#he's snapped at me so many times since wednesday evening
2tcs · 2 months
Day 2 Meeting a new family member and Wire
“My brother has moved to Gotham and I intend to visit them tonight as Robin.” Damian announced as everyone began to eat dinner.
“You have. A brother?” Tim haltingly asked as he looked at Damian.
“Tt. That is what I said. I advise not attempting to contact him unless he invites you into his home.”
“Damian. Why didn’t you tell me you had a brother?” Bruce asked.
“It was irrelevant. Danyal is older than me and had been deemed a failure by the time Mother and Grandfather decided to make me. I had been under the impression that he had been disposed of. In a way, I suppose he was, seeing as he was placed in the hands of some scientists who worked for the league.”
“But he’s back. Do you know what he wants?” Tim asked as Bruce disassociated.
“He would not go into detail but it seems that the scientists who raised him have found a purer and more radioactive Lazarus water. It is why I am meeting him tonight so he can turn over the more sensitive information without the league hearing about it.”
“Damian.” Bruce started before rethinking what he was going to say. “I would like to come with. He may be your brother but he is also an unknown.”
“I am aware Father. That is why I am telling you now. You cannot come with me but I will stay in contact and keep the com channel open throughout the entire exchange.”
“I would still prefer”
“Father. You will not come with. Danyal has expressly forbade you from meeting him.”
“That makes this even more suspicious! If not me then at least bring Dick with you.”
“Richard is in Bloodhaven and will not be able to get here in a timely manner. I am going alone.” Damian said before standing up and walking off.
“Give it a rest B. He’s on a mission and I have a feeling he’ll go alone no mater what you say. If anything we could try to tail him but I have a feeling he’ll be on the lookout for that.”
“Akhi. You have fortified this place well.” Damian complimented as he walked into the office of the warehouse where Danny had made his base. It had been years since Danny had looked into the child that was meant to replace him after he failed one too many missions for Grandfather's liking. But to see that his little brother had managed to escape the league made Danny’s core hum happily.
“Thank you, Dams. But we aren’t here for pleasantries.” Danny said as he walked over to the single desk in the room and pulled a thick file out of one of the drawers. “In here is a brief rundown of the Fenton's research as well as a law that has recently passed that is in violation of”
Before Danny could finish talking there was a loud crash and a string of expletives.
“What the fuck! Who puts two wire traps mere inches from each other!” The voice shouted before the sound of a body hitting the floor. A few moments later the voice started yelling again as they fell into another trap.
“A friend of yours Dams?” Danny asked while he watched the door.
“A member of our family. Unfortunately. I had told Father not to come and I was hoping the fact that it was in Crime Allie would discourage Drake. I had not counted on Father getting Todd involved.” Damian sighed before walking over to the folder.
“As long as he does not wake up the littles I could care less. Perhaps we should help him out?” Danny asked. Not noticing Damian’s head snapping up to stare at him.
“Littles? You did not inform me of anyone else.”
“Hm. Long story short? You are an uncle to two little ones.”
“ALL RIGHT! WHO SET UP ALL THOSE… Demon brat. I should have known.” Red Hood said as he barged into the office. Causing twin crys to echo from a door on the opposite side of the main door. “Are those?”
“Yes, and your entrance has just woken up my kids. Dams? I have also left a number in the folder if you need to contact me. I will be off now.” Danny said as he began to walk towards the door the cries were coming from.
“There is a family brunch every Wednesday at ten in the morning. I request you to be there so that I can meet the new members of our family. Father would also like to meet you.” Damian said while ignoring Jason’s stuttering.
“I will think about it. Until next time Dams.” Danny replied before disappearing through the door.
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 months
It's the RPD's annual Secret Santa, and Leon's at his wit's end finding the perfect gift for his work crush. No competition, of course, except for the part where you make him promise not to bring something lame. Leon's got a week. He can do this. Right?
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gn / m, fluff, romance, humor, leon is a SWEETHEART, you guys work at the RPD but you're leon's senior and also love reading??, no outbreak, inspired by the teapot episode of The Office lol, tw: claustrophobia
word count: 1.5k // read on ao3
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a/n: vivi try not to mention christmas challenge go!!! @k1ssaphobe this one's for you <3 literally the ugliest effing banner i've ever made i'm SO SORRY but this completely destroyed my writer's block. i had so much fun <3
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It’s all been downhill since Leon plucked your name out of a glass jar last week. Shit. Multiply that times three, rain down a couple red and green sprinkles for holiday spirit, and you have a great representation of how prepared Leon feels about being assigned the most crippling crush he’s had since high school for the RPD’s annual Secret Santa: you. 
Shit, indeed.
His hands shake like tremolo as he rereads your name printed on his little slip of paper, and Leon decides right then and there that the best way to go about this is to not go about it at all. Plain and simple. 
“Aren’t you excited?” you gush after your turn to draw from the jar. Poor you, you’d taken his jittery hands as enthusiasm. 
Leon grins tightly. “For sure, yeah, I um… I love Christmas. Really excited. You get who you wanted?” 
“Hey, no cheating. Not even with me, rookie.” You scrunch your face, clutching your paper to your chest. “Secret Santa’s secret. But it’s no secret that you’ve got to give it your all, so no lousy gifts allowed, got it?”
Well, there’s that plan gone. It’s back to police academy basics: Keep It Simple, Stupid. 
There’s nothing to overthink about making a good impression as the newest RPD recruit, Leon gaslights himself while haunting the Target holiday aisle on Monday night. You routinely save him from Irons’ infamous wrath, so it’s only natural that Leon spends all of Tuesday in a stupor at his desk, definitely not thinking of how he could never pay you back the favor with a silly Secret Santa gift. 
Wednesday rolls by and his coffee from yesterday sits in the break room, cold and overstirred next to today’s breakfast crumbs. How many times has Leon watched you sip tea at your desk? Five, six? 
Your eyes sparkle over the rim of your cup when he asks you about your weekend. Really, he doesn’t get the hate for small talk. There’s nothing small about the smile that bunches up your cheeks when he cracks a stupid joke about the weather, and more often than not, Leon finds himself waterboarding his notes app with the names of all the novels you drop mid-conversation so he can binge their Sparknotes over the weekend. So it goes, according to Kurt Vonnegut.
Ugh, he should have paid more attention in English. What the hell is an allegory anyway? Leon spends all of Thursday browsing your Goodreads profile and wracking his head over the hefty price tags attached to your TBR list. His wallet makes for a terrible wingman. 
But really, finding the perfect gift is no sweat at all. Leon is absolutely nonplussed (according to his 50th vocabulary-related Google search) when he steps into the RPD elevator on Friday morning with a clumsily wrapped, candy cane-striped bundle in his arms. 
“Hold it plea- Leon!”  
Liar, liar, pants on fire – he’s totally shitting his pants when you barely make it inside before the doors snap shut. 
“Thanks,” you gasp. 
Leon nods stiffly, his cheeks growing warm, and jams the second-floor button with his knuckle.
As the elevator starts its maddeningly slow climb, you hum, rocking back and forth in your snow boots. You’re cradling a package of your own, something four-cornered and fairly small. Leon, however, feels like he’s holding a bomb, the object of his affections standing less than three feet from his radius of destruction. How are you so carefree right now? You’ve probably got this gifting thing in the bag and he most definitely doesn’t. 
Leon can see everything unfold the moment he enters the office. You’ve had your gift planned months beforehand, his gift is going to be horrifically lame when you open it, everyone’s going to clap politely but you’re going to hate him forev-
And then the elevator plunges into pitch black.
“Oh my god!” 
Who screamed louder, Leon doesn’t want to find out.
The elevator shudders to a complete stop. Leon’s mental spiral of doom helpfully supplies him with an image of you two dangling in midair, suspended on wires. Maybe this is the universe saving him from delivering the worst Secret Santa gift of his life.
Leon blinks in the darkness, waiting for your unflappable voice to cut through the silence and figure a way out, headstrong as always, except you don’t, and Leon strains his ears to hear what’s surely not what he thinks it is, a whisper that sounds an awful lot like: “Leon, I don’t want to die.”
“We’re gonna die,” you whimper. “I don’t wanna die.”
Your voice floats up from a lot lower than he remembers your head being, so he crouches down to find you with your arms hugged to your chest. You’re huddled against the wall, breathing all shallow. The package in your arms lies forgotten somewhere in the abyss.
“Hey, hey, nobody’s dying.” Leon reaches out to find your hand. “What’s the matter?”
“I have, cl-clau-”
“Claustrophobia?” He remembers that one well. Wishes he didn’t. 
You nod fitfully.
“The dark doesn’t help either, huh?” he whispers, craning his head to look at the busted bulb on the ceiling. “Damn.”
Your palm grows colder and clammier in his hand by the minute, and the shakiness in your breathing is starting to worry him. Your head pops above your knees when you hear rustling in the shadows, and then the telltale Christmastime cacophony of wrapping paper being torn to shreds. 
“What are you…?”
“Being resourceful,” Leon grits, tearing his Secret Santa gift open. He fumbles with its contents for a second, slipping something into a plastic compartment. “It’s not the best, but…”
The elevator blooms with soft, golden light.
“...it’ll do.”
“What’s this?” you murmur in awe, cupping your hands around the tiny book light Leon holds. 
“My Secret Santa gift,” he chuckles sheepishly. “I kind of, um, blanked. I’m also really bad at giving gifts, so there’s also this,” he says, pulling out a mug from the heap of trashed wrapping paper.
When I Think About Books, I Touch My Shelf, it announces with impunity. 
Leon blushes when you giggle at the inscription. Things always look better online than in person, rookie mistake. But at least you’re breathing better now. 
“This is amazing,” you laugh, cradling the cup like there’s warmth inside. 
“Not so amazing now that I’ve opened all the packaging.”
“Your Secret Santa won’t mind at all, trust me, not with a gift like this- ‘touch my shelf’, you’re unbelievable! Tell me where you got it.”
He shakes his head. 
“Leon Scott Kennedy, if you don’t stop gatekeeping this incredible mug and this super useful book light, by the way, I’m going to tell Irons you spilled coffee all over his desk. I can be very convincing, y’know.” You cross your arms decidedly, waiting. 
“There’s no need for all that!” he protests. 
“That was a promise, Leon, not a threat.”
“C’mon, be reasonable here.”
“You’re still not telling me.” 
“It’s for you, silly.” Leon tilts his head, face heating up faster than the book light bulb, “You’re my Secret Santa.” 
He must be hallucinating the pink in your cheeks.
“Oh,” you breathe. 
“Yes, oh,” Leon teases, scooching to sit next to you. “I couldn’t think of anything,” he confesses, “so I just went with the basics. I know you read and I know you really miss your old tea mug, the one that broke, right? You’re my gifting competition and I got nervy from how sure you were about your person’s gift. So, um, I played safe.” Leon finishes lamely and squeezes his eyes shut, hoping the light doesn’t also illuminate the shame radiating from his body. 
And then he feels the press of an unbelievably soft kiss on his cheek.  
“It’s much better than what I’ve got,” he hears. 
His eyes fly open. Words don’t form right in his throat when you reach out for the package you dropped when the lights went out. Wrapping paper falls apart neatly in your hands (what don’t you do perfectly?) and you unveil a mini waffle iron, proportioned perfectly for somebody always running late without breakfast. Somebody like Leon.
“You keep missing breakfast and Irons is on my ass about saving you food all the time, so I guess took the practical route too,” you shuffle your feet, bashful all of a sudden. “And um, my gift’s kind of useless if we never make it out. Sorry.”
He fingers the tag in wonder. 
Merry Christmas, Leon! There’s a timer so you don’t burn them :) xoxo, your Secret Santa!
You’re so goddamn sweet. You’re perfect and thoughtful and it’s all your fault that Leon didn’t have the faintest clue what to give you. Think, Leon, think. He knows he’s not this stupid. What do you give to somebody who has everything? 
A kiss. One that’s all smiles and just as sweet as the way you kiss him back, because screw Secret Santa.
It’s hard to keep secrets when you’re Leon’s favorite one.
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psst, find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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melrodrigo · 1 year
I really love puppy love omg 😭😭 what about when puppy like reader gets really injured by someone and ends up in the clinic and tries to hide it so that wednesday wont notice? Its up to you if you wanna write it!
ty babe! i’m glad you like it
i might’ve gone a little overboard and wrote more than i thought i would, enjoy!
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Okay. Maybe picking a fight with a 6’2 giant wasn’t your brightest idea.
It started in fencing class, you making your way towards Enid, for a pair exercise. Wednesday wasn’t in class today, opting instead to sneak out and work on the hyde case, she had mentioned briefly.
“Yeah dude, Wednesday is sooo into me. I can feel it. She’s been giving me so many signals.” You hear as you walk past Xavier and his hoard of friends.
You can’t help the sudden tug in your heart, and the small voice in your head that said maybe he was right.
Wednesday had been spending a lot of time with Xavier lately, but she had claimed it was for the hyde case. It didn’t help the swell of jealousy that surged through you whenever you saw them though.
Stupid feelings. Why are you jealous anyway? It’s not like you and Wednesday are together.
A voice cuts you out of your thoughts, “Totally dude, and when you finally hit that, you gotta tell me alll the details alright?”
Your face scrunches in disgust, hands on both sides of your body starting to clench into fists.
“You know I will. I swear, she’s all over me. Next time we’re alone together, it’s on.” Xavier replies, drawing an emphasis on the last word.
Nope, that’s it.
You turn sharply and bring your clenched fists up to your face, resembling the stance of a boxer.
It probably looked a little funny, since you were what, a million feet shorter than him? But you honestly couldn’t have cared less in the moment.
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that.” You hiss, eyes hard and unforgiving.
Xavier stays quiet for a moment, then let’s out a loud laugh.
“And what are you going to do about it, huh? Wednesday’s not here to protect your ass this time.” He drawls, smirk on his crusty thin lips.
He leans in, too close for comfort and whispers, “Wednesday would never give you the light of day. You’re so pathetically in love with her, all of us can see it. But Wednesday’s in love with me.”
He pauses for a moment, like he’s trying to think of something good to say.
“And when we finally fuck, i’ll be sure to send you some photo evidence.”
That does it. You snap, lunging forward and grabbing his hair, pulling harshly.
“Ow! Get off of me!”
It’s hard to remember what happens next, you’re so lost in the fury and rage of it all you can barely register that you’re suddenly on top of him, pummeling his stupid face with all your might.
You grin in satisfaction as you see blood start to make its way from his lips down to his neck.
But your luck doesn’t last very long, and he manages to kick up at a certain weak spot between your legs, leaving you to stumble and hit the floor.
Groaning, you try and get up, but he’s faster. The adrenaline is fading away, and you’re starting to realize that he is in fact a lot stronger, even if you hate to admit it.
You start to lose feeling in the right side of your face, where his knuckles have collided against your skin. Bruises form so fast you almost let out a chuckle, was your skin really that sensitive?
“That’s enough! Xavier get off YN.” The teacher’s voice booms. Could he really not have cut in sooner?
“Enid, take YN to the nurses office.”
You barely register Enid and Ajax rushing over to you, taking you in their arms and dragging you out the classroom.
You smile a toothy grin at them.
“Did I win?” And then everything turns to black.
When you wake up again, Enid’s at your side immediately, looking down at you, worry prominent in her eyes.
“YN! Are you okay?”
You nod, only to find out that it’s extremely difficult to move your head and not feel like you just broke every bone in your body.
“I’m good.” You croak.
You look around the room, relieved to find that Wednesday wasn’t there. You don’t think you could bear the look she would give you, so full of worry and so unlike Wednesday.
“Where’s Wednesday?” You manage out, looking at Enid expectedly.
“She hasn’t come back from Jericho yet.” Enid confirms your suspicions, sounding a little uneasy.
“Xavier’s really got to watch his back, I have no idea what Wednesday’s going to do when she finds out about this, but it’s NOT going to be pretty.” She continues, eyes wide.
At that, your own eyes widen, and you try to shake your head.
“No no, Enid, please don’t tell Wednesday about this. I don’t want her to see me in this shape.” You reach for Enid’s hand, making sure she’s looking at you.
“Please, Enid. You don’t have to lie or anything, just tell her you don’t know where I am. I’ll be good in a couple of days.” You plead.
“Alright, fine.” She mumbles, taking your hand in hers and rubbing the back in comfort.
The next few days are spent in agony. The pain is starting to subside, but you still look like a beat up raisin. Purple and green bruises litter your skin, but the real sense of pain is coming from the distance between you and Wednesday.
You two had grown….very somewhat close the last few months, though the both of you would never admit it.
It was extremely hard trying to avoid Wednesday, and even harder to cover the bruises on your face. One good look and you knew she would’ve figured it out.
So for the past week, you’ve stumbled into bushes, fallen over benches, and hit the corridor walls in an attempt to swerve from Wednesday many times.
Every time she tried to approach you, you’d hang your head low, never meeting her eyes.
It was going well for the most part, until Ms.Thornhill had decided she wanted people to work in pairs.
You crossed your fingers, praying to the lord that you didn’t even worship you wouldn’t be stuck with Wednesday.
But to no avail, your luck once again ran out.
“Wednesday Addams, YN LN.”
You sigh loudly and make your way over to sit next to Wednesday, still avoiding her eye at all costs.
Most of the lesson is spent in silence, both of you lost stirring in your thoughts.
Then, “Why have you been avoiding me?” Wednesday says, hurried, like she couldn’t help it from slipping.
You sigh, for what feels like the millionth time that day, and manage a quiet, “I haven’t been avoiding you Wednesday.”
It comes out so weak, you wouldn’t have even believed yourself.
“Yes you have. I want to know the reason, have I done something wrong? Maybe I said something to hurt your….feelings?” She pauses before the last word, tone turning uncertain.
You frown.
“No of course not Wednesday, I just…” You trail off.
You turn to Wednesday, determined to give the performance of a lifetime, but forget that your face still looks like a bruised peach, and you definitely shouldn’t look her in the face.
You let out a final sigh and pull the head of your hoodie down, feeling small under Wednesdays stare.
Her eyes widen a little at the sight of you, and worry fills them. You can’t help but feel a tinge of happiness at how much she seems to care, letting the emotionless mask slip for a second.
She stands up suddenly, startling you and the 20 other people in the room.
“Ms. Thornhill, may YN and I please be excused?”
Wednesday doesn’t wait for Ms.Thornhill to answer before taking you by the wrist and dragging you out.
She doesn’t say a word until she gets to her dorm, quickly opening the door and throwing you in.
“Wednesday?” You squeak.
She turns and reaches out to touch your face, thumb rubbing just the slightest on your bruises.
A gentleness she didn’t know she possessed took over, still moving her hand in small circles all over your face.
“Who did this to you?” She murmurs, and her voice is filled with such intense worry it makes you want to break down.
Your head falls down on instinct, staring at your shoes like they’re the most interesting piece of art in the world.
Wednesday grips your chin and tilts your face back up, inches away from you.
Then she’s placing her hands on your waist, hands rigid, like she’s nervous.
You look so vulnerable, and she might’ve even say sort of adorable, she can’t help but lean forward and press a kiss to your cheek, on top of the scar.
Your breath hitches in your throat, body stiff.
She continues giving you little pecks all around the bruises, and you relax in her arms.
After a while, she pulls away, and you grab at her on instinct. She lets you, body pressing up to yours once again.
“You never answered my question.” She says.
“Xavier. He said something bad about you, but it doesn’t matter now. This is much better.” You mumble as you dig your face in her uniform.
She tenses up at this.
“He’s going to die a slow, painful death. And not the satisfying kind.” She decides, hand wrapping around your waist protectively.
You hum, “Who cares? I just wanna stay like this.”
The two of you don’t say much after that, content in simply being in each other’s presence.
When you get to class the next day, you bite back a smirk when you see Xavier’s positively beaten up face.
You walk over to him, acting all nonchalant.
“Yeah dude. She’s soooo into you.”
A/N: I kinda really enjoyed writing that, ty anon! Wednesday’s such a sweet softie on the inside.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader, she works at a diner, where Eddie goes once a week with Wayne, and he recognizes her from Hawkins High (they share some classes, and she's the cheer captain) Eddie thinks she's very kind but he doesn't know if it's just because of her job, or if she's like that, until one day after going a lot to the diner, she decides to invite Eddie to a date, and he says yes, but at the date, reader faints bc of stress and he decides that they're gonna take the day off, and he takes care of her, and she realizes she's in love with him, and they start dating after that
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it <3 thank you for requesting
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Eddie and Wayne went to the same diner every Wednesday night since Eddie was young. It was a tradition and Wayne made sure he kept it up because he knew Eddie got lonely sometimes.
"Gonna get the same thing?" Wayne asked, looking over the small menu. Eddie didn't bother touching the menu, already knowing exactly what he was going to get.
"Absolutely." Eddie smiled, drumming his fingers on the table as they waited for a server. Eddie looked around the diner, his eyes bulging out of his head as he quickly tried to hide in his jacket.
"Cold, son? What are you doing?" Wayne teased, as Eddie shrunk into his jacket.
"That girl over there," Eddie pointed, "goes to my school." Wayne smoothly looked over his shoulder, seeing a pretty girl wearing normal clothes as she talked with someone at the front.
"She's cute. Why are you hiding?" Wayne asked.
"Because she's cute, the cheer captain, and happens to be in half my classes. I embarrassed myself enough in front of her. I can't do it anymore." Eddie stressed, his head down as he kept drumming his fingers.
"Would you be embarrassed if she was walking over here and you were hiding in your jacket?" Wayne teased, a smirk on his face as the girl walked over, this time in uniform.
"Hi! Welcome to Keys, what can I get started for you?"
Eddie slowly moved out of his jacket and looked up at her. A friendly smile on his face. She probably wouldn't know his name any--
"Eddie! Hi!" She cheered, a big smile on her face.
"Oh hey." He said shyly, cringing at how nervous he sounded. Wayne smirked from behind his menu as he watched the girl bite her lip and smile, staring at Eddie and as his nephew blushed and stared at his hands.
"I'll take a coffee, chicken sandwich with fries," Wayne said. Snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Right, sorry!" She said quickly, writing down his order as she finally looked away from Eddie. She smiled at Wayne as she grabbed his menu. Her attention is back on Eddie.
"And for you?"
"A water, and then I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with fries. Could I get extra pickles please?" He asked, watching as she scribbled down his order, smiling as she took his menu.
"I'll be right back with your drinks." She said, turning around to head into the kitchen.
"She's into you," Wayne said, Eddie scoffed in disbelief.
"Oh yeah right Wayne, the cheer captain is into the freak. Very funny." Eddie said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm telling you, she was staring and smiling at you. How many pickles do you generally get? Like 3?"
"Looking at me because I was ordering, and yeah, why?" Eddie asked
Both went silent as Y/N set down the drinks. Waiting until she walked away before starting up again.
"I'll bet you she'll bring you even more," Wayne said with a wink.
After a few minutes, she came back with the food. Placing down their plates.
"Chicken for you, and burger for you, with extra pickles." She said with a smile.
Both boys immediately looked at Eddie's plate, a whole cup of pickles. Wayne smirked as Eddie blushed.
"Everything right?" She asked, worried as they both stared at Eddie's plate for a minute and seemed to have a silent conversation going on.
"Yes! Thank you!" Wayne said.
As she walked away, Wayne smirked, "told you so."
After a few months, she became their main server. Wayne asked for her, she'd walk over with a big smile and say, "There are my boys."
She was always kind and sweet. She even talked more to Eddie at school, which he was shocked about. He thought maybe her kindness was all an act to get a good tip, but she was just as nice in school.
Eddie was packing up his last class when she walked up to him.
"Hey Eddie?"
He looked up as he zipped up his backpack. "Oh hey, Y/N, what's up?" He asked, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans.
"I know you go to the diner every Wednesday with Wayne, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date? Friday night after my shift?" She asked nervously. She held on to her books tightly as she waited for his reply.
Eddie was caught off guard but felt a smile taking over his face. She was asking him out on a date, he couldn't believe it.
"I'd love to, definitely."
Friday night came and the diner was packed. Way more busy than Y/N ever experienced. She didn't have time to drink water or even eat. The clock was nearing eight o'clock and she could feel her body slowing down. But kept pushing through to reach the end of her shift.
At nine, Eddie walked in and headed to an open table, smiling as he saw her walking over with waters.
"You okay?" He asked, she slowly sat down. She felt dizzy but she didn't want to ruin their date.
"I'm fine!" She said quickly, beginning to sip on her water. Eddie brushed it off and began to talk about his day. She listened to every word but his voice started to get further away.
Her vision was getting spotty as she looked at him, his worried eyes looking back at her.
"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked.
"Yeah! Just need some food. One second." As she got up Eddie saw how shaky she was. He watched her carefully as she started to walk. He watched as her knees buckled and she slammed into the floor.
"Y/N!" He yelled, quickly running after her. He rolled her on to her back, her eyes closed as she sat still.
"SOMEONE HELP!" he panicked, softly tapping her face. "Hey pretty girl, need you to wake up." He said softly.
Once he got a cold towel on her head, he sat next to her on the floor. Watching as she slowly started to wake up.
"Go slow, you're okay." He said softly, holding the towel on her head as she looked around. "Let's slowly stand up." He said, grabbing her hand as he slowly lifted her and sat her down on a stool.
"I'm sorry. This isn't how I wanted the date to go." She said, laughing to herself as she held the towel against her skin.
"Well we will make sure you are okay, I'll bring you home, then tomorrow we'll have a do-over." He said.
"Let me grab the food." He said, standing up from the small booth.
"Eddie, they won't let you back there!" She said, going to stand but Eddie pushed her back down.
"I got this. You rest."
And he did. He explained everything to her boss and she let him grab their food, he grabbed the plates and sat next to her again.
"Take your time eating." He said. He unwrapped her silverware for her and handed her the fork. He dumped her cup of dressing over her salad as she sipped on her water.
"Hoping for a good tip?" She teased, nudging his side as she began to mix her salad.
"Maybe." He teased back, giving her a wink as he dug into his burger.
As the night went on, they talked and finished their food. It was nearing midnight when they finally headed out of the diner.
He opened his passenger door for her, helping her hop in. He closed the door and raced to his side. She gave him directions to her house, her heart melting at the way he took care of her. He could have left a long time ago. But he stayed, had dinner with her, and brought her home. She always thought Eddie was sweet, and he proved she was right.
"That one on the right." She pointed out, unbuckling her seat belt as she prepared to get out, but he was ahead of her once again opening her door. She smiled at the gesture.
"Let me walk you up." He said he grabbed her hand as she led him to the front door.
"Thank you again, for everything and helping me."
"Nothing to thank me for. I just want to make sure you are okay." Eddie said, kissing her hand softly as he let it go.
"I'll be here tomorrow at noon to pick you up, for our little do-over." He said.
"I can't wait." She said excitedly.
She watched as he got back into his van, opening her front door with a big smile on her face.
She couldn't wait for tomorrow.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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deadlynavigation · 6 months
Pretty & Pink
Warnings: swearing
Author’s Note: request from @cecebabs !! school has been kicking my ass lately so just bear with me yall 🥲
**gif is not meant to be a representation of what reader looks like**
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Opposites attract—or at least, that’s what they said. Wednesday had never put any stock into the saying until he met you.
You were a bright little thing, full of happiness and hope and all the other disgusting emotions. But Wednesday endured, because at the end of the day, you held his heart in your manicured hand.
Every once in a while, though, he’ll question what he’s doing. Like tonight, for instance. It had been a long day. The errands that had been piling up over the week were finally accomplished a few hours ago, and it was exhausting. So exhausting that all he wanted to do was collapse in the nearest bed, no matter the owner or location. And since you didn’t want your partner to end up in some alleyway mattress, you dragged him over to your apartment, where he was currently camped out on your bed.
“You doing okay in there, sweetie?” You call to him from your bathroom, hands dripping with water as you rinse your cleanser off.
“Yes, my love. Are you done yet?” Wednesday calls back. He knows his question is in vain, though. Your skincare routine is a long ordeal, and you’ve only just started.
He hears your soft laughter float through the air. “I’ll be right out.” You respond, picking up a serum.
Wednesday decides he can’t wait, heading into the bathroom and settling behind where you stand. You greet him with a smile, picking up the next step of your routine to show to him.
“It’s a new moisturizer I got today,” You explain. “It’s supposed to be good for dry skin, and with all the nasty weather lately…”
Wednesday doesn’t hear the rest of your rant, focusing instead on those pretty eyes of yours. Oh, how he longs to drown in them. To sink into their depths, seeing the world from your hopeful view. Unpacking all your thoughts, understanding and empathizing.
Listen to him. He’s practically a puddle of mush. What have you done to him?
“...Wednesday, baby?” You tilt your head as Wednesday snaps back into reality. “Were you even listening?”
He takes one more second to stare at you before sheepishly shaking his head. “Deepest apologies, cara mia. There are simply too many pretty parts to you, I cannot focus on every one of them at once.”
You giggle, a blush tinting your cheeks. “Maybe I should turn away, then. Stop distracting you with my wiles.”
Wednesday smirks. “Turning away from me would entice me even more, Y/n. You really want to play that game?”
“Oh my god. Ok, I’m not facing you anymore. You’ve lost that privilege.” Your cheeks are on fire now, and if you maintain eye contact any longer, you’re worried you might burst into flames. True to your word, you pivot to face the mirror. Then, using your arms, you hop up onto the counter, climbing into the sink for an optimal view.
Wednesday nearly has a heart attack as you jump. His hands fall into place, ready to catch you or save your head from a nasty bang should your acrobatics go wrong, but once you’re in place, he sighs loudly.
“Must you do that, my love?” His seriousness is ruined by a smile creeping onto his face.
“Sorry, can’t hear you. This moisturizer requires my full attention.” It’s hard tamping down your own smile, but the teasing seems to be worth it as Wednesday’s stare darkens.
“The moisturizer gets your attention, hm? That’s a dangerous game, cara mia.”
You don’t respond, instead dipping your finger into the container and dotting it on your cheeks.
“Come down from that sink so we can see who really has your attention right now.” Wednesday taunts you. After a couple seconds, you give in, closing up the product and carefully setting it down before jumping back down onto the floor. Within seconds, Wednesday takes a step and sits on the edge of the bathtub, grabbing your hands and gently tugging you along at the same time. Before you know it, you’re sat on his lap, a smirk on his face and a shocked look on yours.
“Attention still on skincare, love?” Wednesday teases.
You give up on the facade. “No,” You breathe, leaning in. “But what if I share my attention with it?”
Wednesday’s eyebrows furrow as you get up, reaching into the bottom drawer of the counter and coming back to him with a small package. You sit back down, ripping it open and tossing the top in the trash.
“Want a face mask?” You ask.
“Is that one of those grotesque concoctions that spreads all over your face? The one that looks like a death mask?” Wednesday questions, but you’re already reaching into the package.
“Exactly, baby. Want one?”
“...Sure.” What’s the worst that could happen?
Twenty minutes later, and Wednesday is set up on your bed with no intention of moving. A green substance covers the majority of his face, making him question why he doesn’t let you do this more often. He feels more relaxed than he has in weeks, settled in amongst your many pink throw pillows and cherry blossom sheets. You’re settled in too, resting your head on his chest while trying to sync your breaths with the steady thumps of his heart. Your manicured fingers etch random shapes into his skin, tracing the hard lines of muscle and adding a heart or two every so often.
Eventually, though, the both of you become restless.
‘Wanna start a movie?” Wednesday asks, looking down at your comfy self with adoration.
You look up, meeting his eyes with the same love. “Can I choose?”
“Of course, Y/n. Anything for you.”
An hour later, and Wednesday is ready to commit homicide. Of all the movies you could have picked, you went with Mean Girls. Your defense? “It’s the feminist movement at its finest, Wednesday.”
“It’s… very pink.”
“Yeah, that’s the best part! All the decorations and outfits are amazing. They were actually part of what inspired this room’s decor.”
Wednesday looks around at the brightly colored walls, the pastel curtains, the cute pillows, and even the pink pens scattered across your desk. “I never would’ve guessed, my love.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “You’re just jealous.”
Wednesday chuckles. “Yes, very.” He agrees sarcastically. You don’t dignify him with a response, instead choosing to lay back down on his chest and go back to watching the movie. You don’t get to stay there for very long, though, because a minute later, the timer on your phone goes off.
“Mkay. Time to take this off, babe.” You poke his face mask. Wednesday rises without complaint, heading to the bathroom while you grab some water and a cloth. Internally, though, he’s begging you not to. It feels so nice, and having you apply it was one of the best feelings in the world.
As you start working through the layers of the mask with water and a gentle hand, though, Wednesday revises his thoughts—never mind the application. This was the best feeling in the world.
As you work, Wednesday leans into your hands. He would have fallen asleep if it weren’t for your whispered promises of comfy beds and pillows and cuddles.
The next morning, Wednesday gets up much earlier than usual. The sun is just barely up, peeking through your pastel curtains and coating the bed in a buttery yellow. You’re burrowed into his arms, tucked safely into his chest with the messy blankets surrounding you. He takes a minute to absorb your cuteness, smiling down at you as he slowly wakes up.
“Good morning, Y/n.” He whispers, not yet wanting to wake you. You’ve reminded him time and time again that the blinking digits on the clock right now are not digits you ever want to be awake to see, and he’s taken that to heart. But he still has to kill time until you wake–maybe a run? He could drop by the gym just down the street that he really likes. Or maybe a chore? The dishwasher still needs to be unloaded.
But those all sound like too much work for this early in the day, so Wednesday settles on just getting you a coffee. A nice five-minute walk and your drowsy smile to greet him when he gets back. Perfect.
Within minutes, Wednesday is up and out. He strolls down the street, taking his time to enjoy the soft sunlight. That’s new, he suddenly realizes–and probably your doing, as well. You’re a fan of tilting your face to the sun, soaking in the warmth, and claiming the rays cheer you up. Maybe you’ve passed that onto him.
A couple more minutes tick by, and Wednesday reaches your regular coffee shop. He enters the place with a little jingle as the door opens, and is immediately greeted with the scent of dark coffee and light chatter.
“What can I get for you this morning, sir?” A too-happy employee asks him as he walks up to the counter.
Damn, what was that drink you really liked? Something with pink in it, he’s sure of it.
“Just two medium coffees, one black and one with that pink flavor, please.” Manners with normies–that’s another thing you’ve unknowingly reinforced with him.
“Our pink velvet flavoring?” That sounds right.
“Yes, that’s it. Thanks.” Wednesday pulls out his card, handing it to the guy.
“Awesome. Name?”
“We’ll have those coffees right out for you, sir.”
“Brilliant.” With that, Wednesday finds an isolated corner to haunt until his name is called, quickly grabbing the coffees and exiting the building. It’s an even quicker walk back with the warm drinks providing some heat on this chilly morning.
It’s a bit of a struggle, but Wednesday manages to buzz into the building, climb the stairs to your apartment, and work the keys until your door clicks open, all with his hands full. He’s greeted with the sight of you half-asleep on the couch, the news playing softly in the background.
“What are you doing up, love?” He questions, setting the coffees down on the coffee table and kneeling on the floor.
“Wanted to see you,” you mumble, grabbing for his hand and interlocking it with yours. “Was cold in the bed without you.”
Wednesday practically melts. How can one girl be so sweet and caring? So happy?
“I’m sorry, my love. But look, I got you that coffee you like to make up for it.” He gestures to the beverages with his free hand before resting it on your head. He goes about stroking your hair, lulling you back into a dreamlike state.
“Don’t do that, I’ll fall back asleep,” you bat at his hand, trying to get it out of your hair. You were up to see him, not to fall asleep on him.
“And I will still be here when you wake up, cara mia. Go back to sleep. You’re safe here. I love you.”
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lorelaiblair · 11 months
The first time Enid Sinclair ever visited the Weathervane it was on a “double date” from hell.
Bianca’s relationship with Xavier was hanging on by a thread, she thought that maybe hanging out in a group setting would help mend some of the cracks in their relationship.
It didn’t really make sense to Enid, if a relationship was in trouble shouldn’t it be a conversation between the people in said relationship?
Anyways, Enid didn’t blame Bianca, she was scared and becoming desperate. Enid was going to be there to support her no matter what happened.
Even if that meant going on a double date with her ex, one of her best friends, and her friend’s boyfriend who she really disliked.
They walked into the small coffee shop, Ajax holding the door open for the rest of them.
“Thank you” Enid smiled
“All in a gentleman’s work” He grinned
Xavier settled into a booth in the corner and Bianca slid in beside him. It was almost awkward how they sat, everything about their body language tense and awkward.
Enid and Ajax mirrored them, but it was much more natural and relaxed. They were always better as friends, supporting and loving each other in a way that they could never seem to get right when they were trying to force a relationship.
Enid’s knee knocked against his and he grinned at her.
“How is rave’n planning going?” He asked her
“Stressful” Enid laughed, burying her face in her hands on the table. “There’s so much we still need to get done and so little time to do it”
“Did I tell you that the DJ finally got back to me?” Bianca asked
“Yeah?” Enid grinned, looking back up at her.
“Yeah” Bianca nodded with a teasing smile.
“And? What did he say?”
“Yes, he’s going to be there”
“Oh my god” Enid grabbed Bianca’s hand and squeezed in excitement “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!”
“I wanted to see your face” She smiled
“I am so excited” Enid said as she bounced in her seat
“Is he a big deal?” Ajax asked
“The biggest. He’s hoste-“ Enid stopped as a young woman began walking toward their table. She was dressed in all black and her dark hair tied in twin braids. She stopped to stand in front of their table and on her face was a look that said she couldn’t be more disinterested.
She was the most beautiful person Enid had ever seen. Her words were caught in her throat and her breath in her lungs.
“What are your orders?” The girl asked, her tone flat but her voice sounding like the sweetest honey.
“We haven’t had a chance to look at the menu yet” Bianca said kindly. The girl, Wednesday, said the name tag pinned to her dress, turned and walked away without another word. Bianca made a face, as if asking ‘can you believe that’?
Enid became painfully aware of herself. Staring at their waitress like a crazy person. She looked away quickly, grabbing her menu as a way to busy herself and not look as awkward as she felt.
Xavier didn’t have the same decency. Bianca scoffed and scooted even further away from him.
“Are you serious” She asked
“What?” Xavier asked, the first words he had said since they walked into the diner and it was to pretend as if he hadn’t been blatantly checking out their waitress while he was on a date.
“Oh my god, Xavier” Bianca scoffed, picking up her own menu, an attempt to hide just like Enid’s had been.
The silence was awkward, other customers around the room chatted and there was a sound of the coffee machines humming but everyone at this table with Enid promptly avoided speaking more. Xavier had taken his phone back out, at least he wasn’t staring anymore.
Enid had a hard time deciding what she wanted, they had so many things to choose from and Enid had always been bad at making choices. She sat the menu down and looked out the window, the sky was painted in a mural of pinks and purples and the moon was starting to peak over the horizon.
She took out her own phone to quickly snap a picture. It was beautiful, nowhere near as beautiful as the waitress.
Enid cursed herself. She felt like she was no better than Xavier, and since when had Enid even been attracted to girls?
Her eyes caught black hair again, the waitress, Wednesday if the name tag was anything to go by, was at a small table across the diner talking to the people who sat there. The unimpressed look never left her face, and honestly she was starting to look annoyed at the old woman who was speaking to her.
Enid looked down at the table, the wooden pattern of it suddenly incredibly interesting.
She realized that it made sense, being attracted to girls. It made more sense than Enid even wanted to think about right now.
The realization felt kind of freeing though. It was terrifying, but a piece of herself clicked into place.
Someone cleared their throat and Enid’s gaze snapped back up, right to Wednesday’s face. She had the darkest brown eyes rimmed with black eyeliner.
“Are we good?” Ajax asked
“Yeah” Bianca said, Enid nodded her head not trusting her voice to work and Xavier hummed.
“Okay. Ready?” Ajax asked, Wednesday blinked and he took that as an answer “I’ll take an americano and an breakfast sandwich on an english muffin”
“A cappuccino and a croissant” Bianca asked
“Another americano and a panini” Xavier said, which left it to be Enid’s turn. Wednesday hadn’t really looked at any of them, instead sort of looking into space as they spoke, but then Enid felt the girl’s eyes on her.
“Uhh” Enid smiled softly “An iced caramel latte with extra caramel and a blueberry muffin”
Wednesday didn’t respond verbally, but when Enid asked for extra caramel her eye’s crinkled slightly. That was the only sign that the girl had even been listening. She walked off again without a word, going behind the counter to probably get started on their things.
“She’s kind of scary, right?” Ajax asked with a quiet voice.
“I think it’s rude” Bianca said, was it bad that Enid found her endearing?
“She looks like the type of person who would enjoy witnessing a murder” He said
“Or committing one” Bianca added
“I’m sure she’s nice” Xavier said, Enid couldn’t help but glare. She hated he had been the one to say it. Bianca was quiet but Enid could tell she was furious.
“What were you saying earlier, about the DJ, Enid?” Ajax asked, his attempt to change the conversation was obvious.
“He’s just really popular” Enid said “And hard to book, we asked him like forever ago”
“Two months” Bianca clarified
“A long time to not be texted back” Enid argued, Ajax shook his head fondly.
“You’re crazy” He smiled
“I’m just really excited for this dance. It’s our first rave’n as senior’s and being in charge is so stressful. Figuring out the music and stuff took a lot off of my shoulders though, Bianca, thank you again”
“You’ve already thanked me countless times”
“Which is why I said again” Enid told her
“Well, you’re welcome” Bianca smiled “But really it wasn’t a big deal, if you need anymore help with anything just let me know”
“Okay. Are you going shopping with Yoko, Divina, and I next weekend?” Enid grinned
“I wouldn't miss it for anything” She nodded
“I have no idea what i’m going to wear yet” Ajax said
“A hoodie and pants that slightly match the theme?” Xavier asked, Ajax smiled and nodded.
“Like last year” He said
“And the year before that” Enid added, as she spoke Wednesday joined them again. A black tray in her hand, using the other hands to set things down.
“It’s hot” She said as she sat the muffin in front of Enid, even though she was holding it with her bare hand.
“Why are you touching it then?” Enid couldn’t help but ask.
“I’m not affected by such things” Wednesday said, her dark eyes meeting Enid’s, a spark in them that Enid hadn’t seen before. Was it mischief? Intrigue?
Enid wanted to know. She wanted to know everything about this strange girl.
Wednesday sat the last drink down and spun the tray around in her hands to hold it at her side. She went to walk away again, Bianca didn’t let her go very far.
“Are you not even going to ask if you got the order right, if we need anything else?” She asked
“I always get it right” Wednesday said, not even turning back to face them as she kept walking.
Bianca scoffed again, lifting her cup and blowing at the steam.
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snzhrchy · 2 years
can i pls request a fic were xavier asks reader to prom and its like friends to lovers💕
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xavier thorpe x fem!reader
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synopsis; just how you and your best friend's relationship developed into something more. warnings; none :) taglist; @i9abella @lastwandastan lmk if u wanna be on it !
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The first time you met Xavier Thorpe was on your first official day at Nevermore: you were running late for your class and had no idea where it was. Your bad sense of direction lead you to him - actually, you bumped into him. On that day, he was kind enough to take you to your class since he had class there too.
The second time you met Xavier Thorpe, was at the lake: it was your second week at Nevermore and you had already gotten into a fight with your roommate so you ran into the lake knowing that it’s the only place you’ll find tranquility.
Subsequently, Xavier was there as well. You both just sat there in silence until Xavier proposed the idea of a rock throwing game. Safe to say that that event caused you both to become closer.
Now, fast forward to the Rave'N, you had been wanting to ask Xavier to the ball yet you were unsure of how to bring it up; you assumed he was probably going with either Bianca or Wednesday, until the evening before the ball, when you heard him knock on your door:
You had been laying on your stomach, mindlessly scrolling through social media and wasting your time when you heard someone knock on the door. Sighing, you went up to open it and were surprised to to be met by Xavier's tall figure. He was the last person you expected to see right now but his presence was welcomed.
'Hey, what's up? you smiled, looking at the man in front of you. You noticed that Xavier seemed nervous, he was fiddling with his fingers and was avoiding your gaze. You wondered what could have possibly caused him to be nervous around you.
'I need to talk to you about something,' he spoke, his tone was laced in seriousness. You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared about whatever topic Xavier wanted to communicate with.
You allowed him to enter your room and he sat himself down, comfortably on your bed with you sitting just beside him. Your eyes scanned the man beside you, you were taking in every one of his features. Even with his messy hair and tired eyes, he still looked beautiful to you.
As you were admiring his features, Xavier's eyes darted towards the many objects and furniture that decorated your dorm. He noticed all the small things such as your notebooks that were strewn over your desk or how you had pictures of you and your friends that were stuck up on your vanity. He'd been in your dorm many times but this was the first he actually sat down and observed everything present in it.
'So, what is it that you want to talk about?' you asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He turned to look at you as he took a deep breathe and asked you the question that you had been longing to hear: 'would you like to go to the Rave'N with me?'
Your lips slowly curved into a smile and your eyes widened once you heard his question. Without thinking, you immediately said "yes" to him. This was truly going to be night that you would remember.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Slimmed-down post/rules, but originally taken from @kedreeva.
It’s WIP Wednesday! This week's theme is "incredibly intentional and deliberate baby acquisition" (aka, "gIVE ME BABY"). With perhaps a slightly loose definition of "baby", hahaha.
( I had so, so many options that fit this theme to pick between, lol. )
Here’s how it works:
I will post the filenames of five WIPs, and will also post a snippet of new content from one of them to get the ball rolling.
Send me an ask with the name of one of the listed WIPs and I will write you a minimum of three sentences in that WIP in response!
Multiple requests are fine, but I’d prefer if you sent them in separate asks. Just a little easier for me to fill them that way.
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
WIP names:
Clark wakes up alive
congratulations, it's a metaweapon!
the Last Son of Krypton meets Hypertime Kon
YJ accidental baby acquisition
Clark panic-adopts his teenage clones
snippet from “Clark wakes up alive”:
The pod is empty, Clark can already see through the walls. But he can hear a familiar heartbeat, though it sounds a little . . . different, now. 
It’s been so, so long since he’s heard it, but even if he didn’t have the eidetic memory, he never could’ve forgotten it. That's Conner's heartbeat. 
His brother's heartbeat. 
But it's different, too. 
And the empty pod isn't the only thing he can see through the walls. 
“What’s the damn alarm about?” Desmond says irritably, not looking up from his work. Dubbilex doesn’t respond; Guardian shakes his head. 
“Security systems are reporting a breach, sir,” he says. “Multiple doors are broken, but no one’s been spotted on the cameras. And the readings say they all broke within . . . point five seconds of each other?”
Conner doesn’t say anything either. He just sits very, very still between them, his heartbeat thrumming with a quiet, restless anxiety. 
“Then lock the place down already!” Desmond snaps as he picks up a thin metal instrument with a sharp tip. Conner's heartbeat picks up.
“That will not be necessary,” Dubbilex informs them both, bland and neutral. “Superman has already let himself in.” 
“What?” Guardian says, sounding startled. 
“What?!” Desmond demands. 
Conner’s heartbeat stutters, and Clark can’t be anywhere but in that room. 
So he is, before Conner’s stuttered heartbeat has even settled, and then he’s looking at Desmond and far too many needles and medical instruments and Guardian who’s half-turning and Dubbilex who’s already facing his way and a few scattered G-nomes and G-trolls in assorted places here and there around the room and . . . Conner. 
But not Conner as Clark’s used to seeing him. 
Was used to seeing him, anyway. 
Desmond curses, and Guardian jerks in shock. Dubbilex looks unaffected. 
And the child sitting on the exam table in the center of the room stares up at Clark the exact same way a teenager once did: like he’s seeing the moon and sun and everything he thinks he’s supposed to be for the first time. Like he’s seeing something he’s waited and wanted to be. 
Hoped to be, maybe. 
And Clark . . . 
Clark handles it differently this time, just like he’s always wished he could've. 
“Hello,” he says kindly as he steps forward and ignores everyone else in the room to drop down into a crouch in front of the exam table and smile at Conner, who keeps staring at him mutely. “It’s nice to meet you."
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indigosunsetao3 · 25 days
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Chapter 2
Waging war over the trash bins.
AO3 (Full list of tags/warnings. Please check them.) Masterlist 3.6k Words
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“Damn it,” Celeste muttered as she came around the bend to her cottage. Standing on the road was her elderly neighbor, who had nothing better to do than to police the neighborhood. Street really, they weren’t in a community. There certainly was no governing body about how your house had to look. So this woman had decided it was her job to make sure everything looked prim and proper for the birds and deer.
Plastering a fake smile on her face, Celeste turned slowly into her driveway and watched as the woman hobbled down the gravel a bit. She wasn’t going to risk Celeste just running into the house to avoid her, which she was contemplating as she undid her seatbelt. The woman was waving at her with an equally forced smile, reaching out to rest her hand on the trunk to block Celeste from getting far unless she bowled her over. Still an option.
With a groan, Celeste let her seatbelt whack against the door before opening it and stepping out. She knew exactly what this was about, her eyes snapping up to where the bins should have been at the edge of her drive. She hadn’t brought them back in once again. By the time she remembered, trash day was only two days away. Why risk missing the pickup when she was so close?
But they weren’t there. Had the woman gone through with her empty threats finally?
“Good evening, Mrs. Nettles,” Celeste said as she bent back down and grabbed her purse and phone out of her car.  “Something I can help you with?”
“Oh, dear, I know you are terribly busy,” the woman started as she gave Celeste a once over. Her black apron was covered in powdered sugar, she had spilled coffee down her front, and errant receipts were sticking out of the front pockets. “But you are aware it’s Wednesday, right?”
“Is it?” Celeste asked, playing into the woman’s obvious dig at her. “Working all these hours, I just…lose track of the days.” A lie. Celeste was well aware of what day it was. Especially now that she was coming up on a year, the days ticking away so quickly as if they were mocking her.
“I’m sure. I hear you come and go at all hours,” the woman started. “Even in my old age, the slightest noise wakes me from a dead sleep. I guess my hearing is still intact,” she laughed. It wasn’t a joke; it was another dig at Celeste. She apparently slammed her doors shut too loudly or played her music a little too loud for the woman’s liking.
“Is there something you need?” Celeste asked as she shut her car door and made a show of finding her house key on her car keys. She had so many things on the keyring: old broken chains, keys to things she didn’t own anymore, a frayed lanyard, and a long empty bottle of hand sanitizer. All the while, she looked around casually for her stupid bins to see if they had fallen in a ditch or were across the street in the bushes. 
“Well, it is Wednesday, and rubbish pickup is on Fridays,” the woman said as she gestured behind her vaguely. “Your bins had been at the road since last week.”
“Ah, yeah,” Celeste answered with a small shrug, catching on the word had. This miserable woman did have them taken. “It’s been a rainy week, and I forgot about them. Coming and going all the time, working doubles,” she trailed off as movement caught her eye. A man was walking around the corner of her house, and she stiffened, turning her heel to glare at him. Who the hell was he, and why was he on her property?
“Can I help you?” Celeste snapped as she eyed him up and down. “You do know this private property.”
“Celeste,” Mrs. Nettles interfered, sounding scandalized at Celeste’s tone. “This is John, your new neighbor,” she introduced as John walked up to stand near them.
This man was different from the man she had seen last week in the sling. Maybe this was the person that would be renovating the place. He seemed rugged enough for the role: well-worn jeans, beat-up work boots, and solidly built. Aside from seeing lights on inside the cottage every night, and even in the early mornings when she was leaving at four in the morning, she had not physically seen anyone in days. They kept to themselves, and she did the same thing. Something Mrs. Nettles could learn.
“I stopped by his place to remind him about trash day. I didn’t realize his poor roommate just had surgery and couldn’t manage it,” Mrs. Nettles continued with a simpering tone that she never gave Celeste. “But he graciously offered to grab your bins for you while he was at it.”
Probably because Mrs. Nettles was bitching about her bins to him to garner sympathy, Celeste thought. And to manipulate him into helping her.
“I can handle my bins just fine,” Celeste answered as she looked over at John, eyes scanning up at the sizeable height difference between him and the older woman who looked like she was itching to take his elbow.
“But dear, you don’t. They are always at the road; when it’s windy, they blow all over. One was already knocked over when John grabbed them for you.” Mrs. Nettles praised as if he had just saved a child from a burning building. Celeste felt her eyes roll before she could stop them. The woman noticed.
“If you don’t start keeping up with them, I will have to call the town.” Mrs. Nettles said with a cold finality as she did, in fact, grab John’s elbow. Acting as if he were going to protect her from Celeste, whose eyes had widened with disbelief.
John shifted his feet a bit and glanced back toward his cottage. He clearly regretted letting this older woman rope him in to help. When Mrs. Nettles grabbed his elbow, he closed his eyes a beat too long for a blink and inhaled. Celeste could tell he was too polite to shake the woman off, but he wanted to be anywhere but here.
“I’ll bring my bins in when I remember to bring them in,” Celeste snapped at the woman. If this old bitty wanted to have a fight, they were going to fight.  “There isn’t a rule for how long they sit at the road,” she gestured angrily at the road so her keys jingled in her hands. “I can leave them out there all year round if I want. I can get three more and leave them all out there. Just for you to stare at them.” She was seething and was being obnoxious on purpose, but God, it felt good to just let some of the pent-up emotion out.
Mrs. Nettles mouthed at her like a fish out of water, eyes darting to John to back her up, but Celeste turned around and headed to her cottage. She stamped angrily to the door and shoved it open hard, not bothering to lift it as it scraped the stone entryway. Samson was waiting at the door, and she scooped him up before kicking it shut hard behind her.
“Nosey old bat,” Celeste groused, perhaps an octave too loud, as she flung her purse onto the bench in the entryway.
She wished she had the time and energy to worry about what her neighbors were doing, patrol the road, note everything out of place, and harass people for not following her made-up rules. Did it look better when bins weren’t on the road? Sure. Were the cottages prettier when the landscaping was kept up? Definitely. Did Celeste have the energy to do all that or care about it? Not in the least.
Celeste paced the living room for a bit, glancing out the big picture window to see John walk Mrs. Nettles back to her house. She narrowed her eyes, watching them go. The lead glass was too warped for them to see her glaring, but she could see them slowly walking down the road.
Mrs. Nettles had lived in her cottage with her late husband, Al, their whole married lives. Celeste’s husband grew up with them every summer and winter holiday. He said they had been just as fussy then as she was now, always worried about what everything looked like. He used to joke that they were concerned the royals would parade through town and condemn them for a flower out of place. Or would be disappointed that they weren’t following all the ‘royal rules’ about rubbish bins.  
It used to be a joke between Celeste and him, the royal curb police, but now it was just an annoyance. There was no one to roll her eyes with and laugh about it over dinner or to leave to fend for themselves as the other listened with a grin as they hid around the back of the house. Instead, she was stuck with the meddling woman who took it upon herself to pester everyone on the street.
Mrs. Nettles wasn’t friendly, she wasn’t pleasant. She was mean in her own backhanded way and was on a personal crusade against Celeste. All the neighbors knew how she was and did their best to avoid her. Many would go back inside the house when they saw her coming or just make their lawns magazine-worthy so she’d leave them alone. John was fresh meat and didn’t know just how petty the woman was. He’d learn soon enough; they all eventually saw the nasty, manipulative side of her and grew tired of it.
When Samson wriggled hard enough to ask to be let down, Celeste set him on the floor and followed him to the kitchen. He sat at the back door and looked pointedly back at her, asking to go outside. He had behaved that day and hadn’t tried to get out; it was the least she could. With a sigh, she opened the back door for him to scamper out, and she spotted the bins. They were propped up against the side of her detached garage, and a vicious flare of anger went through her.
Fuck Mrs. Nettles and her stupid rules.
Walking outside, Celeste grabbed the two bins, tilted them onto the wheels, then began walking back to the end of the driveway. They bumped into one another and caught the back of her heels, making her curse; she usually brought them up one at a time. But she had come this far, and she was pissed enough that she was going to be stubborn about it. So she dragged them jerkily over the gravel, muttering under her breath until she got to the edge of the drive.
She set them out prominently around the overgrown bush and stepped back to look at her work. The bright blue recycling bin stood out perfectly against the still half-dead landscaping. Celeste stepped forward and dragged the black bin a little more prominently when she snapped her head up. John was making his way back from Mrs. Nettles' house, and he eyed her as he walked, a smirk on his face.
“Antagonizing her isn’t going to get her to let up,” John said as he got a bit closer, stopping a few feet away.
“I hope it festers,” Celeste answered smugly as she wiped her hands absently on her apron. “I hope it drives her absolutely mad when she sees them out here again. And when she calls the town, and they tell her there is nothing they can do about it, I know she’ll have a little tantrum. I only wish I could see it.”
“I take it you two don’t exchange Christmas cards,” John answered. He glanced up the road toward the woman’s house before back to Celeste.
“Hardly. She’s been a thorn in everyone’s side for years,” Celeste answered before twisting to look at John’s cottage. “She’s just playing nice with you right now, hoping you’ll clean the place up. She’s been whining about the state of that cottage to anyone that will listen for a long while.”
“She’s going to be waiting,” John answered as he spotted Kyle walk out the front door, looking to see what was taking him so long. “I leave for work tomorrow, and Kyle isn’t exactly fit to be doing anything.”
“Tell him to just ignore her,” Celeste started, “avoid her, actually. Better for everyone.”
“He’s too nice for all that,” John answered as Kyle walked out to the car and leaned against the hood, watching them talk. “But I’ll give him a warning.”
“Being nice isn’t always the answer,” Celeste answered.
Before John could respond, she headed back to her cottage, abruptly ending the conversation. She had enough for the afternoon and was honestly afraid that the woman would pop out from behind the tree line to start up another fight. For acting so frail, she was spritely. And while Celeste wanted to antagonize her, she wasn’t ready to start arguing just yet.  
“Making friends?” Kyle asked as John walked back over, cutting through the thin tree line that dotted the property between their cottage and neighbor. He had watched the old woman corner John and didn’t do a damn thing to help him. He just smirked and gave him a snarky little wave as John glared at him when the woman practically dragged him along.
“Don’t start,” Price replied as he patted his pants down for the car keys. They weren’t there.
“Here,” Kyle answered as he held out the keys with his good hand, the keyring looped around a finger. He grinned a bit as John took them from him, his hand brushing over his and lingering a fraction too long to be completely casual. “What’s the neighbor's name?” He tacked on as he walked to the passenger's side and opened the door.
“Celeste,” John answered as he watched Kyle and waited patiently for him to buckle himself in. He knew helping him would be easier, but Kyle felt infantile enough as it was. “She’s looking to start a war with the self-imposed street police,” his voice was exasperated, but the slight twitch of his lips gave away the amusement.
“I thought we were coming here to avoid war,” Kyle stated as he finally got the seatbelt in place and twisted back with a huff.
“I highly doubt either of them are going to be lobbing tear gas over their fence,” John replied, his gaze lingering on where Celeste’s backdoor had opened again. He hesitated as he twiddled the wheel and watched her walk out across her lawn, her little orange cat on her heels, headed toward her dock.
“If we have to pick sides, I’m taking the old lady,” Kyle answered as he peered at John, then followed his eyeline toward Celeste. She was headed back out to that dock for the third night in a row. Kyle had spotted her the evening before, sitting in the light rain before she finally gave up as a downpour chased her inside. “Probably has some tricks up her sleeve from the Second World War,” he smirked.
“Don’t count Celeste out just yet,” John answered as he watched her a moment longer. She sat in the left chair as she always did and set a bottle of wine on the small table. The right chair remained empty; not even her cat jumped into it.
“Are you going to pick up another stray?” Kyle asked teasingly as John finally pulled out of the driveway, hand deftly shifting gears. “Johnny and Simon were territorial enough when you brought me home.”
“Should have left all three if you out in the rain,” John answered as Kyle laughed and settled back further into his leather seat.
They spent a good while in town. Kyle had found a small home goods store to pick up new sheets for the bed he had ordered, which was set to arrive in a few days. After spending one night on the twin bed and waking up with a spring lodged in his back, he had deemed it uninhabitable. Next, they made a quick stop at the liquor store to stock up on the "good stuff," as John put it. John only drank beer if there were no other options, dismissing it as ‘piss water’ until someone found him a decent Scotch.
Their final stop was the grocer, where they stocked up on more than just beer and prepackaged food to fill the fridge. John had groused over Kyle’s lack of proper food while he was supposed to be recovering, masking his concern for Kyle’s well-being with worry about the team being down a man. Kyle grinned to himself for the rest of the trip, glancing occasionally at John, who seemed to avoid eye contact at all costs. The dance they had been performing for a while was picking up tempo.
“Who knew the whole town would shut down at nine,” Kyle muttered as he shifted the styrofoam containers on his lap. They had planned on eating a proper meal in a restaurant, but everything was closing down for the evening. The waitress had given them a withering look when they asked for a table at eight-thirty and offered them takeaway instead.
“I’m sure it will change in the summer,” John answered as he flicked the high beams off. The mist on the road was thick, and the light was just reflecting back at him as he tried to navigate the winding roads.
Kyle didn’t answer as he popped open the lid of his box and reached in for a chip, but John cut his eyes over to him. They were supposed to sit and eat together, none of this rush shit that they did out in the field. Kyle quickly shut the lid and held his hand up in a surrender gesture, letting the boxes continue to warm his legs.
“She’s still out there,” John said a moment later as the car lights swung over Celeste’s property when they pulled in. He wasn’t exactly looking for her, but his eyes wandered in that direction nonetheless.
“She’s out there late most nights,” Kyle answered as he looked as well.
Neither of them grabbed their seatbelts, and John let the car run as they watched. Celeste didn’t react to the lights or the sound of the car, not even peering over her shoulder. John contemplated getting out to check on her when he saw her shift. It was subtle, but he saw her hand reach to the side before curling back in again. Grabbing her bottle of wine.
“Does she sleep out there?” John asked when he finally cut the engine and climbed out. He went for the groceries in the trunk while Kyle juggled the food, hipping his door shut.
“No, I keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t fall in the lake,” Kyle answered. He caught the look John gave him. It was a curious one, perhaps a little too knowing, before he returned to gathering the bags.  “She wanders inside, eventually.”
“Now who’s looking for strays,” John taunted as he followed Kyle into the cottage.
Celeste rose from her chair, groaning as she stretched her stiff back and legs, her butt having gone numb some time ago. She stumbled slightly as she grabbed her blanket and the empty bottle of wine, catching herself on the back of the chair she had just left. The water had been calm that evening, with a mist dancing across the surface, shifting gently with the breeze. A few boats had drifted by, moving lazily, and Celeste had watched them come and go with a slightly vacant expression.
The lake was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape and let nature envelop her, becoming just another blip on the shore. On particularly tough evenings, when her thoughts refused to quiet, she brought wine along. Lately, she found she needed wine most nights. The approaching anniversary was making it increasingly difficult to silence her mind. That evening had been especially hard; she’d downed a whole bottle in one sitting without even getting up to eat.
Throwing her blanket over her shoulder, she carefully made her way down the dock, Samson trotting beside her and mewling for his dinner. She twirled the empty wine bottle between her fingers as she walked when a sound drew her attention. Glancing to the side, she spotted two figures on their back porch, small embers glowing in the dark as they smoked. Shit, she thought. Had they seen her stumble? She hoped they would dismiss it as the dock rocking with the movement of the lake.
She watched the figures for a few more seconds as she walked, concentrating on placing one foot carefully in front of the other to avoid tripping again. Her head was swimming, and she fumbled with the door handle twice before finally getting it open and slipping inside. The bright kitchen light made her flinch, so she quickly turned it off, relying on the dim light above the stove to feed Samson. She wasn’t hungry and didn’t think she could stomach anything anyway; just the thought of food made her feel ill.
The idea of climbing the steep stairs to bed was daunting. So, instead, she wandered to the couch and collapsed into it. Five am was going to come quickly, and as she drifted to sleep in her stupor, Celeste knew she was going to be pissed at herself when she woke up. A full bottle of wine on an empty stomach, paired with a poor night’s sleep, would result in a miserable hangover; her second one that week.
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bbiine · 1 year
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SUMMARY: an accident involving wine, between Seokmin and Y/N, two ex-lovers, at New York Fashion Week, makes Seokmin want to reward you
PAIRING: idol!ex boyfriend!Seokmin x idol!ex girlfriend!fem!reader
WARNINGS: (probably) grammatical errors and a little of smut
GENDER: fluff and (a little) smut
BIBI'S NOTES: hey mes amours! It's my first time writing so if you have any feedback, pls don't hesitate to let me know! I want to warn you that English is not my native language, so forgive me for any mistakes!
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New York Fashion week used to be a major fashion event. Only people who were influential and important to fashion were able to be invited and honored with a presence in the big city.
The kpop industry was gaining more recognition and many more idols were going on to have worldwide careers. And Seokmin, or better known as Dokyeom or Dk, a member of a famous boy group called Seventeen, managed to be influential enough to be one of the guests.
He was sitting in the front row of the catwalk looking at all the new clothing collections and all that luxury, when his eyes met the eyes of an idol, it was Y/N, your ex-girlfriend, you were becoming famous in the Kpop industry and you finally had this opportunity to be present at such a big event. It had been a long time since you had broken up, not a single word had been exchanged.
Seokmin watched you with curious eyes, you were totally focused on the clothes and you looked different, your countenance was dazzling and mysterious at the same time. You hadn't realized that Seokmin had been looking at you since the beginning of the show; for him, the show didn't matter when he could simply observe your every detail and expression.
As he walked through the middle of a large, chic hall, full of people drinking their champagne and sporting their latest clothes after the big show, Seokmin tried to find the girl who had captured his attention. Until he saw the same pair of eyes that had always caught his attention: you were talking to a very influential person in fashion, but things didn't seem to be going well.
Seokmin approaches with a smile on his face
"Hello...Y/N right? Sorry to disturb your conversation, but can I talk to you for five minutes?" Seokmin smiles
When you realize who it is, your smile fades a little, after all you've been avoiding him. As soon as your eyes meet his, you remember all the past you've had and that night when you decided to give up on everything.
It was an ordinary Wednesday night when you decided to end it all. You'd known each other since you were 16, when you were just a trainee, and for as long as you can remember, you'd been in love with him. But the more time passed, the more you felt the pressure of being an idol, you simply didn't have a romantic life with Seokmin, you couldn't go out or have dinner together because everyone would know about your relationship and your company didn't want that. It had been three years since you were in this relationship and it seemed to only put pressure on you, your life revolved around hiding the relationship from the two of you.
Seokmin snaps two fingers in front of you making you wake up from all the thoughts and memories you had with him
"Long time, Y/N" He smiled
"What do you want to talk to me about?" You crossed your arms
"Well, you tour abroad and you can't speak English properly? You didn't seem to understand anything in that conversation"
"Of course I understood, I was just confused because she was talking too fast" you walk to a private corner while picking up a glass of wine
Seokmin accompanies you, he was curious about what had happened to you since the break-up
"How's life?" He leans against the wall and stares at you
"Are you really going to do that? You don't have to try to talk to me, after all, the last time we saw each other you hated me." You sip some wine, trying to forget how much that night hurt you.
"I didn't even remember that, I'm not holding any grudges... if it's all right for you, then it's all right for me" He gives you the same smile and waits for your reaction
"Then we're even" You give a forced smile
Just then, a waiter walked by with a tray of wine glasses. Seokmin reached out to take one, but a sudden stumble caused the glass to slip out of his hands, spilling the red liquid in his direction. Your dress is stained red, leaving you embarrassed and Seokmin ashamed
You look at him angrily
"Seokmin, look what you've done!" You grab a cloth and try to wipe it off, but it only makes matters worse
Seokmin looks totally embarrassed and worried
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he tries to help you, taking a cloth and trying to wipe it off
The stain was right on your stomach and a little close to your breasts, as you felt his touch after so long, your cheeks turned a little red and you tried to hide it with your anger
"Don't touch me Seokmin" you pulled away from him, walking into the great hall, inside you found a room where you took out your cell phone and called your manager, so you could get another dress.
Meanwhile Seokmin was trying to find where you were, after all he wanted to apologize and didn't want things to turn out this way.
You were standing with your arms folded with your back to the door waiting for your manager, after all he said he was close by. the door opens and you say
"Quick, open my dress, this smell of wine is bothering me" you say without looking to the door
you feel hands running down your back as open your dress, that feeling was familiar to you, and then you hear the voice of the person who caused all this
"I'm sorry Y/N... let me make it up to you..."
You turn around quickly with red cheeks and see that it's Seokmin
"What are you doing here? Do you want to cause more trouble?" You say trying not to give in, but it was difficult, all the old feelings were coming back.
He laughs a little and faces you "You know I didn't mean it... let me apologize the way I know how" He stares at you, waiting for your reaction as he gently brings your lips closer.
Your legs freeze and you just can't say anything, you wanted it, you wanted to feel Seokmin's lips again. By now you were totally surrendered to him.
When your eyes close and you feel Seokmin's lips, that familiar sensation takes over your whole body, you feel like you're home after a long time.
There was no hesitation when their lips finally met, a passion they had both been holding in for so long was finally released. Seokmin's hands were roaming all over your body, sending all kinds of impure thoughts to your brain. Your lips were in perfect sync, as were your tongues, which were also present in the kiss.
When you both finally ran out of air, Seokmin pulled away and whispered in a hoarse voice with his eyes closed
"I want you...like I've always wanted since I was 16" he opened his eyes and faced her "come back to me Y/N...come home"
That was the pinnacle for you, after those words you could no longer hold in all that passion that had been stored up for so long, you brought your lips together again, causing Seokmin to pull you in, closing any kind of space between the two of you.
His hands were still on her body, and they went to her open zipper, pulling the stained dress down completely. "At least the accident did some good," he said, totally mesmerized by your body in just your underwear. You roll your eyes and laugh softly, "My God, how could I have stayed away from you for so long?" He stares at you with that smile as his kisses trail down to your neck, low moans coming from your mouth as Seokmin leaves marks on your neck.
"This is so wrong, but it feels so right," you whisper. There was no doubt about your feelings for each other and you could no longer resist the physical attraction
In one swift movement, Seokmin picks you up and places you on a random table in the room. In the meantime, his mouth never left your neck, making you continue to moan and driving him crazy "One day you're going to kill me with pleasure Y/N" he said between kisses
"Don't worry, I'm already doing it now" you let out a smile and your hands go down to Seokmin's blouse.
As your hands slowly move down to Seokmin's dress shirt, the intensity of the moment intensifies. The fabric of the shirt ripples with every movement of your touch. His fingers slide between the buttons of Seokmin's shirt, teasing him with each stroke. Soon, the shirt begins to move lower and lower, revealing more and more of Seokmin's muscular frame underneath.
you can feel your own heart pounding and the heat rising through your skin. Perhaps Seokmin's claim that you were already "killing him with pleasure" was right all along.
He stopped kissing her neck and faced her as he slowly descended, looking into her eyes. He was at the height of her legs, while his hands caressed her thighs as he slowly spread her legs apart.
"For you I keep my legs open and forget everything" you said in a sensual and provocative way
Seokmin's smile widened and he left a kiss on the inside of her thigh
"I know, but maybe you can't keep them open for long," he says, teasing you even more
His kisses move upwards until they almost reach the middle of your leg, and then your phone rings, taking all the focus away from you.
You pick it up and your eyes go wide and you quickly get up from the table, looking for your dress and leaving Seokmin at a loss.
The call is ended and you say "My manager is here, he's looking for me, quick, get out of here" you say desperately and put on your stained dress
He gives you a mischievous smile "well, looks like we'll have an audience to see what I'm going to do to you" he approaches you again and you push him towards the door "stop Seokmin, no one can catch us here"
He laughs and then opens the door saying "Fine, fine but...I'm not done with you yet"
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@bbiine, 2023
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thenextdawn-backup · 2 years
Word count: 1.3K
Summary: request here
Warnings: slight angst
Pairing: Wednesday X Fem!Reader
Writing this when I’m shadow banned. Motivation’s a bit low, but I hope you still like this 🖤✨
You never really knew when you became friends with Wednesday. Yes, Wednesday Addams, the girl everyone was kinda scared of and that would barely talk with no one. But somehow at some point you two had ended up talking over some common interests, like the topic of death, gore stuff and all like that. It felt weird to her, finally having someone with the same humor and with the same interests as her, but she was comfortable whenever she was around you. That feeling of comfort soon transformed into something stronger, at least from you. It was clear to everyone, maybe even to Wednesday, that you didn’t know. All you knew was that you liked her so much.
Recently you had been helping her even with the monster investigation. You would help each other with connecting the dots, figuring out its attack pattern and why it was doing it and if his victims were planned or not, but nothing really seemed to make sense in the beginning. However if you thought things were being easy, there was someone that didn’t see it like you did. Xavier Thorpe. Ever since Wednesday showed up at Nevermore he had never left the ravenette alone - or at least he tried to - he just was so interested in her and he didn’t want to let go even if it was pretty clear that the shorter girl wanted nothing to do with him.
Each time he’d go ask her to spend time with him, she always replied with “I can’t I have plans with (Y/N)” , “Me and (Y/N) are going out looking for clues” and stuff like this. Fun fact was, none of this was an excuse. I mean it partly was, but it was true. She always had something planned with you, always. Hell you even invited her to go to the Rave’n with you! However all of this made the boy really nervous and jealous, to the point where he’d start mocking you in class, or animated his drawing of insects which he knew you were scared of, but you knew it were just drawings, so you never really minded that. He was showing how ridiculous he was.
“(Y/N) for one evening could you please not make plans with Wednesday? I would really like to hang out with her. Alone, that is.” He specified, which made the hair in the back of your neck stand up. “I’m sorry Xavier but we both have priorities. And you’re not one of them” he scoffed and crossed his arms “you do realize that she’s only using you right?” He said, you knew this was a lousy attempt to make you angry. “Yeah well, she might be using me but at least she wants to spend time with me outside that, too” you said, knowing he wasn’t getting even that. You hoped he’d leave you alone after this but of course he wouldn’t. “Yours it’s a one sided relationship and you’ll see that soon.” He kept on adding to it. “Even if it is? Why do you care? You’re just jealous she likes spending time with me instead of you.” You finished your speech.
There weren’t many people there in the quad, but the ones that were there turned to look at you two. “Friends you say? Yeah well tell her how you feel about her and let’s see how good of friends you’ll be then!” He snapped. Amongst those few people was Wednesday too. You stayed quiet at what he had just yelled, and when you turned around you saw everyone looking at you, including the ravenette girl you were just talking about. You didn’t know what to say, you didn’t know if to tell her how you felt as you looked at her and she did the same, looking at you with what could be described as surprise.
You were too panicked to tell her what you felt right now, you had to walk away. “Fuck you” you told Xavier as you left the school. “You’re pathetic!” He said but you ignored him and left, going towards the woods. “(Y/N), wait-“ you heard what you thought was Wednesday protest behind you, but you were blinded by rage and only proceeded to storm towards the woods. You had been keeping feelings in for so many times, too scared to tell her everything and now Xavier had to come and ruin it all for you just because he was jealous? He even called you pathetic!
You weren’t going to stand down and let him call you pathetic, you just weren’t going to. You needed to show him and everyone else that you weren’t as pathetic as he said. How were you going to do it though? The only way was to catch the hide and fight him. You could outpower him after all, and no one knew about that. Your telekinesis was so strong to make someone’s brain explode, even if you always limited it. How were you going to find him though? You just had to wait and see if he came out at some point.
You stayed hours in the woods but when night came, you started hearing growling. Of course he’d mostly attack at night, because no one can actually “see” him or well, who it was. You and Wednesday had found out it was human, and you just wanted to defeat him and find the person. Soon enough the monster approached you and just as he was about to hurt you, you shot him away with your telekinesis “you’re not gonna hurt me you bastard” you sent him against a tree. You didn’t though realize that when you used too much of your power, it would drain you of all your energies..
The monster wasn’t getting tired, he was just getting angrier and you were getting weaker, he started getting you a few good hits, but never damaging you too much. At one point you got so angry that you smashed him repeatedly against the floor until he ran away. After that you collapsed on the ground and before you could pass out Wednesday caught you. She had arrived just in time, she saw you smash him repeatedly and she caught you before you could hit your head. You had passed out in her arms and she and her friends took you to the infirmary.
When you woke up jolting, you slowly took awareness of your surroundings and saw Wednesday. You relaxed a bit and laid back down, massaging your temples for the terrible headache. “You were brave there, in the woods.” She started as she looked at you. Her eyes conveyed emotions and you were sure of that, but you couldn’t decipher what emotions. “Thanks, I guess. I was just trying to prove you that I’m not as pathetic as Xavier said.” You said, and taking advantage of the room being empty, Wednesday moved closer to you. “You didn’t have to, (Y/N)” she reassured you, taking your hand. “I’m not sure why, but I like you. Your presence is enough, you don’t need to prove me anything” she said, surprisingly smiling at you.
Her smile, god she looked gorgeous. You had never seen the girl smile before today and she looked so pretty. You squeezed her hand and slightly pulled her in closer. You saw her hesitate before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your lips. You reciprocated and caressed her cheek. “Not a word to anyone about this” she said as she lightly pulled back from you. Her sentence made you laugh at her words, before nodding and pulling her in for another kiss.
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
clutch || seven
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
sorry for the late chpt. I was really sick so i tried my best on this chpt.
warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating & sex & liquid products of sex, death, mental health, horrible sister, entitled sister
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she was careless. 1 day of happiness was enough for her to forget the problem at hand. work had been enjoyable and there were discussions of displaying her art. she had time between her shifts to work on he last of her commissions. of course it would be ruined by her stalker.
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the moment he had read her tweet, he was out the door and going to find her.
he saw e/n lurking around. bastard.
when he did, she was cowering in the dressing room. wordlessly, he wrapped his jacket around her before handing her his cap and a mask.
"wear this." - wonwoo
"thanks, wonwoo... i owe you one." - yn
they made it out with no issues. e/n was gone but who knew when he'd be back?
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no matter how much she tried to enjoy her dinner with wonwoo, she couldn't help but feel eyes on her. but wherever she looked, there was no one.
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wonwoo watched as yn's typing got even more agitated.
what the hell is going on... is she playing speed tetris or something...
when she finally slammed her phone face down onto the table, he finally asked her what happened.
"family argument. Now I have to bring a very attractive guy to my family reunion next sunday. and I also have to close my art deal by next wednesday and have an auction by thursday. great." - yn
"but why?" - wonwoo
"my parents found out about e/n and blamed me. my younger sister played a victim angel again so i snapped and called her out for being a brat. so now i have to one-up her in fame and a partner." - yn
"any ideas of who you're going to ask?" - wonwoo, crossing his fingers. wait why am i crossing his fingers?
"if any of your friends can help me, that would be great. i'll probably ask mingyu or dino since they're single and famous." - yn
"i'm single and famous" - wonwoo, whispers under his breath
"sorry what did you say?" - yn, leaning in to hear him from across the table
"i said, i'm single and famous. i'll go with you." - wonwoo
a pause. subtle panic. a smile.
"really? oh my days, wonwoo. you're my saviour. i LOVE you. you have the fame AND the face card. chaeyoung is going to quake and crumble!" - yn
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ💓ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ badum.
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well. he doesn't know she's with me now. be it make-believe.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
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wol-fica · 1 year
-𝐖𝐨𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐞?-
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pairings - wenclair x neglected!raven!daughter
summary - you were born into a family of freaks, and that was the norm for you. but slowly, your interest in your family diminished due to lack of attention towards you. how will you cope?
warnings - talk of medicine
an - credit to @theafterofnevermore and @alexkolax for giving me such wonderful ideas !
Have you ever been in a room that is completely dark?
Not like turning off your bedroom lights or a side lamp, more like when the room is covered in pitch black paint and not a light source in sight; That kind of darkness.
You loved the dark, it was a comfortable space for you. When it got to nighttime outside in the summer, you would unlock your window with your pocket knife and draw onto the roof above your bedroom. 
You could lay there for hours if you had the chance, just staring at the stars with no sounds but the gentle breeze that blew through your hair. 
But unfortunately you were not home; now that the school year started at Nevermore, you and your brother have been away from your large family mansion for almost 4 months now, meaning your nightly stargazing would be on postponement until the semester ended. 
Another unfortunate escapade is that you had to be at school, at all. Your preference of social interaction was little to nothing, and you already despised the school curriculum system and the class options they had were not very interesting to you.
Your likes are more toned to dissections in Biology and blowing up things in Chemistry, but that was mostly it. There were a few good books you were required to read in English, but even those could be irritating and boring at times. 
So you opted for the next best thing, skipping class to invest your time into a certain village-old book. Goody Addams, your however-many-great grandmother, had an old spell book that your mother acquired when she went to school here at Nevermore. 
Usually, the vintage opus was tucked away in the library at your family mansion, but you sneakily slipped it into your backpack on the way out of the house when you were leaving for your first day of school, and now it was hidden under your pillow in your dorm room; conveniently your roommate was expelled which left you with no worries of anyone or anything potentially finding the book. 
As of the moment, your nose was buried in between the dusty pages, your black eyes trailing over each word with interest and precision. The ink was fading on the old parchment, but conveniently you had the talent to basically decipher anything that would be considered not legible, so the directions and spells were pointedly easy to read.
The content was addicting, to say the least, Goody had written some very interesting things that had your mind hooked on the possibilities this novel entailed. Your brother, Luka, would pick on you for days about how you were so infatuated with a grimey old book, in which you would threaten him with your switchblade until he left you alone.
Your mom would always say you reminded her of Wednesday when she was younger; your mother.
Now you were not a very emotional person, but when anyone compared you with your mother, you would always wince in discomfort. Wednesday Addams used to be an egotistical and practically rude person who only cared about herself and only herself. She had let innocent people die and even let her close friends get hurt just because she didn’t want to let them into her personal circle, and that seemed so utterly selfish to you.
And you despised selfish people.
A quote, from your grand-uncle(grunkle) Fester, has stuck with you since you were young. He used to say that “when one person decides to only think for themselves, they only deserve to die with themselves.” Quite inspiring if anyone asked you.
Your head snapped up, turning towards the sound of your brother's voice from your closed door. Light had spewed into your room from the large circular window of Ophelia Hall’s door room, the halfway colored glass creating a beautiful rainbow on the old wooden floor. 
You groaned softly and rolled your eyes, closing the book on a tab and stuffing it beneath your pillow before you stood up and made your way to the door. Once you opened it, you were met with a backpack to the face.
“Where. Were. You?!” Luka said, pronouncing each word as he struck you with his bookbag.
You grabbed the orange carrier with his last swing, wrapping its straps around his arms and forcing him to stumble past you into your room.
“Busy.” You replied, going back towards your bed to sit at the desk next to it.
“With what?” He asked, straightening himself out as he brushed imaginary dust off, “You’ve been absent all day and Weems sent me to come find you before she gives you another detention.”
“Tell her I’ve been studying and learning the fine arts of spell casting.” You replied, dipping your quill in some ink before beginning to write some notes on the chapter you finished from Goody’s book.
“You know I can’t do that, Mama will find out you stole it and she will literally end you.”
Luca was the only other person who knew that you took Goody’s book, being that you tell eachother everything and his supposed “ twin-tuition” would help him figure it out anyways. He wasn’t pleased with what you did, but he knew he couldn’t make you put it back, so he kept your secret as long as you kept his.
“Hence why you will keep your mouth shut.” You said, turning to give him a glare, “Unless you want me to sew it closed.”
He chuckled, throwing his bag onto the floor before flopping onto your bed. He spread his arms and legs out to look like an ugly, overgrown starfish, before reaching under your pillow to pull out the book.
“You would never harm your favorite queer now would you?” Luka cheesed, flipping through the tattered pages whilst squinting aggressively, “I’ll never understand how you can read this crap.”
“It’s not crap, those are powerful spells from 1600 AD. Far before even the Bronze Age.” You snarled, giving your brother a look.
“Grandma Goody had terrible handwriting.” He noted before dropping the book with a hiss, “It burned me!”
“Don’t insult ghosts, they are already dead so they have nothing to lose by stinging you.”
Luka rolled his eyes, setting the book back under your pillow. He stood up, leaned down to grab his bag and swing it around his arm, before turning to you.
“Come to dinner, okay?” He suggested, waiting for a response so he could go to his next class, “You need to eat.”
You nodded absentmindedly, still writing down little quips and notes. Luka smiled and gave your arm a small punch then turned to exit out of your room to give you your privacy back, but before he closed the door, he leaned back in.
“If you get any more of those voices in your head, tell me!” And then he was gone.
You sighed, shaking your head at his comment. He was right after all, you were experiencing some odd instances of random whispers in your ear even though no one around you spoke a word. Your parents were concerned, but you didn’t want their annoying input so you told them that the voices stopped and the medication they put you on had worked just so they would get off your back about it.
Unfortunately, the antidepressants had NOT worked and you were still hearing things left and right, 24/7 of every day. They weren’t loud enough to drown your hearing, but they were indefinitely annoying enough to keep you awake at night and postpone your eating habits.
Your mother would be upset with these events, she would probably get frustrated and yell at you for not saying anything, and then try to get you to talk about your “powers.”
“Stupid quill.” You muttered, throwing the feather away after the tip decided to break on you. 
You stood abruptly, pausing to stretch your arms before grabbing your backpack and making your way out of your room to head to the café for dinner. 
As you walked down the stairwell and the hallway towards your destination, a sudden feeling of drowsiness came over you. Not wanting to disappoint Luka, you pushed it down and pressed onward, giving glares to anyone who spared you a glance.
You soon made it to the entrance of the café and you easily spotted your brother with your friends, but before you could head their way, a large body collided with your own.
The world seemed to stop, a large bell sounding in your ear as your head flew backwards. Cold hands grabbed at your throat and scalp, dragging you back and down into the black abyss. 
The one instance where the darkness scared you.
You felt like you were drowning, like your head was being held underwater as you feebly tried to escape, but with no prevail. The voices that usually whisper to you were now screaming in your ear, pushing out any coherent thoughts as you went into shock.
Your body hit soft grass, a dull thud echoing into the night from your fall. Slowly you sat up, looking around in apprehension of where you were and what could possibly be happening to you. 
The world was foggy and gray, dead trees scattering the landscape behind its thick blanket. A large manor stood before you, its paint chipped and beige while the red brick showed through. The black-iron gate was dented and old, covered in wild vines that produced deadly spikes sharp enough to kill a man; usually that would attract your interest, but since you were clearly hallucinating, it didn’t cross your mind.
Your head whipped around to be met with a large white dress. Slowly, your eyes went up, trailing up the ruffled expanse until your eyes locked with exceedingly familiar ones.
the new series (hopefully) is in motion baby!
taglist: @crystal-lily-101 @tundra1029 @aahdiieb @rainbow-love4ever @imhungry-andtired @theafterofnevermore @k1mba @simp4thena @thenextdawn @alexkolax @annalestern @efectoangel @fall-08 @captainbeat @littlegaybutterflysblog @sayaisrotten @deep-fried-egg @notheoneforlove
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tilly-tilly-2827 · 4 months
Little Bits of Crumbs
Reimagining An Offer from a Gentleman #5
Synopsis: Benedict Bridgerton doesn't know the definition of subtlety. Or how Eloise Bridgerton found out. Or how Violet Bridgerton always knew.
AO3 post from here!
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It was a peaceful day at No.5. Eloise would have to admit that her life had become more quieter, with her two sisters respectively in their husbands’ houses, and her best friend gone on a tour of the continent with her brother. With Gregory off to Eaton and Hyacinth off to wherever she was, there was a calmness and solace in the No.5 she had never experienced ever since she was born.
She quietly watched her Mother and the maid swiftly mend away, her mother working on the tulip embroidery, the maid mending a pair of wool socks. Eloise had admired the nimbleness the new ladies maid she had on needlework. A skill she would never acquire, she thought bitterly to herself as she flipped the page of her book, a copy of Pride and Prejudice. “It’s a romance novel”, the other debutant had told her, but she rather enjoyed the witty sarcastic banter between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, rather than the romantic aspects of the story. Elizabeth was a character she would look up to, the wisest, the quickest, the most perspective…
“Good Afternoon, family.”
Eloise heard a small yelp from the corner of the room, followed by a small thump, a set of needle sticks, and a pair of dark blue socks dropped on the hems of the maid’s violet-colored skirts.
“Excuse me,” Eloise heard her say ever so faintly. “Slipped my hands.”
Eloise looked up from her book, almost rolling her eyes seeing her favorite brother skipping through the door of the drawing room with a bouquet in hand. Again in his best attire, the dark blue jacket, a navy golden botanical vest, and a shiny silver pin on his cravat, he might as well be dressed for a ball, rather than a casual stop to his mother’s home.
Although it was still Wednesday, it was the fourth time of the week she had seen him at No.5. He always seemed to be sketching in hallways and the corridors, saying the following quotes repeatedly; “No.5 has changed into the new source of my inspiration.” and “Well, this staircase is exceptionally well lit from the sunlight of this window, don’t you think so Eloise?”
It had been exactly three years since she had last seen Benedict even hold a sketchbook in his hands, and his fervent recurrence had been her constant puzzlement over the last few days.
“Flowers for you, Mother.”
“Why, thank you, Benedict.”
Placing a small peck on her cheeks, Benedict handed over the Bouquet to his mother; a bundle filled with wildflowers and Lilly of the Valleys. Her lips curling slightly, Violet passed the bouquet to the maid, asking her to set them up in the vase.
“Could you set them up by the window over here, Sophie?”
“Of course, Lady Bridgerton.” Eloise quietly observed her brother’s gaze nervously follow the bouquet, biting his lower lip as the maid left the room, almost as if he was worried that the flowers would explode into pieces.
Why would he be so nervous over a bouquet?
“Why are you here, Benedict?”
Eloise asked sharply, and Benedict snapped from his gaze.
“Splendid to see you too, dear sister.”
With his usual crooked smile returning to his face, Benedict flopped himself on the sofa next to her, taking a scone from a plate.
“Excellent view from here, isn’t it? And the weather! Splendid!”
“Benedict, it is pouring rain. Are you quite well?”
“Well, I have come to enjoy rain as well, sister.”
“Benedict, I truly cannot figure out why you have changed so.” Eloise closed her book, focusing on her brother, but she couldn’t help but notice that his brother’s gaze flickered too many times on the door.
“Last time you visited us, it was three weeks ago, and you hardly stayed an hour. And now you’ve come here three days in a row!”
“Is it a crime to pay a visit to my dear family?”
Eloise rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Suddenly we are so dear to you? You’ve never shaved when you visit us.”
“I’ve learned the importance of hygiene, El.”
“When have you ever cared about hygiene?”
“Like I said, I’ve gained a new perspective in the countryside.” Benedict took a bite of the scone, flipping the crumbs off from his vest. “Perhaps you should visit the countryside as well, sister. Wonderful effects it brings, both physically and spiritually.”
With a slight tilt of her head, Eloise stared at her brother, noticing that she couldn’t exactly deny his words at all. For the past few years, Benedict was never without bags under his eyes, always with a faint smell of liquor and cigarettes, but now he looked quite healthy, almost like he was …glowing? Eloise squinted her eyes, wanting to see past her brother’s soul, but it was a useless endeavor; she could only blink at the gleam of his silver pin.
“Perhaps I should go to the countryside as well,” she muttered under her breath, but her mother heard her at the last second.
“We still have another month until the end of the season my dearest.”
“But I have already met all the men in London!” Eloise cries out.
“Perhaps she’ll have a better chance at finding a husband in the countryside Mother.” Benedict quipped from his seat, “I have heard that there are several eligible bachelors in the countryside as well…” But Benedict’s words trailed off in silence. As Eloise turned her head around, the maid was back in the room, the bouquet placed beautifully in the glass vase.
“Sophie!” Her mother’s voice was unusually high pitched.“ Could you put the vase over the window next to the table? The sunlight is best at that corner…”
“But Mother, there is no sunlight.”
“Well, yes, yes that is true,” Her mother replied, her hands fluttering around her face, “but I heard the weather would improve tomorrow. Sophie, would you ask Mrs. Wilson to prepare for tea?”
“Yes, Lady Bridgerton.”
The maid hurried out of the room again, and Eloise could swear she heard her mother give a soft sigh. Eloise twitched her fingers slightly, knowing that Sophie was doing her job rather perfectly, then what was her concern?
“Perhaps I should leave for a moment,” Benedict quietly rose from the seat, but her mother grasped his shoulders from the back of his seat rather firmly.
“No, you shall stay.”
Eloise had to laugh, seeing her brother break out in a childish pout.
“I haven’t heard if you would be attending the Featherington Ball tonight, dearest. I’m sure I can introduce you to some debutants who are excellent at their art…”
“There is no need, Mother. I’m afraid I have other pressing matters to attend tonight.”
“And yet you are idling your time here,” Eloise quipped back, nudging Benedict’s ribs playfully. “Couldn’t you think of a better excuse?”
“Oh, are you going to give me a lecture on honesty, Eloise?” Eloise didn’t like the way his brother raised his eyebrows. “How about the time you said something about flower arrangement classes…”
“Children.” Their mother’s stern voice was enough to straighten up both of their backs and shut them up. Her mother sighed again, with her hands on her head, “How am I ever going to get you two married off…”
“I am sorry to be the cause of your headaches, Mother.” Benedict quietly said. “But I’m afraid that the tea is ready.”
The table was already set, the cups filled with steaming tea with fresh biscuits on the side. As Eloise took a sip from her cup, she noticed that it was already arranged to her preference, no sugar with milk.
“The cook just had them out of the oven,” The maid said with a soft smile, “Chocolate and Marmalade biscuits, my lady.”
“Thank you, Sophie. Could you take the mending up to my room, and also the vase…”
“Would you join us, Ms. Beckett?” Benedict interrupted her mother’s words, and she could see the maid’s eyes widen in… shock? But Benedict was already pouring tea into a cup, putting one lump of sugar with just a splash of milk. Placing two biscuits on the tea tray, Benedict almost shoved the cup in the maid’s hands, but the maid took a step back. Her face was almost white as a sheet, Eloise noticed.
“Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton.” Bobbing her head into a curtsy, the end of her voice quivered ever so slightly. “But I must take these upstairs…”
“Never mind the mending.” Her mother said softly. “ You can take your tea now, Sophie. How on earth would you ruin a perfectly nice cup of tea?”
As the maid timidly seated herself in the chair with a cup in her hand, Benedict continued to ramble on about the next art gallery he was planning to submit his paintings as her mother smiled gently over her cup of tea.
It was nice, Eloise thought, seeing his brother converse quite enthusiastically about his own pursuits. He had been quite moody lately, often slouching on his chair, and was more of a listener, rather than an active participant in the conversation. Really what has happened to him? Eloise couldn’t help but wonder…
“You have a crumb right there, Ms. Beckett.”
What jerked Eloise from her daze was his tone. It was his usual teasing tone, but much more softer than she had ever heard. She hadn’t noticed that her brother had left the sofa, but was leaning against the wall beside the chair in the corner of the room.
“Do I?”
Eloise noticed the maid’s cheeks turn crimson red, her gaze cast down to her shoes.
“Right there on the corner.”
“Right here?”
Sophie’s fingers softly reached her mouth, but her brother’s fingers were quicker, softly taking the crumb from the right corner of her lips.
“Right there,”
It was a small, quick gesture, Eloise knew, but she couldn’t help noticing that his fingers lingered a second longer on Sophie’s lips, his thumbs softly tracing the outline for just a second. Almost as if his fingers wanted to stay there an hour longer.
Eloise quickly averted her gaze, feeling the hotness rise to her cheeks as well. Why would she be embarrassed by that? Her brother was only doing it out of kindness, she had seen Anthony wipe Eddie’s mouth with his handkerchief after a meal. She had seen more intimate things, Anthony hardly couldn’t keep his hands off Kate, and so did Colin. The spouses were always wrapped around their husbands’ arms, and Eloise always winced as they would kiss passionately whatever the place was. Eloise never could understand why couples were so obsessed with kisses. What would be so good about placing lips together?
But Eloise had never felt more flustered than this moment, her brother’s fingers on Sophie’s lips, it was almost as if she had invaded a very private moment of the two.
Just taking some crumbs. Nothing scandalous about that is it? It was nothing intimate, it would mean nothing at all.
Eloise quickly looked around the room, somehow desperately wishing that she was the only one who had seen them. But when she gave a glance to her mother, she noticed that her mother was looking at the pair as well, but not with a look of concern or suspicion she had expected. Her gaze stayed on the two, but Eloise somehow knew that her gaze was cast oceans away, her blue eyes sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. Was it happiness, or was it sadness? Eloise couldn’t clearly tell.
“Benedict.” Jumping up from the seat, her brother’s name slipped out from her lips. “Could you chaperone me to the Audrey House? I might have forgotten something there.”
Benedict looked back at her in puzzlement and mumbled something about wanting to sketch in the garden of No.5 but Eloise ignored his words.
“What have you forgotten? Couldn’t you ask someone to fetch it for you?”
“No,” Eloise said firmly. “I need them instantly, and I need you to come with me.” Almost forcefully grabbing her brother’s arms, Eloise dragged Benedict out of the drawing room.
It had been years since they last had a chat on the swings. Eloise knew, that they had to talk.
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extinctspino · 2 years
Could you write a Wednesday x Gn or fem reader in which the reader and Wednesday have obvious crushes on one another but when the reader asks Wednesday out on a date she instinctively says no not meaning it and has to find a way to ask the heartbroken reader out?
Pairing: Wednesday x femreader
Wordcount: 1.2K
Warnings: none
Author’s note: I’m sorry for the wait but I forgot to save this one and had to start all over again so it’s delayed
“Just go for it.” You stopped pacing and snapped your neck to look at Xavier with a bewildered face.
“Just go for it? Are you crazy?! She would never like me back.” You started pacing again and Xavier sighed before putting down his paintbrush to focus on you.
“Just trust me, she likes you back. I know she likes you back. The whole school knows you like each other.” Xavier knew about your feelings for Wednesday and always encouraged you to confess but you were too afraid of getting rejected by your first real crush.
“You don’t understand, Xavier! I can’t mess this up! The last crush I had was on Marceline the vampire queen from Adventure time...”
“I mean... Marceline’s not that different from Wednesday.” You looked at him with an ‘are you serious face’.
“What I’m trying to say is that you’re going crazy for no reason.” He patted your back with his paint-stained hand
“Yeah, maybe you’re right... HEY, YOU RUINED MY SHIRT, SHITHEAD!” One second he was gliding his brush on his beautiful mural in the quad and the next second he was being attacked by an angry, non-threatening teddy bear.
“Ugh, I can’t stand this slow-burn romance story, just confess already!” Wednesday took a big step back when Enid exploded a little too close to her.
“I asked for advice, not for whatever this is supposed to be.” Wednesday stared at Enid, emotionless.
Enid took a deep breath and rubbed her temples, “You’re right, I’m sorry.” Enid suddenly looked straight into Wednesday’s eyes a bit unsettlingly. “Y/n has a crush on you.”
Without saying anything she turned away from Enid and sat down at her desk. “Ugh, fine. Then don’t confess.” Enid plopped down on her bed and started scrolling through the many videos on Tiktok.
The moment Wednesday sat down on her chair soft knocks sounded on the door. Enid grumbled and went to go open the door since she knew that Wednesday wouldn't.
Enid was surprised when she saw you at their doorstep but became ecstatic when she noticed the black flower in your hand. "Is Wednesday here?" You peeked through the door and saw Wednesday already staring at you.
"YES! Uh, I mean yes she's here. Oh, I almost forgot! Yoko really needed my help with something so... bye!" Enid pushed past you and closed the door behind her.
"That was a bit strange..." You mumbled but shrugged off Enid's behavior.
"Hey, Wednesday." You approached her and revealed the flower you had secretly stolen from Ms. Thornhill's class without her noticing.
You held the flower toward her and she wordlessly took the flower from you before getting up from her chair.
"I kinda have a thing for you and I was wondering if you... would like to go on a date with me?" You held your breath and watched with hopeful eyes.
But those eyes vanished when Wednesday shoved the flower back against your chest and says the words you hoped you wouldn't hear, "No, I can't. I'm not made to love." She did as if nothing happened and sat back down on her chair and turned away from you.
Tears were threatening to fall but you didn't want to look even more pathetic so you quickly left the room without another word and ignored the way Enid fell to the floor when you opened the door.
Of course, Enid was eavesdropping, she wanted to be up to date about her favorite ship at school. Enid entered the room, disappointed and a tad bit angry.
"Just once you should let go of your pride and admit you like someone! It's normal! Oh, how could I forget, you're everything but normal!" Enid exhaled loudly and sat down on her bed with her face in her hands.
"If I said yes, It would hurt her even more."
Wednesday is not very good on this topic so she answered your question with the logical part of her mind but when she saw your face after she rejected you it felt like someone was pulling her heart with a rope, trying to tear it out of her chest.
Maybe she should have listened to her now aching heart instead of neglecting her own feelings just because she wasn't used to it.
"Both of us know that's not true. You're just too stubborn to admit you have feelings. You're so lucky you have me." Enid got up and took a piece of paper with a pencil.
"You broke her heart so it won't be easy but I've got a plan," Enid smirked and started scribbling on the paper while Wednesday was staring out the window, thinking about the recent events. She didn't mean to hurt you like that.
While Enid was explaining her plan you went straight to the person you knew would always be there for you. The same person who told you to 'just go for it'.
When you knocked on the door it didn't take long for the door to open because Enid had already texted him about what happened.
You were sitting on his bed with your head hanging. You weren't making a single sound until Xavier hugged you. That's when the floodgates opened and all the tears that you had refused to let go came streaming down your eyes.
Xavier just kept hugging you and eventually put on a comedy movie when you calmed down a bit. You fell asleep near the end of the movie so Xavier tucked you in and decided to sleep on the uncomfortable wooden chair which was located in the corner of his room.
When he woke up in the morning you were gone and he was left with unbearable neck pain.
You went out on a walk through the forest to calm yourself a bit but it wasn't working. What did you even expect, Wednesday was an ice queen who never showed her true emotions. The question is: does she even have emotions?
Apparently yes.
You decided it was about time to return to school because you had been walking for who knows how long. The only thing you wanted to do was curl up in your fluffy blankets and forget about Wednesday.
Well... forgetting about her wouldn't be an option anymore because when you looked up from the ground she was standing right in front of you.
"Hello, Y/n." You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at her in silence.
"I have thought about our interaction yesterday and I made the wrong choice by rejecting you. I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding this whole liking someone thing but I know now that I can't bear to see you sad. I tolerate you more than other people which isn't usual so I'm here to ask you, would you like to go on a date with me?" Her whole speech made your heartbeat pick up rapidly and you couldn't help but smile.
As if the speech wasn't enough, a black teddy bear with a blood-red heart in his hands appeared from behind her back.
"I would love to go on a date with you Wednesday." You walked up to her and carefully took a hold of the teddy bear before you connected your pinky with hers.
"So? Where do you wanna go for our first date?" You were a blushing mess after this whole ordeal and Wednesday was a little less murderous that day.
Enid made sure to secretly capture lots of photos of you and Wednesday walking with your pinkies intertwined.
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lycanlovebites · 4 months
little one-shot (1.6k words) of Emil and Wolf’s first real meeting and the ensuing conversation! I originally wrote this last February and I finally went back in today to edit it a bit and change some things. (When I wrote this it was before I realized I (and Wolf) was trans so I had to go in and change the pronouns. I uh really realized exactly how often I use them in this story.) anyways please enjoy this little vampire and werewolf tea party scene!
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Below the cut since it’s a bit long!
Wolf thought back to the first time they met. He was caught in one of Emil’s traps to prevent trespassing one day while waiting out the rain in his forest, confusing it with his own. 
Emil set him free, and despite his dangerous fangs and claws, healed him. Wolf had ran away after that, but he couldn’t stop thinking back to the kind vampire who healed him (despite him also setting the trap). He returned several times over the next few weeks to watch him. Wolf learned that he enjoyed afternoon tea with friends on Sundays, and he meticulously cared for a delicate variety of plants that only bloomed at night. He learned that he liked garlic toast and sunlight on his face, but had to take safety measures first. 
He had learned a lot, but not enough. 
So one evening, when he sat outside to admire his garden, Wolf waited for him. He knew he would be there because he was a creature of habit. He always admired his garden at exactly 6:30 pm every Thursday.
Wolf was waiting for him, right behind his prized 
Night-Blooming Cereus. (He knew its name because Emil  sang it loudly as he watered it every Wednesday evening.) 
He walked out from his house, still freshly lathered in sunscreen, twirling an unopened frilly parasol over his left shoulder.
Wolf  watched from behind his Cereus. 
He hummed a melody to himself and sat down in an ornate lawn chair next to a table with a spread of evening tea. 
Such an odd creature, Wolf thought. Going through the work of preparing tiny foods and making tea and arranging everything so perfectly.. only to sit and sing at some flowers? Every evening?  Who did that? Emil, apparently. 
He watched him fold a satin napkin over his lap, stir a distressing amount of sugar into some tea, and use tiny golden tongs to place mini cucumber sandwiches on a floral china plate. It was utterly foreign to him. When Wolf was hungry, he dug up a cache and ate. Emil had so many rules that it was a wonder why he even bothered eating in the first place. 
When he raised his cup to take the first sip steam fogged his round glasses. Wolf moved forward, quietly, until he stood before him, six feet away. By the time the steam cleared he was just five feet away. 
He saw his eyes snap up to meet his own. 
He had expected to be met with shock or fear in his eyes, for him to drop his cup. But much to his shock all he saw was mild surprise. 
“I was wondering when you would stop by to pay me a visit,” Emil said calmly. “Although from the looks of it, you already have.” 
Wolf took a step back. How had he known? He thought he’d been careful not to reveal himself. He’d covered tracks and studied his routine. All this time he thought he was observing him, but had it been the other way around?
“I’ve noticed you a few times, but you always stayed within the edge of the forest until now. I saw you just the other morning, you know. You were admiring my garden.” He said gently. He had a kind voice. 
He lowered the teacup to the table. “I’m Emil, owner of the estate, as you must know. Who might you be?” He looked curious. 
Wolf paused, thinking. Werewolves didn’t have names in any human language. “Wolf.” 
“Well, Wolf, it is a pleasure to meet you properly. Sadly, our first encounter was not a very pleasant one. Thank you for the chance to make it up again.” He then pulled out a spare teacup from behind the teapot. “Would you like some tea? It’s rose, from my garden.” 
Tea? Wolf never had tea before. It seemed like a kind of simple potion, or maybe a soup. 
“Yes, thank you.” He nodded. 
“Sugar or cream?”
“No thanks.”
He took the cup from Emil’s outstretched arms, reaching to breach the gap between them. 
The beautiful, delicate cup felt so small, so fragile in his clumsy paws. He raised it to his snout to take a sip. It smelled deep and floral and the flavor bloomed and lingered on his tongue. 
“It is… nice,” he said simply.  There weren’t really other words to describe it to him. 
“I’m glad to hear it,” Emil said as he topped off his own cup with more tea. He went to take a sip when his eyes widened like he suddenly remembered something important. “Oh! Where are my manners? Please, have a seat.” Emil exclaimed, gesturing at another seat across the table with the spoon he was using to stir his tea. Wolf got up from the ground and settled into the dainty-framed seat. He felt a bit clumsy surrounded by delicate cups and tiny cutlery. 
“Pardon my forwardness, but I must ask; why have you been watching me all this time? Why visit me after what happened?” Emil asked. 
Wolf was silent for a moment. He thought carefully about his next words. 
“After being trapped, you set me free.” He took a sip of tea. “No Trapper would release a creature like me. Especially in their own forest.” 
Emil smiled. “I’m no trapper. I let you go because I never meant to catch you. It was to prevent trespassing vampires, not wandering creatures. Forgive me for injuring you.” 
“That’s the thing. After you set me free, you healed me. Why?”
“Why? I couldn’t leave you injured, not in good conscience.” Emil nibbled a sandwich. “It was the least I could do. After all, it was my fault you got hurt.” 
The two sat in silence for a moment.
“To answer your other question,” Wolf continued, “after what you did, I was intrigued. I wanted to learn more about you, this.. kind stranger all alone in the forest. I’ve never heard of anyone like you before. I mean, I knew there was someone living here in this forest; the birds talk about it all the time. But I had no idea it was.. you.” Wolf gestured at him. “Say, why do you live here? Not many vampires around the forest, from what I’ve seen.” 
Emil looked thoughtfully on how best to explain. 
“I came here after moving out of my parent’s home. I wanted a nice place of my own where I could live undisturbed. Well, relatively undisturbed, anyways. The deer that keep trying to eat my tomatoes keep me busy I suppose, but it’s nothing as bothersome as business meetings and marketing strategies.” he paused and Wolf looked at him curiously. 
“Business meetings?” He asked, tilting his head in curiosity.
Emil nodded. “My parents were business owners, selling cosmetics and jewelry and such, and they wanted me to inherit their business after they retired. We had always lived in the city, and we never got a chance to leave because of their job. When they retired, they left to travel the world, leaving me to run the place. I.. was never really a businessperson, not like my mothers. I hated the work. I wasn’t good with people, and it felt crushing to work on something I wasn’t good at or passionate about. So one day I sold the company. I took the profits from it and bought this place.” He paused to refill his teacup. “Now, I am ashamed to admit this, but I didn’t tell my parents about everything until months later, when I had settled into my home. I was afraid they’d cut their vacation short because of me. I didn’t want them to take the company back before I could sell it, which was irrational. The company was legally mine until I sold it, but I don’t know. 
“I left a quarter of the profit from selling the company to my mothers, took a quarter for myself, and the rest went to charities and all the workers who stayed with the company.”
“What did your parents think about it all?” Wolf asked. 
“Oh, they were furious of course.” He smiled. “I’ve only heard them that angry when I broke the family heirloom chandelier. I still don’t think Mamie ever forgave me for that one. Anyways, I told them that I had left the city, but I never said where. As far as I’m aware, they have no idea where I am. And if I’m being honest, I’d rather prefer to keep it that way.” He paused to take a sip of tea, blowing the steam off its surface. Wolf caught a flash of something dark in his expression. “As a child, all I wanted was my own life, made of my own choices. I wanted to be in a place that felt alive and free, away from my parents' influence. They had always chosen what school I went to, what hobbies I had, what I did and who I was friends with. They chose my future, and I never got a say. Inheriting the business was the last thing. It was my ticket out, and so I took it.” Emil stared deeply at his tea for a moment. “I live here because it’s my life now. I built my future, and my parents can keep theirs.” His voice was restrained. Wolf could hear how he held back heavier meanings behind those words. His peaceful features had a twinge of defiance. Wolf knew that look. It was the one he made when other wolves threatened to take his  prey. Emil was defensive.
Then he glanced up at him, seeing his understanding. 
[apologies for the open ending! I never really know how to end scenes like this so sorry for that]
[@justaderivative I don’t remember if I tagged u in this before or not but here’s my gay guys and their tea party! Wolf is a little bit of a freak and essentially lurked around this guys house for a few weeks except Emil has been watching this take place the whole time?? They match each others weird forest creature energy I guess. Also yes Emil has issues w his lesbian entrepreneur moms and basically tells the first person he really connects with about it on like their second ever meeting. He needs therapy I’m sure to work through it all but for now he’s busy fending off his garden from woodland animals and trying to cultivate a lovely friendship-to-queer-romance so that’s a problem for him to deal with later.)
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