#healthier plants
mokeonn · 7 months
Before I go to sleep I leave you all with this piece of advice: sometimes you don't actually have to answer big political questions, sometimes you can just say "I am not smart enough to know that, I just know the small things I do to help." Like you can often times completely avoid making a fool of yourself if you just say you don't know.
#simon says#to explain here and not in a reblog:#sometimes when you try to explain big picture solutions you're gonna sound dumb#you might not have done enough research#you might not have a rebuttal to a counter argument#you might not be articulate enough to explain why you think this#sometimes you gotta take a step back and give the simple solution. the one man solution#you do what you can to fight against the problem#you talk to people to help spread awareness and how to fight the bad problem#and you vote and invite others to vote for bigger steps towards solving the problem#like you can talk about theory and how you believe we need to do a huge drastic thing to solve and issue#but people will disagree and argue til you're blue in the face#they'll poke and prod until you mess up or lose your temper and use it against you#and you'll feel dumb and they'll learn nothing#sometimes the best thing to do is step away from the big picture and just say 'idk what the solution is I just know the things I can do“#sometimes you gotta admit you're not a scientist/expert and you can't answer that#i used this while talking with my Dad tonight#he brought up our climate crisis and space travel as a possible solution#and I said I think that's just addressing the symptom and not the cause and we need to care for our Earth now#and he asked me what solutions I think would fix it#and knowing my incredibly smart Dad who is articulate and ready to throw rebuttles at a moments notice to play devils advocate#and my past experience in struggling in this topic with him before#i just told him I didn't know. all i knew is the little things I can and do do to help#and that hopefully by spreading the word and habits and encouraging others to vote for those bigger solutions I could help make a change#but all I really could do is the little things I have control over#and the topic became much less stressful about the little things we have control over#like planting native plants and recycling and adopting habits that are healthier to our planet#which was 100% more preferable to if I tried to give a big solution. because I would reveal i didn't have all the knowledge needed to argue#and my articulation would make me sound like a stupid kid who only thinks they know what's best#so yeah I basically suggest that if you dont wanna feel like shit after debating someone just step away from the big picture for a moment
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gideonisms · 2 months
Want to go somewhere and see different things than my apartment walls but if there is a sound or anyone looks at me I will die right there. And if I go outside today I step into a sauna. Also nearly everything besides restaurants closes at 8 despite the fact that the roads are hell 24 hours a day. You can see how this leaves me with limited options
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jamboreeartsupplies · 28 days
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Acorn Anne visits some Mulberry trees that are in need of healing. please send a small offering of dry, warm air through your closest fairy ring and Acorn Anne will direct it to the leaves of both trees. thank you for your cooperation 🫡
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aisling-saoirse · 7 months
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Bulrush on Okeechobee - February 20th 2024
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inusmasha · 10 months
Me: Cannabis is your plant ally. It has to be respected and used with purpose. It’s not for everyone. There are risks. When you use it, sit awhile and observe what it does for you. When you reach for it, is it because you’re numbing your negative feelings? Are you trying to dilute your sensitivity to something? Are you truly trying to just have a good time or have you formed patterns and habits that need to be adjusted? When used with intention it can be a wonderful and life changing tool.
Also me but I feel a hangover coming on: 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬HELP💨HELP💨 HELP💨 HELP💨 HELP💨 GIMME🚬 GIMME🚬 GIMME🚬 GIMME🚬 PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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savageboar · 5 months
made an impulsive decision to dump fish water from doing a water change into my plant growers outside. fuck it.
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gippyworm · 11 months
Okay but fr I am so sick of trying to pick between two detriments when it comes to milk. I love cow's milk but I also know the extensive ecological cost between land use, methane, carbon dioxide and water. By god, the water... (I did an assessment that included researching and calculating all this). Phew.
Not a fan of almond really except for flavoured milk treats, and that also uses water extensively so I'm not too interested in it.
I love oat milk, its much better ecologically, but. The packaging x__x Tetra Paks cannot be recycled in Australia (there is a single recycling plant I think and its in another state). So while the crop footprint is generally smaller than cow milk, the packaging is causing another Massive Issue. Landfill is one of the primary contributors to methane accumulation in the atmosphere (alongside livestock) so it really feels like such a lose-lose situation OTL Especially when you consider that for every bottle of cow milk, you go through two oat milk paks because they come in 1L instead of 2L.
At least cow milk bottles get recycled. I just hope that with increasing use of alternative milks maybe more recycling plants will open up for this type of packaging? Because they can be recycled but you need special machinery. Similarly with blister packs (the pharmaceutical companies should be paying for that one 100%).
And I like being able to store heaps of oat milk in the cupboard and not have to worry about it spoiling because it lasts ages! Its cheaper and easier. I do also like UHT cow milk also.
Better sustainability practices are achievable but it seems so impossible when you have no money to set yourself up for less plastic, and things touted as "better alternatives" still have massive impacts.
It shouldn't be this damn hard to cut plastic out of my life >:(
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sanguith · 1 year
i'm glad i decided to try out a ketosis diet again (aka changing my metabolism to basically only use ketone bodies made from fatty acids for energy by reducing carb intake to max 20g/day) for a few weeks because it was a neat experiment but i'm also glad I decided to stop because now i get to enjoy life's greatest fucking simplest yet finest delicacy: mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes with melted butter and salt. i cannot understand how i could live without that. just. vegetables. keto has opened my eyes to new ways to cook foods and experiment with ingredients but i don't think i can live without carbs. i doubt that the majority of people could. also have you any idea how much good simple near-zero effort food there is out there like holy gosh darn in heaven. i don't have to spend hours cooking something to have a nice meal
#food mention#diets#actually anything carb with butter and salt. how can it be so good. call me a lazy goob but i once just microwaved corn and butter#added salt. and it was the most delicious fuckin thing ive ever eaten#i've done low-carb in the past and tried keto a few times and always it felt so great after the keto flu disappeared after a few days#but this time the keto flu did not go away. i felt so weak and awful but at the same time i had less brain fog. and never felt hungry.#but it was werid. i think it might have been because i've been kinda high carb for the last few years and the change was so strong & sudden#also electrolyte imbalances can happen on keto if you're not careful. it's complex.#anyway it got me to eat a bit healthier like (almost) completely avoiding processed foods and unnaturally high sugary stuff#which i just want to generally avoid for personal health reasons which is a whole can of worms but i just dont want to overindulge#sure i can eat an entire bag of candies or chips in an evening if i feel like it but I *feel* my body just being like “nooo” and sure enoug#the next morning i do feel a little bit extra like shit#and another thing: i think i benefit from abrupt diet changes now and then. it feels natural in a way. ye olde scavenger hunter genetics#ya know. our nomadic ancestors would probably have to do that a lot when things weren't year-round available#sometimes only meat for months on end in cold seasons/areas#sometimes basically only plants and nuts roots and seeds and stuff#it's actually remarkable how human metabolism can adapt so much depending on what's available to eat#sometimes fasting for days when food was just nowhere to be found.#i'm not saying “stress your metabolic system it's good for you'” (it probably isnt) just idk. mixing it up a bit at least works for me#btw disclaimer i HATE the whole thing about diet-pressuring and some people claiming that certain diets will solve everything#it doesn't solve all health problems magically. ”"”superfoods“”“ are not a 100% faultless scientifically proven thing.#shit like ''the paleo diet is the number one key to optimal health without medications!!'' no. shut.#on the other hand i do believe diets can help a bit like a nudge. it's just one factor out of many that affects how we feel#ANYWAY conclusion: eat what you want. do what feels right for you. find your own ways to make the food you eat help your health a bit#or don't! be yourself! love yourself!#the chosen method is gonna be different for everybody#but from now on im gonna try and eat as close to natural unprocessed foods as I can in this day and age. it feels right for me somehow.#i think *my* preferred method/diet whatever is to mainly eat natural unprocessed foods and to mix it up a bit now and then with change#for that sweet ''METABOLIC ADAPTATION'' perk that feels good for me#(why did this post become so long. nobody cares. anyway i don't care if nobody cares. i care. *I* care!!! wooopp)
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Here's a dialogue writing tip, from me to you.
Most of the time I just "Yes, and..." my dialogue, but there are times I need it to go in a particular direction, or sometimes it's just going in a direction I don't like. It's really amazing how powerful phrasing can be as a tool.
For example, I started with Character A asking Character B "Do you think we were wrong to stay so long?"
But instead, I could use: "Should we have stayed so long?" "Should we have left earlier?" "Would it have been better to leave earlier?" "Do you think we should have left earlier?
These are all technically asking the same thing, but you can see that each of these might lead to a very different response! All I'm doing is turning the question around from different angles, and adding more or less objectivity to the ask, but depending on your circumstances, there may be many other ways to come up with variations.
Sometimes this is useful on the very basic level of you're stuck, and this can be a brainstorming method for getting unstuck.
It's also useful, though, when you need to craft a scene to have a certain mood or outcome. Think about, first of all, what is the asking character trying to get out of this interaction? Are they actually looking for an answer, or are they fishing for a particular response? Is it a leading question? Are they looking for reassurance? Are they being accusatory? What are their motivations, what are the emotions at stake?
Then, you can look at the other character and do the same thing for them. You can also look at the relationship between them and the dynamic you're going for here. If you want to set up some angst, Character A is looking for comfort, but phrases the question such that Character B sees it as assigning blame and reacts defensively. Or if you're trying to set up some clever banter, different ways of posing the question give different springboards for the other character to jump off of.
I am very fond of the piece of writing advice that if you get stuck, you should look for the problem three lines back, but the problem isn't always self-evident (or it may not even be a problem, it's just that you wrote a series of lines that led you to a dead end). Anyway, this is a technique I use sometimes in that situation.
As a final note, it's best to just use this in choosing between a number of equally naturally phrased options. There's an advanced form of this technique for use in say, comedies of manners, where you are purposely setting up misunderstandings that hinge on certain phrasings and you may really have to engineer a sentence. This is kind of a dangerous thing, because it can come off sounding phony, but on the other hand, if you're actually good at this stuff, this is exactly why we like writers like Oscar Wilde and P. G. Wodehouse. In both the simple and advanced case, it's always a good idea to look back later and say to yourself, "is this a thing that the character would actually say?" and "does this fit in with my general prose style."
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lakemichigans · 11 months
plants have made me cut down on drinking so much. when i think about what i would rather spend 20 bucks on, a plant that i can look at for years (or months, at the least) and which will continue to make me happy and give me a purpose, or a bottle of vodka which will last a week or two and will make me happy, yeah, but it will also make me sad angry guilty and sick... the choice becomes so much clearer
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semprvivum · 11 months
low light plants are a myth change my mind
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weedlovingweed · 1 year
i will kill all idiots who think wildflower patches are like. Every Wild Beast Who I Hate Habitat. there are fleas and ticks in your lawn too. there are MORE TICKS in places with less mammals coming through (deer, squirrels, etc that the ticks can feed on instead of u) and insecticides/herbicides kill off beneficial insects so there’s more habitat for ticks to hang around. and if you aren’t attracting birds with seed or WILDFLOWERS THAT NATURALLY MAKE SEED FOR BIRDS then you will have MORE pests.
people are just so stupid instead of planting things to attract bugs and birds they WANT that will do bad insect management they just keep going down the line of killing everything and making uninhabitable space. but ig its “safer for kids” (your kids will just get sick from playing in roundup!!!) or you wont have to see a fucking garter snake. oh the horror. kids should be exposed to plants and animals and clearly ppl who think that a wilder lawn will just be fucking pest central didn’t play enough outside. and tbh im blaming YOU for my neighbor who removed the blackberry bush as soon as he moved in that neighborhood kids had been eating for years…
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etakeh · 1 year
Can you see that? Can you see it - look very carefully.
I got a little flat rock fountain for the bees. But I live on a fourth floor apartment in an area that's not really planty. Lots of bark dust and concrete.
But I'd thought that about the hummingbird feeders too, and I ended up with hummingbirds, so I figured why not.
And look. I got a wasp. Drinking out of my bee fountain. Yes it also drinks out of the hummingbird feeder, but this makes me terribly happy.
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angiestown · 1 year
realized a cool life hack if you bake an apple it's still an apple it still counts as eating an apple
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People will really be like “oogh coffee is so bad for you it’s so addictive” and then have an addiction to Diet Coke
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flowerpotmage · 1 year
I miss having uhhh. Inspiration
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