#heavy spoilers!!
mackerel1522 · 4 months
Hey guys, have we already considered that maybe Fyodor is the same as IRL!Dostoevsky?
We know he already met Bram at least a few times and Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is set in the late 19th century - the same century IRL!Dostoevsky lived in.
What I'm trying to say is: What if our Fedya was actually born in 1821 just like the real author? What if our Fedya is actually the Dostoevsky?
First: Dostoyevsky's Works
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Fyodor's character/ability/environment containt lots of references to most of his works:
- Crime and Punishment: the crime is being killed and as a punishment he take over the body of the killer + his character is heavely Raskonikov-coded
- The Demons: Fyodor is often refered to as a demon (or as the "Northern Devil")
*also another title of this novel is 'The Possessed' which heavily refers to his ability too
- Notes From The Underground: Fyodor's philosophy has a lot in common with the one of the "Underground Man" (the narrator and protagonist of the novella)
- The House of the Dead: his organisation "Rats in the House of the Dead" is based partially on the novel
- The Gambler: we see him play at the begining of the manga against Ace (and nails it) + later the Sky Casino where he sends Sigma
(The list continues but it'd take way too long for me to cover all of it TuT')
- The Double: his double-personality-faking after his breakdown in mersault is "The Double"-coded
- The Brothers Karamazov: in an interview, Asagiri revealed he based most of Fyodor's personality on a scene of the novel (the one where Ivan Karamazov talks to 'the devil')
Secondly: Rodion Raskolnikov
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Fyodor and Rodion share a lot of common points - Fyodor being heavely Raskolnikov-coded:
First and most obvious: Fedya's ability is C&P and Rodya is the protagonist from C&P
The complex personality: Fyodor is a highly intelligent and enigmatic character. He is confident, exceptionally intelligent, manipulative and can easily see through his enemies' desires and plans. Rodion, on the other hand, is a lonely former student who actively rejects the society's morality. Just like Fedya, Rodya considers himself an exceptional man and wants to test the limits of his own freedom by committing murder. His personality is also tormented and complex.
Common themes: Both characters explore deep themes such as guilt, suffering, redemption and human nature. They both embody dark and complex aspects of the human psyche.
Thirdly: Dostoyevsky and Dostoyevsky
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IRL!Dostoyevsky and Our!Dostoyevsky also have a lot of common points:
Both were born on November 11 in Russia
Both have been sentenced to death/sent to prison
Both are very religious people
Both traveled a lot around the world
Both have chronic illnesses (epilepsy/anemia)
Both share a similar philosophy (Orthodox Christianity and Utopian Socialism)
Common themes: religion, redemption, guilt, suffering, human nature, gambling, death, chronic illness, psychology, etc...
Fourthly: Crime and Punishment
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"I am crime. I am punishment. Crime and punishment are close friends. Borders vanish. Rooms awaken. The incarnation of death, the master of the ability-consuming fog… Eat, howl, and make violence as your instinct desires. This is neither a loss of control nor a singularity." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungo Stray Dogs Dead Apple)
There is definitely more to Fyodor's ability than "just" possessing the one who just killed him. For instance we have what happened in Dead Apple but we also have some more details that should be noticed (I think): Don't you find it intriguing how everytime before he dies his eyes are light but once he is resurrected his eyes turn dark again? The same happens when he fakes a double personality after his breakdown in mersault: his eyes turn the lightest we've ever seen him have but once he abandons the act they turn pitch black again.
Y'all remember how Harukawa said something like "the darker the eyes, the darker the personality, the lighter the eyes, the closest they are to the good side"? (sorry I don't remember the correct quote but it's something like that)
Intriguing, huh?
Finally: "Dostoyevsky is immortal!"
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In his novel "The Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov says "Dostoyevsky is immortal!". In the manga, we just learned Fyodor's ability which, as said before, consist basically in taking over the body of the one who just killed him. Based on all the canon events of the manga, mostly everything conducts us to think Dostoyevsky's, in fact, immortal. Could Asagiri have been inspired by this quote? That could be possible. (Would it be extremely cool? Hell yeah.)
What if our Dostoyevsky is the Dostoyevsky but in a reality where he is, in fact, immortal?
What do you guys think about it? Do you have another theory? Do you wanna add something? (I'm open to everything! Tell me what you think - whether it's the same or the opposite, I'm curious!)
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itsclydebitches · 4 months
Love it when the kinda half-formed observations you make about an episode finally come to the forefront.
Watching the start of "Dot and Bubble": Hmm, everyone in this episode is very... white.
Halfway through: The Doctor certainly continues to stand out, especially in that bright red sweater amongst all the pastels
Lindy freaking out about the Doctor and Ruby being in the same room together: I suppose that could be due to some cultural taboo about interacting in-person when everyone is supposed to communicate via bubble, but that doesn't track with what we've seen of her work day...
The "twist" that the chronically online, all white, super rich, entitled to the point of satire, willing to sacrifice others without hesitation, oh so eager to colonize people living in a literal bubble (TWO bubbles) are *gasp!* actually, devastatingly racist...
Yeah, that's not a twist. That's all deliberately interconnected. The episode didn't suddenly move from an argument about social media use to an argument about racism; the two historically go hand-in-hand.
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hermit-frog · 3 months
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highdio · 5 months
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More official art from Path to Nowhere's Stone Ocean collab event.
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redmarqar · 17 days
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something's wrong
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hinamie · 21 days
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glacecakes · 2 months
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Double page spread from “The Book of Bill” with various bad endings for the twins. I attempted to label them all with their respective scenario.
Blind eye twins: the twins minds are erased and they join the cult. From s2e7 “Society of the Blind Eye”
Sock Opera Dipper: Described in journal 3, Bill’s plan to jump off the water tower and strand dipper forever succeeds. From s2e4 “Sock Opera”
Petrified twins: unsure? Potentially where Bill wins in s2e20 “Weirdmageddon 3”
Zombie twins: self explanatory. From s2e1 “Scary-oke”
Fight fighters Dipper: Loses to Rumble. also maybe Giffany wins? Either s1e10 “fight fighters” or s2e5 “Soos and the Real Girl”
Babel (Bill Mabel): Bill possesses Mabel. From s2e4 “Sock Opera”
Woodsman’s Curse Dipper: Pacifica fails. From s2e10 “Northwest Mansion Mystery”
Gnome Queen Mabel: Mabel gives into the gnomes. From s1e1 “Tourist Trapped”
Sugar High Mabel: self explanatory. From s1e5 “Inconveniencing”
Summerween twins: the twins fail to raise enough candy for the trickster. From s1e12 “Summerween”. fun fact; the nytimes ran an article on Summerween last week so you know it’s legit now.
Little Dipper twins: twins never grow back to full size. From s1e11 “Little Dipper”
Possessed Mabel: Mabel is never freed from the shop owner ghosts. From s1e5 “Inconveniencing”
Double dipper clones: various copies of dipper. From s1e7 “Double Dipper”. The Dipper holding up Possessed Mabel has a glowing pair of scissors in his back, possibly from the episode? Unsure.
Edit: the scissors dipper is from s1e4! He’s lost the fight to Gideon!
Tyrone: see above.
Bipper: Bill possessed dipper. From s2e4 “Sock Opera”
“Blendin’s Game” Erased Dipper: Blendin beats the twins at Globnar and wishes them out of existence. From s2e8 “Blendin’s game”
Those are all the ones I could discern. If anyone notices more or has ideas for the few unknowns please add on!
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egophiliac · 11 months
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this is basically what happened, right?
(these guys are very lucky that everyone at NRC 1) has the combined intelligence of a sack of bricks, and 2) is easily distracted by shiny things.)
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#stage in playful land#stage in playfulland#these two are SO sleazy and i am utterly delighted by them#can't wait to find out their tragic backstory in approximately 3-4 weeks!#fortunately i have like a month to figure out how the heck to draw their hair (spoiler: i will never figure it out)#also. god. i love it whenever leona accidentally reveals his Mom Side.#he doesn't care about any of this but he WILL be tagging along to make sure no one else gets into trouble#once again he has to be the Responsible Adult and he hates it. the whimsical hat weighs heavy upon his head.#anyway this is me so excuse me while i now talk about diasomnia for three hours#but lilia being all 'kids gotta have some adventure in their lives!' is hilarious#specifically because you know silver would NEVER.#100% silver not only never snuck out but he always went to bed on time AND brushed his teeth AND flossed even when nobody made him.#lilia: aww but you should be enjoying your youth! >:c#silver: i am. i enjoy being respectful and disciplined and honoring you as my father.#lilia:#lilia: maybe i'm TOO good at raising kids#you know i was going to say none of his kids would be involved in this but i actually think malleus definitely would#he would not see it as a moral quandry though. he would just be excited to be invited along.#(the only reason he isn't there is because he was busy admiring a termite-infested beam somewhere and yuu didn't get a chance to ask him)#i mean MAYBE if lilia as his single authority figure told him no then he would have some reservations#but lilia's the one who's screaming HELL YEAH LET'S SNEAK OUT AND DEFY AUTHORITY while dabbing so moot point there#sebek would never and he would rat on everyone else. unless malleus is going in which case he's already there.#and i guess if everyone else is going silver probably would too#but he'd. y'know. feel conflicted about it.
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innocet · 5 months
Space babies is such a rent-lowering gunshot of an episode I love it dearly
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ambrosiagourmet · 8 months
Little details from Falin's (final) resurrection that I love:
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when they say that they will need to rebuild her lower body, they seem to mean it pretty literally. There are scalpels and other surgical instruments on the table nearby, and that part is left to the elves to lead due to the difficulty. I wonder what kind of mix of magic and physical skill is needed to repair and recreate a body like that.
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Both Laios and Marcille contribute mana to help bring her back...
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but we don't get to hear exactly what they say. Those words are left for them and them alone.
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During Falin's meal, the little dragon is hungry too...
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so she shares her meal with it.
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Though Falin's dress is whole when we first see it, after she consumes the dragon meal, the bottom of it begins to fray in a way that resembles the veins we see being reconstructed with her body while she eats.
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three just in this set of panels - the bowl is there because she's been sleeping for some time (days?? weeks???) and they have been feeding her.
Marcille chewing on her sleeve while she sleeps.
And the fact that Izutsumi was holding vigil right alongside the rest of them.
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Laios just talking to & then hugging Falin right over Marcille.
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Speaking of the wait - how long was it? They'd almost given up?? They must have waited so long for her to wake up, sleeping right next to her bed the whole time.
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The cuddle pile..... Falin looks so (lovingly) annoyed bless her.
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This absolutely brutally dark joke that literally only could have come from Chilchuck. Holy shit buddy ^^;;
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Somewhat relatedly, Senshi making sure to mention the curry that they used to lure in & kill her. Note Marcille's face in the background.
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Izutsumi having waited there the whole time, but still being shy. Plus how she hides behind Laios. Truly the cat of all cat girls.
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This line from Marcille kind of seems like its her being overly protective of Falin (as she was after the first resurrection), until you realize that...
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It's probably more because she knows there is a big crowd outside and Falin is still in a nightgown.
Other small details in this part:
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Embarrassed Shuro averting his gaze, while Kabru keeps trying to snoop even after Marcille pulls Falin back inside (snoopy Namari too, though she's a little more justified than him)
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Senshi & Chilchuk go off together to make food, while Izutsumi (grumpily) accepts a proper introduction.
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Wherever they got this outfit & cloak for Falin, they also seem to have shared similar ones ones with...
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Laios, Chilchuck, and Yaad. I think its cute that they look like they either bought a bunch of similar cloaks, or were provided them as gifts.
And, of course,
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This smile C:
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inklore · 4 months
“in those moment alone, as my fingers trace freckles from cheek to collarbone, or as i watch the way starlight dances across skin, i marvel at how one can feel such intimacy, but also such great distance.”
colin really said yeah sex is great and all but what about love? what about yearning? what about feeling someones soul? what about looking into the eyes of someone and feeling seen, like you’re home. ahhh!!!
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impassociate · 4 months
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When you're the emotional support frog.
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civetside · 1 year
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i was gonna draw the pool scene TM for real but then i remembered i hate drawing water so i did this instead
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hermit-frog · 5 months
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highdio · 5 months
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Official ECB art for Path to Nowhere x Stone Ocean goes so hard.
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hop-a-lot · 1 year
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Watched lil' pootis S2 recently, they gave me feels!!!!!!1!1!1
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