#hell i didnt even notice when the Romance was obvious to everyone
away-ward · 1 year
To the anon who posted "one thing i hate about will was his manwhore tendencies/lowkey maybe “flirty” personality.", i agree with you 100%. Even worse when i remember that will said that he could easily "sink into alex" implying that he can have alex and alex have him, just like how rika could easily have kai if em and banks were not around. There's no "exclusivity" for their romance as if intimacy with others were so easy, so it does cheapen their feelings for their partners, and it can be seen like "so mich talk, but no actions". This was my main gripe with will too, because if he had the time to fuck around with other women, he had the time to email or call emmy and asked if she was homeless or dying, alright.
That's why i said, no MMCs in this book is possessive, not even damon, they all aint shit. The romantic parts were not giving, the bias were so obvious it ruin the fun of "a story with variety of couples" type of series, the men were scums from hell, even worse than mafia romances (and mafia romances had better arc, can you imagine that?! Even these mafia guys practice loyalty and monogamy wtf?!). Like if you guys want great dark romance, better not expect it from PD srsly, because if there's one constant thing i noticed that pd loves to use in their storytelling is to romanticise (?) something ugly, then abandon that ship and expect the reader to lap every second of it. They always wanna write something that goes beyond ugly (whoch is fine, many other authors like k. Webster and other do it too), but PD'S wrap up of their stories were always just pure shit. It's even disappointing because pd's idea was usually fun to read but man, the execution was just so 🗑️☠️
If there is one thing pd was really bad at, it's the middle and redemption arc, that's why whichever character that gets the shorter end of the stick in any of their books will always just have to stow in their hurt feelings without any further just ending for them. It happens in DN for banks and emory, it happens in Fall Away, it happens in credence noah and jake, in tryst six venom too, and at this point, only birthday girl and maybe hellbent were free from this, only because they dont have much "bully" elements to their stories. Even if there were some rough scenes in hellbent, the romance was still sweet, hot, monogamous and everything great you'd expect from the romance genre, but with a sprinkle of hot spice in it.
IMO, i didnt have much thoughts or feelings when will complimented banks, because he's literally like that with everyone, but when you guys discussed about it, he really was a bit too flirty with these women, huh? 🤣 now he made me pissed off to, and this just adds more to my will grayson's ick list, LOL! Becaus that mad sense, if we cant get angry at michael for looking at banks and kai at rika, why cant we with will?
Hey, I hope the Anon sees your message. And I also hope you don’t mind me popping in with some thoughts!
But you can ignore them too. I'll post if Anon replies.
Even worse when i remember that will said that he could easily "sink into alex" implying that he can have alex and alex have him
So I actually found this line interesting, because it can have two meanings, depending on how deep you want to look at it. One, is the obvious. He means penetration.
But the second is like drowning. Like how he used Alex, along with drugs and booze to, drown out his pain. It would be so easy to just try to love Alex and to sink into her because she doesn’t fight him; she numbs his pain. But at this point, he's come so far that he doesn’t want to be numb anymore. He’d rather fight with Emory than forget with Alex.
At least, that’s how I understood his thoughts in that scene.
because if he had the time to fuck around with other women, he had the time to email or call emmy and asked if she was homeless or dying, alright.
You’re not the first person to say this and, I hope you don’t mind, but it always struck me as a bit funny. Because if I was Will’s friend after he got out of prison and he told me he was going to try and contact Emory, I would have lost my mind.
Because, looking at the situation with only the information Will has, this is a girl who had repeatedly for three years told him ‘no’ and to ‘leave her alone’. Then, when he goes to prison for brutalizing her brother (who rightfully deserved it), she doesn’t reach out to him at all.
He's not sleeping with other women in prison. He’s not going anywhere. She knew exactly where he was every day and night.
I’d say with all of that, Emory had made it abundantly clear she didn’t want to be contacted by him.
So if he told me he was going to reach out “just to check on her” I would have tied him to a chair, and removed all access to the internet. No email. No calls. Hell, he doesn’t even get pen and paper. He can’t do smoke signals or morse code. Nothing.
It just seems to be that when a girl says no, we should respect that. So we can’t say we want Will to respect her but also ignore her when she says she doesn’t want him in her life. Because that’s what she told him. Repeatedly.
But also, it sort of does a disservice to Will to expect him to roll his heart out to her once again.
For three years, he begged, followed, and pleaded with her to see him. He goes to prison, and she still says nothing. Not even a thank you letter. Now, whether Em owned him any communication is up to the reader.
But even before then, Will was lost.
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I propose Will didn’t just not like himself, but that he hated himself. He hated himself for wanting her so much. And he tries for years to root her out of his mind and heart. He tries to numb the pain with women and booze, because if the woman he wants doesn’t want him, what would be the point of acting like he’s in a committed relationship. Why mourn the loss of someone who was never his?
And I still think all of this is to cover up the fact that he hates himself. He’s trying to deaden the voice inside that says he’s worthless because Em didn’t see anything worth in him. He’s heartbroken and sick.
Now, if I were Will, and I had gone through all that and had tried to get this person out of my head and heart, only to see them once and realize they are still so deeply entrenched in every part of me? To realize that for years, all the stuff I’d done to try and kill off the love I felt for them, was useless because at the first sight of them I know without a doubt I’m still in love with this person who has made it very clear they want nothing to do with me?
I would feel so stupid. Just dumb. And broken.
But in NF, Will of course has a layer of anger to cover up his feelings. He wants to hurt Em for hurting him and it’s messy and wrong, but people often are.
All I’m saying is expecting Will to come out of prison wanting to get right back to where he left off in high school would be unfair to both of them.
but PD'S wrap up of their stories were always just pure shit. It's even disappointing because pd's idea was usually fun to read but man, the execution was just so 🗑️☠️
Unfortunately, I think this is the case. PD has great ideas, but somewhere along the line, at least for me, the story I’m interested in reading and the story they’re interested in telling diverge until I’m just confused as to how we ended up here.
because they dont have much "bully" elements to their stories
This is an interesting analysis. I wonder what it is about the “bully romance” trope that causes them to do this?
I know a lot of author get tripped up with arc enemies to lovers storyline because they don’t give enough time to let them come to respect each other before making them lovers? At least in my experience, it seems some authors try make the enemies part ‘oh they don’t really hate each other; it’s just hidden attraction’ but that’s not enemies to lovers!
Does PD do the same thing? Where they try to make it a bully romance but once the romance picks up, there’s no time to deal with all the previous bullying?
I don’t know. I’m just throwing things at the wall…
IMO, i didnt have much thoughts or feelings when will complimented banks, because he's literally like that with everyone, but when you guys discussed about it, he really was a bit too flirty with these women, huh?
I never minded Will be flirty with the women in the inner-circle, because I don’t think there was any real intent behind it, but I won’t waste an opportunity to bring up this clip so…
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vociferans · 10 months
so uh. Funny stuff kinda been happenin. apparently a couple friends admitted that i was basically rizzing everyone around me simply by existing ever since the first day of school ?????
and then a close friend told me (as well as the opinions of several others since the first day of school AND LIKE. SMTH I PERSONALLY NOTICED AS WELL) is that he naturally just excudes a lot of charm and charisma
both sides have thought that the other was a player since we've both been confessed to by other ppl and we p much had the same responses to those, ignoring and/or dodging, because we dont rlly wanna address those stuff, AND WHENEVER ONE OF US GETS CLOSE TO THE OTHER, THE OTHER PERSON ENDS UP DRAWING AWAY AND ITS JUST DHAJDHJJSH LOWKEY TERRIBLE
both of us have felt incredibly ecstatic and broken hearted and depressed and jealous and erratic and ridiculous based on how we interact with others, and how we've both thought that the other was interested in someone else, or that the other person was just leading them on, or that we were just playing with each other's feelings. No we're just confusing as hell LOL
cause our classroom and i think ppl from other sections have known and/or are starting to know that He has a crush on someone in class, and that *I* very obviously had one as well but have gotten more lowkey about it, however they dont know who exactly we were crushing on, which meant we were unintentionally giving mixed signals to everyone we accidentally glanced at while lookin for each other HHSAHS
what kind of damn tropey ass. romance series is this like. Several people have described all this painful pining and longing as like some kinda kdrama or rlly cheesy ass fanfic BC LIKE. THERES ALSO THE INTERPERSONAL DRAMA BETWEEN THE FACT THAT SEVERAL PPL HAVE CRUSHES ON BOTH OF US SEPARATELY. AND THERES SEVERAL OF EM THAT ARE IN OUR OWN CLASS SO ITS LIKE
we both dont care abt what others have to say anymore we just wanna be togetehfbwjbrje2nr
its to the point where ppl often mistake me for a lesbian or bi or Something bc im very close and hug my friends often and hold their hands n all and been told SEVERAL TIMES THAT I LOOKED LIKE MY FRIENDS' BOYFRIEND LOL
SO ANYWAYS. THE ANNOUCEMENT SAID THAT, "TRUE LOVE WAITS" AND I LITERALLY WJWKABSU when that was announced in class i had Such an obvious WHAT reaction and kept joking abt it for the rest of the day whenever i hung out with my friends and when i first read it in amusement and Lowkey like. Disappointment? He was there watching my expression and his friends teased him abt it too
ajgsjqhajsj i would talk abt all the similarities we have with each other and how he planned somethin that we've both been rlly lookin forward to but i havwnt eaten dinner yet bc when i went home i just fell asleep IMMEDIATELY and im hungry LOL
anyway i hope he asks me out tomorrow otherwise ill just be the one who'll do it directly on friday even if its while everyone else is in class bc i absolutely REFUSE to end this week without any weekend plans or confirmed date i absolute refuse and both of us have been anxiously lookin forward to one, and both of us have been incredibly restless about it for like several weeks so it HAS to happen, like both of our respective friend groups and the ones we share have literally been tryin SO hard to give us several opportunities to show off the other person and like get the other to confess OR LIKE FOR US TO PROPERLY TALK SO AHDMAHRPQHEPQHROQBRKQK
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this is the first time i've been aware of "romantic tension" or that "ohhh they're def more than friends" or "just tell her you love her already" stuff and. i hate it.
i really enjoy the show but during Those Scenes all i feel is fear because what if they do kiss? that would suck! they are best friends! they are important to each other! they give off sibling vibes! found family!! PLEASE DON'T KISS
kudos to the show tho bc so far there was exactly one kiss and it wasn't too important :) even tho i thought that relationship was father/daughter like until then :) and well there was one background hookup but that was gay so it's excusable i guess
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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xampomi · 6 years
Exes & Angels | jjk
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• genre: high school au | romance | mystery
• pairing: ex!jungkook x y/n
• warnings: jungkook's not using underwear (there's a reasonable reason for that); ¿maybe jimin has a crush on Jungkook¿ ; trust issues; I dunno
• summary: jungkook’s rambling
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Jungkook was having a shitty day so far.
First, he forgot to wash his underwear in the weekend, so he just decided to go commando today bcs wtf was he gonna do at 6 in the morning?? Then, when running to class, he bumped into some weird guy.
"wtf man. Wanna fight?", the little guy said.
For a moment, Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks because he though he saw some fucking sparkling halo above boy's head. But Jungkook didn't sleep much that night anyway so.
"N-not now. Sorry. I'm running late.", which was technically true. The thing is Jungkook didn't care. And he didn't really wait for the sparkling guy's answer.
As soon as Jungkook entered the class he sat at his regular seat, the window's view being extremely appealing to him.
As all of us can imagine, Jungkook was a smart kid but he didnt really care since he knew he was also extremely hot. That thought came to his mind numerous times. He knew that he should probably quit high school and become a stripper. He was definitely done with this shit. In addition, that would bring a lot of fast easy money.
"Fuck, i forgot about breakfast.", he remembered, thanks to his body's noises. Then he try listening to class but that didn't worked that well for him since he has tendency to zone out real easily.
However, two knocks in the classroom's door echoed through Jungkook's ears and for some reason he was suddenly attentive to what was happening in the real world.
Soon after the knocking was heard, the teacher stood there like some earthquake emergency, in which he should tell the students to keep calm, keep calm but if you wanna come back to your mama, walk quickly.
Then he woke up. "Come in".
When the door opened, a dark-haired girl appeared She quickly smiled to the teacher as she entered the room. "Good morning. Sorry to interrupt your class", she said in a low, innocent voice, although something on him told him that she didn't really care about his class. But he was no more interested in what was happening so he just dropped his head again on the table.
"Don't worry. What do you need, y/n?", he couldn't see what was happening but Jungkook knew that the teacher's teeth were about to fall down if he kept smiling like that to the girl.
"Could I borrow... Jung Jungkook? He's from this class, right? Mr. Robert wants to talk to him", y/n kindly asked.
Something was wrong. Everyone knew Robert was done having conversations with Jungkook since what happened in the canteen 2 months ago. Or perhaps he decided to finally let that go of that. He hoped so. He didn't wanted to talk about that again. Besides, Namjoon deserved it.
Maybe this time Mr. Robert wants to finally have a real conversation. Maybe about last week's fire alarm's break out.
Oh well.
"Ah!", the teacher dropped too happily. Then he seemed kinda regretful. Yeah. Hide the excitement, you bastard. "Go talk to the principal, Jeon."
"Oh no, I can't What about your class? I was so excited about hearing about the... effect of.... molecular evidence on....the classification of...hm... organisms.", I said already reaching for the door. I don't know if you noticed but I was being extremely sarcastic.
"Ooooh, don't worry.", yeah, he prolonged that "oh" like that. He was also being sarcastic but I know that deep inside he would miss me. Everyone those.
"You know I always open an exception for you every time you need to do things outside my class, Jeon. C'mon. Go talk to the principal." He pointed to the door in a very nonsarcastic way.
"I will come back for you.", I didn't really said this. But it would be funny. Because I would never come back.
Now in the corridor, Jungkook felt real freedom. He could finally go home, eat pancakes and dress some sweatpants or something that wouldn't make his dick itchy.
"Ya. Where do you think you're going?"
"You know I'm really grateful that you let me out of there. Seriously." He made a dramatic pause. Then he decided to push him hair back and for a second, he though he saw her rolling her brown dark eyes. "But we broke up, y/n. You need to find yourself another man."
For a moment she looked kinda offended. Then remember she had more important things to discuss with him.
"lol that's what's i've been trying to do. I though it was pretty obvious I was trying to seduce Jimin. I mean, he's cute as hell. He just.... he doesn't look normal, okay? And not the "He's-just-too-good-to-be-true"type. I mean, it's obvious that a man like him could never be compared as a simple human. Have you ever had a good look at him? He's a God. He's just beautiful and kind, and talented,and sooo funny. Absolutely boyfriend material,ya know. And his buttcheks?? I could never think of a better--"
"Okay, okay. I get it. And?"
"He isn't normal, jungkook."
"As you've been telling me."
"He seriously isn't normal."
"Who is?", I smirked. "Just tell me who this Jimin guy is already bcs i think I've never heard of him."
She frozed a little. Then she slowly approached him.
"Buy you saw him, right? I know you did. I saw you this morning with him. That's why I came to you.", she had her eyes real open by now. "You're the living prove that I'm not crazy. You're the only one who always believes in me, right?"
Jungkook took a good at her. She no more looked like the shy, innocent girl that came for him in the middle of class. Sure, she still looked like the typical social butterfly. She was always the type of person that just loved to befriend people here and there. Now she just looked kinda exhausted. Still beautiful, but exhausted.
So yeah, jungkook was fricking out a little bit. Something was wrong with her. He needed to calm her down, so he could go home.
Then she suddenly went closer to him, her voice quieter than before. "I also need to tell you about the weirdest part, BUT you need to promise me to keep secret. Promise me."
"Okay, go on."
"I'm serious, kookie. "
"Don't call me that. I told you before, right?"
"Do it."
"I, Jeon Jungkook, promise that I will never tell whatever you're about to tell me."
"I think I killed him."
Jungkook frozed. For some reason his vision started getting blurry. He didn't eat anything since yesterday. He needed to eat.
"Sorry. Can you repeat that?"
"It was an accident, Jungkook. An accident." Her face has becomed red, her eyes watery and her body shaky. "C'mon. If you don't believe in me, who will?".
"But I talked to him this morning. He's not dead, y/n"
"He really is."
"That's so fucking impossible, y/n." He pushed his hair back, but not in a seductive way anymore. "You can only be lying to me rn. What the fuck happened?"
She avoid jungkook's eyes. "I don't know! One minute we were just making out inside the school depository and next one, he--"
Jungkook hoped he wouldnt regret his next words.
"Prove it."
"You still won't believe me, do you?"
"Y/n. Where's the body?"
"If I show it to you right now....will you believe in me? Will you promise to believe forever in me?"
Jungkook looked around. He was not in the right mood to see a dead body rn. But It was 14pm and for some reason he saw no one.
He should probably come back to class anyway.
"The body is still in there here, ya know."
"Don't worry. Obviously is hidden under some blankets I found in there. I can show it to you."
"Did you call the policy?"
Now she frozen on her feet. "No, ofc not. I can't go to jail. I can't. Please believe in me, Kookie. We could just go. As we talked about bef-"
Jungkook should definitely become a stripper after this. But for now, he needed to call someone. However, the phone was inside the classroom. He couldn't call the police without a crime. He needed to see for himself. Yeah, played with fire alarms but dont fucking mess with 911.
If that boy really was dead, y/n needed to be arrested. That's the truth. He will eventually need to discuss it with her. Just not now.
"Let's go, then", he finally decides.
"Yey", she said but not that excited - she even seemed a little disappointed?? - but took his arm between hers anyway and guided him from corridor to corridor.
When they first arrived the depository's door, Jungkook was expecting to her to free his arm but she didn't. She wasn't stopped trembling. She killed a man and can't stop shaking wtf. She was afraid. Well, Jungkook was the one who should be afraid. I mean she had a lot of time to get accustomed to the cadaver. But more than that, Jungkook was hungry. Poor Jungkook.
The next moment,he saw y/n taking from her pocket a metal key. How did she get that? The innocent shy girl who could never lie to anyone, was no more a good girl.
She unlocked the door. "You'll believe in me now, Kook." And they stepped inside.
"It's too dark", he said.
"I know, dummy. I'll search for the switch."
The light went on but he still couldnt see anything.
"Where the fuck is the body? Are you lying to me again?"
"What do you mean? He's right there. Look.", she started pointing weirdly to the floor in front of them. She looked mad. Almost like there was something there that only her could see.
'Y/n. Where's the body. I'm serious now."
"Right here, Kok. Come closer."
He did. He did come a little closer.
"I would never lie to you. He's right there. Right there."
Still searching for something , Jungkook collapsed on the floor after the strong sting he felt in his neck.
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jambud-universe · 7 years
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   Hey, so I know I’m gonna be talking about a sensitive subject with this, and i know it might start some controversy stuff, but i’ve been holding this in for a year now or so and i just really had to get it out. I do not intend to offend anyone, i just would like to be heard out if thats okay.
  I should start this out with my drawing, and steven and connie’s relationship.  Steven and Connie’s relationship is heterosexual, or at least heteroromantic since they’re not at the age for intimacy yet (Connverse is basically canon so i think its safe to say they have a relationship). Now, I,myself am a straight girl, so i guess it’d be obvious i have a better interest in straight relationships over queer ones. But do i only like connverse because it’s a hetero ship? of course not! I like steven and connie for how they are together and alone. They’re both well written characters,and have a great connection with eachother. Pretty much in the beginning, it started out as steven having a crush on connie and didn’t know how to talk to her,but eventually they started a true and wonderful friendship together, as well as developing a cute romance once they got to know eachother better. They’re both just two young people who feel innocent and blissful when they’re singing or dancing or just hanging out together. I can go on with more examples,but if you’re a connverse shipper you should know what im talking about.
    So, about the drawing. It’s in black in white,which are the colors of the straight flag (im not sure if its official or not). Which might be taken as a micro-aggression against the gay flag,but i dont see it that way. I see it as a symbol of the Yin-Yang sign (which i’ve always seemed to have an interest in). Since the (Yin) black side represents women,the moon,calmness, and submissiveness. And the (Yang) white side represents men,the sun,pride, and dominance. Together they stand for the power of two different forces, and how they complement eachother,yet are so different. Bringing a unique balance to the world (or relationship).  I think steven and connie’s relationship is a really important example of heterosexual relationships, especially in this day and age since its really hard to see a relationship in the media that isn’t just based on attraction and not actual chemistry.
     I think it’s important since the show has two different relationships that are pretty similar, steven and connie which are straight, and ruby and sapphire which are gay. I think i like it for displaying both relationships with a fair amount of ups and downs, with the love thats obviously there. I like the idea of portraying both gay and straight people equally because, they are. Who you are as a person shouldn’t be judged on your sexuality, but people should like you for who you are as an individual. The show displays both straight and gay relationship in a normal and healthy way, and i really like that.
   So this is kinda where it gets personal about me, so i do not mean to hurt anyone if i say something wrong. I wasn’t always straight (believe it or not) when i was like 5 i remember equally considering the possibilities of being in a relationship with both boys and girls, hell i even remember having the mindset that if two guys get together,they have a son,and if two girls get together they have a daughter,and a guy and a girl could have either. When i was around middle school or so i never really felt attracted to anyone (my anxiety keeps me away from people anyways) so i was aromantic but i felt more comfortable considering myself straight and not queer, since i didnt feel like i needed to group myself, and it wasnt a big transition or anything, thats just how it was i guess. I’m just straight now since my now boyfriend (who i love with all my heart,and basically have a relationship like connverse with him) admitted he liked me and i just said “fuck it, you’re nice so i’d like to see where this goes”.  All this stuff has been simple to me, and it never felt like a big transition to me really.
What motivated me to speak out now is that originally, i wanted to see if there was some straight appreciation, or gay-straight alliance day where i can post this, but all i got where tweets and posts just saying some really offensive stuff. I saw this one thing posted (as a joke) talking about a terrorist attack (or something similar) in a gay bar with the tag “happy heterosexual pride day”. Which, is just repulsive, basically calling everyone confident about being straight a terrorist, making a joke out of it, and taking a horrible tragedy of people dying as a joke to make instead of doing something positive for those in the community who were hurt. For years now, i’ve seen posts passively joking and stereotyping straight people,which for one is insulting an entire group of people for their sexuality, and thats just kinda ironic since im sure gay jokes are offensive, i find them offensive too. And then right after they make posts like this they say shit like “heterophobia doesn’t exist” which really ticks me off since that in itself is an example of people thinking “or you’re straight so you don’t face any hardships in the world and have a perfect relationship with your family and are healthy and not misunderstood in any other way”  i’ve seen this shit a lot, and i’m mentally disabled,i’ve been abused by my family physically,mentally and sexually, i guess its just ironic to me,though its not noticed as much but straight people still get shit at them and blamed for things they didnt do. And hell,i waited a year,and i still feel bad just saying how i feel.Maybe its just a personal thing and all im doing is finding some shit to rant about because im an asshole,if you want, you can minimize my feelings to that.  I know hardly anyone would hear me out,let alone understand.
I’m not saying there should be a straight pride day,since that’d be pointless, but i’d like a straight-gay appreciation thing, because both sides have people who are innocent and would like to seek equality. I just believe that would help seek past conflict, and maybe calm down some aggression in some way. I know the queer community has been through a lot and is still struggling, and while that is awful, that doesnt mean every straight person is homophobic or rude, though i know a lot of people these days are and i believe it will get better in the future and hope people of any sexuality will be equal.
Again, i didn’t mean any offense to anyone, and if you’re queer and made it this far, i hope your life gets better if you’re going through any struggles, same goes to anyone reading this who needs some cheering up. the last thing i want to do is hurt anyone.  you’ve been really kind to have read this far in my nonsense,and for that, i respect you for listening to me.💜
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producingnct-blog · 7 years
sometimes failure is better than success
jihoon/samuel fake dating au
requested by anon
honestly it all started in the weirdest way
jihoon had been friends for a few months when it happened
it wasn’t their fault that bae jinyoung was literally so pretty
they couldn’t keep their eyes off of him and so they bet on who would get to take him out first
(spoiler alert: none of them did)
jihoon and his group of friends, which consisted of samuel, euiwoong, seonho, gualin and hyungseob, were like the groups of friends that people see in the movies
they had lunch together everyday, they sat next to each other and they told one another everything
jihoon couldnt have asked for a better group of friends, really
but then again... he could
i mean, how was samuel considered a good friend if he insisted on crushing on the same guy as him????
jihoon didnt understand
for all everyone knew, jihoon had been crushing on jinyoung first!
he’d fallen in love as soon as they made eye contact (which in fact, did not happen bc jinyoung was always looking at the ground, but please. let jihoon be happy)
and jihoon had started talking about him to their friends just to be met with “i know right!!!”’s from samuel at everything he said
jihoon, the fucking gemini, had glared at him. “he’s mine, i saw him first.”
to which euiwoong had replied, after taking a bite of hyungseob’s sandwich. “hyung, you do realise he’s not food, right?”
maybe jihoon had ended up blushing a bit, but who was to blame him for that? he quickly shook his head, “thats not what i mean, woong. you know that.” then turned his head to samuel
“cmon sam, for real. i feel like this is my sappy romance story yk. you gotta let me have it.”
“but hyung, i like him too! look, im not gonna dislike him for you and neither will you. its bros before hoes, not bros before ros-”
gualin, at this, perked up “what even is this conversation that does not make any sense”
“yes it does, omg! bros equals friends, ros equals romance between bros ok lemme live jesus! but anyway, we aint gonna budge our asses for one anoter, we might as well fight for it. agaisnt each other”
“what??!???” “are you crazy???” “what the fuc- i mean what????”
jihoon looked terrified, but then he set up his tray a bit closer to him, smirking. “fine. whoever gets to take him out first, gets him. after losing you gotta give him up. and give me 20 bucks as well.”
“why are you saying its me whos gonna lose?? and why do i have to pay you??”
jihoon smiled mischiviously. “duh. because i want, obviously.”
and then it was set
they started playing games, trying to get jinyoung’s attention
samuel would write lyrics to songs he wanted to play to jinyoung
jihoon would daydream about coming up to jinyoung and telling him he wanted him to be his bae 
samuel would start laughing louder, so that he could call for jinyoung’s attention indirectly
jihoon would wear different neon laces everyday to be different and stand out in his crush’s eyes
and yet, jinyoung didnt care for either of them
“ugh, this is so hard jihoon hyung.”
“i know right? he hasn’t even looked in our way at least once”
“what is it that we’re doing wrong??”
“idk sam. maybe we should try to get his attention in another way?”
samuel stopped writing down the answer to his english homework of the day to look up at jihoon, who was wearing a frown on his face
“how so hyung?”
“well, we could try to make him jealous?”
“but how is that even going to work if he doesn’t notice either of us”
jihoon threw his pencil in the table, and rolling his eyes as he sighed
“i dont know okay???? i just want him to look at me and like me back, but he doesnt even know i exist”
“hey hyung... its okay, i get it remember? we’re the same. just... how do you think we can make him jealous then?”
jihoon smiled a bit at that, lifting his head from where he had laid it into his arms, “we could date someone”
“oh. who?”
“well. hyungseob and euiwoong are the only gays from our group of friends that are out, but they’re dating each other. so....”
“sooooo.... we could date each other!”
“WHAT oh my god no way”
jihoon pinched samuel’s arm, making the younger flinch away. “what do you mean no way, you punk! im damn handsome, smart, intelligent and funny! theres nothing not to like!”
“hyung.... get your head out of your ass and listen. i dont wanna date you omg. you literally are so.... annoying sometimes no offense. and you snore when you sleep!”
“omg sam shut the fuck up u idiot. firstly i am not annoying youre just not old enough to understand how real and amazing people like me function. secondly. bitch we aint gonna sleep together what the fuck is wrong with my snoring. you talk in your sleep!”
samuel shook his head. “this is seriously not gonna work hyung, what even went through your mind.”
“an idea, thats what. at least i try to come up with those and help ourselves!!!!!” jihoon sighed once again, throwing his hands up. “so are you in or what? we can give it a try right? for a week or two?”
“ugh. fine but if it doesnt work out im killing both you and myself.”
“wow.... thats sad”
“shut up and study”
it..... didnt work out
but also no one died
“ok. what is happening??” was the first thing that met them when they walked to their lunch table holding hands, gualin was currently staring at them both intensively
“listen. this is not weird i promise but we’re dating.”
“you’re what???????”
“dating, you dumbass.”
euiwoong fixed up his glasses, “when and why and how did this happen. am i in a alternative universe”
“ok what the fuck is so wrong with us loving each other” samuel tried not to gag at jihoon’s words, instead squeezing jihoon’s hand stronger
seonho stopped snacking on a chocolate bar “you have been crushing on jinyoung for weeks remember?”
hyungseob continued, “yeah and why wouldnt you tell us if you liked each other???”
at this jihoon started laughing, “im kidding jeez!!!” he then sat down and mentioned for them to sit closer
“we’re pretending-” “WHAT” “omg shut up gualin youre so loud. we’re pretending to date so that jinyoung will be jealous”
euiwoong sighed “im not even going to care this time around. you two are lost cases.”
hyungseob smiled as he pinched euiwoong’s cheek and jihoon fake vomited “ew. YOU are lost cases stop being so in love”
“you jealous hyung?” “omg shut up seonho”
“anyway woong. i am telling you that you should be more respectful to me. when im married to jinyoung, with kids that are twice your height and with more money than all your three next genarations, i wont remember you punk.”
turns out fake dating samuel wasnt soooo bad
they hang out like they used to, the only difference was that they held hands a bit more
it still, however, didnt work for them as jinyoung never looked their way
therefore, ofc the obvious and only solution was for them to take their relationship to the next level and to kiss
they decided on a plan
jihoon would be walking to school and hed pass by jinyoung and smile at him casually, but then he’d fall
samuel would then see and help him up, ask if he was okay!! and then kiss his cheek
it was a good plan, really, it was a good plan BUT
fucking samuel didnt do shit! he stood there looking
which ended up in jinyoung looking up to see what had happened and walking towards jihoon to help him up
jihoon started blushing when jinyoung asked him if he was okay, and jihoon could only nod
at this samuel came closer to the two of them, glaring at jihoon but trying to cover it up with a smile “hey you okay baby?”
jihoon blushed at the pet name, how could samuel call him baby when he was talking with his crush. “im fine”
jinyoung then cleared his throar, “hm. im glad youre okay i should go. see you around i guess...”
“jihoon!!! my name is jihoon”
after jinyoung had left, samuel turned to jihoon “what the hell was that?”
“that do you mean??? you didnt even fucking try to help me. what was THAT???”
“i was... thinking. listen, why didnt you pretend??”
“fuck. because i was actually talking to him! and you had to ruin it all sam omg. cant you fucking let me win? youre such a sore loser.”
“what??? i was doing what you asked hyung! i was pretending.”
“whatever, im done. i dont want to pretend anymore. i got to talk with him alone, not by pretending.”
“what??? but how come you want to pretend and then you dont?!?!?”
“jeez sam dont make it that deep. we played a game, the game is over now. thats it, im gonna keep trying to get jinyoung and so will you”
“but hyung. i thought we were on this together?”
“hm no??? sam, we’re agaisnt each other”
samuel shook his head, rubbing his hands agaisnt each other, “fine.”
when samuel didnt answer, jihoon sighed “goodbye”
“where are you going??? it’s the middle of the day?”
“mind your business”
they didnt talk for two days, damn that gemini stuborn ass
samuel ended up reaching out to jihoon and apologising for overreacting, to which jihoon agreed and also apologised for doing the same
they sorted things out and promised to not let this jinyoung matter ruin their friendship 
everything was really great until jihoon started talking more with jinyoung
jihoon would cross ways with his crush and he’d actually hold his head up long enough to shoot him a smile
they’d say hi to each other if they saw one another
sometimes jihoon would even sit next to jinyoung for a few moments when he was alone
and jihoon was loving it until he noticed that samuel was growing sadder by the days
he was quieting down and focusing more on studying
and he was always avoiding him
jihoon could for the love of god understand why 
and he couldnt not talk about it, so he did ofc
him and samuel talked about it although the younger avoided saying the reason
jihoon let him be for a few more days but once the week mark passed, he got really worried
he thought that maybe it was because samuel was jealous that he’d lost and jihoon even went to the point of talking to him about giving up jinyoung just to let samuel be happy-
when he noticed exactly that. since when did samuel’s happiness become soooo important? sure it was always important, they were friends
but jihoon cared to the point of giving up on his crush just to see samuel happy???? that was new
jihoon then started thinking more about that and even talked to euiwoong about it, who told him that he was thinking of it as something more complex than it really was and that he should just talk with samuel
at first, jihoon didnt get it. but as he started missing his best friend more and more (since when did samuel become his best friend that he missed more than the others???)
he realised something had changed and he decided he really needed to talk with samuel about it
“oh. hey hyung” samuel went to leave the bathroom
its not live jihoon purposefully stalked him there just to prove to himself that the younger was in fact avoiding him
“hey wait. we need to talk sam”
samuel shook his head quickly, “we dont. for real i swear im okay”
“i dont believe you. just talk with me please, for a second”
“fine hyung. here?”
“hm.... no, lets go to the seats okay?”
“okay hyung.”
they sat down in the outside of the school, close to each other but not too much
jihoon cleared his throat “ok so, ive been thinking. and listen. i really miss you sam. like ive been talking more and more with jinyoung but less and less with you and i miss you like crazy-”
“yeah. i.... dont know sam. i really miss you, what happened? we were fine but you started avoiding me. is it because i talk with jinyoung more than you? i...i. i could let you meet him. talk for real with him.”
“no, hyung. its not that.”
“really? then what? bc i swear sam, i’d give him up for you to be happy, for real.”
“really hyung? you’d. you’d do that? for m-me? seriously?”
“yeah. of course. is it really not because of that?”
“well. i guess technically it is. but hm. just hear me out and please dont hate me okay?”
jihoon nodded “of course not.”
i dont how or why but ive been feeling different... towards you. i was jealous yes, but then i realised i was jealous not because of jinyoung but because of you... hyung. i wanted to be him. i wanted you to be crushing on me and i know youre not and i know you wont. and im happy for you to be talking with him but. im sorry i just dont feel ready to be your friend right now.”
“oh hm. wow i didnt realise you felt that way. i.”
samuel shook his head, “part of me was hoping youd confess like in the movies yk? im... god im so stupid.”
“hey, dont say that. youre not. im too perfect, you cant resist me i get it-”
“not now hyung, please.” and the way samuel’s voice sounded so broken. it left jihoon speechless and at the same time wanting to scream out everything at the world.
“sam. im sorry i really am i didnt know you felt that way. i...”
“its okay hyung. i myself only realised when i talked with woong-”
“wait you talked with him too?”
“what? you talked with him?”
“yeah i asked for his help-”
“about what?”
“ohh. hm. oh. i.”
jihoon completely spaced out and he felt like he was in a movie. he felt like a character that just understood everything at once, like a stupid girl that didnt realise she liked her best friend over her crush. like a fool
“i wow sam.”
“what hyung? are you okay??????”
“jesus christ im dumb”
“i know. tell me something new.”
“bitch shut up listen i.... like you too omg- i cant believe it but i do.”
“what?? you just daydreamed for two minutes straight and now youre back and u like me??? dont play me like that. i thought you were better than this-”
“omg sam shut up let me talk. i talked to woong because i needed help reaching out to you. i was so worried! i even told you that i’d give jinyoung up for you and you talking with woong just reminded me of what he said... and its true. i was making it out to be too complicated when in fact its so simple. i like you, plain and easy.”
“are you sure??????”
“yeah sam. i am, i really am. i feel like i have a bulb over my head.”
“you might as well, what you just said was more moving and inovational than the creation of ipads.”
“damn im blessed to have such a nice boyfriend that compliments me so much! i mean, wait no.”
they both blushed, the losers.
“so.... boyfriend huh?”
“what the fuck gualin since when were you there????”
they ended up discovering a week later, as they held hands under the lunch table, giggling and blushing over the touch, that jinyoung had been dating daewhi for months.
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divorcedfiddleford · 7 years
i know this is random, but do you have any tips on writing ford and fiddleford? you do a really good job on their characterizations and even though i'm very familiar with their characters i always write people out of character when i'm writing, lol! thanks !!!!
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ghhhgg i Kid but anyway im like super distracted so i just made a list of a bunch of common mistakes i see when people r writing themedit: i was so wrong i made such a long fucking post im sorry this was a Mistake (rip mobile users)
first things first everything in the journal was Fake
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“fiddleford is a poor precious cinnamon roll who is helpless and did nothing wrong uwu” fuck off he built all those robots and probably killed a bunch of people in the process he isnt some innocent sunflower he’s more like a rowdy dandelion
yes this applies even if you’re writing young fiddleford he was just more patient and less open with his life of crime because he didnt want to go to jail
his eyes are blue. theyre fucking blue. theyre fucking b
“he doesnt like swears/he’s soft-spoken” wrong he’s literally the only character to have sworn on-screen
“he started the society because he was traumatized by what he’d seen” no, where did you get that idea. he literally says he invented the gun because he was “haunted by the thoughts of what I’d done” >literally stating that it was guilt not fear that was bothering him. eventually yes he used it for erasing scary memories but that was not his initial intent
he’s not bald anymore
really any idea that fiddleford is pathetic is grossly ooc i can think of one situation in the show that he wasn’t able to get himself out of and thats because he was turned into a fucking arras
what is this southern belle bullshit… he chews tobacco and wrestles pigs please stop woobifying this force of nature
a banjo is not the same as a guitar. a banjo is not the same as a guitar. a banjo is not the same as a guitar.
if youre going to write accents don’t be obnoxious about it
EX: “How are y’all doin’ this fine evening?”NOT: “Hower y’all doien’ this fain evenin’?”you don’t have to use the mannerisms in every sentence and you don’t have to drop the g in every -ingphonetic spelling is a pain to read like at the most you should be using apostrophes not respelling words (“Stanferd” more like kill me now)
also make sure your mannerisms are geographically accurate he’s not from texas i never want to see him say “sugah” again
his accent isnt even that strong in the show …what……….
tip: fiddleford is salty as FUCK he has NO MERCY and holds onto grudges like a lifesaver in a storm
tip: he loves being around people and will talk to them about fucking anything such as his multiple cases of manslaughter but doesn’t usually open up about his insecurities unless prompted
further reading: 1 2 3 4
“everything that happened to fiddleford is ford’s fault” did ?? you even watch the show??? fiddleford did all that shit himself ford had nothing to do with it
“ford was manipulating dipper and con-” im gonna stop you right there. ford loves his niece and nephew. he agreed to leave the kids alone because stan thought he was too dangerous to be around them. stan only let dipper hang out with ford after dd&md. ford loves dipper and mabel equally and never wanted them to split up or anything. bill fucking knew this hence why he threatened ford with killing them. he made the proposal to dipper about the apprenticeship because he genuinely thought that was the best thing for dipper. he was wrong but he didnt know that
in fact while we’re at it - ford literally always does stuff with the best of intentions he’s just dumb and unlucky as shit
deal with the devil? he thought the devil was his nerdy buddy not the devil. he just was so happy to have a friend who appreciated him he didnt realize he was the fucking devil
abandon your brother? he thought his brother had sabotaged his dreams and that the only person he’d ever trusted had betrayed him. he was wrong but it’s not like stan apologized or denied it. also what was he supposed to do? challenge his dad? in case you didn’t notice filbrick was a fucking terrible dad
building a doomsday device? too bad you’re literally being manipulated and abused by Lucifer The Triangle
“ford didn’t want to make amends with stan” um, no, like obviously he’s still mad and stuff but in dd&md he stops himself from getting super mad and asks stan if he wants to play with him and dipper
“ford wanted to kick stan out” ?? when did he say that??? the closest thing he said to that was that he wanted his house back and while i GUESS you could interpret that as he wanted it back to himself he follows it up directly with “this mystery shack junk is over forever” so its pretty obvious he means he wants the tourist trap that makes a mockery of his entire life’s purpose out of his house
“fords a grumpy guy” he is the opposite . he is overflowing with love and pride for those he holds dear. he might be a little gruff but who wouldnt be after living in hell for 30 years
remember that one asshole whose kink is “ciphord abuse”. dont be that guy. dont write kink shit
just. don’t make ford the villain. dont do it.
this may come as a surprise to you..but….he DOESNT have to bring up his intellect all the time! a shock i know
tip: ford is very excitable he loves getting up and doing things and going on adventures!! he loves interacting with the creatures around gravity falls like the gnomes and steve (see: every gotdamn episode)
he’s also very sympathetic; if someone he knows/cares about is struggling he does whatever he can to help them and comfort them (see: the last mabelcorn, damvtf)
he tends to think more big picture as opposed to worrying about individual details. the priority is always solving the larger problem unless a loved one’s life is ostensibly in danger in which case that takes priority (see: damvtf, wmg1, wmg3)
tip: ford is gay
tip: he’s also anti-social and wouldn’t be very forward with romantic notions like it would take him months before he even THINKS about kissing someone and even then its like a 10 hour loop of beach boys’ wouldn’t it be nice
tip: he is the king of infodumping and explains everything in excruciating detail
tip: he likes to have a good time! don’t be afraid to let him have fun!!
further reading: 1 2 3
for both:
enough of the angst. enough. enough
if you’re going to make them trans don’t milk the dysphoria
tip from my pal rudy @blue-dipper​ (im not trans)
same kinda goes for if youre doing romance dont overplay the internal/external homophobia i made that mistake so many times its just clunky and gets in the way of the characters
the whole idea of “the innocent one” vs “the sinful one” is garbage. abandon it. you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders
realistically if it’s a reunion thing don’t make them hook up automatically this shit takes time
in general avoid stereotypes. some examples being “the hippie” or “the nerd” just write them like they act on the show its easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved
ALEX HIRSCH ≠ WORD OF GOD only the stuff in the show needs to be considered 100% canon you can pick and choose all the other stuff or ignore it entirely
in conclusion all fiction is subjective and writing someone “in character” all depends on how you perceive the character. these are my perceptions of the character and yeah i get really frustrated when people don’t agree because i believe mine are those that make the most sense and that good representation of neurodivergent and lgbta+ people is important also im petty and annoying. the most important thing is that you be consistent with your portrayals (unless your perception of the character is inconsistency in which case good luck)
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