themorbidheart · 2 years
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Best night of my life…. I will always love you. My gonzo prince 🤤
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bea-lele-carmen · 3 months
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No habría llegado a los 10000 «Me gusta» sin vuestra ayuda. ¡Gracias por este sueño!
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purplestarkatz93 · 4 months
Random Huntlow headcanons I love/ones that I came up with.
These are the Huntlow headcanons that I have seen on here/on other sites that I absolutely agree with. Plus some of my own personal ones.
-Their flower is the sunflower.
-Willow becomes Grom Queen and instead of seeing her fear of ladybugs, she instead sees possessed Hunter/dead Hunter. (See comics by @marionette-j2x and @belmeran . Although the latter’s comic is on their instagram page.)
-Their favorite movies are Tangled and Howl’s Moving Castle.
-Their pet names for each other are “Hunny Bee/Handsome” (Willow’s for Hunter), and “Sunflower/Captain” (Hunter’s for Willow).
-When they first became a couple they were still awkward with each other, (blushing anytime one or the other shows affection) but as time goes on they get more comfortable, and they became so sickeningly lovely-dovey with their affection for each other.
-Willow still cuts Hunter’s hair for him.
-When they get married, Hunter takes Willow’s last name.
-They make sure to tell their future kids all about Flapjack to keep his memory alive.
-Songs that I believe fit them perfectly are:
1. At the Beginning by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx
2. Because You Live by Jesse McCartney
3. Because You Loved Me originally by Celine Dion but performed by Glee
4. Get This Right by Jonathan Groff and Kristen Bell
5. I See the Light by Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi
6. I’ll Stand By You originally by The Pretenders but performed by Glee
7. They Long to Be Close to You originally by The Carpenters but performed by Glee
8. Will You Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet originally by Carole King and Alanis Morissette but performed by Glee.
-Hunter is really cheesy when it comes to flirting, but Willow finds it cute and endearing.
If I come up with some more or if anyone has one they would like me to add (only if I agree with it), I’ll edit/update this.
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sams-sass · 2 years
In The After
Part Four: Shadows of the Heart
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It is HAPPENING! Date night for Sam and Y/N!!
Thank you so much to everyone following this story, I really appreciate you.
Summary: This takes place after the finale. You are blurry wife. This is you and Sam’s story.
Pairing: Sam x Reader (we made it)
Warnings: Language, kissing (I KNOW), pining, just being fucking enthralled by Sam Winchester. 
Read other parts here:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
"Guys! I cannot wear that!" You practically shouted over NSYNC, pointing at the lingerie in Holly's hand. 
"Show him the goods!" Amy yelled back at you, grabbing the lingerie from Holly's hands and holding it against your body. 
"No! I am wearing a sweater." You said, squaring your shoulders to try and look determined. 
"The fuck you are," Holly said, poking her head around Amy to look at you. 
"Y/N/N, you obviously don't have to wear this," Amy said, throwing the lingerie onto your bed. "But you do have to look different than you do every other day. Tonight is special. Dress like it." She said calmly, and you couldn't help but agree with a shoulder slump.
"Fine!" You said, throwing your head back in surrender. "Help me." You dramatically put your arms out and let them take over. Holly stepped over to your closet and began rummaging through all your clothes, making noises of disapproval and intrigue. Amy lovingly ran her fingers through your hair while giving "yes" and "no" s to Holly. You started to nervously play with your hands. Your thumb and forefinger find your wedding ring easily. The room fell away. The music, Holly and Amy, and even the gentle feeling of Amy's hands could no longer be sensed. You let out a breath and cleared your throat.
"Hey." You heard Holly say quietly. You looked to see her kneeling in front of you, her hands on your shoulders. 
"Hey." You whispered. 
"Remember, you aren't replacing him," Holly said, grabbing your left hand in yours, her thumb circling your wedding ring. "You are simply just making a little room." Her words put you at ease, and you took a deep, cleansing breath into your lungs. 
"Thanks." You smiled at her before turning to get on your makeup. Holly turned around with a sheer black turtleneck and a lacy black bralette in her hands. She wore a knowing smirk. 
"Why not?" You said with a sigh, reaching out your hand for the clothes. 
About a half hour later, your doorbell rang. You smoothed your hands over your body, looking in the mirror one final time, even you had to admit. You looked good. 
"Go get 'em," Amy said, giving you a wink as she raised her glass to her lips. 
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Holly said, leaning against Amy. 
"And what exactly would that be?" Amy said back quickly, looking over at Holly. 
"Goodbye, ladies!" You said, racing towards the door. You flung the door open and were greeted by a bouquet of flowers. 
"Oh!" You stepped back to take in the sight. Sam stood before you, his hair softly blowing in the night air. His left hand held the flowers in front of him, in the middle of his chest. He wore his usual flannel, but it was unbuttoned more than usual, giving you a nice peak at his skin. A nervous yet dashing grin graced his pink lips, and you blushed like a schoolgirl.
Sam said goodbye to Miracle and climbed into the Impala. Before heading to your house, he checked his hair in the rearview one final time. A nervous dance of butterflies that felt like the size of airplanes crashed into his stomach and chest walls. He couldn't keep his eyes off you at the bakery today. Dusted with flour and frosting, laughing with ease at customers and friends. He found himself pulled to you.
He pulled into your driveway and stared at your house for a moment. He could hear music coming from inside, and the light in the upstairs bedroom was on. Was that your room? Were you nervously pacing as he had done before? He shook his head and grabbed the flowers. Telling himself to get it together. He had been on dates before. He had felt this indescribable tingle before. He fell to the same conclusion he always had whenever he tried to give himself this talk. The "calm down" talk. You were different. 
Sam rang your doorbell and waited nervously for you to answer. After a few beats, the door flung open, and there you stood. Sam had never seen so much of your skin before. He swallowed and tried to settle his heart rate. You were breathtaking. 
"Wow." You both said simultaneously, and you instantly looked down in shy embarrassment. 
"Hi." He said, his voice lower than average. 
"Hi." You said, leaning on one hip. 
"Uh…for you," Sam said, stretching out his arm with the flowers. You took them in your hands and took in their sweet perfume. 
"Thank you." You said softly, running the pad of your ring finger over some of the petals. "They're beautiful." 
"So are you," Sam said quickly. "Sorry…uh…that was so cheesy." Sam laughed at himself, running his hand over his jaw in embarrassment. "True." He said more seriously. "But cheesy." His handsome face settled on a soft smile. 
"I like cheese." You remarked, biting your bottom lip to hold back the laughter.  
"Shall we?" Sam asked, holding out his elbow. 
"We shall." You placed the flowers on the table next to the door and tucked your arm within his, god he smelt good. 
The Impala was still warm from his drive over, and you could hear a slight rattle when the heat kicked on. You made pleasant conversation about your day and told Sam you were still on the hunt for an apartment for him. Sam drove you into town and parked outside a local restaurant. 
"I wanted to try this place," Sam said, looking through the windshield.
"It's good." You nodded your head and went to open your door.  
"Hold on there," Sam said, and before you could ask, he had bounded out of the car and practically jumped over the hood to open your door. He stood with his left hand facing palm up toward you, awaiting your grasp. You smiled and slid your fingers over his, feeling his warm skin. 
"And they say chivalry is dead." You joked, letting him help you out of the car. 
"I want to do this right." He said, holding onto your hand for a moment after you had gotten out of the car. 
"Well, you are off to a great start." You assured him, taking a step closer to him and tilting your head back slightly.
Sam used his long legs and arms to open the door for you at the restaurant, even pulling out your chair when the waiter led you to your table. It was getting easier and easier to be completely spellbound by him. Conversation flowed easily between you two. Favorite foods/books/movies/colors were all discussed. His love and passion for all things, both simple and mystical, are becoming more evident. Sam was smart. Really smart. The words he used to discuss topics made it clear that he was an academic. He told you about law school and how he left to join the family business. There was a pain behind his eyes then. An untold story that you wanted to learn. You ate and laughed until your cheeks tingled from smiling. The waiter asked if you wished for dessert, and you both said yes. You ordered your favorite, and Sam ordered the chocolate chip cookies. Yours was pretty good, and you asked to try a nibble of Sam's. He handed you a piece, and you rolled it around in your mouth. 
"Humm." You said, narrowing your eyes in thought. 
"What?" He asked. 
"Too much baking powder and they didn't cream the butter and sugar long enough." You answered, swallowing down the cookie. 
"You can tell that from the little piece I gave you?" He asked, wide-eyed. 
"It's my job." You answered. "Want me to show you how it should be done?" You asked, leaning toward him. 
"Yes, please." He agreed, modeling your body language by leaning forward. 
Sam paid, despite you offering him to go halves, and you made your way to the bakery. You walked in and turned on the lights, going through your regular habits. 
"Ok, so first, we need soft butter and sugar." You said, grabbing what you needed and leading him to your kitchen mixer. He watched you intently as you instructed him on how much to add and how long to mix them. You made the dough and removed the bowl. 
"Ok, now we will fold in the chocolate chips until they are combined. We don't want to over mix, or we will get a tough cookie." You said, pouring in the chocolate. 
"What does "fold in" mean?" Sam asked. 
"I'll teach you." You said. "Stand behind me." You spoke with a flick of your head. Sam cleared his throat but obliged and stood behind your body. You took his hands into yours and pulled him tightly against you, feeling his muscular body. He let out a slight noise but otherwise remained still. You placed his left hand on the side of the bowl and his right on the spatula. You put your hand over him to guide him. 
"Ok, so, to fold. You simply go to the bottom of the bowl and scoop all the way around to the top. It's a gentle way to incorporate something." You explained, moving his hands with yours. 
"I feel like Patrick Swayze." He joked about the famous scene in Ghost. 
"Don't be ridiculous." You said with a laugh. "Patrick Swayze is far more handsome." You teased, and you both had a laugh together. 
"Very true, but Demi Moore has got nothing on you." He said softly, and you could feel his breath against the curve of your neck. Closing your eyes, you turned your head towards his. Sam's left hand fell away from the bowl and wrapped around your waist, making you shiver with goosebumps. He gave you a tight squeeze and let you go before stepping away. You instantly missed his touch. Finishing the cookies was difficult now that your heart felt like it was about to explode. You placed the tray into the oven and turned towards him. 
"They need about 15 minutes." You could barely speak around your growing arousal. 
"Tell me a secret," Sam said suddenly, and your stomach dropped. 
"What?" You asked with a curious smile. 
"Tell me something you have never told anyone. I want to know you better." He said. 
"I don't know if there is anything I have never told anyone…I mean, I have had the same best friend since I can remember…I was married…well," You stopped talking and tilted your head. "There is something. I honestly forgot about it until now." You said, leaning on the counter. 
"What is it?" He asked, leaning too so he could look into your eyes. 
"When I was a little girl, please don't make fun, but when I was a little girl…I thought everyone had their own moon." You laughed, and Sam laughed too. 
"Like there were just billions of moons in the sky?" Sam asked.
"Hey! I was like six!" You defended yourself against Sam's teasing. "But yes. I thought everyone had their own moon just for them…that only they could see. I was quite obsessed with princesses, and they are always looking for their one true love." You said with a little eye roll. "So I thought that you and your one true love shared a moon. That only the two of you could see your moon. And I remember on nights when I couldn't sleep, I would sit and stare out my window at my moon and wonder if my one true love was looking back. I wondered what he saw. Did he just see the moon, or did he see me?" You stopped talking and looked down at the floor, a sad smile crossing your lips. "That's my secret, I guess."
"I like that secret," Sam said, and you felt yourself lost in him. 
"I like you." You said, opening the space for more. The ding of the timer scared both of you, and you quickly laughed it off. Grabbing the cookies, you placed them on the counter. 
"They have to cool." You said, but your words were swallowed by Sam's body closing in around you completely. You took in a shuttering breath and leaned your head against his chest, feeling his hands slide down your abdomen to your hips. He spun you around to face him. 
"I like you too, but I am petrified to cross a line." He admitted, taking your face in his hands. 
"I think you should tell me something no one knows, and then we are even. No lines crossed." You reassured him. He nodded and looked down. 
"There's a lot of things I never told anyone before, but I want to focus on you." He said, running his thumb over your jaw. "Right now, I want to tell you that you feel…well, you feel like you have always been there. You feel known to me, yet I can't wait to see what you will do next. You feel familiar but still exciting and intoxicating. I feel like I have known you my whole life." His eyes seemed to melt into yours as he spoke. Time stopped around you. All you could see sense was Sam. His scent, his warmth, his strong yet welcoming body. All past thoughts of uncertainty fell to the wayside, and you knew you wanted him. 
"You know. It's been a while since I have been on a date." You said, running your hands up his chest, around his neck, and into his hair. Your pointer finger coming up his neck and hooking under his chin. "Remind me how they usually end, Sam." That simple instruction was all it took for the walls to come down. The ropes that Sam had tied himself with to ensure he never overstepped broke free, and a hunger filled his soul. He grabbed your thighs and lifted you onto the counter, pressing his body between your legs. Your back arched into him, and he pulled your mouth to his. The kiss began softly, but weeks of anticipation and build-up turned it quickly into something greedy and ravenous. You tasted like the chocolate that you had licked off your thumb earlier. 
His hands seemed to be everywhere all at once. In your hair. Down your back. Around your waist. You felt drunk on him. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, quickly followed by his tongue to soothe you. You opened your mouth to him, and his soft moan filled you. Suddenly he broke away. 
"Are you ok?" He asked you. 
"What?" You asked around heavy breaths. "Of course." You were confused.  
"You're crying." He said, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. It was then that you felt the sting of tears in your eyes. 
"Oh." You whispered. 
"Am I the first…" He let his words trail off. You knew what he meant. 
"Kiss since Josh?" You finished for him. "You're my first anything since Josh." You swallowed around the lump in your throat. 
"We don't have to do this," Sam said, taking your hand in his. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't expect to cry." You apologized, trying to blink the tears away. 
"No need to be sorry. I would assume it's perfectly normal given the circumstances." He assured you, running his hand over your hair. 
"Please don't think I don't want this." You said, tracing the outline of his lips with your finger.
"I know you do. I want it too, but we can go as slow as you need." Sam pressed his forehead against yours and wrapped his fingers around the nape of your neck. 
"Kiss me again." You said, nudging his nose with yours. 
"Y/N…" Sam whispered, his voice deep in his chest. 
"Sam…" You said, letting your fingertips grip his hair as you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist. 
"I think you are going to kill me." He mumbled as you lowered your mouth to his neck, leaving small open-mouthed kisses against his skin. His hands were back on you, sliding under the fabric of your shirt. His large hand grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to him, his mouth closing around yours again. Large thumbs brushed against your nipples over your bra, and a moan came from within you. Sam slid your shirt over your head, not wasting any time latching his mouth onto any place he could reach. Soft pink lips leaving wet marks across your skin with occasional bite marks in between. You unbuttoned his flannel and pushed it off his shoulders. He grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. You watched the muscles of his arms and shoulders move as he did. Your fingers grazed over his skin, twirling in his chest hair lovingly. 
"You're beautiful." He mumbled against your ear. 
"I take back what I said." You said with a smile. He pulled back to look at you, confused. "You are far more handsome than Patrick Swayze." You both laughed, and you let your hands still wander his body. He pulled you in again, but it felt slower. His kisses became less frantic, and his hands seemed to hold you instead of exploring.  
"As much as I would love to keep going. This may be enough for one night. Let me take you home." He wasn't pushy, his voice even and calm. You also wanted to keep going, to feel him inside and out. But you had to admit that going any further would probably make you spiral again, so you nodded in agreement and accepted his hand, helping you off the counter. You both pulled your shirts back on and made your way to the Impala. The drive home was quiet but not uncomfortable. There really wasn't much to say after tonight. You asked about Miracle, and he asked if Holly and Amy would still be at your house, but overall it was just time spent together. 
He pulled into your driveway and walked you to your door. Stopping to look at you, his hands shoved into his pockets. 
"I had an amazing time tonight. That was the best time I have had in well…I don't remember." He said, brushing his hair behind his ear. 
"I had a great time too, Sam. Thank you for a beautiful evening." You stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He quickly responded by wrapping you into his arms, his head resting on yours. 
"I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked as you pulled away. 
"Can't keep me away now." He said with a smile. 
You took the two steps up to your front door and turned around, looking Sam in the eye as you were now height level. You took his face in your hands and leaned in close. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into him.  
"Thank you for being so understanding." You said to him. 
"Y/N, you call the shots on you and me. Wherever you are is where I will be." He said before laying his lips on yours again. This kiss was passionate but slower as if you had all the time in the world. When you finally pulled apart, he gave you a lopsided grin that made your knees wobbly.
"Goodnight." You whispered. 
"Goodnight." He said before kissing your forehead and walking back to his car.
You inhaled deeply before going back inside. Everything was different now. Your life seemed on a different path, and you couldn't wait to turn the page. You touched your lips still wet from his kiss, and smiled to yourself. This was only the beginning.
Tagging: @mychemicalimagines @thinkinghardhardlythinking @winchestergirl2​ @lacilou​
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Gold In My Heart
It was not often these days that Janus returned to the forest. It was so rare, in fact, that he had stopped thinking of it as “his” forest. And did he really have the right to call it “his” anymore, when it had been nearly a year spent living amongst the humans?
(or: drawn by feelings of homesickness, Janus ventures into the forest.)
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Homesickness
Word Count: 939
Warnings: n/a
AO3 Link: [here]
It was not often these days that Janus returned to the forest.
It was so rare, in fact, that he had stopped thinking of it as “his” forest. And did he really have the right to call it “his” anymore, when it had been nearly a year spent living amongst the humans? The woods felt foreign to him now, as dark and imposing as if he himself were a stranger.
The hard part was, Janus couldn’t return if he wanted to. He didn’t want to, of course- he loved Remus, and this strange little mess of a family he’d fallen into the midst of. Janus wasn’t so greedy as to want for both worlds. He was happy, with the home the others had carved out for him within their own. But having the choice taken away from him by injuries that would never fully heal, well. That stung.
He could ignore the hurt in his heart, for the most part. He could be satisfied with limping along the edge of the forest, keeping watch over the cottage alongside Virgil. He went hunting with Roman and Remus, and even if they had to go a bit slower than they were used to, they never complained. He still saw the woods. It was still there. He could still feel it- deep within the magic of his blood, he was, and always would be, a child of this forest.
But there were some times when that simply was not enough.
[continue on AO3]
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lux-13 · 2 years
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washwashgalaxy · 17 days
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Without hell the lover could not understand heaven
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kashhj · 6 months
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annieandro · 8 months
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In love, Leo? It's the talk of the town, and you're doing most of the talking This is the greatest, grandest, most glorious romantic happening in all the history of lovers This isn't a simple affair of the heartIt's a Rodin statue, a Sistine Chapel, a 14-carat gold ruby-studded temple of pleasure which outdoes the Taj Mahal
In love with a Leo man, my girl? You are about to become a tasty dish to set before the king And you'll really be appreciated Get your hairstyle, lay in a supply of perfume, wrap your royal skin and silk, satins, and fur... and take your vitamins It's showtime, and every night is opening night Not yours, his The star is Leo, but you have the royal box seat However, don't think he's blinded by the footlights of the spotlight He'll have one eye on you all the time You're the king's favorite And if you can handle the role, you could make queen One thing is sure every headwaiter in town will know your name Leo is a big spenderWith a big need
In love with a Leo girl my man? Can you keep your head while all about you are losing theirs, over your lady? The word for the lioness is style Her style places her in the center of the room and makes her a target for every man on the scene This pussycat likes the best of everything that's happening nowShe is a social lioness with a flair for being "in" If the limelight is too bright for you, she may be too much for you Also you better believe that the age of chivalry is not dead And that romance is a very real reality For this is a love lady And the secret to holding her is a cool head and a very warm heart If you prove otherwise, you'll be saying "Pussycat? Pussycat, where have you been?" And your answer will probably be (yawns) A yawn
Out of love, Leo? Again, Leo? You'll recover But it doesn't seem possible I mean, it was so big and-Well, next time try an Aries, or a Sagittarius And try to remember, a thing doesn't have to be too much to be important Just, enough
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patcegan · 9 months
Breathe on Me
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scitechpoetry · 11 months
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serekiri · 1 year
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from the entire article on Weapons from the Official TF2 Wiki, plus French and German forenames
Abrey Achered Aftargul Aldia Alexply Alfrier Aling Amily Ammetc Ammeteen Ammmper Ampery Amplin Anden Andet Anichimo Anine Aniney Anlue Annes Antiams Anting Appard Ardele Aretto Ariash Arrusher Astence Atesale Atheiner Auray Auren...
Backer Balin Baran Bartine Bashise Batiamuty Bazer Beharick Berreth Bertrop Bille Blanka Blausus Blescan Bloothe Bloraff Blute Boaker Boaks Bodds Bonary Bonce Boollied Bootly Boximed Boyinee Braff Buger Buguniv Buiste Burtra Butty Cakilher Canne Canuephig Carigh Cartie Chakent Chigine Chilise Cholf Chrie Chrudes Chrun Clang Claum Claury Client Cloake Cloyeden Clémilds Clémy Colay Conatole Coppawn Costiver Coudoute Cough Couilovin Couted Crainger Cramutte Cranmina Crarle Crean Crell Cribugue Croun Cusang Céliete Daget Depla Depor Dergasts Dettel Diamick Dicaude Dietits Difiene Difliew Dillis Dincinsl Dineore Dismo Doliecla Domins Dommory Donstimic Dordon Douke Dowenrana Drach Dreaus Ealassigh Efabeiden Efinvul Ekker Emacel Embrucie Equel Equer Ermarmas Estisar Ettatter Everg Evinede Exands Fablaus Fabrie Faust Fautz Fisuales Fleas Flene Flonchey Floud Forge Forifee Frafter Frate Freadis Fredmuel Frentz Friech Fring Frium Gaine Garads Garleanny Garro Gerbeasts Gerty Gesebalip Gethove Giolf Giver Greildese Guiperie Guishals Gunige Hanner Hannoît Harbure Harrester Headochie Heang Heanne Heartited Helen Helher Helle Helmonons Henbla Hencity Herist Herle Hermar Hillow Hisarinat Hitan Hivene Holausts Holfgarc Homicke Hootion Hopper Horin Hoses Hugunes Iffects Imands Iming Inetch Ineter Inger Inivace Inraide Iraffalle Jackings Jagda Jamick Jarndrid Jeadt Jeaketors Jearal Jeatord Jecton Jencip Jockass Joscrands Jostruces Jurégotte Juserm Jürge Jürger Karmak Karoy Katch Kilia Klanted Kulild Kupda Lannor Larisper Layer Lecka Liasin Ligne Linge Linigma Linvalmel Liste Locelyne Loconced Loding Lorch Lother Loticar Louiling Lowee Luery Maine Makents Maléric Maniquale Manned Marbireet Mareassis Maricalf Marleent Marmard Marrust Martal Matcharl Maternon Matina Mayes Meine Melle Mical Micemokto Micharns Micticert Milder Miming Minricker Mirich Mirogis Mistine Moker Mélia Mélovie Naltomer Narger Nempomy Nempop Nerna Nicam Niver Nosse Notheid Obtalieu Osestals Otiets Otiew Otion Pables Pater Patte Paurer Pauristob Pdatem Peathity Pecakents Pecell Phakewe Phill Phises Piers Pirich Pithan Plane Plegably Poirewar Pophane Poser Postaking Poutick Prepecher Previne Prifirid Pritz Pulranne Punletion Purencieu Purol Puted Qualoak Ramil Rebhan Reidie Reine Relmut Rennien Rette Rolair Rolects Rolfrie Rollmed Romar Ropen Rosévenz Réginad Rémize Sabie Sablydne Sabrey Sadly Sanna Scancelon Scart Schootion Scongle Scummelds Sebke Selvan Shalle Shart Shatiolf Shettands Shostor Shots Shway Sises Sishent Siste Slashanna Slataking Sliscrore Slivion Slorson Smardown Smuntina Sodaystin Solaul Solid Soush Speclas Spentrity Spermer Spientee Stapolf Starc Stele Stiman Suadle Suall Sumer Swine Swolay Sydne Sylven Sylvid Sylvin Sylvinn Synete Thentort Therming Thien Tholderst Thouna Thous Thric Thrudring Thugh Timan Tinhoter Tinhs Tioncra Tomingle Tonstel Touic Trant Tring Trushanna Ubetwer Udosers Ulloys Undring Uptly Ushard Ustack Vaing Vashwarel Vicke Vieding Viegge Volcann Wacques Wandis Warebreed Weaulease Werty Whien Wilido Witch Wored Woreing Xenats Youtz Érathring Évenrid
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danbusler · 1 year
The Bond Between Father and Son
The unbreakable bond of a parent and child
Parental love for a child transcends words and actions.It resides deep in the heartIt is an unbreakable and unconditional bond between a father and child.The child is safe in his Father’s arms. And the Father would protect him with his life.
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