bogeyposting · 6 years
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The most powerful man in the universe has the Evil Lord of Destruction under some kind of spell...
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124letras · 6 years
Updates de Mayo
Hola, mis queridos letores. Aquí los updates de este mes:
1. Sé que no he publicado, pero he tenido algunos problemas de salud y estoy empezando con mi diplomado, lo que me ha hecho difícil organizarme.
2. Posts: Sé que cambio el calendario de publicaciones seguido, pero bue... Voy a postear una vez a la semana contenido original y voy a  “rebloguear” alguna cosilla extra en Twitter o Facebook, igual una vez por semana. El contenido original será una semana un texto y a la otra una palabra nueva o cita inspiradora de algún escritor famoso. Los “reblogs”, serán de otros blogs de escritura.
3. Estoy comenzando un proyecto de un mes sobre redes sociales para compartir sus textos (y ser publicados). Voy a andar publicando mis cuentos sobre el Archipiélago Perdido del Pacífico en estas redes sociales para escritores durante un mes y les contaré cuáles son los resultados y si les recomiendo dichas redes sociales, so... stay tuned!
4. En la semana les voy a compartir un bello template para crear personajes que espero les sirva. Estará en PDF y en una bella Google Spread Sheet, por si quieren moverle algo y personalizarlo.
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dream-hopper · 7 years
Day 1
Day 1. "Yes! No, Mom, I promise it's only going to a school trip, nothing more. No, no really, there aren't-MOM!" you yell into your phone, "Jeez, I will call you once I get on the plane, okay? I promise I'll tell you if anything changes." You hang up the phone, stepping into a near by coffee store, it was one of your favorites when it came to quick coffee. You orded your usual order, and went on your way. As you were stepping onto the crosswalk, you noticed a taken apart phone on the side of the road, searching around you to make sure no one else was going to take the phone, you spead up ahead before an oncoming car ran you over, and snatched it. Putting the battery and the phone itself in your bag, and walking to your Uber. The plain was about fifteen minutes away, and you thought you'd charge the phone and see who it belonged to from there. The terminal was hell, as usual, but you finally managed to stop in a little cafe store near your gate to relax with your stuff. Putting a charging base into a wall outlet, you charged the phone. It was a nice phone, about a couple models old, but still nice. It turned on without much trouble, and you noticed how there we're any personal info on it when you tried to look for contacts. The screen background was of a sun and a blue sky, but aside from that, nothing to personal, when suddenly, a notification icon popped up at the top of the screen, saying that a chatroom had opened. Checking your own phone, you saw that you still had about a half an hour till your flight. Sucking in a shaking breath, you open the chatroom. Instead of a nice atmospheric chatroom like one you're used to, you're introduced to a bunch of bianry code in green text, when "Unknown" came into the chat. "This guy's weird, go to somebody's house?!" You whisper under your breath. "What's wrong with this...omg what if he's a kidnapper?!" Typing a quick, "no, you're creepy," you hide the phone to not be interested or freaked out anymore. The stranger sent you a picture of him, telling you that he's just a koreen boy that needs help with this. You felt uneasy, thinking that you're about to land in South Korea for a school trip. Putting aside everything, you say that you'll help him. Your flight is uneventful, aside from the letorous old men that sat next to you. You met up with your classmates and checked into the hotel that you'd be staying at. Your Korean wasn't that bad, but you still needed work, because the man behind the register laughed when you asked him for your room key. Your friend had told you later that you asked for your chicken toes, instead of room key. Before settling down too much, you packed a nice dress in your backpack, sweats, a shirt, and other nessecities, because you were about to head to the gym, when you remembered "Unknown". Checking the cell phone, you saw that there was an address. It was in the middle of the city, it seemed, so that surprised you. You told your friends that you'd be out for a little bit, and you'd catch up with them later. Downtown was busy, but the city lights were gorgeous, even as you were taking the bus to the apartment. It was very nice, tall and looked very clean. There were a few old people in the lobby, catching up with what seemed to be their younger family members. You made your way to the elevator and texted Unknown Y/N: Okay, I'm here, which floor is it? Unknown: 14th floor, second door at the end of the hallway to the right. Y/N: How do you know that?;;; Unknown: Well, Unknown: It's a long story, and i've put you through enough today, right ^^; Y/N: Whatever... Passing a couple girls on the way to the room, you finally made it to the door, but saw that, unlike the rest of the rooms with a normal key, there was a passcode. Unknown: See, nothing bad, Unknown: Is there a password.? You decided to play with him, see how much he knows about this place. Y/N: nope, don't see one. Unknown: Really? are you sure? Y/N: Lol jk there is. Unknown: lol you're funny. He gave you the passcode, and you went in. The room when you first go in was very spacious. A bed that folded into a couch was in the corner next to a locker set, a computer, and a desk. On the far right wall, ther was a door that lead to the rest of the apartment. Suddenly, you heard a loud beep go off on the cell phone. The chat was destroyed, and in its place was a normal chatroom, with five different people. Your body was shaking, worrying that something went wrong and that you were going to be in a lot of trouble. They didn't notice you enter at first, talking about jobs and midterms for a while, when 707 started freaking out. It took a while, but you were finally about to say hello. They responded with just as much concern as you first were made aware of. It was when you were called 'fake' that you got offended and said. Y/N: I'm (y/n), i'm the most confused one here, who are you all? This triggered you to learn of Zen and Yoosung, the lonely college boy and actor. Cute, but very pushy. Jumin, the CEO guy for a big corp. in Korea, with Jaehee as his assistant, and Seven. He's not so bad, he means well, but he's really scatter brained. You couldn't focus on what was happening too much in the chat, when suddenly V came into the room. You thought that everything happening was too much, and the fact that they were so trusting with the information they were giving out to a total stanger troubled you. Wasn't this supposed to be a "secret chatroom for members only"? As they were talking, you decided to look around the room, not doing any real harm but just because you couldn't stay still. You looked in the lockers, and you saw amazing clothing. Possibly not your right size, but they were about there. The next room had a hallway that lead to the main bedroom and the bathroom just across the hall. Which meant this was the living room. Not a very well thought out living room, considering how buisness it looked. You turned your attention to the screen again, and Seven had asked you not to mess with anything. Turning bright red, you sat on the bed. V left the room after explaining what his thoughts were on the matter, and you being offered a job. Your mind was filled with confusion and disbelief as Jumin asked if you wanted to join the RFA. Not answering right away, and thinking what would happen if you did, you decided, sure, it's not like they're serious or anything. Everyone left the chatroom, and you saw the full features of the phone, on how very much like Fakebook it was, with profiles and everything. Seven called you about an hour after you'd settled down. He told you how boring his work was, and how he wished he could be at the space station instead. You laughed and told him to build a ship then. You both laugh at this, when he stopped and said; "Oh, so when I did a background check on you, sorry about that by the way, I noticed you were a student from America staying here for three weeks at the near by hotel. I called your Teachers and everything and told them that you were, well, busy I guess. They didn't like that for some reason." "Woah woah woah, so what am I supposed to do then? I have classes and stuff!" "That's easy, I had all your future lessons and homework sent to the apartment, and also I had my maid pick up your stuff from the hotel, so don't worry about that. Jumin said that he'd repay you for the expenses for the hotel and the drive here." "That's very sweet of him but, oh, i just heard a knock on the door hold on." "Take me with you lolol." You opened the door and saw your luggage and a large folder of paperwork. You groaned as you fell to your knees, thinking about how much more work this is going to be for you. "I know, it's a lot of work, but if you need help with anything just talk to me." "Thanks, Seven." "No problem-o! 707, defender of justice will never let a damsel stay in distress!" You laughed, telling him that was pretty funny. He laughed along and said that he had to go, work and all, and you groaned out "Same." Hanging up your phone, you felt strange about how everything turned out, but let it slide. You decided that you wouldn't look at your work until you had too, and went to the kitchen to grab something from the fridge. When you found there was nothing there, you picked up your cell phone again, and ordered take out.
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*Kazi Nazrul Islam* (25 May 1899 – 29 August 1976) was a Bengali poet, writer, musician, anti-colonial revolutionary and the national poet of Bangladesh.Popularly known as Nazrul, he produced a large body of poetry and music with themes that included religious devotion and rebellion against oppression.Nazrul's activism for political and social justice earned him the title of "Rebel Poet" (Bidrohi Kobi).His compositions form the avant-garde genre of Nazrul Geeti (Music of Nazrul). Born in a Bengali Muslim Kazi family, Nazrul Islam received religious education and as a young man worked as a muezzin at a local mosque. He learned about poetry, drama, and literature while working with the rural theatrical group Letor Dal. He joined the British Indian Army in 1917. After serving in the British Indian Army in the Middle East (Mesopotamian campaign) during World War I,Nazrul established himself as a journalist in Calcutta. He criticised the British Raj and called for revolution through his poetic works, such as "Bidrohi" ('The Rebel') and "Bhangar Gaan" ( 'The Song of Destruction'),as well as in his publication Dhumketu ('The Comet'). His nationalist activism in Indian independence movement led to his frequent imprisonment by the colonial British authorities. While in prison, Nazrul wrote the "Rajbandir Jabanbandi" ( 'Deposition of a Political Prisoner').His writings greatly inspired Bengalis of East Pakistan during the Bangladesh Liberation War. Nazrul's writings explored themes such as freedom, humanity, love, and revolution. He opposed all forms of bigotry and fundamentalism, including religious, caste-based and gender-based.Nazrul wrote short stories, novels, and essays but is best known for his songs and poems. He profusely enriched ghazals in the Bengali language.He is also known to have experimented with Arabic, Persian, and Sanskrit words in his works to produce rhythmic effects. Nazrul wrote and composed music for nearly 4,000 songs (many recorded on HMV and gramophone records),collectively known as Nazrul Geeti. In 1942 at the age of 43, he began to suffer from an unknown disease, losing his voice and memory. A medical team in Vienna diagnosed the disease https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_4y_KHh9Q/?igshid=bbrjcesj3bo9
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sparkinsidewrites · 4 years
Shadows Mind: Murder - Chapter One
Title: Shadows Mind: Murder
Chapter: 3/?
Character/Pairing: Adam Carson/OFC; Hunter Burgan/Jade Puget; Davey Havok
Genre: Angst; AU
Rating: T
Summary:   In a time of devestating war and destruction, five young children witnessed their world come crashing down before them. Twenty years later, they have risen above the chaos to lead their once war-torn land, Allyria, into an era of peace. But the serenity they have brought may only be the calm before the storm as a powerful force from beyond their kingdom threatens to tear their world, their kingdom and their lives apart. Can they rise above the wreckage or will Allyria fall into the darkness building steadily on the horizon? Written with FadingStar. In-Complete
Authors Notes/Warnings:  Nothing in this piece ever happened. I claim no ownership nor do I make any sort of profit from this, other than pride and a sense of amusement. Graphic depictions of violence. Death
One: We’re just the empty set floating through, wrapped in skin
Violet eyes were eerily calm, unfeeling, unperturbed, even though their owner, a tall lissome woman, was surrounded by over a dozen well armored men. Her arms, which were clad in by pliant leather guards and soft black fabric, were crossed over her small bust, accentuating the cockiness of her stance, one hip jutting out to the left. Her face was expressionless, but the twist of her frame said everything that needed to be said to the men. She was ready for them.
"Well," she said, a sneer playing upon her coral lips as she looked at the men. "Come on. I haven't got all day."
There was a second of silence before one of the men, younger, more brash, by the looks of him, unsheathed his sword and charged her with an almost cliche little roar. She almost laughed outright at that, she just loved the young ones, they were deliciously over sure of themselves and it was all the more fun to deflate their egos.
In one graceful motion, so fluid there appeared to be no bones in her body, the woman had unsheathed her own blades from their scabbards strapped to her back. Slender, curving, like a wicked smile, they fit into her hands like she'd been born with them there. A very believable notion when she arced the blades against her attacker, blocking his downward swing with one blade, while the other slammed into the belly of his armor. He stumbled back few feet, and might have attempted a second run at her, had she not spun on the heel of her boot and slammed her other foot into his rib cage. He fell, sure not to be getting up for a few minutes. He was out in any case.
The first attacker's brethren awoke with his charge and they, together started toward her, the woman smiled in an almost feral way as they did. If nothing else, this would be fun.
Her body was like a ribbon of muscle, interweaving nearly like a dancer in between the weapons of her opponents. Delivering blows with her swords, her elbows, and her legs, the entirety of her figure was as deadly as the blades she carried. In less than four minutes all but five of the thirteen men that had come at her had backed away, defeated, some of them unconscious. To their credit the five who remained were far more experienced with this woman and her fighting style, so they could hold out against her fairly well. Apparently though, experience was not enough, and those five too were soon part of the circle of defeated that surrounded her.
"I expected more from you all," the woman said, shaking back her violet and jet tail of hair. She wrinkled her nose as she felt sweat tricking down her forehead. "Really, that was barely an improvement at all from last time. How do any of you expect to protect the Chancellors from hordes of enemy soldiers if you can't at least take me out?"
"With all due, respect, Lady Kali, no one can take you out," one of the more experienced group said with a smile.
Kali threw her head back and laughed at that one.
"Flattery gets you no where, Ashneil," she told him, crossing her arms again. "Though it is appreciated. Now, come on, on your feet, all of you. You're in training for the Chancellors' guard, you don't get to rest. And you'd better shape up or you'll be eating nothing but bread and the Cook's secret stew until you do."
A loud groan came from the men making Kali chuckle.
"Now none of that, you big bunch of babies!" she tried to reprove without smiling. "Come on, come on!" She clapped her hands. "And Morgan, work on your footing, boy! You tripped yourself up on that butterfly arc, I barely had to swing to push you off balance."
Grumbles continued to issue from the men's throats but Kali paid it no mind, smiling at them. This afternoon was going to be a good one, she could tell. Or at least that was the plan until a young boy dressed in the black and white livery of a castle page, came running through the entrance to the practice yard, to kneel before Kali. Kali frowned down at his prostrated blonde head, she didn't like this very much.
"Yes?" she barked her permission for the boy to speak.
"L-lady Kali a messenger has just entered the castle from Letor province," the boy stammered, a slight tremble to his slender frame, not daring to look her in the eyes. Almost everyone outside of the Chancellors and the men she trained to protect them acted in such away before her. Perhaps it was the fire that flickered in her violet eyes, or her reputation as a merciless killer in the Chancellors' names. Most likely it was the latter, but Kali hardly cared. Letor had been mentioned, that was all that mattered at the moment.
"And?" Kali prompted, a little more gently, though she had a feeling of what was going to be said already.
"And he requested an audience with the Chancellors," the boy said. "Lord Cormac said you should be sent for as well, he-he said you would want to be there with them."
Kali's eyes darkened, she definitely didn't like this. "All right I'm coming, they'll be seeing him in the planning room, will they not?"
"Y-yes ma'am," he said.
Kali nodded. "You're dismissed then." She watched as the boy stood and practically ran for the doors, chuckling just a bit before turning to her men. "All right, you pansies are lucky, I doubt we'll get to practice anymore today. You're free. But if I were you all I'd spend every free second practicing, if you don't do better next time you are getting put on that diet." The men let out a loud groan again and Kali didn't hide her laughter as she started out of the practice yard. She was well suited to this life with the sword.
In the fields adjacent to the castle stables, another man was sitting calmly on black horse, looking over the landscape before him. No snow had fallen in the capital yet, despite December being only days away from its start, so the weather was still good for riding. Cold as the seventh hell, but it was riding weather nonetheless, and until snow covered the ground, interceding his mount's hooves for a gallop, ride he would.
He pushed back his leftward hanging shock of hair, black colored with strips of blonde, patting the neck of his horse idly. Beneath him the animal shifted, scratching a hoof against the brown winter grass. The rider smiled, his steed was as ready for this little jaunt as he was, and he wasn't one for holding back.
"Yah!" he shouted giving the horse a quick nudge in the side with his heels. At once the gelding was moving, its muscles rippling beneath him as they worked from a trot to a full fledged gallop. The rider grinned and leaned forward against the saddle, his face resting close to his horse's neck. This was bliss.
Rider and horse were one as hooves kicked up dirt through the fields, the rider's body moving in tune with each motion the animal made. It was artistic, the way they melded together, becoming one solid blur as the horse propelled them across the grass. When they came to a series of fences it was not just the horse that jumped, the rider leapt with it, standing partway out of his stirrups as they cleared the wooden frames. So at ease and well trained was the rider that he thought nothing of closing his eyes after the fences had been cleared and they were circling rapidly about the field.
There was nothing so liberating as riding, nothing in the world. It was another plane of existence compared to the life that the rider lead, composed of the earth and pure, untamed, movement. There was only himself, his steed, the earth below, and the sky above. Nothing else, no one else, the rest of the universe was muted out by the rapid hooves pounding the earth in tune with his heartbeat. The rider released the horse's reigns, curling his fingers into it's mane. This was true freedom.
All to soon the animal began to slow, weary from the jaunt. The rider frowned, but allowed it to happen, patting it's neck and pulling the reigns to slow the horse himself. There was no sense in trying to push his mount beyond it's limits, he was not a cruel trainer, after all, just a man who enjoyed the pace. Easing the horse into a stop he slid from the saddle, deciding to make things even easier on the animal, and lead it by the reigns back toward the stables, where a small audience had gathered.
"You flew out there today, Chancellor David," a man grizzled and muscled from ages of work in both the stables and in the fields said as the rider and his horse approached. "Your Lyell barely had to bunch his muscles to clear the fences this time about. You've quite the hand at riding. If you ever get tired of those fancy political things you do, you might take my job."
David chuckled at that comment and patted the horses flanks. "Don't praise me so much, Jereth, I've just got a good partner to work with," he said. "If you want to be saying such nice things, they'd be better going to him."
It was Jereth's turn to chuckle as he opened the gate to the inner stable for the Chancellor. "Yes, a good horse makes quite a bit of difference, milord, I won't argue that with you," he replied. But I have to say a good trainer makes an even bigger one. Any horse can be taught to trot, teaching them well is a gift."
"Well, we both thank you for the compliment, then," David said, smiling as he guided Lyell to his pen.
Next to the actual ride, caring for the horse was David's favorite part about being in the stables. There was something very gratifying about it, the quietness of the stables as he curry combed the animal, watered it, and made sure it had clean dry hay to eat. There was no thank you in the work, not besides knowing his horse was being cared for, but that feeling was worth it all.
He had just taken Lyell's saddle off, and was removing his bit, when his plans for tending the stallion, were interrupted by the appearance of Jereth, unexpectedly, at the stall door a page at his side. David's stomach sank at the appearance of the boy. He didn't often make use of the castle pages, preferring to deliver messages in person to his co-councils, and their showing up before him always meant bad news.
"Yes?" David asked as the boy dropped to one knee and bowed his head to him, his tone taking on a distant quality.
"Chancellor David, a messenger has just arrived from Letor, he's requested an audience with yourself, Chancellor Adam, Chancellor Jade, and Chancellor Hunter," the boy said. "Lord Cormac sent him to the planning room. Will you see him, milord?"
"Yes, of course," David said with a confident nod, though his stomach began to feel a bit uneasy. "Go to my chambers and have a maid set out new clothes for me and tell Cormac I'll be there shortly. Hurry."
"Yes, milord," the boy said rising to his feet, bowing politely at the waist, and sprinting off, evidently eager for his task. With the boy gone David turned to Jereth, who was watching with wise eyes and gave a sheepish smile, holding up the curry comb.
"Is there any way you could take care of him for me?" he asked, nodding to Lyell.
"Of course, milord," Jereth said, moving without hesitation to take the comb from his master. "Don't worry about a thing. I'll take good care of him, you don't pay me to be the stable master for nothing."
"I know," David said, smiling again, as he patted his horse goodbye on his velvety nose, sparring a moment to pull a cube of sugar from his pocket for the animal. The young Chancellor wiped his hand off on his worn riding breeches and turned away, the smile dissipating from his features as he did. So much for an afternoon of freedom.
Sawdust filled the small room, filling the cool air with a scent that had always reminded him of home. There was something safe, something comforting about the smell. If he dared to let himself dwell on it, he would admit it brought back memories of his father. Memories of the life he still missed acutely.
With each piece he carved, he felt connected to who he was. To what he could have been had the attack on his village never come. It was bittersweet, the longing he had for that life, and he struggled with it daily. But as well as reminding him, each piece he through himself into allowed him to forget. It allowed him to escape and that escape was what he longed for most of all.
He sat, hunched over the small work bench carefully carving each intricate detail into the wooden box sitting before him. Long flowing lines mixed with sharp angles. He had no plan in mind, simply letting his fingers and the piece itself lead the way. It was something his father had taught him. The best work didn’t come from detailed planning but from your heart. And it was something he cherished.
The sun hung low in the sky behind him, casting faint orange light across the table. How long he’d spent locked inside the room, he couldn’t quite say. And somehow it didn’t seem to matter to him. In the back of his mind the thought that his absence from his duties was probably noticed, but it did not hold enough precedence to pull him from the room. They would simply have to make do without him.
It had been a while since he’d allowed himself to be pulled in like this. Too long, he reasoned. But the duty he held to the men he counted as brothers, the people he considered family, and those he helped to lead, called for the vast majority of his time and his energy. On more than one occasion he’d found himself overwhelmed and wanting to run, but he knew that would solve nothing. Hiding from your problems would not make them vanish. And who was he to cast more burden on those he knew shouldered more than their share.
He shook the thought from his mind, focusing instead on the smooth feel of the wood beneath his fingers and the contrast of the rough pieces of shaved wood left behind by his chisel. He breathed deeply, taking in the strong scent left by the carved wood. It was oddly comforting and he allowed the feel and the scent to ground him.
A soft knock residing on the door shook him from his trance, forcing him back into reality. He stood, rasing his arms above his head in a vain attempt to ease the stiffness in his back. He had let himself grow far too involved in his work.
Slowly, he made his way to the door, pulling it open with ease. He was greeted with the stoic gaze of one of the many attendants of the citadel. Nodding at the boy, he allowed his eyes to wander down the empty hallway. Torches burned in their holders, casting an eery glow over the stone around them.
“Chancellor Hunter, I apologize for disturbing your work, but a messenger of Letor has arrived requesting an audience with you and the other chancellors,” the boy spoke, handing him a small piece of parchment.
Hunter quickly read over the letter, nodding. “Tell the others I shall be there shortly.” With a curt nod, the boy turned and hurried down the hall. Closing the door once more, Hunter sighed. His duties called for him once more.
Brushing the saw dust from his clothing, Hunter took one last slow glance around the small room, not quite knowing when he would have the chance to return again.
The earth was the most important thing, it was warm and cool, soft and hard, all at once, it was everything. Life began with the ground, life ended with the ground. Like life, it could be rough, filled with stones and other hard bumps, and at the same time it could be easy, rich with rewards that far surpassed any others in existence.
These were the thoughts that ran through a young man's head as he knelt in the middle of a little garden encased my thick glass walls, his rough hands digging straight into the cushy soil while planting several bulbs and seeds set upon a small tray beside him. A startling contrast to the outside December air, the atmosphere in the glass room was sweltering like mid-June, thick and sticky. So much so that sweat matted down the gardener's oddly cut auburn and blonde hair, trickling down his face and bare back; he'd removed his shirt almost at once after entering the place. Dirt was streaked upon his forehead and nose from the many times he had wiped his brow since coming to there to work.
Memories lay in the dirt, memories unreachable, unwanted in any other places. Working the ground and raising greens, gave a sense of the world being unchanged. If he closed his eyes and tried hard enough, he could become lost in those gentle, unbidden, recesses of his mind. That's where his truest passion lay, a fantasy world that was nary ever touched.
He would see her first, in this little world set in his head. Hazel eyes and auburn hair, smiling and waving him on as she worked in front of the oven. A blonde man would be next, tall with a deep laugh that rumbled past his lips like thunder. Next would be two teenage boys, almost men, with a slight stubble on their chins, teasing him as they always tended to do. It was only because they cared, though, he knew now. A girl, little younger than the boys, would be sitting in a corner, rocking a baby in her arms, giving him a warm smile as he passed. Then, already at the table, making a copious amount of noise, would be...
"Chancellor Jade?" a small voice cut into his reflection just before he could grasp hold of that one memory that meant the most to him. Almost angry, he stood and turned toward the room's entrance, his one visible hazel eye snapping. The boy at the door dressed in a page's livery nearly curled into a ball from the look on his face. He ducked his head, taking a few steps backward, not daring to look up into his liege's face again.
"What?" Jade's voice was a cold monotone, void of any sort of feeling. It matched the look on his face perfectly.
The boy jumped, shaking and scrabbling for the reason he had come here, the last place any of the pages would want to be.
"I-I-Um-Letor!" he almost shouted the last word as he felt Jade's eyes boring into him. "L-Letor my lord, a-a messenger?"
Jade quirked an eyebrow at that, the only emotion he really ever showed, intrigue. "I understand," he cut the still stammering boy off, turning around to find the shirt he'd discarded somewhere nearby. "Go and inform Cormac I will be in the planning room shortly. Now." He added the last word when he sensed the boy still frozen in place. He melted immediately and the sound of footsteps running down the hall greeted Jade's ears.
Jade looked down and eyed the bulbs he had left lying on the ground, biting his lower lip. He hated to leave work undone but still, more important matters needed his attention. He sighed but gathered up the plants he'd left lying to the side, taking them to a sunlit corner of the room to wait his return before striding out the door.
The soft ruffle of bed clothes filled the small room. It was growing colder, December coming just around the corner. A young man tugged the sheet higher up on his naked form, running his hand slowly through his shaggy dark hair. His eyes were half lidded, his face holding the last traces of color and warmth that had been caused by the activities he had engaged himself in only a few minutes prior.
With wide, warm eyes, the young chamber maid smiled at the him, hoping he could see the hope in her eyes. It was the first time they had coupled and she hoped it would not be the last. Oh she knew it wouldn’t move far beyond that, she wasn’t completely naive, but she hoped that they would at least have more time together.
He returned her smile softly, reading her intention, and shook his head. She was lovely, that he would not deny. Her bright green eyes and soft golden hair had been what captured his eye in the first place. She was quiet, shy almost, but sweet. To say he didn’t enjoy the coupling would be a bold faced lie, but he simply was not the one to tie himself to another, physically or otherwise. Attachment was not something he needed, a release was. As cruel and cold as that fact was, it was what he knew, how he lived. And he refused to change for anyone.
The subtle change in his eyes told her all she needed to know. This was all that would come to pass between them, a quick roll in the sheets. That fact stung, but she fought to keep her face calm, expressionless. She refused to show him her pain, refused to allow herself to be made vunerable again.
Silence filled the room, as the chamber maid pulled her simple dress over her head. The young man watched her move then turned his attention to the ceiling, stretching his arms above his head. He heard the wooden door slowly open followed by a rustle of fabric before it closed once again.
Alone with his thoughts, the man allowed his mind to clear, taking in the soft sounds filtering around him. He could hear the soft roar of the fire, the scurry of feet along the stoned hallway just beyond his door. They were familiar sounds. Small things. Simple things.
Perhaps it was selfish and cold, the way he took women to his bed. But he made them no promises, he told them no lies. He made sure they knew it was only sex. Only physical release he sought. Commitment, love, these were things he had little time for. Things he had no need for. His life was simply not built for them. It was something he’d come to accept long ago.
A soldier’s life had no room for anything more than battle and loyalty to the land and the people he called home. Not to say he was cold hearted. No. He loved in his own way. The people he kept close to him were the people he cherished. The people he would give his life for; Kal, Davey, Hunter, Jade. They were his family.
The sharp knock resounding from outside his door, pulled him from his thoughts. Grumbling, he stood, pulling his robe from the chair beside his bed and fastening it around himself. He made his way to the door, pulling it open, the displeasure he felt from being disturbed marring his face.
Wide green eyes stared back at him. “Sir,” the page began, lowering his eyes immediately.
“Yes?” he nodded, waiting for the boy to continue.
“Chancellor Adam,” the page began once more, “I apologize for disturbing you, milord, but a messenger has arrived from Letor requesting an audience with you and the other Chancellors.”
Adam nodded at the boy. “Tell him that I will be down shortly.”
With a nod, the page turned and made his way quickly down the darkened hallway. Once he had disappeared from sight, Adam pushed the door closed and made his way towards the small wooden wardrobe in the far corner of the room. With a sigh, he grabbed his tunic and robes, donning them slowly.
It seemed a soldier’s work was never done.
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bogeyposting · 6 years
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bogeyposting · 6 years
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I haven’t been able to find very many fanfics for this particular pair but the ones I have found, have been a joy to read. This doodle comic is based on Chapter 4 of a fic called Abduction of Adam. The story starts off with a wonderfully funny premise, and Adam and Skeletor have some really great interactions in it. I enjoy the overall characterization of Skeletor and Adam, them bonding over literature, Skeletor being a misunderstood intellectual and Adam starting to gradually understand his nemesis a little more... I love stories like that! Go check it out and give it some love if you enjoy this ship.
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bogeyposting · 6 years
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Some quick doodles I’m probs gonna finish later
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bogeyposting · 6 years
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bogeyposting · 6 years
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Haven’t heard anyone else’s opinions on this matter but @avaruushillo decided this ship ought to be called He-letor and I stand 100 % behind that.
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bogeyposting · 6 years
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bogeyposting · 6 years
Skeletor’s nemesis
The Evil Lord of Destruction is burning with vengeance
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I have no idea whether this has been done already but since I’ve seen it with many other ships (kalluzeb, obimaul...), I thought it was only fitting that He-man and Skeletor got their version.
The original comic is made by Kate Beaton.
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bogeyposting · 6 years
Hey, I just wanna say I love your art! Especially the he-man and Skeletor post. It would be awesome to see more art of those 2 if you have any sketches or doodles around. Tbh I didn’t even consider shipping those 2 until I saw your post and now it’s always on my mind lol
Thank you! Makes me happy to hear you’ve enjoyed my art! Aaaand… in fact, I happen to have plenty of He-man x Skeletor sketches lying around, and the plan was to post most of them at some point - actually, here’s one already!
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I have to admit, I haven’t been shipping them for long, either. I never watched He-man as a child - I mean, I knew that it existed but it didn’t seem particularly interesting to me back then. It wasn’t long ago that I decided to give it a go, and it turned out to be such a fun show! And honestly, I couldn’t resist shipping these two. My only wish is that there was more content for it. But somehow, I always manage to get hooked on ships that seem to have a very tiny fanbase at best…
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