#heartman x reader fanfiction
missyslittlepet · 5 years
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((Finally done, not much to this one but again at least it's something. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy it! 💙))
A Different Kind Of Love
The chill of the wind seemed colder today than it had in a while. You gently tugged your coat tighter around your body and let out a sigh. You watched as the mist left your mouth and danced in front of your eyes before quickly dispersing into the nothing. When your vision focused again you found yourself taking in the view. Despite how many times you had seen it, it never failed to take your breath away.
The sun was brightly glistening off the mountain caps in the distance as you leant against the icy steel of the railing surrounding the balcony. You peered over the railing and through the mist below you could just make out the crude heart shaped crater. You didn't want to think about the tragedy that had taken place there.
"I thought you might like something to drink?" Heartman's voice was almost a whisper as he spoke.
You could hear him slowly approaching from behind you and soon enough he was by your side, two cups of fresh coffee in his hand. He offered one to you with a lopsided grin and you took it gratefully, savouring the warmth of the cup and the glorious smell that now permeated the crisp morning air.
"Thank you, but shouldn't I be making you the coffee not the other way around." You grinned, taking a sip. You closed your eyes again as the warmth ran down your throat. "Perfect. This couldn't have come at a better time."
"I agree wholeheartedly." Heartman smiled taking a drink from his own cup. "There really is nothing like a good cup of coffee to jumpstart your day."
You hummed in agreement and gave him a thumbs up. The blue heart hologram blinked for a few second before disappearing again. Heartman adjusted his glasses and chuckled. Slowly he leant against the railing awkwardly hitting his defibrillator off the metal with a clink. He let out a sigh and took another long sip.
"How was it?" You asked looking over at him.
"Still no sign of them." Sadness flickered behind his eyes for a moment before he smiled again. "However, data is data."
You placed your free hand over his and smiled at him sadly.
"We'll find them one day Heartman, just you wait." You squeezed his hand reassuringly causing him to smile He turn his hand upwards so his palm was against yours and held you hand tightly.
When Heartman had lost his wife and daughter in a void out he would have given anything to see them again. He would travel the beaches and follow the footprints hoping that it would lead him where he needed to go. Instead of seeing it as unsuccessful when he didn't find his family he started using his trips and knowledge to try and understand what was going on. Through his research he had met you.
After losing your husband in one of the attacks you had made it your mission to find him again and began researching BTs. Your speciality was experimenting on ways to capture and observe them in order to see if there was anyway to bring their consciousness back despite them not always having a body to return to. While you studied them you had began making to scale sculptures in your spare time. When a letter from Heartman had arrived in your inbox expressing how impressed he was by your studies and how he would be very interested in owning some of your artist impressions you were taken aback.
You had heard of him before but despite your stories being so similar you never would have thought that you would communicate with him.
The man who travelled to the beach every twenty one minutes seemed like he would have all the research he needed, not that you were going to question his judgment. Within seconds you were writing out a response and picking out a few of your best pieces for him. In the reply you explained that you were thankful for the opportunity to work along side him and that you would have a porter deliver some of your work to him as soon as possible.
He was thrilled when he got your response and even more so when he finally received your package. In his spare few minutes before going back to the beach he quickly got to work placing them around the lab. In his next time window he spent all of it taking in all of the detail he had missed beforehand.
After a few weeks of corresponding though the mail Heartman decided it would be more beneficial for you to move into his lab permanently. Not only would it give you more time to work together but it would also mean no more worrying over if packages would get lost before they made it to your respective laboratories.
After about a year of working together so closely one thing had lead to another and you found yourselves in a relationship of sorts. You both knew that feelings had started to blossom and you both agreed to act upon them. Your previous partners would want you to be happy even if you did continue to research and try to locate them in the meantime. Life was indeed too short after all, especially now.
The love between you and Heartman was unlike any other. You both deeply respected one another's past partners and understood that, while you both loved one another, the love for the families you had had did not disappear. You still kept your wedding ring around your neck on a silver chain and Heartman still had photographs around his lab of his wife and daughter. It worked for you both and that was what mattered. Holding onto the past all day everyday got lonely but sharing your life with someone who truly understood was precious.
As time went on your relationship had been put under a spotlight a few times, being so important in the science field meant that there was gossip. They would question your motives. After all, why find your deceased partners while also being in a new relationship? It made you both extremely uncomfortable but deep down the mutual understanding that you both had didn't need to be understood by anyone other than yourselves. You were both happy in your own little bubble far away in the mountains.
"How much longer do we have left?" You asked drinking what was left of your coffee.
Heartman looked down at the small screen of his AED and frowned.
"We have about twelve more minutes and then I must return to the beach." He too drank the remainder of his coffee and sighed again.
Despite wanting to find his family there were times, like this one, where he wished he could stay for a little bit longer. He wanted to be able to spend more time with you uninterrupted but alas, this was just how things were. As he had always said, most of lifes basic functions did fit rather easily into the twenty one minute cycle, it's a shame that love was not as basic. You made it work thought, hell, you even had a bit of a love life when you were both extremely lucky.
"We should probably head back inside then. I really don't want you to injure yourself... again." You laughed remembering a time before the padded flooring was installed and he spent the rest or the day with an ice pack pressed to his forehead. You lead him back inside not letting go of his hand.
The warmth from the crackling fire inside was a welcomed feeling. You placed the empty mugs on the counter and took a seat on the sofa. Heartman sat beside you and smiled pulling you closer to him.
"How about we watch a movie after I return?" Heartman asked still smiling. "We haven't watched Twenty Minutes of Love in a while."
"Honestly that sounds perfect. I think im due some time off from BT research." You laughed and kissed his jawline before resting your head against his chest.
"You see, I don't get time off but I'd be more than happy to spend all of my down time with you." He pressed his lips to your hairline as he spoke.
"5 minutes until cardiac arrest." Heartman's AED reminded him.
"Oh, shut up. I'm putting you on mute" Heartman's brows furrowed as he disabled the alerts on his machine.
"You know you really should keep that alert on." You laughed. "It's pretty important don't you agree?"
"And have it ruin our time together? What a silly thing to suggest." He pressed another kiss to you hairline causing you to look up at him.
His bright blue eyes observed you closely from behind his glasses and you felt your cheeks blush slightly.
"It's doesn't ruin our time together, it just reminds you when you need to start preparing for your... temporary death. I really do wish we had more time between the cycle. I know you're doing amazing and important work but I guess I'm selfish. I truly hope that this visit offers you more than your last one though. You deserve to be happy."
Heartman made a thumbs up and you heard the noise of a like fill the silence making you chuckle.
"I wish I had more time also. I love my family but I also love you. My cycle, although vital to my research, does stop me from enjoying moments in this plane of existence. I do cherish every moment we have together even more because of my departures, you know that (f/n). It's important that you remember I am happy, both researching and with you."
You smiled again and got comfortable against his chest.
His thumb rubbed small circles on your shoulder as you enjoyed what little time you had. When his hand went limp and the lighting of the room changed you knew it had started. You reached for his hourglass and tapped it against the table in order to rest it. You then unmuted the AED so that you wouldn't share the shock it would administer Heartman. The flat line noise echoed around the room as you quickly set up the movie so that you could enjoy it later without worrying about Heartman missing the end, even if you had watched it one hundred times already. When you had finally finished you sat next to him again on the sofa.
Despite him being dead he looked peaceful, his arm still around you. You didn't like this three minute wait at all. Not only did you not get to hear his voice but it was the not knowing that was painful. You wondered if today would be the day he found his family and you hoped for his sake he did.
You turned and stroked your fingers through his hair. When he was alive it was one of his favourite things you did. He would fall asleep in your lap while you did that if he could. Your hand slowly came to rest on his cheek and your thumb brushed over his cheekbone. That was one perk to his beach visits, you could take in every detail of his face without the fear of him catching you staring. That was one regret you had about your life before the Death Stranding. The world was so hectic with work and stress that you never took the time to appreciate what you had. Every passing day it was getting harder and to picture your husbands face. With no photographs you were left clinging to the memories the two of you had shared. All you had left of him was your wedding ring and you kept it close always.
You were determined not to make the same mistakes again. You took many photos of you and Heartman together and made sure to make copies. You took time out to appreciate all he was. His calming accent, the way his eyes brightened up when he was happy. You refused to miss a moment.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the AED
"Administering shock. Stand clear."
You jumped back just in time to avoid the shock. Heartman sat bolt upright and blinked the tears from his eyes with a gasp.
"Welcome back." You grinned.
He smiled and quickly logged his journey through his cuff. Once he was finished he looked at you once again.
"How did it go? Any sign of th-" You began.
Heartman held up his hand and chuckled
"Come here." Heartman's arms reached for you. You did as he asked and he pulled you close again. " There's time for all of that but right now I believe we have a movie to watch."
You grinned and snuggled closer to him. You were thankful he was putting the beach aside just for now.
Your relationship was like no other. Helping to find long lost families while simultaneously loving the bones of your research partner was a very strange concept. There was a lot of things in this world that didn't make sense but this, cuddled up watching movies as the fire crackled and the snow fell outside... it felt right. So long as it made sense to the two of you then what did the circumstances matter?
You had your work, Heartman and your little bubble in the mountains. To hell with everyone else.
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Sam Bridges sleeping on your chest
Warnings: SMUT, dirty talk, fxm
Anon said: Hi there! May I request some specific imagine, I think it is really a headcanon! Sam Bridges coming back to base tired af after a mission, and going to sleep immediately, and waking his gf for sex early in the morning, after some heavy sleep for some hours👍👍 As always thank you!
Hope you like it enjoy❤️
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Days were rough for the delivery boy Sam B.
His bike broke down in the middle of nowhere
His helmet got delayed oxygen so he couldn't breath
And he fell more times than he walked
So you know he rushed home to you
To see you on the couch drooling on the pillow and snorting quite loudly if he mind add
But it was worth it to see you like that legs open thrown on both sides of the couch
You arms over your head twitching as if you are fighting someone
He found it darn cute
So he showered put on some clothes and kneeled on the couch making his way sneaky to lay on your warm heart warm chest
His hands snaked around your waist pulling his body up his legs finding a place to anchor him not to fall on the floor or worse to wake you up
His head placed in between your breast giving him a once in a lifetime comfy pillow
His eyes said, "Sir, go to sleep while there is still night time."
You opened your eyes feeling a heavy load on your boobs
Looking down you see Sam drool on your favorite shirt
You see his muscled hands littered with scars blood dried upon his skin
His hands placed on your sides and his whole body in between your legs
Yawning loud as all hell you wake Sam up to his voice horse and gravely
"Morning sweetie pie."
"Morning Samy. Slept well?"
"Comfy as hell your boobs are an awesome pillow."
You laugh petting his hair moving all of his hair from his face seeing the subtle grin peaking on his face
"What are you thinking mister?"
"Just adoring you."
Sam's colossal hand lands on your boobs giving it an affectionate squeeze
His body rises and you could swear you felt him hard
"Sam, it's to early..."
Sam knew just what to do giving you a sweet kiss telling you to relax and enjoy
His hips grin into yours and you feel him harder than ever easily could mistake it as an ab placed in his pants
You wanted this despite how sleepy you still are you wanted him to wreck you like the bed frame last week
His pants slide down and you can not but gasp in appreciation of his hard member giving even the phrase morning wood a run for its money
"What you want petal? Do you want me to eat you out first? Do you want me to tear this hole in half? Do you want me to tit fuck this dick and cum on your face?"
What?! That was all you could think. This cinnamon roll man was a dominant animal just waiting for your command. Yes!!!
"I want you to fuck me back into sleep, Bridges."
Hearing his surname from your lips was the ticket he needed
Your pants or rather now shreds were on the floor your hole wide open for him
His hands held the wood teasing you, stimulating your clit your nerves bubbling inside you
Pushing himself in your walls let him giving in to the desire she wanted
Hips slam against each other names are groaned, screamed, and moaned and you just feel the familiar filling inside you
His head plows down on your chest again finding the same pillow he slept on hours before
"I know Sam. Wow..."
I still have one more Sam Bridges request so keep your eye on that in a few days.
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builtonashes · 5 years
Requests are OPEN!
Hey guys, I decided to start a separate tumblr account for my writing (figured it would be fair as I already have one for art). And since I've just finished Death Stranding, I'd gladly write some imagines/ideas/shorts with different characters just to practice! Please send me your requests and I shall get around to it whenever I need a break at work 💖 which is awfully often
I take all pairings.
I'd love to do some Death Stranding x reader shorts, so keep'em coming!
I don't really do NSFW but I can still drop in a few vague and non-graphic lines.
I love Heartman he deserves to be happy so make sure that most of the requests are for him haha
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Can't wait to get your requests! 🤭
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sheepception · 5 years
A good Samaritan
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Death Stranding (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences https://archiveofourown.org/works/22255897 Credits for Picture  https://fanhanlon.tumblr.com/post/190278436412/heartman-screenshots-2-more-shots-of-the
Note: I finally had the courage to publish my first FanFic I’ve ever written. I’m open to all kinds of Feedback. Also English isn’t my first language I tried my best to correct any spelling and grammar mistakes but sorry if I overlooked some. Enjoy :-)
A good Samaritan
How could you be so careless? You know exactly it’s basically impossible to bypass a MULE group, they have sensors and ping. They probably saw you before you saw them. Luckily they abandoned their pursuit of you after you tumbled over a rocky slope. They most likely assume you didn’t survive the fall. You sit at the end of the slope clutching your left side; every breath hurts and sends a stinging pain through your body. You feel dizzy and a small trail of blood tickles down from your eyebrow. You need to find shelter or help because the timefall will arrive soon
You check your map for a Safehouse nearby but you’re quite outside from any major city and the area is thinly populated. But then you notice a building next to a weirdly shaped lake crater. You decide to take your chance and head towards there since it seemed like a relatively short distance. You slowly try to stand up, your head starts spinning and the pain on your left side seems to get worse by the minute.
Once again you check very carefully if you have a clear path because you want to avoid another encounter with the MULES or even worst. You slowly head towards your destination. The area surrounding the facility is surrounded by snowy cliffs and uneven terrain which makes your journey harder than it originally looked. You start to get exhausted from your injuries, your headache gets worse and the cold air hurts in your chest. The closer you get and the bigger the building gets you start to wonder if you made the right choice. Who would live out here so far off the grid? And the big glass fronted house doesn’t fit into the scenery.
As you look up, you notice that some of the windows on the lake side of the house are dimmed. You slowly make your way up a set of stairs towards the front door. You start feeling weaker and dizzier by every step. Your head’s spinning and your vision stars to get blurry when you finally reached the front door. But before you can make an attempt to knock your legs give in and you collapse to the ground.
Heartman is sitting his stretcher’s edge slowing panting from yet another visit on the beach when suddenly his Lab AI announces: “Warning. Intruder alert. Front door”. He’s confused since he isn’t expecting anyone. If it were a Porter delivery or a member of Bridges they would have sent him a message that someone would be coming. His Lab AI continues, “Intruder is female and unarmed.” ‘Hmm, so definitely not a MULE or Homo Demens’, Heartman mutters to himself. He leaves his Lab and slowly approaches the big window front outside of it to take a look, when he spots a person lying next to the entrance. He gasps of shock and quickly gets to the door to check on the stranger. Heartman approaches her and softly tries to speak to her “Hello, can you hear me. Are you alright?” After he gets no response from the person he decides to take her inside. Luckily for him, the unknown visitor is a small lightly built woman so it doesn’t take a lot of strength to get her inside his lab. You slowly opened your eyes, your vision is still blurry and your head hurts. It takes you a moment to realize that you’re in someone’s house, because you’re lying on a sofa and it’s getting warm under the blanket that is draped over you. As you slowly try to sit up you’re greeted by a familiar pain from your left side. You close your eyes and groan quietly. Suddenly there’s a voice coming from the other side of the room “Whoa, take it slowly. You’ve been out for a while and I’m not sure how serious your injuries are”. You look up and are approached by a tall, lanky guy with brown hair and glasses who tries his best to give you a reassuring smile. You look at the stranger and ask “Where am I? What happened?” The man now stands in front of you and replies “Well, I was hoping that you would be able to tell me. It’s quite unusual that I have visitors, especially unannounced. I found you unconscious at my front door and took you insider to look after you. What’s the last thing you remember?” You look down slightly frowning as you try to piece everything together “I … I don’t know. I was trying to get away from some MULEs and then one of them shot at me. I must have slipped and fell because after that, things are getting hazy.” Suddenly the guy twists his wrist and a holographic image of your body appears with several red dots on various places. He notes, “A mild concussion, probably the reason behind your retrograde amnesia. 3 cracked ribs, a bruise on your hip, a small burn mark one your lower leg and several smaller cuts and bruises. Your heart rate is a bit irregular and elevated, probably a side effect of the Taser one of the MULEs used. Nothing to worry about, it’ll be alright. “
You try to say something when you’re suddenly interrupted by an artificial voice “4 minutes to cardiac arrest”. You eye’s go big and panicky “What is that supposed to mean… cardiac arrest? You just said I shouldn’t worry. What is going on here?” The stranger steps away from you but tries his best to remain a soft tone as he explains, “No no, this has nothing to do with you. It’s complicated and I don’t think I can explain before… “3 minutes. Activating lab security measures”. You suddenly hear the door behind you locking, as again you face the man. “Am I locked in here? Why am I not allowed to leave? Please let me go.” The guy sighs and looks down his chest “Ok, first of all I’m going to mute your alarm because you are definitely not helping. Please let me assure you that you are not in any danger. Not from the outside, since no one or nothing can come in nor in here. I’m not a threat to you, especially for the next three minutes. I want to help you but please be patient. I promise I’ll tell you everything you want to know when I come back”. “Come back? Come back from where? Where are you going?” you nearly shout at the guy. The stranger hears the panic behind your voice and tries to explain “To the Beach. I have to lo…” Before he can finish his sentence, he suddenly collapses to the floor. A soft puff from an air mattress is heard, the lights go dim and a phonograph stars playing music. You jump up from the sofa to rush to the collapsed guy. You ignore the pain from your injuries as you lean down to him softly shaking him. “Oh my God. Are you alright? Sir… can you hear me? Hello? “You slowly put your hand on his neck to check his pulse but you can’t find one. “Oh no. I… I’ll try to get some help. Please hold on”. You quickly stand up and immediately your head starts spinning. It takes you a moment to recover as you try to get to the Lab door. You rattle it when suddenly the voice comes back “Denied. You are unable to enter or leave this facility. Please remain at the location until the security measurements are lifted”. As you turn around you nearly join your host on the floor as you bump into a replica of a BT hanging on the wall scaring the shit out of you. You let out a scream as you tumble back from it. You are panting as you mutter to yourself “What is this place?” Even though the lights are dimmed, there is still enough light for you to look around the room. There giant shelves filled to the brim with books, film and records. You wonder what kind of person this stranger is and draw a slight smile. As you continue to look around you notice a giant monitor at the other side of the room showing vital signs and other medial readings. Currently it shows “Flatline” in red letters on the monitor. There’s also an I.V. stand and other medical equipment. It’s only now you notice the defining sound of the flatline ECG filling the room. Next to the monitor is a stretcher with a little table beside it. On it is a strange hourglass; it looks delicate so you don’t dare to touch it. The whole atmosphere in the room makes you uncomfortable and it suddenly feels weird snooping around this stranger‘s personal belongings when he’s not able to give you his permission. “What did he say? Something about 3 minutes? That must be over soon and I’m curious what’s going on here” you say to yourself.
Once again you are startled by the artificial voice. “Administering shock. Please stand clear”. A loud thumb is heard and the man bolts up, panting heavily. At the same time the music stops and he lights go back on. He sits on the floor and you look at him with wide eyes. “You… you were dead. I saw you collapsing on the floor. I checked up on you, you had no pulse. Now you’re back, just like that, as if nothing happened. Now would be a very good time for the promised explanation”. The guy smiles softly and slowly stands up. “Yes, you have been extremely patient and I’m sure a lot of impressions just hit you in such a short time. Especially after you yourself just have woken up here, not knowing what happened to you. This whole situation must be very overwhelming for you and I want to apologize for that”. You give him a small nod and say, “Thanks. I mean… this whole situation is weird and I have no ideas what is going on but nevertheless you helped me when I lay in front of your door. You took me inside and looked after me. So, Thanks a lot for that as well. By the way my name is (y/n) and with whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?
“(y/n)… what a nice name,” he said before he nonverbally asks you if it’s okay when he’s sitting next to you on the sofa. He continues, "I’m Heartman…don’t laugh I’ll explain. I mean if you want to. The doors are unlocked you can leave at anytime if you feel well enough; ahem…would you like to have a cup of tea? I brew it before in case if…when you woke up. I’m not sure if he’s still hot, but…” You can’t help smiling at the poor guy stumbling over his words. “Yes, a cup of tea would be lovely“. You grab the cup and take a careful sip “So, Heartman. What’s your story? Or better, what’s the story behind everything here?” Heartman looks at you and tries to crack a smile but you see sadness behind his eyes. “My story is long and complicated and I’m sure you have more urgent things to attend to. As I said you can leave at any time. Well, in the next 21 minutes. Before… well… ahem” He stops talking and swallows hard. You notice that Heartman seems upset and you decide to sit a bit closer to him. You look down and say. “It’s probably going to take a while before I’m well enough to travel again and to be honest no one out there is waiting for me. I’m a bit of a lone wolf. Well, let’s just say there aren’t many people I know left out there. It´s also complicated”. You look up and stare at his pale blue eyes. “I have time. So please… Heartman, tell me your story. I really want to know the Man behind this name and this house. Take all the time you need.”
Heartman gives you a soft smile, takes a deep breath and starts talking.
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Sam Bridges x reader
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Warning: SMUT, fxm, few curse words, synonyms for penis (hehe)
Fair warning I wrote this while I'm on my period (still am, sorryTMI) so you know I'm a horny mess. Sorry about it.
Anon asked:Hello there! A bit strange, but I just want to give it a try! I was listening to Weeknd - After hours, and strangely it somehow really fits to Sam Bridges struggles/life in game etc.(minus the romantic interst). May I request a music imagine/smut with this song, if it is a thing for you? Please tell me what you think! Thank you for everything that you do🖤🖤🖤
Hey, anon, I used the lyrics but I didn't go step by step with the lyrics I used the one that suited the paragraph best. I hope that is okay.
✨I recommend you listen to Weeknd's song After Hours as you read it for an experience.✨
I also have a similar lyric fic with Mako's song Breathe paired with Duncan Vizla (Polar) so if you want you can give it a read
-Where is she?
Thought I almost died in my dream again
Fightin' for my life, I couldn't breathe again
-Mama, where is she for fucks sakes?!!!
-Her com has been turned off 20 minutes ago.
-What was recorded?
-Just some static and...
-And fucking what?
-... A gunshot...
Sam feels his legs give in as he kneels dangerously on the floor thinking of every worst possible in the book. His arms thinking rationality as they pull Mama down with him on the harsh floor
-Give me the location of-of... The gunshot. I will find her.
Mama wanted to pull him up and lock him in the room knowing that the place where Y/n was last heard no one could easily survive that. His head gawked up and she saw how his ombre pupils cracked in half fearing that he lost his hope of survival in this crazy sphere.
I'm fallin' in too deep
Without you, don't wanna sleep
'Cause my heart belongs to you
With a heavy sigh, she responded with
-Port Knot City.
He knew that Y/n was alive. His psyche told him of every possible scenario that could happen as his soul pulled him up and hurled him on the motorbike as he speeds onto the rocky routines. The wheels speed over the hills hitting his legs and balls that will surely punish him later on. The sky started to change into the ominous charcoal sky as he saw the empty streets his eyes catching wandering BTs as their wails echoed through the deserted buildings. Looking down onto his arm he sees on the small screen where was Y/n's last seen signal boost. Looking at the spot a glimmer of silver he rushes to it picking it as he remembers he bought them for her knowing that you had a fascination with his own as they always his toned chest.
Dog tags.
Y/n L/n
I just wanted to call you and say, and say
-What's your problem with my dog tags?
-No problem. Maybe a kink.
-Well, you are in luck little lady. I have something for you.
Oh, baby, where are you now when I need you most?
Clutching the tags in his hand he looked above and beyond feeling his soul battling every negative thought. Sam rears his head up feeling a rumble close by. Turning over his shoulder he sees the lion-shaped BTs walking past him in a slow stride as if on a leash walking a designated path. Throwing his luck in the air he drives to near it following in adequate silence. The beast stepped one last time as he halted in front of a heap of bouldering tar, as the bubbles around it fall showing a victim changed into it gasping for air as if never inhale the rotten air. A caped person declines from the sky down standing in front of the victim Sam only hearing their voices.
-Where is the package?
-In your ass, asshole.
Sam's eyes brightened as he heard the insult finding the silver lining. His girl. His badass girl.
I'd give it all just to hold you close.
The kidnapper removed his cap and Sam immediately knowing who it was... Higgs. Fucker Higgs. Sam waited for a opportunity as Higgs walked away as Sam started revving his bike with only one goal-saving his girl and getting her back. Letting go of the break the motorbike roared like a beast as he drove under the lion-like BT as Sam's left hand reached for his girl as he started to the right as he grabbed her by the waist as she held onto him for dear life leaving Higgs to take a second what just happened.
Higgs yelled as he jumped on the beast tailing the two lovers. Sam felt the weak arm around his waist bare and cold but thankfully alive and conscious.
-Princess. Are you okay? Just hold on.
Y/n felt the warmth from his body as he drove away as her eyes found Higgs starting to lose speed and distance eventually giving up.
-This is not the end! I will get that package!
I know it's all my fault
Made you put down your guard
I know I made you fall
The engine roared down into silence as Sam grabbed this love into his arms carrying her into the HQ to get her healed. Her body stiff and bleak nearly like a washed corpse as Mama examined her.
-Her lungs are at its limit, a wonder she is alive.
-What do you mean?
-Her lungs were excessively deprived of air. Wonder how she managed that.
Sam chuckled down at his girl mumbling proudly
-Easy. She's too stubborn to die.
Didn't wanna wake up 'less you were beside me
Cause this house is not a home
Days passed and Y/n came back to life as Sam held her like a drop of water in his palm. Not letting her to grab or carry anything god forbid walk to the bathroom to pee. As much as she came back to life her hormones came as well to say hello. She became sexually frustrated but knowing Sam he will say
"You need to heal."
But she is stubborn and she will get what she wants. Grabbing a neat pager she presses the red button on it that Sam gave to her to call her when she needs help using it only this once. She remembered him saying.
-Press this button and I will do anything to help you.
As she pressed the button the doors slammed open as Sam asked out of breath
-What? What's wrong? What do you need?
Y/n put on a smile on her face as she patted the space near her.
-Sit down.
Seeing her in good shape he sat down as he said
-You seem fine.
Y/n shook her head to negate his words
-Oh, I'm most certainly not. I'm in pain.
Y/n extends her legs over his lap sitting on him facing his face as she putting his hands on her waist.
-You are wounded and you ca-
Y/n placed a finger on his lips to hush him as she replies proudly
-You said that when I press the button on the anger you will ANYTHING to help me. Right?
Sam shook his head up and down as her fingers stayed put.
-Then help me. I want to feel you. You surely want to feel me. Right???
He shook his head again as his hands dive under her shirt.
I want you next to me
This time, I'll never leave
-Help me, Bridges. Make me feel at ease.
She commanded and he obeyed as her hand flew to his har as their lips connected in the touch starved manner that clashed together. Tongue peaking out, saliva dribbling down their chins.
Cause I want you baby
It was definitely a blessing, wakin' beside you
Sam felt his cock aching against her clothes core pulsating to feel the warmth he craved at this moment
I'll be livin' in Heaven when I'm inside of you
-No foreplay today. I need you, Sam.
He needed nothing more as her hand removed the pants and underwear as her slick dropped her juices over his cock. The juice sliding down his erection as the puddle nestled itself on the bottom of his groin into his dark pubic hair. Her body melted at his soft touch as she slides down his shaft eating him up feeling her walls provide the tight passage for him. Sam let his head fall seeing his friend disappear in her warmness not wanting to get out like ever. His hips snapped back and slammed her onto him feeling the zing of pain and the heap of pleasure.
-More, Sam. Please me.
Sam obliged for his best girl as his hips found her center again and again and again and again as his climax reared close his veins waiting for the delicious moment of persecuting to course his veins one last epic time. Y/n felt her hips snap in place Sam's cock still in her as she felt the warm cum release around him. Sam's cock felt the warm ooze and he came as well in her womb mixing the two together. Her lungs gasped for air and her hips cursed at her for the position but nothing felt better than this. Sam watches her chest fill with air as his thighs gave her the hard cushion support she needed for now. His gleaming eyes found hers as he asked
-Feeling better now?
I'll hold you down and not let you go
I'd give it all just to hold you close
Y/n smiled as she answered
-No more pain.
Her lips found his once again thanking him for being the best nurse.
I hope you enjoyed it🌺
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
Being in a relationship with Heartman would include.......
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((Sorry if one of these has already been done! I'll probably add more to this as time goes on ✌🏻💙))
Movie nights! He has an impressive collection and you intend to take full advantage of it!
Watching him geek out over old movies he watched as a child and thinking it's the cutest thing in the world.
Him wanting to take photos of the two of you just incase something happened to one of you.
Swapping stories of what you did and who you were before the Death Strandings happened.
Singing along to old records well into the night. When you pulled out an old ABBA record you were shocked to find that he knew all the words and sang them with a passion stronger than the one for his research.
Being a shoulder to cry on when the loss of his family becomes too much.
Lots of awkward fumbling and blushing when things get intimate. He's experienced but he is also a giant nerd so 😅
Making sure his hourglass is reset if he goes into cardiac arrest before he has the chance. You did wish he would stop muting his AED!!
You would definitely get into a like war! First one to stop is the biggest loser and has to tidy up the lab 💙
Making sure he has a nice cup of hot chocolate to wake up to when he returns from the beach.
You would definitely cook fancy meals together (as long as the prep time was less than 21 minutes that is.)
Date nights always ended in a dip in his private spa 😏
SOOOOOO MUCH SLOW DANCING! Heartman is a true romantic and loves to sweep you off your feet! You have to awkwardly avoid the defibrillator but you manage!
Drawing on his face so when he returns from the beach he has a nice welcome back gift
Him returning the favour when you are fast asleep.
Sex is against the clock so fast and rough is his go to! There has been so many less than sexy moments of him going into cardiac arrest just as things are getting good so time truly is of the essence.
Pizza nights happen way too often. The porters hate you.
Laughing at how quickly his heart rate monitor beeps when you slowly kiss his neck.
He is a hugger through and through. He loves contact with you and will use any excuse to have you in his arms
You wearing his glasses and him telling you how cute you look in them even if he can't really see you that well.
Cute nicknames!
Never quite getting used to him having to go every 21 minutes. You hated seeing him like that.
You say I love you to each other just before he leaves for the beach and as soon as he returns.
Heartman truly appreciates all that you do for him, he knows how difficult his condition can be to live with.
Curling up next to the fire and listening to him read is one of your favourite things to do. His voice is so lovely!
One of your favourite things about him is his arms! You loved when he first started rolling up his sleeves in the lab. He noticed and made sure he did from then on.
He adores playing with your hair
You adore playing with his
Him being impressed and extremely turned on when you take down a Mule
You wear his button downs with nothing on underneath and he loves it!
Him making sure you know how much he treasures you and feeling so helpless whenever you're not safe by his side.
Him wishing his time wasn't cut short so frequently.
Cherishing every moment you have together.
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
Yikes! 🥺 The lack of Heartman x reader fics I just-
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As soon as I get my writing motivation back I'm so gonna spam the shit out of the Heartman tag I stg
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
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((Requested - It's readers birthday and Heartman surprises them with vines.
It's not very long but I really hope this is kinda what you were after????? Enjoy!!! 👍🏻💙))
Happy Birthday Raven! I Can't Swim.
"What do you fancy for breakfast?" You asked Heartman as you walked to the kitchen.
"Now that you've gained some strength back after your surgery you can have whatever you want. My treat."
You were so happy that he finally got a heart transplant meaning he didn't have to stick to his twenty one minute cycle anymore. You had been together for about a year when he agreed to it having fully moved on from the search for his family.
"Can I get a waffle?" He asked with a grin. He had been on strick healthy foods to help with the recovery so he was ready to get his teeth into something tasty.
"CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!" Your brain had the words out before you even thought about it. The reaction was so natural considering how long it had been since you had watched that video.
Heartman jumped at your sudden outburst making his glasses go askew. You laughed again at his reaction, he was so cute sometimes.
"(F/n), you can't go making me jump, I still don't know just how much this new heart can take." Heartman joked.
"I know," You laughed. "I'm sorry Heartman. It was instinct, honestly. I used to love vines."
"Vines?" Heartman asked carefully adjusting his glasses before looking over them at you.
"Yeah, Vine." You grinned excitedly.
Heartman squinted in confusion and you felt your smile drop.
"Oh come on! Please tell me you know what vines are!"
"I can't say that I do (f/n), sorry. What are Vines?"
"Oh my God, how did you miss out on vines?! They were short videos on the internet before the Death Stranding. Just a few seconds long but they were so hilarious! Me and my friends used to communicate solely in vine references, it was great!"
Heartman smiled at your enthusiasm despite not having the faintest idea what you were talking about. He could tell that these 'Vines' meant a great deal to you.
"Ah well," You sighed fondly at the memory. "I'll get you those waffles!"
You beamed at him before returning to your task.
He watched from his chair as you pottered around the kitchen making him his food. The smell floated through the air and made his mouth water. He adored you and appreciated all that you had done for him over the past few years. You were his rock when he lost him family and when the Death Stranding finally ended he realised that you had become his world. You were always helping him in some way. Whether that be through his mourning or getting him waffles.
Heartman knew your birthday was tomorrow and he was yet to find a gift for you. Despite knowing you so well he still struggled with finding gifts for you. He had been searching for a way to show you how much you meant to him but nothing was as heartfelt as you deserved. He had considered proposing to you but he didn't want to be cliche and wanted to make it really special.
However, now that he had found out about your love of 'Vines' he thankfully had a few ideas. He decided he would wait until you went to your meeting with Die-hardman before getting started since he knew you would be trapped there for hours.
Heartman had missed his research and now he had something new to get his teeth into. Due to Sam successfully connecting the Chiral Network it meant that he now had access to archives from before the Death Stranding. He quickly typed in 'Vines' into the database and thousands of folders popped up. At first all he could find was information on plant samples but he was determined to find what he was looking for.
After an hour and a half of searching he finally found a folder containing videos and social media posts. From what you had described he thought he was in the right place. He browsed the video titles and found one called 'Iconic Vines That Cured My Depression And Watered My Houseplants' and decided it was a great place to start. He opened up the video and watched intently not sure what to expect.
"Two bros chilling in a hot tub. Five feet apart cuz they're not gay!" The video was of two men and lasted only a few seconds.
"What on earth?" Heartman said pushing his glasses up his nose. He leant in closer to the screen.
"Every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in your no yelling sock and pretty soon you'll have a weapon to bea-"
Heartman couldn't help chuckle at that one. The more he watched the more confused he became in the most wonderful way. The humor was ridiculous but he loved it and found himself laughing along with them. Before he knew it he had binged several compilation videos and had a whole set of notes to create some birthday surprises.
Your cuff flashed as you sat in yet another meeting signaling you had received a message. You were thankful that this was the last meeting of the week. They were getting more and more frequent as they were discussing plans for repairs to old delivery equipment. Of course this meeting just so happened to be on your birthday. Lucky you right?
You hadn't gotten the chance to speak to Heartman before you left. He still slept a lot despite his recovery almost being over meaning he was still fast asleep when you were getting ready. He looked so peaceful and you kissed his forehead and snuck out the door, careful not to wake him.
After half an hour more of listening to renovation plans the meeting finally came to an end allowing you to check your mail. You felt a smile tugging at your lips when you saw Heartman's name pop up. You always loved seeing what he wrote to you.
"Good afternoon love, I'm sorry I wasn't awake to see you off. I hope you're having a great birthday and I can't wait for you to come back home to me. Missing you always,
- H x "
You grinned at your cuff before making your way back home. You knew the drive would take forever.
Heartman stood back to admire his creations. Truth be told he was really proud of himself. He never considered himself good at gift giving but this time he was excited. He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you saw what he had been planning. With a grin Heartman placed the last tray down on the table and waited for you to arrive home.
When the door finally slid open Heartman jumped up and ran towards it to greet you.
"Happy birthday (f/n)!" He said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and gave you a kiss.
"Close your eyes." He said before you could come any further into the house.
You looked at him suspiciously before doing so anyways. Heartman took your hands in his and began leading you through the house and into the living room area.
"Okay (f/n), you can open them!" He said awaiting your reaction eagerly.
Slowly you opened your eyes and were met with trays of food on the table.
"Welcome to Chilies! I hope you're hungry!" Heartman's grin grew wider.
"What is all this?" You laughed looking at the strange choices of food.
"Could I interest you in some Freeshavoca-do?" Heartman asked pointing to some guacamole in a bowl.
You felt your smile widen.
"Or perhaps some hurricane tortillas?" Heartman could tell that his references were being recognised.
You were beaming at this point. You couldn't believe what he had done for you. Now all the foods made a little more sense to you.
Heartman gestured at a plate of chicken strips.
"Fuck ya chicken strips!" You both shouted in unison. Heartman's new heart melted at how happy you were.
"Oh Heartman!" You pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much, this is the best present ever!"
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
"This is actually your present." He said taking a step towards the table and picking up the gift box from it. He handed it to you and waited.
You bit your bottom lip as you took the lid off. When your eyes fell upon the wrapped object you started to laugh knowing full well what was under the paper. You quickly ripped it open and put on your best child's voice.
"An avocado... thanks!" You giggled and placed the box back on the table.
"Actually," Heartman laughed. "This is your real present." He pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to you.
You took the second box and opened it still laughing from the avocado. Inside was a USB stick. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrow.
"It contains thousands of vines so you will never have to miss them again!" Heartman looked so proud of himself. "Happy birthday (f/n)."
You brushed your finger over the USB stick and felt tears come to your eyes. To anyone else they were just stupid videos but they held so many memories for you. They transported you back to before everything went to shit, made you relive moments with those you had lost a long time ago. No one had ever given you a gift that thoughtful before.
"Heartman... I... Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me... How much you mean to me..." You smiled blinking away your tears. "I love you so much."
"And I love you too (f/n)." Heartman rested his palm against your cheek and you nuzzled into it. "We could make a night out of this and play them on the big screen if you'd like? I've grown quite fond of them."
"I'd love to!"
You quickly ran to set it all up while Heartman shut out the day light and set the lighting to pink and blue.
The whole night was amazing. You both cuddled up and feasted on the vine related food while laughing like a pair of hyenas. You were over the moon that he seemed to enjoy vine humor just as much as you did. When it started getting late and you started yawning Heartman stood and switched the screen off.
"Come on, you look tired." He smiled warmly, hold out his hand to you.
You took his outstretched hand gratefully with another yawn. You went to start grabbing the plates but he stopped you quickly.
"Don't you worry about those love, I'll tidy this up. It is your birthday after all." Heartman smiled grabbing the plates from the table. He hummed to himself as he made his way to the kitchen area.
"This bitch is indeed empty. Yeet." Heartman chuckled loudly throwing the plates in the dishwasher.
You shook your head and laughed at the butchered attempt of a vine quote and wondered how you ever got so lucky. This truly was the best birthday you could have ever asked for. Vines, food and Heartman. What's not to love?
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
I'll admit it
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I'm a slut for the idea of dancing (clumsily) and singing along to Fleetwood Mac's 'Little Lies' and 'You Make Loving Fun' with Heartman. He's such a fucking cutie and you just know he'd be there to catch you if you tripped over your own feet.
Feel like I'm going to have to write that fic when I have some time! 👍🏻💙
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
Could it be that Heartman has brought back my writing motivation?! Currently working on my second fic for him and I'm shocked at myself in all honesty 😅💙
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