#he's literally the best version of baxter stockman
Damn no one's a fan of IDW.
Might as well unfollow now cus I'm gonna do nothing but post him
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daboyau · 2 months
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
18.) Who is your favorite villain?
19.) Who is your favorite ally?
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
Sorry there's a lot 😅 You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to.
I hope you have a great rest of your day/night :]
I once more take forever to answer asks. Thank you for your patience. O7
i do genuinely love answering these, so no apologies for asking a lot allowed! (I am gently whapping you with a rolled up newspaper)
4. I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember! I’ve been watching them for my entire life, and my mom likes to tease me about the fact that if I ever disappeared when I was a toddler she’d inevitably find me planted in front of the tv, watching reruns of the 80’s series.
18. So I love Baron Draxum, but he becomes less of a villain later, so I’m going to say…2012 Baxter Stockman. I think he’s so silly but also he can be genuinely menacing at times, because he genuinely wants to hurt the turtle boys so it is a really interesting and unsettling contrast/dynamic. He’s actively plotting the murder of foes and allies alike, yet nobody can ever get his name right. I love it.
19. APRIL O’NEIL!!!! Every version of her. I love them all. April is universally the first human to throw herself wholeheartedly into their lives, no matter if she plays the role of sister figure, best friend, love interest, etc. It’s fun and sweet and I am a SUCKER for found family.
27. I love everything all the time. Next question. Serious answer though, I think a trope I really enjoy in fic/art/etc is when the boys get to go a little bit feral. Every iteration is so sweet and goofy no matter how serious their series gets, so when that gets turned on its head and the characters get to go buckwild it is soooo cool. ESPECIALLY when they still get to keep their silly traits threaded through the story. Another thing I adore is when they bicker like actual siblings.
28. Splinter gave four siblings who are close in age literal weapons. No way they never had murder games and knife chases when someone got too mouthy. Ngl I think it would be fun to see something about that. On a more general note, I want to see more about April and her thoughts on her place in the world.
33. Oh…. This is hard…. My kneejerk answer was Eat the Dark, because it’s the first fic I ever wrote for Rise and people were so nice when leaving comments on it that it made me want to post more of the things I wrote. But… i think I’m going to go with the Rise Hunger Games au, because that’s the thing that connected me with so many new friends. 💚💚💚
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vaudeville-moggie · 3 months
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. (For the tmnt ask thing)
16.) Rise version of Casey, and her son are the coolest I think but I love them all they're my babies... The one from the 90s films is the hottest tho WHO SAID THAT
17.) I love 1987 shredder he's so sillies dad of two <3
18.) my favourite villain... Hmmmm 2003 had some really well-written villains I think? Baxter Stockman is one of my favs all-round maybe because he's abused a lot and he isn't really able to dig himself out of that... He gets really fucked up in 2003 but he kind of has a redemption in the future? Unfortunately 2003 didn't really explore that and I think it was more put in for laughs...
19.) my fav ally is probably Casey Jones or timothy (not including April because she's more like a main character, idk) or!! Carter, who appears in 1987 and then never again. I miss him 🥺
20.) theme song... I love them all... Rise's is objectionably the best but damn 2003 had some damn good bangers. I could listen to "back to the sewer" on repeat forever.
21.) favourite story arc? Like... Idk, one that appears a lot is the farmhouse arc (or country arc or rural arc whatever) that first appeared in the 90s movie (although it was probably in the comic first) and Leo or Raph is injured, and one sits by the other while they heal... It's a very soft moment for the brothers because they're usually fighting... If Rise gets renewed I'd love to see this arc again.
22.) I wasnt really a pizza eater before TMNT, it's not a big thing in Australia compared to NYC. I LOVE margherita!! Basil and tomato and boom, ya got yourself a pizza. I'll eat any pizza except any pizza with that horrid ham. Or anchovies. (Who does, wtf)
23.) fav TMNT fic dude idk I should read more... Uh tangledinink's teenage mutant what now?
Lots of TMNT fic recs on my side blog pinned post :3
27.) something I love to see in TMNT art/fics? Tails!! Hehe they deserve tails :3 also any references to sci-fi because that's very TMNT coded, it has a long history of star trek references
28.) what is one thing I'd like to see explored more in art/fics? uhmmm idk 🧍‍♂️as long as people are having fun idc... Maybe villain redemption? Like they did that in rise with draxum canonly so...
29.) what is one headcanon that I have? Uhmmm trans Leo I mean, always... Always.
30.) idk of any common headcanons that I reject... Every headcanon I've seen I've gone like, yeah, I can see that. Might not fully incorporate it into my headcanons but I've never blocked a headcanon or cringed at anything...
31.) one piece of TMNT canon that I dislike/ignore? Say it with me folks: Donnie's crush on April
32.) uhmm idk lol I think I got into it with rise so my first thing would be the thing I just redrew here the original being here
33.) my favourite thing I've made??? idk. I really like the pokemon au I haven't posted about at all and this!!:
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only piece of my art on mah wall
34.) what character do i draw/write most often? it might... be mikey? idk... i think I draw them all evenly but i'd predict if you went through an actually counted out of the things I've posted, it would maybe be mikey.
35.) which character relationships are my fav to write/draw? idk I really like how mikey interracts with his brothers and sister(s) which is something I've found I enjoy playing with in my magic au... but I'm literally always drawing rise leo and yuichi usagi together in my tmnt sketchbook so
36.) which character I have the hardest time writing/drawing? Rise Raph for BOTH... sigh, I think I'm definitely better at drawing him than I was, but I've got a lot of practise to do. and in terms of writing, hes a very multi-faceted character and while he's the big brother and he has to responsible, he's also a kid and he can be silly and fun too...
37.) I write/draw multiple iterations of tmnt, but so far I've kind of only posted rise and 2012 drawings so...?
38.) Do you generally stick close to canon, or diverge from it?
my first instinct when writing fics is to make it canon-compliant... but I've made Aus too, so, both?
39.) Do you have any TMNT OCs?
ya, Jim (general tmnt sona or oc, and was my fursona for a bit) and this bat yokai oc I've only drawn like once, her name was ghost I think. I've also made an Usagi character for magic au 2012 leo... spoilers teehee
40.) Do you give the turtles tails? YES OFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless I forget teehee
YAY!! happy 40 years TMNT!!!!
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I think one issue with 2012 TMNT, as well as the writers seemingly being a bit creepy and thus infecting their abilities to write romance (Casey being seen as ~quirky and funneee~ for being a creep makes sense when you see the camera angles surrounding April’s ass). A lot of issues writing wise also crop up from the writers distaste (or at least disinterest) for humans in general.
Like at its DNA it’s why April isn’t really human despite in other incarcerations her importance in being the tmnts first human friend. It kind of misses the point of April. She’s the turtles first personal positive connection to humanity usually.
It’s why 2012 Bishop wasn’t (albeit altered) human despite being the best original villain 2003 TMNT ever created and that being the whole point of him. He was probably representing the paranoid trip america went on during its war on terror we still see influences from today. Bishop is humanity at its worst which I feel was important when you made your shredder an alien in 2003. You still get that human evil in a very cool way.
It’s why 2012 Casey is kind of useless writing wise a lot of the time only used for the (…joy) love triangle. His so called friendship with Raph doesn’t seem really… all there either? They seemed better friends when Casey was an adult in 2003. Casey’s family never shown. Aprils aunt. Never shown. We could get character development or background for April and Casey but nah. (But seriously April and Casey being kids could be interesting but they do nothing with it besides romance!)
It’s why 2012 Irma isn’t human either. Can’t have even April have a real human friend. Also basically kill her off. Who cares.
It’s why Timothy gets mutated and kept that way for daring to get involved as an ordinary human.
Even Karai needs to get mutated because she apparently isn’t interesting enough on her own.
Overall I can sort of see how it happened? It is literally TMNT. Of course a focus on mutants is natural but it’s very… cold. It leaves me cold anyway. Timothy in particular feels like a middle finger to kids who like to imagine being friends with the turtles and like: shitting on eight year olds dreams is not really what I’d call a good time.
Overall the turtles I think at their core can represent a lot of things but they do need a real connection with humanity to also work. They protect humans a lot in their stories in spite of their place in it and if there’s no close human friendships or interesting human villains (2012 Shredder is at his most boring version and Baxter Stockman isn’t at all threatening), it really doesn’t work too well.
Jesus even Mona Lisa isn’t a former human like in 1987. It’s kind of wild.
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melancholysway · 2 years
Rating each 2012 TMNT character on who probably smells the best
1 being the worst & 14 being the best xoxo
1. Fish Face- definitely smells like a girls locker room be fr
2. Baxter Stockman but when he was a fly- he made me physically ill and would probably make my sense of smell do the same :(
3. Razar, I think he probably smelled decent before his second mutation, but he looks like he smells like roadkill from his musty boney self
4. Shredder- ALL versions of Shredder, super, mega, deluxe, gold, platinum idc the man smells like burnt flesh, burnt rubber, and iron guys
5. Mikey, they literally had the smell-o-vision for his middle toe & I will never get over that, poor rad brad for having to smell that :(
6. Chompy, he’s SOOO cute guys I had to include him, but his farts are basically explosive and I know it smells like a piping hot can of Bounce That Ass in Raph’s room because of him :/
7. Tiger Claw, because if you didn’t notice, his tail isn’t actually healed and it isn’t a nub, it’s just exposed flesh so that shit REEKS.
8. Casey, Forgets to put deodorant sometimes, but majority of the time he’s wearing it 😁‼️ the inside of his mask probably smells a little though, also I think that he thinks chewing mint gum is the same as brushing his teeth so…yeah
9. Raph, so, I headcanon he takes pride in the way he Carrie’s himself BUT! He uses up so much energy and definitely sweats the most and sweats often, so that’s why he’s #9
10. Donnie, Donnie lets himself go often when he’s too focused on his work, and probably won’t shower until he’s finished what he has to do…looking back now I should swap Donnie to #9 & Raph to 10 but I think Donnie secretly has cologne that he uses when April is around xoxo
11. Splinter, getting into the better smelling characters, Splinter appears to be very fluffy, and his lil ears are cute for a rat, if I’m not mistaken, rats and mice clean themselves like cats? So adding onto self cleaning he also showers- plus he looks like he smells like Japanese incense sticks- but the cloud incense (iykyk)
12. Leo!- Leo is the best smelling out of his brothers I feel like, he carries himself well and doesn’t look like the type to profusely sweat or excessively sweat like Raph when working out or fighting. That, and he likes a steamy hot shower to relax his muscles
13. April, 110% uses warm vanilla coconut perfume and body wash, and uses a vanilla scented shampoo. I was thinking something floral but she gives me warm and comforting scent vibes :)
14. Karai, this is totally not biased at all yall😍 most definitely uses the Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume and body mist! She just looks like she smells really nice
Honorable mentions:
Vicioso? Is that how you spell it- idk but he smells absolutely RANCID. he’s like a big fucking grease ball I swear, and he definitely only wears that ONE suit
Spider Bitez, but before he was mutated, also looks greasy asf but 100% thinks putting underwear inside out means they’re clean & he can wear them for another 2 days
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fexlyn · 9 months
This is a dis-continued version of my TMNT au, this is all I had written down for this. Enjoy I guess?
I’ll be updating this when I have an idea but I won’t make anything big out of it.
Oldest (16)
Oldest child syndrome
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Tics (unconsciously clicking throat)
Voice actor potential = AJ Michalka or Natasha Lyonne or EJ Johnson
5’6ft - 66 inches - 167.64cm
Stiff / sensible / serious / lil silly
Loves the show Stardust Heros
Admires Janus Seyfert (♀)
Knows a lot about medical action and theory –stuff
Second oldest (“16”)
Mum syndrome
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Raph only
Keeps everything that's given from his brothers
7’ft - 84 inches - 213.36cm
Voice actor potential = Parvesh Cheena or Freddy Rodríguez or
BPD (Borderline personality disorder)
Favourite flower is the Red spider lily
got aged up to 4yrs - 2 yrs later Raph was mutated and aged properly
Sometimes forget words that are simple
Remembers every word that are considered ‘big words’
Jhanna is Dons gf (did not meet till s4; s5 is the confession)
Will literally make you anything if u just ask
Tries to be a pacifist (trained to kill without second thought)
Second youngest (15)
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles
ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)
Trans masc
when scared he hugs himself / cover himself in blankets
Early bird
5’5ft - 65 inches - 165.09cm
Voice actor potential = Alastair James or Freddy Rodríguez or Zach Barack
Fears of being forgotten
Spray painting is his favourite art form
fidgets with a rubix cube
When needing comfort he goes to his older sister
Youngest (10)
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Donnie only (by species)
Loves attention from his blood brother
Or attention in general
Disappears- somehow- anytime there's a fight
Loves paper mache
Feral (not actually just likes to bite)
Best friends with Casey- dont tell Len…or Don…-
His favourite blackberries
Voice actor potential = Alexander David Linz or francesca marie smith
5’1ft - 61 inches - 154.93cm
Likes the show stardust heart
Splinter Hamato
He became a mutant rat at 18 due to a mishap
He meets the turtles at [insert age] hes now [insert age]
He's cripled due to the mutagen not being complete
But don't underestimate him he can whoop yo ass in seconds
Big fan of the renaissance artist and wanted to be a artist himself
Casey Jones
Middle child (12)
Bestfriends with Raphael
Has not told anyone that he's friends with mutant turtles (yet)
Feels like someone trying to burn a hole in his head every class
Taking hockey training
Taking ice skating as well
Cassandra Jones
Oldest child (15)
Has a crush on Lenna (knows about Casey's turtle friends)
Angel Jones
Youngest child (6)
Hangs around Micheal and Donnie
Cheeky little shit
Has some interest in machinery
Has a lot of interest in paint
April O’Neil
Shes 12
She's was 5 when her parents died and got moved with her aunt
Wishes to be a famous reporter
Believes that one of her classmates [read: Casey Jones] is some evil spy
Will literally hang off of vents, trees, wall cliffs; to get the scoop
She has a lot of bruises… and sticks stuck in her hair…
Carol O’Neil
How do they exist?
Baxter Stockman, a teen genius, spent 22 years (17-39) creating a serum for perfect super soldiers-a classic I know- creating failures upon failures he finally perfected the chemical mutagen. But with the twist of it not working on humans due to something that humans have that ‘lower-intelligence life forms’ don't.
When used on humans they will [insert super painful symptoms] and a clinical death happens.
Baxter Stockman was promoted and awarded from the higher ups-he's now head of the renewed US bioweapons program.
Len - backstory
Putting the unmutated tot len into a tank of water then releasing the mutagen into the tank mutating them into a humanoid baby.
She was treated carefully, due to her being so-new, they tested her with anything possible without harming her. She was kept in a room, alone, being studied from the outside behind see-through mirrors.
As she got older(5) the experiments and studies started to become more often and a little more risky, they started to do more hands on like extracting blood or muscle reaction (they can't take scutes yet).
She got older, again, because they age…
Experiments got worse-like-painful- worse.
Donnie - Backstory
4 years after the creation of Lenna…
An agency (clan) in Japan heard (stalked) about the Mutagen that was perfected, they did a little something (killing) something (torture) getting the components of the mutagen to make their own soldiers.
They wanted a weapon that can be both in land and water, and large in size as well- since bigger weapons are more stronger right?- so they took the idea of a turtle as well. Leatherback sea turtle was their pick, soon or later will be known as V-1-L-0-T Donatello.
After the turtle was mutated, he was young- a baby
But being the smart-ego filled Ninjas they thought it would be best to make the ageing process a little bit faster so they're ahead of the enemy or the very least the same pace of making a weapon
Mikey - Backstory
Raph - Backstory
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madscientistutm · 5 years
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As a challenge, and a little fun, I’ve ranked the best versions of the TMNT characters upon request. This is technically a Top 4 although it can also be a Top 5 if an Honorable Mention qualifies. The rankings depend on how the character was portrayed from a creative standpoint as well as the performance of the voice actors. For each character/topic, there have to be at least six versions of a character available so Karai (1987 series’ Lotus Blossom doesn’t count), Baxter Stockman (“Rise...”’s Stockboy doesn’t count), Krang, and B&R don’t qualify. Now it’s time to lawyer up and present my cases for each character beginning with Part 1:
Donatello: (5*)I like Corey Feldman as an actor and a person, I really do but the best I can do for him is an Honorable Mention. It has less to do with being in the 1993 live action movie which, let’s be honest is one of the worst movies of all time, and more to do with not only does he provide a voice similar to that of a chain smoker (although you could say the same about 2003′s Raph) but he was also basically just a Mikey clone. (4)Then you have Rob Paulsen who fits Don better than he does Raph and started out excellent in the first season with all the responsibility he shoulders, his reserved feelings about his existence as a mutant, and his balance of being a bit charming at times and snapping during his more vulnerable moments. He’d be higher though if “Apriltello” was handled a lot better and he wasn’t featured in such bad episodes down the 2012 series’ stretch: “A Chinatown Ghost Story”, “The Fourfold Trap”, “Revenge of the Triceratons”, “The Power Inside Her”, and “Heart of Evil” most notably. (3)To me, Adam Carl did a better job as the voice of the live action Don in TMNT II as he had a better voice (very close to the 2003 series’) and an interesting existential crisis about the meaning of his existence with regards to the mystery surrounding the ooze plot device. (2) It is a bit surprising Sam’s this high when you consider he doesn’t have much range as 2003′s Don but, like Mike and Greg who share that same issue, he fits the character like a glove. Some say his voice is sexy but I think it’s the perfect voice for a pacifist like him. He doesn’t feature much in the series but he is so well portrayed as a character that I have to give him the second spot. (1) However, I have to give the top spot to 1987′s Barry Gordon. He had good lines as Don, provided a nasally but very genius-like voice, and was involved in some of the series’ best and even most fun episodes. He also flexed his voice range a bit in episodes like “Donatello’s Duplicate” and “Night of the Dark Turtle”. And despite him not being Don in every episode (hence the asterisk), he stuck around to the end and he deserves some (more) credit for that.
Leonardo: (5)It was so close between Eric Bauza and James Arnold Taylor it was as though a pinch of salt separated them from the HM. For each positive, there was a negative. When no way to distinguish them individually came about, the tiebreaker had to come down to who was in a better movie and although “Batman vs. the TMNT” wasn’t as good a Batman movie, it certainly was from a TMNT perspective and was overall a better movie than the 2007 one. Eric has built a reputation for being one of the best VAs of this generation, as well as one of the friendliest even in this day of big egos in the entertainment world. He does have his shortcomings such as the Scarecrow scene which showed us nothing we didn’t already know about him (nor did it answer the question of why Leo takes his brothers into battle so much if he worries about their safety) and, compared to JAT, it really is splitting hairs between them but ultimately Eric gets the nod. (4)I knew Cam was going to make this list even if JAT or Eric didn’t which is why he’s #4. Cam’s take on Leo is a lot lighter than any of these others, but he does get better as the series goes along and that’s why I have no problem giving him this spot. (3)I used to think Brian Tochi was the best Leo even though he was less prominent as the original trilogy rolled along. His voice fit Leo perfectly and he was around for the whole thing but there’s a lot more character to the next two. (2)Some are going to say I’m crazy for not putting the 2012 Leo at #1 due to his development and growth in the series and they have a point. I however thought Jason was miscast as Leo, in large part due to his real world behavioral problems. Then he leaves to commit full time to “Orange is the New Black” and Dominic, as far as I’m concerned did a better job. He should’ve stayed full time and not Seth. He does have some compelling moments such as his relationship with Splinter and Karai, as well as being her knight in shining armor in “Vengeance is Mine”--unfortunately it takes until “Requiem” for him to get it back. He also suffers a lot of physical and emotional torment from Shredder until he gets to (temporarily, unfortunately) defeat him in “Owari.” He ultimately becomes his enemy in the true finale “Carmageddon!”, which was a nice poetic touch, until he snaps out of it and finds paradise both figuratively and literally with his family. (1)Ultimately though, I’m giving it to Mike. He didn’t have a lot of range and we could’ve done without his PTSD storyline (at least for how long it lasted) in Season 4, but he fit the character like a glove. He exemplified everything the character is supposed to be and it also helps that he and Sam also weren’t affected as much by the spinoff seasons!
Michelangelo: (4)The closest to an HM is Greg Cipes but I can’t do that. Despite some great stuff such as him reaching and befriending Leatherhead, he was so over the top starting from the beginning and he mostly relied on his Beast Boy schtick. No, I have to start with the big surprise of “Batman vs. the TMNT” and that is Kyle Mooney’s take on the character. He had a really good delivery and some pretty good comedic lines while still not coming off as too OTT and getting in the way like Noel Fisher did in the recent live action movies (yuck!) (3)It’s hard not putting Wayne Grayson any higher. He had this Bugs Bunny vibe with his imitations, voice range, disguises that were mostly cross dressing, energy, and lines that really weren’t bad at all. However, it was the spinoff seasons, mainly FF, that did him in as he became far too one dimensional. And in a competition this thick, that’s all it can take sometimes. (2)It’s splitting hairs between Townsend Coleman and Robbie Rist for the top spot but I ultimately have to give it to TC here. He does deserve credit though for sticking around to the end and never missing an episode (like Cam). (1)Robbie may not live down being the often despised Cousin Oliver, but hopefully he can take solace knowing that he’s #1 as Mikey in the hearts of many (most likely) including this guy. Like Townsend, he stuck around for the whole series when most of the cast didn’t. He was also quite energetic without getting in the way. Ultimately, live action movies also have to be given a bit more of a nod than animated TV shows, and with the 1990 live action movie perhaps being the best TMNT screen adaptation out there, Robbie gets the benefit of the doubt in this situation.
Raphael: (5)Rob’s 1987 series version of Raph may not be the true version of the character, but he had a lot of very good lines and had such a charm behind his voice that you can’t help but like him. He faced some stiff competition from the likes of Alan Ritchison, Omar Miller, and Sean Astin but there’s a saying of mine which is totally fair: “When in doubt go with the original”. And, with the 1987 series being the first TMNT screen adaptation out there, Rob gets the nod. (4)It’s funny that they brought back Josh Pais in the suit for TMNT II, yet they hired Laurie Faso to voice him anyway. I don’t understand it myself but Laurie did a heck of a job filling in for Josh’s voice. He still had that tough, New York sounding attitude who would act on his emotions just as much as he acted on what he thought was the right thing to do. (3)Nolan North is a heck of a voice actor. He was a good pick to portray Raphael in the 2007 animated film and it’d be a shame if he never portrays the character again. The reason he’s not higher is both the competition and the fact that he (and to an extend JAT’s Leonardo) hogged the spotlight from the rest of the characters. (2)Usually I’d think Greg’s version of Raph in 2003 would be #1, at least I did for a time. Anyone who would, I have no problem with. Some would say that him not getting the spotlight so much in the series would keep him out of that spot. That’s not me though. What keeps him out is his lack of range (even though that wasn’t much of a problem for Mike as Leo) and his more one-dimensional nature in the spinoff seasons (mainly FF). I don’t mean that as a knock though since he’s still clearly the best animated version of the character. (1)Ultimately, Josh is #1 here. He can over act at times which would make you cringe a bit, and while his and Greg’s versions of Raph are about the same character-wise, I thought Josh had more range, depth, and story to work with and that’s why he’s ultimately #1.
Part 2 coming soon...
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allspark · 6 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Star Trek vs Transformers, Batman/The Maxx, Star Wars, Team Sonic Racing, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much more! All coming your way for December 5th!
John Barber, Mike Johnson (A/CVR A) Philip Murphy (CVR B) Gaving Fullerton
Klingons and Decepticons lay siege to a remote Federation dilithium mine-and the only thing holding them back is the shaky alliance of Captain Kirk and Optimus Prime. But what dark secret is buried beneath the ground… and can this uneasy partnership withstand the revelations?
The Transformers ’80s cartoon series meets Star Trek: The Animated Series in a no-holds-barred Saturday Morning mash-up for the ages!
John Barber, James Roberts, Shane McCarthy (A) Alex Milne, Andrew Griffith, Guido Guidi (CVR) Marcelo Matere
Rodimus leads a team of Autobots into Cybertron’s past, pursuing the Decepticon double-agent Brainstorm, who plans on killing Orion Pax before he can become Optimus Prime. Meanwhile, on Earth, Prowl is left in command gathering his allies, the Constructicons, to search for the one human he holds a grudge against, Spike Witwicky. Then, Drift returns! After leaving the Autobots in disgrace, he’s now alone, on a mission to clean up the darkest depths of the galaxy.
Collects Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye issues #35-40, Transformers: Robots in Disguise issues #35-38, Transformers: Punishment, and Transformers: Drift-Empire of Stone.
•   Advance solicited for December release! •   The best format for new readers to pick up the series and for continuing readers to supplement their collections with deluxe hardcovers.
Sam Keith (A/CVR A&B) Sam Kieth
With Joker back in Arkham, Maxx runs off into the night. Meanwhile, Batman grows more wary of Dr. Disparu’s experiments. In an effort to unravel the riddles of the Outback (and Disparu), Batman seeks out Julie Winters… and they both enter a dimensional hole leading to the Outback-where they encounter an alternate version of Harley Quinn! Back in the real world, Joker, Harley, and the Penguin are the current subjects of Disparu’s experiments-experiments that have a decidedly bad reaction on the Maxx!
Chester Gould (A/CVR) Chester Gould
Dick Tracy closes out the 1960s by moonlighting-literally! The master sleuth takes a part-time second job as Head of Security and Law Enforcement for Diet Smith’s operations based on the moon. Soon, Tracy learns that an international crime syndicate, the Apparatus, has infiltrated Smith’s organization on the lunar surface.
All this and more in these classic Chester Gould comic strips, from April 3, 1969, to December 23, 1970.
Vita Ayala (A) Harvey Tolibao (CVR A) Ken Lashley
The boundless multiverse of Magic: The Gathering returns to comics!
In the wake of tragedy, Planeswalker and pyromancer Chandra Nalaar strikes out on her own. On her journey, she’ll have to fight against threats both old and new, as well as her own sense of guilt. Can she overcome all of that alone? And who is that familiar face lurking in the shadows?
Steve Niles (A/CVR) Damien Worm
With their former leader and father retired, the rest of the Allan family adjusts to the new status quo and brings the monster-hunting business into the modern era. But a sinister and powerful new evil stirs… one that could tear the family apart! The town of Gristlewood is under attack from the most powerful being it has ever seen. Vivian and Geoff take the lead in fighting the evil, but can they even begin to match its power? Or will this be the end of the October Faction?
•   Advance solicited for December release! •   “The October Faction: Supernatural Dreams is packed with demonic action, with an important family thread running through it.”-Horror Talk
Patrick Rothfuss, Jim Zub (A/CVR A&B) Troy Little
A dimension where the Dungeons & Dragons paradigms are real. The rules are absolute… or, at least, they were… until Rick and Morty make their mark. Get ready to plead the fifth (edition) in this unlawful, chaotically evil story of family friction and fantasy frolics.
The world’s greatest roleplaying game. Reality’s most dysfunctional animated series. What could go wrong?
•   Presented in conjunction with Oni Press! •   Patrick Rothfuss, the multiple award-winning, bestselling author of The Kingkiller Chronicle series, joins Dungeons & Dragons fan-favorite author Jim Zub (Avengers, Wayward) on a tri-dimensional fantasy adventure! •   Rick and Morty is one of the most popular shows in Adult Swim history, with a steady fan following since it debuted in 2013. This is the first official Rick and Morty team-up story and should have deep traction in fan circles! •   Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition sales continue to grow each year and the Baldur’s Gate video games have sold millions of copies around the world. D&D has returned as a cultural force in bookstores and online.
Matthew K. Manning (A) Chad Thomas (CVR A) Andy Suriano
The TMNT are in a bitter fight with each other over an extremely sensitive topic… which pizza place has the fastest delivery! When a villain butts in, the Turtles will have to put aside their differences and do what they do best: beat up bad guys!
•   Overseen by showrunners Andy Suriano (Cosmic Scoundrels) and Ant Ward!
Jonathan Mayberry (A/CVR B) Drew Moss (CVR A) Santiperez
An over-the-top wild ride prequel to ROAD OF THE DEAD! Written by Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author and creator of V-WARS. Scientist Harriet, tank crewman Skelly, and their crew of losers leave a trail of bodies-living and dead-behind them as they race for sanctuary through the zombie wasteland of North America. The road to hell is paved with bad decisions, heavy drinking, and a lot of blood on the asphalt.
•   Five-time Bram Stoker award-winning author, Jonathan Maberry, returns for a new tale of the undead!
Scott Tipton, David Tipton (A) Angel Hernandez (CVR A) Tony Shasteen (CVR B) Photo
On the heels of the blockbuster THROUGH THE MIRROR miniseries comes a brand-new NEXT GENERATION series, featuring untold tales of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D! Interstellar odd couple Worf and Beverly Crusher undertake a difficult mission, but can they overcome their differences to work together?
•   Takes place during Star Trek: The Next Generation’s critically acclaimed fourth season! •   Featuring covers by Mirror Broken co-creator and designer J.K. Woodward! •   The unexpected twist ending of Through the Mirror continues!
Chris “Doc” Wyatt, Michael Moreci, Kevin Burke (A/CVR B) Arianna Florean (A/CVR A) Valentina Pinto
Welcome to the Resistance! Star Wars Resistance is an exciting new animated series coming to the Disney Channel this fall, and making its Star Wars Adventures debut in this very issue! In the time before The Force Awakens, this all-new adventure follows the fledgling Resistance as it begins to realize the growing threat of the First Order!
•   Ties into the new Star Wars Resistance animated show coming this fall to Disney Channel! •   Written by Resistance show writers Chris “Doc” Wyatt and Kevin Burke! •   Plus, an exciting new Flight of the Falcon story!
Scott Beatty (A) Jon Sommariva (A/CVR A) Derek Charm
Swallowed by the shifting sands of Jakku, the Imperial Star Destroyer Spectral has been lost for two decades, giving rise to rumors of hauntings and buried treasure. But an epic sandstorm has revealed the ruins of the starship, and renowned scavenger Rey now leads the race to claim whatever lies within!
•   Three-issue miniseries set during the days before The Force Awakens! •   Includes a backup story depicting the Battle of Jakku, revealing how the Star Destroyer Spectral met its fate during the last days of the Empire!
Caleb Goellner (A/CVR A) Adam Bryce Thomas
Sonic’s been taken to another world and entered into a race unlike any other! With a little help from his friends Tails and Knuckles, he’ll race to win the competition and get everyone home! BUT! Before that, check out a comics exclusive story straight from the world of Team Sonic Racing!
•   Leads into the upcoming game, Team Sonic Racing, available Winter 2018! •   Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails team up in this exciting adventure! •   Special extra-long one-shot!
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Ben Bates, Dustin Weaver (A) Bill Sienkiewicz, Damian Couceiro (CVR) Dan Duncan
Bebop and Rocksteady stumble across a time-travel scepter, kickstarting the craziest, most destructive adventure yet! Then, when a mysterious new mutant targets Baxter Stockman, it will be up to the TMNT to reluctantly save him, but little does anyone know that a larger trap is being laid by a new arch-foe. Plus, Donatello reboots a new and improved Metalhead only to find that the robot no longer functions entirely as designed. Collects the Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything mini-series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe issues #1-8, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #65-66.
•   Advance solicited for December release! •   The best format for new readers to pick up the series and for continuing readers to supplement their collections with deluxe hardcovers.
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old follower from when you were Baxterstockmanismyson, why'd you delete your old blog? What made you come back?
I pretty much explained why here
But to some it up basically, I was just sick of the harassment & constant hateful responses my friends & I Myself would receive almost daily because of the most simple opinions.
Hell I actually remember this one time I was making a rant about 2012 Stockman's character mishandling & I brought up the Rise turtles for 2 seconds & even made a stupid joke about how I'm surprised no one accused the 2012 ones of racial profiling & this one user took it so seriously they harassed me & my followers the rest of the day
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I also can't help but find this bit from them ironic considering they could have did the exact same thing with my post & followers.
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This isn't even a one time thing too. As I just said. The fandom would just take EVERYTHING too seriously & attack anybody that disagreed with them in any shape or form & a lot of my best friends at the time were victims of cyberbullying because of them including me. Yes I could have ignored them, & most days I did tbh, but every once in a while there was always that one miserable person that just wanted to PERSONALIZE their attacks to me just because I said I didn't like Apriltello or something & they made their insults PERSONAL, to the point where I couldn't help but NOT ignore it. I already suffer from Anxiety and Depression & EXTREMELY low self esteem to the point where I second guess my talents. From my art to my appearance to even questioning why I still exist. If I should even STILL exist.. At that point in 2021 when I deactivated Baxterstockmanismyson I had already been going through enough stressful situations in my life, worrying about a ton of real life personal stresses in my life. And the unnecessary bullying from the fandom consisting of grown ass adults mind you was the last thing I needed. I had actually received yet another hateful message in my askbox because of one of my hot takes the day before I deactivated & it honestly fucked me up majorly so it was the last straw. I deactivated & I overall QUIT & Left the fandom entirely ever since, I just didn't see the point in staying anymore when there's little to zero good memories in it.
I would be lying if I didn't say I did miss some aspects. The one thing I missed the most being Baxter himself. Any version of him. Especially considering he's actually the entire reason I even got into TMNT in the first place (but a story for another time). He's beyond my favorite character, he's my comfort one, my boy ever since I was 12. Then Mutant Mayhem was announced along with the fact that Baxter was in it (& played by FUCKING Giancarlo Esposito) my interest was peaked to say the least. Especially after I found out he looked like this
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I'd even say it was honestly the only reason why I saw the movie (even if he was only in it for 4 minutes) which I admit even outside of Baxter, I did end up enjoying it. It was also nice to talk about tmnt again to my Girlfriend & a once mutual friend at the time. Just making it our own personal bubble having zero contact with the fans, especially as I saw literally NOTHING changed just by people's reactions to Mutant Mayhem April smfh. So I assumed it was the right choice.
Another year went by. Things are different once again, that mutual friend I mentioned earlier is...no longer our friend.. and it was back to radio silence in terms of anything turtle related. I had started collecting figures at this point in time & with the release of Human 1987 Baxter & Mirage on the way, I figured it wouldn't hurt to FINALLY add Baxter to my shelf like I always wanted to years ago. Even finally start making custom figures for him that don't exist & it was a fun, exhausting but also therapeutic experience in a way. Especially getting the chance to finally look back at the mad scientist all the way from day one. From schulpting, to talking about him & even looking up other perspectives on him. Even if it was mostly misconceptions like always when it comes to him. And it got to the point where I wanted to let out an outlet to just really let out Stockman talk & facts about the guy that no one knew or already did but with a story behind it. Even taking inspiration from AskSpideypool's @ sciderman & their blog being the most dedicated blog to really get & understand Wade Wilson & Peter Parker with pages worth of history to back up the knowledge. It's honestly how I feel with Baxter Stockman if I'm being legit with you. So about maybe 3 months later or so, I decided to create this new blog, a new start. A blog to just really share & show all I know about Baxter & even find other people that feel the same way. Just a little Baxter bubble that I can have & feel safe in. It's also why you noticed I haven't shared NON Baxter stuff on here yet. To put it short. I'm not really back in the TMNT fandom. Sure I'll post about Baxter Stockman. But that's the ONLY thing I'll go as far as posting. I wasn't too far off when I said I only watched MM for Stockman & the fact that the fandom hasn't changed their ways based on MM April's reception.
I want absolutely nothing to do with the fandom's drama or possible drama the second I step into current TMNT events & I share my thoughts on them even if I had thoughts anyway, I honestly don't really care anymore aside from Baxter.
To sum it up: Unless it involves Baxter, I genuinely don't give a shit. So a heads up if I'm ever asked about something non Stock related like my thoughts on this video game or this ship ect I'm gonna ignore it. I just don't have the mental strength for the drama anymore. And it's not like the fandom itself even cares about Baxter let alone care enough to get mad over a hot take about him which I've yet to see (aside from some 30/40 something year old idiots on Instagram & Twitter that genuinely believed he was always a white guy & him being black is new) so I feel safe in my Stockbubble.
Anyway, hope that clears things up. Both why I left & how this new blog works.
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Day 15. 2011. In 2011 TMNT had another comic series known as the IDW comics. And from there we got yet another Stockman. IDW is.. without a doubt the best version of the character we've ever gotten since 2003, surpassing him even! His intelligence is seriously spotlighted in this era & how far he's gotten with them, so far you could count his "failures" as small setbacks. And his personality is even better. This Baxter. Takes nothing from NOBODY. Not the turtles, not April, not Hob, NOT EVEN SHREDDER, as he said himself "he's not one of his sniveling minions". He's kept all of his body parts & never mutates. Hell one of his inventions (the flyborgs) are references to both of them. And the fucker is literally the Mayor of NYC. I could go on more about IDW, but it just goes to show how amazing this adaptation is & how it's a shame he's so underrated because he's legitimate proof that he could be a main focus villain or character in storylines. Hopefully we get more of him in the future or more versions just like him.
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