angstyastro · 7 months
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Karlach and Astarion Friendship thots
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denimaww · 5 months
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"Shh, you infernal idiot."
I commissioned @cherriesandsulphur for gifs of these angsty little guys making out, and I am beyond ecstatic at how they came out, so go check their blog out!!
These accompany my fanfiction Contractum ad Solis et Carnis on AO3, of which I just released chapter six!
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lucrezianoin · 11 months
Astarion lashing out, tho that dialogue option is pretty cruel if you know his backstory
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foreignobjecticus · 6 months
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Day 8. Still horrific bronchitus, can't speak. Rat bite healed, almost finished antibiotics. Tetanus arm still hurts. Missed a lot of good shit this week
BUT I downloaded the Ring of Metamorph and made 400 Zevlors so I feel better now >:)
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happyleech · 2 years
Each time I get my period, all I can do is remind myself that I'm going to yeeterus my uterus in December...
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epicofloam · 1 year
Hellblood Confederacy
The Hellblood Confederacy is much older than most non-historians of Loam might be aware and part of this is that it is a nation that has endured several name changes throughout its history.  In the beginning, the nation was formed as a sort of peace dialogue between the races of northern Hezariot, being the Bugbear, Foremoles, and Ekimmatu.  This alliance was called the Lasombra Blood Clave and formed early in the Third Age, and only the Shinobi stood in defiance of this, although the reasons are unclear.  This nation engaged in many conflicts throughout the Third and Fourth age, fighting both the Ashen Sultanate in the south successfully and the Soyombo Tribes in the North unsuccessfully until said power was instead trounced by the Baelfire Concord and they merged with the Blood Clave.  After this however, the Clave made several profound discoveries in the middle of the fourth age.  When the Purgatorians joined with them, they began to decipher small parts of the Voynich, one of the Mythicos Scripture which was unique in that it not only had lost direct translation but seemingly never had any historical record of one whatsoever.  They also uncovered portals within the deepest earth that connected with the plane of the Abyss.  This discovery however, led to war with Heaven’s Reich in the end of the fourth age as said group believed only themselves as wise enough to properly interact with these lands and pointed to certain corruptions of the flesh and mind in Hezariot as proof of the fowled blood their from the Abyss.  The Blood Clave did not seal the portals however and doubled down in pride at the accusations, relabeling themselves as the Hellbloods, just as the Reich called them.  While the Reich succeeded in destroying many of the portals in the war, the Hellbloods were otherwise largely victorious.  Recently, the civil war in Hezariot has led to the newest name of the Hellblood Confederacy.  The patron Mythic of the Confederacy is the Tarrasque.  The power is deeply romantic and free in its approach to love and sexuality but it has a history of slavery that persists up into the current times.  In brief on culture, the Hellblood Confederacy uses a mixture of French culture (specifically in the revolutionary time periods) and the American West with some influences of Gothic Medieval elements.
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fortunefeather · 3 months
❝ paradise waits only for the lonely, the escapist, and the brave ❞ { @shdwtouch }
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He'd raise his glass to that, "Hear hear! And aren't we all just a little bit of each?"
That was something he found himself often wondering in the dead of night, though. He had been told growing up that tiefling were hellbloods, often damned from birth. And he had recklessly sold his own soul.
Where would he go when he died?
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brd6147 · 1 year
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mora hellblood
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loony-lupus · 1 year
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At first, Faustine sincerely tried to be detached. It's none of her business how Lae'zel interrogates, even if her victim is a fellow-hellblood. They just need information and as soon as possible. But Faustine's eyes kept gliding over the exhausted face of Zorru, traumatized and humiliated, who continued to be traumatized and humiliated… As a result, Faustine could not stand it. She stepped in. She showed her superiority in the group. Boldly hinted at who is the real leader here. Lae'zel wasn't impressed, but she had the good sense not to butt heads over nonsense in front of everyone. The information has been received. Almost no one was hurt. Shadowheart's eyes shone with self-satisfaction.
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aerial-ace97 · 2 years
The Ashen Sultanate
The Ashen Sultanate is the most ancient power in all of Loam, situated in the continent of Qasidra, and has existed since the 1st age.  Only the Kingdom of the Ankh and the Chimeric Expanse matched its power in this time, and both crumbled at the turn of the 3rd age’s end.  Its patron Mythic is the Roc, an immense bird of prey wreathed in the currents of time and ashes.  The nation has used the time-bound ashes to consistently skirt the consequences of time and gain knowledge necessary to persist.  While it may follow to think that the Sultanate survived through conquest, it actually survived largely by playing close to the chest.  Unlike many empires, even those that have survived nearly as long, the Sultanate has only ever become embroiled in one major conflict in all of the time it has existed.  This was with the Lasombra Blood Clave, now known as the Hellblood Confederacy, for the southern lands of Hezariot in the 3rd age, and the Sultanate largely lost that war.  Though the Adepts were believed to have arisen out of the Chimeric Expanse, it was the Ashen Sultanate who gained greatest command over them and enhanced the craft through to the modern day, with their famous Valurblimp dominating the sky, with ramps and rooms built within their bodies and organs.  As the oldest empire, the Ashen Sultanate is the only power to have existed during the writing of the Scripture of the Mythicos.  The Sultanate is fairly technologically advanced, utilizing steam in the production of much of its craft.  The Ashen Sultanate is known to be incredibly celebratory of differences in ability but has reductive status of woman with its common use of harems.  In brief on culture, the Ashen Sultanate uses a mixture of Middle Eastern and Native Indigenous culture with elements of Steampunk.
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denimaww · 5 months
Chapter 6 of Contractum ad Solis et Carnis is out now!
Finally, Chapter six: Mens rea from Contractum ad Solis et Carnis is out on AO3 now!
Chapter summary: Raphael summons Astarion to his House of Hope as agreed, but the setting isn't what Astarion had expected and his anger leads him to do something he never imagined himself capable of. Chapter specific tags: Non-con, slapping, domination Draft: “Astarion!” He threw his hands out in a welcoming gesture. “How kind of you to join me. I was just sitting down for a luncheon. Though I suppose for your own circadian schedule it would be a midnight soiree.”
Astarion collected himself. He was here for a purpose, he knew it. So why had the devil summoned him to his dining hall and not his bedroom, or at least his boudoir? Raphael’s choice of dress called for a more intimate setting. He bit the inside of his cheek, drawing blood to focus his mind.
“I would usually be at rest at this hour, yes.” He couldn’t make sense of the devil’s intentions. But he supposed that wasn’t new and steeled himself for Raphael’s approach. But the devil stopped by the chair in front of Astarion and pulled it out gracefully, indicating with an open hand for Astarion to sit down.
“If you please.” He said, looking up at Astarion through dark eyelashes, eyes gleaming. His smile did however seem to reach them this time and Astarion took a tentative step forward, feeling the warmth radiating from Raphael’s skin as he pushed the seat in under Astarion as he sat down. No touch was exchanged, no attempt at bodily contact made. Astarion felt his shoulders relax somewhat as Raphael strode back to his seat, putting a comfortable distance between them. The devil sat down, and swept a strand of hair back over the other dark locks. It almost looked wet, as if Raphael had just bathed. Perhaps that explained the robe.
Finally, after exactly one month, I am back with a new chapter on this series. It's the longest - and, in my opinion- the best one yet. I really hope people will enjoy it, it was heavy and fun to write.
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lucrezianoin · 10 months
(the video is still processing to HD!)
Here is part 3 of Karlach origin game! and Astarion romance! Because some scenes are still bugged, this part has:
start of act 3
some Cazador talk with Astarion
meeting the monster hunters
meeting Karlach's friend in the city
Karlach seeing her parents' tombs
meeting Gortash, and then killing Gortash
meeting the spawns (at Flophouse and at night)
post-Gortash aftermath
as soon as the Astarion kisses and epilogue are fixed, I will post the last part with Cazador-quest and romance ending! But I will post some all options for Astarion-Karlach romance here and there! (ex. ascended astarion breaking up with her).
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theironwarsmith · 3 years
D&D this weekend!
My group are getting together this weekend for the second part of the campaign, they are continuing on from where they left off. The city is in flames, a vast army has landed in the Great Harbor and all sorts of abominations and wickedness prowl the streets, searching and burning houses.
In other D&D news, my character for an upcoming campaign with another group of friends is ready, the Pirate Tiefling Warlock known as Nephilius Hellblood, his patron is the Ogdru-Jahad (specifically Nergal-Jahad). I asked the DM if I could put my arcane focus into the mace that is his weapon, he was cool with that, sort of making it into a wand that can cave a head in. I also went with the Pact of the Tome, so I'd have more cantrips. Also with the combination of Prestidigitation and Thaumaturgy, along with the Major Image, I can make an entrance like Megamind so that will be my plan for making an introduction to an already established group.
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I will try to get some more information about the world that the DM is making, so that I may create an appropriate backstory for him. But for now, I am just going to hunt for an appropriate miniature for him.
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epicofloam · 1 year
Lasombra Ascendancy
The other end of the Hezariot civil war is the Lasombra Ascendancy.  Both it and the Confederacy largely divulge from the Hellbloods but due to the vastness of the territory these powers had control over, they are still deeply culturally different.  The revolution came after the vast difference of classism that began to persist between the Ascendancy and the Confederacy.  When the hierarchy of the Hellbloods began to engage in the rituals of the local indigenous cultures that lived in the towers at the spine of Hezariot, they grew alienated from the scattered villages throughout the continent and began to build their own separate foundation beneath the surface of the earth.  Many other now fallen empires left their mark within the nobility of the Lasombra Ascendancy, which gave it the edge over those it controlled.  The Lasombra Ascendancy is also known to be deeply engaged with vampirism and necromantic practices they have drawn out from psionic crystals and the flesh of the Delgeth, which is the Mythic that they claim as their patron.  They in fact are the only of the cultures to have ‘captured’ their Mythic, strung it between two of the great carved towers.  The Lasombra Ascendancy is also where many feminist and gender empowerment movements have taken root.  While arguable, the discovery of the Abyss and the beginning of the deciphering of the Voynich is more credited to them than the Confederacy.  In brief on culture, the Lasombra Ascendancy draws from a mixture of Gothic Romanian and Pueblo culture with the idea of an underground culture in mind.
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swapauanon · 3 years
Okay but, being a Power Rangers fan with a vague awareness of Super Sentai is kinda bizarre, because I'll look up a monster who, in Power Rangers was named, I dunno, Monkey Bones, who devours the dreams of children and traps them in nightmares, but then it'll turn out that his Super Sentai counterpart's name is "Hellblood Deathmurder, Lord of the Damned" and that he sent the cute tag-along kid to Hell and the Sentai Warriors have to fistfight Satan to save the kid's immortal soul while STILL being a goofy kid's show.
Point is, I can see why they don't just "Dub the Sentai" most of the time...
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heroineimages · 3 years
So here’s the results of an idea I’ve been fiddling with for a while with my allies at @wearepaladin in mind! Occasionally Pally and Squire post concepts for cross-class paladin builds, and I decided to run with the idea and create a series of multi-class paladins for each of the core D&D classes (yes, there is a paladin/paladin). I call them the Order of the Motley and deliberately made them from varying races and backgrounds. They’re allies of my other simliar creation, the Order of Hellblood, only all paladins instead of knights. As always, feedback is always welcome! @weareadventurers, @fuckyeahheroforgecreations​
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Half-elf ranger who scouts for the Order after she became a paladin, Auriel defends an orphaned orc child from racist templars. Mail armor, elven bow, and broadsword. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28793669/
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A skilled sorceress even before she joined the order, Brea Steelbringer adds some holy smite to her ice magic while battling umber hulks in the Underdark. Battle-hammer, dagger, spells, kite shield and plate armor. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28756755/
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Kreeka the Wise(ass) faces off with agents from the Drow Red Sisters. Constantly at odds with her former monastic order’s oath of noninterference in the affairs of others, Kree became a paladin for a more hands-on approach to righting the world’s wrongs. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28755462/
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A former warrior-princess of the Makaz tribes, the half-orc Berda found a new calling protecting people after being banished for refusing her brother’s order to kill wounded prisoners after a battle with human mercenaries. Steel brigandine, battleaxes, and crossbow. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25805519/
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The world’s only Drider paladin, Professor Alzia experiments with enhancing her holy sword with arcane energies. Formerly a surface-Drow wizard, she turned herself into a Drider decades ago while developing a painless, less invasive version of the Drider transformation. Now she uses her magical knowledge to enhance her teammates’ combat abilities. Partial-plate armor and holy enchanted great-sword. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28754531/
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A former spy and assassin, Aasimar rogue Yania now scouts and gathers intel for the Order. A skilled multi-role combatant, Yan is equally effective in melee or at range. Dual-sided daggers, rapier, crossbow, and breastplate. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28764311/
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Known for her fearlessness even before becoming a paladin, fire-genasi Abrella charges into the fray against the lich’s zombies and ghouls. Dual katanas, plate armor, and backup wakizashi. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28754267/
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A caravan minstrel before joining the Order, sun-elf Atonia the Golden performs one of the many ballads she’s written about her and her colleagues’ exploits. Fiddle, longsword, and chainmail. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25777704/
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As a human hex-blade adventuress, Lia Sanzen traded her spirit-pretending-to-be-a-goddess patron for an actual goddess patron. Having actual friends instead of just a bitter-spirit who keeps telling her she doesn’t need friends has done a lot for Li’s mental health. Vest over breastplate, enchanted shield, and dual-spear. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D28755966/
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A wild-elf of the wilds, Kamiel still uses her nature magic, but to protect people instead of the forest. Her fox, Dwight, likes that there are more rats to eat in the city, but likes the taste of forest-rat better. Plate armor, scimitar, staff, and dagger. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25779041/
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A berserker dwarf adventuress, Pila Sharpsteel was a rebel without a cause until her girlfriend Brea got her involved with the Order of the Motley. A powerful melee combatant and surprisingly skilled tactician, Pila is one of the groups’ heaviest hitters and isn’t afraid to charge into harm’s way to protect her friends. Plate armor and bearded axe. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25777100/
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A healer at heart, gnome cleric Sister Paz became frustrated waiting at the hospital or the chantry to admit patients for healing. Instead she joined the Order and became a paladin to bring healing and protection to the people. Segmented armor, heater shield, clerical staff, and potions. https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D25778331/
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