#he's seen the alternative and it was no bueno
starcurtain · 1 year
Another Haikaveh Fanfic I Want to Read
The Deshret reincarnation one, but the twist is that Alhaitham has known he's Deshret from the time he was tiny. The story isn't about how he regains his tragic lost memories of being the desert king--it's about how he does everything he possibly can to avoid having to do that job again. Forming some grand ambition to achieve power? Nope, not doing that. Seeking the means to overthrow Celestia via forbidden knowledge? I'll pass. Becoming a main character? Absolutely not. Al-Ahmar Al-haitham is going to live a peaceful life this time, thank you. He's going to study a basic subject (his own language), get a basic desk job, find himself a basic little house, and somehow convince the perfect perfectly-mortal guy he went to school with to marry him--
Destiny, of course, finds him anyway. (Really, Rukkha, really?) The Akasha is turned on the people, the sages seize control, and does this upstart baby deity ("Shouki no kami," pffft, like who even are you, kid?) think he actually has a snowball's chance in the Mare Javari with the minds of two of Sumeru's real god-kings set against him?
At least at the end of all this, with the nation of wisdom saved and Kusanali in charge as she is very welcome to be, Alhaitham can still go home and be normal with his Very Normal™ roommate!
("Alhaitham, listen... I know this isn't the best of times, but there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I'm not exactly... who you think I am...")
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spiritsonic · 2 years
I'm curious about a seemingly cut plotline regarding Whisper and Tangle. Right before "Trial By Fire" starts, we're shown that Whisper has left to pursue Mimic, leaving Tangle behind. This later leads to Tangle deciding to leave the Restoration. However, when we next see Whisper she's seemingly just hanging around the city - we're later told in dialogue by Jewel that Tangle is helping the Restoration when it comes to Surges attacks. This suggests that this plotline involving the two characters was cut - if it's alright to ask, why was it cut? And what would it have led to? This has been one of those annoying questions in the back of my brain, and I'd greatly appreciate learning more about it if you're willing to answer!
The plotline is there, it just hasn't been the focus of the narrative so it feels kind of fragmented...
At the end of Trial by Fire, Tangle explains that she and Jewel talked things out some more and found a happy middle ground; starting a special initiative within the Restoration. This is what became the new Diamond Cutters, which we've just recently seen become a thing.
Whisper has been searching for Mimic, but like... she had no leads, and he's really good at laying low. She's been wandering around, mostly avoiding Tangle and her friends to avoid emotional strife, hoping to run into some Mimic-related trouble. She was in Central City trying to sniff out any sign of Mimic when Surge attacked, and her defeat at Surge's hands was the only reason she was stuck at Restoration HQ long enough for Tangle to convince her to join the new Diamond Cutters.
(Ian and I were considering an alternate direction/ending to this plotline in a hypothetical Tangle & Whisper 2, but decided to scrap it and carry on. It was interesting but would have led to Tangle doing some really shitty, emotionally manipulative stuff to Whisper that left a bad taste in our mouths. No bueno. Rest assured knowing that won't happen.)
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mylutteoheart · 1 year
Playing Cupid (chapter 9)
And finally a new unedited chapter. I'm sorry it took so long. The edited version of this one will be posted on ao3 tomorrow. I'm determined to finally finish this so expect updates every 2 weeks from now on. I don't know how many chapters are left but things are finally happening with gastina in this chapter. Also, at the end I was inspired by a certain creddie scene in the icarly revival so if you've seen the last episode of the show, you might recognize it. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | find my other fics here
Chapter 9: A Bump in the Road
This was a bad idea, Nina knew it but she had to go through with it. She promised Luna to spend the day finishing up the details for the wedding. Gastón would help and that's the part that made her the most nervous.
They decided to meet at the Jam & Roller. Being in a public place might make this meeting less nerve-wracking. Plus, Luna was closeby, training for the next skating competition with the team. If they needed help with anything, she could be here soon.
"Hey, sorry, I'm late. I was discussing some details with Matteo about the duet we're doing," Gastón said in a way of greeting.
"I heard about that, Luna said Matteo was very excited about this," Nina answered, "He's really happy you're back."
"Me too, I have to admit that I missed Buenos Aires. England isn't quite the same," Gastón said quietly.
Nina smiled and answered: "I imagine so."
Gastón felt the awkwardness and changed the subject even though he wanted to say so much more.
"So what do we have to do today?" he asked.
"Well, Luna and Matteo have everything booked and sorted out. We just need to check that the things they ordered will be delivered on time," she said as she looked through all the papers with all the orders on them, "We have to make some phone calls then."
Gastón nodded in answer and said: "Sounds easy enough. What's their wedding date again? I want to make sure I get it right."
"It's exactly 4 weeks from now," Nina looked down at the date.
"Then we better hope everything is okay because arranging anything on such short notice would be impossible."
"Let's get started then."
That's what they did, for the next few hours, they make phone call after phone call. Nina was relieved to know that everything was going smoothly so far. With something else to focus on, there wasn't any awkwardness between them. But sooner or later, they'll have to have a serious talk.
"Are you sure this is true?," Gastón asked the lady on the phone.
"I'm afraid so, the venue was destroyed by a heavy storm. We can't repair it in time," the owner of the venue answered patiently.
"Is there any alternative?" he asked a little panicked and turned around to look at Nina to show how he felt.
"If there is, I'm afraid you need to find it yourself. We have to put all our resources in the repair of the venue."
"Alright, we'll have to find something then, thank you," he answered, disappointed.
"What's wrong?" Nina asked, clearly in panic.
"We have to find a new venue," he sighed. Feeling hopeless this problem will be solved.
"Finding a new venue on such short notice is going to be impossible. We're never going to find the perfect place again. How on earth will we pull this off when we don't even have time to breathe until the wedding?" Luna said exasperated, pacing back and forth in the locker room.
Nina and Gastón stood near the counter, looking worriedly at their friend while Matteo is rubbing his neck. He clearly didn't like seeing his fiancée in distress.
He gently took her hand when she waved with them and pulled her in for a hug.
"I know this wedding is stressfull, chica delivery. It doesn't help the skating competition is close but just take a breath. We can solve this, I just need you to calm down," Matteo said while rubbing her back in soothing circles.
Her shoulder fell at his words and she started to relax.
"Okay, we can do this. No worries, it's going to be fine," Luna said to no one in particular.
"Listen, you don't have to worry, okay? Gastón and I will take care of this. We'll find the perfect venue for you. We're your best friends, we know you two well enough to know where you'd like to get married. Leave it up to us to find a better location," Nina interrupted. Wanting to help her friends as much as possible.
"We will do this?" Gastón said surprised.
"Yes, we will. We can definitely do this," she answered confidently.
Luna leaves Matteo's arms to give Nina a bone crushing hug and said: "Thank you so much, Nina. That means the world to us."
When they pull apart, Matteo lays a hand around her waist and said: "Yes, thank you. I know we made the right choice when we chose you to be in the wedding."
"I don't want you to regret it," Nina just said with a shy smile.
Gastón didn't answer, he just stood there frozen. Looking for a venue for a wedding could imply so much. It could bring his feelings to the surface due to all the romance that comes with wedding shopping. This day isn't going to be as easy as he thought.
"We should get started as soon as possible, I'll go get my computer to check out some locations," Nina said, "Gastón, are you coming?" 
She looked up at him and he just nodded. She was waiting for him to come.
"Do you mind if I talk to Gastón first?" Matteo interrupted and put a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
"Sure, I'll get started without you then," Nina answered and left the room.
"I should meet up with the team to discuss some things," Luna excused herself and left the room as well.
"Are you sure you're okay with doing this? You'll be spending a lot of time with Nina this way," Matteo asked.
"I am. Of course I'm nervous about this, I know my feelings will surface but that just might be the push I need to really talk to Nina," Gastón said, confident.
"If you're sure, I trust you know what you're doing," Matteo said with a smile, "I should get back to Luna, make sure she's okay."
"Okay, so we have a few location sightings lined up for today. It wasn't easy to find many locations available that day but I think we managed just fine," Nina said, looking down at the list of venues they made together.
"It's mostly because of you. We wouldn't have found so many without you," Gastón smiled at her.
Nina looked down, trying to hide her blush.
"We should get started right away," it was all she said.
So they did, they planned to visit 5 locations today and they couldn't find a good one until they arrived to the last one. It was next to the Japanese garden that Luna and Matteo knew all too well.
"This was one became available at the last minute," Gastón said while looking around.
They had a great view of the stream with the red bridge over it.
Nina looked around in awe and said: "This looks beautiful."
"Yeah, it's magical," he said while looking at Nina.
"I can already see it. Right here," she said as she stepped near the edge of the grass the place where the best view of the stream is, "Matteo and Luna should say 'I do' right here. It's a perfect place. I can already see it. It would complete the circle."
"Yeah, it couldn't be more perfect," he smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Imagine this...," she said and took his hand so he could stand right in front of her.
He was surprised by her sudden touch and felt the warmth radiating of off her. He reluctantly let go and put both his hands in his pockets to avoid giving in to his want to touch her again.
"The bride and groom standing here, face to face. Both radiating with happiness. It would be so romantic. They'll start their life together right here. Matteo saying I never expected to fall for you, you came out of nowhere. Then Luna would say she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him," she said with a faraway look on her face.
Gastón could do nothing but stare at her. While saying all of this, he was imagining them standing here. Her walking down the aisle.
When Nina opened her eyes, she saw him staring right at her and she said breathless: "Isn't that romantic?"
"It truly is," he said quietly and looked down at her lips. 
She noticed where his eyes landed and started leaning in.
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kaiba-cave · 1 month
Since I’ve been doing some ancestry stuff and my mom gave me a bunch of books that my Nannie had filled out with some of her family history, I’ve found out a few cool things.
My Nannie’s grandfather on her mom’s side (so my great-great-grandfather, I think) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was in WWI but was discharged when he lost his leg. He was “not a nice man” (no other info on that) whose first wife died, so he remarried. He eventually separated from that wife (NOT divorced, only separated, even though there was a custody agreement and everything), and SHE got custody of all the kids, including the ones that he had with his first wife. And despite technically being my Nannie’s step-grandmother, she’s who my Nannie remembered more as her actual grandma, and who she also called Nannie.
I’d have to check to remember which relative it was, but someone back in my Nannie’s family tree was apparently killed when a boulder fell through their house? Also not much info on that. It literally just said a boulder crashed through the house, lmao.
Another relative I believe of my Pa’s went missing along with his whole family, never to be seen again. But they believed that they probably all died in a train crash that killed a bunch of people. Not sure why they weren’t sure, I guess no one knew for sure if they were on the train but for whatever reason seemed to think so. No bodies ever found though.
My Nannie’s grandfather on her dad’s side died when he was only like 46 years old. His wife was only 35, and she remarried a guy like ten years younger than her.
Another relative (I think it was a great great aunt) was born in Canada when it was still just a British colony, two or three years before it became the Dominion of Canada.
And I knew this before I started looking this stuff up but still find it interesting. My Nannie didn’t even meet her dad until she was four or five years old because he was fighting in WWII. And her name, Patricia, came from the name of the ship he was stationed on.
And besides the random grandpa that was born in Argentina, most of the relatives are from England, Ireland, and Spain so far, which I expected. I’ve never bothered with those DNA tests because I basically know it’s gonna be all in those areas pfft. Unless my dad’s side of the family ends up being more interesting than I think, but I haven’t looked much at his yet.
It’s all so cool. I don’t know why but the thing I find most fascinating is knowing that like, just a few generations ago everyone in my family was English or Irish or whatever, and decided to come to Canada, so now I’m Canadian. Instead of staying in England or wherever and some alternate universe version of me being born as a British person lmaoooo.
Anyway. I’m definitely gonna pay for at least another month of Ancestry and see what I find. It’s so easy to get lost in it.
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newstfionline · 10 months
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Biden goes into 2024 with the economy getting stronger, but voters feel horrible about it (AP) President Joe Biden goes into next year’s election with a vexing challenge: Just as the U.S. economy is getting stronger, people are still feeling horrible about it. Pollsters and economists say there has never been as wide a gap between the underlying health of the economy and public perception. The divergence could be a decisive factor in whether the Democrat secures a second term next year. Republicans are seizing on the dissatisfaction to skewer Biden, while the White House is finding less success as it tries to highlight economic progress. “Consumers have been feeling broadly uneasy about the economy since the pandemic, and they are still coming to grips with the notion that we are not returning to the pre-pandemic ‘normal,’” Joanne Hsu, director and chief economist of the survey, said of the overall trend in recent months.
To Handle a Surge of Illegal Crossings, Border Officials Stop Legal Ones (NYT) Like many people in the tiny town of Why, Ariz., Stephanie Fierro’s life revolves around the nearby border crossing. She works at a roadside café serving enchiladas to American tourists passing through on their way to beach resorts in Mexico. Her husband, a Mexican citizen, lives on the other side. That link was severed last week when United States border officials closed the port of entry in nearby Lukeville, Ariz., to cope with an influx of thousands of migrants who have been camping out in a rugged patch of desert along the border wall. Border officials have said they had to close the port to legal crossings in order to focus all their resources on the surge of unlawful crossings. It has created a split-screen crisis—a humanitarian emergency at the border, where hundreds of migrants are burning cactuses and trash to keep warm at night, and an economic disaster for people in rural southern Arizona whose lives and livelihoods depend on the now-shuttered border crossing. “We come and go every day,” said Ms. Fierro, 26, who is eight months pregnant with her second child. If the border stays closed, she said, she doubts she will be able to see her husband before her due date. “That’s just wrong.”
Drug lords go on killing spree to hunt down corrupt officers who stole shipment in Mexico’s Tijuana (AP) A recent killing spree in the Mexican border city of Tijuana could have been lifted from a TV script: enraged drug lords hunting down corrupt police officers who stole a drug shipment. Two of the officers suspected of the theft have been killed, prosecutors say. But so have at least three other officers, according to the city’s former police chief, suggesting the cartel believed to have owned the drugs may have launched a generalized retribution. It is the latest blow for Tijuana which has the most homicides of any city in Mexico, with about double the number of the place that comes second—the border city of Ciudad Juarez. Tijuana, situated in the border state of Baja California and with a population of over 2.1 million, has for several years seen around 2,000 murders annually. By comparison, Houston, Texas, which has about the same population, saw 435 killings in 2022.
In inaugural speech, Argentina’s Javier Milei prepares nation for painful shock adjustment (AP) It wasn’t the most uplifting of inaugural addresses. Rather, Argentina’s newly empowered President Javier Milei presented figures to lay bare the scope of the nation’s economic “emergency,” and sought to prepare the public for a shock adjustment with drastic public spending cuts. Milei said in his address to thousands of supporters in the capital, Buenos Aires, that the country doesn’t have time to consider other alternatives. “We don’t have margin for sterile discussions. Our country demands action, and immediate action,” he said. “The political class left the country at the brink of its biggest crisis in history. We don’t desire the hard decisions that will need to be made in coming weeks, but lamentably they didn’t leave us any option.” South America’s second largest economy is suffering 143% annual inflation, the currency has plunged and four in 10 Argentines are impoverished. The nation has a yawning fiscal deficit, a trade deficit of $43 billion, plus a daunting $45 billion debt to the International Monetary Fund, with $10.6 billion due to the multilateral and private creditors by April.
It’s a tough week for Rishi Sunak (AP) British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces one of the toughest weeks of his 13 months in office as he’s grilled by lawyers about his decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic while fending off a rebellion from lawmakers over his signature immigration policy. Lawmakers from his Conservative Party will be debating whether to support legislation intended to salvage his plan to send some asylum-seekers who arrive in Britain on a one-way trip to Rwanda. The policy is key to Sunak’s pledge to stop unauthorized asylum-seekers from trying to reach England from France in small boats. More than 29,000 people have done so this year, down from 46,000 in all of 2022. The plan has already cost the government 240 million pounds ($300 million) in payments to Rwanda, which agreed in 2022 to process and settle hundreds of asylum-seekers a year from the U.K. But no one has yet been sent to the country, and last month the U.K. Supreme Court ruled the plan illegal, saying Rwanda is not a safe destination for refugees.
Life in Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine is grim. People are fleeing through a dangerous corridor (AP) Since the war in Ukraine began, thousands of people have fled Russian-occupied areas over myriad routes. Now, nearly two years in, “the corridor” is their only option to cross directly into Ukraine: a 2-kilometer (1.2-mile) trek along a front line of the fighting situated between the Belgorod region of Russia and Ukraine’s Sumy region. Once they get to the corridor, they must proceed on foot, traipsing through an open, treeless no man’s land, the whir of artillery and the whine of drones from nearby battles echoing in their ears. They are warned before they go that no one will be able to guarantee their safety as they cross. Some travel with children or elderly parents. By the time they arrive in Sumy, they are exhausted, barely finding the strength to carry the few belongings they were able to grab before they fled. And yet, for many, to remain in the occupied zones is not an option. “Staying there is equal death for them,” said Kateryna Arisoi, director of the nongovernmental organization Pluriton, which set up a volunteer-staffed shelter in Sumy. “They are struggling because of torture, kidnapping, killing. They simply cannot stay there.”
Covert Indian operation seeks to discredit Modi’s critics in the U.S. (Washington Post) Since 2020, an opaque organization calling itself the Disinfo Lab has published lengthy dossiers and social media posts claiming to reveal the personal relationships and funding sources behind U.S.-based critics of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Disinfo Lab has combined fact-based research with unsubstantiated claims to paint U.S. government figures, researchers, humanitarian groups and Indian American rights activists as part of a conspiracy, purportedly led by global Islamic groups and billionaire George Soros, to undermine India. In each instance, these allegations have gone viral on Indian social media after they were amplified by pro-Modi influencers, who at times used the group’s findings to validate their own positions. Its reports have been cited by Indian officials on television and presented on Capitol Hill. Despite its reach, the Disinfo Lab does not disclose its affiliation, describing itself on its website as a “separate legal entity” that seeks to offer “completely unbiased research.” In reality, however, the Disinfo Lab was set up and is run by an Indian intelligence officer to research and discredit foreign critics of the Modi government, according to three people who worked in the organization or were familiar with its establishment. While claiming that it aimed to uncover anti-India disinformation, the Disinfo Lab itself is running a covert influence operation, they said.
Voter turnout plunges below 30% in Hong Kong election after rules shut out pro-democracy candidates (AP) Voter turnout plunged below 30% in Hong Kong’s first district council elections since new rules introduced under Beijing’s guidance effectively shut out all pro-democracy candidates, setting a record low since the former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997. According to official data on Monday, 27.5% of the city’s 4.3 million registered voters cast ballots in Sunday’s polls—significantly less than the record 71.2% who participated in the last elections held at the height of anti-government protests in 2019. The pro-democracy camp won those polls in a landslide victory, in a clear rebuke of the government’s handling of the protests.
Israel says attacks from Lebanon demand a response (NYT) Top Israeli officials warned that further Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel carried out from Lebanon could prompt a powerful response. “Heightened aggression and increased attacks by Iranian-backed Hezbollah on Israel demand of Israel to remove such a threat,” Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet and former defense minister, told the U.S. secretary of state, Antony Blinken, in a phone call, according to a statement by Gantz’s office. Those comments echoed remarks made Sunday by the chief of staff of Israel’s military, who said that the attacks risked pushing his forces to make a “very clear change” in the confrontation.
‘Buying Quiet’: The Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas (NYT) Just weeks before Hamas launched the deadly Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, the head of Mossad arrived in Doha, Qatar, for a meeting with Qatari officials. For years, the Qatari government had been sending millions of dollars a month into the Gaza Strip—money that helped prop up the Hamas government there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel not only tolerated those payments, he had encouraged them. During his meetings in September with the Qatari officials, according to several people familiar with the secret discussions, the Mossad chief, David Barnea, was asked a question that had not been on the agenda: Did Israel want the payments to continue? Mr. Netanyahu’s government had recently decided to continue the policy, so Mr. Barnea said yes. The Israeli government still welcomed the money from Doha. Allowing the payments—billions of dollars over roughly a decade—was a gamble by Mr. Netanyahu that a steady flow of money would maintain peace in Gaza, the eventual launching point of the Oct. 7 attacks, and keep Hamas focused on governing, not fighting. The Qatari payments, while ostensibly a secret, have been widely known and discussed in the Israeli news media for years. Mr. Netanyahu’s critics disparage them as part of a strategy of “buying quiet,” and the policy is in the middle of a ruthless reassessment following the attacks.
Gazans Mass at Border for Safety, but Find Only More Peril (NYT) The last point of refuge for Palestinians fleeing from Israel’s relentless siege of Gaza is collapsing under the weight of tens of thousands of people seeking food and shelter, stirring fears of a potential mass displacement into Egypt, United Nations officials warned on Sunday. Pressure is mounting in the area near Gaza’s southern border with Egypt, Rafah, where many Palestinians have tried to escape Israel’s military campaign against Hamas, only to find more death, hunger and desperation. “Where should I go? Tell me, where should I go?” said Raif Naji Abu Lubda, 39, a farmer who fled to the border area with his wife and six children. The family is now sleeping on the ground in the cold and cannot find food or even salty water to drink, he said. In some wars, civilians can escape the violence by fleeing to neighboring countries, with the understanding that they will return home after the fighting stops. But the displacement of Palestinians caused by the creation of Israel in 1948 and the decades of conflict since has left Arab governments scared that Israel might use the war to push Palestinians from Gaza permanently.
Much of Kenya falls into darkness in the third nationwide power blackout in 3 months (AP) A power blackout hit Kenya on Sunday evening, paralyzing large parts of the country, and the transport minister called for an investigation into “possible acts of sabotage and coverup” over the third nationwide outage in three months. The electricity failure began around 8 p.m., affecting many vital facilities, including the main airport in the capital, Nairobi, which is a major transport hub connecting East Africa to Asia, Europe and other parts of the world. The state-run utility, Kenya Power, blamed the blackout on a “system disturbance” and said the problem was being addressed by technicians.
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So I was hiking along the side of a road today in the middle of Spain and I realize there’s a man wearing a safety yellow vest also hiking but he’s moving very slowly and he’s actually walking on the edge of the road with a staff in his hand. As I began to catch up to him I realize that he’s using his staff to tap the edge of the asphalt and the grass on the side of the road in alternating “taps”. He appears to be at least 80 and he is completely blind. A million thoughts ran through my mind but the only words that came out of my mouth were “buenos dias” to which he quickly responded in kind.
He is at least a mile and a half from the nearest town or farm and the next town is 5 miles away. How did he get here? What family allows him to do this? Where is he going? How will he know when he gets there? How often does he do this? I questioned myself for the next hour but the only question that seemed to stick was, “if that was me, would I be out for a walk?” Before today I would have said obviously not but now I have seen it done and maybe that old, blind, hiker has taught me that the only thing that you can’t do is what you believe that you can’t do.
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kira-bitz · 4 years
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Edd was already fed up with his situation. How had it come to this? Well, the events have not happened long ago, they were still fresh in his memory.
And it was that his parents didn't saw with good eyes that, as he grew up, Edd developed a greater interest in cartoons and comics. Even traditional arts like painting and sculpture were alternatives they were willing to accept for their oldest son, but comics? Animations? He wasn't even talented enough to stand out from the crowd and have a promising future. This is how, when Edd mentioned his intention to study animation after finishing his studies at school, his father didn't hesitate to give him an ultimatum:
- Either you choose a traditional career as how it has to be, or you finance them by your own.
Edd already saw that answer coming, so he wasn't discouraged by his father's words. In a way he understood his fear, but that wasn't going to stop him, he would prove to them that he could fulfill his dream with or without their help. He had already planned what to do in advance, because due to the great income of money from his family, he knew that the loan or grant options wouldn't allow him to cover much of the cost of his studies if he continued living with them, so he was already focused in finding a part-time job. On the other hand, his friends Matt and Tom told him about their intentions to share a flat, in order to live in a more central place. Nothing could go wrong.
But there he was a year later, exhausted from the fifth merchandise landing of the night at the supermarket. Too tired to get home and get on with his college projects, he just wanted a shower and sleep. Wasn't there another type of work that drained less of his energy? A job that didn't take up so many hours of his day?
This is how Edd began to investigate in different places, increasingly corrupt sites, until in one of them reached at his ears the information of a certain business that was done in a night pool club, where in exchange for "requests" of clients a good sum of money was paid. Edd hesitated to try after seeing what kind of requests there were, but one in particular caught his eye.
“A guy on my campus constantly harasses me. I have denounced him repeatedly, but I haven't received a response from the authorities since he has not physically attacked me. I just want to give him the scare of his life so he can leave me alone. I'm scared."
Edd thought about it for a moment as he looked at the contact number attached to the application and the amount to be received for said service. He was tall, maybe not the most muscular boy, but he had knowledge of fights from his most rebellious school years. Plus, he had a pretty convincing dummy gun. Maybe... he could try.
When the day came, Edd took one last look at the photo of a blond young man to confirm that it was the same one he was watching casually walking down the sidewalk in front of him. He crossed the street while pulling on his hood and shoved the boy shorter than him into the alley, away from the public view. He grabbed him by the neck almost lifting him off the ground as the guy emitted little screams of terror:
- I know you, George Smith. I know where you live, your boring schedule, and that you were now on your way to see your friends Tyler and Henry at the place a few blocks from here. Too bad I'll have to spoil your fun.
Wide-eyed in sheer terror, the smaller guy watched as Edd took his gun from his back pocket, pulled the hammer and aimed it at George's head.
- If I see you near Miss Emily Brown again, I will come for you again, and I will not be alone.
Between screeches and gasps from George from the tight grip, Edd slammed his knee into his stomach, completely knocking the air out of his lungs. Finally, before George could catch his breath, and with one swift movement, Edd hit George over the head with his gun, knocking him out instantly.
The tallest one looked at the scene for a second and felt the adrenaline rush inside him. He has never felt something like this. It reminded him a bit of the school fights of yesteryear but with a much greater intensity. He felt control and uncontrolled at the same time. He liked it.
Slowly, Edd began to take more and more requests from people he called "in a situation of need for not acting of the law" sometimes allying with others like him when the service required more than one individual, and even going so far as to buy a real gun and learn how to use it to take less risk. With this new inflow of money, he could leave his other job since in less hours he was earning much more, he could pay for his studies without problem, improve his work team and pay the rent for his home.
And so he did, the day his new computer and drawing tablet arrived was the happiest day of his life. Tom and Matt were undoubtedly happy for him and when he finally had everything set up he called them over to see his latest model equipment. Edd didn't expect them to come into his room filming and celebrating the fruit of so much hard work. Between congratulations they took one last photo to keep for the memory.
- Thanks guys. You are the best.
Finally, already in the darkness of the night, an Edd could be seen without being able to sleep. Since, although in a couple of years he should no longer have the need to continue with this work, something had awakened in his being that said that what began as a need, was turning into an obsession.
Well here I brought the first promised backstory of the boys in the EW Lone Digger AU. I hope you like it! Please remember that this is fiction and that threatening people is bad, carrying weapons is bad, illegality is bad, etc asdfg.
And there is a small cameo of Ghost Friends since I will be part of the team of the first episode as character designer and that makes me happy 💖.
I take this opportunity to comment it is very likely that next week I will open commissions again, but I must adjust the prices and it will be probably 5 slots only for now.
Y para mi gente hispanohablante, abajo del Seguir Leyendo se encuentra la versión en español 😘
Edd ya estaba harto de su situación. ¿Cómo había llegado a esto? Bueno, los sucesos no habían ocurrido hace mucho, aún seguían frescos en su memoria.
Y es que sus padres no vieron con buenos ojos que, a medida que crecía, Edd desarrollaba un interés mayor por las caricaturas e historietas. Incluso artes tradicionales como pintura y escultura eran alternativas que estaban dispuestos a aceptar para su hijo mayor, pero ¿comics? ¿animaciones? Ni siquiera tenía tanto talento como para destacar del montón y tener un futuro prometedor. Así fue como, cuando Edd les mencionó sus intenciones de estudiar animación al terminar sus estudios en el colegio, su padre no dudó en darle un ultimátum:
- O eliges una carrera tradicional como corresponde, o la financias por tu cuenta.
Edd ya veía venir esa respuesta, por lo no se desanimó con las palabras de su padre. De cierta forma entendía su temor, pero eso no iba a detenerlo, les probaría que podía cumplir su sueño con o sin su ayuda. Ya tenía planificado qué hacer de antemano, pues debido a la gran entrada de dinero de su familia, sabía que las opciones de préstamos o subvenciones no le permitirían cubrir gran parte del valor de sus estudios si seguía viviendo con ellos, así que ya estaba mentalizado en encontrar un trabajo de medio tiempo. Por otra parte, sus amigos Matt y Tom le habían comentado sus intenciones de compartir un piso, para de esta forma vivir en un lugar más céntrico. Nada podría salir mal.
Pero ahí estaba un año después, agotado por del quinto desembarque de mercadería de la noche en el supermercado. Muy cansado como para llegar a casa y avanzar en sus proyectos universitarios, solo quería una ducha y dormir. ¿No existía otro tipo de trabajo que drenara menos de su energía? ¿Un trabajo que no ocupara tantas horas de su día?
Así fue como Edd se dedicó a investigar en diferentes sitios, sitios cada vez más corruptos, hasta que en uno de ellos llegó a sus oídos la información de cierto negocio que se hacía en un club de pool nocturno, donde a cambio de “solicitudes” de clientes se pagaba una buena suma de dinero. Edd, al ver el tipo de solicitudes que se habían dudó en intentarlo, pero uno en particular le llamó la atención.
“Un sujeto del campus me acosa constantemente. Lo he denunciado en reiteradas ocasiones, pero no he tenido respuesta de las autoridades ya que no me ha agredido físicamente. Solo quiero que le den el susto de su vida para que me deje en paz. Tengo miedo.”
Edd lo pensó un momento mientras observaba el número de contacto adjunto a la solicitud y el monto a recibir por dicho servicio. Él era grande, tal vez no el chico más musculoso, pero tenía conocimiento en peleas de su etapa escolar más rebelde. Además, tenía un arma falsa bastante convincente. Quizás… podría intentarlo.
Llegado el día, Edd miró por última vez la foto de un joven rubio para corroborar que era el mismo al que estaba observando caminar despreocupadamente por la vereda de en frente. Cruzó la calle mientras se colocaba la capucha y empujó al chico más pequeño que él al callejón, alejándolos de la vista pública. Lo sujetó del cuello casi levantándolo del suelo mientras el chico emitía pequeños chillidos de terror. Sacó su arma y apuntó a su cabeza:
- Te conozco, George Smith. Sé dónde vives, tu aburrido horario y que ahora te dirigías a ver a tus amigos Tyler y Henry en el local a unas cuadras de aquí. Lástima que tendré que arruinar tu diversión.
Con los ojos abiertos de puro terror, el chico más pequeño vió cómo Edd tomaba su arma del bolsillo trasero, jalaba el percutor y apuntaba a la cabeza de George.
- Si te vuelvo a ver cerca de la señorita Emily Brown vendré nuevamente por ti, y no estaré solo.
Entre chillidos y sonidos ahogados de George por el fuerte agarre, Edd le propinó un golpe seco con la rodilla a su estómago, sacándole completamente el aire de los pulmones. Finalmente, antes de que George pudiera recuperar el aliento, y con un rápido movimiento, Edd golpeó a George en la cabeza con su arma, noqueándolo instantáneamente.
El más alto miró por un segundo la escena y sintió cómo la adrenalina corría en su interior. Nunca había sentido algo así. Le recordó un poco a las peleas escolares de antaño pero con una intensidad mucho mayor. Sintió control y descontrol a la vez. Le gustó.
Poco a poco, Edd empezó a tomar cada vez más solicitudes de gente que él llamaba “en situación de necesidad por el no actuar de la ley”, a veces aliándose con otros como él cuando el servicio requería más de un individuo, e incluso llegando a comprar un arma real y aprender a usarla para correr menos riesgos. Con esta nueva entrada de dinero podría dejar su otro trabajo ya que en menos horas ganaba mucho más, podría pagar sus estudios sin problema, mejorar su equipo de trabajo y pagar la renta de su hogar.
Y así lo hizo, el día que llegó su nuevo computador y tableta gráfica fue el día más alegre de su vida. Tom y Matt estaban indudablemente felices por él y cuando por fin tuvo todo instalado los llamó para que vieran su equipamiento último modelo. Edd no esperaba que entraran a su habitación grabando y festejando el fruto de tanto trabajo duro. Entre felicitaciones tomaron una última foto para guardar para el recuerdo.
- Gracias chicos. Son los mejores.
Finalmente, ya en la oscuridad de la noche, se pudo ver a un Edd sin poder conciliar el sueño. Puesto que, aunque en un par de años ya no tendría la necesidad de seguir con este trabajo, algo había despertado en su ser que le decía que lo que empezó como una necesidad, se estaba convirtiendo en una obsesión.
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kingsofargentina · 3 years
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I had planned on making this before copa américa begun, but then life happened. Better late than never, tho, right? Let's call this a celebration of Argentina's win. :D
Kun Agüero and Leo Messi are the OTP of all OTPs for me, so here is a list of a few of my favorite kunessi fanfics that I've read over the years. This is not by any means a complete list since there are so many great fics (so hmu if you'd like more recs or are looking for something specific), and the fics are not in any particular order.
Multi-chapter/ novel length
Before the Third Star by rainedparade (162 096 words, rated E)
When it was the two of them, the pitch became their world and the ball, their very own sun.
A story about football, love, and life featuring Leo and Kun from 2005-2010. Takes place in an alternate reality with liberal use of the butterfly effect.
This feels like an account of what could have happened. Many scenes that draw on real events etc. A very beautiful story of boys who love football and each other.
A Messi Love by stillgold (69 188 words, rated E)
Kun knew he never should have had that last drink. Now he's gone and spilled his deep dark secret to Masche. And why is Kun's feelings for Leo the only secret Masche can't keep?
A good story with excellent smut.
two bodies pressed together by yvenger (jjjat3am) (6015 words, rated T)
"If I weren't a footballer, I would be a footballer's wife." - Kun Aguero
The one where Kun has to retire from football early and becomes Leo's househusband instead.
A little sad at the very beginning, but then very cute and domestic.
A Matter of Biology by MessiFangirl (hpdm4ever) (25 701 words, rated E)
Nicolás guides him down the hall, body still tight with tension. “You shouldn’t be alone,” his friend says, a hint of a growl in his voice. “Not anywhere until we’re back in England. We don’t really know if it’s true about how they do things here. The last thing we need is you mated to some neanderthal from Russia. It would probably be the end of your career.”
“They were being perfectly nice,” Kun says, frowning. Instead, he takes a deep breath as the familiar scents of his teammates wash over him, trying to raise his spirits again. It’s what gives him the strength to add, “I’m allowed to do things differently here. You’re the one who was being rude.”
The a/b/o fic I didn't expect to love as much as I did.
By the Rio de la Plata I sat down and wept by whimsicule (48 904 words, rated M)
Buenos Aires AU. Kun is part of the city's social elite, drifting without any sense of responsibility and purpose. A chance encounter with a childhood friend puts his life into perspective.
AU that has nothing to do with football. My favorite fic of all time; any genre, any fandom, any pairing. What an absolute masterpiece. It broke my heart, but in the most beautiful way. I cried, and then I cried some more. And then i reread it.
One shots
Prayers by ren_makoto (3418 words, rated E)
How do you worship a god? Kun Aguero shows his reverence to one D10S de Futbol. But gods can be spoiled, complicated creatures...
"He's seen fans almost kill themselves jumping down from the stands to hug Leo, kiss him, bow down at his feet. Nearly drowning themselves to swim to his yacht. He's seen fans cry in joy when Leo gives them his shirt or a hug. This is his equivalent, Kun imagines. This is as close as he comes to praying anymore."
Hot and a bit angsty. Actually really angsty if you think about it.
Tonight Is For You by MessiFangirl (hpdm4ever) (3199 words, rated T)
Nobody approaches him, perhaps aware that he's fighting to maintain his composure. The Icelandic players are respectful enough that they give him his space, while the Argentine players are wise enough to know that he needs it.
There's a light touch against his bare back then, right against his waistband, and Leo lowers his shirt to glare.
I just love it when Kun get's a little angry. I mean I also love it when he gives Leo anything he needs, but when he puts his foot down, it makes for very good plot. This fic has that.
Make it better by brightcrystal (4324 words, rated E)
After Argentina's semi-final defeat against Brazil in the Copa América 2019, Leo is devastated and Kun wants to help him feel better. Going down a familiar path is the easy choice, but is it the right one when the kisses are mixed with bitter tears of disappointment?
A bit of fluff, a bit of angst, and a bit of smut. Can't go wrong with that.
short beards are for fun by mm_nani (834 words, rated E)
leo has shaved his beard short and this is why
Hot and fun. Made me smile.
Todo Por Vos by stillgold (1286 words, rated G)
There’s nothing to say, but the words come unbidden. “Hoy por vos”, he whispers. Today for you. For you. He could have said todo por vos, all for you, and it would have been true.
Maybe Leo understands, or maybe Leo already knew—maybe Leo, with his dark eyes and his quiet mouth—maybe he can see better than others can. It seems like it on the pitch, but maybe that skill translates here too—maybe it sees Kun’s yearning, his hunger, his ache, his everything—all for Messi, todo por el.
I just reread this as I went to copy the link and GOD it's so... I can't even describe it! It's just.... The feelings, u kno???? No smut or nothing just... words and.... and FEELINGS!!!
sometimes your voice might just be enough by westhamutd (1773 words, rated M)
“hey kun. how are you doing?”
he hears kun yawn on the other end of the line and starts to laugh.
“oh you’re tired? it’s literally four in the morning here.”
things you said on the phone at 4am
This manages to be both cute and hot in less than 2000 words.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Summer School
Rating: General Audiences, Gen
Part 3 of Camila is Hunter’s Mom Now
You know how there was always that one kid who was smarter than everyone else, and then they transfer to a new school, and suddenly they're not the smartest one there anymore? Yeah. Hunter finds out that nothing in the Boiling Isles prepared him for a human high-school education.
“Hey. Thanks for meeting up with me, I know you’re busy.” Camila sat down in a chair, motioning for Hunter to sit down next to her.
An old man—the nameplate on his desk pronounced him “Principal Hal”—sighed. “Yes. Of course, Miss Noceda.”
“I’ve found… alternate schooling methods for Luz, but I’ve enrolled my two other children, Vee and Hunter in school.”
“I know.”
“Eheh. Right. The thing is… Hunter hasn’t ever… had any kind of formal schooling. So… he’s never taken higher maths, or sciences. He doesn’t know algebra, or chemistry, or…”
Principal Hal heaved another sigh. “So, what exactly does he know?”
Hunter crossed his arms. “I know thirteen different ways to kill you where you sit,” he snapped.
Camila shot him a look. “He can read, and write, and do basic math—it’s just high school, really. Oh, and history, he hasn’t ever taken a history course.”
“Well, we have summer school options—it’s a bit late, but we can look at squeezing him in. And Vee?”
“Vee went to summer camp, and she did very well there, she should be just fine.”
“Hm. Well, I’m very sorry that Luz won’t be joining us this year��”
“No, you’re not,” Camila muttered.
“—but I’m very glad she’s found a schooling system that… works better for her.” Principal Hal scribbled something down on a piece of paper, and handed it to Camila. “Take that to the front office, and they’ll get you the textbooks Hunter will need for his summer schooling.” Principal Hal looked like he’d bitten into a lemon. “I… look forward to having you as a student here, young man.”
Hunter inclined his head. “Thank you for your time, sir.”
He followed Camila out of the office. “I don’t think he likes me.”
“You threatened to kill him thirteen different ways. I don’t blame him. That was very nice at the end, though, thank you.”
Hunter felt a warm glow in his chest at the praise. “How come Luz isn’t coming?”
“Luz… never did well in school. And she’s determined to go back to Hexside, so I’ve enrolled her in some online courses so that she won’t fall behind on human studies, and if she can get through the Boiling Isles, I’ll… let her continue her education there. If she promises to check in frequently, and hide the portal very, very well.” Camila stopped in front of a wide desk, handing the secretary the piece of paper that Principal Hal had handed her.
The secretary disappeared and came back with a stack of books that she pushed to Hunter. “First class is Monday, you’ll be with the sophomores retaking algebra. Welcome to the family.”
Hunter picked up the books gingerly, trailing behind Camila. “Why does this book have a lizard on it if it’s a math book?”
Camila unlocked the car, climbing into the driver’s seat. “Great question. I don’t know.”
“What’s a sophomore?”
“Second year of high-school. You’ll be a junior, a third year.”
The lower class. With the students who’d failed algebra the first go round. Hunter’s ears burned, and he cracked open the algebra book, staring at the numbers. “I can read this outside of class?”
“Sure, if you want to.”
By the time they got home, Hunter was deep in. He kept reading as he walked inside, going straight to the kitchen table and setting the books down. He could figure this out—and then he could move up, at the very least to the regular second year level. He still had time before he officially started school—he could learn all of this.
Luz came bouncing down the stairs. “Amity responded! I have no clue how this thing works across dimensions, but I am so glad—hey, whatcha reading, Hunter?”
He didn’t look up. “Algebra.” He flipped the page, and neat, numbered rows of problems faced him. “Hey, they give you practice problems!”
“Blech, I thought you were my brother, Hunter. Math? When you don’t have to?”
“I’m behind. I need to catch up, or I’ll be stuck in lower grades.”
“Oh, right. Prodigy with extreme fear of failure. I forgot.”
Hunter tuned her out, digging out his old sketchpad and copying the first problem, flipping back in the book for the solving process. “Mhm.”
“Anyway, now that I can contact Amity, we’re going to work on opening a portal from their end.”
“She has the titan’s blood and ingredients on her end—hopefully it won’t be long before she can figure it out.”
Hunter frowned, checking over his work. “Mmm.”
“Watch out, there’s a deadly monster behind you.”
Luz heaved a long-suffering sigh and left him to the book. Hunter re-read the lesson, then flipped back to the problems.
I can do this.
The day passed by in a blur, Hunter plugged through the book, slowly but surely. At least this made sense—everything had a logical, calculable end. It wasn’t like magic, where intent and emotion played factors.
“Hunter—Hunter, it’s time for dinner.”
Hunter barely heard Camila, glaring at the quadratic formula. He kept misplacing a negative, he was pretty sure.
A hand reached over and closed the book with a thump. “Hunter. Give your brain a break and eat something, mijo.”
Hunter struggled to pull the book open against Camila’s hand. “I’ve almost got this one figured out—I can get it—”
“Dinner. Math can come after.” Camila cleared the book away. “I’m glad you’re taking school seriously, but it’s important for you to do other things, too. Don’t worry—you’ll catch up, you’re a smart kid.”
“I need to—”
“What you need to do is take a break and eat. Come on, help me set the table.”
Hunter slowly got up and opened the drawer for napkins. His stomach growled at the smell coming from the stove. Alright, maybe it was time he took a break. Look at you, Golden Guard. All… domestic.
“Luz! Vee!” Camila called, “Dinner!”
Vee came bounding down the stairs, but Luz was nowhere to be seen.
“Luz!” Camila called again.
“She’s looking at potential wild portal spots,” Vee explained.
“Ayiyi. One won’t put down his math textbook and the other one won’t stop looking for a way into the demon realm.” Camila thumped up the stairs, and Vee poked at the algebra book.
“Algebra can be tricky. We did a lot of math-y stuff back at camp. Where are you?”
“Quadratic formula.”
Hunter shrugged. “I’m a quick learner.”
Luz bumped down the stairs, Camila shooing her onwards. “You and Hunter are going to get healthy eating and working habits if it kills me!”
After dinner, Vee started on the dishes, and Hunter opened up the math book again. I am going to figure this out.
After a while, Luz and Vee disappeared upstairs. Camila put a hand on his shoulder with a yawn. “Don’t stay up too late, ‘kay?”
Camila flipped off all of the lights except the kitchen one.
Red fluttered down to his shoulder as he yawned, chirping that he ought to go to bed.
“I’m so close. Just one more lesson.”
Camila blinked blearily at her alarm as it beeped at her. She yawned, changing into her scrubs and heading down the stairs. The kitchen light was still on, Hunter slumped on the table, his algebra book open next to him. Camila gently slid the pencil out of his hand, scooping him up and moving him to the couch. He nestled into the cushions with a sigh, Red landing on his chest and closing its eyes with a sleepy cheep
“Oh, what am I going to do with you?” Camila sighed. She glanced at the textbook, then grabbed a few sticky notes, writing ‘remember to take a break’ on them and sticking them in the book every few lessons. She shook her head, grabbing her keys and flipping off the kitchen light. “Buenos noches, mijo.”
“Hunter. Hey, Hunter. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuunter.”
Hunter snapped awake, sitting up so fast he nearly head-butted Luz in the face. Red slid off of his chest, flapping its wings frantically to right itself.
“Wow, you’re twitchy.”
Hunter yawned. When had he moved to the couch? He didn’t even remember falling asleep! “Hngh—what time is it?”
“Nine-o-clock, sleepy-head! Hey, you know a lot about titan’s blood, right? You think you could look over some stuff and tell me which you think is most likely to be a wild portal?”
Hunter rubbed his eyes. “If you can see the demon realm in the water, it’s a wild portal. Oh, or if the water is boiling hot.”
“You mean like a geyser?”
“I wouldn’t recommend jumping into one of those, but yes. Like a geyser.”
“Hmmmm.” Luz picked up his sketchpad from the table. “You need any help with math? Can’t say I’ll actually be ABLE to help you, but—”
Hunter snatched the sketchpad away. “I don’t need help,” he snapped.
“Yeesh. Okay. Have fun with your numbers.”
Hunter shuffled to the table. A single sticky note was stuck to the cover of the book.
Don’t forget to eat breakfast, it read cheerfully.
Ah. Camila.
Hunter went to the pantry and shoved a protein bar in his mouth. There. Breakfast. He opened the math textbook again, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Alright. Three quarters of a math book, one day to go before summer school. He could do this. One more all-nighter.
“Whoa.” Vee peered over his shoulder at his sketchpad. “Hey, why don’t you… come on out with me. I’ll introduce you to my friends from cabin seven. You need to touch grass.”
Hunter scribbled through a line of numbers. Wrong. “Nope. I’m busy.”
“You know that you’re supposed to learn this stuff at summer school, right? Not two days beforehand.”
“I’m learning it now, so I’ll be prepared for what they want me to do there.”
“Uh… that’s not how it’s supposed to—”
“I can’t be in the class with the failures!” Hunter blurted.
Vee blinked. “Oh.”
Hunter flipped the cover of the book back and forth, his other hand tapping on the table. “I’ve got to learn this now, so that they’ll move me up to the next subject—I’m two years behind, Vee, and don’t even get me started on history!”
“That’s not your fault.”
“I can’t fail here—being here in the human realm is my second chance, and I can’t blow it! Camila thinks I’m smart, and I can’t prove her wrong!”
Vee sat down at the table next to him. “Whoa. Okay. Calm down, Hunter. You are smart, and that has nothing to do with how good at math you are.” She gestured to his sketchpad. “Look at how far you came in a day by yourself!”
Hunter slammed his hand down on the table. “It’s not enough, I’m still way behind!”
“Hunter. Hey, Hunter. Listen. You… don’t have to be the best at everything, okay?”
“Yes, I do, that’s how this works.”
“No. It’s really not. You don’t have to be the best. As long as you’re doing as well as you can… that’s what matters to Camila, okay? Even if you don’t succeed. Camila thinks you’re smart because you are. You don’t have to prove it to her. And you don’t have to pull all-nighters and learn the entirety of algebra in two days to be smart. C’mon, you need to quit focusing on school for a few hours.”
Hunter ran a hand through his hair. “Just a few more lessons—
“No.” Vee snatched the textbook away. “I’m going to keep this until you take a break. And maybe a nap, you look like you didn’t get any sleep.”
“What? No, I didn’t mean to, but I did fall asleep.”
“Fine, fine, you win. I’ll just steal it back later.”
She yanked his hood over his head. “Good luck. Just a couple of hours not doing algebra, Hunter.”
“Fine. I guess I can do that.”
“Good. Come on, let’s go meet up with my friends, they’ll predict your future with hexes hold ‘em cards.”
“I understood all of those words separately. Are your friends…okay?”
Vee grinned. “Trust me. They’re gonna love you.”
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megankoumori · 3 years
"A Sitch in Time" alternate:
Ron: And no one destroys Bueno Nacho, past, present, or future!
Supreme Shego: Oh that? Yeah you should have seen the look on Hego's face! He was all like "My work! My life's work! Wahhh!"
Kim: So you blew up Bueno Nacho to spite your brother?
Supreme Shego: Eh, not really. I destroyed it because it was symbolic of a past capitalist system that overworked and undervalued its workers. And their "benefits"... (Sarcastic laugh) What benefits?
Ron: I didn't know that.
Kim: How could you not know that?! We literally worked there!
Supreme Shego: I may be a tyrannical dictator but my regime has universal healthcare.
Jacked Drakken: The dental is off the heezy!
Supreme Shego: (Zaps his collar) You, stop talking.
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braxiatel · 3 years
Bueno la historia de WOW dio un giro raro pero pudo ser peor. Pero si el alma dividida es como lo entiendo. Prácticamente dos personas distintas creo que Nathanos está en un lugar extraño. Es probable que el ruital haya parchado su alma hasta cierto. ¿Que opinas?. Fakedoomslayer fuera
Well, hello @fakedoomslayer :D
That really was a twist, huh?
I am at present cautiously optimistic. It's no secret I would very much love some Sylvanas/Nathanos content in the next patch, but that being said I hope even more so that we get content for both of them individually. More talk about that under the cut. 
We know we will get some individual storyline with Sylvanas, as per the trailer and the preview we got a few weeks ago. 
I really hope we get a few more details about how the two halves of her soul are reunited. Based on what I recall from the questline in 9.1 with Uther, I am assuming that the two Sylvanases have to find common ground and accept that they are the same person. We have seen so much more of Sylvanas as the Banshee Queen than we have of Sylvanas as the Ranger General, so I really hope we get to see some of that process because I think it would tell us a lot about Sylvanas in both stages of her life. 
I also really hope she gets to be reunited with Vereesa and Alleria. It may not happen in game, but perhaps if we are lucky there will be a nod towards them having a family reunion in some quest text or something. Similarly I also really hope Sylvanas gets to speak to some of the Forsaken again. Perhaps some of the Dark Rangers? The fact that the Forsaken have been without a leader for so long would probably make her feel some way, I think it would be nice to see how. 
As for Nathanos. I mean, obviously I hope we find out where he is and go rescue him. 
I think my favourite theory is still that he did do what Sylvanas told him to at the end of Shadows Rising and tried to find a way to stop Bwonsamdi from interfering with her plans, but it went wrong somehow and he was captured. I like it because, well, I like Bwonsamdi and I think it would be nice to see him again. But more importantly, I also think it would be a good opportunity for Sylvanas to see how Nathanos - someone she cares about - ended up suffering the consequence of trying to carry out the impossible mission she had sent him on. I want this because I think it would be something that would help set them on the path to heal their relationship. 
Alternatively, I also think it is possible Zovaal has imprisoned his soul, and is planning to use it against Sylvanas. The trailer implied that Zovaal likely thought she would be trapped in her own mind forever, thus rendering her unable to share details of his plan. But if he did consider the possibility that she might wake up anyway, it would be smart for him to have a backup plan. So perhaps when he finds out Sylvanas did wake up he will somehow try to threaten her into not revealing anything by telling her he will destroy Nathanos’ soul if she does. 
The one flaw in that theory, as I see it, is that he could just as easily use Lirath’s soul or maybe her parents’ souls to blackmail her this way. But then, from a game making perspective, it would be a lot easier to use a character they already have a model for such as Nathanos, so I don’t think it is impossible. 
Mostly I am just really happy with the implications of the “ I found you before, my love. I will find you again, no matter how long it takes” line. 
Firstly because the time she found him before was after their deaths, so it tells us there is still some amount of the Banshee Queen left in her.  
Secondly, because it sounds like a click quote to me, which implies that it is going to be something that is important to her character arc in the new patch (I feel similarly about the line about always being a Windrunner, it makes me hopeful we will see some kind of interaction between the three Windrunner sisters). I also think they would provide some context for the line for Alliance players who may not have read up on Horde character lore, so that would also hopefully mean her mentioning their relationship while talking to another NPC or in some quest text. 
I am not sure if we are going to see Nathanos in 9.2, but I am certain he will be mentioned at least once. And of course Sylvanas is going to play a major role in the plot, and I am very very excited to get to see her in game again! 
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melisa-may-taylor72 · 4 years
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For the first time an Argentine publication was specially invited to the United States to attend the concert, party and subsequent press conference of the group QUEEN. This compliment that corresponded to PELO, made it possible to see and hear the performances of the English band in New Orleans and Miami. We also got interviews with the group and its current producer. As a preview of all that material, we reproduce the review of the New Orleans concert witnessed by our special envoy.
New Orleans, Louisiana. New Orleans with all its huge genesis of jazz and blues. With a history of mystique and art born on the banks of the Mississippi River. A city where the constructions and the european style (Franco-Spanish) coexist in eloquent contrast with the steel, cement and glass that constitute the visible face of this country. And this is where we come to listen to one of the most powerful English rock bands: Queen. It’s no coincidence. Their new album is called “Jazz” and New Orleans breathes it everywhere. This charming city that seems unreal, welcomed a group of journalists from various nations, invited especially by EMI to attend the concert, the party and subsequent press conference that Queen was going to give. New Orleans was the third date of the 32 concerts that the band was going to perform in 29 cities throughout the country. With overwhelming success in Europe, this tour marked Queen’s final coup in the United States. And they did, because the band is playing like never before, with much more rock and roll than when they started. This is what happened on stage.
An hour before
The concert in New Orleans would take place in the Auditorium, an immense theatre belonging to the city with a capacity for 20,000 spectators. This was Queen’s third performance in the United States, having played two days earlier in the legendary Memphis (Tennessee). The show would start at eight o'clock in the evening, and an hour earlier we decided to go to the concert site to recognize the field. The Auditorium is located practically in the centre of the city, so the access to the place, and later exit, were done quickly and efficiently. The concert is barely an hour away and the people is waiting in front of the gate numbered one hundred. We approached to chat a little with the boys who wander around drinking soft drinks or the very light American beer. Almost everyone sees Queen for the first time and, not coincidentally, their number one band is Led Zeppelin. Everyone shows they know a lot about the band and gets excited when a colleague from Argentine television and his cameraman starts filming them with the camera. 
When we retire, we observe the four enormous trucks that carried the stage that Queen uses in their shows. We return to the hotel where a special bus will take us to the stadium.
The stage 
The Auditorium of New Orleans is a large rectangular cement stadium. It has a plateaus tray that surrounds it completely. In the lower part no seats were placed, while upstairs it is easy to settle in the bleachers, where there are a lot of exits and corridors to the outside. People enter comfortably and quickly and there are few policemen, who act as ushers, indicating where to place themselves and how to avoid crowds. New Orleans has among its traditions the Mardi Gras (our carnival) so it is customary to attend disguised events. Thus four witches, a mummy, three wild animals, a princess, two Martians, and some more difficult to identify parade before our gazed eyes. Everything serves to color the party. The stage is about thirty meters in front and ten meters in deep. At the sides there are two platforms one meter high, just below the columns of reamplification. These hang from the ceiling of the stage in two groups of six. The stage is open, in the dark. You can only see a kind of grill of lights, hanging directly in front of the audience. In a few minutes the stadium fills up. The turnout is estimated at 18,000 people. All tickets were sold in advance, at the sole price of $8.50. There are no numbered locations and the ones that arrive are the ones that get the best location. There are no fights and everything runs smoothly. In the area without seats are located two huge consoles: to the right the computerized system of programmed lights. These are the stage lights, up and to the sides, and the ones that fall from behind in front of the stage. To the left is the console, with sound -one of them- and just like the previous one it doesn’t have no guards or barricades around it.
It’s half past eight and with the stadium full, all the lights go out. The screaming is infernal and is only subdued by Queen’s music. The stage is illuminated when the huge console of 500 red, green and white lamps is lit alternately. As a dense column of smoke emerges from the floor, the console begins to rise backwards, finally forming the roof of the stage. The effect is achieved and makes the crowd shout even more. Music is the basis of rock and roll. Now we see the musicians. May on the left, Deacon on the right, Mercury on the right, and Taylor with his drums back to the center. On the right you can see the great grand piano that Mercury used several times. The battery is mounted on a three-storey platform with white light spots directed at the public. Above Taylor’s head hangs a huge gong also surrounded by lights, and to his right, a pair of timpanis. Mercury sings “We Will Rock You” in a revamped rock and roll version. The bass supports the tones with astonishing security and the rhythm invites movement. 
Mercury sings like on records, the whole group sounds perfect in a clear, undistorted stereo. It moves with the grace of a contortionist or a classical dancer, always clinging to the microphone reed, a kind of cane that will be used in a thousand ways throughout the show.
Berry and Hendrix
“Good night, New Orleans,” shouts Mercury and the audience responds enthusiastically. We still can’t react to such a flood of light and sound, when Mercury sits at the piano to attack.
“Somebody To Love”, a beautiful gospel song that allows us to enjoy Queen’s best instrument: their voices. The band threshes the song safe, comfortable, and on the end Mercury plays a solo that stands the audience up. Almost without breathing we passed to one of the top albums in Queen’s career: “A Night At The Opera”. The opening, “Death On Two Legs,” is Brian May’s blunt and overwhelming guitar display. There are probably a dozen guitarists more skilled than him in rock, but very few have the ability, style and imagination that he possesses. His guitar is main part of Queen’s original sound, at times with a rancid and distorted hue and sometimes clear and classic. Almost without stopping they continue with “ Killer Queen”, one of the first successful songs in Buenos Aires. A combination of hard rock with Beatle style vocalizations. The main instrument in this song are the voices of Mercury, Taylor and May. This time the next song “I’m In Love With My Car” is hooked and starts with a heavy riff. Mercury’s voice transforms into Chuck Berry. May makes a very polished solo with a very Hendrix sound (he loves him) and Mercury stands next to him gesturing with the microphone as if he were an imaginary guitarist. At the end he sits at the piano and abruptly the song becomes “Get Down, Make Love”, a true monument to heavy rock. A dense, choppy riff, supported by the piano and the forcefulness of rhythm. Then the stage lights go out and the lights begin to turn on the audience. The lights run through the stage rack in a precise effect. May plays all sorts of effects with his guitar, accompanying Mercury’s vocal acrobatics. The drums explode and the riff repeats itself tirelessly. The next track is “You’re My Best Friend” a moment of tranquility for everyone with this song in the best style of the ‘60s.
The new trick
We all need a break, but it’s very brief because Mercury announces that the next one is a John Deacon song, using a play on words. He sits at the piano and starts “ Spread Your Wings”, a typical American ballad, with a Mercury deeply inspired by Mc Cartney - isn’t that wonderful? The end is prolonged with the band to all orchestra and the surprise arrives. From the top of the stage, another stage begins to descend with a complete set of drums. The synchronization is perfect, and when the song ends the stage is already installed. The new stage fits perfectly with the platforms located on the sides, leaving the musicians one meter above the audience. May takes the guitar, Taylor sits on this new drum set that has the cover of “ News Of The World” on the drum. That’s how the acoustic set begins. It starts with a very raw, super rancid boogie. With this song we forget certain insecurities in Mercury’s voice, perhaps because of tiredness.
Mercury clarifies that the next track was specially composed for New Orleans and will not be played on tour “Dreamers’s Ball”.The fake trumpet solo is a beautiful parody by Brian May. The audience is delirious and clapping. Everyone participates and the festive atmosphere is increasing. In front of the new stage a curtain of lights is formed that astonishes and gives rise to the jokes of the musicians. The acoustic end is in charge of May and Mercury. Alone, sitting in the middle of the new stage, they sing the beautiful ballad “ Love Of My Life ”. The audience is restless and doesn’t pay much attention to this number. In our country it would have had a sepulchral silence, but they see bands like this every week. 
Acrobatics and rock
“39” ends this singular set. A correctly played skiffle, where the vocal arrangements replace the bronzes. Everything is dark for a few seconds and when the spots are turned on, May is placed on the left platform and Mercury on the opposite one. They start with the riff of “It’s Late” and the stage rises again. At the right time it allows Deacon and Taylor to be seen on the original stage. May and Mercury descend and the song becomes more intense. Not surprisingly, our astonishment was overcome. Mercury and May constantly cross from one end of the stage to the other. This is democracy, no kid is left without seeing his idol up close. “Fat Bottom Girls’ is the single from Queen’s new album. A song with country airs and a title that… we leave it to the music writer. The beginning of the song is a vocal acrobatics of the four. A resounding display of their ability to sing, with those undulations of the chorus that we thought impossible to hear live. The song comes to life with May’s riff, perfectly marked by Taylor with a crushing tempo. They continue with “Sheer Heart Attack”, an accelerated rock and roll from the LP “ News Of The World”. May’s guitar becomes incisive, crackles and howls. There is one of the most fantastic rock guitarists. Halfway through the song, Mercury leaves the scene for an inspired May. Then a long improvisation begins. First a funky rock that slowly morphs into a total experiment. May uses the Echoplex and we discover that he admires Hendrix without itching. His guitar is multiplied, first by three and then by ten. The notes are scattered throughout the auditorium, filling it with mysticism. Listening to May pull out unimaginable sounds from his guitar, one understands the ‘why of the dispensing of synthesizers in Queen’s music. The guitar replaces the strings, the winds, and the keyboards, of course. Everything is done on the basis of a simple but effective polyphony. May obtains a diabolical combination of sounds between the attack of the strings, in high, with the finger prepared for the intervention of the harmonic, and the dose of saturation and maintenance (sustain). This orchestral concept of the guitar has references in two other great English guitarists: Steve Hackett and Robert Fripp.
Grand Finale
The end of the song is the beginning of another brilliant rock: 
“Keep Yourself Alive,” the opening song of the album “Queen I’. The end is by Taylor, who does some passages on the tom-toms and the timpani, with sound effects of glissando. Mercury leaves the center of the stage. Next to the piano an assistant is waiting for him who has helped him all night by holding him and reaching for the microphone. Freddie sits down and the first bars announce "Bohemian Rhapsody”. The screaming is hellish. Mercury’s piano playing is perfect. 
May does a solo identical to the studio version, and I wonder how they’ll do the opera part… There’s the answer. The stage explodes with smoke and colour and the musicians disappear. The stars are now the lights. The immense, luminous ceiling that covers the stage makes all series of combinations and routes, always synchronized with the music. What my mind associates most quickly to describe what happens, are the images of the film “Close Encounters”. 
But before leaving this hallucination, they magically appear for the rocker ending of “Rhapsody…”. The end explodes of light on the drummer’s stage, with a blinding effect, and Taylor hitting the giant gong, which he uses only in that song. The group disappears and the whole stadium stands up and asks for more. The classic lighters begin to light up in a sign of approval. Some red light bars also appear; similar to those in “Star Wars”, one can’t help but smile at such sophistication. Several minutes pass in which the public kicks the cement until it shakes.
Then they return to the stage to play “Tie Your Mother Down”. We are all standing up and living the ceremony of rock. 
The four of them have changed their clothes. May looks like a fairy with her long hair, her very long body that moves in the wide sleeves of his kimono. 
Mercury is standing on the stage, dancing and gesticulating, until May joins him for his solo. Again the drum lights explode and the band disappears again. Nobody wants to leave, we think they won’t come back. Exactly two hours ago the concert started. 
Yet they return and again a different outfit. They changed for the last two encores, a masterstroke… Taylor’s drums start with a super-heavy beat. It’s “We will rock you ” in its original version. Mercury only sings the first few stanzas, leaving the chorus for the crowd. 
Everyone responds, and this chorus of thousands of throats singing in time moves us to a shiver.
May and Deacon have already embarked on the final phrasing, located on the left side of the stage. Suddenly, on the opposite side, a spotlight 
finds Mercury and starts “We Are The Champions”. Once again, 
you see the crowd supporting the melodious chorus. A great ending. 
The four musicians step forward and bow. With the stage empty, covered with smoke, the lights are lowered again, while the recording of the closing track “A Night at the Opera (God Save The Queen)” is played. 
No one leaves, everyone howls frantically. But Queen won’t be back. Some take comfort in running to buy their T-shirts and badges of the group, which are only sold at concerts.
Article by “Pelo” Magazine, November 1978
@natromanxoff, @mephisto92, @moviestorian, @x5vale, @39-brian, @onegoldenglance, @crosmopolitan, @an-abyss-called-life, @his-majesty-king-mercury, @i-live-for-queen, @brian-39-may, @toomuchlove-willkillyou, @brimaymay, @sail-away-sweet-sister, @drummerqueenrmt, @old-fashioned-roger-boy-deactiv, @briianmaay, @l-over-bo-y, @inui-mycroft, @deacytits, @iminlovewithrogscar, @drowseoftaylor, @brianmayislongaway, @balticlover, @astrophysicist-guitar-god, @miez-lakatz, @brianmayoucease, @jesus-in-a-life-boat, @roger-taylors-car, @silapril, @sherrifanciesfriskyfreddie, @tenderbri, @brianmydear, @thosequeenboys, @millionairewaltz-carpediem, @painandpleasure86, @bribrifrenchfry, @xlucylennonx, @a-night-at-the-abbey-road, @inthedayswhenlandswerefew, @madformeddowstaylor, @queenrogertaylorfan, @let-roger-get-a-lunch, @queen-for-life, @rethought, @darlinginnuendo, @mymakeupmaybeflaking, @old-but-still-a-child, @let-roger-get-a-lunch, @warriorteam1924, @funnydressesweirdhairanddance, @painkiller80, @thefanhuman13, @yourtieddownmother, @hgmercury39, @brimi-stardust, @thefairyfellermercury, @retroromantics, @sailawaysweetbrimi, @sophiaintheskywithdiamonds, @foxmonkey, @holybrianmaywritingbear, @lydiannode, @39-yellow-daffodils , @ure-gonna-loveme-when-u-seeme, @kaykaybeachgirl, @rhysjoejoshtomfarisblog,
@redspecialandclogsandcurls, @briansrainbowsocks, @delilahmay39, @ohmybribri, @bless-the-queen, @infunitehearbeat, @sketchiesscketches, @everythingaboutfreddie, @doitforthevine67, @recordsoftheseventies, @tenementfunsterwithpurpleshoes, @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band, @beatlegirl1968, @maylorsqueen, @shearrehartatacc, @gralto, @alittlepeoplemagic, @rainbowsockbrian
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known worldwide by his pen name Quino, was born in Mendoza (Argentina) in 1932. Son of Andalusians who emigrated to Argentina in 1919, he discovered his vocation thanks to his uncle Joaquín Tejón, a painter and graphic designer, and began studying Fine Arts in his hometown when he was 13 years old. He abandoned his studies in 1949, determined to devote himself to comics and humour. He published his first page in 1954 and then went on to publish his cartoons, drawings and comic strips in newspapers and magazines in America and Europe. Following the 1976 military coup in Argentina, Quino was exiled in Milan. In 1990, he adopted Spanish nationality and has also resided alternately among Madrid, Paris, Milan and Buenos Aires.
Acknowledged as one of the leading cartoonists worldwide, Quino rose to fame with his Mafalda comic strips. This character was created for a failed advertising campaign, shortly after he published his first collection, Mundo Quino [The World of Quino] (1963). The first Mafalda comic strip was published on 29th September 1964 in the Argentine capital in the weekly magazine Primera Plana. In the Mafalda series, Quino reflected the world of adults as seen through the eyes of a group of children. The leading character was an inquisitive, intelligent, ironic, non-conformist girl, concerned with peace and human rights, who hates soup and loves the Beatles. The stories of this rebellious character, who reached Europe in 1969 thanks to Umberto Eco, who defined her as an “angry heroine”, have been translated into twenty-six languages and published in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Quino stopped drawing her in 1973. However, interest in Mafalda has continued right up to the present day, with re-editions of her books which have been adapted to the new technologies and are now available in e-book format.
After he stopped drawing Mafalda, Quino devoted himself to a more caustic, black humour targeted more towards an adult audience, which he has brought together in his collection of comic books. His most recent books include, among others, ¡Qué presente impresentable! [What an Unpresentable Present!] (2005), La aventura de comer [The Adventure of Eating] (2007) and ¿Quién anda ahí? [Who Goes There?] (2013). The last book is a reflection of current fears, through his last publications in the media, plus some unreleased publications and some of his few drawings in colour. During the last years before his retirement, Quino published mainly in the daily newspaper Clarín. He only drew Mafalda again for campaigns at the request of organizations such as UNICEF and the Argentine government. He did so after the failed 1987 coup against President Raúl Alfonsín when he drew Mafalda saying “Yes to democracy! Yes to justice! Yes to freedom! Yes to life!” In 1993, the Mafalda comic strips were adapted to cartoons and the character has participated in comic and humour competitions and festivals in many countries.
To mark Mafalda’s 50th “anniversary”, in 2014 the International Cartoon Festival of Angoulême (France) paid tribute to Quino and recreated the life-size environment of the character and her companions in the “Mafalda, a 50-year-old girl” exhibition. Another namesake memorial show shall be displayed throughout the year in several countries, including the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, to commemorate World Book Day. An “Illustrious Citizen” of Mendoza and Buenos Aires and Honorary Chair of Graphic Humour at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Quino has received numerous awards. These include the Cartoonist of the Year Award at the International Salon of Montreal (1982), two Konex Platinum Awards for Visual Arts-Graphic Humour (1982 and 1992) and a Konex Special Mention (2012), the Quevedos Latin American Prize for Graphic Humour (2000), Romics Oro Prize (Rome, 2011) and the Prince of Asturias award for Communication and humanities (2014).
Quino died on 30 September 2020 from a stroke, at the age of 88.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Soul Shards: what if...
...Tim gets a snarky sidekick who strong arms him into being a better person; it takes a little longer than if Damian did it, but Thea has her own way of doing things, and hers don’t involve trickery.
Or; The tale of soulless Tim and the little girl
(Alternative ending to the soul shards au, for those who don’t like the damitim... or the angst; that’s why Tim gets older here)
(Tim might be ooc, because he’s Soulless!Tim. Chaotic neutral at best. Be aware of that before reading)
Having no soul was great. Really, he should have gotten rid of that useless  thing years ago. Why did it take him so long? The freedom, both to go wherever he wanted and to operate as he wished without those pesky morals weightening him down. It was like being a swimmer for years wearing a lead vest, and then getting rid of it. The speed? The newfound flexibility? The ability to swim just a little lower than he ever dared and explore new depths of himself, sure in the knowledge that nothing could drag him completely under water, even if the price was that he wouldn't be going back to shore ever again?
It was a cheap price, for such a wonderful treasure. 
If only his body wasn’t so fucking annoying.
The little girl in front of him had been crying for like half an hour, no signs of stopping. And Fucking Batman had conditioned him to the point where he was physically unable to leave a distressed child behind.
-Please, sir, don’t leave me alone! 
Fucking hell- The police will be here soon, they’ll take care of everything.
The crying intensified.
-What if I walk you all the way to the station? 
More crying.
-Your parents? You have those, right? I could take you home, just give me five minutes to figure out where do you live…
Shit, was that snot? His hand twitches and then thrusts forward, impulsively using the sleeve to clean her face. Disgusting.
-What do you want from me? -he ends up asking, close to feeling as distressed as she was out of sheer exasperation.
That seemed to put a halt to the water fest.
-I d-on’t have a family -her pouting mouth trembled, and instinct drove his arm around her shoulders, desperately trying to prevent her from crying again; he was aware his stupid, overly conditioned body wouldn't allow him to walk away from this child if she continued like this- Don’t want to go to orphanage or streets! -she wailed again at the end of the sentence, speech notably deteriorating in her anguish.
Was there a way to tell her ‘I don’t care’ without making her even sadder? Before someone came along and found him?
Tim could hear the police sirens coming closer, attracted to their location by the high wall of flames eating up at the warehouse. He had spent a good chunk of the night dismantling this human trafficking ring, deeply rooted in Greece but with smaller bases all over Europe, taking care to evac both the unconscious thugs and the victims before blowing it all to hell. It was hard as fuck, specially considering he couldn’t let anyone get a good look at his face, least they gave the authorities a good enough description of him to warrant the Bat’s attention.
This little girl was not only making him lose time, she was also threatening the secret of his existence both by keeping him on a spot where he could be easily seen, and by making him stay still long enough to see his face perfectly. Sure, such a small kid wouldn't be able to give a very good description, but any risk, small as it was, was more than he wanted to deal with. 
Fuck it all to hell. He was tired. Figuring it all in the morning made perfect sense.
-If I take you with me, will you stop crying?
A hiccup and a nod was all he needed to take the girl in his arms and disappear into the night.
-What about a church? Children think churches are safe places, right? -he asks her over breakfast a few hours later. He was also sure there were thousands of those in Italy, which was his next destination, so he could very well drop her there.
The little girl looked up at him from under her lashes, light green eyes squinting in distaste and a little sadness she was forcing herself to hide- I don’t like churches. Mama… -she swallowed hard, which Tim feared would bring tears later on- mama used to say people trust churches too much, without… uhm, ‘reasons’, she said. And that I shouldn't trust anyone I haven’t met.
Grateful she was doing an effort not to cry, he didn’t push. The last thing he needed was the eight year old remembering her late mother and crying again.
Mathea, eight years old. Kidnapped from the city of Seres in Greece, where her mother had moved them both a month ago with hopes for a better life after leaving her abusive marriage behind. No other relatives, and he couldn't drop the child with a violent father. No doubt some internalized trauma after seeing her mother being murdered trying to keep her from being kidnapped, and the subsequently time in capture, waiting with other children at the warehouse for their fates to arrive. Except it had been derailed by Tim’s intervention.
He never regretted his body’s dependence on doing good like now. He couldn't leave the girl just anywhere unless she agreed, which didn’t seem to be an option right now.
-What I do is dangerous -he told her, one last attempt at scaring her- I hurt people that hurt others. I travel a lot. You’d be better off at an orphanage or something, living with other children and going to class.
She looked at him with far too intelligent eyes- You could teach me. ‘seem more smart than any teacher.
-Smarter -he corrected, hating that he was proving her point- I’m not a good teacher. I don’t have patience for it.
-I don’t think there’s a’ything you’re bad at. And we can learn together.
-I don’t have a soul -he finally threw, almost desperate to scare he away.
She just shrugged- The men who took me an’ hurt mama had one, and they were monsters. I don’t care bout it.
He sighs. His body isn’t rebelling at the idea, and she seems determined. Whatever. He doesn’t care enough to look for the best option for her. She wants to follow him, okay, let her. She’ll give up and ask to leave soon enough.
-I want a computer -demands Mathea one morning, months into her forceful addition to Tim’s party of one. They are currently in Milan, where he’s taking care of a wayward assassin and she’s using the hotel’s amazing wifi to complete her online class- for my birthday. It’s next week, you know. I’m turning nine.
-I’ll make sure to send you a postal -he replies, hand thrown over his eyes in a futile attempt to sleep. Her nagging grows less adorable and more annoying the older she gets- I’m going to be in Moscu next week. Human experiments I need to stop.
Little less than a year ago, she would have gasped, maybe even cried at the idea. Nowadays, child trafficking seemed the only thing to faze her.
-I’m going to cry.
-It won’t be effective so far away.
She harrumphs. Like a mule, which is how stubborn she could be.
-Yeah, whatever. If you miss my birthday, I’ll be very sad, and make you feel guilty as hell.
-I don’t feel anything.
-Maybe you don’t, but your body will give you hell for me. How does an entire night holding my hand and spoiling me sounds, huh? Cause we both know that’s what is going to happen if you do it.
-Why didn’t I just leave you in the warehouse -he whines, tired. A few hours of sleep, that’s all he’s asking.
A few moments of silence follow his statement, which is suspicious enough for him to remove his arm and open his eyes. She’s never that quiet, unless she’s planning something or…
Yeah, those are tears in her eyes. Fuck.
-You… do you mean it?
A sigh.
-Come here, brat. Of course I didn’t. We both know I can’t do something like that.
She goes willingly, slipping into the mattress by his side and resting her head on his shoulder, cuddling closer like she does when nightmares hound her.
-It’s...it’s going to be my first birthday without mom. I just… don’t want to be alone.
He tries to keep his mouth closed, fighting against the impulse to soothe her. He loses miserably.
-You can come to Russia with me. We can go sightseeing after I’m done with my business and eat out somewhere, as a birthday treat.
Something lightens in her face.
-And my computer?
A sigh- I guess it’d be good to throw the one you have out. To avoid being tracked down, of course. Not because you’re a spoiled brat.
When Thea arrived to the restaurant, her hair a golden mess and frazzled green eyes, Tim was instantly on high alert.
He had left her by the park with instructions on how to find him, as a lesson on both tracking and independence at navigating the streets. Now he wonders if leaving the ten year old alone in Buenos Aires had been a good idea.
-What happened?
She sat across from him, face instantly relaxing in the comfort and safety he always seemed to bring her.
-Nothing, just… a drunk idiot saying stuff. I lost him a couple streets ago, but…
His back tenses, and he has to consciously refrain from going out on a manhunt. Well, at least now he knows what is he gonna be doing that night when Thea sleeps.
-We are doubling your self defense lessons starting tomorrow. 
He might not want her around most of the time, but she was, and that made her his responsibility. 
She smiled, bright and relieved, and something twisted in his gut. He didn’t, couldn’t, love her. Not without a soul. 
But if he did? Gods, it was already bad enough, how much he liked her, how desperate he was to keep her safe. If he added love to the equation, he would be a total mess. 
Being soulless proved, once again, to be the best decision he ever made.
-Tim. Tim. Tim. Tim. Tim.
-What. The fuck. Do you need. At three in the fucking morning?
-You have to go out and buy me something.
-What the… -a groan as the man sat on the bed, arms behind him holding his tired body- why is the bathroom light on? 
Thea clutched the sheets of Tim’s bed tighter, the other hand still on his shoulder where she shook him into wakefulness, but didn’t sit by his side, which spoke for itself.
-Fuck. Don’t tell me…?
-Yeah. Apparently, my time has come. Can you…?
Another groan, this one whinier- I’m going, I’m going. Don’t sit anywhere, I do want my deposit back when we leave this hotel.
-Be fast, then.
Half an hour later, the un-masked vigilante returned, pharmacy bag in hand. Moodily throwing it in her general direction, he face planted his bed.
-There. Painkillers, pads, tampons and chocolate. I’m going back to sleep. And this time, don’t wake me up unless there’s a killer in the room.
-...you mean, besides Pru?
-Shh, you know you aren’t supposed to know about her shadowing us. It makes Ra’s ansty when he knows we know.
-...Aren’t you going to congratulate me or anything? I hear that’s what parents do to their twelve year olds when they go through this for the first time.
-First of all, I’m not your parent, and you are not my twelve year old. You are just a twelve year old that follows me around against my will. Second, I may be soulless, but not heartless enough to tell you to be happy about something that will bring you little else than pain every month for like fifty years. Periods sucks, and so do pregnancies. Why would I congratulate you? Put on a pad and go to bed now. We need to be out of town by eleven tomorrow.
-You are the human version of period cramps.
-Now you can knowledgeably use that phrase. Bet you’re delighted.
-Almost unbearably. Go back to sleep, idiot. I like you better when you’re unconscious.
-Why can’t I go with you? -She asks, but it sounds more like a tantrum.
-Stop that, you are not nine anymore. And minors are not allowed in that bar.
-So I use my fake id, big deal.
-You are not going there. It’s illegal.
-Excuse me, is this coming from the man who I had to prevent from tattooing “fuck the law” on his right buttcheek that time he got wasted?
-You know damn well I might not follow certain laws, but others are fucking carved into me. Children drinking is one of those things my gut doesn’t want to take part on. You don’t like it, do as other teens and run away.
-Fuck you, you aren’t getting rid of me that easily.
-Then be a good little girl and wait for me at the hotel.
-I’m fifteen!
-You still get tired after two hours of training, and cry whenever you watch Lilo and Stitch.
-Because you are a slave driver! I’ve gotten less hurt in fights against  people twice my size than training with you. And excuse me for having a soul, jackass.
-Apology accepted. Put on your pajamas again and go to bed. And by the time I’m back, I want that skirt reduced to ashes.
-What’s wrong with my skirt? 
-When you learn how to fight in it without flashing everyone and their mother, or alternatively can fight with it without getting distracted by embarrassment, you can use whatever you want. Until then, there’s your onesie.
-It’s called a kigurumi.
-A grown up onesie, whatever.
-The jerk store called, they’re running out of you.
-I would love to insult you back, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t do as well as nature did.
-I hate you so much.
-Uh huh. Right back at you.
-Ugh. Bring me pizza when you’re done with that gang?
A small smile. A hand messing blond curls up.
-Only if you behave while I’m gone, brat.
The base was big, and so luxurious. Everyone bowed to her or kept out of her way, which she liked even more. The food was amazing, the teachers provided to her the top of the top, and the library was to die for. 
She wasn’t happy Tim was hurt again, but there was no denying the benefits it brought.
-Dude, you have the best sugar daddy ever.
Besides her, getting his own massage, he opened his eyes to glare.
-Ra’s is not my sugar anything. We are merely business partners; as in, I stay out of his business, he provides me with hearty income. You know this already.
Thea shook her head.
-Tim, there’s business deals, and there’s winning and dinning. This man wants a piece of you so badly it's not even funny. Sugar- Daddy.
-How do you even know that term, you’re like twelve.
-Excuse you, I’m fifteen.
-Maybe physically, but you aren’t ever going past the ‘damn brat’ stage until you can go back to sleep after a nightmare without sneaking into my bed.
-Shut up, no one asked. Hey, your sugar daddy offered me a class in stealing, can I take it? He says he has an expert around to give me lessons.
-Go for it, but if it ends up with you trying to touch my stuff, I’m leaving you here.
When Thea is sixteen, Tim turns twenty four, and she decides to give him the gift she has kept under lock and key ever since they met.
She knows about his past, because he never cared enough to hide it. She knows about his friends and family, because Conner keeps showing up, both to stalk Tim and to tell her the wildest stories of their youth. She knows about his soul, because that man, Damian, often takes it out when he visits them, face pained and desperate.
She feels guilty it took her this long. Because all this time, all this years, she had the key to bring their Tim back. She had the answers, the only one with a shot at it.
But she didn’t, because soulless Tim is the one she grew up with. The one who protected her, who carted to her needs and whims. The one who made her feel safe, even after all the cruelness she witnessed following him around.
She loves this Tim. Because this Tim, the one without a soul, loves her as well. It seems impossible, a paradox, but she knows it's true. Knows it with all her heart.
The love, the trust, the certainty of their bond, all are encompassed in the necklace she offers him on his twenty fourth birthday. The silver chain contrasting beautifully with the fluorite looking soul, shaped as a T. For Tim and Thea. 
He looks at her, and there’s resignation in his eyes. Not the hate she was expecting.
-If I take this… I’ll feel. I’ll want my soul back. We’d need to go to Gotham for it; no more world trotting, no more ‘us against the world’. Are you sure this is what you want, Thea?
She swallows, hard. She doesn’t want it to end, but the idea of standing between him and his best self is unbearable.
-As long as you take me with you, I don’t care who you are or how do you act. But you can’t leave me behind. I won’t allow it.
He smiles, warm even without his soul, even without hers, and she fears she’s going to lose it the moment his fingers touch the necklace. But she has to do this. He has rescued her, time and time again, since they met so many years ago. He has helped her build herself from the ground, protecting and guiding, and the least she can do in return is help him get himself back. 
Even saving him from a soulless existence doesn’t seem enough in comparison to all he’s done for her, reluctant or not, but that’s alright. She has the rest of her life to help her brother be happy.
But she needs to start now.
It must show in her eyes, because his smile becomes softer, an edge she hadn't noticed was there finally removed. The last line of defense gone down.
-You damn brat -he sighs, taking the necklace with shaking fingers, the emotions coursing through him instantly bringing tears to his eyes.
That’s alright too, she’s crying as well.
Because even before he touched the soul, even before he regained the ability to feel… the ‘Damn brat’ sounded heartbreakingly close to ‘I love you’.
There was an unbidden beauty, to being loved by someone without a soul. 
-I love you, too. You jackass.
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kathyana · 4 years
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Well, since nobody made fanarts of Carlos with his alternative hairstyle, then I will, and I did not want to be left out of the RE3 fandom so ... here is my contribution. I love this ship YoY♥ By the way ... I have not played the game yet, what little I know is from the fanarts I have seen so far, someday I will buy it and play it, for now I will feed on fanarts :3       HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
Bueno, ya que nadie ha contribuído con fanarts de Carlos con su otro estilo de peinado, entonces contribuiré yo a la causa. Amo este jodido ship YoY♥ Por cierto... aún no he jugado el juego, lo poco que sé es por los fanarts que he visto hasta el momento, algún día lo compraré y lo jugaré, por ahora me alimentaré de fanarts :3      ¡ESPERO LES GUSTE!
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Alrighty sooo we all know Becca but what about this woman named...Hannah in you WIPS? (and in my WhatsApp) 1,2,4,8,9,15,16,18,23,26,27,31,33,39,45,52,54,55 this shall keep u occupied lol
 *sighs* Hannah Hannah Hannah... when will I finish your saga 😔
i’m going to use both prompt lists for this and choose my favorite questions aha
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? &  Age, Birthday, Star Sign
Hannah Amelia Weill
I really like writing complicated women with long names and multiple identities.
Growing up her friends all called her Hannie. She was always Hannah to her family and everyone who doesn’t know her intimately. One boy (’Bryce’) called her Han. Later in life her partner calls her Anna because of his thick accent. Her alias and the name she went by during her uni identity crisis was Leah, a derivative of her middle name.
I don’t like her last name so it may change to fit with the metaphor of the whole piece 🤷🏻‍♀️
The story moves between her being 16-18 and 23. 
tbh i haven’t given much thought to her birthday 😂 i feel like she’d be an edgy libra 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? & Gender Identity
Nothing formal lol 
But her mother calls her a ‘hurricane’ and after high school that group of friends she had relegated her to a ‘selfish bitch’ and proceeded to cut her out of their lives without any warning. (side note: later in life she’ll realize she may have been The Toxic Friend) 
She’s hetero female. Though she was bi-curious with only one friend when she was 17. She leaned into that for a while but realized women just weren’t doing it for her. 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? & Race and Ethnicity
She’s estranged from her father and hasn’t seen him since she was five. She’s an only child and had some distance between her and her mother because of socio-economic factors. At her core Hannah is a private, enigmatic person and her mother always kinda let her do whatever she wanted as long as she kept her grades up. It wasn’t a bad childhood or growing up. There were some rough patches but she lived in a bubble compared to the rest of the world. When she moved away her relationship with her mother got better because her mom would call or text her every week to make sure she’s alive. She still does and Hannah sometimes doesn’t answer so her mom calls. 
She’s white bread with European roots. 
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? & Weapon of Choice(?)
They had a dog which she loved and taught her the meaning of unconditional love. The dog even slept in her twin sized bed. As an adult Hannah is much to irresponsible (and self aware about this fact) to bring a pet into her life. She loves animals but keeps a distance and prefers the odd well behaved domestic pup.
She has wit, stoicism and psychological manipulations at her disposal. 
9. Hometown and current residence
She grew up on the waterfront in Suffolk, New York. Now she resides in Southwark, UK. 
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking? &  Can they sing? Can they dance?
She can cook if she has to. She’s not bad at it when she knows what she likes but she cannot handle another person in the kitchen with her and gets so so so angry when they make comments over her shoulder. Some times she gets the urge to bake but it’s TERRIBLE at dough so it’s just a box cake or cookies. Others think it’s edible. 
When she’s older ‘Ethan’ teaches her how to cook fancy, complex meals and it’s rather meditative. And maybe she doesn’t mind having him in the kitchen with her. 
She cannot sing to save her life. She has absolutely no rhythm. Doesn’t stop her from doing either. Her go-to dance of choice is a drunken grind.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? &  Can they drive?
She doesn’t, well not really. She tries to hoard books but she’s moved around so much her moms outlook on life seeped in. Her mom always encouraged her to get rid of unnecessary things and so she has very minimal clutter (excluding her closet girl loves clothes). She does have a book shelf filled with CDs and vinyls and books and that makes her happy. 
When she’s settled down and has disposable income she starts to collect tattoos and street art. 
She can drive but doesn’t like to, especially in Europe. She’s thankful she lives in places with fantastic public transport. 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else & Have any special keepsakes?
Books: she likes horror and drama as books she’ll read in public. When she’s alone she likes a romance book or young adult novel. 
Music: folk, indie and alternative. 
TV: comedy, drama, anything on the old CW was her jam. She likes dark humor. 
Films: romantic comedy. she went through a phase of only watching foreign films to seem more cultured. she’ll only watch action if there’s a comedic lead because blood and gore disgust her. 
Video games: she doesn’t play. never got into them. but she did try because ‘Bryce’ really loved his xbox and she loved ‘Bryce’. 
The one thing she made sure to take with her was a throw pillow that she’s had since she was a kid. 
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
She remembers everything about the people in her life. For better or worse - it’s no bueno for her mental health because she overanalyzes everything and dissects it until she’s essentially fabricated a whole other reality. 
She misplaces things all the time and gets mad about it. ‘Ethan’ finds it an endearingly annoying habit of hers. 
She’s okay with names and better with faces. But she really identifies people by their vibe and how they make her feel. If she feels good she’ll remember every single thing about them. If they make her feel bad she’ll only remember the bits about that person that make her feel that way - even if it’s only one sentence out of an entire year of friendship, that person will become that one bad thing to her. 
She never truly forgets someone. Sometimes it’s better to pretend like she did in order to save face. 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? & Guilty Pleasure
When she’s happy she can do anything! She feels like she can fly. She usually is listening to a song and she’s very creative in this space. She parades around in her underwear singing at the top of her lungs when she’s alone. When she’s happy and with someone, she lets her guard down and shows who she really is. When she’s happy she’s the person she wants to be and not the front of an unbreakable woman she’s been pretending to be since she was old enough to remember it’s importance. 
Oh yes, Hannah hides her emotions. it’s her MO. 
Her guilty pleasure is popular culture. ‘Ethan’ makes fun of her for it but indulges her any chance he can get. For the longest time he’s also her guilty pleasure. She doesn’t want to like him from the beginning. But conversation just flows. And he’s such a Good Boy. she can’t help but fall for him quick and quietly. 
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad? & What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
People make her sad. Failure makes her sad. She’s trying to cultivate a better life she’s read about in stories and feels like she needs to be successful to show up everyone who’s ever doubted her. She needs to be successful to prove to herself that she’s not a waste of space and worthy of this existence. 
But successful comes in all shapes and sizes. Which is something she’ll learn when she least expects it. 
Hannah only lets herself cry less than a handful of times a year. Usually in the dead of night or in the shower. And only when she knows she’ll be alone the entire time. 
After she falls for ‘Ethan’ she can’t control her emotions as well any more. He’s always there for her even if he’s the source of her tears. 
When she’s mad it’s almost manic depressive. She gets really really low and cuts people out. ‘Ethan’ will not have that. He will not let her go through this alone. Even if she doesn’t want him to see her or hold her he’ll still only be a short walk away. 
I think I answered this above ? Her family was her and her mom. They weren’t close growing up but once she moved away they both made an effort to keep in contact. 
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? &  What’s their current main conflict?
Yes. She chooses whiskey and scotch for the connotation associated with them. She cannot stand scotch but the commitment to the illusion is greater than her taste buds. Her new friend Polly introduces her to wine. She gets really bad stains on her lips from red wine and no one tells her this until she’s half a bottle down with ‘Ethan’ and he comments on it. She’s so embarrassed and rushed to the bathroom to wipe it off. He stands just outside the doorway laughing his ass off. 
She’s the kind of drunk that wants a smoke or sex. Sometimes both. 
When other people are drunk and she’s not she cannot stand it and avoids them. Unless it’s her roommates whom she cannot avoid. She’s teasing and loving and will be a complete idiot with them. 
When ‘Ethan’ is drunk she lovingly teases him and finds him so fucking cute. 
uhhhhh her main conflict during the entire series is trying to find herself. She needs to stop being the person she is out of necessity and be the person she doesn’t know who she is at her core. 
Then there’s the conflict of falling in love with ‘Ethan’ given the circumstances and how stupidly happy he makes her. And the conflict of still loving the ‘Bryce’ she knew back then that still gives her butterflies and plagues her thoughts and dreams and then comes face to face with her temptation after all these years.
The Enigma, The Boy and the What If 👀
this girl’s just trying to figure life out because she didn’t have a strict parent to map her whole life out for her. it’s a blessing and a curse compared to all those she grew up with and modeled her life after. She’s just off on an unknown adventure making things up and she goes and stripping the past from her future.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties? & How have they changed over time?
She likes hipsters but if there’s an ounce of a chance she’s gonna be naked she needs a v-string even if they make her feel constipated. As for bras she loathes them. But apparently she needs them because of her body type. So if she’s gotta have a bra it’s padded and sexy. She’s not wearing it for her it’s for whoever will see her in it. 
Eventually she’ll learn to love lingerie. For herself, not for ‘Ethan’. 
The Hannah Evolution is messy. 
A generally happy kid -> bogged down by having a single parent and the connotations that comes with that -> curating the perfect personality not to put strain on her mom -> creating an air of mystery and becoming an enigma. of never sharing her true feelings with anyone, even herself -> going after her dreams even if it pisses people off -> stupidly letting herself fall in love -> self sabotaging her happiness -> letting the facade crumble and rising from the ashes   
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? & Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
Modern love letters are texts to wake up to and fall to sleep to. That’s something she romanticized with ‘Bryce’ and didn’t realize that meant nothing until ‘Ethan’ showed her. 
Cappuccino. Probably a lemon poppy seed muffin. Or if they do sandwiches it would be a panini. 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Other people not related to her see her as arrogant and a closed book. She isn’t forthcoming and makes it really hard to get to know her on a personal level. That makes making friends in adulthood hard. 
Her ex-friends see her as selfish and fake and can’t deal with the drama that seems to follow her. They are actually really resentful for how well life was panning out for her once they all stopped being friends. 
‘Ethan’ is intrigued by her. She finds her brilliant and beautiful and he wants to know more about her. The difference is he’s willing to put in the work. He’s able to see the funny girl hiding behind the rogue exterior. 
She varies in how she sees herself. Some days she loves who she is and walks down the street with unwavering confidence. Other days she cakes on a face full of make up and becomes her alter ego. She’s never truly fully happy with herself. Something inside her is constantly looking for the next best thing to happen in her life and it is detrimental. 
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
You can find the projection yourself 😅
I’m not as bold as Hannah. I also like to think I’m a little more lovable and have a better grip on reality than this mess. 
54. What does your character want, and what do they need?
She wants to be successful and shove her success up the ass of everyone who told her no growing up. She wants to be on the cover of Forbes 30 under 30. She’s creative and a bit chaotic and follows whims. She just wants recognition. 
What she needs is ‘Ethan’ and everything he’s opened her eyes to. 
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? When happens when these all interact with each other?
Her best trait is her drive. It’s a little shaky in the grand scheme of things but at her core she just wants the best life.  
Her worst trait is her tendency to write and cut people off without another glance. She does it swiftly and unapologetically. 
Gosh all of these things combined come out when she fights with someone and it’s terrible. There’s screaming and slamming doors and ‘Ethan’ doesn’t know what’s going on and wishes she’ll just talk to him. But she’s not that easy and he understands that but goddamn he loves her and for him this is worth fighting for. 
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