#he's my problematic fave i love him dearly
I think u should tell me all about your pfp little guy <333/lh
okay okay thats owen. from mahoyaku (promise of wizard)
tl;dr is he a tiny bastard gremlin man (he is taller than me)
long version. so owen is. gremlin bastard man yes. so. important stuff. his soul is separate from his body so he can revive any time he dies but still feels the pain of dying; he randomly reverts to a childlike personality as a result of an injury during whatever tf the calamity/war thing in mahoyaku is; and is just a menace to society <3
he was like locked in a basement or smth as a kid and died and revived a lot and then was like. accidentally freed. and then he fucked off somewhere for awhile and became one of like. the strongest wizards.
so owen is. a very prickly guy. hard to get along with. actively makes people's lives harder. guy like actively antagonizes everyone and tries to make it easy for people to hate him bc he just. assumes they will anyway. and thinks he's being made fun of if people are nice to him. also he'll lie and take credit for bad things that happen even if he had nothing to do with them. also yeah he lies a lot he's very manipulative and shit and i love that for him <3 uh yeah mostly he's just a Bastard(tm)
uh he stole one of cain's eyes and did a lil switcheroo so they both have one red (owen's eye color) and one gold (cain's) eye. and cain's injury is that he can't see anyone unless he touches them first, but that doesn't apply to owen bc cain literally has one of his eyes. and cain was like 'someday i'll become strong enough to get my eye back!' and then has done like nothing about it like ok fruit. also when owen's personality changes he gets super attached to cain its silly.
anyway. this is cain. he usually hides his red eye. he's a knight guy. silly dude.
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also here's a card where you can actually see his red eye.
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also there was one limited series of events where owen and cain have both their eyes so. owen with two red eyes be upon ye bc hes hot
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sebbianas · 1 year
babe what are your favorite fics and if you pair some of them w a taylor song I'll love you forever. Kisses!
im going to assume this is for jegulus because if i have to choose from all the fics i’ve read this will be a very very long post that will have me checking fanfiction.net for fic titles lol
Only the Brave by Solmussa - Mastermind (Midnights) this fic absolutely had me hooked and i couldnt put my phone down when i was reading this its my ultimate fave.
To the boy who… by Ibbsterkisster - Innocent (Speak Now TV) this fic is dark and angsty which is something i like to read from time to time its well written and the regulus in this fic is my son and i want to protect him forever
The Scent In Our Clothes by Antlers_Boy - Sparks Fly (Speak Now TV) I love this fic so much because of how good james and regulus is here together and how stupid they are lol its unfinished but i love it
You’re Still My Sunshine by TheBiButterfly - Daylight (Lover) this fic is so good but kinda made sirius problematic which i actually loved because its just manifestation of his trauma and issues it doesnt excuse it but im glad to see people explore that part of sirius and manic remus was so chaotic lol
The Long Game by lackadaisical_lizard - Afterglow (Lover) i love modern au jegulus fic and this was able to capture it so good and im a sucker for artist regulus lol
may these memories break our fall by softcinnamonroll - invisible strings (folklore) this fic is an afterlife au and im obsessed with the theory that reg’s soul was only freed when voldie was killed and so it took a while before he was reunited with his friends (and james)
slow endings by rweoutofthewoofs - Last Kiss (Speak Now TV) this is harry discovering jegulus thru letters and learning more about rab as a person and as a person his father once loved this fic is so good i cried
i want to add more but this are some of the fics i remembered i loved dearly and!! of course all the fics zar wrote and choices and kill your darlings by messermoon absolutely chefs kiss!!!
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azurelyy · 2 years
For the character ask thing: Shikamaru, since I think he's one of your favorites.
Hi, sweetie! Thanks for the ask. You do know me well because I love this man.
1: sexuality headcanon
I have several… LMAO. I’m sorry, but he’s hot and I think about him a lot, okay? Don’t judge me!
He’s a switch with a preference for being in control (basically he’s a power bottom if he is bottoming)
He has a massive cock
Pillow talk is when he will be the most vulnerable with his partner
He lost his virginity before the War Arc
He will complain about it, but he secretly has a Daddy Kink and gets visibly turned on when his partner uses the phrase
He loves brats
#1 Fan of Face Sitting. He will be your chair 🪑
2: otp
ShikaIno! I’ve talked about them to death, so I won’t go too in-depth again but just know I love them dearly and really wish they were canon.
3: brotp
Naruto and Shikamaru! Their bromance is adorable. I love how Shikamaru has always stood up for Naruto!
4: notp
ShikaSaku. I just… why? I do not think they would work out lol. Sakura is honestly pretty clingy as we have seen and I don’t see Shikamaru really tolerating that well. On the flip side, as much as I love him, I don’t think Shikamaru would be able to provide Sakura with the attention and emotional support that she needs. Also, he can be pretty sarcastic and I just don’t think that sense of humor jives with Sakura lmao.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Shikamaru has only used a bong once and he refuses to do it again because afterwards he just sat on the floor talking to Akumaru while shushing everyone that got near them. He almost got into a fist fight with Kiba because Shikamaru refused to give Akumaru back to him… he only smokes joints or vapes now.
6: favorite line from this character
“Laziness is the mother of all bad habits, but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
His sense of humor. This bastard is so fucking snarky and sarcastic… just like me muahahah
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I mean, let’s be real… he is kind of misogynistic 😭😭😭. I still love you, Shika… just be better.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
He’s a problematic fave. This man has issues lol, but that’s why I love him.
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roostertuftart · 2 years
kyle for the ask thingy
sexuality headcanon- Demi bisexual (male preference) or demi gay. he's demi no matter what though. Or ace. just ace spectrum rly imo
otp- Is this even a question. STYLEEEEE style style style. I love style sm. Literally look at them they mean so much to me. Stan and Kyle are such a fun dynamic and there's so much that can be done with them. they're best friends and they love each other more than anything but they're also codependent and could be the other's downfall. They hate each other. They need each other. I want to shake them.
brotp- not to get literal but I love his dynamic with his brother so much. Kyle just being an annoying older brother with eldest-sister-aka-the-third-parent-complex who is desperate to be a positive figure in Ike's life and Ike wanting Kyle to fuck off so he can watch Pewdiepie (but he loves Kyle dearly). Iconic.
notp- Mghhhh I'm not gonna go on about how I hate ky///man here as I've done so plenty before but I don't like it as a bothsided thing except in rare cases, typically only if it's used as a plot device that isn't intended to be endgame. It makes me genuinely uncomfortable- On the other hand, a lot of my closest friends ship it so I can tolerate it. But yah, not my thing and not something that makes much sense to me except in very specific cases.
first headcanon that pops into my head- Freckles bc someone commented that he doesn't have them on an animation I made the other day and it pissed me off lol
Also he's autistic
favorite line from this character- "Because you're my little brother, Goddammit! And even when I'm fifty and you're forty-five, you're still gonna be my little brother!" Bless him
one way in which I relate to this character- Hghhhhhh hahahahah oh boy. Ummm Repression and anger as a defense mechanism. Can't keep my mouth shut. Too judgmental (trying not to be,,), and plenty more. he's so fucking relatable I hate him
something that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- His tiktoks (though I also adore them) and how badly he'll try to fit in in the most awkward ways possible. It's more loveable than embarrassing though.
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll. He has some issues and can be shitty but I think he's overall a good person who tries his best and I think that shines way above any missteps he's made, especially considering he's rarely malicious and usually his worst actions were taken out of hurt and in an attempt to make things better for everyone.
Here's the prompt for anyone who wants it!
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bosstoaster · 2 years
Hi Boss! Would you answer these for DLS Ryou? He is, by FAR, my favourite character in any divergent fic I've read 🥰🥰
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
3: brotp
4: notp
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
6: favorite line from this character
7: one way in which I relate to this character
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Of course I will! Ryou is still my boy and I love him dearly. Also, thank you!!! That is beyond flattering, oh my gosh.
I go back and forth on this one, actually. My kneejerk is bi, but, ya know, clone of a gay man? But imperfect messy clone? Let's just go with MLM, especially give how he's taken to Lotor as of late.
OTP - Ryotor or Ryance are both very good with me
Brotp - I mean, the actual bros :3
lol none of the above. I guess him and Keith would be weird at this point, but I could be persauded.
His entire existence?? I don't think it counts as a headcanon when he's basically entirely my creation.
Gosh, this is hard, considering the, ah, sheer volume of lines. Shout out to the time he rambled for like five minutes about if the UN Law of the Sea means that earth copyright law applies in space. This is an actual debate I have had. Also shout out to @velkynkarma who honestly gives Ryou better lines than I do.
I am very 'stab first, interrogate later' in terms of problem solving. Ryou gets a lot of that from me.
Honestly? Not too much. Probably just how funny he thinks he is, but I find that funny, so...
Both :)
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badwatervideos2009 · 2 years
pokemon for the fandom ask game? :]
WOOOOO YEA pokemon time let's go
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
hmmmmm…….. emmet i think. my wife never should've introduced me 2 him i think about him far too often. also larry now unfortunately (please get him out of my head)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
LAVENTON…….. i fucking love that guy he is delightful. i would not consider him to be my 'baby' as he is in fact. a grown man. but he is very shaped and i like him a whole lot so i'm puttin him here. i miss him every day of my life. i want to squeeze him like a stress ball
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
ALSO laventon. everyone ignores him in favor of the other characters in legends arceus and that's FAIR but. c'mon where's all the love for my man laventon……. i also really like ryme i wish people payed more attention to her
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
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hayley from hit 2008 video game My Pokemon Ranch for the nintendo wii,
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i also think this dude from montenevera who looks like charlie cr1t1kal is pretty cool. he will never appear in anything ever again but he should
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
EVERYONE SEEMS TO HATE GEETA but i like her a lot. yes she is an objectively shitty boss who hired a 4 year old to work for her and YES she is majorly overworking larry and also she sucks so bad however. she's really cool AND hot and that makes up for it i think. have you considered that
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
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volo. i love him dearly but he's fun to torment. you're going in the plinko for your crimes against god sorry buddy
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
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savingthrcw · 1 year
About Lily Tabris
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My problematic fave's very own about page, Lily Tabris the Warrior Elf from the Denerim alienage in DAO. FC: Younger Elena Satine, I go iconless for the game. Super long Red hair and tattoos on her face.
Triggers: she very blunt speaks of how the noble son of the Arl, Vaughan, intended to use her and the other female elves (on her wedding day too) so while I don't plan on having her dwell too much on it you should obviously blacklist 'noncon references' and all that comes from being abused by humans and bloodsheds.
Wanted interactions: Dragon Age characters. Potentially with other elven-friendly characters too (various videogames, the Witcher, Lord of the Rings). Open to romantic interactions with: Zevran, Alistair, but also chemistry based, she's demi-romantic heterosexual, attracted to elves first, humans, Qunari, less likely to date humans if they aren't super sweet/convincing.
Things about Lily: -she obviously kills Vaughan together with everyone else and takes full blame, sparing Soris from it. Keeps Nelaros ring on her finger as a reminder of what happened -most of the time after the initial adjustment she'll be TRYING to be a part of the group, not just the leader, but she's very awkward about it. She's too blunt, too ready to fight, too unsure of HOW to be nice in the first place, she didn't even have close friends besides her family members before she became like this, but the fact that she always makes sure to find souvenirs and gifts to casually toss in their direction is probably enough to know that she's trying. -extremely prejudiced against humans given their treatment of elves in her alienage. very okay with murder and gore. Whether I write it or not she swears a LOT. -Resting Dead Eyes Face -Demiromantic heterosexual with an attraction that goes elf > human > Qunari but it would take a hell of a convincing or sweet guy to convince her to date a human. Never been in love before. -misses her warrior mother dearly.
DAO Companions -absolutely would sleep with Zevran. Like almost immediately. If a romance happens she'll be the last to know. Zevran may have to spell it out. -Alistair is an exception to her being snapp-y/suspicious of humans/aggressive, he has been too adorable from the beginning for Lily to be able to be mean. She begrudgingly has to be nice. -that said even her aggression goes away if it's not provoked. -Gives more of a shot to non-humans, but if the other companions try hard enough she'll overcome her diffidence. -usually takes Zevran in her party with Wynne for her healing magic and either Shale or Sten for laughs and support when she wants to just go ahead and slaughter bad guys without thinking too much
Chaotic Good/Neutral? -doesn't care about politics, doesn't care about mages vs templars and chantry, about blood magic, apostates, werewolves, demons. Basically: you are a mage who hurts people? You die. Otherwise you are left alone. You are a templar who abuses mages? You die. Otherwise you are fine. You made a pact with a demon and are fine with it? Good luck, not her business. You hurt eleves? you die. You are an innocent person in danger? She'll complain but try to save you. -despite everything she helps people aND HATES THAT SHE CARES -tries to save Connor (sends Morrigan after asking her if she can do it), saves the mages in the Circle, pushes Alistair to be king so he can make a change, kills Loghain herself. -Later she'd be fighting for Elves rights all over Thedas. Would end up fighting the Dalish and killing them because she was lied to about the werewolves. Helps Bhelen. Awakening: -A very quiet and pissed off Warden Commander because Zevran apparently was busy elsewhere and when left by herself she reverts to grumpy as hell. DA2 -Will show up in DA2 to check on Anders despite him not being an elf because she's loyal to people who have fought with her. She doesn't understand half of what happened in Kirkwall but would stand by Fenris wanting to kill the mage who enslaved him AND give safe passage to Anders after he blows up the Chantry because she gets it. DAI -Will show up in DAI because she was contacted by Alistair who told her about weird Callings for all Wardens and wanted to look into it. There since Haven. Diplomatic nightmare so Josephine would keep her busy giving her missions and people to kill. Though it's been ten years and she's somewhat less of a physical menace if not provoked
If she's in a position of follower-advisor -if you are in any way trying to order her around, dominate her, if you basically remind her of the alienage, she will despise you. Either she'll fight you and leave or if she cannot do that she will get away from you anyway. So if she's a companion she can only be one to a friendly Grey Warden who isn't bossy in the slightest. No Hawkes or Inquisitors are allowed to be in direct charge of her or she's out.
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cicadagaze · 2 years
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two bastards and one pathetic little edgelord <3
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swordwife · 2 years
sey will lust after a 50 year old man who looks like this and not see anything wrong with it
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Fandom Asks: Pirates of the Caribbean? Please and thank you!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): James "Jimothy" Norrington, The Character Ever. Is there ever a time where I am not thinking about this man on some level?? Jack Davenport saw a token Brit antagonist role in a summer blockbuster based on a theme park ride, said "Y'all mind if I make this character incredibly layered and tragic?", and didn't wait for an answer. Beneath the brocade beats a heart as opposed to a watch, a young man royal navy to the core, etc. etc. He's already got a lot going on in CotBP but it was seeing him reduced to a wretched state in DMC that really solidified him as my fave; we love to see a fall from grace and to see a man take the worst possible path to "redemption"...which it turns out wasn't even that good and he thinks resulted in the death of the person he cared about most. And then the poor bastard sacrifices himself for said person, the only woman he's ever loved, after finding out she's still alive. He's got the snark, the deep voice, the long dark hair, the sword, the Tragedy...A Fine Man indeed.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I wouldn't call her my baby but I guess Lizzie??? She IS very cute/pretty and I say "SHE" every time she's onscreen. She also doesn't really fit in the other categories but I love her so much, definitely my second favorite character. Also Ragetti
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): ANAMARIA. Shoutout to pre-DMC fics for writing more of her because lord knows she deserves it, sucks that Zoe Saldana was treated so horribly that she didn't come back for 2 or 3.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): She doesn't ever appear onscreen but ESMERALDA MARIA CONSUELA ANNA DE SEVILLA (MY BELOVED) from the tie-in novel The Price of Freedom (and Aleah @emcads' legendary RPs). We love to point at tiny details and go "that's Esme's"
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I mean I think this simply has to be Captain Jack himself. I do love him dearly despite the writers' best efforts in 2 and 3 (there are no 4 and 5 in Ba Sing Se). Competent, grounded CotBP Jack is best Jack but even there he was pathetic.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Mercer, he deserves it. Also Murtogg and Mullroy if we go with a less extreme definition of torment; they're fun to mess with!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Cutler Beckett
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officersnickers · 3 years
TPN for the fandom ask meme
Also thanks for asking, @hevia-tokuni! Put you two together since it was the same fandom 😊
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Ray all the way. His character arc, the way he changes throughout the story, his interactions with other characters and the constant, underlying pain in him catched my heart really soon and makes me think of him so often. Truly a blorbo ❤️
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Zazie. I can‘t describe it properly but this 2m tall five year old boy catched my eye and heart the second he appeared in the manga. I only wished we could learn more about him and how he does now in the human world.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Ayshe and Zack. Ayshe because she‘s awesome, got a wonderful design and interesting backstory as well as a complicated history with the heroes we never really witnessed cleared up, and Zack because he was the only adult on the search for Cuvitidala with a bunch of kids – the potencial we never got to see! Additionally, he was part of Lucas‘ original adopted children and that makes him just as special as Oliver, who we got to learn way more about.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
James Ratri. When he finally got his anime debut I screamed internally (and sadly to others ears, externally too). Just look at him and tell me what's wrong with my weird obsession for this very dead guy 😭
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Yuugo. He‘s truly the most pathetic character in the whole series. I can love him dearly the one second and get major second hand emberassment for this guy and I think that‘s wonderful.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Peter Ratri. Put him in the plinko and let him fall down forever. He deserves it.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Andrew – he commited the ultimate crime by killing the gay dads and destroying their chance of living a life outside the walls of their world. Superhell for Andrew for 1000 years
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
Owari no seraph for the ask game!
ask game
hi hi hi!!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Guren, probably. Compared to a lot of my other fandoms I honestly give most of the characters a fair chance, I write things for nearly every main character and a lot of side characters. But yeah, Guren's just. Guren's my guy. He's the blorbo. My dear departed husband who is a fictional war criminal
Runner up blorbos would probably be Yuu and Mika, though they just don't need any more attention since they're. Yknow. The main characters and tend to be overrated and mischaracterized so much it gets annoying! But they're mine and no one else is allowed to look at them except my beloved mutuals. Stop doing it
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Asuramaru. Asuramaru my baby girl. I've always considered asuramaru transfem bc of the way that their presentation goes from shorter hair and plainer clothes in backstory to a literal dress and hair longer than their entire body even tho they're technically supposed to be a guy i just. I don't care. Asuramaru what a girlboss<3 The she<3 I get so much cuteness agression from that fucking idiot I want to rumple her hair and put her in the washing machine and give her blood snacky snacks
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
SHINOA MY GIRL AND YOICHI MY BOY. Yoichi my BOY he is literally my main kin in owari no seraph and I. Hgmghewihg. I'm a lil embarassed about that however. I hate how the fandom treats him because he's literally the most dangerous person on the squad like no fucking contest. He's the only one who figured out manifestation on his own, he's 10 times better at handling his demon than anyone else, his emotional control is off the CHARTS, he needs so much fucking therapy, I just. Dude. Did u guys forget about the whole. The. When chapter 51. Yoichi will get his time and you're all going to regret calling him an uwu baby when he does
And shinoa. I may not relate to her as heavily as I do with some of the others, but I want to rip her from kagami's cold dead hands and give her an article on comphet and also just. A hug. A long hug. She's a kid. She's the youngest one on the squad, I think. She's been given shit from the moment she was born and she has not had one fucking moment to be herself and yet she managed to have such a hilarious badass personality. She's also the same height as me and therefore we are siblings and she is me. I love Shinoa i lllvoe shnoia
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): oh god I have. Several of these. So #1, Aiko. This girl
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You know, the girl that gets one episode in battle of nagoya and then fucking dies. I, love her, she did nothing wrong, she deserves the world and she is so pretty. I also think she and Mito are kissing btw. Girlboss x girlboss.
Also. I think I win "obscure fave" because I was so adament not to make an actual oc that my other glup shitto is. I grabbed a guy who literally had a single throwaway line- not even his line, just mentioning him, and gave him a whole character arc and backstory.
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This little guy here who gave Mika a death glare. I just realized now that I looked at this again he's calling the name dai. I thought HE was Dai. Well he's Dai now, who else is gonna correct me? Him and the kid Ferid dropped (who i named florian) are heavily featured in my giant ons rewrite as GIANT plot devices, given their own arcs, and used to further the arcs of Crowley and Mika especially, and to give a current insider's perspective of Ferid's Child Trafficking Business. Dai is actually a spy for the demon army in my fic, it's... yknow, I'd better not just start rambling I never even actually wrote half of their stuff but I love them dearly.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
God, both Mika and Guren fit here perfectly.
It's soooo funny how most Guren stans nowadays are some version of Mika antis, and most Mika stans nowadays are some form of Guren antis. I love them both and they're both my horrible terrible fucked up poor little meow meows. On an intellectual level both of them did SO many things wrong but also your honor. They did nothing wrong. Shoves the catastrophe behind my back. They have so many issues to work out I DESPISE them /pos but if anyone else says a SINGLE WORD against them they're catching my hands
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
I loooooooove torturing guren it is my absolute favorite activity I love putting him in the guren plinko over and over like beast dazai i love watching him suffer and be in pain it's so fun because he's my favorite and i love him. Also though god what I would do to make him happy
im going to create another one because I think it's funny: Blorbo-In-Law (character you know and like but aren't the expert on, however one or more friends does in fact legally own this character): Shinya. I like shinya just fine, I love shinya, but he's just not the kind of guy I can relate to nearly as much as guren and I know some of my beloved mutuals just know him so much better. But I know Shinya has a strong, dedicated fandom who is absolutely giving their lives for that man on the daily. Like. He gets NOTHING and I feel so fucking sorry for u guys lol
i WENT OFF on this one didn't i
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suits-of-woe · 3 years
hamlet pls
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
it's gotta be hamlet. i don't even know if he's my favourite character but hamlet is like Thee Blorbo. the guy of all time. for 400 years people have been experiencing things and being like "wow just like hamlet" and i am not immune.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
horatio <333 shaped like a friend i want to hug him and feed him soup
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
horatio in terms of academia but definitely NOT on tumblr dot com. honestly like. on here maybe claudius? i know he's terrible but he fucks as a villain i want to discuss him more.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
i...don't know that i really have one? but osric is so fucking funny and i have seen some good takes on him so i do think about him sometimes
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
like. it's hamlet right. he's kind of terrible he's pathetic he has SO many problems and i love him dearly. get therapy king.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
POLONIUS i fucking hate that man i don't even know why i know he did not do murder but i hate him more than claudius i want to torment him but luckily hamlet already did it for me
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
i mean i'd say king hamlet, fuck you sir stop perpetuating generational cycles of violence, but. i mean. he's already there huh.
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vsrobotjulie · 3 years
gun to your head fandom blorbos for madcom
yes absolutely
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): deimos!!!!! my beloved i love him so so dearly!!!!
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): hofnarr <3 hes so <3
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): skinner!! doctor characters have my whole heart
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): RICH when i saw him in mpn i cried it was such a neat detail to me
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): CRACKPOT!!! i feel like he could be a problematic fave
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): hank i feel like he'd think its funny
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): ph*bos
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layzeal · 3 years
mdzs for the fandom ask!
hehehehehohohoho ty friend!!! LET'S GO
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
there's no question, if you've followed for even a little bit you know i'm a WWX lover, that man and his crazy scientist hubris and his big, beautiful, annoying heart lives rent free in my brain. his husband LWJ comes close second, but WWX is just unmatched
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
SIZHUI!! i mean come ON, both baby and teenager forms are the sweetest thing, but i especially love how he's not a 100% pute sweet little guy. he WILL start throwing punches in in a cave and he WILL say that the annoying guy they've been helping save from a walking corpse deserved more than a punch to the face from being so awful to his old friend
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
A-Qing!!! THE bravest character in modao, especially considering her backstory and circumstances. She's funny and cute and feral and one of the best people in the story but in a way that still feels like a real person. my god i need to re-read Yi City, but A-Qing really deserves soooo much more love than she gets
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
MO!!!! XUANYU!!!! MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ABOUT MO XUANYU I'M OBSESSED WITH HIM!!!!! i love how he haunts the narative from beginning to end and we never even meet him, i love how his anger burned so sooo bright that it unintentionally turned a tragedy into a queer love story. i LOVE that the flesh and bones of a supposedly queer man was the vehicle for it, considering how our own happy endings now are the result of the blood and tragedy of so many gay people that came before us. i LOVE the bits and pieces we learn about him and how almost none of it is certain or confirmed. seriously, i could talk about MXY until i pass out
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
in a story with many, MANY problematic characters, there is only One that truly fits the poor little meow meow label, and that is jin guangyao. everytime he cries about having had no choice in doing what he did, everytime he pleads with those big doe eyes... both him and NHS learned to weaponize the meowmeowfication, but while NHS still comes off as more pathetic, JGY found the perfect balance that just makes it impossible to look away. i adore him
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
ahhh jiang cheng, a character that i adore dearly but in that specific way in which i love watching him have his pathetic male hysteria moments. you know that part in guanyin temple when he walked in through rain all badass, but then during the fight he (unnecessarily) tries to save wangxian by jumping in front of jgy's sword and ends up sitting down on the floor looking like an angry, sad, wet dog? that scene summarizes perfectly what i love about his character. i wanna put him in a pretty glass jar and shake it, i wanna poke him with a stick and see how much trauma oozes out, i wanna lie him on a pan and flatten him like a pancake. he was immaculately written but i cannot relate to any of my mutuals cause they either love or hate him unironically, so i'm sitting by myself in my little corner tormenting him like a bored cat playing with a bug
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
if jin guangshan had dropped dead before the war.... it wouldn't have fixed Everything BUT IT WOULD HAVE FIXED SO MUUUCH. he's just an evil creep with no depth to him, nothing really to discuss, he just sucks, to superhell you goooooo
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leidensygdom · 3 years
OCs. I know you have them. Which are your blorbos and scrimblos and scrunklies and the rest?
(This is in relation to the Blorbo Ask meme for those who may be confused!) I'll include pictures to make it easier on people not as familiar to my OCs
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Right now??? Mythannae, for sure! I've been playing him a lot in the DnD game DM'ed by my partner (named Ennu), and he's just. A good dad. Very sweet, very enjoyable to play! He's got some Stuff Coming which is making me even more excited.
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(This is Myth, btw! Tiefling Artificer/Wizard)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
I'm having an unusual streak of Osten brainrot right now. He's utterly baby, and there's been some interesting development with him in Ennu, so he's been just living in my mind rent free.
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(This BABY is Osten! Tiefling Divine Soul Sorcerer)
Not my OC, but Laestis is my eternal scrunkly too-
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
I'm actually going to go ahead and say Cirrus for this one. And I'm the one who SHOULD be appreciating her more. I've drawn her like two times, despite how I do enjoy playing her. A crime. How can I NOT draw her sharp, sharp smile?
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(This is Cirrus! Swashbuckler Air Genasi Triton)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I'd say Urion qualifies as a glup shitto right now. They haven't been in the campaign at all. They're gone, in fact. All the party knows is that at some point Yxala has dated them. And that they were in a band. That's it. It's probably not going to be a glup shitto right now, because I'll be drawing them further, but-- Yeah rn there's just about no info on them!
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(This is Urion! Earth Genasi Drow. Possibly a Cleric?)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Definitely Arcien Yu'Yden. They're a war criminal. They've done REALLY problematic stuff. They've had loads of things going on in Gharmyra (not so much in Ennu, at least). I keep making excuses for them, too. They're my certified Poor Little Meow Meow.
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(Yden! Tiefling wizard. Possibly undead.)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I'd say, Yxala. Poor ma'am has. Has been just. Through so much. And we're planning even more fucked up stuff for her. I'm not even sure why am I so cruel to her, because I love her dearly, but my god poor woman has got ALL the angst.
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(this ma'am is a Tiefling Paladin who has just been through Way Too Much.)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I'm sending Ilztvyll to superhell and hoping he NEVER comes back. I mean. Look at him. He's just a Criminal.
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(Please, send this motherfucker to superhell.)
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