#hehe thanks for the food for thought :-D
grapecaseschoices · 6 months
I'm so curious as to how hiyam, lala and ori would fare in the world of bg3. What race, class and subclass what they be and would they be a dark urge or a regular tav? And who would they romance and who would they not stand? 🫣
haha. this is such a tough question. especially since i am not dnd world expert [or whatever is between expert and novice]. so come on the journey wif meeee~~
Hiyam is someone who cares about appearance and success. She cares about her looks, music, and isn't the most social of people -- though she knows how to flirt.
So I feel she might be an undark being. Maybe half/full-drow or duergar. I'm leaning the latter because it seems that drow society is Intense and I don't feel that such an intense society would actually beget Hiyam, though she would probably fit there after birth. Also duergar are dwarves -- and dwarves are creatures of pride [from what I can see] and can be quite snobbish. Plus the duergar we've met are DICKS.
I can see her being a bard, because music. But also because I feel it would get the same reaction from the duergar society as it got from her parents: WTF.
Duergar value toil above all else. Showing emotions other than grim determination or wrath is frowned on in their culture, but they can sometimes seem joyful when at work. They have the typical dwarven appreciation for order, tradition, and impeccable craftsmanship, but their goods are purely utilitarian, disdaining aesthetic or artistic value.
So I can see her being like the cultural hard-work but being like well I like flash and substance, and everyone was like .... was she dropped in the head? Also, I feel Bard works because Hiyam is a flirt -- and she has the allure of a songstress. She isn't traditionally charismatic but she does draw people. Plus vicious mockery and tasha's hideous laughter is perfect for her lmao. I think College of Valour would work best for her because music tells a tale -- I mean most mine do, but she definitely I feel uses her music to recount her experiences or hint at things. But also to talk about certain things she finds important.
Like her beat was definitely upbeat political popsong in game:
"Try as you might but we're not goin' without a fight." "The people have spoken and our spirits aren't broken." "We're a million awoken hearts. We're a million bright lights." "Yeah, we're a million eternities. You try to break us but we'll always be free."
Alternatively, I think half-orc could work for her as well.
I want to say Lala is human. Because off the top of my head, I feel they best fit that sort of whimsical race? But maybe gnome. They would be a fat gnome, lmao
Gnome Cunning: You have an advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws.
I would lean with Forest. Because tho they aren't RECLUSIVE but 1. the speak with animals [which lala would mostly just use to speak with cats] and 2. they do value their quiet and own space. They're not very out to the party [tho they are the one to walk to their own beat]. [Though would deep gnome indulge the love of black and rocker aesthetics~? lmao.]
Also for CLASS. Druid doesn't seem -- from what I've seen about druids though they're nature-y, they seem to be very fixated re: a certain ORDER. I suppose they could be like Integrity and do their own thing. Or a barbearian like Kendis.
Would Bard be a cop out? In another life Lala was a math teacher. So, Wizard lmao. [Though infamous Lala probably should be a bard or at least have a background as entertainer. If they were a bard, I feel they'd be college of Lore.] Tentatively I say Divinity or Transmutation sublcass.
Ori is defiinitely human. Or half-elf. Jack of all trade: skilled in all, master of none. I also like the 'belonging' element that hits half-elfs, tho. Especially since Ori is mixed and also trans.
I wish artificer was a thing in BG3. Because Ori liked to make model planes and etc. Still does iin infamous but it was a whole connect thing in another time I played him. I really don't know what he would be.
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sanhwaism · 8 months
bf!ateez and that one specific habit they do that highlights their love language
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ ot8 x gn .ᐟ reader
genre ⟡ established relationship, romance, fluff
author's note ⟡ haaaaapy valentine's day 💌☁️ not long ago i have reached 100 followers eeek ^_^ so so grateful for every single one of you!! take this as my gift for both this milestone and valentine's day <3 (the specific habit of theirs will be written in italics just so it can be easier to spot hehe)
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k. hongjoong — quality time
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ah yes, the busy and very hardworking captain :,)
he's aware of the time spent in his studio; composing and producing music are in his nature after all!
so he feels very thankful that you are understanding and always there for him to cheer him up or reassure him that he doesn't have to feel guilty even when he's pulling all nighters there
yet he still feels bad deep down
at the same time he can't abandon his work
so every chance he gets — and i mean EVERY — when he's not that overworked he makes sure to learn about what you're into so he can spend time with you in a way which you'd enjoy the most
whether it's a new game you're into, or a tv show or a book or
the moment you mention it ONCE???? be sure he's taking a mental note and paying the closest attention to it
because he acknowledges that it will be useful for later
no matter what it is, he'll try his best to pick up on it so you can have a great time together
"oh is this the new video game you started playing? guess what i actually got into it as well so we can play it together now!! :D!"
"oh i know you told me about this book you're reading so i bought a copy as well and i started it whenever i took breaks at work!! let's talk about it!! :D!"
he's genuinely so thoughtful
so yes, knowing how much time he spends away from you makes him want to learn more about your interests so the moment he has you back in his embrace, he will make sure to repay you in the sweetest way possible!
p. seonghwa — words of affirmation
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the type of boyfriend that always makes sure you know how great you're doing and how proud he is of you :(
he wouldn't go a day without praising you
if he is away from you because of work, expect a very early morning message from him in which he wishes you a good day ahead, that you will do great no matter what and he hopes you get to eat some yummy food in the meantime
and then later that day more encouraging words to keep you motivated and to also remind you that he loves you dearly
sobbing again
he wants you to tell him every detail about your day so he can praise every single effort you're making out there, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is
he'd tell you that just thinking of you gives him enough energy to go throughout the day
and he'll try his best to comfort you with his magical healing words if there is something you're going through
one thing about seonghwa is that he will validate your feelings no matter what. and that makes you feel so safe and appreciated and so so loved :(((
he's just comfort personified
he feels like hot chocolate served with marshmallows on top in front of the fireplace
if he's home and there are no miles that distance him from you, every single affectionate word that comes out of his mouth sounds even more soft hearted if that's possible
because not only does he know how to pick the best words and when to use them, but also the tone of his voice is just so soft and soothing
and now that no screen separates you both, his praises feel even more meaningful
he'd gently smile while caressing your cheek and whisper that he missed you so much and now that the day is over, everything that you have accomplished makes him so proud <3
j. yunho — physical touch
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oh my god
PLEASE listen to me
when i say that i keep seeing those specific cutest clips of yunho that altered my brain chemistry
i mean it
they altered it so badly to the point where my opinion on his love language changed
everything clicks in your head the moment you realize that yunho has been doing this gesture to you after you two got more comfortable with each other
you walk baside him while holding his hand?
all of the sudden you feel his large, soft hand on the top of your head
he looks at you all smiley while you talk to him?
the next second his hand is moving towards the crown of your head, cutely ruffling your hair
you're eating and paying attention to the food before your very eyes?
another headpat.
cute little soft headpat
is it the height difference that just makes him unable to control his hand from such sweet gesture?
most certainly, actually
he just can't help it :( one look at how cute you look and you don't even get the chance to finish your sentence be–
yup. headpat!!!!!
it's never enough for him, there are times where he feels the urge to just start speedily yet gently tap the top of your head countless times while your head just bops up and down
the way people do with their pets when the cuteness aggression hits (please tell me you know what i mean)
if you dont i gotchu i provide with visual representation here! (volume warning!!!! its loud!!)
he finds that HILARIOUS and so adorable at the same time
he'd just start giggling and you can't help but enjoy his laugh and playfulness
but if he doesn't stop you're gonna get dizzy a bit so he'll recieve a headpat in return!
... just a more aggressive one
call it a cute bonk ^_^
emotionally prepare yourself not to get TOO affected by his sudden puppy eyes because how dare you do such thing to him :<
apologize with a forehead smooch and he'll get all shy and so cutieful
k. yeosang — acts of service
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your personal trainer angel fairy dreamy looking like boyfriend
fondly sighs
yeosang's love for you is so gentle and thoughtful
he's your safe haven
his best way to express his feelings is by making sure you're always taking care of yourself, especially reminding you daily to take your supplements and vitamins!!
one day while you were cuddling him on the couch, you expressed your desire to have a more balanced and healthy lifestyle because he inspires you to do so
that was the moment a big shiny lightbulb lit up above yeosang's head
because he had the perfect idea how to help!! :D
the next day you'd already have in your hands a cute storage vitamin box that he got for you where you can organize your vitamins by days so it can be easier for you :(
of course he has one as well
he is always the one that helps you buy them once you run out
and he'd try his best to do his research based on your preferences and what seems to work best for you
when you tell him how much of a big difference they've been making and how much more energetic you feel, his smile melts your heart
he gets all bashful and giggles to himself, waving his hand as if he doesn't consider that he has done a lot
(well i consider eating him in one bite)
after all, that's what a good boyfriend should do! no biggie!
but yeosang has no idea how much it means to you; for him to always check up in you, to be your daily reminder just in case you forget about the vitamins, to diligently help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you strive for
c. san — physical touch
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everyone please act shocked
of course it's physical touch
i feel like i'd commit a crime if i didn't pick it
he's just a cute clingy cat :(
you figured out his love language quite fast, a little bit after you have made your relationship official and gave him your consent
he was shy at first
VERY shy
at first he could feel satisfied enough even with just your hand in his, or a timid hug
honestly he just wanted you near him!
but after some time when both of you got more comfortable with each other and after lots of showers with affection,
he started attacking your cheeks in the cutest way possible
every time he would have you near him, you'd see him suddenly leaning towards one side of you
next second you'd feel the softness of his cheek touching yours
and not only touch
but he would push himself even closer to you if that's possible, smushing your cheeks together while he's pouting
as if he wants to fuse both of your bodies into one because having you like that against him?? clearly isn't enough
also starts gently rubbing it against your own cheek, humming to himself because of how nice the feeling is while his eyes are closed in content
with time you got used to it and even started to like it and look forward to it
(every time i see clips of him doing that to other members i can't help but giggle)
he's just the cutest <3
no one cats the way san cats
s. mingi — quality time
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the type of boyfriend that if he could, he would attach you to his hip like a lucky charm forever and ever
because you always bring him luck, inspiration and hope whenever he has you near him :(
he feels a bit lost in your absence, always looking for ways to hear from you one way or another
so a lot of times when you two would blissfully share each other's space, mingi would ask you to attend his dancing practice, so you can witness what impressive moves he came up with and what choreographies he has been working on ^^
he is truly sososososo talented
and you'd just watch him with your lips slightly parted, amazement written all over your face as your eyes would follow the way his flexible body moves like water, with such calculated and striking motions
or other times, when he'd willingly share his personal space with you in his studio where he worked on so many new instrumentals and demos that might be useful for the group's future releases or his solo projects
every minute he would turn his head towards you just so he could catch a glimpse of your face expression
and he would smile to himself as he'd gaze at the endearing way you enjoy the rhythm and overall vibe of the music
his eyes would start sparkling in the dim lighting as you praise his efforts and works
and the biggest, cutest smile would adorn his bare face
sobs mingi.. mingi!! ^__^ mingi :3 MINGI!!!!!!!!
from that moment on, he only grows more confident to have you partake in any type of project he's crafting
you soon realize that you're the only one that gets this treatment
that's how big of an effect you have on song mingi. and he loves you dearly. always share your feedback and space with him. pretty please with a cherry on top <3
he said that not me
j. wooyoung — BITING gift giving
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sorry let me get serious
this man emanates love through every single pore so it was SO hard to pick only one love language
but it had to be done!
he's typically in his sugar baby era
but when it comes to you????????
i hope you're prepared to get spoiled ^^
his love for you is just too strong
but so is his credit card!
even before both of you confessed to each other, wooyoung had been giving you subtle hints that he was having a crush on you
and a lot of his hints were consisting mostly in him buying something for you
you eyed a cute plushie through the shop's window?
"waa, wooyoung, this plushie is so cute don't you think!!!!"
wooyoung thinks that he is buying it for you!!!!!
and you know what
he's getting two plushies actually, because they remind him of you and him
once he steps out of the shop, he hands the plushie to you with the cutest smile plastered on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes
"look, it's us," he exclaims as he brings his plushie close to the one in your hands and, to your utter surprise, makes them aggressively kiss.
(i just made myself SO devastated by writing that oh my god)
that was actually the day you two admitted having a crush on each other
from that day on, wooyoung's need to spoil you only grew
he'd want to match with you not only when it comes to a pair of plushies or ten, but clothes as well
not those that are SO visibly matching, instead more subtle ones that sort of compliment each other's looks and make you two match perfectly, like two puzzle pieces :,)
yes, wooyoung would be the one that would buy the clothes for you and surprise you with soooo many bags in front of your door, so excited for you to try on everything
he's whipped! can you blame him :(
you are his happiness and he wouldn't have it any other way, you deserve every single gift, end of discussion!!
c. jongho — acts of service
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the acts of service king
i said what i said!!
also the king of americanos yup yup iktr!
speaking of americano coffee :>
in the beginning of your relationship with jongho, you'd often have dates at the prettiest, comfiest cafes in town
you'd both order your usual drink of choice, and whenever you'd get coffee, he would pay extra attention to what type of coffee is it so he can get a cup for you next time and impress you with it
not just coffee but shh this is about coffee shh
after some time, you took the relationship to the next level, moving in together;
and whenever jongho had to leave earlier than you for his schedule, the mornings would smell like the best freshly made coffee you had ever smelled
because your sweet and attentive boyfriend would try his best to copy the recipe of your favorite coffee drink
from scratch as well
grinding the best coffee beans he could find into grounds
using water heated between 195°F-205°F
aiming for a total brew time between 3-5 minutes
like this is serious for him.
because he NEEDS it to be perfect and he NEEDS to cutely brag about it and he NEEDS to make you feel very pleased!
"hey, y/n, would you like some coffee?"
"no, thank youuu, my boyfriend made me the best cup of coffee this morning !!"
he would also leave a lovely note next to the mug :(
what more could you ask for. seriously.
you're gonna have some people become jealous but hey! choi jongho THE choi jongho chose you <3 and you will always be the only one he would make coffee for, from scratch, at the first glow of the sunrise
you are the apple of his eye
the only apple he would never break in half
see what i did there :D
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ taglist: @yuyusuyu
{💌ྀི} masterlist.
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lovesunshinefelix · 4 months
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Tags: ex-husband!chan x reader, angst?, mentions of having children together but not specified how many, hints of a conflict but not stated
Warnings: not proofread, angst with no happy ending, italics = flashbacks
Word count: 967
Note: i don't believe this is good but there seems to be a lack of bang chan angst lately so i had to take matters into my hands (?) also i had a hard time thinking of a title for this until i remembered how much I love taeyeon's Blue, and I thought how much it would fit this blurb so here it is hehe
Watching your eldest daughter finish college is seemingly one of the happiest days of your life. You didn’t expect for you to reach such a milestone in your life since you didn’t even think you could take her there by yourself, but you were happy one of your kids is finally finished with their studies. Although it wasn't your milestone, you were happy, and you wanted to make sure you were going over the top for your eldest.
With the help of your kids, they put up some decorations for the occasion at home while the ceremony went on. On top of that, you were driving around to places yesterday to buy some of her favorite food. Although the other members suggested a potluck, you still wanted to make sure that her favorite food was being served. And before you left for the occasion, you were running around the house cleaning and making sure everything’s in place.
Evening came and you were both home from her ceremony, everyone she loves came to the small gathering you threw for her; yours and Chan’s family, the other members and their families, and some of her friends. She was truly happy celebrating her achievement with everyone that she loved. Hours passed and some of the guests started leaving, your kids left with some of their cousins to go off to god knows where, which leads you to continue entertaining the other guests. When everyone left, you began picking up some of the mess they left off.
You were cleaning up some of the things from the party and have moved on to washing dishes when Chan strides through the kitchen, seemingly pleased. “It was fun seeing everyone here. Thank you for doing this for y/d/n.” He said, grabbing a rug from your kitchen drawer and drying some dishes. You just gave Chan a faint smile. “Anything for my baby.” You let out a big breath, “She's worked so hard for this, and I want her to know that everyone around her supports her dreams and is proud of her hard work.” You smiled, giving him some of the dishes you finished washing.
“It only felt like yesterday when we brought her home. Now she's off to find a job.” He told you. You just smiled fondly at the memory. “I know. Remember that time she refused to go to daycare because she doesn’t wanna leave her siblings?” you asked, walking over to his side and keeping the rest of the dishes. He laughs at the thought, “Of course, I had to promise her to some ice cream after daycare.” He said, putting away some of your dishes and asking where things belong.
For a while, there was a silence between the two of you; putting away some of the things and slowly removing the decorations, until Chan broke it off. “Do you… ever wander off and think about us?” You looked at him, somewhat confused. “What was there to think about?”
“I don't know,” he rubs the back of his head. “But I often… wander off to it.” He said honestly. “… Sometimes, I wished things ended differently.”
“But they didn't.” You told him, not meaning to sound bitter. But he understands, he understood completely.
You were both silent for a while. Just cleaning up your kitchen, until you spoke. “I don’t even think I ever moved on from you…” you tell him honestly, chuckling at the thought of it. Chan was just stunned at your confession. “It's pathetic, I tried going on dates a few years after the divorce. All I could ever think about was you.” “… Then why didn't you give me a chance to start all over again with you when I came back 12 years ago?” He asked you.
You pondered on his question but it didn't last for long. You remember it all; the lying, the arguments, the sleepless nights. All of that and you had to keep yourself composed for your children. When he came back to you 12 years ago, all of that flew out the door.
“I know I’ve made some mistakes that led to our divorce, but I want to ask for a second chance. I want to be with you and our kids for as long as I live.”
“You have no idea what I had to put myself through to forget about you, and you come back here thinking we can fix this?!”
Even though it was years ago it felt like a scar that seemingly healed for years was cut open.
You just chuckled at him, tears rolling down your cheeks reliving all the memories it brought you. “No matter how much I love you, no amount of happiness could ever compare to the day you hurt me.” you said, “Especially since I saw everything myself. I can't do that to myself again, I was raising our kids all alone.” You sniffled. “I was there for you, I gave you the support our kids needed.” He said. “I have them during weekends and when they wanted to go out with me, how can you say you were alone?” he asked. “I know and I want to thank you for it, but I can’t help but feel alone in all of my battles the moment you walked out on me.” you said in between sniffles.
After that tense discussion you were both quiet for a while. You took in a deep breath, “I'm sorry, Chris. I don't want to have this discussion again.” You said, wiping away your tears and sniffling. He just nods defeated, out of respect to your wishes. He made his way out of your once shared home while you watched him walk away from you for the third time in your life.
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kurishiri · 1 month
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03 . . . don’t look at anyone but me ˗ˏˋ🪽´ˎ˗
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: darius being darius, aha.
The leader of the organization directly under the command of the German emperor, Vogel. That was Darius Vogel.
He very much resembled that of an angel that had descended on a whim when he had called for me all of a sudden——
Darius: Why, hello there, miss fairytale keeper?
When I opened the door, there sitting on the sofa was Darius, a charming smile on his lips as he greeted me with a sweet voice.
Kate: Hello, Darius. Uhm, what was it that you needed...?
They were guests who had arrived in England as a goodwill ambassador.
(So I need to make sure to retain my manners. That said... Harrison did say that they were ‘lying about something’...)
They had appeared before Crown so abruptly, so there was still a mountain of things I didn’t know about their identity.
(And because I don’t know much about them, it’s better to play it safe than be sorry later.)
Darius: Why don’t we have a chat?
Kate: ...Eh?
Darius: You see, I was thinking of deepening our relationship with everyone,
D: but it would appear that all the members of Crown are busy today. So, that’s why you are here now.
D: Ah, or do you happen to be busy as well? If so——
Kate: Oh, no, it’s alright! I have a day off today.
Darius: Is that so? I’m glad to hear. Then, care to come here, little miss robin?
Kate: I’ll do that. Thank you for having me.
No sooner did I sit on the sofa did Darius bring out a can of what appeared to be biscuits that could fetch a fortune.
Darius: Here, have some. I ended up receiving so many biscuits from the higher ups here in the castle, and I am unable to finish them.
Kate: Umm, so, is it alright for me to take all of this?
Darius: It would delight me if you could accept these, before eating all of these biscuits on my own makes my throat dry.
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D: And Nica had also said, ‘You were the recipient of all these, Dari, so take some responsibility and eat it all.’ Now isn’t that just cruel?
D: Besides——I would imagine eating snacks while chatting like this would help us get along better.
D: Since we are staying here for a while anyway, I figured it would be good for us to break down some ice between us.
Just when I thought he might have been pouting, he tilted his head slightly to the side, letting a carefree smile play on his lips.
(Darius kind of reminds me... of an innocent child.)
His amiability ended up chipping away my already dwindling sense of caution.
(When he said that he wanted to ‘get along better’... it might not have been a lie.)
Kate: Well then, I will partake.
When I opened the can, the sweet aroma of the high-quality wafted through the air.
Excitement coursing through me, I grabbed a single biscuit and took a bite.
Kate: Mm, it’s really good!
Darius: ...Ho-oh?
D: Hehe, is it? I’m glad to see you like it.
With his elbow on the armrest and resting his chin lightly on the palm of his hand, he watched me stuff my cheeks with a bright smile on his face.
Kate: You’re not going to eat any, Darius?
Darius: I...
D: ...am full right now.
(Oh, I see. He did mention before that he couldn’t eat it all.)
(And he must be treated with warm hospitality by others in the castle as well.)
Kate: What kind of foods do you like?
Darius: Let’s see now... jaeger schnitzels, mille feuille glacé...
Kate: Jaeger schnit-what-now...? W-wait, could you repeat that please?
In a panic, I took out a notepad from my pocket, hoping to write it down.
Darius: Hehe, to put it simply, I enjoy foods that seem hard to make, and just as hard to obtain.
(So, foods that take a long time to make and require a lot of skill are delicious to him?)
Kate: Oh, so that’s what you meant! Thank you for telling me.
K: If I find anything that may suit your tastes, I will bring it to you.
Within his words that sounded more like an enchantment, I noted down the parts I could understand.
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(I can ask Victor for the names of the foods later.)
Darius: .........
Kate: Ah, and what do you like to do?
Darius: Do you mean my hobbies? Hmm... milk puzzles, perhaps.
Kate: Milk puzzles?
Darius: It refers to a puzzle with purely white pieces.
Kate: Eh—? So, there’s no picture or anything drawn on the puzzle?
K: I would imagine without such clues, it would be difficult to piece together such a puzzle...
Darius: I would beg to differ? Although the shapes of the pieces appear similar, they are all different from one another in actuality.
D: I do very much enjoy finding the correct pieces one at a time.
D: Why don’t we do one together next time?
Kate: Of course! I will try my best to not become a burden then.
Darius: Hehe, you truly are an earnest little robin, aren’t you. Ah, also...
As though having just remembered something, he stood up and faced the door.
Darius: I imagine your throat must be dry from having eaten all those biscuits? I will bring some tea.
Kate: Ah, then I...
Darius: Oh, I insist. You can sit down?
When I stood up in a panic, Darius turned around before the door, his lips graced with a smile.
(...Since he is being kind like this, maybe I should simply do as he says?)
Kate: Thank you.
Having thought it over again, I sat back down on the sofa.
I clearly heard the doorknob turn, but——
Darius: Oh?
D: ...The door won’t open. It seems we are locked in here.
Kate: Eh!?
K: Did someone maybe lock the door by mistake... what should we do?
In a panic, I, too, stood up and made a dash for the door.
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Kate: Ah, that’s right, I can call for hel——
Darius: It seems we ended up locked in here together, yes?
Kate: ——Eh?
When Darius turned around, our eyes met.
Through his platinum blond bangs, I was taken by those honey-colored eyes——
Darius: It is just me and you, together. In this room.
(Wait, wha...?)
This entire time, we had been chatting whilst making eye contact, and yet,
right now, I was hit with a sensation that directly touched a place deep in my chest for the first time.
His eyes seemed to resemble those that scrutinized my heart as it laid on the palm of his hand——
Darius: Ah, it opened.
The moment the door opened, I was freed from that strange sensation,
and I put a hand over my chest in relief.
Kate: ...Thank goodness.
Darius: You say ‘thank goodness,’ but for what, exactly?
D: The fact that the door opened? Or——
Kate: ? Of course, I meant thank goodness the door opened.
K: Since you have come all the way to England,
K: I hope, as much as possible, you don’t feel inconvenienced.
K: If you have a comfortable stay here, I take it you will look forward to your next visit here?
Darius: .........
Kate: I will bring some tea. Ah, and I will request the door be inspected while I am at it.
(Truly, thank goodness that it hadn’t become any big incident. ...That said.)
I wonder why, at that time, I felt as though I were being tested?
Not knowing why I felt that smoldering feeling in my chest, the day passed by.
Nica: Dari, you talked one on one with the Spatzi [1]. So, how was it?
Ring: Rotkehlchen... you’re talking about that girl?
With a smile on his face, Darius looked out the window, which showed the hazy scenery of London beneath the hazy night.
Darius: ——If ‘Crown’ resides in the world of darkness,
D: under normal circumstances, one would be very cautious of them... and they would live every minute doubting others, no?
D: On top of that, this is the ‘fairytale keeper’ we are talking about, whose job is to record their sins? Would it not apply especially to her? ——And yet.
D: The little miss human accepted the snacks I gave her and ate them without a single shadow of doubt.
D: And not only that? When I said that the door wouldn’t open, she held no shred of doubt toward me then as well.
D: Hehe, just remembering it makes me laugh. ——That said, though,
D: it must be because ‘Crown’ holds that human veeryy dear, no?
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Ring: ...
Nica: .........And so?
Turning back toward the two, Darius’ cherubic smile widened.
Such a gaze...
...possessed the air of a heavenly being, looking down at the humans from a place far up high...
Darius: ——And so it had caught my interest, ever so slightly.
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[1] the apparent pronunciation of this word here in Japanese is [ロビン] (robin), quite literally the “Japanese English” pronunciation of the word “robin.” but in Nika’s story in the same event, when Kate asks what [ロビン] is, he says it’s German for the word “robin”, or [駒鳥] (komadori). Apparently the closest word of endearment related to birds in German would be Spatzi (which actually means sparrow).
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Hey Squiggly!!! I’m back with another headcanon.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—Giyu is Great at Holding in his laugh. You either have to get a death spot or be tickling him for hours if you want him to crack. EXCEPT. He CANNOT hold in his laugh with feathers. Like. This man is extremely feather ticklish, and it drives him MAD. Surprisingly, Obanai is the one who found out. (Mitsuri was definitely not forcing them to hang out whatsoever, Obanai 100% invited Giyu to his estate of his own accord….) ANYWAY. Giyu and Obanai were both feeding their respective pets (Giyu’s crow and Obanai’s snake, I can’t remember how to spell the names) and Giyu dropped some fruit right into his uniform. And his crow dove in to get it. Obanai let it slip and now everyone TORTURES Giyu.
Anyway, Giyu being feather ticklish to me is so funny. Tough man taken out by soft feather, it heals my soul. Feel free to use the scene I was talking about, or a different scene, up to you!!! Also feel free to decline of course. Take your time and have fun with your event :)
(Sorry I rambled a Bit….)
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
And with that- we've reached the last of the Dabbles! Thank you everyone who participated and who read along! I'll be updating the masterlist soon!
OH THIS IS BEYOND ADORABLE!!! Giyu being feather sensitive and Obanai just watching him getting wrecked and not helping is such a vibe jarekarjearkjae I wanna make more "Hashira getting GIyu" things down the road; this was just so fun! I've gotcha covered, friend! :D
Obanai didn’t want this to happen, but given what came out of it, he couldn’t complain.
Invite him over, she insisted. Try to get to know him better before you cast him aside. Tomioka-san just might surprise you!
Mitsuri’s request  was what brought them here today- sitting outside Obanai’s home and…existing. The Serpent Hashira had no idea what they were to discuss, and Giyu wasn’t helping with his awkward silences.
He was just now starting to realize why he hung out with Mitsuri and Sanemi. Both of them could keep a silence at bay.
“Calm. You’re gonna get some.” Giyu’s voice stirred him from his thoughts, turning his attention to the Water Hashira and his crow. He was holding a handful of pecans- offering them one by one as his crow hopped and squawked, demanding more. “You’re getting older- I don’t want you to get si-EE!”
What happened next was fast and surprising. Obanai watched the crow leap upwards and into Giyu’s face, making him lean back. His handful of nuts went flying- in his face, his lap, and even some on Obanai. The serpent Hashira took what landed on him for a snack.
“Kanzaburou! Behave yourself. Ugh, this is a disaster..” Giyu sighed as he looked down at himself, tugging at his collar when he felt a few nuts stuck there. “I’m gonna be finding pecans on me for days.”
“Hehe. Nut case.” Obanai snickered at his own dumb joke. To his surprise, Giyu was laughing too. “Wow, didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”
When Giyu started laughing harder, Obanai raised a brow. “Come on, it wasn’t that funny.”
“Thahhat’s not ihihiht-aheahhahaha, Kahahahnzahhahaburohohohu dohohoohn’t!” Giyu was grabbing at his shirt, specifically at the lump wiggling its way down. “Gehehhehet ohohohohut! Yohohoohu tihihihickle!”
“Kaw! Kaaaw!” The bird squawked in glee, it’s feathery butt sticking out from the top of Giyu’s collar, furthering his tickly torture. “We mustn't waste a single ounce of food! Kaaaaw!”
“Gihihihive me a shehehehecond- Aheahahhahah Iihiihgurhoohohho heheheheelp!”
“Huh?” The other man had been watching without realizing it.
“HEhehelp me ghehehheht him ohohohout! Aheahhahhaa! Pleahahhahse!” Giyu cried, cheeks warm and eyes scrunched and misty. It was such a rare sight- seeing the stoic man laugh. Obanai almost didn’t help just to make it last.
Only then Giyu was wincing some as his crow crawled down further, its talons and beat sharp. Obanai tsked before reaching over, working at the buttons with rapid speed.
“Ahehahhaha-hehahahha- thehehhehre!” The second there was an opening big enough, Giyu reached up and gently pried his crow free, holding him carefully in his shaking hands. “Now stahahap thahhat.”
“Kaaw! Kaaaaw!” The bird chirped, flying out of Giyu’s hands and off to who knew where. 
The water Hashira groaned softly as he flopped on his back, arms over his face to hide his flustered expression. “Eheh..heh..th-that was a bit embahahharasing..” When he didn’t hear Obanai reply, he dared a peek- flushing more at the other’s amused stare. “Erm..could we keep this between us?”
“You already know the answer to that.” Giyu groaned and hid in his arms once more while Obanai snickered; delighted by this new piece of information.
He couldn’t wait to tell the others.
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honeytabbies · 2 months
OKAY. HERE WE GO. my black bulls doggies!!!! :D
there's definitely a noticeable difference in style/quality of some of these just due to time between each design and/or how i was feeling at the time of drawing them (these hot and rainy summer months have been super rough on me)
ALSO they were all done symmetrically so that i wouldn't burn out and could actually finish them LOL . OK EVERYBODY BELOW
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starting off with asta, a husky/coyote mutt!! :D in my au, devil users end up becoming hybrids of whatever their devil is. so since liebe is a coyote, that's what asta is too!! (also, i haven't drawn him yet, but yuno is a malamute :D similar looking breeds but different since they're not actually related!)
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(here's liebe too hehe, scrappy lil coyote!!)
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then of course, noelle, who's a saluki!! a very regal breed for a very royal gal!! i thought making her pigtails into her ears was a fun idea HEHEHE
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(+ an alternate design version!)
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here's finral, he's a shetland sheepdog!! gentle and sweet and always trying to herd his people together :) you might notice that with some of my designs, i end up doing extra scarring; that's usually just personal headcanons, as i think some injuries would be too grievous to fully heal. though some (for instance, gauche) don't have a canon story behind them, i just think they're fitting
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vanessa, who's a cavalier king charles spaniel!! her ears sorta blend into her hair lol, i had an alternate version where they were the same darker brown as her fur but i decided that them blending in looked better and fit the breed standard as well.
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gauche, the ever wary american akita!! being a fiercely loyal and protective breed, but aloof and suspicious of strangers.
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then there's grey, who's a long-haired chihuahua!! sweet and skittish HEHE, also i haven't drawn it yet but i've always imagined her big transformation disguise that she's first introduced as to be a rottweiler LOL
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next up is luck, a jack russell terrier!! i've always thought this was a very fitting breed pick, intelligent but highly energetic and a little mischievous !!!
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and of course, magna is never far behind luck; he's a dobermann pinscher!! similar to luck in energy and intelligence, but even more fiercely protective of his loved ones.
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GORDON!!! actually one of my favourite black clover characters, he's a dalmatian not only because of the fitting aesthetic, but also because of his kind and sensitive personality!
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the masked supermage zora, a german shepherd! watchful and sometimes stubborn but loyal nonetheless made this pick fairly easy to come to. though, before getting to see more of him, my initial pick was actually a kai ken!
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charmy's design is one that i'm the most proud of for sure; i mentioned in an earlier post that the different peoples are different species of animals. well charmy is a half toy poodle, half american badger!! i thought a badger was a VERY fitting pick, as they are generally unbothered by much unless their food is threatened LOL
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and finally, lastly (for now) is nero!! she's a bull terrier, but i really wanted to keep her twin tails from her anti-bird form! her outfit is definitely the one i edited the most, i just wanted to give her something more practical out of personal preference.
additionally, henry is an old english sheepdog, nacht is a black norwegian elkhound/fox, and yami is a wolfdog!
I HAVE SOME OTHER CHARACTERS DOODLED HERE AND THERE but nothing else really finished yet. if there's a specific character anyone would like to see i would be SO happy to draw/doodle them to show off!! i honestly have a huge list of dog/cat breeds picked out for every character i could think of; i just am hellishly indecisive and can never pick who to start on next AHDSJAGDJSDK
THE POSITIVE RECEPTION TO MY ART SO FAR HAS MADE ME SO HAPPY BTW AUAGGHHH i have no idea how/if im able to reply to people directly but just know that i keep reading over everyone's reblog tags and stimming like crazy IM SO HAPPY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AUHGHFEHGGRH
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salty-croissants · 8 months
Hello, it's me again! Sorry to bother, but can you make about Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon with the reader that loves cooking (mainly desserts), please?
Thank you for the request !
This is a very original and neat concept , I really enjoyed writing for it :D 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
When he first discovered your hobby Bullfrog was immediately enthusiastic about it , and to this day whenever you cook something for him he is simply overjoyed : 
< Oh - is that for me ? Thank you so much mon amour ! > 
< Hehe , no need to thank me sweetie … it’s nothing much , just thought I’d try a new recipe this time around . > 
< Now now , don’t underestimate yourself my dear : this already looks and smells delicious , I’m sure I’ll love it ! > 
If you ever decide to make something that comes from France to surprise him , Bullfrog will be absolutely delighted …
I mean , his beloved making an effort to get closer to him in such an adorable way ? Boy , his heart is going to positively melt ❤️
< Here Bullfrog … I know you had an especially long day today , so I thought it would be nice to end the evening with a little something I made ! > 
< *gasp* - y/n , this mille-feuille looks wonderful ! 
Thank you mon chou , thank you so much ! ~ > 
< I’m really happy you like it my love ! ~ 
I’ve … never really made one of these before , so I really hope I got everything right with the ingredients … would be a shame if it just looked nice but didn’t have a good taste , y’know ? And - >  
< You worry too much … I’m sure it’s amazing , like everything you do ~ > 
< Heh … never miss an opportunity to flatter me , hm ? ~ 
Seriously though , thank you … you’re a sweetheart ~ > 
Whenever the two of you are in the kitchen and you’re busy cooking , Bullfrog is going to just stare at you , mesmerized by your every movement as you mix the ingredients together to make whatever food you may have in mind come to life …
While your boyfriend already adores you , seeing just how creative and passionate you are makes him love you even more … if that’s even possible ;//)
< I see you back there ~ > 
< Ah , I’m sorry my dear … I just can’t help but look at you , tu es magnifique ~ > 
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Rayman 🧡
Given how busy he is with his work as the Eden Late Show host , I doubt that Rayman is able to find time to actually cook for himself … 
Not like that’s a problem for him anymore , now that you’ve entered his life .
< Aw - did you make this for lunch y/n ? 
Thank you , you shouldn’t have ! > 
< Don’t worry about it Ray , it was my pleasure ! 
I know you got a lot to do later , so hopefully this will help you get the energy you need to deal with your schedule … it’s my job to take care of you , remember ? > 
< Heh , how could I forget … ? 
I love you so much honey , I really appreciate you doing all this for me ~ > 
You often prepare food that Rayman can carry over to the studio in a lunch box to make sure that he eats properly ( he often forgets about it ) , and you better believe that he’ll be talking about how well your cooking skills are to anyone passing by … 
< Oh , you won’t believe how good these are - you’d expect them to be from a bakery , but actually my y/n made them for me ! 
They’re so talented - and pretty , did I mention pretty ? > 
The sheer determination he has to make those around him know how much he appreciates you … it never fails to make you smile :,//) 
Rayman definitely tries to cook something for you when he has enough time on his hands , and while he still has a lot to learn you can’t help but feel your heart skip a beat whenever he walks in the room , proudly displaying something he made … 
He really tries his best for you , his beloved partner , and that thought alone always warms your heart . 
< I don’t know … maybe I didn’t use enough flour , I hope this isn’t too bad … > 
< It’s not bad at all hun , it’s a really good first attempt at a chocolate cake ! 
Thank you for making this for me ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
You often end up cooking things that Ramon especially enjoys eating to cheer him up when he’s not having a good day , and the way he smiles at you with genuine gratitude whenever you do that brings you more joy than anything else ever could …
< Here you go love , luckily there were enough ingredients to make some apple pie ! > 
< Heh .. you really remembered that one time I said I liked it ? >
< Of course ! 
Besides , I know today has been pretty harsh , so the least I could do is do my best to make you happy … you deserve it . > 
< Thanks y/n … you’re amazing ~ > 
Much like before , Ramon does his best to cook for you sometimes , being very worried about disappointing you … only to be surprised by your adorable reactions .
< Uh , actually … I tried to make us some dinner tonight , since you were tired .
I’ll be honest , I wasn’t entirely sure about some stuff I was doing , so I just hope I didn’t make a mes - > 
< Aw Ram - thank you so much ! It looks great !
I’m really looking forward to eating it now that I know you made it ! > 
< You … really think that ? > 
< Mhm ! > 
< Heh , well let’s hope this lives up to the chef’s expectations then ~ > 
< Gosh I … heh , I’m nowhere near a chef sweetie , but thank you nonetheless ~ > 
Ramon could hold you in his arms for hours while you tell him all about a new recipe you found , or some other cool cooking fact : 
it’s like all the fears and worries he has completely disappear , the soothing sound of your voice making him forget about being a wanted criminal who is at risk of getting caught at any minute .
< I’d definitely love to try out this honey cheesecake sometime : it only takes ten  minutes to get done , and it doesn’t need that many ingredients !
Though I did see two different ways of using the butternut biscuits , so I’m not entirely sure of which one works best … but I think picking one and starting off there would be good to determine which is better , and plus - > 
This man can’t get over how cute you look when you passionately explain something related to your hobby …
Ramon holds on to those precious moments for as long as he can , as always feeling immensely lucky to have you by his side . 
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Random question. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Thank you.
how to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve using asteroid persona charts
i smiled when i read "random question" i was like oh boy... they are gonna ask me what my favorite color or type of potato is... NOPE this question is not random at all for this blog. i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be added after the posted date).
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strengths (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
abundantia (151): where you are most abundant in life and receive a bunch of gifts while also rewarding others
achaemenides (5126): he had a strong power of will and was capable of perseverance
atalanta (36): strengths/capabilities as a woman - breaking the norms of gender expectations
constantia (315): consistency often breeds success and strengths
hehe (200002): where you have a lot of harmony/positivity in life
heracles (5143): what tasks you completed / will complete because you are strong and determined
hilaritas (996): resilience despite everything around you going poorly
lysistrata (897): leadership qualities and power over a group
themis (24): power and ability to see right from wrong
weakness (check the saturn placement/aspects and capricorn/aquarius ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
achilles (588): a flaw you have that can break you down if not improved upon
cucula (2731): repetition and routine is often a person's greatest weakness (i say this as someone who studied forensic psychology with a lead investigator who works with serial killers)
icarus (1566): a mindset that could lead to your demise
lacrimosa (208): thoughts/experiences that hold you back because you are still upset over them
midas (1981): where your life is set to change from riches to rags because of greed
narcissus (37117): where your selfishness is your weakness/flaw
niobe (71): where you are too cocky and you experience a downfall because of it
tantalus (2102): where your superior mentality holds you back
how to improve (check the jupiter placement/aspects and sagittarius/pisces ruled houses for the following asteroid persona charts)
ambrosia (193): the food of the gods - the more you eat the more immortal you become - the more you act in this area (these areas) the better life gets for you
chiron (2060): he was the wounded healer - if anyone knows about improving it is him
dante (2999): dante journeyed from hell to heaven to be good enough for beatrice - it can show you the improvement(s) you make for others / those you love
eureka (5261): a discovery that can change your life
isis (42): how you can heal
karma (3811): the balancing factor in your life
medusa (149): how you can turn your bad actions around to receive remorse from others
odin (3989) / wodan (2155): what you'd do to learn how to improve
pandora (55): the balance of positives and negatives in your life
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
click here for the masterlist
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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virune · 2 months
*coughs* first of all please let me say thank you very much for the sonadow food you’ve been posting as of late...I for one have been feasting :D
Listen, I normally hate bugs. They scare me, I don't want them touching me, and yet...I can look at your new art with no problems?! How?? (Maybe it has to do with how cute Shadow is at all times—something Sonic clearly appreciates, ehehe)
Really though, the thought of Sonic potentially being trapped in Shadow’s web for a couple days (while Shadow tries to figure out what to do with this guy who’s Seen Him and could potentially lead monster hunters to him), just making kind conversation and generally not treating him like a freak…Sonic slowly uncovering the gentle soul that Shadow is while Shadow realizes that not everyone from the outside world will hate him!!
Ahem. Apologies for the ramble. Please do feel free to ignore this if you weren’t in the mood for Internet People jumping into your inbox to holler at you about their thoughts ^^;;
you are always welcome in my inbox because you are Very Nice to me. i have set aside a little pillow fort with snacks over in the corner for you.
and i'm glad you like the new au!! i think adding the red to shadow's spider peets helped off-set any potential scariness! sonic talks to shadow and bargains for his life (something along the lines of "if you eat me, you get one meal. but if you let me live, i'll bring you multiple meals"). that seems to appeal to shadow, so he agrees. but he doesn't anticipate that he'll grow to enjoy sonic's company and miss him when he's away. and also fall in love hehe
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cupidjyu · 2 years
hii ! i love your writing so much and would love a sunwoo fluff 🥹 something soft because he’s so adorable hehe
kiss here please ~
sunwoo x reader (request, thank uuu anon i'm so glad you love my writing ><)
genre: producer sunwoo because he's so attractive, kisses, hugs, teasing, bickering notes: thank u so much anon, for requesting because i had this idea for a while now LMAO also i'm hoping i'll be more active because i do actually want to write more and improve! this drabble is based on this moment! :D word count: 0.8k
knock, knock!
“come in,” you heard a familiar voice from inside the studio. you opened the door and walked over to where sunwoo was sitting at the desk, staring at the computer. he looked incredibly focused, with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips frowning. 
you dropped the bag in your hand on the table, catching his attention. inside, was his favorite food and drink that you knew he needed to eat before he would skip another meal like he usually does.
he turned to you, finally realizing it was you and soon enough, his serious, earnest expression turned into a bright, adorable one. his eyes practically lit up and a small smile appeared.
“hey,” he whispered, unable to keep in a giggle just at the mere sight of you.
sunwoo when he was producing was your favorite type of sunwoo, as he looked so good. his headphones on and a comfy hoodie and sweats were the cutest sight. his hair, usually straight and unstyled, now had the cutest perm, making him look like a puppy.
“come sit, i need a break anyway,” he spoke up. he reached over and pulled a chair over so you could take a seat next to him. you observed the computer in front of you. it seemed that he had been working on some lyrics instead of the typical producing of a song and its beat.
“what’re you working on?” you asked.
“oh, you know…” he flushed, looking away for a second as he pulled at the strings of his hoodie. “this and that…”
you smiled and leaned closer to the screen to see the words written on the screen. you skimmed over and you couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh.
“the lyrics are quite romantic, sun?” you asked, turning to him with sparkles in your eyes.
he sheepishly smiled and quickly clicked out of the tab with embarrassment, “yeah, i thought of you.”
“oh,” was all you could muster, as you blinked at him with round eyes.
“what?” he asked, smirking slightly. “who else would i think of but you?” his eyes were on you, observing your every move, making your heart pound.
you shoved him, your ears feeling hot, “i- i know that. it’s just… a bit surprising that’s all.”
he giggled, taking the drink in his hand and taking a sip from the straw. his eyes were wide and round as he turned back to you. it was oddly silent, as he maintained eye contact with you, simply staring at you creepily.
“sunwoo,” you eyed him suspiciously.
he put down his drink.
“i want a kiss.”
it took you a while to recover from your shock, but when you did, you broke out into a bashful smile. he was working hard enough already, so you might as well indulge him.
“where?” you asked with a teasing tone.
he turned his head, pointing at his cheek. 
“of course, sun.” you shifted your chair closer and leaned in. you were so focused on his cheek that you hadn’t noticed his lips pull into a mischievous, shy smile. his heart was thumping because just as you were about to press your lips to his cheek, he quickly whipped his head to face you again, causing you to plant a firm kiss on his lips instead.
you let out a silent shriek, putting your hands up to your lips, flushing red in just a few seconds.
“you-” you shoved him again. he only laughed, looking at you with endearing, soft eyes, like you’re the cutest thing in the world. you whined, “you said on the cheek, not your…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you blushed even more.
“i never said so…”
“yeah, but-”
“shush,” you felt two hands on your waist, pulling you into his lap in a swift movement. you took in a deep, shaky breath, staring into his eyes deeply. he smiled, tilting his head, “beautiful.”
he then pulled you in, pressing his lips to yours. this time, you kissed back, your arms snaking around to rest on his shoulders. after a while, you abruptly pulled away, practically jumping off his lap.
“you’re hypnotizing me,” you accused, feeling hot all over your face.
“ay, i could never,” he stood up, pulling you into a warm hug. he peaked at your face with a sly smile. “maybe, you’re just addicted to me.”
you had no response, as you stared at him, your mouth open.
“so i’m right?” he teased.
“shut up,” you pushed him away, your hands on his chest. “i like when you’re shy better.”
“aw but-”
you quickly shushed him with a peck to his lips. his eyes widened with surprise. 
“you can’t just do that?” his cheeks were pink now.
“so you’re shy now,” you pinched his cheek. “i like this sunwoo better for sure.”
he huffed, a small pout on his lips as he grumbled to himself, "you have an effect on me."
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writing-whump · 9 months
ma'am, for your consideration: arnie realizing he can weaponize his human fragility by forcing his bros to co-exist in the same space. Aka him purposefully getting hurt/sick and putting both Isaiah and Hector as his emergency contacts, because he's manipulative like that. I love this boy so much
Food poisoning
Hehe thank you for sending this! I was staring at this one for a long time, cause it has the right mix of drama and brother bonding, lol. It has a bit of a twist to it :D
Arnie sat down at the sushi place at the mall, going over his plan one more time.
He would make Hector and Isaiah talk. They couldn't avoid each other forever. And fortunately for him, neither could deny him anything when they were worried for him.
Shrimps were the perfect choice. A bit of runny nose, itchy eyes and some cramps that would go away quickly enough, but if he pretended he ate many, he could exaggerate the symptoms and have them both rushing to his side. He had been allergic to anything shellfish since childhood.
Arnie gathered the sushi rolls, shrimp and crab mixed in, some cucumber ones too. It was the kind of all-you-can-eat place, so why not enjoy himself why he was at it?
He kept coming and returning with new portions to his table with a great view from the upper floor to the lower one, where the exit and the escalator were. Watching people rushing in and out, the different clothes, the speed was Arnie's favorite pastime at places like these.
He got himself those Japanese cherries and a big coke to sip on when Hector suddenly shook his shoulder from behind.
"Hey. I thought I caught a familiar scent. What are you getting lunch for and not calling me?"
Arnie winced, wrinkling his forehead. "Hey. I didn't know you were in town."
Hector rolled his eyes, hurling himself into the chair opposite Arnie, immediately grabbing for the sushi on his carefully arranged plates. "This place is like 5 minutes from the pack base. It's the center of my work radius."
"H-hey! That's my food! Go get your own," Arnie exclaimed.
Hector grinned, throwing the sushi and the shrimp into his mouth, not even taking time to use the cutlery. "Oh shut up. You can't eat half of this amount, are you crazy? Way too much for your tiny human stomach."
"Very funny," Arnie glared. Now that he was caught like this, he couldn't pretend not to notice the shrimp or that he ate more than Hector saw him eat.
Not that there was much left to eat, Hector devoured his plates without even looking.
"What are you so hungry for? You had a giant breakfast," Arnie said in irritation, sipping on his Coke. Hector was like a bulldozer to his plans.
"Hungry like a wolf," Hector said with a wink.
Since the little New Year's debacle Hector had been a lot more cheerful and friendly, although that wasn't really his style.
Arnie had to appreciate the effort he was putting into looking like he was alright with Arnie getting messages and Saturday lunches with Isaiah. Like he was happy for him when he clearly wasn't.
Arnie wasn't sure what the most prevalent emotion was for Hector. Jealousy? The sense of betrayal and hurt? From him or from Isaiah? Seriously, couldn't the two just sit down and have a long talk about what happened?
Not that Arnie was getting much in that department. He still didn't dare to address it directly and Isaiah skillfully dodged the topic or ignored any hints Arnie threw in to warm him up to it.
Arnie all but lost his appetite as he watched Hector clean out the plates with speed and getting more.
"You in a hurry? You are eating like there is no tomorrow," Arnie commented with a scrunched nose.
Hector rolled his eyes. "You want me to have table manners at a mall sushi stand? For real? Couldn't you have picked one of the fancier restaurants down the street? We are at the center, we got money, why don't you enjoy it."
"Oh, and I thought you would tell me to eat something more local instead of a risky fish stuff." That's what Isaiah told him last time, which Arnie couldn't take seriously after Isaiah took him for their first lunch after years at his favourite sushi restaurant. This small family place made everything fresh right there in front of their eyes.
Hector gave him a look, his cheeks puffing out and he muffed a burp against his fist. "You are the smartass here. Fuuh, I'm full." Didn't make him slow down as he threw himself at the rest of his half-filled plate.
"Then stop eating," Arnie said with a fond eye-roll. "It's just a mall sushi place," he added teasingly.
Hector's eyes narrowed and he smirked, taking it as a challenge as he ate the last bits before getting more dessert. Arnie would have popped from that amount a long time ago.
"Urrrrp, okay I'm done," Hector said after the next 15 minutes, leaning back in the chair. "That was pretty good. The sushi seems a bit old and wrinkly, but the taste is good."
"Remind me why I don't usually invite you for lunch," Arnie said dryly as Hector burped, loudly this time. "Come on, let's take a walk by the river. Help you settle and all."
Hector just grinned shamelessly, standing up to pay the bill for both of them.
Hector could complain all he liked, the mall had a good location. Just next to the river, the bank made into a beautiful park with nicely cut grass, fancy trees and those little gym instruments along the way.
The weather was gray and uninviting, but the temperature was actually quite pleasant, so Arnie didn't complain as they made their way against the current.
Hector walked like an old man, unzipping his jacket to free space for his bulging stomach. Arnie didn't notice how huge it got from behind the table.
Hector even planted his hand on it, rubbing slightly as they walked.
It hit Arnie then that it was Sunday. "Wait wait wait. You don't have any work in town today. You came to- you wanted to have lunch with me! Just like Isaiah did yesterday!"
Hector gave him a sour glare. "That's not-not why I did it at all."
Arnie giggled. Oh my god, that was so neat. Hector couldn't stand him and Isaiah having something he didn't have.
"Stop-urrrp-stop laughing," Hector said angrily, cheeks turning red.
"You know, you can always come with me? Isaiah would be happy to see you," Arnie said, still smiling wide.
"Happy my ass," Hector grunted.
"Oh come on! I know you want to."
"That's not, hiccc, that's not the issue-" Hector stopped as they came to the little bridge that people took pictures from, leaning heavily against the railing as another hiccup shook his shoulders.
"What, you worried he is angry about any of the mean stuff you tell him? I'm sure he is not," Arnie said, a smug smile growing as Hector's eyes widened that he figured it out.
"He knows you. He would forgive you anything. Can't you just-"
"Okay, Arnie, stop, I-"
"No," Arnie interrupted, bracing against the railing beside him. The chilly air, the river flowing with such force, it all gave him courage to breach this topic. "I think it's time you act like an adult and had a talk-"
Hector suddenly heaved, hands gripping the railing and threw up over it.
Arnie stagged in shock, not expecting that. "Geez, a little warning, eh?"
Hector didn't seem to be finished, leaning over only for another projectile vomit to shoot out. Distracted by the conversation, Arnie only realized now that Hector was sweaty all over, pale and breathing hard, bracing against the railing with all force.
"Hex? Hey, it's okay, get it up. I told you it was too much..." Arnie said, carefully placing a hand on his back, feeling the muscles move underneath the jacket.
"Think-ughhh-think there was something wrong with the food," Hector said with a grimace, bowing to lean his forehead against the cool metal of the railing, still gripping it with both hands as if for balance. "My stomach's fucking killing me."
Arnie rubbed his back with more vehemence now. Was the mall sushi worse than he thought? Was it spoiled and he didn't notice? He didn't have a single bite and Hector said it tasted old...
"Ughhhh," Hector wrapped both his hands around his stomach, face going white and then abruptly red and then white again. "Christ, this fucking hurts."
"Okay, uhmm," Arnie wracked his head with what to do. They were stranded between the mall, the river and the park. And Hector never said a word when he was hurting, this was bad.
"Do you want to- wait, wait, don't do that!"
Hector's knees gave out underneath him and he crouched down, moaning.
"Let's sit you down on a bench. Look there is one right over there, come on." Arnie felt himself panicking a little, rubbing Hector's arm, trying to coax him to stand back up.
Hector just curled more onto himself, clutching at his stomach like his organs were about to spill on the sidewalk.
He was bright red, white spotches on his face and neck and his throat was bobbing dangerously with each deep heaving breath.
"Told you...not to trust cheap places like that," Hector gritted out between breaths.
Arnie felt cold settling in his stomach. The food was bad and he ordered it, was about to eat to make Hector worry about him. This was way worse than any allergic reaction, this was downright food poisoning. This should have been him, not Hector.
"I'm so sorry. Hold on to me." He managed to free one of Hector's hands and pull it around his shoulders, tagging at him to get him up.
Hector groaned, but let Arnie hoist him up. It was a fragile position, because Hector was two times Arnie's size, all muscle and height while Arnie had the slim built of a teenage boy.
Hector swayed on his feet and Arnie wrapped his arm around his back while supporting his chest with the other. If Hector fell down, he would take Arnie with him, no stopping it.
"Okay, steady. Don't fall down," Arnie begged.
Hector burped, then doubled over Arnie's arm and vomited again, chunky pieces of dark and light pink sushi all over the ground. The smell had Arnie's nose wrinkling in disgust and he held his breath, planting both legs apart to find a stable center.
A woman and a kid passing by scrambled away quickly with a squeal.
Hector's shoulders rolled with another heave, all muscles in his jaw clenching and tensing as he fought against the next wave, but it came all the same, another chunky slimy mess. At least it shot up with such force it didn't hit any of them yet, though it sprayed around as it hit the concrete with a splash.
"A-are you okay?" Arnie hated the anxiety that made his voice sound all small and childish but there it was.
Hector spat out a pink frothy mouthful on the ground, straightening up at his question. "Good-uuuuuurp-I'm good. A bench you said?"
"Yeah, right over there." Arnie used all his strength to turn Hector around and guide him towards the bench. He was left sweaty and out of breath by the time they made the five steps towards it, Hector swaying with each movement in a different direction.
Hector collapsed on the wood gratefully, immediately spreading his legs and bracing on his knees to burp loudly on the ground. Nothing came up this time, but his stomach had a piercing angry growl that had Arnie jumping up.
Hector moaned, one hand back to clutch at the top of his belly, hanging his head. It was terrifying how someone stronger than the world could be reduced to a shaking mess by food.
And it was all Arnie's fault.
The blond sat down on the bench as gently as he could, hands on Hector's back and upper arm, quickly soaking with sweat. 
"Feeling any better? It's not even been an hour since you ate, maybe you will get rid of it and feel better soon," Arnie said pleadingly, clasping Hector's shoulder as a sudden heave had him wincing.
"Everything's-... everything's spinning. Where..." Hector blinked several times, one hand still on his stomach but the other sneaking over towards his younger brother.
Arnie grabbed the hand quickly, clutching it tightly. "You feel dizzy?" This was getting worse and worse. He was seriously afraid now.
Hector shut his eyes, grimacing as he took deep erratic breaths.
"We need help. I can't get you anywhere like this. I'll call an ambulance." Anyone or anything to get Hector from looking like that, face contorting in pain.
"Nahhhh...I'm kay-justbadfoodsnonsnese..."
"Yeah, but your shadow won't work on food poisoning and you are slurring your words and-" Arnie pressed his face into Hector's shoulder trying to calm down enough to think. He couldn't just panic and leave Hector like this.
Would an ambulance work though? What if Hector's shadow acted up? It was fine now, not even budging, but that’s because Hector was used to Arnie. A bunch of strangers when he was confused, dizzy and in pain? Bad combination for a wolf. He could rip someone's head off and not notice.
There was only one solution. Ironically enough, Arnie would get his wish after all.
Still holding Hector's hand tight, he reached with his free hand to his pocket to get his phone out. The panic and the fact it was his left hand made him clumsy, but Isaiah's number was still there from yesterday.
Isaiah picked up on the first ring. "He-"
"Isaiah, thank god," Arnie interrupted. "You have to come get us. Hector's super sick, he can't even walk or see straight and I can't- I need to get him home, but maybe he needs a hospital? What if he needs a hospital, how d-do I k-know? I have no one to call, you know how angry he would be if I called someone from the pack in his state- can you come?"
"Arnie. Arnie calm down, you are talking too fast. Deep breaths. I'll come wherever you want. Now where are you?"
"At the park behind the mall? You know the big one in the centrum, I-I don't know w-what it's called..." Arnie was all but choking on tears right now.
Hector's grip on his hand tightened and he was heaving again, loud and horse guttural sounds accompanying the process. White pink vomit covered the ground between his legs and there was puke hanging from his nose and chin.
"I know where it is. I'll be there in a sec, you hear? It's going to be okay."
Hector made another horrible sound, moaning between burps. Arnie still held his hand, pressed between Hector's straining stomach and his tight.
"Arnie? What's wrong with Hector? Is he hurt?" Isaiah's voice was smooth and calm, holding the worry deep behind.
Arnie latched onto the sound. "No, but he ate really bad sushi and-"
Hector groaned at the mention like a hurt animal.
"And it hit him out of nowhere and he can't stop throwing up and Isaiah pleasepelasehurry..."
Hector gave him a side long glance, straightening up. His chin was slimy with spit and puke and Arnie realzied he didn't even have handkerchiefs on him.
"I'm on my way." Isaiah hang up.
Hector looked dazed, leaning back, rubbing at his stomach. It still looked full and distended, a sliver of skin sticking out from under his white shirt. Sweat run down his neck, creating a dark splotch around the collar.
"Feeling any better?" Arnie asked hopefully.
"Feeling awful. But it's fine. Stop crying, geez. It's not like it will kill me." Hector let his head hang back, voice raspy like he gurgled glass, sniffling. His hands hovered towards his face but he didn't dare touch it.
"I-I'm not crying!" Arnie protested, quickly swiping the back of his hand over his eyes to get rid the moisture. "You just look super bad, that's all."
Hector burped, cheeks puffing out with the movement. "Stop panicking and get me some napkins or something."
Arnie stood up at the order, Hector's face did look awful all covered in puke and saliva..."I can't leave you like this. Isaiah's on his way. Just a minute."
"The heck you calling him for?" Hector complained, rubbing at his chest, working out an airy burp. "Just caught me off guard, that's all."
"You can't walk and you are too heavy for me to-"
"No, you are just too tiny," Hector teased with a weak half-smile.
Arnie sat back down on the bench in relief. He knew what Hector was doing, playing it off like that, but it worked all the same.
"I'm so sorry," Arnie clutched his pants on his knees, "I should have been the one sick, not you."
Hector closed his eyes, head still leaning back, lips locked tight together. The stench from the puddle of vomit between his feet probably wasn't making it better. "What's that about? You couldn't have known it was bad."
Hector's stomach let out an unhappy gurgle, making the older blond wince and hiccup. "Ugggggh. Feels like there is a storm in my insides." He gulped down audibly.
"The nausea coming back?" Arnie said, palming Hector's arm anxiously.
Fortunately, that's when Isaiah appeared from the other side of the mall where Arnie now noticed the parking lot.
Isaiah quickly assessed the situation, frowning at both of them in concentration, a backpack half-heartedly thrown over one shoulder.
"Hello there. You need a ride home?"
"That would be fantastic," Arnie said, shooting up and tackling Isaiah in a hug. He was so glad they had someone to call, all but forgetting about his previous plan. He knew Isaiah would come, but it really counted now.
Isaiah huffed, staggering back a little, hugging him back with one arm. He squeezed Arnie's shoulders once, before sitting down next to Hector.
Hector didn't open his eyes, though his lips curled in a grimace. "Geez, I'm the one sick and the two are having the time of their lives."
Isaiah rolled his eyes, getting a bunch of paper towels from the backpack and handing them over to Hector. The sick man eagerly cleaned his chin and blew his nose.
"Let's see," Isaiah planted a hand against Hector's cheek. "You don't have a fever. How is your stomach?"
Hector's eyebrows drew together and he straightened, moving away from the touch.  "Cramping like hell, but manageable. Really, you are totally useless at this point. The fun part's over."
"That's good, at least you won't puke in the car. Ready to go?" Isaiah handed Arnie a small bag with all the dirty paper towels. The youngest quickly scooped them up and threw them in the nearest trashcan, happy to have something to do.
It was amazing how quickly both of them calmed down when Isaiah showed up. Hector was putting himself together for Arnie's sake before, but despite his words, his shoulders sagged in relief and his face went from angry strained red to only a bit sickly white.
"We are going to my place this time," Hector warned, which had Arnie's eyebrows shooting up in question.
Hector obediently leaned forward though, sidestepping the mess on the grass to get up.
Isaiah grabbed Hector's arm to help him stand, reaching to wrap his own around his back, but Hector stepped away. "Keep your grabby hands to yourself. I can walk." He swayed on unsteady feet, but kept himself upwards, which Arnie counted as a win.
Isaiah said nothing, slightly amused. He took the backpack that had Arnie wondering what other first help things he got into it to make it so big and the trio got on their way.
"Front or back?" Isaiah asked once they reached the car.
Hector eyed Isaiah's car with a frown. It was an older model of Audi. Not too fancy or obvious, but that was a quality vehicle.
Hector didn't answer, opening the back door and sitting down, though he didn't close it, lips pressed tightly together. Arnie wasn't sure if he was fuming at being helped, at how cool the car model was or if he was getting sick again.
Isaiah shrugged, sliding the backpack to the back seats next to Hector and starting the engine.
That's when Hector let out a loud belch and leaned forward, legs out of the car and braced against the door. He spat on the ground, his body going rigid.
Arnie hurried to his side, hand on his shoulder. "Starting again?"
"No-I just...fuck, give me a second." He was breathing fast again, grimacing, his stomach making loud bubbling noises Arnie could hear even over the running engine.
Arnie could hear the liquid running up Hector's throat before his brother leaned forward with a retch.
The first wave was small, pinkish in colour, but the next one was big and thick, all bright pink and orange. Hector was hurling it out with a force that had him almost face-diving to the ground, weren't it for Arnie's hold.
"That's disgusting," Hector panted, mouth hanging open. Arnie noticed Isaiah turned from behind the wheel to reach over, his hand now on Hector's back too.
Arnie hoped they weren't overwhelming him with all the touches, but Hector didn't seem to mind as another gush of puke joined the first one on the concrete with a loud splash. Arnie moved his feet away a little to save his shoes.
"You can't possibly have anything left in you," Arnie said in a stunned voice as Hector went from vomiting to a coughing fit, wrecking his whole frame.
"Huh, you wanna bet?" Hector said with a sound somewhere between a cough and a burp, leaning back. His face looked white and pinched again.
Isaiah had a bottle of water unscrewed and ready, holding it up for Hector.
The older blond took it and rinsed his mouth out before planting himself back on the seat, eyes shut and breathing fast, but getting slower.
Isaiah eyed him like he was an interesting puzzle to solve. His calm nerves had Arnie impressed. "Let's just drive. You can continue with that at home. The bag is right there, when you need it."
Hector muffled another burp, angrily looking at Arnie who took the offered bag, positioning it next to his sick brother.
The drive back was silent. Isaiah kept looking back at them in the mirror while Arnie watched Hector anxiously.
Hector, for his part, was tense and quiet, arms wrapped around his middle. He held himself as still as possible and Isaiah was driving carefully, but Arnie could tell the ride made it worse.
Just when they turned towards the building where Hector and Arnie shared an apartment, Hector suddenly grabbed for the bag and dry heaved over it for several minutes. The car stopped a long time ago, when he was finished, burping emptily into the bag, bringing up the smallest mouthful of brown-pink puke. It hit the plastic with a splash that had them all cringing.
Arnie was tired from the ordeal and he wasn't even the one being sick. The guilt burned his stomach like acid as he urged Hector to let go of the bag.
Isaiah circled the car, opening it, but Hector just sat unmovingly, sagging to the side.
Isaiah's expression softened. "I know you are wiped, bud. Almost home. You will lie down, sleep this off and be good as new." He cupped Hector's cheek gently, patting it until Hector's eyes unscrewed open. He didn't even have the energy to muster up a proper glare, sliding into Isaiah's ready arms.
Arnie was grateful for Isaiah's wolf strength as he held Hector up and dragged him inside, following after them with the backpack.
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merakiui · 11 months
hi mera! ive been ff you for almost a year now and i love love the way you write 💕 youre my favorite here in this app! thank you for always giving us food esp genshin/twisted wonderland
ive been loving lyney for awhile now and he blessed my pulls, i got his c1 and weapon 💕 can i ask if you have some lyney spicy or fluff hcs you can share with us
also can i be your 🌷 anon? thank you!!
AAAA THANK YOU, DEAR 🌷 ANON!!!!! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) I'm happy you can enjoy my writing. Thank you for following me and liking the food I cook!!! Aaaa Lyney!!!! I lost the 50/50 and so he didn’t come home to me (D: a very sad time), but I’ve taken many pictures of him during the recent event because he’s one of the trial characters!! I love him a lot. 🫶 behold, my lovely low quality Lyneys hehe!!! :D
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With Lyney being a rizz magician, imagine he makes a deck of cards specifically for sex. Each card has something you'll do, whether a position or an outfit you or him will wear or a scenario you may act out, and he has you pick from the cards in his hands. >:) whatever you choose, you must do (of course, the contents of the cards have been thoroughly discussed and agreed upon by the both of you in advance).
Unless if it's unwilling and you're the captive darling his father has so benevolently bestowed upon him, then Lyney's putting a dozen breeding cards in the deck so your odds of choosing one improve. <3 he wants to make the non-con fun so you won't cry or struggle as much as you did before. :)
As usual, there are also thoughts of step-brother Lyney!!! Or maybe gross stalker Lyney who gropes you on the train during your morning commute. orz college au in which Lyney is a popular escort by night who uses a pseudonym and everything; but then you pay for his services for one night and the both of you soon realize you're classmates who attend the same university. ;;; despite that, he still gives you the best night of your life, though. <3
Arlecchino meddling in Lyney's love life... she just wants to ensure he's happy, and since he will be her successor it's only fair he deserves all the things that make him happy. That includes you, the sweet thing he's fallen for but is much too humble to admit to Arlecchino that he's obsessed with you.
Omegaverse.......... orz orz orz something tells me Lyney would be a really bratty omega, but then I also like alpha Lyney who doesn't seem like an alpha until he's in rut or until you're in heat and just beginning to realize he's always smelled like an alpha... aaaa many thoughts.
Also,,,, prison sex with Lyney. :) figuring out where Childe has gone can wait; first he has to rail you in a secluded corner hehe.
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jujumin-translates · 7 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: The Cheshire Cat - Part 2
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Sakuya: Waah… they’re so cute!
Tsuzuru: Some of these cats are really tiny.
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Sakuya: Sorry for making you come with me.
Tsuzuru: Don’t worry about it, I came because I like being with you.
Sakuya: Thank you so much…!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Of course, I’ll help with anything I can!
Tsuzuru: Okay, right off the bat I guess, but… can you tell me what comes to your mind when you think about the Cheshire Cat?
Sakuya: Umm… right.
Sakuya: It’s kinda hard, but… I guess to sum it up in one word, freedom.
Sakuya: He’s just like a cat in that sense, he does as he pleases…
Tsuzuru: Alright, then… while we’re at it, how about you let me follow you around closely on a day that you spend freely in your own way?
Sakuya: Huh!? Follow me around closely?
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Sakuya: And spend my time freely… I know what those words mean, but what should I do?
Tsuzuru: Okay, maybe saying freely overcomplicates it, basically, you should just do whatever you want to do, Sakuya.
Tsuzuru: Like, go to someplace you want to go to or get something that you want to eat… and wherever that is, I’ll go along with you.
Sakuya: I see…
Sakuya: Okay, got it! I want to--.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Never thought you’d start off with a cat café, though.
Sakuya: Of course, I wanted to come here myself, but…
Sakuya: I thought it might be a good reference for my role as the Cheshire Cat.
Tsuzuru: That is true.
Tsuzuru: But anyway, even though it’s been a while since I’ve been to a cat café, it’s still just as healing as ever seeing the cats.
Sakuya: Hehe, it really is.
Cat A: Nya~.
Tsuzuru: Oh, that cat is looking at us.
Sakuya: C’mere.
Cat A: …Nya.
Sakuya: There you go. Come get pets…
Cat A: Purr.
Tsuzuru: Wow, that one’s so friendly. She looks so comfortable, and she’s purring too.
Tsuzuru: I’ll… try to interact with the cats over here, too. C’mere.
Cat B: …Mrw.
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Tsuzuru: Err… I’ll take that as a no. Maybe this little guy over here will let me pet him.
Cat C: Nya!
Tsuzuru: H-He ran away…!
Cat D: …
Tsuzuru: Oh, c’mere, buddy.
Cat D: Sniff-sniff…
Cat D: Mrow.
Tsuzuru: Hey! You seemed like you were a little interested in me.
Tsuzuru: Bet they were all super friendly before I showed up…
Sakuya: I-I’m sure they’ll warm up to you eventually!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Haaah, that was so fun…!
Sakuya: Going around the bookstore and seeing a performance by a theater company I’ve been interested in for a while after we went to the cat café…
Sakuya: It was all so interesting and really fulfilling!
Tsuzuru: Haha, it’s great, isn’t it?
Sakuya: And of course, our final stop to eat couldn’t be anywhere but here at Hanamura’s!
Shop Worker: Thank you for waiting. Here is your food.
Tsuzuru: Thank you.
Tsuzuru: Ooh, it looks as good as ever. Let’s dig in.
Sakuya: Yeah, let’s!
Tsuzuru: But like you were just saying, we sure did a lot today~.
Tsuzuru: Still can’t believe none of the cats ended up warming up to me. But I guess their I-do-what-I-want attitude is just one of the charms of cats.
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Sakuya: Umm… was all of that okay?
Tsuzuru: Huh?
Sakuya: Rather than feeling like I was acting freely, I kinda just felt like I was ordering you around, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru: Really? It didn’t feel like that at all to me.
Tsuzuru: I usually spend a fair amount hanging out with my younger brothers, so it was kinda just normal for me… at least, that’s how I felt.
Sakuya: Maybe for you that’s just an ordinary, everyday thing, but…
Sakuya: You came along with me to the places where I wanted to go, and now you’re having dinner with me.
Sakuya: So I’m really really happy and I had a lot of fun!
Tsuzuru: …
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun? Is something wrong?
Tsuzuru: No… I was just thinking something like that could be used for the script.
Sakuya: Really!?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Thanks for giving me an idea, and thanks for letting me follow you around so closely.
Sakuya: I’m happy to hear that! I can’t wait to see the script.
Sakuya: Mhmmhm… Hanamura’s napolitan is truly the best.
Tsuzuru: Ah, here, you’ve got ketchup on your lip.
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Sakuya: Wah, my bad…!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
It is my first time writing anything to anyone, and I’m a bit nervous. I’ve been reading super bullets non-stop. It is just too good. I saw your prompt list and I thought that I needed to know more about the characters. Could you please write about Judy and Rosie?
P.S. Sorry if it’s a long list, I got too excited! Love you 😍
1st prompt list Touch
2.running fingers through hair
16. massaging them
34. washing the other’s body( me trying to be naughty 😆)
22. falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
2nd prompt list OTP
20. “Why do you insist on misunderstanding me?”
24. “Don’t say that to me. That’s not fair.”
30. “Leave me alone.” 
“Is that really what you want?” 
21. “Then take me with you.”
3rd prompt list Subtle Love
21.sharing their food with the other
7.giving the other their space, knowing they need it
8.enjoying the sound of the other's voice
9. distracting the other when they see they're distressed and close to freaking out
HEY ANON!!! thanks so much for sending this in! and apologizes for the time it took to get to it! finals week was stressful and now that i finally have time, i was excited to get to this! thank you for the variety of prompts you sent!!! it gave me a ton of options (which truly thank you, your excitement made my day to see!) i went with 8. enjoying the sound of the other's voice, which i found to work best!! i truly hope you enjoy! <3 (and as a first time, you did lovely! thank you more than anything for stopping by <3)
through the war
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(a/n): a look into the early days of judy x rosie for those who want to get more flak house rosie and judy hehe!!! this is an idea i've had for some time and i think it finally fit here!!! :D i really loved this prompt and the way the writing went, more subtle at times, but really showing rosie and judy's connection in a way i loved! thank you and enjoy!
Sun-kissed and water-soaked skin were the highlight of the late morning as Carrie hung over the front side of the boat, absolutely losing her mind on Pappy in the other wooden excuse for a canoe, who was leaned back, splashing water over towards her as they cruised by one another.
"Fighters 12:00, Pauli!" Carrie yelled from the front of the boat, looking back over her shoulder towards both Paulina, in the back of the boat and Judy in the middle, "Get 'em good!" Laughter ensued as the three of them passed the boat from Rosie's Riveters, Pappy Lewis in the back splashing with all his might at them, and Paulina splashing back.
"Get 'em, girls!" cheers from the bank called, a few of the other women from Silver Bullets enjoying the friendly competition between the two B-17 groups that had gotten reprieve at the flak house. Carrie maneuvered the boat around a bit and looked back at the two women. Judy caught her gaze with a grin and watched as Carrie shifted her weight, leaning the boat a hard right as it spun.
"We're gonna hit 'em where it hurts, got that?" Carrie said, and Paulina mocked a salute as Judy let out a delighted cheer, a 'whoop-whoop' following, "Pappy Lewis we're coming for your head!"
"Not as long as I'm here!" Bailey yelled back at them, the boat nearing, splashing ensuing - only to end in the hard rock of Rosie's Riveters against Silver Bullets, enough for the boat to flop sideways and the three girls to go crashing into the water. Judy's body struggled a bit beneath the harsh suffocation of the cool river water, but she pushed herself to the surface, coming into an atmosphere of laughter, light and cheers. A smile crossed her face as she squinted her eyes open and found Carrie and Paulina in her field of view, Rosie's Riveters in the back, making way towards them.
"We'll get them next time," Carrie said with a laugh, running a wet hand down her face as she blew air from her cheeks and grinned, cheeks glowing red from laughter, "you have my permission to go as deranged as you please, Judy."
"On it." Judy said with a chuckle as the boat came over towards them and Bailey, Milburn and Lewis were offering their hands forward to pull them up.
"Got you there, Bergie," Bailey said as he and Milburn pulled up Carrie first, before reaching down for Judy.
"If I didn't have Pappy in my ear earlier making bets, then maybe we woulda won, asshole." Carrie said as Judy grabbed hold of Bailey and Milburn's hands and they pulled her up and out of the water and into the boat, laughing. Paulina was pulled up and let out a chuckle as she collapsed on the seat beside Bailey.
"I call rematch!" Paulina yelled as the boat burst into laughter.
Judy slowly glanced over her shoulder and up the embankment a bit, past where Annie was lounged up, aviators on, snoozing with Frank, the orange cat, by her side, and Marianne laughing with Margie and Kennedy by her side, and focused instead on Rosie Rosenthal. Her heart warmed the slightest bit at the gentle look of him - the loose blue button-up, the book in his hands, how relaxed he looked, sitting there up with the dazzling haze of the morning-blue sky and the glowing green of the trees and the grass around him. Suddenly, she wanted to be sitting right there next to him.
"Hey, you guys go on for another round, I'll sit this one out," Judy said, wringing some water from her hair with a graceful smile to the group, "might head in for lunch soon."
"You sure, Rybinski?" Pappy asked, "We could switch up the teams, I'll make you team lead?" Judy smiled and shook her head.
"It's all good, you guys have fun," she said, reaching the edge of the boat and flipping herself into the water and dunking herself under, the coolness of the water soaking her warmed skin. Coming up above the water, she looked up at the group and grinned.
"Carrie and Pauli? Make 'em pay, alright?" Judy said as she began swimming away, hearing the 'rah-rah' cheers from Carrie and Paulina, splashes following. Judy swam to the shoreline and then pulled herself from the water before heading over to the group on the grass.
"Looking great out there, Jude," Margie said with a smile, "I'd hate to be on the opposite side of that." Judy let out a laugh as Kennedy passed her a towel to which she wrapped quickly around herself and smiled, wiping water from her eyes.
"Well, I think Carrie and Pauli are gonna get 'em back pretty well off, so," she said looking at the group there, "you're all in for a treat."
"Where you going?" Marianne asked Judy as she wrapped the towel closer and stepped towards the hill. Judy's cheeks flushed and she bit back her lip.
"Saying hi to Lieutenant Rosenthal." Judy said quickly, "He finally looks relaxed, ya know?"
"He was asking where you were earlier, Judy," Annie said from her place on the towel, a smile on her face, where her hand was lazily petting Frank, "he'll be happy to see you."
"Have fun, Judy!" a few calls came as Judy smiled to them and headed up towards Rosie. Her heart began to pound a little bit more, the cool, late morning breeze making goosebumps run up over her skin, to the point where she realized she was in nothing but skin-slick shorts and a tank top, with a towel overtop going up to Lieutenant Rosenthal. Her cheeks heated as she looked up, watching him reading and looking near-picturesque against the backdrop of beauty that was the world around them.
Judy tossed herself from her reverie and found Rosie looking up from his book, squinting a bit in the sunlight, a small smile on his face. Her cheeks heated further as she stood there, hair tangled and wet, her cheeks red, the towel covering what she could and her eyes on his.
"Hi." she said quickly - slightly breathlessly at that, "Was wondering what you were up to." Rosie smiled that grin that got her heart pounding and then closed his book and watched her with those soft, baby-blue eyes.
"Figured I'd do a bit of light reading while I had the time," Rosie said, and she didn't miss the look he seemed to give her - admittedly trying to avoid looking at her more-than-bare-legs, his own cheeks dusting a glorious pink as he met her gaze again, "you? Or I could well….guess instead." And he nodded to her with that towel wrapped around as closely to her body as she could get it. She let out a laugh and instinctively went to cover her mouth and looked at him from behind the towel. They watched each other and Judy was sure he could see every inch of her the way he watched her, enough to make her warm all over.
"Your boys sure know how to have some fun," she said quietly, unable to control her smile towards him as she showed him her grin again, "and it reminds me of home. The creek, the water, the sun." You, she wanted to say, but that silent thought got bogged down by everything else around her. Rosie watched her, his smile growing on his lips like the setting sun.
"That they do," he said, his own voice sounding slightly constrained - breathless a bit like her, "would you like to sit?" With me?, seemed to be the silent question on his lips, but he didn't even need to ask. She would've given any time of day.
"Yeah, thank you." she said, with another smile towards him, before stepping forward, the grass itching her feet, as she turned and settled beside him on the towel he had rolled out. Judy pulled the towel tighter as she did crisscross-applesauce, and then glanced over at Rosie on her left side and smiled at his already persistent and present gaze on her.
"Whatcha reading?" she asked him softly, the pleasant noise of life and joy in the background of their quiet bubble there, side by side, her eyes finding his again as she leaned closer to his warm form.
"Of Mice and Men." Rosie said, holding up the book and showing her the cover, "Definitely a heavier read than some other things I've read, but it's good. You might like it. Listen, when I finish up, I'll lend it to you." Judy looked at him and smiled.
"Thanks, Rosie," she said softly, the instant his name left her lips, the corners of his lips perked upwards in a glorious display of his smile and his crinkly eyes when he grinned, "how are you liking it here?" Rosie watched her for a moment, and then looked down, before glancing towards the water where another round was ensuing of this game they had been playing - back and forth, splashing, laughter, freedom.
"Sometimes I just wish I was getting into that cockpit again," Rosie said, looking back over at her, "I don't know, just…it was simple, straightforward. It was mission, after mission, day after day. I was in a flow. A rhythm." Judy watched as he ran a hand over his face and dropped his rather broad shoulders a bit.
"But then I look at the men." Rosie said with a nod, and then glanced at her, "They need this." Judy watched him, his face a golden-honey hue, his eyes so deep and dark and distant all at once, and she nodded.
"They do," she said quietly, "we all do. You do, too."
Rosie was an enigma to her in a way other people had never been; so quiet at times, selfless, someone who wanted to get the job done, but didn't give himself time to rest. And in an opportunity like this, where that was the only option, he was mulling on thoughts of flying again. Despite not knowing him long, he was someone she found herself looking to a lot more often these days. And the selfless need to worry over him was something to follow.
He watched her for a moment, as if trying to believe her that yes, he and his boys needed rest just like the rest of them and yes, this all wasn't normal, but maybe for a second they could act like it and yes, for once they can focus on one another instead of a war in the sky. Rosie watched her for a moment and then smiled at her, and her cheeks bloomed red in a way she knew she couldn't stop.
"Plus," she said quietly, offering him another grin, "this is a good look for you." Rosie broke out in a bit of laughter at her mix between a joke and a compliment, but he took it all the same and nodded.
"You too." he said, but then they both seemed to freeze at his words, the casual phrase you normally said back after a compliment - the realization of what she was wearing seemed to strike both of them at the same time as a jumble of words left both their mouths, ending in nervous laughter and eye-catching gazes.
"What I meant to say was," he said, leaning an elbow on his upbent knee and a hand to his cheek as he looked at her again, "this. Being here. It looks normal for you. It looks good on you." Well if that didn't make her blush like a tomato she wasn't sure what would. But she nodded, and smiled a bit up at him.
"I practically grew up outside. When I was a kid, I mean. All of us, we were always outside. In the creek, with the animals on the farm, climbing trees, hiking," Judy said, "in a way, it reminds me of home being here. Being away from the war for a bit." She nodded. "Can't sleep well, but I guess for the time being that's okay, because I'm not in a ball turret and getting shot at." Rosie's face had grown serious and he watched her like the most delicate thing in the world was in front of him. He always looked so serious back at base that to see that same look cross his features nearly shot her back to that ball turret on the last mission.
"I haven't been sleeping too well either, if I'm being honest," he said quietly to her, then laughed a bit, "it sounds childish, but, I don't know. My mind's just running circles." Judy stared at him. She felt like for once, someone was experiencing what she felt nearly all the time. Constant running. Never-ending.
"Do you ever think it's like you're in some dream and that you'll wake up from it all one day?" she asked him, watching as he slowly nodded and turned to her.
"Sometimes." he said, "But then I go back and think, and I wonder how different things would be if all this wasn't going on. If, uh….well." Rosie looked to her and smiled slightly.
"To say the least, I wouldn't have met some of the people I've met here and I don't know if I'd be okay with that in whatever other world that would be." he said with a laugh and she smiled at him, "And if we're going to get back to any sort of semblance of life again, outside of this, like this, then we have to keep fighting back in this world, to keep it."
Judy looked up at him, and couldn't help but let her eyes traverse his face; eyes catching on how beautiful his long lashes were and how lively yet soft his eyes appeared underneath them, his solid cheekbones and jaw line, the slope of his neck dipping beneath his shirt, his hands and….Judy had to blink herself out of her wandering thoughts and instead ran a hand through her slowly drying hair that was sure to be a tangled mess and looked to him.
"One day we'll get the world back to that," Judy said, "and hey, maybe we can….I don't know, I can sit in the cockpit for once and experience what it's like? I can….be eye level with the birds instead of sticking out of the belly of the plane. Enjoy the sunset without knowing we're dropping bombs."
"I'll take you up on that." Rosie said, coming into her peripheral and leaning into her side a bit, his hand finding it's way to her shoulder half covered by a towel and half not, "Flying. You and me. When this whole thing is over and there's nothing left for us in England. I'll fly you home. You can be my co-pilot." Judy watched him, her heart pounding in her ears as her eyes searched his.
"You're too kind, Rosie, you don't have to…."
"No, no, I'll take you up on it. My promise to…I don't know, get us through the war." Us, Judy thought quietly.
Us through the war.
Judy stared at him fully this time, her entire mind consumed by him sitting there beside her, saying these things and making her feel all kinds of ways. Listening to his voice and expecting to act like it was nothing that he was talking as sweetly as he was to her. It was almost too much; these feelings, these emotions, someone felt nearly aligned with in life, yet the bulge of war was smack-dab in the center of it all. Judy brought the towel up to rub down her face and then sighed again.
"You okay?" Rosie asked her, placing his…very equally comforting and warm hand on her back, above the towel, "You went a little quiet." Judy looked at him, her heart pounding - even a simple acknowledgment of her quietness and she was spinning. Her mind scattered.
"Yes," she said quickly, a smile darting out, "all good, all good, just….." Mind, think, please, "thinking about lunch. Yes. Heard they were having a roast. Reminds me of home." With that, Judy stood to her feet and turned to Rosie, shivering slightly still, face and lips most definitely red, her hair a mess, her legs…..there.
And Rosie.
Staring up at her.
"I don't want to bother your reading anymore, so," Judy said, "I'll see you around, Rosie." She turned and looked over her shoulder, and with a burst of boldness.
"Come and look for me if you ever want to talk!" Judy's face was beat red the entire rest of the way down the hill.
And Rosie was left - stunned. And smiling.
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megu-meow · 1 year
Oooo I saw you're taking requests rn lol. I hope you don't mind me sending you one.
Can I request Gojo & and the reader having a wedding and having their 1st dance. You can pick any song you like or you think might fit the concept ^^
Idk if this isn't enough info lol let me know if I need to be more specific, I'll do my best to get back to you :D
Hiii! Of course, thank you for sending this in. 🥰
I feel like this makes a lot of sense for me to write, cause I've written about how Gojo decides to propose and also about said proposal before.
I really hope you like it, I know it's a bit all over the place, I'm having a bad ADD day.
Firstly, the only song that popped up in my head upon reading your message was la vie en rose, cause I don't really listen to love songs that are actually happy. It is a beautiful song, a classic may I say so and I feel like it would fit the old money vibe/aesthetic Gojo radiates, in my opinion.
Before his wedding, Gojo has a completely different picture on how things actually go. He has never attended a wedding in his life, it's not an everyday thing among sorcerers and even if it was, he couldn't care less about going to one. So he believes he is the one supposed to walk down the isle, that people are supposed to stand up for him as he walks in and he genuinely expects the crowd to shed tears as he enters wearing his custom made, expensive suit. However, that train of thought is quickly dismissed by Nanami, just a few minutes before the wedding.
He stand kind of disappointed at the end of the isle, muttering things like "he's not appreciated enough" and "no one actually complimented him on his suit yet" but then he spots you and he falls in love all over again. Not because of the dress you're wearing or your make-up that has been done professionally, but because of your smile, the happiness you radiate and warm glint in your eyes. He quickly understands why the bride is supposed to walk down the isle and why that's a big moment in movies portraying such situations. Suddenly, he regrets opting for a small wedding, with only the closest people to you two present, because he wants the whole world to see how perfect you are in that moment and how you will become his forever in mere minutes. He cries too and his students are dying from laughter, the strongest has been rendered soft in an instant.
You decided a long time ago that you wanted to write your own wows and you laugh with tearful eyes as he fishes out a wrinkled paper that has Tom and Jerry printed on the back from the pocket of his dress pants. He explains that he thought about his wows during one of his missions and that was the only piece of paper he could find at that moment.
After the wedding, during the reception he stuffs himself with the delicious food you picked out, when the two of you started organising the whole ordeal he made it clear that he didn't care about the food at all, he trusts your judgement, but the cake must be his duty and oh boy does he go out with the cake. It's massive, decorated nicely with the cliche marzipan figurines of the two of you on top. Nonetheless, it's delicious and you're glad you let him fulfil the dessert duty.
Gojo's mother put him through dance lessons when he was a child, claiming that the heir of the Gojo clan must know basic dances, considering how many formal events he will have to attend in the future. That makes your first dance even more magical, his posture is perfect and he guides you through the steps flawlessly. He keeps you closer to his chest than he's supposed to though, which you don't mind, because he keeps whispering into your ear about how much he loves and cherishes you.
"I love you, Mrs. Gojo!" he says as the song is over, more loudly than before "Hehe, you're Mrs. Gojo now, that's hilarious. You gotta change your sorcerer ID after this. Good luck with that, those idiot higher ups are slower than sloths."
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Mitsuki: "I'm sorry! Are you okay?"
???: "Be more careful."
I hurriedly crouched down to pick up the book, and my gaze met the eyes of the man who also crouched down.
(His eyes are beautiful.)
I unintentionally got lost in his purple, crystal-like eyes.
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???: "........."
(I wonder why.)
I noticed that the man in front of me was also staring at me, and I felt a bit confused.
Mitsuki: "Um, I'm really sorry. Are you hurt?"
???: "No."
???: "You're not affiliated with the university, are you?"
Mitsuki: "No. I came to deliver something to Professor Ayscough."
The man's voice was composed and cold as a block of ice.
(Maybe he's a professor. He's probably suspicious of me because I'm an outsider.)
???: "If it's Professor Ayscough, he's in the middle of a physics lecture. It'll end soon."
Just then, the bell signaling the end of the lecture resonated through the courtyard.
The man took the book from my hand, stood up gracefully, and shifted his gaze to my side.
???: "Is there a problem with that?"
Mitsuki: "Huh? Oh!"
Following his gaze, I noticed the basket containing the food I had left nearby had tipped over, and the small bottle containing the rouge had rolled out.
Mitsuki: "It's okay! Sorry for causing trouble."
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???: "........."
I hurriedly put the small bottle back into the basket and bowed my head to the man.
The man didn't say anything and turned his coat around before leaving.
(I hope he didn't notice that the contents of the bottle were blood.)
Just as a hint of anxiety crossed my mind, the professors and students who had finished their lectures began to arrive one after another, transforming the serene courtyard into a bustling area.
(Good thing a lot of people didn’t see it.)
Isaac: “Mitsuki? What are you doing here?”
Mitsuki: “Isaac! Oh, thank God, you’re here.”
I told him I was on an errand and handed him the basket with rouge and food in it. And...
Mitsuki: “Actually, just now, a professor-looking guy saw the bottle with rouge earlier.”
Isaac: “Huh?”
I whispered and told Isaac about what had happened earlier.
He pondered for a moment and shrugged his shoulders lightly.
Isaac: “Well, normally, no one would think you’re carrying blood. They probably thought it was wine or something.”
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Isaac: “You said it was a delivery for me, right? If they ask anything, just come up with a random excuse.”
Mitsuki: “Yeah, thank you. He had beautiful purple eyes and a calm demeanor.”
Isaac: “Yeah, that’s probably Professor Maury.”
According to Isaac, this professor had recently started working at the university.
Isaac: "We usually just exchange greetings, but there was one time when he listened to me talk about my research."
Isaac: "He was really helpful, and he provided insightful thoughts. Professor Maury seems to be involved in research related to natural sciences."
As Isaac talked about the professor, his eyes seemed to sparkle a bit.
(Isaac must have really enjoyed that, even though it sounded like they were discussing incredibly advanced academic topics.)
Isaac: "Sorry, I went off topic."
Mitsuki: "No, it's okay. Hehe. That professor must be great if even Isaac Newton is saying that."
Isaac: "Don't tease me."
Isaac shyly twirled his hair with his fingers, and I couldn't help but giggle.
???: "The new moon is coming soon."
"Professor Maury" gazed up at the sky from the hallway window.
The moon hanging in the blue sky would vanish fleetingly in another 2 to 3 days, obscured by his own shadow.
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???: "You understand, right? Drake."
The words he muttered were directed at a man who wasn't there.
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After finishing my errand for Isaac, I went to town to do some shopping.
(I have to be more careful about the Rouge.)
(Good thing Professor Maury doesn't seem like the type to pry.)
I remembered his amethyst-like eyes, and suddenly, Drake's aquamarine eyes came to mind.
(He was completely different from Drake.)
(Wait, why am I thinking about him?)
(We've been spending more time together, and both of them have beautiful eyes, so it's just a random coincidence. Yeah, that's probably it.)
I walked near the Seine River and heard the lively voices of women enjoying themselves.
Woman 1: "The Seine River tour was so much fun. And the boatman was so hot!"
Woman 2: "Didn't he say he just arrived in Paris? The tour was a bit rough, but that made it more fun."
(Heh? A riverboat tour, huh? That's still popular even in modern times.)
(It's sunny today, so that must've been nice.)
I walked along the bank of the river, intrigued.
???: "Miss, how about taking a little break on the boat and skipping work?"
(Huh? This voice...)
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Mitsuki: "Drake!?"
When I turned in the direction of the voice, Drake was on a boat moored at the riverbank, waving his hand.
Mitsuki: "Drake, what are you doing here?"
Drake: "I'm working, of course. Can't you tell what kind of job I'm doing?"
Mitsuki: "Oh, I know! You're a boatman!"
Drake: "Bingo. It suits me perfectly, right?"
Drake: "I made my captain debut on a tour boat today, though this is a borrowed boat."
Mitsuki: "I see. So this was your errand."
(I'm surprised he found a job for himself. This guy is so reliable!)
Drake: "I still don't know much about Paris, so even though it's a tour boat, the ride was rough."
I listened to his explanation and suddenly realized the women I had seen earlier were probably his customers.
Mitsuki: "The people I saw were probably your customers, Drake. They said the ride was rough but fun."
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Drake: "Haha! That's good to hear. I'll keep improving."
Mitsuki: "I had no idea you were looking for a job."
He suddenly shifted his gaze to the rippling river.
Drake: "I didn't come back to life because I had some grand goal like the others."
Drake: "But I also can't just laze around the mansion all the time. Besides, if I keep bothering you, the others might find me annoying."
Mitsuki: "I don't think that would happen."
He glanced at me, smirking, then turned his gaze back to the flowing river.
Drake: "I tried looking for something to keep me going and still ended up on a boat."
Drake: "I guess I'll give this world a shot until something starts to make sense."
(Give this world a shot, huh?)
I was impressed, but at the same time, his words tugged at something deep in my heart.
Mitsuki: "You're amazing."
Drake: "Hm?"
Mitsuki: "You suddenly came to a different world and time, yet you're trying to forge your own path."
Drake: "It's not as grand as you're making it sound."
Drake: "Survival for me means either earning my keep or plundering. That's the only way of life I know."
I only knew fragments of his life as a pirate and a naval officer, but his image was somewhat like that of a ship unfazed by rough waves.
(He's the kind of person who sails on the ocean, shaking off anxiety and hesitation as he goes, but...)
Mitsuki: "Do you never wish to return to the world you originally came from?"
My words slipped out like a drop of water, creating ripples on the surface of my heart.
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Drake: "Mitsuki?"
Mitsuki: "You may never be able to return to your original world."
Mitsuki: "You're considering living here, but don't you find yourself thinking about what you left behind in your previous world?"
I realized what I had said and snapped back to reality.
(What I said just now wasn't words of concern for him. It was just my own feelings.)
I'd been avoiding and suppressing these anxieties and hesitations deep inside me for so long.
Mitsuki: "S-Sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up, especially when you just started your new job."
Mitsuki: "I'm going shopping now, so good luck at work!"
I tried to end the conversation and leave the place, but he grabbed my arm.
Drake: "Hold on, little fawn."
Drake: "How about riding on Captain Drake's luxurious cruise ship?"
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