#he's run away to the Peter Rabbit movie
Also don't think anyone has said this (thats a joke) but like, art styles aside:
The animation, expressions, movement, everything of ATSV is IMPECCABLE.
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Like insanely, ridiculously, almost mind bogglingly good.
[This is a MEDIUM length post]
The main strength is the Emotion -
In terms of animation, the range of emotions Miguel is capable of expressing is like... crazy good. Gwen's emotions ARE UNSPEAKABLY IMPRESSIVE.
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And the movie hinges on this - almost every scene has an emotional cue that HAS to hit. Whether is Jess's looks of hesitation or Peter B.'s looks of horror.
And this may seem like the most ridiculous comparison ever made but like...
The Bee Movie and Across the Spider-Verse came out FIFTEEN YEARS APART.
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THE BEE MOVIE...THIS MONSTRASITY that has plagued humankind - was made less than two decades from THIS:
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The fact that we progressed that far as a society (pun intended) in that short of a time will never not baffle me.
I genuinely cannot name any other animated movie that:
Has multiple styles throughout the duration
Can seamlessly change styles without the viewer immediately noticing (like Gwen returning to her universe)
Show two or more animation styles on screen at the same time (and no, Roger Rabbit and Space Jam don't count - that's half live action lol)
Just off the top of my head - ATSV shows up to three styles in one scene: I'm mainly thinking of the scene that shows Hobie (customized - style 1), Peter B. (standard - style 2), and Miguel (a light stylized - style 3).
It can be brought to four if you want to count Miles/Gwen, though their style isn't visible.
I can think of a couple scenes that genuinely blew me away in terms of animation -
One being Rio's 'What-EVER?!' because of the little stance correction and head bob she does, because it's such a natural thing to do. And it adds so much to an already perfect line.
It's something someone would genuinely do IRL without even noticing.
Another I LOVE is Pavitr and Hobie roughhousing.
Like, I can't yell about these five seconds of animation more.
It's SO fluid it looks like Motion-Capture and I left the theatre googling is any Mo-Cap was used in the movie (and from what I can tell - no, it's all original animation).
The way Pavitr falls to the side and bumps them - This not only being a natural reaction to Hobie and his weight, but it also LOOKS natural. So much so you can see it affect Hobie's model too. The movement has kinetic energy on both models -
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In this shot alone, there's the guitar, vest, AND Hobie, all of which have their own animation rules. Plus the outline on his guitar AND him. And then there PAVI too, who's running at a higher frame rate, touching and interacting with Hobie.
So much so that Hobie's model nearly wraps himself around Pavi. Pavi's hair is moving, Hobie's guitar is moving, there's movement in the background - and it looks GREAT.
PLUS THE CAMERA IS MOVING AND GOSTLING. IT'S NOT A STATIC SHOT. The models and camera are moving AS IF THEY'RE REAL when they're not.
But by far, I think the range of expression used on Miguel is like... Chef's kiss.
(of course I was gonna trick you into reading another post about Miguel. Uh-huh that's what's about to happen)
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Like... are you kidding me?
The whole later half of the movie hinges on Miguel looking buckwild crazy insane and they NAIL that. And like-
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Oh my god what the actual fuck
?????????????????????????? I........ I have nothing to add. After that picture......Nah... LMAOOO
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(left: actual photo of Moche watching this happen)
But Anyway chile, This movie is like.. genuinely a modern marvel.
If Marvel gave Tim Gunn 4 billion dollars and five years, whatever live-action rendition he would have made would not even compare to ATSV on any conceivable level - that's how good it is so jot that down.
And like...don't even get me started on Hobie..his design..his representation...girl I will start crying in this Arby's do not play with me
I just felt that needed to be said.
you get what I'm saying yall know what I mean iight coo
Here's a picture of Hobie to cleanse your palette.
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Our Nest (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob are preparing for your little one's arrival and already, shenanigans have ensued
Warnings: Pregnancy, parenthood, Auggie being a menace etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia and the lovely @bradshawsbaby my darling, I leave this as a little gift for you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
It was one of those gloriously warm spring days in Montana when all the flowers were in bloom, the windows of the house open to let in the breeze and the birds singing. The lilacs and the crape myrtles that you and Bob had planted after your wedding several years before had fully bloomed already, releasing their heady scents and causing more than a few sneezing fits.
Bob hummed a little as he organized the bookshelf in the corner of the nursery, right next to the rocking chair. Already Meemaw and Papa had sent over an old box of books that had been his when he was a baby, each one carefully picked with all the love in the world and inscribed with his date of birth and a message from Meemaw and Papa.
"Whatcha got Bob?" you asked folding one of the little blue onesies to put in the laundry.
"All the books that were mine when I was a baby," he answered. "Got Baby's Good Morning Book, Baby's Bedtime Book, Baby's Story Book, the Christmas Stories, Child's Story Book, Child's Fairy Tale Book, Peter Rabbit and.......looks like Winnie The Pooh too."
You couldn't help but ooh and aah over the books and their illustrations. You wished you could have a few of them to hang on the walls.
"Hey!" chirped a little toddler voice. "Get out me swamp!!"
You and Bob laughed when you saw Auggie running to the door with the kitchen broom as soon as the doorbell rang, when who should enter but Jake Seresin himself, greeted by his godson wielding a broom.
"Bob! I think Shrek's at it again!" Jake announced. "He's chasing me out of his swamp!"
"You're the one who had to show him that movie," Bob informed him.
Jake rolled his eyes as Auggie laughed and hugged his leg, hanging on for dear life and giggling like crazy as Jake lifted one leg and then the other.
"How goes Mommas?" Jake said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Good, save for the fact that my husband is right there watching you," you chuckled.
"Hey it's called being courteous, it's technically not flirting," Jake explained.
"Although Natasha might disagree."
Jake made a noise that caught in his throat, his hand moving quickly to protectively cup his denim clad scrotum.
"That's what we thought," Bob said with a shit eating grin.
Jake gathered up Auggie to go and cause havoc elsewhere for the day, leaving you and Bob to finish putting together the nursery. You unpacked all the baby clothes, blankets, shoes and other things your family and friends had sent you over the last few months including adorable little bunnies, puppies, bears, elephants and duckies for your little boy.
"Oh remember this?" you laughed, unfolding one of the blankets from the box.
"Oh, my Uncle Red's wife made that years ago," Bob cooed, holding up the little ducky quilt. "I used to sleep with it every night and Mom had to wrestle it away just to wash it."
You and Bob shared a few laughs as you kept organizing and putting everything together. Outside, you could see two mountain bluebirds in the nest they had made in the crape myrtle, wondering if there were any eggs due to hatch. Already the chicks had begun to hatch while there were more horse and cow births happening at least twice a week. The bunnies too had been hard at work, their numbers multiplying in the last few weeks as well.
"Oof," you breathed, feeling your baby kick. "Oh I know little guy, you're ready."
Bob helped you up from where you had been sitting, letting you lean against him as his hand rested gently on your belly. "Did he drop?" he asked.
You nodded.
Bob smiled broadly as he knelt to kiss your bump. "Now you wait a minute mister," Bob chuckled. "There's still some things we need to get ready for you."
You laughed as Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. He wasn't wrong. Even though you were days away from giving birth, there were still so many things to do in such a tiny time frame.
The next few days were spent prepping the house and finishing the nursery. The laundry and the last of your knitting went smoothly although your cats would have said otherwise. Bluey and Echo, Bob's two blue-heelers, had taken to fetching the oddest things from the other rooms which led to an odd assortment of everything piling up in the living room. But you wouldn't have had it any other way.
At last, the day had come, a warm and calm night when you woke up suddenly after your water broke unexpectedly. Jake and Natasha came to take Auggie back to their place for a while, while your midwife came to the house to help. Bob stayed with you the whole time, just as he had done with Auggie, letting you squeeze his hand as you relaxed in the warm bath.
At long last, on June 1st, at 1:30 in the morning, your sweet little boy, Patrick Lewis Floyd, was born; sharing a birthday with Bob's father Joe. As soon as you were back in yours and Bob's shared bed, he snapped a few photos and sent them to his parents, siblings and the Daggers. It's not long before his phone is flooded with messages, all from the proud aunts, uncles and grandparents of your new little boy.
Joe and Irene, Bob's parents, are proud as ever of their grandson and of you both, more so now that Joe can joke about Patrick being his birthday present for that year. His Meemaw and Papa are all too proud to be great-grandparents again, all of them offering to come by and help with whatever is needed.
You and Bob wake later the next day at the sound of Patrick's fussing in the little bedside bassinet, Bob carefully lifting him into his arms and bringing him to the window to hear the birds singing. Patrick calms right down as soon as he's heard the birds sing and as soon as he's latched onto you to feed.
And when you and Bob are snuggled in your shared bed with Auggie coming in to see his new baby brother, you are both overjoyed and happy at the little nest you've built together.
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slightoffoot · 7 months
Nureyev Headcannon Time!
An ongoing list.
Room looks like
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Furthermore, I can't not think of Howl's freak out about his hair turning orange and then transforming into goo because he thinks he's not beautiful anymore. It's so Peter I'm- (peter and juno howl and sophie REAL)
Can't watch movies without subtitles
Practices how he speaks and carries himself very similarly to how Buddy does
I think Juno fixes his own clothes and Peter helps him thread his needles because Juno's depth perception sucks
Sharp teeth partly as a result of genetics and partly as a result of filing them as a teenager and regretting it as an adult (see: Caniniform on ao3 and that one tiktok I saw two years ago of that girl that filed her teeth and regretted it LOL)
No emojis. Only emoticons. >:3
LONG hair like down to the tops of his thighs
Sheds like a damn dog like his everything shower leaves the bathroom looking like a tornado came through
Sleeves. Iykyk.
Every alias has a very specific posture and way of holding himself, so when he's (very rarely) being himself, he shifts constantly because he doesn't know how he stands naturally.
He talks all proper and flowery because Mag drilled into him that he couldn't sound foreign and had to learn to speak Solar perfectly (along with various other languages), so that nobody would guess that he's from the Outer Rim.
He's so goth like cmon. He literally gave his name to Juno after knowing him for several hours and wanted to run away together. My fave tortured dramatic guy <3
I think he'd like creepasta, early 2000's internet horror, and whatever category Mystery Flesh Pit National Park falls into. Like he gets side tracked researching for a job and falls down various rabbit holes and wow it's 3 am and he's doodling Jeff the Killer on a hotel napkin
Continuing on the last one he 1000% believes in ghosts and legends n all that shit he is wayyyyy too scared to even try playing bloody mary. This man has killed people and he won't stand between two mirrors facing each other. God.
I know he has a tramp stamp and I know Juno is the only one who's seen it. Let me live.
the adhd should be a given. I mean. *gestures vaguely*
will add to this list as I think of more.
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triskhellion · 1 year
Awoo for You
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Rated T | ~1k | Teen Wolf | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | Eurodance
@hargrove-taylorsversion and @dear-massacre are to blame for this. Inspired by this post and various groups from the 90s and early aughts.
Derek was walking down Galvanic Ave when an all too familiar beat tugged at the edge of his awareness. His fingers tapped against the side of his thigh before he realized what he was doing, the sound of synthesizers growing steadily louder. Clearer.
Wait, is that...?
A white car turned the corner several blocks away and was now coming towards him. He groaned. 
Derek tried to tune it out, but the closer it got the more impossible it became to ignore his cousin’s voice coming out of its crackling speakers.
My heart is rabbit for your fang My feelings sparkle boomerang I chase you in my head at night Your voice a music dynamite
He cringed waiting for what came next, his own gravely voice snarling through the open windows. 
Boom! Want run with me? Woods! So wild and free
Howl! I jump for you Awoo! Big fool at zoo
Kiss! No need to flee Gingivitis? Not with me!
Growl! Free me my dove Cuz grr Ulv equals luv!
Luv luv luv luv Dance dance dance dance Run run run run RAAAWWRRR!
Ten years later and that damn song still followed him everywhere. Online. In stores. His teasing packmates. It haunted his very dreams. Nowhere was safe it seemed.
The chorus trailed after the ancient Yugo as it finally passed by, Malia’s howling interspersed with more of what was once described as his “horny wolf pseudo-rapping.”
Awoooo! I do for you Awoooo! Special and true
Awoooo! Want to make sex? Awoooo! I bite you next
(Necks necks necks necks) Everybody full shift!
It was 1997 and the Hales were in Burgdorf, Idaho for that year’s gathering of the packs west of the Rocky Mountains. While the adults were hammering out alliances, mediating conflicts, and commenting on the weather or swapping venison recipes or whatever, he and half a dozen other teen wolves (and one 10 year old little sister) were goofing around with some audio equipment they found in one of the unoccupied cabins. 
First came make-shift karaoke and then they started coming up with their own songs. Derek had beta-shifted and was growling nonsense into the microphone over some instrumental Eurodance single out of a huge cd case. Cora was literally rolling on the floor and laughing so hard that tears streamed down her face as the rest of the group busted exaggerated dance moves. Then all of a sudden the others grew quiet and stilled, standing up straight.
When he looked behind him his uncle Peter was leaning in the doorway with a calculating expression on his face.
A few months later Derek’s hair was styled into thick blue spikes and he had a Danish persona: Anders GRR. Malia, or Meta Clawz, had the misfortune of being able to sing and got roped into it too, sporting natural brown pigtails in back, but bright red and platinum blonde bangs in front. Together they were Beast of Beats. 
They never actually toured and only released the one self-titled album with 9 tracks — Best Beta, Another Moon, Blue Eyed Joe, Be My Mate, ‘Mega Girl, Better Off a Lone, Super-Louper-Man, Rhythm Is an Alpha, and the inescapable Awoo for You — but the music video of the latter was a hit on MTV. Then came the flash animation that some fan made a few years after, which became one of the first viral clips. There were T-shirts and covers by award-winning musicians. Memes and references in popular tv shows over the years and…It. Just. Never. Went. Away. 
Thankfully, both he and Malia had their faces obscured by masks, swirls of paint, or “special effects” in the video so they weren’t recognizable by the general public. There was that much at least.
Derek trudged into the apartment and grabbed some water from the fridge, snorting at a note asking him to circle which movie he wanted to see that weekend: Hot Rod, Sunshine or The Bourne Ultimatum. He circled #2, but had a feeling he’d end up watching number #1 anyway.
He sank down onto the ugly orange couch with a sigh. Footsteps soon approached from the bedroom.
“Hey babe, how was—hey, what’s wrong?”
Derek shook his head, not sure how to start or if he even wanted to. He'd never mentioned the whole Beast of Beats thing to his boyfriend and as much as he wanted to vent he also liked having one person in his life that didn’t know, for however long that could last. It was only a matter of time before Stiles was fully introduced to his pack and then someone would let it slip.
The human walked over and flopped down sideways beside him, stretching his legs over Derek’s thighs and taking his right hand, caressing the back with his thumb. Warm, dark caramel eyes watched him closely.
“Hmm…you’re wearing your grumpy Anders face.”
Derek froze and then turned slowly to stare at him. 
“You know?”
Stiles raised an eyebrow and smirked.
“Dude, I’d recognize that growl anywhere.”
He blushed and looked away, mortified.
“Derek, it’s okay. You know how much I like it. I like the song too, but I noticed that it bothered you about the same time I figured out who you were so I left it alone. I want you to be able to talk to me about stuff, though.”
He smiled at and squeezed Stiles’ hand. “Thanks.”
“But now that the wolf’s out of the bag…”
Derek narrowed his eyes as the grinning young man leaned forward to whisper in his ear.
“Want to make sex?” 
He groaned and knocked his head against the back of the couch. Kisses peppered his face between peals of laughter.
“Sorry, I'm sorry babe. I’ve been holding that in for so long, you have no idea.”
Shaking his head, he pulled Stiles into his lap and kissed him back, nipping at his bottom lip. Grasping under a thigh and putting an arm around his back he then stood up, the human flailing briefly before wrapping legs around his waist and holding onto his shoulders. 
Nuzzling into that lovely dotted throat, Derek inhaled the increasing earthy-sweetness of arousal. 
“I bite you next,” he muttered against soft, flushed skin. 
“Necks necks necks necks!” chanted Stiles.
“Everybody full shift!” he growled, setting his beautiful, happy and amused boyfriend down on the bed and climbing on top of him.
Well, maybe the song wasn’t completely terrible after all. 
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The Wind Rises was described as follow:
A Studio Ghibli film about a designer of war planes used by Japan during WWII and how he struggles with his pacifist beliefs while still being forced to design these machines made for death. The emotions ring true in every frame of this film and the flying sequences are truly unbelievably gorgeous.
La Grande Vadrouille was described as follow: (under read more because boy is it long. nothing triggering though)
1942. A Royal Air Force bomber is shot down over Paris (thinking they're over Calais because their navigator is bad at his job) and three aviators survive to meet out in the Turkish Baths of Paris. Their leader, nicknamed "Big Moustache" (coincidentally? he has a big moustache) lands in a zoo and has the help of a friendly zookeeper who gives him clothes in exchange for the parachute's fabrics, while the other two fall, one on the roof of the Opera Garnier, where he's helped by the whining, "i'm helping you out of moral and patriotic duty but boy do i wish I weren't" music conductor Stanislas Lefort, and the other on a house painter's scaffolding. Said house painter is at that moment repainting a wall belonging to a german military building and the british guy landing on his scaffolding makes a huge pot of paint fall onto a german parade just beneath, signaling his presence and forcing both to run away by the roofs. A woman helps the house painter (Bouvet) and the british guy n°3 escape a german search by pretending to be the wife of Bouvet and to be in the middle of an argument with him, making the germans leave early out of awkwardness, while the british guy is hidden in the elevator shaft. Lefort and Bouvet meet Big Moustache in the turkish bath, convene of a plan, all three run through different means to the station to take a train for the free zone but only british guy n°3 (Peter) and the girl get in it, the others narrowly miss it and steal a postal van. Peter is made a prisonner after reflexively saying "sorry" (in english) to a guy he accidentally walked into in the train, in ear reach of a german officer. However! the german officer takes Peter to Meursault for interrogation, but that's the city he was supposed to find the other two soldiers and the three french lads and girl! After again pretending to be married, Bouvet and the girl escape the vigilance of the nazis, Bouvet declares his love to the girl, Bouvet and Lefort are put in the same double bed because there aren't a lot of rooms left, two german officers are put in the same bed in the only other room, and because it's room 9 and 6 and one of the room's door's number fall, it looks like idk 6 and 6 or 9 and 9, and Bouvet and Lefort, after time in the kitchen, the bathroom, etc, go back to the wrong rooms and end up each sleeping in the same bed as a german officer. "There's only one bed but platonic and better" as someone summed it up. The next day, nuns help the british guys get to the free zone except OBVIOUSLY the nazis get them again after an accidental package swapping. The french guys get arrested too because some rabbits made their guiding dogs stray. All of them, all disguised in various stuff (german soldiers, wine barrels... long story) end up in the same building as Peter (british guy n°3) who notices them and makes a scene about being pushed around by a soldier to attract their attention and make them see each other (the french and british guys not the german ones, he's not a traitor or anything). The next step of action is obvious. Set fire to the building, confuse an interrogation officer to almost a panick attack by giving such contradictory and stupid statements that he can't stand it anymore, run away in a horse drawn carriage and put a plane with no propeller off a cliff in hopes to land on the right (free) side of the valley. And it works. Makes no sense. My favorite movie ever. If it makes it into the bracket I will try to find my favorites scenes in english on youtube to send them as propaganda and it IS a threat.
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gudsouplady · 2 months
Watching Christopher Robin for the first time (2018) (spoilers)
• The introduction to the film is absolutely brilliant like a children’s book
• I love the adaptations of the live action Winnie the Pooh characters (they look like stuffed toys which is adorable)
• Eyeore’s voice is so ominous it’s amazing
• The rabbit and the owl argue like an old married couple which is quite hilarious
• The cake looked so delicious it didn’t deserve to be demolished so violently :(
• the scenery in this film is so beautiful alongside the emotional dialogue between Pooh and Christopher (both compliment each other so well )
• Why is Christopher going to boarding school ? They’re depicted as being miserable in every movie that mentions them ( Are they that bad ??? )
• Was drawing during class that bad that there was punishment ??
• His dad died ( but he was mean so I guess it’s not that bad)
• Piglet being Pooh’s therapist is so cute ☺️ (second best friendship in this film)
• Evelyn is so pretty 🤩
• Evelyn x Christopher (power couple)
• NOOOO Christopher got shipped off to war when Evelyn was pregnant
• Evelyn named the baby madeleine
• I’m happy Christopher and Madeline met :) (but they seemed tense)
• Christopher aged poorly tbh and Evelyn aged better
• I LOVE THE SUITCASE KNOCKING OVER (best moment with absolutely no plot relation)
• Mark Gatiss acting as an authority figure is brilliant (Mycroft Holmes and Giles)
• Madeline is a smart girl with an imagination similar to her father
• Madeline is fed up with her dad and she should be, her dad literally shuts her away and expects her to to study all the time but she’s got to have her childhood whilst she still has it
• Madeline’s note got ruined :(
• The door between One hundred acre wood and London reminds me of the door between the real world and the other world in the Coraline universe
• POOH REUNITED WITH CHRISTOPHER :) (Second best friendship in this film)
• Pooh hugs Christopher but he move away :(
• Christopher breaks his promises
• I hate that Christopher loses his temper Every 5 seconds
• Don’t leave Pooh alone 😖
• Pooh has some fast legs
• Christopher deserved to get concussed and good luck to him finding his way back to London
• Eyeore is so cute he doesn’t need to got down the waterfall and get flung up into the air
• Piglet is the only one who thinks things through
• Do the animals in one hundred acre. Wood not age ????
• Christopher and Eyeore are a comedic duo
• THEY SLEPT NEXT TO EACH OTHER (Pooh and Christopher)
• Tigger is underrated :)
• Roo asks all the correct questions
• Evelyn and Madeline are so mad at you Christopher, They don’t want to see you
• Evelyn is the best mother 🏆
• Madeline is a great tennis player 🎾
• Tigger spawns in gracefully with a music number which is amazing 😁
• Pooh : I don’t know south (Me in geography)
• Madeline can control the gang better than Christopher
• Madeline is so reckless and responsible at the Same time
• Does tigger not know what he looks like ????
• Madeline is like an escape master
• the van driver doesn’t know about the suitcase hanging by a thread (literally) that fell off their van
• Christopher trying to explain everything is so serious and funny at the same time
• The office worker trying to conclude that Christopher is insane is so dumb
• Christopher is being a good father and husband (took him long enough)
• Get roasted Giles !!!
• Everyone reunited at one hundred acre wood
• Pooh and his honey 🍯
• THE ENDING IS SO BEAUTIFUL (Pooh and Christopher have the best friendship in this movie)
I give this film a 9.5 out of ten because I wanted to see a bit more of Madeline and Evelyn
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disneynerdpumpkin · 11 months
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Welp, it seems every other Disnerd (and even non-Disnerds!) is making posts about Once Upon a Studio, so as a Disnerd I guess I should jump in on this too!
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Seeing all of the Disney characters interact with each other was AMAZING!
I wish we got to see The Nightmare Before Christmas characters tho :( That would've been pretty awesome (and there weren't any Pixar characters smh which makes no sense since they're Disney too, just a different studio partner)
As a Disney Pinocchio fan I was delightfully surprised that Pinocchio was one of the first characters to emerge! (The voice wasn't very accurate, too high-pitched but still so cute!) I honestly thought that they weren't going to put him in at all, cuz Disney tends to not pay attention to Pinocchio nearly as much as the other movies. AND HIS CUTE WIDDLE FACE OH MY GOODNESS MY LITTLE BLORBO!!!!! And he was trying not to laugh when Louis fell out of his picture frame XD like oh my goodness his little opera-gloved hand trying to hide his smile. Pinocchio has broken the cuteness meter
And Mickey stopping at Walt's picture, and "Feed the Birds" piano instrumental to accompany it???!?!?!?!?!!!! You better believe I cried :sobs uncontrollably: (for those non-Disnerds that might not have understood, "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins was Walt Disney's favorite song)
Moana, Flounder, Merlin, and Mad Hatter interacting with each other was AWESOME!!!
And the bit when Prince Charming loses his shoe on the stairs and Max grabbing it and running off and him yelling "ERIC, GET YOUR DOG!!!" I can't even I CAN'T EVEN THAT WAS AMAZING OMIGOSH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
and then Cinderella was like "Go, Max, go!" She was legit ENCOURAGING HIM to run away! (I'm pretty sure, from this information, that she plays pranks on her prince often) why was this short blessed upon us?!?!
AND THEY MADE CINDERELLA'S GOWN SILVER!!!!! NOT BLUE!!!!! Cuz it's not blue, it's actually silver (and Disney seems to disregard this a lot of the time)! BUT THEY ACTUALLY MADE IT SILVER akjhkjhroiqrowoewvwpqwomiepovie21ueiuv9upwe9pv;";ad's;dw!
the elevator bits were hilarious XD and Baymax looking adorable as ever :D
they finally had Mickey and Minnie NOT wearing their typical outfits (red shorts and red and white polka dots dress) so that was great!
and of course Winnie the Pooh characters!!! All looking so cute, as usual! Everyone stuggling to get Pooh out of the picture frame was genius!!!
And ROBIN HOOD AND LITTLE JOHN picking up Scrooge's moneybags and saying "Ooh-de-lally"!!!!!!!
And Allan-A-Dale providing the soft instrumental music for "When You Wish Upon A Star"?!?!?!?!?!?! AND Mirabel?!?! AND Scat Cat?!?!?!?!?!!?!?? AND MULTIPLE CHARACTERS PROVIDING THE VOCALS?!?!?!
AND ROBIN WILLIAMS VOICING GENIE?!?!?!?!?!!? (tbh I actually didn't know it was him until someone pointed that out. which is funny cuz I was like "this sounds SO MUCH like Robin Williams, who did the voicing?") (so they took one Robin William's voice clips from improvising.) fun fact: Robin Williams improvised so much for Aladdin that they literally had 16 hours of material to work with!
Bruh Timon and Pumbaa calling Olaf "Frosty" was amazing
:internal screaming:
Honestly I would've loved to see some interaction between Geppetto and Pinocchio (DISNEY I'M WAITING TO SEE WHOLESOME FATHER-SON BONDING BETWEEN THEM!!!!!!) I only saw the two of them at the end :(
But seeing all the characters together (except TNBC and Pixar for some reason) was amazing!!!!!!!!
LIKE OH MY GOODNESS I CANT EVEN LIST EVERYTHING IT WAS SO AMAZING (like ima have to come back to this post and add more!!!!)
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New AU Idea!
So this is based on a thing I did because I was bored with my child Dave AI. Basically I decided to put him on the cat bus and take him to a spirit forest and thought it would be cool to imply that the reason he fits in so well there and not anywhere else is because he’s some kind of creepy lizard fae creature. It was mostly just me reminiscing over watching Studio Ghibli, and then I thought… what if there was a Studio Ghibli DSAF fusion AU.
So my idea for this AU is for it to play like a combination of my three favourite Studio Ghibli movies in plot, those being My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away and Ponyo (a bit less of Ponyo and using My Neighbour Totoro as the main framework because it’s what fits best. Also I must mention I adore Kiki’s Delivery Service and Howls Moving Castle, I just prefer these ones, and these fit the story I’m thinking of better.)
So it would have child protagonists like all 3 of those movies, and would mostly focus on Jack. Löng post btw explaining the general plot. Please read it over though and tell me who you want me to design first and if you have any ideas to improve the AU! <:
My idea for the plot is that like in My Neighbour Totoro, Jack, Dee and Peter have just moved to a new neighbourhood. Dee is exited because she’s an adorable little child, is underrated as hell, and I love her. Peter is distant from the rest of the family because he’s nearly an adult and is upset about moving and is angsting. And Jack hates the idea of moving away from his old friends, and is kinda left alone to deal with it.
The new house is a bit of a mess as it’s really old and hasn’t been lived in for a long time, Dee is exited and is constantly exploring the forest, Peter just kinda stays in his own room and ignores everyone, and Jack just kinda doesn’t know what to do.
Dee starts talking about seeing spirits early on, but no one believes her.
Jack gets mad and blows up at his parents at dinner one day, before running off into the woods, he travels into a very deep, dark part of the woods, followed by his siblings, and then is stopped by Dave, who is a fae spirit around Jack’s age, or at least who seems to be as spirit ages are unclear, he’s probably older than that but is considered a child by spirit terms and mentally and physically is one. Dave is immediately hostile and threatens Jack’s life if he gets any closer. Jack asks why and Dave explains that he’s protecting the grave of his master, the rot king (Henry), until he comes home. I should also note that Dave is masked (it’s a rabbit mask because of course the fuck it is) and cloaked at this point and his actual appearance isn’t shown until later.
Jack tries to talk more but Dave tries to kill him, just as he does Jack’s siblings appear. until he’s pulled aside by another spirit just in time. This spirit is Harry, who is a black bear spirit which initially scares Jack but he quickly realizes he’s a friend. Harry takes Jack “somewhere safe” because he claims the forest is not safe for mortals at night because that’s when the vestiges of the rot king come out and seek mortal souls to pull into the void to feed to their master. Dave isn’t technically an actual vestige, and does not have the ability to deliver souls to Henry. The reason for this is because being the sort of evil spirit Henry was, he commanded an army of lesser evil spirits who could only come out at night which greatly limited his power, so when he found Dave, he used Dave to be his servant during the day because as a neutral being of the forest, Dave was able to be out during both day and night.
Harry takes the Kennedy’s into his home inside a large tree, apparently recognizing Dee and scolding her for not listening when he said not to go out at night, where we are introduced to the other bear spirits/phone guys, Steven is a red panda which while technically not actually a bear I think fits, Jake is a grizzly who lost his cub, Roger is a sun bear, and Rebecca (no I didn’t forget about her), is a sloth bear.
The bears explain that they serve the forest king (the real Fredbear), a golden bear spirit that has dominion over all the forest during the day, and once had it during the night too. But then the rot king rose to power and for a time, he ruled both, until the forest king managed to banish him to the void with the help of an unstable ally, the spirit of wolftooth peak (Blackjack) who is a giant dark spirit taking the form of a wolf. The spirit of wolftooth peak however betrayed the forest king and refused to kill the rot king, in favour of torturing him for having previously destroyed the spirit of his sister by destroying her peak. This allowed the rot king to continue his reign from a distance during the night, so the forest king employed the 5 lesser bear spirits to protect the forest at night by rescuing any mortals that enter and fighting off the vestiges. The siblings were lucky that Dave stopped them before attacking actually because if they had come any closer to the grave, the dark magic would have put up a barrier the bears couldn’t cross.
The bears request that the siblings help them defeat the rot king once and for all before he regains his power and escapes, an act he’s close to doing. Peter claims this is above their capabilities, and wants to leave to protect his siblings, but Dee is having none of it, as she’s already bonded with many of the spirits and knows they’ll be hurt if the rot king rises to power. Knowing they can’t deter her, Peter and Jack make a promise to help the spirits by purifying corrupt spirits, an act done by helping them remember what they were before.
The kids go back home for awhile then, to their parents dismay as they had worried about them before, go out o the forest around noon, promising to be back by dusk. They meet up with the bears, and for the first time for all of them but Dee, meet the forest king. He thanks them for joining his cause and explains that the corrupted spirits are ones taken by the rot king and his vestiges and either forcefully corrupted, or in cases that are much more dangerous, manipulated into joining, he also talks to Dee like a close friend, and so does she, making it clear that Dee is also the one who knows the most about spirits and magic because of her friendship with the forest king.
Steven is the youngest of the bear spirits in this and has napoleon syndrome, so the other bears send him with the siblings to help him grow up, something he’s very unhappy with. Steven ends up riding on Peter’s shoulder for most of the story because he likes being tall and Peter is the tallest sibling.
The siblings and Steven are told to seek out a corrupted fawn spirit (Jacob Adams), Peter is given a magic staff (which Steven is immediately rude about him not holding right), Jack gets a sword, and Dee gets a healing wand. The fawn spirit has turned into a stag with long pointed horns, long legs, and sharp fangs. This battle almost ends in utter defeat as the group are terrible at working together as each just tries to do their own thing, eventually Jack manages to pull them together and they purify the spirit, turning it back into a fawn. The fawn thanks them and they help him get back home to his family, exploring the spirit town while they are there.
The next day they spend the early morning finally working together cleaning their new home, and their parents, who are still worried, decide things must be alright as the siblings are getting along better.
They meet back up with Steven, and are sent out to deal with 3 spirits this time, the 3 were friends and were corrupted together. The spirits in question are a nine tailed fox (Foxy, who both Steven and Peter agree sounds awesome), a phoenix (Chica), and a jackalope (Bonnie). Freddy will not show up yet, and rather than having the toys and the standard animatronics as two separate groups I decided to do something else.
They arrive at a long abandoned observatory, and at first don’t see anything, exept for the noticeable fact that every surface is covered in thick vines. Jack tries to cut the vines, but suddenly, they all come to life and start moving, a twisted and mangled fox head appears as do it’s hundreds of viney limbs, this spirit design will be inspired by a combination of mangle, and withered foxy. As the nine tailed and now 900 limbed fox spirit comes to life, so too do the other two spirits arrive, a flightless cockatrice (a combination of toy and withered Chica), and the blind centipede hare (toy and withered Bonnie). These corrupted spirits are incredibly hard to fight on their own but things get worse from here.
Having been alerted of the purification of the fawn, Dave and a corrupted bear monster based on the onikuma arrive to fight as well. The siblings barely make it out with their lives and Dee is taken by the onikuma.
Peter immediately quits when he returns, after demanding to know why no one ever told them about the onikuma, but Jack is sure Dee is still alive and refuses to quit, causing the brothers to fight. The onikuma is revealed to be a 6th bear guardians who was willingly corrupted and they didn’t mention because he normally stays in the bog.
Their parents refuse to let them go out again, and Dee is declared missing. Jack sneaks out at the dead of night, knowing how dangerous it is but going anyway, and he finds the tree. The bears are horrified, especially since he got quite injured by evil spirits on the way. He demands to know where Dee was taken and the bears reveal she’s likely been trapped at the bottom of the bog, which is a sort of nightmare pocket world the evil bear spirit keeps his child victims in. Jack asks how he can free her, and the bears reveal that the only way to get someone out of the bog is with fairy magic. Jack asks where he can find a fairy. The bears tell him that won’t be possible. There’s only one fairy in the forest, but this fairy is out of reach to them, all the others were sealed in the very tree the bears live in by the rot king, and as long as the king still lives, the fairies will never escape.
Jack gets frustrated and asks why this fairy is out of reach, and the bears explain that he’s already met the fairy, it tried to kill him when they first met, Jack figures out that the bears are telling him DAVE is a fairy. Jack is confused and horrified, he’d always been told fairies were tiny and cute, Dave is threatening and hostile, and around his own size. The bears explain that fairies are neutral tricksters, capable of changing size at will, and that this particular fairy was taken in, manipulated, and mutilated by the rot king who cut off Dave’s wings. He’s too devoted to ever be shaken from his goal.
Jack declares he’s going to purify Dave. The bears do not like that idea, and Steven refuses to come claiming it to be suicide. Jack claims he has to do it for his sister.
Jack gets his sword and goes out to fight Dave alone. He finds him sitting at the massive obelisk that is the rot king’s grave and seemingly praying to it.
When Jack approaches he immediately arms himself and demands to know why Jack is here. Jack claims he’s here to purify him, and Dave laughs in his face and then teases him about coming out on his own.
With that the fight begins, Dave removes his cloak to move faster which reveals that his clothes barely fit on him because of how thin he is (he was malnourished by Henry, and only leaves to eat once a week for 3 hours.) Dave far outpaces Jack, but he continues to be able to defend his attacks until dawn breaks, and during the fight Dave’s mask is knocked off outing him not only as a lizard boi, but also shows some of his scars from his abuse at the hands of Henry.
After a few more minutes Jack manages to get through to him and Dave breaks down crying, to which Jack comforts him. Purifying Dave causes the mask and cloak to turn to dust as those were the symptoms of his corruption which is a bit weird but I think it has to do with some of the other unique aspects of his situation. Also I’m not gonna make Dave’s lizardyness be his corruption because lizard boi is best boi, and he can’t just grow his wings back.
Jack decides to stop lying to his parents about where Dee is, and comes home with Dave, who may or may not have developed a crush on Jack when he comforted him.
After some convincing Jack manages to make his parents aware of everything so they can help, and convince Peter to help again.
Setting off with Peter, Steven, and Dave, Jack goes to the bog of the onikuma. After a long and difficult fight which included the onikuma summoning the other 3 corrupted spirits from before, they manage to win and purify all the spirits, setting Dee free with Dave’s magic.
Dee is acting like she never left as she has forgotten ever doing so alongside the 10 other kids locked down there with her.
The group returns to the forest king who despite being proud of everything achieved, such as Dave and the onikuma’s purification and Dee’s release from the bog, is rather grave, as he says it’s too late to stop the rot king’s returns.
The group asks if there’s absolutely no way to stop him, and the forest king admits there’s one, it would be to have the assistance of the spirit of wolftooth peak. The forest king also reveals that if the rot king dies, he does too, as the rot king is a part of him that split off. The rot king can survive without him in a weakened state, but he would die if the rot king were to die.
Somewhat conflicted, the group travels up the mountain, meeting the spirit of the peak. The giant wolf yells at them and fights them for their arrogance but is eventually convinced the rot king must die, and this isn’t what his sister would have wanted.
the group, now with the wolf spirit, travel into the void and meet the rot king face to face. He’s a being of pure decay in this who himself is rotting. Major nowhere king vibes. In an epic final confrontation all the characters but Jack are defeated, like in the game, but Jack manages to bring them all back by channeling energy through his sword.
The rot king is finally defeated. And thus begins the epilogue in which the Kennedy family vow that all future generations will protect the forest, the wolf of the peak finds peace and redemption, Dave decides to give up some of his power so he can grow up alongside Jack for totally not gay reasons, Steven is crowned as the new forest king and everyone lives happily ever after.
It’s a weird AU but I think it could be cool and I might make a fanfic about it, please give feedback and advice and as I’ve said, tell me who to draw first! <:
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theradicalscrivener · 10 months
Do you have any plans to make any more stories similar to the Inspector Bai-Lon story? I'd give my life savings for a sequel to that, or something similar lol...
It is currently my favorite story of yours, and I absolutely love the concept of someone growing larger and hornier by the minute... bursting out of their clothes, while everyone is just not acknowledging the fact that it's happening until they're blasted away with cum. It was soooo good.
Gosh I was thinking of that story just recently. I was worried that one fell flat because I started off like. What if there was a murder mystery with a hyper character, but then I realized that writing a good murder mystery takes so much prep and I didn't even have any idea who the bad should be so I kinda just threw my hands up and went. Who cares! Everyone is just here to see this guy bust a nut anyway!
I hope Bai Lon doesn't mean something bad in another language. The character was inspired by the old Peter Sellers movie A Shot in the Dark in which Peter Sellers plays Inspector Clouseau (this was their original attempt to make Pink Panther into a movie series but since they didn't name the movie Pink Panther nobody knew it was supposed to be a sequel and so it became a huge mess. It was a fun movie though. A similar thing happened recently with Glass Onion. They tried to just call the thing Glass Onion because the name Knives Out doesn't have any context to the new movie, but the ad wizards in marketing were like. If you don't put Knives Out somewhere in the title everyone is going to be super confused. So you've got to do that )
Anyway. One of the other inspectors on the police for was Inspector Ballon and Peter Seller's accent in the Pink Panther movies was so over the top that he somehow managed to stretch the Inspectors name out to be almost 4 syllables.
I think my gripe with that story was that I'm a bit of a detective drama/comedy nerd and like I kept going down a rabbit hole of making the murder mystery that I kinda had to throw my hands up and be like. I need to make this man cum before I go off the rails and turn this into a massive detective drama and forget that I was supposed to be writing porn.
Who knows. Maybe next time he'll run into inspector Lecumbo.
Tldr I hope I didn't accidentally say something super racist in Chinese while I was having fun riffing on Peter Seller's horrible fake French accent.
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If Someone Asks me, Which Kids TV Brand is Your Least Favourite among the Big 3 (Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel), then I won't be Thinking Twice to Say only one Answer!!
Now You May Ask, why Nickelodeon??
They are responsible for Starting this Miraculous Ladybug/PAW Patrol Duopoly. And before you say that, Miraculous Ladybug is now belongs to Disney, then please realise that, Nickelodeon has Sublicensed Miraculous Ladybug to Disney Channel with some Terms & Conditions in order to Save SpongeBob SquarePants!! Because, Nickelodeon and the Original Broadcaster of Miraculous Ladybug in France, TFOU on TF1, has strategically tied up!! (Although Nickelodeon is served in France as a Pay TV channel, but still) And you believe it or not, PAW Patrol is airing on TF1 in France!! Both of Cash-grabbing shows are sharing the same Channel in France!! Realise why am I saying this!!
They are the Factory of the Worst Personality Showrunners ever produced on Nickelodeon, e.g. Thomas Astruc, Butch Hartman, Dan Schneider etc.
They undervalues their Animation Gems, and I'm not talking about SpongeBob SquarePants, e.g. Peter Rabbit, Star Trek: Prodigy, Rise of The TMNT, Glitch Techs and even Welcome to the Wayne etc.
They don't care about anything but making their bottom Dollars!! So, they milk SpongeBob, The Loud House and PAW Patrol Very Hard, not giving any other Shows any Chance!!
They even destroys the ideals of SpongeBob SquarePants' Creator, Late Stephen Hillenburg!! When he said, that The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) will be served as Series Finale, Nickelodeon then somehow revived for the sake of making Money!! And also when Steve Hillenburg had said that he didn't want SpongeBob and Patrick to get their own Spin-offs, despite all of this, Nickelodeon still created "Kamp Koral" and "The Patrick Star Show", within 3 years after Steve Hillenburg Passed Away in 2018!!
These are the reasons why I hate Nickelodeon the most!! They could've redeemed themselves by treating Star Trek: Prodigy right to make this their next Avatar The Last Airbender!! But after what they and Paramount+ did to Star Trek: Prodigy, just solidified me, that Nickelodeon is no longer trustable for me or anyone as an Ardent Animation Fan, anymore!! Outright Awful and Worst as a Company and Broadcasting Kids TV Network, running for more than 44 Years in US Television!! I am still pissed upon Nickelodeon more than Disney Channel and Cartoon Network, to be honest!!
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Week 43 Hanna in Wonderland
We watched Alice in Wonderland (2010) movie in this week. I have seen it many times before but long time ago. Thanks to this course I see it now totally differently and I can see many meanings behind scenes. I have experienced defamiliarizatin (technique to perceive something again) in this course.
Alice in Wonderland- movie based on Lewis Caroll´s book Alice in the wonderland (1865) which is example of non-sense litterature. Lewis Caroll real name was Dodgson and he told first the story to his three daughters, one called Alice.
But now in the movie Alice has grown up and should marry but she see white rabbit and escape to Wonderland. The Wonderland is the escape place where Alice need to find herself and make her own rules. Walker (2010, p.84) says how fairy tales general can “operates at a covert level carrying important messages to the conscious, preconscious and unconscious mind that affect the child’s sense of culture”.  After course I can see clearly the message of the movie which is find your own way and don´t let anybody else decide your way. Movie encourages people to be who they are. Alice rules by not wearing corset and in the end not marrying the man whom all are her waiting to marry.
Alice´s escaping to wonderland can be seen as escaping reality word. Have you been in situations when you wish to just disappear completely? Alice doesn´t want to marry and run away from her own engagemet party. Last week on the Torgeir´s lecture I learned that when children have hard time in real life, their way to survive is escaping to their imaginary word. I think adults do that also, at least I so sometimes. People can maybe relate to Alice and wish to escape from the real word´s problems. Escaping from the real word is very common in the children´s books, for example in Cronicles of Narnia Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy go to Narnia trough wardrobe escaping the reality of war.
Many things in the Alices word reminds me also for my own life when I was little. Alice change sizes many times and other characters comments “oh you are so small" or "your so big”. I think that is how children can sometimes feel when they are growing up. Sometimes you are said to be too small to do something and when the other hand people are expecting you to behave like adult. Relatives can also comment your look and wonder how much you have grown since last time, like Tittelitom and Tweedledlee are wondering in the movie.
Alice in wonderland makes fun of that time in the past when the book was published. At that time tea parties were important part of creating  and keeping social networks. Scene were Hatter has a tea makes fun of the rules and normal life. Hatter steps on the table and they smash dishes. Something unexpected happens that wouldn´t normally happen which makes it funny.
Alice in wonderland has many grotesque features whom I didn´t see before. Grotesque means that something is exaggerated and different areas are put together (Torgeir, 2022). Different things have equal terms and at the same time something can be disgust and empathy (Torgeir, 2022). Alice in Wonderland has talking animals and people and animals both are equal.
Watch out for white rabbits!
Walker. (2010). Young people’s mental health: the spiritual power of fairy stories, myths and legends. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 13(1), 81–92. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674670903196721
Torgeir Haugen, (2022). The Grotesgue as a mode to make food and eating less serious
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ntmains · 2 years
Childrens movies in theaters now
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With the supervillains hot on his trail, it's a race against time for Gru to find the precious stone, make his name, and stake his reputation as a legitimate and despicable supervillain. Thors ex-girlfriend with superhero powers now of her own. However, when he asks Otto for the stone, he learns the Minion traded it for a pet rock. In 2021 the list of big-budget family film extravaganzas in cinemas was incredible and 2022. After making his escape, Gru returns to his lair in triumph, believing his crime has earned him a place as a supervillain. Gru tells Otto, one of his Minions, to take the stone back to the lair while he distracts the villains. Children ages 6 and under are not allowed at R-rated movies after 6pm. 2 hr 11 min Children under 17 may not attend R-rated movies unaccompanied by a parent or adult guardian. With the highly coveted camp trophy at stake, dads Tommy and Eddie end up lost in the woods after a comedy of errors and mishaps. Please allow approximately 20 extra minutes for pre-show and trailers before the show starts. Two polar-opposite families find themselves sharing a cabin for a week away, at camp.
Not missing a beat, he steals a precious stone right from under their eyes and takes off at a run, with the Vicious 6 in pursuit. Find everything you need for your local movie theater near you. Now adults, Tim Templeton is a stay-at-home dad for two adorable.
Unfortunately, during the interview, they mock him and tell him to come back after he's done something evil. Join us at Xscape Theatres for a summer full of free movie fun Admission to our Kids Summer Movie program is FREE for everyone. If youre looking for the best movies to watch with your kids, this list of new movies. Jurassic World Dominion - Exclusive Bonus. After Bryce Dallas Howard signed on to do the Jurassic World movie franchise, it was. Based on the children's book by Bernard Waber about a crocodile who lives in New York City, the movie stars Shawn Mendes, Constance Wu, Javier Bardem and Winslow Fegley. To learn about our safety procedures, click here. The Machines Vivo Clifford The Big Red Dog Paw Patrol: The Movie Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway Space Jam: A New Legacy The Addams Family 2. Safety Procedures: Our policy is to enforce locally mandated COVID-19 rules and regulations. Chris Pratt negotiated Bryce Dallas Howard's Jurassic pay. Please select theatre and date below to view available showtimes. Two new movies debuted at the top of the box office this weekend in North American. He goes to a group of supervillains calling themselves the Vicious 6 when they advertise an opening. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero tops the weekend box office. In this prequel to the Despicable Me movies, 12-year-old Gru ( Steve Carell) dreams of becoming the world’s greatest supervillain.
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ptergwen · 2 years
hi val, i loved can’t get close so much. i’m so excited that you have your requests open. can you please do a fic with clingy puppy peter energy again where petey is just a sweet cuddly baby at a friendgroup sleepover fighting for his life cause he’s having to constantly share the readers attention with everyone else and he’s just a pouty baby but then he just gives up on being a sweet beb and turns into a chaotic horny devil to get readers attention lol. thank you <3
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requests & asks | blurb masterlist | main masterlist
warnings: 18+, suggestiveness, language, mentions of drinking, and implied smut
a/n: thank you lovely! since this fit so well i decided to make it a little continuation of can’t get close but it can totally be read as a stand alone too! keep the requests coming y’all, happy reading <3
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“those are the rules, peter. boys out there, girls in here.”
“well, the rules suck. who made them?”
“i did.”
your friends are staying the night because it’s late and everyone has been drinking, which is the perfect excuse for a sleepover. you’ve decided to split it so that you, liz, mj, and betty sleep in your room. you thought peter, harry, and ned could take the living room, but peter would rather be with you.
peter holds both your hands and swings them back and forth.
“ugh, y/n/n. you and your rules. why?”
“so there’s no funny business. you know ned and betty would go at it like rabbits.”
“you think liz and mj wouldn’t?”
“no, they have class. besides, someone’s gotta keep harry company.”
peter loops his arms around your waist, pouting out his bottom lip.
“but i wanna sleep with you.”
you laugh and take his hands again. he keeps his arms around you.
“your sex drive is out of control, tiger.”
“no, not like that. i mean, i’m not opposed, but i meant i wanna sleep in your bed.”
“why, you’re above the couch?”
“because i wanna be with you.”
you peck peter’s lips with a grin. he’s making his puppy eyes at you, and no matter how cute they are, he should know by now that they don’t work on you.
“i know, but some guy time would be good for you, and i need girl time.“
betty pops her head out of your bedroom door.
“y/n, c’mon! liz raided your bathroom for stuff to do facials.“
“that’s my cue. be right there, betts!”
peter tightens his arms around you.
“seriously? you’re such a baby.“
“your baby.”
“very cute, but let me go.”
“why can’t i just join you? i like facials.”
“so do them with ned and harry. you’ve gotta let me go now, peter.”
“nuh uh.”
it takes some effort, but you manage to pry peter off of you and free yourself from his arms. peter whines like the baby he is. you bite back a smile.
“i’ll see you later, okay?”
“fine. enjoy girl time.”
you connect your lips with his once more. peter tries to deepen the kiss. you slip away before he can and run off to your room, where your friends are waiting for you. you turn back to look at peter, smirking. he hears you and the rest of the girls giggling, then the door shuts behind you.
peter accepts his defeat and heads into the living room to join ned and harry.
harry sits in the middle of the couch with his arms spread out on either cushion. he sips a beer while ned searches for something on your tv.
“parker, there you are! leeds was just about to introduce me to star wars.”
“you’ve never seen star wars?”
peter sits down next to harry.
“nope, not a single one.”
“dude, that’s insane. they’re cult classics.”
“exactly what i said. harry, we’re about to change your life, bro.”
“i’m counting on it, leeds. hit it.”
ned presses play on the movie. harry passes him his beer. ned takes a swig and offers it to peter, but he declines.
peter and ned answer all of harry’s questions about star wars, which are numerous, but they don’t mind. it’s always nice when someone appreciates their star wars knowledge. harry and ned get easily invested in the movie. as much as peter loves it, his mind is elsewhere.
he keeps hearing laughter and squeals coming from your room, and he can make out every single one that comes from you.
what he’d give to be in there.
“you know what the girls were doing earlier? facials.”
“oh, shit. for real? that’s kinky.”
“not those kinds of facials, ned. the ones with face masks.”
“no, leeds is right. girls do kinky shit at sleepovers. sheesh, if only we could see what they were up to.”
that gives peter an idea.
“who says we can’t?”
the three of them tiptoe to your room, lead by peter. he puts a finger to his lips to signal ned and harry to be quiet. ned is behind him, and harry is behind ned. peter opens up your door a crack and peeks in.
liz is doing betty’s hair while she reads a magazine, mj is drawing, and you’re coloring in her work.
yeah, super kinky.
“i can’t see,” ned whispers. “you’re not missing much,” harry replies.
“peter, why do you get to be in the front? i’m the shortest.”
“because it was my idea.”
“so what?”
“so shut up.”
peter leans in to get a better look at you. you’re lying on the floor, on your stomach, tongue stuck out in concentration as you color. you’ve changed into pajamas, one of peter’s shirts. he absolutely swoons at that.
“what’s betty doing?”
“quiet, leeds. you’re gonna get us caught.”
“yeah, ned. be quiet.”
“will someone just tell me what’s going on?”
peter looks inside again, but none of you are there.
“they’re gone.”
“i don’t know, they’re just gone. maybe they-“
the door opens up, and peter falls forward. liz has her hand on the doorknob. the rest of you are beside her. she puts her hands on her hips, glaring down at peter, then up at harry and ned.
ned and harry exchange a look.
“this was your idea, pete. you’re on your own.”
“yeah, i’m with harry. sorry!”
the two of them run back to the living room, leaving peter to deal with all four of your wraths. he smiles awkwardly at you.
“this isn’t what it looks like.”
“were you spying on us?” betty asks. “perv,” mj adds.
“okay, it’s exactly what it looks like. but i can explain.”
“start talking,” liz says.
you extend a hand to help peter up, a smirk playing on your lips. he takes it and gets to his feet. heat rushes to his cheeks as he meets your eyes.
“i missed you.”
“really? that’s all you’ve got?” mj scoffs.
peter nods. you chuckle and pinch one of his blushing cheeks.
“that’s sweet, tiger. but spying on us isn’t cool. go back to the boys.”
“but i-“
“you heard her,” betty echoes.
she crosses her arms. liz shoves peter, and he stumbles back into the doorway.
“y/n, do something!”
you shrug. mj presses her lips into a sarcastic smile and slams the door in peter’s face, then the four of you continue as you were.
peter, ned, and harry finish the rest of star wars. they put on the next one after that, seeing as they have nothing better to do. ned and harry share the rest of the beer, which makes them sleepy. they eventually end up passing out. their heads are rested against the other’s, both snoring.
so much for guy time.
screw it, peter wants to see you, and he has one more trick up his sleeve that he knows you can’t resist.
liz is asleep on mj’s shoulder. mj is still awake, but her eyes are barely open. betty is curled up under your covers. you’re about to head to bed yourself when you hear knocking at your door. you pad over to the door and open it. not to your surprise, it’s peter.
“who is it? the perv?” mj asks through a yawn. “yup. be right back,” you say.
you leave your room and shut the door behind you. peter grins widely, too widely.
“what is it now, peter?”
“nothing. i just came to say goodnight.”
“okay, goodnight.”
you turn to go back in your room, but peter grabs you by your waist. he slides his hands down to your hips and inches his way closer to you, so close your lips are almost touching.
“could i get a goodnight kiss?”
“you don’t have to ask.”
with that, peter kisses you softly. he backs you against your door and lets his hands move lower and lower down your body. you giggle against his lips, pushing him back by his shoulders.
“nice try, tiger. but i’m going to bed.”
peter ignores you and kisses down your neck. his hands travel underneath your shirt.
“i love it when you wear my clothes, y’know. it’s so hot.”
“doesn’t take much to get you going.”
peter runs his fingers up and down your sides. the feeling of his warm hands on your bare skin sends shivers down your spine. he tugs on either end of your panties, leaving a kiss on your collarbone. his dark eyes lock with yours as he presses himself against you. you can feel him through his sweatpants, prompting that familiar ache in your core. you instinctively buck your hips.
“you either, angel.”
he’s right, you’re too worked up now to go to sleep. you need him. you roll your eyes, but give in.
“bathroom, now.”
you hurry into the bathroom and turn on the light. peter smiles in satisfaction. you pull him inside by the collar of his shirt, locking the door behind him.
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La Grande Vadrouille was described as follow: (under read more because boy is it long. nothing triggering though)
1942. A Royal Air Force bomber is shot down over Paris (thinking they're over Calais because their navigator is bad at his job) and three aviators survive to meet out in the Turkish Baths of Paris. Their leader, nicknamed "Big Moustache" (coincidentally? he has a big moustache) lands in a zoo and has the help of a friendly zookeeper who gives him clothes in exchange for the parachute's fabrics, while the other two fall, one on the roof of the Opera Garnier, where he's helped by the whining, "i'm helping you out of moral and patriotic duty but boy do i wish I weren't" music conductor Stanislas Lefort, and the other on a house painter's scaffolding. Said house painter is at that moment repainting a wall belonging to a german military building and the british guy landing on his scaffolding makes a huge pot of paint fall onto a german parade just beneath, signaling his presence and forcing both to run away by the roofs. A woman helps the house painter (Bouvet) and the british guy n°3 escape a german search by pretending to be the wife of Bouvet and to be in the middle of an argument with him, making the germans leave early out of awkwardness, while the british guy is hidden in the elevator shaft. Lefort and Bouvet meet Big Moustache in the turkish bath, convene of a plan, all three run through different means to the station to take a train for the free zone but only british guy n°3 (Peter) and the girl get in it, the others narrowly miss it and steal a postal van. Peter is made a prisonner after reflexively saying "sorry" (in english) to a guy he accidentally walked into in the train, in ear reach of a german officer. However! the german officer takes Peter to Meursault for interrogation, but that's the city he was supposed to find the other two soldiers and the three french lads and girl! After again pretending to be married, Bouvet and the girl escape the vigilance of the nazis, Bouvet declares his love to the girl, Bouvet and Lefort are put in the same double bed because there aren't a lot of rooms left, two german officers are put in the same bed in the only other room, and because it's room 9 and 6 and one of the room's door's number fall, it looks like idk 6 and 6 or 9 and 9, and Bouvet and Lefort, after time in the kitchen, the bathroom, etc, go back to the wrong rooms and end up each sleeping in the same bed as a german officer. "There's only one bed but platonic and better" as someone summed it up. The next day, nuns help the british guys get to the free zone except OBVIOUSLY the nazis get them again after an accidental package swapping. The french guys get arrested too because some rabbits made their guiding dogs stray. All of them, all disguised in various stuff (german soldiers, wine barrels... long story) end up in the same building as Peter (british guy n°3) who notices them and makes a scene about being pushed around by a soldier to attract their attention and make them see each other (the french and british guys not the german ones, he's not a traitor or anything). The next step of action is obvious. Set fire to the building, confuse an interrogation officer to almost a panick attack by giving such contradictory and stupid statements that he can't stand it anymore, run away in a horse drawn carriage and put a plane with no propeller off a cliff in hopes to land on the right (free) side of the valley. And it works. Makes no sense. My favorite movie ever. If it makes it into the bracket I will try to find my favorites scenes in english on youtube to send them as propaganda and it IS a threat.
Tora! Tora! Tora! was described as follow:
Following the events leading up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, this film is cool because it was an international co-production. So there was an American unit that handled specifically the American scenes and a Japanese unit that handled all of the Japanese scenes. There is definitely two styles of film making going on but it really works well for depicting the clashing of cultures between the US and Japan. Plus the visual effects are outstanding and the acting from the ensemble cast is solid all around.
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silkscream · 2 years
could you do a peter request where reader is feeling insecure bc guys treat her like she’s disposable so she’s sulking to peter asking if she isn’t pretty/funny/whatever enough but then he tells her she’s the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, and they have angsty soft sex
ੈ✩ pairing: peter parker x reader
ੈ✩ warnings: smut (18+ only), angst,
ੈ✩ wc: 1.7k
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the familiar tapping on your window comes as a mirage to you, but when the red-suited figure comes into view, your pulse is calmed only slightly when he brings you back to reality. burrowed in your blankets, you flash your best friend a half-hearted smile.
“hey, bug boy.”
“hey! i brought over those leftovers you wanted. also, mr. delmar gave me an extra brownie for you and i had to stop ned from eating it— hey, are you okay?”
“you look like you’re crying,” peter furrows his brows, quick to discard his suit and pull over a sweatshirt of his that he’d left in the corner of your room as he makes his way over to your bed.
“‘m fine, pete,” you mumble. “gonna put on some pants any time, soon?
“y/n,” he emphasizes, a frown setting on his face. he touches your cheek carefully, almost timidly. peter parker has been your best friend since middle school, yet he still doesn’t know what your boundaries are in regards to touching. you’re always the one to initiate it, with your hands absentmindedly running through his brown locks during movies or unprompted attacks so that he’d give you piggyback rides. for some reason, his fingertips to your face makes him feel like he’s stepping over a line.
“hey. you gotta talk to me. you know i’m not gonna leave you alone until you do.”
you chuckle, tears spilling onto your cheeks as you smile and attempt to cover your face with the sleeves of your hoodie.
“it’s stupid. i don’t— i thought that i was just bad at, at like, socializing. and then i hit it off with that guy lucas and he ghosted me which is fine, it’s just. i don’t know what’s wrong with me, peter.”
“what? nothing’s wrong with you. boys are assholes, okay? this dude doesn’t deserve you. you— i didn’t know you were seeing anyone,” peter blinks rapidly, the last sentence coming out rushed and mumbly. somehow, the topic of you dating people never came to mind considering how the two of you were always attached at the hip. the mention of another boy’s name makes his stomach drop. 
“i wasn’t— i’m certainly not now. it’s like, okay, i get laid for once, and then when i actually try to get close to someone they disappear. am i that fucking disposable?”
“you slept with him?”
“yes, peter, we’re all of age. some of us even have sex,” you snap at him. you regret it immediately when you see the look on his face. “i’m sorry. just— just forget it.”
you sigh and wipe your face, leaning your head away from him to stare your ceiling. you feel his body shift as he crawls into bed with you and you feel your heart leap.
“you are not disposable,” peter finally murmurs.
“i feel like something’s intrinsically wrong with me. always thought there was since i was born, maybe. like, maybe i can be abrasive or i’m not everyone’s type and maybe i’m even that fucking pretty, but jesus christ. it’s like i repel everyone i go near.”
“you couldn’t keep me away if you tried.”
when you turn your head, peter looks at you with the slightest tinge of pink on his cheekbones. his crooked nose quivers in the tiniest motion the way a rabbit would. you’ve always noticed when he did that but never thought to bring it up. his face scrunches up in a fit of worry when you don’t respond, so he chooses to stroke your scalp, which has your eyelids fluttering in response.
“thanks,” is all you can mutter at the moment, heart nearly pounding out of your chest from the sensation of your best friend touching you, even this chastely. you wonder if you’d go into cardiac arrest if he touched you anywhere else. 
he mumbles something unintelligible into your hair and the words of tenderness get muffled. 
“hm?” you muse.
“i think you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.”
“you do?” your voice nearly cracks. 
he simply smiles at you in this sad, genuine way — not out of pity, but out of admiration and bittersweetness. like he knows that the moment those words came out of his mouth that whatever would happen between the two of you might crash and burn completely, but he was okay with being the one who got hurt.
your lips meet his like a sucker punch. he tastes like rain. there’s a sharp inhale in his throat, the curve of his throat tightening as he nestles his palm into your shoulder. you feel like an overflowing sink suddenly, and you think that maybe peter prying you open would be the cure to your ailment, but you know that maybe you’ve gone too far.
you pry yourself away from him like a knife out of your gut.
“i’m sorry. ‘m really… emotional, and that wasn’t fair and you were probably just trying to make me feel better—“ his hot mouth shuts you up with with dizzying piety, his kisses washing away the hurt that’s charring the creaky floorboards of your heart. 
you don’t notice the tears fall because you feel too good. it feels better than any other time someone’s kissed you, because all those other times were devoid of passion completely. your bodies fuse together quickly like melting candle wax, legs intertwined. 
he pulls away when he feels the wetness on your cheeks touching his.
“are you okay?” he whispers, his voice thread-bare. 
“yeah. ‘m just happy,” you chuckle breathily. 
“but if you think this might be a bad idea—“
“i don’t care, peter,” you kiss him again, desperately rocking your hips against his as you nearly knock teeth. you’re surprised by the whimper that comes out of you. it almost hurts how badly you want him. you gasp when you feel his teeth on your neck.
he pushes you back onto your plush mattress with his hands clasped in yours. both of your movements are clumsy, feverish, but both of you are determined to break open the other. you feel him rutting underneath you, his hardness grazing your bare thighs, and oh, the slightest wetness.
peter forgets that he’d forgotten to put on pants completely until his eyes widen at the feeling of your fingertips grazing his hips, sliding under the elastic of his calvin kleins. in response, he gently yanks at your shirt, prompting you to take it off and lay bare in front of him.
his tongue swirls around your hard nipple, sucking and biting until he releases with a pop just to kiss you down your stomach. peter’s chestnut eyes have gone dark ochre with calloused hands holding down your hips. when his mouth reaches the band of your panties, you stop him. he looks at you curiously.
“can i eat you out?”
“i want you to fuck me,” you whimper.
“i wanted to make you come first,” he pecks your hip.
“y’probably will,” you gasp, pulling on his hair to bring him back to you while his hard cock brushes along your core. “just want you really bad. now.”
“anything for you.”
he swallows a gulp in his throat before removing his briefs the same time you discard your underwear. two lonely souls bare in front of each other, vulnerable like you’re meeting for the first time, yet this is all too familiar. peter doesn’t want you to know that he’s had too many dreams with this exact setting, and he can’t in his right mind believe that it’s actually happening now.
you buck your hips eagerly as he hovers above you. he chuckles at your desperation, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before gliding his cock along the velvet of your slick cunt, then nudging inside of you. 
the moment you feel him, you let out a lewd moan that has him falling apart. the sweetest sound he’s ever heard.
you whine louder as he pushes in and out of you slowly and he has to cover your mouth with his palm. your breath hitches in your throat as you mewl quietly, listening to the slow grunts and ragged moans falling out of his mouth.
“jesus christ,” he hisses. “you feel fucking amazing.”
despite the awkwardness, the sensation of him filling you up is too good to notice the gangling crossfire of limbs and mouths, experimental to the both of you considering this might as well serve as both of your first times. every lover that had made you feel disposable had now ceased to exist in your mind — there were no tears left to cry. there was only peter.
he tries something, pulls your body flush against his as he leans forward into the cruz of your thighs and lifts them just a bit higher. the tighter angle has the coil in your stomach ready to unravel at any moment. 
“oh my god,” your mouth spills. your nails mark the length of peter’s back with carnal heedlessness. 
“yeah, shit, yes—“ peter croaks into your collarbone. the sound of his voice so low and on edge turns you on to oblivion, and with the thickness of his cock hitting deeper into your cunt, your hypothesis is bound to come true.
when he thrusts into you faster, muscles tensed and hands pushing down on your stomach, your tears come back on impact.
“just like that, fuck,” you groan. “i think ‘m gonna…”
“let go for me, pretty,” he coaxes. 
jolts of lightning seize through your body as your vision blurs. he kisses you again and you bite on his lip, sucking gently to prevent yourself from screaming out of pleasure.
it sends him over the edge, until he spills himself into you with hushed groans. you bask in the way you’re flooded with him, his smell and his breath and his skin. as you both emerge back to your shared consciousness, your bodies stay together swathed in warmth.
of all the desolation you’d felt in your life, peter is perhaps the one thing to clear the fog. 
“i think you were made for me,” you whisper.
he lets out a breathy laugh, still recovering from his high. he takes your hands and kisses your knuckles. “i’m whatever you want me to be.”
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angywritesstuff · 3 years
The one with “Spill your Guts”
Summery: Henry is a guest on The Late Late Show with James Corden and let something slipped out
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
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Henry was actually rethinking the whole thing: everything smelled awful and he couldn’t help but gag. It was going to be a long night.
James Corden, sat in front of him, and was already laughing
“Welcome back everyone, I’m James Corden and I’m here with Henry Cavill and we are going to play one of our favorite games “Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts”. Are you ready Henry”- James asked
“I really really am not. I’m thinking about running away”- he laughed
“It’s too late for that; but let’s get back to our game. So here is how it works I will ask a question, you can either choose to answer the question or eat the food I pick. Let’s have a look at the food here: hot sauce, salmon ice cream, we’ve got cow tongue, a thousand years old egg, pig blood curd and our old time favorite the bull penis”- James said laughing - “so do you wanna start, or should I ask first?”
“I can start, so I have to decide what to give you right?”- Henry asked - “ok, let’s see I’d like to give you the cow’s tongue.”- he took the card with the questions and slightly smiled -“oh man, this gonna be a tough one to answer to”
“Really”- Corden asked
“James which product that you’ve been paid heavily to endorse do you not use?”
The question was soon followed by the public clapping their hands, it was clear they couldn’t wait for the answer
“I told you it was gonna be a tough one”- Henry said -“ ok chase bank, curry coffe or Apple Music”
James took a deep breath
“Ok chase bank, curry coffe and Apple Music which of those products I don’t use”- he repeated while thinking. It was clear he was having trouble choosing what to do - “ok… well…”- he added while taking the cow’s tongue -“ I think I’m gonna… Yep”- he took a huge bite of the tongue
“Oh my god”- Henry was astonished- “it must taste awful”
“It sure does”- James laughed -“it’s your turn bud, I’m gonna give you the hot sauce. I’m being nice here as you can see. So the question is”- he started laughing -“to the nearest million how much do you make a year”
Everyone in the audience started laughing along with Corden
“Well… cheers”- said Henry before drinking the hot sauce. His eyes were nearly watering… -“it’s good, I’m probably going to have hiccups so don’t mind me. I’m choosing again right… I’m gonna go with some pig blood curd, it looks delicious doesn’t it”- Henry asked the audience laughing once he saw James gagging already
“I wanna remember you it’s gonna be your turn again next…”
“Ok ok the question. Peter rabbit, emoji movie, trolls rank them from worst to best”
“I feel so bad though, because I like all the people that worked on those films but I can’t eat that”- James said after smelling the curd once again
“If you pinch your nose it’ll go down easier I think”- Henry laughed
“Come on. Ok I’m gonna answer it, there is no way I’m gonna eat that. I’ll rank them best to worst, so number one Peter Rabbit, number two trolls, number three emojii movie. There done it”- James answered earning the cheering of the audience -“ Now it’s your turn again Cavill are you ready?”
“Not at all”
“Ok so I’m gonna give you the salmon ice cream and here’s the question: who is the celebrity that has your number that you wish didn’t”- James read the card
“Oh my god this is a terrible game”- Henry laughed -“whose idea was it… I mean after what you put me through today, probably you… I’m kidding, I’m kidding.. well I’m not totally kidding”
James couldn’t stop laughing
“I bet you’re regretting answering my call and accepting my invite, aren’t you”- Corden asked
“I totally am, I don’t know if I’ll ever pick up the phone again”- Henry asked - “Is my answer valid or should I eat the ice cream?”- he asked the audience
Screamed the audience and Henry groaned before taking a spoon and eating a chunk of ice cream
“It tastes awful if you were wondering”- Henry said to the audience - “ok let’s see I’m gonna give you the one thousand years old egg because that smells really awful and I don’t wanna be the one eating it. So James name two of the cameraman that are here right now”
James tried to look around before eating the egg without saying anything
“Good?”- asked Henry
“Tasty”- jokes James -“so now I’m gonna give you some bull penis”
“Well thank you, I haven’t had some penises in a while”- Henry chuckled
“If you had to choose between Gal Gadot and Anya Chalotra, who would you date?”- James asked
“Oh my god”- Henry closed his eyes trying to figure out how to get out of that one
“Well they are both your costar and they’re both beautiful women”
“You’re putting me in a tough spot James, if I answer this question my wife will never let me live it down”- Henry groaned
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“Wait what… wife?”- James asked evidently excited about Henry’s word
Silence filled the studio, it was clear everyone was astonished by what just came out. No one wanted to miss not even a word
“Oh damn I wasn’t supposed to say that”
“So let’s put aside the game because you know it’s my show and I can do whatever I want. Henry are you married”- James was confused. He always tried to be informed about his guests and he would have guaranteed Henry wasn’t even in a relationship until a minute ago
“Oh my god, I’m so gonna sleep on the couch tonight. Can’t I just eat the bull penises, it seems more appealing than answering your question right now”- Henry didn’t know how to get out of this one. He knew you would only pretend to be mad about his slipped out but he should have been more careful. You weren’t hiding per se, you were just careful because you knew that every time people knew about his relationships they would always have something to say about them. He just wanted to protect you and you both wanted to protect your privacy and your relationship.
Anyway dwelling on it wasn’t going to help, he had to decide how to answer now.
“Ok ok. Forgive me love”- Henry said looking at the camera before turning towards James Corden once again -“If someone didn’t hear me a couple of minutes before, yes I’m married”
“There are so many questions… can we know with whom, how did you two met, how long have you been married? In other words tell us everything you can”- James said and Henry couldn’t help but chuckled at the man enthusiasm
“Well her name is Y/n, we met on the set of The Tudors actually, she played my mistress in the last season. We lost contact for a while but we met again four years ago and we have been together ever since. We got married last year”- Henry smiled like he always did when he talked about you.
“Well you have heard here first… but Henry you have to eat the bull penis now”- James laughed -“I’m joking I’m joking”- he stopped Henry who had taken the cup ready to eat-“Henry thank you for coming here and for the scoop really”
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You were at home on the couch looking your husband outing your relationship on tv.
“Well Kal, look what your dad did… what do you say should we forgive him?”- you asked the pup. He barked, always ready to defend his human
“Ok ok I’ll forgive him, but I’ll make him work for it”- you smiled already planning Henry’s road to forgiveness.
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I have a thing for writing about talk show if you hadn’t noticed
Taglist: @xxxkatxo @jwspiter @maan24 @littlewrenofrivia @omgkatinka @xprettyqueenx @marytudorbrandon @amortentiaaaa @summersong69 @margauxmargaux07
My taglists are so confusing really, so if I forgot someone or I tagged someone who I wasn’t supposed to, please know that I’m sorry and let me know.
English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
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