#heart or gossip - bryke
theamalgaverse · 1 year
Dewey's unique arm growth ability has some… versatile uses.
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If you don’t remember, the Dewey specifically in this AU is also the huge Bendy hand in BATIM, and I chose to make that just a general ability for Dewey to grow arms! Including where their legs would be sometimes.
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 years
oh and also?? i really feel you have an interesting like pov for izumi, so maybe her too? if you can!!
You're so sweet, thank you! I'm always happy to talk about one of my favorite girls 🥰
Headcanon A:  realistic
Izumi firebent a couple years later than her dad, which made her the topic of quite a bit of gossip. This wasn’t helped by Zuko sending her to a normal school...but hey, he just wanted to give her a Normal Kid Experience as much as possible, and he and Mai supported her in every way possible with her bending and knife-throwing (and her various adult figures were there for support too), so Izumi never lacked in love 💞
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Izumi is a theater kid. Initially, she was vaguely interested because her dad was, but she didn’t really love it all that much herself. But then she tried out for a play on a whim and ended up loving it. Her dad teases her about this all the time 😂
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Zuko gently explained to Izumi, when she was about 14-15, what his dad had done to him. And Izumi didn’t understand it at the time. Then Iroh—the spitting image of Zuko in voice and appearance—was born, and when he was 13, Izumi cried every night, and Bumi with her, because they had no idea how any father (any parent, really) could look their child in the eye and burn right through him.
(They had a similar crisis when Mizuki, their youngest child and only daughter, turned 13, because the idea of hurting either of their kids absolutely killed them 😭)
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own
The Gaang kids were all raised together, but they never really considered themselves siblings, more like childhood friends. They called each other’s parents “Aunt” and “Uncle”, but that was more of an honorific for most of them—the only exceptions to this are Katara for Sukka’s kids and Sokka for Kataang’s kids
(Fight me, Bryke)
headcanon ask game!
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theamalgaverse · 1 year
The scientist was by herself and organizing her files, hesitantly picking out information to send to the database under her organization. As Bryke was finishing, a hologram appears hanging from the ceiling, and her expression sours.
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Hello, Brykers.
…what do you want?
Hey, keep your cool. I just wanted to check in with you… considering you haven’t updated your logs in quite a while. What’s up with that, Bella?
You know you have to stop poking your head into other people’s business-
You’re keeping things to yourself. You’re getting attached, ain’t ya?
Bryke, you signed up for this mission. The mission to remedy this whole dimensional mess. No way you’re just going to ditch it by hiding stuff because you’re getting cozy.
I have my reasons that you don’t need to know.
Okay, cold once more! Just… the more you withhold information, the less likely we’ll be able to help you if my hunches are correct.
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