#heater repair Victoria
raptorsaurusmelain · 1 year
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 20
Tonight I am going to an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet, I can't wait !
I wrote everything on my phone so I hope it will be coherent...
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
TRIGGER WARNING : on the last paragraph, there is mention of medication.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The buzzing had changed ever since she gave Trein the photograph. It had become something like a faint whisper. She disliked this very much.
Each time she thought someone was vaguely speaking to her, so she turned around and no one was there. She began to be quite unfocused on her work. Thanks to the Great Seven, she had 'unlimited' time to do them… Even with all this time, she needed to hurry because the Magift tournament was the day after. She spent her whole week making the stadium shiny for the guests.
She finished repairing the sinks in the ladies room when the sun was setting. She needed sleep. A lot of sleep. But sleep would be on Sunday sadly. She needed to see the babies performance. She would also finish her Giktok about Cynthia's magic remover.
She dragged herself to the dorm. [Do not set a bad example and don't go to sleep before dinner…]
She made some lasagna for tonight. The children loved it.
Yuu spoke with their mouth full. "Can't wait for tomorrow !"
Victoria arched an eyebrow. "Don't speak with your mouth full. It is impolite. What is happening tomorrow?"
Yuu gluped their food while the cat answered her. "We will catch the bad guys and do a Magift match !! They are going to see how awesome we are !"
Yuu continued. "Our plan is idiot proof ! No way we will fail !"
Victoria sighed. "I don’t want anyone to be hurt, ok ?"
Yuu and Grim nodded. "Of course !"
[I should prepare the first aid kit for the overblot aftermath…]
That evening, the woman hurried the children to their room -again- to put the second layer of remover. Like the day before, she ventilated the room while putting the product. She read some alchemy books before closing the blinds. The whispers made reading too complicated because she wasn’t focused. She read the same sentence 10 times before quitting.
She went to bed, hoping for a good night of sleep.
She opened her eyes after multiple hours thinking that it was going to be another sleepless night like when she was in her thesis.
She was… in front of a tower. A small yellow tower. As if she was possessed, she knocked on the door.
A man opened it. He was old, a long gray beard, big grey eyebrows and a full blue gown-pointy hat combo.
"You're…  Yen Sid ?" She asked in her trance.
Before he could answer anything, she sank to the ground, waking up in reality.
She was sweaty. Like when you had a vivid nightmare. She looked at the clock. 5:00 a.m.
She got out of her bed. She needed a bath to relax and think about what she just lived.
While the bath was drawn-out, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was glued to her face due to the sweat. She had humongous dark circles too. She would need makeup to cover them…
She got inside the warm water. "Aaaaah… I just need some bath bombs and it would be perfect. Maybe Sam has some ? He has everything…"
[I am pretty sure I dreamt about Yen Sid. He has quite the appearance after all. Am I having those dreams like when Yuu met with Mickey ? Am I the chosen one ??? Will I get a keyboard too ? Crowley has one after all, why not me ? … Oh yeah, because I am a coward. I can't do sh*t except what's on WeTube.] She laid lower in the bath. [Maybe I am a heart princess ?] The thought made her laugh. [Yeah what a princess I am. Unable to distinguish what's real and what's not…]
When it was 7:00 a.m. she got out of her bath tube. She wasn't aware her bath was this long. She turn around the furniture to find a strange pipe with a 'be careful, hot' warning on the box next to it. Was this… a mana heater ? 
So she had an old dorm but it was full of old mana furniture? She could open a museum here !!
…. Maybe as her last way to earn money ? -As if she needed more-.
She decided to be classy for once and put on a tea length skater dress. It was black with a red underlining, peeking out the bottom of the dress. She searched high and low in the leather suitcase and got some derbies out of it. They were her favorites: black and white like in Tiger and Bunny.
She also put a LOT of makeup on to hide her dark circles. She did a red and gold halo makeup. It would change from everyone cut crease eyeshadow!
Before she got out of her room, she took her pills, adding a bit more of antipsychotic to the mix. On her prescription it was written 1.5 to 2 pills, so she should be alright…
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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rosietrace · 7 months
String of Fate
(Central) Characters Featured: Melanie Charmant, Victoria Shard
↳ { Melanie belongs to @/twsted-princess }
Others mentioned/featured: Malleus Draconia, Sumeragi Yuuta
Pairing(s): One-sided! Melanie & Victoria || Victoria Shard & Malleus Draconia
Event: Valentine's Day 2024 💌
↳ Type: Non-requested Oneshot! 「💐 — “Giving My muse a bouquet of flowers” 」
Synopsis: She loved, truthfully. So obvious in the way she presented it, it was almost humiliating. And yet, she was not obvious enough.
Warning(s): Angst. Lots of angst, established relationship (Malleutoria), unrequited love, lots of one-sided pining, one Yuuta mention but that's it, potentially ooc, Melanie is NOT having a good time, the string of fate isn't mentioned until the end ☠️
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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Melanie still didn't understand why she even bothered.
Staring from — what she could assume — was a safe distance, Melanie saw it all. The way he looked at her, the way she looked back at him.
The love that the two of them shared, insatiable in every way imaginable.
And all because, Melanie felt her breath hitch, eyes nearing the brink of watering from watching. I had been a coward.
Cowardly, indeed. Melanie had her chances— oh so many of them squandered.
Victoria had always been there, right in front of her. So many chances to make her love more pronounced, more… Obvious. At any given moment, Melanie could've done so much.
She could've told Victoria how much she adored her. How much she would’ve worshiped the ground she walked on— her wit, her ambitious nature, anything.
But she didn't.
Malleus brought his arms around Victoria's waist, his head buried into the crook of her shoulder.
He must've been pressing a soft kiss against the bare skin, as Melanie had stolen a glance at Victoria's reaction.
She might've been at a considerable distance, but she was close enough to hear Victoria exclaim, “Malleus!” in amusement.
From the looks of it, Malleus gave her a playful apology in jest, bringing his lips to hers. Victoria accepted, her arms soon hooked around his neck to pull him closer to her.
Melanie left, then and there. It would've only hurt her more to witness more of that, and she knew better than to eavesdrop on the romantic escapades of her peers.
She shed a single tear. They always kept coming even during the hours where she shouldn't have been.
“Oh dear,” Melanie sniffled, wiping away her tears with the pad of her thumb. Choked sob after choked sob, Melanie wanted— no, needed, to stay strong.
If not for herself, for it to remain certain that Victoria would be happy. That she wouldn't need to worry about her.
Melanie opened the doors of Ramshackle. Given the silence, she assumed Yuuta had left for the botanical gardens; Busy tending to his plants.
“Move on,” he'd told her once, bringing her into a warm hug of attempted consolation, “it isn't good for you to remain so hung up on her. It hurts, Mel, I know that, but… You need to pick yourself back up if you want to move on from her.”
She'd agreed with him. “I… I know, Yuuta,” she'd leaned into his enveloped arms, allowing the tears to stream down her cheeks and inevitably stain Yuuta's shirt.
He worried less about that and more about her well-being. And for that, Melanie knew Yuuta wasn't as egocentric as he presented himself to be.
Lighting a flame in the fireplace, Melanie sat down on the rug. It was early spring, but there remained a chilly atmosphere; And with Ramshackle’s heaters in need of repair, her only option was to warm up manually.
Looking down at the pretty little trinket around her neck, Melanie sighed to herself. “It was supposed to be hers…”
The necklace, she meant. A sweet, endearing little charm of rose gold with a small hydrangea accessory as the centerpiece— Victoria's favorite flower.
“I…” she wanted to let it all out, to let the feelings flow. But even in the comfort of what was essentially her new ‘home’, Melanie couldn't bring herself to do so.
“I… I just…”
Her hair fell over her face, the warmth of the fire in front of her being the only source of comfort.
“... I'm but a moth to a flame, aren't I?”
“Child of man.”
Melanie flinched, nearly dropping the textbooks in her hand when hearing the ominous sound of Malleus' voice behind her.
She chuckled awkwardly, giving the prince a polite wave. “H-Hi, Tsunotaro…”
Malleus' head tilted to an angle, a visible expression of concern on his face. In particular, his eyes.
Emeralds, Melanie always used the green gemstone to describe Malleus' eyes. Emeralds that she so adores, now…
“W-What.. What brings you here? I mean- I'm not upset, it's just- I would've thought you'd be attending classes, now…”
“We have a few minutes to spare,” Malleus began walking along the campus halls beside Melanie. “I don't see why we can't promenade every once in a while.”
That would've been comforting, frankly, it almost felt like a good idea— had it not been for the fact that Malleus was now in a relationship with the girl Melanie had been pining for.
But just because he was, didn't mean Melanie would be uncourteous to deny Malleus of his request.
“I'd like that,” Melanie's smile was genuine if not very, very awkward.
Their ‘promenade’ was everything but conversational. Malleus had done his best by trying to engage in some conversation with Melanie, to pass the time they still had before they headed off to their respective classes.
Yet Melanie remained ever silent. She didn't mean to be rude, but…
I can't help but feel uneasy. She shouldn't have felt that way, not with someone she considered a friend.
Malleus pursed his lips, his hands behind his back in a practiced militaristic stance as they walked. Fit for a prince and future King, Melanie gathered.
It was only then did Malleus finally drew his eyes to the basket slung over Melanie's arm, containing a bouquet of flowers she'd picked herself.
“That bouquet,” Malleus noted, stopping in his tracks. “Quite a lovely choice. Hydrangeas.”
Melanie nodded curtly. “Yes… From what I hear, they represent appreciation in being understood.”
“That they do. Quite well versed in the language of flowers, you are, Child of Man.”
“W-Well, I've done my research!... Haha…”
“Is it for anyone in particular?”
Melanie's eyes widened like saucers, freezing in place. Feeling too stunned to process that her neck hurt from having to look up at Malleus to look at him in the eye.
Malleus motioned his hand to the bouquet in the well-woven basket. “The bouquet. Is it a gift for someone?”
“... You could say that.” It is a gift for your lover.
Her response brought a smile to Malleus' lips. It made Melanie feel guilty for even thinking about giving Victoria a bouquet.
His smile was soft and sweet, and it was almost bewildering to see it on his face. “How lovely. Whoever for?”
That was a question Melanie didn't want to answer. While she was aware that Malleus could pass her gift to Victoria as a declaration of friendship… The slight guilt in continuing to pine for her — Malleus' now girlfriend — continued to sting at her sides.
And so, she didn't. “... How is she?” Melanie changed the topic as swiftly as she could, hoping Malleus wouldn't be skeptical. “V-Victoria, I mean. How is she?”
That smile on Malleus' lips? It had widened in its size, softening at the very mention of the woman he once detested, now loved.
“She is…” Malleus looked up, and a sigh of contentment exhaled from his lips. “... She is everything to me.”
She knew. Because she, too, knew what it was like to love someone like Victoria Shard.
To love her in a way that destroyed one from within.
Victoria paused, towering over Melanie with what could only be described as a strangely endearing look of perplexity.
Melanie's smile always seemed to be less nervous around Victoria. Or maybe that was what she wanted to believe, considering how she felt the numbness of her hands cloud her mind.
Victoria's arms folded across her chest, eyeing the bouquet of hydrangeas that weren't well hidden behind Melanie's back.
“Are those… For me?”
“E-Erm…” Melanie gulped. Why on earth did she still pine for this woman? And why was it so easy to get nervous around her??
“Melanie.” Victoria narrowed her eyes. “Are you quite alright? You appear parched… No, you look… Anxious.”
Why couldn't I be? Melanie asked from the safety of her mind. It's you. Why wouldn't I feel anxious?
It was both a good and bad thing for Melanie to feel anxious around Victoria. Though most of the positives were overshadowed by the negatives.
One of those negatives being: that Victoria wasn't someone Melanie could love in that way.
She had Malleus. Strange as it was, their relationship was so stable. So sweet in ways the couples born from fairytales pale in comparison.
“These… These are for you.”
Finally, Melanie revealed the bouquet at its full display of beauty.
She could've sworn she heard Victoria gasp. “Hydrangeas…”
Melanie watched as Victoria took the bouquet in her hands, one of those hands gently caressing the petals with an unlikely gentleness she never got to see from her all that often.
The barest glimpse of a smile graced her face. “They're lovely.” And so was she, Melanie must've thought— going deathly still once Victoria's hand made its way to the top of her head.
“I appreciate the sentiment of the gift, Melanie. And I shall treasure it, and you, greatly.”
An act of friendship, Victoria assumed it to be. But to Melanie, it was her way of finally growing a spine by trying to let go. To see Victoria Shard as nothing more than a friend.
That there wasn’t a single occasion where she felt a string tug on her fingertips; Only for it to eventually snap away.
Victoria wasn't hers. She never was. And maybe that was for the best.
Melanie's smile brightened. Looking up at Victoria, she never felt any more glad that it was too cold for her tears to be seen.
Better for her to believe it was a declaration of our friendship than a final proclamation of love.
Victoria was a flame, and Melanie was a moth that couldn't help but want to draw closer; Even if it ended up hurting her, in the long-run.
“... You're welcome, Victoria.”
Written for
@starry-night-rose || @jasdiary || @authoruio || @nem0-nee || @fumikomiyasaki || @sakuramidnight15
「 Etteilla ♢」
@geminiiviolets || @terrovaniadorm / @hallowed-delights || @absolutelyobsessedkiya / @twistedsongstressofstarz || @mystery-skulls-ghost || @abyss-wonderer ||
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hitechhotwater · 1 month
Hot Water System Upgrade vs. Repair: Guide for Victorian Homeowners to Maximize Benefits and Rebate
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Victorian homeowners often face the dilemma of whether to upgrade or repair their hot water systems. This decision can significantly impact your energy bills, home comfort, and environmental footprint.
To make the best choice in hot water upgrade Victoria, it's essential to understand the benefits of upgrading, the conditions under which repairs are feasible, and the rebates available to make these changes more affordable.
The Case for Upgrading Your Hot Water System
Upgrading your hot water system can offer numerous advantages, especially if your current system is outdated or inefficient. Here are some compelling reasons to consider an upgrade:
Energy Efficiency: Modern hot water systems, particularly heat pumps, are designed to be far more energy-efficient than older models. A hot water upgrade Victoria can significantly reduce your energy consumption and lower your monthly utility bills.
Environmental Impact: Upgrading to a more efficient system can reduce your carbon footprint. Heat pump systems, for example, use ambient air to heat water, which is much more environmentally friendly compared to traditional electric or gas heaters.
Reliability and Performance: Newer systems tend to be more reliable and offer better performance, providing a steady supply of hot water without frequent breakdowns. This can enhance the comfort and convenience of your home.
Government Rebates: The Victorian government offers various rebates and incentives for homeowners who upgrade to energy-efficient hot water systems. The government rebate on hot water systems in Victoria can significantly reduce the upfront cost of a new system, making it a financially viable option.
When to Consider Repairing Your Hot Water System
While upgrading offers many benefits, there are situations where repairing your existing system might be the best option. Here are some scenarios where heat pump repair might be preferable:
Minor Issues: If your system is relatively new and only experiencing minor issues, repairs might be sufficient to restore its functionality. In such cases, the cost of repair will be significantly lower than a complete replacement.
Cost Considerations: Sometimes, the cost of heat pump repair is substantially lower than the cost of a new system. If budget constraints are a significant concern, repairing your current system can be a more affordable short-term solution.
System Lifespan: If your hot water system is still within its expected lifespan and has been performing well overall, a repair can extend its usability for a few more years.
To know more about "Hot Water System Upgrade vs. Repair: Guide for Victorian Homeowners to Maximize Benefits and Rebate" Click Here.
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easyfixllc · 4 months
EasyFix - Appliance Repair Service
Call us anytime you need trustworthy and reasonably priced appliance repair in the Victoria or Portland areas.
Appliance Repair
Big or small appliance repairs are no problem for our company.
Serving this sector for almost ten years, we are happy to answer any questions or resolve any problems you may have. You may be confident that our very knowledgeable technicians can repair any broken kitchen appliance. Repairing Appliances Under this group of home appliances are ovens, stoves, dishwashers, and refrigerators. You may be sure that you may easily review our payment records. You may be confident that we will get right to work on the project.
Help is always accessible from me:
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Call our repair service whenever it is convenient for you. Making everyone around safe is our first responsibility.
Our company specializes on reliable and reasonably priced appliance repair. Washington's Portland and Vancouver are part of our service area.
Ensuring consumer satisfaction should always come first, no matter how excellent your items are. We have made great effort to guarantee that your business possesses the required bonds, insurance, and permits.
Raise the Standard for Common Household Appliances
It's not working, this refrigerator, as I had expected. For help keeping perishables fresher longer, rely on our trustworthy Refrigerator Repair service. If we move quickly, we can find an inexpensive answer. We welcome your contact with us anytime you need help, whether it's to make an appointment, obtain information, or both.
Finding Fair Market Values for Products: Resources
The repaired problems are all listed below:
No amount of freezing or refrigerating would make it possible. I understand at last. One hears a clicking. Ice in the refrigerator has no bearing on the temperature.You initially became aware that these commonplace things were hurting you when?
The saying "wash your hands" has proliferated around the world as it is straightforward and relevant to all. Apart from that, this equipment appears to be quite outdated. To be very honest, I never would have thought to ask! Does it really important if your dishwasher is fixed by a trustworthy service? Thanks very much for your quick reply. Amazing bargain! Your risk is minimal. You start to wonder if your original strategy was really wise as you thoroughly examine each dish. Once the kitchen is finished, everyone will think you spent a million dollars.
Always keeping a keen ear out for any unexpected noises or the sound of air leaving
Dishwashers that aren't drying dishes, won't spin, or drain water are probably broken.
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Last time your oven behaved strangely? Our staff of Oven Repair experts is available to assist at any time of day. Having our service is dependable, quick, and reasonably priced, you can relax. Give up on worrying about toasting, roasting, and baking. Don't wait for anything less than the best; get ready now.
It lists every service we offer in detail. Some of these things can be making your oven heat up unevenly: When cooking with gas, the three possible ignition sources are food, an open door, and the pilot light.
Fixing Appliances A serviceman fixes appliances.
So you want to replace your stovetop? When health declines, it becomes even more important to follow a regular food plan. Should you hear popping or sizzling noises coming from your stove, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team of knowledgeable experts. As we consistently deliver quick, affordable results, our service is dependable. You have our word. Project confidence and preparedness.
Among the many issues we deal with on our routine house calls are door jams, damaged heater parts, incandescent lightbulbs, and washers with flashing lights.
Appliance Fix
Should your washing machine malfunction, contact EasyFix-Appliance Repair right away. Ice-maker Fix We specialize on fast washer repairs. The next time you find yourself sucked into doing laundry out of boredom, picture the result. Contacting us to arrange a meeting is always welcome.
Every corrected issue is listed below:
Important for not overflowing, collecting water, and ending the cycle.
Please, help me! The washing only started acting up quite lately.
Your attempts to stop the apparently never-ending domino effect that started in your past have depleted your mental and physical energies. Using our dryer repair service will enable you to resume your usual laundry schedule immediately. The simplicity of use and reasonably priced of this service make you feel confident. Make sure everything is dry before leaving so you may enjoy your vacation without worrying about getting wet.
Should you run across issues with your dryer, such an unusual smell, extended drying periods, or loud noises, we welcome you to get in touch with us at any time.
Operating Instructions for Your Ice Maker
The ice maker on my refrigerator doesn't seem to cooperate no matter what I do. Carbonated soft drinks had a great decade in the 2000s. Since we repair ice makers, your beverages will be supplied perfectly cold in a flash. Not at all a problem. Go for the stars as well!
We are able to fix any size of issue. This covers problems like no ice, constant flow, and poor production.
Company Advice Pay attention: we promise that a wide variety of well-known appliance brands can be fixed by our qualified personnel. This extensive list shows every company that has ever collaborated with us. Should we have made a fleeting reference to your brand without giving it enough attention, do let us know.
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New Vision Plumbing Solutions: Transforming Plumbing Experiences in Blairgowrie, VIC
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In the picturesque coastal town of Blairgowrie in Victoria, residents and businesses have a trusted ally for their plumbing needs – New Vision Plumbing Solutions. This innovative plumbing company has been making waves in the industry, offering a comprehensive range of services that cater to both routine maintenance and emergency situations.
Location Highlights
Blairgowrie, located on the Mornington Peninsula, is known for its stunning beaches, natural beauty, and vibrant community. As a popular holiday destination, it is essential for residents and businesses to have access to reliable plumbing services. New Vision Plumbing Solutions has become a pillar of support for the local community, providing unmatched expertise and top-notch solutions.
Our Commitment to Excellence
At New Vision Plumbing Solutions, the commitment to excellence is more than just a motto – it's a way of doing business. The company takes pride in its ability to provide exceptional value and outstanding results, making it a trusted name in the plumbing industry.
Comprehensive Plumbing Services in Blairgowrie, VIC
Hot Water Unit Replacement: New Vision Plumbing Solutions specializes in fitting and supplying all makes and models of hot water systems. Qualified plumbers and gasfitters ensure seamless installations, catering to the unique needs of each property.
Burst Pipe Repair: The team is adept at finding and repairing any type of leak, ensuring the integrity of your plumbing system. Prompt and efficient services are crucial in preventing potential damage to your property.
Drain Cleaning: Expertise in drain clearing, cleaning, and repairs addresses all drain-related problems, ensuring a smooth flow and preventing blockages.
Gas Leaks & Fitting: Comprehensive gas leak detection and repair services prioritize safety and efficiency. The team at New Vision Plumbing Solutions is equipped to handle any gas-related issues.
Roof Leak Detection: Skilled in identifying and fixing roof leaks, the company ensures that your property remains protected from water damage.
General Plumbing Services: A wide range of plumbing and gasfitting work, including emergencies, is offered with free fixed-price quotes. From installations to repairs, New Vision Plumbing Solutions has the expertise to handle it all.
Water Heater Repair: Experienced in handling all brands and models of water heaters, the team ensures effective and long-lasting repairs.
Bathroom, Kitchen, and Laundry Renovations: Specialized installation and setup services bring functionality and elegance to every project, transforming spaces with a blend of modernity and practicality.
Toilet Repair and Installation: Comprehensive toilet repair, replacement, and new installation services cater to all your toilet-related needs.
Rain Water Tank Installation: Assistance with the supply and installation of rainwater tanks is tailored to your specific requirements, promoting sustainability.
Innovative Technology for Optimal Solutions
New Vision Plumbing Solutions employs cutting-edge technology like the Rautitan piping system to ensure optimal plumbing solutions for maintenance or construction projects. This commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes the company the ideal choice for plumbing services in Blairgowrie and the surrounding areas.
Emergency Plumbing Services in Blairgowrie, VIC
Recognizing that plumbing emergencies can occur at any time, New Vision Plumbing Solutions offers dedicated emergency plumbing services in Blairgowrie and the Mornington Peninsula. The skilled professionals at the company are equipped to handle various emergencies, from burst pipes to gas leaks, ensuring prompt and reliable assistance 24/7.
With rapid response times and efficient solutions, New Vision Plumbing Solutions minimizes disruption and prevents further damage during plumbing emergencies. Trust them for peace of mind and expert care, day or night.
Electric Hot Water Services in Blairgowrie, VIC
A reliable and efficient hot water system is crucial for any household, and New Vision Plumbing Solutions understands this well. Serving the Mornington community, the company offers top-tier electric hot water services tailored to the unique needs of each household.
Expert Installation: The team specializes in installing high-quality electric hot water systems, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
Prompt Repairs: On-call professionals quickly address and resolve any issues, minimizing disruption and ensuring a smoothly running system.
Regular Maintenance: Thorough maintenance services keep hot water systems functioning efficiently, extending their lifespan and preventing future problems.
Personalized Solutions: Recognizing the diversity of hot water needs in different homes, New Vision Plumbing Solutions offers personalized consultations to select the most suitable electric hot water system.
Energy-Efficient Options: The range of electric hot water systems includes energy-efficient models, helping reduce environmental impact and save on energy costs.
For residents of Blairgowrie and the nearby areas, New Vision Plumbing Solutions is the reliable choice for all electric hot water needs. Let them enhance your home comfort with expert services, ensuring you have access to hot water whenever you need it.
In conclusion, New Vision Plumbing Solutions stands as a beacon of excellence in Blairgowrie, VIC, providing transformative plumbing solutions that prioritize quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Whether it's routine maintenance, emergency assistance, or innovative installations, the company's skilled professionals are dedicated to elevating the plumbing experience for residents and businesses alike. Choose New Vision Plumbing Solutions – where plumbing needs are not just met but exceeded with exceptional solutions.
Get In Touch With Them:
New Vision Plumbing Solutions 6 Petrel Cl Mount Eliza VIC 3930 +61414904464 https://newvisionplumbers.com.au/plumberblairgowrie/
Read Our Next Blog: Plumber Mornington Peninsula
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waconiacomfort · 1 year
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Waconia Comfort is one of the best heater installations in Victoria, MN. You provided exceptional air conditioning installation and repair services and helped you resolve all heater-related issues. Call us at (952) 442-3473 to know more.
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waterheatersus · 1 year
Store Hot Water with the Most Dependable Electric Instantaneous Water Heaters
A plumbing device that produces hot water instantly is known as electric instantaneous water heaters. Water is heated as it travels through a heating element in this electrically driven device. Such a device has the benefit of providing limitless warm water without the requirement of a holding tank. As a result, you won't ever need to wait for your hot water to start again. Typically, the heating source is placed nearby the site of use, like underneath a sink.
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Explore the Best in Industry Devices for Gas and Solar Hot Water
The purchase and installation costs of electric residential Water Heaters are higher, but the ongoing expenses may be considerably cheaper.
Gas or energy can be used to supplement solar hot water devices.
Solar water systems in Victoria may depend quite a bit on their bolstering system, especially during the winter.
Solar water systems use up the area on your roof and don't produce energy, which can reduce the amount of room accessible to solar PV systems.
When powered by natural gas, high-efficiency gas hot water systems are usually regarded as the most cost-effective form of the water heater.
This is no longer the situation thanks to recent developments in heat-pump technology.
This system's ease of upkeep is one of its primary advantages.
You won't ever have to be concerned about leakage because there are no hookups for gas or oil.
Low Repair, Cheaper, and Faster Implementation
Electric devices don't need extensive implementation like gas-powered ones do! Installation costs for electric hot water systems are frequently lower than for other kinds of hot water systems. For homeowners seeking a quick and affordable method for setting up a hot water system, they are a fantastic choice.
Electric hot water systems rarely require repairs because there aren't any complex components to think about. You only need to connect them to start using them.
This energy is used by an electric water heater to heat water, giving you hot water for showers, washing utensils, and doing chores. You can maximise the use of your solar cells and lessen your dependence on fossil fuels by combining the two systems.
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Hydronic Heating Factory- The Best solution for installing Hydronic Heating System
What does Hydronic heating System signify?
Hydronic Heating Systems are preferred by those house owners, especially in winters, who want to keep their house healthy and comfortable for their family by installing energy-efficient heating systems. It fulfills the need to supply a residential heating alternative to lower energy costs.
Hydronic Heating is also known as radiant heating. It is a type of heating system in which water is used either in liquid form or in gaseous form (steam) or a water solution, which is a mixture of glycol and water is used as a heat transfer for cooling and heating systems.
In this, Hydronic Heating Boilers are used, and tubing is used to run the hot liquid beneath the house's entire floor. Further, it runs along with the baseboard heater or through the radiators to heat the entire room.
How does Hydronic Heating System Works?
In the Hydronic Heating Systems, there is a piping system in which hot water is continuously circulated throughout the home, allowing the heat from the hot liquid to radiate in the entire room at a consistent and comfortable temperature.
It uses two phenomena of heat transfer: conduction and radiation, along with a superior conductor of heat in liquid form.
It involves three major steps:-
• The Hydronic Heating Boilers use conduction for efficient and quick heating of water. • The heated water now circulates in the entire pipes, and it heats the entire concrete, tile through the conduction process and radiates the entire heat into the room. • The flooring surfaces also radiate the heat they gained from the water into the entire room.
The ending result is that the entire rooms become comfortable after receiving the comfortable temperature from the floor as well as from the concrete objects inside the room.
Hydronic Heating factory is trustworthy related to this Hydronic Boilers. It renders the best heating elements and helps in proper installing of the heating elements in the rooms with proper guidance to the plumber. It also assists with Hydronic Heater Repairs Victoria.
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wtfixair-blog · 7 years
WTFIXAIR Offers Best HVAC Services
WTFIXAIR is a certified & well experience company for Heating and Cooling Service Melbourne, Victoria, Sydney & Brisbane, with certified technicians for heater and air conditioning service Melbourne, Victoria, Brisbane & Sydney. All of us service and set up HVAC industrial Roof heating and air conditioning models, packed gas/electric awesome models, make-up air flow products, heating unit, duct furnace, gas wall heater service Melbourne, ducted air conditioning Sydney, Brisbane. We’ve dealt with product sales, heater & ac installation Melbourne, Victoria, Sydney & Brisbane and support for a wide selection of business operations such as: manufacturers, malls, shops, stores, restaurants, junk food shops, churches, colleges, pc room, workplace systems and much more, as you written agreement with WTFIXAIR all of us guarantee you great valued, quickly and reliable support.
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AC repair Melbourne, Victoria, Sydney, Brisbane starts with very good air conditioning installation Melbourne, Victoria, Sydney & Brisbane that is why you will need WTFIXAIR. You can buy the very best tool and maintain this continuously, but if not really set up properly, your company’s heating and cooling, air conditioning Victoria, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and ventilation gear can never reach the greatest effectiveness or find the durability the equipment must have, honestly, that is why you require WTFIXAIR’s experience upon set up using an experienced permit professional at work.
Devoted to providing top-quality hvac service in Melbourne, Victoria, Brisbane & Sydney and the greatest customer support, WTFIXAIR gives solutions for professional and industrial customers through the entire Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane Region. With a solid track record of customer satisfaction and membership in professional HVAC organizations, our staff members stay on top of the most latest technology and marketplace standards. You know that you will be getting the best in the organization for a wide range of companies, including:
24-hour problems services
Industrial and commercial sales
Services for industrial and commercial HVAC gadgets
Design and setting up heating, air conditioning
Parts, repair and replacements
Service plans and restoration
Service & Parts for All Manufacturers’ Products
For installation, restoration and ac & heater repair Melbourne, Victoria, Sydney & Brisbane, be sure you contact WTFIXAIR on your industrial or specialist HVAC systems. We’re able to proud to install and service a wide selection of applications for heating, air conditioner. WTFIXAIR professionals have the expertise in offering air conditioning maintenance Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Victoria, for almost all manufacturers’ makes.
WTFIXAIR will help you find the correct AC to your house in your spending budget. All of us install central air conditioning units and ducted air conditioning installation Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne & Brisbane.
Central Air conditioner Systems
There is nothing better than the comfort of central air conditioning. Built-into your home’s existing a/c ducting and controllable from the regular thermostat, it provides not only cooling nevertheless humidity control as well. Best of all, there’s virtually no bulky unit in your indoor rooms. When needed, we can create custom ductwork to you.
Ductless Air Conditioners (Mini Split)
If you live in an older home without any existing ductwork, ductless ACs may be a great option for you. Ductless air conditioners rely on thin cables that are easy to run through walls, and don’t require dangerous or expensive setting up. The indoor numerous be mounted on the ceiling or a wall structure, where they are taken care of.
How We Be sure you Find the Right System
Every single home is unique, each and every home owner has options regarding energy overall performance and budget. This is why we take you time for you to visit your home individually before we recommend a system to you. Here are some of the things air conditioning contractors Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne & Victoria, examine throughout the consultation:
We evaluate your home to confirm the area required.
We analyze hot/cold areas created by varied sun exposures.
We factor in electricity costs and help you know what level of strength effectiveness will help your industry’s monthly electricity bills.
We find out about any problems with allergies. While air-con don’t get rid of pollen and other allergens we could help you with a better air conditioning unit filter than you could get in the hardware store.
We element in your budget. In the event that required, we can help discounts and funding.
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raptorsaurusmelain · 3 months
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 32
Life is a mess, God is clearly testing me... So here a filler chapter !
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
At the moment Victoria held her hand out, a loud noise could be heard and everything around her began changing into smoke. She yelped “Not agaiiiin !!”.
She opened her eyes. What was that loud noise ? … Someone was banging on her door ?
It was Grim.
“Griiim shush!!! Victoria is sleeping !!!”
[Too late Yuu, I am already awake.]
She got up really slowly. “Yes yes coming…”.
“VICTORIAAAAA.” Continued Grim behind the door.
 *BAM* The door opened, revealing a zombie like state Victoria “WHAT?”.
She enjoyed the silence that came with the surprise. Victoria continued “Wazzup?”.
Grim was about to yell again but Yuu was faster. “We were taking a shower when the water became cold. I told Grim it could wait but he was impatient. I think the water heater broke… Sorry…”
The woman sighed. She was too tired for this. “I see… Go to class, I will take care of it.”
Yuu was going to apologize once again, but the brunette cut them. “I said : go. to. class. Have a nice day.”
Yuu and Grim nodded, understanding from her tone of voice that it was better not to insist.
Victoria tried going back to sleep but it seemed like her body was good for the day, despite being mentally drained. She still stayed in bed, scrolling a bit on her phone. She needed to enjoy silence while it lasted. Calm. Peace.
After an hour or so, she got up and went to the kitchen. She was just following her stomach to this point. She munched on a sandwich while looking at the boiler. It was an old thing after all, it wouldn’t be strange for it to break.
She opened YouTube. “How… To… Tell… If a boiler… Is… Dead.”. She clicked on the first video. She watched the video and called her helpers. “Albert, Bertrand, Conrad, we need to repair this.”
“That’s not our name !” protested them.
 “I don’t care” answered the woman.
Despite this short feud, the four of them went to work.
After a few hours, the four of them had come to the same conclusion : the boiler was dead. They tried to revive it by modifying the intensity of the flame, the gaze etc… But, no, it was dead.
Victoria snarled. She needed to go to the store… And not be in her pj. Sh*t.
Tag @hipsterteller @1-randomized
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 63 - SBT
Here it is!
Day after day, week after week, month after month, Perle grew up to become the most beautiful cat Mundy had set eyes on. Whenever he walked in the streets, people would stare at that scruffy man with a majestic snow white cat laying on his shoulders. 
And she grew up to be rotten spoilt, that cat! The kids spent their time petting her and she was never out of scratches' reach for very long. Her fur grew up so much that her tail looked like it was made of soft cotton. She would wave it left and right, walking along her Dad, protecting him for strangers. But Mundy had raised her to accept children and he could even sometimes see a bit of a mother's instinct on her. 
He would set her free and she would roam the streets with other cats sometimes before coming back home to eat and sleep. Meanwhile, Mundy got busy with the homeless around there, as usual. He gave Maurice a hand, here and there. Sometimes he was serving soup, and he helped prepare it, other times, he was running a few errands for the tall king of beggars. 
They only had one agreement. Mundy would refuse any remotely risky job, might it be just passing on information on a hot target from one courier to the next. And Maurice had agreed. He respected that. 
Most of the time, Mundy was at the storehouses, helping out. The rich folks of town would get rid of what they don't use: clothes, toys, anything. The beggars would then collect all of it and go through it. Keep what can be of use or easily repaired and get rid of the rest. Mundy would be one of those people. He either went through bags and bags of clothes, or he would repair the occasional toaster or electric appliance.
He was moderately happy with it. It was honest work, the pay allowed him and Perle to live comfortably in the van and he would even sometimes find some clothes for himself, or for the cat. July and August were coming and the temperatures were gently going down, and more and more beggars gathered around barrels in which they lit fires. 
Mundy relied on his clothes and his little electric heater in his van. 
That evening, Perle insisted on going out for dinner. She kept on meowing again and again and refused to eat her tuna. 
"Right, let's get somethin' out then, baby."
"I know you're not a baby anymore, but you’ll always be a baby to me, kitty cat…”
He chuckled and they walked in the streets. Perle never strayed too far from her master so he didn't even use her leash. She would trot here and there, jump on low walls and Mundy didn't worry for her. At each cross-road, she would come and sit down at his feet. Only when he started crossing the road, would Perle follow, trotting happily. He had noticed her doing that with Lucien, back in the days, and he guessed that he was the one to educate her so. 
And the more she grew up, the more Mundy saw the resemblance between her and her Papa, not physical of course, but in her character. She was a precious cat and behaved as arrogantly as Lucien used to. But under her thick fur of snow white aristocratic looks, Perle was the most gentle lady cat around. She would let children play with her and would offer a paw to people who held out their hands, whoever they might be. 
"Oh, hey, there, how may I help?" 
"V, it's me." 
Victoria's eyes moved down to Perle. 
"Is that you Pearl?! Oh my God, you grew up so much! And M, sorry I didn't recognise you with short hair…!" 
"It's ok, don't worry. Can we have a table?"
"Sure, d'you wanna…?" Victoria was about to offer the same table Mundy used to come to with Lucien back in the days. But on second thoughts, maybe he had moved on and didn't want to dig up the past. After all, Lucien had passed months ago now.
"Yeah, I will, if the table's free." He answered. 
"Sure, go ahead - oh!" Victoria turned her head and saw Perle already lying on the table. "I guess someone is ready to order, eh?" 
Mundy chuckled. 
"Yeah, kinda." He went to sit at the table. "She actually was the one to push me to come here." 
"She's a great cat." Victoria said.
"And a big one too, look at you, baby, your fluff is everywhere, I can't see the bloody table!" 
Victoria chuckled. 
"Alright, I'll give you a minute to make up your mind."
"Thanks, V." 
After a few minutes, the waitress came back. 
"So, are you guys ready to order?"
"Yeah, I'll have a coffee and a croissant please. If you have a bit of tuna for the lady, that'd be great."
"Sure. D'you mind if I take a coffee with you?" 
"Oh, sure." 
"Right, I'll be back in a minute. Oh and by the way, you can call me Victoria. L called me V because when I asked him his name, he said L." 
Mundy smiled. Yeah, that sounded like his Lu' alright…
When the young woman came back again, she was carrying a tray. She put the plate with the tuna can in front of Perle and gave Mundy his coffee and croissant. 
"Thanks, mate." 
He opened the can of tuna and Perle started eating it. 
"So," Victoria sat down. "What's up?"
"What's up…?" Mundy repeated. "Well, not much, to be honest. I work with Maurice, helpin' out the poor. Perle helps out with uh…  mice control let's say."
Victoria smiled. 
"She grew up so much…! I remember the first time L brought her here. She was a tiny baby-faced kitten with massive eyes. And now she's the most beautiful cat ever…! Doesn't surprise me that L got her."
"He didn't buy her."
"What?" Victoria asked. 
"He rescued her. Found her skinny and shivering at his hotel door."
"Are you serious?" 
"Yeah. He told me he gave her some tuna and he thought about releasing her. But she didn't want to go."
"Oh… She looks so… I don't know, she looks like him but in a cat. Her fur is as prim as his suits, she's got the same gaze in her eyes, she's confident about herself…" Victoria said, staring at Perle. 
"Yeah, she took a lot from her Papa."
Perle stopped eating and pricked her ears at the mention of the word. 
"Yeah, we're talking about Papa, baby." Mundy brushed her head gently. She closed her eyes and purred. 
"D'you know what breed she is?" 
"I'd say ragdoll, maybe mixed with something else? She's got the same long hair and the shape of the eyes." He answered. 
Perle finished her tuna and laid down on the table, lazily waving her tail left and right. 
"And what about you, Victoria? Last time I heard from you, you said you were engaged?" Mundy asked.
"Yeah. We want to get married and we're slowly getting the money for it."
"That's great, congrats on the ring, eh." Mundy pointed at her finger. 
"Thanks! It's a beautiful thing, yeah."
"When d'you think you'll have the wedding?" 
"Somewhere over December, when it's warmer." 
"Fair enough." 
"And uh… Can I ask… Uhm," Victoria hesitated to ask. "On your side of things… Have you, y'know, maybe seen someone else?" 
Mundy smiled.
"Nah. Still love him." He simply answered. "I go and visit him on the weekend. Tell him about my week, about anything really."
Victoria looked distraught. 
"Don't look at me like that, I'm doing fine. I just…" Mundy sighed. "I just know there's no one else like him or as good as him. He's… Y'know, he wanted to be here and not sent back to France even though he only spent a few months here. That constantly blows my mind when I think about it."
"He told Maurice he wanted to be next to me. I'm - I'm happy about it but it just… What surprises me is that he didn't want to be buried with his fiancée and kid. I mean…"
"Bloody hell, he must have loved you unlike anyone before…"
Mundy blushed and looked down at the empty coffee cup that he held between his hands. 
"Well, then we're two." 
"M, look, I don't mean to tell you what to do or anythin' but maybe it's time to, y'know, find someone else or…?"
"Nah, V. Can't do it. My mind's stuck."
"I can see that. You talk about him still in the present, even after all these months."
"Yeah, it's even worse than that." He admitted, still not looking her in the eyes. 
"What d'you mean?" She gently asked. 
"I won't bother you with this." He answered. 
"Please, M, you don't bother me. The way I see it, I do it for him. He wouldn't want to see you anxious with no one to talk to. So please, go ahead."
Mundy took a deep breath and sighed. 
"To this day, when Perle and I go to sleep, we hold on to one of his jackets. She uses it as a blanket and I just… I hold it for the smell of it. And when the perfume goes away, I spray a bit more of it. But that's not all… I uh… I started smoking more."
He put a hand in his inner pocket and took the metallic cigarette case that belonged to Lucien. 
"I guess they are the same cigs as him?" She asked and he nodded.
"And everyday that God makes, I look at this old thing to tell me the time before realising that the time will always be 4.26pm, the time at which…" Mundy had pulled up his sleeve a bit to show Lucien's broken watch and he couldn't finish his sentence.
"You can't have it repaired?" She asked. 
"I could. But I don't want to change anything in it." Mundy covered his wrist again and opened the cigarette case. He took one and lit it.
"Hold on…" Victoria said, staring at the case. "Can I…?"
"Oh, sure, you smoke too?"
"No, it's just…"
Victoria opened the case flat on the table again and pushed the cigarettes left and right. 
"Is that you and your parents?"
Mundy almost choked. Behind the cigarettes was that picture of him that had been missing from the van, the most recent picture he had of his parents. 
"What the hell is it doing here?!" He asked. 
"You didn't put it there?" She asked. 
"No! I've been looking for it everywhere! I thought I'd lost it, I - huh?!" He gasped when the realisation hit him. "Lu'..." 
"What?" Victoria asked. 
"It's him. He stole a picture of me and my parents and…"
Victoria's eyebrows jumped. 
"Listen. On the day of his funeral, after the ceremony, I went back to the van with Pearl. I tidied up the place and realised that this photo was missing. I have a few of them stuck to the wall and this is the last one I have of my parents and I. I thought it had fallen, maybe even flew out the door one day without me realising it."
"How does that all loop back to L?" She asked. 
"There was one day that Lu' came to my van alone. After he came back from it, he told me that he couldn't help but have a look around my stuff, the curious bastard… That's what he meant! He took that picture and…" 
Mundy looked down and removed all the cigarettes from the case. He took that photo and Victoria saw another one behind it. Mundy put them both flat on the table. 
"This was his fiancée and kid, and him obviously."
"Oh my God, he looked so young!" 
"And that's me and my parents…"
"Woah… And he kept both in his cigarette case?" 
"That he carries everywhere, all the time. Each time he would open it he would see…"
"You." Victoria said. 
Mundy sighed but with a smile. 
"I love you, you thief…" He muttered to himself. 
Victoria grinned but deep down, she was concerned. No one visits the grave of someone they used to love that frequently for that long. No one clings to souvenirs that way, no one sleeps with their ex-'s jacket, spraying it with their perfume, no one starts to smoke as their ex-'s did… 
"I have to tell you this because no one else might."
"What is it?" He asked, looking her in the eye.
"You probably shouldn't do all these things."
"What d'you mean?" 
"The cat is more than enough for you to remember him by."
Perle stopped bathing herself and turned her head to her Dad. She had felt it. Dad became hot and he smelt weird. He wasn't scared or angry, it was somewhere in between.
"I can't." He clenched his jaw and looked down. 
"What do you mean?" She asked. 
"I tried. I tried not doing all these things. But without his jacket, I can't sleep, without his cigs, I get too anxious to the point where I can't leave the van and even Perle can't do anything to make me feel better."
"That doesn't sound too good, M."
"Yeah, well, didn't sound good when Maurice told me that he passed either, eh." He answered passive-aggressively. 
"Maybe you should see someone." She suggested. 
"Told you. There's no one else half as g-"
"No." She cut him. "Someone to talk to, about all this." 
He sighed and rubbed his eyes. 
"So you think I have a problem?" He asked. "I'm not mad."
"I'm not saying that you are. I am just suggesting that you try because it might do you good. I've never met anyone who didn't go past the grieving stage for that long. From what you tell me, it's like you live in denial!"
"What?!" He asked. 
"You live with all his stuff as if he was still there, but he isn't! He's been gone for months!"
He frowned. 
"Look, M, it's not good that you live like this. You are not really living in the real world. You need to open your eyes and believe the hard truth. Don't hide from it, don't try to put together an act to pretend he's still here."
Mundy couldn't hear any more of it. He took the cigarette case back and left. Perle jumped after him the second he did and followed him. 
Their walk back home was silent and she could feel her Dad was distraught. 
He didn't answer and continued walking. He slipped in his van and locked himself in before letting himself fall on his sofa. 
He didn't know what to say.
"It doesn't make sense." 
Perle laid on his chest, brushing her head against his. 
"How can I just… forget? I can't! I can't pretend it didn't happen! And I'm not pretending it didn't happen! If it hadn't happened, we'd be with him, wouldn't we?" 
"I mean it stands to reason…!" He looked into Perle's eyes and she started kneading his chest with her fluffy paws. He sighed. 
"Sorry to yell at you, baby. I shouldn't. You did nothing wrong." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her dearly. "I just miss him… I wish he was still there. And with winter coming, I just feel a bit miserable, is all." 
"D'you think V was right?"
"Meow." She looked up at him with her bewitching eyes. 
Perle trotted away to the door and scratched it repeatedly.
"Wanna go out again?"
"Alright, here… Door's open. Be careful with cars and stuff, eh?" 
Perle sat at the doorstep. 
"What? You're not going?"
"Meow." She sat there, her long fur brushed by the cold wind of winter. 
"Wanna come in then?"
"Meow." She refused and sat such that Mundy couldn't fully close the door. He sighed. 
"It's really cold, baby, now either you get inside or you go out."
"What d'you want?"
She turned her head up to him. 
"With you…? Alright…" He put on his coat again and followed her out. 
This time, he let her completely decide where she wanted to go and followed behind. Mundy's eyes were lowered down to his boots as he walked the pavement mindlessly. The sun went down fast and soon, he walked in the periodic puddles of sodium orange street lights.
When she turned, he did. When she stopped, he did. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed as his thoughts continued to roll, powered by his frustration and distress. 
How he wished Lucien was there, how he wished he could be walking the streets with him! Even if they wouldn't hold hands out in the open, even if he wouldn't show how much the posh snob counted for him. Who needed to hold hands when one simple gaze spoke a thousand words? 
And Lucien's eyes… Two drops of ice. Cold and yet the most sensual gaze Mundy had ever crossed in his life. It was absurd but each time he locked eyes with him, he would feel the attraction, in his own mind, in his heart, and everywhere else. His hands would have pins and needles to the tip of his fingers, his knees would weaken and feel like jelly, his whole chest would beat a march of warmth, comfort, and safety. 
But those days were long gone and similarly to a decade ago, time was passing, treading over him, trampling his face with heavy hooves whilst Mundy was stuck, like the hand of a broken watch, like the hand of Lucien's watch. 
"Meow!" MIAOU
Perle broke Mundy's descent to the coldest places of his mind. 
She trotted to a door and sat next to it. 
Mundy frowned and raising his head, he saw the name of the establishment blink in golden neon lights. 
The Queen Victoria. 
He sighed. 
"Oh bugger… And of course, you want me to get in?"
"I'm not dressed properly for this, baby. And I don't have the energy."
"Meow!" She insisted. 
"No." He turned on his heels and walked away. The sound of his heeled boots resounded loudly in his ears until he stopped at a crossroad. When the cars braked to let him through, he looked down but Perle wasn't by his side. 
He looked round and around, his eyes scanning his surroundings as he suddenly realised that the streets were busy with people, walking, running, busy like bees in the city. 
"Pearl?! Baby! Where are you?" 
He walked back on his steps and finally found her.
"What the hell are you bloody doin' here?" 
She was still sitting next to the entrance door of the Queen Victoria.
"C'mon, let's go back home!"
"Meow!" She insisted and meowed louder such that people in the streets stopped and watched the man talk to his cat, the poor fool… 
"Right…" He pushed the door and got inside to escape all the eyes that were riveted on him in the streets.
"Good evening, Sir. Long time no see! Your usual table is free, if you would be so kind…" 
Mundy didn't have time to say anything and in no time, he was seated back at the table he used to come and watch Lucien from. Perle climbed on the opposite seat and on the table to lay down there. 
"You're in a lot of trouble, Pearl. I don't have any kind of money to pay anything from here…"
Mundy looked around. The restaurant was less busy and the same musicians were on stage. When their piece ended, people applauded left and right. It didn't boom like it used to back when Lucien was singing there.
"Oh, sorry to scare you, here, this is on the house, from Andy and his musicians."
It was the same old chocolate dessert that a waiter had put on the table. Mundy raised his eyes to the stage and Andy nodded to him while the patrons in the dining area were still applauding. 
When the applause passed, Mundy sighed. He took the spoon on the dessert plate and stared at the chocolate cake. It looked exactly the same but Mundy knew even before putting it in his mouth. It would taste and smell different now. 
The orchestra started a new piece, but Mundy wasn't listening. He would just eat the cake to honour the musicians' gift, and leave. He raised the bit of cake on his spoon to his mouth and as he ate it, a female voice made him almost choke on it.
{To the readers, the song is "Heartbreaker" by Dionne Warwick} 
"I got to say it and it's hard for me,
You got me crying like I thought I would never be, 
Love is believin', but you let me down,
How can I love you when you ain't around?"
Mundy raised his head to the stage. A middle-aged black female was singing. She was wearing a beige and golden top with long sleeves and a matching pair of trousers. 
"And I get to the morning and you never call,
Love should be everything or not at all,
And it don't matter whatever you do,
I made a life out of loving you!"
Mundy put a hand on his mouth. The words hit him. They hit him and they hurt. They hit him and they hurt so damn much.
"Only to find any dream that I follow is dying,
I'm crying in the rain,
I could be searching my world for a love everlasting,
Feeling no pain,
When will we meet again?"
Mundy thought the music wouldn't touch him, but it did. It broke him inside. He could feel it, burning like an ulcer but not just in his stomach. The pain was everywhere in his chest, in his stomach and in his head.
And it seemed to him that the words beat him up… 
"Why do you have to be a 
Is it a lesson that I never knew?
Got to get out of the spell that I'm under
My love for you!"
They gathered in a circle around him and hit. 
"Suddenly, everything I ever wanted
Has passed me by
This world may end
Not you and I!"
Mundy lowered his head and hid his face in his hands, trying to protect it from the kicks and hits. 
"My love is stronger than the universe
My soul is crying for you, and that cannot
be reversed"
But they hurt. Mundy screwed his eyes shut and tensed up everywhere, as if contracting all his muscles would lessen the pain of every hit.
"Out of my mind, I am held by the power of you, love
Tell me then should I try?
Or should I say goodbye?"
The Aussie pushed his chair and left the place.
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roswellroamer · 5 years
Day 6. February 4, 2020. Dunedin to Owaka. 150km.
Woke up to the expected rain. While loading the bikes we chatted for a few minutes with a couple guys on Harleys who along with us secured the only covered parking spots behind the Victoria hotel. They were both Goldwing riders back in Atlanta (!) and Edmonton and were less than thrilled with the handling of their Street Glides. They hadn't been aware of the Burt Monro Rally and were wishing they had booked a week later as they were headed back north to CHC. The rain which hasn't been too bad (until today) has been pounding the south and west coasts. In fact, schools are out in this area due to localized flooding and buses not being able to navigate successfully. One event that occurred due to flooding is going to force a change in our plans. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12305737
The poor folks who got stuck and hundreds are still marooned on the Milford Sound side of this washout! Imagine if you got stuck and had to be choppered out. 🚁 What would you do about your rental bike or car? Crazy. Only one road from Te Anau up to and back from Milford Sound. Doubtful the road will be reopened in six days time when we have a reservation on a boat out of that port to see glaciers and fiords. Oh well. They say a week or more until repairs will be completed. We had another short riding day slated. Tonight Elton John is performing at the Dunedin stadium and we needed to adjust our route to adapt to the reality of zero room availability in Dunedin tonight due to that concert. The Rocketman screening 🎥 was for the Elton fans flocking to Dunedin. Only a couple hours ride on tap so we took a small detour to ride around the Otago peninsula which is accessible from central Dunedin. Despite the drizzle and a few construction zones where it seems they are adding a walking/biking lane along the bay, the scenery on the peninsula was beautiful. A few sailboats were moored in various harbors and the large cruise ship docked in town was visible across the sound. We opted to grab brekkie at the Portobello cafe. I opted for a banana milkshake (good but no ice cream), bacon & egg sandwich with sausage links and topped off with a homemade carrot cake and fresh whipped cream. I even saw the milkman deliver the milk and cream as we ate there outside. The weather gave us the only break of the day during that hour into the peninsula. As we headed back to the mainland and highway 1 south, Mother Nature gradually increased her intensity with more rain. We stopped for some memorable pics of the hillsides, tree lined sheer cliffs along the road all overlooking the water or the dormant and verdant Dunedin volcano. Instead of rocks strewn about its signature comical base, this volcano is covered in sheep! The interstate-like 1 through Dunedin gives way to the usual two lane road 10 miles or less outside of town. We got gas in Milton and due to the steady rain and dropping temperatures to around 50°F we skipped the well maintained Sod cottage that sits immediately adjacent to the road south of there. As we wound down towards Balclutha we began to notice the large volume of water. Standing pools became lakes in the fields, streams were roaring and overflowing their banks and impromptu rivers founds their way through unexpected farmlands. The Clutha River was very high and from what we hear, the south road to Invercargill may be flooded and we may have to retrace our path to Balclutha to then swing westward to Invercargill in a couple days. Soaking wet, we tried to check in to the Catlins Gateway motel but were unable to raise the innkeeper. We were an hour and a half prior to check in so we rode down the street to the Catlins Cafe and both enjoyed a hearty homemade tomato soup accompanied by two large and delicious slabs of garlic bread. 😋 Our gear was dripping all over the place and it was nice to warm up the hands. Not sure why I was riding in my mesh gloves in the 49° cold rain. After lunch the innkeeper was there and was very friendly. He told us if the local sites, restaurants and what roads might be closed due to the rains. A laundry room has already been used and the heater in my apartment style unit has been on high for hours already. The bed even has a heated blanket, sweet. The laundry and blog duty has kept me from a rainy afternoon nap but I have been getting solid rest. I had to make a toast last night for being out and not asleep at 11 PM. 🍻 Just down the street is Teapotland. A Route 66 worthy place to stop. Cool. I'll get a pic when the rains diminish. I think we'll walk to the recommended Lumber Jack cafe for dinner in a bit. A number of waterfalls should be much larger than usual if we can get to them tomorrow. Also a nearby beach by the Nugget Point lighthouse has some endangered penguins which come ashore later in the afternoon. Hopefully we can see them tomorrow.
Just saw the evening news. In addition to the previously declared state of emergency in Fiordland, now Southland has also been declared in a state of emergency by NZ civil defense. 40" of rain (over one meter) in just 48 hours! Whoa. 😮
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jltplumbing-blog · 5 years
What Are The Services To Expect From A Plumbing Service?
Many people think that general plumbing services include services like fixing the toilet or repairing a broken water heater. But the truth is completely different. There is a plethora of work that can be taken care of by professionally trained plumbers. Let us introduce to different kinds of plumbing work that a plumber can take care of.
1. Cleaning drain
Bathroom and kitchen are two rooms in a house which are used on a daily basis. These are the two places which drain out a lot of water regularly along with debris. This in result can clog the drain and hence it needs regular cleaning to function properly. A reliable plumber will come with all the essential equipment to clean the drain properly.
2. Pipe leak repair
Another most common reason to call a master plumber in Victoria is for leak repair. Leakage in the pipes are common and it can be fixed easily by a trained plumber. The plumber will also tell you if a single leak repair is required or is it rather a big issue and the entire piping system of your home needs to be changed or repaired.
3. Toiler repairing
You can call plumbers to fix a variety of toilet problems. The problems can be related to the flush, toilet overflow, or clogging. Plumbers come prepared to fix all kinds of problems in just some time.
4. Repairing garbage disposal
If you can hear the garbage disposal making a strange noise, or is jammed up, or is leaking, then you better call a professional plumbing service who will take care of the issue efficiently. You can try to take out all the objects from the garbage disposal and see if it can remove the jamming, if not, then better call a plumber.
5. Servicing of a solar hot water heater or normal water heater
During the cold season, it becomes a challenge for you to take a shower especially when the hot water heater is broken. Once you get in touch with a plumbing service company, you will rest assured that the heater will be repaired.
6. Repairing the sewer
No one likes to face sewer problems. It does not just slow down drain, but sewer problems cab also makes noises and then the pungent foul smell. If you are experiencing any of these problems, then you should call a plumber right away. Let them inspect the sewer and let you be free from bad smell and clogging.
Call a Plumber today to fix all kinds of plumbing issue!
Trust only a reliable plumbing company like jltplumbing.com.au. They are your trusted local plumber. They have been delivering their effective plumbing solutions for more than 10 years now. Call them today!
For more information about General Plumbing Services visit our website https://jltplumbing.com.au/
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tap2drainplumbing · 2 years
How to Find the Best Plumbing Services in British Columbia
When you're in need of plumbing services, you need to find someone who specializes in repairing and maintaining plumbing systems. There are several ways to locate a professional plumber in British Columbia. One way to find one is to look online. Fortunately, there are many online resources for plumbers.
Sulekha listed the best professional plumbers in Vancouver, British Columbia
When it comes to plumbing, there are many options available to choose from. You can look for plumbers who specialize in certain areas, or you can go with a general plumber. If you are looking for a plumber in Vancouver, British Columbia, consider Pioneer Plumbing and Heating. This business offers a full range of plumbing services and prides itself on its innovation and top-quality materials. Their services include plumbing fixtures, water heaters, and forced air furnace servicing. They are also known for their professionalism and cleanliness.
Waterline Plumbing is another plumbing service that is a great option if you are in need of a plumber. They have over 10 years of experience and provide high-quality plumbing services. Their plumbers are licensed, bonded, and fully insured. They also carry an extensive inventory of parts and fixtures.
Plumbing contractors install sewage, water, and natural gas pipes. They also install interior and exterior faucets, sump pumps, and laundry appliances. They also provide repair services for clogged drains and burst pipes. They also perform remodeling jobs, and can even patch up stonework and other architectural elements. Some plumbers even specialize in other areas, such as installing overhead sprinkler systems and natural gas lines.
Sulekha listed the best professional plumbers in Victoria, British Columbia
Whether you need leakage detection, faucet repair, or replacement of a water heater, there are dozens of plumbing companies and plumbers in Vancouver, British Columbia. In order to find the best plumbers in Vancouver, you should check out Sulekha. They have compiled a list of the best professional plumbers in the city for general plumbing services.
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waconiacomfort · 1 year
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Waconia Comfort is one of the best heater installations in Victoria, MN. You provided exceptional air conditioning installation and repair services and helped you resolve all heater-related issues. Call us at (952) 442-3473 to know more.
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snugheating · 3 years
Use Underfloor Heating- A Product Offering System of Heating for Efficiency & Comfort
It’s a form of central heating & cooling that helps control the indoor climate by using Hydronic or electrical heating elements. These heating elements are usually installed on the underfloor. Heat is then transferred by the involvement of 3 processes- conduction, convection, and radiation. History reveals that their use dates back to the Neoglacial and Neolithic periods.
Welcome to the online supply portal of Geothermal Heating and Cooling
Welcome to the online support portal. Here on this page, you will get to know about the critical information and all the prospective of the suppliers. You will get all the information on the products offerings.  
We are the largest heat supplier unit in Warrnambool, Victoria, and have experience of about more than 20+ years of experience in this solar Hydronic. The reason for our critical success is our supply partners.
We are the leading business person in this industry and have more than 20 years of experience. We are always committed to providing our thousands of customers with this maintenance, repairs, operations, infrastructures, and the residential and non-residential construction markets.  
Underfloor Heating- Save on Heaters
We have designed thousands of radiant heating and cooling floor systems for the do-it-yourselves and the contractors. Our staffs always work with you and always try to provide you with all the information in a simple and easy-to-understand language. We will always guide you at every step of the way, and we won’t be leaving you stranded with a box of accessories and question marks.
The heating system which we are going to provide is pre-assembled, and we break them down to ship them. They can be further re-assembled by the end-user. Instructions for re-assembling would be given on the manual page. It would be better to hire someone to install this heating system in your home.
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