#he's so wretched hehehe
jyoongim · 8 months
Can you do like pastor gets jealous over y/n before a demon guy friend approached her and when they get to the hotel he fucks her hard but with a lovely aftercare?? Tysm🙏❤️
hehehe Alastor would definitely not like some other male around his darling. Friend or not.
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themes: jealous Alastor, rough sex, possessive, darling just being nice, aftercare, slight fluff
You and Alastor were out on an outing doing a little shopping and whatnot, when an old friend approached you. You smiled “Oh! Its been a age my friend how have you been?” The two of you chatted, completely unaware of the red demon approaching. 
Alastor had noticed that you were no longer by his side and turned his head to see a demon fellow talking to you. He felt his eye twitch when the male wrapped his arm around you and let out a laugh at whatever you had said.
it was when the demon grabbed your hand and kissed it, when Alastor made his presence known.
”Darling who is this?”
You turned to him smiling “Ah Alastor you remember f/n? i was just telling him about the hotel”
Alastor’s smile turned sharp “Aaaaah yeeesss pleasure to see you again”
the demon gulped and gave a nervous laugh.
Alastor wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against him, sneering at the sinner as the poor soul told you of his latest ventures.
”Dear we should head back. Now” Alastor said motioning gently for you to get a move on.
you nodded and bidded your friend a goodbye, hugging him and telling him you hoped to see him again soon.
As you walked way, you failed to notice Alastor turn his head around and morph slightly into his demon form scaring the poor demon to death.
Back at the hotel, Alastor swiftly led you to your shared bedroom.
Once inside, you were just chatting away happily about your friend while taking your shoes off; completely unaware of Alastor’s growing irritation.
”Oh how nice it was to see him! It has been so long. I do hope he come by so I can show him around, he seemed intrigued about our work here”
You were halfway undressed when sharp claws dug into your shoulder, turning you around to see a very fed up Alastor.
his eyes were glowing dials and his antlers had grew.
”Alastor?” You tilted your head in question, wondering what could have set off the lanky demon.
”no more talk of that riff raft dear. It is quite irritating”
you blinked surprised “Alastor don’t tell me youre jealous?”
he let out a laugh as he twirled a piece of your hair
”ooh no dear but…”  you were tossed on the bed and with a bounce he caught your ankle, snatching you to be under him.
he made quick work of you panties and inserted a finger inside of you.
You let out a soft moan and gagged when a claw pressed on your tongue.
Alastor’s smile widened “ it seems my little darling need a reminder that she is mine”
With a sound of his zipper, you let out a whine as he thrusted into you.
bottoming out immediately.
”A-Alastor!” He didn’t give you anytime to adjust as he set a hard pace.
you panted as he rutted into your heat.
Pushing your thighs to your chest, he leaned his weight onto you and grunted as he continued to punish your insides.
”tu es à moi, ma chérie. ce misérable ne pourra jamais vous faire ressentir cela ! est-ce que tu comprends? hmmm?
cette chatte n'est qu'à moi et ne l'oublie pas.”
~you are mine dearest. that wretch will never be able to make you feel this way! do you understand? hmmm?
this cunt is only mine and dont you forget it.~
You nodded moaning loudly as you felt your orgasm rip through you.
”I’m yours alastor, no one else can have me, only you OOH Fuck!”
his thrusts turned erratic and with a growl he emptied his cum into you.
you whined as he gave a few soft thrusts and finally pulled out, smile returning as he watched his cum leak out of you.
Trying to catch your breathe you watch Alastor compose himself and hum and he snapped his fingers and a tub appeared with bubbles.
He lifted you off and bed and placed you in the soothing water.
You sighed as he gently washed you off and smiled softly as he peppered kissed up your exposed shoulders in apology.
”Mmm Al I’m sleepy” you sighed sinking into the tub relaxing.
he finished cleaning you up and dried you off.
bring you back into bed he purred as you cuddled into him, wrapping your limbs around him.
Letting the soft music he played lull you to sleep, you felt him tighten his hold around you.
Alastor mumbled begrudgingly “I might have been a tad jealous”
you giggled in his chest
”knew it”
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p1nk-syr1nge · 3 months
Chemical Reaction
Sun x Reader
| Reader is cleaning out a storage closet for Sun, and accidentally mixes chemicals oh noo!! CW// Blood, chemicals
this is definitely OOC, but it’s my first time actually writing him,, critique is appreciated heheh. Also if u have more Sun requests lmkkk!!
sorry i’ve been gone for so long! i’ve been immensely busy with no motivation to write, but i’m probably gonna write a bit for DCA <:3
You trudged off into the little storage room, exasperated as you drag the cart of cleaning supplies along with you. The cart was supposed to be helpful and make it easier, however the one janky wheel decided it would give you hell today. That is just what you needed, MORE unhelpful mechanicals.
You were grateful that it was just a cart, non sentient and motionless. So you didn’t giving it a harsh kick to the side in a bout of frustration. It didn’t ease the anger though, making it worse as your foot throbbed with pain, making you spew a string of curses. 
Quickly glancing around to make sure no children heard it, or that freakish jester.
Surely if he heard it, he would somehow manage to find a way to make this more difficult for you. It didn’t matter, the Daycare was going to close soon anyways.
After you finally managed to haul the cart into the supply closet, you swiftly closed it. So that way maybe, just maybe, it’d quiet down that wretched jingle on loop. Maybe that’s why Sun is this way, that song was enough to make ANYONE insane.
It was awful and horribly managed in the closet. Stains, dust, everything out of place. Is that black mold?
No matter, you quickly grabbed the supplies, spraying the harsh cleaning fluids. Switching bottles in hand to what you felt was appropriate to the task. This was easy, and honestly you liked it better than watching kids.
Not like Sun would ever let you anyways. Which was stupid to you. You were the Daycare Assistant. Not the Daycare Sit-There-Until-I-Need-You-To-Clean-Something-That-I-Can’t-Immediately-Get-To. If you wanted to do that, you’d apply as janitor. And you didn’t. 
Something something “incompetent”, something something, “no experience”. As if, you’ve been around kids before. You’re GREAT at… scolding them… and putting them in timeout…
Hm. Perhaps Sun kind of had a point, but you’d also never give him that satisfaction of admitting it. He was rude, and passive aggressive, patronizing even. He hated staff. To an extent you knew why, but you’ve still been trying to be on your best behavior. It felt almost like a lost cause, if he just put his guard down for one second, you could get along. 
You and Sun could be friends! Or at the very least, not enemies. Baby steps.
God, what were you even thinking?
You rubbed at your eyes, they burned and itched. So did your throat. Allergies must’ve been acting up…
You paid no mind to it. Continuing your scrubbing, listening whatever was going on the other side of the closet door. 
You could hear Sun wave off the last few kids as they leave with their parents. You suppressed the building up need to cough, opting for the convenient clearing of throat that scratches the itch just slightly. Though it just wasn’t enough for forever.
The second it becomes almost unbearable to suppress, the closet is opened up wide and suddenly.
The animatronic’s looming shadow is deathly still as he takes in the scene for a moment. You could hear his voice box mustering some kind of shrill shriek, or a gasp, or even a mix of the two? Whatever it was, it was not that of joy. 
Quickly, he snatched you up, hurrying to anywhere else away from the closet. He seems a bit frantic, looking around for a moment and goes to place you in a corner of folded blankets and huge stack of pillows.
“Sun, I’m not done cleaning the—“
“Are you silly in the head? Do you want to get hurt??” his voice was shrilly and panicked. 
“What did I even do?!” You huffed, trying to stand up and slide off the mountain of cushions. Though, your feet hit the floor and you were instantly dizzy, almost nauseous. The itch that lingered in the back of your throat grew and grew. His hands were on you again, picking you up just to put you back on top. 
You swatted at his hands to no avail. 
“Do you even have a sliver of self preservation, friend?” You stared at him for a moment, eyes watering. Not from him yelling at you, but from you trying not to choke and hack in his face. “No ventilation, so, so, SO careless! I can’t leave you alone for one second without some horrible accident!”
Still, you’re confused, you don’t understand what he’s trying to get at, or barely anything at all with how dizzy you are. Though the second he sticks his finger out accusingly and jabs at your chest, the coughing fit you’ve been holding off ensues. Your reaction time is off and before you can bring your hand up to cover your mouth it’s all over sun’s face.
Blood splatters onto his faceplate and he’s deathly still.
“Agh! Sun! Sorry, sorry!!” You scrambled, trying to look for anything to wipe up the crimson mess, the dusty rag you had in your pocket. You stuttered out millions of “sorry”s a second. For a moment he was still standing rigid, though he quickly got himself out of the daze, moving quickly to hold you still once more.
If he didn’t hate you before, spitting up blood in his face would certainly do the trick.
“You need to breathe, Friend,” he shook you a bit.
“It was an accident I promise!”
“Duh! I didn’t think you were smart enough to make chlorine gas on purpose!” He said, his voice a bit too cheery for that, flicking your forehead.
“…chlorine…?” You could only stare. His mechanical equivalent of a sigh came and he took the rag from your hand to finish what you started. When you looked down and it really caught up to you that you coughed up blood, you even really considered what was even happening.
Ohh… in all your mindless cleaning, you must’ve mixed chemicals, stuck in a little closet with no air flow, inhaling that was certainly not good for you. Had you been in there any longer it could’ve been fatal.
“Sorry… again,” a sheepish smile was given, in hopes to compensate for that ordeal. Sun only returned a head tilt full of pity.
“Perhaps you should stay off cleaning duty until I can properly teach you what to use,” he mused. “Unless you don’t mind wiping the playscape top to bottom with baby wipes.”
You gave him a strained smile, not wanting to seem too enthusiastic nor against it. Knowing he absolutely would make you do such a thing if he was having a particularly bad day.
All in all, you just got a scolding, and he wouldn’t let you even think about getting up. Any time you tried was fruitless, led to him just pushing you back down. It was past your shift time, and they weren’t paying you overtime.
He did give you a blanket though, that was nice. Nicer than he’s ever really been. You got the bare minimum. It was embarrassing how giddy you felt inside for some general kindness.
You honestly wanted to pull your teeth out after he asked you how you were feeling. Though with your pathetic “fine,” he clearly wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t seem to care enough to prod. You were fine enough, and anymore attention from him would’ve made you feel ten times worse. 
Fortunately you had managed to get a little nap in. Though it was cut short with Sun practically dragging you out before the lights went out. You were too drowsy and sickly to even consider looking back right now.
However, a part of you wanted to think that maybe he cared even a little about your wellbeing, regardless if it was purely his programming or not. 
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moronkombat · 1 year
hmmm, being punished by shang tsung, pls? 😳😳😳
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yandere shang tsung? yandere shang tsung punishing you? hehehe...
tw: yandere, dub/con
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A fool...a person who acts unwisely and without sense. That certainly describes you quite well, doesn't it? It must as here you hang from chains unbreakable. Arms so stretched into the air as metal irritates your wrists raw and bloodied. Feet just barely touch the ground, stepping on the very tips of your toes just so that you may stand.
This to be expected, however. It your fault that you in this position. For if you had not tried to run, to escape, then you would not be horribly restrained. You know this not the worst of it. No, this a kindness compared to what will be set upon you.
Your little escape attempt had failed, you should have known you could not run away. You can never run away from him. Why did you try? Why did you have to try?
Footsteps enter the room and they are louder than sound. Your attention is so rapid to them and there he stands. He looks as he always does, wry smile and hand resting near his cheek. It so difficult for you to know what he experiencing. The skin upon his face but a mask for the creature that lurks under it.
A throat is dry and eyes are widened and scared. You watch him approach you and you wish to shrink away. There is no such paradise such as that. He remains quiet, the coy gaze leaving you to glance towards a work table.
Panic, petrification, terror. You are the first to say something. "S-Shang Tsung...Shang, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was bad, very bad...!"
Words are so hurried and yet his remain silenced as he searches for something unknown to you. The bile in you burns and twists and you feel ill. For him to say nothing...for him to keep smirking, you are doomed, you're you?
"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry! I-I won't ever do it again. I-I promise!"
Viper like eyes find you and he pauses as if expecting you to continue and so you must.
"I won't ever try to leave ever again! I won't run away! I won't! I promise I will never leave you ever!"
Words are screams as you desperately plead your case and affirmations. Your throat so dry from all these hurried promises, it burns, it burns.
So does the hand that lightly grasps your chin. Eyes meet each other and Shang Tsung smiles, brushing the hair from your eyes. His head tilts ever so slightly while his dark gaze devours you from top to bottom.
A thumb swipes a tear from your cheer and then there is relief, lightness. How cruel of you to believe in it. "Oh my sweet treasure, I know you won't."
His hand, so soft, leaves you and lips burst from a scream of forgiveness. You will find none. Bent over a table you are, pushed and shoved. Your head is shaking while you tell him over and over to have mercy.. You should learned not to cry mercy long ago.
There is a strike to your flesh but where and with what? So simple really. Shang Tsung's hand collides with the raw flesh of your rounded rear where it sends reddening ripples through your skin. Time is not on your side and soon another comes slamming down upon you.
A shriek breaks from your throat and your neck bends. Another and then more after that. His palm collides with the supple flesh of your ass again and again. It stings, it aches, it's so perfectly wretched. No, no, why must you find pleasure in this? Why does your body betray you once more?
Shang Tsung watches with an all too pleased smile while he watches your skin bleach red and bounce under his punishment. His next hit he decides to wind up, this one harder than the rest. Your yelp has his spine tingling with electric ecstasy. Those eyes of his catch the beautiful sparkle between you legs, do wet and dripping.
His finger gathers but a bit before it is pushed inside your tight and begging hole. You mewl, toes curling and eyes falling to the back of your skull. Shang Tsung twists his finger inside you, curling it to glide across your spongy ridges. Your body is a well studied specimen. He knows where to caress to bring you to euphoria and back.
Shang Tsung does not such thing. Not now. Not when you have been so very naughty. Tonight he shall avoid where you are wanting his touch the most. He will have you quickly understanding that you need him in order to feel good, to be worth anything.
You're begging for release, for that mercy you want so badly. If you thought your throat had been made raw before, it is nearly bleeding with exhaustion now. There's a chuckle at your ear and finger so coated in something sticky forced into your mouth. The taste is that of honey coated in sugar.
"I know you'll never leave me, treasure. The only paradise to escape to is with me." Spoken by a tongue most silver while again and again his hand comes down upon your flesh. There is no telling how many more times he will continue to taunt your now scorched skin but you know that escape, any chance of it, is dead.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (24)
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24. SnowStorm
Summary: An unknown ray of hope
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, war, and all that comes with it, implied forced imprisonment, and implied non-con, pregnancy, angst, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: I don't know what is gotten inside of me, I'm inspired hehehe, remember that the timing on this has been paced by x3 haha
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Nobody talked to you, nobody told you anything, but you could tell something was wrong, very, very wrong.
People seemed nervous and skittish, Aemond was gone for most part of the day, and night, he left you alone, and you took the opportunity to relax in your bed
You were grieving, but it was so hard, you had no process, no nothing, Cregan was far away, and suddenly he was dead, but you couldn’t process it, you couldn’t even think about it
A single tear fell down your eye as you touched your belly
Was it Cregan’s? or was it Aemond’s?
You couldn’t possibly know
Yes you had bled, but the maester said it was common having a little spotting in early stages of pregnancy… but still… you were showing up quite early if you were to believe it was Aemond’s 
But you couldn’t help but wonder…
You guessed you had to wait until it was born.
You hoped it was a girl but… if it was Cregan’s you doubted Aemond was going to let you keep it, you could only pray that he would take the time to take it to Winterfell where she or he could be safe… but if it was his…
You cried louder
Once you stopped crying and were laying on your bed, Aemond entered the room
“I have news”, he said, his voice sounded strangled, you sat on the bed and looked at him wide-eyed
“What?”, you asked
“I will take you out of here”, he said, like it was good news, perhaps they were
“Are we going to King’s Landing?”, you asked, your voice plain
“No, I’m taking you to your home in the Vale”, that really surprised you
“What?”, you asked, not believing him
“I’m already making the arrangements”, he said, he was serious, but not like always, he did not have that superiority demeanor that always accompanied him
“And King’s Landing?”
“No”, he answered sharply, he wouldn’t tell you anything, a war had broken outside these walls and you didn’t even know what was happening, but one thing soothed you… If Aemond was here, he was not in the field, possibly killing members of your family.
The love of your life and father to your babies might be dead, but at least, at least, with your personal sacrifice, you could help your family in gathering and preparing, distracting the man with the biggest dragon in the world
it was a consolation
But not knowing what was going on outside those wretched walls did make you feel uneasy, the fact that Aemond was here the entire time made you believe that rather things were going terribly well with the Greens, or he was out of it completely
Aemond after looking deep into your face, prepared to leave
“What happened?”, you asked him, and then he looked at you, his eye then fell to your belly
“You are with my child, this is a terrible and dark place, you need to be in a more nicer place, if we want the child and you to thrive”, he said so seriously, like he was talking about a political arrangement 
You wanted to remind him that it was Cregan’s baby, but you stopped yourself, one because you didn’t want him to… “get rid of it” as he threatened you he would do, and two, you weren’t even sure.
“When?”, you asked
“Tomorrow”, he said shortly, and then he abandoned your room.
You were almost blinded when you took a step outside, having seen the sunlight directly in months. You almost had forgotten what the clear, pure air smelt like, being trapped in that hellish room. Some days you thought you had lost your mind.
But here you were
You should be happy that you are going back to your own home, some place you had the advantage in, but then… the advantage for what exactly?
Trying to kill him again?
That would backfire terribly
Trying to escape?
And where would you go? back to Winterfell? your loved ones would pay the price of your actions, you knew it.
And if it was Aemond’s baby?
You whimpered when you realized… there was no way out of this, of him…
Vhagar roared in front of you both to prove it, in a greeting, and she made you tremble. Aemond grabbed your hand and led you towards her, your own dragon wasn’t even in sight, Aemond helped you up the ropes first and then he followed you closely.
Under normal circumstances you would be on the other side of the castle away from this wretched beast, but you didn’t want to fight, you didn’t want to upset him. 
You accommodate yourself in the saddle, and Aemond arranged the leather straps around your thighs carefully and then he chained himself to the saddle, you felt him at your back his hand surrounded you to take the reins 
You didn’t miss his fingers ghosting over your belly.
Vhagar was heavy and slow and yet, she took flight easily. Soon you were in the skies, the last time you had done so, was when you surrender yourself to Aemond
You leaned back, your body fully pressed against Aemond, trying to push up your own body was making you have a cramp, and you didn’t have the strength to endure one, not right now.
Aemond smiled, he took to the skies, with you in his arms, your body leaning completely on his, his baby in your belly, he felt like the King of the world, and how could he not?
“When I’m in the skies… it feels that this is where I belong”, he whispered in your ear, “specially with you in my arms”
And the funny thing is, you also felt the same when you were in the skies.
“This is why they say Targaryen are closest to gods than to men”, you said back, wanting to avoid the subject
The flight was longer than you had expected, Vhagar being slow. Or perhaps it was the company that made it dreadfully tiring
You were glad the wind made it difficult to sustain a conversation.
You wondered how Aemond knew exactly where your home was, but you tried not to dwell on it too much, for your own peace of mind.
Vhagar landed heavily on the ground, right in front of it. It was just like you remembered, from four years ago when you escaped the Red Keep when… When Aemond tried to pressure you into giving him your maidenhead
People started coming out of the castle, to your surprise, they didn’t even seem surprised to see Vhagar there, they had been expecting you… although… The people, your own people, seemed scared to see you, you remembered some of them, specially from when you escaped the Red Keep and spend here a couple of months, but they even dare to look at you
Perhaps this what Aemond had meant when he said “he had already made the arrangements”, meaning terrorize the servants of the castle out of their loyalty to you
The Vale was loyal to Rhaenyra, he surely needed to make sure nobody was going to open their mouths about you being here.
“It is quite beautiful”, Aemond said, placing his hands on your hips, encouraging you to enter your childhood home, where your father had raised you with his kindness and his love. You were sad it had to be tainted by Aemond, and what he was going to keep doing to you
You entered your home slowly, drinking everything in, you had missed it, it had huge windows and wide, colorful, sunlit rooms. It wasn’t as big as the seven great castles, but… it was a castle nonetheless 
He walked the halls as he knew them, perhaps he had been here in your absence, and that made you even more scared, about how deranged Aemond was
You wanted to go towards your room, but Aemond continued down the corridor towards what it was your father’s old room
“Aemond”, you called, “that is…”
“The master bedroom of this castle I took”, he said, opening the double doors, signaling for you to enter behind him.
You weren’t fazed to enter the room, your father’s things had been taken away years ago, and.. you don't quite remember it from your childhood when he was alive.
The room had huge windows, a balcony, a huge bed freshly made, you could tell, a table with chairs in one corner, and nightstands on each side of the huge bed with a wood canopy. 
“I could get accustomed to this”, Aemond said, you didn’t look at his face, but you could picture perfectly his smug face, “you, and me, reigning our small castle, with an army of silver haired children”, you sighed, already tired of his fantasy, you walked towards the windows and looked over at the sea and the risks of the Vale. You placed your hand on the window, longing for freedom, even though you wouldn’t know what to do with it.
Cregan was gone.
You felt the bed move behind you, and you turned around to see Aemond sitting on the edge of the bed. He taped the mattress by his side
“I want to feel you”, he moaned, and you only walked towards him, surrendering yourself to him, so broken to even fight him on this
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What you didn’t know is that the greatest army the North has ever seen, had been gathering, marching from every corner to the coldest realm, already recuperated from the Winter, and ready to eliminate any threat to the reign of Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The Northerner Army met in Caitlin’s Vale, all around the castle of the same name.
Nobody knew who was going to lead said army. They had been called by Lord Roderik, to avenge their Lord, and they had all answered to the call.
For avenging Lord Cregan Stark. 
The huge camp was a sight to behold, each house of the North, the great one and the smaller ones, all of them had come.
And as their leaders met in the middle, to discuss strategy and where they were going to meet the Knights of the Vale, the remains of the Winter Wolves marched into the camp, leading them, as a hooded figure.
Every soldier made way for the huge stallion that led the main leaders of the small army, as they bowed their heads, they didn’t know who it was, but the bare figure demanded respect 
The leaders of the Great army both payed attention to the group approaching, and it was only when they were in front of them, that Cregan removed his hood, revealing himself to the camp amongst gasps and cheers
“CREGAN CREGAN CREGAN!”, they started chanting for their Lord 
“They embushed us!”, he shouted, “they burnt us! and yet… we are here!”, he said, to everyone’s cheers, “Aemond Targaryen, the Kinslayer, has taken my wife, the Lady of Winterfell, his brother the usurper, has taken our Queen’s throne!”, he said and he heard them booing, “For our burnt fathers and brothers, for your lady of winterfell, for the justice for the traitors, WE MARCH!”
With those words the army was fired up to march south, to kill every Green that stands in their way, to recuperate you
Cregan joined the leaders in the main tent.
“This time, we will not be alone”, he said firmly, “Daemon Targaryen and his dragon will meet us in the Crossroads Inn, he said, pointing to a map, but we, before that, we will join the Knights of the Vale, right about there as well”
“And the Rogue Prince will take care of the dragon?”, asked Lord Cerwyn
“That is what is expected, yes”, said Cregan.
“Is the Lady (Y/N) going to be in Harrenhal?”, asked another
“Our job is to take the castle, the real battle will be after we take Harrenhal and march souther still
“This is the greatest army the Seven Kingdoms has ever seen!”, said Lord Roderik, “it is impossible that we are going to march undetected through the Riverlands”
“In that case, the Baratheons and the Royal army of traitors will be there to meet us”, said Cregan, “and that will work to our advantage, it will save us a trip, we end half of the Green forces in one attack, they will have no chance against us”
The determination of their lord inspired all the men, this time, they will not fail
And so they started the slow march, as their number tripled the one of the last time, the pace was three times slower. 
Cregan wanted them to know, he wanted all his enemies in one place, to kill them all at once. You were the only thing on his mind. 
This was going to take him months, much to his dismay, but he knew his Queen held the Capital, he knew his son and his home was safe, and he knew you were alive, that monster might take you, but he wouldn’t harm you or he would have learnt about it by now.
You were waiting for him, he knew it
It was all that kept him sane, the thought of you, waiting for him. 
It was in moments like this he wished he could fly, just like you, he wished to be strong just like you, his beautiful wife, mother of his child.
He wondered if you thought he was dead, he really didn’t hope so, although he knew the Kinslayer would have told you. He wondered if you were pregnant with his baby, he was sure you were when he left you in Winterfell, he had learnt to know you and your beautiful body.
He sighed as he saw his army march from over a hill
The only thing he wanted to do was to have you by his side, cuddling you, and his son on his chest, your pregnant belly pressed against him. 
Soon, he thought 
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Aemond looked at you, you yourself were looking at the window, touching your big belly, he could not tell if what he felt in his chest was something good or something bad, it was a crippling feeling, a burn so intense he believed it could burn him whole. 
He had to leave you for a few weeks, having to go to the battlefield, but his return was swiftly. His brother, the King, was missing, his mother was captured, his grandfather executed, and his other brother…
They said he died on his successful campaign as his burning tent fell on top of him, others say he was murdered in his nightshirt by a myrnise. 
Anyways, they were losing this war
The only front that was winning was the seafront on the East, and the Lannister Army on the West, this was not lost yet, but his sister, was also a prisoner of Rhaenyra, he was scared of what they might do to her after the murder of his nephew, 
And rumors had reached them that a huge Northerner army was marching from the North, he was longing to face them on the battlefield, to burn that wretched country once and for all. 
He did not feared them, for they had no one to lead them, the last remaining Stark couldn’t even talk, it was a baby in a crib 
Which led him back to…
“When I fantasized about being with you, I have never picture this”, he said bitterly, you turned to look at him, seriousness in your eyes
“You didn’t expect to kill my husband?, threatened my infant son? rape me? go figure”, you asked, you had become more bold as your pregnancy progressed, Aemond said it was because of the dragon inside of you, he had never been rough with you, he has been rather patient.
“I said you were mine and I was going to do anything to prove it”, of course it was your fault, perhaps if you had accepted the marriage with him in the first place, nothing would have ever happened, maybe Cregan would still be alive, “but there is no point on dwelling of what might have been”, he said, his voice plain.
It was hard to know what was going on inside his head, really
“I want to know what is happening”, you said firmly, looking back at him
“What do you mean?”, he asked
“What is going on with the war that broke out when you killed Lucerys?”, you asked firmly, he chuckled darkly
“What would you know about the intricacies of war?”, he mocked
“Is my family dead?”, you asked firmly
“If it was, do you think we would be hiding here?”, he asked
“Perhaps they all are, your brother regions on his usurped throne”, you bit back. He looked at you, analyzing your face, really wondering if he should tell you about what was going on
Perhaps if you knew Rhaenyra sat the Iron Throne, you would be persuaded to try to get away from him, perhaps you would try to escape him, knowing the blacks were winning
“i don’t know where your cunt of a cousin is, but my brother sits the Iron Throne”, he said bitterly, and you lost your attention off of him and back to look outside the window
He didn’t know if you did that because you didn’t believe him, or rather, if you did and you believed everything was lost, that you were irrevocably his
“I arranged for a short ceremony”, he said then, you turned to face him once more, frowning
“A short ceremony for what?”, you asked, angrily
“We are to be wed”, he said
“No”, you whined
“Yes”, he said firmly, your eyes filled with tears
“NO!”, you screamed, “why?”, you cried, accusing him
“You are a widow, and you are carrying my child, there is no discussion”, and his heart broke when he saw the utter despair and hate in your eyes who looked so much like his own. 
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more notes: is the baby Cregan's? Or Aemond's? what do you think?
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lightlycareless · 6 months
Has Naoya and Y/N ever been caught during the deed lol?
😏 why would you want to know that, hm? hoped they have? hehehhe lmao ignore me.
Ok so this actually gave me the best excuse to write a small follow up of what happened after this one-shot heheh. Call it a… Naoya and Y/N aren’t as smooth as they thought.
(but you’ll find another answer at the end of the drabble too 😊)
warnings: none. just the slightest mentions of nsfw. also this is a continuation of another oneshot so as needed I have to say MINORS DNI. mentions of pregnancy. a jealous manager. naoya defends what's his.
Happy reading!
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It would happen just a few weeks later after that mission ended through a keenly attentive, not easily fooled manager who didn’t believe any of the words written down in the report.
They didn’t make sense, none of it did; but what was most infuriating is that everyone seemed to be ok with it!
And of course they would—the Zen’in heir probably paid his way out of it, just like he always does, and who would dare oppose him?!
Your manager, though, as if he wasn’t very much already, suspected there was something deeper going on. Far more than what the eye revealed between the two, which became nothing but clear for him when that transpired.
What did you even see in that wretched, egocentric, selfish, boring man? He’s done nothing but constantly belittle those around him with his grandiosity that wasn’t even his to being with! Given to him by those before!
It hurts him so much to see how hopelessly in love you are with Naoya, someone so kind and beautiful as you… that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to open your eyes to the truth, even if that were to greatly humiliate you.
And so, after slowly, diligently, for days and days on end, examining the report and place you both allegedly cleared of all curses, he comes to the shocking, albeit slightly disgusting conclusion that something more transpired there.
An insult to the protocol you both swore to abide as sorcerers, as well as a transgression to his yet-to-be disclosed feelings for you.
One that he did not hesitate to inform to the higher ups, those that initially didn’t care much for it, thinking it to be nothing but senseless gossip, until he reminded them that this could easily be used as a way to blackmail the Zen’in—imagine the outrage from the community if they were to hear of the unruly relationship between the heir, and you, though coming from a respected family, was still considered a lesser sorcerer to their standards?!
He wished to not cause you any pain, but it’s only through this method that you’ll understand why Naoya was not good for you. Nothing compared to what he can provide, if only you’d let him.
Something meant to happen when summoned by HQ to be interrogated, alongside relatives and fellow sorcerers that wished to see if the rumors circulating the two were true.
“Care to explain what truly happened in the mission?” One of the higher ups would speak, eyes directly set on you, the one firstly responsible for the job.
“I—I’ve written it in the report, there’s nothing else to say.” You quickly respond, doing your best to hide the tremor in your voice, well aware that your lies had been discovered yet hoping they truly hadn’t. “Unless you wished a detailed explanation of… something else…?”
“The truth.” Another insists. “Do not act like you don’t know what we’re talking about—we have enough evidence to dictate otherwise!”
“But—But nothing happened! I just miscalculated the presence of a curse, but I fixed it afterwards! The place is safe to be inhabited again!” you gasp. “I know there’s a discrepancy in the hours in between but it was nothing that—”
“There shouldn’t have been a discrepancy to begin with!” The first one adds. “What exactly were you two doing during the mission?!”
“She’s told you already, it was only a slight miscal—” Naoya interjects, only to be shot down immediately after.
“This is for her to answer!”
“I—I don’t have anything else to say—” you stammer, growing desperate at their relentless insistence, feeling like you were being effectively cornered with no foreseeable escape…
Which would have been almost true, if they hadn’t irked Naoya in more ways than one, beginning from this useless summon, their belittlement of you, and now, their interruption when he spoke.
Naoya was never one to accept offences towards himself or anything that pertained to him, regardless of who it came from…
Perhaps it was time to remind them of who truly held power here.
“But I do.” Naoya frowns, taking a step forward and looking them in the eye, preparing himself to state the new course of your and his life. “The reason why we took longer than anticipated was because I proposed to her. I’m going to marry Y/N.”
“What?!” Your manager is the first to squeak, followed by the gasps of those present at the meeting and confusion from the higher ups.
“We kept this relationship a secret because honestly, it is no one’s business to know of it.” Naoya proceeded, now taking your hand. He feels the uncertainty in your skin, the fear of disclosing an aspect kept secret until now…
Yet, his company reassures you that even though this was not the way either envisioned revealing their relationship, he is not ashamed to do so. Assert was his heart had been dreaming of… as well as offer a distraction from the lapsed that occurred during the mission.
Although for the last…  speckled with a bit of exaggeration.
“And she’s pregnant too. So, you’d do good to not refer to the mother, and my wife, of the future Zen’in heir in such crude manner!”
And with that, Naoya’s purpose becomes true, with the notion of the outrageous mission tossed out the window and effectively replaced with the unexpected news of your new civil status, what it meant for the L/N, the Zen’in, as well as the supposed pregnancy that officially united both.
Your manager was beyond enraged that his plan not only failed but paved the way for his worst nightmares to become real—though that is something he wouldn’t have to worry about anymore, Naoya having quickly labeled him as the responsible behind this ridiculous endeavor and promptly got… rid of him.
Besides, it’s not like you’ll have much use for him either way, for your attention will solely remain on him from that point forward.
And perhaps something else…
“Well, it’s a good thing we managed to get out of that one alive.” Naoya says, now that it’s not necessary to hide your relationship with him, he finds comfort in walking through the halls of his alma mater while holding your hand. “Though it’s a shame of how it came to be…”
“I suspected this might’ve happened, but that doesn’t mean I was expecting half of the jujutsu community to be there…” you silently admit, still battling through the shame and sorrow this situation brought you. “At least I won’t have to worry about how I’ll tell my family about it!”
“I’m more worried about the pregnancy I had to lie about so they’d leave us alone.” Naoya laments, a part of him… hoping it wasn’t the case. “However we proceed from here, it’s bound to have some… outrageous responses.”
Thankfully, his prayers might just be heard.
“Actually… it might’ve not been a total lie…”
Naoya stops on his tracks, eyes widening as he turns to see you.
“Y/N?” he murmurs, unwilling to be fooled on, unless…?
Your smile tells him everything.
“I fear that the pill might’ve not worked as properly as we hoped.” You continue. “So, you were not that far off when saying I was pregnant…”
“Are you being truthful right now?” Naoya breathes. “Or is this a ploy to—”
“Why would I do that?” you pout before giggling. “I want this baby as much as you do!”
“Then you’ve made me the happiest man in the world.” He immediately admits, taking you into his arms before lifting you for a kiss. “I can’t believe it, a baby of our own!”
“Well, believe it!” you grin. “But what are we going to do about the wedding…? I hoped to get married before getting pregnant…”
“We’ll have to do it quick. Preferably before your stomach begins to show.”
“…And before nothing fits me anymore.” You lament.
“You’ll look delectable either way.” He playfully incites, you pout once more. Naoya laughs as he pinches your cheek. “My wife.”
“Husband.” You smile back, leaning into his hand. “And soon, daddy.”
“Don’t say that, unless you don’t mind being caught here too.”
“Ugh no, let’s go home.” You say, not batting an eye as you pull him to the exit, hoping to leave all this behind and focus on the congratulations your family (and some of Naoya’s) have in order, as well as the preparations for your new, loving life next to your beloved husband.
And Naoya happily obliges, a bright, wide grin on his face caused by the satisfaction a home with you signifies.
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Ok so... I have to say, they hadn't been caught per say, because everyone knows when they're doing it. Like, it's not a secret—they're loud. Especially in paper thin walls as the ones at the Zen'in estate.
However, let's say that the innocent ones, the distracted, new members of the staff might've gotten quite the surprise the first time they heard about this. Maybe even stumbled upon them... who knows? 😏 Actually something just crossed my mind. I'll write about it later.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small, nobody-asked sequel for that one particular oneshot! I've had this thing on my mind for a while, how everyone would eventually know of their relationship. Just as Y/N said, one less thing to worry about.
Thank you so much for sending in this ask!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
Heheh mingyu + cute + 9:27am
on god, i will kill whoever shares a wall with mingyu, is your first thought of the day.
you lay there, head positively spinning, as you hear the perpetrator snooze their train horn alarm for the fifth time that morning.
your second is, fuck, i actually went home with him, and your third falls somewhere along the lines of having the worst hangover headache of your twenty something years of being alive.
the bed next to you is cold (mingyu probably has class), you’re in a big white shirt (must have put it on after getting your back blown out), and curiously, mingyu has a studio ghibli poster you never noticed on the back of his door (good, although it would have ruined the mood if you knew totoro had witnessed all of that).
the unsavory details from last night come flooding back to you like the final chapter of an agatha christie novel, except you still don’t really get it.
kim mingyu, resident heartthrob of sigma alpha epsilon and the guy you just happened to tutor on tuesdays, not only invited you to a party, but somehow landed you in his bed, wearing his clothes.
on an average day, sleeping with a guy five million miles out of your league would be the college fairytale of your dreams, except you have class in two hours and the room is so bright, so flooded with sunlight, you think you will actually die if you open your eyes any wider.
you kind of wished things would be different.
(let’s get out of here, mingyu had said last night, and a part of you already knew what was going to happen. but instead, he walked you to in-n-out, draped in his big letterman jacket, and you spent the next two hours talking about everything and nothing over an order of animal fries.
and you remember him hovering over you, his silver necklace tantalizing and cold against the skin of your neck, asking in that awfully low voice of his—are you sure? we don’t have to.
and you pleaded and begged yes, yes, want it, want you, because you actually had the most embarrassing crush on him and somehow you fell in love all over again watching him get thousand island sauce on that nice button up of his.)
but in true fratboy fashion, he’s gone, and you’re just another girl left to dry in the wretched sigma house.
it’s then that you hear a knock on the door, at first frantic, then softly.
“mingyu’s not here,” you holler, although it’s more of a croak than a shout. “i don’t even live here.”
“um. this is mingyu,” comes the muffled voice. “sorry, i—” you can just picture him rubbing the back of his neck, piecing his next sentence together. “i thought you might want some breakfast?”
hearing the same voice that said basically unrepeatable things last night now shy as ever, asking permission to enter his own room, gives you the worst whiplash of your life. on top of that, you’re embarrassingly relieved that he did not, in fact, abandon you.
“yeah, uh, sure. thanks.” you scramble for your phone to make sure you look ok, but promptly realize the fool is charging it on his desk. so instead you just lay there, trying to look as alive as possible.
the door opens slowly, and through your half-lidded, squinty eyes, you make out what possibly could be the most beautiful man alive, looking like a dream in low hanging sweats and a muscle tee. and he has a plate of pancakes and orange juice.
“sorry, i look terrible.” the words just fly out of your mouth.
“no you don’t,” he chides in that awfully attractive pout of his. “was gonna say you look great. especially after everything that happened last night.”
he grins, all teeth and pretty pink lips, as you fight to not pull the covers over your head and just perish on the spot. “please shut up. i thought you abandoned me, you know. and i decided i was gonna stop tutoring you and let you fail organic chemistry.”
mingyu laughs and sits beside you on the bed, warm gaze falling on you. “i’m sorry. please don’t do that. i need you,” he jokes, and you both laugh again, feeling that post hookup awkwardness permeate the space.
he moves to brush the hair out of your forehead, but stops himself. he’s not sure what to do (he likes you, a lot actually, and that itself is enough to zap all rational thought from his brain).
“are you feeling ok?” mingyu asks instead. “i brought a warm towel and an advil. you know, uh, if you had a headache or something.”
it’s cute seeing him trip over his words, and you nod, giving him the ok to fuss over you.
“can you sit up? do you want me to feed you?” the questions come a mile a minute, but you’re never one to complain over a real life disney prince fawning over you.
so you let him, god, for some reason him propping you up against his pillows is a thousand times hotter than whatever he did last night, and you make the executive decision to waste your entire friday morning to spend it with him.
you’re still not sure what you are—friends, acquaintances, or something in the middle.
you wouldn’t dare think lovers though, except when he blows on a forkful of pancake to cool it down, you briefly consider marriage.
(before you go, he kisses your forehead. “catch a movie with me tomorrow?” he asks, taking his sunglasses off the top of his head and sliding them onto your face—he knows you lied when you said your head wasn’t hurting anymore.
“is this because you wanna—”
“it’s because i want to take you on a date. a real one. can i?”
he smiles at you again, radiant and honest, and you find you don’t doubt him for a second.)
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melodrama-ticcc · 1 year
abstract: bubba never learned the importance of acts of kindness and simple gestures. your new role in the family has begun to change that.
warnings: reader and bubba are platonic. brother/sister relationship, fluff and pure wholesomeness, brief mention of killing, i didn’t proofread because i am very lazy, sorry heheh.
solace is found in the tranquility of the bright, cheery sunflowers. their golden tincture and lofty height making them as warm and inviting as the summer sun. rays of sunshine emitting from their dark centers. their triumphant stocks grow thick and long, hairy spines catching the light of the midday sun above. their heads look to the sky as if to admire the faultless beauty in its cerulean colors and heavy heat of the dazzling star above them. leaves droop in a careless fashion, gifting some shade to the creatures below. it’s pretty, the way they shift and dance gently in the warm breeze that falters. only to return every so often with another soft gust.
they’re all-seeing, observers of all in a never ending spectacle. perhaps that is the reason they brought fourth the idea of contentment and peace. for they bare no judgement. complacent in their nature and the symbol of joy and happiness.
the sunflower fields were perhaps the only place on the homestead untouched by the wretched atrocities committed by this bloodlust family. less the human matter that compromised the soil’s fertilizer should be considered in that regard. but, what was unbeknownst to her wouldn’t bare her any harm.
the flowers come in varying lengths and sizes. some stemming to be taller than her, others rise just above her hip line, some greet her at eye level, and the smallest of them all barely reach the knees. the sun peaks through the foliage to glisten over the high points of the girl’s features. shining brilliantly against the bridge of her nose as she winces against the warmth of the texas sun. a soft smile befalls her chapped lips as she feels the warmth tickle against the skin of her face, down the length of her neck and glimmering prettily over her exposed collarbones. reaching upwards, she can just barely grasp the soft rays of the flowers. rubbing the velvety petals between the pads of her fingers delicately. they’re warm with the day’s sun. flashing in the golden colors of the heat from above. it’s pleasant and peaceful, euphoric in a way one might not expect to experience in a place like this. it is strange to find such a beautiful and inviting thing.
bubba never fully understood the value and importance of gentle gestures and tenderness. but perhaps, this was on account of how he’d been raised by his immoral and detached elder brothers. he found it difficult to express such elaborate displays of affection, strange to be benevolent and careful with others. the only time he’d ever experienced such was with grandpa, but that was on account of his disability and frailness. in other words, bubba hadn’t seen him as a threat.
for he feared more than he could bear to be sweet and soft. he feared more than he felt safe. the constant come and go of strangers had put him in a constant state of uncertainty and terror, a constant looming of paranoias. for he killed of fear, not malice. this young woman was no exception.
bubba watched as her arm twirled gracefully in the sunlight. cautiously from a short distance in that same sunflower field. often times he sought the advice and comfort of the flowers and their wisdom. frolicked in their own carefree and pleasant ways. it has been amongst the only times he would find peace of mind. an escape from the influx of insults and violence hurled his way by the family. a place where someone like him could truly be gleeful.
he watches as she reaches for the fragile flowers closer towards the ground. spinning it between her slender fingers as she brings the bud up to her nose. a quiet sniff, and a gentle smile. intrigued, he mimics her actions. carefully bending over to pluck a small sunflower from the soil, sitting back up, and bringing the head of the flower to his nose to smell for himself.
the smell of the earth fills bubba’s nostrils. the faintest hint of sweetness invading the warm smell. it’s soft and sweet, yet strikes him unexpectedly. he sniffles, not before dropping the flower as he sneezes. his foot moving to step on the plant accidentally. the fragrance twinges his nose, despite its pleasant smell. he’s stunned, spooked, and upset he’d destroyed something he found to be so pretty. groans of concern and sadness leave his mouth as he stares at the partially destroyed flower. only to look back up to find the girl slowly approaching him. offering him her own flower she’d picked only moments ago in the accident’s wake.
she’s terrified, still not fully accustomed to her new home life or family members. therefore cautious and unsure, just as he is. but she sees the vulnerability and display of softness bubba possesses. and a part of her almost feels pity, intertwined with the longing to be kind to such a lost soul.
her frail arm shaking, bubba hesitantly takes the flower from her hand. her gesture met with just as much caution and fear. but beneath that skin mask, he smiles. a disgruntled and amused laugh befalling his lips. his display of happiness is met with a bright smile. to which, the both find some degree of comfort. she moves to remove the mutilated flower from the ground below, examining it closely and shaking her head.
“ it ain’t ruined. ” she dusts the dirt from its petals and reveals a flower crushed and bent. it’s petals wilted and the middle plucked of some of its fuzz. the stem is cracked in half, but she prevails, holding it out to display it to him. “ it’s still beautiful, see for yourself. ”
bubba scoots closer to examine the damage he’d done, finding himself confused by what she meant. it was mangled and ugly, much like he saw himself. but she only pressed on, despite his sounds of disappointment.
“ it’s beautiful, to me. ” she whispers, clasping it to her chest. “ here — i’ll keep this one, the one i picked is a gift from me to you. ”
bubba only nods, staring in awe at the flower he held. he’d never been given a gift like this before. it felt, strange. it filled him with a great sense of joy and gratitude. that foreign feeling of safety and tranquility filling him as he stood with her. ah, perhaps she was his new favorite sibling.
their exchange is short, yet it became the moment he had began to learn the importance of simple kind gestures. maybe, the beginning of his understanding of gentleness. he felt a little less scared. and in the hot summer months when time had allowed it, they’d return to the sunflower fields to bask in its beauty and warmth. she’d braid flower crowns and place them atop his head, and they’d fill baskets with flowers to craft fancy bouquets for the dinner table each night. bubba even found it in him to gift flowers to his brothers, despite their unappreciative nature to the gift. despite that, he’d always feel great satisfaction when seeing the smile on y/n and sissy’s faces when he gave them a flower.
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differentpostrebel · 11 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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Chapter 31: The Devil's Playground 
A/N: And we are back at it again with another chapter! Sanji Pov, will be for Chapter 32. This one was also my favorite chapter to write cause this one we get to where Doflamingo places everyone in the bird cage, we get a Luffy POV, and has listed out the 12 names. And as an added bonus… well let me not get to ahead of myself (heheh) thank you guys so much for reading and following along! Thank you for the likes, reblogs, comments, follows, interactions everything. Im grateful for each and everyone of you <3, but without further a do… lets get to it!
Word count: 
Law POV… 
A few minutes had passed since Doflamingo dragged you into this wretched room, and you were still struggling under the binds of his strings. My thoughts were interrupted as Doflamingo’s voice cut through the air, filled with irritation.
“I thought your only objective was to destroy the Smile Factory,” he said, his tone dripping with annoyance. “Strawhats are teaming up with the little people from Greenbit. Seems a bit capricious, don’t you think?”
“Little people?” I echoed, my confusion evident.
Doflamingo continued, his words sharp and probing. “While you’re at it, tell me how the Strawhat crew managed to get into the underground port. They’re doing a fine job at pissing me off.”
Y/N let out a low laugh, her voice defiant despite the pain. “Worried that your dark secrets will come to light?”
Doflamingo’s gaze darkened, and he moved towards you with a menacing stride. Before he could reach you, Baby 5 stepped forward and slapped you across the cheek. “The young master wasn’t speaking to you, harlot!” she said, her voice cold and full of disdain.
Your face remained defiant, even as you laughed again. “Baby 5, didn’t we have this conversation back at Doffy’s quarters? Unless you want to end up like that dent I just made, choose your words wisely!”
Baby 5’s resolve faltered, and she retreated to Buffalo, her face flushed with frustration. “Don’t do it if it’s going to make you cry,” Buffalo said, attempting to comfort her.
“I already told you I have nothing to do with them anymore. Our alliance ended; whatever they’re doing out there is none of my business,” I said, trying to maintain my composure despite the strain.
Doflamingo’s expression darkened as he turned his attention back to you. “Hmm, I’m not sure if you’re telling the truth or if you’re just as clueless as the rest of them,” he mused.
Without warning, he grabbed y/n, lifting her into the air. “Let me go!” y/n yelled, her voice filled with desperation. “Y/N!” I shouted, trying to reach out to you.
“Doflamingo, let her go!” I demanded, my voice raw with urgency.
“Why should I?” Doflamingo said, his smile widening cruelly. “The princess is no longer an ally of yours, which means she must have known about the plan.”
Y/N turned her head slightly, her eyes widening as tears welled, but her demeanor remained unbroken. “She saw something,” I thought, trying to piece together the situation.
Doflamingo’s smile turned sinister as he hurled you towards the wall. The impact made you jerk violently, and a cry of pain escaped you. “Y/N! Princess, please talk to me!” I called out, my voice cracking with concern.
Y/N gasped for breath, her body wracked with coughs from the force of the impact. Your labored breathing and the pained expression on your face were a crushing blow to my resolve. I felt helpless, my own restraints making it impossible to reach you.
Luffy POV… 
Zoro stayed behind to handle Pica while Violet and I managed to get away. “I’m coming for you, Mingo!” I shouted, determination fueling my every step. As we navigated through the palace, something caught my attention—dents in the walls, smashed pillars, and debris scattered around.
“What happened here?” Violet asked, her voice laced with concern.
I chuckled, a wide grin spreading across my face. “Y/N made a path for us to follow.” I could feel my energy surging just thinking about it, and I started running faster. The trail led us to a window that overlooked the room where Traffy and Y/N were. “Traffy and Y/N are in there! Now’s the time!” I got ready to burst in and kick Doflamingo’s ass.
“Wait,” Violet grabbed my arm. “You have to wait just a little longer. The Tontatta tribe hasn’t completed Operation SOP yet!”
“The what?!” I shot her a confused look.
“Never mind the details,” Violet sighed, “the point is, we need a few more minutes.”
I ducked behind cover with Violet to avoid being seen, frustration building up inside me. Every second felt like an eternity. Just then, I saw it—Mingo had Y/N in his grasp. She was struggling, fighting with everything she had. My fists clenched, and I could feel my rage boiling over.
“That’s it!” I growled, getting ready to charge at Doflamingo.
“No, you have to wait a little longer!” Violet hissed, holding me back.
“My crewmate is in danger!” I shouted, my voice barely containing my fury.
As if she heard me, Y/N locked eyes with mine. For a brief moment, time seemed to freeze. Her eyes widened, and I saw tears welling up, but even through the pain, the defiance in her gaze remained strong. Then, with a cruel twist of his hand, Doflamingo hurled her against the wall.
“Damn it!” I muttered through clenched teeth, watching her struggle to rise, her body showing signs of exhaustion. “Hold on, Y/N, just a few more minutes.” My fists shook with impatience, ready to explode the moment I got the signal.
I couldn't take my eyes off her—she was holding on, and I had to make sure that when the time came, I’d be ready to fight
I saw him... I saw Luffy! He's finally here. I just need to buy a few more minutes. Just enough.
Doflamingo's cold hands gripped me again, hoisting me up before placing me roughly back into the chair. My breathing was labored, but I caught a glimpse of one of my blades peeking out from the binds. Slowly, carefully, I began moving my left hand toward it, desperately trying to grasp the handle.
As I struggled, my fingers finally wrapped around the blade. Yes! I thought triumphantly, working quietly to cut through the string binds. The faint sound of ripping meant progress. Just a few more...
Suddenly, I heard Doflamingo’s voice, his tone as cold as ever. “Trebol, bring Sugar to the palace, and quick.”
Trebol's slimy voice crackled through the call. “Take it easy, Doffy, they tried to pull one on me, but I’ve got it under control.”
What the hell does that mean? I thought, my heart pounding in my chest.
“I’m fine, young master,” Sugar’s voice added, her tone eerie. “The enemy is barely conscious anymore.”
I let out a low laugh, feeling the last of the binds around my legs finally snap. My mobility returned. "She’s wrong, you know," I muttered under my breath, still clutching the blade in my left hand. Channeling every ounce of energy I had left, I focused it into the blade, a faint glow illuminating its edge.
Doflamingo’s footsteps echoed as he turned his attention back to me, his predatory smile widening. "I see you're still defiant, my little princess," he purred, approaching with slow, deliberate steps. "Maybe you need a reminder of who's in control here."
"Y/N! What are you doing?!" Law shouted, his voice strained with desperation.
Doflamingo was getting closer. My grip on the blade tightened as I felt the pressure of his looming presence.
Suddenly, his hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing tighter than before. I gasped, struggling to breathe as his fingers dug into my skin.
Trebol’s voice crackled through the room again, this time sounding panicked. “I gooped, I gooped real bad!” he cried. “She got scared, she got scared and passed out!”
Doflamingo's head snapped towards the transponder snail, his teeth grinding audibly. His hand loosened around my throat, and I gasped for air, my lungs greedily filling with oxygen again. He released me entirely, his fury redirected.
“Is this some kind of joke?!” he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
Trebol’s sobs continued, echoing through the snail. “The toys we collected for over a decade... they’re turning human again!”
Buffalo, wide-eyed, pointed to the screen in the room. “Hey, look! In the colosseum!”
Doflamingo's gaze whipped towards the screen, his eyes narrowing as the scene unfolded in front of him. One by one, all of the toys were reverting to their human forms, along with the memories that had been stolen for years.
His jaw clenched, his attention entirely absorbed by the chaos unfolding on the screen. His empire, his carefully guarded secret, was falling apart. The memories of everyone he had manipulated were flooding back, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
This is my chance, I thought, feeling my strength returning. With Doflamingo distracted, I ripped the remaining string binds from my body, finally freeing myself. I stood up, rolling my shoulders, feeling the satisfying weight of mobility return.
“Sir, all these emergency reports keep flooding in!” a guard stammered, carrying an armful of ringing transponder snails. Panic was spreading fast.
The chaos in the room was palpable, and it was almost hilarious to witness. Doflamingo, usually so composed, was unraveling before my eyes. I smirked, savoring the moment.
“Didn’t think your secret would be out, did you, Doffy?” I taunted, my voice cutting through the noise.
I stood tall now, no longer bound, my eyes burning with defiance.
Doflamingo turned to me, his eyes widening in shock as he saw that I was no longer bound by his strings. My swords were back with me—one hidden in plain sight and the other, glowing with a faint yellow light, clutched tightly in my left hand as I channeled my energy through it.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Doflamingo snarled, lunging at me with fury in his eyes.
I didn't hesitate. With my left hand still clenched, I lifted my leg, speeding past him in a blur of motion. As soon as I was beside him, I swung my right fist, channeling all my strength into a direct punch to his chest. The impact sent him flying into the wall with a deafening crash.
My body trembled slightly, my breathing heavy as I stood back, lowering my right hand and unclenching it. I smirked, my voice calm yet triumphant. “Looks like I won , Doflamingo.”
I made my way over to Law, still cuffed by the sea prism stone handcuffs. His eyes were wide, a mix of relief and frustration on his face.
“Princess, you’re so reckless, you know that!” Law yelled, his voice strained. But when I looked into his eyes, I could see it—relief. He wasn’t angry, he was just glad I was okay.
I grinned teasingly, leaning in a little closer. “Oh? Is that relief I see, Law? I didn’t know you cared that much.”
“Tch,” he scoffed, but the faint pink that tinted his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed. “Don’t get cocky.”
Before we could continue, Doflamingo slowly managed to stand, dusting himself off despite the impact. His gaze locked on me once more, and he laughed darkly, stepping forward with a murderous glint in his eyes.
“You think this is over?” Doflamingo hissed. “I’ll crush you!”
I clutched my blade tightly, my muscles tensing as I prepared for the next attack. But just as I was about to make my move, I noticed someone hovering above Doflamingo, ready to strike. A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips.
“It’s not me you should be worried about,” I said coolly.
“What?!” Doflamingo snapped, his eyes flickering in confusion.
Suddenly, a voice rang out. “Kyros, my boy!” King Riku cried, his voice filled with joy and relief.
From above, Kyros leapt down, his blade flashing through the air. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, King Riku, but for the past ten years, I’ve prepared for this moment. Now, I’m here to save you!” Kyros, with precise and lethal force, swung his sword and severed Doflamingo’s head.
All of us stood frozen in shock as Doflamingo’s head rolled to the ground. Even Buffalo was stunned, his voice caught in his throat. “Doflamingo! You bastard, you’re going to—”
Before Buffalo could finish, Kyros silenced him with a swift slash of his sword. The chaos seemed to settle for just a brief moment, and then I heard the familiar voice of my captain echo through the room.
“Mingo just died?! Well, that sucks—I was going to be the one to kick his ass!” Luffy called out, his voice a mix of disappointment and eager excitement.
I turned to him, a relieved smile spreading across my face. “Glad to see you made it, Captain!” I said, slipping my blade back into its thigh halter as I hurried towards him.
Without hesitation, I threw my arms around him in a tight hug, both relieved that he had arrived just in time and grateful that he was okay. Luffy’s arms encircled me in return, and for a moment, the chaos of the battle seemed to fade away.
Just as Luffy was about to say something, we heard voices from afar: “There they are!” 
Luffy pulled back, his expression shifting to urgency. “Quick, we’ve got to save Traffy!” he said, determination evident in his voice.
I nodded, adrenaline kicking in once more. “Let’s move!”
Sabo POV…
The colosseum was in complete chaos. The transformation of toys back into humans and animals added to the pandemonium. I could see Rebecca and Bartolomeo struggling to make sense of the mess. “Now that the smoke is cleared, let’s uncover the truth, right Rebecca?” I said, as I began knocking on the floor of the colosseum. “There’s a core at the heart of all things,” I continued, my voice carrying over the chaos, “Once you find that, great or small can be undone.”
Bartolomeo looked at me, confusion etched on his face. “You lost me! You still sound cool as hell and I look up to you, but you lost me!”
With my armament haki, I cracked the middle of the ring. “Dragon Claw Fist, Dragon Breathe!” I shouted, the force of my attack breaking the ring apart. The structure began to collapse, and the water below started to pull the debris toward the center. Diamante’s voice came through, filled with disbelief. “What the hell did you do?”
I turned to face him, a determined glint in my eyes. “I got places to be, a princess to see, and a fruit to win!” I said. As the ring capsized and water surged below, I spotted the fish I had been searching for. “The treasure, there she is!” I said, grabbing the Flame-Flame Fruit from the treasure chest.
“You’re all out of bounds, which makes me the victor. Thanks for the prize,” I said, holding up the fruit. I took a bite, chewing and grimacing. “Gross,” I muttered, but the power surging through me was undeniable. As Rebecca began to fall, I rushed to her side, catching her just in time. “Brace yourself, I’m about to light things up.”
I began to remove my disguise—the beard, the shades, and the helmet—letting my blonde hair cascade freely. Raising my left arm, I felt the power of the Flame-Flame Fruit surging through me. “Ace, I take your ability!” I declared, as I unleashed a massive fire fist on the middle of the ring. The impact shattered the entire structure, sending debris flying.
As I descended from the air, Koala appeared beside me. “I got in touch with Hack! He’s waiting for us!” she said.
Works for me,” I replied with a smirk. “I have a princess to see.” We landed on the pavement below the Colosseum, the chaos of the battle still ringing in my ears.
“Be careful! Now that you’ve eaten a Devil Fruit, sea water weakens you!” Koala warned as we hurried through the streets.
“Got it,” I said, my mind already on finding Y/N. We reached Hack, who was waiting for us.
“What happened to your hand?” Koala asked, noticing the bandage.
“Oh, that? I fell,” Hack said, looking away with a hint of embarrassment.
“You fell? Are you sure you’re not hiding something?” Koala teased.
“Anyway, here are your clothes!” Koala said, handing me the familiar attire. As I put on the gloves, one of them caught on fire momentarily.
“Looks like I’ll have to get used to this,” I muttered with a wry smile.
“Who are you? Come out and say it already,” Rebecca said, with Bartolomeo standing behind her.
“Me?” I asked, grinning. “The name’s Sabo. We’re members of the Revolutionary Army!”
“So, does that mean Lucy is also with you?” Rebecca inquired.
“No, we’re both enemies of the World Government, but he’s going to be the King of the Pirates,” I said, my grin widening.
“A Pirate?!” Rebecca exclaimed, eyes wide.
“Yep, and he’s my brother. Surprised?” I said, feeling a mix of pride and nostalgia.
“Crazy, huh? And he’s still the same reckless kid I remember. Reminds me of someone I know,” I said, my thoughts drifting to Y/N and Luffy.
“Funny, I could say the same thing about you,” Koala said, adjusting my top hat with a teasing smile.
“Give me some credit. I usually think things through,” I retorted, trying to regain my composure.
“Oh really? I doubt that’s what Y/N would say,” Koala said with a smirk.
I blushed. “Now what… I—”
“Oh, so she is here in Dressrosa,” Hack said. “Can’t wait to meet the woman who makes you weak in the knees,” he said, sending me a wink.
I felt my cheeks flush even more. “Yeah, she’s here too, but—”
“Wait a second, you know the beautiful Princess Y/N?” Bartolomeo interrupted, eyes wide with awe. Tears started to well up in his eyes as if he’d just heard the most incredible news.
“Yes, I know her very well,” I said, smirking as a cheeky thought crossed my mind. “In fact, she’s pretty amazing. And, well, she has this way of making me—”
“Making you what?” Bartolomeo asked eagerly, hanging on my every word.
I chuckled, playing along with his curiosity. “Let’s just say she’s got a talent for keeping me on my toes. Sometimes it feels like I’m just a puppet dancing on her strings.”
Bartolomeo’s eyes widened even more, and he gaped. “No way! She’s that incredible?!”
“Yep, and don’t let her charm fool you. She’s got a fiery side that can be quite… overwhelming,” I teased, leaning in slightly.
“Oh man, I’ve heard stories about her, but to hear it from you…” Bartolomeo trailed off, practically swooning.
“Yep, she’s one of a kind. 
Changing the subject Rebecca’s curiosity was piqued as she listened to the reason why we were here in Dressrosa to begin with. "So, you’re here to stop the arms trade? That’s quite a mission."
I nodded, turning serious. “Exactly. This place is exporting firearms that are fueling conflict across the world. We’re here to put a stop to it.”
Hack, who had just punched a box filled with firearms, added, “These weapons are being distributed to various groups and regimes. It’s a huge problem.”
Rebecca looked concerned. 
“If we can uncover the truth, we’ll have something substantial to report to Dragon.” I said
Just then, a familiar voice called out, “Koala!”
I turned to see Koala and Robin embracing in a heartfelt hug. Robin’s smile was a welcome sight. “Robin! ” Koala said. “I thought I saw you guys back there!” Said Robin.
“Hey!” I greeted, trying to keep my composure despite the earlier teasing. “It’s Ms. Robin!”
Bartolomeo’s eyes widened. 
“Run into Luffy?” Robin chuckled, 
“Oh, he ran into more than just Luffy.” Koala said, as she teased, “Yeah, you should have seen his face.”
I felt my cheeks flush red again. “Is he okay?” I asked, noticing that Robin was with someone who was almost unconscious.
“This is Usopp,” Robin explained. 
“He should probably get some rest.” I said, as I noticed he doesn't look to good. 
Bartolomeo’s eyes lit up with admiration. “The Sniper King, right? He’s amazing!” His voice trembled as he began to tear up again.
“Cool it, you weirdo,” I said with a smirk, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Traffy!” Luffy called out, his voice filled with relief as he barreled towards Law. “I’m here to save you!” he added with a dramatic wave.
“Oh good, you’re not dead!” Luffy said, sounding more like he’d just escaped a great calamity.
Law shot Luffy an annoyed look. “Didn’t I ask you to destroy the factory, Strawhat?” His voice was tinged with frustration. “Well, did you?” 
We gathered around Law, and I took the opportunity to sidle up close, gently cupping his face with a teasing grin. “Is that any way to thank us?” I asked, my voice dripping with playful sarcasm. “I mean, I got myself captured by Doflamingo just to lead Luffy here, and even went head-first into danger while you were out cold.”
Law’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You did WHAT?!” he exclaimed, his voice rising with shock.
“Oops, did I say that out loud?” I said, giving Law an innocent shrug. Before he could respond, a voice from the side window interrupted.
“Strawhat, Violet, I won’t let you lay a finger on—” the figure gasped, his eyes widening as he took in the scene. “Now who the hell is this guy?” I asked, looking at Luffy and Violet.
“Young, Young Master… who did this?” the man stammered, looking around in panic.
“Just a sec, I’m going to get you out of here,” Luffy said, grabbing the keys from Violet and approaching Law’s restraints.
“Thanks, but I’ll pass. Our alliance is terminated, so get lost,” Law said, still bound by the sea prism stone handcuffs.
“Quit being so stubborn!” I said to Law, frustration creeping into my voice. “You’re so selfish; I want to keep working with you, so deal with it!” Luffy chimed in, 
“Can you guys quit bickering for just two seconds?!” I snapped, my frustration bubbling over. The tiara, already precariously loose, threatened to fall off.
Luffy’s hands were shaking as he tried to unlock Law’s sea prism handcuffs. “Umm, guys…” I said, trying to get their attention. “You do realize that with the alliance called off, we’re enemies now. If you set me free, I’ll kill you!” Law, clearly irked, said,
“It’s hard enough to unlock these handcuffs with you squirming around. So stop moving!” said Luffy still struggling to get the key in the lock.
“Steady,” Violet said, trying to assist as Luffy fumbled.
Law’s irritation showed as he continued, “You guys weren’t paying any attention to me at all, were you? 
This is ridiculous. Why don’t you do it!” Luffy said about to hand back the Key to Violet.
“I can’t! I ate a Devil Fruit, too!” Violet said, frustration evident in her voice.
“Give me that!” I said, grabbing the keys. Just as I was about to unlock the handcuffs, a sinister chuckle filled the room.
The floor suddenly rose beneath us, causing us all to tumble. I landed right on Law’s lap as his chair toppled over.
“Law, are you alright?” I asked, still awkwardly sprawled on his lap.
Law’s smirk widened, and he looked down at me with a playful glint in his eye. His open sweater revealed his well-defined muscles and the detailed tattoo on his chest. “Well, this is quite the predicament,” he said, his voice low and teasing. “I didn’t expect you to make a move like this.”
I tried to get off Law’s lap, my cheeks flushed from the unexpected proximity. “Not exactly what I had in mind,” I said, attempting to regain my composure.
“It’s the wall guy!” Luffy shouted, drawing our attention.
“Wall guy?!” I echoed, confused.
Doflamingo’s headless body continued to laugh, his disembodied voice echoing through the room. “What a way to go, huh? That was a surprise.”
I took a cautious step back, my disbelief growing. “There’s no way...”
“Mingo’s alive?!” Luffy exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration.
“Damn it!” I muttered, feeling the weight of the situation. Doflamingo’s mocking laughter filled the room as he continued, “The whole country should be spiraling into chaos now that all the toys have been freed. And for whatever reason, we have members of the Revolutionary Army nosing around too.”
“Sabo!” I thought, my concern for him rising. I clenched my right hand, feeling the power of my rings coursing through me, ready to fight.
“It’s a sad state of affairs at the palace, don’t you think?” Doflamingo taunted. “I’m left with no other choice but to use the Birdcage.”
Law, still chained and visibly shaken, faltered. I crouched down beside him, lowering my voice to a whisper. “Law, are you alright?”
“The Birdcage,” Law muttered, his eyes wide with fear. “You remember, don’t you, Law?”
Doflamingo's mocking laughter echoed across the crumbling palace. "Well, I suppose I shouldn’t delay this further," he sneered, ready to unleash his devastating power.
Kyros, with unwavering determination, sprang into action, his blade poised to deliver another slash. "How can you still be alive, Doflamingo?!" he shouted.
Before Kyros could land his blow, Doflamingo suddenly appeared behind him. “Kyros, watch out!” I yelled, panic rising in my chest.
Doflamingo’s voice dripped with menace as he taunted, “Do you want me to show you how to properly behead a man?”
My heart raced, and I whispered to myself, "How are there two of them?" The palace was now split in half from the sheer force of Doflamingo’s power, but Luffy, in his usual heroic fashion, managed to save Kyros just in time.
“Damn, Strawhat!” Doflamingo growled, both of his forms now looming behind Luffy.
“Luffy, watch out!” I shouted, my voice strained with worry.
“Pentachromatic Strings!” Doflamingo unleashed his attack, but Luffy managed to dodge, barely escaping the deadly strings.
“Gomu Gomu Jet Gatling!” Luffy retaliated, fists flying at lightning speed, but his punches were useless. Doflamingo’s protection remained unscathed, not even a scratch.
The second Doflamingo figure appeared, slashing Luffy across the back, blood spilling from the wound. “Luffy!” I screamed, my heart sinking as I watched him get punched with a crushing force, sending him flying into the wall, creating a deep dent.
“He made a marionette?” I whispered in shock, Violet confirming my suspicions.
Doflamingo, ever the sadistic puppeteer, turned his attention to King Riku, twisting the knife further. “Do you remember the night you betrayed your people, controlled by me? Don’t worry, I’m going to release you all.”
“Pika,” Doflamingo commanded, “I think it’s time you scatter these roaches.”
The ground beneath us trembled violently as Pika's massive form shifted. In one swift move, Pika grabbed us, his stone body towering over the shattered palace, and hurled us all into the air.
“Ahhh!” I screamed, tumbling helplessly, bracing for the inevitable impact.
“Hang on, guys!” Luffy shouted. “Gomu Gomu Balloon!”
With Luffy’s body acting as a cushion, we bounced safely onto the ground below, narrowly avoiding the harsh landing. “He took us right out of the palace,” Luffy muttered, clearly frustrated as we gathered ourselves and looked back up at the towering fortress.
Then, I heard Law’s voice, barely a whisper but thick with fear. “The Birdcage… it’s starting…”
We all turned, our gazes locking onto the sight that filled us with dread. High above us, Doflamingo was preparing to activate his infamous technique—the Birdcage, a twisted, lethal cage of strings that would trap and crush everyone in Dressrosa.
Suddenly, explosions rang out, followed by the sounds of utter chaos. “What the hell is happening down there?!” I exclaimed, as the screams of terrified civilians filled the air. The ground beneath us shook violently, and we all looked up in disbelief—Pika was lifting the entire royal palace away from its foundation.
“He’s changing the terrain,” Law said, his voice filled with tension.
Before any of us could react, the dark voice of Doflamingo boomed over the chaos. A video transmission appeared in the sky, his ominous face projected for all to see. “Citizens of Dressrosa and guests, greetings. Might I have a word?” he began, his tone dripping with malice. “Now that you know the truth, there’s no doubt in my mind that you all plan to kill me. But I’ve prepared a little game for you.”
The words sent chills down my spine as Doflamingo continued, “Your objective is to kill me. You can find me in the royal palace. Take my life, and the game ends. I die, you win. And as an added bonus, I will give you a second way to win.”
We all watched in horrified silence as the video transponder flickered, his sadistic grin widening. “I am about to read out a list of people, so get your pens ready. If you are able to bring me their dead bodies, I will reward you with a sizeable bounty for each and every head I receive. From this moment on, every person in the kingdom is a bounty hunter. The only way to survive is to take the life of another.”
Luffy and I exchanged furious glances, clenching our fists in rage, just as Zoro joined us. Doflamingo’s voice echoed across the city. “Will you join my family? Or meet my demands and hold these twelve fools accountable for the rebellion? Each of these ‘stars’ will be worth 100 million berries each. Let me read the list…”
As the names began to roll off Doflamingo’s lips, my heart sank. “Rebecca… Nico Robin… Foxfire Kinemon… Viola… and Cyborg Franky.”
I tensed at the mention of Robin’s, Franky’s and Kinemons name. “Damn,” I muttered under my breath. Zoro turned to me, sensing my unease.
Doflamingo's voice continued, unwavering and cruel. “Now, for the two-star bounties… Kyros, and Pirate Hunter Zoro.”
I turned to Zoro, frustration bubbling inside me. “He’s not making this easy on anyone.”
Zoro’s usual confidence didn’t falter. “Don’t worry, Y/N,” he said, his tone reassuring, though his eyes were cold and focused.
Doflamingo’s next words sent a shock through me. “Now, let’s move on to the head honchos. I present to you… the three-star bounties. Sabo, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army!”
My heart froze. My hands began to shake as a gasp escaped my lips. “Sabo, no…” I whispered, fear clawing at my chest.
“You know him, Y/N?” Zoro asked, his eyes narrowing. I turned to him, whispering softly, “He was… Sam from the all-male island I trained on.”
“What?!” Zoro exclaimed, his shock evident, but there was no time to explain further.
Doflamingo’s twisted voice continued, “Strawhat Luffy… King Riku… and Trafalgar Law!”
I felt like the world was spinning out of control. “This is madness…” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
“And finally, the five-star bounty…” Doflamingo’s voice took on a sinister edge. “The man who has aroused my indignation and resentment more than any other… God Usopp.”
I choked on my own spit, unable to believe my ears. “Usopp?!” I exclaimed, my mind racing. “This is bad,” Zoro muttered, his eyes narrowing. Luffy stood there, just as stunned.
“Out of all people, they give Usopp the highest one?!” I said, clenching my fists in disbelief.
“We have to—” I started to say, but I was cut off by Doflamingo’s final, venomous words. “And, as an added bonus, since I’m so generous… we have the six-star bounty, worth 600 million berries.”
The transponder showed my image next, my title emblazoned beneath it: “Princess” Y/N, a Strawhat Pirate.”
Doflamingo’s smile widened cruelly. “This princess… is to be brought to me alive. That’s right, alive. For those of you wondering why… well, let’s just say I have special plans for her. After all, royalty deserves a proper welcome,” his voice oozed with menace. “And once I have her, I’ll make sure she never escapes my grasp again.”
His chilling words hung in the air like a heavy weight. My blood boiled, anger and fear coursing through me. “Damn you, Doflamingo,” I growled under my breath.
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The Darling Who Beats Their Yandere at Yandering 
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As a darling too many times have you been abducted, manipulated, blackmailed by your yandere. Well, how would they like it if they had to go through everything you go through? 
“So How do you like it huh? Do you like how I tied you up and gagged you? No? Well too bad it's what I went through! How do you feel not being able to do anything, huh? To have your freedom stripped away?” 
Whether you’ve been a good darling for a long time now or narrowly had escaped their attempts to have you. 
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“Oh~ I love it! Keep going, baby! Tie me! Gag me! Baby, please do what you want~!” 
André Mortesque both pre-househusband era and after dude’s obsessed with you up and down. Punch him, kick him, kiss him, kill him for all he cares; the very air you breathe is sacred to him. If he has to kidnap you at any time it doesn’t really break his obsessive love for you. Your tied or he’s tied or you both are just naked in bed he loves it all.
“Go ahead baby~! A-actually i-if y-your doing what I did can you get my aphrodisiac pills from my bedside table!” 
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“Hehehe love bug…okay…I get it.”
Morgan Jox pre-househusband era is put in his place. He’s tucking his non-existent tail between his legs. He really did plan to scoop up your unconscious body and lightly tie it to a bed. He didn’t mean to make you feel bad or trapped. He’ll sob and cry for your forgiveness after all he just wants to protect and love you the most. But househusband Morgan has a different reaction altogether if you are able to tie down this himbo hunk of muscle in the first place he’s tilting his head, in confusion. “But that’s all just minor in the shadow of our love.” He’s a hopeless romantic who doesn’t mind the journey rather than the destination. He thought by now you would have understood that…maybe the journey for your love hasn’t quite reached its destination.
“Lovebug, maybe you should spend some more time in the ropes then after we can both talk about how we feel. Does that sound like a plan?”
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“Well isn’t this a familiar position? Tell me, darling, are we reverting back to our…hehehe…old ways?”
Wezley is an enigma to most and it's probably best it stays that way. After all, it is the reason why he’s agreed to be a househusband in the first place. But long before all that you’ve replayed this scenario with him. This time it's with rope but one time it could have been electric chords or steel chains. As well as who’s within those binds in the first place. You can say he’s simply ecstatic he’s getting a taste of your original rodeo. He gets bored of the home life
“Ah my (Y/n)! Shall we do the other thing we used to do?”
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“Well yes but this means something completely different when you know how to get out.”
Michael Froth your dear eldest brother knows how to tie a good knot and how to undo them. He’s your wretched mother’s favorite child(after you) after all having taken all of her worst traits. He sees now. You’re frustrated, huh? Then the color therapy must not be working then. No matter, he has a contingency plan I’m sure you’ll feel a lot better once he starts that routine with the sleeping meds. He’ll enjoy it when you drunkenly let him rock you to sleep, like in the olden days.
“That’s fine (Y/n). I understand where you’re coming from but this charade has been fun. Time to sleep.”
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“So unfair (Y/n)! You’ve put me in this horrible situation! All because you don’t think.
Rue, the roommate turned villain, is amused but he doesn’t appreciate you switching roles. He’s already felt helpless before, helpless when you refused him for who he is, helpless when you didn’t support him in his true occupation. You made him feel absolutely trapped when you almost died; now this! It’s simply unfair! Now its only right he give you one of his special punishments! He’ll make sure you’ll be forgetting your own name by the end of it.
“Ah darling I’ve decided I’ll be picking your punishment tonight and I promise I won’t go easy!”
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I would like something (hcs or else, whatever you can make out of it/feel like writing) for Dr. Stockill and a darling who is not eating.
Eiter because they decided to hunger strike as a form of protesting against him (totally terrible idea but not every darling is the sharpest tool in the shed heheh...) or because they are sick and that makes it hard for them/takes away apetite.
Hunger Pains | Headcanons
Dr. Stockill / Gender Neutral Reader
Fandom: The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls.
No Spoilers.
Ambiguous yan - can be read as platonic or romantic.
Content Warning: Hunger strikes, disordered eating, illness, brief mention of force feeding, brief mentions of animal/human death.
(If there’s anything else I need to add to these warnings, please let me know.)
Tysm for the ask anon! <3 I hope that this lives up to your request/expectations!!
- It doesn’t take Stockill long to notice they’ve stopped eating.
- In the months, maybe years, that Stockill has known them, they have never displayed an avoidance of food to this degree.
- Despite his detachment, disgust, and apathy to almost everything around him, he is an observant man. Especially when it comes to his darling.
- Within a few days, the interrogations start.
- He begins questioning his darling; and the longer he goes without an answer, the more insistent he becomes...
- "Don't lie to me, I know something is wrong with you."
- Once he finally manages to get an explanation out of them, he's bewildered.
- This odd behaviour is out of spite? Some silly protest against him?
- Stockill believes that he treats his darling rather well, at least in comparison to the other inmates he oversees.
- His darling is given decent food and drink; dressed in clothes that keep out the asylum's chilling cold; and is kept close to the doctor whenever possible.
- Stockill even allows them to rest in the safety of his room, in his own bed (which is often unused due to his frequent neglect of sleep).
- And yet, they still fight him?
- They would prefer the bleak darkness of the asylum's wards, accompanied by nothing but filthy rats and those wretched whores, over staying with him?
- Even going so far as to starve themselves, just to prove a point?
- His darling begins to deteriorate... day by day. Their movements becoming slower, their thoughts foggier, their gaze more distant. All despite his attempts to reason with them.
- As he tries to rationalise it, his confusion gives way to anger.
- Convinced that his darling's behaviour must have been instigated by another, threats soon follow.
- "I swear, if you do not stop this idiotic demonstration... I will find whichever inmate placed the idea in your head, and I will make her suffer!"
- From here, there's only two ways that it can end:
- In one, his darling ceases their little hunger strike, giving into the doctor's demands. Whereupon things will return to how they were, and Stockill will limit their contact with others even more as a precaution.
- In the other ending, his darling continues. Until Stockill does something...
- Drastic.
- But, he would rather not resort to something as vile as force feeding, or harming their companions to threaten them into relenting...
- So, it would be wise for his darling to stop. After all, they don't want to have their friends' blood on their hands... do they?
- Alternatively, if his darling’s lack of appetite is a result of sickness or some other affliction, he’s more…
- Well, he's not exactly sympathetic, but perhaps more understanding.
- Now, this is a problem for him to solve, a condition to be alleviated.
- He quickly sets himself to work: to find a cure for whatever is ailing them.
- There's a sudden influx of dead rats (and eventually dead patients) scattered throughout his laboratory, all in his attempt to cure this illness.
- But, with the limitations of victorian medicine, there's a good chance that Stockill's ventures will remain fruitless.
- If the illness becomes long-term, or is in fact some incurable/chronic condition, then Stockill will continue to seek for ways to lessen it.
- All the while, he will focus on keeping his darling healthy; maybe even neglecting his plague research until he is confident that their condition is stable.
- They won't be leaving Stockill's room for a long while... As he will insist they remain bedbound to avoid the affliction worsening.
- He would try to encourage his darling's appetite with more pleasant food than the asylum typically provides.
- "I recall you mentioning this dish. Something you enjoyed before you were sent... here."
- The costs for which are taken from the asylum's funds... but that is of no matter to him. His darling takes upmost priority.
- "Also, don't attempt to smuggle some to the other patients again. Yes, yes, I saw that. You are not nearly as sly as you think you are."
- He's almost considerate in this state.
- It's eerie.
- Incredibly eerie.
- But, all things considered, it's far from the worst situation his darling could be in.
- And as they fall asleep, curled up in Stockill's bed, the doctor watching them with a hawk-like gaze...
- They see the ever so faint, ever so unnatural, twist of his lips.
- A smile.
- "I will see you tomorrow, my dear..."
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ragnarokhound · 10 months
I’ve already left a comment on intricate rituals, but I just realized I forgot an important part. Having experience with toys but not other people is such a fun solution. My fave. Yes he can take it (yes you will be the first). The possessiveness of it all!!
But also from author’s perspective being like. Nah I don’t wanna deal with That. Absolutely valid <3
frank discussion about sex & the porny bits of my fic that got. really long somehow? below:
Hehehe yes - when I was writing, I hadn't necessarily intended that to be read as 'Tim's never bottomed before', but I realized belatedly that even if he's bottomed in the past, he certainly hasn't ever bottomed for an alpha >:3c
a lot of Jason's 'we don't have to, babe 🥺' came from anxiety about pushing for too much too fast as much as it came from the practical sentiment of 'knots are a lot to handle when ur body isn't made to take them' lmao
(because, well. look at his behavior for the entire fic, the boy spent six months gently boiling the frog of their relationship. the kind of wretched anxiety that spawns that behavior doesn't go away after one lousy love confession OTL TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE)
And Jason's been all up in Tim's business, so he KNOWS Tim hasn't been having a lot of sex because uh. He'd be able to smell it for one fjdslafjs and Tim would probably tell him about it for two fdjlafjk they talk about everything ugh they're soooo married in this fic it's disgusting lol
but like! Tim's never been with an alpha before!! of course he's never taken a real knot!! Jason would be the first OwO And it was one more way to shove another possessive omegaverse trope about Jason being jealous over Tim without it actually being awful fufufu
Hearing that Tim would be able to take his knot gave Jason extreme whiplash from 'wait what, how would you know that, who's been touCHING YOU' to 'holy fuck you've been prepping yourself? for me? that's so hot' and I am very here for any opportunity to indulge in possessive tropes with mostly just sexy consequences, especially with these two ;)
On another note, I genuinely think toys are great for testing out what you like, without fear of judgement and without worrying about 'doing well' or whatever. You can focus on yourself! You can see what works for you! You can discover your size kink-
- or lack thereof without it being tangled in complicated feelings or anxieties.
I looove the image of control freak Timothy Drake figuring himself out with toys once he knows that's an option (though imo he also doesn't give a fuck about what other people think enough that he'd be fine exploring with another person djslfa but i digress) and I love the image of control freak Timothy Drake wanting to experiment specifically with his partners to figure out all the ways they experience pleasure @_@ he wants to know how they're compatible, and he wants to know what makes them tick!!
*COUGH* anyway thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic, and that you enjoyed that part specifically <33!!
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I'm gonna apologise in advance for how dark this is, but looking at your recent Placidodumping from the tag force games... i feel like he's geniunely suicidal, and even if not exactly suicidal then he has no concept of self-worth.
Like, he's way too happy to die. Being willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the future is dark enough. But the fact that he's saying he will be able to rest? That he's expecting you to be happy to die too? Yeah, that's the darkest part.
Placido's literally come from hell, but he's not even trying to save himself. He's not just acceptant of his fate, he's welcoming it, and it makes me wonder just how much he's been through. His despair, is it entirely from the memories he's been created from? Or is it from something else? *coughcoughashittyoldmancoughcough* Thinking of the Jakob part in tag force, how he straight up killed Placido and Lester, how he spoke about them, I feel like it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume he's said these things to Placido's face (and let's not forget how Zone spoke to Placido-and only Placido- in duel links)
Perhaps Placido's real despair wasn't the inherited trauma from Aporia.
Maybe it was the way he was treated by the only people around him. One of his duel links lines is "it's so sad when you have no one to love" and yet the other Iliaster members are right there, as family. And yet, he didn't get love from them.
Maybe he could have been saved if someone did love him. Maybe then he would have had something to live for.
(Apologies for the mini essay in here it was supposed to be a few sentences and then suddenly I've written an essay)
OH YEAH NO FOR SURE we are definitely WELL past the point of Primoplacido Yugioh 5D's having a true sense of self-worth in any emotional or psychologically 'human' way, but I think when analyzing that (and his behavior that could definitely be labeled some form of suicidal) it's important to approach it less from a "oh what [abuse/traumatic event/negative feedback] has he personally been through to cause this" and more from a "what are the circumstances of Primo's creation and how does that effect him." The former is still an important element of course, but it's a bit of a disservice to his character to attempt to 100% separate him from Aporia when dissecting what's going on with him; one really can't exist without the other! (i.e. Primo was only brought into being via Aporia's memories and suffering, and Aporia as we see him in-show only can be brought into being when the emperors fuse....the cyclical infinite nature of these characters runs very very deep hehehe)
imo it's not an either/or situation with Primo's despair--I think his completely fucked sense of self worth stems from the trauma he's inherited by being a piece of Aporia AND the bullshit he deals with from his peers currently AND, also, the inescapable fact that Primo was Created To Act Under a Specific Set of Parameters. more after the cut, lots of analyzing this miserable Swordbot9000, apologies for the Epic of Gilgacidomesh
Primo is not human. IM NOT SAYING THAT TO BE MEAN TO HIM OR ANYTHING he's just Literally Not a Flesh and Blood Human Being; he's a machine created from a dead man's memories and emotions by Just Some Guy who thinks he's god, and due to this Primo has deemed himself Above humankind--better than them, more capable than them. Sometime I need to go off more on my Emperors analysis discussing the fact that theyre basically Mechanical Angels, BUT FOR NOW I think a very core trait of Primo's is the fact he doesn't see himself as human, and he takes great pride in that. He's less come from hell himself, I'd say, and more or less come forth from Someone Else's Hell and Now He Has to Live With That. And also he is completely, almost desperately devoted to his God. If anything, he sees himself as a tool blessed by god Himself, with a great power he will use to enact justice upon this wretched timeline.
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He sees saving the future as a very important task he needs to complete (and he DESPERATELY wants to be the one to complete it himself, more on that in a moment,) and I think that in part is why he's so excited about "finally being able to rest" and welcoming his fate--it means that he has completed what he was made to accomplish, the way a computer would complete a process, and why would he ever want to "save" himself from savoring that experience? (reminds me of how in TF6 lester is like "why would I want to run away?" re: trying to escape the Ark Cradle crashing into the city--it's not just a Primo thing, this sort of lack of self preservation!) (Also considering primo's track record of failed plans, no wonder he would be Especially obsessed with completing the Circuit and getting the cream of the crop "glorious honor" of dying in Z-one's name in God's Very Citadel and preventing the catastrophic future. That IS his will to live; he doesn't know how to have another one 😬) Dying in the process of the Ark Cradle crashing onto New Domino isn't seen as a 'sacrifice' for these guys I don't think; it's seen as an inevitable conclusion to what they were brought into existence for.
(Also, while we never really get complete confirmation on this, I do think Z-one also Definitely programmed the Emperors to worship him, to act with such dedication to the cause, to work ceaselessly towards their goals despite years (centuries?) of failures, and not stop, not give up. And I think that, alongside the fact they're effectively gijinkas of the most traumatic moments of Aporia's life, robots built from misery, quite literally Embodiments of Despair, that's not just flavor text. It's what powers them. And it explains a Lot of why they act the way they do, especially with regards to something like Primo's 'suicidal' behavior. In fact, I don't even think they would see this way of thinking as "suicidal," even, since that implies being alive in the first place, and the emperors…um. don't see themselves as 'alive!!!' :,) kind of fucked up to think about!!!!!)
OK SORRY FOR THAT TANGENT IT'S JUST SOMETHING I THINK A LOT ABOUT WITH THESE GUYS the inherent discussion of humanity when it comes to a robot. anyway, re: the way Primo's peers treat him, yeah i don't think that's helping much !!! Primo seeks approval like he'll die without it, he's an android copy of how much it Sucks To Be 19; like I said above, he desperately wants to be the one to complete the Circuit, to save the future, in the dub he basically states he wants to be God's Favorite, so course that brings him into conflict with Jakob (the implied actual Favorite,) of course Z-one apparently REPEATEDLY not giving a shit about him is doing damage to his psyche.
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He gets clowned on and demeaned by effectively all of his coworkers (including and especially these other pieces of himself) (good GOD), no one even seems to LIKE HIM. LIKE. AT ALL, of course he wants to feel important to someone!! he probably (definitely) thinks if he can complete the Circuit he'll win favor with God, get the respect and attention he craves. I've talked before about how I feel like Z-one condemned his dead friends to the same loneliness he's become cursed with, and you REALLY see that with the Emperors and Primo especially. Aporia got split into threes and all three of 'em somehow ended up even lonelier than they would have been as one body--Primo is SUCH A MISERABLY LONELY GUY. HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO INTERACT WITH PEOPLE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON BECAUSE HE WASNT PROGRAMMED TO BE A NORMAL PERSON.
sure yeah his chronically unpleasant to be around attitude doesn't help, but in the Tag Force games you see these repeated little moments where you can tell he enjoys your company, he's Excited to spend time with you. I get the impression half of him thinking you should be happy to die too is just that he's so excited to share what he considers the ultimate culmination of what he was created to do with you (if TF5 is considered 'canon' in TF6 he might even be under the idea youre also an android--but that's a kettle of fish for a different time, primo's TF5 route is also insane). This isn't suicide to him! This is saving potentially billions of people! This is something really important to him, and he wants to share it with you!! Our hard work will pay off and we can rest!! This is the highest holy honor you can have!!!!! Aren't you excited???
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I just wouldn't say his continued agonies are Solely hinged on what's happening to him currently, nor are they what are driving him to this supposed lack of something to live for (again, since ridding the world of Momentum IS his something to live and persevere for, since that's what he was made to do.) I'd argue they're definitely external factors exasperating an internal problem built into his very code, though, and it just makes Primo's situation all the more harrowing to think about. He has got so much shit going on with him and none of it is good. "I feed off my own despair" OK COOL BUT THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING, DUDE. BEING A MACHINE POWERED BY YOUR OWN MISERY AND ANGER IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF. He was literally Built to Harbor Someone Else's Agony. If you keep dropping straws on a camel who was born with a back already covered in 'em, of course it's only gonna get worse, regardless of how much the camel thinks suffering makes him stronger and above humanity!!!
I do agree, though, that things maybe would have gone so much differently if someone outwardly, properly expressed love and affection to this poor guy. If someone told him he mattered in a way beyond his programming and divine mission. That taunt in Duel Links, the way he actually says it, it comes off as almost this snarling scornful jeer, but he looks so sopping wet sad saying it.
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He is the embodiment of "losing those who you love" and you have to wonder how that manifests with him, despite the fact that, like... he doesn't Know Eurea. he didnt even know she existed until Z-one put him back together and told him the truth of what he is. I wonder if Primo feels the itch to inflict that same pain of losing your closest love on other people (a trait Aporia also Very Much Has.) Or if he's written himself off as unlovable entirely (😢)... or if 'disgusting humans' are just beneath his sky high standards. And, yeah, you really do have to wonder why he doesn't class the rest of Iliaster as someone to love, why he gets along so poorly with the other Emperors in the first place. Did Z-one also program them to not fucking get along with each other??? Was this also some 6D chess bullshit to actually hinder their progress even more??? Is this indicative of just how bad Aporia's mental state was/is????? CAN WE KNOW!!!
this is all just theorizing and guesswork at the end of the day, but it's a lot to think about, and i love ruminating on it. I personally think Primo's fixation on having no one to love stems from a combination of things, and the fact some of it is coming from these vague feelings of agony baked into him from when Aporia lost Eurea is, like, GOD. MAN. I also think at least a little of it may be just that Primo thinks he doesnt 'deserve' anyone to love properly, and also that the Emperors are so divorced from humanity in their eyes that to "love" one another, or to see each other as 'family', is absurd and a waste of time (though if they actually fully believe that, who knows--it definitely seems like Primo cares quite a bit about Lester. wahhh ;;; ) Like. They're literally this post. In the Tag Force games Primo always acts kind of jumpy and almost shy when youre nice to him??!? HE DOESNT KNOW THAT ONE. AND IT'S SO SAD.
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WOW. OK. THIS GOT AWAY FROM ME A BIT. APOLOGIES!! tl;dr: yeah Primo's sense of self-worth is complete dogshit, the ghost of Aporia's suffering over a woman Primo has never met or known haunts his circuitboards in a way that can't be ignored, and that plus the fact he gets treated with disdain by his closest cohorts (which may be due to their God's 'divine' decisions) are definitely exasperating his issues and behavior. BUT, that being said, that's actually probably the least of why he's shown to be so excited to die, and the actual reasons that seem to be at play are a lot more horrifying! :D Primo largely sees himself as a means to end rather than as a person (he is a beautiful machine, a half motorcycle agent of justice and punishment, and far mightier and above miserable humans like Yusei Fudo,) and THAT'S largely because he was programmed by his creator to see himself that way. He is a computer built to complete a task and shut itself down. He was made to serve his God at the request of His long dead best friend for the good of a future he isn't meant to actually see.
i dont really have a conclusion, but I think a lot about this post with regards to the Three Pure Nobles.
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Maybe Primo could have grown beyond his programming, if he'd been exposed more properly to love and kindness. and i hope you want more for him too. im going to bed and going to think about this until i fall asleep. ok bye
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dukesmebby · 2 years
a/n: i am sorry if this is silly (actually im not i want this so bad) but i could not stop thinking abt it till it turned into this! heheh WC: 0.9 k (CW: mentions of asshole parents, one (1) mention of eating habits, lmk if theres anything else bc i think the rest is just fluff)
You put the car in park in front of the empty trailer and just sat there for what felt like hours before you could even begin to gather your things and head inside.
good thing he’s not home yet, you thought. Your resolve would completely crumble if Eddie were here to see you like this. You were supposed to be his sunshine, his sweet, happy girl. Currently, you just felt numb, drained of everything you had. There was no sunshine left, it was all rain clouds and thunderstorms tonight. You were a little bit disappointed in yourself if you were being honest. Normally, you could get a grip and stop yourself from slipping under. Just ignore the harsh comments and move on.
You were supposed to be able to keep yourself from slipping.
This feels like more than a slip though, more like drowning. Like your body is giving out after treading water for far too long and you were not equipped with a life vest.
It was like you were on autopilot.
Get out of the car. Lock it.
Get inside. Lock the door.
Put your stuff down.
Kick off your shoes.
Shower. Change.
You know how sometimes when you’re driving you get to your destination and think how in the hell did I make it here alive? I don't even remember the drive. That’s how it felt once you were changed into one of Eddie’s t-shirts and some new panties. You don't remember getting here but here you are. You didn’t even bother to brush out your wet hair before crawling into bed finally letting yourself feel.
It was heartbreaking. To not be good enough for them, to not be as important to your familiy as their social status. Your looks and the way you made them look was always going to be more important to them than just, you.
The first tear came and you started to let it all out. Shaking sobs wracked through your body and it felt like it wouldn’t ever stop.
Your cries were so loud you didn’t even hear him get in. With your back turned away from the bedroom doorway you didn't see him either.
He stood open-mouthed at the doorway for all of three seconds trying to figure out what was going on before another wretched sob came out of your mouth and he had to step forward.
“Hey, hey, love, what’s going on? It’s alright sweetheart. I’m here now.”
Startled by his sweet presence you stared at him in shock for a few seconds before breaking down again. Now you’re letting him down too, by being upset in the first place.
He had moved to sit on your side of the bed now and draped his arms around you. All you could see was him. All you could smell was him. All you could feel was him. He helped you calm down a bit. You were still hiccuping through tears but at least you weren’t choking on sobs anymore.
“Sweetheart what’s going on, huh? You hurt?”
You looked up at him with sad, wet eyes and shook your head at him.
“What’s going on then, huh? What happened to my sunshine?”
A pang of hurt struck through your heart at that.
You were supposed to be his sunshine.
“I'm sorry baby. i know-“
“You don’t have anything you need to be sorry for, I just want to know what’s making my girl sad” he interrupted, while giving you those eyes that could turn you into a puddle then and there.
“Please don’t be mad but i just, i went and talked to my parents but they are just so mean. It was the same old spiel they always gave. They went on and on about how I'm not doing enough here at the house and how I need to be working more and then mom would not shut up about the fact that I went back for seconds-”
He grabbed your face in his big hands and squished your cheeks so your lips puffed out before you could say anything else. It took a second for your brain to catch up and look him in the eyes.
“Baby, hey” he cooed. “Nothing they say about you or who you are is true. I’m not mad at you, I could never be mad at you for trying with them, it just makes me sad to see you so upset, love.” You simply replied with a nod.
He notices your damp hair, and lets out a small giggle, “Didn’t even finish getting ready for bed, my sweet thing.”
You let out a shaky laugh and shook your head at him in agreement. He took your hand and pulled you over to the bathroom, making sure to grab the hairbrush and an elastic out of the drawer. He stood behind you and brushed out your hair. Making goofy faces at you in the mirror, trying (and definitely not failing) to cheer you up. Before he was finished with your hair you turned around into him and gave him a hug so tight he thought his heart might just burst.
“thank you, eds. i love you” you mumbled into his chest.
“I love you too, sweets. let’s finish getting you ready for bed”
He turned you back around after placing a kiss to your forehead and brushed through your hair again. He split it into 3 sections and braided it down your back for you. By the time he was done you were as smiley as ever after making faces at each other the whole time.
You sat on the lid of the toilet while he showered before the two of you were able to crawl into bed together. You snuggled into his welcoming arms and that was when you realized he was your life vest. He kept you from slipping.
“I love you so much, Ed's. Sleep tight baby”
You were asleep before you could hear his response.
“Sleep tight, my sunshine, I love you. ”
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Follow up to our two hearts meeting
Nerevar: *walking beside Kaidan at the head of the group, smiling down at Riiju-Lei as he sleeps peacefully in his arms* so he has a family back in whiterun then yes?
Kaidan: *carrying an unconscious and still injured miraak on his back* aye, five kids he adopted.
Nerevar: Five?! Gods the house must be crowded!
Taliesin: hm not really, it’s quite a big house though I would like to be able to use the bathroom without being interrupted every 10 seconds. *sighs* but alas. I think he likes how lively the house is with all of us around. He’s been on his own for some time after his parents passed on.
Nerevar: That reminds me I… id like to visit their graves when we get back to windhelm. *covers Riiju with his cape as the ash near the bulwark kicks up*
Kaidan: *hands busy carrying miraak, sneezes as the ash blows up his nose* ugh focking mountain- I- why do you want to visit his parents?
Nerevar: to thank them for keeping him safe. *walks ahead of them and into the wretching netch*
Kaidan: jeez he’s really in love isn’t he?
Xelzaz: I think they both are. Though the dunmer highly revere the dead, I think he’d wish to grant them honours for giving his past love a new chance at life.
Taliesin: Aw… that’s, very sweet actually.
Xelzaz: it is- now are you two going to help me heal him or are we just going to let him die on Kaidans back? *gestures to miraak*
Miraak: *groans*
Kaidan: oh yeah we’d better not let him die. Pffft, asshole doesn’t deserve to live anyway in my opinion.
Lucien: yes well Leilei wants him to. I’ll go get us some rooms.
Inigo: first round of drinks is on me!
Sero: Ah no serjo I’m a man of my word and I lost that game of cards fair and square! I’ll pay for the first round… then you can pay for all the others.
Inigo: hehehe~
*meanwhile inside*
Nerevar: *gently lays Riiju onto the large warm bed of the cosy room he’d ordered for the two of them* Vor- *pauses* heh, old habits. *gently nudges him* Leilei, wake up… I’m going to take your armour off so you can sleep comfortably…
Riiju-Lei: *shifts slightly, a warm smile still on his face as he blinks open all 3 eyes… only to suddenly pout and rub his forehead* why do I still have this thing?… the rest of my body went back to normal why’d this stick around?…
Nerevar: *smiles watching him sulk, just like he used to when he was over tired* I’m not sure, perhaps a reminder from the past but. I think it’s as beautiful as your other two.
Riiju-Lei: *visibly blushes and looks away feeling shy and not knowing how to deal with it* r-really?…
Nerevar: yes, really. *smiles stroking his cheek* may I undress you now? your armour doesn’t look very comfortable to rest in.
Riiju-Lei: I-I- n-no I I’ll- let me- oh gods how did I do this for the temple of dibella with a straight face?!
Nerevar: oh~? *quirks his brow* now that’s a story Id like to hear~
Riiju-Lei: I- *swallows a lump in his throat, trying to comprehend all these new sensations and feelings within himself* it… it’d be easier if I show you… w-would you?… like me to?…
Nerevar: … *gently holds his hand* only if you want to show me…
Riiju-Lei: *knowing they’ve technically only just met that day, but feeling a love burning inside of him that’s lasted for hundreds of years* … *sits upright and leans in close to him, their movements both marching in pace and distance, like they’d done this before* I want to show you I love you…
Nerevar: *blue eyes locked firmly onto his, both of them sparkling like rubies and sapphires in the candlelight* then do it so I may show my love for you too…
Riiju-Lei: *leans in close kissing him softly*
Nerevar: *gladly reciprocates*
*the next morning*
Kaidan: *wanders to the bar to order himself and Taliesin breakfast* oh good morning councillor Arano-
Adril Arano: I- oh forgive me- Kaidan correct? Please it’s urgent! We got news lord nerevar returned last night but nobody can find him! We fear for his safety-
Kaidan: oh nerevar, he’s-
Nerevar: *suddenly steps out of his and Lelei’s room only in a pair of trousers, hair a mess, and a look of bliss on his face, totally unaware of the hickies absolutely riddled across his torso* Ah, councillor, good morning. Oh good morning Kaidan!
Kaidan: *face going pink as he tries to hide his shit eating grin* fun night ay?
Nerevar: oh- Oh yes~. *smiles walking off to the bathhouse*
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annwayne · 6 months
You gotta give me sith!obi-wan x jedi!reader (pretty pretty please)
Hehehe yessss. I can't take all the credit tho, like with many fics you supplied several ideas years ago when I first came up with it lol. But that's what writing friends are for >:D
The idea- an AU where Palpatine was betrayed by Dukoo well before the clone wars and took Obi-Wan as his sith apprentice. Otherwise canon isn't that different. The fic is a kinktober oneshot, so sexy interrogation with reader as Obi-Wan's captive set during the Clone Wars. I never got super far writing it.. but it is a fun idea.
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Strawberry ginger hair was the first thing you saw. Then your eyes jumped down- maybe to give your face time to recover from your violent awakening before your captor saw how disoriented you were. You noticed black boots hidden under white dress pants and a long cape with gold lining. Those boots stepped forward. As he walked towards you, he also moved further into view, ruining your attempts to avoid looking at him. Sleek fabric and a familiar gold chain finally met your eye. A gloved hand rested under your chin and firmly lifted your head up.
Beautiful blue eyes stared darkly into your avoidant ones. You dropped your gaze to his mouth then behind his shoulder; anywhere but his eyes. “Ah-Come now, avoiding eye contact is just rude. I know you have better manners than that, darling.” His voice was the same–but somehow it felt unfamiliar.
“Kenobi.” You said his name like it was bile stuck on your tongue. Most of the feeling in your body was gone- a side effect of the stasis pumping electricity through your body in order to keep you floating in place. You knew it usually wore off within the first hour, which meant you hadn’t been here for long.
“How lovely. You really shouldn’t hide away such beautiful eyes.” That handsome face grinned at you. Then, he started circling you. The tap of his heel moving oh so slowly.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“You gave us quite the scare,” Obi-Wan’s voice bounced around the holding cell. “We weren’t sure you’d even wake up after those commando droids dragged you off that wretched planet.”
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“But I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
Those boots stopped behind you. You hadn’t noticed when you stopped breathing.
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ghosts-of-love · 10 months
For the DVD commentary, my favourite part from Lost Then Found -
"Sorry, I was just closing up -" Pat cut himself off abruptly when he turned to face him. 
His eyes widened in shock and the Captain couldn’t blame him. No doubt Pat hadn’t been expecting to see him standing in the doorway with his shirt plastered to him and water actively dripping from his hair, hitting his nose and cheeks, and the floor. 
They stared at each other. 
"Pat, I’ve been a fool." The Captain said, suddenly, "A wazzock, if you will." 
He ran his hand through his hair, pushing it backwards out of his eyes.  
"God, I’ve been so blind.” He moved forward a few steps towards him and then hesitated, hands clenching awkwardly at his sides, too numb from the cold to function properly. 
Pat didn’t say anything, but there was a hopeful look in his eyes as he took in the Captain’s frankly wretched appearance. 
What was it that Humphrey had said? A neon sign saying he loves you. The Captain thought perhaps he could see it now, or at least he hoped he could, in the way Pat was so clearly itching to move forward and make sure he was alright. Only he didn’t move at all. He held himself back and it broke the Captain’s heart that he had caused that hesitation. 
And so he stamped down the overwhelming sense of trepidation and steeled himself instead. 
He moved forward and held his hand out. 
Pat continued to stare at him. 
“Will you...would you please come with me?” He said softly. 
And Pat, for all his confusion, took his hand almost immediately and watched as the Captain openly took a moment to marvel, with a small smile, at just the feeling of their hands together.
hello!! hehehe i love this part too!!
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