#hearing that from his cute Koki makes him so soft and happy....
oumagines · 1 year
Kokichi With A Shy Age Regressor S/O Who Loves Pink And Girly Things
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Anonymous Asked: "Could I request kokichi with a shy age regressor s/o?One who really likes pink and girly things? Thank you!! Sorry if it's a lot!"
Warnings: Kidnapping, mention of DD/LG, gang violence (?)
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Rating: 🍊
Notes: Oh, you don't need to apologize!! This request is so cute!! And this is actually quite a simple request, and it was really fun to write!!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Kokichi Ouma is a man whose feelings seem to fluctuate at random. But however, the one time you'd truly see a glimpse into how much he loves you is when you're little. The littler you are, the kinder he is to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ For one thing, he won't see the need to hurt or punish you for the most part. Or at the very least, if he does, it won't be nearly as harsh as if you weren't agere.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ First and foremost, he's willing to go out and buy literally anything little you might ask for, and forcefully willfully becomes your cg, since that will entrench him into your life.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ And best part? Everything he brings you is some shade of pink if he can find it, otherwise it'll be purple or red, the closest colors to pink. He also likes to bring them in pastels so it's harder to distinguish between the actual pink and his "failures".
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Practically every single time he goes out, something will catch Kokichi's eye that reminds him of you, and he'll get it for you. Whether it's a cute little plushy, some adorable pink hair ribbons, or other toys you could play with when little, he'll purchase them immediately and be pretty much buzzing on the way back home.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ If anyone were to question his sudden influx of more childish purchases, he'd probably make up something about volunteering at an orphanage or babysitting some neighbors' kids.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ But when he returns home, he knows he's setting up for the day he finally kidnaps you, wanting you to be as comfortable as you can possibly be.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ So naturally, when you do get kidnapped, you're understandably confused about how this room is so completely ideal to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Enter your cg, telling you that he brought you here because the world is just too dangerous for someone so soft and sweet, and that you're too little for all that... That only he can protect you...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ After all, there are a lot of people who would think of your agere as a kink, rather than seeing it for the coping mechanism that it is. And someone as pure and soft as you doesn't deserve to have that innocence tainted by something so vulgar, or so he thinks.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He also tends to gush over your shyness, but in a teasing way.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Aww~! Why, my S/O is so shy, aren't they? So cute, tiny, and timid! That's what you want to hear, right?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ If you ever call him "Papa" or "Big" while little, congrats! You get to see his heart melt in his chest!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ As long as you aren't fighting back, you probably never get punished, to be honest. He likes seeing you smile much more than seeing you cry, because if he makes you cry, the guilt of knowing that he hurt someone who's supposed to trust him will just... crush him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He will 100% pretend his favorite color is pink and start wearing it just so you two have something to gush over together. And in truth, it isn't a lie. But it's only his favorite because it reminds him of you. If not for that, it'd be useless to him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Kokichi has sacrificed a lot for D.I.C.E.. It was his duty as their leader. So when someone or something makes Kokichi as happy as you do, you can expect D.I.C.E. to be practically your biggest fans aside from Kokichi, himself. Meaning they won't save you from being kidnapped and may even help Kokichi cover his tracks. I mean, he isn't violent with you, so... no point in not doing it, right?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Whether you're little or not when you go to bed determines the way you sleep. If you're little, Kokichi will pull your head into his chest and rest his chin on the back of your head, using his hands to caress your back as you drift off. If you're big enough, he'll hold your hand and... that's pretty much it. You sleep mostly independent of each other except for the fact that he's not letting go of that hand. You probably didn't need it- /lh
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ All in all, you get a mostly wholesome Kokichi. And although you're safe from the punishments... that doesn't mean everyone else is.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ :)
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ahogedetective · 2 years
Kokichi was sitting with his cheek rested on the heel of his hand, eyes locked on Shuichi as he read. His long lashes, the curve of his nose, his lips—Kokichi was busy taking it all in when Shuichi's eyes met his.
Kokichi's face faintly heated up but, otherwise, his expression only shifted into smug amusement. "What? I'm just admiring the prettiest thing in the room. That's waaaay more interesting than my book." Kokichi's grin turned lopsided, head tilting. "Wanna make out?"
( Kokichi vc: pretty boy pretty boy pretty boy )
Reading together with Kokichi, was one of Shuichi's favorite ways to spend a lazy afternoon with him. He didn't realize that Kokichi was staring at him at first, having been engaged in the text he was reading. "O-Oh my god Kokichi, you wouldn't believe what the guy in this chapter just... Hm?" He looked towards Kokichi as he was talking, before trailing off once he finally Kokichi staring at him like that, making him blink in curiosity. "Y...Y-Yes?"
Then when Kokichi said that, calling him the prettiest thing and even more interesting than his book- "Ah-" His eyes widened, before his face grew a dark shade of red. "Th...The prettiest thing? M-Me? O-Oh, ahhh...." Eyes darting downwards, he buries his face partially into his book. He emits the softest whine, but it's a really happy kind. Being told how pretty he was, always made his heart thump like crazy.. "Y-You're too sweet... Th-That makes me very happy to hear, Koki. Especially from....th-the cutest guy ever. H-Hehehe...."
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A smile could be seen from Shuichi, gaze growing more loving as he reached a hand over to cup one of Kokichi's. Then when being asked if they could make out, his face grows even redder than before. "H-Haaah, you sure don't miss a beat, do you. But, yes, I-I do." Putting his book aside, he scoots even closer towards Kokichi. "I'd never say no to making out with you, after all... since..." He leans his head in very close, until their foreheads touch. His other hand goes to cup his cheek, slowly stroking it with his thumb. And then in a low whisper, pouring with the amount of love evident in his eyes as well: "Kissing you...is always one of my favorite things to do..." And leans in just a bit more, to close the distance between them in a kiss.
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frauleinjustice · 4 years
Saiouma Week Day 6: Fluff
Hey there, everyone!! I decided to do this day’s prompts for saioumaweek ( @saiouma-events ) : angst/fluff, where I chose to do fluff, of course~!
Summary: It’s a lazy afternoon for the boys, and so they do what they usually love to do: play around and chase each other around the house! They both always have a fun time when they let loose and play around like that, adoring the laughs and smiles they can get out of each other.
Heheh so as you can see, I pretty much wanted to make a simple, but cute oneshot for this prompt! I hope you all will enjoy the floof as well~ and as always, thank you so much in advanced if you give it a read! ღ
Today was a lazy afternoon. Shuichi and Kokichi were doing their own thing as they hung out in the former’s living room, with Shuichi reading a book on the couch, while Kokichi was sitting on the floor playing a video game on the TV. At one point, Shuichi got up so he could use the bathroom. That’s when Kokichi got an idea for a small, but funny prank to play on him. Snickering, Kokichi rushes over to another room to grab a toy mouse. Quickly but carefully, he stuffs it in between a few pages further than Shuichi left off on. When Shuichi comes back, Kokichi was already back at his game, acting as if he didn’t do anything… but he was silently awaiting the moment Shuichi reacts. So after a few more pages… Shuichi sees the toy mouse in between the pages, and-
“GYAH?!” With a loud and confused shriek, the book flies out of Shuichi’s hands when he leaps off the couch. When he takes a closer look at the mouse, he realizes it’s fake and picks it up. “W-What the!?” 
“P...Pffttt….” Almost instantly, Kokichi bursts out in laughter, almost missing the pause button before he drops his controller. “Hahaha!!” He’s almost leaning over with how hard he laughs, turning his head back to look at his extremely puzzled boyfriend. “Hahaha!! I-I got you good, Shuichiii~! That scream was worth it! Ahahaha!!” 
“O-Oh my god, Kokichi: you are sooo funny!” Despite blushing slightly in embarrassment, he still chortles. “A-Allright, I’ll admit: you got me good. You nerd.” He was going to playfully bop him on the head with a couch pillow, had Kokichi not quickly dodged and flew up to his feet. 
“Miiissed! Come catch me, Mr. Detective~! Nishishi!” Taunts the snickering Kokichi before he dashes off. 
“Hoh! I’ll apprehend you, criminal-!” Declares Shuichi before he quickly chases after him, already failing to keep a straight face. “Wh...When I get you, you shall finally, h-hehehe, p-pay for all your crimes, Ouma Kokichi!” 
“You’ll never catch me aliiive, Saihara Shuichi! H-Hahaha!” Playing the roles of the ‘hot-boiled detective chasing the infamous phantom thief’: this was something they loved to do often, always having a blast when they did. Even as they tried staying in their roles, boisterous laughter roared from the two as Kokichi navigated through the corridors and different rooms, just barely slipping past Shuichi’s grasp when he needed to run right back out. Kokichi adored seeing his boyfriend’s playful side come out like this: that it didn’t annoy Shuichi when he wanted to play like this.
Eventually, Kokichi enters the bedroom. He’s slowly walking backwards as Shuichi nears him. “You’re cornered, mister: there is no escape…” 
Even as Kokichi’s leg eventually hit against the foot of the bed: that confident smirk doesn’t leave his face. “Ohh? If you think you’ve got me that easily, you’re wrong-!” Kokichi was going to attempt to reach for a pillow to throw at his face, so he can make for a quick exit once again… but with quick thinking and sudden movement, Shuichi leaps forward, and…. “Ah-!!”
Pins Kokichi down to the bed, hovering above him with an unusually smug smirk on his face. “Hmhmhm…. You were saying?” 
Kokichi’s breath hitches. This wasn’t the first time Shuichi ‘caught’ him like this. Yet each time, the heat rose to his cheeks and his heart raced even more. Not only from how much and how fast he was running, but also being pinned down by Shuichi. Even if he was just playing his role: hearing his boyfriend look and act so confident like that… he found it madly attractive. “S...Someone’s cocky. What’s Mr. Detective going to do to me now, hmm? Gonna tie and rough me up? Since you pinned me to the bed…”
“Y-You and your wild imaginations! But no: rather, I’ll punish you with…” A smile widening on his face, Shuichi leans his head further down, and… starts pelting Kokichi’s face with kisses in between giggles. “...This! Take that-hehehe-a-and that, and that!”
“Ahhh~!” Kokichi starts playfully squirming around, giggling at the barrage of kisses. “N-Nishishi, hahaha! M-Mercy, detectiiiiive!” 
“No mercy for youuu, h-hahaha!” And this was always how their little chase ended, with the detective delivering his fierce punishment of barraging his beloved ‘criminal’ with kisses. He loved the adorable giggles he got out of him, and before he would stop… he always leans in to plant a slow, deep kiss to Kokichi’s lips as he slowly closes his eyes.
“Mmm…” He utters a small hum into the kiss once his giggles die down, eye coming to a close as well. The blush on his face darkens and he leans more into the kiss, feeling his heart flutter softly in his chest. Once Shuichi moves his head back up when they need to break from the kiss, Kokichi gives him a warm, loving gaze. “Shumai…” A hand reaches up to comb through Shuichi’s hair. “I love when my beloved plays with me like this. It’s so exciting, being chased by him..” The smile he gives Shuichi is innocent and genuine… the rare kind of smile that he’s only willingly presented to Shuichi…. before it turns into his usual big, bright, and mischievous one. “....And when I catch him by surprise, too!” He chimes, before wrapping his arms around him and proceeds to start making them roll around on the bed.
“I have lots of fun, too, Koki…” He smiles warmly, leaning against his hand. Then when Kokichi suddenly wraps his arms around him and makes them start rolling- “Woah-!” He lets out a surprised yelp before he quickly finds himself wrapping his arms around Kokichi in turn, laughing. “Eheheh, hahaha! Oh nooo, you got me!” And as they’re rolling around, Kokichi’s the one sneaking kisses to his cheeks this time, making Shuichi giggle even more. “K-Kokichiii-ehehe!”
“Nishishi~! That’s right! Diieeee!” He also loved making Shuichi crack up like this, adoring the cute giggles he makes. 
“A-Ahaha, c-careful though, we don’t want to accidentally roll off the be-auh!” Before he could get the full warning out, the two really do end up rolling off the bed, with Shuichi’s back hitting the floor. Luckily a pillow that got knocked down when they were rolling around wildly on the bed was right there to cushion Shuichi’s head so it wouldn’t hurt from the impact of hitting the ground. “Oh…!” The two look at each for a few seconds, before they both start laughing. “G-Geez, thank god that pillow was right there!”
“Eheheh… I made sure it was! Even a supreme leader can be merciful to his boyfriend sometimes.”
“Aren’t you sooo sweet…” He sarcastically remarks with a smile, nuzzling their foreheads together. They still had their arms wrapped around each other with Kokichi laying on top, but even while they were still on the floor, they felt comfy enough to not need to get up just yet. Right now, they wanted to be in each other’s hold, and get lost in the other’s eyes. “Kokichi… I love you.”
“I… love you, too, Shuichi.” Three words that the supreme leader would teasingly say a lot before they got together, yet was incredibly shy on saying it genuinely and that directly. Overtime, he’s been able to without feeling as shy. It makes him happy… “I always want to be with my beloved… and that will never be a lie.”
“Yes…” He places soft kisses on his lips. “We will always be together, Kokichi: that, I can promise for a fact. You’re the… only one for me, after all.” 
“G...Geeez… i-if Shumai’s that blunt about it...n-nishishi…” Despite the rising heat to his cheeks, he gives an even brighter smile and a nod. “Mmhm! That’s right! I’m the only one for him, just as Shuichi is the only one for me! Him, and no one else!”
“Hehe… good… I love you so much…” Kokichi leans his head even closer, to help close the distance between them in a deep, loving kiss as their eyes slowly come to a close. The two adored their lazy afternoons for many reasons, but it was especially when they had their soft, intimate moments like this.
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turnupbrock · 5 years
How about, Boo?//Colby Brock x Reader
This was request by an amazing anon: “Could you write something with colby where everyone is asking when they’re gonna have children and they don’t want any so they adopt a dog together and when they bring the dog home they all snuggle together. (You don’t have to write it if you dont want to)
I hope you like it🖤🖤
"Samuel John Golbach, I will hurt you," I warned from across the couch. He simply held his hands out and and smiled innocently. "I'm just saying, if you and Colby were to HYPOTHETICALLY" he made sure to emphasize that word while raising his eyebrows, "have kids, I would be their favorite uncle" he argued again. I rolled my eyes and looked at my boyfriend who was just sitting there, with his lips pursed, trying to hide his amused smile. "Any help here?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him, his own widened and he just motioned towards Sam. I playfully scoffed, "You're useless!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air and letting them fall down and hit my jean clad thighs.  Finally laughter bubbled out of his mouth, "Not if you wanna have kids," he sassed, my friend's laughed filled the room. I slapped his arm, "You don't even want kids, dumb ass!" I replied smartly. Colby's mouth snapped shut and he dropped his shoulders in defeat, "dammit" he grumbled. I smirked at the pouty look on his face, "yeah that's what I thought." I said nodding my head at him. I looked back at Sam and smirked, "Actually Sammy, HYPOTHETICALLY" I mocked, "if Colby and I had children, I would keep them FAR away from your haunted ass." Sam's mouth dropped open as 'oos' were heard from all of our friends. His eyes got a mischievous glint in them, he sat back and threw his arm around Katrina's waist, pulling her to him. "Fine, if Katrina and I ever have kids, I'm keeping them away from your smart ass" he shot back, looking proud of his come back. I leaned back into the couch, feeling satisfaction when Colby's arm came around my shoulders. I smiled up at him before looking back at Sam, "Fine by me, but let's just hope that your kid can't whistle cause it's annoying as fuck," I smiled smugly at him. Sam's mouth hung open and his eyes were shining with amusement and a little hurt, "That was fucked up," Corey leaned over at whisper-shouted at me, his voice clearly trying to hold back a laugh. Sam cleared his throat, capturing my attention back to him. He sunk back into the couch, pulling Kat with him, "So, how was you day?" he changed the subject causing all of us to laugh.
 Once our laughter calmed down, I looked around the room seeing Jake wiping his eyes of the tears that formed from laughing so hard. The rest of the night consisted of laughing and games because it's Sam, he is literally a child in a man's body. I swear, if Colby and I ever did want kids, we would just adopt him. I was sitting on the edge of Colby and I's bed, going through my phone before Colby called me from his spot in the bathroom. "Coming, baby" I answered before turning my phone off and throwing it on the bed. I strolled into the bathroom where Colby was brushing his teeth, "Yes love?" I asked sliding my shirt off just to replace it with one of Colby's. When I looked over at Colby, he was already staring at me, love and adoration filled in those blue eyes. I smiled and leaned up on my toes to kiss his cheek, "I love you" I said after pressing my lips to his chubby cheek. My heart sped up when he smiled though the toothpaste in his mouth, no matter how long we have been together, it still gets me every time. "I love you too." he replied before spitting out the white foam. I smiled back and went to my own sink and started to remove my makeup with a makeup wipe. "So, how would you feel if we got a dog?" I looked through the mirror to see Colby nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Turning around slowly to face him, my lips tugging up into a slow, sweet smile. "What?" I asked, thinking that I heard him wrong. His cheeks flushed as he continued to talk to me, "Well, tonight at Sam's while you were roasting each other," a slight giggle left my mouth as I continued to clean the mascara and eyeliner off my eyes. "I got to thinking and just because we don't want any kids right now or in the soon future, doesn't mean we can't have a dog." Colby moved in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling the dirty makeup wipe away from my face so he could look at me. "So, I was wondering how you felt about getting a dog?" He asked again, leaning down and kissing the soft skin of my neck. I shivered in his arms causing him to look back up and meet my gaze.
 I brought my arms up to circle his neck loosely, " I would love to get a dog with you Colbs." His smile was breathtaking with how big it was. He attacked my face with little kisses all over face, which sent me into a fit of giggles. Colby laughed with me and pressed a final soft kiss to my lips before pulling away with a weird look on his beautiful face. I already knew what was wrong, I had just wiped down my face with an awful tasting wipe and he just got to taste all of it. "What's wrong?" I asked, smiling slightly at Colby, who was wiping his tongue on his shirt. He backed away from me, "Your face tastes weirddd" Colby whined as he continued to wipe his lips and tongue off. I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips. I picked up the pack of makeup wipes and waved them in front of his face. Colby forced his face into a pout, "Everytimeeee" he whined yet again walking out of the bathroom. I laughed loudly at that, hearing his own laugh come from the living room. I finished up washing my face and brushing my teeth and finally crawled into bed with Colby. As soon as he felt the bed dip, Colby was pulling me to his chest. I let out a content sigh and pressed my lips to his chest for second, he placed his own small kiss to my head. The next morning was spent at the dog shelter, trying to find the perfect doggy to bring home with us. "Babbyy, look at this one," I squealed when my eyes landed on a morky (purebred Yorkshire terrier and a purebred Maltese), it had jet black hair and big eyes. I bent down in front of the little cage that the small dog was in. Colby bent down next to me and started to pet the adorable dog, "Aww, you are just so cute. Yes you are," Colby started to talk to the dog in his so called 'dog charming' voice, that he uses when we go to Kansas and spend time with his family. I have to be honest, Colby with dogs, especially the Koki and Foxy, the dogs he grew up with. Oh my god, fuck me up. He is just so sweet with dogs, "Babe, we're getting her, I don't care. She is ours now." Colby said standing up. I laughed and nodded "She is ours" I agreed with him.
 Colby walked into our apartment carrying the crate that contained our small morky. I shut the door quickly, just to make sure that she doesn't go running into the hall when we let her out. "What are we going to name her?" I asked setting down his keys and my phone. "Hmm, what you think?" He asked looking through the little gate before opening it. The little black dog walked out slowly but once her eyes landed on Colby, she quickly ran into his open arms. I think my heart stopped for a second. That was the cutest shit I have ever seen. "How about Marvin?" Colby jokingly asked looking up at me from the floor. I threw my head back laughing, "No, oh my god Colby. Are you ever going to get past that?" I asked sinking to the floor with him to play with our new puppy. It was his turn to laugh, "No, you named your hedgehog Marvin, I will forever remember that." I giggled and shook my head, "Cut me some slack, I was five" I replied nuzzling my face into the soft black fur. "How about, Boo?" Colby asked. My head immediately shot up to his, seeing a warm smile on his face. "You remember that?" I asked softly. He nodded and put his arm around my waist, pulling me to sit in his lap. " You told me that if we ever got a dog, you wanted to name it Boo after your aunt's nickname." Colby said pressing a kiss to my temple. I smiled fondly at him, I leaned down a kissed him softly. He returned to the smile and kiss before moving to stand up, once he stood, he held his hand out to me. "Let's go show Boo our bed," I smiled and cradled Boo to my chest using one arm while my other held Colby's hand. He led our way to the bed and flopped down on it. I laid beside him with Boo laying the between us, curled up into a ball. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. Raising my eyes back to Colby's, he looked so happy, his face still accompanied by a smile. "We should tell Sam and Kat since they are home," he suggested. I scrunched my face up, like I was thinking, "Maybe, just Kat." I said with a small laughed. Colby narrowed his eyes, "What do have against Sam all of the sudden?" he asked. I shook my head at him, "Nothing" I replied, running my fingers through Boo's soft fur. Colby chuckled and laid his head down on his pillow, "I just don't want my dog to be possessed yet" I said laying my own head down. Colby turned his face into his pillow to muffle his loud laugh. "Yeah, you're right," he agreed still chuckling.
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polygamyff · 5 years
35. Part 3
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Bringing my phone into my eye-view, ok it’s six in the morning, I have a meeting at nine so I need to get out of bed, placing my phone down at the side of me. Looking down at Robyn snuggled up against me, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. It’s a good feeling, to wake up to the woman you love in bed with you, I feel wholesome. I hate waking up to an empty bed, it’s just horrible. There is no love there at all, but it makes it hard to leave. This is literally my hardest goodbye, my Bonita holding onto me for dear life, her head on my chest. I soon shut her up though, honestly last night she did annoy me so much, I was on the verge of going for a walk. First of all she saying the men at that job are cute, I am old, she is young. Acting like she going to leave me for a man that is younger and shit but my dick soon shut her up, I did miss it. I missed her P a lot, now I can have her all to myself all naked and shit. Wrapping my arms around her, lightly stroking her back “I love you” pressing kisses to the top of Robyn’ head and then moving my arms away, I need to get out of bed. I need to slide out, I know her ass is knocked out because all that hugging and kissing she would have woken up. Holding my breath as I slid out of bed, placing my hand on the ground as I snaked myself out from her grip. Falling onto the floor slowly and then breathed out, poking my head up and seeing Robyn is asleep still “yes” I said under my breath, I did it. Standing up quickly and I hissed out in pain, feeling a dull stabbing pain in my leg “ah” I winced, looking down at my leg before leaning down and grabbing my boxers, I think Reign is awake. She is gurgling to herself, I know she is awake. I know my daughter’ breathing, it’s weird but I do. Pulling up my boxers as I jogged over to the crib, I gasped looking down, she is awake “you’re awake crazy” fixing my dick in my boxers “I need to pee, just wait for me” I need to pee first, walking off towards the bathroom. I can hear the build-up happening, then it happened. Reign’ cry, she cried like I hurt her so I had to go back “woah, who hurt you and also. Sshhh, momma is asleep” picking her out of the crib “it’s ok Mi Amor, Por qué estás llorando. Don’t cry” placing her over my shoulder, I will just have to take her with me to pee. Reign calmed her little self-down “you just wanted me didn’t you, you was ok at first but then you saw me. My Mi Hermosa” she gives the best hugs.
Reign has been watching me get dressed, she has been my partner in crime “so we left this note for momma, she knows where we are. You are coming with me, meetings with daddy” picking her up, I left her baby grow on, I got behind with everything. I wanted to make sure she was fed so I didn’t have time to change her but she looks cute still, it’s Burberry, how can you go wrong with that. Placing Reign’ baby bag over my shoulder “we about to have so much fun together” pressing the elevator button “let me put you this way” turning Reign away from me so she can look around, she is nosey and with going out she will like to see things. I think besides Robyn, the best thing to happen to me is Reign, I mean look at her. How precious she is, how content, how much love she gives me. I get it, I get the love my dad has for me because I got it for Reign. I don’t really say it to Robyn but I miss her so much, I want her here and I want Robyn here so when she said it I was ready to cry, so much emotion. The elevator doors opened, stepping inside and turning to the keypad “we are going down to the offices” tapping the button and then turning to the mirror, Reign’ eyes went all wide eyed “daddy” pointing to myself “daughter” pointing to Reign “daddy and daughter” she is so intrigued staring at herself, walking closer to the mirror “aahhhh, boo” I moved back before I got too close and Reign smiled, her pacifier falling out of her mouth “Yo soy papi y tu eres hija, papa te ama” moving closer to the mirror again “Mi Amor, aahhh boo” and moved back quickly from the mirror, Reign let out a giggle “aww you done pulled at my heartstrings with that” she is so damn cute, leaning down and picking up her pacifier before I forget.
Walking into the office, the room is waiting for me but we are finishing off from yesterday. My dad is not here today so he will miss out today “sorry, my daughter needed feeding. Don’t mind the baby grow” Ally laughed “you didn’t even do her hair, negro” Reign will forgive me, placing the bag down “did I miss anything?” pulling the chair back “so this is Reign, for the two men that didn’t meet her. She is the next heir to this. She is sitting in with us” sitting down in my chair, Reign is just looking around. She is not doing much but staring “she is beautiful” smiling at him “thank you but also, thank you Koki and Hayato for coming from Tokyo for me. You came last minute, and we have had a lot of information, but I would like to say, I am still aiming for Tokyo. I love the place but from what the ladies have said, they don’t think it would be logical to have that plot you both mentioned” I really don’t want to waste time, I want a quick turnaround on this “yes, we heard but Maurice. That space, that plot is perfect for your business. Lots of money to be made, you could go somewhere else and it may not make lot of money. Yes the place needs a lot of work but you can do it” Koki said “from a tourism perspective in Tokyo that is the best spot, not lying to you. It closed down and lost a lot of business, people need convenience” looking over at Ally “what you thinking? With all of the notes, from what they both said?” Reign is trying to eat my fingers, fat baby “I think I understand what they mean, but also the other side. It won’t be a quick turn around will it?” shaking my head “but then I think if it will make money then why not? Why not just wait but I didn’t want to wait but we have other things to do, do we not?” she nodded her head.
My office door is a revolving door right now, it is just my accountant here anyways. Just need to go over the monthly finance but before that I had staff coming in and out “so you telling me they all claimed against the company for this Dubai venture?” getting up from the chair “hey momma, you are really out here grabbing anything right now. You strong” turning her to me “yes you being a pain, grabbing paperwork and shit” Reign tried to grab my face “yes they did” my accountant said, I grinned at Reign as she yelped out “snuggled from my momma” resting Reign’ face at the side of mine “Reign, what we saying. We need to cut it off don’t we? I swear I hate them, anyways fuck them. I need to buy a home here, I need to claim too. My business so I can do that” I can do it, my dad said I can “Robyn is here” Ally said, Robyn sheepishly walked in “come in” I smiled, Reign is still resting against my face “this is my accountant, Reign just been out here doing meetings” Robyn looks so shy “oh hi, erm. I was confused on where she was, when did she wake up?” she asked “six, but she ain’t tired. We don’t sleep on work do we?” I can’t even see her, she is still in the same position “I can tell she is ok, she is froze just against your face. Sorry, I am interrupting” Robyn moved to the side “a home? Didn’t you get one in Cali?” he asked “that is Robyn’ not mine, I need one here. So the paperwork will come through soon, look Patrick, this is my company. This whole family shit will change, I get it ok? I just need it to come into my hands, you get me?” he nodded his head “your dad is soft, or didn’t want the trouble, I mean it doesn’t mean you are going broke but it’s taking advantage, also you want me to decline any future usage of the jets? So when the bill comes to us we redirect?” nodding my head “Reign said we selling all four of them, we only need two, one for me, and one for my parents. Fuck them, we don’t fuck with them like that do we” it’s about me and mines “what if I wanted a jet?” Robyn asked, looking behind me “then we are getting rid of three, you can have a jet baby. I don’t mind” Robyn waved me off “I am joking, I don’t want it” Robyn is funny, I feel like she was doing that on purpose because she was looking at Ally, she is doing the most.
Robyn wants to do tourist things, I mean that is boring for me but I don’t mind it, she is not happy that I didn’t dress Reign properly but I was in rush “look, this is the back of her head. You think it is getting better” pulling a face “to me, it doesn’t look better. Little badly” Robyn slapped my hand away “excuse me, stop it” I chuckled “that is my baby too, I think it will get better. It don’t look so bad, it will get better trust me. She is beautiful anyways, she is really knocked out asleep for a nap, you out here moving her around and she ain’t moving” swinging myself around in the chair, I am bored waiting “you don’t seem amused that I want to do tourist things” I shrugged stopping myself from swinging too much “it’s ok, I mean my hotel is an attraction and you on the top floor, are you not? You already an attraction, why do we need to leave?” look at me having to be a tourist in my city “me and Reign have not done real tourist things, if you do not want to go then it’s fine. I can go alone, forget you” Robyn is being all annoyed with me “I am coming, of course I am. It’s only down the road, we can go to Father Duffy square, it’s around the block. The famous red steps” I rather be up all under Robyn, that will be far more entertaining.
I know I am bored because I always see this shit, but Robyn is being a real ass tourist “it’s so busy around here, don’t you have Lenny and Jay?” Robyn asked “for what reason, it’s for you. I don’t need it Bonita, I don’t care for it. Go and sit on the step and I will take a picture?” I said pointing “no, I will look weird on my own, can’t you come with me” look at Robyn being difficult “I know, one second” looking around us “excuse me” I asked, the guy turned around “Benny?” I know him “Maurice! Oh shit, what are you doing here” he hugged me “my old boss nigga, I swear down I didn’t think you would be out here with the public!” I chuckled “I got a family now, settled down. I am a good, this is my fiancé Robyn, Robyn this is Benny. When I started working in New York under my dad, testing me out, he was the first guy I had to look after” I laughed “and this nigga stressed me out, we ended up smoking weed every time, I am sorry. I had to fire you. I really liked you too” patting his arm “you was a cool ass boss, nice to meet you. You’re pretty, better than him” how weird is this “so you’re in a suit, who the hell hired you?” he is dumb as fuck “what you know about me!? I am working in Wall Street; I am dumb but not that dumb. But yeah, I am doing well now and I see you! Famous ass, all on newspaper. I was working on the day your shares fell, then I see it hit that you was playing but I see why, she good” nodding my head “She is worth it, also I got a daughter now” his eyes widened “a girl? How did he feel? Your dad scared me, remember when I walked into his office and I goes I’m a boy, you don’t fire boys and then he got angry with you because you told me” I laughed out “that was funny but he is getting old, she is very much spoilt. He adores her and she is the heir, I am proud” I am very proud “happy for you Maurice, what is up anyways? You wanted me, you are cutting into my eating time too” I chuckled “take a picture of me and my family near these, she wants to be a tourist. Cali girl and all that” waving Robyn off “oh wow, ok. Welcome to New York, for sure bro” passing him my phone, Robyn is so quiet and shy at times. Obviously, we got to have the stroller with us, Reign is asleep. Placing my arm around Robyn “ready!” he shouted, smiling wide because I want it to be a cute picture for her “all done, we need to catch up. Drop me the number, actually I got something for you” taking my phone from him “for you” he passed me his business card “look at you Benny the boy!” hugging him “good seeing you and I will call you” he is a good guy, we just split.
Robyn thinks I went to toilet, she is just feeding Reign in the café around the corner, I am not creative but I saw it while walking and I am sure she will like it “hi sir, how can I help?” stepping to the ticket booth “I just want the best ticket to whatever” she stared at me with a blank expression “is this for yourself?” she asked “my partner, just whatever but I want the best seats” she laughed, I don’t know why she is “it’s sweet how you want the best, what does she like?” I shrugged “anything really, which is the best one to watch?” I asked “I would recommend Moulin Rouge, maybe not your thing but she will love it, I did. I can get you front row for eight pm?” nodding my head “I will take them” digging into my pocket “here, on this card” I can pretend to Robyn that I put lots of thought into this but it was last minute, I can get Shawn to babysit, he will be ok “that is two hundred and ninety nine dollars, put your card into the machine thanks” this lady is finding me funny, I just ask for the best and that is it. Feeling the throbbing pain in my leg again, I don’t know why I get this feeling in my leg every time.
Robyn mean mugged me “toilet? What the hell? Where did you go?” she is not amused “I got you this, it’s a Broadway show for the Moulin Rouge, us two” Robyn’ face softened “aww really? But Reign?” placing the tickets on the table “Shawn likes to be called uncle, so he can prove it. You want to see New York and stuff, we can have some time together. A date, I am taking you out” Robyn cooed out “pootie, aww baby. This makes me so happy; I love you” she wrapped her arm around my neck “it’s ok, I love you too. I am happy you’re here” I think I am going to be so sad when she does go home, she said a few days only “so can we do more tourist things now?” rubbing the back of my leg “uh yeah, we can do some more tourist things. What would you like to do?” I think all these sex position got my leg cramping, I am blaming Robyn “stare at you, I don’t mind. We can just slowly walk back to the hotel, and also I like this café. I get to people watch that way” I chuckled “ok then, I will go and get a latte. Be back” getting up from the chair “put the tickets away for me too” I need to have some painkillers to shake off this feeling, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water and then walking over to the counter “hi” the server said “is this all?” shaking my head “uhm, can I have a uhm, caramel latte. Large please” patting my pockets “sure, you want anything else? Cakes? You seem like a guy that likes cake” I chuckled “I do? How do you sense that now, ok which do you think I would like, seeing as you know such a thing” opening my wallet, let me use cash for this “I would say a cheesecake type?” poking my lips out before grinning “mhmmm, but which type? Get it right and I will buy it?” she giggled “erm, Strawberry. You got to be” nodding my head “I am impressed, go on then. I will take a piece, you’re good at your job” she smirked at me “thank you, I just saw your smile and then the dimple, I was like he is a sweet guy” touching the side of my face “mhmmm, nobody mentions my dimple, I hate it” shaking my head “oh and if this don’t taste nice, where do I complain too? I would need your name too?” she placed the plate in front of me with the cheesecake “Ana, and you can take that complaint to my boss, but I would need your name also to give you his name” holding the money out “I will give you a B for effort, keep the change Ana, and my table is just there” I pointed “oh, uh yeah. I will bring it over” she is funny.
Sitting down “what was so funny down there? Why was she smiling?” Robyn asked “just that I was undecided on what cake to get, and I kind of just said something and she just found me funny” Robyn pointed at me “liar, no woman laughs that way for that” I had to laugh “Robyn, I honestly didn’t do anything wrong. You’re clearly sat here” looking at Reign in Robyn’ arms “you want papa, you want to come to papa. He is way more fun, come” getting my arms out “please don’t be like that with me or give me that look because it’s not like that, I am with you” actually let me have some painkillers, digging into my pockets and getting some painkillers out, I always carry them around because you never know “I am glad I am giving you a headache” Robyn spat, little does she know it’s not even that “sure” I mumbled, placing the tablets in my mouth and opening the water bottle, Robyn is very angry with me when I barely did anything, I had a laugh with her and that was it “that is it, papa is better” taking Reign from Robyn “papa? Please, it’s dad or daddy. Papa, who the hell you think you are” she is such a hater, wrapping my arms around Reign “I love you so much” she is the best gift on earth “your latte” looking up at the server and moved back a little “thank you” I grinned at her “no problem” she moved away, Robyn is still annoyed at nothing when I am with her and her only.
Robyn and this constant walking, I am just not doing well and she is walking everywhere. I get it is the fast way because New York is busy but I am glad to be back at my hotel “can you get the stroller” I said to the doorman, I can’t do it because my leg is really killing me right now “and you can’t do it” Robyn said, I did ignore her and winced as I made my way up the steps. I could do with my dad’ walking stick at this moment in time “I am just leaving now, you have an appointment with Wade. I did the paperwork for the Hilton changeover, also Maurice. Please be on time for Wade, you have the estate in New Jersey to visit. Nine sharp, you need to update your Will” Ally rushed by me “yeah, sure” I am tired, so another early morning for me. I did kind of want to sleep in but I can do that and then have that theatre thing with Robyn. Walking into the lobby slowly “uncle” here is my freeloader uncle “nephew” he got his arms open to me as he walked over “hey” he hugged me “I heard from your father, you are officially going to be the owner of a billion dollar company, must be a big weight on you” I had to laugh, a big weight he says. I feel I have aged a few years “it’s a lot, but it is what it is. I will get on with it, nice seeing you. I need to go now” I need sleep, rest my leg because I feel I have done something to it. I think it was that stupid move I did in the morning, my fault “see you soon nephew” soon he says, walking behind Robyn.
I groaned out as I got in bed, I just want to sleep because honestly, I am tired “hope you ain’t thinking of sleeping just yet?” Robyn said “why?” I mumbled “why? I have been missing out on dick, I want sex and you in that bed acting like you about to sleep?” she is something else “I am though, I have been awake since six. I just, for one night let me sleep” I hope she understands “so you denying me of sex?” rolling my eyes “I am saying” turning onto my side “let me sleep, just put Reign to sleep. I will see you in the morning” closing my eyes, Robyn is a sex addict. I think she is, I mean so am I guess but I am just not feeling myself right now and I think it’s me, I am stressing myself out with things and the lack of sleep because I don’t sleep as much, Robyn doesn’t see that and if I had the strength I would have sex but I need sleep.
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stardustmovement · 7 years
I HEAR YOU'RE ACCEPTING ASKS (Strong power thank you) IF SOOOOOOOO How would all of the second year Starmyu boys be like as Kpop idols?
Thank you for sending in the ask~ AND YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING TO ANSWER THIS SO BAD. Take note, the use of “rude” and “disrespectful” is a term for most Kpop fans to relate when the idol does something sexily provoking. 
So here’s a list of what I think:
Hoshitani YutaThe boy is more of a main dancer if you ask me, but he’s a singer with a unique voice that’s always recognizable no matter what even if he’s lacking of lines. The mood maker of the group and the clumsy one off-stage, but is a very charismatic and energetic DISRESPECFUL AS HECK dancer with sharp movements on-stage. Ocassionally raps in some songs. IS A GODDAMN HAPPY GOOFBALL WHO BEFRIENDS EVERYONE–
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Nayuki Toru
A PRECIOUS SMOL. Nayuki’s fluffy appearance and soft features makes him one of the more stunning visuals of the group, plus Ono Kensho’s cuter voice suits him so much! He would be one of the vocalists, with a good range from soft and sweet to a harder tone of voice. The mom of the group who takes care and cooks for his members. THE FLUFFIEST HUMAN ALIVE, PERIOD. Also A SECRETLY SAVAGE SMOL–
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Tengenji Kakeru
He may not look it (or does he–), but Tengenji is a rapper. Oh yes, our kabuki king is the kind of rapper who hypes up the song to give it momentum. HAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RICH SINGING VOICE FITE ME and is the type to be the center of a lot of songs. And can we talk about his VISUALS? Out of the world. Is the dorkiest fluffball off-stage, but his on-stage persona is the danger zone if you know what I mean WELP–
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Tsukigami Kaito
My best boy right here is a main dancer, hands down. Like, HAVE YOU SEEN HOW FLEXIBLE HE IS IN THE ANIME? Kaito is also the type to participate in making choreography and song composing, mostly choreo but still contributes a lot to composing. A vocalist who can sing complex ranges no problem, overall an all-rounder. Also the sassy member of the group and laughs at lame jokes. A PART OF MANY SHIPS.
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Kuga Shuu
Definitely a rapper, a lead rapper at that. A rapper who raps from his heart with passion. Owns a notebook containing rap lyric drafts. Kuga also has a distinctive voice that stands out no matter what AND A DEEPASS VOICE AT THAT WOWIE– Very much like his anime self, Kuga is the quiet member of the group who’s usually in his own world (and the center of emo memes ahem–) but IS SOFT FOR HIS MEMBERS. Also has a soothing singing voice (auditioned to be a vocalist before he became a rapper).
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Tatsumi Rui
The beauty and grace of the group, a.k.a VISUAL PRINCE. A graceful lead dancer whose movements are ABSOLUTELY magical, almost like a ballerina but not at the same time (am I making sense? Nope–). Has a voice of a LITERAL ANGEL. Those who were graced with Tatsumi Rui’s presence are said to have died peacefully to his shining beauty, but there are those who lived and survived THIS DISRESPECTFUL ordeal to tell this story (that’s me). HOWEVER, when the situation calls for it, this mofo can flip his switch if yanno what I mean *wink wonk*
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Sawatari Eigo
If “elegance” was a person, it would be Sawatari Eigo. Believe it or not, THIS BOY IS A MAIN VOCALIST. MAIN. VOCALIST. A tenor, has the best vocals in regards to technique but he tends to hold back a lot due to not wanting to overpower his own members (mainly Tatsumi). HIGH NOTE KING and participates a lot in lyrics. Looks and dresses like he’s going to meet your parents, but is actually very adventurous and indulges in good humor, making terrible puns (which Kaito actually laughs at). Also WHERE ARE THE GODDAMN EIGO GIFS–
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Ugawa Akira
He’s smol and cute but is an angery smol who can kick your ass when provoked (Tengenji watch your ass–). Ugawa is surprisingly an all-rounder who is mainly a lead vocalist with a nice timbre, kinda calm and jazzy. A TALENTED SMOL who does most of the composing and lyric writing and LOVES HIS JOB IT MAKES HIM FEEL IMPORTANT. Maintains a cute and sassy image on-stage but is A STRAIGHT-OUT SAVAGE off-stage, Will beat up his members with a guitar if he needs to and tag teams ocassionally with Nayuki.
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Toraishi Izumi
HO BOI. WHERE DO I EVEN START. First things first, Toraishi is the main rapper of he group with a very versatile flow which he made his own. Inserts quite A LOT of English (or Gibberish) in his raps, mainly just to sound cool (which actually works). Like all the rappers in the group, he owns a rap lyrics notebook AND HE SLEEPS WITH IT AWWWW– His on-stage persona is a confident and fiery rapper whose “fans are his girlfriends”, but off-stage HE’S SOFT AND EMOTIONAL AND CRIES EASILY WHAT A PRECIOUS DORK–
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Inumine Seishirou
Practically useless in everyday situations like his anime self, but DAMN BOI HE’S THE ULTIMATE PERFORMER. Is mainly a dancer but he raps and sings AND CAN EVEN ACT WHAT IS INUMINE EVEN– so basically, the boy is a monster in the entertainment. Also known for hyping songs up along with Tengenji. The loud and noisy ULTIMATE GOOFBALL who always randomly breaks into a song off-stage, but beware of his on-stage charisma. You might regret calling Inumine the man’s best friend.
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Ageha Riku
Was once an edgy singer with multiple Linkin Park covers stored away somewhere down the darkest pit of his old social media accounts (never talk about them again). But as of now, Ageha is pretty much still a vocalist, but less edgy AND IS AN EXCELLENT FREESTYLE DANCER. One minute being beauty and grace, another minute BEING VERY DISRESPECFUL LIKE CALM DOWN BOI. Ageha may look disinterested 24/7 of the time, but inside he’s the SOFTEST KINDEST SOUL EVER AND HAS THE CUTEST SMILE SAVE ME– Also part of the smol and savage group along with Nayuki and Ugawa.
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Hachiya So
A beautiful AND UNDERRATED HUMAN BEING. Often overlooked, BUT HAS THE MOST GORGEOUS VOICE YOU HAVE EVER HEARD YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE. Maybe it’s because Hachiya is a kind and humble soul BUT HE’S THE OTHER MAIN VOCALIST. High Note King part 2 and is PLENTY attractive in terms of visuals. A man with various talents such as interior design FRENCH STYLE. Only downside about him, and a trait that unfortunately most people remember about is that the boy is CLUMSY AF. Ageha often has to be there for him but he does redeem himself on-stage with the RICHEST OF VOCALS. ALSO WHERE ARE THE GODDAMN HACHIYA GIFS–
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Kitahara Ren
A LEGIT MODEL. A VERY stunning visual with incredible stage presence who is a singer-rapper. Has a smooth baritone voice regardless on whether he sings or raps AND HAS THE AUDACITY TO SMIRK LIKE HE’S OWNED THE WORLD– Is the member who always receives modeling requests first and flaunts any style HECK HE CAN EVEN WEAR A POTATO SACK AN STILL LOOK GOOD. Is a cocky asshole off-stage, but a good kind. Hangs out with the rapper group everytime.
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Nanjo Koki
FINALLY. I would like to present to you THE RUDEST, MOST DISRESPECTFUL MOFO OF THE GROUP, NANJO FUCKING KOKI. This bizarrely beautiful mofo right here is also a singer-rapper but leans more to being a tenor. HOWEVER, his GODLY visuals stand out more if anything else and stylists always put him in low-cut outfits for this very reason (much to Ren and Tengenji’s dismay). Like Kuga, he originally auditioned to be a vocalist but got to play both positions, and MAN, HE DOES IT SO DAMN WELL. Off-stage, the boy is a smug and amused individual, always indulging in Ren and Toraishi’s catfights. AND GODDAMIT THERE AREN’T ANY NANJO GIFS OML–
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