papcrplancs · 3 years
allison → nan
allison: hey, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.
allison: if there's anything i can do, please let me know.
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ofviclins · 3 years
sometimes when gwen had an idea she had to run with it. when she found out the theme was based around myths she automatically knew she wanted to go as griffin. but, literally griffin, her coworker and roommate, not the mythological creature. truly, it was a horrendous idea but she didn’t know how she was expected to not do it. so she’d shown up in her best imitation of him, slouchy baseball jersey and a pair of loose jeans to go with her backwards hat. showing up to a gala like that had the security detail at the door asking for her i.d. and eyeing her suspiciously, which she got. but still. she had a garment bag in her hand so that she could change after she found griffin - she was prepared for her favorite kind of night; where she hardly had to do anything but play music. gwen was kind of surprised they’d even wanted classical music throughout the night anyway and almost wished it’d be appropriate to keep the jersey on while playing acdc. after putting her instruments away in the green room she emerged to look around for him. she was extremely out of place, surrounded by people in extravagant wear and gold and glitter, but she had to do it for the meme. recognizing his back, she tapped him on the shoulder and said in her most friendly voice; “hey! sorry to bother you but i was wondering what your favorite color is.” @hecrtfelt​
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naeunsfm · 3 years
[  𝙽𝙴𝚆  𝙼𝚂𝙶  📩  :  ]  𝑛𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑖.
𝐍𝐀𝐄𝐔𝐍: hey, are you okay?
𝐍𝐀𝐄𝐔𝐍: totally fair if you don't want to talk right now, i get that.
𝐍𝐀𝐄𝐔𝐍: but i'm here if you want to.
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hanbintms · 3 years
˛   *   🧷     𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐢  ,  𝑛𝑎𝑛  .  @hecrtfelt​
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            with  the  sun  finally  lowering  in  the  sky  ,  hanbin  was  about  ready  to  wrap  up  his  day  at  coney  island  .  he  had  a  lot  of  fun  —  between  his  first  ever  ride  on  the  slingshot  and  finessing  his  way  into  being  taught  how  to  make  toffee  at  the  candy  shop  on  the  boardwalk  ,  hanbin  has  done  enough  for  the  next  few  days  .  he  figures  he’ll  end  the  evening  with  a  game  or  two  ,  so  he  makes  his  way  back  towards  the  cluster  of  games  to  see  which  stuffed  plush  he  would  take  him  to  duri  .  hanbin  sets  himself  on  whac - a - mole  ,  figuring  it  couldn’t  be  too  hard  to  get  his  hands  on  one  of  a  big  ,  stuffed  doughnut  hanging  above  his  head  ,  and  queues  up  to  see  if  he  can  get  his  hands  on  the  next  game  .  of  course  ,  in  squeezing  between  stagnant  bodies  hanbin  collides  with  another  ,  and  an  apology  comes  tumbling  out  .  ‘  oh  shit  ,  sorry  .  ’  his  hands  fly  out  to  help  steady  the  other  ,  and  a  gentle  smile  tugs  at  the  corners  of  his  mouth  when  he  realizes  that  it’s  nan  .  ‘  well  ,  look  who  it  is  .  i  didn’t  think  anyone  else  from  work  came  .  ’ 
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thomasofc · 5 years
━━  𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @hecrtfelts​ .
the whole thing was getting a little too much . between the music that filled the room , the over the top dramatic decorations , endless supply of drink , too many people in one room celebrating something he could never quite accept but maybe most importantly , memories of last year that he would most rather FORGET — it was near impossible to take a breath . it had started with a twist of the silver band around his finger but had quickly escalated into a need to GET OUT before his fingers reached from a glass flute . it wasn’t hard to slip from the room however , a quick gesture with the box of cigarettes in hand pulled from the inside pocket of his suit jacket towards the door was all that was needed . he worked one out of the box as he crossed the landing of larnswick manor , slipping it between his lips as he descended the front steps . the cool winter air that hit hot skin was a blessing , but the SILENCE of the gardens that surrounded the manor was the real blessing . his feet took him on a path well travelled towards a small nook tucked away in a place he knew for certain no one , even if they did go looking for him , would find him in . his thumb rolled against the wheel of his lighter as he rounded the corner of the head height hedge , but the flame that was produced fizzled out before it could light the end of the cigarette . it took a moment , but as his eyes finally adjusted to the dim light there was no mistaking the figure already occupying the nook’s garden bench . it was no surprise to see her seeking respite from the party within , but here ? that was the real surprise . slowly , he returned the lighter to his pocket before slipping the cigarette from his lips . “ let me guess — things got a little too much for you in there ? ”
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esquissers · 5 years
send   a   👫   and   i’ll   write   four   headcanons   about   our   muse’s   relationship   .
malia   &   pip   .
i.   the   truth   is   ,,   pip   doesn’t   hate   malia   .   a   lot   of   her   words   are   harsh   &   she   says   a   lot   of   things   that   society   deems   as   ‘   not   nice   ’   ,   but   the   actual   truth   is   ,   pip   admires   mal   .   a   lot   .   she   admires   the   way   she’s   kind   among   the   corruption   of   the   world   &   she   really   loves   the   way   mal   never   has   a   negative   thing   to   say   about   anyone   .   get   pip   sad   (   &   drunk   )   enough   ,   she’ll   admit   that   she   admires   mal   the   way   the   moon   admires   the   sun   .
ii.   when   they   first   met   ,   pip   most   likely   bumped   into   mal   &   then   said   ‘   watch   where   you’re   going   !   ’   to   her   ,   not   knowing   they’d   end   up   living   on   the   avenue   together   .   she’s   not   good   at   apologies   &   when   learned   that   they’d   end   up   living   on   the   same   row   of   houses   ,   pip   was   fully   prepared   to   go   to   war   with   mal   .   but   ,   mal   is   ,,   how   u   say   ,,,,   perfection   in   a   human   being   ,   so   pip’s   apology   ?   a   fully   sketched   portrait   of   mal   ,   along   with   an   actual   painting   (   with   colors   &   stuff   ,   the   thing   she   never   does   )   that   she   said   was   ‘   trash   &   throwaway   ’   ,   but   it   was   signed   with   a   small   ,   handwritten   ‘   i’m   sorry   for   bumping   into   you   &   blaming   you   .   ’
iii.   she   has   this   photo   of   them   framed   in   her   room   .   it’s   on   her   desk   (   the   one   she   insists   on   keeping   clutter   free   )   because   mal   is   unknowingly   one   of   the   people   that   remind   her   to   be   good   more   often   .   pip   gets   angry   a   lot   ,   she   gets   angry   often   &   when   she’s   alone   ,   she   sits   at   her   desk   &   breaks   a   lot   of   pencils   –   but   ,   the   photo   reminds   her   of   the   night   they   took   it   at   the   blacksmith’s   pub   when   they   first   became   friends   ,   which   reminds   her   of   mal   ,   which   reminds   her   that   yeah   ,   there   is   kindness   &   love   in   the   world   so   she   should   stop   being   a   dick   for   two   minutes   .   that   being   said   ,   how   often   does   it   actually   work   ?   who   knows   .
iv.   mal   is   one   of   the   only   people   pip   goes   to   for   feedback   on   her   work   .   her   work   ,   being   sketches   of   people   ,   sketches   of   things   &   most   importantly   ,   blueprints   &   exterior   designs   of   the   things   she   wants   to   build   one   day   .   rarely   does   she   willingly   show   her   sketches   to   just   anybody   ,   but   pip   is   probably   over   at   mal’s   every   two   days   with   her   one   thousand   sketchbooks   ,   waiting   to   show   off   &   act   like   it’s   no   big   thing   –   but   it   is   a   big   thing   ,   but   u   didn’t   hear   it   from   me   .
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ofbvtterflies · 3 years
closed starter for @hecrtfelt​
soleil had managed to keep herself at bay all evening– enjoying drinks with her friends, dancing inappropriately to classical music– all in avoidance of exactly what she was about to do. she sighed so deeply and held her breath so tight that she heard her heart thumping in beat to the beautiful orchestra that was tuning up to accompany her heartbreak. she spotted him out on the balcony– everything in her telling her to run in the opposite direction as she made her way to join him. she stood next to him for a moment before resting her head against his shoulder– the heaviness in her chest not allowing her to speak yet. after what felt like years of staring at the twinkly city bustle below them– she finally asked, “ dance with me ? ” 
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theobaba · 5 years
( @hecrtfelts​ )
theo makes a show of knocking on mal’s door as she opens it, red lips pulled into a bright grin as she jokingly says, “new year new me? look at this, i’m knocking and everything. call the press.” theo pauses a moment as she stands in the open door, glancing between the entrance and mal before she’s reluctantly adding, “okay, well, maybe it defeats the purpose that i just went and opened the door anyways, but the sentiment was still there!” theo points at mal playfully with the comment as she makes her way inside, but it isn’t long before she’s beaming once again as she practically skips the rest of the way to her friend with a squeal, enveloping her in a tight hug instantly. “but who cares anyways, the point is i missed you so much, baby! like so much!” theo pulls back just enough to face mal as she arches her brow and says, “we have to catch up like immediately. i need to know everything that happened during the summer, because even though we texted and facetimed i am still having very serious mal-withdrawal and i don’t think anything can cure it but a sleepover and copious amounts of pink wine.”  
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boltspat · 7 years
ANGEL’S BLOGS .      due to my recent   ( unplanned )   hiatuses ; here’s a drop of all my blogs , to which i’ll add to  /  edit   /  reblog multiple times . if i ever go missing from here , check these out !  i may not be on a full hiatus !
KOMAEDA   /  OUMA:   @hcpeveined​  /  @saikospat .   (  to be revamped  ) OH SANGWOO:   @cfkills​ .   (  under co .  ) SAEYOUNG CHOI  /  MYSME  OC:   @codegcd  /  @evilcye​ .    (  to be revamped possibly  ) KEITH KOGANE:   @sepsiis .  (  under co .  ) BART ALLEN:   @iimpulsc .  (  under co .  ) REI SAKUMA:   @bloodspat .  (  to be revamped  ) KYLE RAYNER:   @torchbearcr .  (  to be revamped  ) MAY KANKER:   @hecrtfelt .  (  to be revamped or deleted  ) HARLEY QUINN:   @hystericcl​​ .  (  under co .  ) AZULA:   @boltspat​​ .  (  under co .  /  active  )
waylon park  /  blake langermann
h.nnibal lecter alice liddell sora shiun’in kouha ren the wrench stocking an.rchy
& if i do take another hiatus from ALL blogs , feel free to add me on D.SCORD or follow my  TW.TTER !
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kcnker-blog · 8 years
                                CERULEANS FLASH ;CORRUPTED HUNGER  found within sharp alertness that resides in scanning gaze , nimble digits twitching anxiously. 
                                  the idiotic trio couldn’t have strayed all that far , FOR STEEL GUARD HAD DROPPED ONLY FOR THE BRIEFEST OF MOMENTS ;  ( you’d think that being related to lee would make one immune to the boisterous tone , && yet dyed sibling still managed to SNAP STIFF to the DEMANDING TIMBRE !  attention dissipating from TARGETED BOYFRIEND.   ) 
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                                needless to say , the gang could  ---- R U N  once the opportunity presented itself--- that was for sure.
                ‘  hey airhead , which way did they go ? we were havin so much fun.  ‘ 
@hecrtfelt / MAY !
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thomasofc · 5 years
━━ 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @hecrtfelts​ .
from the outside , not much had changed about thomas connelley after the night of the valentine’s ball . the stoic & uninterested facade many had come to know was firmly etched upon his features  , there was no single HINT at the turmoil that ate away at him from the inside . he’d thought the first time had been hard enough but compared to what had occurred that night — it had been a walk in the park . before there had been some semblance of friendship between he & mal . they could be in the same room , they could see each other across the quad & smile , they could carry a somewhat normal conversation but now ? now it was the reality of what a break up was MEANT to be . he’d finally gotten a taste of what it was for malia schafer to HATE him . something he’d thought he WANTED but now was second guessing if it was , in fact , better . but there was no going back , there was no redoing that night , he had to live with the truth finally coming out & the fall out that was brought with it . even if that meant acting as if it hadn’t effected him in the slightest . though between classes keeping him busy & others offering distractions , even if they tended to hardly work , tommy had managed to keep glances of the dark haired girl across rooms & the fence to a minimum . something he HOPED he could continue as he’d stepped across the threshold into a living room full of already drunk uni students . how’d the guys had managed to convince him to come to THIS was beyond him , this was about the LAST place he wanted to be but if he wanted to seem UNBOTHERED staying in his room all day , everyday , was hardly the way to go . an empty cup was slid onto the kitchen bench as the weight of a hand settled against his shoulder , shifting his attention from the limited choice of non-alcoholic drinks lined up to the irritated features of one of the ones responsible for him being here . “ what ? ” the other male’s words could hardly be heard over the loud music that blasted from speakers set up around the room , but as the other repeated , ‘ you remember the shit from last week ? how that dick , oliver , decided to go & pick a fight with ? well — there’s a whole fucking gang outside waiting for him & his mates , ’ unamused features turned sharp as his eyes glanced over the heads of the people within the living room towards the front window were he could just make out the scene explained . though it seemed the waiting had come to an end . with a whispered FUCK under breath , tommy abandoned the empty cup & started towards the front door . the shouts from both lookers on & the ones engaged in a full on BRAWL grew louder with each step he took & with moments the front steps had been left behind . hands found the back of someone’s shirt as he pulled them off of someone before a heavy SHOVE was planted against a chest as an obscene gesture & string of words told right where they could go . the intention had been to help BREAK the fight up , but as his hands once more caught at the fabric of someone’s jumper , he turned & before he could process just what was happening , he was sent stumbling a few steps as a dull PAIN emanated throughout his right jaw . it took a second for his brain to click but as the back of his hand came away from dragging across his mouth to reveal a smear of blood , any thought of breaking the fight up faded INSTANTLY . it was as if a switch had been flicked on — a once irritated but calm exterior shifting to one that turned his features dark — & before anyone could step in , knuckles connected heavily with an audible CRACK against the other’s nose .
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thomasofc · 5 years
。.✦ ☾ 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @hecrtfelts​​ .
thanks to her doe eyed demeanour & her father’s inability to say no to helping her move in , justine had long since already begun returning the number of knick-knacks around her room to their correct places in her room . but with a certain corner missing a little something , something it had led her to venture out for what was meant to be a quick round trip to the nearest place she could source a bean bag . half an hour had turned into an hour & before she knew it , hours had flown by & by the time she stepped foot once more into flat 12 the place had seemed to come alive with familiar items littering the living room before they eventually made their up to the respective bedrooms . how she’d missed them all . but there was in fact a certain group of possessions that had her features lighting up & soon the bean bag lugged in was discard to the side & forgotten . her ankle protested with each bounded step she took up the stairs to the first floor but she ignored it completely . it was a shock that she managed to curb some of the excitement as she pulled to a halt at the open door & allowed her head to poke through . “ is this a figment of my imagination or is this truly one malia schafer finally back from her adventures ? ”
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thomasofc · 5 years
━━ 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @hecrtfelts​​ .
there was a whole list of positives about coming back to the avenue this year , his friends being the main point at the top of the list . who knew a bunch of idiots could worm their way into his heart & make it impossible for him to run from the one main reason behind him ever thinking about never again stepping foot onto the avenue . let alone the pavement in front of number twelve & fourteen . he’d spent the whole summer trying to rid himself of the face that lingered in his mind every time he closed his eyes , even going so far as to mute her from appearing on his feed , in an attempt to make things easier . but being back — being surrounded by places that held so many memories — it seemed that those attempts had been futile . & as he moved up the front path eyes flickered to the left . towards the front door of number fourteen . was she in there ? had she already moved in ? every thought went against everything he’d set for himself . though it seemed as if something wanted his questions to go answered as the door swung open . his first instinct was to duck . crouch down behind the small hedge that lined the short brick wall that separated the two flats . but even he knew that was ridiculous . he doubted he’d even be able to be completely hidden . but most importantly there was no avoiding her . they ran in the same crowd , they lived next door to each other , it was only a matter of time before they ran into each other . & he owed her . she deserved more than him avoiding her . biting back feelings wasn’t exactly foreign to him after all . his grasp on the box tightened as he took in a breath before breaking the silence , “ you’re back then , huh ? i thought greece might’ve won you over . it not live up to the mamma mia dream or something ? ”
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thomasofc · 4 years
━━ @hecrtfelts​
there had been an agreement . to keep things quiet — to not make it a BIG thing — in fears that people KNOWING would complicate things while they were still finding their footing with one another again . but with only a week or so behind them since their second FIRST date , it seemed that it had hardly taken much time at all for everything to fall BACK into place . for tommy & mal to become TOMMY & MAL once more . he’d thought that there may have been some form of AWKWARDNESS between them as they navigated their way around being back in each others lives . both of them had grown , CHANGED , since the last time they’d been together after all . an adjustment period MUST be on the cards . but the only adjustment period they had to deal with was concerning the whole keeping things QUIET . tommy had been no stranger to keeping emotions & wants under control when the title of FRIENDS still hung over their heads but now that malia schafer was once more his GIRLFRIEND it was about the only thing he wanted people to KNOW . all he wanted to do was be WITH her & not have to bat an eye at who saw them together . his place may have become a quiet sanctuary for them to retreat to , a place they now spent the MAJORITY of their time in , but remembering that what they were in PRIVATE couldn’t find its way out into the world outside of the four walls of his room just yet was getting HARDER & HARDER . they’d spent so many MONTHS apart & with everyday that passed bringing malia’s impending DEPARTURE closer & closer — the feelings of others was becoming a tiring reason to keep them under wraps . he understood why but at the same time , he wanted to make every day count because in a few months , their days together would be NUMBERED in one way or another . it was like a ticking clock in his head , growing louder & louder in his head . harvard , he knew , was a DREAM malia had had for quite some time & there was no denying that he was PROUD of her . but one could also not deny the flicker of apprehension in his stomach whenever he thought about it . boston was 5 hours behind england & with 5265.77 km between them a 6 hour flight — something he’d looked up many a times — was the only way in which he could see her . it wasn’t exactly IDEAL for anyone let alone two people that had just gotten back together after a figurative distance had lay between them . all he could do was HOPE that they’d figure it out once they reached that point in time because if he allowed himself to linger on it too long it was a pathway into thoughts that had broken them up in the first place & that was FAR from somewhere he wanted to go . there may been some frustrations towards their current predicament but at least he got to SEE her — got to BE with her . focusing on the here & now — on HER — was all that really mattered .
but thomas connelley would be lying if he said he didn’t JUMP at the first chance to get away & leave behind the second guessing himself every time he so much as looked at her from across a room just in case his eyes or HER eyes gave something away when they locked upon the other . after all , malia schafer wore her heart on her sleeve . all he wanted was ONE weekend . ONE weekend where there was no one around that knew them . ONE weekend where it was just them . their weekends away had always been one of his FAVOURITE things & with their university year wrapping up & mal was more & more frequently found with her nose glued to a book for hours on end — there was no better time to take a chance . it was a RISK , both skipping town for a WHOLE weekend without drawing some suspicion from mal’s friends if they went around asking the boys questions , but a risk worth taking . pack clothes you can go walking in as well as comfy things , you’re not gonna need anything else — it’s just a couple hours drive away — just TRUST me will you ? this is what he got for keeping a girl that liked to worry in the dark . but it had ALL been worth it when they’d arrived at the end of long winding driveway lined with thick pines on either side to a small , cozy weekend stone cottage overlooking lake vyrnwy . it certainly wasn’t anything fancy , no JAW DROPPING get away to a 5 start resort spa , but it was THEM . it was the perfect place for them to FORGET about the endless amount of school work waiting for them back home , the watchful eyes of friends & any other worries that may be lingering in the backs of their minds . they could spend all day in bed if they wanted . they could tuck their phones away into their bags & curl up in front of the open fire when the spring sun faded from the sky & turned the woodland area surrounding them cool . they could spend hours exploring the area around them & venture into the nearest village . but most importantly they could just BE . he couldn’t have asked for more , it had been EVERYTHING he’d wanted & more . at least , so far .
with eyes switched intense focus between the two mugs of tea between both hands , fingers wrapped securely around each handles , he tried his hardest to keep either of them from losing a single drop of the steaming liquid within as he backed out of the cottage’s small kitchen & snaked his way through the ARRAY of mismatched furniture towards the plush couch in front of the fire he’d left mal curled up on a few minutes ago . though not before managing to snag a packet of biscuits in his mouth that were the first thing to be set down upon the coffee table . though set down was putting in politely , it was more of a HOPE & pray it didn’t hit the mugs in hand toss with a flick of his chin towards the table . but he hardly thought about the possibility of what could have happened if he’d let go a second later because only a few seconds later he was setting the mugs down next to them . “ here we go — they had no fancy smancy tea hidden away in the cupboards so you’re gonna have to make do with good ol’ english breakfast . ” there was a smile shot her way as he lowered himself back down onto the edge of the couch before shifting backwards to allow his back to rest up back against the back cushion of the couch with a quiet sigh , “ but if you hate it ,. you can always pass it off to me — but i WILL say it is worth just having it there to dunk the gingernuts in . i HIGHLY recommend a couple of seconds . makes it not too mushy but just enough so it doesn’t feel like you break your bloody teeth when you bite into the damned thing . ”
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