview regarding this case because I don’t want to leave your side. I don’t even care how’s the case going at school. All I care about is you and you alone.” She cried.
Uruha gazed deeply at her. A tear trickled down his temple. The love of his life, his brilliant student, the young lady who had stolen his ‘emotionally unavailable’ heart. He couldn’t detect any regrets inside him for having protected her because his only heart yearned deeply for her.
“Rin, listen.” He took her hand. “You’re my better half. You’re everything that I’m not. I’m not whole without you. Before I met you, I’d be walking through life thinking I was happy…that I was complete. But now I can’t be back to just being me because now I know what it’s like to be whole.”
Rin nodded while tightening her grip on his even though she couldn’t stop the tears from keeping falling. He’s fine, everything’s fine. Her dream, his promise was returning its light after the glint was hardly visible prior to his awakening.
“I had a beautiful dream,” he said.
“I was dreaming…we readied ourselves before wedding ceremony. I wore this black kimono and you were dressed beautifully in a pure white gown and veil holding a bouquet of white roses. We were about to made a marriage pledge but then I was awakened by your warmth.”
Rin smiled sadly at him. “Now that you’ve woken up, we should be able to make it come true.”
“Sou da ne.”
She leant forward and caressed his pale face. She gave him a warm kiss on his cheek and buried her head on his chest. “Don’t even try leaving me again.”
He closed his eyes and smiled.
“Aishiteru yo.”
to be continued.
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taeguboi · 6 years
Headcanon request: from friends to lovers. Thank you 😊
Here goes! Very late! As per usual! But they’re longer HCs this time!
BTS HCs: Friends to Lovers
Headcanons Masterlist HERE
It takes forever for either of you to realise it.
He’s that guy best friend who always makes you laugh
always there to pick up the pieces
but it takes a lifetime to realise it all
to realise that actually, you can’t live without him
but first, as friends, he:
helps you on your quest for a true love
even though he low key knows that it could be him all along
but he’ll wait
takes you on mates dates at least fortnightly
friend’s discounts at the shop he works at
and he doesn’t do that for anyone else
but he doesn’t realise fully either
not yet
he becomes more and more generous to you
and he still doesn’t really think twice about it
and whilst you’re grateful for the things your friend does for you
nor do you think twice about it
until one day
you’re about to meet up at the park
you know, normal sunny Saturday afternoon
and on your journey there, you just stop
right in the middle of the street
“I can’t wait to meet Namjoon today…”
“Like, I REALLY can’t wait…”
“My God, could I be…”
and you get there and he’s laid out this picnic
which ordinarily wouldn’t be unusual
but then you see these rose petals
and champagne
it’s dead cheesy
but it’s like he’s so in tune with you
you just run up to him sat on the blanket waiting
“Oh my goodness, Namjoon!”
and something overcomes you
you give him an appreciative kiss
“What’s happening right now?” you ask, parting from the kiss
which he has most definitely returned
*he pops open the champagne*
“…is what’s happening”
and there’s not formal asking out 
or even any official labels to start with
you just spend the rest of that day together
“We should so something like this again sometime”
“Like… a date?”
“Maybe” he grins.
You don’t do anniversaries or milestones in the future
because no one payed attention to the time or the date
it didn’t matter
that doesn’t matter
What matters is that the two of you found happiness
congrats guys
everyone was secretly rooting for you all along
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so many new gifs for me to use! it’s like my favourite way of rounding of a post ngl. wheeeeeeeeee
It was love at first sight… but then it wasn’t… but then it was again, huh.
you meet Jin and are entranced by him
but you have no chance, you figure
after on his first day of work at your place
you’re showing him the ropes
“yeah so here’s where the…”
*crash! bang! wallop!*
next thing you know
you’re on the ground 
“Yep I’m a dork.”
“I’m a klutz.”
“This girl right here? No chance”
That’s all what you’re telling yourself, that is
so then you avoid him 
and he clocks on to that
“oh that’s a shame”
“she seemed really nice”
and this goes on for a bit
but then you eventually get comfortable around him
and suddenly out of nowhere
he asks you on a date
and you say yes of course
but you’re certain it’s a dare from the co-workers
for whatever reason
so when Jin asks if you’d like to do it again
you humm with uncertainty
“Wow, you really don’t like me, do you?”
“What, no?”
“Why are you so indifferent around me? Something I did? Said?”
“It’s not that.. it’s… this is a dare, isn’t it?”
“The guys at work. They put you up to this didn’t they?”
“Are you for real?”
“Are you?”
“Yes! Y/n, I like you!”
“How do I know this isn’t part of the act?”
and he’s so fucken bold
he pulls you in by the waist
and plants a big one on you
right on the lips
he’s so dreamy
you have to go back in for another
this is great
really great
you go back to his
and it’s innocent, you know
you’re kissing on the couch 
all night
into daylight
just kissing and talking
“Okay, maybe I believe you now”
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Jin is the bias wrecker once again guys. Confession made.
It’s one of the hardest experiences he’s ever had to live… but it’s worth it.
Yoongi is the most quietest person around girls
especially if he likes you
but you were never told this 
you meet a friend of his 
and she one day introduces you
cool, cool, ‘hello’
that’s your side of it anyway
“Very pretty. and charming”
his side ^
but doesn’t speak up
for years
he just so happens to be fortunate enough
that you and this mutual friend get closer
and that a group of friends forms from that
he treasures those meet ups you all have
he loves the way you laugh
the light in your eyes when you tell a story
your dress sense
your tastes in music
your everything
Music. That’s it.
so one day he muster the courage
to engage with you in a more in depth conversation
“What’s new with you, Yoongs?”
nice, a nickname
he blushes
“Not much really… apart from this maybe”
and he passes you a headphone
and the music that’s playing is cool
“I just got into them, think they’re my newest obsession…”
“This is cool stuff man”
‘man’ is a little heartbreaking but
she likes it
she might even think I’m cool
and you do
and you two start to bond over music more and more
“Aw Yoongs, check this out! It’s like what you showed me last week!”
“Nice! You know if you like this stuff then I can recommend more…”
“Yeah, I can send you some links, or…”
or…..? YOONGS?
“…or you could come to mine sometime and go through my CD collection”
and even he’s shocked at this bold request
but you say yes immediately
so what was he going to worry about anyway?
so yeah, his place
music music music
he is so cool
the stuff he owns
the stuff he likes
it’s almost like
he’s you as a guy
and it’s almost like
you’ve connected on a completely different level
then you find yourself thinking about him a lot
A  L O T
you want to text him every day
you want to bump into him wherever you go
or invite him out just because
right, this has to stop
you have to know
“What would you say if…”
“It’s silly, nah”
“Well… do you think we’ve been hanging out too much lately”
“Not at all”
“No, I mean like TOO much… too much for people who are ‘just friends’?”
literally though
you’ve spent every day of this past fortnight in each other’s company now
“Maybe, but… well, how do you feel about that y/n?”
“I… I’ve enjoyed it” you smile
“Me too” he grins.
and it’s a big grin
it makes you warm
make you want to…
“Stop me if I’m reading this wrong”
you go for it
you kiss him
and he’s kissing you back
“Oh my god guys, FINALLY!” 
your friends chorus in one go
Yes, finally.
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He was a skater boy, she said… ‘YES!’
lol sue me kill me idc
your mates like the park
his mates like the park
it’s really the only place in your area 
to go to every weekend
you mingle a little gradually
you guess they’re cool
it’s nice to be welcomed up there
“you girls like skating?”
“suppose we can try”
some of you pick it up like that
some of you don’t
you choose which one you are
and you all grow up together essentially
you all get older then
less people are coming out so often
you and Hoseok find it’s just the two of you
this happens occasionally
neither of you think anything of it
but you have a laugh
you have fun
practically best friends
without saying that you’re best friends
you grow up some more
and the park at weekends is no longer a thing
you get jobs
you get further education
you think to yourself, in your 20s
“you know what I haven’t done in a while?”
and just like that, you grab your board
or not if you’re the type who didn’t pick it up
maybe you have a bike instead idk
so you go back there for the nostalgia you guess
and it’s eerie
because you hear your name
and the voice is familiar
you must be going nuts
but then you source the location of the sound
you completely forgot his house backs onto this place
at the top of his voice until you notice
you wave
aw isn’t that lovely
you make your way home
“Woah! Wtf?” 
Hoseok’s just stopped you in your tracks on the main street
and you just catch up
and it somehow leads to meeting for coffee the next week
you guess it’s harder to keep friends at this age already
so why not
one coffee date
turns into 5
into 18
into 578659
you get it
something is happening here
you… think?
then you get this invite
he asks you to be his plus 1 at a wedding
this… isn’t just what mates do, right?
or is it?
best not over think it
just make yourself look presentable
well at least look nice
or really nice
like really good
…you make yourself look like the bomb
let’s see if he pays attention now
he’s stunned
but so are you 
he had the same idea you bet
he offers you his arm to link onto
you get drunk at the wedding
and you just talk about the idea
what if you’d have got together as teens?
it’s so random
but then he tells you 
any guy would be lucky to have you
it’s cliche af
*you’re just staring into thin air now*
“Y/n-would-you-like-to-go-on-a-date-with-me?” he blurts out
it’s real nervous and fast
but kinda cute
and you butt in just as fast
do either of your remember in the morning?
damn right, you do?
“So what now?”
“You looked so fine in that dress y/n… you really captured me. Let’s do it.”
and it’s onwards and upwards from there.
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“I secretly love my best friend and I get jealous when she’s with someone else”
you’re the duo that people begin to get convinced would never get together
like not even a hook up
people used to tease like
“why don’t you just fuck already?”
“you know who would be good for you?”
but they stopped
they saw how much it annoyed the two of you
and actually
maybe they should grow up
and realize
friendships of opposite genders do happen
so you get on with the whole best friends thing
and this is normal to you
well it’s not unusual, having said that
maybe I should say, it’s not unbearable for you
Jimin, on the other hand
he fucking adores you
he might even say he loves you
if he could admit it
he can’t even tell himself that though
not yet
he secretly can’t stand it when
you go on dates
you tell him all about it
you ask him what dress to wear to go out in
that stuff
so you know they say
“a drunk mind speaks a sober mind”?
he’s on a lads night out
and they’re talking about you
how cool you are
how pretty you are
how fit you are
and that last one gets to him
he pins a close friend of his up to the wall
“dude wtf”
wtf indeed Jimin
“oh shit, I love her”
“gaaaay!” his mates holler
“shut up! I have to go do something”
so he calls you
“can I come over”
“uh, sure?” a confused tired y/n answers
he gets to yours and you see why the weird time of night
“have you been drinking?”
“I was, but… I feel very much sober now”
“Everything okay Jimin?
“I… I… I just pinned Tae up against the wall”
“He said something about you”
“Tae said something about me? I hope nothing bad…”
“No y/n, nothing like that, oddly enough.. he said…
… he complimented you and it just…
… y/n I can’t pretend anymore…
… I am a jealous person when it comes to you.”
“You’re… jealous? Of what?”
“People who get to be close to you”
“But we’re close, Chim”
he can’t stop talking thought
“… people who get to take you out -
- people who get to hold you close - 
- people who…”
“Jimin, what are you trying to say?”
“If you never wanna talk again, I’ll understand”
“Jimin, what is it?”
“Can I ask a question?”
that’ll be easier for him, you see
“Would you kiss me… ever?”
“I’ve… never really thought about it…”
“Would you try?”
it’s a bit desperate ^ 
but he’s asked it now
you have to think about it though
you really never thought about it
“I need some time”
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t apologise Chim… take me out.”
“Take me out. This time next week.”
so you can think about it
and you do
and it’s still pretty uncertain for the first few days
until you can’t stop thinking about it
what that kiss would have been like
you have nothing to lose, surely?
and then a week has passed
you get to kiss him
“I think we could do this more often” you smile
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You fall in love with a kitty and he falls in love with you
your friendship derives fro a mutual love of something
well actually, it’s all animals
but you decided your home needed a cat
and he works at the adoption charity
“I’m quite fond of this one” he smiles
he’s just picked up the one you pointed out
usually the adoption procedure is short and sweet
pick a cat, take them home
but Taehyung lets you stroke the cat
for hours
as the two of you are lost in conversation
you don’t even stop to wonder if he’s slacking off the job
this is too nice
“You know, I wouldn’t say no to letting you visit him every now and then” you offer, blushing of course
he’s so cute…
the kitty isn’t bad either
shoot me again i know
phone numbers exchanged
nerves hit you as you expect his first visit
are you letting in a secret madman?
who knows?
you find out he is mad
but not in a psychologically deranged way
he’s nuts
he’s funny
he’s caring
he’s… a good friend now
but it doesn’t end there
he’s charming
he’s thoughtful
he’s… amazing
and time to feel pathetic every time he visits the kitty
like a middle aged woman watching a fit young builder work on her house
but it stops feeling like that when
you notice he glances at you 
he sometimes just watches you talk
he’s interested
whether that’s an interest in what you’re saying 
or and interest in you 
or both, you can’t figure
then one day he suddenly makes this confession
kind of
“you know we’re taught not to get attached to the little fellows we take in…”
“and yet here you are…”
he looks awkwardly at the floor
“Were you… going to say something else?”
“No! – uh, maybe…”
you wait for him to spit it out
“I did get attached to [name of pet] but… I might have played on that…”
“Play on it how?”
you’re not sure if you should worry
“It’s just when I saw you come in for the first time and you look so cute and kind and…. ah I’m making a right balls up of this…”
“and what, Taehyung?”
“I just wanted to get to know you better!”
“I literally just listed some of the reasons why!”
“but… nevermind that… can we still be friends?”
this is insane
why would he think you’d want to be his friend
after this
absolutely insane
to think
that you could continue being
just friends only
“So… you liked me back?”
“Oh my god how long have we trailed this out unnecessarily?”
“oops” you confidently smirk
oh and you’re face to face with him now
and then
the kiss
but what’s that smell??
“I still need to get [pet’s name] toilet trained!”
all’s well that ends well
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From lovers to friends to lovers again… pfft, teens
high school sweethearts
everyone thinks you’ll be together forever
but then it ends in like your last school year
over numerous misunderstandings
you know how it can be
the amount of jealous people
who then make rumours
which can feel very believable
it’s a few years until you even meet or talk again
of course in your youth, weekends are for partying
and you make friends from friends
and more friends from those friends
and then different people mingle
and a friend of a friend of a friend become besties somehow
all that jazz
so your group and his group somehow collab
it’s weird at first 
but you’re young adult
you can be civil, right?
you might think I’m about to say ‘wrong’
but I’m not
because y/n and Jungkook were always ahead of the maturity game anyways
and now you’re in a more sensible environment 
which sounds weird as you’re in a club full of horny strangers
but there’s a more positive type of people
because no one involves themselves with the negative people from school anymore
so you can talk properly
and you look back with nostalgia
and you evaluate with more open and educated minds
you catch up
and with each drink comes more honesty
yes, you actually get drunk together
that is a possible thing
no one takes advantage though
you agree to meet up to go clubbing more often
and you bond once again over your love for fun
and since it doesn’t happen that often
it’s more fortnightly than every possible day
you can always find something to talk about
because there’s always something to catch up on
but then one night you’re broke
you just don’t admit it to anyone
surely it can still be fun with friends alone, right?
it is still fun
isn’t this whole seeing your ex thing a bit weird?
the conversations on this night are less natural
he doesn’t spot it
and you all depart without fuss
you think about it the next morning again
is this weird?
can this friendship thing really work out?
and you decide
no, it can’t
because you still fucking love every little thing he does don’t you?
and he’s matured extremely well
he is like DAMN
but you try to numb it out
accepting that round 2 could never happen
he invites you out
“just us and a few friends” he says
but there’s no friends there
they all bailed
not a trick, just real coincedence
and yeah, you talk some more
and more
and more
and more
until it hurts
you’re tearing up
he’s tearing up
you’ve missed each other so much
you passionately kiss
still low key crying
full of emotion
wishing neither of you had ever let some petty high school kids affect your lives in this way
it’s kind of almost tragic
but you’re here now
you’ve missed his kisses
he’s missed your touch
but neither of you miss those fucking shit staring kids
the rumours ruined you back then
but they only made you stronger now
you and Jungkook
back together
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A lot of that was probably lame but I hope at least one person can enjoy this [not including myself hahahah]
Headcanons Masterlist HERE
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ohstardust · 7 years
I Wanna Lean on Your Shoulder
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REQUEST: from julias-trojan
Hello, I really love your work! I wanted to request a fic where the reader is a background actress in Dunkirk and she meets & becomes friends with Jack. It's obvious that she has feelings for him but she doesn't think that he'd ever like her back- until one day they get caught in the rain and she's a huge hopeless romantic so she blurts out something like "I'd love to be kissed in the rain" without even thinking and then he suddenly kisses her :') SORRY IF THIS IS TOO LONG IM GONNA SHUT UP NOW A/N: I fell so in love with this prompt and wrote nearly 1500 words of PURE FLUFF! Seriously, this will ROT. YOUR. TEETH. Title: Waiting Game by Banks My Jack playlist can be found on Spotify (this is what I listen to when I write about him and songs that are featured in fics about him) (x)
It had been simultaneously the longest, yet quickest, month on the set of Dunkirk for Y/N and she was absolutely not ready to say goodbye to everyone she had befriended, especially knowing that their journey with the film was still continuing past her departure. She was so incredibly grateful, and oh so proud of herself, for the role. No matter how minor it was. In that short space of time she had become such good friends with, not only a lot of the background cast, but also the main cast, which excited her more than she cared to admit. One in particular had caught her eye from day one, and she definitely was not about to admit that anytime soon. Especially not to those pesky gossiping boys.
Jack Lowden had the ability to turn her into a fumbling and blushing fool with just one smile, but also managed to pull out a flirtatious and cheeky side of her that she seldom showed. Simply put, she was a bit of a general mess around him and, unbeknownst to her, the lads had caught it early on and saw the change in their friend as she started to become more attracted to the Scottish man. Maybe it was her scarlet flushes when she was around him, maybe it was how much she teased him back when he did it to her, perhaps it was the way she spoke about him when he wasn’t around, or maybe it was the way her whole demeanour changed as soon as she saw him. Either way, they’d noticed but kept quiet to both Jack and Y/N, not wanting to meddle or cause any complications in their already interesting relationship. Her last day on set was celebrated, during the evening, with the lads – Jack, Tom, Aneurin, Barry, Fionn & Harry – as well as a few of the minor cast that she has worked more closely with. She was so thrilled that they all wanted to spend that last day with her, still in awe that she’d made such good friends. As the night drew to a close, everyone content with a few drinks, good food and wonderful company, they bid her farewell with cuddles, kisses, good luck and a promise of keep in touch, something that she absolutely intended to stick to. After all, they shared this journey with each other and that would always bind them all together. Just as she was saying goodbye to the last person leaving, Jack appeared behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them for reassurance, “C’mon princess, lemme walk you back.” She shivered as they stepped out into the cool evening air, the temperature evidently dropped whilst they were inside the restaurant, “Take this, can’t have you catching your death out here,” he placed his jacket over her shoulders which she kindly accepted and slipped her arms through the sleeves that were miles too long for her small frame. “Thanks J, such a gent as always,” she grinned up at him. As soon as he returned the expression, she suddenly felt like her stomach was rearranging, it was churning and tickling and she felt dread but also happiness, the most odd mixture of feelings overtaking her body. How was she going to go each day without seeing him now? Y/N had always been the most ridiculous and hopeless romantic, in love with the idea of being in love and clichés and she didn’t care one bit. Until suddenly she did and she felt like she was suffocating under the weight of her feelings. “Set’s gonna be so weird without you, won’t be the same.” She averted her gaze to the floor as they walked, her hair fell over her face and she bit her lip, partly due to nerves and partly to stop her from crying on the spot. “You won’t even notice I’m gone, you’ll be fine.” She let out a weak laugh and the brightest smile she could muster just in case he could see even part of her face, trying to make it clear that she wasn’t bothered by it, although of course she was. She was an actress after all. ‘Don’t say that, you’re the glue, the one that keeps us lads in check, who’s gonna look after us now?” His voice sounded weaker than she’d heard before, so in tune with his actions and tone of voice and everything that she didn’t realise she’d picked up on over the past 4 weeks. She looped her arm through his and softly sighed, “I’m only on the other end of a phone if you really need me. But you’re all big boys, you can handle yourselves.” Jack brought his free arm across his chest and squeezed her hand that was looped around him, “I‘ll just miss you, that’s all.” Not even a moment later a few rain drops had started to fall and it felt like the biggest metaphor for her life and she wanted to burst into tears because this was seriously unfunny. “Bloody rain.” Within thirty seconds the heavens had opened and the rain was pouring and pouring, heavily bouncing on the floor and the sound almost deafening. Suddenly they both began to laugh, there was no use trying to seek shelter, they were already soaked through. “I’ll miss you too, y’know? All of you, so much. You better all keep in touch, you can’t leave me sad and lonely for the rest of my life, okay?” Jack snickered at her teasing tone and released her arm, taking her hand in his by their sides. She couldn’t even think about that gesture without feeling giddy. “We can’t have that, I‘ll ring you everyday if I have to.” “Deal.” She smiled and lightly rested her head against his shoulder as they continued to walk, only five or so minutes away from where she was staying. “That’s something else I’ve never done,” she mumbled quietly. “What haven’t you done?” Y/N looked to Jack a little awkwardly, not expecting to be heard but letting the words fall out of her without another thought. Her head shook, “nothing, it’s silly.” “Tell me, I’m curious.” “I have this mental list where I note down silly clichés that I’ve yet to experience. It’s so lame, I know, but I’m such a girl about some things,” she looked so bashful and Jack had never been so endeared by anyone before, “I’ve never kissed anyone in the rain, and it’s probably so impractical and nowhere near as romantic as films make it look, but it’s just a thing-” Before she could even finish the sentence, Jack had pulled himself away from her and stepped in front of her, in her direct personal space, and kissed away the rest of her rambling. He gently cradled the back of her head, pressing her closer to him as he held her in place, his lips firmly against hers. Her eyes slipped shut and she tried to focus on him, and only him, the way he kissed, the way he felt against her and the way he was making her feel. She didn’t want to think about how crazy this was or how he was probably being a good friend and ticking this off her list. She just wanted to think about how this was actually happening, and that he initiated it, sober. A few moments later he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers, the most handsome smile pulling at his mouth as he fixed his gaze onto hers, “Did that satisfy that particular cliche experience?” “I might need a repeat, just so I know what I’m comparing it to,” her voice came out particularly breathy and she felt like she was having an out of body experience. “That can be arranged,” he pulled her into a more bruising kiss this time, more sure of himself and that what he was doing was okay and acceptable and wanted. “There’s a lot more on that list, y’know, just if you’re interested.” “We’ve got plenty of time to complete that list, together,” Y/N’s breath hitched and she had the biggest look of relief and adoration on her face, completely matching his, “maybe somewhere drier though, and let’s sleep first because I’m shattered and really fancy a cuddle.” He had the cheekiest grin on his face as he said that, and she was pretty sure that she was about to tick off something else from her list that she didn’t even know she wanted. Fall in love with your best friend.
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
Story Time || Ross MacDonald Oneshot
Word Count: 2,010 Summary: Upon bringing your young son to the bookstore with you, you hear a man’s voice that catches the attention of you both. Author’s Note: Major thanks to @u2bibliophile for the lovely idea <3 It was so cute and fun to write. Also the book Ross reads in this is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I’ve linked the music version I document in the story. Highly recommend listening to it when the time comes! Be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to read my other work here! Enjoy!
“Mommy, I want this book!”
You had heard it all day. Your little one’s voice, still high and childlike, yet as annoying as a little boy’s voice ever could be. He wasn’t usually a bad kid - no, usually Carter maintained the same calm demeanor that had drawn you to his father. That is, before he abandoned you during your pregnancy for someone who was very much not pregnant and less of a burden. You would never let Carter get that way. Though, you supposed in moments like this where he didn’t listen to you and kept whining, he was that way to some extent. It made you despise it more.
“Carter, sweetie, we can’t get that book. Mommy has to go get a book for her work. We don’t have the money.”
“But mom!”
“Not today,” you sighed, shaking your head. As much as it hurt to tell him no, you had to. You really did not have the money, and the book he had his eyes on contained actual toys attached to it in a big set. You were sure it would be expensive, however much it was. You simply couldn’t afford it, not when your own book would be its own fortune. Taking Carter’s hand, you brought him back towards the more education-based books. They were far less interesting to the little blonde boy. No four year old could find interest in thick, pictureless books. He didn’t see any pretty colors or cool figures. It might as well have been pure nothingness in front of him. He grumbled and acted sluggish as you brought him to your specific section. A loud sigh voiced his displeasure. You gave him a sympathetic smile as you pulled one of the books off the shelf.
“I know buddy, it’s boring. I’m almost done, and then we can go home and play. Alright?”
He hardly looked satisfied. But, it was enough to make him quiet, and that was good enough for you. You started filing through the books, until finally after about ten minutes of looking, you got what you needed. Picking Carter up off the ground where he had decided to sit and pout, you began making your way through the store. Though you were a bit wary to move past where Carter had seen the book set he wanted, he kept his calm. You chalked it up to him wanted to go home, which frankly you could not blame him for. The quieter he was, the faster you could get him home. But then, just as you were about to make your way to the checkout counter, music started to play. Acoustic guitar music that caught your little boy’s attention in mere seconds. Grinning from ear to ear, he pulled at your shirt and pointed over to its source, which of course just had to be the section with his toy book.
“Mommy, I wanna’ hear the music!”
“Carter, I don’t know if we-”
You sighed. You had been a pretty mean mom to him, dragging him around and refusing to buy anything for his time and patience. This was the least thing you could do. Besides, it was free to listen to music. If it got Carter excited, who were you to stop him? Taking his hand, you gave in and walked him over. He giggled and thanked you as profusely as any excited four year old could. As you made your way over, the sound of a really deep voice filled the air. A few other voices giggled around him, and when you got close enough, you noticed that these voices belonged to three handsome men, friends of the one responsible for the acoustic sounds. A small crowd of kids were surrounding them, eagerly watching the four as their parents waited off to the side. Whoever these men were, they seemed important. You were pretty fond of the one with the guitar, yourself. He laughed and then scratched at his beard.
“I was only joking that I’d give everyone a concert, but now that I’ve got a crowd, I suppose I might as well perform something for them anyway.”
“You better,” the guy with curly black hair laughed, gazing out at the kids, “the little ones look ready to hear some music.”
“Alright then,” he spoke, smiling their way, “do any of you kids have a song you want me to sing?”
The taller of the three standing giggled, saying “Old MacDonald should do the trick” to the visible chagrin of the bearded boy. The other two joined in on the giggles, along with some parents. Apparently, these boys definitely were famous. And jokesters, apparently.
All eyes fell on your boy, Carter, standing right in front of you with a little blush but excitement evident in his face. You blushed as the bearded guy first looked to you before gazing Carter’s way. Giving him a soft smile, he gestured for him to speak.
“Can you sing the song from the book my mommy usually sings to me?”
The man grinned even brighter. “Of course! What book does she sing to you?”
“Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.”
A few kids giggled at the choice, but the man held his smile. He fiddled a bit with his guitar and then began strumming it to the all too familiar tune. He threw Carter a wink.
“Of course, buddy. That’s a throwback to my childhood! We’re all about as old as it is, anyway. I know it by heart because of that, if I’m being honest. I’d love to sing it for you.”
Clearing his throat, he began to strum louder, growing rather animated facially.
“A told B, and B told C, "I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree." "Wheee!" said D to E F G, "I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree." Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room? Here comes H up the coconut tree, and I and J and tag-along K, all on their way up the coconut tree. Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room? Look who's coming! L M N O P! And Q R S! And T U V! Still more - W! And X Y Z! The whole alphabet up the - Oh, no!”
The other boys all laughed as he pretended to fall off of his seat, flailing about. The kids also got a kick out of it, including your little Carter, who had been trying his best to mouth along to the song as he danced to it. You smiled and ruffled up his hair, which got a smile from both Carter and the man up front. He continued.
”Chicka chicka... BOOM! BOOM! Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee. Everybody running to the coconut tree. Mamas and papas and uncles and aunts hug their little dears, then dust their pants. "Help us up," cried A B C. Next from the pileup skinned-knee D, and stubbed-toe E and patched-up F. Then comes G all out of breath. H is tangled up with I. J and K are about to cry. L is knotted like a tie. M is looped. N is stopped. O is twisted alley-oop. Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee. Look who's coming! It's black-eyed P, Q R S, and loose-tooth T. Then U V W wiggle-jiggle free. Last to come X Y Z. And the sun goes down on the coconut tree... But - chicka chicka boom boom! Look, there's a full moon. A is out of bed, and this is what he said, "Dare double dare, you can't catch me. I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree." Chicka chicka BOOM! BOOM! Chicka chicka BOOM! BOOM!”
And with that, the song was done. Everyone clapped and cheered, the man bowing for the kids and getting patted on the back by his friends. You clapped as well, smiling at him and the way your little boy clapped and cheered as loud as he normally did for his favorite TV shows, or any superhero movie you let him watch. His little blonde mop ran up to the man and hugged him tight. You blushed, only able to watch the adorable sight through your fingers. The man waved and beckoned you to come over, the curly haired boy telling everyone thank you for coming and something about the year ‘1975’. Moving forward, you came and picked Carter up, the little boy still all smiles at the man. You held out your hand.
“{Y/N},” you told him kindly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” he replied, grinning back at Carter, “I’m Ross. Who’s this little guy?”
“Nice to meet you, Carter,” he spoke in the most sweet voice you had ever heard a man use. “You’re quite a handsome lad.”
“What do you say, love?”
“Thank you Mr. Ross,” he replied, polite just like you raised him. Ross reached and messed with his hair, causing him to giggle. “I really like how each letter had..had a different voice!”
Ross smiled. “Thank you! My family always did that for me when I was your age,” he added, poking at Carter’s chest. Carter giggled and squirmed in your arms, making you laugh and have to set him down. Once his feet touched the floor, he was off playing with the other kids sticking around in the area. You shook your head.
“He seems like a firecracker, that one.”
“You have no idea.”
“I’m assuming he has his father’s hair?”
You bit your lip. His father. “Yeah, he does. Thankfully, he doesn’t have much more of the guy.”
“Bad father?”
“You have no idea. He’s out of Carter’s life probably for the best.”
Ross’ expression softened. “I’m sorry. Genuinely. He deserves a good dad. But, from how polite and sweet he is, I see he has a good mother to back him up.”
Blushing, you felt like a silly schoolgirl around her crush. Apparently his voice wasn’t the only thing that was smooth. “Thank you. I’m sure I’ll find someone good for him sooner or later. I try my best to keep him happy in the meantime.”
“You’re doing a wonderful job.”
“Thank you.”
“Look...I hate being so blunt but...you’re a beautiful woman,” Ross rambled nervously, “ and I adore your child. I would really like to get to know you and, if I could be so lucky, him, better. Would you want to go get dinner sometime? My treat?”
You smiled and reached to rub his arm, getting him to look at you. The smile he gave back to you when meeting your eyes lit up your world. “I would love to. And, eventually, we would love to as well. Do you want to exchange numbers?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
You quickly did. Upon receiving your phone back, you found out that his last name was MacDonald, hence the taller man’s joke about ‘Old MacDonald’. You smiled at it before pocketing your phone and calling Carter back over. He jogged over and then held his hands up, allowing you to pick him up and hold him at your side.
“Say goodbye to Mr. Ross, Carter.”
“Bye-bye,” he said sweetly, waving to Ross. Ross waved back, throwing a grin back to his friends who were watching quietly a bit away.
“Bye, little guy.”
“See you later Ross,” you said to him, smiling behind your blush. “I’ll text you when I’m free for dinner, yeah?”
Ross nodded. “Yeah, that sounds wonderful. You two get home safely.”
“Same to you.”
With one final wave, you turned and went back over to the checkout counter. After quickly buying your book, you headed out with Carter to your car. As you went to buckle him into his booster seat, Carter tapped you on the arm.
Pulling back to look at him, you cocked your head to the side. “What, love?”
“I really like Mr. Ross.”
You smiled. “You know what? I do too, buddy.”
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