#heihachi flow
kazamajun · 5 months
Heihachi flow 3
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scalproie · 6 months
you know what day it is, it's THIS SHIT AINT NOTHIN TO ME THURSDAY
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littledancingphoenix · 5 months
Closed rp with @thekingsofironfist
Xiaoyu dreaded turning 18, because she knew what it meant. Her traditional parents would try their absolute damndest to marry her off to a well-to-do family. Even though she had already expressed to them that she had no interest in marrying someone else. She already had a wonderful relationship with Jin, a former fellow classmate at her school. When she told her parents about him however, that's when the real trouble started.
"Ling, you will meet a potential suitor this weekend."
"Mother, I already told you! I have someone already!"
"Your father and I forbid you to ever see that boy again!"
"I don't understand! Why do you hate him so much? You've never even met him!"
It was then when her father decided to speak up. "We know enough about him. And we do not want you involved with him."
Xiaoyu couldn't respond. She just looked at her parents in disbelief. Her mother went up to her and took her hands. "Please believe us when we say we are doing what is best for you."
She glared. "You can't possibly make me believe that."
"We can and we will!" her father yelled. "I'll bet that boy hasn't told you anything about himself, has he?"
"No, he hasn't because I don't care!"
"You should care!! Do you know who his grandfather is? Heihachi Mishima, the current CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu."
Xiaoyu froze. "N-no..I didn't know that.."
"We didn't think so..and we didn't think he would tell you. He's dangerous. The Zaibatsu's influence has spread far and wide. Even to other countries. He may even be an unwilling pawn in Mishima's game to spread control. We don't want you caught in the middle."
Xiaoyu just continued to stand completely still, feeling her heart shattering. She loved Jin so much.. Maybe his status didn't matter to him, but others around him could potentially become his grandfather's targets. Could she go through that much torment? Even for Jin? She turned and ran upstairs to her room. As soon as her face hit her pillow, her tears began to flow freely.
Her parents decided to leave her alone. They would talk again after she took some time for herself.
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demonsfate · 6 months
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The only moments I recall really liking in the series is Jin's moments with Hwoarang and Xiaoyu but... that's kinda hindered by the fact I don't care for Jin's characterization in it, and even Xiaoyu isn't characterized that well when you really compare her to the games. (Especially compared to TK3, TK4, and TK8) You know, this post was technically direct criticism of Bloodline and how it handled Jin and Hwoarang's rivalry. Which is why their dynamic isn't as enjoyable in Bloodline as it is in the games. But... I guess it's still nice we have some good moments with them regardless. And the scene where Jin cries out to his mother after Ogre attacks is good, makes me quite sad. I like the quote with Heihachi "I am Mishima... and you are an abomination" or something very close to that. However, that entire scene was ruined and I've made a post about why the game's ending (Tekken 3 Jin's ending) is still much superior. To put it short, Jin's ending was scary and surprising. Jin was shocked and strongly hurt by Heihachi's betrayal. Meanwhile in Bloodline, due to EXPOSITION, Jin already knew about Heihachi being bad, so there was nothing to surprise him or the audience when Heihachi killed him lol.
To try to put it shortly again. The problems with Bloodline were: Poor pacing; Jin's backstory went too long whilst the tournament went by too fast. Poor character design; even Harada and Murray admitted Jin's design wasn't something they'd go with, which then they clearly complimented it just to not put down a show they're endorsing, Jun's design is also very boring and bland compared to her game counterpart's. Poor characterization; Kazuya being completely evil to the point you wonder what good Jun saw in him, Jin being Generic Anime Protag except with some anger issues, Xiaoyu often having "western Strong Female Character" moments. Poor message handling, it'll take too long to explain why they fumbled the "pacifist" message but y'all probably heard me go over it many times. Animation in general. Way too much "telling" and not showing. The show was FILLED with exposition to the point where Heihachi for some reason TOLD Jin he has the devil gene??? Rather than Jin naturally finding out??? Like you said, the triangle shadow was HIGHLY DISTRACTING, and whilst I do believe 3D animation can be good, Bloodline wasn't an example. When Bloodline looks robotic while a 90s OVA has better flow, you know you've fucked up.
and finally on the design thing... this may be more of a personal preference, but I just don't... like the style of it either. Like look at this official Tek art versus the anime.
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Maybe it's the excessive bangs and being more emotional. But the one on the left just looks way more like Jin, while my brain can't recognize the one on the right as Jin. The one on the right is also just too cutesy looking, too.
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Viridi: That is a panda. Pit: Aw, she's adorable! Look at her little hat! Viridi: Of course she's cute, she's a PANDA. Palutena: Panda- Viridi: It's NAMED Panda?! Palutena: Panda is the pet panda bear of Ling Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu couldn't have asked for a better best friend, in my opinion - Panda is highly intelligent and a masterful practitioner of Kuma Shinken, the martial art Heihachi Mishima created for his pet bears. Pit: She's cute AND loyal! Just what everyone wants in a pet! Viridi: There are MORE of these things?! ...Also, do you have any advice on how to hypothetically train my own hypothetical bears in this fighting style? Palutena: Well, if you want advice, watch out for Panda's 10-Hit Combo! It can be interrupted mid-combo for moves like Salmon Hunter and Bear Lariat. Her Hunting attack can also lead into a multitude of attacks, so be ready for anything!
Pit: Hey, this guy's kinda cute! He's got floppy ears, like a bunny! Viridi: I'd say he's more like a cat. Palutena: That's Klonoa. I think he's... A dog? Regardless, he's the Dream Traveler, a sort of destined hero who saves worlds whose dreams are in danger of falling apart! Pit: I understood every word of that sentence individually! Viridi: Hm... There's a weird air flow around that ring of his. I'm assuming that's his weapon, then? Palutena: Exactly, Viridi! Pit, watch out for his Wind Shot! It might be easy to dodge, but if you're hit with it, you'll be grabbed and pulled back towards Klonoa! Pit: Got it!
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Fun Fax: OLM Chapter 9
the “BECAUSE YOU’RE MY BROTHER” line was originally one much closer to one from a scene from GOTG vol 2, between Nebula and Gamora (“No you always had to win and I JUST WANTED A SISTER”), and that whole energy was kind of what inspired that scenario in the first place lol. the convo that was the majority of this chapter was planned prior, but i wasn’t sure what the catalyst for it was until i remembered that scene. GOTG is the only mcu thing i will admit to being inspired by lol
“You’re still in love with her, aren’t you?” is ANOTHER huge line this chapter was planned around, and by golly the entire thing surrounding that hurt so bad to write hdjsd
multiple events brought up about Kaz and Lee’s childhood are ideas i’ve had the mind to put on paper as oneshots before, and with any luck i might be able to at some point lol
the thing with Kazumi’s necklace was inspired by Tekken: The Motion Picture!! a very flawed, incredibly non-canon, but still rather interesting take on tk2 era Kazuya especially, and i actually enjoy it quite a lot lol. this tidbit is one of the only things taken from that film tho, and just like in TTMP, Kazuya forgot about that precious necklace in his rage and climb to power 😬
the conversation itself i struggled with greatly, because dialogue is one of the most intimidating areas of writing for me, right behind setting description. i also have ADHD like crazy so natural convo flow is hard for me to identify, hopefully it reads well enough lol. coming of off that:
part of me is horrified at how HUGE this conversation is, but mostly at how many subjects it covers dhskd. i didn’t want to make multiple giant convos about kazuya’s lack of emotional awareness and consideration for anyone but himself to happen, cause yikes, so in horror i put the majority of it all into one lol. do not worry tho this is not the last of Kaz being lectured and he and Lee getting into spats, that lasts for eternity rip
it’s mentioned in the chapter notes, but the brother’s dynamic in childhood and the particular brand of bitterness brought up this chapter i know to be a far cry from others i’ve read. i think that other stuff is great! but while i’m going on a HUGE limb with this whole fic, i wanted to retain as much as we know as canon as i can, and the only thing stated between Lee and Kaz is that they kinda hate each other. clearly not what i really have going on here, but i did want them to be at odds for the majority of their childhood. Lee avoiding Heihachi’s wrath and seeming a lot meeker in contrast seemed befitting of his more “social manipulator” feel and i wanted to do my own thing. regardless, i’m worried people won’t like that just because most other stuff i’ve seen of them in fic has them a lot more united lol. i could ramble abt them alone for ages, but i may do a genuine one shot collection of them to get my idea for their dynamic down a little more pat
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erenaeoth · 2 years
Hi, I've watched Tekken 8 teaser trailer and I noticed the different set of the fight between Kazuya vs Heihachi in Tekken 7 (in volcano) and Jin vs Kazuya (in the middle of the storm). Do you think it symbolizes something?
Symbolism in Tekken 8 Trailer
I do think there are some careful choices gone into the trailer. One thing to note is that this is a clip from story mode rather than just made for trailer purposes, so the situational context may be lost just because we don't know how we got to this scene in story.
That said, there's clearly been a choice of setting made in story to contrast between the Tekken 7 volcano setting and this Tekken 8 storm, and the fire vs water imagery feels very deliberate. We already know from an interview that the team are thinking are carefully about the imagery they give us, which is nice, because my first thought on seeing that Tekken 8 logo come out of broken chains was that we're going to see Devil Jin in some capacity let loose - or at least, DJ is no longer going to be shackled by Jin's attempts at keeping control, whatever that may mean. That was confirmed as deliberate, which is nice, so I think we can muse on what this storm means without fearing that we're reading too much into an aesthetic decision.
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The ground does still look volcanic, and there seem to be veins of magma running through the rock they're standing on, which is also kinda black and twisted, so still looking like cooled volcanic flow to me. They seem to be on the edge of a sea front however, with multiple hurricane twisters touching down, a lightning storm, and an enormous ship breaking up in the distance. This is a lot more dramatic than any stage background I can think of, and suggests a degree of environmental instability, perhaps climate change related or supernatural.
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As Lars and Raven approached Azazel's Temple in Tekken 6, we also saw supernatural phenomena like a sea of lava, and the geography of the land supernaturally changing, with the temple itself phasing into existence from where it had been hidden before. Given that the prophecy was that Azazel would awaken when the 'twin evil stars clashed' and that we know Azazel has partially lived on in Zafina's arm, perhaps we can expect something of this nature returning?
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Or perhaps global warfare has escalated to some kind of nuclear disaster or other destructive act that has created a semi-apocalyptic scenario. Perhaps this is related to Kazuya and Jin's Devils finally clashing, or maybe this is just what the inside of a very big hurricane looks like and Kaz and Jin really should have checked the weather forecast first. Hard to say.
We know that their clash will echo Kazuya and Heihachi's (though hopefully not too closely...) so perhaps an elemental focus of a different kind is to both mirror and distinguish this fight from the last whilst playing into the cyclical nature of Mishima family violence.
Obviously the team are also really desperate to show you rain running down Jin and Kazuya's boobs in Unreal Engine 5, so we can't also discount this important choice.
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So I'm a Pikachu, So What?
Leaf and Terry were busy watching a Pokken tournament match on the flatscreen television when Kazuya walked by.
Terry: Hey, Kazuya.
Kazuya: What're you two watching?
Leaf: A Pokken Tournament battle. It's the championship, and my cousin is up against the current champion who has a Garchomp.
Kazuya: Pokken?
Leaf: It's kinda like What you do, but not as much, and with Pokemon.
Kazuya: I...see.
While his face didn't show it, Kazuya became interested in the match. Such fighting prowess being displayed by magical beasts was certainly something to take notice of. On the champion's side was a some blue dragon like creature, presumably a Garchomp. On the other side was a yellow creature being led by a young woman. He's seen that creature before in the Mansion. It was a Pikachu. 
Despite the clear size difference, the Pikachu was definitely giving the Garchomp a tough time. It was as if it had been fighting for decades. Though as the battle continued on, Kazuya noticed something about the Pikachu's fighting style. One of the combos it did reminded him of an old man he thought was long dead. He figured it was just a coincidence.
However, the Pikachu began hitting the Garchomp with a certain string of blows that Kazuya could never forget. It wasn't just mere imitation, it was a perfect match down to the smallest detail. Could it be...?
Kazuya: Impossible...
Terry: What's up, Kazuya?
Kazuya: Where did your cousin find that Pikachu?
Leaf: Um, in the forest while it was still a Pichu. She said it was weird, because it was sparring with an Teddiursa using something called the Mishima fighting style. I'm not a fighting expert.
Terry: Oh yeah! That's why i felt like I've seen those moves before.
Kazuya clenched his fists. There was only one person who could fight the way that Pikachu was fighting. He knew those fist combinations all too well. Replicating them was neigh impossible for a mere person.
Kazuya: I finally get rid of you, only for you to return in the body of a rodent? Damn you, you senile old bastard...!
Leaf: Oh, my cousin and her Pikachu won! 
After being crowned the Champions of the fighting tournament, the lone fighting Pikachu took a moment on his own to reflect. He crossed his arms and looked out at the distance.
Pikachu(?): It's been weeks ever since I had awoken. I recall Kazuya landing a fatal blow upon me and blacking out. I was certain he had killed me, and I suppose he did. However, when I awoke, I appeared to have emerged from an egg...
The Pikachu paced around.
Pikachu(?): I was much smaller once. I learned soon after I had become a creature capable of storing and releasing electricity. Other creatures around me kept saying Pichu, so I assumed that was what I was. At that stat, the other creatures couldn't handle it, but I quickly solved the puzzle. If I couldn't hold it in one area, I'll just allow it to flow throughout my entire body! It wasn't an easy adjustment. I had to learn how to merge my fighting style with this new, small body. But after two weeks, I managed to get somewhat close. None of those other Pichu would train with me. Perhaps they were too frightened. After all, I did punch a whole tree down.
The Pikachu chuckled a bit, rubbing his chin.
Pikachu(?): Searching for a worthy opponent, I ran into some bear like creatures. They reminded me of my dear friend Kuma. Seeing me as an intruder, they began the attack. Despite their numbers, my small size and speed allowed me to dodge their blows and land my own. I supposed they only reminded me of Kuma in looks, as most of them ran off. All except one. This one was a bear cub that seemed to be interested by my fighting. Ah, he would thence forth be called Kuma III!
The Pikachu crossed his arms and laughed.
Pikachu(?): I trained the young cub as if it was it was Kuma. Day in and day out, we sparred together, hunted, and sparred some more until it was time to rest. However, I felt that someone was watching the two of us. To my surprise, a young woman was watching us from the bushes. I demanded her to show herself and tell us what business she had with us. Though, it appears that she was too focused on how I had looked, because she simply called me cute.
The Pikachu shook his head.
Pikachu(?): Before I knew it, she summoned a creature called Machamp to attack me, and a Weavile to handle Kuma III. Despite the blows we traded, this tiny body couldn't defeat the four armed brute, nor could it withstand the blows it was met with. The woman was impressed with how such a tiny creature managed to push back so much agaisnt one, though. Suddenly, she threw an orb at me. It was black and yellow in color. It hit my head and I was sucked inside. I had assumed the worst.
The Pikachu sat down and placed a hand on his cheek.
Pikachu(?): Eventually, I woke up in some sort of hospital along with Kuma III. The young woman apparently similar to me in a way, except there was less training and more...pampering. Everyday had an abundance of sweets...
The Pikachu shuddered. Perhaps too many sweets.
Pikachu(?): I eventually transformed into what I am today through a process called evolution. Kuma III soon evolved into a much larger bear. Apparently, there were conditions that were met to meet this requirement. I'm not interested in figuring it out. All that matters is that I was stronger. The young woman came to me with a poster, a fighting tournament. Hm, it seemed similar to what I used to participate in. I saw no qualms with entering the ring once again. This would be a good test to my skill to see if I haven't gone rusty yet. 
The Pikachu rose to his feet.
Pikachu(?): And here I am, standing as the champion of this battle tournament. I, Heihachi Mishima, am still alive! I, Heihachi Mishima, am still a warrior! And I, Heihachi Mishima, am-
Leaf's Cousin: Heihachu!
Heihachu: Pika?
Heihachi in the body of Pikachu, Heihachu for short, turned and looked at Leaf's cousin. She was holding a small robe. It appears that she couldn't understand what he was actually saying.
Leaf's Cousin: You forgot to wear your king robe. And why are you saying Pika a lot?
Heihachu: Pika Pi.
Leaf's Cousin: Huh? You wanna wear the black open vest with that Mishima logo on it?
Heihachu: Pikachu.
Leaf's Cousin: Well, if you say so. 
Leaf's Cousin hands him the vest and leaves. Heihachu puts it on.
Heihachu, narrating with an evil smirk: I, Heihachi Mishima, am still the King of the Iron Fist. So I am a Pikachu, what of it? Be it as a human or this, I shall make sure my name is known, and be remembered as the strongest warrior. 
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devilgene · 2 years
I think it’s easily possible Lee was adopted before Kazuya was thrown off the cliff due to the sheer vagueness of when Heihachi picked him up in China. There’s no timeframe listed and on the wiki, we only get an assumption of “since Lee was old enough to impress Heihachi with his fighting skills, he was likely adopted after the key events of Kazuya’s early childhoood”.
I don’t think that holds very much weight after seeing 5yr old Kazuya pull off a ten hit combo string in t7. Why wouldn’t Lee be able to show off he has the foundation of a fighting prodigy then, even if its just dodging and throwing a few kicks while trying to scrapping with other kids? If he was adopted after Kazuya was thrown off a cliff, when then? A week after it just happened? 6 months? Two years?
We only know that Chaolan is listed as younger by one year. The only reasonable date of birth I could find between these two was for Kazuya ( November 2 - which simply means he needed to be thrown off that cliff before he turned 6 ).
As an example of how this could work, let’s use September as a placeholder for Lee’s birthday and Heihachi adopts him in August. Ok, that meant he was adopted at the age of four and a couple weeks later he turns five, briefly being the same age as Kazuya. Let’s say Kazuya is thrown off the cliff in October and survives, turning six a little while later in November. The age gap remains intact while presenting an equally plausible flow of events.
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icecoldwilliams · 2 years
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𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐔 :
From the mid 1990's to the early 2010's, for nearly two decades, the assassin known as Nina Williams was locked away in a frigid slumber. Subject to numerous experiments at the hands of Heihachi Mishima, most still undisclosed and classified to this day. — In an effort to better the odds of superhuman like offspring to be used in the Mishima Zaibatsu Super Soldier Program, one such experiment was Phase Carna, which consisted of multiple tests done on the elder Williams' blood, and Ogre's.
She entered cryosleep with Type A blood, but awoke with a type unlike no other. The overall effects of the alteration still currently unknown. Some might question if Nina herself is even aware of the monster that sleeps dormant within her now. The one that feeds off of it's hosts emotion to toy with their mind, yet after Ogre was through with her she had none to spare.
Now it starves. Unable to take over, kept behind a thick glacial wall ; Under control.
...For now.
━━━━ ✲・*:・゚✲・゚ ✲・*:・゚✲・゚━━━━━━
Nina Williams' devil form is one almost reminiscent of a banshee of Irish mythology and folklore, with cryokintetic abilities. – Banshee's being most recognizable for their singing, wailing and their screams, which are said to be a harbinger of death.
The beast within Nina however is silent. She is death without a warning. For the most part she doesn't speak, either due to not deeming those around her worthy or simply so she can save her voice for her harmful screams, too high of a pitch for human ears to hear. The only signal to her arrival typically bleeding ears, glass shattering, and the air chilling, in the rare case that she wants her presence to be known.
Few witnesses to survive an encounter would describe flowing white tresses, ripped dark purple attire, nearly glowing blue eyes and some, a pair of wings made of frozen icicles, ice bullets and fractals of frost that would shatter into projectiles, temporarily robbing the demon of flight in the process. Celtic ink black markings adorning ivory and frostbitten skin.
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kazamajun · 6 months
Heihachi Flow 2
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scalproie · 6 months
They needed a stealth soldier, so I put my hands on the hibachi hot plate at Benihana and burned my fucking fingerprints off. They will not find me. 
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
The King of Iron Fist
I don’t talk about this much but i am a massive, massive, fan of fighting games. I’ve been playing these things for decades, since all the way back in ‘92 with the release of the original Mortal Kombat. Watching the growth, decline, and then resurgence of the fighting game community has been a goddamn treat for me. Admittedly, i suck at the Capcom titles. Absolutely terrible. I do okay with the Rival Schools franchise, but outside of that, straight up balls, man. Never my forte. I’m pretty good with the original MK trilogy, the sprite based one, but absolutely awful with Deadly Alliance through Deception. I hated the fighting styles in those games. They were so goddamn awful, it was sickening. I do okay with the MKIX, MKX, and MKXI titles, though. They feel like the old games which lends itself to my old timey skill set. That said, my strength lies with the two Namco headliners; Tekken and Soul Calibur.
I mastered every Tekken title through 7, though, admittedly, I'm not so godly in the newest release, only great. Personally. For me, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is the title I'm best with. I love that game, man. I can use literally everyone in the roster to perfection. All of their moves. All of their ten-hits. I maxed out my rank in the Ghost Battles with several of the characters and ranked in the top-10, worldwide, leader boards when it was first released. I was feeling a bit nostalgic and wanted to revisit my favorite fighting franchise, giving a little love to my favorite fighters, kind of like how i did with my Persona 5 mains. They are ranked, top to bottom, in order of my skill with them. I even threw in the rank i reached in their respective Tekken games, just for good measure. Since 6 is the last one i really spent any time with and there might be a few characters introduced in 7 or, like, the Tag titles that I'm pretty good with but don’t really have a correlation in rank, I'll have to approximate my skill with a Tekken 6 rank, just to keep things equal.
1. Emilie De Rochefort - Tekken 5 - Tekken God
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Lili is my main from 5 onward. Her speed, power, and cross-ups are ridiculous. There is a fluidity to her style that makes for an amazing number of possibilities. All of those flips, somersaults, and hopping knee pokes make for a varying arsenal of devastating stuns. If you can time your attacks right, you can string one, long ass, chain of hits that will deplete an enemy with a Perfect within seconds. Her strength carried over into Tekken 6, easily winning me over in that title, too. I haven’t played much of 7 but what i did get into, Lili feels a little nerfed. She just feels a bit slower than she should. That’s not a problem or whatever, but it is kind of annoying that have to have so many gaps in my assault.
2. Hwoarang - Tekken 3 - Tekken God
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Hwoarang was my main for years. He was the very first character that i mastered in any Tekken title. See, my older brother would come over with his PlayStation and commence to beat my ass in Tekken 3 for hours. One day, he told me to actually get good and lent me his Sony for a week. Welp, i did just that. I got good. Real f*cking good. Hwoarang uses Tae Kwon Do, which is dope because it’s easy to combo with, but this dude’s strength is in his juggle potential. His kicks lack the power of his master, Baek Doo San, but they come out faster and in more numbers. Within that week, i was able to string together a flurry of devastating kicks that not even my big brother could counter. Twenty-three years later, he still hasn’t beat me in a single game. If Lili isn’t available, Hwoarang is my guy. Even so, i am probably equally skilled with both, i just prefer the stylish flourish my darling Emilie has with her style.
3. Steve Fox - Tekken 4 - Tekken God
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Steve was a quandary when he first released. Dude has no kicks and it was ridiculous to see in a game with such an expansive roster of fighters like Tekken, especially in the fourth iteration. His addition was ridiculous to me. And then i tried him. My, god, was his speed stupid. See, in a fighter like this, speed kills. If you can bust a quick combo, maybe juggle a cat, maybe fired off a quick combo before retreating out of counter range, you can destroy an opponent in seconds. That’s why i love Lili. That’s why i love Hwoarang. Steve Fox has that same potential but it’s different. You can’t launch characters too easily and being a puncher, his reach is limited, but you can juggle the f*ck out of them if they end up airborne. Steve has a lot of weapons to f*ck you up in a near infinite juggle if you’re not careful and i know all of them. Interestingly enough, he’s gotten better with age. I prefer his 5 version but 6 and 7 are pretty beefy, too.
4. Kazuya Mishima - Tekken - Tekken Lord
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Kazuya is my power hitter. I’m a speed guy, admittedly. I love the juggle. I love the chains. I love the artistry in forging a string of consecutive, devastating, combo hits. The issue is, there are motherf*ckers like Paul Phoenix who can punch a planet into retrograde in this game. Now, against a computer, I'm fine with my main three Tekken Gods. I’ll dog walk a computer, no matter how high the difficulty. Once you’ve beaten Jinpachi on the highest setting in Tekken 5, you are ready for anything. However, against a real person who knows how to use a power character like the f*cking bears or goddamn Jack? Nah. If they’re good with that heavy-hitter, i have to bring in my own and Kazuya is that ringer. Dude’s probably the second strongest character in the the game after his pops, Heihachi Mishima. The difference? Kazuya’s cross ups are f*cking ridiculous. All of that twirling and overhead kicks make for some confusing hurt when you know how to execute.
5. Eliza - Tekken 7 - Tekken Lord
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Eliza was an interesting character for me to pick up. I was curious about her so i bought that money pit Tekken Revolution or whatever. I hated that game so much but i played enough Eliza to feel borderline conceited in my ability. Imagine my elation when my darling drowsy vampire made her cannon appearance in Tekken 7. Again, i didn’t play much, but i did find that my Revolution skills translated well and i was even able to pick up a few new tricks. Eliza, admittedly, is super wonky to master, she’s similar to Alisa Bosconovitch that way, but her mix ups are superb. If you put in the time, Eliza is a very rewarding character to play.
6. Marshall Law - Tekken - Tekken Lord
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The elder Law is my guy. I’m a sucker for a Bruce Lee facsimile and Marshall is one of the best out there. He has a good combination of speed and power but it’s his mix ups that endear him to my heart. That and i learned how to play with him because Forest Law, Lee’s son, was the character my brother beat my ass so handily with for months in Tekken 3. I learned Forest out of spite but, when his pops returned in 4, i made sure to master that version, as well. Over time, i grew to love playing with Marshall. He has a very unique, very acrobatic and showy style, like his real life inspiration.
7.  Jun Kazama - Tekken - Tekken Lord
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Jun ain’t no joke. That Kazama style martial art is something nasty. I could have probably put Asuka here, i am about as good with her as i am Jun considering how similar their styles are, but i have to give respect to the original tooth fairy. Jun Kazama is a f*cking problem, man, She’s deceptively powerful but quick with those hands. She will poke the f*ck out of you with such insidious precision, you won’t even realize you died even after the match is called. The way her blows flow make for some unwieldy mix ups and stupid juggle stuns. I hated fighting her in 2. I hated fighting her even more in the Tag titles. But i love fighting WITH her, especially if you can master that funky timing she has.
8. Lee Chaolan - Tekken 4 - Tekken Lord
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Lee is bit of a detraction form my usual fighting fare. He’s kind of a gag character. A little effeminate and a little cruel, Lee’s kicks are the real deal. This cat sends those footsy out at blinding speed and you know how much i love my speed. The thing is, he lacks the power of, say, Hwoarang, Baek, or Bruce. I actually picked up Lee n 4, then Violet, on a whim because i thought it would be funny to beat someone with a character i had no idea how to play. After that first round, though, i was on it.Dude felt good in my hands. I knew Lee was something special and spent the rest of the night with his pokey kicks and flying drop kicks. It was f*cking incredible. I couldn’t believe i slept on such an amazing character for so long. I went back to Tekken 2 and spent weeks with him just to get a proper feel from start to finish. Now, he’s a staple of my rotation. Only when I'm feeling flamboyant, though.
9. Devil Kazuya - Tekken 2 - Dragon Lord
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I picked up Devil Kazuya way back in Tekken 2 because i liked the design. Also, the face laser. That sh*t was stupid. As time went on, and the games advanced, i always went back to Tekken 2 in an effort to hone my skills with the original Devil. To my surprise, when Tekken 7 dropped, Devil Kazuya was playable once again and my skills translated perfectly. Dude has a few new tricks and i immediately ate those f*ckers up but it felt so good taking to the air once more. It sucks he only has two, official, appearances but this is one of those cats that i played a lot with in the Tag titles. Like, SO much. Devi was my second choice after Hwoarang in the original Tekken Tag and, like, my fourth in Tekken Tag 2. Obviously, I'm just as good with Angel, too. I mean, they’re the same f*cking character so i better be!
10. Anna Williams - Tekken 2 - Dragon Lord
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Oh, the Williams sisters. Similar to the case of Jun and Asuka, I'm probably equally as good with both the Williams but Anna is my preferred character. I just like her design better. That and her deceptive ass sexuality. Anna is gorgeous but she will f*ck you the f*ck up. The Williams sisters are power characters and you can’t tell me otherwise. These chicks will ruin your life as a fast as Paul Phoenix if you’re facing off against someone who knows how to use them. I know how to use them very well. Again, Anna over Nina, but I'll mess you up regardless.
11. Zafina - Tekken 6 - Dragon Lord
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Zafina was a surprise. Her style is all over the place. I read somewhere it was designed after a snake or something. That sh*t is fitting because she is a slippery motherf*cker, man. Zafina took me a while to master, kind of like Eliza, but once you understand her strengths, this chick can be a proper powerhouse. She’s quick, juggles well, but pokes like a f*cking champ. If your poke game is strong with her, there’s a good chance you can stun lock an opponent into a perfect or two.
12. Devil Jin - Tekken 5 - Dragon Lord
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Admittedly, i wanted to put Jin from Tekken 3 on this list. His mixture of Kazama and Mishima style martial arts is mad potent. I love the way dude plays. It’s like fighting with Jun and Kazuya at the same time. However, with the release of Tekken 4, Jin unlearned literally everything about the Mishima style and decided to master normal karate. That sh*t was whack, man. I mean, it was fine, i learned the new Jin fine, but it wasn’t MY Jin. That said, my Jin was in the game, only he took the form of a devil. Devil Jin is f*cking ridiculous. I understood a lot of his abilities because of my mastery of Devil Kazuya but, with the addition of the Kazama style martial arts, Devil Jin was a f*cking beast in that game. He’s kind of a beast in every game he makes an appearance. between the two, i prefer Devil Kazuya, but I'll wreck a guy with Jin if necessary.
13. Bryan Fury - Tekken Tag Tournament - Dragon Lord
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I love Bryan Fury. The design, the inspiration, the brutal fighting style, that ridiculously evil laugh; Dude is just amazing. I got pretty good with Bruce Irvin in Tekken 2 so when he wasn’t around in Tekken 3, i was a little bummed. It took awhile for me to pick of Fury, i actually first really got into the character in Tag but i did fool around with him in 3 a little bit. That was after i was surprised by how effortlessly powerful he was in Tag. Dude ain’t Bruce, but he’s still pretty dope.
Honorable Mentions: Unknown, Armor King, Ling Xiaoyu, Alisa Bosconovitch, Heihachi Mishima, Bruce Irvin, Kazumi Mishima, Miguel Caballero Rojo, Josie Rizal, Eddy Gordo
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smokeybrand · 4 years
The King of Iron Fist
I don’t talk about this much but i am a massive. massive fan of fighting games. I’ve been playing these things for decades, since all the way back in ‘92 with the release of the original Mortal Kombat. Watching the growth, decline, and then resurgence of the fighting game community has been a goddamn treat for me. Admittedly, i suck at the Capcom titles. Absolutely terrible. I do okay with the Rival Schools franchise, but outside of that, straight up balls, man. Never my forte. I’m pretty good with the original MK trilogy, the sprite based one, but absolutely awful with Deadly Alliance through Deception. I hated the fighting styles in those games. They were so goddamn awful, it was sickening. I do okay with the MKIX, MKX, and MKXI titles, though. They feel like the old games which lends itself to my old timey skill set. That said, my strength lies with the two Namco headliners; Tekken and Soul Calibur.
I mastered every Tekken title through 7, though, admittedly, I'm not so godly in the newest release, just great. Personally. For me, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is the title I'm best with. I love that game, man. I can use literally everyone in the roster to perfection. All of their moves. All of their ten-hits. I maxed out my rank in the Ghost Battles with several of the characters and ranked in the top-10, worldwide, leader boards when it was first released. I was feeling a bit nostalgic and wanted to revisit my favorite fighting franchise, giving a little love to my favorite fighters, kind of like how i did with my Persona 5 mains. They are ranked, top to bottom, in order of my skill with them. I even threw in the rank i reached in their respective Tekken games, just for good measure. Since 6 is the last one i really spent any time with and there might be a few characters introduced in 7 or, like, the Tag titles that I'm pretty good with but don’t really have a correlation in rank, I'll have to approximate my skill with a Tekken 6 rank, just to keep things equal.
Emilie De Rochefort - Tekken 5 Dark - Tekken God
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Lili is my main from 5 onward. Her speed, power, and cross-ups are ridiculous. There is a fluidity to her style that makes for an amazing number of possibilities. All of those flips, somersaults, and hopping knee pokes make for a varying arsenal of devastating stuns. If you can time your attacks right, you can string one, long ass, chain of hits that will deplete an enemy with a perfect within seconds. Her strength carried over into Tekken 6, easily winning me over in that title, too. I haven’t played much of 7 but what i did get into, Lili feels a little nerfed. She just feels a bit slower than she should. That’s not a problem or whatever, but it is kind of annoying that have to have so many gaps in my assault.
Hwoarang - Tekken 3 - Tekken God
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Hwoarang was my main for years. He was the very first character that i mastered in any Tekken title. See, my older brother would come over with his PlayStation and commence to beat my ass in Tekken 3 for hours. One day, he told me to actually get good and lent me his Sony for a week. Welp, i did just that. I got good. Real f*cking good. Hwoarang uses Tae Kwon Do, which is dope because it’s easy to combo with, but this dude’s strength is in his juggle potential. His kicks lack the power of his master, Baek Doo San, but they come out faster and in more numbers. Within that week, i was able to string together a flurry of devastating kicks that not even my bog brother could counter. Twenty-three years later, he still hasn’t beat me in a single game. If Lili isn’t available, Hwoarang is my guy. Even so, i am probably equally skilled with both, i just prefer the stylish flourish my darling Emilie has with her style.
Steve Fox - Tekken 4 - Tekken God
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Steve was a quandary when he first released. Dude has no kicks and it was ridiculous to see in a game with such an expansive roster of fighters like Tekken, especially in the fourth iteration. His addition was ridiculous to me. And then i tried him. My, god, was his speed stupid. See, in a fighter like this, speed kills. If you can bust a quick combo, maybe juggle a cat, you can destroy an opponent in seconds. That’s why i love Lili. That’s why i love Hwoarang. Steve Fox has that same potential but it’s different. You can’t launch characters too easily but you can juggle the f*ck out of them if they end up airborne. Steve has a lot of weapons to f*ck you up in a near infinite juggle if you’re not careful and i know all of them. Interestingly enough, he’s gotten better with age. I prefer his 5 version but 6 and 7 are pretty beefy, too.
Kazuya Mishima - Tekken - Tekken Lord
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Kazuya is my power hitter. I’m a speed guy, admittedly. I love the juggle. I love the chains. I love the artistry in forging a string of consecutive, devastating, combo hits. The issue is, there are motherf*ckers like Paul Phoenix who can punch a planet into retrograde in this game. Now, against a computer, I'm fine with my main three Tekken Gods. I’ll dog walk a computer, no matter how high the difficulty. Once you’ve beaten Jinpachi on the highest setting in Tekken 5, you are ready for anything. However, against a real person who knows how to used a power character like the f*cking bears or goddamn Jack? Nah. If they’re good with that heavy-hitter, i have to bring in my own and Kazuya is that ringer. Dude’s probably the second strongest character in the the game after his pops, Heihachi Mishima. The difference? Kazuya’s cross ups are f*cking ridiculous. All of that twirling and over head kicks make for some confusing hurt when you know how to execute.
Eliza - Tekken 7 - Tekken Lord
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Eliza was an interesting character for me to pick up. I was curious about her so i bought that money pit Tekken Revolution or whatever. I hated that game so much but i played enough Eliza to fell borderline conceited in my ability. Imagine my elation when my darling drowsy vampire made her cannon appearance in Tekken 7. Again, i didn’t play much, but i did find that my Revolution skills translated well and i was even able to pick up a few new tricks. Eliza, admittedly, is super wonky to master, she’s similar to Alisa Bosconovitch that way, but her mix ups are superb. If you put in the time, Eliza is a very rewarding character to play.
Marshall Law - Tekken - Tekken Lord
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The elder Law is my guy. I’m a sucker for a Bruce Lee facsimile and Marshall is one of the best out there. He has a good mix of speed and power but it’s his mix ups that endear him to my heart. That and i learned how to play with him because Forest Law, Lee’s son, was the character my brother beat my ass so handily with for months in Tekken 3. I learned Forest out of spite but, when his pops returned in 4, i made sure it master that version, as well. Over time, i grew to love playing with Marshall. He has a very unique, very acrobatic and showy style, like his real life inspiration.
Jun Kazama - Tekken - Tekken Lord
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Jun ain’t no joke. That Kazama style martial art is something nasty. I could have probably put Asuka here, i am about as good with her as i am Jun considering how similar their styles are, but i have to give respect to the original tooth fairy. Jun Kazama is a f*cking problem, man, She’s deceptively powerful but quick with those hands. The way her blows flow make for some unwieldy mix ups and stupid juggle stuns. I hated fighting her in 2. I hated fighting her even more in the Tag titles. But i love fighting WITH her, especially if you can master that funky timing she has.
Lee Chaolan - Tekken 4 - Tekken Lord
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Lee is bit of a detraction form my usual fighting fare. He’s kind of a gag character. A little effeminate and a little cruel, Lee’s kicks are the real deal. This cat send those footsy out at blinding speed and you know how much i love my speed. The thing is, he lacks the power of, say, Hwoarang, Baek, or Bruce. I actually picked up Lee n 4, then Violet, on a whim because i thought it would be funny to beat someone with a character i had n idea how to play. After that first round, though, i was on it. I knew Lee was something special and spent the rest of the night with his pokey kicks and flying drop kicks. It was f*cking incredible. I couldn’t believe i slept on such an amazing character for so long. I went back to Tekken 2 and spent weeks with the character just to get a proper feel with I'm from start to finish. Now, he’s one that’s in my rotation. When I'm feeling flamboyant.
Devil Kazuya - Tekken 2 - Dragon Lord
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I picked up Devil Kazuya way back in Tekken 2 because i liked the design. Also, the face laser. That sh*t was stupid. As time went on, and the games advanced, i always went back to Tekken 2 in an effort to hone my skills with the original Devil. To my surprise, when Tekken 7 dropped, Devil Kazuya was playable once again and my skills translated perfectly. Due has a few new tricks and i immediately ate those f*cker up but it felt so good taking to the air once more. It sucks he only has two, official, appearances but this is one of those cats that i played a lot with in the Tag titles. Like, SO much. Devi was my second choice after Hwoarang in the original Tekken Tag and, like, my fourth in Tekken Tag 2. Obviously, I'm just as good with Angel, too. I mean, they’re the same f*cking character so i better be!
Anna Williams - Tekken 2 - Dragon Lord
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Oh, the Williams sisters. Similar to the case of Jun and Asuka, I'm probably equally as good with both the Williams but Anna is my preferred character. I just like her design better. That and her deceptive ass sexuality. Anna is gorgeous but she will f*ck you the f*ck up. The Williams sisters are power characters and you can’t tell me otherwise. These chicks will ruin your life as a fast as Paul Phoenix if you’re facing off against someone who knows how to use them. I know how to use them very well. Again, Anna over Nina, but I'll mess you up regardless.
Zafina - Tekken 6 - Dragon Lord
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Zafina was a surprise. Her style is all over the place. I read somewhere it was designed after a snake or something. That sh*t is fitting because she is a slippery motherf*cker, man. Zafina took me a while to master, kind of like Eliza, but once you understand her strengths, this chick can be a proper powerhouse. She’s quick, juggles well, but pokes like a f*cking champ. If your poke game is strong with her, there’s a good chance you can stun lock an opponent into a perfect or two.
Devil Jin - Tekken 5 - Dragon Lord
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Admittedly, i wanted to put Jin from Tekken 3 on this list. His mixture of Kazama and Mishima style martial arts is mad potent. I love the way dude plays. It’s like fighting with Jun and Kazuya at the same time. However, with the release of Tekken 4, Jin unlearned literally everything about the Mishima style and decided to master normal karate. That sh*t was whack, man. I mean, it was fine, i learned the new Jin fine, but it was MY Jin. That said, my Jin was in the game, only he took the form of a devil. Devil Jin is f*cking ridiculous. I understood a lot of his abilities because of my mastery of Devil Kazuya but, with the addition of the Kazama style martial arts, Devil Jin was a f*cking beast in that game. He’s kind of a beast in every game he makes an appearance. between the two, i prefer Devil Kazuya, but I'll wreck a guy with Jin if necessary.
Bryan Fury - Tekken Tag Tournament - Dragon Lord
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I love Bryan Fury. The design, the inspiration, the brutal fighting style, that ridiculously evil laugh; Dude is just amazing. I got pretty good with Bruce Irvin in Tekken 2 so when he wasn’t around in Tekken 3, i was a little bummed. It took awhile for me to pick of Fury, actually i first really got into the character in Tag. I fooled around with him in 3, sure, but that was after i was surprised by how effortlessly powerful he was in Tag. Dude ain’t Bruce, but he’s still pretty dope.
Honorable Mentions: Unknown, Armor King, Ling Xiaoyu, Alisa Bosconovitch, Heihachi Mishima, Bruce Irvin, Kazumi Mishima, Miguel Caballero Rojo, Josie Rizal, Eddy Gordo
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ph418c · 5 years
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Heihachi Solo Exhibition - Across the Flow
Tokyo Kagurazaka KamomeBooks
4/30 TUE ~ 5/19 SUN . 2019
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fightpunk · 5 years
Can I request Wakatsuki fluff and nsfw? I love his relationship with Heihachi.
Their relationship goes to show that if you allow someone to punch you full force, you’ll be friends for life
nsfw under the cut
- Heihachi tries to work out with Wakatsuki occasionally, but he can never keep up.
- It also always seems to end bad. The last time the pair exercised together, a weight fell on his foot.
- Wakatsuki has anxiety. Even though it doesn’t show through his collected persona, Heihachi has managed to pick up on his cues and triggers.
- Watching baseball and drinking on the weekends
- Heihachi is surrounded by buff strong people on the regular because of his relationship with Wakatsuki and his place in the Kengan Association.
- Heihachi taught Wakatsuki to drive. He’s taught him a lot of things actually.
- Honestly both of them are very chill to hang out with. Super accepting of anyone.
- Heihachi still gets upset watching Wakatsuki fight. He’s proud of him, of course, but watching him take nasty hits and get wounded hasn’t gotten any easier to watch.
- At one point Wakatsuki has accidentally crushed Heihachi. The guy is heavy and Heihachi probably thought he could help him walk after a fight or a night of drinking. Never again.
- Heihachi came up with Wakatsuki’s “wild tiger” epithet when he first started fighting in Kengan matches and it’s just stuck.
- Super tender and gentle sex between these two.
- Wakatsuki does not see the appeal of bringing aggression or violence into the bedroom and he does not want to hurt Heihachi.
- Heihachi feels similar, although he does enjoy having someone as big and strong as Wakatsuki so willing to obey and please him.
- More often than not, Heihachi is the one with control. He gets to set the pace or decide what they do. Wakatsuki just likes going with the flow of things.
- Wakatsuki has sensitive nipples and Heihachi is more than happy to indulge him with playing with them.
- Also a bit of muscle worship going on. Heihachi just loves how big his partner is and if you have the chance to bury your face in some pecs, might as well.
- Honestly they don’t have much sex. Most of their sexual activities are hand jobs or oral. It’s easier and satisfies them enough.
- Occasionally experiment in the bedroom. So far they’ve introduced a few toys like nipple clamps and cock rings.
- Overall a pretty vanilla pair that sometimes finds something out of the ordinary interesting.
- Open to threesomes, but only with those they trust and three people are the maximum. Groups of people would give Wakatsuki anxiety.
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