#heat and light and i are not friends but i love rain and cloudy days <3
guinevereslancelot · 1 year
[steps into direct sunlight and bursts into flames like a vampire]
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hearts4leeknow · 7 months
pushed away || lee minho (leeknow) x reader
Warning(s): no comfort (at least not in this part), hurtful words unrequited love uses of y/n (pls im sorry idk what leeknow is supposed to call reader) SWEARING!!!
Genre: angst
Summary: you two have been bffs since forever, you two know everything about each other. well not everything.
minho has yet to tell you about the fat crush he has on you, he’s scared it’ll ruin everything so he thinks pushing you away will solve this situation, but it only makes it worse. he ends up loosing his bff the one he loves in the process.
leeknow x reader
a/n: just got a random idea based on nothing!
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you and leeknow were inseparable, you two told each other everything… well maybe not everything.
what he didn’t tell you is that he liked you, like was an understatement, more like love you. of course he couldn’t tell you what if it ruined years of friendship, what if it makes it awkward what if he gets rejected. he hated rejection and he can’t bare loosing such a precious bond. his feelings for you only surfaced a few months ago, he realized he liked- no loved you when he had gotten extremely sick due to sweating and performing in the rain making him super weak and unable to walk properly due to dizziness. so you took care of him, everyday made him food and soup, tried to make his sick days less cloudy and more sunny, and it worked. you made his worst days still feel happy, that’s when he fell for you and oh boy he fell hard. how was he supposed to handle this, now he gets flustered every time you speak to him he can’t continue like this and he can’t just tell you what if-
“minho hyung” han snapped his fingers in front of minho’s face.
“hi” is all he responded with.
“you were zoning out think about…?” han questioned curious of what his hyung was thinking about.
“oh nothing just spacing out cause you’re to boring” he lied with one of his snarky remarks.
“rude!! i am not boring” han pouted while he flopped onto the couch. you walked in talking to felix.
“min!” you smiled seeing your best friend seated on the couch.
“hi y/n” he returned the smile. felix sat down next to han as those two talked you and leeknow had your own conversation flowing.
oh how leeknow was struggling to keep his composure, you looked so cute in the tight short sleeved shirt with baggy cargos. he felt his face heating up but he was good at hiding it.
“min? are you okay you’re spacing out” you looked concerned and confused. minho usually tells you what’s wrong immediately because he knows he can’t hide it from you, but today he just shook his head.
“min, are you sure you don’t wanna talk about it?” you asked feeling a little hurt that he didn’t want to tell you what was wrong, but you knew if it was something personal you couldn’t force it out.
“i’m just not ready to tell you yet” minho mumbled with a slight frown, he could tell you were upset by it.
“it’s okay take your time” you give him a light smile trying to make him feel at ease. little did you know this would be one of the last real convos you would have with him.
—— 🎀 ——
you 🌷: minnie we haven’t hung out in a while! movie night?
min 🐈: i cant im sorry
you 🌷: how come? we barely hangout anymore..
min 🐈: busy
you 🌷: minho cmon you’ve been saying you’re ‘busy’ for weeks now, what’s wrong?
min 🐈: nothing just want time for myself
you 🌷: ok…
you switched off your phone and flopped down onto your bed.
he’s been ‘busy’ for weeks and he’s saying he wants time to himself but he’s had 3 weeks for that
you thought, you knew there was no way he was just busy or wanted time to himself. wouldn’t he have told you what’s up so you don’t worry? does he not want anything to do with you anymore because he finds being friends with you is embarrassing? it hurt to think about it, now what if that’s what he wanted?
no, it can’t be.
that’s what you kept telling yourself but at the 3 week mark it wasn’t working anymore, you kept getting worried and you felt helpless. you’ve had enough and so you called him…
—— 🎀 ——
ring ring ring…
he picked up his phone seeing your photo as the banner with your name ‘y/n (my love💞)’ he read and he answered.
“minho!” you screeched
“what!” he mirrored the energy
“tell me what’s wrong please? i know it’s not just that your busy or need time to yourself, please!” you begged and pleaded for him to tell you, he wanted to tell you trust me he just didn’t know how.
“i can’t” he didn’t dare say more than that, your pleading voice broke him but what else was he supposed to do?
“minho, i feel like i’ve been pushed to the side by my best friend since childhood, we barley hangout together your always ‘busy’. you’re not telling me something, please?” your voice broke mid sentence, you were at your breaking point.
“no, i can’t always hangout with you! i have a busy idol life unlike you.” minho spewed out in an instant not realizing his words until after.
“what the fuck? minho, im busy too but i always make time for you.” you frown when you hear him lash out.
“whatever, your annoying and just a distraction to me anyways” minho scoffs.
“im-im annoying? ive been your best friend for who knows how long, i’ve always been there for you and now im annoying and just a distraction? wow, i thought you were different, minho. i’ve been trying to drop hints that i like you! but i guess all i am to you is a distraction.” you spill out all the emotions that were inside of me, you were hurt and felt betrayed. “i dont think i wanna talk to you after this.” you say my voice was quiet.
“wait-wait, y/-“ you hung up before minho could finish talking.
as soon as you hung up everything came crashing down on him.
you liked him?
he thought, you liked him back and he ruined everything with his attitude and harsh words. hes hurt the love of his life, how is he supposed to get you back after such words left his mouth? angry tears trickled down his face, this anger wasn’t directed to you though, it was directed to himself. hes messed up, and hes messed up bad.
a/n: i dont know why i decided to post this sosososoossoo late!! im so sorry i havent been active, i havent been feeling well lately. but i promise ill have more stuff up soon! 🤞🏻🤞🏻💞
a/n: @sona1800 IVE LEFT MY POOKS WAITING FOR TOO LONG, im so sorry bby you waited to long and it’s not even that good. i hope you still some what like it 💞💞 (lemme know if i should make a pt2 and if i should make it angst or fluffy 👀👀)
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reverend-dog · 3 months
Please Don't Litter
Lacy loved the forest. Not only for its verdant vibrance, whispered sounds, and head-clearing melange of smells, but for what it wasn’t. Specifically, the forest wasn’t home. The forest didn’t shout, argue, or berate. Never had the forest punished Lacy for what she wasn’t: strong, agile, tough, alert to the slightest changes in mood and temper so she wouldn’t make people get angry and force them to discipline her. Not like Simon, who could do no wrong.
The forest offered balm and refuge, and Lacy visited as often as possible. Even on days like this, when the rain fell hard enough to leak through the canopy of the tall trees and pound the trail. The clatter deafened, but sounded elysian compared to what drove Lacy out in such weather.
Lacy considered the forest a friend, with whom she could share any secret, and in turn knew intimately every trail and glade. The heap of smashed, melted metal and plastic in the shallow, blackened crater did not belong. Its presence revolted Lacy, like an inflamed boil on flawless skin, especially since a trash can just a few paces away offered a proper means of disposal. “Why?” Lacy wondered. “Trying to dispose of evidence?” She considered calling the sheriff, but knew they would respond one of two ways: do nothing, or turn the trail into a crime scene, tromping all over the place and making even more of a mess.
Even distorted by heat and force, most of the trash was recognizable: circuit boards, wires, plugs. A handful at a time, Lacy ferried it to the trash can. The last piece, which might have been the core of the device, proved more enigmatic: about the size and shape of a melon, its cloudy crystalline surface featured whorls and wrinkles that made Lacy think of a brain. “That makes no sense,” she scoffed, as she picked it up. “Computers don’t use real --”
At last!
Light and sound burst all around Lacy, and for a panicked moment she thought she’d been struck by lightning. But lightning hurt, at least Lacy assumed so. She felt electric, all right, but like a Christmas tree when it’s switched on, brilliant and alive in a way that promised wonderful things. It spread from her hands, where the crystal globe had just evaporated, and reached her scalp, every toe, and all places in between.
A need tore at Lacy, to laugh, sing, or just shout; some form of vocal release. The resulting sound she made combined all three, and would doubtless have terrified fellow hikers, had anybody else been adventurous or desperate enough to venture out in the downpour. It rivaled the thunder that rolled and crashed overhead.
Seconded! Oh, sweet union! After so long alone, I’m so happy to be you!
Lacy’s brain insisted the voice was a sound, but her ears argued that the only noise to pass through them was Lacy’s own. Lacy glanced around, then looked down at herself. “Who’s that?” she demanded, though her euphoria dampened not at all despite her confusion. “What do you mean, to be me?”
Right! Sorry, forgot! Twenty twenty-four, symbionts haven’t evolved yet. Sorry, I remember: consent first. The exuberant voice quieted, tense with anxiety. Do you want me to leave?
“What are you?” Lacy challenged aloud. “You’re… inside me?”
Not so much inside as in within. I’m diffused equally throughout your body. I can leave if you want me to, the synergy hasn’t set yet. As for what, I’m an etherian. We evolved a few millennia after humans went interstellar.
Um, the voice hesitated, I should say we will evolve after humans go interstellar. That’s to say, your future. It seemed to anticipate Lacy’s next question; perhaps it could. I was part of a hyperspace mapping expedition, we took a wrong turn. I don’t know what happened to everybody else, but when I woke up, I was trapped inside a satellite.
“A satellite?” Skepticism welled up in Lacy, but then she looked down at the crater, then up at the gap in the treetops. “How did that happen?”
Before I answer that, we have to settle this. Am I staying or not?
Lacy blinked. “I… don’t know. What happens if you do?”
Once the synergy sets, we’re linked forever. Everything we each know, we both know. And, well, I don’t want to tease, but it is a symbiosis. We both benefit, in some pretty fantastic ways.
“The way I felt when you – when we first joined,” Lacy mused. “Is that one of the benefits?”
It is, the voice confirmed. But –
Lacy thought of home. The yelling. The hitting. The fear. Then she thought of anywhere, everywhere else, all the beauty and hideousness that waited.
Oh, the voice interrupted itself as it shared Lacy’s thoughts. Oh.
Let’s go somewhere, Lacy suggested without speaking. She spread her arms, threw her head back, and danced in a circle about the sodden trail as the etherian, her new best friend, dug in and made itself at home.
Let’s! The voice cheered with an explorer’s jubilance.
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godiswithuss · 10 days
eternal sunshine
everytime she’s put out new music it’s only been in a very monumental time of my life and has impacted me a lot
2020 we were going through a breakup and you were with someone else and there was a pandemic and i was really lost, i wasn’t in school i wasn’t doing anything. my entire life revolved around you and my mistakes. it’s also crazy how i have pandemic nostalgia because that shit was horrible but nostalgia blinds all. i miss 2020 sometimes, or maybe i miss being 18 and not knowing what was next. still having naivety of what’s to come and still having that feeling of mystery.
2019 we were together but i was suffering because of what happened october 26, 2018. i was very unhappy but in love. a very paradoxical feeling. again, i look back at it with nostalgia but maybe it is that feeling of being young and in love that i look back at fondly. being in high school and my biggest worry was what was i gonna do for valentine’s day. you were my TA in APUSH and we sat in front a bunch of “characters” to say the least. the album came out in february with summer coming up. i love summer and was excited. no matter how bad life is, the heat always makes it feel better. i know i was suffering during that time and the summer, yet i would still love to relive one day during that time. i remember when the album came out it was raining as well… just like during dear melancholy. it was so soon since sweetener yet my life was completely different from when i listened to that album. i just remember makayla blank singing bad idea for some reason. 2019…. what a almost foggy and warped year. yet some beautiful times. even covered in clouds you know the sun is still behind there somewhere and that it’ll come out again. and sometime you are lucky enough where it shines through the cloudiness, and those are the times where it feels beautiful
when sweetener came out i was just excited to be driving. i was 16 and my biggest concern was trying to convince my parents to allow me to drive to school in a black cadillac. i had orange hair because i wanted to look like neymar in the 2018 world cup and live a blonded life yet the old hag that died my hair never told me about purple shampoo (the bitch.) i just came back from new york and was still riding that high. i was dreading the ending days of the greatest summer of my life not knowing that the most impactful and life changing autumn was on the horizon. i was trying to enjoy the last weeks of summer and remember listening to sweetener in the kitchen of my house on a saturday. i visibly remember hearing some of my favorite songs of all time for the first time and reading twitter seeing people hate sweetener, saying that it sounds like it was produced on garageband. the twitter girlies have never heard a pharell song in their lives and now he’s one of the most popular artist again thanks to tiktok. i remember hearing borderline for the first time. it was the perfect album to end that summer and it encapsulated everything that it was. i will never listen to sweetener and not remember having orange hair, in my black cadillac, with a beautiful grey eyed girl listening and singing how it feels so good to be so young and have fun and be successful. God is a woman was a hit that had my christian family never upset. i remember listening to the light is coming in the summer and having no tears left to cry drop during march/april of 2018 changed my life. nothing will top being a sophomore in a junior class and having no one to talk to so your best friends are your apple headphones. the entire era of ariana during that time completely changed me. forever. being 15 and 16. falling in love for the first time and being enamored by this beautiful cree girl with the most enchanting eyes that God has ever created. she was beautiful and i was taken away that something so beautiful could see me as beautiful as well. it felt undeserving, and almost like a trick. but it was real. very real. and i will forever be grateful. music will forever be the greatest man made time capsule. to the orange haired emmanuel, we back. and to the future emmanuel, i hope you make memories with eternal sunshine as well as many other music and follow your heart. no matter what inspiration you have, the coolest person will always be you. long live sweetener. love
- March 8, 2024
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laurenbonvini · 1 year
Embracing the Elements- Outdoor Photography in All Weather
When it comes to capturing the essence of outdoor moments, Lauren Bonvini is the name that springs to mind. With a passion for photography ignited by her furry companion back in 2015, Lauren has evolved into a professional dog competition photographer, etching tales of athleticism and camaraderie through her lens. Her journey from capturing candid moments at home to thriving in the heart of rugged outdoor events is a testament to her dedication and love for her craft.
Lauren Bonvini
Bonvini is a photographer who committed to cameras in 2015 after adopting her first dog, knowing she wanted to capture their lives together in as much detail as possible, whether they were at home, hiking, or road-tripping across the West," says Lauren, the artist behind the lens. Her story epitomizes the transformative power of photography, where a simple desire to document life's moments can evolve into a thriving career.
Lauren Bonvini Dog
In 2020, Lauren's photographic expertise blossomed as she began crafting captivating portraits and event shoots for friends and acquaintances. The world of photography opened its arms wider in 2021 when she ventured into dog sports photography. With her keen eye for action shots and a deep understanding of canine athleticism, she quickly gained recognition among the dog sports community.
However, it wasn't until 2022 that the idea of PenPals took shape. Inspired by her herding and photography-loving friends scattered across the country, Bonvini decided to embark on this journey, combining her love for dogs, sports, and photography into a harmonious whole. PenPals emerged as a platform where her passion for capturing genuine moments in outdoor settings came to life.
"I love making the experience easy and fun for everyone involved," Lauren emphasizes. Her approach to photography is rooted in creating a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere, whether she's photographing a canine athlete in action or capturing the intimate moments of an engagement or maternity shoot. In an era where forced poses and artificial smiles are all too common, Lauren's candid and natural style stands out as a refreshing departure.
One of the most significant challenges outdoor photographers face is dealing with varying weather conditions. Mother Nature, with her unpredictable temperament, can throw quite the curveball. Rain, wind, snow, or blistering heat – they're all part of the package when you're dedicated to outdoor photography. But Lauren has a few tips up her sleeve on how to embrace these elements and still capture stunning images.
The Boy Scouts' motto holds for outdoor photographers as well. Always be prepared for the weather you might encounter during a shoot. Carry waterproof gear, lens hoods, and lens cleaning supplies for rainy days. On sunny days, pack sunscreen and hats to protect yourself from harsh sunlight.
Rather than viewing bad weather as a hindrance, embrace it as an opportunity. Rain can create beautiful reflections, while snow can add a magical touch to your photos. Experiment with different weather conditions to add unique elements to your shots.
Outdoor photography is all about harnessing the power of natural light. Different weather conditions can provide distinct lighting opportunities. Cloudy days offer soft, even lighting, while golden hours during sunrise and sunset can create dramatic effects. Adapt your shooting style to the available light.
Invest in weather-sealed camera bodies and lenses. Additionally, use lens filters to protect your front element from rain, snow, and dust. Always keep your gear clean and dry to ensure it functions properly in adverse conditions.
As a photographer, you are an integral part of the outdoor scene. Dress appropriately for the weather to stay comfortable and focused. Layering is key, as it allows you to adapt to changing conditions throughout the day.
Keep an eye on weather forecasts and plan your outdoor shoots accordingly. Sometimes, a little patience can go a long way. Waiting for a break in the weather can result in incredible shots that would have been missed otherwise.
Working with a professional dog competition photographer like Lauren Bonvini can elevate your experience and the quality of your photos to a whole new level. Here are some benefits of entrusting your special moments to a professional.
Professional photographers have honed their craft through years of experience. They understand the intricacies of lighting, composition, and timing to capture the perfect shot. Lauren's journey from a dog owner to an accomplished photographer showcases this progression.
Professionals invest in high-quality cameras, lenses, and accessories to ensure the best results. Lauren's commitment to her craft is evident in her choice of gear, which enables her to capture action shots with precision.
Professional photographers like Lauren bring a unique creative vision to their work. They can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary images, adding depth and emotion to each frame.
Working with a professional photographer is a collaborative process. They take the time to understand your vision and preferences, ensuring that your photos reflect your personality and style.
Professionals are reliable and committed to delivering on their promises. You can trust them to capture your special moments without worrying about technical glitches or missed opportunities.
Whether you're looking to capture the grace and athleticism of your canine companion in a sporting event or create timeless memories during an engagement or maternity shoot, Lauren Bonvini's portfolio showcases her versatility and passion for outdoor photography. Her ability to capture candid, natural moments regardless of the weather sets her apart in the realm of professional photography.
Outdoor photography, like life itself, is full of unpredictability. Yet, it is precisely this unpredictability that adds depth and character to each photograph. Lauren Bonvini's journey from a dog owner to a professional photographer is a testament to the power of passion and dedication.
So, the next time you find yourself amidst the elements, remember Lauren's tips and embrace the challenge. You might just capture a moment that tells a story as beautiful as the great outdoors itself.
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devoidwrites · 3 years
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Summary: Choi Yeonjun was a naturally flirty person, or so you thought. As it turns out you were just to dense to realize he had been flirting with you for the past six months.
Words: 2.6K
Genre: straight fluff
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
Warnings: none.
“Truly, madly, deeply, I am foolishly, completely falling.”
You always loved winter, especially when it snows. The way the white snow falls to the ground so gracefully makes you feel as if your living in a hallmark movie. The only downside was you couldn’t feel your hands or your nose, but it was the price you were willing to pay.
“You look like rudolph.”
You looked over at Yeonjun, rolling you eyes at the small grin on his lips. He loved to tease you. He was a flirt, but you enjoyed his presence.
“It’s cold!” You exclaimed, nudging him slightly. “And I forgot my scarf at home.”
The two of you were heading over to a friends house for a small get together. Soobin had just bought his first house, so of course he invited all of you over for a movie night and some drinks.
Yeonjun lived close by you. He offered to walk with you to your shared friends house to keep you company. You couldn’t refuse. Walking somewhere was always better when you had a friend to talk to.
“Do you want mine?” He asked, already moving the dark brown scarf from around his neck.
You shook you head. “No thanks. I’ll be fine. We’re not too far away anyway.”
“Come on, you could get sick.”
“And so could you.”
Yeonjun pursed his lips, but his eyes lit up as the two of you walked passed a clothing store. He told you to stay put for a second while he ran inside to grab something. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, but did as asked.
Placing your hands in your pockets, you let the small heating packs in each pocket heat your hands up as best as they could. You looked up at the snow, watching with a smile as it fell all around you.
Yeonjun returned a couple of minutes later, a light gray scarf in his hands. He walked up to you, placing it over your shoulders. He made sure to bundle it up around you to keep you warm.
Before you could say anything, he gave you a smile. “There. Now we’re both warm and safe from getting sick.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
He pulled the scarf tighter around you, making sure your nose was covered so it would warm you up. “I know, but I didn’t want you to be cold.”
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to the only bit of skin you had showing. His lips were warm against your cheek, and you wished he hadn’t pulled away so quickly.
He was like this all the time. You didn’t question it. You just thought he was a natural flirty person, and besides, it’s not like you didn’t like it. Your heart fluttered every time he done something like that, and you couldn’t help but yearn for more.
Yeonjun’s pulled away when his phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered. “Hello?”
You couldn’t really hear the other person on the end, just this side of the conversation. “Yeah… We’ll be there soon… Dude we’re almost at your place… Not our fault you decided to move on the other side of town… See you in a minute.”
By the sounds of it, it was Soobin wondering where the two of you were. Yeonjun hung the phone us and turned back to you.
“Soobin. Everyone’s already there and waiting for us.”
“We bette get going before they drink everything.” You said jokingly. You grabbed Yeonjuns arm to pull him along down the sidewalk once more. You tried to ignore the way your heart picked up at the close proximity. Maybe movie nights would help distract you from these feeling for a bit.
It wouldn’t.
“Hurry up!”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your throat as Yeonjun pulled you towards his house. It was the day after Soobin’s get together, and the two of you were heading home. Unfortunately, as soon as you rounded the corner to head toward home it started storming. There was no more beautiful snow like yesterday, only cloudy skies and rain.
He didn’t hesitate to take off towards his house, pulling you along with him. His place was closer, and he didn’t want you walking in the rain.
Once the two of you were inside, he helped you take off your coat before removing his own. He placed them both on the coat rack as you discarded your hat and scarf.
You crossed your arms, trying to warm yourself up, but it wasn’t helping that much. Your pants were wet and it was keeping you cold. Yeonjun took note of the way you were shivering.
“You want some clothes?”
You snapped your head in his direction. You had never borrowed a guys clothes before. Sure you had borrowed Beomgyus and Kais hoodies before, but that was it. It was just a hoodie. Borrowing a full set of clothes felt a little intimate to you, but Yeonjun didn’t seem to falter at the idea of sharing his clothes with you.
You shook the thoughts out of your head. You’d have to think about it when you got warm. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”
He shot you a smile before walking towards his room. You had been over to his place a couple of times, but never alone. It felt somewhat awkward being here without Yuqi or Taehyun.
He came back with a shirt and a pair of sweatpants in his hands. “They might be a little big, but they should work until your clothes get dry.”
“Thank you.” He nodded as you walked passed him and towards the bathroom. As soon as the door shut you quickly stripped yourself of your clothes. The heat touched your cold body, making you let out a comet sigh.
The sweatpants weren’t that big. You had to roll the band up to get them to stay in place on your hips. The shirt was bigger than you expected. It must’ve been one of his oversized shirts, because it slid past your hips and to mid thigh.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked a mess. Damp hair and rosy red cheeks. You tried to comb through your hair with your fingers to try and make it somewhat presentable, but you gave up halfway through.
You walked back out of the bathroom to find Yeonjun sitting on the couch. He had already changed clothes and was flipping through channels on the tv. Upon hearing the door open he looked up, and he swore at the sight of you his heart almost stopped.
He thought you looked beautiful in anything you wore, but there was something about seeing you in his clothes that made his heart race.
Ha patted the seat beside him, and you happily sat down. "What were you gonna watch?"
"I don't know. You wanna watch a movie? It'll give your clothes enough time to dry."
You shrugged your shoulders. "Sure, why not."
He took the clothes out of your hands and replaced them with the remote. You flipped through the movies, deciding to pick a random movie that looked somewhat good. You didn't press play until Yeonjun was seated next to you again.
At first you had your full attention on the movie, but your mind began to wonder when the main character began to confess his love for his female friend.
Your eyes traveled to the boy next to you and you couldn't help but wonder if he ever felt the same way about you.
When the now couple began to kiss, you cleared your throat. "Thanks for not making me walk home in the rain."
"Why would I do that?" He asked, turning his attention to you instead of the movie. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, almost as if he was insulted you'd even think he'd do something like that.
"You'd be surprised at what some guys would do." You told him with a soft chuckle. "One of my exes and I had a fight, and he sent me home in the pouring rain."
Yeonjun's eyes darkened slightly, and he turned his eyes to his lap. "Some guys are assholes."
"But not you." You reached over to grab his hand, making him eye you once more.
"I'd never do that to you."
You leaned your head on his shoulder, your eyes traveling back to the tv to try and finish the movie. "I know you wouldn't."
Your eyes began to get heavy, and it wasn't until you started to feel the heat from him did you realize just how exhausted you were. Staying up all night and waking up early takes a toll on someone.
When the movie ended, Yeonjun glanced over at you, only to find you sound asleep on his shoulder. He smiled at your peaceful face.
"Y/N?" He whispered softly, gently nudging you to get your attention. "It's already late, do you just want to sleep over?"
You nodded as an answer. He wrapped one of his arms around your back and the other under your knees. He stood up with ease, carrying you to his bedroom. He mentally thanked himself for cleaning up earlier that week. He didn't need you to see his room in it's normal mess.
He placed you on the bed and pulled the blankets over you. When he turned to leave, you reached a hand out to grab his. "Stay."
"What?" He asked. He wanted to make sure he heard you correctly.
"I don't want to run you out of your bed. Besides, It's cold and you're warm."
He nervously glanced around the room. "Are you sure?"
You nodded once again. Opening one eye to look at him, you gave him a smile for reassurance. "Yep."
You scooted over and patted the spot next to you. Yeonjun let out a small breath before getting in bed beside you. He pulled the blankets back over the two of you.
As the two of you slowly fell asleep, neither of you could control the way your hearts raced at the close proximity.
The next morning, Yeonjun woke up first. The sunlight peeping through his blinds hit his eye, and he groaned at the contact. His annoyance quickly went away when he felt you stir from beside him. With a quick glance he found you were a lot closer than when he went to sleep last night. Instead of on the opposite side of the bed, you were snuggling into his chest.
His heart began to race, and he only hoped you couldn’t hear it beating inside his chest. Instead of waking you up, and probably embarrassing you, he slid out of the bed easily so he wouldn’t disturb you.
Yeonjun moved to the kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast for the two of you. He wasn't the best cook, but he knew the basics and could cook simple meals.
The smell of the food woke you up, and you were out of the bed and in the kitchen within minutes. Yeonjuns eyes met yours, and he couldn’t contain the smile upon seeing your morning face.
Your hair was tousled, and the clothes he gave you were somewhat twisted around, indicating you moved around in your sleep a good bit. In short terms; he though you looked absolutely adorable.
“Good morning.” He greeted you, settling the two plates on the small table in the small dining area. “I made breakfast.”
“Good Morning.” You returned the smile. "It smells good."
"I hope it tastes as good as it smells." Yeonjun said truthfully. He pulled your chair out before moving to his own seat across from you.
Looking down at the dish, you chuckled at the simplicity of it. It was nothing more than pancakes and eggs, but that was your favorite. Whether he realized that, you had no idea.
Luckily for Yeonjun, the breakfast did taste as good as it smelled. The apartment fell quiet as the two of you ate your breakfast in peace.
It wasn't long before you found yourself walking outside once more, this time one the way to your house. Yeonjun walked beside you. He offered to walk you home, even though you told him there was no need. He had done enough for you already, but he persisted.
The two of you walked along the sidewalk, coming up to a small park. A couple of children could be heard laughing as they ran around playing tag.
"Thanks again, for letting me stay over last night." You spoke up for the first time since leaving his apartment.
Yeonjun looked over at you, the beautiful smile still gracing his lips. "Of course. My door's always open for you."
He always knew what to say to make your heart flutter. You turned away to try and hide the blush on his cheeks. "Thanks, but why?"
He shrugged, confusing you. You half expected him to have a flirty comeback, but he continued to walk, keeping his hands in his pockets. "I care about you. Probably more than I should."
The last part was more of a whisper, but you still caught it. You stopped walking, grabbing his arm to keep him beside you.
His eyes widened, almost as if he wasn't supposed to say that out loud. He sighed, knowing you had heard him. This was not how he pictured confessing to you, but it was now or never. "Y/n, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you."
His hand reached out to caress the side of your face. You could only stare up at him in shock as he looked at you with such adoring eyes. "Truly, madly, and deeply in love with you."
His thumb brushed your cheek as he waited for you to say something- anything. His heart was already racing, but your silence was making it worse. "Y/n-"
"I'm just trying to process this." You told him quickly. You pointed at him. "You, love me?"
It was kind of hard to believe truly. A guy as sweet and flirty like Yeonjun was in love with you? He could have anyone he wanted.
"I absolutely do."
"Since when?"
He furrowed his eyebrows, somewhat amused at your rapid fire questions. "Couple months now."
You gasped, reaching over to smack him softly on the arm. "Why didn't you say anything?"
He had been in love with you for months and he didn’t say anything? So all of those times girls were flirting with him you were on his mind? The idea alone made your heart race.
He grabbed the arm you hit, laughing. "I didn't know if you felt the same way."
"I've let you endlessly flirt with me since we've met!" You exclaimed, looking at his with wide eyes. You were somewhat shocked he didn't already know.
"Well, why didn't you say anything?" He asked you, making you fall silent. You didn't want to admit it, because out loud it would sound stupid and you'd be embarrassed.
"Well..." You trailed off. He looked at you expectingly, making you sigh in defeat. "Okay fine. Girls are always flirting with you, and you always flirt back. How was I supposed to tell you that I loved you if you were flirting with other girls?"
"Say it again."
You finally turned to face him as he cupped your face once more. "Say it again."
Your eyes met his, and you knew what he was talking about. He wanted you to confess to him again. He wanted to hear it once more.
"I love you, Yeonjun."
His lips met yours in an instant, your confession being the confirmation he needed to finally place his lips on yours. The kiss was short, but it was filled with everything the two of you wanted to say for months, but never could.
He pulled away when he realized the two of you were in a public place- a park no less. He trailed his hand from your and down your arm, straight to your hand. Your fingers laced with his as he spoke.
"I love you too, Y/n."
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hansensgirl · 3 years
put me in a movie.
summary. | He knows you can’t make it on your own, so he’ll put you in his movie.
warnings. | Dubcon (reader doesn’t know what he’s doing but consents to it), smut, drinking, age gap (reader is legal), virginity loss, choking, spanking, dirty talk, degradation, corruption kink, innocence kink, cream pie kink, penetration, teasing, praise, filming, voyeurism, porn (the industry), fluff, yearning, Daddy kink, humiliation, overstimulation, dumbification kink, and more. SMUT, 18+ MINORS DNI.
word count. | 6.5k.
pairing. | Grey!Pornstar!Helmut Zemo x Innocent!Reader.
a/n. | please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog! if you take ANY inspiration from my fics (and i’ll know, trust me) and you don’t give credit, you will be blocked and i’ll let others know. inspired by wet, written by the talented @thewritingdoll! do not translate or repost my fics at all.
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You don’t like the heat, but you love the summer. The way the days are seldom cold and cloudy, with that occasional breeze that your skin gracefully soaks up in the same way your beach towel soaks up the water on your bathing suit. Popsicles of different flavours dripping down your skin and onto the hot sidewalk. The sticky residue makes you cringe, and you’d use the damp side of your towel to wipe it away. It would work for a few seconds, maybe even a minute or two, before the feeling returns.
You hate the heat, but you love to see him. Those swim trunks of his sticking to his wet skin. They’re a blue colour that seems easy to describe at first glance, but you’ll soon realize just how many shades of navy blue there are, and suddenly you don't even know what colour they are. Maybe it’s the colour of the jeans the cameramen wear, or perhaps it’s the colour of the night sky at around six in the evening during the summertime.
They lug heavy equipment, and you just wonder if they’re filming a movie. If your friends and family members got word, they’d probably lose their minds before begging you to get them a part. Vying for fame runs through the family tree branches, and even you would want a small part in it as well. You give them empty promises, forgetting their words after a few minutes until the following text message or phone call.
You don’t spend much time at the beach anymore. Heck, you haven’t been there since June. Your friends have left with their boyfriends and girlfriends on a trip to Bali, and all you have are your family members to keep you company. Your white fence, magazine and lawn chair are all you know of now. You spend your days outdoors, knowing each one will be filled with the same things. The sunlight, bees buzzing, and seagulls having unwarranted ferociousness.
Your parents spend their days at work, and you stay home to hold your small fort down. You don’t water the grass or touch the garden because your father does it better than anyone. You don’t touch the paint meant for the walls or the furniture boxes that are strewn across the floors because your mother knows where to put them and how to paint. You just relax, and you don’t mind it at all.
That was until you saw him.
Curiosity is your closest friend other than the blue raspberry flavoured popsicles that take up more space in your freezer than anything else. So when the empty house next door suddenly filled up with around half a dozen people, you just couldn’t help but wonder what they were doing. So you peer over the fence, standing on the small two-step ladder that your dad stole from his previous job. Women and a few men are laughing, dressed down in both swimsuits and t-shirts. Their bodies are lovely, the pinnacle of beauty that you sometimes envy. Other times, you’d feel as though you’re the prettiest girl in the world, and that’s not far from the truth. They’ve got different brands of alcohol in their hands, White Claw cans littered on the ground, and you cringe at the mess.
They must be mentally younger than you’ll ever be again because no person older than you can act like this. Heavy, black cameras are resting nearby briefcases, and you hope to god that nothing illegal is going on. The last thing you need is the police questioning you at 1 in the morning. Some of the men ogle at the younger ladies, and they bask in the attention. You watch as their eyes rake up and down their shiny, sweaty bodies.
“Oh, please, the least you all can do is wait for me before you start the party,” a man snickers, stepping out of the house. You look over to him, and your breath is taken away. Water drips down his face, cascading down to his neck and onto his slightly hairy chest—a navy bluish-purple robe and those blue swim shorts that peek through underneath the cloth. The colour of the fabric goes oh so well with the blue of his eyes. They all laugh until they’re sighing and already cracking open another bottle of beer.
You admire him from afar, and you can’t help but be mesmerized by the way he moves: such grace, such elusiveness. The glass in his hand isn’t cheap beer or tequila; it’s whiskey that looks rich as fuck, and he swigs it back like it’s water. You remember the first time your father and mother brought whiskey home from the local liquor store. Your father didn’t enjoy it, and neither did your mother. It sat in a random cupboard until a year ago when your mother decided to throw it out.
He lets out an exhale as the amber liquid flows down his throat, and you watch in awe as he handles the burn like a champion. God, you can’t even handle beer if you try hard enough. He gently places the glass onto the table, far away from the men’s feet, as he knows that they can be quite clumsy. There must be a proper name for all feelings; you believe. Like that feeling when it dawns on you that you’ll never experience something like this ever again.
Or maybe the feeling that Helmut has right now. Not the excitement of finishing this film, and not the tiredness that is a result of working too hard. No, the feeling that he knows you’re watching him from over the fence. He sans his hand towards you, and you quickly duck down, letting out a whimper. You nearly fall from the small ladder, but it wouldn’t be so graceful if it did happen. “What’s wrong, Baron?” one of his co-stars teasingly asks.
“Nothing... Must’ve been the whiskey…”
You don’t hate the summer; you just don’t like the boredom. Even relaxation is something you can tire of, believe it or not. You’ve got nothing to do. Your friends are still out of town, and your parents are at work. You’ve cleaned the house not once, not twice, but three times. Your closet is as clean as it’ll ever be, and the pantry is now organized by most used to least used. The plants have been properly watered, even though it wasn’t necessary since the forecast said there’d be light rain.
You love the rain, especially during the summertime. The sky makes the surrounding world have an almost orange tone to it. The after smell––an earthy, oceanic scent that is so unique––is something you’ll forever look forward to. You’re excited for the day it’ll rain, but even meteorologists tend to be wrong, and Mother Nature has a thing for keeping her children on their toes. It’s one of the many reasons why you love her. So with your little red dress on, you spin around in the backyard.
You’re sensible. You know what creepy crawlers lie underneath the dirt, between the fluffy grass. So instead of being barefoot (just like in those Sofia Loren movies) and playing around, you grab that little latter once again. You’ve scrubbed the grooves and cleaned them of their plant stains––sloppily, of course. Your oversized slippers belong to your dad, and they struggle to stay on your feet, but it doesn’t matter.
You’re not going to be moving around much, anyway. You move the latter closer to where you last saw the group of men and women. You truly hope you don’t get caught and get into any trouble; the last thing you want is your parents scolding you and embarrassing you. You step up on the ladder carefully, grasping onto the wooden fence for support. The surface is hot to the touch, and you really want to let go, but you really shouldn’t. You whisper affirmations along the lines of ‘I won’t fall…’ over and over again, under your breath.
And you hope to God they work.
Admittedly, you also hope he’s wearing those blue swim shorts of his again. The look (and he) resides in your heart, amongst other tubes and canals that have learned to make room for friends, family and passions. But he’s not a friend, he’s not family, and he’s most certainly not a passion. ...He’s something else, that’s for sure. An enigma, really. He reminds you of that feeling––the one that has a name, temptation. Someone tells you not to do something you weren’t going to do in the first place, and now you want to do it.
Except the case is different. You shouldn’t be perving on strangers like this––sneaking up on them, spying on them––all because you just can’t help it. Your mind tells you to stop, but it’s just giving you all the more reason to continue doing it. So, until you nearly get caught one more time, you’ll continue to watch him. Desperate to figure out who he is and what he’s doing.
The cameras are no longer on the ground; a smart decision, given that there’s a pool that takes up more space than anything. The blue water of pools has always fooled you. You grew up believing that it was the true colour of water, not even knowing that it was, in fact, the tiles and not the water. There’s no mess there either, clean and tidy. Maybe professionally done, because the concrete has but not one dark spot or crease where grass grows out of it.
Laid perfectly, you know your mother and father would admire it for a few minutes. You squint your eyes and gaze at the glass sliding door. Inside is him. You let out one of those dreamy, love-filled sighs that only main characters do in romance movies. You watch him as he pours himself a cup of coffee, two spoonfuls of sugar, and a dash of what seems to be almond milk.
You wonder if he likes iced coffees, as they can be so nice during the summertime. He wears those lovely blue swim shorts once again, hair slightly damp (with a pretty curliness to a few strands) and a navy bathrobe. It’s that same outfit as the other time you saw him, and you realize that they’re probably filming a movie. He moves around the counter, putting away certain little ingredients and whatnot.
The most mundane actions ever, ones that even you did just this morning. But god, he just makes it all seem so unique. He cards his fingers through his brown, almost dirty blond hair. There are clumps of strands that stick together, wetness that’ll dry probably as soon as he steps outside. He faces the window, staring out towards the fence that has been freshly painted, and sighs.
His head lulls back, and his neck is exposed. He’s probably both an actor and a model, you think to yourself. His chest hair has grown a bit more, and you can’t find yourself complaining. Tingles run through your body and even down to your pussy. You rub your thighs together, trying to make the feeling go away, while still being careful about holding onto the fence. You hope that he doesn’t know you’re watching him because you’ll never be able to live that down.
And it’s just so unfortunate that Helmut is such a clever man. Heightened senses from when he used to camp a lot when he was younger; he just knows practically everything. He knows you’re watching him, squinting your eyes until they’re nearly shut close. The skin around them wrinkles in the most adorable way, just like the way your nose scrunches up out of instinct. God, he could kiss every crevice of your body, even if you don’t know who he is.
“Hey, Helmut, we have a few re-shoots to do. Do you want to start now?” one of the cameramen asks him, holding a microphone in his hand. “No… I’m tired; we’ll do it all tomorrow,” Helmut says, waving his hand. He’s no longer looking outside and instead at the man who he’s addressing. He nods and walks off before Helmut follows him. Common courtesy is to always escort your guests out, and Helmut was raised with manners. With a hand on the man’s lower back, and a smile on his face, Helmut gently pushes him out the door and locks it.
You watch him as he disappears, seemingly leading someone out of his home, and you think all is fine. That is until that little voice in your mind decides to be obnoxious. The slight possibility that you’ve been caught and he’s mad haunts you, and your breath hitches. Your eyeballs are wide open, as big as the eyes of an owl, and your hands shake a bit out of fear. They dampen up a bit, not enough to the point where you’d be disgusted, but they’re clammy nonetheless.
You make a move to jump off the latter, not caring about the possible risk of falling and scraping your pretty legs. Your hands begin to let go of the fence, but they’re stopped by someone grabbing you by your wrists. You let out a squeal of shock as they hold you tightly from over the barrier, and you’re screwed. “I’m sorry!” you quickly yell, squinting your eyes out of fear. You’re not sure what to expect, whether he would yell at you or threaten to call the cops.
“No, it’s okay. Calm down, I’m not mad. Come back,” Helmut tells you, and you calm down. Yet you’re still nervous, scared that he’s a liar and that you’ll be in deep shit with the law. You step back onto the latter and are wary of looking over the wood. His eyes meet yours, and you swallow thickly. “I’m not mad, okay? I think it’s kind of cute. You’re like a curious little bunny,” he smiles, and you giggle.
“Never been called that before, usually just a curious cat,” you share with him, and he laughs. “Well, that’s not wrong,” he adds. A brief silence intrudes, and you just stare at one another. Helmut’s eyes jump from feature to feature on your face, relishing in that unique gorgeousness of yours. Someone like you will never be found amongst models because you’re an absolute angel. You’re like a pretty rose amongst other flowers; all are beautiful in their own ways, but you always manage to stand out.
You wonder if Helmut is the wolf to your bunny. That dark look in his eyes that compliments his features and overall attitude. He carries himself in such a way that old Hollywood actors wish they were so graceful. He’s the polar opposite of you––seemingly. But from the few words you’ve exchanged with each other, he just might be a bunny friend to yours. “I- I saw that there were cameras and I heard people talking… Are you filming a movie?” you ask him.
“...Yes, we are, bunny. I apologize for being so loud. Do you forgive me?” Helmut questions with a smile on his face. You nod your head and bite on your bottom lip, watching as his eyes brighten up a bit. “What’s it about? Can I know? Are you the main protagonist? Or the antagonist? What genre is it?” you interrogate, flooding him with questions. “Shh, one at a time, bunny. It’s very, very special and secretive. I can’t tell you much. But I’m the main protagonist, and it’s a bit of a naughty movie, so I don’t think a little girl like you should know much,” he whispers to you.
You nod your head as you listen to him, so intrigued about the work of art being filmed next door. “I’ve always wanted to be in a movie! Especially in one of those old Hollywood ones, they’re so good,” you admit to him shyly, with a coy smirk on your face. “Really? I think you’d be an amazing actress. You’d be even more popular than Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe,” Helmut praises, and you giggle once again.
“T- Thank you so much! ...Can I be in your movie?” you politely request him, but he shakes his head. You frown, your bottom lip jutted out. “You wouldn’t want to be in this movie, bunny. Remember what I said? It’s a naughty movie, and you’re just a little girl,” he reminds you, but you’re still pouting. “Is it a violent movie? One with curse words and lots of scary stuff?” you innocently ask, not sure as to what he means.
Helmut laughs quite loudly. “No,” he stifles a chuckle, “but one day I’ll shoot a movie with you, and I’ll show you how it’s all done.” He promises, and you can just tell he’s honest. You’re elated, hoping that the day he’s talking about will come soon. “What is your name, bunny?” Helmut asks, and you tell him. He nods before repeating it, giving you a smile. He brings both of your hands close to his face. You go on the tip of your toes to properly watch him once more. He presses his lips to the back of your hands, kisses them one by one.
“Go get some rest, bunny, and come by my place tomorrow,” he tells you before letting go of your wrists. He walks off before you do anything else. Sliding the glass door behind him, he disappears somewhere, and you’re left all by yourself. You’re still standing there, sighing dreamily as you replay the moments that will surely turn into a broken record. You hope that he’ll wear those blue swim shorts again, even though he’s already worn them twice.
There’s a skip in your step—nothing new and nothing unusual. Your shoes scratch against the concrete of the sidewalk that connects to Helmut’s front door. The sun only rose an hour and a half ago. The sky is a bright blue, filled with a few clouds that compliment the colour. The sun beats down onto your skin, and you haven’t forgotten to put on sunscreen once you finish twirling around in your little sundress.
You’ve got a miniature backpack that is slung over both of your shoulders. It’s orange, a bright one, in fact. It reminds you of the tangerines you love to peel, and those creamsicle treats that can be quite rare to find at this time of the year. You climb up the two steps that lead to his grey door, and you rap the wood a few times. There’s a doorbell too, one of those high-tech ones that record everything in its view.
Nothing but silence echoes back. No cars driving by, no birds chirping, no insects buzzing. Nothing. You wonder if he’s woken up yet, or if he’s even home. But as the door suddenly swings open––without a squeak, mind you––you’re met with the smiling face that belongs to Helmut. “Good morning, early-bird, is everything alright?” he questions, not one ounce of sleep tainting his look.
“Good morning! Everything is alright… D- Do you remember what you told me yesterday? About coming by?” you ask him, almost thinking to yourself that you’re just insane and that conversation never really happened. “Oh, right! Sorry, I've been a bit forgetful lately. But come in, have you eaten already?” Helmut asks as he moves to the side for you to enter.
Hesitatingly, you step inside his home. You kick off your shoes and look around. It seems sleek and modern at first, quite… different from the familiar feel of your house. Now, there are no wild polygons or geometric shapes that make you feel like you’ve been placed on a spaceship. No, it’s something that even your mind can’t come up with. The walls are a cream colour, engraved with different patterns that make it resemble marble. The chairs and couches have clear plastic legs on them, adding to that newfound era feel.
The floors are a light brown colour; wood in the shape of long, skinny parallelograms fitting against each other perfectly. The lights hang down a bit, high ceilings that you can’t even fathom reaching. You spin around and look up at them as they shine down brightly on you. They stem down from a pretty grey bronze appliqué that is attached to the ceiling. It’s practically art, just like the portraits of half-naked ladies that hang on his walls. There’s a specific piece that is above the fireplace.
It’s a mirror, and your reflection is in it. So is Helmut’s. You’re in front of him, looking at him through the mirror. He’s behind you, staring at your reflection. You both stay like that for a bit before you look away and admire the windows. He has such a lovely view; you can’t help but envy him for it. “Now, bunny, I have to be honest with you. We wrapped the movie up last night, and it was very late. I didn’t call you over because of that, and I’m really sorry about that. Do you forgive me?” Helmut questions.
You nod your head eagerly, just sensing that he’ll lead on with some sort of good news. Your parents have done that far too many times for you not to know better. “But, if you want, I’ll put you in a movie. It’ll be just between you and me because it won’t be too professional, okay?” Helmut grabs your hands and looks you in the eyes, waiting for your answer. “Oh, yes, please! That sounds amazing. Thank you so much!” you cheer, wrapping your arms around him.
You hug him tightly, and he eventually hugs you back. “Now, I want to finish it as soon as possible. So set your bag right on this couch, and go sit on that one,” Helmut instructs, pointing at the biggest couch in the living room. You nod and do exactly as he tells you. He walks away, possibly to set something up or to get ready, but either way, you still sit on his couch, filled with pure excitement. You cross one leg over the other, your pretty white dress covering the upper half of your thighs.
Lace that is on top of the cotton, both the same colour, and you realize how much you love this dress. Helmut saunters back into the living room, holding a giant tripod in one hand and a small camera in the other. You gasp at the sight, and he chuckles. Setting them up from the other side of the small coffee table, you watch him in awe. “This is going to be… a big girl movie, okay? Just like the one I was in. But I don't think it will be visible to the public eye, might just be between you and I,” Helmut tells you.
You nod in understanding. “Are you fine with that, little bunny?” he asks you just for reassurance. “Mhm, you can do anything you want; I don’t mind!” you reassure him, with a giant smile on your face. He swallows thickly as blood rushes downwards to his cock from your words. You still grin gleefully, such innocence on your features that he almost feels bad for having feelings for you.
He presses the little power button on the camera and waits for a green light to come on. With a smirk, Helmut walks around the table and stands in front of you. You look up at him, waiting for him to do something. He bends down and grabs both sides of your face––gently, of course––and he makes you stand up. He tilts his head and leans forward, slotting his lips against yours.
Now, you’ve kissed someone before. His name started with something along the lines of ‘J’ or ‘L,’ but that doesn’t matter. But that kiss was nothing like Helmut’s kiss. His kiss is soft and passionate, something you struggle to match. His lips stay locked with yours before moving to push his tongue into your mouth. You’re not sure what to do, so you just give up and let him kiss you until you both run out of breath. His tongue runs against the wet skin of your mouth, and you gasp at the feeling.
He eventually pulls away, and he looks at you with his eyes blown out. Helmut sighs and smiles at you. “You gotta trust me, okay?” he tells you once more, and you nod. “Ok…” you trail off, not knowing what to follow up with. “You gotta call me by a nickname, bunny… Hmm, how about Daddy?” he exclaims, his accent becoming more prominent. You love it and how unique it is. “Okay! I like that one a lot, my friend calls her boyfriend that sometimes,” you share with him, and he laughs.
He sits you down on the couch again, and his hand inches up your dress, making you giddy. He smiles at you, and you can see from the corner of your eye how the camera is filming you both. Helmut just knows you’re wet already, but you probably don’t know it. And he’s not wrong. You feel slightly tingly, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. Your panties slide down your legs, a wet patch on them, and Helmut throws them to the side. He lifts your dress over your head and tosses the fabric away, too.
He takes a step back and admires you. You still have your ankle socks on, but God, you’re so gorgeous he thinks he’s in heaven. “You’re so pretty, bunny. The prettiest bunny I’ve ever seen,” he compliments. You grow shy and smile before whispering a thank you. You smile at the camera, and he begins to undress. The first thing that goes is the robe, and his chest is now exposed.
Helmut hasn’t shaved his chest hair, and you’re glad. It looks nice on him––but to be fair––anything does. All he has on is those swim shorts. God, you love those shorts so much. They’re no longer wet, and yet they still cling to his thighs. He slowly pulls them down––and you feel as though you should look away and give him privacy––but you just can’t. His cock is hard, and it shows through the fabric, but you’re too busy staring at his hands to notice it.
His Adonis belt is slowly exposed, along with his pelvic bone, as he pulls down his boxers as well. There’s a small bush of hair right above his cock, and you find yourself wanting to tangle your fingers between the strands. Helmut’s cock bounces up––hard, red, and leaking––and the tip slaps right below his belly button. You let out a gasp, and he chuckles. His swim shorts lie on the floor, and you’re suddenly being urged to lay back.
Helmut climbs on top of you, caging you beneath his well-built body. Soft abs that are just perfect enough for you, and big hands that hold you so lovingly. He wants to feel his rough palms against your delicate skin, falling into every groove and curve there is. Like an artist admiring their artwork, he runs his hands along your body. From your thighs to your hips, over your stomach, between your breasts, all the way up to your neck. His hard cock is between your legs, nearly touching your sensitive little pussy.
You swallow nervously at the feeling. Helmut’s left hand wraps around your throat, and his right hand moves downwards to your legs. Gripping your calf, he places your right leg on the head of the couch and moves to position your left leg so that it hangs off the edge of the seat. You’re spread wide open for Helmut, not able to hide your naked body or close your legs. Your hands rest above your head, almost as though you’re pathetically shielding your hair from the rain.
Helmut’s hand still rests on your neck, but he doesn’t squeeze your throat or anything like that. You’re not sure if he’s playing the antagonist or not, but you decide to just go along with what he does. “You’re okay, right, bunny? You’re fine, I’m gonna treat you so good,” he promises, and you give him your best superstar smile. You have to admit that you’re nervous, but you trust him completely. Helmut would never do anything wrong to you.
“Has anyone ever touched you down here, bunny? Have you ever touched down here?” he questions you, walking his fingers up to your soaking wet pussy. “Hmm, uh, I touched it once, but I didn’t know what was happening, so I stopped,” you shyly explain to him, and he nods. “That’s okay, bunny. Can I touch you here? I won’t hurt you too badly, I promise,” Helmut assures you, and you nod. His index finger sticks out, and he watches as slick drips from your hole and coats the silky skin around it.
The digit becomes a bit shiny and quite sticky, and he traces your slit lightly. You shiver lightly from his touch, and sensitivity blooms in your core. “Uhm… Daddy?” you call out to him, a bit worried. “What’s wrong, bunny?” he asks, bringing his finger up to your clit. It throbs with want, just like the veins on his cock. “It feels very sensitive, almost too sensitive…” you admit to him, even though he continues to touch your clit.
“That’s okay, bunny, that’s how it’s supposed to feel. But if you want to stop, just tell me,” Helmut urges you. “Okay, Daddy.” He rubs your little nub in small, light circles. The muscles in your legs twitch, and you bite down on your bottom lip. He continues to touch your clit, and you begin to writhe from the overwhelming feeling. You let out a few whines, and Helmut watches as your cunt just gets wetter and wetter.
You try to shift his hands away from you in your weird position. It’s just too much at once, and you’re scared of what will happen next. The pornstar’s finger slips off your cunt, and he lets out a small gasp. The sound is mixed with displeasure, and you look him in the eyes with innocence. “Don’t do that again, bunny,” he warns, squeezing your neck a bit just to add to his threat. His index finger returns to your clit, and this time, he rubs your little pearl even harder. You see stars, ones that are dark and would be hidden in the blackness of outer space. Your eyes roll back into your skull, and you’ve never felt such pleasure in your life. Helmut’s digit touches the most sensitive part of your clit, and you jerk in response. Your legs try to shut close, but his body stops you from doing so.
When you open your eyes, you’re faced with a displeased superstar. Helmut lets out a shaky exhale, trying to compose himself. He knows he shouldn’t get mad at you, but he just doesn’t like it when he doesn’t have his way. His hand leaves your cunt and moves downwards. Suddenly, a harsh slap lands on your ass, making you cry out in pain. The skin stings and prickles, and you can feel slight tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Instead of staring at your pretty little face, Helmut squeezes your neck even tighter and watches as your little hole begins to leak with even more wetness. “Aww, bunny, did you enjoy Daddy hitting you? Hm? I bet you did; that’s you’re so wet,” he chuckles, and you grow shy. He’s not wrong, though. You enjoyed the pain quite a bit, even though you tend to avoid any and all activities that could leave you with a minor injury.
“Such a little slut for pain. But I bet you don’t like it when Daddy gets mean with you, right? Yeah, because you’re just a sensitive little bunny,” he coos, and you smile. You nod to him, and he grins down at you. Helmut’s cock is a furious red, almost purple if you really look closely. Beads of precum run down the sides of his cock, all the way to his thick base. He slaps your ass once more, enjoying the way you flinch and then smile from delight.
“I guess I’ve been a bit mean, just touching your little button without even letting you come…” he sighs before shifting onto his knees. Helmut looks over to the camera, just to make sure it’s still recording. And it is, so he smiles. He towers over you even more now, a few strands on his hair dangling downwards, and you find yourself wanting to play with them. The hand that was on your ass grasps the base of his cock, and he runs the head through your folds.
A quiet squelching sound echoes between the both of you, and you giggle. Your laughter is cut short when he bumps up against your clit, and you let out a moan. The sound is unexpected on your behalf, but Helmut just smirks. Your moans turn into a string of shallow pants, and he curses under his breath at the feeling. Dragging his head away from your clit, he brings himself down to your hole, and you let out an even louder gasp.
“Shh, just let Daddy in, okay? I know it’s your first time, but it’s okay. You’re fine, don’t worry,” Helmut reassures. You nod your head and let out a pained cry as he pushes into you slowly. You feel as though you’re being torn apart, split into two. He grips your throat even tighter, and you wrap your hand around his wrist in a panicked, fleeting moment.
Helmut sheathes himself inside you, with your mouth parted open in a silent scream and his eyebrows knitted together. He eventually bottoms out, and the stretch of his cock goes from a harsh burn to a pleasurable feeling. His swollen balls touch your aching ass, and he bends down to kiss your forehead lightly. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” he questions. “Y- Yes, it feels really good, Daddy. Just a li’l uncomfortable, but it feels really good,” you tell him.
Your cunt squeezes him in a tight hug, your silky wet walls welcoming him in hesitantly. He wishes to stay inside you his whole life, and he would if he could convince you. Helmut pulls out until his head is the only thing inside you before roughly thrusting back inside. You cry out, and his hand loosens around your throat. “Such a good girl, letting me use your pussy for my pleasure. You like being recorded while I fuck you, right? Say it,” he demands, fucking into you roughly.
Your tits bounce with each and every movement. Helmut’s cock gets closer and closer to your sweet spot, and you moan loudly. “I- I like being recorded while you fuck me, Daddy,” you repeat to him. Helmut groans loudly, and you clench down on his cock tightly. “You feel so good, bunny, better than anyone else,” he compliments, feeling slick sweat beginning to build upon his back. “Uhm, Daddy? S- Something’s happening,” you whisper to him through your desperate cries of pleasure.
Searing heat grows hotter and hotter in your stomach, right above your pussy. You’ve never felt like this before, other than when Helmut was touching your pussy a few moments ago. “Let it happen, bunny, it’s okay, come all over Daddy’s big cock. I know you can do it, squeeze me, bunny,” Helmut urges, and you listen to him. The powerful feeling grows and grows, and so do your moans. And the elastic cord breaks eventually. It always does.
You cry out ‘Daddy’ as you come undone around his cock for the very first time. He continues to fuck you through your orgasm, even though you’re gripping him so tightly. You gush all over him, wetness coating his cock, and it makes him fuck you even quicker. The sound of skin on skin and loud moans fill the room, and Helmut hopes to God that the microphone is picking up on it all. The feeling in your body makes you lose all sense of reality, and you’re babbling like a little baby.
“Daddy- It’s too much,” you sob to him, digging your nails into your palms. “Shh, it’s okay, bunny,” he shushes gently, keeping his hand wrapped lazily around your neck. Helmut’s cock slams into your cunt, pounding into you ruthlessly, yet he’s somehow oh so gentle. Your eyes roll into the back of your head again, and you moan gently as you feel another climax being built up. Back to back, and you’re not sure how your body is going to handle it.
He’s close, too. He’s never had this happen before, and he’s not sure what to think of it.
“Awe, you’re going to come again, bunny? That’s okay, shh, Daddy’s here, bunny. We’ll do it together, and it’ll b- be good,” he tells you, and you nod. Helmut bends down and places his shiny forehead against yours. He stares you into your glassy eyes––they’re hazy––and he can tell you’re gone. You’ve gotten all stupid and dumb for his cock, and he loves the idea so much.
You both pant as he sloppily fucks into your cunt, his heavy balls slapping against your ass. “Fuck, I can’t wait to fill up your tight little pussy with my cum. Gonna watch it leak out, and I’m just gonna fill you up over and over again. Make you all mine because you belong to me. Right? Say it,” he growls, fucking you even faster. “I’m all yours, Daddy, I’m all yours,” you say to him, and you’re both pushed off the edge after one specific thrust.
“O- Oh my…” you choke out, squeezing your eyes shut. Helmut curses loudly, saying all kinds of sinful things that a nun would faint if she hears him. His cock twitches as he comes inside you, and your pussy squeezes him as you let go. Streaks of cum shoot out his tip and paint your inner walls, and it all begins to leak out already. Your cum mixes with his, and he can’t lie and say he doesn’t enjoy the sight of it.
He presses a kiss on your nose before slowly pulling out. Helmut’s cock is still hard, and he just knows the afternoon won’t end until he says so. You wince loudly at the feeling of emptiness and overwhelming sensitivity. “Sorry, bunny,” he frowns, reaching over for the camera. You watch him through droopy eyelids as he focuses it on your cunt, then to your body, and then to your face.
“Did I do good, Daddy?” you ask him excitedly.
“So good, bunny. You’re going to be sweeping up at the awards next year.”
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lovemeian · 3 years
stormy rainchecks with meian.
[ 8:25 pm ]
meian shūgo x f!reader + angst, hurt/no comfort, suggestive themes + fwb + catching feelings like an idiot + mentions of: sensitive parts, usage of pretty girl + hi i’m lavi, i’m meian’s girl and i like hurting myself apparently !
wc: 776.
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rainstorms are your favourite weather.
you feel it first, like a sixth sense. a crackle and rumbling in the air, followed by the goosebumps that raise across your skin as wisps of it, the breath of the rainstorm, brush across you in yearning. you close your eyes in anticipation: the sound comes not soon after.
the cacophony of the strong winds, the roar of rain, and if the skies are unforgiving and angry, bursts of lightning. crackles of steel are the demigod’s chains asking to be unleashed.
you adore it— the smell of fresh lightning, the harsh winds across your own cold cheeks, and the rumble of it all.
and during the cold, the unforgiving, you yearn for warm skin.
it doesn’t have to be sex; it’s the warmth of another person, encased against your own. tangled. their soft breaths, their warm skin. the exchange of soft words, the lingering caresses, and light kisses.
meian shugo reminds you of rainstorms. only because you yearn to be in his arms when the first crackle of a thunderstorm rattles through cloudy, grey skies.
his charming, confident smile that doesn’t put spiders up your arms. he is calm, self-assured. 6′5 foot captain of the msby black jackals with his dark hair and toned arms. his teammates are all varying lengths of good looking, but your eyes had first spotted him more than the rest. everyone was loud in comparison, and in his silence was a flame that was unperturbed by it all.
and you were nothing more than the moth.
that night, it was you who took the initiation. armed with stiffed courage and alcohol, there was an easy electricity between the two of you. attraction of the most canine order.
“i have to be honest with you though, doll,” he said. “i just got out of a relationship. i really loved her, i think i still do sometimes. so i don’t want to lead you on.” his eyes had smouldered, igniting butterflies past the cold wash of his words down your stomach. “and a pretty girl like you deserves better.”
you shifted in your stand, thinking it through and settling on the pros and cons. “it’s fine. we can just want each other.”
but how can you just want meian shūgo? how can you settle on one night of tangled sheets and grasping kisses? demanding? yearning for heat? how can you settle on booty calling each other at random times in the next few months? 
remembering each other’s warmth, each other’s secret sensitivities (shūgo is very ticklish in the nape of his neck; you keen whenever he bites your inner thighs), telling each other everything without boundaries?
you know of each other’s bodies, and with no strings attached, it was so easy to be friends between soft sheets.
it wasn’t his fault you caught feelings.
as much as inevitable it was— he was meian fucking shūgo, of course you were going to catch feelings —it wasn’t his fault you tried to wake up earlier than he did after a passionate night together, heart warming as your fingers traced across his most vulnerable expression; nor being the first person you think of when you’re asked if you’re bringing a plus one to a wedding, or when an amusement park is opening a new ride and you wanted to try it out; nor is it when you try to find more reasons to meet together, past a tryst in a hotel room, his apartment, yours, or his car.
and it wasn’t his when he kissed you sweetly the morning after he left that day, and spotting him later, in the afternoon, with the familiar face and figure of his ex. the one he loved, that he still does sometimes.
you know her face of course, you got her name from a drinking night with hinata, bokuto, and atsumu. you hated yourself for scouring information about her, but you found her easily and wondered how she could leave him. wondered what it might be like, to be loved by the captain.
you text him as your eyes roam over them, his easy and charming smile present but his eyes— learning that it’s his most expressive body part to clue you in on his emotions — held a hint of nervousness. yearning. hope.
hey, what’re you doing rn?
you watch him take out his phone, still smiling as he finishes a reply.
met my ex. might be something here, fingers crossed! need to take a raincheck on tonight, pretty girl.
it wasn’t meian shūgo’s fault you fell in love with him.
nor is it when he still loves her.
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made by lavi <3
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dracarys-wp-writes · 4 years
Title: Moments Requested by: @hacker-ghost
Request: 5 times Corpse almost kissed the reader and one time he actually did. Where corpse and reader are like bff roommates, oblivious to how much the act like a couple even though everyone tells them that. (additionally I'd love to end it with something like it turns out that Jack Felix and others were betting when it would finally happen 😅) (A/N: Sorry I couldn’t work the bet part into this with the way that I was going with it.)
Word Count: 3739
Warnings: Little swearing, Angst, mutual pining, little fluff.  (c/b/f/n) = Childhood Best Friends Name.
Note:  Just to be clear I will not write things that would make Corpse uncomfortable and If he ever says that he is uncomfortable with fanfiction being written about him I will delete this.  *** Y/N and Corpse had known each other for several years, 4 years to be exact and they have been best friends for three of those and roommates for two, and for the last year Y/N had been developing feelings for the man. She thought that he had the same feelings for her but over the past few months she had begun to doubt it, there had been several times that she thought that he was gonna make a move and kiss her but every time he would pull back or something would cause an interruption and he would pretend that it never even almost happened. 
It was starting to frustrate her because she actually wants him to kiss her, but she’s too afraid to take the leap herself and make it happen.
The First Almost Kiss:
Over the past few days Y/N had noticed that her best friend and roommate Corpse had been acting a little weird around her and when she asked about it he just brushed it off. 
“It’s nothing Y/N” would be the answer that she got each time she asked and each time she sighed not believing him but she didn’t press it. It was a few days later that it almost happened for the first time, the two were sitting on the couch having a scary movie marathon, just cause they could and Y/N loved scary movies, all the curtains were drawn to the point that it was dark in the apartment and the only source of light being from the TV playing the first Paranormal Activity movie. Y/N had her head laying on his shoulder something that wasn’t unusual for their movie marathons, when there was a jump scare and she jumped letting out a little squeal, which made him laugh. She playfully glared looking up at him, she loved hearing his laugh. He looked down at her with a teasing grin on his face, they locked eyes and she couldn’t help but let the glare slip off her face, she could get lost in his eyes. His eyes broke contact and flicked down to her lips and then back to her gorgeous (y/e/c) and he leaned in slightly as if he were going to kiss her and, her breath caught in her throat, and her hands got a little clammy, and then all of a sudden he pulled back and cleared his throat. Y/N dropped her head, her cheeks heating up from the embarrassment, that she had actually wanted him to kiss her and she thought he was going to only for him to pull away, she wasn’t surprised, no one that she liked in the past had ever liked her back so why would he be any different? She blinked back tears of disappointment, and focused on the movie as an awkward silence settled between the two, it got so tense that Y/N had to leave the room because she couldn’t take it. After she was in the safety of her bedroom she let out a sigh. He watched as her door shut and he kicked himself ‘Fuck, nice going now you upset her. Why the fuck did you even try that? Of course she’s not going to like you the same way that you like her.’ She was upset but just not for the reasons that he was thinking, he thought she was upset because he had tried to kiss her, when she was really upset because he didn’t kiss her. ***
Things got a little weird between them after that but Y/N tried her best to just brush it off, like she wasn’t slowly falling for him more and more, but she never let it show cause of course he wouldn’t feel the same way about her. The next time it almost happened was a month and a half later.
The Second Almost Kiss:
Y/N sighed she had been feeling a little down ever since the incident but she refused to bring it up, he could tell that something was bothering her but she wasn’t budging on giving up what it was. No matter how hard he tried. Y/N had been in the kitchen making lunch for the two of them when all of a sudden she heard a crashing sound and immediately she ran towards the noise and what she found was Corpse, in front of a broken mirror and she sighed “Come here” He looked at her noticing the startled look she had on her face, “Sorry.” She gave him a smile shaking her head “It’s okay, Corpse, you don’t need to be sorry the noise just scared me a little that’s all” and then she made him sit down before she pulled a first aid kit out from under the sink and she started cleaning his hand, disinfecting it. She leaned a little closer to him to get a better angle while cleaning the cuts on his knuckles from the broken glass., she was putting the bandage on his hand and she looked up not realizing how close together they were, she ended up staring into his eyes, and if she were to lean forward just a half and inch their lips would be touching. She unintentionally pressed a little too hard on the bandage, as she was pressing it down making sure it was secure, that made Corpse wince and slightly hiss in pain and he pulled back, she gave him a sheepish look as both of their faces heated up slightly embarrassed at how close they had gotten. “Sorry, I didn’t mean t-to press that hard.” she avoided eye contact as she stood “there you go all cleaned up. I’m just gonna get the rest of this glass up and uhh there’s food on the counter. I was just finishing up making lunch when I heard the glass breaking.” Then she carefully cleaned up the rest of the broken glass. He nodded at her “Uh Thanks.” ‘Stupid, remember the last time you tried that, she got upset.’ ‘What the hell was that? Why are you so damn careless? Literally could have kissed him there, if you weren’t so careless’ Were the thoughts that simultaneously popped into their heads as they quietly walked into the kitchen, a tense silence falling over them for the second time. 
The third time that he almost kissed her happened exactly two weeks after the second incident. Y/N felt even more down than before she really beat herself up for messing up the second time, and she just kept reminding herself that she’s reading too much into that he doesn't have the same feelings for her that she does for him. The Third Almost Kiss: 
It had been two weeks since the mirror incident and Y/N had finally managed to convince Corpse to get out of the apartment for a little while, it was around 8 PM and she convinced him to go on a walk with her, since it was late and there wouldn’t be that many people around and he reluctantly agreed. 
So they went for a walk. It was a nice night out a little cloudy, and he couldn’t help but smile at the smile on her face as they walked back towards their apartment. It was almost 10 now even if he wouldn't admit it he had enjoyed going out on the walk with her, the two were about a block away from home when it started raining. 
Y/N grinned, she had always loved the rain, she used to play in it as a child, and getting caught in the rain like that made a feeling of nostalgia flood through her. Corpse ran in the direction of the apartment but stopped noticing that Y/N hadn’t followed so he looked back and saw her smiling, with her arms open, and she started spinning around in the rain laughing and seeing her that happy made a smile slip onto his face. He decided then that he loved seeing that smile on her face, she stopped spinning and grinned at him “Come on, spin around with me… I love playing in the rain.” she gave him a little pout and he sighed but walked back to where she was and she made him spin in circles with her as the rain pelted down soaking both of them. He smiled the smile she had on her face right now was worth standing out in the rain for. He spun her around, kinda like they were dancing in the rain and they both had the biggest smiles in their faces and they both leaned in slightly and right as they were about to kiss a car drove past, running right through a puddle and splashed them both making them pull apart. Y/N bit her lip, her cheeks tinting red, she cleared her throat “we should probably head back before we get anymore soaked from the rain” He agreed and they headed back to the apartment with a bit of an awkward silence enveloping them as they walked home. 
The fourth time was a few days after the almost kiss in the rain. 
The Fourth Almost Kiss:
The cough coming from the other room was what distracted Corpse from the editing of the video that he was supposed to post next weekend. Quickly looking at the bottom corner of the computer screen checking the hours, the young man saw that exactly three hours had passed since the last time he checked her. He paused everything he was doing, got up from his chair, left his recording room and headed to the kitchen where he picked up a small bottle of water and some strawberry cookies, which were Y/N’s favorites.
Without delay he knocked on the girl’s bedroom door, waiting for the little hoarse ‘Come in’ that came in response, and entered it. He found her sitting on her white gaming chair, with some headphones on her head and totally focused on the computer screen, which showed the construction of a witch house that she seemed to be making in Minecraft.
“Here, eat this and hydrate yourself.” He placed the items on her lap which was covered with a fluffy blanket that she had to cover her legs, and was careful not to step on the other empty water bottles that she had on the floor next to the desk. He also guaranteed that he was out of the camera frame and was not seen by any of her viewers.
"Thank you." She said, coughing again. She was pale but with red cheeks, her face was glistening with sweat and she looked sleepy and tired.
"Take a short break. It's been 20 hours, it's almost over." He informed her, checking now the watch on his wrist (it had been a birthday present from the girl in front of him), and making sure he was right in what he said.
Y/N was making her monthly challenge of streaming for 24 hours straight, just pausing to go to the bathroom and eating something. Corpse had gone to sleep and woken up with her still on the computer, and every three hours he checked on her.
Still looking at the screen she opened the package of cookies, took one and stuck it in her mouth, eating it quickly. Then she opened the water bottle and sipped it all in big sips, and the empty bottle went to join the others on the floor to be filled with tap water later.
The cough came back again, however.
"Are you okay?"
"My throat hurts a little." She informed in a tired voice and eating another cookie.
Corpse narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and without further ado he approached and touched her forehead and cheeks (his hand and the black sleeve of his hoodie being the only thing they could see). "Y/N! You are hot, you must have a fever."
"No I'm not, I'm okay."
"Yes you are, finish the stream now."
"I can't, it's almost over."
"Don't be stubborn, of course you can. They agree with me, stop and go to bed."
And it was true, her chat was in an uproar with thousands of people sending messages so quickly that it was almost impossible to read, extremely concerned about the girl and also telling her to end the livestream.
"Alright..." Y/N quickly said goodbye, extremely sorry but at the same time too tired to fight against them.
He calmly helped her walk to the bed (after that she almost fell when she got up) and when the stream and the computer were off. He snuggled her up in the bed, and left quickly to fetch more water and some medication that they had in home.
When Corpse returned he watched her put herself in a more sitting position, and gave her the pills which she swallowed quickly, then coughed a little. Corpse sat on the bed next to her, touching her forehead again, feeling her skin almost boiling against his cold hand.
"You pushed yourself too hard, Y/N."
"Maybe, but... I feel like I'm disappointing them, however." She said sadly.
"You're not, you have to take better care of yourself."
"Look who's talking." Y/N provoked.
"Shut up." He laughed, pulling her hair back behind her ear and watching her fever-red cheeks.
"Thanks Corpse, if you weren't looking after me, I don't think I would."
"You do the same for me..."
They shared a smile and a sweet look. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable, the two snuggled together. "You should stay away, I don’t want to make you sick."
"You need me here."
"You can't live without me." She said with a malicious gleam.
"No, I can't."
And then, without really knowing how, they gradually got closer to each other ... ending the distance centimeters that separated them slowly, now so close that their breathing is mixed and their lips almost touched ...
Until Y / N quickly pulled away to have a coughing fit, and looked at him embarrassed.
"I'm going to get the thermometer, we have to measure your temperature." Corpse ran away so fast that it left Y/N unresponsive…
And the next day he was sick too.
The Fifth Almost Kiss: Y/N sighed she had finally given in to go on a blind date that her (c/b/f/n) had set up she wasn’t looking forward to it but she had to forget about him somehow since it had been made clear at least in her head that Corpse didn’t return her feelings, so she had agreed to the blind date as a way to forget about her feelings for her roommate. Corpse had been pacing around his room while Y/N got ready for her blind date, he really didn’t want her to go, a feeling of jealousy bubbled up in his chest thinking about it and right then he told himself that he was gonna try and stop her from going. Y/n had spent the past half hour trying on different outfit with (c/b/f/n) on facetime, and was finally in an approved outfit, that made her roll her eyes she really didn’t want to be doing this but she felt like she didn’t have a choice at this point so she would push down the feeling that bubbled up every time, she thought about it. After about 10 more minutes she was finally ready and ended the facetime call, she gave herself a once over her bathroom mirror, before walking out into her room, she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag. A thought lingered in her mind as she walked towards her bedroom door ‘maybe I could pretend I got sick last minute and back out.’ then she shook her head knowing that (c/b/f/n) would never believe it, wouldn't be the first time that excuse had been used to get out of a date.  ‘Suck it up Y/N and stop being such a little bitch, it’s just a date, you’ve been on them before’ 
She walked out of her bedroom, Corpse looked at her and faltered ever so slightly, she looked beautiful, he always thought she looked beautiful but at that moment she took his breath away. 
“Who are you going out with again?” “I’ve never met him actually (c/b/f/n) set it up, it’s a blind date.” “Why agree to go out with someone you’ve never met?” Y/n shrugged “i don’t know, try something new I guess.” she walked towards the door “I’ll be late if I don’t leave now, so I’ll be home later.” she opened the door but before she could walk out he gently grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. “Don’t go.” Y/N looked up at him “why? Why don’t you want me to go?” He looked down into her eyes for a moment before he dropped his hand from her arm, but he hesitated and once again didn't kiss her. She sighed "I'll see you later." 
Then she walked out of the door.  
Corpse ran his hand through his hair "dammit, that was your chance why didn't you take it?" 
Y/N took a deep breath as she got out of her car at the restaurant that she was supposed to be meeting her date at. 
She waited outside the restaurant for three hours and her date never showed, she rolled her eyes and couldn't help but feel slightly down about it. 
She got back into her car and drove home. 
She walked in and didn't see Corpse so she figured he was in his recording room,  she doesn't want to bother him even if all she wants is one of his hugs that always makes her feel better. 
She kicked her shoes off by the door and dropped down on the couch pulling her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees and she sighed a feeling of sadness settling in her chest. She really just didn't want to be alone right now so she got up and knocked on the door she heard "Come in." 
She walked in "hey." 
He looked at her "hey Y/N, how'd it go?" He questioned. 
She sighed trying to not seem as bummed out as she really was “it didn’t” She didn't do a very good job at hiding it cause he caught it almost immediately. “What happened?” 
“Didn’t show… all the effort I put into this, only to be left standing outside where we were supposed to meet by myself looking pathetic for 3 hours.” she sighed. All he did was stand up from his computer chair and pull the girl into a hug. ***
Corpse had reluctantly gone out with Y/N, she had convinced him to go to the beach with her, it was the middle of the week in October so there shouldn’t be too many people around. She smiled at him as they sat on the sand “See not so bad is it?” He gave her a look “I guess not” was the answer that he gave and everything was going just fine until about an hour later. Someone nearby had recognized his voice but wasn’t sure where it had come from so Y/N got him up off the sand and ushered him towards the car “Let’s just get out of here alright? They haven’t located where we are so we can slip past without being noticed okay?” The man in question nodded at her not saying anything to avoid further being noticed and the two successfully made it to the car without incident Y/N pulled the keys out of her pocket and  they got into the car and she started driving them back to their apartment. Y/N pulled over about halfway home because the man beside her was having what seemed to her to be a panic attack, his hands were shaking uncontrollably and she noticed the ragged breathing and deduced that he was having a panic attack so she pulled over to try and help him calm down, she unbuckled her seat belt and completely turned in her seat to face him “Hey, look at me.” She tried to get his attention but it wasn’t working; he was too lost in his own world of panic. So she grabbed his face and gently turned his head to look at her “Corpse, look at me, I need you to focus on the sound of my voice, okay?” but he was still not responding to her and then suddenly she remembered reading something about panic attacks and holding your breath so she blew out a breath and muttered “god I hope this works.” She grabbed his face and leaned over the middle console of the car and she kissed him, the kiss lasted maybe 15 seconds before it was over and he let out a shaky breath but it wasn’t feeling like his throat was closing up on him anymore. “Why did you do that?” Y/N let out a breath as well before answering “I read somewhere that holding your breath could stop a panic attack, so uhh when I kissed you, you held your breath and it looks like what I read was right because it stopped.” They are staring into each other's eyes now Y/N had a soft smile on her face as he stared back at her with a small smile present on his face as well “was that the only reason you kissed me to get me to hold my breath?”
Y/N’s face turned red “I- uh… Let’s go home yeah?.” he agreed and she got turned back around the right and finished driving them home. Once they got into the safety of their apartment Corpse looked at Y/N “So are you gonna answer my question or not?” her face heated up once again as she stuttered “Uh- I- Uhh” then she tried to walk past him but he grabbed her arm lightly to stop her. And he turned her around to face him and whispered “Because I am hoping it wasn’t the only reason.” then he kissed her again only this time he was the one that instigated the kiss, Y/N smiled into the kiss before she kissed him back. 
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gatorprompts · 3 years
from  the  2021  album  by  lorde .  drinking  &  drug  references  present .  please  amend  wording  where  required !
“ now  i’m  alone  on  a  windswept  island . ” “ if  you’re  looking  for  a  saviour ,  well  that’s  not  me . ” “ you  need  someone  to  take  your  pain  for   you ? ” “ we’re  all  broken  and  sad . ” “ where  are  the  dreams  that  we  had ? ” “ can’t  find  the  dreams  that  we  had . ” “ let’s  hope  the  sun  will  show  us  the  path . ” “ saviour  is  not  me . ” “ i  just  hope  the  sun  will  show  us  the  path . ”
“ i  hate  the  winter ,  can’t  stand  the  cold . ” “ i  tend  to  cancel  all  the  plans . ” “ but  when  the  heat  comes ,  something  takes  a  hold . ” “ can  i  kick  it ? ” “ my  boy  behind  me ,  he’s  taking  pictures . ” “ come  one ,  come  all .  i’ll  tell  you  my  secrets . ” “ forget  all  of  the  tears  that  you’ve  cried . ” “ it’s  over . ” “ it’s  a  new  state  of  mind . ” “ are  you  coming ,  my  baby ? ” “ i  throw  my  cellular  device  in  the  water . ” “ can  you  reach  me ? ” “ come  on  and  let  the  bliss  begin . ” “ blink  three  times  when  you  feel  it  kicking  in . ” “ that  solar  power . ”
“ i  knew  that’s  it ;  i’ll  never  be  the  same . ” “ now  i’ve  spent  thousands  on  you ,  darling . ” “ oh ,  the  hotels  and  jets ,  and  i’d  pay  it  again  to  have  your  golden  body  back  in  my  bed . ” “ i  don’t  miss  the  poison  arrows  aimed  directly  at  my  head . ” “ don’t  want  that  california  love .” “ it  got  hard  to  grow  up  with  your  cool  hand  around  my  neck . ” “ but  every  time  i  smell  tequila ,  god ,  it  goes  up  in  my  mind  again . ” “ it’s  just  a  dream . ” “ i  wanna  wake  up . ”
“ i  love  this  life  that  i  have . ” “ i  wonder  sometimes  what  i’m  missing .”  “ ‘cause  all  the  beautiful  girls ,  they  will  fade  like  the  roses . ” “ maybe  i’m  just  stoned  at  the  nail  salon . ” “ got  a  memory  of  waiting  in  your  bed  wearing  only  my  earrings . ” “ we’d  go  dancing  all  over  the  landmines  under  our  town . ” “ but  the  sun  has  to  rise . ” “ i’m  still  crazy  for  you ,  babe . ” “ and  all  the  times  they  will  change ;  it’ll  all  come  around . ” “ oh ,  make  it  good . ” “ spend  all  the  evenings  you  can  with  the  people  who  raised  you . ”
“ we  had  no  idea  the  dreams  we  had  were  far  too  big . ” “ we  will  walk  together . ” “ you’ll  leave  us  dancing  on  the  fallen  fruit . ” “ we’ll  disappear  in  the  cover  of  the  rain . ” “ took  the  great  minds  and  the  vapers  and  a  pocketful  of  seed . ” “ it’s  time  for  us  to  leave . ” “ how  can  i   love  what  i  know  i  am  gonna  lose ? ” “ don’t  make  me  choose . ”
“ only  having  two  drinks  then  leaving . ” “ it’s  a  funny  thing . ” “ thought  you’d  never  gain  self  control . ” “ guess  it’s  been  a  while  since  you  last  said  sorry . ” “ crying  in  the  dark  at  your  best  friend’s  party . ” “ growing  up  a  little  at  a  time ,  then  all  at  once . ” “ everyone  wants  the  best  for  you ,  but  you’ve  gotta  want  it  for  yourself . ” “ you  can  take  ‘em  if  you  want  ‘em . ” “ these  are  just  secrets  from  a  girl  who’s  seen  it  all . ” “ remember  all  the  hurt  you  would  feel  when  you  weren’t  desired ? ” “ remember  what  you  thought  was  grief  before  you  god  the  call ? ” “ no  one’s  gonna  feel  the  pain  for  you . ” “ you’re  gonna  love  again ,  so  just  try  staying  open . ” “ and  when  the  time  comes ,  you’ll  fall . ” “ your  dreams  and  inner  visions ,  all  your  mystical  ambitions ;  they  won’t  let  you  down . ” “ do  your  best  to  trust  all  the  rays  of  light . ” “ welcome  to  sadness ;  the  temperature  is  unbearable  until  you  face  it . ” “ your  emotional  baggage  can  be  picked  up  at  carousel  number  two . ” “ please  be  careful ,  so  it  doesn’t  fall  onto  someone  you  love . ” “ you’ll  be  fine . ” “ you  can  stay  as  long  as  you  need  to  get  familiar  with  the  feeling . ”
“ if  i  had  to  break  it  down ,  i’d  say  it’s  the  way  you  love  to  down . ” “ our  shapes  in  the  dark  are  the  reason  i’ve  stayed . ” “ i  thought  i  was  a  genius . ” “ it’s  starting  to  feel  like  all  i  know  how  to  do  is  put  on  a  suit  and  take  it  away . ” “ they  fill  up  my  nights  and  then  they  float  away . ” “ i  guess  i’ll  always  be  this  way . ” “ swallowed  up  by  the  words  and  halfway  to  space . ” “ but  there ,  by  the  fire ,  you  offered  your  hand .  and  as  i  took  it ,  i  loved  you . ” “ the  man  with  the  axe  and  the  look  in  his  eyes . ” “ we’ve  been  through  so  many  hard  times . ” “ i’m  writing  a  love  song  for  you ,  baby . ”
“ i  heard  that  you  were  doing  yoga . ” “ just  another  phase  you’re  rushing  on  through . ” “ go  all  new  age ,  outrunning  your  blues . ” “ fifty  gleaming  chances  in  a  row ,  then  i  watch  you  flick  them  down  like  dominoes . ” “ must  feel  good  being  mister-start-again . ” “ i  know  a  girl  who  knows  another  girl  who  knows  the  woman  that  you  hurt . ” “ the  whole  world  changes  right  around you . ”
“ everyone  knows  that  you’re  too  good  for  me ,  don’t  they ? ” “ i’m  a  cheater .  i  lie ,  and  i’m  shy . ” “ but  you  like  to  say  hello  to  total  strangers . ” “ i  can’t  believe  i  used  to  stay  inside . ” “ but  every  perfect  summer’s  gotta  say  goodnight . ” “ i  used  to  love  the  party ,  now  i’m  not  alright . ” “ drinking  in  the  dark ,  take  me  home  tonight . ” “ baby  you’re  a  big  star . ” “ wanna  take  your  picture . ” “ i  toss  up  if  it’s  worth  it  now  every  time  i  get  on  a  plane . ” “ i’ve  got  so  much  to  tell  you  and  not  enough  time  to  do  it  in . ” “ i’ll  still  watch  you  run  through  the  winter  light . ”
“ wearing  spf  3000  for  the  ultraviolet  rays . ” “ made  it  to  the  island  on  the  last  of  the  outbound  planes . ” “ got  a  trunk  full  of  simone  and  céline ,  and  of  course  my  magazines . ” “ i’m  gonna  live  out  my  days . ” “ won’t  somebody ,  anybody ,  be  the  leader  of  a  new  regime ? ” “ we  need  the  leader  of  a  new  regime . ”
“ can’t  seem  to  fix  my  mood . ” “ today  it’s  as  dark  as  my  roots . ” “ can’t  seem  to  find  what’s  wrong . ”  “ the  whole  world  is  letting  me  down . ” “ don’t  you  think  the  early  2000′s  seem  so  far  away ?”  “ i  can’t  feel  a  thing . ” “ i  keep  looking  at  my  mood  ring . ” “ i’m  tryna  get  well  from  the  inside . ” “ they’ll  have  what  i  need . ” “ we’ll  keep  dancing  till  the  mood  rings  tell  us  how  we’re  feeling . ” “ take  me  to  some  kinda  place ,  anywhere . ” “ watch  the  sun  set ,  look  back  on  my  life . ” “ i  just  wanna  know ,  will  it  be  alright ? ”
“ it’s  a  blue  day . ” “ when  i  hit  that  water ,  when  it  holds  me ,  i  think  about  my  father  doing  the  same  thing  when  he  was  a  boy . ” “ we  could  go  fishing . ” “ i  think  you’re  an  angel . ” “ you’re  super  cool . ”  “ i  know  you’re  scared . ” “ but  all  will  be  revealed  in  time . ” “ oh ,  look .  the  rays  are  in  the  bay  now . ” “ can  you  hear  the  waves  and  cicadas  all  around ? ” “ i  can  make  anything  real . ” “ brain  so  hot ,  it’s  a  summer  body . ” “ every  day  is  blue  and  never  cloudy . ” “ don’t  look  down . ” “ will  she  split  a  tab  with  her  lover  and  laugh  at  the  stars  like  her  mother ? ” “ i  don’t  need  her  anymore . ” “ i  got  this  power . ” “ i  just  had  to  breathe  out  and  tune  in . ” “ i  know  you’ll  show  me  how . ” “ i’ll  know  when   it’s  time . ”
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saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Saatvick’s Summer 2022
This year’s summer was actually quite memorable, last time I remember having such a summer was in 2018,
The year I visited Singapore, played an Asian Tennis Tournament and got International ranking. 2018 was also the last year I spent in Delhi before moving to Shillong because of my father’s posting . He is in Army and I have been to quite a lot of places with him.
2022 Summer was great because this summer was probably the first summer closest to the summers before Covid.
I did travel a lot during covid but not one of my trips were as long as this one.
Summer began with a sense of relief as my first Board exams ended, I was now a Highschool senior with way more responsibilities than before. I had a more clear direction of what I want to do when I grow up and have had the chance to revive many hobbies activities since my 10th was all academics. I did a lot of career counselling .
This summer, that I cant thank enough, was a checkpoint, it made me more calm. I had time more than enough to organise and orient myself and my activities.
The first thing I did when the exams ended was to fix my sleep schedule and sleep peacefully for a few days. After a week full of binging the series I missed out on I scheduled a daily and weekly routine which included swimming, reading, working out and Tennis.
It was a very hard motion to set for me to play tennis straight after breaking my wrist in 2019, I was willingly not playing tennis because of one simple reason, regret of not playing for an entire year and I kept on running away from it till this summer.
I visited my hometown and met most of my relatives which made me feel loved, we could not participate much in family events recently over the last few years because of our busy schedules so this was also a once in a blue moon kind of an adventure for me. We visited many more cities with our buddy Woofy, he is a Labrador . We went on long drives to a few other places.
I also met a lot of my friends during the vacation.
Then on we took a tour of Delhi, the place where we live. I got an electric guitar too which I used to annoy everyone within the range of my amplifier. It was a great experience for me maybe because I was out of the same old cycle, that I followed for an year.
10th grade sure did teach me discipline and consistency. 
I visited my father, who is posted in Manipur, I travelled through flight alone .  he is posted at an extremely remote region which is about 30 km from Myanmar. That was a great way to escape the Delhi heat at its prime( It was 45 degrees when I left).
Hiking, football and travelling to numerous places were the highlight of this trip.
Life is simpler on hills, nature finds its way to one no matter what.
I cant even count the number of places Ive seen and people Ive met. I gained experience and knowledge.
It was cloudy all day there with bright sunshines intermediately, comically the heat of the sun was comforting since it was raining everyday there. We could hear the wind whistle at dark where no lights could be seen far off. The  clouds even visited the habitants who had settled at the top of the mountains. Rivers, waterfalls and tribal villages were the best part of the trip.
Every glimpse was a painting.
I followed a strict Detox diet with my father and was forced to eat and drink stuff I couldn’t even pronounce, did yoga and meditation.
I have had the habit of touring whatever work my fathers been appointed for, he was in DRDO & RCI once, from where I picked up the interest of aeronautics and astronomy. Currently he is in NHAI so I got to learn various processes involved in making roads, believe me its not as simple as just laying concrete down on fields, it took me five days to just process what I saw there.
I visited museums, monuments and labs.
I tried to play video games but they bored me.
I could only bake till the day I learnt to cook food and learnt recipes and become more self reliant .
Music has been a companion to me throughout this journey.
And social media too, I posted literally everything even after the several attempts I did to reduce it influence on me, but I dont regret it either way because my vacation was productive and I enjoyed it.
I grew taller over the days and starting smiling more frequently. I learnt a lot of things, and revived old habits.I finished school syllabus for the first exams before school started.
I came home to find our two turtles greeting me with their intense paddles in their pool and raise their necks high up to see me. My Summer was very rewarding. It was spent exploring and discovering the very little of life that I knew of.
I returned to Delhi a day before the school reopened and hyped myself to start a new academic year with hardwork and devotion. I finally created a list of things I wanted to achieve by the end of 2022.
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catchmewiddershins · 4 years
What it’s like to be loved by them
Ah yes I am throwing out some scraps of content because I finally was able to free up some time to write! And then had no ideas! So we’re doing something cliché lol - Also I used a random character wheel to pick who to write for- (I CAN’T SPELL HINATA’S FIRST NAME IT ALL LOOKS WRONG)
Includes: Miya Osamu, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hinata Shoyou, Yaku Morisuke, Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Tooru and Shouhei Fukunaga
Miya Osamu:
Osamu is silver-blue piano and soft chords, the sunlight that slips so softly through the slats on blinds that are slightly broken, the slightly sticky feeling of wet rice in your hands as it fits into the lines that weave across your palms. He is white, cotton blankets and fluffed pillows, cloudy lemonade and losing sight of your toes in a thick carpet. He’s the feeling of calloused fingers on yours, fluffy socks and the taste of warm soups in winter as it breathes its hot steam down your throat and heats your stomach. He is cold cheeks and noses, tea-stained pages and the golden scent of fresh bread that signifies the best feelings of life. Osamu is hand-knitted tea cosies and watercolour paintings blu-tacked to the wall, warm, buttered popcorn and the feeling of the highstreet at night. He is the lights that glimmer on the midnight motorway and moon when it's risen in a blue afternoon sky. Being loved by Osamu is to bob on the ocean, the sun at your back and baking your legs, with salt crusting your skin and the taste of the sea on your lips while his fingers lock with yours, the perfect puzzle pieces to finish you both as the crowing laughs of seagulls echo above you.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Ushijima is solid wood and tall forests, the green sound of a breeze ruffling grass like a father’s hand on the head of his child. He is apples and ice cubes and soft, plaid blankets laid on the dirt. He is the sight of a small ladybird, crouched on the tip of a finger, wings spread to fly into the great expanse of sky that stretches before it. He is red sunrises and purple evenings, the hazy, grey brightness that slows the day, the syrupy sluggish afternoons of drizzled rain and icing on lemon cakes, eaten with hot tea in a library. He is muffled laughter in the corridors and coats and hands that swamp and cover and protect, and the feeling of always looking up, up, up. He is the dusty, old clock you found in the attic and the wooden slats of old houses, he is peeling plaster and new paint, and the squeak and shine of polished floors. He is secret passages through the walls and flights of stairs that extend to infinity, and the deep, throbbing, beetroot purple of the tightest hugs that root themselves down into your chest. Being loved by Ushijima is being loved by the bass line of life, it’s his hand on your head and the other hovering at your waist, slow dancing to songs that weren’t meant for such smooth delight, him spinning you out as the air sparkles and being close to the beat of his heart and mind as you glide and dip and swerve to the thrum of his voice.
Hinata Shoyou:
Hinata is the tightness in your thighs they day after exercise and the sweet tang of mangoes in summer. He's August days when the ground wavers and the grass becomes caramel. He is hot red bricks under bare feet and the dizzying height of the walls of your garden. He is water fights and sprinklers in the baking sun, the squinting eyes and glaring lights, the shortest shorts you own. He is the smokey scent of sausage that stings and waters your tongue, the barbequed weekends and idle chatter of friends and the chink of ice that melts too quickly in glasses of juice that have been kept in the fridge. He's the soft comfort of pyjamas and burning hot skin on a cold day, marshmallows and fire and smouldering logs. He is the dance of heated air and the warmth that fogs the bathroom mirror. He is sand in your toes at one moment and the top of a cliff the next. Being loved by Hinata is the kites that float over the hilltops and the whipped foam of waves and the splattered paint of blankets, the mismatch of deckchairs and parasols at the beach, a sandcastle and the flagpole on top, and the horizon that stretches so far into the distance.
Yaku Morisuke:
Yaku is beaming, sunshine laughter and the ruffled hair of little kids. He is the background chatter in a café and the music playing in your favourite shops, the rushing of places and people as you're dragged down the street on your way to somewhere special. He's the thud, thud, thud of sprinting down a massive hill as the air is ripped from your lungs and your joyful screams are lost to the spiraling sky. He's the blur of green and blue and the smell of grass as you roll half of the way. He is the juice of melting ice lollies and the teasing winks of wind chimes by the sea, he's the sticky residue of broken stems that leaves itself on your fingers after the construction of a daisy chain. He's the light of a phone screen in the dark and the print of an old book where the s and f look irritatingly similar. He is the warmth of your own bed and the scent of your own home, the feeling of old clothes and attachment. Being loved by Yaku is to call to the birds that circle overhead and to feed fresh strawberries to one another, to play fight with sticks and paint your legs with grass stains and to trundle home with the exhaustion that comes from euphoria, sharing a hand, high on life.
Akaashi Keiji:
Akaashi is a lake, clear as glass and just as cold, although not the biting cold, but the cold that invites hot chocolate and a log fire. He is the lakes that teem with fish that nudge your numbing fingers and make you wonder at the world, he is the sunlight that glints off of slick rocks and your glimmering skin. He's the royal blue of day and the navy of night, the colour of the ocean, and of flowers, and of the quiet hum of a cello played delicately. He is the fingers of trees that reach to the sun, and the crunching silence of wet autumn leaves, the scent of old books and ink and the eternal echo of time in a museum. He is the sculpted face of statue and the warmth of a flushed face, the fragility of butterfly wings and flower petals and the strength of the trunk of an oak. He is hummingbirds and kingfishers and the simmering yellow of a springtime kiss. He is the sun at your neck and the shade of a tree above you, the splash of a diving duck and the tickle of grass on your bare feet. Being loved by Akaashi is staring up at him from where you sit, serene tranquility, the faint thrum of a river beneath you as your hand disturbs it, the creak of an aging wooden boat and the dappled sunlight that streams through the trees as he rows you to love.
Oikawa Tooru:
Oikawa is the tinkling of bells and the birdsong that flies in the early morning. He is the banded sunrise and all of its colours, the yellow songs on the radio that you sing along to, the orange-gold warmth of early evening, the pink of a blush on his cheeks, the purple light of the night that casts his face into shadow and the navy blue of his wallpaper. He is doodles on desks and using highlighter ink for nail varnish, he is cute stationery and over-curled handwriting and the giggles that come from sharing a secret. He is the creak of benches that have been sat on too many times and the blinding colours of tropical fish in an aquarium. He’s the blasting sound of loud radio, the rush of windows wide open at seventy miles an hour, the pressure against an arm thrown out of the window and the crescendo of voices singing at the top of their lungs until your voices crack and your throats are deserts. Being loved by Oikawa is whipped cream on your nose and joyful laughter, pancakes on the ceiling and sprinkles scattered over the floor, it’s playing children’s games while waiting for a cake to cook, and snuggling up with popcorn in a fairy-light bedecked fort, with foundations of cotton and walls of blankets as the white glare of television shines in your eyes.
Shouhei Fukunaga:
Fukunaga is uncontrollable giggling and whispered jokes, he is the fire-engine red of plastic buckets and spades, the sweetness of sugary treats and the fizz of sherbert on your tongue. He is brightly coloured doors and hanging baskets of flowers, the unevenness of cobbled streets and pastel houses. He’s the soft song of a springtime breeze when it brushes your cheek with a tender hand and blows your eyes open, dusting your face and head, the exhilarating rush of staring into the wind, the drop in your stomach as you lean backwards into its support. He is the chime of a shop door and the crinkle of packets that have been piled into your arms, the warmth of a kitchen and the taste of joy. He’s puns and playful nudges and blinding grins, crinkling eyes and soft cheeks stretched wide, he’s homemade food and the sparkling expression of the one who made it, he’s the warmth of a borrowed jumper, the mould of a side that you fit to so easily, the clicking of a keyboard when online games are played together. He is the snacks that have melted slightly in his bag, odd socks with garish patterns, googly eyes stuck all over his books, doodles in the margins and fluffy pencil toppers, dancing with no rhythm to old songs in the kitchen and letting yourselves go wild. Being loved by Fukunaga is to lie under the coffee table, your eyes falling into his as he stares you down, deft fingers nimbly shuffling cards, it’s to laugh in disbelief as he pulls your card from the deck, eyebrows wiggling their way off of his face, a playful beam poking through his lips, your legs are tangled together and one of your arms is going numb but it doesn’t matter, you are his and he is yours.
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gojos-sidepiece-69 · 4 years
Tokyo Tech Training- Chapter 1
"Hello Y/n?" You staring because I'm insanely attractive, or..."
You were instantly pulled back into reality, which unfortunately included the cocky, 6’ 3” bastard standing in front of you. His name was Gojo Satoru, but as he so enthusiastically reminded you, he was your superior and you were to call him Sensei. You felt a slight blush pepper your cheeks as you looked up and stuttered a defensive response, “What? N-no...” You could see the shadow of a smirk form around the corners of his irritating mouth. “All right, then try to pay attention. This is important.”
Gojo was in charge of training you alongside three other first-year Tokyo Tech students, and today happened to be your first day. You had barely gotten a chance to get acquainted with your new classmates, and your first impressions of the three included one pink-topped ball of energy, a spiky-haired lanky boy who had incredible eyelashes, and a quick-witted girl who seemed like a badass. You would get to know them later, you thought to yourself. For now, your first order of business was paying attention to what your Sensei was teaching you.
The classroom was small and hot, even more than usual for an August afternoon. You couldn’t tell if it was a bit warmer because you were alone in that classroom with a tall, (rather handsome man, however much you hated to admit to yourself). He was trying to explain the technicalities of Curses of various grades, drawing out diagrams and charts on a black chalkboard. Your eyes slowly wandered to his right hand, which was tightly gripping the chalk. How was his hand so large...your distracted eyes trailed along his arm to the back of his neck, and it was almost as if he could see you through the back of his head. He snapped around quickly and took two strides toward your desk.
He slapped his arms down on the desk and leaned down to tower over you, his face inches away from yours. Although he wore his blindfold, you could still feel his eyes piercing into yours. “Is this going to be a problem, sweetheart? Can’t pay attention to a single thing I’m teaching you?”
Sweetheart? Who the hell did he think he was? His Grade-A sarcasm was getting on your nerves. Embarrassed at being caught staring at your teacher, you averted your gaze and turned away. He took your chin between his thumb and index finger and turned you back towards him. In a much softer tone, he smiled and said “Come on, I know I’m dashing...but you just need to look past that and listen to what my pretty mouth is saying.” You wanted to slap him for making you feel so little...he let go of you and your face burned where he was gripping you. However, at the mention of his “pretty mouth,” part of you just had to check and see for yourself the truthfulness of this statement.
You sucked in air between your teeth as your eyes flitted over his lips. Pretty mouth, indeed. Did this man wear strawberry-flavored Lip-smackers? Why in the world were they so moisturized? I wonder how soft they are, you quietly thought to yourself...I wonder how good they feel.
You mentally steeled yourself and learned the rest of the lesson attentively, trying your hardest not to let your mind wander. You kept telling yourself that the heat was making you delirious. It was nothing else. When the lesson was finally over, you turned to walk out the door. “Wait, one more thing,” you heard Gojo say. As you twirled back around quickly, you could feel your uniform skirt ride up slightly. You could have sworn that for a split second, his gaze switched to your bare legs. But you would never know, as you had no idea what mysteries were under that blindfold.
From the other side of the classroom, he said, “We always have a beginning-of-term party at my place. It’s always a great time, and you can get to know your classmates and Sensei better. I’ll text you the address later, yeah? It’s tomorrow night at 9 PM. Better be there, sweetheart.” You knew that he was teasing you with that nickname because of your bitter attitude towards him, but a tiny (no, microscopic) part of you enjoyed it. Enjoyed being singled out by the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer. Although you were still somewhat intimidated by him, you couldn’t help but feel your confidence (or perhaps cockiness) arise. “We’ll see.” You said, and saw a slight raise in his eyebrows before you turned and walked out of the classroom.
You were glad it was Saturday, as the training from your first day at Tokyo Tech was overwhelming. You stretched and yawned, making your way out of your dorm room for the morning. Inside the hallway, you saw your fellow first-year sorcerers conversing sleepily with one another. They waved at you, the pink-haired boy named Yuji practically jumping up and down like a golden retriever puppy.
The spiky-haired boy named Megumi rolled his eyes at him and then looked over at you. The four of you chatted for a bit until Nobara suggested that you all go shopping together in downtown Tokyo on their day off. Your heart jumped at the thought; a day in Tokyo with your new friends, shopping for clothes you don’t need and buying far too many sweets? Your enormous sweet tooth was delighted at the thought. So you spent the rainy, cloudy day running from shop to street stall in Tokyo, laughing and taking stupid pictures and accidentally spilling strawberry Mochi on yourself. Damn-it, you thought. Why did the strawberry scent remind you of a certain teacher’s lips? No, stop it, you silently scolded yourself as you wiped the front of your shirt down furiously. Get your mind out of the gutter.
And just like that, it was almost 9 PM, and you were back at Tech getting ready with Nobara in her dorm room. Since it was a stormy night, you chose to wear black sweatpants and a fitted black long-sleeved top. Yes, you were a proprietor of the Bloutfit. And why not wear sweatpants, if it was storming outside and you were going to be drenched, anyways? You and Nobara ran through the rain and into a black Taxi cab, giving the driver the directions to Gojo’s address. After a fifteen minute drive, the driver parked in front of the sexiest high rise building you had ever seen. Did this fool live in a god damn penthouse? Where was he getting this much money? The more you learned about this man, the more curious you got. After paying the driver, you and Nobara dashed into the building but got soaked in the process. You huddled in the elevator, pushing the golden button for the 38th floor. You ascended and soon found yourself knocking on your Sensei’s door.
It was opened, and you made direct eye contact with Gojo’s chest. You took in the black sweatshirt he was wearing, and heard him say, “Hey, buddy. Eyes up here.” Boy, did he know how to make a fool out of you. “Hey,” you said, while looking up to meet his once again covered eyes. This time, however, he was wearing a pair of round sunglasses. You wanted to scream. Why wouldn’t he let anyone see his eyes? Whatever. You didn’t care.
Nobara, somehow perfectly dry now, pushed past him and made herself at home quickly, hopping onto a large plushy couch alongside Megumi and Yuji. How did she manage to get herself dried off? You guessed she was just further along with sorcery than you were. Sitting on the floor around the couch were three second-years, an innocent-looking boy named Toge, a tall, bespectacled girl named Maki, and a...yes, a large Panda. You still stood outdoors facing Gojo. “You’re wet,” he commented offhandedly. You were quick to stammer, “N-no, I’m not.” He leaned back into his doorframe and crossed his arms. “No, look at you, you’re soaked,” he replied, enjoying toying with your seemingly weak temperament. It took you a minute to realize he was talking about your clothes, not what was between your legs. You looked down and noticed your top clinging a little too tightly to your chest and swallowed. He laughed and said, “don’t sweat it, I’ll get you a change of clothes.”
He turned and you followed suit, trailing your wet footsteps through his apartment. You greeted your classmates and entered Gojo’s bedroom hesitantly. You immediately gasped, taking in the breathtaking view from the 38th floor of a Tokyo skyscraper. You were dazzled by the lights and whirring streetcars, and pressed your face and hands against the cool glass. You watched through the blur of raindrops, distracted until a slight touch at the small of your back made you jump. Gojo chuckled as you turned to face him. He handed you a black t-shirt of his, which was definitely five sizes too large on you. He so graciously turned around as you changed, but you soon came to realize you had another issue at hand.
Your bra was completely soaked through. Fuck, you thought. It better not be cold in his house. You put on his shirt, feeling conscious that you weren’t wearing anything underneath it. Luckily, it was rather warm in his room. “You can turn around now,” you said, and he took your wet clothes from you and disappeared into his bathroom. “All right, let’s get this party started!” He said when he came back, pulling you roughly by the arm back into the room with everyone else.
Yuji, ever the party animal, was in charge of the aux for the night. You laughed as he blasted “I wanna see some ass” by Jack Harlow, because of course he would. It felt like the apartment was shaking and your eardrums were going to burst from how loud the music was. You loved dancing at any chance you got, and so did everyone else at the party (except for Megumi, who took a little bit of convincing and hand-pulling from Nobara). Toge and Panda were linking arms and swinging each other around, Maki was busting down on the floor, and Nobara and Megumi were raising ruckus on top of the couch, occasionally grabbing onto a glass chandelier. Gojo was jumping from table to table, clearly having fun showing off.
Everyone had drinks in their hands and was getting absolutely sloshed in the presence of their ever-responsible adult chaperone, Gojo Sensei. Well, everyone but...you. You had a few, but you wanted to remember this night. Still vibing to this song, you jokingly started grinding you ass up against Yuji’s front and you both started laughing. After thirty more minutes of drinking and dancing, everyone crashed on the spot. Everyone except for you and your teacher.
You two were the only people there who were close to sober, thanks to your pacing and his insane alcohol tolerance (it’s the strongest)! “So, do these start-of-term parties usually turn in to sleepovers?” You jested. “Yeah, it’s much safer for them to sleep here if they’re wasted than try getting home on their own. Also, somehow the storm got ten times worse,” he chuckled. You smiled to yourself at how much he cared for his students. Your eyes wandered to his bedroom again, and he took notice immediately. “You liked the view, didn’t you? Want to come see it again?”
He took your arm and guided you once again to his room. He closed the door lightly and flopped onto his bed. You followed after him, inhibitions forgotten because of your two shots of sake. You laid up facing the ceiling, and he turned to face you, propped up on one elbow. You still stared at the ceiling, getting chills from his rudely staring eyes on you. Your chills, to your great misfortune, suddenly multiplied due to his AC suddenly blasting. Gojo’s eyes trailed down to your breasts, which looked delicious underneath his own loose black t-shirt. He swallowed, and he couldn’t deny that a little blood rushed south at the thought of him getting you aroused. “Cold isn’t it,” he pointed out, a long index finger taking a quick poke at one of your perked nipples. You felt your heart rate rise and fall more rapidly, and you turned to face this arrogant idiot who seemed to have a vice-like grip on your mind.
I’ll get him for that, you thought with vengeance, and straddled him while he was still laying down. You snatched off his sunglasses before his fast reflexes could help him, and your jaw dropped. “Oh my god,” you ogled at his crystal-like eyes. He laughed and quipped, “I knew you thought I was hot, sweetheart. You just won’t admit it to me.” You slanted your eyebrows angrily and said “I do not,” like a child. Like a third-grader refusing to admit they had a schoolgirl crush on their next-door-neighbor. “Really?” He raised an eyebrow and swiftly pulled down the band of your sweatpants with one finger. “Then why are you this wet?” He smiled, flashing you all of his stupid pearly whites. “I haven’t even touched you yet, princess.”
You gasped at the cold air hitting your bare skin, and looked down at yourself. There was no denying it, you were damp. “You know,” he said, slowly sitting up, “Jujutsu sorcerers have to be extremely in tune with all of their senses. Particularly touch.” He leaned in and whispered into your ear, “So consider this part of your training.”
Before you could snappily retort, he pulled you off of him and pinned you onto his white sheets. He towered above you, and smiled cunningly as he slipped off your sweatpants and snatched his shirt off from above your head. You laid before him in just a pair of black panties, (you are so committed to the Bloutfit), while he kneeled above you, still completely clothed. You appreciated the fact that he was wearing grey sweatpants, as you would see a growing erection pressed against them. You grew a bit conscious of the fact that you were almost completely exposed, while he was clothed, and you put up your hands to cover your chest. “Don’t even think about it,” Gojo tutted, prying your hands away and pinning them above your head with one of his hands. “Good girl,” he growled hungrily, and used his other hand to lightly grip your throat.
You closed your eyes and crashed your lips against his, immediately tasting sweet, sugary strawberry. His tongue ventured into your mouth and muffled a small moan of yours. He pulled back, and you could see a tiny trail of saliva connecting your lips. He kissed at your neck, marking his territory, and stopped right at your breasts.
He took a lap at one of your tits, swirling his tongue around the nipple. While his right hand kept both your arms pinned, his left fondled and played with your other breast. “Mmm....” he groaned with a smile. “Who knew you would taste so good?” He continued licking and squeezing at your breasts until you were a panting, blushing mess. He laughed at you. “Getting desperate, are we?” “Shut the fuck-,” you began whining at him, until you were shocked by one of his thumbs wrapping around the band of your panties. He pulled the band’s elastic and let it slap against your hip. “Stop being mean,” you whispered, and he let go of your arms.
He slowly lowered himself down between your legs and looked up at you. “No...” he tilted his head at you. “You’re going to beg for me. Won’t be so hard for you, since you’re so eager already,” he pointed out the wetness pooling between your thighs.
Instinctively, you closed your legs, feeling too nude. Again, Gojo sighed. “Aren’t you going to be a good girl and open your legs for me?” At this point, you could only moan quietly as he slowly opened your legs, and slipped off and placed your panties into the pocket of his sweatpants. “Wow, I wasn’t kidding. Your pretty little cunt is so wet for me.” He lowered his head and kissed a wet trail of sloppy kisses and bit up your right thigh, and then your left. He stopped right in front of your heat, and blew onto your clit. Exasperated, you begged, “please, Gojo. I need you right now.” “Where are your manners? Say the magic word.” He joked around.
How could this buffoon still be cracking jokes when he was between your legs, a centimeter away from ravishing your pussy with his tongue? You rolled your eyes and said, “please?” He looked up at you. “I was looking for Sensei, but I guess that’ll have to do.”
Once again not sparing you a chance to angrily reply, he dove in and licked circles around your swollen cunt until your legs were shaking. You gasped a breathy, “Gojo?!” as he slipped one of his long digits into your wetness, pumping in and out at a rapid pace that was making you lose your mind. You felt a buildup in your heat, threatening to release and wash over you. “Gojo, I-I think I’m gonna-,” but he wasn’t about to let that happen. Not yet. No, he was going to train you to cum when he wanted you to. So he pulled his finger out, and both of you moaned quietly (so as not to wake up your napping classmates and his napping students).
He shoved his finger into your mouth, eliciting a soft gag from you. “Lick it clean,” he instructed. You complied, tasting your own essence on his fingertips. He leaned back against his headboard. “Come here,” he said. He didn’t have to tell you twice.
You crawled over and straddled his lap, and you reached for the hem of his shirt. He laughed again at your helpless desperation, and removed it in one go. Your heart rate skyrocketed again as you took in his chiseled abs and broad chest. You were still panting and unsatisfied from Gojo not allowing your earlier release. He, however, was not tired out in the slightest. Of course, his stamina was unmatchable. He pulled the band of his own sweatpants down, and you were taken aback by his size. You knew he was tall, but...”I-I don’t think it’ll fit,” you muttered. He pulled your face down against his and mumbled against your lips, “I’ll make it fit.”
He leaned down and spit against your cunt, making you groan and buck your hips against him. “Was that a moan?” He asked in his usual, smart-ass tone. “Keep it down, will you? I don’t need you waking up the neighbors.” He put a large hand over your mouth, and simultaneously slid up into you. You wanted to cry at the stretch he gave you, but your ego couldn’t let that happen. He watched you get yourself off by moving up and down on his dick, going slowly at first. He wasn’t satisfied yet, so he gripped you around the hips and mercilessly moved you up and down himself. He watched, salivating, as your breasts bounced and you threw your head back. He muffled your moans, but he still smirked at the sound of you saying his name while drunk on pleasure. He wanted you to finish first, because being the last one standing was always a little boost to his overly-inflated ego.
“You can cum now. You’ve been wanting to for a while now, right? My little whore. Cum all over me.” This little round of dirty talk was enough to send you over the edge, and you held back your screams as you spasmed and collapsed onto him. He pulled out and came onto your chest, admiring how he painted it with himself. “You were such a good girl for me,” Gojo grinned. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.” He carried your limp body to the shower and helped clean himself off of you. He handed you another overly large t-shirt of his, because he loved seeing you wear his clothes and smell like him. Once back in the bed, he spread his legs and let you lay on top of him the entire night, while the storm continued to rage outside. Your last thoughts before drifting off into an undisturbed sleep were, “boy, does this moron know how to fuck.”
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jinkicake · 4 years
Ushijima, Tendou With a Clingy S/O
Ushijima and Tendou with a s/o who likes to cling onto them.
Ushijima x Reader
Tendou x Reader
For @ryreeee who requested this, I hope you like it, I really liked the prompt so thank you for requesting it! Muah. Omg, I saw someone on twitter call Tendou ‘bootleg Hisoka’ and I have not been the same since. (-д-;)
WC- 1,498
Tendou Satori
Omg Tendou would L O V E this
He is already such a clingy person who loves contact so you’d be like his own personal heaven
He always feels so good when you hold onto him
Whenever you’re walking anywhere, like to class or back to the dorms, one of your arms would be looped through his
The two of you are always, somehow, touching one another
Tendou just radiates safe energy, he would be so refreshing to be with
Imagine just holding his hand, holding onto his arm, holding onto his jacket pocket, holding any part of THE Tendou Satori
You’re like a personal heater the way you’re always pressed up against him
Tendou, and I cannot stress this enough, would LOVE this
Even after a game, whether they win or l̶o̶s̶e̶ win, you capture him in a tight hug
One where you simply hold him and tell him how awesome and cool he looked or how proud you are of him and the team, before teasing him and telling him he needs to take a shower since he is drenched in post-game sweat
While the two of you have your own respective friend groups you still hang out a ton, to the point that people think ‘how are they not at each other’s throats?’
The two of you just get along so well, both supportive of the other, and completely utterly in love with each other
It’s early in the morning, birds are beginning to chirp and the sun is just starting to light up the outside. Yet, you’re still awake, you never went to sleep. Neither did your boyfriend. The two of you just started a new anime and are determined to get halfway done with it before the next day. Thankfully it is the weekend and Tendou has no practice. Your arms are wrapped around his waist and your head is buried in his chest, occasionally squeezing him every now and then.
“That guy reminds me of you.” You glance up at Tendou before looking back at the TV, watching as the character takes out a bunch of people with his cards.
“Huh?! The little boy?” Tendou teases pointing at the dark-haired protagonist, you pinch his hip in response and ignore the yelp that leaves his throat. His red eyes widen when the magician comes back on screen. “Oh, the clown? Why him?”
“Because you’re both hot.” You tell him honestly, though it really is the hair. The two have a similar hairstyle.
“Oh, you think I’m hot?” A finger pokes your cheek and you can practically see the smirk on your boyfriend’s face.
“Obviously.” You sit up and reposition yourself so that your face is resting in the crook of his neck rather than on his chest, it’s easier to kiss his cheek from this position.
“(Y/N), you think Hisoka is hot?!” Tendou shakes his head disappointedly and you gape up at him.
“What you don’t think he is?!” You retort, equally as shocked. The two of you stare at each other in silence before bursting into a fit of laughter that drowns out the show playing in the background. Tendou eventually moves to cup your face in his large hands and stare down at you. His face lowers to brush his nose against yours and he smiles softly at the giggle that leaves your lips.
“I love you.” You shyly look up at him, your face heating up at the confession, even though you tell him this twice every day.
“I love you too (Y/N), with my whole entire being.” Tendou confesses back, his lips now kissing along your neck.
“Do you want to go get ice cream from 7/11?” You manage to ask, your eyes closed at the sensation of his lips working on your sensitive skin. Tendou halts for a second and a noise of confusion leaves his lips.
“I’m feeling you up right now and that’s what you’re thinking about?” Tendou nips at your ear and you nearly squeal at the feeling of his teeth.
“I-Is that a no?!” You ask, your breath hitching in your throat as he begins to suck under your jaw.
“Of course not, let’s go!” Tendou is off of you in an instant and you almost regret the offer you made. A frown makes its way onto your face at the lack of heat you’re facing after Tendou left.
“Come here baby,” Tendou coos and you turn excitedly towards him, only to meet a face full of a sweatshirt he threw at you. “Oh, headshot!”
“Tendou!” You whine and throw the warm material on, quickly moving to put on your shoes as you wait for him at the door. The two of you look like quite the pair, decked out in your pajamas and matching hoodies. As soon as you make it out into the hallway and Tendou locks the door, you instantly wrap your arms around one of his. You glance up at him cheekily and pout as he pretends not to notice you. That only lasts a couple of seconds though, because not before long you feel his lips pressed against the top of your head. He removes his arm from your tight hold to wrap it around your waist, pulling you into his chest so he can pepper soft kisses all over your face. Leaving the last kiss right on your lips.
Tendou Satori is, oh so, incredibly soft for you.
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Ushijima loves when you touch him
He might not understand it, he seems like such a, not a touchy guy but he adores it when you touch him
He appreciates the little ways you show your affection
He also likes how small you look next to him
Ushijima is very busy, with school and volleyball but, he lets you tag along so you don’t feel left out
You study together and try to help each other understand the material, the whole time your leg is pressed against one of his
You watch volleyball practice when it is just him in the gym, silently you wait on your phone until the moment when he is finished and yours for the rest of the night
Ushijima doesn’t understand why you like being around him so much until you go on a trip for a few days
Very quickly he realizes how much he adores being around you, he loves every second he gets to be with you and misses you every second you’re not together
When you get back from your trip, Ushijima shows his true colors
You had never seen him act so clingy before, the hug he holds you in is long enough to the point you feel you might have to push him off
He only says he missed you once but holds your hand the entire way back to your dorm
Ushijima might not be the best at expressing his emotions, but that's okay because he has his own love language and you’re fluent in it
“I can’t believe it’s raining.” You stare up at the cloudy night sky, glancing at your boyfriend and feeling slightly guilty that you dragged him out here this late at night before checking the weather. “I saw that the Moon was supposed to be super big and bright tonight,” Ushijima only continues to stare up at the sky and you sink further into your jacket. Mentally you curse at yourself, with a new relationship like this one, only being together for a few months and you go ahead ruin it with some weird ‘spontaneous’ date. “I just wanted to spend time with you.”
“I’m happy you asked me out tonight,” Ushijima confesses and you look up at him with hopeful eyes.
“Even if we can’t see the moon?” You ask, your timid tone showing through.
“Even if we cannot see the moon, I am still having fun.” At this, you grab his hand in yours and squeeze it. Ushijima can only watch with a new fascination as you bring his hand up to your lips and press a kiss against his knuckles. His face heats up with a light blush dusting his cheeks and you hold his hand to your chest even as you continue to watch the rainfall.
“Do you want to go eat, I’m sure a cafe must still be open.” You offer and Ushijima continues to stare at you, you feel warm under such an intense gaze.
“Where ever you want to go.” He answers and you nod your head before standing on the tips of your toes to reach his hood and pull it over his head.
“Don’t get too wet.” You wink and when you start to let go of his hand Ushijima only grips your hand in his own, a silent plea not to let go. He can see the wide smile you’re trying to hide off your face. 
Ushijima can’t help but smile back, feeling that same affection swirling in his heart.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 19~
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Warning!! The story has strong language, gore, and attempted rape.
Chapter 18
-------Part 1-------
Kurama: “I’ll feel better when you’re out of my sight....because I want to get rid of this feeling in my heart.”
Yoshino: “.......I see.”
Kurama’s voice sounded as if he was condemning my sin, which I falsely attributed to a small smile.
Kurama: “But you and I will meet again on the battlefield. It would be easy to snuff out a dream....It might not be a bad idea to leave you under the cherry blossom tree on this day forever.”
The wind blew harder than ever, causing petals to fly in the air.
A moment later I squinted at the momentum----Kurama gently turned his head towards me.
Yoshino: "Mm....."
Our lips meet and a sad moan escapes from my mouth.
We didn't know which one of us was melting from the heat.
Yoshino: "Mmm....haa....ahh.."
His tongue slipped through the thin lips and tickling the sensitive areas.
He stimulated all the right places and my body was supported by his strong arms.
When I opened my eyes, my view was blocked by my messy bangs disturbed by the wind.
Yoshino: "Nnn...."
Our lips separated with a faint wet sound.
My hair was a mess and Kurama gently adjusts it without saying a word.
Kurama: ".............."
Our gazes intertwined and our wistful breaths touched.
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Kurama: "I'd rather kill you than have someone else kill you. Until then, stay alive."
Yoshino: "........"
The words were too dangerous to be an expression of possessiveness and smelled too much of blood to be a confession of love.
1. I won't get myself killed...(+4/+4)
2. Kurama is the one who must not be killed.
3. No reaction...
Yoshino: "I'll do my best not to get killed..."
(For myself and for my friends...)
Kurama: "Good. I like that about you."
At some point, the residue of the withered tears was swept away by the wind along with the petals.
Kurama: "Yoshino. From now on....you're not my toy."
Yoshino: "......Mm."
I felt my heart tear into a thousand pieces, but I pretended not to know the pain.
Yoshino: "Because now....I'm Kurama's enemy."
I did not ask or speak about the meaning of that kiss.
Time moves on, leaving stagnant thoughts behind.
Yoshino: "I think that's pretty much it for packing."
-------Part 2--------
Yoshino: "I think that's pretty much it for packing."
(Finally, today is the day I leave here.)
The Shogunate and the Rebels each have a system whereby only the messenger and a few soldiers as my escorts precede them to the battlefield.
(The Rebel messenger is going to take me and hand over to the Shogunate messenger on the battlefield....)
(Then, as soon as the two sides' main armies join up, the war begins, right?)
I gently looked at the shiny stone in my hand.
(As a member of the Shogunate I fight against the Rebels.)
Yoshino: "Kurama.....is going to kill me."
(I, too, cannot protect anything unless I am prepared to do so.)
(And yet...)
(I still have such a crush on Kurama.)
I gripped the stone tightly and dammed up the emotions that were about to spill out.
Yoshino: "...................."
And then, I stood up and I went out-----
Yoshino: ".......I'm coming in."
I called out softly and opened the sliding door to enter.
I already had a hunch that the room owner----Kurama would be out.
(.....Forgive me, Kurama. For entering your room without your permission. I'll leave as soon as I've done my business.)
I apologize in my heart and kneel down on the shelf at the end of the room.
The shiny figurines owned by Kurama were carefully arranged and sparkled.
Yoshino: ".................."
I take out the shiny stone I picked up from the Otherworld and placed it between the beautiful ornaments to hide it.
The small white fragments glow dimly like the daytime moon.
(....If we can't let go of our memories, let's at least leave them behind.)
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Yoshino: "Thank you for everything. .......goodbye, Kurama."
As I said those words, my vision again caught the shiny stone and it started filling my memories.
(Somewhere along the line, I naturally accepted that I was your toy.)
(I felt like that was a manifestation of your typical possessiveness.)
(By the time I got to the point where I wanted to be more than a toy, it was..... too late.)
I stood back up and left the room quickly...
I started walking without even looking back.
-----On the same day, evening at Kyoto.
The mysterious light of twilight illuminated the beautifully furnished room.
Ibuki: "I've made you wait, Akihito."
Ibuki walks into the room and sees a young man sitting in front of him smiling languidly.
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Akihito: "You have a bad habit to call people immediately and make them wait, Ibuki."
Ibuki: "Looks like you were busy playing with that."
Ibuki pointed to Akihito's lap as if to make fun of him.
He was comfortably beating his drum to pass time.
Akihito: "What else can I do here? Well, anyway..."
------Part 3------
Akihito: "What else can I do here? Well, anyway...Yoritomo has outwitted us all, hasn't he?"
A soft, unreadable smile crept across Akihito's lips.
Akihito: "I didn't think they'd take back the fox princess."
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Ibuki: "Why are you laughing about it?"
Akihito: "Why not? You'll manage it, won't you? I sowed the seeds of evil, Yasuchika nurtured them and....Ibuki, it's your job to reap the harvest."
Ibuki: "Pain in the ass."
Akihito: "I thought you loved playing?"
Ibuki: "Okay okay, anything for you."
After a snide retort, Ibuki laughed and sat down next to Akihito.
----To discuss their future plans.
Rebel soldier 1: "The sun will soon be gone. Let's start preparing the camp."
A rebel soldier riding in front of my horse looks back at me.
Rebel soldier 2: "Ah. Hey, are you feeling any better?"
Yoshino: "Yes, I'm doing fine."
As a prisoner of war to be handed over to the Shogunate, I have been treated with respect by the rebel envoys.
It was Yoshitsune-sama who gave the order to do so.
(Yoichi-san and Benkei also were sweet enough to see me off. It is as if they forgot I'm an enemy.)
Benkei: "I know you're gonna stubbornly say 'No' if I asked you to run away. But nothing can be done now, isn't it?
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Yoichi: "We'll just have to hope that we won't run into you on the battlefield."
(Those two also risked their lives to fight for Yoshitsune-sama and their friends.)
(I'm going to stand on the battlefield, so I should learn to face anything.)
On the back of the horse, I look ahead and think about the battle that lies ahead.
At that time-----
Rebel soldier 3: "Hm? What the....?"
(What happened?)
One of the soldiers suddenly looked at the mountainside on his right.
Yoshino: "......Sand dust?"
I gasp at the sound of many horses' feet galloping towards us.
Rebel soldier 1: "No way, an enemy attack!?"
(No way.)
Dozens of men jumped out of the slope and rushed towards us on horseback.
Enemy 1: "She's here! Get her!"
Enemy: *ROARS*
Rebel soldier 2: "Are they from the Shogunate!?"
Rebel soldier 3: "I don't think so. There's no point in making a surprise attack when we've already negotiated so much."
(That's right. So, who are these people....?)
Rebel soldier 1: "We can't let em hurt our prisoners..."
-------The oldest soldier turns to me.
Rebel soldier 1: "And you, follow me closely! Let's get out of here."
-------Part 4-------
Rebel soldier 1: "And you, follow me closely! Let's get out of here."
Yoshino: "Yes!"
The rebels soldiers lined up their horses around me and ran frantically.
I was followed by the shouts of my escorts and the clatter of horses' hooves.
At the same time---Kurama, who was leaning on his side in his room, was playing with the silver crown in his hand.
Kurama: "I don't like it. The glow should be undiminished, but it's not."
As he put the crown reflecting the orange of setting sun, back on the shelf.
A similar sparkling object falls off.
Kurama: "........."
He picks it and was about to place it back, when-----
Kurama: "What the?"
Kurama frowned at the dimly shine of a stone, placed hidden in between his collection.
Kurama: "This is...no way...."
It's as if he's trying to hold on to a memory of someone who's just popped into his head.
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Kurama cradles the small stone in his palm.
At that time-----
Yoichi: "Kurama!"
Suddenly, the sliding door of the room opens and Yoichi rushes in, breathing hard.
Kurama: "What is it?"
Kurama's gaze sharpens slightly at the unusual appearance of Yoichi.
Yoichi: "There's an attack. The Court's hands have extended to the party which was sending over Yoshino."
Kurama: "!!!!"
(It's been a day. ....We've managed to escape, but.)
Rebel soldier 1: "It's not good. The horses are getting tired. I wish the enemy would give up for good."
We jumped into the mountains and tried to move along the ridge, hiding from our pursuers.
(At least if we knew who the enemy was....?)
At that time----
Rebel soldier: "Shit! They're here again!"
Yoshino: ".....!!"
At the same time as we turned around at the sound of the impatient voice, arrows poured down like rain.
Rebel soldier 2: "RUN!"
He shouted at the top of his lungs, and when one soldier tried to return the fire with his own bow, he was shot and fell from his horse.
I was about to reach out to him when another soldier tugged at my horse's hitch.
Rebel soldier 3: "Just run!"
Yoshino "..... Okay."
(If the enemy's goal is to catch me, I must never be caught.)
Keeping low, we sprinted along the beastly path, which narrowed the further we went.
(How long has it been, since I'm running....?)
Running like mad, falling down the mountainside, still running away, but.....
Rebel soldier 1: "They're catching up. We'll have to fight our way back!"
-------Part 5-------
Rebel soldier 1: "They're catching up. We'll have to fight our way back!"
The rebels soldiers started protecting me with their backs.
The rebel soldiers drew their weapons in unison and they glittered in the cloudy sky.
(.....I can't believe I can only watch like this.)
Enemy 1: "What can you even do with such a small number?"
The enemy smiled hatefully and stepped forward as if he had plenty of room.
Rebel soldier 1: "LET'S FIGHT!"
Rebel soldiers: *ROARS*
Enemy 1: "COME ON!"
Some shoot arrows, others wield white blades.
(But the number of soldiers on our side is too small compared to the other side. At this rate....)
The rebel soldiers, who are slowly retreating to fight back, are clearly in a bad mood.
Enemy 2: "Eat this!"
Rebel soldier 1: "Nn...."
A soldier was cut down in front of me and fell into the mud.
Rebel soldier 1: "Fuck...you should....go first. Go!"
The horse's rump is beaten and he clings to the reins.
Enemy 1: "Don't let her get away! Go, go----"
(....I'm scared.)
I winced as one of the arrows pierces my arm.
But still, I ran with all my might------
Yoshino: "Kyaa!!"
My horse lets out a high-pitched scream and rocks violently.
(They shot him in the leg!)
There was nothing I could do, and my body falls off the horse.
(Damn it!)
Yoshino: "Ouch...!!"
I staggered back to my feet and stared in amazement at the hellish battle.
Rebel soldier 4: "Gwaa..."
One by one, the rebel soldiers fell into the mud.
I was immediately confronted by several enemies, who blocked my escape.
Enemy 1: "He ordered us to be careful. We were just ordered to capture and keep the woman alive."
Yoshino: "Nngh....."
Enemy 2: "Now now, don't make it difficult for us....come here, missy!"
One of the men who had dismounted grabbed me roughly by the arm and I winced in pain.
My eyes widen as I look over their heads, only to see the last of the Rebels soldiers fall.
Yoshino: "...Let go of me!!"
Enemy 3: "Hey, shut up!"
Enemy 4: "She looks like some ordinary town girl? What's so valuable about her?"
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Enemy 5: "Who cares...? All our employers want, is her. But, well, it wouldn't hurt if we love her a little bit before handing it over, right....?"
I got goosebumps all over my body as he gave me a lecherous smile.
I shake off their hands and try to run away from the emerging smirking men------
Enemy 1: "Where are you running off to?"
Yoshino: "Nn...No."
They soon caught up to me and dragged me down to the ground.
My vision darkens with despair as I see multiple arms stretching towards me....
???: "What the fuck are you doing?"
At that moment---- the air around us was suffocatingly tense.
Enemy 1: "Ngh....."
The men's smiles froze, and they all turned their attention to the owner of the voice.
(No way....)
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Kurama: "Did you touch the woman?"
Chapter 20
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omgsquee2001 · 4 years
In Due Time; The Hobbit: Various x Modern! Reader
Chapter 1
[Y/N] = Your Name
[E/C] = Eye Color
[Y/A] = Your Age
The chance meeting Thorin and I had with Gandalf in Bree happened nearly 6 years ago. We took Gandalf’s words to heart and gathered thirteen dwarfs we trusted the most to come along with us. Among those thirteen, were Thorin’s nephews, my best friends. To my surprise, and glee, while I am in Middle-Earth, I do not like a regular human does. I age at the pace of a Dwarf. Dwarfs normally lived to be about 200 years old. I was currently [Y/A]. 
At the current moment, I 
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was ridding through the Shire on my pony, Jessabelle. Jessabelle was a white Shetland Pony. To my left, rode one of my best friends, Fíli
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to my right, rode my second best friend, Kíli.
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I sighed, lost in thought. A poke to the side brought me out of my thoughts. I squealed lightly. My sides were very ticklish. I glared at the culprit. Fíli smirked. 
“What’s on your mind, *Kurkarukê?” He asked. While in the company of the Dwarfs, I had learned that the word, Kurkarukê, meant Tiny Raven in Khuzdul, the ancient language of the Dwarfs. I glared playfully at the older brother. 
“I’m just thinking about how vague Gandalf is with his directions,” I said. I cupped my hand below my chin, acting as if I were holding a pipe. “‘Go to the Hobbit Hole with a green door in the Shire at the top of the hill’.” I mimicked Gandalf’s deep voice. We let out a hoot of laughter. Kíli sighed after his bout of laughter. 
“That wizard does have a way with directions.” He said. I nodded. We came to a Hobbit Hole with a green door. A mark that looked similar to an F was put onto the door. It glowed blue in the moon light. We saw two other ponies tied to the fence. We respectively tied our ponies to the fence as well before walking up to the door. Fíli rang the doorbell and linked arms with his comrades, I was standing in the middle. The door was opened to reveal a short fellow, a hair shorter than us three, with curly brown hair on his head. He wore night clothes and a robe tied tightly around his waist.
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He gave out a sort of whimper at seeing the the new company. 
“Fíli.” Fíli introduced. 
“Kíli.” Kíli introduced. I gave a smile. 
“And [Y/N].” We then bowed. 
“At your service.” We said in unison. 
Bilbo stared only at the woman in front of him, seeming captivated by her beauty. 
“You must be Mr. Boggins.” Kíli said cheerfully, unlinking arms with the woman by his side. Bilbo shook himself from his trance. 
"Nope, you can't come in you've come to the wrong house." Bilbo said. As he tried to close the door, [Y/N] stopped it with her foot. She looked confused, scared and angry.
“T-there’s no way he cancelled it,” she said. Fíli looked to his friend then back at the Hobbit. 
“No one told us.” Fíli said, just as confused as his best friend and his brother. Bilbo narrowed his eyes in exasperation. 
“Can..? No nothing’s been cancelled.” He said. [Y/N] placed a hand to her heart in relief. A smile broke out on Kíli’s face. He along with Fíli had wanted nothing more than to go on this journey along with their uncle and best friend. They would have been devastated to learn that it had actually been cancelled. The Dwarfs, plus [Y/N], pushed their way in. 
“Careful with these, I just had ‘em sharpened.” Fíli said as he began unloading his stuff, mainly all of his weapons he carried with him, onto Bilbo. [Y/N] looked around in amazement. The Hobbit Hole was nothing like she had imagined. At first, she had imagined a dirty, wet hole, full of worms and oozy smells. But instead, she found a beautifully carved out house with walls, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. As well as what smelt like good food and the heat of a warm hearth. 
“It’s nice, this place,” I said, looking around. I looked to where Fíli was still unloading his mountain of weapons into the arms of the Hobbit. “Did you do it yourself?” I asked. Kíli started to scrape the mud off of his boots on the edge of a chest sitting nearby. 
“Ah, no it’s been in the family for years. That’s my mother’s glory box, can you please not do that?!” Bilbo called angrily at Kíli. A large, but warm hand was placed upon my shoulder. I turned my head and was met with the smiling face of Dwalin. 
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Said Dwarf, I reached his chest in height, leaned down and gently placed his forehead against mine. This was what Dwarfs normally did to show love and affection towards each other. We closed our eyes in content. 
“Hello, *nathith.” Father said. I smiled.
“Hello, *Adad.” I said as we opened our eyes and pulled away. Since I didn’t really have a family of my own in Middle-Earth when I first came, Dwalin took pity on me and adopted me as his daughter. Father gently cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch. 
“I trust you have been well since last I saw you.” He said. I nodded smiling at my Father. 
“Yup! Right as rain!” I said. Dwalin laughed. He saw the two Princes. He walked over to them, placing his hand on Kíli’s shoulder. 
“Fíli, Kíli, come on, give us a hand.” He said. Kíli smiled at the taller Dwarf. 
“Mister Dwalin.” Kíli said, laughing. Fíli walked through and clapped Balin, 
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my adoptive Uncle, on the arm in greeting. 
“Let’s shove this in the hallway, otherwise we’ll never get everyone in.” Balin said.
“Ev-everyone? How many more are there?” Bilbo asked. His question went unanswered as Balin walked out of the dinning room and made his way to his niece. Balin smiled as he took my hands in his own. 
“Hello, [Y/N].” He said, pulling into a hug. I hugged back, smiling. 
“Hello, *Irak’Adad.” I said. The doorbell rung again, causing Bilbo to rush to the door. 
“And how is my favorite niece?” Balin asked. I giggled. 
“Uncle, I’m your only niece, so I have to be your favorite.” She said. Balin chuckled and nodded. 
“Right you are, lassie,” he said. He then frowned. “[Y/N], are you sure you want to go through with this? The journey is bound to be dangerous. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” He said. I nodded. 
“I am sure, Uncle. Erebor was as much my home as it was yours, even if I was not born and raised there. Plus, I’ve been trained by Father, the most fiercest warrior among us, besides yourself.” I said. Balin smiled. 
“Very well.” He said. 
A little while later, [Y/N], along with the other Dwarfs who had fallen into Bilbo’s home, had started raiding Bilbo’s pantry. By this time, Bilbo had changed out of his night shirt, pants and robe. He changed into a shirt, some trousers, and some suspenders. 
“Those are my plates! Excuse me! Not my wine. Put that back. Put that back! Not the jam, please! ...Excuse me.” Bilbo’s cries went ignored as the Dwarfs continued to take his plates, wine and ale, and food. “Excuse me. Tad excessive, isn’t it?” Bilbo asked as a Dwarf named Bombur, 
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walked out of the pantry with three wheels of cheese. “Have you got a cheese knife?” Bilbo asked. 
“Cheese knife? He eats it by the block.” A Dwarf named Bofur 
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Bofur laid eyes on [Y/N], and he smiled. He walked up to her. 
“Why Miss [Y/N], how lovely it is to see you here this fine evenin’.” Bofur said. [Y/N] smiled back at the Dwarf. 
“Hello, Mister Bofur. It is wonderful to see you.” She said. Bofur always knew how to make [Y/N] smile, even on the most cloudy of days. 
Gandalf walked out of the dinning room, trying to avoid scurrying Dwarfs when he could. He hit his head on the chandelier. Once he steadied it, Gandalf began counting the Dwarfs on his fingers, making sure everyone was accounted for. 
“Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori and [Y/N].” He finished counting.  Bifurcation walked up to Gandalf. He said something is Khuzdul and then tapped his arm.
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Gandalf nodded.
"You are quite right, Bifur. We appear to be one Dwarf short."
"He is late is all," a voice said. Gandalf looked down and saw [Y/N]. "He traveled North to a meeting of his Kin. He will come." She said. She walked off to help with other preparations.
"Mr. Gandalf?" Dori said. Gandalf turned to the Dwarf, who was holding two small glasses of red wine. "A glass of red wine as requested. It's got a fruity bouquet." Dori said. Gandalf took the glass and nodded in thanks to the Dwarf.
"Ah, cheers." He downed the red wine. He then looked sadly at the cup, wanting a little more.
A little while later, they were all sitting at Bilbo's dinning room table having a grand feast.
"Bombur catch!" Bofur called out to his brother as he threw a piece of food at him. Bombur opened his mouth and caught the food in his mouth. The Dwarfs all cheered. [Y/N] was sitting near the end of the table, Dori sitting on her right and Dwalin on her left.
As everyone began throwing food around, Bilbo walked away in disgust. He turned his gaze to the woman with [H/C] hair. Her laughter sounded like bells to music to his ears. As he looked at her smiling, Bilbo couldn't help but smile lightly as well. He turned away, only to look at his pantry in shock; it had been entirely cleared of food. 
Fíli walked on top of the table, carrying several cups of ale and knocking aside the food in his way.
"Who wants an ale? There you go." Fíli said, handing Father another Ale. I playfully smacked my best friend's leg as he passed.
"Let him have another drink," Dwalin said, referring to Óin.
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"Here ya go." Father poured the ale down Óin's hearing trumpet. Father turned the tankard over and slammed his hands down on the table in laughter. Óin sputtered in anger and put his trumpet to his lips. He blew the ale out, making the trumpet squeal. I held my stomach as I laughed. 
Kíli looked at [Y/N] and smiled softly. Kíli loved the way her [E/C] orbs shone when she smiled or laughed. [Y/N] caught Kíli's gaze and she smiled. Kíli smiled back. He looked up and caught Dwalin's glare. In a quick moment, Kili raised his mug.
"On the count of three!" Kíli shouted, catching the other Dwarfs attention at starting a drinking contest. The Dwarfs lifted their tankards. "One!...Two!" Then all the Dwarfs went quiet and began drinking their ale together. They were incredibly messy, as ale fell all over their faces and ran down their beards. [Y/N] watched on in amusement. She chose not to drink, for Ale tasted horrible to her. When finished drinking, the Dwarfs begin burping; the youngest, Ori, let out the biggest burp. The Dwarfs and [Y/N] laughed. Bilbo looked away in disgust.
Once dinner was over, I was standing in the hallway, leaning against a wall. Fíli walked over and leaned against the wall opposite of me. I smiled at my best friend.
"Are you enjoying the party?" Fíli asked. I nodded, smiling.
"That I am. Are you, Master Dwarf?" I asked. Fíli nodded, stating into her eyes.
Kíli watched from afar, glaring slightly at his brother. Balin walked over and placed his hand on Kíli's shoulder.
"Love makes us do strange things." Balin said, also watching the conversation going on between his niece and the oldest Prince. Kíli smiled and shook his head.
"I-I'm not in love." He said. Balin looked at the youngest Prince.
"So you weren't just glaring at your older brother for speaking to my niece." He stated. Kíli blushed and looked away. Balin chuckled. "Just know, that if she does turn out to be your One, treat her with kindness and love." Balin said as he walked away. Little Ori's voice caught mine and Fíli's attention.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt, but what should I do with my plate?” Ori asked, looking down at his plate then up at Bilbo. Fíli looked at you and winked. He then walked over to Ori.
“Here you go Ori, give it to me.” Fili looked over at me and winked, making me blush lightly. Fili took the plate from Ori and threw it to Kili, who in return, threw it behind his back to Bifur, who was standing at the sink in the kitchen. Bifur caught it behind his back, without even looking at it. I watched on in amusement as Kili, Fili, and other dwarves began throwing the plates, bowls, and utensils to each other, eventually throwing them to the sink to be washed. As dishware flew through the air, Gandalf ducked to avoid getting hit. Poor Bilbo was stressing out over the whole ordeal. 
“Excuse me, that’s my mother’s West Farthing crockery, it’s over a hundred years old!” Bilbo shouted. I laughed and made my way over to the Hobbit. 
“Relax, Mister Bilbo! There’s no use in telling them to stop. Dwarfs listen to no one.” I said. The dwarves at the table began rhythmically drumming on the table with utensils and their fists. 
Ignoring [Y/N]’s words, Bilbo made his way over to the table and stood in the door way. 
“And can-can you not do that? You’ll blunt them!” Bilbo shouted. Bofur made eye contact with the only female in the company and winked, making her face go red again. A mischievous smile crossed his lips. 
“Ooh, d’hear that, lads? He says we’ll blunt the knives.” Bofur said. [Y/N] knew a song was coming on. 
“Blunt the knives, bend the forks,” I smiled as Kili started to sing, still tossing the utensils. “Smash the bottles and burn the corks.” Fili joined in, bouncing a bowl from one elbow to the other. 
“Chip the glasses and crack the plates,” by now, the others had joined in the singing. I stood off to the side, smiling, watching and listening. “That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates! Cut the cloth and tread on the fat, leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor, splash the wine on every door! Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl, pound them up with a thumping pole. When you’ve finished, if any are whole, send them down the hall to roll!” I laughed as they added music, Father playing the fiddle and Bofur playing his flute. I was slightly shocked when a hand was held out to me. I looked at the owner and saw Kili. I smiled and took his hand. He placed one hand on my waist and held my hand with the other. I placed my other hand on his shoulder. We bounced and twirled around the room, laughing and staring into each other’s eyes. “That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates!” With those last words, music stopped. Kili and I stopped dancing and stood still, breathing hard. I smiled, looking into Kili’s brown eyes. Three, loud, thumping knocks resounded in the house, dragging our attention to it. All commotion and conversation stopped, being replaced with silence. Gandalf looked around the room, lowering his pipe. He broke the silence. 
“He is here.” I smiled. I knew exactly who was behind that door. And I was more than excited to see him. 
//I am so sorry! This took me longer than I thought to finish and post. I had lost inspiration to continue writing the story, but now I feel like I have the inspiration to continue writing it. I hope you all can forgive me for not updating sooner. If the transition between first and third person writing, symbolized by this, ~~~~~, is too confusing, then please let me know so I can fix it. I want you all to enjoy this. Anywho, I hope you like it and stay tuned for chapter 2.//
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