#headcanon defender strange
ironstrange1991 · 1 year
Stephen Strange Recommendation Masterlist
None of the fics added to this masterlist are mine. Authors will be tagged with their respective work.
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A list of fics I read and reread and never get tired of.
+18 content. MDNI
INSOMNIA (Smut) By @sorceress-marie
QUIZZING BLURB (Smut) @cumberstrange
STUCK (Smut) HOT & BOTHERED (Smut) By @annesthaeticc
HAND BLURB (Smut) DAZED & CONFUSED By @boop-le-snoot
AFECTION (Fluffy) WARDOBRE MIX (Fluffy) NOTES & LETTERS (Fluffy) INTO YOU (Fluff) By @lykaonimagines
IN THE AFTERGLOW (Smut) THE LUCKY ONE (Smut) COMFORT BLURB (Fluffy) By @classickook
FOUR OF A KIND (Smut) By @geeky-politics-46
FIVE MORE MINUTES (Smut) By @brunchable
RANDOM HEADCANONS By @doctorstrangeaskblog
HE'S A DREAM (Smut) By @sassenach-on-the-rocks
IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE (Smut) By @omgstarks
BENEATH HIS SHEETS (Smut) A LITTLE TASTE OF HEAVEN (Smut) By @bobateadaydreams
MALICIOUS COMPLIANCE (Smut) By @daydreamtofiction
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I strongly recommend that you follow and read other works by the authors tagged in this post. Other fanfics may be added later.
If you are the author of any of these fics and want them removed from this masterlist, contact me.
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dipplinduo · 9 months
Sweet and Sour Dipplins
Why do I have this idea that no one can understand Juliana's applin like even pokemon are like what the heck dude when it gets really angry like it releases demonic noises that not even other applin's make but Juliana is just like he's my special guy don't worry he don't bite while everyone else is wondering what sort of demonic entity is possessing applin...
Also the idea of Drayton trying to get a selfie of Juliana and Kieran sleeping but failing is hilarious to me. I saw an headcanon of Kieran and Carmine's eyes glowing in the dark so the image of Drayton about to take a selfie when this demonic yellows open being like don't even think about it cracks me up
Oh my God the first paragraph made me laugh so hard and then I finally calmed down and then I got to your second one and just laughed more. My ribs hurt???
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months
If Nico di Angelo was in Marvel comics, I really think he would fit in with the Defenders. Just like them, he's lonely, shunned by his peers/society at large and full of trauma. Honestly, Nico might even be Doctor Strange's apprentice. I could see a grand future for him as a future master of the mystic arts. I also think Nico could bond with The Hulk, solely because they're lonely and tortured souls.
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tea-cat-arts · 12 days
Went down a bit of a rabbit hole (the jc antis were so insistent that "canon jc" was the only tag for them so I wanted to see of "jc critical" was a tag that was actively used) and what do you mean people are calling Jiang Cheng an incel???
Like, when in the books has he ever been hostile towards a woman because they've refused to have sex with him??? When in the books has he even tried to have sex with a woman? Like, if you want to argue that he has internalized misogyny because of his beauty standards thing, sure- I'll hear you out- but incel is a very specific brand of misogyny and it is pure headcanon if you want to call him that
And I kept seeing people bring up the getting black listed by matchmakers thing as proof he's an incel and like??? You know there's more possibilities for why he'd be undatable than just "being an incel," right? Like, maybe he's just loud and angry. Maybe he just jumps to conclusions during arguments. Maybe he just doesn't know how to drop grievances. Maybe he's just an equal opportunity asshole. Or maybe he's just an emotional constipated stick-in-the-mud. The possibilities are endless and acting like "he's an incel" is the canon answer is just clown behavior
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strangelockd · 2 years
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Baking Cookies With The Variants
A little idea I came up with while prepping for my holiday baking. I hope you enjoy it.
Doctor Stephen Strange
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• Do to his upbringing and reputation he was the most hesitant of the variants to even attempt any baking of any fashion until you moved into the Sanctum • He finds you even cuter when he comes home from a mission to find you covered in flour and sugar. Seeing you do anything domestic always leaves him pining for you • He tries to follow the recipe perfectly after reading it only once but usually ends up asking you for guidance • His favorite cookies are chocolate chip especially if you made them with extra chocolate • When your not looking he will attempt to throw in extra chocolate chips in the mix • One of his favorite parts is fucking you on the kitchen counter while the cookies bake in an attempt to beat the timer
Defender Strange
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• Defender loves to bake, prior to finding you he used to bake a lot with his younger sister Donna but with his busy schedule with balancing the universe he hardly ever has the time • His favorite cookie is snickerdoodle’s especially with extra brown sugar • He’s not one to ever skip on the details of a recipe, so to make sure it comes out right he will keep the cookbook floating close by • His favorite memory of baking was the time your kisses got to heated and he grabbed your ass leaving flour handprints on your but and breasts. • The best part of baking with you is the opportunities for him to hold you from behind as your hands work together to create things • He will sneak kisses in between switching of baking sheets or any chance he can get while giving sweet praises
Sinister Strange
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• He hasn’t baked once since the incursion until you fell into his world so he’s definitely rusty • At first he was very hesitant to even show you his kitchen, you just happened to stumble upon it one day and started making treats for each other. He found out that his favorite cookie you made together were thumb print cookies • When he caught a sneak peak of you fumbling around for ingredients he would manifest for you what you needed without asking • He adores watching you bake, when your not looking he will watch in amazement as you graciously dance across the kitchen putting the ingredients together • He’s a huge sucker for holding you from behind while baking. Mostly bc he is so touch starved, he just loves being around doing anything with you • You had your suspicions about him loving your cooking until he dropped hints about his favorite cookies confirming this thought • His favorite memory of baking with you is the time you showed him how to make icing, he ended up making a mess and you licked it off his fingers slowly. Thus leading to the both of you fucking on the kitchen floor almost forgetting about the cookies baking.
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Doctor Strange Supreme
Out of all the variants he had never baked not once. When you found out about this you were shocked and wasted no time showing him how it’s done
He’s the only variant that can memorize a recipe by reading it once. He’s had hundreds of years to study and meditate so remembering how to make cookies was pretty straightforward
His favorite part of baking is the decorating. He loves putting all the details together and taking his time.
His favorite cookie is double chocolate brownie hands down.
He still uses magic to calm the tremors in his hands to decorate, as much as he hates to admit it.
His favorite past time with baking was when he pulled you onto his lap enjoying your kisses that taste like cookies. Which always usually leads to sexy time after
@bakerstreethound @sassenach-on-the-rocks @nlovewithloki16 @sherlux @budugu @cemak @blxckdragonfly @seanbeansimp59 @geeky-politics-46 @classickook @sobeautifullyobsessed @wint3r-h3art @doctorstrangeaskblog @withalittlehoney @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @hunterofshadows04 @baharnoth @katehawke @thealleydog @icytrickster17 @stewardofningishzida @lady-harvey @asherloki @withalittlehoney @rstarked @moonlover-tobefree
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fanartka · 11 months
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Imagine them fighting, using the powers of Darkhold and the Book of Vishanti.
Well, in my headcanon they won't fighting for long☻☻
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
My Headcanons for the Variant!Stephen (in relationships)
I had to dig up my google doc where I wrote these up back after ITMOM premiered and I’d watched it a few times. (One day I will organize my google docs. Maybe.)
These are just mine. Everyone else’s mileage may vary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I headcanon that there's been a lot of turmoil in Defender’s universe as a result, life is very structured and strict. (But also it's honest about it, unlike 838, and society is actually flourishing, rather than hiding behind the illusion of a false utopia.)
Kamar-Taj and the Masters of the Mystic Arts are a little more militant. Less "working behind the scenes" and more "we're a defending presence and it's okay that others know it.” Very much with "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" vibes.
Defender Stephen seemed like he took the advice "it's not about you" and internalized it to the extreme. (He didn’t want to kill America, it broke his heart but he couldn’t think of any other way so that’s the choice he started to make because that’s what he does. He’ll deal with the self-loathing later.)
Defender Stephen is a gentle but firm Dom. Out of all the variants, he's the most strict, disciplined. Your safety is everything to him and the one thing that challenges his duty of serving the needs of the many over the needs of the few.  He makes the hard choices, even when he doesn't want to. Nothing brings him satisfaction like you submitting and trusting him to take care of you.
If you trust him to take care of you and love him even knowing how inflexible he has to be in defending your world and reality, then maybe there’s hope for him after all, he thinks.
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He’s lost everything because of his own hubris and obsession so even as he wants you desperately he can't help but be a little self-sabotaging about it.
Touch-starved to the extreme, he has to be near you always, always able to touch you and ensure that you're real and not a figment of his twisted mental state.
Sinister Stephen will control and fuck you like he hates you and then afterwards be the most praising and affectionate being in the multiverse to you. He needs to know that you can see him at his worst and come through it still accepting and loving him, because sometimes he has trouble accepting and loving himself.
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If there's ever been a Stephen Strange who's a control freak to the extreme, it's Supreme Strange.
His life has been hectic, with the loss of his sister Donna and brother Victor. The loss of his hands didn't send him into extreme despair like variants but instead increased his obsession with control. He can't control his damaged hands the way he once could? Fine, he'll control everything else around him.
He's tried to surrender control, but he underestimated just how damn insufferable the team he chose for the Illuminati are. So, he quietly continues to do his own work because that group is all but useless to him.
He wants to be in control, 100%, but also wants to be praised excessively. He needs to hear how he's the best, you're so grateful, so adoring of him. It's frustrating for you, yes, but with that control he craves comes his need for validation so you're never left wanting or unsatisfied. It's not just blind praise and adoration he wants from you, he needs feel like he’s earned it.
And even when he says you can call the shots, he's definitely topping from the bottom.
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Strange Supreme
Strange Supreme, my love, my He Who Can Do No Wrong, settles for nothing less than TPE. He will never, ever hurt you or make you feel less than the most cherished and precious thing in his life, but there is nothing he does not control.
Yes, thing. “I take excellent care of my possessions.”
Because you. are. his.
Give him your body, heart, mind, soul... and there is nothing he will not give you or do for you.
Destroying a universe for you is nothing to him. He's done it before and he'll do it again if it means keeping you safe and happy. (His definition of what makes you happy and your definition will probably differ, though.)
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You know I gotta ask about my dilfy, Shakespearian babe, Defender. Reread "No Defense for the Heart" the other day, and you write him so romantically, I gotta do a few. 💖
☾ - sleep headcanon
✿ - sex headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Thank you so, so much - I love Defender an unfathomable amount, and he presents an exquisite canvas upon which to paint my ideal romantic qualities!💖🖤💖
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☾ - sleep headcanon
617 Stephen perfected the art of maximizing his sleep time during grad school (getting his MD & PhD at the same time necessitated it), and that skill served him well during his internship and residency. Basically, he trained himself to fall asleep just about anywhere and anytime he could. Now, with the great demands on his time, as both the Sorcerer Supreme and leader of the Defenders, he has even less time than ever before--so when the chance for several hours uninterrupted sleep arises, he seizes it with great relish. Sleeping deeply while experiencing dreams he can often recall with great clarity. Such sleep--whose ultimate purpose is to enable him to better serve his responsibilities--refreshes him beyond any in his life. Perhaps we should call it the 'sleep of hte just'.😉
✿ - sex headcanon
Defender was always a man of rich appetites, and so had never stinted from drinking fully of whatever cup came his way. Which was fine in his life as medical student and then doctor--but now he chooses an ascetic lifestyle so that his energies can be directed more fully to his mission. Yet still, he possesses a powerful sex drive--and all that honing his body into a powerful weapon in service to good, has resulted in a stamina he rarely has time to expend.
Ah, but when he does!
When he does, he lavishes waves and waves of pleasure and ecstasy upon his lucky lover. Devotes himself to pleasing them before he fulfills his own pressing need. Takes supreme satisfaction and pride in wringing multiple orgasms from their flesh with his skilled fingers and sensual mouth, reveling in the sinful taste of them and in their moans and the sound of his name cried out like their truest prayer as they peak. He delights in being the one in control and in how softly his lover concedes herself to him. Only then does he seek his own resolution, setting a breathtaking rhythm as deeply inside as he can get, spilling himself with abandon (he prefers unprotected sex, but will wear a condom at the lady's request). Afterwards, he lingers inside her for as long as possible, for the reality of that physical connection is too beautiful to forgo until he absolutely must.
Defender adores the act of cockwarming, but will always ask first if it's alright to indulge in. And if he ever goes a bit rough in his enthusiasm when he fucks, his aftercare is the loving offering he gives to prove the depth of his devotion.
The man he is now--the man he was always meant to be--views romantic love and sex as inextricably bound. And he wouldn't want it any other way.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Stephen has always had the gift of a deep and romantic heart--and although he hasn't always allowed himself to follow it's inclinations due to the circumstances at the time, he sees the world through loving eyes. He fell easily in love as a teen and young adult. Wrote poetry (usually kept secret) for the girl/woman of his affection, used music as a means of romantic expression. Taught himself to play the guitar for that very reason, in fact (his mother taught him to play the piano as a child, and he was good enough to briefly consider making it his career, until his heart directed him to saving lives through medicine).
With his patrician good looks and easy charm, pre-accident Defender had a score of lovers--mostly short term--in his past. Though contradictory to his deeply romantic nature, he found it best to avoid entanglements of the heart as he single-mindedly pursued his goal of innovating the science of neurosurgery. He had so much to do, and so little time in those days, that he couldn't allow himself such a beautiful distraction. That was until Christine of course.
But by that time, he had become out of practice with allowing himself to be vulnerable, of speaking the truth of his heart, of trusting that he was as worthy of the love he felt for her to show her properly and let her love him in return. Once he realized he could and should, the weight of his life-altering responsibilities precluded that. He'd always hoped one day they might yet get it right, when things calmed down, when he finally had time. When she would see past his ineptitude and failure to say and show her the things she deserved, and finally claim what had been hers all along. But along came Charlie.
The most devastating lesson of Stephen's life--for his romantic nature could only experience that heartbreak as even worse than the loss of his hands.
But like the most hopelessly romantic among us, though his heart bears its scars, Stephen still believes that one day he'll find someone to love and be loved by again. He's confident he won't be repeating the mistakes of his past--for he has vowed he will follow his heart completely the next time.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
In his old life, Stephen could afford to frequent the finest restaurants in the City, and his work gave him the excuse to do minimal cooking for himself. After the accident and the depletion of his fortune, he had to resort to much simpler choices. Lots of meatless days, lots of pasta or rice because they were the most filling. Before he found his way to Kamar-Taj--where the kitchens were always open for Masters and students alike to use between meals--he'd had to frequent soup kitchens to keep from going days at a time without eating. What a humbling experience that was!
The first night he availed himself of the smaller compound kitchen (he'd been deep in study of texts on interdimensional energies and had missed supper completely) he'd made himself a simple grilled cheese sandwich. And wept as he ate it, to realize the gift of the freedom and luxury which the haven of Kamar-Taj now provided him.
These days, the Sorcerer Supreme enjoys cooking for himself on quiet nights as a means to relax. His meals may not be anything to brag about, but Defender made a point of teaching himself at least one dish from every culture represented in the compound's population. He figured it would be useful if there came a student experiencing difficulties or homesickness; Wong keeps him informed of those who might need that extra bit of care, and though such students are admonished not to share the secrets of their meals with the Sorcerer Supreme, with others, it soon became common knowledge that a summons to meet with him after the cafeteria was closed for the night, meant they'd be experiencing a taste of home.
And since the success of his little program, Stephen finds the most satisfying meals he makes are those meant as gifs to others.
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Ohmygosh, writing these for Defender has been a most satisfying experience of it's own! Thank you once more @thealleydog for prompting me to put these instinctive headcanons into words.
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tiyoin · 4 months
imagine how lowkey boring it is at nrc?
like yes teenage boys are their own form of entertainment and have their own forms of drama and gossip. but without other girls? it’s just… wrong
having no girls there would be awful because where’d all the accurate spider webs of gossup? all the petty drama over guys?? yes annoying but it something you now missed. the groups of girls who’d leave all at once to go to the bathroom? the relief you would get whenever you were in a room full with guys and then hearing a girl’s voice would no longer happen.
the days of a girl walking up to talk to you just because.
the friendships are so much different too, not just because they’re from a different world, have magic and are guys, but because there’s no crutch.
there’s no familiarity all the guys have. no longer can you laugh about being around another girl so long you guys have synched, no more sly glances whenever a cute guy passes- no more talking about cute guys period.
no more bonding with other girls over outfits or accessories or how annoying deodorant is. no laughing at horrible joke only you two would get- the guys would just give you a strange look or call you stupid.
no one to call up whenever your bored- ace and deuce and the rest of the first years are great, but… it’s not the same.
of course you missed your freedom of driving around, blasting music with your fruity little drinks. or going house shopping together, driving through neighborhoods as you muse about the future life you want to live.
conversations are bit… more boring now that you’re on your own….
no more cuddling just because you were lonely and needed a friend, no more inside jokes that only you two girls would get, no more having someone attached to your hip without people making it weird.
being friends with guys is great! no real need for dramatics or petty gossip. no having to worry about anyone sleeping with a someone’s boyfriend. or about the incest-uist friend groups that would form.
but… you missed other girls.. the solidarity, the support and the comfort…
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never thought i’d have to write this about a post.
you all can have your different experiences, but don’t shit on me and the people who relate to this. do not come into my comments and spread negativity because it’s not wanted nor necessary.
this relates to me so i wrote it. i thought about how my life in twisted wonderland would be and how my interpersonal relationships today will effect it / an oc character. it’s not an evil post if you guys can’t relate or if find my perspective different from your own.
you’re always welcome to share your experiences or how you relate differently to it and that’s completely fine, i even welcome it. because having more than one perspective is always welcomed.
if you’re taking my word as canon/ gospel and are therefore angry, then stop. these aren’t even headcanons, it’s just an ‘imagine’ post.
they characters wine pick you, they won’t give you a kiss because they’re proud of you defending you- THEY’RE DUCKING CHARACTERS IN A JAPANESE MOBILE GAME.
just tell everyone in the comments ‘i have internalized misogyny and can’t handle seeing girls have fun because i couldn’t have fun with girls. and vil is different, he’s not like other guys *hair tuck*’
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pomefioredove · 20 days
Hello and good day 🕊️
How will the vice dormheads react seeing reader overblot and finding out they kept the pain all to themselves until they couldn't take it anymore?
Pls I'm so desperate for overblot!reader content and angst❤️❤️ tanks
RARE VICE HOUSEWARDENS REQUEST 🔥🔥🔥I LOVE ANGST!!!! not adding ruggie this time because I'm lazy sorry everyone
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ overblot!reader
type of post: headcanons characters: trey, jade, jamil, rook, lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, established relationship for the Angst
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there are a lot of things Jamil is feeling right now. fear, a little frustration, too. but he's mostly just ashamed that he never saw the signs. his favorite person in the whole world, the only shoulder he had to lean on, is overblotting, and he has no idea why. you were so supportive through the aftermath of his own overblot, he never thought to... it's his own selfishness and pride slapping him in the face, and it stings
but he'd rather feel guilt than grief. overblotting is painful, exhausting, and emotionally scarring, and he knows it. he's going to get you out of this, even if you hate him for it
this makes the second time someone close to Rook has been led to overblot, and the second time he didn't see it coming. a tragedy in two parts. and his guilt would have killed him, if it weren't the only thing keeping him alive now. he has to survive this for you. he can feel miserable about it after you're safe and sound at his side again. he won't even consider the other possibility; you have so much more to explore together
it just can't be over yet
Lilia has followed grief for his entire life. now, at his age, when he's finally settled down, and the world is quiet for once, this happens. he can't tell if he had simply missed the signs, or ignored them, and each answer is equally distressing. despite what he's said about life and loss, he was never ready to confront the reality of losing you, especially so... soon. so, reality confronted him instead
he can't let it end like this. not again
Trey blames himself. how could he not? all this time, he's been trying to stay out of the way, to keep the peace. if he had been by your side, if he had defended you, if he had made a better effort, maybe you wouldn't be in this place now
his unique magic isn't particularly strong, and his magic pool isn't very deep, but he'll walk right into the center of the storm if he has to. it's about time he started rocking the boat
Azul's overblot was tragic, but Jade knew it was coming. it was entertaining, anyway. but this...
never in his life could he imagine something making him so uncomfortable. it makes him queasy, almost seasick, which is a strange thing for a man of the sea to feel. he wishes he could just talk to you, but it's too late for that now. when this is over, you can have a long chat over tea
he just needs you to hold on for a little while longer
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charlotteking23 · 9 months
Can I request any headcanon or Oneshot of Batmom calling the Batfamily by their names? Batmom always calls them nicknames (sweetie, babybird or somenthing), so the Battys think she's upset.
Sorry if it's written wrong or it is not understood!! My main language is not English 😓😓
sure I would love to.
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Early in the morning, Batmom lies there in her bed staring at the wall. At 6 in the morning, no one was awake except for the infamous Batman sitting next to her.
"Honey, what's wrong why are you up?" To Bruce, it was very unusual to see her up early for she had a habit of sleeping till 10 in the morning.
"Nothing Bruce", and Batmom stood up from her bed and left for the bathroom.
"SHIT, SHIT! what did I do?"
that's all he could think because she NEVER called him Bruce unless she was upset at him. He thinks of all the things he had done the latest skipping a gala and lying to her about an emergency when he was really hanging out with Superman and Wonderwomen.
Batmom came out of the bathroom and left towards the kitchen. There Tim sat at the table with a huge cup of coffee in his hand. He expected a hi or hello but nothing just an awkward silence.
"Hey Mom", but she grunted and said, "hi Tim."
OH MY GOSH, Tim was in complete panic, forgetting about his coffee. She always calls me Timmy, Fuck what did he do?
Finally, Dick comes and sees Tim in complete panic. "What's wrong with you?"
All Tim does is point. To Dick's shock, he points at his mother. Dick thought nothing of it and greeted his mom and gave her a hug like every morning. But to his surprise, His mom didn't greet him back nor return the hug.
"Mama, are you okay? I am fine Dick"
What where's my nickname. Dick looks at Tim and Tim just looks completely horrified. He sees his mom leave and goes back upstairs.
"Alright, Tim fess up what did you do?" said dick. "Me this could have been easily you, Maybe Mom found out about you breaking her very expensive vase," Tim said defending himself. "Well, it's not like you are innocent, Mom probably found out that you're the one who's been finishing all her expensive French coffee," Dick said as a comeback.
"Alright Dickhead, why is mom so angry?" Jason comes walking behind him, "I have no clue she's been acting strange all morning AND SHE DIDN'T CALL ME BY MY NICKNAME," Dick says wiping his tears.
jason says, "Huh same, she usually calls me Baby Bird but she just stood there staring at me". "Maybe, Jason, she found out how you snook out to patrol even though you are grounded," Tim says. Jason says in response, probably... "WAIT how did you know about that Tim. I Know everything... you have cameras around the house don't you Tim," Dick said. "Maybe, Idk", Tim said with an evil grin.
"Okay, guys come on let's go upstairs and apologize to whatever we did," Dick said. "Fine Dickh"-, Jason said but was interrupted... AHHHHHHHHH
"what the hell! I think my eardrum exploded," said Tim
"come on guys, someone could be in trouble," Dick said. "Okay, dickhead calm down," Jason says.
"Damian what's wrong, Ummi said Damian instead of Dami. What did you idiots do this time?"
"Hold on demon spawn we didn't do anything let's ask Dad," Tim suggested.
"Dad, what's happening with mom?" Dick says
"I don't know Dick your mother has been acting weird since this morning and she even woke up early like 6 in the morning early." [GASP], Bruce answers.
"Damn, what the hell did we do?" Damian says.
"shut up demon spawn, I am trying to think," Jason continues.
"Hi, kids... MOM/UMMI!!," Batmom says out of nowhere.
"Kids, I am very disappointed in you," Batmom continues
"But mom we don't even know what we did wrong," dick said, and collectively everyone said yeah.
"Sweethearts, why is there a FUCKING COW on my lawn," Batmom yelled out.
"OHHHHHHHH, yeah Mom we all decided to get a cow," Dick answered truthfully. "Shhhhh dickhead don't get me involved," Jason says slapping Dick behind his head
"Well, I am so glad you told me what happened, so here you go," Batmom says while handing everyone a paper.
"What's this Honey?" Bruce said while taking the paper in his hand
"well, that's the list of chores and you all are grounded for a month!!!" Batmom said yelling.
"No, Babybird, you all are grounded for two more months since you all exposed yourself when trying to figure out why I was upset with you guys", Batmom said with her hands on her hips.
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Too Tired
+18 smut
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is tired from a mission and after two rounds with you, you still want one more. Will he be able to met with your expectations?
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Its a smut, but a soft and romantic one. P in V, Oral sex with female and male receiving, mastrubation with female and male receiving, lots of dirty talk.
A/N: Guys I have been thru a lot in my personal life so thats the reason why I have disappeared but I love be in here, I love this comunity and I love to write for Stephen, right now its the only thing that is keeping me alive LITERALLY. So belive me when I say I wrote this from rock bottom and took this words from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoy it.
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Stephen rolled onto his side of the bed, body sweaty, breathing heavily after two rounds with you, the second being a particularly long one. He was spent.
You were apart for two weeks and when he got home that morning you simply attacked him demanding to be sated of all the love and desire you felt for him.
Stephen had a relatively high sex drive, but sometimes he was surprised by you. Positively of course. That morning he made you come three times, once on his face, twice on his cock. He came hard twice himself, the first time in your mouth and the second inside you and yet as he threw himself back on the pillows trying to regulate his breathing you crawled into his chest placing kisses on his neck, moving up to his face, his cheek, rubbing your face against his goatee and  squeezed your thighs together like a cat in heat and he knew it was going to be a long day and he wasn't complaining, he loved that about you but to be quite honest he didn't know if he could meet your demands and expectations.
Stephen was tired. The mission had been a long one and although he came back in one piece this time with no bruises or broken bones, he could feel the weariness getting to him and as much as he wanted to immediately go for a third round he doubted he could get an erection that fast.
You cupped his face pulling him to your lips and stuck your tongue in his mouth kissing him so hot it brought a moan from the back of his throat. "Oh sweetheart..." He caressed your face watching as you bit your bottom lip "I love it when you kiss me like that"
You grinned and kissed him again, this time giving his bottom lip a little nip. You took his hand and brought it down between your legs. He sighed feeling how wet you were again when minutes before he had cleaned you up. "You're insatiable, sweetheart, look at that, all wet for me again" You lay back on the mattress and spread your legs wider for him "I've been without you for two weeks Stephen, do you have any idea how hard that was? I I had to resort to other methods, but it's not the same as having the Master of the Mystic Arts fucking me."
Stephen chuckled, he propped himself up on his elbow as he dipped his middle finger deeper inside you, slowly fucking you with rhythmic strokes. You moaned louder. "Is that why you called me in the middle of the night? Because your toys alone weren’t enough to make you come?"
He added a second finger to draw a passionate sigh from your lips. You shook your head, your eyes were closed "I needed to hear your voice" You confessed.
"Aham, just my voice or all the dirty things I whispered to you on the phone?"
"Both... Ah Stephen I want you to make me come again"
Stephen kissed you. Not a simple kiss, but that kiss where his tongue wandered to each corner of your mouth, sucking your tongue hard and biting your lips in the process. You could have sworn that only that kiss was capable of making you come.
You groaned loudly, your hand on top of Stephen's hand showing him exactly what you wanted. He managed to put his thumb on your clit and started circling it slowly. "Like that?" He asked in your ear in that wonderful whispered voice. You could only nod your head in approval, your mouth went agape.
"Oh I know sweetheart. I know exactly how you like it. You need to have just the right amount of pressure here, don't you?"
You shook your head vehemently.
"I know. Just let go then. I know you so well, my love." He put a little more pressure on his thumb as he moved both fingers in an intense rhythm and he could feel your walls tightening around his fingers. Oh he loved that feeling. He loved it much more when it was in his cock, but it felt powering. Knowing he was responsible for leaving you in that state made him feel more powerful than any spell.
"Oh Stephen, you're going to make me come..."
Stephen hummed in your ear and nibbled your earlobe reveling in the way your skin prickled "Come on, sweetheart, come hard for me, show me how much you love me"
He didn't have to ask twice. The combination of the intense penetration of his fingers, the friction of his thumb on your clit and his voice whispered in your ear was explosive. You came. Hard.
Your moan was almost a whimper, but Stephen insisted on swallowing it with another breathtaking kiss.
He took his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips, sucking them provocatively "You taste so good"
You smiled charmingly at him opening your arms and he throws himself into them giving you a crushing hug and biting your neck rubbing his goatee there making you shiver and giggle. He rolled to the side, but kept you firm in his arms, your head on his chest, your hand caressed his chest and went down to his belly and kept going down, not satisfied you started giving light kisses on his chest that quickly went from Innocent to provocative, your hand grabbed his cock which was only half hard.
"I dont know if I can do it again sweetheart, even though I want it, I am tired."
You hummed undaunted by the challenge ahead and held it tight in your hand stroking it up and down slowly.
He squeezed you in his arms and you turned to kiss him and God, that kiss alone would be more than enough to make his cock hard if he wasn't so tired. Even so, the way you moved and your kiss was enough to bring some life to it, though still not enough.
"Put it in your mouth sweetheart, make me hard for you."
You were moving to put it in your mouth when he pulled you past his head, putting you on all fours and bringing your pussy up to his head giving him a privileged view of your soaked slit. You didn't wait a second to put it in your mouth and he didn't wait to grab your thighs and pull you to his mouth sucking and surprising you with delicious voracity.
Stephen wasn't small even half flaccid, but as he hardened in your mouth he grew and you loved to see that transformation. Stephen had a delicious cock, but more than that, his cock was beautiful. Just like him. Big, thick, with the pink tip and bulging veins that pulsed in your mouth.
Stephen loved to suck you. He could be hard just by smelling and drinking all your fluids, but he also loved the way you rolled on his face without any shame. You had a hungry clit, he loved to take it between his teeth when it was all swollen and red from your arousal, to flick his tongue on it or simply suck on it and feel his entire body quiver in response. Pleasuring you was always the best way to get Stephen hard.
He loved your moans, he loved the way you reveled in your own pleasure and he especially loved knowing that he was responsible for leaving you in that state.
Stephen knew all your weaknesses, he knew for example that you came faster if you had friction on your clit along with the penetration, he also knew very well that getting you face down from behind pinning you against the bed with his body weighting above you as he rubbed the beard on your neck and whispered all kinds of filth in your ear was the most delicious way to make you come and fall head over heels in love with him.
Just like he knew that, like now, you loved being able to wiggle in his face and rub your pussy in his goatee.
But he didn't want you to come yet, your next orgasm would be on his cock which was already rock hard for you again.
"That's right sweetheart, you are awesome, look how hard you left me again. Come here, ride me. I want to feel you bouncing on my cock"
You were more than happy to comply with his request. And a second later you were directing his cock at your entrance completely soaked by your lubrication and Stephen's saliva.
You moaned as you lowered allowing him to go deep inside you, your walls stretching to accommodate him inside you. It didn't matter that he'd fucked you twice already, it was always quite a challenge to contain him inside you.
"Fuck you feel so good, love. Move please, ride me hard" You leaned against his chest and started rocking on his cock, alternating between back and forth and up and down movements. Increasing your pace slowly, the noises of his cock moving in and out of your soaked pussy was always so delicious, it made you extremely horny for him.
Stephen took one of his hands around your waist and grabbed your tit with the other letting you do all the work.
"Oh sweetheart you do it so good, I love it when you fuck me like that"
It wasn't common for Stephen to relinquish control in bed, usually he did all the work being dominant all the time and you loved that about him, but sometimes when he was tired he chose to let you be in control and the result was always extremely pleasurable for both  and you knew he was a lot more tired than he let on.
Even from that and from the way his cock was throbbing violently inside you, you knew he wouldn't last.
"Fuck, if it continues at this rate I'm going to come, sweetheart, I can't hold back, you feel too good"
You were so close to your orgasm that stopping wasn't an option. "I am almost there, Stephen. Hold it" You bit your bottom lip bending forward to get just a little more friction "Slap my ass"
Stephen grinned and complied.  You moaned loudly "Again"
He did it. "Again" He did it again and then it happened. Your entire body shook on top of him, your walls squeezing his cock so hard and pulling him to his too. "Oh thats right sweetheart... oh fuck, fuck..." Stephen spilled inside you and you loved that feeling.
You collapsed on top of him and Stephen wrapped you in his arms putting you on the bed but keeping you in his arms.
"That was... intense" You finally said and then you both giggled.
Stephen kissed your lips lightly and got up going to the bathroom and came back with a cloth. He cleaned you up and then cleaned himself up and then came back to bed holding out his arm for you to lie comfortably next to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and caressed his face lightly watching him. His eyes were red with sleep.
"Poor thing, I took advantage of you a lot, didn't I?"
He smirked, but his eyes were practically closing by themselves "I pretty much enjoyed every second of it"
You smiled cupping his face and pulling it to your lips. You kissed him softly.
"Yeah I know. And you were amazing as always, but I will let you sleep now, Stephen. You deserve it."
He hummed squeezing you in his arms "Thank you sweetheart"
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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temis-de-leon · 5 months
Shy gn!reader confesses to the Demon Brothers
Characters: Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo and Beel (x reader, separately)
Main Masterlist
Part 1 , Part 3 , Dateables version
Anon request: Could I request headcanons for Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub, react to shy gn crush confessing to him nervously?
A/N: life became hard for 4 full days and writer's block hit me with the power of a thousand suns. Then I went to therapy and I immediately started writing. Here it is, folks, 1899 words.
There’s no doubt that Mammon loves to have fun. Either counting money at casinos or wildly drinking and dancing at various clubs, the sight of him with the occasional fling by his side is not a strange one for the demon folk.
He doesn’t look for it; it’s not like he needs to, anyway. After all, who wouldn’t like to be with The Great Mammon? He’s a catch!
But no, it isn’t something he needs to feel good. His heart beats for one thing and one thing only: money. Gold sparkling on his fingers and coins filling his pockets, what else is there to live for?
His brothers would never understand him. When Beel empties the kitchen it’s cute, but when he steals Levi’s figurines, Asmo’s jewellery and Lucifer’s wallet suddenly it’s a problem.
And what’s his punishment? Taking care of a dumb, weak, boring human.
You better leave him alone, MC! He’s a very important demon and he has very important things to do! Don’t you listen to what his brothers say about him! Listen only to him!
Also, pay him attention and ignore the others! He’s so much better, you know? Can’t you see by now? He wishes you did and he isn’t sure how he feels about it.
The pang in his chest, his reddened cheeks and his avoidant gaze aren’t things he’s used to, but they become the norm once he spends more time with you.
Enduring his brothers’ jokes and taunts is humiliating and he perfectly knows he would act the same if he wasn’t the one involved, but damn MC, why do you have to be the way you are? Why are you so easy to fall in love with?
You have to feel the same, right? With your stammering and your bashfulness, you have to feel the same.
Mammon thanks his Father when you invite him to your room out of the blue and blurt out your feelings. The situation is ridiculous, he’s sweating buckets and your hands won’t stop shaking.
He tries to confess back without directly saying he loves you.
Key word ‘tries’.
Love is not for him, or rather, he’s not made for love.
That’s just who he is. A shut-in who finds companionship in fiction, in the idealization of friendship, romance and loyalty. His expectations are set way to high, near long opening titles and uninterrupted rambles, and he doesn’t expect people to reach them. Is he even worth the effort?
He has internet friends who he met through online gaming and forums and he cherishes them very much, but it makes him feel lonely and insecure sometimes. What type of life do they have when they’re not gaming or role playing or just talking on video calls with him? Do they act like plain old normies, taking their partners out on dates or having lunch with their classmates after class?
He prefers not to think about it.
Your arrival to the Devildom doesn’t change his life at all. He’s curious, sure, but what are the chances of you sharing his interests? Also, you quickly become friends with Mammon, which says enough about yourself.
At least, that’s what he thinks at the beginning. Time passes, as well as the TSL quiz, and he immediately realizes that you’re not who he thought you were.
There’s no judgement in your eyes whenever he rants about the latest piece of media he has consumed, instead filled with curiosity and fascination; and not only you’re the sole person in the house that doesn’t make fun of him, but you also defend him against his brothers.
His romantic feelings for you grow strong and fast, but your friendship is what’s most important for him.
You’re so, so much better than what he initially thought, even when you remind him of himself sometimes.
The glint in your bashful gaze, the doubt in your words in search of the right ones and the everlasting fidgeting with your fingers. You are the perfect romantic interest from the perfect otome game and he can’t believe how lucky he is to be the main character.
When you finally confess to him under the comfort of the blue lights of his aquarium, you’re barely able to finish your sentences while looking at him, which in reality is a blessing, because he can’t bring himself to look at you either when he confesses back.
It’s awkward, but sweet. Kind of like him.
Romance is for him what a painting is to the viewer. A novel to the reader.
He understands the significance, the words, the colours. What the creator wants to portray and what the consumer interprets. Narrative rules, the significance of flowers, metaphors, history… All of that mixed with the abstract of the mind.
He understands.
He just doesn’t feel it. Not at its full potential, at least.
There had been partners in his life, years ago, and he knows he’d loved them, but he wasn’t in love with them. Whatever line kept him from going forward with his feelings is what made him stop trying alone.
Books and cats and the Anti Lucifer League are enough for him to be occupied. They also make him happy, so his views on romantic love are easily set aside.
He doesn’t think much of you at the beginning, mainly because he doesn’t expect you to last very long, but you quickly show an amount of potential he’s ready to exploit.
Diavolo dreams of unifying the three realms and Lucifer would do anything to not spoil those plans, so what better way to annoy his brother than through you?
It’s selfish and reckless and of course his eagerness screws the whole thing up, but it ultimately helps him realize he shouldn’t have underestimated you.
You are kind, brave and smart. You see him beyond his wrath and his academic knowledge, remembering him even in the smallest of details that surround you. It was such care and affection that made his feelings grow.
For the first time in his very long life he starts to relate to the characters in his books, his heartbeat increasing when the scenarios feel too familiar or when the dialogues replicate exactly what he yearns to say to you.
It’s thanks to his novels that he recognizes your feelings. The shy and endearing romantic interest quietly approaching the main lead, confession learnt by memory.
His first reaction is to be surprised. He doesn’t expect something like this to happen to him, let alone you being the one to reciprocate his feelings. How much luckier could he be?
What better love exists than the one he feels for himself? He’s beautiful, charming, adorable, addictive and every other compliment in the book. He can’t get enough of them!
He’s obsessed with the idea of being surrounded by people, by their affections and their devotions, touching him, looking at him, singing him praises. Unfortunately for everyone else, his narcissistic tendencies only grow when those that fall under his charm feed into his “delusions”.
That’s how Mammon calls it, at least.
At the time of receiving, he doesn’t distinguish between romantic love and sexual attraction, although it’s more difficult for him to reciprocate the first one.
Deep down, hidden amongst his insecurities, Asmo believes no one would love him for his truest self. That’s why he insists on looking perfect at all times, following a strict sleep schedule and a well-balanced diet, going out to remain in everyone’s minds; always a trending topic, a sensation.
If his outstanding physique and impeccable personality aren’t enough for you to know he’s the best amongst his brothers, then his charm would do the work.
But it doesn’t.
When he purposefully makes eye contact there’s no sign of you falling for his magic and, suddenly, he finds himself at a loss of words.
He doesn’t panic too much, given that he is still a beautiful and powerful demon that could devour you in a second, but knowing that there’s no barrier between the two of you to protect his vulnerability gives him an unpleasant feeling of exposure.
Surprisingly enough, it’s also your resistance to his powers what centers his attention on you. You’re one of the very few people that knows him as he is, even with the ugly parts, and it doesn’t take too long for his affections to become obvious and somewhat desperate.
Asmo is elated when your behaviour around him changes. He recognizes the pattern, since he’s seen it many times in his fans, and he can’t believe that someone who’s seen him at his worst still considers him as beautiful as those who have only seen what he wanted to show.
Although you don’t really need to confess, due to him immediately wanting to be with you, hearing your feelings spoken out loud sends his heart into a frenzy rhythm.
The attention fuels his ego, sure, but it’s the veracity of your words what makes him want to cry out of happiness.
He’s not really interested in relationships. There is a fling here or there, sure, he still has other type of urges, but he hardly thinks about it.
The feeling of emptiness follows him around like a metal ball and chain and the only consumption that can give him relief, even if temporarily, comes only in the form of food.  
He’s often seen as emotionless or famished and, although he knows he’s popular amongst many students, his height and muscles make him look too intimidating to engage further than necessary.
It isn’t something that bothers him at all. His love goes straight to his family and there’s nothing food can’t fix.
However, when he is told Belphie is the demon chosen for the student exchange program, the hole inside of him grows deeper and deeper. His urges go on a rampage and Lucifer has to give him a pep talk to drill into his brain how important it is that you are to remain uneaten.
It’s not like he’s very interested in you anyways, so leaving you alone doesn’t feel like a draining task.
Of course that changes when you physically put yourself between him and Lucifer. A stupid, idiotic, reckless decision that serves to prove how brave you are.
Your friendship quickly blossoms after that and, unlike many other people, you start seeing him beyond his hunger. That makes him cherish you even further, but it’s your dedication to helping his family what sparks a romantic interest in you.
Since he’s not that experienced in that regard, it feels a little intimidating, but you make it seem easy and effortless. The both of you are equally shy in your affections and there’s a mutual unsaid understanding that helps you build the base of a relationship, so the confession isn’t really necessary.
Still, hearing you say the words makes his heart flutter.
His response is short and blunt, but sweet in nature. He is blushing the whole time, not breaking eye contact with you, and for the first time in many years, he feels completely satisfied.
Tagged: @darkflowerav
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wanderingmind867 · 7 months
Some possible storylines for a Defenders revival comic:
We already discussed the Shuma Gorath overarching storyline, but that's probably a reveal I would introduce in the beginning of the comic and periodically revisit every 20 or so issues. Until we reach Issue #100, in which case I'll finally wrap it up in a giant crossover extravaganza wherein all the cosmic forces have to face Shuma-Gorath.
Around Issue #9 or #10 of my new Defenders series, we're introduced to a bunch of Defenders. All the ones that have died have been brought back to life, and they rejoin the team just in time to help save earth from Nightmare and his plans of world conquest (well, besides Nighthawk. I'm saving his resurrection for later). Valkyrie, Andromeda, Manslaughter, Moondragon, Gargoyle and The Interloper and The Interloper were last seen during the battle against the Dragon of the Moon. Yet somehow, this group of five were resurrected, and they have no idea who resurrected them or why they were resurrected. All they know is they have risen from the grave, and just in time too.
For now that they're back from the dead, they discover that the entire population of earth has fallen into a deep slumber. After some investigating, they discover that the eternal Somnus has plunged everyone into an eternal slumber on the orders of nightmare, who plans to use this as a means of conquering earth. Him and his legion of dream demons will invade earth through the dreams of the humans. The only people capable of resisting are The New Defenders.
After defeating Nightmare and Somnus, most of the New Defenders leave to do their own things now that they have a new lease on life. But Valkyrie, Gargoyle and Andromeda will continue on as recurring team members.
PS: Andromeda and Namor being on the same team may be seen as redundant, but I see it as a good thing. With Andromeda being Attuma's child and all, there's potential for drama here.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Yandere Team Black Headcanons (Platonic)
''There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin, and no war as bloody as a war between dragons.'' — Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: I needed to get this out of my mind, so here it is. It's more focused on the Black Council, so only they appear, but if anyone wants, I can do it with the other allies of the Blacks. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistake! 🖤❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder, unhealthy platonic relationships, messy writing.
❝🐉 pairing: yandere!team black x gender neutral!reader.
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After the death of King Viserys I Targaryen, the Seven Kingdoms was divided into two factions. The Greens, who supported the succession of Aegon II Targaryen, son of Queen Alicent Hightower and Viserys, and there were the Blacks, who supported the succession of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the first woman to be chosen as heir to the Iron Throne and the legal heir of Viserys. There were these two sides to the war and you were a supporter of the Blacks, of Rhaenyra.
Your family had long ago sworn loyalty to Rhaenyra and you would not dishonor that oath. You would fight alongside the Blacks and follow the Queen to the death if necessary. You would protect her and defend her honor until your last breath. It was this oath that you swore and it was what brought you to meet her face-to-face, along with the other members of her family who supported her.
Rhaenyra received your support with great enthusiasm and affection, smiling at you and hugging you, saying how much it meant to know that you, and your family, stayed true to their oath. She hugged you tightly, and you melted into the Black Queen's tight embrace.
She was so kind, just like the stories said. You were proud to call her the Queen. Rhaenyra touched your cheeks warmly and introduced you to the rest of her supporters, her family. Rhaenyra quickly became attached to you, developing her obsession and becoming possessive and protective. She doesn't want anything to hurt you. She had already lost too much.
You were introduced to Daemon Targaryen first, Rhaenyra's husband and prince consort. He was a little skeptical of you at first, looking strangely like he was sizing you up and your intentions. Which in fact, he was doing. After deciding you weren't a threat, Daemon was more open and welcomed you.
He wasn't the kind of person you wanted to mess with. Always so cruel and using violence to resolve conflicts, Daemon is not easy to deal with. But you can deal with him in the right way, being his listener and eventually his friend. Someone he can truly trust. Very possessive and short-tempered, Daemon doesn't hesitate to claim you for himself and will burn alive anyone who says anything about it.
Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was, was all the stories said. Stormy yet with a gentleness and grace you had never seen before. She was courteous and distant at first, as you would expect a princess to be. But as she got to know you, the more Rhaenys opened up and trusted you.
She is very protective of you, Rhaenys does not want you to fight, preferring you to become part of the council and act solely as a strategist. The war was very dangerous and she wasn't going to risk your life. Not when she already liked you so much and had already lost her two beloved children.
Corlys Velaryon became close to you quickly. You met him when he was still in bed, injured. Rhaenys was the one who introduced you to him and he quickly warmed up to you. He smiled in gratitude every time you helped him feed or get out of bed. His eyes seemed to always follow you, with affection shining in them.
He could see what his wife saw in you. Something new, something lasting. When he had doubts about whether or not he should join the Blacks, you convinced him and he found himself admiring you even more for your loyalty. Corlys knew he had to protect you. You were so pure for this world and the war that was to come. He couldn't let something bad happen to you.
Jacaerys Velaryon took a liking to you at first sight, warming up to you and becoming the linchpin of his mother and brothers' obsession with you. He saw a lot of himself in you for some reason and enjoyed your company immensely. Jace is always asking for your approval, trying to please you in any way.
He is quite protective and this only intensified after the deaths of people dear to him. Jacaerys enjoys reading to you and would love to teach you High Valyrian if you wish. When he becomes King, he would love to name you his Hand.
Lucerys Velaryon became especially close to you after you arrived in Dragonstone. Not just because you supported his family, but because you were you. So kind and so loyal, he was immediately attracted to you and started following you like a baby duck. Luke loves spending time with you, reading, or when you watch him train with swords. Just your presence is enough.
He is very possessive and clingy towards you, constantly wanting your attention and approval. Lucerys does his best to be with you, clinging to your arms, as if he were hiding behind you.
Joffrey Velaryon is the baby of the Velaryon family, so young and unaware of what is happening. He usually stays close to you, holding your hand and looking at you with curiosity and affection. It's common to see him following you through the hallways of Dragonstone.
Although young, Joffrey is very intelligent and is possessive of your attention, often fighting with his brothers for it. He wants you with him all the time, close and protecting him.
Baela Targaryen is fearless and a free spirit, much like her father. She approached you firmly and quickly, encouraged by her grandmother and father. She really liked you and you quickly became friends with you.
She is quite demanding when it comes to you, Baela has a tendency to get angry quickly but she never stays with you. She likes it and is very patient and calm, smiling charmingly and holding your hand affectionately. Quite possessive, she will often get into fights to defend you.
Rhaena Targaryen is more delicate and calm than her older sister, all gentle and sweet. She is more courteous and also less demanding, taking whatever she can get and inwardly happy when you approach her of your own free will.
She's more subtle in her obsession, watching you from the corners of her eyes and smiling sweetly when she thinks no one is looking. Rhaena takes every opportunity to be close to you. She loves dancing and would be honored if you wanted to dance with her.
The Blacks cared deeply about you. Not just the Targaryen and Velaryon family, but others as well. The Lords and knights also created their own obsession with you and they knew they must protect you at any cost. Especially when you were the pillar of that faction.
They will go against anyone who dares to hurt you. Ready to destroy and burn, the Targaryens have no qualms about getting rid of anyone who threatens your life. The Velaryon fleets are at your disposal at any time and always ready to protect you.
They would only become even more suffocating after Lucerys' death. They had already lost him, they couldn't lose you. There's no way you can leave Dragonstone alone. Always accompanied by one of them or of guards.
You have become important to them. Important to the Black Queen and her allies. You have become their obsession. They would rather raze King's Landing, and burn the Iron Throne than lose you.
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strangelockd · 2 years
You Put Flowers In My Hair
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Pairing: Defender!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You go to the Renaissance Faire with Defender Strange and some fun activities take place. Will he allow it to happen?
Part 2 Here
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: light angst, mostly fluff
A/N: I got this idea obviously from going to Red Faire's. I love them so. I hope you all enjoy this one.
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Crowds were bustling around open tents, the smells of leather and dirt wafting through your nose. It was springtime, the time of year were the local Renaissance Faire arrived in town and you could not be more excited about it. The costumes, the food and let alone the character interactions, it was a place to escape the everyday modern world. To your husband however, it resonated somewhat the opposite effect. Defender Strange never understood the appeal of going back to what he calls jokingly, “The Stone Age” but he always enjoys watching you in your costume excitedly frolicking around lost in the magic, it helped him forget the annoyance. Ever since he first laid eyes on you all he wanted to do was to bring you joy no matter what. It was always his pleasure to see you laugh, a smile widening across his face in pure joy when he makes you happy. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for you.
Hands clasped; Defender guided you over to a stall selling handmade flower crowns. Picking out one amongst the hundreds seemed almost impossible.
Excitement in your voice you asked, “There’s too many to choose from, help me pick”
Sifting through the floral headpieces with his slender fingers he selected one with a white and red rose pattern with black ribbon cascading down the back. Handing the payment to the teller he took the crown and placing it snugly upon your head. Opting for the colors matching his tunic which he just so happened to choose that day, he thought it fit with the event anyways.
“There, a crown fit for my princess,” placing a gentle kiss on your lips causing you to blush.
Returning a kiss to his soft lips, “Aw thanks babe, I love it”
A smile grew across his face Defender picked you up and twirled you around emitting a giggle from you. Placing both hands on his face to pull him in for another kiss. The world simply disappearing around you both. Your mouths melting together into a passionate kiss. Setting you down gently to wrap his arms around you pulling you in closer. Tilting your head back slowly with his index finger to deepen the kiss he felt you release a soft moan. Steadily pulling away he spoke with love in his tone, “You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Biting your lower lip to glance to the side you noticed a particular shop that caught your eye.
“Oh! I have a great idea! How about we get your hair braided? There’s a shop over there that works on hair and yours is too pretty to keep in a ponytail”
Stretching on your toes reaching upward to gently grope the hair tie off his head, slowly releasing the black and peppered threads that cascaded over his lean broad shoulders. He always looked so handsome with his hair down blowing in the breeze. Taking a free hand to gently thread your fingers through the silken strands only to gently tug on it from behind causing him to release a soft moan.
Whispering into the shell of his ear softly biting his ear lobe, “Besides…I’ll make it worth your while later if you do,” Releasing a gentle hum from his lips he closed his eyes slowly, his cock beginning to twitch in his trousers. He always smelled like vanilla and incense; you couldn’t put a finger on it exactly, but it carried its own fingerprint that always turned you on.
Making your way over to the braiding tent Defender takes a deep breath to sit down on the wooden plush stool with a slight hesitation in his voice, “Alright if that’s what will make you happy, I will comply. But you know how I feel about people touching my hair.”
Sitting across from him to reach for his hand, “I know babe, but I am a person, and you let me touch your hair”
He quickly glanced at you cocking his eyebrow to speak with a stern tone, “you’re not just a person, your mine, there is a vast difference my love”
“But think about how neat it’s going to look all curly later on,” biting your lower lip it got you going just thinking about it.
Closing his eyes he sat in silence, the maiden combing through his lengthy hair. Her dexterous fingers taking three strands to separate and begin forming a thick detailed French Braid. Working all the way down from his scalp to the tail end, completing the look with weaving a bright thin red ribbon through it, he looked adorable. But you would never admit that to him. Defender always tried to keep a serious profile, especially out in public. 
“You look so dashing babe, and the ribbon is a really nice touch by the way” 
Opening his blue eyes slowly, the maiden handed him a mirror for him to admire her handywork. His eyes growing slightly wide with a serious expression he began to blush a bit in his cheeks creeping up to his ears.
“It’s not too bad. I can see myself doing this more often for missions, it’s so much more manageable,” turning his head to the sides trying to get a better look.
“I don’t know about you, but I can get use to it, at least till bedtime. You know I love your hair down at night”
Defender smiling with agreement, he stood up to give the woman the payment for the hair thanking her with a gentle tone. Reaching for your hand he pulled you close to his side, wanting to walk together in unison. 
Continuing down the path of festivities your eyes noticed a patch of daisies along with some characters clearly dressed as fairies. Clutching his hand tighter guiding him towards the plush green patch you kneeled into it. Defender opted to sit cross legged next to you, scouring the fresh flowers plucking them with a smooth delicacy. Looking about to find the most perfect looking daisies, taking a few hear and there collecting them in your palm. Noticing in the corner of your eye Defender was making what appears to be a flower crown.
“Wow babe I didn’t know you knew how to craft flower crowns. That’s so impressive!”
Blushing slightly still looking down in focus, “I use to make these all the time for Donna. She always loved them.” His slender scarred fingers beautifully lacing through the stems to weave each flower together so precisely. He would make such a great father…smiling as you sighed. 
Your heart growing warm with the sentiment you couldn’t help but grab him by his chest to pull him in for a kiss. Sighing at the feeling of his warm soft mouth upon yours that sends a shiver from your head down to your spine. He smiled into the kiss giving a hum of delight, the vibration causing a heat to form in your core. He withdrew and you both were left slightly gasping for air.
A lopsided smile growing on his face, “What was all that about?”
“I was just imagining you being a father, you would be the best at it,” placing some of the daisies you plucked into his braided hair. 
Humming at the idea of it Defender couldn’t help but be taken aback. Not in a bad way, far from it. These past few months he couldn’t help but have more invasive thoughts of you holding a little one. He saw how you were with children outside of the Sanctum; you were of no doubt a natural. Let alone the thought of your swollen belly growing with the love that you two would create caused his heart to grow strangely warm. It made his heart skip a beat every time he fantasized about it.
Leaning his head on your shoulder, “One day it will happen baby. I would love nothing more then for you to bear my children,” turning into the crook of your neck leaving a soft kiss. Your eyes close at the sudden sensation of his lips on your soft flesh. Tracing his nose up your neck to be a breath away from your face he cupped your cheek. Gazing into his bright cerulean eyes, “My darling…my precious Y/N,” he whispered brushing his lips onto yours again, gently spoiling your soft flesh with his full, tender lips. His whiskers tickling you that always felt much softer than they appeared. The scent of the daisies in his hair along with the sweetness of his flesh made your head spin.
Feeling you place a hand on his strong chest all he could think to fathom from his heart, “I love you (Y/N)”
“I love you too Stephen Strange,” moaning softly as he pulled you onto his lap. His long legs wrapping around you. Making it feel like a security blanket, together you stayed there for some time to bask in the moment enjoying each others embrace. Defenders head resting on top of yours he placed gentle kisses on your head. 
It was getting late, and he knew you were getting tired but did not want to admit it.
“You want to head back to the Sanctum babe? You look like your about to fall asleep”
Giving out a quiet yawn stretching, “No…I’m fine. Just a bit longer please”
“Baby, I know you, trust me your tired. You’re practically leaning into me right now. Let’s head home. We can snuggle in our bed, and I’ll even rub your feet. Hows that sound?”
Tilting your head at the idea it did sound amazing.  
He also did have a point, you just started to notice your feet aching and no doubt they were feeling sore and tired along with the rest of you. Nodding your head softly to place a hand on his, “Alright that sounds like a deal. Let’s go home please,” releasing another yawn that made Defender chuckle.
Asking with a curious tone, “Whats so funny?”
“Your just so adorable and I love it,” taking his index finger to boop your nose making you giggle slightly, a smile forming on his lips.
He stood upright slowly to extend a hand to you. His strong grasp aiding you upright. Brushing the grass off each other he reached for your hand giving it a squeeze. Guiding you both to a vacant spot he released you softly, sliding his sling ring between his fingers extending his arms outward. Using steady circular motions to cast a portal opening into your shared bedroom. Sparks flying, he placed a firm arm around the small of your waist guiding you both through the threshold. 
Stepping into your shared bedroom Defender pulled you in for a tight embrace, feeling his firm broad chest warm your core.
Arms laced  around his neck you stood on your tip toes to lean up for a kiss. Feeling the warmth of his soft lips against yours he trailed his hands down your back gripping your hips to pull you in as tight as possible. Releasing a soft moan from your mouth he chuckled in response. 
Pulling away you groaned smiling, “someones feeling needy”
“You did say you would make it worth my while…” he stated with a hint of playfulness and a glimmer in his eyes. The tone in his voice dropping an octave, with that deep baritone you love so much, “I do want to cash in that offer you made earlier. Are you down for its baby?” Leaning down to nip your earlobe playfully. Sending a chill down your spine. He always knew how to press your buttons and get you going. Without missing a beat, you demanded, “Don’t just stand there, get on the bed”
(To be continued…)
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